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0d8238 No.211730 [Last50 Posts]

12SEP24 to 14SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

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0d8238 No.220583

File: cca9e1afd44726e⋯.png (80.89 KB,768x161,768:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576514 (121341ZSEP24) Notable: Some Moderna covid vaccine batches are 9 times more deadly than others

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Czech Republic: Some Moderna covid vaccine batches are 9 times more deadly than others

By Rhoda Wilson on September 12, 2024

Batch analysis of the Czech Republic data comparing one-year post-injection all-cause mortality rates shows some Pfizer batches are 3 times deadlier than other batches from the same manufacturer when given at the same time to the same 5-year age group.

And a Moderna batch can be 8 times or more deadlier than a Pfizer batch given at the same time to the same age group.

This cannot happen if the vaccines are safe, Steve Kirsch writes.

Over a 9x Increase in All-Cause Mortality Across Brands

Whenever you do batch analysis, the fairest way is to compare the one-year mortality rate between batches given in the same month to the same 5-year age range. This minimises confounders.


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0d8238 No.220584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576539 (121348ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp events

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10:00 AM EDT

House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY) briefs reporters and responds to questions his party’s legislative agenda.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will continue debate on U.S. District Court and Circuit nominations.


10:00 AM EDT

Examining the Bankruptcy of Steward Health Care: How Management Decisions Have Impacted Patient Care

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee




Dr. Ralph de la Torre

Chief Executive Officer

Steward Health Care System

Dallas, TX



Ellen MacInnis, R.N.

Nurse at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center

Boston, MA


Audra Sprague, R.N.

Former Nurse at Nashoba Valley Medical Center

Lunenburg, MA


Rep. Michael Charles Echols

Louisiana House of Representatives

Monroe, LA


Mayor Staci Albritton Mitchell

West Monroe, LA





Senate Hearing on Steward Health Care Bankruptcy

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee holds a hearing on the bankruptcy of Steward Health Care System. Steward Health, which filed for bankruptcy protection in May, operates 30 hospitals nationwide.


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0d8238 No.220585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576541 (121348ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp events

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10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Hearing to Examine the Department of Energy’s Role in Advanced Computing Research

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee



Ms. Helena Fu


US Department of Energy Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies


Dr. Shaun Gleason

Director of Science-Security Initiative Integration

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Office of the Laboratory Director


Dr. Divyansh Kaushik

Senior Fellow

American Policy Ventures





10:00 AM EDT

Protecting Americans’ Money: Combatting Scams and Frauds Against Seniors and Savers

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee



Ms. Amy Nofziger

Director of Fraud Victim Support

AARP Fraud Watch Network


Ms. Carri Grube Lybarker

Administrator and Consumer Advocate

South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs


Ms. Sheryl Harris

Director of Consumer Affairs

Cuyahoga County, Ohio




10:00 AM EDT

The 2025 Tax Policy Debate and Tax Avoidance Strategies

Senate Finance Committee



Indivar Dutta-Gupta

Doris Duke Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University and Roosevelt Institute Tax Fellow

Washington, DC


Bob Lord

Senior Advisor on Tax Policy

Patriotic Millionaires

Washington, DC


Jeff Brabant

Vice President, Federal Government Relations

National Federation of Independent Business

Washington, DC


Daniel Bunn

President and CEO

Tax Foundation

Washington, DC




10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President's Daily Brief

Official Schedule


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0d8238 No.220586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576550 (121351ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp events

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10:30 AM EDT

Ground Forces and Great Powers: A Conversation with U.S. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth

The Henry L. Stimson Center



Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth provides remarks at 10:30 a.m. EDT at an in-person and virtual Stimson Center "Ground Forces and Great Powers" event, 1211 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. Register at stimson.org.

Department of Defense


10:30 AM EDT

Anti-NGO Laws and Other Tools of Democratic Repression

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



Mr. Douglas Rutzen

President and Chief Executive Officer

International Center for Not-For-Profit Law

Washington, D.C.


Ms. Yaqiu Wang

Research Director for China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

Freedom House

Washington, D.C.


Ms. Eka Gigauri

Executive Director

Transparency International Georgia

Tbilisi, Georgia




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0d8238 No.220587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576563 (121354ZSEP24) Notable: Australia to fine social media giants for enabling "misinformation"

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Australia to fine social media giants for enabling misinformation

Reuters Videos Updated Thu, September 12, 2024 at 7:24 AM EDT

STORY: Internet platforms could be fined 5% of their global revenue in a new move by Australia to prevent the spread of misinformation online.

It's part of a worldwide push to rein in borderless tech giants which has angered free speech advocates.

Canberra wants to make tech platforms set codes of conduct, to be approved by a regulator.

If they fail to do so, the regulator would set its own and fine the platform for non-compliance.

The legislation, introduced on Thursday, =targets false content that hurts election integrity or public health, calls for denouncing a group or injuring a person, or risks disrupting key infrastructure or emergency services==.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland says it positions Australia at the forefront of tackling a growing international problem.

“This bill ensures that digital platforms are accountable for combatting mis and disinformation on their services. The top priority is to keep its citizens safe. Doing nothing to protect Australians from seriously harmful mis and disinformation online is simply not an option.”

An initial 2023 bill was criticized for giving the Australian Communications and Media Authority too much power to determine what misinformation and disinformation is, the term for intentionally spreading lies.

The new bill doesn't give the media regulator the power to takedown individual pieces of content or user accounts, the minister said.

Some four-fifths of Australians wanted the spread of misinformation addressed, the minister said, citing the Australian Media Literary Alliance.bullshit

Australia leaders have complained foreign-domiciled tech platforms are overriding the country's sovereignty, with the crackdown coming ahead of an upcoming federal election.

Meta, which owns Facebook, counts nearly nine in 10 Australians as users. It has said it may block professional news content if it is forced to pay royalties.

While X, formerly Twitter, has removed most content moderation since being bought by billionaire Elon Musk in 2022.

The platforms declined or were unavailable for comment.

Industry body DIGI, of which Meta is a member, said thenew regime reinforced an anti-misinformation code it last updated in 2022, but questions remained.

Australia's government is also running an age verification trial for social mediabefore setting a minimum age requirement later this year.


NWO dictatorship order accelerating. Orwell was right

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0d8238 No.220588

File: 4c22d0f3762612e⋯.jpeg (598.7 KB,1284x2318,642:1159,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f9427d986aae7a2⋯.jpeg (380.42 KB,1225x1351,175:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576579 (121357ZSEP24) Notable: DENVER FUNNELED COVID FUNDS TO HOUSE THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

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Mario Nawfal



Denver reportedly used federal COVID funds to house thousands of illegal immigrants in shelters and motels, leading to crime spikes and evictions.

Whistleblowers claim buildings have become magnets for violence, often involving Venezuelan gang members, and taxpayers have spent $70 million on this crisis.

Nearby cities, including Castle Rock, are considering lawsuits to protect their communities.

Sources: The Post Millennial ,




10:28 PM · Sep 11, 2024





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0d8238 No.220589

File: 2a016b162517a97⋯.jpeg (260.44 KB,1284x1281,428:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576658 (121413ZSEP24) Notable: Starliner Suffers New Problems While Coming Back to Earth

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Starliner Suffers New Problems While Coming Back to Earth

Victor Tangermann

"We would not be surprised if Boeing were to divest the manned spaceflight business."

Homeward Bound

On Saturday morning, NASA's plagued Starliner spacecraft finally made it back to the ground.

The capsule landed in the New Mexico desert after spending just over three months in space. But thanks to technical issues worrying NASA officials, it left behind the agency's two stranded astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, bookending a disastrous first crewed flight attempt.

The pair will have to wait for their ride back, on a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft, until February.

Signals on the capsule's return were mixed. On the one hand, according to NASA’s commercial crew program manager Steve Stich, it pulled off a "bullseye landing." On the other, the agency admitted that a new thruster had failed during its descent. The capsule also experienced a temporary blackout of Starliner's guidance system during reentry.

It's an awkward situation for the space agency: would Starliner have been able to ferry NASA's missing crew members in the end?

"I think we made the right decision not to have Butch and Suni on board," Stich told reporters on Saturday. "All of us feel happy about the successful landing. But then there’s a piece of us, all of us, that we wish it would have been the way we had planned it."

Double Down

While approaching the International Space Station in early June, five of Starliner's 28 control thrusters gave up, forcing Wilmore and Williams to take over manual control.

Subsequent investigations concluded that the thrusters had overheated, causing a Teflon "poppet" seal to expand and restrict the flow of the oxidizer.

Several helium leaks added to Boeing's growing headache at the time, worrying NASA officials.

The capsule didn't fare much better following undocking procedures on Friday. One of its 12 control jets on the crew module — a different set unrelated to the other malfunctioning service module thrusters — failed to ignite. And a glitch caused the spacecraft's navigation system to go down briefly during reentry as well.

It's still unclear whether Boeing will try to launch its plagued Starliner again. Analysts suggest the aerospace giant may dump the entire project, which has already lost the company well over a billion dollars, instead.

"It’s unclear if or when the company will have another opportunity to bring astronauts to space," Bank of America aerospace and defense analyst Ron Epstein told the New York Times. "We would not be surprised if Boeing were to divest the manned spaceflight business."


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0d8238 No.220590

File: c06ffd855073080⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576677 (121417ZSEP24) Notable: Patrick Mahomes addresses former President Trump’s remarks

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Patrick Mahomes addresses former President Trump’s remarks.

On assignment for



The Kansas City Star



Donald Trump linked himself with Mahomes family on Fox News. Patrick had this reaction


3:59 PM · Sep 11, 2024





He won't say he's backing Trump

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0d8238 No.220591

File: ce8ef3c8f48ee13⋯.png (145.63 KB,478x464,239:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 09d050054d60ea1⋯.png (216.96 KB,473x832,473:832,Clipboard.png)

File: 6405d37c36bda26⋯.png (174.95 KB,468x860,117:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 47f166fc9ab0c6b⋯.png (97.37 KB,473x761,473:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 640af61ab6e460f⋯.png (29.93 KB,474x370,237:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576686 (121419ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk You Are Being Lied To - crime is not down it is way way up

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>establishment puppets use skewed establishment numbers to lie

shocker i tell ya

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0d8238 No.220592

File: 6d35088a83cb5fc⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x883,1024:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576703 (121424ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 12, 2024

Young Star Cluster NGC 1333

This spectacular mosaic of images from the James Webb Space Telescope peers into the heart of young star cluster NGC 1333. A mere 1,000 light-years distant toward the heroic constellation Perseus, the nearby star cluster lies at the edge of the large Perseus molecular cloud. Part of Webb's deep exploration of the region to identify low mass brown dwarf stars and free floating planets, the space telescope's combined field of view spans nearly 2 light-years across the dusty cluster's turbulent stellar nursery. In fact, NGC 1333 is known to harbor stars less than a million years old, though most are hidden from optical telescopes by the pervasive stardust. The chaotic environment may be similar to one in which our own Sun formed over 4.5 billion years ago.


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0d8238 No.220593

File: 8081a88cbdd3dcd⋯.jpeg (111.66 KB,1172x653,1172:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c4afdf030e8b442⋯.jpeg (158.14 KB,1169x671,1169:671,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576731 (121431ZSEP24) Notable: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson praises Trump's defiance at assassination attempt

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Who Really Cares What He Thinks?

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson praises Trump's defiance at assassination attempt: 'We wanted to see that'

Lindsay Kornick

Tue, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 AM

Actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson called the image of former President Trump standing up in the face of his assassination attempt a moment the country "wanted to see."

Johnson was a keynote speaker at The Value Conference last week in Florida where he was asked about his opinion regarding the assassination attempt, particularly since he had met Trump during his wrestling days.

"Whether you love Donald, don’t love Donald, it doesn’t matter. They tried to assassinate him. There’s no room for that. Despite it being who we were in that moment, I still believe in my core that is not who we are as a country.So him standing up at that moment, we wanted to see that," Johnson said.

He also mentioned how Trump was previously a fan of his who used to watch his fights in New York City.

"He used to come watch me wrestle all the time at Madison Square Garden. It was great. First time I saw him, he said ‘let me see the eyebrows,’" Johnson joked, referencing a popular meme regarding his eyebrow.

Johnson’s publicist declined to give any additional comment to Fox News Digital.

Though he had previously endorsed President Biden in 2020, Johnson told "Fox & Friends" host Will Cain in April that he regretted the division it caused and would not be endorsing a candidate this year.

"The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was what I thought was the best decision for me at that time," he said.

"Am I going to do that again this year? That answer's no. I'm not going to do that," he told Cain. "Because what I realized that what that caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts back then and now, which is division. And that got me."

"The takeaway after that months and months and months, I started to realize like, ‘Oh man, that caused an incredible amount of, division in our country.’ So I realize now going into this election, I'm not going to do that. I wouldn't do that because my goal is to bring our country together. I believe in that, in my DNA. So in the spirit of that, there's going to be no endorsement," he said.

"Not that I'm afraid of it at all, but it's just I realize that this level of influence —I'm gonna keep my politics to myself, and I think it's between me and the ballot box," he continued.


He's still owned by HW!

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0d8238 No.220594

File: a50f4af68052c87⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1170x1651,90:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576742 (121434ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield City Hall is evacuated by bomb threat amid immigration firestorm

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Springfield City Hall is evacuated by bomb threat as Ohio town finds itself in middle of immigration firestorm


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0d8238 No.220595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576763 (121438ZSEP24) Notable: Newt Gingrich: Big Loser of Tuesday’s Debate Was ABC News

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Newt Gingrich: Big Loser of Tuesday’s Debate Was ABC News

Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.12 Sep 2024

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said Wednesday the presidential debate was so clearly rigged it ultimately helped Donald Trump and hurt Kamala Harris.

“The dishonesty and bias of the moderators set new records for a network trying to rig a debate,” Gingrich wrote. “The big loser from Tuesday’s Presidential Debate was ABC News.”

Virtually everyone recognized what ABC was up to and in the end, it helped the former president and hurt Harris, he observed.

In his essay, Gingrich laid particular emphasis on the obviously biased fact-checking, which was not only tendentious but outright false at times.

“The so-called fact checking was atrocious,” he wrote, citing as an example the moderators’ assertion that President Trump’s concern about babies being allowed to die after birth was wrong.

At least eight babies “have been allowed to die in Minnesota under Gov. Tim Walz after attempted abortions,” Gingrich noted. “The ABC fact check was simply a lie.”

Vice President Harris was “clearly better prepared” than most Republicans expected,Gingrich observed, though in some cases, her answers were so clearly memorized it gave “the impression that she might have seen the questions in advance.”

For his part, President Trump “found himself in a three-on-one debate in which the two ABC moderators were clearly pro-Harris in the topics they chose and the one-sided and inaccurate fact checking,” he said.

And yet despite that disadvantage, Trump avoided blowing up in the way Democrats were hoping, and “he delivered every major policy message defining Harris as an incompetent radical,” he added.

People’s reactions to and evaluation of the debate underscores the “enormous gap” between the elites who hail Vice President Harris the winner and the American people “who think the debate was rigged and that President Trump won despite everything,” he stated.

Gingrich cited an ongoing C-SPAN survey on X that showed “75 percent thought Trump won the debate, while only 25 percent thought Harris had won.”

At the time of the writing, there were 195,000 votes and 13 hours left on the poll. Now that the survey has ended, 73.9 percent of the total of 313,916 participants said Trump won, while just 26.1 percent thought Harris had won.

In the end, despite the rigged three-on-one debate, with biased moderators lying about facts and teeing up questions favorable to Harris, “her radical record and performance failures on the economy and the border also got through,” Gingrich wrote.

“My guess is that President Trump will start pulling away in the battleground states,” he said. “The truth will sink in despite the media’s effort to get Harris elected.”


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0d8238 No.220596

File: 6cac1b8cfa7f074⋯.png (1.01 MB,1252x722,626:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576776 (121443ZSEP24) Notable: kek it up - TEMPLATE LOADED

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0d8238 No.220597

File: d51523726bc1d94⋯.jpeg (329.76 KB,1284x932,321:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f89faa08a197f1f⋯.jpeg (375.78 KB,1121x1531,1121:1531,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dcc792322a8b525⋯.jpeg (314.55 KB,1112x1168,139:146,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f2db71bb3ccf5d1⋯.jpeg (333.24 KB,1130x1550,113:155,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576780 (121443ZSEP24) Notable: Donald Trump and JD Vance Stop by New York City Fire Station on 9/11 Anniversary

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Donald Trump and JD Vance Stop by New York City Fire Station on 9/11 Anniversary

Kristina Wong11 Sep 2024

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) stopped by a fire station in New York City on Wednesday, the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil that killed 2,977 innocent people.

A number of New York City firefighters were first responders to the attacks and lost their lives, and survivors continue to suffer health conditions stemming from their heroic actions that day.

At the station, a young child told Trump, “President Trump, make America great again!” Trump responded by giving him a high-five.

Trump and Vance took photos with the entire department, as well.

They received applause from the department afterwards.

Their visit to FDNY Engine 4/Tower Ladder 15 on South Street took place after Trump and Vance visited Ground Zero, the site of the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, along with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Trump had faced off with during the first 2024 presidential debate the night before.


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0d8238 No.220598

File: ba8d0538926d0d9⋯.png (878.56 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576804 (121449ZSEP24) Notable: The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a Supermoon; the Corn Moon; and the POTATO Harvest Moon

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The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a Supermoon; the Corn Moon; and the Harvest Moon

Sep 11, 2024

The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a SuperMoon; the Corn Moon; the Harvest Moon; the Fruit or Barley Moon; the end of Ganesh Chaturthi and the start of Pitru Paksha; Madhu Purnima; the Mid-Autumn, Mooncake, or Reunion Festival Moon; Chuseok; and Imomeigetsu or the Potato Harvest Moon.

The full Moon will be Tuesday night, September 17, 2024, at 10:35 PM EDT.

This will be on Wednesday from Newfoundland and Greenland Time eastward across Eurasia, Africa, and Australia to the International Date Line.

Most commercial calendars will show this full Moon on Wednesday based on Greenwich or Universal Time.

The Moon will appear full for about three days, from Monday evening through Thursday morning.

This will be a partial lunar eclipse. The Moon will start entering the Earth's partial shadow at 8:41 PM EDT.

The slight dimming of the Moon will be difficult to notice until the top edge of the Moon starts entering the full shadow at 10:13 PM.

The peak of the eclipse will be at 10:44 PM with only the top 8 percent of the Moon in full shadow.

The Moon will finish exiting the full shadow at 11:16 PM and the partial shadow on Wednesday morning at 12:47 AM.

This will be a supermoon. The term "supermoon" was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979 as either a new or full Moon that occurs when the Moon is within 90% of its closest to Earth.

Since we can't see new Moons, what has the public's attention are full supermoons, the biggest and brightest Moons of the year.

Although different publications use different thresholds for deciding which full Moons qualify, most agree this will be the second of four consecutive supermoons (effectively tied with the full Moon in October for the closest of the year).

The Maine Farmer's Almanac first published "Indian" names for the full Moons in the 1930s and these names have become widely known and used.

According to this almanac, as the full Moon in September the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern USA called this the Corn Moon, as this was the time for gathering their main staple crops of corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice.

As the full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox, this is the Harvest Moon.

The first known written use of this name in the English language (per the Oxford English Dictionary) was in 1706.

During the fall harvest season farmers sometimes need to work late into the night by moonlight. On average moonrise is about 50 minutes later each night.

Around the Harvest Moon this time is shorter, about 25 minutes for the latitude of Washington, DC, and only 10 to 20 minutes farther north in Canada and Europe.

Other European names for this full Moon are the Fruit Moon, as a number of fruits ripen as the end of summer approaches, and the Barley Moon, from the harvesting and threshing of barley.

For Hindus, this full Moon marks the end of Ganesh Chaturthi and the start of Pitru Paksha. Ganesh Chaturthi (also called Vinayaka Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chavithi) is a 10 or 11 day festival honoring the god Ganesha that ends with this full Moon.

Ganesha is easily recognized by his elephant head and is worshiped as the god of beginnings, wisdom, arts and sciences, and as the remover of obstacles. Throughout the festival celebrants offer food, sweets, and prayers to clay statues of Ganesha at home and on public stages.

Traditions include chanting of Vedic hymns and Hindu texts, prayers, and fasting. On the last day (near the full Moon), people carry the statues to a nearby river or ocean and immerse them.

As the clay dissolves, Ganesha is believed to return to his parents, the god Shiva and goddess Parvati, on Mount Kailash.

Pitru Paksha (fortnight of the ancestors) is a 15 days long festival that ends with the new Moon. During this time, Hindus honor their ancestors (pitrs) with rituals, food offerings, and scripture reading.

Pitru Paksha is also known by a number of other names. For some Buddhists in Bangladesh and Thailand this full Moon is Madhu Purnima, the Honey Full Moon Festival or the Honey-offering Festival.

The legend is that when the Buddha was trying to bring peace between two factions in a forest, an elephant and a monkey fed him, with the elephant offering fruit and the monkey offering a honeycomb.


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0d8238 No.220599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576808 (121449ZSEP24) Notable: The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a Supermoon; the Corn Moon; and the POTATO Harvest Moon

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In China, Vietnam, and some other Asian countries, this full Moon corresponds with the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional harvest festival. In China, other names for this festival include the Moon Festival, the Mooncake Festival, and the Reunion Festival (with wives visiting their parents then returning to celebrate with their husbands and his parents).

Part of the festival includes offerings to the Moon Goddess Chang'e (the name the China National Space Agency gives their lunar missions).

In Korea, this full Moon corresponds with the harvest festival Chuseok, during which Koreans return to their traditional hometowns to pay respect to the spirits of their ancestors.

This full Moon corresponds with the first of two Japanese Tsukimi or "Moon-Viewing" festivals, also called Imomeigetsu (which translates as "potato harvest Moon") because of the tradition of offering sweet potatoes to the Moon.

These festivities have become so popular that they are often extended for several days after the full Moon.

In many traditional Moon-based calendars the full Moons fall on or near the middle of each month.

This full Moon is near the middle of the eighth month of the Chinese year of the Dragon and Rabi' al-Awwal in the Islamic calendar, the month in which many Muslims celebrate Mawlid, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.

This full Moon is near the middle of Elul in the Hebrew calendar. Elul is a time of preparation for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Customs include granting and asking others for forgiveness as well as beginning or ending all letters with the wish that the recipient will have a good year.

As usual, the wearing of suitably celebratory celestial attire is encouraged in honor of the full Moon.

Go out and observe the Moon, enjoy this harvest season (including corn, fruit, and sweet potatoes, and honey), remember your ancestors, stay in touch with your parents, and forgive and ask forgiveness.

Here's wishing you a good year!

Pay attention to the news about Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)! There are a number of "ifs" so we don't like to raise expectations.

Similar visitors from the Oort Cloud have broken apart and fizzled out as they passed close to the Sun.

If this comet survives its passage by the Sun (closest approach on September 27, 2024) and if the amount of gas and dust it gives off does not decrease significantly, this might be one of the best comets in a long time.

If it strongly scatters sunlight towards the Earth it might even be visible in the glow of dusk just after its closest approach to Earth on October 12.

From the Washington, DC area and similar latitudes, this comet will be above the horizon before morning twilight begins from September 22 through October 4, with the current brightness curve predicting a steady increase in brightness from about visual magnitude 4 to near 3 (the smaller the number, the brighter the object).

As it brightens it may be visible under dark sky conditions and even more impressive through binoculars or a telescope, although towards the start and end of this period it may be too low on the horizon to see when the sky is completely dark.

Between about October 4 and October 11 the Sun’s glare will mask visibility from the Northern Hemisphere.

Check your local news or web sites for viewing information for your latitude. For example, Sky and Telescope reports that Southern Hemisphere skywatchers should fare better.

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) will be at its closest to Earth on October 12 at 11:10 AM EDT. Around closest approach the comet's brightness is predicted to peak at about visual magnitude 3 (similar to many stars).

Forward scattering might increase the brightness significantly, possibly as high as -1 (brighter than every star except Sirius).

How bright the comet actually appears will depend upon how much gas and dust it is giving off, which can change quickly.

Also, brightness comparisons between comets and stars can be misleading as the light of the comet is spread out making it less distinct than a star with the same brightness.

The best time to look should be the evenings on and shortly after October 12 with the comet above the western horizon after sunset.

The evening of October 12 the comet will be 4 degrees above the western horizon as evening twilight ends, similar in altitude and to the right of Venus.

The comet is expected to dim as it moves away from the Earth, but will appear higher in a darker sky and set later each evening, which could make it easier to see.

As evening twilight ends on October 13 it will be 10 degrees above the western horizon, 12 degrees on October 14, 16 degrees on October 15, etc. The brightness will decrease to about magnitude 6 by the end of October.



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0d8238 No.220600

File: d88a4eae9a2839c⋯.jpeg (159.51 KB,1150x665,230:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c8572d46424e4e0⋯.jpeg (145.12 KB,1143x644,1143:644,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576812 (121451ZSEP24) Notable: Chris Christie on the View: Harris Should Not Do Another Debate with Trump

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Chris Christie: Harris Should Not Do Another Debate with Trump

Pam Key11 Sep 2024

(Pathetic Doughboy relegated to "The View")

Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that Vice President Kamala Harris should not do another debate with former President Donald Trump.

Christie said, “You know, look, in the end last night, she did what she had to do.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “Yes, she did.”

Christie continued, “Which was she’s the lesser known person with the lesser profile, she needed to show those undecided voters that she belonged on that stage.”

Co-host Joy Behar said, “Right.”

Christie continued, “Last night she showed she belonged on the stage. And that’s why, look, I saw her campaign put out a challenge for a second debate right after the debate. Please stop. Don’t do it.”

Behar said, “You do not toy with perfection.” ???????? KEK

Christie said, “Don’t do it. Really seriously — you get in the ring against a guy who has had more presidential debates than anybody in history and you knock him around. Raise your arms, go to two rallies a day, raise some money and go home, man. You know, don’t because nothing great can happen for her in a second debate. She’ll either do as well as she did this time, OK, or he could do better.”


Seriously this pig has no shame, but the cacklers love him

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0d8238 No.220601

File: ebb2ddea1702546⋯.png (3.65 MB,1745x2048,1745:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576824 (121455ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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NASA Astronaut Don Pettit, Crewmates Arrive at Space Station

Sep 11, 2024

NASA astronaut Don Pettit, accompanied by Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Ivan Vagner, arrived at the International Space Station Wednesday, bringing its number of residents to 12 for the 13-day handover period.

After a two-orbit, three-hour journey to the station, the Roscosmos Soyuz MS-26 spacecraft automatically docked to the orbiting laboratory’s Rassvet module at 3:32 p.m. EDT.

The spacecraft launched at 12:23 p.m. EDT (9:23 p.m. Baikonur time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

NASA’s coverage of hatch opening will stream at 5:30 p.m. on NASA+, the NASA app, YouTube, and the agency’s website.

Hatch opening is scheduled to begin at 5:50 p.m. Learn how to stream NASA content through a variety of platforms, including social media.

Once aboard, the trio will join Expedition 71 crew members, including NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson, Mike Barratt, Matthew Dominick, Jeanette Epps, Butch Wilmore, and Suni Williams, as well as Roscosmos cosmonauts Nikolai Chub, Alexander Grebenkin, and Oleg Kononenko.

Expedition 72 will begin Monday, Sept. 23, upon the departure of Dyson, Chub, and off-going station commander Kononenko, completing a six-month stay for Dyson and a year-long expedition for Chub and Kononenko.

Pettit, Ovchinin, and Vagner will spend approximately six months aboard the orbital outpost advancing scientific research as Expedition 71/72 crew members before returning to Earth in the spring of 2025.

This is Pettit and Ovchinin’s fourth spaceflight and Vagner’s second.

During Expedition 72, two new crews will arrive aboard the space station, including NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 launching in September, followed by Crew-10, scheduled for launch in February 2025.



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0d8238 No.220602

File: 1c94116b5038f91⋯.jpeg (352.26 KB,1190x1402,595:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576826 (121455ZSEP24) Notable: Argentina Measures 4.2% Inflation, Down from 25.5% When Javier Milei Took Office

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Argentina Measures 4.2% Inflation, Down from 25.5% When Javier Milei Took Office

Christian K. Caruzo11 Sep 2024

The National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina (INDEC) announced on Wednesday afternoon that it measured an inflation rate in Argentina of 4.2 percent in August.

INDEC published its latest detailed monthly report at 4:00 p.m. (local time) on Wednesday, explaining that the 4.2-percent inflation rate in August is the average obtained from several categories, with clothing and footwear registering the lowest inflation at 2.1 percent. Housing, utilities, and fuel experienced the highest variance at 7.0 percent.

Immediately upon taking office in December 2023, President Javier Milei implemented a series of “shock therapy” measures to overturn Argentina’s multi-year long severe economic difficulties — which dramatically worsened during the administration of socialist former President Alberto Fernández (2019-2023) — as well as to avert a hyperinflation spiral that the nation was on track to fall into as a result of Fernández’s disastrous policies.

Since then, the inflation rate has consistently lowered from December’s 25.5 percent to May’s 4.2 percent, and hovered at around four percent in the following months. In June, Argentina experienced a slight increase in its inflation rate, going up to 4.6 percent, dropping down to four percent in July — the lowest measured rate in two and a half years.

The Argentine newspaper La Nación reported on Wednesday afternoon that, according to market estimates, Argentina’s total 2024 inflation will be measured between 122.9 and 123.7 percent — representing a 90-point decrease from the total 211 percent inflation measured at the end of Fernández’s presidency in 2023.

The Argentine Integrated Pension System announced this week that private sector wages have caught up to inflation and have recovered the purchasing power lost from the devaluation carried out by Milei as part of his shock therapy measures.

The official announcement of August’s inflation rates by the Argentine statistics institute comes days before the Argentine government’s presentation of the national budget proposal for the year 2025, which will reportedly be in line with Milei’s “Zero Deficit” fiscal goal.

Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni announced on Tuesday that Milei will personally present the 2025 national budget proposal to Congress, marking the first time that an Argentine president does so. The task is usually carried out by the minister of economy.

Milei confirmed the announcement shortly afterwards.

“On Sunday, September 15 at 9:00 pm I will present the National Budget under the Zero Deficit rule in the Argentine National Congress. I invite you to witness a historic milestone that will mark a before and after in Argentine economic history,” Milei said, before closing with his widely famous catchphrase, “Long live liberty, damn it!”

Prior to Tuesday’s official confirmation, Milei had expressed his intention to present the budget in remarks given during his participation at the latest gathering of the conservative Madrid Forum in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“I will soon be going to Congress to explain the foundation of the zero deficit, to end once and for all the cancer that is the fiscal deficit, the fiscal crises and the macro disaster that has plunged Argentina into poverty,” Milei said last week.


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0d8238 No.220603

File: 88603aa86a565c2⋯.png (370.89 KB,598x800,299:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576831 (121501ZSEP24) Notable: Malibu California EARTHQUAKE! 5.2 Downgraded to a 4.8 At 10km in Depth SHALLOW

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🚨#BREAKING Malibu California EARTHQUAKE!

#Malibu | #California

5.2 Downgraded to a 4.8 At 10km in Depth!

VERY Shallow!

Felt by thousands!


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0d8238 No.220604

File: 17410d9b9847af5⋯.mp4 (1000 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576844 (121504ZSEP24) Notable: This is the heartfelt video message sent by Vladimir Putin to the American people after 9/11

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This is the heartfelt video message sent by Vladimir Putin to the American people after 9/11. Actions followed words and Russia helped the US to fight international terrorism. The US Govt thanked Russia by staging a coup in Ukraine to start a proxy war.

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0d8238 No.220605

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576851 (121506ZSEP24) Notable: Paul Dans: "This Is The Next Generation Of Russia, Russia, Russia, Or The Biden Laptop"

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Paul Dans: "This Is The Next Generation Of Russia, Russia, Russia, Or The Biden Laptop"



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0d8238 No.220606

File: 88a3ea00e9f9dee⋯.png (721.44 KB,1240x696,155:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cfd18789148164⋯.png (876.8 KB,1261x953,1261:953,Clipboard.png)

File: 73c8037bcd7c213⋯.png (1.51 MB,1041x1041,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: bd9af2abafc34f8⋯.png (1.36 MB,1440x768,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576868 (121509ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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9 Phenomena NASA Astronauts Will Encounter at Moon’s South Pole

Sep 11, 2024

NASA’s Artemis campaign will send the first woman and the first person of color to the Moon’s south polar region, marking humanity’s first return to the lunar surface in more than 50 years.

Here are some out-of-this-world phenomena Artemis astronauts will experience:

1. A Hovering Sun and Giant Shadows

Near the Moon’s South Pole, astronauts will see dramatic shadows that are 25 to 50 times longer than the objects casting them.

Why? Because the Sun strikes the surface there at a low angle, hanging just a few degrees above the horizon. As a result, astronauts won’t see the Sun rise and set.

Instead, they’ll watch it hover near the horizon as it moves horizontally across the sky.

2. Sticky, Razor-Sharp Dust …

The lunar dust, called regolith, that coats the Moon’s surface looks fine and soft like baking powder.

But looks can be deceiving. Lunar regolith is formed when meteoroids hit the Moon’s surface, melting and shattering rocks into tiny, sharp pieces.

The Moon doesn’t have moving water or wind to smooth out the regolith grains, so they stay sharp and scratchy, posing a risk to astronauts and their equipment.

3. … That’s Charged with Static Electricity

Because the Moon has no atmosphere to speak of, its surface is exposed to plasma and radiation from the Sun. As a result, static electricity builds up on the surface, as it does when you shuffle your feet against a carpeted floor.

When you then touch something, you transfer that charge via a small shock. On the Moon, this transfer can short-circuit electronics.

Moon dust also can make its way into astronaut living quarters, as the static electricity causes it to easily stick to spacesuits.

NASA has developed methods to keep the dust at bay using resistant textiles, filters, and a shield that employs an electric field to remove dust from surfaces.

4. A New Sense of Lightness

Artemis moonwalkers will have a bounce to their step as they traverse the lunar surface. This is because gravity won’t pull them down as forcefully as it does on Earth.

The Moon is only a quarter of Earth’s size, with six times less gravity. Simple activities, like swinging a rock hammer to chip off samples, will feel different.

While a hammer will feel lighter to hold, its inertia won’t change, leading to a strange sensation for astronauts.

Lower gravity has perks, too. Astronauts won’t be weighed down by their hefty spacesuits as much as they would be on Earth. Plus, bouncing on the Moon is just plain fun.

5. A Waxing Crescent … Earth?

When Artemis astronauts look at the sky from the Moon, they’ll see their home planet shining back at them.

Just like Earthlings see different phases of the Moon throughout a month, astronauts will see an ever-shifting Earth.

Earth phases occur opposite to Moon phases: When Earth experiences a new Moon, a full Earth is visible from the Moon.

6. An Itty-Bitty Horizon

Because the Moon is smaller than Earth, its horizon will look shorter and closer.

To someone standing on a level Earth surface, the horizon is 3 miles away, but to astronauts on the Moon, it’ll be only 1.5 miles away, making their surroundings seem confined.

7. Out-of-This-World Temperatures

Because sunlight at the Moon’s South Pole skims the surface horizontally, it brushes crater rims, but doesn’t always reach their floors.

Some deep craters haven’t seen the light of day for billions of years, so temperatures there can dip to minus 334 F.

That’s nearly three times colder than the lowest temperature recorded in Antarctica. At the other extreme, areas in direct sunlight, such as crater rims, can reach temperatures of 130 F.

8. An Inky-Black Sky

The Moon, unlike Earth, doesn’t have a thick atmosphere to scatter blue light, so the daytime sky is black.

Astronauts will see a stark contrast between the dark sky and the bright ground.

9. A Rugged Terrain

Artemis moonwalkers will find a rugged landscape that takes skill to traverse.

The Moon has mountains, valleys, and canyons, but its most notable feature for astronauts on the surface may be its millions of craters.

Near the South Pole, gaping craters and long shadows will make it difficult for astronauts to navigate. But, with training and special gear, astronauts will be prepared to meet the challenge.


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0d8238 No.220607

File: c47b3ba6a7ffb4b⋯.png (307.51 KB,592x1330,296:665,Clipboard.png)

File: 181f5f0f9d9945f⋯.jpeg (16.18 KB,255x217,255:217,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576894 (121514ZSEP24) Notable: On November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

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Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

On November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

The signing of the Treaty of Paris ended hostilities between the United States and Great Britain on September 3, 1783. Sir Guy Carleton, commander of British forces in North America at the time, received orders in August to begin planning the evacuation of all remaining British troops from the United States.

The evacuation plans dragged on because of large numbers of Loyalists descending on New York in a panic to flee the country. Nearly 30,000 Loyalists and escaped slaves left with the British, most ending up in Quebec or Nova Scotia.

General Carleton finally announced the last of the troops would be leaving at noon on November 25th. George Washington waited outside the city until the British left and their flag was removed from a pole at the Battery at the southern end of Manhattan (A battery is a military fortification with guns or cannons). Wiley British soldiers had hoisted their Union Flag on a greased pole on their way out of the city.

Several attempts were made to get the flag down, but were unsuccessful due to the grease. Eventually, American soldier John Van Arsdale was able to climb the pole by nailing pieces of wood to the pole and climbing up on them. He tore the British flag down and replaced it with the American Flag. Shortly after, a triumphant General George Washington entered the city and marched down Broadway to the Battery.

For a hundred years after, Evacuation Day was celebrated around the United States, but especially in New York City. Evacuation Day was New York City's biggest celebration of the year for a century and the evacuation was commemorated with a game of boys competing to take down a Union Flag from a greased flagpole in Battery Park. A descendant of John Van Arsdale would then climb the pole and put up a US Flag.

Once the Civil War came and Abraham Lincoln announced the annual Thanksgiving Day, Evacuation Day celebrations around the country tended to be absorbed by Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Evacuation Day was eventually lost because the date of November 25 was so close to the Thanksgiving date of the last Thursday of the month. The annual celebrations continued in New York, however, until World War I, at which time people seemed to lose their animosity toward Britain after its allied cooperation with the United States during the war.




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0d8238 No.220608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576912 (121517ZSEP24) Notable: Senate holds hearing on bankruptcy of Steward Health Care as CEO refuses to appear

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WATCH LIVE: Senate holds hearing on bankruptcy of Steward Health Care as CEO refuses to appear

PBS NewsHour


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0d8238 No.220609

File: 15565224f2d47ca⋯.jpg (584.87 KB,1079x1637,1079:1637,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576920 (121520ZSEP24) Notable: Labor Strikes Looming

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Gonna be a lot of stuff for sale. Typical cycle.

The polls open to union members at 5 a.m. Thursday. If a strike is authorized, it could begin as early as midnight Friday.


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0d8238 No.220610

File: bb81f2ee93402c1⋯.png (1.39 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 528f5f8bc432571⋯.png (4.53 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: e0c1c4b101f6e29⋯.png (4.76 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576922 (121520ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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NASA Scientists Re-Create Mars ‘Spiders’ in a Lab for First Time

Sep 11, 2024

Since discovering them in 2003 via images from orbiters, scientists have marveled at spider-like shapes sprawled across the southern hemisphere of Mars.

No one is entirely sure how these geologic features are created. Each branched formation can stretch more than a half-mile (1 kilometer) from end to end and include hundreds of spindly “legs.”

Called araneiform terrain, these features are often found in clusters, giving the surface a wrinkled appearance.

The leading theory is that the spiders are created by processes involving carbon dioxide ice, which doesn’t occur naturally on Earth.

Thanks to experiments detailed in a new paper published in The Planetary Science Journal, scientists have, for the first time, re-created those formation processes in simulated Martian temperatures and air pressure.

“The spiders are strange, beautiful geologic features in their own right,” said Lauren Mc Keown of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “These experiments will help tune our models for how they form.”

The study confirms several formation processes described by what’s called the Kieffer model: Sunlight heats the soil when it shines through transparent slabs of carbon dioxide ice that built up on the Martian surface each winter.

Being darker than the ice above it, the soil absorbs the heat and causes the ice closest to it to turn directly into carbon dioxide gas — without turning to liquid first — in a process called sublimation (the same process that sends clouds of “smoke” billowing up from dry ice).

As the gas builds in pressure, the Martian ice cracks, allowing the gas to escape. As it seeps upward, the gas takes with it a stream of dark dust and sand from the soil that lands on the surface of the ice.

When winter turns to spring and the remaining ice sublimates, according to the theory, the spiderlike scars from those small eruptions are what’s left behind.

For Mc Keown and her co-authors, the hardest part of conducting these experiments was re-creating conditions found on the Martian polar surface: extremely low air pressure and temperatures as low as minus 301 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 185 degrees Celsius).

To do that, Mc Keown used a liquid-nitrogen-cooled test chamber at JPL, the Dirty Under-vacuum Simulation Testbed for Icy Environments, or DUSTIE.

“I love DUSTIE. It’s historic,” Mc Keown said, noting that the wine barrel-size chamber was used to test a prototype of a rasping tool designed for NASA’s Mars Phoenix lander.

The tool was used to break water ice, which the spacecraft scooped up and analyzed near the planet’s north pole.

For this experiment, the researchers chilled Martian soil simulant in a container submerged within a liquid nitrogen bath.

They placed it in the DUSTIE chamber, where the air pressure was reduced to be similar to that of Mars’ southern hemisphere.

Carbon dioxide gas then flowed into the chamber and condensed from gas to ice over the course of three to five hours.

It took many tries before Mc Keown found just the right conditions for the ice to become thick and translucent enough for the experiments to work.


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0d8238 No.220611

File: a76c1a69bfea8f0⋯.mp4 (441.39 KB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: fd7ac856f088bcc⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,240x180,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 439bfafbbb5800b⋯.mp4 (381.86 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e3a95eef79a6d7e⋯.mp4 (418.92 KB,376x272,47:34,Clipboard.mp4)

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0d8238 No.220612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576927 (121520ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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Once they got ice with the right properties, they placed a heater inside the chamber below the simulant to warm it up and crack the ice.

Mc Keown was ecstatic when she finally saw a plume of carbon dioxide gas erupting from within the powdery simulant.

“It was late on a Friday evening and the lab manager burst in after hearing me shrieking,” said Mc Keown, who had been working to make a plume like this for five years. “She thought there had been an accident.”

The dark plumes opened holes in the simulant as they streamed out, spewing simulant for as long as 10 minutes before all the pressurized gas was expelled.

The experiments included a surprise that wasn’t reflected in the Kieffer model: Ice formed between the grains of the simulant, then cracked it open.

This alternative process might explain why spiders have a more “cracked” appearance. Whether this happens or not seems dependent on the size of soil grains and how embedded water ice is underground.

“It’s one of those details that show that nature is a little messier than the textbook image,” said Serina Diniega of JPL, a co-author of the paper.

Now that the conditions have been found for plumes to form, the next step is to try the same experiments with simulated sunlight from above, rather than using a heater below.

That could help scientists narrow down the range of conditions under which the plumes and ejection of soil might occur.

There are still many questions about the spiders that can’t be answered in a lab. Why have they formed in some places on Mars but not others?

Since they appear to result from seasonal changes that are still occurring, why don’t they seem to be growing in number or size over time?

It’s possible that they’re left over from long ago, when the climate was different on Mars— and could therefore provide a unique window into the planet’s past.

For the time being, lab experiments will be as close to the spiders as scientists can get.

Both the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers are exploring the Red Planet far from the southern hemisphere, which is where these formations appear (and where no spacecraft has ever landed).

The Phoenix mission, which landed in the northern hemisphere, lasted only a few months before succumbing to the intense polar cold and limited sunlight.


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0d8238 No.220613

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576931 (121522ZSEP24) Notable: @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

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Josh Hammer: Failures From The Debate Moderators And Building Up MAGA. We need the SAVE Act

Why are Republicans always so fucking slow of presenting this ACT last year. They knew what was going on two years ago? They don't care and many of them don't want PDJT. We have traitors and fake reps.



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0d8238 No.220614

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576959 (121527ZSEP24) Notable: @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

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Rep. Tim Burchett: Failures And Missed Opportunities. He doesn't think the CR will pass. The SAVE act is already in Schumers hand. Johnson is a liar



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0d8238 No.220615

File: 13e9d61aed889fd⋯.png (903.37 KB,790x527,790:527,Clipboard.png)

File: ff53be0d10aaf95⋯.png (226.59 KB,844x674,422:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576961 (121527ZSEP24) Notable: California Line Fire: NASA Snaps 'Fire Clouds' as People Told Stay Indoors

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California Line Fire: NASA Snaps 'Fire Clouds' as People Told Stay Indoors

Updated Sep 11, 2024 at 8:53 PM EDT

Images taken from space show vast plumes of smoke billowing from the wildfires burning on the outskirts of Los Angeles, filling the air with particulate pollution.

The Line Fire in San Bernardino County threw out so much smoke and heat that it generated "fire clouds"—also known as pyrocumulus or flammagenitus—in the sky above it, which were snapped from space.

The smoke from this fire, as well as from the Bridge Fire and Airport Fire nearby, have wreaked havoc on the air quality between the eastern edge of L.A. and the Coachella Valley, sparking warnings for residents to stay indoors.

Pyrocumulus clouds are formed when extreme heat rises into the atmosphere, often from a wildfire or volcanic eruption.

The intense heat causes the air near the ground to rise rapidly, eventually cooling and condensing into water droplets, forming a towering cumulus cloud.

In the case of wildfires or volcanic eruptions, pyrocumulus clouds often contain large amounts of ash, soot, and other particles that are lofted into the air along with the water vapor, giving the cloud a dark, dirty appearance.

These images of the fire clouds rising above the Line Fire were captured from space by the OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8.

On Tuesday, the smoke from this fire and the others burning nearby caused "Moderate to Unhealthy" Air Quality Index (AQI) levels in Palm Springs and Indio.

"Windblown dust will add to the current smoke pollution and is expected to cause Air Quality Index (AQI) values to reach Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups or worse in the Coachella Valley and Banning pass between Tuesday evening and Thursday morning," the South Coast AQMD said in a statement.

The South Coast AQMD warns residents to "limit your exposure by remaining indoors with windows and doors closed or seeking alternate shelter," avoid physical activity and use AC or air purifiers.

The AQI is calculated based on several key air pollutants regulated by health standards, including PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.

At "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups" levels, members of sensitive groups —like children, the elderly, and people with respiratory or heart conditions—may experience health effects.

The Line Fire, which started near Highland on September 5, has now burned 34,659 acres as of about 7 a.m. local time on September 11 and is only about 14 percent contained.

Over 65,600 structures are at risk from the blaze, and several neighborhoods have Evacuation Orders and Evacuation Warnings in place.

The smoke from other nearby fires has actually helped slow the spread of the blaze.

"In the overnight hours of the Line Fire Wednesday, fire activity was moderated due to smoke shading and cooler weather.

However, the fire grew on the north and east sides due to slope and vegetation driven runs," Cal Fire said in a report this morning.

"Today elevated winds and continued dry conditions will allow the fire to grow. Smoke from fires across the region will help moderate fire activity unless the skies clear and the smoke thins.

That would allow for more slope and vegetation aligned runs. There are 3,179 personnel assigned to the fire. Limited resource availability continues to hamper control efforts."

To the west of the Line Fire, just north of Glendora, is the Bridge Fire. Burning across both Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, this blaze is 47,904 acres in area and 0 percent contained.

"Excessive heat and Red Flag Warning until Wednesday afternoon due to hot, dry, and unstable conditions with gusty onshore winds.

Winds will shift to the west and northwest on Wednesday, which may impact higher elevation areas. Temperatures will remain high, however humidity will improve and increase slightly.

Large vertical plume growth and visible smoke columns will be expected again for this fire," an Inciweb update said.

To the south of both of these fires, near Trabuco Canyon, the Airport Fire has grown from 5,432 acres on Tuesday to 22,376 acres as of Wednesday morning.

This fire is also 0 percent contained.


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0d8238 No.220616

File: 706f479d4d59b57⋯.png (193.09 KB,478x404,239:202,Clipboard.png)

File: 6851800d50e8df2⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576975 (121529ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield Ohio man cut off by city council while speaking TRUTHS.

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0d8238 No.220617

File: dc7369fa6e5ee86⋯.jpg (169.37 KB,1384x899,1384:899,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576978 (121529ZSEP24) Notable: Deceased cat gets voter registration application in mail

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Will the Democrats be having cats voting this year.

Deceased cat gets voter registration application in mail


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0d8238 No.220618

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577001 (121533ZSEP24) Notable: @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

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Liz Harrington On President Trump And Kamala First Debate



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0d8238 No.220619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577006 (121534ZSEP24) Notable: Labor Strikes Looming

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>Some Boeing machinists preparing for strike over proposed labor contract as soon as Friday

17,000 AT&T workers have been on strike for three weeks : NPR


Hotel workers strike in Boston, San Diego, New Haven, Conn.

Sep. 12, 2024


NRF | Port labor strike gets closer to reality

September 10, 2024


SamTrans Labor Fight Could Be Heading Toward a Strike | KQED

September 6, 2024


Labor negotiations remain at standstill after UB physicians’ four-day strike - The Spectrum

September 10, 2024


ILA rolls out strike mobilization plan | Supply Chain Dive

September 6, 2024


Strike looms over Port of Baltimore as wage negotiations reach crisis point - CBS Baltimore

September 6, 2024


BorgWarner Workers Set to Strike as Contract Expires on Sunday, September 8 | Ithaca | ithaca.com

Sep 7, 2024


Europe's travel strikes: Flight and train disruption you can expect in September | Euronews



Possibility of Labor Strike Drives Up Imports Ahead of Holiday Season, Report Says - Gifts & Decorative Accessories

September 10, 2024


Law360 editorial workers go on strike - Talking Biz News

September 10, 2024


United Flight Attendants Authorize a Strike: Negotiations stalled over pay for last-minute overtime - News - The Austin Chronicle

Fri., Sept. 6, 2024


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0d8238 No.220620

File: 23aeb3dec94673a⋯.png (397.06 KB,632x555,632:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577010 (121535ZSEP24) Notable: Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori has died. He was 86

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@Reuters 4h

Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, who steered economic growth during the 1990s but was jailed for human rights abuses after a bloody war against Maoist rebels, has died. He was 86


Sep 12, 2024 · 11:00 AM UTC


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0d8238 No.220621

File: 7f4d088d2f1a5b5⋯.png (19.55 KB,531x259,531:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577013 (121536ZSEP24) Notable: @JamesOKeefe - Concern yourself with who is beside you as you face the enemy.

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A lot of people are texting me scared about the near future, and suddenly realizing the stakes, political prosecutions, and worse.

Here is my advice: be at peace with what happens to you, worry not about the enemy.

Concern yourself with who is beside you as you face the enemy.


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0d8238 No.220622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577028 (121539ZSEP24) Notable: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $40 Million to Support a Domestic Solar Scam

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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $40 Million to Support a Domestic Solar Supply Chain

September 12, 2024

Funding from the Investing in America Agenda will Boost Solar Manufacturing, Increase PV Recycling, and Help Develop New Markets for Solar Technologies

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $40 million in investments across the solar energy supply chain, including the selection of four projects to improve the lifecycle of photovoltaic (PV) solar systems. The selected projects will maximize the environmental benefit of solar energy technologies by increasing system lifetime and work to facilitate material recovery once the system is decommissioned. DOE also launched a prize program that will open new markets for solar energy system equipment, announced winners in the American-Made Solar Prize Round 7, and issued a notice of intent for up to $20 million to advance solar manufacturing. These investments will support the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to boost domestic manufacturing and competitiveness while reducing waste and improving sustainability of solar technologies.


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0d8238 No.220623

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577060 (121549ZSEP24) Notable: Mike Benz - NATO wants Harris, Macron to win, so they can survive

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Mike Benz Breaks Down The Significance Of Taylor Swift's Endorsement Of Kamala Harris. NATO uses Swift and her fans as psych op on America. NATO wants Harris, Macron to win, so they can survive



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0d8238 No.220624

File: 91ef2163127dad2⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577062 (121549ZSEP24) Notable: CNN just HAMMERED ABC News for its biased presidential debate moderation

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WHOA: CNN just HAMMERED ABC News for its biased presidential debate moderation.

ABC News constantly "fact checked" Trump and let Kamala off the hook for lying and dodging questions.

Even CNN sees the double standard. Wow.


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0d8238 No.220625

File: 0bcbf8bd0db52f9⋯.png (451.67 KB,970x541,970:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a37fc61e9851fb⋯.png (811.33 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 341b78d613ac7c5⋯.png (393.41 KB,970x542,485:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 136320e16253cc7⋯.png (1.23 MB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc2322ae6e38d4⋯.png (691.2 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577093 (121557ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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Polaris Dawn Completes First-Ever Spacewalk

On Thursday, September 12 at 7:58 a.m. ET, the Polaris Dawn crew completed the first-ever spacewalk – also known as an extravehicular activity (EVA) – from Dragon at 738 km above the Earth’s surface.

The crew began preparations for the spacewalk shortly after liftoff, through a two-day pre-breathe process designed to prevent decompression sickness by slowly acclimatizing the crew to lower pressures while slowly increasing oxygen levels within the spacecraft’s cabin.

Once complete, the crew began preparations for the spacewalk, which included donning their EVA suits, completing suit leak checks, and venting Dragon down to vacuum.

After opening the hatch, the Polaris Dawn crew became the first four astronauts to be exposed to the vacuum of space at the same time.

Over the next approximate 20 minutes, Commander Jared Isaacman and Mission Specialist Sarah Gillis each exited the vehicle, completed a series of tests designed to evaluate the suit’s mobility, thermal systems and the Dragon mobility aid “Skywalker” before returning to the cabin and closing the hatch.

Mission Pilot Scott “Kidd” Poteet and Mission Specialist and Medical Officer Anna Menon monitored vital support systems throughout the operation.

Once the hatch was closed, Dragon was re-pressurized, cabin oxygen and pressure levels confirmed, and the crew was able to remove their EVA suits, officially completing the suit testing alongside the first commercial spacewalk and the first EVA from a Dragon spacecraft.



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0d8238 No.220626

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577177 (121614ZSEP24) Notable: @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

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Linda Szynkowicz: Georgia Democrats Continue To Roadblock The GOP's Effort To Secure Our Elections



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0d8238 No.220627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577186 (121615ZSEP24) Notable: #26430

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#26430 >>220570

>>220571 Live Think analytics of the debate. Very interesting data on real time opinion

>>220572 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

>>220573 Producer Price Index News Release summary - AUGUST 2024

>>220574 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/12/2024


>>220576, >>220584, >>220585, >>220586 Swamp events

>>220577 Artist behind fake Kamala Harris Eagles posters doesn't know how they ended up at Philadelphia bus stops

>>220578 News photographers slam Harris for reduced access

>>220579, >>220580 Afraid of needles? Jab-free and nasal vaxes could soon become reality

>>220581 Scam emails include your name and photo of your house

>>220583 Some Moderna covid vaccine batches are 9 times more deadly than others

>>220587 Australia to fine social media giants for enabling "misinformation"


>>220589 Starliner Suffers New Problems While Coming Back to Earth

>>220590 Patrick Mahomes addresses former President Trump’s remarks

>>220591 @elonmusk You Are Being Lied To - crime is not down it is way way up

>>220592, >>220601, >>220606, >>220610, >>220612, >>220625 NASA Space Stuffs

>>220593 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson praises Trump's defiance at assassination attempt

>>220594 Springfield City Hall is evacuated by bomb threat amid immigration firestorm

>>220595 Newt Gingrich: Big Loser of Tuesday’s Debate Was ABC News

>>220596 kek it up - TEMPLATE LOADED

>>220597 Donald Trump and JD Vance Stop by New York City Fire Station on 9/11 Anniversary

>>220598, >>220599 The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a Supermoon; the Corn Moon; and the POTATO Harvest Moon

>>220600 Chris Christie on the View: Harris Should Not Do Another Debate with Trump

>>220602 Argentina Measures 4.2% Inflation, Down from 25.5% When Javier Milei Took Office

>>220603 Malibu California EARTHQUAKE! 5.2 Downgraded to a 4.8 At 10km in Depth SHALLOW

>>220604 This is the heartfelt video message sent by Vladimir Putin to the American people after 9/11

>>220605 Paul Dans: "This Is The Next Generation Of Russia, Russia, Russia, Or The Biden Laptop"

>>220607 On November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

>>220608 Senate holds hearing on bankruptcy of Steward Health Care as CEO refuses to appear

>>220609, >>220619 Labor Strikes Looming

>>220611 Twitter Trend: Pentagon 9/11

>>220613, >>220614, >>220618, >>220626 @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

>>220615 California Line Fire: NASA Snaps 'Fire Clouds' as People Told Stay Indoors

>>220616 Springfield Ohio man cut off by city council while speaking TRUTHS.

>>220617 Deceased cat gets voter registration application in mail

>>220620 Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori has died. He was 86

>>220621 @JamesOKeefe - Concern yourself with who is beside you as you face the enemy.

>>220622 Biden-Harris Administration Announces $40 Million to Support a Domestic Solar Scam

>>220623 Mike Benz - NATO wants Harris, Macron to win, so they can survive

>>220624 CNN just HAMMERED ABC News for its biased presidential debate moderation

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0d8238 No.220630

File: dce1399471a47c0⋯.png (1.64 MB,1280x1064,160:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575300 (120502ZSEP24) Notable: #26429

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can collect for another hr or defer

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0d8238 No.220631

File: 2e7ea900a63295c⋯.png (687.89 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575327 (120512ZSEP24) Notable: Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

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Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?


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0d8238 No.220632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575333 (120514ZSEP24) Notable: California dems want to drop requirement for illegals to have to use Social Security #s for taxpayer funded programs

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California democrats want to drop the requirement for illegal aliens to have to use Social Security numbers for taxpayer funded programs.

Will California toss immigrants a Lifeline?


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0d8238 No.220633

File: 0643a0edefe5c90⋯.png (870.89 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575343 (120515ZSEP24) Notable: House Pushes Back On China's Infiltration Of American Campuses With New Bill

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House Pushes Back On China's Infiltration Of American Campuses With New Bill that bars American schools, which are cozy with Confucius Institutes (CIs) from getting any grants from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


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0d8238 No.220634

File: ae9887f223c6b07⋯.png (538.2 KB,660x609,220:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575350 (120517ZSEP24) Notable: Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

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Nasty Cunts on The View try to goad Usher, who launched anti-trump clothing line in 2016, into endorsing Harris. It doesn't go as they expected.


Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks."

Her disappointed shrug at the end 😂😂

4:07 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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0d8238 No.220635

File: e276039874c9f95⋯.png (902.58 KB,852x639,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575351 (120518ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220636

File: 25dddfd0b8edd34⋯.mp4 (3.55 MB,1280x708,320:177,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575352 (120519ZSEP24) Notable: Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220637

File: 0197e3e092356c8⋯.png (404.85 KB,658x575,658:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b5029235b8b81e⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575360 (120523ZSEP24) Notable: Sept 10th Presidential debate under 1 minute

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Captain Sou


In case you missed tonight's debate, I broke the entire thing down to under a minute.

Remaining Time -0:47

9:58 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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0d8238 No.220638

File: d4c58886b538e1a⋯.png (738.62 KB,1170x1541,1170:1541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575364 (120527ZSEP24) Notable: This is one of the greatest corrections in history from TIME magazine

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This is one of the greatest corrections in history, from @TIME magazine:



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0d8238 No.220639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575365 (120528ZSEP24) Notable: Melania speaking out on Trump's assassination attempt

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melania speaking out on trumps assassination attempt.

will see if anon can find the full video with mark levin.



'More to this story': Melania Trump demands answers on assassination attempt

12 Sept 2024


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0d8238 No.220640

File: 0751f1832989292⋯.png (598.19 KB,655x641,655:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 28663d0ec3456dd⋯.mp4 (7.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575370 (120530ZSEP24) Notable: Anna Paulina Luna: 911 call from August 26th in Springfield, Ohio reporting 4 Haitian Migrants carrying dead geese

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EVIDENCE: 9/11 call to report Haitian refugees killing and absconding with geese.

Anna Paulina Luna


They said was fake : Leaked audio of a 911 call from August 26th to the Clark County Sheriff Office in Springfield, Ohio shows a caller reporting 4 Haitian Migrants carrying dead geese to the police. 🚨🚨🚨🚨 #Debate2024

6:41 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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0d8238 No.220641

File: 479da5355c59deb⋯.png (661.15 KB,591x784,591:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575375 (120532ZSEP24) Notable: And that's a wrap! Boring Company's 15th tunnel

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And that's a wrap! Boring Company's 15th tunnel.


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0d8238 No.220642

File: c3c575af3a500a3⋯.png (1.01 MB,1170x1857,390:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575377 (120533ZSEP24) Notable: Elon: Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget

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Elon: “Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget! America is in the fast lane to bankruptcy, meanwhile …”


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0d8238 No.220643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575400 (120547ZSEP24) Notable: Gutfeld: This was a blatant assault on Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220644

File: efbc085c304f4fe⋯.png (22.78 KB,611x177,611:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575419 (120558ZSEP24) Notable: DOJ has dropped almost half of the remaining obstruction charges that are still pending against January 6 defendants, according to recent DOJ data.

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Leading Report

@LeadingReport 3h

BREAKING: DOJ has dropped almost half of the remaining obstruction charges that are still pending against January 6 defendants, according to recent DOJ data.

Sep 12, 2024 · 2:25 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220645

File: 8e29fa079f2fe86⋯.mp4 (6.71 MB,800x480,5:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575481 (120646ZSEP24) Notable: One of the largest traffickers in Mexico, the Los Zetas cartel's incarcerated members reported to missionaries their biggest client for their product is the American government

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One of the largest traffickers in Mexico, the Los Zetas cartel's incarcerated members reported to missionaries their biggest client for their product is the American government


Original audio


A missionary family in Coahuila reports the Zetas cartel, the largest traffickers in Mexico, reported that the biggest client for their product is the American government.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575536 (120733ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24 - RSBN will be LIVE at 3:00 p.m. ET.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live in 11 hours

September 12 at 12:00 PM

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on our struggling economy and the rising cost of housing in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

RSBN will be LIVE at 3:00 p.m. ET.


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0d8238 No.220647

File: ba82b50f328d1c4⋯.png (450.92 KB,602x488,301:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575732 (120905ZSEP24) Notable: Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

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Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

From zerohedge.com

2:00 PM · Sep 11, 2024




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0d8238 No.220648

File: f595c50a901986b⋯.png (463.75 KB,596x618,298:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575800 (120935ZSEP24) Notable: Trump has the culture. Young TikTokers are using Trump’s “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats” line from the debate into a trend

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨BREAKING: Trump has the culture. Young TikTokers are using Trump’s “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats” line from the debate into a trend

4:58 PM · Sep 11, 2024




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0d8238 No.220649

File: 06776c10d2162f7⋯.png (213.27 KB,919x853,919:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575818 (120940ZSEP24) Notable: Attack drones to use Ukraine's cellphone network for strikes, war expert says

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attack drones to use Ukraine's cellphone network for strikes, war expert says

Jake Epstein

Sep 11, 2024, 5:28 AM GMT-11

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0d8238 No.220650

File: f23ec9995aebbe7⋯.png (340.73 KB,588x773,588:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575831 (120944ZSEP24) Notable: Three judges have recused themselves from the case concerning Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' attempt to block subpoenas requiring her to testify before a Georgia State Senate committee this week

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Melissa Hallman


Three judges have recused themselves from the case concerning Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' attempt to block subpoenas requiring her to testify before a Georgia State Senate committee this week, according to court records.

The subpoenas, issued by the State Senate Special Committee on Investigations, seek Willis' testimony and documents related to her ongoing investigation into 2020 election interference and her relationship with Nathan Wade, a former special prosecutor. Willis filed for an injunction to halt the subpoenas, which demanded her appearance at a hearing on Friday.

In a filing submitted on Sept. 4, Willis, represented by former Georgia Gov. Roy Barnes, argued that the subpoenas' broad demands for documents would harm the prosecution's case. She requested a permanent injunction to prevent enforcement of the subpoenas by the committee.

Three Fulton County Superior Court judges have recused themselves from the case. Judges Craig Schwall, Sr. and Melynee Leftridge recused themselves last week, citing unspecified conflicts of interest. On Monday, Judge Scott McAfee also recused himself, noting his involvement in overseeing the election interference case against former President Donald Trump and others.

McAfee, in his recusal order, wrote that given the overlap with the Georgia election interference case against Trump and others, his impartiality "might reasonably be questioned." He directed the Fulton County Clerk of Court to randomly assign the matter to another judge.

As of Tuesday, it remained unclear whether a new judge would be assigned in time to hear the case before Friday’s Senate hearing. It was also uncertain whether Willis would comply with the subpoenas if an injunction was not issued.


0:03 / 0:42

3:57 PM · Sep 11, 2024




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0d8238 No.220651

File: 52842ff8c1c9ceb⋯.png (244.7 KB,416x702,16:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575841 (120946ZSEP24) Notable: After days of the establishment denying a migrant crisis in Springfield exists, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announces he is sending $2.5M and state troopers to Springfield to tackle the crisis.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


After days of the establishment denying a migrant crisis in Springfield exists, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announces he is sending $2.5M and state troopers to Springfield to tackle the crisis.

This response follows a huge amount of social media attention on the town, with video evidence and residents testifying Haitians are stealing and eating pets, wild geese and ducks and sacrificing pigs in the park.

“These dramatic surges impact every citizen of the community, every citizen,” DeWine said, noting additional influxes are occurring in Findlay and Lima, Ohio.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of social media, especially ahead of an election.

This is why they want to shut it down!

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/ZeeeMedia)

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0d8238 No.220652

File: 0b21d4e9167db40⋯.png (466.39 KB,590x586,295:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575845 (120947ZSEP24) Notable: It's telling that even Haitian migrants recognize the processed food in our grocery stores isn't suitable for consumption.

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Nicole Shanahan


It's telling that even Haitian migrants recognize the processed food in our grocery stores isn't suitable for consumption.


Square profile picture

The Federalist



Sep 10

EXCLUSIVE: Police Audio, Report Confirm Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: ‘They All Had Geese In Their Hands’

6:40 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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0d8238 No.220653

File: 78a27c73a8dd501⋯.png (81.86 KB,601x648,601:648,Clipboard.png)

File: 169d1a674cdfa06⋯.png (22.78 KB,1210x384,605:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575878 (120957ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk - People want to know what’s really going on, not be fed curated propaganda

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Elon Musk


People want to know what’s really going on, not be fed curated propaganda






BREAKING: 𝕏 is on the rise, while Facebook faces a steady decline.

By the end of August, 𝕏 saw a strong 22% year-over-year growth, while Facebook has been facing a steady decline, with traffic dropping by 9-10% annually, as reported by Benzinga.

6:36 PM · Sep 11, 2024




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0d8238 No.220654

File: f3b262f0d6ce113⋯.png (574.04 KB,817x835,817:835,Clipboard.png)

File: f9bf30cba8518a2⋯.png (908.25 KB,1121x916,1121:916,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d6566079f33fa⋯.png (1.01 MB,582x1100,291:550,Clipboard.png)

File: 59439186e7fa9ec⋯.png (444.37 KB,960x433,960:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575892 (121005ZSEP24) Notable: Roger Stone: While working for CNN in 2016, Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton the questions for her debate with @realDonaldTrump in advance.

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Roger Stone


While working for CNN in 2016, Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton the questions for her debate with @realDonaldTrump in advance.

Trump crushed Hillary in the debate nonetheless.

Now, Donna Brazile works for ABC…

Did history repeat itself?

Sep 12, 2024, 12:08 AM


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0d8238 No.220655

File: a330320acf534f4⋯.png (186 B,4x2,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575896 (121007ZSEP24) Notable: KAMALIES: 25 Lies Kamala Harris Told During The Debate

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KAMALIES: 25 Lies Kamala Harris Told During The Debate [READ NOW]

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.11.24

Despite being fact-checked a total of zero times by ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, the folks over at The Federalist found twenty-five lies and misleading statements Kamala Harris dropped during her debate with former President Donald Trump.

She lied about everything from her upbringing to Trump’s abortion stance.

From The Federalist:

1. ‘Middle-Class Kid’

Harris claimed that she grew up a “middle-class kid.” That is not true. As previously noted by journalist Megyn Kelly, Harris’ father was a professor at Stanford University, while her mother was a biomedical scientist at UC Berkley.

2. Trump’s Tax Cuts

Harris falsely insinuated that the 2017 tax cuts approved by the Trump administration disproportionately benefited America’s billionaires and corporations.

That is not true. Data produced by the IRS has shown that “on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans’ tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent,” according to Justin Haskins, writing in The Hill.

3. Trump ‘Sales Tax’

Harris claimed Trump will implement a “sales tax.” Trump has not pledged to do such a thing if elected president.

4. Jan. 6

Harris contended that the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol was the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Contrary to Harris’ claim, the J6 events did not put American self-governance in jeopardy, nor did it expose Americans to risks like those experienced during World War I, the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, or World War II, to name a few.

5. Project 2025

Harris claimed Trump will implement Project 2025 if elected. Trump has repeatedly said he has nothing to do with Project 2025.

6. Just Restoring Roe

When asked whether she supports any restrictions on abortion, Harris dodged the question, instead claiming that she “absolutely support[s] reinstating the protections of Roe v Wade.”

Moments before that, however, Harris pledged to sign legislation such as the ill-named “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would codify abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. In addition to her history of co-sponsoring the original version of that legislation, Harris also voted against protections for babies born alive after botched abortions.

7. Pro-Life Laws Criminalize Miscarriages, Ectopic Pregnancies

Harris claimed that several states have “Trump abortion bans” that “make it criminal for a doctor or nurse to provide health care,” threaten women with prison time, and “make no exception, even for rape or incest.”

The lifesaving laws designed to protect thousands of innocents every year from elective abortions, however, do not criminalize treatments for spontaneous loss or complications. In fact, every single pro-life policy on the books includes exceptions for abortion when it is deemed necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.

8. Trump’s Abortion Stance

Trump, Harris told Americans on Tuesday night, will sign a national abortion ban and hire a national “abortion … monitor that would be monitoring your pregnancies, your miscarriages” if he is elected.

The Republican’s 2024 abortion platform, however, explicitly states decisions about ending life in the womb should be left “up to the states” and mentions nothing about crowning a national pro-life coordinator. The GOP presidential nominee has also sworn multiple times that he would not sign federal legislation curbing abortion.

Full list over at The Federalist:

25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trumphttps://t.co/tlfTh8MNov

— The Federalist (@FDRLST) September 11, 2024


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0d8238 No.220656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575956 (121032ZSEP24) Notable: Report: UK will allow Ukraine to strike Russia with Storm Shadow missiles - IS IT TRUE? DIG CALL

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UK will allow Ukraine to strike Russia with Storm Shadow missiles


One of the sources told the Guardian that the joint visit to Kyiv by UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy and US State Secretary Antony Blinken would not have taken place without this decision.

The UK is said to consider that making a public statement on the deployment of long-range missiles for strikes on Russia would be "unnecessarily provocative".

It is also "likely" that there may be certain restrictions on Ukraine’s use of Storm Shadows "to avoid reckless or unnecessary attacks", the Guardian said.

The issue of long-range strikes in Russia will be discussed at a meeting between US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer at the White House this Friday, 13 September.

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0d8238 No.220657

File: 38599f3dd272b22⋯.jpeg (380.32 KB,1170x2167,1170:2167,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e377afd16820c9a⋯.jpeg (463.99 KB,1170x2188,585:1094,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4754bd5b9938061⋯.jpeg (547.53 KB,1170x2312,585:1156,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575999 (121055ZSEP24) Notable: Microsoft to cut 650 more gaming jobs

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Microsoft to cut 650 more gaming jobs

It's the second big round of cuts at the Xbox-maker this year following its purchase of Activision Blizzard


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0d8238 No.220658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576028 (121110ZSEP24) Notable: (7:35 AM EDT) Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski

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7:35 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski

Warsaw, Poland



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0d8238 No.220659

File: a88c1af33797a1b⋯.png (593.74 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576030 (121111ZSEP24) Notable: White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News

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White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220660

File: 0fb0013c7166942⋯.png (348.46 KB,988x643,988:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576054 (121127ZSEP24) Notable: Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation

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Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation

While on Tuesday VP Harris, the State-run media and former president Trump were squaring off in a debate which only touched on bad foreign policy a couple of times, only briefly related to Ukraine and Gaza, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un issued statements vowing to exponentially boost the nation's nuclear arsenal.

Kim gave a speech marking the 76th founding anniversary of his government at the start of this week. He said that a nuclear overhaul is needed to defend the country from "hostile" forces and that North Korea faces a grave threat as a result of the reckless expansion the United States-led military bloc in the region.

North Korea will "redouble its measures and efforts to make all the armed forces of the state, including the nuclear force, fully ready for combat," he sated.

In particular Kim was reacting to a new US-South Korean defense agreement signed in July. The new agreement allows for the integration of US nuclear weapons and South Korean conventional weapons to defend the peninsula from the nuclear-armed north if need be.

Regional analysts have pointed out that these warnings of 'exponential' increases in nukes began in 2022. Yang Uk, a research fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, has been cited in international reports as saying, "From the end of the following year, they started to mention 'exponential increases'," - he said in reference to the 8th Party Congress held in 2021.

"We believe that by 2027 North Korea can secure enough nuclear material for about 200 warheads and by 2030, this can reach 300," Yang added.


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0d8238 No.220661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576112 (121156ZSEP24) Notable: #26429

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final bun for #26429

all in

czech em

#26429 >>220630

>>220631 Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

>>220632 California dems want to drop requirement for illegals to have to use Social Security #s for taxpayer funded programs

>>220633 House Pushes Back On China's Infiltration Of American Campuses With New Bill

>>220634, >>220636 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>220637 Sept 10th Presidential debate under 1 minute

>>220638 This is one of the greatest corrections in history from TIME magazine

>>220639 Melania speaking out on Trump's assassination attempt

>>220640 Anna Paulina Luna: 911 call from August 26th in Springfield, Ohio reporting 4 Haitian Migrants carrying dead geese

>>220641 And that's a wrap! Boring Company's 15th tunnel

>>220642 Elon: Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget

>>220643 Gutfeld: This was a blatant assault on Trump

>>220635 Memes

>>220644 DOJ has dropped almost half of the remaining obstruction charges that are still pending against January 6 defendants, according to recent DOJ data.

>>220645 One of the largest traffickers in Mexico, the Los Zetas cartel's incarcerated members reported to missionaries their biggest client for their product is the American government

>>220646 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24 - RSBN will be LIVE at 3:00 p.m. ET.

>>220647 Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

>>220648 Trump has the culture. Young TikTokers are using Trump’s “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats” line from the debate into a trend

>>220651 After days of the establishment denying a migrant crisis in Springfield exists, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announces he is sending $2.5M and state troopers to Springfield to tackle the crisis.

>>220652 It's telling that even Haitian migrants recognize the processed food in our grocery stores isn't suitable for consumption.

>>220649 Attack drones to use Ukraine's cellphone network for strikes, war expert says

>>220650 Three judges have recused themselves from the case concerning Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' attempt to block subpoenas requiring her to testify before a Georgia State Senate committee this week

>>220653 @elonmusk - People want to know what’s really going on, not be fed curated propaganda

>>220654 Roger Stone: While working for CNN in 2016, Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton the questions for her debate with @realDonaldTrump in advance.

>>220655 KAMALIES: 25 Lies Kamala Harris Told During The Debate

>>220656 Report: UK will allow Ukraine to strike Russia with Storm Shadow missiles - IS IT TRUE? DIG CALL

Ghost grab

>>220657 Microsoft to cut 650 more gaming jobs

>>220658 (7:35 AM EDT) Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski

>>220659 White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News

>>220660 Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220662

File: fb16ac8826cc01f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 23eab8e81cc4344⋯.webp (67.59 KB,1016x1011,1016:1011,Clipboard.webp)

File: 8a1073c1faac4d5⋯.jpg (654.47 KB,1615x1440,323:288,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577194 (121616ZSEP24) Notable: #26431

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fresh dough


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0d8238 No.220663

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577278 (121631ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris's Role In January 6th And Its Cover-Up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Julie Kelly Breaks Down Kamala Harris's Role In January 6th And Its Cover-Up



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577287 (121632ZSEP24) Notable: The INSANE Evolution of Click Farms - attempt to manipulate public opinion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The INSANE Evolution of Click Farms

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220665

File: 576042e4dd22796⋯.png (222.62 KB,617x420,617:420,Clipboard.png)

File: 4815e5dc930712f⋯.jpg (56.08 KB,640x636,160:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577293 (121633ZSEP24) Notable: Propaganda is powerless; people see for themselves who wants peace and who just says the right words – Putin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@RT_com 24m

Propaganda is powerless; people see for themselves who wants peace and who just says the right words – Putin

Sep 12, 2024 · 4:06 PM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577295 (121633ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Happenings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1:00 PM EDT

NPC Headliner Luncheon: Brooke Shields

National Press Club (NPC)



1:00 PM EDT

Fair Play: Promoting Justice, Fairness, and Opportunity in College Sports- The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference (ALC)

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation





September 12, 2024

Discussion on Future of College Sports at Congressional Black Caucus Conf.

Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) moderates a discussion on the future of college sports at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 53rd annual legislative conference in Washington, DC.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220667

File: 79ef0e4d0aa7bb8⋯.mp4 (1003.39 KB,482x270,241:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577305 (121634ZSEP24) Notable: This was the most powerful framing by Trump in the entire debate - Independents agree!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charlie Kirk


This was the most powerful framing by Trump in the entire debate, and Independent voters agree:

"She's saying she's going to this, she's going to do that. She's going to do all of these wonderful things. Why hasn't she done it? She's had 3.5 years."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220668

File: af38c3533617a81⋯.png (50.89 KB,892x307,892:307,Clipboard.png)

File: a27dceeaa635509⋯.png (23.69 KB,856x161,856:161,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577336 (121639ZSEP24) Notable: New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has Resigns as corruption probe continues

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NYPD boss resigns as Dem mayor's inner circle faces possible corruption probe

New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban had been pressured to resign for days

By Michael Ruiz , Alexis McAdams Fox News

Published September 12, 2024 12:10pm EDT | Updated September 12, 2024 12:17pm EDT


New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has resigned days after federal agents raided his home, his brother's and other city officials and seized their electronic devices.

Sources told Fox News Digital that Caban's twin brother, James, was also under investigation in connection with his nightlife consulting business.

Rumors of a pending resignation have swirled for days in connection with the probe.

Big Apple Mayor Eric Adams told reporters little Tuesday in response to repeated questions about Caban's fitness for the job or whether he should resign, but said he had full confidence in the NYPD as a whole.


"What's important to me, and the reason I keep saying NYPD, because Commissioner Caban is part of a team there, and an entire team has to function," he said. "One person does not determine the success of the New York City Police Department."

The New York Post reported Wednesday that one of Caban's top aides has suspected ties to the Chinese Communist Party and worked for a group that spreads Chinese propaganda in the United States. It's the latest in a string of China-linked officials in New York politics.


Last month, prosecutors secured an indictment for Linda Sun, a former top aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul who is accused of being a Communist agent, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering.

Winnie Greco, another Adams aide, was also raided in connection with a campaign fundraising investigation.

Adams appointed Caban as the NYPD's first Hispanic commissioner last July.

Last year, federal agents seized Adams' devices as he was leaving an event in Manhattan and raided the home of one of his top fundraisers. Adams has denied any wrongdoing, but confirmed last month he had received a subpoena from federal prosecutors and said he and his team are cooperating.

Fox News' Landon Mion and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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0d8238 No.220669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577342 (121640ZSEP24) Notable: New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has Resigns as corruption probe continues

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NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigns — a week after federal raids: ‘For the good of this city’


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0d8238 No.220670

File: 6b249d47a32d140⋯.png (668.38 KB,1530x905,306:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577345 (121640ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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SpaceX BlueBird 1-5 Mission

On Thursday, September 12 at 4:52 a.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched AST SpaceMobile’s BlueBird 1-5 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

This was the 13th flight for the Falcon 9 first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Crew-6, O3b mPOWER, USSF-124, and nine Starlink missions.


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0d8238 No.220671

File: d24a11357a420f6⋯.png (271.19 KB,614x489,614:489,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577367 (121644ZSEP24) Notable: Attorney General Garland following orders and doing his job

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Attorney General Garland: "The Justice Department will not be intimidated by these attacks, but it is dangerous and outrageous that you have to endure them. It is dangerous to target and intimidate individual employees of this Department solely for doing their jobs."

Sep 12, 2024 · 4:31 PM UTC


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0d8238 No.220672

File: 9f9d86546613b77⋯.png (994.53 KB,1200x565,240:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 188b2d9eeeb06c2⋯.png (248.53 KB,539x753,539:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577376 (121646ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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AST SpaceMobile deploys first production direct-to-smartphone satellites

September 12, 2024

SpaceX launched the first five production satellites for AST SpaceMobile’s direct-to-smartphone broadband constellation Sept. 11.

A Falcon 9 carrying the Block 1 BlueBird spacecraft lifted off 4:52 a.m. Eastern from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, and finished releasing all five satellites into low Earth orbit about 68 minutes later.

AST SpaceMobile founder, chair and CEO Abel Avellan said the operator established full contact with all five spacecraft post-launch.

Five satellites would only be able to provide intermittent connectivity totaling less than an hour a day in the United States, AST SpaceMobile president and chief strategy officer Scott Wisniewski told SpaceNews in an interview, where the company plans initial services for mobile network partners seeking to extend their coverage beyond the reach of cell towers.

Still, Wisniewski said intermittent services would be useful for remote monitoring devices, emergency backups and beta tests with customers interested in full text, voice and data broadband services from space.

U.S. telcos AT&T and Verizon have invested in the Texas-based venture and plan to provide the wireless frequencies the constellation needs to reach standard smartphones already in circulation in the United States.

AST SpaceMobile also announced a revenue-generating government contract early this year using BlueWalker-3, AST SpaceMobile’s prototype satellite that SpaceX launched two years ago.

Wisniewski said two more government contracts are currently being contemplated.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission gave AST SpaceMobile conditional approval last month to operate its first five BlueBirds, but stopped short of allowing them to test services with wireless frequencies from AT&T and Verizon.

AST SpaceMobile also requires permission to provide commercial direct-to-smartphone services.

Wisniewski said the venture needs to resubmit regulatory filings to the FCC about its commercial service, and plans to avoid interfering with other networks, after Verizon joined AT&T as a partner and investor in the company.

He said AST SpaceMobile is in no rush to seek permission to test wireless frequencies from its recently launched BlueBirds as it completes in-orbit health checks and tests other systems on the satellites.

“When we want to start testing the wireless frequencies, which will be within the next three months, we’ll have either the commercial approval or we’ll file for a temporary” test license.

The FCC has many space applications to work through and tends to prioritize those approaching service, he said, adding that AST SpaceMobile has licenses to test wireless frequencies from the five BlueBirds in other countries it plans to deploy services.

The company has also successfully tested cellular frequencies from space with BlueWalker-3, which is roughly the same size as a Block 1 BlueBird with a solar array spanning 64 square meters — the largest commercial antenna deployed to LEO.

According to AST SpaceMobile, BlueWalker-3 has achieved more than 21 megabits per second (Mbps) download speeds during tests with standard smartphones.

In May, AST SpaceMobile moved the licensing administration for its constellation from Papua New Guinea to the United States after shifting its initial commercial focus to the country.

“We wouldn’t have done that if we didn’t feel good about approvals in the U.S.,” Wisniewski said.

Around 45-60 satellites would be enough to provide continuous services in the United States, at which point AT&T plans to roll out the capability to mobile customers.

“While testing will continue with each launch, we will only provide services to mobile customers when the full array is complete,” AT&T head of network Chris Sambar said via email.

“It is too early to give a specific date on when this service will become available,” he added, “but the Sept. 12 satellite launch is a major milestone toward making this vision a reality.”

Verizon did not reply to a request for comment.



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0d8238 No.220673

File: abf76e56725aa6a⋯.png (230.65 KB,614x439,614:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577433 (121652ZSEP24) Notable: ME Israel

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War Watch

@WarWatchs 10m

Brigadier General Yossi Sariel, commander of the IDF's Intelligence Unit 8200, has submitted his resignation to IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

Sep 12, 2024 · 4:41 PM UTC



>Anons winning


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0d8238 No.220674

File: f9b69399cf85258⋯.png (358.84 KB,661x794,661:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ae30c94521365e⋯.mp4 (373.36 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577452 (121657ZSEP24) Notable: Stop Eating The Pets STOP IT!!! kek or Make a Song About It

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STOP IT!!!🤣🤣🤣


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0d8238 No.220675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577475 (121702ZSEP24) Notable: Voters see Trump as more moderate than Harris

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Democrats frustrated with poll showing voters see Trump as more moderate

(They are surprised that people know who she is, a radical and awful Marxist…KEK And all their lies are not working, I wonder why?)

Amie Parnes

Tue, September 10, 2024 at 5:18 PM EDT·6 min read

Democrats are voicing frustrations at polling that shows more voters see former President Trump as the moderate candidate in the presidential race against Vice President Harris. Democrats for years have cast Trump as an extremist who is a threat to democracy. But a poll released by The New York Times and Siena College found more voters see Harris as too liberal than see Trump as too conservative.

Democrats in Congress were stunned by the notion that Trump could be viewed as the more moderate figure.“This may be the first question posed to me during my six years for which I don’t have an immediate response, because it seems so incongruent with what I think to be reality,” said Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.).

“It’s a mind-blowing contention that he’s the more moderate candidate. I’m literally speechless, other than recognizing that the perception must be — especially amongst right-wing media — that she’s just an uber-leftist,” he said. “And I don’t think that’s who she is.”

Rep. Katherine Clark (Mass.), the Democratic whip, delivered a similar message of disbelief. “The poll that matters is on Election Day, and I don’t think that Donald Trump is getting elected for his moderate views,” she said. “And if we’re now calling a national abortion ban, taking away veterans’ benefits, closing our public schools, moderate — god help us all.”

The survey suggests GOP attacks on Harris have been effective in painting her as farther to the left and that Democratic attacks on Trump as an extremist have not landed as solidly.

And it left some Democrats complaining about the voters polled by the surveys. “Donald Trump has no core values, so therefore he has been on either side of so many issues throughout his political career,” said Democratic strategist Rodell Mollineau. “He’ll go to one crowd and say he’s going to do this and go to another crowd and say he’s going to do that. So it should not be surprising that there are some voters who see him in that light.”

Mollineau argued that Trump has aligned himself with “the most conservative members of the Republican Party” and that Democrats need to do a better job of messaging to win over voters who see Trump as the more moderate candidate.

The New York Times/Siena poll out earlier this week revealed that only 32 percent of likely voters say Trump is “too conservative.” When asked if Trump was too conservative, not conservative enough, or not too far either way, 49 percent say he is “not too far either way”

Asked about Harris, 47 percent of likely voters said they viewed her as “too liberal or progressive,” 9 percent said “not liberal or progressive enough” and 41 percent said “not too far either way.”

The poll unnerved Democrats who have lauded the Harris campaign’s efforts in taking a more centrist tack since becoming the nominee. Harris has moved toward the center on taxes from President Biden, for example, and she has dropped her call for a ban on fracking, a critical issue in the swing state of Pennsylvania.

Phillips acknowledged that Harris is vulnerable to attacks from the right after shifting to the left during the Democrats’ 2020 presidential primary.Harris ran for president in the 2020 cycle and adopted a number of liberal positions as she battled candidates such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the Democratic primary.

“Vice President Harris, because of her pivot to the left during the 2020 election, clearly has baggage — at least amongst Independents and moderate Republicans — that she’s going to have to address,” he said. But he also argued that Harris is the much more moderate figure — and was incredulous that the contest would be framed otherwise.

Democratic strategist Nayyera Haq said voters have forgotten what Trump was like in office. “This is the challenge of Trump having been around for so long, some people are forgetting how dangerous and erratic he was in the White House,” she said….


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0d8238 No.220676

File: 38ca4dd0685c544⋯.png (206.16 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577499 (121708ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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New record! 19 people are orbiting Earth right now

September 11, 2024

Earth orbit is busier right now than it's ever been.

Three people launched toward the International Space Station (ISS) today (Sept. 11) aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule, pushing the total number of people in Earth orbit to a new high-water mark.

"With the trio now in orbit, there is a record of 19 people currently in orbit," NASA commentator Anna Schneider said during the agency's webcast of the Soyuz liftoff. The old record was 17, set last year.

The Soyuz that launched today is carrying NASA's Don Pettit and cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Ivan Vagner.

The trio is expected to arrive at the ISS around 3:30 p.m. EDT (1930 GMT), just three hours after launch.

They'll join nine people aboard the orbiting lab: NASA astronauts Michael Barratt, Tracy Caldwell-Dyson, Matthew Dominick, Jeanette Epps, Barry Wilmore and Suni Williams, and cosmonauts Nikolai Chub, Alexander Grebenkin and Oleg Kononenko.

Wilmore and Williams were supposed to be home already; they launched this past June on Crew Flight Test (CFT), the first-ever crewed mission of Boeing's Starliner capsule.

CFT was supposed to last just 10 days or so, but Starliner suffered thruster problems in orbit, and NASA kept the capsule docked to the ISS for three months while studying the issue.

Ultimately, the agency decided to return Starliner to Earth uncrewed — which happened over the weekend — and bring Williams and Wilmore home on a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule next February.

There are also three people living aboard China's Tiangong space station at the moment — Li Cong, Li Guangsu and Ye Guangfu of the nation's Shenzhou 18 mission — and four astronauts inhabiting a free-flying Crew Dragon.

That quartet — Jared Isaacman, Scott Poteet, Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon —launched Tuesday (Sept. 10) on the five-day Polaris Dawn mission.

Their Crew Dragon, named Resilience, has already gotten farther from Earth than any crewed vehicle since the Apollo era, and Polaris Dawn aims to make more history soon: Isaacman and Gillis plan to conduct the first-ever private spacewalk at around 2:20 a.m. EDT (0620 GMT) on Thursday (Sept. 12).

The record for most people in space overall is 20, set in May 2023 and then tied on Jan. 26 of this year.

On both occasions, 14 orbiting spaceflyers were joined briefly in the final frontier by six space tourists who reached the suborbital realm aboard Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity space plane.

VSS Unity gets more than 50 miles (80 kilometers) above Earth, which NASA and the U.S. military regard as the beginning of outer space.

But the vehicle doesn't reach the 62-mile-high (100 km) Kármán line, which some other people and organizations recognize as space's boundary.

For Kármán line devotees, the "most people in space" record is 19, set during the NS-19 flight of Blue Origin's suborbital New Shepard vehicle on Dec. 11, 2021 — and tied today with the Soyuz launch.


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0d8238 No.220677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577510 (121710ZSEP24) Notable: Black Student Union exits pro-Palestine coalition over 'anti-Blackness'

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UMich Black Student Union exits pro-Palestine coalition over 'anti-Blackness'

The University of Michigan’s Black Student Union withdrew from a pro-Palestine coalition of student groups due to pervasive "anti-Blackness."

“Black identities, voices, and bodies are not valued in this coalition.”

September 11, 2024, 9:43 am ET

The University of Michigan’s Black Student Union withdrew from a pro-Palestine coalition of student groups due to pervasive “anti-Blackness.”

In a letter posted to Instagram, the Black Student Union explained that it is withdrawing from the TAHRIR Coalition at the University of Michigan, a group of student organizations supporting Palestinians.

”Members of our organization and our community have dedicated their time, energy, and well-being to the continued existence and strength of the coalition - despite repeated instances of being erased, belittled, and berated,” the BSU explained. “These community members did so with the belief that the work of the coalition would be furthered by their sacrifice — that it would be worth the vitriol they received. However, as Black people, we are not obligated to sacrifice ourselves for any organization that does not value or understand us.

The anti-Blackness within the coalition has been too pervasive to overcome, and we refuse to endure it.

The group that the UMich BSU separated from, the TAHRIR Coalition, describes itself as a “movement dedicated to the liberation of all people” and advocates for “resistance against systems of domination and struggle to destroy their manifestations at the University of Michigan, throughout Turtle Island, and across the globe.”

However, the BSU now states that they collaborated with the TAHRIR Coalition “because of a perceived understanding that our collaboration would further both Black and Palestinian liberation, and that our community would be welcomed and respected.”

The group claims that this is not the case, as it “has become increasingly apparent that Black identities, voices, and bodies are not valued in this coalition.” The group attributes this notion to the motivation behind the group’s exit from the coalition.

Despite the move to separate, the BSU states in the conclusion of the letter that the “historical ties between Black and Palestinian peoples are inextricably linked, and should always be respected and upheld.”

TAHRIR responded in a separate statement, writing “We are fully committed to addressing and fighting anti-Blackness in our coalition, at this university, and beyond.”

”The TAHRIR Coalition met over the weekend to share concerns and experiences, work on next steps, specifically in creating and maintaining safe spaces for open discussions with all our campus and local community members,” the group wrote.

Campus Reform has contacted The University of Michigan and the UMich BSU for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.


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0d8238 No.220678

File: 9a7d6b9c7bce6bb⋯.png (347.47 KB,794x444,397:222,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577538 (121716ZSEP24) Notable: City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

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>>>/qresearch/21566141 The Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua has reportedly taken control of the Gateway Hotel in El Paso, Texas.


Texas City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

by Tyler Durden

Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 - 08:45 AM

Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),


Texas authorities say they are shutting down a crime-ridden hotel housing Tren de Aragua gang members and investigating the gang’s criminal involvement in other cities.

El Paso County Attorney Christina Sanchez filed a lawsuit on Aug. 27 to close the Gateway Hotel on Stanton St. in downtown El Paso, Texas, for multiple code violations, noting 693 police and service calls to the location over the past two years.

The lawsuit names as defendants the Gateway Hotel; Gigante Enterprises LLC, which owns the business; and hotel owner Howard Yun.

Tren de Aragua gang members have occupied the Gateway Hotel since at least June, according to court documents obtained by The Epoch Times.

Elhiu Dominguez, special projects coordinator with El Paso County, told The Epoch Times that a judge granted an order to close the hotel by Sept. 12.

The temporary injunction signed by District Judge Maria Salas-Mendoza will shut down the hotel pending a Dec. 9 hearing on a permanent injunction. Residents will have until 10 a.m. on Sept. 12 to vacate the hotel.

Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang with an estimated 5,000 members, is feared in Latin America and has been connected to murder, drugs, and human trafficking.

Their members are believed to be taking advantage of the border crisis chaos, illegally slipping across the U.S. southern border.

“Watch out for this gang. It is the most powerful in Venezuela, known for murder, drug trafficking, sex crimes, extortion, & other violent acts,” Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, in April as a warning about the gang.

President Joe Biden designated Tren de Aragua as a transnational criminal organization in July at the urging of Rep. María Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

“Over the last year, the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has managed to move their operations north by taking advantage of our porous southern border,” Salazar said.

“My constituents in Miami, many of them Venezuelans themselves, should not have to endure living amongst the same kinds of criminals that forced them to leave their home country.”

In El Paso, “deplorable” conditions exist inside the once-condemned hotel, which has been the location of at least 10 aggravated assaults, 13 instances of assaultive conduct/fights, 11 drug delivery or possession charges, 20 disorderly conduct incidents, and at least one indecency with a child call, according to court documents.

Security videos at the Gateway Hotel show an aggravated assault and “men holding knives and another man with a hatchet assaulting people and causing damage to the hotel in front of a security guard,” court documents state.

In an affidavit included in the court documents, El Paso Police Officer Samuel Medina said he suspects prostitution is taking place at the hotel and said the “continuous incidents of criminal activity” have increased “with the introduction of the Tren de Aragua organization into the hotel.”

During a “hotel check” in July, a police officer noted that there were “people behind the front desk without hotel insignia or uniform looking at paperwork,” and an officer identified Tren de Aragua members at the hotel, according to court documents.

In August, police were called to the hotel with reports of loud noise and drinking. They reported that one person living on the third floor had a tattoo associated with the Venezuelan gang.

The hotel received a conditional certificate of occupancy for the first floor in 2018, but the court documents state that a new certificate was never issued.

The Epoch Times was unable to reach Yun for comment.

El Paso isn’t the only Texas city dealing with the Venezuelan gang.

Dallas Police spokeswoman Jennifer Pryor told The Epoch Times in a Sept. 10 email that gang activity in north Dallas has been linked to Tren de Aragua.

“Our department is collaborating with other agencies to address possible crimes linked to this and other gangs in our city. We are dedicated to preventing criminal activity in our community and ensuring the safety of our residents,” she wrote.

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0d8238 No.220679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577545 (121717ZSEP24) Notable: City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

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part 2…

Gang’s Presence in Colorado Drew National Attention

The Venezuelan gang captured the attention of the nation in a viral video showing gun-toting gangsters seemingly operating with impunity at an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.

Law firm Perkins Coie, which represents the lender for Whispering Pines, a 54-unit apartment complex at 1357 Helena Street in Aurora, investigated the situation.

Perkins Coie’s 10-page letter to city officials documented how Tren de Aragua took over the Whispering Pines apartments with threats of murder, beatings, and intimidation.

Evidence indicates that the Venezuelan gang members in Aurora also engaged in human trafficking, according to Perkins Coie attorney T. Markus Funk.

Extortion, unlawful firearms possession, and sexual abuse of minors allegedly occurred at the apartment complex, “targeting vulnerable Venezuelan and other immigrant populations,” the letter states.

In one case, according to Funk, a consultant for the apartment complex’s management company was so severely beaten that he had to go to the hospital. The incident was captured on videotape.

The city of Aurora has cited “isolated situations” in a statement. The Aurora Police Department didn’t respond to The Epoch Times’ request for a tour of the affected buildings.

In a statement on Facebook on Sept. 11, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman and Public Safety Chair Danielle Jurinsky detailed the city’s efforts to combat the presence of the Venezuelan gang in their city.

Well before the issue came to national attention, they said, the Aurora police “had been arresting people for various criminal activities who had suspected, but not necessarily confirmed” connections to the gang.

Tren de Aragua’s presence in Aurora “is limited to specific properties, all of which the city has been addressing in various ways for months,” according to the statement.

Epoch Times Reporter Allan Stein contributed to this report.

Tyler Durden Thu, 09/12/2024 - 11:45

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0d8238 No.220680

File: d46d1d831eb433d⋯.png (366.22 KB,616x402,308:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577546 (121717ZSEP24) Notable: Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference

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@Reuters 1h

Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference


Sep 12, 2024 · 4:01 PM UTC


Something smells bad in the kitchen…just saying.

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0d8238 No.220681

File: efb60e1dc95cdf3⋯.png (57.72 KB,594x218,297:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577551 (121718ZSEP24) Notable: Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

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Marianne Williamson


Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5.Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo.

10:01 AM · Sep 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.220682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577553 (121719ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

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Live in 102 minutes

September 12 at 12:00 PM

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

307 waiting Scheduled for Sep 12, 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on our struggling economy and the rising cost of housing in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

RSBN will be LIVE at 3:00 p.m. ET.


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0d8238 No.220683

File: 9a381c5bed6c36b⋯.png (454.32 KB,752x680,94:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577555 (121719ZSEP24) Notable: Babylon Bee Double Kek

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0d8238 No.220684

File: d1bb59760a54911⋯.png (444.94 KB,583x541,583:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577566 (121721ZSEP24) Notable: New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has Resigns as corruption probe continues

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New York Post


NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban will resign today — a week after federal raids: sourceshttps://trib.al/ulk889G

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0d8238 No.220685

File: 402b4cebf20c74e⋯.jpeg (7.79 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577624 (121731ZSEP24) Notable: Harvey Weinstein indicted on new charges after New York conviction overturned

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Harvey Weinstein indicted on new charges after New York conviction overturned

Harvey Weinstein has been indicted on additional sex crimes charges, Manhattan prosecutors said at a Thursday hearing, according to the Associated Press.

The indictment for the disgraced Hollywood producer remains under seal until Wednesday. The new charges come ahead of a retrial for Weinstein, after a previous rape conviction collapsed this year.


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0d8238 No.220686

File: ea3fa2025773616⋯.png (281.39 KB,970x541,970:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577626 (121732ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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The bubbling surface of a distant star was captured on video for the 1st time ever

September 12, 2024

Astronomers have gotten the first-ever detailed views of turbulent activity in a star other than our own sun.

A time-lapse video released Wednesday (Sept. 11) shows enormous gas bubbles roiling on a nearby star called R Doradus, a red giant about 300 times bigger than our sun that lies roughly 180 light-years away, in the southern constellation Dorado.

Like a boiling soup on a stovetop, the star's scorching material erupts on its surface in bubbles, which astronomers estimate swell to a whopping 75 times our sun's size.

"It is spectacular that we can now directly image the details on the surface of stars so far away," Behzad Bojnodi Arbab, a doctoral student at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and a co-author of a new study about the observations, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, said in a statement.

Thanks to the latest images, astronomers can now "observe physics that until now was mostly only observable in our sun," Arbab added.

The video is pieced together from the best-ever images of the star's chaotic surface, which were captured by a network of radio telescopes in Chile called the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, or ALMA for short.

The images show the plasma bubbles, which are driven by heat rising from the star's core, crashing on its surface so violently that they appear to slightly deform the star.

"We had never expected the data to be of such high quality that we could see so many details of the convection on the stellar surface," study lead author Wouter Vlemmings, a professor at Chalmers University of Technology, said in the statement.

From the latest snapshots of R Doradus, which ALMA captured from early July to August of last year, Vlemmings and his colleagues estimate the star's plasma bubbles rise and fall on a one-month cycle, which is faster than the timeline followed by similar convective cells abundant on our sun's surface.

"We don't yet know what is the reason for the difference," said Vlemmings.

Though R Doradus is incredibly bloated, its mass is similar to that of our sun.

So study team members suspect the star reflects how our sun will look in about five billion years, when it will enter its red giant phase by ballooning up to the point of swallowing Mercury and Venus.

"It seems that convection changes as a star gets older in ways that we don't yet understand," said Vlemmings.

Previous ALMA observations showed that R Doradus is spinning at least two orders of magnitude faster than expected for a red giant.

In the new study, Vlemmings and his team ruled out the possibility that the high spin is an illusion created by the star's boiling surface, a hypothesis that was recently put forth by a different team of astronomers studying Betelgeuse, another red giant in the constellation Orion known to spin 100 times faster than expected.

Vlemmings and his colleagues argue that R Doradus' rotation rate is much longer than the one-month cycle they found its convective bubbles to operate in, thus ruling out the odds of telescopes being tricked by such a chance alignment of gas bubbles.



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0d8238 No.220687

File: 17a06437e890656⋯.png (355.74 KB,612x393,204:131,Clipboard.png)

File: d4e3d97c3e4780d⋯.jpg (235.3 KB,1600x1600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577629 (121732ZSEP24) Notable: Biden to host Quad summit September 21 in Delaware

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@Reuters 2h

Biden to host Quad summit September 21 in Delaware


Sep 12, 2024 · 3:15 PM UTC



Full control.

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0d8238 No.220688

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577637 (121734ZSEP24) Notable: Stop Eating The Pets STOP IT!!! kek or Make a Song About It

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0d8238 No.220689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577641 (121735ZSEP24) Notable: Information Warfare Defining and Analyzing - CyCon 2019 "opinion leaders"

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in scott adams podcast today he says Mike Benz showed that on NATO's Youtube channel, there's a frame that says "identify key actors" to advance their agenda, and Taylor Swift's image is shown on that frame.

has anyone found the sauce or original YT clip?

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0d8238 No.220690

File: a7bf30d3d59b6ba⋯.png (322.4 KB,792x508,198:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577663 (121741ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

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President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on our struggling economy and the rising cost of housing in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

RSBN will be LIVE at 3:00 p.m. ET


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0d8238 No.220691

File: 148fc07fa246069⋯.png (448.57 KB,1200x669,400:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577680 (121746ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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FAA defends Starship licensing delays

September 12, 2024

A day after harsh criticism from Congress and industry, the Federal Aviation Administration defended its approach to launch licensing and, specifically, its work with SpaceX.

At the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Aerospace Summit Sept. 11, the FAA said it has a good relationship with SpaceX but that timelines for launch licenses depend on choices the company makes.

“We work very well with SpaceX. We have a very strong dialogue with them,” said Dan Murray, executive director of operational safety at the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation.

“They get the majority of our resources because they’re doing the majority of the operations.”

That included, he noted, 80% of the “hundreds” of hours of overtime his office records each month.

“We are doing everything we can to work with them as efficiently as we can.”

The comments came a day after a hearing by the House space subcommittee where members and industry official criticized the FAA’s implementation of a new set of launch licensing regulations known as Part 450.

That coincided with a statement by SpaceX that said it recently learned the FAA had delayed an updated license for its next Starship launch by more than two months, to late November, for what it called a “superfluous environmental analysis.”

“We have a great dialogue with them. We prefer to have our dialogue directly with them,” Murray said when asked at the conference about the SpaceX public statement about the launch licensing delays.

He said the schedule for the next Starship launch, known as Flight 5, “is largely set by the choices that the company makes,” which he added is true for all companies that seek launch licenses.

Those choices include the scope of the license they seek, the timing of the information they provide, the completeness of the application and if the applicant changes information after submitting the application.

The schedule that the FAA provides for assessing a license is based on assumptions that the application is complete and doesn’t change, he said.

The FAA, in a separate statement Sept. 11, noted that the license the FAA issued for Starship’s previous launch in June allowed for multiple flights using the same profile, but SpaceX modified the profile for the next launch and also provided information only in mid-August about “how the environmental impact of Flight 5 will cover a larger area than previously reviewed,” requiring consultation with other agencies.

“The driver on the current schedule is the environmental review, in this case. The safety review is not done yet, either, but it’s on a shorter schedule,” Murray said.

He confirmed the issues in that review outlined in SpaceX’s Sept. 10 statement, including wastewater discharge from the pad’s water deluge system, sonic booms from the Super Heavy booster’s return to the launch pad and changes in the splashdown location of the interstage section.

He said his office has worked well with SpaceX on other regulatory issues.

He cited examples like allowing them to return to flight quickly after incidents that included an upper stage failure in July and unsuccessful landing in August.

The FAA also worked with the company for waivers to increase launch availability.

Murray appeared on a panel with executives of two other launch companies who said they have good relationships with the office.

“We have a longstanding positive relationship with the FAA’s space transportation office,” said Brett Alexander, chief revenue officer at Firefly Aerospace.

“No major concerns about the regulation itself or how it’s being implemented.”

“It’s been a very productive and constructive relationship and dialogue,” said Lars Hoffman, vice president of government sales at Blue Origin, on the work with FAA on getting a launch license for the company’s New Glenn rocket.

The FAA’s Murray said that the agency encourages companies that have gone through the Part 450 licensing process to share lessons learned with each other.

A new aerospace rulemaking committee will also allow industry to provide input on how to improve the licensing process.

“It does not require substantial changes,” he said of the Part 450 rules. “It’s not a perfect rule.

No rules are perfect. We’re very open to input that the industry has. That said, it’s not broken, either.”


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0d8238 No.220692

File: bea70425dc52499⋯.jpeg (569.65 KB,1680x1416,70:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a9b8d1cb88cc70⋯.jpeg (354.11 KB,1576x1571,1576:1571,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577681 (121746ZSEP24) Notable: DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event”

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Here we go. They are going to steal the election again.

The Biden-Harris DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event” to criminalize election protests.

“The designation empowers the Secret Service to lead security planning and provide extensive resources to state and local authorities assisting with its implementation. It will mean unprecedented levels of security when Congress certifies the results of the presidential election.” Politico reported.

“National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” Eric Ranaghan, special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division, said in a statement. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”


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0d8238 No.220693

File: 1a1ebb978a00768⋯.png (51.54 KB,641x322,641:322,Clipboard.png)

File: a343e45ffa09a44⋯.png (482.5 KB,664x490,332:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 38316ead10fb9be⋯.png (503.59 KB,647x698,647:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577683 (121746ZSEP24) Notable: Trump wanted to talk about the assassination attempt and the ABC moderators just muted him

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The moderators of the presidential debate hosted by ABC News have been criticized for not asking Donald Trump about the failed attempt on his life.

David Muir and Linsey Davis quickly moved on after the Republican candidate for president mentioned being shot at one of his rallies in Pennsylvania during Tuesday's debate.

Neither the moderators nor VP Kamala Harris acknowledged the shooting even after Trump brought it up himself when questioned about the January 6 riots at the Capitol.

Trump said he 'probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that [Democrats] say about me.'

He added: 'They talk about democracy. I’m a threat to democracy. They’re the threat to democracy.'

Muir interrupted the president as he spoke about the attempt on his life, saying 'we have a lot to get to,' before moving on to another topic.

Trump made the comments after Muir asked him whether he regretted anything he said in the run-up to the riots.

In an essay for The Federalist, editorial director Kylee Griswold slams the moderators for inquiring about January 6 while failing to ask VP Kamala Harris whether the Democrats' rhetoric could have lead to the attempt on Trump's life.

Griswold wrote: 'Imagine refusing to ask the current vice president whether she regrets any of her hateful anti-Trump rhetoric and the Biden administration’s weaponization of the federal government against Trump that may have inspired an armed nutbag to fire at his head.'

Many social media users have also highlighted the moderators' failure to discuss the topic.

One X user said: 'One of my favorite parts of the debate was Harris straight up not acknowledging the assassination attempt on Trump even though he brought it up clearly hoping that he could get into an exchange with her about it.'

Another added: 'One of the funniest moments is the debate is when Trump wanted to talk about the assassination attempt and the moderators just muted him.'


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0d8238 No.220694

File: 19e3780861622f9⋯.png (1.52 MB,1907x1069,1907:1069,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577687 (121747ZSEP24) Notable: Information Warfare Defining and Analyzing - CyCon 2019 "opinion leaders"

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Found it.

Looks like its from some a NATO adjacent cyber warfare YT channel.

self nom notable

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0d8238 No.220695

File: 8d8318ce6941eab⋯.png (458.33 KB,618x476,309:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 12301b64ca7ef79⋯.png (1.65 MB,1247x935,1247:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577695 (121748ZSEP24) Notable: SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan

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New York Post

@nypost 9m

SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan: report


Sep 12, 2024 · 5:37 PM UTC



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0d8238 No.220696

File: 8d0659065aad008⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577702 (121750ZSEP24) Notable: ChatGPT asked to analyze the Debate moderators bias LISTEN TO RESPONSE

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Insurrection Barbie


So this guy put the entire debate transcript in ChatGPT and asked ChatGPT to analyze the moderator bias and every single person needs to hear this because oh my God is it right on the money.

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0d8238 No.220697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577704 (121751ZSEP24) Notable: Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate

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Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate


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0d8238 No.220698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577705 (121751ZSEP24) Notable: ChatGPT asked to analyze the Debate moderators bias LISTEN TO RESPONSE

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sauce: https://x.com/DefiyantlyFree/status/1834252484761846123 >>220696 (me)

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0d8238 No.220699

File: 161739fb9dacda6⋯.png (464.12 KB,610x815,122:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577706 (121751ZSEP24) Notable: KEEP THE CAT MEMES GOING!!! IT'S DRIVING THEM CRAZY!!!

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0d8238 No.220700

File: d181876adb2a605⋯.png (415.86 KB,1161x744,387:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577712 (121752ZSEP24) Notable: Trumps gag order remains in place after new york court rejects appeal

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On Thursday, the New York Court of Appeals tossed out 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s appeal of the gag order in place in the falsified business records case brought forth by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

The court wrote in a brief order that "no substantial constitutional question is directly involved," and the former president’s appeal was dismissed, according to The Hill.

The order has remained partially in effect after Trump’s May conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business expenses, with Trump allowed to make statements about witnesses and jurors, but barred from making statements about prosecutors involved in the case or their families. Trump is allowed to make statements about Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan.

Trump’s sentencing in the case has been postponed until November 26. It was scheduled to take place on September 18.

Trump argued that the gag order had violated the First Amendment rights of himself as well as his supporters, noting his status as a 2024 presidential candidate. He asked the high court to hear his case after it was rejected in lower courts.

The state’s top court previously declined to hear Trump’s appeal of the full gag order, writing at the time that "no substantial constitutional question is directly involved" with the gag order in place. His latest appeal regarded the partial gag order left in place.


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0d8238 No.220701

File: 0bcf31b4c887f79⋯.png (37.71 KB,899x268,899:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577718 (121755ZSEP24) Notable: DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event”

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>The Biden-Harris DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event” to criminalize election protests.


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0d8238 No.220702

File: d6778b13e194e8d⋯.png (48.58 KB,734x283,734:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 25dc3c7da4b5953⋯.png (693.72 KB,755x556,755:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577726 (121757ZSEP24) Notable: Harvey Weinstein indicted on new charges after New York conviction overturned

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Disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been indicted on new charges by a Manhattan grand jury ahead of his highly anticipated second sex crimes trial in the city, prosecutors said Thursday.

“The Grand Jury has indicted Mr. Weinstein,” said Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Nicole Blumberg in a morning court hearing.

“We have not unsealed the actual indictment so we won’t speak about the specifics.”

The new indictment will add charges to Weinstein’s pending sex crimes trial – a proceeding that follows his original conviction and 23-year sentence being overturned in April.

Weinstein’s attorney, Arthur Aidala, said outside at a press conference that he believes the new indictment will have three new accusers bringing forth sex crimes against the ex Miramax honcho, who was not in court due to a recent health scare.

The new complaints, according to the attorney, happened during a five-month period in the winter of 2005 to 2006; a separate matter in April or May of 2006; and another complaint in 2016. But specifics details aren’t yet known.

“I don’t anticipate them being misdemeanors. I anticipate them being serious felonies,” Aidala said.

Weinstein remains hospitalized at Bellevue Hospital where he underwent emergency open-heart surgery after experiencing chest pains and being rushed out of Rikers Island earlier this week.


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0d8238 No.220703

File: 1d6e2f158e1c1d1⋯.png (400.26 KB,800x350,16:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 38e50401870a203⋯.png (788.47 KB,800x480,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e1818cca79e5a1⋯.png (471.51 KB,800x433,800:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577728 (121758ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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Space travel: Protection from cosmic radiation with boron nitride nanotube fibers

September 11, 2024

With the success of the Nuri launch last year and the recent launch of the newly established Korea Aerospace Administration, interest in space has increased, and both the public and private sectors are actively investing in space-related industries such as space travel. However, exposure to cosmic radiation is unavoidable when traveling to space.

A research team led by Dr. Dae-Yoon Kim from the Center for Functional Composite Materials at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) has developed a new composite fiber that can effectively block neutrons in space radiation.

The work is published in the journal Advanced Fiber Materials.

Neutrons in space radiation negatively affect life activities and cause electronic devices to malfunction, posing a major threat to long-term space missions.

By controlling the interaction between one-dimensional nanomaterials, boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs), and aramid polymers, the team developed a technique to perfectly blend the two difficult-to-mix materials. Based on this stabilized mixed solution, they produced lightweight, flexible, continuous fibers that do not burn at temperatures up to 500°C.

BNNTs have a similar structure to carbon nanotubes (CNTs), but because they contain a large number of boron in the lattice structure, their neutron absorption capacity is about 200,000 times higher than that of CNTs.

Therefore, if the developed BNNT composite fibers are made into fabrics of the desired shape and size, they can be applied as a good material that can effectively block radiation neutron transmission.

This means that BNNT composite fibers can be applied to the clothing we wear every day, effectively protecting flight crews, health care workers, power plant workers, and others who may be easily exposed to radiation.

In addition, the ceramic nature of BNNTs makes them highly heat-resistant, so they can be used in extreme environments.

Therefore, it can be used not only for space applications but also for defense and firefighting.

"By applying the functional textiles we have developed to the clothing we wear every day, we can easily create a minimum safety device for neutron exposure," said Dr. Dae-Yoon Kim of KIST.

"As Korea is developing very rapidly in the space and defense fields, we believe it will have great synergy."



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0d8238 No.220704

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577732 (121759ZSEP24) Notable: Stop Eating The Pets STOP IT!!! kek or Make a Song About It

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0d8238 No.220705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577734 (121800ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

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Feeds Up!

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24


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0d8238 No.220706

File: 094d3cade20fd72⋯.png (239.23 KB,553x572,553:572,Clipboard.png)

File: 487b7da8e60f369⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e24fc4be65cf4de⋯.png (205.98 KB,474x236,237:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577737 (121801ZSEP24) Notable: NY Post - ‘They’re eating the dogs’ memes will have you howling

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New York Post

@nypost 28m

‘They’re eating the dogs’ memes will have you howling

Sep 12, 2024 · 5:28 PM UTC


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0d8238 No.220707

File: 160430d2bf10138⋯.png (114.19 KB,502x470,251:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ac4dc3b18119ff⋯.png (57.42 KB,720x418,360:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577772 (121810ZSEP24) Notable: Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

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Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

Putin says not so fast… First, here's a UK Times report within the last hour:

Britain and the United States are on the verge of allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in Russia after accusing President Putin of “escalating” the conflict by accepting ballistic missiles from Iran.

David Lammy, the foreign secretary, and Anthony Blinken, the US secretary of state, said they would return to their respective countries to inform their leaders of the “operational details” surrounding Ukraine’s use of weapons such as Storm Shadow missiles after meeting President Zelensky in Kyiv.

Blinken promised to work quickly on Ukraine’s requests to ease the restrictions, saying he would take what he had learnt “back to President Biden.” —Putin escalating conflict, say western allies as missile approval moves closer

President Putin is currently speaking at the St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum, which addresses current events related to Russia. He issued the following red line while speaking to a reporter on the sidelines of the conference Thursday:

Putin says long-range arms for Kyiv would mean 'NATO countries at war with Russia'

Below is the breaking AFP note:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the West giving Kyiv a green-light to use longer-range weapons to strike Russian targets would mean NATO will be "at war" with Russia.

"This would in a significant way change the very nature of the conflict… It would mean that NATO countries are at war with Russia," Putin told a state television reporter.

Just prior to this warning, Russian Senator Aleksey Pushkov wrote on Telegram in response to the UK prepping more, longer-range Storm Shadow missiles for Ukraine, "The decision to strike Russian territory is clearly being prepared."


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0d8238 No.220708

File: 0f4108f67e2b32b⋯.png (280.26 KB,501x619,501:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577785 (121811ZSEP24) Notable: Haiti peace keeping and NGO missions gutting the country’s culture, health, and economy. prey pray

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Ezra A. Cohen


What sticks with me the most from my service in Haiti, is ill conceived peace keeping and NGO missions have gutted the country’s culture, health, and economy.

More foreign boots on the ground is the last thing Haiti needs to become prosperous like other Caribbean nations.

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0d8238 No.220709

File: 03f2490a3b478a4⋯.jpg (31.38 KB,429x640,429:640,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577793 (121814ZSEP24) Notable: Haiti peace keeping and NGO missions gutting the country’s culture, health, and economy. prey pray

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Bill and Hillary Share Romantic Moment In Haiti

Oct 23, 2012 — The couple left a little room for romance, reminiscing about the last time they were in the country together for their honeymoon more than 37 years ago.

President Clinton, jokingly thanked the secretary for inviting him to the event, an opening of an industrial park with new businesses in Northern Haiti.

"Some of you know we came here on a delayed honeymoon 37 years ago in December," said the former president. "You know she's been here a lot and I started coming here before the earthquake. I've been here so much I'm sure I owe taxes to the Haitian government I have not paid. But in all those 37 years this is the first time we have been back together," he joked.


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0d8238 No.220710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577804 (121815ZSEP24) Notable: Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

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Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

The program will model a scenario in which the region faces an atomic disaster, documents show

The US Defense Department has ordered a study to simulate the impact of a nuclear conflict on global agriculture. According to a solicitation notice posted on a government procurement platform, the study will focus on regions “beyond Eastern Europe and Western Russia,” which in the simulation is the epicenter of the hypothetical nuclear weapons deployment.

The project will be spearheaded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).

According to the notice posted earlier this week, the ERDC has already chosen Terra Analytics, a Colorado-based company that specializes in advanced data visualization and analyses, as the contractor. However, it states that other potential contractors are invited to share their proposals if they are able to provide similar services.

The notice lists requirements for contractors to fulfill, such as providing personnel, equipment, facilities, supervision, and other items necessary to conduct the study. The contractor would, among other things, need to incorporate aerial mapping in the simulation and model a scenario in which a “non-destructive nuclear event” takes place. The cost of the contract has been set at $34 million.

It is unclear from the notice how the Pentagon intends to use the study. However, the order comes at a time when talk of a potential nuclear war has intensified in light of the Ukraine conflict and the growing discord between the NATO and Russia. Many experts have warned that a direct confrontation between Russia and the US-led bloc could result in a nuclear disaster. According to the Federation of American Scientists, Washington and Moscow control the largest atomic arsenals in the world, with around 5,000 and 5,500 warheads, respectively.

The New York Times reported last month that the US administration had approved a new version of its nuclear strategy. According to the newspaper, the document ordered US forces to prepare for possible coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China, and North Korea.

Russia has often warned that the West’s military support of the Ukrainian government could exacerbate the current conflict, turning it into a world war. Russian policymakers have recently been considering making adjustments to the country’s own atomic doctrine to provide for pre-emptive nuclear strikes. Moscow has, however, consistently stated that a nuclear war must never be fought.


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0d8238 No.220711

File: a3d51d509f10bf0⋯.png (242.73 KB,604x507,604:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577807 (121816ZSEP24) Notable: CIA version of things #NeverLearn

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@CIA Sep 9

Over the weekend, #CIA Director Bill Burns shared the stage with MI6 Chief Richard Moore at the #FTWeekendFestival.

You can still catch their discussion by visiting the link below:

Sep 9, 2024 · 6:43 PM UTC


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0d8238 No.220712

File: 47dcf89dbf9121c⋯.png (748.72 KB,634x807,634:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 968b6e7f80ecef4⋯.png (522.6 KB,634x406,317:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 51841b177853c0f⋯.png (208.78 KB,634x359,634:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 797d7ffefc5537f⋯.png (367.38 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: f8684910c1b6dae⋯.png (170.48 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577808 (121816ZSEP24) Notable: Deciphering the oldest known map of the world

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Archaeologists unlock 3,000-year-old secrets about creation of universe and monsters after deciphering oldest known map of the world

Updated: 16:58 EDT, 11 September 2024

Researchers have finally decoded a Babylonian tablet thought to be the oldest map of the world.

Created between 2,600 and 2,900 years ago, the Imago Mundi provided researchers with a unique glimpse into the beliefs and practices of the ancient civilization.

The Babylonian tablet has a circular map with pieces of text written in cuneiform - an ancient writing system that used wedge-shaped symbols - which describes the early creation of the world.

The map depicted Mesopotamia - or the land 'between the rivers' - a historical area of the Middle East that was thought to be the entire 'known world' at the time.

The tablet's map also confirmed their belief in the mighty God of Creation, Marduk, and mythical creatures and monsters like scorpion-man and Anzu - the lion-headed bird.

The Imago Mundi was made during a time when the Babylonian Empire was a global leader in architecture, culture, math and early scientific achievements.

They were known for creating an advanced number system for mathematics and was the first to create a functional theory of the planets, including using geometry to track Jupiter.

The map was originally discovered in 1882 by renowned archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam in Sippar, an ancient Babylonian city in present-day Iraq.

Although Rassam discovered the tablet nearly 150 years ago, the Imago Mundi remained in a box of his excavation findings until it was rediscovered in Iraq 29 years ago.

It is currently being held at the British Museum in London.

Since the tablet was acquired, researchers at the British Museum said they have been able to glean insight into the Neo-Babylonian Empire's belief in mystical creatures and its dominance over the region.

At the bottom center of the map sits Mesopotamia, but what's particularly unique is the two circles that enclose the city.

'The double ring is very important because it has cuneiform writing in it which says 'bitter river' and this water was deemed to surround the known world,' British Museum expert Dr Irving Finkel said in a YouTube video.

Researchers confirmed the circle on the tablet that surrounded Mesopotamia supported the Babylonians belief that the region was the center of the world, although they did understand that Mesopotamia was part of a larger region of land.

There was an additional river - the Euphrates - that cut through ancient Mesopotamia from North to South, connecting the Bitter River on the tablet.

'This is a very important ring of water,' Finkel said, 'because it meant for the Babylonians, they had an idea of the limits of the world where they lived in about the sixth century.'

Within the map are cuneiform inscriptions that state the name of the city or the tribe who lived there, including Assyria, Der and Urartu.

'So you have, encapsulated in this circular diagram, the whole of the known world in which people lived, flourished and died,' Finkel said.


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0d8238 No.220713

File: 04f90462f252eb3⋯.png (963.6 KB,847x1211,121:173,Clipboard.png)

File: f63c8c64d533d69⋯.png (220.55 KB,621x448,621:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577811 (121816ZSEP24)

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ABC posted Kamala Harris’s closing statement and President Trump’s closing statement on TikTok, here are the numbers:

Harris: 4M views, 200k likes.

Trump: 18M views, 1.4M likes.

Major victory for

@realDonaldTrump 🔥

12:15 PM · Sep 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.220714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577815 (121817ZSEP24) Notable: Deciphering the oldest known map of the world

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But there's more to the map than just the location of Mesopotamian regions - triangles off the right edge corner of the tablet that was a point of magic and mystery for Babylonians.

Some people have speculated that the triangles are islands, but Finkel said in the video that they're 'almost certainly mountains.'

The cuneiform text labels the area as a spot 'where the Sun is not seen,' which made sense considering the mountains world have blocked it from view.

'Their location combined with the cuneiform writing above it further backed up the theory, because the idea is that if you go across the water you see these jutted, pointed things, above the horizon which are remote lands far beyond the limits of the known world.'

Part of the cuneiform text also alludes to the Babylonians' belief that mythical creatures including a winged horse, a sea serpent, a scorpion-man and a bull-man lived in various regions throughout the land.

The British Museum reported that the text on the tablet 'appears to be a description of the inhabitants, divine, human, animal or monstrous, of the areas beyond the earth, whether the eight 'regions' or the 'Bitter River' or maybe the underworld or underworld waters.'

Because the tablet is fragmented in places, the full text couldn't be deciphered, but The British Museum reported that it talks of 'ruined cities … whom Marduk watches.'

According to Mesopotamian mythology, Marduk was the God of Creation and the patron God of Babylon who was also revered as the god of justice, compassion, healing and magic.

Finkel said the ancient Babylonian map has 'given us a tremendous insight into many aspects of Mesopotamian thinking.'

He added that 'it's also a triumphant demonstration of what happens when you have a very small, totally uninformative and useless fragment of dead boring writing that no one can understand and you join it onto something in the collection which is much bigger and a whole new adventure begins all over again!'


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0d8238 No.220715

File: 754e0d04d6a2ac3⋯.png (164.15 KB,506x601,506:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577824 (121818ZSEP24) Notable: CIA version of things #NeverLearn

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@CIA==Sep 11

Today on #TheLangleyFiles podcast, you'll hear from a 9/11 survivor turned #CIA officer serving on the team tracking down the terrorist leader responsible for those attacks.

This is the first of a special three-part episode.


Sep 11, 2024 · 5:32 PM UTC



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0d8238 No.220716

File: faeed89f8938031⋯.png (369.55 KB,591x591,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577826 (121818ZSEP24) Notable: Walz appoints CCP buddy to state board on Asian-American affairs

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Steve Guest


BREAKING: "Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, appointed a member of a political faction that has pledged loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to a state board that advises the government on Asian-American affairs…"


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0d8238 No.220717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577829 (121819ZSEP24) Notable: City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

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Texas City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

El Paso County Attorney Christina Sanchez filed a lawsuit on Aug. 27 to close the Gateway Hotel on Stanton St. in downtown El Paso, Texas, for multiple code violations, noting 693 police and service calls to the location over the past two years.

The lawsuit names as defendants the Gateway Hotel; Gigante Enterprises LLC, which owns the business; and hotel owner Howard Yun.

Tren de Aragua gang members have occupied the Gateway Hotel since at least June, according to court documents obtained by The Epoch Times.

Elhiu Dominguez, special projects coordinator with El Paso County, told The Epoch Times that a judge granted an order to close the hotel by Sept. 12.

The temporary injunction signed by District Judge Maria Salas-Mendoza will shut down the hotel pending a Dec. 9 hearing on a permanent injunction. Residents will have until 10 a.m. on Sept. 12 to vacate the hotel.


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0d8238 No.220718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577831 (121819ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Happenings

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2:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


2:30 PM EDT

Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room (2D972) at 2:30 p.m. EDT. The briefing will also be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense





Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


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0d8238 No.220719

File: 210a39c4d8e64ed⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x1402,640:701,Clipboard.png)

File: ff73de5949ce992⋯.png (814.32 KB,1280x723,1280:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577841 (121821ZSEP24) Notable: Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway and manipulating the moneez

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Buffett's Vice Chairman Dumps Over Half Of His Berkshire Shares

One of Buffett's top lieutenant, and Berkshire’s vice chair of insurance operations, Ajit Jain, has sold $139 million worth of his Class A shares - more than half of his holdings - in Warren Buffett’s conglomerate.

Jain disposed of 200 of the Class A Berkshire shares for about $695,418 each, according to a regulatory filing Wednesday. The disposal means the long-term executive is left with control of 166 such shares, 61 of which he directly owns.


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0d8238 No.220720

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577870 (121827ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



5:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

Doors Open: 11:00 AM (US/Mountain)




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0d8238 No.220721

File: 2a7639ddf298f52⋯.png (300.83 KB,497x547,497:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577880 (121830ZSEP24) Notable: @NSAGov Today is #DayoftheProgrammer.

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@NSAGov 2h

Today is #DayoftheProgrammer.If you’re big on creating backend solutions, we have some student programs that might interest you in CS, math or cyber. #programming #programmers

Sep 12, 2024 · 4:06 PM UTC



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0d8238 No.220722

File: 0cf4be1e563f50b⋯.png (41.77 KB,669x360,223:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577885 (121831ZSEP24) Notable: Google Trial 2.0: Exec Boasted of Goal to ‘Crush’ Digital Ad Rivals

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Google Trial 2.0: Exec Boasted of Goal to ‘Crush’ Digital Ad Rivals

A Google executive’s remarks from 2009 about the company’s aim to “crush” competitors in the digital advertising market have come to light during an ongoing federal antitrust trial against the tech giant that focuses on its stranglehold over the ad-tech industry.

The New York Post reports that during the third day of the non-jury federal antitrust trial targeting Google, the Justice Department presented evidence revealing a former Google executive’s bold statements about the company’s strategy in the digital advertising market. The trial alleges that Google abused its control over digital market technology to siphon revenue from publishers and advertisers.

According to documents reviewed in court, David Rosenblatt, Google’s former president of display advertising, told co-workers in 2009 that the company’s goal for its growing online advertising business was to “crush” rivals in the digital ad market. “We’ll be able to crush the other networks and that’s our goal,” Rosenblatt said.

The Justice Department argues that Google operates a “trifecta of monopolies” through its control of tools on both the buy and sell side of digital ad deals, as well as the marketplace that connects businesses to advertisers. The complaint alleges that Google drains more than a third of every dollar spent through its ad platforms.

Rosenblatt, who joined Google after its acquisition of digital ad software firm DoubleClick in 2007, reportedly bragged about the advantage provided by the company’s control of tools on all sides of the ad ecosystem. In the notes discussed at trial, he wrote, “We’re both Goldman and NYSE. … Google has created what’s comparable to the NYSE or London Stock Exchange; in other words, we’ll do to display what Google did to search.”

The former Google executive also admitted that it was a “nightmare” for publishers to try to switch to other ad platforms, stating that it “takes an act of God to do it.” Former Google executive Brad Bender, who testified on the witness stand, said he had forwarded Rosenblatt’s notes to his team at the time, describing them as a “worthwhile read.”


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0d8238 No.220723

File: 13a3aeae428b4ad⋯.png (20.67 KB,531x235,531:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577914 (121837ZSEP24) Notable: BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fixing of the rigged debate

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BOMBSHELL REPORT: ABC whistleblower to reveal Harris campaign was given SAMPLE QUESTIONS that were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate..

Reports also indicate they were provided SEPERATE ASSURANCES Trump would be fact checked and Harris would NOT..


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0d8238 No.220724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577927 (121840ZSEP24) Notable: Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

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Netherlands Approves Ukraine To Use Their Weapons to Attack Moscow

What is becoming very clear is that NATO and the Neocons are out to ensure that World War III starts before the US election. Ruben Brekelmans, the defense minister of The Netherlands, just gave Zelensky the approval to use their weapons to wage war on Russia and even attack Moscow. Brekelmans claimed that international law “is not limited by distance.” He added, “The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border.” He has now placed The Netherlands in the crosshairs, being the first to authorize Ukraine to start killing civilians in Russia.

As I have said, my fear is that they know what they are doing, and Putin has shown tremendous restraint. They want him to be overthrown by Russian Neocons, and they will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. Brekelmans declared:

“We have not placed any operational restrictions on Ukraine regarding distance.”


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0d8238 No.220725

File: 60b202f729abb87⋯.png (165.51 KB,1432x632,179:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 68c77ceb04a7a2f⋯.png (469.06 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577928 (121840ZSEP24) Notable: BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fixing of the rigged debate

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Just in case anyone has trouble reading the small print.

They cheated. We knew they were going to do it, They knew we knew they were going to do it.

They did it anyway.

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0d8238 No.220726

File: b4558a07acb8708⋯.png (1.48 MB,1025x1027,1025:1027,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577929 (121840ZSEP24) Notable: BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fixing of the rigged debate

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Kamala Harris and ABC’s Dana Walden who oversees Disney's full portfolio of entertainment media, including ABC news and content … such a cozy family … No major conflict of interest😊to see here


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0d8238 No.220727

File: c231a23fa5f3a69⋯.png (248.05 KB,681x383,681:383,Clipboard.png)

File: d638ec36c6879c1⋯.png (222.73 KB,1309x772,1309:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577951 (121845ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Space Stuffs

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Another UFO Boss to Break Silence in Major Book Deal: “The Process of Disclosure Has Begun”

September 10, 2024 6:33am

Another high-ranking government official who investigated UFOs/UAPs is ready to tell their story.

Jay Stratton, the former director of the U.S. government’s secretive Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, has struck a memoir deal with HarperCollins.

Stratton represents the most senior former U.S government official yet to go public about their direct involvement in the investigation of UAP and non-human intelligence.

For over 16 years, Stratton worked as a senior intelligence official, leading countless U.S. government investigations of UAP and non-human intelligence, including the “Tic Tac” UAP encountered by Navy fighter pilots and the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in 2004.

While much of Stratton’s work is classified, the memoir promises to reveal “all that can be lawfully disclosed, providing a first-hand account of the shocking discoveries, challenges and breakthroughs that have marked the U.S. government’s investigation and understanding of UAP and non-human intelligence, as well as the effects on Stratton and his family.”

In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Stratton said, “We are at the beginning of a new chapter for humanity. The process of disclosure is complex but it has begun.”

The book was developed with producer Dan Farah of Farah Films (Ready Player One, The Phenomenon), who also has TV and film rights.

Recently, Farah was also behind another memoir, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs by Luis “Lue” Elizondo, a former senior intelligence official.

That title shot to No. 1 on the best-seller list after its release last month.

According to the Stratton’s bio: “It was while serving as the Chief of Air & Space Warfare at the DIA that Stratton and his colleagues learned about the existence of UAP and the related national security concerns.

In response, they created the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), the first official U.S. government program to investigate UAP since the closure of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book in 1969.

AAWSAP was sponsored by then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and grew into AATIP, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. … Amongst Stratton’s hand-picked team members was whistleblower David Grusch, who testified under oath to Congress last year about technological and biological evidence of non-human intelligence.

The Secretary of Defense announced the UAP Task Force in 2020, naming Stratton the program’s Director.”

Last year, the U.S. Senate introduced the bipartisan UAP Disclosure Act, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Rounds (R-SD), Sen. Rubio (R-Fl) and Sen. Gillibrand (D-NY).

The act proposes laws that would bring about public disclosure on what the U.S. government knows about UAP and non-human intelligence.

Schumer said at the time, “The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena.”



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0d8238 No.220728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577961 (121848ZSEP24) Notable: Michigan Sec of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

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Michigan Secretary Of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson refused to say whether dead people are on the voter rolls in a congressional hearing.

In a hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., asked Democrat Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson if there are dead people on the state’s voter rolls, and she would not answer yes or no.

“Why the hell are deceased people still on your voter rolls?” Murphy asked. “Do you have deceased people on your voter rolls, yes or no?”

“We do everything we can, and just like every other state, to remove — ” Benson said.

“Should a deceased person be on your voter roll?” Murphy insisted.

“No, and that’s why we remove them once we receive information,” Benson replied.

Murphy was one of several legislators who questioned secretaries of state on election integrity during a Committee on House Administration hearing Wednesday morning. His questions to Benson about dead people registered to vote in Michigan brought incomplete, indirect answers.

He brought up a lawsuit by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which alleged that as of 2021, there were close to 26,000 dead voters on Michigan’s voter rolls. The group claimed Benson did not contest that the dead voters were registered and said she was not taking adequate steps to remove them.

“Why does it take a lawsuit by the Public Interest Legal Foundation to sue you to get those people off the voter rolls?” Murphy asked Benson.

“That lawsuit was dismissed,” Benson replied.

A district judge ruled Benson was performing ongoing list maintenance and tossed out the case, as The Federalist previously reported. But PILF appealed the case to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, saying the court never fully determined Benson was making a “reasonable effort” to remove dead voters from the rolls.


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0d8238 No.220729

File: d166bfc4f0c8679⋯.png (493.68 KB,469x723,469:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577971 (121849ZSEP24) Notable: Grassley CatComms - Met with Petland today to discuss the EATS Act

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Met with Petland today to discuss the EATS Act


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0d8238 No.220730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577973 (121849ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: Pentagon press briefing Associated Press

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==LIVE: Pentagon press briefing

Associated Press==


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0d8238 No.220731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577975 (121850ZSEP24) Notable: ME Israel

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Israeli Strikes Kill 64 Palestinians Across the Gaza Strip

One strike targeted a UN school, killing 14 people

Without providing evidence, Israel claimed that it targeted a Hamas “command and control” center in Nuseirat.

An Israeli strike targeted a home in Khan Younis early Wednesday, killing 11 people. According to Al Jazeera, the European Hospital, which received the casualties, said the dead included six brothers and sisters, ranging in age from 21 months to 21 years old.

Gaza’s Civil Defense said that an Israeli strike targeted Palestinians waiting in a line for bread in Gaza City, killing three people and wounding seven. Late Tuesday, a strike was reported in the Jabalia refugee camp that targeted a home, killing nine, including six women and children.


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0d8238 No.220732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577980 (121851ZSEP24) Notable: Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

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Blinken Announces $700 Million in New Aid for Ukraine

The State Department says some of the aid will help repair Ukraine's battered energy infrastructure

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Kyiv and announced $700 million in fresh aid for Ukraine, including funds for repairing the country’s battered energy infrastructure.

Blinken made the announcement alongside his British counterpart, David Lammy, who also pledged the UK would be providing $782 million in humanitarian assistance and loan guarantees through the World Bank.

According to the State Department, $325 million of the new US aid will go toward supporting “Ukraine’s energy infrastructure efforts in the midst of ongoing Russian attacks.” Russian strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure recently escalated in response to the Ukrainian invasion of Russia’s Kursk Oblast.


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0d8238 No.220733

File: 3fea86bd28c05bc⋯.png (258.79 KB,616x528,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577982 (121852ZSEP24) Notable: Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway and manipulating the moneez

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@business 2h

Berkshire Hathaway’s vice chair of insurance operations, Ajit Jain, sold $139 million worth of his Class A shares in Warren Buffett’s conglomerate


Sep 12, 2024 · 2:58 PM UTC


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0d8238 No.220734

File: 61993817dc27bca⋯.png (469.67 KB,684x563,684:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21577989 (121854ZSEP24) Notable: Babylon Bee Double Kek

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0d8238 No.220735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578010 (121859ZSEP24) Notable: ME Israel

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‘I did not fulfill my mission’: Commander of IDF’s 8200 intelligence unit resigns

Brig. Gen. Yossi Sariel acknowledges his unit failed to act to prevent October 7 attack, despite gathering ‘detailed information’ about Hamas’s operational attack plans

The commander of the IDF’s Unit 8200, Brig. Gen. Yossi Sariel, notified his superiors and subordinates on Thursday that he intends to resign from his position, close to a year after Israel’s intelligence establishment failed to prevent Hamas’s October 7 onslaught.

The IDF said Sariel is due to be replaced “in the coming period.” Unit 8200 is the IDF’s main signals intelligence unit, and is among the units pointed to as playing a role in the failure to prevent October 7. Sariel entered the position in February 2021 following a long military career in intelligence.

Sariel said Thursday that he was resigning over his role in the failures leading up to the massacre, although the move comes a full 11 months following the assault, in which thousands of Hamas terrorists breached Israel’s borders and killed around 1,200 people, taking 251 captive to Gaza.

A Channel 12 report in July said that Sariel at the time was resisting any efforts to resign, saying that such a move would be tantamount to “cowardice.”

In a letter written to those under his command on Thursday, Sariel wrote that “on October 7 at 6:29 a.m. I did not fulfill my mission as I expected of myself, as my commanders and subordinates expected of me, and as the citizens of the nation I love so much expected of me.”


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0d8238 No.220736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578124 (121928ZSEP24) Notable: #26431

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#26431 >>220662

>>220663 Kamala Harris's Role In January 6th And Its Cover-Up

>>220664 The INSANE Evolution of Click Farms - attempt to manipulate public opinion

>>220665 Propaganda is powerless; people see for themselves who wants peace and who just says the right words – Putin

>>220666, >>220718 Swamp Happenings

>>220667 This was the most powerful framing by Trump in the entire debate - Independents agree!

>>220668, >>220669, >>220684 New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has Resigns as corruption probe continues

>>220670, >>220672, >>220676, >>220686, >>220691, >>220703, >>220727 NASA Space Stuffs

>>220671 Attorney General Garland following orders and doing his job

>>220673, >>220731, >>220735 ME Israel

>>220674, >>220688, >>220704 Stop Eating The Pets STOP IT!!! kek or Make a Song About It

>>220675 Voters see Trump as more moderate than Harris

>>220677 Black Student Union exits pro-Palestine coalition over 'anti-Blackness'

>>220678, >>220679, >>220717 City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

>>220680 Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference

>>220681 Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

>>220682, >>220690, >>220705, >>220720 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

>>220683, >>220734 Babylon Bee Double Kek

>>220685, >>220702 Harvey Weinstein indicted on new charges after New York conviction overturned

>>220687 Biden to host Quad summit September 21 in Delaware

>>220689, >>220694 Information Warfare Defining and Analyzing - CyCon 2019 "opinion leaders"

>>220692, >>220701 DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event”

>>220693 Trump wanted to talk about the assassination attempt and the ABC moderators just muted him

>>220695 SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan

>>220696, >>220698 ChatGPT asked to analyze the Debate moderators bias LISTEN TO RESPONSE

>>220697 Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate


>>220700 Trumps gag order remains in place after new york court rejects appeal

>>220706 NY Post - ‘They’re eating the dogs’ memes will have you howling

>>220707, >>220710, >>220724, >>220732 Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

>>220708, >>220709 Haiti peace keeping and NGO missions gutting the country’s culture, health, and economy. prey pray

>>220711, >>220715 CIA version of things #NeverLearn

>>220712, >>220714 Deciphering the oldest known map of the world

>>220713 TikTok response to debate closing statements -Harris: 4M views, 200k likes. -Trump: 18M views, 1.4M likes

>>220716 Walz appoints CCP buddy to state board on Asian-American affairs

>>220719, >>220733 Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway and manipulating the moneez

>>220721 @NSAGov Today is #DayoftheProgrammer.

>>220722 Google Trial 2.0: Exec Boasted of Goal to ‘Crush’ Digital Ad Rivals

>>220723, >>220725, >>220726 BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fixing of the rigged debate

>>220728 Michigan Sec of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

>>220729 Grassley CatComms - Met with Petland today to discuss the EATS Act

>>220730 LIVE: Pentagon press briefing Associated Press

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0d8238 No.220737

File: ff2cd01836dcaf2⋯.png (337.77 KB,500x680,25:34,Clipboard.png)

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB,1440x1150,144:115,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 23eab8e81cc4344⋯.webp (67.59 KB,1016x1011,1016:1011,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578136 (121930ZSEP24) Notable: #26432

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fresh dough


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0d8238 No.220738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578154 (121933ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Stuffs

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3:40 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: VP Harris Campaigns in Charlotte, NC

2024 Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, her first public event since the ABC presidential debate against her Republican rival, former President Donald Trump.


3:50 PM EDT

U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC) Change of Command Ceremony

Department of Defense


4:30 PM EDT

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona will participate in a fireside chat with Rep. Alma Adams during her HBCU Brain Trust panel at the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference. The discussion will focus on the administration’s support for HBCUs.

Department of Education


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0d8238 No.220739

File: 2b3a38c9814f0bb⋯.png (130.28 KB,990x597,330:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578157 (121934ZSEP24) Notable: Former Massachusetts State Senator Convicted of COVID and Tax Fraud

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Former Massachusetts State Senator Convicted of COVID and Tax Fraud


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0d8238 No.220740

File: 6dc0a7bebf677d1⋯.mp4 (588.19 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578164 (121935ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

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oh shit

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0d8238 No.220742

File: ec27c460b19eff0⋯.png (65.24 KB,980x350,14:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578166 (121935ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Dept. Indictments and Chargings

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City officials indicted

McALLEN, Texas – The mayor pro-tem and city manager of Edcouch have both been taken into custody on public corruption charges, announced U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani.

Victor Hugo De La Cruz, 40, and Rene Flores, 60, both of Edcouch, are set to make their initial appearances before U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Scott Hacker at 9 a.m. Sept. 13.


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0d8238 No.220743

File: 15536c2e57e7162⋯.png (106.44 KB,751x517,751:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578179 (121937ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Dept. Indictments and Chargings

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U.S. Citizens Convicted of Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

A jury today convicted Omali Yeshitela, 82, Penny Hess, 78, Jesse Nevel, 34, all of St. Louis, and Augustus C. Romain Jr., 38, of Atlanta, of conspiracy to act as agents of a foreign government. The defendants were charged in a superseding indictment on April 13, 2023.


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0d8238 No.220744

File: 73efcf8856eeeef⋯.png (130.67 KB,1000x581,1000:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578185 (121938ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Dept. Indictments and Chargings

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Senior Fund Executives and Salespeople Charged in Connection with $60 Million Pre-IPO Fraud Scheme


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0d8238 No.220745

File: 18d88d05c9808e5⋯.jpeg (711.02 KB,1125x1738,1125:1738,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578203 (121941ZSEP24) Notable: It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome

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0d8238 No.220746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578211 (121942ZSEP24) Notable: In 3 Years 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield

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Reuters: 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield Over Past Three Years

Some 8,000 Haitians signed up for Medicaid in Springfield, Ohio in just the past three years, according to data obtained by Reuters.

The transfer of "as many as 15,000" immigrants from Haiti "over roughly the last three years" has "reshaped" the city of 58,000, Reuters noted.

"Enrollment in Medicaid and federal food assistance and welfare programs surged. So did rents and vehicle accidents, including a collision last year when a Haitian without a U.S. driver's license drove into a school bus, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark and injuring 26 other children," Reuters reported.

"The number of affordable housing vouchers fell as landlords moved to market-based rents that were rising in the face of higher demand, a blow to existing residents relying on them."

Reuters had nothing but praise for the Haitian invasion in the rest of their article and shared claims they were helping the economy but that's hard to believe considering over half (at least) of the new arrivals went straight on welfare.


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0d8238 No.220747

File: 16df98d34b320c9⋯.png (581.96 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578218 (121944ZSEP24) Notable: PlaneFaggin'

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Gitmo express visiting Port-au-Prince for the second time today…


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0d8238 No.220748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578224 (121946ZSEP24) Notable: KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

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Reporter: During the debate, Trump spread false claims and lies about immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. The city manager disputed those false claims, and today, city hall was evacuated after a bomb threat was sent..Does [Biden] believe Trump's words and rhetoric contributed to those threats today?

Jean-Pierre: I don't want to speculate here, the source of the bomb threat…the Springfield, Ohio police department has debunked this very bizarre and very hateful smear that's out there. What is happening here is an attempt to tear apart communities, and disrespecting law enforcement. It is undignified, and an insult to all of us as Americans…it is spreading filth, that makes the lives of the communities that are being smeared here; it puts their lives in danger…it is just hate speech. That is what it is…maybe we should not have leaders who fall for fake internet conspiracy theories.

[scripted question and reply, for a 'fake conspiracy theory']

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0d8238 No.220749

File: 4314b069455d404⋯.png (414.01 KB,743x588,743:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578234 (121948ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

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0d8238 No.220750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578239 (121949ZSEP24) Notable: I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate

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Catturd ™







I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate. I have just signed a non-disclosure agreement with the attorney of the whistleblower. The affidavit states how the Harris campaign was given sample question which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would NOT be fact checked. Accordingly, the affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage. I have seen and read the affidavit and after the attorney blacks out the name of the whistleblower and other information that could dox the whistleblower, I will release the full affidavit. I will be releasing the affidavit before the weekend is out.

10:18 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.220751

File: 2d4cb6df19f54ba⋯.png (923.33 KB,720x554,360:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578242 (121950ZSEP24) Notable: JDL Extremists an Outlawed Terror Group Show Up at pro-Palestinian Events in Toronto

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Jewish Far-right Extremists Linked to Outlawed Terror Group Show Up at pro-Palestinian Events in Toronto

Counterprotesters with ties to the far-right Jewish Defense League waved Kahane Chai flags at a recent pro-Palestinian event at Canada's University of Toronto, where chants of 'Let's make Gaza a parking lot' were heard. On the sidelines were members of a 'safety patrol' linked to Israel's ruling Likud party

Several counterprotesters spotted at a recent pro-Palestinian event at Canada's University of Toronto have links to the far-right Jewish Defense League, Haaretz has confirmed, while others are tied to Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party.


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0d8238 No.220752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578244 (121950ZSEP24) Notable: KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

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Jean-Pierre: What we did to turn the economy around…[Harris] was the deciding vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, that mattered…she is a critical partner in what we have been able to do over the last three years.

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0d8238 No.220753

File: be1370f4c74fc1a⋯.jpg (377.6 KB,2880x2880,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578254 (121953ZSEP24) Notable: Biden-Harris administration has trafficked at least 320,000 children

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0d8238 No.220754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578263 (121955ZSEP24) Notable: KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

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Reporter: How concerned are you about a potential rise in threats or even hate crimes targeting migrants?

Jean-Pierre: When you have national leaders spewing hateful, or lifting up hateful rhetoric, and bizarre smears that has been debunked…that is dangerous. Yes we are concerned. It is dangerous….Haitian communities are fearing for their life because of how this is being lifted up. This is about tearing communities apart….yes, it could lead to dangerous scenarios.

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0d8238 No.220755

File: 48c77748046d1f4⋯.png (58.6 KB,779x543,779:543,Clipboard.png)

File: a4822003a98f20f⋯.png (56.26 KB,761x547,761:547,Clipboard.png)

File: df226acf4c857c4⋯.png (59.58 KB,753x556,753:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b904b4d19edd8e⋯.png (54.56 KB,772x538,386:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578276 (121957ZSEP24) Notable: The Hidden Profits Behind Pediatric Vaccinations

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The Hidden Profits Behind Pediatric Vaccinations

The government, pharmaceutical, and insurance companies have a system in place that financially incentivizes physicians to vaccinate kids. This is why pediatricians are dropping children who aren't fully vaccinated from their practices.


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0d8238 No.220756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578310 (122005ZSEP24) Notable: KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

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Reporter: You had the moderator [at debate] say that we've turned the page on inflation, but American families are feeling that, to the point where [Harris] did not even directly answer the question in the debate, 'Do you believe that Americans feel they are better off than four years ago."

Jean-Pierre: We have made progress in fighting inflation. That is something that we have seen from the numbers, from the data. That is, in, in, in truth, right? I believe [Harris] highlighted on how we are better off now as well as her plans to build on that progress…we can't forget what his administration inherited. An economy that was in a tailspin. That's what we inherited. It was paralyzed, because the former president did nothing, did nothing, during one of the once-in-a-century pandemic. He did nothing. Donald Trump did nothing.

Reporter: Why couldn't she just say yes to that question?

Jean-Pierre: You're going to have to speak directly to her team…we have to fix what the Trump administration did.

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0d8238 No.220757

File: 7522180d91cb98c⋯.jpg (457.58 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578322 (122007ZSEP24) Notable: More than 30 schools allow teachers to carry guns give school districts or individual schools power to decide

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Most states that allow teachers to carry guns give school districts or individual schools the power to decide if they allow weapons.


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0d8238 No.220758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578325 (122007ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Campaign Statement in Response to Merrick Garland’s Disgraceful Remarks

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Trump Campaign Statement in Response to Merrick Garland’s Disgraceful Remarks

September 12, 2024

“Comrade Kamala Harris has weaponized the DOJ to target her political opponent, President Trump, in an unconstitutional and unprecedented Witch Hunt. The disgraceful conduct of Attorney General Merrick Garland has done tremendous damage to a once great institution. Using phony charges to interfere with the presidential election on behalf of the Democrat Party has to be stopped and those driving these Hoaxes have to be held accountable. Only President Trump can clean up the Harris-Biden disaster and Make America Great Again.” - Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director


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0d8238 No.220759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578326 (122007ZSEP24) Notable: Biden Overrides Conditions on Military Aid To Egypt, Granting the Full $1.3 Billion

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Biden Overrides Conditions on Military Aid To Egypt, Granting the Full $1.3 Billion

The Biden administration withheld a small portion of US military aid to Egypt over the past few years due to human rights concerns

The Biden administration is overriding human rights conditions placed on military aid to Egypt to provide the country with the full $1.3 billion of annual military aid Cairo usually receives each year.

Out of the $1.3 billion, $320 million is subject to conditions under legislation passed by Congress, and President Biden has withheld a small portion of it each year he’s been in office until now. Last year, the administration withheld $85 million.

The main concern regarding human rights in Egypt is over President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s treatment of political opponents, which has involved imprisonment and torture. The administration said the decision to override the human rights conditions was related to Egypt’s involvement in mediating ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas.

“This decision is important to advancing regional peace and Egypt’s specific and ongoing contributions to US national security priorities, particularly to finalize a ceasefire agreement for Gaza, bring the hostages home, surge humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in need, and help bring an enduring end to the Israel-Hamas conflict,” a State Department spokesperson told Reuters.

The US gives military aid to Egypt through Foreign Military Financing, a State Department program that gives foreign governments money to purchase US-made arms. Egypt is one of the top recipients of US military aid, an arrangement that began after Cairo signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.


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0d8238 No.220760

File: c78730b5c08cb49⋯.png (399.74 KB,1999x1992,1999:1992,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578382 (122016ZSEP24) Notable: 75% of aid workers killed since Oct7th were killed in Gaza or West Bank

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Is Israel intentionally attacking aid workers?

We’ve compiled 14 incidents where humanitarians were attacked despite giving the IDF their coordinates and being clearly identified as civilians

Despite a meticulous process in place to ensure aid worker safety in Gaza, the leading cause of death in the humanitarian sector over the last 11 months has been Israeli airstrikes.

Of the 378 aid workers killed worldwide since October 7, more than 75 percent have been killed in Gaza or the West Bank, according to the Aid Worker Security Database. The number of humanitarians killed in Palestinian territory in the last three months of 2023 was more than the deadliest full year ever recorded for aid workers.

This includes an Israeli airstrike Wednesday Sept. 11 on a school being used as a shelter in Nuseirat in Central Gaza. According to reports, 18 were killed, including children and six UNRWA aid workers, the deadliest single event for that organization since the start of the war.

Israeli attacks on aid organizations have become routine, despite systems in place to avoid humanitarian deaths. Through a process called deconfliction, aid groups coordinate with warring parties to avoid being attacked. Popular deconfliction mechanisms used by aid groups in Gaza include clearly marking their assets, arranging their movements with Israeli authorities, and sharing their location with the Israeli military.

However, a disturbing pattern has emerged: Aid groups share their coordinates with Israeli authorities and then are attacked by the IDF at those same coordinates.

Christopher Lockyear, Secretary General of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF), told the United Nations Security Council in February that “this pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence.” Forty-eight hours earlier, a 120mm Israeli tank shell exploded in a MSF facility in Khan Younis, killing two people and severely injuring six others. It was the second time a MSF facility had been attacked by Israeli forces.


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0d8238 No.220761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578383 (122016ZSEP24) Notable: KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

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Reporter: The venture capital fund, The Fearless Fund, closed it's grant program for black women-owned businesses, to settle a lawsuit that claimed the grant was discriminatory. Doing so avoided it going to the Supreme Court that could have ruled in having implications for race-based initiatives in the private sector. Does the White House have any reaction to this decision, this lawsuit?

Jean-Pierre: Diversity is our greatest strength, and that is important. You see that in the policies that the Biden/Harris has moved forward. You have seen that, whether it is schools, or our militaries, or our businesses, even in government; this is the most diverse administration in history, because [Biden] and [Harris] believes in that.

[all of the 'diversity' policies of Biden and Harris are discriminatory and illegal]

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0d8238 No.220762

File: c1a37955b748cca⋯.png (324.81 KB,542x501,542:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578401 (122019ZSEP24) Notable: Samsung Electronics to lay off up to 30% of its global workforce

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Samsung Electronics to lay off up to 30% of its global workforce, citing declining sales and a shrinking customer base.

Samsung Electronics may be about to join the list of major technology companies that have cut their workforce in 2024. According to a report from Rooteurs, via unnamed sources, Samsung will be cutting a number of sales and marketing jobs by as much as 15 percent worldwide. In addition, it is reportedly going to cut its administration staff by as much as 30 percent worldwide.

The sources also told Reuters that the job cuts would be made by the end of 2024. At the moment, there are no specifics on how many of Samsung’s employees will be affected by these layoffs.

Samsung sent a statement regarding these reports. It says that “workforce adjustments” in its operations were “routine.” It added that there were no specific business targets for these “adjustments,” and they would not affect any of Samsung’s production team members.

Reuters’ report says that at the end of 2023, Samsung had 267,800 employees, 147,000 of whom were based overseas. The sales and marketing staff numbered 25,100, according to the report, and 27,800 other employees worked in areas other than production and manufacturing.

The company most recently launched the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6 smartphones, along with the debut of its Galaxy Ring wearable fitness device and the Galaxy Watch7 and Galaxy Watch Ultra smartwatches.

Unconfirmed rumors claim Samsung is going to launch the budget-friendly Galaxy S24 FE smartphone in the near future, along with a special edition of the Galaxy Z Fold6. There are also reports that the company will launch the Galaxy Tab S10 series of tablets very soon. Of course, there are also some leaks and rumors about its Samsung Galaxy S25 series of smartphones, which could launch in early 2025, and there are still reports that the company is working on its long-awaited Samsung mixed reality headset.


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0d8238 No.220763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578442 (122025ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

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it's decentralizing the currency control away from the bankers who manipulate it for their own gain

you could put your savings in a stable crypto and as it appreciates in value like btc did, so will your initial investment

your transactions won't get cancelled or frozen because of your opinions like banks are now doing too

crypto is yours and yours alone, you have physical control over it instead of some suits and is pretty much immune to counterfeiting and/or seizure


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0d8238 No.220764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578452 (122026ZSEP24) Notable: Russia 'Presents Proof Of West's Role' In Ukraine War

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'Bodies Of NATO Nation Troops…: Russia 'Presents Proof Of West's Role' In Ukraine War


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0d8238 No.220765

File: 91125cd00800a0a⋯.png (476.62 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578466 (122028ZSEP24) Notable: PlaneFaggin'

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Gitmo express returning to base after visiting Port-au-Prince for the second time today…


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0d8238 No.220766

File: 43660b56d1b08cb⋯.png (89.26 KB,878x806,439:403,Clipboard.png)

File: c22be7784b5286d⋯.png (19.41 KB,741x160,741:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b7c911c148a066⋯.png (333.86 KB,680x623,680:623,Clipboard.png)

File: f245d5c799640c6⋯.png (266.98 KB,320x426,160:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578476 (122029ZSEP24) Notable: Is Taylor Swift acting as an information go between (mule) for governments and what is she transporting in her planes?

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>>>/qresearch/21575893 (PB)


… …


Elon Musk




PICREL: AUS PM Albanese at dancing at Taylor Swift concert in AUS.https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/anthony-swiftie-albanese-reveals-taylor-swift-song-unlikely-to-play-at-wedding/news-story/c25bcf5ecf85df56cc47f61207bffa12

Anons question: Is Taylor Swift acting as an information go between for governments and what is she transporting in her planes?

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0d8238 No.220767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578485 (122030ZSEP24) Notable: Trojan sued after chemicals linked to cancer and infertility are found in its condoms

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Major condom maker sued after chemicals linked to cancer and infertility are found in its products

America's most popular condom brand is being sued over claims it failed to disclose how its product contained toxic chemicals.

Matthew Goodman, the only person named in the proposed class action, purchased a pack of Trojan Ultra Thin condoms from a New York pharmacy in October 2023. According to the complaint, the pack was then sent to an independent lab and was found to contain PFAS - microscopic substances linked to infertility and cancer.

The lawsuit- which includes 100 more anonymous people in addition to Goodman - is against Church & Dwight company Inc., the manufacturer of the brand, which is worth an estimated $24.9billion.


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0d8238 No.220768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578486 (122030ZSEP24) Notable: Harris speaks at NC rally

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Harris [campaign event]: Over two hundred people who worked for President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush, John [NoName], and Mitt Romney, have endorsed me for president. Former Vice President Dick Cheney and congresswoman Liz Cheney are supporting me as well.

[all stooges of the global crime syndicate; those endorsements will not help you]

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0d8238 No.220769

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578489 (122031ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

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5:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

Doors Open: 11:00 AM (US/Mountain)




5:30 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Tucson, AZ

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a campaign event in Tucson, Arizona, focused on the economy and the cost of housing.



3:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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0d8238 No.220770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578495 (122032ZSEP24) Notable: Harris speaks at NC rally

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Harris: Donald Trump, well, he has a different plan. Just google Project 2025. It is a detailed and dangerous blueprint for what he will do if he is elected president.

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0d8238 No.220771

File: b151f71be5c4f54⋯.png (562.36 KB,1822x1529,1822:1529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578512 (122035ZSEP24) Notable: Medicare & Medicaid COVID-19: Updated Vaccines for 2024–2025 Season

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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services COVID-19: Updated Vaccines for 2024–2025 Season

Thursday, September 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.220772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578532 (122037ZSEP24) Notable: Harris speaks at NC rally

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Harris [campaign event]: When asked on Tuesday night, Donald Trump refused to say that he would veto a national abortion ban.

[Harris is a pathological liar]

President Trump [debate]: I'm not signing a ban [abortion], and there's no reason to sign a ban, because we've gotten what everyone wanted.

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0d8238 No.220773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578546 (122040ZSEP24) Notable: Harris speaks at NC rally

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Harris: Ours will be a very tight race until the end. It's gonna be a tight race until the end, and we are the underdog. Understand that. We are the underdog…we've got some hard work ahead of us.

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0d8238 No.220774

File: 2382959fcb849dc⋯.png (821.91 KB,1250x837,1250:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578551 (122041ZSEP24) Notable: Donald Trump - THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE

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Former President Donald Trump has made a decision about whether he will debate a second time against Vice President Kamala Harris.

"When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, “I WANT A REMATCH.” Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate. She and Crooked Joe have destroyed our Country, with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA, totally unchecked and unvetted, and with Inflation bankrupting our Middle Class. Everyone knows this, and all of the other problems caused by Kamala and Joe - It was discussed in great detail during the First Debate with Joe, and the Second Debate with Comrade Harris. She was a no-show at the Fox Debate, and refused to do NBC & CBS. KAMALA SHOULD FOCUS ON WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE DURING THE LAST ALMOST FOUR YEAR PERIOD. THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!" Trump posted on Truth Social Thursday afternoon.


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0d8238 No.220775

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578558 (122041ZSEP24) Notable: The money can tell you who is winning. Follow the money.

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The Polymarket was tied during the debate, one day later TRUMP IS WINNINGWho really won the debate?



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0d8238 No.220776

File: 6dc0a7bebf677d1⋯.mp4 (588.19 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 15ee9743017067b⋯.png (87.06 KB,793x609,793:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578591 (122046ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

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Donald J. Trump







Trump to Launch World Liberty Finacial Crypto to take on the failing big banks, Sept 16 on X

Give it a follow: https://x.com/worldlibertyfi

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0d8238 No.220777

File: d8a9084d2f75617⋯.png (157.57 KB,505x460,101:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e9153db7254452⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578637 (122055ZSEP24) Notable: video LMAO, who did this?

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>>>/qresearch/21578026 LB

LMAO, who did this? 🤣🤣🤣


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0d8238 No.220778

File: 2e5e94f2f9a15c2⋯.png (232.42 KB,478x764,239:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578639 (122055ZSEP24) Notable: Biden and Harris entrance VS President Trump entrance into the Shanksville Firehall

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Watch the people’s reaction to Biden and Harris entrance into Shanksville Firehall VS President Trump entrance into the Firehall!

Trump is the People’s President🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

1:12 PM · Sep 12, 2024





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0d8238 No.220779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578642 (122055ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

14,210 watching now

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0d8238 No.220780

File: a437a494e357f73⋯.png (108.9 KB,834x800,417:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578677 (122101ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

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has djt posted this on truth social as well?

WLFI @worldlibertyfi

Beware of Scams! Fake tokens & airdrop offers are circulating. We aren’t live yet!

t.me/defiant1sJoined July 2024

10 Following



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0d8238 No.220781

File: 1ee5e740dd08100⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b75ecc03a82996a⋯.png (241.23 KB,600x878,300:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578693 (122105ZSEP24) Notable: Biden and Harris entrance VS President Trump entrance into the Shanksville Firehall

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Shadow of Ezra




This clip says it all about Election Day—while Harris and Biden entered to complete silence, Trump’s arrival sparked an eruption of applause and cheers.




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0d8238 No.220782

File: dbb74a7fd0c259c⋯.png (381.58 KB,583x685,583:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578724 (122112ZSEP24) Notable: It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome

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We are witnessing a fascinating post-debate shift.

The ABC “fact-checks” were not true, which has inversely drawn MORE attention to these topics, aka the Streisand Effect.


-Late term abortion

-Gun confiscation

Public discourse on X has thoroughly debunked ABC’s “fact-checks” and brought video receipts for every single Kamala lie. As time goes on, public perception is falling more in favor of Trump, thanks to the reach and influence of citizen journalists on X, and other social media, circulating the video evidence that disproves Kamala/ABC’s lies from the debate.

This not only proves Kamala and ABC lied, but it’s further confirmation that the MSM are in bed with the DNC, and once again proves Trump was right about the media being corrupt and out to get him. The more the media attack him with such blatant bias, the more it validates Trump’s entire narrative, and discredits the Dems for weaponizing the media against Trump. They just proved a “Deep State” exists, while the entire world was watching.

Initially, I did not think this debate would have much impact on public perception or change the calculus in November, but as I observe the public’s response on social media, I think this performance from ABC woke up more people than I projected.

Normally the moderators are more subtle with their bias, but ABC made it so obvious, that some of the remaining normies are starting to notice. Glitches in the matrix.


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0d8238 No.220783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578728 (122113ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

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Note: Will collect statements and post later via pastebin link.


LIVE: President Trump in Tucson, AZ






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0d8238 No.220784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578733 (122114ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.73M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on our struggling economy and the rising cost of housing in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

RSBN will be LIVE at 2:00 p.m. ET.


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0d8238 No.220785

File: 5e79ccf91fd64aa⋯.png (225.33 KB,590x549,590:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e7332e71ca1ed3⋯.mp4 (245.32 KB,482x270,241:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578746 (122116ZSEP24) Notable: KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

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KJP says the MAGA hat Biden stole from a Trump supporter "may be on my desk right now."


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0d8238 No.220786

File: 56c79d384f2e015⋯.png (198.53 KB,580x603,580:603,Clipboard.png)

File: c9cd416b90dbc66⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578766 (122119ZSEP24) Notable: Harris Biden aims to disarm the people, for money

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They way they use the language to get around things. A Mandatory gun Buyback program isn't the exact same thing as a confiscation. The end result is the same but they are PAYING money for them.

Defiant L’s


Best thing about this is she's literally exposing herself.

Remember, the internet is forever friends!


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0d8238 No.220787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578767 (122120ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP QUOTABLES

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President Trump: As everyone saw two nights ago, we had a monumental victory over Comrade Kamala Harris in the presidential debate. We won big with independent voters, moderates, republicans, and working people all across this nation, putting forward a clear vision to, very simply, Make America Great Again. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris showed up, spewing empty rhetoric, the same old lies, meaningless platitudes, offering no plans, no policies, and no details whatsoever.

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0d8238 No.220788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578774 (122120ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP QUOTABLES

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djt: snopes came out totally for me.

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0d8238 No.220789

File: bd3901a98577807⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ca766a29474c65c⋯.png (271.93 KB,603x630,67:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578775 (122121ZSEP24) Notable: assaulted students pretending to be one at 27yo gets 85-120 yr prison term

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WOW bold move as an adult to pretend to be a high school student.

Resist the Mainstream


🚨 27-year-old Zachary Scheich receives 85-120 prison sentence after pretending to be a student at two Lincoln, Nebraska high schools for 54 days.

Scheich s*xuaIIy assaulted several students as young as 13 years old.


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0d8238 No.220790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578784 (122122ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: [Harris] claimed I want to monitor women's pregnancies. I don't want to do that. It's a total lie. I don't want to do that. Women, I won't be following you around to the hospital, monitoring. No, she made it up. She's a liar. She claimed that I want to deny people IVF treatment, when in fact, I want to require insurance companies to pay for it.

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0d8238 No.220791

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578786 (122122ZSEP24) Notable: The Chilling Connections Between the CIA, Haiti and Drug Cartels

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The Chilling Connections Between the CIA, Haiti and Drug Cartels. What's going in Ohio is much bigger than we think. Mike Benz. Anons what is your interpretation?



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0d8238 No.220792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578791 (122123ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP QUOTABLES

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President Trump: You want to keep your gun, vote for Trump. I promise.

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0d8238 No.220793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578793 (122124ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP QUOTABLES

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djt: project 25 never had my authorisation. i do not want to read it.

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0d8238 No.220794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579062 (122202ZSEP24) Notable: #26432

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#26432 >>220737


>>220769, >>220779, >>220783, >>220784 President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

>>220787, >>220788, >>220790, >>220792, >>220793 TRUMP QUOTABLES

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>>220738 Swamp Stuffs

>>220739 Former Massachusetts State Senator Convicted of COVID and Tax Fraud

>>220740, >>220749, >>220763, >>220776, >>220780 TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

>>220742, >>220743, >>220744 Justice Dept. Indictments and Chargings

>>220745, >>220782 It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome

>>220746 In 3 Years 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield

>>220747, >>220765 PlaneFaggin'

>>220748, >>220752, >>220754, >>220756, >>220761, >>220785 KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

>>220750 I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate

>>220751 JDL Extremists an Outlawed Terror Group Show Up at pro-Palestinian Events in Toronto

>>220753 Biden-Harris administration has trafficked at least 320,000 children

>>220755 The Hidden Profits Behind Pediatric Vaccinations

>>220757 More than 30 schools allow teachers to carry guns give school districts or individual schools power to decide

>>220758 Trump Campaign Statement in Response to Merrick Garland’s Disgraceful Remarks

>>220759 Biden Overrides Conditions on Military Aid To Egypt, Granting the Full $1.3 Billion

>>220760 75% of aid workers killed since Oct7th were killed in Gaza or West Bank

>>220762 Samsung Electronics to lay off up to 30% of its global workforce

>>220764 Russia 'Presents Proof Of West's Role' In Ukraine War

>>220766 Is Taylor Swift acting as an information go between (mule) for governments and what is she transporting in her planes?

>>220767 Trojan sued after chemicals linked to cancer and infertility are found in its condoms

>>220768, >>220770, >>220772, >>220773 Harris speaks at NC rally

>>220771 Medicare & Medicaid COVID-19: Updated Vaccines for 2024–2025 Season

>>220774 Donald Trump - THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE

>>220775 The money can tell you who is winning. Follow the money.

>>220777 video LMAO, who did this?

>>220778, >>220781 Biden and Harris entrance VS President Trump entrance into the Shanksville Firehall

>>220786 Harris Biden aims to disarm the people, for money

>>220789 assaulted students pretending to be one at 27yo gets 85-120 yr prison term

>>220791 The Chilling Connections Between the CIA, Haiti and Drug Cartels

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0d8238 No.220796

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB,1440x1150,144:115,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fb16ac8826cc01f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 23eab8e81cc4344⋯.webp (67.59 KB,1016x1011,1016:1011,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578876 (122135ZSEP24) Notable: #26433

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fresh dough


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0d8238 No.220797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578891 (122137ZSEP24) Notable: I Am The Storm

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0d8238 No.220798

File: e276039874c9f95⋯.png (902.58 KB,852x639,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578909 (122139ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578949 (122145ZSEP24) Notable: James Comer requests FBI documents on Tim Walz’s China ties

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James Comer requests FBI documents on Tim Walz’s China ties

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), House Oversight Committee chairman, is expanding his investigation into Gov. Tim Walz‘s (D-MN) ties to China, citing a recent Washington Examiner report on Walz promoting a China-linked research institute.

In a letter Thursday to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Comer raised concerns over Walz’s promotion, as Minnesota’s governor, of a group called the Hormel Institute, which the Washington Examiner reported in September partners with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The top Republican is re-upping his request from August for the agency to turn over any documents on Chinese entities Walz has reportedly been linked to over the years

“Recent reports indicate Mr. Walz, while in Congress, ‘helped secure over $2 million’ and ‘pushed for a $5 million federal earmark’ for the Hormel Institute, which is a ‘Minnesota-based medical research center with a history of working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China,'” Comer wrote in the letter to Wray. “The Wuhan Institute of Virology is closely connected to the CCP and has been implicated in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.”


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0d8238 No.220800

File: ec1a44cc88d2462⋯.png (63.34 KB,596x419,596:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578950 (122145ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220801

File: 5ae0aec8274219f⋯.png (721.27 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578951 (122145ZSEP24) Notable: Judge throws out two charges Trump faces in Georgia election subversion case

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Judge throws out two charges Trump faces in Georgia election subversion case

A judge on Thursday threw out three charges in the sweeping Georgia election subversion case, including two charges that former President Donald Trump faces.

The decision hasn’t yet been formally applied to Trump because his case has been paused pending appeals.

In a separate ruling, Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee also upheld the marquee racketeering charge in the case, which Trump is also facing.

Trump lawyer Steve Sadow hailed the rulings as a victory.

“President Trump and his legal team in Georgia have prevailed once again,” Sadow said in a statement. “The trial court has decided that counts 15 and 27 in the indictment must be quashed/dismissed.”

McAfee threw out one count of filing false documents and one count of conspiring to file false documents, both stemming from the Trump campaign’s efforts to put forward a slate of fake GOP electors in Georgia. Trump was only named in the conspiracy count.

In the ruling, McAfee also threw out a separate count of filing false documents, which Trump was charged with. That count relates to untrue statements about supposed voter fraud that were included in one of Trump’s lawsuits in December 2020 that attempted to negate the election results.

These rulings only narrowly took effect for former Trump lawyer John Eastman and Georgia state Sen. Shawn Still, who were involved in the 2020 fake electors plot. Their cases are not currently paused. Trump was only named in two of the three charges that McAfee threw out Thursday.


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0d8238 No.220802

File: ecd95340721ee0a⋯.png (852.79 KB,840x656,105:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21578963 (122147ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579011 (122155ZSEP24) Notable: Judge throws out two charges Trump faces in Georgia election subversion case

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reposting for anons' pleasure

Donald Trump prevails again in Georgia criminal case as judge orders 2 charges dismissed

By Priscilla DeGregory Published Sep. 12, 2024, 4:30 p.m. ET

A Georgia judge has dismissed two counts of conspiracy against Donald Trump in the case accusing him of interfering in the state’s 2020 election results.

Judge Scott McAfee Thursday ruled that two of the 13 counts the former president and the 2024 Republican nominee faces must be dismissed because they relate to alleged federal crimes that are outside the state’s power.

The charges of conspiracy to commit filing false documents and conspiracy to commit forgery – or counts 15 and 17 – were tossed out.

One of the dismissed charges accused Trump and others of trying to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the Peach State by attempting to file a forged “Certificate of the Votes of the 2020 Electors from Georgia” making it look like Trump actually won.

The other nixed charge accused Trump and his co-defendants of making false statements and filing false documents to get Georgia lawmakers to “reject lawful” votes.

The case has been in limbo while Trump’s lawyers ask a state appeal court to boot Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the case because of her admitted affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, who was later ousted from the case.


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0d8238 No.220804

File: 0257f03020eec05⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579041 (122200ZSEP24) Notable: After putting on a MAGA hat, Joe Biden says “No eating dogs and cats”

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After putting on a MAGA hat, Joe Biden told a group of Trump supporters: “No eating dogs and cats”

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0d8238 No.220805

File: cf94f6aac7fd152⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 235f78857d7894d⋯.png (264.65 KB,610x788,305:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579052 (122201ZSEP24) Notable: Watch as a CSX freight train crashes into a semi-truck carrying a military army tank

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🚨#BREAKING: Watch as a CSX freight train crashes into a semi-truck carrying a military army tank

📌#GooseCreek | #SouthCarolina

Watch wild video captured earlier this afternoon in Goose Creek, South Carolina shows an 18-wheeler carrying a military tank getting stuck on railroad tracks and being struck by a CSX freight train. Numerous bystanders witnessed the incident. Officials reported that the truck, using a lowboy trailer to transport an M109 Paladin Howitzer tank, became stuck while crossing the tracks. The oncoming train collided with the truck, causing significant damage. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and the driver refused treatment. ‘It’s not every day you see a tank get smashed by a train,’ some workers joked


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0d8238 No.220806

File: d5abe9f240d15fc⋯.png (240.5 KB,566x827,566:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d93c52c36a131c⋯.png (566.23 KB,963x1066,963:1066,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579069 (122203ZSEP24) Notable: Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

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Wow -Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

Urges people to use therapeutic alternatives

Pfizer isn’t going to like this!

Sep 12, 2024, 4:55 PM


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0d8238 No.220807

File: 454044e854bfb0a⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579107 (122208ZSEP24) Notable: Ancestral Haitian describes the majority voodoo religion practiced in Haiti

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"Animal sacrifices" OPENS THE DOOR TO….

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0d8238 No.220808

File: 3540bba4cae6679⋯.png (1.19 MB,1242x1001,1242:1001,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579121 (122211ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Fuck the Government

We won't do what they tell us.

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0d8238 No.220809

File: a64e5c9d290ccac⋯.png (244.51 KB,680x661,680:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579127 (122212ZSEP24) Notable: Apparently there is an ABC whistleblower who has details of how Kamala got the debate questions in advance

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0d8238 No.220810

File: 8eb05c57d21deb7⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579150 (122216ZSEP24) Notable: Large amount of busses spotted outside of Kamala Harris’ North Carolina rally

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(It's almost as if the only thing the Democrat Party is good at is cheating elections and trafficking people from one location to another)

NEW: Large amount of busses spotted outside of Kamala Harris’ North Carolina rally, suggesting that the VP is once again bussing in people to fill her rallies.

Just one week ago, Harris was reportedly caught bussing people in across state lines.

Local reports say Harris was bussing people in from Massachusetts to get them to her New Hampshire rally.

"It's a New Hampshire event. We're getting listener calls, eyewitness accounts that buses en route are coming in from Massachusetts," a local station reported before the event.

"Lots of yellow buses from a Yankee line… I counted at least half a dozen of them…" a witness said.

Harris also bussed people in from Atlanta to get them to her Savannah, Georgia rally 4 hours away.

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0d8238 No.220811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579172 (122218ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24


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0d8238 No.220812

File: 823e10a0ee42bac⋯.mp4 (12.04 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579205 (122221ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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Trump "They're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats" REMIX

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0d8238 No.220813

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0d8238 No.220814

File: 649f61eb9313b1d⋯.png (763.93 KB,681x511,681:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e8a86449ddebce⋯.png (1.43 MB,924x693,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a42f96d2994c6ab⋯.png (976.06 KB,765x837,85:93,Clipboard.png)

File: b970e663ded79e2⋯.png (1.27 MB,924x693,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: d03b58b1f002b0d⋯.png (1.06 MB,819x781,819:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579291 (122229ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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Meme until they cry.

Then meme MOAR






Thanks Q+ for posting exactly 5 memes, the max allowed on qresearch.

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0d8238 No.220815

File: 8e79c693efa7091⋯.mp4 (7.53 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579303 (122231ZSEP24) Notable: A New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency gets a very special 8th birthday letter

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kevin smith




Meet Liam.

A New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency.

Who got a very special 8th birthday letter from a very special person.

This is the side of Trump the media WILL NEVER show you.


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0d8238 No.220816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579324 (122233ZSEP24) Notable: Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 631.png

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Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT > Stop taking the sleeping pill.

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0d8238 No.220817

File: f5b3eaf77fbe636⋯.png (363.79 KB,473x1680,473:1680,Clipboard.png)

File: b288167b566df8c⋯.png (101.7 KB,473x938,473:938,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b2b9d1db3bf047⋯.png (41.24 KB,473x413,473:413,Clipboard.png)

File: a2ed4edc0cfd59b⋯.png (24.02 KB,473x168,473:168,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dcca3bde8886f8⋯.png (26.05 KB,473x168,473:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579325 (122233ZSEP24) Notable: Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT

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18:31 timestamp

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0d8238 No.220818

File: b40123da1e783ab⋯.png (1.45 MB,1463x822,1463:822,Clipboard.png)

File: 24cb705582b6bb3⋯.png (1.37 MB,1463x822,1463:822,Clipboard.png)

File: c4aea3c22fb1930⋯.png (1.45 MB,1463x822,1463:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579331 (122234ZSEP24) Notable: Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT

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0d8238 No.220819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579345 (122236ZSEP24) Notable: Jimmy Dore covering the Springfield, Ohio Haitian situation

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Dogs, cats and ducks had to be eaten in order to focus on the state of life of the people in this city (and many others).

Brilliant move POTUS!

First everyone makes fun of it, then comes the “oh, it's really true”!

The TRUTH About Immigrants In Springfield Ohio!

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0d8238 No.220820

File: cf9f86217b9a5df⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579347 (122236ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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eat the cat

eat eat the cat

Surely if it's just Trump you won't have an excuse this time?

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0d8238 No.220821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579358 (122237ZSEP24) Notable: Harris & Walz Campaign in Greensboro, NC @ 6:30 PM EDT

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6:29 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: VP Harris Campaigns in Greensboro, NC

2024 Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks at a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina.


7:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Gov. Tim Walz Campaigns in Grand Rapids, MI

2024 Democratic vice presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz (MN) speaks to supporters at a campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


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0d8238 No.220822

File: d90af9df1601047⋯.jpg (135.04 KB,896x868,32:31,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e3ab192feb695bd⋯.png (247.18 KB,424x609,424:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579373 (122239ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220823

File: 2b906267f75c03c⋯.png (48.22 KB,1600x198,800:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579377 (122240ZSEP24) Notable: Former top Clinton adviser calls on ABC to launch internal probe into whether debate was rigged

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By Nicholas Ballasy

Published: September 12, 2024 4:29pm

Updated: September 12, 2024 5:45pm

Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate."

ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump's statements but not a single pushback at any made by Kamala Harris.

Trump said Thursday that the debate was three-on-one and declined to participate in another one before the election.

Anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis moderated the first debate between Harris and Trump, which drew 67.1 million viewers, making it the most watched presidential debate since 2008. But it has drawn scorn from both Republicans and Democrats for giving the appearance of bias.

"I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don't know how much of this was planned in advance," Penn told the "John Solomon Reports" podcast.

"I don't know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that," he added.


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0d8238 No.220824

File: 122490ad9810893⋯.png (766.43 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579384 (122241ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220825

File: e98edfef6596f07⋯.png (46.47 KB,621x300,207:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579446 (122251ZSEP24) Notable: O'Keefe: We encourage anyone within ABC News with information re: potential biases during Presidential debate come forward

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We encourage anyone within ABC News who may have information regarding potential biases or irregularities during the first presidential debate on September 10th to come forward.

You can confidentially reach out to us via direct message on social media or contact us securely on Signal at 914-315-9415.

Sep 12, 2024, 5:45 PM


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0d8238 No.220826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579455 (122252ZSEP24) Notable: Transcript: Trump Rally in Tucson

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Transcript: Trump Rally in Tucson


President Trump: You know, in 2016, and 2020, where I got many more; millions more votes by the way, I hate to say that. They said, 'Oh that's a conspiracy theorist.' No, it's called, I got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country. And they said we lost. I was told if I got sixty-three million votes, which is what I got in 2016, you can't lose. Just get sixty-three. I got close to twelve million more votes than that. And we lost. But we didn't lose, and we're never going to let that happen again in this country. We can't let that happen again.


President Trump: '16 was great, '20 was better, and this one blows both of them away, because we've never seen the enthusiasm that we have.


President Trump: As the people of Arizona understand better than anyone else, under Kamala Harris, our country is under a thing called invasion…just like a military; it's like a military invasion. We are being conquered, and we are being occupied by a foreign element.


President Trump: As discussed in the debate, not only is Comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to stampede across our border, but she is flying them here from other countries…they fly them in by the tens of thousands….they have a special app. They have an app, where the cartels are allowed to use the app to get their people in. You believe this? It's an app for cartels…over the past three and a half years, the Harris/Biden administration has resettled a half a million illegal immigrants from the failed state of Haiti…into American communities, including over two hundred thousand who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane.


President Trump: In addition to Aurora, Colorado, there's a place called Springfield, Ohio, that you've been reading about. Twenty thousand illegal Haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of fifty-eight thousand people, destroying their way of life…enrollments on the state's Medicaid and food assistance programs have soared, motor vehicle accidents have skyrocketed, and recording of 911 calls are even show residents are reporting that the migrants are waling off with the town's geese. They're taking their geese…and even walking off with their pets.


President Trump: A small, four thousand person town, Charleroi, Pennsylvania…has experienced a two thousand percent increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris…this is a small town; all of a sudden they got thousand of people. The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don't speak, not a word of English, costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousand of dollars, and the town is virtually bankrupt. This flood of illegal aliens is also bringing massive crime to the town, and every place near it…there has never been an invasion like this in any country.


President Trump: Kamala, a committed marxist; you know, her father is a marxist professor, will be far worse than Crooked Joe Biden; she's gonna be worse, because he really doesn't believe it. She does. She does believe it.


President Trump: Another terrible effect of the Harri migrant invasion; she's the one that wanted it more than Biden. Biden didn't know what the hell was happening. He said, 'Oh. that sounds like a nice idea'…is that it is driving housing costs through the roof…fewer than five million houses were built in the last three years, yet Kamala Harris has imported twenty-one million illegal aliens who are now disproportionally occupying lower income rental properties…when I return to the White House, we will require that all companies receiving federal housing subsidies; to verify citizenship. We're going to verify citizenship. We're going to make sure it's a legal residency. And as a condition of their rental agreement, they're going to have to do all of it. Taxpayers will not subsidize apartment rentals for illegal aliens, and we will not permit illegals to drive up the cost for Americans in need. In addition, I will ban all mortgages for illegal aliens. You can't have it.


President Trump: Under Comrade Kamala Harris, your electricity bills here in Arizona rose an estimated one hundred percent. It's the largest increase anywhere in the country.


DJT: no taxes on social security benefits for our seniors, that's a big deal


President Trump: I will save American suburbs by protecting single-family zoning. The radical-left wants to abolish the suburbs by forcing apartment complex and low-income housing into the suburbs…I will end this marxist crusade.


President Trump: Today, I'm also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime. That' gives people more of an incentive to work. It gives the companies; it's a lot easier to get the people….the people who work overtime are among the hardest-working citizens in our country, and for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them…it's time for the working man and woman to catch a break.

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0d8238 No.220827

File: 6c55310166b79bd⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579505 (122257ZSEP24) Notable: You're fired, Comrade

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579513 (122257ZSEP24) Notable: Malaysian police rescue 402 children from sex slavery

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Hundreds of children and toddlers are rescued from care homes where they were forced to perform sex acts on each other, tortured and raped as part of 'religious treatment'

5:09 AM · Sep 12, 2024



Full article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13841769/Police-rescue-402-children-18-religious-care-homes-arrest-171-suspects-shocking-abuse-claims-Minors-allegedly-perform-sex-acts-punished-hot-spoons.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=social-twitter_mailonline

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0d8238 No.220829

File: 36fbfdc9d63090e⋯.jpeg (341.86 KB,1125x1773,125:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fd1b08f15ffd6b0⋯.jpeg (453.47 KB,1170x853,1170:853,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579515 (122258ZSEP24) Notable: Future proves past (ABC News)

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I watched ABC FAKE NEWS this morning, both lightweight reporter Jonathan Carl’s(K?) ridiculous and biased interview of Tom Cotton (who was fantastic!), and their so-called Panel of Trump Haters, and I ask, why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network? Will panelist Donna Brazil give the questions to the Marxist Candidate like she did for Crooked Hillary Clinton? Will Kamala’s best friend, who heads up ABC, do likewise. Where is Liddle’ George Slopadopolus hanging out now? Will he be involved. They’ve got a lot of questions to answer!!! Why did Harris turn down Fox, NBC, CBS, and even CNN? Stay tuned!!!

7.18k ReTruths


Aug 25, 2024 at 10:04 PM


BREAKING: ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.

2:51 PM · Sep 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.220830

File: 1e4b8dd8896906d⋯.mp4 (865.46 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e753a0d54a35822⋯.mp4 (718.29 KB,600x360,5:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4d5d555a1299f31⋯.mp4 (649.43 KB,404x720,101:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579519 (122258ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220831

File: 74e6aa0de56413e⋯.png (1001.33 KB,1155x694,1155:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579550 (122301ZSEP24) Notable: Animal Kingdom for Trump

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579578 (122305ZSEP24) Notable: Strike Concerns at U.S. Ports Looms Large Over Shipping

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Again I wonder: "where is Bootygig?"

East Coast and Gulf ports all on strike October 1st would be icing on the cake

Strike Concerns at U.S. Ports Looms Large Over Shipping

Mike Schuler September 10, 2024

As the September 30 deadline for the contract between the International Longshoreman Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. (USMX) approaches, negotiations have reached a critical impasse, potentially impacting supply chains across U.S. Gulf and East Coast ports.

USMX reports ongoing attempts to resume negotiations with the ILA on a new Master Contract covering 25,000 container and roll-on/roll-off port workers on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts. However, despite continued outreach, USMX has been unable to secure a meeting with ILA leadership.

In a recent development, the ILA convened its Wage Scale delegates in Teaneck, NJ, on September 4-5. The meetings concluded with a statement from the ILA claiming unanimous support for an October 1 strike if a new agreement is not reached.

A USMX spokesperson stated, “We remain committed to resuming negotiations with the ILA on a new Master Contract. Our current offer includes industry-leading wage increases and the retention of existing technology language, demonstrating our willingness to reach a new deal.”

The potential for a work stoppage looms large over the industry. Maersk has warned that even a one-week shutdown could result in 4-6 weeks of recovery time, with significant backlogs and delays compounding each day.

As the situation unfolds, businesses relying on these ports are advised to stay informed and prepare contingency plans. Maersk has announced its readiness to assist customers in exploring alternative routes and distribution schedules should disruptions occur.


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0d8238 No.220833

File: 907b2e1178f02dc⋯.png (355.15 KB,733x821,733:821,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c5917f89b5b1e⋯.mp4 (829.05 KB,510x270,17:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579586 (122306ZSEP24) Notable: Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

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🚨Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on Trump assassination attempt "will absolutely shock the American people."

"I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished & appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the former President."

"I think they also ought to be appalled & astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security."


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0d8238 No.220834

File: b4eee451f9b88b2⋯.png (445.25 KB,900x787,900:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579593 (122306ZSEP24) Notable: Australia's proposed misinformation laws protect the banks over the right of Australians to speak freely

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AUS, the absolute state of it.

Senator Matt Canavan


Australia's proposed misinformation laws protect the banks over the right of Australians to speak freely.

If these laws pass you won't be able to say anything that causes harm to "public confidence in the banking system."

So under these laws those who called out the recklessness of mortgage backed securities before the Global Financial Crisis would have been censored.

Why does the Labor party think that our banks have earned the right to be immune from criticism?

The misinformation laws are to protect them, not you.


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0d8238 No.220835

File: 95833104b96bfd9⋯.png (343.86 KB,865x1448,865:1448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579596 (122307ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Pledges to Eliminate Taxes on Overtime

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Trump Pledges to Eliminate Taxes on Overtime

"It's time for the working man and woman to finally catch a break, and that's what we're doing, because I think it's a good one. I think it's going to be great for the country."


This would be a big deal. I support this.

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0d8238 No.220836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579662 (122313ZSEP24) Notable: Mystery seismic waves that rippled around Earth for nine days caused by Greenland tsunami

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Mystery seismic waves that rippled around Earth for nine days caused by Greenland tsunami: study

By Carl Smith and environment reporter Peter de Kruijff

ABC Science

Topic:Earth Sciences

2h ago



scientists just now acknowledging the earthrang like a belllast year on Sept 16th for 9 solid days til sept 25th

Funfact missed or ignored by scientists

Sept 16th was Roshashan and Sept 25th was the end of the Holy Days, Yom Kippur.

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0d8238 No.220837

File: 21cff6351f43492⋯.jpeg (682.47 KB,1170x1729,90:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579675 (122316ZSEP24) Notable: Future proves past (ABC News)

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>Where is Liddle’ George Slopadopolus hanging out now?


Court rules Trump’s defamation suit against ABC can proceed

Judge denied ABC News’ request to dismiss the case

Published: Aug 12, 2024, at 4:01 p.m.

A Florida judge has allowed a trial to move forward in the defamation lawsuit of former President Donald Trump vs. ABC News. In March, Trump filed a lawsuit accusing one of the new organization’s most well-known journalists, George Stephanopoulos, of defaming him in a heated segment on his show “This Week” with Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C.

In the interview that aired on March 10, Stephanopoulos mentioned that Trump had been found “liable for rape” multiple times regarding the Republican presidential candidate’s defamation lawsuit with writer E. Jean Carroll. The verdict actually found him liable for sexually abusing her, not technically rape under New York state law.


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0d8238 No.220838

File: 4d8580c03096437⋯.png (716.12 KB,883x589,883:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579681 (122317ZSEP24) Notable: El Salvador’s Police Chief Dies in Helicopter Crash

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El Salvador’s Police Chief Dies in Helicopter Crash

Mauricio Arriaza Chicas led the nation’s police force during a crackdown on gang violence. The president expressed doubt that the crash had been an accident.

The chief of El Salvador’s national police, who played a key role in the government’s campaign to jail thousands of people as part of a crackdown on gang violence, has died in a helicopter crash, the authorities said early Monday.

A Salvadoran Air Force helicopter carrying the police chief, Mauricio Arriaza Chicas, crashed in an eastern region of the country near the border with Honduras, according to the Salvadoran military. Everyone on board died, it said.

The passengers on the helicopter included Manuel Coto, the former head of a credit union, the military said. Mr. Coto, who was arrested in Honduras over the weekend, has been accused of money laundering in El Salvador. Mr. Coto was being transported back to El Salvador.

Mr. Arriaza Chicas served as police chief under President Nayib Bukele, a popular leader who easily won re-election in February on the strength of a contentious crackdown on gangs.

On Monday, Mr. Bukele said on social media that the helicopter crash could not be considered a mere “accident,” though he provided no evidence of foul play. He said his government would ask for international help with an investigation.

“Director Arriaza Chicas was a fundamental piece in bringing peace and security to our people,” Mr. Bukele wrote.

El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America, once had one of the world’s highest homicide rates outside of a war zone. That changed after Mr. Bukele swept to power in a 2019 election and declared a state of emergency to quell gang violence.

The campaign against violence produced a crackdown on civil liberties. Mr. Bukele’s government has jailed thousands of innocent people, suspended key civil liberties indefinitely and flooded the streets with soldiers. The advocacy group Human Rights Watch said in a 2022 report that he was “responsible for widespread human rights violations during the state of emergency.”

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0d8238 No.220839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579702 (122320ZSEP24) Notable: #26433

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notables FINAL

#26433 >>220796

>>220811 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

>>220826 Transcript: Trump Rally in Tucson

>>220827 You're fired, Comrade

>>220818, >>220816, >>220817 Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>220797 I Am The Storm

>>220799 James Comer requests FBI documents on Tim Walz’s China ties

>>220800, >>220812, >>220814, >>220820, >>220824, >>220831, >>220830 Animal Kingdom for Trump

>>220801, >>220803 Judge throws out two charges Trump faces in Georgia election subversion case

>>220804 After putting on a MAGA hat, Joe Biden says “No eating dogs and cats”

>>220805 Watch as a CSX freight train crashes into a semi-truck carrying a military army tank

>>220806 Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

>>220807 Ancestral Haitian describes the majority voodoo religion practiced in Haiti

>>220819 Jimmy Dore covering the Springfield, Ohio Haitian situation

>>220809, >>220813 Apparently there is an ABC whistleblower who has details of how Kamala got the debate questions in advance

>>220823 Former top Clinton adviser calls on ABC to launch internal probe into whether debate was rigged

>>220825 O'Keefe: We encourage anyone within ABC News with information re: potential biases during Presidential debate come forward

>>220829, >>220837 Future proves past (ABC News)

>>220815 A New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency gets a very special 8th birthday letter

>>220821 Harris & Walz Campaign in Greensboro, NC @ 6:30 PM EDT

>>220810 Large amount of busses spotted outside of Kamala Harris’ North Carolina rally

>>220828 Malaysian police rescue 402 children from sex slavery

>>220832 Strike Concerns at U.S. Ports Looms Large Over Shipping

>>220833 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>220834 Australia's proposed misinformation laws protect the banks over the right of Australians to speak freely

>>220835 Trump Pledges to Eliminate Taxes on Overtime

>>220836 Mystery seismic waves that rippled around Earth for nine days caused by Greenland tsunami

>>220838 El Salvador’s Police Chief Dies in Helicopter Crash

>>220798, >>220802, >>220808, >>220822 Memes


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0d8238 No.220841

File: e753a0d54a35822⋯.mp4 (718.29 KB,600x360,5:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579738 (122324ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Anon shot milk out nose when the soundtrack to this one started.


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0d8238 No.220842

File: a1aefaa2d3ae271⋯.jpeg (844.77 KB,1347x1543,1347:1543,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579764 (122327ZSEP24) Notable: Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

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Holy Crap!!!


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0d8238 No.220843

File: 5a9d7d0f4347d83⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,848x448,53:28,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579847 (122338ZSEP24) Notable: Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

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0d8238 No.220844

File: 60ee466fdfe37f8⋯.png (34.24 KB,960x614,480:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579872 (122340ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.220845

File: a090a413db759bc⋯.png (202.89 KB,398x716,199:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579906 (122345ZSEP24) Notable: The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

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BREAKING: The Kamala Harris campaign just got caught BUSSING in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

They cheat at everything, and apparently, even crowd sizes

I've been to two Trump rallies in two different states. The people at his rallies are locals from the area and want to be there

What Kamala is doing is bizarre and WEIRD.

2:56 PM · Sep 12, 2024





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0d8238 No.220846

File: dac13b978042e57⋯.png (77.77 KB,687x159,229:53,Clipboard.png)

File: cf13364959f63ca⋯.png (47.29 KB,758x400,379:200,Clipboard.png)

File: 11cf927d43fb9b3⋯.png (48.04 KB,763x384,763:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579919 (122347ZSEP24) Notable: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

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Ohio Sending Troopers, Funding To Springfield Over Haitian Influx DeWine’s family operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools…

Ohio’s governor says he is sending law enforcement officials and millions of dollars in health care resources to Springfield, a city at the center of a national spotlight on Haitian illegal immigrants.

Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, said he doesn’t oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020. However, he said, the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.

In a news conference on Sept. 10, DeWine said that “dramatic surges” in illegal immigrants “impact every citizen of the community,” adding that the small Ohio cities of Lima and Findlay also have had influxes.

“The federal government simply has to be part of the solution,” the governor said. “They have to step up. It’s their policies that have created these surges.”

He said the influx affects “moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child, everyone who drives on the streets, and it affects children who go to school in more-crowded classrooms.”


Here we go

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0d8238 No.220847

File: 2362e00ac257981⋯.png (475.81 KB,507x859,507:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 77f3b6ded4307d6⋯.png (608.55 KB,508x1016,1:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b7a55f89867e9b⋯.png (631.87 KB,504x1072,63:134,Clipboard.png)

File: beee4ac3ebf04f3⋯.png (595.49 KB,503x997,503:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579935 (122350ZSEP24) Notable: Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

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All PB

>>218548, >>218552, >>218555, >>218556, >>218557, >>218558, >>218560 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better?

>>219748, >>219752, 21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did it Better? (cont.)

>>220291, >>220293, >>220296, >>220299 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did it Better? (cont.)

This is the last installment of the series about President Trump's Executive Orders which where revoked or otherwise changed by the Biden/Harris Administration.


Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13929 of June 16, 2020 (Revoked by EO14074, May 25, 2022)

Safe Policing for Safe Communities


Federal Register - 2022 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14074of May 25, 2022

Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices To Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13931 of June 26, 2020 (Revoked by EO14025of April 26, 2021)

Continuing the President’s National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14025of April 26, 2021

Worker Organizing and Empowerment



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13934 of July 3, 2020 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14029of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actionsand Technical Amendment


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0d8238 No.220848

File: ada61066245c099⋯.png (68.07 KB,755x583,755:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579948 (122351ZSEP24) Notable: DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

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DHS Secretary Mayorkas Criticizes Texas's Handling Of The Border

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas criticized Texas’s attempts to stop illegal immigration while praising Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in addressing the “root causes” of the border crisis.

Mayorkas spoke Sept. 6 at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin.

The annual festival hosts a slate of political speakers, newsmakers, and journalists who discuss current events.

“This is the first time that in my 20 to 22 years of government service that I have seen a state act in direct contravention of national interests,” Mayorkas said.

Some 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021. In March 2021, he put Harris in charge of dealing with illegal immigration. Harris, now the Democratic Party nominee for president, faces criticism for the border crisis as the 2024 election draws near.

Texas has spent $11 billion on Operation Lone Star, deploying thousands of Texas National Guard soldiers and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, transporting illegal immigrants to self-declared sanctuary cities, installing strategic barriers, and building the state’s border wall, according to Andrew Mahaleris, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s press secretary.

Texas’s Operation Lone Star was introduced in March 2021 to address “dangerous gaps” in border security created by Biden and Harris, Mahaleris said in an email to The Epoch Times.

Those efforts have decreased illegal border crossings by 85 percent, he said.

“Until President Biden and Border Czar Harris step up and do their jobs to secure the border, Texas will continue utilizing every tool and strategy to respond,” Mahaleris said.

Mayorkas called Abbott’s efforts to bus illegal immigrants to other states and cities without notice to or coordination with receiving cities “incomprehensible” and not good governance.

“Is it purely to wreak havoc and disorder in the receiving communities to make a political point?” Mayorkas said.

He also criticized Senate Bill 4, which Abbott signed into law and was meant to go into effect on March 5, but it instead remains in limbo after the Biden administration sued. Mayorkas said immigration is the federal government’s responsibility.

SB 4 makes crossing into Texas unlawfully from a foreign nation a state felony and empowers state and local law enforcement to make arrests and carry out deportations. The law has some similarities to a 2010 Arizona law that ended up being mostly struck down in a 5–4 Supreme Court decision in 2012. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has said the Supreme Court got the Arizona decision wrong and that it needs to be relitigated.


The criminals human trafficking people into the US are running the Government! There can be zero doubt left!

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0d8238 No.220849

File: 34a74fc32d933d6⋯.png (648.51 KB,502x1059,502:1059,Clipboard.png)

File: 130a58218e9d2ec⋯.png (641 KB,504x1088,63:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 653fa75c45c28a4⋯.png (691.8 KB,506x1156,253:578,Clipboard.png)

File: c27f2b81fe4f382⋯.png (539.67 KB,502x940,251:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579957 (122353ZSEP24) Notable: Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

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Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13935 of July 9, 2020 (Superseded by EO14045, September 13, 2021)

White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14045of September 13, 2021

White House Initiative onAdvancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13942 of August 6, 2020 (Revoked by EO14034, June 9, 2021)

Addressing the Threat Posed byTikTok, and Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13943 of August 6, 2020 (Revoked by EO14034, June 9, 2021)

Addressing the Threat Posed byWeChat, and Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14034of June 9, 2021

Protecting Americans’ Sensitive Data From Foreign Adversaries



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13946 of August 24, 2020 (Revoked by EO14091, February 16, 2023)

Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations


Federal Register - 2023 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14091of February 16, 2023

Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government


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0d8238 No.220850

File: 223bdbd311f36c0⋯.png (1.49 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579968 (122355ZSEP24) Notable: New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

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New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban on Sept. 12 resigned from his position, days after his phone was seized in a federal investigation.

Caban said he made the decision to resign after the “news around recent developments” had “created a distraction for our department,” according to an email to the police department obtained by The Associated Press.

“I am unwilling to let my attention be on anything other than our important work, or the safety of the men and women of the NYPD,” he added.


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0d8238 No.220851

File: 3fb1e8866638654⋯.png (731.63 KB,509x1188,509:1188,Clipboard.png)

File: cc3ed02ff04dd96⋯.png (757.05 KB,506x1217,506:1217,Clipboard.png)

File: 8eeb472c3f986f2⋯.png (621.93 KB,506x1023,46:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 440135fcd851eea⋯.png (700.02 KB,504x1142,252:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579979 (122356ZSEP24) Notable: Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

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Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13950 of September 22, 2020 (Revoked by EO13985, January 20, 2021)

Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13958 of November 2, 2020 (Revoked by EO13985, January 1, 2021)

Establishing the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order13985of January 20, 2021

AdvancingRacial Equity and Support for Underserved CommunitiesThrough the Federal Government



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13957 of October 21, 2020 (Revoked by EO14003of January 22, 2021)

Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service (See EO 14029 of May 14, 2021)


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14003of January 22, 2021

Protecting the Federal Workforce


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 14029 of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment

See page 1 Sec. 3 which discuses Schedule F in the Excepted Service.


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0d8238 No.220852

File: ccfaae338abf8d8⋯.png (248.22 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579980 (122356ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220853

File: bb3a091237ff3a9⋯.png (153.71 KB,484x792,11:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579982 (122356ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

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0d8238 No.220854

File: 65827e9aa6cb431⋯.png (305.22 KB,680x356,170:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579987 (122357ZSEP24) Notable: Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

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Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday pledged to eliminate taxes on overtime wages if he is elected back to the White House in November.

Trump has previously promised to eliminate taxes on tips, and social security benefits. All three proposals appear to be part of an effort to woo working-class and senior voters, groups that could be crucial in November's election.

"Today, I'm also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime," Trump told his supporters in Tuscon, Arizona. "The people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country. And for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them.


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0d8238 No.220855

File: 876cd0f1e98882f⋯.png (711.34 KB,504x1174,252:587,Clipboard.png)

File: fca477bfe7311dc⋯.png (652.28 KB,504x1048,63:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 6214ac52c445d43⋯.png (670.3 KB,506x883,506:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580003 (130000ZSEP24) Notable: Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

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Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13959 of November 12, 2020 (Amended by EO14032of June 3, 2021)

(Superseded in part by EO 14032, June 3, 2021)

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14032of June 3, 2021

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of Chin



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13964 of December 10, 2020 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance To Advance American Influence


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14029of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13967 of December 18, 2020 (Revoked by EO14018, February 24, 2021)

Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14018of February 24, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions


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0d8238 No.220856

File: 4b3ba6ce9100708⋯.png (389.15 KB,503x875,503:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 066986a0660c93a⋯.png (464.49 KB,506x849,506:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 4974a144a5ddb55⋯.png (488.25 KB,507x889,507:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580016 (130002ZSEP24) Notable: Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

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Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13970 of December 31, 2020 (Superseded by EO14061, December 22, 2021)

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14061of December 22, 2021

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay



Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13974 of January 13, 2021 (Revoked by EO14032, June 3, 2021)

Amending Executive Order 13959 - Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14032of June 3, 2021

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of Chin



Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13975 of January 14, 2021 (Revoked by EO14005, January 25, 2021)

Encouraging Buy American Policies for the United States Postal Service


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14005of January 25, 2021

Ensuring the Future Is Made in All of America by All of America’s Workers


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0d8238 No.220857

File: 73a6493b1a9deff⋯.png (1.44 MB,676x946,338:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580037 (130005ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220858

File: f0aeb7c757bf6d9⋯.png (513.37 KB,504x878,252:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 6be5269410f3d83⋯.png (511.32 KB,504x894,84:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 1476a44dc87e526⋯.png (546.43 KB,503x741,503:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580047 (130005ZSEP24) Notable: Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

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Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13978 of January 18, 2021 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Building the National Garden of American Heroes


Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13980 of January 18, 2021 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Protecting Americans From Overcriminalization Through Regulatory Reform


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14029of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment



Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13979 of January 18, 2021 (Revoked by EO14018, February 24, 2021)

Ensuring Democratic Accountability in Agency Rulemaking


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14018of February 24, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions


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0d8238 No.220859

File: 72019d7225a6f08⋯.png (799.38 KB,743x861,743:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580066 (130007ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220860

File: ec949e4da264028⋯.png (1.54 MB,884x2092,221:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580076 (130008ZSEP24) Notable: Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

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Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

The Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), announced on Wednesday that couples will be required to undergo genetic testing before they can be married.

The testing requirement, which goes into effect on October 1, is intended to help couples make “informed decisions” about their partners.

“The premarital screening program plays a vital role in protecting the health of couples planning to marry by detecting infectious diseases and inherited blood disorders, while offering appropriate genetic counseling,” explained acting Abu Dhabi Public Health Center director Dr. Ahmed al-Khazraji.

The Emirati government produced an infographic explaining what the screening will entail: >>>/qresearch/21580062

The Department of Health claimed data from its trials for genetic testing, which began in 2022, showed that 86 percent of couples were compatible, while 14 percent required “additional intervention.”

According to Dr. Fahed al-Marzooqi of Abu Dhabi healthcare technology company M42, the new testing requirement is necessary “due to the high prevalence of genetic disorders within the Emirati population, partly attributed to the region’s history of consanguineous marriages.”

“Understanding genetic risks allows healthcare providers to take proactive measures, improving patient outcomes and reducing the long-term burden of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” he said.

Dr. al-Marzooqi said the genetic testing process, and its attendant bureaucratic workflow, have been refined enough to reduce the turnaround time for mandatory testing to 14 days.

The UAE has a remarkably high rate of marriages between first cousins. A study in 2020 found that up to 39 percent of marriages were consanguineous, meaning any relationship closer than second cousins. This is a persistent problem in Middle Eastern societies – Pakistan, Kuwait, and Qatar have even higher rates of consanguinity than the UAE.

Studies have found the rates of marriage between blood relatives are very high in these cultures because such weddings are thought to help with “preserving family structure and assets, facilitating marriage arrangements, fostering harmonious relations with in-laws, and economic benefits related to dowries.” Arab cultures often believe marriages between close relatives are more stable, and the husband’s family is more likely to assist with supporting a closely-related wife and her children.

During the Abu Dhabi trial period, the tests were expanded to include 13 genes that are “particularly relevant to the UAE population.” One of the inherited diseases prevalent among Emiratis is thalassaemia, a blood disorder that is much more common among children born to couples that turned out to be more closely related than they thought.

Al-Marzooqi said one goal of the program is to build a “comprehensive genetic database specific to the Emirati population.”

Genetic testing services for couples will be offered at 22 primary care centers in the cities of Abu Dhabi, Al Dhafra, and Al Ain.

“The integration of genetic testing as part of the premarital screening programme is a proud milestone for Abu Dhabi. It positions the Emirate at the forefront of leading healthcare destinations globally, harnessing the power of genomics and latest technologies to promote informed decisions,” said Dr. Asma al-Mannaei, executive director of research and innovation for the Abu Dhabi Department of Health.


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0d8238 No.220861

File: 57bcf86eed26cee⋯.jpg (159.75 KB,720x527,720:527,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5a7eca94feeea7f⋯.jpg (225 KB,720x1166,360:583,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 57bcf86eed26cee⋯.jpg (159.75 KB,720x527,720:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580089 (130009ZSEP24) Notable: Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

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🚨#BREAKING: Military officials are investigating after a rear tail cone from a C-17 military aircraft fell from the sky and landed in a a school parking lot

📌#Hanahan | #Southcarolina

Currently Military officials are currently investigating an incident in Hanahan, South Carolina, after a rear tail cone from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft fell from the sky and landed in the parking lot of Divine Redeemer School. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and the area has been secured as a precaution. Officials stated they are aware that the tail cone detached from a military aircraft during flight and have launched a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the incident. At this time, it remains unclear how the part separated from the plane

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0d8238 No.220862

File: ce4d68d2323bd05⋯.png (95.18 KB,617x477,617:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580122 (130012ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

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MASSIVE NEWS!The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate.In fact, the Data is even worse than we could have ever imagined. Compared to 2020, Violent Crime is up nearly 40 percent, Rape is up 42 percent, Aggravated Assaults are up 55 percent, Violent Crime with a weapon is up 56 percent, Violent Attacks on strangers are up 61 percent, Car Theft is up 42 percent, and the most serious forms of Violent Crime are up 55 percent. Our Cities are UNDER SIEGE. And this does not include the Migrant Crime and Migrant Rape spree that has overtaken our Cities in recent months. Kamala Crime is destroying America, and gangs are taking over!

Sep 12, 2024, 7:01 PM


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0d8238 No.220863

File: e72a8cdaf9491d6⋯.png (232.2 KB,533x499,533:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580129 (130013ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220864

File: f6a5fbb806c4b98⋯.png (160.1 KB,1280x881,1280:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580161 (130017ZSEP24) Notable: Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

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Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China #CIA #China #Classifiedinformation

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0d8238 No.220865

File: 66c79c3520e1bfb⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580185 (130019ZSEP24) Notable: Hi+

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He is always watching


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0d8238 No.220866

File: abd281cea46251c⋯.png (504.27 KB,628x360,157:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580213 (130025ZSEP24) Notable: Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

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EXCLUSIVE: Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for RACKETEERING and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

The woman currently suing Rudy Giuliani for sexual harassment has been sued in the past by another man for extortion and racketeering.

The Gateway Pundit unearthed a lawsuit dating back to 2016 where real estate mogul Steve Kogut accused Noelle Dunphy (the woman suing Giuliani) of leading a racketeering ring. He alleged the ring targets “High Net Worth Men” and extorts them for cash by using law fare and false sexual allegations as blackmail. In the lawsuit, Kogut said Dunphy accused him of rape and sexual harassment to extort him for cash.


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0d8238 No.220867

File: 09462e633be6a8e⋯.png (308.56 KB,463x622,463:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580276 (130036ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580277 (130036ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference

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Called it. Pretty annoying

One of the big problems for campaign director Brian Fallon,is Kamala’s linguistic pattern, ie. how she talks. There has never been a successful politician in history who talks through their nose in a nasal dialect; it is just too annoying to the average ear.

The same principle applies in business; there are very few people in leadership positions with linguistic afflictions (nasal talkers specifically). The only person with nasal linguistics (speech and dialect patterns) who came close to success, was Ross Perot.


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0d8238 No.220869

File: df43662db910490⋯.png (197.29 KB,583x1824,583:1824,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580309 (130042ZSEP24) Notable: HUD

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BIDENBUCKS: The Biden-Harris regime used the 2022 election as a trial run to use federal tax dollars to replicate and expand Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's so-called 'Zuckbucks' effort using HUD in 2020. This year they have expanded the effort to EVERY federal agency and they're refusing to allow ANY oversight from Congress.

Without any fanfare or mainstream media reporting HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge rolled out a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative-Style election effort in the 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies she managed. Secretary Fudge was given more than a billion dollars and orders to build a nationwide election infrastructure on top of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies. As a result, she was able to multiply the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s 2020 election successes by more than ten times - expanding it from five states to all fifty.

When Democrats learned that Mark Zuckerberg had decided to discontinue his effort to build election infrastructure they looked to the government to fill the void. The billionaire invested more than $400 million in the 2020 presidential election to help election officials in five swing states set up parallel election infrastructure consisting of thousands of ballot drop boxes, voter registration efforts targeted at Democrat communities, and the personnel to manage and maintain them. To fill that gap the Biden-Harris regime signed the Executive Order 14019 on Promoting Access to Voting on March 7, 2021. Six months later Biden allocated more than $5 billion for the effort including more than a billion dollars for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and outlined specific actions to be taken by the agency.

Secretary Fudge stepped down in March but her initiative was expanded to include ALL 15 cabinet secretaries - each of whom were directed to implement Executive Order 14019. Flush with more than $4 billion in taxpayer funds these political appointees have been able to use the infrastructure, personel, and power of their federal agencies to duplicate HUD's efforts to mobilize voters in Democrat communities - under the guise of mobilizing 'historically disenfranchised groups'.

The Chairman of the House Administration Committee @RepBryanSteil

correctly pointed out that this effort violates the Constitution's 'times, places, and manner of elections' clause. As a result Steil issued subpoenas to 15 cabinet secretaries on June 13, 2024, demanding they provide documents related to their strategic plans for implementing the executive order. These plans were originally supposed to be submitted to the White House under the guidance of then-Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice. Despite Steil's repeated requests, the agencies have only provided publicly available information effectively stonewalling the committee. The plan seems to be to run out the clock before the November election.

Democrats have repeatedly attempted to pass legislation that would nationalize federal elections. Their most recent effort was called “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act” (H.R.5746) and would have turned over elections to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats from the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ which is headed by Kristen Clarke who has written extensively on race claiming that Blacks have “greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities” than other races. Republicans blocked the legislation but Biden’s EO has opened the backdoor allowing for the creation of a de facto National Election Infrastructure.

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0d8238 No.220870

File: 5ebdd60d3f35464⋯.mp4 (211.6 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580312 (130042ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor"

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Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor."


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0d8238 No.220871

File: 48ad6fa52716208⋯.png (628.67 KB,583x2198,583:2198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580316 (130043ZSEP24) Notable: HUD

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HUD, flush with almost a billion dollars in startup capital on top of the $48 billion the agency already receives, features a majority-minority workforce almost completely made up of registered Democrats. These dedicated Democrats provide services to a majority-minority population who live in 958,000 public housing units and typically identify as Democrats but are traditionally unreliable voters. By using HUD’s massive footprint and infrastructure Democrats are guaranteed to bring these unreliable voters into the fold and provide a federal election beachhead into every state in the union. Observers have pointed out that having a federal employee actively running a de facto partisan election agency would violate the Hatch Act. In fact, the Office of Special Counsel investigated Fudge before she left office and determined she had, indeed, violated the Hatch Act issuing her a stern warning.

On its face, the president’s EO sounds innocent enough. But in practice, it provides Democrats with a blank check to create a permanent national election infrastructure. DNC operatives and NGOs aligned with the Democratic Party are ‘helping’ Public Housing Authorities read between the lines to understand the actual intent of the president’s EO - to create a massive election machine designed to increase the Democratic representation in federal elections. To that end, HUD has notified PHAs that they are to use Section 8 administration fees and public housing operating subsidies to fund the following mandates:

- HUD is requiring each of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies (PHA) to apply to each state to become official ‘Voter Registration Agencies’ including the hiring of staff to manage election-related efforts. Designation is designed to protect their electioneering efforts from scrutiny.

- Where PHAs cannot submit voter registrations electronically they are required to stock voter registration forms along with procedures for conducting regular voter registration drives. PHAs are instructed to collect completed applications and transmit them to election officials on a regular basis as permitted by law.

- PHAs are to create ‘safe community spaces’ with adequate technology to support candidate forums, phone banking, ballot distribution/collection, and in-person early and election day voting (power outlets, HVAC, internet, etc).

- HUD is collaborating with local election officials to locate one or more HUD approved/ provided/ funded/ serviced voter ballot drop boxes in each public housing unit operated by a PHA. The collaboration will ensure compliance with local laws and allow for legal challenges as necessary.

- HUD is collaborating with local election officials to ensure that at least one or more in-person voting site is located in facilities managed and controlled by each PHA to facilitate both early and election-day voting.

HUD has instructed PHAs to fund ‘Resident Advisory Boards’ to assist with electioneering efforts. For example, RABs may use federal funds to provide transportation to ANY voter enabling them to vote at a PHA voting location or any other voting location in the area.

- HUD is providing PHAs with funds to hire homeless outreach staff to ensure that every homeless person is registered to vote. U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness has provided guidance to PHAs that they can use the PHA’s address for the homeless person regardless of rules, regulations, or laws stating otherwise. It is expected that PHAs will handle 10X as many ballots for the homeless than they do for residents.

Publicly, HUD has stated:

“PHAs must not fund partisan political facilities or activities. Additionally, PHAs should not suggest that benefits are tied to voting activity, nor should they give the appearance that voting and voter registration are not voluntary activities. Additionally, PHAs should follow all applicable civil rights laws, including those that ensure voting processes are accessible for individuals with disabilities.”

Of course, this is what is going on at just ONE of the fifteen agencies ordered by the Biden-Harris regime to use their vast resources to implement similar efforts. We have no idea what the other agencies have done - we likely won't know until it is too late. But if what happened in 2022 with JUST the efforts of HUD - I can't imagine what the Democrats could do with all 15 federal agencies working in unison to elect Democrats.

To me it appears that only one Republican - Rep Bryan Steil is even working on this issue and he's being stonewalled by the entire administration. There are a number of independent journalists working on the story like @KimWexlerMAJD

but it is such a massive story/scandal it is overwhelming.


Part 2

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0d8238 No.220872

File: a72466321a59266⋯.webm (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580387 (130058ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220873

File: c0f83bdd5c4f14c⋯.jpg (117.19 KB,615x730,123:146,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 469b66d4d70b692⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580424 (130105ZSEP24) Notable: President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears

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The real Donald Trump

Dear Liam,

Happy 8th birthday. Mrs. Trump and I hope you enjoy this special occasion surrounded by the love of your family and friends.

We are so encouraged by the strength and determination you have shown throughout your young life and send our best love and wishes to you as you continue to fight.

Remember you are never alone and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for continued care and good health.

May God bless you and your family. Stay strong.


President Donald J. Trump


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0d8238 No.220874

File: e1c6f2b7762318b⋯.png (568.5 KB,500x533,500:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580464 (130112ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220875

File: c8e950650fcf274⋯.png (90.38 KB,255x181,255:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580496 (130117ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.220876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580548 (130127ZSEP24) Notable: #26434

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notables FINAL


>>220842, >>220843 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>220845 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>220846 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>220847, >>220849, >>220851, >>220855, >>220856, >>220858 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

>>220848 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>220850 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>220853 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>220854 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>220860 Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

>>220861 Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

>>220862 DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

>>220864 Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

>>220865 Hi+

>>220866 Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

>>220868 Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference

>>220869, >>220871 HUD

>>220870 Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor"

>>220873 President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears

>>220841, >>220844, >>220852, >>220857, >>220859, >>220863, >>220867, >>220872, >>220874, >>220875 Memes


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0d8238 No.221024

File: 8619483cb060728⋯.png (789.02 KB,1000x600,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a6919addb651430⋯.gif (1.17 MB,380x285,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21579726 (122322ZSEP24) Notable: #26434

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0d8238 No.221028

File: e1c6f2b7762318b⋯.png (568.5 KB,500x533,500:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f468d39b394b1f⋯.png (1.1 MB,864x841,864:841,Clipboard.png)

File: a72466321a59266⋯.webm (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580565 (130128ZSEP24) Notable: #26435

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can continue or defer

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0d8238 No.221029

File: 3d143385d64192e⋯.png (767.32 KB,978x732,163:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580609 (130135ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221030

File: c1115ea545be17f⋯.png (325.02 KB,582x406,291:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580633 (130140ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221031

File: aaecb4c4a2be358⋯.png (186.03 KB,769x868,769:868,Clipboard.png)

File: c38aa639feaea5a⋯.pdf (361.6 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580745 (130158ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Campaign and RNC sue Nevada over non-citizen voting

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0d8238 No.221032

File: af2e10779bdb788⋯.png (66.25 KB,668x666,334:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580765 (130202ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Campaign and RNC sue Nevada over non-citizen voting

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September 12, 2024

WASHINGTON – The Trump Campaign, RNC, and NVGOP sued Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar for illegally allowing non-citizens to register to vote and influence our elections.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: "Allowing non-citizens to vote suppresses legal voters, undermines the democratic system, and violates the law. Democrats continue to put non-citizens first and Americans last as they allow non-citizens to vote and interfere in American elections. We have filed suit in Nevada to protect the vote and stop this Democrat election interference scheme.”

NVGOP Chairman Michael McDonald stated: "Nevada’s elections should be a reflection of its citizens’ voices, not influenced by non-citizens who have no legal standing to participate. Any efforts to allow non-citizens to vote threatens the very foundation of our elections and diminishes the power of lawful voters across our state. This isn't just a legal issue—it’s about protecting the rights of Nevadans and preserving the integrity of our elections."


🔹We have discovered evidence of thousands of non-citizens on Nevada's voter rolls who may be able to cast ballots this November.

Data from the 2020 general election reveals that 6,360 individuals listed in the DMV’s non-citizen file were also registered to vote, and 3,987 of these individuals cast a ballot in the 2020 election.

🔹Non-citizen voting remains a problem in Nevada. Data reveals there are likely more than 11,000 non-citizens registered to vote in the state, and it is estimated that more than 3,700 non-citizens could cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

🔹Non-citizens on Nevada’s voter rolls is a direct result of the state’s lack of citizenship verification procedures. Basic safeguards, such as checking DMV records and federal databases, would prevent most non-citizen voter registration, and it is the Secretary of State's responsibility to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote and influencing our elections.

🔹Non-citizen voting cancels the votes of Americans, dilutes citizens' voting power, and is a fundamental violation of the constitutional right to vote.

🔹Nevada must take immediate action to verify the citizenship of registered voters and prevent non-citizens from voting in the 2024 presidential election.

Read the filing HERE. >>221031


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0d8238 No.221033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580800 (130207ZSEP24) Notable: Voodoo: Why the animals are tortured before they are killed for consumption

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They do it because the brain saturates the blood with dopamine and adrenaline. Drinking the blood at that point is the same as doing hard drugs.

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0d8238 No.221034

File: 8512b956783322c⋯.mp4 (6.71 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580845 (130215ZSEP24) Notable: Pro-Palestinian protester in Boston gets shot in stomach after bum rushing pro-Israel activists

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Pro-Palestinian protester in Boston suburb gets shot in stomach after bum rushing pro-Israel activists


Sep 12, 2024, 8:39 PM


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0d8238 No.221035

File: e8ef1ae2b879e83⋯.png (789.02 KB,800x799,800:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580927 (130229ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221036

File: 0f5753d93002b76⋯.png (2.58 MB,1444x710,722:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21580932 (130230ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221037

File: 1fe2b85ab9344b3⋯.jpg (109.15 KB,832x838,416:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581008 (130243ZSEP24) Notable: Former CIA Officer Who Spied for China Receives 10-Year Prison Sentence

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Former CIA Officer Who Spied for China Receives 10-Year Prison Sentence

A former CIA officer who provided “a large volume” of classified U.S. national defense information to China was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Sept. 11.

Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 71, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Hong Kong, was arrested in August 2020. In May, he pleaded guilty to conspiring to gather and deliver national defense information to China, in exchange for a 10-year sentence.

On Sept. 11, Chief U.S. District Judge Derrick K. Watson imposed the agreed-upon sentence in Honolulu.

“Despite his sworn oath to protect U.S. classified secrets from illegal disclosure, Alexander Ma chose to betray his oath for money while aiding the People’s Republic of China,” U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii Clare E. Connors said in a statement issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ).


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0d8238 No.221038

File: 74264f53f7d6faf⋯.png (332.15 KB,710x499,710:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581058 (130252ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221039

File: 4d862b924a697b2⋯.jpg (154.67 KB,1267x859,1267:859,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581080 (130255ZSEP24) Notable: RNC sues North Carolina election officials for allowing digital student IDs to be used as voter ID

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RNC sues North Carolina election officials for allowing digital student IDs to be used as voter ID

The Republican National Committee (RNC) on Thursday sued the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) for a fourth time in a month, citing its recent decision that digital student identification cards are adequate for voting in November.

The NCSBE voted on Aug. 20 to allow the use of digital student ID cards generated by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a sufficient form of identification, reversing its previous rule that only physical and plastic photo ID cards could be used. But the lawsuit argues that the new rule circumvents state election law.

The lawsuit was filed jointly by the RNC and the North Carolina Republican Party.

"Once again, the NCSBE has violated the law in ways which undermine the integrity of our elections," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. "The RNC and NCGOP are committed to fighting these attempts to circumvent the law and protecting the vote for North Carolinians."

The lawsuit claimed that the new rule could result in "hundreds or thousands of ineligible voters" voting in the upcoming election. The legal complaint is especially important because of North Carolina's status as one of seven battleground states that could sway the presidential election.


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0d8238 No.221040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581090 (130258ZSEP24) Notable: Albinos in Tanzania are hunted to be cannibalized for their 'magical properties'

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0d8238 No.221041

File: 304e9a46a4ed5a3⋯.png (633.53 KB,1699x1036,1699:1036,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581220 (130319ZSEP24) Notable: 3 Qposts containing 'overtime'

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3 Qposts containing 'overtime'.

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0d8238 No.221042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581229 (130320ZSEP24) Notable: Pro-Palestinian protester in Boston gets shot in stomach after bum rushing pro-Israel activists

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0d8238 No.221043

File: a321243cee7652e⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,480x854,240:427,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581235 (130321ZSEP24) Notable: If you really loved the cats, you wouldn't let the migrants eat them

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0d8238 No.221044

File: ce083f036da603d⋯.png (1.39 MB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581254 (130325ZSEP24) Notable: Nancy Pelosi’s Relative Snags Sweetheart Conflict Of Interest Waiver From Feds

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Nancy Pelosi’s Relative Snags Sweetheart Conflict Of Interest Waiver From Feds

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in January 2022 approved an ethics waiver for the wife of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s nephew allowing for a potential financial conflict of interest to go unresolved, according to documents obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Laurence Pelosi, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, had a stake in a joint real estate venture with Goldman Sachs called Restore Utah, which benefits from HUD’s Section 8 housing vouchers, while his wife, Alexis Pelosi, was employed at the agency, according to a copy of the waiver approval released by watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust.

While it would usually violate federal ethics rules for a beneficiary of HUD funds to have a spouse employed at the department, HUD found an exemption that allowed Laurence to retain his stake in the real estate project. Requiring him to divest, or his project to forgo HUD funds, would allegedly result in “undue hardship” for Alexis and her husband.

Part of HUD’s reasoning was that Restore Utah was Laurence Pelosi’s “primary profession,” however, Alexis Pelosi’s financial disclosures indicate that he had four other income streams around the time the conflict of interest waiver was approved. Laurence Pelosi collected salaries from two different law firms and consulting fees from two other law firms in 2022.

Laurence Pelosi’s stake in Restore Utah, according to his wife’s disclosures, was worth between $2 million and $10 million as of July 2022. Between 5% and 10% of Restore Utah tenants have historically used Section 8 vouchers, according to HUD’s response to Alexis Pelosi’s waiver request.

Nancy, Laurence and Alexis Pelosi did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.

“It’s good to be Beltway royalty,” PPT director Michael Chamberlain told the DNCF. “Ethics officials certainly seemed to go out of their way to find a justification for her. Waivers should be rare and limited to unique circumstances for uniquely qualified individuals. As we’ve seen, the Biden-Harris administration appears to have a different philosophy, consistently appointing conflicted individuals to powerful posts and then using waivers to magically make those conflicts disappear.”

The Biden-Harris administration granted over dozens ethics waivers for bureaucrats, according to a running tracker maintained by PPT.

Alexis Pelosi did not list her husband’s employment at Crow Holdings, a real estate firm he joined in 2019 and is currently a senior managing director at, on her financial disclosures.

Laurence Pelosi was named the co-lead of Crow Holdings Renewables in June 2023, after his wife became a senior climate advisor at HUD.

“What a tremendous stroke of luck for Laurence to have nailed down the senior manager for renewables gig for a real estate firm when, coincidentally, his wife was a senior climate advisor at HUD in the Biden-Harris administration, which brags of doling out hundreds of billions of dollars for renewables,” Chamberlain told the DCNF.

Alexis Pelosi also attended a dinner hosted by Enterprise Community Partners in D.C. on the dime of Crow Holdings, receiving another ethics waiver to allow her husband’s company to pay the $300 tab because she was attending in her personal capacity, not as a representative of HUD, according to documents obtained by the DCNF. In her waiver request, however, she did not mention that she had met with one Enterprise Community Partners senior director for a Zoom call less than two weeks before applying for the waiver.

“It certainly makes one wonder whether HUD would have gone to such lengths to accommodate an official whose family name was not ‘Pelosi,’” Chamberlain said in a press release obtained by the DCNF. “However, it is in keeping with the Biden-Harris administration’s practice of appointing highly conflicted individuals to powerful positions, then simply brushing away the conflicts with waivers. Little wonder that, despite their claims to be the most ethical administration in history, the public’s trust in the federal government continues to nosedive.”

HUD did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.


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0d8238 No.221045

File: dfaa48a30782880⋯.png (800.84 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581277 (130328ZSEP24) Notable: A University of New Mexico course will have students learn about queerness and lesbian vampires

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A University of New Mexico course to teach students “queerness” as “a question of filmic structure,” and will have students read about “lesbian vampires”

The fall semester course, “Queer Cinema: Form and Fantasy,” is taught by UNM’s Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program. The course syllabus, which Campus Reform obtained through a public records request, asks: “Queerness is generally understood in terms of inclusion and visibility, but can we read queerness as a question of filmic structure?”

The syllabus description continues: “By rigorously re-working cinematic conventions through genre-confusion, non-narrativity, abstraction, discontinuity editing, and the foregrounding of the filmic apparatus, filmmakers have explored parallels to queer theory’s commitments to desire, dis/identification, non/normativity, deconstruction, and anti/sociality.”

Those who complete the course will allegedly be able to “[d]emonstrate the importance of gender, race, ethnicity, and class in the formation of sexual identities and representations,” [i]dentify forms of collective and individual resistance to the governance of sexuality,” and “[r]elate the course concepts to their personal experience.”

On Sept. 10, students discussed how the work of filmmaker Cheryl Dunye deals with “the historical erasure of black lesbian subjectivity.”

By Oct. 1, students will be expected to read Ellis Hanson’s essay, “Lesbians Who Bite,” which discusses “lesbian vampires.”

“I am struck by a certain covert attraction to the vampire myth, a certain identification with the creatures of the night, among even the most canonical of feminist theorists. I too have regarded the lesbian vampire with a degree of distrust,” Hanson writes.

On Oct. 29, students will discuss “How have women filmmakers explored female pleasures and lesbianism[?].”

The course syllabus also informs students that certain class materials demand matureness: “Be aware that queer cinema often engages aesthetic, social, sexual, and political topics that will require maturity and sophistication.”

Eva Hayward, the listed faculty member for the course, is an assistant professor at the University of Arizona who also teaches at UNM. Hayward has “developed courses on Feminist Animal Studies, Ecofeminism, and Sexuality & Aesthetics” at the University of Arizona.

Hayward’s newest book, “SymbioSeas,” examines “underwater representations of marine organisms to think about the interplay of art and science, sex and species, mediation and sensation.”

The University of Wisconsin–Madison is also offering courses related to the performing arts and LGBT issues, including “Gender, Sexuality, and Performance: Madison Trans and Queer Performance Activism,” and “Queer & Trans Cinema.”

Campus Reform has contacted Eva Hayward and the University of New Mexico for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.


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0d8238 No.221046

File: 30c5da81b4bea79⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581285 (130330ZSEP24) Notable: Michigan Secretary Of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

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Michigan Secretary Of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson refused to say whether dead people are on the voter rolls in a congressional hearing.

In a hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., asked Democrat Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson if there are dead people on the state’s voter rolls, and she would not answer yes or no.

“Why the hell are deceased people still on your voter rolls?” Murphy asked. “Do you have deceased people on your voter rolls, yes or no?”

“We do everything we can, and just like every other state, to remove — ” Benson said.

“Should a deceased person be on your voter roll?” Murphy insisted.

“No, and that’s why we remove them once we receive information,” Benson replied.

Murphy was one of several legislators who questioned secretaries of state on election integrity during a Committee on House Administration hearing Wednesday morning. His questions to Benson about dead people registered to vote in Michigan brought incomplete, indirect answers.

He brought up a lawsuit by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which alleged that as of 2021, there were close to 26,000 dead voters on Michigan’s voter rolls. The group claimed Benson did not contest that the dead voters were registered and said she was not taking adequate steps to remove them.

“Why does it take a lawsuit by the Public Interest Legal Foundation to sue you to get those people off the voter rolls?” Murphy asked Benson.

“That lawsuit was dismissed,” Benson replied.

A district judge ruled Benson was performing ongoing list maintenance and tossed out the case, as The Federalist previously reported. But PILF appealed the case to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, saying the court never fully determined Benson was making a “reasonable effort” to remove dead voters from the rolls.


Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, R-Wis., also asked Benson about Michigan’s work with President Joe Biden’s Small Business Administration to “get out the vote” as part of the federal “Bidenbucks” program, which targets left-leaning groups like college students and American Indians, as The Federalist previously reported.

Biden signed his “Executive Order On Promoting Access To Voting” in 2021, making federal agencies work with so-called “approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations” to register voters.

This federal program has taken the name “Bidenbucks” — perhaps now “KamalaCash” — for its resemblance to the “Zuckbucks” program of 2020, which funneled millions from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to private officials through leftist groups, boosting Democrat turnout.

Benson has signed a memorandum of agreement with Biden’s SBA to register voters. She confirmed during the hearing that Michigan was the only state in which this type of agreement took place. Each federal agency, including the SBA, was required to assemble and execute a “strategic plan” under the “Bidenbucks” order.

“The Small Business Administration entered into an MOU with the state of Michigan, and they’re doing that under the direction and under the strategy of a strategic plan,” Steil said.

He asked Benson if she had seen the plan.

“I’ve seen the MOU between the SBA and our office,” Benson replied.

“Did you see the Small Business Administration strategic plan?” Steil insisted, as Benson interrupted, “We did one thing.”

“Just, did you see the strategic plan? Have you reviewed it? Have you read it? Did you provide input into it?” Steil insisted. Benson denied providing input.

“We provided under the boundaries of the MOU a URL to the SBA, so that they could register voters through their website,” Benson said.

“Just, have you seen the Small Business Administration strategic plan?” Steil repeated.

Benson finally denied this: “I said no.” Steil asked her to confirm the answer, and she retorted that he was “barraging” her with questions.

Steil said Congress has been seeking federal agencies’ strategic plans regarding the “Bidenbucks” order, but agencies have been stonewalling legislators.

“These agencies are using our taxpayer dollars to put forward a partisan get-out-the-vote effort, and they won’t provide the strategic plan,” Steil said. “This administration, the Biden administration, continues to hide their strategic plan from every taxpayer in this country, and I think that does not encourage people to have more confidence in their elections.”

Murphy also asked Benson about her office’s work with Biden’s Department of Veteran Affairs.

“You’re aware that the VA by executive order is enrolling people, correct, in your state?” Murphy asked. Benson confirmed this.

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project published documents yesterday showing Michigan’s executive branch is working with the VA to register voters in Saginaw County and Detroit, which is Wayne County. Biden won both counties in 2020.

Murphy said the VA’s Michigan voter outreach programs are targeting Democrat districts, which Benson denied: “It’s a website, so it is available to everybody.” The state offers online voter registration, which requires affirmation but not proof of citizenship.

“This is where the angst and the anger comes from, because this administration has said, ‘Oh, yeah, we’re doing transparent things,’ but we’re not doing transparent things,” Murphy said. “It is absolutely for Democrats. It is absolutely to try to change elections.”

Denying Voter ID

Steil asked New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, a Democrat, if she thought requiring voter identification could boost public confidence in elections.

“Would photo ID increase Americans’ confidence in their elections, yes or no?” Steil asked.

“Mr. Ranking Member, I don’t believe so,” Toulouse Oliver replied.

“You don’t believe that having an individual show their photo ID, saying they are who they say they are, increases confidence in our elections?” Steil asked.

“Mr. Chairman, you asked me a yes or no question. I don’t think that’s a magic bullet,” Toulouse Oliver said.

“I’m not asking if it’s a magic bullet,” Steil replied, before asking Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a Republican, the same question.

“100 percent, Mr. Chairman, and it’s vastly popular among both Republicans and Democrats,” LaRose said.

Murphy asked Toulouse Oliver why she would not embrace voter ID.

“We do have voter ID in New Mexico; we just have a variety of different ways that voters can confirm their identity,” she replied.

But according to her own office’s website, “You do not have to present identification to vote in a statewide election.” One must only show ID when registering to vote for the first time, and acceptable forms include a utility bill, paycheck, or student ID.

“It’s B.S. to think it is suppressing the vote. B.S. B.S. And the only other reason that people would want that is so that people could vote who are not eligible to vote,” Murphy said. “This is where the angst comes from. It comes from lack of transparency. It comes from smugness. It comes from the fact this administration is doing everything it can to push one particular narrative into a one-party state.”


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0d8238 No.221047

File: 2ab90a7fbdc2ba3⋯.png (538.96 KB,660x371,660:371,Clipboard.png)

File: a46c39d23115e3d⋯.png (18.7 KB,400x134,200:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581287 (130330ZSEP24) Notable: Pro-Palestinian protester in Boston gets shot in stomach after bum rushing pro-Israel activists

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NEWTON, Mass. —

Charges have been filed against a Framingham man after a confrontation and shooting at a pro-Israeli rally in Newton, Massachusetts, on Thursday evening.

Scott Hayes, 47, of Framingham, is charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, as well as violation of a constitutional right causing injury, following a violent confrontation, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan said.

At around 6:40 p.m. Thursday, Newton police responded to an altercation near Washington and Harvard streets in the Newtonville neighborhood.

Ryan said a small group of pro-Israeli demonstrators were gathered at the street corner.

According to Ryan, an individual who apparently was randomly walking down the other side of the street, exchanged words with the demonstrators back and forth across the street.

"That individual who was not part of the group, at some point began crossing the street, appears to have gone back to his side of the street, ultimately came across and jumped upon one of the demonstrators," Ryan said.

Ryan said a scuffle ensued.

"There was a scuffle that was going on the street, and at some point, Mr. Hayes used a gun and fired a shot that struck the individual who then came across the street," Ryan said.

Hayes was arrested and charged, authorities said. He was scheduled to be arraigned Friday morning in Newton District Court.

Ryan said authorities believe Hayes legally possessed the firearm.

The person who ran across the street, who was not immediately identified, sustained life-threatening injuries and is being treated at a local hospital," Ryan said.

"At some point in that melee, yeah, there was a shot," Dave Sherman, a witness who saw the incident happen, said. "But this guy was really tough to take down. He was really determined. He was really hateful."

Sherman says it was a very scary moment and that there is no room for violence here.

Newton police Chief George McMains asked anyone who may have photos or videos or other information from the scene to contact the Newton Police Department detective bureau at 617-796-2104.

"The Newton police department will be providing extra patrols at the houses of worship over the next several days as well as beyond if we feel that's appropriate or necessary," McMains said.

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0d8238 No.221048

File: ab70366908def7f⋯.png (345.29 KB,513x680,513:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581298 (130332ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221049

File: 168e137e12bb82e⋯.png (1 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581315 (130335ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221050

File: e147d8de3a2f1ae⋯.png (471.77 KB,680x458,340:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 59d219be1a0697e⋯.png (441.88 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7dae0194305513d⋯.png (528.01 KB,657x487,657:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 25d7562da0d3b06⋯.png (490.74 KB,679x469,97:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581325 (130337ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221051

File: 47b2090b3394e27⋯.png (618.45 KB,749x500,749:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581402 (130351ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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0d8238 No.221052

File: f25bdbf0ee7cf85⋯.mp4 (12.59 MB,854x450,427:225,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581434 (130357ZSEP24) Notable: Phone Snatchers

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Phone Snatchers On Motorcycles

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0d8238 No.221053

File: 2ef3dc5b5c86f1b⋯.png (145.71 KB,1115x678,1115:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581469 (130405ZSEP24) Notable: Gold 1 Year $2,582.40 USD rn

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GOLD 1 Year

$2,582.40 USD rn


I hope you fags got in early.

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0d8238 No.221054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581639 (130440ZSEP24) Notable: #26435

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notables FINAL

#26435 >>221028

>>221032, >>221031 Trump Campaign and RNC sue Nevada over non-citizen voting

>>221039 RNC sues North Carolina election officials for allowing digital student IDs to be used as voter ID

>>221033 Voodoo: Why the animals are tortured before they are killed for consumption

>>221034, >>221047, >>221042 Pro-Palestinian protester in Boston gets shot in stomach after bum rushing pro-Israel activists

>>221037 Former CIA Officer Who Spied for China Receives 10-Year Prison Sentence

>>221040 Albinos in Tanzania are hunted to be cannibalized for their 'magical properties'

>>221041 3 Qposts containing 'overtime'

>>221043 If you really loved the cats, you wouldn't let the migrants eat them

>>221044 Nancy Pelosi’s Relative Snags Sweetheart Conflict Of Interest Waiver From Feds

>>221045 A University of New Mexico course will have students learn about queerness and lesbian vampires

>>221046 Michigan Secretary Of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

>>221052 Phone Snatchers

>>221053 Gold 1 Year $2,582.40 USD rn

>>221029, >>221030, >>221035, >>221036, >>221038, >>221048, >>221049, >>221050, >>221051 Memes


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0d8238 No.221060

File: ec0cf2ce6039c42⋯.png (335.89 KB,500x405,100:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581657 (130442ZSEP24) Notable: #26436

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can collect for ~1hr or defer

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0d8238 No.221061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581765 (130508ZSEP24) Notable: Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

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Note:dough below



LIVE: President Trump in Tucson, AZ







djt: starts speaking at 5.16pm e.t

President Trump: As everyone saw two nights ago, we had a monumental victory over Comrade Kamala Harris in the presidential debate. We won big with independent voters, moderates, republicans, and working people all across this nation, putting forward a clear vision to, very simply, Make America Great Again. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris showed up, spewing empty rhetoric, the same old lies, meaningless platitudes, offering no plans, no policies, and no details whatsoever.

djt: snopes came out totally for me.

President Trump: [Harris] claimed I want to monitor women's pregnancies. I don't want to do that. It's a total lie. I don't want to do that. Women, I won't be following you around to the hospital, monitoring. No, she made it up. She's a liar. She claimed that I want to deny people IVF treatment, when in fact, I want to require insurance companies to pay for it.

djt: project 25 never had my authorisation. i do not want to read it.

President Trump: You want to keep your gun, vote for Trump. I promise.

President Trump: The public was not fooled. Kamala's lies and unprecedented partisan interference of two lowlife anchors; they're lowlifes. For them to do what they did; and they wouldn't correct her on, like Project 2025; I don't know what the hell it is. I purposely have not read it. I could, but I don't want to, because they never had my authorization.

djt: barack Hussein obamas brother endorsed me, that is a very hard thing.

djt: there will be no 3rd debate.

President Trump: Because we've done two debates, and because they were successful, there will be no third debate.

>>>/qresearch/21578852 djt; we are talking about a border and she is smiling like this,

President Trump: We're talking about a border invasion [during debate], the likes of which, no country has never suffered, and she is like this [smiles and grins like idiot Harris did].

DJT: we're gonna go, comrade your fired, get out, get out

President Trump: You know, in 2016, and 2020, where I got many more; millions more votes by the way, I hate to say that. They said, 'Oh that's a conspiracy theorist.' No, it's called, I got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country. And they said we lost. I was told if I got sixty-three million votes, which is what I got in 2016, you can't lose. Just get sixty-three. I got close to twelve million more votes than that. And we lost. But we didn't lose, and we're never going to let that happen again in this country. We can't let that happen again.

President Trump: '16 was great, '20 was better, and this one blows both of them away, because we've never seen the enthusiasm that we have.

djt: border kari lake

President Trump: As the people of Arizona understand better than anyone else, under Kamala Harris, our country is under a thing called invasion…just like a military; it's like a military invasion. We are being conquered, and we are being occupied by a foreign element.

djt: they are flying them in, in beautiful planes and the cartels have a app for their people, we have 50 border states.

President Trump: As discussed in the debate, not only is Comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to stampede across our border, but she is flying them here from other countries…they fly them in by the tens of thousands….they have a special app. They have an app, where the cartels are allowed to use the app to get their people in. You believe this? It's an app for cartels…over the past three and a half years, the Harris/Biden administration has resettled a half a million illegal immigrants from the failed state of Haiti…into American communities, including over two hundred thousand who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane.


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0d8238 No.221062

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581768 (130509ZSEP24) Notable: Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

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President Trump: In addition to Aurora, Colorado, there's a place called Springfield, Ohio, that you've been reading about. Twenty thousand illegal Haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of fifty-eight thousand people, destroying their way of life…enrollments on the state's Medicaid and food assistance programs have soared, motor vehicle accidents have skyrocketed, and recording of 911 calls are even show residents are reporting that the migrants are waling off with the town's geese. They're taking their geese…and even walking off with their pets.

President Trump: A small, four thousand person town, Charleroi, Pennsylvania…has experienced a two thousand percent increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris…this is a small town; all of a sudden they got thousand of people. The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don't speak, not a word of English, costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousand of dollars, and the town is virtually bankrupt. This flood of illegal aliens is also bringing massive crime to the town, and every place near it…there has never been an invasion like this in any country.

President Trump: Kamala, a committed marxist; you know, her father is a marxist professor, will be far worse than Crooked Joe Biden; she's gonna be worse, because he really doesn't believe it. She does. She does believe it

Trump will decrease 30% to 50% of building a new home, by cutting regulation.

President Trump: Another terrible effect of the Harri migrant invasion; she's the one that wanted it more than Biden. Biden didn't know what the hell was happening. He said, 'Oh. that sounds like a nice idea'…is that it is driving housing costs through the roof…fewer than five million houses were built in the last three years, yet Kamala Harris has imported twenty-one million illegal aliens who are now disproportionally occupying lower income rental properties…when I return to the White House, we will require that all companies receiving federal housing subsidies; to verify citizenship. We're going to verify citizenship. We're going to make sure it's a legal residency. And as a condition of their rental agreement, they're going to have to do all of it. Taxpayers will not subsidize apartment rentals for illegal aliens, and we will not permit illegals to drive up the cost for Americans in need. In addition, I will ban all mortgages for illegal aliens. You can't have it.

President Trump: Under Comrade Kamala Harris, your electricity bills here in Arizona rose an estimated one hundred percent. It's the largest increase anywhere in the country.

DJT: i will protect the suburbs single family housing, the democrats want to change the zoning to build low income apartment houses next to your house

DJT: no taxes on social security benefits for our seniors, that's a big deal

President Trump: I will save American suburbs by protecting single-family zoning. The radical-left wants to abolish the suburbs by forcing apartment complex and low-income housing into the suburbs…I will end this marxist crusade

TRUMP-No taxes on Social Security. And I have a new one coming up. You are the first to hear it.No taxes on OVERTIME.

President Trump: Today, I'm also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime. That' gives people more of an incentive to work. It gives the companies; it's a lot easier to get the people….the people who work overtime are among the hardest-working citizens in our country, and for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them…it's time for the working man and woman to catch a break.

djt: and we will make arizona great again.

music plays young man, ymca djt does his dance

Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT

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0d8238 No.221063

File: 2288669c8283a20⋯.jpg (574.36 KB,1080x1630,108:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581780 (130513ZSEP24) Notable: 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

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Over 94% of the 33,000 members of Boeing's IAM District 751 Machinists Union voted to reject the contract.


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0d8238 No.221064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581826 (130525ZSEP24) Notable: 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

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Boeing workers vote overwhelmingly to strike in defeat for troubled company

Updated September 13, 2024 at 12:59 a.m. EDT

SEATTLE — Tens of thousands of Boeing machinists voted overwhelmingly to walk off the job early Friday morning after rejecting a deal that would have significantly boosted pay and benefits even as it fell short of other union demands.

A shockingly large number of members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 751 (IAM) voted in favor of the strike, some 96 percent — far more than the two-thirds needed to launch the work stoppage.

“We strike at midnight,” IAM President Jon Holden told a room of machinists at the Seattle union hall. He was met with loud cheers and a chant of “STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE,” from the workers, many of whom carried strike signs.

The walkout is a stinging rebuke for Boeing and could represent the most disrupting challenge yet for a company that has spent much of this year in damage control as it careened from crisis to crisis.

The strike risks derailing the aerospace giant’s recovery from ongoing financial and safety challenges and could cost the cash-strapped company an estimated $1 billion per week, according to analysts. The union plays a key role in assembling some of the company’s best-selling aircraft.

The most direct impact is on Boeing’s assembly plants in Washington, especially in Everett and Renton. An extended work stoppage could also impact Boeing suppliers and possibly shrink its share of the aerospace market.

Machinists in Seattle said the strike was long coming.

“We just want to be treated right and they’re not doing it,” said mechanic Charles Fromong, who has worked for Boeing for more than 37 years. “So I guess we’re going to get it done.”


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0d8238 No.221065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581846 (130528ZSEP24) Notable: South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

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I interrupt the cat memes to bring you…whatever this is

South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

Mike Schuler September 12, 2024

The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) is actively investigating the source of pharmaceutical bottles washing up along the country’s eastern coastline. The incident comes amid a surge in container losses from cargo vessels traversing the Indian Ocean around the Cape of Good Hope.

“We are aware of pharmaceutical bottles containing pills that have been washing ashore in the Port Alfred, Kenton, Cannon Rocks, and Boknes areas since Monday, September 9, 2024,” said a SAMSA spokesperson. The authority is working with an Incident Management Systems (IMS) committee, including various government departments, to identify, analyze, and safely dispose of the products.

The influx of medicinal products coincides with reports of several cargo vessels collectively losing nearly 200 containers in the past eight weeks amid a series winter storms. SAMSA confirmed that vessels involved include the MV Benjamin Franklin, MV CMA CGM Belem, MV Maersk Stepnica, MV Rio Grande Express, and MSC Antonia.

“These incidents highlight the risks posed by severe weather conditions and the challenges of responding to coastal shipping emergencies,” SAMSA explained. The authority is actively monitoring the coastline and collaborating with local authorities to track any further containers or goods that might wash ashore.

The incidents coincide with an increase in vessel traffic around the Cape of Good Hope, attributed to Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. SAMSA assured that vessel owners are cooperating fully and have committed to undertaking clean-up operations if necessary.

As investigations continue, coastal residents are advised to report any unusual findings to local authorities and refrain from handling unidentified substances.


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0d8238 No.221066

File: 220482e16f4b86c⋯.png (118.62 KB,745x605,149:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581858 (130534ZSEP24) Notable: 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

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>Boeing workers vote overwhelmingly to strike in defeat for troubled company

Government runs out of money at end of month

← Dockworkers set to strike October 1

Shit's going to be in shambles by election day.



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0d8238 No.221067

File: f8d5ef5aea39d6e⋯.png (159.34 KB,654x808,327:404,Clipboard.png)

File: de09dfb15d6de72⋯.png (657.92 KB,616x779,616:779,Clipboard.png)

File: b11e29462e6b3a3⋯.png (652.87 KB,616x794,308:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ee68c4e9d6f5a6⋯.png (661.17 KB,615x772,615:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581868 (130542ZSEP24) Notable: Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

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adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs


part one

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0d8238 No.221068

File: b6776b1476314c1⋯.png (156.15 KB,616x782,308:391,Clipboard.png)

File: f6eff7d9d03fea2⋯.png (154.64 KB,616x782,308:391,Clipboard.png)

File: afb90bbc26ee753⋯.png (158.38 KB,617x772,617:772,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a9205999063e20⋯.png (154.06 KB,617x775,617:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581874 (130544ZSEP24) Notable: Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

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part 2

adverse side effects of pfizer death jabs for covid

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0d8238 No.221069

File: c312b0751509d27⋯.png (157 KB,616x794,308:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 51f5943a4fd4888⋯.png (118.04 KB,613x792,613:792,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ee7113186f2741⋯.png (303.81 KB,568x628,142:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581881 (130548ZSEP24) Notable: Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

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part 3 adverse side effects of pfizer covid clot shots death jabs that they are pushing onto the elderly again

Every clinic, pharmacy, physician should be sued for giving these shots out without giving and explaining to each and every patient, the 8 pages of adverse side effects that these mRNA companies wanted kept from the public for 75 years,

Wow -Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

Urges people to use therapeutic alternatives

Pfizer isn’t going to like this!

Sep 12, 2024, 4:55 PM

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0d8238 No.221070

File: be4d662ce98a6ed⋯.jpg (122.04 KB,899x850,899:850,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21581893 (130556ZSEP24) Notable: US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

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US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

The US State Department said Thursday it was unconditionally releasing $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt, at a time when Cairo and Washington have been working closely on a Gaza ceasefire deal.

Last year, the United States had made the release of part of this annual aid conditional on progress being made on respecting human rights in Egypt, a country where ruler Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been accused of suppressing dissent.

This year, however, the State Department said Egypt had made “progress” in certain areas of human rights. It also explicitly mentioned Cairo’s help in mediating between Israel and Palestinian armed group Hamas on the war in Gaza.

“This decision is important to advancing regional peace and Egypt’s specific and ongoing contributions to US national security priorities, particularly to finalize a ceasefire agreement for Gaza,” a State Department spokesman said.


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0d8238 No.221071

File: c76e361aad16865⋯.png (794.6 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: cbcb2bdc3afa0ce⋯.jpg (475.1 KB,2000x1125,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b83efccc65c9b82⋯.jpg (263.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582053 (130726ZSEP24) Notable: Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

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>Planefags, please do a search on US Military Cargo Planes landing at Kirtland Air Force Base ABQ last night & this morning.

Roger Ghostrider.

There is a relocation of assets units etc going on.

Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

The arrival of the AC-130J Ghostrider at Kirtland Air Force Base signifies a major advancement for the U.S. Air Force’s special operations training and capabilities.


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0d8238 No.221072

File: 1bbe0b4aa9d5266⋯.jpeg (682.09 KB,1286x1462,643:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582083 (130747ZSEP24) Notable: Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

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0d8238 No.221073

File: b9839455a9bc9cf⋯.png (446.52 KB,600x733,600:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582203 (130933ZSEP24) Notable: Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

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Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period.

Last edited

6:51 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221074

File: 2125408f943a6ea⋯.png (349.47 KB,600x883,600:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582217 (130943ZSEP24) Notable: Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸



Springfield, Ohio is much worse than we thought.

Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis.

“Under the Biden/Harris administration they not only are protected but they are given between $600 to $1600/MONTH on Debit Cards through the Refugee Cash Assistance program and allowed access to all the public assistance programs available to US citizens

As of this month, our local Job and Family Services has registered over 20,000 Haitian refugees in our county and city.

Our public school system (with just over 8,000 students) suddenly has over 1,600 non-english speaking students. Nineteen-year-old Haitian men and women are being enrolled as high-school freshman and are in class with 13-year-old boys and girls.

The staffing company that started this

"migration" is owned by a man that has over 63 rental properties in the Springfield area. Instead of getting the normal $600-$800 in rent each month, he rents cots for $250/month to as many as 20 to 25 Haitians per home. He charges them $25 for roundtrips to work each day. They work under contracts preventing them from being hired full time at their place of employment.

Since no one over the age of 18 requires driver's education in Ohio - Haitians are allowed to take the permit test with an interpreter… who basically gives them all the answers. Since "permit" in the Haitian language of Creole is interpreted

"permission" most never take the actual driving test. This means hundreds of Haitians, who cannot speak English and have no idea what the driving laws actually say…

Our county health department has reported an increase in HIV cases over the last five years.

Based on their numbers we will hit an increase of 871% over the previous five years. Nurses have confirmed that an entire wing of our regional hospital has nothing but Haitian patients being treated for HIV.

A delivery nurse reports that 70% of all scheduled Cesareans are for Haitian women who cannot deliver naturally because of HIV.

TB cases are up over 500% for this same period. Our Federally Qualified Health Care (FQHC) called Rocking Horse is overwhelmed with the increase in Haitians that are automatically qualified for Medicaid services.

Our public safety officials have confirmed that charges against most Haitians who break the law are almost immediately dismissed because of lack of translators… meaning that courts cannot provide a speedy trial so they are simply arrested and released.”

How can anyone in their right mind will vote for FOUR more years of this?

0:43 / 6:16

9:01 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221075

File: 36a471839a63d82⋯.png (364.89 KB,589x495,589:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582222 (130948ZSEP24) Notable: Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

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Daily Mail US


Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio https://trib.al/VQcEgWu


1:32 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221076

File: 0b135eb996c8c10⋯.png (278.57 KB,596x828,149:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582228 (130953ZSEP24) Notable: Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

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Wall Street Apes


Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

“I asked them, is there any type of vetting process for them to come over here from Texas to Chicago? They told me no.”

“When I asked them, they said they're not being vetted. They said no names have been taken. They just got put on a bus and shipped over here. That's why there's gangs over here now. This is why there's gangs roaming the streets.

I asked them, is there any type of regulation? Is there any type of police oversight or curfew? They told me no.

This is why they're able to do whatever they wanna do, break into stores, vandalize, break into cars, run people over with cars that they steal from people, children.

These people come from countries that traffic in drugs and children that our government is subsidizing while they're telling us that we need to be sympathetic to them.

They're putting them in our community, the black communities. We have to take the blunt of all of this, of this illegal immigration, and we're getting told that we're the bad guys if we have any complaint for it.

“Illegal immigrants come over in millions of dollars out of apparently nowhere, it goes to them. Criminal or noncriminal, it doesn't matter. They still get to go to them”

“The government has neglected us, and we have the list of everybody who has approved of it, everybody who has voted for it, everybody who lies to our face. We're tracking everything in your seats is up.”

0:31 / 2:20

2:12 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221077

File: 217bf23fff2914a⋯.png (350.8 KB,593x661,593:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582232 (130957ZSEP24) Notable: Jack Posobiec: A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority


Tayler Hansen




Springfield, Ohio 🚨

How the Haitian influx is affecting the homeless population— a single mother who is homeless with her child spoke on the situation:

“𝗜’𝗺 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗹𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗽𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻

Show more

1:15 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221078

File: d3673ac858a5819⋯.png (294.63 KB,598x709,598:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582233 (130957ZSEP24) Notable: OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally. Trump broke their brains

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OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally.

Trump broke their brains. 😭

7:21 PM · Sep 12, 2024





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0d8238 No.221079

File: 73341d4108205a0⋯.png (644.02 KB,589x542,589:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582236 (130959ZSEP24) Notable: Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

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Square profile picture

New York Post


Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’ https://trib.al/vLD7TdF


1:07 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221080

File: ed89ff06e5483cd⋯.png (399.12 KB,768x709,768:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582238 (131000ZSEP24) Notable: DNCF reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it

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A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it.

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California had a meltdown Wednesday over a post by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee featuring an AI-created image of Trump embracing a kitten and a duck following reports of Haitian migrants killing waterfowl and pets in Springfield, Ohio. DCNF media reporter Nicole Silverio said that the posts, amplified by Trump during the debate, brought attention to the effects of the Biden administration’s border policies.

“[Jordan] posted an AI photo of Trump embracing a duck and a kitten,” Silverio told WFEA host Jeff Chidester. “And that, of course, for those who don’t know, is in reference to these unconfirmed reports of migrants, of Haitian migrants in particular, killing and eating cats and ducks in Springfield, Ohio.”

Silverio noted that officials had not confirmed any incidents, but that the cat memes amplified other reports about the effects of the influx of as many as 20,000 Haitian migrants to Springfield, including the death of 11-year-old Aiden Clark in an August 2023 school bus accident.

“I think that the bigger picture here would be memes on the internet… they’re pretty hilarious if anyone wants to check those out, the bigger picture is just to bring attention to the Biden administration’s continued failure to handle this border crisis,” Silverio told Chidester. “I mean, we’ve known for the past four years that the migrant crisis has been a serious issue in this country that has not been handled. And so, I think that is the bigger picture of these memes.”


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0d8238 No.221081

File: b61667e5c5e87c6⋯.png (394.81 KB,655x704,655:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fe697f6be10808⋯.png (324.12 KB,660x433,660:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582241 (131003ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield residents turn on John Legend after Ohio town's most famous son urges them to embrace 15K Haitian migrants… From the comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion

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Pop singer John Legend has encouraged natives of Springfield, Ohio to embrace Haitian migrants and their 'dietary preferences' - in a recorded message from his sprawling Beverly Hills mansion.

The activist, who hails from the city of Springfield, delivered a lecture on social media after the city found itself in the spotlight over Donald Trump's recent unproven allegations about migrants eating pets.

Legend, 45, referenced the 'interesting man named Donald J. Trump' who repeated the spurious claims at Tuesday's presidential debate.

'So you might imagine there are some challenges with, you know, integrating a new population. New language, new culture, new dietary preferences. All kinds of reasons why they might be growing pains'.

He added: 'We had about 15,000 or so immigrants move to my town of 60,000,' Legend explains. 'Now you might say "wow that's a lot of people for a town that only had 60,000 before. That's a 25% increase. That is correct.'"

But Legend came under fire for preaching tolerance from of the safety of the $17.5 million West Coast mansion he shares with supermodel wife Chrissy Teigen.


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0d8238 No.221082

File: c27fed842fffec6⋯.png (331.83 KB,588x585,196:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582247 (131008ZSEP24) Notable: End Wokeness: Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished" Abolishing the police in Chicago. What could go wrong?

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End Wokeness


Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished"

Abolishing the police in Chicago.

What could go wrong?

12:26 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221083

File: 8b615580d9006ca⋯.png (54.34 KB,1554x259,6:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582251 (131011ZSEP24) Notable: Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists

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By Charlotte Hazard

Published: September 12, 2024 6:47pm

Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists.

According to Banks and Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., an anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty where certain pro-life groups were labeled as "terrorist groups."

The organizations in question included National Right to Life and Operation Rescue, according to a press release.

“The DOD taught nearly ten thousand soldiers stationed at Fort Liberty that pro-life organizations, like the National Right to Life, are dangerous terrorist groups," Banks said in a statement.

"It’s downright ridiculous to claim the slide deck doesn’t ‘further a personal viewpoint,’ but there have been no consequences for the employee who ran anti-life training sessions at Fort Liberty that clearly violated Army policy," he continued.

According to the release, this training was used between 2017 and early 2024.


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0d8238 No.221084

File: f2947b545b284b1⋯.png (222.49 KB,594x828,33:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582252 (131011ZSEP24) Notable: VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support

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Sara A. Carter


#BREAKING LAS VEGAS Police DEMAND VP Harris co-chair remove their badge from @StevenHorsford

campaign materials

They chided him for deceiving the public - LIES


John Lee




BREAKING: VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support. The police demanded he remove their badge from his materials. Nevadans deserve honesty, not deception! #IntegrityMatters


1:23 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221085

File: d2774277140acae⋯.png (743.36 KB,856x900,214:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582265 (131017ZSEP24) Notable: ABC Debate C0-moderator makes eye-pening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

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One of the co-moderators, Linsey Davis, took heat from Republicans for her false fact-check of Trump's statements on the abortion issue. Instead of questioning her on that, though, the LA Times ran a puff piece on Davis, where they gushed over her performance and claimed "Colleagues see her as old school in her commitment to fairness and balance."

But it was a statement Davis herself made during the interview that has raised eyebrows. In it, she seemingly admitted the reason why they heavily fact-checked Trump was because they wanted it to be different than the CNN debate, where Trump's performance and Biden's disastrous appearance led to the latter being forced out of the presidential race nearly a month later, where he was then replaced by his VP:

Davis, wearing pink glasses while speaking to The Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, said the decision to attempt to correct the candidates was in response to the June 27 CNN debate between Trump and President Biden, whose poor performance led to his exit from the race.

“People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators,” Davis said.

Um, that sounds an awful lot like saying the quiet part out loud, that she did not want the same thing happening to Kamala Harris that happened to Joe Biden.

Trump was right in announcing earlier there would be no more presidential debates after this one. More often than not they are biased and rigged against the Republican candidate, which is exactly how the Tuesday debate played out.

That Davis has made this admission will prompt no outcry from the press, no calls for "reform" among the elite pundit class in how debates are planned and managed, and no soul-searching from the higher-ups at ABC News/Disney, one of which just so happens to be close friends with Harris, even introducing her to the man who would become her husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.


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0d8238 No.221086

File: 78e5cd70f37f6ba⋯.png (831.97 KB,870x888,145:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582266 (131018ZSEP24) Notable: ABC Debate C0-moderator makes eye-pening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

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If True, the ABC News Presidential Debate

Could Be Rocked by Explosive Scandal

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Posted By: JoElla Bee, 9/13/2024 4:44:25 AM

Anyone who watched the presidential debate hosted by ABC News on Tuesday knows that the moderators were biased and repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting Kamala Harris's lies go unchallenged. We kind of expected that to happen, as the bias and conflicts of interests of the moderators and the network as a whole were well established. However, there are reports now that an ABC News whistleblower is about to come forward with evidence that Kamala was given sample questions before the debate.

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0d8238 No.221087

File: 9e178bc9552efab⋯.png (496.42 KB,826x681,826:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582268 (131019ZSEP24) Notable: ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being AKA Sorority Sisters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict

of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being

AKA Sorority Sisters

Gateway Pundit, by Kristinn Taylor

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2024 1:46:24 AM

ABC News failed to disclose that Kamala Harris and ABC News anchor Linsey Davis, who co-moderated Tuesday night’s debate between Harris and President Trump, are sorority sisters in the influential Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. AKA formed a PAC in August after Harris became the Democrats’ presidential nominee.(Photos) The sorority connection is one more possible clue as to why the debate moderated by Davis and ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir was so one-sided in favor of Harris. Muir and Davis interrupted Trump numerous times to fact check and argue with him while they did not fact check Harris even one time.

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0d8238 No.221088

File: 3b576ac9fc573d7⋯.png (626.12 KB,676x772,169:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582273 (131021ZSEP24) Notable: NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

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NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely

Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record

Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

Breitbart, by John Binder

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/13/2024 12:27:10 AM

The majority of likely voters say they blame Vice President Kamala Harris for record levels of illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico over the last three and a half years, a New York Times/Siena College poll reveals. The poll asked likely voters “How much blame, if any, do you think Kamala Harris as sitting vice president should receive for … problems at the border” — record illegal immigration, in other words — to which 63 percent said they place “a lot of blame” or “some blame” on Harris. In April of 2021, President Joe Biden asked Harris to lead the administration’s effort in “stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming

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0d8238 No.221089

File: 90e41edbb518099⋯.png (393.44 KB,589x560,589:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582274 (131022ZSEP24) Notable: Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up

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Jesse Watters


NEW @SecretService

BOMBSHELL: Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up.

1:54 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221090

File: 1d5a6a91e4913d9⋯.png (317.77 KB,596x784,149:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582281 (131024ZSEP24) Notable: Jesse Kelly slams Garland for sending FBI to School Board Meetings

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Jesse Kelly




Remember when the White House coordinated with the teachers union to send a letter to Garland about people getting loud at school board meetings and Garland sent the FBI’s counter-terrorism division after angry school board moms?


End Wokeness



Sep 12

AG Garland: "Law enforcement must never be treated as an apparatus for politics"

You reposted

Steve Friend


Yes. They reassigned me from child porn cases to conduct surveillance at school board meetings. And then @FBI

Director Chris Wray lied to Congress about it before he hopped on his taxpayer sponsored private jet to go on vacation.

9:29 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221091

File: 4a656dab9311f1e⋯.png (57.37 KB,817x315,817:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582292 (131030ZSEP24) Notable: Call to Digg: Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years, now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




I found it odd that Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years and now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

Research it! #SpringfieldOhio #OhioGovernorDEWINE

Sep 12, 2024, 11:01 PM


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0d8238 No.221092

File: 53fa9507152978a⋯.png (551.85 KB,593x649,593:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582302 (131038ZSEP24) Notable: James Watkins: Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound. It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James Watkins


Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound.

It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet.


1:56 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221093

File: ded8beadab59056⋯.png (372.72 KB,605x753,605:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582310 (131047ZSEP24) Notable: James O'Keefe: EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

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James O'Keefe


EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

In part 2 of @OkeefeMedia

's NFL series, Rael Enteen, former Vice President of Content for the Washington @Commanders

, admits "Bountygate is actually a cover-up for what they [the Saints] really got caught with,” during an undercover conversation with an OMG journalist.

Recall that in part 1, Enteen labeled Black Commanders players as "homophobic," NFL players as "dumb as all hell," and referred to NFL fans as "high school educated alcoholics," amongst many other controversial revelations. Enteen, who has since been fired by the Commanders, makes further claims that Sean Payton (@SeanPayton

), then head coach of the New Orleans @Saints

, was involved in an opioid theft scandal that the @NFL

concealed by promoting the "Bountygate" story as a distraction.

Enteen states that Payton and other Saints coaches were caught stealing painkillers from the team doctor, saying, “They used the story of Bountygate as the justification for the suspension to cover up the truth, which is that they had a painkiller-addicted and distributing coaching staff.”

When asked if he believes NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (@nflcommish

) negotiated with the FBI to bury the opioid scandal, Enteen responds, “I do.” He adds, “The NFL knew as bad as Bountygate was, it would be better than the alternative.”

Enteen reveals that the FBI “became aware of the situation” and installed “a camera in the back of a safe where they kept the painkiller [pills],” capturing the theft on video. He cites Bobby Monica, a former @MiamiDolphins

equipment manager, as his source, explaining that the FBI’s footage caught the Saints coaches “red-handed.” According to Enteen, the tape still exists, as Sean Payton’s mentor, Bobby Monica, has one of the few remaining copies and “left him [Payton] a copy of the videotape in his will.”

OMG has reached out on multiple occasions to the NFL, the Saints, the Broncos, and Bobby Monica for comment. Despite our repeated efforts, they did not provide a response.







0:50 / 9:57

12:48 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221094

File: e198ee8e4af6911⋯.png (439.94 KB,819x947,819:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582366 (131116ZSEP24) Notable: Call to Digg: Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years, now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

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Who is Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine? 5 things to know

March 18, 2020

4. It's all in the family

DeWine, a devout Catholic, took his oath of office on nine Bibles, each with a special family connection.

Mike DeWine met his wife, Fran, in the first grade and they were married while studying at Miami University. The couple had eight children and 24 grandchildren.

Their oldest son, Pat DeWine, is a justice on the Ohio Supreme Court. Daughter Alice DeWine is an assistant prosecutor in Greene County. Son Brian DeWine runs the baseball team.

The DeWine's third child, Becky DeWine, died in 1993 in a car crash. She was 22 years old and planned to be a journalist.In her honor, the DeWines created the Becky DeWine School in Haiti, which provides tuition-free schooling to children in the Cite Soleil slum.


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0d8238 No.221095

File: db1d0fcce9fcf84⋯.png (671.69 KB,819x912,273:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582368 (131117ZSEP24) Notable: Call to Digg: Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years, now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

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School in Haiti founded by DeWine family forced to close due to gang violence in country

The school is named after the DeWine's daughter who they lost to a car accident in 1993 when she was just 22 years old.

Updated: 8:38 PM EDT March 13, 2024

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Criminal gang violence is tragically impacting a cause that is near and dear to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and First Lady Fran DeWine.

The Becky DeWine School, which helps thousands of poor Haitian children and families, was forced to close. The school is named after the DeWine's daughter who they lost to a car accident in 1993 when she was just 22 years old.

"The gangs really control today a great deal of Haiti," DeWine said.

Heavily armed gangs control much of the city of Port-au-Prince, and the country's prime minister has said he will resign. Over the last two weeks, gangs have attacked prisons, police stations and even the airport. The U.S. has evacuated non-essential personnel out of the country.

DeWine said two days ago he talked to Father Tom Hagan who founded the Hands Together charity that runs the school.

"To protect the students' lives and the teachers' lives, he has closed the school," DeWine said. "He certainly hopes to open it up."

But they haven’t been able to protect all the students' and teachers' lives. DeWine said over the last few months, several teachers and some students have died.

"Not at school, but some of the students who go to his school have been killed, and it's usually just random gunfire," DeWine said.

The DeWine's have supported the school's work for 25 years and visited more than 20 times. The Becky DeWine School is a network of nearly a dozen schools that serve the poorest people in Port-au-Prince's Cite Soleil slum. More than 10,000 students get a free education, health care and healthy food, but all of that is now cut off.

"These kids deserve to have a school," DeWine said. "They deserve to get fed, and when this violence is occurring, it just stops that from happening. So, it's a very tragic situation."

The leader of the gang is demanding that Haitians decide who will lead the nation next, and he's promising genocide if changes are not made. Others in Haiti are hoping to have a transitional council in place.

DeWine said Father Hagan described the violence as the worst he has seen in the 25 years he's been there. With the violence and unrest raging on, there's no telling right now when the Becky DeWine School will be able to reopen, but as the governor said, that's what Father Tom plans to do at some point.


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0d8238 No.221096

File: dd7bd8a18d46c3e⋯.png (11.88 KB,601x159,601:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582423 (131139ZSEP24) Notable: Verizon to lay off almost 5,000 employees in nearly $2 billion cost-cutting move, per FORTUNE.

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Verizon to lay off almost 5,000 employees in nearly $2 billion cost-cutting move, per FORTUNE.

11:31 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221097

File: 4ebc8c440f78f80⋯.png (32.75 KB,595x434,85:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582453 (131152ZSEP24) Notable: dc_draino w/CAP: Wow - Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

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Wow - Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

Urges people to use therapeutic alternatives

Pfizer isn’t going to like this!


Florida’s Voice




BREAKING: Florida Dept. of Health urges zero use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines heading into fall and winter

“Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”

“Any provider concerned

Show more

10:38 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221098

File: 6aec3d118c2d0fa⋯.mp4 (486.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582467 (131157ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz enters new word to describe Kamala into the lexicon - THE PROSTITUTOR

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Tim Walz enters new word to describe Kamala into the lexicon


Freudian slips can be dangerous kek.


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0d8238 No.221099

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582471 (131158ZSEP24) Notable: Call to Digg: Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years, now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>School in Haiti founded by DeWine family forced to close due to gang violence in country

Did Gov. DeWine funnel Ohio taxpayer money to Haiti?

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0d8238 No.221100

File: d73a3f264e9940f⋯.png (395.89 KB,965x1013,965:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582534 (131223ZSEP24) Notable: Call to Digg: Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years, now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Becky DeWine School

The Becky DeWine School offers dignity to the people living in the Cite Soleil slum through tuition-free schooling, food distribution, adult education, children & elderly nutrition, employment & jobs, college scholarships and other programs that bring God's love to this desperate place in Haiti.

Brief History

We began to the school in 1998 with 4 classrooms as a true "barefoot school" - one that welcomes children too poor to pay the fees charged by the typical Haitian school. We were the only tuition-free school in the slum, as even government-run schools charge for books and uniforms. We realized we were in conflict with tuition-charging schools, and stressed to our challengers that the parents of our students must volunteer at the school and participate in adult literacy classes in exchange for their child's books, meals, and uniform.

In 1999, we dedicated the project tot he memory of Becky DeWine, daughter of Mike and Fran DeWine. The DeWine family continues to work tirelessly to help the children in Cite Soleil.Today, the school has 7 campuses located in 6 neighborhoods of the Cite Soleil slum, containing a total student population of 5,800. Each campus is a hub of outreach activities providing: feeding, elderly care, recreation, employment opportunities, summer programs and adult education. We continue to provide a daily meal, uniforms, books and school supplies to each child and in continue to ask parents to help distribute food and maintain the buildings in exchange.

Earthquake Recovery

Before the earthquake, the Becky DeWine School contained 6,400 students in a 7 campus structure. Two campus locations were completely destroyed and 5 others suffered severe structural damages. Using temporary classrooms, we opened schools in March of 2010, just three months after the January 12th earthquake.

We worked tirelessly to repair the damaged buildings. As of December 31, 2010 we completed 70% of total reconstruction.

Update as of 2018

At present Hands Together operates 34 schools throughout Haiti in the poorest areas. We now have 11 schools in the Cite Soleil slum that are totally free. Our deepest gratitude to Mike and Fran DeWine of Ohio for helping the children of Haiti for many years. We provide a free education to over 12,000 of Haiti’s poorest children. Nearly 3 times that many children show up for registration each fall, but sadly we cannot accommodate them all and need to expand.

Hands Together • P.O. Box 80985 • Springfield, MA 01138

Phone: 413-731-7716 • Fax: 413-731-6405 • E-Mail: info@handstogether.org

Privacy Policy

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0d8238 No.221101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582538 (131225ZSEP24) Notable: #26436

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final bun for #26436

hold yer laties tight and see you at the top

czech em

#26436 >>221060

>>221061, >>221062 Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

>>221063, >>221064, >>221066 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

>>221065 South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

>>221067, >>221068, >>221069 Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

>>221070 US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

>>221071 Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

>>221072 Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

>>221073 Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

>>221074 Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

>>221075 Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

>>221076 Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

>>221077 Jack Posobiec: A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority

>>221078 OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally. Trump broke their brains

>>221079 Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

>>221080 DNCF reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it

>>221081 Springfield residents turn on John Legend after Ohio town's most famous son urges them to embrace 15K Haitian migrants… From the comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion

>>221082 End Wokeness: Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished" Abolishing the police in Chicago. What could go wrong?

>>221083 Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists

>>221084 VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support

>>221085, >>221086 ABC Debate C0-moderator makes eye-pening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

>>221087 ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being AKA Sorority Sisters

>>221088 NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

>>221089 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up

>>221090 Jesse Kelly slams Garland for sending FBI to School Board Meetings

>>221091, >>221094, >>221095, >>221099, >>221100 Call to Digg: Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years, now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

>>221092 James Watkins: Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound. It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet

>>221093 James O'Keefe: EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

TY Collector

>>221096 Verizon to lay off almost 5,000 employees in nearly $2 billion cost-cutting move, per FORTUNE.

>>221097 dc_draino w/CAP: Wow - Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

>>221098 Tim Walz enters new word to describe Kamala into the lexicon - THE PROSTITUTOR

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221102

File: 1803032b18eccc8⋯.png (327.64 KB,531x581,531:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 978a8d8d1f003c6⋯.png (147.13 KB,477x652,477:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582565 (131235ZSEP24) Notable: #26437

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morn'n baker requesting handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221103

File: 1819f6579eb650c⋯.jpg (95.71 KB,720x814,360:407,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 98b4e2797f39ed4⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,888x488,111:61,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582592 (131245ZSEP24) Notable: Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

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Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221104

File: d5d799fda5dca26⋯.png (208.17 KB,462x416,231:208,Clipboard.png)

File: d47dc822fc1f34d⋯.png (70.12 KB,273x272,273:272,Clipboard.png)

File: 364797011794be1⋯.png (222.26 KB,811x728,811:728,Clipboard.png)

File: 81c51e576c8c584⋯.png (80.28 KB,1302x533,1302:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582595 (131246ZSEP24) Notable: DeWine diggz/Haiti

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all pb


>Epstein associate Les Wexner gives $250,000 to pro-Gov. Mike DeWine group


>Wexner donated to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) in his two U.S. Senate contests in the early 2000s, a loyalty that didn’t change when he broke off from the GOP.


>Les Wexner.

>Founder of Victoria's Secret.

>Connect the dots.


>Becky DeWine School

1992: Dewine runs for US Senate - Loses

1993: Daughter Becky"dies in a car crash"

1994: Dewine runs for US Senate again -Wins

In 1992, DeWine unsuccessfully ran for United States Senate against the former astronaut and incumbent Senator John Glenn. His campaign used the phrase, "What on earth has John Glenn done?", echoing Jeff Bingaman's slogan "What on Earth has he done for you lately?" against former astronaut Harrison Schmitt in their 1982 Senate race.[17][18]

U.S. Senate

DeWine in 1997

In 1994, DeWine ran again for Senate, defeating prominent attorney Joel Hyatt (the son-in-law of retiring Senator Howard Metzenbaum) by a 14-point margin. DeWine was reelected in 2000, defeating gunshow promoter Ronald Dickson (161,185 votes, or 12.44%) and former U.S. Rep. Frank Cremeans (104,219 votes, or 8.05%) in the primary and Ted Celeste (brother of former Ohio governor Dick Celeste) in the general election. DeWine sat on the Senate Judiciary and Select Intelligence committees. He was the initial sponsor of the Drug-Free Century Act in 1999.[19] He voted in favor of the 2002 Iraq Resolution authorizing the use of force against Saddam Hussein.[20]

> https://www.daytondailynews.com/lifestyles/first-class-graduates-from-haitian-school-named-for-late-becky-dewine/iWJOt3271c3FDOA4lVxrHI/

First class graduates from Haitian school named for late Becky DeWine


By Mary McCarty

July 13, 2013


How to help

To learn more about Hands Together, or to make a donation to support college scholarships for graduates of the Becky DeWine School, visit www.handstogether.org.

When top students graduate from American high schools, we marvel that they have survived 5 a.m. swim practices and all-night study sessions.

When Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and his wife, Fran, recently attended the first graduation ceremony of the Becky DeWine School in the Port au Prince slum known as Cite Soleil, they witnessed the true meaning of perseverance.

“It was a very moving experience for us,” Mike DeWine said. “Fran and I talked about what survivors these kids truly are. They have survived an horrendous earthquake, a cholera epidemic, and random violence in the streets. Their classmates have been murdered, and two of their teachers were murdered a year ago. And that doesn’t even take into account the day-to-day life in Cite Soleil, one of the worst slums in the world.”

The DeWines have long supported Hands Together, the charity that runs the Becky DeWine School named in honor of their 22-year-old daughter who died in a car crash in 1993.

Becky’s portrait smiled down on the school’s first graduating class as the 120 graduates in their shining white-and-green robes swayed and sang a prayer of thanksgiving in their native French Creole.

The Becky DeWine School’s eight campuses in Cite Soleil have an enrollment of roughly 5,000 students, serving 9,677 daily meals. “It’s a very emotional fact that school is named for Becky,” DeWine said. “We think of Becky and one of the tough things for any parent who has lost a child is that you wonder what they would have done with their lives. Becky was a caring and compassionate person. She’s not here to do this, so we have tried to do it in her name and in her honor.”

DeWine’s perspective on Haiti has evolved since his early years in the Senate. “At first I thought that what we were doing in the Senate and as individuals could have a dramatic impact on Haiti,” DeWine said. “Now I know we can’t do that.Our mission is not to save Haiti, because that’s beyond us. But we can affect one child at a time. Our goal is to help that child survive and have a meaningful life. By accident of birth these kids were born in Haiti instead of Beavercreek. Some of the kids don’t make it, and some of them drop out, but we provide an opportunity for success.”

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0d8238 No.221105

File: b2f7c364390510a⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582603 (131249ZSEP24) Notable: Debate opines for the keks!

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Jesse Watters


Americans tell Johnny what they thought of the @realdonaldtrump v. @KamalaHarris debate

Sept. 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.221106

File: d00b8198a6e5ffe⋯.png (603.14 KB,998x546,499:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582604 (131249ZSEP24) Notable: California considering plan to subsidize phone bills for illegal immigrants

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California considering plan to subsidize phone bills for illegal immigrants

The proposal is scheduled for an agency vote Sept. 26

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0d8238 No.221107

File: a4c4f7784c2497b⋯.png (383.29 KB,596x601,596:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582614 (131251ZSEP24) Notable: @JohnBWellsCTM The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos

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John B Wells


The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Join the livestream right here on #X 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Join the livestream right here on #X 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:21 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221108

File: a0b7362b6d90f2c⋯.png (380.57 KB,943x600,943:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582624 (131253ZSEP24) Notable: A judge strikes down North Dakota’s abortion ban and rules that access is protected

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U.S. News

A judge strikes down North Dakota’s abortion ban and rules that access is protected


Updated 11:03 AM GMT-11, September 12, 2024

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0d8238 No.221109

File: 873b692bc7fc838⋯.png (32.14 KB,479x284,479:284,Clipboard.png)

File: 8923ea30bf1d6b3⋯.png (43.52 KB,1149x287,1149:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582627 (131254ZSEP24) Notable: DeWine diggz/Haiti

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>The DeWines have long supported Hands Together, the charity that runs the Becky DeWine School named in honor of their 22-year-old daughter who died in a car crash in 1993.

The DeWines are working to provide college scholarships for some of the graduates of the Becky DeWine School. “The idea of anybody in Cite Soleil going to college is simply unfathomable,” DeWine said. “They looked so good dressed up in their cap and gowns, and then we walked outside and looked at shanties they came out of. And we wonder, ‘How could that be?’”

The DeWines were joined at the graduation ceremony by their son-in-law, Bill Darling of Worthington, as well as their longtime friend Father Tom Hagan, the Philadelphia priest who has worked for many years in Cite Soleil with Hands Together. Hagan, too, is a survivor, having lived through the earthquake that destroyed his home and killed two seminarians living with him there. His chief of staff and close friend, Nelson Jean Liphete, saved his life by throwing him under a table.

But now Liphete, too, is gone, after surviving the earthquake that killed his wife and child. A marauding gang of teenagers shot Liphete to death in March, 2012, along with another Hands Together employee, Alexander Marcus. Despite the danger, despite the litany of loss, Hagan continues to work with the children of Cite Soleil. One of the ways to earn a scholarship is to work with the homeless children known simply as “The Barefoot Kids.”

“There isn’t a night that we stayed with Father Tom that we didn’t hear gunshots,” DeWine said. “It’s a risky, risky world. He has dealt with the gangs, and he has had people put guns to his head, yet he continues to do this. It’s his calling.”

Yet there is hope. Impromptu shrines have sprung up all over Cite Soleil in memory of Liphete, whose success remains a symbol of hope in spite of his tragic death.

‘You talk to these kids and they have the same dreams as American kids,” DeWine said. “A lot of them want to be doctors, or lawyers or teachers. They all want a better life.”

And they could teach our kids a thing or two about what it means to be a survivor.


> https://eu.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/04/26/mary-taylor-welty-construction-charitable-giving-mike-dewine-foundation-tax-returns/554122002/

4. Mike DeWine's total income is six times his state pay.

DeWine took home $100,449 last year from his state job. He earned an additional $500,000-plus from interest, dividends and capital gains from his investments and family trusts.He also pocketed $87,188 from a pension he receives as a former U.S. senator, and he lost $80,673 on rentals and businesses he owns.

The DeWine family's wealth started with his father's seed business and the Ohio Twine Co. It has expanded to include a minor-league baseball team in Asheville, N.C.

DeWine and his wife gave about 9 percent of their income in 2017. Recipients included several Catholic groups, organizations that discourage women from getting abortions and local charities such as the Yellow Springs Senior Center and Greene County Historical Society.The DeWines gave more than $15,000 to a school in Haiti named for their late daughter.

The DeWine family also runs a charitable foundation, which had $13.7 million in assets at the end of 2017. It gave out nearly $740,000 last year, including $400,000 for schools in Haiti and thousands of dollars for scholarships.


Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147646189 📁

Nov 2 2017 13:36:25 (EST)

List out all who have foundations.

Why is this relevant?

How can donations be used personally?

Analyze the filings.

Who is charged w/ overseeing this?



Politically motivated?

The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Alice & Wonderland.

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0d8238 No.221110

File: 4417b6271ffa9e9⋯.png (521.65 KB,598x833,598:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582630 (131256ZSEP24) Notable: @MarcoPolo501c3 The son of the man who introduced the Violence Against Women Act

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Marco Polo


The son of the man who introduced the Violence Against Women Act, who is also "the smartest man [he] knows [] from a pure intellectual capacity."


got paid by dirtbags close to this son in order to say the choking below was not "authenticated."




President Biden



Sep 12

When I first introduced the Violence Against Women Act in 1990, too few thought the government had a role in ending violence against women.

Not me.

30 years after VAWA's passage, we mark the legacy of that life-saving law – and the courageous women who fought for it.

Show more

Today Is 30 Years Since the Signing of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Landmark Legislation Written and Championed by Then-Senator Joseph Biden

6:31 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221111

File: 62bf4a63c15004f⋯.mp4 (865.18 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582634 (131257ZSEP24) Notable: She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls

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Conservative War Machine




completely exposes Kamala Harris's historical weakness as a candidate:

"She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls — NO ONE is performing worse than her…she is losing key factions of the Democratic base."

Sept. 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.221112

File: 5ba1e07848dafaf⋯.png (241.46 KB,670x471,670:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582645 (131300ZSEP24) Notable: Sandra Cano resigns seat in Rhode Island Senate

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Sandra Cano resigns seat in Rhode Island Senate

State Sen. Sandra Cano of Pawtucket said Thursday that she’s resigned her seat in the Rhode Island General Assembly and that she’s no longer a candidate for reelection in District 8.

Cano said she is pursuing a new career opportunity. She announced her immediate resignation in a letter to Senate President Dominick Ruggerio and Secretary of State Gregg Amore.

“I write today with a mix joy and sadness: joy at the opportunity to serve in a new capacity in a field about which I have long been passionate, and sadness that pursuing this opportunity requires my departure from the Senate,” Cano wrote.

Cano did not give any details about her new job, saying she’d share more in the weeks ahead.

“Representing the people of Pawtucket in the Senate has been the honor of my lifetime. I hope and believe that I was able to bring about impactful change through my service, and I look forward to continuing to contribute to building stronger communities in new ways in the future,” she said.

In a statement, Ruggerio thanked Cano for her service.

“Senator Sandra Cano has been a valued member of my leadership team. She has earned the respect of all her colleagues through her wisdom, tenacity, and passion. The indefatigable advocacy she brought to the Senate has made an extraordinary impact that will benefit Rhode Islanders for generations to come,” he said.

Cano's opponent in the general election was independent Cathyann Palocsik. The Democratic Party can pick a replacement nominee.


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0d8238 No.221113

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582648 (131301ZSEP24) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/13/2024



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0d8238 No.221114

File: 3faa47b52247a1d⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582650 (131301ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

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Jesse Watters


Are Haitian migrants hunting animals in Ohio? Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared.

Sept. 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.221115

File: 6ac566bc44daa0d⋯.png (1.13 MB,1003x1037,59:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582684 (131317ZSEP24) Notable: Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

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Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

Retailers and manufacturers are seeking to mitigate a potentially multibillion-dollar hit if members of the International Longshoremen’s Association go on strike beginning Oct. 1 at 13 of the nation’s major East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.

The contract between the ILA and the United States Maritime Alliance, which negotiates on behalf of management of the ports, terminals and shipping lines, is due to expire at midnight on Sept. 30. The contract covers 25,000 workers and ports stretching from Boston to Houston, the ILA said.

Billions of dollars worth of imported goods, from cars and light trucks to electronics to food, clothing, jewelry and agricultural products come into the US through East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.

Members of the National Retail Federation (NRF) have been concerned about the potential for the strike for months, according to Jonathan Gold, NRF vice president of supply chain and customs policy.

Gold said a strike also has the potential to disrupt retailers stocking up for the holiday season, as well as manufacturers and farmers relying on raw materials to keep operations moving. AKA… this would cause widespread food shortages!

“For retailers, that means holiday shipments might not arrive on time. Manufacturers might not receive parts, materials and supplies needed for production, which will lead to assembly lines shutting down. And farmers won’t be able to get their products to overseas markets, which could lead to lost sales.” Gold said.

Major ports such as Savannah, Georgia, and Houston bring in tons of materials for US manufacturers, such as auto parts, heavy machinery, steel, lumber and other goods.

“Any disruption resulting from the United States Maritime Alliance and the International Longshoremen’s Association negotiations would deal an immediate blow to the manufacturing supply chain,” Christopher Netram, NAM’s managing vice president of policy, recently told CNBC. “A work stoppage at East Coast and Gulf Coast ports would upend logistics for US businesses and hinder the movement of goods upon which millions of Americans depend. Costs will rise and manufacturing jobs will be lost if parts and supplies don’t arrive on time.”

The labor battle has already impacted global logistics providers and transportation operators, said Paul Brashier, vice president of drayage and intermodal at ITS Logistics.



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0d8238 No.221116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582685 (131318ZSEP24) Notable: Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

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Meanwhile, as the US government is busy escalating wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, while antagonizing industrial nations like China too, another major strike has already taken place, this time at Boeing!

Members of the International Association of Machinists And Aerospace Workers, which represents 33,000 Boeing employees at factories near Seattle and elsewhere, overwhelmingly rejected a 'historic contract offer' with the troubled planemaker and voted to go on strike.

IAM said 94.6% of union members rejected the contract offer from Boeing, which called the offer "historic" and highlighted the 25% wage increase over four years as "the largest-ever general wage increase." About 96% of union members approved the strike, now unfolding at the planemaker's Seattle factories that make the 737 Max.

Apparently, under Biden's economy, a 25% PAY RAISE is not even good enough to earn a living anymore….. let that sink into those who have thick skulls….

Jon Holden, president of IAM District 751, said this labor action "has been a long time coming, our members spoke loud and clear tonight," adding, "Clearly there were aspects of this agreement that weren't good enough."

The last time Boeing machinists went on strike was September 7, 2008. At the time, the strike was over job security, outsourcing, pay, and benefits.

Now, as explained by Holden, union workers at Boeing have been plagued with 16 years of stagnated wages. This comes as Bidenomics backfires on the economy, with elevated inflation and high interest rates financially crushing the working class.

"Boeing has been in a financially difficult situation since the January 5 accident exposed deficiencies at its factories and forced the planemaker to reduce production. The company has been bleeding cash as a result, and its credit rating is hovering one step above speculative grade as it contends with a heavy debt load of $45 billion," Bloomberg noted.


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0d8238 No.221117

File: c335c809a53f9f8⋯.jpg (430.65 KB,1080x963,120:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b928fcce73c0e6e⋯.jpg (260.78 KB,1080x1760,27:44,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9fbe0c88df387b3⋯.jpg (462.6 KB,1080x1638,60:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582704 (131326ZSEP24) Notable: BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

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The Coming Storm

S2: 1. The Yogi

Released On: 11 Sep 2024

Available for over a year

America through the looking glass - enter a world where nothing is as it seems.

As America heads into a presidential election, Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture.

Whilst liberals across the world worry about a possible return of Donald Trump, millions of Americans are convinced that their democracy has already been highjacked - by a sinister Deep State cabal. How did this happen? And who is behind it?

Gabriel meets a January 6 rioter running for office who sees his detention as political imprisonment and goes on the trail of a Californian yogi who stormed the Capitol and then fell even deeper down the rabbit hole.


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0d8238 No.221118

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582710 (131328ZSEP24) Notable: BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

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Durably reducing conspiracy beliefs through dialogues with AI

Editor’s summary

Beliefs in conspiracies that a US election was stolen incited an attempted insurrection on 6 January 2021. Another conspiracy alleging that Germany’s COVID-19 restrictions were motivated by nefarious intentions sparked violent protests at Berlin’s Reichstag parliament building in August 2020. Amid growing threats to democracy, Costello et al. investigated whether dialogs with a generative artificial intelligence (AI) interface could convince people to abandon their conspiratorial beliefs (see the Perspective by Bago and Bonnefon). Human participants described a conspiracy theory that they subscribed to, and the AI then engaged in persuasive arguments with them that refuted their beliefs with evidence. The AI chatbot’s ability to sustain tailored counterarguments and personalized in-depth conversations reduced their beliefs in conspiracies for months, challenging research suggesting that such beliefs are impervious to change. This intervention illustrates how deploying AI may mitigate conflicts and serve society. —Ekeoma Uzogara

Structured Abstract


Widespread belief in unsubstantiated conspiracy theories is a major source of public concern and a focus of scholarly research. Despite often being quite implausible, many such conspiracies are widely believed. Prominent psychological theories propose that many people want to adopt conspiracy theories (to satisfy underlying psychic “needs” or motivations), and thus, believers cannot be convinced to abandon these unfounded and implausible beliefs using facts and counterevidence. Here, we question this conventional wisdom and ask whether it may be possible to talk people out of the conspiratorial “rabbit hole” with sufficiently compelling evidence.


We hypothesized that interventions based on factual, corrective information may seem ineffective simply because they lack sufficient depth and personalization. To test this hypothesis, we leveraged advancements in large language models (LLMs), a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that has access to vast amounts of information and the ability to generate bespoke arguments. LLMs can thereby directly refute particular evidence each individual cites as supporting their conspiratorial beliefs.

To do so, we developed a pipeline for conducting behavioral science research using real-time, personalized interactions between research subjects and AI. Across two experiments, 2190 Americans articulated—in their own words—a conspiracy theory in which they believe, along with the evidence they think supports this theory. They then engaged in a three-round conversation with the LLM GPT-4 Turbo, which we prompted to respond to this specific evidence while trying to reduce participants’ belief in the conspiracy theory (or, as a control condition, to converse with the AI about an unrelated topic).


The treatment reduced participants’ belief in their chosen conspiracy theory by 20% on average. This effect persisted undiminished for at least 2 months; was consistently observed across a wide range of conspiracy theories, from classic conspiracies involving the assassination of John F. Kennedy, aliens, and the illuminati, to those pertaining to topical events such as COVID-19 and the 2020 US presidential election; and occurred even for participants whose conspiracy beliefs were deeply entrenched and important to their identities. Notably, the AI did not reduce belief in true conspiracies. Furthermore, when a professional fact-checker evaluated a sample of 128 claims made by the AI, 99.2% were true, 0.8% were misleading, and none were false. The debunking also spilled over to reduce beliefs in unrelated conspiracies, indicating a general decrease in conspiratorial worldview, and increased intentions to rebut other conspiracy believers.


Many people who strongly believe in seemingly fact-resistant conspiratorial beliefs can change their minds when presented with compelling evidence. From a theoretical perspective, this paints a surprisingly optimistic picture of human reasoning: Conspiratorial rabbit holes may indeed have an exit. Psychological needs and motivations do not inherently blind conspiracists to evidence—it simply takes the right evidence to reach them. Practically, by demonstrating the persuasive power of LLMs, our findings emphasize both the potential positive impacts of generative AI when deployed responsibly and the pressing importance of minimizing opportunities for this technology to be used irresponsibly…


Science started with conspiracy theories

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0d8238 No.221119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582712 (131329ZSEP24) Notable: BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

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Beliefs in conspiracies that a US election was stolen incited an attempted insurrection on 6 January 2021. Another conspiracy alleging that Germany’s COVID-19 restrictions were motivated by nefarious intentions sparked violent protests at Berlin’s Reichstag parliament building in August 2020. Amid growing threats to democracy, Costello et al. investigated whether dialogs with a generative artificial intelligence (AI) interface could convince people to abandon their conspiratorial beliefs (see the Perspective by Bago and Bonnefon). Human participants described a conspiracy theory that they subscribed to, and the AI then engaged in persuasive arguments with them that refuted their beliefs with evidence. The AI chatbot’s ability to sustain tailored counterarguments and personalized in-depth conversations reduced their beliefs in conspiracies for months, challenging research suggesting that such beliefs are impervious to change. This intervention illustrates how deploying AI may mitigate conflicts and serve society. —Ekeoma Uzogara

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0d8238 No.221120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582717 (131331ZSEP24) Notable: Much ado about scripts

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The reason why Jon Karl got in a hissy with JD Vance:

Karl: "Trump has described Harris as a "low IQ individual", "doesn't have the capacity to be President", "really dumb", "unable to put two sentences together", is that what you saw on the stage tonight?"

Karl took it personally because he knew Harris was GIVEN the scripts by the same people who give Karl his scripts.



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0d8238 No.221121

File: b8bbe61b7e89833⋯.png (374.14 KB,917x714,131:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582719 (131333ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: TikTok back in court as government does the ‘national security’ dance

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George F. Will


TikTok back in court as government does the ‘national security’ dance


11:45 AM · Sep 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.221122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582731 (131337ZSEP24) Notable: The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again

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The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again. ==1/2

BY NIALL STANAGE - 09/13/24 5:30 AM ET

Democrats who are in high spirits over Vice President Harris’s debate performance and buoyed by her rise in the polls have one doubt that nags at them above all others.

It’s the knowledge that former President Trump has consistently outperformed his poll numbers in the past — and the fear that he might do so again.

Given that many polls already have the battleground states balanced on a knife-edge, the idea of history repeating itself is a Democratic nightmare.

“I think we still have to worry about a Trump surge,” Celinda Lake, one of two leading pollsters for President Biden’s 2020 campaign, told this column via email.

One of the central difficulties for any pollster is how to model turnout. In most cases, that involves an educated guess about how many people from which demographics will actually cast ballots.

That’s one reason for Lake’s concern.

“Trump is winning men who have not voted” previously, she stated. “Most pollsters are adjusting. Our firm looks at two turnout estimates now. One the average and one looking at [a] Trump surge.”

Harris doesn’t have any leeway if such a surge took place.

In the polling averages maintained by The Hill and Decision Desk HQ (DDHQ), Harris leads nationally by 3.4 points, but the races are much closer in most of the key states.

In the three ‘Blue Wall’ states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — all of which are vital to Harris’s hopes — she leads by 0.4 points, 0.8 points and 3.0 points respectively.

DDHQ currently gives Harris a 54 percent chance of prevailing in November.

The organization’s director of data science, Scott Tranter, warned Democrats against taking any confidence from that number.

In probability terms, a 54 percent chance of winning basically means that in an imaginary scenario where the election could be run 20 times, Harris would win 11 times and Trump 9 times.

“If you feel comfortable with a 54 percent chance then you probably have to understand probabilities a little better,” Tranter said. “This is a coin flip. Nobody should be surprised if Kamala Harris wins or if Donald Trump wins, any more than you would be surprised if you flipped a coin and it came up tails.”

As the public focuses on the tightness of this year’s race, the specific ways in which the polls went awry in Trump’s previous two White House runs bears emphasizing.

Back in 2016, national polls measuring Trump’s performance against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton were not off by a massive amount.

The final RealClearPolitics (RCP) average before Election Day had Clinton besting Trump by 3.2 points. In the actual results, she beat him by 2.1 percent in the popular vote — while, of course, losing the Electoral College.

The result was such a shock partly because the polls missed so badly in the decisive states. Across the ‘Blue Wall’, pollsters measured Clinton’s showing with startling accuracy but markedly underestimated Trump’s vote share.

In the worst case of all, Wisconsin, the final RCP average predicted Clinton’s vote share within 0.3 percentage points of what she actually received.

But it underestimated Trump’s by almost seven points. He edged Clinton out by winning 47.2 percent of the vote, way ahead of the 40.3 percent the final RCP average had projected.

In the wake of the 2016 shocker, there were various explanations offered about why the polls might have underestimated Trump’s support.

Suggestions included that the pollsters’ models of turnout had been off, underestimating rural and exurban turnout for Trump; that Trump supporters, perhaps more distrustful than their Democratic counterparts of polls and the media, were more reluctant to respond to surveys; or that some respondents had simply lied, ultimately backing Trump in the privacy of the voting booth having declined to tell a pollster they were going to do so.

The 2016 outcome sparked a lot of introspection on the part of pollsters, but the industry’s overall performance in the 2020 race wasn’t much better.

In fact, in 2020 the national polls were further off than in 2016. The final RCP average predicted a 7-point victory for Biden, though he prevailed in the real popular vote by 4.5 points.

Another factor remained the same: pollsters were excellent at estimating the Democratic nominee’s level of support but poor at predicting Trump’s. The final RCP average came within one-fifth of a percentage point of Biden’s actual vote. But it underestimated Trump’s by almost three points.


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0d8238 No.221123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582737 (131339ZSEP24) Notable: The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again

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In the three ‘Blue Wall’ states, Wisconsin once again produced the biggest miss, with the final RCP average underestimating Trump’s actual vote share by almost five points.

Misfires on that scale put the current polls in this year’s race into stark perspective. As of Thursday evening, The Hill/DDHQ polling averages of seven battleground states showed only one in which either Trump or Harris was leading by more than a single percentage point.

The state in question, where Harris is up three points, was Wisconsin.

There have not been enough polls since Tuesday’s debate to get a firm picture of whether the clash changed the race in any fundamental way.

Harris was widely seen as the victor and, on Thursday, Trump asserted in a social media post that there would be no more debates.

Also on Thursday, Trump pollsters Tony Fabrizio and Travis TUnies issued a memo — made public by the campaign — that asserted that its own polls showed a two-point bump for Trump after the debate while Harris’s support had “remained flat.”

However, a new Morning Consult poll, also taken after the debate and released Thursday, showed Harris with a five-point national lead — her largest edge in any poll so far from the organization.

Harris’s campaign continues to insist she is the underdog — though there is a question mark over whether her aides sincerely believe this or are using the claim to keep the motivation of her supporters sky-high.

One thing is sure: the race is very close indeed — and Democratic anxieties are going to remain sharp all the way until the results come in.


They should be very very afraid, Bidan by prosecuting Trump, turned 100s of 1,000's if not a million or more to vote Trump

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0d8238 No.221124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582743 (131341ZSEP24) Notable: In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

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In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

All-In Podcast


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0d8238 No.221125

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582765 (131345ZSEP24) Notable: 12:00N EDT LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

September 13, 2024

10:00 AM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles - 9/13/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



12:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Press Conference in Los Angeles, California

>>219367 pb




12:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Holds News Conference Near Los Angeles

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to reporters at a press conference held at his golf club near Los Angeles.


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0d8238 No.221126

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582769 (131346ZSEP24) Notable: War Room Morning Edition

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10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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0d8238 No.221127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582772 (131346ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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10:00 AM EDT

FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting

NARA Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee





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0d8238 No.221128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582779 (131347ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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September 13, 2024

10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President's Daily Brief

Official Schedule


10:30 AM EDT

Field Hearing, Manchester, New Hampshire: Small Business and the Clean Energy Economy: Lowering Costs and Increasing Resilience

Senate Small Business Committee



Ms. Sarah Waring

State Director, Vermont and New Hampshire, USDA Rural Development

Montpelier, VT


Mr. Sam Evans-Brown

Executive Director, Clean Energy NH

Concord, NH


Mr. Dan Weeks

Vice President, Business Development, ReVision Energy

Nashua, NH


Ms. Melissa Florio

President, Ambix Manufacturing

Freedom, NH




Senate Small Business Committee Field Hearing on Clean Energy

The Senate Small Business Committee holds field hearing in Manchester, New Hampshire, on small businesses and the clean energy economy.


September 13, 2024

10:40 AM EDT

Open Session of the 88th National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health (NACCIH) Meeting

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services



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0d8238 No.221129

File: aef43c267753197⋯.png (1.16 MB,877x1413,877:1413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582783 (131348ZSEP24) Notable: Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team.

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"Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team." - Scott Adams.

C_A runs the largest child trafficking "industry" in the world


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0d8238 No.221130

File: 7303c2d99ef4f0e⋯.png (1.42 MB,1006x952,503:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582787 (131349ZSEP24) Notable: 52 Days to WINNING

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0d8238 No.221131

File: 26b02dd37261e59⋯.png (1.21 MB,904x603,904:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582799 (131350ZSEP24) Notable: Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team.

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Soros controls the CIA?

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0d8238 No.221132

File: 4886ab929e921ec⋯.png (206.71 KB,516x440,129:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582818 (131354ZSEP24) Notable: Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

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This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network and it's connections to the Disney pedo network. It also talks about Masonic murders and Script stealing trannies.


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0d8238 No.221133

File: 9c8d2c1238004e6⋯.jpg (21.42 KB,612x407,612:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582829 (131356ZSEP24) Notable: Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

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0d8238 No.221134

File: e55e0a5f9bfc182⋯.png (984.81 KB,1918x967,1918:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582927 (131413ZSEP24) Notable: PF: They're coming in from all over the world.

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They're coming in from all over the world.


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0d8238 No.221135

File: 4846295985049b9⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582935 (131414ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 13, 2024

Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

This snapshot from the International Space Station was taken on August 11 while orbiting about 430 kilometers above the Indian Ocean, Southern Hemisphere, planet Earth. The spectacular view looks south and east, down toward the planet's horizon and through red and green curtains of aurora australis. The auroral glow is caused by emission from excited oxygen atoms in the extremely rarefied upper atmosphere still present at the level of the orbiting outpost. Green emission from atomic oxygen dominates this scene at altitudes of 100 to 250 kilometers, while red emission from atomic oxygen can extend as high as 500 kilometers altitude. Beyond the glow of these southern lights, this view from low Earth orbit reveals the starry sky from a southern hemisphere perspective. Stars in Orion's belt and the Orion Nebula are near the Earth's limb just left of center. Sirius, alpha star of Canis Major and brightest star in planet Earth's night is above center along the right edge of the southern orbital skyscape.


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0d8238 No.221136

File: 00b8549cf60bc8d⋯.png (408.81 KB,591x711,197:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582943 (131417ZSEP24) Notable: ECW: Kirby-He is a smug SOB and he ought to resign.

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Ezra A. Cohen


He is a smug SOB and he ought to resign.

He is and always will be a prototypical “political” GO/FO, cares about his own advancement more than the well being of his teammates.


Yashar Ali 🐘



Sep 11


White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.

Fox News had emailed Kirby for a comment about a story it was working on related to how the White House had handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In his reply,

Show more


6:20 AM · Sep 12, 2024




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0d8238 No.221137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582951 (131418ZSEP24) Notable: Couldn't Get Elected as Dog Catcher': GOP Infighting Overshadows Unity on Tax Reform

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Couldn't Get Elected as Dog Catcher': GOP Infighting Overshadows Unity on Tax Reform

542 views · 6 years ago…more

CBN News


Is this permanent solution dog has it's day?


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0d8238 No.221138

File: 833498ebad388e6⋯.png (824.4 KB,622x602,311:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582952 (131418ZSEP24) Notable: Today, Loren Merchan’s business partner Mike Nellis had to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after the @KamalaHarris advisor REFUSED to turn over his communications with Judge Merchan.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today, Loren Merchan’s business partner Mike Nellis


had to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after the


advisor REFUSED to turn over his communications with Judge Merchan.

Did you know that


sent him payments to his house right before Judge Merchan was supposed to sentence Donald Trump?

Why won’t the media talk about that?

Nellis is also the founder of White Dudes for Harris. Why is Kamala Harris funneling money to the business partner of the daughter of the Judge who is gagging Donald Trump for the duration of the campaign?

This is election interference. Why won’t the media address this?

This is what they should be talking about.


and Mike Nellis.


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0d8238 No.221139

File: 399250013a7513c⋯.png (704.61 KB,1919x967,1919:967,Clipboard.png)

File: 493fc6a3772590f⋯.png (63.64 KB,1430x418,65:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 426fb4b0eb279bd⋯.png (169.75 KB,1200x816,25:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21582983 (131424ZSEP24) Notable: PF: They're coming in from all over the world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign FATTY76. USAF 757. Clandestine operations platform. This PF has caught this aircraft using a Delta Airlines call sign in the past. Looks to be headed for UK/Europe. It is PF's understanding that these USAF 757s are equipped for A2A refueling as well.


The 486th Flight Test Squadron is a secretive United States Air Force unit with a misleading designation, assigned to Eglin Air Force Base, Florida,[1][2] which is associated with activities of the U.S. State Department Foreign Emergency Support Team and Central Intelligence Agency Special Activities Center. The squadron motto is "Non semper ea sunt quae videntur" which translates as "Not always what they seem".[3] It is currently assigned to the 96th Test Wing,[citation needed] and operates a pair of Boeing C-32B Gatekeeper aircraft,[4][failed verification] on stand-by alert for special operations and intelligence missions world-wide.[5][unreliable source?] Official documents make it clear that operations fall under the aegis of Air Force Special Operations Command.[6] Of the two C-32B craft in existence, the 486th appears to fly the more clandestine craft, or on more clandestine missions, as the other operator of the C-32B, the 150th Special Operations Squadron of the New Jersey Air National Guard, denies the existence of a second aircraft and makes no mention of the 486th in public or internal documentation.


Here's what the American Special Ops website says about AFSOC:

United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) operates a small number of Boeing C-32B passenger jet aircraft, providing global airlift for U.S. government crisis response activities. These may include U.S. State Department Foreign Emergency Support Teams (FEST), which deploy in response to terrorism incidents around the world. They may also fly in support of CIA Special Activities.

So we know that the plane at Shannon is used to respond to "terrorist incidents" and to support "CIA Special Activities". And we know that Shannon has had a recent history of supporting other CIA "special activities", in particular the kidnapping and torture (rendition) of prisoners.

The American Special Ops website goes on to say that C-32B aircraft have been associated with the 150th Special Operations Squadron out of Joint Base McGuire, NJ and the 486th Flight Test Squadron out of Elgin AFB, FL. And it says

These are highly secretive units, with little information publicly available about their activities. The aircraft have been spotted in a plain white paint scheme, with minimal markings. They appear to change serial numbers many times - no doubt an attempt to keep a low profile.


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0d8238 No.221140

File: 5fbba7b53d95a7f⋯.png (38.23 KB,679x274,679:274,Clipboard.png)

File: d26307452363d75⋯.png (502.5 KB,851x588,851:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583002 (131428ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

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EXCLUSIVEI'm a duck rescuer in Ohio - since the Springfield migrants 'eating pets' rumors started, my phone's been ringing off the hook

READ MORE: Springfield locals have mixed reactions to immigration explosion

By Brittany Chain For Dailymail.Com

Published: 13:47 EDT, 12 September 2024 | Updated: 15:00 EDT, 12 September 2024

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0d8238 No.221141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583015 (131431ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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10:30 AM EDT

@AttorneyCrump, members of the CBC, and the families of Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols, and Sonya Massey will hold a news conference to address the urgent need for criminal justice reform and provide updates on legislative efforts.

Ben Crump Law, PLLC @BenCrumpLaw




Ben Crump News Conference With Families of Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols Soyna Massey

Attorney Ben Crump holds a news conference with the families of Breonna Taylor, Tyre Nichols and Sonya Massey.


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0d8238 No.221142

File: 52ff9db06110dda⋯.png (52.31 KB,598x702,23:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583019 (131432ZSEP24) Notable: Fani WIllis defies subpoena??

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Breaking: Fani WIllis defies subpoena

Remember, they JAILED Bannon and Navarro for doing exactly this.


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0d8238 No.221143

File: dfee5130f499a1c⋯.png (507.79 KB,942x1080,157:180,Clipboard.png)

File: ccba0ed0050af74⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,682x360,341:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583024 (131433ZSEP24) Notable: This is new level of AI that can "think" and "reason" before responding to you.

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The wait is over.

OpenAI just dropped o1, also known as Project Strawberry/Q*

This is new level of AI that can "think" and "reason" before responding to you.

10 wild demos:

1. Coding Video Game from a prompt

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0d8238 No.221144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583042 (131439ZSEP24) Notable: EU and Turkish Shipping Company in Standoff Over Weapons Inspections

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EU and Turkish Shipping Company in Standoff Over Weapons Inspections

Published Sep 12, 2024 4:36 PM by The Maritime Executive

The EUNAVFOR went public with its concerns regarding a Turkish shipping company as it remains at odds with Arkas Line over requests for vessel inspections. One of the line’s Turkish-registered containerships refused a request from EUNAVFOR IRINI for an inspection on September 8 continuing a standoff between the company and the EU.

Turkey is not a member of the European Union and has repeatedly accused the EUNAVFOR operation of meddling and being intrusive and unnecessary. IRINI was launched in 2020 by the EU to enforce UN Security Council resolutions to stop the shipment of arms into Libya. IRNI reports in the past four years it has contacted more than 1,000 ships and received permission more than 500 times to inspect ships. Ships that are found to be in violation of the resolutions are sent to EU ports. The operation also monitors flights into Libya.

Arkas’ vessel Matilde A (17,000 dwt) departed Gemlik, Turkey bound for Misurata, Libya on September 7. The ship which is 510 feet (155.6 meters) in length has a capacity for approximately 1,200 TEU. According to EUNAVFOR IRINI, they contacted the vessel on September 8 asking for permission to board and conduct an inspection. Turkey they said rejected the request despite the Security Council resolutions.

The Turkish shipping company, which on its website reports it has operated since 1996 and as Arkas since 2010, has a long history of rejecting these requests. Arkas lists an operating fleet of 24 vessels with a combined capacity of 126,500 TEUs providing regular service between ports in the Mediterranean, West Africa, and the Black Sea. Reports from IRINI indicate Arkas denied six requests in 2021, three in 2022, two in 2023, and now one in 2024.

The lack of cooperation with the EU and UN Security Council resolutions comes as Arkas posts a message on its website saying it is “excited” to announce as of 2023 it joined the UN Global Compact. They point out it is “a voluntary platform for the development, implementation, and disclosure of responsible business practices.”

Turkey has been at odds with the EU and UN over Libya where it maintains a military presence which it argues is “legitimate” and should not be viewed as a foreign force. The reports say they are there to support stability in Libya.

Recently, Turkey signed a new alliance with the Libyan government to provide additional training, weapons, and attack drones, which would violate the Security Council resolutions. Turkey reports it has also provided a more modern air defense system and other capabilities to Libya.

The Matilde A continued its voyage. The vessel arrived in Libya on September 11.


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0d8238 No.221145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583047 (131441ZSEP24) Notable: Fani WIllis defies subpoena??

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LIVE stream


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0d8238 No.221146

File: b3465bda02f4144⋯.jpg (30.39 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583051 (131441ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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11:00 AM EDT

A Conversation with Congressman Jamie Raskin

Free Speech Project, Georgetown University




Rep. Jamie Raskin Discusses Free Speech and Democracy

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) discusses free speech, democracy and the 2024 election during an event hosted by Georgetown University’s Free Speech Project


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0d8238 No.221147

File: 50b0032346ac43e⋯.png (826.45 KB,1041x694,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c2f7e41ca2b44c⋯.png (1.66 MB,2000x796,500:199,Clipboard.png)

File: e83ede129b48df1⋯.png (3.72 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: 46aaa8c21398dc1⋯.png (1.34 MB,1041x694,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c3f09a7771ed2f⋯.png (3.29 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583056 (131442ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 to Conduct Space Station Research

Sep 12, 2024

NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov are headed to the International Space Station for the agency’s SpaceX Crew-9 mission in September.

Once on station, these crew members will support scientific investigations that include studies of blood clotting, effects of moisture on plants grown in space, and vision changes in astronauts.

Here are details on some of the work scheduled during the Crew-9 expedition:

Blood cell development in space

Megakaryocytes Orbiting in Outer Space and Near Earth (MeF1) investigates how environmental conditions affect the development and function of megakaryocytes and platelets.

Megakaryocytes, large cells found in bone marrow, and platelets, pieces of these cells, play important roles in blood clotting and immune response.

“Understanding the development and function of megakaryocytes and platelets during long-duration spaceflight is crucial to safeguarding the health of astronauts,” said Hansjorg Schwertz, principal investigator, at the University of Utah.

“Sending megakaryocyte cell cultures into space offers a unique opportunity to explore their intricate differentiation process.

Microgravity also may impact other blood cells, so the insights we gain are likely to enhance our overall comprehension of how spaceflight influences blood cell production.”

Results could provide critical knowledge about the risks of changes in inflammation, immune responses, and clot formation in spaceflight and on the ground.

Patches for NICER

The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) telescope on the exterior of the space station measures X-rays emitted by neutron stars and other cosmic objects to help answer questions about matter and gravity.

In May 2023, NICER developed a “light leak” that allows sunlight to interfere with daytime measurements.

Special patches designed to cover some of the damage will be installed during a future spacewalk, returning the instrument to around-the-clock operation.

“This will be the fourth science observatory and first X-ray telescope in orbit to be repaired by astronauts,” said principal investigator Keith Gendreau at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

“In just a year, we diagnosed the problem, designed and tested a solution, and delivered it for launch.

The space station team — from managers and safety experts to engineers and astronauts — helped us make it happen. We’re looking forward to getting back to normal science operations.”

Vitamins for vision

Some astronauts experience vision changes, a condition called Spaceflight-Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome.

The B Complex investigation tests whether a daily B vitamin supplement can prevent or mitigate this problem and assesses how genetics may influence individual response.

“We still do not know exactly what causes this syndrome, and not everyone gets it,” said Sara Zwart, principal investigator, at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Houston.

“It is likely many factors, and biological variations that make some astronauts more susceptible than others.”


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0d8238 No.221148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583059 (131443ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

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One such variation could be related to a metabolic pathway that requires B vitamins to function properly.

Inefficiencies in this pathway can affect the inner lining of blood vessels, resulting in leaks that may contribute to vision changes.

Providing B vitamins known to affect blood vessel function positively could minimize issues in genetically at-risk astronauts.

“The concept of this study is based on 13 years of flight and ground research,” Zwart said.

“We are excited to finally flight test a low-risk countermeasure that could mitigate the risk on future missions, including those to Mars.”

Watering the space garden

As people travel farther from Earth for longer, growing food becomes increasingly important.

Scientists conducted many plant growth experiments on the space station using its Veggie hardware, including Veg-01B, which demonstrated that ‘Outredgeous’ red romaine lettuce is suitable for crop production in space.

Plant Habitat-07 uses this lettuce to examine how moisture conditions affect the nutritional quality and microbial safety of plants.

The Advanced Plant Habitat controls humidity, temperature, air, light, and soil moisture, creating the precise conditions needed for the experiment.

Using a plant known to grow well in space removes a challenging variable from the equation, explained Chad Vanden Bosch, principal investigator at Redwire, and this lettuce also has been proven to be safe to consume when grown in space.

“For crews building a base on the Moon or Mars, tending to plants may be low on their list of responsibilities, so plant growth systems need to be automated,” Bosch said.

“Such systems may not always provide the perfect growing conditions, though, so we need to know if plants grown in suboptimal conditions are safe to consume.”


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0d8238 No.221149

File: f3333da429cabb6⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583072 (131447ZSEP24) Notable: Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman

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>>221089 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing upPN

Videoattached, he says a lot more than this statement. Bonginon has been revealing this for weeks since a week after J13== She is totally unqualified and her supervisor is worse. Hawley should know that Rowe made all these choices, he is ultimately responsible for Trump's lacking SS, its his fault and he denied more agents since 2021. Its a miracle this didn't happen since Jan 2021 when he and Cheatle erased the texts of SS. Remember SS were sitting outside the fake pipe bomb hoax at DNC while Harris was inside. Majority of SS and management are corrupt. They still are not providing qualified SS for Trump's team

Surpisingly Blumethal is telling the triuth


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0d8238 No.221150

File: 77597a969095cf8⋯.png (3.55 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: b696390d43cc1e8⋯.png (1.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583077 (131448ZSEP24) Notable: Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

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Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

Sep 12, 2024

In the fall of 2023, NASA hot fire tested an aluminum 3D printed rocket engine nozzle.

Aluminum is not typically used for 3D printing because the process causes it to crack, and its low melting point makes it a challenging material for rocket engines.

Yet the test was a success.

Printing aluminum engine parts could save significant time, money, and weight for future spacecraft. Elementum 3D Inc., a partner on the project, is now making those benefits available to the commercial space industry and beyond.

The hot fire test was the culmination of a relationship between NASA and Elementum that began shortly after the company was founded in 2014 to make more materials available for 3D printing.

Based in Erie, Colorado, the company infuses metal alloys with particles of other materials to alter their properties and make them amenable to additive manufacturing.

This became the basis of Elementum’s Reactive Additive Manufacturing (RAM) process.

NASA adopted the technology, qualifying the RAM version of a common aluminum alloy for 3D printing.

The agency then awarded funding to Elementum 3D and another company to print the experimental Broadsword rocket engine, demonstrating the concept’s viability.

Meanwhile, a team at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, was working to adapt an emerging technology to print larger engines.

In 2021, Marshall awarded an Announcement of Collaborative Opportunity to Elementum 3D to modify an aluminum alloy for printing in what became the Reactive Additive Manufacturing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution project.

The project also made a commonly used aluminum alloy available for large-scale 3D printing.

It is already used in large satellite components and could be implemented into microchip manufacturing equipment, Formula 1 race car parts, and more.

The alloy modified for the Broadsword engine is already turning up in brake rotors and lighting fixtures.

These various applications exemplify the possibilities that come from NASA’s collaboration and investment in industry.


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0d8238 No.221151

File: 860c5f38f3a1bfa⋯.png (33.76 KB,666x196,333:98,Clipboard.png)

File: b0df90e77cc9de2⋯.png (201.09 KB,650x693,650:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 121a271306ef557⋯.png (648.2 KB,584x812,146:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583100 (131454ZSEP24) Notable: Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour. In a viral post uploaded to X,

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Donald Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour.

In a viral post uploaded to X, TeamTrump, the official account for the Trump campaign, advertised their new 'Trump Era shirt'.

Printed on to the front of the white T-shirt is a collection of colorful images of the former leader during various moments of his presidency.

In the middle is a black-and-white photo of Trump with a raised fist, wearing a cap that reads: 'Make America Great Again'.

The print bears a striking resemblance to Taylor Swift's iconic Eras tour poster, which also later appeared on her own merchandise.

Swift's poster saw the exact same layout and color scheme as the one seen on Trump's new merch, as well as the same font of writing beneath the collection of striking images.

The TeamTrump post urges 'all Swifties for Trump' to get their T-shirt from the Trump National Committee website - where the garment is selling for up to $1,000 in donations.

According to the site, over 181,000 people have already made their donations which start at $45 and have in return gotten their hands on the Taylor Swift copycat T-shirt.

But Swifties across the X platform have slammed Trump for his antics and some have even called for the singer to sue him.


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0d8238 No.221152

File: ab63a2e002c080c⋯.png (109.32 KB,1041x694,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583102 (131454ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

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NASA to Develop Lunar Time Standard for Exploration Initiatives

Sep 12, 2024

NASA will coordinate with U.S. government stakeholders, partners, and international standards organizations to establish a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) following a policy directive from the White House in April.

The agency’s Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) program is leading efforts on creating a coordinated time, which will enable a future lunar ecosystem that could be scalable to other locations in our solar system.

The lunar time will be determined by a weighted average of atomic clocks at the Moon, similar to how scientists calculate Earth’s globally recognized Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Exactly where at the Moon is still to be determined, since current analysis indicates that atomic clocks placed at the Moon’s surface will appear to ‘tick’ faster by microseconds per day.

A microsecond is one millionth of a second. NASA and its partners are currently researching which mathematical models will be best for establishing a lunar time.

To put these numbers into perspective, a hummingbird’s wings flap about 50 times per second. Each flap is about .02 seconds, or 20,000 microseconds.

So, while 56 microseconds may seem miniscule, when discussing distances in space, tiny bits of time add up.

“For something traveling at the speed of light, 56 microseconds is enough time to travel the distance of approximately 168 football fields,” said Cheryl Gramling, lead on lunar position, navigation, timing, and standards at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

“If someone is orbiting the Moon, an observer on Earth who isn’t compensating for the effects of relativity over a day would think that the orbiting astronaut is approximately 168 football fields away from where the astronaut really is.”

As the agency’s Artemis campaign prepares to establish a sustained presence on and around the Moon, NASA’s SCaN team will establish a time standard at the Moon to ensure the critical time difference does not affect the safety of future explorers.

The approach to time systems will also be scalable for Mars and other celestial bodies throughout our solar system, enabling long-duration exploration.

As the commercial space industry grows and more nations are active at the Moon, there is a greater need for time standardization.

A shared definition of time is an important part of safe, resilient, and sustainable operations,” said Dr. Ben Ashman, navigation lead for lunar relay development, part of NASA’s SCaN program.

NASA’s SCaN program serves as the office for the agency’s space communications operations and navigation.

More than 100 NASA and non-NASA missions rely on SCaN’s two networks, the Near Space Network and the Deep Space Network, to support astronauts aboard the International Space Station and future Artemis missions, monitor Earth’s weather and the effects of climate change, support lunar exploration, and uncover the solar system and beyond.


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0d8238 No.221153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583104 (131455ZSEP24) Notable: RFK ad TDS

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BREAKING 🚨 RFK Jr’s team released this ad about TDS. This is hilarious!!

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0d8238 No.221154

File: e8be17863b0a830⋯.png (229.44 KB,577x662,577:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583105 (131455ZSEP24) Notable: Buckwheat trots out hate speech of Haitian migrants sacrificing pet animals in Ohio.

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We got em!

WH presstitute trots out false accusation trope of "hate speech" to describe TRUE SPEECH of Haitian migrants sacrificing pet animals in Ohio.


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0d8238 No.221155

File: 0a12907c5c321b5⋯.jpg (39.76 KB,900x423,100:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 68cfa586c9ca818⋯.png (426.03 KB,920x1078,460:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583118 (131458ZSEP24) Notable: Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

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Roseanne Barr


They are so deep in they don’t even know that Kamala lied throughout the debate- despite multiple articles and fact checks for days. One after the other. This is why this country is in turmoil. Dems are in a cult and they think everyone who sees reality is in one. Like @RobertKennedyJr and I discussed- you can’t get through to these people with facts. You have to try the Socratic method. I can’t do that because I’m too bitchy but you’re all welcome to try. Guys, if we can rescue just one democrat each from this cult you will save America.


Morgan J. Freeman



Sep 11

Hi @megynkelly - kindly name one thing Kamala said that ABC should have fact-checked. I'll wait.

10:49 AM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221156

File: 2178a063def9a2e⋯.jpg (144.84 KB,1120x1280,7:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583131 (131501ZSEP24) Notable: Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour. In a viral post uploaded to X,

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583139 (131503ZSEP24) Notable: U.S. Coast Guard Rescues 11 Migrants From the Cliffs of Monito Island

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Haitians seem to be everywhere

I can just see 200k Hondurans turning up at El Paso and everybody amazed they're not Haitian

U.S. Coast Guard Rescues 11 Migrants From the Cliffs of Monito Island

Published Sep 12, 2024 7:07 PM by The Maritime Executive

On Saturday, a U.S. Coast Guard cutter rescued 11 migrants from the rocky cliffs of Monito Island, an inhospitable nature reserve halfway between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

On Saturday, the fishing vessel Likeo contacted Sector San Juan to report that a group of people in orange shirts appeared to be stranded on the rocky cliffs of Monito Island. The command center dispatched a Jayhawk helicopter to survey the situation and diverted the cutter USCGC Richard Dixon to assist. The aircrew soon spotted the group on Monito and directed the Dixon to the location.

Surface conditions were calm - a requirement for approaching the rocky cliffs - so the crew of the Dixon launched their pursuit boat to carry out a rescue. They found six men and five women, all Haitian nationals, who were stranded on shore.

After countless interdictions at Monito Island, the Coast Guard has worked out a practical system for rescuing migrants from the cliffs. After passing out lifejackets to the group, the rescue boat's coxswain will approach, stand off about 10-15 feet from the rocks, and then have a crewmember toss a life ring on a line to one individual. When ready, the survivor jumps into the water, and the crew pulls him or her aboard with the line. The process is repeated until the whole group is safely aboard.

All 11 migrants were delivered safely to Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, where the U.S. Border Patrol took them into custody.

Monito Island is an uninhabited outcropping of American territory in the Mona Passage, and it has become a regular destination for migrant smugglers. Unscrupulous human traffickers regularly abandon their passengers on the island, leaving them some 40 nm short of an actual crossing to Puerto Rico.

"The dangers of illegal voyages in the Mona Passage are exponentially increased when smugglers leave their passengers abandoned for days in austere and dangerous environments like Monito Island," said Capt. José E. Díaz, Coast Guard Sector San Juan commander, in a statement last year. "Most do not realize the danger they are in until it is too late, as these voyages often take place aboard makeshift and grossly overloaded vessels with no lifesaving equipment."


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0d8238 No.221158

File: 71dd4cb564f041d⋯.png (168.88 KB,926x586,463:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583144 (131504ZSEP24) Notable: @RepMcCaul Blinken was entrusted with securing the safety of Americans & Afghan allies.

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Michael McCaul


As secretary of state during the Afghanistan withdrawal and emergency evacuation throughout 2021, Secretary Blinken was entrusted with securing the safety of Americans & Afghan allies. As my report revealed, he and this administration wholly failed in that responsibility and have yet to be held accountable.

If he continues to refuse to appear before


to answer for our report’s findings, then I will hold him in contempt of Congress.


5:26 PM · Sep 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.221159

File: 5b9ec593d0ad859⋯.png (5.02 MB,2000x1125,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583148 (131505ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

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NASA Moon to Mars Architecture Art Challenge

Sep 12, 2024

NASA wants you to visualize the future of space exploration!

This art challenge is looking for creative, artistic images to represent NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture, the agency’s roadmap for crewed exploration of deep space.

With NASA’s Moon to Mars Objectives in hand, the agency is developing an architecture for crewed exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Using systems engineering processes, NASA has begun to perform the analyses and studies needed to make informed decisions about a sustained lunar evolution and initial human missions to Mars.

NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture currently includes four segments of increasing complexity: Human Lunar Return, Foundational Exploration, Sustained Lunar Evolution, and Humans to Mars.

For this competition, NASA is interested in your artistic interpretation of the latter two segments: Sustained Lunar Evolution and Humans to Mars.

These depictions could include operations in space, on the surface, or both. Artists may develop and submit a still image for either the lunar and Mars exploration segments.

Award: $10,000 in total prizes

Open Date: September 12, 2024

Close Date: October 31, 2024


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0d8238 No.221160

File: 292b6ba9e6d1cf4⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,534x300,89:50,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583150 (131505ZSEP24) Notable: Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an indy analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

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Trump War Room


Goldman Sachs CEO David M. Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an independent analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

"A lot more has been made of this than should be."

Sept. 12, 2024


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0d8238 No.221161

File: 128a9ef51f72fbf⋯.png (146.2 KB,1511x757,1511:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583161 (131506ZSEP24) Notable: Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an indy analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

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0d8238 No.221162

File: 41c7aff8bbba55e⋯.png (155.84 KB,445x759,445:759,Clipboard.png)

File: cb645fecf07f82c⋯.png (162.48 KB,447x752,447:752,Clipboard.png)

File: f21f4b93fa22e39⋯.png (99.72 KB,447x497,447:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 4495bf4b853eaae⋯.png (147.59 KB,445x755,89:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583167 (131509ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

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President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

Many of President Trump's Executive Orders put America First or are related to America First. Here are some of them.PDFs

Federal Register - 2017 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13788 of April 18, 2017 (Revoked by EO 14005, January 25, 2021)

Buy American and Hire American


Federal Register - 2017 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017 (Revoked by EO 13990, January 20, 2021)

Implementing anAmerica-FirstOffshore Energy Strategy


Federal Register - 2017 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13797 of April 29, 2017

Establishment of Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy


Federal Register - 2017 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13858 of January 31, 2019 (Partially revoked by EO 14005, January 25, 2021)

StrengtheningBuy-AmericanPreferences for Infrastructure Projects


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0d8238 No.221163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583169 (131510ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Tells Kamala Harris That Biden 'Hates Her' During Presidential Debate

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WATCH: Trump Tells Kamala Harris That Biden 'Hates Her' During Presidential Debate

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0d8238 No.221164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583171 (131510ZSEP24) Notable: Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP

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Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP

BY AL WEAVER 09/12/24 10:24 AM

The Cook Political Report shifted the Montana Senate race from “toss up” to “lean Republican” on Thursday as polls show Republican Tim Sheehy leading incumbent Sen. Jon Tester (D) in a contest critical to control of the upper chamber.

The nonpartisan prognosticating group made the move with less than two months before Election Day, giving Republicans a shot in the arm in the process

“Today we are making a major shift — moving the Montana Senate race from Toss Up to Lean Republican,” the Cook Political Report’s Jessica Taylor wrote. “This means that Republicans are now an even heavier favorite to win back control of the Senate, regardless of the result at the top of the ticket.”

Republicans need to flip only two seats in order to win back the majority that has eluded them for four years. The West Virginia seat currently occupied by retiring Sen. Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) is a virtual certainty to go to the GOP, with Gov. Jim Justice (R) is in line to replace him.

That leaves Republicans needing one seat, with Montana serving as their best chance.

According to a recent AARP poll, Sheehy leads the three-term incumbent by 6 percentage points. He also clears the all-important 50 percent threshold in the survey.

The Senate GOP campaign arm also told members at a luncheon earlier this week that internal polling shows Sheehy leading by 4 percentage points.

Senate Republicans are also hopeful Bernie Moreno will defeat incumbent Sen. Sherrod Brown (D) in Ohio, but that race is widely considered a jump ball.

The Cook Political Report rates both Ohio and Michigan — where Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) are running to replace Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) — as toss-up races.

Contests in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin and Arizona are all rated “lean Democrat.”


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0d8238 No.221165

File: b4786882f3aea20⋯.png (149.14 KB,446x749,446:749,Clipboard.png)

File: e27b8a2b3952cee⋯.png (133.39 KB,447x628,447:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 325b1d83e97a9bb⋯.png (166.46 KB,446x751,446:751,Clipboard.png)

File: a1a06c87963276a⋯.png (164.57 KB,445x755,89:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583177 (131512ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

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President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13859 of February 11, 2019

MaintainingAmerican Leadershipin Artificial Intelligence


Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13881 of July 15, 2019 (Superseded by: EO 14006, January 25, 2021)

Maximizing Use ofAmerican-MadeGoods, Products, and Materials


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13936 of July 14, 2020

The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13946 of August 24, 2020 (Revoked by EO 14091, February 16, 2023)

Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations


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0d8238 No.221166

File: 74eb32f5e03b609⋯.png (1011.25 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583181 (131513ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

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NASA Taps Finland’s ICEYE to Provide Earth Observation Data

September 13, 2024

Finnish Earth observation data provider ICEYE has won a five-year contract with NASA to provide radar satellite imagery for Earth science and research purposes.

ICEYE owns and operates the world’s largest constellation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites.

The 38-satellite constellation offers near real-time insights both during the day and at night for a variety of different applications.

On 9 September 2024, the company announced that it had signed a five-year contract with NASA to provide SAR data to NASA for Earth science and research applications.

The contract was awarded through the agency’s Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition programme. According to the company, it is a “continuation of ICEYE’s delivery of data.”

In April 2023, NASA awarded the company a five-year Blanket Purchase Agreement to provide SAR data for evaluation to determine whether or not it was suitable for “advancing NASA’s science and application goals.”

In August 2023, the company announced that it had received its first task order from NASA.

“NASA is excited to evaluate ICEYE data in the context of our Earth Science Research, Analysis, and Applications portfolios,” said NASA CSDA program scientist Will McCarty at the time.

“With the advent of SAR from commercial sources like ICEYE, we are interested in how these small satellite constellations can complement existing NASA datasets and capabilities.”

Despite being just 18 months into the five-year evaluation period, NASA appears to be satisfied enough with its findings to offer ICEYE a 5-year fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity, multiple-award contract.

“NASA researchers, collaborating scientists, and academic partners will enjoy expanded access to a reliable, accurate radar data stream from the world’s largest commercial SAR constellation,” said Eric Jensen, CEO of ICEYE’s US subsidiary.

“We look forward to enabling the scientific discoveries that lie ahead.”


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0d8238 No.221167

File: 670c12f79026d12⋯.png (160.25 KB,450x749,450:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 8087f14109e2d0b⋯.png (160.93 KB,450x752,225:376,Clipboard.png)

File: 10a25fb6978b541⋯.png (163.25 KB,430x721,430:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 846ce7b822ff26c⋯.png (162.49 KB,450x750,3:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583183 (131514ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

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President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13947 of July 24, 2020

Lowering Drug Prices byPutting America First


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13948 of September 13, 2020

Lowering Drug Prices byPutting America First


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13951 of September 24, 2020

AnAmerica-FirstHealthcare Plan


Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13975 of January 14, 2021 (Revoked by EO 14006, January 25, 2021)

EncouragingBuy AmericanPolicies for the United States Postal Service


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0d8238 No.221168

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583187 (131516ZSEP24) Notable: Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

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What is Bidan doing? Is he trying to get rid of his nemesis Kamala?



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221169

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583197 (131517ZSEP24) Notable: God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!

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God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!❤️🇺🇸

We got a shoutout!



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0d8238 No.221170

File: 2594f6255c1035e⋯.png (363.67 KB,679x504,97:72,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583205 (131521ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

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Slaughter of the swans: As carcasses pile up and migrant camps are built on river banks, Peterborough residents are too frightened to visit the park

By Andrew Malone for the Daily Mail

Updated: 18:40 EDT, 26 March 2010

As civic projects go, using Lottery cash to restore walkways and bridle paths along the River Nene seems a decent enough way to spend charity money for the greater good.

Creating 50 miles of cycle routes, parkland and dozens of delightful picnic spots, the Millennium Green Wheel project - which runs through the Cambridgeshire market town of Peterborough - was designed to encourage families to make the most of living beside the river.

At a cost of £10million, it should be a delight. With recreated woodland and hedgerows alongside the water, the project was also intended to give a boost to wildlife in the area - a traditional mating place for Mute, Bewick and Whooper swans, which congregate in vast numbers as the Nene flows through Peterborough town.

With salmon and sea trout spotted in the river for the first time in decades, the regeneration work has also seen the Nene come alive with other aquatic life, ranging from fish such as pike, carp, tench and barbel, to water voles, snails and freshwater prawns.

But this week, with spring in the air and flowers in bloom on the banks, few local people were brave enough to venture for an evening stroll along this delightful waterway, following disturbing allegations that Eastern European immigrants are 'plundering' and 'pillaging' local wildlife.

For, according to a flurry of alarming reports, Eastern Europeans are stalking the creatures of the River Nene and, to the horror of local residents, are reputedly now targeting the city's swans.

Rather than simply enjoying the spectacle of these majestic birds, it was claimed that immigrants see the swans as a rich source of food, and are trapping the birds, then roasting them on open fires along the river bank.

The Peterborough Evening Telegraph, which this week revealed details of the scandal, has been inundated with letters and emails since claiming that 'legally-protected swans' were being 'butchered' by immigrants who are 'raping' Peterborough's waterways by snaring the birds then battering them to death with iron bars.

Slaughter of the swans: As carcasses pile up and migrant camps are built on river banks, Peterborough residents are too frightened to visit the park

By Andrew Malone for the Daily Mail

Updated: 18:40 EDT, 26 March 2010


View comments e-mail



As civic projects go, using Lottery cash to restore walkways and bridle paths along the River Nene seems a decent enough way to spend charity money for the greater good.

Creating 50 miles of cycle routes, parkland and dozens of delightful picnic spots, the Millennium Green Wheel project - which runs through the Cambridgeshire market town of Peterborough - was designed to encourage families to make the most of living beside the river.

At a cost of £10million, it should be a delight. With recreated woodland and hedgerows alongside the water, the project was also intended to give a boost to wildlife in the area - a traditional mating place for Mute, Bewick and Whooper swans, which congregate in vast numbers as the Nene flows through Peterborough town.

Mute Swan

In danger: Swans are being caught and eaten by Eastern European immigrants in Peterborough, who have set up camp alongside the River Nene

With salmon and sea trout spotted in the river for the first time in decades, the regeneration work has also seen the Nene come alive with other aquatic life, ranging from fish such as pike, carp, tench and barbel, to water voles, snails and freshwater prawns.

But this week, with spring in the air and flowers in bloom on the banks, few local people were brave enough to venture for an evening stroll along this delightful waterway, following disturbing allegations that Eastern European immigrants are 'plundering' and 'pillaging' local wildlife.


Parents' outrage after daughter traveling alone bumped from flight

16.3k viewing now

Kamala Harris hit with Trump polling shock in battleground state

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Massachusetts military veteran shoots pro-Palestine agitator

5.5k viewing now

For, according to a flurry of alarming reports, Eastern Europeans are stalking the creatures of the River Nene and, to the horror of local residents, are reputedly now targeting the city's swans.

Rather than simply enjoying the spectacle of these majestic birds, it was claimed that immigrants see the swans as a rich source of food, and are trapping the birds, then roasting them on open fires along the river bank.

The Peterborough Evening Telegraph, which this week revealed details of the scandal, has been inundated with letters and emails since claiming that 'legally-protected swans' were being 'butchered' by immigrants who are 'raping' Peterborough's waterways by snaring the birds then battering them to death with iron bars.

A Lithuanian migrant in her shack home near the river Nene in Peterborough

Living off the land: A Lithuanian woman in her shack home by the River Nene

Of course, stories of immigrants killing and eating swans - once a treasonable offence punishable by hanging because all swans are Crown property and owned by the Queen - have emerged with increasing regularity since Britain's borders were thrown open to Eastern Europe in 2004.

Equally regularly, of course, such claims have been dismissed as urban myths spread by opponents of immigration, fabricated as part of some sinister racist agenda.

Indeed, no less an authority than Professor Roy Greenslade, media commentator of the left-leaning Guardian newspaper, denounced one report in The Sun - headlined 'Swan Bake' and revealing how the Queen's swans were being poached and barbecued by Eastern Europeans - as a cynical attempt 'to inflame passions' about immigration.

And, in truth, I was also deeply sceptical about these latest reports from Peterborough, believing there must be some other reason for the mysterious appearance of swan carcasses along the river - the work, perhaps, of foxes or some deadly swan blight?

But, I can report, the reality is even more disturbing than hitherto reported. Indeed, so bad is the situation that the people charged with protecting the river believe the situation is grave and acutely perilous for Peterborough's swan population if the killing is not stopped.

For the first time, there's irrefutable evidence that swans and vast quantities of fish are being killed by immigrants who have set up camp along the River Nene and are living off the land.

With more than 16,000 new Eastern European immigrants arriving in the past five years, those unable - or unwilling - to pay for accommodation in Peterborough have instead adopted the lifestyle of ancient hunter-gatherers, albeit with a penchant for vast amounts of strong Polish vodka and beer.

Living in crude shelters made of wood and plastic sheeting, scores of immigrants have taken up permanent residence all along the Nene.

Using crude snares and nets, the inhabitants are preying on swans, fish, rabbits, pigeons and even snails - all plundered from this expensively-restored habitat and cooked on open fires.

Indeed, at one camp I visited, hidden in bushes on the edge of a field 500 metres from the river and just a ten-minute-walk from the centre of Peterborough, it was abundantly clear that these people are dug in for a long stay.

This camp is also where three swan carcasses were recently found hanging from a tree branch beside a fire built around stones and other bricks which are used to balance heavy steel cooking pots.

Beside the cooking area was a living area - another wood and tarpaulin structure, with a table surrounded by boxes to sit on. Food such as sugar and bread hung in plastic bags from trees to prevent wild animals from eating them.

There was no one at home when I visited, but the camp was clearly still in use. As well as feathers and other bones around the fire, I found piles and piles of snail shells, which had been cooked and emptied of their contents.

A separate 'bathroom area' had been created ten metres away from the huts, where soap and toothpaste hung in bags from trees, along with a bucket used for washing.

The residents had even put down pieces of wood and cardboard to try to keep the mud off their feet following their morning ablutions. The camp was also littered with empty beer cans and vodka bottles.

Intriguingly, as well as all sorts of animal detritus, I also discovered one of the weapons of choice for capturing and killing swans. Propped against a tree was a thick, strong sea angling rod - built to take the strain of hauling big fish from the oceans.

According to walkers, river wardens and RSPCA officials, heavy treble-barbed hooks are attached to lines and cast out into the Nene using these sea rods and giant landing nets. The prize is not fish, but swans.

Out patrolling the river on Wednesday night, Jonathan Means, head bailiff for Peterborough and District Angling Club, points out where he caught one immigrant with a giant net trying to lure swans towards him with bread.

'The guy was hiding behind a tree,' says Mr Means. 'First, he threw bread into the pool so that the swans would come towards him. Then he tried to catch them in his net. I couldn't believe it. I started shouting and hollering at him and he ran away.'

A mild-mannered man, 44-year-old Mr Means has fished these waters since childhood, spending weekends and holidays on the bank, often only reluctantly packing up when night fell and he could not see to fish.

Giving his time for free as a volunteer, he has been a warden for the past ten years and knows the river and its wildlife well. Yet he no longer finds his patrols by the river relaxing.

Pointing out cooking fires used by immigrants to roast fish and fowl, not to mention piles of empty Polish beer cans, cigarette packets and liquor bottles, he shudders at the destruction along his beloved Nene.

'These people have a total disregard for our wildlife and our country,' he tells me quietly. 'These people know exactly what they are doing. They are catching swans and decimating fish stocks.'

And much as Mr Means loves the river and believes it helps teach people about nature, he says he would not let his son fish here alone, as he did as a boy, because of the threat from these gangs of Eastern European poachers.

'This park and river should be an absolute joy,' he says, as night falls and gangs of Eastern immigrants carrying crates of cider decamp along the water. 'But people are scared to come here.

'I know of people who have fished here all their lives, who now will only come if they have friends with them for protection. Polish leaders say these people just need education - but that's rubbish. People do not need to be educated to know they are breaking the law.'

Indeed, these poachers know enough about the law to destroy all signs warning - in several different languages - that illegal fishing and taking of wildlife will not be tolerated. Every week, Mr Means replaces these warnings posted along the river bank after they have been torn down.

Nor are these the poachers of lore, taking 'one for the pot'. Last weekend, a gang of Polish men was caught using nets to try to empty a pool full of spawning fish. By killing females and young, they threaten the entire fish stock in the river.

'People call this immigrant-bashing,' says Mr Means. 'It's not. I'd be saying exactly the same if it was English people. But it's not - it's Eastern Europeans. They play it daft when I catch them with fish - but what can you do?'

As we are talking, Kathy Hornig, an animal welfare officer, is on a secret mission further downstream at a place called Black Bridge.

Here, another immigrant camp has been built amid high bushes near the river, and the occupants have been seen repeatedly taking swans from the water.

With the camp residents scattering as she approaches with other animal welfare officers, her mission is a success: she discovers the carcass of a mature, adult swan inside a plastic bag hanging from a tree branch by the camp.

Acutely conscious of the potential for tensions between locals and immigrants over the slaughter of British wildlife, the investigators removed the carcass of the dead swan for further tests to determine how it died.

'We've been aware of this [killing swans] going on for some time,' Ms Hornig said. 'The people trying to catch swans are causing them extreme distress. But I cannot say with 100 per cent proof that the swan was killed for food, nor will I speculate about why it was here. I do not want to make any further comment.'

Marion Todd, a former Mayor of Peterborough, whose house is near the Nene, has spotted countless carcasses of birds, as well as bags full of fish, being carried by immigrants back to their camps.

'I've absolutely no doubt that these swans are being killed for food. We cleared one overgrown area where camps have been built - and found lots of swan carcasses. Put it this way: the swans did not disappear and their bones were not found on fires before the immigrants came.'

And so the carcasses are piling up and the death toll is mounting. Officially, there have been six recent confirmed cases of swans being killed by immigrants to eat. But the true number is believed to be far higher.

Of course, it's not just animals that are affected by this influx of immigrants. Few locals dare to use the park in the evening now, and even in daylight hours many will only use paths in sight of other people.

It was in 2004 that Labour threw open Britain's borders to immigration from other EU states, prompting hundreds of impoverished Eastern Europeans to head to these shores.

With more than 60,000 other immigrants predicted to arrive in Cambridgeshire by 2016, the Polish Mission in Peterborough this week said that migrants should be educated, rather than punished, if they are caught poaching.

When approached by the Mail yesterday, the Polish Mission was unable to comment.

A spokesman for the Polish Embassy in London last night confirmed diplomats were aware of the swan killing allegations but questioned the scale of the problem.

'How many Polish people are involved?' he said. 'Four or five. A minority. If somebody has broken the law by behaving in this bestial way, I'm sure they will be punished according to the British law. I've heard of four or five people being arrested. It creates the wrong picture to say that hordes of Polish people are taking British wildlife.'

At the camp where the latest dead swan was found this week, one immigrant from Lithuania had been left behind when her countrymen fled after the raid by animal welfare officers.

As rain lashed down, the woman, who stank of cheap cider and refused to give her name, peered out from beneath her tarpaulin-covered tent. She kept repeating 'No understand - no passport' when I asked her about the swan killed and prepared for the camp pot. 'Please go,' she said. 'No say nothing. No trouble.'

Jonathan Means is unimpressed. 'They know what they are doing is wrong - they just pretend they don't if they get caught,' he says.

'Killing swans and fish has got nothing to do with lack of education. It's to do with decency, manners and respect for the country you live in.'

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0d8238 No.221171

File: 90bf7bb2a5f27f8⋯.png (1.18 MB,819x1024,819:1024,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583212 (131525ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

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NASA astronaut on Space Station during 9/11 attack describes heart-wrenching experience

Sep. 11, 2024, 6:32 p.m. ET

NASA has shared a poignant letter from the only American not on Earth when 9/11 happened.

Space Station astronaut Frank Culbertson penned his thoughts in the hours and days after the terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers.

He also captured the scene on camera from 250 miles up, with a chilling image showing a smoke plume rising from the Manhattan area.

The space agency said on Tuesday: “The following is the text of a letter from Expedition Three Commander Frank L. Culbertson (Captain, USN Retired), reflecting on the events of September 11.”

The heart-breaking letter documents the spaceman’s reaction upon learning about the attack and then dealing with his emotions afterwards.

He wrote: “Well, obviously the world changed today. The flight surgeon told me they were having a very bad day on the ground. I had no idea …

“He described the situation to me as best he knew it at ~0900 CDT. I was flabbergasted, then horrified.

My first thought was that this wasn’t a real conversation, that I was still listening to one of my Tom Clancy tapes.

“It just didn’t seem possible on this scale in our country. I couldn’t even imagine the particulars, even before the news of further destruction began coming in.

“I zipped around the station until I found a window that would give me a view of NYC and grabbed the nearest camera.

It happened to be a video camera, and I was looking south from the window of Michael’s (Mikhail Tyurin, Russian flight engineer) cabin.

“The smoke seemed to have an odd bloom to it at the base of the column that was streaming south of the city.

After reading one of the news articles we just received, I believe we were looking at NY around the time of, or shortly after, the collapse of the second tower. How horrible …

“It’s difficult to describe how it feels to be the only American completely off the planet at a time such as this.

The feeling that I should be there with all of you, dealing with this, helping in some way, is overwhelming.

“I know that we are on the threshold (or beyond) of a terrible shift in the history of the world. Many things will never be the same again after September 11, 2001.

Not just for the thousands and thousands of people directly affected by these horrendous acts of terrorism, but probably for all of us.

We will find ourselves feeling differently about dozens of things, including probably space exploration, unfortunately.

“It’s horrible to see smoke pouring from wounds in your own country from such a fantastic vantage point.

“Other than the emotional impact of our country being attacked and thousands of our citizens and maybe some friends being killed, the most overwhelming feeling being where I am is one of isolation.”

Frank would later learn that the plane that struck the Pentagon had been piloted at take-off by his Naval Academy classmate Charles Burlingame.

The two had been aeronautical engineering majors together, and had both gone on to become F-4 fighter pilots.


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0d8238 No.221172

File: e4b7dcac076a771⋯.png (103.44 KB,1080x828,30:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583227 (131531ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

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September 13, 2024

Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

Kamala Harris said she's 'very proud' of Bidenomics. Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking votes in the Senate for trillions of dollars in spending, which created the worst inflation crisis in a generation. Now, Kamala Harris *literally* copy and pasted failed Joe Biden's economic agenda from his website for her own website.

“Kamala Harris’ economic policies are the same failed policies from the Harris-Walz agenda, they are just under a different website header. A vote for Kamala is a vote for another four years of historic inflation, sky high prices, and economic failure. There is only one candidate in this race that made America wealthy and strong, and that candidate is President Donald J. Trump.” - Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary

Watch the video here. >>>/qresearch/21583223


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0d8238 No.221173

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583237 (131534ZSEP24) Notable: #26437

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#26437 >>221102

>>221125 12:00N EDT LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles

>>221103, >>221168 Biden loves his new MAGA hat, he takes it with him everywhere now

>>221104, >>221109 DeWine diggz/Haiti

>>221105 Debate opines for the keks!

>>221106 California considering plan to subsidize phone bills for illegal immigrants

>>221107 @JohnBWellsCTM The Usual Suspects - With Dustin Nemos

>>221108 A judge strikes down North Dakota’s abortion ban and rules that access is protected

>>221110 @MarcoPolo501c3 The son of the man who introduced the Violence Against Women Act

>>221111 She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls

>>221112 Sandra Cano resigns seat in Rhode Island Senate

>>221113 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>221114, >>221140, >>221170 Springfield resident, Mark Sanders, says the geese and ducks of the city have largely disappeared./duck rescues

>>221115, >>221116 Major Potential Port Strike Could Bankrupt US Retail, Cripple Supply Chains

>>221117, >>221118, >>221119 BBC: The Coming Storm Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture./AI to disrupt it

>>221120 Much ado about scripts

>>221121 ICYMI: TikTok back in court as government does the ‘national security’ dance

>>221122, >>221123 The Memo: Democrats fear Trump will out-perform polls again

>>221124 In conversation with Elon Musk | All-In Summit 2024

>>221126 War Room Morning Edition

>>221127, >>221128, >>221141, >>221146 Swampenins

>>221129, >>221131 Seems to me the CIA would have neutralized the Soros funding of open borders programs, for national defense reasons, unless they are on the same team.

>>221130 52 Days to WINNING

>>221132, >>221133, >>221155 Roseanne podcast: This video has a lot of information in it about the Pat Robertson pedo network

>>221134, >>221139 PF: They're coming in from all over the world.

>>221135, >>221147, >>221148, >>221152, >>221159, >>221166, >>221171 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Australis and the International Space Station

>>221136 ECW: Kirby-He is a smug SOB and he ought to resign.

>>221137 Couldn't Get Elected as Dog Catcher': GOP Infighting Overshadows Unity on Tax Reform

>>221138 Today, Loren Merchan’s business partner Mike Nellis had to appear before the House Judiciary Committee after the @KamalaHarris advisor REFUSED to turn over his communications with Judge Merchan.

>>221142, >>221145 Fani WIllis defies subpoena??

>>221143 This is new level of AI that can "think" and "reason" before responding to you.

>>221144 EU and Turkish Shipping Company in Standoff Over Weapons Inspections

>>221149 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman

>>221150 Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

>>221151, >>221156 Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour. In a viral post uploaded to X,

>>221153 RFK ad TDS

>>221154 Buckwheat trots out hate speech of Haitian migrants sacrificing pet animals in Ohio.

>>221157 U.S. Coast Guard Rescues 11 Migrants From the Cliffs of Monito Island

>>221158 @RepMcCaul Blinken was entrusted with securing the safety of Americans & Afghan allies.

>>221160, >>221161 Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon scorches Kamala Harris for turning a report from an indy analyst into "something that's bigger than what it was intended to be."

>>221162, >>221165, >>221167 President Trump Executive Orders Related to America First

>>221163 Trump Tells Kamala Harris That Biden 'Hates Her' During Presidential Debate

>>221164 Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP

>>221169 God Bless Every Single One of My Beautiful Keyboard Warriors! I SEE YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!

>>221172 Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies


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aa578c No.221176

File: fd7dcad15dc0e62⋯.png (278.99 KB,690x362,345:181,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583247 (131536ZSEP24) Notable: #26438

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221177

File: 65981e263fdfec4⋯.png (264.75 KB,567x507,189:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583256 (131540ZSEP24) Notable: Ex-CIA officer jailed for 10 years as spy for China

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Ex-CIA officer jailed for 10 years as spy for China


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aa578c No.221178

File: daa2afd6137fc1b⋯.png (517.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583264 (131541ZSEP24) Notable: The scary, startling truth about “wonder drugs” semaglutide and tirzepatide

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The scary, startling truth about “wonder drugs” semaglutide and tirzepatide

By Rhoda Wilson on September 13, 2024

Semaglutide, commonly known as Ozempic and Wegovy, and tirzepatide, also known as Mounjaro, are hailed as the easiest way to lose weight.

Now doctors are claiming that these drugs can do almost anything, except raise someone from the dead – well, not yet. Looking past the promotional material being published in corporate media, what do these drugs actually do; what are the side effects?

Everywhere I look journalists and doctors are queuing up and falling over each other in order to praise the latest wonder drug semaglutide (known to most people by the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy).

And there’s another drug called Mounjaro aka tirzepatide.

That’s supposed to be a wonder drug too.

These are, so they insist, the best, easiest and classiest way to lose weight.

The Daily Telegraph ran a headline last week which read ‘My miracle weight loss jab has changed my life and will change the world’. The journalist who wrote the article, Allison Pearson, says that these drugs “may well change the world – for good.”

Oh goody goody. Ain’t that grand?

But there’s more.

Doctors apparently claim that semaglutide and tirzepatide will do all sorts of other wonderful things.

There’s been talk of one or the other of them slowing down the ageing process, preventing cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.



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aa578c No.221179

File: 3c9d9f4778ddb17⋯.png (431.16 KB,588x863,588:863,Clipboard.png)

File: a13136878e1403c⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,406x360,203:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583280 (131543ZSEP24) Notable: 2016 Haitian Reporter “"Where is the money Hillary Clinton raised with the Clinton foundation, Haiti did not get even 2%”

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2016 Haitian Reporter “"Where is the money Hillary Clinton raised with the Clinton foundation, Haiti did not get even 2%”

“The whole world has given billions.” They say Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton stole it

“So, Mr. Trump, we are asking you, begging you, the Haitian community will side with you if one day you ask Hillary Clinton publicly to disclose the audit of all the money they have stolen from Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583293 (131545ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

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September 13, 2024

Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies

Kamala Harris said she's 'very proud' of Bidenomics. Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking votes in the Senate for trillions of dollars in spending, which created the worst inflation crisis in a generation. Now, Kamala Harris *literally* copy and pasted failed Joe Biden's economic agenda from his website for her own website.

“Kamala Harris’ economic policies are the same failed policies from the Harris-Walz agenda, they are just under a different website header. A vote for Kamala is a vote for another four years of historic inflation, sky high prices, and economic failure. There is only one candidate in this race that made America wealthy and strong, and that candidate is President Donald J. Trump.” - Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary


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aa578c No.221181

File: b261179b14c72d7⋯.mp4 (12.39 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583305 (131547ZSEP24) Notable: AMERICA'S RESPONSE TO TAYLOR SWIFT Keks to be had!

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aa578c No.221182

File: 365bdec33e9bfc9⋯.png (19.38 KB,254x255,254:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583330 (131551ZSEP24) Notable: CSPAN to Air the Trump Presser at 12 NOON

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CSPAN to Air the Trump Presser at 12 NOON

FYI- in case you'd like to view it on TV while surfing the KUN, learning history and perusing bewbs.

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aa578c No.221183

File: 18d9ab07883713e⋯.png (169.13 KB,557x592,557:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583352 (131555ZSEP24) Notable: A freight train crashed into a truck that was hauling a U.S. Army tank in Goose Creek, South Carolina. No injuries were reported.

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A freight train crashed into a truck that was hauling a U.S. Army tank in Goose Creek, South Carolina. No injuries were reported.

Sep 13, 2024 · 3:18 PM UTC


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aa578c No.221184

File: 0c4f8e22471f347⋯.png (4.83 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583394 (131602ZSEP24) Notable: Moar NASA/Space

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NASA Astronauts to Discuss Mission from Space Station

Sep 09, 2024

Media are invited to hear from NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams during an Earth to space call at 2:15 p.m. EDT, Friday, Sept. 13.

The pair will participate in a news conference aboard the International Space Station in low Earth orbit.

Coverage of the event will stream on NASA+, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.

Learn how to stream NASA content through a variety of platforms, including social media.

Media interested in participating must contact the newsroom at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston no later than 5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 12, at 281-483-5111 or jsccommu@mail.nasa.gov.

To ask questions, media must dial into the news conference no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. A copy of NASA’s media accreditation policy is online.

NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams launched aboard Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft on June 5 for its first crewed flight, arriving at the space station on June 6.

Following the agency’s decision to return Starliner uncrewed, the duo will remain on the space station as part of the Expedition 71/72 crew and return home in February 2025 aboard the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft with two other crew members on NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 mission.


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aa578c No.221185

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583399 (131603ZSEP24) Notable: CSPAN to Air the Trump Presser at 12 NOON

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LIVE: President Trump Holds Press Conference in Los Angeles - 9/13/24

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aa578c No.221186

File: f252188f558fca0⋯.png (999.94 KB,1080x2302,540:1151,Clipboard.png)

File: b85971f8efa290f⋯.png (743.76 KB,1080x2081,1080:2081,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583435 (131609ZSEP24) Notable: Moar Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.

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>>221136 (LB)

>Show more

Your poast was lacking….


White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.

Fox News had emailed Kirby for a comment about a story it was working on related to how the White House had handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In his reply, Kirby said: "Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe.”

In the email from Fox News, the reporter included quotes from veterans criticizing the withdrawal.

2:53 PM · Sep 11, 2024

Kirby: 'No use in responding' to a 'handful of vets' on Biden's botched Afghan withdrawal

September 11, 2024

On the anniversary of 9/11, White House National Security Council communications adviser John Kirby dismissed the concerns of military veterans critical of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, writing in response to a Fox News Digital press inquiry that there's "no use" weighing in on the veterans' views.

"Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe," Kirby said in a "reply all" email chain Wednesday afternoon that appeared to be intended for White House staffers, but which also included Fox News Digital.

Fox News Digital had reached out to the White House earlier Wednesday afternoon regarding critical comments from four veterans, including Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., who blasted Kirby for his Monday press conference that they said provided "cover" for the Biden administration's 2021 withdrawal.

Included in that initial reachout were quotes from the four veterans, and Fox News Digital asked the White House if it had any comment to include on the vets' blistering criticisms of Kirby and the White House's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. The email chain was forwarded to White House staffers on the National Security Council, before Kirby replied to all on the chain that there's "no use in responding."

Kirby's message was sent in error, with him following up with a Fox News Digital reporter, "Clearly, I didn’t realize you were on the chain." Kirby sent the email while traveling with President Biden on the anniversary of 9/11.


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aa578c No.221187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583444 (131612ZSEP24) Notable: Comoros president wounded in knife attack

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BREAKING - Comoros president wounded in knife attack: sources close to presidency

11:48 AM · Sep 13, 2024



READ FULL: https://insiderpaper.com/comoros-president-wounded-in-knife-attack-sources-close-to-presidency/

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aa578c No.221188

File: 575fa3002be46fd⋯.png (34.66 KB,429x326,429:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583454 (131614ZSEP24) Notable: Comoros president wounded in knife attack

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aa578c No.221189

File: 5156c788237e0ef⋯.png (283.22 KB,745x769,745:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 23361a6448d64d1⋯.mp4 (829.38 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

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File: 6a00e5339b6a66d⋯.png (160.14 KB,625x1717,625:1717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583467 (131617ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: Floridas medical professionals are told to tell their patients the dangers regarding COVID vaccine and recommend that their patients not take them!

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Floridas medical professionals are told to tell their patients the dangers regarding COVID vaccine and recommend that their patients not take them!

Outstanding!!!!! It’s about time.

God bless


Announcement sent to all healthcare providers in the state of Florida today:

“…the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. “



👏👏 👏

Link to announcement in comments.


Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters for the Fall and Winter 2024–2025 Season


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aa578c No.221190

File: 4dccc84dc0aecd6⋯.png (499.64 KB,983x695,983:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583472 (131618ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: Mortgage rates fall to lowest level since February 2023

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Mortgage rates fall to lowest level since February 2023

By Bryan Mena, CNN Updated 12:22 PM EDT, Thu September 12, 2024

(Anything they can do to help Democrats. But the rates when Trump left was 2.5% at the lowest mortgage rate, lowering it to 6.20% is still outrageous)

WashingtonCNN — Mortgage rates fell this week to the lowest point since February 2023, in a welcome sign for Americans grappling with a tough housing market. The standard, 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 6.20% in the week ended September 12, mortgage financing giant Freddie Mac said Thursday.That’s down from last week’s 6.35% and well below the two-decade high of 7.79% in October 2023.

Mortgage rates started to drop early last month on news affirming lower interest rates in the future, specifically after a weaker-than-expected jobs report for July, and have gradually edged lower since.

“Mortgage rates have fallen more than half a percent over the last six weeks and are at their lowest level since February 2023,” Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist, said in a release. “Rates continue to soften due to incoming economic data that is more sedate. But despite the improving mortgage rate environment, prospective buyers remain on the sidelines, as they negotiate a combination of high house prices and persistent supply shortages.”

Economic data pointing to slower inflation and a weakening job market have paved the way for the Federal Reserve to roll out the first interest-rate cut since 2020, slated for the central bank’s upcoming policy meeting next week.

The Fed doesn’t directly set mortgage rates, but its action do influence them through movements in bond yields. The benchmark 10-year US Treasury yield, which moves in anticipation of the Fed’s decisions on interest rates, has tumbled over the past several weeks ondata showing that price pressures are easing and that the job market isn’t heating up.

Even with borrowing costs moving lower, the US housing market remains unaffordable for millions of home seekers, especially those with low incomes living in cities seeing fast home-price growth, such as New York City, San Diego and Las Vegas, according to data from S&P Global. Renters across America are also struggling, especially in urban population centers such as the Big Apple, Los Angeles and the Miami metropolitan area, according to a recent Moody’s report that analyzed rents and family incomes (or the rent-to-income ratio.)Renters in those areas dish out more than 30% of their income toward rent, the report said.

There just aren’t enough homes(No one is selling homes, because they don’t want to buy a home at these high interest rates, these people always make excuses for bad policy)

A key issue driving America’s housing affordability crisis is a persistent lack of homes on the market (lie). Supply is simply not keeping up with demand in many markets across the country, for varying reasons. That includes construction costs, complicated zoning laws, not enough land available for development and, in some cases, shortages of workers for home construction.

Many homeowners are also preferring to sit tight with the low mortgage rate they locked in before the Fed began to hike rates to tamp down inflation in 2022.

There have been some steps in the right direction this year, however. Total housing inventory has improved every month this year, according to data from the National Association of Realtors. At the end of July, it stood at 1.33 million units, up 0.8% from June and 19.8% higher from a year earlier. But that’s still not enough to keep up with demand.

Persistent housing unaffordability has resulted in sluggish demand, too. Sales of previously owned homes, which makes up a vast majority of the market and serves as a proxy for housing demand, rose 1.3% in July, breaking a streak of four consecutive monthly declines. Despite the rebound, NAR’s chief economist, Lawrence Yun, said “home sales are still sluggish,” in a release.


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aa578c No.221191

File: 61fa602f4b40f88⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583492 (131623ZSEP24) Notable: Here's what happened when Biden put on the Trump hat.

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Citizen Free Press


Here's what happened when Biden put on the Trump hat.

From Breaking911

11:28 AM · Sep 13, 2024


(Bidan says“do you want my signature”, guy,“hell no”)


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aa578c No.221192

File: 31c3cf8dbce90fd⋯.mp4 (10.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583527 (131629ZSEP24) Notable: Moar NASA/Space

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BepiColombo’s fourth Mercury flyby: the movie


Watch the closest flyby of a planet ever, as the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo spacecraft sped past Mercury during its latest encounter on 4 September 2024.

This flyby marked BepiColombo’s closest approach to Mercury yet, and for the first time, the spacecraft had a clear view of Mercury’s south pole.

This timelapse is made up of 128 different images captured by all three of BepiColombo’s monitoring cameras, M-CAM 1, 2 and 3.

We see the planet move in and out of the fields of view of M-CAM 2 and 3, before M-CAM 1 sees the planet receding into the distance at the end of the video.

The first few images are taken in the days and weeks before the flyby. Mercury first appears in an image taken at 23:50 CEST (21:50 UTC) on 4 September, at a distance of 191 km.

Closest approach was at 23:48 CEST at a distance of 165 km.

The sequence ends around 24 hours later, on 5 September 2024, when BepiColombo was about 243 000 km from Mercury.

During the flyby it was possible to identify various geological features that BepiColombo will study in more detail once in orbit around the planet. Four minutes after closest approach, a large ‘peak ring basin’ called Vivaldi came into view.

This crater was named after the famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741).

The flyover of Vivaldi crater was the inspiration for using Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ as the soundtrack for this timelapse.

Peak ring basins are mysterious craters created by powerful asteroid or comet impacts, so-called because of the inner ring of peaks on an otherwise flattish floor.

A couple of minutes later, another peak ring basin came into view: newly named Stoddart.

The name was recently assigned following a request from the M-CAM team, who realised that this crater would be visible in these images and decided it would be worth naming considering its potential interest for scientists in the future.

BepiColombo’s three monitoring cameras provided 1024 x 1024 pixel snapshots.

Their main purpose is to monitor the spacecraft’s various booms and antennas, hence why we see parts of the spacecraft in the foreground.

The photos that they capture of Mercury during the flybys are a bonus.


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aa578c No.221193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583550 (131631ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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September 13, 2024

1:15 PM EDT

Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press from the press briefing room at the Department of State.

The On-Camera, On-the-Record Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller will follow immediately, on September 13, 2024.

Department of State




Secretary Blinken Holds News Conference Following Trip to Ukraine and Poland

Secretary of State Antony Blinken briefs reporters on his trip to Ukraine and Poland amid growing pressure for the U.S. to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of weapons to strike targets inside Russia now that Iran is supplying Moscow with missiles.


September 13, 2024

1:20 PM EDT

Promotion in Honor of MG William “Butch” H. Graham, USACE Change of Command and Retirement in Honor of LTG Scott A. Spellmon

Department of Defense


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aa578c No.221194

File: 4df41905cd15609⋯.png (669.18 KB,935x563,935:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583566 (131633ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Holds Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada 10p EDT

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Upcoming Rallies & Events

Friday, Sept. 13, 2024

[RALLY] President Trump Holds Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

When: Friday, Sept. 13, 2024

Time: 10:00 pm ET (7:00 pm PT)

Where: The Expo World Market Center in Las Vegas, NV (Directions)

Live Stream: https://youtu.be/b-teFDetB6w


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aa578c No.221195

File: 19fced0c760a83a⋯.png (443.63 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 7050995d05ab45f⋯.png (1.02 MB,970x545,194:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583574 (131635ZSEP24) Notable: Moar NASA/Space

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Japan's ispace will launch its 2nd lunar lander to the moon in December

September 13, 2024

Japanese space exploration firm ispace is gearing up for its second shot at landing on the moon.

The mission, featuring a lander named Resilience and a tiny rover dubbed Tenacious, is now targeted to launch from Florida's Space Coast on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket no earlier than December, ispace announced in a statement on Thursday (Sept. 12).

"I am very happy to announce that the Resilience lander assembly and integration is complete, and we are on schedule for our planned launch no earlier than this December," said Takeshi Hakamada, founder and CEO of ispace, at a press conference. "The landing site has been decided, and preparations for Mission 2 are progressing steadily."

The primary landing site for Resilience is near the center of Mare Frigoris, or the "Sea of Cold," which lies at 60.5 degrees north latitude and 4.6 degrees west longitude.

The site was chosen based on engineering and operational constraints, as well as scientific value, according to ispace.

Criteria included continuous sun-illumination and communication visibility from Earth. Contingency sites are also in place to ensure operational and scientific flexibility.

Mare Frigoris is a vast basaltic plain in the moon's far north. If successful, Mission 2's landing would be the most northerly touchdown on the moon so far.

A prospective landing date was not revealed.

The Resilience lander will carry five payloads, including water electrolyzer equipment from Takasago Thermal Engineering Co., a self-contained module for food production experiments from Euglena Co., a deep-space radiation probe developed by the National Central University in Taiwan, and a commemorative alloy plate developed by Bandai Namco Research Institute, Inc.

The fifth payload is Tenacious. The 10.24-inch-tall (26 centimeters) micro rover, developed by ispace's Luxembourg-based subsidiary, will sport a forward-mounted HD camera.

The rover will also carry "Moonhouse," a small red house framed in white from artist Mikael Genberg.

The mission is based on ispace's roughly 2,200-pound (1,000 kilograms) HAKUTO-R lander and will be the firm's second effort at a moon landing.

The first attempt, in April 2023, failed due to an onboard altitude sensor being confused by the rim of a crater. The new Resilience lander features upgraded software and other adjustments based on the experiences from the first mission.

Mission 2 follows a flurry of lunar landing missions in 2024.

The Japanese space agency's SLIM ("Smart Lander for Investigating Moon") probe made a successful, yet lopsided, lunar landing in January, while a pair of commercial lunar landing attempts were made by U.S. companies earlier this year.

Astrobotic's Peregrine suffered issues early in its flight and reentered Earth's atmosphere over the Pacific, while Intuitive Machines' Odysseus landed on the moon but tipped over.

China's Chang'e 6 mission landed on the far side and successfully returned samples to Earth.

Looking to the future, ispace is also developing a larger lander, named Apex 1.0. It is expected to fly on Mission 3 around 2026.


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aa578c No.221196

File: 984c83abaac4de7⋯.png (461.2 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: cd3d18a529c05c0⋯.gif (2 MB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

File: d5c6ebd5ae550e0⋯.png (469.4 KB,940x562,470:281,Clipboard.png)

File: a7f03993dbe7c46⋯.png (484.39 KB,940x562,470:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583597 (131641ZSEP24) Notable: Moar NASA/Space

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Sun fires off X-class solar flare, increasing aurora viewing chances into weekend

September 12, 2024

A parade of solar activity continues to flow from the sun this week, opening up more chances to spot the aurora across the United States this weekend.

On Thursday morning (Sept. 12), a sunspot region that has not been numbered yet made its presence known blasting off a X1.3 class solar flare.

X-class solar flares are the most powerful of their kind, and are typically followed by a full or partial loss of high frequency (HF) radio signals for sunlit locations on our planet.

The energetic eruption, which peaked at 5:43 AM EDT (943 UTC), brought impacts earlier this morning with communication bands across Africa, Europe, and parts of Asia.

Forecasters at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center will continue to analyze the data to confirm how many more CMEs could reach Earth's magnetic field both from the X-class flare and also a group of M-class flares (the second strongest in class) also generated early Thursday by two previous sunspots, or Active Regions (AR), designated AR 3811 and AR 3814.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) also reported that a geomagnetic storm occurred Thursday morning (Sept. 12) at 10:46 AM EDT (1446 UTC) at the G3 (Moderate) level. This is the third level on a scale of five.

The storm resulted from a coronal mass ejection (or CME), a blast of the sun's plasma and magnetic field, that was fired off from a solar flare earlier this week on Sept. 10.

The sun was already up across the eastern half of the United States at this time, but some locations further west were able to get a beautiful glimpse of resulting auroras in its wake.

When a sunspot region releases a solar flare, a CME propel away from the sun's corona.

When these are directed at the Earth, we experience the impacts days later.

In fact, aurora chasers will have another opportunity on Friday (Sept. 13) with another geomagnetic storm expected from a CME that began its journey away from the sun in the earlier part of the day on Tuesday (Sept. 10).

The SWPC has a Geomagnetic Storm Watch in place for Friday for the potential of another G2 (moderate) event that could bring a repeated chance to see the aurora, if the weather cooperates, for northern and upper Midwestern states stretching from Idaho to New York.


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aa578c No.221197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583607 (131642ZSEP24) Notable: Comoros president wounded in knife attack

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Something something Ghost Fleet of tankers something something Flag of Convenience

Comoros Ship Registration

The strategic location of the Comoros in the Indian Ocean can facilitate regional trade and logistics.

Registering a ship under the Comoros flag provides several advantages, such as (a) competitive registration and tonnage tax rates, (b) no restrictions on ship ownership or crew nationality, and (c) flexible registration options. The Comoros flag is currently on the Black List of the Paris and Tokyo MoUs, indicating higher safety and compliance risks.


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aa578c No.221198

File: 8cc7fc23aeeea47⋯.png (1.63 MB,795x1124,795:1124,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c5d15c5549ba65⋯.png (4.22 MB,990x2021,990:2021,Clipboard.png)

File: f05641cc4806a35⋯.png (3.57 MB,990x2064,165:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583613 (131643ZSEP24) Notable: North Korea reveals uranium enrichment facility for first time

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Pictured: North Korea reveals uranium enrichment facility for first time

Kim Jong-un inspects nuclear material and visits troops in new images released by the regime

Nicola Smith, ASIA CORRESPONDENT13 September 2024

North Korea has for the first time revealed images of the facility that produces fuel for its nuclear bombs. The regime on Friday offered a rare glimpse into a clandestine facility to produce weapons-grade uranium just days after Kim Jong-un vowed to “exponentially” increase the size of the country’s nuclear arsenal.

The authoritarian leader was pictured for the first time ever inspecting such a site.Official photos showed him walking between rows of tall, grey centrifuges while conversing with senior officials.

“He went round the control room of the uranium enrichment base to learn about the overall operation of the production lines,” reported state newswire KCNA, adding that he was greatly satisfied about the dynamic production of nuclear materials.

The exact location of the facility was not disclosed but it may be an expansion of a site at the country’s main Yongbyon nuclear complex, about 60 miles north of Pyongyang.

South Korean and US intelligence agencies believe there are also facilities at the Kangson nuclear complex.

In 2010, North Korea revealed its uranium-enrichment capabilities to Stanford University scholars visiting Yongbyon from the United States, telling them that 2,000 centrifuges were installed and in operation there. Yongbyon from the United States, telling them that 2,000 centrifuges were installed and in operation there. Satellite images have since indicated an expansion of the plant.

The latest public announcement confirming the production of highly enriched uranium, which is used to make nuclear weapons, was likely meant as another power play by Kim, who has repeatedly tested ballistic missiles and accelerated his weapons of mass destruction programme.

Kim also visited a military training facility on Thursday, according to KCNA. On Thursday, North Korea test-fired multiple short-range ballistic missiles into the waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

However, experts say the new information on centrifuges could also offer up valuable estimates about the amount of nuclear ingredients that North Korea has produced. KCNA said Kim emphasised the need for more and a new type of centrifuges to meet his demand for a greater number of nuclear weapons for “self defence.”

In a speech on Monday, he justified the move by claiming that North Korea faces a “grave threat” from what it perceives as a US-nuclear bloc in the region. The new type of centrifuge seen in the photographs shows North Korea is advancing its fuel cycle capabilities, said Ankit Panda of the US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“Kim also appears to suggest that North Korean tactical nuclear weapons designs may primarily rely on uranium for their cores,” he said. This is notable because North Korea is more able to scale up its highly enriched uranium stockpiles, Panda said, compared to the more complicated process for plutonium.

The reclusive regime also revealed photos of a new 12-axle transporter erector launcher (TEL), which has stoked fears that it could be used to launch a new intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking the mainland United States.Kim also oversaw the test launch of a new 600mm multiple launch rocket system on Thursday.

On Friday he urged workers to produce more materials for tactical nuclear weapons, saying the country’s nuclear arsenal is vital for confronting threats from the US and its allies. The weapons are needed for “self-defence and the capability for a pre-emptive attack,” he said. The North Korean leader said “anti-DPRK nuclear threats” from the “US imperialists-led vassal forces” have crossed the red line, according to the KCNA.

North Korea has previously shown photos of what it says were nuclear warheads. It has conducted six underground nuclear tests between 2006 and 2017. Estimates of the number of North Korean nuclear weapons varies widely. In July a report by the Federation of American Scientists concluded that the country may have produced enough fissile material to build up to 90 nuclear warheads, but that it has likely assembled closer to 50.

Kim also oversaw the test launch of a new 600mm multiple launch rocket system on Thursday. In a statement carried by KCNA, North Korea’s foreign ministry institute spokesperson criticised a recent defence ministerial meeting between member states of the US-led United Nations Command in Seoul, calling it a “war organisation”.

Germany joined the command last month, becoming the 18th nation in a group that helps police the heavily fortified border with North Korea and has committed to defend the South in the event of a war.


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aa578c No.221199

File: f66900405f7a7ba⋯.mp4 (11.38 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583632 (131648ZSEP24) Notable: CNN's Harry Enten Breaks Down Kamala Harris' 'Underperformance' With Young Voters

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Daily Caller


CNN's Harry Enten Breaks Down Kamala Harris' 'Underperformance' With Young Voters

2:19 PM · Sep 12, 2024



(Is CNN trying to honestly report this year? Why hire Harry Enten? Positive reviews from Trump probably helped.)

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aa578c No.221200

File: b3c66c3e1f44882⋯.png (422.87 KB,678x642,113:107,Clipboard.png)

File: a993930d90b24cf⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583638 (131649ZSEP24) Notable: Fox goes down that toss up road

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GET IT, GET IT NC AND GA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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aa578c No.221201

File: 77e9c185f7bdd20⋯.png (493.86 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d7586743ec5604⋯.png (455.81 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: b09848fc0bab0ed⋯.png (374.64 KB,595x645,119:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583657 (131656ZSEP24) Notable: Moar NASA/Space

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SpaceX's private Polaris Dawn astronauts beam photos to Earth using Starlink satellites

September 13, 2024

The private Polaris Dawn astronauts keep notching milestones in Earth orbit.

The four-person Polaris Dawn mission launched aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule early Tuesday morning (Sept. 10).

Later that day, the astronauts got farther from Earth — 870 miles (1,400.7 kilometers) — than any crewed mission since the Apollo era.

Polaris Dawn next pulled off the first-ever private spacewalk on Thursday (Sept. 12), then followed up that historic achievement with one in the communications sphere— posting on X from orbit for the first time using SpaceX's Starlink broadband satellites.

"Hello Earth — We are so grateful for all the support! Please enjoy two recent photos from our mission and stay tuned for our next message.

Sent to you from space over a beam of Starlink laser light — Crew of Polaris Dawn," reads the X post, which was published on Thursday afternoon by the Polaris Program, a three-mission effort organized and funded by billionaire tech entrepreneur Jared Isaacman.

One of the two photos shows the four Polaris Dawn astronauts — commander Isaacman, pilot Scott "Kidd" Poteet and mission specialists Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon — inside their capsule, which is named Resilience.

The second is a beauty shot of Earth's brilliant blue limb against the blackness of space.

Polaris Dawn is a free flyer; unlike the astronaut missions that SpaceX conducts for NASA, it won't link up with the International Space Station.

Polaris Dawn is expected to last about five days, meaning it will likely come back to Earth sometime this weekend.

The pioneering private flight is the second orbital jaunt for Isaacman, who also funded and commanded the four-person Inspiration4 mission in September 2021.

And Isaacman has two more SpaceX missions lined up — the second and third flights in the Polaris Program.

Not much is known about either one at this point, though Isaacman has said that Polaris' Flight 3 will be the first crewed mission of Starship, the giant rocket that SpaceX is developing to help humanity settle the moon and Mars.



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aa578c No.221202

File: 2a5e6d8c1419bd8⋯.png (150.71 KB,610x543,610:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583715 (131705ZSEP24) Notable: Yossi Sariel resigned as the head of Israeli army’s spy unit, 8200, owning responsibility for failing to prevent the October 7 attack.

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TRT World

@trtworld 10m

Yossi Sariel resigned as the head of Israeli army’s spy unit, 8200, owning responsibility for failing to prevent the October 7 attack.

Here is an explainer on the spymaster and 8200

🔗 trt.world/vqhk

Sep 13, 2024 · 4:45 PM UTC


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aa578c No.221203

File: 51986e2bac2a50a⋯.png (933.15 KB,1024x667,1024:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583720 (131706ZSEP24) Notable: US Space Force

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US Space Force is urged to flag emerging humanitarian crises on Earth

Sep 12, 2024, 09:24 AM

The U.S. Space Force should play a greater role in tracking factors related to human security, like food production, climate trends or energy distribution, for military decision-makers, according to a new report from RAND Corp., a federally funded research center.

That’s because the service’s access to communication, navigation and intelligence satellites provides a unique opportunity to monitor non-military factors that often lie at the heart of conflict on Earth, the authors argue.

The report from the public policy research firm highlights the military’s role in disaster prevention and crisis response, pointing to portions of the 2022 National Defense Strategy and National Security Strategy that link national security to humanitarian challenges like food insecurity, energy shortages, climate change and terrorism.

“Although several U.S. government agencies and commercial partners collect and monitor indicators that are potentially related to human security, the [Space Force’s] role as a military service makes it a natural nexus for embedding human security principles and perspectives in the security workforce,” RAND states.

The report comes as Space Force capabilities to track missiles, monitor bad behavior in orbit and support military operations on the ground are in high demand.

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told Defense News this summer that to meet current demand and expand into new mission areas, the service’s $30 billion budget needs to double or triple.

That kind of budget growth is unlikely in the near future, and RAND acknowledges this challenge in its study, noting an increasing appetite for imagery and data collection, in particular.

“Such an expansion is likely difficult to justify, given that the Space Force’s capacity cannot meet current operational demand,” RAND states.

“Although the [Space Force] can potentially play a leading role in the human security area, it will need to rely on partnerships, likely with both public and private organizations, to provide the needed capabilities and capacities.”

Growing capacity and acquiring new systems will require long-term investment, but for now the service should lean on its relationships with international allies, commercial industry and other government agencies “define metrics related to human security through security cooperation training efforts.”

The Space Force should also develop training for its workforce on how to factor human security into its data collection and analysis, injecting relevant scenarios into wargames and exercises, RAND says.

As a case study on the impact space capabilities could have in preventing or managing humanitarian crises, the report explores the famine in Somalia, where over one million people have been displaced due to drought.

Space capabilities could be used to track environmental indicators like land degradation, water level changes and weather conditions.

Satellites could also observe changes in food production, identify whether resources were being hoarded and identify migration patterns and indications of political violence.

“By using space capabilities to monitor such human security indicators as those proposed in this paper, the [Space Force] can help identify human security challenges as they are emerging, thus opening the door to interventions — potentially involving both resources on the ground and in the broader international community,” RAND states.

“Such interventions might help prevent the escalation of cascading challenges.”


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aa578c No.221204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583728 (131707ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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1:20 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





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aa578c No.221205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583764 (131712ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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2:00 PM EDT

AI and Advanced Technologies in the Fight: Combatant Command and Service Collaboration

The Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies, Center for Strategic and International Studies




Navy Chief Technology Officer Justin Fanelli, U.S. Central Command Chief Technology Officer Schuyler Moore, and Dr. Alex Miller, chief technology officer for the chief of staff of the Army, discuss "AI and Advanced Technologies in the Fight: Combatant Command and Service Collaboration" at 2 p.m. EDT on a Center for Strategic and International Studies webcast. Register at csis.org.

Department of Defense


September 13, 2024

2:15 PM EDT

NASA Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams News Conference From Space Station

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)



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aa578c No.221206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583767 (131712ZSEP24) Notable: Swampenins

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September 13, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

Prom 72: Mozart, Farrenc and Beethoven’s ‘Eroica’ Symphony




September 13, 2024

2:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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aa578c No.221207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583825 (131724ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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aa578c No.221208

File: 9f99ecec4d7ffde⋯.png (213.66 KB,573x817,573:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583831 (131726ZSEP24) Notable: Illegal immigrant arrested for m*rder after a family of four was found dead in their burning home in Irondequoit, N.Y.

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JUST IN: Illegal immigrant arrested for m*rder after a family of four was found dead in their burning home in Irondequoit, N.Y.

Julio Cesar Pimentel Soriano, who was wanted in the Dominican Republic for m*rder in 2019, was arrested.

Two toddlers and parents Fraime Ubaldo and Marangely Moreno-Santiago were allegedly k*lled by the illegal immigrant.

"This was a horrific scene. In almost 32 years of doing this job, I have never seen anything like it," said Irondequoit Police Chief Scott Peters.

"This is Labor Day. It's supposed to be a joyous day spending time with your family. This family doesn't have that anymore. Half of this family is gone in an instant."


Trump right yet again. They ARE trafficking rapists and criminals into the country.

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aa578c No.221209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583840 (131728ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP-I have the ocean, Pebble Beach has the bay. The ocean is better.

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aa578c No.221210

File: 5c2d2f8dbdae9c1⋯.png (407.69 KB,930x483,310:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583844 (131729ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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"The mountain is moving." Q+

Patriots United.

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aa578c No.221211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583847 (131730ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: I'm here today, in California, with a very simple message for the American people. We can not allow Comrade Kamala Harris, and the communist left, do to America, what they did to California. The state of California is a mess.

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aa578c No.221212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583866 (131734ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: The decline of this whole state [California] is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical-left lunatics that we have to put up with. As the San Francisco district attorney. Kamala was the godmother of sanctuary cities…and also the movement of defunding the police. She was there right at the beginning. She boasted "We are a sanctuary city, and we also will be." Well, they're sanctuary cities of crime.

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aa578c No.221213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583880 (131736ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: In one sweetheart deal, Kamala gave only twelve year to a monster known as David Taylor, who got high on crack and murdered a sixty-five year old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors. He wanted to come out, and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible.

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aa578c No.221214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583888 (131736ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP- 325,000 children are missing. Many of them are dead, sex slaves, or slaves of a different nature.


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aa578c No.221215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583898 (131738ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gangmember who murdered police officer, Issac Espinoza, during a traffic stop. A very innocent traffic stop. She didn't have the decency to call his family; never did, to explain her decision; why would you do this? Why would you give such leniency to somebody who just killed a police officer…this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officer's Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney.

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aa578c No.221216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583914 (131741ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gives a briefing

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LIVE: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gives a briefing



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aa578c No.221217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583923 (131743ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: After Kamala Harris and Gavin Newscum took charge of San Francisco, homelessness increased by over two hundred percent. While Comrade Kamala Harris was attorney general of this state, murders rose significantly, car thefts went through the roof, gun assaults rose at levels never seen before, and forcible rape went up much more than the seventy-three percent that they reported. As attorney general, she defined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person, as non-violent crimes. She put them in a new category as non-violent. Now as vice president, she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking, and human trafficking, in history. The history of our country, by far….under this administration, three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children are missing…many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves, and slaves of different nature.

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aa578c No.221218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583930 (131745ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP- I'm the border president.

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aa578c No.221219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583933 (131745ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: Thanks to Kamala, since 2020, crime and drug overdose deaths here [California] have skyrocket by forty, fifty, and sixty percent, and murder has reached an all-time high.

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aa578c No.221220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583935 (131746ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP- I believe the number is 21 million illegal immigrants

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aa578c No.221221

File: a63330e5bbfecdd⋯.png (674.62 KB,856x570,428:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 24cb3908597f784⋯.png (1.18 MB,1112x740,278:185,Clipboard.png)

File: fcbd27e8fe288ed⋯.png (882.26 KB,1026x682,513:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583937 (131746ZSEP24) Notable: US Space Force

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4 SOPS team goes the distance

Published Sept. 12, 2024

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii (AFNS) -

A group of 18 personnel from the 4th Space Operations Squadron, a component of Delta 8, headquartered at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, traveled to Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam for a contingency operations exercise to test a highly technical piece of equipment known as a Mobile Constellation Control Station.

“The Milstar and Advanced Extremely High Frequency military satellite communications system provides survivable, endurable and protected communications for the highest levels of military and civilian leadership within the Department of Defense,” said Tech. Sgt. Andrew White, 4th SOPS transition maintenance supervisor.

In today's complex and rapidly evolving military landscape, reliable and secure communications are necessary.

The MCCS is a tool that plays a crucial role in providing the linkages that enable military units to maintain contact with command centers and intelligence gathering systems.

“We provide warfighters global, secure, survivable, strategic and tactical communications during peacetime and throughout the full spectrum of conflict,” said Capt. William Farrar, 4th SOPS mobile operations flight chief.

White explained the goal behind this complex and far-reaching mission.

“This exercise is intended to test site functionality and to lay the groundwork for establishing an additional operating site in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of responsibility, with the goal of [creating] a Memorandum of Agreement between Space Operations Command and JBPHH, on behalf of the 4th SOPS,” White said.

To meet these goals, the team needed to bring the equipment to JBPHH and set it up, enabling them to test the viability of the location with the knowledge that aspects of certain environments can prevent a successful outcome.

“Several factors were taken into consideration in regard to a viable site location and testing of our equipment to include line of sight to [the] satellite, which is the most important factor,” Farrar said.

“If our antenna is not capable of pointing to a satellite in space, then the location simply would not work.”

In addition to the line of sight, other aspects had to be carefully considered such as security, power hook-ups and fuel access.

“During our testing, we verified that we could connect to a satellite within the (U.S. Indo-Pacific Command) area of responsibility through our mobile antenna,” White said.

“After confirming connection with the satellite, we began to test several system tactics, techniques, procedures and checklists to verify that we have command and control over the satellite.”

After establishing successful contact and meeting the main objectives, the team was able to take stock of their accomplishment and prepared to return home from their multi-day mission.

“The general group feeling is typically relief, pride and a sense of accomplishment to the 4th SOPS mobility mission,” White said.

“We train hard and take pride in what we do. Whenever we successfully test the MCCS in a new location, we validate all the hard work and long hours spent working toward this goal.”


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aa578c No.221222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583943 (131746ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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Trump- We are a dumping ground because we have stupid people running our country.

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aa578c No.221223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583954 (131748ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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"I hope you call me the Boarder President" Q+ [x2]

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aa578c No.221224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583962 (131749ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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djt: the new number for spring field now is 32 thousand in a town of 58 thousand residents.

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aa578c No.221225

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583967 (131750ZSEP24) Notable: US Space Force

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USSF announces selections for advanced space power, propulsion research

Published Sept. 13, 2024

The United States Space Force, in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory, selected Rochester Institute of Technology and University of Michigan to lead the USSF University Consortium/Space Strategic Technology Institute 3 research regarding Advanced Space Power and Propulsion.

This research will enable game-changing space power and propulsion technology transition to the Department of Defense.

This week, the Rochester Institute of Technology and University of Michigan were awarded $9.9 million and $34.9 million, respectively, and will each lead teams of academic institutions and industry partners to collaborate on development and demonstration of ASPP subtopics.

The universities will pursue research in advanced solar cell technology, thruster technology and novel power approaches.

The USSF previously awarded in FY23 $6.4 million under Space Strategic Technology Institute 1 to address challenges related to beyond geostationary orbit and space domain awareness, as well as $49.1 million in FY24 under Space Strategic Technology Institute 2 to examine the areas of space access, mobility and logistics research.

About Space Strategic Technology Institutes

The United States Space Force established Space Strategic Technology Institutes to address space, science and technology challenges through a network of partnered universities.

Space Force envisions the institutes, in partnership with the USSF operational community, will facilitate and focus joint applied research on emerging transformational space domain technology breakthroughs and developments that lead to the advancement of capabilities that can be transitioned and integrated into current and future USSF and U.S. government space architecture.

It is highly desired for the research to lead to testbeds, high fidelity modeling and simulations, demonstrations and prototypes.

The research is expected to transition technology to higher technology readiness levels throughout the period of performance, and out years will be awarded based on an evaluation of this ability.


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aa578c No.221226

File: 82153c3b7c5f409⋯.png (437.79 KB,612x612,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583968 (131750ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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"A President has a duty to keep you safe." Q+

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aa578c No.221227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583973 (131752ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP- I think Muir corrected my 11 times, 11 times.

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aa578c No.221228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583974 (131752ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: A president has a duty to keep you safe. Kamala will turn American into a poor, violent, third-world refugee camp; it already sort of is. We have elections that are a mess, and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world. There's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed twenty-one million people to come across in a short period of time. And children, and the children of American citizens, are at the mercy of barbaric criminals.

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aa578c No.221229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583976 (131752ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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djt: leakers in the fbi. someone likes me there.

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aa578c No.221230

File: 166b83280c9b383⋯.png (36.27 KB,700x805,20:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583979 (131753ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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Almost weekend

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aa578c No.221231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583985 (131754ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: The FBI defrauded everybody, because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas, and some of the worst cities. The real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

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aa578c No.221232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21583997 (131756ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: Violent crime; just out, nationwide is up forty percent, rape is up forty-two percent, car theft is up forty-two percent, aggravated assaults are up fifty-fife percent, and violent attacks on strangers are up much more than sixty-one percent.

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aa578c No.221233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584012 (131759ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP- I think her VP choice will go down as a catastrophic choice.

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aa578c No.221234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584013 (131759ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: The FBI totally fudged the numbers [crime statistics], and I really believe it's actually a fraud what the FBI did. It's a fraud.

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aa578c No.221235

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 13b1581686c519f⋯.png (285.83 KB,652x839,652:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584023 (131801ZSEP24) Notable: US Space Force

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Secretary of Defense announces seven new initiatives to enhance well-being of military force and their families

Published Sept. 13, 2024

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III announced seven initiatives to improve the quality of life for service members and their families today.

These actions build on the extensive and unprecedented actions that Department of Defense leaders have taken over the past four years as part of Austin's Taking Care of People initiative.

Secretary Austin directed the implementation of the following:

Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts for Service Members: To reduce out-of-pocket health care costs for service members, the DoD will make HCFSAs available to Service members for the first time through a Special Enrollment Period in March 2025.

HCFSAs are an optional benefit that enable Service members to set aside up to $3,200 in pretax earnings per Service member to pay for health care costs, such as co-payments, contact lenses, glasses, dental care, and annual deductibles.

Access to Wi-Fi Pilot: To reduce out-of-pocket expenses and improve quality of life for junior enlisted Service members, the DoD is implementing a series of pilot projects to provide high-speed Wi-Fi internet access at no cost to Service members living in unaccompanied housing, which will form the basis of a long-term plan to build a Wi-Fi connected force.

Making Moves Easier: Building on previous expansions of move-related payments to Service members, the DoD will increase Temporary Lodging Expense reimbursement to 21 days (up from 14 days) and allow Temporary Lodging Allowance to be authorized for up to 60 days when it is necessary for a Service member or dependent to occupy temporary lodging immediately before leaving a permanent duty station outside the continental United States.

The DoD will also initiate a study to review and evaluate increasing the household goods weight allowances for Service members.

Further Expand Spouse Eligibility for My Career Advancement Account Financial Assistance: To support career advancement for military spouses, eligibility for MyCAA financial assistance will be expanded to spouses of active-duty Service members and spouses of National Guard and reserve Service members on Title 10 orders in the E-7, E-8, E-9, and W-3 ranks.

Financial assistance may be utilized to pursue a license, certification, or associate degree as well as testing for college credit and continuing education units.

This initiative aims to reduce barriers to employment for military spouses.

Investment in Childcare Workforce: To improve access to childcare for military families, we must invest in our childcare workforce to ensure we can recruit and retain childcare providers.

The DoD is working closely with Congress to fund compensation increases for childcare providers and to add key positions — lead educators and special needs inclusion coordinators — that will enhance the developmental and educational support provided to children served by DoD child development centers.

Quality of Life at Remote and Isolated Installations Review: The DoD will conduct a review on risk and protective factors, and prevention capabilities of harmful behaviors at three remote installations.

The results of the review will be used to inform and improve quality of life at those locations.

Uniform Costs Review: The DoD will review the quality of standard uniform clothing items issued to the enlisted force and the enlisted monetary uniform replacement allowance rates to ensure they are sufficient.

The Department continues to collaborate with Congress and state partners to ensure the successful implementation and ongoing support of these initiatives.

Find the Secretary's memorandum "Our Enduring Duty to America's Service Members and Their Families" here.



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aa578c No.221236

File: 5429b0163ca0412⋯.png (535.01 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 9795e256fe97395⋯.png (976.99 KB,1897x1011,1897:1011,Clipboard.png)

File: 51f1060757d7752⋯.png (1.68 MB,1920x1099,1920:1099,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584035 (131803ZSEP24) Notable: PF updates

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Military squawk. Civilian call sign. Flying west of Trump National golf club now.

This Shadowy Testbed Jet Has Been Flying Missions With A False Registration For Months

The highly modified airliner has a colorful past, but in recent years it seems to have faded deeper into the shadows.

The shadowy world of flying sensor test bed aircraft, both foreign and domestic, is a fascinating one. These highly modified airliners and business jets do critical work validating new radars, missile seekers, data-links, targeting pods and much more. Some of the shyest among them also work to quantify aircrafts’ thermal and radar signatures from an air-to-air perspective. But one of these aircraft—a gonzo-nosed DC-9, known as a NC-9D, with an interesting backstory—has been suddenly quite active and seems to suffer from a case of multiple identifies.

The DC-9 in question began its life 41 years ago as a typical airliner and went on to serve with Ansett, Spirit, and Midway airlines. Then in 1998 it was converted into a major avionics and sensor systems test bed by BAE and Raytheon. The jet had a major modification to its nose section, with a big bulbous fairing installed that can accept modular sensor payloads, such as fire control radars and missile seekers. The aircraft is also fitted with a large communications array that runs along its spine. A ventral antenna farm is also present on the aircraft as well.

The aircraft was named “Firebird II” and it wore a high-profile purple and white scheme with a big phoenix on its tail. Its civilian registration was N932ML. In the mid 2000s the jet was put into storage at Mojave Air and Space Port before being brought back into service a couple years later in 2008, when it began flying sporadically for testing assignments once again. At some time there appears to have been an organizational change with how the aircraft was owned and operated.

According to Flightaware.com, the last time the aircraft was flown under its N number—which it supposedly still wears—was in 2011. According to FAA records the aircraft’s registration is not active and hasn’t been for some time. What’s most interesting is that the owner under its lapsed registration is listed as the US Navy with an address at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake—the Navy’s leading-edge research and flight test center near Death Valley, California.

The jet, which has been repainted in a discreet blue and white motif, sans giant phoenix on its tail, also has the active Navy bureau number 168277, which odd. But what makes all this even more interesting is that it has been flying under a completely different N number, that being N879AD. This registration does not exist at all in the FAA’s database.


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aa578c No.221237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584037 (131804ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris and the communist left has also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state, and all across our country. This vice president; what she's done to our country is not even thinkable. California has the highest inflation, the highest taxes, the highest gas prices, the most illegal aliens, the most regulations, the most expensive utilities, and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business. It also has the most people leaving it….the cost of living here is nearly forty percent higher than the national average, and the cost of housing is ninety-seven percent higher, and the national average is through the roof, and it all took place in the last three and a half years, because I had no inflation. Essentially no inflation.

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aa578c No.221238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584050 (131806ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: The state [California] is rapidly going busted, with a record sixty-eight billion dollar budget deficit last year. Sixty-eight billion dollar deficit for a state. And the government is so incompetent, that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco. They built a toilet for 1.7 million dollars.

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aa578c No.221239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584052 (131807ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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djt: israel will not exist if kamala wins, mark this down, i have a hat, trump is always right.

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aa578c No.221240

File: 6c6221480aa4676⋯.png (603.16 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584058 (131807ZSEP24) Notable: PF updates

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Also Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint (739-445B) with registration 64-14846

Also US and Canadian air tankers. likely there for fighters (not seen) flying CAP. Security is tight for Trump.


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aa578c No.221241

File: 6ba9f2e5c635503⋯.png (5.32 KB,444x121,444:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584066 (131808ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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Q+ finished / Q's began @ 2:06 pm EDT > Can’t wait for the green light. Teams on standby.

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aa578c No.221242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584084 (131812ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: Maybe Springfield. Maybe Aurora. Maybe both. We'll go there. I can say this, we will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio..we're going to have the largest deportation in the history of our country, and we're going to start with Springfield and Aurora.

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aa578c No.221243

File: 3232a1219554921⋯.png (591.18 KB,680x572,170:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584085 (131812ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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"An Invasion from Within" Q+

"The Real Threat is What's Happening at Our Boarder."

This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

Important to be prepared.

We will help.

TRUTH always wins.

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aa578c No.221244

File: acec654cdbd010d⋯.png (308.26 KB,592x520,74:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584100 (131814ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP: "A president has a duty to keep you safe. Kamala will turn America into a poor, violent, third-world refugee camp."

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Benny Johnson


TRUMP: "A president has a duty to keep you safe. Kamala will turn America into a poor, violent, third-world refugee camp."


Trump War Room

7:05 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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aa578c No.221245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584125 (131818ZSEP24) Notable: Moar Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.

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>>221186 Moar Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.pn

Did Kirby really say because "they only had one stripe", & the handful of deaths were not important to even comment on?

The guy needs to be court marshalled and his rank should be removed! This is more outrageous than anything they’ve done. Some Military Leaders need to address this absolute disrespect.

“In his reply, Kirby said: "Obviously no use in responding.A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe.”

2:53 PM · Sep 11, 2024

Kirby: 'No use in responding' to a 'handful of vets' on Biden's botched Afghan withdrawal

September 11, 2024

On the anniversary of 9/11, White House National Security Council communications adviser John Kirby dismissed the concerns of military veterans critical of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, writing in response to a Fox News Digital press inquiry that there's "no use" weighing in on the veterans' views.

"Obviously no use in responding.A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe," Kirby said in a "reply all" email chain Wednesday afternoon that appeared to be intended for White House staffers, but which also included Fox News Digital.

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aa578c No.221246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584154 (131823ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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President Trump: I told John, the local mayor; I told John, we're gonna help him with his slide problem, You know, there are ways of fixing that, we discussed it; he knows better than anybody, and he needs help from the federal government. He needs help from the state government.

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aa578c No.221247

File: 096ed3077bd9ae6⋯.png (608.28 KB,593x848,593:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584161 (131825ZSEP24) Notable: “I don’t practice Santeria”

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Matt Gaetz


“I don’t practice Santeria”


3:31 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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aa578c No.221248

File: 9d249be65d180bd⋯.png (56.88 KB,557x361,557:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584175 (131827ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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TRUMP- you buy this big beautiful house, and you turn on the faucet and you get 38 gallons. You are only allowed 38 gallons.

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aa578c No.221249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584179 (131828ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Quotes

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aa578c No.221250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584192 (131832ZSEP24) Notable: Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?

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Canada #63 >>>/qresearch/21583896

Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?

The question of who owns Ukraine, and who will benefit from the commandeering of its resources, is one whose answer excludes the interests of ordinary people - and serves that of a Deep State-driven globalism.

Former Fox News anchor Clayton Morris has produced a report showing some of the complexity of corruption in Ukraine, reporting how Ukraine is preparing to export weapons as it continues to “beg for support” from the West.

Morris traces the links between the recent Kursk offensive and the moves towards peace which it shattered, reminding viewers of the role of former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in sabotaging a peace deal agreed only six weeks after the outbreak of the war. Morris strongly suggests that Ukraine has been completely corrupted by profiteers, responding to Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent dismissal of many government members:

“Did George Soros’ son just get a whole bunch of people fired in Ukraine?”

Morris charges that Zelensky himself is “finished,” and no longer in control, as billionaires and corporations advance to commandeer the resources of Ukraine – whilst exploiting financial and military aid to maximize profits.

Drawing on a report by Human Events published in February 2024, Morris poses a remarkable question:

“Ukraine is trying to start selling its own weapons to other countries at the exact same time America and NATO countries are sending billions in weapons to Ukraine. So how does that work?”

Morris argues this is because the purpose of the war is not military victory, but making money. He says the entire war was a foreseeable “death sentence” for Ukrainians used as “cannon fodder” by its now unelected president who, according to Morris, “may soon be out of a job.”

Why? Morris says the recent appearance of Alex Soros, talking up the postwar opportunities presented by the capture of Ukraine’s redevelopment by BlackRock, is a prelude to a planned postwar plunder of the country’s enormous mineral and agricultural wealth.

Even Foreign Affairs magazine, the house publication of Deep State directorate Council on Foreign Relations, is “slamming” Ukraine’s military strategy, says Morris.

“Foreign Affairs, usually pro-war, is saying [Ukraine’s leadership] don’t know what they are doing.”

With this shift in policy signaled by the influential publication, Morris argues that it is figures like globalist Alex Soros who are “fully in control” now of Ukraine’s future.

In February 2024, U.S.-based campaign group Oakland Institute released a report “War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land,” which warned, “One year into the war, a new report reveals how oligarchs and financial interests are expanding control over Ukraine’s agricultural land with help and financing from Western financial institutions.”

The report, published on ReliefWeb, said that almost a third of Ukraine’s famously fertile agricultural land was owned by “oligarchs, corrupt individuals, and large agribusinesses,” explaining that the “largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests – mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia.”

Thomas Fazi reported in 2023 how Zelensky’s aim to allow “unfettered access” to investment firms led to the creation of the Ukrainian Development Fund by BlackRock, handing control “across sectors including tech, natural resources, agriculture and health” in Ukraine to BlackRock and its partner JP Morgan.



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aa578c No.221251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584208 (131833ZSEP24) Notable: #26438

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#26438 >>221176

>>221182, >>221185 CSPAN to Air the Trump Presser at 12 NOON

>>221207, >>221209, >>221210, >>221211, >>221212, >>221213, >>221214, >>221215, >>221217, >>221218, >>221219, >>221220, >>221222, >>221223, >>221224, >>221226, >>221227, >>221228, >>221229, >>221230, >>221231, >>221232, >>221233, >>221234, >>221237, >>221238, >>221239, >>221241, >>221242, >>221243, >>221246, >>221248, >>221249 Trump Quotes

- -_- - - - - - -

>>221177 Ex-CIA officer jailed for 10 years as spy for China

>>221178 The scary, startling truth about “wonder drugs” semaglutide and tirzepatide

>>221179 2016 Haitian Reporter “"Where is the money Hillary Clinton raised with the Clinton foundation, Haiti did not get even 2%”

>>221180 Trump Campaign Releases New Video on Kamala’s Copy and Paste Policies


>>221183 A freight train crashed into a truck that was hauling a U.S. Army tank in Goose Creek, South Carolina. No injuries were reported.

>>221184, >>221192, >>221195, >>221196, >>221201 Moar NASA/Space

>>221186, >>221245 Moar Kirby replied all by accident to an email from Fox News.

>>221187, >>221188, >>221197 Comoros president wounded in knife attack

>>221189 ICYMI: Floridas medical professionals are told to tell their patients the dangers regarding COVID vaccine and recommend that their patients not take them!

>>221190 ICYMI: Mortgage rates fall to lowest level since February 2023

>>221191 Here's what happened when Biden put on the Trump hat.

>>221193, >>221204, >>221205, >>221206 Swampenins

>>221194 President Trump Holds Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada 10p EDT

>>221198 North Korea reveals uranium enrichment facility for first time

>>221199 CNN's Harry Enten Breaks Down Kamala Harris' 'Underperformance' With Young Voters

>>221200 Fox goes down that toss up road

>>221202 Yossi Sariel resigned as the head of Israeli army’s spy unit, 8200, owning responsibility for failing to prevent the October 7 attack.

>>221203, >>221221, >>221225, >>221235 US Space Force

>>221208 Illegal immigrant arrested for m*rder after a family of four was found dead in their burning home in Irondequoit, N.Y.

>>221216 LIVE: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gives a briefing

>>221236, >>221240 PF updates

>>221244 TRUMP: "A president has a duty to keep you safe. Kamala will turn America into a poor, violent, third-world refugee camp."

>>221247 “I don’t practice Santeria”

>>221250 Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?


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aa578c No.221253

File: 4df0d9dd524e5d5⋯.png (960.36 KB,1199x777,1199:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 897099f3cd7bce0⋯.png (212.41 KB,614x494,307:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 166b83280c9b383⋯.webp (36.27 KB,700x805,20:23,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584226 (131836ZSEP24) Notable: #26439

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Baker needs off hand


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aa578c No.221254

File: 04df512cc0533b7⋯.png (65.59 KB,761x549,761:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584238 (131838ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured If US Approves Long-Range Strikes

On Friday Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, informed the UN Security council that NATO countries would "start an open war" in allowing Western long-range missiles to target Russia.

"If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia," Moscow’s envoy introduced. "In that case, we will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for Western aggressors."


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aa578c No.221255

File: c02526934292b96⋯.png (33.36 KB,679x244,679:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584243 (131839ZSEP24) Notable: Two Springfield schools are evacuated as Ohio town bomb threat

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Two Springfield schools are evacuated

as Ohio town is besieged with threats

over Haitian migrants debacle

Daily Mail (UK), by Alyssa Guzman

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2024 2:25:37 PM

Two Springfield schools were evacuated on Friday after the Ohio town was besieged with threats over the Haitian migrant debacle. Students from Perrin Woods Elementary School and Snowhill Elementary School were forced out of the building on Friday morning and moved to an 'alternate district location,' according to the Springfield City School District. Students are now being released back into the care of their parents, The Columbus Dispatch reported.The schools were evacuated after police received some information. What information police received that caused such alarm is currently unknown, however, Springfield mayor, Rob Rue, told The Springfield News-Sun that complaints over the Haitian migrants were part of the threat.

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aa578c No.221256

File: 56a7825cb07510e⋯.png (51.53 KB,671x335,671:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584252 (131840ZSEP24) Notable: ABC denies extraordinary allegation about collusion between Kamala Harris and debate

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ABC denies extraordinary allegation about

collusion between Kamala Harris and debate

moderators after fury from MAGA

Daily Mail (UK), by Nikki Schwab

Posted By: Imright, 9/13/2024 2:11:55 PM

ABC News is denying the extraordinary allegations there was collusion between the presidential debate moderators and Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign. 'Absolutely not,' an ABC News spokesperson told the Daily Beast. 'Harris was not given any questions before the debate.' Former President Donald Trump and his MAGA allies have stoked conspiracy theories that Harris had a leg up in the debate. Most polling showed that Americans believed Harris had the more commanding performance onstage Tuesday night in Philadelphia.

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aa578c No.221257

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584264 (131844ZSEP24) Notable: The MEMEs are working! Keep them coming anons!

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>Walz Goes Into Hyperdrive of Weirdness

>With Wild Gesticulations and Chants About Cats

The MEMEs are working!

Keep them coming anons!

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aa578c No.221258

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584266 (131844ZSEP24) Notable: Natalie Winters Georgia Election Monitor Funded By China, Soros, Pfizer, & UN

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Natalie Winters

Georgia Election Monitor Funded By China, Soros, Pfizer, & UN!


An hour ago

Can't make this BS up!



Tim Walz Appointed Member Of Political Party 'Loyal' To Chinese Communists To State Board



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aa578c No.221259

File: ce2cfdaf6179be1⋯.png (221.74 KB,755x624,755:624,Clipboard.png)

File: f260acc80e0ab92⋯.png (78.09 KB,753x515,753:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584270 (131845ZSEP24) Notable: Israel Inserted Elite Commandos Into Syria, Blew Up Secret Missile Base

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Israel Inserted Elite Commandos Into Syria, Blew Up Secret Missile Base, Reports Say

The Sunday night major Israeli airstrikes in the central Syrian town of Masyaf which we reported on earlier in the week might have involved much more than what was initially known.

There was an unusually high death toll for such an attack, which targeted a highly secretive Syrian government facility known as the Syrian Military Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC). It left at least 16 people killed and another 40 injured.

But now both Axios and Israeli media are reporting it involved a ground component. "During major attack by jets earlier this week, IDF commandos said to have rappelled from helicopters to capture Iranians and remove materials before destroying site," Times of Israel writes. However, other reports make no mention of captured Iranians.


Textbook definition of terrorism - ISIS sponsor

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aa578c No.221260

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584275 (131845ZSEP24) Notable: Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Will NEVER Silence Us"

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Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Will NEVER Silence Us"



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aa578c No.221261

File: 44cb92ee540cc72⋯.png (765.3 KB,675x721,675:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584277 (131846ZSEP24) Notable: Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

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Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle

Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Beardo, 9/13/2024 11:36:26 AM

The union representing the nation’s postal workers, who will handle millions of ballots as part of the mass vote-by-mail system, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president on Thursday. Voters are being asked to trust an election system in which a key part of the process of casting votes is controlled by an organization loyal to one candidate. (snip) If you vote by mail you have to give your ballot to someone whose union has endorsed one side in the election. How this is even legal at all is completely baffling.

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aa578c No.221262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584290 (131848ZSEP24) Notable: ILLEGAL VOTE FRAUD and Irregularities from around the country

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Secretary LaRose Reminds Elections Officials to be Vigilant After Investigation Uncovers Illegal Voter Registration Forms

Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced today that his Election Integrity Unit has issued a warning to Ohio’s 88 county boards of elections after an investigation uncovered the use of illegal voter registration forms by a government agency.

“This is a reminder to all of our elections officials to be vigilant as we enter the final weeks of voter registration eligibility for the 2024 general election,” said Secretary LaRose. “We’re continuing to aggressively pursue third-party groups and paid canvassers who’ve been submitting fraudulent registration forms, and we’re cracking down on the use of illegal forms that aren’t authorized by my office as the law requires. These investigations are happening even as we continue to broaden the enforcement of Ohio’s constitutional citizenship voting requirement.”

The office’s Election Integrity Unit recently concluded an investigation into the origins of an illegal voter registration form translated into the Haitian Creole language. The Clark County Board of Elections reported this form to our office after rejecting its submission by a local applicant.

“The Board confirmed they’ve only received one of these unauthorized forms, but they rightly recognized it as illegal and worked with my team to track down its source with the help of a county government assistance office,” said Hun Yi, Director of Investigations for the office’s Public Integrity Division, in a memo to elections officials. “The form was erroneously included among others outsourced to a foreign language translation service. It garnered national attention considering the high number of Haitian refugees that have recently migrated to the Springfield area, and it serves as an important reminder that boards and designated voter registration agencies should be vigilant about the use of forms submitted to their office.”

The memo also highlights the Secretary of State’s efforts to enhance the ongoing statewide audit of Ohio’s voter rolls for citizenship compliance, using records provided by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database. The office is also implementing more extensive cross-checks of Social Security Administration records, federal jury pool data, and naturalization records maintained by the justice system, while repeatedly asking the Biden-Harris administration to grant access to additional DHS databases, specifically the Person Centric Query Service (PCQS) database, the Person Centric Identity Services (PCIS) database, and the Central Index System 2.

“The entire statewide voter registration database is cross-checked for citizenship status on an ongoing basis, and we’ve implemented a mandatory citizenship check of all new voter registrations,” Director Yi said in the memo to elections officials. “If you have any reason to believe an individual or group is encouraging noncitizen participation in Ohio’s elections, please report that activity to our Election Integrity Unit immediately for investigation.”

The memo concludes with a notice of ongoing investigations into evidence of a pattern of fraudulent voter registration activity in multiple counties under the paid employment of a group called Black Fork Strategies.

“All county boards should be vigilant about the integrity of registration forms submitted by any public or private entity, especially third-party groups hiring paid operatives who often work on a bounty system based on the quantity, not quality, of their work,” Yi reminded the boards.


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aa578c No.221263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584298 (131849ZSEP24) Notable: U.S. Coast Guard seizes over 1,200 pounds of cocaine from "narco sub"

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U.S. Coast Guard seizes over 1,200 pounds of cocaine from "narco sub" in Caribbean Sea

The U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday that it had offloaded more than $54 million worth of cocaine that was intercepted in the Caribbean Sea in a "complex counter-drug mission" — including over 1,200 pounds of cocaine that was seized from a semisubmersible vessel, or so-called "narco sub."

The crew of Coast Guard Cutter Diligence offloaded more than 4,125 pounds of cocaine with an street value of about $54 million in Port Everglades, Florida, on Monday, the Coast Guard said in a news release. The drugs were seized in the international waters of the Caribbean Sea during three separate operations.


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aa578c No.221264

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584302 (131850ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

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3:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



10:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

3:00 PM PDT - Doors Open



10:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Las Vegas

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Las Vegas.


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aa578c No.221265

File: a2b3baac7bd310f⋯.png (449.83 KB,597x551,597:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584316 (131853ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris supporters break into chants of "We're not eating cats"

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Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈


Breaking: Kamala Harris supporters break into chants of "We're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally in Grand Rapids, Mich. https://x.com/kellen_brownin/Kellen_Browning/status/1834371827042328619/video/1


Kellen Browning

12:33 PM · Sep 12, 2024




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aa578c No.221266

File: 6ff9d973d8aed06⋯.png (1.31 MB,1185x908,1185:908,Clipboard.png)

File: 381ad7c2de867d3⋯.png (1.65 MB,1185x828,395:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584327 (131854ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Related SPACE NEWS

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Eminent officials say NASA facilities some of the “worst” they’ve ever seen

Buildings at Johnson Space Center in Houston are among the worst at any NASA facility. (NASA is run by Satanists trying to get back to their own planet)

STEPHEN CLARK - 9/12/2024, 10:22 AM1/3

A panel of independent experts reported this week that NASA lacks funding to maintain most of its decades-old facilities, could lose its engineering prowess to the commercial space industry, and has a shortsighted roadmap for technology development.

"NASA’s problem is it always seems to have $3 billion more program than it has of funds," said Norm Augustine, chair of the National Academies panel chartered to examine the critical facilities, workforce, and technology needed to achieve NASA's long-term strategic goals and objectives. Augustine said a similar statement could sum up two previous high-level reviews of NASA's space programs that he chaired in 1990 and 2009. But the report released Tuesday put NASA's predicament in stark terms.

Grumbling about crumbling infrastructure

Around 83 percent of NASA's facilities are beyond their design lifetimes, and the agency has a $3.3 billion backlog in maintenance. When you consider NASA's $250 million estimate for normal year-to-year maintenance, it would take a $600 million uptick in NASA's annual budget for infrastructure repairs to catch up on the backlog within the next 10 years.

To members of Congress or the White House, backing a new NASA mission to the Moon or a space telescope to probe the deepest reaches of the Universe is often more attractive than investing in facility maintenance. The former initiatives grab headlines and create jobs. Most of NASA's facilities across the country are rated "marginal to poor" in condition, according to a presentation to the National Academies last year by Erik Weiser, NASA's director of facilities and real estate.

"In NASA’s case, the not-uncommon tendency in a constrained budget environment to prioritize initiating new missions as opposed to maintaining and upgrading existing support assets has produced an infrastructure that would not be viewed as acceptable under most industrial standards," the panel wrote in its report. "In fact, during its inspection tours, the committee saw some of the worst facilities many of its members have ever seen."

“Since the year 2010, the NASA budget for missions has gone up by 8 percent," Augustine said. "Meanwhile, the budget for mission support has dropped by 33 percent. If you do a little arithmetic, it shows that every dollar of mission support budget today has to support 50 percent more mission activity than was the case in 2010, not that long ago.”

NASA is dealing with these infrastructure shortfalls as the agency pursues the most challenging missions in its 66-year history.

“Viewed in terms of both the architectural complexity and the technical complexity, NASA today—for example, in the Artemis program to land on the Moon a few years from now—is taking on challenges that far surpass anything that was faced in the Apollo program," Augustine said.

(If they weren't another CIA agency, maybe they could perform better)


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aa578c No.221267

File: 7532c739eca6374⋯.png (332.76 KB,544x1024,17:32,Clipboard.png)

File: e31970487805f4a⋯.png (536.02 KB,960x1469,960:1469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584328 (131854ZSEP24) Notable: The State Department has been funding US fact checking since 2015

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🔥🔥🔥Breaking! Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept! And it operates in the United States too! This is a massive scandal! The State Department, who legally can’t operate in the US, has been funding US fact checking since 2015! Yes, it’s earliest days!

The news orgs that operate under the IFCN flag, such as the Washington Post, do the leg work. Which then results in posts on Facebook etc being labeled and the algorithms throttling the post.

This official international fact checking org is also partnered with Google. Poynters IFCN was funded by the CIA linked, State Dept NED and Omidyar grants.

Recall Google initiated the first ever US censorship and expanded it globally by using the First Draft Consortium. First Draft also worked hand in hand with the IFCN. Poynters Politifact was in the First Draft network.

♦️Now check out this timeline of events.

April 2015 - First Draft Consortium started by Google

June 2015 - Official First Draft Announcement comes out. Along with its Google News Lab partnership announcement (obviously)

Aug 2015 - Google News Lab partners with Poynter

Sept 2015 - IFCN is launched by Poynter

Oct 2015 - Poynter launches IFCN with State Dept NED funding

Oct 2017 - Google news lab partners with IFCN specifically

Dec 2018 - Poynter acquires Politifact

♦️Next I’ll list some key quotes from IFCN’s beginnings:

Oct 21, 2015 - “Today marks the online launch of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter. This informal network, a forum for fact-checkers from five continents, is born out of the desire to study and discuss fact-checking as a journalistic instrument worldwide.

The IFCN is supported by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.”

“Poynter's partnership with Google is the institute's first major alliance with a digital technology company.”

♦️ Now showing US links is easy.

“Led by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute, FactChat is the first collaborative project to unite U.S. fact-checking organizations with two major Spanish-language news broadcasters to fight mis/disinformation during the 2020 presidential campaign.”

“Facebook users in the US and Germany can now flag articles they think are deliberately false, these will then go to third-party fact checkers signed up with the IFCN.

Those fact checkers come from media organisations like the Washington Post and websites such as the urban legend debunking site Snopes.

Another warning appears if users try to share the story, although Facebook doesn't prevent such sharing or delete the fake news story. The "fake" tag will however negatively impact the story's score in Facebook's algorithm, meaning that fewer people will see it pop up in their news feeds.”

“Alexios Mantzarlis at first led the IFCN:

Then he moved to GOOGLE NEWS LAB. And is now Principal, Google Trust & Safety Intelligence. As Director of the IFCN, he helped draft the fact-checkers' code of principles and shepherded a seminal partnership between fact-checkers and Facebook.”

♦️Now let’s head into Brazil:

- Cristina Tardáguila, NED FELLOW, Founder of Agência Lupa and was at Brazil misinfocon with Zommer. Both were GDI advisors. Cristina Tardáguila is the IFCN Associate Director.

- Laura Zommer is Zommer isn the board of the IFCN and Género & Numero from Brazil. She’s also the Executive and Editor-in-Chief at Chequeado, the first initiative of fact-checking and verification of public discourse in Latin America.

Knight Fellow Laura Zommer started Factchequeado, a journalism and education hub to stem disinfo flows in Spanish-language platforms in the US.

Factchequeado will use innovative approaches developed by Chequeado and Maldita in Latin America and Spain – introducing a WhatsApp tipline to involve audiences in fact-checking. Factchequeado is a collaborative alliance with Latino media and fact-checking orgs.


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aa578c No.221268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584342 (131857ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Related SPACE NEWS

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All of NASA's centers have facilities the agency considers marginal, but Johnson Space Center in Houston has the facilities with the worst average score.Johnson oversees astronaut training and is home to NASA's Mission Control Center for the International Space Station and future Artemis lunar missions. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, which develops and operates many of NASA's robotic interplanetary probes, and Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, used for rocket engine testing, are the only centers without a poor infrastructure score.

These ratings cover things like buildings and utilities, not the specific test rigs or instruments inside them."You can have a world-class microscope and materials lab, but if the building goes down, that microscope is useless to you," Weiser told the National Academies panel in a meeting last year.

The panel recommended that Congress direct NASA to establish an annually replenished revolving working capital fund to pay for maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. Other government agencies use similar funds for infrastructure support. “This is something that will require federal legislation," said Jill Dahlburg, a member of the National Academies panel and former superintendent of the space science division at the Naval Research Laboratory.

Thinking long-term

The panel also found that NASA lacks a specific long-term strategy to ensure that the agency develops the right technologies needed for future missions. In the panel's meetings with agency employees, "we often heard the comment that it doesn’t make any sense to try to do long-range planning for organizations like NASA," Augustine said. "Our committee takes exception to that.”

The federal government works on one-year budget cycles, and overall plans for government spending only go out every five years. This doesn't match up with the time NASA needs to see its missions through from concept to completion. "NASA’s activities, its missions, generally entail decades of work, or at least a decade of work," Augustine said.

While NASA officials can't do anything about the federal budget process, the panel urged the agency to determine "need dates" for mission-critical technologies and to prioritize technology development efforts.

Ed Crawley, a professor of engineering at MIT, said the review board identified 10 types of technologies NASA and its contractors must develop to achieve the agency's goal of a sustained human presence on the Moon and future crew expeditions to Mars. Most critical, Crawley said, are in-space power and propulsion to push large masses around Earth, the Moon, and Mars; entry, descent, and landing technologies for spacecraft traveling to the Red Planet; and radiation safety for humans.

"I call them the three miracles that we need to get to Mars," Crawley said. “Some progress has been made over the last decade… but there’s a lot of work to be done, and each of these can be viewed as a relatively expensive standalone project that has to be integrated into a larger set of missions.”

(Elon should make NASA his first efficiently project when he gets it set up)


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aa578c No.221269

File: 59da92e9a03bb37⋯.png (93.95 KB,268x204,67:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584352 (131858ZSEP24) Notable: Massie Blows the Lid Off of Democrat and Republican Uni-Party Games

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Congressman Thomas Massie Blows the Lid Off of Democrat and Republican Uni-Party Games

Republican Representative Thomas Massie exposed both the Republican and Democrat parties for voting for the same bad results. He said that when an omnibus bill is presented, both parties engage in “fake fighting” that he called “political theater”. He added that instead of the omnibus bill, Congress should have voted on 12 separate bills. Although Republicans object to assaults on freedom, in the end, they “cave” at the last minute and more totalitarian laws are put in place.

He said that the SAVE Act, which requires individuals to provide proof of US citizenship to register to vote in federal elections, will expose Democrats, who will vote against it and show that they want illegal aliens to vote in US elections. However, he revealed that Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson will remove the SAVE Act from the bill at some point and it will never be passed.

Massie stated that the government never cuts spending because the Democrats want to grow the welfare state and the Republicans want to grow the military industrial complex. He said that eventually both parties get together on the bill and he guaranteed it will go up.

After Massie’s speech on Monday, House Speaker Mike Johnson pulled the bill until next week in hopes of building “consensus”.




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aa578c No.221270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584358 (131859ZSEP24) Notable: Instagram, Snapchat Fuel Fentanyl Deaths Among Youth

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‘Open Air Drug Market:’ Social Media Sites Including Instagram, Snapchat Fuel Fentanyl Deaths Among Youth

Social media platforms including Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook and Instagram, China’s TikTok, and Snapchat have become dangerous marketplaces for the sale of deadly fake pills laced with fentanyl, contributing to a growing epidemic of overdose deaths among young Americans.

AP News reports that social media has a new dark side — the ease with which drug dealers can sell their deadly wares to unsuspecting youth. In the last five years, fentanyl overdoses due to counterfeit pills have become a leading cause of death for minors, even as overall drug use has slightly declined. The DEA found in a 2022 analysis that six out of 10 fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills contained a potentially lethal dose.

Experts, law enforcement, and children’s advocates point to social media companies like Snap, TikTok, Telegram, and Meta Platforms (owner of Instagram) as enablers of this crisis. They argue these companies are not doing enough to keep children safe on their platforms. With just a few clicks, kids can find dealers promising prescription pills like Percocet or Xanax. But all too often, what arrives instead are fake pills tainted with lethal doses of fentanyl.

The stories of victims follow a tragic pattern. Teens hear pills are available on social media. They connect with a dealer, a package arrives, they take a pill in their bedroom, and within minutes they are dead, sometimes not found until the next morning. The National Crime Prevention Council estimates 80 percent of teen and young adult fentanyl poisoning deaths trace back to some social media contact.

While overall accidental overdoses have decreased slightly each year since 2021 according to the CDC, the decline is very small. In 2021 there were 1,622 overdose deaths among ages 0-19, 1,590 in 2022, and 1,511 last year. Education and awareness have helped, but much more needs to be done.

Social media companies say they are constantly working to address the issue, while law enforcement has made some high-profile busts. But the problem persists. Encrypted messaging and alleged lax moderation on some platforms make illegal activity even easier. Money is sent through legitimate payment platforms and drugs delivered by mail.


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aa578c No.221271

File: 75133f0f2910449⋯.png (457.58 KB,1366x527,1366:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584368 (131901ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Related SPACE NEWS

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Competing for the best

The panel members also spotlighted concerns they heard from NASA employees that an increasing reliance on commercial partners could decay the skills of the agency's workforce. The committee acknowledged the successes of NASA's commercial cargo and crew program, which are based on fixed-price service contracts, but cautioned that excessive use of such contracts puts NASA employees in oversight roles rather than hands-on engineering jobs.

This puts NASA at risk of losing its most talented engineers, who might move to companies for more rewarding and higher-paying work. "Very few of the nation’s most innovative scientists and engineers would likely seek or remain in such pure oversight positions," the panel wrote.

I think it’s the committee’s consensus view that the United States would be best served for its future by continuing to have engineering prowess in NASA and not have the agency just become a funding pass-through or a contract monitor," said Kathy Sullivan, a retired space shuttle astronaut and former administrator of NOAA.

NASA's commercial partners often rely on the agency's technical expertise and facilities. SpaceX launches rockets from a NASA-owned launch pad, tested its first Crew Dragon spacecraft inside a NASA vacuum chamber, and leaned on NASA experts to develop Dragon and design its astronaut-training program. NASA has numerous agreements with other commercial companies to provide expertise and assistance.

"Industry actually values having an agency like NASA that understands the technology, that’s not just going to sit back and dole out dollars," said Lester Lyles, a retired Air Force general.

Hans Koenigsmann, SpaceX's former vice president of build and flight reliability, said NASA's use of service contracts, like the agreement it has with SpaceX for crew and cargo transportation, has led to "some amazing progress… But it also leaves some of the NASA workforce a bit concerned about their future and how much hands-on work on NASA’s side itself will be done in the future."

The panel recommended that NASA set specific criteria for fixed-price service contracts to avoid using these kinds of agreements on programs involving immature, early-stage technologies. "Where such contracts have faced issues is where invention, significant development, one-of-a-kind situations, or uncertain requirements are involved," the panel wrote.

NASA is using fixed-price contracts with SpaceX and Blue Origin to develop the Human Landing System for the Artemis program. The human-rated landers will ferry astronauts between lunar orbit and the Moon's surface.

SpaceX will provide a version of its powerful Starship rocket as a lunar lander, and Blue Origin is working on its own system called Blue Moon.

"Given the difficulty of this endeavor, it is likely the full capabilities of NASA and the contractors will be necessary for a national program of this complexity and importance to be assured of success," the National Academies panel wrote in its report.


Check out their budget:


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aa578c No.221272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584375 (131902ZSEP24) Notable: ARCHIVED TRUMP LIVE IN Rancho Palos Verdes, CALIFORNIA, PRESS CONFERENCE AND Q AND A

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dough below



LIVE: Donald Trump News Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California | LiveNOW from FOX




DJT takes the mick at 1.23pm e.t

President Trump: I'm here today, in California, with a very simple message for the American people. We can not allow Comrade Kamala Harris, and the communist left, do to America, what they did to California. The state of California is a mess.

President Trump: The decline of this whole state [California] is one of the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical-left lunatics that we have to put up with. As the San Francisco district attorney. Kamala was the godmother of sanctuary cities…and also the movement of defunding the police. She was there right at the beginning. She boasted "We are a sanctuary city, and we also will be." Well, they're sanctuary cities of crime.

President Trump: In one sweetheart deal, Kamala gave only twelve year to a monster known as David Taylor, who got high on crack and murdered a sixty-five year old mother with a hammer and a pair of scissors. He wanted to come out, and she wanted to get him out as quickly as possible.

President Trump: Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a gangmember who murdered police officer, Issac Espinoza, during a traffic stop. A very innocent traffic stop. She didn't have the decency to call his family; never did, to explain her decision; why would you do this? Why would you give such leniency to somebody who just killed a police officer…this was a major reason why the San Francisco Police Officer's Association has refused to endorse her in every single race since she became district attorney.

President Trump: After Kamala Harris and Gavin Newscum took charge of San Francisco, homelessness increased by over two hundred percent. While Comrade Kamala Harris was attorney general of this state, murders rose significantly, car thefts went through the roof, gun assaults rose at levels never seen before, and forcible rape went up much more than the seventy-three percent that they reported. As attorney general, she defined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person, as non-violent crimes. She put them in a new category as non-violent. Now as vice president, she's facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking, and human trafficking, in history. The history of our country, by far….under this administration, three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children are missing…many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves, and slaves of different nature.

President Trump: Thanks to Kamala, since 2020, crime and drug overdose deaths here [California] have skyrocket by forty, fifty, and sixty percent, and murder has reached an all-time high.

TRUMP- I believe the number is 21 million illegal immigrants

Trump- We are a dumping ground because we have stupid people running our country.

djt: the new number for spring field now is 32 thousand in a town of 58 thousand residents.(haitian migrants)

djt: "I hope you call me the Boarder President" Q+ [x2]

TRUMP- I think Muir corrected my 11 times, 11 times.

President Trump: A president has a duty to keep you safe. Kamala will turn American into a poor, violent, third-world refugee camp; it already sort of is. We have elections that are a mess, and we have a border that's the worst of any border ever in the world. There's never been a country ever in the world that's allowed twenty-one million people to come across in a short period of time. And children, and the children of American citizens, are at the mercy of barbaric criminals.

djt: leakers in the fbi. someone likes me there.

President Trump: The FBI defrauded everybody, because what they did is they used statistics not including some of the worst areas, and some of the worst cities. The real numbers are from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

President Trump: Violent crime; just out, nationwide is up forty percent, rape is up forty-two percent, car theft is up forty-two percent, aggravated assaults are up fifty-fife percent, and violent attacks on strangers are up much more than sixty-one percent.

>>>/qresearch/21584000 djt: he hates her, i guess he hates her more than he hates me.


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aa578c No.221273

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584378 (131902ZSEP24) Notable: Erik Prince Warns Of The Muslim Brotherhood And Other Factions Destroying America

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Erik Prince Warns Of The Muslim Brotherhood And Progressive Factions Destroying America



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aa578c No.221274

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584381 (131902ZSEP24) Notable: ARCHIVED TRUMP LIVE IN Rancho Palos Verdes, CALIFORNIA, PRESS CONFERENCE AND Q AND A

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President Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris and the communist left has also destroyed the economy and the quality of life all across this state, and all across our country. This vice president; what she's done to our country is not even thinkable. California has the highest inflation, the highest taxes, the highest gas prices, the most illegal aliens, the most regulations, the most expensive utilities, and it ranks as the third worst state to start a business. It also has the most people leaving it….the cost of living here is nearly forty percent higher than the national average, and the cost of housing is ninety-seven percent higher, and the national average is through the roof, and it all took place in the last three and a half years, because I had no inflation. Essentially no inflation

>>>/qresearch/21584054, anon opine: USA States with Most Electoral Votes

California has the most electoral votes with 54. According to the search results, California is allocated 55 electoral votes, but this number might have changed since the 2020 census. However, as of the latest information available, California holds the top spot with 54 electoral votes.

President Trump: The state [California] is rapidly going busted, with a record sixty-eight billion dollar budget deficit last year. Sixty-eight billion dollar deficit for a state. And the government is so incompetent, that it cost 1.7 million to install a single public toilet in San Francisco. They built a toilet for 1.7 million dollars.

djt: israel will not exist if kamala wins, mark this down, i have a hat, trump is always right.

Trump- I had no inlfation, well essentially no inflation….and it stayed that way for two and a half years….we had1.4 inflation which is perfect no its better than perfect. If you go to the Economists, they said because you want a little but you dont want much. Its a perfect number it was perfect the country was perfect.

President Trump: Maybe Springfield. Maybe Aurora. Maybe both. We'll go there. I can say this, we will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio..we're going to have the largest deportation in the history of our country, and we're going to start with Springfield and Aurora.

President Trump: If I ran with an honest vote counter in California, I would win California. But the votes are not counted honestly. It's a very dishonest system that you have in California.

President Trump: I told John, the local mayor; I told John, we're gonna help him with his slide problem, You know, there are ways of fixing that, we discussed it; he knows better than anybody, and he needs help from the federal government. He needs help from the state government.

>>221248 TRUMP- you buy this big beautiful house, and you turn on the faucet and you get 38 gallons. You are only allowed 38 gallons.

President Trump: In order to protect a certain little tiny fish called a smelt, they send millions and millions of gallons of water out to the Pacific Ocean, way up north. It never even gets close to here. You know, in Los Angeles, and Beverley Hills; all these rich areas, they want to give you like thirty-eight gallons of water to use. You buy a house for a lot of money, and then you're allowed to use thirty-eight gallons of water. You have no water down here. And the reason you have no water; you have the canals- the reason you have no water is because Gavin Newscum didn't want to do it. I had it all done…you have millions of gallons of water pouring down form the north, with the snowcaps, and Canada; all pouring down, and they have, essentially a very large faucet. And you turn the faucet, it takes one day to turn it….and all of that water goes aimlessly into the Pacific. And it they turned it back, all of that water would come back here, and right into Los Angeles…one thing I'm going to do for California, vote for me California, I'm going to give you safety, I'm going to give you a great border, and I'm going to give you more water than almost anybody has, and the farmers up north are going to be able to use a hundred percent of their land, and the water is going to come all the way down to Los Angeles, and you're going to have more water than you ever saw.

djt press conference at 2.30pm e.t


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aa578c No.221275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584388 (131904ZSEP24) Notable: KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

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Jean-Pierre: Again, this is conspiracy theory [Haitians going after animals], what we're hearing, that has been debunked by the Ohio police department, the Springfield mayor, the city manager, and so we have to make sure that we put that out there that this has been debunked, and spreading this type of hateful conspiracy theories is indeed very dangerous, It's very dangerous.

[what is dangerous is flooding the country with illegals, especially those from third-world countries]

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aa578c No.221276

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584393 (131905ZSEP24) Notable: One person's debunked is another cat's confirmed

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>has been debunked

has been confirmed

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aa578c No.221277

File: dbd6551ad0e2e7d⋯.png (443.42 KB,542x638,271:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584416 (131909ZSEP24) Notable: Two Springfield schools are evacuated as Ohio town bomb threat

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Authorities in Springfield, Ohio have evacuated city hall and schools including an elementary school after receiving a bomb threat.

Springfield City Hall, schools, county hit by bomb threat tied to Haitian issues

Several city, county and school buildings around Springfield were closed Thursday because of a bomb threat “to multiple facilities throughout Springfield,” according to a city statement released Thursday morning. Springfield City Hall was evacuated around 8:30 a.m.

Springfield Police Chief Allison Elliott said at a Thursday afternoon press conference that City Hall, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the Springfield Driver’s Exam Station, Ohio License Bureau on the south side, Springfield Academy of Excellence and Fulton Elementary School were all named in the threat and were cleared using explosive-detecting canines.

“I would like to stress that we are deeply committed to the safety of our entire community,” Elliott said. “Safety is a shared responsibility and it takes all of us; I encourage the public, if you see something, say something.”

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said everyone who was in the City Hall building was moved out and is safe. Rue would not comment on the precise language of the threat but said it came from someone claiming to be from Springfield, and mentioned frustration with the city related to Haitian immigration issues.

Karen Graves, strategic engagement manager for the city of Springfield, confirmed that City Hall remained closed all day Thursday. City Hall’s Utility Billing office will reopen Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. only. For other inquiries or business, call the city at either 937-324-7341, 937-324-7300 or 937-525-5800.


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aa578c No.221278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584418 (131909ZSEP24) Notable: KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

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Reporter: The governor [Ohio] says that this influx of migrants has caused a significant strain on the healthcare and public safety system in Springfield. Does the administration acknowledge that?

Jean-Pierre: We've been in touch with Springfield, DHS has, and we've been offering assistance to them…we launched one-stop shop clinics to help eligible non-citizens get work permits and decompress the respective shelter systems, and to date, those clinics have served more than thirty-seven thousand people.

[all their work permits will be revoked on Day One as they are all deported]

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aa578c No.221279

File: 16b18dbbd5afe21⋯.png (114.66 KB,600x542,300:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584433 (131911ZSEP24) Notable: The Department of Government Efficiency is the only path to extending life beyond Earth

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Elon Musk


Starship will make life multiplanetary, preserving life as know from extinction events on Earth, so long as it is not smothered by bureaucracy.

There is more government regulatory smothering every year. If this continues, all large projects in the United States will be illegal.

For example, look at the farcically slow build of the high-speed rail line in California. After spending several billion dollars over many years, there is almost no progress.

The Department of Government Efficiency is the only path to extending life beyond Earth.


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aa578c No.221280

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584452 (131914ZSEP24) Notable: Erik Prince Warns Of The Muslim Brotherhood And Other Factions Destroying America

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Erik Prince Exposes The Marxist-Socialist Gang Oppressing The Nation of Venezuela



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aa578c No.221281

File: e1817539d4b3f34⋯.jpeg (285.22 KB,1171x1215,1171:1215,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70055cea0660c53⋯.jpeg (282.73 KB,673x572,673:572,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584497 (131919ZSEP24) Notable: Biden renews COG Emergency Powers Proclamation on September 9th

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Biden renews COG Emergency Powers Proclamation on September 9th


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aa578c No.221282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584502 (131919ZSEP24) Notable: Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun: “Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost!"

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Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun: “Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost! We don’t want you here. We don’t want Polish people paying and dying for your wars.”


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aa578c No.221283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584508 (131920ZSEP24) Notable: KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

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Reporter: The White House opposes any mass-deportation of Haitian migrants from Springfield, right?

Jean-Pierre: Obviously, yes. But also, if they really wanted deal with; I think the real, I think core of the question is, there's legislation out there. There's a policy. There's bi-partisan legislation that would deal with issues that they have concerns about at the border…obviously we do not support mass-deportation of a community that is not part of a country that they came from. That doesn't make any sense.

[does the bogus Border Bill address the flying of illegals into and all over the country?]

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aa578c No.221284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584527 (131922ZSEP24) Notable: While avowing support for Israel, Trump and Harris avoid calling themselves ‘Zionists’

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While avowing support for Israel, Trump and Harris avoid calling themselves ‘Zionists’

Pressed on whether the US presidential candidates identity as ‘Zionist,’ rival campaigns both reply at length without using the term

Asked by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency if Vice President Kamala Harris considers herself a Zionist, a campaign aide replied:

“The Vice President and Governor [Tim] Walz have been strong and longstanding supporters of Israel as a secure, democratic homeland for the Jewish people. They will always ensure Israel can defend itself from threats, including from Iran and Iran-backed terrorists such as Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Told that the first sentence of that response would meet perhaps the most common definition of “Zionist,” the aide replied that beyond the statement she relayed, she had “nothing for you.”

Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s spokeswoman, also returned a lengthy reply without the Z-word:

“President Trump did more for Israel than any American President in history,” she said, and proceeded to enumerate Trump’s record on Israel as president, from brokering normalization deals between Israel and several of its neighbors to moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

“All of the progress made by President Trump in the region has been unraveled by Kamala Harris’s weakness and America Last policies,” Leavitt continued. “When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end.”


Is No too hard to say?

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aa578c No.221285

File: aa8f8e7dec82d77⋯.png (381.49 KB,1220x1514,610:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584531 (131923ZSEP24) Notable: UK's Starmer, Canada's Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia

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UK's Starmer, Canada's Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia Despite Putin Warning Of 'War' With NATO

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Sep 13, 2024 - 12:51 PM

Update(1450ET): Kirby came out on Friday and told reporters that there's been no change in US policy regarding Ukraine using Western arms for long-rage strikes inside Russia. But the pressure is quickly ramping up: first Canada's Trudeau said he supports greenlighting this, despite Putin making clear this would mean 'direct war' between Russia and NATO, and now UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is coming out in support. According to breaking reporting in The Wall Street Journal:

U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer is expected to urge President Biden on Friday during a visit to Washington to sign off on allowing Ukraine to use long-range European-made cruise missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia, according to U.S. and Western officials.

…A decision to lift a ban on Kyiv using the Storm Shadow missile, which can hit targets 155 miles away, to fire into Russia would be a major win for Ukraine, which has been urging Western countries for months to loosen restrictions on long-range weapons.

Yes, Zelensky has been essentially begging for it, but we highly doubt a "win" will follow especially given as we detailed below Putin still holds many cards, and would likely escalate attacks on Kiev in a big way.


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aa578c No.221286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584533 (131923ZSEP24) Notable: KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

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Jean-Pierre: What [Biden] has been able to do in the past two years, really, in his entire administration, is fix the reputation that was tainted by the last president.

[Biden/Harris have made the United States an international embarrassment]

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aa578c No.221287

File: 8742aa9598e13dc⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584543 (131924ZSEP24) Notable: Music To Not Eat Pets By

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aa578c No.221288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584557 (131927ZSEP24) Notable: Harris suggests that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war

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More Fearmongering:Harris' suggestion that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war resonates with Poles

VANESSA GERA and MONIKA SCISLOWSKA Updated Wed, September 11, 20241/2APTOPIX Election 2024 Debate

Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris gestures as she speaks during a presidential debate with Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the National Constitution Center, Tuesday,

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Wanda Kwiatkowska eagerly read reports on Wednesday morning about the U.S. presidential debate — and they convinced her that a second Trump presidency would be a grave threat to her home of Poland and the larger region.

Former President Donald Trump twice refused to directly answer a question during the debate about whether he wanted U.S. ally Ukraine to win the war. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris praised American and NATO support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's invasion so far — and called for it to continue.

“Otherwise, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe. Starting with Poland,” she said. “And why don’t you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch?”

Harris’ emphasis on the need to stand up to Putin resonated Wednesday in Poland, a nation of 38 million people whose geography makes it particularly sensitive to the debate. The NATO member is wedged between its European Union partners to the west and, to the east, the Russian region of Kaliningrad, Russian ally Belarus and Ukraine.

As a result, the war is always present in Poland, whether from occasional accidental incursions into Polish airspace or the large numbers of refugees who have settled there.

Fears that Putin could prevail in Ukraine and then turn his sights on areas of Europe once under Moscow's control — including the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia — have been present since Russia first illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. They have grown more acute following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, particularly at times when Russia has had the momentum on the battlefield.

If Ukraine loses, Putin “will take further steps,” said Kwiatkowska, a 75-year-old resident of Warsaw whose Ukrainian mother and Polish father met after World War II.

• She was particularly dismissive of Trump’s claim in Tuesday night’s debate that he could easily end the war. “I will get it settled before I even become president,” Trump said.

• “Just empty words,” she scoffed, as she did her morning shopping in Warsaw, a capital that, like cities in Ukraine today, was bombed to near destruction during World War II.

• Sławomir Dębski, a professor of strategy and international affairs at the College of Europe in Natolin, also found it “far-fetched” for Trump to claim he could force Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the negotiating table before he even entered the White House.

• “There’s little reason to believe Putin would agree to such a meeting unless Ukraine were prepared to capitulate, which would be unlikely,” Dębski said. In fact, Putin earlier this year insisted Ukraine must give up vast amounts of territory and avoid joining NATO simply as a condition to start negotiations.

• Dębski contended that it was a “clear mistake” on Trump's part not to say outright that he wants Ukraine to win the war. But he also argued that the Biden administration has made a mistake because it “committed itself to help Ukraine as long as it takes, but refused to state that it should mean Ukraine’s victory."

(Oh good idiots are agreeing with Kamabla on war)


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aa578c No.221289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584564 (131928ZSEP24) Notable: Harris suggests that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war

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When Trump first won the presidency, there was strong enthusiasm for him in Poland, from the government and public. The conservative authorities in power at the time shared many of his positions, particularly in their opposition to migration. Poland, one of the largest spenders of defense among NATO allies, also welcomed his push that other allies pay more on defense themselves.

Today's government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk has made its critical views of Trump known. And with the brutal war in Ukraine, many Poles have soured on the former president, who has a history of admiring comments about Putin.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed the back-and-forth in the debate, saying Putin’s name is used as “one of the tools in the domestic political struggle of the United States.”

But the debate was a top news item in Poland on Wednesday, where the media praised Harris' performance. Journalist Jacek Nizinkiewicz called the debate “a very strong and unambiguous signal for Ukraine and Polish security” in a opinion piece in a leading newspaper, Rzeczpospolita.

Back in Pennsylvania, a crucial swing state, some of the Americans of Polish descent whom Harris sought to reach were also mulling the debate.

• At Lucky’s Kielbasi Shop in Shenandoah — in a region whose coal mines drew waves of Polish immigrants more than a century ago - opinion was split.

• “I didn’t like what she said. I don’t think that’s true,” said Cecilia Heffron, 82, who supports Trump. “I know if Trump gets in, we wouldn’t have a war.”

• But her friend Lorraine McDonald, a Harris supporter, said the vice president's statement got her attention and she believes Putin would invade Poland if given the chance.

• “If Putin gets a hold of Ukraine, and it’s OK, he’s going for the rest. … He’s not going to stop there,” she said.

• In Warsaw, Andrzej Nowak, 67, offered the same analysis.

• “It’s important for Poland that Ukraine wins," Nowak said. “Because there is no telling what this madman will come up with.”


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aa578c No.221290

File: df460fe61e0a938⋯.png (199.58 KB,414x724,207:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584580 (131930ZSEP24) Notable: Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in Debate

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Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in Tonight's Debate

Dr. Phil's guests bring the receipts.

1. “There was clearly a bias against Trump in their faces.”

2. Scott Rouse observed that Trump’s microphone was louder, making him appear aggressive.

3. Trump was “fact-checked” by moderators during his responses, while Harris's statements were left largely unchallenged.

4. Moderators frequently spoke over Trump as he tried to complete his answers.

5. Greg Hartley noticed that Trump received more questions with a negative framing, while Harris was given more neutral or "softball" questions. Overall, he called the moderators' treatment of Trump “a little heavy-handed at times.”

Full Video: https://www.meritplus.com/m/Sj9bS3xp/dr-phils-post-debate-town-hall-dr-phil-primetime?r=l1QuTnvn&play=1

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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aa578c No.221291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584592 (131932ZSEP24) Notable: KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

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Reporter: You refer to yourself as a proud Haitian-American. Do you take this personally when the community is a target of attack as it is at the moment in Springfield?

Jean-Pierre: I take it personally when any community, any vulnerable community, is attacked. Not just a community that I belong to, and proudly belong to, but any community, any vulnerable community that is attacked, wrongfully so, in a hateful way, one of the things that I am proud about in being part of this administration is that we condemn that type of stuff..

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aa578c No.221292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584624 (131936ZSEP24) Notable: RI DHS supervisor, daughter accused in $191K SNAP benefits fraud scheme

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DHS supervisor, daughter accused in $191K SNAP benefits fraud scheme

A supervisor at the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) was arrested for allegedly committing benefits fraud, U.S. Attorney Zachary A. Cunha announced Tuesday. 12 News Reporter Alex Torres-Perez has the story.


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aa578c No.221293

File: d4893bad584bbef⋯.png (406.94 KB,525x294,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584632 (131937ZSEP24) Notable: Russia, Russia, Russia be Trolling, Trolling, Trolling.

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13 Sep, 2024 17:02

RT reveals ‘secret’ behind its operations to CNN

The Russian broadcaster has been doing the KGB’s bidding all along, its press office has joked

RT has been operating out of “KGB headquarters all this time,” the network joked on Friday, in response to a CNN report claiming that the US government is preparing to accuse it of espionage and “influence operations.”

According to the American broadcaster, theUS State Department is set to release “declassified US intelligence findings” suggesting that the Russian government has “quietly embedded an intelligence-gathering unit within RT that is focused on influence operations globally,” with this unit’s activities going “beyond propaganda and covert influence operations to even include military procurement.”

Approached for comment by CNN, RT’s press office quipped: “We’ve been broadcasting straight out of the KGB headquarters all this time.”

“No, but seriously, we’re running out of popcorn to sit and watch what the US government will come up with next about us,”the response continued, before linking to a video containing “more details about how RT operates.”

Originally released in 2015, the video depicts RT’screative director as a bear, its office cleaning ladies taking their orders “directly from the Kremlin,” and its foreign staffers chained up in a basement eating rations of McDonald’s hamburgers, delivered by Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan clad in a Red Army uniform.

CNN’s report comes just over a week after the US Justice Department indicted two individuals it identified as RT employees with alleged conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The two were accused of paying American content creators to produce videos aimed at amplifying “domestic divisions in the United States.”

The Justice Department claimed that the two suspects – named as Kostiantyn Kalashnikov, and Elena Afanasyeva – broke the law by not registering as foreign agents, and that paying for this content violated Washington’s economic sanctions on Moscow.However, the charges will likely never be contested in an American courtroom, as the two suspects are based in Moscow, and the US has no extradition treaty with Russia.

Shortly after the indictments were announced, Simonyan accusedUS officials and law enforcement agents of having no “other strategies except to scaremonger about the almighty RT.”

US intelligence agencies have issued sensationalist reports about RT before. Back in 2017, the US Department of Justice forced RT America to register as a foreign agent, after a number ofoutfits claimed that RT had helped to elect Donald Trump by publishing “negative coverage” of Hillary Clinton and criticizing the US’ “corrupt political establishment” in America.

According to CNN, the US will shortly unveil measures “making it much more difficult for RT to operate globally.” American officials will use the upcoming UN General Assembly “to try and build a coalition of countries to take on this challenge,” the report noted.

(Another Russia, Russia, Russia, at Russia😊 Bring out the popcorn)


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aa578c No.221294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584634 (131937ZSEP24) Notable: KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

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Jean-Pierre: We recognize that this nation would not exist without the blood, sweat and tears, without the determination, dreams, and contributions, of black Americans.

[it absolutely would exist]

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aa578c No.221295

File: 58d5ba68b5df8f2⋯.jpeg (105.85 KB,1170x487,1170:487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584636 (131937ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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aa578c No.221296

File: 5d9ab4d2ba95ee9⋯.png (685.89 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584647 (131939ZSEP24) Notable: Scott Pressler brings fair and balanced back to schooling

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Hey, @penn_state

Why is this pro-Harris advertisement in a PSU dormitory lobby?

If THIS is allowed, then surely a pro-Trump one is welcome, too.

We will be delivering one shortly.

CC: @PennStateAlums


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aa578c No.221297

File: 27b10bd64f688d2⋯.png (137.01 KB,431x705,431:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584654 (131941ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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>POTUS Truth


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/22/2019 11:57:58 ID: 3ef0f3

8chan/qresearch: 5326235

Anonymous 02/22/2019 11:32:47 ID:becfca

8chan/qresearch: 5325789


Memes and Hashtag.

Powerful weapons in the age of information War.

Image Name: Dt1aJIUVYAA0eF0.jpg

Filename: 683ded5a4b8250986614f06b6cccfd93a32eacc9a9b26b16f83bbc3e4b1cf198.jpg

>>>/qresearch/5325789 (/pb)

Impossible to defend.

Vietnam trip coming.

Enjoy the show!


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aa578c No.221298

File: 7884f8c44851010⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584658 (131941ZSEP24) Notable: Gay Influencer Speaks Out After Attending Kamala Harris Rally

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Gay Influencer Speaks Out After Attending Kamala Harris Rally

“I'm gonna tell you this. I just saw her at her rally just now. She's literally, she's antagonizing any Trump voter. She's the nastiest b*tch I've ever, ever just had to listen to in my life.

I'm gonna tell you that this is my line in the sand. If you support Kamala Harris, I want nothing to f*cking do with you ever.

- I don't want you to step foot in my house

- I don't want you to talk to anybody that I know

- I don't want you to touch me

- I don't want you to shake my hand

- I don't want a gift from you

- I don't want you here on holidays

- I don't wanna see you passing in the street

- I don't wanna have a conversation with you

- I don't wanna debate with you

- I don't wanna share anything with you, Not even the same oxygen as you.

I hate you as much as I hate her, and I'm sorry that's where I'm at right now. So, um, I I've I'm just she's disgusting. She's a pig.

She's disgusting. So, um, the words that I used in my last video were better, but Jimmy was like, you probably don't wanna post that. So I don't wanna ever have anything to do with you if you support her. Okay, Thank you.

Have a good day.”


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aa578c No.221299

File: 9458b3349db4ec8⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584668 (131944ZSEP24) Notable: Music To Not Eat Pets By

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aa578c No.221300

File: 0704d965f9357bb⋯.png (309.62 KB,532x391,532:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584671 (131945ZSEP24) Notable: Anons Please Support The Watkins Project and #8KUN QR [DONATE LINK ABOVE] tyvm

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I've lost track of how many days it has been since the donation button has gone up. So far we've only pulled in about $12k of what was needed for the last three month's costs. I know there are about 1600 visits per day; this means each anon is giving on average of $2.50, when in actually the site needs at least $6.25, so our performance is kind of shitty.

If you want to be a freeloader, please in the very least repost the below links and request for donation on social media. Poorfags should still try and dig deep for the $5 monthly, but hey, he'll accept whatever you send. Workfags should pony up and give more. If you're a silver stacker or gold stacker, heck send that too.

Once this place is gone there are no other places with communities this size that have free truly speech and endchan does not have the resources to support us, they will only be able to support a small fraction. This means we will have to go back to 4chan that with its CIA bribed jannies and x.com with its shadowbanning. Our role in continuing the mission becomes difficult. Be sure to download and save offline anything which is vitally important.

Anonymous money orders are popular, but there are many ways you can give, including proto $5 / $10 / $50 / $100 / $200 tiers, checks, buying swag and the ever famous cash in an envelope (do not send cash through fedex).

Please Support The Watkins Project #8KUN [DONATE LINK ABOVE]

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkins/

Bookmark Watkins Report: https://watkinsreport.com/

Advertise Here: ads@isitwetyet.com

Donate Bitcoin: 1KiJD44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 current address

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

- https://shop.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

- https://www.p2pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

- https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (covfefe)

ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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aa578c No.221301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584680 (131947ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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Jim also tweeted the word Pound today.

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aa578c No.221302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584703 (131953ZSEP24) Notable: Microsoft Lays Off 650 Employees from Xbox Division

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Microsoft Lays Off 650 Employees from Xbox Division

Woke tech giant Microsoft has announced a round of layoffs affecting 650 employees within its Xbox gaming unit, marking the third gaming-related layoff since the company’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard for $69 billion.

CNBC reports that in a memo sent to employees on Thursday, Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Gaming, revealed that the company had made the “difficult” decision to cut 650 roles at its Xbox division. The layoffs primarily affect corporate and supporting functions, as Microsoft aims to align its post-acquisition team structure and position the business for long-term success.


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aa578c No.221303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584719 (131957ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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'Finland Won't Attack Russia': NATO Nation Rushes To Clarify After Putin Warns West

Finland Army has issued a clarification amid claims that the NATO nation's territory was used by Ukraine to launch drones towards Russia's Murmansk region. The General staff of Finland armed forces claimed that the Finnish territory was not part of any attack on Russia and won't be in future too. The developments come as Vladimir Putin warned the West of big war if it permits Ukraine to use its long-range weapons to strike Russia.


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aa578c No.221304

File: e4efacfcacd8a33⋯.png (14.7 KB,544x123,544:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 855b492babf315a⋯.png (506.31 KB,597x648,199:216,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c4cf4cb0fbd3bb⋯.png (120.75 KB,284x344,71:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584724 (131958ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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HAITI emphasis again.

"Everyone knows, of course, Hillary's belief that it takes a village, which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she's taken…a number of them"

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aa578c No.221305

File: 8b4a7eadbcfde3d⋯.png (111.61 KB,743x607,743:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584752 (132003ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Department Indictments Charges Convictions

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Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia, Co-Founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Arraigned in Brooklyn on International Drug Charges


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aa578c No.221306

File: f757c88cb4673f6⋯.mp4 (14.49 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584761 (132005ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk it's happening. it's not racist to say it's happening

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Elon Musk


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aa578c No.221307

File: b19bfa89d41f8cf⋯.png (122.95 KB,998x535,998:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584769 (132007ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Department Indictments Charges Convictions

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Walgreens Agrees to Pay $106.8M to Resolve Allegations It Billed the Government for Prescriptions Never Dispensed


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aa578c No.221308

File: 9a771061903bbc6⋯.png (45.01 KB,677x175,677:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584801 (132013ZSEP24) Notable: Netherlands to declare state of emergency amid illegal migrant crisis and will ask for opt-out

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JUST IN - Netherlands to declare state of emergency amid illegal migrant crisis and will ask for opt-out from EU migration policy.

1:45 PM · Sep 13, 2024

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aa578c No.221309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584828 (132020ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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In Chess, # = Checkmate

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aa578c No.221310

File: 8bfcb46bb5f180b⋯.png (28.98 KB,602x263,602:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584853 (132025ZSEP24) Notable: ILLEGAL VOTE FRAUD and Irregularities from around the country

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Maricopa County Admits NO Chain Of Custody Documents For Nov 8, 2022 Election From The 223 Voting Centers


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aa578c No.221311

File: 8b3da38e034a7c0⋯.png (374.33 KB,481x695,481:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584856 (132027ZSEP24) Notable: Australia seizes on recent knife attacks to revive its paused misinformation bill

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Australia seizes on recent knife attacks to revive its paused misinformation bill, despite free speech concerns.

The Australian government is seeking to exploit two recent knife attacks to relaunch its misinformation bill after it was put on ice late last year over free speech concerns.

From X:

Australia’s misinformation bill has been reintroduced to parliament. The bill is fundamentally flawed because it is built on the industry code co-written by First Draft, participants in the Aspen Institute’s Hunter Biden laptop suppression exercise:

The Australian labour government is pushing a bill to destroy social media companies that fail to censor content it doesn’t like.

The “bill would allow the Australian Media and Communications Alliance (ACMA) to levy fines of up to… five percent of a company’s global turnover if they deem a [social media] platform has taken insufficient steps to remove “disinformation.””



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aa578c No.221312

File: eb62a4e51b66547⋯.png (140.33 KB,684x400,171:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584861 (132028ZSEP24) Notable: ILLEGAL VOTE FRAUD and Irregularities from around the country

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Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈


The Ohio Secretary of State announced that the state's Election Integrity Unit uncovered the use of illegal voter registration forms by a government agency aimed at Haitians in Clark County, where Springfield is




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aa578c No.221313

File: 38ca4631cebd25a⋯.png (254.13 KB,438x245,438:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584871 (132031ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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13 Sep, 2024 14:50

Russia warns NATO of ‘direct war’ over Ukraine

Moscow’s envoy to the UN has reiterated where the Kremlin’s red line is

Granting Kiev permission to use Western-supplied long-range weapons would constitute direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict by NATO, Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, has said.

Moscow will treat any such attack as coming from the US and its allies directly, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday,explaining that long-range weapons rely on Western intelligence and targeting solutions, neither of which Ukraine is capable of.

NATO countries would “start an open war” with Russia if they allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons, Nebenzia told the UN Security Council on Friday.

“If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia,”Moscow’s envoy said. “In that case, we will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for Western aggressors.”

“Our Western colleagues will not be able to dodge responsibility and blame Kiev for everything,” Nebenzia added. “Only NATO troops can program the flight solutions for those missile systems. Ukraine doesn’t have that capability. This is not about allowing Kiev to strike Russia with long-range weapons, but about the West making the targeting decisions.”

Russia considers it irrelevant that Ukrainian nationalists would technically be the ones pulling the trigger, Nebenzia explained.“NATO would become directly involved in military action against a nuclear power. I don’t think I have to explain what consequences that would have,”he said.

The US and its allies placed some restrictions on the use of their weapons, so they could claim not to be directly involved in the conflict with Russia, while arming Ukraine to the tune of $200 billion.

Multiple Western outlets have reported that the limitations might be lifted this week, as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy visited Kiev. Russia has repeatedly warned the West against such a course of action.


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aa578c No.221314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584875 (132032ZSEP24) Notable: Hochul Subpoenaed For Failing To Release Nursing Home Death Documents

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Gov. Kathy Hochul Subpoenaed For Failing To Release Nursing Home Death Documents

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, issued a subpoena on Tuesday to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, demanding the release of key documents related to nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. The records are part of an ongoing investigation into former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s policies, which are believed to have worsened the death toll among the elderly.

The House subcommittee originally requested these documents in November 2023. Despite Hochul’s promises of transparency, her administration has delayed providing the records, drawing criticism from the committee. The requested materials relate to Cuomo’s decision to place COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, a move that has been blamed for thousands of avoidable deaths.

Wenstrup’s subpoena highlighted specific documents that have been withheld, including a series of emails from April and May 2020. These emails, titled “Draft Nursing Home Plan,” are expected to provide insight into how Cuomo’s administration developed its policies. Additionally, the committee is seeking information regarding a directive from May 2020 that required nursing home residents to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test before being admitted.

The executive chamber has acknowledged withholding some documents, which has hindered the investigation. Many of the materials turned over to the subcommittee were incomplete or heavily redacted, raising concerns about the transparency of Hochul’s administration.

The subpoena represents the House committee’s ongoing effort to hold Cuomo and Hochul accountable for their roles in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. As the investigation intensifies, the focus remains on ensuring transparency and justice for the families of those who died in New York’s nursing homes.


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aa578c No.221315

File: cd6a4fe706b5bf9⋯.png (484.55 KB,680x466,340:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 5564063c945a06d⋯.png (154.7 KB,491x633,491:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584892 (132035ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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I do.

Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.

The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as an offshore proxy, outside the scope of US oversight.

It began with the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991, and then carried on into 2005, when then Senators Obama and Lugar visited Ukraine, to inspect the former Soviet bio, chemical, and nuclear facilities (pictured below), and then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.

Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets, including the infamous leaked phone call between her and fellow State Department bureaucrat Geoffrey Pyatt, about ensuring “their guy” Yatsenuik, was installed as Prime Minister. The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.

Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO. This was a red line for Putin, as he has said for decades. Russia have been invaded from the West too many times before, and will not tolerate a hostile standing army and long-range missiles on their border. Just like the US didn’t like it when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba in the 60’s, Russia doesn’t like the US trying to bring armies and weapons to Ukraine.

Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.

If the public knew the truth about the origins of US involvement in Ukraine, they would NEVER have supported sending a single penny to Ukraine. The narrative that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 “unprovoked”, is war propaganda to make it appear Ukraine are the righteous defenders in order to garner your support, when in reality, The US started this conflict, they are the ones who brought war to Putin’s doorstep, and the US are the ones perpetuating the war by continuing to fund and supply Ukraine.

Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weap

ons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.

The Cold War never truly ended.

2:44 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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aa578c No.221316

File: f3a8f1939946606⋯.mp4 (841.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584897 (132037ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris supporters break into chants of "We're not eating cats"

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The power of the meme.

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aa578c No.221317

File: 4e668cefa748f46⋯.png (391.35 KB,1080x1622,540:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584966 (132052ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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Replying to @realDonaldTrump



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aa578c No.221318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21584973 (132053ZSEP24) Notable: Music To Not Eat Pets By

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stop it, just stop it, this will win the election for trump, it will never end, kek

They're Eating The Cats!


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aa578c No.221319

File: 13797d04b47459f⋯.png (560.59 KB,438x489,146:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585036 (132104ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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12 Sep, 2024 14:09

Everything is going to plan – Zelensky

The Ukrainian leader has claimed the loss of territory in Kursk Region is part of his strategy to defeat Russia

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has downplayed the Russian counteroffensive in Kursk Region, claiming that what is taking place is consistent with Kiev’s military planning.The Russian Defense Ministry recently listed ten settlements in Kursk that it said Russian troops had liberated over the two previous days. It also estimatedtotal Ukrainian casualties suffered in the incursion at over 12,500 troops.

Zelensky, who recently told the media that Kiev intended to hold on to the captured land for the foreseeable future, claimed on Thursday thathe was not bothered by the recent setback there.

“The Russians have started counterattack action. Everything goes in accordance with our Ukrainian plan,”he told journalists during a press conference in Kiev. Uncorroborated reports on social media have claimed that Russian airborne troops have successfully pushed Ukrainian soldiers back from the eastern part of a pocket in Kursk that they previously held.

Ukraine sent thousands of troops into the Russian region last month in what was the largest cross-border operation undertaken by Kiev in the ongoing conflict with Russia.Officials in Kiev have offered a number of explanations for the Kursk incursion. The stated aims have included capturing Russian soldiers for prisoner exchanges, instilling fear in Russian society, humiliating President Vladimir Putin, forcing Moscow to redeploy troops from the Donbas front, and seizing Russian territory that could be used as a bargaining chip in eventual peace talks.

The operation is supposedly part of a secret “victory plan” that Zelensky has said he would present to US President Joe Biden. Washington is supposed to provide the military capabilities necessary for it to be achieved, he added. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Kiev on Wednesday. According to the Wall Street Journal, he and his British counterpart David Lammy met with the Ukrainian leadership to discuss “how best to define a Ukrainian victory.”

(There propaganda is not working)


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aa578c No.221320

File: 740e3835bc55ed8⋯.png (42.69 KB,663x320,663:320,Clipboard.png)

File: a02dab06ec4383f⋯.png (87.58 KB,680x744,85:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585038 (132104ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

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Q+ 15:16:17

Q 18:17:19

I'd watch the news that day



IP hash release OK.

Proves same throughout.

We control [utility].

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aa578c No.221321

File: ac5ef981619b529⋯.png (259.67 KB,342x382,171:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 5063fe6b7d14c8f⋯.png (684.64 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585058 (132107ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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12 Sep, 2024 17:00

Ukrainian military keeps Russian civilians in ‘concentration camps’ – report

Some detainees were paraded before foreign journalists, according to a Russian government document seen by RIA Novosti

Ukrainian troops in Russia’s Kursk Regionhave rounded up local civilians and placed them in “something like concentration camps,” RIA Novosti reported on Thursday, citing a Russian Foreign Ministry report.

When Ukrainian forces launched an incursion into Kursk Region last month, thousands of civilians were evacuated or themselves fled deeper into the Russian heartland.Some however, including elderly people and those with disabilities, were unable to leave, and their settlements fell under Ukrainian control. According to a new report seen by RIA Novosti,those left behind were subjected to detention methods synonymous with World War II.

“In a number of territories controlled by militants, something like ‘concentration camps’ were created, which civilians who did not want or were unable to leave the territory captured by the enemy were forcibly driven into,” the report said, according to RIA Novosti.These claims were based on eyewitness accounts collected by the Russian Red Cross in Kursk.

Of those detained,between 70 and 100 were taken to a school in Sudzha, where some of the fiercest fighting took place. Once there, they were subjected to psychological abuse and presented to foreign journalists, RIA Novosti claimed.

“These journalists not only illegally violated the border of the Russian Federation, they did so as part of the paramilitary punitive units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the report said.“Their goal is the deliberate distortion of real events – the creation of a favorable media background for the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk Region and the concealment of information about terrorist crimes against civilians.”

Russian authorities have already filed criminal charges against Italian and American reporters who entered Kursk with Ukrainian troops and interviewed civilians in Sudzha.

Ukrainian commanders ordered the Kursk incursion in an attempt to force Russia to pull troops from the front line near Donetsk, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Colonel General Aleksandr Syrsky, said last month. However,Syrsky said the gamble had not paid off, and that Russian forces had since doubled their efforts in Donetsk and captured multiple settlements previously held by Ukrainian forces.

The Ukrainian advance in Kursk was quickly stopped. After several weeks of attacks from Russian ground and air forces, Ukraine has lost more than 12,500 service members, 101 tanks, and hundreds of armored vehicles, according to the latest figures from the Russian Defense Ministry.

In a statement on Thursday, the ministry said Russian forces had liberated ten villages near the Ukrainian border in the previous 48 hours, and repelled several counterattacks. Despite suffering massive casualties and failing to relieve pressure on the Donetsk front, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky claimed on Thursday that “everything is going in accordance with our Ukrainian plan” to defeat Russia.


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aa578c No.221322

File: 9e03ec307deae11⋯.png (124.6 KB,438x245,438:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585106 (132115ZSEP24) Notable: Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

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12 Sep, 2024 11:53

Zelensky accuses (and Whines again Loudly) Brazil and China of colluding with Russia

The two countries had previously called for an international peace conference involving both Moscow and Kiev

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has criticized China and Brazil for “taking Russia’s side” by proposing peace initiatives without first consulting Kiev. (If you weren’t such an asshole, it may not seem like that)

Back in May, the two nations jointly issued a six-point plan for settling the Ukraine conflict, emphasizing “dialogue and negotiation” as the only “viable way out of the crisis.” They have also called for a new international conference on Ukraine amenable to both Moscow and Kiev.

A previous conference on the conflict was held in Switzerland this summer, though without representatives from Russia and focused solely on Zelensky’s “peace formula,” which Moscow has outright rejected.

Speaking to news outlet Metropoles on Wednesday, Zelensky called the Chinese-Brazilian proposal “destructive,” dismissing it as a “political statement.” He claimed that he has since spoken with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and also approached Beijing to discuss resolving the conflict.

“Why did you suddenly decide that you should take Russia’s side or be somewhere in the middle? How can you offer ‘here is our initiative’ without asking us anything?”Zelensky asked, suggesting that at the same time, Beijing and Brasilia had discussed the initiative with Russia.

“We are not fools,” Zelensky insisted. (OH Really?)

Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated during a meeting with Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu on Tuesday that Beijing would continue to promote an imminent ceasefire and political settlement.

“China has always maintained an objective and impartial attitude towards the Ukrainian issue and will continue to work to promote balanced, objective and rational voices in the international community, so as to build more international consensus and accumulate the necessary conditions for an early ceasefire and a political settlement of the crisis,” Wang said.

Moscow has welcomed China’s and Brazil’s peace proposals and expressed appreciation that they have received international backing. However, at the same time, Russian officials have repeatedly cast doubt on the sincerity of Ukraine’s willingness to hold such talks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated last week that the West intends to make Kiev “fight to the last Ukrainian” with the goal of inflicting “a strategic defeat” on Moscow.


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aa578c No.221323

File: c325f854d445917⋯.png (354.91 KB,645x361,645:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585132 (132120ZSEP24) Notable: French court fines women for calling Macron’s wife a man

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12 Sep, 2024 14:46

French court fines women for calling Macron’s wife a man

One claimed that a prominent lawyer has evidence that Brigitte Macron underwent a sex change

A court in Paris has fined two women and ordered them to pay €8,000 ($8,800) in damages to the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, for claiming that she was born a man.

The rumors began in 2021, when self-proclaimed ‘spiritual medium’ Amandine Roy interviewed independent journalist Natacha Rey, who claimed that Brigitte Macron was born a man named Jean-Michel Trogneux.

Video clips of the interview circulated online, and by that December the hashtag #JeanMichelTrogneux was drawing national attention.

Mrs. Macron, whose maiden name is Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux, sued the two women the following year, accusing them of defamation and violating her privacy.

Roy and Rey were given suspended fines of €500 on Thursday and ordered to pay €8,000 in compensation to Mrs. Macron. They were also ordered to pay €5,000 to her brother, the actual Jean-Michel Trogneux.

During her interview with Roy, Rey claimed that she had spent three years researching Brigitte Macron’s supposed secret, and that evidence of her gender transition was kept in “a sealed envelope deposited with a lawyer whose name is well known.” This information would be made public if France introduced compulsory Covid-19 vaccination, Rey asserted.

“The worst thing” about such “false information and fabricated scenarios,” President Emmanuel Macron told reporters last year, is that “people end up believing them.”

Emmanuel Macron has previously faced questions about his relationship with his wife, who is 24 years his senior and his former teacher. The French president fended off accusations of homosexuality while on the campaign trail in 2017, calling them “first and foremost unpleasant for Brigitte.”

(Don’t ever visit France, it’s go full totalitarian. She is a male)


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aa578c No.221324

File: ba2cc8a2d3f135a⋯.jpeg (298.32 KB,1130x1130,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585165 (132124ZSEP24) Notable: #26439

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#26439 >>221253


>>221264 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

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>>221254, >>221303, >>221313, >>221319, >>221321, >>221315, >>221322 Russia Informs UN Security Council 'Direct War' With NATO Assured fafo

>>221255, >>221277 Two Springfield schools are evacuated as Ohio town bomb threat

>>221256 ABC denies extraordinary allegation about collusion between Kamala Harris and debate

>>221257 The MEMEs are working! Keep them coming anons!

>>221258 Natalie Winters Georgia Election Monitor Funded By China, Soros, Pfizer, & UN

>>221259 Israel Inserted Elite Commandos Into Syria, Blew Up Secret Missile Base

>>221260 Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Will NEVER Silence Us"

>>221261 Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

>>221262, >>221310, >>221312 ILLEGAL VOTE FRAUD and Irregularities from around the country

>>221263 U.S. Coast Guard seizes over 1,200 pounds of cocaine from "narco sub"

>>221265, >>221316 Kamala Harris supporters break into chants of "We're not eating cats"

>>221266, >>221268, >>221271 NASA Related SPACE NEWS

>>221267 The State Department has been funding US fact checking since 2015

>>221269 Massie Blows the Lid Off of Democrat and Republican Uni-Party Games

>>221270 Instagram, Snapchat Fuel Fentanyl Deaths Among Youth

>>221273, >>221280 Erik Prince Warns Of The Muslim Brotherhood And Other Factions Destroying America

>>221275, >>221276 One person's debunked is another cat's confirmed

>>221279 The Department of Government Efficiency is the only path to extending life beyond Earth

>>221281 Biden renews COG Emergency Powers Proclamation on September 9th

>>221282 Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun: “Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost!"

>>221284 While avowing support for Israel, Trump and Harris avoid calling themselves ‘Zionists’

>>221285 UK's Starmer, Canada's Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia

>>221287, >>221299, >>221318 Music To Not Eat Pets By

>>221288, >>221289 Harris suggests that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war

>>221290 Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in Debate

>>221275, >>221278, >>221283,>>221286, >>221291, >>221294 KJP presser "mass deportation… doesn't make any sense"

>>221292 RI DHS supervisor, daughter accused in $191K SNAP benefits fraud scheme

>>221293 Russia, Russia, Russia be Trolling, Trolling, Trolling.

>>221295, >>221297, >>221301, >>221304, >>221309, >>221317, >>221320 TRUMP TRUTH # Memes and Hashtag. The Pound.

>>221296 Scott Pressler brings fair and balanced back to schooling

>>221298 Gay Influencer Speaks Out After Attending Kamala Harris Rally

>>221300 Anons Please Support The Watkins Project and #8KUN QR [DONATE LINK ABOVE] tyvm

>>221302 Microsoft Lays Off 650 Employees from Xbox Division

>>221305, >>221307 Justice Department Indictments Charges Convictions

>>221306 @elonmusk it's happening. it's not racist to say it's happening

>>221308 Netherlands to declare state of emergency amid illegal migrant crisis and will ask for opt-out

>>221311 Australia seizes on recent knife attacks to revive its paused misinformation bill

>>221314 Hochul Subpoenaed For Failing To Release Nursing Home Death Documents

>>221323 French court fines women for calling Macron’s wife a man

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aa578c No.221326

File: ec0cf2ce6039c42⋯.png (335.89 KB,500x405,100:81,Clipboard.png)

File: ac25db5fe3c8408⋯.png (594.94 KB,500x625,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 7756a2039518102⋯.png (1.33 MB,782x850,23:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585180 (132125ZSEP24) Notable: #26440

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fresh Dough


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aa578c No.221327

File: 494dae771fac6f2⋯.png (227.86 KB,438x245,438:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585205 (132129ZSEP24) Notable: Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

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13 Sep, 2024 20:54

Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

Catholics must choose the “lesser evil” between the pro-abortion Harris and the anti-migrant Trump, the pontiff has said

US Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are both “against life,” and Catholic voters should choose the “lesser evil,” Pope Francis told reporters on Friday.

Speaking to reporters while returning to Rome from Singapore, the pontiff said that “not voting is ugly,” and that the faithful “must vote.”

“You must choose the lesser evil,” he elaborated. “Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know.(So why comment?)

Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one that kills children, both are against life.” (When you stop being the evil Pope and embracing God and Jesus the Christ,people may be interested in what you say)

If elected, Trump has promised to close off the US’ southern border and lead “the largest deportation operation in American history.” Harris has vowed to sign a law guaranteeing the same access to abortion as under Roe v. Wade, a landmark Supreme Court decision that was overturned in 2022.

Roe v. Wade protected a woman’s right to seek an abortion, but certain restrictions on this right – for instance, bans on abortion past the second trimester of pregnancy – were set out in subsequent legislation. Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, signed a bill in 2023 allowing abortions to be performed up to the moment of birth.

“To send migrants away, to leave them wherever you want, to leave them … it’s something terrible, there is evil there. To send away a child from the womb of the mother is an assassination, because there is life. We must speak about these things clearly,” Pope Francis told reporters on Friday.

The pontiff has consistently opposed abortion, in line with Catholic teaching. However, he has allowed priests to forgive abortions, and urged bishops not to deny communion to politicians who support the practice.

He has also taken a more liberal stance on immigration-related issues than his predecessors. During the 2016 presidential election, he criticized Trump’s proposal to wall off the US/Mexico border as “not Christian,” and in 2019 the Vatican donated $500,000 to 75,000 Central American migrants attempting to reach the US via Mexico.


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aa578c No.221328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585209 (132130ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, to hold a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, September 13, at 10:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 3:30 p.m. ET.


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aa578c No.221329

File: db0289cb4917ce9⋯.png (711.12 KB,812x641,812:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 83e8e2bcc24f019⋯.mp4 (880.68 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585283 (132146ZSEP24) Notable: Papi Trumpo - A WARM KAMALA WELCOME

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aa578c No.221330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585300 (132150ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)



WarRoom Live



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aa578c No.221331

File: 68956422405c1b3⋯.png (157.91 KB,1268x746,634:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585302 (132150ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH - NASDAQ & SEC Trump may move DJT to NYSE

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aa578c No.221332

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585310 (132153ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

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This on the ground live feed, shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally



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aa578c No.221333

File: d8c64567ec58bb5⋯.png (598.42 KB,823x938,823:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585317 (132154ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

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>LIVE: President Donald J. Trump



September 13 at 9:00 PM

LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


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aa578c No.221334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585332 (132157ZSEP24) Notable: PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

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Ruling against date requirement on ballots is voided by Pennsylvania Supreme Court

The decision could affect thousands of mail voters in November’s election.

By Carter Walker | September 13, 2024, 4:32pm EDT

Pennsylvanians’ mail ballots must have a proper date on their envelopes or they will be rejected, under a decision Friday from the state Supreme Court that could affect thousands of voters this November.The Pennsylvania Supreme Court vacated a Commonwealth Court ruling from Aug. 30 that found the state’s requirement on ballot dating was an unconstitutional violation of voters’ rights.

Republicans who appealed that decision argued to the state Supreme Court last week that plaintiffs failed to include all counties as parties to the case, among other claims. The original suit, brought by the ACLU and Public Interest Law Center on behalf of a coalition of voting rights groups, targeted the Department of State, Allegheny County, and Philadelphia.

The Supreme Court ruled on jurisdictional grounds, not on the merits of the underlying claim, meaning this argument could be made again.

“The Commonwealth Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter given the failure to name the county boards of elections of all 67 counties,” the court wrote in its order Friday afternoon. The inclusion of Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt as a named party was not enough to give the Commonwealth Court jurisdiction in the case, the order said.

Earlier this summer, a coalition of civil rights groups represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, among others, brought the case challenging the dating requirement under the free and equal elections clause of the state Constitution.

It is the latest of several challenges to the dating requirement since the state implemented its mail voting law, Act 77, in 2020. Act 77 required voters to sign and date the outer return envelope of their mail ballots, and return the ballot in a secrecy envelope, in order for them to be counted.

Federal judges have gone back and forth over whether enforcing the requirement violated federal voting law. The current case is the first to directly challenge this requirement under the state constitution.

The free and equal election clause says that “elections shall be free and equal; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.” The ACLU and Public Interest Law Center argued on behalf of the voting rights groups that the dating requirement violated this provision.

In August, a majority of a five-member panel of Commonwealth Court judges agreed with them.

“The refusal to count undated or incorrectly dated but timely mail ballots submitted by otherwise eligible voters because of meaningless and inconsequential paperwork errors violates the fundamental right to vote recognized in the free and equal elections clause,” Judge Ellen Ceisler wrote for the 4-1 majority.

Adam Bonin, a Philadelphia-based election lawyer who was not part of this case but has been involved in other lawsuits challenging the dating requirement, said this means that, barring another ruling, voters will need to write a date on their ballot return envelope in order for the ballot to be counted.

Thousands of ballots are rejected each election for dating issues. During the April primary, counties rejected roughly 8,500 ballots, or 1.22% of those returned, for lacking a signature, date, or being returned without a secrecy envelope, according to an analysis of Pennsylvania Department of State data. More than 4,400 of those were rejected for dating issues.

Bonin noted that the NAACP’s challenge to the requirement under federal law could be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and he is also representing clients challenging the requirement in a separate case.

“This is a huge win to protect the vote in Pennsylvania that will protect commonsense mail ballot safeguards and help voters cast their ballots with confidence. The Keystone State will be absolutely critical in this election, and the Supreme Court has decided a major victory for election integrity,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement.

The ACLU and Pennsylvania Department of State did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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aa578c No.221335

File: 746633f3adda173⋯.png (710.26 KB,596x827,596:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585361 (132203ZSEP24) Notable: PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

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BREAKING: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just OVERRULED the Commonwealth Court, saying it didn't have jurisdiction to decide to mandate the counting of undated or misdated mail-in ballots. This means those mail-in ballots CANNOT be counted in the 2024 election

"The order of the Commonwealth Court is VACATED. The Commonwealth Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter given the failure to name the county boards of elections of all 67 counties, and because the joinder of Al Schmidt, in his official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, did not suffice to invoke the Commonwealth Court's original jurisdiction."

I am pleasantly SHOCKED and HAPPY


9:51 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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aa578c No.221336

File: 4ad77e7897f63a4⋯.png (30.63 KB,593x473,593:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585404 (132211ZSEP24) Notable: PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

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PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

If Trump wins PA, he’ll win the White House

This decision boosted his chances by a lot


James Blair




🚨BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court just overturned a lower court and ruled that counting undated mail ballots is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Huge Election Integrity Win!

There’s a new version of this post

9:58 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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aa578c No.221337

File: f9366a291a7c778⋯.png (128.11 KB,441x528,147:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585408 (132212ZSEP24) Notable: Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.

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NEW - Zuckerberg's Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221338

File: 27cecb0ca529c9b⋯.png (439.03 KB,821x645,821:645,Clipboard.png)

File: b8d4c823959a72a⋯.mp4 (749.61 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585418 (132214ZSEP24) Notable: il Trumpo posts READY TO ROCK!!!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221339

File: a75ac075e6fb63c⋯.png (133.74 KB,1093x924,1093:924,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585426 (132215ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Department

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Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia, Co-Founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Arraigned in Brooklyn on International Drug Charges

Defendant Allegedly Led the Sinaloa Cartel with Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera for Decades and Continued for Years Since El Chapo’s Arrest

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia, 76, a citizen of Mexico, was arraigned this morning in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, on 17 counts related to drug trafficking, firearms offenses, and money laundering.This fifth superseding indictment relates to El Mayo’s decades-long leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world and conspiracy to manufacture and distribute fentanyl. El Mayo was previously charged with running a continuing criminal enterprise, as well as murder conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana manufacture and distribution conspiracy, as well as other drug-related crimes.

El Mayo was ordered detained pending trial and was transferred yesterday to the Eastern District of New York from the Western District of Texas, following his arrest in New Mexico on July 25.

“El Mayo, the co-founder and leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, has been charged with overseeing a multi-billion-dollar conspiracy to flood American communities with narcotics, including deadly fentanyl,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “We allege that El Mayo built, and for decades led, the Sinaloa Cartel’s network of manufacturers, assassins, traffickers, and money launderers responsible for kidnapping and murdering people in both the United States and Mexico, and importing lethal quantities of fentanyl, heroin, meth, and cocaine into the United States. Now, El Mayo joins the many other Sinaloa Cartel leaders who have faced charges in an American courtroom for the immeasurable harm they have inflicted on families and communities across our country.”

“For years, Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada Garcia and the Sinaloa Cartel he led manufactured illicit fentanyl and peddled it across our country, profiting off of the pain of countless American communities,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “Thanks to the dedicated work of brave Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Agents and their federal partners, the United States is disrupting and dismantling drug trafficking operations across the world, ensuring Cartel kingpins like Mr. Zambada Garcia are brought to justice, and keeping Americans safe from the scourge of fentanyl.”


17 charges


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aa578c No.221340

File: e18175608537085⋯.png (67.4 KB,441x701,441:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585444 (132219ZSEP24) Notable: MTG - Fani Willis is NOT above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate

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Fani Willis thinks she is above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate today.

Her defiance is absolutely unacceptable. There are very serious questions regarding various potential forms of misconduct.

This investigation is all the more urgent considering her political persecution of the leading candidate for President.

Fani Willis is NOT above the law.



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aa578c No.221341

File: ff201a189491d1e⋯.png (74.72 KB,613x395,613:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585445 (132219ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>She is not to be trusted as her actins are destructive to the campaign.


Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter. I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME! I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -DJT

Sep 13, 2024, 4:48 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221342

File: 3df0d7111e96ca4⋯.png (1.45 MB,960x662,480:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 55f2a9db42e705b⋯.png (931.64 KB,780x775,156:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f275dd28d2a91f⋯.png (1.72 MB,1050x726,175:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585446 (132219ZSEP24) Notable: Crazee Snake Comms

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'Stout' Snake Gets Collected for Nature Survey. Then It Vomits Up Two More Snakes — One Living!

Kelli Bender Thu, September 12, 2024 at 2:40 PM EDT·2 min read

The nonvenomous eastern indigo snake has a diet that includes rattlesnakes and other reptiles.

A plump snake recovered during a nature survey in Georgia had a surprising secret to share.The Wildlife Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GNR) detailed how the "stout" eastern indigo snake shocked researchers in an Aug. 29 Facebook post.

"During a survey for federally protected eastern indigo snakes last November,wildlife technician Matt Moore came across an astonishing find," the agency teased in the post.

"After catching and tagging a stout 4-foot-long indigo in southeast Georgia,Moore discovered that the snake had regurgitated two others: a young rat snake and a juvenile eastern diamond-backed rattlesnake," the social media post continued.

But that's not all!After the indigo snake vomited up its supersized reptile meal, the technician surveying the snakes realizedthe coughed-up rattlesnake was still alive.

"While the rat snake was dead, the rattlesnake, initially thought to be lifeless, showed surprising signs of life an hour later. It was later seen basking in the sun instead of taking shelter in a burrow," GNR's Wildlife Resources Division shared on Facebook.

According to the agency, the indigo snake and the "revived rattlesnake" slithered off into the wild after the survey was complete.

"To top off this remarkable event, the revived rattlesnake had a noticeable bulge, indicating it had recently eaten a large mouse. This unusual episode not only reveals the indigo's impressive hunting abilities but also the rattlesnake's unexpected resilience," GNR's Wildlife Resources Division closed its post.

A rattlesnake that survived being eaten and regurgitated by another snake.

The University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory notes that eastern indigo snakes eat "other snakes, including rattlesnakes and cottonmouths," small mammals, birds, and frogs. The snake species is nonvenomous but does make a rattling sound when threatened.

It is unclear what caused the indigo snake to regurgitate its two snake meal, but GNR'sWildlife Resources Division joked that the feast "must have been a little too 'undercooked.'"

According to GNR, the eastern indigo snake is federally protected. If you encounter one of these shiny bluish-black snakes in the wild, the agency recommends enjoying the reptile from afar and never handling any snake found in the wild.


(There's a lot of snakes in GA, and they aren't all politicians, be aware:)

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aa578c No.221343

File: 64d706e5f0354e1⋯.png (182.21 KB,444x409,444:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585466 (132222ZSEP24) Notable: 🔥 TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

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🔥TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221344

File: ed21771535bf950⋯.png (110.82 KB,819x547,819:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585481 (132224ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

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The boss just dropped on Laura Loomer

Donald J. Trump


Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign. She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter. I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME! I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -DJT

Sep 13, 2024, 5:48 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221345

File: fb00eb1424f0b5e⋯.png (568.43 KB,830x832,415:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 987441dffebbf95⋯.png (2.84 MB,1077x1061,1077:1061,Clipboard.png)

File: d233cee48602b18⋯.png (810.8 KB,609x765,203:255,Clipboard.png)

File: d5cd48e43c1b66e⋯.png (2.83 MB,1077x1061,1077:1061,Clipboard.png)

File: cbe005e01926a1e⋯.png (579.09 KB,942x885,314:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585495 (132227ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

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>Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

Never said she did anon. Defensive much? Don't have to work for the campaign to have your actions be destructive to it.

>>>/qresearch/21583553 past bread

>>>/qresearch/21583771 past bread

Looks shopped. Notice angle of shadows as they fall on the two of them. Draw a line from the bottom of Loomer's earring to it's shadow. Draw a line from the corner of her glasses to it's shadow. Now draw a line from where the bill of Trump's cap where it meets the cap itself to that point's corresponding shadow. They are different angles of sunlight. It's a nice try. But still easily debunked as a photoshop job. Do not Trust Loomer. Attention whore whose actions are harmful.


And it looks like Loomer herself was first to post it! 08.14.2023


Now Drudge doubles down with Loomer created photoshop using red text!

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aa578c No.221346

File: 43d456a6690ecc8⋯.png (35.29 KB,816x280,102:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585500 (132228ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH - A VOTE FOR COMRADE KAMALA HARRIS IS A VOTE TO OBLITERATE ISRAEL

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Donald J. Trump



Sep 13, 2024, 6:24 PM


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aa578c No.221347

File: fbc583067990b25⋯.png (430.31 KB,575x602,575:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585517 (132231ZSEP24) Notable: X office officially leaves Commiefornia.

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Woke mind virus just had a dagger run through its heart.

X officially leaves Commiefornia.

(Just take a step back and remember what the world looked like before Elon bought Twitter, how much censoring and shadowbanning and pushing of clown narrative, and imagine yourself asking whether it would be possible for today to exist. You might have thought probably not)

YUGE win for freedom of speech.


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aa578c No.221348

File: 203d8bdfd052c06⋯.png (50.71 KB,587x340,587:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585532 (132235ZSEP24) Notable: Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison, behind bars awaiting his J6 trial

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


Jeremy Brown was literally the poster boy for US Spec Forces. Now he’s behind bars awaiting his J6 trial. His crime: doing security for a VIP guest at the rally. He hurt no one/never went near the building. Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison.


Oct. 1 - Four Birthdays Behind Bars at the Hands of Weaponized Govt

On Oct. 1, whistleblower & J6 political prisoner Jeremy Brown will spend his fourth birthday (50th) behind bars at the hands of our weaponized government. For his birthday, let's see if we can send…

2:09 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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aa578c No.221349

File: 4de17630d218564⋯.png (61.2 KB,287x791,41:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585557 (132238ZSEP24) Notable: HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

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Seems relevant in today-time:

"Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there."

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aa578c No.221350

File: 346fdfa9fea0726⋯.png (367.35 KB,882x625,882:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585568 (132239ZSEP24) Notable: Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

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Back to Videos

Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

Posted By Tim Hains

On Date September 12, 2024

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221351

File: cdea7e52622d7ed⋯.png (570.24 KB,1919x1013,1919:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 262e9883a9c3add⋯.png (1.91 MB,1600x1086,800:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585652 (132249ZSEP24) Notable: PF

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NASA U-2 has been up today. Flew in, and around, the locations of both Trump appearances today. Coincidence?


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aa578c No.221352

File: 31d17ba296f5329⋯.png (330.77 KB,438x818,219:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585658 (132251ZSEP24) Notable: HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Haiti, Clinton, John Legend…

The story of Haiti goes much deeper than migrants abducting a few pets.

Why are these Democrat politicians and celebrities so nervous about this Haiti thing?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221353

File: 99009d12ea3f7db⋯.png (64.74 KB,822x693,274:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fc48075d8f6985⋯.png (675.27 KB,1041x488,1041:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585681 (132255ZSEP24) Notable: CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

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CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

Alex Christy

September 13th, 2024 2:57 PM

Text to Speech



Font Size

CNN host Chris Wallace joined his colleagues on CNN News Central on Friday to promote his latest episode of HBO Max's Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace with actor Robert De Niro. In both shows, Wallace marveled at De Niro labeling Trump a “gangster” and claimed that the accusation means more coming from him because he has played gangsters in movies.

Wallace also admitted that he did not seek out De Niro, but rather that De Niro sought him out and that he obliged, “Well, what stood out is the fact that, frankly, people come on my show, our shows, because, actors do, because they have something they want to promote. Robert De Niro had nothing he wanted to promote. He just wanted to talk politics and he really wanted to take down Donald Trump. Take a look.”

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aa578c No.221354

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585695 (132257ZSEP24) Notable: HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

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>Haiti, Clinton, John Legend…

>The story of Haiti goes much deeper than migrants abducting a few pets.


Also Karine Jean-Pierre, Gov. Mike DeWine, etc., gotta wonder if they aren't all connected.

Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

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aa578c No.221355

File: 87921e3c242f0af⋯.webp (36.34 KB,700x712,175:178,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585734 (132303ZSEP24) Notable: ABC used lighting techniques to stress DJT during debate

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585785 (132311ZSEP24) Notable: ABC used lighting techniques to stress DJT during debate

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You are faggot for shitty poast quality…





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221357

File: 65740218656ce83⋯.png (346.78 KB,594x622,297:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585795 (132312ZSEP24) Notable: @catturd2 - She really is a commie POS.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Catturd ™


She really is a commie POS.


Square profile picture

Trump War Room




Kamala: "I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the second amendment and your right to own a gun to say that we need an assault weapons ban."

Narrator: It is NOT in fact consistent with your right to own a gun to pass a law banning guns for law abiding citizens.

12:10 PM · Sep 13, 2024




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221358

File: 98d6d7c46a30934⋯.png (320.68 KB,785x943,785:943,Clipboard.png)

File: d7b832610c36107⋯.png (339.97 KB,806x1553,806:1553,Clipboard.png)

File: e51774a82fc017a⋯.png (277.32 KB,769x1254,769:1254,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c03daf637d271⋯.png (281.92 KB,754x1147,754:1147,Clipboard.png)

File: fdfdea033c3d82d⋯.png (220.88 KB,764x1260,191:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585841 (132321ZSEP24) Notable: @America1stLegal FOREIGN COLLUSION TO CENSOR AMERICAN SPEECH

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New docs from litigation against the CDC reveal the Biden-Harris White House hosted the “Counter Disinformation Unit” from the U.K. gov’t in 2021 to learn about their recommendations to censor speech.


/2 As a part of the NSC’s regular interagency meetings on censoring COVID-related speech in the United States, the White House hosted the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) from the U.K. government in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques.

/3 This meeting was attended by high-level staff from:

🚨White House




🚨State Department


🚨Department of Defense

🚨Homeland Security

🚨Health and Human Services


🚨Global Media

🚨Office of the Director of National Intelligence

as well as high-ranking officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force.



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aa578c No.221359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585842 (132321ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

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I personally think all three of them are toxic, I don't care for loomer, but she's an excellent dirt digger and revealing compromised people trying to hurt Trump. I haven't liked MTG since she attacked Republicans for not supporting McCarthy; and Graham is the epitome of a snake in the grass against Trump, plus his political stances are as neocon as it gets.All three of them should go. MTG gets too much money and fame for hanging out. They all have their own plans for fame and fortune. Trump doesn't need this bullshit, and i hope none of them influence Trump's policies.

Laura Loomer Looms Over Trump LandFactionalism is breaking out over her newfound prominence within the ranks.


TWO OF DONALD TRUMP’S top congressional surrogates are pleading with the former president to ostracize right-wing provocateur Laura Loomer from his ranks over incendiary comments she’s made on social media.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) fired off criticisms of Loomer after she was spotted twice with Trump in as many days, warning that her presence could trip up the ex-president’s election chances. Greene said she went so far as to bring up the matter with Trump on a phone call.

“I’ve spoken with President Trump, but I’m not going to go into the details of our personal conversation,” Greene said on Thursday.

In response, Loomer went nuclear, accusing both Greene and Graham of being insufficiently MAGA, questioning the senator’s sexuality, criticizing the congresswoman for having affairs that led to her divorce, and comparing her to a “hooker.”

The quarreling, visceral even by Trump world standards, was viewed with intense schadenfreude in Democratic circles. It brought to the surface some of the internal tensions that Trump’s team had successfully buried for much of the election season. And it left the ex-president’s campaign ducking for cover.

“We’re staying out of this,” said a Trump campaign adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity.More Blah, Blah, Blah..

Now the neocons of the Bulwark get to weigh in, they would do anything to get him out.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221360

File: bd6f8a59170d628⋯.jpeg (54.78 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585856 (132325ZSEP24) Notable: North Korea releases rare photos of Kim at uranium facility

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North Korea releases rare photos of Kim at uranium facility

North Korea has for the first time offered a glimpse into a uranium enrichment facility which produces material for its nuclear weapons.

Photographs showed its leader Kim Jong Un, who had earlier vowed to "exponentially" increase the country's stash of nuclear weapons, inspecting the area.

The state's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said in a report on Friday that he had similarly called for the uranium facility to increase its production.

Enriched uranium is essential in the manufacturing of nuclear warheads.


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aa578c No.221361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585885 (132333ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)




LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


WarRoom Live



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aa578c No.221362

File: e523265c8e7214e⋯.jpeg (729.65 KB,1855x1620,371:324,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585905 (132336ZSEP24) Notable: AI Analysis of ABC Debate Transcript Shows Clear Evidence of Bias

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Even AI Analysis of ABC Debate Transcript Shows Clear Evidence of Bias

September 13, 2024 | Sundance | 207 Comments

This is quite remarkable and brilliantly done. While we don’t need anything to confirm what our eyes and ears clearly heard/saw, a guy uploaded the entire transcript of the ABC debate into ChatGPT and asked the artificial intelligence system to review the content for the presence of bias. [Source Link] ChatGPT then analyzed the transcript and gives a summary opinion. The result is pretty amazing.

”So, this guy put the entire debate transcript in ChatGPT and asked ChatGPT to analyze the moderator bias and every single person needs to hear this because oh my God is it right on the money.”

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aa578c No.221363

File: db1e72dd3802303⋯.mp4 (572.45 KB,360x480,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585906 (132336ZSEP24) Notable: Grabbing peoples cats, throwing them in a bag.

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Video from Springfield Ohio…

Haitian Illegals Grabbing peoples cats, throwing them in a bag.

Wonder why?



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aa578c No.221364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585941 (132342ZSEP24) Notable: Grabbing peoples cats, throwing them in a bag.

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indeed, confirmed - cats killed, skinned, etc:

Rebel news went to find out…


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aa578c No.221365

File: 105c0769cfc79cf⋯.mp4 (10.42 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21585974 (132347ZSEP24) Notable: AI Analysis of ABC Debate Transcript Shows Clear Evidence of Bias

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aa578c No.221366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586032 (132357ZSEP24) Notable: #26440

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seeking handoff top of next

rally BAKER wanted

ty anons. for all your efforts.

final bun


#26440 >>221326


>>221328 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>221330, >>221332, >>221333, >>221361 LIVE LINKS To Watch Trump Rally Footage

>>221338 il Trumpo posts READY TO ROCK!!!

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>>221343 🔥 TRUMP TRUTH BOMB: "In case you don't want to write about it we have under this administration 320,000 migrant children are missing Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves."

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>>221327 Pope opposes both Trump and Harris (And the World Doesn’t Care What He says)

>>221329 Papi Trumpo - A WARM KAMALA WELCOME

>>221331 TRUMP TRUTH - NASDAQ & SEC Trump may move DJT to NYSE

>>221334, >>221335, >>221336 PA Supreme Court ruled that counting undated mail-in ballots is unconstitutional

>>221337 Meta fed its artificial intelligence models on almost everything you've posted publicly since 2007.

>>221339 Justice Department

>>221340 MTG - Fani Willis is NOT above the law, defying a subpoena from the Georgia State Senate

>>221341, >>221344, >>221345, >>221349, >>221359 @realDonaldTrump Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign.

>>221342 Crazee Snake Comms


>>221347 X office officially leaves Commiefornia.

>>221348 Happy Birthday Jeremy, his 4th in prison, behind bars awaiting his J6 trial

>>221350 Donald Trump Proposes Eliminating Income Tax On Overtime

>>221351 PF

>>221352, >>221354, >>221349 HAITI Deeper Than Abducted Pets - Voodoo in the federal and state governments?

>>221353 CNN's Wallace Thinks De Niro Has Credibility To Label Trump a 'Gangster'

>>221355, >>221356 ABC used lighting techniques to stress DJT during debate

>>221357 @catturd2 - She really is a commie POS.


>>221360 North Korea releases rare photos of Kim at uranium facility

>>221362, >>221365 AI Analysis of ABC Debate Transcript Shows Clear Evidence of Bias

>>221363, >>221364 Grabbing peoples cats, throwing them in a bag.

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aa578c No.221370

File: 9ba4ce39234276b⋯.jpg (186.97 KB,661x722,661:722,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB,930x1060,93:106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586046 (140000ZSEP24) Notable: #26441

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Handoff needed

ty anons

fresh dough


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aa578c No.221371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586068 (140003ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally




LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


WarRoom Live



Laura Loomer

Trump Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



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aa578c No.221372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586086 (140007ZSEP24) Notable: Auroras picking up again tonight despite minor geomagnetic storm conditions

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Auroras picking up again tonight despite minor geomagnetic storm conditions. A few links of the many.



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aa578c No.221373

File: 83b8b834c98e108⋯.png (532.64 KB,733x880,733:880,Clipboard.png)

File: 8db4866fbac4dda⋯.mp4 (461.83 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586116 (140016ZSEP24) Notable: Watch in 5D: Kamala caught in a blatant lie

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aa578c No.221374

File: c7aec76c857a7d2⋯.png (513.6 KB,861x528,287:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586117 (140016ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris looking nervous for her first 1 on 1 interview

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Meme and Kek material. Harris interview from earlier today.


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aa578c No.221375

File: 1278fafe3060491⋯.png (503.7 KB,795x704,795:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586133 (140021ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: Join me live in Las Vegas, Nevada at 10:00PM Eastern, see you soon—MAGA2024!!

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Donald J. Trump




Join me live in Las Vegas, Nevada at 10:00PM Eastern. Will be on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @realamericasvoice, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others. See you soon—MAGA2024!!!

LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


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aa578c No.221376

File: aa5932ef9640856⋯.gif (9.43 MB,728x408,91:51,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586170 (140030ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221377

File: 32cef5dadf5176b⋯.gif (155.32 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586174 (140031ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221378

File: 273a960554b8c3a⋯.png (366.08 KB,585x720,13:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 38b79c5fdb009c0⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586177 (140032ZSEP24) Notable: Dank MAGA ad

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aa578c No.221379

File: cbd0d5dbf88465f⋯.png (583.22 KB,593x922,593:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586179 (140032ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221380

File: 2e599920e22a035⋯.png (1.22 MB,1018x642,509:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586238 (140041ZSEP24) Notable: JimW direct contact info for Proto questions

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I have been getting a lot of questions about our prototype. I've mentioned this a few times before, and I will mention it again.

I apologize for any inconvenience. It wasn't my intention to cause any trouble.

If you have been trying to reach me via email and have encountered issues, please try to contact me through text instead of calling, as I'm currently experiencing some hearing difficulties.

You can reach me at jaw@isitwetyet.com or text me at 1-424-235-1930.

Thank you all for your support and understanding during this challenging time. If it weren't for our current struggles, I wouldn't have resorted to seeking donations to keep things running smoothly.

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aa578c No.221381

File: 762f5697cb98eb8⋯.png (599.38 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586244 (140042ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221382

File: 1ef2bebd31d1107⋯.jpeg (92.51 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586259 (140045ZSEP24) Notable: JimW direct contact info for Proto questions

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You should be posting this on another board. Did you know you are allowed to post almost anything you want on the >>>/random/

There are a few souls over there that definitely need the Holy Bible.

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aa578c No.221383

File: 021c33be627cad8⋯.png (49.9 KB,720x493,720:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586289 (140050ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221384

File: 3c30458ea731790⋯.png (177.85 KB,507x617,507:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586327 (140057ZSEP24) Notable: The Kiffness

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Scott Adams


Want some optimism for a change?

Something big is happening and it feels like the universe trying to correct its own mistakes.

The surge of creativity I've seen in the past week is next level. I've never seen anything like this.

It seems to me that Trump supporters collectively decided to drag Trump over the finish line to victory.

It's no longer a want.

It's a decision.

Case in point..


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aa578c No.221385

File: 4c3cbeaa8afc621⋯.mp4 (11.62 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586346 (140059ZSEP24) Notable: The Kiffness

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kiffness example


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aa578c No.221386

File: 6c1624971f94361⋯.mp4 (773.86 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586371 (140106ZSEP24) Notable: JD Vance says Trump will fire every single official at the FBI, CIA, DHS, CDC, etc for pushing big tech censorship

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BREAKING: JD Vance just said Trump will FIRE every single official at the FBI, CIA, DHS, CDC, etc that forced big tech to censor the truth about the 2020 election & Covid

Trump will also strip security clearances from the 51 intelligence officials who labeled Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation.

"Yes, we're going to fire the people who censored. We're going to fire the people who are telling Mark Zuckerberg and all the other technology companies that they needed to censor. Fire the 50 intelligence operatives who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation." - Future Vice President JD Vance on the @ShawnRyan762 podcast

Hearing this makes me really giddy!


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aa578c No.221387

File: fd25b6c15bbc2a4⋯.png (322.24 KB,448x582,224:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586451 (140117ZSEP24) Notable: @ScottPresler: We’re delivering signs & voter registration forms to gun stores

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We’re delivering signs & voter registration forms to gun stores.

“30% of Pennsylvania hunters are NOT registered to vote.”

Our goal is to have these in EVERY gun store across PA.

What do you think?

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aa578c No.221388

File: 85ac307e4a270c0⋯.png (1.59 MB,1528x896,191:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586463 (140119ZSEP24) Notable: Moar # Checkmate

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aa578c No.221389

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586504 (140124ZSEP24) Notable: Kash

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Trump Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

KA$H IS ON FIRE!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥




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aa578c No.221390

File: 0de2cf8e47af95b⋯.png (28.77 KB,826x268,413:134,Clipboard.png)

File: 091b4419c2b3a66⋯.png (35.84 KB,820x255,164:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586547 (140129ZSEP24) Notable: PEOPLE DON'T LEAVE OUR RALLIES EVEN WHEN THE BULLETS START FUCKIN' FLYING!!!😎🇺🇸💥💥💥

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il Donaldo Trumpo



5 ReTruths


Sep 13, 2024, 9:27 PM


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aa578c No.221391

File: 612d5bbc45cea96⋯.png (1.02 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586592 (140137ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

aa578c No.221392

File: 4f93edd2d4d33f8⋯.png (289.62 KB,590x634,295:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 09e95b91dd525d4⋯.png (2.31 MB,1145x1600,229:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586600 (140138ZSEP24) Notable: Illegal immigrant arrested for murder after a family of four was found dead in their burning home in Irondequoit, N.Y.

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aa578c No.221393

File: 70fefe0a2b35af1⋯.png (200.35 KB,610x721,610:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 12da81b8a2c1bcc⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB,320x580,16:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586641 (140145ZSEP24) Notable: Single mother claims she is being run out of her apartment in Massachusetts by Venezuelan illegals

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Libs of TikTok



Sep 12

Single mother claims she is being run out of her apartment in Massachusetts by Venezuelan illegals.

This is Kamala Harris's America.


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aa578c No.221394

File: bcdc317081d94d1⋯.png (994.41 KB,1141x657,1141:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 0800cb22f2798ab⋯.png (93.78 KB,597x821,597:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586675 (140148ZSEP24) Notable: Kash

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=Enough is enough.

Kash Patel at the Trump rally a few mins ago…."I have seen more courage in this mans one finger than i have seen in 10 lifetimes in 10 countries"

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aa578c No.221395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586793 (140204ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

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Patel [President Trump rally]: In the 21st century, in the United States of America, did you think a political party would illegally spend campaign dollars to hire a foreign intelligence asset from overseas, and funnel fake, false information, into the Federal Bureau of Investigation, only to have them go to a secret surveillance court, lie to a federal judge, just so that they could illegally surveil their political opponent?


Patel: I am going to go on a government gangsters manhunt in Washington, DC, for our great president. Who is coming with me?


Gabbard: The very next day after I did an interview with Laura Ingraham on FOX News, and I talked about how dangerous Kamala Harris would be as our president and commander in chief, I was added to a secret domestic terror watchlist called Quiet Skies.

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aa578c No.221396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586829 (140208ZSEP24) Notable: Brazil: A federal judge has withdrawn $3.3 million from bank accounts belonging to X and Starlink to enforce a fine

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Brazil seizes Musk’s money

A federal judge has withdrawn $3.3 million from bank accounts belonging to X and Starlink to enforce a fine

The Brazilian Supreme Court has unblocked the bank accounts of X and Starlink, only to withdraw $3.3 million from them in order to enforce a fine levied against Elon Musk’s social media platform.

Judge Alexandre de Moraes banned X’s operations in Brazil at the end of August. He also froze Starlink’s assets, calling it part of a “de facto economic group” with X.

“With the full payment of the amount due, [de Moraes] considered that there was no longer any need to keep the bank accounts blocked and ordered the immediate unblocking of the bank accounts/financial assets, motor vehicles and real estate of the aforementioned companies,” the court said in a statement on Friday.

According to the court, a total of 18.35 million Brazilian reals (around $3.3 million) was withdrawn from both accounts, of which 11 million was from Starlink and the rest from X.

The companies were fined “for not removing content after an order from the [court] in ongoing investigations, in addition to having removed its legal representatives from Brazil,” the court said.

Musk has not yet commented on the seizure of the funds. Earlier this month, he said the blocking of Starlink’s accounts was “absolutely illegal” since it was a separate company with different shareholders. The tech magnate also threatened to go after Brazilian state assets in retaliation.

“Unless the Brazilian government returns the illegally seized property of X and SpaceX, we will seek reciprocal seizure of government assets too,” Musk wrote at the time. “Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial,” he added, referring to Brazilian President Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva.

De Moraes has also threatened a fine of 50,000 Brazilian reals ($8,874) per day against anyone who used a virtual private network (VPN) to access X. There have been no reports of the fine being enforced, however, and multiple prominent Brazilians – including several political parties – have continued posting on the platform.

The dispute between the US entrepreneur and Brazilian authorities began in April, when de Moraes ordered X to delete the accounts of several supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro, accusing them of spreading “disinformation” about himself and the court. Musk refused, saying this would violate Brazilian laws.

X’s Global Government Affairs team has said that de Moraes had threatened their Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment and froze all of her bank accounts even after she resigned. The judge then cited lack of counsel as the reason for the fine and the ban on the platform’s operations.

“Unlike other social media and technology platforms, we will not comply in secret with illegal orders,” X said in a statement at the time.


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aa578c No.221397

File: 47174d486e48820⋯.png (262.13 KB,814x733,814:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586866 (140212ZSEP24) Notable: Moderna Scales Back Its Vaccine Ambitions as COVID Jab Revenue Collapses

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Moderna Scales Back Its Vaccine Ambitions as COVID Jab Revenue Collapses

The pharmaceutical giant Moderna is scaling back its ambitions to develop new vaccines after demand for its dodgy COVID-19 jab collapsed.

According to Axios, the company has seen its revenue from the COVID-19 vaccines plunge over the past few years and can no longer afford to research new vaccines.

The report states:

Moderna is dialing back its plans for new vaccines, shelving several key projects as it grapples with a sharp slowdown in COVID shot sales.

[The company] plans to “slow down the pace of new R&D investment, and build our commercial business,” CEO Stéphane Bancel said in a statement. It’ll reduce annual R&D expenses from $4.8 billion in 2024 to $3.6B-$3.8B in 2027, including by ditching several programs.

The company had been using the initial windfall of revenue it reaped from COVID shots to invest in new vaccines, hoping to develop a sustainable pipeline of future products. It expects 10 to win approval in the next three years, including a combination flu-COVID vaccine.

Many of its future vaccines aren’t moving quickly enough to bolster the top or bottom line. The company’s second-quarter revenue totaled $241 million, a 43% drop from a year earlier, which it said was “primarily attributable to decreased sales of the Company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The announcement comes as the company’s stock continues to crater, losing 12 percent of its value on Thursday. After reaching an all-time high of $449 in September 2021, its market value has since fallen by a staggering $170 billion.

Back in May, the company posted a $1.2 billion loss after sales of its COVID jab fell to $167 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared with $2.8 billion over the same period last year.

As extensively reported by The Gateway Pundit, Moderna's recent success was mainly predicated on its rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, which turned out to be neither safe nor effective.

Back in May, it was revealed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had helped Moderna and the German pharmaceutical Pfizer cover up deaths that their vaccine had caused.

The company also benefited from the imposition of COVID mandates, where Americans were forced to get the jabs or risk losing their jobs and wider livelihoods, a crime for which many are now seeking legal and retribution.


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aa578c No.221398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586897 (140215ZSEP24) Notable: #26441

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables FINAL

#26441 >>221370

>>221371, >>221395 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>221375 DJT: Join me live in Las Vegas, Nevada at 10:00PM Eastern, see you soon—MAGA2024!!

>>221389, >>221394 Kash


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>221372 Auroras picking up again tonight despite minor geomagnetic storm conditions

>>221373 Watch in 5D: Kamala caught in a blatant lie

>>221374 Kamala Harris looking nervous for her first 1 on 1 interview

>>221378 Dank MAGA ad

>>221380, >>221382 JimW direct contact info for Proto questions

>>221384, >>221385 The Kiffness

>>221386 JD Vance says Trump will fire every single official at the FBI, CIA, DHS, CDC, etc for pushing big tech censorship

>>221387 @ScottPresler: We’re delivering signs & voter registration forms to gun stores

>>221388 Moar # Checkmate

>>221392 Illegal immigrant arrested for murder after a family of four was found dead in their burning home in Irondequoit, N.Y.

>>221393 Single mother claims she is being run out of her apartment in Massachusetts by Venezuelan illegals

>>221396 Brazil: A federal judge has withdrawn $3.3 million from bank accounts belonging to X and Starlink to enforce a fine

>>221397 Moderna Scales Back Its Vaccine Ambitions as COVID Jab Revenue Collapses

>>221376, >>221377, >>221379, >>221381, >>221383, >>221391 Memes


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aa578c No.221399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586912 (140217ZSEP24) Notable: #26442

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aa578c No.221400

File: 70e6a77705ef4be⋯.png (690.53 KB,884x822,442:411,Clipboard.png)

File: b1bd108277a0ece⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586944 (140220ZSEP24) Notable: Mike Benz on War Room w/ Natalie Winters

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My full War Room hit today w/@nataliegwinters

- first 6 mins: the explosive US government collusion documents with the UK government on censorship of American citizens

- last 4 mins: my take on how easily DHS could have had advance knowledge of Trump assassination attempt


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aa578c No.221401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586947 (140220ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



Frank Speech TV

President Trump Holds Rally In Las Vegas Nevada | 13 September 2024 10PM ET



Real Americas Voice




Thrive time Show

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)



OreoExpessThis on the ground live feed shows the people

Welcome to California Trump Rally




LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV


WarRoom Live



Laura Loomer

Trump Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24



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aa578c No.221402

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586959 (140222ZSEP24) Notable: BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

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aa578c No.221403

File: ee23d05b012a380⋯.png (1.25 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: c9db9a64cfe87cc⋯.png (142.33 KB,300x259,300:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bdea6df3b7559c⋯.png (456.08 KB,823x750,823:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586971 (140223ZSEP24) Notable: District Attorney Announces Iraq War Veteran Who Shot Pro-Hamas Agitator in Self-Defense will be Charged with Two ‘Crimes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disgusting abuse of the law: District Attorney Announces Iraq War Veteran Who Shot Pro-Hamas Agitator in Self-Defense will be Charged with Two ‘Crimes’ – Faces Several Years in Prison (VIDEO)

There is no justice for ordinary citizens who exercise self-defense in blue states as they prefer to reward the criminal instead.

The Gateway Pundit reported this morning that a supporter of Hamas was shot Thursday evening after assaulting a pro-Israel Iraq War veteran during a protest in Newton, Massachusetts, a Boston suburb.

According to The Daily Wire’s Kassy Akiva, the incident occurred when the assailant began shouting at a group of roughly ten pro-Israel protesters.

47-year-old Scott Hayes, an Iraq War veteran from Framingham, Massachusetts, was part of the group and identified as the shooter.

Witnesses revealed that Hayes was preparing to leave when the pro-Hamas agitator, who has not been identified, flipped off the pro-Israel protesters and started cursing them out.

The Hamas lover then charged across the street through traffic and tackled Hayes, who was holding an American flag. The two men started grappling on the ground.

During the fight, a gunshot rang out, leaving the Hamas protester severely wounded with life-threatening injuries.

Here are videos of the incident from two angles obtained by Akiva. In the second, Hayes is seen giving medical care to the person who assaulted him.


A man wearing a Palestinian pin was shot in the stomach this evening after he charged through traffic and tackled a pro-Israel Iraq war veteran in Newton, Massachusetts.pic.twitter.com/Ix5JEJaJNp

— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) September 13, 2024

In a second video, the veteran is seen giving medical care to the man who tackled him until first responders arrived.


— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) September 13, 2024

However, this clear-cut case in self-defense could cost Hayes his freedom in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan announced during a press conference later Thursday night that she is charging Hayes with two crimes: assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury.

Hayes faces over a decade in prison for merely fighting back. Talk about a travesty of justice.


Here is the press conference with Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan announcing that Scott Hayes will be charged after shooting the man with a pro-Palestinian pin who tackled him during a protest. pic.twitter.com/YBuRhzHeJU

— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) September 13, 2024

Akiva reports Hayes will be arraigned in Newton District Court later today.


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aa578c No.221404

File: 672f1d646321d74⋯.png (241.8 KB,607x797,607:797,Clipboard.png)

File: a4bec2aa71bc10d⋯.mp4 (10.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21586986 (140225ZSEP24) Notable: Trump responds to question about bringing water back to California and preventing droughts and fires

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WATCH: A reporter asked Trump what he would do to bring water to California, prevent the droughts, and stop the fires. His response was extremely nuanced and super BRILLIANT

"So, California, vote for Trump, and you're going to have water, and you're going to have growth, and you're going to have prosperity. And all those people that are leaving are going to really come back."

This is why I love Trump. The way he broke everything down to eventually bring it back to the solution was simply beautiful, especially considering he did it all on the spot. Imagine what Kamala would've said in response to this😂


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aa578c No.221405

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587016 (140230ZSEP24) Notable: AMERICA'S RESPONSE TO TAYLOR SWIFT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

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These women will get Donald Trump elected. Tik Tok is enticing.


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aa578c No.221406

File: 5b1c81d141774ce⋯.png (244.65 KB,1044x1520,261:380,Clipboard.png)

File: fc545bd32aa67de⋯.png (400.98 KB,644x867,644:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587040 (140233ZSEP24) Notable: (Sep 9) Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks


Tonight: Biden renews COG Emergency Powers Proclamation…!




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aa578c No.221407

File: a02a506803c4ded⋯.png (739.15 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587042 (140233ZSEP24) Notable: DoJ Is Dropping Nearly Half of the J6 Obstruction Charges

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NEW: DOJ Is Dropping Nearly Half of the J6 Obstruction Charges


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aa578c No.221408

File: 4845914ba493486⋯.png (636.78 KB,598x878,299:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ed61bf9578ef9f⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587061 (140236ZSEP24) Notable: A council meeting in Alabama was abruptly adjourned after residents asked about the influx of illegals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A council meeting in Alabama was abruptly adjourned after residents asked about the influx of illegals.


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aa578c No.221409

File: f6f063bc344e749⋯.jpg (56.57 KB,700x617,700:617,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587067 (140237ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221410

File: af3c5b294433309⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587074 (140238ZSEP24) Notable: A Factory is laying off American Workers and hiring the illegal Haitian immigrants

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Wall Street Apes


WOAH Listen To This 🚨 Democrats Are Dropping Off Illegal Haitian Migrants in Town North of Springfield Ohio

A Factory is laying off American Workers and hiring the illegal Haitian immigrants

Also says “There's lots of women missing in Springfield and Urbana”

“They said that many of the Haitians are in Urbana, which is just north of Springfield, and that her husband has has a job, he works at a factory, and they are laying off a lot of the regular workers and they're undercutting and bringing in a bunch of the Haitians to work at $14 an hour when their minimum wage was $22”

“And then also there's a bunch of homeless camps behind the laundromat.”


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aa578c No.221411

File: 6a1e32e34a591ab⋯.png (170.7 KB,455x719,455:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 4edf925ddf043de⋯.png (808.63 KB,1200x856,150:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587087 (140240ZSEP24) Notable: Biden admin hosted U.K. gov's Counter Disinformation Unit in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques

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The Biden White House hosted the U.K. government's Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques.



New docs from litigation against the CDC reveal the Biden-Harris White House hosted the “Counter Disinformation Unit” from the U.K. gov’t in 2021 to learn about their recommendations to censor speech.


America First Legal


/2 As a part of the NSC’s regular interagency meetings on censoring COVID-related speech in the United States, the White House hosted the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) from the U.K. government in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques.


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aa578c No.221412

File: 9cf66f56082d21d⋯.png (301.35 KB,750x1611,250:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dd42e7e114d356⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587105 (140243ZSEP24) Notable: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars.

John Fabbricatore is sounding the alarm, saying the Tren de Aragua gang has set up operation in the U.S. much "faster than MS-13 did."

"There's about to be a big gang war," he told the Daily Mail.

"I believe that they’re setting up their network right now. These guys are setting up faster than MS-13 did. They’re getting into these apartment complexes and what they’re doing is they’re starting with prost*tution."

"Prost*tution is a big money-maker, and the thing with prost*tution is that it brings guys in that they can then sell dope to."

"These guys come in, they meet these Johns and shake them down. See if they want to buy drugs. They’ve started with moving these girls through… It’s bad."

Experts believe the Tren de Aragua gang is imposing on the Bloods, Crips and Sureños which will trigger gang wars.

The first video below was from a sh**ting at Aspen Grove apartments in Aurora, Colorado according to the Daily Mail which is reportedly run by a gang.

5:08 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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aa578c No.221413

File: 6af26327fd2af8e⋯.png (953.57 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587112 (140244ZSEP24) Notable: The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded

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The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded

A Record $1.2 Trillion Interest Payments Are Blowing Up The Federal Budget

The U.S. government is on track to spend more than $1 trillion on interest payments this year, more than it spends on the military, for the first time in history.


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aa578c No.221414

File: 2b2cfd996002566⋯.png (757.08 KB,866x747,866:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587124 (140247ZSEP24) Notable: 23andMe Must Pay $30M As Genetics Data Breach Settlement Is Reached

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23andMe Must Pay $30M As Genetics Data Breach Settlement Is Reached

OAN Staff Brooke Mallory

4:07 PM – Friday, September 13, 2024

The DNA testing company 23andMe has agreed to pay $30 million in order to resolve a lawsuit arising from a data breach in 2023 that resulted in the exposure of over six million users’ personal data and information.

Affected customers will receive cash payouts as part of the proposed class action settlement, which was submitted on Thursday to a federal court in San Francisco, California, and is pending judicial approval. The payments will be disbursed ten days after final approval.

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aa578c No.221415

File: 6ec4a0b1c54da56⋯.png (20.02 KB,127x219,127:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587126 (140248ZSEP24) Notable: Trending on X

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trending on X

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aa578c No.221416

File: 8fc57b89d3aa240⋯.png (382.56 KB,1080x700,54:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587130 (140249ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: Comrade Kamala Harris NEVER WORKED AT McDONALDS - A TOTAL LIE

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aa578c No.221417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587137 (140249ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, to hold a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, September 13, at 10:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 3:30 p.m. ET.


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aa578c No.221418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587149 (140250ZSEP24) Notable: The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

There was a Trump ad before his song! Kek

406,000 viewed, just came out 13 hours ago


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aa578c No.221419

File: 60aba73ae9e44d3⋯.png (291.68 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587179 (140254ZSEP24) Notable: Ohio Gov. DeWine's deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy

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Ohio Gov. DeWine's deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy

Sep. 12—Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine's experience with Haiti and Haitians goes far beyond his current efforts to manage issues — ranging from baseless rumors to genuine concerns — related to the recent sudden influx of Haitian immigrants to Springfield. The Repub…


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aa578c No.221420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587189 (140256ZSEP24) Notable: Florida State Surgeon General Advises Against the Use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3½ years on, and it's still out there. How is that possible?

Based: Florida State Surgeon General Advises Against the Use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines

Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters for the Fall and Winter 2024–2025 Season


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aa578c No.221421

File: c279f66cbf18f91⋯.png (1.2 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587199 (140257ZSEP24) Notable: US Locks In China Tariff Hikes on EVs, Chips, Steel

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US Locks In China Tariff Hikes on EVs, Chips, Steel

Tariff increases will target Beijing’s ‘harmful policies and practices,’ says Ambassador Katherine Tai.


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aa578c No.221422

File: c7ddb84c9905429⋯.png (928.22 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587213 (140259ZSEP24) Notable: Stranded Boeing Starliner astronauts will vote in the presidential election — all the way from space

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stranded Boeing Starliner astronauts will vote in the presidential election — all the way from space

“I sent down my request for a ballot today, as a matter of fact, and they should get it to us in a couple of weeks,” Butch Wilmore said.


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aa578c No.221423

File: d55397d7b7d05d8⋯.png (557.68 KB,657x573,219:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e817a884e85c5c⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587224 (140301ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala (after 3.5 years in office): "The American Dream is elusive — it's just actually not attainable!"

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KAMALA (after 3.5 years in office): "The American Dream is elusive — it's just actually not attainable!"

3:23 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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aa578c No.221424

File: 902127155371025⋯.png (985.92 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587258 (140306ZSEP24) Notable: Elections Wagering Site Shut Down Hours After Court Ruling Said It Could Go Online

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Elections Wagering Site Shut Down Hours After Court Ruling Said It Could Go Online

Before trading was paused, more than 20,000 bets had been sold on the question ‘Which party will win the House?’


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aa578c No.221425

File: 9d249be65d180bd⋯.png (56.88 KB,557x361,557:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587260 (140306ZSEP24) Notable: 38 times she said thank you

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TRUMP- 38 times she said thank you

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aa578c No.221426

File: 07fe1404261349e⋯.png (706.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587270 (140307ZSEP24) Notable: 30,000 Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted - About 30,000 Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Staffing Picket Lines…

Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted

Boeing has a new problem to address that could put the company even deeper in the hole that it has dug for itself.


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aa578c No.221427

File: a9bacf9d08476c4⋯.png (259.34 KB,409x532,409:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587285 (140308ZSEP24) Notable: Kash

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


KASH PATEL: If you think those government gangsters have quieted down you haven’t been paying attention. Just last week what did we hear from the Department of Injustice, Merrick Garland and Chris Wray? It’s Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. They’ve illegally surveilled hundreds of thousands of citizens. The Government Gangsters in Washington, D.C. have one main operational arm that is a two tier system of justice that they choose to weaponize and politicize because we care more about America than they do. They fear the presidency of Donald J. Trump because during his first term, when I served under him, he was out there wiping out the corruption in Washington D.C.


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aa578c No.221428

File: b4b7991ea4c8b8e⋯.png (482.15 KB,629x502,629:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587309 (140311ZSEP24) Notable: Kash

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KASH PATEL: We are facing the biggest projection, con artist of our lifetime with Harris and the radical left wing. They accuse us of every single thing they are doing. They tried to imprison our great leader illegally time and time again. They raid our houses of worship, they tell us where our children can go to school and what they should learn. Well, I don’t know about you but I want our future generation to know history, math and economics. I don’t want them to know gender fluidity at the age of ten. We have the greatest leader, the Colosseum is built and Donald J. Trump is our champion. He is our Juggernaut of Justice. But we have to marshalize behind him because we have the truth. They don’t have that. Kamala Harris does not have a single National Security policy that is better than President Trump’s. If she did she would have implemented it four years ago instead of stealing his ideas.


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aa578c No.221429

File: 217de6efbe75ab3⋯.png (509.44 KB,750x450,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587339 (140314ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: Tim Walz Said Kamala Started Her Career as a “Young Prostitutor”

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Tim Walz Just Said Kamala Started Her Career as a “Young Prostitutor”—The Body Language Says It All - USA SUPREME

If Kamala Harris’ choice of running mate is any indication of her campaign’s future, it’s not looking good. Tim Walz,


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aa578c No.221430

File: 4b70f666ef7ecbc⋯.png (630.93 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587358 (140317ZSEP24) Notable: Illegal voter registration forms in Haitian Creole distributed by library in Springfield, Ohio

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Illegal voter registration forms in Haitian Creole distributed by library in Springfield, Ohio

“The office’s Election Integrity Unit recently concluded an investigation into the origins of an illegal voter registration form translated into the Haitian Creole language.”


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aa578c No.221431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587359 (140317ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala right after her presidential debate statement: "I feel very strongly that we need an assault weapons ban"

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Kamala: "I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the second amendment and your right to own a gun to say that we need an assault weapons ban."


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aa578c No.221432

File: d531874b098a5ea⋯.png (550.7 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587365 (140318ZSEP24) Notable: Trump Pledges ‘Mass Deportations’ in Springfield and Aurora if He’s Elected

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Trump Pledges ‘Mass Deportations’ in Springfield and Aurora if He’s Elected

In response to reporters’ questions, the former president says citizens of these two cities need relief from immigration crisis.


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aa578c No.221433

File: fd70301aa192b3a⋯.png (424.4 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587446 (140326ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris First Solo Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster

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Kamala Harris First Solo Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster

Harris Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster

Vice President Kamala Harris undermined her record in the Biden-Harris administration calling it old with outdated policies.


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aa578c No.221434

File: 56ca41c5c35452f⋯.png (200.38 KB,1836x2568,153:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587451 (140326ZSEP24) Notable: Trump reads 'The Snake'

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The snake

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aa578c No.221435

File: 02ecbf6d76b8db2⋯.png (6.37 MB,2560x1569,2560:1569,Clipboard.png)

File: d4d91fbc33fcc0b⋯.png (5.41 MB,2204x1299,2204:1299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587503 (140330ZSEP24) Notable: Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app

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Note: anon thinks this is what djt is talking about


Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app


Anna Giaritelli



EXCLUSIVE — The Mexican government is allowing any immigrant who enters the country from Guatemala to continue traveling to the United States border if they have obtained an appointment on the U.S. government’s CBP One phone app, the Washington Examiner has learned.

The move would seem to be in the interest of the United States. However, Mexican cartels are exploiting the app’s security and found a way to request unlimited appointments for anyone in the world — far beyond the app’s “northern Mexico” geofence.


“It’s further evidence as this administration continues to try to come up with a new security paradigm along that border that I don’t think they really understand it. They don’t understand the lengths and depths the cartels will continue to go to,” said Chad Wolf, former acting Department of Homeland Security secretary. “As the administration continues to put these ‘legal pathways’ into place, that’s music to the cartel’s ears.”

An extensive investigation that included a review of unclassified, internal DHS documents and communications revealed that the Mexican government’s National Immigration Institute earlier this summer ordered its immigration officials to turn away all non-Mexican citizens who do not have a CBP One app appointment, according to one of the documents. Officers set up checkpoints in the southern state of Chiapas and have conducted arrests at these encounters.

Mexican immigration agents stop people who crossed the Suchiate River, the natural border between Guatemala and Mexico, to see their identification documents as they enforce limits on all but essential travel near Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, Monday, March 22, 2021.

Eduardo Verdugo/AP

Cartels, though, have turned the app on its head and used Mexico’s policy to its advantage by overpowering the app and are raking in profits from any immigrant who wishes to enter Mexico. Once immigrants show up at the Guatemala-Mexico or in Chiapas, the INM will let them proceed.

“Mexico will certainly let people through if they have an appointment, they’re sort of counting that as a de facto transit visa,” said Adam Isacson, director of defense oversight for the liberal immigrant advocacy organization the Washington Office for Latin America. “It’s sabotage and they know very well that people can’t normally get an appointment unless they’re north of Mexico City.”

Cartels have been selling immigrants a service that provides them with an internet connection through a virtual private network. Rather than use a regular internet service provider in the user’s location, a VPN routes a device’s internet connection through a private service so that the app cannot tell if the person is in northern Mexico.


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aa578c No.221436

File: 140738d045c282f⋯.png (1.09 MB,844x770,422:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587513 (140333ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221437

File: e9d4229e8179411⋯.png (38.02 KB,658x294,47:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587529 (140335ZSEP24) Notable: JD Vance: If you were to ask what caused me to change my tune about President Trump from 2016 to 2020 …

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Brilliantly said. The VP debate is going to be a bloodbath

JD Vance


If you were to ask what caused me to change my tune about President Trump from 2016 to 2020, I could give you a few reasons. But what we're seeing in Springfield really drives it home.

Housing costs skyrocketing. Communicable diseases on the rise. Car accidents, crime, and…

7:47 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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aa578c No.221438

File: ff3386b1079e740⋯.png (3.92 MB,1944x1179,216:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587530 (140335ZSEP24) Notable: Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app

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Josh Trevino, chief of intelligence and research for the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation think tank, said the operation has allowed the cartels to cash in, potentially with kickbacks to the Mexican government.

“The Mexican requirement is a cash cow. It’s a cash grab,” said Trevino. “The Mexicans — they’re not really partners, they’re neighbors.”

People waiting to apply for asylum stand in front or a sign for the CBP One app as they camp near the pedestrian entrance to the San Isidro Port of Entry, linking Tijuana, Mexico with San Diego, Thursday, June 1, 2023, in Tijuana, Mexico. U.S. authorities raised the number of people allowed to enter the country with an online app allows asylum-seekers to enter the country with appointments to 1,250 a day from 1,000 though demand still far outstrips supply. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Gregory Bull/AP

Smugglers openly advertise their VPN services in southern Mexico and on social media, according to a DHS intelligence document and advertisements reviewed by the Washington Examiner. Social media advertisements have been especially conducive to recruiting Haitians, Cubans, and Hondurans.

Immigrants outside Mexico have new hope to make the journey north after a two-month downturn in illegal immigration apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in May and June as the Biden administration threatened more severe consequences for immigrants who enter the country illegally rather than through its app or other legal pathways.

The emergence of the VPNs may be a contributing factor for the 30% increase in border encounters by U.S. authorities in July, which the Washington Post reported this week had suddenly gone up since early May despite the summer historically being a slow time.

Since the Biden administration debuted the CBP One app in January, immigrants south of Mexico City had no reason to believe they would find a legal way to get into the U.S. if they crossed illegally.

Migrants rest near La Lima in southern Veracruz state, Mexico, Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2021. The Mexican government has recently opted for a new strategy to relieve pressure on Tapachula, the city on its southern border with Guatemala where tens of thousands of migrants accumulate, and to deactivate the caravans that have emerged in recent months: providing humanitarian visas and offering transfers to other states. (AP Photo/Felix Marquez)

Felix Marquez/AP

The app’s addition of more appointment time slots per day in late spring was bad news for corporation-sized cartels who profit billions of dollars each month moving people and drugs over the border, charging anywhere from $3,000 to $50,000 depending on the distance. The app’s geofencing parameters complicated the cartels’ ability to get immigrants into Mexico and cut into their bottom line.

Cartels soon discovered the app was easily penetrable and lacked security measures to prevent people from using a VPN to schedule an appointment. It also meant that cartels could charge immigrants for an additional fee for the cost of a guaranteed ticket into Mexico, further enticing more people outside Mexico to travel to the U.S.


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aa578c No.221439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587534 (140335ZSEP24) Notable: Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app

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“Pinning the faith on a smartphone app is sort of like peak Beltway disconnect,” said Trevino. “This is a classic example of why the tactical solutions ultimately don’t work because there’s constantly workarounds to them.”

A DHS official who provided comment after the publication of this story said the app uses phone location and not IP addresses.

One DHS source with firsthand knowledge of how the department has handled the discovery said Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and CBP Senior Official Performing the Duties of Commissioner Troy Miller expressed concern but have not put forth a plan to combat it.

CBP spokeswoman Erin Waters said in a statement to the Washington Examiner following publication, “Claims that the CBP One app has been hacked are categorically false. Criminal organizations and smugglers continue to prey on vulnerable migrants, lying to them and putting them in harm’s way. Here is the reality: The lawful and orderly pathways we have established have been bad for cartels and other criminal organizations seeking to exploit migrants.

“Importantly, the CBP One app requires a user’s device location services and GPS data to verify their location before booking and confirming an appointment,” she added.

Isacson argued that “CBP could fix this if they wanted by just having the app read the GPS reading on the phone and not the location of the server that it’s connected to.”

Waters maintained the agency was “continually monitoring and evaluating the application to ensure its functionality and guard against bad actors.”

Trevino said the Biden administration needs a strategic solution to the border crisis, not a tactical one.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) office said the Washington Examiner investigation into “horrifying results of Biden’s open border policies” underscore why legislative action was needed.

“This is why House Republicans passed our Secure the Border Act earlier this year, which cracks down on cartels and the abuse of CBP One,” a spokeswoman for Scalise wrote in an email. “There is no excuse for the Senate to continue to block this legislation from receiving a vote, and they should pass it immediately.”

Mexico’s INM did not respond to a request for comment.


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aa578c No.221440

File: 430c21fc21b0f31⋯.mp4 (13.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587566 (140339ZSEP24) Notable: "Can you believe I have to say this? We are going to LIBERATE parts of our COUNTRY." - President Donald J. Trump

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>"Can you believe I have to say this? We are going to LIBERATE parts of our COUNTRY." - President Donald J. Trump


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aa578c No.221441

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587572 (140340ZSEP24) Notable: Watch Kamala lie in 5D

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The actual soldiers in combat zones. OOOPS!!!🤣🤣🤣

Soldiers, What, so where to fuck are we?



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aa578c No.221442

File: 1e1dd6f1f95163e⋯.mp4 (8.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587574 (140341ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala NOW vs. THEN

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>Kamala NOW vs. THEN


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aa578c No.221443

File: f3ec847a5e61da1⋯.png (445.48 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587614 (140345ZSEP24) Notable: The Army’s New Precision Strike Missile Is So Accurate It Can Destroy Moving Ships at Sea

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The Army’s New Precision Strike Missile Is So Accurate It Can Destroy Moving Ships at Sea

PrSM will replace the aging Cold War-era Army Tactical Missile System, allowing the Army to track and engage moving targets up to 310 miles away.


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aa578c No.221444

File: 303c6645f8389f1⋯.png (67.68 KB,651x675,217:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587623 (140348ZSEP24) Notable: Operation Voodoo Cat Rescue

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James O'Keefe


Operation Voodoo Cat Rescue.

Anybody interested? I’ll provide the collar camera.

Tim Sverduk


@JamesOKeefeIII Hi James, I love your work. Here is an idea that could take down the whole system:

Operation Voodoo Cat Rescue

1. Get a cat

2. Put a collar with a **Wi-Fi camera on the cat

3. Let the cat go free in Springfield, Ohio

4. Discreetly follow the cat with the camera crew

5. Have a…

10:27 AM • Sep 12, 2024

7:35 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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aa578c No.221445

File: 038a1688f627b4b⋯.png (4.12 KB,140x140,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587626 (140348ZSEP24) Notable: During the pandemic, California lost somewhere between $39 and $50 billion dollars to fraud

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During the pandemic, the California Employment Development Department (EDD) lost somewhere between $39 and $50 billion dollars to fraud and, according to security experts, a very large chunk of that ended up in North Korea, at least enough to help fund its nuclear missile program.


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aa578c No.221446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587645 (140351ZSEP24) Notable: Alf star Benji Gregory's cause of death revealed three months after being found in car alongside service dog in bank parking lot

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Alf star Benji Gregory's cause of death revealed three months after being found in car alongside service dog in bank parking lot

Alf star Benji Gregory's cause of death has been revealed three months after he was found in a car alongside his service dog in an Arizona bank parking lot.

According to the Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner the former child star died at the age of 46 in June due to heat exposure in the setting of hepatic cirrhosis reported TMZ on Friday.

Gregory is best known for portraying Brian Tanner on the iconic 80s sitcom, which ran from 1986-1990.

Simply put, the Arizona heat and sun led to Gregory's death.

However, one interesting thing is that the actor had scarring of the liver which was caused by long-term damage to the organ as the publication reports it remains unclear what caused the cirrhosis.

Gregory's sister Rebecca told TMZ Gregory suffered from depression, bipolar disorder and had a sleep disorder that 'often kept him awake for days.'

However, those close to him believe he went to the bank to deposit residual checks on June 12 and fell asleep in his car - dying from vehicular heatstroke.

The Maricopa County Medical Examiner Office has not yet determined a cause of death.

ALF ran for four seasons and was on the air from September 22, 1986, to March 24, 1990. It also starred Max Wright, Anne Schedeen and Andrea Elson.

The plot of the NBC sitcom revolved around the Tanner family, a suburban middle-class family who reside in the San Fernando Valley area of California, who take in ALF and after he crash-lands in their garage.

The series shows the Tanner family doing their best to hide the alien from nosy neighbors and government agencies.

Gregory was just eight-years-old when he shot to fame on ALF.


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aa578c No.221447

File: a90cc92b273025c⋯.png (77.79 KB,1033x625,1033:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587652 (140352ZSEP24) Notable: Execution after birth by state

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Execution after birth by state.

States that allow for late-term abortions with no state-imposed thresholds are Alaska, Colorado, District of Columbia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.


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aa578c No.221448

File: 996070f5b5f7b0f⋯.png (2.03 MB,1128x847,1128:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587658 (140353ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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aa578c No.221449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587681 (140356ZSEP24) Notable: Soros-funded group's leader visited the White House, claimed credit for Trump’s NY prosecution

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Soros-funded group's leader visited the White House, claimed credit for Trump’s NY prosecution

Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change, visited the White House at least five times over the course of the Biden Administration, according to White House Visitor logs. Robinson would go on to call the criminal case against Trump "the fruits of our labor."

The President of a Soros-funded racial justice organization that supports liberal prosecutors visited the White House several times in the years before he publicly claimed credit for the Manhattan District Attorney’s prosecution of former president Donald Trump.

Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change, visited the White House at least five times over the course of the Biden administration, according to White House Visitor logs reviewed by Just the News.

But, Robinson may have visited the White House up to 16 times in that period. Two nearly identical names are found in the logs with different middle initials. If both entry types refer to Robinson, then it is possible that he visited the White House a total of 16 times. Both names include visits with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris several times since the beginning of the Biden administration.

Color of Change did not respond to a request for comment and clarification about the number of Robinson’s reported visits or his public claims of credit for Trump’s prosecution.

In May, Robinson released a statement following Trump’s indictment on business records fraud charges by progressive prosecutor Alvin Bragg in Manhattan. He congratulated his organization for helping to elect Bragg and touted success in holding him “accountable” to their aims.

“We have seen the fruits of our labor, not only with Bragg’s prosecution of Trump but with thousands of decisions that he has made and millions of decisions made by progressive prosecutors we helped to elect nation-wide,” Robinson wrote in the statement.

Robinson’s Color of Change PAC endorsed Bragg’s run for Manhattan District Attorney and pledged $1 million to support his campaign.

“Manhattan is overdue for reform, and we’re confident Alvin Bragg can deliver it,” Robinson said at the time. “As a lifelong Harlem resident and the only Black man in this race, Alvin Bragg has had direct encounters with the criminal legal system that have shaped his understanding of injustices and informed his policy positions.”


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aa578c No.221450

File: 189c9d13268ead1⋯.png (567.96 KB,651x1406,651:1406,Clipboard.png)

File: 756d40f5774a97f⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 98666893c785f19⋯.png (406.71 KB,1146x1200,191:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587717 (140401ZSEP24) Notable: Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that undated or mis-dated Mail-in Ballots will not be counted in this election

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that undated or mis-dated Mail-in Ballots will not be counted in this election. HUGE VICTORY…….Trump just won the election, Kamala has no path without winning Pennsylvania………No one beats Trump in PA fair and square, no one


#BreakingNews 🚨

Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that undated or mis-dated Mail-in Ballots will not be counted in this election. HUGE VICTORY

Trump just won the election, Kamala has no path without winning Pennsylvania

No one beats Trump in PA fair and square, no one

4:51 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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aa578c No.221451

File: 29cd9228b5cfc05⋯.png (263.17 KB,878x2698,439:1349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587720 (140401ZSEP24) Notable: 97 Trillion Dollars

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97 Trillion Dollars

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aa578c No.221452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587749 (140406ZSEP24) Notable: Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas

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Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas


President Trump: We dismantled her terrible record [Harris, in debate], we exposed her radical, liberal agenda, and we laid out our plans to, quote simply, Make America Great Again!


President Trump: Today she [Harris] had a terrible interview. Did you see the interview she had today? She can't talk. She can't talk. She can't talk without, maybe getting the answers? Did she get the questions? I hear she got questions, and I also heard she had a little something in the ear. A little something in the ear.


President Trump: They're taking over our country from within…I'm angry about young American girls being raped and murdered by savage criminal aliens that come into our country, very easily, but very illegally.


President Trump: The most preposterous part of Kamala; and how do you like the name, Comrade Kamala Harris. You know why? It indicates she is a communist. Comrade. Because she is. Do you know that she is further left than Crazy Bernie Sanders. He's crazy, that guy. He's almost as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Shes nuts. The most preposterous part of Kamala's debate performance was when she tried to gaslight the public into believing she never supported the radical-left policies that she has championed for her entire career.


President Trump: She's clearly not well. Take a look at these videos. [plays videos of Harris laughing, cackling, and thanking crowd like a total idiot]


President Trump: Meanwhile, every time they interfered to fact check me, it turned out they we wrong, and Trump was right. For example, a big one; I said that crime was up massively…and David Muir; he's another one that doesn't have a clue…barged in to claim that, "Sir, overall, violent crime is down…the FBI says violent crime is coming down in this country". You see what the hell is happening with crime? Who would say it was down? He reprimanded me for saying that crime was up. And you know, somebody in our government, at a very high level, likes me, and they released the real numbers…the Bureau of Justice Statistics released brand new data showing that since Kamala Harris took office, violent crime nationwide is up forty percent, rape is up forty-two percent, car theft is up forty-two percent, robberies are up sixty-seven percent, aggravated assaults are up much more than fifty-five percent, and violent crime with a weapon is up fifty-six percent, violent attacks on strangers is up sixty-one plus percent. So David Muir owes me an apology.


President Trump: Under Kamala Harris and the communist left, our country is under invasion. We are under invasion just like it was an army, except in many ways, it's more difficult because they don't wear a uniform. You don't know who the hell to go after.


President Trump: Kamala would be the president of invasion, and I will be the President of making this country stronger, better, more beautiful, bigger, more powerful, wealthier, safer, than ever before. I will protect our country, she will surrender our country. She has already let in twenty-one million people, and if she gets four more years in America, our country will be obliterated. The twenty-one million people will be hundreds of milions of people, will come in from all over the world, which is where they're coming from now. You'll have a hundred and fifty million more people, you won't have a country anymore.


President Trump: The failing New York Times today reports this vicious Venezuelan gang is, "Snek. It sneaked into the United States among the millions of migrants who have crossed the border, and is peddling drugs, guns, and women, across the fifty states from urban centers like New York and Chicago, to Florida beaches, and once tranquil middle-America in Colorado."


President Trump: When I become your president; when we all; we're gonna work together, we're gonna make it happen, we will get the illegal alien murderers, rapists, ad child predators the hell out of our country, and we will not ever, ever, ever, let them back in.


djt: they lost 325, 000 kids and they think we are the bad guys, think of that.


President Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris is the most radical liberal nominee ever to seek the Oval Office, and you know it was just pointed out; and the real number is three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children are lost. They're being raped or they're being killed; a lot of them are no longer with us. They lost them during the last three years. Three hundred and twenty-five thousand children. Young children. Think of it. Never to see their parents again. ,They're either gone, or in they're in the service as slaves. Slaves. Sex slaves or slaves. You know, they talk about us like we're evil people. They lost three hundred and twenty-five thousand young kids. Think of what that means,. Think of what that means.


President Trump: Last month alone, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, as migrants gained six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs in a single month. You know, the jobs, almost every single job was taken by a migrant worker.


President Trump: If I pull this off, with the help of your governor [Nevada], a lot of Hollywood will be moving from California, because right now, you don't have the land. Because you don't have the land. It's owned by the federal government. We're gonna open up that land to you. You'll be able to build studio lots and everything else.


President Trump: The Green New Scam; the greatest scam. You know what they were going to spend? Ninety-seven trillion dollars. Where are they gonna get that money? That's more money than every country in the world has. It's a scam. They were going to spend ninety-seven trillion dollars. And you know, the time is coming up; remember they said we only have twelve years to live because the environment is going to kill us, right? The time is very close. Somehow I'm not worried.

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aa578c No.221453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587752 (140406ZSEP24) Notable: #26442

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables FINAL

#26442 >>221399

>>221417, >>221401 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>221452 Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas

>>221425 38 times she said thank you

>>221434 Trump reads 'The Snake'

>>221440 "Can you believe I have to say this? We are going to LIBERATE parts of our COUNTRY." - President Donald J. Trump

>>221451 97 Trillion Dollars

>>221442 Kamala NOW vs. THEN

>>221427, >>221428 Kash

>>221402 BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>221400 Mike Benz on War Room w/ Natalie Winters

>>221403 District Attorney Announces Iraq War Veteran Who Shot Pro-Hamas Agitator in Self-Defense will be Charged with Two ‘Crimes

>>221404 Trump responds to question about bringing water back to California and preventing droughts and fires


>>221406 (Sep 9) Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

>>221407 DoJ Is Dropping Nearly Half of the J6 Obstruction Charges

>>221408 A council meeting in Alabama was abruptly adjourned after residents asked about the influx of illegals

>>221410 A Factory is laying off American Workers and hiring the illegal Haitian immigrants

>>221411 Biden admin hosted U.K. gov's Counter Disinformation Unit in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques

>>221412 Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

>>221413 The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded

>>221414 23andMe Must Pay $30M As Genetics Data Breach Settlement Is Reached

>>221415 Trending on X

>>221416 DJT: Comrade Kamala Harris NEVER WORKED AT McDONALDS - A TOTAL LIE

>>221418 The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

>>221419 Ohio Gov. DeWine's deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy

>>221420 Florida State Surgeon General Advises Against the Use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines

>>221421 US Locks In China Tariff Hikes on EVs, Chips, Steel

>>221422 Stranded Boeing Starliner astronauts will vote in the presidential election — all the way from space

>>221423 Kamala (after 3.5 years in office): "The American Dream is elusive — it's just actually not attainable!"

>>221424 Elections Wagering Site Shut Down Hours After Court Ruling Said It Could Go Online

>>221426 30,000 Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted

>>221429 ICYMI: Tim Walz Said Kamala Started Her Career as a “Young Prostitutor”

>>221430 Illegal voter registration forms in Haitian Creole distributed by library in Springfield, Ohio

>>221431 Kamala right after her presidential debate statement: "I feel very strongly that we need an assault weapons ban"

>>221432 Trump Pledges ‘Mass Deportations’ in Springfield and Aurora if He’s Elected

>>221433 Kamala Harris First Solo Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster

>>221437 JD Vance: If you were to ask what caused me to change my tune about President Trump from 2016 to 2020 …

>>221435, >>221438, >>221439 Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app

>>221441 Watch Kamala lie in 5D

>>221443 The Army’s New Precision Strike Missile Is So Accurate It Can Destroy Moving Ships at Sea

>>221444 Operation Voodoo Cat Rescue

>>221445 During the pandemic, California lost somewhere between $39 and $50 billion dollars to fraud

>>221446 Alf star Benji Gregory's cause of death revealed three months after being found in car alongside service dog in bank parking lot

>>221447 Execution after birth by state

>>221449 Soros-funded group's leader visited the White House, claimed credit for Trump’s NY prosecution

>>221450 Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that undated or mis-dated Mail-in Ballots will not be counted in this election

>>221409, >>221436, >>221448 Memes


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0d8238 No.221483

File: 8bb713845473100⋯.png (181.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587773 (140409ZSEP24) Notable: #26443

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Incoming baker use this dough (updated Globals)


can continue or defer

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221484

File: eae9d6e065350da⋯.png (74.63 KB,753x581,753:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a3f86da9285162⋯.png (56.38 KB,756x512,189:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587800 (140412ZSEP24) Notable: Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

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Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

Judicial Watch announced today it received 105 pages and 211 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. State Department in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show officials in the Biden State Department exchanging an article comparing Tucker Carlson’s February 2024 interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler’s handing out copies of Mein Kampf to newlyweds in Germany in the 1930s.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia after the State Department failed to comply with a February 7, 2024, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:24-cv-00840)) for:

All (2024) emails and diplomatic notes sent to and from the following officials referencing “Tucker Carlson:” Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Deputy Secretary Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary James O’Brien, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Yuri Kim, Deputy Assistant Secretary Sonata Coulter, Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary Joshua Huck, Deputy Assistant Secretary Douglas Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary Jacqueline Ramos, and/or Deputy Assistant Secretary Christopher W. Smith.

On February 8, 2024, the Tucker Carlson Network and X (Twitter) ran Carlson’s interview in Moscow with Putin. It was the first interview with Putin to be granted to a Western journalist since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

The records obtained by Judicial Watch show the State Department has significant interest in the interview and significant interest in hiding its response to the interview.

In a nearly fully redacted February 20, 2024, email from top State Department official George Pyatt to U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and European Affairs Christopher W. Smith, Pyatt attaches an article by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe titled “Dispatch from Munich: The lessons of appeasement for US lawmakers withholding support for Ukraine,” in which Kempe compares Carlson’s interview of Putin with Adolph Hitler handing out copies of Mein Kampf to newlyweds in Germany.

Kempe writes in the article that the Carlson-Hitler comparison is “not such a bizarre vehicle if one considers Carlson’s influence on a Republican minority in the House that is currently standing in the way of approving additional aid for Ukraine.”

A lengthy paper circulated by email among officials in the State Department’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR) beginning on February 9, 2024, is almost entirely redacted. A portion of the paper is subtitled “Tucker Carlson interview of Putin?” This section of the paper is labelled “U” (Unclassified) but all of the content is redacted citing FOIA exemption (b)(5), which covers material considered to be “deliberative” in nature, or marked “non responsive.”


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0d8238 No.221485

File: ef2b811baae0c9f⋯.png (456.77 KB,586x674,293:337,Clipboard.png)

File: bb8a5d516c3e9cc⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587843 (140418ZSEP24) Notable: The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally

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BREAKING: The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally. Today's lineup of endorsers have over 200 MILLION followers between them across their socials, and many of the followers are voters between 18-30 years old

So far, we've seen Rick Harrison, Annuel AA, Henry Cejudo, Bryce Hall, Nelk Boys, etc. It's beautiful to see

This is YUUUGGE!

0:12 / 0:30

8:57 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221486

File: cfe668aef8a9ebe⋯.png (524.14 KB,659x658,659:658,Clipboard.png)

File: bb8a5d516c3e9cc⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587853 (140420ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala's interview breakdown: Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated. TOP KEK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There were two opposing teams inside the Kamala campaign. One wanted to do interviews, the other didn't. Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated.

Joe Colangelo


There were two opposing teams inside the Kamala campaign.

One wanted to do interviews, the other didn't.

Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated.

3:43 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221487

File: 1e7032b0d9ceba8⋯.png (324.44 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587861 (140421ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in top secret reports

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Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in secret reports

When Vice President Kamala Harris got her first personal intelligence briefings in office, she was not pleased with what she described as 'gender-biased' language in the report.


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0d8238 No.221488

File: ec2749930e5c415⋯.png (152.74 KB,620x712,155:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 7745f32693dcf9e⋯.mp4 (1009.57 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587868 (140422ZSEP24) Notable: ABC allegedly set up distractive lighting aimed at Trump's podium

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Matt Wallace






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0d8238 No.221489

File: e842153237a5845⋯.png (284.98 KB,585x767,45:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f0aa6a76f2c0c3⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587887 (140425ZSEP24) Notable: Bill Maher is a shitbag

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There it is…Bill Maher (and Drudge Report) are alleging Trump and Laura Loomer are having an affair. Such desperation and disgusting filth from the Democrats.


Eric Abbenante


Bill Maher accuses Laura Loomer of 'having a relationship' with Donald Trump:

"Taylor Swift she believes in an arranged relationship with Travis Kelce to influence the 2024 election.

I think maybe Laura Loomer in an arranged relationship. She's very close to Trump. She's 31. Looks like his type.

'Who's Trump fucking?'

It's not nobody. He's been a dog for too long. It's not Melania. I think we may have our answer this week. I think it might be Laura Loomer, I'm just saying."

Imagine accusing Laura Loomer of 'sleeping her way to the top' while also voting for Kamala Harris. Willie Brown would like to have a word with you, Bill.

0:19 / 1:57

8:55 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221490

File: 8fc4e3ba5664faf⋯.png (9.53 MB,2992x2992,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587944 (140437ZSEP24) Notable: Anon sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

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I sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

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0d8238 No.221491

File: 69e8a7dd0904b78⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,848x468,212:117,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587949 (140438ZSEP24) Notable: Trump brings up Kamala's earpiece

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000 Kamala Questions and earpiece

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0d8238 No.221492

File: 15237bca97efc4d⋯.png (437.02 KB,587x840,587:840,Clipboard.png)

File: 15492d033c08847⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588017 (140454ZSEP24) Notable: True The Vote announced their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: True The Vote just announced that their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country and will engage law enforcement & "litigation partners" if any vote in the 2024 election



BREAKING: True The Vote just announced that their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country and will engage law enforcement & "litigation partners" if any vote in the 2024 election

"And now we're watching to see if those ineligible records go on to cast ballots. That's something that we will immediately report to the proper authorities and to our litigation partners." - Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of @TrueTheVote

This is not an exaggeration, by the way. America's voter rolls are dirtier than a liberal college student's dorm room. For example, Judicial Watch took Los Angeles County officials to court last year and forced them to remove 1.2 million names from their voter rolls. Imagine what's in counties across the country, especially in blue states.

5:22 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221493

File: 8dffcfb8d9a18c3⋯.mp4 (404.86 KB,408x270,68:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588019 (140455ZSEP24) Notable: DJT 😂

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221494

File: c25fc98460c36dd⋯.png (611.71 KB,658x1359,658:1359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588030 (140457ZSEP24) Notable: Bill Maher is a shitbag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>221489 Bill Maher being a shitbag

What a shitshow this is. Bill Maher has just accused Trump and Laura Loomer of having an affair. Laura has seen the clip and this is going to be crazy. She says she is going to sue Maher. The rest of the media including Drudge Report have been saying the same thing.


I should sue Bill Maher @billmaher for Defamation.

This is beyond the pale and it’s a complete and blatant lie.

I have never in my life seen such a coordinated attack by the mainstream

Media, the White House and leftist personalities to target a private citizen and…

The Vigilant Fox 🦊


I can't believe this is actually happening.

Bill Maher is flipping the script on @LauraLoomer, claiming she is in an “arranged relationship” with Donald Trump.

But then he took it even further, suggesting Loomer is doing you know what with Trump.

“She's 31, looks like his type…

8:22 PM • Sep 13, 2024

9:23 PM • Sep 13, 2024



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0d8238 No.221495

File: 2a073a492a01b73⋯.png (425.91 KB,667x802,667:802,Clipboard.png)

File: ae659bf0afa0341⋯.png (950.13 KB,1200x1176,50:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588061 (140510ZSEP24) Notable: Voter Registration Deadlines

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Grace Chong 🇺🇸



6:11 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221496

File: ec10754cb59aa5f⋯.png (637.3 KB,657x548,657:548,Clipboard.png)

File: c0b839ce2f4bce2⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588077 (140514ZSEP24) Notable: DJT 😂

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Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



5:18 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221497

File: c6c1fe39d3015fd⋯.png (116.6 KB,841x839,841:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 28547faeef4bebb⋯.png (67.25 KB,891x505,891:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 70106117ffd1a7b⋯.png (156.93 KB,784x599,784:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f7cab6236546b9⋯.png (54.57 KB,863x456,863:456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588089 (140520ZSEP24) Notable: Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

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Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

By: Logan Washburn

September 13, 2024

Floridians Protecting Freedom’s paid circulators allegedly forged signatures on the abortion amendment petition in Florida. The state investigated, and left-wing media attacked.

Con't at https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/13/florida-investigates-claims-that-radical-abortion-group-forged-signatures-on-ballot-petition/

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0d8238 No.221498

File: 658ee34a9c56f12⋯.png (62.99 KB,676x435,676:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588101 (140525ZSEP24) Notable: American Hindu Coalition endorses Trump

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American Hindu Coalition Georgia Chapter: “The Make America Great Again movement has always been characterized by the principles of strength through unity and by welcoming Americans from all walks of life, regardless of their ethnic, cultural, or religious backgrounds…There is no place for hate or division in our pursuit of Making America Great Again. We will continue to move forward together, standing united in our goal to build a strong, secure, and prosperous America for all of our citizens – and we will never be deterred by those who seek to sow discord among us or divide from within.”

Sep 14, 2024, 1:23 AM

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0d8238 No.221499

File: 6c19ee4f9765276⋯.png (632.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588118 (140531ZSEP24) Notable: US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

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US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

US sanctions RT

The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed


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0d8238 No.221500

File: 56b7959f1ab44e5⋯.png (923.02 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588124 (140532ZSEP24) Notable: Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media

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Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media. She must not know mainstream media is dead.

Ohio resident behind post that sparked false rumors about Haitian migrants eating pets in Springfield expresses regret: ‘It just…

“I’m not a racist.”


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0d8238 No.221501

File: cf8f9eeeeb820ad⋯.png (322.88 KB,675x1003,675:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: a58629f18d9bf8f⋯.png (964.46 KB,750x750,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588138 (140537ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

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President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

Redpill Drifter


It's interesting that in 2018, Trump signed a bill into law, making it illegal to eat dogs and cats. It was called the Farm Bill.

3:51 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221502

File: 59e1a44c32b9a11⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 613a01bb6f62b0b⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588224 (140601ZSEP24) Notable: NALC endorses Harris-Walz - Reminder from 2020: Mail-in ballots going to cross state lines and disappear AGAIN in 2024?

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Have been complaining about the so-called “republicans” pushing “mail-in” ballots. Probably has everything to do with this area where POTUS would never endorse these entrenched fuks, whose fathers were also entrenched (in at least 3 current cases). Getting cards in the mail from “Rs” encouraging it is bad enough, but relatives insisting to “mail-in” because of whatever the “fake talkers” are saying on the “non-left” tv & radio garbage because they’re limited to faux and whatever radio station carries hanity & levin for “info” causes more bullshit than there should be. Nobody remembers the clusterfuk of waiting forever for "votes to be counted", "mail-in" being the worst thing ever….

While this was beyond obvious in Rigged2020, SIAP but posting as more confirmation that RINOs & their comrades, MSM’s “non-left” fake entertainers are just as dangerous as the “dems” and CNNs. Some rank & file won't vote that way, but remember where the $$$$ (including UNION DUES $$$$$?) goes:

September 12, 2024 NALC endorses Harris-Walz NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement: The nation’s 290,000 active and retired city letter carriers represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are proud to announce our endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz to serve as the next president and vice president of the United States

The debate on Tuesday night reinforced what we know: Vice President Harris and Governor Walz have the pro-labor record we support and the pro-worker vision we need in the White House in 2025 and beyond. Both have a strong history of fighting on behalf of unions and union members.

We know a Harris-Walz Administration will work with NALC to address unique challenges facing letter carriers and the Postal Service. https://archive.md/15u3F https://www.nalc.org/news/nalc-updates/nalc-endorses-harris-walz

Flashback to 2020: VID1 (5:03) which POTUS posted on his yt channel Dec 19, 2020 Jesse Morgan says he was suspicious of his cargo load of COMPLETED ballots from NY to PA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAB2NVJtVVg;

VID 2 (9:03) Same Driver, Jesse Morgan, on Lou Dobbs.

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0d8238 No.221503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588334 (140752ZSEP24) Notable: #26443

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collector notes update @350

#26443 >>221483

>>221491 Trump brings up Kamala's earpiece

>>221484 Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

>>221485 The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally

>>221486 Kamala's interview breakdown: Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated. TOP KEK

>>221487 Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in top secret reports

>>221488 ABC allegedly set up distractive lighting aimed at Trump's podium

>>221489, >>221494 Bill Maher is a shitbag

>>221490 Anon sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

>>221492 True The Vote announced their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country

>>221495 Voter Registration Deadlines

>>221496, >>221493 DJT 😂

>>221497 Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

>>221498 American Hindu Coalition endorses Trump

>>221499 US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

>>221500 Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media

>>221501 President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

>>221502 NALC endorses Harris-Walz - Reminder from 2020: Mail-in ballots going to cross state lines and disappear AGAIN in 2024?


>>>/qresearch/21588241, >>>/qresearch/21588248, >>>/qresearch/21588272, >>>/qresearch/21588280 Anon dig on Haiti, Clinton & John Legend



collector out

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221505

File: 420ad49fe82fa93⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588725 (141104ZSEP24) Notable: #26444

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Never Give Up, Never Give In

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588768 (141123ZSEP24) Notable: Pennsylvania court rules against allowing misdated mail-in votes

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Pennsylvania court rules against allowing misdated mail-in votes

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Friday reversed a lower court's ruling from almost two weeks ago that had said the two most populous counties of the battleground state will not be able to throw out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates.


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Friday ruling said Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania "lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter," according to a court filing.

The Republican Party welcomed the ruling. Voting rights advocates including the American Civil Liberties Union said they will look at pursuing additional legal options and said the ruling was a "setback for Pennsylvania voters."


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0d8238 No.221507

File: c3cc2807a3f0db0⋯.png (370.27 KB,593x770,593:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588776 (141126ZSEP24) Notable: X22

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X22 Report



Sep 13, 2024, 9:38 AM

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0d8238 No.221508

File: 71630044228799a⋯.png (20.7 KB,607x230,607:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588811 (141143ZSEP24) Notable: @JohnBWellsCTM Please keep in mind always that the"fact- checkers" are paid liars

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James Watkins reposted

John B Wells


Please keep in mind always that the"fact- checkers" are paid liars. The latest is that the savages from Haiti are not eating neighborhood pets. They are, and they do. If this country doesn't snap out of it and rise up, our weak pathetic backsides will be next on the BBQ spit.

5:41 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221509

File: 59dad43c3a9f081⋯.png (1.06 MB,1061x842,1061:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588827 (141150ZSEP24) Notable: Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

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Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

1 day ago

Wycliffe Muia

BBC News, Nairobi

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0d8238 No.221510

File: f67ca8d58eb2a84⋯.png (400.14 KB,588x579,196:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588838 (141153ZSEP24) Notable: @JohnBWellsCTM Naked Lines Friday!🔥

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John B Wells


Naked Lines Friday!🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Call me on 877-956-9566 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


Naked Lines Friday!🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Call me on 877-956-9566 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:24 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221511

File: 734b7b1e2e4cdf2⋯.png (172.16 KB,592x647,592:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588841 (141155ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk The Dems want to take your kids

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Elon Musk


The Dems want to take your kids


Fox News



Sep 13

"They don't believe that these are your kids. They believe that these are the government's kids."

@Riley_Gaines_ reacts to a California judge banning a school district from imposing a policy that would have required teachers and staff to notify parents if their student declares

Show more

11:15 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221512

File: 9db11a124bbf2d2⋯.png (856.79 KB,926x862,463:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588860 (141202ZSEP24) Notable: Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

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Federal judge dismisses Trump classified

documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

Associated Press News, by Eric Tucker

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/14/2024 6:40:37 AM

A federal judge in Florida dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump on Monday, siding with defense lawyers who said the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed by the Justice Department. Hours later, special counsel Jack Smith’s office said it would appeal the order, which could result in it eventually being overturned by a higher court. But for now at least, the dismissal by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon brings a stunning and abrupt halt to a criminal case that at the time it was filed was widely regarded as the most perilous of all the legal threats the Republican former president confronted.

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0d8238 No.221513

File: 7821a01e5c24cad⋯.png (119.26 KB,595x838,595:838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588864 (141204ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars.

John Fabbricatore is sounding the alarm, saying the Tren de Aragua gang has set up operation in the U.S. much "faster than MS-13 did."

"There's about to be a big gang war," he told the Daily Mail.

"I believe that they’re setting up their network right now. These guys are setting up faster than MS-13 did. They’re getting into these apartment complexes and what they’re doing is they’re starting with prost*tution."

"Prost*tution is a big money-maker, and the thing with prost*tution is that it brings guys in that they can then sell dope to."

"These guys come in, they meet these Johns and shake them down. See if they want to buy drugs. They’ve started with moving these girls through… It’s bad."

Experts believe the Tren de Aragua gang is imposing on the Bloods, Crips and Sureños which will trigger gang wars.

The first video below was from a sh**ting at Aspen Grove apartments in Aurora, Colorado according to the Daily Mail which is reportedly run by a gang.

1:08 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221514

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588870 (141206ZSEP24) Notable: Caravan to Midnight 2277 ft. Dustin Nemos - Bankers & Global Rule

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Caravan to Midnight 2277 ft. Dustin Nemos - Bankers & Global Rule


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0d8238 No.221515

File: e00b467351b2c18⋯.png (179.8 KB,1208x838,604:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588882 (141210ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: @realDonaldTrump Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on?……

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Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on? Are they taking orders from the SEC, which, for political reasons, delayed us for an inordinate amount of time, therefore hurting the stock very badly? I am going to hold NASDAQ, and maybe the SEC, liable for doing what they are doing. If they do it again, we will move the stock to the New York Stock Exchange. It is my intention to own this stock for a long period of time. In my opinion, it is THE REAL VOICE OF AMERICA, but it is definitely MY VOICE, and it will be for a long time to come!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221516

File: 49a77b5443969fd⋯.png (388.2 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 875b7a19e629987⋯.png (857.64 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: c8834cda2c6ec67⋯.png (1.63 MB,1237x696,1237:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588922 (141222ZSEP24) Notable: PF upates

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Call sign AGONY. Flight of 3 B-52s from Barksdale AFB. Flying NW in formation near Twin Falls, Idaho.


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0d8238 No.221517

File: 8102f50fb79d2d7⋯.png (2.29 MB,1353x6524,1353:6524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588934 (141226ZSEP24) Notable: Today in Q Post History we have 16 deltas.

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Today in Q Post History we have 16 deltas.

September 14

There were16 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 14.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+14

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/EzGd8

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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0d8238 No.221518

File: 45e3d74ce44b78f⋯.png (1.46 MB,1008x954,56:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588964 (141233ZSEP24) Notable: 51 Days to WINNING

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0d8238 No.221519

File: 8307f5ca11fa1c2⋯.png (240.51 KB,596x712,149:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589041 (141251ZSEP24) Notable: @MELANIATRUMP We The People

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0:04 / 1:01

1:50 AM · Sep 14, 2024




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0d8238 No.221520

File: 4740b8b03cef167⋯.png (645.35 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589063 (141302ZSEP24) Notable: PF upates

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Global X


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0d8238 No.221521

File: 8e15710ceabb9bb⋯.png (886.57 KB,864x837,32:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589064 (141302ZSEP24) Notable: ‘Major Conflict’: Chinese Military-Linked Pharma Corps Make Flurry Of Payments To Taxpayer-Funded Scientists

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‘Major Conflict’: Chinese Military-Linked Pharma Corps Make Flurry Of Payments To Taxpayer-Funded Scientists

Robert Schmad


September 12, 2024 1:19 PM ET

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0d8238 No.221522

File: ddcf36a81f82b09⋯.png (1009.1 KB,1421x1379,203:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589077 (141306ZSEP24) Notable: Fight For Kids

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221523

File: 523077f2d7ecacf⋯.png (23.37 KB,422x217,422:217,Clipboard.png)

File: ba501324f115442⋯.png (23.68 KB,424x185,424:185,Clipboard.png)

File: d8b6817770474eb⋯.png (1.09 MB,1090x2771,1090:2771,Clipboard.png)

File: dfa7c6ba33ac8f4⋯.png (578.87 KB,1275x576,425:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589105 (141314ZSEP24) Notable: #cornwatch, Cali fires

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dat real?

>is the corn ready for to be cut?

Check this delta

Potus drops hashtag and only a hashtag

Q drops a tweet and only a tweet

Q tweets Chuck Grassley tweet at17:30 includes a Hashtag



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV609/13/202019:04:17 ID: f64c4e

8kun/qresearch: 10636383



Chuck Grassley


This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest#cornwatch@ Iowa

From instagram.com

5:30 PM ·Sep 13, 2020




This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest #cornwatch



>>Holy shit. The entire leftwing media has now been caught in a massive lie. 🚨🚨🚨


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0d8238 No.221524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589112 (141316ZSEP24) Notable: 2018 President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States

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President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States

Friday, December 21, 2018

On Thursday, in a groundbreaking victory for animals in the United States and across the world, the “Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition Act” was signed into law by President Trump as a provision of the Farm Bill. The bill was spearheaded and sponsored by the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation (AHWF), a nonprofit that rescues dogs and cats from the dog and cat meat trade abroad. The Act makes it a federal offense to slaughter, trade and import/export dogs and cats for human consumption, a practice that was previously legal in 44 states.

While the practice is uncommon in America, a number of recent cases were discovered in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and New York. Many of these dogs and cats were taken from shelters, some found as strays, others were stolen pets from families. While the ban on dog and cat meat consumption only applies to the practice within the United States, it will also serve to strengthen the position of activists fighting against the dog and cat meat trade around the world.


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0d8238 No.221525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589130 (141319ZSEP24) Notable: NBC News quickly located and identified four hateful profile accounts, one of which included clear anti-Semitic language.

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NBC News quickly located and identified four hateful profile accounts, one of which included clear anti-Semitic language. Another showed a model of a Nazi-era uniform, and two others were Proud Boys-related profiles and included an avatar of its founder, Gavin McInnes. The Proud Boys organization has been identified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

After being informed of the existence of those four accounts, Roblox promptly removed them within hours. However, NBC News, along with help from another Twitter user, was able to find over 100 accounts that featured extremist and racist content, which included longstanding neo-Nazi coded language, phrases like “Jews to Gas!” and user names including “WhiteRaceBestRace.”

Roblox also removed those accounts after there were flagged to the company by NBC News.

"We strive to do everything we can to prevent and detect behavior that violates our Terms of Service and took immediate action to delete these groups,” the company said in a statement emailed by Teresa Brewer, the vice president of communications.

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0d8238 No.221526

File: 872655790dadcc5⋯.png (405.88 KB,1273x716,1273:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c2e7d35948e1a⋯.png (780.78 KB,641x544,641:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589134 (141321ZSEP24) Notable: Oprah just had an AI special with Sam Altman and Bill Gates — here are the highlights

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Oprah just had an AI special with Sam Altman and Bill Gates — here are the highlights

Kyle Wiggers

Maxwell Zeff

9:03 PM PDT • September 12, 2024

Oprah on deepfakes

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0d8238 No.221527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589144 (141323ZSEP24) Notable: Fight For Kids

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New Jersey Man Sentenced to 15 Years in Federal Prison After Grooming Minor Online and Transporting Her Across State Lines via Uber for Sex

Arnold Castillo, 23, of Paterson, New Jersey, has been sentenced to 15 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to Transportation of a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity and Coercion and Enticement of a Minor.

According to court documents, from January to May 2022, Castillo used a false identity, “Jacob Shedletsky,” to communicate with and groom a 15-year-old girl via social media and gaming applications such as Instagram, Roblox, and Discord.

Castillo engaged in grooming behaviors such as buying the girl’s anime artwork using CashApp and purchasing other high-value items on Amazon such as an Artist’s Glove for Drawing Tablet, a Max Smart Tablet Drawing Stand, and a Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13 Windows 10 computer to be delivered to her parents’ home in Indiana.

Castillo intentionally led the girl to believe that he had the ability to connect her to employment opportunities in the online gaming industry and used this leverage to engage in sexually explicit conversations with her. Castillo coerced and persuaded the girl into believing they were in love and that her family was her enemy.

During these conversations, Castillo discussed his plans to arrange for the girl to travel from Indiana to New Jersey so they could be together and engage in sexual activity. Castillo used the Uber application to find and hire a driver in New Jersey to transport the girl the 700 miles to his residence. Castillo paid the driver $500 through CashApp before they left New Jersey, and another $500 in cash when they returned with the victim.

When the girl arrived at Castillo’s New Jersey residence, Castillo sexually abused her on multiple occasions and used Uber to have others purchase or attempt to purchase the “Plan B” pill to prevent the child from becoming pregnant.

For days, Castillo kept the girl in New Jersey and continued to abuse her, knowing that her family and law enforcement were desperately searching for her. In a recorded phone interview on May 5, 2022, Castillo lied to law enforcement officers, stating that he had no idea where she was and that she must have run away.

On May 11, 2022, eight days after the girl was reported missing, FBI agents recovered her from Castillo as the two were walking in front of his residence. At the time of his arrest, Castillo had several unopened condoms in his pocket. Castillo admitted to law enforcement agents that he kept the victim in his care, custody, and control in a small room and controlled her movements in and out of the room. He also controlled her access to food and basic necessities, knowing that she had no financial resources or ability to travel back to Indiana.

“No parent should have to endure eight torturous days not knowing if their child is alive or dead, only to learn that a stranger used social media and other online tools to groom their child and spirit them across the country,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, Zachary A. Myers. “This defendant is a stone-cold, manipulative, child predator who used the tools of social media and gaming to abuse a vulnerable child and then obstructed the efforts of law enforcement officers to secure her safe return home. I commend the outstanding work of local law enforcement agencies along with the FBI’s Indianapolis and Newark Field Offices for working around the clock for eight days to bring the victim home safely. Thanks to the outstanding work of these law enforcement officers and our federal prosecutor, this dangerous predator will be unable to harm another child.”

“This was a horrible nightmare for both the child lured away from home under false pretenses and the family who was left to worry about where she was, if she was safe, and if they would ever see her again,” said FBI Indianapolis Special Agent in Charge Herbert J. Stapleton. “The FBI and our partners will always do everything in our power to safely recover a child and reunite them with their loved ones.”

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0d8238 No.221528

File: e11fe3707237802⋯.png (1.33 MB,1260x2108,315:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589153 (141325ZSEP24) Notable: #cornwatch, Cali fires

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>dat real?

>>is the corn ready for to be cut?

>Check this delta

Was Potus talking wildfires in Cali yesterday?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV609/13/202015:56:08 ID: c64513

8kun/qresearch: 10633477

Anonymous 09/13/2020 15:50:47 ID:01cfb4

8kun/qresearch: 10633420

Image Name: Eh0HqnNU4AAago_.jpeg

Filename: c361801459cf52f2913535bfbee72f78964a4bb6b5ac89c62f7232ad52c89d56.jpeg



13:33 of the video.

Talkin' about these types running around.


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0d8238 No.221529

File: 381da7056f7f806⋯.png (1.46 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: e87f8bc4029958e⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589167 (141332ZSEP24) Notable: PF upates

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>Call sign AGONY. Flight of 3 B-52s from Barksdale AFB. Flying NW in formation near Twin Falls, Idaho.

Flying right over SeaTac and Boeing Field, Seattle. This is where they were built all those years ago. No signs of descending or turning. They look to be headed out overseas. And these are just three that are broadcasting ADS. Could be more than just those in the flight.


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0d8238 No.221530

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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