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Anon Curated Notables

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

0d8238 No.211730 [View All]

12SEP24 to 14SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 722 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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aa578c No.221451

File: 29cd9228b5cfc05⋯.png (263.17 KB,878x2698,439:1349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587720 (140401ZSEP24) Notable: 97 Trillion Dollars

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97 Trillion Dollars

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aa578c No.221452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587749 (140406ZSEP24) Notable: Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas

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Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas


President Trump: We dismantled her terrible record [Harris, in debate], we exposed her radical, liberal agenda, and we laid out our plans to, quote simply, Make America Great Again!


President Trump: Today she [Harris] had a terrible interview. Did you see the interview she had today? She can't talk. She can't talk. She can't talk without, maybe getting the answers? Did she get the questions? I hear she got questions, and I also heard she had a little something in the ear. A little something in the ear.


President Trump: They're taking over our country from within…I'm angry about young American girls being raped and murdered by savage criminal aliens that come into our country, very easily, but very illegally.


President Trump: The most preposterous part of Kamala; and how do you like the name, Comrade Kamala Harris. You know why? It indicates she is a communist. Comrade. Because she is. Do you know that she is further left than Crazy Bernie Sanders. He's crazy, that guy. He's almost as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Shes nuts. The most preposterous part of Kamala's debate performance was when she tried to gaslight the public into believing she never supported the radical-left policies that she has championed for her entire career.


President Trump: She's clearly not well. Take a look at these videos. [plays videos of Harris laughing, cackling, and thanking crowd like a total idiot]


President Trump: Meanwhile, every time they interfered to fact check me, it turned out they we wrong, and Trump was right. For example, a big one; I said that crime was up massively…and David Muir; he's another one that doesn't have a clue…barged in to claim that, "Sir, overall, violent crime is down…the FBI says violent crime is coming down in this country". You see what the hell is happening with crime? Who would say it was down? He reprimanded me for saying that crime was up. And you know, somebody in our government, at a very high level, likes me, and they released the real numbers…the Bureau of Justice Statistics released brand new data showing that since Kamala Harris took office, violent crime nationwide is up forty percent, rape is up forty-two percent, car theft is up forty-two percent, robberies are up sixty-seven percent, aggravated assaults are up much more than fifty-five percent, and violent crime with a weapon is up fifty-six percent, violent attacks on strangers is up sixty-one plus percent. So David Muir owes me an apology.


President Trump: Under Kamala Harris and the communist left, our country is under invasion. We are under invasion just like it was an army, except in many ways, it's more difficult because they don't wear a uniform. You don't know who the hell to go after.


President Trump: Kamala would be the president of invasion, and I will be the President of making this country stronger, better, more beautiful, bigger, more powerful, wealthier, safer, than ever before. I will protect our country, she will surrender our country. She has already let in twenty-one million people, and if she gets four more years in America, our country will be obliterated. The twenty-one million people will be hundreds of milions of people, will come in from all over the world, which is where they're coming from now. You'll have a hundred and fifty million more people, you won't have a country anymore.


President Trump: The failing New York Times today reports this vicious Venezuelan gang is, "Snek. It sneaked into the United States among the millions of migrants who have crossed the border, and is peddling drugs, guns, and women, across the fifty states from urban centers like New York and Chicago, to Florida beaches, and once tranquil middle-America in Colorado."


President Trump: When I become your president; when we all; we're gonna work together, we're gonna make it happen, we will get the illegal alien murderers, rapists, ad child predators the hell out of our country, and we will not ever, ever, ever, let them back in.


djt: they lost 325, 000 kids and they think we are the bad guys, think of that.


President Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris is the most radical liberal nominee ever to seek the Oval Office, and you know it was just pointed out; and the real number is three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children are lost. They're being raped or they're being killed; a lot of them are no longer with us. They lost them during the last three years. Three hundred and twenty-five thousand children. Young children. Think of it. Never to see their parents again. ,They're either gone, or in they're in the service as slaves. Slaves. Sex slaves or slaves. You know, they talk about us like we're evil people. They lost three hundred and twenty-five thousand young kids. Think of what that means,. Think of what that means.


President Trump: Last month alone, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, as migrants gained six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs in a single month. You know, the jobs, almost every single job was taken by a migrant worker.


President Trump: If I pull this off, with the help of your governor [Nevada], a lot of Hollywood will be moving from California, because right now, you don't have the land. Because you don't have the land. It's owned by the federal government. We're gonna open up that land to you. You'll be able to build studio lots and everything else.


President Trump: The Green New Scam; the greatest scam. You know what they were going to spend? Ninety-seven trillion dollars. Where are they gonna get that money? That's more money than every country in the world has. It's a scam. They were going to spend ninety-seven trillion dollars. And you know, the time is coming up; remember they said we only have twelve years to live because the environment is going to kill us, right? The time is very close. Somehow I'm not worried.

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aa578c No.221453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587752 (140406ZSEP24) Notable: #26442

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notables FINAL

#26442 >>221399

>>221417, >>221401 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

>>221452 Transcript: Trump Rally in Las Vegas

>>221425 38 times she said thank you

>>221434 Trump reads 'The Snake'

>>221440 "Can you believe I have to say this? We are going to LIBERATE parts of our COUNTRY." - President Donald J. Trump

>>221451 97 Trillion Dollars

>>221442 Kamala NOW vs. THEN

>>221427, >>221428 Kash

>>221402 BOOOOOOOM!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

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>>221400 Mike Benz on War Room w/ Natalie Winters

>>221403 District Attorney Announces Iraq War Veteran Who Shot Pro-Hamas Agitator in Self-Defense will be Charged with Two ‘Crimes

>>221404 Trump responds to question about bringing water back to California and preventing droughts and fires


>>221406 (Sep 9) Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

>>221407 DoJ Is Dropping Nearly Half of the J6 Obstruction Charges

>>221408 A council meeting in Alabama was abruptly adjourned after residents asked about the influx of illegals

>>221410 A Factory is laying off American Workers and hiring the illegal Haitian immigrants

>>221411 Biden admin hosted U.K. gov's Counter Disinformation Unit in 2021 to learn about their most effective censorship techniques

>>221412 Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

>>221413 The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded

>>221414 23andMe Must Pay $30M As Genetics Data Breach Settlement Is Reached

>>221415 Trending on X

>>221416 DJT: Comrade Kamala Harris NEVER WORKED AT McDONALDS - A TOTAL LIE

>>221418 The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

>>221419 Ohio Gov. DeWine's deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy

>>221420 Florida State Surgeon General Advises Against the Use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines

>>221421 US Locks In China Tariff Hikes on EVs, Chips, Steel

>>221422 Stranded Boeing Starliner astronauts will vote in the presidential election — all the way from space

>>221423 Kamala (after 3.5 years in office): "The American Dream is elusive — it's just actually not attainable!"

>>221424 Elections Wagering Site Shut Down Hours After Court Ruling Said It Could Go Online

>>221426 30,000 Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted

>>221429 ICYMI: Tim Walz Said Kamala Started Her Career as a “Young Prostitutor”

>>221430 Illegal voter registration forms in Haitian Creole distributed by library in Springfield, Ohio

>>221431 Kamala right after her presidential debate statement: "I feel very strongly that we need an assault weapons ban"

>>221432 Trump Pledges ‘Mass Deportations’ in Springfield and Aurora if He’s Elected

>>221433 Kamala Harris First Solo Interview with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster

>>221437 JD Vance: If you were to ask what caused me to change my tune about President Trump from 2016 to 2020 …

>>221435, >>221438, >>221439 Mexican cartels exploit US government’s CBP One app

>>221441 Watch Kamala lie in 5D

>>221443 The Army’s New Precision Strike Missile Is So Accurate It Can Destroy Moving Ships at Sea

>>221444 Operation Voodoo Cat Rescue

>>221445 During the pandemic, California lost somewhere between $39 and $50 billion dollars to fraud

>>221446 Alf star Benji Gregory's cause of death revealed three months after being found in car alongside service dog in bank parking lot

>>221447 Execution after birth by state

>>221449 Soros-funded group's leader visited the White House, claimed credit for Trump’s NY prosecution

>>221450 Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ruled that undated or mis-dated Mail-in Ballots will not be counted in this election

>>221409, >>221436, >>221448 Memes


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0d8238 No.221483

File: 8bb713845473100⋯.png (181.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587773 (140409ZSEP24) Notable: #26443

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Incoming baker use this dough (updated Globals)


can continue or defer

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0d8238 No.221484

File: eae9d6e065350da⋯.png (74.63 KB,753x581,753:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a3f86da9285162⋯.png (56.38 KB,756x512,189:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587800 (140412ZSEP24) Notable: Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

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Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

Judicial Watch announced today it received 105 pages and 211 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. State Department in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show officials in the Biden State Department exchanging an article comparing Tucker Carlson’s February 2024 interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler’s handing out copies of Mein Kampf to newlyweds in Germany in the 1930s.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia after the State Department failed to comply with a February 7, 2024, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:24-cv-00840)) for:

All (2024) emails and diplomatic notes sent to and from the following officials referencing “Tucker Carlson:” Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Deputy Secretary Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary James O’Brien, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Yuri Kim, Deputy Assistant Secretary Sonata Coulter, Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary Joshua Huck, Deputy Assistant Secretary Douglas Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary Jacqueline Ramos, and/or Deputy Assistant Secretary Christopher W. Smith.

On February 8, 2024, the Tucker Carlson Network and X (Twitter) ran Carlson’s interview in Moscow with Putin. It was the first interview with Putin to be granted to a Western journalist since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

The records obtained by Judicial Watch show the State Department has significant interest in the interview and significant interest in hiding its response to the interview.

In a nearly fully redacted February 20, 2024, email from top State Department official George Pyatt to U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and European Affairs Christopher W. Smith, Pyatt attaches an article by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe titled “Dispatch from Munich: The lessons of appeasement for US lawmakers withholding support for Ukraine,” in which Kempe compares Carlson’s interview of Putin with Adolph Hitler handing out copies of Mein Kampf to newlyweds in Germany.

Kempe writes in the article that the Carlson-Hitler comparison is “not such a bizarre vehicle if one considers Carlson’s influence on a Republican minority in the House that is currently standing in the way of approving additional aid for Ukraine.”

A lengthy paper circulated by email among officials in the State Department’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (EUR) beginning on February 9, 2024, is almost entirely redacted. A portion of the paper is subtitled “Tucker Carlson interview of Putin?” This section of the paper is labelled “U” (Unclassified) but all of the content is redacted citing FOIA exemption (b)(5), which covers material considered to be “deliberative” in nature, or marked “non responsive.”


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0d8238 No.221485

File: ef2b811baae0c9f⋯.png (456.77 KB,586x674,293:337,Clipboard.png)

File: bb8a5d516c3e9cc⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587843 (140418ZSEP24) Notable: The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally

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BREAKING: The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally. Today's lineup of endorsers have over 200 MILLION followers between them across their socials, and many of the followers are voters between 18-30 years old

So far, we've seen Rick Harrison, Annuel AA, Henry Cejudo, Bryce Hall, Nelk Boys, etc. It's beautiful to see

This is YUUUGGE!

0:12 / 0:30

8:57 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221486

File: cfe668aef8a9ebe⋯.png (524.14 KB,659x658,659:658,Clipboard.png)

File: bb8a5d516c3e9cc⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587853 (140420ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala's interview breakdown: Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated. TOP KEK

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There were two opposing teams inside the Kamala campaign. One wanted to do interviews, the other didn't. Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated.

Joe Colangelo


There were two opposing teams inside the Kamala campaign.

One wanted to do interviews, the other didn't.

Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated.

3:43 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221487

File: 1e7032b0d9ceba8⋯.png (324.44 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587861 (140421ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in top secret reports

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Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in secret reports

When Vice President Kamala Harris got her first personal intelligence briefings in office, she was not pleased with what she described as 'gender-biased' language in the report.


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0d8238 No.221488

File: ec2749930e5c415⋯.png (152.74 KB,620x712,155:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 7745f32693dcf9e⋯.mp4 (1009.57 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587868 (140422ZSEP24) Notable: ABC allegedly set up distractive lighting aimed at Trump's podium

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Matt Wallace






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0d8238 No.221489

File: e842153237a5845⋯.png (284.98 KB,585x767,45:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f0aa6a76f2c0c3⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587887 (140425ZSEP24) Notable: Bill Maher is a shitbag

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There it is…Bill Maher (and Drudge Report) are alleging Trump and Laura Loomer are having an affair. Such desperation and disgusting filth from the Democrats.


Eric Abbenante


Bill Maher accuses Laura Loomer of 'having a relationship' with Donald Trump:

"Taylor Swift she believes in an arranged relationship with Travis Kelce to influence the 2024 election.

I think maybe Laura Loomer in an arranged relationship. She's very close to Trump. She's 31. Looks like his type.

'Who's Trump fucking?'

It's not nobody. He's been a dog for too long. It's not Melania. I think we may have our answer this week. I think it might be Laura Loomer, I'm just saying."

Imagine accusing Laura Loomer of 'sleeping her way to the top' while also voting for Kamala Harris. Willie Brown would like to have a word with you, Bill.

0:19 / 1:57

8:55 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221490

File: 8fc4e3ba5664faf⋯.png (9.53 MB,2992x2992,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587944 (140437ZSEP24) Notable: Anon sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

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I sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

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0d8238 No.221491

File: 69e8a7dd0904b78⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,848x468,212:117,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21587949 (140438ZSEP24) Notable: Trump brings up Kamala's earpiece

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000 Kamala Questions and earpiece

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0d8238 No.221492

File: 15237bca97efc4d⋯.png (437.02 KB,587x840,587:840,Clipboard.png)

File: 15492d033c08847⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588017 (140454ZSEP24) Notable: True The Vote announced their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country

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BREAKING: True The Vote just announced that their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country and will engage law enforcement & "litigation partners" if any vote in the 2024 election



BREAKING: True The Vote just announced that their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country and will engage law enforcement & "litigation partners" if any vote in the 2024 election

"And now we're watching to see if those ineligible records go on to cast ballots. That's something that we will immediately report to the proper authorities and to our litigation partners." - Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of @TrueTheVote

This is not an exaggeration, by the way. America's voter rolls are dirtier than a liberal college student's dorm room. For example, Judicial Watch took Los Angeles County officials to court last year and forced them to remove 1.2 million names from their voter rolls. Imagine what's in counties across the country, especially in blue states.

5:22 PM · Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221493

File: 8dffcfb8d9a18c3⋯.mp4 (404.86 KB,408x270,68:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588019 (140455ZSEP24) Notable: DJT 😂

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0d8238 No.221494

File: c25fc98460c36dd⋯.png (611.71 KB,658x1359,658:1359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588030 (140457ZSEP24) Notable: Bill Maher is a shitbag

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>>221489 Bill Maher being a shitbag

What a shitshow this is. Bill Maher has just accused Trump and Laura Loomer of having an affair. Laura has seen the clip and this is going to be crazy. She says she is going to sue Maher. The rest of the media including Drudge Report have been saying the same thing.


I should sue Bill Maher @billmaher for Defamation.

This is beyond the pale and it’s a complete and blatant lie.

I have never in my life seen such a coordinated attack by the mainstream

Media, the White House and leftist personalities to target a private citizen and…

The Vigilant Fox 🦊


I can't believe this is actually happening.

Bill Maher is flipping the script on @LauraLoomer, claiming she is in an “arranged relationship” with Donald Trump.

But then he took it even further, suggesting Loomer is doing you know what with Trump.

“She's 31, looks like his type…

8:22 PM • Sep 13, 2024

9:23 PM • Sep 13, 2024



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0d8238 No.221495

File: 2a073a492a01b73⋯.png (425.91 KB,667x802,667:802,Clipboard.png)

File: ae659bf0afa0341⋯.png (950.13 KB,1200x1176,50:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588061 (140510ZSEP24) Notable: Voter Registration Deadlines

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Grace Chong 🇺🇸



6:11 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221496

File: ec10754cb59aa5f⋯.png (637.3 KB,657x548,657:548,Clipboard.png)

File: c0b839ce2f4bce2⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588077 (140514ZSEP24) Notable: DJT 😂

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Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



5:18 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221497

File: c6c1fe39d3015fd⋯.png (116.6 KB,841x839,841:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 28547faeef4bebb⋯.png (67.25 KB,891x505,891:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 70106117ffd1a7b⋯.png (156.93 KB,784x599,784:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f7cab6236546b9⋯.png (54.57 KB,863x456,863:456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588089 (140520ZSEP24) Notable: Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

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Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

By: Logan Washburn

September 13, 2024

Floridians Protecting Freedom’s paid circulators allegedly forged signatures on the abortion amendment petition in Florida. The state investigated, and left-wing media attacked.

Con't at https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/13/florida-investigates-claims-that-radical-abortion-group-forged-signatures-on-ballot-petition/

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0d8238 No.221498

File: 658ee34a9c56f12⋯.png (62.99 KB,676x435,676:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588101 (140525ZSEP24) Notable: American Hindu Coalition endorses Trump

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American Hindu Coalition Georgia Chapter: “The Make America Great Again movement has always been characterized by the principles of strength through unity and by welcoming Americans from all walks of life, regardless of their ethnic, cultural, or religious backgrounds…There is no place for hate or division in our pursuit of Making America Great Again. We will continue to move forward together, standing united in our goal to build a strong, secure, and prosperous America for all of our citizens – and we will never be deterred by those who seek to sow discord among us or divide from within.”

Sep 14, 2024, 1:23 AM

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0d8238 No.221499

File: 6c19ee4f9765276⋯.png (632.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588118 (140531ZSEP24) Notable: US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

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US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

US sanctions RT

The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed


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0d8238 No.221500

File: 56b7959f1ab44e5⋯.png (923.02 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588124 (140532ZSEP24) Notable: Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media

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Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media. She must not know mainstream media is dead.

Ohio resident behind post that sparked false rumors about Haitian migrants eating pets in Springfield expresses regret: ‘It just…

“I’m not a racist.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0d8238 No.221501

File: cf8f9eeeeb820ad⋯.png (322.88 KB,675x1003,675:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: a58629f18d9bf8f⋯.png (964.46 KB,750x750,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588138 (140537ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

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President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

Redpill Drifter


It's interesting that in 2018, Trump signed a bill into law, making it illegal to eat dogs and cats. It was called the Farm Bill.

3:51 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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0d8238 No.221502

File: 59e1a44c32b9a11⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB,512x288,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 613a01bb6f62b0b⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588224 (140601ZSEP24) Notable: NALC endorses Harris-Walz - Reminder from 2020: Mail-in ballots going to cross state lines and disappear AGAIN in 2024?

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Have been complaining about the so-called “republicans” pushing “mail-in” ballots. Probably has everything to do with this area where POTUS would never endorse these entrenched fuks, whose fathers were also entrenched (in at least 3 current cases). Getting cards in the mail from “Rs” encouraging it is bad enough, but relatives insisting to “mail-in” because of whatever the “fake talkers” are saying on the “non-left” tv & radio garbage because they’re limited to faux and whatever radio station carries hanity & levin for “info” causes more bullshit than there should be. Nobody remembers the clusterfuk of waiting forever for "votes to be counted", "mail-in" being the worst thing ever….

While this was beyond obvious in Rigged2020, SIAP but posting as more confirmation that RINOs & their comrades, MSM’s “non-left” fake entertainers are just as dangerous as the “dems” and CNNs. Some rank & file won't vote that way, but remember where the $$$$ (including UNION DUES $$$$$?) goes:

September 12, 2024 NALC endorses Harris-Walz NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement: The nation’s 290,000 active and retired city letter carriers represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are proud to announce our endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz to serve as the next president and vice president of the United States

The debate on Tuesday night reinforced what we know: Vice President Harris and Governor Walz have the pro-labor record we support and the pro-worker vision we need in the White House in 2025 and beyond. Both have a strong history of fighting on behalf of unions and union members.

We know a Harris-Walz Administration will work with NALC to address unique challenges facing letter carriers and the Postal Service. https://archive.md/15u3F https://www.nalc.org/news/nalc-updates/nalc-endorses-harris-walz

Flashback to 2020: VID1 (5:03) which POTUS posted on his yt channel Dec 19, 2020 Jesse Morgan says he was suspicious of his cargo load of COMPLETED ballots from NY to PA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAB2NVJtVVg;

VID 2 (9:03) Same Driver, Jesse Morgan, on Lou Dobbs.

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0d8238 No.221503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588334 (140752ZSEP24) Notable: #26443

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collector notes update @350

#26443 >>221483

>>221491 Trump brings up Kamala's earpiece

>>221484 Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

>>221485 The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally

>>221486 Kamala's interview breakdown: Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated. TOP KEK

>>221487 Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in top secret reports

>>221488 ABC allegedly set up distractive lighting aimed at Trump's podium

>>221489, >>221494 Bill Maher is a shitbag

>>221490 Anon sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

>>221492 True The Vote announced their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country

>>221495 Voter Registration Deadlines

>>221496, >>221493 DJT 😂

>>221497 Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

>>221498 American Hindu Coalition endorses Trump

>>221499 US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

>>221500 Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media

>>221501 President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

>>221502 NALC endorses Harris-Walz - Reminder from 2020: Mail-in ballots going to cross state lines and disappear AGAIN in 2024?


>>>/qresearch/21588241, >>>/qresearch/21588248, >>>/qresearch/21588272, >>>/qresearch/21588280 Anon dig on Haiti, Clinton & John Legend



collector out

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0d8238 No.221505

File: 420ad49fe82fa93⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588725 (141104ZSEP24) Notable: #26444

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Never Give Up, Never Give In

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0d8238 No.221506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588768 (141123ZSEP24) Notable: Pennsylvania court rules against allowing misdated mail-in votes

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Pennsylvania court rules against allowing misdated mail-in votes

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Friday reversed a lower court's ruling from almost two weeks ago that had said the two most populous counties of the battleground state will not be able to throw out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates.


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Friday ruling said Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania "lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter," according to a court filing.

The Republican Party welcomed the ruling. Voting rights advocates including the American Civil Liberties Union said they will look at pursuing additional legal options and said the ruling was a "setback for Pennsylvania voters."


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0d8238 No.221507

File: c3cc2807a3f0db0⋯.png (370.27 KB,593x770,593:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588776 (141126ZSEP24) Notable: X22

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X22 Report



Sep 13, 2024, 9:38 AM

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0d8238 No.221508

File: 71630044228799a⋯.png (20.7 KB,607x230,607:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588811 (141143ZSEP24) Notable: @JohnBWellsCTM Please keep in mind always that the"fact- checkers" are paid liars

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James Watkins reposted

John B Wells


Please keep in mind always that the"fact- checkers" are paid liars. The latest is that the savages from Haiti are not eating neighborhood pets. They are, and they do. If this country doesn't snap out of it and rise up, our weak pathetic backsides will be next on the BBQ spit.

5:41 AM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221509

File: 59dad43c3a9f081⋯.png (1.06 MB,1061x842,1061:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588827 (141150ZSEP24) Notable: Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

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Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

1 day ago

Wycliffe Muia

BBC News, Nairobi

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0d8238 No.221510

File: f67ca8d58eb2a84⋯.png (400.14 KB,588x579,196:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588838 (141153ZSEP24) Notable: @JohnBWellsCTM Naked Lines Friday!🔥

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John B Wells


Naked Lines Friday!🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Call me on 877-956-9566 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


Naked Lines Friday!🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Call me on 877-956-9566 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:24 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221511

File: 734b7b1e2e4cdf2⋯.png (172.16 KB,592x647,592:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588841 (141155ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk The Dems want to take your kids

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Elon Musk


The Dems want to take your kids


Fox News



Sep 13

"They don't believe that these are your kids. They believe that these are the government's kids."

@Riley_Gaines_ reacts to a California judge banning a school district from imposing a policy that would have required teachers and staff to notify parents if their student declares

Show more

11:15 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221512

File: 9db11a124bbf2d2⋯.png (856.79 KB,926x862,463:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588860 (141202ZSEP24) Notable: Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

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Federal judge dismisses Trump classified

documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

Associated Press News, by Eric Tucker

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/14/2024 6:40:37 AM

A federal judge in Florida dismissed the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump on Monday, siding with defense lawyers who said the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed by the Justice Department. Hours later, special counsel Jack Smith’s office said it would appeal the order, which could result in it eventually being overturned by a higher court. But for now at least, the dismissal by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon brings a stunning and abrupt halt to a criminal case that at the time it was filed was widely regarded as the most perilous of all the legal threats the Republican former president confronted.

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0d8238 No.221513

File: 7821a01e5c24cad⋯.png (119.26 KB,595x838,595:838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588864 (141204ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars.

John Fabbricatore is sounding the alarm, saying the Tren de Aragua gang has set up operation in the U.S. much "faster than MS-13 did."

"There's about to be a big gang war," he told the Daily Mail.

"I believe that they’re setting up their network right now. These guys are setting up faster than MS-13 did. They’re getting into these apartment complexes and what they’re doing is they’re starting with prost*tution."

"Prost*tution is a big money-maker, and the thing with prost*tution is that it brings guys in that they can then sell dope to."

"These guys come in, they meet these Johns and shake them down. See if they want to buy drugs. They’ve started with moving these girls through… It’s bad."

Experts believe the Tren de Aragua gang is imposing on the Bloods, Crips and Sureños which will trigger gang wars.

The first video below was from a sh**ting at Aspen Grove apartments in Aurora, Colorado according to the Daily Mail which is reportedly run by a gang.

1:08 PM · Sep 13, 2024




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0d8238 No.221514

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588870 (141206ZSEP24) Notable: Caravan to Midnight 2277 ft. Dustin Nemos - Bankers & Global Rule

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Caravan to Midnight 2277 ft. Dustin Nemos - Bankers & Global Rule


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0d8238 No.221515

File: e00b467351b2c18⋯.png (179.8 KB,1208x838,604:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588882 (141210ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: @realDonaldTrump Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on?……

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Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on? Are they taking orders from the SEC, which, for political reasons, delayed us for an inordinate amount of time, therefore hurting the stock very badly? I am going to hold NASDAQ, and maybe the SEC, liable for doing what they are doing. If they do it again, we will move the stock to the New York Stock Exchange. It is my intention to own this stock for a long period of time. In my opinion, it is THE REAL VOICE OF AMERICA, but it is definitely MY VOICE, and it will be for a long time to come!


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0d8238 No.221516

File: 49a77b5443969fd⋯.png (388.2 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 875b7a19e629987⋯.png (857.64 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: c8834cda2c6ec67⋯.png (1.63 MB,1237x696,1237:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588922 (141222ZSEP24) Notable: PF upates

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Call sign AGONY. Flight of 3 B-52s from Barksdale AFB. Flying NW in formation near Twin Falls, Idaho.


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0d8238 No.221517

File: 8102f50fb79d2d7⋯.png (2.29 MB,1353x6524,1353:6524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588934 (141226ZSEP24) Notable: Today in Q Post History we have 16 deltas.

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Today in Q Post History we have 16 deltas.

September 14

There were16 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 14.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+14

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/EzGd8

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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0d8238 No.221518

File: 45e3d74ce44b78f⋯.png (1.46 MB,1008x954,56:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21588964 (141233ZSEP24) Notable: 51 Days to WINNING

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0d8238 No.221519

File: 8307f5ca11fa1c2⋯.png (240.51 KB,596x712,149:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589041 (141251ZSEP24) Notable: @MELANIATRUMP We The People

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0:04 / 1:01

1:50 AM · Sep 14, 2024




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0d8238 No.221520

File: 4740b8b03cef167⋯.png (645.35 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589063 (141302ZSEP24) Notable: PF upates

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Global X


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0d8238 No.221521

File: 8e15710ceabb9bb⋯.png (886.57 KB,864x837,32:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589064 (141302ZSEP24) Notable: ‘Major Conflict’: Chinese Military-Linked Pharma Corps Make Flurry Of Payments To Taxpayer-Funded Scientists

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‘Major Conflict’: Chinese Military-Linked Pharma Corps Make Flurry Of Payments To Taxpayer-Funded Scientists

Robert Schmad


September 12, 2024 1:19 PM ET

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0d8238 No.221522

File: ddcf36a81f82b09⋯.png (1009.1 KB,1421x1379,203:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589077 (141306ZSEP24) Notable: Fight For Kids

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0d8238 No.221523

File: 523077f2d7ecacf⋯.png (23.37 KB,422x217,422:217,Clipboard.png)

File: ba501324f115442⋯.png (23.68 KB,424x185,424:185,Clipboard.png)

File: d8b6817770474eb⋯.png (1.09 MB,1090x2771,1090:2771,Clipboard.png)

File: dfa7c6ba33ac8f4⋯.png (578.87 KB,1275x576,425:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589105 (141314ZSEP24) Notable: #cornwatch, Cali fires

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dat real?

>is the corn ready for to be cut?

Check this delta

Potus drops hashtag and only a hashtag

Q drops a tweet and only a tweet

Q tweets Chuck Grassley tweet at17:30 includes a Hashtag



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV609/13/202019:04:17 ID: f64c4e

8kun/qresearch: 10636383



Chuck Grassley


This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest#cornwatch@ Iowa

From instagram.com

5:30 PM ·Sep 13, 2020




This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest #cornwatch



>>Holy shit. The entire leftwing media has now been caught in a massive lie. 🚨🚨🚨


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0d8238 No.221524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589112 (141316ZSEP24) Notable: 2018 President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States

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President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States

Friday, December 21, 2018

On Thursday, in a groundbreaking victory for animals in the United States and across the world, the “Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition Act” was signed into law by President Trump as a provision of the Farm Bill. The bill was spearheaded and sponsored by the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation (AHWF), a nonprofit that rescues dogs and cats from the dog and cat meat trade abroad. The Act makes it a federal offense to slaughter, trade and import/export dogs and cats for human consumption, a practice that was previously legal in 44 states.

While the practice is uncommon in America, a number of recent cases were discovered in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and New York. Many of these dogs and cats were taken from shelters, some found as strays, others were stolen pets from families. While the ban on dog and cat meat consumption only applies to the practice within the United States, it will also serve to strengthen the position of activists fighting against the dog and cat meat trade around the world.


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0d8238 No.221525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589130 (141319ZSEP24) Notable: NBC News quickly located and identified four hateful profile accounts, one of which included clear anti-Semitic language.

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NBC News quickly located and identified four hateful profile accounts, one of which included clear anti-Semitic language. Another showed a model of a Nazi-era uniform, and two others were Proud Boys-related profiles and included an avatar of its founder, Gavin McInnes. The Proud Boys organization has been identified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

After being informed of the existence of those four accounts, Roblox promptly removed them within hours. However, NBC News, along with help from another Twitter user, was able to find over 100 accounts that featured extremist and racist content, which included longstanding neo-Nazi coded language, phrases like “Jews to Gas!” and user names including “WhiteRaceBestRace.”

Roblox also removed those accounts after there were flagged to the company by NBC News.

"We strive to do everything we can to prevent and detect behavior that violates our Terms of Service and took immediate action to delete these groups,” the company said in a statement emailed by Teresa Brewer, the vice president of communications.

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0d8238 No.221526

File: 872655790dadcc5⋯.png (405.88 KB,1273x716,1273:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c2e7d35948e1a⋯.png (780.78 KB,641x544,641:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589134 (141321ZSEP24) Notable: Oprah just had an AI special with Sam Altman and Bill Gates — here are the highlights

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Oprah just had an AI special with Sam Altman and Bill Gates — here are the highlights

Kyle Wiggers

Maxwell Zeff

9:03 PM PDT • September 12, 2024

Oprah on deepfakes

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0d8238 No.221527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589144 (141323ZSEP24) Notable: Fight For Kids

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New Jersey Man Sentenced to 15 Years in Federal Prison After Grooming Minor Online and Transporting Her Across State Lines via Uber for Sex

Arnold Castillo, 23, of Paterson, New Jersey, has been sentenced to 15 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to Transportation of a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity and Coercion and Enticement of a Minor.

According to court documents, from January to May 2022, Castillo used a false identity, “Jacob Shedletsky,” to communicate with and groom a 15-year-old girl via social media and gaming applications such as Instagram, Roblox, and Discord.

Castillo engaged in grooming behaviors such as buying the girl’s anime artwork using CashApp and purchasing other high-value items on Amazon such as an Artist’s Glove for Drawing Tablet, a Max Smart Tablet Drawing Stand, and a Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13 Windows 10 computer to be delivered to her parents’ home in Indiana.

Castillo intentionally led the girl to believe that he had the ability to connect her to employment opportunities in the online gaming industry and used this leverage to engage in sexually explicit conversations with her. Castillo coerced and persuaded the girl into believing they were in love and that her family was her enemy.

During these conversations, Castillo discussed his plans to arrange for the girl to travel from Indiana to New Jersey so they could be together and engage in sexual activity. Castillo used the Uber application to find and hire a driver in New Jersey to transport the girl the 700 miles to his residence. Castillo paid the driver $500 through CashApp before they left New Jersey, and another $500 in cash when they returned with the victim.

When the girl arrived at Castillo’s New Jersey residence, Castillo sexually abused her on multiple occasions and used Uber to have others purchase or attempt to purchase the “Plan B” pill to prevent the child from becoming pregnant.

For days, Castillo kept the girl in New Jersey and continued to abuse her, knowing that her family and law enforcement were desperately searching for her. In a recorded phone interview on May 5, 2022, Castillo lied to law enforcement officers, stating that he had no idea where she was and that she must have run away.

On May 11, 2022, eight days after the girl was reported missing, FBI agents recovered her from Castillo as the two were walking in front of his residence. At the time of his arrest, Castillo had several unopened condoms in his pocket. Castillo admitted to law enforcement agents that he kept the victim in his care, custody, and control in a small room and controlled her movements in and out of the room. He also controlled her access to food and basic necessities, knowing that she had no financial resources or ability to travel back to Indiana.

“No parent should have to endure eight torturous days not knowing if their child is alive or dead, only to learn that a stranger used social media and other online tools to groom their child and spirit them across the country,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, Zachary A. Myers. “This defendant is a stone-cold, manipulative, child predator who used the tools of social media and gaming to abuse a vulnerable child and then obstructed the efforts of law enforcement officers to secure her safe return home. I commend the outstanding work of local law enforcement agencies along with the FBI’s Indianapolis and Newark Field Offices for working around the clock for eight days to bring the victim home safely. Thanks to the outstanding work of these law enforcement officers and our federal prosecutor, this dangerous predator will be unable to harm another child.”

“This was a horrible nightmare for both the child lured away from home under false pretenses and the family who was left to worry about where she was, if she was safe, and if they would ever see her again,” said FBI Indianapolis Special Agent in Charge Herbert J. Stapleton. “The FBI and our partners will always do everything in our power to safely recover a child and reunite them with their loved ones.”

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0d8238 No.221528

File: e11fe3707237802⋯.png (1.33 MB,1260x2108,315:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589153 (141325ZSEP24) Notable: #cornwatch, Cali fires

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>dat real?

>>is the corn ready for to be cut?

>Check this delta

Was Potus talking wildfires in Cali yesterday?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV609/13/202015:56:08 ID: c64513

8kun/qresearch: 10633477

Anonymous 09/13/2020 15:50:47 ID:01cfb4

8kun/qresearch: 10633420

Image Name: Eh0HqnNU4AAago_.jpeg

Filename: c361801459cf52f2913535bfbee72f78964a4bb6b5ac89c62f7232ad52c89d56.jpeg



13:33 of the video.

Talkin' about these types running around.


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0d8238 No.221529

File: 381da7056f7f806⋯.png (1.46 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: e87f8bc4029958e⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21589167 (141332ZSEP24) Notable: PF upates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Call sign AGONY. Flight of 3 B-52s from Barksdale AFB. Flying NW in formation near Twin Falls, Idaho.

Flying right over SeaTac and Boeing Field, Seattle. This is where they were built all those years ago. No signs of descending or turning. They look to be headed out overseas. And these are just three that are broadcasting ADS. Could be more than just those in the flight.


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0d8238 No.221530

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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