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/nothingness/ - The Void

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Welcome to your dark retreat.

File: ae1a64f995d756f⋯.png (169.85 KB,900x764,225:191,1498657027811.png)

 No.1338 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I noticed this board's tags and a particular one caught my attention: Amoral

How Amoral is '/ /' as you lot call it?

Give me examples of your worst you psychopaths, this board looks like home to me.

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"Sense of guilt" I mean.

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I like you too <3

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How amoral do you consider it?

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What's your price?

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who's the target?

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File: 443932e8d58544b⋯.png (903.82 KB,2560x1440,16:9,443932e8d58544b47d76f7774f….png)

File: b7ece77082cc38f⋯.jpg (228.45 KB,1293x1040,1293:1040,undertle.JPG)

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 No.572 [Open thread]

I saw this in a drawthread, but I dont know anything about the game, tried to look up a few minutes of gameplay and I dont know if the guy was just retarded or something but it looked like all you can do is walk around endlessly in void tier areas

also when image searching the game I got a bunch of shit that looked like undertale fanart

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Noice, fuckn A

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File: 839535e5d85737c⋯.jpeg (257.11 KB,1029x1200,343:400,a4d1ed341431243464ed9d6c8….jpeg)

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go on…

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I want to bash your head in.

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File: 4917cc42e2c1d13⋯.jpg (24.11 KB,250x250,1:1,1505782040471.jpg)

 No.196 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>When The Void minimizes pain and maximize pleasure.

I don't wanna leave

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>tfw I now want to fuck a bunch of smoke


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Accept Mist-chan into your life

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How do i do that?

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check our occult thread >>1252

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Somebody draw a pic of that

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File: 209f08cd736cd9f⋯.png (9.37 KB,205x180,41:36,3.png)

 No.1628 [Open thread]

what the fuck is this board about

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A place for The F0rmless, check out our philosophy thread >>1571

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File: eb4ae3ad456fdab⋯.jpg (189.48 KB,667x1000,667:1000,Unique-ltd.jpg)

File: f29c370e272ab16⋯.jpg (182.06 KB,1174x851,1174:851,berserk18602463.jpg)

File: 679fdfdc32736c0⋯.jpg (284.45 KB,478x800,239:400,soul-music-2.jpg)

File: 348cf4947f11b20⋯.pdf (6.76 MB,Stirner - The Unique and I….pdf)

 No.1564 [Open thread]

Lets talk about books and comics/manga that dwell upon the void and related subjects.

Some works that come to my mind:


>The Unique and It's Property - Max Stirner

>Nihilistic and Existential authors like Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Dostoevsky, etc

>Void Magick - Thomas Chaote

>Fight Club

>The Stranger

>The Death arc in Discworld: Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather, Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett.

Admittedly, I am a brainlet when it comes to this topic so I'm hoping to discover more titles with this thread.

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bump for interest

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I think we have void magick by thomas chaote in the void occult thread

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Perhaps you might be interested in Madd in Abyss, pretty good Manga talking about a deep hole where weird dtuff happens, the protagonist are a little girl and a robot boy, they are both kids going down a really deep lovecraftian hole, the art is beautiful, my favourite manga, easly. It might not be pure void, but it's clearly inspired by Lovecraft, so i hope it counts.

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It counts I'd say.


Here's the link to that book >>1503

Also, honest question, why is it a movie like Fight Club gets so easily branded as "lel Edgy for teens xd" when it could not have told more truths about society that still rings true nowadays?

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 No.1075 [Open thread]

Just no scat pls

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File: c1b7f7eceac7c60⋯.jpg (181.32 KB,665x880,133:176,1512923655455.jpg)

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File: ef067d3a71a9a07⋯.png (179.22 KB,800x600,4:3,1512972296750.png)

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File: 76734e817a572fa⋯.jpg (14.33 KB,168x144,7:6,Capture.JPG)

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 No.24 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

We need ideas for banners, post your ideas

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File: 3bb9b8ad7ba73f9⋯.gif (946.09 KB,500x327,500:327,void.gif)

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so… alluring…

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if only it were banner shaped

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 No.1558 [Open thread]

>this bnoard

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no u

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File: d2911fafeca59a6⋯.png (104.35 KB,313x235,313:235,when-the-weed-hits-hard-an….png)

 No.1559 [Open thread]

Darkness falls across the land

The midnight hour is close at hand

Creatures crawl in search of blood

To terrorize y’all’s neighborhood

And whosoever shall be found

Without the soul for getting down

Must stand and face the hounds of hell

And rot inside a corpse’s shell

The foulest stench is in the air

The funk of forty thousand years

And grizzly ghouls from every tomb

Are closing in to share your doom

And though you fight to stay alive

Your body starts to shiver

For no mere mortal can resist

The evil of the thriller

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I've been listening to mj recently, he still holds up.

Although, those dance moves have gotten stale

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File: 346fb3a08567c4f⋯.jpg (717.61 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Kai'sa.jpg)

 No.1403 [Open thread]

Kai'sa, from League of Legends, apparently she too is a void dweller.

How does she make you feel?

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no thanks

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I'd hit it

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Kindred is the best from that cesspool of a game, don't care much for Kai'sa. Isn't she a moralfag even though she experienced the void?

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She is? Ugh, dropped.

We need some amoral women in here.

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File: c6d8fd1f018d6ea⋯.png (131.98 KB,946x845,946:845,1453238117960.png)

 No.1385 [Open thread]

How does / / feel about ponies? We're gonna set up shop

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Just keep it in one thread. The Void accepts all.

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File: 6e14fad23730fae⋯.jpg (10.49 KB,480x360,4:3,asdasdasd (2).jpg)

inside rainbow dash

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Go on…

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File: 07f871bbb9a37f6⋯.jpg (44.63 KB,401x600,401:600,Chaos Field.jpg)

 No.1423 [Open thread]

This that buy and buy, how did you get so fuckin' cool,

Had to heel-toe out my body girl to tell the truth

Nigga feeling like I never catch them, that's the fuel,

I've been here since the beginning like I promised you

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Lightening bolt through every coat, I stash my fuckin' move

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File: bcd3db42772b7b8⋯.jpg (90.56 KB,396x419,396:419,aaaaaaaaa.jpg)

 No.1401 [Open thread]


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Yes, and?

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File: a8a2c903d1a9e74⋯.gif (375.51 KB,500x359,500:359,Submitted for approval.gif)

 No.858 [Open thread]

This is a thread for Void lore of any kind, but is also for your personal experiences as void dwellers. Real or imagined, doesn't matter.. We are all lost here.

I have some stories, however I will be away/preoccupied for the next week or two

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Go to bed at night dum dum

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File: 6211a7080cf05c5⋯.png (352.55 KB,667x373,667:373,Maximum_Panicking.PNG)




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 No.1305 [Open thread]

>have autism

>want to draw a map of the void

>its the fucking void, which is not only impossibly large and empty but time and space become kind of convoluted and wibbly wobly especially "between" "places"


looking at deepest lore funposts I can see at least 4 distinct locations, some sort of strange unearthly city that the cityfags flock to, mist chans graveyard, the plutonian shore, and one autists mentioning some sort of deep sea trench

probably more

I am thinking I might write posts detailing them simply for the sake of my own autism, but I hope you guys enjoy as well

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File: 651b1f4a8136049⋯.jpg (283.29 KB,615x1476,5:12,7c9feb4cff46be5bf38855deaa….jpg)

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File: 8debb1964493a38⋯.jpg (3.05 MB,3876x2431,228:143,1445823679958-0.jpg)

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the first location I would like to give a tour of is the plutonian shore because I find it very similar to my homeland it has a lot of green written about it

it is a place of graveyards and lighthouses and cottages, of dark shores and rocky coast caves, and the very first thing anyone notices about it is the ever present mist.

I believe this mist is the progenitor of our very own board tan and it has a lewd effect on all it covers, which is why so much green ends up taking place here

there are at LEAST 2 female ghosts here, a tall japanese lady who I believe kidnaps little boys and some small girl who likes to hang out on the shore, god I feel such heartache when I see her

as you can see its not uncommon to get sea horrors coming out of that, the water is mostly normal saltwater but there is a bit of an unidentified inky black substance to it

the population density of inhabitants, sapient or otherwise, would be considered pretty sparse for the surface, but its not really out of the ordinary here, they all like their space

as for geography this actually physically connects, as in you can walk to these places a great deep wood in one direction and a vast empty ocean in the other.

why do I seperate this into 3 places? fuck you thats why, im the mapmaker and I feel like it.

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I like where this is going mang

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File: 5c5253924a486aa⋯.png (309 KB,480x800,3:5,1410473606321.png)

eta on that map homie

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File: aea3dcfcea21a7d⋯.jpg (64.05 KB,640x400,8:5,image (2).jpg)

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File: f1a42b87f6ea123⋯.jpg (134.95 KB,720x467,720:467,barlowe_inferno.jpg)

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File: dd6027416587ab3⋯.jpg (63.71 KB,520x520,1:1,b_1_q_0_p_0.jpg)

this area I am not nearly as familiar with, and cant give you the nitty gritty, it has no name of course but I like to call it sigil

since almost everything in the void is impossibly far away, anything seeking a sort of "big city" or large gathering has no reason not to go to the same one, and you can find just about anything and anyone (including death herself) there, if you can stomach the place

there is a bustling market, the crowd scared me off but I saw a tempting sale for hell dolls in the forum

geographically speaking you could divide it into 3 main areas which I call the burning town, the towers, and the decay

the burning town is a sort of hellish nightmare city, you will find all manner of monstrosity making some sort of living, probably trying to prey on you, there are huge towers of bone and vast swathes of flame, I would avoid it altogether

the towers, anything and everything is there, there is a subway system of a sort but I stayed away, I hear talk of an undercity down there

its honestly terrifying and the senses of mortal man cant really take it all in at all, and thats just the stuff in normal 3 dimensional space, although there is a nice diner deviled ham sandwhich was okay, saw a nekkid girl order a 1776, which is apparently tea in saltwater with active fireworks in it

I cant stand the things filling the streets, these blurry indistinct vaguely humanoid phantoms, they resemble TV static a bit and there are droves of them milling about with no purpose whatsoever, constantly mumbling nothing of meaning to no one, every once in a while you might hear something that seems almost coherent, but this is merely a coincidence or a part of their maddening effect

lastly there is this huge sprawl of urban decay with abandoned warehouses, collapsing builings, smashed windows with grass on the floor ect, place is a little creepy but it is more comfortable to me, my lantern attracted some strange moth lady who I didnt want to talk to, but it occurs to me after the fact that her story must be stupendously miserable, for a moth, a creature seeking light to end up in the void of all places… its not my business and I dont know her ciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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