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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 5ad5b2105c6abde⋯.webm (6.56 MB,720x540,4:3,462.webm)

4c3747 No.265346 [View All]

643 posts and 168 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6500b1 No.266000


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98e56d No.266001

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fe4ba3 No.266002

important to note:

shrop is not necessarily a "libertarian" because he believes that the government is out for his tax money

it is because he believes in the value of choice! what is the value in enforced morality or state sponsored selflessness? there is none.

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1d1a40 No.266003

File: ff22fa447d02ae5⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,1455x1416,485:472,__kurumizawa_satanichia_mc….jpg)

Are the local elections today or is it different across the country?

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6500b1 No.266004


Depends where you live. Nice places for good boys don't have elections because we were smart and held them before everyone hated Theresa May.

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98e56d No.266005


Aren't you supposed to be a paleo conservative?


Yes, what purpose do local elections accomplish other than fixing potholes?

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6500b1 No.266006


The government is out for your tax money because it needs it for welfare and social programmes so that it can justify imposing high taxes to fund itself.

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128b7f No.266007

File: dc6dbd9f37667fe⋯.png (329.79 KB,595x335,119:67,commie corby.png)


Gains can be made in opposition. It's all about creating a situation lad. Where's your revolutionary fire?


>My issue with your thinking here is that you'd rather flood the country with them than simply make sure you & yours are moral and good, and then attempting to doo the same in your local community.

I've said that if we do no repent then we lose to the Muslims, or ethnic replacement to a degree at least. I've said that a Caliphate would be better than a civic liberal society like AMW wants, but that doesn't mean I want it at the expense of repentance. I thought this was obvious.

>he knows this and yet he is not content in himself

Because I am not selfish


You miss the point of enforcing moral norms


All today, but not everywhere has them. smh lass you ought to know


>what purpose do local elections accomplish other than fixing potholes?

Someone hasn't been listening to Joey Owens

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98e56d No.266008


Smh lad last year we had an independent try and run for a position and everyone chalked him up to be this amazing person but when I was in the kiddo version of scouts when we went on camps all he'd do is get drunk whilst my dad helped set up tents and show the little kids how to boil their pasta.

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1d1a40 No.266009

File: 2765b418b0348c0⋯.jpg (398.44 KB,1333x1000,1333:1000,__tenma_gabriel_white_gabr….jpg)



Looks like my BASED TORY area isn't having them this year. Relieved tbh.

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98e56d No.266010


to clarify he was one of those types who hold authority in the little scount thingies.

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128b7f No.266011


Why don't you run tbh? I'm serious, MB is doing it (albeit as a Tory grrr) and I'm not ruling it out in the future


Beavers innit

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329f4e No.266012


I've debated it but honestly I want to stay as low profile as possible. And I'd have to learn how local councils even function. Also imagine if I won? I'd fuck everything up.

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fe4ba3 No.266013


I am, but none the less that is what they call me. hence the reason it was in quotation marks.


correct my son, correct

you are now a libertarian too. men in robes will soon come to your door with a live goat, which you must then sacrifice to the devil


precisely as I said lad

if you can't have a nice christian society then out with the baby and in with the bath water!

but I suppose playing off your wording is sophistry


irrelevant lad

whether or not you are at peace with your existence has no bearing on yourself.

>moral norms

moral norms are to be enforced by the parents and the neighbours! by society at large!

these things should be cultural, not legal.

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fe4ba3 No.266014

in fact they must be!

to the social creature that is the human, laws are of no value but the thoughts of their peers are everything

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128b7f No.266015

File: e02e9c152d0910f⋯.png (484.47 KB,720x540,4:3,no escape.png)


Acclerationism lad


>if you can't have a nice christian society then out with the baby and in with the bath water!

What? Are you even listening to me?

>whether or not you are at peace with your existence has no bearing on yourself.

Because my existence is more than myself

>moral norms are to be enforced by the parents and the neighbours! by society at large!

Yes, I agree. So why do you not try and foster this using political influence?

>these things should be cultural, not legal.

They should be both.


If your peers are all gayists then what? This is pleb tier and basically amounts to using sophistry to try and justify your own immorality in the context of 'well it's society, nothing I can do' which as an excuse can only be taken so far

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329f4e No.266016


Accelerate what? Do I campaign for more migrants? Can you do that on the local council?

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128b7f No.266017


No lad I was joking about fucking up your local area. Realistically you bring a good name to your ideology but that's it really

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fe4ba3 No.266018


>are you listening to me

that's what you said! you said you'd prefer that we repent but if not then bring on the divine punishment.

I understand what you mean lad, just playing around.

>more than myself

yes but also no

>using political influence

politicians cannot create culture

culture gives way to politics

how many people do you alone know who disobey the odd law here and there?

political influence is seen as the quick trick to six pack abs their preferred society, but the fact of the matter is that people do things when it makes sense to them. not when they're told.

>peers are gayists

then you change their minds.

This is a weak talking point anyway: How exactly do you think you'll take over the government if you don't have the support of at least a fair few people?

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329f4e No.266019


*campaigns to raise local speed limit to 80 and to put all the council budget into fixing potholes*


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574c44 No.266020

I don't think the big boys will allow accelerationism tbh

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fe4ba3 No.266021


I think the big boys are happy so long as they remain on top tbh

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128b7f No.266022

File: 3d2f43473a09d82⋯.png (254.64 KB,393x392,393:392,frodoss.png)


>politicians cannot create culture

No but politics is an arena in the culture war, ultimately the economic system decides things and that can be changed with politics

>This is a weak talking point anyway: How exactly do you think you'll take over the government if you don't have the support of at least a fair few people?

It was aimed at you - if other people's opinions are all that matter, then how can you continue to advocate contrary opinions? It seems to undermine your entire philosophy


Good lad, race car nationalism tbh


No they won't, you have to think of it as what Kerensky was to the Bolsheviks

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fe4ba3 No.266023



not even lad, it's an after thought. all that matters is what people chose to believe, and chose to follow

>contrary opinions

there are always dissidents to social pressure! But who cares about them? You're swatting at flies, what matters is the big picture: That the majority conforms to the social paradigm. Most of the dissidents will be made outcasts, so their contrary opinions will not affect larger society.

Change to the social paradigm comes from dissidents with the power of command. It could be you! the one inspiring the gays to become moral christians

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53a8e0 No.266024


>inspiring the gays to become moral christians

Please, there is a limit even to God's power.

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fe4ba3 No.266025


ah but you catch my meaning all the same

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53a8e0 No.266026

File: e30ac248a0470b3⋯.webm (119.66 KB,538x360,269:180,mmmMMMmmm.webm)


>might as well start fucking African women

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fe4ba3 No.266027


it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it

thank you for your sacrifice kernow

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53a8e0 No.266028


That's pretty cool actually.



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53a8e0 No.266030

I have had multiple positive experiences with black lasses recently actually. It makes me wonder whether GCHQ have been paying them or something, because I never previously cared much for them.

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128b7f No.266031

File: 5e371193e29485d⋯.jpg (153.75 KB,964x632,241:158,ussr.jpg)

Take me back


>not even lad, it's an after thought. all that matters is what people chose to believe, and chose to follow

You sound like you're high on your own farts

>Change to the social paradigm comes from dissidents with the power of command. It could be you!

The attainment of power remains the goal, but yes, you can't put the cart before the horse.


>not slavic lasses

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fe4ba3 No.266032


>high on own farts

coming from you? lass…

power is used to change the social paradigm. if you've done that then you already have power! why bother making it all so legal?

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53a8e0 No.266033


I guess GCHQ couldn't find any

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128b7f No.266034

File: f29a9a50c6961e2⋯.png (2.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,sexy reveal.png)

>told my parents I voted Labour

They did NOT take it well

I honestly think it'd be easier to pretend to be a Nazi




>power is used to change the social paradigm. if you've done that then you already have power! why bother making it all so legal?

You really need to study history



GCHQ if you're reading this, I will inform on the alt right for the small price of one qt slavic lass

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128b7f No.266035

File: e39d0aeb140597e⋯.png (1.73 MB,1343x2427,1343:2427,ClipboardImage.png)

*is an anti-Enlightenment NazBol*

Who /ascended/ here?

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98e56d No.266036

*debates buying school shooter backpack for maximum versatility*


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128b7f No.266037

File: 86b1c64bbb8f52d⋯.png (479.43 KB,641x479,641:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c892c8d4656c54⋯.png (446.35 KB,627x480,209:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dd907deb3014fa⋯.png (457.64 KB,634x477,634:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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56a44d No.266038

File: 99549a64d4a2b27⋯.png (774.66 KB,564x696,47:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c3747 No.266039

what should the new thread edition be?

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56a44d No.266040

File: abfcbaca2fb1c8b⋯.png (839.54 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



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56a44d No.266041

>took the /brit/ thread to 751 by taking up the last 3 posts


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603f82 No.266042


Thotposting is righteous

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56a44d No.266043

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56a44d No.266044

File: 2cfee29e49175db⋯.png (110.63 KB,498x315,166:105,ClipboardImage.png)

I am a martyr

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128b7f No.266045

File: 00c73b21fea3087⋯.gif (1.33 MB,268x160,67:40,hold my metal hand.gif)

I love them so much, this is the best film tbh



>I'm still banned

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128b7f No.266046

File: cbb4d35714a1e5e⋯.png (254.8 KB,616x559,616:559,ClipboardImage.png)

>/brit/ thinks this is good

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736683 No.266047

File: e7bef8233cb3aea⋯.jpg (47.95 KB,704x396,16:9,Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.jpg)

Feeling the JPOP fever lads, smh…

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736683 No.266048

File: 622d93fb199c2e5⋯.jpg (50.59 KB,630x472,315:236,soul will be mine.jpg)

I hate this shit, why am I being brought into it now?

I hate cutesy shit, it makes me cringe.



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736683 No.266049

File: d9526b611602909⋯.jpg (79.63 KB,500x500,1:1,KPOP_TRASHCAN-5387.jpg)

at least i still hate kpop…

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6500b1 No.266051

File: a6809635a600cbc⋯.jpg (50.76 KB,425x531,425:531,ChristJesus.jpg)

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