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Animation Thread

↑←↑ edition

Post your animation


AMB Animation Academy


Aaron Blaise


Kinovea video file frame-by-frame analysis




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Anyone doing the 51 animation exercises or has tried to? I see a lot of balls in this thread and it reminded me of the exercises list, that starts with those.


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I don't want to sound too negative but I don't take that article very seriously, it serves very well as clickbait more than anything and I'll tell you why I think that.

Despite being marketed to beginners it's noteworthy that less than 10 of the 51 exercises have any examples for someone to follow along with-and the examples given aren't exactly the pinnacle of the craft either (though perhaps that's unfair). If you want to animate you have to understand the 12 principles of animation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_basic_principles_of_animation) before anything else, you don't just go from a ball bouncing in place to complex character animation like it does in that article without having a single clue about timing, spacing, arcs of motion, anticipation etc.-things that are learned through much simpler means; balls, pendulums etc.

Once you understand those 12 principles even a little the "51 exercises" basically become redundant, as at that point it's just a matter if you're adept at drawing enough to capture the poses and environment of the intended motion.

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I mean think about it, many of those exercises are just completely arbitrary actions.

"a character eating a cupcake"

"a character reaching their arm out"


You could literally call anything a character could conceivably do an exercise by that logic.

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Those exercises expect you to apply the 12 principles.

My first animations weren't going to be good, so it was good for me to use those exercises to evaluate my weaknesses. To each their own though.

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File: 092489c301e71d6⋯.gif (91.28 KB,600x600,1:1,feathering.gif)




I'd like to use that list to orient my practice, at least the first few. A couple of them are very interesting, like the falling brick vs the bouncing ball, that both require very different treatment in acceleration and particularly when they hit the floor. I think the flour sac is a famous exercise in animation schools also.

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I know you've been told this before but your art is so French I'm expecting a croissant to fly out of the screen and hit me whenever I see it.

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Isn't it great? It's like he was created in a lab from out of Michel Ancel and HR Giger's genetic material.

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File: 329d2decddffe6f⋯.gif (241.98 KB,1024x768,4:3,Pendulum 2.gif)

Been a while. I've been spending more time desperately trying to solve my problems with ToonBoom than animating. Krita seems a lot more stable when exporting animation now though so that's good.

>but remove frames is broken so I've had to literally move frames I want to delete away from the rest of them instead of getting rid of them entirely


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File: 7cfea70f84266b3⋯.jpg (53.73 KB,736x694,368:347,hell.jpg)


I spoke too soon. Not only is Krita screwing up now but I just noticed I accidentally added an extra frame at that lowermost position.

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Okay, I see what that problem was anyway.

Because I named the updated file "Pendulum 2" instead of "Pendulum 2.gif" Krita assumed that meant I wanted to save each frame as an individual file on my desktop. Wonderful.

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Is that what happens with v4.0? I think I'll stay with 3.x for now.


I feel like the string jerk is a bit too pronounced. It's as if someone was gently yanking the string when the ball is at its apex. Maybe a more subtle movement would look more like something that happens on its own (unless you were going for that effect to begin with). Actually now that I think about it is that phenomenon that happens on its own with a pendulum? I always have in mind the very stable pendulum courses.

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For what it's worth the inability to delete the frames was already happening to me in the previous version, I think the file itself may have gotten glitched somehow. I believe the exporting is actually more stable as long as you pay attention to what you're doing.

>Actually now that I think about it is that phenomenon that happens on its own with a pendulum? I always have in mind the very stable pendulum courses.

I'm not sure if that actually happens.

Most pendulums use a stiff string like I'd done earlier in the thread, this was just recommended by AMB. He cautioned that it wasn't realistic necessarily rather just for practice-maintaining the length of the string despite the erratic figure-eight movement of the ball and working out the timing.

He definitely stressed the importance of studying timing and spacing itself independent of reference footage, it sounds like he believes you should know how to do impressionistic stuff like this first and then seek reference out when you understand the concepts themselves more thoroughly.

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Thanks man, they're amongst my greatest inspirations, especially Giger.


I've been told this a few times, yes, sometimes because of the body types I default to. I guess I'm a product of my surroundings.


>He definitely stressed the importance of studying timing and spacing itself independent of reference footage

I like that advice. In terms of timing I think I'd have slowed the ball at the highest points to emphacize the overall movement, though that's purely out of personal taste.

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File: a135e3992b02cd7⋯.gif (717.82 KB,1024x768,4:3,Pendulum Stop.gif)

Oh boy, I really fucked this one up six ways from sunday. Going to move on to the next one but I'll probably try and tackle this one again some time soon.

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Yeah, it doesn't lose energy fast enough.

Maybe it's a pendulum on the moon

t. physics major

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File: 6e3b75a37008e4b⋯.gif (747.26 KB,1024x768,4:3,Drag and Drop.gif)

Fuck me I need to start zooming in to get those "slow in" movements. Eyeballing it (and using a fat-ass brush) isn't going to cut it.

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File: cc195a85ee263f7⋯.gif (468.47 KB,1024x768,4:3,Pendulum Drop.gif)

Trying again, not perfect, I think this one is a bit more successful.

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Forgive my awkward wording for English is not my native language. When something like that gets a force pulled back on it it doesn't softly react, it quickly and violently tugs back. Around 18 you can see it doesn't react how it should, it moves to the left instead of being thrown to the left.

Around 22-24 you get it right.

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I think I see what you're saying; you mean more the orientation of the head of the pendulum than its position right? Or perhaps I misundestood

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File: b5a54a0feb8f2bc⋯.gif (448.38 KB,1400x1100,14:11,Pendulum Settle Final.gif)

I think a big problem with the previous attempts was the low resolution and the big brush I was using, it makes slowing-in to the degree required of this test basically impossible.

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File: 5388051f7fb94c3⋯.gif (191.42 KB,740x400,37:20,test.gif)

File: a8af90e066b4ae9⋯.gif (59.34 KB,500x400,5:4,ball.gif)

File: 80fa70bbcbc8449⋯.gif (79.96 KB,700x400,7:4,run.gif)

If you guys want a basic animation tool, try Pivot Animator. It's a very barebones tool, but you can use it to learn about 2D animation and you have potential to make some great stuff. Personally if you're starting out making 2D animation I'd recommend it you can learn more about the fundamentals and how to make a smooth motion as it takes a helluva lot less time to animate since you're pivoting stickfigures rather than drawing from scratch.

You can find all the crazy shit people made by looking up "darkdemon" or "droidz"; both of those websites have dedicated forums specifically for people showing their animations as well as tutorials. There's also a bunch of collaboration videos on YouTube you can find.

I'm gonna share some very, very basic stuff that I made that're primarily me practicing "easing" I don't know what the actual term is, but it means starting slow, then gradually moving faster to make the animation more smooth.. Stuff like the floppy arm helps emulate "physics". If anybody's still here any of you want, I can post some of the things that I learned from this though to be honest I've never made any crazy shit, I just dicked around with this program so much as a child and tween that everything I learned is ingrained into my memory. So ingrained in fact that this is the shit I made after a 5-year gap.

Having dabbled in 2D animation years ago but not seriously getting invested, I know that a lot of what I learned does transfer over.


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Post away. I’ve always been here but for various circumstances I haven’t uploaded anything to this board for like months ;-;

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File: bf567e655211314⋯.gif (102.59 KB,700x400,7:4,dropkick'.gif)


If you have it downloaded, you can view what I did with this one to see how I made it smooth, as well as if you can notice some of the mistakes I made in it. I animate in 24fps, so set it to that.


I'm bad at explaining stuff, but I'll try my best

I'm sure you already know this,but one of the basic foundations for animation is something called "ease-in ease-out", basically meaning that you want to move your object slow at first, then gradually start accelerating it. The easiest example is that ball gif I posted. No matter what you're animating, that's something that'll always be applicable.

I'm kinda drawing a blank when talking about this stuff, as I mostly learned shit by just constantly animating rather than reading or watching how to better.

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File: b7d67e128037f24⋯.gif (148.75 KB,800x600,4:3,export.gif)

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What a weighty bottom.

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Now try adding some slow-in/slow-out with inbetweens, fella

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why don't people 'get' what makes combat choreography good? The thing that for some reason only Southeast Asians seem to have communities for? The thing that made Monty Oum famous? The weight, timing, and dynamism that can make fucking stick figures exciting?

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File: 8bc97cf49b7ac1a⋯.gif (76.57 KB,800x600,4:3,export.gif)

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Add a couple inbetween frames to the top arc and it's looking good

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File: 30412122c90f084⋯.gif (34.09 KB,800x600,4:3,export.gif)

Why does the halt look weak?

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Because you have it stop dead and then lean a few frames later, try and have it lean and then snap back instead…maybe

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File: eb5a533782ec80f⋯.gif (51.13 KB,800x600,4:3,exportii.gif)

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Better, keep experimenting

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File: 092cd4d27f6d539⋯.gif (101.57 KB,800x600,4:3,export.gif)

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Not bad. You're already half-way to working in a Korean sweatshop as an inbetweener heh.

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File: b0a5364d00702d0⋯.gif (505.66 KB,1107x891,41:33,stepnfetchit.gif)

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Very nice gondola.

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File: 1d9a4b21dcf25d6⋯.webm (5.86 MB,1600x1200,4:3,gondola_grave2.webm)

File: c8221d38e074bf3⋯.png (346.04 KB,1600x1200,4:3,gondola_stars.png)

I'm not exactly a very good animator, and right now I'm more interested in improving my drawing skills first. But I did make an attempt with one of the gondolas I made a little while ago, webm related. Critique is welcome. The second pic is a work in progress. I want to be able to have a few constellations fade in/out, and the fireflies to move around and blink on/off. Is there a convenient way for me to do this with Krita? I'm not very familiar with the animation tools it offers.

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It follows the gondola webms' codes, good job Satan.

I could almost see the clouds move.

>Is there a convenient way for me to do this with Krita?

I don't know of anything else than animating the fireflies frame by frame. For the fading there's the tweening you can look into the documentation. Change the workspace to the animation one and fiddle with the controls, you'll learn fast

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>I could almost see the clouds move.

shit that would have been a very nice touch. It's too bad that krita doesn't have any tweening though. I think photoshop has some more fleshed out animation stuff, so I might look into that instead.

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Would it be possible to bring cel animation back? im sick of digital shit

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Do it yourself. It's never coming back as an industry because normalniggers wouldn't appreciate it.

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Newbie question: is it better to animate on paper and then scan it, or to do it directly on digital? I suppose the latter is easier, but I'm also concerned about the end result. I don't like how modern cartoons look, they're too sterile compared to the old school stuff…

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Try both, report back.

I've only ever tried digital because it's so convenient.

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File: 6924cd2e780a863⋯.gif (99.28 KB,800x600,4:3,export.gif)

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File: e1beefdaaa689ad⋯.gif (124 KB,800x600,4:3,box-stomp.gif)

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File: 36e550a7b918866⋯.gif (71.85 KB,800x600,4:3,export.gif)

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File: 6a33f2d5027aa2f⋯.gif (94.48 KB,800x600,4:3,export3.gif)

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