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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 70c5e1887ce34d7⋯.png (303.47 KB,405x692,405:692,1436824427813.png)

File: d2b25b6ed23c366⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Proko Draws a Kangaroo fro….mp4)

File: 57cc35145fc6d7e⋯.jpg (77.58 KB,657x669,219:223,1475833600095.jpg)

 No.5415 [View All]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


#1) Screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

#2) Change camera capture settings to something smaller

#3) Send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ → Check out the Google doc Sticky!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit

Also, read our own sticky >>4920 and see the /loomis/ resource hub located at: https://www.8ch.net/loomis/hub.html

>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Previous Threads:

>>4124 ( http://archive.is/xjWu7 )

v v v When you post a study of one of the below images, please quote the corresponding post: v v v

257 posts and 194 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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How do I draw Loomis heads? I'm an ESL so I don't really get it. Or maybe I'm just retard. I'm stuck on how to do the 3D balls as heads. Please help

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File: f8600012d164dba⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,2592x1936,162:121,24.jpg)

File: 6e671e41f60591b⋯.png (3.79 MB,2480x3292,620:823,25.png)

Primarily a water study at the first pic, with doodles of eyes and whatnot. Also I can't draw the fucking balls (I'm >>7575)

Second one is a school assignment that I put too much effort on.

Please no bully.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So is the distance d arbitrary or is it chosen based on the length of a body part?

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i've been trying to draw a singular face for the past fucking three days and i can't fucking get it correct, i want to fucking kill myself holy shit

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>i want to fucking kill myself holy shit

Congratulations. You're truly one of us, now.

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File: 1db34db96c6f9b1⋯.png (19.71 KB,625x519,625:519,step one.png)

File: cb9b0c338292f3d⋯.png (28.22 KB,518x517,518:517,step 2.png)

File: 7a661c80943fb6b⋯.png (47.52 KB,497x572,497:572,step 4.png)

you start with th efucking circle right

and then you slice it

and then you criss cross it or whatever rtight

and then you do the line down the center

so why does it always look fucked up

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You should draw a bit smaller and use a fatter brush, for one thing. That will help. Also it took me a very long time to be able to draw ellipses, curves and straight lines as confidently as I do now so don't beat yourself up over not being able to do that kind of shit right now. Besides, most of that stuff is abstract concepts you will be thinking about moreso than actually drawing out literally every time.

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admittedly it was an extremly fast drawing just to get the steps illustrated, i make better ciricles when i care

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You might want to play around with the eccentricity of those ovals: the face's center line is closer to facing the viewer than the rest of the head. With the chin bending inwards like that, it looks like the face is trying to look down as well.

If you were to take a slice, imaginary or not, off the other side of the head, you might get a better idea of where the center of the face should be. Just fuck around until it looks right. Or try drawing the thing on top of a photo, alter the the angles, positioning and eccentricity of the ovals and observe how they're connected, see how that works out.

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File: c674af5b7f40d55⋯.jpeg (260.29 KB,999x974,999:974,fullsizeoutput_b6.jpeg)


Almost 3 months since my last post. My studying and practice went to shit. In spite of it, I forced myself to at least sketch for 30 minutes everyday in an attempt to at least prevent back-sliding. Since I bothered to draw something slightly above a sketch, I figured I should post it as an accurate gauge of my current level.

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File: 2af3fbe4287cfa5⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,5859x3931,5859:3931,0XDmqyu.jpg)

File: 7c96c92fe302878⋯.png (3.36 MB,2127x1504,2127:1504,foot_62.png)


#60 & #61 were discarded, although I might go back and r-use the references later. No tracing on this one, although I did allow myself to make some small corrections to the underdrawing before moving onto the final line work.

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File: 531be23a206bd05⋯.png (3.93 KB,267x130,267:130,sequence.png)


You tend to have one base colour with shading and hues drawn on top. This makes it look flat. Try blocking in multiple base colours from the very start. When making marks that represent shadow/wrinkles/whatever, shape them by drawing over them with the base colour again (pic related is what I mean).

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>You tend to have one base colour with shading and hues drawn on top.

100% spot on.

>This makes it look flat.


>Try blocking in multiple base colours from the very start.

Will try this.

>When making marks that represent shadow/wrinkles/whatever, shape them by drawing over them with the base colour again (pic related is what I mean).

Can you expand what you mean by this? Start with a base of light grey, come in with the dark grey for the shadow, then shape that darker grey shadow mark with the same base light grey? I'm going to continue my Draw 100, but I am going to skip ahead to this video, hope it helps: https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/shadow-shapes

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>Start with a base of light grey, come in with the dark grey for the shadow, then shape that darker grey shadow mark with the same base light grey?

I meant exactly that. What you were doing was stopping at the second stage in that sequence image I posted. This makes the shadowed parts look like they're in front of the rest of the form.

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Ah, ok, I get it now, thanks anon.

The shadow shapes video was not what I was looking for, so as I work through my 100 images for the "draw 100" video, I'm also going to go back to watching roughly a video a working day. Today's video is just picking up where I left off with the 100 vid: https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/welcome-to-composition-basics

Although I have to admit I'm tempted to skip to this video: https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/sketching-value

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This question is gonna be really stupid.

But how do I transition into a drawing tablet?

I draw normally on pen and paper but I need to get the hang of my cheap wacom.

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You could do hand/eye coordination exercises, drawing lines and ellipses and stuff.

You basically need to learn how to draw while looking up at a screen instead of your paper but heck, even just drawing without specific exercising will do that. Just draw a lot mang.

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>just draw a lot mang

Pretty much this. It's very hard with a small tablet but it can be done. You might have to zoom in a lot though.

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in essence, just draw on it until you get used to it

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Tape paper over the drawing surface for some time so that the resistance of dragging the pen across it is like the traditional medium. That way you can get used to the hand/eye co-ordination and the smooth surface one at a time instead of doing both at once.

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File: d0c1b6e0c437310⋯.png (2.4 MB,1184x1504,37:47,foot_60.png)

File: 5710e604064758a⋯.png (1.58 MB,1182x1504,591:752,foot_60_final.png)


Went back and took another crack at #60, because fuck skipping them, I'm only cheating myself. Tried to work on my shadow shapes as well as not tracing. I'm getting much happier with the results.

Watched: https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/welcome-to-composition-basics

Watching: https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/principles-of-design-introduction

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Composition and design are too esoteric subjects for you right now. Focus on his blending and rendering content. If you don't focus on one thing at a time you'll spread yourself too thin and be spinning your wheels in place forever like me

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This #60 is a lot better than your previous one at >>7556

Where are you getting your images from? Most of the time you are choosing images where the main light source is a camera flash from the front and you won't get a good range of shadows to practice on with those. Look for artsy foot photography shit on deviantart or flickr (flickr might require an account though)


It'll do.

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feet are disgusting and your drawings slightly moreso. Foot fags truly are the scum of the earth.

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File: 2c7eb5783de1bed⋯.jpg (211.92 KB,1277x1520,1277:1520,sketch_20022018.jpg)


Sketch from imagination. Will be interesting to see what happens in a few months. I'm unsure of how to judge my rate progress so far. Seems slow, but considering how little I put into studying, I can't complain.

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Do you guys hold the pencil at 90° to draw lines with your shoulder as Peter Han says? Because when I search on other places they have the pencil at a 40-60° angle.

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It depends on how thick I want my lines to be.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hopefully this will help you out Footfriend; if I have to look at stinky-ass feet all day I'd like to at least see some improvement.

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File: 7cf162134961e1a⋯.png (2.23 MB,1153x1504,1153:1504,foot_61.png)

File: dd7c5958a41c830⋯.png (2.23 MB,1063x1504,1063:1504,foot_61_v2.png)


>Where are you getting your images from?

All around the net, mostly celeb stuff like wikifeet.

>Look for artsy foot photography shit on deviantart or flickr (flickr might require an account though)

I hear you, and I get why, I'm just not interested in that style and so I don't want to mimic it. I'm sourcing material closest to what I want my end result to be. (also I started this one before you gave that advice)


Ty, anon, I will watch and try to learn from this.

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i don't know if it's your 'style' but you manage to make feet look even more disguting

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File: 5148348cd0c7470⋯.jpg (48.3 KB,640x320,2:1,Featured-image.jpg)


I think it's the usual beginner painter's problem of muddy colors, only on feet, which make them look dirty.

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Is using the line tool on perspective drawings cheating? Should I learn to freehand that shit?

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depends, are you the footfag? if so, suicide yourself

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No, I am trying to learn basic perspective and construction.

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You mark vanishing points and use a ruler on paper, why would a line tool be cheating?

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>beginner painter's problem of muddy colors

I'm not painting, though. I'm using digital charcoal. How to avoid muddy colors then?

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stop drawing

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File: ef8eab3e75d180f⋯.png (33.87 KB,847x205,847:205,where are the mods.png)

Where are the mods in /loomis/?

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>hiding anything

But why?

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Maybe you could try something with a little less texture than digital charcoal.

In the toes in >>7720 when you color in charcoal it kinda looks like there's litteral charcoal on the foot.

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probably off doing something other than tracing feet and then muddying them up with "digital charcoal"

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File: 661d983fa560360⋯.jpg (211 KB,979x734,979:734,skellertons.jpg)

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File: 78785d2949ff5b3⋯.png (100.14 KB,645x584,645:584,long neck.png)

so i was drawing on of the pictures from the top and

i just realized how long this neck is

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File: cd410cd9e623dad⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20180301_191734.jpg)


My first ever part on /loomis/.

I was going for the first pic whole I was at work, but I ran or of graphite in my mechanical pencil. Scratched out on the bank of an old memo.

Obviously unfinished, but any other comments?

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You're off my dude. Check your work by copying the reference picture onto a new layer, lowering its opacity and transforming it to fit-and then try again.


Consider checking your work in the same manner I'd suggested the other anon. For now, think about laying down your shading strokes in one direction that's comfortable for you. It will help you achieve a more consistent value. Generally what I do is like a 45 degree angle or so.

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File: 3b76672285cd95f⋯.jpg (112.36 KB,900x900,1:1,orig.jpg)

File: eaa086c441f10c7⋯.jpg (224.21 KB,900x900,1:1,orig reference.jpg)

File: 1df83348a25d0f6⋯.jpg (223.4 KB,900x900,1:1,adjusted reference.jpg)

File: 3b53a9e6f14d390⋯.jpg (112.35 KB,900x900,1:1,adjusted.jpg)


First post on loomis. I somehow feel like a small baby doing this.

Anyways, focusing on photoshop. I drew with the pic as a reference, then adjusted my sketch to the reference. Something's wrong with the nose (I don't usually draw them realistically), and maybe the jawline?

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File: 0f750b90793096d⋯.png (1006.82 KB,2560x1440,16:9,13132132.png)

File: fa7053a6810120e⋯.png (108.93 KB,1200x797,1200:797,1212.png)

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is that a bug?

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File: 7369e73244273ba⋯.png (837.73 KB,1264x712,158:89,41920d909239cf4e939793ab9d….png)


it is an Araneae

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