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Art, Animation, Agony

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 No.527 [Last50 Posts]

>tfw no Krita gf


I can't believe this program is free; it's improved so much since its first release as far as stability's concerned, too. Some dude's even working on an animation plugin for it. Does anyone know any legit non-Toon Boom or Flash animation software in the interim? So far I've tried Synfig Studio and Pencil2D and they were both unimaginably shitty.
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I've heard of it, what's so damn good about it though?

(I'd like to believe it's less expensive at the very least)
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Looks like it's about twice as expensive as Toon Boom Animate so no go there imho. All I know is that I'll probably stick to my Adobe cs5 until hell freezes over at this point. I just really hate Flash's shitty brush so I've always got upgrading on the mind.
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I'm a freetard but I'll be goddamned if I ever feel comfortable drawing in anything that's not Paint Tool SAI.
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I don't know much about SAI, if I recall correctly I tried it a while ago and it kept crashing and shit and I got butthurt.

I just downloaded Autodesk Sketchbook and it's pretty cool so far. It's also reasonably priced if you do want to pay for it ($25 a year)

One problem with Krita is that you need bleeding edge hardware to use it without it fugging up.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
There is also Cacani.
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File: 1424880130589.jpg (69.75 KB,640x835,128:167,ye olde scrunchy-face poin….jpg)

With a post number like that you've definitely piqued my interest.
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File: 1424880345003.jpg (65.22 KB,640x483,640:483,le corpulent doubles man f….jpg)

…and now that I've watched the video I can't tell if I want the program on its own merits or because of the music and the kawaii grills
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It's well under $300 and it's probably better than Flash CS5 if nothing else. Thanks a lot for showing me this, definitely something to consider when I feel like upgrading.
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krita's latest update made it so it doesn't lag on my weaker machine anymore. pretty sweet.
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File: 1425058929506.jpeg (39.58 KB,1600x900,16:9,herp.jpeg)

having said that it started lagging after I saved a file and won't stop FUUUUUUUUUU
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Alright, I've given it a try and it has all the features I would use in SAI, just hidden behind a clunky (but fortunately very modular) UI. That's okay, though. I'll take the time to learn it because there's nothing that's a bigger pain in the ass than installing shit on WINE or using a Windows partition for one piece of software.


Well that's KDE for you. Nice features but you need a fucking supercomputer to run their shit.
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yeah it's kind of a bummer but it's a great program in general, hopefully some of the kinks are ironed out. I couldn't even use the damn program when it first came out on steam but now it's working pretty damn good apart from a few hiccups here and there.
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File: 1425480308678.png (Spoiler Image,403.77 KB,1280x1248,40:39,krita.png)

Krita is love
Krita is life
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She's not a loli, she has

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File: 1425495162842.jpg (39.77 KB,600x600,1:1,orangutan_square.jpg)

Every time I minimize it it becomes unusable
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I'm sold. I'll get Krita when I get my drawing pad.
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What drawing pad are you looking at getting?
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A cheap one.

A store a town away is selling a "Wacom Intuos Creative small tablet" which I might get.
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I don't know man, small ones are pretty hard to handle. Some people can do amazing things with them I'm sure but I wouldn't personally recommend anything smaller than a medium. If you're not that proficient in drawing just yet it might be a better idea to save your money and stick to physical media for now.
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Thanks for the tip. I'll stick to pen and paper for now. I'll look into a medium tablet once I get better.
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No problem. One of my biggest mistakes personally has been to buy equipment I was too inexperienced to make good use of. Even now that I'm quite a bit better I still do most of my practicing with a simple number 2 pencil and computer paper. A tablet at this stage can only slow you down and hurt your progress.
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Just tried mypaint. It's bretty gud.
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It's lightweight but like… too lightweight. It's lacking in some basic features that I just can't get used to.
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Tell me about it, the more I use it the more I realize some of the serious flaws. One of the most prominent ones to me at this point in time is that the size of a tool you're using doesn't carry over to the next time you use it. So you switch to the eraser and then the brush again and you have to reset the size on either. It's horrendous. It really is a great program but that kind of stuff absolutely kills it. You also can't "move" stuff or scroll the canvas as far as I can tell.

I'd really like to see those features bare minimum, that's really all I'd care about and it'd be pretty much perfect. DAYUM SHAME.
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>krita rule34
About fucking time.
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So I downloaded the newest update to try out and it can't export .pngs. Is this a common problem because I'm feeling de ja vu about it.
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Wait really? I've never heard of that. Weird.
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The only problem I've been having is also a pretty serious one. More often than not if I minimize Krita it becomes absolutely unusable when I maximize it.
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This happens for me, not a clue why, but I'm on arch linux and my system's pretty screwed up to be honest
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What's weird is that I'm actually on Windows and I'm used to things having better compatibility there. Though I hear Krita actually works better on Linux.

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Yeah it's really unfortunate. I bought Krita to support the project but I might nt ever use it because of how buggy it is. I imagine linux users experience that with like every other program though so I extend my sympathies

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This? https://krita.org/download/krita-studio/

I don't think you can buy krita anymore, it's all free

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You can buy it on steam, or could anyway. I read the mission statement and felt it was an important project to help fund even if it doesn't work the best for me individually. I hope it becomes a serious contender to photoshop soon.

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Man, I could have had stickers. This is bullshit nigga!

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I want a free 2d animation platform so bad. If they can make something that contends with flash and toonboom that would be fuggin' tits.

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Bumping this thread to spread the word. If anyone's having trouble with Krita running through steam if you sleect "Desktop 2.9" it should cure what ails you.

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Like this, in case you were wondering.

>right click program>click properties>click "betas" tab>select Desktop 2.9

If you just have the (free) desktop version now's a good time to get on the Krita hype train. It really is a fantastic free program as long as your computer has some modicum of balls.

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>running krita through steam

Why? Are there any advantages?

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i guess you could see how many hours you've worked.if you have trouble procrastinating, it might keep you honest.

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Yeah, but it only counts the hours the program's running, not how much it's actually used. Mine's open all day long, so it would be completely skewed.

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I only bought it to support the project, there is really no point to integrate it into steam unless they spontaneously decide to go commercial (free upgrades for life)

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>a board that recognizes Krita

It's an amazing project and I can barely think of any features left to add and they keep surprising.

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They'll be focusing on animation next. Pretty stoked, personally.

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Holy shit, really? I'll probably end up using it exclusively if they do.

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Thanks man

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I fucking looove krita. It's probably the reason I'm going to be able to switch to linux soon

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wow this combined with video editing in blender means you could pretty much make animated films on linux now

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You can use it in Windows though. Linux sucks tbh fam

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Anyone else have the problem where with he active area? My cursor disappears on it and I can't do anything

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I'm not sure what you mean, bud. Try checking the settings there's usually some stuff about the active area there

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File: 1453078114032-0.gif (481.57 KB,640x480,4:3,Kiki_Krita_86.gif)

File: 1453078114032-1.png (306.07 KB,1920x1165,384:233,krita3-prealpha.png)

File: 1453078114033-2.gif (588.27 KB,640x600,16:15,DanceGirl_SEQ_small.gif)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: 1453090305620.gif (408.33 KB,160x148,40:37,le perspiring formal wear ….gif)


>that Kiki animation


..the other one's great too

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>tfw still no stable mac version

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>having a mac

Found ur problem m8

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File: 1456152972875.webm (2.11 MB,768x480,8:5,2reel.webm)


>there are art courses that demand students shell out 3k for a mac

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Good lord

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Thank you, /loomis/. Tested it for the first time with simple manual doodles and brush strokes. Man…

>That interface

>Those brushes

>Those options

This thing is perfect for digital art. Can't wait to get a good drawing tablet and start drawing.

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Best tablet (for the money) just to let you know; a great starting point. Don't think that you need anything better than this 'cause you don't. I've used pretty much everything else so take it from me bruh


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let's liven up this fucking board a bit

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Where'd her tail go?

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I noticed that too. Lazy frenchman.

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File: 2172e9b3825702b⋯.jpeg (67.89 KB,1013x1072,1013:1072,hygenic apu.jpeg)

>nearly October 2017

>still no decent text tool

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File: 9a0358d21c724ee⋯.png (156.9 KB,388x352,97:88,a792514f05b7af3c7df47e021b….png)


>want to make a quick meme pic

>have to use gimp just to add the text, and then go back to Krita to add effects to it

>want to make a comic

>have to jump back and forth between gimp to see what the textbubble looks like and how the text fits, and then back to krita to adjust the bubble/position and then back to gimp to readjust the text and…

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File: 72b5b1298add6ff⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,570x845,114:169,frankly disgusting.jpg)


I still can't believe there's no filter for a simple layer outline in GIMP. Instead you have to:

>make a new layer

>move it under the current layer

>Alpha to Selection

>Select > Grow…

>pick desired size

>select new layer

>Bucket Fill


>Merge Down

>Layer > Autocrop Layer

I have my workflow down well, but you have to redo this every time you change the layer. It's a nightmare for typesetting. If I cared enough I'd make a macro, but it's still not as good as Photoshop-style blending options.

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That basically sums up why I don't use gimp. Their workflow for some of the simplest things is bafflingly unintuitive or difficult or flat out missing completely.

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There's a much, much easier way.

Create a new layer, blur it, invert the color, repeat the layer several times and merge them.

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No you suck tbh.

Linux >> Wangblows >> FagOS.

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Can anyone help me, I have a set of layers which indicate key frame for each of them. How do I put every layer into an animation key frame in krita.

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Not sure that's what you meant but try putting all your layers into a group layer and using Layer/Convert/Convert group to animated layer.

Or add empty keyframes where you don't want the frames to appear on other layers and merge everything.

I'd more readily work on a single layer for the whole thing, it's easier to use the onion skin.

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Ah thanks m8, I'm editing bunch of sprite animation. This process is very important for me.

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I've financially backed Krita several times and it's still way buggy to me ;(

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Throwing money at problems doesn't fix them.

Report the bugs when you encounter them.

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>tfw it's been several minor versions and they still haven't fixed the crash bug that occurs when you use the transform tool and select another tool while the transform box is still on the canvas

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is there a way to use gmic on Windows,

it still crashes when i use colorize smart colouring

that sucks

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I have no idea what that is tbh

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The gmic filter works like a charm in gnu+linux. Though, I'm not sure why they put them in a separate package from krita.

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Kiki a cute

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Best mascot. It's a shame the program is still a buggy piece of shit. I hear it runs pretty much perfectly on linux tho

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Krita 4.0 Beta is out since yesterday. It's working a lot better for me than previous releases and they introduced new default brush presets. Might be worth a look, fambalaya.

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I hope the .appimage runs on my linux machine. I can get version 3.3.1 to work but not 3.3.2 nor 3.3.3.

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Thanks for the head's up, the one in the repositories is fucking shit and the appimages won't work anymore on my machine ever since I've switched to an earlier distro.

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Trying Krita v4 beta. Summarising the important changes from https://krita.org/en/krita-4-0-release-notes/

Vector and text stuff

>One of the biggest changes is that we changed from the Open Document ODG vector format to the widely-used SVG vector format

>There’s a brand new text tool! The new text tool supports 90% of all SVG 1.1 text features


>The Brush Settings had a number of user experience changes and features added to make it easier to use and understand

>Lag is always a big topic… …This year’s big performance project was multi-threading the brushes.

>masked brush allows you to select a second brush tip, and define size, rotation, mirroring, and scatter for it as well as decide how it should blend with the main brush.

>Reworked set of brush presets (Which do not seem to be tagged yet, unfortunately)


>Pixel grid

>Isometric grids

>When Krita auto saves in the background, you don’t have to worry about the small freezes that previously happened.

>Many bug fixes

The big new thing in this version is the colorize mask. I played with it a bit and I think it's going to be a definite time saver.

>A new tool that simplifies coloring intricate line art such as comic art has been added to Krita. With the colorize mask, you can fill a line art with a few quick strokes and have Krita figure out how to fill it for you. Manual: https://docs.krita.org/Colorize_Mask

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>There’s a brand new text tool!

Does it actually fucking work now?

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Last beta it was worse than the original, it was so unfinished that you couldn't even change the font.

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File: 9f3d47ddfb85d22⋯.jpg (142.82 KB,1334x1334,1:1,FUCKING STOP THIS.jpg)

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>Does anyone know any legit non-Toon Boom or Flash animation software in the interim?

you should try opentoonz

>Used by studio ghibli

>Open source

>about as easy to use as flash

>about as good as flash from experience


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File: ce836f976ac115d⋯.jpg (77.07 KB,677x596,677:596,Untitled-1.jpg)


OpenToonz is pretty bad, man. I almost guarantee it was used exclusively to color and composite with or something because its drawing tools are very VERY rudimentary.

Krita is the best program for animation at the moment outside of its unfortunate stability issues. If you're just thinking of making simple practice animations and .gifs it is 100% your best choice and I'm saying that as someone that's tried every program out there from Pencil2D to ToonBoom.

I'm mostly using ToonBoom at the moment because the audio in Krita doesn't work, otherwise I'd almost 100% prefer Krita outside of some anecdotal things-like the ability to alter multiple frames at once in TB (drawings and frames are a separate thing, apparently) is pretty nice.

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(I'm the OP btw, hard to believe this thread is 3 years old!)

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File: 9c6c5bc12cbf1eb⋯.jpg (12.62 KB,601x601,1:1,hold it back.jpg)


>hard to believe this thread is 3 years old!

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File: 3b93196bf53e197⋯.png (39.58 KB,500x250,2:1,1434234709955.png)

>clean up computer, reinstall new loonix OS

>cannot install or launch krita beyond v. 2.9




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There's your problem. I'm not sure why nerds are so fascinated by that shitty OS tbh. I hate Windows and don't even get me started on MAC OS but still.

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What OS do you use, then?

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Windows, because I don't feel like dealing with six gorillion compatibility issues-there's no one who's time is so worthless that dealing with that shit constantly is preferable to whatever problems the other operating systems have. If Bill Gates wants to get an eyeful of my winger dinger hanging out while I watch japanese cartoons he can be my guest lmoa

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You know, there are scripts that do away with window/s telemetry. Disregarding privacy and security concerns is not wise.

I do agree with your stance on Linux to a degree, though. It just has hard time competing with windows when it comes to certain specialized software, and some distros require way too much babysitting.

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A loonix box, dialed into your preferences, is a dream to code on. It can be a curse as much as a blessing though, because lord help you if you're in a situation where you have to work on any other machine. Shit spoils you rotten.

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File: 0432c8b2f505ae2⋯.png (6.55 KB,759x551,759:551,1405711292105.png)


In the end I did find out what the problem was: I installed a 32-bit OS instead of a 64 one.

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I hope they fixed the audio file/animation thing. ToonBoom and "Animate" are both dead to me if that's the case. Probably too much to ask for though.

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I hope I can make it work on my machine.


That would be great. I'm really missing audio support. Also actionscript, but I doubt they'll do anything with that soon or ever.

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Man, I just jumped from 3.2 to 4.0. I was already super happy with 3.2 but they improved it so much. But one thing pisses me off. Krita has everything that I want in a drawing problem and the thing that pisses me off is that I can't use it professionally. Clients prefer photoshop and illustrator so that they manipulate the vectors in those programs. Damn. Let's hope for a future where Krita dominates the market.

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I don't recognize anything. They changed the icons. I'm scared!

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>Let's hope for a future where Krita dominates the market

The developers refuse to add some features because they want Krita to be for drawing only, so your dreams will remain dreams.

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File: 400c8d9cb5725f9⋯.png (183.34 KB,581x553,83:79,400c8d9cb5725f973f05e1bb12….png)

Where are the preset brushes?

Where is the reference image docker?

What the fuck is going on?

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The reference image docker was buggy (or so I've heard) so it's been set aside for a re-release.

All the brushes were replaced with that French guy's marginally better brushes iirc.

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File: a201a5219d1be3e⋯.jpg (118.88 KB,1300x956,325:239,sad-and-whining-office-wor….jpg)


I don't want better brushes by some guy. I want my shitty brushes I either don't need to tweak or know how to.

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Nothing new beyond some bug fixes?

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New Krita release, fuckers!


(just a bug fix release again)

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>>clean up computer, reinstall new loonix OS

>>cannot install or launch krita beyond v. 2.9

If you are using an nvidia card, and run the proprietary drivers, and have multiple monitors:

If you're not sure how to work xorg.confs:

Check your settings (nvidia-settings, a gui for that) to see if you have xinerama enabled.

If so, disable xinerama and set your monitors to all the same "x screen", like "x screen 0".

xinerama is old and outdated, if you do the above then RandR will be used and then Krita 4.x will run no problem.

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File: d3089caa18cb11a⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,3696x2645,3696:2645,soldiers.jpg)


Note, you have to run it as root or have the proper privileges to run nvidia-settings in a way to write to xorg.conf

if you don't know how that works and you have kde on your system, run:

kdesu nvidia-settings

Then set them all to the same x screen there and then write that to xorg.conf

This is just so the "screen setup" itself is written, you can still change resolutoin and stuff on the fly as a regular user. But if you want a proper setup on boot, write it as root.

Also, it might be necessary to add the following to your "autostart at login/GUI session" way of choice:

nvidia-settings –load-config-only &

To automatically load your personal regular user settings.

By the way, cintiq pro 24 and 32 both work on Linux just fine, with two drawbacks, one of which is being worked on, partly by myself.

The first drawback is that the express key remote, which has three 'modes' for the ring key keybindings, only has one mode, no matter how many times you press the central button.

The second drawback is that the cintiqs own 'utility touch buttons' on the top right don't work except the display interface chooser (like HDMI, displayport and co).

Or rather, they work, but there is no Linux utility yet that intercepts them and creates an onscreen keyboard or spawns a tablet configuration utility.

The only way to configure the tablet (but that works 100% for everything else the tablet and remote can do) is via xsetwacom.

Oh, right, and a gnome engineer has been working with Wacom to allow firmware upgrade flashing on Linux, so you won't need a dual boot for that, either.

Not sure if it's all done yet though.

But yeah, I am a full time linux user and I bought the cintiq 24 pro kinda blind, it works though and now I'm working on intercepting the USB signals for the touch keys.

Anyway, freetards rejoice, you can run the latest cintiqs on Linux just fine.

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>proprietary driver

There's nothing wrong with nouveau, last time I tried nvidia proprietary driver, it was buggy and also the tty render like shit.

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The opposite is true for me, or at least used to.

I never bothered to check again. (I'm a slackware user, aka, it's been a long time since I tried nouveau).

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File: e4e47a5aee6f42e⋯.png (556.85 KB,1190x661,1190:661,12436262326.png)

Why is Krita's zoom so shit? How can someone make a zoom feature, have it go from 100% to 141% to 200% to 283% to 400% to 566% and not realize that it's fucking retarded? It's going to numbers which make the pixels look like trash, and it's doing that WHILE SKIPPING OVER EVEN NUMBERS. There's no 500% or 600% yet there's 566%, WHY? I'm never ever going to be patient enough to type in the number myself because I'm just going to rewrite it 30 seconds later anyway. It's one of the most central and frequently used functions in the program, how do you fuck that up?

Why is the zoom slider fucked up too? You click it once and the slider moves but nothing happens, then you click it again and the canvas zooms but the slider doesn't move.

Why don't they finish the god damn text tool already? It's been like half a year or something since they switched to the rewrite but it seems completely abandoned now. To be honest I would abandon it in shame too if I was a developer and had glued some detached embarrassing and most likely third party fucking XML editor into it instead of making a proper text tool. I would only do that if I was drunk and wanted to ruin the program I was working on.

Why does changing the selection tool mode have "A" as the shortcut, you know, the same key as for the global shortcut to select/deselect the whole canvas? The shortcut you use constantly to remove the selection? The probability of pressing A instead of Ctrl+A on accident is very high. There's a real and sensible shortcut for changing the mode, it's called holding Shift, and KRITA ITSELF FUCKING DOES IT, WHY DOES IT NEED A SECOND SHORTCUT?

Why does krita spam multiple files all over my folders, as soon as you edit a file krita shits out a useless backup file next to it, and leaves it there when you're done. And if you edit it for a long time it shits out a THIRD file as an autosave and leaves that there too. My folders get full of that shit if I don't remove them.

Why does merging layers remove the layer color? I just want to paste some pixels into the layer, yet I have to re-apply the layer color every fucking time.

Why is there no option to draw solid lines with any of the shape tools without changing the selected brush? Why do I have to modify 2 separate drop boxes to switch from fill mode to outline mode?

Why does neither the magic wand nor fill tool have a proper treshold option instead of some retarded blurry fade option? Why is that retarded blurry fade option named differently in the two tools? Why is "select by color" a separate tool instead of a checkbox in the magic wand tool?

Why does the value in some of the option sliders start increasing when you drag below 0? I drag it there because I want it to be the minimum value.

Why are they spending time working on some stupid "reference images" features instead of something actually useful or fixing problems?

Why did they remove the HSL color sliders? I wanted to complain about how they were in 2 separate dockers like they used to be for no reason. Why doesn't the selected color change properly? I have to go to Gimp if I want to be sure I have the color value I want.

I fucking hate open source software. It would take one evening to fix ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS aside from the text tool. Someone teach me how to render vector curves and transform pixel data so I can start making my own art program.

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Your observations are valid, but

>It would take one evening to fix ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS aside from the text tool

How can you say that when by your own admission you can't into programming?

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I'm saying that because I CAN into programming. I've even done these kind of things myself before. However rendering vector curves (see: fonts) into pixels with anti-aliasing is not easy, and neither is transforming images smoothly. The information is all in mathematical algorithms and I can't read that shit, I can more or less do math but I have no idea how to read those math moonrunes.


Change the zoom levels list so it has sensible numbers. i.e. 141->150, 283->300. 1 minute. If the list is automatically generated, throw that generation function in the trash and replace it with a hardcoded list. 5 minutes. You can even put a thing in the options to define a custom levels list. 10-20 minutes.

>zoom slider

I don't know how it's even possible to fuck this one up, I assume they used some bloated UI library and don't know how to use it. Even then it shouldn't be difficult to poke it until it works, but it's more like they didn't give a fuck and left it as it is.

>selection tool shortcut

Remove the second hardcoded shortcut. 1 minute, possibly more depending on how intertwined the shortcut activation code is.

>temp file spam

Put them in the operating system's temporary files directory, name them by ID rather than filename so there isn't conflicts between files with the same name, and keep a dictionary of information related to them (see: a list of id and file path pairs). Add a button in the options panel to wipe them all out at once. 20-60 minutes.

>layer color reset upon merge

I don't even know why this shit happens since everything else about the layer is kept intact, it's so retarded I can't comprehend it. I assume they create a third layer and merge the two into it, and forgot to move the layer color information. 5 minutes if that's the case.

>drawing solid lines with shape tools

It could be quite a bit of work to add a solid line method to this since they don't appear to have one anywhere. They could either add a hidden solid brush and use that, or make the brush used by brush tool separate, so even if I draw with a soft brush the shape tools still use a solid brush or whatever I previously used. Maybe add a toggle that determines whether to use the brush tool's brush rather than using it's own. 10-20 minutes.

>2 separate drop boxes to switch from fill mode to outline

Add a checkbox in front of each that disables/enables them with a single click. If you want to go wild then add a button that inverts both. 5 minutes.

>magic wand & fill tool treshold

This is a bit more complicated to explain. The way fill/magic selection works is by taking the color you clicked and finding colors similar to it. A true treshold option increases the range of the color match from your clicked color, so for instance if you click a 50% gray, it could treat 49% and 51% gray as a match aswell. That's a trivial 10 minute change assuming the function isn't a tangled mess of cancer. What the gay fade option does is it selects/fills with lower opacity as you go further from your clicked color, and I can't imagine why I would want to do that.

>select by color is a separate tool

The difference between a magic wand and a select by color is literally just how you search for pixels. One does a flood fill check, and another checks every pixel in the image. Everything else is identical, and Krita already has all the functionality of both in it. 10-20 minutes, maybe more depending on how long it takes to completely remove a tool from the program. Maybe a little more still depending on how the shortcuts work, since you probably want shortcuts for "magic wand + color mode" and "magic wand + fill mode", not just "magic wand".

>some sliders start increasing when you drag below 0

Another case of "I don't understand how you fuck this one up". Same as zoom slider, poke it for a while until it works.

>selected color doesn't change properly

And finally a case of I REALLY don't understand how you fuck this one up. The problem was that no matter how many times I set the color sliders or typed the numbers into a certain value, if I painted with it and color picked it, it would be a different color than what I typed. I just couldn't get the color value I wanted without painting it in Gimp and copypasting it over to Krita. I could do pixel art fine though because I could pick the color from the canvas, but I couldn't create new shades accurately with the color selector.

Adding HSL sliders to the color selector could take anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes depending on how you want to integrate it in, but effectively you just take the RGB sliders and change what the min/max values are. It's just the color wheel in a different shape.

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>not volunteering when they solicit for help from programmers regularly

Come on lad, we need a hero (*h'witchaw* we're holding out for a hero 'til the end of the ni-ight!)

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Some of these are pretty inconvenient, but the zoom thing has never bothered me because I don't really do any pixel art and got used to using ctrl-middle mouse for continuous zoom, with a button on my tablet to snap to 100%.

These are still pretty retarded issues, though.

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I'd be happy to, if only it didn't take weeks/months to learn how Krita's internals work. I'm also not confident that the codebase isn't over engineered labyrinthian cancer, based on my perception of modern software development and how they approached the new text tool.


I use the mouse wheel to zoom, it feels easiest to step into a different zoom level with, especially since there's no +/- buttons and the slider is half broken.

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File: 67e1d993257f5d4⋯.jpg (23.75 KB,500x375,4:3,tableta-digitalizadora-gen….jpg)

File: 81d377ef91fcd06⋯.gif (1.51 MB,696x478,348:239,9687984.gif)

It is a very interesting program, and it shows that it is of good quality. On one occasion I had the opportunity to try it but it did not work correctly.

Apparently the program does not work with the tablet that I use.

>mfw I have to use a genius tablet

>I'm damm poor to not be able to buy a cheap wacom

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>mfw I have to use a genius tablet

Get a better tablet then, genius

>tfw anyone in the western hemisphere says they can't afford something short of a house, a yacht or a college education

>inb4 you live in south america or some shit like that

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>Get a better tablet then, genius

I'm trying to get a better tablet, don't worry. You don't need to be so jerk calling me "genius" anon.

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I wasn't trying to sound mean, geez. I'm sorry.

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File: b81323d7f72fec8⋯.png (293.21 KB,640x512,5:4,21-09-2018.png)


It's ok anon, me too. I want to apologize for calling you a jerk. Here's a picture I've just finished for you anon.

Have a good day.

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Very nice study anon, good job on the reflected light on the cup with the alternating soft and hard edges.

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Also the subtle tonal differences in the apple's skin are great. One observation, I feel there is a very slight discrepancy on that curvy cup's contours around the bottom half. Just a slight difference in the base's angle from one side to another and perhaps the placement of the curve's deepest recession. No apologies necessary…I was being a jerk :x

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File: 4eb42b479c6314f⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2000x1344,125:84,Still_Life_Reference-27.jpg)


Thanks anon, I really appreciate it. That picture was made for color practice primarily. I tried to draw the objects correctly, but it was difficult. To draw the cup, I tried to do it by hand so that it would look like the picture, but it did not turn out very well.

Here is the reference photo

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You did a fine job lad, no worries. One thing we could always use is a pair of fresh eyes after a long drawing or study. I once drew a character with six fingers, a subtle mistake in an angle or curve here or there hardly compares to something like THAT. Keep it up

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File: 626e6274fa37b31⋯.png (81.45 KB,480x480,1:1,194.png)

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File: dbabe66fb68e703⋯.png (6.23 KB,265x218,265:218,krita colorize mask.png)

>finally get around to using the 'colorize mask' tool they just released in 4.0.0

>It's actually really nice to have what's practically a paint bucket that doesn't care that you have such sketchy lines

>see this little pallet in the corner, think 'oh cool, I can change up the colors later if I want them a little darker/lighter'

>nope, just selection, or delete

>If you want to make an area lighter/darker, need to delete that color and redraw over all the areas you want that color


other than that and it not deciding on where it wants to save stuff, I really like this program.

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File: 2e42b7dcdf903e9⋯.png (147.86 KB,270x400,27:40,2e42b7dcdf903e9a689d2c28f7….png)

>fundraiser ends

>allows developer to work full time and make more progress than ever!

>not a peep in 2 months now

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File: f0add8e146da994⋯.gif (1.85 MB,250x188,125:94,....gif)


>fundraiser ends

>one of the news updates was something about the team taking a vacation. No, not a break, like literally leaving the country

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oh boi! time to reinstall!

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Text tool when

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I repeat


*breathes in*


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File: f055178e4d97cba⋯.png (151.9 KB,604x395,604:395,pvorcziz.png)


Wow, half a year of waiting for minor improvements. Another feature that literally fucking nobody cares about (windows 10 exclusive color mode for HDR monitors) and 99% of those people won't even be able to tell the difference with is the main highlight.

Brush speed improvement is the only thing worth mentioning, and I can't recall a time when that was a problem to me as opposed to the slowness of large layers themselves.

In usual Krita Quality fashion all of these features are half-solutions and sidegrades. They put the rotation control into the overview docker, but didn't put rotation reset, rotate 90degrees, any kind of zoom buttons, or fix the zoom slider. There's now an useless layer created every time you make or remove a selection that shifts all of your layers down and messes with your muscle memory and awareness of their locations. They did some minor alteration to the text tool but didn't bother to fix anything else about it, not even the fact that the layer still goes in the wrong fucking place when you create it. They put the options from the color slider docker into a dropdown menu requiring you to now click twice to change the mode, and for the sake of what, saving 10 pixels of vertical space? You can configure the location for backup files, but not for autosave files even though the options are literally adjacent to one another. The noise fill function can't generate noise clouds even though it's a trivial addition to a seeded noise generator (literally just generate X layers with different frequencies and then blend the pixels together), the frequency value makes no sense and it also can't generate noise smaller than 4 pixels wide. Some of the highlighted "features" are bugs and missing features that should have been there to begin with. Wow clone tool now has a trivial basic option that it should have had all along! Wow undo now works correctly!

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File: 7f274717338e47c⋯.png (96.02 KB,364x333,364:333,perhaps.png)


I haven't upgraded since they've added animation support to be honest famiglia. That's enough for me and I'm used to it now.

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File: 1eaae3cdef1d728⋯.jpg (53.63 KB,638x480,319:240,1559533933741.jpg)

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>some obscure bug fixes

Is it really worth announcing?

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Feels quite a bit faster, this one might be worth a try. It gives me close to the same feeling as when I'm drawing on Photoshop CS5

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File: 7e8068de2e4aa23⋯.png (3.27 KB,270x133,270:133,Color-slider-docker.png)


>Color slider still not back


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That would take AT LEAST 10 minutes to develop from scratch. Stop being so greedy and be patient!

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what was wrong with it that they had to take it out?

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(Relatively) New Krita Release, fuckers!


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I can't believe this thread is almost 5 fuckin' years old smgdh

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When was the last time they did something that actually mattered? The only thing I remember was some brush rendering speed improvement a while ago.

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Your guess is as good as mine. The Animation + any animation reliability updates are really all I look forward to and I don't think either have been touched in a while.


Never heard of it but I'd be open to try. Krita actually has the best animation timeline in the business in my opinion but it's still too unstable to trust anything serious with. ToonBoom is complicated as fuck and I'm a retard so I don't even use it even though I paid like $1,500 for it. CSP seems to be the most reliable and intuitive for me but I'll always give anything new a fair shake (it's not like I'm not used to being extremely disappointed by now in any case).

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Nigger, what? The penultimate time I installed it vs the last time I installed it was the difference between crashing frequently and not crashing at all.


Try Pencil2D. It's free and as easy to use as it can get.

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File: 9a0358d21c724ee⋯.png (156.9 KB,388x352,97:88,waiting_for_an_actually_fu….png)

>8 million years later

>4.3 beta is out

>text tool still remains usable

>the word "text" does not even occur in the entire changelog page


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Came here to post this. I don't care about text much but it really should be something of a priority you'd think.

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I've found it to be serviceable, especially ever since they added the pop-up window to edit the text. It's still lacking but it crashes less often.

I still miss the old brushes though. I don't know why they changed everything like that.

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File: ef1a6209992aec2⋯.png (85.73 KB,512x512,1:1,krita_pepe_512.png)

You can checkout /oc/ over at nanochan.


I'll share tips and tricks over there.

Wanna create Gifs? I'll record a tutorial today.

Only elite people accepted. No degenerates.

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File: e5930535c1a5b3a⋯.gif (430.6 KB,560x470,56:47,animation.gif)



Krita really is great for .gifs

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Don't tell me you've animated that.

If that was the case, you're already technically more skilled than I.

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File: 0e8a2fdc957706f⋯.gif (730.89 KB,499x560,499:560,Illustration4.gif)


I did; if you're into animation I strongly suggest looking into "AMB Animation Academy" stuff. It's easily the best shit on the subject I'm aware of. The only problem is it's pretty informal so it can be a bit hard to follow. I wish the guy would write a book instead of posting unedited videos where he goes off on tangents and argues with his audience on occasion etc. but the material is worth its weight in gold.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Krita, fuggers.

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>it's nothing

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File: 63c7256bf29e4e1⋯.png (1013.93 KB,1607x906,1607:906,krita_splashes.png)


It's a huge deal.

The Krita splash screen doesn't suck ass anymore. We're slowly recovering.

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Watercolour brush engine is nice to play with, also the android port is pretty good since there was no open source art programming on tablets til now

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I know, but I'm trying to force a meme over here

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>Watercolour brush engine

You're going to play around with it for 7 minutes but never actually use it for anything practical. Meanwhile basic features like text tool that almost everyone needs is still completely broken.

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Krita is open source. Because of that, developers are not paid to make it better. Instead, developers are generally all users of the software and submit improvements all the time. The more users that get involved, the more improvements get made. Developers usually do it because they want to. and if they get the software into professional art studios that make more money from supporting the software. Its a way better way to develop software than working 8 hours a day at a software company just to produce mediocre products for the retail market.

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Yes we know. It's a good software that has improved by leaps and bounds since this thread was created five years ago, but complaining about stuff is fun

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File: 7cd23e307ce48be⋯.jpg (117.69 KB,928x368,58:23,Untitled.jpg)


This is the common argument used by FOSS people to justify laziness, bad design decisions and bad software in general. "It's made for free so you can't expect anything", "it's open source so fix it yourself".

Firstly, Krita has ran fundraisers to get money for certain developers to work on it full-time for some periods, continually takes in donations, and often gets contributions from GSoC where people get monetary awards for their work. It's not done for free when someone is receiving money for it.

Secondly, Krita, as described by the official website, is advertised as a professional tool for people in various kinds of artistic fields. When you're telling professional artists to use your shit, there's an expectation of some level of professionality, and the expectation that you don't have to switch your profession to a computer programmer and then familiarize yourself with 7 gigabytes of spaghetti code that has been strung together by ragtag groups of random people and start developing it yourself just to get it to work.

The least you could expect is for them to fix the fucking text tool that is an absolutely core tool in any serious graphics program, but it's as if nobody gives a shit or even plans to ever fix it. How the fuck can you justify leaving it as such a dysfunctional piece of shit for over 2 years now after making promises to make it great? THE LAYER DOESN'T EVEN GO INTO THE CORRECT LOCATION WHEN YOU CREATE IT, that's not even a difficult fucking problem to fix, just go to where the layer is created and make it go to the correct place instead of being pasted into the top of the layer list, that functionality already exists since every other layer goes into the correct place, why hasn't it been fixed for over 2 years? This is absolutely not something you'd expect from a "professional" tool and makes the developers look downright incompetent. I don't even expect the tool to be super fancy like Gimp's, I just want the text to not look like a near-unreadable garbled mess, a new layer to be created when I create a new text box, not having to manually move the layer into where I was every time I type text, an actual text box that the text gets wrapped into, and the font/size/etc to not reset after every text box. If you really want to go all out then add an option to put the text editor into the tool docker instead of a popup that makes the entire program window a pain in the ass to interact with. As a developer myself I think these are not a high expectations in any way, the only problem that's remotely complicated is making the text look good, it's the only thing I could justify excuses for since they probably used some premade SVG text rendering system and don't know how to control it, can't find anything better, and maybe don't even see a problem with because it's utilizing some operating system functionality (common mistake in text systems) that changes from system to system.

I'm not complaining because some fancy feature from Photoshop isn't there, I'm complaining because the program is full of broken shit in the most basic and fundamental parts of it and all of it is very simple stuff that I cannot imagine being complicated to fix, like the way merging a yellow layer with a yellow layer results in an uncolored layer. You're already copying properties to the new layer, why not copy the color as well? You cannot come up with any justifiable reason for why this is still broken.

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