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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 4c322d5798af179⋯.png (18.17 KB,626x626,1:1,question-mark_318-52837.png)

 No.5080 [View All]

Eh, /ic has one so let's start one too.

What skill level do I have to be at to start creating my own characters? I want to be at the point where i no longer have to practice the fundamentals constantly and I can improve by making my own things.

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I heard good things about Graphics Gale.


IMHO it's best not to be autistic about that sort of thing when it has nothing to do with your works' potential of success or failure

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It's been a few years since I had the bright idea to make a videogame, so I'm not current on things. Have you checked the resources on any of those game dev sites like pixelprospector? My dickin' around never got to the animating & making big sprite sheet faze, so I just used my normal image software. [I do have Asesprite on this machine that I know I didn't pay for, though. Wonder if they were giving it away at some point. :^)]


Graphics Gale seems to be freeware now, so … I think I might snag it m'self.

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>forget about drawing, just read these 70 books, that'll make you a good artist

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Perspective Made Easy is good and each one of those books involves drawing but I still cringe whenever I see that picture. Any learning path that starts with something like perspective in lieu of something on observational drawing is a joke

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File: 466d596e5b8339a⋯.jpg (114.05 KB,821x879,821:879,1 point - shapes various.jpg)

File: 858a9ec38845ce3⋯.jpg (182.1 KB,1024x576,16:9,2 point - cityscape skyscr….jpg)

File: bcc4f391526aca7⋯.jpg (72.54 KB,977x457,977:457,Cubes rotation complex sha….jpg)

File: 781c57efdada1a4⋯.jpg (106.98 KB,1500x1336,375:334,rotated cubes.jpg)


He asked for the list. I didnt make it nor tell him to read every book.


Perspective and basic shapes should be the definitive starting point. Observational drawing when you have no idea how to identify shapes or how perspective alters those shapes is just crippling development from teh start.

Anyone attempting ot learn from observing without understanding those things will be shooting himself in the foot. A major part of learnign is actually being able to see results and understand how things work. "here, draw this still life of textured fruit, curved shapes, complex lighting and shadows with bowls and other shit to consider" leads to people being overwhelmed. if they do it long enough, sure, theyll get there, but they are going to be garbage for al ong time. if they know basic shapes, they can construct ellipses, cylinders for glasses, break a bowl down into a series of cylinders, know how to intersect various shapes and then come back over them with details to complete the drawing. they will have the basics to position each object in perspective and construct them relative to each other. You want people that cant make a circle or draw a cube to do observational drawing first? Pepole will give up in a week when their art all looks like a 5 year old scribbled it out.

You'll need still lifes and things like drapery studies, but as a starting point, that's just asking to frustrate and drive away people without them having learned a damn thing. Perspective is easy and has basic rules that anyone can understand. Draw lines to the vanishing points. Bam, you are making houses, rotating cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc in space, drawing very basic cityscapes, etc. You can learn to add basic hatching or shading to the basic shapes. Understanding planes and light/shadow on these objects is much easier than starting with a drapery or other complex object.

You can then take these basic shapes and teach how to apply to any observed object. Break folds in cloth/drapery into cylinders and cubes. They'll understand how these things work instead of just trying to eyeball outlines and random shading until it 'looks right'. They'll know how its constructed and how to start drawing instead of just looking.

Reading a bunch of books wont accomplish either, but I would never start anyone with 'draw that still life until you get it right'. Classical teaching method is a joke. It was for people that already knew how to draw at a relatively high level. Some people do have the skill to begin observationally, of course, but anyone with the 'i cant draw a stickman' mentality will never achieve results that way. Starting with shapes and perspective and line exercises that build towards applying them to real objects will give them the foundation and confidence they need to actually draw.

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I used to make games in love2D, and what I would do for sprites is make an image 3000 X 3000, draw it to the best of my ability, and then shrink it to 64 x 64. Even if it looked like crap when I drew it, it looked pretty good when I shrunk it down. Is there any reason not to do it this way?

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File: f64d0064a22b4a7⋯.png (32.4 KB,670x449,670:449,ClipboardImage.png)


Other than 3000 not being a power of 2 or even reducing evenly to 64 I don't see what's wrong with it. If you liked the way it looked, it works.

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Question, how could someone able to grasp such high precision and confidence in coloring light tones and dark tones based from where the light projects into the surface? For instance, coloring the hair has a lot more depth especially when you doing it in more diligent way. It gets more harder to imagine how the glitters works on certain part of the area. Is there any rules of thumb instead of just doing it through try and error from your imagination?

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https://www.proko.com/how-to-draw-hair/ is a solid break down of highlights, midtones, shadows, etc in relation to hair. Colour works the same way - your gradient will be your shadow to midtones/halftones and light.

Simplest way to consider hair is to take the sphere/egg shape of head and shade it in respect to the light source without any details - just the basic shape and no hair. The hair will have almost identical shading to the sphere with some slight curvature differences. The shadow, midtones, highlights will be pretty much the same spots with some slight variations for groups of hair/hair style.

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Anyone have a working link to How to Draw by Scott Robertson? mega link is dead from other resource thread.

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is that the dude from peace walker?

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anyone still have that infographic that shows the difference between short people and children?

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File: ff4ba2d34617a8b⋯.jpg (183.25 KB,831x1038,277:346,487143198618367a9bac5e6828….jpg)

How do people paint like this? I've seen some people painting like they are putting random colors into the canvas and it turns out great. What the fuck?

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What's a good way to learn color theory and shading?

Preferably not with those TL;DR books where a guy spends 30 pages talking about his life and his favorite movie before each bit of useful information.

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File: 35a88de19453aed⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,120.91 KB,640x514,320:257,DAMAGED.jpg)



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File: 260d6b31486699d⋯.jpg (529.27 KB,1920x1536,5:4,shading - color value text….jpg)

File: 98ef6d809cc6f2b⋯.jpg (233.93 KB,1920x1708,480:427,shading - shadows vs light….jpg)


Looks like draw anime image, colour it and ink wash over it or similar technique.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfAZt3O0sLY - proko has basic overview. starts like half way through.

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where can I find images that instruct how to draw certain things? like particular artist explain how he draws that thing or something I am struggling with nipples

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I don't know why I laughed at this post, I'm sure there's something for you out there anon.

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File: 7eac405f996f8ac⋯.jpg (31.03 KB,486x750,81:125,nipples.jpg)


Some porn artists make tutorials or reference sheets, like Doxy. Try searching "how to draw X" on google.

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>putting random colors into the canvas

It looks like that because you don't know what's going on in their head. Just like when you look at speedpainting, it looks like random scribbling but every stroke is probably there for a reason, a reason that came to be from years and years of experience.

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>I don't know why I laughed at this post,

"I am struggling with nipples" is just inherently funny.

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I tried google first that's why I asked.

This sheet isn't very helpful either it just looks like reference on nipple types. I am looking mostly on how to make nipples face any directions I want while looking ok. Because under certain angles it gets tricky.

As I noticed a lot of times when you think it doesn't look ok it's ok because most people wouldn't look for mistakes

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Your best bet would be IRL references. Look around softcore porn and plastic surgery websites.


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I tried

I know what nipples look like I just can't draw them very sexy

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Do you have any artists that draw nipples you like?

If so, look around their works, trace the pictures and try to understand what makes them so good.

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I guess it's worth a try, but I doubt copying someones style is very good

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It's not just blindly copying, but rather understanding the thought behind the drawing.

Say you wanted to draw puffy girls, then you could try tracing Zankuro's and Doxy's drawings to see how they go about doing it, like putting more fat around the bone or whatever. It's almost like you're making yourself an tutorial by the artist, except without clear instructions.

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Post your nipples already. Maybe in the drawthread?

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why would you ask that, are you gay? I don't judge but i'd rather not post my nips

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>he thinks he can get answers in the question thread for free

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I guess i'll draw something later

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File: 0934e4d781a5b06⋯.png (7.94 KB,120x118,60:59,fsjal.png)


Oh boy, I hope it's nipples.

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File: 622713fbad8dbbc⋯.jpg (12.74 KB,400x400,1:1,nipple.jpg)


Well it looks like i'm onto something

It seems better to shape the nipple with shadows than lines.

I forgot to draw the middle 'hole' thing

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You need to draw from life.


>I tried

>I know what nipples look like

Try more.

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File: b1cd6731a8a97cc⋯.jpg (6.85 KB,500x500,1:1,sad tits.jpg)


this is just sad

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Like the other anon said, draw more from life.

Studying breast anatomy might also help.

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what makes an anime face appear certain age?

I think children should have smaller mandible and huge eyes old characters have saggy chick and milfs with often have long faces and noses but how do I make a hot muscular 30 yo not milf face?

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Look up some images about real people who fit your criteria. Then, take some time to rummage through the infinite number of styles artists use to suit that image you are trying to perfect instead of just one. Building your mental library makes the job easier. it's the difference between making an awful cliche, or drawing a real reflection of a human being.

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Draw regular late teen-twenty animoo chicky but give her slightly smaller or weary eyes.

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balancing faces is hard and minute differences make a lot of difference

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it seems this is the most active art board on the site, it that correct?

how would you say this place compares to half /ic/?

is it okay to make your own thread for more personalized feedback?

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Thanks anon!


I believe its the most active. I havent noticed any other here. ic is more active, but more shitters and lot less useful information and feedback. lot of 'just draw more' and other vague canned responses. you can just post in practice or draw threads. board isnt that fast. not sure how picky mods are with culling threads though.

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Has anyone tried the Famous Artists Course from the Mega? I was thinking about trying it to have some kind of a structure to follow due to lacking focus.

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How can I ease the transition from traditional to digital drawing?

Should I start dexterity exercises from scratch again?

I'm a poorfag and can't afford tablets with display. The inability to look at my hand while drawing has really thrown off hand-eye coordination.

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File: 794ed6aa614efbc⋯.png (271.62 KB,648x629,648:629,is this suppose to be part….png)

File: a9f71f1422d1801⋯.png (864.56 KB,1920x988,480:247,leg3d.png)

What are these two lumps suppose to be?

I'm assuming it's the ass because the body doesn't show the penis (which covers it) unless if the character is a female in which the bottom ass would show. but I'm not sure still

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Use a stablizer. Weighted in Krita helped me. The one that gives a circle and the line doesnt start until you reach the edge (you can adjust sizes, etc). I found that the easiest way to keep straight lines (or curved/non-wobbly) and keep on track. Try to make faster strokes, too. Just map undo to the pen and keep going til you get the right curve you wanted. I liked taking line art and inking over top of it for practice on making the lines. You can do some basic straight line, figure eights and other curves as warmups if you want, but taking a brush and inking for weight practice and various curves helped me adjust the quickest.


Its the ass cheeks tucking in. you can tell its a male based on the hips and pelvis. No junk is why you see the ass cheeks.

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thanks for the help

may good gains come to you

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File: cb6ea26b5de3589⋯.jpeg (125.25 KB,1238x666,619:333,7E9C5A13-0DCC-4D4A-A5E3-1….jpeg)

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File: d025a0f1f1f8edf⋯.png (86.63 KB,519x432,173:144,d025a0f1f1f8edf05b6b5f648c….png)

File: e145a746a89e6a9⋯.png (74.77 KB,519x432,173:144,e145a746a89e6a9fc4e8536401….png)

I was sorting through my drawing related pics and found these.

It makes a good argument about using vectors, but is there any program where you can draw freehand and it translated that into vectors?

Krita sure as fuck doesn't.


That's the ass. It's easier to observe on females, but it can show on males depending on the angle or pose.

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