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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 7d4f0291d3e51bb⋯.jpg (35.11 KB,342x382,171:191,51AKtUX3vML._SX342_.jpg)



Nudity and sexuality have always been an inseparable part of art, what do you think was the purpose of ancient and priceless paintings depicting sexual scenes?

This isn't unique to modern culture, and you're also fundamentally misunderstanding art if you think it's a bad thing.

Nudity and sexuality are something seen as dirty by the western world, and high art is always dirty. Painting something safe and socially acceptable is the art of cowards. Beyond that, there is a deep beauty to the vulnerability involved with sexuality and nudity, especially in cultures that try to suppress those topics.

TLDR: What you consider art has the artistic merit of motel wallpaper.

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Death and mortality have always been an inseparable part of living, what do you think was the purpose of ancient and high-profile killings creating societal change?

This isn't unique to modern culture, and you're also fundamentally misunderstanding life if you think it's a bad thing.

Death and mortality are something seen as dirty by the western world, and high living is always dirty. Killing something safe and socially acceptable is the life of cowards. Beyond that, there is a deep beauty to the vulnerability involved with mortality and dying, especially in cultures that try to suppress those occurrences.

TLDR: What you consider a good life has the mortal merit of living broke in a cheap motel.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


>making a thread to respond to a post you disagree with

nigga why

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