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Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: cb9c9988b863c7d⋯.jpg (172.76 KB,769x978,769:978,negative emotions.jpg)

 No.15229 [Last50 Posts]

Share your daily struggles and other art-related feels here.

Previous thread:


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File: 66f3b29d29d4cf8⋯.jpg (66.95 KB,384x516,32:43,me.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't mind me, I'm just going to be spinning my arms around like this and if you get hit it's your own fault

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I haven't drawn in months but I managed to shit out a malformed skull today, I'm hoping this is the beginning of my artistic resurgence.

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File: 7fa203f6026b7f0⋯.jpeg (114.95 KB,1080x1064,135:133,ELLSB9sX0AEnSZU.jpeg)

I forgot to practice for a year haha

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Is it just me or did they fucking add at least two characters to the captcha and make it way fucking harder to read, besides?

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>no inspiration

>no motivation

wtf, where did they go

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It's more characters, but not harder to read then previously. It always took me two attempts on average to get it right.


And I thought than hoping to get some more practice done during the site's downtime only to do none was bad.

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>mfw I got good enough to start doing commissions

>mfw I haven't finished a commission from March yet

Get on my level, scrubs.

… God I hate myself so much

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File: 200f13af8bae733⋯.png (91.14 KB,604x516,151:129,200f13af8bae733bfeda383c92….png)


Do it now. As a Christmas present to tomorrow-you.

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>Made custom cards to send people for Christmas

>Send one to cousin with impulse-control issues

>impulsive cousin said he liked my card so much, he placed it safely away

>This is so the card is safe in case he gets the urge to rip up paper

And thus I learned the true meaning of Christmas

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I tried to, but I ended up masturbating for 7 hours and falling asleep :^(

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Sounds nice.

My mother wanted me to paint her a painting as a gift, but I refused - she's terrible to work with, looking over my shoulder all the time, constantly changing her mind and wanting total control.

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File: 30428a4286dd6fb⋯.gif (93.12 KB,250x250,1:1,89eb5f0305531801042034d085….gif)


>masturbating for 7 hours

Damn man, Hat's off to your stamina.

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Eh, not really; I think anyone could do that. Google "edging" if you feel like trying.

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File: b325cb164b643a4⋯.png (806.46 KB,1024x719,1024:719,nooooo i don't want to be ….png)

My art senpai stopped following me on twitter, I think it's because I'm friendly with "alt-right" cartoonists and he thinks I'm getting groomed into propagating nazi ideas through jokes.

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File: 22b2cc91fe2ab02⋯.jpg (36.49 KB,960x960,1:1,literally we.jpg)


Who's your art senpaisano fella? On tw*tter I follow everyone who draws anything no matter what pretty much (i.e. if twitter "recommends them" to me and I can tell they're either an artist or a girl that shows her tiddies I'm going to follow) so this doesn't happen. I do leave myself open to being shamed for the content one of the 1000+ people I follow posts someday I guess, but doing this gives me an out in a way even if that's not what I planned for the most part.

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He's a fellow artist whom I've known the art of for years. I don't particularly want to share his name because he's always been very nice and it might all be misinterpretation on my part.

>On tw*tter I follow everyone who draws anything no matter what pretty much

That's what I do. To be honest, it's not too much of a surprise: I've heard a lot of stories about the website. Sooner or later I'd have had to take a stance (or rather take one by not taking one), given some people there are quick to classify others into either nice of nazi.

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Friendly with alt-right caartoonists?

You sick bastard.

Hahaha wait I might be one of them.

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P-please don't indocrinate me and turn me into a nazi.

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File: bbfdbb3f583c94d⋯.png (1.49 MB,1200x1200,1:1,1577090405731.png)


If I can tolerate following someone who specifies their retarded pronouns they should be able to tolerate following someone who's had a disproportionate footprint on fomenting right-leaning ideology online over the past 15 years, you know? Geez

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I need to clean my room. It takes less than an hour at the worst but I always let it get so bad each time. I also should probably sell a bunch of my shit, I just have too much stuff for my living arrangement and it's a huge distraction. After moving into my parent's house and basically taking the entire thing over with my junk and soy toys I have to admit that with things like they are a lot of this surplus stuff has become a hinderance.

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File: 094ec64abfbba83⋯.jpg (210.39 KB,1920x1152,5:3,Peterson_lobsters.jpg)


>unironically listening to Peterson / reading his 12 rules for life

I'm not sure is it a good idea to listen to this religious fanatic; roughly half of his book was pure cringe based on biblical stories instead of science.

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I don't put much stock in Peterson, he's a druggy himself and defers to religion and (((prescription drugs))) way too often. That said he says some decent stuff here and there and it makes for easy listening when set to music I guess

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File: 1751449b9c41ac2⋯.jpg (29.49 KB,480x377,480:377,cat-crying-funny-hahahaha-….jpg)

>start a new, fun project

>You sketch out various ideas and plan the whole thing and it's going great!

>You keep putting in more and more hours, but it's still far from finished; you want to do it right, which means a lot of fixing and redoing

>slowly your enthusiasm fades while hard work keeps piling up

>it's no longer fun and you start making excuses

>there are some days when you don't work on your project at all

>the deadlines you've set for yourself passed long ago and it's still not finished

>you're reminded how much of a failure you are, whenever you think about even starting this project again

>now even mentioning this project is enough to ruin your day

>you feel awful

[spoiler]>try to distract yourself with something

>start a new, fun project

>the vicious circle of sadness and failure starts anew [/spoiler]

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File: a4541e573baf25a⋯.jpg (59.27 KB,331x402,331:402,butthurt-faggot.jpg)



I've gotten two permabans from twitter for calling people retards and posting this image. I don't even care that I can't post anymore, but when you have your account permanently suspended they erase all your likes, your follows are gone, and your feed is frozen, so you can't scroll backwards through it, and all the posts I was 'archiving' are gone.

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File: c7410504d4df847⋯.png (148.37 KB,590x272,295:136,anzuthanks.png)


My indie comic buddies said they didn't publish their first comic till they were 25, I still got plenty of time!

>mfw I'm nearing 27 now

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i'm also 27, and working on a comic I dream to see in print. Age means little to that, but if you don't work on your comic it won't be printed.

Unfortunately I wish I would take my own advice, but it's always difficult isn't it?

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File: d038ded512c107a⋯.jpg (63.91 KB,720x960,3:4,madeye.jpg)

>For 5 years we had a really nice dog

>He's a st bernard with asymmetrical markings, named Mad-Eye Moody because one is around his eyes

>Mom brought the dog to hospitals as a therapy dog for sick people, they loved him because he was very placid and friendly

>He died of cancer

>My mom was heartbroken

>I painted a picture of him for her

>I used oil on the backing of a drawing pad, this cuts drying times significantly. I really enjoy this method and recommend it to anyone who wants to get into oils because you can even thin out oil pastels with liquin or linseed oil and it makes for an excellent underpainting.

>Gift it to her for mother's day.

>She cries

>Says she loves it

>However, she refuses to hang it up for about 6 months because she's so sad about the dog.

>I kind of felt like she hated it for doing so, I think she was just sad, but I think she actually likes it now. At the time I was extremely insecure about it though, thinking it was a really bad painting.

>I also really loved that dog and I miss him.

Pic related.

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File: a0944ad08983fd7⋯.gif (1.83 MB,375x283,375:283,le somber african american….gif)

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I literally got into drawing because my hand was burned severely when I was 13 and I needed a way besides vidya to rehabilitate the skin growth. It worked but my manual dexterity is still kind of weak and my lineart suffers for it. It just hurts when a drawing doesn't work out because I just think "I fixed my hand for this shit?"

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File: 8efbae2bd4fe11a⋯.png (119.07 KB,930x529,930:529,actual.PNG)

File: 94908521e0c8f14⋯.png (180.28 KB,942x550,471:275,shadinh.PNG)

>tfw the shading layer compared to the full composition

i just started actually practicing art shit for years of idle doodling, sorry if my lineart is shit lol

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File: 25d97403b33bf64⋯.jpg (7.48 KB,190x216,95:108,rise and shine.jpg)


You did good, Anon.

Art that moves people… That's a very nice thing.

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Just started drawing again. I want to contribute to the board, but I'm hesitant to start posting due to my years long lack of progress.

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Thank you

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There are worse artists out there but I've been going sideways for years now, myself. When it comes to art we all probably have a little to be ashamed about but the last thing that you want to do is let some imaginary terror like "shame" win.

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Just post it man, help us get the pph higher.

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Yeah, I guess I'll try to at least post in the practice thread here and there.


I'll try heh. I'm not a fan of dickscord, but lately I think I can see how it became popular, as it's probably a better medium for smaller communities to keep in touch. Then again, without anonymity I probably wouldn't want to post in the first place.

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File: 4c19056c74d9992⋯.jpg (104.39 KB,1067x600,1067:600,4c19056c74d9992c70cb677449….jpg)

>Browsing something's comment section on a how to draw tutorial

<"lads, if you wanna check out some actually useful shit for rookies, check out Burne Hogarth." while implying the material is too complex

Of all the shit you could've mentioned you had to go ahead and say the one thing that's incredibly stupid. Like holy fuck, I love Hogarth's stuff but I wouldn't recommend his books to a beginner ever.

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File: eae6f544d20e2f7⋯.jpg (180.59 KB,704x645,704:645,Untitled-1.jpg)

File: 8af135f14cfc655⋯.jpg (172.44 KB,1500x579,500:193,meme-man.jpg)


I feel the same way about Bridgman being recommended to beginners-or even at all tbh. In my opinion Bridgman's surviving material is a meme at worst and overrated at best-though through no fault of his own. If I recall, his books are patched together from sketches and notes from live lectures which were initially discarded by and recovered by his students, which are now treated as greater than the sum of their parts and with more reverence than they were likely given when they were made in the early 1900s.

Anyway yeah, I think some stuff Hogarth does to make his drawings easier to follow, like the little arrows he often does that trace over the forms allowing you to divide them into smaller and more manageable pieces makes at least some of his work more approachable to less experienced artists. However, because much of his work isn't anything near "true to life" and looks more like Italian Futurism or architecture drawings it's by default material that only people who have at least some experience in what the real thing looks like should even think of looking at.

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Perhaps it is a result of survivorship bias. A lot of successful artists cite Bridgman as a key source of their learning.

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Bridgman is great because his studies make you think about the form as opposed to the symbols. Studying his material will make you understand painting.

When you consider the fact that there are different body types that exist IRL, his material is even more useful than stylized stuff like Loomis/Hogarth.

I'd personally think that Vilppu better than all of them for beginners, but I wouldn't dismiss Bridgman. His stuff isn't meant to be accurate, it's meant to be applied into everything that you learn.

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Bridgman was convinced that renaissance drawings, like that of Michelangelo, address the form and character of a subject in a way that provided a value that more optical approaches didn't. By emphasising the character of something in an exaggerated manner, he's trying to impart what things to look out for when you study form nature, where this character will be much more subtle. The point is to create a strong mental symbol of the thing that is meant to be easy to keep in mind so it can aid you when you're doing your actual studies from a model.

I'm not a particular fan of Bridgman but he should be understood on his own terms as he has a fairly unique approach among more modern artists based on a type of drawing that has fallen out of fashion since like the 17th century.

I'd personally just suggest to get good enough at basic drawing so you can go directly to Richer and study that instead of going through all kinds of halfway anatomy resources.

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File: c600ed5ad768c5d⋯.png (423.88 KB,705x651,235:217,heavy is thinking.png)

i'm considering quitting my day job and working on a comic idea i have, which i know is a terrible idea but frankly i'm miserable working my day job, anyone have any experience with this kinda thing or comics in general?

I hope ur all doing well in your own creative pursuits

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Are you >>15695 ? If so, don't; your skill is nowhere near comic artist level. You need a couple more years of practice.

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How much money have you made from comics so far? If you haven't made anything or any amount that suggests that you can turn it into a living, probably best to hold off. You can always work on it in your free time and switch over once it starts becoming lucrative. Jumping over before that is generally a bad idea.

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File: e1ccea01a66e362⋯.png (11.46 KB,256x256,1:1,abf4d4c15891c8505e8966e3a9….png)


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File: b57ce9383fe5216⋯.gif (1019.53 KB,450x345,30:23,Bout to fucking snap.gif)

How do I keep misplacing my fucking sketchbook in this tiny ass apartment I swear to God


I understand

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Just find a better job that does not interfere with your comic too much.

My neet years were the least productive when it came to drawing. I would not make art my primary job, unless it would let me make at least $60k a year consistently for multiple years in a row. Even then I would not be able to help but constantly remember how fickle career in art can be. You can have success one year, but be ignored on another. That would make me strongly reconsider quitting any job just to focus on drawing.

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File: 9abaf8103204f3a⋯.jpg (115.76 KB,600x849,200:283,x10.jpg)


I'd be careful about quitting your dayjob just because I have no way to tell you how popular your comic could become. It might take off very quickly in a few years, or it might never really gain much traction. IMO, it's a big risk if you don't have some way to financially support yourself if the comic isn't successful enough.

I wouldn't worry too much about comments like >>15699

While I do have to agree that your skill level is not up to par with a "professional comic book artist" like some Marvel artist, I don't think it's that important.

Take ONE for example. He started drawing One Punch Man because he wanted to draw manga and improve his artistic ability. Assuming you're the same anon as in >>15695, I think you're ahead of One in that regard. Pic related is from the very first chapter of OPM. I think what made OPM so succesful was the genuine amount of heart and soul that went into it.

Of course, I wouldn't bet on the same level of success, considering that OPM now has an anime adaptation and a bunch of merchandising. But it's certainly an encouraging story.

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Why do I always do a bunch of dumb shit that ruins any appeal my drawings might have had?

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Consider skill as a vehicle for conveying or expressing artistic ideas. Comparisons against One are incredibly deceptive. What allowed One to succeed was not skill in art, it was compelling storytelling. Fun and interesting characters, ideas, and compositions. His skill in art didn't matter so much, because he was already very good in other ways so the lack of skill doesn't necessarily hold him back.

He's a great inspiration, but he's an exception. The reality is that comics, "webcomics" (but I want to say comics on the net because not every comic is necessarily a "webcomic") are a severely oversaturated market dominated by masses of hideous scrawlings with either no value, or BL/gay comics. Pursuit of comics through online mediums are a long road full of disillusionment and struggle, especially for passion projects that are not directly marketed towards specific audiences.

It is incredibly difficult. I would say it would average 7 to 10 years with good connections, advertising, regular updates and all the right pieces in place.

Do what >>15707 said, if you can, find a job that doesn't exhaust you. Set aside time for art. Write like hell. Plan. Everyone has shortcomings, even if you can't be a master artist or gifted writer, anyone can become the master of their limitations.

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Because you're stupid and tend to make horrible decisions.

Seriously now, when do you fuck up? Is it when you're setting up the finishing touches, when you're doing the shading or coloring, in the construction phase, is it a design problem?

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>Because you're stupid and tend to make horrible decisions.

Can't really argue with that.

All of the aforementioned, can't really say which suffers the most. I find it difficult to stop and think about what I'm doing, it's like I'm stuck in autopilot. A lot of the time my hand is just moving seemingly without input. I've done an egregious amount of quick poses, I think that might have given me some really bad habits.

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Yeah, it might be construction issues. Do you often unconsciously turn uncomfortable poses into ones that are easier to draw?

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>construction issues

I'm sure I have those, at least. Loomis style construction has never really worked for me, even after going through literally all of FWAP. Most of the time I draw volumes and sort of trace a wireframe across. Kind of along the lines of Vilppu's method, maybe. Sometimes I draw ellipses for the circumference of a cylindrical object before drawing the sides of it, it seems to help me visualize the direction. But honestly, I'm kind of sloppy.

I don't think I change poses like you say, not in order to make things easier. I'll change things that aren't working, but that's more a case of fixing broken stuff. If something is a complete mess I typically just discard it. I'm sure I used to do what you say a lot though, but that seems to be going away the more I learn.

Heck, maybe I just need to learn to put things down, step back and reset my perspective. The more I think about it my problem seems to be more of a tunnel vision / brain fog thing.

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File: 69d5338d3815bd5⋯.jpg (156.61 KB,1440x960,3:2,suicide-booth-in-use.jpg)

I'm 32 and I'm not in a great place. I have deep seated existential anxiety, agoraphobia and hypochondriasis. I still cant believe how old I am and I hardly act my age.

I've been drawing most of my life and yet I still find it a struggle to improve. I try new things with each drawing I make but somehow I just dont feel I make much improvement. I have very mild autism and learning disabilities, and I feel angry and sad that people younger than me are doing way better than I am.

I deal with intense fear over my own health and the future every day, in particularly a troublesome fear of death that just makes my stomach twist itself merely mentioning it. I'm constantly afraid about my health even though I have done every checkup imaginable and the doctors keep telling me I am fine. I suffer from IBS which makes my life torture and makes me unable to eat the things I like, or anything else for that matter.

The only thing that gets me out of bed is the game projects and artwork I want to do although I am very self conscious about the quality of my art. I'm not great at lines and 3D positioning, although I do think I have some good qualities in .y art. However I am afraid to include any of my art with this post because I revealed a lot of things about myself and dont want to give away who I really am. I have online enemies who'd love to make me into a lolcow.

Getting this out in the open helped a little but honestly I dont know what to do. I'm just struggling with a lot right now.

Despite the pic, I'm not suicidal. I've been there before, about five years ago when I had an intense and traumatic experience with a weed edible that made me think I was dying and plunged my life into depersonalized hell for the next few years. I still dont think I've gotten over it yet.

I just wish somebody would tell me I'm okay and that everything will be fine. I have few real friends, no girlfriend and I live in constant dread of the universe crushing me like a bug.

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I've tried to type out a couple of things, but it's all bullshit walls of text full of projection. Frankly I can't respond to you with the kind of attention that someone suffering despair ought to receive, and any advice I could give seems just as likely to make things worse.

This is so meaningless that I don't even want to post it, but maybe it's some kind of comfort to know that someone at least tried to give a damn.

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It's okay. I appreciate it.

I just wish I had more ability to get a grip on things.

I need therapy or something. But I can't afford it.

Really I just need to talk to more people.

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We're here for you to talk to, anon. I wish there was something I could say to you that would help you in the right direction. Maybe getting therapy would help, but to my knowledge, it's just a placebo that normalfags love to say. It delegates your problems to some impartial, professional "third party." The person who says "just get therapy lol" don't have to do any emotional labor to actually try and understand what you're going through. Having a good friend would be better, I think. Also, I suspect the horror stories about people getting institutionalized for talking about suicide with their therapist are somewhat exaggerated. I suspect they might offer you pills or something equally nefarious, but they're not really able to legally force anything on you.

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No no, I'm no stranger to therapy. Been dealing with psychologists since the weird behavioral adaptation programs they put me in as a kid. Had to do it again a couple of years ago just to get me through my PTSD from the weed brownie. It does help, teaches you techniques for calming g yourself that youd never intuit on your own. Lets you find stability during a storm. Unfortunately the reality is that psychiatric medicine is centuries behind where it needs to be right now. I only do psychotherapy and skip the pills because I dont trust pills - meds are the therapy they came up with immediately after they realized that lobotomizing patients basically kills them. It still needs decades of more research.

I'm happy you are around to talk to but I meant like talking to people in real life. Among other things I am a NEET artist and it wasnt for my computer I would never have any human contact. Agoraphobia, lack of friends and IBS prevent me from leaving the house and I am consistently stuck inside for months at a time. Drawing and video games are the only things that keep me motivated.

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File: b3d0372214482d2⋯.jpg (57.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,end_me.jpg)

>be me

>brainlet at school

>decided to drop out because medicine school is not for me

>do art, hoping it will be support me

>no commission so far

>a year pass by

>still working at the local store

>do whatever I can to promote my commission sheets,

>still no income from art

>average girl at work wants my D

>tfw a faggot

>fear that I can't support her just in case

>so sorry girl, find a guy that can make you live

>still no more commission

>seasons pass by

>younger kids are now working along side me

>lies about my age when they asks me

>tfw ashamed for ngmi like other adults

>tfw just want to end it all

why can't just the ww3 starts so I can finally rob whatever I can?

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I'll commission you. Can I see your art?

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File: 8006fd6786ccc04⋯.jpg (44.29 KB,666x800,333:400,colbert-spergout.jpg)

I am so sick and tired of all the goddamn perversion in the artist community.

I'm so sick of seeing talented fucking people drawing filth like scat and vore. I'm sick of this being defended. I'm sick of people willing to draw vile, disgusting content just for a paycheck. I'm sick of people without principals or solid morals trying to dictate your beliefs. I'm sick of not wanting to associate with degenerates leading to being banned or kicked off of most platforms.

Everyone's a fucking furry or a commie or some kind of other retarded bullshit. Then you've got "high art" which consists of vagina drip paintings and literal fucking bananas taped to walls.

I hate it all. At times I want to recede into my own little corner like some kind of hermit and never show anybody else my work.

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File: 556f5e1e349f092⋯.gif (538.88 KB,320x248,40:31,in the name of the moon, I….gif)


You wouldn't want to live in a place where only Arno Breker-pilled works were allowed to exist as much as you think you might, though to an extent I share your feelings when it comes to people squandering their talents in general instead of capitalizing on them. Try and ignore stuff you don't like while striving to be the change you want to see in the world with your own art!

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All I draw are circles and straight lines, because I'm too scared of failure to draw anything else. The circles and lines don't even come out perfectly, even though I've wasted tons of time drawing circles and lines. No picture, since I can't take a picture right now.

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now draw squares and triangles

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I could, I guess. I have drawn cubes, pyramids and cylinders before, but that's where shitty results become shittier.

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Focus on artists who aren't degenerate.

I'm sure they exist. In fact, I've noticed that a lot of horror artists I follow on Twitter are otherwise pretty far from dealing with fetishes.

They don't draw scat, vore, or futa, for instance.

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File: 03e2ce16c680a9a⋯.png (2.39 KB,209x151,209:151,S T R O N K.png)


I've been doing that for years :^)

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>tfw stuck on vacation with no art supplies

Fucking 9/11, didn't have time for any extra security bullshit regarding bringing paint on a flight.

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What about a pencil and some paper?

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File: 06c776707806977⋯.jpg (288.29 KB,4092x2893,372:263,jajco.jpg)

I feel overwhelmed by the software I use (Paint tool SAI) I want to draw tentacles molesting women but all I can do is draw boxes, cups and other extremely basic shapes.

Worse yet I can't combine those basic shapes of spheres, squares and triangles into actual pictures.

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I know I'm shit and what frustrates me is that I don't know what should I do to git gud.

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Yeah, I should have brought some with me. I was able to find a pencil and some printer paper in a jammed drawer. Missing my watercolors though.


>all I can do is draw boxes, cups and other extremely basic shapes.

Draw some boxes molesting some cups then, brah.

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File: 7d11b77d7447758⋯.jpg (545.4 KB,4092x2893,372:263,2 unfinished.jpg)


Good idea

Here's an unfinished one.

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2 years since I started drawing. Student and intern. I got commissioned for the highest amount I've ever been recently. I have been paranoid about the slightest details in the drawing, which made progress slow and made me very anxious. It's nearly complete now, though. I'm glad it's over. I won't be doing commissions for a while.

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File: a63fff2b08569dd⋯.jpg (496.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,1570691017083-0.jpg)


Fuck, only two years? That's really fast. I'm kinda jealous but also good for you, anon.

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Thanks! I can share how I improved quickly if it matters. Japanese Twitter has communities around very specific things (in this case it was a mobile game). I haven't seen something like it in the West.

I'd get a lot of attention for drawing the game characters (even though it was very low quality), which reinforced my will to draw. I know this is bad but I was very envious of the talented people getting lots of likes, so I tried to be more like them, and I was compulsively drawing in a way that I can only describe as a competitive gamer trying to get better at an online game. Eventually I got decent, but I'm still not as good as I want to be.

Drawing is not pure fun to me as I know my techniques will soon be surpassed and the best I can do today will soon be in the "old shit" folder. I am kind of conflicted about it all.

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Hawt. Anyway, the most basic idea of gettin gud at drawing something is to draw it a lot. Pull up some pictures of women and get copying.

What do those sneaky moonrunes say?

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"beer", however the water radical was erased too hard from 酒 since I intended for it to be a beer stein once I get better.

It was one of the first drawings I made after getting SAI where I didn't know about the blur function, or properly using layers.

I still don't know how to shade

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>I still don't know how to shade

If you mean the mechanics of shading digitally, basically you take a brush with soft edges, lower the opacity, and build the shading with multiple brush strokes. Then you can use a low opacity eraser or blending brush to smooth things out further. Never used SAI myself though.

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Wow dude you're like the exact opposite of me. I don't think I've ever posted my art outside of 8chan and I'd fucking hate it if other artists started gushing over me, I'd probably want to stop drawing over that because I'm severely mentally ill and I don't enjoy praise or camaraderie of any kind

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File: 9c1b9d867c4eb7d⋯.jpg (583.68 KB,2893x4092,263:372,6 unfinished.jpg)


Decided to try drawing human characters by starting off with a stick skeleton and then adding new layers with details onto the skeleton

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File: ecda06ee5d2cd43⋯.jpg (102.8 KB,480x719,480:719,Sheen.jpg)

Does anybody else get depressed when they see talented artists draw horrendous and vile fetishism?

Wasting skill for perversion and pleasure is such a horrible aspect of modern culture. There's no value in those works except for sexual gratification, these people have no want to care for art as a concept and prefer to use it as a medium for their twisted, unrestrained desires.

This started with individuals like De Sade being held as geniuses or visionaries, but now there isn't even an attempt at pretext; only unapologetic degeneracy.

Even true art has been subverted the pseudointellectual, he who has nothing to say yet never ceases talking. High art has been turned to a parody of itself, it's become a field where satire such as disumbrationism and real art movements like abstractism are genuinely indistinguishable. It's all vacant, pretentious nonsense fueled by money laundering and the elite's echo chamber.

Even the perverts I disdain have some level of respect for the craft itself, modern artists will attempt to pass of anything regardless of quality as brilliant and use confusing language to mask their ignorance.

At least the public seems weary of this, as for all the art world's attempts at pushing numerous frauds as grandmasters during the 20th century, the only American artist to truly grasp the public entirely of his own accord was Bob Ross. Even decades after his death he's still widely known. How many "brilliant" postmodernists of the 20th century can that be said for? His work still inspires young artists to paint to this day. How many paint brushes were wet by inspiration from Pollack's work? Or Kandinsky's work? Or Malevich's work? Those names have largely fallen from the public consciousness over time, while Ross' image only strengthens. I feel that says far more about the power of true art than any so-called expert could ever say.

I apologize for this rant and how it shifted direction, I'm just extremely frustrated by the perversion and pretentiousness that plagues art today.

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I don't exactly get depressed, I seem to have lost most of my emotions in recent years. I actually hope it continues, because apathy has been a step up so far. But discovering that dick necks are a thing made me genuinely question if there's any merit to the continued existence of our species. If nothing else we could use a good culling.

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File: ddaa33cca0b6670⋯.jpeg (152.2 KB,1242x1226,621:613,A4BF879C-B11C-49A4-A1BC-2….jpeg)


I get more depressed when I see people making the same posts every couple of weeks instead of following le basketball man's shining ebonic example and fucking up until he BTH[eck]Os the people whose work he finds objectionable heh

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Those two things don't particularly relate.

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They do actually. He's cryptically criticizing some of the anons that make redundant complaints about things they dislike, as opposed to focusing their energy on being as skilled as possible, so that they have a greater possibility of outshining the artists and pictures that are deplorable to them. Obviously it isn't easy, but the most valuable things in life seldom are.

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Well, you did make nearly the exact same post a couple weeks ago >>15796

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File: 01f10ca463b4973⋯.jpg (106.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,1567290552459.jpg)

Do you have those crises every once in a while in which you realize just how inferior your art is to how you used to see it, and feel the need to go back to the very basics to relearn everything because drawing anything makes you feel completely awful?

I couldn't draw anything for the past few days, and even getting down and doing gesture drawings I see all these flaws in proportion and perspective that weren't there before. I want to be optimist and say my observation skills improved, but I'm scared I've somehow regressed a couple steps and all these mistakes weren't there before.

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File: 373f758df7a7925⋯.jpg (170.33 KB,715x943,715:943,RYSiQWtMxOc.jpg)


I get that all the time, in direct proportion to how much I draw. And I do think it's mostly a matter of your skills improving to the point where you can see what you're doing wrong. The fact alone that you can identify those problems with proportion and perspective is a good thing, right? Now you just need to work on fixing those. Don't let this discourage you from drawing. That's how a hiatus begins, and then you regress for certain.

If it hurts to fail at the things you care about, try drawing something you normally never would instead (with references of course). To me it can help to distance myself a little from my usual subjects at times like that.

I don't know how credible this image is, but the fact that someone even made it should indicate it's at least a common experience.

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I've been drawing a lot, as in probably close to 300 hours over the course of 2 months, and I'd say I've only improved marginally heh. I've been stuck in practice hell, most of which are anatomy studies. I'd say that I think I have a much better grasp on the skull at least, because I actually enjoy drawing faces.

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Stop for like a month I'd say. There are a lot of studies that show you don't actually improve on anything if you just do it over and over again quickly, you just get faster at it.

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>the situation in my country was getting harder and harder, so I decided to try my luck as a porn artist

>I started to make enough money to help my family financially

>they have no problem with this, in fact, they are happy with the extra money

>over the past few years, I've been making comics for a porn site, drawing assets for a fetish game and working with a friend on our own porn video game

>besides that, I'm also trying to get a degree in Engineering Informatics

>when I'm not working on a commission, I'm studying for a test or something like that

>I don't have time to improve my art skills, I don't have time to improve my programming skills, much less work on my personal projects or do other things

>I could quit drawing porn and start working as a programmer, but I would probably end up in a job where I have to work doubly hard to get only a fraction of what I'm earning right now

>I'm so fucking tired of both things; I just want some free time for myself

>the worst part is, I think I don't even like my career, but what else can I do? I don't have what it takes to be a real illustrator or a graphic designer

I'm sorry for writing so much shit, but I don't feel comfortable talking about this with anyone. Actually, I've even been thinking about going back to my old psychiatrist.

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File: 63f5efe182adf26⋯.jpeg (916.43 KB,2048x1536,4:3,EUHnVJtUUAI8huu.jpeg)

>Feelio when Murata's 10 year old daughter might be better than me at art.

pic related.

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So easy even a kid can do it!

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File: 414825ac5aa0ad6⋯.jpeg (78.29 KB,1125x621,125:69,EUH3J4iWkAE4ZEA.jpeg)


It'll be all the sweeter when I finally make it, I hope. Also Murata made this when he was like 11.

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>>would rather do drugs than practice

If you're on the downward spiral of drugs where doing anything that isn't drugs is "most soul-destroying thing" then I think you should seriously consider quitting life in general, not just art.

There's a good website here for ithttps://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods

I've known people like that and they've never been able to climb out of the hole, it gets worse and worse.

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It sounds like you just hate drawing TBH. Maybe you should find another hobby.



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If you're tired of everything and don't enjoy life you shouldn't feel guilt tripped into staying here, one of the worst aspects of our modern cultural attitudes toward suicide is the "but you have so much to life for!" argument, because most people who "hang on" are actually just kicking the can further down the road. Most people who kill themselves do so when young, the second highest age group are the above 50's. That should tell you something about all the "survival stories", just an extra 30 years of misery.

Wanting somebody to suffer just so you don't feel sad has to be one of the most selfish things I can imagine. I don't know how long you've been like this, but don't feel bad for wanting to rest early.

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Except most of these people are just in a rough patch, and there's a very good chance they'll get over it if their problems are actually dealt with. Assuming everyone is just condemned to misery is retarded. People 'feel sad' when some idiot commits suicide because they had some hope in their recovery, not because they want to prolong their suffering due to some strange pathological narcissism as you seem to think. Unless maybe it's a girl LOL!

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File: 5f68167af746bbe⋯.png (478.06 KB,640x1114,320:557,49453271_5CAC_418C_A5BD_48….png)


>unironically letting some underweight edgelord influence your emotions

nigga please

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Don't practice. Doodle.

Practice is a soul-crushingly horrible task and I all but refuse to do it.

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It's about time I take these kinds of comments more seriously. I think I've learned just about anything I can possibly learn through study at this point. I need to force myself to actually start drawing shit I want to see drawn instead of being a cowardly book worm

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This is a decent advice. Practice should definitely not be the only thing you're doing. You should practice some, and then draw for fun while attempting to incorporate things you were practicing.


I was in similar situation to >>16313, but alcohol was the drug and it was coupled with depression and anxiety.

As far as people killing themselves after 50, a lot of it is due to things like bad health, poverty, loss of the loved ones, loss of independence, loneliness, and depression due to aging.

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File: 53b20b21dcb5258⋯.jpg (161.08 KB,1440x1785,96:119,wolf_in_its_natural_habita….jpg)

File: bcf02c1e06ce2d0⋯.jpg (183 KB,911x683,911:683,nice_hdr_fucknuts.jpg)

File: 53970c71bf4172e⋯.jpg (212.79 KB,1024x679,1024:679,wtf.jpg)

I am so fucking sick of simulated camera flaws shitting up nature photography. I am so fucking sick of simulated camera flaws shitting up art in general. Fuck DOF, fuck HDR, fuck chromatic aberration, fuck "bokeh",fuck oversaturation, and fuck tilt-shift lenses. Why is this bullshit so popular?

It's hard to find good photos to work from.

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File: 6e66a53a5ddfe40⋯.jpg (930.21 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,sequoia_tunnel_log_3161_20….jpg)


I really like https://www.shorpy.com/ , because the photos are old enough that they're untainted.

What pisses me off more is Pinterest fucking with every image search result except porn.

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>That last photo

Why? Back in the day it only 13 year olds messing with the photoshop for the first time would think this is a good idea. I reverse searched the photo, and the artist is a Candadian boomer. He takes good photographs, but he ruins them with shitty photo-shopping. Plastic wrap filter and fucking with HDR are his favorite methods. What's worse, he is selling these mangled pieces. He would probably make better money by simply selecting auto-correcting settings and leaving it at that.

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>Feelio when it's harder to draw a portrait of cute girls, because the lighting and photo manipulation they use is always so shit.

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I've gotten worse at drawing anime, or maybe better at seeing the problems. The form of the face makes no sense to me. They have practically no chin for example and it makes it difficult for me to determine where everything would connect. I can try to fake it, but I am really not understanding where the planes are supposed to be.

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File: 3e47e2a6235c98c⋯.jpg (230.58 KB,960x640,3:2,I_only_wanted_to_draw_anim….jpg)


This might sound stupid, but what I mean is I've been studying the planes of the head and doing portrait drawings for months now, but I still can't grasp the form of simple anime characters very well. Their features are too soft and vague. The head is not just a pointed sphere, there aren't just two or three planes. There are multiple angles from the cheek, jaw, and the chin. Anime character usually have almost no chin, a diminished nose, and the brows are often not where they're supposed to be. I'm having a hell of a time making sense of it. Where the hell is everything supposed to go? I have yet to see a good break down that goes far enough into what I'm looking for. It's all just "draw a circle, decide on an axis and put this here, that here, and that there". I can do that, but in practice there are finer points that doesn't cover. It doesn't give me the whole picture. If I tried to paint it, it would not look correct. I guess I'm expected to " just experiment LOL" until I get it.

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I look at other artists in the field I want to be in and feel like I can never make it in time pretty generic but its been eating at me

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It's called "Hentai",

and it's art.

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This nigga knows

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File: 513906902bb9def⋯.png (648.06 KB,576x699,192:233,jesus_0.png)


Come join me over at: http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/oc/

We'll create a new community over on the Tor network.

I'm posting there and normies haven't found it yet.

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