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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: c22d4cb8f37faec⋯.png (819.09 KB,640x800,4:5,dt.png)

 No.13164 [View All]

These two posts made a good point.



We should be drawing together regularly. I've already tried it successfully with another anon in that thread, but a higher turnout rate would be nice.

That's what this thread is for. It serves to be make organization easier and visible for everyone interested, instead of being buried and unnoticed in an unrelated thread.

Discuss what's a good time for a regular scheduled session, when you plan on hosting or joining a session or simply post a roomcode.

It would be shame if we'd be unable to get a few people together on a board about drawing when other boards manage to do it successfully.

You can get the software needed to draw together here: https://drawpile.net/download/

201 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Looks like it's working for me

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It definitely has been and continues to be up, currently has a few users online There haven't been any updates to the software that would break compatibility. Certificate's good, domain name's good for a few years.

Does it respond to pings?

Also, reminder that it's Sunday and soon time to shitpost in an artistic fashion.

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File: 33c41e4b21b27c7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,14.38 MB,11720x6152,1465:769,loomis_2020_07_27_03.png)


It is no longer time. Colors have been crushed a bit to get it under 16MB.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Good session, not too many fellers showed up but that's okay.

>mfw tfw the only posts at anon.cafe over the past week were the drawpile announcement

Not like we've had a ton ourselves over that same time period but oof. Why have imageborts fallen so far brehs

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Perhaps they were simply, like so many other things, a now obsolete product of their time; a passing fad? And we're just holding on to the past, not yet able to let go. Maybe they'll soon be like all the old forums. Threads a decade old still among the top of the list, contending only with the necro post of some clueless visitor.

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Image boards got big in the first place because they were the only place you could post images online without fucking around with shit sites like photobucket, but that time has long since passed. Now people just spend entire days staring blankly at infinitely scrolling meme pages and 6 second long videos. Ever looked at tiktok? Your average internet goer is too adhd and too autistic for any interaction more complicated than spamming emotes in a twitch chat, especially the zoomers.

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For any other nibbas who don't know how the damn brushes actually work.

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remember fellas, sess tonite

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Holy shit thank you

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I have a very special announcement to make:


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File: 0466a1d52a63b59⋯.gif (773.65 KB,500x324,125:81,download.gif)

Good session boys, until next week.

Also: We'll be moving the upcoming session to Saturday night instead so mark your calendars. It was brought up/suggested a while ago and I'm kind of ashamed we didn't really talk about it too extensively until tonight.

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File: 02d6f45fd15a58e⋯.png (10.46 MB,11848x6152,1481:769,loomis_2020_08_03_10.png)

Well, this thing happened. Ironic tumblrposting was a mistake.

Thanks for dropping by, and happy Epsteiniversary, everyone.

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Reminder: the session will be tomorrow, NOT sunday

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pee pee

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it is time

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>mfw I announced the early date but I forgot anyway

holy shit lads

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How many people showed up this time? Did the people that actually remembered to attend have favorable opinions of the time slot?

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Not counting mods? Three, maybe?

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> Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

I liked the time slot. I'm in Europe, so I can wake up early to make it in time.

The last time I participated before this one I drew from midnight to about 5AM.

I give the most recent time slot a thumbs up.

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File: d5e5e3780aa6c13⋯.png (11.59 MB,11848x6152,1481:769,loomis_2020_08_10_17.png)


Guess we're doing Saturdays then, until further notice.

Here's last week's output, up until maybe 10 minutes ago.

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Session tonight in approximately 10 hours as of this post! Tell your friends, family and loved ones that it's almost shitdrawing time

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File: c5c78c18afa23d1⋯.png (2.69 MB,5924x3075,5924:3075,loomis_2020_08_17_26_2.png)

It had happened.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


based incel portrait

>aryan_chad showing his versatility as usual

He never seems to be online when we are anymore though. I wonder what that guy's artistic background is.

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>He never seems to be online when we are anymore though. I wonder what that guy's artistic background is.

Yeah, hacker-san doesn't allow me to start my Xorg server, so I can't draw digitally.

Also I'll be off the grid for the next two or three weeks, so I unfortunately won't be able to join you for that time.

*sad dog squeaking noises*

My artistic background is that I don't have one. KEK ahahahahaHA!

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Thank you all who attended

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File: ede0301867a4816⋯.png (8.67 MB,11848x6152,1481:769,loomis_2020_08_26_30.png)



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>the Gondola Garfield

I wish I had that kind of creativity. I know it's as simple as "take thing and add or combine another thing" but that really doesn't come easily to me in the moment for whatever reason.

>whatever reason probably being undiagnosed autism but w/e

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File: 9a6876db9d7d1f3⋯.png (319.13 KB,540x529,540:529,jesus_christ_that_is_a_lot….png)


>Someone added the Zulus

based alert

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This site is retarded with its constantly frozen front page but if anyone can read this: you have 4 HOURS until it's that wonderful time once again. Thank you!

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File: f8caf39d5e4474b⋯.png (6.93 MB,7854x6152,3927:3076,loomis_2020_08_30_06.png)

Results. Thanks for dropping by.

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We got about 2 and a half hours to go, lads

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File: 4d09ee887e6386a⋯.png (10.48 MB,11848x6152,1481:769,loomis_2020_09_06_14.png)


Pay no mind to the mouse infestation.

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Roughly 6 hours to go, lads. While the divine comedy of errors that was the attempted 8chan.moe migration still has me reeling I'll still probably be around.

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>and as I'm saying that the site appears to be back up, lol

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File: 52d6998416325a1⋯.png (11.87 MB,11848x6152,1481:769,loomis_2020_09_14_20.png)

Another week's output.

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He must have showed up (again) after I'd left. That box wasn't near that full when I was around. Based tho heh

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Drawpile in roughly ten hours, boys.

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it (real normie hours), but I encourage you all to do your best and have fun!

Also, this website officially sucks-the front page has been stuck for two weeks and, though you may never see this post because of that issue, I'm officially advocating we move over to 8chan.moe now that I've heard that their issues have been resolved (for the time being) I will make a new stickied thread about the subject tomorrow (that you also probably won't be able to see, lol).

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File: 9b6ca22c8b332b9⋯.png (12.99 MB,11848x6152,1481:769,loomis_2020_09_20_27_c.png)


Thanks to the herculean efforts of our local chad and a touch of work by the rest of the regulars, the canvas got filled up before the scheduled event.

Is there anyone out there who can suck all the fun out of art for him before it's too late?


I'd advocate for keeping both relatively current on both for at least a week or two.

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File: 17f732e1d1ca03b⋯.png (9.88 MB,7028x5792,1757:1448,loomis_2020_09_27.png)

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Yeah I'm still going to act as a good-faith steward of this board (perhaps against my better judgment). There's too much of our somewhat dubious legacy here to leave it completely abandoned and open to vandalism or what have you. There may come a time when it truly isn't necessary but for now I'll be keeping an eye on things here somewhat as well

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File: c028bc5b8054863⋯.png (2.88 MB,4915x4091,4915:4091,loomis_2020_10_04.png)

Not too much going on today.

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File: f03d392473062e5⋯.png (10.97 MB,5924x3075,5924:3075,loomis_2020_09_27_04c.png)

The week leading up to the event was quite busy, though.

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