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Art, Animation, Agony

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File: 2b6c5856f6d2250⋯.gif (15.71 KB,88x119,88:119,Yoko.gif)


Any tips/advice/good places to start? Seems like it's significantly different from other art forms to warrant it's own thread.

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File: 94eb88a9b92f0db⋯.gif (91.2 KB,576x96,6:1,TiredGunAnim2_3x.gif)

Pixel art thread? Pixel art thread.

>Any tips/advice/good places to start?


<TIGsource used to have some pixel artists in the art forum who knew what they were talking about and shared knowledge through tuts and shit. But I haven’t lurked there in years, so it could be completely WOKE by now. Same goes for pixelation.org.

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I used to love doing pixel animations and art and I regret not hoarding my stuff from when I was younger

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I wish I knew. I don't even know where to begin. All the tutorials I've seen online are ass.

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This. When I was 12 a friend and I tried to make a video game. I created a ton of cool icons and sprites and he never got any coding done. So much work lost.

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The pixel logic pdfs does a pretty good job at explaining and presenting the fundamentals of pixel art. I also find just zooming in and looking at existing pixel art to be more educational after you've grasped the basics.

The following links are decent as well:





Also if you're doing it for vidya, make sure to use integer scaling in your game in order to avoid distorted pixels.

The following link details one way to do it:


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I found a few on

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what the fuck fix ur shit jim

I found a few on /v/



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Say, how does one go about making doom sprites—blocking in colors, shading, etc. or doing lineart and shit? I've been trying to find answers with no conclusive nor straight answers to it.

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Open some of the files yourself and take a look. If I were to do it I'd probably do it much like I'd do a traditional drawing. "Armature"/skeleton, block in and then detail.

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File: baa5fa7b8462b96⋯.png (14.16 KB,873x429,291:143,ClipboardImage.png)


That i'm trying, but some things just aren't translating.

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Look for ways to add more contrast.

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File: e641aca57eb956f⋯.png (1.3 KB,128x128,1:1,dotpict_20190407_132447.png)

File: 5267447c44fab8c⋯.png (1.83 KB,128x128,1:1,dotpict_20190406_181648.png)

File: 66302936bb07f3d⋯.png (1.36 KB,128x128,1:1,dotpict_20190406_132355.png)

Whadya think?

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File: b2044adf3b89d01⋯.png (1.34 KB,128x128,1:1,dotpict_20190406_132346.png)


The male base.

All these are public domain btw.

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Maybe add light and shadow

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File: 7d455b3c4dd609e⋯.png (461.49 KB,1280x800,8:5,1280px-Revenant_model_phot….png)


Make a sculpture and paint over photos of it :^)


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#1 tip for pixel art

Draw actual art to be referenced into pixel art otherwise you'll end up with pixelshit

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File: 0418e1480218244⋯.jpg (32.23 KB,384x384,1:1,ZomboDroid 09042019175301.jpg)


Making a game like the Sims.

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File: 94710422210ce2d⋯.png (3.63 KB,132x132,1:1,female autism.png)


she is now the panty crusader

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If I pull those panties off, will she die?

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it would be extremely embarrassing

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She's a smol gal

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For you.

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Some good starting dimensions if you don't want to make ugly tiny ass pixelshit. Modify as needed.

Game viewport: 640x360 (16:9) or 640x480 (4:3)

Head bust sprite: 250x300

Sideview humanoid sprite: 100x180

Top-down humanoid sprite: 48x96

Head portrait: 128x128, 96x96

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Yeah as the other anons said you need more shading/contrast. This guide can get you started:


That guy's guides are pretty great in general.

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File: 33f8ba2944429f6⋯.gif (530.46 KB,670x551,670:551,sprite cheating.gif)

Anybody know what program pic related is using? Would pic related even be good for animating with?

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It's Aseprite. Making and animating sprites is what it was designed to do. I don't know how it stacks against other spriting programs, though.

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File: d166b982f220ce0⋯.jpg (35.94 KB,863x1024,863:1024,dante lens flare.jpg)


Hot damn, I just took a look at it and it looks pretty damn useful, and the steam reviews are overwhelmingly positive too. Definitely worth checking out, thanks a bunch anon!

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It's free if you compile it yourself.

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holy shit. this is why games are soulless today. no artistry anymore. it's all AI.

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Well, photo props are actually not too uncommon, and games did use automatic compression for assets back then, based off of reference sheets or predrawn assets that'd be compressed into sprites.

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That's not really AI generated though, it's just an image that manually has a lowered color depth applied and then is resized to make it look more pixelated.

Deep learning neural network 2D art asset generators can produce somewhat wonky but okay looking stuff if you give them enough time and input (https://www.thiswaifudoesnotexist.net/index.html for example) but the attempts at doing it for pixel art are still very lacking.




I've only found one tool (https://kronbits.itch.io/pixatool) that automates the process used in that .gif and applies some extra filters to produce decent looking results, but it still is inferior to manually made pixel art. I don't think many (if any) games use actual AI generated assets today. At best laser scanned 3D models, but those aren't really AI generated. There are plenty of other reasons why games are more soulless these days, but AI generated assets isn't probably a major contributing factor yet.

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Try this. Make the linework with vectors and then draw it with a 1-pixel brush.

You can freely adjust resolution that way too.

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