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Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: c5491988fef9189⋯.png (143.01 KB,1632x752,102:47,nih2.png)


I know this is a stupid question but how well should a 15 year old be drawing?

Could you give me some examples of what most of you were doing when you were 15?

I've been having some really big issues with my self-confidence lately and I want to see if they were justified.

(pic unrelated)

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I had the edgiest binder in school. I drew horribly and smudged everything for no reason but it was flangy and badass with blades an shit.

Come back in 3 years.

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You're not allowed to complain about your age until you're at least 25.

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It doesn't matter how bad you are, keep fucking drawing. My biggest regret in art was not starting when I was younger. If I could go back to my 15-year-old self I would tell him to draw constantly instead of listening to shitty music and smoking pot.

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This. For FUCK's sake don't give up. That was around the age where I both started to draw and then crumpled in months when I wasn't as good as the people I admired at the time. Go to the practice thread and start pooping out shitty reproductions of anatomical models from different angles. Download some of your favorite artist's work and try tracing it in whatever software you use. This is the best time for you to start working and experimenting

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How well you draw at what age depends on innate skill and ability combined with how much time and effort you've put into learning. Doodling random manga or comic art in a school binder when bored should not expect to be good at drawing. Composition is a major factor that many young people simply do not understand nor comprehend due to inexperience and lack of teaching/practice. Knowledge about what they are drawing is another major factor to consider - 15 year olds typically draw what looks good or cool or interesting without research or referencing what they are drawing. Proportions are almost always an after thought.

Does that make them bad at drawing? It depends on how you want to quantify. Regardless of age of the person, their ability to draw is entirely related to how much work they've put in with minor adjustments for innate skill. If all you do is the odd doodle once a week or for projects only, youc ant expect to be good. It's like music - these 5 year olds that are masters of the piano? they have spend hundreds of hours being drilled by obsessive parents. An adult learning piano that plays once a week with a tutor is never going to be good nor is a child going once a week to a lesson. That's not how it works and its not how art or just about any other skill works. If you are 15 and questioning your skill level or wondering what qualifier for your skill should be, know that its about time and effort. Your level has nothign to do with age. How much time you spend practicing and learning is the only way to quantify your ability.

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come back in 3 years.

If you want an actual answer, you're too young to be worrying about that kind of stuff. Draw exactly what you want to, and then use the fact that you post here to your advantage through asking anons (or chatroom users) for critique. Specifically for when you can't draw something, but want to.

Trust me. When I was your age I was just drawing edgy "hellish" shit. A lot of stuff that used stylized shapes, but then had skin torn off and was oozing puss or innards, or beasts drooling as they bled out, etc.

What you should be doing right now, if you want any specific advice, is to go and find as many things as you like, and keep branching out as much as you can. Because if you can find what you truly like, and makes you happy, with art, then nothing can hold you back. Not even a dayjob with long hours, nor living an impoverished life, nor any misfortune.

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Your age dosn't matter. what matters is how much you draw.

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File: 11b9a118659fc64⋯.png (277.13 KB,943x541,943:541,kangaroo.png)

Come back in 3 years, as other anons have said.

Also have FUN drawing and draw from life.

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File: 74d631f20801413⋯.jpg (3.86 MB,3120x4160,3:4,IMG_20190112_145811596.jpg)

Drawing when I "was" 15, what do you think

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Dat ear.

Your (((15 year old self))) (((was))) pretty decent. Hopefully he is continuing his studies on a regular basis

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Imagine how good a kiddo will be if he draws every day for 3 years while properly studing the resources in the loomis hub

This thread will probably still be alive in 3 years

Hey, when you come back in three years, find this thread and reply to this post with your progress will ya?

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File: 8eea9c9858323bd⋯.jpg (141.22 KB,640x480,4:3,8eea9c9858323bd53c83d35496….jpg)

File: 28fbcccedefe19f⋯.jpeg (89.28 KB,588x632,147:158,grenadeguy.jpeg)


QTDDTOT thread but…

Just fucking draw, brah. You're too young to be worrying. Don't let the nerves get to you, or doing art from now on will be miserable. Do what others have said: draw whatever the hell you want. Explore.

And if you want real gains - start seriously practicing fundamentals. Don't skip on "trivial" shit because everything else builds up from that.

Pic rel: 15 yr old shit.

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File: a340840a79a0ac7⋯.jpg (128.65 KB,569x677,569:677,15yo.jpg)

Was I the only one who drew like a retard when I was 15? You damn kids with access to all the learning resources, community and inspiration you'd ever need via internet. Maybe that has a negative affect? If you're not drawing pro-level by 16, you think that makes you a failure.

Shit. Just keep drawing. If you stop now because you think it's not good enough, you'll be regretting it years later when you realize how good you'd be if you kept at it. ASK ME HOW I KNOW

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I recommend studying the anatomy of the body. Learn all the visible muscles, and remember their shapes. And study looksmaxing a little bit. There's attention to a lot of smaller details involved in the face. Study racial and ethnic differences, too.

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File: fa83b2450503bf9⋯.jpg (316.92 KB,1232x1677,1232:1677,18yo.jpg)


Is this Doctor Manhattan as a farmer?

I drew like a retard until I was like 22 or 23 and started studying more from life and not solely from imagination and How To Draw Manga books. I had lots of fun though.

Heck, I still draw like a retard but at least I can choose what flavor of retardation.

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File: 27fa3af44742874⋯.jpg (234.09 KB,1280x720,16:9,popppppp.jpg)

File: 8e2788d31b82160⋯.jpg (729.63 KB,1531x1080,1531:1080,thumbones.jpg)

Only example I have is from 17, when I really started drawing. 22 now, and I'm still shit, but trying to get better.

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>Was I the only one who drew like a retard when I was 15?

You're talking about literally everyone my mans. Most people can't and don't draw at all.

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File: 12221852d94a0af⋯.jpg (52.01 KB,802x500,401:250,ngmi-na-lisa.jpg)


It… it's a farmer as a ninja. Green ski mask.


Well, of course, if we're talking general pop. I meant other people who visit /loomis/ and specifically the anons up thread who make my teen-aged skill level look like it has a few extra chromosomes.

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I used to draw worse than CWC. I did not even have a basic grasp on art. I never drew that often and didn't start actually practicing until I was in my 20s.

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That's what my art looked like at 23, fam.

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File: e5ca43b8126787f⋯.jpg (41.22 KB,500x352,125:88,drawacircle.jpg)


do you have parkinsons? wtf is wrong with the lines.

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I had a long period where I would draw on top of a heavily textured binder. I loved the way my pen would drag against the sheet and guide my lines.

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>Was I the only one who drew like a retard when I was 15?

I could barely write correctly at 15, let alone draw.

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We have confirmation: the french have super shit taste in art and aesthetics in general.

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<Ciircuit hated that

Actually I don't think he even posts here anymore. He went off to halfchan because he didn't like how many people here knew about his weird fetish shit.

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I like that guy. ;-;

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Not really. I like it a lot here. I know people will bring my past up whatever I do if I stay there, it's no big deal. Even on 4chan people are bound to find out eventually if they don't already know.


I do too, but he's me, so that opinion is not really worth anything.

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Ciirc is still around. nice.

Wonder if iFall (lFall?) still lurks?

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iirc he was the guy that drew anime girls getting raped by monsters in the ocean. Also I think he drew a picture of Diogenes getting pestered and chased by anime girls as well. One of the better artists around these parts, but seeing as there's only like 5 of us that isn't saying a hell of a lot I'm afraid.

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Naw, he has that cute cartoony style I like when he isn't too deep into the loli porn with it.



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Oh him, yeah, I agree

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File: 1765c59b0f5c3f7⋯.jpg (571.13 KB,1948x1948,1:1,First addie doodle.jpg)

File: 9c5a9c7dde10870⋯.png (178.53 KB,285x455,57:91,Karl Sketch.png)

If only I knew to construct bodies with basic shapes instead of keyholes.

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Draw different keyholes then.

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File: da14635d4b412da⋯.png (446.89 KB,1237x759,1237:759,Hoodie Cutie.png)


Ah, it's fine.

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