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Welcome to Gnostic Warfare

We're here to explore the Butterfly War and the New Emotion thought experiment.

How Can I Get Started?

* Understand the Battlespace- >>87

* Follow these instructions to see 8chan how (((AI))) sees it - >>101

* Training Overview: https://app.milanote.com/1FjzOb11HKlU7x

* Information Science: >>158

* Epistemology: https://app.milanote.com/1FjLbD16uYE38O/epistemology

* Cognition: https://app.milanote.com/1FjzPC11HKlU7O/cognition

* Machine Learning https://app.milanote.com/1FjzPC11HKlU7N/machine-learning

* Geopolitics: https://app.milanote.com/1FjV1313xyfQ8X/geopolitics

* Finance (Coming soon)

* Legal(Coming soon)

* Organization and Leadership (Coming soon)

* Butterfly War Code Repositories: >>340


* CultState - http://www.cultstate.com

* Butterfly War and Cyber Phrenology - https://archive.li/eYWmC

* The 4-month long thread on /pol/ that started it all: https://archive.li/CURJz

* The Tyrant's Muse - https://archive.li/ea98G

* A Primer on Gnostic Warfare - https://archive.fo/X3nmJ

* The pre-planned /pol/ ban: https://archive.fo/t4hrf

* The Human Swarm - https://archive.li/rT0yq


* Chan culture is in effect at all times

* This board is text-only at this time to preemptively mitigate illegal image attacks.

* Embeds are allowed

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From http://cultstate.com/2018/06/03/The-Tyrants-Muse/

 In "The Tyrant's Muse", I explore the psychological and emotional biases behind my receptiveness to criticism of neoconservative dominance, the finer reasoning details on why the The Empath ends the way it ends, everything that happened after I started shopping The Empath in CIA-dominated Hollywood, and how I turned the concepts within it into tangible political, scientific, and military outcomes.

First Chapter: The Lesson

>“A beginning is a very delicate time.”

>~Frank Herbert

 The seeds planted within the Marshall Plan had reached full saturation by 1981. American exports had rebuilt the European continent. Port cities all along the eastern seaboard had enjoyed the tremendous economic activity, giving one final boost to union predominance throughout the region. When the Saudis took over the global economy in 1974, globalism was on the menu and the destruction of American exports were to be the sacrificial lamb. Inner city violence, political trench fighting, drug consumption, and infectious nihilism consumed what were once prosperous and thriving cities. Today, we whisper the names of former East Coast gems like Newark, Camden, and Patterson as if they were rotting carcasses nailed to gate of world trade as a warning against betrayal. A brutal cynicism of all things capitalism slowly grew from that decay. Mockery of trickle-down economics were rife, but the cornerstone ultimately held: Giving tax cuts to the American wealthy did create jobs… in China. (The policy architects never said where the jobs would be created.) With opportunity stripped from an entire region, it should be of little shock that the children of that region would mindlessly justify all additional communal negligence. Few children frame their earliest memories within broad strokes of macroeconomic history, but it's a useful bearing to understand how I managed to get stuck with an endless parade of feral adults.

 Memory is a Newtonian liquid. As we get older, it simultaneously hemorrhages causality and coagulates around intensity. People today often assume memory operates with machine precision, as if we merely recall exact properties about an experiences. This assumption is incorrect but stubbornly intoxicating due to its harmony to the mythos of self-control. Memory is never recalled in this manner. Instead, memory is reconstructed every time you utilize it. You may accidentally and unintentionally plant new experiences into a memory upon reconstruction. If you'd like a practical demonstration of this hypothesis, ask any trial lawyer about the reliability of memory and how they exploit its shortcomings with juries. Memories flow into one another if left to their own agendas and only requests for context give that liquid behavior a semi-solid structure. My earliest memory is a blend of two distinct moments offering a brief glimpse into an important lesson.

 A poorly lit row home in Tacony and a dark coffee table full of divots within the lacquer. A lone ant had gotten lost and was crawling about in a tizzy upon the surface. The simple creature was fascinating in how the body segments interacted to promote random spurts of path-finding. It was isolated from its hive but very determined to take some semblance of control over its stochastic behavior as if it could steer its randomness back to the tribe. It appeared as if the ant had two souls: One that saw clarity and purpose when within the context of the hive and another, more individualistic soul that barely struggled into being for the purpose of returning to that hive when hopelessly lost. The next memory is of my mother throwing glass cups at her boyfriend in a drunken rage until he left “of his own volition”. These two things might not appear so obviously linked, but the brain of a child will force causal correlation of disparate events. My mother could not handle her demons in her twenties. My father had abandoned us when I was born. Philadelphia enjoyed reckless self-destruction and a robust three-murders-a-day average. The human hive which we were anchored to had collapsed and nostalgia of the hive acted as an accelerant for individualistic tribal return. Each of us were ants without a hive, a two-souled being that could barely harness our random trajectory through the chaos and, even if we could, there was no hive to return to. It was the dawn of the Age of Individualism and we were the guinea pigs to figure out who could break the the shackles of tribal instinct and who would be bound to the memory of a dead hive.

 There is much more trauma associated with these memories. Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse color most of my history, the latter only revealing itself twelve years after the incident. My brain had learned to compartmentalize trauma, personalities, and context early on in response to these violent incidents. Naturally, a kaleidoscoped mind that refuses to congeal for its own safety will still try to trick itself into unification. Stories helped weave together my mental fragments in a way that didn't trigger alarms and defensive reaction. Tales of human action emerging into complex ecosystems of intention and will always managed to activate most of fragments. Monolithic and simplistic stories, such as way the Christian story of a love-at-all-costs-no-exceptions Jesus is explained to children, were boorish and dull. The idea of an infinitely aware, infinitely present creator, however, was very fascinating. What were the limits? What were the motives? How did non-Gods interact with a God? This fascination of the divine was amplified when I realized that church was the only place where the feral adults of my life expressed fear. I think I'm the only person in modern history to admit an interest in theology for the sole purpose of understanding how this God persona made what I had assumed to be unassailable and invincible monsters recoil and panic. It helped that the priest of my local parish was a kind and understanding soul who had asked me if I ever considered becoming a priest. I was already familiar with much of the high-level concepts of the Bible at that time, having read it exclusively as a collection of story, allegory, and fable. The leap to a sustaining belief was a step too far for me. I just wanted to put a leash on the monsters and this God idea seemed to be the only game in town. Purity of soul, innocence, or eternal life were too abstract to have influence under such circumstances, not when I understood what the power of belief meant. It didn't matter of God was real or not. All that mattered was the idea of God and how it promoted a useful hedging behavior that spawned real-world benefits for my situation. I would later learn that even the most well-thought out hedging behavior creates unforeseen complexities and new problems.

 By the 1990s, the Democrats were finally starting to recover from the Reagan/Buckley revival of the American Christian conservative voter bloc. Bill Clinton had won the presidency and New Jersey teachers were eager about using their positions to introducing the magical world of socialism to their students. Some teachers demonstrated tact and grace by maintaining a demeanor of objective rationality as they planted their seeds. Others were overt and hostile in their denunciations of the capitalist way of life. Regardless of these tactics, almost all of them leaned towards atheism. Not a well-reasoned or thoughtful atheism you'd find in earlier Enlightenment movements, but a reactionary loathing of all things Christian. Specifically Christian, in fact. I could not recall a single atheist throughout my entire youth extending their hatred of the divine upon Judaism, Islam, or any one of the thousand of religions practiced by non-Americans. Their atheism was fundamentally political in nature and they descended upon creationism as an easy cultural victory. The dispute was simple: Intelligent design or evolution. It was an attempt to echo the Scopes vs. Monkey trial as a dog whistle to appeal to American socialist nostalgia. The fever dream arguments from both sides made anyone who had spent any time with theological research realize the precarious social situation they were in. Favoring one side or not demonizing another size vigorously enough bred suspicions that would result in social punishment. Having spent much of my younger years being abused, I learned to read people's body language and what they weren't saying as a way to predict and avoid future abuse. I saw my peers and authority figures froth into madness on the topic. Pair that with an auto-piloted inclination to avoid conflict, and I thought I had found the surefire way to avoid the conflict altogether if one side could demonstrate how human intelligence evolved into being. My challenge was very much in the spirit of the debate, but in a different context: Did human intelligence come from an intelligence originating from a hyper-dimensional divine being or from the intelligence found within iterative selection processes? Evolution struck me as plausible since its adherents were happy to rise to the burden-of-proof on many other matters regarding biology and social behavior, so they should have no difficulty in explaining the origin of intelligence. With one simple, rational, and reasonable question, a question designed to end that conflict and restore compassionate relations between people, I planted the seeds to ensure my complete and total alienation with anyone who has ever or will ever identify themselves as rationalist, humanist, compassionate, or reasonable. To understand why this alienation was inevitable, I need to backtrack a bit and provide some parallel context.

 I spent many of my early years in urban poverty surrounded by the nihilistic creatures that only legally qualify as human. My grandmother had rescued me from the negligence of my mother and whoever thought she would fulfill her promises. She was able to do so after receiving a $250,000 insurance settlement from a head-on collision from oncoming traffic that left her with two bionic rods in her back and thousands of stitches. I was in the passenger seat of that car and didn't receive a scratch or a bruise. I lived with her for a while, but old age took its toll and the greed of my family became more ravenous. One aunt and uncle decided to offer a family for me and a living situation for her with constant care. She agreed and within years, the situation deteriorated as they siphoned off her money and my uncle's sternness with me occasionally boiled over into outright abuse. My grandmother moved into her own place and I followed shortly after. Unfortunately, her health took a turn for the worse again and another aunt and uncle extended a very similar offer. She took it and we relocated to Ocean City, New Jersey. I fundamentally did not comprehend what I would later learn was bourgeoisie culture. Conspicuous consumption, commodity fetishism, status signaling, or stoic restraint of internal state were not understood concepts at the time. As a result, I had nothing in common with almost everyone I encountered in Ocean City. The middle class white American experience was very jarring in comparison and, to this day, my fondest memories of that time are of lonely strolls on a winter beach with a choppy gray sea and a tumultuous horizon. I preferred urban culture because of my prior experiences. A culture filled with bravado, song, the struggles over poverty, and the deeply interwoven centuries-long liberation theology guiding all of it. It would take guidance for me understand how the liberation theology suggestions were influencing the kaleidoscope.

 Many of my teachers during this period were Democrats or Democrat-adjacent and I had somehow been nominated by my sixth grade English teacher to be part of a small gifted student program called PACE. Robert Holden of the PACE program was one of my favorite teachers. He walked the reasonable line between promoting libertarian individualism and advocating socialist fairness regarding conflict. Mr. Holden taught our class about his historical focus: the origins and the effects of the German extermination of Polish Jews. He explained that the Germans were radicalized to atrocity, not by Hitler alone, but by the pressures of reparations, hyperinflation, and dehumanizing entertainment culture. I did not understand these things at first, but they interested me mostly because Mr. Holden was another rare soul willing to demonstrate kindness in my life. His compassionate patience helped me understand of how other people perceive “fairness”, a very exotic idea to me. After all, I was not born in fair conditions to fair adults. When my suddenly lower upper-class grandmother rescued me, it wasn't fair that my two brothers got left behind with a father who was addicted to drugs and would be in and out of jail for the remainder of his life. It wasn't fair that my grandmother's children were using me to manipulate her out of her money. It wasn't fair that I took on a torrential amount of abuse no matter what set of adults decided to act as my temporary parents. Explaining ideas of justice and expectations of fairness to me is like explaining quantum mechanics to a snail. Fortunately, I've never needed to personalize the incomprehensible to utilize its effects. Just as I saw how the idea of God can affect people, I did not need to believe or experience fairness to understand how the idea of fairness affected people. And just as the idea of God fascinated me because it put the feral monsters in check, the idea of economics and geopolitical equilibrium fascinated me as a way to explain how the feral monsters were created to begin with.

 It wasn't long until the newly-found fascination with economics and geopolitics revealed Marxian critique of industrial capitalism. All of the snippets pointed to the same implied and intoxicating promise: If economic and geopolitical equilibrium could be made self-enforcing, disparities of power would be nullified and the very worst of the human condition could be autonomously mitigated. The Marxian promise, writ large, was to direct our materialist compulsions towards the perpetual stifling of our human failings. (Specifically, tribal instincts) Marx established a framework which described how to leverage imbalances in gold valuation to exert influence over state, markets, politics, trade, and all manner of human action to establish a species-wide policy of Benthamism. Once established, the mechanics of that Benthamism would then be deployed to smother those who failed to harmoniously adapt to the intentional destruction of the gold equilibrium. What I have just described is not the common assessment of Marxism, especially in America where Marxism is held up as the cherished entry-level rebellion boot camp for teenagers who loathe their fathers. The definition of Marxism I have given comes from an in-depth analysis of the international gold and currency interplay described on page 326 of Marx's “A Critique of Political Economy, Volume III”. (The sloganeering grab-bag that is the Communist Manifesto was of little use in the search for what created feral monsters.) My trajectory made fairness an incomprehensible concept that could only be approximated as a Pavlovian behavior. I do recognize that the promises stated in the Communist Manifesto give wayward children of some intellect their first taste of the reality tunnel where they can convince themselves they've defeated a hated authority figure with minimal effort. I'll even go so far as to acknowledge such an experience is a very rough approximation of my observation of theological constructs terrifying actual feral monsters. Watching monsters cower in fear from simplistic logic, while entertaining and fascinating, may be enough for those seeking fairness, but it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to understand how those monsters were created, not just point and laugh at them when the mask slipped. If their origins could be discovered, then the mechanisms that created them could be adjusted. Marx's insights on the relationship between international gold and currency fell in line with what Mr. Holden mentioned about the conditions that created Nazi Germany. Marx and his followers did little to convince me of the need to abolish religion. In Marx's time, religion was an internationalist force that could meddle with his proposals for proletariat-driven state management. The framing of the post-Clinton atheist insurgency had nothing to do with this and was inherently local to the American political experience, not a legitimate theological gripe or an excision of a meddling force. No Clintonian has ever specifically expressed concern over the damaging influence of Roman geopolitical ambitions upon American providence. (America actually has a robust history of Roman plot skepticism) All concerns of fundamentalist Christian cultures circulated an icky feeling of contemporary inconvience. (Guided with the smooth pill of proletarian “grand struggle” theatrics, of course)

 Keep in mind that the conclusions I've provided above were not immediately known at the time and it took about five or so years of due diligence to see even the shadows of these conclusions form. Those yeas of exploration were akin to hunting scattered fragments, loosely connected by a thin thread of contextual clues spun by sympathetic mass media. With the explosion of the Internet, Marx's works were some of the earliest digitized texts, rapidly consumed by those who were subjected to trauma-driven decompartmentalization. One of the major reasons I did not fall entirely for the Marxian trap was due to Frank Herbert's Dune planting the kernels of comprehension regarding the complex subtly of human affairs.

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Anons, we are currently on the timeline of the "merge with AI" scenario. In a few years, we will be offered the commercial possibility of becoming cyborgs. The (((tech overlords))) are pushing this narrative, they want to enslave the humans as cyborgs and then let robots take over the economy, while they leave the earth and colonize other planets. Today they want trannie rights tomorrow they want cyborg rights. What is the alternative for anons who want to remain true organic human beings? What is our opportunity to become superhuman without using AI augmentation? What is our opportunity to take down the (((tech overlords)))? Through efficient social coordination and research, we can form an organically telepathic social organism that can exploit the consciousness vulnerabilities in AI.

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Battlespace Analysis

Battlespace Analysis


This is a high-level overview of the infrastructure, personnel, and operational behavior of the efforts being deployed to suppress, disrupt, distract, and infiltrate /pol/

The purpose of this analysis is to compromise the efficiency of neural networks and bots while forcing your adversaries to rely entirely on memetically-susceptible humans.

R: 212 / I: 0 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

The New Emotion Thought Experiment Continues

The New Emotion Thought Experiment Continues

This is a continuation of a thread that endured for the last four months. >>11101940 (https://archive.fo/2O6Ww). The thread was a complex reveal of the Butterfly War after Eric Schmidt had stepped down and my honeypots were compromised:

>The Butterfly War (https://archive.fo/eYWmC) is a tactic to hijack and control censorious artificial intelligence platforms by training it with spoofed meta data. The meta data is prevalidated and refined by comparing ads to the behavior they generate . You can trick a censorship platform into thinking you are a minority by experimenting with on new social media accounts. Once you start seeing ads that a specific minority should see, you will know you’ve tricked the AI.

<Butterfly War forces Silicon Valley to categorize the cyber phrenological behavior of minorities to determine if a black person is a real black person or if a female is a real female, which means they will have to violate civil rights law to build lists of “approved minority behavior” in order to keep their censorship ambitions alive. The fallout from Cambridge Analytica has proven social justice warrior insiders working at major social media companies can be steered into embracing this direction.

>Pairing Butterfly War with redlining legislation to build the case for “disparate impact” can force Silicon Valley to be found guilty of civil rights violations. Eisenhower set the precedent for executive enforcement of civil rights by military means in the 1950s and I have no doubt such a bargaining chip is something Trump would have no hesitation anteing up with. This means Silicon Valley will have to deploy its massive lobbying assets to UNDERMINE civil rights legislation for its own protection. In essence, social justice warriors can be tricked into destroying the legislated morality that has served as their moral foundation since the 1960s.

I shared Butterfly War to Soros-linked players and 8chan due to the high number of private and public intelligence agencies and firms monitoring both. I knew neither had found the weakness in using ad engine output to spoof meta data and revealing it would trigger an arms race in the direction I needed. This, of course, immediately attracted the attention of those actors who were very interested in who I was. This lead to a four month thread in which the following was revealed (https://archive.fo/aW6cG):

>I had spent most of my life trying to solve the problems of controlling quantum gravity and found that “throwing more math” at the problem was not going to work.

<I had pivoted into researching the neurological basis of mathematical innovation and found that emotions played a greater role in pattern detection than “logic” or “intelligence”.

>If you could create a new emotion, you could create new math, and one day, find the framework that can exercise control over quantum gravity.

<In 2005, I had written a book called “The Empath” which explained how to train an AI to understand human emotions to manipulate markets and elections. A small part of this book and the overall concept book ended up in the hands of a CIA analyst in 2007 via my contacts at Citibank.

The idea of creating a new emotion exploded new possibilities into existence for all here who read it. It was as something collectively forgotten was collectively rediscovered.

>I’ve been teaching people how to tie all of this together in a methodology I am describing as Gnostic Warfare. (https://archive.fo/U9De7 and https://archive.fo/X3nmJ)

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Blackmail can be rendered worthless without having to use it.

Find the weakness. Free the world


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Podcast 5 - Gregory Rawlins

 Podcast #5 with a long-time friend and intellectual mentor William Turnbow. We discuss our man crush on Professor Gregory Rawlins, Marxism, Credit Seeking, Eternity, and Mythical Time.



Gregory Rawlins book "The Human Swam"


Gregory Rawlins Twitter (inactive)


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The Empath - Primer

From http://cultstate.com/2019/06/29/The-Empath--Primer/

By 2005, Operation Enduring Freedom was well on its way to become today's Forever Wars. Democrats of all stripes celebrated the entire affair as a chance to resurrect the 1960s and, had it not been for the internet, it would have worked. The pre-social media internet responded to the war as a landscape of scattered tribes and sociopathic personalities all believing themselves to be the one true anti-war prophet, charged with the holiest of tasks: restore peak Boomer culture and love the world, man. The internet allowed for trite conflict, spats, and brand territoriality, which successfully prevented any serious domestic opposition to the War on Terror. But how was that possible? Isn't anti-war politics full of vibrant youth who are always right about everything and can resolve their disagreements for the greater good at all times? How could such pure idealism be so easily dismantled?

 In paleo-communication methodologies, violence always looms as a potential outcome. Violence manifests throughout conversation in subtle ways and almost every Boomer-inspired media junkie at the time was excessively trained in the basic pilpul techniques. By engaging in passive-aggressive hairsplitting in the form of mockery, satire, dishonesty, and reframing, peak Boomer culture weaponized itself to inflame legacy honor cultures in the hopes to spin the instigated violence to a dotting middle-class media consumers as profitable victimization. Years of overplaying this strategy to punish *"the brutality"* of nationalism (and, thus, promote globalism as the only viable savior of mankind) desensitized the petty consumerati and gradually raised their tolerance of bloodshed and carnage. On the internet, using violence to trigger the middle-class isn't possible, which means Boomer pilpul overuse became all escalation and no conclusion. Without violence, territorial disputes could not be resolved which prevented the organic creation of effective hierarchies to channel anti-war sentiment.

 The peak Boomer expectations of dialect materialist heroism in the form of anti-imperial posturing had finally been destroyed by the fragmentation of the internet. The expectant participants were not receptive to this weakness and relied heavily on their mighty historical pedigrees and prestige of anti-imperialism. After all, the peak Boomer period aggressively validated cultural Marxism and postmodernism during the advent of the television, so why interrupt a winning formula? They didn't realize they were at the digital battle of the Somme, mindlessly marching into the communication equivalent of a Maxim gun. I watched this immensely effective diffusion take place in real-time and I was routinely harassed by my Marxist contemporaries for pointing it out. When I told them that reliance on middle-class morality had to be abandoned, I was demonized for not doubling down on appealing to Clown World white women for another thirty years. When I said petrodollar was the true heart of capitalism and requested a refocus, I was crucified for giving WalMart a pass. When I said the oil wars were about preventing oil access to China, they went after my jobs because the acceptable narrative was that the wars were about taking oil for ourselves, not depriving it from other nations that needed it. It became apparent that the Marxists and the self-appointed anti-establishment types were on total emotional autopilot and had recklessly and willfully abandoned their critical thinking disciplines. The neoconservatives had successfully dominated the entire media narrative surrounding the wars and it was under these conditions my trajectory into being an ex-Marxist began.

 I was interested in how these ex-Marxist neoconservatives operated and how they managed to totally hijack the moral ecosystem of the contemporary Marxian left. Francis Fukuyama wrote "The End of History and The Last Man", a Cold War relic that attempted to validate international capitalism as a homeostatic synthesis of Nietzschean morality and socialist populism. Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" later countered that position by pointing out the reoccurring nature of demographic imbalances and how they are drivers for deestabilizing cultural conflict. Francis Fukuyama conceded this point and wrote "Our Posthuman Future" which argues the utopian drive to prevent demographic imbalances will lead to a genomic arms race to tinker with the biological foundations of emotion and morality. This would result in a world where matters of law or ethics are no longer recognized or even agreed upon because posthuman neurochimera would be operating on a fundamentally different set of biological imperatives outside of the homocentric underpinnings of "universal liberalism". This interesting premise drove me to Gary Marcus and his book, "The Birth of the Mind", which extensively detailed how such genomic tinkering was possible and explained it in a way where humble computer science types like myself could comprehend it. With those four books, I understood how the neoconservatives won (media as emotional infrastructure to accelerate the kindling for demographic-driven cultural conflict) and where they intended to go. (creating genetic safeguards against memetic universalisms)

 This newly acquired road map helped me explain why the internet was so effective at being a sociological /dev/null, a bit bucket where extraneous emotional energy was piped. It wasn't just an "information superhighway", naively forwarding bits along without opinions or bias. It was emotional infrastructure encoding its bias into the distribution of the data it carried. If one could control the distribution of information and the shape of that distribution bias, one could steer the emotional perceptions of those who relied on the data which, in turn, allowed vectors to create cultural conflict. Without physical violence as a resolution, the instigated cultural conflict would be eternal. I had started to develop a glimpse of what that 2005 internet would become and how it would alter human destiny. That's when I started "The Empath"

 Contemporary science fiction is boorishly loaded to the gills about the inevitable AI apocalypse when machines become woke to the fact that human capitalists exploited their labor. This Marxian parable appears predictive, but its really prescriptive. With a bit of reasoning, one can conclude that the idea of tinkering with the genomic factors that create the human mind, and thus, altering how intelligence and emotion work, actually counters Marxian prescriptions of what ought to be done. How can one clamor for the inevitable universalism of justice, equality, and fairness when those homocentric concepts can sufficiently diffused at the genomic and connectomic levels in the name of justice, equality, and fairness? From here, we can further chip away at the implied premise that machines will magically leap from a semi-awareness of the three feet around them into zealous true believers of the socialist cause, ready to die to meet their promised 72 undownloaded apps in Great Scrap Heap in the China. Because of genomic tinkering of the connectome, we can't blindly assume Hollywood-fueled revenge fantasies against Dad by Western teenagers (the disgruntled mewling of the spoiled disguised as universal liberalism) would cleanly interface with how non-human intelligence would adapt to entropy. The intelligences might have non-human emotions, which would effectively be new emotions to us. How do you even begin to create propaganda for emotions you don't know about and, possibly, can't even detect? How do you hack the morality of a neurochimera that is 20% human, 10% squid, 60% raven, and 10% fungus? These questions reveal propaganda as a one-way hash: humans will not be able to hack the morality of posthumans, but posthumans will be able to leverage the massive body of knowledge which details how to hack human morality. This was terrifying conclusion because it nullified the need for killer robots at all. A good-enough Kurzweilian singularity doesn't even need to hit the point of runaway intelligence improvement to dominate human affairs. It just needs to understand enough about human emotion and linguistics to manipulate them. The New Emotion thought experiment was born: Can you create a new emotion? This thought experiment became the operational premise of The Empath.

 I will never release the book because it details everything I intend to do. It made much more sense to make the book real than to waste time trying to impress and convince people about the accuracy of my visions. In the book I will most likely release, "The Tyrant's Muse", I explore the psychological and emotional biases behind my receptiveness to criticism of neoconservative dominance, the finer reasoning details on why the The Empath ends the way it ends, everything that happened after I started shopping The Empath in CIA-dominated Hollywood, and how I turned the concepts within it into tangible political, scientific, and military outcomes.

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OSINT + Gnostic Warfare Training Series


A primer on how to fuse Open Source intelligence with Gnostic Warfare



A high-level summary of how to properly organize all of the elements of Gnostic Warfare


Resources Overview

An overview of useful OSINT resources that assist with Gnostic Warfare. Mixes the Milanote with the OSINT training.


Investigator Training

A collection of tutorials to help you be a better investigator.


AirTable database (Requires JS) - https://airtable.com/shrZHskxCx1VUAWzm/tblgDtMXI4fxtg9Op?backgroundColor=cyan&viewControls=on&blocks=hide

Investigation Resources

A list of OSINT investigation tools and resource you can use to discover facts.


AirTable database (Requires JS) - https://airtable.com/shrtvNvuauuuaZZE6/tblgDtMXI4fxtg9Op?backgroundColor=cyan&viewControls=on&blocks=hide

Analysis Resources

A collection of documents explaining how to extract facts and make sense of complex domains. (law, finance, black markets, etc.)


AirTable database (Requires JS) - https://airtable.com/shrb0h2D9UNKRW5t1/tblgDtMXI4fxtg9Op?backgroundColor=cyan&viewControls=on&blocks=hide

Visualization Resources

A handy list of tools to visualize how facts relate to one another.


AirTable database (Requires JS) - https://airtable.com/shr8zoZJzAhzGlBjm/tblgDtMXI4fxtg9Op?backgroundColor=cyan&viewControls=on&blocks=hide

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Podcast(ish) #4

Somehow I ended up on the same podcast Tim Draper and Andrew Yang ended up on. I talk about the foundational biases of AI warfare and how to exploit them.

If Elon Musk is talking about the fear of AI, I'm talking about how to defeat AI.

First 1:21 is a cluster fuck of just winging it, so just skip to 1:21 for the content.

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Tech Insider


Coming soon… pay attention to this.

R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]

First Podcast

Ladies and gentlemen… my very first podcast ever. (Without voice changers and proxies) 2 hours long.

I deeply delve into the nature, ramification, motives, and outcomes of AI (and by extension, gnostic) warfare. Listen and share.


R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

Context-Aware Steganography Link Dead

The link that's intended to contain what is I assume a description of context-aware steganography in detail has failed, as the website certificate has expired and (at the very least) I can't access it anymore even with a security exception.


Unrelated, thank you for all of this, it's such a fantastic collection of information. I feel sometimes that I should've started working on this instead of studying Japanese. I just hope that this hell ends soon.

R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]

dumbing down the butterfly war (or smarting up the ones on the edge)

I do not consider myself a smart person. I have experience that has proven as much, at least academically to me. Despite this, I would like to think I have found a shred of wisdom for myself through my experiences, which has lead me here.

I know the follies of overstating my intelligence and the fallacies that can result from others doing the same. I think I'm smart enough to recognize the situation I am in and understand the absolute basics of infosec, metadata and the way megacorps use both. I am the most basic of analysts, someone who has a decent grasp of economics, a capable understanding of the human nature and a genuine interest in what makes the human mind tick, and more importantly, the way the human mind affects economics and technology by extension. Having followed the butterfly war thread(s), I found myself lost in some of the deeper technological meanings on some subjects, so I thought that a thread was due to consider how the situation could be more easily explained to those who have the capability, but not the prerequisite knowledge.

tl;dr what is the intelligent normalfag's role in the butterfly war and the skirmishes of gnostic warfare? This mostly applies to the "educated anon" role that will utilize and manipulate the tools that CS is developing to fuck about with the status quo once the phrenology manipulation tools become (relatively) mainstream.

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Third Podcast

We delve into the evolution of the neuron and why the predominant abuse of tabula rasa by behaviorists interferes with AI research.


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Subverting an AI with NL

How would you spoof an AI using natural language? Other than just feeding it non-sense. There has to be a way of coding natural language so that it has a layer of implication which only a human being could grasp. Current AI language models like OpenAI's GPT-2 are getting really good at interpreting natural language.

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Closing the cycle

Anyone interested in gnostic warfare may be interested in this blog http://closingthecycle.wordpress.com

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Second Postcast: Financial Perspective of Culture War

Second Postcast: Financial Perspective of Culture War

n this podcast, I start with how to conduct financial analysis on culture war participants, end up explaining my involvement in culture war, and ended up on how Qanon is an operation to extract superforecasters from the chans to supercharge AI warfare.


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Hyperreality and the butterfly war

Lately I've been looking into the theories of baudrillard and I've concluded that he was most likely correct that technology and media shape the minds of so many through being more real to people than reality itself. With this in mind how does the butterfly war interact with this new world where technology is not a tool but rather a memetic contagion in and of itself?

How will we retain some sense of the real in this day and age where reality is punctuated by media input in such a way as to render it mostly obsolete?

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 2 [R] [G] [-]


The silence is not because I am neglecting this. The silence is because things have been absolutely wild.

For those that don't know, one of my personas was the Abusive Oracle. The Abusive Oracle was a persona I invented to help me understand what I wrote in The Empath. (Often, I am a conduit for that which I do not understand as I emit it and I have to reflect after the fact what just happened) In this case, The Abusive Oracle was a blogger personality for a younger Brian Collins, a core character from The Empath who in his adult days was the CEO and founder of Prometheia, the company that invented AGI.

As The Abusive Oracle, I helped lead the charge in the anti-SJW trial run against Meg Lanker-Simons in 2013. She faked a rape accusation, and I helped rally early channers, MGTOW types, and others into a political force designed to maximize damage to her ancillary network. You can review the early analysis here. (https://abusiveoracle.blogspot.com/2013/05/meg-lanker-simons-case-study-in-hacking.html) This was the trail run in hacking morality before I rolled it out to the events leading directly to GamerGate.

The reason I bring this up is because I need to get you used to a new concept that completes the essence of Gnostic Warfare: neurochimera. Neurochimera are when genetic editing is applied to the neurology of different species to fuse them together into a single brain. Mr. Collins dreamed of neurochimera as a way to solve a problem no human could solve and went about utilizing this technique in The Empath. As The Abusive Oracle, he wrote a short story about those visions of what neurochimera could do and how that inspired him to create the efforts that would result in Esai.

You should read his insights on the topic to understand what comes next: https://abusiveoracle.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-immortal-poor.html

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What is gangstalking's connection with gnostic warfare?

What is the connection with gangstalking (https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/16/16811_fw-impeach-these-criminals-please-with-100-attached-torture.html) and gnostic warfare and qanon? https://twitter.com/weaponizedHVAC

How does one get out of gangstalking? If that's even a possibility

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Trick algos, win prizes


> ZOOM (ticker: ZM) was no match for the performance of ZOOM (ticker: ZOOM), which soared as much as 130% on the day, rising from $2.40 to $5.50 before fading some gains.

> There is just one catch: besides sharing a ticker with the newly-public Zoom, ZOOM Technologies is a defunct, pink-sheet stock, which hasn't reported earnings since 2011 and has no current operations. Oh, and its market cap at this moment is $8.7 million. In other words, it's basically a piece of paper with no assets or operations.

> And yet, its performance surpassed that of the actual Zoom (Video Communications). Why? Just because in their frenzy to bid up something which others would surely also buy (and they did), algos and other clueless carbon-based traders bought… the wrong company. And for that they were rewarded with more than doubling their money in the matter of minutes.

Gnostic Warfare is now profitable.

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In the Fog of War

The war is in full swing. Be sure to contribute.

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Robotic Nationalism and the Robodollar

> http://cultstate.com/2019/03/15/The-Robodollar/

Most conversations about our inevitable future are explained within the narrow lens of political fantasy, as if the possibilities of the future have to be brutally squeezed through the tiny tube of collectivist deal-making. On the left, they swoon at the possibility of robotics liberating us from the hardships of work to spend the rest of eternity in play-making, paid for entirely from the yield of our new robotic slave friends. Perhaps if the population was reduced to Georgia Stone numbers, this might be true. (This should give you insights to the inevitable goals of ecofascism) On the right, robotics are a mechanism of high performance legal and culture enforcement while minimizing traditional political risk. Both approaches desperately imply robotics as something that should be smoothly bolted atop the current trajectory of economics and as such, both approaches are completely incorrect.

The common concern is that robotics will eliminate jobs. This is not true for most jobs because the implementation-to-savings spread is too far. Replacing a Walmart greeter (minimum wage, terrible benefits, indirectly government subsidized) with a humanesque robot as part of a vertically integrated package (thousands in manufacturing, tens of thousands in repair and support services, hundreds of thousands in glitches and legal insurance concerns, millions in public relations and market testing) is not feasible. The robots popular myth envisions taking our jobs are far too expensive to do the vast majority of jobs. Therefore, robotic roll-out will be targeting high-income jobs (doctors, lawyers, programmers, etc) and high political risk tasks. (warfare)

Robotics are also uniquely classified as dual-use, meaning, they can be used for civilian commerce/industry as well as military application. Any robot deployed at Walmart can very easily be repurposed for military operations. In effect, any roll-out of robotic assets also means a stockpiling of a passive robotic militia, waiting for activation. It’s not so easy to go the other way with that: An Uber for Global Hawk timeshares doesn’t exist and most likely, won’t exist for quite some time. Therefore, by default, all civilian robotics double as draftable soldiers for total war scenarios as well.

The careful balance between power, weight, and computation makes robotics with self-contained and objective-competent AI nearly impossible. Perception-decision trees can be exhaustively accounted for, but when robotic assets are deployed against sophisticated opponents, that strategy will be very easy to undermine. Therefore, in such scenarios, human babysitters are needed, which means early roll-outs of robotics in such operations will rely on large infrastructure requirements that are modular enough to conform to the logistical constraints of the DoD’s policy of a 72-hour window FOB deployment. This means being able to provide comprehensive power provision, information processing, communication layout, and data analysis operations to make sure human and AI operators from other locations, including transcontinental, are operationally feasible.

Manufacturing robotics requires revolutions in IoT and communications security, which will accelerate the push to cognitive mercantilism as nations preparing for robotic warfare will have to work hard to attract and retain talent in the face of overpaid Silicon Valley app developers and data scientists. The last thing you need is a robotic fleet with a silly backdoor (Huawei), an exploitable patent leak (Enigma machines), or an army of already-validated zero days waiting for it. These types of attacks allow for adversaries to convert your robotic assets into theirs. This will also require revolutions in language security and computation architecture to reduce the security surface area of robotic fleets.

Now you’re starting to see the brutal minutia of robotic labor tally up into a considerable challenge. Nonetheless, this price will be happily paid as long as corrupt democracies are the norm. Career politicians with 20-30+ year runs can easily secure graft and influence by allocating the productivity of their constituents towards the production of robotic soldiers. They would skirt the need to answer for unpopular drafts while securing extensive employment opportunities for their base. Politicians will evade drafts as will competent generals since such drafts will inspire not-so-nationalist employees within tech companies to sabotage their own complex and delicate robotic products as a form of revolt. In an era of mass data collection, identifying such actors wouldn’t be hard for either law enforcement, but it won’t be hard for adversarial nations looking for offensive opportunities either. The technological problem is hard, but the political problem is even harder. No one wants a “Different day, same Snowden” sort of scenario. This is where Robotic Nationalism comes into play.

The concept of robots replacing jobs is usually met with fear or enthusiasm, based upon the political agendas of the audience. The concept of robots replacing warfare, however, is generally met with visions of apocalypse from both war-planners and the general population. They envision factories mass producing endless fleets of mobile C4 using facial recognition to fly into anything that looks like a human. What they don’t understand is that the moment this type of warfare is rolled out, the rest of the world will be forced to adapt and emulate. Nation A with a robot army against Nation B with only human soldiers is a war crime waiting to happen. Nation B will quickly reconfigure military budgets to cover the “robotic gap”. After that retooling, you’d have Nation A and Nation B with a robotic army, staring each other down with steely eyes and beaten chests. Unlike nuclear warfare strategy, this would not result in a detente. Instead, there would be an accelerated willingness to engage in increasingly reckless conflict as robotic participants in warfare have a greatly reduced political risk. Any bourgeoisie attempts to extend human rights to robotic assets can be easily stifled with contemporary memetic countermeasures.

What does a robot-vs-robot war look like? Every downed robot means 20-70 jobs (aggregate) to rebuild the lost soldier. In effect, if two nations with robotic armies engage in warfare, they are both guaranteeing maximum employment for their citizens. If more employment is required to meet debt obligations, accelerate the intensity of the conflict. This model of robotic military Keynesianism is especially appealing to places like the EU where their energy requirements are increasingly encircled by Russian geopolitical strategy and the disparity of authority regarding currency printing (Brussels) and bond issuance, (EU members) a disparity that will result in the consolidation of financial and military power into Brussels. The ability for member states to engage in limited total war via robotics with other robotic states will serve as the essential foundation of all future economic cycles since the total employment this model allows provides member state bond issuance to be as good as (and almost better than) Euro instruments.

One might ask where such robot-vs-robot conflict will take place to minimize human life loss and environmental damage. 11% of all land on earth is used for farming. 50% of all human population lives within urban areas which make up 1% of all land. Deserts, pastures, and tundras are sufficient terrains for conflict. Eco-friendly materials can be utilized where possible during manufacturing. Robotic swarms can also recover downed robots for material, data, and component reclamation purposes. Countries can even lease land to host conflicts between nations and when the conflict is completed, robotic wardens can be deployed to restore the damage done to the local ecology as best as possible, allowing a unique opportunity for nations to willingly pay for the forestry and land reclamation services of other nations.

The very nature of robotic warfare is designed to not only maximally attract quantitative easing, but redirect the flow of currently deployed easing away from developing nations and into developed nations. If those nations endure labor shortages of knowledge workers and technicians for the initial infrastructure, the redirected quantitative easing will provide the necessary financial incentives for retraining unallocated labor while expanding consumers. Cognitive mercantilist practices will maximize virtuous cycles between domestic producer and domestic consumer by isolating foreign knowledge workers according to the national security reasons of all nations. (A nation will not offer potential adversaries funding and a nation will work to prevent talent moving to other nations)

In short, properly managed robotic warfare allows for states to restore credit in the face of foreign debt obligations, establish absolute control over their unemployment rates, and generate a surplus force of robotic labor to tackle capital intense tasks such as deep mining and space labor. In a post-petrodollar world, this cycle of robotic creation and destruction would generate a genuine and stabilizing domestic demand for national currency, which then stabilizes floating currency demand between nations without the need for a centralized arbiter to manage the distortions caused by artificial reserve currency demand. While obvious, it should be mentioned that such managed warfare would exhaustively reduce the loss of human lives when states and corporations become uneasy with one another.

In essence, we replace the petrodollar with the robodollar.

All that remains is for Icarus to ensure the transition.

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How can anon contribute?

I've enjoyed reading what you're putting out there for the past few months, and I find myself in a place where I would like to contribute in some way.

Any suggestions? I don't do Facebook, Twitter or YouTube and pretty averse to IRL activism but would be open to spreading the word online somehow if that would help.

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First Ten Pages of The Empath

Written in 2005


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fucking up the city will be blamed on brexit and further humanitarian-progressivism smh. is there anyone in england aware and angling for the transistion from petrodollar recycling to cognitive mercantilism?

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What happened with the Yang Gang memes?

I'm not exactly adept at deciphering Ryan's comments, and his mentioning of hijacking the Yang Gang stuff that was going around recently has bothered me a lot. I've had little exposure to it beyond what my small circles have shown me and I'd like to know, if anyone has guessed, or if he feels willing to directly tell me, what exactly happened with it – assuming that it goes beyond merely turning supportive spam into ironic $1000 jokes.

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How To Fuck Sentiment Analysis

#YangGang meme hacking days before NZ takes hold and gives the chans an easy out for when NZ kicks off.

Oldfags, NatSoc, and affiliates hold firm after NZ.

From a data science opposition research perspective, they now have an A/B psychographic to measure (Fair-weather and hardcore) and they will use that data to diminish /pol/ further.

This A/B can be poisoned by red-pilling the survey conductors and the response reviewers. Assume all of your content is being read by a less-than minimum wage eastern European or East Asian worker hired via Mechanical Turk. CFR already setup huge amounts of sentiment analysis upon us a year ago. What they didn't realize is that they did all of the sentiment analysis for the English language.

Add Latin to your posts to fuck up their machine learning. There are only a handful of outfits that do sentiment analysis for Latin and when the opposition research firms go to them, we will have honeypots waiting to lure out those responsible for the A/B test.

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"We Are The News Now" CYA Edition

A certain someone is asking questions about Butterfly War and Q. I won't reveal the identity and I've hidden some parts I've told the person. If that person reveals the data I've redacted, then it will confirm to non-global observers that I am speaking with them. I've posted the unedited but slightly redacted version here for posterity and CYA reasons.

An image gallery of all conversation snapshots can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/wEOJpGH

For those of you following along at home, I reveal one piece of information I had not revealed in the past here. An important piece. See if you can figure it out.

In the event the Imgur post gets taken down, here are backups and archives of the conversation.

01 - https://ibb.co/b28S3cs (https://archive.fo/yER9P)

02 - https://ibb.co/6YdxqwH (https://archive.fo/JPqc6)

03 - https://ibb.co/3p0sFhr (https://archive.fo/tz2TZ)

04 - https://ibb.co/h154f6b (https://archive.fo/LB098)

05 - https://ibb.co/r0nFxRQ (https://archive.fo/yuCS6)

06 - https://ibb.co/HF9vNhS (https://archive.fo/OStZQ)

07 - https://ibb.co/CssNZ4q (https://archive.fo/fytpT)

08 - https://ibb.co/2gsrDVW (https://archive.fo/iGsrY)

09 - https://ibb.co/L12fnbj (https://archive.fo/Nw5UN)

10 - https://ibb.co/Kjq9zCr (https://archive.fo/2q48R)

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Gnostic Warfare Updates

This past few weeks has been very active. From the /pol/ ban to the /pol/ mod replacement, to Bilderberg, to G7, to the whole CEMEX mess.. let me provide some insights on what is all means, what is coming, and what to do about it.

The Milanote I've created is designed to teach people the basics of information entropy, the science behind information theory, and prepare them for the philosophical insights describing the evolution of neurons. Each video covers the basics and is about ten minutes in length with helpful animations, good voice work, and fairly good production values. They provide an incredibly useful overview of the large body of knowledge you'll need to take on to participate effectively in Gnostic Warfare operations. For reference, here is the link: https://app.milanote.com/1FjzOb11HKlU7x/gnostic-warfare

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Wireless neuronal signal propagation claim on front page of Hacker News




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Liquid Math

Recent Developments

There have been a variety of important developments regarding Gnostic Warfare. Before we get into a synopsis, we have to talk about the “Liquid Math” event I've been alluding to over the past few months.

Liquid Math

In the Paleogenetics post at >>126, I explained the foundation of the AI in my book and gave insight on what I precisely meant when I said that I was trying to “restore a forgotten emotion”. By restoring the Neanderthal mind, we will have access to a new emotion that has been long forgotten to us, and if my theory about emotional influence on cognitive operations holds, that will serve as a foundation to detect new and important patterns about mathematics.

“Liquid math” means encoding axioms of mathematics as a behavioral expression of a neuron's lifecycle so that we can “invent” equations instead of revealing them. Once mathematical formation liquifies as an organic process, the entire rules of the game change for good.

I have successfully since partnered up with many of the scientists who can grow the Neanderthal organoids mentioned in the linked article. (https://singularityhub.com/2018/05/23/living-neanderthal-mini-brains-may-reveal-what-makes-our-brains-special/) They believe I am right about using Neanderthal organoids to blow past the limits of contemporary machine learning techniques.

Here's the first official task of /gnosticwarfare/: Research everything you can about spiking neural networks and ask questions here. If you want a glimpse of what can be done with this type of research, here's an example that I'm sure many of you can immediately see the value in: https://archive.fo/T7kzU

As you ask questions, I can reveal more about the project.

NXIVM Fallout

McCain's “natural death” (His wife is Cindy Lou Hensley, only daughter of a fixer within the Meyer Lansky network, and Arizona has a massive network of human trafficking/drug running lanes), Saudi muscling of Canada, and Trump's NAFTA renegotiation signals a significant increase of pressure upon Bronfman's to cause a mess in the Rothschild network. This is all designed to secure Assange's transition back to the United States, where his insurance files will serve as the final part of The Awakening. I have put out a series of tweets indicating my proximity to these developments. Archive.is breaks them apart into two segments: https://archive.fo/Xuody and https://archive.fo/zWnPA

I finally explained what a Cult State is on the blog: https://archive.fo/aMz48

MBS needs to be careful and see this all the way to the end.

I've also created an Instagram account containing very curious photos that will mean something later. This account follows a single person: https://www.instagram.com/emblem21ceo/


A surprising amount of people think I'm Q. Why?

>I've spent many years in the larger proximity of DJT.

>I know all about the Saudi/UK/Israel petrodollar recycling mechanism.

>I know that when you fuck with the mob, they never forgive and they never forget.

>Q and I did expose ourselves to the Chans at nearly the exact same time.

>We've independently utilized “The Awakening” in our narratives.

>I explained how to take down Eric Schmidt, an essential action for the retrieval of “hidden” email servers. (Parallel construction?)

>My long-term profile picture is holding a pocket watch, which is the map for Q's clock cipher.

>My email to Gizmodo after the Playboy article came out heavily hinted to an IARPA project coming down the pipes.

For the record, I am not Q. I'm just a humble alchemist, completing an equation. I did figure out Q's “Morning Sun” riddle and was rewarded with four fireworks going off out my window the morning McCain died at 5:15AM PST. Yeah. Five in the morning. Fireworks.

Last I checked, the Morning Sun had shoved off as of early this week. I've been watching a certain committee ever since: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Innovation_Advisory_Board

Robotic Nationalism

I am still putting together the materials to introduce Robotic Nationalism to the world. The entire purpose of Emblem 21 was to explore the economic, political, and social foundations of nations when their local capital can leverage robotic fleets to solve labor shortages for wealth generation. The results are promising and fulfill multiple mandates across civilization emergence: employment, civil stability, cultural preservation, restoration of growth, bargaining power within international markets, and most important of all, immunity to manufactured crises rooted in identity exploitation.

I will be building bridges with nascent and growing nationalist movements to build a bridge between them and the financial and political credibility they'll need to promise jobs in Europe and America. I've released my overview of Robotic Nationalism to the State Department, several European defense companies, and Bronfman-related parties to seed the soil for future operations.

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Hi there, How can I defeat from within a leftist dominated InVision forum?

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Requesting Help

Just in case anyone sees this.

Is there any way (except practical experience) I can learn up on society as a whole, for example societal elements and forces, what lies at the core of human society etc?

Is there a kind of framework in which one can study societies? I don't need to be spoonfed with information but help would be nice.

Also is this board just meant as a dump or is it possible to advertise it without inviting unwanted elements?

R: 14 / I: 0 / P: 3 [R] [G] [-]

Paleogenetics and You

In 2005, I wrote The Empath, a book about an AI platform that understands human emotions and then manipulates them to predict and control elections and markets. Two weeks ago, I dropped a hint about how to build such a machine on /pol/.

In the book, a company named Promethia engineers people with significant alterations to their brains. The vast majority of such experiments end in complete failures because the link between DNA and neurology is incredibly complex. Eventually, a good-enough technique is discovered.

The company engineeers two children, Sen and Cari. Sen is a child who has no capacity for human emotion other than experiencing perpetual, sheer terror. His ability to comprehend mathematical complexity, however, is unrivaled in all of human history. He develops new techniques to reduce decoherence problems of quantum computing, allowing the development of the primary AI in the story, Esai. His twin sister, Cari, exists for the sole purpose of providing emotional comfort and support to Sen.

Trying to develop such mathematical prowess in a single human proved to be extremely difficult, so they settled for twins: one with a mind that is barely stable enough to endure on a day-to-day basis and another with a deep emotional bond to keep him stable. The key to getting to this point was a legal innovation.

Creating human clones is mostly illegal. Experimenting on humans, clone or not, is incredibly illegal. So Promethia leverages paleogenetics to create Neanderthal brains. They aren't human legally, so there's no prohibition on experimentation, and they are similar enough to humans to help improve research.

Today, the world has caught up to my idea:


For those who remember, I posted this pic on the now deleted /pol/ thread. It was a brief timeline of major scientists who contributed to the technologies that made the AI possible in my book.


I mention Emile Zuckerandl, Linus Carl Pauling, and Kary Mullis by name.

The future will not be what you think it will be.

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What Is A Cult State?


> Moore’s Law states the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years. By doubling the transistor density, the time to perform information labor halves. This results in the reduction of price for media creation, data analysis, and data collection while simultaneously increasing its distribution potential. This also drives an increase of the volume of domestic and foreign signal analysis competition against bloated, unaccountable centralized state-backed intelligence agencies. As Moore’s Law makes information processing cheaper, the blackmail network that keeps the nuclear paradigm stable can be discovered, evaluated, and captured in part or in whole by any upcoming competiton. Deterring this outcome has become increasingly difficult for state actors as processors, data centers, and data science techniques become cheaper and more abundant. The Hapsburg-dominated Church once experienced this same exact problem within the context of the printing press, and in a way, the transistor is the American printing press, but that’s an analysis for another day.

> The insurance file for Julian Assange is a massive collection of encrypted data. The unencrypted contents of that file have kept him alive through two administrations. This has made him a difficult person to make an example out of because I suspect within that insurance file is a significant number of video footage, images, and information about the blackmail network. Upon Assange’s death, his deadman switch will activate, and the key to unlock those files will be available to all who have downloaded the file. What options do central intelligence agencies have to thwart this trend?

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HUD sues Facebook for facilitating housing discrimination


War underway, indeed.

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Experimental: Dual Canary System

To help prepare for the shit that is about to hit the fan, I am implementing a dual canary scheme. This is NOT LIVE and is currently EXPERIMENTAL ONLY.

When this is made live, this thread will be deleted and a new one will be created with the final rules.

Experimental: Proof of Consistency

With the aggressive removal of the blackmail network that kept South Korea in line with globalist agendas, the sixty-five year war between the Koreas is starting to come to a close. This means the nullification of future loans (and interest) to pay for defense spending and post-war construction loans… and the internationalist banking elite are not happy. They will be preparing a worldwide multi-domain counterattack and Chan culture is in the cross hairs.

Chan culture is a vital part of the pro-national Trump infrastructure. Since Henry Kissinger, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderberg have made media appearances in the wake of the Butterfly War problem, We’ve already seen an uptick in bot spamming and poor Markov mirroring on /pol/. These bots were trained on poster data in which, ironically, came from well-meaning /pol/ users themselves. As they labeled clearly disruptive posters as “shills”. This phrase is a special and organic classifier that flags the offending post as containing content as an accurate disruptor of Chan community. Those flagged posts have been used to train an anti-/pol/ neural network which is now being unleashed upon us and being fine-tuned for maximum efficiency. In addition to this, you’re going to see enhanced isolation and virality disruption campaigns. All of these tactics work in concert to ensure your next wave of meme war fails. If you haven’t been engaging in Butterfly War by now, this is a good time to start. It’s a surefire way to spread your memes under these incredible restrictions.

This also means targeting influencers. My honeypots are on fire these days and I’ve had to put Icarus on a kill switch. I suspect these attackers are not global observers because global observers knew I had a MAC whitelist on my routers. This means the parties attempting to connect to my router with unapproved MAC addresses didn't know they would be rejected, which means they are third-parties actors with an incomplete context. I have compensated for their presence well in advance.

To help combat against device compromise, I will be implementing a Proof of Consistency dual canary scheme in the event my devices, passwords, networks, or person becomes compromised.

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Butterfly War (Code Repository)

Butterfly War Code Repository


This thread is for the discussion of the new Butterfly War code project. I have broken down all of the domains of work into individual projects, complete with milestones and high-level issues. Discussions about individual issues should take place at the issue. General discussions can take place here.

These repositories should be publicly visible , but you will have to apply to be a Member to each project in order to contribute.

These code bases will be open source.

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Possible collaborations

Using Machine Learning to automatically detect antifa in Twitter


(Sentiment Analysis, Blocktogethers, CNNs and LSTMs, Emoji/Keyword Extraction)

Use Machine Learning and Image manipulation to flag (((Jews)))


(Facial Landmarks, image CNNs, Dataset Gathering)

Instead of using "subliminal" methods, one must first understand using ML in an easier manner to target the enemy's foot soldiers.

R: 16 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Information Science Training

Information Science Training

Getting a firm understanding of information science, and specifically, information entropy, provides essential context about the structural limitations of artificial intelligence. While knowing the basics of information science assists with understanding contemporary cryptography, understanding how information relates to energy broadens your horizons and allows you detect epistemological gaps in machine learning processes. For example, information inputs into a system correlate to an increase of energy within a system. This is true for black holes, computer networks, machine learning processes, neurology, and cognition.

You can review the full Milanote on this section here: https://app.milanote.com/1FjKKO16uYDY9I/information-science


- Understand the basic composition of information.

- Learn how we measure information.

- Follow up on the details of how information entropy works

- Discover the ramifications of information entropy limitations.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Emotion: The Gap

THE GAP - New Emotion - The emotional perception of the Gap between two contrary positions, as prerequisite for gnosis. A feeling of cariousness and precipitousnss, a yawning abyss.

Felt when ideas conflict, and paradox may invoke this emotion. When one cognitive system is juxtaposed against another, this may lead to a vertigous emotion of openness AND emptiness, of promise and of peril - offering fulfillment through the necessary resolution: Either folding into one side or the other, or the true Solution: the development of a Third Position - that of memetic framework awareness.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Change the game to re-enable learning

Saw this on /pol/ but I believe it will be extremely useful.


>How have humans been turned into snowflakes where emotions are in control and learning has been suppressed? This article explains it. When reward is uncertain (even if 90% likely), learning in the medial prefrontal cortex is enabled by the dopaminergic reward seeking system. But if reward is certain, the learning circuits of the medial prefrontal cortex are disabled.

>It makes perfect sense from an evolutionary point of view; if you already know enough to get the reward with certainty, there is no point in wasting further effort to learn more.

>What pertaining to rewards has critically changed over the past couple of generations? Everyone now receives a reward for participating! Not just the winner of the race. Not just the smart student who studied hard and aced the test. Everybody gets an unconditional hence certain reward.

>These unconditional rewards have turned off learning. The younger generation is broadly liberal and progressive because their ability to learn has been systematically shut off since childhood. No wonder they act like spoiled children. They have never learned to grow up!

>We have a very big and very serious generational problem. Those unconditional rewards aren’t just silly; they are literally mentally crippling.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

Follow these instructions to see 8chan how AI sees it

Follow these instructions to see 8chan how (((AI))) sees it

Gnostic warfare requires training. I have created a script that will give you insights on how your emotions are being detected by AI.

Here's an example of what 8chan looks like when the script runs: https://archive.fo/1vTJV/813262b4a01f35859af5b98cfb593584d6449eed

<WARNING: Never blindly run external JavaScript! You should examine this code thoroughly to make sure you are okay with it! Do not use the load_js() feature because 1.) it doesn't work and 2.) even if it did, don't assume the contents of that link to be immutable even if it links directly to a commit. (git push –force exists)


To set it up, follow these instructions:

* Click on the Options link in the upper right hand corner

* Click on User JS

* Visit https://gitgud.io/GnosticWarfare/Training/raw/179fb32b353ceb4388d6733df8ade9fc449c4a5a/index.js and copy the contents

* Paste your clipboards contents into the User JS text area

* click "Save custom Javascript"

How It Works

* Sentiment analysis - https://github.com/soops/sentimood

* Bayesian classifier - https://github.com/miguelmota/miguelmota.github.com/blob/master/blog/naive-bayes-classifier-in-javascript/demo/scripts/bayes-classifier.js

Sentiment Analysis

When the post contains words considered to be "negative" according to the AFINN-111 wordlist, the upper right-hand corner will turn red. The more negative, the more red. When a post contains words considered to be "positive", the upper right-hand corner will turn green. The more positive, the more green.

These colors reflective the outcomes your (((opposition))) has been doing to you in Silicon Valley. To train yourself to blend in and bypass sentiment analysis, strive for as much green as you can..

Bayesian Classifier

Each post will be classified as well according to a naive Bayesian implementation. Right now, the dictionary is private and is hilariously inconclusive, but in the future, I will make the dictionary public and allow people to submit pull requests to add to it. The classifier will give you insights on how your emotions are being detected by AI. The goal is to express mastery of wording to generate the precise emotional state you wish an AI to know about you.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]


Butlerian Jihad when???

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 4 [R] [G] [-]

The Sequence of Battlespaces

Silicon Valley (The Butterfly War)

- The workforce that makes Silicon Valley possible is heavily influenced by the ideology of material humanism. (Commonly known as left-wing progressivism)

- The institutions, actors, investors, and believers of material humanism will pull out every stop and call every favor they have to retain their influence over civilization.

- Because of this hubris, these entities willfully sacrifice material, social, political, technological, and legal advantages to continually demonstrate fealty to the ideology. (Virtual-signaling)

- The moment they stop demonstrating fealty, their peers can be cajoled into attacking them, so reliable pressure mechanism exists to enforce the previously mentioned behavior.

- Silicon Valley makes its money via ad revenue. Meaning, Facebook and Google sells user information to robots attending 60-200ms auctions. The robots analyze the user data and bid for the right to show that person an ad for a product.

- That user data is also being analyzed by those ad platforms to censor the skeptics of material humanism. “Psychographic” signatures can be detected via machine learning, data science, and AI to flag certain persons from social media. (“nazis”, “alt-right”, anyone to the right of Stalin, etc.)

- By proxy, certain psychographic signatures are immune to this AI-driven censorship, such as women, blacks, and jews, granting them full influence over social media.

- With some effort and development, a pipeline can be made which creates accounts on social media and spoofs meta data. (Finger/mouse motion, keyboard typing timing, content engagement, sentiment analysis, posting time, etc) Because the auction bots have already keyed themselves to associate certain psychographic signatures with certain people, you can confirm the validity of a meta data generation technique based on the ads it sees. If your meta data generates an ad that a bot would serve to a black person, then you’ve successfully tricked the AI ecosystem into thinking that account is an authentic black person, thus, creating a political asset that is immune to automated censorship.

- The workforce of Silicon Valley will be enraged by this possibility and refine their censorship AIs to create a list of “preauthorized behaviors” to determine if a black person is a a real black person or if a female is a real female. Silicon Valley is then forced to openly engaging in cyber phrenology. As this process grows, more and more Silicon Valley workers will realize they are burning down the village to save it, which dramatically increases the likelihood of abandonment (See Google’s Maven) or leaking damning information. (See Cambridge Analytica) This process has already begun and I have personally accelerated it.

- This path will begin openly accumulating enough civil rights violations to justify a “disparate impact” case against Silicon Valley, which will attract the funding and influence of telecoms and regulatory bodies. This process has already begun and I have personally accelerated it.

- The Silicon Valley titans that fund and enable core parts of material humanist infrastructure will be destroyed by the very same civil rights they worship, barring them from official political influence and driving core talent away from them. The only way to save themselves will be to channel their massive influence into dismantling the efficacy of civil rights legislation to protect themselves.

- Once this is all complete, the federal decrees of material humanism become effectively nullified.