I saw this thread too and I'm glad to brought it here. This sort of reward.activation system compliments Friston's Bayesian surprise model.
The dopamine rewards which social media can create also provides inoculation to learning, which inhibits our ability to teach. Worse, that reward mechanism traps behavior in a loop similar to a Skinner Box. The game creates many losers, but the thrill of victory is so exciting, they compulsively continue. To a degree, even we are infected by this.
Our Chan cultures have slowly collected and restored life into those who are broken by that game.
To break that kind of mass conditioning, you have to fundamentally break mass reality. That's another way of saying you have to hack their morality, their ideology, and the symbols they consider reality. Once the symbols no longer mean what was previously true, the behavior will seek the next reward. If you have the trap laying in wait at the next likely symbol they will flock to, you can steer the behavior in a desired direction.
To progressives, social media is not only the biggest MMORPG in town, it's a total reality substitution. I should incorporate economic warfare training into the curriculum and experiment on MMO economies to show you how to steer the dopamine reward cycles of large numbers of people.