> Moore’s Law states the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years. By doubling the transistor density, the time to perform information labor halves. This results in the reduction of price for media creation, data analysis, and data collection while simultaneously increasing its distribution potential. This also drives an increase of the volume of domestic and foreign signal analysis competition against bloated, unaccountable centralized state-backed intelligence agencies. As Moore’s Law makes information processing cheaper, the blackmail network that keeps the nuclear paradigm stable can be discovered, evaluated, and captured in part or in whole by any upcoming competiton. Deterring this outcome has become increasingly difficult for state actors as processors, data centers, and data science techniques become cheaper and more abundant. The Hapsburg-dominated Church once experienced this same exact problem within the context of the printing press, and in a way, the transistor is the American printing press, but that’s an analysis for another day.
> The insurance file for Julian Assange is a massive collection of encrypted data. The unencrypted contents of that file have kept him alive through two administrations. This has made him a difficult person to make an example out of because I suspect within that insurance file is a significant number of video footage, images, and information about the blackmail network. Upon Assange’s death, his deadman switch will activate, and the key to unlock those files will be available to all who have downloaded the file. What options do central intelligence agencies have to thwart this trend?