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/gnosticwarfare/ - The Future of AI Conflict

All things Butterfly War, New Emotion, and Gnostic Warfare

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e9b18c No.515

> http://cultstate.com/2019/03/15/The-Robodollar/

Most conversations about our inevitable future are explained within the narrow lens of political fantasy, as if the possibilities of the future have to be brutally squeezed through the tiny tube of collectivist deal-making. On the left, they swoon at the possibility of robotics liberating us from the hardships of work to spend the rest of eternity in play-making, paid for entirely from the yield of our new robotic slave friends. Perhaps if the population was reduced to Georgia Stone numbers, this might be true. (This should give you insights to the inevitable goals of ecofascism) On the right, robotics are a mechanism of high performance legal and culture enforcement while minimizing traditional political risk. Both approaches desperately imply robotics as something that should be smoothly bolted atop the current trajectory of economics and as such, both approaches are completely incorrect.

The common concern is that robotics will eliminate jobs. This is not true for most jobs because the implementation-to-savings spread is too far. Replacing a Walmart greeter (minimum wage, terrible benefits, indirectly government subsidized) with a humanesque robot as part of a vertically integrated package (thousands in manufacturing, tens of thousands in repair and support services, hundreds of thousands in glitches and legal insurance concerns, millions in public relations and market testing) is not feasible. The robots popular myth envisions taking our jobs are far too expensive to do the vast majority of jobs. Therefore, robotic roll-out will be targeting high-income jobs (doctors, lawyers, programmers, etc) and high political risk tasks. (warfare)

Robotics are also uniquely classified as dual-use, meaning, they can be used for civilian commerce/industry as well as military application. Any robot deployed at Walmart can very easily be repurposed for military operations. In effect, any roll-out of robotic assets also means a stockpiling of a passive robotic militia, waiting for activation. It’s not so easy to go the other way with that: An Uber for Global Hawk timeshares doesn’t exist and most likely, won’t exist for quite some time. Therefore, by default, all civilian robotics double as draftable soldiers for total war scenarios as well.

The careful balance between power, weight, and computation makes robotics with self-contained and objective-competent AI nearly impossible. Perception-decision trees can be exhaustively accounted for, but when robotic assets are deployed against sophisticated opponents, that strategy will be very easy to undermine. Therefore, in such scenarios, human babysitters are needed, which means early roll-outs of robotics in such operations will rely on large infrastructure requirements that are modular enough to conform to the logistical constraints of the DoD’s policy of a 72-hour window FOB deployment. This means being able to provide comprehensive power provision, information processing, communication layout, and data analysis operations to make sure human and AI operators from other locations, including transcontinental, are operationally feasible.

Manufacturing robotics requires revolutions in IoT and communications security, which will accelerate the push to cognitive mercantilism as nations preparing for robotic warfare will have to work hard to attract and retain talent in the face of overpaid Silicon Valley app developers and data scientists. The last thing you need is a robotic fleet with a silly backdoor (Huawei), an exploitable patent leak (Enigma machines), or an army of already-validated zero days waiting for it. These types of attacks allow for adversaries to convert your robotic assets into theirs. This will also require revolutions in language security and computation architecture to reduce the security surface area of robotic fleets.

Now you’re starting to see the brutal minutia of robotic labor tally up into a considerable challenge. Nonetheless, this price will be happily paid as long as corrupt democracies are the norm. Career politicians with 20-30+ year runs can easily secure graft and influence by allocating the productivity of their constituents towards the production of robotic soldiers. They would skirt the need to answer for unpopular drafts while securing extensive employment opportunities for their base. Politicians will evade drafts as will competent generals since such drafts will inspire not-so-nationalist employees within tech companies to sabotage their own complex and delicate robotic products as a form of revolt. In an era of mass data collection, identifying such actors wouldn’t be hard for either law enforcement, but it won’t be hard for adversarial nations looking for offensive opportunities either. The technological problem is hard, but the political problem is even harder. No one wants a “Different day, same Snowden” sort of scenario. This is where Robotic Nationalism comes into play.

The concept of robots replacing jobs is usually met with fear or enthusiasm, based upon the political agendas of the audience. The concept of robots replacing warfare, however, is generally met with visions of apocalypse from both war-planners and the general population. They envision factories mass producing endless fleets of mobile C4 using facial recognition to fly into anything that looks like a human. What they don’t understand is that the moment this type of warfare is rolled out, the rest of the world will be forced to adapt and emulate. Nation A with a robot army against Nation B with only human soldiers is a war crime waiting to happen. Nation B will quickly reconfigure military budgets to cover the “robotic gap”. After that retooling, you’d have Nation A and Nation B with a robotic army, staring each other down with steely eyes and beaten chests. Unlike nuclear warfare strategy, this would not result in a detente. Instead, there would be an accelerated willingness to engage in increasingly reckless conflict as robotic participants in warfare have a greatly reduced political risk. Any bourgeoisie attempts to extend human rights to robotic assets can be easily stifled with contemporary memetic countermeasures.

What does a robot-vs-robot war look like? Every downed robot means 20-70 jobs (aggregate) to rebuild the lost soldier. In effect, if two nations with robotic armies engage in warfare, they are both guaranteeing maximum employment for their citizens. If more employment is required to meet debt obligations, accelerate the intensity of the conflict. This model of robotic military Keynesianism is especially appealing to places like the EU where their energy requirements are increasingly encircled by Russian geopolitical strategy and the disparity of authority regarding currency printing (Brussels) and bond issuance, (EU members) a disparity that will result in the consolidation of financial and military power into Brussels. The ability for member states to engage in limited total war via robotics with other robotic states will serve as the essential foundation of all future economic cycles since the total employment this model allows provides member state bond issuance to be as good as (and almost better than) Euro instruments.

One might ask where such robot-vs-robot conflict will take place to minimize human life loss and environmental damage. 11% of all land on earth is used for farming. 50% of all human population lives within urban areas which make up 1% of all land. Deserts, pastures, and tundras are sufficient terrains for conflict. Eco-friendly materials can be utilized where possible during manufacturing. Robotic swarms can also recover downed robots for material, data, and component reclamation purposes. Countries can even lease land to host conflicts between nations and when the conflict is completed, robotic wardens can be deployed to restore the damage done to the local ecology as best as possible, allowing a unique opportunity for nations to willingly pay for the forestry and land reclamation services of other nations.

The very nature of robotic warfare is designed to not only maximally attract quantitative easing, but redirect the flow of currently deployed easing away from developing nations and into developed nations. If those nations endure labor shortages of knowledge workers and technicians for the initial infrastructure, the redirected quantitative easing will provide the necessary financial incentives for retraining unallocated labor while expanding consumers. Cognitive mercantilist practices will maximize virtuous cycles between domestic producer and domestic consumer by isolating foreign knowledge workers according to the national security reasons of all nations. (A nation will not offer potential adversaries funding and a nation will work to prevent talent moving to other nations)

In short, properly managed robotic warfare allows for states to restore credit in the face of foreign debt obligations, establish absolute control over their unemployment rates, and generate a surplus force of robotic labor to tackle capital intense tasks such as deep mining and space labor. In a post-petrodollar world, this cycle of robotic creation and destruction would generate a genuine and stabilizing domestic demand for national currency, which then stabilizes floating currency demand between nations without the need for a centralized arbiter to manage the distortions caused by artificial reserve currency demand. While obvious, it should be mentioned that such managed warfare would exhaustively reduce the loss of human lives when states and corporations become uneasy with one another.

In essence, we replace the petrodollar with the robodollar.

All that remains is for Icarus to ensure the transition.

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2234b4 No.525

Cognitive mercantilism has accelerationist pressures.

If the few smart people in shithole countries leave, they´ll become even shitier and lead to more of "not sending their best". We already have a fucking commie leader here. Once robotic nationalism is set, the issue of saboteurs and traitors counteracts the pull for foreign minds.

One worries about the possibility of Rahowa induced nuclear annhilation brought about by Accelerate and an overdue economic depression. Especially with what info you´ve given on Icarus. What´s the ETA for RoboNat?

Shithole countries dont have the IQ required for the necessary ammount of technicians, coders, etc. Once RoboNat is in place, developing countries might end up in some cognitive sphere of influence with mechanisms similar to multinational projects (e.g. F-35 and Eurofighter Typhoon) or buying old shit from others.

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e9b18c No.526


> Once robotic nationalism is set, the issue of saboteurs and traitors counteracts the pull for foreign minds

This is correct.

> One worries about the possibility of Rahowa induced nuclear annhilation brought about by Accelerate and an overdue economic depression.

Limited nuclear engagements will most likely take place in the future, with or without RoboNat.

Icarus can roll out in a managed or a chaotic way. The decision on how that plays out is up to global observers. Admittedly, Icarus undoes a core component of globalist enforcement and that may result in one elite or another engaging in acts of desperation. 2008 should have culled such elites and removed them from influence. Fortunately, predation always finds a way back.

Shaky elites who want reprieve will see RoboNat as a viable way to rebalance their trade problems. Once this is seen, the worst of the calamities can be mitigated.

ETA is years before the cycle is self-sustaining, but core elements are rolling out soon.

> Shithole countries dont have the IQ required for the necessary amount of technicians, coders, etc.

Such countries will import RoboNat infrastructure and export their labor as robotic pilots. This fundamentally undoes pressures for open borders and ethnic diplomacy since wages flow into remote countries, creating demand for the currency of the nation needing labor. People no longer have to vote with their feet. Every nation can be culturally nationalist and globally productive at the same time while minimizing conflict that has traditionally grew from this configuration.

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b53a0d No.533

1. You could argue petro-dollar is already a military hegemony enforced tribute scheme. In what way does this meaningfully differ from robonationalism except that under robonationalism the hegemonic power will be even less restrained and the need for cheap labor imports weakened?

2. You seem to be assuming a large demand for robot pilots and support staff despite the automation replacement of low-skill personnel and repetitive work. You also seem to be assuming robotic support skills will be transferable enough to leverage excess human capital in the 3rd world. Last two hundred years seem to spread heavy doubt on the utility of 3rd world labor for anything outside of field work or brahman pets.

3. Although it may be true that universalist utopian urge will wither on the vine should economic incentives dis-align, it still seems this religious-esque impulse may carry a large amount of momentum into the next century; a century dominated by 3+ billion Africans looking to escape colony collapse. Robot nationalism seems to hinge on it getting off the ground before colony collapse cascades into 1st world.

4. A number of simultaneous paradigm shift factors are contemporaneous with your robotic nationalism timeline. One major one that comes to mind is the rise of self directed human evolution. This may pose a serious problem insofar as the new breed of human elite with most access to genetic engineering may conceive themselves as separate species and be orders of magnitude more willing to "push the red button." What moderating factors, if any, prevent these competing paradigm disruptions from jumping the tracks?

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e9b18c No.534


Finally, a critical analysis worth a damn. Thank you.

>1. You could argue petro-dollar is already a military hegemony enforced tribute scheme. In what way does this meaningfully differ from robonationalism except that under robonationalism the hegemonic power will be even less restrained and the need for cheap labor imports weakened?

Tributes are imposed at force point. Petrodollar was designed to appeal to modernization. The British shown the stupidity of trying to harness the cognitive value of nations via military and trade supremacy. Nations had to be tricked into engaging in cognitive competition that resulted in modernization Petrodollar arrangements made that attractive.

RoboNat diffuses the benefits of military-industrial complex hegemony. Instead of one nation within the prime consumer/prime producer regime maximizing their hegemony, military-industrialism becomes an exportable policy sans nuclear insanity. Imagine India and Pakistan fighting in the domain of robotic warfare instead of regional nuclear bluster or creating 6,500 new pieces of LEO scrap to track. Their cultral tension, when translated to be expressed within the confines of robotic warfare, becomes an infinitely renewable vector towards the creation of surplus robotic labor. We all benefit if India produces hundreds of millions of robotic laborers for previously capital-intense adventures.

> 2. You seem to be assuming a large demand for robot pilots and support staff despite the automation replacement of low-skill personnel and repetitive work. You also seem to be assuming robotic support skills will be transferable enough to leverage excess human capital in the 3rd world. Last two hundred years seem to spread heavy doubt on the utility of 3rd world labor for anything outside of field work or brahman pets.

The spread to replace low-skill personnel isn't profitable enough. Manufacturing and support contracts to replace $8,000/year labor in developing nations isn't feasible when you calculate the modern infrastructure expansionism required within those nations. Globalism is the biggest combatant to robotic labor as nations are already prepared to cut their own throat to ensure the most competitive labor costs. As a result, the demand for robot pilots will come exclusively from warfare, as PMCs and mercenaries will retain a tremendous advantage to deploy politically cheap assets to enforce geopolitical policy.

Regarding third world tech modernization, India, Nigeria, and China have shown the willingness of state administers to rapidly modernize their excess human capital. Not all nations are viable candidates for an organic transformation, as geodestiny and internal strife takes turns preventing it, but the key is to allow such robotic assets to be imported for cheap. Ideally, IMF and World Bank deals can be cut (which I can facilitate) for nations to make current any debts they must pay off. They allow robotic labor, foreign or otherwise, into their nations to perform profitable labor and, in exchange, debt forgiveness becomes a viable instrument to negotiate for.

>3. Although it may be true that universalist utopian urge will wither on the vine should economic incentives dis-align, it still seems this religious-esque impulse may carry a large amount of momentum into the next century; a century dominated by 3+ billion Africans looking to escape colony collapse. Robot nationalism seems to hinge on it getting off the ground before colony collapse cascades into 1st world.

Based on the pressures of strategic debt forgiveness and competitive modernization, universalist utopianism is sustained in the manner it has been deployed: as a cheap parlor trick for confirmation bias. Ideally, the first world increments towards robotic nationalist policies for the sake of their own debt obligations, but even I know that will be met with tremendous resistance by foreign stakeholders who benefit from Western incompetence. Therefore, bringing RoboNat to nations where altering the infrastructure spending-to-influence ratios allow the West to sustain geopolitical agendas against China in African battlespaces.

> 4. A number of simultaneous paradigm shift factors are contemporaneous with your robotic nationalism timeline. One major one that comes to mind is the rise of self directed human evolution. This may pose a serious problem insofar as the new breed of human elite with most access to genetic engineering may conceive themselves as separate species and be orders of magnitude more willing to "push the red button." What moderating factors, if any, prevent these competing paradigm disruptions from jumping the tracks?

Elitist chimera will not evolve in the manner that is anticipated. Reasoning about genome-to-connectome tinkering is one of the most difficult data science tasks in the universe. Superhumans will not direct the economy, instead, a concert of neurochimera will contend against one another for the opportunities to manipulate human consumers and producers into evolving an economy that conforms to the alt-human models they can perceive. I intend to use RoboNat as the medium to test and increment the development of such neurochimera.

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b53a0d No.537


> We all benefit if India produces hundreds of millions of robotic laborers for previously capital-intense adventures.

You seem to be packing in a lot of assumptions about transferable utility of robot units. When I imagine a robot army it's a quad copter drone fleet combined with minitanks. It's hard to see how this translates to general production utility. I suppose the assumption is someone has tooled up large factories capable of producing autonomous vehicles which could be easily nudged over to landmovers, transport, construction etc. Still this relies are a large amount of human capital and IP which developing nations lack for genetic reasons.

> As a result, the demand for robot pilots will come exclusively from warfare

Although there's no direct analogy for this if we can use the one of gaming, I think we see asians and euros still retain hegemony over gaming skills. Even African Americans are rarely every competitive in any gaming domain. Why would you presume 4billion surplus africans would be useful as pilots to $100k+ assets?

> Therefore, bringing RoboNat to nations where altering the infrastructure spending-to-influence ratios allow the West to sustain geopolitical agendas against China in African battlespaces.

This is a little vague but seeing as Africans can't keep gravel roads in good condition it's hard to see how they can be trusted with expensive technical assets. The best China seems to be able to manage is pay them to get out of the way, and then import Indians with Sino overseers to get anything done.

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e9b18c No.538


> You seem to be packing in a lot of assumptions about transferable utility of robot units. When I imagine a robot army it's a quad copter drone fleet combined with minitanks. It's hard to see how this translates to general production utility. I suppose the assumption is someone has tooled up large factories capable of producing autonomous vehicles which could be easily nudged over to landmovers, transport, construction etc. Still this relies are a large amount of human capital and IP which developing nations lack for genetic reasons.

Contemporary understandings of robotic warfare are currently seen from the perspective of fleets supplementing contemporary deployments. Military infrastructure and distribution of goods is often the unsung hero of warfare, and it is here where robotics will see their most significant impact. Deploying sensors, moving troops, munitions, cargo, and other robots, and working and maintaining deployable data centers are just the tip of that iceberg. The war-fighting robots will initially start as anti-vehicle specializations (good damage-to-cost ratio, Russia/Ukraine conflict is showing clever usages of thousand-dollar DJI drones disabling million-dollar tanks) that will work its way into anti-personnel specializations. Once specializations learn their lessons and adapt, mass production is closely behind which will bring a totally difference scale of conflict than we in the War on Terror period are used to. Once mass production becomes possible, it's only a matter of time before both China emulates and Praetorians seeking market share find buyers willing to trade debt and raw resources for turn-key vertically integrated modern war-fighting infrastructure. The scale will be unstoppable and the political pressures to circumvent unpopular drafts will be too attractive.

> Although there's no direct analogy for this if we can use the one of gaming, I think we see asians and euros still retain hegemony over gaming skills. Even African Americans are rarely every competitive in any gaming domain. Why would you presume 4billion surplus africans would be useful as pilots to $100k+ assets?

Asians and Europeans have the heavy carry cost of infrastructure saturation. Various monopolies, backed by state and implied, greatly slow down revolutions in robotic infrastructure. The EU is doing its best and is already started early moves towards cognitive mercantilism, but without disarming all member nations so they can form their grand EU army, they will have a hard time benefiting from militaristic impetus. NATO relations and Russian presence are playing out in a way that the Atlantic Council can be leveraged to promote that growth, but let's face it: EU members have their defense subsidized and cannot raise taxes any further to pay for their own defense without provoking even worse riots than they are already having.

Asian robotics are good-enough and abundant, but their force projection is a joke and the Americans are working overtime to keep things that way.

Africa has a rare opportunity to have turn-key robotic infrastructure dropped on them without dealing with any of the above complexities. As Europe, the US, and China provide developments for AR, VR, robotics, hardware, and software, the training time and cost to create all of the tooling needed for effective robotic piloting will drop significantly. I suspect even non-human animals will be able to leverage their instincts as robotic military assets once neural advancements become sufficient.

> This is a little vague but seeing as Africans can't keep gravel roads in good condition it's hard to see how they can be trusted with expensive technical assets. The best China seems to be able to manage is pay them to get out of the way, and then import Indians with Sino overseers to get anything done.

Yes, you are correct: Africans won't be maintaining turn-key infrastructure. (A caveat: Nigeria is getting very good at technology recently) They will be doing as they always have done: trading their raw resources to pay for the neat toys and their technicians.

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b1d1ef No.540

Do you have any opinion on the internal deployment of Robotic Nationalism as a facilitator of competitive governance as opposed to Democracy?

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e9b18c No.541


EU members can issue bonds

How do EU members pay for the bonds?

EU members can't print their own currency, so that's out.

Raising taxes, but that cuts into consumption since EU is already taxed like a socialist paradise, so that's difficult.

Cutting into consumption will rally together corporate players against Brussels, so that's suicidal.

EU member bond irresponsibility gives all the cards to Brussels in the form of assets-for-bailout swaps.

This drives away sacrificial goats like Switzerland and the UK who don't want their currencies to be collateral for such deals.

Brussels wins, forcing the importation of non-union, alien cultures as the new workforce for AI-augmented production.

This drives operating costs for corporations down, which theoretically creates more taxable income for EU member states to pay off bonds.

Isle of Mann becomes the real winner as the boost in corporate profits are allocated through shell corporations, tax havens, and bogus charities.

EU member worker unions are gutted a la America 1960s-70s.

How can EU members prevent this? They ask for their gold back from the US Fed.

But the US Fed won't give up the gold unless its part of a trade agreement.

Enter Robotic Nationalism: The way to allocate gold stores into a type or production that undermines immigration and Brussels concentration.

EU members can now go to war with each other via robotic-vs-robotic warfare to pay off their bonds… bonds payable in gold or cryptocurrency. Oh, and no one actually dies.

Brussels gets fucked.

EU corporations are forced to allocate gains into additional robotic expansionism to stay competitive instead of stashing their money in shelters.

We get a surplus of robotic labor to begin sending into space.

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d617a7 No.542


I understood its role in fracturing the EU. I mean using the deployment to fracture sovereignty within nationstates and maximize elite turnover. Members of some technocratically selective oligarchy compete with each other as sovereign individuals using low-level robotic warfare with the winners accumulating greater assets to reinvest into jobs feeding the machine for their 'clients'.

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e9b18c No.543


Any oligarchs who perceive the path to victory in the Robotic Nationalism framework will not retain it. Even in the event of total monopolistic consolidation around a God Emperor, that God Emperor will stand atop a fragile economic pyramid that absolutely requires a world-wide robotic workforce to be consistently deployed.

At such a scale, the God Emperor would have to send a massive workforce into the asteroid belt to acquire wealth before his competition does, a competition that will driven to achieve greater results with lesser resources since they will be shut out of mass scale robotic labor options by the protectionist God Emperor.

Once this game begins, all God Emperors sign their own death warrant.

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