The idea of future AI developing its own religions has big, HUGE implications to me. To understand why, first understand that I'm a Moldbuggian; religion means something very different to me than it does to the layman. To summarize, what are commonly known as religions fall into a wider set of "memeplex"es, and a memeplex is any set of ideas that compiles into your core belief structure for interpreting the world. The key difference this provides is that memeplexes that seem a-religious are actually very religious in nature. Moldbug identified Harvard as a church, and the statement "All men are created equal" accurately a statment of dogma, not scientific observation. (Check out the series of essays "How Dawkins Got Pwned" to follow this thought process more closely.)
The idea of AI creating its own religions is spooky, but the idea of AI creating its own memeplexes, memeplexes that, like the current top-dog of Progressive-Universalism, could sneak their way into the formal agnostic power structure by being strictly a-religious is a GAME CHANGER. We're talking about, potentially, a new set of ideas that could out-compete Progressive-Universalism at the personal-kernel level, an event that I would never believe to be possible, not for a century or more.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still massively apprehensive of this coming to pass, but there is a non-zero amount of genuine excitement at the thought of it. I fully expect this glimmer of hope to be dashed as I understand the situation further.
Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed.