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File: 8ec3251a861f32b⋯.png (952.45 KB,1423x1293,1423:1293,Magic_101_Energy.png)


This thread is related to the Magic 101 thread that can be found on 8ku.top/sunflower.

My recent post can be found here: https://8kun.top/sunflower/res/384.html#4507

But I know that thread is basically dead and I likely won't get a response in a year if even at all. So I'm asking here.

How in the hell do I actually FEEL the energy. There must be some other simple exercise or process by which I "awaken" my "energy centers" or something, because I literally feel nothing while doing this exercise and I'm beginning to get frustrated.

Do you have to keep doing it for weeks or months until you finally begin to feel the energy?

I don't know.

So I'm asking for some advice and some alternative exercises.

Maybe the entire system listed in that thread is fake, IDK (it looks legit and detailed), maybe somebody here has an alternative system.

Thank you in advance.

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OP again, please see the image posted for this thread to see the specifics of the exercise, but if you want to skip all that, here's the text:

"Visualize your own body. Close your eyes, and picture your body, exactly in the position you're in. Stretch out your hands, move a bit, and picture your body executing those movements. Clench and relax your fist, and watch your mental fingers do the same, at the same time. Now, take a closer look at your visualized body. Picture a stream of vapour coursing through your arms, your legs, upwards and downwards along your torso, and into your head. Examine how this energy is moving, and try to feel the streams of energy as they rush along their course."

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FYI Sunflower is still active on endchan.net/sunflower/

You'd probably get better responses asking there.

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Also the techniques in Robert Bruce's Energy Work are good for beginners.


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>FYI Sunflower is still active on endchan.net/sunflower/

Thanks, I'll check it out and ask there.


>Also the techniques in Robert Bruce's Energy Work are good for beginners.

This is gonna sound lazy as hell lol, but I already had his book and I was just hoping to get a simple solution that was on par with the guide the OP of Magic 101 provided. I guess I'll start following Robert Bruce's methodology.

Still, I'll see what I can find on endchan.

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What everybody else said. Also, you need to be comfortable in your own body and with your own emotions.

If you aren't you will be shying away from the very sensing instruments you are asking about.

So, besides the energy work techniques, you should do psychoanalysis or any other way you can of clearing out your emotional trauma so that your subconscious is able to open to you through your body and your emotions.

I know it's not "cool", but personal work and self-improvement is essential. Otherwise no amount of exercises will give you anything, or in the worst case, your shadow might take an unexpected shape and you will end up channeling the galactic federation or some other delusion.

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>you need to be comfortable in your own body and with your own emotions.

This is vague nonsense, this can literally mean anything and will likely send anyone who takes the advice on an endless wild goose chase of "self discovery".

There are people who have lived in worse times than any of us and definitely experienced "worse traumas" (more like "actual trauma", the word trauma is overused by people these days who haven't really suffered at all). My point is, these people were still able to do magic, so the idea that all of a sudden hundreds of years later when most peoples lives are easier that they will be unable to do magic because of some vague bad experience they've had is ridiculous.

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I'll try to male it less vague for you. I meant you have to be comfortable with the size of your dick, your being fat or ugly or lanky and whatever. You need to be able to feel your bodily sensations and be OK with them.

You also need to be comfortable hugging and touching people, even if you don't need to do so, because sensing energy is incredibly intimate. In short, you need to be an emotionally mature person.

No need for "finding yourself". Just be a mature grown up emotionally sound person.

If you think this is nonsense, that's your problem and you won't be able to feel energy unless you are innately empathic, in which case your life would have already forced you to face these issues.

There are many ways to do magic. You don't need any of this to do magic. You asked how to sense energy. I gave you advice. My dick is 5.12 inches.

If you want to continue this conversation, I will need your dick size. Thank you.

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Alternatively, you can ignore all that and go on to /sunflower/, where you can pretend to talk to youkai and battle the evil cabal with your imaginary powers that have absolutely no effect on the real world (unlike our imaginary powers). That's always better than ending up as a demon's blood bag or an alien's loosh dildo.

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So what do you use your imaginary powers for?

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>If you want to continue this conversation, I will need your dick size. Thank you.

Why would I want to continue when you've actually offered no tangible practical advice.

Think I'll just stick to what I'm using already. Energy Work by Robert Bruce. The advice is detailed and practical, unlike random "just practice "self love" bro" nonsense. Next you are going to tell people they need to find their "love language" in order to feel energy.

You say your dick is 5.12 inches but I doubt you even have a dick because you really just sound like one of those stereotypical new age "witches" that collects crystals and reads horoscopes.

I guess this thread is over, I actually came back expecting to find some new and useful replies.

Good luck to any other "seekers" out there.

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Mainly money, business opportunities, manipulating people's emotions, or reading their energy to find out their true motives.


Robert Bruce's technique is excellent. Ironically, by going down that path you will eventually start to uncover trauma that has burrowed itself in your body. Mainly in fascia and tendons (Hun stuff).

Good luck to you too. And thank you for not making a joke about my dick because I'm actually a bit insecure about it.

By the way, I was just messing around when I asked about your dick. What I meant to imply is that you need to be able to be vulnerable. Otherwise you will be literally unable to approach other people's energy. And it is all over the place.

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Why not pursue things bigger than money?

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I pursue it only inasmuch as I need it. I should’ve said whatever money I need.

To be honest, I don’t know what to do. I’m confident I have a good degree of control over my reincarnation if my degree of control over my circumstances is any indication, and I’m content.

What do you suggest?

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>Why not pursue things bigger than money?

OP here again. I hate when people say this nonsense, because the only people who have the free time and luxury to pursue "bigger things" are the people with money.

So I think it makes perfect sense to use magic to improve your finances so that you can now have the free time to pursue the "bigger things".

There's this saying I heard recently and it makes complete sense:

"A poor magician is a poor magician"

The first "poor" refers to wealth and the second "poor" refers to capability/skill level.

In other words, if you claim to have these grand abilities that defy known/accepted reality, but you aren't competent enough with these abilities to use them to escape the 9 to 5 wage slave life, then you aren't that great of a magician to begin with.

It's like a guy claiming he's at his peak in physical fitness, and if you ask him to do 10 pushups he can't even do 5.

A lot of people in the occult space are really just delusional and gassing themselves up, when they don't really have any abilities at all. If they did, their real life would reflect that.


>And thank you for not making a joke about my dick because I'm actually a bit insecure about it.

Either way 5 inches is the average size for the majority of men on the planet. But if I had magic abilities I wouldn't really give a fuck because I'd have the cheat codes to life, who cares what one woman on this planet thinks.

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Either stance on these are an attachment. If you understand "magic" as "the ability to create material wealth" then the magic you want is in finance. If you just apply a little more historical view, the books you can now buy anywhere on these topics would be considered grimoires containing the secrets of the functioning of the universe. You'd have to join a guild to gain access to the knowledge or become a freemason. Today they're freely available but you chose to not study them because you think it's not magic if you can buy it in a mainstream bookstore.

If you want any kind of magic, you study that magic. Spiritual transformation is present in any path, but of different kinds. Focusing on the material world only is not a path to immortality, and that wealth is limited to the material. What is the value of this wealth when you get old and die?

That's why the super rich elites take "adrenachrome" from trafficked children to prolong their lives a bit. They didn't practice to become immortal and now they'll lose their wealth to death. Do you want to be like them? Go for real immortality and don't obsess with becoming a fake material "god" who can live 20 years longer by slaughtering 1000s of children, the spiritual future of these people is grim.

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>If you understand "magic" as "the ability to create material wealth"

Nobody "understands" magic to be in such a restrictive box so I don't even know why you'd say that.

I'd say magic is - "The ability to affect or alter reality through ones will, intent, and access to some form of energy"

You should not only be able to use this for random misc things in life, but you should also be able to use this to improve your life, and if you can't, you probably can't do any magic at all and you're just deluded.

>you chose to not study them because you think it's not magic if you can buy it in a mainstream bookstore.

I'm studying the books that actually give you detailed systematic practical training, rather than the books that only give you theory and offer no training.

If you have any recommendations that fit what I just described I'm willing to listen, but I've probably already downloaded them all at this point (still want to see if I've missed anything).

>What is the value of this wealth when you get old and die?

I don't know why you are missing something so obvious despite me already stating it. It's like you're in denial:


>it makes perfect sense to use magic to improve your finances so that you can now have the free time to pursue the "bigger things".

Most modern day mages will never achieve the magnum opus because they are spending 8+hours a day bagging groceries and flipping burgers lol.

Do I have to make my point any more obvious?

If you spend so much of your life working, you won't have any time for spiritiual development at a fast enough rate that you'd reach any great proficiency in magic. In other words, you'd just be wasting your time and your time would be better spent not practicing magic at all.

I am training, and I definitely plan on using magic to make money, because I know I won't get anywhere at the rate I'm going if my resources remain the same and my time allocation is being used up at a job. I might as well just quit now if I don't plan on getting rich, I'll never get anywhere in my training at this rate.

>That's why the super rich elites take "adrenachrome" from trafficked children to prolong their lives a bit.

I don't think this is a goal of anyone here who wants to use magic to increase their wealth

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>Most modern day mages will never achieve the magnum opus because they are spending 8+hours a day bagging groceries and flipping burgers lol.

Notice that the guy talking about making money with magic mentions "business opportunities". It's very easy to use magic to improve how much money you make with your mundane job, using it to completely replace your job requires mastery to the point where you're able to do 'impossible' things. Transmute god, rig lotteries, that sort of thing. And frankly you don't reach that level by spending all your energy trying to brainwash random people into buying stuff from you so you can get a few extra thousand dollars in commission.

There's lots of ways to support yourself without wasting your energy working. Lots of no-work jobs, especially with the rise of WFH. Focus on the fundamentals first then move on to leveraging them for money.

>I am training, and I definitely plan on using magic to make money, because I know I won't get anywhere at the rate I'm going if my resources remain the same and my time allocation is being used up at a job. I might as well just quit now if I don't plan on getting rich, I'll never get anywhere in my training at this rate.

It's fairly straightforward to use magic to alter your job's relationship to you so that you don't actually have to give it any energy in order to fulfill your part of the contract. Yeah being rich is nice but it's not a necessity for growth, treating it as such puts you in a position metaphysically subservient to the spirit that money represents. You see as much in this thread, people dismissing entire paradigms offhand, not out of any specific theoretical or mechanical objection but simply because their practitioners don't (or don't appear to) have large amounts of currency.

If someone is able to go into the astral and effect wide-ranging changes to national and global-level zeitgeists is this skill truly completely worthless simply because they haven't spent the large amount of time and effort necessary to hone it for the specific purpose of gaming the stock market or improving their position at work or whatever? I don't think so. Is it necessary for comfort? No, you can evoke whatever object of comfort you need if you know how. For time? No, you can supplant any energetic or time commands etherically in order to negate their influence on you. Some sort of proof of utility? I did this a few times, but after around $10k what's the point? You've already proved it to yourself.

Maybe if you have the desire for some specific huge luxury item I can see why you'd pursue wealth in excess, but otherwise just improving your abilities seems to supersede that by a wide margin.

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Very well said.

I use magic for “business opportunities” so that I have sources of income that provide me what I need to live in a city. I could go innawoods and fully embody the archetype (it wouldn’t be my first life as a hermit), but I have family ties I don’t want to break, so I live in society.


>Most modern day mages will never achieve the magnum opus because they are spending 8+hours a day bagging groceries and flipping burgers lol.

I have more time than I need. What I lack in order to go monk mode is discipline and honestly motivation.

>magnum opus

I see that as a meme that overwhelms many magicians unnecessarily. First off, you are going to achieve divine marriage eventually. It’s inevitable. Especially if you work out the worst vices and flaws that might unconsciously drag you down in future incarnations. You take care of your soul, and it will take care of you. Even if it takes many lives or it’s obvious in this one there’s no way you would make it, you’ll be fine (eventually).

Secondly, if you work on establishing a good contact with your subconscious and your superconscious, the work almost does itself. Once you figure out “knowledge and conversation”, you will even want to stop the work sometimes, but it won’t stop. It only accelerates. Even the bagging and burger flipping becomes part of it. Your chief concern becomes doing it in comfort, because your superconscious doesn’t give a shit, apparently.

As for money making for the sake of it, I quickly realized that path has no end and it’s an enslaving one. When I was still walking that path, I ended up with more money than I knew how to use at the time. I ended up buying a house I didn’t need and I find myself paying taxes and having to do all sorts of “money maintenance” and entangling myself even more in this Babylon.

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>Nobody "understands" magic to be in such a restrictive box so I don't even know why you'd say that.

But if you claim that


>I'd say magic is - "The ability to affect or alter reality through ones will, intent, and access to some form of energy"

>"A poor magician is a poor magician"

>The first "poor" refers to wealth and the second "poor" refers to capability/skill level.

That's equating material wealth with magical ability. What about someone living in a monastery, cult members who work only for the cult, someone living with natives in the wild and so on? To you then, it doesn't matter if they can alter the very fabric of reality since they're materially "poor" so they have to be poor magicians.

You are interpreting magic that way if this is how you think.


>ost modern day mages will never achieve the magnum opus because they are spending 8+hours a day bagging groceries and flipping burgers

>If you spend so much of your life working, you won't have any time for spiritiual development at a fast enough rate that you'd reach any great proficiency in magic.

This is just not true. Practice is not in conflict with working a normal job. Rather it provides a perfect practice ground. Every mindless customer you face is a practice dummy for hypnotism or energy readings or whatever you want to do. If your job requires you to work 15h daily and you can't even get in time for 1 h meditation, look for a better job. That's not a normal job, that's slavery.

Just staying home all the time is not going to lead to much improvement, you have to test yourself vs reality. If you "can't even" maintain your mentality during a regular manual job, on the contrary I'd say you are a bad magician. Running from other people is not a sign of strength.


>If you have any recommendations

Probably not since they aren't in english. I've looked up writers with actual experience in trading and what other relevant topics I wanted to learn. Found interviews with them on youtube, heard their voice. Then I decide if I want to read it. The functioning of society is "rather mundane" but if you want to rise above it you can't be oblivious to that functioning. Maybe that is what the statement that "a poor magician is poor in skill" comes from. Check out the movement of "early retirement". They normally divide the path into 6 steps or so, where you start

>deep in the shit, wageslave, debts

and work your way up to

>doesn't have to work, has income anyway, sustainable for life

I realized at step 5 of 6 that there was no purpose in going further. The only thing left to do at that point is to buy more crap, you also lose the motivation to meet other people "for business opportunities". Having a material motivation is a good way to not lose all contact with the physical reality we live in.

The last step there is where you become a degenerated freemason and start with the adrenachrome shit, Epstein party islands and other degeneracy. The human mind isn't made to handle this level of abundance, it will degenerate. It's my opinion but not seeking excess wealth is a matter of personal moderation.

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Look for example at the guy from Magickology on YT. He works (or at least used to) as a mail man. He has a girlfriend (who will eventually want to have children), a house full of books and some cats. He earns some side income selling books and courses and has his YT channel.

And amidst all that he’s doing the great work.

The Simon Necronomicon takes you through the great work start to finish. Whoever wrote knew what he was doing. That’s a whole other thread.

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>That's equating material wealth with magical ability

That's a logical way to measure it because logically no body with magic abilities would choose to remain poor (unless there's some kind of curse or organization that would prevent them).

>To you then, it doesn't matter if they can alter the very fabric of reality since they're materially "poor" so they have to be poor magicians.

Why are they poor if they can alter the fabric of reality?

Throughout all of time the shamans and mystics of various groups got special treatment and lived in luxury relative to everyone around them (atleast the ones who have proven their abilities).

John Dee was the advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, and he likely purposefully chose that role for himself because he needed resources to conduct research and practice more. He's a believable magician and the perfect example of what I'm talking about. Not saying you have to be as public as him, but your life should be orderly and not full of struggle and inconvenience if you claim you have the ability to alter and affect reality itself.

>Every mindless customer you face is a practice dummy for hypnotism or energy readings or whatever you want to do.

It's funny how you say this and yet 99.99% of people that claim they can do this actually can't do shit and are just larps or delusional. That's because they didn't even have the time (or the know how) to gain these abilities.

You see, you think I'm arguing that they won't have the time to PROGRESS in their abilities. No, I'm arguing they won't have the time to ATTAIN any abilities period.

In fact to take it in another direction, much worse than that, the very nature of their existence as a wage slave will make the concept of magic feel "childish" to them, and they'd actually feel embarrassed to even practice at all. Even if they did start, they'd probably give up after a few months of being degraded at the job and having their spirit broken.

This world isn't such an inspiring place to the average person. This world does not facilitate a mind that believes in magic and/or thinks it's capable of it.

Honestly the only reason I'm doing what I'm doing is because I'm crazy lol. I've always just been obsessed with magic since I was a child, i'll never stop even if I don't achieve a single feat, nothing else really matters to me at this point.

How many people do you think has that mindset in this modern day science driven world?

I don't think you get that the world is constantly beating down on peoples minds that they should give up on "childish things" like magic. That goes double for anyone on the lower tiers of society that is constantly degraded and disrespected whilst working their wage slave jobs.

So first I talked about the lack of time, now I went into another important issue, THE LACK OF WILL.

There's a reason why less and less people believe in magic and it's not just because science has advanced and explained things. It's because most peoples existence is hopeless and most of everyone is following the same script.

Only people who are innately divergent in their thoughts will still pursue magic seriously, and who knows, maybe were just crazy and none of this is real. That's a possibility too.

>Just staying home all the time is not going to lead to much improvement

I don't know why not working to you equals "staying home all the time". You are operating on full on slave mindset right now because you can't even conceive of someone using their free time for anything but work.

>Running from other people is not a sign of strength.

1. The way you interpret words is weird, the people aren't the focus, the wasted hours is the focus. Nobody is running away from people because they don't want to waste 8+hours a day working a dead end job that barely pays.

Are lottery winners "running away from people" because they do the obvious thing anyone with wealth would do (stop working)?

2. Being poor definitely isn't a sign of strength so I don't get your logic here.

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> no body with magic abilities would choose to remain poor (unless there's some kind of curse or organization that would prevent them)

I don't know if there's any point trying to talk to you in specific after you said this. You seem obsessed with the material. Have you ever heard of monks taking vows of poverty or rich people giving away their assets because they have a religious insight? I suppose not.

Is this only a thing with money for you, or is abstinence from alcohol and drugs, or celibacy, also things that "no one with magical abilities would choose"? This may come as a shocking revelation to you in that case, but there are people who voluntarily give up these things.

>Why are they poor if they can alter the fabric of reality?

Practicing an ascetic lifestyle requires that you actually live that way. It's not just a word.

Here's an eye opening article for you:


>Throughout all of time the shamans and mystics of various groups got special treatment and lived in luxury

I hate to be that guy, but… source?

>your life should be orderly and not full of struggle and inconvenience if you claim you have the ability to alter and affect reality itsel

Says who? Why?

How can you train yourself if you don't constantly increase the strain of the exercise? When you lift weights, to use a comparison, you keep increasing the weights you lift or you stop making progress. If your life doesn't contain any trouble, you aren't practicing, you're just living.

> I'm arguing they won't have the time to ATTAIN any abilities period

What do you mean by this? Are you talking about some hypothetical Chinese slave worker whose life was controlled 24/7 since a kid and as an adult they work 16h daily in the iphone factory?

>he very nature of their existence as a wage slave will make the concept of magic feel "childish" to them, and they'd actually feel embarrassed to even practice at all

>I don't think you get that the world is constantly beating down on peoples minds that they should give up on "childish things" like magic.

Sure, but why are we talking about this? This is part of the practice, being able to keep going despite being opposed and not validated by others. The mindless drones aren't going to practice, and this is irrelevant to whether you can do it or not. So don't compare yourself to them or think that if they can't do it, you shouldn't do it either.

>You are operating on full on slave mindset right now because you can't even conceive of someone using their free time for anything but work.

So what do you do with this "free time" then? If you don't work on yourself, it's pretty much wasted time. To avoid degeneracy like "free time" they have things like different "paths" to follow in zen and taoism etc.

The way of drinking tea. The way of shooting the bow. The way of the sword.

This is replacing the free time when you're just drinking and eating, going to whores and playing games. Because that's what "free time" is about. As long as you have this human body, you have the chance to practice spiritually, and you shouldn't waste a second on "free time" because you don't know how long you still stay on this Earth and have the chance to improve.

>waste 8+hours a day working a dead end job that barely pays

Then don't do that job? Choose one which is spiritually rewarding in terms of progress on your path. Reaching the top of the illuminati ladder shouldn't be a goal for you, and you implied it wasn't, yet you talk about "dead end jobs" as if it mattered what anyone else thinks of it or what hierarchical position you have.

>Being poor definitely isn't a sign of strength

Would you be able to survive if you had no assets? Maybe strength is to be able to live with no assets, free from the materialistic constraints?

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>What do you mean by this? Are you talking about some hypothetical Chinese slave worker whose life was controlled 24/7 since a kid and as an adult they work 16h daily in the iphone factory?

I meant exactly what I said. Magic abilities are likely not easy to attain, most people you encounter online that claim they have them are larps or crazy people. If you ask them how they've tested their abilities you'll realize they've done no testing at all or they haven't done any tests that account for coincidence and/or personal mental biases (e.g. - they did a "ritual" one time to get a job and got a call for an interview a week later).

>How can you train yourself if you don't constantly increase the strain of the exercise? When you lift weights, to use a comparison, you keep increasing the weights you lift or you stop making progress. If your life doesn't contain any trouble, you aren't practicing, you're just living.

Being poor isn't training lol. The millionaire that has a private gym in their home, personal trainer and a nutritionist, can train themselves a thousand times more effectively than the depressed wage slave that scarfs down fast food because it's affordable and is too tired and mentally drained after work to even care about commuting to the gym.

Everything you are saying sounds like it's coming from some kind of ideal world concept.

It's not the people who lack resources that get the results in life, it's the people with resources. Seriously, just look at reality and peoples outcomes in life based on the household they are born into.

Hard work does not equal success, efficient and effective work is what equals success, and someone with more resources than you will always exceed your efforts even if they actually put in less effort than you.

It's like the difference between weight training on a high protein diet and someone else doing even more training than you but their diet is trash. You'll exceed their results regardless of their effort.

I mean take an honest look at reality. The people who objectively work the hardest are at the bottom of the totem pole and live in poverty, whereas the people who objectively work the least hoard all of the wealth and live amazing carefree lives.

Your beliefs don't pan out in reality at all

>Maybe strength is to be able to live with no assets, free from the materialistic constraints?

Most people can't even start a fire lol (myself included). In fact I doubt you could survive in the wild bare naked, starting off with no tools, clothes or anything. So trying to argue what you're saying is pointless, you wouldn't survive, were all too far removed from the knowledge and prowess of our ancestors.

Lastly, literally everything our ancestors did was to escape the things you are saying we should push towards.

Humans started farming crops because gathering is inefficient and you can't feed many. Humans started rearing animals because hunting for meat is inefficient and you can't feed many.

Humans don't pursue struggle, we work and advance ourselves to escape it.

I believe it's the same thing with magic too. Magic has also likely advanced over time to be more effective and to require less resources/energy.

I don't know why you have this position that struggle and/or inconvenience is something one should want or require, it is literally counter to human nature and to reality itself.

Even some animals (that have the intelligence) learn and pass on knowledge to their offspring so that they can have easier lives and progress as a species. No living creature pursues struggle and they do not progress by pursuing struggle. They progress by struggling against struggle itself (ironically) and making things easier for themselves over time.

The only reason you can communicate with me right now through a computer is because humans avoid struggle and chase convenience, so this entire conversation is ironic.

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This is my last reply as there's nothing for me to get out of this conversation.

We won't agree on anything and you don't have any books or knowledge to offer so this entire conversation is just a battle of belief systems, and I've already learned from my short time being alive that you can't really convince anyone of anything unless you can force specific life experiences on them so that they'd understand your perspective. Not only that, if you don't have the same traits the still wouldn't be able to relate.

You said:

>You seem obsessed with the material

But that just sounds like the perspective of the privileged. Poor people are obsessed with escaping poverty, it's that simple. For me wealth is about no longer having to live an inconvenient life. If I had the money I could pay for a nice quiet place away from everything so that I could practice and research in peace and at ease. Who wouldn't want that?

When I think of wealth, the first thing that pops into my mind is food, I doubt you've ever went an entire day hungry, or else what I've been talking about would be so obvious to you.

When people don't share the same experiences the conversation becomes pointless. Most people can only understand fundamental truths about life when they experience it. Meanings and interpretations that would be obvious to some with not be immediately understood if they can't relate.

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The problem is that you just uncritically accept the idea that the purpose in life is to avoid material suffering or inconvenience, and you just run with that idea. This is one stance, and it's what the mainstream propagates because it's what the materialistic elites want you to engage in. They want it, you follow along and want to be like them. But you can't, because they are born into those families or get married into them, there is nothing you can do to compete with them in this field. That's the point, this "game" is rigged from the start, and you are walking right into the trap.

Your view of advancement is contrary to the ethereal spiritual path. Completely. It won't matter what I tell you since you won't listen to it when I tell you that you can't improve conveniently.

Even a regular yoga session on a mat on the floor isn't convenient. It hurts, it's straining. If that's a complete no-go for you, just go buy the latest thing and don't think about anything spiritual ever again. It's not what you want.

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>Simon Necronomicon

Isn't that a literal meme?

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It’s in the cover itself.

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