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Can anyone here levitate for real?

I want to do it

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Ask Falun Gong. They say they can.

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Don't. FG was a movement that had a peak around 1995, it barely exists anymore and isn't relevant. No one believes in it anymore. With the way it turned out after 2001-ish, don't contact them, nothing good will come from it.

If you want to know what it's about, check the materials on your own. The FG egregore got seriously fucked up after 2015, I wouldn't go near it.

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QRD on what happened to them?

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Personally I saw some bad energy on them already back in 2001, but took that to mean the individuals were beginners who hadn't cleansed themselves. Over the years it got worse, not better however. It started getting so bad that one FG "member" who was in a FB group could cause the entire egregore of that group to turn filthy. I still had no idea what the fuck was going on but decided to stay away from them.

At one point in 2015 I noticed the egregore of the exercises stopped working too, and their media outlets started spewing out bad energy, it was so bad I had to cleanse my computer after accidentally opening it once when someone linked it.

From what was later said by the deity Scarlet and the Queen Illivryn/Sepheranz, the founder Li Hongzhi was actually never practicing, he was possessed by Scarlet. Which means all the talk of false qi gong masters being possessed, was a hint at FG being the product of possession itself.

Nothing wrong with higher beings spreading their stuff like that.

BUT, in 2015 Li was no longer possessed by Scarlet and he developed a hunchback in a few months. His hair also turned grey. He panicked and attempted to restore his health by siphoning energy from the exercises, that's why they stopped working. By that time the entire movement was already rotten, so he couldn't maintain himself. Anything happening after that point can be seen from that context.

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(you are an insane person)

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Yes, I see things you can't comprehend.


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>still fedoraposting on /fringe/ in 2023

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>still chasing shadows in the astral realm in 2023

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Care to share a few non-astral magical workings that you've completed recently?

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No, not really. Unlike you guys, I don’t like involving others’ psyches needlessly in my workings. And my spirits don’t crave the attention for nourishment.

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Personally I prefer magic discussion forums where people are willing to openly discuss what they're working on and how they're doing it rather than just making vague allusions without any substance.

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