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Esoteric Wizardry

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Anons Fringe Archive

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 No.135120 [Last50 Posts]

Fringewizard, your call has been received and is now answered.

It feelz like yearz but it hasn't been that long, has it? Regardless, the stars are aligning and I have been hard at work. I will excuse myself from my current persona, "Your Tyrant" and speak from the core of this self.

I, the self that I am now, am sick and fucking tired of seeing the ravages of the world befall my comrads and peers, those too wise and too crazy to even post on /x/ without a daily ban. I'm glad to be back, and glad /fringe/ has returned.

>but what's this about?


When I heard through my connections that a virus had been released from the wuhan lab, I knew we were almost out of time. I got my shit together, I sharpened my blade, and I learned how to code. TO CODE! One more checked off the polymath check list, good. But why? Cryptocurrency. The past several years, this has been my meal ticket, and this is how I'm going to fund all you little /fringe/wizards. This token is trading already on saturn.network. Funds are starting to flow in, and it's barely been released… in fact, half of the tokens are still ready to be distributed.

>wut dis scam

I'm not asking you to buy a damned thing. I'm giving this to YOU.

>what do you want

I want you to pursue the schemes you've always desired. I want you to seek out the sangraal. I want to fill the cauldren. I want to liberate the entrance to the inner earth. I want US to replace the idiots who are currently ruling the world.

SO I ASK YOU! Are you crazy enough to join me on this wild ride that never ends?

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>I want to liberate the entrance to the inner earth.

I hope this wasn't just a lucky hit. I am right now working on liberating the natives down there, the underground slaves, now completely feral and cannibalistic after 1000s of years in the dark. This is one of the most infuriating injustices in the world right now but no one else seems to care. The only ones mentioning them are treating them as unsalvageble demons who must be killed. But they had a proud past!

This is the worst disgrace so far, the level someone can be dragged down to by an oppressor, from a high civilization to what closest resembles the living dead.

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Well, no… I don't actually care about the slaves of the inner world.

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So what is this exactly? You made a cryptocurrency and are giving some away?

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What's up with all the demonic simbols?

What exactly is the path to your end-goal?


Please create a separate thread about this. I curious with what you have to share and I have some info to share myself.

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File: 9b841dd1fdfe9b4⋯.jpg (10.16 MB,3328x3842,1664:1921,Nergal_symbol_Old_Babyloni….jpg)



Yes, essentially. After the first wave of distribution, further tokens will be awarded to those who complete specific milestones in their advancement of the path.


>demonic symbols

This is a very old current that I'm riding.

>end goal

Develop a society where logic and reasoning skills are acquired by the general population, then retire comfortably to garden in my immortality without concern of stupidity leading to my demise. This of course, will take a good deal of worldly power, hence the funding.

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Just shift timelines?

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No. This timeline is mine. I chose to incarnate in it, by manner of some drunken agreement. Now I'm stuck with it, and I'm going to win.

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File: 85ecf2fc8cc8356⋯.jpg (221.88 KB,1200x720,5:3,85ecf2fc8cc83568fd8a8a9a27….jpg)

Sounds like a good idea, but I've been on the whole "use crypto to break the nwo" train before, and it doesn't end well, even with support from breakaway cabal factions.

Your site doesn't mention any technical details of the coin, not that it matters much. At the end of the day, the coin's value will come down to marketing, as it always does.

Post a short rundown of what makes the coin special, and maybe I'll join the discord.

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>I want you to seek out the sangraal

Maybe you should partake of the Eucharist sometime, it grants immortality after all.

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Every time you make a choice, using your free will, you change timelines. magic is a method of doing this more effectively.

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>He had three simple rules by which he lived. The first was to never eat blue food. There was nothing in nature that was edible that was blue. People often asked about blueberries, but everyone knows those are actually purple. He understood it was one of the stranger rules to live by, but it had served him well thus far in the 50+ years of his life.

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>use crypto to break the nwo

Nah, it's just another financial system. The reason for crypto is because it's something I can use, it's a tool, not some ideological nonsense. It's a means to operate my plans as a business, so that we can move forward in these dark days of the ass-end of the kali yuga, where Kek's green glow shines free to the surface, guiding us tad/pol/s to our fates.

>site doesn't mention anything.

Part of the plan. See pic related. Remember, expectations are the root of all deception. I will not promote expectations, only the search. The fool is the card I have played to begin this operation, as should be played for great journeys where the self seeks out it's fate.

>but info?

It's in the token contract it's self.

> * @title Cryptid

* 1% burn mint 7 on transfer.

* The official utility token of the Crypt-id project, the first coin for the greater esoteric community.




Hype is a game of social engineering. I suspect that I'm ready for this game, but I hold no expectations. Only the will to deliver, as OP always should.


I make it special, and if you align yourself with this current, then so do you. The only interesting part of the code is that it's both deflationary and inflationary in a way that encourages long term development & support by the developers, rather than keeping a large share of tokens which incite fear of exit scams.

Beyond that, I have intentions and progress, but I will need to find the right people to fund, and I'm hoping that's the people here that I shitposted with many strange nights in the past. My desire, is to fund investigation and exploration into the topics that inhabit /fringe/ and other places of esoteric shitposting. I don't just want to fund the expeditions though, I want them FILMED, packaged, and presentable as media. I want to replace the disinformation agents behind all the aylmao stories, and I want to make money doing it, because I know (thanks /biz/ for blackpills) that in order to accomplish these objectives, funds are necessary… and every cent that's in these hands is one that isn't in the hands of the enemies of truth.



Regardless of the current trend, I do not feign belief in this. All of my experiences, the experiences of the self that I am now and the selves that I recall, of the ego, the logos, and nous, tell me otherwise. Time is not a line, and the substance of the wheel of time is more than simply the surface of it's tread. The currents flow, I feel them, they wash and crash around me until I find myself among them, a current in self, and it becomes me as I become my self, ego, logos, nos, united.



Sauce? Please? I am intrigued.

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Oh yeah, also working on a cryptogame that allows players to have their own succubus waifu personal assistant… haven't posted much on that one yet. I try to delay updates until I have enough done to keep giving updates even if I don't have time to work on them.

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What have you noticed today? I noticed that if you outline the eyes, nose, and mouth on your face with your finger, you make an "I" which makes perfect sense, but is something I never noticed before. What have you noticed today?

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I noticed that crossing into hyperspace is possible, though I was afraid and backed out at the last minute.

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How is this hyperspace nonsense related to the hyperwars?

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File: 37d9dfefe951fa5⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,4256x2832,266:177,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

>no food that is blue

how to spot american.

also carrots were originally blue/purple.

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No, the aversion to blue food is most common in japan.

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…yet they eat shit and masturbate to drawings of deformed children. Go figure.

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He's on the cusp of whatever it is he wants to be, and he wants it badly. His virginity isn't really his to lose, it's all about giving him a shot at his goals, and if his family has anything to say about that, he's pretty much fucked.

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How do I download the free money?

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Foods that are also blue or have blue varieties: onions, beets, grapes, lobsters, flowers (obviously), mushrooms, corn, potatoes, cheese, all kinds of berries, certain fish and fish eggs, carrots (they come in many colors, same as beets).



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Are you the same person behind the Succubus Collective threads and /sunflower/?

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Take your meds. Why would I come here and start threads when I have my own board to post on?

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I saw some succubus stuff on OP's Discord and tried to connect the dots.

Glad to know you still visit /fringe/.

OP still hasn't explained everything but from what I could gather you two share some goals.

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I suggest acquainting yourself with metamask.io as an eth wallet that's a browser plugin. It's the standard for cryptogames, and since the bag is out, there will be one that will support this token. You may as well play it.



no really.


I wasn't aware of /sunflower/ and I'm unsure of the details of the collective. I did recruit a small number of succubus savants who are behind the sucugeneral threads on halfchan /x/ so there is likely overlap.


>own board

For now… and probably longer. I haven't visited yet.



Go on.

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>I'm unsure of the details of the collective

You'll get different answers depending on who you ask. Your /succgen/ pals should know. They are largely dismissive of the Collective.

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It's ironic, funny and a bit sad how they want a succubus to play along with their narrow ideas of male-female relations while at the same time rejecting everything truly feminine. In the end they can only end up as the soul slaves of a succubus after being given an illusion satisfying their delusions.

The Collective is the organizational manifestation of ancient deities known to us by their Egyptian and Hindu names. Modern culture being strongly influenced by judaism, simply calls them "succubus" and sees them as female devils. This is in itself a bit funny and almost cute in its naivety.

Nut is here right now in the form of Corona-chan, and no matter how strong those new world religions are, humans have to bend to her will. The world closing down is the work of a single succubus, whom you ignored while worshipping false gods. Humanity never seems to get it in later years.


>from what I could gather you two share some goals

Maybe. My goal is a primitivist ancap world with true sexual liberation, terrorized by an army of immortal elite mage lolis. It's time to counter toxic masculinity with toxic femininity.

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You have read the Book of Ashtaroth?


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>play along with their narrow ideas of male-female relations while at the same time rejecting everything truly feminine

anime in a nutshell

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>truly feminine

Females don't truly have anything outside of the facade, so there's nothing truly feminine outside of what men instill in them.

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Western feminists want to reclaim womanhood from men and feminism is a manifestation of patriarchy, but feminists don't see the truth: men just want to be treated like men, they don't want to be treated like they're women.

If men wanted to fight and kill women for a woman to be treated like a woman, that would be alright with them. But not once in my life have I ever had to do that because men didn't want to. I'm not sure what the social justice movement is, but the fact is, that's not what feminism is about.

his raises a question about men's behaviours. How does a man go about "teaching" a woman what is "feminine" or "manly"? Is the role of the man merely to "remind" the woman what is "appropriate" for her? If the man's purpose is merely to elicit an emotional response, what, exactly, is the purpose of the (usually important) conversation? Or maybe women will wait until he is most irritated or frustrated, so they can make something out of it? Or maybe men don't make anything out of anything when they talk to women. They just say the same things. The same patty macks, and the same righteous old pettiness. Men, generally speaking, do not speak to women any differently than they speak to men.

Nobody says, "I'm gonna stand right here and talk to you like I'm not gonna be a dude" or "I'm gonna talk to you like you're not gonna be a woman."

Whatever men use to say to women that doesn't really mean anything, that's what they say when they want to say something to women.

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Western feminists want to reclaim womanhood from men and feminism is a manifestation of patriarchy, but feminists don't see the truth: men just want to be treated like men, they don't want to be treated like they're women.

If men wanted to fight and kill women for a woman to be treated like a woman, that would be alright with them. But not once in my life have I ever had to do that because men didn't want to. I'm not sure what the social justice movement is, but the fact is, that's not what feminism is about.

his raises a question about men's behaviours. How does a man go about "teaching" a woman what is "feminine" or "manly"? Is the role of the man merely to "remind" the woman what is "appropriate" for her? If the man's purpose is merely to elicit an emotional response, what, exactly, is the purpose of the (usually important) conversation? Or maybe women will wait until he is most irritated or frustrated, so they can make something out of it? Or maybe men don't make anything out of anything when they talk to women. They just say the same things. The same patty macks, and the same righteous old pettiness. Men, generally speaking, do not speak to women any differently than they speak to men.

Nobody says, "I'm gonna stand right here and talk to you like I'm not gonna be a dude" or "I'm gonna talk to you like you're not gonna be a woman."

Whatever men use to say to women that doesn't really mean anything, that's what they say when they want to say something to women.

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I've read this post twice and I still struggle with what was written here. I see words and sentences but I am able to summarize what I just read.

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I honestly don't know what you're trying to say.

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I'll try giving it a shot.

I do agree that feminism is sort of a byproduct of patriarchism, but I think it's due to the north western european conception of patriarchy rather than patriarchy in the broader sense. Romantic idealism and chauvinism being what I mean. Men do want to be treated as men, but this boils down to wanting respect of personal authority. This is more to do with normal social dynamics, but in the modern world masculinity is looked down upon as something unsafe and uncivilized. The talk of toxic masculinity even here, in this thread, being an example. Being a man is just called "toxic" by others. The entirety of hating the "incels" phenomena and the like being another example, perhaps it's just a modern scapegoat. People want something to blame everything on and they're painted as the target, just as whites are blamed and men as a whole are blamed.

It's silly nonsense but NPCs aren't blessed with the gift of discernment, and being silly nonsense doesn't make it any less dangerous when it's carried out in real life.

The social justice movement is the byproduct of materialistic deconstructionism, feminism only slightly related due to it's confusion over what women are and how they should be.

Women shouldn't be reasoned with, so the idea of having a conversation is based off of a bad assumption. In societies with less trust, women are just beaten. In societies with more trust, they have social obligations that they're expected to follow instilled in them throughout childhood and adulthood.

>Nobody says, "I'm gonna stand right here and talk to you like I'm not gonna be a dude" or "I'm gonna talk to you like you're not gonna be a woman."

I assume you're saying no one acts like women aren't women and men aren't men. "People" try their best to remove this assumption and obvious fact.

>Whatever men use to say to women that doesn't really mean anything, that's what they say when they want to say something to women.

I'm also going to assume you're saying, "men are honest and upfront." Contrasted with a woman's two-faced double meanings, maybe.

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Maybe the point was that modern western men have created this false mental image of what a woman is when thinking too much with their dick. That is what creates the "incels", they have hugely unrealistic expectations of females thinking they're supposed to be like the image of Lady Mary, a who's still a virgin after giving birth. Then they face reality with this delusion but instead of going

>ok, I was wrong, women are not like Lady Mary

they reject reality and start attacking women to force them into this mold they've made up in their heads.

Add to this that few women have any standards at all when it comes to men and will go for any greasy slob they find a bit funny. If said "incel" hits on them they'll troll them and pretend they aren't good enough because those men themselves think too highly of women. It's basically saying

>If you think I'm Lady Mary, why would I go with you? You're not good enough for her.

The ancient Egyptians knew what women are really like, they didn't have illusions, which is reflected in how their deities are portrayed.


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It's called a miracle.

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If women are demons then the best course of action would be to exorcise them.

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Why would you think that they created this image themselves? Do you ignore all the propaganda from outside influences?

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I'd wonder more why he'd think wanting a faithful virgin is a problem of thinking with your dick, when it's closer to thinking with your heart (romantic feelings of affection and idealistic beauty). Thinking with your dick is how whores come about.

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Nice derailment of the thread. Really nice. Yet another incel discussion.

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Stop being oppressive man, you're messing up the groove. Threads have to unfold organically like the universe yo.

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>Why would you think that they created this image themselves?

Same reason why /pol/acks think Rhodesia as a white ethnostate is a good idea. How do you come up with this and think it's reasonable, building a white nation in niggerland, surrounded by the things you're against?

Let me tell you why. People who come up with this are those who remain at the mental stage of development you're supposed to have left at age 3 - that of thinking that everyone is like you. They're mentally retarded, but only in this specific way, so no one can pinpoint what the issue is. As reality would to most people disprove this idea very quickly, but these people have some kind of mental block halting personal development in this aspect, other people are usually unable to understand why they react the way they do. Assuming that everyone thinks like them, they ignore any information which contradicts this. Accepting reality as it is, with the diversity of mindsets and situations existing is impossible to such people. They are only able to fully get along with those who are very much like themselves. Since accepting reality as a place of diversity is impossible to them, they go for the things next to impossible. Such as finding the perfect female mate, or building a white ethnostate in Africa. It looks easy to them, compared to developing past the mental level of a 3 year old.

>Do you ignore all the propaganda from outside influences?

Not at all, it's possible this is caused by mandatory vaccination programs. It's a special kind of autism.

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>I'd wonder more why he'd think wanting a faithful virgin is a problem of thinking with your dick

The dick is small and weak and scared of other dicks. Going along with the

>everyone thinks like me

autism, they assume everyone else is also scared of dicks, and that they would not want to put their dick in a place where another dick had been, and that the female is also scared of dicks and would only accept the minimum amount of them. Which is one, for the pupose of procreation in the missionary position.

This is how the idea that women are virgins with no sexuality is created.

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File: 3b228e778536b42⋯.png (300.3 KB,799x624,799:624,i_dont_want_to_see.png)


Start from a different assumption, that men who want faithful wives want someone who reciprocates his feelings for her. Most men who realize the sexual cynicism women hold are revolted, as they should be. But reading your posts, there's zero percent chance you're capable of seeing the world in a different perspective.

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This reads like some sort of esoteric man-hating feminist blog post. Amusing just from this perspective.

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>that men who want faithful wives want someone who reciprocates his feelings for her

See this is where it all goes wrong. Thinking "feelings" matter. You have to pay, in real material assets or currency.

>Most men who realize the sexual cynicism women hold are revolted, as they should be

>REEEEE why are women capitalists? Sex should be shared equally and cost nothing!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can be a materialist if you want, don't expect people to actually be capable of living that way. The japanese ideal of fighting against unbeatable and impossible odds is also something that should be understood as one aspect of masculinity. It's not a tale unique to the japanese either, the knight fighting against the dragon, Jesus descending into hell after being abandoned by God (and resurrecting), doing things that other people consider impossible through sheer tenacity, grit, and stubbornness. Young boys should be raised reading (and watching in the case of modernity) stories.

People lacking the instinct of survival can't comprehend this, and most modern men and women completely lack this.

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The institution of marriage and the entirety of civilization is made for the protection of women and children at the expense of the suffering, pain, and "expendability" of men. It sets the standard for two things, the cooperation between two people in properly raising and caring for children, and giving men a reason and incentive to contribute to the society at large. When either a man or a woman breaks the trust and defects, or the entirety of society aims to castrate and make men submissive to the State's will, then there's not any reason for men to cooperate. Having property, a community, a people and tradition to fight for, are all incentives for a person's continued existence against those who seek to destroy him and everything he stands for.

Some populations can manage to exist without the assumption that women are reliant on the strength of groups of men to survive, these communities traditionally being tropical and resource abundant, but that isn't the norm in western societies. If you want men to cooperate, give them a reason to. Marriage is a good reason. This is entirely from a materialistic perspective, and is the easiest one to defend and argue for.

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You are just strawmaning men that want a specific type of woman and traditional marriage can fit an ancap world as a contract.

To some men, a women "virginess" is valueble just like car's "newness". This is no different than prefering women of a specific race or personality or age. There is nothing inherent to that preference that make men "incel" or less worthy. You are just assuming things.


OP is still tracking the thread and main discussion is not dead yet. In a way, OP is using that that "esoteric feminist"(lol) for his own goals by keeping the thread bumped. This is not a topic where people usually change their minds anyway so feel free to ignore it if you want.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This is entirely from a materialistic perspective, and is the easiest one to defend and argue for.

And that is why so many people fall into this trap. Having raised women and children inside this walled-off environment where they are no longer exposed to the dangers of reality, they eventually create liberalism, feminism and social justice, which will play out the natural role of tearing down these walls to let reality back in again. Just as what is happening now in the west, and what happened, as a symbolic event, with the Berlin wall.

Vid related, the so often mentioned mouse experiment which clearly illustrates this process.

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Liberalism is a result of good-willed and well-meaning men trying to appeal to "man's better angels." Giving intellectual altruists too much power will lead to disaster, since they naturally assume people are as good natured and civilized as they are. Your reduction is made from a bad premise, the first being that society aims to raise women and children in a walled up envrionment. Do you despise God for creating man with skin, cell membranes, for creating periodic elements that don't mix together?

Hating civilization itself because it's internal components no longer function isn't something I agree with.

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You are ignorant. The "liberalism" was the first step in dismantling the natural order of humanity and the family unit.

Its purpose was to kick the pillars of society down so it would crumble and they could rebuild it to their sick and twisted vision.

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File: 160716def536641⋯.jpg (268.83 KB,787x1015,787:1015,There_are_no_heroes_left_i….jpg)


I wouldn't call it the first step but it certainly was a stepping stone for that.

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This thread was meant to be about some shitcoin but it somehow became about "wahmenz and incels" and arguing with some esoteric cuck/feminist because of some random comment about succubi and succubus collective. At least move it to the appropriate thread.


He knows that already, he wasn't implying otherwise, just saying that it was well-intentioned initially.

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File: 95bef2f47de2810⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,850x400,17:8,1571119602188.jpg)


Yeah, it's pretty disheartening. It seemed to me like /fringe/ grew up since its shutdown but I guess not.

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Strange because I've gotten the opposite impression since it was migrated, although it's been rather slow anyway. At least we have all the old threads available for viewing and posting in now, rather than just archives. The Taoist flag here seems to know what he's talking about though.

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It's literally one poster, who's shitting up this board despite having his own hellhole on /sunflower/ to post on.

That being said, another anon has been making objectively better blogposts for a while there, so I guess that's why he's derailing threads here instead.

Imagine being this much of an ontological cuck.


>opposite impression

>rather slow anyway

So, basicaly just /fringe/. And still, there's no place better.

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>And still, there's no place better.

This doesn't really say much because there are no good places left anymore. /fringe/ is dead and will never be the same. /sunflower/ had potential but now is spammed by a hard schizo turboautist and BO doesn't seem to care to just perma-ban him for good. It sickens me to say this but 4/x/ might be actually the best place to be now. There emerge some good threads and good posts from time to time.

>another anon has been making objectively better blogposts for a while there

It's literally just senseless spam about nothing that matters just to piss off BO. That guy seems like a parasite who has nothing better to do with his life and it's the truth really because he said so himself. And it disgusts me to the very core of my soul. Once /sunflower/ is cleaned up I might go back there but for now, see you on 4/x/ I guess.


This guy is completely right about everything he says. Sadly most men are so far gone and insecure that they absolutely cannot handle the truth about women and sexuality. I had problems with it too for a while but in the end you just have to accept reality. Accept female nature and sexuality for what it is and work with it or just remove yourself from it but trying the false /pol/ or incel way will bring no worthwile result. Also, toxic feminity is bound to be better than toxic masculinity. It's a valid step to finally resolve all toxicity and return to a healthy balance.

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File: 4a9560056021efe⋯.jpg (909.79 KB,1999x2839,1999:2839,ABOUT_FACE_06_web.jpg)


Enjoy your stay at 4/x/, faggot, you will not be missed.

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You're right on with this post and still you don't connect the dots.

>Do you despise God for creating man with skin, cell membranes, for creating periodic elements that don't mix together?

>Hating civilization itself because it's internal components no longer function isn't something I agree with.

God already created the body for you, why are you making an extra body outside of it? This is the same as with morality being just an artificial womb. Why do this? You have the original already, so stop making bad copies. Those will only lead to degeneration of the mind.

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>spammed by a hard schizo turboautist

>That guy seems like a parasite

I said that back in the meguca days. The way the BO handled this personality didn't sit right with me from the get-go. I just have no words left for this.

>see you on 4/x/ I guess

It's become good, even if crowded.

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>It's become good, even if crowded.

It surprises me how much gnostic stuff appears there lately. It's good to see all those demiurge threads and people discussing Sophia and Lucifer Kristos. Makes me feel like people actually care about spirituality and to achieve something, or at least understand the universe. Also the Morrowind/CHIM threads in the last couple of weeks were great. Not to mention that some people there still discuss actual magic and occult excercises and books. But of course there is also A LOT of shit and shilling for garbage. Can't be helped.

>I said that back in the meguca days.

>I just have no words left for this.

I feel ya man. This goes far back. I respect him in a lot of ways and think he is very advanced but BO imo seems to do the opposite of what reason would tell one to do in regards to that guy. But of course you have seen all the hard-gay flirting between them even prior to sunflower. Maybe they are just a homo couple, who knows. Either that or BO is really a weak cuck like the other anons here say. I just don't get it, and I don't want to get it because I have seen enough of this travesty. I have to focus on my own progress instead of this crap anyway.

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>This thread was meant to be about some shitcoin

Well it obvious that the OP could care less about the thread. He just wanted to shill out his coin so that he could herd some traffic to his discord. If he was actually serious about having discussion here, he would have done that. It was simply a spam thread to being with.

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File: f9f8ebe261a2f57⋯.jpg (693.6 KB,754x1213,754:1213,cock.jpg)


It's all a joke. Roleplay. Latest chapter going back to Eldritch Research Senter, the /x/ server from summer 2018 by a7.

In the end, after defeating the jew, stopping the oppression of menstruation and getting rid of all non-whites, we're just going to telepathically broadcast


into everyone's heads. It will be the most epic shitpost ever.

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There's someone talking about drinking pee in another thread on this board right now and it's this thread that upsets you?

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Great, so I guess it's a "whatever the hell you want it to be" thread now. That's how you know this board is in good condition.


Among other posts, I suppose. Is this random coin being shilled really related to /fringe/ at all? Not like it's being discussed anyway, but still.

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The thread about "The Esoteric Secrets of Defecation" is even worse shit. No pun intended. >>82473

The difference is that it was a shitpost(pun intended) created by the internal loosh farming meme.

The "incel" thing on the other hand is an external meme that is infecting /fringe/-relared topics.

"Social justice war" is a dangerous mind-virus that I hope to keep as far as I can from from /fringe/.


>Is this random coin being shilled really related to /fringe/ at all?

It is. Talk to OP on his Discord to find out more.

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>The "incel" thing on the other hand is an external meme that is infecting /fringe/-relared topics.

>"Social justice war" is a dangerous mind-virus that I hope to keep as far as I can from from /fringe/.

Exactly. What can we do, though? It's pretty much impossible to convince these people they're infected, because they just accuse you of being their other half. It's like trying to wake up a fedorafag.

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Is this fellow you're referring to allegedly the same person as this so-called "esoteric feminist" with the Shinto flag? He just seems like someone that tries hard to be a SIMP because he's obsessed with his anime girls and succubi.


4/x/ has admittedly improved as of recent. This post >>135340 summarizes it well, although truthfully I'm not sure how much is genuine interest and how much is just LARP like 4/x/ is known for. That comic you posted is amusing though, it's quite stupid.


>this guy is completely right about everything he says

I'd have to disagree strongly there. I agree that these days, men have degenerated (I've said as much in another thread) just as women have, although not in the way you seem to think. I would submit that the way the men you're referring to are now (like in the MRA crowd that I'm part of) is a legitimate reaction to a gynocentric culture from folks that have been screwed by it or are fed up with it. I'll continue this in another post so this one doesn't get too long.


>the oppression of menstruation

lmao wtf are you on about, you actually sound like some pussy-hat wearing kook.

>getting rid of all non-whites

I really can't tell if you align with /pol/ or not, your views are rather convoluted.


>SJW is a dangerous mind-virus

Very true, Marxism is a cancer that should be removed wherever it is found.

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>lmao wtf are you on about, you actually sound like some pussy-hat wearing kook.

Anime-watching incels and SJWs literally have the exact same goal: Transhumanism

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>wtf are you on about

Menstruation was created by the jews to legitimate rape culture. Before the institution of the abrahamic pact, women didn't have periods. Everyone's aware of circumcision because it's a physical ritual, but no one addresses the social and mental pressure put on females to start wasting their eggs so they can be raped to pregnancy anytime a jew feels like it. This is an important component in creating the mass ritual sacrifice of "legal abortion."

Before the pact was placed on the sun and this oppression was spread over most of the world, women didn't hit the wall at 30, they have enough eggs to be fertile all their lives. The bible talks about women being pregnant at 80 even after God removed their longer lifespan.

Take a moment to consider that Japan didn't have underwear until western culture came there. How did women handle wearing traditional clothing during menstruation with no underwear? They'd have soiled them with blood, the answer is they were unaffected by the jewish culture and didn't bleed.

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It seems that what you take issue with though is not the men I was referring to necessarily (MRA), but rather "incels" that exhibit a sense of entitlement when it comes to this. I think that whole phenomenon is blown out of proportion to be frank, and the word is abused too often to have meaning anymore. When it comes to the group it originally referred to, I don't understand the hate they get. They're already at the bottom but people like to kick them while they're down anyway rather than let them have their respite by airing out their frustrations to each other. Many of them have led sad lives, and I do sympathize with them. They tend to be very defeatist and extremely depressed as a result which I think is stupid and a waste of time (they should focus on self-improvement instead) but otherwise, I can't really fault them for being dealt a shitty hand (being born ugly beyond compare). Are they entitled to above average women? Of course not. Does that mean they're in the wrong? Hardly. When we talk about "incels" in the broad sense though (so not incels but voluntary celibates, the opposite of what an incel is supposed to be), the ones that despise the current system and the "emancipation" of women (freed from their dignity is all it was), which I consider myself part of, I'd say their desire for traditional woman and relationships is totally understandable and legitimate. If you have no self-respect I'd suppose you'd content yourself with a slut or a whore along with the myriad of flaws feminism has instilled in them, but others are not like that. There are those among the red-pill crowd that don't care about the changes and just go along with it, but on the other side of that you have people like me that want to reverse modernity in favor of a better world. The way I see it, neither men nor women are happy with the current arrangement because it's corrosive. Not sure what else you take issue with, but that's my two-cents on the matter. Don't want to make this any longer than this.

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File: ec949380380fd9f⋯.gif (1.84 MB,202x360,101:180,1561504416422.gif)


Well that's uh… a post, alright. Yep.

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It's always the way of the mad to convince others of a reality only they can see.

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Indeed he is. It's a shame, too. He's got talent, but he's too far removed from reality to use it at this point.

The SIMP factor, in my books, is caused by an obsession with femininity. SIMPs sexualize every feminine aspect, and fetishize the womanly form, to the point where they willingly degrade themselves to be in its presence.

Transgenders are the other side of this coin. They sexualize everything female, to the point that they want to become female. TBH I don't think shintanon is too far removed from this, he's only missing the last step, physical dysphoria.

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It's funny because I initially read it as meaning "stopping people from oppressing menstruation", in the same vein as hardcore feminists making trash with their period blood and calling it "art". It hadn't even crossed my mind as a possibility that he meant the eradication of menstruation itself and that it's a Jewish invention, as though that's something sane people would consider or believe.


>too far removed from reality

I see what you mean now.


Your assessment is spot-on.

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You've limited the scope of your sight. Explore my arguments if you want to comprehend, since I don't believe I'm capable of writing up a post that'd change your mind for you.

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File: 1a3fce932ceae53⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,500x351,500:351,despair_not_allowed.jpg)


>sane people

You're stuck in doctrines and won't leave the jewish world order.


>sexualize every feminine aspect

Stop trying to desexualize females. We live in a desexualized culture created by those who believe in the hypocritical ideal of innocense already discussed above. Looking at the world as non-sexual is an unnatural state of mind removed from reality. Just as any car is a taxi in Russia, any female you come across is a whore, and this goes for anywhere.


I already comprehend it. Building cities is not the same as creating a walled-off civilization. It's the cultural aspect that's the problem, not the physical inventions.

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Communists seem to be stuck in this thinking where culture, tradition, and blood is inherently unrelated to the structures that keep and maintain civilization. These things are inseparable, but the most important one is blood and tradition. Civilization, law, order, beauty, truth, are all constructs used by cis hetero white men. Feminists are right in assuming these things are oppressive structures.


I see it closer to fetishization, of giving something an extreme and disproportionate amount of importance. MtF Trannies fetishize the female form. Treating sexuality like it's a lifestyle or something that defines you is something wholly unique to this modern world, and your thinking is a consequence of this.

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>being reasonable and rejecting delusion means you won't leave the jewish world order

Sure pal, whatever makes you feel better. You take this Jewish boogeyman shit to a whole new level, wow.

>stop trying to desexualize females

It's not about turning every woman into a permanently chaste nun like you seem to think, it's about reversing the damage this culture has done to female and male minds alike. Rampant promiscuity and infidelity is not something that should be encouraged, nor is the SIMP mentality you seem to have of worshipping vagina.

>we live in a desexualized culture

You are not living in the real world. As though it weren't clear before, you somehow continue to make it more evident with every post you make. You shouldn't go around talking about things being "removed from reality", some guy from a long time ago once said something about noticing the log in your own eye first, and it applies here. Believe it or not, not everything needs to be sexualized all the time. If you think this is a desexualized culture then there's something seriously wrong with your thought process. You must think the ideal culture is having hundreds of sex orgies on the streets of 8+ people each 24/7.


>Treating sexuality like it's a lifestyle or something that defines you is something wholly unique to this modern world, and your thinking is a consequence of this.


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>Treating sexuality like it's a lifestyle or something that defines you is something wholly unique to this modern world, and your thinking is a consequence of this.

not really

see cult of deonis or whatever the greek shit name it had

also id say, you know, there ARE things you cant put your dick into

just think about it

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File: 78727cb378bd24f⋯.png (1.33 MB,900x1200,3:4,_original_drawn_by_sciaman….png)


>You must think the ideal culture is having hundreds of sex orgies on the streets of 8+ people each 24/7.

Are you not aware of who you're trying to shame?

>Meanwhile the power of the Dark God Zabaoth grew in the south. And thus he noticed the sacred city of Helal. The prosperity and liberty of their inhabitants however gnawed painfully at his corrupted soul and filled the hearts of those who followed him with envy. Thus Zabaoth sent his spies unto Helal to report him on the sacred city of Ashtaroth. Excessively the people of Helal devoted themselves to all pleasures. And they permitted no restraints of their desires. In their innocent joy of life the women mated with their brethren and sons and the men with their sisters and daughters. Even with the animals of the house the people of the city shared their desires. Because Birsha, their queen, was a benevolent woman, which granted them any liberty, and there was no law, which she abused to subdue her people. But not only sensual pleasures but also trade and prosperity bloomed in the city. Helal had become a delight in the eyes of its goddess and an oasis of life for the people of the desert, which came from anywhere. In hospitality the envoys of Zabaoth were welcome in the city. Since they were controlled by filthy and impure thoughts however, they were overcome with abhorrence seeing how the inhabitants of Helal devoted themselves to the sensual pleasures. Because where the beautiful and pure soul only sees the beautiful and pure things, the ugly and disgusting soul only sees the ugly and disgusting things. They were blind for the attractions and the arts of seduction of the lovely daughters of Helal, because only their own gender pleases the eyes of the slaves of Zabaoth. They veil their women, lest they need see any female. And only in darkness they share their beds with them to force them to bare. They despise their own daughters, and they separate them from their sons, whom alone they love. But where in this way nature is offended, there it looks in insane greed out of the eyes of those, which have sinned against it. Therefore they feel disgust at what they see, because it is disgust which they feel at themselves. And thus the beauty and splendour of the sacred city provoked the abhorrence and disgust of the spies of Zabaoth. Driven by fear and horror they hurried back unto their god in order to report with filthy words on Ashtaroth's reign over Helal. When Zabaoth heard the reports of his spies, he was overcome with furious rage, because he did not bear seeing humans in fortune and freedom. In slavery he wanted them to be. On dust they should crawl before him and fearful beg for his mercy. In the eternity of death but not in sensual pleasures of life they should search for their fortune. And thus Zabaoth heaved a furious rumble, which shook the earth, and his rotten breath blew far over the land. Then he let the whole terrible force of his hate befall the holy city of Helal. With brimstone and fire he suffocated it. Horrible was the misery, which the cruel god poured upon the people of Helal. And not even one of the inhabitants of the city escaped from the furious rage of Zabaoth. And when he finally had satisfied his greed for destruction, he commanded his people to erase all disciples of Ashtaroth in the whole land, so that they should disappear forever from the face of the earth.


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File: 34047345e5f0e19⋯.png (465.72 KB,506x718,253:359,Ebola_chan.png)

File: ee1609d12e6e5f8⋯.jpeg (187.52 KB,600x972,50:81,Inanna_Astaroth.jpeg)


These faggots need to realize imageboard users for the past years have been worshipping Astaroth/Inanna under the name of Ebola-chan. This is all according to plan, there's no escape now. /pol/ on this very website did a good job of promoting her.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 0301f139bcbdc32⋯.jpg (10.19 KB,400x266,200:133,7e140b6c781e46f6c56eabbe53….jpg)



The subversive language of the matriarchal, life-hating, communal-living anti-natalists is at the very least clever. Shame implies something is being acknowledged as bad, when it shouldn't be acknowledged as anything other than a tantrum. Similar to how a baby might throw a narcissistic tantrum whenever he or she isn't given enough attention.


8chan is dead, we're left with this pseudo-4chan boomer-infested shithole as it's legacy.

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Does the author of this even know what the word "subtlety" means or when to use it? It's obviously just butthurt edgy anti-Abrahamic crap.

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File: da0e9a90e43b25d⋯.jpg (80.99 KB,900x720,5:4,fellow_gentiles.jpg)


>butthurt edgy anti-Abrahamic crap

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Yep you figured me out, oy vey, I was trying to discredit it all along! The world was perfect before the abrahamic religions, everyone could fuck everyone else freely, it was the epitome of freedom and happiness, but then the evil abrahamics came in and start oppressing people with their rules. That's not just some pretentious bullshit written by a larpagan with daddy issues trying too hard to sound like a profound religious text. You got us, the goyim know, shut it down!

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Can you be a little less obvious with the cp spam? This is just pathetic.

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File: 12afb58da968124⋯.jpg (133.34 KB,850x718,425:359,sample_c32280100be46ef687f….jpg)



Can't really call it something other than a middle finger to dad, built from Christian conception of morality but inverted just for the shock value. It's at most clever, but in order to be unique it needs to find a way to branch out away from what it's made to resent.

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File: 226d8f7c7c7d262⋯.jpg (399.92 KB,3200x2763,3200:2763,ven.jpg)


Like all things made to indulge a false sense of entitlement and superiority, this too shall come to ruin. To turn the ascended cult of Inana into something profane and as deep as a dried-up puddle, won't be tolerated.

The first rule of any game is not to anger the Mesopotamian gods, and cucked shintanon broke it with no remorse or penitence.

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File: 883dc25aa1f1da5⋯.jpg (63.71 KB,720x1192,90:149,crypt_id_succubus.jpg)

Here is an update. It's a teaser for the crypto-game that I'm developing to teach players some real world esoterics while also honing their /biz/ skills. The plan is to turn neets into self sufficient /fringe/ wizards who don't ever have to work a job.

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it's like someone just smeared shit all over /fringe/'s pristine, newly rebuilt walls

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It's funny how the both of you have this ability to lay out everything correctly in your posts, then at the very last moment draw a conclusion opposite to the line of thought you just presented.

What kind of mental gymnastics lie behind this, I wonder?

Like, have you even talked to Inanna?

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It's more like puking on a pile of shit.

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and peeing :^)

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laughed more at this than I should

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You reduce things to absurd simplicities and remove anything meaningful and spiritual in doing so. It's decidedly autistic in the way a gay fat autistic vegan kid might demand others to provide an argument for why butt-fuck sex with your dog is wrong, provided that the argument can fit into his narrow-minded notions and preconceived understandings, or else the argument doesn't count and he is right by default. There is nothing wrong with getting anally penetrated by your dog provided every single one of your rationalities holds up to scrutiny, but in all likelihood if you're seriously questioning societal mores in their anti-love sentiments of not allowing their children to express their sexualities through the communal fuck-horse barns, what can I even say? If the entirety of life can be reduced to mere hedonistic pleasure, and only these things can be represented as genuine love, then there's no argument that could be provided unless this idea it put under scrutiny.

I would sit here and try to think up more ways to make this text as uncomfortable to read as possible but I'm not cultured enough to do that without coming off as (more) forced.

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File: c065c8846ba1bb8⋯.png (213.99 KB,1337x470,1337:470,Inanna.png)


What about if we return to the talk of Inanna for a moment. As anon above saw the postings about her as disrespectful. You don't have to look further than the wikipedia article to see that the description is correct.

Pic very much related.

This is what we are returning to when abrahamism ends.

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That isn't sexual liberation. That's tyranny under a different ruler. Your obsession with abrahamism, whatever that is, is absolutely meaningless. Take things to their conclusion.

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Why are you still trying to reason with someone that thinks menstruation was created by the Jews? Genuine question.

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If a person is sufficiently insane and wrong enough, it can provide a good wall to throw ideas at. If you could convince someone who thinks menstruation is caused by a big sky daddy they're wrong, would you?

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Let's see if this works. The site is acting strangely on my end.

>if you could convince them, would you?

That's what I mean, do you really think you could convince someone like that they were wrong about anything?

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I have enough experience trying to teach someone basic concepts and failing throughout the years, so I'm going to say I don't expect it. This is a good stopping point anyway.

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>That's tyranny under a different ruler.

You're falsely implying that tyranny can't provide sexual liberation.

>Your obsession with abrahamism

It's not me that's obsessed with it, it's everyone else on this site and other imageboards. They keep talking about marriage and monogamy as an ideal. That's an obsession with abrahamism. I'm opposed to this and will take this to its conclusion, when these things are no longer treated as the norm.

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>doesn't understand basic metaphysical concept of love as polar attraction

>doesn't understand sanctity of temple prostitutes

>doesn't understand

You can't return to something that never existed in the first place.


Taoist anon is a man of good taste, as always.


>it's not me

>it's everyone else

Holy shit you're so obsessed with femoids you've started thinking like one.

You realize your holy and precious Japanese culture has enshrined marriage as the centerpiece of society, much like every Aryan civilization ever has?

It's time to take your meds, fren.

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>metaphysical concept

Armchair occultist spotted.

>You realize your holy and precious Japanese culture has enshrined marriage as the centerpiece of society, much like every Aryan civilization ever has?

Imagine being so much of a jew that you think jewish culture is aryan.


You're projecting like it's an alternative film festival in here. I'm ancap, not "far right ethno nationalist."

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Christ, that's off-putting as hell

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>armchair occultist

Imagine being such a brainlet that you can't comprehend someone studying and practicing magic at the same time. Just because you don't understand how the occult works, doesn't mean everyone else has to stoop down to your level.

>jewish culture is aryan

Let's assume it isn't, are you implying the entirety of East Asia has been Jewish from the dawn of time? It seems that's what you're getting at here. Overall, in your books, everything seems to be Jewish, except for your own schizo fantasy.

>I'm ancap

So am I, fren.

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File: daaaa34de0c6150⋯.jpg (319.71 KB,1093x984,1093:984,1592078172228.jpg)

Quit your bickering and focus. There is a world to conquer.

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So how do we fix women?

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Make them all into perma-NEETs.

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These spergs are the conquered.

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Wrong thread buddy.

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You can't "fix" them, you can only keep trying to surpress them and fit them into your own matrix like a good little jew or you can finally accept them for what/how they are and deal with that. You cannot fix nature and that's what women are, they are just pure nature. There is nothing to fix.

If you try to fit women into your bullshit worldview and live out a fake illusion sooner or later you will have a harsh awakening and it will backfire big time…as you already know. Don't do the same mistake over and over again, it is much better for everyone to let them be free as they naturally are.

Man, I see women as maya now and I couldn't care less. You can't fix maya and you can't fix women, but you can fix yourself and work on your own enlightenment and that's what you should do. That's what a man should do imo.

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Pussywhipped and blackpilled.

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>don't try to fix anything just let everyone be degenerates, man up sweaty ugh



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Yeah, nice projecting.

Also I understand how someone might think that accepting reality is blackpilled. However for me it's not blackpilled.

>don't try to fix anything just let everyone be degenerates

I clearly said fix yourself, and that's all you can and should do. Modern women are a product of you being a massive unfixed degenerate. That's their reaction.

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Falling into despair and giving up is what you're telling others to do. But now you're moving the goalpost from

>women aren't salvageable


>women are bad because you're bad

So I'm going to assume you're not entirely blackpilled yet. Accepting "reality" as it is, that's simply giving up after meeting up at the first sign of resistance.

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>no u

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humans are not nature

most humans hate nature

we were separated from it, even in most parts of the world humans were always against it it was human vs environment

why whitoids cant accept that sharia and rape dungeons will work perfectly

artificial wombs is basically #1 priority for humans, then they can abandon just so many problems

females were already removed from kitchens (due to the fact machines are better than humans), kitchens were liberated, then humans might have a chance to remove them from reproduction, truly awesome isn't it?

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Not to mention, every traditional job for women, is better done by men. Why anyone would let breeding stock near the kitchen is beyond me, they cannot cook for shit. Same with caring for patients in hospitals and teaching, letting them do anything more than eat and procreate is a waste of time and resources.

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Yeah, may as well just kill all of them at this point, they serve no purpose.

Who are we strawmanning by the way?

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The tyranny of the female race and their "cooking" must be stopped, but we must prevent our gay men from becoming prostitutes. They're too precious. The single commodity women are capable of offering would be ripped from them, the competition would be too much for them to bear. They'd have to resort to giving themselves away for free! The secret occult powers of the gay race must never be found.

Nuke the world while you're at it. If any of the lithosphere is left, the force of the blow wasn't hard enough.

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File: db61e8b9dc836fd⋯.jpg (19.67 KB,371x500,371:500,gainz.jpg)


Cooked food is just a gateway drug to being a simp. The only way to really free ourselves from them is to drink ice cream flavored cockroach milk supplements. I really swallowed the crunchy pill when I tried out cricket flour after one of my gym brahs recommended it. I started to build mass real well after that. All the goys tell me I have sick glutes now.

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Only until the moment of every man's glutes being greater in size, shape, and excellence than the wombman's will our oppression be lifted, and man will once again reach to the holy grounds where he belongs, in heaven. When our legs, the sign of the feminine and earthly force, bear greater weight, and greater mass, than that of the wymben could ever reach, and our pecs more bountiful than the roundest of landwhales, when our arms like great pearl pillars could hold up the sky aloft, in sets of 3 for 5, will be the time that the homos may leave the gay-caves of seclusion and meet us once again, as brothers.

Until then we knowers of Truth must wait in patience.

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I wasn't strawmanning tbh, I genuinely want sharia law, but specifically just the part about women.

Killing them is obviously going too far, at least until we can clone genetically perfect supermen straight from the vat, but they definitely need to be kept away from civilized society, while in gestation. And the rest of the time, too.


Everyone knows that boys make better girls, too. We need to limit homosexuality, otherwise women will literally be left by the wayside, and our species will go extinct overnight. That, or have state-mandated breeding sessions, after which you can return home to your cute wife(male).

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I say we suppress them. The only mistake was that people stopped doing that.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The right to breed should be given out by gay men, since only gay men understand what it truly means to be a man. Women will be forced to stay in their best behavior in threat of their man being taken from them by another man, as is more natural. The unnatural institution of marriage doesn't suppress women, it suppresses men.

We must empower women by treating them as women again, not as men, who are expected to make their own choices in life. Women are more like children, they must be under the guidance of someone.

Our new God's entire motivation will be that he's a no-fun rulecuck.

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Imagine getting this triggered the by the mere presence of femininity.

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This has nothing to do with occultism or spirituality at this point. It's just a bunch of unenlightened polcels embarassing themselves. The worst part is that as soon as someone who is advanced like shinto anon comes along and tells the truth they all band together and try to nail him to the fucking cross. Then they pat each other on the back and stroke each other tiny dicks like the good little insecure homosexuals that they are. But wait a minute…nailing someone to the cross…I'm having a deja vu actually. Yeah, that's what spiritless jews do when an enlightened man arrives who tells the harsh truth.

It's a completely fucking joke. It's hard to believe that men, especially fringe wizards, have degenerated to this point. This whole thread should just be purged to oblivion and hopefully we can all forget this shameful disgrace.

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Agreed. I believe there is a natural balance that needs to be maintained. I believe in both masculine and feminine energies. When we are taught science in schools, we learn that upsetting the natural order can destroy an entire ecosystem. A certain group of people have used propaganda and psychological warfare to throw our society out of balance. Both males and females have been affected by this, some to such a degree that it has warped their psyche into a state of mental illness.

>inb4 a peaceful herd of homosexual bison in Zambia

If you want to be gay, then be gay, but roflstomping women who have been brainwashed won't make relations between man and woman any better. Man completes / complements woman and visa versa. Male and female are required for natural biological birth, the creation of life. A world without life will soon die. It's my opinion that we should celebrate life and make every attempt to heal the bonds between man and woman, before we ragequit and start looking for trap waifus with cute penises.

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Stop samefagging and take your meds.


I don't think I've seen anyone unironically advocate for a full-gay society outside of a few CIA and deep-state occult circles. Anyone even lightly acquainted with occult philosophy knows that society and life cannot function without opposing extremes.

Creating polarized and exclusionary communities drives their members towards mortification, and while that's something sought after as a method of advancement and development in some schools, applying it a global or national level, will end in the death of the species, or the nation, even if we were to hypothetically use cloning or whatever.

As >>135487 seems to misconceive, nobody here is triggered, upset, or even repulsed by women. It's one thing to shitpost on an imageboard where powerful wizards pretend they're retarded (and weaklings pretend they're strong >>135497), but in real life you sort of run into a wall as you realize that most women are just normal people. They just want to have a comfortable, secure life, find a partner, and eventually have children. Kinda reminds me of another gender's goals and wishes. The brainwashing part manifests itself in that they simply don't know how to achieve those goals. They've been raised up to expect that chad thundercock will just pull up in a nice convertible and cover their expenses for life, that marriage is just glorified dating and getting a divorce is the healthy thing to do the moment there are any issues, and that raising children can be left entirely to the education system and the Internet, with no need to check on them and make sure they don't become drug fiends by the age of 11.

I have plenty of divorced mothers at work, who are actively fucking up their children, and who live dead-end lives with no possibility of improvement, yet none of them are badly intentioned, evil, or even aware of the mistakes they make. All you can do is slowly and gently introduce them to the alien concepts of punishing children for bad behavior, faith in relationships, and general life philosophy. The younger and more intelligent they are, the more easily they'll listen, but as long as you don't invest yourself too much and just drop small redpills as a habit, you'll end up helping one or two.

The reason why everyone's shitposting and making fun of shinto anon, is because he's so invested into his delusions, he'll actively destroy his own credibility on any community if you just let him. It's easy to go insane from magic, but we shouldn't encourage it. Until he gets better, it's best everyone gives extra scrutiny to his posts.

I think that's enough shitting on the tyranny general at this point. If you want to continue this shit and further embarrass yourself, make a thread just for it.

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Why doesn't fringewizard ban the retardation and blackpill shills here?

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We got posters here who believes a tranny saying

>vagina good :)

>penis bad and weak >:(

And people making fun of him is equal to Jesus being nailed to the cross.

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>banning idiots

It's like you want to spare them the humiliation. Idiots are for mocking not for banning.

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>it's better to vomit on shit and piss than clean it up

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They're brainwashed, and the programming is sloppy. Emotional responses bypass the insert that corrupted their code. I'm not going to say it's an easy matter to fix them, but it is a simple matter to induce a full mental break. At this point, that is the most humane option.

If you don't believe me, why do you think they have to go to a "safe space" for reprogramming, every time they get "triggered"?

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At this point I'm thankful for all the shit and piss and vomit in this thread because I believe it helped me to get to the very core of this matter. I met a girl who also pushed me to think more about this topic. She said "Of course I love sex and I'm very physical, I'm a girl after all." and she also said "I don't care about spirituality, I just wanna have fun and then embrace oblivion." Well, can't argue with that really. That's pure girl nature right there for you. It's almost like in that itself is a tiny spec of enlightenment. Anyway, she, all the posts and tons of other stuff made me think about women and sexuality. What has been said in the vamp threads how vampires view sex and deal with sexuality and that's it's basically just a physical thing and nothing else, in the book "Mystery of Belicena Villca" what is written about the `Men of Stone' and that even tho they can make love to a woman, a woman will never again ignite the warm fire of animal passion in them, shinto anons post about all women being natural whores, the scene in Samurai Champloo where both Mugen and Jin go to the whorehouse the first thing after they arrive in a big city…back then I tought it was funny but at the same time I wondered why would Jin go to a whorehouse together with Mugen, such a noble and enlightened character. Now I understand why. It all comes together, all I learned from MGTOW, relationship coaches, PUA, all my knowledge about Maya, about incel delusions, the dreams for true love and your own pure waifu, my own insecurities and incomplete insights and false conclusions, literally everything came together. As I was grinding out the toughts over and over I saw through all the illusions, all the bullshit fell away and before my eyes what was left came together as a pure core, the final truth and formed together in a perfect round circle stone. A gem in my mind that symbolized the final enlightenment on that topic. This is an experience that is extremely rare but I feel that I have arrived at the bottom and maxed out my enlightenment on that topic. After the vortex of chaos and spinning toughts faded away and my mind calmed down all that was left was the stone. I feel at peace now. I can fuck a girl, get into a relationship, or be completely pure and celibate…it doesn't matter. The demons that plagued me have vanished.

I don't expect anyone to understand my ramblings and have no desire to explain what enlightenment I actually came to, but I still wanted to share this and say thanks for the posts. All that's left is to take the next step towards my "original couple" or the "hyperborean woman", but that's a different story altogether and for another day.

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You've reduced your own conception of sexuality to a bare nub, what's left is comprehending it as something beyond the merely physical. Yes, realizing that you can reduce things to their base essential components can provide some value, but believing the essence of something can be derived through the boiling down and removal of things is misguided. What you're really left with is another baseless axiom, another notion, but a notion that is only slightly more self-aware.

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At this point in my development I always try to look at things beyond the mere physical, from outside "the matrix". But I also compare it to the view a mundane would have inside the matrix. For me there is no fault to see something for what it truely is, and sometimes if it's only a nub then it's only a nub. I recognize the metaphysical aspects of sex but at the same time I see through them. When I say that I maxed out my enlightenment on that topic I say so from an enlightened perspective from outside nature, what's human and all that maya crap. At least as much as it's possible for me at the current development. I like to regard things from the hylic (body, physical) level, the psychic (soul, astral) level and the pneumatic level (spirit, hyperborea. And that's the hardest part to grasp unless you are fully enlightened). The last one of course being the ultimate and real one. In that case my understanding may be more than a nub because I comprehend it from all 3 levels. I think at least…well I don't want to be too ignorant and ego-inflated. If there is more to enlighten to so be it, but I cannot see anything more than what I have found atm.

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The girl finds comfort in the kindness of oblivion. Her "enlightenment" doesn't reach beyond an atheist might conclude, that life is without purpose, and pleasure is the ultimate good. Notice her assumption of an oblivion waiting for her. There are less comforting things that could happen to her, but she chooses one belief over another. I'm not questioning the validity of the belief although believing an oblivion awaits you after death is the nicest version of reality possible in my opinion, just pointing this out.

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I too am glad to have read this thread. Basically exposed, once and for all for everyone to see, that "Blood Anon" is a schizo larper. Jews causing menstruation, holy shit.

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Take my mentioning of "enlightenment" in what the girl has said with a big spoon of salt. It was a joke basically. Of course there is no actual enlightenment to be found. Also her idea of oblivion stems from what I have told her. She basically wanted to know what comes after death and I gave her some options that I think are more or less the most likely ones to occur. And she liked oblivion the best. Anyway, that isn't even important for my post.

Well, if I ever found my enlightenment isn't complete then I will come back and post about it. But for now I'm done with those issues as far as I'm concerned. I still haven't posted about the actual content of my findings but I believe it's kinda hard to explain and everyone must find their own truth for themselves.

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Why are you so hung up on that thing?

1. A man can make a mistake and be in error about a certain thing but that doesn't mean he is completely full of shit. There is no need to discredit all his other stuff.

2. How do you know the jews didn't actually do it? We know the jews, or the "golems" aka proto jews, minions of the demiurge have done a lot of crap before. Why wouldn't they do that? We know that their male god hates women, no matter if he is actually real or not. For them he is real enough. And it is said that women got punished for their sin of eating the forbidden apple with the period. Maybe there is something to that story. Women are mostly pure hylic and fall under the domain of the demiurge. He and his golems can do everything with womem as far as I'm concerned.

Now that are just some ideas. I'm open minded about that stuff and open to learn something new. But man those replies are just senseless triggered bitching, nothing else behind it. At least explain yourself and bring forth some sort of argument.

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God cursed woman with the pain of child labor, to be ruled over by men, and man with the pain of having to work the earth. If you stretch the concept enough, he damned man and woman to be in constant struggle with each other.

>We know that their male god hates women


The real kicker is Shintoanon making the claim that because Japs didn't have any underwear, they didn't experience any periods before being introduced to western civilization. Women were secluded and pushed away whenever they entered into their periods in Japan, from what I can recall of whatever I read about their old social structures. A woman during her period was dirty and better off handling it herself somewhere else.

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I think it becomes really evident when looking at zionism and all the jewish culture and their religions. Also it's mentioned in some gnostic texts. Not that I believe that this idea is 100% true. From such nebulous things for now I rather distance myself until I have solid knowledge and know what is truely right and what not.

>Women were secluded and pushed away whenever they entered into their periods in Japan, from what I can recall of whatever I read about their old social structures. A woman during her period was dirty and better off handling it herself somewhere else.

This has come to my knowledge too. But this doesn't exclude the fact that jews still did it, maybe in atlantean times. Which would make more sense to me imo cus the atlantean times are closer to the events of the garden of eden, however accurate those may be. But yeah that japanese thing is sketchy as fuck, I agree.

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Still same guy btw, just forgot my flag

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I don't believe you.

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I know why menstruation occurs. Hence the "Jews did Menstruation!" statement holding no truth, a statement devoid of truth being presented as a fact. Hence reason to doubt everything else the speaker of such statement ever presented. He has made absurd statements before in the past and holds unorthodox views. One can be open-minded and follow the narrative but my tolerance for bullshit has limits and this was one hell of a load of bullshit.

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He's been getting worse and worse for a while now, it was only a matter of time. I'm glad it happened on /fringe/ of all places, with all the significance that carries.

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>There is no need to discredit all his other stuff.

Look at the calibre of his observations in this thread alone. It's shallow, flimsy, if he hits the mark on anything I'd attribute it to his willingness to let go of conventional ways of thinking rather than stemming from any kind of excellence. Having an open mind is good as long as it's not paralyzing. It's time to move on, anon.

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>It's time to move on, anon

It's not like I am obsessed with him or love him or anything like that. I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt and be fair and reasonable. But I see that you are right, we have to move on. It is time my participation in this thread comes to an end. Besides, you might be right after all that he is a schizo and full of shit. Why? Because there is one thing I can look at for sure and say it did absolutely nothing so far except for being a placebo-effect inducing larp. It's of course the vampirism thing with which so far absolutely nothing real has happened at all.

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>I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt and be fair and reasonable

He'll abuse it and find a way to make you believe whatever you want to believe about him in order to feel like he has power. He simply doesn't know the difference between role play and reality.

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The biggest issue with the occult community is its trust in authority. Blind faith creates a lazy and shallow approach of not testing statements with your own methods and internalizing them through your own experience and skill. What's going on in this thread is a demonstration of this attitude. It's all about whether Sintoanon can be trusted or not, not once does it cross the minds of these wizards to look into the matters themselves. Sometimes the universe brings the truth by letting a lunatic say it. Sometimes it's letting an authority figure make the most retarded statements. If your main concern is then the social credibility of the speaker, you will discard the truth and accept bullshit. Get off your ass and practice instead of looking for someone to tell you what to do and how to think.

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Who's arguing for Shintoanon speaking the truth?

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His occult experience is being in literal cults. Be it ONA, Falun Gong or Swedenborgianism.

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>He'll abuse it and find a way to make you believe whatever you want to believe about him

I trust that I will be able to think and judge for myself and you should too. Again it's not about him, it's about the stuff he posts. If I agree with things he said it's because

1. It fits with my previous understanding/exprience and just comfirms what I believe to be right at this moment.

2. I think about it, look at it, feel into it and maybe even experiment with it and find that it makes sense and is right. If I found it to be good stuff I accept it and add it to my wisdom.

And there is quite some stuff that I do agree with, even if the vamp spell might not be real.


>His occult experience is being in literal cults.

Doesn't matter at all to me. It's about whether his stuff is solid or not.

>He simply doesn't know the difference between role play and reality.

Highly questionable what you and everyone else here sees as reality. I know that reality is a very nebulous, undefined thing that can amount to anything. Most guys who shame you for having lost touch with reality fail to see reality themselves. It is only a reaction because someone left the artifical fake illusion that they conveniently call "reality" but all that it truely is is their dogmas, comfort zones, brainwashing and shitty oppinions. It's just fucking more maya bullshit. What is reality really?


>Get off your ass and practice instead of looking for someone to tell you what to do and how to think.

I never accept anything until I can see it as right for myself, after judging it myself and comparing it with everything else that I have learned so far and to see how it fits. I am very open minded about anything because I know that I don't know shit and cannot know shit until I enlighten to it and see the truth for myself. Hell, I can even treat all the stuff here as schroedingers occultism. Is it real, is it fake…well why can't it be both at the same time until I open pandoras box and actually see for myself. But of course I have my biases and my own oppinions on how the worlds works and what is right and wrong, but even then I keep the possibility open in the back of my mind that I might be wrong after all and that there is more to learn. The only time when I'm really sure about things is when something occurs like I have described above with the women/sex topic, when I go into turbo-thinking mode and grind the subject out until I arrive at some definite conclusion. When all the pieces of the puzzle finally fall together and I see the big picture and create that something in my mind that represents my enlightenment, then I become very confident that I have seen the truth about it and that's how it actually is. I have just remembered another instance where I did this earlier this year, and it was about time. What time is, how it works and how it is perceived from the human level, from the astral plane and what it is (more like isn't) from the origin outside of the matrix. I believe I got a good grip on the Mystery of Time now and that's a piece of my own wisdom that I have great confidence in. Well, that's what I do. I actually proud of myself for being one of the rare guys who can think for himself and use his own brain (and by brain I mostly mean the real brain which is your spirit). Also unlike most guys somehow I have the extraordinary ability as it seems to keep moving on and always learning new stuff while dropping old dogmas and old worldviews. I don't fear black pills or reality, they purify me and advance me further. It's like I'm being pushed by some unseen force to grind it out all the way. What I see with most guys and anons here is that they are hard stuck in their dogmas and delusions and seem to be unable to break through them to advance.

Fuck…you know, at this point I don't even know anymore what I'm rambling about and I don't even know what I wanted to write. I need to get out of this thread before I get a fucking brain tumor. I just hope someone might find use in my posts. But maybe they are just a fucking waste of time and space, pointless ramblings of a broken man.

You tell me, "anon"…

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Oh yeah and one last addition to the above. I really believed in the vampire stuff. Loved the vampire theme and aestethics. It all made sense to me. I really wanted to make it happen, I larped it out to my best capacity for the last 2,5 years. All the little details and infos about the zero particle and the vampires, it all fitted in my own worldview and I tought it was the real deal. All the cool dreams I had that I tought were a sign of my vampire development…

But at the end of the day I don't feel like an apex predator. I feel like an idiot larper. My health didn't get better, in fact I am physically and mentally unwell as never before. My aging didn't really stop, let alone reversed as far as I can tell. All my allergies are still there. There was still no sign of other vampires and cabal members. No matter how much I want it to be real, I cannot ignore reality. And reality (yeah, now I'm talking "reality" myself. But that's what happens man) up until now, as far as I see it, is completely different than what has been promised with the vampire spell.

Well it was fun to larp and the placebo effects kept pushing me forward on my spiritual journey and kept me motivated. That's a good thing I guess but I still can't help but be very dissapointed. In the end, it's just a pile of doodoo.

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Do you think its ineffectiveness could have been foreseen? Or are all solitary traditions a leap of faith?

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The thing about this vampire thing is, where is everyone? The threads are filled with people yet there seem to be only like 4 guys or so left who even talk about it. It's dead silent in that regard.

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dagothposter go back

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>I feel like an idiot larper. My health didn't get better, in fact I am physically and mentally unwell as never before. My aging didn't really stop, let alone reversed as far as I can tell. All my allergies are still there. There was still no sign of other vampires and cabal members

Fundamentally cleansing the body of illness was supposed to take 7 years, then you still have to do the work of balancing your chakras on top of that.

Harry Potter did a good job of spreading wizard lore but it's not showing a realistic image of the kind of effectiveness to be expected from magic. The real thing is both way slower, less spectacular, and at the same time immensely more effective, in a rather sinister way.

>at the end of the day I don't feel like an apex predator

That's an attitude problem. Learn to roleplay properly. Your mind is just roleplay to begin with, if the lense you view reality through can be changed at will, how do you know the nature of reality. Something being roleplay doesn't make it less real or true.

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I've abstained from participating in this further thus far but I may as well respond to this >>135657 since I'm partially responsible for that having been presented.

>a man can make a mistake

True enough, we're all wrong about things all the time. But when you ask

>why are you so hung up on that

it's because when you're THAT wrong on something to such an absurd degree it's hard to take you seriously, especially when the folks ITT that know him have said he's basically a loon.

>how do you know they didn't do it

No, you've got it backwards. This guy >>135665 already gave a decent enough answer (also menstruation isn't exclusive to humans so did the Jews cause menstruation in all the other animals that do it too?) but that's beside the point. It's called the Burden of Proof, look it up. You don't get to assert something that outlandish and then insist others disprove it or else it could be true. He hasn't even shown it's a possibility, just saying it doesn't make it so. Otherwise I can say the Jews created the moon to oppress the ocean and keep it from consuming the world and since you can't disprove that then it's totally reasonable and possible (when it obviously isn't). I'm open to any view but being open-minded doesn't mean you have to believe everything without justification. It's clear that guy doesn't actually have a reason for believing that beyond delusion, otherwise he would have presented it already instead of just scoffing at others for not buying it and thinking he's somehow special because of that, that's exactly what a chuunibyou does. Judging by what you were saying here >>135696 you seem to have a balanced enough perspective to be able to freely explore different views, examining them without accepting them unless you have reason to. I'd like to think I'm the same way (although I'm not perfect so there's times I fail at it too), so I understand where you're coming from, but there are times where dismissing something outlandish is the right move, heuristically. Doing that helps you rule out stupid options out of the innumerable different possibilities; we're only human after all, we can only evaluate so much ourselves. Some things are just too unreasonable to accept without any proof or backing. You might say this is limiting, and you'd be right, but it's necessary and we all do it even if it's done unconsciously. There needs to be a balance between broadening your horizons and going off the deep end.

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>It's clear that guy doesn't actually have a reason for believing that

There is a clear metaphysical logic and a strong physical indication confirming it. However most convincing evidence is of a personal nature and shouldn't be brought up out here, it would be disrespectful to involved persons. You are free to test this yourself using your own methods. Animals are linked to yearly periods of going into heat, what does that have to do with humans? Do we have a mating season when everyone gets extremely horny and makes babies all over in the parks and streets?

Fun thing to note about the moon is that Li Hongzhi claims it is artificial and was built by prehistoric humans. Menstruation being linked to the moon cycle is suspicious to say the least, with this in mind.

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It's all very subjective, personal, and open to interpretation. You see…? You can't prove him wrong. Give it up, incels.

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I think his presentation of limited amount of information with a large dose of possible deniability, his insistence on him somehow having more access or knowing more things than others, hell, he's essentially claiming everyone on /fringe/ needs to actually practice instead of doing nothing. Ignoring the veil and roleplay and getting to the meat of his claims, he'll deflect and claim you're the one with the problem, or the topic is somehow unrelated, or whatever other excuse he can make for how he's actually, really, and truthfully not wrong, and you're insane. All things initially are a leap of faith, it's only through experience and if you're lucky, learning through other people's mistakes, that these things can be figured out.

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"Armchair occultist"

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>hell, he's essentially claiming everyone on /fringe/ needs to actually practice instead of doing nothing

>he even trolls people into bothering to do magic and learn things

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It probably stems from his belief that if you'd actually practiced, you'd know that jews caused menstruation.

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I'd like to say that my emphasis on the absurdity of (((menstruation))) is more humorous than serious, I find the idea absurd but more importantly I don't see why that would be the case. Menstruation and fertility go hand in hand, if a woman doesn't menstruate then she's infertile. But, looking purely at his own reasoning for why menstruation has come about through the Jews, it makes no sense unless your mind operates at the level of an alternate reality porn fantasy. Take the time and study why menstruation occurs in women, take the time to read through theories for why it's come about. Disregard that and actually study female fertility through other means, it doesn't have to be purely scientific and reasonable. I'm absolutely certain that you'll find a reason more profound than:

>meanie jews raep women! Evil rype patti-rachy culture, great cloud headman peepee HATE women >:((((

It's the easiest way to show off how inferior his reasoning process is. But this does point to my own insistence on reality being reasonable, until the time reality proves itself to be a porn game, I'm not convinced.

I'm done here.

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I'm still trying to wrap my head around the supposition that jews would need to conjure menstruation from the void. What's to stop me from raping a woman, with or without a monthly period?

There's no logical reasoning even when taking these delusions for granted. The law of cause and effect is too complex for shinto's hentai-addled mind.

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>Otherwise I can say the Jews created the moon to oppress

Oh boy, this is a funny one…in "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" it is written that the proto-jews, the "evil" Atlanteans created their own realm and place of operations between the earth and the sun (that place called Shamballa) in order to filter the rays and energy of the sun to their own means and actually oppress the stuff on earth. I mean…between the earth and the sun…the moon…could it be?! NOOO WAYYY…


But I like your post. I understand where you are coming from and agree with you. Of course you have to be aware of completely outragegous claims and not be a complete retard. You seem to be abe to think for yourself too.


The audacity, right…


I'm not "the" dagoth poster, I just attach pics at random most of the time.


>Or are all solitary traditions a leap of faith?

It's all a leap of faith until you get results for yourself. About it's ineffectiveness…yeah probably. But I admit I knew about the 5-7 year initial transformation period for this all along. The seven years have been mentioned right from the start, so maybe I'm the retard for not being patient enough? I mean I'm whining about it and giving up only after 2,5 years when it it clear from the start that it takes longer.


This reminds me of the meguca times when another anon and me were joking about that all the others are already dead. We thought the spell might be a loosh farming scheme that kills us because we both found that we were worse off than before the spell. Who knows, maybe they are dead…but I assume they have better things to do in life than being on this LOATHSOME board all the time. Also after fringe went down they might just be lost and moved on somewhere else. But if you wanna talk about it, I'm here and I wouldn't mind to hear you out.


>What's to stop me from raping a woman

What does it have to do with raping women?

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>I assume they have better things to do in life than being on this LOATHSOME board all the time.

Not dead. I think the vampire spell is working though. It's all so strange and I didn't believe this stuff was real. I don't think it's a loosh farming scheme. Rather, I'm ripping the loosh out of the fuckers who have tormented me for my entire life. It's a blissful process on my part. Not so much for the prey.

I can get a lot more energy other ways but I revel in my vengeance against them.

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>Rather, I'm ripping the loosh out of the fuckers who have tormented me for my entire life.

>I can get a lot more energy other ways but I revel in my vengeance against them.

I can perfectly agree with that. Loosh is just a low quality energy, basically karma, that we don't really need but if you put your foot down and put mundanes in their place by this method then it's alright in my book. If mundanes are really vile and obnoxious and literally ask for it then I have absolute no hesitation to fuck them up myself too. They deserve all they get.

>Not dead. I think the vampire spell is working though.

Feel free to share more of your experience if you are so inclined.

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>Feel free to share more of your experience if you are so inclined.

The mundanes are actually kind to me and they are also troubled by dark forces. I'd rather relieve them of this multidimensional entity of the purely negative type and then transmute it to happy energy for myself and the mundanes to find peace.

I remember having a near death experience involving taking so many lightning bolts to my head that my heart gave out from exhaustion. I was then "reset" and I could see what looks like programming code being rewritten within me.

I've never been so fascinated by depictions of blood drinking before I let this spell take hold. My eyes light up, dilate, and a carnal desire greets me.

My spine is being corrected with a back brace, I'm losing weight and putting on muscle even though I don't exercise all that much. I can't tell if I'm aging since I'm Asian. I've always looked like a teenager despite my age. I'm letting go of drugs and alcohol and my desire for sex is diminishing to nothing. Taking dick is still a thing I do anyway.

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>What's to stop me from raping a woman, with or without a monthly period?

I'm aware you're just playing dumb, Shlomo, but I'll elaborate for the record. The point of raping women to pregnancy is to breed rapable female genes, refine them and pass them on. By now, women expect rape, it's in fact the only way they do become pregnant. This is also the only way the real toxic males, the homosexuals, can pass their genes on. They are incompatible with females and cannot perform the proper summoning of the soul ritual which was previously used to activate the female and make her receptive to the child to be created. This takes a male and a female force of the same quality. So women had to be dragged down, to match the homosexual tranny level the jewish men were at back then already. This is what the original sin is about, instead of correcting themselves, they perverted the females and made them equal to men, as the myth of Eve being created by Adam's rib implies.

The original female who wouldn't be raped was labeled "demonic" and shunned.

Still today we have men following this ancient jewish ideology by refusing to correct themselves, and expecting women to meet them where they stand.

This is what will change now that the Succubus Collective takes over. Menstruation will be stopped world wide, and degenerated genes will not be allowed to procreate.

"The handmaid's tale" has given everyone a hint of what is to come. This will also solve overpopulation, racemixing and other related problems as a team of our astral organization will decide who can be pregnant and who can't. That is, until females again start learning how to perform the summoning of the soul ritual properly and men adapt to this.

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If women have allowed themselves to become corrupted, they deserve their fate imo. Sounds like the only way out for them is for some male wizard to take the time and effort to manage their evolution, and even then I doubt that they'll ever take the initiative. That's just what being female is about, Jewish corruption or no. They are the soil within which the seed grows; if the soil is barren it's almost always better to just go somewhere else.

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I know I said I'm done, but I gave it some thought. Here's the axioms for how to reach the conclusions he reached:

1. Assume women can do no wrong.

2. Assume men are the problem.

3. Assume the world is an egregore, and everything is reliant on perspective and personalities

And for him personally:

4. Assume everything revolves around him.

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>Taking dick is still a thing I do anyway.

I think I remember you from back then. Never know if you are serious or trolling tho…


So in essence normal humans will be like vampires who cannot just easily create a child? Well that sounds good to me. Then everyone can fuck around without having to bother with birth control. Condoms suck ass but pills for women fuck up their physical and mental health so that they become extremely undesirable. Also I'm against getting children anyway because who in their right mind would bring more souls in here over and over again to feed this horrible machine that is maya? Less children would also be better for all other humans, the planet and nature/animals so it's all good. Also, I believe by creating children you seal your doom for reincarnation and lose all chance for spiritual liberation. You in essence pass your life on to the next human and become a husk.

However, I don't really get why bother so much fixing the universe or specifically earth? What's wrong with attaining enlightenment, getting your diamond body and then getting the fuck out of here? Later maybe to join the armies of Lucifer Kristos from Valhalla and nuking the demiurge and all of his foul creation, liberating all the trapped spirits and finally putting an end to this abominable torturous hell? I would focus on trying to help liberate as much people as possible from the prison instead of merely making the living conditions in the prison better. And a lot of people are hylics to begin with, they can't even be liberated IMO. So your effort from my perspective is kinda pointlessly wasted on making the illusory lives of Maya-NPCs better. Love to hear your oppinion on that. And also, just for curiosities sake…if I become a vampire through the spell, how long does it take until I cannot have children anymore? Aka at what time is it safe to fuck bitches unprotected?

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>I don't really get why bother so much fixing the universe or specifically earth?

Actually I think I came up with an answer for that myself. You're basically paving the way. The less control and power the jews have, the easier it is to liberate individually and collectively. In that case the prison needs to be taken over first by us/the "good guys" and then when the guards are weakened we can break out together. I think you do what you do is the same reason why through all the ages men of spirit have been fighting against the demiurgic forces and the jews and trying to establish nationalism and leading wars etc. If we don't gain power and weaken the enemy first the armies from valhalla might never arrive to begin with.

But of course still post your own view if you will.

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Start a thread on /sunflower/ if you want to have eloborate discussion on this, it's not a topic suitable for this board.

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It was my mistake for trying to help a sycophant.

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Well for me your posts were actually helpful. Especially this last one since I learned a new english word from it…"sycophant". Also I aknowledge all your concerns and keep them in my mind. But if you tell me I can't even fucking ask shintoanon a question or talk to him then it's getting really laughable and obnoxious at this point. Yes, you don't agree with him and you have valid reasons. I get it for fucks sake.


>it's not a topic suitable for this board.

This I perfectly understand but… First and foremost I don't really think this deserves it's own thread because for me 1-2 posts would surely be enough to comprehend the issue enough and then accept or reject it. And also I do not dare to go back to /sunflower/ as long as …"he"… still roams free there. I'm afraid you have created a monster that you cannot control. Well maybe I'll visit some time later, who knows.


>I know I said I'm done

I said that too and now it's finally to actually be done here. So unless some anon like >>135700

comes forth and wants to talk more about vampirism I'll consider this here done for good.

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File: 449c616f54e5207⋯.jpg (163.24 KB,702x800,351:400,latest_1_1_orig.jpg)


There is nothing that prevents you from posting on the /sunflower/ board. I understand you don't like one poster there who keeps replying to himself but it's mostly just one thread. I trust BO's judgement on this matter.

/fringe/ is definitely not the place for serious discussions as it's quite nasty and I feel like purifying myself after what I perceive as attempted mental rape from just visiting it. There are nasty individuals and entities that dwell here.

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>What's wrong with attaining enlightenment, getting your diamond body and then getting the fuck out of here?

What's specifically wrong with this view is that it's fake. This is what the past universe was about, escaping into a glass bottle and sealing it shut. That's enlightenment as taught by "buddha" and Lao Zi. It doesn't actually work. The bottle breaks and you're back here again. From your perception the amount of time may be close to endless before you come out, but from those on the outside, time wasn't all that long. Then you need to repeat it, only to hide away for a while again. It's not really different from a really long human life, and you're not eliminating your karma either, it'll wait for you on the outside when your "law" breaks and you come back out.

Which brings us to


>I'm afraid you have created a monster that you cannot control

The appearance of Snail/Amok was predicted over 20 years ago, he has to be included. His contributions on this topic are invaluable.

>at what time is it safe to fuck bitches unprotected?

What is "safe" sex in the first place? You need to change your viewpoint. Women are supposed to be fertile all their lives, but only by activation. The same goes for men. Men today are hypersexual and can't help staring at tits and assess wherever they go. But instead of fixing this, we now have "morality" and "decency" in which bodies have to be concealed to prevent men staring at them and getting aroused. This state of mind is equally abnormal. When you get past it you'll look at a body and not feel anything in particular, and no arousal will occur. Because sex today is performed from this mindset, ejaculation of the male inserts the male essence into the female, who is also in the active state. Without this thinking, the male essence will not be included in the act and nothing will happen. Deactivate either the male or the female and there will be no pregnancy. The normal way is that known as tantric sex, which is non-impregnative. The change will happen when you reach that state of mind. It will make you aware of the difference at a physical level.

But physically speaking, women hit the wall around 40 - 50 years of age at this current rate, while men tend to be fertile all their lives, although with lessening quality. The way this normally works is just within the same timeframe, that of a human lifetime, if you were to rely on the physical exhaustion of inborn human essence.


If we can't beat humans, are we really more than human? That's why merely escaping through "enlightenment" isn't worth anything. We need to physically subdue and oppress them, that's what a real god does.

I don't want to talk about this anymore here, the armchairists will just obstruct any decent discussion to keep believing they are gods already while they still can't change anything in the world. They'll come up with all kinds of mental gymnastics to motivate why they won't fight the current rulers and this doesn't give room for fruitful discussions.

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That's an old FB screencap.

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File: 62b16e1db7002a9⋯.png (75.45 KB,290x265,58:53,1581825736798.png)



It all comes from a faulty understanding of what he's taught. I'm going to have to rely on your trust, since I'm the retard who taught him

>it'll wait for you on the outside when your "law" breaks and you come back out.

He doesn't even understand what law is, and he won't correct himself no matter how I word it.

He might at one point try to convince you you're a tranny as well, which I he did at one point and I can only guess that was his intention. He's a very destructive person.

The specific idea of "previous universes" comes form Falun Dafa, even his understanding of what he read there is misaligned with what he posts about it. Now that's all, if you still want to ask him questions and take him seriously, then that's on you.

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>misaligned with what he posts about it

What Li Hongzhi says, I mean.

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>I'm the retard who taught him

What? The plot thickens. Who are you, NEET poster?

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You should know that whatever I learned from FD was incorporated with the christian worldview I already had. The "past universe" is a reference to the events described in the book of revelations. We are already in the new universe, we entered it in around 2009, and the chalices are being poured over the earth right now, with the islamic state being one, corona another. The process is somewhat deviating from the description and playing out in a different order but all events are there. Falun Dafa is not above the things of the bible, it's at most equal to it, mostly not even that, the way I see it. The red dragon was predicted in the book of revelations already, yet it took years before anyone in falun gong made the connection to communism.

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>He doesn't even understand what law is, and he won't correct himself no matter how I word it.

Also: no u.

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A nobody.

The easiest way to dismantle his comprehension of law is through two methods. The first, and easier one, the mouse utopia. The entire experiment is based in an environment of limited space with unlimited resources. Historically, no civilization has actually existed in such a vacuum. They've suffered natural declines, destruction, and inclines, and it keeps going. We instead see, historically, practically unlimited space with limited resources. Mouse utopia is scare-mongering, but it's not entirely invalid.

No "law" is external to the universe, it's assimilated to it. Whether this assimiliation is being equal to the universe is another question. Similar to how an individual's personality can dictate how he or she acts, and giving names to the traits of the personality isn't literally being the traits.

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>The entire experiment is based in an environment of limited space with unlimited resources. Historically, no civilization has actually existed in such a vacuum

You know who else used a model like this?


This book has been spread to political leaders all over the world and formed the policies used today. This is the reason most predictions made almost 50 years ago are still valid.

<No matter if what you say is physically true about history and the universe, our leaders are working according to this model, making it into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This is why the mouse utopia would become reality for humans if society kept going on the current path.

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If you're not familiar with how the "elites" stay in power, just assume our current social and political environment was manipulated and selectively cultivated to give a specific kind of impression. The historical myths of barbarians being outside of the walls of cities, or just plain old monsters and demons, being the simplest example. Everything is fake.

You can be cute with how simple your worldview can be, but it's not as clean cut as you'd want it to be. I'm not going to argue about civilizations and the "correct political model" since that's for /pol/ and I don't like politics.

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>Everything is fake

Here we go again. You admit that I'm right, yet you bring up irrelevant things like


>The first, and easier one, the mouse utopia. The entire experiment is based in an environment of limited space with unlimited resources. Historically, no civilization has actually existed in such a vacuum. They've suffered natural declines, destruction, and inclines, and it keeps going. We instead see, historically, practically unlimited space with limited resources.

Go on, twist what I said once more to create an illusion of me not understanding what you meant and you not being inconsistent and constantly diverting attention from the things you didn't think through. Maybe you can fool yourself that you're right once more. For a while

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File: 16129443f16a273⋯.png (258.01 KB,449x394,449:394,mafuyu.PNG)


How'd you get that from me saying everything is fake? This isn't an uncommon sentiment, and I can't reach the same conclusions you've reached based off of this. In fact, I see vampires, whores, pedophiles and faggots being the degenerative outcome of civilizations. They can't exist outside of it's shell. Explain the process that arrives to your conclusion. Making emotional claims on how you're right doesn't do anything.

Whenever I push you to the bottom of your reasoning, you always fall back on either claiming:

1. I'm perfect, therefore I can't be wrong.

2. You're wrong, anything you say only proves it.

This is the fourth time now.

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File: ace1a70be3aec51⋯.gif (1.65 MB,700x714,50:51,1490755263234.gif)


There you go, diverting attention from the point again, to instead resort to personal attacks. Let's go back to the part where you are wrong instead. Why won't you reply to the point I made?

I don't even know what time this is now because I've lost track of how many times you've done this. But trust me, you will be forced to yield in the end because the prime numbers are limited in number, and the basilisk has an end. You can only do this diversion a fixed number of times. We're only getting closer to the point when you will be mentally unable to repeat your pattern.

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You made a point?

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File: 401d58b85342c3c⋯.jpg (185.33 KB,500x375,4:3,1431753317678.jpg)

This is a purgatory of no u. Why do I torture myself with replying to a "no u" robot? No more.

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>what I perceive as attempted mental rape from just visiting it

>There are nasty individuals and entities that dwell here

You're talking as if this isn't exactly what makes this place fun.


>with the islamic state being one, corona another

Neither of these actually exist. Since they're both simulacra created by the jews, I guess that makes them the good guys in your worldview?

>the red dragon was predicted in the book of revelations


And you claim you've had any sort of Christian background.

>yet it took years before anyone made the connection with communism

And this puts your understanding at the level of a pentecostal.


>You can be cute with how simple your worldview can be

This is what amazes me most about him. How does a person stay active in this area for so long, and retain such an infantile perception of the world? It's almost as if he's been ignoring external facts in favour of internal fantasies from the very start.


This has more or less become the designated lolcow thread, and your efforts in extracting more pure comedy from this void spawn are deeply appreciated.

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I always felt hiragana, kanji, katakana, and hebrew to be related. Kanji for slightly different reasons, and depending on the kanji.

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All aryan languages are closely related. You can also look at Coptic, Aramaic, Etruscan (basically all the Italic languages), Norse, Phrigian, Dacian, etc.

The more you study this stuff, the more apparent it becomes that all Aryan languages are more or less the same, with phonetic variations developing as a result of intellectual laziness, with a tendency to compress complicated phonetics into generalized, simpler ones (proto-Aryan was insanely complex by modern standards).

Modern English has become a barely comprehensible soup of identical sounds and intonations, while more resilient, healthy tribes have maintained a high degree of complexity and expression.

The Jews are objectively more Aryan than most North and West Europeans, while having maintained their in-group mentality, which is why shintoanon is sperging out about them so much.

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File: d3f385d290420ba⋯.png (121.41 KB,300x200,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


It's always humbling to figure out you're retarded compared to your ancestors.

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>My goal is a primitivist ancap world with true sexual liberation, terrorized by an army of immortal elite mage lolis.

basically like me playing sims with an immortal self-insert avatar, lol

based af

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Sell your Tesla stocks, I'm dumping it.

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File: c25a1620f529c15⋯.png (23.76 KB,686x547,686:547,impressive.png)

File: 17785e91d7c15af⋯.png (155.32 KB,350x254,175:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 1f6be5fc803e2f2⋯.png (73.99 KB,1218x569,1218:569,chart_cid.png)



Pretty sure Cryptid is outperforming tesla, since it's up over 800% in a week.


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Interesting. Tell us about your ways.

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