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File: 06ebdb16e0ba626⋯.jpg (115.76 KB,1100x825,4:3,311409_1100.jpg)

36a712 No.148151

Give me sum good Oat brands, and Oat accessories(recipes)

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59bb85 No.148152

Make sure to soak and cook your oats to reduce anti-nutrients such as phytic acid.

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536c30 No.148153


>phytic acid

Fug. Have been eating a lot of muesli raw. Maybe I should go back to granola, at least that's cooked. I fucking hate oatmeal though.

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86decc No.148194


also make sure not to eat too many carbs to break your fast.

personally, I've used oats en masse as a cheap way to get gains.

so, you CAN in fact eat a lot of them and get in shape, but once you

get to a more ketogenic diet, you shouldn't be eating a huge amount of glucose to reduce insulin sensitivity.

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22e7e0 No.148201

File: b366998df910b2b⋯.jpg (9.75 KB,320x221,320:221,pops.jpg)


Add a quarter less milk to your measure of oats so that they get all lumpy and thicky thick. Then add the other quarter of milk when you're finished to make em all oats-like and cool them down immediately ready to eat.

I add a little more milk than the quarter balance if I'm adding powders to it.

I do the quaker oats proton/fiber. Banana bread, apples-cinnamon, brown sugar-cinnamon.


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2c0e9a No.148401

File: 49df17687334a1c⋯.png (40.05 KB,1113x207,371:69,esdhtfjgkjk.l.png)


tfw i've been eating them raw in milk, with pumpkin seeds (for that zinc)

turns out phytic acid inhibits zinc absorption


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1b664b No.148481

File: 677437aca6f7852⋯.png (321.28 KB,400x500,4:5,cease_m.png)



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25b706 No.148531


well give me a more convenient, faster and reliable way to access information

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8f0999 No.149926



cooking oats simplifies the nice complex carbs into more simple carbs. I've been eating raw rolled oats for years and I never got a problem. I sprinkle a very small pinch of black pepper on anything I worry about not absorbing enough of, boosts absorption massively. look it up.

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8f0999 No.149927


keto/paleo/south beach is all the same scam. I keep trying to tell people. carbs are not bad. simple carbs and proccessed shit is bad.

go complex carb only.

>dark red kidney beans and black beans


>chia and flax seeds (grind before use or you can't digest)

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8f0999 No.149928


phytic acid is a scare tactic shill disinfo to scare people away from healthy foods

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8f0999 No.149929

go to wololo foods and ask to order a 50lb bag of the "thick cut" oats.

thank me later

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b9ec41 No.149942

File: 317c8f4885b2b8f⋯.jpg (24.94 KB,425x425,1:1,91JMtRS68zL._SX425_.jpg)


Rolled oats (like in OP pic) are shit. Almost all the bran is cracked away in the processing. Get steel cut oats. You get the whole bran and all the fiber and nutrients that go along with it. Takes about 30 mins to cook, but healthier alternative. Also great to grind up very fine and add to your yogurt or protein shake.

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e40fd7 No.150214

File: ccaf938afb602c5⋯.png (872.24 KB,614x757,614:757,ClipboardImage.png)


Combos below let me make many different varieties of oatmeal using only items that are on sale or non-perishables. All you need is the first ingredient and at least one of the extras that pairs well with it. In most cases nuts can be substituted or paired with nut butters and spreads.

>Blueberries + banana/cinnamon/matcha powder/other berries/almonds

>Strawberries + banana/almonds

>Pomegranate + mint/matcha powder

>Pomegranate + banana/nuts

>Crushed dark chocolate (the darker the better) + nuts/dried coconut chips/berries/cinamon/mint/banana/cherries/pear/raisins

>Apple + cinnamon/pear/lemon juice/mint

>Pear + nuts/cinnamon/mint/citrus juice/berries/cherries/dried cherries/nuts/raisins/

>Pineapple + banana/coconut chips/citrus/lemon or other citrus juice/cinamon/dark chocolate/mint/walnuts/macademia nuts/berries

>Nectarines/peaches + allspice/nuts/cherries/dark chocolate/cinnamon/nutmeg/berries/dried coconut chips/lime or lemon juice

>Dried Apricots + dried cherries/pistachios/orange/cinnamon/raisins

>Raisins + allspice/nuts/apples/pears/bananas/cinnamon/cloves/dried fruit/lemon juice/nutmeg/orange

Things like pain Greek yogurt, milk, chia seeds, ground flax, pumpkin seeds, vanilla, and a pinch of salt go with nearly anything listed above. If you need sweeteners, a little bit of honey or maple syrup goes a long way and they are healthier than sugar.


It's not as big of a deal as people make it out to be. Soaking oats for 7 hours or cooking them will take care of phytic acid. If you soak oats in milk, whatever is not destroyed by soaking will bound to calcium before you eat them. Just add your pumpkin seeds right before eating and you will get all zinc. You can add a spoon of Greek yogurt or some more milk right before eating if you want extra calcium, but there is little to worry about if you eat dairy, meat, fish, and nuts. Rolled oats are often steamed, which most likely reduces the phytic acid content a little bit.


Nutritional differences between rolled and steel cut are minuscule. In case of Quaker, their old fashioned oats have only 0.5g extra fat compared to steel cut ones, and all other nutrients are identical.

Only reason to get steel cut is if you like them enough to not mind longer cooking times, or if you have severe diabetes and even couple GI points matter.

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