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File: 1462145678376.jpg (83.8 KB,1440x808,180:101,blue.JPG)


rate my film, /tv/


how did i do?

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I didn't watch it with sound, but i liked it, reminds me of Ulive

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Well done. I enjoy watching a nicely edited stream of footage

What software did you use and how many video clips did you start with?

One major problem is you think this is /tv/

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Well done. Like >>7208 I'm curious to know more details. Also that archive site is cool, it's a good idea to edit together something from public domain clips, I might try that myself

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thanks man.



glad you liked it. i used adobe premiere.

i started with a few thematic ideas and found 20 or so clips i thought captured this, which ended up at about 60 videos from the archive total.

overall ~40 hours, i don't know if that's a lot for these compilations - but i did realize i was a dumb fuck after for not using some beat-matching program to help with the synchronization.

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I feel like I don't really get what you're trying to accomplish cinematically. The content and theme is good but as a film collage I find it pretty uninteresting.

The music clashes with the editing. The former even with the repetitive electronic beat has a dreamy overtone to it which the latter fails to capture. Take away the music and it's still aesthetically unaffecting.

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