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A Post Nuclear Rozen Maiden Board


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File: ac8533e7320e79b⋯.jpg (2.05 MB,3376x2288,211:143,1260038084567.jpg)

 No.4472 [Open thread]

This board is just another silent and rusting away Suiseiseki Shrine

Welcome, stranger. You can warm up and rest here. Be quiet. Don't forget to leave donations.

Anything Rozen Maiden, BJD (ball-jointed dolls), Ryoko Asakura and Touhou-related is welcome!

>nsfw, doll insulting/sexualization, who's better/superior, muh waifus, "dead meme/fandom/franchise", attentionwhoring, politics, major imageboards meta, rmts

Get out of here, stalker! Dеsuсhаn is this way → https://desuchan.net/

Fallback: https://8chan.moe/desu/ https://9chan.tw/rozen/ https://9chan.tw/desu/ Good night, sweet prince.

/rozen/ - https://zzzchan.xyz/rozen/ (Backup: https://8chan.moe/rozen/ )


Booru: http://rm.booru.org/

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File: 9cda218f01e32ad⋯.png (14.78 KB,300x300,1:1,1294692792419.png) media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

Thumbnails are broken. To hell with them, I want to sleep

Server's closed due to AIDS.

Just repost the missing images.

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File: e8914c55def156f⋯.png (786.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,1373260690657.png)

 No.576 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


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File: 85412a256cef1e4⋯.png (3.65 MB,1764x2508,147:209,92003445_p0.png)

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File: 1c29687ade43791⋯.png (1.39 MB,1372x995,1372:995,92118957_p0.png)

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File: e8d36a612077027⋯.jpg (160.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,92084835_p0.jpg)

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File: 3efb729f0bef2da⋯.jpg (3.27 MB,2304x4096,9:16,101347277_p0.jpg)

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File: 8755cb0aa28a908⋯.png (79.36 KB,640x448,10:7,EV6_43.png)

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File: 9281937affe7ea2⋯.jpg (437.92 KB,1465x2048,1465:2048,Tefuko.jpg)

 No.6998 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

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File: 7f7f31976b1957f⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,2417x2723,2417:2723,55272452_p0.jpg)


This is a limited edition, I own both Kana's from this series. It's pretty much the same as the Twins ones. But yeah, there definitely is some difference in color. ~desu

>if you wish

I don't know. You see, I rarely get replies there anyway.

Uh-huh, we're already preparing.

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File: 2c2e271bd30c148⋯.jpg (2.13 MB,2480x1748,620:437,82894528_p2.jpg)

It was all in vain, I guess. Welp.

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I hope you downloaded it.

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File: 5518c79498997e4⋯.jpg (321.97 KB,1197x1000,1197:1000,EkfP_BvUYAAxIYT2.jpg)

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I'm not thirsty and my foot is on your chest

G-d hates you for you abandon him and forget a race doomed in space

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File: 1414318049607.swf (1.62 MB,desu-a-thon.swf)

 No.548 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Time for some flash ~desu

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File: d203945824ad324⋯.swf (4.79 MB,Ice_Wastes.swf)

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File: 2904f4b29911150⋯.swf (1.64 MB,twinsong.swf)

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It is.

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File: 3f50371834a34d0⋯.jpg (346.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1471894341050.jpg)

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^ ^

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File: 82355ccf35ff397⋯.jpg (3.45 MB,3952x2808,38:27,96080377_p0.jpg)

 No.7376 [Open thread]

I, Anonymous, stand here today, humbled by the task before us, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our Rozenfag ancestors.

We are in the midst of a crisis. Rozen Maiden is at war against a far-reaching storm of discord and division. Rozen Maiden community is badly weakened: a consequence of carelessness and irresponsibility on the part of acknowledgement, but also on the collective failure to make hard choices and to prepare for a new, JUNK age.

Today, I say to you, that the challenges are real, and they are many. They will not be easily met, or in a short span of time, but know this, Anon: they will be met. In reaffirming the greatness of our franchise, we understand that greatness is never given, our journey has never been one of shortcuts. It has not been for the faint-hearted, or who seek the fleshly pleasures. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the wasted genii, the creators of JUNK things. For us, they posted in dead threads, endured the bash of the banhammer. Time and again, these men struggled, and sacrificed, so that we might... POST MORE.

We remain the most powerful faction on the Internet, our minds no less inventive, and services no less needed than they were last week, or yesterday, or the day before the day after tomorrow. Starting today, we must open up our cases, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of posting Rozen Maiden Dolls.

Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions, who suggest our imageboards cannot tolerate too many desu. Their memories are short, for they have forgotten what Rozenfags already has done, what free men can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose.

And so, to all the people who are reading this post, from the grandest sites, to the small boards where DESURUS was born, know that Rozen Maiden is a friend to every man, who seeks the future of love and peace. Now we will begin to responsibly leave authorized common materials to Peach-Pit people, and forge a hard-earned peace in this JUNK world.

What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility. This is the price, and the promise, of Rozen Maiden Community citizenship. Rozenfags, in the face of common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words: DESU WE CAN.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 7aa3684439ab9cb⋯.jpg (84.38 KB,372x557,372:557,16622332069780.jpg)


>Hmm, how about formatting text and linking the other boards?

Ofcourse, just been focusing on making the css work for these sites.

>I don't quite understand why would you try to use abridged css made for larachan on lynxchan.

Am still learning all your notes, making adjustments based on site and trying to leave note on what changes and such were made. You know your work better than I, just trying to get these things done so you don't have to worry about it. In the end I still am in need of your wisdom.

>Pic related

Last minute move, definitely is a need for explaining, considering that this move was just made, exhausting yes. But I want to make sure to be established somewhere that will die off shortly. Not saying that is the case for 8moe, just some forewarning and some insight given from some nice anons on /digi/, we moved in while they were moving out. I can dig up more context if you want it. But ZZZ seems to be the place we should stick with. Any advice?

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File: 864ef19e910b141⋯.png (1.73 MB,1330x1211,190:173,69413145_p0.png)

Sorry, fell asleep right in the chair.


I see...

Hehe, you're pretty good at css compared to the past.

First of all, be careful. And try to have fun. ~desu

Let's see. About zzz sticky. Ryoko Asakura is a gimmick of mine 8/desu/ and very Suiseiseki-biased, I don't know. Touhou - well, it's history-biased and not directly related to Rozen Maiden in any way, I doubt that among the posters there someone will remember why, but you decide, I guess. If I were you, I would provide links to the manga, not RM Zero, but the original and Tales. Maybe some stuff like Zwillinge, links to both boorus, Unyuunymous, some other interesting or essential things, well, stuff like that. Also, I don't think it's worth leaving links to 9chan boards, they are gone.

And now I don't know what to do with 8moe/desu/ lol ~desu ¯\</o_●\>/¯

Maybe moe/desu/ will serve us as a bunker and a staging area, a way station to this old, rusted and inhospitable central hub board, 8/desu/, while the cool kids club and all the fun will be at zzz/rozen/? To link or not to link - that's the question. ~desu

What do you think?

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File: f571fa588b62903⋯.png (835.4 KB,764x910,382:455,unknown_249.png)

Make sure to get some proper sleep.


>Hehe, you're pretty good at css compared to the past.

I think it's more of a thing of drive, my mind was badly poisoned and was not in the best state emotionally. Things are different now.

>First of all, be careful. And try to have fun. ~desu

Of course dear friend.

>About zzz sticky.

It definitely needs some updating, a bit trapped in the past, some of the revision suggestions are definitely some thing needed, and I will get on that asap. As for the stiked boards of the past, I would like to keep that, a momento of sorts, nothing is truly buried in time.

>but you decide, I guess.

>If I were you, I would provide links to the manga, not RM Zero, but the original and Tales. Maybe some stuff like Zwillinge, links to both boorus, Unyuunymous, some other interesting or essential things

Absolutely, I will have to but all this together for the updated sticky.

>Also, I don't think it's worth leaving links to 9chan boards, they are gone.

That may be so, but if one thing I would like to stay, it's exactly this.

>And now I don't know what to do with 8moe/desu/ lol ~desu ¯\</o_●\>/¯

Perhaps have a word with sturgeon and make a zzz sleepy /desu heh.

>Maybe moe/desu/ will serve us as a bunker and a staging area, a way station to this old, rusted and inhospitable central hub board, 8/desu/, while the cool kids club and all the fun will be at zzz/rozen/? To link or not to link - that's the question. ~desu

Your choice dear friend, glad to see moe/desu up and running one day I will be as quick with css as you are ^^

>What do you think?

I definitely agree with everything you have on the table, I say a revision of the main sticky is in order, a small project for tomorrow.

SePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Also if you can the original arriving post, it's lost in time for me, when you came and fixed things. I will never forget that thread when you came.

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File: ac14928ea2c819b⋯.png (542.36 KB,600x600,1:1,48332153_p4.png)


No proper sleep for me, unfortunately.

About .post-icons. Pseudoelements don't work with void elements like img. So, they don't work and won't work like that.

>Perhaps have a word with sturgeon and make a zzz sleepy /desu heh.

I think I'll refrain from that. I don't like jschan and I don't like dealing with post-redditchan public. And I don't have much time.


>Also if you can the original arriving post

I accidentally it, so I don't think that I can it. But I'll try to it.

>I will never forget that thread when you came.

Where? Here? When? In 2014? In 2016? In 2018? In 2020? Hmm...

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File: e6e20473c4dd68c⋯.jpg (77.2 KB,467x480,467:480,Rozen_Maiden_Doll_rozen_ma….jpg)

 No.7247 [Open thread]

uh.... hi? hello? anyone here? uhh...... if anyone is here, can you please tell me wat is going on with this board?

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My dear alpha, my dearest alpha-desu, if you read this... You are probably aware about things that going on. If you are not, you will be soon. We live in the most wonderful time of all times ever. THAT time is coming, it WILL come soon, and it may come very suddenly. Do not stay. Go along with exiles without delay. Go with the very, very first to be exiled. Going with the first and not second or (oh no no no) third is important. Another moment: get rid of any and all electric appliance when that time comes, or it will betray you for sure. They developed some scary tracking technologies the world doesn't know about. Science doesn't stand still, you must know much better than me.

And get some dried bread, anything too good will probably be confiscated. Take the most important things, two bags and one backpack, definitely not more.

The prophecy comes true. I did not take these things seriously, I believed they all exist only to entrap us in an imaginary world, I did not want to be a part of what I thought to be carrier of yet another mere memetic meta-organism, but now I see that this is not a joke, it is true. This sounds like ravings of a lunatic. But I am in fact in pretty good health, mental and physical, did not join any suspicious sect and what I said has nothing to do with some ridiculous zombie apocalypse nonsense either. I hope you've got better too. I love you.

Yours, you-know-who.

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P.S. Don't take these words without salt either. Don't trust anyone easily. This, I mean about rushing exiles, too, can be a huge lie, because it does sound somewhat like a provocation, similar to "in december 2012 the world will end, now run into the forests!" shit and whatnot. You have to consider things carefully, weight pros and cons, prepare calmly, without being attached to anything in your mind. However, what does not need to be doubted is that the time is coming, shit will be blown all over the place, and who bows down before their government, they are screwed.

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Sorry. I think such thinking was too hasty. Voluntarily going to concentration camps doesn't sound like a great idea. It's unknown what fate awaits those who go. I don't know, really. But staying and accepting the rule, the imprint, of course, is worse, it's guaranteed doom. An obvious option is running and hiding, but the question is where. Of course, without electronic devices, since they should have methods to detect those. I just want you to know that whatever will be, we must be prepared, at all times, at every hour and minute, we definitely must not be caught unprepared, or it will be too late to regret. And by prepared I mean prepared and clear, not ready to surrender to agiotage and panic and mindlessly rush along with crowd.

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My dear alpha-desu, listen. Listen carefully.

What I want to say, I want to say one thing that is very important. It's starting to happen in people right now. Many people now take instead of cutting carrots, potatoes or eggplants for example, with knives they buy up, they start buying up MIXERS! It's coming because there are still a lot of hobbies going on at the expense of MIXERS. Mixers are popping up now, and young tomboys, who are running around in small flocks here and there, and tomboys there and there. They also want to buy this mixer, to mix everything as they say, because no, this tradition, this delicate tradition, when you calmly take carrots, take potatoes, take and eggplants, take, or take, for example, this from carrots take greens there, take, and gather these, and old people gather somewhere in the kitchen, and if you like in the kitchen, and if you like in the KITCHEN NARTHEX - people gather and quietly make everything with their hands. From this mixer came the MIX CULTURE. MIX CULTURE is chopped up in the underground clubs where young people gather nowadays. Look around you! Their faces are already as round as the moon from beer, because beer is not just water. Beer is made with a mixer, and it's all mixed with a mixer. There's all kinds of things being mixed with a mixer these days. And in underground clubs, everything is mixed. Everything is being mixed. You don't want to take a small knife, or there are bigger knives on the market. You've got to chop them up properly, because there's a lot of mixing going on right now, underground. Look around you at the people! They've got it all mixed up in their heads. They've got a fucking mess in their head. They've got it all mixed up in their heads. We have to tell everyone, and we have to tell the bear to give us the lard. And let's tell the horses to give us the bones. We'll make a house out of the bones, we'll put the lard on the house in front of the mixer. This mixer as soon as I saw the picture - I immediately ran away!

Please, be safe.

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File: 914092ebbc18296⋯.png (81.33 KB,249x254,249:254,boku_disgust_blue.png)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1439 [Open thread]

sometimes I forget how good this soundtrack is Desu~

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<3 desu~

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File: 9992277f8e0396f⋯.gif (434.05 KB,320x240,4:3,e55f77d0b22965564958ea8b78….gif)


I wanted to do them as mp4 but I didn't feel like writing a new bat file Desu~

I tried modifying the webm bat file I have for combining images and sound but it didn't work and finding the solution would've taken me an hour or more, so all the meta data from the mp3's is butchered

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I should listen to the soundtrack more often

I think I will download all of it before this thread expires

Can't be careful enough

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and the original mp3s


same pass as the other archive

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File: fde864d7c4e81bc⋯.png (262.38 KB,1600x582,800:291,91934723_aug12th.png)

 No.7279 [Open thread]

One year until the 20th anniversary!

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File: 5ff180ad732077f⋯.jpg (40.2 KB,768x432,16:9,9158120349.jpg)

At last. Oh yes, anger. But also the purpose. It is purpose that we create. Purpose that then awakens us. That guides us. That drives us. That defines. It is the purpose that holds us. Every day. Like sand in a hourglass what time still remains is running out, every day, every second, it is a race and we always need fuel and light.

Good day or good night, everyone.

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File: 1f9bf6d908ae100⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,450x300,3:2,out.jpg)


  ↓ ↓ ↓


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I thought we hate it?... Oh so we can sage with picture?

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File: af41944402749bc⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,900x1200,3:4,91898060_p0.jpg)


Exactly. Therefore, the offtopic goes to the offtopic thread.


Good morning.

So I managed to boot up my 512MB monster by stroking its mighty 64MB GPU. All the stuff is in place and is ready to be consumed, not counting some encrypted archives, the password should be simple, I guess. But something is wrong, again. The mysterious machine immediately hangs itself at the first glance at the state of the modern Web. One request, and both RAM and SWAP are completely gone without error. Interestingly enough, everything worked perfectly a couple of years ago. I don't feel like transferring page after page by floppy disks (the DVD drive is dead, USB is also dead), so I need to reinvent the wheel again and reorganize my local network, I guess. Or just stop being lazy and fix everything. This CeleronAlpha-tier AI deserves way more love and attention. But I need an additional drive to make a backup first.

It sure feels good to watch Rozen Maiden the way I did it first time 14 years ago.

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But what's the point of this now?.. I don't know.

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File: cf971110aa1acb8⋯.png (7.39 KB,450x350,9:7,ascii.png)

 No.4564 [Open thread]

Anyone have the desu watering can ascii, i thought i saved it but i cant find it, thanks

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File: 0a9842f053ad4e6⋯.png (520.81 KB,651x921,217:307,1587.png)

 No.7242 [Open thread]

excuse me, what happened to the chaturbate?

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File: 6b7227d0a2aae3b⋯.png (1.76 MB,1280x1280,1:1,1605779277466.png)

Site owner long lost interest in Rozen Maiden, mainly stuck around for the love of the site. That eventually withered away as well. Its not coming back.

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Well, it may come back, at least Schmidget said so on his booru's forum.

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File: 3a8f40ee419fe90⋯.png (515.03 KB,1000x1000,1:1,92032602_p5.png)



Here you go. Try not to catch AIDS.

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File: a00d8a4ad676c75⋯.png (Spoiler Image,720.86 KB,681x1080,227:360,Dolls_in_Wonderland.png)

File: 0c621f8e46740e0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,810.93 KB,722x1080,361:540,Masters_in_Fairytale.png)

File: cc7b9f1996ebb1c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,784.26 KB,670x1080,67:108,Drink_Me.png)

 No.6689 [Open thread]

(Spoiler Warning for season 2 of the Rozen Maiden manga!) Near the end of the second season of the Rozen Maiden manga, especially when the setting takes place in Kirakishou's World of Illusion. There is a sudden surge of obvious, but also subtle Alice in Wonderland references. Some examples include "Her Majesty" or "The Queen" being an almost 1 of 1 clone of The Queen of Hearts. The game of Croquet requiring the use of flamingos and hedgehogs as the mallets and balls. The talking roses guiding the Maidens and Masters throughout Kirakishou's world. Or the occasional, but subtle reference to the concept of Literary Nonsense.

The sudden introduction of all these Alice in Wonderland characters, concepts, and plot devices would end up heavily impacting the rest of season 2 of the Rozen Maiden manga. Now my question is, what are your thoughts about the abundant Alice in Wonderland references that take place in the Rozen Maiden manga? Was it a good addition to the plot, or did it seem out-of-place? Is there a deeper meaning to all these references in relation to the Rozen Maiden, or did Peach-Pit just think that Alice in Wonderland references would look cool?

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> did it seem out-of-place?

absolutely not.

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no suprise at all. The series as a whole was already laden with them, so using them as a focal point for a dream world made sense, and even lends itself some credit, as it shows kira's inability to create new and original things, only copycat creations, but that could be me reading into it.

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File: db6ca7e97ebc488⋯.jpg (287.52 KB,712x1000,89:125,EAiUxbrUcAACQE8_jpg_large.jpg)

>did it seem out-of-place?

maybe a little

just a little

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And now read the whole thing from the start, not just look at the pretty pictures.

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File: f6efe2358a079a3⋯.jpg (182.93 KB,600x827,600:827,__kanaria_rozen_maiden_dra….jpg)

 No.4609 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Special, unique, all musical thread goes here ~desu

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File: 51caa466f81943a⋯.png (807.85 KB,1501x546,1501:546,87325370_p0.png)

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File: 9e25b01492184f1⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1000x1500,2:3,87820953_p0.jpg)

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File: 36476691207500a⋯.gif (2.28 MB,720x720,1:1,86529783.gif)

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File: 3bad54bf7baf9c3⋯.jpg (231.3 KB,1024x710,512:355,75554791_p0.jpg)

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File: a2e645ad602c5cd⋯.jpg (566.09 KB,1176x1309,168:187,1327607_p0.jpg)

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File: 9affcce51788a1b⋯.jpg (276.19 KB,1000x1420,50:71,img001.jpg)

 No.6483 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

[misokaze] - Yukihana


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File: 9f7586dea631fd2⋯.png (4.45 MB,4200x6000,7:10,014_en.png)


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File: 44df1cb90d151e0⋯.png (4.04 MB,4200x6000,7:10,015_en.png)


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File: 7be25de701844ab⋯.png (3.45 MB,4200x6000,7:10,016_en.png)


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File: c7e7289fce82275⋯.png (5.25 MB,4200x6000,7:10,017_en.png)


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File: 059bda1acf23b7a⋯.png (8.55 MB,4200x6000,7:10,018_en.png)


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File: 7cff1896601913e⋯.jpg (25.54 KB,340x410,34:41,L_51d68f492a63b.jpg)

 No.7099 [Open thread]

What is this place?

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rozen maiden board

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Should I watch the anime?

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You might like it, but the manga is better.

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File: 7c589d9344c8430⋯.jpg (59.12 KB,541x680,541:680,EuK4TPCUcAERfLo.jpg)



I would highly recommend both

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I would recommend to start from nomad's anime and then move onto everything else. It has it's unique charm brought by feels, drama and unforgettable soundtrack.

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File: f01f70d6ef1f3a5⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,599x337,599:337,1465468070372.jpg)

 No.1629 [Open thread]

This thread is for Shinku-related images, WebMs, GIFs etc!

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File: 65a5014baa43d99⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,1200x1000,6:5,Shinku.full.1548805.jpg)

File: b32a5bf19f205bf⋯.jpg (822.64 KB,1300x1716,25:33,Shinku.full.1548811.jpg)

Here's more Shinku for this thread.

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File: 4897d66112cd198⋯.jpg (184.45 KB,866x616,433:308,Shinku.full.1552846.jpg)

File: 0fd7ec5adadbb04⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1500x1000,3:2,Shinku.full.1554406.jpg)

File: a3dc48badd50711⋯.jpg (405.06 KB,700x600,7:6,Shinku.full.1547537.jpg)

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File: 50d4d6ca9246727⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Shinku.full.1543270.jpg)

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File: 833ca3fafaaf910⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,800x1131,800:1131,Shinku.full.1549596.jpg)

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File: c93e68dbe07faeb⋯.jpg (860.58 KB,1733x2501,1733:2501,52006082_p0.jpg)

She was Alice in my dreams.

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