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A Post Nuclear Rozen Maiden Board

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File: a00d8a4ad676c75⋯.png (Spoiler Image,720.86 KB,681x1080,227:360,Dolls_in_Wonderland.png)

File: 0c621f8e46740e0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,810.93 KB,722x1080,361:540,Masters_in_Fairytale.png)

File: cc7b9f1996ebb1c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,784.26 KB,670x1080,67:108,Drink_Me.png)


(Spoiler Warning for season 2 of the Rozen Maiden manga!) Near the end of the second season of the Rozen Maiden manga, especially when the setting takes place in Kirakishou's World of Illusion. There is a sudden surge of obvious, but also subtle Alice in Wonderland references. Some examples include "Her Majesty" or "The Queen" being an almost 1 of 1 clone of The Queen of Hearts. The game of Croquet requiring the use of flamingos and hedgehogs as the mallets and balls. The talking roses guiding the Maidens and Masters throughout Kirakishou's world. Or the occasional, but subtle reference to the concept of Literary Nonsense.

The sudden introduction of all these Alice in Wonderland characters, concepts, and plot devices would end up heavily impacting the rest of season 2 of the Rozen Maiden manga. Now my question is, what are your thoughts about the abundant Alice in Wonderland references that take place in the Rozen Maiden manga? Was it a good addition to the plot, or did it seem out-of-place? Is there a deeper meaning to all these references in relation to the Rozen Maiden, or did Peach-Pit just think that Alice in Wonderland references would look cool?

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> did it seem out-of-place?

absolutely not.

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no suprise at all. The series as a whole was already laden with them, so using them as a focal point for a dream world made sense, and even lends itself some credit, as it shows kira's inability to create new and original things, only copycat creations, but that could be me reading into it.

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File: db6ca7e97ebc488⋯.jpg (287.52 KB,712x1000,89:125,EAiUxbrUcAACQE8_jpg_large.jpg)

>did it seem out-of-place?

maybe a little

just a little

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And now read the whole thing from the start, not just look at the pretty pictures.

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