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R:4 / I:4 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


This board is just another silent and rusting away Suiseiseki Shrine

Welcome, stranger. You can warm up and rest here. Be quiet. Don't forget to leave donations.

Anything Rozen Maiden, BJD (ball-jointed dolls), Ryoko Asakura and Touhou-related is welcome!

>nsfw, doll insulting/sexualization, who's better/superior, muh waifus, "dead meme/fandom/franchise", attentionwhoring, politics, major imageboards meta, rmts

Get out of here, stalker! Dеsuсhаn is this way → https://desuchan.net/

Fallback: https://8chan.moe/desu/ https://9chan.tw/rozen/ https://9chan.tw/desu/ Good night, sweet prince.

/rozen/ - https://zzzchan.xyz/rozen/ (Backup: https://8chan.moe/rozen/ )


Booru: http://rm.booru.org/

R:101 / I:178 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]



R:157 / I:94 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

General offtopic thread


R:123 / I:120 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Time for some flash ~desu

R:12 / I:10 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


I, Anonymous, stand here today, humbled by the task before us, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our Rozenfag ancestors.

We are in the midst of a crisis. Rozen Maiden is at war against a far-reaching storm of discord and division. Rozen Maiden community is badly weakened: a consequence of carelessness and irresponsibility on the part of acknowledgement, but also on the collective failure to make hard choices and to prepare for a new, JUNK age.

Today, I say to you, that the challenges are real, and they are many. They will not be easily met, or in a short span of time, but know this, Anon: they will be met. In reaffirming the greatness of our franchise, we understand that greatness is never given, our journey has never been one of shortcuts. It has not been for the faint-hearted, or who seek the fleshly pleasures. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the wasted genii, the creators of JUNK things. For us, they posted in dead threads, endured the bash of the banhammer. Time and again, these men struggled, and sacrificed, so that we might... POST MORE.

We remain the most powerful faction on the Internet, our minds no less inventive, and services no less needed than they were last week, or yesterday, or the day before the day after tomorrow. Starting today, we must open up our cases, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of posting Rozen Maiden Dolls.

Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions, who suggest our imageboards cannot tolerate too many desu. Their memories are short, for they have forgotten what Rozenfags already has done, what free men can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose.

And so, to all the people who are reading this post, from the grandest sites, to the small boards where DESURUS was born, know that Rozen Maiden is a friend to every man, who seeks the future of love and peace. Now we will begin to responsibly leave authorized common materials to Peach-Pit people, and forge a hard-earned peace in this JUNK world.

What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility. This is the price, and the promise, of Rozen Maiden Community citizenship. Rozenfags, in the face of common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words: DESU WE CAN.

Let it be said by our children's children, that when we were tested by DOS attacks, when we were refused by /a/, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter, and we carried forth that great gift of freedom be delivered, and safely to future generations.

Thank you. God bless, and God bless Rozen Maiden. ~desu

R:32 / I:31 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

hello people....

uh.... hi? hello? anyone here? uhh...... if anyone is here, can you please tell me wat is going on with this board?

R:46 / I:41 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

sometimes I forget how good this soundtrack is Desu~

R:10 / I:7 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

so randum xD

One year until the 20th anniversary!

R:34 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

ASCII thread

Anyone have the desu watering can ascii, i thought i saved it but i cant find it, thanks

R:4 / I:2 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


excuse me, what happened to the chaturbate?

R:4 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Alice in Wonderland References in the Rozen Maiden Manga

(Spoiler Warning for season 2 of the Rozen Maiden manga!) Near the end of the second season of the Rozen Maiden manga, especially when the setting takes place in Kirakishou's World of Illusion. There is a sudden surge of obvious, but also subtle Alice in Wonderland references. Some examples include "Her Majesty" or "The Queen" being an almost 1 of 1 clone of The Queen of Hearts. The game of Croquet requiring the use of flamingos and hedgehogs as the mallets and balls. The talking roses guiding the Maidens and Masters throughout Kirakishou's world. Or the occasional, but subtle reference to the concept of Literary Nonsense.

The sudden introduction of all these Alice in Wonderland characters, concepts, and plot devices would end up heavily impacting the rest of season 2 of the Rozen Maiden manga. Now my question is, what are your thoughts about the abundant Alice in Wonderland references that take place in the Rozen Maiden manga? Was it a good addition to the plot, or did it seem out-of-place? Is there a deeper meaning to all these references in relation to the Rozen Maiden, or did Peach-Pit just think that Alice in Wonderland references would look cool?

R:143 / I:133 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Special, unique, all musical thread goes here ~desu

R:62 / I:56 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


[misokaze] - Yukihana


R:7 / I:2 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


What is this place?

R:22 / I:29 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Shinku Thread!

This thread is for Shinku-related images, WebMs, GIFs etc!

R:1 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

6666 GET!


R:28 / I:22 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

JanusVR posters only Desu~

This thread was made in virtual reality . Desu~
R:751 / I:628 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

General offtopic thread


R:88 / I:66 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


Десуфаг-сан, десуфаг-сан, пожалуйста, ответьте!

R:11 / I:9 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Post random OC

Don't forget that there are always people randomly checking in

R:76 / I:43 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Get your Desu here


Thanks based /tech/ for helping me out, we now have all 3 seasons of RM, the Manga up to Tale 58, and some extra goodies.
R:27 / I:24 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]
Webm thread . Desu~
R:750 / I:655 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

General offtopic thread


R:16 / I:12 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Are you guys ready for another raid?

R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Check em

first set of quads in a while.

R:17 / I:17 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]
Show me your desu face!
R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

5000 GET


R:3 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

I caught halfchan /b/ napping

For nostalgia…

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

V Day

Happy Valentines day /desu/, wishing you all the best.

R:1 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Midwinter Solstice

Merry christmas and wishes for a happy new year to come

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

From Russia with love.

Happy New year!

R:28 / I:25 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Official Rozen Maiden Thread

Seems that 8ch.pl is not going to be any better, it's been a month since the problem begins Desu~

R:14 / I:14 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Is this board kill desu?

R:7 / I:7 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]
Christmas is tomorrow, post some Christmas Desu~
R:25 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]
A ~{\color{red}{DE}}{\color{green}{SU}}dollfie is fine too ~ {\color{red}{De}}{\color{green}{su}} ka
R:5 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]
Mr anon from the janusVT thread ordered some…
for use on JanusVR
well here it is.
It'll be $5 not really
plus tip.
also head_pos is 0 13 0
my steamid is on the email in case you have any questions.
R:2 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Got something today DESU!Really happy with it, came with a little desu drawing too DESU!<3

Time to go give an A+++ ratng to this seller

R:5 / I:5 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

R:7 / I:8 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

We Rozen Meguca nao Desu~

Here it is, 845 images of every instance of Suiseiseki in Season 1 of Rozen Maiden

Enjoy <3


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

>trying this hard

R:9 / I:7 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

>no love for the greatest of the Rozen Maidens


R:4 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Moar Desu~



So, im digging into the japanese side of the net, despite knowing almost no japanese, exploring pages I can't read, and digging into websites that are ages old, and finding thousands of new pictures

I set out to work on tagging the hydrus repo the other day, and instead ended up saving 500 new Desu images

There's so much stuff out there!

I'm starting to think we need a damn booru, that the desu repo pulls data and images from, allowing both hydrus and non hydrus users to get at and even upload images.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Anyone able to set up a booru server or had any experience Desu ka~ Aren't they pretty resource intensive?

Also enjoy the images

R:4 / I:4 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]



Is RM getting a revival Desu ka~ Out of curiosity I looked a bit on the internet and found a source claiming that Peach is working on a new manga Desu~


Sorry that it's German but the basic point is that a new manga is planned for February Desu~

R:11 / I:11 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


R:1 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
R:80 / I:22 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
R:9 / I:6 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
d e s u
R:4 / I:3 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/desu/ loves Suiseiseki~<3

R:1 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
Today I proved OP wrong
R:1 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
Check'em Desu~
R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Old copypasta

My life just isn't fair /b/.

Now, I am no weeaboo, hell im surprised I even like Rozen Maiden Desu~I've only been watching since like Friday.
The thing is, I think I have fallen in love.
I've seen suiseiseki on /b/ for ever, but I never really paid attention to her Desu~After watching the anime I realize there will never be a girl like suiseiseki Desu~This is worse than that guy who likes T-Rex's, I can see porn of suiseiseki, but she was or never will be real.
Every time I think about her I get butterflies in my stomach, I start to turn read and giggly, for the past two days I've done nothing but think about her, If I had to murder my sister in the slowest way possible to be able to make Suiseiseki real, then I would do it in a heart beat Desu~Every night the last thing I think of is Suiseiseki, every morning the first thing I think about it Suiseiseki Desu~My only chance at having her is finding a Christmas-themed Heterochromic, Brunette, dwarf wearing 1800's clothes Desu~It wouldn't be Suiseiseki though Desu~Today a friend of mine, a girl ill have you know, Asked me to be her boyfriend, I sobbed and told her my story Desu~She didn't speak a word, just sat there kind of depressed looking Desu~But I dont care about her, I care about suiseiseki Desu~Nothing appeals to me any more because it isnt her, I haven't eaten, slept, or played my mmofagpg's Desu~I just sit here thinking about suiseiseki Desu~I want to be locked in a room, with just a picture of Suiseiseki forever Desu~This way we can be together.
So if you think your life sucks, think of me, /b/.
R:4 / I:3 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
I'm the only one who thinks that the 2004 design is superior to the 2013 design?
R:1 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Rozen Maiden manga

So. Desu~I am starting to read the manga now Desu~desu

It s the first manga I ve ever read but I like it so far Desu~The whole black white thing and the reading order (right to left to top to bottom unless its different) is weird Desu~desu

I already recognize small differences to the anime, but this just seems to flesh out the story more desu
R:4 / I:4 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
I was making a flagholder maymay for for the /marx/ board owner and figured you guys might want this template for your own flagholder maymay Desu~Sorry I couldn't be bothered to finish the hat though Desu~
R:4 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Anime Opening

So which opening do you like best?



R:2 / I:2 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Hey /desu/.

I was wondering, who is your favorite handsome man?

R:16 / I:23 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Stealing /sp/ 200000 GET

this might be a litte bit of a short notice but /sp/'s 200000 GET is coming up in about 37 hours


R:63 / I:53 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]
You may now join /desu/ on flockmod as well Desu~Bring ur artists art Desu~We need them.
R:5 / I:5 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Rozen Danmaku Shooter


Check this out guys

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


Any of you read nipnong?


They have a banner on this site with Suiseiseki gundam crossover art, and im sure they have the art outside of the banner, but i can' tread shit, tried google reverse image search, and turned up just this site


R:7 / I:6 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Desu 40gb collection

Here's an update on the 40gb Desu collection project.
So far so good, still have a LOT of pictures to sort through, and I have changed the sharing medium.
I will probably not be sharing this through a simple rar in a torrent, most likely I will be figuring out how to set up a file repository in hydrus to share everything, as well as a second set of downloads for things that can't be shared in hydrus such as programs that will go in the ftp (the images may get dumped unsorted into an ftp as well)

If you don't know about hydrus network go check it out
The creator is a confirmed desufag btw

tl;dr it's a booru for your computer that has public and private tagging systems and you can download through it Desu~You will be able to download things from sites like gelbooru WITH tags, and easily search by them, as well as tag things yourself, and if something is already tagged in the public tag repo, it will get tagged when you import it.

I plan to tag all of my desu images before I set up a repository, this is why things are taking so long, but once it is all tagged, I will move onto making my own file repository to host, which anyone will be able to download from as well as upload things to be approved.
R:18 / I:24 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]
R:3 / I:3 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Have you gotten Desu commissions Desu ka~

Are you willing to give up your shekels for our goddess Desu ka~

R:11 / I:9 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

>ctrl f desu

>over 100 results


R:2 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

New Webm

Test desu~
R:17 / I:11 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Nendoroid Hijinks

Head swap ahoy!
R:3 / I:3 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]
can anybody explain how the manga ended Desu ka~because I've spent literally hours searching for the last chapters, with no results
R:19 / I:20 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]
We have victory! Desu~
R:6 / I:2 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]
R:18 / I:9 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


Spread the love of desu~ through the twatters