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41a2a6 No.912443 [View All]

‘’’Mumkey Jones: the new ProJared’’’

Earlier this month, Mumkey Jones (real name Tyler Miller) released a video where he admitted to cheating on his girlfriend of two years and tried to justify it by saying he was “in a bad place mentally” because his jewtube channel got removed. He also said that he had a drug addiction which he was taking care of and he and his gf were undergoing couples therapy.

Kind of a shitty thing to do, but at least he came clean about it, right?


It turns out that Tyler was being a dishonest prick. As Mrmetman’s video shows, this nigger spent the whole video either lying to the audience or telling half truths, leaving out information he knew would make his audience turn on him. Here’s a quick rundown of just some of the points made in the vid:

>Tyler’s main source of revenue wasn’t his jewtube channel, it was his paypig, which was making 2k a month at its peak.

>Tyler was never addicted to anything other than alcohol; he did acid with his sidehoe once and smoked THC from time to time but that’s it

>most fucked up of all, Tyler wasn’t just cheating on his girlfriend of 2 years with any random chick; he was dating a babyfur pedophile who called herself LiuTheKitty

Liu had previously been an emotionally abusive relationship with a fifteen year old named Dylan that she met on discord (because of course the babyfur uses discord). Admittedly, Tyler didn’t know that Liu had been in a relationship with an underage teen, but he did know that she was a degenerate furfag. So still, that’s fucked up.


Mrmeatman actually ‘’staged an interview with LiuTheKitty’’ where she talked about all the messed up shit he did while they were together. Here’s just some of the stuff that he did. While Liu might be a degenerate scumbag, that doesn’t make anything Tyler did less shitty.

>Tyler was a degenerate who loved getting tied up in bed. The first time him and Liu fucked, he got her to tie him to the bed while they were both tripping on acid.

>Tyler encouraged Liu to make a trip to his place in North Carolina. Liu didn’t have the money, so Tyler promised to pay for a train ticket to NC. This pennypinching nigger wouldn’t even pay for half the fair even though he was making a shitload on paypig.

>Tyler didn’t like condoms, so he fucked Liu when she came over to his place. Liu admitted that she was nervous that she might’ve gotten pregnant and Tyler responded by saying that she wouldn’t be allowed to leave him if she got pregnant.

>Tyler threatened to kill himself multiple times as a way to make her stay with him.

>After the two broke up, Tyler slid into her dms begging her to not fuck her new boyfriend like the pathetic beta male he really is.

He was actually messaging Liu while mrmeatman was interviewing her. Jesus tapdancing Christ, what a faggot.


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062eb4 No.961387


Can't say they aren't meant to each other.

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177b48 No.961397


Yeah she’s 21/22

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feba4c No.961472


Shit, do you have it archived?

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46d8ab No.961498

File: 6559446e9836a9f⋯.jpg (13.77 KB,400x225,16:9,bro you just posted epic.jpg)


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3c0d4f No.961764

Man, it's sad to see him become such a lolcow in this fashion. I really hope his family can help him see reason and help him break things off with the pedobitch.

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35b57d No.961767


Unlikely. He really believes he can change her and has already cut out his brother from his life. Hell, mumkey cut out anyone who doesn't like pedofurry,

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35b57d No.961768

File: 55ccd3340b4fea2⋯.jpg (73.65 KB,416x654,208:327,Liu.JPG)


Anyone who willingly fucks up their own life just to be with Liu or anyone like her deserves to be crucified.

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f8978e No.961807


Liu is manipulating Mumkey into being her bitch with the MK Ultra effects of her furry hallucinogenics. In this distorted and irrational state, of course he will turn his back to reason.

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decbed No.962268


I just caught up to this whole shindig and watched (or atleast skimmed) through >>953217 along with Mumkey’s twatter.

So Liu’s twatter just go baleted for some reason and Mumkey said that he’ll go off the grid forever (lol). In the meanwhile, Mumkey is definitely trying to pull a JonTron comeback though i’m very skeptical of how he’ll do it seeing as he is an attention-starved manchild. He said that he’s trying to find actual jobs but seeing his resume and internet footprint, so i can’t imagine him working any higher than some minimum-wage job or at amazon’s wagie cagies. Either way, it is fun to see his former fans turning on him and seeing Mumkey pulling a brief Maddox on his audience.

But until he crawls back to the internet (for god knows how long), this cow’s as dead as CWC.

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de419e No.962933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6a6041 No.962950


Doesn't he have other clothes? He looks like a junkie.

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21ba05 No.963029


Every video he's released in the last month, he's aged 10 years.









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32a779 No.963041

File: e70c83a91a399fe⋯.jpg (52.96 KB,657x527,657:527,1505490960864.jpg)


Only meth can age people that hardcore

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2d583e No.963079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5cb37 No.963156

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Calling it now. He will go full vegan soyboy.

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5cbfc1 No.963193

I am waiting for this new jewtube account to get banned too.

Remember to do your part too Anons, and mass report both his videos and his channels for harassment.

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5cbfc1 No.963194


>Someone who literally looks like a pedophile

>implying he isn't one

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a0d7bb No.963282


>cute face

>very loyal according to others

>no tattoos or piercings

Buddy it’s better to have 6/10 who’s loyal than some 9/10 slut

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9b0e95 No.964364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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9cc614 No.964459

Am i the only one waiting for liu or dylan to reappear on the killstream or some other podcast to give their side of the story how it ended before disappearing for good?

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8ee260 No.964478


Sheep's closer to a 9 than that pedo furfag he cheated on her with.

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35b57d No.964585


we must find it

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df5f45 No.964647


Fuck if that motherfucker can lose weight I got not excuse anymore.

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2592a2 No.965011


Holy shit did anyone actually watch this shit? I was expecting something funny, but all I got is a shitty vlog.

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e5cb37 No.965020


>Fuck if that motherfucker can lose weight I got not excuse anymore.

You do know he only loss weight to Liposuction right?

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ce337f No.965033

I think Liu needs her own thread.

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3c0d4f No.965099

the dude's a mental midget.

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3e28a9 No.965480

File: 8c4eb2e54ef68dc⋯.jpg (102.13 KB,750x1000,3:4,photo_2019-07-27_10-19-27.jpg)

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35b57d No.966025


Are those period stains?

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21ba05 No.966098

File: 7d398ae9504e4a4⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Literal vampire pot bellie….mp4)



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8ee260 No.967064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At 11:12 you can see that the hate's getting to him and he can't hide it.

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dbee9c No.967175


he doesn't seem as manic thou

does anyone know whats going on with Liu atm? I think we should also keep an eye on her to get the full picture

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88f754 No.967351



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8f3f38 No.967667


She posted on twitter about how she misses mumkey and how he doesn't want her talking to her anymore. He's got her blocked on twitter.

It looks like he was telling the truth when he said he was the one who broke it off with her.

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a0ae25 No.967708



Yaeh, "fun".

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3d85a8 No.967739

Is it just me or does this guy look like down syndrome Nick Mullen.

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8af35f No.967899

File: 2fd320a862d32ca⋯.jpg (152.12 KB,600x516,50:43,mumkey-this-is-fine1.jpg)

File: a4c39f966135240⋯.jpg (154.56 KB,600x516,50:43,mumkey-this-is-fine2.jpg)

File: e6e13e55d78388a⋯.jpg (151.06 KB,600x516,50:43,mumkey-this-is-fine3.jpg)


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8ee260 No.967918

File: f3293a9e5e132c2⋯.png (351.99 KB,1329x876,443:292,ClipboardImage.png)

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758009 No.967927

File: b07255352f01100⋯.jpg (145.22 KB,603x510,201:170,mumkey1.jpg)

File: 6534268658ccfce⋯.jpg (145.22 KB,600x516,50:43,mumkey2.jpg)

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8ee260 No.967939


You can sum up his career in a MCR album.

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41a8f6 No.967946

i fucking hate this sad soy clown

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8ee260 No.967985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a15de0 No.968132


Where the fuck is the stream he's referring to?

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afcd72 No.968138



He is referring to a stream that Jackie was on

Here's a video showing Jackie's Side:


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a15de0 No.968139


Thanks man, was looking for a while now

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21ba05 No.968150


> black screen

> bitch whining about shit nobody cares about

I can't fap to this. Is she cute at least? I have no idea who the fuck any of these people are!

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82d396 No.968647


the guy who proposed to her after she dumped him for an child? i would love to know what happened

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027929 No.969442

It doesn't seem that the cocks Tyler makes will be like his older works. that said he still broke up with Liu, got a job, and overall just moved on. What can you really say about that?>>912443

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21883b No.969444


imagine the smell

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930083 No.970354


You have a lower IQ score.

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