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In God We Trust

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4171e5 No.1 [Open thread]

/wtp/ is where all Citizens can convene Anonymously to discuss openly the requirements and solutions of the United States of America's pressing issues.

We the People pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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ddbf79 No.513

Well, it's unfortunate, but some people make their own choices. I'm sorry to the Vols of QR, I tried to make it work out.

I support Term Limits for every position of service to The People, BO should be chosen about yearly and it should be done by meme or appointment selected by POTUS. I'll stand by that my resignation is effective January 20th, 2026.

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File: b1c82743189dcf5⋯.png (1.06 MB,696x920,87:115,endElectileDisfuncion.png)

File: 1c7acd49de61db2⋯.png (1023.51 KB,768x1024,3:4,poseAndWait.png)

344d0c No.538 [Open thread]

We have until 2026 to shore up elections and secure more downballot seats. Everybody knows Captain Keshel by now, so I propose we use his statistics to identify "anomalies" and do what we can on a case by case basis.

>This post will serve as a landing page for all 2024 Election reviews. The purpose of this capstone project is not to assess my predictions, which I correctly pegged in all 56 electoral contests at a 312-226 Trump margin, but rather to discern all relevant electoral trends now that three elections with Donald Trump on the ballot are in the books. This research will provide insight as to potential areas of widespread election manipulation and also identify voter trends that are likely to continue amidst this ongoing realignment.


>which I correctly pegged in all 56 electoral contests at a 312-226 Trump margin


Follow Captain Keshel on TS: https://truthsocial.com/@RealSKeshel

His Substack: https://skeshel.substack.com

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344d0c No.624

File: 201982ad451d8ae⋯.png (190.74 KB,808x568,101:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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>Iowa and Wisconsin, with a gap of 12.4% between the two, finished further apart than they have in any presidential election since 1936, when Franklin Roosevelt beat Alf Landon in both, by 11.7% and 33.5%, respectively. The two states had been just 8.8% apart on average in the two Trump races, and curiously, Trump had a clear majority of the vote in Wisconsin when the race was called for him, suggesting he should have won the state by at least 4 points.

>Like Pennsylvania and Michigan, detail from smaller counties (especially obvious when looking what happened in small Iowa counties) tells me ballot harvesting rings know exactly which registrations can be tabbed for a mail-in ballot request (561,616 mail ballots were counted this year in Wisconsin) and subsequently harvested over a lengthy return window:

Wisconsin needs some special attention.

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344d0c No.630

File: 65f3ae8f45bb63f⋯.png (466.16 KB,784x540,196:135,ClipboardImage.png)


>The very last day for any obstacle to be presented is January 6, 2025, an ominous anniversary, and the date Congress will count and certify the 538 electoral votes from the various states and Washington, D.C. Unless there are issues with the certification, I can’t see a scenario in which bad actors will make serious procedural moves to prevent Trump’s inauguration. Trump’s security teams will certainly be in an elevated posture after multiple attempts on his life last year, as should be expected. Any efforts to prevent Trump’s inauguration would certainly be met with unparalleled public opposition.

He scored 7/10 from his 2024 predictions, and held himself accountable for his predictions.



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344d0c No.631

File: 2e209d21ed1c9fc⋯.png (253.75 KB,564x574,282:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 330ee1514582fa8⋯.png (221.37 KB,800x400,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f98bd16225f7a06⋯.png (183.78 KB,940x264,235:66,ClipboardImage.png)


>As Texas is to Democrats, Minnesota is to the GOP. In fact, I think the next dictionary to define fool’s gold should consider labeling Minnesota as such regarding its relationship with the Republican Party. It always looks winnable, and then one gigantic metro area, the Twin Cities, swallows up all hope. There are several Republican states that haven’t backed a Democrat presidential nominee since 1964, but Minnesota is the longest standing “blue state,” and hasn’t backed a GOP presidential nominee since it went for Richard Nixon in 1972. Even then, it only backed him by 5.5% in a 49-state national landslide against George McGovern, considered a radical leftist for the time.

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344d0c No.632

File: 88413485d8cf43c⋯.png (122.91 KB,770x560,11:8,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 469b028fba2129c⋯.png (89.93 KB,940x364,235:91,ClipboardImage.png)


>The map above tells the story in the Great Plains. Harris dropped Biden ballots in 275 of 317 counties, and even lagged Clinton in 63 of those 275. She gained in 42 counties, with Sarpy County, Nebraska, reflecting her highest gain in the region (+2,619).

>With North Dakota excluded due to lack of voter registration, theparty registration indicator went for 208 for 264 (78.8%) in accurately forecastingshift in results by percentage margin.

· Voter ID – All four states require ID. Nebraska’s photo ID law went into effect this year; North Dakota requires ID, but not photo ID, which is the most secure form of voter ID requirement.

· Same Day Registration – None of these states permit same day voter registration.

· Ballot Harvesting – All four states have reasonable laws discouraging ballot harvesting, and none have excessive absentee or mail-in balloting. Furthermore, the lack of densely populated urban areas in the region makes this practice less enticing for those who wish to manipulate elections.

· Ranked Choice Voting – Not present in any of these states.

· Automatic Voter Registration – None of these states operate AVR.

>None of these states hold bright statewide hopes for Democrat candidates, especially at the presidential level. They are far too socially conservative and rely far too heavily upon agriculture and energy production to change their stripes, and lack dominant urban areas to overwhelm the people of the land, as happens every election in Minnesota. The one electoral vote of the 17 on the table up for grabs is that allotted to NE-2. Republican Don Bacon, who is not highly regarded by most of the Trump base, holds that seat in the U.S. House, although he retained it by less than 2 points last month.

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344d0c No.636

File: f8ce3f196132cda⋯.png (215.23 KB,752x592,47:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 6ac26dc3ac3de7a⋯.png (80.69 KB,764x360,191:90,ClipboardImage.png)


>Harris’s most notable plunge was in Bernalillo County, where she lagged Biden’s ballot count by 9,640, even though Trump had a very minor gain in his own right. The shift rightward in Bernalillo was 3.4% and highlights the likelihood that Biden’s 2020 ballot count was substantially enhanced by relaxed mail-in voting standards and ballot harvesting.The net two-cycle Democrat gain of 40,700 is suggestive of an enhanced ability to “bake in” the ballot count and ensure a total of ballots substantial enough to win statewide elections.

Opportunities for Election Manipulation

· Voter ID – No identification is required to vote in New Mexico.

· Same Day Registration – New Mexico permits same day voter registration.

· Ballot Harvesting – State law for returning ballots is restrictive, authorizing only caregivers or immediate family members to return them; however, precinct data from the largest counties, combined with an increase in mail-in balloting, suggests these guidelines are routinely violated.

· Automatic Voter Registration – New Mexico operates Automatic Voter Registration.

<The Top 5 Election Integrity Targets in New Mexico

· Bernalillo County

· Sante Fe County

· Dona Ana County

· Sandoval County

· McKinley County

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File: bf9b2d0dab8651d⋯.jpeg (100.4 KB,919x697,919:697,noEvidence.jpeg)

eceb9f No.604 [Open thread]


Operation Mockingbird, Paperclip, and Bloodstone established a precedence for the CIA's relationship with Nazi's. This historical tactic has echoes in contemporary scenarios, particularly with the CIA's involvement in Ukraine.



The CIA is currently training and arming Ukrainian forces, which include elements from the Azov Battalion, known for its neo-Nazi affiliations .


>U.S. law prohibits providing equipment and training to foreign military units or individuals suspected of committing gross human rights violations. The State Department said in a statement that it found“no evidence” of such violations.


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eceb9f No.625

File: 176ee45440ee461⋯.png (703.39 KB,1000x791,1000:791,ClipboardImage.png)


<Operation Northwoods

>The primary goal of Operation Northwoods was to fabricate acts of terrorism and aggression that could be attributed to the Cuban government, thereby providing the U.S. government with a pretext for invading the island and ousting Castro.

>The plan included various possible scenarios, such as staging attacks on American military installations in Guantanamo Bay, sinking boats carrying Cuban refugees, and orchestrating fake hijackings of civilian airliners. These incidents were to be designed in such a way that they would appear to be carried out by Cuban operatives.The hope was that these provocations would lead the American public and international community to support military action against Cuba.

>If you had been CIA Director when these “Operations” and “Projects” were being planned, how many would you have authorized? Then, with what we now know about how they turned out,how many do you believe were beneficial to the vital national security interests of the United States?

Declass it all.

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eceb9f No.626

File: af68616888bfffb⋯.png (235.4 KB,400x262,200:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c2e7367a7c91a4⋯.png (494.32 KB,860x1093,860:1093,ayTone.png)


<The Bologna Massacre, the ‘Strategy of Tension’ and Operation Gladio

>To this day, it is uncertain exactly who is behind the deadliest terrorist attack in modern Italian history. It is clear that right-wing extremists including neo-fascists, Italian secret service agents and rogue outlaw Freemasons carried out the attack. What is less clear is whether, or to what extent, the bombing was part of a clandestine, Europe-wide right-wing state terror operation.

>n Italy, ex-fascists and right-wing extremists were appointed to important positions in intelligence and politics and forged close links with the anti-communist Mafia. As one CIA agent put it,“The Mafia, because of its anti-communist nature, is one of the elements which the CIA uses to control Italy.”

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eceb9f No.633


We'll be covering these operations from both articles in more detail in the days ahead.

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eceb9f No.634


The report is 702 pages!

Here's an interesting one where the CIA is working with the FBI all the way back in 1953!


>Since 1953, this office has operated a mail intercept program of incoming and outgoing Russian mail and, at various times, other selective mail at Kennedy Airport in New York City. this operation included not only the photographing" of envelopes but also surreptitious opening and photographing of selected items of mail. The bulk of the take involved matters of internal security interest which was disseminated to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This program is now in a dormant state pending a decision as to whether the operation wilL be contiriued or abolished.

The CIA has been breaking it's mandate since before 1953 and the FBI was in on the take, who's surprised?

Knowing what you know now, do you think this operation was beneficial to the vital national security interests of the United States? Does this operation justify the CIA operating on US Territory? Does this relationship between the CIA and the FBI surprise you?

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eceb9f No.635


>MERRIMAC (pg 29-30)

>From February 1967 to November 1971 [redacted], an Office of Security proprietary, recruited and handled several Agents for the purpose of covertly monitoring dissident groups in the Washington are considered to be potential threats to Agency personnel and installations.One of these Agents so successfully penetrated one dissident group that she was turned over to the FBI for handling.In addition during this period, the Office of Security field offices were tasked with collecting available intelligence on dissident groups. All such information was included in a periodic report distributed to appropriate parts of the Agency and to certain outside Government agencies.

Nothing new under the sun.

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File: 61c3a483d2600d0⋯.png (411.09 KB,768x512,3:2,00586_595982471_field_of_w….png)

58b16d No.576 [Open thread]

Of all the many things happening at America's Future, PDPC (Project Defend & Protect Our Children) is the one that strikes closest to my heart. Anons understand and have for a long time (Stratfor Files anyone?) that Government sponsored Child Sex Trafficking is the norm. For the first time in history, brave whistleblowers with direct knowledge of this heinous act are bringing this information to light in the eyes of the public and the Court of Law.

Check them out: https://www.americasfuture.net/project-defend-and-protect-our-children/

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58b16d No.596

File: 41905f7c801a050⋯.png (5.51 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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58b16d No.598

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58b16d No.614

File: 8639f22e9c159dd⋯.png (1.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



The episode begins with host Liz Crokin welcoming counter-trafficking consultant Ally Hopper to the "Not On My Watch" podcast.

<Ally Hopper's Background:

Ally Hopper is introduced as a paralegal who moved to Florida and got involved with America's Future. She has worked on raising awareness about human trafficking through summits and has helped in legislative efforts.

<Legislative Work:

Hopper discusses her involvement in creating a bill in Florida to criminalize sexual grooming of minors. This bill was later passed in Florida, Iowa, Arizona, and Georgia. The initiative aims to fill legislative gaps where grooming wasn't previously defined or criminalized, allowing law enforcement to intervene before more severe crimes occur.

<Grooming and Predatory Behavior:

The conversation delves into what grooming entails, highlighting how predators gain trust to manipulate victims. They discuss how this happens not only with children but also with adults, often in environments where predators have authority or power, like in sports, entertainment, or religion.

<Entertainment Industry and Grooming:

They explore the grooming of child stars and the exploitation in Hollywood, mentioning examples like Britney Spears and Justin Bieber. They discuss how predators use gifts, drugs, and alcohol to lower defenses, especially at high-profile events or parties.

<Testimony Before Congress:

Hopper shares her experience testifying before Congress about human trafficking, especially concerning the border crisis. She emphasizes the importance of firsthand research and the impact of their testimonies on lawmakers, focusing on issues like child exploitation, organ trafficking, and the need for action from the incoming administration.

<Border and Trafficking Concerns:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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58b16d No.616

File: 3f20a4a77dcbe69⋯.png (5.96 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



The Christmas season is a magical time of year with family gatherings, holiday parties, and cherished traditions. It can be a time for reflecting on the past and building new memories for the future. The spirit of Christmas is a wonderment for children, especially the little ones. I’m sure you agree that there is nothing that warms your heart more than to see the bright smile of a child on Christmas morning. At America’s Future, we wish you and your family a very merry and blessed Christmas and pray that – one day – all the children of the world will be wrapped in love, kindness, joy, and laughter on Christmas Day and every day of the year. Working together and with the grace of God, we can turn this prayer into reality. Enjoy the holiday season, and may God bless and protect our children. – Mary Flynn O’Neill

Parents Defending Education v. Olentangy Local School District Board of Education, et al.: >>615

Not On My Watch Episode 17: >>614

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

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58b16d No.629

File: 5fb65cf86a607ac⋯.png (1.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>In May of 2010, the first real-world transaction using Bitcoin was made by a Florida man who paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. Media hype followed, and today, May 22, is celebrated yearly as Bitcoin Pizza Day to commemorate the first BTC purchase. Ironically, a few weeks after the first BTC purchase of those pizzas, an anon on Urban Dictionary identified and defined pizza as a code word for child porn. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are often used to purchase child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Therefore, one has to ponder the possibility that perhaps some of the promotion behind pizza and Bitcoin may have come from bad actors giving a wink and encouragement to child sex predators to use crypto since it’s a less detectable way to buy and sell CSAM compared to other financial transaction alternatives.

>In 2020, a user on Reddit with the handle u/maxwellhill posted a Vice article titled Someone Mysteriously Sent Almost $1 Billion in Bitcoin on the platform. Many believe that the anonymous user was Ghislaine Maxwell, according to Procoin News. After that post, the user stopped posting on Reddit, and the account disappeared completely. Online sleuths found this suspicious, considering the account was ranked no. 8 in Karma. (Karma is a reputation score on Reddit based on how their posts and comments are received by other users.) More curiously, authorities arrested Maxwell for sex trafficking less than two weeks after the post about the Bitcoin transaction from the mysterious user.

>This summer, a report from Chainalysis highlighted a rise in China-based CSAM networks and crypto scams, according to Bankless Times. Chainalysis data shows that a significant 38% of the global CSAM vendors, that were paid in crypto during Q1 2024, were operating from China.

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354daa No.476 [Open thread]

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for our daily bread.

All we ask for is free and fair elections.

Your Will be done,

<3 Anon

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91193c No.555

File: 181ec36d2f6a951⋯.png (143.58 KB,351x445,351:445,vigano.png)

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for our daily bread!

Thy Will be Done!

Gloria Hallelujah!

And PEACE to His People on Earth!

<3 Anon

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91193c No.599

File: f958678a0a215b4⋯.png (608.07 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for our daily bread!

It's almost Jesus's birthday!


Gloria Hallelujah!

And PEACE to His People on Earth!

<3 Anon

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91193c No.620

File: b912827545462a6⋯.png (603.3 KB,512x768,2:3,MerryChristmas.png)

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for our daily bread.

Today is your Son Jesus Christ's birthday!

Today we celebrate your gift of life.

Soon, everyday, we will celebrate your gift of life!

Please give my gratitude to everybody that prays for us.

Gloria Halellujah!

And PEACE to His People on Earth!

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91193c No.621

File: 051b4bf6da7c57b⋯.png (387.77 KB,1024x926,512:463,ClipboardImage.png)







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91193c No.628

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for our daily bread.

Gloria Hallelujah.

And PEACE to His People on Earth.

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bbcaea No.573 [Open thread]

>Washington, D.C. – Today, a coalition of Second Amendment groups led by Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the United States in defense of American firearms manufacturers in their court battle with the Mexican government. Groups that co-signed the brief included Gun Owners of California, the Heller Foundation, Tennessee Firearms Association, and the Virginia Citizens Defense League.



Read the Brief: https://www.americasfuture.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/AmericasFuture-Smith-and-Wesson-Amicus-Brief-filed-12032024.pdf

I'm happy to see my GoA membership going to good use!

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bbcaea No.601

Another 2A Amicus Brief was accepted by a Washington State Supreme Court.


>As set forth more fully in the brief, America’s Future stands firm with Gator that the Washington State law, ESSB 5078, impermissibly infringes the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution and violates Washington State’s Constitution, at Article I, Section 24.

GOA coming in hot again! Thank you America's Future!

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bbcaea No.627

File: 3c873d107264a83⋯.png (1.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>You can even look at this as an effort by the Mexican Government to disarm Americans.

<Second Amendment Case - Smith & Wesson Brands vs. Mexico:

Background: Mexico has filed a lawsuit against Smith & Wesson and other major U.S. gun manufacturers, alleging they should be held liable for injuries caused by illegal use of their firearms in Mexico.


Mexico argues that these manufacturers knew their products would be used in criminal activities in Mexico.

Bill Olson counters that this liability would effectively nullify the Second Amendment by potentially bankrupting gun manufacturers, thereby stopping gun production.

The case hinges on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) of 2005, which shields gun manufacturers from such lawsuits unless they had direct knowledge of the illegal use by the buyer.


If Mexico's lawsuit were successful, it could set a precedent that would make gun manufacturing unviable, severely impacting Second Amendment rights.

The remoteness of the manufacturer from the illegal use of the product is emphasized as a reason why such liability should not apply.

<Jurisdictional and Policy Concerns:

The discussion touches on thejurisdictional absurdity of Mexico attempting to influence U.S. policy through litigation, suggesting it's an overreach into U.S. constitutional rights. Bill Olson criticizes Mexico's own stringent gun laws, suggesting that these laws might contribute more to the violence by leaving citizens defenseless against cartels.

<Operation Fast and Furious Mention:

Bill Olson references this U.S. government operation where guns were allowed to be sold to suspected smugglers to track them to Mexican drug cartels, which backfired, leading to unintended consequences includiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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818f21 No.591 [Open thread]

>If the Constitution is to be “the law which governs government,” is that law to be toothless, because of fear that the media will attack President Trump and his appointees for being partisan in pursuing its violators?

>When Americans break the law, there is no blanket immunity. Should the federal investigators and federal prosecutors who enforce federal laws against the People be immune from accountability simply by virtue of their employment by the FBI, the Department of Justice, or a Deep State three-letter agency?The truth is, these men and women should be held to a higher standard, as they really did know better.


Edit Note: Ivan called us beta cucks for having Accountability General so we have unfucked ourselves and named the thread properly to RETRIBUTION General.

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818f21 No.593

File: b28ef9c823a75c7⋯.png (728.09 KB,512x768,2:3,itWasNeverAboutPizza.png)

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818f21 No.611

File: 7ca8470a559fc49⋯.png (9.87 MB,2268x4032,9:16,Retribution.png)

A little funny business.

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818f21 No.613

File: 4d7360c352aa2d1⋯.png (3.78 MB,1905x2048,1905:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

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818f21 No.619

File: 164f8553a6d6731⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x3544,128:443,ClipboardImage.png)

A lot of funny business.

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818f21 No.622

File: 23a8a7b19dc8dd2⋯.jpg (174.63 KB,768x1024,3:4,SantaBaybee.jpg)


What would Anon like from Santa?


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File: b3f243654e5579d⋯.mp4 (12.92 MB,854x480,427:240,Faith.mp4)

e7261a No.541 [Open thread]

When our posterity talks about this time, the Flynn family will be held in the highest esteem for their role in renewing this countries Faith and Freedom. Thank you Flynn family for taking the slings and arrows and establishing the community of great patriots needed to build tomorrow.

Anons that want to be seriously effective should familiarize themselves with the Citizens Guide to 5th Generation Warfare. https://www.generalflynn.com/the-citizens-guide-to-fifth-generation-warfare-3-book-bundle

If you don't know who General Flynn is, watch the Flynn Movie: https://www.flynnmovie.com/

His organization "America's Future" is full of high quality and relevant content, add it to your bookmarks: https://www.americasfuture.net/

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e7261a No.556

>The world is enamored by President Trump and the opportunity for a genuine leader to be placed into a position of epic power, as this has not happened in decades. He offers a vision of greatness built on hard work and endurance. Where success is only worth something because it isn’t guaranteed. He truly loves America, but he cannot restore American values on his own. As a free people, we must weigh in together alongside him and do our part.


Let's go Anons! Greatness awaits!

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e7261a No.618

File: c7e2d242fd0ae35⋯.png (194.96 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday General Flynn!!!

Thank you for all the very funny business!!!

<3 Anon

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File: f4b8188b9e0ebc6⋯.png (348.6 KB,636x382,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)

22aa3e No.524 [Open thread]

>The stories coming out surrounding Sean “Diddy” Combs’ sex trafficking case continue to get more disturbing, with allegations involving big names such as Barack Obama attending the rap mogul’s parties, claims of animal sacrifice, and reports of alleged private investigators targeting and harassing social media influencers covering Diddy’s case.


3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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22aa3e No.528

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470b4a No.531

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470b4a No.572


>Combs, 54, responded to the suit at the time in a statement through his rep adamantly denying the claims, saying: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.”

>“For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy,” the statement said. “Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday.”

>“Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth,” the statement concluded.

You will not be tried in the court of public opinion Mr. Combs.

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470b4a No.597

File: 94443799f8ade48⋯.png (769.04 KB,721x888,721:888,ClipboardImage.png)

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470b4a No.617


Jaguar Wright hosted by Shaun Attwood.

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File: 9a5579017d7cf73⋯.png (934.05 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

6a10b3 No.609 [Open thread]


>The brief was filed in support of petitioner’s application for a preliminary injunction to prevent implementation of school policies that purport to ban “discriminatory language,” but surreptitiously aim to censor the speech of students by forbidding the use of pronouns reflecting the biological sex of another student. As if that isn’t enough, the OOSD further oversteps their bounds by requiring the use of self-declared preferred pronoun(s) of other students on any given day.

>To be clear, OOSD’s actions amount to an unlawful and flagrant rejection of America’s parental rights jurisprudence cultivated by the Supreme Court for over a century, starting with a 1923 SCOTUS decision announcing, “the interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children…liberty protected by the Due Process Clause includes the right of parents to establish a home and bring up children and to control the education of their own.”

Read the Brief: https://www.americasfuture.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/AmericasFuture-Amicus-Brief-Parents-v-Eau-Claire-Filed-07082024-SCOTUS.pdf

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6a10b3 No.615

File: 901fd003f17078f⋯.png (1.2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



The episode begins with Alicia Kutzer welcoming listeners to "America's Future Law Matters," a podcast focused on key legal issues within America's judicial system. She introduces the guest, Attorney Bill Olson, known for his extensive experience in constitutional law and appellate advocacy. The discussion is heavily critical of the school's pronoun policy, viewing it as an infringement on free speech, parental rights, and religious freedom. The tone is one of concern about the direction of educational policy and its broader implications for American society.

<Main Discussion:

Case Overview: The discussion centers on a case involving the Olentangy Local School District in Ohio, where policies mandate students to use preferred pronouns of their peers, including transgender students, under threat of punishment for non-compliance. The case was brought by Parents Defending Education on behalf of anonymous students and parents against these school policies.

<First Amendment Issues:

Bill explains how the case touches on First Amendment rights, particularly freedom of speech. He outlines two ways the First Amendment can be violated: by censoring speech or by compelling speech. The school's policy does both by prohibiting the use of biologically accurate pronouns and compelling students to use preferred pronouns.

<Supreme Court Precedent:

Reference is made to the Tinker v. Des Moines case, which established that students do not lose their First Amendment rights at school unless their speech creates a 'substantial disruption'. The school's argument that using incorrect pronouns could hurt feelings does not meet this threshold, according to Bill.

<Arguments and Implications:

Bill criticizes the policy for its complexity and impracticality, noting the variety of pronouns students might need to use, potentially leading to confusion and fear of punishment among students. He also discusses how this case reflects a broader cultural and legal battle over transgenderPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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5a7af5 No.610 [Open thread]

SABAL vs ADL - Stopping Anti-First Amendment Bullies

Read it: https://www.norredlaw.com/documents/63-ORDER-MSJ-GrantingIP-DenyingIP.pdf

ADL Accusations:

That Sabal has engaged in discriminatory practices in violation of federal, state, and local laws by excluding protected classes from employment opportunities.

That Sabal has allowed or promoted hate speech on its platforms, which includes content that promotes hatred against certain minority groups based on race, religion, or ethnicity.

That Sabal has directly or indirectly supported extremist groups, providing them with financial or other forms of assistance.

That Sabal has been a source or conduit for misinformation, particularly content that could incite hatred or violence against certain groups.

That Sabal of failing to adequately moderate its user-generated content, leading to an environment where hate speech, harassment, and other harmful content proliferate.

Sabal's Rebuttal:

Sabal vehemently denies the allegations of discrimination, asserting that all hiring practices are based on merit and business needs without regard to race, religion, or any protected characteristics. Sabal provides evidence of their hiring practices, including documentation showing that employment decisions are made based on merit, skills, and business needs, not on protected characteristics. They present statistics and testimonies from diverse employees to support this claim.

Regarding hate speech, Sabal explains that they have implemented robust content moderation systems and community guidelines to prevent and remove such content, asserting that any instances cited by the ADL were promptly addressed once reported. Sabal outlines the implementation of robust content moderation systems, including:

-A detailed set of community guidelines which prohibit hate speech.

-Employment of a significant number of content moderators.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 64739d6d8988a34⋯.png (419.72 KB,512x512,1:1,freeTinaPeters.png)

File: 91018b3e445d000⋯.png (391.54 KB,1847x817,1847:817,ClipboardImage.png)

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1054e9 No.529 [Open thread]

Tina Peters is a Gold Star Mom of a fallen Navy SEAL and Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold's political prisoner. Tina lawfully and according to instruction from the SoS, backed up election data before a "system upgrade" of Dominon's Voting Machines. She was made an example of with an outrageous 9 year sentence for following through with her duty to The People. We will never forget our friends, and Colorado's failure to hold an honest election puts the Union at risk, something Tina recognized and paid a dear price to rally against.

Tina Peters is FEARLESS and FAITHFUL to The People. #Day1

Get yourself educated - https://joehoft.com/colorados-corrupt-secretary-of-state-jena-griswolds-pathetic-password-lies/

Watch [S]election Code - https://rumble.com/v2z4dma-live-stream-of-selection-code-full-movie.html

Follow Tina on TS - https://truthsocial.com/@TinaPeters

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29d9eb No.563

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29d9eb No.587

File: 19cee44707c6345⋯.png (1.09 MB,1068x671,1068:671,ClipboardImage.png)

Any guesses what Tina will do after being released?

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29d9eb No.603

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File: ecd1e46c8f7580f⋯.png (363.25 KB,575x768,575:768,MatthewPerna.png)

bd2d24 No.544 [Open thread]

We will be having a Pardon Party hosted by Geri Perna and Micki "Mama" Witthoeft in honor of the January 6th Patriots.

The details of this event are developing and will be announced at the appropriate time.

Expect special guests.

#J4J6 #OurStolenTreasure

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bd2d24 No.545

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bd2d24 No.546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bd2d24 No.548

File: dd08ed06f167901⋯.png (36.99 KB,731x203,731:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd2d24 No.549

File: 0027137f39f33d6⋯.png (275.27 KB,1540x559,1540:559,ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Mr. President.

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bd2d24 No.589

File: 3edfd1548275c06⋯.png (1.06 MB,807x1273,807:1273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2524928fb3a474⋯.png (403.7 KB,1008x1018,504:509,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Joe, thanks for being a total and unrelenting piece of shit. Thanks to your dedication to abusing every vestige of Executive power there is no chance every politically persecuted individual across this country won't receive justice, and since we're now letting out Child Abusers, full pardons are on the table for Patriots.

You are sick in the worst and most demented way.

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File: f3ab9ec605705f2⋯.png (108.47 KB,898x347,898:347,ClipboardImage.png)

1ddaff No.552 [Open thread]

President Trump has fired the first and only warning shot demanding the release of the hostages prior to him taking the Oath of Office January 20th.

>there will be ALL HELL TO PAY in the Middle East, and for those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against Humanity. Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America.

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1ddaff No.553

File: f2ffeb6db781d22⋯.png (278.76 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ddaff No.560

File: 8b266fa5f0c027e⋯.png (166.32 KB,774x674,387:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ddaff No.588

File: efe7e27c6b5bde7⋯.png (97.31 KB,663x1114,663:1114,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 57bc6d4f6ee2bda⋯.png (2.51 MB,1500x1099,1500:1099,ClipboardImage.png)

a70afe No.569 [Open thread]

Mass Surveillance has always been a bipartisan issue amongst We, The People, but "our" representatives are captured by corporate, intelligence and secret interests and as we are finding out, very few of them have issues with being compromised whores.

Familiarize yourself with "Total Information Awareness".


Familiarize yourself with the governments purchase of your data and how they are using it against you.


If you had no morals and all the secrets of everyone, what could you accomplish with it?

What are they accomplishing with it?

Does the government know more about you than you? Do they know more about your kids than you?

What can be done to protect privacy moving forward in a high technology world?

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a70afe No.571

Now who's in favor of giving the Government a database that tells you if you can travel or not?


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