There are some minor complaints about Rust, but my favorite part is
>The way AwesomeWM handled this was a “restart” in AwesomeWM just re-exec the binary. This was possible in X11 because a WM is just a client. This isn’t feasible in Wayland because a compositor is the server, and so to re-exec way-cooler would cause all clients to be disconnected. This is a terrible user experience so I had to redesign the project again.
>This set me back even more time as I had to spend time re-architecturing the project. Eventually I figured I would just have to emulate X11 here -- there would be a privileged client process that would implement the AwesomeWM compatibilty and I would implement the compositor as a program it would talk to. The main way they would share data was through custom Wayland protocols. In essence I was recreating X11 in Wayland.
haha yeah X11 is just a dinosaur, man. What a stupid idea, graphics over a network!
>For the Google internship I was disallowed from working on any side projects without them having copyright over the code.
even for Google I'm surprised at how evil this is. What an embarrassingly shitty company. So much money shouldn't move over trivial issues like "having an uncluttered search page" and "having the main competitor self-destruct with a female CEO".
>The first and most obvious is I don’t particularly like AwesomeWM. I like i3 a lot more and I was only writing this to solve other people’s problems first. I don’t need an entire Turing complete language to describe my desktop environment.