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/qresearch2gen/ - 2nd Generation Q Research

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File: 7acd6140998afb5⋯.png (188.27 KB, 400x480, 5:6, q_fire.png)

fe9cf3  No.9171[Last 50 Posts]


If you signed the first Internet Bill of Rights petition, it did not obtain enough signatures to go anywhere. Your signature will not be carried over to future incarnations. Any and all new petitions circulating must be signed again.


We are the Quiet Corner of the Q Universe! Relaxed, almost completely ban-free, and serving as home to Ed Anon!




2nd Generation Q Research: (Wednesday, 28 March, 2018)

Q has not posted on this board, nor do we expect that they will.

Q's Current Tripcode: !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 3.28.18

>>>/greatawakening/462 Why did Kim travel to China?

>>>/greatawakening/463 STAY STRONG!

>>>/greatawakening/464 [Image Only]

>>>/greatawakening/465 What does the housecleaning represent?

>>>/greatawakening/466 Who else was at the meeting in China?

>>>/qresearch/815814 PARKLAND is a DISTRACTION

>>>/qresearch/815876 rt >>>/qresearch/815836 Free Flynn - Done in 30

Friday 3.23.18



>>>/greatawakening/461 (Later Deleted by Q)

Tuesday 3.20.18

>>>/qresearch/740252 Enjoy the show. Expect a lot more.

>>>/qresearch/739690 MZ. RT. Big meeting. Cell phones left at door.

>>>/qresearch/739281 The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’

Sunday 3.18.18

>>>/qresearch/705264 Why are trips allowed?

>>>/qresearch/705183 Panic Mode.

Saturday 3.17.18

>>>/qresearch/702000 USMC Activated

>>>/qresearch/701978 BOOM

>>>/greatawakening/458 See >>>/qresearch/698962 Q Team Targets From 3.17.18 GA Post

Thursday 3.15.18

>>>/qresearch/680795 [John Perry Barlow]

>>>/qresearch/678302 Public will know soon

>>>/qresearch/678255 rt >>>/qresearch/678226 TRUST KANSAS

>>>/qresearch/678189 rt >>>/qresearch/678151 Trust the plan. Full control

>>>/qresearch/678161 Extreme Efforts - Enjoy the Show

>>>/qresearch/678119 Iran next []

>>>/qresearch/678044 Boooom!

>>>/qresearch/678011 BOOOOOM!

Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ and past at:

thestoryofq.com/ (updated)

QANONMAP.GITHUB.IO (updated) - If it ever goes down, the backup is: QNTMPKTS.KEYBASE.PUB

You can also find a list of other useful documents, tools and collections here >>2171.

The Meme Repository

Please see >>2171 for links to various meme libraries.

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fe9cf3  No.9172

Dedicated Research Threads List & Building the Map

You may find dedicated topical research threads at https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html If you don't find a dedicated thread for the topic you wish to work on/research, you can create one either here or there.

Board Rules

'''First, We deplore rules. "You can say this but you can't say that." It's everything we exist to free people from. Still, to avoid total anarchy, a few guidelines have to be set.

1. Concern fagging is not shamed or attacked here. If you're feeling discouraged, down, depressed, or the like, you cannot push it down or deny it and have it go away. You must open up, discuss it, and those anons who are mature enough will help you pull yourself up and out of it. Motivation needs a foundation. It doesn't magically appear just because others demand it.

2. We have no use for enforcer fags who self-proclaim themselves to be in charge of keeping the board safe for democracy. Nobody died and made them boss. If you're having issues with somebody's posts, filter them. It's excessively easy to do and it keeps us from having to ban people.

3. Please do not advertise commercial products here. MENTIONING one in passing if you're actively participating is not a crime.

4. PLEASE do not act like a stoned caveman and attack somebody's theories. If you're that offended, filter the person in question. But declaring a concept to be b.s. without thorough investigation only flags you as a hard headed normie. The more an idea is pushed down, the harder it's going to push back.

5. There's a huge difference between religious discussion and outright evangelism. Declarations are evangelism and you can take it to the bank, we've all heard it all before. Believe what you will but please don't clutter this board with religious zealotry. Discussion of religious beliefs, especially as those beliefs might motivate a person or group being researched, is perfectly fine.

The goal is to have everybody feeling like they are welcome here and like they belong. Bullying other anons is a pet peeve of mine. It's inexcusable when you have the filter option always at hand. And, as mentioned, I have a super ultra special dislike for enforcer fags. When the board is littered with posts of anons attacking anons just for believing a theory they don't personally like, it doesn't do a lot to welcome people and make them feel at home.'''





New Bakers Please Read This


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fe9cf3  No.9176

Recent Notable Posts

[This must be updated for #11 and #12]

>>7393 Ed Anon Returns!!!

>>7126 In Great Company

>>7073 Ed Anon Identifies Chinese Satellite

>>7056 McMasters Not Out Until 4/9

>>7053 Digging on Ed Anon >>7055

>>7044 McMasters Out

>>7041 Plummeting Dow

>>6977 John Dowd Resigns

>>5112 Possible NWO Info

>>5107 Trump's Test of the Net

>>5099 Getting Paranormal

>>5086 Five Eyes

>>5072 Watch the Water


>>222 Older, lost info resurfacing on the Q map

>>4788 The Huma Files (Updated 3.9.18)

>>1892 Expand Your Thinking, Mapping Tool PDF

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fe9cf3  No.9179

Dough for This Bread


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c4361e  No.9223

We have an end of bread stalker. 2 breads in a row now.


Thanks baker.

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fe9cf3  No.9224


I was wondering about that. Lady? Really?

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fe9cf3  No.9225


I'll put out the word for Darren McGavin. The Night Stalker.

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c8cc06  No.9226

>>8472 : wayne madsen/obama

>>8496 & >>8509 & >>8511 & >>8512 & >>8520 & >>8529 : russia fire/terror/ff UK & fifa wc

>>8506 & >>8508 : watch the water

>>8522 & >>8525 & >>8528 & >>5691 : kim jong un / china

>>8532 : society plus ultra

>>8539 : brown shirts

>>8541 : mueller / crowdstrike

>>8546 & >>8549 & >>8554 & >>8562 & >>8563 : mcconnell / hemp

>>8686 & >>8768 : keywords q

>>8744 & >>8748 & >>8753 & >>8754 & >>8879 & >>8915 & >>8917 : grand lodge london

>>8769 : fbi / pulse gunman

>>8777 : funding israel

>>8830 & >>8838 & >>8839 : rautschild-files

>>8846 & >>8848 & >>8849 : hogg not at school

>>9017 & >>9018 & >>9023 & >>9024 & >>9026 & >>9028 & >>9037 & >>9054 & >>9056 & >>9060 & >>9069 & >>9070 & >>9071 & >>9072 & >>9076 & >>9077 & >>9097 : new q / sergey brin/braverman

>>9037 & >>9039 & >>9040 & >>9041 & >>9095 & >>9098 & >>9101 & >>9105 & >>9109 & >>9110 & >>9111 & >>9113 : cambridge analytica/fb (connected with point above)

>>9033 & >>9031 : yuri milner (connected to fb)

>>9061 : alice in wonderland



page 1 : >>3593

page 2 : >>3624

page 3 : >>3645

page 4 : >>3669

page 5 : >>4144

page 6 : >>4637

page 7 : >>5395

page 8 : >>6161

page 9 : >>6937

page 10: >>7704

page 11: >>8530

page 12: this one

INITIALS: >>5507

keywords: >>8686



IBOR (petition)

SIGN AND SHARE everywhere


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fe9cf3  No.9227


It's Awesome Anon being Awesome!!!! Oooo rah!

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c4361e  No.9228




Awesome anon. ;)

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fe9cf3  No.9229

The cool thing about the power that POTUS has is that he can slam these tech giants by leaking NSA info and creating massive scandals without ever having to worry about going to court.

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c4361e  No.9230


So hard to know who to trust, though. If someone needs to save their own skin, they 9 times out of 10 will do so, any way they can. (all possibilities)

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fe9cf3  No.9231


Yep … this isn't like in the movies where people will go to their graves to defend a bad guy who would sacrifice them without a second thought.

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fe9cf3  No.9232


"Listen! Just you know! If you try to stop us … or vamp out in any way … then I'll stake you without even thinking twice about it."

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fe9cf3  No.9234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How's this?

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0f6ae0  No.9235

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c4361e  No.9236


OK, I like the music in the Cicada vid, then.



Yah, this was not my intention, but you lot, go for it.

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f0eb06  No.9237


This is our Anthem!

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fe9cf3  No.9238


I love the energy. It keeps me digging!

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fe9cf3  No.9239


Far too simplistic for my tastes. But I'm slightly off kilter to begin with. :D

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c4361e  No.9240


Its the into music to a serial, lol. Its some kind of time travel show from what I remember. Damn I'm good when I actually remember things.

Oh well, someone pulled my leg.

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fe9cf3  No.9241

How are those ten numbers relative to a timestamp? I need the Bat Computer.

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fe9cf3  No.9242


X and Y for 5 points?

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c4361e  No.9243

File: b6103b4da3dad03⋯.jpg (209.45 KB, 625x475, 25:19, batman-on-computer.jpg)

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c8cc06  No.9244

getting on my nerves

1) goodlatte subpoenas doj


2) reaction doj


people getting happy and partying because there is a grand jury… well duh!!! there are two ! those from mueller… doj is f'ing using the grand jury to have a reason why they don't give what they need to give…; it's pure bs… and it doesn't say at all that doj has a grand jury for the crooks like is said… they hope, but that's it, just hope

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fe9cf3  No.9245


I am calling the authenticity of this image into question.

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c8cc06  No.9246


wtf… whan a link-adres :o didn't show up that long when making the reply :o how can that be

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c8cc06  No.9247


new q… don't know what he means..

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fe9cf3  No.9248

File: b0b9723274f6f6a⋯.png (13.12 KB, 667x578, 667:578, not_worth_anything.png)

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0bc165  No.9249

File: 3bcdd3a00b33f7f⋯.png (492.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3176.PNG)

Q is telling us that the POTUS is listening to us on the Boards & responding to us via Twitter!!

Pretty damn amazing to know that we can literally interact with POTUS on here …even though I think he posts sometimes as Anon to help guide us!! We have had some very interesting one posts wonders on the last bread!

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fe9cf3  No.9250

Q is live on QR

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c4361e  No.9251


Which bread and board, lol.

This ain't QR.

I gets what ya mean though, anon.

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c4361e  No.9252

Ya''ll just defected over to QRLand, huh.

Send me more post cards from Q.

I'm not going there.

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c8cc06  No.9253


nope, don't come there anymore.. just one or two times to see something about a link in q-message or so

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c8cc06  No.9254


but looks like you have lol

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c4361e  No.9255


It's very early hours of the morn here. I'm out soonish, not long.

I don't have any idea what Q is on about, once again, nor do the replied help me much. :(

I'm getting lazy in my middle old age. I cant be bothered with the fanfare it brings, anymore.

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c8cc06  No.9256


i have the same thing.. i still try to find things q drops with a dig, but i don't go to deep anymore… we know already what and how.. we want to see that what and how solved… i saw the light long before q came up, so most of the things he says were already more or less known for me.. it gives me more confidence that what i thought is true.. but still it isn't gone

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c4361e  No.9257


It went dead in here after Q posted. I assume ya'll went there. ow does that make it look like I have?

I'm confused but I'm ok with that.

Nice dreams for me tonight. Wish, wish, wish grant me that.

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0bc165  No.9258


Good night…Sleep tight Anon!

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c8cc06  No.9259


i am still here.. not good enough? doing the dishes at same time :D

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c4361e  No.9260


I've decided that I know nothing. I have no control over it, it's simply fact. Everything outside of my own experience has been tossed out the window. I can only believe that which I experience, all else is just that, something else. I will never know it to be true or false. Not in this reality, anyway,lmao.

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91359b  No.9261


Still here -- and there occasionally as well.

Mostly still trying to figure the 10 numbers & the timestamp.

Also had a good laugh, when that little newfag >>9168 with the name (who was bragging about the neighbor's wife) was met with displeasure by the anons when he mixed up qr2gen & qr >>>/qresearch/818941

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c8cc06  No.9262


probably yes lol

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0bc165  No.9263


Bahahahaha! I even posted on there that he was on wrong board! Poor Anon! I've done that myself with h a post pooring my heart out again & boom…posted it on QR!! Kek!

I honestly think he was joking about the neighbors wife thing but you never know.

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0f6ae0  No.9264

File: f663bf23e717e30⋯.png (428.44 KB, 657x503, 657:503, ClipboardImage.png)

Q is liking DJT tweets :D

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0f6ae0  No.9265


OH! and he is also forwarding his messages… did DJT retweet the KIM message???????

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0f6ae0  No.9266



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c4361e  No.9267


They slip through the net at times.



I'm off and out, anons. Much love to you all. It saddens me to miss out on so much because of the time difference :(

Anyways. I'm gonna go dream. G'night.

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91359b  No.9268


If you'd ask him, he might say he was joking – but I don't think he was. At best he was bragging ….

…. sure thing it had little to do with q or research ….


Good Night – we'll probably be here by the time you're back up. And maybe also ed will be back with some more images, numbers and riddles.

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c8cc06  No.9269

i just don't see the message q brings with those 3 trump-tweets… he hears us? talks to us? there is nothing to find with time-stamps, nothing with words used by q and trump… it's just 3 tweets trump put on, because the whole world asked those questions… even people that don't live in us were asking those questions, suddenly because of kim visit in bejing and signing the f'ing disasterbill… it's not to anons specific…

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c8cc06  No.9270


i don't get it? forwarding? who? & where? & what?

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fe9cf3  No.9271


You forgot "when" and "why."

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c8cc06  No.9272

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fe9cf3  No.9273


Somebody - was it Ed? - says he left there months ago and isn't really there. But people are supposed to believe he is.

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c8cc06  No.9274

if true, that would be another sign of not winning :-(

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c8cc06  No.9275


don't know if it was ed, but remember that talk… but he was seen there lately i thought

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fe9cf3  No.9276


I honestly think things are going very well for the good guys. It's a complex situation because so many tentacles of the bad guys stretch so far down. Remember that POTUS is a chess player and seems to approach every challenge that way. In this case, that means that priority one is ensuring no civil unrest in the U.S. - a HUGE challenge by itself - and priority 2 is to ensure the bad guys can't regroup and rebuild once an offensive is launched. Not so easy to do. So many moving parts that have to be kept track of. This is a global game each of us is one individual with no vantage point for seeing 99.99999% of what's going on. I have spent four months designing a single graphic before I was ever able to generate the final drawing that people would actually see. Then they look at it and they think "it's a computer, it does that." We can't help it, we frame everything within what we know and we don't account for what we don't. The process is automatic. The stuff Q posted last night was absolutely staggering in its scope, if people take the time to really think about what it entails. Spending what is likely well over a year carefully positioning 16 tech giants for "the big fall" concerning all their illegal activities? That's huge. Just "up and arrest Hillary," and the march on D.C. led by the Brown Shirts (Boss Hogg and Gonzo Gonzales) swells to a million people. The media spins it to be ten million and all of a sudden people start getting swayed. So things are more complex. Have to take out the media first. Which means taking down the CIA first. Everything connects to everything and every move made holds the danger of twenty ways it can immediately be undone. For us on the sidelines it just sucks and it's just going to be that way because we don't get to see the necessity behind the delays in implementing the final outcome.

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91359b  No.9277


Wait wait please – You mean JA could be Ed ? Not sure if IO understood correctly … and had to quickly check timestamps ….

…. are there any other indications for that assumption ?

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c8cc06  No.9278


i understand ya, completely… but still:

- going after assange?

- pushing for syrian regime change

- going so hard after putin…

it still is the same fuckeryfuck… the deep state doing their thing.. assad will fall, rusia is evil, devil, enemy, … assange needs to hang…

trump promised change… and even though i think he tries, i don't see the things changing that need to change… and i even don't talk about the wall… have we seen any message, video or picture that it's happening? no we haven't… only thing we hear is that trump CAN NOT use the military money for the wall… even newssites what most of time go in against MSM say by law, he can't, cause the bill is law, signed by him

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fe9cf3  No.9279


LOL no no no … awhile back some source was saying that JA was not really in Ecuador or even London, that he was in the U.S. back in December or January. Maybe it was Q, don't remember; I was wondering if the source that said that was Ed.

I really don't recall.

(LOL where have we heard that before?)

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fe9cf3  No.9280


I mean at the Ecuadorian Embassy, sorry.

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fe9cf3  No.9281


He will use the military money for the military, while the military builds the wall. They can SAY anything they like, as long as the Corps of Engineers actually gets out there building.

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c8cc06  No.9282


was at the time trump went to davos i thought…. there was word assange would be in switzerland and trump would take him to US


as long as i don't see a video or picture of the wall, i don't believe shit about it… don't underestimate the swamp

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fe9cf3  No.9283


Who's going to take the picture?

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c8cc06  No.9284


the ones building it?

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91359b  No.9285


Got it thanks – almost thought I had missed an important piece of the puzzle ….

Yeah I remember that – if I am not mistaken, then talk about this started when Navy posted the same Delaware Crossing picture as Q did before. Indeed, ed reposted that pic in >>1915

If you need, I could probably find out, when that pic was posted on QR – first guess would be around dec last year.

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c8cc06  No.9286


that was it… love it when we help each other like that :D

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c8cc06  No.9287

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fe9cf3  No.9289


Very possibly … or the people living in the towns where it's being built … so that's where you need to look for pictures. NOT the MSM.

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c8cc06  No.9290


UK btw isn't solved like q said (may neutralized)


- this with assange

- the bs ff to go after russia

- banning conservatives/right leaning people from the country

seems to me the globalists still run UK and may is their puppet… neutralized? ask UK-patriots … not in their opinion

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fe9cf3  No.9291


Plan many moves ahead. Do you see what this article is doing? It's painting these people as so pro-immigration, so rabidly opposed to curbing it, that when election time comes in 2018, they're going to be remembered for one thing: HELL BENT on destroying the country with millions more illegal immigrants.

He's planning now for the midterms. Positioning everybody where he wants them.

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fe9cf3  No.9292


With this kind of maneuvering going on, what is the likelihood that POTUS didn't foresee this kind of resistance long ago?

Why would he tweet about doing it this way??? Why not just start building and don't tell congress or the public?

Because he wants them to be on public display as being so insanely driven to wreck America that their loyalty to the Deep State can never be questioned.

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c8cc06  No.9293


yeah he hopes to get new voters for himself.. i get that.. but with all things that happen (against the will of the voters) he loses a lot of voters he had before

with running elections with:

- we need more republicans

- dems are bad

he won't win a f'ing thing… that is how dems ran in 2016 and they lost!

he just can't say: we need more republicans to do what i promissed in 2016… most republicans that will run against dems are swamp-creatures too and above that, as long as he supports the ones mcconnell wants, we are screwed…. they won't vote FOR mr trump, but for the SWAMP

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c8cc06  No.9294


i don't want show or hard talk, or dems getting crazy.. i want a fucking wall, like he promised.. and i don't want it in 2030 or whenever…

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91359b  No.9295


Love that too ! And as the saying goes:

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

And when you have 5000 of these autistic squirrels then suddenly you might find yourself with a whole bunch of nuts …. Guess that's why Q emphasizes that anons should not be divided and stay together …. and the clowns know that too.

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fe9cf3  No.9296


Absolutely. The clowns will exploit every weakness. Every sore spot, they will be there cheering us on to slide farther and farther into hopelessness. What's going to happen is going to happen.

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c8cc06  No.9297


lol but true

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c8cc06  No.9298

i hate those silent days… with not much news, i start getting angry on the same things allover…

he shoulldn't have signed the f'ing disasterbill…. f'ing paying for a wall in jordan, but not a decent wall in our own country… f'ing idiot… and using military money can't be done by law…. everything i look up, everywhere i dig, i find the same.. he has to get approval from congress to do that….

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68992a  No.9299

One Q member tweeted the map on Jan. 12.

Why are you not using it?


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91359b  No.9300


We had #29 through #37 (or so) on Jan 12. Would I find the link in any of these breads ?

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c8cc06  No.9301


i haven't seen a map on the wall.. show me…

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0bc165  No.9302


Should we split these breads up amongst us so that we can search? I'm workfagging again but can search when I'm home.

Me thinks we need to pay attention to this post Anons….unless a clown is trying to trick us.

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c8cc06  No.9303


we started here: 02/28/18 (Wed) 13:41:29

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0bc165  No.9304


I think they are talking about the Map being posted in QR on that date?

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c8cc06  No.9305


no idea… don't remember a map that worked in there… but could be wrong

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91359b  No.9306


Usually this is around the time, when the clowns become active and one would have to leave QR – so yes, it might well be.

But then it doesn't cost much to go and have a look in the breads just to make sure ….

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c8cc06  No.9307

wtf i was going through my channels.. thought maybe that harris-woman (on fox, she's kind of cute) would have something "news" and they are talking "roseanne" a series or something.. WTF! one channel is porn, other channel bash trump and fox is roseanne… what have we become :o

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c8cc06  No.9308

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0bc165  No.9309


Roseanne is actually an Anon… goes by Granny (not doxxing many know this already).

She also took a stand and has taken Trumpside on her show which is YUGE for primetime show!

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c8cc06  No.9310


uhm really? didn't know that she was on here also… but still, talking about a tv-show isn't news while so many things in world are happening

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c8cc06  No.9311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lol in stead of f'ing msm going over to music

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0bc165  No.9312


Totally understand! He'll , I get better news on these boards than any news channel! Kek

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c8cc06  No.9313


yeah it's getting worse lately.. thought it would be better by the time, but apparently they are still strong

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91359b  No.9314

File: 67411df324016df⋯.png (17.27 KB, 725x93, 725:93, 30365.png)



Have had a look for all "@" in the breads, for "twatter" & "twitter". Apart from the usual suspects (@ThomasPaine1774, @kill_rogue, @B7543442, @ThomasWictor) only #34 stood out (pic)

But @55true4u references another twatter account (@Cath_agnew) that apparently only goes back to Feb 17.

Anyone else found something ?

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c8cc06  No.9315


haven't looked, sorry… i think if there was something about a good map, we would know it… sorry :( didn't know you were going to go through all of it

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91359b  No.9316


Actually didn't really think I'd find anything, as I agree that we'd know about it ….

But who knows who c29e34 is, and what he meant, so I thought I'd better check.

Jan 12 was when these SpiderWebs came out with the 43 nodes (i.e. 6/7 spokes within a web, with 7/6 circles around the center). Also I wouldn't be aware that any of the anons would have knowledge about who is on Team Q and who not …..

So chances are, c29e34 wanted to keep you busy because of this >>9298

But I wouldn't know … just my guess.

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d04857  No.9317

File: e6efc16b718fcd9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 2016x1192, 252:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Nearly 380,000 searchable posts. I'm harvesting this board in few minutes.

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c8cc06  No.9318


could be ;-) well thx for looking, appreciate it ;-)

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c8cc06  No.9319


don't know anything about harvesting???

thought you would take that page down?

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68992a  No.9320

File: 0e6f14ddbe68bac⋯.png (17.95 KB, 634x138, 317:69, map-from-Q-team-member-hin….png)

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d04857  No.9321


I managed to delete some other data from my server in order to free up some space. It's REALLY full… I've put out a call on twatter asking for donations to support a larger server instance.

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c8cc06  No.9322


really hope that you get your goal in the donations..

but thx for the work you put in it…

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91359b  No.9323


Thanks for being patient – ok, I'll bite, even though I don't use twatter myself and neither have the API installed.

The sixth avatar from left might look promising, or the seventh ….. Unfortunately I gotta run shortly – work is calling – so I'm forced to postpone the search for now ….

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d04857  No.9324


To get all of the chans and stuff, figure $200/month. Software is proven.

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d04857  No.9325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d04857  No.9326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1079b9  No.9327

I'm very early at my alternate ID today, but still checking in. You shouldn't need to search the entire threads for that map. It should be listed in the dough for each bread. Also remember the separate thread(s) in QR just for the Q map.

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1079b9  No.9328

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c8cc06  No.9329

File: 37049257330611e⋯.jpg (255.91 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, julian-assange.jpg)

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1079b9  No.9330


When Ed comes back in here, you might want to ask him about this … is JA really missing, or do the white hats have a plan and all is well even if he appears to be missing.

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1079b9  No.9331


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0bc165  No.9332


Crap Anons…..I read the Mystery Anon post wrong….he is saying that a Q team member TWEETED the Map on Jan. 12 and the second post he did has the bottom of the tweet (the likes, shares, etc…). I've searched J Assange (at least the one that I follow) and his stopped on Jan. 14, I searched Brad Pascale and nothing to match the 2nd Anon post, I've searched Gen. Flynn and no go,

WHO ELSE am I missing? I don't think Mattis or Gen Kelly are on Twitter unless I just couldn't find them. I don't have time right now to go through all of POTUS tweets to get to Jan 12 (he tweets a LOT!) kek….and I don't know how else to search besides going down their tweet list on Twitter.

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1079b9  No.9333


That's the downside of having everybody in here as an anon. You can't find 'em outside this board! Best thing to do is get on #QAnon and ask … who remembers this map?

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1667ee  No.9334

File: a9b5e3c23db69bc⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 821x602, 821:602, DI-vfyeUIAAMBNp.jpg)

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c8cc06  No.9335


there are the keys again.. and the eye :D

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c8cc06  No.9336

File: a611f6d7e56c0fa⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault[1].jpg)


love this one :D

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1079b9  No.9337


Is this Vatican, or UBM?

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1079b9  No.9338


Or just a generic "key" reference.

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c8cc06  No.9339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's from a band

so i guess something in the image (key) or just about the sign 'keys'

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c8cc06  No.9340


lol… i asked >>9282 , he delivers… but but… let's hope those "poles" aren't the "wall"…. easy to climb on…

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1667ee  No.9341

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8cc06  No.9342


hmm doesn't ring a bel immediately…

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c8cc06  No.9343


hmm.. have to look back.. don't say it's NK pyongyang region… nah can't be … but have to look back in my notes..

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0bc165  No.9344


MorningStar Payments




Following @MorningStarPay


"The keys are gold and silver to represent the power of loosing and binding."

#MorningStar #cryptocurrency

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c8cc06  No.9345

File: 5fa35a43a296ffd⋯.jpg (236.17 KB, 1144x867, 1144:867, Screenshot_42.jpg)


nah it isn't what i thought.. damn.. back to searching lol.. any hints?

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0bc165  No.9346


This all is on Morning Star Payments Twitter Page. ED is morning star me thinks

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1079b9  No.9347


It's very flat land. I'd guess it's not the United States; the lines aren't perfectly straight enough. Maybe South America; they're building out and not up. Mexico City?

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1079b9  No.9348


(Which, of course, is still North America…)

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1079b9  No.9349


Then the video is somewhere in either Italy or Switzerland, and it's too flat to be Switzerland.

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1079b9  No.9350


Yes, we saw that yesterday or the day before, and I connected that by accident just because I had clicked the link to the Twitter page and didn't close it.

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0bc165  No.9351


Verified account




Follow @LynneMarek


Citadel's Ken Griffin and @MorningstarInc's Joe Mansueto among those contributing to Obama Center on South Side

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1079b9  No.9352



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1079b9  No.9353


Different Morningstar. This is Morningstar Payments.

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1079b9  No.9354


$1.17 Trillion as of January, 2018. Cryptocurrency value as reported by the CEO of Blockchain.

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1079b9  No.9357


From 10/21/2017. Q made their debut 10/28/17.

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1079b9  No.9358


This supports >>9355. And I hadn't even seen this yet when I posted >>9355.

We ask … what is the Morningstar Payments connection to Q?

Same entity?

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1079b9  No.9359

>>9356 deleted. New speed record for deleting a post. Perhaps we have our answer.

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0bc165  No.9360



Thank goodness! I thought we got bamboozled by an Obama supporter who was taking no us for a LARP!

Sorry Anons for the slight scare! SORRY ED! I'm sure you got a laugh out of that!

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0bc165  No.9361


WTH got deleted? I missed it!

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1079b9  No.9362


LOL I had the same confusion early on because I was doing a lot of digging on Ed's stuff.

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1667ee  No.9363

New Q.

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1079b9  No.9364


Two duplicate screen shots of Q posts 1 & 2 from qanonposts.com

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1079b9  No.9365


In QR not GA

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0f6ae0  No.9366

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0bc165  No.9367

File: 96dcde096699c82⋯.png (170.16 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3187.PNG)

File: 7202b8680d7edd4⋯.png (149.55 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3188.PNG)

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1079b9  No.9368


CodeMonkey was locked out of GreatAwakening. Q killed the board. No further posts on /greatawakening/. Was done from abroad. Not domestic. Creating a new board for Q. Says 1-2, not sure if that's hours, minutes, days, weeks, what.

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c8cc06  No.9369


wow… we have to make sure we don't lose him.. :s

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1079b9  No.9370

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0f6ae0  No.9371


We need the screenshots if that board is killed.

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0f6ae0  No.9372


I mean of the GA posts

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1079b9  No.9373


They're all archived on qanonposts.com

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e2a82f  No.9374

File: 127ada1611bb80b⋯.png (241.85 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3190.PNG)



I filtered the clown Q responded to & cant see the post! Can someone post what the clown posted?

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1079b9  No.9375


You can go up top click options and clear your filters.

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1079b9  No.9376

Heading home, back on in a few under normal ID

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ca0451  No.9377

File: 53fa77a4fd06d19⋯.png (60.53 KB, 1246x564, 623:282, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8cc06  No.9378

File: 063ab1ed4641297⋯.jpg (124.7 KB, 1841x699, 1841:699, Screenshot_43.jpg)

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ca0451  No.9379


Been on under 30 minutes, just in time for the updates & a CLASSIC 2-word Q roasting!!

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c8cc06  No.9380

File: 605be5b704354f3⋯.jpg (87.31 KB, 1544x367, 1544:367, Screenshot_44.jpg)


another one from same

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ca0451  No.9381


looking for an argument with Q, not important enough, the damage has already been done. I can smell the ribs bbQing from here!

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e2a82f  No.9382



Oh yes! Now I remember why I filtered that filthy clown! They try so damn hard to get you to think Q isn't legit but they forget they are on the Chans where we smell bullshit 100 miles away! If Q was indeed fake, why would they be wasting their time and constant posts telling us he is? These people are stooooopid!

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1667ee  No.9383

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c8cc06  No.9384


still not found what i'm looking for.. could be in netherlands or something.. or england lol

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1667ee  No.9385



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ca0451  No.9387

File: ae9a26613d0b144⋯.png (47.99 KB, 1247x344, 29:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Likely 2 days, could take a team 1-2 hours though, so I wouldn't be surprised

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fe9cf3  No.9388


I'm ba-a-a-ack.

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fe9cf3  No.9389


I'm back, under my normal ID. Everybody run for the hills.

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fe9cf3  No.9390


Q will know who did it.

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ca0451  No.9391

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ca0451  No.9392

File: 390f52e87b8a2e4⋯.png (11.06 KB, 386x141, 386:141, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably knows already, they've been attacking the login devices since at least the 25th of this month


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c8cc06  No.9393


yeah was looking london, but haven't found the exact spot yet

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ca0451  No.9394


I saw this yesterday, big story, especially the fact that they're calling him a cult leader. Funny that I'd never heard of this MLM company before

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ca0451  No.9395

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1c1c8c  No.9396

Well well now…

Barrick Gold founder Peter Munk dead at 90

Founder of Barrick Gold died peacefully in Toronto, surrounded by family

Pete Evans · CBC News · Posted: Mar 28, 2018 3:19 PM ET | Last Updated: 20 minutes ago


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1c1c8c  No.9397



Among NXIVM’s clients are notables such as actresses Linda Evans (always a sucker for cults) and Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack of the Smallville TV series; UK mogul Richard Branson; BET co-founder Sheila Johnson; former U.S. surgeon general Antonia Novello; Stephen Cooper of Enron; Ana Cristina Fox, daughter of former Mexican president and rabid anti-Trumper Vicente Fox; and Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman who have plowed millions of dollars into NXIVM. In addition, the director of NXIVM in Mexico is Emiliano Salinas, son of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas.

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ca0451  No.9398

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ca0451  No.9399

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ca0451  No.9400


After losing the $65.6 million in commodities, Raniere, as mentioned above, diversified into real estate. That led to the Bronfmans funding a partnership called Precision Development. That deal ran amok. And so after that came PLGGDN.

The Bronfman sisters, therefor,e have given Raniere:

– $65.6 MILLION for “loans” to First Principles, Inc., a company owned by Nancy Salzman to cover Raniere’s advice on commodities trades

– $6 MILLION for “loans” to Executive Success Programs, another company owned 100% by Salzman

– $26.4 MILLION investment in Precision Development, LLC, a company in which Salzman originally had a 50% ownership


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ca0451  No.9401


http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/27/nxivm-cult-leader-coerced-women-into-sex-branded-initials-on-his-slaves-authorities-say.html

Nancy Salzman [historical timeline].

MSM will not highlight 'bottom to top' unravel.


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ca0451  No.9402

File: f8063d67ab3e37b⋯.png (79.53 KB, 257x196, 257:196, ClipboardImage.png)

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95659a  No.9403


Not surprising at all actually & this guy nails a bunch of these folks…though "Hello Dalai" is most relevant.

http:// www.strippingthegurus.com/index.html

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ca0451  No.9404

However, at the same time the Bronfmans were investing millions into tech-free PLGGDN, Keith was moving money into anonymous electronic currency. The plan involved using Bitcoin addresses that could be handed over with passwords, and exchanged in person for cash, and would stay off the block chain, or on the block chain, if it was not traceable to anyone connected to the NXIVM organization. .

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1c1c8c  No.9405



Well, at least OSHO was open about his actions

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ca0451  No.9406


Dept. of Agriculture or Dead on Arrival?

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95659a  No.9407


Yep…even though most of the others were to some extent as well.

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e2a82f  No.9408

File: 601c92a8181d1cd⋯.png (225.26 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3191.PNG)

File: 0dcc0277f12ae1b⋯.png (174.34 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3192.PNG)

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ca0451  No.9409

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95659a  No.9410


Perhaps Denial of Access in this context?

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1c1c8c  No.9411

File: 52f7027c19d3cff⋯.png (20.01 KB, 436x235, 436:235, ClipboardImage.png)


It's the STONES!

North Korea is sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped wealth, and its neighbors want in

https:// qz.com/1004330/north-korea-is-sitting-on-trillions-of-dollars-on-untapped-wealth-and-its-neighbors-want-a-piece-of-it/

Below the nation’s mostly mountainous surface are vast mineral reserves, including iron, gold, magnesite, zinc, copper, limestone, molybdenum, graphite, and more—all told about 200 kinds of minerals. Also present are large amounts of rare earth metals, which factories in nearby countries need to make smartphones and other high-tech products.

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ca0451  No.9412

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c8cc06  No.9413

shulkin fired by trump

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1c1c8c  No.9414


>Denial of Access

Agreed anon

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ca0451  No.9415


In the meantime, the organization is working on reaching the next generation. A boy, with a mysterious past, now about kindergarten age, has become a part of the NXIVM "family" and a test case for some of Raniere's ideas.

The child is a seedling in Raniere's "Rainbow Cultural Garden," described by Raniere as "a revolutionary child development program promoting children's cultural, linguistic, emotional, physical and problem-solving potential."

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fe9cf3  No.9416


So limited mining operations were probably how the Clowns were keeping themselves going. Or at least that was helping.

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fe9cf3  No.9417


When the camera moves to show back behind the plane, it's focusing on the Ecuadorian embassy.

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fe9cf3  No.9418


How old is this video?

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33eba7  No.9419

File: 59baf453ed9d8b9⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 500x437, 500:437, DZZ4kHHUMAAzVHa.jpg)

Q giving us proof

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fe9cf3  No.9420



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fe9cf3  No.9421

File: 26c4f5c69ee9bb3⋯.png (5.09 KB, 499x134, 499:134, q_465.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9422


@TrumpQAnon has seriously got some people snowballed.

This image did not appear in any Q message on 8Chan. Q posts on no other platforms.

How did the magnifying glass get into sharp focus when the rest of the image is blurry?

Q takes pictures with an iPhone X. This is WAY the wrong resolution for that device.

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33eba7  No.9423


Thank you for the clarification.

Trying to keep truth sorted from fake is proving to be challenging.

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fe9cf3  No.9424


That's the intent. I just got fooled over in QR … replied to a Q post and didn't notice it was the bold trip code: fake Q. Didn't stop to look for land mines. :-O

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fe9cf3  No.9425

Awaiting Ed. Hoping we can continue forward from last night.

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a7f764  No.9426

File: 477583f53d72794⋯.png (357.97 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3203.PNG)

File: e49de8d06e3f6a1⋯.png (345.18 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3204.PNG)

File: 75ac5c9aff81615⋯.png (365.25 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3205.PNG)

File: 6247a04e6c0e89c⋯.png (175.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3206.PNG)

Sharing interesting posts from QR (at least interesting to me) from QR

Boeing getting hacked seems to be pretty big news!

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a7f764  No.9427

File: 11b6f4dfda1e02c⋯.png (156.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3207.PNG)

File: 9b9be430d60c903⋯.png (382.26 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3208.PNG)


Sharing more…There is actually a video on Twitter of the square cloud! (Maybe fake…or maybe real!). Also the news reporting of pilots seeing UFOs

Do you Anons believe that UFO (aliens) are real or do you think they are a distraction made by the Cabal? I'm just wanting to hear what others believe.

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fe9cf3  No.9428


Most long-time researchers have come to the same conclusion: "beings" are out there but they're either inter-dimensional or from "beyond" the Flat Earth firmament (if it exists) or from inside the hollow Earth (if that exists).

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fe9cf3  No.9429


There just isn't any way to arrive at an absolute truth. That seems crazy in itself but that's how it is. No matter what you read, hear, see in a video, there are going to be those who claim it's b.s. You can't escape it.

As fascinating as it can be to study such a subject, that's the best it can ever amount to: pick a theory to believe, knowing that all theories have counter-theories and detractors.

The same holds true for the concept of "Q is fake." You can never erase the possibility that it's all Deep State across the board - POTUS and Q are there to pick up the right side of the aisle and the MSM, etc. handle the left. If we look at things from the viewpoint of a disinterested 3rd party, the "fake Q" concept never stops being plausible. All we've seen so far is that godawful bill get passed, and endless talk to make it okay; the cabinet keeps getting stacked with bad actors, and again, endless talk to make it all okay. So we keep seeing tangible movement in the wrong direction again and again, while talk and promises of a better tomorrow always defer the glorious 2018 to starting tomorrow. So the plausibility of the "fake Q" concept never goes away. It is a very real possibility that we just can't ever escape. The way I look at it, what do I do if it's true? What if Q really is fake? I can't do a single thing differently than I'm doing now.

The best we will ever get is picking and choosing what to believe in, and we will always do so with a risk factor that we're being taken for a ride. That's as good as it's ever feasibly going to get.

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c4361e  No.9431

Good day/evening anons.

Ed posts are up to date in the Ed thread.

I just got up to do that. Am going back to bed now, where I can't post from my laptop for some reason. Oh well.

I'll have to be a lurker today.

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daf206  No.9432



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e66979  No.9433

pretty quiet here why ??

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88175c  No.9434


It's often very quiet around this time. It'll slowly pick up in about 7 hours, lol. All depends who comes in and out in the meantime.

I'm having laptop issues, so I haven't been in here talking to myself, like I most likely am now.

Grrr. Even Tor is giving me issues.

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a7f764  No.9435

Good night And be…RL & DoggyAnons are warming up bed waiting for me.

Love to you all….Hold the fort down! I have a deep feeling things will start moving fast here pretty soon.

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88175c  No.9436


G'night anon. Rest well :)

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a7f764  No.9437

File: 39fe25728dd0855⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 323x766, 323:766, IMG_3199.JPG)


DAMN SMART PHONES!! * Good night Anons is what I was trying to post!


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e66979  No.9438

Tor< cubes and the linux crowds is something i understand !! many many many et ipconfigs !!!!

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88175c  No.9439


Meh, I'm just using it because I accidentally deleted the whole of Microsoft net framework, lmao. (be very careful when using bloatware deletion software). I'll be doing a re-reinstall of the OS as soon as I can be bothered getting out of bed to use my PC while this is going through the motions.

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2138ad  No.9440

Q has given lots of crumbs and as best we can we have gobbled them up. Q has also stated that only 20% of this will be public.

I really want to believe that these evils are or will be addressed. But i must admit its difficult to keep reaching for the carrot with little to show for it. Even a horse will eventually start to ignore the carrot when its not finding much rewards.

Perhaps rewards is not the best term but i think you get me meaning.

IMHO releasing something significant, making an actual arrest would provide the proof that this is real and is really going to happen. Lots, i dare say most, of people want to believe and support the good work being done. But these same people are not reckless, they need something tangible and real before they will start speaking out, speaking in a common voice.

Please give the people that real tangible arrest/speach/announcement/event to unify on.

I truly appreciate all the amazing work being done by all those behind the scenes and all the anons here. I pray for everyone's safety. Let it not be in vain.

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88175c  No.9441


What were we all doing before Q popped up?

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fe9cf3  No.9442


It's the age-old demon that every anon faces. Few are vocal about it but I suspect everybody has it in their face at regular intervals.

There seems to be no avoiding it. It's the nature of the beast.

We cannot factor in what we cannot see, and what we cannot see is about 99% of what must be done. Then we see this or that FINALLY play out in real life and all the understanding rushes in.

There just isn't any way for us to muddle through this as the sure-footed troopers we'd all like to be. It's a great ideal but it was never an option. Too much must be hidden from us. There is no choice but to do so. And what's hidden from us is the only place where our patience and understanding could possibly come from.

I think this is why Q never addresses morale. They know there is little choice but for things to play out as they are, and they know most anons who cycle down will cycle back up soon enough. At any given time there will be a certain number on the downswing and another number on the upswing.

What a crazy way to save the world.

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fe9cf3  No.9443

File: c47b55f91fd9855⋯.png (17.96 KB, 746x235, 746:235, q_976.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9444

File: 3234c72fb582a97⋯.png (12.98 KB, 500x256, 125:64, q_977.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9445

File: 77ffbe8a0be5524⋯.png (10.56 KB, 509x201, 509:201, q_978.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9446

File: ec779fd2781aa5b⋯.png (12.35 KB, 495x251, 495:251, q_979.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9447

File: bc61336c66e70c6⋯.png (6.87 KB, 495x110, 9:2, q_980.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9448

File: e852169a70f7a2a⋯.png (20.88 KB, 502x344, 251:172, q_981.png)

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88175c  No.9449


Thanks anon.

Let me know if something dramatic happens, lol.

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fe9cf3  No.9450


For the first time, they are now linking the CIA to the entire mess. So you can see that the full picture has begun to be painted. Red pilling must include the CIA. For Americans they are the center of everything. Now that the seed is planted, it only needs to growwwwww.

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fe9cf3  No.9451

For those into American baseball, today (Thursday 3/29) begins the 2018 season. A fun distraction never hurt anybody.

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88175c  No.9452


Thanks again, anon.

I've not been paying much attention to most things Q of late. I've been quite pleasantly detracted with other research and digging. So, any kind of info like that which you just provided is most welcome and appreciated.


I'm not into baseball, but have yourself a nice breather. Relax a little :)

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fe9cf3  No.9453


Thanks. I plan to do exactly that. 4:10 p.m. EST today. Opening day. Woo hoo!!! Just good clean fun and it really is a shot in the arm.

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1c1c8c  No.9454

File: 592257c42c422ca⋯.png (14.4 KB, 1243x95, 1243:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9455

Just for reference, this is the link to the Fox News article that Q was referring to in


It's the first time the CIA has been tied into all the nasty dealings by any arm of the MSM. This is an extremely good sign because it now opens the door for unlimited expansion in the public reporting of their dealings. Like the FBI, their reputation will continue to turn darker and darker. The more that's dug up, the more people will want to dig up.

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/28/documents-suggest-possible-coordination-between-cia-fbi-obama-wh-and-dem-officials-early-in-trump-russia-probe-investigators.html

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fe9cf3  No.9456


Thank you for this. We have to work to keep our own morale up as much as we can, which is going to include making sure all the positive news points are covered.

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1c1c8c  No.9457


THAT'S the spirit!

Q-uite welcome!

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fe9cf3  No.9458



Yesterday I was noticing some massive disrespect being shown toward boomers by the Millennial Snowflake Screamers.

They mistake their naive inexperience for our senility.

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fe9cf3  No.9459


It finally dawned on me that for Q to post these kinds of links, the Q team is digging for them. Maybe I should follow suit. I don't think these MSM sources go out of their way to contact Q on 8Chan and say "hey look, you'll probably find this interesting."

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1c1c8c  No.9460


I've seen quite a bit of said disrespect, it's projection/transference. What they feel for their actual parents and grandparents (which they may or may not have the gall to say to them directly), gets transferred onto the board. The gradual reduction in worship of parents is fine, yet it crosses over into downright resentment when they didn't get all that they feel like their parents had. Different times we live in now, the dollar isn't the same and the previous generations get the blame for not "doing" something about what they were being kept ignorant of. The word entitlement comes to mind.


I think so too. Proof that we have more than we know, in the public domain, readily accessible when we look for it. Plain truth, no classified labels required.

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1c1c8c  No.9461


I'm still making my way through that article, reading slowly and carefully (along with the chans, gotta love multiple tabs)

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fe9cf3  No.9462


It really is amazing what's out there just waiting to be pieced together. That's really all we've been doing all along - what else CAN we do?

I had next-to-nothing growing up and most of my life has been spent being hated and beaten down for outperforming others - with about 90% of that being brute-force effort that was ingrained into me from a young age. So the idea of entitlement seriously rubs me the wrong way - they're going to denigrate me for their lack of willingness to work.

Entitlement starts a home - always being told (usually indirectly) that the kids are SPECIAL just because they exist and the universe centers around they want, they need, they demand. It's a sad situation because really the parents could care less about the kids; kids are used as props, tools, and bargaining chips in the parents' endless competition to be the best supermom or superdad. But knowing what's behind it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Fortunately I was extremely careful never to have kids of my own. I knew I'd kill them off in the teenage years out of sheer intolerance overload.

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fe9cf3  No.9463

Some nights this board is just hopping and other nights it's as dead as a doornail. There never seems to be any accounting for what makes it go in either direction.

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fe9cf3  No.9464

Some nights it's "good night anons."

Tonight it's "good night anon."

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d5d36e  No.9465


>It really is amazing what's out there just waiting to be pieced together. That's really all we've been doing all along - what else CAN we do?

It's what we've been asked to do, to have it documented for the perusal of those who are "watching". They'll know what to do with it

>I had next-to-nothing growing up and most of my life has been spent being hated and beaten down for outperforming others - with about 90% of that being brute-force effort that was ingrained into me from a young age. So the idea of entitlement seriously rubs me the wrong way - they're going to denigrate me for their lack of willingness to work.

>Entitlement starts a home - always being told (usually indirectly) that the kids are SPECIAL just because they exist and the universe centers around they want, they need, they demand. It's a sad situation because really the parents could care less about the kids; kids are used as props, tools, and bargaining chips in the parents' endless competition to be the best supermom or superdad.

Score - A+ 100%!

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d5d36e  No.9466


Good night anon!

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c8cc06  No.9467

soooo things change in trumps government…. q promises a lot…

why the fuck can this one be fired and charged in a year and none of the leakers on trump????? if someone can ask q that question….


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c8cc06  No.9468


same thing with rosenstein… stil in position…

congress investigating DOJ… and DOJ (rosenstein mostly) can decide what they give and when? and even redact things… since when can someone being investigated decide what he gives and decide to redact other things…

things changing?

you know what the problem is? those crazy lefters get together and come on the streets.. massively… what do we do? sitting in a dark corner in a lonely room, digging and searching and getting angry while being censored…

see the difference?

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c4361e  No.9469


Q hasn't exactly promised anything, only eluded to it.

Q is full of every loophole that one can possibly input.

TBH, I'm beginning to lose interest in Q. We're Q research board, but I find myself doing less and less Q related digging. I stay here because anons come up with some interesting stuff and because I like ya'll, lol.

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c4361e  No.9470


We're *a* Q research…

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c4361e  No.9471


Unfortunately, if the right was to go out on the streets, much blood would be shed. Even if the right wasn't to throw not one stone, the left would still make a mess of everything.

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c8cc06  No.9472


the more i dig, the more i get angry.. the more inequality and unfairness i find, the angrier i get… and even with a trump doj, trump fbi… the same people are above the law, the same people skate free… DOJ & FBI stonewalling truth… it's all the same… nothing changed after obama on that part… we the regular people are hurt, those above are above the law!


that is what they know.. we don't go out on the streets… they don't fear us….. they know we will not protest, will not say enough… so they go on and on with what they were doing…. probably partying and laughing behind closed doors with us, the stupid patriots that sit and accept all that happens

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1aa535  No.9473

File: bff3a322787e945⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-03-27-13-1….png)

I found this floating around is it legit?

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c8cc06  No.9474

personally i've had it with q and the whole thing… yes i will help to see if i can help anons with possible dots q gives.. yes i will try to find images when he drops them… but believing it, not any more untill it's shown that NO ONE is above the law and that things CHANGE!

i will put my energy (the little energy i have lately) in helping this board keeping track of themselves, the summaries, ED, ….

and if nothing changes, i won't vote in 2018, won't vote in 2020… but you know what? wanna bet that just before elections in november trump will put out some things to help republicans? i am against that! he can't use crime to win elections! he has to act immediately when a crime is proven… if this happens i still will stay home…. maybe even go out and vote against republicans/trump…

and when ultimately nothing changes…. well my guns are ready and squeeky clean ;-) i will stand my ground…

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c4361e  No.9475


I can understand and empathize with the getting angrier and angrier. I remember the absolute outrage, disgust and utter hopelessness that I felt a few years back when digging into a whole heap of stuff. It's part of a process. I'm not sure what to say, anon. I guess we all deal with it in our own way. Some aren't able to (just don't go nuts, huh).

It's not what you want to hear, but this anger won't change anything regarding Trump or the DOJ etc. It also impairs judgement and clouds thought.

I'm in guru mode, lol. I've been going within and doing some soul searching and meditation. All this Q shit has wiped me out.


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c8cc06  No.9476


fake ;-) have seen it not long after he came on the foreground

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c8cc06  No.9477


thx… will try…

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1aa535  No.9478

The reality is it is apparent now the DEEPSTATE is terrified wich gives Q even more credablity IMO. I been watching from the start of Q and watching it play out has given me FAITH I never quite had before so Thank you Q !! Where we go one,we go all!

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c4361e  No.9479


As it stands for me at present; at the best, Q have misrepresented themselves and didn't seem to do anything about or factor in anything to prevent the vomit fest that is the Cult of Q.

Nuff said!

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c4361e  No.9480


If you've been wtching from the start, you are well aware that it's not the best idea to use your email when posting. It's not safe to do so.

But each to their own.

Everyone see's things in their own way, I guess. I don't see any added credibility. There's much more going on that people realize. More actors working behind the scenes and have been doing so for a very, very long time.

I found a twitter account this morning and from that account I found a whole heap of others. It's amazing the networks of fucking ingenious people (they blow me out the water, but that's not hard) who've been doing this tirelessly most of their lives.

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c8cc06  No.9481


well mitch… as long as i don't see the crooks being charged… i don't have faith things will change…. the good ones are being punished, we are being censored…. an old friend of mine even got unwanted visitors from that mob-fbi… because things he put on his twatter, and it wasn't more bad than others… even less…

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c8cc06  No.9482


btw, that friend didn't have the change to stonewall, delete mails or redact stuff…. his laptops were taken …. he will get them back next week, cause they didn't find shit on it… but still…

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c8cc06  No.9483

it's gotten longer than suspected.. could have been much longer when i would have gone real deep.. forgive my errors in writing and maybe some dates, but i took 3 sources before putting it down and when i wasn't certain i didn't use it… tried to keep it q related.. personally i'm not satisfied, but i never am, whatever i do, i'm never satisfied in my work…

hope some of ya can use it.. maybe in a few days or weeks i will add new things in it and upload again, but at this point i see no point in doing that, cause i don't see winning.. only dems/msm/deep state winning…. but that's me…


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c4361e  No.9484


We call you

Awesome Anon

for good reason.

Are you going to post it on that shambles of research board across the way? I'm sure there would still be anons there who would appreciate your work and gain much value from it.

I'm not grading you on your spelling. And regardless of what you think, I think it's damn fine work, anon.

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c8cc06  No.9485


i don't come there anymore… if they want it they can find it here… sure some of them come to read here..

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c4361e  No.9486


Yes, very true.

What are you going to do now? Relax? Kick back? Take a breather? Toss some crockery at the wall?

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c4361e  No.9487

I'm still going through it anon. No wonder you feel so angry. All that put together is quite disturbing, huh.

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c8cc06  No.9488


nope, never relax, never sit back… will give my opinion on things spoken about in here.. love this place… it became a second home for me…

every day i dig on my own on news-stories.. if i find something important i'll drop it here, will help to dig when somebody needs help… will keep doing the summaries, ed… work enough.. and when q drops something that seems to be something i didn't know, when i think it's real and no desinformation, i will jump on it, but for the moment i don't see the end-result being a win for us, the patriots

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c8cc06  No.9489


can you imagine all things i read to get this…. i always need 3 different sources, but to get to that you have to read minimum ten different ones most of the times… i had to try to keep it as short as possible… it's not something i like to do…

noticed that lots of data needed to internmingle, others are in there, but don't seem to point to other happenings…. they are situations on their own, but couldn't bring up the energy to make ten timelines…. so i hope this works for some of ya

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c4361e  No.9490


It's excellent reference material, anon. Anyone who goes to the effort to utilize it will have enough sense and the will to find the rest for themselves.

And yes, I did imagine what you had to read and wade through. A very daunting task for someone like myself. It's very, very much appreciated.

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c8cc06  No.9491


thx… don't do it for recognition or something.. but as a person, when i do something, i always doubt myself, never satisfied with what i did… i break myself to pieces after i do something…. and it helps when someone else says (and is serious about it) it is good…. just for my own piece of mind

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c8cc06  No.9492


btw.. if there really is an error, or something to add… give me a sign, with sources and i'll ad, change or whatever… i can't change the upload but i can after some time or if needed immediately upload the doc again…

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c4361e  No.9493

File: fab8d57109282f1⋯.jpg (87.98 KB, 499x612, 499:612, Cherub Shin.jpg)

Ideas, anyone, as to what the cherub looking face is doing on the girls shin?

From one of The Eds posts. >>8245

I'd been looking at the chalkboard/slate, or at the disc and globe. I zeroed in on the board and what should grab my attention, lol?


Even a little appreciation goes a long way.

If I note something, I won't hesitate to let you know.

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c8cc06  No.9494


wth… didn't notice that… what's that :o

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cef893  No.9495

I was looking at Q posts, and he says

HRC 2.12.2009…. Anons are looking for Feb 12… Do we know for sure this is it? or could it be M style date 02DEC2009 ?

If so…


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c8cc06  No.9496

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cef893  No.9497

Cure for cancer on fox

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c8cc06  No.9498

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c8cc06  No.9499


gonna dig some on stephen bosworth, have read that name before, don't remember where


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c4361e  No.9500


Not sure what the implications of this would be in the big scheme of things.



These 2, however, may prove to link to something. Interesting.

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c8cc06  No.9501

File: b1b976dfb203a39⋯.jpg (78.57 KB, 270x935, 54:187, Screenshot_45.jpg)

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c4361e  No.9502

Well, we're all off in our own little worlds again.

I've just spent near an hour lost in renaissance art.

Anons will be waking up soon.

I do believe that most of us have this 'wake up' concept entirely wrong. So many layers to peel back. The dream is so deep, it seems, that it has no beginning and no end. It just is, lol. How does one wake from that?

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1667ee  No.9503

File: 027f7f3f3b19e36⋯.png (9.4 KB, 416x100, 104:25, Screenshot from 2018-03-29….png)

HRC 9.11.12 #2

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fe9cf3  No.9504


Nobody returns from the dream.

Nobody has ever returned.

There is no light.

There is no darkness.

There is only…


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fe9cf3  No.9506


(Subtle attempt at humor there.)

Good morning anons!!!!

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fe9cf3  No.9507


Good morning Ed.

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fe9cf3  No.9508


Q says they use the kids' site to communicate to clowns in the field.

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fe9cf3  No.9509


>Art at the CIA should reflect life in all its positive aspects.

There are none to reflect.

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c4361e  No.9510


Humor realized and noted.


Ed? Um, that isn't Ed… is it?

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fe9cf3  No.9511


>These principles were the guidelines that artists followed as they competed for the $250,000 commission to design artwork for the New Headquarters Building.

Then each of the competitors committed suicide. It was the strangest turn of events.

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c8cc06  No.9513


human rights.. hmm think you could be on to something here

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fe9cf3  No.9514


So we're supposed to tackle this.

I can (will) do this … as long as success doesn't get me into the CIA.

I'm too old. Almost 57. I'm a White male. Cries of pro-White racism would resonate through the streets. Cries of sexism would follow. And finally … I have a conscience. I would not be a good asset.


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1667ee  No.9515



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fe9cf3  No.9516


1. No … don't tackle this?

2. Or no … no induction into the CIA? (That much is assumed)?

3. Or no … not intended for this board in general.

I vote all 3.

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fe9cf3  No.9518


Yes it is. The ID sticks in my head because it matters.

Back in 1774 when I was a sophomore my math teacher decided to be obnoxious and have a contest to see how many digits of pi could be memorized. Before the contest I made it up to 1300 places but in the contest itself a cylinder misfired and I only got to 1,020. It was enough to win the contest, but but current world record (as of 2015) is 67,890 places. As you might imagine, what I did was irrelevant. The point is, numbers stick in my head. New channels were opened in the brain. It's diminished somewhat over the years but I still know the first 60 places of pi without even thinking about it. So Ed's ID is always committed to memory for a given bread.

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fe9cf3  No.9519



This has happened more than once in the past … we are both silent for a long time … then I post, then you do 13 second later … sometimes the time difference is even less. It's happened before. Very odd.

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fe9cf3  No.9520


Q says there are no coincidences. I say there have to be.

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c8cc06  No.9521


coincidences do happen…. ;-))

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fe9cf3  No.9522


Nevermind. Didn't even notice >>9503. Still waking up here.

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c4361e  No.9523


Sounds like an impressive feat, anon.


I'd seen posts from this anon yesterday and this morning (my yesterday and morning) and hadn't linked them as being Ed. My bad, I guess. Must be a different Ed.

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fe9cf3  No.9524

File: 666d823e641d374⋯.png (103.09 KB, 251x165, 251:165, keys.png)



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fe9cf3  No.9525


They say VERY little. Especially when somebody is talking to them.

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c4361e  No.9526


I don't believe I wish to involve myself in a debate in this matter, lol.

There are some differences in how the anon of that ID posts as to how I'm familiar with Ed posting.

No big deal. Carry on.

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fe9cf3  No.9527


You could be right; we could be a hotbed for clandestine operators. Ed won't use a trip code in here so at any point I could be mistaken. We'll never have any guarantee that Ed is Ed. We'll just have to look at info on its face and that's all we get.

Anyway I doubt there would ever be a debate on the issue. That would required 2 inputs. :D

(I'm being as obnoxious as I possibly can here.)

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91359b  No.9528


Ok, I've checked some of the twitter avatars that can be seen in the Q-team-member-hint image. Focussed on the daVinci (sixth from left, @verba_art) & the one next to it (seventh from left, @maryann_sage).

There was one "map" that was posted around the time (beginning of the year), and it actually is this one >>1985

That's the most likely candidate I can come up with -- will have to do some more digging into the breads which I have here in my archive to verify this or find something else ....

Not sure if c29e34 meant this one. Anyone else found something or has an idea ?

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fe9cf3  No.9529


I was wondering if Ed's posts in here aren't mirrored on the Morningstar Payments Twitter page, but I've seen posts there that were not mirrored here, and vice versa. So we are doomed to eternal confusion, living that moment over and over for eternity where we know we set down the last bite of the sandwich somewhere but we just never find it.

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1667ee  No.9530

File: 4ad10f4c6a2dbd1⋯.jpg (119.5 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, DJJFqGTUIAAA1SQ (1).jpg)


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c8cc06  No.9531


it is ed..

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1667ee  No.9532

File: 0f738a1dbd354f1⋯.jpg (109.68 KB, 1030x621, 1030:621, DJE3KheVwAEDMhP.jpg)



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91359b  No.9533


Good Morning Ed ! Nice to see you again.

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fe9cf3  No.9534


I do believe it is. At least one post with this ID is mirrored on the Twitter page.

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fe9cf3  No.9536

We may be under DDoS … or hopefully it's just 8Chan doing maintenance.

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1667ee  No.9538

File: b2a2dfdef4b1b9a⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 1142x694, 571:347, DJih-xTUEAAxxyz.jpg)






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a7f764  No.9539


Any Anon know what these shoes mbols are in this graphic?

Good morning all!

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c4361e  No.9540


Good thinking anon. [In this case, I shall greet the Eds a good day/evening]

And you don't have to try to be obnoxious :P


Has been taking a long time for my posts to go through for around an hour now.

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a7f764  No.9542


It is taking forever to post!

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91359b  No.9544

Same here …. My last two posts took about two mins or so to be posted.

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fe9cf3  No.9545


Will do, thank you … I've been experiencing long hang-ups for the past hour, trying to post, but it's intermittent. 2 posts ago actually got a 504.

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fe9cf3  No.9546


I'm about to clear out all my temp browser data to make sure the issue isn't local.

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fe9cf3  No.9547


Obviously if other anons are having issues, it isn't just my persecution complex. :D

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c4361e  No.9549


Lol, is the package 'truth'?

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fe9cf3  No.9550


That was (apparently) a 9/11 related thing. It was posted many times before, as were the Wikileaks keys … not sure why they're being revisited.

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c4361e  No.9552


Both of those things relate to truth, or lack their of.

Forgive me for making a funny from the first thing that came to my head upon rereading it.

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fe9cf3  No.9553

Vault 8 was uploaded 9 Nov 17 (9 11 17, no coincidence there) but nothing significant since then except the Clinton emails.

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c8cc06  No.9555


=O owkay =O

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fe9cf3  No.9556


Deadman switch was ??? Can't read it. Will try manipulating.

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91359b  No.9557


No, not only you. Also, there's this observation, which I find interesting:

After cleaning out all cache/browser settings etc, I go to e.g. aruljohn.com/details.php to check my IP – all is fine as expected.

After some time browsing infchan & our boards, I return there and see some private IP instead: Happens all the time, and irrespective of which place and/or machine I go online from. Not sure what it means though …. From the appearance, one could think someone is rerouting/proxying my traffic … but could be other things as well.


Dead man switch was activated.

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91359b  No.9559



It seems posting goes much faster now.

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fe9cf3  No.9561


Try spending some time on an 8Chan board having nothing to do with anything Q or even politics. See if the same thing happens. If so, it's an indication that all of 8Chan is a clown op.

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fe9cf3  No.9562


This is suggesting that Assange does not exist as a human being. Or is on the beach at St. Croix sipping a Mai Tai while CGI has him globetrotting all over the place.

And what is with those Illuminati cards??? Do you know ANYTHING about those?

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91359b  No.9563


Good idea – will do later, as I don't want to leave just now when ed is around …. Missed >>9512 before – really hate to miss anything ….

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fe9cf3  No.9564

It's hanging, posting again.

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fe9cf3  No.9565


Hijacking could be occurring at the local level and that would be the first place I would look.

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1667ee  No.9566



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fe9cf3  No.9567

When I'm posting and I see it's hanging, I will open a new tab, jump back in here, and post again.

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c8cc06  No.9568

maybe the board (server) is used to mine .. but i don't care, as long as we find good info here ;-)

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fe9cf3  No.9569


Okay. Signing out.

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fe9cf3  No.9570


Posted from second tab … okay … signing out.

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c8cc06  No.9571


no f'ing idea what you are talking about with ed :o

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91359b  No.9572


'kay – cleaning browser stuff, will be back later.

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1667ee  No.9573

File: 2813fedf81b4fdf⋯.png (583.14 KB, 1904x986, 56:29, Screenshot from 2018-03-29….png)


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1667ee  No.9574

File: 4edae7dd286e694⋯.png (267.93 KB, 817x930, 817:930, Screenshot from 2018-03-29….png)

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c4361e  No.9575

Wow, a lot going through the old gray matter at present. I wonder if 23andMe can determine if you have the DNA of either Cain of Seth, LMAO.

I'm way off the page from you guys at the moment. Every time I come back to the board, I have to readjust my focus.

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1667ee  No.9576

File: 355b13afc1d1925⋯.jpg (25.64 KB, 599x236, 599:236, vc2.jpg)

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fe9cf3  No.9577


Never read up on how this stuff actually works, and always wondered … wouldn't the CCD have to be ULTRA sensitive and fine detail for this to work? At the very least, its distance from the sample (point of refraction) would have to be very tightly controlled and infinitely small.

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c5bf34  No.9578


They are looking for specific DNA for some reason….could they be looking for divine DNA (could Christ have had a child?) & use that divine DNA to impregnate invitro/surrogate to bring the antichrist to earth? I'm reaching I know…but they want to see our DNA for some reason.

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fe9cf3  No.9579


Seems like normal vibrations of the building would be enough to skew the results. We're talking angstroms here.

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fe9cf3  No.9580


Since they worship certain bloodlines, I'm sure there are others they have marked for outright extermination. While all are viewed as inferior (by the Cabal), there have to be some that are particularly frowned on.

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1667ee  No.9581

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c4361e  No.9582


Not sure why they would be so concerned. We all meet at a certain point, anyhow. And then it all goes around again. Perhaps different each time, depending. 1 becomes 2 then 4 then 8…..

Yup, I should step away from the keyboard.

I should probably step away from the keyboard now.

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fe9cf3  No.9583


Thanks … I get the general idea. There are still details that seem like they would not be controllable at that scale but the general picture is there.

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1667ee  No.9584

File: c20d6bdf4b56f9e⋯.jpg (86.73 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Bitcoin-Experiement-NFC.jpg)

File: 18c995bd39d14d1⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 640x523, 640:523, 2006-03-30_-_Hands-640x523.jpg)

File: 355b13afc1d1925⋯.jpg (25.64 KB, 599x236, 599:236, vc2.jpg)

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c4361e  No.9585

Maybe they're looking for ghost genes, the 3rd helix :/

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fe9cf3  No.9586


??? Who would do this? You would have people dreaming up ways to scan that private code a hundred ways from Sunday.

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1667ee  No.9587

File: 165ce9352eb0f82⋯.png (2.13 KB, 130x27, 130:27, Screenshot from 2018-03-29….png)


"฿" east.

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c8cc06  No.9589


this is all linked to the ex-wife of brin? :o

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1667ee  No.9591

File: 2a9225bbc9b2b10⋯.jpeg (5.95 KB, 287x154, 41:22, download (26).jpeg)

Anne Wojcicki

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24f164  No.9592

gm anons

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1667ee  No.9593

File: 1dcb43178e2d471⋯.png (141.48 KB, 1717x512, 1717:512, Screenshot from 2018-03-29….png)


Stanley Wojcicki

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c4361e  No.9594


Mornin' to ya anon.

I hope you had a hearty breakfast. You'll need your strength today :P

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24f164  No.9595

gm anons


not yet bro nut im working onn it lol started off with cuban coffee……..wuts new today?

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c8cc06  No.9596


thx ed

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c4361e  No.9597


All depends on your perceptive.

>>9483 This is very new. We have quality anons here, I dare say.

I won't bore you with everything that I've learned and unlearned today on a personal basis.

Other than that what's new is old, anon.

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91359b  No.9598

>>9557 >>9561

Rechecked all my setting after cleaning out cache, settings etc. Looks like the funny behaviour with the IP is caused by the NoScript addOn, which I have installed in the firefox.

Nothing related to 8chan from what I could see – just for clarification of that point ….

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c4361e  No.9599

Eww, it's taking forever for posts to go through again :'(

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c8cc06  No.9600


most of us have that problem… it just take ages before the message appears…

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91359b  No.9601


Noticed that too, and I remember times when that behaviour was observable on QR only (i.e. not here). Maybe we've come into someone's focus by now as well ?

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24f164  No.9602

so infowars is in trouble

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0bc165  No.9603



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c8cc06  No.9604


yup…. we do good work ;-)



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c4361e  No.9605


Did their subscriber base finally realize that vitamin supplements are nothing more than expensive urine?

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91359b  No.9606

File: 069fb9ebf05a5d4⋯.png (280.64 KB, 500x376, 125:94, NotYourDad.png)

Re: MZ

Fakebook on its way to zero:


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24f164  No.9607



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c8cc06  No.9608


first why is infowars in trouble? drops without sauce isn't yummie

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24f164  No.9609

fbi saying infowars have russian spies working for them

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91359b  No.9610



(there's a minus missing between 2009 & 2017)

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fe9cf3  No.9611


Just got back from playing taxi driver so I'm catching up….

Crypto keys = DNA scans?

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1667ee  No.9612

File: 5ffa340410c1309⋯.png (28.13 KB, 678x510, 113:85, cass-1 (1).png)

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c4361e  No.9613


That hurts. Oh yeah, that hurts. I feel good.

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24f164  No.9614

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c4361e  No.9615



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fe9cf3  No.9616


When you have these kinds of ties between CERN and DNA scans; DNA scans and crypto currency……

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c4361e  No.9617


Russia, Russia, Russia. SMH.

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fe9cf3  No.9618

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91359b  No.9619


Related (in parts at least – haven't gone through it completely yet)


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fe9cf3  No.9620


This ties up pretty nicely to a simple goal: trying to map behavior patterns with DNA scans. How does DNA influence behavior?

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24f164  No.9621


right ……i like alex

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91359b  No.9622

File: 555287fe8d7eba2⋯.png (74.8 KB, 482x791, 482:791, cassandra.png)



Looks like this is what's meant:


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c4361e  No.9623


It's chemical. The right chemical reaction…. brings on the desired behavior.

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b3ee13  No.9624


Cassandra was cursed to utter prophecies which were true but which no one believed. A common version of her story relates how, in an effort to seduce her, Apollo gave her the power of prophecy. When she refused him, he spat into her mouth to inflict a curse that nobody would ever believe her prophecies. Another version has her falling asleep in a temple, where snakes licked (or whispered in) her ears so that she could hear the future.

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fe9cf3  No.9625


Facebook and Google collect the data, (Apache) Cassandra manages it, an as 23AndMe DNA info comes in, the correlations are made.

The implications of this are infinite. Identify and abort problem kids before they're born. Etc.

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fe9cf3  No.9626


Except genes don't "express." They are not proactive. They're a master on the copy machine glass. Blueprints that must be read.

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c4361e  No.9627


I can't put into words what's going through my head, anon. There's ways around this.

'We have the technology', or more so the knowledge.

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fe9cf3  No.9628

Maybe it's all about teleportation!!!

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c4361e  No.9629

File: b011d6b0946f600⋯.jpg (6.95 KB, 304x166, 152:83, graphic.jpg)


Or maybe I'm just going way out there again.

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fe9cf3  No.9630


I wouldn't doubt for a minute that there are any number of ways around it … as long as you have a lab handy initiating the process.

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fe9cf3  No.9631


Map the DNA, get it all down to a binary sequence, CERN digs up the tech to rebuild it at another location.

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c4361e  No.9632


You can purchase a lab on ebay/amazon for around $699, so I've heard/read. It's not rocket science, LMAO. (though it is to me).

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fe9cf3  No.9633


I'm thinking in terms of mass scale. The NWO isn't going to screw around with individual manipulation; they already have everything they need for that. What Ed is giving us is constantly crypto currency, encryption, mass tracking (spying), and now DNA. Whatever the specific applications are is probably academic. The goal is to control the population. Wipe it out at will, engineer viruses that target specific races or other DNA traits, control the birth process, engineer DNA as desired, etc. They fear mass awakening so it only makes sense that their efforts would be focused on controlling that threat.

So they would be looking for ways to create a virus, a signal, etc. that genetically modifies people en masse to keep them from waking up.

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c4361e  No.9634

Sorry for going 'out there'. I didn't mean to slide.

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fe9cf3  No.9635


You're not sliding at all! This is how we figure things out! We explore!

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24f164  No.9636

Q or ed ever mention georgia guidestones?? https://youtu.be/CjpGZN742Lc

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c8cc06  No.9637


lol.. that is how we get results ;-) no worries

btw, anyone seen "cue" lately? the "neigbours wife anon"? lol.. or is he to ashamed because he put it on the wrong board? no need for that.. ;-)

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24f164  No.9638


its the illuminati commenments

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b3ee13  No.9639

'Someone' could be looking for certain 'bloodlines' to clone back into society? http://www.genesisandgenetics.org/2013/11/08/177/

did Neanderthal go extinct?

Answer: He died in the flood.

Why is there no evidence of pre-flood man?

Answer: There is much evidence of pre-flood man – Neanderthal.

Why is Neanderthal genetically distinct from modern man?

Answer: Neanderthal had only the first genetic reset, but Modern man had both the first and second genetic reset. See the technical paper Neanderthal’s Identity for details.

Why do we have his (Neanderthal’s) genetic mutations, but he doesn’t have ours (modern man)?

Answer: He is our ancestor. Our mutations were developed after the flood, so we have both Neanderthal and modern mutations; he has only the pre-flood mutations.

Why did Neanderthal not interbreed with modern man?

Answer: He couldn’t; Neanderthal and modern man were separated by the flood.

Why are Neanderthal’s remains found in so many diverse locations?

Answer: The flood deposited them there.

Why is Neanderthal physiologically and anatomically superior?

Answer: His DNA was closer to Adam’s.

Where does Neanderthal fit in post-flood Bible genealogy?

Answer: He doesn’t. We know the DNA from the table of nations people (Genesis Chapter 10) and subsequent generations; none has the Neanderthal genetic signature.

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fe9cf3  No.9640


Not that I'm aware of.

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fe9cf3  No.9641


ROFL didn't even notice he was gone! Maybe he failed to perform and she moved on.

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c4361e  No.9642


Not that I recall. Don't believe all that you read/watch/hear. All is not as it seems.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Even in the CT world, we've become conditioned to believing in stuff that simply isn't true.

What's your take on it, anon? I'm not going to watch it, because I've seen a hundred of them.


I thought that anon was present and currently accounted for :P ;) Did I guess wrong? Lol.

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c8cc06  No.9643


question: can we trust that what they say about our past is true?

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c8cc06  No.9644


could be that he is here without the "cue" as name.. had a feeling, therefor i asked ;))

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c4361e  No.9645


Neanderthals were industrialists. They possessed critical thought far before any other, as far as I've figured.

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24f164  No.9646

we all come from noah thats y the flood happen trial and error anunnaki were genetic enginering human to create perfect slave they mix there dna wit cavemen at the time, they perfectef man with noah….noah was first human with 10 finger 10 toes ,,, with the flood they got rid of all there bad creations noah was first human with no web hand

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c4361e  No.9647


Some are easier to pick than others, huh!

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24f164  No.9648

thats y the bible says WE created man in OUR image

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c4361e  No.9649


You've made up your mind, anon. No room to move?

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24f164  No.9650


theres always room

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c4361e  No.9651


Make way for every different opinion and perspective, anon. It's what you don't know that will hold you back.

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b3ee13  No.9652

of course not…Q says, everything we have been taught is wrong.>>9643

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c4361e  No.9653


Q is not a preacher of gospel. Do you believe what Q states, only because Q is Q?

Come on, anon. How long have you been lurking here, lol.

We are not the cult of Q. At least, I fucking hope we aren't.

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c8cc06  No.9654


i'm not

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78edea  No.9655


Maybe the Cabal has already done this to , ahem, 4-6% of the population?

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c4361e  No.9656


And I'm very happy to hear it. Thanks anon.

Sometimes I feel like I'm being too assertive with the GRRR we're not a cult fellowship. Ahhhh.

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c8cc06  No.9657


i think that sometimes, but don't say it haha … but has to be said, you're right on that

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c8cc06  No.9658

is it this that ya meant?


anybody any news on that?

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b3ee13  No.9659

You presume too much, I only quoted Q! I think for myself. I'm not part of some cult mentality, like many others!

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c8cc06  No.9660


great to hear that ;-)

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c8cc06  No.9661

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c4361e  No.9662


My purpose wasn't offend. I'm being protective of my own space, TBH. I like this board and the people on it. Not that I want to freeze it in time and space, but after having spent so long watching the Q movement go from eagerness to worship, I'm cautious.

My bad, anon. Just for the record, I do realize that I can be quite assertive. I just don't realize it at the time. :/



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c4361e  No.9663

File: 7f29e7650a90b56⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 500x378, 250:189, OJcYs4H.jpg)

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fe9cf3  No.9664


A positive aspect of that is that Q has never encouraged the cult mentality. They stay on track.

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fe9cf3  No.9665



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c4361e  No.9666


They've only marginally discouraged it. Not that I'd know what to do in the same situation.

Unfortunately, instead of being motivational, it's become a turn off. Just my personal experience.

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b3ee13  No.9667

Thank you anon…i too can be aggressive, but rest assured i ain't a problem ;)…been following since the beginning. Cheers.

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b3ee13  No.9668

Sorry, that was me…just learning how to post here. Cheers.

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fe9cf3  No.9669


I'm sure they're acutely aware of it. They probably just don't deem it worth their time to focus on it. I think the hardcore worshipers are the minority; most seem to be pretty level headed. Remember that we have no accurate count of the number of people who only drop in there to lurk and/or collect Q traffic and don't even post.

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c8cc06  No.9670


no prob ;-) if ya have questions, just ask, someone can always answer you i think

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c8cc06  No.9671


so if i get it right, it's mueller that did it… questions about russia, assange, infowars, … and yesterday the bs on assange, cutting all his contacts, ability to internet or have visitors…

mueller may have been navy, but he is f'ing not a good one!

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c4361e  No.9672

File: 45b94ec224b0f0f⋯.jpg (134.37 KB, 1461x479, 1461:479, Tut01.jpg)



You can tag yourself also.

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fe9cf3  No.9674

I'm pretty well convinced that Ed and the Q team are one and the same. I think the head honcho posts as Q.

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c8cc06  No.9675


it's a possibility, but i try not to think about who he/she/they are… i just use the things they drop as good as i can ;-)

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c4361e  No.9676


If that were the case, I'd be mighty glad that they are above all the bullshit, coz they've sure been exposed to a lot of negativity here, lol.

I think they're different branches of the same outfit, perhaps. They know each other's call signs, but don't know who each other are.

I may well think differently 5 minutes from now.

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91359b  No.9677


Also – because you are new – and for your own protection (and that of the other anons): Please consider skipping the name field when posting (i.e. lose the name), unless there's a real need for all anons to know it's you when you're posting.

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c4361e  No.9678

Did I scare more anons away? :(

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fe9cf3  No.9679


I think it's an international team, by necessity. Most of their time is spent tracking what's going on in the world - the NWO's movement and response to stimuli.

I don't put a lot of thought on who they are just out of curiosity. It helps to place their crumbs into context. Which is critical. Otherwise we have absolutely no parameters for figuring out how to piece their crumbs together. What do they know, what COULD they know, what resources do they have for collecting real time info? This is all stuff that frames the crumbs and creates a range of what the answers could be.

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b3ee13  No.9680

>> 9668

like this?

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fe9cf3  No.9681


From schedules to shared knowledge, there is just too much commonality here. They have to be the same team. Likely different subdivisions but very closely connected.

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c8cc06  No.9682


no space between it,


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fe9cf3  No.9683


No space after >> but you must have a space after the #.

>>9668This will not work, no space after 9668

>> 9668 This will not work, space after >>

>>9668 This works.

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b3ee13  No.9684


ok, thank you :)

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91359b  No.9685


You're getting there … lol.

Click on any post number (of an existing post) and the posting window should appear with the reference to that post shown correctly. If you want to reference a post within the text, i.e. >>9680 , then leave one (or two) spaces left and right of the reference.

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fe9cf3  No.9686

File: 7da80e4c750e11c⋯.jpg (189.94 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, satan.jpg)

This will not work, nothing but space between the ears.

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c4361e  No.9687


A much better explanation. Thanks.


Look at you, anon. You're blending :P

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b3ee13  No.9688

File: 0e50348e55a8dcd⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 989x2094, 989:2094, Cassandra1.jpeg)

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fe9cf3  No.9689

Note that as soon as you see Ed active, get the Twitter page for Morningstar Payments open and keep checking it. Including comments. Stuff shows up there that is not here.

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c4361e  No.9690

Jeez, there's a lot of negative toward Q stuff on YT ATM.


Perhaps very fitting, lol.

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fe9cf3  No.9691


You have to consider all the accounts that were deleted, then look at the ones that survived and ask "why them?" Because they were serving a purpose that YT wanted continued.

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c4361e  No.9692


There's a cacophony of Q related stuff. Just that there's more negative stuff coming out. It would be easy to blame it on FBI investigations and the like, but just as easy to blame it on a shift in how people feel toward Q.

There's other things going on that many/most don't appear to be aware of. It actually astounds me that there's not more about it showing up.

Not that I'm going to bring it to light, only to be used by the bad guys, against.

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c4361e  No.9693

Hmm, I just started going over the current Ed posts.

Thank you Eds. It might now strike me down like a bolt of lightning, but I get much out of it sooner or later :D

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fe9cf3  No.9694


On the Twitter page this has the text "Lucifer Cipher."

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fe9cf3  No.9695


I'm now going to convert a C program I found online that actually implements that cipher into ASM so I can fully understand it. Kind of silly to be doing this kind of digging around a hundred subjects that all center on the Lucifer cipher, if I don't fully understand the cipher.

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c4361e  No.9696


We'll be here anon. That's all I can say, coz I have NFI about all that stuff.

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fe9cf3  No.9697


I'm doing an app to run actual encryption and decryption of the Lucifer cipher. I will make this available to everybody when it's done.

The reason I'm doing this is because this cipher seems to be central to everything Ed posts.

If it's a complete waste of time then nothing is lost BUT my time. It isn't that difficult, I really want to understand it, and if it helps even one person, it will be worth it.

I'll let people know when it's done. It's not a huge project.

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fe9cf3  No.9698


Enter plain text (and your key), click a button, it encrypts and you can copy the encrypted text to the clipboard or save to a TXT file. Enter or paste encrypted text and it will decrypt it, with the same save options.

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fe9cf3  No.9699


It will only work on Win 10. :(

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91359b  No.9700


Probably because it uses some GUI (and assoc. functions provided by the winOS). Check github for quite a number of implementations (and languages). As one example:


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91359b  No.9701



Oh, and search for Feistel, instead of the devil's name.

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c4361e  No.9702


As long as it works, I don't see the downfall. Does it work offline?

Anyways. I'm off, my fellow anons.

I'm off back on my spiritual journey.

Achieve much, my friends.

Good morning/evening/night to you all.

Much love!

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5a7038  No.9703

They can pick and choose who they harvest, and easily, for particular reason and purpose.

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fe9cf3  No.9704


Offline, yes. It has no online connectivity.

I don't write software the way the rest of the world does. What I write is every bit as much art as it is functional. I don't use others' libraries except when there is NO choice (i.e. Windows OS libraries). There is no "robust" crap. Bad, bad, bad word. I create engineering marvels. Hand crafted assembly language only. No "all things to all platforms." I specialize and I do things 1000% for a very focused task. It is not cheap software, where it supports every platform ever created.

I could go on but you probably get the point: I take what I write very, VERY personally and VERY seriously. Quality before anything else, even when it becomes insanely counter productive. I don't care. I do it right, to my very unique standards, or I don't do it at all.

This app will very likely encrypt and decrypt between 10x and 100x faster than anything else in existence today - on a single core. Because it is hand crafted virtual perfection. I refuse to produce less.

I'm a freaking fanatic about my development work. Full-on bonkers wacko certifiable insane. That's the way it is. :D

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fe9cf3  No.9705


Two versions are written. One will be released. The first is kindergarten level, brute-force, byte-by-byte handling of the data so I understand the process inside and out, backward and forward.

Then it all gets shifted over to the AVX-512 register set and I apply every trick in the book that I know about Intel architecture to speed it up, minimize memory hits, and kick it into hyperdrive.

Buyer beware - except there is no price tag because it's free.

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c8cc06  No.9706


lol have no idea what you are talking about haha :p

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c8cc06  No.9707

so in that mateen's wife case, fbi still doesn't use recording during interviews… so they still can say whatever they want that you said, you can do nothing about it…

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fe9cf3  No.9708


Think of it like Ed's stuff … most won't, a few will, and they will NOT approve. Oh well! The point is that for the user it will be a very simple app. Enter your key (or load it from disk if you've saved it), then type, load, or paste some text, and click a button. The text will encrypt or decrypt and that's it. All very simple.

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c8cc06  No.9709


nice :D

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fe9cf3  No.9710

POTUS Speech Thursday 3/29 at 2:00 p.m. EST

This speech will be given in Ohio to the International Union of Operating Engineers. If you're able to watch, look for Q and Storm related hints. POTUS loves to drop those.

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c8cc06  No.9711


yeah i know… maybe i watch, at this point not that motivated…

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c8cc06  No.9712

wow.. everybody gone … thought i wait, but still waiting and nobody here… wow

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fe9cf3  No.9713

This happens. It's the nature of this board. It will go 8 or more hours without a single post. Then we'll get hundreds in a few hours. Very much feast or famine. It's good … not the same place, not the same thing.

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c8cc06  No.9714

so the whole steele/fisa-thing goes on the long haul… to an IG that can't push for an interview to those that no longer work for doj/fbi…. and after that maybe a special counsel… well we know on what trump will run in 2020: re-elect me or dems will shut that investigation down.. and after 4 years in 2024 he will say: elect a republican president cause else dems will close the investigation….

getting sick of the same always being the same…. why sessions & rosenstein still on the job? it's all a scam to keep us "entertained" while nothing changes…

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c8cc06  No.9715


oops just started talking to myself haha

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c8cc06  No.9716


don't forget that he can't prosecute

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fe9cf3  No.9717


Remember Karate Kid … not every-ting is as seem….

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24f164  No.9718

breaking news …………i just farted

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c8cc06  No.9719


yeah we are hearing that for months now…

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c8cc06  No.9720


must have been the russians.. call trump that he expels more russian people and that he let others call them "spy's"

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fe9cf3  No.9721



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24f164  No.9722

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24f164  No.9723

NXIVM maybe those r roman numbers?

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fe9cf3  No.9724


Why do you think things got this bad in the first place while the public stood by and allowed it?

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c8cc06  No.9725


yeah i saw that…. but thx ;-)

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c8cc06  No.9726


we still sit here and allow it… we chose reps and trump because we wanted it to stop.. and what do we get? no change, still the same above the law and stonewalling… and what do we do? sit and wait.. and wait

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fe9cf3  No.9727


The exact question is, why does the public allow these crimes to occur AS THEY ARE OCCURRING?

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fe9cf3  No.9728


Because they don't know they're occurring.

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c8cc06  No.9729




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fe9cf3  No.9730


Not until long after when somebody blows the Whistle. How much deal making and paying off and corruption went on behind the scenes that the public never knew about? ALL OF IT.

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24f164  No.9731


ty sir

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fe9cf3  No.9732


The public only found out later.

Everything happens without the public knowing about it.

That's what brought us to this point.

Maybe that's what's happening now. Tons of stuff going on without the public knowing about it.

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c8cc06  No.9733


yeah while good patriots and small fish are being prosecuted and others are partying, laughing, making money and bashing our president while they should have been in jail already months ago

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fe9cf3  No.9734


If we know, the bad guys know. How many times has Trump said, you don't tell the enemy what you're going to do.

You can see the public pressure growing every day. Twitter: deep shit. Facebook: deep shit. This is only the beginning for them. How do you think these things will resolve? With a slap on the wrist? Not this time. NOT THIS TIME.

It moves slow, but it's an unstoppable force. They are going down and HARD.

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fe9cf3  No.9735


For now. It isn't their turn yet. Go straight for the gang leader, what happens? #2 gets promoted and takes his place; nothing changes.

Remove the gang first, then take out the leader. There's nothing left.

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24f164  No.9736


its the cummunist way by keeping us entertained with movies sports ect that way we dont see what they do

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24f164  No.9737

one of the top 10 things to do to create a cummunist state is create propaganda

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fe9cf3  No.9738


The bottom-up purge is very, very real. It's moving forward very well. You can look at the nearly 19,000 sealed indictments online. They are very real.

Bottom up or the body just grows a new head.

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c8cc06  No.9739




mccabe was proven leaker, comey was proven leaker.. why no charges to them? why no jailtime for them? see the picture.. above the law!

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24f164  No.9740


they building a case they dont want no reason for them to walk on a technicality build a strong case then str8t to gitmo

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c8cc06  No.9741


facebook is only doing it and going alone, cause those rules talked about make it almost difficult for other platforms to exist… above that… the rules talked about are not the rules we talk about, don't fall into that trap….

but okay, i'm glad something against facebook happens… but how does it happen? they f'ing blame trump

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fe9cf3  No.9742


How many human trafficking arrests in the past 5 months? Thousands. They continue today. What happens when they run out of little guys? They move to the big fish. There's a finite number.

Look at the attention the bad guys place on this board and especially on QR. Lots. DDoS attacks. Shills by the hundreds. They mess with Q, they mess with QR, they mess with GA. Lots of effort.

They don't do that for nothing.

Considering that, they must consider everything centering on Q and QR to be pretty important.

Important enough to send their head people on vacations and make it look like nothing is happening so everybody gets demoralized and quits?

That's what I would do.

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c8cc06  No.9743

>>9740 >>9738

i don't want to upset ya guys.. but for me, i really had it… imo at this point nothing will happen/change untill we, the patriots go out on the streets like those cry-baby's of dems, kids, soros, antifa, blm, hollywood do each time… they aren't scared of us.. cause we sit at home and eat or own fingers from anger

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fe9cf3  No.9744


Nope. Above NOTHING. It isn't their turn yet.

The public - the left - has not yet been conditioned to handle their arrests. They would riot. Revolt. The public and public sentiment must be properly managed. Not realizing this is why Reagan failed to drain the swamp; Kennedy failed, etc.

Everybody is advocating doing the same thing that got Kennedy killed and got Reagan shot.

Do the same thing, get the same result.

Do things differently, get different results. Stories must be planted; released. They must grow. The public must be brought on board gradually so that the grand finale - HRC and Obama arrests - don't create mass riots. And THEY WOULD HAPPEN. Look at Ferguson!

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c8cc06  No.9745


i know what ya mean… but fact is that lots of those trafficking & sex-things arrests are after years and years of infiltration and investigation.. like that in england, was already developping before trump won… so saying that it's all thx to q and trump… nah …

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c8cc06  No.9746


even in honderd years they will revolt… even when you make great billboards with the proof on it… even if they openly and publicly say: I AM GUILTY, there will be revolts…

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24f164  No.9747


the patriots will hit the streets if something happen to TRUMP hell has no fury of what would happen to pelosi shummer and all those fucks street justice for OUR president he BETTER not be harm u will see a revolution like never b4 if they takr him out

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fe9cf3  No.9748


It's the first thing they would expect, it's the first thing they're prepared to handle.

The left has done that a thousand times and nothing changed. It's a proven failure.

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c8cc06  No.9749


and don't forget… Mueller is going after trump (almost certain about that) and elections in november… and i hear a lot: nothing changed by electing reps & trump on the law-side of things… i won't go vote…. look at alabama & lamb election… they rig it and don't care if we see it.. and nothing happens…. in november (if we reach that with mueller ready to bite) too many rhino's in and dems and all is done… they f'ck trump up like with the disasterbill and he can't do a f'cking thing about it…

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fe9cf3  No.9750


I'm carrying on about this because I have cycled through giving up, anger, depression, nothing is happening, nothing ever will; done it a hundred times. Back and forth, back and forth. Every single time I fall into that despair, it doesn't last. WHY? I come out of it again, and that happens because I see the reality of things.

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fe9cf3  No.9751


DOJ has many election fraud cases open now.

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fe9cf3  No.9752

File: 1aa0888559c97dc⋯.png (3.76 KB, 427x53, 427:53, q_s.png)

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24f164  No.9753


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fe9cf3  No.9754


It won't come to that. We have no idea the power that POTUS wields. We react like we know everything that is and isn't happening. We know nothing.

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c8cc06  No.9755


yeah.. but when something happens, it's already too late…

>>9751 & >>9750

i know what ya mean, i have the same… but i want change.. certainly after he signed that f'ing disasterbill.. what does he do to get morale up? talking about banning bump stocks and moving on, forget the wall, forget the bill… we are talking infrastructure…

i just don't know anymore… it's all a f'ing game to them and we still are their pawns/sheep… same stuff… sick of it.. sorry

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c8cc06  No.9756


what does it help when they open an election fraud case afterwards and it keeps going on while the elected (by rigging) representative can do enough damage and earns enough money? if there is fraud, the election shouldn't count!

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fe9cf3  No.9757


As another anon said … give up or not, you must live through every day until the arrest of Obama and HRC anyway. So do what works for you. I have to go run errands! Enjoy!!

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c8cc06  No.9758


but wanna bet, if you go to vote twice, and they catch ya, straight to jail..

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c8cc06  No.9759

youtube again closing all fox-streams… :( ow yeah, trump is gonna have a speech….

anybody an online link for me? i don't have satellite and such :(

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c8cc06  No.9760


oh maybe rsbn… on yt…

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c8cc06  No.9761

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1079b9  No.9762

This is a meaningless post to break the roaring silence.

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e66979  No.9763

LMAO thanks Anon !!!

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1079b9  No.9764


You're quite welcome! I can do it more often if it makes people happy! :D

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e66979  No.9765

We had some Q new posts did any one see those ?

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a9cb36  No.9766


Are you saying Q just posted?

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fe9cf3  No.9767


No record of any Q posts since just after midnight.

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e66979  No.9768

Talking about the ones just after midnight any decaodes yet ??

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fe9cf3  No.9769


Nothing to deca-ode, they were pretty straightforward. :D

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e66979  No.9770

Check line 119 $4$#$*(

is the decode i was talking about LOL

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0b84ac  No.9771


I call bullshit on that.

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e66979  No.9772

Im guessing its a line in the security code

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0b84ac  No.9773



Save this for backup they are always streaming

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68992a  No.9774

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a7f764  No.9775

File: 24539868d1487ce⋯.png (325.21 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3219.PNG)


I looked on JA twitter because I thought that is who you were talking about before in your earlier post but I guess he either deleted it or I am following the wrong JA on Twatter.

I'm not a chessfag so I don't understand but I think you are right in your thought process.

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a7f764  No.9776

Wonder why Q hasn't gotten himself a new board yet?

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70ce8f  No.9777

I've taken the time to read through the boards. No small feat let me tell you. Q aside, this stuff easily degenerates into conspiracy theories and is a huge turn off to a lot of people and alienates those who want to help, but don't want to be a part of what could be construed as an alt right fringe. I am a researcher by trade and also worked many years finding and catching pedophiles. I came in hoping to use my expertise to help out. However, I'm seeing a lot of conspiracy posts, religious posts and even Jew bashing posts muddling up information and I don't mean those posters coming in from other areas just to disrupt. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to stick to the task and research. Otherwise you risk being labeled conspiracy nuts and dismissed. Q, you're going to have to give unequivocal proof to gain more traction. I understand, if he's real, being unable to drop direct info as much of it could be confidential. Take my advice: leave out the fringe theories and other jargon. It makes things near impossible to follow and discredits the entire operation.

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fe9cf3  No.9778


He said 1 to 2. Not sure if it was days or what.

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e66979  No.9779

And the fact that the other research board hasn't been updated either Looks like they called for a baker and no one came

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fe9cf3  No.9780


We do what we do here. If it's not a good fit for you, all you can do is find a board that is. Or start your own. We won't be molded to anybody's liking. What you might call flaws, others see as our greatest strength. We are who we are and we make no apologies for it.

The worst thing in all of life is to have somebody come along and tell you that you can't be this way and you must be that way because one way is wrong and the other is right. There is no right, there is no good, when it comes to the content of this board. It's America to QR's being England.

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fe9cf3  No.9781


Well ya wonder why!!!!!!!!!

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fe9cf3  No.9782


Somebody is generous enough to volunteer their time, free of charge, to do the QR board owner's job for him and bake. And they're thanked by being brutally massacred for "doing it wrong." Then nobody wants to bake at all. Think there might be a connection?

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fe9cf3  No.9783

We need to put up the Ed signal.

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e66979  No.9784

Do it then

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fe9cf3  No.9785


ROFL I don't know how to work the thing!

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e66979  No.9786

Did anyone notice Ed posted 3 hashes and deleted them ?

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fe9cf3  No.9787


When was this?

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fe9cf3  No.9788


Usually if he does that it's internal for their own team.

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e66979  No.9789

Earlier today

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e66979  No.9790

Tryind to save the pic for steno and it ….. well wouldnt load Came back to save the hashes and GONE

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fe9cf3  No.9791


A LOT of stuff disappears off people's computers.

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e66979  No.9792

I didnt get to save it It disappeared from the posts here

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fe9cf3  No.9793


It's okay … was probably internal stuff for Ed's group.

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e66979  No.9794

Dammit LOL been working on those hashes !!!

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fe9cf3  No.9795

TOTALLY off subject … we're happy in this house … because of the kneeling, there was no NFL this year for us … refused to watch … so it was a long wait for baseball to start … Braves started their home opener down 5-0 in the 6th. Won it in the 9th with a 3-run walk-off homer. 8-5 win. Oooooo-rah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q told us 2018 would be glorious!!!

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e66979  No.9796

GTFO !!!!

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24f164  No.9797

this espn now

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fe9cf3  No.9798


Just a comment. We're safe. Back to Q and Ed on ANON-TV.

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fe9cf3  No.9799

File: bfe32e9b8599cf9⋯.png (4.18 KB, 836x493, 836:493, l_app_1.png)

The Lucifer Cipher app begins.

Humble beginnings.

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e66979  No.9800

Its about time !! WTF sports lets watch a ball (like a chimp)

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24f164  No.9801


just teasin lol

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a7f764  No.9802


You are on the Chans of Chaos that houses the finest Autists in the world….we do not conform, we don't bow down, & we don't care about feelings (this Board is a true exception with the fine Anons that are here…but we still will not conform to what others have been told is right).

You will never be able to heard Frogs of War. We dig, we meme, we fight, we are never politically correct, we say nigger, kike, faggot, etc…because those words are job st words…on here they have a very different meaning than you have been conditioned to believe.

If you are the researcher that you say you are (not saying you aren't)…then you should know that there is no such thing as a "conspiracy theory" & religion has a shit ton to do with what we are all in the situation we are in. Also, this Board we speak what we feel which you might not like but we are a bit more awake than others…hence us having a separate board.

We welcome you to stay, lurk moar, observe our chaos & add what you can…but don't ever try to change the Chan…you will change well before we will. (Friendly advice Anon…don't post these thoughts on QR…they will eat you alive & will not be near as nice as we are here).

If you have good information drop it so we can digg or lurk moar.

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fe9cf3  No.9803

This board is like a sports bar that has no set busy time and no set dead times. Both occur at random.

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a7f764  No.9804


Same thing here Anon. There was an especially interesting graphic they posted early this morning that had symbols that I've never seen & I even asked if any Anon knew what they were…went back to screenshot it & *poof* gone! Now I know to save every posts as soon as I see it! Kek!

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a7f764  No.9805


Hell yeah! Go BRAVES!!

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24f164  No.9806

hillary is a high priestess she worships MOLOCH the child sacafricing entity

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70ce8f  No.9807

Yea, no thanks. If you're ok with alienating people then you all have fun with that. Another outside anon also had it right: the kind of info being "dropped" here while claiming to represent the POTUS could go down very badly. I did my own research as well. If, indeed Q is representing Trump, Trump himself could be accused of high treason. If I were you, I'd demand irrefutable proof before moving on. That's just common sense and covering your own backsides.

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a7f764  No.9808

File: 8581b4c7652b26b⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 542x542, 1:1, IMG_9567.JPG)

File: 8d835f39b25ef13⋯.png (354.45 KB, 600x411, 200:137, IMG_0047.PNG)

File: 0aa649ad7812089⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1608x905, 1608:905, IMG_0089.PNG)


Welcome to the truth Anon!

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fe9cf3  No.9809


YES. But thinking this through, if Ed's team has the ability to track DDoS attacks, then we have to assume they know the IP address of each one of us, and therefore they know who each one of us is. That doesn't faze me. I assumed the first time I went onto 4Chan that any type of government agency monitoring knows my IP address, anonymous or not. The point is, if something is targeted for this board, and it's going to be deleted, there usually won't be a deletion until they have some validation that the intended recipient has seen it. It's happened many times. So I wouldn't worry too much about missing something important. I don't think deletions happen recklessly.

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fe9cf3  No.9810


We have irrefutable proof.

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fe9cf3  No.9811

Shilling and sliding may have started. Because of our small size, it probably doesn't happen unless Ed is on the board - whether they're posting or not. I could be wrong about being able to detect that, but then we don't know how often Ed will post as a normal anon. Something triggers the shilling. It's too select in the times it shows up.

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a7f764  No.9812


Why are you here Anon? Do some research on the Chan culture…there is a reason why Q chose this mode of communication. POTUS has the Military, NSA, Patriots, Q & Anons with him & plausible deniability is in Q & POTUS favor…these people are not stupid. You are watching history in the making…it isn't going to be pleasant but if you truly want to take the red pill then you need to shed the "you know what is right scenario" because end the end that red pill will taste bitter to you.

We are all PATRIOTS HERE! We support our POTUS & our country & Q. I don't disagree with you about the "proof"….but we have seen much proof to the extent that we have all been here since October.

Like I said, if you have information you wish to share please do & you are welcome to lurk, dig, post….but this place isn't for those who think they know what is right…

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c4361e  No.9813

Good morning.


I'm not scrolling back up to tag for reply, but someone who claims they have read the board has perhaps missed the part where we continually question Q and Qs credibility, as ell as intent. Also, I don't think there has once been any jew bashing on this board, if there was, it may have been at the very beginning where shills/idiots followed us over.

And dangit. I also well noted Ed posts deleted. I was too tired to do all the reading last night :( Now they're GONE.

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c4361e  No.9814

It's quite irritating when anons come in here and accuse us of crimes committed on other boards. WE ARE NOT QR

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a7f764  No.9815


This Anon is fishing…wanting irrefutable proof…there is a reason why Q posts misinformation, questions, misleading information & truth….it is plausible deniability. We are getting close to exposure time & people are getting desperate. Ed posting here will bring Shills & probably more Shills in near future.

This Anon is comfy & about to eat steak & baked potatoes…not even worried about the concernfag.

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a7f764  No.9816


I meant to say *that Anon…I wasn't talking about you ! Kek!

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a7f764  No.9817


Good morning Anon (good night for me! Kek!)

No worries on "researcherAnon"…He is still taking blue pill. I hope he sticks around so he can learn what we actually do here. I think he was talking about all the shitstorms that happen on QR because that doesn't really happen here (yet).

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fe9cf3  No.9818


I think people really need to digest your point far more than they do. Once it all blows wide open, the NWO is going to dig like never before, to find every piece of evidence they possibly can to bury POTUS. This could well be much of the reason why Q deleted stuff with semi-regularity off his own board, and why Ed routinely deletes stuff off this board. They don't want a permanent record. Even if we screen cap something, we could have faked it and that possibility can never be erased.

So people should be aware that there is a lot of legality in play long after the flood gates open on all this.

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c4361e  No.9819


I can see it from 'that' anon's perspective, but what they may not understand is that this is a work space, of which we don't necessarily sell tickets for public tours.

Have any of us deliberately invited the unwitting public to this board? I sure as shit haven't.

This is a work space, not a public television documentary.

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fe9cf3  No.9820


Excellent point. We have no obligation to the public to be, or not be, anything.

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a7f764  No.9821

File: 2a2f97dc5b3d501⋯.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3232.PNG)

This Anon is doing it old school! I will think of you all as I enjoy my steak!

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fe9cf3  No.9822


Wait let me post my address here so you know where to deliver those bwahahahahah!

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c4361e  No.9823


mm, yum. Just remember everything dead that you eat, is given new life, hehehe. (I don't remember the exact wording)

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e66979  No.9824

Back to the BREAD people !!!

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fe9cf3  No.9825

Ed's postings in this bread only seem to cover 3 main subjects: crypto keys, bitcoin, and DNA scanning. Julian Assange and his loss of internet are thrown into the mix.

We can guess until the end of time about the specific details but this is the general playing field: Bitcoin, DNA, and crypto keys.

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fe9cf3  No.9826


Add supercomputers to that and we have the main focus of Ed's material since day 1. There has been some other stuff, like the gold coming out of Libya and 9-11, but the primary focus is crypto keys, Buttcoin, and only in the past couple days was DNA added.

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fe9cf3  No.9827


Maybe they're looking for a way to represent the human genome - or a specific human's DNA map - with crypto keys.

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e66979  No.9828

Or to fun research Funny as it may be The money has to go somewhere these Clowns are storing it and laundring it

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e66979  No.9829

just a thought

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fe9cf3  No.9830


For the way Ed centers around it, I think that esoteric aspect looms very large as the real subject of the quest, with other more mundane stuff being peripheral targets of opportunity.

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c4361e  No.9831


Don't forget art and symbolism. It's all intertwined.

I wonder, is the S-word, snake or 'serpent'?

The mind boggles! Ahh, to be able to laugh at oneself when later realizing how far off the mark we can be.

What may seem quite insignificant sometimes leads me down the most pleasant of paths/rabbit holes.

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fe9cf3  No.9832


This is where the magic happens - each anon pursuing this picks a completely different direction and then something happens when we can all compare notes.

I'm buried in the mathematical aspect of it all.

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a7f764  No.9833

File: 3d72eb3e68ba4cb⋯.png (621.83 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3233.PNG)


Could these sick fuks be taking our DNA (from Red Cross, 23 & Me, etc…) & somehow inputting or hell injecting it into these super computers somehow? I'm throwing sh#t at a wall right now.

Also, when this journey first started some Anon posted an article talking about these super computer being able to be possessed by demons….

Found this blog when trying to search for post… talks about Elon.


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fe9cf3  No.9834


No idea, but this is the level where I think we need to be looking. Beyond the mundane.

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c4361e  No.9835


I really do believe that we have a great team here, anon. What may not be of interest to one, is picked up by another. We are most certainly not carbon copies of each other. We are alike, and that's what brings us together, but O'boy are we different.


I somehow wonder how a computer could be possessed by demons. I somehow wonder if artificial intelligence is able to understand different realms of existence.

Lol, where did my mind just go?

Who know's anon. I guess it's possible.

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fe9cf3  No.9836


When you get into quantum computers, the link may be inherent because they operate in a very different way from normal computers. I'll need to read up on them to get up to date on how they work.

For the moment, going to nap; I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Never know if it's going to be 1 hour or 5 before I return. Sleep is sleep! Back in awhile.

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c4361e  No.9837

File: fcdbe75761b308d⋯.jpg (133.03 KB, 921x486, 307:162, s-word.jpg)

I think its been quite well established that I am no great mathematician. Lol, I'm not even a good one. I'm no mathematician at all. :P

Time to commence laughing at myself.


Rest well, anon. :)

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e66979  No.9838

And that math is meant to lead you astray Life and math are SIMPLE

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c4361e  No.9839


It's all interesting to me at one point or another. If I'd explored it from a much younger age, I do believe I would've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of it. I now find myself reading wikipedia articles regarding stuff I have very little understanding of, though I don't have the base understanding, it's all still interesting, lol.

I just go where my interest takes me, anon. If I can say one thing about all of this, its at least kind of knocked me out of a particular type of coma, where I'd all but lost interest in everything.

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c4361e  No.9840

Mark Zuckerberg looks like an android. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that he has limited facial expressions? A well practiced poker face, perhaps. His sincerity is very limited. I wonder if he ever truly relaxes and what he'd be like when doing so.

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91359b  No.9841


He surely is a douche, without character and balls whatsoever. One more of those who'd been teased and picked on in school and now is having his "revenge" …. lol.

Always makes me laugh to observe him (and his nervous reaction) in this situation here:


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fe9cf3  No.9842

Note that the Anonymous postings that have been showing up repeatedly, mostly in QR, claiming that a financial reset is imminent and the Dow must be crashed first, are probably all disinfo. They post these things again and again so that, without even realizing it, people are tricked into subconsciously assuming they're all true. Then, every day the Dow doesn't crash, there's a little more resistance to it not crashing. As the 2001 Art Bell/Princeton experiment showed, this can have a very powerful and cumulative effect on crashing the Dow, while at the same time eating away at morale overall. Remember these things were never posted by Q or any other intel source; they're just some Anon's claims.

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c4361e  No.9843


That's a classic, huh. If I recall correctly, Bombard's BL did a reading of him based on that interview.


The first I'd seen of it was when you posted it here, anon. I've not paid it any mind. I haven't been to QR for near a week, I guess, and life is so much more pleasant without it, I must say.

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c4361e  No.9844

If anyone is looking for something to do (she says, knowing full well that everyone has plenty to do); I'm attempting to read Euclid's Elements, but can't find a copy where every second page has 1-3 letters missing at the end of each line.

Can anyone help me find a copy of both volumes of the English version, that's been copied a little more carefully? A big ask and a long shot, I know…. Pretty please, lol.

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fe9cf3  No.9845


You're better off for it!!

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91359b  No.9846


>Bombard's BL did a reading of him

Believe so … but I am no fan of BBL, as she's not good enough (i.e in depth/skill of analysis) IMO.


Not sure if that might help:


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c4361e  No.9847


I watch her when I'm in kick back mode. She's entertaining.

The PDF is perfect, anon. Was it easy to find? Should I be embarrassed not to have found it myself. (I'd glossed over it thinking it was a Greek version :/ )

Thank you so very much. I was reading what looked like a photocopy version with bleeding ink all over the place as well as the missing letters. This's great!

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91359b  No.9848


>I was reading what looked like a photocopy

Would have been my choice as well, to first check out the "vintage" stuff (i.e. older books on archive.org, gutenberg.org etc). But it seems this one was typeset using latex, and it looked solid enough to me …. happy to help !

In other news – not sure if it's been mentioned already (sorry for bringing on "yesterday's" news, just in case), but this was interesting I thought:


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c4361e  No.9849


Well, that's all quite depressing. I wonder how different the world would be today if Israel never got away with steeling nuke tech and materials.

Not yesterday's news to me, anon. I'm not much for keeping up with it all. That's your job, lol :P

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91359b  No.9850

File: 0a6783d321421fe⋯.png (23.67 KB, 836x215, 836:215, 822075.png)

Hahaha – for those of you good for a laugh in the middle of the night (or day)


(Not sure what to make of Q's post however, and if he really meant CM being locked out – "disinfo is necessary" ?)


I know IL has them, and it's been surmised for quite some time now. But little idea how/where from, and if US (for example) didn't help them to acquire it.

Saudis financed the Pakistanis' project back then, so it is said that SA could get them easily enough from there, if they ever wanted/needed …..

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c4361e  No.9851


Difficult not to laugh at someone else's expense. That pic IS funny.

I guess we'll find out (or not) in 1-2 days, 1-2 weeks, 1-2 years what Q means. Take your pick. I'll assume that anons in QR are shitting up the board with continually speculation over something that can not be concluded by anyone other than Q, lol.

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cd1b99  No.9852

File: 7dd155e88012051⋯.png (75.23 KB, 1887x1134, 629:378, 03.28.2018 GA LOG.png)

Evening anons!!


Q doesn't use much "proper" punctuation, likely intentional to keep 'em (and us apparently) guessing. Add a comma after /CM/, & it'll make more sense

(/CM/, (I'm) locked out of /GA/)

Using MI tech, my guess is that it'd be easier to see a problem (the sniffers that we were told about way back in the halfchan /pol/ days) arising which may not make it onto the GA log (pic related)

Nov 21st

>Sniffer progs would kill the site.

+6 other references to sniffers, this latest one included…Future proves past…


In other news…

Was busy binge watching SOA while on QR. So busy in fact that I didn't notice that a possible well known entity was also posting there…I won't dox of course, he or she obviously wanted to remain anon,but here the reference link to find all of his/her posts, it's not too hard to figure out who it was (NO DOXXING THOUGH, obviously wanted to remain anon)


Not staying long, I'm gonna go kick myself some more,finish my marathon & enjoy this off time while I can, then I can concentrate & not miss high-profile posters while online…SALUTE ANONS!

o7 o7 o7

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c8cc06  No.9853

so sessions doesn't appoint a special councel… on fisa and stuff fbi / doj..

he appoints a independent investigator and he has to report to rosenstein???????

okay, it seems they (fbi-doj-crooks) are above the law… and it will all be burried for the people…

trump better clean house in doj… sessions: you're fired… appoint a decent person, a person that wants to work… that does his job… if not, in a few years (and maybe sooner) all trump did will be undone and all that happened will be gone without anything… but hey, we can jump for joy.. an fbi agent is charged because of leaking.. ow wait, he leaked that fbi was crooked.. yeah those immediately get fired and charged…

picture is clear for me… nothing changes on that part… we're screwed….

morning folks ;-)

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c8cc06  No.9854


i can follow part of what ya say… we know a lot and think we know a lot… problem is, nobody gives us things to back it up… it's a guessing game…. my eyes were open long before q came up… but q certainly made me more convinced about stuff..

but problem is, we have nothing to back it up and with my message >>9853

(the long haul & burrying crooked things in fbi/doj) we are called conspiracy-theorists… if we bring something out where we are pretty sure we are right, but without official back-up, they say it's a conspiracy…

so i stopped with trying to convince others… i don't talk about that stuff outside this board… i try to work hard in here, to help… but my hopes that political crooks & fbi/doj are NOT above the law is almost completely gone… can come back when i SEE proof and jailtime/charges/indictments… but untill than, i don't trust sessions and even less rosenstein!

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446d96  No.9855


>(/CM/, (I'm) locked out of /GA/)

Yeah, I'm disappointed by how retarded people have been about that, including CodeMonkey who didn't seem prepared to entertain that such a hack may not be visible to him just by looking at his admin panel.

I guess Q is partly to blame and should have been clearer because too many anons have misinterpreted Q's statements for them to just be 'stupid'.

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91359b  No.9856


>but here the reference link to find all of his/her posts

Thank you, anon ! Salute !

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c8cc06  No.9857


and apparently that's all i have in common lol… problem with answering directly without reading the rest first :p

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c4361e  No.9858


Thanks anon. Enjoy your binge.


Mornin' anon. I see you're throwing crockery again, today.

BIAB. I got some IRL stuff to catch up on, and need to stretch my legs.

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c8cc06  No.9859



nah… just pouring my guts out ;-)

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c4361e  No.9860


I feel sad for you, anon. (not in a pathetic way). Keeping up with all this shit does my head in. Backwards, forwards, dots, connections, webs, lol. What a ride!

I've been pleasantly and successfully distracting myself for over a week now.

I do hope I'm not letting the team down.

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c8cc06  No.9861


you're not letting us down ;-) not imo

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5d717f  No.9862


You are right! A VERY SPECIAL ANON!

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5d717f  No.9863


It starts earlier…. >>9862

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c4361e  No.9864


Sometimes we need to go off and do our own thing to further our own growth. I'm learning so much, (and am a little peeved that I was never given such opportunities in that crappy institution they call school, these days).

Maybe I'm just taking time to catch up to ya'll.

Thanks, anon.

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5d717f  No.9865


This one was missed:


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c4361e  No.9866


Hmm, that adds to the intrigue.

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5d717f  No.9867



It was not really missed :) My bad! it was on the right side of the post… but interesting to highlight anyways.

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c4361e  No.9868


I must've missed it myself, even though I opened the post and thought I'd read them all. So hey, you brought it to my attention, lol. It was meant to be :P

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5d717f  No.9869

Daniel 7:20 King James Version (KJV)

20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

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5d717f  No.9870


3 fell? Are we talking about towers?

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446d96  No.9871

Never thought I'd be looking forward to the 7am anons on QR as much as I am now.

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5d717f  No.9872

▶Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 23:56:17 abb925 No.837535>>837543 >>837637 >>837932

http:// www.exorcist.org.nz/lucent_technologies.html

Finally got smart and figured out what the hell to type…

Dumbass. I don't call myself the village idiot for just any reason, I guess.

copy/pasta follows

Recently, it was announced that AT&T has split into 3 seperate

companies. One of the three, the company formerly known as

Bell (Bel / Belus) Laboratories, has been fresly renamed

Lucent Technologies.

<This shit goes DEEP…. you're telling me that ATT was part of this crap way back?

Lucent's statement that "Inferno (internet/computer) applications

are written in a new language called 'Limbo' which was designed

specifically for the 'Inferno' software environment."

Inferno, Limbo ? Where Inferno means Hell - and Limbo is

the act of being suspended in a lower compartment of Hell,

awaiting judgement or punishment.

"Communications protocols" designed into Lucent's 'Inferno'

software are called 'styx'. In pagan mythologies and religion,

'styx' is a synonym for the fiery, brimstone underworld region

where devils reside. In other words: Hell !

Lucent . . . Inferno . . . Limbo . . . Styx.

All synonyms for Hell !


(Now we are in Ed's territory)

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c4361e  No.9873


I couldn't say as I'm hardly familiar with the bible. My first thought was families, perhaps bloodlines, but I don't get much right, so….

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5d717f  No.9874

▶Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 23:30:12 913764 No.837345>>837439 >>837496 >>837543


Any connection to Lucis Trust?

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5d717f  No.9875


Your guess is as good as mine..

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c4361e  No.9876


I kinda got the feeling it was posted for the Eds to see. :)


I'm not drinking the kool-aide, lol. Not giving it a second thought.

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5d717f  No.9877

File: bb59f2f8210c5c4⋯.png (405.11 KB, 600x451, 600:451, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4361e  No.9878



Disregard, I reread and I don't know that I have any idea what you're talking about.

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c4361e  No.9879


Hahaha, I like that. We're kind of expensive though.

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5d717f  No.9880



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5d717f  No.9881

" This information got into the wrong hands, so Serge and Russo stepped down." Is he talking about Aaron Russo - America Freedom to Facism? (not doxxing he's passed away)

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5d717f  No.9882

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c8cc06  No.9883


gonna read, thx

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446d96  No.9884


Yeah I think that was indeed who we think it is. We got a modified drop due to the board drama.

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c8cc06  No.9885


sorry, re-read all talk in here about this… i have no clue what and who you're talking about… sorry

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5d717f  No.9886

File: ed499698b592f2b⋯.png (1 MB, 864x864, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8cc06  No.9887


AFSA? american foreign service association?

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5d717f  No.9888

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5d717f  No.9889

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5d717f  No.9890


(Where is Ed when we need him? :))

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c8cc06  No.9891


lol, good to see you do exactly what i do , so i don't have to put the links here…. read and dig at same time and put here..; thx ;-)

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5d717f  No.9892


Great anon minds think alike! :)

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c8cc06  No.9893


harvard u,

world bank,


the temple

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c8cc06  No.9894



Political party Republican (until 1978)

Democratic (1978–2009)

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5d717f  No.9895

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c8cc06  No.9896

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5d717f  No.9897


▶Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 00:00:55 020a10 No.837562>>837660 >>837768 >>837932


Here is what you’re looking for, look people who are connected to both Lucis Trust, and Lucent Technologies, and you’ll have your answer.

https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP75-00001R000100050017-4.pdf

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446d96  No.9898



That link^^^^ came from the special anon that posted in QR earlier.

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fe9cf3  No.9899

Good morning anons. Lazy-ass BO finds his way onto the board.

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5d717f  No.9900



Definitely lots of thinking alike going on this morning!

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c8cc06  No.9901


but i have no clue who she is… that was what was talked about?


morning… i decide this evening if it is a good morning ;-)

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fe9cf3  No.9902

There WAS a big Lucent building on the south end of Denver. I somehow seem to remember they sold it but I could be wrong. Will check.

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5d717f  No.9903


Wasn't it next to i25?

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5d717f  No.9904

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5d717f  No.9905

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fe9cf3  No.9906

File: f97660330acf785⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1256x796, 314:199, lucent.png)


The one I'm thinking of was way south in Highlands Ranch. And now I'm having a massive Mandela Effect moment because you can see the bike path in this image; I rode that thing 500 times across an 11 year period and that building was ALWAYS ALWAYS on the south side of C-470. You cannot miss the curved front. Now it's on the north.

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5d717f  No.9907

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fe9cf3  No.9908


Worse, you can see how the bike path goes on the left; being on that I never would have seen the front of that building. Maybe there's another building like it on the south side.

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5d717f  No.9909


Those 'mandela effect' things are WEIRD. I've had a few and they are terrifying ! I blame the massive timeline change we went through with DJT.

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c8cc06  No.9910


lol we were looking at the same thing :D


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5d717f  No.9911


… we had less than 8 years to live…

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5d717f  No.9912



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5d717f  No.9913

Notable Brookings scholars include former Federal Reserve chairs Janet Yellen[14] and Ben Bernanke;[15] former Fed vice chairs Donald Kohn,[16] Alice Rivlin,[17] and Alan Blinder;[18] former chairmen of the president's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) Jason Furman[19] and Martin Neil Baily;[20] former CEA members Sandra Black,[21] Jay Shambaugh,[22] and James H. Stock;[23] dean of the University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy Susan M. Collins;[24] former director of the Congressional Budget Office Douglas Elmendorf;[25] former assistant secretary of state Martin S. Indyk;[26] former U.S. secretary of education Arne Duncan;[27] former Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler;[28] Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne;[29] and Wall Street Journal columnist William Galston.[30]

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fe9cf3  No.9914


This is seriously freaking me out. I'd be riding to Park Meadows from C-470 and Bowles. Did it a zillion times. And that curved front of that building was always on my right. I always found it irritating because it looked so pompous and I never knew who owed that building. I drove that stretch of C-470 rarely. Park Meadows is a high-end mall and I find malls expensive to begin with. There just wasn't a lot of reason to drive to that area very often. I only ever saw it riding the bike and the bike path would take me behind the complex where I would never have seen the front of the building. There has to be a "sister building" of that same design on the south side of 470. Just not seeing it. This is wild.

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5d717f  No.9915

File: 38f62ce430c11f8⋯.png (28.51 KB, 187x182, 187:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d717f  No.9916


I understand… but I have absolutely no helpful word to give you … I have experienced this in the past and it's baffling.

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fe9cf3  No.9917

File: ad799501e3ac28d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1317x602, 1317:602, lucent_2.png)

Saved by the bell! South side of C-470 and this is the building.

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5d717f  No.9918



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5d717f  No.9919

File: 1a695044a4673d9⋯.png (20.24 KB, 188x128, 47:32, ClipboardImage.png)


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fe9cf3  No.9920


Roit, then. Bloody 'ell!!!

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fe9cf3  No.9921

So quiet in here as people dig. I love hearing the pitter patter of little keys.

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c4361e  No.9922

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fe9cf3  No.9923


Forgive me for being so far out of the loop … I remember an article coming out about this guy some months ago; it was one article and never seemed to gain much traction in the public eye. What happened to bring it to the forefront?

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5d717f  No.9924

File: 26ba5a1c835160c⋯.png (29.74 KB, 192x196, 48:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9925

Next bread, I'm going to remove the IBOR stuff and I'm considering removing the notables. Notables are good for QR where breads fill up in 40 minutes during super heavy traffic times but here they take days. We have so few people, all things being relative; the notables take a lot of work to maintain and I really don't know that anybody ever references them.

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fe9cf3  No.9926


Half of what's posted in here is notable. The other half is banter. It's a good balance.

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c8cc06  No.9927

if some of ya have some free time in the coming days…

we have to dig on Oleg Deripaska

linked to mccain, manafort, stone, podesta & steele… oh and not forget CF & also nornickel (yes, the person in the plane crash moscou worked there before/member or norilsk council & indirectly: Rosatom…


if no time, no prob, i will dig on it this weekend or next week…

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c8cc06  No.9928




page 1 : >>3593

page 2 : >>3624

page 3 : >>3645

page 4 : >>3669

page 5 : >>4144

page 6 : >>4637

page 7 : >>5395

page 8 : >>6161

page 9 : >>6937

page 10: >>7704

page 11: >>8530

page 12: >>9226

INITIALS: >>5507

keywords: >>8686

timeline: https://www.scribd.com/document/375082524/no-title-1



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fe9cf3  No.9929


Okay … since Awesome Anon (AA) is handling this, and doing an AWESOME job, I'll just leave it as is. The AA post is pretty distinctive so I'll remove the "notables" section since that one covers it.

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c4361e  No.9930


I'm in agreeance!

Do we have a carried motion?

All makes perfect sense to me :)

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023b5d  No.9931

From SPECIAL anon:

Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 00:14:56 020a10 No.837637>>837658 >>837664 >>837667 >>837683 >>837704 >>837710 >>837720 >>837805 >>837853 >>837884 >>837932


You’re getting close, keep digging Anons. I’m not spending my night here without cause. Refer to my other posts:



What is NFC pay? Who created it? What network does it use? How is it related to the RFID chip? Can they link the two together? Why did AT&T buy Lucent? To stay clean?

Create a map. Important.

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fe9cf3  No.9932


LOL I think votes will have to be cast as people trickle in over the next few days. :D

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023b5d  No.9933


Yay for Awesome Anon

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fe9cf3  No.9934

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fe9cf3  No.9935


Remember the Ed material on RFID.

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023b5d  No.9936


Near-field communication (NFC) is a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices, one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone, to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm (1.6 in) of each other.[1]


I didn't forget, I wanted to put a emphasis on the questions within the context.

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fe9cf3  No.9937


When Rothschild had that plane downed, to become the sole holder of the Freescale patent, it wasn't $$$ he was interested in. He already has all that. He wanted control over RFID - development and implementation.

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c4361e  No.9938


Awesome Anon lives up to his name, for sure.

3 cheers for Awesome Anon :D




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fe9cf3  No.9939


Ed returned to that subject this bread. >>9584

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fe9cf3  No.9940


Essentially RFID is Freescale.

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023b5d  No.9941


It's a fabric made of multiple threads

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fe9cf3  No.9942


Implanted in human bodies, the idea is that extremely low voltage (provided by an outside transmitter) could send out signals to modify DNA. Or read it.

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023b5d  No.9943

1983 The first patent to be associated with the abbreviation "RFID" was granted to Charles Walton.[14]

2013 IBM scientists, in an effort to curb fraud and security breaches, develop an NFC-based mobile authentication security technology. This technology works on similar principles to dual-factor authentication security.[30]

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c4361e  No.9944


conductive polymers, by any chance?

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023b5d  No.9945

Charles Walton (1921 – November 6, 2011[1][2]) is best known as the first patent holder for the RFID (radio frequency identification) device. Many individuals contributed to the invention of the RFID, but Walton was awarded ten patents in all for various RFID-related devices, including his key 1973 design for a "Portable radio frequency emitting identifier".[3] This patent was awarded in 1983, and was the first to bear the acronym "RFID".[4]

Charles Walton grew up in Maryland and New York State, and graduated from George School in 1939. He graduated from Cornell University in 1943 with a degree in Electrical engineering, and received a master's degree from Stevens Institute of Technology.[3]

After service in the Army Signal Corps, Charles Walton worked at IBM's research and development laboratories until 1970. He founded the company Proximity Devices, Inc., in Sunnyvale, California in 1970, to manufacture devices based on his patents.

Charles Walton was a major donor to the Walton lighthouse at the Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor, named in honor of his brother Derek, who was in the Merchant Marine and died of polio in the early 1950s.

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023b5d  No.9946

(for context) Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 00:37:00 020a10 No.837764>>837819 >>837821 >>837838 >>837857 >>837932 >>837968


Phase 1 was to begin after she won. (BEGIN CHIPPING PEOPLE) Elite implementation and public awareness WW.

They never thought she would lose.

Plan B - EU.

Prevention in place. This is all connected.

I.A. WW know. Patriots won’t sit idly by.

Did Sergei Skripal know? Why would they try to silence him?

More importantly, does his daughter know?


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023b5d  No.9947


>Sergei Skripal

Sergei Viktorovich Skripal (Russian: Сергей Викторович Скрипаль, IPA: [sʲɪrˈɡʲej ˈvʲiktərəvʲɪtɕ skrʲɪˈpalʲ], born 23 June 1951) is a former Russian military intelligence officer who acted as a double agent for the UK's intelligence services during the 1990s and early 2000s.[4] In December 2004, he was arrested by Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) and later tried, convicted of high treason, and sentenced to 13 years in prison. He settled in the UK in 2010 following the Illegals Program spy swap.

On 4 March 2018, he and his daughter Yulia, who was visiting him from Moscow, were poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent.[5][6] As of 15 March 2018,[7] they remain in a critical condition at Salisbury District Hospital. The poisoning is being investigated as an attempted murder.[6] He is a British citizen.[8] Shortly after the poisoning incident, Russian officials said they had no information as to Sergei Skripal’s nationality;[9][10] however, on 21 March 2018 Russian ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko said that Sergei Skripal is also a Russian citizen.[11][12] [7] On March 29, Yulia was reported to be out of critical condition, 'conscious and talking'.[13]

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023b5d  No.9948


(for context) Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 01:01:34 020a10 No.837923>>837935 >>837957 >>837960 >>837991


Meant sell. Don’t read into it.

Keep digging.

Focus on chip / use for National Defense.

Who is Charles Walton?

What did the DOD do with his patent?


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023b5d  No.9951

Is there a link between Charles Walton and Sam Walton (Walmart)??

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fe9cf3  No.9953








Please fill this one before nomadic movement to the new one

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c8cc06  No.9954



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c4361e  No.9955


Not coming up with anything.


Thanks anon, I'm sure it will be very tasty.

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fe9cf3  No.9956


But it's not gluten free.

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fe9cf3  No.9957


Doesn't appear to be. They're worlds apart.

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023b5d  No.9958


▶Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 01:25:55 974c81 No.838067>>838079 >>838096 >>838191 >>838256 >>838374 >>838391 >>838496 >>838516 >>838705 >>838770




Where is the H.Q. of Alcate-Lucent? Who are it’s investors?

How much stock does George Soros own?

This is bigger than you know. WW plans being revealed for awareness.

Create a map.

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c427fb  No.9960

File: 1f50a84d37f0b27⋯.png (454.2 KB, 600x361, 600:361, ClipboardImage.png)

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91359b  No.9961

Not sure if anyone followed that dumbass couple (or pair of youtube famefaggers) who call themselves Thomas & Betsy (American Intelligence Media, lol) – they were weird all the time already and quite suspicious, but this one really takes the cake:


They know fucking nothing, not about PosterIDs, tripCodes or the chans, hell, not even that "#" is not an "ampersand" –

So if you feel like nothing annoys you easily, and wanna have a good laugh (or torture yourself) for a little while, check out above link. But be careful, it is really bad.

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fe9cf3  No.9962


OMG I can't remember the movie this line came from!!! "Would you please stop doing that?"




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c4361e  No.9963

This is so irritating. I feel so violated.

Please, wait while we are validating your browser

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c427fb  No.9964

File: b75478ba07eb425⋯.png (19.36 KB, 120x120, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c427fb  No.9965

File: f7a6ce214d31263⋯.png (81.26 KB, 200x232, 25:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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c427fb  No.9966

File: 4d37a2910b27c0c⋯.png (108.35 KB, 220x293, 220:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4361e  No.9967


Nice, anon.

Lol the first one came up as 'hazardous waste' though.

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c427fb  No.9968

File: 7a2d713d467648a⋯.png (159.53 KB, 360x240, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8cc06  No.9969



alcatel lucent headquarters: Boulogne-Billancourt, France

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fe9cf3  No.9970


Phillipe Camus, chairman of Lucent

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91359b  No.9971

File: e6e82ceca27f9d4⋯.png (74.38 KB, 523x379, 523:379, eizenstat.png)



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c427fb  No.9972

File: 17f9da62e879e34⋯.png (43.32 KB, 170x170, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c4361e  No.9973


I should've said the previous one, not the first, sorry. This one comes up as 'hazardous waste', which, come on……, is quite comical.

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c427fb  No.9974

File: b0bfdec62b03365⋯.png (99.76 KB, 234x234, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9975


Patricia Russo, CEO of Lucent

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c427fb  No.9976

File: 4632085abe110c2⋯.png (222.46 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9977


Jean Cyrill Spinetta, chairman of Air France / KLM. How did THEY find their way into this???

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c8cc06  No.9978


2nd: patricia russo

3rd: Stuart E. Eizenstat

4: Jean-Cyril Spinetta

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c427fb  No.9979

File: 5bd734f22f204b9⋯.png (138.39 KB, 640x341, 640:341, ClipboardImage.png)

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91359b  No.9980

File: 5677d5a0a9480af⋯.png (507.26 KB, 1141x955, 1141:955, hughes.png)



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fe9cf3  No.9981

Louis R. Hughes, ABB group

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c427fb  No.9982

File: ff6fed0f81105d9⋯.png (683.67 KB, 1155x650, 231:130, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9983


Neither Tineye nor Giggle Images have any record of this woman.

She is another Snowden green screen job.

Or a Russian Bot.

Nobody escapes the Russian Bots.

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c427fb  No.9984

File: fd251ec2d1f7a8b⋯.png (893.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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91359b  No.9985

File: 69c76e5111a87de⋯.png (53.49 KB, 620x176, 155:44, monty.png)

File: f48767739713807⋯.png (89.22 KB, 996x406, 498:203, monty_wiki.png)




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fe9cf3  No.9986


Jean Monty, started at Bell in 1974 so probably figures into the fray on those grounds today.

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c427fb  No.9987

File: c1fc0b59a36d0b6⋯.png (514.11 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9988

The bread is nearly full. #14 is waiting >>9949 when this one fills.

This is a really big array of characters; one can only assume that somebody is taking the time to paste all their mugs up here for a good reason. Are they hooking up now for a single venture? Or all serving as different spokes in the same wheel?

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91359b  No.9989

File: 27af2d48b073a0f⋯.png (130.56 KB, 1163x496, 1163:496, cico.png)




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c427fb  No.9990

File: a1cadcc044e6af1⋯.png (226.85 KB, 540x360, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9cf3  No.9991


Is this something like an evil version of the Justice League forming? (It's a serious question; if they're all getting backed into a corner as Q indicates, they are likely to start taking much bolder steps than we're accustomed to seeing.)

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c4361e  No.9992

File: a7fbc2b11830760⋯.jpg (303.53 KB, 1147x977, 1147:977, RFIDshit.jpg)

It's the end of the bread so, I'm just gonna drop this here. I went for a walk down memory lane as to stuff that I'd paid much attention to years ago, but moved on to other things.


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fe9cf3  No.9993


Somebody ROCKS. I could not find this woman.

We need a singular, comprehensive list of ALL these people. I will do it. Will post in next bread when it's done.

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fe9cf3  No.9994

If the barrage of images continues in the next bread, I'll add those to the list when I get there. For now I have to stay here and organize all the names / companies we have so far.

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fe9cf3  No.9995

I'm going to lock this thread. Please move to #14. >>9949

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