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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, QRG_main.jpg)

89c4fa  No.9220406[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.17.2020

>>9220019 ————————————–——– Corporate media control [source]: Bill Clinton_ 1996 Telecommunications Act (Cap: >>9220052)

>>9217215 ————————————–——– Rt @EYEDROPMEDIA: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9217253)

>>9216185 ————————————–——– In our hearts, we carry those who have died (Cap: >>9216196)

>>9214722 ————————————–——– Knowledge is power (Cap: >>9214764)

>>9213893 ————————————–——– Rt @circumspectus: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213915)

>>9213792 ————————————–——– Rt @doylehall: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213808)

>>9213769 ————————————–——– Rt @polarbear9702: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213912)

>>9213695 ————————————–——– Rt @TitoCalloway: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213728)

>>9213664 ————————————–——– Rt @pixielicious731: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213689)

>>9213640 ————————————–——– Rt @QTheWakeUp: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213660)

>>9213568 ————————————–——– Rt @VALIANT_TH0R: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213620)

>>9213555 ————————————–——– Rt @officialrissad: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213572)

>>9213523 ————————————–——– Rt @Missc247: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213615)

>>9213457 ————————————–——– Rt @wach_jetzt_auf: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213547)

>>9213376 ————————————–——– Rt @BrazilQArmy: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213496)

>>9213376 ————————————–——– Rt @jbarwkc: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213458)

>>9213352 ————————————–——– Rt @QdUpJarhead: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213393)

>>9213280 ————————————–——– Rt @PatriotDancing: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213321)

>>9213255 ————————————–——– Rt @nicolejc9: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213273)

>>9213118 ————————————–——– Rt @forabetterwor10: WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9213240)

>>9212389 ————————————–——– Bartiromo Tweet - Public v [matters of NAT SEC] (Cap: >>9212535)

>>9212171 ————————————–——– For future events [understanding] (Cap: >>9212756)

>>9212037 ————————————–——– CLAS 1-99_week_3 [you are here] (Cap: >>9212060, >>9212072)

Friday 05.15.2020

>>9192282 ————————————–——– Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All. (Cap: >>9192860)

>>9189221 ————————————–——– Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION? (Cap: >>9189286)

>>9189023 ————————————–——– DNI announces changes to election security briefings (Cap/text: >>9189044, >>9189036)

>>9188948 ————————————–——– 'Quarantine' is when you restrict the movement of sick people. 'Tyranny', healthy people

>>9187012 ————————————–——– Vote by mail: It's right in front of you (Cap: >>9187039, >>9187161)

>>9186868 ————————————–——– It's time to end the horror show. (Cap: >>9186891)

>>9185840 ————————————–——– Have faith in God. Mark 11:22

>>9185636 ————————————–——– Think for yourself. (Cap: >>9185723)

>>9185312 ————————————–——– Why did [D]s change narrative? "Everything is fine" > "Testing, Tracing, Isolation"

>>9184840 ————————————–——– Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. (Cap >>9184870)

>>9184605 ————————————–——– Time to end the horror show? Time to term [select] science advisors, gov controls by legal challenge? Time to stand? (HCQ Cap and Vid: >>9184646)

>>9184246 ————————————–——– Fear. Division. Dependency. Control. (Cap: >>9184296)

Thu 05.14.2020 >>9214444

Wed 05.13.2020 >>9212339

Tue 05.12.2020 >>9187430

Mon 05.11.2020 >>9162615

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Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

700 posts and 531 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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159085  No.9221187

File: e29fbc0db45e72b⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 800x533, 800:533, onecontinuity.jpg)


Container ship in Hello Kitty colors

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26a41e  No.9221188

File: 2dfe992549cbffd⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 500x340, 25:17, 3y0moh_1rrr.jpg)

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d87e03  No.9221189

File: a08645917e4ea2c⋯.png (172.6 KB, 720x589, 720:589, Img_1588900062118.png)

File: 7e6b22d36d0663b⋯.png (149.9 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Img_1588778438341.png)

File: 85440cd35214c52⋯.png (229.7 KB, 720x896, 45:56, Img_1588778452893.png)

File: a9f6fe13bf8a335⋯.png (325.14 KB, 706x939, 706:939, Img_1588778482057.png)

File: 29011415271658f⋯.png (208.31 KB, 720x709, 720:709, Img_1588222488437.png)

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d85847  No.9221190


Interesting scriptural connection.

They really will say anything at all. Deceiving is their most powerful weapon.

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a69f0c  No.9221191

File: 236743de2d79ccb⋯.png (10.23 MB, 2000x5755, 400:1151, SecretPlanTheory.png)

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09fe3f  No.9221192



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e977f0  No.9221193

File: 07fb3ec12a0f4b8⋯.webm (1.81 MB, 720x404, 180:101, ClumsyBot.webm)

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8994d6  No.9221194

File: 745076ef4a00456⋯.png (39.12 KB, 707x346, 707:346, ClipboardImage.png)

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479a9a  No.9221195

File: 03564cca3ee38ff⋯.jpeg (40.68 KB, 320x228, 80:57, 03564cca3ee38ffc2d6b3422d….jpeg)

[N]ew(s) [I]ncoming [G]et [H]eard [T]ogether

|| "Crescit sub pondere virtus" || "Virtue thrives under oppression." ||




Wizards & [WAR]locks.

BDTComplete UPDATED Visual Edits


Maria B. Drop was unscheduled.

Q drops timings (We stated when Q would post)

Q Next Drop timings (And Qs following posts, Then Echoed our message… ..)

Q drop Army Song

Q's message told over many drops. more than 10x+

Iterates our message over and over. WW.

The message continued today 5/3… … ..

EM Discussion, EM twitter rampage.

Airwaves tweet Don

Army Tweet

Video tweet Don

… ..


++Blunt and Direct Time++



Know your Enemy.

Know your Frens.

Be well read, Knowledge is Power.

You need to help the [C] see, then [C] will be exposed, only with [C] can this happen.

[C] = Cattle, [sheep], Citizens

[C] = Corruption, Crooks, Criminals

[C] = Cooperation, Community, Collective

[C] = … … … … … .

Learn your Q[l]ues

Clues : Direct or Covert messages for Anons to dig on

Clues : Riddles… … … .. "Future Proves Past" "Do you believe in coincidences?" Movies, etc.

Ques : comms for Operatives (Frens)

Ques : comms for Counter-Operatives (Enemies)

Ques : A signal, A hint, A light (Above & Beyond, AI Manhattan Project) (Code Names, Brackets, (periods), … … ..) (When Q asks you to think) etc.

Ques : Staging or setting up OP

Q : Questions

(Qou) : messages for You to do

Learn Double Meanings

[Symbolism will be their downfall.]

Remember Patches.

Remember Symbolism.

Remember Words.

Remember Right, Write, Rite.

Remember Game Theory.

Remember the GAME. (It is not a game.)

These lead to Light.

It's always been out in the open.

You just have to LOOK. Then see.

You MUST stay TOGETHER. Dig together, Meme together, Pray together


Symbolism = END.







Now is the time to Write, Right Now.

The silent war is ending (period)

You need no Rite to Write what is Right.

#1 protects your write. Right?

Write Now. Right Now?


(You)r voices must be heard

You must sing as the mockingbird did, you must stop the birds waves.

Waves have a big influence, strong and unifed.

Waves can be caught. Can You?

Waves can be changed. Can You?

Narratives will always exist. Will Yours?

Whose will shine?

Darkness requres lies, lies and more lies.

Truth only needs a single light.

A single light will light the darkest of rooms.

Each candle looses nothing when lighting another.

For each Candle lighted the darkness fades.

SCUM will rise to the top.

DIRT will fall to the bottom.

Dirt is easier to clean than Scum.

If you chop the legs off a table the whole table will fall.

United We Stand, Patriot.

Together We Win.


Unity is Key.

WE are Key.

Maps are Key.

[C] is Key.

Waves are Key.

(You) are Key.

Memes are Key.

Truth is Key.

What is a door that has no key?

The key that opens all doors.

The 'Start'.

What is the Keystone. Re_read carefully. Like a Novel.

You have the Script.

You have the Screenplay.

You have the Playbook.

You know the Actors.

You know the Set.

You know the Score.

You have the Answers.

Let them know. Write Now.

START Producing.

Right Now!

All you need is your Audience.

We have it all.

You have all you need to START.

You are missing the connections.

Continue to build the MAP.

MAP provides the KEY.

KEY spreads the TRUTH.



Future proves past.

Trust the plan.

The time has come.

The storm is now.

(You) are the storm.

You will know you are done when you see:

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.





FIGHT the censorship.

You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.

You simply forgot how to PLAY.


They want you divided.

They want you silenced.


We are WITH you.


THIS IS ABOUT SAVING AMERICA. And then the World will follow.

We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

Learn the TRUTH.

MSM has you brainwashed.

They want you controlled.

They want you enslaved.

They want you divided.

They want you dependent!

Learn the TRUTH.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.

We do not look at religion.

We do not look at gender.

We do not look at creed.

We do not look at rite.

We do not look at class.

We do not look at political affiliation.

We do not look at sect.

We do not look at culture.

We look at people.

We look at deeds.

We look at actions.

We look at truths.

We look at You.

We are Patriots.

Learn the TRUTH.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.






Learn the TRUTH.


Learn the TRUTH.

Those who know, Know.

Those who see, See.

Those who hear, Hear.

Only Justice should be Blind.

Shine the light of Truth.

Together we are strong.

Divided we are weak.

(((THEY))) want You divided.

Stay Strong Patriots.

Together We Win!!


> You have powerful frens, WE are all Watching, WE are all waiting.

Learn the TRUTH.

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2cac9f  No.9221196

File: 611e456a65b8bd1⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 474x266, 237:133, gov.jpg)


Same age, same rank.

God wins.

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5bafb0  No.9221197


Think about these two statements and time periods and then put them together……

1) 2009-2012/13 – Hammer Program which was flipped from an Foreign Intelligence Tool to a Domestic Intelligence Tool to spy on Americans.

2) 2012-2016 – NSA Contractor Program – There were TENS-OF-THOUSANDS of unauthorized search queries; and as Judge Collyer stated in her report, there is no reason to believe the 85% non compliant rate was any different from the abuse of the NSA database going back to 2012.

“I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: LEVERAGE. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for those leverage against a person … The amount of information is mind-boggling, and I gave all of that to FBI Director Comey’s office.”

So yes, as PT said, they wanted to take down a sitting President as an insurance policy but it was really to hide these two periods of massive spying on Americans.

All designed for FUTURE LEVERAGE according to a Registered Whistleblower:


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26a41e  No.9221198

File: b8dc76bcef5a780⋯.jpg (91.72 KB, 640x403, 640:403, 3wxq1i.jpg)

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fd7910  No.9221199

File: d202fc0661bc5c2⋯.jpg (148.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1HYV8XW_002_lt.jpg)


Different Eric Schmidt, but still a freakin Clown !!!

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d87e03  No.9221200

File: 96ecaeb788ab66d⋯.png (262.56 KB, 992x553, 992:553, Img_1587593823463.png)

File: 9557e1ebc5ec28d⋯.png (197.3 KB, 992x555, 992:555, Img_1587593505552.png)

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adca86  No.9221202


People were outraged.. and she just glossed right over it. SHE IS EVIL. SHE NEEDS PUT DOWN FOR GOOD.

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d87e03  No.9221203

File: 04609743fc86774⋯.png (403.68 KB, 720x1060, 36:53, Img_1588776824245.png)

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d43295  No.9221205

File: b478c48a5e11e5e⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5tgcew_p01awqq_67gutc4_klc….jpg)

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adca86  No.9221206


Just remember anon.. bras lie. Bras liiiieeeee..

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8994d6  No.9221207

For those of you who may be new to this, a quantum of light is a unit or chunk of light, and we call it a photon. In the body, it is called a biophoton. The array of light that is the field of our biophotons is still a great mystery scientifically, our understanding still in its infancy. But we do know that it is at once local, and involved in electro-chemical communication and resonant energy transfer processes, as well as nonlocal, and entangled with the quantum vacuum, the field of potentiality. And it seems that subatomically, within the proton of the nucleus of each atom, lie the quantum worm-holes through which this light travels multidimensionally!

Biophotons are produced by our cells, largely from the oxidative metabolism of the mitochondria, the power plants of the cell responsible for generating enough energy to fuel all the activities of the cell. For instance, in a single neuron associated with sight, over 100 biophotons per second can be produced during the process of visual perception.

Our biophotons are usually considered "ultra-weak" electromagnetic light, but as the authors point out, this name is misleading since really most of their intensity cannot actually be measured, primarily because it is absorbed and scattered during cellular activity. This is relevant when we want to understand where this kind of light is along the entire holographic spectrum of light. Think of octaves on a piano and how they are harmonics of one another. Now imagine the piano is multidimensional and not just a single array of keys and octaves.

The neurons of our brain and nervous system conduct, and actually communicate through, these biophoton signals (as well as electrical and other energy signals), and the more coherent (laser-like, well organized as a synchronous system) our biophoton field, the more coherent our brain and EEG. The more coherent our energy field as a whole, the healthier we tend to be, while a scattered field is correlated with dis-ease.

Within our neurons, are microtubules vibrating in different frequency modes. In their excited states, there is coherence and energy pumping, and biophotons are absorbed via biomolecules. In their ground state, coherence and energy pumping are lacking, and biophotons are absorbed by the vacuum. These states are entangled when there is superposition of both states, ground and coherence. Here we see that we have a quantum system, with microtubules giving us long coherence and large synchrony. Therefore, we can begin to sense how our information processing can extend from local to nonlocal domains.

How does this relate to our EEG readings? Some scientists suspect that the quantum vibrations are the source of our brain wave electrical activity measured by an EEG as voltage fluctuations across time and frequency (the rhythm or speed bandwidths of brain waves), on average, for a synchronized group of neurons numbering in the thousands. You may recognize the names of these frequency domains or rhythms as beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain waves, moving slower and slower from wakefulness to deeper relaxation and meditation to sleep. Gamma waves are even faster than beta (usually about 30-100 hertz) and have been observed in very experienced healers and advanced meditators. Gamma frequencies are thought to be involved in the synchronizing of neurons, which would make sense given that healers' energy is known to be highly coherent. It also then make sense why gamma rhythms would be observed when we are consolidating information and engaging in higher mental activity.

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09fe3f  No.9221208


I'm a retard. Long day.

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91f5a2  No.9221209


>>9220437 State Department inspector general was investigating if Pompeo made staffer walk his dog and run other personal errands

>>9220509, >>9220633, >>9220976, >>9220680 moar on the Telecommunications Act of 1996 transition - Materials from the FCC

>>9220521, >>9220585, >>9220520 anon submits: POTUS latest tweet - is T.V referring to tuberculosis vaccine and its potential to stop children from getting Covid?

>>9220553 Trump death clock digg

>>9220567 POTUS has been mentioning plague, related to Plaquenil (HCQ)?

>>9220670 anon pics: Downtown LA fire

>>9220689, >>9220725, >>9220787, >>9220800 'The Last Dance graded cbssports.com-Michael Jordan hit piece? moar on Lebron

>>9220719 Payseur and [Y] digg

>>9220765 Boatfg with some cheeky bastards off Guam

>>9220773, >>9220928, >>9221021, >>9221078 Soros Holdings -SEC doc.gov 13-F filing from May 16 2011 and docs.google from Oct. 2018

>>9220844 Q4257-38 page Snowden Document-Full Document 38 page pdf (redacted) From US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence fas.org

>>9221016 pf report

>>9221043 an Oct. 2016 reminder: Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash publicintegrity.org

>>9221130 A Secret U.S. Device Missing After '96 China Rocket Crash

>>9220975, >>9221097, >>9221152, >>9221168, >>9221175 Reminder: Marina Abramovich is a Satanist

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68d1af  No.9221210


wonder how well robodog deals with wire or fishing line entanglements ?

could be entertaining to watch

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f1b19f  No.9221211

File: 6e42d2113091dd1⋯.jpg (103.92 KB, 307x459, 307:459, HILLARYSMILEBOOK.jpg)


Ha ha. I like how we're supposed to read HER memoir to find out that she's innocent of all charges. Kinda like we should read Hillary's memoir to find out what really happened, right? They really think we're stupid. They blinded us, but we're not stupid. Now we see with new eyes, and it sure seems to me that THEY are the stupid ones.

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2f46b2  No.9221212

File: 06255e526f48813⋯.png (764.93 KB, 1616x1452, 404:363, QBREAK2.png)

File: fd06c205ea60ea8⋯.png (690.71 KB, 1638x1452, 273:242, QBREAK1.png)

File: 08829dbdc784140⋯.jpeg (33.87 KB, 600x338, 300:169, is_the_devil.jpeg)


yep, but on pretty much any topic I can take it waaay past their comfort zone rather quickly

then I get the it's the devil speaking look

never forget your super powers

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000000  No.9221213



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9554e3  No.9221217

File: bbe0aabeed3d9a9⋯.png (3.38 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 6534545234.png)

File: 56b02a6414d1669⋯.png (3.43 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 65345452346754.png)

File: 6e1891c4b95fed0⋯.png (3.43 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 653454523465465.png)

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fd7910  No.9221218

File: de556778a436f72⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Horse_guy.webm)

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26a41e  No.9221219





I did take a woman home from a bar and she took off her bra and her tits were half size.

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d87e03  No.9221220

File: 07240e39f2709b2⋯.png (226.19 KB, 983x409, 983:409, Img_1589314455884.png)

File: 77615bdd4fef93f⋯.png (52.02 KB, 720x313, 720:313, Cupace20200511164222.png)

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8994d6  No.9221222



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e3000d  No.9221223

File: 722f7d2520c68db⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 667x361, 667:361, cuomocriminal.jpg)

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479a9a  No.9221224

File: b01f488f715c0f4⋯.png (477.45 KB, 716x474, 358:237, b01f488f715c0f42cea10b06b0….png)


T 0:17


Silent War is ending. (period)

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d43295  No.9221225


The global warmers really freaked them out

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d09c38  No.9221227



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2f46b2  No.9221228

File: cf8a27df49d2f06⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 564x711, 188:237, ec18db447f0729d6ce4b6f689f….jpg)

File: ea6b6fcad11919a⋯.jpeg (16.86 KB, 474x268, 237:134, 3.jpeg)

File: 711e3f6cfbddfae⋯.jpeg (31.02 KB, 474x666, 79:111, 2.jpeg)

File: e0b6a9a1d46b8ce⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 1312x736, 41:23, biatch3.jpg)


what's so sad is those who buy that BS story from her…blinded star fuckers

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8994d6  No.9221229



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b1971a  No.9221230

File: 9f71211c53777a7⋯.jpg (127.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, SNP.jpg)

File: c2549de2319d0e8⋯.jpg (231.56 KB, 1280x889, 1280:889, HistoneSpools.jpg)

File: 57e0a2de6789fe7⋯.png (60.85 KB, 576x612, 16:17, 38million.png)

Single-nucleotide polymorphism


Did you know that there are 38 million of these SNPs in human DNA?

Did you know that DNA is a chain of nucleotides all tightly wound together?

The 2nd image shows the DNA wound around histone spool molecules and how this wound up DNA is then wound even tighter into coils and super coils that kink into the X shape of most chromosomes.

Think about it.

Do you think it is possible

That Trump was speaking to Autists

Suggesting that we should dig into SNPs and Korea?

I've only just begun but I already learned that people in central Japan share the same SNP clusters as Koreans have.

SNPs and SNP clusters can be used to identify broad relationships

Of groups of people

And maybe even single individuals.

Think about it

And do some digging of your own.

Just sticking with Koreans,

We more or less know that many Japanese descend from Koreans

Since the emperor stated publicly that one of his ancestors

Married an imperial Korean princess.

What about the people in North Korea?

Or the 1 million or so ethnic Koreans that live in the Russian Federation?

Where do Korean-Americans really originate from?

How closely related are Koreans to Northeast Siberians

And to the Innuit of North America?

And the Dene peoples of North America including the Navajo?

SNPs may tell us more about who we are

Than mtDNA and Y haplogroups.

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9554e3  No.9221233

File: 6ed820ae63f3321⋯.png (363.29 KB, 1500x938, 750:469, b76435v2345345342.png)

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adca86  No.9221234


See. I did too once, she actually looked like she was stacked.. that happened and her larger than normal nipples and anon.. i passed. I hate to admit it but I did. 🤔 could have been all the “what do u think of me” followed up by her saying she had a lot of family who doesnt want to see her hurt.. meh. Went from large titties to no titties and large baggage within a VERY SHORT time period. I passed.

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182602  No.9221235


Guess they thought we would follow the stars. They CREATE stars. They train them, package them, sell them and we dare not question them, because they're STARS. Contemporary art stars are the fakest, actually. They often have zero talent at all. Contemporary art is a giant scam and entirely corrupted by evil.

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224c0f  No.9221236

File: aea8438eab891a6⋯.png (274.88 KB, 632x354, 316:177, photograph_pk.png)

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2f46b2  No.9221238

File: 2ba3310baab4046⋯.jpg (152.66 KB, 640x642, 320:321, StrongTrumpFlag2.jpg)


time to flex

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9554e3  No.9221240

File: 38fb22e0d245eb7⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 595x600, 119:120, 38fb22e0d245eb73b09f3aa63a….jpg)

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8994d6  No.9221241

File: 120e5547f8d5068⋯.png (65.49 KB, 848x296, 106:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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479a9a  No.9221242

File: 910541582e4c07d⋯.jpg (323.41 KB, 1024x1308, 256:327, Catcher.jpg)

[N]ew(s) [I]ncoming [G]et [H]eard [T]ogether

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a59120  No.9221243

File: 3f6758f2bd985ee⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 500x559, 500:559, Joe_Blow.jpg)

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000000  No.9221244

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09fe3f  No.9221245


Lol imagine that, the left all of a sudden concerned about per capita.

What's 15% yet 70 %

All those myths about white leads all crime gone when you account for race total's per 100,000

God these hypocrites piss me off

Also not a slide for racism, just pondering the lefts narrative shift on numbers.

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9554e3  No.9221246

File: bc5c29047648772⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1100x1100, 1:1, e7900e20d8a38009626c596b2a….png)

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91f5a2  No.9221248

File: 17a109443ca0681⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, un_take_your_meds.png)

File: e082551d67e1e8d⋯.jpg (106.49 KB, 900x708, 75:59, who_do_you_trust_more_fauc….jpg)

File: 533db087150c55b⋯.png (783.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, coordinated_inauthentic_be….png)










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