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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

134303  No.6753643

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

134303  No.6753646

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6744237 Notable collecting notable.

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6753373 Trump's secret agreement with Mexico.

>>6753592 Texas wins a slice of tech giant Google's $13B expansion in US.

>>6753513 Cybersecurity event removes GOP lawmaker keynote speaker over politics.

>>6753507 POTUS plans an outdor carnival/party to announce his re-election bid.

>>6753494 Anti-ICE activist judge has legal fees paid by taxpayer.

>>6753487 Turkey's credit downgraded to B1.

>>6753467 Horowitz likely finished up Carter Page FISA report.

>>6753412 Buzzfeed staff planning walk out to get union recognized.

>>6753381 Milano still pushing the abortion boycott.

>>6753403 POTUS on Iran and the MIC.

>>6753333 Statement from NYPD police commissioner on officers ‘suicide’

>>6753290 DJT's Coatesville Tweet a pointer to the missing explosives?

>>6753295 Blackwater founder expands operations in DR Congo.

>>6753265 Oberline College claiming poverty to avoid punitive damages.

>>6753259 Large fire in Mosul Iraq.

>>6753236 IMF and ECB fighting Trump's America First agenda.

>>6753222 Trudeau sabotaging scientist's efforts to solve the 'carbon dioxide climate change' problem.

>>6753199 NXIVM trial: Jurors see Raniere’s child porn as Mexico trafficking operation gets exposed.

>>6753156, >>6753181 Investigative reporting on Collins-Smith murder.

>>6753153 DOJ backs Mnuchin refusal to turn over Trump taxes.

>>6753067 3rd NYPD Officer commits suicide in 9 days.

>>6753021 POTUS opioid prescriptions down 17%.

>>6753000 FB ad: Huawei, the Chinese communist corporation of philanthropy.

>>6752988 Graham tells POTUS to bring the pain on Iran.

>>6752959 Iranians fired on drone before ship attack.

>>6752958, >>6752984 Police make arrest in homicide of Linda Collins.

>>6752972, >>6753262, >>6753508 Planefag updates.

>>6753631 #8637

#8636 Baker Change

>>6752809 MSM falls for it every time.

>>6752803 NASA back on the moon by 2024: $30 billion.

>>6752657 Anon: Call for active ongoing prayer for active operators. o7

>>6752647 WaPo besmirches our beloved Sarah Sanders.

>>6752638 POTUS calls Clinton shill a wise guy.

>>6752476, >>6752503 POTUS Lockhe[a]d misspelling.

>>6752474 Public hearings on additional China tariffs next week.

>>6752467, >>6752579 Planefag updates.

>>6752464 UFO chatter.

>>6752444 Michael Flynn to appear in court Wed. afternoon.

>>6752436, >>6752473 Armed man busted outside New Jersey elementary school.

>>6752375 Scavino Tweet: POTUS talking to Judge Jeanine last night.

>>6752362 POTUS tweeted 'boom' 55 times going back to '09.

>>6752318 Scavino Tweet: "Happy Birthday President Trump!"

>>6752218 DJT Tweet: Lockheed Martin operations in Pa.

>>6752220 DJT Tweets: BOOMING.

>>6752873 #8636

Previously Collected Notables

>>6750615 #8633, >>6751315 #8634, >>6752145 #8635

>>6748304 #8630, >>6749070 #8631, >>6749850 #8632

>>6745968 #8627, >>6746721 #8628, >>6747516 #8629

>>6743648 #8624, >>6744440 #8625, >>6745217 #8626

>>6741386 #8621, >>6742399 #8622, >>6742912 #8623

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

134303  No.6753647

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


134303  No.6753650

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

134303  No.6753655

File: 75a26a40195b9d5⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 325x216, 325:216, POTUScheers.gif)



134303  No.6753661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baker Requesting Handoff

Thank you anons.

56e038  No.6753690

File: c0d3d23a82aaa87⋯.png (211.13 KB, 500x810, 50:81, ashtar-sheran-pic-1858x.png)


4ef99f  No.6753691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



4ef99f  No.6753695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


4ef99f  No.6753698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

4ef99f  No.6753700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

f83ddc  No.6753701

File: 2d9c42f135592ea⋯.jpg (364.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg)

We are Restoring the Republic of America.

Military & Navy Intelligence, the NSA & its Q group, and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All. There are over 100,000 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Memeing Patriots. Seriously.

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our memetic spread.

May God have Mercy on the souls of the confused.

4ef99f  No.6753702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

4ef99f  No.6753703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

784d01  No.6753704

File: b21466c993cbe15⋯.png (729.92 KB, 800x731, 800:731, ClipboardImage.png)

356cfd  No.6753705

File: f7a14f2a8046181⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, wtf2.jpg)

4ef99f  No.6753706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Old Newspaper Read's Six million Jews Died in 1915 1938 Before Hitler was in power.

694579  No.6753707

Sunday 05.26.2019


Plus 30


df3403  No.6753708

File: aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png)

4db749  No.6753709

File: af2a2ab1dd9319c⋯.jpg (547.3 KB, 1079x1462, 1079:1462, Screenshot_20190614-204420….jpg)

File: 7edee677f97da6d⋯.jpg (535.58 KB, 1079x1676, 1079:1676, Screenshot_20190614-204433….jpg)


4ef99f  No.6753710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

a4cce5  No.6753711

If Monsanto made a transgenic chicken that tasted like bacon, would ya eat it?

aaa3a8  No.6753712

If you're reading this, you've been in a coma for almost 20 years now. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope it works. Please wake up, we miss you.

4ef99f  No.6753713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Thank every single one of you non-JIDF bakers!

3d7b07  No.6753714

File: 4aaceb9bb450fd4⋯.png (87.86 KB, 258x241, 258:241, 2018-08-19_18-28-07 copy.png)

>>6753421 lb

How are they being funded?

When does the money run out?

b4497b  No.6753715

File: 75d09cce431da0a⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 373x521, 373:521, IMG_4222.JPG)


They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

f83ddc  No.6753716

File: d4cc249b9c1e16d⋯.jpg (791.14 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_NMM.jpg)

File: 942529b03bbdc9d⋯.png (374.35 KB, 4096x2048, 2:1, NMM_Template.png)


Our flood of proofs are coming.


Take the major news headlines that we'll see soon and search for older Q posts that relate to them.

You can do this, remember:

A map is not the terrain.

What is the terrain Q has mapped out?

What does No Such Agency expect us to see?

Our media? News in ALL its forms (Rallies, speeches, headlines, hearings, tweets)?

A map is not the terrain.

Specific news stories, MARKERS, help us orientate the two.

It's very possible that the Markers are strung together by Q's SIGs.

Ex: all the posts with Godfather III connect together through the news that unlocks them.


Read the NEWS to unlock older Q Posts.

The only explicit mention of what a Marker is, is a great place to start!

The Posts that are unlocked by news in all its forms are revealed as the MARKERS.

What we find between the MARKERS opens more.

Only you can reveal the Truth you've always known existed.

/our1yeardelta/ generates 540x more actionable insights than the clowns 'q'clock

So if you're wondering what's REALLY happening… Take the headlines you see and search for what Q has mentioned.

See what insights you're struck with!

This is way more fun than being lied to by the msm lol

>[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

>Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

>Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

>Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

Graphic is necessary and vital.

>Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

>Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

>Why was this necessary?

>What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

>Why is this relevant?

>Think mirror.

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

>What is a map?

>Why is a map useful?

>What is a legend?

>Why is a legend useful?

>What is a sequence?

>Why is this relevant?

>When does a map become a guide?

>What is a keystone?

>Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

>40,000ft. v. is classified.

Why is a map useful?

>Think direction.

>Think full picture.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.

>Be [p]repared.

>Ope[r]ations underway.

>Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

>Moves and countermoves.

>They never thought she would lose.

>Snow white.

>Godfather III.

>Iron Eagle.


They gave us a guide.

A Light in this Darkness.

Updated Pastebin!

Original Text - https://pastebin.com/FWsuFfdJ

As far as I can tell this pastebin has an exact Copy of the graphic Q posted, plus the three extra posts Q made in a bread before:


df3403  No.6753717

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)

4ef99f  No.6753718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

5d5193  No.6753719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6752803 (lb)


he really cares. NASA cares. they want to advance you, to free you. No lies to be seen here. UFO chatter is only to warn you and keep you informed!!


why does jeff always laugh like hes slowly lowering someone into a pit of lava?

229cca  No.6753720

I can hear the endgame coming… Can you too?

1b335a  No.6753721

File: 2b05d2861a6859f⋯.jpg (178.94 KB, 1008x570, 168:95, HappyBirthday (1).jpg)

dc6a34  No.6753722

File: be5f163fd29e9d4⋯.png (177.61 KB, 300x288, 25:24, Godzilla approves.png)

1a99f8  No.6753723


like turkey bacon?

4ef99f  No.6753724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ccdddd  No.6753725




356cfd  No.6753726


unplug me

be51cf  No.6753727

>>6753140 lb

what a crap analysis…

Israel and Saudi Arabia are paid US proxies to fight Iran and Russia in the Middle East, and they are quite capable of doing so without American boots on the ground…

Russia is also quite content to keep its proxies Syria and Iran armed and stay out of the Middle East as well and let the proxies keep fighting and keep oil prices elevated

215b0b  No.6753728

File: a4f046930da8bbf⋯.png (742.28 KB, 724x488, 181:122, a4f046930da8bbfaeadb895688….png)

TY baker

4ef99f  No.6753729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

06d9f0  No.6753730

File: ed9fd2d1b990589⋯.jpg (263.3 KB, 1392x1220, 348:305, _20190613_201240.JPG)

File: 57f3bb77be5de8b⋯.jpg (259.94 KB, 1391x1296, 1391:1296, _20190613_201853.JPG)

104d99  No.6753731

File: 4808f2db6f5fb38⋯.jpg (744.08 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening61.jpg)

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening62.jpg)

File: 5560aa04a3eba28⋯.jpg (625.95 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening63.jpg)

File: 3d71b9b65552f8b⋯.jpg (705.61 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening64.jpg)

File: d138b666d0e7d94⋯.jpg (778.95 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening65.jpg)

Volume 65 (new)

Will post for the morning crew tomorrow.

o7 BO, BV's, Bakers and Patriots.

GAanon out.

4ef99f  No.6753732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

134303  No.6753733


kek saved

72a931  No.6753734

File: 140e27e54075f8e⋯.jpeg (108.28 KB, 500x648, 125:162, 940BCDEA-D0D2-41D3-AC89-5….jpeg)

6a1b30  No.6753735


meh, too sleepy. KEK

4db749  No.6753736


Oh yes

4ef99f  No.6753737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

56e038  No.6753738


Deeper we go the more unrealistic it all becomes. At this point, it's a choice to know, so big is the jump from dreamland to reality.

b4497b  No.6753739

File: 06da3c49b4dc872⋯.jpg (70.03 KB, 321x455, 321:455, IMG_4242.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

55f233  No.6753740

File: db10bc96c143fb7⋯.png (60.93 KB, 766x540, 383:270, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: cc6affd7b2a13af⋯.png (123.18 KB, 766x840, 383:420, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: eab7a532acbbf01⋯.png (213.82 KB, 762x1462, 381:731, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: fcdcf013679f2d3⋯.png (121.44 KB, 756x872, 189:218, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

just a reminder anons why we are here:

Q said 'evil everywhere', many players, will do anything to prevent exposure. this whole movement is to reveal the truth.

'How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?' -Q

'There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.

We owe it to our children!' -Q

e25b12  No.6753741

>>6753683 (lb)

>No evidence whatsoever. Yet trumps cronies are banking big bucks on for profit concentration camps in Texas where they rip children from their parents and warehouse them and the Devos family makes more money placing them in white homes and you say nothing.


wow!! over target with Ranieri and HRC connection

Do you know who they bundled money for?

are you one of her donors?

e757e3  No.6753742

File: 4fb43aaf57f282a⋯.jpg (102.38 KB, 742x556, 371:278, Projection.jpg)

1b335a  No.6753743

File: 4a95c7af4c8308c⋯.jpg (177.18 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, WakeUpSleepyHead.jpg)

7dc4e0  No.6753744

File: b1c281056e707e3⋯.png (259.83 KB, 646x595, 38:35, sweating pepe.png)

>>6753677 (lb)

nc6 - your move ;-)

48f5aa  No.6753745


hokay fine…but why, why oh fucking why do we have to suffer these imbeciles and their MUJOO shit posts??!!

1f254f  No.6753746

File: 4d7916d96fad0dd⋯.png (140.52 KB, 360x644, 90:161, 2d9144154418a2a38e73183856….png)

I think there is something wrong with the captcha?

6165cc  No.6753747

Eyes on, Frens:

Justices' 2018 Financial Disclosure Reports

Chief Justice John Roberts


Justice Clarence Thomas


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Justice Stephen Breyer


Justice Samuel Alito


Justice Sonia Sotomayor


Justice Elena Kagan


Justice Neil Gorsuch


Justice Brett Kavanaugh



bdcd32  No.6753748

File: d787b8e5d56fb30⋯.png (23.2 KB, 649x198, 59:18, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6753634 //pb

I posted this for real anons, who may not be versed in The Word, to show them what a fraud looks like.

These ppl masquerade as angels of light. Ie, concern trolls.

When you know The Word, they GLOW.

Shadilay, Anons.

b573c6  No.6753749

File: 20352bbe05c80cc⋯.jpg (580.78 KB, 1363x1023, 1363:1023, IMG_248.jpg)

patriots laugh!

356cfd  No.6753750


many of us are fine with ayys and just about any other concept that's been discussed here

dont be condescending

7930f6  No.6753751

EVEN Daniel has 1 Question :)

C'mon man… I Daniel Am JUST LIKE You.

I know ONLY, that, AS God Gives me.


P.S. God is talking to you :). <<rare and sad

f6d513  No.6753752

Government employees turned their backs on Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue during a meeting Thursday as a silent protest over the decision to relocate the Economic Research Service (ERS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

The ERS and NIFA are currently located in Washington, D.C., and are research agencies within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA plans to move the agencies, including their 550 research jobs, to Kansas City, in a move to save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, according to CNN.


They actually stood up and turned their backs during the meeting - over paid government f@cks! Can't wait to see whole departments moved out id DC and the whole Maryland - Virginia - DC communities rocked with the exodus.

a4cce5  No.6753753



Like bacon bacon.

dc6a34  No.6753754

File: 789a711d28f72e5⋯.png (413.44 KB, 690x752, 345:376, nigel wins.png)


hopefully we see some of that in ca.

Good for youz guys who don't have an ass-ton of taxes or winter/summer 'blend'

b4497b  No.6753755

File: 3290375c88aeaab⋯.jpg (548.67 KB, 733x1024, 733:1024, IMG_4295.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

48f5aa  No.6753756

ca6674  No.6753757

File: b6e82b8afe7d18a⋯.jpg (22.28 KB, 200x200, 1:1, greasel.jpg)

744805  No.6753758

File: 5d2279b68efabf7⋯.jpeg (290.14 KB, 974x515, 974:515, 815D1DB9-4898-423F-8D52-1….jpeg)

b573c6  No.6753759

File: 1e7c660d0053fb8⋯.jpg (841.9 KB, 1280x989, 1280:989, IMG_256.jpg)

patriots remember!!

784d01  No.6753760

File: 801eea5953f6c8f⋯.png (148.12 KB, 400x388, 100:97, thumbs2.png)

50da8c  No.6753761

File: 674978f5ae0d2d5⋯.png (867.68 KB, 1078x804, 539:402, Q_Strong.png)


Thanks anon.

It's good to reread things like that.

These people are sick.

7fea60  No.6753762

File: 69fc32639343a8d⋯.jpeg (35.75 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 69f.jpeg)


excellent tune. fukken saved

>a perfect storm is rising

Confirm Handoff?

b573c6  No.6753763

File: 0e740fe1c1034b1⋯.jpg (397.05 KB, 965x1080, 193:216, IMG_244.jpg)

patriots won!!!

56e038  No.6753764



Then don't reply with such a reaction pic

1a99f8  No.6753765


hmmm….I knew bacon was evil….but are you saying they will just make everything base chicken, then go from there and next thing we are all eating plankton in a Star Trek machine?

3a4b41  No.6753766

File: 4111446005221e1⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 640x344, 80:43, bloodlines.jpg)

File: 9d31e34bff2f0d3⋯.png (261.27 KB, 720x931, 720:931, baal1.png)

Important Read - Bloodlines Revealed

The info in this book, ties together all of the info about the origins of human sacrifice, demon-worship and other such evil things.

The battle is between the People of Shem = People of God and the Canaanites = Cult of Satan.

I suggest anons put this on their reading list for the weekend.

Curse of Canaan


Here are some sample passages.

Opening 3 Paragraphs in 1st Chapter

In the churches of America, Christians worship a somewhat paternal God; the bearded patriarch whom Michelangelo depicted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, an authoritarian figure who is also the Father of our Teacher, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. God is revered as the original Creator of our universe, and as the ultimate moral guide. In this scenario, humanity is a somewhat innocuous group, placed in a pastoral setting, generally obedient to the laws of God, and subject to punishment when disobedience occurs. Religious observance based on this concept is adequate until this Arcadian scene is disturbed by misadventures or calamities. It also begs the question of innate or inescapable evil. Satan, the fallen angel, and rebel against God (Satan, a Hebrew word meaning "adversary") appears in the Bible. There are frequent references to God's admonishment, and often, chastisement, of wrongdoers, both individually and in large groups. Here again, the persistent appearance of evil throughout the history of mankind is dealt with as it occurs, but it is difficult to fix either its sources or its causes. Therefore, humanity has existed under a considerable disadvantage, unable to recognize or understand evil before being injured by it.

Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be "tolerated," "treated with greater understanding," or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed. This is the principal point of what has come to be known as today's liberalism, more popularly known as secular humanism. The popular, and apparently sensible, appeal of humanism is that humanity

should always place human interests first. The problem is that this very humanism can be traced in an unbroken line all the way back to the Biblical "Curse of Canaan." Humanism is the logical result of the demonology of history.

Modern day events can be understood only if we can trace their implications in a direct line from the earliest records of antiquity. These records concern pre-Adamic man, a hybrid creature whose origins are described in ancient books. The Book of Enoch (which itself is part of an earlier Book of Noah, written about 161 B.C.), says that Samjaza (Satan), the leader of a band of two hundred angels, descended on Mt. Carmel. They had lusted after the daughters of men from afar, and now they took them for wives. These fallen angels, known as the Order of the Watchers, taught their wives magic. The issue of these unions was a race of giants, known as Nephilim.

From page 47

The essential ingredient of humanism, hatred, can be traced directly back to its source, the demon worshippers of Baal in ancient history, the Canaanites who indulged their appetite for human sacrifice in the name of "religion," cannibalism in the rite of honoring their gods, and child murder in the name of Moloch. These are the same Canaanites who operate the great nations of the world today, and who eagerly look forward to more of the massacres which they have perpetrated in the twentieth century, and which has made our time the scene of the greatest mass murders in the history of mankind.

b4497b  No.6753767

File: 7610d7c878173c3⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4271.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

80f90e  No.6753768

File: 5132c0575050caa⋯.jpeg (143.65 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, i0vvXe7k.jpeg)

File: 28361808ad19be2⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 415x630, 83:126, 9781476714202_p0_v2_s1200x….jpg)

File: 2c76d5f2c6a1829⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 156x191, 156:191, under-the-thumb.jpg)

229cca  No.6753769

We are facing a great event that no one can imagine how it will turn out in the end. Good or bad? Who will be the winners? Every movie always has an unexpected turn, something nobody expects. Look around, be vigilant.

356cfd  No.6753770


thin skin for a pleidian

ef0fbb  No.6753771

Boris Johnson wants amnesty for illegal immigrants in UK longer than 10 years. Illegal is illegal. He's dancing with the devil.

b8e839  No.6753772

6753373 lb

Any anons read the Agreement Mexico released to the public? Any lawfaganons? What do those words mean?

Anon believes those words are going to drive fake media more insane than ever. Thinks AMLO decided it was much more fun to jump on the Trump Train. The TRUMP FREEDOM TRAIN.

b103da  No.6753773

File: be644bf05f3fc36⋯.png (373.74 KB, 358x791, 358:791, Ivanka Pre Facial Feminiza….png)

File: c659412ca579490⋯.png (461.82 KB, 469x769, 469:769, Ivanka Pre Facial Feminiza….png)

>>6753689 (lb)

Ivan-ka Before facial feminization surgery.

df3403  No.6753774

File: 801cb817bd994d6⋯.jpg (468.52 KB, 1070x816, 535:408, SmartSelect_20180526-20292….jpg)

e757e3  No.6753775


Meant for

>>6753519 lb

817231  No.6753776

File: 12922f3226126fd⋯.png (84.68 KB, 720x435, 48:29, Img-1560562798650.png)

File: 34163a9a5caab78⋯.png (297.26 KB, 720x1152, 5:8, Img-1560562428348.png)

File: 16ffa9a1e123673⋯.png (257.57 KB, 720x1223, 720:1223, Img-1560562618711.png)

File: c70db27b9dbd270⋯.png (400.62 KB, 720x1292, 180:323, Img-1560562605168.png)

File: 4024cd145a0c1f3⋯.png (455.69 KB, 720x1304, 90:163, Img-1560562630889.png)

Maybe Jews are from Jupiter.




Normally space is too vast but every so often we get close enough.

They took advantage after a cataclysm and created a fake world like the wizard of Oz.

Sounds ridiculous so that's probably not true. It would be kind of funny though.

Either way shit ain't jiving.

9e6777  No.6753777

File: 55f970e2297b269⋯.png (390.38 KB, 478x680, 239:340, 55f970e2297b26994ec0d11119….png)

And nothing…..

b4497b  No.6753778

File: cb39415a980cfad⋯.png (326.69 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4299.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

357d78  No.6753779


looks exactly the same. thanks kid.

1fd879  No.6753780


He shoulda handed out cards, local Uhaul #s on one side, 'learn to code' on the other

de263b  No.6753781


Were their funds frozen by the human rights EO?

4c6e3f  No.6753782


You idiots only want to save the imaginary children, not real ones.

134303  No.6753783

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)


Glad you like it and caught that.

Handoff confirmed

Here's an updated pastebin:


o7 fren

a4cce5  No.6753784


One Possible extrapolation.

1b335a  No.6753785


With you, anon. I'm ready for anything. Just want the Truth.

57cb37  No.6753786

File: 8726ba2c6748bbd⋯.png (429.46 KB, 482x648, 241:324, BDAYBODYGUARD.png)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Q+! God bless you and your family and God bless America!

c045ad  No.6753787


I wanna hit it either way.. Woot

99f1c2  No.6753788


Bless you, hope you are doing well!

56e038  No.6753789


I'm just a wreck of an earth-human with more or less disrepair just like pretty much everyone here

Egofags pretend to be perfect, I just want to wake up as many people as I can.

f19956  No.6753790

File: 59b4e6801bb4099⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 59b4e6801bb409935de03a6133….jpg)


Under armadas of cosmic destruction, I applaud our intent ,and all who participate in this epic awakening. We all have purpose, even faggot ass shill faggot sliders…cheers to you, you beautiful fucks. I have front row seats to the greatest movie EVER made! Kek

Love you bitches, no home

b4497b  No.6753791

File: 2e947b0f8f5ab77⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4247.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

b5e27a  No.6753792

File: 93093cef54652c3⋯.png (1.84 MB, 902x1224, 451:612, archer_girl.png)

File: 836749ca14fd586⋯.png (198.61 KB, 850x400, 17:8, WITTY_WHITTLE.png)


>Volume 65 (new)


>Will post for the morning crew tomorrow.


>o7 BO, BV's, Bakers and Patriots.


>GAanon out.

ty GAnon!

love the positive vibes, even when depicting the most negative entities in view!

saving the ones which particularly resonate a triumph

81093a  No.6753793

File: eee6edf53ea8543⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 630x321, 210:107, mcafeeee.jpg)

What if John McAfee accidentally releases it all, like a Julian Assange shell game gone wild

48f5aa  No.6753794


DEFINE IMAGINARY CHILDREN!!! Are those the ones birthed by force? By incubation? by Cloning? WTF

1a99f8  No.6753795


Are you the everyone is a tranny anon? busy fucker… But just tell me about Mike….yes or no?

215b0b  No.6753796

File: b9f8dbaa3145f97⋯.jpeg (203.1 KB, 667x543, 667:543, b9f8dbaa3145f97b9cf19cc16….jpeg)


Trips 7's is not nothing

744805  No.6753797

File: 9c91fd309317296⋯.png (3.86 MB, 1600x1013, 1600:1013, 64289073-90E7-4B09-B179-2B….png)

File: db0567c3bb3517d⋯.jpeg (146.63 KB, 867x477, 289:159, B3751C87-E822-4818-A08F-C….jpeg)

File: be3b3fd46c8e00e⋯.png (667.72 KB, 603x418, 603:418, 26D70EA4-BDBE-4D6D-9841-19….png)

File: 45f60b87ff92acb⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1353x965, 1353:965, FA2601B1-0ECC-4C61-8EE1-E4….png)

File: bb0bdb418969d33⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1355x892, 1355:892, 511F0BE8-8237-4CCF-BEDE-32….png)

e63b17  No.6753798

File: 0a384c93c561005⋯.jpg (213.52 KB, 592x800, 37:50, friday shills.jpg)

Other than you and me, everybody posting here tonight are total dickheads.

1b335a  No.6753799

File: 74e017333636ef2⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 604x617, 604:617, CouldSleep.jpg)

File: 226a75beeaf3a88⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 612x625, 612:625, Can'tSleep.jpg)

f6d513  No.6753800


Kek! Perfect!

096ea4  No.6753801

This kinda sums it up.

Happy Birthday POTUS!


6165cc  No.6753802


No dummy, Ivanka during her awkward stage, something we all suffer

b4497b  No.6753803

File: bff4c9c2d7017e1⋯.png (178.43 KB, 500x809, 500:809, IMG_4215.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

356cfd  No.6753804

File: 9ad35c352685bfa⋯.jpg (23.41 KB, 392x331, 392:331, donpepe.jpg)



1f254f  No.6753805

File: 1cc2e05ccf8cfef⋯.gif (95.98 KB, 450x443, 450:443, 1cc2e05ccf8cfef4cb3ba245c4….gif)

Let's have a good clean Night Shift, no punching below the benis.

c045ad  No.6753806

File: a7b371edc532c7f⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 600x350, 12:7, pepe-777.jpg)

b103da  No.6753807

File: 52c8eddef1e303b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1392x943, 1392:943, Kabbala Band Ivan-ka.png)


These are both Before shots. And I really appreciate Ivan-ka's red kabbala bracelet.

9e7581  No.6753808

The Arkansas State Police along with the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department have arrested one person in connection with the homicide of former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith. Rebecca Lynn O’Donnell, 48, of Pocahontas is currently in custody, according to the Arkansas State Police. Criminal charges are pending.

50da8c  No.6753809

File: 3702cd8f660dc68⋯.png (1.13 MB, 808x798, 404:399, LoveFrens.png)


And me.

4db749  No.6753810


Don't talk to it… it'll post moar….

3d7b07  No.6753811

File: be5e162d4fb8c21⋯.png (66.79 KB, 468x370, 234:185, 2019-06-14_21-53-15.png)

>>6753447 lb

October 28, 2017?

356cfd  No.6753812


oh, well the meme was a joke

so, shadilay

e25b12  No.6753813


[4:16] Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

Maybe the Caanites are trying to establish a NOD WORLD ORDER.

4c6e3f  No.6753814

Serpents, offspring of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of Ge·henʹna?

Matthew 23:33

82c83a  No.6753815


Not going to lie..a little worried. Not for me but for those who cannot see.

a4cce5  No.6753816

File: 9d3ea3adb399787⋯.jpeg (30.03 KB, 585x305, 117:61, CE1427A7-5F9A-4F77-94BD-1….jpeg)

File: 5af118c35182ca6⋯.jpeg (53.66 KB, 664x374, 332:187, 0BE3107C-5CD5-4651-9365-3….jpeg)


These guys are imaginary.

2a417b  No.6753817

File: 95d3c045246ea61⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1200x788, 300:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you baker!

1a99f8  No.6753818


I will suppose I might enjoy this lunchmeat sammich a little better tonight.

1f5885  No.6753819


Stunning work as always….ThanQ

aaa3a8  No.6753820


The children in cages story is fake. Its all made up bullshit.

Obama is gone, HRC lost. Accept it. You are not entitled to your own reality


If you're going for the dumbest fuck award, just know you're in the running but we need a little more effort, k?

dc6a34  No.6753821

File: 2937fbbffe3f754⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 375x415, 75:83, deflating balloon.jpg)

File: 2cd1bd3116cd111⋯.png (185.8 KB, 915x312, 305:104, 061419 YoY RE changes ca.PNG)

California Bay Area Home Sales Decline 2% YoY in May, Inventory up 15% YoY

• While April’s momentum is slightly slower in May, May sales are still only 2 percent below last year’s highs after double-digit declines earlier in the year.

• Home sales momentum remains solid in East Bay. Napa sales finally jumped 6 percent after a 6-month losing streak, averaging 20 percent annual declines.

• Affordable sales picked up again with sales of homes priced below $1 million up 3 percent year-over-year, the first two-month consecutive annual increase in the last four years.

• For-sale inventory growth is slowing after the winter jump with homes averaging seven days longer on the market.

• San-Francisco continues to see significant inventory declines with May down 19 percent YOY (four months of declines averaging 20 percent).

• Buyer competition picks up again with 58 percent of homes selling over the asking price.

• Bay Area housing market correction resembles “Table Top” with prices remaining flat, compared to “Mountain Top” seen in the last cycle when prices fell significantly following the peak.

• San-Francisco continues to see significant inventory declines with May down 19 percent YOY (four months of declines averaging 20 percent).


ef0fbb  No.6753822


ecf0e1  No.6753823


Agreed. This ground-level bologna is quite boring. Even the "suicides" dont even do it for me anymoar. I am grateful not to have been executed in an HRC death camp and not have the world nuked… I am ready for some heavy Truth. Hearing Papa D spouting his tweets and continual slow-moving visibility for Anons… its boring. Just being real. All I can be. Not complaining, just communicating how I feel.

7dc4e0  No.6753824

File: 6cff9e3002c4116⋯.png (595.14 KB, 395x517, 395:517, Anon.PNG)



ohhh common… ;-)

We lurk.

389a12  No.6753825

United States v. 8ch.net 9120 Double Diamond Parkway, Suite 5901, Reno, NV 89521 (3:19-mj-01755)

District Court, S.D. California


980ae9  No.6753826


Dude you MUST be feeling better kek… at least, perhaps, inspired. Ty GA and many blessings to you!

e25b12  No.6753827


you idiot! Don't you realize that you are just confirming that MIchelle is a tranny!

7fea60  No.6753828

dc6a34  No.6753829

File: 302cfc4a3058b11⋯.png (202.08 KB, 494x307, 494:307, Pepe out with Ivanka.png)

de263b  No.6753830

>>6753265 (lb) Fake academics & fake institutions of learning everywhere quake in fear. Oh God no(!), not the money. Without the money, we are nothing. Oh, wait.

1f254f  No.6753831

File: b334e69df71aaa0⋯.jpg (24.11 KB, 307x463, 307:463, 9c2716c687388cde31f5868550….jpg)



f68b78  No.6753832

I think I'll make a GMO cake and cover it with chocolate industrial chemical waste known to the plebs as "cake frosting" to celebrate POTUS' B-day.

Make America Great Again!

Eat your GMO veggies! They're good for you!

5d5193  No.6753833

File: fe2971c2f731695⋯.jpg (98.98 KB, 602x419, 602:419, al saud JEWISH.jpg)

File: 0a345f389720dd5⋯.png (953.89 KB, 664x900, 166:225, morse code.PNG)

File: 70160442d7b61ea⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1910x939, 1910:939, jewy arabia.PNG)


>Israel and Saudi Arabia


AND he sais!!

my fren…

many things have been hidden from you

b4497b  No.6753834

File: 9e6cf6d5d867fd9⋯.jpg (350.04 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 387b9063a685e887c03d08b51d….jpg)


Buy book

c09fff  No.6753835

File: 14d32f4ffcd419d⋯.png (191.47 KB, 727x905, 727:905, rbgarnoldmohuh.PNG)



rbg owned some sort of property or sold it in Arnold MO? am I reading that right?

ee91fb  No.6753836

File: 87092b3944d7e55⋯.png (3.95 MB, 1133x1700, 1133:1700, ClipboardImage.png)

fc29e3  No.6753837

So do we have an agreement? Ya'll gona stop trying to fry my brain with your EM tech, trying to manipulate my thoughts and etc and we gona have a face to face to hash out things?

aaa3a8  No.6753838


lunchmeat for dinner?

slow the fuck down anon, you'll die by 30 living in the fast lane like that

b103da  No.6753839

File: becb645d366835c⋯.png (835.72 KB, 771x826, 771:826, As Above So Below.png)

File: 7c7709f4fd6ad72⋯.png (300.31 KB, 464x343, 464:343, Nathaniel Roth 1.png)


As above so below.

Ivan-ka dated Nathaniel Rothschild before becoming engaged to Jared. Who is more masculine? Hmmm

b4497b  No.6753840

File: a6ab6a392e8fabf⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 373x521, 373:521, IMG_4220.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

0b67bd  No.6753841

File: f0009c5103dc61f⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190612_184139.jpg)

File: 80226ce983efce2⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190612_184452.jpg)

File: 7808e0106217df0⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190612_184749.jpg)

Sky event?

da7290  No.6753842


He really should, shouldn't he?

but he must think if he does he won't have any more cards to play.

they are already pretending as if they data is going to be fake anyway, discounting any kind of verification that has been built into video over the years.

McAfee seems like a jaded opportunist. He particpated in the fraud of 'virus scanning', and profiteered off of the broken code that he probably had hands in anyway.

23422b  No.6753843

File: 985bc42df96045b⋯.png (187.96 KB, 502x342, 251:171, bigmike12.png)



a72e0b  No.6753844

File: b6fd9b30e454ecb⋯.png (859.09 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 2ndID2_ff.png)

File: eef53289026a480⋯.png (507.89 KB, 652x960, 163:240, 51.png)

File: f8b6b70070c7284⋯.png (493.26 KB, 669x446, 3:2, FLAGDAY_kekforce 2019.png)

File: c37c69c6f529b54⋯.png (382.06 KB, 669x617, 669:617, KEKFORCE [06152019].png)

File: b2ea401cfaa169a⋯.png (374.12 KB, 669x446, 3:2, NIGHSHIFT [06142019].png)






>we are here for a reason

even the dumbest of shills can't help but lose their breathe when they look into the FACTS of this matter.






…with that being said, I'll be here for 20 min or so if there are any questions, but I'm probably not going to respond to any hate from this day forward. That has officially been made CLEAR.



filter or deal with it.


744805  No.6753845

File: f08654bebb7c953⋯.jpeg (391.7 KB, 640x1093, 640:1093, 9720093F-C9C6-45FD-92EA-0….jpeg)



e63b17  No.6753846


Doggo frens are forever frens.

a80f30  No.6753847

File: cbade877ad0fb26⋯.png (961.72 KB, 1339x970, 1339:970, ClipboardImage(11).png)

File: 7f6fca0325265d3⋯.png (343.23 KB, 702x484, 351:242, ClipboardImage(9).png)

File: f537f643f1fc078⋯.gif (8.97 MB, 308x401, 308:401, cooper.gif)



81093a  No.6753848



1a99f8  No.6753849


Trip 7s in ID and post #? Why none in the timestamp, anon?

ad882d  No.6753850

>>6753654 lb

Trump is making sure there is complete brainwashing for the general public.

Glyphosate or not, fucking with our food in bio engineering is wrong! I mean a govt agency controlling our food sources. What could possibly go wrong?

e97006  No.6753851

File: bc513f6b36c63fa⋯.png (924.41 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43b81aaa0ee64dd⋯.png (85.96 KB, 818x575, 818:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Prosecutors drop Flint water charges, promise fresh investigation

DETROIT — Prosecutors dropped all criminal charges Thursday against eight people in the Flint water crisis and pledged to start from scratch the investigation into one of the worst man-made environmental disasters in U.S. history. The stunning decision came more than three years — and millions of dollars — after authorities began examining the roots of the scandal that left Flint's water system tainted with lead. Michigan Solicitor General Fadwa Hammoud, who took control of the investigation in January after the election of a new attorney general, said "all available evidence was not pursued" by the previous team of prosecutors.

Officials took possession this week of "millions of documents and hundreds of new electronic devices, significantly expanding the scope of our investigation," Hammoud and Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy said in a statement. The efforts "have produced the most comprehensive body of evidence to date related to the Flint water crisis," they said, putting investigators "in the best possible position to find the answers the citizens of Flint deserve." Hammoud's team recently used search warrants to get state-owned mobile devices of former Gov. Rick Snyder and 66 other people from storage.

Among those who had charges dismissed: Michigan's former health director, Nick Lyon, who was accused of involuntary manslaughter for allegedly failing to alert the public in a timely fashion about an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease when Flint was drawing improperly treated water from the Flint River in 2014 and 2015. The dismissal came a day before a judge planned to announce whether a 2018 decision to send Lyon to trial would stand. Dropping the charges with just hours to spare killed the possibility of an adverse ruling and still gives prosecutors the freedom to haul Lyon into court again. Nonetheless, defense attorney Chip Chamberlain said they "feel fantastic and vindicated." "We're confident that a just and fair investigation, done properly, will yield no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing," he said.

Hammoud said she would not speak to reporters until after a June 28 town hall-style meeting with Flint residents. Her boss, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, said a "fearless" team was still on the case. "Justice delayed is not always justice denied," Nessel said in a statement.

Some residents were skeptical. "We don't know if new charges will be filed," LeeAnne Walters, who is credited with exposing the lead contamination, told The Associated Press. "It feels kind of degrading, like all that we went through doesn't matter. Our city was poisoned, my children have health issues and the people responsible just had all the charges dropped against them." While waiting for a new pipeline to bring water from Lake Huron, Flint, a majority-black city of 100,000, pulled water from a river without treating it to reduce corrosive effects on old pipes. Lead contaminated the distribution system in a community where 41% of residents are classified by the government as living in poverty.

Because of its poor finances, Flint was being run by financial managers appointed by Snyder. The uproar over water quality reached a peak by fall 2015, when a doctor reported high levels of lead in children, which can cause brain damage. Some experts also have linked the water to Legionnaires' disease, a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria that thrive in warm water and infect the lungs. People can get sick if they inhale mist or vapor, typically from cooling systems. Flint's water no longer comes from the river and has significantly improved, but some residents are so distrustful that they continue to use bottled water.


b4497b  No.6753852

File: ea8aee63848e26c⋯.png (186.89 KB, 500x809, 500:809, IMG_4219.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

50da8c  No.6753853

File: 5a5a59d2a1fec42⋯.png (999.73 KB, 746x746, 1:1, FrenShift.png)


Looks like we have a Quorum!

134303  No.6753854

File: 607439c93420ff4⋯.jpg (446.87 KB, 2508x2255, 228:205, pepemagamyfren.jpg)


Beautiful artwork as usual anon.


Post these a couple times throughout the week.

Sometimes they're posted when I'm not around and I don't get a chance to save.

o7 fren

356cfd  No.6753855


the eternal question of rock and roll

is it better to burn out or to fade away

the world would be lost, but we'd be at peace

still, might as well give it one last hurah, just to spite em

e757e3  No.6753856

File: 354e43d71b6a868⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 395x520, 79:104, 576.JPG)


I've wondered if McAfee might be the vector for the NSA to "accidentally" release it all mentioned in drop 576. Would certainly give plausible deniability, and 31+TB is a lot of data.

7930f6  No.6753857

Y'all :)


You HEARD of a NICE God?

let I Daniel TELL You WHAT.


P.S. Psalm :)

744805  No.6753858

File: f08654bebb7c953⋯.jpeg (391.7 KB, 640x1093, 640:1093, 9720093F-C9C6-45FD-92EA-0….jpeg)



8ce154  No.6753859


Elizabeth Warren, AR

b4497b  No.6753860

File: eba21b8688eb2c5⋯.png (168.07 KB, 500x809, 500:809, IMG_4216.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

c8f0d1  No.6753861

>>6753299 PB

Affirmative Action created an Entitlement Attitude.

Before the1960s, black neighborhoods did not have a higher crime rate than white neighborhoods.

The Democrats planted seeds of discontentment in black communities.

8016b1  No.6753862

Ingram interviews with Congolese peoples and says it is very interesting what they learned. Later in the show.

cf5f8f  No.6753863


Dis some RAMTHA Shit! FOH

d6359b  No.6753864

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ecf0e1  No.6753865


Its has been looking like the chemtrail deployment has changed a little. I noticed since Anons have been really pushing the issue over the past few days/week the trails are different.

da7290  No.6753866


a fake question posed by a junkie racked with guilt because of his affliction and addiction, eating through the other players, one by one, as they succomb to the addictions, and keeping it up for over 50 years. Seems like he might be a bit jaded, made some bad choices.

a72e0b  No.6753867

File: a4102b354f044f0⋯.png (580.14 KB, 669x446, 3:2, 2ndID 1_ff.png)

File: c8345f247f174f1⋯.jpg (444.21 KB, 669x894, 223:298, dishonest media.jpg)

File: b71bfbe1094748b⋯.png (529.82 KB, 669x490, 669:490, flagday2019.png)

File: c485dc9a13c7261⋯.png (391.01 KB, 666x542, 333:271, happy birthday in russian_….png)

File: d5b91cd85a07f53⋯.png (434.5 KB, 711x398, 711:398, happy birthday president t….png)



7b538e  No.6753868


im glad this keeps showing up, its a good reminder for us.

df3403  No.6753869

File: 9192ea871181615⋯.jpg (987.12 KB, 1203x1655, 1203:1655, SmartSelect_20190221-18324….jpg)

b4497b  No.6753870

File: c29dbbb3a9727bb⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4254.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

356cfd  No.6753872


me or mick jager?

7dc4e0  No.6753873

File: 196857f3ccbc1e6⋯.png (345.67 KB, 748x512, 187:128, pepe group.png)


Looks like!

47705e  No.6753874


Screaming Plant

O’Donnell also goes by the names Becky O’Donnell and Rebecca Lynn O’Donnell. According to local news reports and Facebook posts, she worked for the re-election campaign of Collins-Smith.

c045ad  No.6753875


Eeeew all the way around!

3af396  No.6753876


Its about the synagogue shooters. Not us.

b4497b  No.6753877

File: d7716613a4d7553⋯.png (241.07 KB, 375x524, 375:524, IMG_4293.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

4ce1f8  No.6753878

File: f542d3a104f31a2⋯.png (112.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a2ca5d57e8289f81eab7b88e8b….png)


Heres the problem. The ayys are so deadly, that military planners MUST continue bombing wedding parties in bumfuck holes in the sand rather than turning and address the ET threat on behalf of our entire civilization. If command does prematurely launches an attack, they and really everyone runs the risk of being totally obliterated. That risk is unacceptable, so we continue to play along. For now.

My guess is command needs to buy time to develop a computer tracking system capable enough to spot their ships, let alone their drones and cloaked personnel.

In short we are completely outgunned, even touching the moon, again, which the ET civs may have moved into position in the first place, will be a gargantuan feat.

Calling them demons is literally not far off the mark. So, we have to develop the tech, and more importantly, hone our willpower, to even come close to challenging them on an equal footing. When that will be LOL, look closely… MMLI, 2051. Sounds about right. By then we'll be cyberized and augmented like you wont believe. Living until that date will be a triumph of sheer willpower.

Ill see you then!

Beam me down scotty, lets do this..

e757e3  No.6753879

>>6753856 (me)

Taking it one step further… It actually says "No Such Agency" which we all know is the cute name for the NSA. But what if Q is telling us "no such agency" will release it…Not an agency. An individual. Food for thought.

a72e0b  No.6753880

File: 68cae8697be6660⋯.png (248.98 KB, 711x398, 711:398, IS THE STAGE SET.png)

File: 120cc32d06ff381⋯.png (431.09 KB, 439x439, 1:1, nightshift on my birthday ….png)

File: 9e48b83e2f2ddaf⋯.png (567.73 KB, 575x685, 115:137, sarah sanders_hoppy helps.png)

File: 3f3cacc71925d4e⋯.png (541.93 KB, 711x505, 711:505, troopin in color_ff.png)

File: b574f56dd4cc280⋯.png (477.01 KB, 711x404, 711:404, army birthday1.png)



cool. that was easier than I thought.


I'll see you at sunrise…

6165cc  No.6753881


First thought too. Code she's out?

DNC already pushed her aside.

1a99f8  No.6753882


Too late….I am kind of old and just eat whatever now….but the vodka and pot was still probably better for me than any of the food I ate as a young human.

56e038  No.6753883




o7 nightshift. Well then, how do we get more high level Top Secret stuff declassified? Especially things Bill Cooper was talking about. And that includes the Pleiadians, though he never named them as such.

dc6a34  No.6753884

File: 3a0f5728e8f458b⋯.png (625.58 KB, 590x465, 118:93, doggo pilot.PNG)

85d96b  No.6753885

File: e90be6275913ef7⋯.png (239.32 KB, 625x388, 625:388, nsl.PNG)

e5b2ce  No.6753886

File: a4d81ec2b0695b5⋯.png (818.26 KB, 1168x1250, 584:625, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

In Pursuit of Truth had some new project coming up and now is saying YouTube is not allowing.

Screenshot is the email he got and asked people to pass around if interested.

a72e0b  No.6753887

File: 055729a069ec85b⋯.png (302.89 KB, 505x528, 505:528, joke on you.png)


>TRUTH will always win

d7d05c  No.6753888

File: 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif)


Thank you baker

cf5f8f  No.6753889


Just ignore it and move on. Nothing you can do about it. It's been like this for a long time. It's here to make us ALL look bad. FOCUS Anon on Digging. Not Griping

b4497b  No.6753890

File: 6b0025496faf21c⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4311.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

df3403  No.6753891

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324-14514….jpg)

4c6e3f  No.6753892


Wow. You people are evil lying slanderous fucking monsters. No it's not fake. Why don't you go down there and have a look for yourselves. I have. You just proved that you don't really give a fuck about children this is all about your Trump worship. I really wish hell were real because you would all burn in it.

be51cf  No.6753893

>>6753615 lb

I didn't make this up…

you can find the source on the internet and I am just paraphrasing his information..

and the source is in a position to know, because he is working with these ET's

1a99f8  No.6753894


Your relatives probably eat cats…no?

aa30bc  No.6753895

File: c6395945672f951⋯.jpg (595.9 KB, 1928x1446, 4:3, image.jpg)

File: d641bcbd52f15a9⋯.jpg (386 KB, 1678x1258, 839:629, image.jpg)

File: 79dd2db3b55192b⋯.jpg (427.92 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, image.jpg)

CDAN may be onto something…SEVENTH American DEAD in DR hotel


357d78  No.6753896


Here you go, fuckhole ;)


3d7b07  No.6753897

File: c60d60f50dc185c⋯.png (235.38 KB, 512x432, 32:27, 2019-06-14_22-05-38.png)


Jewish, as in Khazars?

Fake Jews, fake Saudis?


b103da  No.6753898

File: ea14aaab0822d07⋯.png (712 KB, 814x506, 37:23, Trumpette Tennis.png)

356cfd  No.6753899


now that is a fight worth living for

1f254f  No.6753900



Stay looking at this post, faggot.

47705e  No.6753901


These ppl are (Sic)

Collins-Smith responded positively on one of those campaign videos. “Thank you it means more than you know. Just wait a blast always. We should alwAys (sic) have fun with constituents,” she wrote.

6c58d1  No.6753902

Funny how POTUS keeps saying "Iran attacked those vessels" instead of "a small rogue group in Iran that's loyal to the C_A".

Therefore I will keep saying it's Israel that attacked the Liberty vessel and the WTC's.

Thanks for hanging us out to dry again, instead of laying the blame on the CIAniggers, POTUS. Classy.

357d78  No.6753903



woman alert.

b4497b  No.6753904

File: 815d73a294e96c4⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4312.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

7dc4e0  No.6753905

File: d94ab1b627d9c25⋯.png (179.64 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Here's to Covfefe.png)

5ce7cb  No.6753906

Hey Q: POTUS is being set up like a bowling-pin with Iran being the ball.

Is there a plan for that?

50da8c  No.6753907

File: a4fbefe969c4f79⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1222x806, 47:31, DogsAreTheBest.png)


The. Best.

357d78  No.6753908


Can you show us the pictures you took when you were there?

134303  No.6753909

File: 7bbf34b85722cda⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 491x272, 491:272, ballchinian.gif)

1b335a  No.6753910


Sup McThistle?

Last week someone I know pointed to a thistle in the garden and asked me what it was. My unintentional response was McThistle and not just thistle.

That is all.

f68b78  No.6753911

File: 3eb5c7ac51ef159⋯.png (13.16 KB, 560x407, 560:407, RightJew.png)

be51cf  No.6753912

>>6753610 lb

I didn't make this up…

you can find the source on the internet and I am just paraphrasing his information..

and the source is in a position to know, because he is working with these ET's

9ce2ba  No.6753913

>>6753487 (pb)

S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating for First Time


<For the Marketfags to connect


que paso

55f233  No.6753914

File: 2d65bec573c94f5⋯.png (985.33 KB, 1240x829, 1240:829, 2d65bec573c94f5030dc629090….png)


true warriors pursue a task and finish it!

years ago I was reading the obituaries in a popular magazine, I like reading what people have done in their lives.

so this particular obituary went on and on (two full columns) about a guy I never heard of, with just mind blowing accomplishments 'war hero', 'business man inventor, innovator' humanitarian, etc…and at the end there was this quote:

'hero's rise to the occasion and disappear into obscurity.'

this is the way i see us anons, indeed we're anonymous yet we are rising to the occasion and pursuing a task that seems impossible to achieve, but here we are in the most covert sense pressing forward to fulfill our goal.

50da8c  No.6753915

File: 2253ea1867773bb⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1072x708, 268:177, KeepGoingBuddy.png)

ee91fb  No.6753916

File: a0a3fa8f1ad416f⋯.jpg (6.36 KB, 255x153, 5:3, joe.jpg)



a70a39  No.6753917



If you think the NSA is “good” then I’ll have what you’re smoking plz

356cfd  No.6753918


well, Bill was saying that the politicians dont know anything

neither do most of the mil except what they've observed

the problem is its compartmentalized into oblivion

b5e27a  No.6753919

File: 2a9a840ec0146a5⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 667x674, 667:674, SarahSandersTreasure.jpg)

File: d5dbe73a3c19ba9⋯.png (797.66 KB, 975x662, 975:662, heart191.PNG)

File: 92ca5183b55349f⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 705x354, 235:118, WELOVESARAH.jpg)

File: ae629fbae6d1224⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1500x1432, 375:358, gloriousfemme-on-orca.png)


>wow!! over target with Ranieri and HRC connection

>6753741 (denying teh (You))

>You idiots only want to save the imaginary children, not real ones.

Since the tactical shift in the shills to simply hacking away like chickens, the task of identifying for newfags becomes much easier:

At this moment in the Great Awakening, there is NOT TIME TO WALLOW IN THE MIRE !

IOW, ANY anon pushing negativity out their egotistical asshole is a shill.

no more pretense of being an active member of the anon army

no more concernfags

no more blackpilledfags, persisting in their depression

no more demoralizingfags

no more browbeating_autistsfags

no more acting mothersuperiorfags

Since this IS ARMAGEDDON, and the sorting is into ONLY TWO BINS:

The quick to love their fellow humans


The dead clinging to their selfish perspective as if it was their complete identity

Choose wisely anons and shills!

Here comes the Judge… emerging from deep inside your own little mind.


784d01  No.6753920


one of the 10 tribes that got lost



3af396  No.6753921


Tineye the picture faggot. Happened under Obama

e63b17  No.6753922

File: 0d13a39a80474b2⋯.png (1.09 MB, 800x525, 32:21, wwm1wma.png)



e5b2ce  No.6753923


Actually I was wrong in my summary of that IPOT post - sorry bout, carry on, as you were, nothing to see here, over.

81093a  No.6753924

File: fe6d51b4faa43a5⋯.png (110.82 KB, 533x401, 533:401, tran-pod-npc.png)

50da8c  No.6753925

File: 5209e622db4d75a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 708x1070, 354:535, NSRefuels.png)

1a99f8  No.6753926


This shill will have no comment because it is probably Sarah Silverman or Chelsea Handler or one of those proud to get pissed on their faces, or whatever they love to do. But we cannot admit we had The Birdcage in the Whitehouse for eight years? Barry and Mike need to grow the fuck up and get over their shame.

9fa8df  No.6753927

File: deeb2f9736d91a2⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1800x1197, 200:133, CovfefeFrens.png)

ecf0e1  No.6753928


We just have to wait for The Skipper. Its frustrating as heck because most of us are so used to change and our paradigms being shifted from life.. that we yearn for it. We want big info and change in reality. I want moar. Ground-level isnt good enough for this Anon. I want a 170k ft view.

fc29e3  No.6753929

do all ayyys have dicks and vaginas?

That stuff is usually left out in the movies.

5ce7cb  No.6753930

>>6752988 }PB{ Graham tells POTUS to bring the pain on Iran.

Yeah, I'll bet he is. Et tu, Lindsey?

1f254f  No.6753931

File: c7ce7707d62dc33⋯.webm (11.39 MB, 400x224, 25:14, c7ce7707d62dc33f3987d36fb….webm)

>>6753911 nein?!

jews did this..

b4497b  No.6753932

File: 28d8eec41cd124c⋯.png (327.2 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4305.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

e25b12  No.6753933


I can see Glen Greewald get pissed off enough and release it all, if he could get his hands on it.

Now where would he get it. Who would give it to him?

c09fff  No.6753934

File: 738d1ad20bb1e10⋯.png (36.08 KB, 924x560, 33:20, pepetipothehato7.png)

980ae9  No.6753935


Any body else notice the lack of posts lately on CPS when it was hot'n'heavy a few weeks ago?

b078b4  No.6753936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chill out with this, my brothers and sisters

4c6e3f  No.6753937


You stupid fuck that's about one photo. ONE. PHOTO. ONLY. You're going to use that to tell me that there are not thousands of kids being housed at the border? Seriously the government has already admitted they've lost almost 3,000 children you dumb fucking monsters. You can all rot.

7fea60  No.6753938

#8638 Baker change

>>6753731 New GAanon Great Awakening artwork

>>6753851 Prosecutors drop Flint water charges, promise fresh investigation

>>6753808, >>6753845, >>6753858 Suspect in custody in Linda Collins homicide

>>6753747 Justices' 2018 Financial disclosure reports.

>>6753731 Anon releases Volume 65 of the Great Awakening art work. o7

be51cf  No.6753939

The Stages of the Great Awakening:

1) the revelation of the existence of the global cabal

2) the overthrow of the global cabal starting in America

3) the imprisonment/execution of cabal members

4) the revelation that all the religions are corrupt participants under cabal control

5) Donald Trump declares bankruptcy of America destroying the global cabal banking system and returning to a gold standard

6) revelation of withheld technologies with destruction of major corporations

7) revelation of the withheld history of humanity and interactions with ET's

8) the revelation of hidden civilizations in the Earth

9) the re-establishment of communication and travel with ET's

10) the demonstration of powers of materializing and healing by ET's and other "miracles" done by elevated consciousness

11) the ET's demonstrating that all entities are capable of doing "miracles"

12) the abandonment of all religions for personal communion with God within

7930f6  No.6753940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



249ebb  No.6753941

File: d2241b6b9cc845d⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1095x730, 3:2, night_contact_Q_Signal_Cle….png)

File: 9aefa3a7996c8aa⋯.png (653.47 KB, 907x770, 907:770, Night_Shift_Intruder_2.png)

File: 281684fca910f66⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1000x610, 100:61, Perfectly-Timed-Military-5….png)

File: 5fe7f906c16ab5b⋯.png (974.28 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Winter_Camo_BraceforImpact….png)

Bring on the BOOMS !

5d5193  No.6753942

File: 3b70142026c7d4d⋯.png (156.62 KB, 1458x906, 243:151, FEAR ISRAEL.PNG)

File: 17a56b66bc4a6a6⋯.jpg (173.3 KB, 640x658, 320:329, goyim know.jpg)

File: 5d727b58530ebc8⋯.png (568.81 KB, 1008x900, 28:25, jewishCHILDSACRIFICE3.PNG)

File: 15f8bab24b4f89e⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 576x315, 64:35, fake jews 3.jpg)

File: 2f6bfbf9d3a7d3f⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 900x482, 450:241, fake jews 4.jpg)


nope. just jews.

thats why you people camp here 24 hours a day, jumping on any discussion of…jews.

no other race (i mean worthless tribe) gets 24 hour a day JIDF protection

30b7d7  No.6753943

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)


Here We, Have a Lying over Emotional Woman!

Good Day.


df3403  No.6753944

File: 16009e917d82b76⋯.jpg (483.82 KB, 1068x904, 267:226, SmartSelect_20181206-20431….jpg)

b103da  No.6753945


go post your penile selfies somewhere else

7dc4e0  No.6753946


Sup Fren? Good thing it is Friday night. Blessed. Hope you are well.

a72e0b  No.6753947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




what is 'hoppy helps a fren'?


1a99f8  No.6753948


nervous Pepe, do you need help? Just try and castle queen side as fast as possible.

81093a  No.6753949


Anyone have sauce on British aristocracy being Jewish (from centuries back)? Have seen some mentions

77b0ad  No.6753950


Atheist Jew female alert

72a931  No.6753951

Newsflash anons,

Now Sarah Huckabee Sanders can say whatever the fuck she wants. Aka keep your head on a fucking swivel if you partake in anti-american douche-baggery.


da7290  No.6753952


both neil and mick are awesome performers. I don't deny it.

The point: why are either of those choices the only choices?

Neil is a poet but he lacks, in a certain sense, in some of his poetic lyrics because it sounds really good when you sing it, but later on you parse through it and it's like the addlings of a druggy in the throws of withdrawal . . . or just word pudding.

"the world is turning, hope it don't turn away." It sounds nice, but it's just observational nonsense.

As a philosopher, Neil is good.

As a guitar player, he is great.

as an angry Warlock? he's a bit nasty and not nice. LIke the whole deal with 'don't take a bath.'

dress in dirty clothes.

that's not good advice.

He's a musician. He's a warlock.

He's not a philosopher. I don't take life advice from him.

at least with Mick He doesn't give out snarling political advice and act like anyone who doesn't agree is an asshole.

Look, I saw Niel perform and it was amazing to me to see it. It was almost like a coven dance, Not really a bad thing, cause I think he means it well.

it was one of my favs, Down by the river.

so go hear him play, it's amazing.

but he's gotta be full of regrets. If he could have come out of it , from the drugs, early and cleaned up a generation, instead of making it a culty thing to be a junkie, and not telling that Seattle crowd "no do not do this!"

but he advised them well.

So he made some mistakes.

He's still got time, right.

but being an angry warlock is not a good thing.

2f6f89  No.6753953


What I read somewhere was that they suspect bootleg liquor. If that's true, why is it only Americans dying?

b8e839  No.6753954


Inside source familiar with Q's thinking says:


50da8c  No.6753955

File: 8fd589c902fe610⋯.png (995.36 KB, 1070x708, 535:354, covfefe.png)


Here's to COVFEFE!

82c83a  No.6753956


Kek looks like the triggered chick at the store the other night at my MAGA hat. Exactly!!

a70a39  No.6753957


Trust Monsanto Mike Pompeo the glyphosate King. He’s got ya covered.

22d3a3  No.6753958


STFU Mike R.

7039a5  No.6753959

File: 1ab0dcedbe7394c⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 701x299, 701:299, kung fu pepe message.jpg)


tyb, beautiful breads.



kung fu senpai? Whomever is baking this bread, gyb here, can use relief for this evening. In good spirits but hitting the wall physically, down time now will pay off later. May spot bake over the weekend, but not on any schedule. Best to all bakers, will be around, still presented and accounted for.

784d01  No.6753960

File: a7ca0daea55ccc8⋯.png (4.96 MB, 1642x2048, 821:1024, nsstarlite3.png)

ef0fbb  No.6753961

Shill projecting themselves They must accept the fact that they gave in to seduction. Shills are alone

b103da  No.6753962


how come only the Playboy playmate has a man jaw?

cdc9b2  No.6753963



All I need is a renewed license to kill and an address and this piece of shill won’t disgrace your daughter anymore.

Call me up sir.

b4497b  No.6753964

File: eea5afbf1ef0a52⋯.png (236.11 KB, 375x524, 375:524, D032E484-0083-498F-ADE7-98….png)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

9df69a  No.6753965

Anons… legit question.

If Q is a "don't worry guys, the good guys got this" psyop to keep us from acting while the end game weapons go up… what is the game plan then?

I'm really starting to worry. I ask this for the following reasons; Trump USMCA, when you read, sets up the North America trade deal using the "sustainable development" language and other identical language to Agenda 21 from the UN. 5G rapid deployment. The GMO EO I just read. The bullshit with Iran. Only silly watch markers and chasing news articles as "proofs" from Q.

Every day I think about this stuff. If I was the evil POS elite and I wanted to put all of my end game weapons in place without anyone paying attention, what would be the easiest way to do it? Q and Trump. Make the citizens believe someone is fighting for them. Use the distraction at the southern border that seems to never end and give Trump something to fight. Create a fake "Russia investigation" to make it look like the Democrats are evil and the Republicans are good but the argument never seems to end (2 years of Mueller, then the report comes, and still nothing). Wait for Huber and IG that always seems to be almost here. Promise high level arrests we still haven't seen and it's almost the end of Trump's first term.

Meanwhile… burn California conveniently in the same area the high speed rail is going to go, maybe to test your microwave weapon satellites in orbit. Massively push 5G (which includes tons of low orbiting satellites… coincidence?). Further take over farming through the USMCA and push it as a good deal even though it sets up Agenda 21. I could go on… but I'm pressed for time at the moment. I'll leave you with this…

If Q isn't for real, and no one is fighting the "deep state", when is the time to act? Are we going to wait until 5G is fully operational and it does turn out to really be bad? My AR15 won't shoot down a satellite… what's the game plan here anons? I get the really horrible feeling we are quickly running out of time.

By the way… not a shill. Just an anon speaking my mind. I've been on the Q boat since the beginning praying that it is for real.

e25b12  No.6753966

2:15] The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.

[2:16] And the LORD God commanded the man, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden;

[2:17] but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die."

Are there any trees of knowledge left living in the world?

b078b4  No.6753967

File: 4de211d71478ff9⋯.jpg (132.24 KB, 624x582, 104:97, world war 2 covfefe 2.jpg)


Hear, hear!

980ae9  No.6753968


Leaves it wide open for Iran to disavow those posers then, doesn't it. These cucked governments never do. Nobody ever spills the pot of beans.

5d5193  No.6753969

File: be13d1a5af83c18⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 616e2e708c68819c7a1c9bbf70….jpg)

File: 32302597cae9089⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 600x840, 5:7, 32302597cae9089dda33388e5e….jpg)

File: 60cf307eeff3fe4⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2580x2588, 645:647, a3df637446322026b944cb38e5….jpg)


>fake jews

for over two thousand years victims of jewish subversion disagree with your ridiculous bullshit.

Mark 3 King James Version (KJV)

3 And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand.

2 And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him.

3 And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.

4 And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace.

5 And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.

6 And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.

7 But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea,

8 And from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him.

9 And he spake to his disciples, that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude, lest they should throng him.

10 For he had healed many; insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him, as many as had plagues.

11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.

12 And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known.

13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.

14 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,

15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:

16 And Simon he surnamed Peter;

17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:

18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite,

19 And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went into an house.

20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.

21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.

22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.

30 Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.

32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.

33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren?

34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

df3403  No.6753970

File: 430085b71395a98⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 728x408, 91:51, TheCourier.jpg)


Notice how it says Calm before the storm in 2013.

b103da  No.6753971


Truth hurts. Look at the policies and stop hero worshiping false idols.

b4497b  No.6753972

File: e402741149d2ff2⋯.png (317.92 KB, 375x523, 375:523, 30927F2D-5DC5-4B87-BBDB-E3….png)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

50da8c  No.6753973

File: 7dca17c09f6d6a9⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1066x628, 533:314, McTiger.png)

File: 884832df31b3093⋯.png (148.24 KB, 381x512, 381:512, kittykek.png)

1f1496  No.6753974



I have been quiet about the McAfee thing…there is something very different about him…trying to see if he is a disinfo agent on (their) side or a true rebel (no matter what created his situation) who has the info he claims….enjoying the show in the meantime….he is an interesting character in all of this…

249ebb  No.6753975

File: 1e082c1ae4a16a5⋯.png (5.96 MB, 3589x2061, 3589:2061, ILoveNightShift2_Q.png)

2f6f89  No.6753976


There never was one.

be51cf  No.6753977

File: f0aa49f3894dc25⋯.jpeg (16.96 KB, 300x296, 75:74, 2def3eb1347487c1387036956….jpeg)

82c83a  No.6753978


Why are they here in the first place? Blame the parents.

ee91fb  No.6753979

File: a206943ffa68f4b⋯.png (23.17 KB, 637x245, 13:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e150363b4c2f655⋯.png (15.68 KB, 326x295, 326:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bec732650e02f75⋯.png (40.77 KB, 326x496, 163:248, ClipboardImage.png)

Another a vs. e situaiton…?


59a783  No.6753980



356cfd  No.6753981



i like you

tell me moar, what are your thoughts on reznor?

he got me through basically everything, and he's one of the best warlocks ive ever seen live, but he is so annoyingly damaged now

maybe thats the curse of their magic, they all become reflections of what they fight

22d3a3  No.6753982


You have some sauce for that?

1a99f8  No.6753983


put the Queen's bishop behind the Pony's pawn after you push him up one. Indian defense works well when Black against aggressive russian player

30b7d7  No.6753984

File: a7019c8ade5e2a9⋯.jpg (121.71 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, iu.jpg)



3d7b07  No.6753985

File: ff249142a8eb6a7⋯.png (151.06 KB, 453x460, 453:460, 2019-06-14_22-13-24.png)

fc5abf  No.6753986

File: 4245cad3fce7a52⋯.png (397.99 KB, 527x347, 527:347, lion6.png)

There's a huge difference between receiving

factual information and corroborating

to CREATE false information.

f5234f  No.6753987


You are completely full of shit. Why are you even here?

7fea60  No.6753988


o7 gyb

rest easy fren

c09fff  No.6753989

File: f557c61526006ad⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 589x589, 1:1, collinsnodonnell.jpg)

File: fd69ec4f8cf0c41⋯.png (412.59 KB, 554x739, 554:739, suspect.PNG)

File: 117b5345cc5ebba⋯.png (808.88 KB, 1821x879, 607:293, maxsent.PNG)

File: a2514df9a63db0c⋯.png (59.46 KB, 859x781, 859:781, email.PNG)

File: 28cbb7b04bcdcd5⋯.png (34.68 KB, 1093x261, 1093:261, collinssuspect.PNG)


heres my prelim dig fren

b4497b  No.6753990

File: be464f2708eb274⋯.png (292.66 KB, 375x523, 375:523, 0F883D17-555A-40E0-A1F0-E4….png)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

ccdddd  No.6753991

a9df8b  No.6753992

File: 7accfdb7768b9ff⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 255x210, 17:14, c7d8de86da2c7841cf677c26f1….jpg)

e757e3  No.6753993


>I'm really starting to worry.

I stopped reading right there, concernfag.

134303  No.6753994

1b335a  No.6753995


Fuckin A, anon. I definitely yearn for something that would change the world forever. Would be an amazing time to be alive.

But all I'm saying is, THIS guy needs to experience space before he dies. I'd die bummed if I don't.

32c05a  No.6753996

Hey AG Barr…DECLAS would be a nice birthday gift for POTUS.

2a417b  No.6753997

File: 2023fd2476b48f9⋯.png (3.63 MB, 946x1550, 473:775, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a79d4f70b1d82c⋯.png (844.21 KB, 870x644, 435:322, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cacb3f80be761d⋯.png (755.27 KB, 641x809, 641:809, ClipboardImage.png)

7dc4e0  No.6753998


looking over at my late father's chess set. (sigh) good memories……

Was always a time of good conversation.

fc5abf  No.6753999




You have a lot to learn.

Start by recognizing what programming you've been fed to believe and what is actual fact.

229cca  No.6754000


Trips 7's in ID and post. Kek doesn't lie, anon. Have faith.

be51cf  No.6754001

great to see the MUHJOO shills and the JIDF shills getting no response to their posts

3c1ff9  No.6754002


You really are showing your true colours. You do not really care about kids at all. You only care if it makes Hillary look bad. How sad.

f68b78  No.6754003


I think you asked legitimate questions. It shows that you are up on the important issues.

Too bad everyone will dog pile you.

Keep thinking!

de263b  No.6754004


Isn't McAfee the one who promised to chop his package if bitcoin didn't hit some high by a target date? And it didn't.

b4497b  No.6754005

File: 9fe89f9db132e9a⋯.png (313.75 KB, 375x523, 375:523, EDAFD318-7D35-432A-A21E-22….png)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

c019bf  No.6754006

File: 9cacd95aadcce2a⋯.jpeg (706.01 KB, 1125x1156, 1125:1156, 66ECAB5C-481F-4330-BF32-C….jpeg)


Things have happened to me personally Anon. Of God. I do trust the plan. In the past I’ve had those thoughts. Either way we were screwed. So what have you got to lose? Stop worrying and pray. There is authority that comes with Jesus and power in His name. That’s it.

df3403  No.6754007


No shit! The guy gives you DECLAS power and you don't even give him a small DECLAS for his birthday. That's shit.

1f254f  No.6754008

File: 60bbba6e5afcbde⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 686x576, 343:288, 60bbba6e5afcbde7c604ba259c….jpg)


Like this video I found from you, senpai? >>6753931

I don't think GEOTUS is being sincere.

Disinformation is necessary?

e25b12  No.6754009


These are fantastic, anon!


the safari one is a killer!

c1fab7  No.6754010


Why aren't you worried?

ee91fb  No.6754011

File: 9f54ea50923b861⋯.png (195.73 KB, 490x325, 98:65, ClipboardImage.png)

7930f6  No.6754012

can we establish I Daniel STILL talk to God?

THIS will be important.


ef0fbb  No.6754013


You can smell the shill from miles away.

1a99f8  No.6754014


big lips and a wet smooch to you!

dc6a34  No.6754015

File: f0b203fb7c78768⋯.png (406.89 KB, 677x370, 677:370, nightshift sunset 1.PNG)

56e038  No.6754016


Take a look at this reply


Do you think the poster spent any amount of time rationally analyzing my post - if he even considered it worthy of such effort?

Now you see why some people appear to be condescending. Pepe is dragging the drooling Apu towards the Light.


The reason why we have not been invaded and conquered despite the huge amount of UFO sightings and the reason why the abduction is a thing of the past lies in the existence of a benevolent ET organization called the Galactic Federation of Light.

If Q felt safe for a second to talk about where he receives support, he would mention them.

The second someone does that publicly it will be GAME OVER for the Cabal Matrix. That revealation would change everything forever. And the bad guys still have their finger on the trigger.

77b0ad  No.6754017

File: 69a326e24f2754d⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, A16DAD93-D63E-4522-8B78-E6….png)

be51cf  No.6754018

File: 2163a1d3c5e2119⋯.png (575.29 KB, 960x737, 960:737, 6pzwCi74ahPOKf0xqOzkTl3bt3….png)

5ce7cb  No.6754019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e25b12  No.6754020


>By the way… not a shill. Just an anon speaking my mind. I've been on the Q boat since the beginning praying that it is for real.

you are not a very good liar.

a72e0b  No.6754021

File: b281beeed409ad3⋯.jpg (379.69 KB, 678x668, 339:334, lion.jpg)


its' beyond that.


how do you clean up the mess of 'russia and usa sharing space for 50 years without the people knowing?'

how do you clean up the mess of 'nk was a ROGUE cia base for all these years, so when the strings were cut, OVERNIGHT kim's chains were removed'?

how do you clean up 'we IOU'd most our public land to CHINA and other countries over the years' and now DJT is FORCING the assets back through 'clinton crime syndicate connections and deal making'?

how do we 'clean out ISIS in just 2 years and NOT start a war to do it'?

how do we FIX our country, retie the knot between the GOD FEARING AMERICANS and the MIL, while earning the trust of the people as all of this 'call of duty' technology is released to open source?

welp. your lookin' at it. 8 years of Q…

and we've already made it through 3.

the objective is to clean up the HATE.

when HATE is irradicated, so is fear..

when there is nothing to fear, there is nothing to stress… stress is the cause of cancer.


BUT.. some countries didn't even have a court system/justice system… some countries were still treating their women like cattle…

so we had to STABILIZE territories before we could Game Of Thrones them into the Trump Tower…


the PSYOP days are over.

we are the avengers, and we are here to save the world anon.

4ce1f8  No.6754022


>A fight worth dying for


In all seriousness, this will be an effort on the part of all humanity. Notice the second cross in the Space force herald, remember, the abrahamic faiths were very likely shaped by these entities, so serious abrahamic events will play up until that point. Humanity will look nearly unrecognizable at this point, but, that is our destiny. My 2 cents at least.

Is the cabal really evil if their human trafficking operations tentatively hold back a force that will kill EVERYONE otherwise? Think about it.

50da8c  No.6754023

File: b9ba21bba565ed4⋯.png (778.83 KB, 1072x618, 536:309, PatriotShift.png)

File: 325328c01fbf58f⋯.png (420.71 KB, 944x530, 472:265, LibertyShift.png)


Well said.

It's what you do when no one's watching.

82c83a  No.6754024


Nothing to do w Hillary. I care about kids. American ones. And I fully admit that. We take care of ours first.

4ce1f8  No.6754025


*but in all seriousness

7422e1  No.6754026


Nice work anon! Always enjoy seeing your posts!

3c1ff9  No.6754027


So much for encouraging critical thinking. HA! No, it's doctrinal thinking only here in this board or you are called a shill.

b4497b  No.6754028

File: 40a3305b1e1f5dd⋯.png (248.42 KB, 375x523, 375:523, 9ABAE96D-DA82-40FB-8BBC-94….png)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

3b7b89  No.6754029

File: 1a4ca7f758ea46a⋯.png (148.58 KB, 235x334, 235:334, 1a4ca7f758ea46a4ba8af2a11e….png)

5ce7cb  No.6754030


it weird.

02db9d  No.6754031


Fine, I'll play.

Does God still say the world will be destroyed by fire?

Russia did just unveil their Poseidon submarine not long ago after all.

ecf0e1  No.6754032

File: 3f164efbf621a19⋯.png (28.31 KB, 388x387, 388:387, Screenshot-2019-6-14 QMAP ….png)


The Team knows… less than 10. Full picture. They know.

dc6a34  No.6754033

File: 9b620f0ee523895⋯.jpeg (307.58 KB, 836x1187, 836:1187, McAfee eat my dick produc….jpeg)


yes he did and he has another year.

095323  No.6754034


>Prosecutors drop Flint water charges, promise fresh investigation

I wish these assholes would just come out and say that the people who make these kinds of important decisions are complete idiots. And the only reason why they got into politics is because they do not possess the mental capacity required to work at McDonald's.

Like. We have all these morons. We don't know what to do with them. I sure as shit wouldn't trust them to steam a hamburger…

So, let's just put 'em on a stage and grant them the power to fuck over a few million people. And we'll call them "The Politicians"

a38620  No.6754035

File: 2336ea848b02d33⋯.png (6.94 KB, 255x128, 255:128, anonsnotdiviced.png)


Newfags and Normies, muh-joo anti-WWG1WGA shilling is easy to filter. Just click on the triangle and use the list.

A good rule of thumb is to filter those who tell you not to filter. You aren't telling them not to post, why should they tell you that you have to look?

1a99f8  No.6754036


then three oughts on yours….reinforcement ..

1b335a  No.6754037


You ain't lyin', anon. I want the big stuff. I'm talking, the type of shit people have contemplated for centuries.

356cfd  No.6754038


fair enough

5ce7cb  No.6754039


>You are completely full of shit. Why are you even here?

kek. you answered your own question.

b078b4  No.6754040

File: 4d32dbb69967227⋯.jpg (60.96 KB, 700x547, 700:547, giant frog top kek.jpg)


Amazing work, as always anon!

ee91fb  No.6754041

File: 415d61d38a50a87⋯.png (308.01 KB, 490x290, 49:29, ClipboardImage.png)

1f254f  No.6754042

File: 33bf717cf67d7d7⋯.jpg (130.76 KB, 900x772, 225:193, 33bf717cf67d7d7a4be1547b91….jpg)



50da8c  No.6754043

File: aee5078fc186fda⋯.png (916.96 KB, 1074x732, 179:122, BrightShift.png)

File: 0d05834d66aece6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1070x762, 535:381, BrightShift2.png)

3c1ff9  No.6754044


How Christlike of you

ef7b9d  No.6754045

ID: 4c6e3f

is a shill, ignore it

its feelings dont matter in a world of facts.

b4497b  No.6754046

File: b0b624d94a2bc07⋯.jpg (70.31 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4287.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

e25b12  No.6754047


glitch in "Coatesville"?

is he talking to Dan Coats?

1f1496  No.6754048


When I read the impatient posts like yours anon, I remind myself that I or we re not the ones who will be strongly affected by the changes that will take place, I believe we will know much of what will happen, but (they) are the ones who will have to face the fire of their evil actions and pursuits, (they) will lose their privileges and wealth, (they) will be reduced to what we all have been living and doing for our lifetimes….that will be probably (their) biggest wake-up call, (they) will find out that they are really nothing special after thousands and thousands of years, what could be more devastating than that, plus many will be punished…we just may not know how many or to what extent…60% tops according to Q will be exposed…..

Me and mine are good, comfy and enjoying the movie…

a72e0b  No.6754049

File: 44be61af59fe431⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1090x1635, 2:3, FORGIVE EVERYBODY.png)

File: 0d4ff31ff8e1d12⋯.jpg (342.58 KB, 1024x1200, 64:75, cross.jpg)

File: 0eddf05a24ef30e⋯.png (826.98 KB, 935x621, 935:621, hows that tariff.png)

File: 9b009a6e5046923⋯.png (681.4 KB, 576x863, 576:863, 2ndMAW hold the line.png)

File: 51765a3018964d8⋯.png (873.84 KB, 970x636, 485:318, chuck cant take it.png)


the answer is TIME. TRUTH and TIME.

we must EARN your respect and trust…

and that is exactly what Q is doing.

>proofs are important

PS: space force is a bombshell too.


2a417b  No.6754050

File: 1a74418f4545e4f⋯.png (4.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday President Donald J. Trump!


5bd3ae  No.6754051

File: 7434c993a0b70c8⋯.jpg (81.46 KB, 709x521, 709:521, tippy top 3.jpg)

7039a5  No.6754052



No words, friends.

be51cf  No.6754053

File: 08304f6bd58e5dd⋯.jpg (190.68 KB, 2007x1148, 2007:1148, 08304f6bd58e5ddb382e2e6198….jpg)

File: 1dcd6adcbda7073⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 720x593, 720:593, 38955181_513922949036162_8….jpg)

980ae9  No.6754054


Did NOT know Whitaker went to superbowl with them. Notice the red blue yellow combo again (in another photo with Shanahan, Potus and Pompeo's ties in a Cabinet meeting)

Primary Colors


7930f6  No.6754055


So far BEHIND?

Give VERSE the Lord would DESTROY EVERTHING by fire?



b8e839  No.6754056

Expert on msnbc said: WaPo has already proved President Trump has lied more than 10,000 times. But yet, his base and the Republicans don't care.

(Well, they didn't say those exact words: don't care, but that is what they really meant).

They admitting their propaganda no longer works. They don't know what to do about that.

356cfd  No.6754057


xfiles was right again

and its a catch-22

but hopefully luck is on our side, or even something better than luck

either way, what a way to go out

b4497b  No.6754058

File: b1b3a6ac9786abf⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4214.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

ecf0e1  No.6754059

File: d2ee836933ed0b1⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 274x184, 137:92, SpaceshipCar.jpg)


Same. Space or bust.

a9bdec  No.6754060

File: 73a778352821a2f⋯.png (699.06 KB, 581x787, 581:787, Whitaker Happy BD POTUS 6-….PNG)

File: d91c83158ae0fa2⋯.png (876.64 KB, 472x773, 472:773, Whitaker Happy BD POTUS 6-….PNG)

File: 3f51df5382f1588⋯.png (402.36 KB, 712x909, 712:909, Archive Whitaker Happy BD ….PNG)


Happy Birthday @realDonaldTrump Wishing you all the best! God bless the United States of America!



ef0fbb  No.6754061

Say whatever you want shill. Make Anons laugh

cf5f8f  No.6754062


Who gives a shit about Illegal alien Kids in Holding centers??? They and the ppl that brought them can go the hell back home, where they came from I care about American Babies and children being murdered on a daily basis via Human Trafficking and Abortios! FOH With your Muh Kids in Cages Bullshit!

1a99f8  No.6754063


"fuck about children"

epic fail

ab00c1  No.6754064

Where is the DECLASS???

It points all the way back to Obomber. Why do we let the left continue their parody of Russian Collusion crap? Time to get moving into the future.

cdc9b2  No.6754065


Do you feel the dread when you have to report your shitty efforts? How much longer will they tolerate your failure?

You are at most three pay levels of separation from the witch herself. If you are lucky you’ll just shoot yourself twice in the back of the head and join the Clinton body count list. If you’re not lucky you’ll die slowly under HRC’s knife.

Your masters will cut you lose soon. Is your bug out bag ready?

22d3a3  No.6754066


Marco K., that you? Sucking Jeremy's dick again?

5ce7cb  No.6754067


>Give VERSE the Lord would DESTROY EVERTHING by fire?


{8:6} And the seven Angels who hold the seven trumpets prepared themselves, in order to sound the trumpet.

{8:7} And the first Angel sounded the trumpet. And there came hail and fire, mixed with blood; and it was cast down upon the earth. And a third part of the earth was burned, and a third part of the trees was entirely burned up, and all the green plants were burned.

{8:8} And the second Angel sounded the trumpet. And something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was cast down into the sea. And a third part of the sea became like blood.

{8:9} And a third part of the creatures that were living in the sea died. And a third part of the ships were destroyed.

da7290  No.6754068


when I say he is a 'warlock' I don't mean he is a coven warlock.

Rock music has a sense of a chemistry.

To see Neil perform with other virtuosos they do a natural mosh pit magical performance. He's not a warlock looking for converts. He's a natural creature of talent and a mensch who knows how to do natural magic through music and happy (let's hope) enchanting lyrics but they aren't really . . . a life guide, except for the general sense of regret that they convey. He's a poet of feelings. He's conveying a sense of the right and the just. He doesn't want to be a bad witch, it's against his nature. He wants to be a good one. He's not a warlock like a European coven warlock. He's a Native American spirit minded soul who does good, as he can, and get's wrong sometimes.

A man of natural talent and power who is not linked to the things that keep him from getting angry about the wider world. Having fed off of the disfunction, perhaps partly unknowingly, in his later years (because there is no twilight with virtuouso composer/performers) he is troubled by some of the contridictions that now must seem clear to him. He must be a man who has to be in the throws of break through, in order to come to grips with the idea that events are far beyond him.

He did try and help the Seattle kids in the late 80s. He's probably the reason they got some much attention.

and his album of Rock A Billy was great music, and satire.

And that he didn't release half of his music form the 1970's and 80's till a few years ago, that is awesome.

but he's a crotchedy old guy and he's rankles on the camera and he's narly.

I think he'd hate me for being a pro Trump so I make fun of his poetry from his cutout quality mid 1970's albums.

"I need a crowwwdddd of people . . . to make it day to day . . . "

magic is only good whn you don't plan it and it's what is known as natural prayful power. It's better to not concoct things of mind and work it out as magic, like it's a math or alegebra of human control. I kind of doubt that any real musician would want to do that, the idea of free will being an important aspect in the asthetic of music.

e25b12  No.6754069


not very common for a woman to murder another woman without the assistance of a man somewhere in the mix

356cfd  No.6754070


majestic Q crumb

1f254f  No.6754071

File: 3c3cfb47ca33540⋯.jpg (574.67 KB, 1317x1860, 439:620, 3c3cfb47ca3354099d2ffc29fd….jpg)

56e038  No.6754072


I'll drink to that

0fb21c  No.6754073

File: f893f771cf91d94⋯.jpeg (209.98 KB, 806x925, 806:925, Google Hasbro no arrest s….jpeg)

File: fc3625130767c48⋯.jpeg (120.64 KB, 920x470, 92:47, Google Hasbro Hospital Ar….jpeg)


There was just a CP arrest of a worker at Hasbro Hospital in RI for a Pediatric Sleep Clinic. Guess what you don't see when you Google Hasbro Hospital and Sleep Clinic????? Yup. Actually have to put the word arrest in.

f6e6ab  No.6754074

File: f3bbf8035e88262⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 637x360, 637:360, JustDoIt.jpg)

891dd2  No.6754075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

went looking for a suitable birthday video

found this

there were more positive responses than negative

vlogger asking people on the street at Trump's Star

for any birthday wishes

lots of young people giving thumbs up

just a few dicks show up


c8f0d1  No.6754076

File: b984fee9b75a45c⋯.jpeg (21.55 KB, 255x170, 3:2, image.jpeg)

Happy Birthday President Trump

Best POTUS ever!

1f3c3f  No.6754077


eat his dick. isn't quite the same as chopping it off. He must be pretty limber still.

b4497b  No.6754078

File: 7326bad18c8a866⋯.png (261.5 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4304.PNG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

1a99f8  No.6754079


I knew that would piss you off. Passive aggressive all day long.

bc8142  No.6754080

File: c73ef35a3e83eff⋯.png (41.02 KB, 300x197, 300:197, wabbit hunting.png)

File: 2aa695b7ffcd0e1⋯.jpg (306.98 KB, 942x942, 1:1, 187_Site_E_White_Rabbit.jpg)

8ce154  No.6754081


She very well could be a patsy.

02db9d  No.6754082


Kek, bless you anon.

Sometimes these kumbayafaggots need a wakeup call.

Valhalla will reward you well.

e757e3  No.6754084



Concernfagging is not critical thinking. Try bringing an argument with sauce to back it up and maybe it'll get taken seriously.

This is just a rant from a drunk uncle.

79ff90  No.6754085

Re previous bread and notables post #6753290 (sorry, can't figure how to direct link that) on Trump's tweet about Coatsville, PA possibly referring to missing explosives. Those explosives were reported to have been recovered.

Sauce: pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2018/04/22/stolen-dynamite-recovered-pennsylvania/

b5e27a  No.6754086

File: 3a35b7c8675ea77⋯.png (361.74 KB, 1507x776, 1507:776, pilpul3.png)

File: 2a9a840ec0146a5⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 667x674, 667:674, SarahSandersTreasure.jpg)

File: 36fe4e95a0c1347⋯.jpeg (85.5 KB, 428x397, 428:397, DefinitionINsaneStupidity.jpeg)

File: ae629fbae6d1224⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1500x1432, 375:358, gloriousfemme-on-orca.png)


>Heres the problem. The ayys are so deadly, that military planners MUST continue bombing wedding parties in bumfuck holes in the sand rather than >turning and address the ET threat on behalf of our entire civilization. If command does prematurely launches an attack, they and really everyone runs >the risk of being totally obliterated. That risk is unacceptable, so we continue to play along. For now.

newfags, here is a prime example of a shill (or troll if you must) trying to pass as an anon

a concernfag/blackpilledfag/insiderinfofag/fearmongeringfag

trying very hard but anons just need to check their intuition and ping their hearts to know that the energy is negative.

Perhaps this one may earn an intervention….

e63b17  No.6754087


Always been; always will be.

Ignore or filter are the only choices you have. What suits you will suit you.

Think of it this way, (((they))) wouldn't be here if there wasn't something very, very real about what's going on here. If this was a phony larp, they wouldn't be here.

df3403  No.6754088

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

3d7b07  No.6754089

File: 302b3a0191a0dea⋯.png (639.72 KB, 988x536, 247:134, 2019-03-22_20-56-16.png)

474c64  No.6754090

File: ca7133bc50ad8fc⋯.jpg (98.04 KB, 750x908, 375:454, JFK Knows.jpg)

Anon reminded me of EOs.

OK So lets look at EOs.

This one is interesting:

Removes last administration EO and replaces it with this one. Not sure what is does much other than "succession".


Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq. (the “Act”), it is hereby ordered that:

Section 1. Order of Succession. Subject to the provisions of section 2 of this memorandum and to the limitations set forth in the Act, the following officers of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in the order listed, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA), during any period in which the D/CIA has died, resigned, or otherwise becomes unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of D/CIA:

(a) Deputy Director, CIA;

(b) Chief Operating Officer, CIA;

(c) Deputy Director of CIA for Operations;

(d) Deputy Director of CIA for Analysis;

(e) Deputy Director of CIA for Science and Technology;

(f) Deputy Director of CIA for Digital Innovation;

(g) Deputy Director of CIA for Support;

(h) General Counsel, CIA;

(i) Deputy Chief Operating Officer, CIA;

(j) Senior CIA Representative for the United Kingdom;

(k) Senior CIA Representative for the East Coast; and

(l) Senior CIA Representative for the West Coast.

Sec. 2. Exceptions. (a) No individual who is serving in an office listed in section 1 of this memorandum in an acting capacity, by virtue of so serving, shall act as D/CIA pursuant to this memorandum.

(b) No individual listed in section 1 of this memorandum shall act as D/CIA unless that individual is otherwise eligible to so serve under the Act.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this memorandum, the President retains discretion, to the extent permitted by law, to depart from this memorandum in designating an acting D/CIA.

Sec. 3. Revocation. The Presidential Memorandum of September 16, 2016 (Providing an Order of Succession Within the Central Intelligence Agency), is hereby revoked.

060c5d  No.6754091

File: 0790283b2c86978⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 64323572_2516730965026368_….jpg)

Going to miss you kiddo.

a4cce5  No.6754092


Malachi 4

A good read

b4497b  No.6754093

File: 676712a28c3a5b1⋯.png (239.61 KB, 375x523, 375:523, CC0839B0-B04E-4A3D-ACF8-4D….png)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

328461  No.6754094

File: 6b420ccabc44630⋯.png (238.92 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, 5posttaylor.PNG)

Any anon think they can figure out what this incredible artist is trying to tell us?


3b7b89  No.6754095


aren't they "ILLEGAL" children?

Meaning they should not be here! PERIOD! I don't need to go down there and have a look.

And I don't "worship" Trump, ffs.

Why are you really here????

7930f6  No.6754096


What 119th?

There are are WORDS not given.

the whole earth is burned>?

Get with the program :)


474c64  No.6754097


oh this EO was posted TODAY.

e25b12  No.6754098


she proves my point!

Hillary used hitMEN

4ce1f8  No.6754099


Perhaps. It would explain Q's/ Q+'s use of the inverted brackets, on very, very rare occasions.


a9bdec  No.6754100

File: 1e74c37f734b79b⋯.png (401.55 KB, 604x634, 302:317, Sperry re Comey Leaking re….PNG)

BREAKING: Comey is leaking and spinning to the New York Times and Washington Post through his "good friend" Ben Wittes of Lawfare (& formerly of WaPo), who bought into the myth that Mueller had sealed "collusion" indictments and called Trump a "national security threat"


7dc4e0  No.6754101


She is a true warrior!! My guess is, she will return at a later date. :-)

3c1ff9  No.6754102


Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Because i know you are full of shit. Nobody can question anything here or they get attacked, then you tell yourselves that is called "critical thinking". What a joke.

2f6f89  No.6754103


You're an asshole. It is not the kid's fault that their parents chose to do the wrong thing.

Or, are you attempting to troll who you think is a shill?

Either way, you're an asshole.

1f3c3f  No.6754104


Thank you! wonderful work. I love them.

ca6674  No.6754105


TBH, when I head about Border Patrol rescuing those fuckers when they inevitably put themselves in danger trying to break in, my first thought was, knock it the fuck off. They're enemy combatants in the process of doing themselves in. Why intervene?

ee91fb  No.6754106

File: ddac4cafb4de29f⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 970x712, 485:356, digspotus.jpg)



there's your [a]

there's your [e]

356cfd  No.6754107


you are by far the most interesting person ive ever met on here

when this is over we need to go to some shows together

e7808d  No.6754108

File: c69a75646a4f1db⋯.png (328.4 KB, 599x339, 599:339, 54058E1F-CEBF-40FD-A192-21….png)

ef0fbb  No.6754109

Shills think they are Anon too. Remember shills, NOBODY is anonymus to GOD

df3403  No.6754110

File: 284cebde21ce95e⋯.jpg (544.31 KB, 1117x544, 1117:544, SmartSelect_20190323-19473….jpg)

e5b2ce  No.6754111

File: 75ab73d835c7494⋯.png (607.13 KB, 1188x1268, 297:317, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

Latest IPOT twats!!! WTF?

784d01  No.6754112

File: d06ed3e6136127d⋯.png (167.63 KB, 735x700, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5872dd4139b4e3⋯.png (359.31 KB, 1157x866, 1157:866, ClipboardImage.png)

de263b  No.6754113

>>6754047 I thought maybe so

Autist minds :: same thoughts sometimes

6c58d1  No.6754114


They've said it many times before the attack and even after yet still get blamed. Sick of the optics game. Either patriots are in control or they're not. If they are, then state clearly who the enemy is, if not then don't play sun tzu.

b4497b  No.6754115

File: 1aed298dcff6825⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4317.JPG)



They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

e757e3  No.6754116


As a matter of fact, I didn't say that anywhere. Why are you putting words in my mouth? How does it benefit you?

1a99f8  No.6754117


yo, all time great memer! middle one, with the leg lamp…. YES!

be51cf  No.6754119

File: 5e641c9f14fdee3⋯.png (402.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, indeeyykx.png)


Trump has given both Israel and Saudi Arabia billions in military aid to keep America out of the Middle East so the Muslims just keep killing each other and American lives are saved

cf5f8f  No.6754120


This is from the Army Navy game. Interdasting

cd74a0  No.6754121


STFU I am happy in my coma. I create my "reality" however I want it to be. Go away and leave me to dream my dreamy dreams.

1f3c3f  No.6754122


most likely lesbians

9639bd  No.6754123


4 Possibilities:

1) Your Worst Case Scenario

2) Unforeseen DS countermoves: Deadlocked stalemate

3) Unforeseen DS countermoves: ((They)) just delayed the inevitable

4) The current timetable was the Plan all along

b4497b  No.6754124

File: 7d4ec65a1585687⋯.jpg (128.7 KB, 625x705, 125:141, IMG_1113.JPG)

ee91fb  No.6754125


he's probably tweeted the words "suicide weekend" and it tripped up an algorithm

I've seen that before searching for suicide weekend updates

be51cf  No.6754126

File: efe0d98cbf1282f⋯.png (143.25 KB, 500x595, 100:119, ry55yy.png)

dc6a34  No.6754127

File: b44dc345e4cf515⋯.jpg (483.48 KB, 2400x1435, 480:287, marine osprey.jpg)

File: 84c64a47dc18a7f⋯.gif (486.64 KB, 500x256, 125:64, minions waving hello to th….gif)

chek'em Osprey about 1k off the deck heading west to east….shook the house. Not a normal flight pattern 'round here.

e25b12  No.6754128


Maybe a lockhead at Lockheed releases it all, accidentally of course.

Does Lockheed have a contract with NSA/Dni?

5d5193  No.6754129


whats odd is that whether or not what you said is true it takes absolutely nothing away from the points I raised.

you yids are terrible at arguing. terrible. that is why we have to constantly remind you

not an argument, kike

7930f6  No.6754130


Lets just say FAGBOT did not answer.

I will NOT pacify You.


ecf0e1  No.6754131

File: 7da70a7c03aadea⋯.jpg (44.8 KB, 460x236, 115:59, 100 100.jpg)


I think you are missing my point. Point is.. The cabal kept hidden knowledge from us for millennia.. if not longer. From what POTUS said in an interview one time.. millions of years if you can believe it. The same 'ol shit still applies. "We cant know". "Sorry, guys. You arent allowed to know that" Thats bullshit. Its not impatience. Its … pic related. The fact that 60% may be all we get.. is lame… and I have the moxie to say it. My roar is long… and loud. No one person is above another as far as I am concerned. IRL and on here… Except Jesus and God.

ab2cc9  No.6754132


Ben Wittes is the guy who has the cannon that never booms. He promised all those news stories were explosive and they were duds.

1f254f  No.6754133

File: 02bf5ecd0067622⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 626x513, 626:513, 02bf5ecd006762210c106fca03….jpg)


Yeah, the outernet is too dark and scary. I want to just be comfy and stay here with you senpai

22d3a3  No.6754134


>Ignore or filter are the only choices you have

No, they are not. Why present a false premise? Because you do not want responses in order to spread your narrative. You do not control the narrative. Anons will respond to disinformation and propaganda accordingly. Dissuading is a leftist tactic.

5ca50a  No.6754135


My thought is that she will be big in the rebuild after the take down.

3c1ff9  No.6754136


Well you have all pretty much destroyed the cover story that you care about children and are "trying to do good in the world".

Wow. This place is a cesspool. The worst of the worst of humanity.

I'm out of here.

980ae9  No.6754137


Think most odd is that they have a COO.

029169  No.6754138


Can someone spell the meaning of this out to me? I've never understood the opened brackets.

7f1a00  No.6754139

>>6753633 pb

I would be in favor of your suggestion as well.

I was reading somewhere that we simply couldn't ban Glyphosate because farmers were somehow completely reliant on some kind of poison.

But we know that organic grains of all types do exist. And those organic grains would work perfectly fine for us, the human consumer.

1b335a  No.6754140


Fuck it, I'll bite.

So where are the friendlies? If ET's exist and these ET's are demon like, where are the angelic type? If one exists, doesn't the other? It could be argued there are angelic like humans and demon like humans on the planet. Wouldn't it be the same throughout the universe? It's all about Good and evil. As above so below.

ca6674  No.6754141


Good, get the fuck out you pussy.

d09b3f  No.6754142

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


9639bd  No.6754143


His baby cannon is vaporware

a4cce5  No.6754144

File: 4ef762e3144db58⋯.jpeg (544.59 KB, 1536x1008, 32:21, 4FF3C0AC-A9C2-4600-A4D1-6….jpeg)

e63b17  No.6754145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She was and always will be OUR GIRL!

She's goin' home to take a break, love her family, relax a little.

Her husband will sing this song to her because she deserves it. She is the best of the best!

You smile, Sarah! You smile cuz you did the job of which you were asked and you did it well. You smile for the rest of your life!

753a14  No.6754146


no one says "in" the fence

they would say they were "on the fence"

with maybe options/intel. from the last 5 posts?

df3403  No.6754147


I think it means like unboxed, get the fuck out of their way.

d09b3f  No.6754148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




b4497b  No.6754149

File: 0b4e45ab1fc3167⋯.png (246.41 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4313.PNG)

b103da  No.6754151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Proof that the Trumps are Transgenders


Check out the baphomet devil signs at 6:08.

095323  No.6754152

File: 21576e7b481c6b6⋯.png (569.73 KB, 550x369, 550:369, Screenshot_2018-07-15 nebu….png)

File: 82981e048027211⋯.png (132.77 KB, 276x386, 138:193, Screenshot_2019-06-14 a bu….png)


> Space or bust

Choice wisely. . .

ee91fb  No.6754153

File: f82e7e19eebd321⋯.png (320.23 KB, 432x514, 216:257, newfayag.png)

02db9d  No.6754154


To think that 644,201 people liked such a stupid post(pun intended kek!)..this world is fucked.

b078b4  No.6754155

File: cd73a7910050935⋯.png (1004.79 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ca97f8eb7c887e⋯.png (827.26 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7835597f4a9e46⋯.png (889.74 KB, 1891x910, 1891:910, Screenshot (449).png)

File: a1ae36671474bf2⋯.png (427.28 KB, 673x505, 673:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a8b90cdf30b1dc⋯.png (10.97 KB, 240x250, 24:25, ClipboardImage.png)

This is unrelated to anything we are doing right now, but I happened to visit some family in Nevada and got a chance to see the next Silicon Valley… and its ripe with symbolism, as we would expect.

They even have a stargate.

be51cf  No.6754156

File: b85e8d34e457d6e⋯.png (701.48 KB, 550x475, 22:19, sdgy.png)

ecf0e1  No.6754157


Liberated. Freed. Let loose.

1b335a  No.6754158


Stand for something or fall for anything.

Yes, they're evil.

2f6f89  No.6754159


Call it what it is. Dream killer.

1f1496  No.6754160

File: ce6a20622baae90⋯.png (201.8 KB, 264x349, 264:349, ClipboardImage.png)


Here you fuckhead, this is for you, go back to fucking fakebook or twatter and post there, that is where (your) kind have a voice and others will "like" or "love" your post….

I call you out, who are you, do you have the courage to post what you say at the border on twatter and then post it here to prove it with "sauce" (proof of your claims)..

(You) are a loser

(You) are a POS

(You) are the reason there is so much division and hatred amongst the pop of this great country..

Trump is the greatest President of our lifetime..

You can go fuck yourself and one day I hope we get to find out who you fuck are ..because you are really not anonymous here….

&by the way, your President Obummer was the one who put kids in cages…..

7dc4e0  No.6754161


I couldn't agree more.

9e6777  No.6754162

File: fbac924b027cef8⋯.gif (988.92 KB, 500x460, 25:23, 8548ad33-c70d-4dd6-8270-f7….gif)

e7808d  No.6754163

File: 8c6fce8ceacf260⋯.jpeg (101.66 KB, 334x334, 1:1, CEB080B8-0C92-4382-9E7C-8….jpeg)



e757e3  No.6754164


I didn't attack you. I just said I didn't read your drunk rant.

c019bf  No.6754165

File: f78479beb1390c9⋯.jpeg (580.43 KB, 1125x817, 1125:817, C47BBFB0-6AD3-4D42-A4FC-0….jpeg)

891dd2  No.6754166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


another video birthday wishes for POTUS


e97006  No.6754167

File: 9f8c0e6c6631a2f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 924x480, 77:40, ClipboardImage.png)

Alaska Supreme Court says law requiring all sex offenders to register is unconstitutional

The Alaska Supreme Court ruled the state’s sex offender registry law is unconstitutional. The court said in a 3-2 ruling on Friday that the law requiring all offenders to register violated offenders’ rights to due process. “But its defect may be cured by providing a procedure for offenders to establish their non-dangerousness,” the ruling said.

The Alaska Sex Offender Registry Act requires those convicted of a sex offense to put their personal information, including their home address and workplace, into a state database. “If [an offender] can show at a hearing that he does not pose a risk requiring registration, then there is no compelling reason requiring him to register, and the fact that ASORA does not provide for such a hearing means that the statute is unnecessarily broad,” the justices wrote in their opinion.

The ruling follows a 2016 lawsuit filed by an unnamed man who moved to Alaska after being convicted of aggravated sexual battery in Virginia in 2000. The man argued that Alaska did not have the legal authority to make him register because the crime happened in another state and it violated his right to privacy. The court ruled the statute’s requirements can be constitutionally applied to sex offenders who moved to Alaska from out of state.


1f3c3f  No.6754168


posts go in the ground. only post pictured there. She isn't very bright.

b103da  No.6754169


That woman is not a woman. Long straight tranny arms. Women have shorter arms with a natural curve in the arms away from the hips.

a08e74  No.6754170

File: 0ec65a00aee9227⋯.png (196.56 KB, 1061x576, 1061:576, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6753619 lb

>know this guy?


00af10  No.6754171


It's hard not to be a nowfag. I struggle with it too..and I am sure most of us do as well.

As far as Q being real…at this point, there is no question in my mind. How many coincidences before it is impossible? Plus, the crazy shit we were spouting 2 years ago is now on Hannity.

Things are moving in the right direction…and by right direction I mean Killary in cuffs. No news is good news when it comes to federal grand jury info.

029169  No.6754172



Thank you both. Back to lurking.

f5234f  No.6754173


The kids are used to tweak the feels of the easily duped such as yourself. You're stamping your feet because an anonymous board isn't sufficiently kissing border jumper ass. Pathetic, futile, and just plain stupid.

1a99f8  No.6754174


It is one of the greatest games ever invented…at the risk of sounding like a filthy lying phony Clinton in a more clever nomenclature….I empathize with your loss, anon…..was it recent?

3b7b89  No.6754175

File: e5ed186f43cd4a8⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 500x250, 2:1, giphy (2).gif)


buh-bye now!

7930f6  No.6754176


Q is a FAGGOT.

Gives this and that?


think a sec :)

Q is looking?


think a sec?

Daniel <<<

1f3c3f  No.6754177

File: 9852173f027d287⋯.png (10.58 KB, 273x98, 39:14, ClipboardImage.png)


on;y "ONE" post pictured there

753a14  No.6754178

File: 62d6ec3b0a3d2d0⋯.png (187.37 KB, 617x562, 617:562, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


I stand corrected!

technically she's still in bounds…

474c64  No.6754179

Again.. another new EO today.

Executive Order on Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees.

This one is too long to post here.


Important bits I saw:

(b) Each agency shall, by September 30, 2019, terminate at least one-third of its current committees established under section 9(a)(2) of FACA, including committees for which the:

(i) stated objectives of the committee have been accomplished;

(ii) subject matter or work of the committee has become obsolete;

(iii) primary functions have been assumed by another entity; or

(iv) agency determines that the cost of operation is excessive in relation to the benefits to the Federal Government. <<<< that's interesting


Sec. 2. Limitations on New Advisory Committees. The Government-wide combined total number of eligible committees (excluding committees covered by section 6(d) of this order) shall not exceed 350. If the combined total number of eligible committees exceeds 350, an agency may not establish a new advisory committee under section 9(a)(2) of FACA, unless the agency obtains a waiver pursuant to subsection 4(b) of this order.

Limit on committees.

(c) By September 1, 2019, the Director shall make appropriate recommendations to the President about terminating committees established by the President under section 9(a)(1) of FACA.


Sec. 5. Exemption for Merit Review Panels. (a) The requirements of sections 1, 2, and 3 of this order do not apply to a merit review panel or advisory committee whose primary purpose is to provide scientific expertise to support agencies making decisions related to the safety or efficacy of products to be marketed to American consumers.

Does GMO fall under Section 5?

5ce7cb  No.6754180


>She is a true warrior!! My guess is, she will return at a later date. :-)

Trump/Sanders 2020

e97006  No.6754181


This situation is very perplexing, trying to understand the decision is like letting your brain live in a circus.

4ce1f8  No.6754182


Intervention, cant wait. Looking forward to it!

ef7b9d  No.6754183

File: 0169b2f93ee984d⋯.jpg (19.24 KB, 255x253, 255:253, jesus.jpg)

b4497b  No.6754184

File: 22d7e8d7cff8573⋯.jpg (541.55 KB, 1197x1197, 1:1, 26F21087-455A-44AF-B52D-04….jpg)

Wanna hear a 75 year old trillion dollar bacon joke ?

ef0fbb  No.6754185


Exactly. Digits check.

Let him go home to FB

81093a  No.6754186

File: 26754592eaadf7e⋯.png (2 MB, 1526x1084, 763:542, happy_birthday.png)

aa30bc  No.6754187


Shocked! Not shocked. Comey's such a faggot tool. Can't wait to see him in cuffs.

753a14  No.6754188

File: ca59fa4c985ea5d⋯.png (512.68 KB, 823x853, 823:853, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at ….png)

a9bdec  No.6754189

File: c77d3f82c0fcba3⋯.png (45.98 KB, 598x338, 23:13, Sperry re LG House Rs Piss….PNG)

BREAKING: House Republicans r upset w what they call Sen Graham's showboating since taking over Senate Judiciary from Grassley,who they say was "serious" bout getting to bottom of #SpyGate.

But Graham's just putting on "charade" on Fox for S.C. voters& "not doing a f*cking thing'


a4cce5  No.6754190

File: 02ffe6a76d66fa9⋯.jpeg (419.76 KB, 2500x2050, 50:41, 71C4FFED-2B45-4EA7-97BF-6….jpeg)

1a99f8  No.6754191


Tippy Top Easter was the one that got my attention. Q on the Xmas stocking sealed it.

4ce1f8  No.6754192


Negative energy like you wouldnt believe.

e25b12  No.6754193


you do know that those children are better off in those 'cages' than they are getting raped on the caravan or kidnapped by the Hillary's cabal at home?

so what is your point?

What is your address, we can send them your way……you good with that?

3a4b41  No.6754194

File: 9d31e34bff2f0d3⋯.png (261.27 KB, 720x931, 720:931, baal1.png)

Regarding Madonna's x eyepatch.

The legendary symbol for Nimrod is "X." The use of this symbol always denotes witchcraft.

When "X" is used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, it actually means "to celebrate the

feast of Nimrod."

ef0fbb  No.6754195

Great Skies. Winning.

9ed631  No.6754196

File: 433ad70ffcc3092⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Q TRUMP IN PARADE.jpg)


Thank you so much, for these cherrished GW's. The amount of detail is very complex and I know it does take a lot of time to make. GW's are Keepers forEVER! Much appreciated that you share with all of us. WRWY

1b335a  No.6754197


I don't really have a plan to get more high level top secret stuff, other than to occasionally bitch about it on 8chan. I just toss my thoughts out into the universe and then see what happens.

I sure would appreciate some legitimate Truth though.

c8f0d1  No.6754198




029169  No.6754199


You have anything on the Christmas stocking? I must have missed that.

ecf0e1  No.6754200


> Space or bust

>Choice wisely. . .

I would have to know what 'space' is first to make a proper decision.

b4497b  No.6754201

File: cda045f64f98d3f⋯.jpg (107.41 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5852.JPG)

fc5abf  No.6754202

File: d092d02e0543a68⋯.png (855.68 KB, 915x510, 61:34, nazis2.png)


Needs sauce.

Show proof that your ETs come from somewhere other than earth. Do you know the difference between a fact and a cool story that you've been programmed to believe?

1f254f  No.6754203

File: 6affff3e9d1e6c5⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 579x751, 579:751, 1a6d28fabeafbcc57571f0d13b….jpg)

a4cce5  No.6754204



Ya Nimrod.

6fa716  No.6754205

File: a90f6b02f4577d8⋯.png (418.29 KB, 1020x713, 1020:713, A research.png)

No arrests

Congolese flooding southern border

No declassification

Q is a dip shit.

c045ad  No.6754206

File: c570ad8b57272fc⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 235x472, 235:472, comey-leaker.jpg)

3d7b07  No.6754207

File: 8f529c9e79ab425⋯.png (550.58 KB, 899x444, 899:444, 2019-06-14_22-39-14.png)


Does that mean that all the Popey priests will eventually be transferred to Alaska?

abcdc3  No.6754208

Happy Birthday, President Trump!

5ce7cb  No.6754209


>They even have a stargate.

#kilLtHeMacHinEs, kiddies.

da7290  No.6754210


It's never going to be over . . .

I haven't gotten to any shows lately. Maybe soon. Someone is giving me a ticket to hear someone you mentioned.

Maybe if you're there I'll see you off in the crowd.

Who will be at the Washington 4 of July this year?

have you been to shows lately?

It's been a few years for me.

5caf79  No.6754211


So POTUS found out Sarah Sanders was Q and fired her? WTF? That doesnt make sense, anon. Is he going to press charges on her? Sauce???

aa30bc  No.6754212

f6d513  No.6754213


I'm going to ask that you consider >>675375 for a notable, not because the cucks turned their backs during the press conference, but because it's another example of POTUS following through on a campaign promise, to move government agencies out of DC and get them away from the DC beltway crowd and closer to the people they work for!

And I know it's my post - so apologies for that, but few have recognized the follow through on the campaign promise.

d1f504  No.6754214


Link to the page showing all recent actions.

Possibly notable content.


753a14  No.6754215

File: ea2eed8bf35bc82⋯.png (891.45 KB, 872x929, 872:929, Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at ….png)



1a99f8  No.6754216


mitochondrial DNA says they had european moms…the ones with the supposed higher IQs. Semitic? What does it mean? You speak Hebrew? Sounds like a club, not a race or even an ethnicity.

4db749  No.6754217

File: 97685b4714b59c8⋯.jpg (691.82 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190614-213529….jpg)

File: cd7608d871927d5⋯.jpg (621.09 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190614-213858….jpg)

POTUS wore a yellow tie today…

a08e74  No.6754219

File: 8805be04a24fa10⋯.png (109.77 KB, 261x320, 261:320, beanzisnotpretty.png)


>Q is a dip shit.

ee91fb  No.6754220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Madonna signaling?

Talking about her 'character' "changing identity" and what not ~0:58. She seems incredibly sad. Like she knows it's the end. Telling them to run, change their appearance. Everyone for themselves.

Not to mention gone bat shit crazy once again (if that was possible).

I'm sure she has a lot to fear…

c09fff  No.6754221


gut instinct tells me the same but i tink theres moar to it.

e66cf5  No.6754222

Just gonna throw this out before I head for the comforts of my pillow….

Coupla breads ago a Muh "2018 will be Glorious" shill poked his idiot head up and spouted off.

Q didn't say anything about 2019, did he?

And the wheels are starting to come off the train for the Cabal…


And you stupid shills and your paymasters wonder why the Anons laugh at you?

a9bdec  No.6754223

File: 9f7e0e6db45594e⋯.png (563.67 KB, 597x711, 199:237, Trump Hotels re Flag Day 6….PNG)

File: 43653d6ff37e07c⋯.png (606.35 KB, 677x499, 677:499, Trump Hotels re Flag Day 6….PNG)

242 years ago, the Stars and Stripes design for the national flag was approved by Congress! We are proud to display this symbol of freedom, equality, sacrifice, justice, and hope, each and every day 🇺🇸 #FlagDay


891dd2  No.6754224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump serenaded today

"Happy Birthday to you"


a43c33  No.6754225

File: 891d38da9969a54⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, F2E69277-8F41-42F9-B99F-6E….png)

Joe Bidan is not Joe Biden.

462562  No.6754226

>>6751618 (pb notable)

McAfee isn't basing his list on that vote chart. He most likely has really bad financial dirt on them just like the bribed Belize police chief. Deposits, withdrawals, account numbers, etc.

>>6751962 (pb notable)

Think "deep fake" panic. Alex Jones is connected to Stratfor which we know has been doing logistics for child trafficking. That means Alex Jones is probably exchanging CP on his servers and he's getting ahead of it to make himself look like a victim and not a perpetrator.


The moon's diameter is no more than 70 miles wide. We never went there and we are never going there. The pointy arrow in the "space force" logo you posted represents a serpent's tongue just like in NASA and Star Trek. Please stop using it like it's some glorious thing. It's not. It's pure evil deception.

There are no ayys. There are only demons as the Bible told you.

356cfd  No.6754227


not for at least 4 years

probably not for a while yet due to current lack of location

enjoy the show, its a hell of a ride

f6e6ab  No.6754228


I enjoy your pure stupidity.

2f6f89  No.6754229


WTF are you talking about? My previous was my first post tonight, so back the fuck up.

If people can be matched with children, they should send them both back.

I have little sympathy for someone caught entering illegal. Doesn't mean I have to be a heartless asshole about the kids.

So, fuck you. If that is how you really feel, you should go over to /pol. It's a much friendlier environment for people like you.

It's the next door down and on your left.

a9bdec  No.6754230


Straka says she is the best investigative journalist ou there

Made me question the entire 'Walk Away' Movement

He seems to have become comped like the other paytriots

b4497b  No.6754231

File: d7e7adeb048cc32⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5864.JPG)

9ab9df  No.6754232


Could get confusing if Bernie somehow manages to wrest the Dem nomination from the DNC (hah! like they would let him have it).

3b7b89  No.6754233


ears are totally different.

It is always in the ears..

ca74bb  No.6754234

File: c5597e22932fac6⋯.jpg (176.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, monarchButterflyonProstitu….jpg)


We don't need to declassify the Pleiadians or Bill Cooper's stuff so much as we need to talk honestly about freaking obvious stuff like misconduct at the VA.


Maybe the NSA has flying saucers, I don't care. I DO care that veterans are dying of exposure to chemicals from burn pits, or depleted uranium, or whatever other technological horrors the military inflicts on its warfighters. I do care that the Pentagon still isn't operating according to GAAP despite a preliminary audit. I do care that weapons makers and Big Pharma are PROFITEERING. I do care that high-level politicians are implicated in child sex slavery. Let's address the down-to-earth problems before we worry about flying saucers and infinite zero-point claims.

1b335a  No.6754235

File: e66e4b63f90c406⋯.jpg (88.71 KB, 758x677, 758:677, This (1).jpg)


I will allow this.

753a14  No.6754236

File: 142e5bbc74aaca5⋯.png (144.91 KB, 726x912, 121:152, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)



e5b2ce  No.6754237

File: 450a7c64b613b77⋯.png (135.2 KB, 1178x556, 589:278, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: ec672a62b67bf1d⋯.png (99.84 KB, 1184x320, 37:10, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

da7290  No.6754238


I've seen that band a few times.

Once, in Philadelphia, I got to stand about 10 feet from the lead guitar and he was very cool up close with the fans. I understand why people love him so much.

it's a good thing, it will be fine. Hell will be contained and the lid will be on it.

7fea60  No.6754239

#8638 Baker change

>>6754179 Executive Order on Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees

>>6754167 Alaska Supreme Court says law requiring all sex offenders to register is unconstitutional

>>6754073 ((GOOG)) burying pedo arrest, nothing to see here

>>6753752 Employees Turn Their Backs On Ag Secretary In Silent Protest

>>6753851 Prosecutors drop Flint water charges, promise fresh investigation

>>6753808, >>6753845, >>6753858 Suspect in custody in Linda Collins homicide

>>6753747 Justices' 2018 Financial disclosure reports.

>>6753731 Anon releases Volume 65 of the Great Awakening art work. o7

c09fff  No.6754240


now that is some motherfucking


ce549f  No.6754241

JA extradition hearing set for FEB of NEXT year is being reported by FoxNews channel


a22c90  No.6754242

File: c52f62d4a80e7f6⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, side.jpg)

91368a  No.6754243

Night time

The right time

Patriots fight time.

Darkness to bright time

b103da  No.6754244


I agree with you Anon. Critical thinking is necessary. We are in the time of the Apocalypse - great unveiling and the wheat and tares are being separated. I was on the Trump train until the fires in California and the 5G rollout. My concerns were then confirmed when I began investigating baphomet cabalist cult gender inversion among the elites and public players (hollywood etc.). Almost 100 percent of the power players in all fields are transgendered (high level masons/illuminati). They believe they are gods and they have reunited male and female separated after the fall – they consider it alchemy to reunite and be like their baphomet goat god – aka lucifer. And they consider us slaves to be used and tossed out. But God has other plans for them and he is smashing our idols – entertainment, media, politics, royalty, CEOs etc.

e7808d  No.6754245

File: f97e7cf9433bacc⋯.jpeg (432.16 KB, 822x567, 274:189, 30894026-4D1F-423D-BFD2-4….jpeg)


Nice pic, lesson stay focused!!!

356cfd  No.6754246


>there are no ayys, there are only demons

they honestly pay you for this?

i know covering this up is a yuuuuge business, and sure there is gonna be some nonessential ops in the mix, but good lord

thats the cover you're going with? its not real cuz bible?

at least use the swamp gas or weather balloon

c09fff  No.6754247


welcome to this morning anon

23422b  No.6754248

File: 23031f3692cc70b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1008x711, 112:79, oopsie.png)


buh bye

ac1a7e  No.6754249

File: 2eb86a4fe56e157⋯.png (790.14 KB, 1206x801, 134:89, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: 13f99f56accae67⋯.png (152.13 KB, 810x654, 135:109, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: 8d3e3217617b819⋯.png (172.54 KB, 799x748, 47:44, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: 1e89a3eefe8fed3⋯.png (87.21 KB, 795x344, 795:344, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

File: d09d31790d24e87⋯.png (143.83 KB, 835x623, 835:623, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)


WaPo: Jeffrey Epstein’s scandal of secrecy points to a creeping rot in the American justice system

ecf0e1  No.6754250


Liquid droplets floating around… wonder who pissed themselves or if its her cooter juice.

1b335a  No.6754251

File: 59eb81c01fe9060⋯.jpg (155.57 KB, 608x616, 76:77, WhoHurtYou.jpg)

7930f6  No.6754252

TODAY You get to understand Deception VS A Lie :)

Joyous unto You :)

I LIE to you?


I Deceive You?

You understand.


edf831  No.6754253


I think she infiltrated his movement when it was clear it would go viral. She's willing to ride anyone's coat tail as she hasn't been able to go viral solo. When he began WalkAway, I do not believe he was a Q follower.

ca74bb  No.6754254


>Coupla breads ago a Muh "2018 will be Glorious" shill poked his idiot head up and spouted off.


>Q didn't say anything about 2019, did he?


>And the wheels are starting to come off the train for the Cabal…

Nice triples, let me make sure I understand your claim. You suggest that Q predicted "glory" for 2018 in order to lure the DS into a false sense of security, is that right? IMHO that's a good theory; it is also possible that 2018 had various behind-the-scenes victories that are not obvious without access to secret info.

c045ad  No.6754255

File: 110d8072534997d⋯.png (14.79 KB, 346x358, 173:179, shill-filter.png)


>356cfd (16)


891dd2  No.6754256



supporters in grand rapids sing happy birthday

(squash amash rally)

44d09c  No.6754257

File: 9027e43b615ce6a⋯.png (641.16 KB, 751x434, 751:434, manpads.PNG)


Iranian boats reportedly tried and failed to shoot down a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone flying, which was monitoring their movement in the Gulf of Oman just hours before attacks on a pair of oil tankers in the same general area two days ago. This comes amid separate reports that Iran has been interfering with the ongoing efforts to recover one of the two tankers, the Front Altair, which had suffered a serious fire in the incident.

CNN was first to report the new details, citing an unnamed U.S. government official, on June 14, 2019. The source described the weapon the Iranian's employed as a "missile," but did not specify what type. They added that it had missed the drone and fallen into the ocean. They did not say whether or not the unmanned aircraft had subsequently observed the Iranians conducting any actual attacks on the Front Altair or a second tanker, the Kokuka Courageous.

Given the generally small size of Iran's various armed speed boats, it seems very likely that the weapon in question was a short-range, heat-seeking, man-portable, shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missile, commonly known as MANPADS, which stands for Man Portable Air Defense System. Iran's military and quasi-military Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) both have various types of these weapons in service, including locally produced clones and derivatives of Chinese models.

ee91fb  No.6754258


there is nothing for him to 'uncover' really if Durham is in control in DC with grand juries. he'd be doing the same thing Schitt is trying to do in the House.

this may be intentional distraction imo

356cfd  No.6754259

9ab9df  No.6754260

File: d7876b130b6ab03⋯.png (572.53 KB, 1273x1050, 1273:1050, ClipboardImage.png)


Just for comparison, here's what you get using the same search terms (and punctuation) on DDG.


ce549f  No.6754261


been workfagging, first I heard of this…Sorry to be late

ca6674  No.6754262


Yep. I don't care about the age of the individual invaders. Protecting the homeland is the only righteous war.

df3403  No.6754263

File: 4c7eb3330949b23⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 850x569, 850:569, DeclasNowBoringAfterDelays.jpg)

744805  No.6754264

File: 87f123aeb57e934⋯.jpeg (533.89 KB, 1439x1015, 1439:1015, DB29D5AC-7D55-4A7E-8E47-3….jpeg)

File: 02b02798df62397⋯.jpeg (205.76 KB, 733x700, 733:700, F24C0B26-B178-4E17-9793-6….jpeg)

File: c75656ef32d5db0⋯.jpeg (153.6 KB, 900x600, 3:2, C959C6F4-43B5-43A0-8568-D….jpeg)

File: a42990db11e783f⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1642x2048, 821:1024, 6E663869-87EB-41E2-B9DC-1….jpeg)

File: 28b86277eac2af5⋯.jpeg (290.78 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 79579500-B378-4444-BF9B-5….jpeg)

e97006  No.6754265


They just might go and hide there!

b4497b  No.6754266

File: 4b1a0d1ecedde75⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2726.PNG)

e25b12  No.6754267


weird she does say she likes connections to humans, but is she human?

ad7923  No.6754268


FuQ off sweetie, bye

22d3a3  No.6754269


Not shocking from an atheist/communist. Good luck with that blasphemy.

be51cf  No.6754270


due process and legal means to remove the DS are very time consuming, but necessary…

otherwise how is the Q team morally any better than the DS?

and great prgress has already been made, if you take a closer look

1abd7e  No.6754271


You have to keep the whole threat space in mind. Q is a multi-pronged operation that doesn't just have one objective.

Fact of the matter is that whether there was a plan in play to arrest the deepnstate, or not - someone would launch an operation to blunt conservative outrage in general. This is the biggest hill in the road for us paranoid types. Either we let the justice system work and be watchful of it - or we all hang together as rebels. There is very little margin for an inbetween. We can't destroy the government and simultaneously try to use the courts to enact justice.

So - Q is here to calm us the fuck down and get us to cough up the black pill for a moment and have a bit of optimism. This is what it is.

The other side of this is that Q deliberately phrased many statements to be multi-edged. You can read out of them what you want, in many cases, and there was ample ways the deep state could read out of Q's statements that Q was duping us and was one of their own ops.

This is part of the reason for the one year delay in many things. Q had to appear to be a psyop to get the democrats to trust the plan. Just as we have to trust the plan. It's this multi-faceted meaning that has confused many.

There are other aspects of it that many are not ready for. Disinformation has existed for a very long time and many people have built entire theologies (and then some) on this disinformation. There is going to be a long process of breaking down the lies - and the fact also is that some of these lies will be believed by many, fully, until the day they die. Not all, and it depends on the subject - but it is the way things work.

753a14  No.6754272

File: d92eaa063c6393e⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1394x1022, 697:511, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at ….png)

891dd2  No.6754273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

02db9d  No.6754274

File: 31f7315960c36c7⋯.jpg (142.5 KB, 631x432, 631:432, Zion.jpg)


Yo niglet, [1 year delta]s are a thing too.

Boom shackalackalacka.

a9bdec  No.6754275

File: 923dace0b517c7f⋯.png (45.8 KB, 589x341, 19:11, Sperry re House Rs Soured ….PNG)

BREAKING: House GOP leadership has soured on Comey replacement Wray.

They r now convinced Wray's not part of the FBI cleanup & not cooperating w AG Barr & is in fact part of the cover-up of #SpyGate scandal after burying documents & refusing to make people available for interview


6fa716  No.6754276

File: ed00174739f61d9⋯.jpg (50.07 KB, 650x400, 13:8, 33iela.jpg)

Meme this

32c05a  No.6754277

Sarah Sanders will first write a book exposing the MSM shills. Then what?

e8b5e1  No.6754278

anyone have that meme of girlfriend walking into bedroom asking if guy was on Qresearch?

546496  No.6754279


Then why doesn't Trump fire the man? Hmmm… puzzle, eh?

2f6f89  No.6754280


Kek……geeezzzz loueeezzzeee.

5ce7cb  No.6754281


You cannot bind someone by NDA if a crime was committed. That would be an illegal contract, void on its face.

b103da  No.6754282



3d7b07  No.6754283

File: 1a77b3070257412⋯.png (140.99 KB, 350x263, 350:263, 2019-03-04_19-43-06 2.png)

c09fff  No.6754284


activated is how i tink of it

a4cce5  No.6754285

File: c4a751f4c73cac0⋯.jpeg (82.76 KB, 822x567, 274:189, 7D8A5685-CFD3-4327-BAC7-F….jpeg)


The guy with the blue jumper on is squirting liquid out of syringe.

a08e74  No.6754286

File: 9ae4bb1bf1f770a⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, pepecameljoe.jpg)


>'Walk Away'

sounds like a very sneaky way of saying "disengage".

Wouldn't THAT be convenient.

As much as I loathe Markie McFuckbook, his platform is one of the most popular…and I'm really fuckin' stubborn, so intend to hang around until they kick me out. KEK!

fc5abf  No.6754287


So no sauce then.

Got it. OK.

9ed631  No.6754288


== NO == I pass on that.

aa30bc  No.6754289



Here's an idea. If there were EVER consequences, maybe these stupid fucks would FLY STRAIGHT.

b103da  No.6754290


Do a bit of research instead of playing the elites "movie" game.

1f254f  No.6754291

File: 1a76fb3ea2c0b86⋯.png (57.55 KB, 281x309, 281:309, 1a76fb3ea2c0b8687dadd85c01….png)


Senpai is pretty amazing..

f5234f  No.6754292


Was meant for >>6753892 but I'm an equal opportunity hater, so fuck you too

744805  No.6754293


There will be…I told you so’s…Trust the Plan! Trust Wray. Pray.

753a14  No.6754294

File: fdf4e6289b70b50⋯.png (899.87 KB, 961x661, 961:661, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at ….png)

65b747  No.6754295

File: e0ab14a31a52acf⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 900x666, 50:37, IMG_1082.JPG)

When you at the Juneteenth BBQ and things start getting real


They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

da7290  No.6754296

File: 3ae02d40ccd4fd0⋯.jpg (245 KB, 800x600, 4:3, blind_cat_can_not_meme.jpg)

ccdddd  No.6754297

File: 6297d5c82e5d065⋯.gif (2 MB, 500x336, 125:84, EyeSee.gif)

19ab2b  No.6754298

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, b21af45bcc721b6401d354e7e4….jpg)

f68684  No.6754299


the reports are just now getting out. i wonder if they will re-look at some other deaths in the past.

if it is only in certain resorts , is it mainly americans staying there? dont know about these places.

why would anyone want to go to mexico anyway?

be51cf  No.6754300

File: 2e5bfaf8213b35b⋯.jpg (63.23 KB, 570x570, 1:1, ff792fe9ca38aa17b3339a5b36….jpg)


the tree of knowledge is the brain and the nervous system, which when activated leads to enlightenment and super-consciousness

e5b2ce  No.6754301

File: d7699f1c37ee342⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1286x1446, 643:723, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at ….png)


Best movie ever.

1a99f8  No.6754302


And? I asked you about Michael Obama. The world is full of pear-shaped men who are still XY chromosomes. But you seem to know so much, so just asking a specific question.

5ce7cb  No.6754303


>The guy with the blue jumper on is squirting liquid out of syringe.

omg who gives a flying fuck about him?

priorities down the drain around here.

e13c6a  No.6754304

File: f378c3d5218991a⋯.jpg (392.75 KB, 962x2900, 481:1450, f35 china 4.jpg)

File: 595b5cc72658417⋯.jpg (383.94 KB, 960x3148, 240:787, f35 china 3.jpg)

File: 08b76337daf58b3⋯.jpg (398.9 KB, 724x2635, 724:2635, F35 china 2.jpg)

File: f103e998a05333a⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 954x832, 477:416, f35 china.jpg)

Say it ain't so…

China Chips STILL in our F35s???


c09fff  No.6754305

File: aa35e3d68e07b39⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, pepe1moarmeme.jpg)


ur not late i just missed u

and been at it all day kek

ns feels good man

4ce1f8  No.6754306


Very good question. Whos to say these ayys arent the good guys. Their methods may be brutal, at the moment, but they are cultivating a strong, intelligent, and resilient species with a high degree of self restraint. The purpose of our cultivation is anyone's guess.

But why they cant do this directly, in an afternoon, a good point. Why draw out our evolution? For their own amusement? Pretty lame excuse, but there you go. If you were nigh immortal things might get a little boring.

Who knows. I havent the faintest clue.

The 64,000 dollar question right there.

91368a  No.6754307


We are Q

Take them down

81093a  No.6754308

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ecf0e1  No.6754310

File: 586fc6fa3c6f6d2⋯.png (332.33 KB, 482x430, 241:215, Nightshift.png)


Still my all-time fav for keks.

fc29e3  No.6754311


You know, you guys working this shit aint gona get any more promotions or recommendations doing this blatant kiss ass suck up.

I though peeps where I worked sucked up hard but daym, you people take the cake and eat it too.

e757e3  No.6754312


>My concerns

You misspelled "My"

It should have three letters in this context

1f1496  No.6754313


Would be nice to get a body language expert to interpret here weird behavior….

Seems like she created an alter to deal with the evil..

e25b12  No.6754314


from what I am hearing, this move by Perdue and Trump has got the swamp panicked more than anything Trump has done so far.

They are really shook up over this.

this move will drain the swamp in a big way.

65b747  No.6754315

File: 7c14d3a69881e1f⋯.jpg (251.8 KB, 1312x950, 656:475, IMG_3193.JPG)

2f6f89  No.6754316


I've done more than you can ever imagine. All the elites are tranny, baby killing rapists.

Got ya.

753a14  No.6754317

File: 263c08163ff1d0e⋯.png (309.89 KB, 930x989, 930:989, Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at ….png)

File: 4fee0d4cb308abb⋯.png (596.7 KB, 1048x1000, 131:125, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at ….png)


Infighting in DC - Wray is DEEBSTATE!

fc29e3  No.6754318



Babylon 5 already answered this question,

Shadows vs Vorlons. Us humans are nothing but ants who serve as good soldiers in their proxy war.


e66cf5  No.6754319


Thanks on the trips. What I mean is, Q gave them "2018 will be Glorious" and there were just enough markers laid down to make them think the booms were gonna come at any time.

It's exhausting, like being on the wrong side of an artillery barrage.

And it's also (as we look back on it) most definitely the case that some quiet, not-generally-known booms were occurring.

The elections gave them a false sense of security and now they're emboldened, although it is beginning to appear like the Cabal is sticking it's head into the noose out of sheer idiocy. The booms are much more publicly known, now.

That's the psyop I refer to, here. So, I think you're close to what I'm thinking.

c09fff  No.6754320

File: e78e5f7e9aa8087⋯.mp4 (270.58 KB, 480x480, 1:1, grinchinamask.mp4)


KEK i member

a9bdec  No.6754321


>I think she infiltrated his movement when it was clear it would go viral.


It seems Beanz will glom onto anything that will give her money and attention

I didn't say anything about her, not one word, when all the shit went on about her on CBST and then here

After observation for over a year, she seems to be a true paYtriot all the way

I think Straka has a lot to offer with what he is doing, so I hope he figures it all out

e8b5e1  No.6754322

if you only knew how bad things were


4ce1f8  No.6754323


Very good point. There isnt much to go on, at the moment for us amatuer researchers.

fc29e3  No.6754324


>nk mcdonalds

Is that stuff any good? any chance one might fight body parts in their burgers

753a14  No.6754325

File: e39367408a88b0a⋯.png (749.79 KB, 811x1157, 811:1157, Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at ….png)

File: f8487de21b8b789⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1375x975, 55:39, Screen Shot 2019-02-02 at ….png)

b8e839  No.6754326

David Corn could be a 'tard.

5ce7cb  No.6754327


usda is the prototypical deep-state operation.

e757e3  No.6754328



>Do a bit of research

Says the guy with the utterly sauceless rant.

83a895  No.6754329

File: b67c544882a47b5⋯.png (6.3 MB, 1920x7046, 960:3523, FireShot Capture 061 - Pol….png)


Police: Arkansas woman arrested in ex-lawmaker's death

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Authorities on Friday night said they've arrested an Arkansas woman in connection with the killing of a former state senator who was found dead outside her own home.

Arkansas State Police said they and Randolph County sheriff's deputies arrested 48-year-old Rebecca Lynn O'Donnell in connection with the death of former state Sen. Linda Collins . Police said criminal charges were pending and did not say whether they were seeking any other suspects in Collins' death.

Collins, 57, who went by Collins-Smith in the Legislature, was found dead June 4 outside her home in Pocahontas, about 130 miles (210 kilometers) northeast of Little Rock.

744805  No.6754330



474c64  No.6754331


easily solved with a nice side dish of DECLASS

3d7b07  No.6754332

File: 83944d4515a80ec⋯.png (91.85 KB, 254x206, 127:103, 2019-03-07_03-30-36.png)


>when activated

Has the cabal figured out how to do this?

e53d59  No.6754333


Completely lacking in any self awareness. No, its not that we don't care its that we believe that you are the ones lying. POTUS may use hyperbole, but we don't consider that lying when the left does it and we don't consider it lying when POTUS does it.

6634ad  No.6754334

File: ecb1509fb94fad8⋯.png (13.47 KB, 605x167, 605:167, ClipboardImage.png)

drudge is the only one beating the war drums and he is a cia-cabal creation like the rest.

Is this a message to all the bad guys?

try and rally the troops?

dc6a34  No.6754335

File: 381eb72f8e8a9c1⋯.jpg (119.71 KB, 545x720, 109:144, space force bewbs be with ….jpg)

fc29e3  No.6754336


One thing I rarely see any good scifi movie or show mention is that Earth is basically forced to send x amount of human blood, organs and etc per agreement some of our asshole leaders signed like 50 or 80 years ago.

Yea, you don't hear Q mentioning that stuff either but that's what they are alluding too.Top DS leadership basically gave away humans for alien gibs. Fucking pathetic.

65b747  No.6754337

File: 9e681bea80efc5e⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 550x245, 110:49, IMG_1600.JPG)

All the winning got calculated

When you at the Juneteenth BBQ and things start getting real


They see me rolling

They /b/ hateing

cf5f8f  No.6754338


I'm just keeping it real. What's so damn inhumane about a damn Holding Center anyway??? It's more than a Dead American Baby/Child gets now isn't it? Cry me a fucking river why don't (you)

22d3a3  No.6754339


New shill still learning the ropes. Speaking of rope, good luck.

a9df8b  No.6754340




a75c64  No.6754341


Is that a .177 pellet gun?

19ab2b  No.6754342

File: 8c208e663a99ffb⋯.png (402.91 KB, 696x469, 696:469, elijah-cummings-696x469.png)



Cummings Favored Executive Privilege Under Obama But Not For Trump

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) was once a big defender of executive privilege, that is until President Donald Trump was elected.

Cummings vote Wednesday to hold Justice Department Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress is a major turn around the lawmaker, who previously supported the use of executive privilege during the Obama Administration…

753a14  No.6754343

File: 054e0fd2fd893b0⋯.png (401.38 KB, 589x452, 589:452, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)

f6d513  No.6754344


It's a follow through on a campaign promise, to get agencies out of the DC swamp and out into the communities they should be working with and for. Its a great move.

f68684  No.6754345


lots of articles if you just search

mike pompeo monsanto

744805  No.6754346

File: c154e78de294218⋯.jpeg (80.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, D6A5EAB9-26EE-438A-A6C6-6….jpeg)

File: 18433b5c1f03759⋯.jpeg (82.44 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7BE20442-3549-404C-8046-1….jpeg)

File: 1785e8b50ae343b⋯.jpeg (87.33 KB, 500x833, 500:833, 70152242-0A44-4A71-9308-F….jpeg)

8bf7be  No.6754347

File: 02af35fda739678⋯.jpg (97.32 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 33ig5y.jpg)

1dd7cb  No.6754348

File: e79685070580bf7⋯.jpeg (830.72 KB, 1103x853, 1103:853, C7373237-CAC3-4DB1-A83D-8….jpeg)

546496  No.6754349


It is, but people just don't want to accept that.

068e39  No.6754350

"If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily by some of the world's biggest media co's, social media co's deliberately applying censorship/banning, shills paid/inserted to disrupt (media matters), blue checkmark coordinated attacks, etc.?

All for a 'conspiracy' on the Chans?

All for a 'LARP'? " - Q

1f5885  No.6754351

File: 0cffd6afa281c8f⋯.jpeg (40.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, CEE3D895-63FA-4AF4-A4F3-7….jpeg)

File: de8488ed2101188⋯.jpeg (23.72 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 59677726-0163-4033-AAC4-F….jpeg)


Ok Guise…have Q Clock Theory

Think clock needs two faces, goes in two directions, is a mirror??? Something moar than what we’ve got. Have been ruminating this for months along with (I believe) Helper Anons..

Possibly Rot Cipher and Sundials May be parts of the puzzle

Could a talented Anon please find and post all Q Posts that mention “Clock”

ThanQ for your service! o7

fc29e3  No.6754352


>the tree of knowledge is the brain and the nervous system, which when activated leads to enlightenment and super-consciousness

Not really how it works, you are stuck with what you got unless __

So fuck off

b5e27a  No.6754353

File: d29c966bfde02c4⋯.png (381.91 KB, 507x334, 507:334, Division.PNG)

File: a5b62829ed9535c⋯.jpg (104.17 KB, 714x549, 238:183, SJW.jpg)






>Here's an idea. If there were EVER consequences, maybe these stupid fucks would FLY STRAIGHT.

acting so passionate that they must throw insults, just can't hold back their emotional outburst cuz more passionate than the rest of us!

so, when the leftist minions of the snark lord act out their demonic possession

are we convinced that they are right?


on display

take note and scroll on

d09b3f  No.6754354


>Is that a .177 pellet gun?

Yes, I shot myself in the head with those toy pellet guns once. 🤣🤣🤣

cf5f8f  No.6754355




753a14  No.6754356

File: bd1e92ec30e6704⋯.png (803.78 KB, 1271x740, 1271:740, Screen Shot 2019-01-17 at ….png)

d1f504  No.6754357


Wise Anon is wise.

This is a digital battlefield. The Q operation has served many purposes.

It created a reliable direct back channel from POTUS to us.

It organized the digital soldiers and set them on the right path.

It created active attacks in cyberspace that the white hats used to map the enemy strongholds. (like an active sonar ping)

And it let us know that good things were being done and helped teach us how to look for them. So we would know all was not lost and we would not take the WW3 bait.

And more. Be proud to have been here to see it.

Great Plan.

65b747  No.6754358

File: de7d2c0da91dcf3⋯.png (913.33 KB, 610x915, 2:3, 90C6CD01-95CE-4A4D-8BB0-80….png)

b103da  No.6754359


She is a tranny. A male child was mk ultra 'd and had sex kitten programming to be a seductive entertainer. She has Multiple Personality Disorder like other MK victims. S/He also promotes baby killing – abortion.

1f254f  No.6754360

File: 0f9a28440b6e858⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, 9fd71aa26527986c9cc6baa8c1….jpg)

File: 2aca2f05e3aae3f⋯.gif (479.05 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2b1b9c60fb6429ac47553fe955….gif)

f83ddc  No.6754361

I sometimes wonder if I'm in the right place in life.

Then this happens, and I can't help but laugh at lives reassurances.

a08e74  No.6754362

File: 10295830b767831⋯.jpeg (6.7 KB, 224x224, 1:1, pepemask.jpeg)




well, it IS Friday night, after all. KEK!

fc29e3  No.6754363


Because the fucktards who run this MIL PSYOP / Darpa offshoot and other _ shit falseflag the attacks to make it look like the enemy cares.

It's just you retards "attacking" yourself. Next!

e757e3  No.6754364


Kek. On the money.

f6e6ab  No.6754365

File: 7b0825579f76217⋯.jpg (101.44 KB, 499x499, 1:1, PepeBlotterAcid1st84.jpg)


>Has the cabal figured out how to do this?

They have figured out how to stop you from doing this by brainwashing everyone into thinking the substances that accomplish this are dangerous and evil.

11e5bc  No.6754366

Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia. We have evidence of this.

Page 294 of the OIG report references FBI notes having to do with The Clinton Foundation and sex-crimes with children. Evidence.

Joe Biden obstructed justice by threatening to withhold USAID to Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating his son. Video evidence.

During a press conference in the rose garden, Barack Obama told Trump (and the world) to “stop whining” about the election. Foreign gov’ts haven’t and will not interfere in our elections, he said. Video evidence.

Adam Schiff met with Glenn Simpson in Aspen while the Mueller Investigation was ongoing. Evidence.

The Awan family was running a “secret server” out of CA AG Xavier Bacerra’s office. All data was moved from Dem servers to the Awan servers. Evidence.

John Podesta tortured a child at Comet Ping Pong Pizza, wrote emails about sacrificing children. We have video evidence of this.

Noname travelled to Syria and met with the leader of ISIS (no security detail). Photographic evidence.

Diane Feinstein’s driver of 20 years was a Chinese spy. Evidence.

Chuck Schumer told Trump the Intel Community has “six ways from Sunday” to seek revenge for him winning the election. Video evidence.

James Comey leaked confidential information to a friend at Columbia, so as to trigger a special counsel. Sworn Testimony.

John Brennan said the dossier wasn’t the basis of the Trump-Russia investigation. Sworn testimony.

Adam Schiff also took a call and planned to coordinate the transfer of intel from a suspected Russian asset. Audio evidence.

Peter Strzok said “We’ll stop him”. Evidence.

I mean, what in the actual FUCK are we even talking about anymore? I’m just a regular nobody and came up with this list off the top of my head.

Are you telling me a Republican Administration and Senate can’t put their heads together and clean this shit up?

I just don’t understand what is going on anymore. All of these people should have been sentenced to death by now.

19ab2b  No.6754367

File: fd8ea240a33708f⋯.jpg (465.14 KB, 1982x1328, 991:664, corsipretty.jpg)

b103da  No.6754368


She is a dude also.

2f39d5  No.6754369

Nextdoor.com - a "private social network" or another way to collect more data?

Got a letter in the mail today from one of my "neighbors" (at Nextdoor, no doubt) to join this this.


a72e0b  No.6754370

File: a94c5169b0e8996⋯.jpg (75.15 KB, 484x772, 121:193, TIPPY TOP EASTER PROOF.JPG)

File: 153ae002e5419a1⋯.png (624.98 KB, 970x483, 970:483, TIPPY TOP EASTER.png)

File: 602fe23a7bec716⋯.png (1.47 MB, 977x1406, 977:1406, happy easter_ff.png)

File: d9ec32b877ac6b8⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 666x864, 37:48, HAPPY EASTER @[WAR].JPG)

File: 78f540d2aae6f80⋯.png (619.82 KB, 582x795, 194:265, HAPPY EASTER1.png)


i have saved EVERYTHING…

and it WILL be for ALL EYES TO SEE…


be excited, cuz if I know our MIL boys like i think i do…

they are filming every bit of this in the same cinematic epic way they have been following DJT around with cameras…

so after 2024 WE ALL will enjoy the blooper real anon.. know that.

:coming to a theatre near you:

e25b12  No.6754371


>why would anyone want to go to mexico anyway?

I think they are dying in the Dominican Republic, the country that shares an island with Haiti.

I am more fascinated by the fact the the primary International aiport in DR is privately owned.

If you can board private planes without security clearances, imagine what you could get through a private airport

753a14  No.6754372

File: 00f81bedc0f1aee⋯.jpg (93.46 KB, 1440x759, 480:253, 00f81bedc0f1aee933d5f4d463….jpg)


>Could a talented Anon please find and post all Q Posts that mention “Clock”

1f254f  No.6754373

File: 43c7641890346db⋯.png (57.88 KB, 632x473, 632:473, 43c7641890346dbeee0e9dc928….png)


It's Friday?

65b747  No.6754374

File: 20101bfb48a8d84⋯.png (699.05 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 04007DC9-7597-4D9D-BC48-0A….png)

89dde4  No.6754375

File: 615f6be21c0be50⋯.png (468.59 KB, 688x556, 172:139, night_fire.png)

File: dfae905b3a5a207⋯.png (290.35 KB, 740x738, 370:369, night_shift.png)

File: 4221bd67f7107bc⋯.jpeg (164.41 KB, 1800x1117, 1800:1117, night_shift_c130.jpeg)

File: 23f7314bedbab46⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 555x800, 111:160, night_shift_cats.jpg)

File: c8cc789cdd7b34a⋯.jpg (7.2 MB, 3456x2304, 3:2, night_shift_redshift.jpg)


Drink hearty, ye niggerfaggots!

ee91fb  No.6754376

File: 4aa7e693d42c4fc⋯.png (139.63 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

fc29e3  No.6754377


Don't forget the mind control & mind manipulation technology that is used on the civilian "autists" by the glorious Patriots in some SAP unit or whatever the fuck its called.

Amazing! Shitting on the people who you are manipulating for their God given gifts and then lying to their faces right here too.

Grow a pair you fucking worthless cunt.

afe9ba  No.6754378


I have hope that POTUS and Q is legit but I have always pondered these things myself.

You are not wrong for questioning the "plan"

Would be wise to question everything, and until I see some results I am not believing shit 100%

3b95df  No.6754379


Shills don’t have legit purpose. They are vile filth who shit up our bread.

Hopefully they end up in Gitmo too.

474c64  No.6754380


Hello shit heads in DC, welcome to my world of where my job was offshored to fucking foreigners, and you are having a tizz fit over moving jobs to Kansas. I would have moved to keep my job. Fuck the federal employees. They are the definition of ENTITLEMENT

f6d513  No.6754381



Proud to have been here as long as I have been.

2f9fc3  No.6754382

Symbols are 2D representations of 3D space.

Reflect. Use logic.

What are we looking at?


11112e  No.6754383


Shills purpose is to make me laugh of their desperation

7c6a16  No.6754384

File: 1d7910089c2b1d2⋯.png (197.38 KB, 500x557, 500:557, space_force_1.png)


Very cool GAanon!

Love the domes, and the DOMES!

ecf0e1  No.6754385


In all reality… we dont even know what year it is .. let alone what 'day' it is.

4ce1f8  No.6754386



>our asshole leaders

Like Eisenhower? Assholes, maybe. But they did what had to be done. It wasnt easy, and we'll have to do the same when our turn comes around.

Growing pains.

a72e0b  No.6754387

File: 2a37231810fca08⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1310x1000, 131:100, anon.png)

File: 1e4823faa2f2742⋯.png (580.02 KB, 881x622, 881:622, candace boom.png)

File: c7c8c77d08010ec⋯.png (1.41 MB, 970x885, 194:177, MICHIGAN RALLY LOVE.png)

File: 4bacff0f6b4a8d1⋯.png (543.72 KB, 704x604, 176:151, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK ….png)

File: 98d4dc35879d8c1⋯.png (333.39 KB, 454x481, 454:481, the proofs.png)

and to be honest, yall havent even seen 10percent of what I have.. hahaha

I've buried most of it to pull out in 12 months when we REALLY need it [elections]

a08e74  No.6754388

File: b2bad57775d62d3⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 474x350, 237:175, beanztinfoil.jpg)


>She is a dude also.

If not, she might as well be…will NEVER trust that ugly mug.

65b747  No.6754389

File: 1524a58085b7c44⋯.jpg (291.79 KB, 751x396, 751:396, IMG_3424.JPG)

e63b17  No.6754390


Yes, you're very important. After looking over your 6 posts, you seem to be all over the place. You have no understanding of what really goes on here. You are a pretender; a very transparent pretender. Catch you next bread, faker.

e53d59  No.6754391


How do you make it look non-partisan because you kow that will be the only argument they have left.

e13c6a  No.6754392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Like Trump SFW edition


f5234f  No.6754393


Agree 100x

6634ad  No.6754394


this is one of those rub it in our faces things. he prolly macheted someone in real life and his cabal buddies nicknamed him machete. Then they give him these roles in hollywood and have a big laugh in our faces.

22d3a3  No.6754395


Well one, or moar, must have convinced you, can you share them?

d09b3f  No.6754396


Nah, (((JEW))) managed to convince me that LSD was okay for a while but unfortunately for (((JEW))) I had no idea where to get LSD even if I wanted to try. Certainly wasn't going to buy it online from a "darknet" marketplace. 🤣🤣🤣

Now I know of course that LSD makes one more susceptible to remote mind control. 😐


Sneaky (((JEWS))). 😐

be51cf  No.6754397

File: 7b52a739706de10⋯.png (416.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, indnjki90ex.png)

a9bdec  No.6754398

File: 0c614d5bd31bd31⋯.png (17.79 KB, 410x235, 82:47, Q 3124 re Clock Faces.PNG)


>Think clock needs two faces, goes in two directions, is a mirror???

Number(s) do not always equate to days.

The face of a watch/clock has multiple versions.

Incorrect interpretations pushed as statements of fact often lead to pitfalls [stranglehold 'choke' tactic used by attackers].

Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].


"Clock" is mentioned 31 times in https://qanon.pub/

cdc9b2  No.6754399


Yes, and there are rules that dark ETs can’t cross, because power to do so isn’t given to them. And rules of engagement that hold good ETs back until conditions are met.

And there are good men and women who are getting help because bad men and women have crossed forbidden lines.

Some of those good men have to get their hands dirty occasionally. Surgeons have a purpose and are only held back now because of compassion that God, forces of light, and POTUS have for the masses.

But the season of holding is almost past. Allowing the shilltards to operate still serves a purpose a little longer.

Some of us are eager to see that coming to a close like the last flickers of a candle. This is a final chance for the shills to step away from what they are doing and avoid their names being on somebody’s Go list.

Some will get trials, where that serves the greater good. Some won’t if operational conditions are met to justify Orders.

Destroying Angels don’t desire to be unleashed, but they also don’t regret fulfilling their duty once called.

Shills, look in the mirror and know that what you are doing serves the same master that HRC sacrifices children to. Your hands are stained by that same debt.

Destroying Angels on both sides of the Veil are ready. Your candle is flickering lowly. Your time is short.

753a14  No.6754400

File: b75b4fc93d5f955⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1692x1230, 282:205, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at ….png)

File: 3223c4c7ffc82be⋯.png (1012.76 KB, 954x1009, 954:1009, Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at ….png)

1f5885  No.6754401


Anon is a noun…

Talented is an adjective…

a4cce5  No.6754402


It’s today.

fc29e3  No.6754403


>If Q is a "don't worry guys, the good guys got this" psyop to keep us from acting while the end game weapons go up… what is the game plan then?

The plan was to use "autists" for their special gifts (aka gifts of the Holy Spirit or God's gifts) and weaponize them to use for the advantage of __ whoever is running this shitshow.

Apparently God doesn't take too kindly to his good things being used and misused and abused so he basically put a damper on the whole plan after April - May 2018. So the plan has been careening back and forth between failure since which is why Q seems like he's been a larping retarded shithead imposter.

891dd2  No.6754404


interesting note

YT has over 60 hits for today for "happy birthday"

one or two for this week

then trails off into months and months

today is a big day for birthday posts, i guess

1f254f  No.6754405

File: 1d96015aba83587⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 286x327, 286:327, 3e44906f9f1aab5b67bff84286….jpg)


Does posting food mean fat?

Because then I will become like senpai


e25b12  No.6754406



how many of those dead are repeat visitors to the DR?

d09b3f  No.6754407


When did I use any such card? 🤔

f6e6ab  No.6754408

File: 1f4df0166f98b65⋯.png (326.48 KB, 851x637, 851:637, Correctol.png)


>Could a talented Anon please find and post all Q Posts that mention “Clock”

Be the talented anon that you seek: https://qmap.pub/

Use the search function.

ef0fbb  No.6754409

Netherlands to identify suspects of Malaysian Airline crash 2014 on Ukraine soil. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2019-06-14/investigators-to-present-latest-findings-on-downing-of-mh17

5ce7cb  No.6754410

File: 78ed4e904b73fec⋯.png (273.46 KB, 585x449, 585:449, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at ….png)

de263b  No.6754411

>>6753937 Don't usually bother with a moron, but it must be said that you are nuts. That will be all.

068e39  No.6754412

"Are we being too hard on Ilhan Omar possibly? Don't many American women accidentally file joint tax returns with a man who's not their husband? While not filing jointly with the man who is actually their current husband? And who is also their brother? Probably a clerical error."


65b747  No.6754413

File: 884aadedd0d5770⋯.jpg (273.59 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 132FE4DD-0263-4B2F-8A27-26….jpg)

ca6674  No.6754414


It's a damn good one. 550 bureaucrats is a good chunk of swamp.

8bf7be  No.6754415

File: c1c23f018db3950⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2yornj.jpg)

a08e74  No.6754416

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, PEPEDIGITAL.gif)


>It's Friday?

yeah…don't feel bad, though. I had to dobule-checkek.

ecf0e1  No.6754417

File: 00a2b2b4b7fe624⋯.jpg (69.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dune10191.jpg)


Good call. Well played.

d09b3f  No.6754418


>It's Friday?

It's actually Saturday morning in India. 😉

5dc012  No.6754419

File: 22e33c449c4a8ca⋯.jpg (217.19 KB, 1500x858, 250:143, land.jpg)

I have some suspicions of who some of the anti-Q trolls are here just by signing onto a few social networks this past week that are not twitter or fb or gab.. same language and everything….. intellectual midgets who believe they are intellectual elitists!

4dfe23  No.6754420


How bout that pesky "Cross of Saint Andrew?"

095323  No.6754421

File: 22ea63cbbc28cae⋯.png (95.15 KB, 188x188, 1:1, Screenshot_2019-06-14 gene….png)

File: 06833be52230240⋯.png (307.47 KB, 483x374, 483:374, Screenshot_2019-06-14 gene….png)

File: 9fbbc603a4011cd⋯.png (126.47 KB, 320x169, 320:169, Screenshot_2019-06-14 gene….png)


>Sec. 5. Exemption for Merit Review Panels. (a) The requirements of sections 1, 2, and 3 of this order do not apply to a merit review panel or advisory committee whose primary purpose is to provide scientific expertise to support agencies making decisions related to the safety or efficacy of products to be marketed to American consumers.


>Does GMO fall under Section 5?

It better!! And if it doesn't it should…

At first I thought it was cool, 'cause, you know, who wouldn't want to grow bat wings!?

Then, I saw banana-fish. Which is not exactly my taste. But who am I to judge? If you eat to eat a banana-fucking-fish, fine. Knock yourself out while I stare at you funny. . .

But then some SICK FUCK thought it was cool to turn a frog into a kiwi. . .

WTF is WRONG with this world??


8bf7be  No.6754422

File: eb5f548071f83a5⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 427x332, 427:332, 16964985.jpg)

7fea60  No.6754423

#8638 Baker change

>>6754342 Moar blatant congress Hypocrisy

>>6754329 Suspect arrested in former AR state senator homocide

>>6754179 Executive Order on Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees

>>6754167 Alaska Supreme Court says law requiring all sex offenders to register is unconstitutional

>>6754073 ((GOOG)) burying pedo arrest, nothing to see here

>>6753752 Employees Turn Their Backs On Ag Secretary In Silent Protest

>>6753851 Prosecutors drop Flint water charges, promise fresh investigation

>>6753808, >>6753845, >>6753858 Suspect in custody in Linda Collins homicide

>>6753747 Justices' 2018 Financial disclosure reports.

>>6753731 Anon releases Volume 65 of the Great Awakening art work. o7

da7290  No.6754424


Many of us aren't in youor time line.

did they not tell you about cross tech interdiomsional bridge net?

-larper out

4989dc  No.6754425



fc29e3  No.6754426


>Like Eisenhower? Assholes, maybe. But they did what had to be done. It wasnt easy, and we'll have to do the same when our turn comes around.

Implying this shit isn't the reason for the shitshow we're in today.

>please mfuka dont bullshit me

>growin pains

There's right way to do stuff and then there is the wrong way. Which way do you think is wrong?

>Growing pains.

ab00c1  No.6754427


Oh look. A Squirrel

1f254f  No.6754428

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Do you like my music, senpai?


89dde4  No.6754430


"Real" Biden is already in Gitmo. Body double continuing to live his life so normies don't experience such a great disruption. My money is on the body double "dying" in a horrific aircraft accident that leaves no recoverable remains, not so much as a tooth or a bone fragment.

b852d0  No.6754431


Its not bootleg liquor. They were putting poison in liquor so the “rich Americans” would get sick and need treatment at the hospital, which in turn the hospital administtration would ask for cash in advance for treatment. The feds should look into which tourists paid for treatment at hospitals to get better. The deaths are a result of putting too much poison in the drink. They are just the ones they couldn’t get cash from them because they died before the “scam” kicked in. Article From 2017:


65b747  No.6754432


Almost huh

79ff90  No.6754435


While I can sympathize with how bad it feels to be told "your" job is moving halfway across the country, these agencies and other Ag agencies need to be cleaned out. They have so much dead weight and bloated, typical, entitled government employees. This move sounds like a chance to get a fresh start.

91cff5  No.6754437

File: 119dd70580af356⋯.png (16.7 KB, 584x166, 292:83, we are fucked.png)

We are screwed time for plan B if there is one…..

1f5885  No.6754438


Thx. Tried search but “I feel stoooopid”

Will try again. This posted helps

19ab2b  No.6754439

File: 436d070449e81f6⋯.png (227.96 KB, 495x395, 99:79, 436d070449e81f62ac1441c5f4….png)

dc6a34  No.6754440

File: cd25cae14bd9729⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1011x1028, 1011:1028, pepe quantum.png)

b3e7ad  No.6754441


You just make this up as you go along. The story changes with every telling.

068e39  No.6754442

File: ccf3600d3e9ff53⋯.png (803.27 KB, 800x459, 800:459, biden 1973.png)

File: a955c24f5d308ba⋯.png (750.26 KB, 503x800, 503:800, Tom over comey.png)

File: beb56b97783f733⋯.png (377.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, herb sandler obituary.png)

File: 46e175bbee16e75⋯.png (220.2 KB, 900x683, 900:683, flatline.png)

File: dc955095b6d40b8⋯.png (664.7 KB, 676x800, 169:200, kappernick stay behind.png)


i love a good poof kek


8bf7be  No.6754443

File: 8b6fb417dea8306⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 709x500, 709:500, jytjrhfh.jpg)

ef0fbb  No.6754444


Netherlands: We did it ourselves..

65b747  No.6754445


I thought it said "yellow Americans"

f68684  No.6754446


of course DR this time

i was thinking mexico but that was all the tourists getting robbed or shot near their resorts a couple years ago

brain fart

2f6f89  No.6754448


I said, if a child be matched to an adult, they should both be deported. If a child cannot be matched to an adult, I would suggest we send the kid to the nearest embassy based upon what is determined to be the child's nationality.

What is your suggestion?

2f9fc3  No.6754449


These just keep getting better & better! Beautiful work fren.

81093a  No.6754450

068e39  No.6754451

File: d261cea370cd675⋯.png (59.9 KB, 707x784, 101:112, break down by faith.png)

File: 52dadcb9d1a08ee⋯.png (73.14 KB, 885x511, 885:511, backgrounds brennon obama ….png)

File: b99fbe0d839bc2d⋯.png (27.95 KB, 800x600, 4:3, death list 06092019.png)

File: 33aa6d2170dae80⋯.png (342.45 KB, 900x787, 900:787, died recently 06092019.png)

File: c92e97f32420d8f⋯.jpg (85.69 KB, 800x449, 800:449, Night Shift POTUS.jpg)

7fea60  No.6754452

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