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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1a MAGA Q Research.jpg)

3bac6e  No.6618522

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

3bac6e  No.6618529

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)


are not endorsements


>>6618380 Trump Campaign statement on Mueller's remarks

>>6618243, >>6618248 Mueller Transcript

>>6618183, >>6618198, >>6618275 OIG investigation concluded that the DAD engaged in misconduct

>>6618149 Coded Messages? Did Mueller attempt to save EU exposure by declass?

>>6618144 Amash twat - The Ball is in our court, Congress

>>6618004 Jim Jordan Tweet: Same conclusions…nothing new"-939 ref

>>6617981 Sarah Carter Retweet and Comment-"Agree whole heartedly…"

>>6617976 BNL-Dems:Warren,Booker call for Congress to begin impeachment procedures

>>6617952 WH Tweet-Today marks President John F. Kennedy's 102nd Birthday-o7!

>>6617950 Gingrich Tweet: Not guilty then innocent- Reference to Starr/Clinton as well

>>6617934 U.S. exchanges must face renewed high-frequency trading claims: judge

>>6617908 Head of ODNI CTIIC will speaking @ Aspen Institute today

>>6617874, >>6618275 Last Day on the Clock: POTUS Christmas tweet

>>6617873 Anon on how RM will not voluntarily assist in impeachment proceedings

>>6617840 Nadler Tweet-Taking the bait implores congress to move forward

>>6618488 #8462


>>6617691 New PDJT

>>6617653 Planefag report

Baker Change

>>6617242 “Yellow Vest” Facebook group with 350,000 members frozen on European election day

>>6617332 Trump administration proposes new rules to punish currency manipulators

>>6617120, >>6617121, >>6617180, >>6617085 anons sum up Mueller statement. Finishes at 11:11

>>6617753 #8461


>>6616740, >>6616440, >>6617140 anon sees possible countdown in POTUS & USMC twats

>>6616712 Salvini: “New Europe is born” amid nationalist-populist surge in European elections

>>6616615 Feds probing NY Veterans Affairs hospital for malpractice, forged records after Navy vet files formal complaint and sues

>>6616588 A Navy veteran suffocated after a brawl with Colorado police in a case that has escaped public scrutiny

>>6616586 U.S. banking sector reports $60.7 billion in profits for first quarter of 2019

>>6616438 Renoting: Julian Assange Now in Hospital Wing of British Prison, Lawyer Says …Can’t Have Normal Conversations

>>6616631 Nightmare fuel: New Pokemon app will monitor you while you sleep

>>6616419, >>6616454, >>6616625 Mueller Statement at 1100 EST. "The Justice Department said he will not take questions."

>>6616372 ‘Buddhist Bin Laden’ on the run in Myanmar after inflammatory comments

>>6616356 Police union leader says 60 more detectives needed to combat MS-13 in New York

>>6616325 MAXINE MELTDOWN: Waters demands ‘low life’ Trump resign, ‘free us of what we will have to do to impeach him’

>>6616958 #8460


Baker Grabbed Ghost

>>6616152, >>6616162 Anon call to Dig on Cummings wife. IRS filings

>>6616132 New Mexico mayor issues cease and desist order to group building private border wall (video)

>>6616025 DJT twat: Republicans cannot allow themselves to again lose the Senate seat in the Great State of Alabama…

>>6615905, >>6615908, >>6615911, >>6615918, >>6615920, >>6615922, Anons opine on Rare earth minerals and China Trade leverage.

>>6615843 Trump vs Deep State in Historic Battle – Kevin Shipp

>>6615938, >>6615976, >>6616028, >>6616046, >>6616100 Anon Discussion of "Brave New World" in context of Q movement.

Ghost Bread/Collector

>>6615736 Boris Johnson must stand trial re: his role in undermining Brexit

>>6615718 D'Souza on MLK legacy being at risk (Bun)

>>6615703 Loretta Lynch hired by NY law firm as litigation partner

>>6615694 Make Aircrew Great Again patches are causing 'splodey heads

>>6615626 NXIVM members used spyware on Edgar Bronfman & other 'enemies'

>>6615510 US Marine killed in military training accident - RIP patriot

>>6616186 #8459

Previously Collected Notables

>>6615395 #8458,

>>6613083 #8455, >>6614189 #8456, >>6614641 #8457

>>6611066 #8452, >>6611879 #8453, >>6612279 #8454

>>6608435 #8449, >>6609206 #8450, >>6609962 #8451

>>6606088 #8446, >>6606867 #8447, >>6607667 #8448

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

3bac6e  No.6618539

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


3bac6e  No.6618542

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

3bac6e  No.6618545

File: 0cf5b8e0e6f9b74⋯.jpg (123.37 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 1Bokeh.jpg)



399192  No.6618546

BOjack starts beef with buffalo

603b27  No.6618550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

31f05e  No.6618553

Maybe he did do something…maybe we may never know..hmm

2fa58d  No.6618554

File: e0822e9d442827c⋯.png (41.32 KB, 575x251, 575:251, another_braindead_poll.png)


You fags know what to do

603b27  No.6618564


Read Nadler’s full statement here:

“We would like to thank Special Counsel Robert Mueller for his service to our nation over the past two years. In his statement this morning, Special Counsel Mueller reaffirmed his report, which found substantial evidence that Russia attacked our political system and that the President sought to obstruct Mueller’s investigation over and over again. He also confirmed three central points: he did not exonerate the President of the United States of obstruction of justice, obstruction of justice is a serious crime that strikes at the core of our justice system, and the Constitution points to Congress to take action to hold the President accountable.

“Although Department of Justice policy prevented the Special Counsel from bringing criminal charges against the President, the Special Counsel has clearly demonstrated that President Trump is lying about the Special Counsel’s findings, lying about the testimony of key witnesses in the Special Counsel’s report, and is lying in saying that the Special Counsel found no obstruction and no collusion. Given that Special Counsel Mueller was unable to pursue criminal charges against the President, it falls to Congress to respond to the crimes, lies and other wrongdoing of President Trump – and we will do so. No one, not even the President of the United States, is above the law.”

b55b21  No.6618565

File: 65ac1012e5a6fc9⋯.png (458.73 KB, 911x494, 911:494, hoax.png)

b9e33e  No.6618566


All sound like good options tbqh

177fff  No.6618567

File: 4a6eb65cf4d8414⋯.jpeg (290.31 KB, 750x878, 375:439, C7536523-59D1-4753-BB30-C….jpeg)

File: a179c7d86213bc1⋯.jpeg (463.76 KB, 750x1141, 750:1141, 8C5216D3-001B-44E1-BE03-A….jpeg)

File: 456660269963bd8⋯.png (172.39 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, F50C9B65-D84B-41B3-9F61-97….png)


Sarah Carter & Matt Schlapp tweeting eachother!

“True @mschlapp Why not answer questions since he's making a statement. Question his motivation…This is not how our justice system operates. You don't push hearsay, leave a cloud over someone's head. There was no collusion, no obstruction (scared of the storm to come?)”

dbc05d  No.6618568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


as a EU Anon, i have feeling that slowly, but at LARGE SCALE, people are starting to stop being afraid of SJW and MSM, and starting to openly support Potus.

UFC is probably one of the biggest sport organizations WW at the moment, and they are BIGLY SUPPORTING POTUS.

First time so openly. Check this video from today.


Pretty good feeling about this.


abf34b  No.6618570

File: 7e57a5ac7063ce0⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, aoc no bj.jpg)

67e009  No.6618571

File: b487865013841a3⋯.jpeg (18.23 KB, 255x191, 255:191, CC7D76F9-6B55-42A6-8E9C-F….jpeg)

>>6618549 lb

Right attitude bro

a86f51  No.6618572


Yeah Fuck that and Fuck Twitter.

dd14e1  No.6618573

File: 349f5cbfb350b63⋯.png (155.91 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190529-100357.png)


Sara Carter

The Storm


5e65dc  No.6618574

File: 653552ad1e3e27a⋯.png (46.36 KB, 640x374, 320:187, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6618525 (pb notable)

starting 2 minutes after scheduled start time.

there was even a "2 minute warning" given - is that a thing?

3bac6e  No.6618575


Really (REALLY) Ghosted Now

Anons, Please Step Up to the Baker Box!

c5e540  No.6618576


If you're inclined to be a NOW! fag, then

vote early and often for Start In Peach Mint process.

eb86c1  No.6618577

File: d364e785ff95860⋯.png (140.57 KB, 285x281, 285:281, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: 822ffca809f869f⋯.png (230.65 KB, 639x480, 213:160, Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at ….png)

File: 24d7f8e83bc14f7⋯.png (542.7 KB, 577x578, 577:578, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)

File: 5f39dd8fe8d5ac9⋯.png (363.64 KB, 620x375, 124:75, Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at ….png)

File: 33041c285f51fb3⋯.png (254.88 KB, 612x764, 153:191, Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at ….png)


a true Faggot Shill, Fuck you from all anons, u R A true, faggot

34e250  No.6618578

File: 3c817bf1c48422a⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 329x352, 329:352, downloadfile-1_1.jpg)

File: cc5afdc88d24663⋯.jpg (79.61 KB, 500x606, 250:303, Dirty Cop Mueller.jpg)

Dirt bag Mueller never even questioned Samantha Power a woman that will be in the movies.

8e7234  No.6618579


It think it's pretty clear who her sources are.

66e994  No.6618580

File: 13c3ca5f41075e6⋯.jpg (466.99 KB, 1079x975, 83:75, BowAnon.jpg)

>>6618392 pb


with bonus Rainbow!

Our Rainbow's arrived Anons!

954c82  No.6618581

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


57a560  No.6618582

File: 27f1d8a00918e06⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 540x960, 9:16, SRA.jpg)

Anons a few breads back were discussing why the left is SO Pro Abortion, and questions regarding what was done with the children's remains.

Suffice it to say these people are EVIL.

If you don't know Sarah, she is a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse, a survivor telling her story. This is the shit right here that will fuck with our Normies brains…..


dc36a1  No.6618583



b9e33e  No.6618584

Where are the spam shills? They are like family.

6a5f24  No.6618585

File: 6c02bfdc4a6c273⋯.jpeg (11.75 KB, 252x320, 63:80, th.jpeg)

File: 11880e9258c1dfd⋯.jpeg (25.93 KB, 680x383, 680:383, D59bBPVXoAAbVMI.jpeg)

Rest in peace Mr. President, through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

Happy Birthday, John Fitzgerald Kennedy

May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963

Never forgotten

Where we go one, WE GO ALL

3c4796  No.6618586

File: 87b555e602ba3f8⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 255x182, 255:182, cellfacingmecca.jpg)

>>6618328 LAST BREAD

All Im hearing on the news is =="You can't indict a sitting president".==

They just keep Screaming it from the networks. Well, won't the American public be surprised when charges against BARRY come forward?

Maybe that was the point all along. Pull Mueller out of the bag of tricks, have him read a statement saying no charges against POTUS, then the Networks push "Can't indict a sitting president", when all along, all you wanted was the public to know that we can NOW INDICT Barry for all his treasonous actions while President.

711473  No.6618587

File: 70050c32deec9c8⋯.jpg (543.47 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-121519….jpg)


de7a34  No.6618588

>>6618398 (pb)

Barr looked at the report and found no obstruction because it was very likely that @POTUS fired Comey because of the whole illegal coup d'etat Crossfire Hurricane bullshit. Comey and his FBI had been harassing Trump and his family nonstop since the inauguration. Spying, planting spies, etc., basically hobbling his entire Administration. This is why Trump fired Comey and once all the facts become public NO REASONABLE MIND could conclude that Trump fired Comey to obstruct investigation of a crime which Trump knew NEVER TOOK PLACE. Instead, the motive will be the fact that Trump knew Comey was a rat bastid traitor.

11a435  No.6618589


Magic is real.

There is a price to be paid to cast magic.

There is a price to be paid to maintain a magic spell.

What spell requires the slaughter of millions of innocent children in the womb.

What spell is the world under.

Who has bewitched us.

417757  No.6618590

File: 2e167c2ff36484f⋯.jpg (525.7 KB, 760x1228, 190:307, fishing-is-fun.jpg)

Fishing is fun!

4e9851  No.6618591


What speech of Mueller is Nads talking about?

79a38e  No.6618592

File: fc489abef6d2ed3⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 787x334, 787:334, Capture.JPG)


12cf40  No.6618593

File: 179f4addb392670⋯.jpeg (308.84 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, D51F1303-6C43-4A15-A34B-C….jpeg)

File: de76022f73a5848⋯.jpeg (306.85 KB, 828x1205, 828:1205, 51E5C05A-98C5-43CD-ADAE-6….jpeg)


643c4a  No.6618594

File: 08465068e9a5ad7⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1038x1015, 1038:1015, principles.PNG)

>>6618491 (LB)

>reposting this to let anons know - things are going pretty dam well, given it's a fight. GEOTUS has this.

lol I'd love to see it all get nuked, but it's not about me is it?

don't let this shit put you into a dark place anon

it appears to me, given all the good things that have happened, are happening, and the tenor/mood of GEOTUS, it's not going badly

I stopped worrying a while ago

Im just here to see what odd news you maniacs find, and shitpost

603b27  No.6618595

File: d27ce3981658317⋯.png (226.06 KB, 594x831, 198:277, ClipboardImage.png)

250b32  No.6618596


Be careful who you follow.

11a435  No.6618597


I think she's quitting. It's gotten out of her control. She's going to get pushed out.

433c11  No.6618598

File: cc68668a611ccad⋯.png (44.67 KB, 958x336, 479:168, ClipboardImage.png)

926f29  No.6618599

File: 808306ad9afb124⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1757x909, 1757:909, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Marines Deleted/Replaced Tweet:


87cafc  No.6618600

>>6618528 (pb) That may not be how our justice department is suppose to work, but from my experience with how prosecuting attorneys so their day to day work behind the scenes, it is exactly how they work, and judges are right there with them. The closer you get to the top, the more their world view sets the direction they will take the 'law'.


2b21e9  No.6618601


And he looked like he knew it for the entire nine minutes.

cf80fa  No.6618602

what do we know about Yuval Noah Harari the author of Sapiens?

c4425d  No.6618603

File: f510a91bd570cf8⋯.jpg (308.98 KB, 1518x1600, 759:800, jfk.jpg)

dd7b1f  No.6618604

File: d959281f30e592a⋯.jpg (267.42 KB, 720x1064, 90:133, 20190529_181741.jpg)


bc65bb  No.6618605


Anonymous 05/29/19 (Wed) 10:07:23 01fbbd (1) No.6618527

Which one of you shills just set yourself on fire in DC? Secret Service just tweeted about it

Once a month: for Bel-Marduk

White House on lockdown after man sets himself on fire

April 12, 2019 | 4:15pm


5e65dc  No.6618606



What do we do? Take a poll and skew the data?


603b27  No.6618607

File: c4e7db39d5ff497⋯.mp4 (11.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pretty rare moment in poli….mp4)

b6d7b2  No.6618608

File: c7853e934289739⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 800x530, 80:53, jfk-sunglasses-1960.jpg)

643c4a  No.6618609

File: 44c79a56b6d02e4⋯.jpg (104.08 KB, 1107x1014, 369:338, lastresort.JPG)

631684  No.6618610

File: b751b18192daa62⋯.png (295.71 KB, 332x691, 332:691, ClipboardImage.png)

fe4854  No.6618611

File: 65a21199a6fbe4e⋯.png (31.64 KB, 465x345, 31:23, Screenshot-2019-5-29 The R….png)




Frenchmen and American 168th Inf., coming over the top with sacks of Grenades, Badonville, France

National Archives Photo 8341, Courtesy of Indiana War Memorial

The 42nd was created in August 1917 and comprised of volunteers from National Guard Units from 26 States and the District of Columbia. The nickname "Rainbow Division" represented the diversity of men grouped into one division as reflected by Chief of Staff Major Douglass Mac Arthur that they "would stretch over the whole country like a rainbow." Many of these units had served in Pershing's Mexican expedition in 1916 and Mac Arthur's vision, evolving from a desperate need for more experienced officers to train the newly drafted army, created the 42nd.

The 42nd was the first US combat division sent to France. They fought at the second battle of the Marne, Luneville Sector, Ourcq River, Chateau-Thierry counter offensive, St. Mihiel, Verdun, Champagne Woevre and Meuse-Argonne, suffering heavy losses of more than 12,000 casualties in 264 days of combat operations out of 457 days of service on the front lines.

Mural of MacArthur w/42nd Div

Postcard of "Mac Arthur in the Trenches" mural by Alton S. Toby depicting the frustrations of the 42nd with a disabled tank overshadowing a muddy, rat infested, shell smashed trench.

42nd PatchRainbow Division Patch, IWM

Letter from Harry A. Ludlow, 150th Field Artillery, 42nd Div., Pvt. Marion County

Although Mail service between American soldiers in the folks back home is being improved as rapidly as possible, it often happens that the soldiers are situated where, for a few weeks, they do not have access to post office and consequently, the mail accumulates. The men all try to impress on the relatives and friends that no news is good news.

H. A. Ludlow, 971 Lexington Avenue has received a letter from his son Harry A. Ludlow Jr., who is a member of the 150th field artillery, the April 3 in which he says:

“It has been a long time since I have written, probably five or six weeks, pretty busy and I haven't been near the United States Post Office, so you see I had no chance to write. All our mail is handed to the United States Post Office and we can’t use the French ones, so if you're not near a United States one you can't write. Since writing last I have received seven of your letters, the last dated March 11th.

“I am feeling fine and am in good spirits and having lots of experiences - and also lots of cooties if you don’t know what a cootie is I will explain that it is a small animal about the size of two pinheads, usually found in the inside of the undershirt, itchy when you get a good mass of cooties working overtime. The only remedy for them is a complete change of underwear. The underwear should be boiled, and after drying the dead cooties should be picked off.

“As I write, I can hear the big guns having a little evenings entertainment. Have seen many fights, saw raids and been under shell fire. Have received copies of The News and it has our locations pretty close. Didn't see how it got by the censors, but surely did I see by the papers I receive from you that you all know we are at the front, and from now on we are going to give the Boche ‘Hell’. I didn't get out to the gun positions very often. Hop on a truck once in awhile when I'm not busy and go out to see what was going on. Had a nice time on one trip, got shelled and everything, but no one was hurt.

“When we were over at our first town, every time the air raid signal would start going all of the Frenchies would head for the bomb proofs and the Americans would dash out into the street to see it. It is a very foolish thing to do, but American curiosity must be satisfied, so out they come. In one town especially, the boys use to have lots of fun watching raids. When the signal is given the boys would rush into their billets and the officers thought they stayed in until the ‘all’s well’ signal is given, but there happen to be a back door in the building so boys would rush in the front door and out the back, and watch the battle.”

34e250  No.6618612

File: ea66b25b017f8b9⋯.png (101.39 KB, 720x665, 144:133, Patriot Sara.png)

File: 43e79a146aa9fec⋯.jpg (84.77 KB, 500x605, 100:121, Dirty Cop Mueller 2.jpg)

Today Mueller proved his Russia collusion hoax investigations were a total scam.

Mueller is eligible for a free one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay.

bf1b47  No.6618613

File: 670be4afc233cfd⋯.png (462.32 KB, 700x429, 700:429, WWG1WGA.png)

64b8e3  No.6618614


Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Anyone associated with the 1994 Crime Bill will not have a chance of being elected. In particular, African Americans will not be able to vote for you. I, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, & helped fix the bad 1994 Bill!

3:35 PM - 27 May 2019

NK + Clinton 1994


711473  No.6618615

File: 7c8480f4c8e755b⋯.jpg (722.78 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-121954….jpg)

File: 9588a1d401fb35e⋯.jpg (111.38 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, IMG_20190529_122002.jpg)


c2578c  No.6618616




Not another tranny

b9e33e  No.6618617


Looks committed most retards don't use gas

9877f3  No.6618618

>>6618243, >>6618248 Mueller Transcript

From Mueller's transcript in PB, did anyone notice this?

>And second, the opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting President of wrongdoing.

Does this not confirm that this was a coup against the president? Of sedition and treason against the United States? Or can anyone randomly decide that they don't like the constitutional remedies for cause X so I'm going to have an opinion the Constitution is insufficient and therefore I need to add some tyrannical stuff on top if it?

Is this major news? Does anyone care?

603b27  No.6618619

File: d73eab65d436a78⋯.png (14.23 KB, 329x199, 329:199, ClipboardImage.png)

8e16b5  No.6618620


This guy is a loser who has no understanding of what it means to be a Libertarian which he claims to be.

b43f01  No.6618621


Looks like POTUS wants impeachment!

3803db  No.6618622



Didn't this happen once before a few months ago?

ea2bc0  No.6618623

File: 01dca3a4cdd0a8e⋯.png (600.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190529-094515.png)

File: 0f4b40ce4eecc8a⋯.jpg (337.32 KB, 720x1130, 72:113, IMG_20190529_131021.jpg)

File: 2abbe96583f7800⋯.png (685.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190529-122443.png)

File: 5de0865ebf0264e⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 309x395, 309:395, mh 370 missing.jpg)

File: 821eaa7d2007e94⋯.jpg (171.18 KB, 500x618, 250:309, IMG_20190529_130700.jpg)

I see a bad moon rising

I see trouble on the way

Don't go out tonight

WE will take your life

I'd start gettin prepared to die.

d4b3a4  No.6618624

File: 9245ad9d42aae29⋯.jpg (39.1 KB, 327x480, 109:160, jfkjr1.jpg)

11a435  No.6618625


The Mueller team stated that firing [JC] is obstruction of justice.

Barr said that if there is another reason to fire [JC], as was outlined in the IG report, then no sane jury could conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that [JC] was fired for corrupt motives because there is a clear, legal, appropriate reason as well.

That's it.

The DS argument is "firing [JC] was illegal", and the FBI immediately started an obstruction investigation into POTUS the day he fired that nephilim spawn.

bc65bb  No.6618626


does anyone else not understand this pov? mueller is not the originator of "The Mueller Report." he's said nothing publicly, he's slandered nobody. democs took his name in vain constantly, and ultimately his work COMPLETE VINDICATED POTUS. bob did his job. the war's over. let everybody go home.

d71ecb  No.6618627

Ryan Saavedra @RealSaavedra


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have both released their responses to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's press conference today.

Neither Democrat mentioned impeachment once in their statements.

18bfc7  No.6618628

File: f4581323166890d⋯.png (242.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

433c11  No.6618629

File: bf96525ff195820⋯.png (76.8 KB, 943x588, 943:588, ClipboardImage.png)



5f0024  No.6618630

File: 9b86730011870b6⋯.jpg (232.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pyrm2.jpg)

New game for the whole family. Terrific fun.

Pin the Jew on the pyramid of world dominance.

Coming soon Mason edition.

d7e360  No.6618631

can't wait til we all are in FEMA deathcamps in 5 years


see u all at Denver airport

603b27  No.6618632

San Francisco – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after Special Counsel Mueller made a press statement reiterating the extent of Russian efforts to disrupt our elections and that President Trump was not exonerated of obstructing the Trump-Russia investigation:

“It is with the greatest respect for Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the deepest disappointment in the Department of Justice holding the President above the law, that I thank Special Counsel Mueller for the work he and his team did to provide a record for future action both in the Congress and in the courts regarding the Trump Administration involvement in Russian interference and obstruction of the investigation.

“Special Counsel Mueller made clear that he did not exonerate the President when he stated, ‘If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.’ He stated that the decision not to indict stemmed directly from the Department of Justice’s policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Despite Department of Justice policy to the contrary, no one is above the law – not even the President.

“The Special Counsel’s report revealed that the President’s campaign welcomed Russian interference in the election, and laid out eleven instances of the President’s obstruction of the investigation. The Congress holds sacred its constitutional responsibility to investigate and hold the President accountable for his abuse of power.

“The Congress will continue to investigate and legislate to protect our elections and secure our democracy. The American people must have the truth. We call upon the Senate to pass H.R. 1, the For The People Act, to protect our election systems.

“We salute Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team for his patriotic duty to seek the truth.”

643c4a  No.6618633

File: 708b6ca21b27614⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 741x411, 247:137, gameofhomos.JPG)

43579d  No.6618634

File: 46410ff5cc8306d⋯.png (41.04 KB, 321x384, 107:128, ssmueller.png)

Sideshow Bob Mueller

dc36a1  No.6618635




31f05e  No.6618636

I'm guess Trump is the "Ham Sandwich" that is unindictable…rofl!!!

Poor BM, has to go home with his tail between his legs and whimper because he just proves you can't indict a ham sandwich..lol..

926f29  No.6618637

File: 372f30cac51bbb9⋯.png (280.32 KB, 635x839, 635:839, ClipboardImage.png)

Dept. Of Homeland Security tweeted:

It's happening EVERYWHERE.


3d0a57  No.6618638

File: 3cec4acaf181f56⋯.png (190.31 KB, 1022x800, 511:400, 3ce.png)

consider yourself summoned Q.

We need our captain! o7

11a435  No.6618639


Fuck back to plebbit, or whatever other rock you crawled out from under.

b55b21  No.6618640




Most people assume that all ships coming into a harbor are logged in and registered. That is simply not true.

There is a whole system set up for smugglers and regardless of what they are smuggling it is the same – drugs, sex slaves, art treasures, landmines, chemical weapons, etc.

When a ship first comes in and makes contact with the harbor authorities by radio, it has to give the right signal or it will be bordered by the coast guard as an "illegal" vessel. When it radios, it indicates to the harbor authorities whether it wants to be inspected or not and how perishable its "fruit" is.

Any shipper in the "legal" loop knows the informal code that indicates whether the ship is clean and can be inspected to make the harbour authorities and the shipping co. look good, or is dirty and should not be inspected for those same reason.

It is all just a big game. I used to have my naval remote viewing students play a game in which they screwed up the radio communications for the harbor using their minds.

I scored it a win if they could get a dirty ship inspected and get away with it. It was a bit like the American Indian game of slapping a grizzly bear. It was fun, but dangerous. They were training to be spies so they wanted a bit of danger. It is not a beginner's game. Beginners should clip the wings on the trade after the goods are sold to the free-lancers.

Having one or more independent brothel owners mad at you is not too bad. You can go to the police if they give you trouble.

Over 75 percent of sex slaves end up in the hands of the independent brothel owners so it is definitely a worthwhile part of the trade to target in terms of saving lives.

However, the bosses that skim off the top 10 percent of the children make more like 90 percent of the profits. It is like designer clothes – that is where the big profit margins are made. In both cases, one is paying more for an illusion of being rich and famous, than you are for the goods themselves.

If one wants goods shipped off the record it goes "by the way." That is code slang for "off the record."

One throws it into the shipping conversation. Suppose I at the CIA want to ship a load of goods to Iraq for “reconstruction” purposes. I call up almost any shipper in the world and say for instance, 'I want to send 17 “boxes” of construction goods, and “by the way” two bodies to look after them. Make sure they arrive safely, you know.'

The shipper then knows that there will be not two people, but two box containers, each containing many girls and boys. But the usual instruction to the shipper is more like “be sure they arrive in not too bad condition” because they want a high spoilage rate, but for some of them to survive.

Another way I have heard this phrased is, “deliver it ripe but not spoiled” as if one was talking about bananas. The shippers know what the bosses want — they are paid big bribes to know.

The conversation is like an insider’s language. You have to know it and not slip up on it to place the order to move them. But it is all done plain text, not in encrypted format.

Much of it is done on cell phones and is not secure at all, anyone could listen in. As soon as I send this to you it may be changed. The point is that an investigator could listen to shipping conversations for awhile and quickly figure out the system.

It is a system that is worldwide and involves thousands of people that the CIA does not want to send out new memos every week giving them a new code system because that would wreck the plausible deniability and the people loading the containers on the docks would have to learn a new system every week.


c88fd8  No.6618641

File: 617eafc2774bd83⋯.jpg (13.97 KB, 268x162, 134:81, Fail 093485028305802385979….jpg)


God decreed that a Child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) would become President of the United States? 2 Pe 2:1

“My dear friend, Brian Rohrbough, whose son Danny was murdered at Columbine High School by Harris and Klebold, wants to send this message in response to Sam's worry that if God was not in total control, he might lead us to marry someone who will murder our children: 

Dr. Lamerson, I received a letter from Barbara Martin of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She wrote, "Our family faced this grim reality too when our grandchildren were murdered by their mother, Susan Smith…

Many people blame God, but the Bible blames the devil (Hebrews 2:12)." 

Mrs. Martin is correct when we realize that the devil represents all those in rebellion against God (John 8:44), but millions of Calvinists believe that God ordained every rape and murder, and the criminals do exactly what God predestined them to do, without any ability to do otherwise. Dr. Lamerson, you wrote that if God was not in complete control, then perhaps "the spouse that he leads me to marry may be the wrong one who will murder my children." But your Calvinist God supposedly did that already to David Smith. Sam, you believe that every mother who murders her child does so by God's decree…” Full text:  Is the Future Settled or Open? Dr. Lamerson vs. Enyart: Royale X Debate Excerpts https://kgov.com/open-theism-is-the-future-settled-or-open-dr-lamerson-vs-enyart#debate-excerpts

b6d7b2  No.6618642

File: 94ab30bc2e4f95d⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jfkplantseed.mp4)

13a36c  No.6618643

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Offense. I want some offense.

bc65bb  No.6618644


one month ago

White House on lockdown after man sets himself on fire

April 12, 2019 | 4:15pm


11a435  No.6618645

File: 48042f2a40d1281⋯.png (1.99 MB, 922x1400, 461:700, ClipboardImage.png)

603b27  No.6618646

File: ca2ebba787f8cd4⋯.png (300.36 KB, 737x592, 737:592, ClipboardImage.png)


Low life Trump - lying, crooked, tax evader, porn star fornicator - should take his ridiculous self home, resign, and free us of what we will have to do to impeach him and throw him out of office!

Maxine Waters

ea2bc0  No.6618647

File: cab48cb0800cd18⋯.png (513.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190528-131253.png)

File: 6521f30609cf89b⋯.png (669.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190529-130326.png)

File: f0a7e0963f37c23⋯.png (1015.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190528-121633.png)


What are the odds?

b55b21  No.6618648




dc36a1  No.6618649

Man sets himself on fire and is seen engulfed in flames near the White House


No comment yet on Nadler's condition

643c4a  No.6618650

File: c7beaacd1828be3⋯.png (1.73 MB, 867x1097, 867:1097, no.PNG)


well God got it right - Slick Willy made the prophesy true :(

8e1561  No.6618651

b6d7b2  No.6618653

File: 56ad3644d83403d⋯.jpg (38.05 KB, 415x273, 415:273, Pelosi American Flag.jpg)


just give up, Maxine

7d8f9b  No.6618654

File: 7bcc1c3db1e0a5f⋯.png (311.38 KB, 553x754, 553:754, ClipboardImage.png)

Trust Wray?

Strzok was found to be guilty of several crimes, including leaking grand jury information and accepting gifts.

Prosecution was declined.

What the fuck?


e69819  No.6618655

File: 919c5a76c78415c⋯.png (393.79 KB, 650x450, 13:9, dejavu.png)

File: 9be985259b98fbb⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 799x901, 47:53, pkdrem.jpg)

b20e0b  No.6618656

File: f170f46c6e05eb8⋯.png (602.8 KB, 1599x852, 533:284, bbbbb.PNG)

File: a732982cdf7f78b⋯.png (688.21 KB, 1593x864, 59:32, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….PNG)

DHS " The A Team" on the move again

same plane and location that had the

" HRCDRAFT " a month or so ago .

b43f01  No.6618657

File: 8c9259f6cd189d1⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 750x500, 3:2, paris_hiltons_puzzling_cat….jpg)


Bring some weenies!

bc65bb  No.6618658

File: 79ce7a4752dc4b3⋯.png (114.75 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

d4b3a4  No.6618659


I wish I could go back in time, knowing what I know, and change careers.

I would go into MI so fast…

861c07  No.6618660

Sarah Sanders coming up next on FOX.

e69819  No.6618661

File: bc94ab837e2cd4f⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 307x337, 307:337, nancytrumpsaidno.jpg)

8e16b5  No.6618662

File: cf4ae38093e8840⋯.gif (150.92 KB, 600x435, 40:29, maxine loud.gif)

987ff9  No.6618663

>>6617981 (lb) Schlapp tweet

>Something does not add up here folks.

No it doesn't. Mueller contradicts Barr's sworn testimony about the reasons for him punting on obstruction and states he is unwilling to testify under oath.

That's what you call a drive-by smear.

>>6618398 (lb) Brit Hume

>We can see that there is something faulty in his argument, but it is going to be picked up and cited as evidence that there was obstruction, you see. And, only Department guidelines prevented Mueller from reaching that conclusion.”

We can also see someone who is too arrogant to accept that his reasoning is faulty.

11a435  No.6618664


No, it's an audible dog whistle to proceed with impeachment hearings, regardless of the lack of a high crime or misdemeanor.

6a5f24  No.6618665

This should be a national holiday

Happy JFK Day


330b6b  No.6618666


Dumbest memes I've seen in a long time.

d30375  No.6618667


Q Team only plays defense.

366901  No.6618668

File: 72e00f774807613⋯.png (75.98 KB, 256x172, 64:43, Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at ….png)

1c3dbb  No.6618669


K, I'll bring some PB&J sammies!

5c2079  No.6618670

just a general question:

DECLAS doesn't just have to be about the Mueller report?

how far back does BARR have to go, can he release stuff from the 1920's and 30's? Explain about the space programs real deal? or talk about the CIA or other three letters from the 1950s and 60s? and people who may have been blackmailed or murdered?

Or is it just Mueller's report that is in a DECLAS mode?

861c07  No.6618671


Things are happening.

66e994  No.6618672

File: 6898f4dd941d3b1⋯.png (647.21 KB, 1353x856, 1353:856, Milchut.png)


Qdrop #38

Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.

42nd Infantry is deployed- betcha!

e69819  No.6618673

File: 53996c0ca06d776⋯.jpg (238.51 KB, 822x745, 822:745, news.jpg)

7c0ff9  No.6618674

Given Mueller's speech, how many US politicians are Russian agents among the Dems and Repubs, and is this why they were so afraid of POTUS speaking with Putin alone?

Obama's parents both spoke Russian.

11a435  No.6618676


Wow, a big windup, for, what, again? "For The People Act"? Did she misspell "impeachment begins today"?

8cba93  No.6618677

File: 89bc2ee5ebd37ca⋯.png (748.26 KB, 734x593, 734:593, potus mueller case is clos….PNG)


ee17c2  No.6618678

File: 83d6992bbdee934⋯.png (730.47 KB, 1204x729, 1204:729, ClipboardImage.png)

Guise – got a solid dig for ya.

May 28 2019

Massive fire destroys historic Ambassador Hotel in Dallas

The Ambassador Hotel opened in 1904 and was considered to be the oldest remaining luxury hotel in Dallas. It’s a Texas historic landmark.

It has sat vacant for the last 4 years after developer Jim Lake purchased the hotel in 2015 from the Christian organization [CULT] IBLP - The Institute in Basic Life Principles based in Chicago.

The IBLP created by Bill Gothard in 1961 and it is SCANDALOUS. He resigned in 2014 after more than 30 women made sexual harassment and molestation claims against him.

Remember the Duggers on TLC – 19 and counting? IBLP members. The older brother admitted to sexual abuse of young girls including several of his sisters….

Didn’t have to dig far to find they were also selling their “Yarra Training facility” in Melbourne, Australia in 2017 for $6 million – and this sentence summed it all up for me.

The lawsuit alleges that IBLP is liquidating its assets and calls for a trust to be established to ensure alleged victims can be compensated.

The timing of this fire is suspicious at best considering the Dallas police raided the Catholic diocese and their storage facility 13 DAYS AGO for missing and incomplete sex abuse files.

I hope the authorities to look very closely at the cause of this fire… but it’s gonna be tough since the wrecking ball conveniently took the ruins down this morning.

fe4854  No.6618679


..under the cover of 'weather events'…

3803db  No.6618680

File: a489eb8aa4e5fda⋯.jpeg (171.16 KB, 700x1024, 175:256, 44EB5D73-C5BC-4985-AF02-1….jpeg)

Ummm…. “earn this” ???


67e009  No.6618681


CIA all learn Russian

Speaking Russian doesnt mean being Russian Agent

d4b3a4  No.6618682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So wrong. So very wrong.

1cf653  No.6618683

File: 7056a9337ad0aae⋯.jpeg (81.08 KB, 1955x208, 1955:208, 26A8F0AB-1B58-4323-9EFA-A….jpeg)

File: ca259433c8fb04f⋯.jpeg (639.41 KB, 1169x1536, 1169:1536, 528524C5-9352-45A7-8517-5….jpeg)

Anons, about that OIG report released today. Does anyone know how to find out who the DADs in the FBI were during the 2015/2016 period? I’ve struck out searching, but decided to look at the Q drop that listed those FBI/DOJ fired or forced out. Could the OIG report be about Strzok?

c88fd8  No.6618684


>God got it right

No argument here. America is not in end times prophecy. Pr 26:5

9877f3  No.6618685


Yes. And the way they phrased the dog whistle it means that any extra-constitutional measures that need to be taken will be taken in the future because they know better than you.

This is the definition of a constitutional crisis, and people are more concerned about the dog whistle.

Utterly bizarre.

d6cddf  No.6618686

Anon's, to help those who do not work in this area. How much "OIL" is in an "Electric car". This is a visual presentation to help bring some needed balance to the "panacea" of all Electric cars. 4 min read. This and many other reasons is why Oil will be a "bridge fuel" and you can not just snap your fingers and all TESLA happens.


df3ebd  No.6618687


Cooperating witness.

9580d5  No.6618688


It's not exactly clear. Trump said he was declassing everything. Could be everything relating to 2016 election, or everything sacred to the DS.

b9e33e  No.6618689

File: 33418710e218853⋯.png (8.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1554985224447.png)


I'm beginning to think nearly everyone is working for Russia, China, except POTUS. I would know I'm a Russian bot.

c5e540  No.6618690


If the Dims keep pushing In Peach Mint.

Jordy needs to demand Mueller be a part of the hearings.

1e0adf  No.6618691



fe4854  No.6618692

603b27  No.6618693

File: 72d8dc1998879db⋯.png (348.12 KB, 393x393, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



“Earn this.”


aeaeed  No.6618694

Anybody have a link for gonads presser?

926f29  No.6618695

The key = therapist.


0a10aa  No.6618696

>>6618114 pb

Yeah, why did POTUS need to stop off in Alaska at all? Both going and returning from Japan? Easily could have re-fueled in the air.

e6d3fe  No.6618697

File: 4b637f65cb75131⋯.jpg (202.33 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 666Qflames.jpg)

File: f2a3dfffff20e9c⋯.png (274.38 KB, 800x404, 200:101, 86'd.png)

c1e919  No.6618698

Trump Complained That 'Jews Always Flip,’ Michael Wolff Writes in New Book

Trump was not anti-Semitic but 'aware of who is Jewish in a way that feels creepy,' says 'Fire and Fury' author


11a435  No.6618699


This is fucking outrageous.

507413  No.6618700

>>6618667 Correct we defend

>>6618682 Correct we offence

We can do both together Patriots

66e994  No.6618701

1e0adf  No.6618702


He fucks up a square.

I bet he can't even tri-force

79a38e  No.6618703



b9e33e  No.6618704


expensive and unnecessarily dangerous?

6a5f24  No.6618705


2016 election is the floodgate, open that bitch up and a steady river of corruption spills out

dbc05d  No.6618707

The point of the Mueller investigation was to prevent declassification by threat of “obstruction;” if there were any doubt as to the point of the report, Mueller just underlined it: we didn’t find evidence of conspiracy (but by all means keep speculating), and we can’t say the president is “innocent” of obstruction, because (cough, cough) that’s Congress’s job.

Mueller is practically BAITING Pelosi to get on with it, and get on with it NOW.

This is a movie.

238154  No.6618708

File: 29d98aed019eeed⋯.jpeg (541.82 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CC4AC8B9-FF66-4E96-A398-8….jpeg)

Are u fucking kidding me??? They’re sending this out to phones?? I never opted in for these fucking notifications?

This is such horse shit. Trump needs to let the moab fly pronto. This is absurd.

5c2079  No.6618709


so we get the hope porn of 'it is really everything' and they get the fear porn of 'it is really everything.'


Donald is a master of this and he's so awesome!

e3d953  No.6618710

File: 416262deb12525a⋯.png (518.97 KB, 881x444, 881:444, moving on.png)

File: 3bd91f978fe7617⋯.jpg (155.1 KB, 1319x666, 1319:666, moving on.JPG)






a35d6d  No.6618711


I got that garbage propaganda push too. SMH.

b93b41  No.6618712

File: 1fc37293ab164be⋯.png (39.62 KB, 500x404, 125:101, Guilty.png)


>No, it's an audible dog whistle to proceed with impeachment hearings, regardless of the lack of a high crime or misdemeanor.

df3ebd  No.6618713


"Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

643c4a  No.6618715

File: 73d886bd526c176⋯.png (486.14 KB, 388x481, 388:481, thisdoesntconcernyou.PNG)


no f-ing way Shoomer made that tweet

d6cddf  No.6618716


Wrong America is Part of UK if you do your studies. UK is part of Europe. The entire world in is in view when 1/3 of whatever dies. That is not a country wake up.

5e65dc  No.6618717


It's a privilege to be buried there, Anon. And it IS earned.

ee17c2  No.6618718


You can read the transcripts from their testimony. Doug Collins posted them all in a link on twitter around April 25th - including all the key players.

They walk through the CoC

26099d  No.6618719

File: 4f6c8ffd4ee44a1⋯.jpeg (276.06 KB, 750x732, 125:122, D10415D4-0B47-4172-91F5-C….jpeg)

Fuck. This isn’t good…

1ffb25  No.6618720


You're watching a psyop. I know anons wanna believe, but you used to believe in Santa too no?

b55b21  No.6618721

File: cefe9085c9dfd6f⋯.png (281.96 KB, 736x901, 736:901, pelosi-sc.png)

Speaker Pelosi On Special Counsel Mueller’s Comments: “The Congress will continue to investigate.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after Special Counsel Mueller made a press statement reiterating the extent of Russian efforts to disrupt our elections and that President Trump was not exonerated of obstructing the Trump-Russia investigation:

“It is with the greatest respect for Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the deepest disappointment in the Department of Justice holding the President above the law, that I thank Special Counsel Mueller for the work he and his team did to provide a record for future action both in the Congress and in the courts regarding the Trump Administration involvement in Russian interference and obstruction of the investigation.

“Special Counsel Mueller made clear that he did not exonerate the President when he stated, ‘If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.’ He stated that the decision not to indict stemmed directly from the Department of Justice’s policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Despite Department of Justice policy to the contrary, no one is above the law – not even the President.

“The Special Counsel’s report revealed that the President’s campaign welcomed Russian interference in the election, and laid out eleven instances of the President’s obstruction of the investigation. The Congress holds sacred its constitutional responsibility to investigate and hold the President accountable for his abuse of power.

“The Congress will continue to investigate and legislate to protect our elections and secure our democracy. The American people must have the truth. We call upon the Senate to pass H.R. 1, the For The People Act, to protect our election systems.

“We salute Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team for his patriotic duty to seek the truth.”


e848e2  No.6618722

File: cd0a624b4aa247b⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 500x828, 125:207, Nadler.jpg)

File: 3c817bf1c48422a⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 329x352, 329:352, downloadfile-1_1.jpg)

File: 3c817bf1c48422a⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 329x352, 329:352, downloadfile-1_1.jpg)

How did a stupid guy like Mueller become a prosecutor.

e3d953  No.6618723

File: b428988eceaab01⋯.png (696.69 KB, 879x489, 293:163, Mueller1_ff.png)

File: 50159f78af6d77f⋯.png (714.03 KB, 878x491, 878:491, mueller2_ff.png)

File: 77cab2a9da4353b⋯.png (711.59 KB, 879x487, 879:487, Mueller3_ff.png)

File: 90eb9f76f14b1e9⋯.png (696.22 KB, 879x487, 879:487, Mueller4_ff.png)

File: ff45c47affdfe13⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 472x622, 236:311, GOT EM [Mueller Report].JPG)

a9a8a0  No.6618724

File: 22e083d7b7cf584⋯.png (777.69 KB, 1021x1068, 1021:1068, BBC mueller.PNG)

PANIC IN UK - BBC setting up for "Trump is guilty but can't be prosecuted" narrative.


>He reiterated that his report did not exonerate the president and that legal guidelines prevent the indictment of a sitting president.

aeaeed  No.6618725


TY brother anon

eb1d34  No.6618726


It's not that you opted IN Anon…It's that you never opted OUT.

0a10aa  No.6618727

"How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Do you attack it from the front?

Do you walk through the front door?

Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking? - Q 151"

Are we baiting the animal to start impeachment proceedings?

bc84b3  No.6618728

Was Rosenstein intentionally expanding the scope of the Mueller investigation/ keeping it active to prevent Mueller from prosecuting during an ongoing investigation?

b20e0b  No.6618729



DHS you say … these two together .

643c4a  No.6618730

File: 9f773b09d0dd100⋯.png (190.44 KB, 346x361, 346:361, wizards.png)


it might be real

but it's also just as likely strategery

89315c  No.6618731

File: 2587ad833b9d72f⋯.jpg (338.85 KB, 1600x1080, 40:27, 2587ad833b9d72f7d33f64eb53….jpg)

1e0adf  No.6618732


The "Arrest" Team

c5e540  No.6618733


>The Congress will continue to investigate

Which pisses all sides off to no end.

Nice try, Nancy, but you either pull the trigger now or STFU.

5c2079  No.6618734



that's easy to understand.

we get no hope for a total DECLAS but only DECLAS of the relevant details.

that makes sense.

But any day now . . . he could DECLAS more

9100ea  No.6618735



Exactly. Q made this part crystal clear nearly a year ago. FISA brings down the House. Impeachment hearings? Bring it — FISA goes both ways. I do so love the smell of 'discovery' in the morning…

5e65dc  No.6618736




Such a brave "journalist", right?

9580d5  No.6618737


Two reasons. Trans-PAC is a long flight and Alaska gives them a chance to stretch legs and check the aircraft. Secondly, in flight refueling is a tricky and potentially dangerous thing with an aircraft that large. Not sure but I think in flight refueling is built into AF 1 in case of war and the safest place for POTUS is to be airborne.

d30375  No.6618738


Q said offense begins in May.


Next May?

92681c  No.6618739

Fox News just reported Nadler to have presser. Did not give a time. Soon, I guess?

25e957  No.6618741

>>6618708 MSM Mueller Spin Propaganda Being Forced Down People’s Throats


1cf653  No.6618742


All you have to do is turn off notifications for your News app.

b93b41  No.6618743

FBI Brass Ran Up $65K World Series Tab of Freebies in Luxury Box of LA Dodgers Owners WHILE Team Was Target of FBI Grand Jury Probe


2f1b0f  No.6618744


Most likely just to give off the appearance RR is a black hat…. need to fool the other black hats

dc0cee  No.6618745

1ffb25  No.6618746

File: fe44521d9e3252d⋯.jpg (51.96 KB, 703x463, 703:463, Captggure.JPG)

File: fb6b6ddb986e959⋯.jpg (93.45 KB, 681x483, 227:161, Captugfre.JPG)

66e994  No.6618747

File: b360b022b0b3938⋯.png (227.84 KB, 487x435, 487:435, nados.png)

File: 33e7f06c07579e3⋯.jpg (260.57 KB, 1000x960, 25:24, Qdaytn.jpg)


>..under the cover of 'weather events'…

Weather events been rough, Anon!

Hold the line from the basement tonight!


e3d953  No.6618748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what in the sick and twisted hell is this?

you call this art? i sure af dont…

take your conspiracies somewhere else..

we have REALITY to deal with here…

67e009  No.6618749

File: b9d71d953dbf1e2⋯.jpeg (52.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 881327EF-FFAA-4009-A1F4-4….jpeg)

d4b3a4  No.6618750

File: 1d44c79c6f799b6⋯.jpg (355.07 KB, 3594x530, 1797:265, release it all.jpg)

addb42  No.6618751

File: 31d62484b2aed4c⋯.png (237.03 KB, 561x452, 561:452, Screenshot_2019-05-29 Q Re….png)

603b27  No.6618752

File: 31abc8fd576ae3d⋯.mp4 (542.49 KB, 202x360, 101:180, 1.mp4)

File: 8154eb318de8945⋯.mp4 (601.51 KB, 202x360, 101:180, 2.mp4)

File: eef385db3180804⋯.mp4 (542.15 KB, 202x360, 101:180, 3.mp4)

1702ea  No.6618753


timing is everything?

8e16b5  No.6618754

3803db  No.6618755


No shit. I served.

That’s on odd message.

8cba93  No.6618756

File: 1f6b79bbaf51245⋯.png (71.98 KB, 816x590, 408:295, oig fbi misconduct 1.PNG)

File: 06ed7dc0bfcea82⋯.png (75.48 KB, 447x572, 447:572, oig fbi misconduct 2.PNG)



66b676  No.6618757

File: 27febaa103e1323⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sddefault.jpg)


Nad's lit a fart and had a blowback

7c0ff9  No.6618758

Is POTUS at the White House?

A man setting himself on fire would cause lockdown and other KNOWN protocols.

Was POTUS itinerary leaked/known?

Is the White House going to come under attack?

7410a9  No.6618759

File: 5a6a7150aaf4dc9⋯.jpeg (142.23 KB, 828x781, 828:781, EE4FCA0F-91EB-4320-ABC9-1….jpeg)

ea9e31  No.6618760



is that storm in the shape of a Q?

c4425d  No.6618761


maybe he sang? Now, just carrying out his sentence and saving us all from the years-long sideshow?

still think he worked with gru in dnc and seth was just a patsy. for that and many other acts, fuck him.

c1cb77  No.6618762

File: c34a23576be00b5⋯.png (313.15 KB, 467x379, 467:379, c34a23576be00b5f4910d29019….png)

11a435  No.6618763


This is a nod to Saving Private Ryan, directed by Spielberg, and starring Tom Hanks, pedos both.

3ad590  No.6618764

File: 7a14d4a2c4f1ad9⋯.png (227.8 KB, 479x360, 479:360, 2019-05-29_13-38-47.png)


She will not stop until POTUS is gone so she and the rest of her colleagues in the House can keep on scamming them dollars.

They can't control him, and they might get exposed.

13731b  No.6618765

Small plane goes down today in the WATER off Cape MAY


Theresa MAY resigning (kicking off- brit slang?)




2 May 2019 - 11:41:23 AM


You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

Enjoy the show!




23 May 2019 - 8:45:25 PM


23 May 2019 - 8:40:07 PM


Is Potus going to ask the Queen about UK assist


Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.




Right after the RAPID FIRE tornadoes??!!


ea2bc0  No.6618766

File: 23ac0032d36f4c7⋯.jpg (246.52 KB, 720x1033, 720:1033, IMG_20190529_132756.jpg)

File: 8d887edb54e38b4⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Blucifer-Mike-Sinko-Flickr….jpg)

File: 873e82124bbaf13⋯.jpg (296.42 KB, 720x1118, 360:559, IMG_20190529_133921.jpg)

File: f42f07731003911⋯.jpg (220.38 KB, 720x1130, 72:113, IMG_20190529_133907.jpg)

I'll be your prophet

You'll be counting ships

Followed by hurricanes

Pulled straight from

Poseidon's lips…

Do unicorns exist?


It's all this stupid sun. A blinding white light from the rising sun.

4 horseman of the Apocalypse

= 4 sons of Horus

Horus is the red winged sun

These are all made up stories by lunatics.

Here is a great short video about the blue and red horse outside of the Denver Airport.

Blue and red because of the blue and red kachina.

They named the horse Blucifer.

Black sun Nazis bank of America murals

Glass cubes.

Nazi SS = Secret Sun? Secret Star?


47acac  No.6618767

File: 83302272fa67d25⋯.jpg (190.49 KB, 1600x867, 1600:867, IMG-20190529-WA0005.jpg)

e3d953  No.6618768

File: bd59565396f5794⋯.png (605.42 KB, 1125x587, 1125:587, MEME THE DREAM.png)

File: 90f57b98169abf7⋯.png (632.53 KB, 970x623, 970:623, nikki1.png)

File: 4e7c55605002654⋯.png (1.17 MB, 977x654, 977:654, REFILL22.png)

File: 05008a1a3663cb5⋯.png (989.41 KB, 977x650, 977:650, REFILL33.png)

File: 4758274cc342a37⋯.png (688.39 KB, 977x587, 977:587, RRMAY2019.png)



eitherway, feel free to think what you want.

41bde4  No.6618769

File: 46a81e14fd7bc99⋯.png (41.98 KB, 800x444, 200:111, ClipboardImage.png)



We need Congress, through our committee work, to continue to aggressively investigate the president and hold him accountable, I believe we should immediately take decisive action to censure him and keep all our options on the table. (1/2)

10:18 AM - 29 May 2019



9748ec  No.6618770

BM had a BM on stage!

Dems be crawling all over that shit!

They are rolling in it too stupid to realize why it smells so bad!

c93d27  No.6618771


Kept mumbling [187] debbie wasserman schultz

and it's all about the MIGA, my nigga's.

very strange indeed.

ee17c2  No.6618772


same with Q saying RR and BM both have to be dirty.


beepboop kek

9580d5  No.6618773

File: 5dfddd5d3877bf7⋯.png (657.89 KB, 714x360, 119:60, 5dfddd5d3877bf7dcb47b2cd58….png)

The expectation fags are making me chuckle today. They must think military operations are subject to the whims of the grunts.

Hurry up and wait bitches

152f18  No.6618774

File: 743ef35811d2a59⋯.jpg (525.91 KB, 3270x2220, 109:74, page01.jpg)

>>>6617874 (pb)

In Q2598 Q mentions THE HAMMER, which anons know is about to drop after that sweet DECLAS, in Q284 he mentions "Merry Christmas" after #FLYALFLY# which just last week was #FLYMAYFLY#, in Q284 he mentions "bombs away" and HUSSEIN, and in Q334 he instructs us to follow the pen

Is ==CHRISTMAS== being on the clock AND JFK's birthday to let us know our gift is the hammer about to drop on Hussein and his ilk with the DECLAS authorized by POTUS (the pen) giving authority to AG Barr?

9a2cae  No.6618775

File: 27a4fc3fe70e75c⋯.gif (778.15 KB, 500x375, 4:3, flaming.gif)

d2c7d2  No.6618776

POTUS gotta take these treasonous whores out back and shoot them.

Else they will come for him when they regain power.

Thats what Mueller said.

Saddam when?

238154  No.6618777



With every other app, they have to ask permission to send notifications but with that garbage, they never did?

Seems like some sorta violation but whatever, thats not even the point. The point is that the propaganda is insane and Trump needs to get this shit going.

92681c  No.6618778

Nadler Press Conf 2 p.m. e.s.t.

thanks anon

d30375  No.6618779


Kek, that sure turned out to be bullshit!

308aa2  No.6618780

File: 2eea0d3dba87117⋯.png (625.42 KB, 511x591, 511:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dacd542b8a6a6f7⋯.png (28.39 KB, 511x236, 511:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b205f7386e35a9f⋯.png (162.04 KB, 511x473, 511:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Person sets self on fire outside the White House

A man on fire was seen outside the White House on Wednesday. It appears the a man had set himself on fire. The Secret Service confirmed on Twitter the victim was a man and had set himself on fire on the Ellipse near 15th and Constitution Ave. First aid to victim was administered. At approximately 12:20 p.m. a man lit himself on fire on the Ellipse near 15th and Constitution Ave.,

Secret Service personnel are on scene assisting @NatlParkService and @usparkpolicepio in rendering first aid. The saddest thing I’ve ever seen. A person set themselves on fire in the park at the south lawn of the Whitehouse. Please pray for their soul pic.twitter.com/OjTL0kGWa7

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.





8cba93  No.6618781



over 500 pages

67e009  No.6618782


Wait a sec

All the info which made us alert to start digging came from this guy

Shooting the messanger, amirite?

dbc05d  No.6618783

“Mr. Mueller, let’s talk very specifically about Volume 2. Now, I’ve read a great many Special Counsel reports in my long career, and I must say that this volume looks nothing like anything I’ve ever seen before. It could not be used to reach any conclusion that a Special Counsel is supposed to reach. Instead of stating whether or not there is sufficient reason to indict, as an SCO document is charged to do, it goes backwards and says that there’s not enough evidence to prove that a crime did NOT occur – which of course is a statement that a SCO would never make – and then goes on to say that you would have said so if there was – which also is a statement and a position that an SCO would never make. Therefore, my question for you is this: ‘Who ACTUALLY wrote Volume 2, and what was his or her purpose in doing so?'”

5fd2ea  No.6618784


Mueller was NOT Acting today & near beginning of statement he looked like he was about to CRY… + Some SLURing… + SHAKING voice…


Were these signs of Stress & Fear from Mueller due to 'Working to SAVE his Life' from:

1) Cabal ~ Or ~ 2) Q-Team

177c97  No.6618785

File: 546dabb48ef8d59⋯.jpg (153.31 KB, 1429x653, 1429:653, 61194001_2685926574758049_….jpg)

It's a fake account, intended to cause confusion and contention. The account has retweeted the Church of Satan and made other disruptive comments designed to portray RSE in a bad light. and smear Q. I've reported the account to both twitter and RSE.

11a435  No.6618786


Perfect quote if he added "and no horses were actually stolen".

5e65dc  No.6618787

c2ec07  No.6618788

File: ba7edeb7b502590⋯.png (11.91 KB, 976x133, 976:133, twatdown.PNG)

File: 902d8f2c4c7c878⋯.png (19.61 KB, 631x379, 631:379, gmail.PNG)

File: 1a29e9779419779⋯.png (54.27 KB, 786x533, 786:533, twatfukery.PNG)

File: e17905f21a34a0a⋯.png (220.16 KB, 727x357, 727:357, guvthief.PNG)

now no twat even tho says i can brows

no gmail

yt fukery no sound

33 days in fb jail now over

hate fb only post q and corrupt pols

the warning gov was hacking me disappeared from my s caps copied from my fb

shouldnt have told a royth to scarf self

careful out there anons they know who we are

abf34b  No.6618790

File: 07e0c993fe706a1⋯.jpg (58.24 KB, 667x374, 667:374, yarp.jpg)

bc65bb  No.6618791


dick's popularity in modern times, though rubbish based, is still heart-warming

a world of sad maniacs and failures

9a2cae  No.6618792


Q said different.

c93d27  No.6618793


3 both

0c3654  No.6618794

Man sets himself on fire on lawn near the White House as shocking video shows him being engulfed in flames

A man set himself on fire after 12 pm on Wednesday near the White House

The Secret Service confirmed the incident happened on the Ellipse near 15th and Constitution Avenue

Shocking footage emerged showing the unidentified individual standing calmly before staff run towards him with a fire extinguisher to quell the flames

The man was given first aid at the scene before being transported to hospital

A man set himself on fire Wednesday near the White House, the Secret Service said.

A spokesman for the Washington Fire Department told CNBC: 'I can confirm that we’ve transported one patient with burns from the Ellipse and we’re now on the scene assisting law enforcement.'

President's Park Police and U.S. Secret Service officers also assisted at the scene to try and establish what happened in Washington D.C.


d4b3a4  No.6618795


This war aint over yet anon.

c1cb77  No.6618796

File: c34a23576be00b5⋯.png (313.15 KB, 467x379, 467:379, c34a23576be00b5f4910d29019….png)

e69819  No.6618797

File: ddc36b41fb5374d⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1496x856, 187:107, watchwat.png)

66e994  No.6618798

File: a5a301e6819def7⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 255x191, 255:191, storm here.jpg)


Why yes it is.

Many nados in the area. F3 the largest.

Q had em covered.

3d0a57  No.6618799

File: 9924daceffccdc6⋯.png (128.41 KB, 977x755, 977:755, ClipboardImage.png)

no fucking shit it ain't an option

drudge is high on semen again.

987ff9  No.6618800


What an ingrateful douchebag.

5fd2ea  No.6618801


TY anon for adding!


11a435  No.6618802


Very much so.

And in Ohio

b55b21  No.6618803

File: 2cc489a5ae3c16f⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 500x281, 500:281, danger.jpg)


you in danger, girl

643c4a  No.6618804


at this point, he is trying to stay alive, I guess - if he didn't sang, he's gonna live in hell for the rest of his probably short life

he's a flaming progressive whose interests rarely align with normal Americans

he hated USA for a long time, as it was run by the deepstate, so I understand his motives

but as an American, fuck him - If he can't see who to trust, now, well, deal with it

d92816  No.6618805

File: 1b42d4c6e49a14e⋯.jpg (612.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening45.jpg)

ea2bc0  No.6618806

File: c0ebc41fce73527⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 303x340, 303:340, IMG_20190529_103806.jpg)

File: 5224976e84f2447⋯.jpeg (5.96 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 0c8f5bd206bb0be736587c3e8….jpeg)

File: ab174a8f42230c8⋯.png (477.67 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190529-130523.png)

File: 087f337a6855ba6⋯.png (663.1 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190529-130607.png)

File: 19e833d35128677⋯.png (495.89 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190528-160133.png)

The Rise of the Deplorables

5e65dc  No.6618807


Sometimes the messenger is a pussy who needs to be shot.

(I do NOT mean that literally, fyi. I don't want him to be shot. Yet.)

793b5c  No.6618808

File: 4e52b17e80ebdfc⋯.jpeg (773 KB, 2846x2084, 1423:1042, 4e52b17e80ebdfcee1a08b442….jpeg)

File: 1443d1d8fcef1a3⋯.png (335.99 KB, 1015x723, 1015:723, Meme.png)

Obama hit that hind end repeatedly.

b93b41  No.6618810


>Perfect quote if he added "and no horses were actually stolen".

"While we recognize that the MAN DID NOT ACTUALLY STEAL ANY HORSES…"

So, reading comprehension is NOT your thing, got it! smdh

d16946  No.6618811

Hello anons, and Q.

How about that statement by Mueller? I listened to his statement and watched his eyes and heard an undeniable wobble in his voice that seemed to shake him to his core. The one important and clear part of his statement still wanting to leave a crumb of criminal acts on the part of the President in there, and not being able to follow through tord impeachment which he and his 13- 18 angry democrats were desperate to achieve. This still giving the Demonrats something to chew on. But all this will not matter once Barr is finished with dropping BOOMS, I hope.

Anytime fellas…

366901  No.6618812

File: 2ecc14a96a65fe3⋯.png (221.4 KB, 504x325, 504:325, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png)

c93d27  No.6618813


And Chuck Schummer is not expected to return to work until next week

c4425d  No.6618814


Sorry, Mrs. Assange. Julian walked too close to the hammer and sickle.

6753df  No.6618815


Wrong thread clock shill.

NO EXCUSE for posting here

b93b41  No.6618816

File: b9307c10c8787c5⋯.png (203.25 KB, 554x372, 277:186, John Jung Jr.png)

89315c  No.6618817


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

603b27  No.6618818

File: 32cc3e353d037ec⋯.png (652.94 KB, 1280x664, 160:83, ClipboardImage.png)

4e9851  No.6618819

File: 019deb6405a4a75⋯.gif (464.34 KB, 500x258, 250:129, DC03BF40-BA54-434A-B84C-1A….gif)


Any 5 cm vertical scarring along the bilateral temples?

9b61d8  No.6618821


Hey, can I bum a light?

59929c  No.6618822

File: 58daa5400e7143d⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _alKtD0LrKGgOXLe.mp4)

File: f1a0c722bffb0a0⋯.png (230.89 KB, 599x450, 599:450, ClipboardImage.png)


Video of man who set himself on fire in front of the White House. He was quickly transported to hospital with burn injuries. Condition unknown.


11a435  No.6618823


Still implies that some horses were stolen, just not by this guy.

No horses were stolen.

And the sheriff knew that no horses were stolen.

c93d27  No.6618824


Pom-pomFags that can't who's only ability is to speculate to extend the delusion.

82155f  No.6618825


And the masses believe it

21117a  No.6618826


he made his account private

3d0a57  No.6618827

File: 8a589d6b71e112d⋯.png (132.58 KB, 459x402, 153:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cfacf118a4c828⋯.png (43.13 KB, 395x521, 395:521, ClipboardImage.png)


he missed it by a week. kek

da65fb  No.6618828

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 2ae72efb84917f6ae4ed55ba85….jpg)


Now thats fucking funny ….

7b6c74  No.6618829


Horowitz pulled the same bullshit with his OIG report last year. Don't trust anyof them. They are protecting the institution.

c1e919  No.6618830

File: d0de34f888abef3⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

11a435  No.6618831


[BM] lost all of his power today. All of his influence. All of his protection. All of his legacy. All he has left is his name, and he's about to lose that too.

603b27  No.6618832

File: a52e694815b6ef0⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 581x327, 581:327, butwhy.gif)

d4b3a4  No.6618833

File: 5987b76c08adb51⋯.jpg (302.69 KB, 2134x1067, 2:1, 61280647_2249270141827373_….jpg)

eb180f  No.6618834



>I wish there was a like button on 8 chan

Not gonna happen. Then people could find the gold buried here, instead of wading through all the garbage. And you'll be labeled a mental defective by the resident thugs for bringing up a perfectly reasonable idea.

41bde4  No.6618835

File: ccc5b0467983078⋯.png (915.12 KB, 814x567, 814:567, ClipboardImage.png)

11a435  No.6618836


Oh, yeah, he dead.

1ae9a8  No.6618837

Wondering…Muller has said that a sitting president cannot be indicted. BUT can an ex-president be indicted? A la Hussein. And if Hussein can be indicted…then POTUS/Trump can and will be indicted by Dems after he leaves office. No?

5e65dc  No.6618838


RSE does enough on it's own to portray itself in a bad light.


dae26f  No.6618839


Timediff = 25:25

abf34b  No.6618840

File: 5a130f45ce7fd2f⋯.jpg (116.91 KB, 608x900, 152:225, 1028572786.jpg)

100 years ago

4a6c1f  No.6618841




There is much being said that is hard to hear. But, I AM listening. Please, hold forth.

603b27  No.6618842

File: 937c2fe69797c26⋯.gif (9.24 MB, 308x401, 308:401, cooper.gif)

66b676  No.6618843

File: 1776211c4c12e9f⋯.jpg (74.25 KB, 495x500, 99:100, pink-floyd-wish-you-were-h….jpg)

e6d3fe  No.6618844

File: 45b4bf3e2216b50⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1469x6152, 1469:6152, JFK Jr. Visited Mount Rush….png)

#6616978 (pb)

#6616933 (pb)

d4b3a4  No.6618845


CSI Technician in the house! KEK!

2e71f6  No.6618846


be a hero

a9a8a0  No.6618847

File: cae174ac7f6ddc4⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1297x895, 1297:895, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b85b1c11be13300⋯.png (9.77 KB, 992x127, 992:127, ClipboardImage.png)


>Pamela Anderson feels "sick" after seeing Julian Assange in prison

>Actress Pamela Anderson says she "feels sick" after seeing Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in prison, his first social visit since being jailed. Most Viewed.

>Townsville Bulletin

>22 days ago

Saw it on 4chan earlier

482706  No.6618848


Faggot, I AM Santa.

57a560  No.6618849

File: cdef16e95ed9e95⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 665x540, 133:108, Maxine - High IQ is RACIST.jpg)

File: b3574c6a122e535⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Maxine Impeachment Not Jus….jpg)

File: 3587bc5cb95a392⋯.gif (124.63 KB, 320x403, 320:403, Maxine Wigged.gif)

File: 255b289be94ff45⋯.gif (592.55 KB, 750x429, 250:143, POTUS Snatches Maxine Wate….gif)

File: f7c4a26bf393c2e⋯.png (220.38 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2019-05-29….png)




d2c7d2  No.6618850


>set himself on fire

>rendering first aid

ha ha, thats a pun

e69819  No.6618851

File: 23efb85e324705e⋯.png (938.91 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, barr.png)

b656fc  No.6618852


What a pussy. No more uncle Soros goodies?

c4425d  No.6618853

File: 5be93d89620378d⋯.jpg (62.33 KB, 700x467, 700:467, selfimmolation.jpg)


these guys are all pussies. a cigarette burn on a coat is not lighting oneself on fire.

this is what it should look like:

eb1d34  No.6618854

File: e227601f10991db⋯.jpg (229.11 KB, 744x698, 372:349, CheckThat.jpg)


Trips…Usually, when you install the app, you agree to a bunch of shit you don't read. In there lies the agreement to send you propaganda.

dae26f  No.6618855


correction >> 13:25

d92816  No.6618856

File: da74e153b4bb81f⋯.jpg (172.56 KB, 747x1007, 747:1007, !!## the news_12.jpg)

e3d953  No.6618857

File: dbbea67999d53e5⋯.png (581.96 KB, 470x752, 5:8, the truth.png)




we are building up to a HEARING regaurding his case/stance on the matter/the habbenings surrounding it…

when that time comes, the world will be on tiptoe anticipation and we will get BOMBSHELL intel from the testimony/etc

just like with Strzok, just like with Barr.. just like with HOROWITZ… just like with Congressman Collins…


keep faith… we aren't going to let Julian burn in a cave of lies.



oh hi fren! I see you are still holding my dick.. I'm assuming the BIRDBOX didn't make its way to your house while I was gone? that's good! forgiveness is key! and I forgive you, loser.

7b6c74  No.6618858


when is this shit show going to be over….

41bde4  No.6618859

File: cf8f703ff72929f⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1263x2560, 1263:2560, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3da52097646848e⋯.png (87.49 KB, 525x210, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5464ee73169db6⋯.png (449.14 KB, 563x511, 563:511, ClipboardImage.png)



b08f11  No.6618860


Trump will win a second term. Statute of limitations would be up by then.

603b27  No.6618861

File: 2d75974de4b8507⋯.png (55.24 KB, 261x197, 261:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f03b912cee65075⋯.png (214.85 KB, 378x278, 189:139, ClipboardImage.png)

c93d27  No.6618862


His name was Seth Rich

66e994  No.6618863

File: d23fae670ace768⋯.png (280.36 KB, 673x396, 673:396, pedoESTA.png)

File: 80d412ecdd0d227⋯.png (140.41 KB, 854x569, 854:569, 1020.png)

File: cf738b3046f6f1a⋯.jpg (25.55 KB, 849x543, 283:181, 1027.jpg)


Watch the news tomorrow

Today is 5.29 or 2+9= 11 5.11

MIRRORED that's 11.5

Qdrop #34

Arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). ←-

I'd watch the news tomorrow!

308aa2  No.6618864

File: fc5fa18ef3be1d7⋯.png (1.05 MB, 816x612, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

John Brennan: Robert Mueller's public address amplifies 'cry for impeachment

Former CIA Director John Brennan said special counsel Robert Mueller's public message Wednesday will escalate calls for impeaching President Trump. “I think Bob Mueller’s public statement today is going to give momentum to those who want to move forward with impeachment hearings,” Brennan said on MSNBC. “I think there can be no doubt about Mr. Mueller’s message that the obstruction of justice issue is not resolved, and that there needs to be follow-up action on it.” “I do think it’s going to give some additional momentum to them, whether or not they’re going to decide to do it,” the vocal Trump critic added. "This is not just a legal issue, it’s a political issue and obviously there are political considerations. I think the cry for impeachment is going to increase, and it’s going to be interesting to see how the White House and Mr. Trump reacts to a very clear, and I believe, very pointed statement by Bob Mueller.”

In his first and only public address about his 22-month-long Russia investigation, Mueller refused to clear Trump of obstruction of justice even though he declined to make a determination on the matter. "As set forth in the report after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so," he said. Citing longstanding Department of Justice policy, Mueller said charging a sitting president with a crime was not an option his team could consider and noted that charging Trump would be unconstitutional. Attorney General William Barr said he and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein concluded there was insufficient evidence to establish a crime.

Some Democrats, including Sen. Kamala Harris, immediately seized on the speech by calling for impeachment. "What Robert Mueller basically did was return an impeachment referral. Now it is up to Congress to hold this president accountable. We need to start impeachment proceedings. It's our constitutional obligation," the 2020 candidate tweeted. Rank-and-file Democrats in the House have been pressuring a resistant leadership to pursue impeachment proceedings against Trump, emboldened by the release of Mueller's report, which laid out 10 instances of possible obstruction of justice that his team examined. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed back on these calls, saying last week that Trump "wants to be impeached" so that a Republican-controlled Senate can vindicate him. Instead, leadership prefers to focus on a bevy of investigations looking into Trump, his finances, and his inner circle.

Trump reacted to Mueller's address by insisting he is in the clear. "Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. There was insufficient evidence and therefore, in our Country, a person is innocent. The case is closed! Thank you," he tweeted.


59929c  No.6618865


Thank you Dr,

That was a quick evaluation.

You are one hell of a Doc!

433c11  No.6618866

File: 9e5a3feef8a8a7d⋯.png (36.18 KB, 950x327, 950:327, ClipboardImage.png)

55237c  No.6618867


It's about Time.

5e65dc  No.6618868


why u showin' off that kid's unders?

177c97  No.6618869

File: 8c00e99f36594ef⋯.png (94.13 KB, 640x580, 32:29, Screenshot_2019-05-29 Joe ….png)

looks like Joe M is drinking the anti-Ramtha koolaid and is attempting to smear Q https://twitter.com/StormIsUponUs/status/1132520212715040768?fbclid=IwAR3OJ-efz2J–OBjUB0B6rzFzi3HB5l0NO62yGH98sXOSnc2t4PceIYjZk4

5c2079  No.6618870


It would be nice if he could participate openly and free in 75 year D-Day celebrations.

ee17c2  No.6618871

File: 410e7d23c5d1849⋯.png (48.33 KB, 442x501, 442:501, ClipboardImage.png)


Drop 2525


9b61d8  No.6618872


..searing the image into responders' minds…

e6d3fe  No.6618873

File: d42a326d613ce5d⋯.png (106.6 KB, 888x498, 148:83, JFK Jr. Visited Mount Rush….png)



>>6616978 (pb)

>>6616933 (pb)

JFK Jr. Visited Mount Rushmore In May

comms within.


41bde4  No.6618874

File: ba17897969ee356⋯.png (538.34 KB, 650x457, 650:457, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6618853 future prove the past

9748ec  No.6618875


The DOJ had a Bowel Movement and BM popped out. OMG I hope POTUS tweets that.

9aadc8  No.6618876


Dude has no chill

47acac  No.6618877

File: e7fae4650c25923⋯.jpg (133.76 KB, 1600x867, 1600:867, IMG-20190529-WA0006.jpg)

2e71f6  No.6618878


grow up in New York City and you'll know about Jews, everyday dealing with Jews, not just a theory or notion..

482706  No.6618879

793b5c  No.6618880

File: cc5afdc88d24663⋯.jpg (79.61 KB, 500x606, 250:303, Dirty Cop Mueller.jpg)

File: a584fd8a1c5f1b1⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1455, 72:97, Mueller Probe.png)

Old fart Robert Mueller's investigation flopped and went up in flames.

Mueller has lived a pathetic life.

11a435  No.6618881


The look of fear on his face is quite evident.

bc84b3  No.6618882

C before D, China (threats) before DECLAS? Mueller retirement washed China rare earth threat out of the headlines.

66e994  No.6618883


>when is this shit show going to be over….

Waiting for (You) to get your shit together

Hurry TF up.

66b676  No.6618884

File: 314f6e800201dba⋯.png (254.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Mad Max Peach Brain.png)


Maxine peach stone brain

5e65dc  No.6618885


I think DiFi has experienced some not great things in her life that were beyond her control.

016d6a  No.6618886

File: 43d10858b7c5a60⋯.jpg (606.36 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Inked145752_LI.jpg)


553c54  No.6618887


Have already stared nuclear annihilation in the teeth. FEMA death camp? No sweat.

ab3346  No.6618888

File: 7b1b351f5aadc2d⋯.png (616.72 KB, 1022x550, 511:275, maostalin.png)

File: 040bf63bee26c30⋯.png (348.64 KB, 1024x554, 512:277, putin&josm.png)

bc65bb  No.6618889


define 'normal conversation'?

translated article source:

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been hospitalized in the Belmarsh prison hospital in London. It tells his Swedish lawyer Per E. Samuelson according to TT.

Assange is imprisoned in the British capital for having violated terms of security. Samuelson met with Assange on Friday and says he is very weak.

"Assange is in such a bad shape that it is not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him," says Samuelson to Upsala Nya Tidning.

In a letter to the district court in Uppsala, Samuelson has requested that the court postpone a hearing on June 3, where it must be decided whether Assange is to be extradited to Sweden.

But the court has rejected the request and the hearing will take place as planned.

Earlier this month, the Swedish prosecutor resumed the investigation of the rape case, which is related to Assange in Sweden.

The charges of rape and assault against two women date back to 2010 - the same year that WikiLeaks published large amounts of secret stamped documents.

The US Department of Justice announced last week that there are 17 new charges against Assange., According to the Ministry, Assange has illegally disclosed names of confidential sources and violated the espionage law.

In addition, he must have conspired with and assisted former US intelligence officer and whistleblower Chelsea Manning in providing confidential information.

In addition, the accusers believe that Assange instructed Manning in one of the major cases in US history of disclosing confidential information.

According to Julian Assange's lawyer, the charges of espionage are a "threat" to all journalists.

The new charges come, a month's time after the Ministry of Justice published a slightly smaller case against Assange.

In that, he is accused by the United States of publishing, through WikiLeaks, large amounts of confidential US documents about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Assange was arrested on April 11 at Ecuador's embassy by British police. At that time, he had stayed at the embassy for almost seven years.

He is wasting a 50-week sentence in London, which he got to skip the security when he fled to Ecuador's Embassy in 2012.

1ae9a8  No.6618890


Then same statute of limitations apply to Hussein. He can't be impeached then.

11a435  No.6618891


We need to autist who he saw in the crowd this very second.

711473  No.6618892

File: 1f36818e05ac0ec⋯.jpg (200.29 KB, 1078x763, 154:109, Screenshot_20190529-125331….jpg)

File: 6dc7aef8a246c99⋯.jpg (174.59 KB, 1079x828, 1079:828, Screenshot_20190529-125356….jpg)

2fc7fd  No.6618893

File: 9560f74ea984fe5⋯.jpeg (89.62 KB, 1080x730, 108:73, 1557270878.jpeg)

d16946  No.6618894


Precisely! He looked and acted as if he seen a goast. He is very afraid of whats coming.

11a435  No.6618895


Treason has no statute of limitations, and neither does murder.

513afc  No.6618896

File: 529dcf7cdb576b0⋯.png (885.08 KB, 1200x1113, 400:371, ClipboardImage.png)



454e81  No.6618897

File: d8338d814f4c984⋯.png (191.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey faggots, we got eyes on this shit, or what?


4e9851  No.6618898

File: 5e247e8468ffdf6⋯.jpeg (143.16 KB, 1600x867, 1600:867, CD13CE43-C1D7-415E-AC6A-5….jpeg)


He looks holographic.

d2c7d2  No.6618899


Hope it hurts, faggot.

1ae9a8  No.6618900


I see. Thx anon

92caa2  No.6618901


Last time i stepped up to bake i got about 45 minutes in, had kitchen set up, then another baker w initials jumped in, confirmed himself, got support from two ither anons, told me to back off at like post 500, then creates next bread and immediately passed it off to a new baker after announcing that he was doing all of this from his phone because he had shoddy internet…wtf???

BO and other bakers said nothing when i hrought it up. I have also had various accounts i use in real life get hacked into WHILE and immediately after baking.

If i am going to step up and bake and take the time to set everything up snd collect notables, i do not want to be fucked with by some other baker who has been here longer than I.

Made me question the honesty of this place. Its the second time it happened since i put (((echoes))) into the bread. And since our BV sperged out and got demoted.


bc65bb  No.6618902


classic fatkidinblack stuff

now do Freebird

or are you tired from the chair and spiraling back in time for the blood of the christ-child?

177c97  No.6618903


no balanced reporting or research on Ramtha by Joe M, just bring in an anti-Ramtha smear artist

Hey Joe. ver thought of interviewing the actual source of the Ramtha material or getting a balanced view by interviewing a pro-Ramtha source?

11a435  No.6618904


What a suck waste of quads.

9748ec  No.6618905


JA die already so your deadman switch can drop the HRC videos

87ee77  No.6618906

File: 67a40807ce2265b⋯.jpg (139.1 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, The burning monk.jpg)


"Urn this"

711473  No.6618907


FOX news, he's looking right at camera

016d6a  No.6618908

File: 6ec7b4b0cd73ed7⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 411x291, 137:97, 58ee8e0e5220e8618f64c51fbd….jpg)

9a2cae  No.6618909


wuh?? She is a satanic baby fucker treasonous whore. Oh and a full blown witch. She needs to be put burned at the stake so her demonself does not hop to another vessel.

dddbfb  No.6618911

Mueller is in over his head.

6753df  No.6618912


demonstration by cabal mutants of MK ULTRA style control.

meant to intimidate.

d26f65  No.6618913

>>6618680 Line from Saving Private Ryan as Tom Hank’s character takes his dying breaths.

4d1adc  No.6618914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


643c4a  No.6618915

File: 19162c5d96cd074⋯.png (63.39 KB, 149x151, 149:151, Ifyouonlyknew....PNG)


digits say you really do

I actually feel sorry for these people, that are SOO brainwashed, they will do anything to show just how personally hurt they are

dddbfb  No.6618916


MK Ultra?

5fd2ea  No.6618917

just think it's strange that JA not on film at all since that ~also Strange~ exit from embassy…


565341  No.6618918

Yutube promoting premium featured series: "In 33 Days You'll Die" Episode 1

33 & yutube is cabal, anybody watch?

47fc63  No.6618919

File: c9c99513805b8ab⋯.jpg (138.35 KB, 1200x766, 600:383, CqCCi9rXYAALqet.jpg)

File: da28f7b352bf20c⋯.jpg (168.96 KB, 720x766, 360:383, IMG_20190529_134939.jpg)

File: 2c526d85c5b8e50⋯.jpg (272.77 KB, 720x1135, 144:227, IMG_20190529_134900.jpg)

What are the odds of EVE being placed on the RED part of the 711 logo?

Right after EL? IsraEL

And why a lower case n?

It's because the lower case n is an upsidedown u. U being a horseshoe. Horseshoe nebula.

We were born into a CULT.

62a4f8  No.6618920


The name of man who set himself on fire is ROBERT MUELLER!!!

2efceb  No.6618921

File: 479b5418b89e285⋯.png (86.17 KB, 593x282, 593:282, ClipboardImage.png)


Teresa May.

b656fc  No.6618922


Well he wasn’t fucking around with that one…

3803db  No.6618923


Yes, it very well is most likely Strzok in the OIG media leak.

remember this c-span video

FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok


631684  No.6618924

File: 6b1816618ba77ca⋯.png (262.89 KB, 590x533, 590:533, ClipboardImage.png)

da65fb  No.6618925


He could have gotten a group discount at burning man if he invited some freinds.

66e994  No.6618926


Too thin to be Nadler!

Too soon?


41bde4  No.6618927

File: 9a22df2d3958068⋯.png (454.99 KB, 532x525, 76:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3f53b697063ca1⋯.png (6.13 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



The White House briefing room has moved to the North Lawn

10:43 AM - 29 May 2019

482706  No.6618928


I believe Q2118 is dis-info:

>If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.


bc65bb  No.6618929

File: 9fda0eb66c74621⋯.png (36.88 KB, 196x196, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


airforce takes applications up to 39, and there's a way in everywhere

never to late to lend a hand, anon

847330  No.6618930

Mueller Resigns From DOJ, Won't Testify, Says "Charging Trump Was Not An Option"

Update 4:

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has released an official statement on Mueller's statement, as has Trump Campaign manager Brad Parscale.

First, the official White House statement from Sarah Sanders, who called on everybody to follow Mueller's lead and move on.

"The Special Counsel has completed the investigation, closed his office, and has closed the case. Mr. Mueller explicitly said that he has nothing to add beyond the report, and therefore does not plan to testify before Congress. The report was clear - there was no collusion, no conspiracy - and the Department of Justice confirmed there was no obstruction. Special Counsel Mueller also stated that Attorney General Barr acted in good faith in his handling of the report. After two years, the Special Counsel is moving on with his life, and everyone else should do the same."

And the statement from the campaign, which called on the DoJ to get to the bottom of the origins of the Russia hoax.

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller's remarks today confirmed what we already knew. There was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign, and there was no case for obstruction. President Trump has been fully and completely exonerated. Mueller said his investigation is over. The case is now closed."

"Now it's time to turn to the origins of the Russia hoax and get to the bottom of why the Trump campaign was spied on by the Obama-era DOJ and FBI. Anyone who is for transparency, constitutional civil liberties, and the rule of law should want to know why human sources, wiretapping, and unmasking were used to infiltrate a presidential campaign."

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham also released a statement via Twitter, where he congratulated Mueller for his service and urged everyone to follow his lead and move on.


1e0adf  No.6618931

File: 7b487b63169d299⋯.jpg (24.73 KB, 600x314, 300:157, BURNINGMAN.jpg)



d6cddf  No.6618932


I have no Idea who you are reading that you call Millions of Calvinists. But the word of God is clear. God doesn't sin and doesn't cause sin but he can use what is already happening to accomplish His purposes. You clearly need more time in the Word with the Spirit.

No. Scripture says that when God finished His creation, He saw everything and declared it "very good" (Genesis 1:31). Many Scriptures affirm that God is not the author of evil: "God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone" (James 1:13). "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Corinthians 14:33)—and if that is true, He cannot in any way be the author of evil.

Occasionally someone will quote Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) and claim it proves God made evil as a part of His creation: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things" (emphasis added).

But the New American Standard Bible gives the sense of Isaiah 45:6-7 more clearly: "There is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these." In other words, God devises calamity as a judgment for the wicked. But in no sense is He the author of evil.

643c4a  No.6618933



2c567a  No.6618934


>and states he is unwilling to testify under oath.

If Nadler's committee investigation was involved with recalling the the Mueller report witnesses, why would any of them testify now? If Mueller blew them off, everyone else should, too.

It seems to me Mueller just blew up Nadler's show trial.>>6618733

>The Congress will continue to investigate

Mueller just said he's not going to testify. Why should anyone else?

eb180f  No.6618935


>Fuck. This isn’t good…


>we are building up to a HEARING regaurding his case/stance on the matter/the habbenings surrounding it…

>when that time comes, the world will be on tiptoe anticipation and we will get BOMBSHELL intel from the testimony/etc

If he wasn't allowed medical for eight years, then that's all bullshit you're peddling.

b08f11  No.6618936

Interesting explanation of statute of limitations:

"The statute of limitations for obstruction of justice usually starts from the date that the crime actually started. The exact statute of limitations will vary depending on the type of crime in which the obstruction took place. Usually, the statute is six years in state courts, and five years in federal courts, with the exception of crimes against children, sex offenses, certain violent crimes, and murder."


As there was no crime, even the 5 year federal statute of limitations for obstruction wouldn't apply.

d88c6d  No.6618937


I don't think the bearded guy carried out of the embassy is really JA, & now this guy is sick and can't talk? Well, maybe he can't talk cause he's not actually JA. Will he be diagnosed with a memory problem?

dbc05d  No.6618938

MUELLER IS SCARED FOR A REASON; (does he sleep at night)

IMO-Mueller is scared of being indicted for Uranium One etc. and not ending the Special Counsel a year sooner when he knew beyond a reasonable doubt that P/T should not have been investigated; Hillary should have been.


We want the alleged criminals to continue to attack the Rule of Law, Constitution, P/T and Family, the American People and the United States (destruction). A peace deal will give Hillary and the Globalist a victory…we want the enemy to continue to attack every second of the day. We do not want a peace deal which would be a trap; we must fight this Civil Legal War to the bitter end…the loser will disappear forever (PDJT has the criminal codes the criminals have nothing).

IMO-PDJT MADE MUELLER/ROSENSTEIN AN OFFER THEY COULDN’T REFUSE (Mueller now understands PDJT power and is worried).

IMO PDJT told Rosenstein if the Russia Investigation doesn’t end by May 2019; PDJT will point the nuclear criminal codes directly at Mueller/Rosenstein, right before going nuclear with the criminal codes on other alleged criminals; Hillary Emails, Clinton Foundation and the top management of the FBI/DOJ.

IMO-PDJT would have taken Mueller/Rosenstein all the way to the Supreme Court. Mueller and Rosenstein decided to take the path that would reduce their legal liability. They are both worried.

IMO-Mueller/Rosenstein still wants PDJT destroyed and they both know they are at risk of Legal Liability as the nuclear criminal codes are implemented against Hillary’s Emails, Clinton Foundation (motivated corruption) and the top management of the FBI/DOJ who allegedly wanted to show Hillary what they did for her (Consent Agreement); for more power/money.

Mueller is hedging with the best hand he has to play; just like Comey did by opening up Hillary Investigation right before the election. IMO they both have the same genes of J. Edgar Hoover.

Trillions of dollars and Power are all at risk;

The Globalist, RINOS, Business Round Table and the Clinton’s know when PDJT implements the criminal codes they will all be destroyed.

e6d3fe  No.6618939






bet this is why I've kept seeing m's written as w's on twatter and vice versa.

454e81  No.6618940



I'll bet he smelled like luau pork

4f5104  No.6618941


Stranger than Fiction. And it's just beginning…

793b5c  No.6618942

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1557852097.mp4)

Scammer Robert Mueller didn't even investigate the real Russia collusion and the evidence shows Robert Mueller is a dirty cop.

11d290  No.6618943

File: a1c18543c4a5e93⋯.png (8.18 MB, 3168x4377, 1056:1459, 5.28 Shallow Bird.png)

f4ca15  No.6618944


New docs from OIG. Found link on OIG twitter. Tweet was 3 minutes old.

847330  No.6618945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boris Johnson to face court over ‘lies’ about UK’s £350 million-a-week cost of EU membership

A UK judge has ordered the controversial MP Boris Johnson to appear in court over allegations the Brexiteer lied by repeatedly claiming that £350 million-a-week was being spent by London on EU membership.

Johnson, who is one of the favorites in a crowded field of candidates to replace Theresa May as the next Tory Party leader and British prime minister, made the statements during the 2016 EU referendum; that claim about UK spending was also infamously displayed on the side of a bus. The summons comes resulting from a private lawsuit brought by businessman Marcus Ball, who claims Johnson had purposely lied about the true costs of Britain’s EU membership.

Ruling on the case on Wednesday, District Judge Margot Coleman said the allegations brought forward by Mr Bell are “unproven accusations” but that she was, however, satisfied that the suit was a “a proper case to issue the summons as requested.”

“This means the proposed defendant will be required to attend this court for a preliminary hearing, and the case will then be sent to the Crown Court for trial,” she added.

A date for Johnson’s appearance has yet to be set, however, if found guilty of misconduct in a public office, he could face a sentence of life in prison.


da9ea2  No.6618946

Impeachment will be the greatest thing to happen to the 2020 campaign.

The normie base will be so riled up.

Allies in the House will drag it out until after November 2020.

Unlimited free MSM exposure.

Winning is easy.

711473  No.6618947

File: ea0499647e9d96e⋯.jpg (784.33 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-130149….jpg)

File: c6fbc7ea249c9be⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 945x740, 189:148, IMG_20190529_130141.jpg)

File: e9aa695626be886⋯.jpg (99.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20190529_130143.jpg)


5c2079  No.6618948


that might seem funny but some people would actually think you were serious.

wait a minute, this is 8ch, even though it is Q research it's still 8ch.

so any far fetched thing might be true.

sauce on that?

without sauce I must make fun of you . . .

ya, it sucks that we have to spoiler the humor and satire here.

Shills are so joyless!

It's not shilling if God is Willing!

but it still might be annoying.

5e65dc  No.6618949


I doubt it's JA who has them.

My guess is the NXIVM guy.

d46926  No.6618950

File: 86175fbcee0abd5⋯.jpeg (114.36 KB, 1242x372, 207:62, CFECD7BE-8B1C-43EE-B07B-A….jpeg)


11a435  No.6618951


Already filtered the shill you're responding to, but agree with you wholeheartedly. "ra" in that Isaiah verse is not evil, but things like hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, etc. Calamities, that are not evil. They just are.

Also, the shill is not someone looking for the truth, but someone suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.

f4ca15  No.6618952



The tweet in question.

6753df  No.6618953


Brainwashed zombie, courtesy of cabal

847330  No.6618954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Federal Prosecutor: Mueller’s Actions Today Were Reprehensible – Nothing More than Chum in the Water for Democrats

Former Federal Prosecutor Fred Tecce went off on Robert Mueller’s public statement on Wednesday.

Mueller muddied the waters by suggesting that his crooked special counsel of angry Democrats could NOT find that President Trump DID NOT commit a crime.

Historically in America before 2018 it was incumbent on a prosecutor to PROVE that a crime was committed.

The fascist deep state and Democrat party dismissed this legal precedent during the hearings on Justice Brett Kavanaugh who they demanded prove himself innocent of 30-year-old accusations of dry humping a girl a high school party. The woman had no witnesses and had NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON support her charges but Democrats changed legal tradition by forcing Brett Kavanaugh to prove his innocence anyway.

On Wednesday dirty cop Robert Mueller used this new legal tradition on President Trump. He could not prove that President Trump committed a crime. But in his report he suggested Trump committed a crime anyway.

Following Robert Mueller’s statement former Federal Prosecutor went on FOX Business Network and tore into the crooked special counsel.

Fred Tecce: Quite frankly, I find Mr. Mueller’s comments reprehensible. The part that bothers me the most is the bedrock for our system of justice is that people are presumed innocent unless proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt… I think what he did today really was one of the most political things I’ve ever seen a prosecutor do and I am deeply disappointed in the Justice Department for his conduct… These comments are nothing more than chum in the water for Democrats.

Mueller proved again today that the US Department of Justice is a corrupt, criminal outfit.


addb42  No.6618955

File: 417489b7a3e5529⋯.png (161.46 KB, 507x471, 169:157, Screenshot_2019-05-29 Q Re….png)

b656fc  No.6618956


I have a lot of respect for Seth Rich, for Assange on the other hand…. we’ll find out

ab3346  No.6618957

File: af4c9123031e5fd⋯.png (829.9 KB, 1024x628, 256:157, looksalittlefam.png)

File: f6562722360cc0b⋯.png (726.2 KB, 1024x587, 1024:587, lookshand.png)


If media says water is wet, don't believe it.

4e9851  No.6618958

File: 1a5654705d96ad9⋯.jpeg (59.17 KB, 736x677, 736:677, 57F5165B-C582-48CD-9347-4….jpeg)


No medical care for 8 years?

He should be health as a fucking horse.

9a2cae  No.6618959


Most people in positions are there because they are evil sordid fucks.

dddbfb  No.6618960


Devil Horns

43579d  No.6618961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trying to reach The Van Halen Belt?

016d6a  No.6618962

File: db4dcff599ba4a4⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1266x842, 633:421, 23c9411a6c8716bbe5596ed17b….png)

File: db6e23cc3f3897e⋯.png (56.39 KB, 185x272, 185:272, a20693bc82df4924dd91836449….png)

File: cedd39a48016383⋯.gif (4.03 MB, 560x368, 35:23, tumblr_pff8hhlxCc1ww5a9r_1.gif)

bc65bb  No.6618963

File: 2009788f7e8cb57⋯.png (131.43 KB, 183x299, 183:299, ClipboardImage.png)


the answer is 'Fire'

it's from a book called The Fifth Head of Cerberus

it's actually kind of fucked up how well it helps

11a435  No.6618964

File: c7c915aa58d750c⋯.png (439.49 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d46926  No.6618965


Boris Johnson has been ordered to appear in court over claims he lied by saying the UK gave the EU £350m a week.

The Tory leadership candidate has been accused of misconduct in public office after making the claim during the 2016 EU referendum campaign.

It is a private prosecution launched by campaigner Marcus Ball, who crowdfunded £200,000 for the case.

A source close to Mr Johnson called the case a "politically motivated attempt to reverse Brexit".

His lawyers argued it was "a stunt".

82155f  No.6618966

File: bf2d9a3bbba482e⋯.png (747.09 KB, 689x565, 689:565, 0A26FB29-AEA2-4B94-8F72-25….png)

59929c  No.6618967


If any of you have had the unfortunate experience of seeing someone set on fire

you would know and agree that they wig out.

The run, scream, wave their arms,trying to

do anything to flee from the heat and pain of the flames.

This dude is on heavy drugs/mk'ed drugs

to have not had the same reaction.

a206f5  No.6618968

Nadler going live on Fox News now giving statement on Mueller.

308aa2  No.6618969

File: e96a84b74f3796f⋯.png (726.76 KB, 760x425, 152:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Democratic leadership sidestep impeachment calls after Mueller press conference

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi remained mum Wednesday about the prospect of President Trump's impeachment. The California Democrat's resistance against some members of her conference to begin proceedings to forcibly remove Trump from office comes after special counsel Robert Mueller faced the press regarding the federal Russia investigation.

“Special Counsel Mueller made clear that he did not exonerate the President when he stated, ‘If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,'" the speaker, 79, said in a statement. "He stated that the decision not to indict stemmed directly from the Department of Justice’s policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Despite Department of Justice policy to the contrary, no one is above the law — not even the President."

Pelosi, however, said Congress "holds sacred its constitutional responsibility to investigate" and keep Trump "accountable for his abuse of power." She also pushed election reforms passed by the House in March, which have yet to be considered by the Republican-controlled Senate. Pelosi's reticence toward impeachment was parroted in Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's statement, who additionally said congressional oversight should continue "without interference or stonewalling."

“Mr. Mueller made clear today that the Russians interfered in our elections, the wellspring of our democracy. If President Trump and Congress don’t do anything, it will be worse in 2020 and yet, inexplicably, Sen. McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate are blocking bipartisan election security legislation, despite Democrats’ repeated calls to protect our democracy from interference — by Russia or any other foreign adversary," the New York Democrat said. While House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., indicated Wednesday he supports probes of Trump, his 2016 campaign, and the president's business dealings, a high-ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary panel joined the growing chorus advocating for Nadler to take next steps toward Trump's ouster. "The next step is for the House Judiciary Committee to open an impeachment inquiry to formally begin consideration of whether or not articles of impeachment should be filed," Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., wrote in series of tweets. "The opening of this inquiry will allow the Committee to collect evidence, compel the attendance of witnesses, and decide how to proceed."


62a4f8  No.6618970


You are the hater.

Blaming anons for DS ops.

7b6c74  No.6618971


Because the radical Dim's think Mueller just told them to impeach. He specifically said Potus was not innocent, which is highly improper since you are presumed innocent unless found guilty by a jury of your peers.

This was Mueller's way of telling them to go ahead with impechment. No other reason for the statement.

ac1301  No.6618972


This most likely falls into the category of good riddance.

793b5c  No.6618973

File: 9df3497f55ae0f2⋯.jpg (5.61 KB, 103x174, 103:174, downloadfile-19_1_1.jpg)

Hilldirt is so ugly I don't know how Bill Clinton can look at her.

bf4526  No.6618974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For anybody interested in having a laugh, Nads is about to go live any moment with reaction to the Mueller statement and further burying himself.


847330  No.6618975

Americans' Life Savings Wiped Out In Mexican Bank Fraud Scheme

A Bloomberg report reveals how a Mexican bank employee directed a retirement fraud scheme at American retirees living in San Miguel de Allende, a city in Mexico's central highlands.

Monex Casa de Bolsa SA de CV Monex Grupo Financiero has been investigating allegations that an employee stole approximately $40 million from American clients.

Marcela Zavala Taylor, the suspected Monex banker at the center of the fraud, allegedly sent American clients falsified statements that showed their accounts were fully funded, said several of the bank's clients in a Bloomberg interview.

The fraud was discovered in late December when clients couldn't retrieve funds from their accounts. Bank officials told clients that $40 million in funds from 158 accounts disappeared.

Bloomberg spoke with several clients who said Monex attempted to reach settlements at a massive discount versus what was stolen from their accounts. Others said the bank asked them to file charges against Zavala.

"Legal action is continuing in the case, and details cannot be disclosed so as not to hinder the investigation," Monex said in a statement. Bank spokeswoman Eva Gutierrez said Monex is working with affected clients and has settled with 70% of them.

Kenneth Karger, a retiree from Texas with property in Mexico, says Monex stole $400,000 from him. It was only last summer when he stopped receiving statements. Karger said, Zavala at the time, told him Monex was transitioning onto a new online banking system, and the account balance would be delayed for some time. Months later, Karger retrieved statements from Monex and discovered unauthorized withdrawals.

Bruce Brown, an Australian retiree who'd lost $250,000, was refunded entirely by the bank after he notified Mexican authorities.

Monex is an affiliate of Banco Monex SA Institución de Banca Múltiple Monex Grupo Financiero, with $5.2 billion in assets under management and operations in the US.

According to Condusef, Mexico's consumer protection agency, there were 7.3 million complaints of financial fraud involving 18.9 billion pesos (about $1 billion) last year.

The scandal has devastated the expatriate community in San Miguel, as non-citizens have limited rights.


285bce  No.6618976

File: 018f0b526d29fbe⋯.png (658.23 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 095bcaf56063659⋯.png (556.7 KB, 1200x620, 60:31, ClipboardImage.png)

66e994  No.6618977

File: dfaa5313980170d⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 720x714, 120:119, RMnb.jpg)


Kinda a nothingBERGER

The Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon receipt of information alleging that a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) falsely claimed, after leaving DOJ, that the former DAAG was still a high-level DOJ official in an effort to have a hospital relocate a relative, who was a patient at the hospital, to a private room.

ac1301  No.6618978


They should have called him ma'am.

64c84a  No.6618979



6218de  No.6618980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nadler's Live Oral Enema



3d0a57  No.6618981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah dejenova seemed pretty pretty sure there's a report due on comey. still waiting though.

couldn't find vid of dj. it's @2:45 but the whole vid pretty good history of all things comey

890e33  No.6618983

Fat piece of shit.

603b27  No.6618984

File: bfdc343165ab63f⋯.png (451.47 KB, 394x740, 197:370, ClipboardImage.png)

a35d6d  No.6618985

File: f48c7623d2d38df⋯.png (367.12 KB, 674x410, 337:205, Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at ….png)

What a disgusting cunt this guy is.

9748ec  No.6618986

All ready for the dig on Burning Man?

as soon as name released… guaranteed his social profile and manifesto will be f’d up

BM = Bob Meuller = Burning Man…

WTF? Shit is getting crazy

e41a36  No.6618987




Better than sneaking him out in a laundry basket

308aa2  No.6618988





It will be interesting to find out who this was..and if there is an underlying message here.

847330  No.6618989

File: 3cf3f75a735cc07⋯.png (856.69 KB, 840x874, 420:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Top IDF lawyer tells The Hague to back off, says Israel can probe own alleged war crimes

The Israeli military wants the International Criminal Court to butt out of its affairs, its top military prosecutor has declared in response to efforts to hold it to account for its use of live fire against Palestinian protesters.

“Israel is a law-abiding country, with an independent and strong judicial system, and there is no reason for its actions to be scrutinized by the ICC,” Brig. Gen. Sharon Afek, Israel’s military advocate, declared at an international conference on warfare laws in Herzliya. “The position of Israel is that the International Criminal Court does not have jurisdiction to discuss the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

The ICC is weighing investigating Israel over its use of live ammunition against Palestinian protesters demonstrating at the Gaza border. Since March 2018, IDF soldiers have killed at least 251 people participating in the Great March of Return, a movement calling for Palestinians expelled from their land during the establishment of Israel to be allowed to return, and injured at least 26,797 more, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Earlier this year, a United Nations Human Rights Council fact-finding mission on the protests submitted to the ICC a list of Israeli officials it suspects of serious crimes, including IDF snipers, their commanders, and the military legal advisers who outlined their rules of engagement.

Afek’s objections to the ICC’s involvement center on the body’s charter, which permits it to investigate crimes only when there is no reasonable assumption that the country in which they have been committed will prosecute them adequately. Israel, he claims, will take care of its own business.


793b5c  No.6618990

File: 0cfd120c8f04319⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 502x394, 251:197, downloadfile-23.jpg)

Nadler F-Off

b66291  No.6618991

File: d5f2401536c7817⋯.png (285.87 KB, 467x606, 467:606, NiceToImmoliateYou.PNG)



I'd like to shake that man's hand.

41bde4  No.6618992

File: 12af781de87fe01⋯.png (202.03 KB, 532x647, 532:647, ClipboardImage.png)


As you watch today’s #spacewalk, here’s how to keep track of which cosmonaut you’re seeing:

🔴 Oleg Kononenko – red stripes on spacesuit

🔵 Alexey Ovchinin – blue stripes on spacesuit

Tune in: https://go.nasa.gov/2wq7DGv . Ask ?s using #AskNASA


5c2079  No.6618993


I've heard of a Mexican Standoff,

but now we have a Mexican Madoff!

da9ea2  No.6618994


Fuck it, I'll bite

What name released?

3a13a0  No.6618995

File: 7f8555255b89f71⋯.jpeg (163.04 KB, 500x422, 250:211, 385F95E6-7DA9-40D6-A8A2-4….jpeg)


blessed are the bakers

who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherd the reeee through the valley if dankness, for he is truly his brothers keeper

711473  No.6618996

Oh.. how sweet, thanking mueller….

"POTUS is a liar"

Nadler is a big fat liar.

a0effe  No.6618997

366901  No.6618998

File: a9780702372fa63⋯.png (14.33 KB, 275x307, 275:307, 0386e2f72e0857e22cf9ff3078….png)

dddbfb  No.6618999


That's hot

603b27  No.6619000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

890e33  No.6619001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Camera angle from his right. He looks a bit droopy on his left.

It's Habbening….

9748ec  No.6619002


Not out yet, but I’m ready to pounce

2e0a4a  No.6619003

Nadler lying through his teeth right now.


711473  No.6619004

impeachment - all options on table

1e0adf  No.6619005


My thought exactly.

If he didn't look so skinny, I would SWEAR he would be wearing one of those stunt suits that they us in movies when they set people on fire.

This guy is just him

But walking like he feels fine.

Fucking weird

2b3344  No.6619006

File: 17024c717edfbcb⋯.jpeg (431.65 KB, 1389x1481, 1389:1481, DJT_The_Plan.jpeg)

…getting closer…

847330  No.6619007

File: 4071703ab239d63⋯.png (393.61 KB, 924x660, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bc1a1236c222bc⋯.png (56.9 KB, 942x341, 942:341, ClipboardImage.png)

US Threatens Europe With "Loss Of Access To US Financial System" Over SWIFT-Evading Iran SPV

It's going from bad to worse for Europe, whose currency had just hit session lows after Brussels confirmed that Italy faces a massive fine over its debt, when the Euro was hit with a double whammy after Bloomberg reported that the Trump administration is escalating its battle with "European allies" over the fate of the Iran nuclear accord, and is "threatening penalties against the financial body created by Germany, the U.K. and France to shield trade with the Islamic Republic from U.S. sanctions."

According to Bloomberg, the Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, sent a letter on May 7 warning that Instex, the European SPV to sustain trade with Tehran, and anyone associated with it could be barred from the U.S. financial system if it goes into effect.

As a reminder, last September, in order to maintain a financial relationship with Iran that can not be vetoed by the US, Europe unveiled a "Special Purpose Vehicle" to bypass SWIFT. Back then we predicted that Washington would not be too delighted with this development seeking to undermine the dollar's reserve status. We were right.


Is that a dud e with Zarif?

dbc05d  No.6619008


Why was RM so scared and nervous?

b08f11  No.6619009

No way Nadler gets out of this unscathed. He will die in prison.

11a435  No.6619010

File: ea7b686c84eff5e⋯.pdf (298.48 KB, Recommendations Not Closed….pdf)


Nos. 541-551 attached. Pending. All FBI actions related to 2016 election.

6753df  No.6619011


"brothers" = Mason Faggot Satanist

250b32  No.6619012

Released today by the OIG


May 29, 2019

Investigative Summary: Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Unauthorized Contacts with the Media, Disclosing Law Enforcement and Other Sensitive Information to the Media, and Accepting a Gift from the Media

2efceb  No.6619013

File: 59a539336f246fa⋯.png (41.51 KB, 383x427, 383:427, ClipboardImage.png)

d9cee5  No.6619014

Panic is DC. This is their last stand.

793b5c  No.6619015

File: fbb007c7cb85a44⋯.png (38.65 KB, 1080x463, 1080:463, Predators.png)

File: fc2ea4752a74a48⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 500x551, 500:551, Pull It Now_1.jpg)

Nadler is fat pile of crap.

d7b1f0  No.6619016


This is COMEDY GOLD. Un-fucking-believable. These people are going down HARD.

e69819  No.6619017

File: e198d65477238eb⋯.png (161.92 KB, 554x788, 277:394, truth.png)



1ffb25  No.6619018

File: 7bdd050ea4dc644⋯.jpg (137.81 KB, 1036x470, 518:235, Capture.JPG)

File: c685546fe475edf⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 905x581, 905:581, Capture2.JPG)

File: cdaca0384899483⋯.jpg (138.14 KB, 804x514, 402:257, Capture332.JPG)

File: 1340cfe8ecb60f3⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 335x551, 335:551, Capturjddhe2.JPG)

File: 79eb5d437ab69c9⋯.jpg (102.18 KB, 1142x570, 571:285, Capturjhe2.JPG)



a35d6d  No.6619019

File: 2d8530523bf0605⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, TwinTowers.jpg)


Because his role in the 9.11 coverup is in danger of being exposed.

dae26f  No.6619020


Ha, nice one!

However, timediff = 13:25

Or; with timediff between AUS and Norway taken into account; 21:25.

Nice these cryptic things, I like.

b08f11  No.6619021

Nadler doesn't appear to want to answer the question on if he will subpoena Mueller.

1607af  No.6619022


WTF is Nadler talking about…he is saying that things are true and confirmed by Mueller today…Mueller didn't say anything that Nadler is stating….I think he has lost his marbles….

c4425d  No.6619023






Using the commotion over Burning Man to weasle in your Russian news, little man?

2e71f6  No.6619024


there was an odd skip in the live feed I watched. One second I was watching for him to enter the room, then next second he was already in the room near the podium but I didn't see him walk through the doorway. It was a live feed I watched in a previous bread today

e30cf7  No.6619025

File: e892c7b0b9393f5⋯.png (662.63 KB, 1023x621, 341:207, a7tgv.PNG)

785d94  No.6619026

Someone needs to start releasing sweet sweet doughnuts into the press conference and we can watch Nadler convulse with his diabetes.

He looks a few weeks away from sugar induced death….

b3471d  No.6619027

>>6618641 A world full of people in rebellion against God. Is that a problem to the Creator? Is God holy and just? Did he send his Son to save his people from their sin? Every one of them. Is he going to judge the rest of the world for their unrepentant sins? Absolutely.

24c094  No.6619028


The clock doesn't end, kek. We have been thru this before. That version is just where clockfags stopped adding dates around the blank. They'll extend the blank.

5fd2ea  No.6619029

File: c751d0f8ade1f3a⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 500x843, 500:843, Nadler.jpg)

69f0e8  No.6619030

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, this.gif)

64c84a  No.6619031


The Best actors.


1e0adf  No.6619032


well fuck…

b08f11  No.6619033

Allowing so few questions = Nadler knows he is screwed.

800658  No.6619034

41bde4  No.6619035

File: 782a73b77c66a7c⋯.png (322.55 KB, 532x637, 76:91, ClipboardImage.png)

@NASAJPL 8:31 AM - 29 May 2019

“When [your device] is burning up in Saturn’s atmosphere, there’s not much opportunity to retrieve the footage”

Here’s to Earl Maize, @CassiniSaturn program manager, Emmy winner, and @FastCompany honoree as one of the 100 most creative people in business

“When [your device] is burning up in Saturn’s atmosphere, there’s not much opportunity to retrieve the footage”





bc65bb  No.6619036



a0effe  No.6619037


Cuz he didn't tell Barr what he was doing. Trying to give Dems a Hail Barry on his way running out the door.

5c2079  No.6619038


711473  No.6619039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

State dept breifing

c51010  No.6619040


No one is above the law. Again, no one is above the law.


hahahahahahahahaha!!! Famous last words.

d4b3a4  No.6619041

File: e85e2eac4704f36⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 599x600, 599:600, 1537386351067.jpg)

5e65dc  No.6619042


Of course. I forgot.

87cafc  No.6619043

>>6618980 wtf The reporters fed him a questions he had a written answers for?

69f0e8  No.6619044

File: bed1693e55720a6⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, NoName.jpg)


I keep hearing about how JA is dying, or cannot process meat like a normal human, or whatever. I bet he gives his testimony, barely able to walk, then shortly after, he "passes" from "complications" of "whatever strange ailment he's afflicted with".

e69819  No.6619045

File: fdd2e13711fce52⋯.jpg (76.5 KB, 613x356, 613:356, enjoy.jpg)

d9cee5  No.6619046

Drop the hammer on these traitorous faggots already.

847330  No.6619047

File: eae6aef07c2a3aa⋯.png (335.74 KB, 535x469, 535:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e4c8d60aa3a0a9⋯.png (34.68 KB, 841x303, 841:303, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d75b4290483ecf3⋯.png (8.14 KB, 506x169, 506:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bee11aa68c8dfeb⋯.png (577.53 KB, 843x760, 843:760, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Creepy Joe strikes again’: Biden calls 10-year-old girl ‘good looking’ at campaign event

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has sparked new concerns over his ‘creepy’ behavior after he called a young girl “good looking” and held her shoulders, weeks after a vow to be more “mindful” of people’s personal space.

During the American Federation of Teachers town hall campaign event on Tuesday, the 10 year-old-girl asked Biden a question about political division in the US. Biden approached her and said: “I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.”



ef4246  No.6619048

They must've thought it was coming today.

LMFAO… Mueller's a tool.

89c98b  No.6619049


The OIG also found that the DAD engaged in misconduct when the DAD accepted a ticket,

valued at approximately $225, to attend a media-sponsored dinner, as a gift from a member of the media, in violation of federal regulations and FBI policy.

Prosecution of the DAD was declined.

11a435  No.6619050


He must have had DS bona fides before they called him in on that, even more than the Whitey Bulger stuff.

1ae9a8  No.6619051

He seems to be wearing a protective suit

bc65bb  No.6619052

File: 0cbccd7a211c297⋯.png (68.54 KB, 128x193, 128:193, ClipboardImage.png)


dddbfb  No.6619053

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

711473  No.6619054


Pedos can't help themselves

250b32  No.6619055


By golly. That's treason.

bf4526  No.6619056


It's been such an honor to watch ALL of this unfold over the past couple of years, keeping it in mind the entire time, we are watching history play out. Generations to come will be learning about what we are watching take place here.

I'm quite ready to kick off the good times though.

c93d27  No.6619057


MK Ultra'd.

5fd2ea  No.6619058

he may be trying to run away…

but he will never be able to hide ~ no way Mueller getting away from nutin'…


a0f890  No.6619059







The house would be gop if they did something about immigration while they had the chance. Instead they allowed the Russian collusion lunacy to go on for 2 years. The US is not a serious country anymore.

d9cee5  No.6619060

Funniest part of that Nadler news conference was watching the fat fuck waddle off stage KEK

8e1561  No.6619061


That's not a suit. It's diabeetus.

64c84a  No.6619062

The Dancing Q


>I Time Travel through the music.

>Do you?

926f29  No.6619063

File: a392c6cefb5cbd6⋯.jpg (488.58 KB, 2250x2220, 75:74, page01.jpg)

Q drop says "Fire"

Coincidentally, it lines up on the clock today.


da65fb  No.6619064


apparently he didnt see the mueller speach today

73aaa4  No.6619065


His page is protected. Cant vote.

dae26f  No.6619066


Drop 2525 >>6618871

Drop 1325 ROSATOM / IRAN yesterday news ROSATOM https://defence-point.com/2019/05/28/rosatom-launches-nuclear-icebreaker-to-open-arctic-route/

Drop 2125 Hungary Wall

d4b3a4  No.6619067

File: 0661fda867feae5⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 630x354, 105:59, 105932424-1558715039271jer….jpg)

c93d27  No.6619068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11a435  No.6619069

File: f25dfedcc31c0f9⋯.png (261.94 KB, 500x433, 500:433, ClipboardImage.png)

66b676  No.6619070

File: c162b945846d26d⋯.jpg (13.4 KB, 407x298, 407:298, pics_tpy742_1280811339.jpg)


Fat Nad's will have to pick up the soap…..

1ae9a8  No.6619071


Wearing a protective burn suit. He's still alive.

2b3344  No.6619072

Now there's a name that has been in the dark recesses of hell lately…Soros.

Wonder what he's trying to scheme up now.

711473  No.6619074

94cc98  No.6619075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He was conducting a huge wrap-up smear the whole time.

847330  No.6619076

File: d84baedec17f5b4⋯.png (14.63 KB, 527x185, 527:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f8c4be528d972a⋯.png (533.21 KB, 535x558, 535:558, ClipboardImage.png)

‘War criminal’ Alastair Campbell should be in The Hague not getting TV airtime, says George Galloway

George Galloway has hit out at the recent outpouring of sympathy for former Labour Party spin doctor and “war criminal” Alastair Campbell who was expelled from the party after admitting he voted against them in the EU elections.

The former British MP tweeted on Tuesday that Campbell, who was the press secretary for former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, “should be in The Hague” for war crimes and “not on every television station in the land.”

Galloway said it was a “mark of shame” that the political operative hadn’t been thrown out of the Labour Party before this week and lashed out at the media for eagerly sympathizing with his plight.

“The waves of media sympathy for [Campbell] tell you all you need to know about them,” he wrote.

In a separate tweet on Wednesday, Galloway called Campbell a “war criminal” and referenced a new documentary which examines what some believe was the suspicious suicide of Dr. David Kelly — a top weapons inspector who had revealed to the media that the British government’s assessment on Iraq WMDs had been purposely exaggerated and “sexed up” to suit the pro-war agenda.

Campbell was the man responsible for overseeing the Iraq dossier and was accused of being the person who had added the exaggerated claims, including the fabricated claim that Iraq could launch a chemical weapons strike against the UK within “45 minutes.”

Since his expulsion from the Labour Party, Campbell has been making the rounds on British television channels and vowing to fight the decision.

While many have sympathized over his predicament, others have wondered why voting against one’s own party in a controversial election seems to be a greater crime than being involved in faking evidence to join a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people.


dddbfb  No.6619077



"He's cooking now"

dbc05d  No.6619078

Nothing Mueller said today was unexpected. He’s just basically restating the points of the Mueller report.

The only newsworthy item of the day was Mueller saying that he didn’t charge Trump with obstruction because of the OLC guidelines (can’t charge a sitting president). Barr told Congress that Mueller told him that this was NOT the reason why Mueller didn’t charge Trump.

Everything else was just by the book, Mueller saying “yeah I agree with my report.” As expected.

He doesn’t want to testify, and doesn’t want to face cross-examination.

Will the media and Dems go nuts on this? Of course. Mueller was their last bit of hope. So they have to try to run with it. But the facts of the case don’t change (although there will be a push to change opinion polls now), and that means Trump won’t be removed by the Senate. Which means that the Dems are unlikely to impeach (for political reasons).

We’re pretty much at the end of the road here, then, it would seem. Mueller “testified,” Amash joined the resistance and there isn’t much more to do. Doubtful Hope Hicks or McGahn’s assistant will change the equation much, even if they actually testify.

I would actually welcome impeachment, because it would expose the Dems and end all the innuendo. I don’t want it, but would laugh if it happened because it almost certainly would damage the Dems. Although, to be fair, it could damage POTUS somewhat for 2020. And we don’t want that.

The Clinton impeachment, from start to finish, lasted about 12 weeks. In both House and Senate. I would imagine any effort against POTUS would be even shorter, since there would be just one main “charge” against POTUS (obstruction), while there were two against Clinton (obstruction, perjury).

Also of note, Susan Collins voted “not guilty” on both counts against Clinton. Given that history, it would seem impossible for her to vote guilty against POTUS. Clinton, I believe, actually pushed witnesses to lie under oath. POTUS did not.

2b3344  No.6619079


You punish, then you cure.

93b493  No.6619080


Do you clock fags honestly think future events can line up with a clock? So you're saying Q can predict the future? And don't say "in control". Bullfuckingshit.

I believe in this movement but let's lose the tin foil hats.

793b5c  No.6619081

File: bc0c2254d846717⋯.jpg (67 KB, 805x500, 161:100, Player.jpg)

Mueller is lying dip shit.

b08f11  No.6619082


In 100 years, people will be saying 'Imagine what it must have been like to witness Trump taking back America!"

7b6c74  No.6619083


The Republic, governed by the rule of law, is ded.

94cc98  No.6619084


Mueller went down in flames

847330  No.6619085

File: 6be3b08e18360d8⋯.png (26 KB, 669x303, 223:101, ClipboardImage.png)

EU Council Chief Brags Brexit Was ‘Vaccine’ Against Euroscepticism

Roadblocks to delivering Brexit have acted as a “vaccine” against Euroscepticism in the European Parliament elections, Donald Tusk has said.

While populist, pro-national sovereignty parties made some significant gains in last week’s elections, the European Council chief bragged that the bloc still boasted “a pro-European majority” in parliament.

“The vast majority voted for a more effective, stronger and united EU while rejecting those who want a weak Europe,” he told a news conference Tuesday. “This is powerful sign. Europe is the winner in these elections.”

“I have no doubt that one of the reasons why people on the continent voted for a pro-European majority is also Brexit,” Tusk said, speaking after a meeting at which EU leaders discussed who they wanted to see fill Brussels’ most powerful positions.

“As Europeans see what Brexit means in practice they also draw conclusions,” the Polish Eurocrat stated, asserting that issues Britain has been faced with since the 2016 referendum took place have acted as “a vaccine against anti-EU propaganda and fake news.”

These latest comments from Tusk, who previously proclaimed there was a “special place in hell” waiting for UK politicians who backed Brexit, echoed sentiments recently expressed by the outgoing European Commission chief, Jean-Claude Juncker.

In a speech declaring his disdain for “stupid nationalists” in contrast to his love towards “[populations] coming from far away”, the former leader of Luxembourg appeared to suggest the EU’s negotiations with Britain had succeeded in warning other nations in Europe that Brussels would make leaving the bloc as difficult as possible.

“The number of those in favour of the European Union is increasing because people are watching what is happening and they are seeing that leaving the European Union is not as easy as they were told,” Juncker said last week.


395e97  No.6619086

File: c884cb21603eaa4⋯.jpg (135.05 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, 9173109_web1_rtx3ei7o.jpg)



THIS dude's the real deal

7f83ad  No.6619087

File: 05abaf36f35f4f5⋯.png (366.9 KB, 410x540, 41:54, ClipboardImage.png)




a0effe  No.6619088


I'm guessing bc of the sudden announcement, it's a situation of the cats away and the mice playing.

Mueller is gonna get off by saying he trusted his investigators works. [[[Weismann]]]

But ya can't run from U1!

890e33  No.6619089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5fd2ea  No.6619090

I hope & pray Q has 1000+++

cameras on this Sick Fuck…


417cc1  No.6619091


Democrats and MSM have woven the ropes from which they will hang from…

Figuratively and literally…

The plan is a ballet of pure brilliance…

238154  No.6619092


ITs called a diaper u pervert. Ever seen a gerber commercial? Cut ur erect dick off u pedo.

dae26f  No.6619093


And we (some of us) will be there telling the story.

088b7b  No.6619094

The Department’s Declination Decision

on July 6

Following Comey’s public statement on July 5, the

Midyear prosecutors finalized their recommendation

that the Department decline prosecution of Clinton, her

senior aides, and the senders of emails determined to

contain classified information. On July 6, the Midyear

prosecutors briefed Lynch, Yates, Comey, other

members of Department and FBI leadership, and FBI

Midyear team members about the basis for the

declination recommendation. Lynch subsequently

issued a short public statement that she met with the

career prosecutors and agents who conducted the

investigation and “received and accepted their

unanimous recommendation” that the investigation be

closed without charges.

We found that the prosecutors considered five federal


• 18 U.S.C. §§ 793(d) and (e) (willful mishandling

of documents or information relating to the

national defense);

• 18 U.S.C. § 793(f) (removal, loss, theft,

abstraction, or destruction of documents or

information relating to the national defense

through gross negligence, or failure to report

such removal, loss, theft, abstraction, or


• 18 U.S.C. § 1924 (unauthorized removal and

retention of classified documents or material by

government employees); and

• 18 U.S.C. § 2071 (concealment, removal, or

mutilation of government records).

As described in Chapter Seven of our report, the

prosecutors concluded that the evidence did not support

prosecution under any of these statutes for various

reasons, including that former Secretary Clinton and her

senior aides lacked the intent to communicate classified

information on unclassified systems. Critical to their

conclusion was that the emails in question lacked

proper classification markings, that the senders often

refrained from using specific classified facts or terms in

emails and worded emails carefully in an attempt to

“talk around” classified information, that the emails

were sent to other government officials in furtherance

of their official duties, and that former Secretary Clinton

relied on the judgment of State Department employees

to properly handle classified information, among other


We further found that the statute that required the

most complex analysis by the prosecutors was Section

793(f)(1), the “gross negligence” provision that has

been the focus of much of the criticism of the

declination decision. As we describe in Chapters Two

and Seven of our report, the prosecutors analyzed the

legislative history of Section 793(f)(1), relevant case

law, and the Department’s prior interpretation of the

statute. They concluded that Section 793(f)(1) likely

required a state of mind that was “so gross as to almost

suggest deliberate intention,” criminally reckless, or

“something that falls just short of being willful,” as well

as evidence that the individuals who sent emails

containing classified information “knowingly” included or

transferred such information onto unclassified systems.

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was

lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section

793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s

historical approach in prior cases under different

leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for

mishandling classified documents.

We analyzed the Department’s declination decision

according to the same analytical standard that we

applied to other decisions made during the

investigation. We did not substitute the OIG’s

judgment for the judgments made by the Department,

but rather sought to determine whether the decision

was based on improper considerations, including

political bias. We found no evidence that the

conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or

other improper considerations; rather, we determined

that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of

the facts, the law, and past Department practice.

We therefore concluded that these were legal and policy

judgments involving core prosecutorial discretion that

were for the Department to make.

9502a3  No.6619095

Did we really think the Democrats would just go away and sulk after the Office of the Special Counsel' Report was issued?

The Democrats specialize in this bullshit and right now, with blackhat Mueller's recent statement, the Democrats are outplaying POTUS and Q Team

59929c  No.6619096



Its open just voted

41fc24  No.6619097


Kek yeah!!!!!

e69819  No.6619098

File: 95af8527e0000ea⋯.png (275.41 KB, 525x367, 525:367, cafirebrown.png)

File: 11ce51fa12af300⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1125x1601, 1125:1601, cafirenancy.png)

926f29  No.6619099

File: 55fcf482228cebd⋯.png (28.65 KB, 961x239, 961:239, ClipboardImage.png)

I think "Happy Hunting" is the message with drop #1325


b6d7b2  No.6619100

File: ae94e4a717e1c21⋯.png (545.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Holy Spirit.png)

File: 96a0694ee1ad42a⋯.jpg (419.38 KB, 1200x1487, 1200:1487, St Michael Prayer.jpg)

89944e  No.6619101


I need your honesty.

In just two days I get letters from our IRS about an old tax bill (2017) that came up. At the same point our department of education (students pay back their student loans back to that department) about payments I apparently have missed and the department that collects traffic fines for an ticket I got years ago (2015) and which appeared not to be payed (which is weird because I would go to jail for such thing).

So 3 governmental departments contact me in 2 days about unpayed bills years ago and I somehow got into a fight with 2 shills who pretend to be 'conspiracy theorists'.

Am I getting paranoid or do they want me to shut the fuck up?

d83cef  No.6619102

>>6618415 (pb)

Why is [Nancy Pelosi], among others, not on the list?

41bde4  No.6619103

File: 8337fd4bffd6077⋯.png (173.38 KB, 532x487, 532:487, ClipboardImage.png)

Army Cyber Command @ARCYBER


.@USArmy CID warns Army community about social media impersonation of Soldier accounts

711473  No.6619104

File: e2c114e529c08c2⋯.jpg (740.17 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-131810….jpg)

File: e13a8f1784cb0d4⋯.jpg (610.77 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-131819….jpg)

File: bd6b440b6b14a11⋯.jpg (395.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-131829….jpg)

File: de1220be24759b2⋯.jpg (481.26 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-131839….jpg)

File: 70e23c0f893a9cc⋯.jpg (506.19 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190529-131846….jpg)


849c09  No.6619105

File: 1696e112c9f6718⋯.jpg (981.14 KB, 984x2552, 123:319, Screenshot_20190529-141621….jpg)

Theres a lot more decode to this POTUS TWEET, but keeping it simple …12 dots total.

Smile for the camera

NOTHING equals 64 & this post is PF164

0efbf5  No.6619106

File: 1bc8898e6630790⋯.jpeg (219.42 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, 20808602-C797-460E-AA2A-3….jpeg)



He cannot sleep.

847330  No.6619107

Far-Left Extremist Arrested in Connection with Salvini Party Office Bombing

Police in northern Italy have arrested a far-left extremist in connection with the bombing of an office belonging to the League party of populist Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini.

The arrest comes after a long and in-depth investigation by the anti-mafia prosecutor’s office of Venice which determined the identity of the suspect who is believed to be close to the far-left anarchist scene, Il Giornale reports.

The suspect has been named in Italian media as Spanish anarchist Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez, 42, who had been on the run from Italian authorities since 2017 for previous offences.

The bombing occurred in August last year and saw one bomb exploding just steps away from the office in the city of Treviso near Venice.

Another nearby device, which was later disarmed, was rigged in order to be tripped by police or other emergency services workers responding to the first device. The detonation of the second bomb would likely have resulted in severe injury or death as it was reported to have contained nails and other fragments of metal.

A group, known as the “Santiago Maldonado Cell”, took credit for the attack soon after it occurred stating: “Direct action makes us clear as to why and how. For an internationalist, rebellious, anarchist solidarity! For a world without borders or authority!” The group had also taken credit for a previous bombing at a police station in Rome.

German Antifa Far-Left Extremists Release ‘Riot Tourist’ Instructional Terror Handbook https://t.co/04C76INQ0a

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 22, 2018

The arrest is just part of a series of recent attacks attempted or allegedly committed by violent, far-left extremists across Europe.

Earlier this year in Sweden, a far-left extremist was charged with stockpiling illegal firearms, police uniforms, and other material with prosecutor Petra Schöniger commenting: “The investigation shows that the operational weapon of the AR-15 type has been assembled and completed inside the container and that it has subsequently been fired.

“Other parts of the same rifle type found could have been assembled into four fully operational weapons.”

In Germany, several other arrests of far-left extremists have been made in recent years including a man in Thuringia last year who was accused of having his own mobile bomb factory.

Earlier this year in Döbeln, an office of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) was also bombed with the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) stating they believed the attack to be politically motivated.


11a435  No.6619108


No they're not.

But they're not just gonna lay down and die, either.

Bongino's gonna bust a blood vessel tellin' them to take the "L".

They can't.

e69819  No.6619109

File: dd609454521e6d9⋯.png (318.53 KB, 563x382, 563:382, 55.png)

Loud and Clear

8e7234  No.6619110


Trump is fuq'd.

aNONS think This is a big joke like the Democrats are going down. kek


0f9ee6  No.6619111


He was burning black smoke and wuite alot before they put him out. he was fully enflamed just standing there for a little while

No running around, no falling or going to the ground. Seemed really odd.

Wonder if he was on drugs, or had on some sort of special outfit to protect him for awhile?

If not he is def dead.

Why would the lady near person recording, keep saying over and over again i'm sorry. That makes no sense, why would she be sorry, ( did she know them) she has no control over what a stranger does. just seemed odd as well

44f770  No.6619112

File: b4720bdf4a02225⋯.jpg (6.5 KB, 217x232, 217:232, night rain.jpg)



for stepping in

47fc63  No.6619113

File: 43ec41be0938200⋯.jpg (65.66 KB, 700x1080, 35:54, grated-magic-wand-stick-to….jpg)

File: f2b188ac9a17160⋯.jpg (347.46 KB, 720x1130, 72:113, IMG_20190529_141502.jpg)

File: a2039e5190358fc⋯.jpg (116.56 KB, 720x255, 48:17, IMG_20190529_141726.jpg)

File: 1a27496559b53df⋯.png (364.94 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190529-141345.png)

File: 8404865800b7c2e⋯.jpg (494.43 KB, 1000x1510, 100:151, COMET.jpg)


11a435  No.6619114


satanic gibberish

088b7b  No.6619115

This IG report is really a nothing burger that clears Clinton of any wrong doing in her email scandal.

Trust Horowitz? what is going on?

bf4526  No.6619116


>In 100 years, people will be saying 'Imagine what it must have been like to witness Trump taking back America!"

Guaranteed, anon. That sentiment has never been lost on me. Anybody who has been paying attention this entire time has understood fully the gravity of it all. I love it.

417757  No.6619117

File: 35c0f943b3ad40b⋯.jpg (231.96 KB, 675x930, 45:62, diabeetus.jpg)

dc36a0  No.6619118

File: 0f813836b9a77cc⋯.jpg (94.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nanex HFT model exposed.jpg)

File: 94116392bb25e21⋯.jpg (15.63 KB, 474x474, 1:1, whistle blowing.jpg)

>>6617934 lb U.S. exchanges must face renewed high-frequency trading claims: judge

Whistleblower award for NYSE fine goes to HFT critic

Eric Hunsader gets payout from the SEC

Eric Hunsader, a vocal critic of high-frequency traders, said the Securities and Exchange Commission is sending him a $750,000 whistleblower award.

On Jan. 15 the SEC confirmed it would pay “more than $700,000” to a whistleblower that had provided the “independent analysis as well as independent knowledge of securities law violations” that led to a $5 million fine for the New York Stock Exchange in 2012. Hunsader showed MarketWatch a letter from the SEC that confirmed the approval of his award and told MarketWatch he was the recipient of a pending award for the tip that led to the NYSE fine. By law, the SEC does not publicly identify the whistleblower’s name or the company that was subject to the order. The notice to Hunsader on Monday also said the time period for all other potential claimants to appeal the SEC decision on the same issue had expired.

A spokeswoman from the SEC declined comment on the whistleblower award.

The SEC fined the NYSE and its parent NYSE Euronext, a subsidiary of Intercontinental Exchange ICE, -0.09% , in 2012 for violating Regulation NMS over an extended period of time beginning in 2008. The NYSE sent trade prices and details through two of its proprietary feeds before sending that data to the consolidated feeds that provide trade and quote data to the public, according to the SEC.

This is the first whistleblower award by the SEC under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 to reward an independent third party for analysis of a potential securities law violation, a model prompted by the experience of an unsuccessful outsider, Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos.

Hunsader said his firm, Nanex, originally discovered the issue on the day of the flash crash, May 6, 2010.

Referring to the SEC’s current market data analyzing tool, Midas, Hunsader said it would be unlikely that the agency would be able to spot the issue again using it.

“You could do it with Midas but not out of the box. You would really have to know what you’re doing. So, I would say no, they can’t do what we did,” he said.

Hunsader noted he gave the information to the SEC and published it on his site before a whistleblower award rule was even in effect.

“The office wasn’t even set up but the Dodd-Frank law passed the day before. I gave it to them on July 22 and the whistleblower office opened up a year later,” he said.

He also said he told the NYSE directly, but they told him he was not a member.

A spokeswoman from the New York Stock Exchange declined to comment on whether Hunsader brought the issue to them first.

Hunsader had some advice to would-be whistleblowers, especially other outsiders trying to tell regulators about an issue based on their own original analysis.

“It doesn’t matter if an algorithm is ripping off the market, for example, you have to prove intent. You better be absolutely sure you can prove intent. The SEC had a good piece of evidence to go confidently to the NYSE ,” said Hunsader. “You could not refute it. It only took three charts. I told them, ‘There’s nothing more you need from me.’”

Hunsader said he thinks his information was taken seriously by the regulator because of an introduction from another regulator.

Hunsader also praised Mark Donohue, who was the assistant director in the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations at the time.


'''Plese visit this site for many articles from this firm. At the forefront of exposing this practice.

The SEC just did not give a shit. All they had to do was follow-up on the original three charts sent to them. They chose not to.

Some samples at this site

July 14, 2015 : HFT Hot Potato 2 - The Treasury Flash Crash

March 18, 2015 : U.S. Dollar Flash Crash

Oct. 28, 2014 : Record Treasury Futures Trades



8e1561  No.6619119


Keep telling yourself that. Keep doing nothing about it. You're being controlled.

41bde4  No.6619120

File: 2c9d647c69482e6⋯.png (185.41 KB, 532x486, 266:243, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6619098 Massive #WildFires Burn Across #Israel


a0effe  No.6619121


They are merchandising it into bankruptcy, insanity and life in prison for [[[themselves]]].

9a7b47  No.6619122


You shutting up will obviously have no effect on those actions already in progress. If there was truth to your implications they would have started with a threat.

c4425d  No.6619123

>>6619047 yesterday's news


Still spamming Russia Today? Eight of your nine posts in the bread?

Not that we all don't believe everything out of the Russian govt press. But, isn't that excessive?

c5e540  No.6619124


At least he remained woke during this event.

6753df  No.6619125


how about " permanently removed from society "

any way works for me, as long as PERMANENT

44f770  No.6619126

File: c88c75669cf3d71⋯.jpg (4.35 KB, 275x183, 275:183, comet.jpg)


sorry didn't realize this was watermarked, here's something better

dae26f  No.6619127


You might be right.

Thank Fren.

Anyway the link 'norway' and 'arctic' matched for a moment in my mind.

ac1301  No.6619128


No, that anon is just a lot smarter than you.

11a435  No.6619129


I think you need to take care of those problems.

Unannounced audits and bills out of nowhere are reasons for paranoia, not ordinary course of business items that are timely.

6ff685  No.6619130

spent ammunition prevents (((them))) from conducting a FF to control the narrative when declas happens. People are awake .

Once again, POTUS takes the body shots that would otherwise be given to American citizens.

The results are still the same. The narrative was hijacked today.

Let's take it back. WE ARE THE NEWS NOW

847330  No.6619131

File: 6beed7a95573acd⋯.png (470.27 KB, 577x813, 577:813, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Gang Members Arrested in Tijuana with Bazooka, Meth

Two U.S.-based street gang members working for the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) were arrested in Tijuana over the weekend wearing cloned uniforms and carrying a light anti-armor weapon (LAW). Both were turned over to investigative personnel from the federal attorney general’s office.

Tijuana municipal police patrolling in colonia Nuevo Milenio observed a vehicle whose occupants were not wearing seat belts Sunday. Officers later noticed that both the driver and passenger were dressed in uniforms worn by the Special Operations Group of the Tijuana municipal police and the Mexican Army, according to local media reports.

Suspicions rose when police noticed insignias were missing from the uniforms. The vehicle occupants also could not furnish official credentials. Both men were detained and a search of the vehicle was performed, which led to the discovery of a light anti-armor weapon intended for targeting tanks. Officers also discovered an undisclosed amount of methamphetamine.

Upon questioning, it was determined that both were U.S.-based gang members from California. One was identified as a Logan Heights member from San Diego–which is a Mexican-American clique founded in the 1960s and has a history of working for the Tijuana Cartel (Cártel Arellano Félix-CAF). The Tijuana Cartel is currently aligned with the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), which are engaged in a bitter turf war with the Sinaloa Cartel. The second gang member is reportedly from Tijuana but is believed to also be an active gang member in the United States. Both displayed common Mexican-American street gang tattoos, according to Breitbart News law enforcement sources.

The Logan Heights gangs were implicated in the botched 1993 assassination of Joaquín Guzmán Loera aka “El Chapo” in Guadalajara, which instead killed a Roman Catholic cardinal in a case of mistaken identity. Six suspected San Diego-based gang members were arrested. An additional 30 Logan Heights gang members were believed to have served as soldiers for the Arellano Félix brothers of the Tijuana Cartel.


9c32f3  No.6619132


oh please… no one is going to touch the nad.

a4dba9  No.6619133

So, Mueller told Barr that the "sitting President"rule had nothing to

do with his decision to not charge Trump for obstruction of justice,

then he gets on TV and says that it DID affect his decision not

to charge the President…

Am I getting that right?

And if so, WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!??????

3d0a57  No.6619134

File: ec0a73beb772e99⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 220x229, 220:229, images (32).jpg)




would much rather be a planefag than a clockfag.

clockfagging is the astrology department of Qsearch

e69819  No.6619135

File: 53a76f39116b380⋯.png (103.32 KB, 354x198, 59:33, truthwarrior.png)

Fuck you Nadler

11a435  No.6619136



ce0f6e  No.6619137


Should we still trust Sessions and Wray?

9f30dc  No.6619138

File: 0b293d905193f6d⋯.png (131.71 KB, 947x544, 947:544, rosen maggie.png)

File: 412769b991a9b16⋯.png (528.07 KB, 742x848, 7:8, rosen schultz.png)

File: f4be55f175b5618⋯.png (1.13 MB, 719x1436, 719:1436, rosen dnc schultz.png)

Is Rosen also Maggie's handler?

d9cee5  No.6619139

Mueller’s job was to investigate/clear POTUS while at the same time giving the Democrats just enough rope to hang themselves with. Impeachment talks were simmering so Mueller comes out and breathes life into their diminished hopes and dreams. If the Democrats begin impeachment proceedings they are absolutely finished and will lose BIGLY in 2020. Part of the plan?

32233f  No.6619140


maybe potus will bring him back on af1

2efceb  No.6619142

File: b6689e5968d203e⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1175x2372, 1175:2372, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34c4efd2db5e6ae⋯.png (265.42 KB, 1070x350, 107:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08123d495ceb836⋯.png (12.75 KB, 387x156, 129:52, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the Water.

Domed Concretely.





44f770  No.6619143

Baker present?

Any notables collected?

793b5c  No.6619144

File: c0368d6d4b1835e⋯.png (598.05 KB, 1017x564, 339:188, Crooks.png)

File: 7db47fcea4e0205⋯.png (526.44 KB, 1022x593, 1022:593, olé Valerie.png)

Q fizzled out bigly and didn't get anything on the scoreboard.

8e7234  No.6619145

Congress is winning. Trump admin is hamstrung. Anything they do that isn't INCREDIBLY incriminating to everyone in Congress will be just more ammunition for them to claim more obstruction.

The optics are in their court. Trump admin has provided nothing for normies to chomp on for warm feelz

8e1561  No.6619146


That's a thought. Good job. Now produce one that isn't fucking retarded.

47fc63  No.6619147

File: 4396d95f5b79700⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ra-logo_lg.jpg)

File: 30c15ae26332895⋯.jpg (5.42 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (9).jpg)

File: edb410eadbef786⋯.jpg (252.2 KB, 720x474, 120:79, IMG_20190529_000404.jpg)

File: 4d2bce6b678426c⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 720x491, 720:491, IMG_20190529_001405.jpg)

File: eb4070e118fc10e⋯.jpg (22.93 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (10).jpg)

847330  No.6619148

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's new criminal guidelines to allow violent young adults to get out of jail free

The city of New York will allow more young adults to get out of jail free on charges, including assault and battery and armed robbery, the New York Post reported.

Mayor Bill de Blasio's Office of Criminal Justice has developed new guidelines which his office hopes to allow three times as many teens to be released from jail with no bail. The policy takes effect Saturday.

It will also increase the number of adults who qualify for the mayor's no-bail Supervised Release Program.

What are the details?

The policy will expand the Youth Engagement Track to include young adults ages 18-19. It's currently capped at 17 for most of the city.

The program, which allows mostly "high-risk" teens charged with misdemeanors or nonviolent felonies to be released without bail, will expand to more serious and violent crimes including first- and second-degree robbery.

Miriam Popper, executive director of diversion initiatives for the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, expects the number of eligible teen defendants to more than triple, according to the Post.

Teens who are released with no bail will be "placed on an intensive supervision schedule in the first month," Popper wrote in a memo to judges earlier this month. Those who are placed in the program would also be required to undergo psychological counseling.

Why is the city expanding the program?

The Supervised Release Program expansion plays into de Blasio's controversial plan to close the Rikers Island jail complex.

"In our city, we have reduced our jail population about 30 percent already," de Blasio said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "We are ending the era of mass incarceration in New York City."

What do opponents say?

A high-ranking New York Police Department official told the Post that de Blasio's administration adopted the new policies without considering the effect on "neighborhoods where people are being robbed and assaulted."

"Without bail, the perps will be thinking: 'I'm in and I'm out. Nothing's going to happen.' " the official said. "'What's the big deal?'"

"People who have never been a victim of crime, they really don't think about the consequences of this," the official added.

Court system sources for the Post said that many judges fear they could lose their jobs if they don't align with the program's more lenient guidelines.

"There's tremendous political pressure in this city, and it comes from the New York City government, it comes from the defenders who are emboldened," one courthouse source told the newspaper. "Judges feel the pressure."


da65fb  No.6619149

File: 61a523848152742⋯.png (49.58 KB, 622x746, 311:373, Care.PNG)

I feel like Muellers speech today was like Qs answer to the moon landings

e0e527  No.6619150

>>6618510 (PB)

Too bad more can't see this, enough do however. Those that don't will see it, after it's over.

Generations will read about it.

8e16b5  No.6619151


You have that right. Mueller contradicting his earlier characterizations.

2b3344  No.6619152


You make it fast and all over.

Let them suffer…let them suffer loads…then 'cure' them.

dddbfb  No.6619153


This happens to me all the time. The slave master bankers must need another yacht is all.

They shake the tree every now and then.

395e97  No.6619154

fkn wamen whining about "toxic masculinity"

but take a look at romance books, from the old school Harlequin stuff to the new post-shades post-twilight whatevers: just TRY and find one that isn't about a "bad boy".

just try.

you can't.

bf4526  No.6619155


>Trump is fuq'd.

>aNONS think This is a big joke like the Democrats are going down. kek


You're nervous. Got it. It's alright…

You should be

847330  No.6619157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The CIA's Narco-State |We The People

8e1561  No.6619158


Elections safe, united by 11.11. Hillary was arrested in October 2017. Are you ready for arrests? What, didn't get the memo?

e69819  No.6619159

File: 3500cdb445ad9fe⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 474x415, 474:415, clint.jpg)

32dbeb  No.6619160

RM clearly stated that they did not find any evidence that the President did NOT commit the crime of obstruction. How do you 'find evidence' that something didn't happen?

73bf4d  No.6619161

File: 32307c26d8fe876⋯.jpg (391.76 KB, 2000x1516, 500:379, this faggot.jpg)

We've been told how all this is scripted

We've been repeatedly assured (by Q) that everything's under control - which I've never bought - the only way everything could be under control to the degree we've been told is if they control both sides

corrupt, evil, shitbags like this fat fuck and the weak ass leftard drones who follow them are why the idea of a peaceful way of overthrowing these shitbags who've run shit since at least the end of WWII - arguably longer is nothing but a fucking pipe dream.

Like the soviets, they will not give up power. Ever.

Rules and laws are fine so long as they get their way. We're witness to what happens when they don't/

These fuckers and the rest of their ilk are fundamentally incompatible with the American Ideal, which they are blatantly hostile to and have done nothing but subvert and attempt to destroy their entire worthless existences.

But… we had a moral obligation to give it a shot.

So what now?

890e33  No.6619162

File: aa44c7bfe51f8e2⋯.jpg (114.53 KB, 1696x1174, 848:587, rmsmudge9ba2gjB.jpg)

ab864f  No.6619163

Someone explain this shit.. This is what I just can't wrap my head around..

These people are open liars, open and closet criminals, etc., and they know the evidence is out there to show it, they know who has that evidence.. So why do they continue to double and triple down on all there corrupt activity? Why don't they run and hide, try to save themselves in any way possible? Why keep poking the bear? Is it cause there handlers are still in control? The swamp runs deep and we are nowhere near an ending? I understand the whole panic attempt to get rid of Potus but, if they know what's coming and Patriots are in control, getting rid of him won't change what is coming, so does the ds still maintain a big amount of control? I just feel is if we are nowhere near the truth and ending pertaining to the plan. We see how fucked up the US still is within the media everyday, and we also see the opposite, but, it just feels as if we are nowhere near the "truth that makes change" coming out.

847330  No.6619164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

State Of Emergency Declared In Multiple Ohio Counties

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has reportedly declared a state of emergency in several Ohio counties.

Montgomery, Greene, and Mercer counties, all of which suffered serious damage following severe weather this week, are covered by the declaration. Emergency state services have already begun providing aid in the afflicted areas, but more long-term assistance may be necessary to help the counties recover.


d4b3a4  No.6619165

File: a22c1360aff17bd⋯.jpg (465.46 KB, 2348x1157, 2348:1157, mexico.jpg)


two captured Sicarios working for the New Generation Cartel in Tijuana that where apprehended by municipal police. They where found in the possession of a 64 millimeter rocket launcher according to authorities and where dressed in uniform. One gray municipal polices special operations uniform and the other a Mexican army uniform. Both are now in custody.

Interesting to note that this type of modus Is very Common all over the northern border regions where criminal groups impersonate local and federal forces to confuse the population and police. Back in the day I remember that the presence of sideburns gave away a how group of cartel members dressed in army uniforms that had set up a road block. The devil is in the details.-


7f83ad  No.6619166

File: 6621e160e228da4⋯.jpg (109.1 KB, 500x345, 100:69, 1558500110920.jpg)


>Hillary was arrested in October 2017

>still thinks Q said that


d9cee5  No.6619167


Is JA safe?

8e7234  No.6619168


Because very powerful forces are telling them otherwise. Either they do have a case to defeat Trump and the republic, or the DS is lying to them giving them false confidence so they continue.

a4dba9  No.6619169


So he's basically setting up the case for the

Dems and RINOS to impeach Trump, right?

793b5c  No.6619170

File: 32298021cf6b283⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 589x405, 589:405, VJ.jpg)

File: ebca1e58d90e9bc⋯.jpg (121.66 KB, 500x528, 125:132, Decaying.jpg)

Russia is winning.

89944e  No.6619171


Makes sense, didn't get a threat. thnx.


Yeah, I am looking into it. Check to see if I really did pay them or not and will make sure it will be sorted out correctly. Somehow the timing of 3 different departments with different reasons and different histories contact me on the same time. I thought that was odd I am digging into stuff (and contacted politicians about it) and corruption over here is as much as a fact as in USA so yeah. It felt wrong and I don't think I could discuss this with RL friends who just don't seem to wake up.

I mean, I needed to check what others think. Maybe I'm just scaring myself and that's what I'm concluding at the moment.

8e16b5  No.6619172


Mueller turned the idea of justice on its head. Guilty until proven innocent these days.

7b6c74  No.6619173


you forgot the world will know the truth June 2018

847330  No.6619174

Monsanto is finally getting a taste of its own poison

Monsanto is the quintessential evil corporation.

In the 1960s it manufactured Agent Orange, a defoliant–hardcore weedkiller–which the USA used during the Vietnam war. The military sprayed vast swaths of the jungle causing horrible health effects like cancer and birth defects in American veterans and Vietnamese civilians exposed to the chemical.

Then Monsanto brought their products home to the USA and started dumping its poison on the homeland.

Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Roundup, widely used as a weed killer. Monsanto holds patents on gene edited varieties of crops modified to withstand the herbicide while weeds die around them. It is also used to kill wheat plants for easier harvesting.

This means that practically everyone in the USA who consumes mainstream food products is exposed to Roundup.

Evidence suggests that gluten intolerance could be related instead to glyphosate intolerance. And the rise of certain types of cancer in the USA also corresponds to the use of Monsanto’s weed killer.

US regulatory agencies like the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) claim that glyphosate is safe for humans and the environment.

But American courts begs to differ.

About 13,000 civil cases against Monsanto are moving through the court system.

The first three came back in favor of the plaintiffs. The evidence showed that Roundup caused cancer in people exposed to the weedkiller.

So far the price has added up to $2 billion for the company, but it looks like that is just the beginning.

Meanwhile, the parent company, Bayer, which bought Monsanto last year is quickly plummeting in value.

Bayer acquired Monsanto for $63 billion last year.

Now investors are fleeing, and the value of Bayer has fallen by 40% since it bought Monsanto. Bayer is now worth $59 billion, less than it paid for Monsanto.

It is about time somebody pays for the damage Monsanto’s poisons have done to people. For too long this company has teamed up with the US government to poison the population for profit.

It will be satisfying if the civil damages mount to the point where these companies are liquidated in order to pay the victims. It is only fitting that the Roundup poisons and withers the companies which profited from it.

And with US courts finally holding companies accountable for the people they harm, this will stop other profit-seeking companies from going anywhere near the poison glyphosate.

Now if we could just hold the US government accountable for its part in poising its people, and playing defense for Monsanto…

You don’t have to play by the rules of the corrupt politicians, manipulative media, and brainwashed peers.

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8e7234  No.6619175


Trump WILL be impeached in the house. There is no doubt.

41bde4  No.6619176

File: 82ad44bd2536eac⋯.png (260.51 KB, 532x633, 532:633, ClipboardImage.png)

@StandWithUs (((Israel)))


Welcome back home 🏠 🇮🇱.

Frank Lowy, an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor who fought in #Israel's War of Independence and then went on to become one of Australia's richest people, has finally made Aliyah and returned home to Israel.

5:21 AM - 29 May 2019

dc36a0  No.6619177

File: ba30a592e70b725⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 1024x750, 512:375, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)

5fd2ea  No.6619178

File: c18852a1e445a6f⋯.png (476.45 KB, 916x690, 458:345, ClipboardImage.png)



Nadler after presser…

e0e527  No.6619179


What now you ask? Looks like you shit your pants, the rest of us, we are comfy as hell, we'll hold the line, when you man up join us.

395e97  No.6619180


keeping up appearances despite all logic has always been their superpower.

doubling down is only natural

ef4246  No.6619181

Divisive Democrats are aiding & abetting said Russian interference ESPECIALLY the sowing seeds of dissent part.

Also, desperately trying to conflate Russian interference with DJT is a LOSING play, we're not stupid.

c5e540  No.6619182


What if they had impeachment hearings and DECLAS material came out during it?

That would make for a great movie scene.

6753df  No.6619183


Don't believe pedos can be cured, removal from society is only option, by rope or cage

89944e  No.6619184


Hmmm, I can't argue that hehe

603b27  No.6619185

File: 3d19a42243e72e6⋯.png (345.68 KB, 673x673, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



two captured Sicarios working for the New Generation Cartel in Tijuana that where apprehended by municipal police. They where found in the possession of a 64 millimeter rocket launcher according to authorities and where dressed in uniform. One gray municipal polices special operations uniform and the other a Mexican army uniform. Both are now in custody.

Interesting to note that this type of modus Is very Common all over the northern border regions where criminal groups impersonate local and federal forces to confuse the population and police. Back in the day I remember that the presence of sideburns gave away a how group of cartel members dressed in army uniforms that had set up a road block. The devil is in the details.

8e1561  No.6619186



8e7234  No.6619188


So comfy behind keyboards and bags of cheetos.

Man up.


793b5c  No.6619189

File: 76cf780a26bab2d⋯.png (447.84 KB, 603x356, 603:356, 76cf780a26bab2deb7fc231d25….png)



But not in the Senate…

32dbeb  No.6619190


Taking bets on RM testifying before Congress if it appears that impeachment is off the table. I think the only reason he did this today was because there were reports that Pelosi was not going to impeach.

59929c  No.6619191


House means shit,

to impeach 2/3 of the Senate needs to vote

in favor of it.

711473  No.6619192


They would have to take the Senate back in 2020..

847330  No.6619193

Hackers targeting airport charging stations to steal data

Security experts are issuing a warning for travelers to think twice about using airport charging stations.

They say using the public USB ports could put unsuspecting users at risk of what's called "juice jacking."

It happens when hackers secretly modify the USB ports to install malware on your phone or steal your data.

Just by plugging in, hackers can steal data, text messages, pictures, and email from your phone.

"There's really no way to tell, and you have to be really technically savvy to detect such an attack," IBM cybersecurity expert Charles Henderson said.

Experts recommend bringing your own charger or portable battery along to avoid using the public USB ports.


3d0a57  No.6619194



muh Catholics

have they ever read the Bible?

5c2079  No.6619195

File: e6eebdcefdd68bd⋯.png (316.05 KB, 711x383, 711:383, anj_solute.png)

a4dba9  No.6619196




IF, they impeach him…..

May God have mercy on anyone who votes to

impeach our President….


da9ea2  No.6619197


Here's a better video of burning man


8e1561  No.6619198


You're right. I forgot he said it was Podesta getting arrested and Hillary's passport was revoked. My bad.

Go Q! I hope he posts more photos of Trump's ear or some bald dude crossing the street in China.

fe4854  No.6619199


at this rate it will be year 8102… think mirror.

8e7234  No.6619200



You are considered "impeached" if the House impeaches you. Look it up.

What that means…IDK, but you are "impeached" if the House wants you impeached.

9225a6  No.6619201

File: c349a4f4d7a3a45⋯.png (87.61 KB, 473x630, 473:630, Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at ….png)




People are so busy arguing they missed Mueller's resignation!!


2b3344  No.6619202

I can not believe you fuckers are so concern fagging right now over a bunch of nothing.

You lot are a bunch of pussies that can't see the forest because of the trees.

dddbfb  No.6619203


The weather manipulation must not be originating from inside the U.S. or it would have stopped. I wonder which country the cabal is safe in that they can still control the weather and target the U.S. with impunity?


a4dba9  No.6619204


Bad bot

a8177b  No.6619205

File: 005334754e3afb2⋯.png (3.09 MB, 927x1377, 103:153, ClipboardImage.png)

8e7234  No.6619206


Explain to us fuckers exactly what's going to happen and when, anon.

174c8d  No.6619207

File: 7c9736f2f693e66⋯.png (304.89 KB, 620x827, 620:827, 8237d14de5b4a220b6de2a0515….png)

763f23  No.6619208


for the trees… cant see the forest FOR the trees stupid fucking bot

ef4246  No.6619209


Haven't you ever noticed criminals always profess their "innocence" ALL THE WAY TO PRISON!

041595  No.6619210

So Mueller is finally done and dusted and anons still have no idea if he was white, black or grey hat or what the report really means for POTUS.

I guess this is part of the mighty plan but sometimes it looks like politicians and their friends just invent 'busy' work for each other.

The anticipation is really starting to mess with my head.

'Trust the plan' - I know, I know

861c07  No.6619211

File: 942a1d08a61a88e⋯.png (77.91 KB, 786x674, 393:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden believes impeachment may be unavoidable, campaign spokesperson says

From CNN's Arlette Saenz


This makes me think DS really does not understand what they are up against. Flood is coming. Cannot be stopped now.

dae26f  No.6619212


Social media is flooded with impersonators, even in my nation the Netherlands nowadays since the elections and rise of nationalists. We're pretty much uniting and (((they))) don't like that at all.

849c09  No.6619213

File: 3ed6cf08360f1da⋯.jpg (922.34 KB, 1440x1359, 160:151, Screenshot_20190529-143027….jpg)

File: 5086b4702d302d0⋯.jpg (417.93 KB, 1440x1214, 720:607, Screenshot_20190529-143016….jpg)

Another crazy person set himself on fire.


2b3344  No.6619214


Then you haven't 'expanded' your thinking yet.

da9ea2  No.6619215


They are going to do it.

It's what Trump secretly wants.

You saw his face in the Rose Garden talking about the "I word" and that smirk.

So much free media coverage

Base will ride the wave to the polls in 2020.

eb1d34  No.6619216


That is probably THE smallest file size for a pic I've seen on this image board.


bf4526  No.6619217

File: 73ff836535f7bbd⋯.jpg (213.5 KB, 607x683, 607:683, YouFailEveryTime.jpg)

bbe44f  No.6619218

File: 32422d8c3327e30⋯.png (327.79 KB, 637x504, 91:72, Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at ….png)

89c98b  No.6619219

SHOCK VIDEO: Man Sets Himself on Fire Near The White House

WASHINGTON — Around 12:20 p.m. Wednesday, the secret service says a man lit himself on fire on the Ellipse near 15th and Constitution Avenue.

Secret Service personnel were on scene assisting the National Park Police and in rendering first aid.


c5e540  No.6619220


>IF, they impeach him…..

POTUS is the slow-walker.

He & Q both saying waiting for the right time to DECLAS.

What better time than when the whole world is watching Dim House Kabuki Theater?

711473  No.6619221


It means nothing. They'll end up not doing anything just like now… collecting their checks of taxpayer money

631684  No.6619222


just finished reading aventures of no.5


1ae9a8  No.6619223


By the end of the fairy tail the "bad boy" is tamed by the fkn woman…pussy whipped. Harelquin was written by elite bitch who promoted fucked up ideology of what true masculinity is anyway.

5f30f2  No.6619224


Impeachment by the House leads to a Senate trial. The senate must affirm the conviction by a 2/3s majority for it to take effect. Bill Clinton was impeached by the House and then acquitted by the Senate in 1998. DEMS HAVE NOTHING BUT SHILLING

11a435  No.6619225


They have their own version that makes Mary the hero.

And they don't know that they're calling Semiramis of Babylon, the "Queen of Heaven" and the "Mother of God" "Mary", as the Egyptians called Semiramis "Isis", the Chaldeans "Ishtar", the Phoenician "Astarte", etc.

7b6c74  No.6619226


what I'm thinking too

a4dba9  No.6619227


I do know he was nervous as fuck.

e69819  No.6619228

File: 29f9b0c9488178c⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 600x375, 8:5, religion.jpg)

ab864f  No.6619229



Appreciate the replies. Pretty much what I thought as well, but that would mean the swamp still runs deep.

482706  No.6619230


criminally unchecked digits

603b27  No.6619231

File: 5642c58f4994f4e⋯.mp4 (10.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, scope.mp4)


d4b3a4  No.6619232


Wait, this happened again?

Why does this keep happening?

c5e540  No.6619233


Nobody missed it.

Where you been?

454e81  No.6619234


Thanks, Bernie.

e69819  No.6619235


3 years to plan; 3 years to implement?

793b5c  No.6619236

File: 43e79a146aa9fec⋯.jpg (84.77 KB, 500x605, 100:121, Dirty Cop Mueller 2.jpg)

File: 309c6829b260407⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 309c6829b260407f16d00ce84b….png)

Q said Mueller was dirty .

308aa2  No.6619237

File: fdea3a467e47096⋯.png (593.57 KB, 640x608, 20:19, ClipboardImage.png)

8e1561  No.6619238


They can't. None of them can. They're so mixed up from the random nonsense Q posts that they see proofs everywhere. Rememer when they spent like a month counting fucking buttons and shit in the Trump Hotel promo video? They can't articulate anything that has any basis in reality.

If you want to fit in, just trust the plan and complain about kikes.

8e16b5  No.6619239


A lot of these scumbags are sociopaths. what makes sense to us doesn't register with them. I'm sure many are just puppets doing what they're told by either white or black hats. Sane people see right through their bullshit. The truth will come out. Probably in impeachment proceedings for all to see. I hope Demsy try and pull that shit. Give the white hats a forum to finally drop it all.

a49a67  No.6619240


I'd prefer treason over leaking, myself

73bf4d  No.6619241


>comfy pants shitting

No thanks.

>Mueller, the proverbial turd clawing the porcelain on the way down post-flush, tosses another basket of grenades on the way out the door.

>because the first grenade didn't do the job.

Now tell me again how Mueller's a white hat?

da65fb  No.6619242


subpoena his ass and get it on record tired of this hearsay bullshit

3d0a57  No.6619243


Mueller was there to tell the dems don't call me to testifie. and Nadler got the message, look what nadboy said/reacted when asked if he's gonna summon Russia boy. message from Trump or a warning of what he might have to say if called. me thinks nadler got the message

81d030  No.6619244

File: bcb09e2bdfccce7⋯.png (64.79 KB, 602x276, 301:138, SaraStorm.png)

Love that Sara

da9ea2  No.6619245

I've seen numerous videos of people lighting themselves on fire.

Mostly monks.

This guy must have had on protective clothing

He walks around on fire for far too long.

Usually, they crumple over and die within 5 seconds.

The white house fire guy is a stunt man.

890e33  No.6619246

File: a33c6a414cfbacd⋯.png (345.1 KB, 593x421, 593:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d4b2a73a482adf⋯.png (2.62 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

e0e527  No.6619247


The problem with being set up on a pillar, it's a long way to fall.

831c1a  No.6619248

Mueller seemed to leave the door open for impeachment. That tells me either:

1) Q and co. don’t actually have Mueller by the shorthairs and he’s able to push the DS agenda with no worries

2) This is part of the plan. Maybe to incite the white hat’s enemies and bring them into the open for the world to see. Mueller, under this scenario, is working for the white hats to save his own skin.

Any word from Q on this?

59929c  No.6619249


If the House votes to impeach a president, then a trial is held in the Senate and 2/3 majority is required to conviction and and removal from office.

Q has already touched on this, it is you who has to look "things" up

849c09  No.6619250

File: 4d91a1a01d326a0⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1440x1922, 720:961, Screenshot_20190529-143315….jpg)

File: 8d2fa18a55339a8⋯.jpg (25.99 KB, 241x157, 241:157, SmartSelect_20190529-14332….jpg)


The WHITE HOUSE lawn in literally on fire

2b3344  No.6619251

File: 2d94b67c9ebeb1c⋯.png (81.46 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Prime example of how we can fight back against liberl bullshit.


GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Passenger suing over alleged attack by emotional support dog on flight


bbe44f  No.6619252

File: d0ba6222408f19e⋯.png (476.56 KB, 1418x821, 1418:821, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 948a068aa2f501f⋯.png (525.89 KB, 833x818, 833:818, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)

11a435  No.6619253


Easy version.

These people, these DS puppets, had to commit atrocities in order for the DS to trust them; mutually assured destruction.

They cannot just quit, or take the loss, because all of that blackmail information is going to be posted right here, at PF.

Power to the people.

Knowledge is power.

199122  No.6619254


Thats incorrect.

The clock part is march 5th of 2018 not 2019

4df5e3  No.6619255


So…pretty much every system we thought was in place to protect against criminal activity is actually aiding and abetting it! If we are LESS secure with MORE security, maybe we need to end these methods of "ensuring" SECURITY.

Never in my wildest imaginings could I have pictured shipping companies transporting children in boxes. Heinous in the extreme.

a0effe  No.6619256


It's 'bombing an empty hangar in Syria night' all over again.

We just need Alex Jones losing his shit and saying "f#ck Trump" to really get the feeeels.

1e497f  No.6619257

faggotbook down

not that I'm a faggotbook user or anything xD

643c4a  No.6619258


and ALL the MSM, including Faux, were saying how composed and NOT nervous he was

it was fucking obvious he was nervous

e0e527  No.6619259


Mother nature weeding them out

395e97  No.6619260


Fairy Tale indeed.

So much programming…

worst one i've seen yet was about a "sexy serial killer"… just god awful stuff.

but goes to show the years go by and the SJW narrative hardly makes a dent in the marketing calculations of those merchants: the shirtless bad boys still outsell anything else

562757  No.6619261

File: 9c1d8d7ba6f8570⋯.png (398.68 KB, 363x887, 363:887, ClipboardImage.png)

JW Trio Tweet

BREAKING JW today released the deposition transcript of Eric Boswell, a Diplomatic Security official, in which he reveals that Hillary was warned twice against using unsecure BlackBerrys & personal emails to transmit classified material (1/3).

Boswell, who was responsible for securing classified info, said Clinton & her staff were “wedded to their BlackBerrys.” He & former State Dept employees “were surprised” Clinton used http://clintonemail.com to conduct official govt business (2/3).

“Thanks to our court-ordered discovery, we now have confirmation that Hillary was warned by the top security official in the State Dept that unsecure Blackberry & email use was a security risk, yet Hillary ignored these warnings,” said @TomFitton (3/3).




2b3344  No.6619262


Hope you applied it liberally to yourself, concern fag.

c5e540  No.6619263


Even though the Senate does the trial,

the House still talk about the substance of the articles before voting.

If it goes forward, the best bet would be that the shit hits the fan there and never even makes it to the Senate.

fe4854  No.6619264


'Q' cant be asked until after 2020.. election interference will taint the victory. That being said… I hypothesize it will go much longer into the second term. Including high-level public arrests. Arrests may be happening behind the scenes… but nothing huge will go down in the public-eye for a while.

8e7234  No.6619265


Let me help you, you ignorant fuck.

"The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach an official, and it makes the Senate the sole court for impeachment trials."

417cc1  No.6619266

Good question to consider:

What if declas of fisa, includes the current fisa warrants and information trump opened on the traitors?

89c98b  No.6619267


Man set himself on fire

603b27  No.6619268


heeyyy it IS down!

not that I use that shit or anything either..

d9cee5  No.6619269


I’ve been here since the beginning and I’ve had many theories on Mueller but none have stuck. Can honestly say that part of the plan absolutely baffles me but I’m sure that is their intention. Disinfo necessary.

11a435  No.6619270


Why would POTUS show his hand like that?

bbe44f  No.6619271

File: 0649c7c09e9171e⋯.png (219.05 KB, 722x918, 361:459, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)

6753df  No.6619272


most of the cabal mutants are hoping that their gay goat god is going to save them somehow.

44f770  No.6619273

Baker taking over to bake, then ghost bake NB

#8463 ghost bake > very late baker change partial notables from bread bottom'

>>6619107 Far-Left Extremist Arrested in Connection with Salvini Party Office Bombing

>>6619118 Whistleblower award for NYSE fine goes to HFT critic

>>6619131 U.S. Gang Members Arrested in Tijuana with Bazooka, Meth

>>6619104 Mueller just proved his entire op was a political hit job

>>6619148 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's new criminal guidelines to allow violent young adults to get out of jail free

Not checked in QResear.ch, no time

Please check, next baker

2b3344  No.6619274

7b6c74  No.6619275


Q clearly said Mueller being a white hat is disinfo. Not sure about your definition of blockade, but mine is Mueller's blockade was corrupt af.

3d0a57  No.6619276

File: dc379446cde710f⋯.jpg (10.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download (52).jpg)

b08f11  No.6619277

The House may be able to "impeach", but they need the Senate to be able to convict and remove. If they try to impeach, it will fail because it can be proven that the whole thing was a criminal attempt to set up Trump.

73bf4d  No.6619278


nobody missed it.

nobody missed the second batch of grenades he tossed on the way out the door via the press conference

>because the first batch evidently didn't have the intended effect.

White hat, my ass.

b4c72f  No.6619279

File: 1db634662f2d04e⋯.jpeg (18.63 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 52AC89BF-7596-436E-88AD-C….jpeg)


Oh but I beg to differ sir.

I would be so inclined to participate in said endeavor wholeheartedly and would also be quite interested in the reciprocal and concurrent actions of a fellatious nature upon her most delicious genitalia. Particularly of the vaginal orifice.

dddbfb  No.6619280

I don't want to see arrests (boring). I want to see death penalty sentences carried out. Perhaps I am a sick mother fucker, well so be it.

Just know when you fuckers are being executed I will laugh and enjoy it. (we know you are here lurking)

89c98b  No.6619281


Man set himself on fire near WH

af3953  No.6619283


What his the url for the search page? Phone gagging today

5c2079  No.6619284


we hope he doesn't really hurt himself don't we?

c5e540  No.6619285



The hype and sheer number of eyeballs watching at that point would be the best way to bring about the Great Awakening drops.

80db30  No.6619286

File: efd052b42ab5366⋯.png (28.25 KB, 274x184, 137:92, ClipboardImage.png)

2139a2  No.6619287

59929c  No.6619288

File: 79e002e2064720a⋯.png (208.96 KB, 741x601, 741:601, ClipboardImage.png)


Reports are starting to increase


8e1561  No.6619289


It will never happen.

ad8b3b  No.6619290

File: ea8d85f14b9bfdb⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 631x612, 631:612, NeonRevolt.JPG)

File: 794358e79aaf255⋯.png (345.42 KB, 476x1024, 119:256, silentones.png)


Breaking: Italy/Rome Spygate Connections: NeonRevolt has new info on Q's post regarding the "silent ones." https://www.neonrevolt.com/2019/05/24/operation-charlemagne-the-silent-ones-and-eyepyramid-italys-role-in-framing-trump-spygate-qanon-greatawakening-neonrevolt. What do you think about this?

bf042d  No.6619291


I'll take it nb.

896923  No.6619292



b6d7b2  No.6619293

File: 42027f24901f33f⋯.jpg (273.57 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, scales.JPG)

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ac96c0  No.6619294


RSE is a retarded Satanist cult. Fuck them. Fuck their optics. And fuck their paytriot faggot frens. Ramtha is a cunty little bitch.

c2c31f  No.6619295

File: 31adfa790bbd3aa⋯.png (565.98 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 897485B5-3F60-434E-8FEB-EF….png)


Note: she also accused Tom Hanks as one of her ritual abusers…

Fonefagging pic related


fbfbec  No.6619296


Yeah if your using your social media and legit details, WTF did you think you were protected by………….

a0effe  No.6619297


Count me in as another sick motherfucker then.

d9cee5  No.6619298



Why did he meet with POTUS day before SC announcement under the guise of interviewing for FBI director?

395e97  No.6619299


>Can honestly say that part of the plan absolutely baffles me but I’m sure that is their intention.

yup, shared feeling.

if we were supposed or able to get a definite answer we would've.

dae26f  No.6619301

Facebook fuckery again..

890e33  No.6619302

File: 58be417c4459f51⋯.png (10.56 KB, 255x192, 85:64, funnyf52f896ec017f7285c3e7….png)


>I would be so inclined to participate in said endeavor wholeheartedly and would also be quite interested in the reciprocal and concurrent actions of a fellatious nature upon her most delicious genitalia. Particularly of the vaginal orifice.

711473  No.6619303

File: 819233ffd42cedf⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 631x426, 631:426, IMG_20190529_133910.jpg)

On twatter top KEK

95c47f  No.6619304

The focus on the Senate in the 2018 midterms while seemingly ignoring the House race may have been to allow knuckleheads that demand impeachment into Congress knowing they will impeach. All the while the white hats know the evidence is going to exonerate POTUS and incriminate the deep state when it's brought out before the world to see in a way even the MSM can't ignore.

403cc9  No.6619305


Mine’s out, Bay Area CA

5c6595  No.6619306


No one else finds it strange that the Trump CAMPAIGN made a statement about Mueller but not the Trump Administration or White House?

2b3344  No.6619308


I have to agree with you on this one.

We'll both be screaming 'HELL YEAH!' from the balconies…KEK!

603b27  No.6619309


back up, no problemo

78ba4e  No.6619310



fag away phone fag

e0e527  No.6619311

File: 0d2b34d173db90e⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 560x377, 560:377, tick tock.jpg)


Hope you got your shittin pants on

829077  No.6619312

File: 07faab3b3fd099c⋯.png (122.11 KB, 316x270, 158:135, dickinthemouth.png)

2faf89  No.6619313


Off hand it does sound like one action could have triggered the others?

Maybe something triggered a cross department search?

IRS agents dig for other shit?

Any evidence of which got woken up first?

a0effe  No.6619315


To make them think he was stupid.

Look weak when you are strong. -Art of War

5f30f2  No.6619317


> it makes the Senate the sole court for impeachment trials.

tfw you can google the constitution but pretend you don't know what a court or a trial actually is. Retarded tier shilling.

482706  No.6619318


Yes Pam, he's safe.

bbe44f  No.6619319

File: e523b296c61152d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1158x825, 386:275, Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at ….png)

da9ea2  No.6619320


I don't just need one wall.

I need four

With a door

And Hillary fucking Clinton inside it.

I want her on live stream when we take her [baby blood/vampire juice/brains she eats] away so we can see how this bitch is still alive.

603b27  No.6619322



Revolting Ginger Swansong

11a435  No.6619323


Two scenarios.

One, here are the ground rules. Violate them, and I burn you down.

Two, take your best shot, 'cause you only get one.

And then I burn you down.

da65fb  No.6619324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's going to come down to one thing

83bba6  No.6619325


Muh bags are packed

I'm a ready to go

Where we going?

e0e527  No.6619327


He's of no concern to me, no impact on me what so ever, God and Karma will take care of him.

c1cb77  No.6619329



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