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File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMAGE_01_IwoJima-MAGA.jpg)

90e8cf  No.6605357

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

90e8cf  No.6605361

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)


are not endorsements


>>6605144 re: newfags-The morning sun can blind you. Be kind. Be helpful. That's why we were called

>>6605101 NYT: Model predicts YUGE Trump 2020 win

>>6605021 Jordanian-Mexican Smuggler Who Transported Yemenis over the Texas Border

>>6604913, >>6605010 Live Soon: President Trump and the First Lady Aboard the USS Wasp

>>6604910 Subway rider lied about anti-gay attack, was actually aggressor: cops

>>6604860 ‘Stronger than ever’: Trump weighs in as Israel’s Netanyahu struggles to form government

>>6604830 FrontPageMag: How Bill Gates Destroyed the SAT

>>6604797 Austrian parliament sacks Kurz as video sting crisis rolls on

>>6604796 Barak Ravid's sandy twat over Trump Bibi Support

>>6604779, >>6604779 WHO drops transgender from mental disorders, WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO WHO

>>6604716 'American Soil' Is Increasingly Foreign Owned

>>6604711 Canada takes a first step towards ratifying trade deal with U.S., Mexico

>>6604684 Texas SOS Resigns after U.S. citizenship controversy

>>6604678 Huawei reviewing FedEx relationship, says packages 'diverted'

>>6604659 Why did Admiral Rogers Join the Israel Team 8 Unit 8200 Think Tank

>>6604622 NYPost 3-year-old article re: Iran Payment. Interesting timing

>>6605338 #8445

#8444 reposted in #8445

>>6604506, >>6604514 Huge crowd of Marines and Sailors ready for CinC. DJT Twat: Can't Wait

>>6604472 Microsoft, Facebook to help tame internet ahead of Canada's election

>>6604451 Breitbart: Joe Biden has been absent from public view since early last week

>>6604430, >>6604433 planefag: PENCE61 and KC-10A Extender

>>6604392, >>6604416, >>6604443, >>6604416 16 People Stabbed near Tokyo

>>6604320 Arkansas River Flood update from Dardanelle Lock and Dam

>>6604302 1987 Biden claimed he finished in top half of class, but he really finished near bottom

>>6604254 QuodVerum Blog: POTUS Clinton would have expanded the massive illegal spying

>>6604192 Mount Everest death toll rises to 11 amid overcrowding concerns

>>6604138 Sharp is considering relocating its China-based manufacturing

>>6604135, >>6604145 Hill: All States taking up 2019 Abortion Laws

>>6604113 NEW Based Ben: 3 Stooges on a Jackass in the Headlights

>>6604092 (Not so) Lil Miss NoName to Klobby: Leave NoName out of it

>>6604087 NYT via ZH: Navy UFO Firsthand Accounts

>>6604052 The Andy Griffith Show is a pretty decent guide to life

>>6604046 Biden is the one who "put more sentencing in" the 1994 Crime Bill

>>6604013 Japan to limit foreign ownership of firms in its IT

>>6603920 DJT retwat: Mollie's Book "Justice on Trial"

>>6603873 clockfag: Peace Through STRENGTH

>>6603862 DiGenova: Wray (FBI) and Haspell (CIA) stonewalling DECLAS

>>6603840 DJT Twat: Two stops this morning in Japan, then Alaska and DC

>>6604847 #8444 reposted in #8445

Previously Collected Notables

>>6603768 #8443

>>6602319 #8440, >>6602205 #8441, >>6602988 #8442

>>6599023 #8437, >>6599827 #8438, >>6600645 #8439

>>6596679 #8434, >>6597455 #8435, >>6598257 #8436

>>6594336 #8431, >>6595090 #8432, >>6595886 #8433

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

90e8cf  No.6605367

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


90e8cf  No.6605372

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

90e8cf  No.6605376



Baker Requesting Handoff… pretty much need it.


79c0ff  No.6605377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



e6b050  No.6605378

File: 9dc52a9b388d010⋯.png (92.6 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, NewAnons.png)

79c0ff  No.6605380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


90e8cf  No.6605381

File: 00f966ec4b50a3e⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 800x448, 25:14, IMAGE_02_DoughPastebin.jpg)




Baker Requesting Handoff… pretty much need it.


79c0ff  No.6605384

File: 9ceb4eb185006b0⋯.png (171.37 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 0.png)

79c0ff  No.6605389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

79c0ff  No.6605392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

79c0ff  No.6605396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

d8a5ef  No.6605397


79c0ff  No.6605404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda

e18787  No.6605406

File: fea303f0d7cc931⋯.png (540.01 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


ill take it to next bread

thanks for the bakes TJB

o7 m8

handoff accepted

e18787  No.6605408


laying the land mines

o7 fam

79c0ff  No.6605410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes"

f6e3c4  No.6605411

File: 060fbf129866a2e⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 500x357, 500:357, hott.jpg)



beautiful work

74f011  No.6605412


You May Want To Take A Look At This.

90e8cf  No.6605413

File: a10846523d5161c⋯.jpg (66.45 KB, 960x720, 4:3, IMAGE_03_HandoffCompleted-….jpg)


Bless you fren … much appreciated

Handoff Confirmed and Completed

16178c  No.6605414

File: 6521a2b085e6eaa⋯.png (383.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HUGHS_YOUR_DADDY.png)

f836a3  No.6605415

File: eae1e4849e3cb7d⋯.png (12.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, savage.png)

84f04b  No.6605416


thank you baker, quite the marathon

e6b050  No.6605417

9b508c  No.6605418



0f6d9b  No.6605419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New Anons

Which Group Actively Subverts the US Constitution To Make It Illegal To Criticize Israel?

1. Israel

2. American Dual Shitizen Zionist Paid Politician Israel-First Traitors

3. American Corrupt Paid Judges

4. The Israel Lobby: AIPAC, ADL, JDL, SPLC

5. (((Z))) Owned Fake News MSM

6. Foreign (((Z))) Israeli Shills posting here

3c0393  No.6605420

File: f173393cf614eb6⋯.jpg (168.94 KB, 600x450, 4:3, f173393cf614eb602563e9eac0….jpg)



c1ce62  No.6605421


I can take it NB, baker. Meet you at the dough, kek.

fd2873  No.6605422

File: fc1232c4053482c⋯.jpg (120.41 KB, 1080x1275, 72:85, olga9.jpg)



thanks bakers

73f611  No.6605423

Think for yourself

Think for yourself

Think for yourself.

Ok, I think I’ll not watch that video for the eleventyth gorillion time in a row. Kek.

79c0ff  No.6605424

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)







PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes">>6605377







Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

2c238e  No.6605425

File: d5da8161209cfe3⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 9Y4QDxZDpLeF0RPD.mp4)

0e5a59  No.6605426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

79c0ff  No.6605427

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 0355f03c9946562⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 450x381, 150:127, 0355f03c9946562ceb8f219ea8….jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: 8a09c7d7195fe94⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 700x700, 1:1, quack.jpg)









https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

1ec0f7  No.6605428

"Peace Through Strength"……….President Donald J. Trump

89f796  No.6605429

Petraeus gave classified info to his lover who then wrote a book using the classified info. He was the first to go down for communicating classified info through the gmail drafts system, which he learned from Al-Qaeda operatives who were the first known people to exploit gmail draft folder system for communication.

d40b67  No.6605430

File: ba90adefefb4c2c⋯.jpg (287.1 KB, 1835x2016, 1835:2016, Flags out Yellow & Orange ….jpg)

Patriot Anons

I'm just gonna leave this here

e6b050  No.6605431

File: 2d289e045f95d29⋯.png (322.27 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

42fe9e  No.6605432

File: 5270a20256b9f39⋯.png (5.72 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_vanilla3x3M27v2.png)

Justice K back on the CLOCK.

e18787  No.6605433



84572c  No.6605434


What is this STEAM reference??

The video game service?

I could be way off thinking out loud.

9cba04  No.6605435

>>6605285 (pb)


The Gnostics pissed off the Apostles wayyyy back.

Who were the early Gnostics? Hellenistic Jews.

Where did the majority of the Hellenized Jews live? Alexandria.

“Many scholars are inclined to believe that gnosticism is built upon Hellenistic-Jewish foundations and can be traced to centers like Alexandria, which had a large Jewish population. Polemics in the writings of the Jewish philosopher Philo, who himself was an opponent of local heresies, make it clear that he knew Jewish groups that had already formulated certain basic elements of gnosticism, though a consistent system did not yet exist in pre-Christian times.”


Here’s the kicker. Who hauled Stephen before the Sanhedrin, resulting in his death? Hellenized Jews in Alexandria.

The Arrest of Stephen - Acts 6:8-10

8) Now Stephen, who was full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people. 9) But resistance arose from what was known as the Synagogue of the Freedmen, including Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and men from the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. They began to argue with Stephen, 10) but they could not stand up to his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.…

This was a theological dispute between several groups of Hellenized Jews and Stephen, which ultimately ended with Stephens death.

Who were the original Gnostics? Hellenized Jews. “Despite the scholarly disagreements there is a general consensus that the Synagogue of the Freedmen mentioned in Acts 6:9 was a Greek-speaking synagogue of the first century Hellenized Diaspora Jews.”


**”At present, many scholars are inclined to believe that gnosticism is built upon Hellenistic-Jewish foundations and can be traced to centers like Alexandria, which had a large Jewish population. Polemics in the writings of the Jewish philosopher Philo, who himself was an opponent of local heresies, make it clear that he knew Jewish groups that had already formulated certain basic elements of gnosticism, though a consistent system did not yet exist in pre-Christian times.”


b25bb2  No.6605436

File: 727844eda11685d⋯.jpg (99.28 KB, 736x1413, 736:1413, 727844eda11685d2b494a815cd….jpg)


ty baker

de42f0  No.6605437

File: f5437fa2d4c42cd⋯.jpeg (297.2 KB, 1125x1020, 75:68, 8D6FBD6D-0882-4D29-B557-E….jpeg)

File: 0ce36fc3830ac3d⋯.jpeg (185.55 KB, 1200x982, 600:491, 0A2309FF-9360-415B-8A6A-9….jpeg)


79c0ff  No.6605438

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)











>Ok, I think I’ll not watch that video for the eleventyth gorillion time in a row. Kek.

Don't need to, here's some memes.

73f611  No.6605439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Teen steam. Heh.

bf1e78  No.6605440

File: 9b31006804c1bfe⋯.jpg (228.37 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, tyb_flotus.jpg)



Thank you, bakers! God bless you!

ce538a  No.6605442

File: 42a0565503758ad⋯.png (69.35 KB, 650x268, 325:134, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: 7b373e93e429139⋯.png (81.45 KB, 660x279, 220:93, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: a4f5e96cc2bec3a⋯.png (55.66 KB, 696x198, 116:33, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: 8f6754b7fd62e24⋯.png (65.76 KB, 682x227, 682:227, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

I am trying to dig on Bill Gates and any family connection to the flu pandemic of 1918. I found some interesting book quotes from a story from Natural News going back to 2009. https://www.naturalnews.com/025759_flu_influenza_Amazon.html

b2c790  No.6605444



662537  No.6605445

4 days and May will be over ……zzzzz

51c0ef  No.6605446

moving away from electric to prevent sub-par or exploitable parts or materials

042436  No.6605447

Warlike Posture with China

No coincidence we are sending the AMERICA to patrol the South China Sea. Head of the snek

79c0ff  No.6605448

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 13699b504d7c49c⋯.png (84.89 KB, 636x384, 53:32, henny.png)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny_white_enemy.png)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

290771  No.6605449

File: 86551bd4fa846cc⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, PhotoEditor_20190527_22413….jpg)

8dad89  No.6605450

File: 4cbc43d223ae76c⋯.png (476.64 KB, 612x653, 612:653, Sperry re NoName and Sourc….PNG)

NoName with "Source D/Source E" of Steele dossier …


536c19  No.6605451

File: f831770a289b603⋯.png (341.86 KB, 500x448, 125:112, ClipboardImage.png)

c4ce07  No.6605452

File: 318e190d08a8cf9⋯.png (6.3 MB, 3652x3140, 913:785, Screenshot 2019-05-27 21.4….png)

or steam



6e076e  No.6605453

File: 9fcff772f6f6382⋯.png (1020.08 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Fallen Soldier Battle Cros….png)

File: f12f90abe946946⋯.png (289.66 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, WWG1WGA Soldier Q Alpha.png)

File: 0655f405e351c1a⋯.png (2.1 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Thank You For Your Service….png)

File: f81ab9a0e82eca8⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2560x2561, 2560:2561, ThanQ Military Q Alpha.png)

File: f81ab9a0e82eca8⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2560x2561, 2560:2561, ThanQ Military Q Alpha.png)


Thank You For Your Service <o

86fc79  No.6605454

Lowest Ranking Anon here.

Been kicked out of that NCO club on Yokosuka before.

That is all.

1bfd7b  No.6605455

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

de42f0  No.6605456

File: d5768cedc67bf0f⋯.jpeg (962.07 KB, 1125x1647, 125:183, 8AE19486-3928-40EF-81F8-9….jpeg)

File: f9bf5c92cc94fd3⋯.jpeg (131.42 KB, 780x858, 10:11, 55B23376-5069-4C27-852E-D….jpeg)


00e95a  No.6605457

File: 5e09992f19ed0c3⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, NiggaWhat.jpg)

949ab9  No.6605458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Give Me STEAM!

a31e63  No.6605459

Two Daniels on Trump's speech on the Wasp. What's up with that?


ddb8d1  No.6605460

File: de1b8c949278a34⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1306x1406, 653:703, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

god bless potus

1bfd7b  No.6605461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

b2c790  No.6605462

we don't like chokers~

fd2873  No.6605463

File: 9ad35c352685bfa⋯.jpg (23.41 KB, 392x331, 392:331, 9ad35c352685bfa823abaaa769….jpg)

16178c  No.6605464

File: aae76aa6ca2e3ad⋯.png (60.13 KB, 520x484, 130:121, Pepe_Toast.png)


trips do confirm, thanks anon

1a7eea  No.6605465


"We don't like chokers."

84572c  No.6605466

What is this STEAM reference??

In the Trump speech.

The video game service?

I could be way off thinking out loud.

1bfd7b  No.6605467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

a978c6  No.6605468

We are the spaceship and the Sun is the portal.


c1ce62  No.6605469

File: 25b0c399cf0201d⋯.png (124.44 KB, 324x260, 81:65, flag eagle.png)





Happy Memorial Day.

Bless this bread & safeguard POTUS, Q, and anons for all harm.

c4ce07  No.6605470


seems like a Notable, and good catch.

a4bf66  No.6605471


TY Mr. President

>33 seconds


a6f9b5  No.6605472


Wow! Beautiful Anon, great job!

042436  No.6605473


Thanks, eh

1ec0f7  No.6605474

"We don't like chokers" some funny shit. he was referring to Romney

949ab9  No.6605475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a4340f  No.6605476

File: 14d0f14b736b23f⋯.png (182.94 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 14d0f14b736b23f56e72960cc2….png)


TY Baker

c801d6  No.6605477


Maybe in reference to "FULL STEAM AHEAD!"

Nautical term in going as fast as possible

84572c  No.6605478


Just remember awhile back they were using xbox live service to send comms.

cf2a58  No.6605479

File: 82d2e2bc3d4f16a⋯.png (715.19 KB, 1055x566, 1055:566, ClipboardImage.png)

Love it Anon.

Can we get a stash on the one behind him please.

your talent is amazing.

936824  No.6605480

How about a 'Full Steam Ahead' meme, maybe with Trump as train conductor or ship's captain.

6efdc5  No.6605481

File: 87459a7ba42ffa3⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, show_banner_14jpg.jpg)

File: e873e7f53e361d4⋯.jpg (105.07 KB, 254x393, 254:393, IMG_20190527_224404.jpg)

File: f314f7e8f72af9a⋯.jpg (4.98 KB, 234x160, 117:80, winged-Nibiru-copy.jpg)

File: 4db8c2d66d81618⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 337x445, 337:445, 918aEklXgWL._SY445_.jpg)

File: 585a078d609b5b2⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 768x433, 768:433, IMG_20190527_224441.jpg)

20th century fox is OZ. It's not 20. It's OZ.

20 = OZ. The T is the "Messiah" cross and the h is an upsidedown y.


Then the square base just like the Fagmason picture. OZ is the tailed star

Which is why it's sitting on that base. They know.

Can't get a dumber name than Dr. OZ. So what's this guy's deal?

de42f0  No.6605482

File: 7e4aa96671ea3fd⋯.jpeg (669.17 KB, 1125x1395, 25:31, D4CEE9C0-9437-4C5B-99C3-0….jpeg)


5b1161  No.6605484

File: bd3f8a6282a96a9⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1280x1352, 160:169, ClipboardImage.png)


Wait are we going into the steampunk timeline nao?

c4ce07  No.6605485

File: 72654c0b6b5a69a⋯.png (615.63 KB, 1012x1370, 506:685, Screenshot 2019-05-27 21.4….png)


my first thought too

02bee2  No.6605486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

42fe9e  No.6605487

File: 2873e5cc4451e7c⋯.png (3.68 MB, 3500x2209, 3500:2209, FULLMOONSJUNE.png)

Here is the June Full Moon on the CLOCK.

It appears at marker :17 (June 17th).

a4340f  No.6605488

File: 676564f9177e8ad⋯.jpg (148.8 KB, 992x744, 4:3, tif.jpg)

6a6468  No.6605489

>>6604052 pb

They are all happy because everyone is single except for the drunk.lol

ee3576  No.6605490

File: d7af4030187fbe6⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1626x1064, 813:532, HighestRanking.png)


Buzz the tower?

c90f51  No.6605491

1661f6  No.6605492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Owen B:

from Hollywood, to outcast to, the real American dream


c1ce62  No.6605493

File: c14703a87ccfd03⋯.png (152.79 KB, 390x258, 65:43, flag3.png)

"And you defend our great American flag."

b9670d  No.6605494


LowIQAnon- sorry you’re missing the party. Go back to sleep. We got this.

f6e3c4  No.6605495

File: c2d6399fdd09885⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 474x338, 237:169, potus.jpg)

3c0393  No.6605496

File: 3d1e2852ba2a8d0⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 368x259, 368:259, ImperialToots.jpg)




51c0ef  No.6605497


>watch the WATER


39b39d  No.6605498

File: 0e071ca5944f15b⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 474x372, 79:62, wellplayed.jpg)

0f6d9b  No.6605499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Noses….. Crypto-Jews?

b01905  No.6605500

I love how POTUS makes everyone else the stars of the show.

429ced  No.6605501

File: 0968682b4d214a5⋯.png (199.6 KB, 572x322, 286:161, DK BS.png)

Was watching this guy argue against "deep fakes" aka "we need to end memes"… I guess I broke his rules…

ddb8d1  No.6605502

File: 82d106ce4e5c582⋯.jpeg (579.19 KB, 1696x1252, 424:313, fullsizeoutput_18.jpeg)

c5ba23  No.6605503

File: bbdaeaa3b487e06⋯.jpeg (93.38 KB, 600x433, 600:433, 66AC4A4A-CB8F-4EDD-9A67-3….jpeg)

File: a5d77498e41659b⋯.jpeg (174.22 KB, 910x499, 910:499, 126D133F-247B-47FA-86DA-E….jpeg)

File: 248587f3db958b1⋯.jpeg (107.14 KB, 500x612, 125:153, C5384B86-000A-45DA-923F-B….jpeg)

File: af5fef10afe473d⋯.jpeg (121.12 KB, 919x470, 919:470, F0B1320E-AACE-4BEA-BF1D-A….jpeg)

File: b08d9d70b6770af⋯.jpeg (141.75 KB, 678x499, 678:499, 37282366-EF43-4951-8AB6-F….jpeg)

042436  No.6605504


Is Perry solving the Giuliani and Podesta tweets? Intradasting. Paul, if you're here, one of these days I'm gonna write you that letter I've been meaning to-and thank you for your hard work.


b25bb2  No.6605505

File: 4fb3f90a2ebd9c3⋯.jpg (469.06 KB, 1952x1289, 1952:1289, 7u4vy938ug33495g6uu88843g.jpg)

fd2873  No.6605506

File: 7b5f9b21c6c980c⋯.png (597.13 KB, 1055x566, 1055:566, pepewaspstash.png)


ty, hows that?

cf2a58  No.6605507

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB, 767x767, 1:1, 7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)


pretty please?

1a7eea  No.6605508


"Who are the Intelligence specialists?"

"Good, great, great. You know that."

Saw that look.

6efdc5  No.6605510

File: db192df66e74b06⋯.png (241.61 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190527-223557.png)

File: b82e56f53c1d3ee⋯.jpg (324.75 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, papers.co-ar64-walt-disney….jpg)

File: bcd0eb0c5713cf5⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (4).jpg)

File: 7439329bbdfc4e7⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 500x405, 100:81, aad5aff27ea092606b0288f256….jpg)

File: f27369c055a89bd⋯.jpg (247.58 KB, 720x998, 360:499, IMG_20190527_223439.jpg)

36efd5  No.6605511

File: 788a78c27a1b16e⋯.png (6.71 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, Dad_Headstone - Copy.png)

File: 8d180ac3dc9d4e3⋯.jpg (1016.62 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 35cfded7d8f9820e535dff6b1f….jpg)

File: 178acfd423bc728⋯.png (829.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alt_Alpha.png)

File: 6b1aacb4efce232⋯.png (750.8 KB, 683x664, 683:664, semper fi a6.png)

Wishing all our Veterans a wonderful Memorial Day as we Honor our great warriors who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Today is the 24 year anniversary of the death of my Father, my Hero. He was a Hero in every sense of the word.

OORah &Semper Fi

c4e161  No.6605512

That flyby was awesome.

No conventional craft could go that fast.

Hopefully the public knows soon.

82e92d  No.6605513

File: eb9691c11cff167⋯.png (59.37 KB, 658x662, 329:331, 1520902435049.png)

Can ANY anon provide a quote from potus and STEAM showing context?

Anons are going berzerk with premature extrapolation.

Thank you.

16a6ed  No.6605514

File: e7b2f6e0d1c3269⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Who DunIt.jpg)

1661f6  No.6605515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All of us should desire to have our own home grown food in our yards……go back to the basics.

0e5a59  No.6605516

File: 61f864aec570949⋯.png (76.55 KB, 250x241, 250:241, pepeeyeroll.png)


All we have to do is find a thin

woman who wants to live on a farm

Good luck….

6b1659  No.6605517

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Here's some Steam.

b012e6  No.6605518

File: 40175eaafaef4ca⋯.png (89.73 KB, 571x634, 571:634, twitter_com_stranahan_stat….png)

Lee might be a douche, but he drops nuggets sometimes.

on the Trump Russia collusion story — the role of Browder IS central

Browder (and co.) used Fusion GPS as plausible deniability

Fusion spent years investigating Browder.

Browder wanted to crush Fusion.

Browder (and co.) set them up to hold the bag if the plan went south.

Nothing traces back to Browder, just the DNC, who paid the bill.

949ab9  No.6605519

File: 0e95f87409f468e⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 226x400, 113:200, iu.jpg)


All Ahead Full!

89f796  No.6605520


Agreed. Sperry has been so awesome.

8dad89  No.6605521

File: cd8782be1cc8262⋯.png (616.48 KB, 586x618, 293:309, Grisham re FLOTUS on WASP ….PNG)

File: 07102029653dfe8⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1170x763, 1170:763, Grisham re FLOTUS on WASP ….PNG)

.@FLOTUS takes the stage on the USS WASP - Hull #1 - in Tokyo, Japan. We are so grateful to all who sacrifice so that we can be safe. #MemorialDay


32b16f  No.6605522

A lot of people think the DECLAS will be done privately, and not publicly released info that the news can report on

304483  No.6605523

File: 988076376cee8fa⋯.jpg (49.83 KB, 640x760, 16:19, x6vkqj2oxu031.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

9b508c  No.6605524

File: 33384ddeee79008⋯.jpg (892.52 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190527-215449….jpg)


Science technology engineering and math



51c0ef  No.6605525

84f04b  No.6605526


Its very hard work, this year is so wet, a little worried my potatoes will rot in the ground. Hopefully my other stuff will be ok.

06332f  No.6605527

File: 3df4ed9ea5d9b9d⋯.png (37.61 KB, 142x87, 142:87, boltonmustache.png)


How about a Bolton stache?

9e9054  No.6605528

File: 441d0a9846eb477⋯.jpeg (122.98 KB, 1242x425, 1242:425, 0E682C18-D938-4889-A7B6-5….jpeg)

15915a  No.6605529


Yeah. He put some emphasis on not choking when it counts.

2e9f82  No.6605530

Anyone have opinion on what's going on with this 'hack' that's grinding Baltimore to a halt?

Personally I think it's a good thing since that place is corrupt as fuck.

Is this hack for real or something else going on?

It's been 3 weeks!

Article's pointing back to Snowden's NSA leak…

"The Most Destructive Breach In History": Hackers Use NSA Code To Grind Baltimore To A Halt


c4ce07  No.6605531

File: 318e190d08a8cf9⋯.png (6.3 MB, 3652x3140, 913:785, Screenshot 2019-05-27 21.4….png)



89f796  No.6605532


What is the point of that shirt??

5bdb04  No.6605533


you might want to try a better description

a4340f  No.6605534

File: 8c115f95dc0fd86⋯.jpg (217.71 KB, 1024x1008, 64:63, coin.jpg)

Peace Through Strength

1661f6  No.6605535


WE are out here. MEN can step up and do this, make the woman feel safe you will help her and make a promise with marriage.

c4e161  No.6605536


Personal experience.

No less than 20 min. ago.

9b508c  No.6605537


He threw in a 3rd great…

ea5172  No.6605538

File: 67b76329beafc43⋯.png (25.55 KB, 627x376, 627:376, ClipboardImage.png)





gosh damn ruls

f836a3  No.6605539

File: 56f72a996bb16ad⋯.png (573.93 KB, 706x303, 706:303, chek'em.PNG)

File: 36b618fbbff0666⋯.jpg (631.76 KB, 1161x775, 1161:775, Flag flyover.jpg)


trip dubs confirm

get the 'mists' seeing the a6 used like you do


c1ce62  No.6605540


To call out the INTEL guys was…unusual. What purpose?

74f011  No.6605541


Open to suggestion.

3a1c96  No.6605542


>>6605402 lb

>Relax Francis. There's a balance. anons can discern

discern what? that you namefag bakers are normies shitting up the culture of the board?

c490dc  No.6605543


fake historyfag

jesus learned everything from the OT INC the gnostic texts such as enoch

jesus taught gnostic beliefs but was perverted by the apostles who could not understand and wanted a church instead

what you dont know is a lot

or maybe this is just another muhjoo shitpost

0e5a59  No.6605544

File: d0d63b2f78f116b⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 512x422, 256:211, pepewtf.jpg)


Japan has niggers now?

949ab9  No.6605545

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)


Your Sorrow suggests Weakness anon!

Find yourself First!

Then She Appears!

c3b482  No.6605546


>What is the point of that shirt??

Fig leaf

cf2a58  No.6605547

File: a231852f493765d⋯.png (493.36 KB, 1054x584, 527:292, got your back.png)

188aba  No.6605548


It's already done. Barr has it all

5d7afe  No.6605549

File: 552a067bfab491f⋯.jpg (176.79 KB, 900x1199, 900:1199, 7i9f[1].jpg)

TYB…have some Millhouse. Butterfaces rock.

6efdc5  No.6605550

File: cd391d27febc4b7⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 348x587, 348:587, MASON.jpg)

File: e255bfc7784386a⋯.gif (116.36 KB, 220x172, 55:43, tenor.gif)

File: 7be5e6ec5eaa49e⋯.jpg (26.55 KB, 323x496, 323:496, 24ecf125c427f8a584d3947e58….jpg)

File: e5d72df6b323e58⋯.png (200.38 KB, 864x486, 16:9, freemason-first-degree-ple….png)

File: 2c863bda028da34⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 450x540, 5:6, cautious2.jpg)

7a1c3f  No.6605551

>>6605500 Undiscovered stars learned.

5968b2  No.6605552

File: 73e542988cdd53a⋯.png (197.91 KB, 395x495, 79:99, Trump Night Shift Meme.png)

File: 4afe0017530f74c⋯.jpg (234.8 KB, 2048x1277, 2048:1277, American Flag at Night.jpg)

File: 75dca6a2c74ae29⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Peace through Strength Pra….jpg)

Remembering Memorial Day with prayers,

day and night.

1661f6  No.6605553


include God and earnest heart filled prayer/talks with God. Bless your fields/crops.

a31e63  No.6605554

>To call out the INTEL guys was…unusual. What purpose?


Because the US Intel agencies are corrupt and being gutted right now. Clapper, Brennan, Comey, etc.

fd2873  No.6605555

File: d3fc1d51fe977f8⋯.png (601.37 KB, 1055x566, 1055:566, pepewaspstash2.png)

734a20  No.6605556

File: 5e543fa41f60acc⋯.png (75 KB, 503x651, 503:651, ClipboardImage.png)

ea5172  No.6605557

I'm sure I read toots is an ancient honored Japanese name


86fc79  No.6605558

File: 59e9c4a5b60747e⋯.jpeg (164.03 KB, 2047x1041, 2047:1041, steam.jpeg)

c853e6  No.6605559


So this image is cool…what do it mean?

ee3576  No.6605560

File: 15da28589d8ba92⋯.png (105.21 KB, 406x358, 203:179, DTT.png)

3c0393  No.6605561

File: 6fa52f6afce91b2⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 6fa52f6afce91b2e26c1ce4140….jpg)



c90f51  No.6605562

File: 090dbc707f623a1⋯.png (139.01 KB, 585x379, 585:379, ClipboardImage.png)


You took the bait ANON. You know the drill


32b16f  No.6605563


Yes but will the news/public get it? Or just people like Horo, Durhan, Huber, etc

042436  No.6605564


Dig on Leonard Bernardo/open society. Rusha rusha rusha. I stumbled on him recently and pretty sure he'll come up again soon

296326  No.6605565

Xi is not our guy.



c649d2  No.6605566



89f796  No.6605567


Snowden says it's a new release of stolen NSA tools. Idk how they will stop it. I'm not sure the people who released it know how to properly use it. Some of those tools/malware/worms are as destructive as a nuclear weapon being deployed.

7cb882  No.6605568

File: 568a4d82dbbde54⋯.jpeg (73.76 KB, 478x680, 239:340, 1445C79E-9635-49C7-857C-9….jpeg)

Nice Recognition to our MI INTEL AGENTS by POTUS in his speech on the WASP.

Did you catch that exchange & POTUS facial expression?

Thank you MI for your hard work, dedication, giving POTUS the TRUTH in intelligence & for protecting POTUS + Family.


28f423  No.6605569


Of course. The notion that "declassified" is the same as "released to the public"

has always been nonsense. That's why all these D's whining about revealing

sources and methods is so ridiculous.

82e92d  No.6605570

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)



86fc79  No.6605571


Jack n Cokes the night before cruise.

c853e6  No.6605572

File: bea1c6fc7a1e331⋯.jpg (246.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, No5555.jpg)

84f04b  No.6605573


I just have gardens, not fields, but I do trust in God

a31e63  No.6605574


Quads of Kek!

cf2a58  No.6605575


Quads say so

880aff  No.6605576

Just seems a lot of patriots pols and commentators are wearing yellow/gold ties lately.

Are the white hats sending a symbol to cabal that we now control the gold?

I have never seen so many guys on TV with gold/yellow ties on before.

7ae245  No.6605577


Weird, I’ve seen black guys walking around with one sweatpant leg pulled up

689e49  No.6605578

File: aef141f69f2b959⋯.png (372.86 KB, 1013x579, 1013:579, gmf45wwg1.png)


God Bless, and Thank You.

32b16f  No.6605579


Do you think it gets released to the public?

c3b482  No.6605580


Saved that shit.

e1fd1b  No.6605581


c5ba23  No.6605582

File: 274fc3458aa2f27⋯.jpeg (131.19 KB, 970x712, 485:356, CC2BD061-9195-4449-93BA-1….jpeg)

File: b4152bd8d7efd01⋯.jpeg (21.41 KB, 299x168, 299:168, 38EA3939-9BCC-4AE0-921E-E….jpeg)

File: 755f05782cbb284⋯.jpeg (51.7 KB, 590x393, 590:393, B955FC07-B013-4063-88F4-B….jpeg)

File: e0b2f4656eb5fb4⋯.jpeg (112.4 KB, 723x500, 723:500, 86A52988-C985-497C-A1E9-1….jpeg)

f4094c  No.6605583


==NO== foreign leader is 'our guy'

They're all looking out for their country - not ours. Just a few of them happen to have interests that coincide.

104d40  No.6605584



POTUS said that twice….????

5a5ada  No.6605585

File: a14ab89ef6c73ff⋯.jpeg (26.43 KB, 379x300, 379:300, 1553FAE2-2FF0-4D62-A4C2-7….jpeg)

00e95a  No.6605586


1st Enoch isn't Gnostic, it's simply Apocryphal.

Although I've not read them the rest are the Gnostic texts, or so I'm told.

1st Enoch is part of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

2e9f82  No.6605587


Maybe it will circle back to Hillary's server

0e5a59  No.6605588


Muzzies? Mexicans?

e6b050  No.6605589


No, there are two dicks look, there's a pink one on the right hand side too.

e6dc38  No.6605590


Option 1- the good guys are in scouring/gathering (however with the NSA they have it all. So I don't see the point.

Option 2- the bad guys trying to scrub

Option 3- criminal mafia grade computer hacking goons looking to make a buck.

Remember that those 3 letter agencies don't disclose security breaches in software in order to exploit them

f836a3  No.6605591

File: fb1407efd37ad58⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 736x446, 368:223, Notable 1.jpg)



c853e6  No.6605592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox News 12-hour Rewindable livestream

Shannon Bream is the only live show during their primetime lineup tonight. Wonder if that's relevant.

28f423  No.6605593


In time. It needs to be declassified before grand juries, defendants, prosecutors,

etc. can see it.

188aba  No.6605594


From what POTUS said, there are millions of pages. Doubt we will see any of it. Hope at least some of the significant exerts are released. Need maximum normie wakeup

15915a  No.6605595


]MI[ != [C_A] or FIB

880aff  No.6605596


I looked through a lot of Hussein images and not one with him with a yellow tie.

Trump has worn several lately.

c90f51  No.6605597


You post Garbage Media here and call it sauce?

367908  No.6605598

File: 85e5ea3e39febd0⋯.png (35.47 KB, 795x212, 15:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db3340ad212996a⋯.png (107.94 KB, 785x776, 785:776, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a95d25e1d1d4ec⋯.png (102.62 KB, 805x789, 805:789, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c84104bb6d38352⋯.png (787.78 KB, 828x799, 828:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd0f9553c055e68⋯.png (100.31 KB, 826x675, 826:675, ClipboardImage.png)

Dossier Architects Claimed They Wanted To Protect Identity Of Sources. One Was Unmasked Anyway

The architects of the Steele dossier have claimed that protecting the identity of one of the document’s main sources was a major concern.

Despite that, a Belarus-born businessman was identified in the press as the source for some of the dossier’s most salacious allegations about President Donald Trump and the campaign.

A review of press reports and government documents shows Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson identified the alleged source, Sergei Millian, to journalists and government officials.

Former British spy Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson claimed to have concerns about the safety and security of one of the sources for the dossier, but outed him anyway by talking to journalists.

Steele told a State Department official in October 2016 that “source protection” was a focus in his investigation of President Donald Trump, according to notes from the meeting released earlier this month.

That purported concern was also shared by Simpson, who hired Steele on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. He told Justice Department official Bruce Ohr on Jan. 20, 2017, that he was worried about the safety of a dossier source he believed was about to be identified in the media.

Sergei Millian was outed four days later.

On Jan. 24, 2017, ABC News and The Wall Street Journal identified Millian, an American citizen born in Belarus, as an unwitting source for Steele. Described interchangeably as Source D, Source E and an “ethnic Russian associate of Trump,” Millian was the source who claimed that the Kremlin was blackmailing Trump with a salacious sex tape and that the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia to influence the election.

Millian’s outing as a dossier source is perhaps an unintended consequence of Steele and Simpson’s contacts with journalists during their investigation of Trump.

As part of its contract with the DNC and Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS was tasked with providing journalists with details of Steele’s investigation. Steele and Simpson briefed numerous journalists and government officials about their investigation before and after the 2016 election, providing some with copies of the dossier. Simpson also acknowledged in Senate testimony in August 2017 that he spoke to reporters about Millian.

Michael Isikoff and David Corn, two journalists who met with Steele before the election, have reported that Simpson tipped off ABC News reporter Brian Ross to Millian’s significance to the Trump investigation in July 2016. Ross, who interviewed Millian on camera on July 29, 2016, would later break the story that Millian was a dossier source.


36efd5  No.6605599


ThanQ buddy. A good Fren made it for me ;)

Hope you had a Marvel-ous day, this is always a tough one on me.


c1ce62  No.6605600


Well, STEAM is STEAM too.

Science technology engineering, arts and math

Yeah, it's a real educational program–added for balance, kek.

The STEM to STEAM movement has been taking root over the past several years and is surging forward as a positive mode of action to truly meet the needs of a 21st century economy. STEM alone misses several key components that many employers, educators, and parents have voiced as critical for our children to thrive in the present and rapidly approaching future.

STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process. These are the innovators, educators, leaders, and learners of the 21st century!


734a20  No.6605601

File: ac8174f2171e347⋯.png (269.56 KB, 502x581, 502:581, ClipboardImage.png)

How this tweet by @GenFlynn only has 8.8K Retweets is beyond me.

06332f  No.6605602

File: 054aadf32382d73⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 1024x648, 128:81, jeopardy.mp4)


Relax, fren. Calm down and enjoy your favorite Jeopardy category.

e6b050  No.6605603


It means noone else is working.

696575  No.6605604

File: 59c992982d4c87e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 894x1410, 149:235, 792F8C60-04C8-47C2-8C86-B8….png)

188aba  No.6605605

5bdb04  No.6605606


I didn't go watch it because it had no description

2e9f82  No.6605607


Meanwhile a corrupt Baltimore government is hobbled

042436  No.6605608


Lol take a full hour and read that bberg piece. Not garbage.

367908  No.6605609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israeli Intelligence & DHS Deeply Involved In "ElectionGuard" Software Already Being Used For 2020

a0052a  No.6605610


I think because of the holiday they took off.

32b16f  No.6605611


So the bombs start with the IG Report then? That will prob be the first daming info the public finally gets?

0f6d9b  No.6605612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why Are There 69 Holocaust Museums In the US?

Here is a List of 29 States that have Holocaust Museums and Memorials:

1 Arizona

2 California = 7 Museums/Memorials

3 Colorado

4 Florida = 6 Museums/Memorials

5 Georgia

6 Illinois

7 Indiana

8 Louisiana

9 Maine

10 Maryland

11 Massachusetts

12 Michigan = 3 Museums/Memorials

13 Mississippi

14 Missouri

15 Nebraska

16 New Hampshire

17 New Jersey

18 New Mexico

19 New York = 9 Museums/Memorials

20 Ohio = 4 Museums/Memorials

21 Oregon

22 Pennsylvania = 5 Museums/Memorials

23 Rhode Island

24 South Carolina

25 Tennessee

26 Texas = 5 Museums/Memorials

27 Washington, D.C.

28 Wisconsin

29 Virginia


Why Is The Holocaust MORE Important Than Our Fallen American Soldiers?

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_memorials_and_museums_in_the_United_States\

The Holocaust Museum in DC Rebuked President Trump for Not Mentioning the "6 Million Jews"

*video is 36 seconds.

5968b2  No.6605613


Navy should return to 'goddamned steam' on carrier, Trump says


880aff  No.6605614


kek, I think you took the bait, too, anon

9fd7c4  No.6605615

File: b285799bb15cf15⋯.jpeg (274.05 KB, 1019x1596, 1019:1596, A332F7AE-8784-43A6-990A-C….jpeg)

File: 953a430c7952705⋯.jpeg (156.25 KB, 1066x927, 1066:927, B18C1B06-0C71-4E9B-95B3-F….jpeg)

This week.

Thank you Lisa.

89f796  No.6605616


Dems will cry as long as there are only selective leaks. Best disinfectant is sunlight. I think Barr will give us plenty.

2068fc  No.6605617

Would declas of all wikileaks content undermine the case against him?

1661f6  No.6605618


no camera….sorry.

fyi tons of female anos on board nightly

74f011  No.6605619



cf2a58  No.6605620

File: f0bc3bcc17abb0b⋯.png (708.66 KB, 1059x568, 1059:568, got your back Checked.png)

File: a231852f493765d⋯.png (493.36 KB, 1054x584, 527:292, got your back.png)

936824  No.6605621

File: c36007905c46af6⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 600x381, 200:127, n625pb-b8867030z.120140523….jpg)

86fc79  No.6605622

File: a1f65037a749b86⋯.png (617.74 KB, 1055x566, 1055:566, 7b5f9b21c6c980c96cc39c78e5….png)

It's funny cuz it's so shitty.

f4094c  No.6605623



anons are neither male nor female. They are anon.

Lets keep it that way, k?

9fd7c4  No.6605624


Still two days ahead of schedule Q?

82e92d  No.6605625


Thank you!

Nuclear power plants are usually just heating water for steam turbines, irrc…

28f423  No.6605626


I'm sure that's some of it. Already rumors that it's been handed out to the principals.

As I recall that means 2 weeks of feedback followed by approved mods then

release to whomever, then us. Someone in gov said June-ish.

f1df01  No.6605627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peterson: Academia now does more Harm than Good

TLDR post modern collectivism (aka socialism) can't fathom free speech because there is no individual. We are created in God's image and that is what is under attack.

00e95a  No.6605628

File: 2ab78b8be20c0db⋯.png (82.16 KB, 291x303, 97:101, Audry.png)

bf1e78  No.6605629

File: fcdc78e58185563⋯.png (66.82 KB, 217x307, 217:307, woke-obasan.png)



fd2873  No.6605630



bolton pepes are multiplying

7c2bd5  No.6605631

No clip but did anons catch POTUS making a special pause when asking where the intelligence officers were in the crowd?

Towards the end of his speech at USS Wasp

1661f6  No.6605632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



…here ya go

3c0393  No.6605633




a4340f  No.6605634

File: 8a4548446672c6c⋯.jpg (316.92 KB, 563x734, 563:734, kekistan navy.jpg)

Navy patents with the word steam in them. Gargle search


This seems interdasting

Renewable diamondoid fuels

I dunno

d081ab  No.6605635

File: 37644369f9ffc35⋯.jpg (156.88 KB, 1088x718, 544:359, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at ….jpg)

To me it’s less than half full, so who drank my water?

To a realist it's completely full…half full of water and half full of air.

To the feminist, the water is raping the glass.

To the Globalist whether full or not it ain't yours.

To the marketer, it is a chance to sell more water.

To the drinker it's empty because it has water in it and no scotch

To the greenie, the glass is hugging and kissing the water.

To the civil engineer it has a 2:1 load coefficient

To the physicist there is a prism created behind the glass

82e92d  No.6605636



Seems to be primarily about the launch/landing systems.

"President Trump says the Navy should abandon longstanding plans for electro-magnetic catapults for carrier aviation and return to the traditional steam-powered launch and recovery system"

689e49  No.6605637


ALL beautiful work – really love the 5th.

16a6ed  No.6605638

File: 5326b6be778d3a0⋯.png (549.55 KB, 652x664, 163:166, tal-tor.png)

15915a  No.6605639

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, 6368ac1a38f32fd17ce643199a….png)


read this meme. You get a new chance to be anon next bred.

16a6ed  No.6605640


Yep, still a gay ass jew meme.

21679b  No.6605641

>>6605301 pb

it is weird.

they all got the "don't react; don't antagonize" memo

selective filtering shows that they are carrying on their own conversation (especially the 'luv yor shit memes, fren')

it is like invasion of the body snatchers

f836a3  No.6605642

File: d8aae750e8cf6ad⋯.jpeg (175.22 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Cheers from fren.jpeg)


ty fren, sacrifice is hard but we are all better for it, certainly would not be here if not for your dad's and many others.

Raised glass to all of 'em.

3fa3c1  No.6605643

File: e9f211eaf966505⋯.png (193.47 KB, 1590x659, 1590:659, tyr.PNG)


c1ce62  No.6605644

File: 12aff6f16d6f04d⋯.png (33.21 KB, 134x145, 134:145, laughing-redhead.png)

74f011  No.6605645



If you cannot understand the important reason for this ….. lurk moar.

6efdc5  No.6605646

File: b07b5b43d343290⋯.png (423.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190527-230324.png)

File: a3d22dedc89609e⋯.jpg (214.02 KB, 736x1057, 736:1057, moloch-2951716768.jpg)

File: 88f471aa43b02ea⋯.jpg (99.32 KB, 496x640, 31:40, Onthemorningthomas5.jpg)

File: ca2b208679c71c8⋯.jpg (96.87 KB, 570x557, 570:557, il_570xN.1360147606_jof4.jpg)

File: 12b4c6f489b843a⋯.jpg (98.19 KB, 800x593, 800:593, chemosh.jpg)

Ba'al and chain. Ball and chain. The big red ball.

All the same stupid shit.

9b508c  No.6605647


I remember when school was school. Math, science included technology and art was an important class. Music was required. Along with shop classes. When school started eliminating shop, home economics and made art and music elective courses, we lost a generation of mechanical people.

Art and music require skills developed on the creative side of the brain, just like engineering.

Very sad destruction of education.

96d116  No.6605648

File: 19d2964ff88cef4⋯.jpeg (524.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D7nw2bEVUAAohgq.jpeg)

File: 3b5cffe90eda4ab⋯.jpeg (89.96 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, D7nyXuiVsAARjKP.jpeg)

File: f63472d641ca984⋯.jpeg (57.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, D7nyXuhUIAA4eDM.jpeg)

c5ba23  No.6605649

File: f0b5d1ac2f25959⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1197x750, 399:250, 630D4D4D-9894-4FA3-A4A8-06….png)

File: 9d9fe43720c4a9b⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1500x951, 500:317, 30179B26-C4FE-4DB9-A68B-B4….png)

1661f6  No.6605650


"tell your boobs to stop lookin' at my eyes"

d081ab  No.6605651

Just found out:

Alexandre Benalla Macron’s ex and now disgraced body guard was banging both Emanaual Macron and Brigitte Trogneux-Macron. Alexandre Benalla got up to a lot of mischief.

How precious is that?

Sorry if it's old news.

c853e6  No.6605652


11 5 5

12 11

"took off"


290771  No.6605653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank You For Your Service, MilitaryAnons. God Bless You and Keep You, and God Bless All Those Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice for Our Nation.


296326  No.6605654



Read Q 2335 smartass. You can read, right?

1661f6  No.6605655



@1.26 would make a great meme

"tell your boobs to stop lookin' at my eyes"

9b508c  No.6605656



P p p p power!

How do you recharge an electric aircraft carrier

696575  No.6605657

Although he wouldn’t accept the honor, I think we should honor POTUS this Memorial Day.

He’s military because he’s Commander-in-Chief.

He’s a soldier because he’s battling the DS thugs day in and day out.

He’s a veteran because his life has been in serious danger since November 2016.

Let’s hear for POTUS.

Hip hip…

d14e2c  No.6605658


Try again. Doesntknowhistoryfag.

Most of Enoch 1 predates NT.

Apocryphal, yes. Gnostic, no.


ee3576  No.6605659

File: 6c508ff7e5ccdf7⋯.png (345.64 KB, 678x760, 339:380, YOU.png)

3c0393  No.6605660

File: 6b4c05d0d69dd4f⋯.jpg (111.53 KB, 560x860, 28:43, JapToots.jpg)



880aff  No.6605661


my guess is the ones that you assume are female are probably males pretending to be females…and the ones posting bewb pics are females pretending to be males…so in the end, we still don't know who is what.

I would even lie about what time zone I am in

00e95a  No.6605662

File: 6e3222b8485e99b⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 1000x1020, 50:51, soothersmaylive.jpg)



Awesome morale patches!

949ab9  No.6605663

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)

86fc79  No.6605664


Now with unauthorized goatees.

They have a no-shave chit, so it's cool.

ad6b6f  No.6605665

File: 99292028600554e⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, 4FB0A5B2-3109-4034-A0C5-2….jpeg)

Hey guise

Member when Obama used to visit the troops and they would rush up and want a hand shake and get their hats signed and like meet the 1st Lady?

Ya me neither


They knew

Pic related

e6b050  No.6605666


..and that destruction was deliberate.

Abolish the Department of Education.

e6dc38  No.6605667


Potus was talking about electrical vs steam catapult systems. The cost overruns on the electrical catapult are huge (e.g the USS Gerald Ford). POTUS took a poll steam or electric. Steam won.

02bee2  No.6605668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thank You Baker

734a20  No.6605669

File: dec7a88e2df7b2f⋯.png (253.75 KB, 504x577, 504:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33ae8c47aa39fa5⋯.png (234.28 KB, 373x774, 373:774, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd4675b7849160e⋯.png (16.64 KB, 476x171, 476:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81f8f02e639bcea⋯.png (150.26 KB, 765x570, 51:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25c83c315f59ca4⋯.png (194.74 KB, 754x748, 377:374, ClipboardImage.png)

The Soros / Schneiderman / Weiner / HRC / Huma / Cuomo / NXIVM connection is more than most know at this time?

AG Schneiderman attempted to block the NXIVM probe because he knew what it would mean had it been brought to Light.

HRC has been tied to NXIVM as of this week.


Look to Qposts:





Keep eyes on the NXIVM developments in NY - revelations will implicate many.

c90f51  No.6605670

File: 1b3d05953195827⋯.png (474.85 KB, 677x484, 677:484, ClipboardImage.png)


Bloomburg? Seriously??? GTFOH with that bullshit! You might as well be posting CNN

8e142c  No.6605672

File: 0a7b14f367b5f7e⋯.jpg (86.94 KB, 618x414, 103:69, ILaughed.jpg)

76c552  No.6605673


Nice anon. Happy Memorial Day and thanQ for your service!

21679b  No.6605674

115573  No.6605675


Enlightenment = yourself understanding truth from within

Illumination = someone else's truth imposed on you from without

Very important to understand the difference.

c1ce62  No.6605676


Yeah, little bit of discussion so far:





74f011  No.6605677


You are missing that very important reason.

Lurk moar.

86fc79  No.6605678

File: b261c47558e08f2⋯.jpg (139.67 KB, 1055x566, 1055:566, 7b5f9b21c6c980c96cc39c78e5….jpg)


Now with unauthorized goatees.

They have a no-shave chit, so it's cool.

a4340f  No.6605679

File: 3cd9ead63b481f5⋯.png (264.87 KB, 558x558, 1:1, Collins-Doug.png)

b25bb2  No.6605680

File: 006e4753d7c5e25⋯.jpg (209.32 KB, 741x1000, 741:1000, 006603045688b6f03fda3170ec….jpg)

Thank you all for your service

WE are with you and (you)


3f95a4  No.6605681



437e6f  No.6605682

File: 92232a598946ed1⋯.png (30.97 KB, 598x359, 598:359, muh_joo_filters.png)

Muh joo filters

28f423  No.6605683

82e92d  No.6605684



Another anon posted a link that cleared that up also.

Anons rawk.

104d40  No.6605685

File: 0553cd12c674556⋯.png (74.26 KB, 1099x604, 1099:604, ClipboardImage.png)


Found this on the internet:

Tie Colors – What Does it Mean by Wearing Certain Colored Ties?

Published on May 20, 2019

What message am I projecting by wearing this colored tie? Here are some basic colors worn, and the message they project:

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. By wearing a red tie it means I am a fighter. I will not give up or give in. I mean what I say and say what I mean. I am energetic and take the initiative. Watch out, I am ready for all!

Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness. By wearing a soft pink or mid pink tie it means you accept equality and you want to work together. It also means that you want to develop strong working relationships. By wearing a darker shade of pink it means you are romantic. Pink ties are great for dates! A lady always loves a man who is “man” enough to wear pink!!!!

Chocolate/ Brown- Brown is an earthy color and means you are well grounded (grounded to the earth). By wearing a brown tie it means I am a thinker. I will take everything in and make a decision later. Do not underestimate me. I have the time to do things right. I am no one’s fool.

Shades of Blue- Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

Royal Blue- By wearing a Royal blue colored tie it means let’s work together. Let’s cooperate. Let’s work things out. I am ready to compromise if it will be constructive. Blue is always a great choice for job interviews.

Light Blue/ Dusty Blue- By wearing a light blue/ Dusty blue colored tie it means follow me and my dream. I will lead you in the right direction. I have hope in the future and you will too, listen to my message.

Dark Blue/ Navy- By wearing a dark/navy blue colored tie it means I am not in the mood for foolishness. Be serious when you are around me. Do not waste my time.

Yellow/ Lemon/ Gold – Yellow is the color of sunshine. It’s associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. By wearing a yellow tie it means I am a positive person and full of energy. I am not a quitter and I will finish what I started. I am also an intelligent person.

Purple/ Lilac – Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. By wearing a purple or lilac tie it means I am a good teacher. I know what you need to know and will impart that information to you. Learn from my independence and creativity.

Green/ Lime/ Aqua- Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. By wearing a lighter shade of green or lime it means I am harmonious. I want to resolve conflict to work effectively. By wearing a darker shade of green it means I am ambitious and I want to succeed.

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. By wearing a white tie it means I want to purify my thoughts and actions to make way for a fresh beginning. White is perfect for weddings and special occasions.

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). Black is also the symbol of grief. By wearing black tie it means you are ready for a formal occasion. It also means I am ready for the unknown and I am opening the door to mystery.

Silver/ Grey are lighter shades of black and have similar meanings to black but to a lesser extent. By wearing a silver/ grey tie it also means you are ready for a formal occasion and you are a powerful person.



c853e6  No.6605686

File: 6a70aa710ccad9f⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 2088x3712, 9:16, toyko tesla tower.jpg)

File: e38b5a57ca0a730⋯.jpeg (612.67 KB, 1452x1936, 3:4, InnerCityTesla.jpeg)

File: b607a4eed8037b5⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Old to New Tesla Towers.jpg)

File: cbba77c934d526a⋯.png (581.24 KB, 1122x638, 51:29, Applications - Viziv Techn….png)

File: 953dc4c2c2391f6⋯.png (436.73 KB, 702x1744, 351:872, Viziv Tech Tesla.png)

6257ae  No.6605687


Sergei Million (sp?) I presume…

89f796  No.6605688

File: 0efa88570595bf8⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB, 768x576, 4:3, 10OgIT8bhLDY4Jet.mp4)

"We don't like chokers."

26606e  No.6605689


Noice, shipmates!

159ecd  No.6605690

File: 2a510cc145bfd7d⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 192x255, 64:85, f3cc6738e408ff060a192042be….jpg)

90e8cf  No.6605691


Trip 666 confirms Dept of Ed is spawn of Satan

16a6ed  No.6605692

File: 7a66bf183c675a9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1736x1271, 56:41, (you).png)

8dad89  No.6605693

File: 8ba2f4397bda938⋯.png (778.23 KB, 1062x598, 531:299, POTUS re MI Face Expressio….PNG)



>"Who are the Intelligence specialists?"

>"Good, great, great. You know that."

>Saw that look.


@-16.38 or so

00e95a  No.6605694

File: 333a3d4a8fff108⋯.png (463.59 KB, 840x420, 2:1, jackposobiec.png)


Don't be a faggot

5a5ada  No.6605695

File: e3a9491bd23196e⋯.jpeg (91.13 KB, 720x751, 720:751, 4F47532E-1D56-4DA1-B536-9….jpeg)

880aff  No.6605696


you need to relax and let anons be anons however they chose.

cb727b  No.6605697

File: 1d29c0ba51873c7⋯.jpeg (31.4 KB, 474x355, 474:355, image.jpeg)


And then there's the titmouse

04bbb2  No.6605698

File: d04d847ba5a2be0⋯.jpg (63.67 KB, 630x920, 63:92, d1a68b5f37e4b15632a451b08b….jpg)


>males pretending to be females

>females pretending to be males

We all have frontholes of some kind, be they mouth, pussy, or both kek.

6e076e  No.6605699

File: 5b9bd82be606a52⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2178x2560, 1089:1280, Whiskey Neat Q.jpg)

735bd4  No.6605700

The small people with funny hats at the sub shop today who looked German … what the hell

Who they be

Why that weird demeanor


765237  No.6605701

File: 2336ea848b02d33⋯.png (6.94 KB, 255x128, 255:128, anonsnotdiviced.png)


Filtering shills makes the bread taste sweeter.

Q is not anti-Jew.


0f6d9b  No.6605702



a1c913  No.6605703


I really hope the media covers this at some point. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the higher ups are a part of it and thats why they won't touch it.

6efdc5  No.6605704

File: 0df70fc0e5113a2⋯.jpeg (12.73 KB, 220x250, 22:25, 220px-Crown_of_George_XII….jpeg)

File: 7bf9619cce9851d⋯.jpg (116.17 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, _pdp_sq_.jpg)

I know this all blows. You signed up to do the right thing and got punched in the face for no reason. This is in no way any fault of your own.

We were all born into this nightmare.

But this is a 1 shot deal. It's all gotta come out or it never will. THAT CAN'T HAPPEN.

So I have to ask…how many times do you let someone punch you in the face before you fight back?

5a5ada  No.6605705

File: 149bd20f533faf1⋯.png (13.68 KB, 300x226, 150:113, FE1FA3F2-29E5-4C65-B17E-3A….png)

ea5172  No.6605706

Gingu no totoko

toots would be the vernacular I believe

gingers are rare and prized there, kept apart


696575  No.6605707

File: 1b55fa29c409180⋯.png (5.16 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 252E894D-C9C3-4E9E-BAFC-BC….png)

82e92d  No.6605708


Good thought. Plus, they can't seem to make it work very well..

Also, perhaps more secure software wise?

Valves and boilers are pretty much hardware dependent.

6257ae  No.6605709


Sooo…real life House of Cards French version?

d14e2c  No.6605710



Jesus didn’t learn zip point shit from “gnostic” texts.

They weren’t written until the 3rd C. The ONLY Gnostic text even close to a NT date was Thomas and most scholars don’t give it an early date.

765237  No.6605711

File: 242192029cd5471⋯.png (542.53 KB, 892x877, 892:877, Pepe OK.png)

dbeef6  No.6605712

File: 0e5b77a5dec29e3⋯.png (792.67 KB, 960x664, 120:83, ko.png)

File: b7145be48ee9a2d⋯.jpg (250.28 KB, 900x818, 450:409, farmer_in_the_dell.jpg)

c4e161  No.6605714

File: 789cbd5f22f54e7⋯.png (90.17 KB, 465x623, 465:623, BasedQ.png)



You two do not belong [here].

Q knows.

8f1b38  No.6605715

File: 7b97cf895d2290b⋯.png (863.7 KB, 500x780, 25:39, canvasdfgr57.png)

f836a3  No.6605716

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB, 657x651, 219:217, pepe laughs at this.png)


both of us kek'd out loud

>Saw that look.

74f011  No.6605717



3f95a4  No.6605718


Well, at the time that was written in 2017 we had ships colliding all over the place. Makes sense to want more primitive control.

159ecd  No.6605719


memorial kek

8f1b38  No.6605720

File: 0593324db6b4ed6⋯.jpg (71.81 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 61182150_10157129667468971….jpg)

12e586  No.6605721


Look at your dick. There's your front hole.

6e076e  No.6605722

File: 590e9799c1e38d1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, NSA Q Alpha.png)

dbeef6  No.6605723

File: fc04e44dfd1ec69⋯.jpg (146.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, div.jpg)

>>6605701 JIDF POST

104d40  No.6605724


Good analogy to how each person can see the same thing in a completely different and perceptual manner…:)

89f796  No.6605725



06332f  No.6605726


It's a hit, fren. Good job!

9dfb8e  No.6605727

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.jpeg (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a8822eab701eb2d1ecddcf856….jpeg)


Anons see you.. the energy is great there & here… Good looking patches..those patriots ain't bad either. Kek!

638ccd  No.6605728

File: 10547f8e9aa77cc⋯.png (194.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff encourages intelligence leaders to consider 'the example of Secretary Mattis' and resign

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff predicts two top officials will resist President Trump's move to declassify intelligence related to the Russia investigation. Should pressure from Trump become too great, Schiff suggested this pair of intelligence leaders — CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats — follow the example of former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and resign. “If it gets to a point they are asked to do things that are unlawful or jeopardize the men and women that work within the I.C., they should speak out,” the California Democrat told the New York Times, “and, if necessary, follow the example of Secretary Mattis.”

Mattis resigned late last year in protest of Trump's plan to pull U.S. troops out of Syria and Afghanistan. On Thursday, Trump gave Attorney General William Barr "full and complete authority to declassify information" related to the origins of the federal investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin and instructed the heads of several agencies, including Haspel and Coats, to cooperate with the inquiry. Schiff railed against the decision. "While Trump stonewalls the public from learning the truth about his obstruction of justice, Trump and Barr conspire to weaponize law enforcement and classified information against their political enemies," he tweeted. "The coverup has entered a new and dangerous phase. This is un-American."

Although Haspel has yet to speak out about the order, Coats offered some reassurance about the limited scope of what can be made available to the public. "Much like we have with other investigations and reviews, the Intelligence Community will provide the Department of Justice all of the appropriate information for its review of intelligence activities related to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election," Coats said in a statement Friday. "As part of that process, I am confident that the Attorney General will work with the IC in accordance with the long-established standards to protect highly-classified information that, if publicly released, would put our national security at risk."


696575  No.6605729

File: b7ab9c01184fed3⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 480x360, 4:3, F1DCE01F-63C7-4DEC-A295-17….gif)

c1ce62  No.6605730


In Spokane, had STEM not STEAM. And they just closed the two STEM schools opened just 3 years ago. Told the families at the last moment, so they can't organize. Heart of darkness.



Ed is a real horror show, Dept of Ed must go, along with much else. Why we're here, Godspeed, patriots.

bce383  No.6605731

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6605430 In the air tonight…

comfy af

Blessings fellows patriots


f6e3c4  No.6605732


multiple kekasms

0f6d9b  No.6605733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Saving Israel For Last


765237  No.6605734

File: fbc8b6912696bf9⋯.jpeg (22.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, anons undivided.jpeg)


LOL. You're glowing clown.

b2c790  No.6605735


ummm he is not dead

c853e6  No.6605736

File: de0a4bcb422e6c9⋯.png (779.54 KB, 1119x685, 1119:685, 911 1 dead 19 hurt.png)

File: 3159f2a970a25f6⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1009x3825, 1009:3825, Japan stabbing attack leav….png)

"911" in Japan?


042436  No.6605737

File: a3b8e72f6af9c27⋯.jpeg (95.32 KB, 1092x585, 28:15, 48678C7B-26BD-48AF-81E6-7….jpeg)


Here is the first one I saw on board kek. Should prolly update filename.

21679b  No.6605738

File: 18ff803e97dea4e⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 680x750, 68:75, 4d8.jpg)

File: bed825439f45195⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 36-drummer-soldier-nutcrac….jpg)

File: e41881c46542325⋯.png (373.62 KB, 600x750, 4:5, tashfeen Malik.png)

File: 8268451fa496d23⋯.jpg (321.76 KB, 1169x904, 1169:904, jdb.jpg)


no need to assume or guess or know

anon is an idea; if you can contribute, it will be welcome. if you have to famefag first, maybe your idea is not as valid as you assume.

go to twatter and make these your profile pic for a day

8e142c  No.6605739

File: 7e4285fb86c9ddd⋯.jpg (79.46 KB, 400x594, 200:297, BringIt.jpg)


I don't feel under attack at all. These shills are weak scumbags. I'm comfy and ready to rifle a shill directly in their fuckhole. Only sissies filter.

82e92d  No.6605740


>Makes sense to want more primitive control.


Manual overrides are more easily built in to more mechanical systems.

e18787  No.6605741


i like the other 2 posts over your post myself

81cb9a  No.6605742

File: 7b87cc0c1879bf6⋯.jpg (65.81 KB, 879x715, 879:715, momanon.jpg)


This place can become pretty unforgiving if you try to change the culture or demand understanding, fyi.

e1fd1b  No.6605743

File: d28b8982a6301aa⋯.jpg (6.28 MB, 2660x4730, 266:473, Golden-Code.jpg)


571293  No.6605744


no, its called a tophole

dbeef6  No.6605745

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _01.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

3c0393  No.6605746

File: 04087bbf529660d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 04087bbf529660d4187cf2815e….png)



15915a  No.6605747


Probably a little of this and a bunch of idiot-proofing and variable removal.

And it's literally a big slingshot. Over-engineering anything invites additional weak links, mechanically, and in a software sense..

c37dbd  No.6605748





437e6f  No.6605749

File: 612b8fb31c05432⋯.jpg (20.21 KB, 540x281, 540:281, Pepe-Comfy-Inn-Who-glows.jpg)

c1ce62  No.6605750

Dayton area NORTH, tornado, take cover NOW.

FOX News just now

39b39d  No.6605751

File: a9cf963b051db02⋯.jpg (300.47 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, kek.jpg)

2da2c3  No.6605752


same, comfy AF and ready for anything.



9e9054  No.6605753

File: 647311da63e827f⋯.jpeg (232.7 KB, 1648x892, 412:223, 7C570452-7C23-42D9-9F3B-5….jpeg)

Q team, thank you for keeping our POTUS insulated as promised

cf2a58  No.6605754

File: 2870dff7acd33f3⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c06e0e89c0f1510dc8137e79c7….jpg)


the KEK is strong tonight.

some moar butter please?

Thank Q

159ecd  No.6605755


the cover….

do take it dayton….

90e8cf  No.6605756


Comfy Inn

topKeK … Kneyes Leigh Dunne

bce383  No.6605757

File: 42601919dd3d3a0⋯.png (957.77 KB, 620x827, 620:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c8eb1c8a0c2d34⋯.png (12.59 KB, 337x115, 337:115, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6605704 nice pair

8e142c  No.6605758


That's my squad!

39b39d  No.6605759

File: 0aa12d258aa77f5⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 500x628, 125:157, irish.jpg)


115573  No.6605760


Plus he has said several times the military is being "completely" rebuilt in America. Some was outdated no doubt, but possible that all the newer tech was comped through the previous supply chain.

ea5172  No.6605761

File: 628467aeb533cf2⋯.png (133.29 KB, 610x556, 305:278, ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing like the ties grandma used to make from leftover dress material, that was a whole different language goin on there


ce538a  No.6605762

File: d53c83b17ba7824⋯.png (198.8 KB, 629x731, 37:43, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: 4e7ce75c0665566⋯.png (215.28 KB, 662x754, 331:377, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: b0e7602e0db9a2b⋯.png (214.42 KB, 645x752, 645:752, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: 4d65a375b2e70ac⋯.png (170.89 KB, 692x740, 173:185, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: cd8503823bc1389⋯.png (246.08 KB, 722x761, 722:761, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)


We've seen some truth start to emerge about chemical poisoning. Such things as Round-up/Glyphosate and PFOS. I wonder how often elites have blamed a fictitious "disease agent" for something that was really a chemical toxicity. "Polio" may have been one such entity. It's a complex picture, but I believe that a great number of "polio" cases were something else. http://liamscheff.com/2011/02/rethinking-polio/

5a5ada  No.6605763

File: a9de814f3fd85ba⋯.png (251.07 KB, 550x729, 550:729, B5CE7124-BC34-4684-9B96-E7….png)


Hi Anon, it’s the shills asking for tits. Real anons are respectful of women.

21679b  No.6605764

File: 25501b630b984a6⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 300x168, 25:14, jj.jpg)


you need to be anon or gtfo.

c4e161  No.6605765

File: 30e61e339f7f8d2⋯.jpg (39.44 KB, 480x391, 480:391, ba.jpg)


Yea, I'm glowing by posting a Q drop.



Because you're a traitor to the Republic as well.

Subverting your way into the kitchen.

Good thing we use the whole buffalo and you're doing /our/ work for us, top kek!

880aff  No.6605766


>maybe your idea is not as valid as you assume.

my idea is very valid or you would be asking TIT PICS FROM BEWB POSTERS

In other words bewb posters are not just anons, they are maleanons because you don't ask for pics….correct?

6257ae  No.6605767


Barr is going to bury these people 6 feet deep into Military Tribunals bc he will be forced to turn to the Mil Intel/No Such Agency to get the info he seeks from these Clowns. Hope it's worth it Coats! Hell awaits.

a0052a  No.6605768


Excellent point.

c1ce62  No.6605769

File: 4b8c25729fb4ce7⋯.png (41.55 KB, 299x168, 299:168, GRAVEYARD-SHIFT.png)

fd2873  No.6605770

thanks all, nite

c37dbd  No.6605771

File: 809cae47cf543af⋯.png (129.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, A1B93FB1-B07A-40B9-AE0A-F1….png)


And quilts

e6b050  No.6605772

File: fa280c223681bd4⋯.png (907.05 KB, 1902x1070, 951:535, ClipboardImage.png)


Between Riverside and Fairborn just South of Route 4 - tornado rotation visible… basement time Anons…

96d116  No.6605773

File: 476fb518490b8c5⋯.jpeg (491.25 KB, 2048x1336, 256:167, D7nuyyQX4AAm6Vh.jpeg)

fe54db  No.6605774

File: 23fadb4300a1646⋯.png (283.94 KB, 487x435, 487:435, HU.png)

2da2c3  No.6605775


rest up anon, we got your watch

97c073  No.6605776



f836a3  No.6605777

File: 6566936ca8bb94a⋯.jpg (81.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe comfy couch time.jpg)


night anon

3f95a4  No.6605778


Was Gina rec’d by Brennan or Pompeo?

God I hope she’s /ours/.

b2c790  No.6605779


POTUS mentioned some of the soldiers going to Hollywood…..again

b9f6aa  No.6605780

File: e296e69b3c6ba71⋯.jpg (77.53 KB, 1200x794, 600:397, 45166.jpg)

Would love some butter for this steaming bread!

21679b  No.6605781


stop being such a cunt, cunt.

this is why biblefags have their own thread too. whiny cunt.

89f796  No.6605782


Lol! Resigning wont save anyone!!

ee3576  No.6605783

File: 7a3c669ee647282⋯.png (248.09 KB, 948x708, 79:59, starkpoint.png)

cb727b  No.6605784

File: 3d6abafa48aae21⋯.jpeg (27.12 KB, 255x255, 1:1, image.jpeg)



12e586  No.6605785


I assume this is ohio?

ea4e28  No.6605786


May God Bless and Keep Potus and Flotus Forever! WWG1WGA

4e8f21  No.6605787

>>6604659 PB on Retired NSA Director Mike Rogers Joining Israeli Cyber Foundry Team 8 (A team of former leaders of Israels Military intelligence unit 8200)

Did Admiral Rogers Join the team 8 unit 8200 so he could upload an attack program to blind the C_A????

>Q 2013

>CIA Satellite Offline

If he did this, it would explain maybe why Israel is saved for last. CIA is rogue because it is a compartmentalized organization, where the good guys are working on projects with the black hats doing their secret criminal crap right down the hall and no one is the wiser.. not even the CIA internal people.

This creates a situation that is ripe for black hat pockets of criminal activity by the global government.

MKUltra. Child Sex slave trades, gun running, and drug running to get cash for the globalists because they are not a legitimate government… so they have no legitimized tax base to draw on to hire for their criminal activities.

The CIA is an ACTIVE infiltrating organization with human assets, as opposed to the NSA, which is a data scoop for the most part.

But the NSA can watch the CIA and locate the black pockets of criminals by scooping up their emails, phone calls, etc, it appears.

So, since every nation with a CIA of its own, probably has the very same problem with illegal Intelligence activity, because of criminal globalist infiltration…. Maybe these former leaders of Israel's military intelligence need to build their own NSA to get a handle on their own CIA bad guys?

And, or, maybe to their horror, Israel is discovering it is the hub of many of the pockets of illegal intelligence activity around the world the way we are discovering that our CIA has been doing horrible things on behalf of the globalist criminals?

We can only assume for the sake of the hypothesis, but, if this is the case, and Israel former military intelligence wants to put the globalists in their place, then the Mike Rodgers hypothesis presented by OP could make sense.

What if every intelligence agency was required to be spied upon by their own nation in the way of scraping up every communication of the actors in said agencies?

Would this bring the agencies back in the white hat zone, prevent criminal people from lying to national leaders and presidents to help the globalists start wars? Remember…. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" CIA headline lies?

Would the world be a safer place if those who claim secrecy is necessary …..had to live with limits to their secret behavior without "blowing cover" for white hat agents? Blowing cover on human agents is after all their excuse.

700e2d  No.6605788

File: 5e4f668be08712b⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 427x440, 427:440, 76q8kn7ejl031.jpg)


Japan plays it smart with Muslims. In 2016 Japan only accepted .3% of Muslim refugee applicants.

That's 3 out of 1,000 goat fuckers.

e6b050  No.6605789


Fair assumption

0f6d9b  No.6605790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NOBODY in America is "Divided" by seeing the Truth about the Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans

*US Adult Population 243 Million people

US Jewish Population - less than 2%

**98% of Americans Care About America, NOT Israel. Unless you're a Zionist Shill

We've been force fed this Israel/Jews Professional Victim crap, but you can't hide the TRUTH about Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans anymore.

***Only Zionist Shills try to "DIVIDE" American anons by diverting attention away from Real Zionist Organized Cabal Crimes against Americans. They always use a Q quote to Mislead you : "They Want You DIVIDED". When it's really:

(((They))) Want You DIVIDED. from the Truth about (((them)))

In the interest of UNITY and Equality, That Noahide Law that Zionists bribed our Corrupt Congress and Bush Sr. to sign into US Public Law 102-14 should cover Everyone, so it should be Legal to execute ALL Criminals and Traitors by Guillotine… not just Christians.

**Let's Agree That It Is Legal To Execute Zionist Cabal Criminals By GUILLOTINE As Well

6257ae  No.6605791


Gina is a long term spy. Hard to say who's side she's on but DiGenova had nothing nice to say about her today.

dbeef6  No.6605792


Wright-Patterson air force base is right there.

936824  No.6605793

File: f7868d4601e54d5⋯.jpg (71.3 KB, 750x500, 3:2, hgffttqqqwa.jpg)

e18787  No.6605794

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 508x596, 127:149, lights on nightshift.jpg)


i give an opinion and im a clown, eh

no opinions allowed in your realm?

you got a problem, blame the spammer, spammer made the move, we made ours

i like the filter post and i like the memes are anti-spammer


bce383  No.6605795

File: 3dd050d7fc3b7ae⋯.png (136.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6605648 WRWY Patriots

c853e6  No.6605796


>23 23 45

no. rvrsd 35 35(7x5) 66

ecbbf7  No.6605797


Noice Anon. Great speech by POTUS.

12e586  No.6605798


Ya never know where another Dayton may be hiding out. Kek

c37dbd  No.6605799

File: f1b753d47393c35⋯.jpeg (293.98 KB, 713x701, 713:701, E84435F1-62DD-4129-AFF1-8….jpeg)

5a5ada  No.6605800

File: 44bf838118a115b⋯.jpeg (75.8 KB, 512x591, 512:591, FE84EBD7-AB28-4022-B493-9….jpeg)

5d7afe  No.6605801

File: a6f66d711cbdeda⋯.jpg (140.63 KB, 1024x631, 1024:631, 7c8p[1].jpg)

734a20  No.6605802


Soon, they will have no choice.

ea4e28  No.6605803


Beautiful, classy FLOTUS has their FULL Attention. *smiles*

15915a  No.6605804


what happened to momanon again?

A lotta shit's gone down here so a one liner will jog the memory.. maybe ;p

3c0393  No.6605805


You might want to dig on this. I definitely remember a story about Japan accepting some tiny number of refugees and then one of them immediately committing crimes

06332f  No.6605806

File: 0d13a39a80474b2⋯.png (1.09 MB, 800x525, 32:21, wwm1wma.png)


Bolton seems to be catching on everywhere.

Where We Mustache 1 We Mustache All

4b765b  No.6605807

Q, any comments on the EU-election result?

c4e161  No.6605808

File: 1453268d235d9b6⋯.png (196.5 KB, 930x407, 930:407, compedbitch.png)

File: 52297c615e4222f⋯.png (752.11 KB, 799x500, 799:500, NeverKnow.png)


Nah. Got your number, faggot…or should I say "m8".


You must really think we're stupid, don't (((You).

89f796  No.6605809


Gina doesn't play games. She is a patriot through and through. May 21 was her 1 year anniversary as CIA dir.

04bbb2  No.6605810

File: ff03d1b7593ef78⋯.png (175.67 KB, 500x1203, 500:1203, ClipboardImage.png)



Kek, why am I thinking of the Hillary Doughnut picture now?

81cb9a  No.6605811


Interdasting but really is "every tie wonderful in its own way"?

Probably at least some colors mean "I am a fucking faggot" and you don't want to wear those unless it is faggot day, right?

880aff  No.6605812



9dfb8e  No.6605813


Beautiful, gracious FLOTUS

a07434  No.6605814


As long as she is working in a chain of command that leads back to the US government she don't give a fuck about their political games.

bf1e78  No.6605815

File: cff8456bf240c68⋯.jpg (150.92 KB, 1256x500, 314:125, WWG1WGAWW.jpg)

89f796  No.6605816

e18787  No.6605817



>>6605430 anon pic of Flynn banner and POTUS and FLOTUS today matching colors

>>6605450 New PSperry - Source D/E of Steele Doss in photo with NoName - no ID yet

>>6605728 Schiff encourages intelligence leaders to consider 'the example of Secretary Mattis' and resign

a7fda2  No.6605818



c5ba23  No.6605819

File: 3137635425e7517⋯.jpeg (325.45 KB, 1500x939, 500:313, EBDD9F5B-44EA-45ED-8995-9….jpeg)

File: 2ecc085c0635b21⋯.jpeg (316.46 KB, 1600x1008, 100:63, AF32B10C-5940-4AFF-B5F0-3….jpeg)

File: ea6f2808d169066⋯.jpeg (219.27 KB, 1267x612, 1267:612, 544E5D4E-ADFC-41CA-AF71-3….jpeg)

File: dc572a91d02a79e⋯.jpeg (805 KB, 1599x1008, 533:336, EBBC75AF-98FD-465A-B5AD-E….jpeg)

13edfc  No.6605820


If i had to guess based on only recollection of drops she filled in many of the holes for us in regards to how the Crown Dossier was put together and earned trust by doing so. She was running the clown UK desk at the time.

cb727b  No.6605821


Who dat?

82e92d  No.6605822


Got called out vehemently for a week or two after much sexist genderfagging on her part.

bce383  No.6605823

File: d052ba1b7f1d180⋯.png (322.26 KB, 532x557, 532:557, ClipboardImage.png)

The New York Times @nytimes


Researchers have confirmed that a wooden wreck at the bottom of the Mobile River in Alabama is almost certainly the Clotilda, the last slave ship to reach the U.S.

6:00 PM - 27 May 2019

d14e2c  No.6605824


Richard Pryor would have delivered that line perfectly.

However, I’m refraining from kekking due to the solemnity of the situation.

7964f8  No.6605825

File: 240c099ca7674d1⋯.jpg (223.07 KB, 1197x1497, 399:499, dragonface.jpg)


15915a  No.6605826


>Probably at least some colors mean "I am a fucking faggot" and you don't want to wear those unless it is faggot day, right?

Is that your code for telling us you have at least 365 of those type of ties?

c37dbd  No.6605827

File: 9f4d14897e83080⋯.jpeg (347.78 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, DCCDBA16-DDCE-4F74-AE87-D….jpeg)

File: 1c6112cc0a09b80⋯.jpeg (290.81 KB, 1068x1080, 89:90, B072F116-7C52-4ED2-BF0B-6….jpeg)

File: 640eed719efae20⋯.jpeg (93.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 8B05C056-5EF1-4ABF-BC00-4….jpeg)

File: 4f33932632501a6⋯.jpeg (83.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 388F0243-9B83-43ED-B5AA-1….jpeg)

ad6b6f  No.6605828


Holy shit that’s funny


Fuck that’s funny

936824  No.6605829


Dan Coats.

a31e63  No.6605830


Dankin Pepe

28f423  No.6605831


DiGenova's role is disinformation. There's literally nothing he's predicted

that has happened. He gets broad picture things correct but clearly has

no idea what Trump is doing, or is intentionally throwing shade.

97c073  No.6605832


Anybody been over to bho’s twitter or am i the only one stupid enough to torture myself? - - it’s all sugary and fake sweetness and light and he swings the bat like a girl. Brain dead followers.

15915a  No.6605833


ok, was this a daybaker?

I seem to recall a "mom daybaker"

3c0393  No.6605834

File: 0a5e2c05dd00e93⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 255x143, 255:143, c44ab1914858ad1182f66a6910….jpg)




1b8f63  No.6605835

File: f91ec9b222dc4f6⋯.png (477.74 KB, 595x797, 595:797, 27minmark.png)

27 min mark

1ec0f7  No.6605836



cb727b  No.6605837




I don't recall ever seeing his pic before

f0c264  No.6605838


I remember the story of that pic. They didn't know each other. He just grabbed her and kissed her.

83afd3  No.6605839

File: dd47c18f33648d6⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1280x958, 640:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca9202fa1e6c54f⋯.png (39.64 KB, 723x653, 723:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Cabal is using chemtrails in Canada and fires in central mexico.this wil create the conditions (aerosols) to generate big floods and storms in US central states…again.

THEN they will claim that climate change is



80555f  No.6605840

File: b1852df22fadfcd⋯.png (276.32 KB, 551x309, 551:309, muhjooshills.png)

89f796  No.6605841


I don't think he writes any of his own tweets.

fa5339  No.6605842

You just won the internets for the day. OMFG that is brilliant and hilarious!


c1ce62  No.6605843

File: 00bc95962881216⋯.png (787.16 KB, 845x3405, 169:681, trump america less racist.png)

Anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice has declined since 2016, new study shows

Anti-black and anti-Hispanic prejudice has declined since 2016, new study shows

The election of Donald Trump has, of course, unleashed the latent racist which lurks within millions of Americans. We know this because enlightened opinion keeps telling us so.

The New Yorker, for example, ran a piece in November 2016 declaring ‘Hate on rise since Trump’s election’, and quoting a list of incidents collected by the Southern Poverty Law Center – including the experience of a girl in Colorado who was allegedly told by a white man: ‘Now that Trump is president I am going to shoot you and all the blacks I can find’.

TIME magazine, too, ran a story in the same month announcing ‘Racist incidents are up since Donald Trump’s election’. In March 2017 the Nation asserted ‘Donald Trump’s rise has coincided with an explosion in hate groups’, claiming that 100 racist organizations had been founded since Trump began his presidential campaign…………

It sounds vaguely plausible, but is it true? Not if a new paper by a pair of sociologists at the University of Pennsylvania is anything to go by…..Americans, claim Hopkins and Washington, have actually become less inclined to express racist opinions since Donald Trump was elected.

Anti-black prejudice, they found, declined by a statistically-insignificant degree between 2012 and 2016, when Trump was elected. But then after 2016 it took a sharp dive that was statistically significant. Moreover, contrary to their expectations, the fall was as evident among Republican voters as it was among Democrats. There was also a general fall in anti-Hispanic prejudice, too, although this was more evident among Democrat voters……..


4a842a  No.6605844

>>6603941 (pb)

Fatty Fartbuckle.

12e586  No.6605845


Kek. I dunno. I prefer Dunkin. Their CEO recently blasted Starbucks for their political bullshit.

Can't think of her name, but she rocks.

ba3fe1  No.6605846

File: be64047a355e1e9⋯.png (22.81 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 3217500_nv_dayton.png)

26606e  No.6605847

File: facb1cf7fe046d7⋯.jpeg (324.8 KB, 745x868, 745:868, 9F6E4F1B-645C-4BF3-9167-C….jpeg)



61ec54  No.6605848

File: 67411eedea2446e⋯.png (750.5 KB, 1067x1130, 1067:1130, Screenshot_2019-05-27 Devi….png)


e7aa4e  No.6605849

File: 771a248198ac624⋯.png (271.63 KB, 990x640, 99:64, Screenshot_2019-05-27 Vess….png)

File: f4a05fa4b41bb22⋯.png (311.99 KB, 990x640, 99:64, Screenshot_2019-05-27 Vess….png)

File: 64ba83dde39585c⋯.png (442.32 KB, 990x640, 99:64, Screenshot_2019-05-27 Port….png)

File: 2b961c0f819bb64⋯.png (284.45 KB, 990x640, 99:64, Screenshot_2019-05-26 Vess….png)

Boatfag update: CAP PATTON still enroute Long Beach, ETA now 03:00 Local (in darkness, port call she makes) while CAP PASLEY is headed for Caldera, Costa Rica. EVER LAMBENT seems finished with the east coast of the US and is on her way to Colon, Panama

36efd5  No.6605850

File: 39f8ef1e6280ebe⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ With Pepe.jpg)

File: 68fccce3a6a6bd1⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ Alpha.png)

File: 302abab17d0a884⋯.png (385.1 KB, 513x507, 171:169, HomeoftheFree.png)



Raised glass to all !

82e92d  No.6605851



Sounds right, but not certain. Much of it was actually namefagging rather than genderfagging, as I think a bit more..

Anons are anon.


9763d6  No.6605852

STEAM makes me think of game comms

f6e3c4  No.6605853


ty Battle Born anon

ecbbf7  No.6605854


>is intentionally throwing shade.

That’s my thought. He delivers the broad picture as you said. Focus on what he said about this starting 2012 with the 702 info. That we’ve known. Actors will act. Listen to the broader intel.

b0093b  No.6605855

File: 0574fca23937141⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Sherman.jpg)

>>6605337 LB

Per request for dig on Wendy Sherman, former Undersecretary of State

PLENTY of material here, results of site search within the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, where she is a board member:


1. Ambassador Wendy Sherman named to DNC Platform Drafting Committee, 5/23/16


2. As Undersecretary for Political Affairs, not providing her Benghazi emails to Trey Gowdy, 5/9/16


3. Interviewed for BBC documentary "America in the Obama Years"


4. In (very long) distribution list for this report: http://americanprogress.org/issues/security/report/2014/06/16/91809/u-s-middle-east-policy-at-a-time-of-regional-fragmentation-and-competition


4. Email invitation for speech by Sherman at Harvard

"Wendy Sherman arrives at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland after participating in Iran nuclear program talks in Switzerland"


5. Quote in email about election intrigue: ""Neville Chamberlain got a lot of more out of Hitler than [State Department Negotiator] Wendy Sherman got out of Iran." - Senator Mark Kirk 2015"


6. Specifically named in claim by Israel that she was withholding information about negotiations


7. "The first harbinger of things to come in the coming year is US Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman’s statement (http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/69219-150427-us-warns-new-israeli-government-to-remain-committed-to-two-state-solution) April 27. She said, "If the new Israeli government is seen to be stepping back from its commitment to a two-state solution, that will make our job in the international arena [i.e., to protect Israel] much tougher.”


7. "A top U.S. negotiator with Iran said enduring the tension the talks engendered between the Obama administration and Israel and the Jewish community was very painful. “For me personally, one of the most difficult parts was the tension with this beloved country and its people,” said Wendy Sherman, who led the US team in the talks between Iran and six major powers leading to the sanctions relief for nuclear rollbacks deal. “So having the dissension and the difficulties that we had in this process — and with the American Jewish community of which I consider myself a part — was very, very painful,” she said Tuesday at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv."


92825f  No.6605856

File: 23e842b9a130f8e⋯.jpeg (466.08 KB, 1242x975, 414:325, FAFC36B7-8B6F-45CA-8880-F….jpeg)



b2c790  No.6605857


steam catapults

367908  No.6605858



e6b050  No.6605859


D-Day was 6/6 not 5/27.


fe54db  No.6605860

File: 8beb7249f4f3f02⋯.jpg (277.08 KB, 647x861, 647:861, 8beb7249f4f3f02bd0b2c62670….jpg)

8d85cb  No.6605861

File: c175bdbf3dc533b⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1536x1764, 128:147, 0538AD6C-9293-45E7-9C94-87….png)


c37dbd  No.6605862

File: 2cf1b93b1667821⋯.jpeg (25.48 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 18A39980-0102-4178-8AA4-D….jpeg)


Tru and that is right in the heart of tornado country too.

f0c264  No.6605863

Is Congress really out of session during all of June? That is how I read the schedule .. if out of session, they can be arrested .. yes?

f836a3  No.6605864

File: 0a544b897c1d735⋯.png (781.92 KB, 688x445, 688:445, goodbye japan 1.PNG)

what a 4 days that was….

89f796  No.6605865

File: 16571e146228989⋯.jpg (112.79 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, IMG_0515.JPG)

c5ba23  No.6605866


June’s 4


82e92d  No.6605867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

700e2d  No.6605868

File: fb702946cfe831e⋯.jpeg (53.38 KB, 480x546, 80:91, EBD74FD2-8BD8-4056-8782-3….jpeg)


Because it's timeless

39b39d  No.6605869

File: cff1a9cfa8b14e3⋯.jpg (4.12 MB, 4486x3307, 4486:3307, kagt.jpg)

File: a80c5f54a4b2717⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 781x410, 781:410, iur.jpg)

16f305  No.6605870

File: 314b956c3ab07f5⋯.jpg (210.71 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_8234.JPG)

Devil worshippers discovered with shitty drumpf memes


12e586  No.6605871



Kek. I knew there could be another. Ty.

d99cff  No.6605872

I made this music video for Memorial Day to celebrate America.



c105be  No.6605873

Possible double tornado in Ohio.

Been here 35 years. Don’t remember this possibility. Within 2 hours of each other in drive time. Under tornado warning for 20 mins.

Pray for us.

936824  No.6605874


The corrupt ones have committed felonies, and can be arrested at any time.

19a02c  No.6605875

File: d8e5e1dea251335⋯.png (184.52 KB, 288x466, 144:233, Beach Ball.png)

bce383  No.6605876

File: 25ee1bbb9c98767⋯.png (280.68 KB, 532x581, 76:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98687ba27db3c83⋯.png (185.23 KB, 532x561, 532:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c51f50b8c1a91c2⋯.png (343.77 KB, 532x529, 532:529, ClipboardImage.png)

Edmund Morris


Dumiso Dabengwa


Robert L. Bernstein


3 obituaries just today something big is coming

61ec54  No.6605877


POTUS is aboard an amphibious assault ship. Something big is going down.

f0c264  No.6605878


doing so. Be safe.

3c0393  No.6605879

File: dbe3579add362be⋯.jpg (24.48 KB, 466x466, 1:1, 51foVIkreeL._SX466_.jpg)

File: 152cf02f3f50835⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 300x320, 15:16, 81dcf4bd5a6f251ce41e3e8fbf….jpg)


e18787  No.6605880



>>6605430 anon pic of Flynn banner and POTUS and FLOTUS today matching colors

>>6605450, >>6605687 New PSperry - Source D/E of Steele Doss in photo with NoName - Sergei Million

>>6605728 Schiff encourages intelligence leaders to consider 'the example of Secretary Mattis' and resign

89f796  No.6605881


And he's not in a hurry to get back.

4c4798  No.6605882

File: aa53dc41993e65b⋯.jpeg (379.49 KB, 1194x786, 199:131, E0CF430A-AA39-4190-AD11-B….jpeg)

File: 63ccb496ae0db12⋯.png (537.21 KB, 1152x864, 4:3, 8F422AED-D0BA-4A00-91E6-29….png)

9c9ad7  No.6605883


He conflates declassification with covering up. Just pointing that out.

This little man.

fe54db  No.6605884

File: 10ff8c7737afbf0⋯.png (865.46 KB, 1091x652, 1091:652, DC.png)

c90f51  No.6605885

File: 4ab313421e47543⋯.png (18.75 KB, 171x88, 171:88, ClipboardImage.png)


I Mustache You a Question

b338dd  No.6605886


27 min on the 27th

11:11 marker

c37dbd  No.6605887

File: 6a48beee525b928⋯.jpeg (55 KB, 600x443, 600:443, F3F69321-32B0-4D0E-A7B1-4….jpeg)

c1ce62  No.6605888


sorry, no date in article. But other reports show it's current, e.g.:


But the Spectator provides a more balanced report.

b9f6aa  No.6605889

File: 27e990591f3a179⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, be863ff3d5466c136a72ee59ba….jpg)



Full steam ahead!

ed2355  No.6605890


wez still 10 days out.

b0093b  No.6605891

File: f5ea8cd1a29f0a6⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 400x489, 400:489, cross.jpg)


God grant your protection and mercy on Your people in Ohio


5968b2  No.6605892


Already prayed for you anon.

Am praying again.

Double prayers!

Seriously, may God bless you and keep you safe.

15915a  No.6605893


Surrounded to the gills by his own men.

c4e161  No.6605894

File: 297823b7cd99e97⋯.jpg (23.01 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_1GX7WR-e1559013883557-….jpg)

Iran slams Trump after he asserts he’s not seeking regime change

FM Zarif rejects US president’s claim Washington is only trying to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons

TEHRAN — Iran hit out at the United States on Monday for “causing tensions” after President Donald Trump said his government was not seeking regime change and that he would welcome talks with Tehran.

The Trump administration was “hurting the Iranian people and causing tension in the region,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on his Twitter account.

“Actions — not words — will show whether or not that’s @realDonaldTrump’s intent,” Zarif added, referencing the US president’s Twitter handle.

Zarif also denied Iran was seeking nuclear weapons, after Trump said during a visit to Japan that “we’re not looking for regime change (in Iran)… we’re looking for no nuclear weapons.”

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “long ago said we’re not seeking nuclear weapons — by issuing a fatwa (edict) banning them,” the foreign minister tweeted.

Khamenei is said to have issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons in 2003 and has reiterated it several times since. However, Israel, the US and other countries have maintained that Tehran sought to develop nuclear weapons well beyond that period.

Iran is locked in a tense standoff with the United States which has beefed up its military presence in the Middle East in response to alleged threats from the Islamic Republic.

On Saturday, Zarif called a deployment of extra US troops to the region “very dangerous and a threat to international peace and security.”

It follows a US decision earlier this month to send an aircraft carrier strike force and B-52 bombers in a show of force against what Washington’s leaders said they believed was an imminent Iranian plan to attack US assets.

Washington says the latest reinforcements are in response to a “campaign” of recent attacks including a rocket launched into the Green Zone in Baghdad, explosive devices that damaged four tankers near the entrance to the Gulf, and drone strikes by Yemeni rebels on a key Saudi oil pipeline.

Iran has denied any involvement in the attacks.


ba3fe1  No.6605895

File: 89bbe468bce135b⋯.png (121.7 KB, 641x481, 641:481, 89bbe468bce135b8fc7db50f32….png)


You obviously did not read the post to which I replied.

ecbbf7  No.6605896


I can’t remember the company making the electric ones bu they also make military drones and are a big defense contractor. Their history was a bit suspect iirc. I briefly did a dig at the time.

cb727b  No.6605897

File: dddc1156dd313d9⋯.png (53.6 KB, 151x261, 151:261, image.png)

f836a3  No.6605898

File: c595ddffd4b9db9⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 320x180, 16:9, rimshot.gif)

880aff  No.6605899


Anon, there was a recent clip of Pompeo talking about how John Kerry was violating the Logan Act by talking to Iran. In the clip there was one other person whom Pompeo mentioned in that clip who was with Kerry and that was Wendy Sherman.

If you read her wikipage, you will see that she is a psychology major who worked with young girls and abused women.

So how did a psychology major go from a social worker to making uranium deals with NK and Iran?

Prolly because she wasn't talking Uranium , she was dealing in the child trafficking part of the deal.

2e9f82  No.6605900



Double D Day!!

c5ba23  No.6605901


12 planes 8 parachutes 10 on troop carrier (right)


Q shape 3 pointers

a4340f  No.6605902

File: 8b59394b62b75b6⋯.jpg (102.39 KB, 1020x860, 51:43, D7n-wMrUwAAUb0d.jpg)


Dayton got clobbered

another warning


880aff  No.6605903

File: 8466100e3f6d0f3⋯.png (313.31 KB, 1295x757, 1295:757, wendy sherman wiki 1.PNG)

File: c9b83201d6c1487⋯.png (123.69 KB, 1346x741, 1346:741, wendy sherman wiki 2.PNG)

File: 6ac67511b0a388d⋯.png (102.39 KB, 900x283, 900:283, wendy meaning.PNG)

e5f846  No.6605904

File: 22ff4ff124a058c⋯.png (35.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

If you are in Ohio…TAKE COVER!

3c0393  No.6605905



ee3576  No.6605906


I don't think that means what you think.


c4e161  No.6605907

File: 8a9751d4fa3a9b0⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_1GN0O4-640x400.jpg)

Poll: Majority of public, including right-wing, oppose immunity for PM

Channel 13 survey also finds most would blame Netanyahu if failure of coalition talks leads to new election

A majority of the public, including a majority of right-wing and religious people, opposes legislative efforts to protect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from prosecution in three criminal cases in which he faces charges, a Channel 13 poll showed Monday,

Asked for their opinion on legislation to grant the premier immunity, 66 percent of the public said they were opposed, 19% were in favor, 11% were undecided and 4% said they were unaware of such efforts.

Meanwhile among the right-wing and religious public, 44% were opposed, 32% were in favor, 20% were undecided and 4% were unaware.

In February Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced his intention to indict Netanyahu, pending a hearing, in three corruption cases. Netanyahu could face indictment for fraud and breach of trust in three criminal cases, and bribery in one of them. The prime minister denies all the allegations and has claimed he is the subject of a political witch hunt by prosecutors, the police, and the media.

Following the April 9 elections, Netanyahu has been trying to form a government with various right-wing parties and media reports have said the proposed coalition agreement includes stipulations to back changes in immunity laws for MKs in a way which could prevent Mandelblit from being able to file indictments against the prime minister.

In addition to changing the immunity law, the coalition agreements is said to include an “override clause” demanding backing for legislation which would neuter the Supreme Court by reversing its right to overturn parliamentary legislation and decisions it regards as unconstitutional.

Some in Netanyahu’s party have argued that immunity legislation is justified, claiming the election results showed that the people do not view the premier’s alleged transgressions as enough to prevent him from serving as premier.

The debate over immunity legislation could be rendered moot, at least for the time being, if Netanyahu cannot solve a coalition-building crisis that threatens to send the country to new elections.

Netanyahu has yet to ink a deal with any of his prospective partners, and progress has stalled amid an impasse between the secular Yisrael Beytenu party and ultra-Orthodox parties on the question of a bill regulating the military draft among the ultra-Orthodox.

With Wednesday night’s deadline to secure a 61-MK coalition fast approaching, legislators on Monday night moved a step closer towards dissolving the Knesset less than a month since it was sworn in, with MKs approving in its first reading a bill to disband the legislature.

Channel 13 also polled the public on who bore responsibility for another potential vote, with 41% saying Netanyahu would be mostly to blame, 27% blaming Yisrael Beytenu’s Avigdor Liberman, 16% blaming ultra-Orthodox parties and 16% saying they didn’t know.

The poll was held among Israeli 710 respondents by Statnet, with a margin of error of 3.8%.


Looks like ol' "Bibi" isn't going to be able to get away from his criminal activities.

cb727b  No.6605908


Most awesome display!

4a842a  No.6605909


You're either a newfag, a shill, or an out and out faggot! Real anons ALWAYS reply with "tits or GTFO," when a woman breaks the anon code and identifies/doxes herself as a woman. They want special treatment, or recognition for being female, which is the antithesis of this board. That's the point of it, retard! Now run along back to Voat or Reddit, like a good little cuck!

bce383  No.6605910

File: d2a52bf468ba009⋯.png (226.39 KB, 532x508, 133:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bbbaaa3ed897dc⋯.png (3.15 MB, 2047x878, 2047:878, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ec34cab223ac73⋯.png (19.94 KB, 303x125, 303:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis


We had a great first day in Tel Aviv meeting with leading Israeli businesses and securing MOUs across a range of policy areas. The agreements forged today will go a long way in strengthening our relationship with Israel and will serve Floridians and Israelis for years to come.

2:39 PM - 27 May 2019


82e92d  No.6605911


>Double D Day!!


ad6b6f  No.6605912


Those are butthole doughnuts



89f796  No.6605913

Prayers for Ohio anons.

13edfc  No.6605914



ecbbf7  No.6605915


Why would you make your sauce a quote? And fuk that guy. Who cares what he says. Lying pos.

2e9f82  No.6605916

>>6605901 Q shape 3 pointers on Devin Nunes' D-Day tweet


good autism anon

494c17  No.6605917

Anons think we will get the truth re BHO and Big Mike

e71d3a  No.6605918

File: e87cb431ea565d0⋯.png (533.34 KB, 879x471, 293:157, lookin good boys.png)


look what I can do…


dbeef6  No.6605919

File: 6395a97c2813ddd⋯.png (533.73 KB, 652x664, 163:166, ask.png)

1b8f63  No.6605920

File: d0a0b45877456f5⋯.png (944.23 KB, 1232x1318, 616:659, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: db79c7d7f5c75d5⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trumpmarineforceonevid.mp4)

15915a  No.6605921


Old NIKE sites from the 80's

There were silos in my area as a kid.

b2c790  No.6605922


and steam vs electric

steam cannot be taken out by an emp?

e804ca  No.6605923


Its about the catapults. He's talked about the catapults before.


d40b67  No.6605924

File: 946a95f21ce454c⋯.jpg (184.15 KB, 1636x1606, 818:803, 27 The Great Awakening.jpg)


Patriot Anons

27 min mark Q drop 543 The Great Awakening

b65acf  No.6605925

File: 216ca49cb09c231⋯.png (427.5 KB, 1164x796, 291:199, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: 9d5a49a8ee1c304⋯.png (358.57 KB, 1038x814, 519:407, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

File: e92be6c31ab017e⋯.png (579.07 KB, 914x808, 457:404, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)


interdatsing and which has alway brought me to suspicion on 'Mattis', white hat, black hat or somewhere in-between?

ecbbf7  No.6605926


Looks like you’re fucked and you know it. Keep up your bullshit, I’ll ride every last post you make this bread faggot.

2e9f82  No.6605927


That Q is pointing toward Nazi EUROPE, didn't they just have an election?

Didn't go the way the globalists hoped.

c37dbd  No.6605928

File: 158b3f88e7eb317⋯.png (306.22 KB, 1096x634, 548:317, 9EBC3E46-0884-4BD3-A709-E9….png)


Nah I seens the whole convo.

b2c790  No.6605929


fucking Wendy…..

7b6ae6  No.6605930

File: ce042453de8d641⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1421x1420, 1421:1420, flotusuhabmyattencion.png)

4e8f21  No.6605931

>>6604716 PB Critical issue: buying of American farmland by foreign corporations. The States have ZERO clue as far as I can tell.

Folks, this is so serious that 7 years ago I went to the tax department due to conversations around our farm town that the Chinese were buying farm land in Ohio. They were also using Haliburton as a front company to go around buying up natural gas well leases.

They were buying so much that people actually talked about the day the Chinese owned it all, and decided one year not to plant.

So I went down to the tax department to find out how much land was foreign owned.

They said keeping track of that information in the form of maps had been handed off to a "private company" with offices across the street, and pointed out the window.

Private land being bought, and the tax department is not keeping tabs on who is doing the buying????? Private companies keeping track of who owns what in America?

Who OWNS THOSE private companies I wondered?

Yea, so I went across the street to the "office".

The door was locked, but you could see in.

There were two chairs, and a big plastic 2x8 table… like you would see in a wedding…. couple boxes on the floor in the corner.


The states have no clue who is buying America as far as I can tell, because they have handed that information collection over to secret corporations without offices, who are also possibly foreigners….

……and mebbe tomorrow I will go ask again, so I can get the companies NEW fly by night address.. see if I can get pictures of empty offices for anons.

Went to the official map office. Those maps have big land tracts that are owned by "trusts" and American law says you can not know the "beneficiaries" of a trust if they are not named. SO, you can know that huge tracts of land in America are being bought by nameless trusts. I think many of these are family farms who have used the trust to keep the farms from being lost as a defense system while Americans could not get the word out about these habbenings.

But, I am sure that the foreigners use trusts also, and we would never know?

ecbbf7  No.6605932


Exactly. Isn’t the first time he’s mentioned this. There is something there with this technology or company.

16a55c  No.6605933

File: c7740425994508b⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 335x570, 67:114, pepe swim tears.jpg)

File: 1b17812ca52cc32⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 390x263, 390:263, pepe barfing 2.jpg)

bce383  No.6605934

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Roxy Music - More Than This (Lost in Translation) [HD]

b0093b  No.6605935


Now THAT is certainly interesting.

Haven't seen that pic of Kerry in Paris, the one taken from a sidewalk cafe, in a while, and don't have it saved. I wonder if Wendy Sherman is in that picture.

My dig was restricted to our archives, the DNC and Podesta emails.

Would be useful to look at her career timeline, to identify exactly when her work trajectory took such a quantum leap.

If you've got a link or two, or search terms, would like to dig on them if you'll pass them along.

Thanks for the spotlight shining in another direction; I was finding plenty of the Clintons' friends typically-sleazy doublespeak and meddlesome world-gadfly chronicles, but nothing surprising.

c4e161  No.6605937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because I don't red text.


Ride all you want, bitch. I'll keep exposing Israel's crimes all fucking day long too.

"Bibi" on hidden camera

>America is something that you can easily maneuver, and move in the right direction.

Zionist loving fucking niggers.

2d47fd  No.6605938

File: f7c3d85c72b44c7⋯.png (66.42 KB, 412x529, 412:529, Screenshot_2019-05-27 clot….png)

File: 6edc9c03488e309⋯.png (6.03 KB, 346x192, 173:96, Screenshot_2019-05-27 Q Re….png)


too funny

the jews and zombies are going to make a big deal about the name "Clotilda".

I AM SICK OF YOU FUCKERS!!! This is moar of their psychotic butt fucking amalek hate

the akum know jewie WE KNOW

bce383  No.6605939

File: 2e03dc7e2248b07⋯.png (652.14 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)

133a8c  No.6605940


American and British Flags together on British soil.

Trump in Britain June 3-5, 2019.

D-Day Anniversary June 6, 2019

Theresa May Resigns eff June 7, 2019.

f836a3  No.6605941

File: 6a0717cfdf6b1f8⋯.png (531.28 KB, 540x486, 10:9, POTUS Sum ting wong.PNG)

Alibaba plans $20 billion blockbuster Hong Kong listing

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Alibaba is considering raising as much as $20 billion through a secondary listing in Hong Kong, people familiar with the matter told Reuters, lining up a second blockbuster deal following its 2014 record $25 billion float in New York.

The deal, which would be the sixth-biggest follow-on share sale ever, would give Alibaba a war chest to keep investing in technology - a priority for China as growth flags and as the world’s second-largest economy faces an escalating trade spat with the United States.

The e-commerce giant is working with financial advisers on the offering and is aiming to file an application confidentially in Hong Kong as early as the second half of 2019, three people said on condition of anonymity as the plans are not public yet.

They cautioned that many details were not clear, including the planned size. One person with direct knowledge said it was more likely to be between $10 billion and $15 billion.

At $20 billion, Alibaba’s deal would rank behind NTT’s 1987 $36.8 billion sale, crisis era offerings of $24.4 billion and $22.5 billion from the Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group, as well as the $20.7 billion raised by U.S. insurer AIG in 2012, Refinitiv data shows.

A spokesman from Alibaba declined to comment.


Since its U.S. listing, Alibaba has nearly doubled in size to become the largest-listed Chinese company with a market value of more than $400 billion.

A Hong Kong listing would give mainland investors their first direct access to one of China’s biggest success stories, via the stock connect trading link between Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

It would also give the company an extra pocket of liquidity and potentially a better valuation if the household name became a favorite among retail investors in Hong Kong.

Rival Tencent, which is listed in Hong Kong, is trading at 26 times its expected earnings compared with Alibaba’s 22 times in New York, according to Refinitiv data.

Alibaba’s revenue growth has been slowing compared to its peak in early 2017 as China’s e-commerce industry matures.

Analysts argue that the company has begun to exhaust its potential user base of e-commerce customers in top Chinese cities, which creates a bottleneck for sales.

In recent years, it has expanded into new sectors including cloud computing division and Hema, its chain of brick-and-mortar supermarkets - both of which need high upfront investment.


An Alibaba float would be seen in Hong Kong as a victory, after the city lost the tech giant’s initial public offering to New York because its then rules precluded it accepting Alibaba’s governance structure, where a self-selecting group of senior managers control the majority of board appointments.

Hong Kong last year amended its rules to make it easier for “innovative companies” listed in New York or London to carry out a secondary listing in Hong Kong, as part of a broader shake up of the city’s listing regime.

The new rules allow already-listed companies based in greater China, whose original float was before Dec. 15, 2017, to list in the city even if their current weighted voting rights structures contravene Hong Kong’s rules for primary listings.

Such companies can also apply confidentially for a listing, as Alibaba is expected to do.

Early last year, when Hong Kong was preparing to allow dual-class share listings, Alibaba founder Jack Ma had said that the company would “seriously consider” a listing on its exchange.

So far, no company has used the new secondary listing rules to raise funds in Hong Kong.


What is Secondary Offering

A secondary offering is the sale of new or closely held shares by a company that has already made an initial public offering (IPO). There are two types of secondary offerings. A non-dilutive secondary offering is a sale of securities in which one or more major stockholders in a company sell all or a large portion of their holdings. The proceeds from this sale are paid to the stockholders that sell their shares. Meanwhile, a dilutive secondary offering involves creating new shares and offering them for public sale.


c37dbd  No.6605942

File: 85e58fb6ede8b93⋯.jpeg (17.63 KB, 270x187, 270:187, 27700419-A5C5-4F36-B7B1-8….jpeg)

4c4798  No.6605943

File: 4afd845717019eb⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 753x511, 753:511, 3EBFBF0D-BAA2-4A82-8FD5-D….jpeg)

File: bc77858e7e53115⋯.jpeg (88.16 KB, 640x403, 640:403, 88E84A49-12A6-42E9-AC94-4….jpeg)

File: 2567f9b77314f2b⋯.jpeg (147.23 KB, 712x499, 712:499, D30FA340-C9F1-41B7-821B-D….jpeg)

File: 3111ba8d26d04ce⋯.jpeg (127.68 KB, 1000x618, 500:309, 4B1A0BDA-A49B-40DD-9AB1-8….jpeg)

958701  No.6605944

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)

We Are On A Ship

Thank you all.

Best crew Ever!

Shore In Sight.

1b8f63  No.6605945


how did you know?

04bbb2  No.6605946

File: 04ff5ece56f8e25⋯.png (625.07 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, BlepeCool.png)

6a52a6  No.6605947


that's not what he said and you know it.

you're saying 'exactly' as a verification shill.

the stated reason is that it's too expensive, doesn't work, and we already have a system that does work.

He knows that the work is being used to fund development for some other purpose, and he's not putting up with the patent mongering 'defense development' contract mafia anymore. He never said anything about EMP. Nor did he say what I suggest that it's because of profiettering and patent mongering, but that's my speculation.

The use of Military to develop patented technology to be looted by multinationals is over!

5631af  No.6605948

File: 91145ef4b3e479a⋯.pdf (192.95 KB, Caddick-Adams-D_Day-Transc….pdf)



Watched it.

Full linked transcript attached.

Excellent for education on the subject off the battle we've had with (((them))).

Good new 5 minute history clip on D-Day

No one died in vain.=

On June 6, 1944, Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in northern France. Their goal: to liberate Western Europe from Nazi tyranny. From a distance, it might seem that victory was pre-ordained, but no one felt that way at the time. British military historian Peter Caddick-Adams tells the incredible story of what happened on that monumental day.


d70b58  No.6605949

File: cf053374b84d41b⋯.png (2.62 MB, 2724x1742, 1362:871, Caps 2019-05-27 at 11.54.1….png)



13edfc  No.6605950



What do u know her bio says she worked where the cult kept their "gardens" of trafficked children according to Q.

89f796  No.6605951

File: e9a2b805b1fcbc1⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 358x534, 179:267, ZomboMeme 24052019200951.jpg)

File: b42d71beed1aedf⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 718x767, 718:767, ZomboMeme 24052019200708.jpg)

File: 22371160b7af2a4⋯.jpg (101.33 KB, 670x830, 67:83, ZomboMeme 27052019225259.jpg)

3c0393  No.6605952



c37dbd  No.6605953

File: 216c933ba44f2bd⋯.jpeg (318.49 KB, 750x828, 125:138, 647389D6-13AA-4418-93D6-F….jpeg)

e804ca  No.6605954

File: ddac4cafb4de29f⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 970x712, 485:356, digits.jpg)

6257ae  No.6605955


Where in the fuck in that resume would it lead one to being in lead roles re: NK nukes or Iran? Fuckin child trafficking CLOWN.

12e586  No.6605956



I watched Saving Pvt Ryan tonight. Always gets me in the feelz.

d14e2c  No.6605957

File: e2e87b4cf4ec718⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E63CC827-B217-452C-97EE-83….png)

File: 47440f199569938⋯.png (204.33 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B338BFAF-E435-4D03-A706-A4….png)


Dr. Michael Heiser

Gnosticism & Early Christianity


4a842a  No.6605958


Unless you're a tranny gamer, then you're normal.

2d47fd  No.6605959


thats nice ron

now tell us about white genocide

oh, you wont

fuck you

fuck you

c37dbd  No.6605960


Go to bed Chelsea

a1c913  No.6605961


Shore sounds nice. I'm almost excited.

f836a3  No.6605962


one of favs. love the high road live album from 1982. King crimson opened for them too.

81cb9a  No.6605963


Yeah I've got ties from my mom with paisley and polka dots and shit that probably say "I suck cock for free"

6a52a6  No.6605964


they will extend this to people who spend too much time at 8ch, you watch.

e71d3a  No.6605965

File: 1512f3dae6bd7c5⋯.png (812.11 KB, 970x577, 970:577, KEKFORCE.png)


i named it _KEKFORCE

…after STARFORCE from CAPT MARVEL (dats me)

feel free to share it, it is MOST DEFINITELY an epic (one day HISTORIC) piece, the first PROVING OUR STRENGTH IN DISCIPLINE AND PARTNERSHIP…


cb727b  No.6605966


US Education System is based on Communistic ideology.

It has deliberately and systematically been designed to indoctrinate children at the public's expense.

That is becoming more and more apparent to those who have eyes to see.

Colleges have become just as corrupted.

Harvard was originally established to train young men to become ministers.

Look how far that institution has fallen!

dbeef6  No.6605967

File: 3785da0e8421c90⋯.jpg (203.17 KB, 598x577, 598:577, Dumb-jews.jpg)

True story.

104d40  No.6605968


Any news on Nadler's (dickhead) condition…seems quiet and strange that no one is wondering how he is after all the belly wauling he did about Subpeonaing Barr…

36efd5  No.6605969

File: 0187ffbbe622b4c⋯.png (432.9 KB, 1200x682, 600:341, Marines_CH_53E_Please_Pray….png)

File: b2de212be6ec5a6⋯.png (989.14 KB, 1134x726, 189:121, Soldier_K9_Q105_Flag_Embos….png)

File: 57a7f9337a2c7b5⋯.png (510.8 KB, 750x498, 125:83, Chinook_Q_is_Always.png)

File: b49f869f15b51f3⋯.png (745.49 KB, 960x646, 480:323, Artillery_Q_1584_QRESEARCH.png)

b9f6aa  No.6605970


There are no coincidences.

2d47fd  No.6605971

so hows the death of the white race going?

still hiding it are we?

muh plan muh lawyers muh excuses

6257ae  No.6605972


Do it anon!!

f836a3  No.6605973

File: 5c59de3f211eee6⋯.jpg (582.64 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, John Kerry like Nonam.jpg)


your wish ……

6a189b  No.6605974


Not falling for that one again

7b6ae6  No.6605975

File: 26f7ab530360ef8⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, nsanonsactivated.jpg)

night frens, love u all

c5ba23  No.6605976


Watched prageru video

Warning to cabal of impending attack akin to 75 years ago bus identical military assault on beaches. Space assault/information assault on cabal infrastructure including hvt ‘s (humans)

4c4798  No.6605977

File: 88639f1496b9d8f⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1044x1787, 1044:1787, 586BB056-C68A-4B9F-9A28-C….jpeg)

File: 3e32c031410e015⋯.jpeg (35.72 KB, 603x301, 603:301, 3CDC7785-D9E3-4700-AC78-E….jpeg)

e6b050  No.6605978


Man, you are one homely looking adolescent.

15915a  No.6605979

ecbbf7  No.6605980


>Zionist loving fucking niggers.

And there you have it. Thank you. Carry on, only people irl that talk like you are democrats.

13edfc  No.6605981

Im ready to wager Sherman is a high level kid trafficker for the clowns and cult by proxy obviously.

e18787  No.6605982



>>6605430 anon pic of Flynn banner and POTUS and FLOTUS today matching colors

>>6605450, >>6605687 New PSperry - Source D/E of Steele Doss in photo with NoName - Sergei Million

>>6605728 Schiff encourages intelligence leaders to consider 'the example of Secretary Mattis' and resign

>>6605847, >>6605848, >>6605867 Nunes Twats "D-DAY" @prageru and vid

>>6605901, >>6605940 Q shape 3 pointers on Devin Nunes' D-Day tweet

>>6605855, >>6605899, >>6605903, Per request for dig on Wendy Sherman from pb

c1ce62  No.6605983

>>6605920 Scavino: POTUS & FLOTUS enroute to Air Force One


854e32  No.6605984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bruh this video is fucking hilarious

The Triggering of Shia | He Will Not Divide Us

@TheInternetHistorian is the fucking best

b0093b  No.6605985


After seeing that quote from former Sen. Mark Kirk, I got the distinct impression that Wendy Sherman was a walking example of the Peter Principle.

She'd been promoted (we only need to know WHY) far beyond her abilities, and her ineptitude at dealing with Iran quickly became a problem.

When interviewed about Sherman, someone questions Hillary about it, and she only responded with her typical longwinded lawyer gibberish.

A TON of government wonks are a particularly dangerous combo of inept, but smooth-talking sociopaths.

They talk a good game. That's all they can do.

All talk, no substance.

Washington is infested with them, and they all cover each others' asses.

dbeef6  No.6605986

File: 6a7cb90b47f38eb⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 600x740, 30:37, )you(.jpg)

File: c6ec0e1b4b38bef⋯.jpg (87.48 KB, 990x1070, 99:107, chosen.jpg)


>Man, you are one homely looking adolescent.

I bet I was.

At least I never looked like this.

(pics related)

c37dbd  No.6605987


Fuck yeah!

Two years or less of some shared pussy and give up half your shit!

e18787  No.6605988

File: e7c7a1933573760⋯.jpg (10.46 KB, 238x255, 14:15, liberty.JPG)

04bbb2  No.6605989

File: 188c23646b7abdd⋯.png (2.63 MB, 3268x1386, 1634:693, Kerry-Iran-FF.png)




I have this from that day.

4e8f21  No.6605990



OK, Will do it. It is not hard.

Also want to mention that I was so mad on that day, I literally called an Ohio representative I knew, and had a conversation with him about what I had learned about this empty office and what the tax department told me.

He was floored. He said he would check into it.

Crickets since.

Wanna bet he was warned not to even talk about it by "the powers that be"??

7b6ae6  No.6605991

File: 6fb73b4439f0053⋯.jpg (76.68 KB, 750x579, 250:193, pepeplayingames.jpg)


yay! noice

c76a31  No.6605992

File: c158321a4ea7855⋯.png (445.84 KB, 1904x923, 1904:923, Pence61 5-27-2019.png)


Callsign Pence61*

Apologies for the orange tint. I turn off all bluenight at night.

89f796  No.6605993

File: 927da6d0c8727e6⋯.png (333.4 KB, 1428x1410, 238:235, Capture _2019-05-27-22-58-….png)


He's ok, for now.

1fe77b  No.6605994


Patriots fight!

cd2b40  No.6605995

File: bf1ca16902576b1⋯.jpg (790.79 KB, 1080x1454, 540:727, Screenshot_20190527-234621.jpg)

File: 2dcbbd64e4877e2⋯.jpg (558.53 KB, 1080x1294, 540:647, Screenshot_20190527-234550.jpg)

File: 7499bd602f2e9aa⋯.jpg (479.66 KB, 1080x1436, 270:359, Screenshot_20190527-235027.jpg)

A digital soldier/artist painted Flynn

Got one helluva response. Even from the Flynn family. Awesome to see the movement inspire people


7adb5f  No.6605996

File: a1c080c6c1b4ccd⋯.jpeg (154.19 KB, 1838x604, 919:302, image.jpeg)

c4e161  No.6605997



Wouldn't want your corrupt MIC to get exposed now would you, fake MAGA cunt.

Have some moar Israeli war crimes.






Of course, comped fucking baker doesn't add.

Going to neck all you mother fuckers when the time comes.

d70b58  No.6605998


Pence61 has been flying over that area for hours now.

ecbbf7  No.6605999


Would you like to clarify your intent with this, Baker? Can be taken in moar than one way.

5f5859  No.6606000

I look forward to the days when the cabal is gutted, the world is at peace and justice has been served. Perhaps then I’ll relax a bit…just a bit though, as my antennae will always be up and ready to fight for our country.

Amen brothers. Keep up the good fight.

3f95a4  No.6606001


She’s also the one who accompanied Brennan to brief Congressional Democrats. So both of them still have clearances, I would assume.

de42f0  No.6606002

File: e3171aeb709decb⋯.jpeg (46.49 KB, 767x477, 767:477, 87BF6EC8-118C-4188-9F3F-5….jpeg)

3c0393  No.6606003

File: f73ea944eb282b5⋯.png (512.96 KB, 730x672, 365:336, f73ea944eb282b50cdd405632d….png)



f836a3  No.6606004

File: 4d81846b6d494c7⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1172x917, 1172:917, Thank you baker deniro sty….png)


ty anon. don't have that one.

c5ba23  No.6606005

File: 9a8914b28f07356⋯.jpeg (99.87 KB, 828x408, 69:34, D706C33B-55A5-492D-AF36-1….jpeg)

File: 428b6b7d521a07a⋯.jpeg (148.72 KB, 595x905, 119:181, CEE163A9-6703-4C0C-9F42-6….jpeg)

ea5172  No.6606006

fuqing digits man, here here to relaxing when the cabal is gutted

battle on


1b8f63  No.6606007

File: b9377367143d17b⋯.png (1.93 MB, 2592x1608, 108:67, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at ….png)

File: 4ab271680af9dbb⋯.png (831.88 KB, 1336x1096, 167:137, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at ….png)


cb727b  No.6606008



I guess I wasn't paying attention until now

994113  No.6606009

Little assholes deserve worse than death.

Sanctuary City Under Fire After Girl Found Chopped Up By Illegal Immigrants


7b6ae6  No.6606010

File: 3b143627ff02055⋯.jpg (64.24 KB, 1024x754, 512:377, mwahloveufrenflotus.jpg)

b0093b  No.6606011

File: 01a0a06e00735cc⋯.png (467.08 KB, 600x314, 300:157, KerryIranian.png)


Kerry appears alone in the picture.

I don't buy for a second that he'd be on a trip like this absolutely alone.

Where's Wendy Sherman?

Imagine how frustrated Hillary was

She's lazy, so she sent Kerry (and maybe somebody else)

They drummed up the FF stabbing to try to cover his presence in Paris

Kerry looks utterly defeated in the sidewalk photo

Probably thinking of his Iranian in-laws, and the family fallout (pic related)

This entire trip went to hell in a handcart.

a0052a  No.6606012


Don’t know who made meme, but “yourselves” is correct word

dfdb1e  No.6606013

File: 344bc169bdc9186⋯.png (601.77 KB, 630x354, 105:59, Screenshot_6.png)



c68d12  No.6606014


now that is interesting anon…

b2c790  No.6606015


nice 5's on that billboard

a07434  No.6606016


I mean, look through our photo albums to see if that's fair or not.

0024bf  No.6606017


that would strip it of its charm

f836a3  No.6606018

File: dfe1ddb708c1e48⋯.png (1.27 MB, 681x654, 227:218, POTUS digits confirm.PNG)

c1ce62  No.6606019


yololo, just saw yer reply.

ecbbf7  No.6606020


Kek, exposing yourself moar and moar. You srsly think I fear you? Come on over, breach that door. Your links are propaganda from iran. The shithole that it is so long as the corrupt leadership is in power. You are nothing but another DS puppet and slave to your master, but, you know this. Good luck. We’ll talk again soon, I promise.

e2de8a  No.6606021


DAMN! I wish I could paint that good!!

What an awesome gift to General Flynn. He really got railroaded. I hope the President can clear him.

13edfc  No.6606022

I tend to view everything planned to come out before IG report as an acclimation period for the masses so that they will be able to psychologically process the level of darkness that will be exposed by the IG report.

06332f  No.6606023


Why are our gov branches so hesitant on pressing, implementing, and prosecuting the Logan Act? It's a law on the books but nobody does anything about it.

bce383  No.6606024

File: 990367c4ac770e8⋯.png (144.2 KB, 532x520, 133:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8d0e32e9280d48⋯.png (146.16 KB, 738x467, 738:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Foreign Policy

‏Verified account @ForeignPolicy


Document of the Week: When JFK threatened an end to U.S. support for Israel over its nuclear weapons program.

2:00 PM - 27 May 2019

046dc2  No.6606025

Populations selling out other populations. The ones lucky enough to see all of this after us, but more clearly and united as one people: our children!

dbeef6  No.6606026

File: 5c7cecf8f715150⋯.jpeg (200.63 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, kek_n_fren.jpeg)

>>6606020 JIDF POST

>Kek, exposing yourself moar and moar.

6a52a6  No.6606027


just reviewed your posts and my guess is that you are badgering shills. And what's the point of that?

seriously no point.

you realize that all that kind of crap is there to see who might agree with it?

It's not necessarily black hats, nor is it clear that anyone actually believes any of it.

It's a 'troll'.

It's there to see who will bite. You bit.

so the baker, if that was the baker, gives you a 'GTFO' meme as a way to say 'please don't antagonize the shills'

It makes it suck for many other people when you do.

that's my conjecture. I could be wrong.

think for yourself

don't badger shills unless they are badgering someone else. and even then , think before you knee jerk derision.

2d47fd  No.6606028


nice try kikey

you spent decades boring the world with tales of white nationalists et al being your enemy

now in the last three months you are really trying it on with this "only muslims and commies hate sweet kikey" aren't you? what happened to the nazis and kkk and skinheads and battle flagging inbreds? you always used to throw them in.

so your new gag..it's not because of any weakening amongst your zionist-mike pedo pence / contract on america / Christian judas gary bauer coalition is it?

you think you can motivate the bible (layman with a story) only crew with fear of muzzies and reds?

e18787  No.6606029



i like the post, for sure

well said imho

c5ba23  No.6606030


LASt night also iirc

3569a9  No.6606031

File: 98dca28d43bea0e⋯.jpg (59.78 KB, 361x369, 361:369, Screenshot_20190527-230509….jpg)

File: 5d36f34d67b8b7a⋯.jpg (345.03 KB, 964x1011, 964:1011, Screenshot_20190527-230441….jpg)



c4e161  No.6606032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You won't do a mother fucking thing, coward.

Here's some moar.

>Israel accused of war crimes (UK Parliament)

Hmm, UK is all of a sudden Iran, huh?

Your time is coming, bitch.

367908  No.6606033

File: 755bf0b9e5d4014⋯.png (12.74 KB, 509x185, 509:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 816f0380c330fac⋯.png (386.23 KB, 825x491, 825:491, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19249a3cd805d44⋯.png (7.43 KB, 802x96, 401:48, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden Disappears From Campaign Trail Memorial Day Weekend

Leading Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden disappeared Memorial Day weekend after taking it easy on the campaign trail the past ten days, having held only one rally and three fundraisers. The 76-year-old former vice president appears to be living up to President Trump’s “sleepy” nickname for him.

Biden held a rally in Phildalephia on May 18, headlined a pair of fundraisers last Monday and Tuesday in Florida and a fundraiser in Nashville also last Monday.

The Biden campaign site shows no scheduled rallies.

The campaign provided a terse “Joe Biden has no public events scheduled,” statement to media.

Biden’s campaign posted a Memorial Day tweet Monday but did not mention Biden’s absence, “Every #MemorialDay, Jill and I remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation. Our troops are the heart, soul, & spine of America—may we never fail to honor the memory of those who have fallen and ensure their spirit lives on in both our words and deeds.”


a4340f  No.6606034

File: f58edc20c67c235⋯.png (286 KB, 510x448, 255:224, comfypepe.png)

e70131  No.6606035

File: 35f6eaa38ca3664⋯.jpg (201.18 KB, 598x577, 598:577, Dumb-fagmasons.jpg)



28f423  No.6606036


Because the reigning belief is that it will likely be ruled unconstitutional if

anyone is ever successfully prosecuted for it.

06332f  No.6606037


This was meant for the Kerry post below


dfdb1e  No.6606038


Much like that one Meme Q replied to.


82e92d  No.6606039


We HAVE laws to remove illegals and foreign gang members. These laws were not enforced.

Local government holds blame in this.

04bbb2  No.6606040

File: 4c712a130e77617⋯.png (251.59 KB, 500x821, 500:821, ClipboardImage.png)


o7 (and kek!)


Lots of people are fucked kek.


Dubs confirm! Kekking at Ketchup Lady tho…she just haaaaad to wear red, huh?


He knows.

fc68e4  No.6606041


momanon just shared too much personal info.. this isnt a chatroom per se..

a0052a  No.6606042

b2c790  No.6606043

File: 9f479d9bbd234c5⋯.png (80.91 KB, 200x255, 40:51, ClipboardImage.png)

caa26c  No.6606044


>the only people who talk like that are democrats

Playbook attack here.

Propaganda - attempts to link anon with some common enemy which has emotional baggage.

Same people who tie anons to Muslims, MSM or "mainstream", etc.

536c19  No.6606045


Uh….is this new? WTF?

1e54c7  No.6606046

File: 550ef0e07805f5c⋯.png (8.79 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, AF151203-2045-4878-8F37-78….png)


Wow what an evening pic related

6 twisters in 4 hours

b0093b  No.6606047


Eh, there must be a very good reason why they still have their clearances.

I mean, Brennan still has a clearance? Wouldn't that make him suspicious?

Well, unless he's as stupid as we suspect.

Somebody was waiting for them to screw up, then burn them with the evidence.

Seems plausible that all of this has already occurred, too.

c5ba23  No.6606048


No successful convictions, ever.

e2de8a  No.6606049


It's not implausible but strikes me as reaching

dbeef6  No.6606050

File: e86216b85b416f8⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 550x344, 275:172, mason_4.jpg)

File: b2d49d5bf798d99⋯.png (278.87 KB, 504x477, 56:53, mason_9.png)


Nice try kike.

ecbbf7  No.6606051


>You won't do a mother fucking thing

Breach the door and find out. Rule of law wins out every time. Not you propaganda. You have a third grade education because you are a slave.

15915a  No.6606052

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, f210e6c2e5c5ee33c532b2053c….mp4)

I sense much trololo in this bred.

3a1c96  No.6606053


you boomers and care bear redditors who think wars are won babying feels need to sack up or GTFO

12e586  No.6606054


She was a good daytime baker though.

61ec54  No.6606055


The Democrat primary has been my favorite part of the show so far. It blows SNL away.

ecbbf7  No.6606056

c90f51  No.6606057


Railroaded? Everyone Assumes he's squeaky clean. Q has never once said "Trust Flynn". Do some research… I'm still a bit skeptical of him. Yes he's a veteran but that doesn't make him squeaky clean by no means.

460ffc  No.6606058


Clapper set up a program for electronic monitoring of all clearance holders back in 2014..

524a90  No.6606059


I saw it Saturday


Glad you're safe Ohioanon.

d70b58  No.6606060

File: 4481fab20bb481e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 3360x1780, 168:89, Caps 2019-05-28 at 12.14.0….png)

Map says AF1 is wheels up at 12,600', but not visible.

3f95a4  No.6606061


Plausible, but I can’t shake the Coats-as-anonNYTauthor. I don’t believe Potus would keep a traitor around, tho.

If Coats is a BH he might have nixed the cancellation.

c4e161  No.6606062

File: 4fa6b61cd219532⋯.png (807.08 KB, 858x783, 286:261, Screenshot_2019-05-28 Isra….png)


Kek, if I breached your door, you wouldn't even know it.

Here's some moar.


Fake MAGA piece of shit.

042436  No.6606063





368311  No.6606064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Orthodox Rabbi admits Open Genocide against all non-Jews

e70131  No.6606065

File: bd92ce465ad5d0e⋯.png (10.39 MB, 3579x2436, 1193:812, bd92ce465ad5d0e46167b28843….png)


it is an honor server with you faggots

thank you real anons

6a52a6  No.6606066


That really stupid and let me tell you whY:

I don't agree with this but

if you are into all that freebricklayer thing

you know that really they are what the term

crypto . . . ? ? ?

that it's really . . . . and that many of the founders of that were of the other, so they are the same thing.

Get it?

so you can cross one out and write in the other name and you are saying the same things.

Do you really believe it no matter how it's written?

meme fail.

b5b501  No.6606067

File: 4e78c017210d3af⋯.jpg (335.59 KB, 3264x3264, 1:1, 289cc14f6e7e9dbd75d336d431….jpg)

File: f314f7e8f72af9a⋯.jpg (4.98 KB, 234x160, 117:80, winged-Nibiru-copy.jpg)

File: e61ffba21003180⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 455x371, 65:53, 4658919 (1).jpg)

File: 27240077b4726be⋯.jpg (214.04 KB, 720x1113, 240:371, IMG_20190528_000424.jpg)

File: a1ebf0dc713577d⋯.jpg (8.29 KB, 300x443, 300:443, MV5BMTM5Nzg1MDUxNV5BMl5Ban….jpg)

The movie the omen. Look at the kids shadow.

It's a cross because of the RED STAR. That's the reason the RED CROSS exists.

In reality the "Messiah" is the red winged sun.

So Damiens shadow is really the red star and 4 planets. Which is a Cross. That's why his shadow is a Cross. It's all a big Satanic joke.

1e54c7  No.6606068

c3b482  No.6606069

File: 2a4538cd2952f2f⋯.jpeg (131.26 KB, 1568x1081, 1568:1081, 7FAA1702-A182-4F23-B546-D….jpeg)


>care bear redditors


536c19  No.6606070


>I saw it Saturday

Pretty bizarre thing for a swamp rat to do to his Twitter account. I did not see this earlier this weekend.

12e586  No.6606071


Have you ever been in wartime battle? Actual blood and guts battle?

ecbbf7  No.6606072


>UK is all of a sudden Iran

As their bitch, yes. Answer the jq, right now. Solve it and quit kvetching.

9e8c0b  No.6606073

“Watch the Water” : Weekend major and/or record flooding in multiple locations thru midwest. KS , verdigris river; Ft. Smith, AR; Tulsa, OK; St. Louis/West Alton/kimswick, MO; Indiana.

Sauce - All major and local news outlets.

523294  No.6606074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rabbi Admits White Genocide Is The Goal

805654  No.6606075

c5ba23  No.6606076

File: 6ee1005a136cb29⋯.jpeg (114.7 KB, 888x499, 888:499, E1DA8599-CCDA-4E2C-B889-0….jpeg)

File: 7891a7d2291dcb8⋯.jpeg (132.84 KB, 974x498, 487:249, 690F0C12-52EF-4311-9FA2-7….jpeg)

File: c474d678c04ff48⋯.jpeg (120.4 KB, 500x679, 500:679, 8B8ECB56-3108-4257-8B79-3….jpeg)

File: 5ed5ba8575ccbb9⋯.jpeg (171.53 KB, 686x830, 343:415, C06E1BEB-6A6B-4E5B-ABE3-0….jpeg)

File: 3dbfcdb60147cc2⋯.jpeg (200.3 KB, 600x1887, 200:629, F27D1BF3-1793-46AA-B8CB-C….jpeg)

524a90  No.6606077


agreed. Potus and Qteam in full control.

368311  No.6606078

File: 3da4e99903105b1⋯.jpg (586.08 KB, 1005x1666, 1005:1666, Hostily_towards_Jews_why.jpg)

File: cb55983d15f574b⋯.jpg (658.03 KB, 872x4224, 109:528, The_Jew_fears_the_Samurai.jpg)


Jews and Muslims will be expelled from the West for all the right reasons.

e18787  No.6606079


no the anon was geniunely curios on what the meme only pic i posted was

it was a good question with which i offered supporting reply

we good


we fam and kek agrees with trips

a978c6  No.6606080

File: c55636e1f8ec502⋯.png (253.18 KB, 718x1172, 359:586, Screenshot_20190527-211618….png)


Another Q proof?

e70131  No.6606081

File: 8760430da09d3c9⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, transgendered cult.png)



I'm honored. Really.

ad8623  No.6606082


annons are already in the basement -better tell mom to head there

a07434  No.6606083


1st and 2nd amendments solve these problems, unfortunately if the government becomes so corrupt and/or inept that these situations are allowed to happen there will be as many innocents sacrificed as needed for the people to wake up enough to use the power that has been reserved for them. The shills that try to turn us against POTUS either misunderstand what patriots defend or misunderstand the resolve we defend it with.

Build the wall.

d14e2c  No.6606084



12719f  No.6606085

File: 3d8590ff4c80c09⋯.png (784.46 KB, 1845x768, 615:256, Q AF1 IS HEADED HOME! GO….PNG)


ecbbf7  No.6606086


Nice projection. And nice try. Real anons know the game. I’m just calling it.

c4e161  No.6606087

File: 4bf9af5b1fb4bc8⋯.png (155.64 KB, 1710x727, 1710:727, Screenshot_2019-05-28 Isra….png)


Everyone can see who's kvetching.

How about you stop projecting.

Guess you're okay with Israel using white phosphorous and killing innocent women and children.

You disgust me.


e18787  No.6606088



>>6605430 anon pic of Flynn banner and POTUS and FLOTUS today matching colors

>>6605450, >>6605687 New PSperry - Source D/E of Steele Doss in photo with NoName - Sergei Million

>>6605728 Schiff encourages intelligence leaders to consider 'the example of Secretary Mattis' and resign

>>6605847, >>6605848, >>6605867 Nunes Twats "D-DAY" @prageru and vid

>>6605901, >>6605940 Q shape 3 pointers on Devin Nunes' D-Day tweet

>>6605855, >>6605899, >>6605903, Per request for dig on Wendy Sherman from pb

>>6605920 Scavino: POTUS & FLOTUS enroute to Air Force One

>>6606024 Foreign Policy doc of the week - JFK threatened an end to U.S. support for Israel over its nuclear weapons prog

cb727b  No.6606089

File: 16d5869ae4e3d0f⋯.jpeg (46.76 KB, 474x355, 474:355, image.jpeg)

File: 80135f9a05c827b⋯.jpeg (53.65 KB, 474x363, 158:121, image.jpeg)

File: 335c75bbab03786⋯.jpeg (40.87 KB, 474x257, 474:257, image.jpeg)

File: 35793230049d422⋯.jpeg (29.32 KB, 474x260, 237:130, image.jpeg)

File: 5b758ee24939631⋯.jpeg (37.28 KB, 474x352, 237:176, image.jpeg)

e2de8a  No.6606090


Doesn't strike me as a traitor & isn't that what z Mueller was looking for. I'm sensing Patriot way more than treasonous

437e6f  No.6606091

File: 485d40bbc13f9e8⋯.jpg (148.95 KB, 600x434, 300:217, NSA-cartoon-Brennan.jpg)

02bee2  No.6606092

Emperor Naruhito, we Americans elected President Trump to represent us. President Trump indeed represents me. I trust him. You may trust him too. WWG1WGA.

e18787  No.6606093

File: b58f74875aadc69⋯.png (94.4 KB, 512x498, 256:249, bakin ingredients.png)


any new notables or missed new drops, please bring to next bread

d3bbbd  No.6606094

Plebbit completely knocked out here.

805654  No.6606095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8d85cb  No.6606096

File: a116b175d82d280⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1536x1866, 256:311, C94FF65D-0D85-4ABF-9DB7-CA….png)

A bill that would extend last call from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. in several California cities has a fresh shot at becoming law after it was unceremoniously vetoed last year.

What changed? The person in the governor’s office.

San Francisco Democratic Sen. Scott Wiener is hoping his alcohol extension bill, SB 58, will find friendlier reception in winemaker-turned-governor Gavin Newsom, who founded PlumpJack in 1992 by opening a wine shop in San Francisco with philanthropist Gordon Getty. The brand has since flourished into a chain of boutique wineries, restaurants and bars throughout Northern California.

Wiener’s legislation cleared the state Senate this week with bipartisan support and will now make its way through the Assembly. Former Gov. Jerry Brown had struck down Wiener’s nearly identical measure last year, saying that while businesses would generate more money, the state doesn’t need more inebriated people on the street.

“The businesses and cities in support of this bill see that as a good source of revenue. The California Highway Patrol, however, strongly believes that this increased drinking will lead to more drunk driving,” he penned in his veto message. “California’s laws regulating late night drinking have been on the books since 1913. I believe we have enough mischief from midnight to 2 without adding two more hours of mayhem.”

PlumpJack Wine & Spirits store in San Francisco, founded by Gov. Gavin Newsom. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File)

Wiener, who has made several attempts at putting the bill on the governor’s desk, isn’t breaking out the champagne just yet.

“I don’t want to make a prediction about what Gov. Newsom will do,” Wiener said in an interview. “I believe that Gov. Newsom will have an open mind and hearing us out on why this bill is a good idea.”

“We were very disappointed that Gov. Brown vetoed it,” Wiener added. “His veto message, with all respect, was unfounded.”

SB 58 would allow 10 cities—San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento, West Hollywood, Long Beach, Coachella, Cathedral City, Fresno and Palm Springs—to decide if they want to extend alcohol service at bars to 4 a.m. through a five-year pilot program. While most states mandate last call at 2 a.m., the bill would allow these California cities to join New York City’s 4 a.m. service cutoff.

4c4798  No.6606097

File: c501e39ddf817ee⋯.jpeg (33.37 KB, 305x317, 305:317, 7D046A91-8A9C-40F7-8965-9….jpeg)

File: 967e75b2d3c1f1e⋯.jpeg (88.65 KB, 970x647, 970:647, 367E0522-D540-471F-BEFA-D….jpeg)

File: b6dbb76a00fb454⋯.jpeg (90.46 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, 2ADAFCD0-B25A-4AD6-A770-E….jpeg)

c90f51  No.6606098

File: 74dd10f49ad8c69⋯.png (95.26 KB, 303x515, 303:515, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, I never said Treason. He has done some shady shit in the past and even Q says All will be right for him in the end…

f836a3  No.6606099

File: c4016f85d19f59c⋯.png (480.94 KB, 791x530, 791:530, POTUS AF1 Mt Fuji backgrou….PNG)

c4e161  No.6606100

File: eae5de8d9b205ec⋯.png (156.88 KB, 882x1084, 441:542, Screenshot_2019-05-28 UN R….png)

Have some moar.


6a52a6  No.6606101


no, we aren't. you're badgering people and the baker and I don't like it.

8d85cb  No.6606102


Sorry I forgot the sauce.


ecbbf7  No.6606103


Jump the pond and give it a go, mate. See ya in eight or so. Glad to see you repping the UK as a stalwart of iran. Give may a kiss.

82e92d  No.6606104


same same.

<Service Unavailable.

72c795  No.6606105



EM - Tesla, Solar City, SpaceX



ESchmidt - GOOG

J[Godfather]Doerr - KP

DF - CA Sen





GL - IN-q_Tel (Clowns)

JB - IN_q_Tel

HC - They never thought she would lose

KA - State Controller


RE - Mayor


AG - Former VP

and many more….


Tesla,Solar City,SpaceX, Abound, GOOG,CAP,DOT, DeLoitte, In_q_tel, WH, DOE, Solyandra, Fiskar, Panasonic, FB, Twit, FBI, SEC, FTC, McKinsey

Strategic Hotels LLC, Russian mafia

and many more…


Venture Beat, CBS, Mercury News, Gawker, Gizmodo, etc..


Bribery, sex-trafficking, collusion, stock market rigging, monopolies, murder, organized crime,

Afghan mining contracts, Lithium explosions, Death Factories (destroyed cities), Drug Trafficking, Death cars (hacked, exploded), election rigging,

pump and dump, "FlashBoy"

Significant Murders

Rajeev Motwani - process to remove all negative Tesla news

David Bird - Wall St Journal reporter working on Tesla's investor's connections

Gary Conley - Whistleblower on Solyndra, Tesla and Abound.

3 Senior Tesla Engineers - plane crash

Forest Hayes - GOOG engine manipulation

Head of Tata Motors - competitor

SP @ Deutsche Bank - German contact - Safety approval without inspection

and over 50 more.

The Scheme

https://tesla-motors-review.weebly.com/ - read the pdfs…

Tesla - Corner the market on lithium/Afghan mining - fianancied campaigns for Hussein, DF, HC through slush funds - over 1T$+ US Taxpayer $$

MH370 - Lithium explosion coverup

GOOG - rigged election for Hussein/Hillary through mood manipulation and search results to corner the market on lithium, huge gov't contracts

Clowns + GOOG - Spy on every American

12719f  No.6606106

File: ba80398914147d4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1707x890, 1707:890, Q 09 0015 IN AIR WITH AF….PNG)


09-0015 in air with AF1

5203aa  No.6606108

File: b8372b1f285c125⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1918x668, 959:334, Screenshot_2019-05-28 Virt….png)

AF1 tracked momentarily, followed by SAM45


90e8cf  No.6606109



KEK dude … You rippin' the Baker for badgering the Baker.

ecbbf7  No.6606111


Didn’t answer my questions. Try again.

524a90  No.6606112


Chekked. search #2019floodfight on twatter.

28f423  No.6606114


>He has done some shady shit in the past

The only "shady shit" he's know to have done is obviously a front to nail money launderers

in Turkey and the Ukraine. Stop inventing shit to fit your silly narratives.

c4e161  No.6606115


Yea, I knew you weren't American you fucking Rothschild puppet.

DOTR comes for you and you know it.



Keep trying to blend in.

15915a  No.6606117



4c4798  No.6606118

File: 70969eadd24f48d⋯.jpeg (26.01 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, FA34C2C4-2D8C-4D54-BA35-2….jpeg)

File: 315f24f37ef17cf⋯.jpeg (98.23 KB, 995x524, 995:524, BED107FD-EB7F-4ADE-B109-E….jpeg)

5a5ada  No.6606119

File: e1b83e02267756f⋯.jpeg (175.43 KB, 952x952, 1:1, 5849EE66-3A99-47E1-ABC7-1….jpeg)

b0093b  No.6606120


Same here.

There are probably going to be a bunch of shock reveals at the end of this movie we're watching.

Assorted people are lobbing disinformation around like 5,000 tennis balls, and the rest of us are golden retrievers.

c90f51  No.6606121


Oh shut up and do some research and stop Famefagging.

ecbbf7  No.6606122


Thanks Baker.

b5b501  No.6606123

File: 70ffc9597a01e52⋯.png (301.77 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, kroger-logo-database-30900….png)

File: 289eb56477af409⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 300x300, 1:1, s-l300 (1).jpg)

File: 75a7b3ffa75e038⋯.png (348.46 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190528-001917.png)

File: ddf88d399b254ed⋯.png (9.84 KB, 920x500, 46:25, mobil-logo.png)

File: 435f06342d561c0⋯.gif (61.67 KB, 220x325, 44:65, 220px-The_Omen_2006_poster.gif)

Can't get more obvious than Kroger pointing to the

damn thing. Mobil isn't much better.

Do unicorns exist?

b2c790  No.6606124

Breaking News Global


BREAKING: A MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) has been declared in Dayton, Ohio.

11:20 PM · May 27, 2019

e18787  No.6606127

Fresh Bread





04bbb2  No.6606128

File: 029ca6615d5f46c⋯.jpg (475.39 KB, 1800x1296, 25:18, fear_in_the_headlights.jpg)

3c0393  No.6606129

File: a83755927a6f490⋯.jpg (152.72 KB, 682x586, 341:293, MadToots.jpg)


Congratulations anon. You now instinctively smell manipulative shillfaggotry. You smell it loooong before you can be sure. And you will never be able to ignore it again.

c4e161  No.6606131

File: 460f19b26ec7720⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 767x763, 767:763, MemeWar5.jpg)

Rothschilds in the kitchen.

Take note.

Truth will be subverted for the next bread or so by these fake MAGA niggers.

042436  No.6606132


Nice rundown! So, renee j james not on that list? Also, do you think (know) whether or not Musk in fact accepted the offer of Chinese citizenship or if that was fake news? Also "asteroid mining" legit or nah?/ money laundering… all the assets are doing it…branson, schmidt, musk, etc….

cb727b  No.6606133


Aiding and abetting the enemy = treason

Sanctuary cities = treason

6be4b9  No.6606135

File: 28118bafcbf192e⋯.png (166.39 KB, 400x380, 20:19, c600c0d8b010976413821f5e8f….png)

File: c1153331de97242⋯.png (164.81 KB, 475x447, 475:447, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)

422029  No.6606137

File: 355612db245b249⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 717x423, 239:141, SAMPSON_OP.jpg)



>Answer the jq, right now.

b0093b  No.6606138


Baker Notable

Cleantech/Green Energy scam and election rigging - list of entities and individuals

536c19  No.6606139


>A MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) has been declared in Dayton, Ohio.



ecbbf7  No.6606140


Kek, you implied you’re in the UK dumbfuck. I’m done. You’re too fucking stoopid to even keep up.

dfdb1e  No.6606142

File: c39dcec73f1cd23⋯.png (74.01 KB, 203x206, 203:206, Pray.png)

f836a3  No.6606143

File: 7abfc9f4205a6c7⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1040x547, 1040:547, dog gasm.PNG)


kek on the analogy

61ec54  No.6606144

File: c3decb6c05b2e50⋯.png (113.56 KB, 315x450, 7:10, Screenshot_2019-05-27 keys….png)



44d3c4  No.6606145

File: 8af2c010f1d2aa2⋯.jpeg (433.15 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 7ACEB852-ECF9-4ABA-8B1A-4….jpeg)

When was the last time POTUS wore gold tie?

dfdb1e  No.6606149

File: 79156af638d101d⋯.png (926.16 KB, 844x478, 422:239, Screenshot_31.png)

c4e161  No.6606150


I didn't imply shit, your dumbass took it that way "mate".

Had you watched the fucking video, it was from the UK parliament.

Complete fucking idiot you are.

dfdb1e  No.6606151

File: d641c27c10f28f3⋯.png (566.99 KB, 394x636, 197:318, AdamSchitt.png)

28f423  No.6606153


What the fuck are you talking about you fucking moron. Where the fuck to

you get "famefagging" from? Fuck you're an idiot. The man was running a front

company for the DIA. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

368311  No.6606154

File: d29c1edd9a7e7bf⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA.png)

File: 23d69f729a73a44⋯.jpg (3.82 MB, 1480x13999, 1480:13999, 2_Theodor_Herlz_meme_zioni….jpg)


>Solve it and quit kvetching.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to Israel;


Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

dfdb1e  No.6606155

File: 06f3199d578e235⋯.png (392.72 KB, 569x555, 569:555, BigBlue.png)

32b16f  No.6606156

I want to bang Shannon Bream

b0093b  No.6606157


15,000 listening to Broadcastify for Dayton metro area now

It sounds very bad

536c19  No.6606158


Bert suddenly realized that taking her to the Indian food restaurant may have been a horrible idea.

dfdb1e  No.6606163

File: b1f0fb63c99200b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1173x662, 1173:662, Mr.Beanz.png)

c90f51  No.6606165


Has Q ever said "Trust Flynn?" I'll wait

dfdb1e  No.6606166

File: 1ba90f476f5e75b⋯.png (983.28 KB, 1050x582, 175:97, pepefet.png)

06332f  No.6606167

Stay alert NW West Va. and Western PA. This serious storm that saw tornadoes in Dayton, will be moving into your area with an hour or two.


8e142c  No.6606169

b0093b  No.6606170


All the new neckties on POTUS

Stripes, and now a gold tie

It's significant.

dfdb1e  No.6606171

File: 577c3ea250e269b⋯.png (104.54 KB, 631x390, 631:390, PepeSki1.png)

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