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File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x143, 255:143, q research general.jpg)

0e7f77  No.6541639

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

Compiled here: >>6490077

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0e7f77  No.6541643

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6477078 BO removed a BV

>>6446595 BO on baker checks

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


>>6540881, >>6540959, >>6540963 The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 3

>>6540901 400+ African Migrants Storm French Airport to Demand Asylum

>>6540932, >>6540935 Anon on Iran since they are in the news a lot lately

>>6540970 Moar on how British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier months before he even knew it existed

baker change

>>6540973 planefag report

>>6540982, >>6540988, >>6541010, >>6541066 Elspeth Reeve & Lani Levine DIGG

>>6541185, >>6541186 Resignations this weekend

>>6541358, >>6541429 Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say

>>6541008 Former Uggs salesman guilty of being Hezbollah ‘sleeper’ agent—helped them plan future attacks on NYC

>>6541441 Salvini labels European elections a matter of ‘Life and Death referendum’

>>6541499 New Ukraine President Zelenskiy says he is dissolving parliament

>>6541533 Bongino's recent podcast on collusion investigation ("It's over"): with anon summary & related article

>>6541540 Misc updates on "AustriaGate"

>>6541587, >>6541589 Russia Grinds Out Wins In Europe

>>6541614, >>6541609 Google cuts ties with Huawei

>>6541615, >>6541617 North Korea must secure independence or face “miserable fate”: Rodong Sinmun

>>6541616 Reminder: US "spy boss" James Clapper in NZ on secret visit March 2016

>>6541622, >>6541624 24 ISIS prisoners are killed by security forces after sparking jail riot

>>6541628 #8364

#8363 Baker Change

>>6540160, >>6540216, >>6540233, >>6540367 Anons on USMC tweet

>>6540191 New POTUS Tweet

>>6540210, >>6540271 DJT re-tweet from Lou Dobbs

>>6540230 Why Many of Today’s News Reporters Believe It Is Their Duty to Lie to You

>>6540299 California's Housing Bubble's So Bad, 100s Forced To Live On Boats

>>6540331 New Advocacy Group Will 'Punch Back' To Protect Trump's Judicial Nominees

>>6540382 WikiLeaks says Assange papers, manuscripts will be given to US authorities

>>6540404 Police in Delaware County, Pennsylvania investigating vandalism of a Roman Catholic church with a "Pro-Choice" message

>>6540418 Trump talks new immigration plan with Fox News' Steve Hilton

>>6540423 BREAKING: Several dead in massacre" at bar in Brazil

>>6540448, >>6540474 US Navy destroyed conducted a freedom of navigation operation in South China Sea

>>6540486 NJ Muni Bond Investment Co CEO convicted for sex with child

>>6540499 Reminder: Heroin disguised as SweetTarts found in Upstate NY; police issue warning (2017)

>>6540569 Study finds that many MSM journalists have a direct working relationship with Antifa

>>6540604, >>6540613 Rudy Giuliani tweet on the investigation of DNC-HRC campaign collusion with Ukraine

>>6540637 (You) VICE already has at least 10 hit pieces on Q, although none by the reporters that broke into Jim Watkins' bedroom

>>6540736 Full Steve Hilton Interview with President Trump

>>6540759, >>6540799 British Spy Chiefs Were Briefed on Junk Steele Dossier BEFORE Trump Knew of It’s Existence

>>6540842 #8363

Previously Collected Notables

>>6540066 #8362

>>6537708 #8359, >>6538476 #8360, >>6539245 #8361

>>6535333 #8356, >>6536125 #8357, >>6536869 #8358

>>6532942 #8353, >>6533706 #8354, >>6534510 #8355

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

0e7f77  No.6541645

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6391912 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6486549

Q Graphics all in EST


0e7f77  No.6541646

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

0e7f77  No.6541648

File: baa220d68612a04⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1818x1180, 909:590, bakery with couple with ww….png)



Welcome to the Kekistan Kitchen All-Nite Covfefe Bar

ed4469  No.6541650

File: 5351293b81299de⋯.png (51.3 KB, 963x494, 963:494, ClipboardImage.png)

e17800  No.6541653

File: 57e7b27850b0e54⋯.pdf (1.21 MB, Jesus in the Talmud-Prince….pdf)

File: 160df5d91d15a30⋯.jpeg (190.49 KB, 1241x1588, 1241:1588, D63A0QBUYAEvlCJ.jpeg)

File: 60a33263ee4eefc⋯.jpeg (103.3 KB, 1080x688, 135:86, D66R7IuXoAAN1kM.jpeg)

To anyone investigating the Talmud and the claim that "Jesus is burning in shit in hell": I tracked down a pdf copy of Peter Schafer's book "Jesus in the Talmud" which describes in great detail what the Rabbis meant when they claim this.

As a Godly man I found this book shocking and horrifying. I had been told by my Pastor that Israel and the Jewish people were our friends, but I don't think anyone who reads this book will find it very friendly. We truly are in a battle with dark and dangerous forces, and unfortunately those we consider our greatest allies may actually be our greatest enemies.

I ask all God-fearing Christian patriots to please at least glance through this book!

If I were Jewish I would start making serious plans to return to Israel, because people are waking up and it's going to get very ugly. Does Ivanka Trump understand what her own "holy book" says about Jesus? How can POTUS say we have a shared "Judeo-Christian heritage" when they say the Messiah is boiling in shit???

ed4469  No.6541655

File: a845ae30ca009c4⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 564x704, 141:176, adeloushuxleyonNWO.jpg)

File: cf3f5c1cc33ba6c⋯.jpg (58.45 KB, 750x769, 750:769, ProvaxHypocrites.jpg)

ed4469  No.6541658


We cannot sit by and watch vaccine mandates happen

0e7f77  No.6541677

File: d6fe088c765553b⋯.png (113.31 KB, 323x242, 323:242, graveyard-dancin'-in-the.png)


Time for dancing skeletons

Ghost bake is here, frens

Out there, somewhere, is a baker lurking in the mists of the morning…..

Baker departing the kitchen

Always a privilege to bake for you, anons. 5:5

c8dd1e  No.6541679

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)


a fine Monday to you Bakes! bread is looking comfy as usual.

morning baker just turning on lights and getting things warmed up for the week.

lemme know if or when you would like relief.


4bd034  No.6541687

File: 9e524f5506a2537⋯.jpg (447.14 KB, 1745x1335, 349:267, tyb_black.jpg)

c8dd1e  No.6541694

File: db5f49a09ddde5d⋯.png (492.44 KB, 720x450, 8:5, watnn.png)




Great job GYB. Got rest those bones. great bakes as usual.

Handoff Confirmed

WnB out

3d48dd  No.6541699

File: f6c61ee4268a778⋯.png (251.86 KB, 486x435, 162:145, CS.png)

>>6541626 pb

Did not know this!

Kaul v. Schumer et al



Allstate Insurance Company, Gannet Co., Inc., Senator Charles E. Schumer, Gibbons, PC, Geico and TD Bank, NA

Filed: April 4, 2019

Racketeer/Corrupt Organization ←–



Anon posts docket of additional RICO:

>>6541635 pb

Kaul v. Schumer et al Filed: April 4, 2019 as 1:2019cv03046Defendant: Allstate Insurance Company, Gannet Co., Inc., Senator Charles E. Schumer and others Plaintiff: M.D. Richard Arjun Kaul Cause Of Action: Fed. QuestionCourt: Second Circuit › New York › US District Court for the Southern District of New York Type: Other Statutes › Racketeer/Corrupt Organization

The City of Rome, New York v. Purdue Pharma, L.P. et al Filed: March 28, 2019 as 6:2019cv00376 Defendant: Specgx, LLC, Beverly Sackler, Mallinckrodt, LLC and others Plaintiff: The City of Rome, New York Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) Act Court: Second Circuit › New York › US District Court for the Northern District of New YorkType: Other Statutes › Racketeer/Corrupt Organization

Baldwin County, AL v. Sackler et al Filed: March 18, 2019 as 1:2019cv02421 Defendant: Theresa Sackler, Mortimer D A Sackler, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals LP and others Plaintiff: Baldwin County, AL Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) ActCourt: Second Circuit › New York › US District Court for the Southern District of New YorkType: Other Statutes › Racketeer/Corrupt Organization

City of Geneva, New York v. Purdue Pharma, L.P. et al Filed: March 13, 2019 as 6:2019cv06186Defendant: Specgx, LLC, Beverly Sackler, Mallinckrodt, LLC and others Plaintiff: City of Geneva, New York Cause Of Action: Racketeering (RICO) ActCourt: Second Circuit › New York › US District Court for the Western District of New YorkType: Other Statutes › Racketeer/Corrupt Organization

0e7f77  No.6541702


And good night to you WnB, you are doing the graveyard bake, ha-ha….just finished late evening bake. "Muh dancing with skeletons"

bake. Honorary graveyard baker participation award forthcoming.

Since it's a ghost bake, you are relieving a ghost. I'm just anon now……o7

1252f3  No.6541704

File: e376c0b0785a652⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2c79651beeb66cc3f8296e7877….jpg)

5afc29  No.6541706

File: b47f839602299ce⋯.png (143.39 KB, 937x646, 937:646, Is it Notable.png)

>>6541679 Good Morning WnB and Thank You.

0e7f77  No.6541709


Great meme, anon, stolen!

c8dd1e  No.6541710

File: 26d9f6afc4d4e87⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, muhcollector.png)


a happy monday morning to you Collector!

02e229  No.6541711

Morning anons…


lots of nuance to some faiths…talmudist and zionist not our buddies…

and good for you for digging deep enough to discern! might want to peek at some texts which cover real history of the the khazarians and the hivites :-)

ed1eb5  No.6541713

File: bcd4e0e0c9262c4⋯.jpg (98.71 KB, 650x341, 650:341, melbeach_650n.jpg)

Thank You Baker

e17800  No.6541714

File: 12417f9b663c1a3⋯.pdf (6.98 MB, Judaism’s Strange Gods-The….pdf)


I also found this book, "Judaism's Strange Gods", but it is less scholarly.

02e229  No.6541715




6a73d5  No.6541716

File: 2824a5010cd0051⋯.jpeg (159.8 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 595E226E-2B93-496D-8167-4….jpeg)

1359c1  No.6541717

something changed for [someone].

I know early am east coast is slow but I haven't seen postscounts hovering at one post per minute at 6am since a long time.

It's a S. L. O. W.post-full moon Monday.

6a73d5  No.6541718


I’m east coast, mornings are usually slow, update takes 76 seconds sometimes

3d48dd  No.6541719


>It's a S. L. O. W.post-full moon Monday.

12 UID's currently.

ed1eb5  No.6541720

File: 2edaad3c47820d7⋯.jpg (133.35 KB, 1440x753, 480:251, IMG_20181103_063714.jpg)

a442ae  No.6541722

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)




Good job GYB and hello WnB.

Catching up on notables and covfefe.

I will be back a bit later this morning for a handoff.


058afe  No.6541723

File: cd4be5db26d7467⋯.png (192.1 KB, 765x542, 765:542, nyt compares oz to am sout….PNG)


d8b4eb  No.6541724

c8dd1e  No.6541725


looking forward to seeing you then fren.

fddd2b  No.6541728

File: 236de02f8570e44⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 640x792, 80:99, 88434b88d56241df6415d2c419….jpg)

Good morning Baker and non shills

fc6865  No.6541729

File: 0902db9f6d8f051⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 540x270, 2:1, smell.jpg)

e84a67  No.6541730

File: e97749c531b154f⋯.png (105.61 KB, 692x550, 346:275, privatelabel.png)

>>6540798 pb

The making Kappy "confess" for nothing, was part of the "suicide" op. It was done to Olsen too. [noted yesterday in a few day breads] That is something that is "By the playbook."

You can't prove Kappy was a bad guy.

The shills were pushing that here.

He just didn't get that he need to be anon.

They convince a person they are evil, make them confess to what they did not do - torturers, That's their M.O.

Kappy indicated he was under duress.

Any "confession" under duress is often, in fact most often, not to be trusted. When people are afraid they will say ANYTHING.

If he was HWanon, which people are saying now; Well he doxed himself


The pedo-sadists are people who are psychos and who like to torture.

I forgot Tom Hanks is Hollywood royalty even though he's a crap actor who even those who consort with Satanists can't stand.

Maybe that's why he so bold.

Maybe Hanx paid for it?

0f4bc1  No.6541731

File: d3b6f9dc5a86964⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 1111x882, 1111:882, theraven.jpg)

File: 1274c5aa04938aa⋯.jpg (191.05 KB, 1111x644, 1111:644, meme-new.jpg)

File: a6a1b3a4e66dc0b⋯.png (264.83 KB, 734x619, 734:619, well-is-he-question-mark.png)


Where do all the "anons" come from?

4chan /pol/ SWARMS with "anons" vigorously outputting miserable "chan" noises all day long…

BUT, there are SO MANY of these"anons" that not only the 4chan /pol/ ones churn furiously along nonstop, but ALSO 8chan /pol/ is so vibrant and virulent with its own “anons” THAT IT IS IMPLICATED IN SHOOTINGS we are hearing about in the news…

So while 4chan, already– which used to be about 'anonymous' hacktivism (which disappeared)– gets "taken over by neo-nazi anons", there are still then enough “anons” left over TO FILL A WHOLE NOTHER SPAZZY /POL/ ON 8CHAN…

So many!

And yet…

Now we come to /QRESEARCH…

And lo and behold!

There are SO MANY busy, repetitive, relentlessly productive “anons” THAT THEY FILL THIS BOARD UP TOO!

The “anons” here post a slightly modified version of what they post on /pol/– but clearly the same basic template is followed…

Wow, that's a lot “anons” staying very busy all day and all night!

So many that they not only fill up two /pols/ with a frenzy of tedious, toxic crap, but they FEEL COMPELLED TO REPRODUCE THE EXACT SAME THING HERE.

With vague occasional reference to Q– but often COMPLETELY CONTRADICTING Q…

So ask yourself one simple question:



Was the internet allowed to be/stay organic?

Or was control sought?

If control were sought, did it succeed?

If control were sought and the effort failed, then we would have noticed the consequences of that failure…

No such thing happened.

Therefore, either the internet is controlled, or NO ONE EVER TRIED TO CONTROL IT.

Hmmm, what do you think is most likely?



Does that smell organic?

Will humans EVER wake up and fight?

And to be clear: it is not just the 'toxic' stuff that is emulated: ALMOST ALL POSTS ARE EMULATED. By design. Total control of what is posted means total control of narrative.

Q is waiting for people to wake up and fight.

Q can't tell us.

We must choose to reject the fakeness.

Our free will must be totally free.

Wake up people.

0f4bc1  No.6541732

File: a0dce8a5e483a00⋯.png (1 MB, 999x859, 999:859, juiolet.png)

File: 37bf269bdcf41b0⋯.png (380.59 KB, 999x974, 999:974, FIGHT.png)

File: 2afa3515c3893ad⋯.png (1.04 MB, 999x666, 3:2, ghhoulz.png)

f26c97  No.6541734

File: 7819b0c1daf4091⋯.png (242.76 KB, 486x648, 3:4, sexyQGirl.png)


4d89d9  No.6541735

So, apparently Muh Jew and The Zionists do have to sleep once in a while after all.

0f4bc1  No.6541736

File: a89c6f57d5f944f⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 900x506, 450:253, hmbrm.jpg)

File: b895f0c2680c8f7⋯.png (335.92 KB, 1111x823, 1111:823, cu.png)

File: edba78cc07e5c6c⋯.png (496.94 KB, 999x999, 1:1, wutsit.png)

e17800  No.6541738


Why does the Talmud state that Jesus is boiling in a vat of shit in hell for eternity?

cce1d6  No.6541739

File: 060830982de1ff5⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 327x639, 109:213, clinton hit.jpg)

0f4bc1  No.6541740

File: 88f7f08d2a0c191⋯.png (143.21 KB, 951x784, 951:784, EEis.png)

File: 8dd0e9d355d2d9f⋯.png (262.78 KB, 734x619, 734:619, wed.png)

File: 4c8a92e2bb49a53⋯.png (554.77 KB, 1111x627, 101:57, youare.png)


You aren't human, and whatever "anons" you are referring to with your silly recycled "chan" lingo aren't either.

The internet is controlled


Q did NOT lead us here "because of free speech", because

1. Speech is NOT free here

2. Q doesn't need 8Chan to secure his own posts

So WHY are we here?

Humans are NOT in control here, and it is a MICROCOSM of the bigger issue in the internet, and in the world


Q can't tell us.

Our free will is supreme and can't be violated.

If Q simply SAYS the truth, then our free will is effectively sidelined.


e84a67  No.6541741


Well, some shills don't take a rest

the "robot" fear porn

"you are not real" op

fuck off

Is the Hanks material really that scary.

what is the motive of your boss?

Why do they pay you?

shill confirms.

0f4bc1  No.6541742

File: cbd1479cd0c3599⋯.png (461.4 KB, 1212x816, 101:68, why-so-triggy.png)

File: b437f2118d0cbfe⋯.png (160.56 KB, 569x555, 569:555, reesist.png)

File: bf042a8d0644d72⋯.png (377.65 KB, 972x1716, 81:143, speech-is-not-free.png)









These are not difficult to make.

This board is not a cleverly implemented emulation, and yet it chugs along unchallenged.


e84a67  No.6541743


Fuck off

Turing Test Liars

I guess when it's slow the rats feel invited to come in and shit all over the bread.

0f4bc1  No.6541744

File: 4ca9597128e6bfe⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.png)

File: de26f47792db0f3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 999x769, 999:769, Friendship-prevails-in-the….png)

File: 01f6767ace14b31⋯.png (151.62 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)


I am a human patriot.

You are just another element of the fakeness.

You can't post a meme because you can't make one (limitations of nonorganic shills).

You can't make an argument.

You can't portray a human.

You can't explain why "anons" output reams of frenetic "chan activity" HERE.

All you can do is spew your "anon" noises and try to silent humans.

But you can't silent me because my will is too strong.

You don't have consent to keep pushing this lie.

I advise you to get out now.

f26c97  No.6541745

File: 2432e24d893c0ca⋯.png (261.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, AI.png)

0f4bc1  No.6541746


Explain to the people why you are mad "anon".

Why are you here?

What are you defending?

What are you fighting for?

Can you answer?

Are you a patriot emulation, or just an "anon" emulation?

Show us your functionality.

Remember: I am human and can DESTROY you at any task that humans are good at.

So step up and prove what you are "anon".

It's time the people knew.

6c4c86  No.6541748



Not a Jew but my understanding is that it was priests who were trying to get Jews to stop converting and believing Jesus was Messiah. There are Jews who don't follow the talmud and some who believe in Jesus but still follow Jewish tradition rather than Catholic tradition. Personally I don't see much difference between zionists/Jewish supremacist and other similar ideologies like fundamental Islam or extremist atheists. If you do keep reading it just don't let yourself get tunnel vision. Some people only focus on the big noses or names rather than the individuals beliefs.

f26c97  No.6541749



It is getting a bit tiresome.

f26c97  No.6541753

File: 2025f48c4bf7221⋯.png (644.78 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)


(forgot image)

c8dd1e  No.6541759

File: c3a21c1ead593e4⋯.png (472.71 KB, 576x324, 16:9, a10ii.png)


let it go. just means we are approaching a target. Remember anons, as the shilling intensifies, habbenings usually follow…

5d7f21  No.6541762

File: 76d686c2038c7b0⋯.png (326.49 KB, 619x430, 619:430, NOTTHENEWS.png)

06a733  No.6541763

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm this day and forever.

a442ae  No.6541764


Godbless you swordanon.

c41d24  No.6541765


Thank you and GBY too.

543311  No.6541766

File: d6e83e60da78489⋯.png (393.38 KB, 632x396, 158:99, Trump explaining Baker bak….png)

>>6541701 (lb)

So what's with the 28 videos posted at the tippy bottom of last bread? J(10)R(18) due or something? 60+28=88, also. T(20)R(18)U(21)M(13)P(16)=88

Maybe I should actually go play them all and take a stab at determining a theme.

Thank You Baker!

742b32  No.6541767

File: d38c46e9e93e4fc⋯.jpg (177.14 KB, 1024x829, 1024:829, Church in the fall woods.jpg)

44a056  No.6541769

File: 2660dce2a96aaa4⋯.png (47.77 KB, 382x400, 191:200, ClipboardImage.png)

328eab  No.6541770

File: 2bb34180042a4e3⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1194x1472, 597:736, ClipboardImage.png)

f26c97  No.6541771


>let it go.


Slow bread just made it hard for me.


0f4bc1  No.6541772

File: 2a5afb9ca72a82d⋯.png (86.74 KB, 444x621, 148:207, C-h1-zh-T-00-MMEE-2.png)

File: 4ca9597128e6bfe⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.png)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)


This isn't a game.

You aren't a patriot.

You aren't human.

You are an "anon" defending your agenda.

"Anons" aren't PEOPLE.


Q is waiting for us to wake up.

0f4bc1  No.6541773

File: 6e52936250d62e9⋯.png (259.94 KB, 734x619, 734:619, v-oo.png)

4d89d9  No.6541774


I bet if you took a big suck outta my ass you would change your mind bout me not being human, moran.

4bd034  No.6541775

File: 05eb02a881581aa⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 900x542, 450:271, sword.jpg)


good morning swordy

02e229  No.6541776

File: 8930c1558989eac⋯.png (721.81 KB, 1204x812, 43:29, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

This is somewhat upseting, but how (we) are viewed and made fun of by the paytriots…

WE NEED AN INTERVIEW SCRIPT…and we need to be able to answer these questions and not look like idiots…these folks just let this reporter walk them into ignorant responses. Sather the biggest CHOAD of all…wonder if he set it all up…sure he did…


328eab  No.6541777


This fat chick is The Final Enemy.


ede39b  No.6541778

02e229  No.6541779


Morning swordy..where have you been?

f26c97  No.6541780


>Who is our enemy? THE final enemy?


<Couldn't resist.

621a6f  No.6541781


But we gonna put AI resources on 8chan to watch Q posts

and do our best to shut down the channel

If you report any of this your ass will be FIRED

You must remember that we are Fox News

and we are fair and balanced

(Pssst Anons…. the more you see the easier it is to spot those with Evil Intent)

f7a347  No.6541782

Re: >>6541616 lb [Clapper]

>>>Clapper in NZ before [Obama] sworn in.


To: john.podesta@gmail.com

Date: 2008-12-05 12:02

Subject: Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence


I reached Jim Clapper in New Zealand and he is willing to stay on as USDI as long as I'm here.

Thus, the bottom line: the only two senior people I'd recommend asking to stay (for a finite

period – maybe a year) are Clapper and Secretary of the Air Force Donley (in the latter case

because he's so new and making real headway in cleaning up the Air Force).

Got an e-mail from John Hamre this morning. The PE continues to push him very hard to take

the Deputy job. I hope it ultimately works.



John J. Hamre (born July 3, 1950 in Watertown, South Dakota) is a specialist in international studies,

a former Washington government official and President and CEO of the Center for Strategic and

International Studies, a position he has held with that think tank since 2000.


ede39b  No.6541783

Trump just posted 5 zero deltas it seems?

4bd034  No.6541784


That's the AnjelG video

02e229  No.6541786

File: 83663c5e3baccc8⋯.png (767.89 KB, 1178x1014, 589:507, SchummanBrainWaves.png)

File: 92a891798a66e98⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1308x1254, 218:209, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

Beat goes on with the Schumman…again, this should be a standing wave at about 7hz.

For grins and giggles, also posting (your) resonate frequencies and what happens when they change…


0f4bc1  No.6541787

File: 475745a0090af11⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 836x584, 209:146, FAKENESS.jpg)


Thank you sir.

Q is waiting for us to wake up!

f182a9  No.6541788

File: e655be21b70502a⋯.png (523.93 KB, 623x706, 623:706, ClipboardImage.png)

543311  No.6541789

File: 84160b56aec3347⋯.png (393.95 KB, 632x396, 158:99, Trump explaining Baker bak….png)


WHOOPS. Hate when that happens.

Reaction uncertain, but no reason to PANIC, I guess.

621a6f  No.6541790


D5 again

Delta Five again

Must be a hidden message there

No fear Anons will figure it out

0f4bc1  No.6541791

"Anons" and the MSM are part of the same machinery of control


Our will to choose must be COMPLETELY FREE.

Wake up folks.

The FAKE NEWS and the FAKENESS are all the same regime.

The narratives the MSM smears on us and Q are SET UP BY FAKE "ANONS"

Fake "anons" DOMINATE this board (and hence narrative) by

1. Controlling the 'board owner"

2. Controlling the "bakers"


Q is waiting for us to wake up.

4bd034  No.6541792

File: 968a783e10361f2⋯.png (60.66 KB, 596x441, 596:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb6d00a3a683bcc⋯.png (59.7 KB, 619x472, 619:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05a502361fa26f3⋯.png (58.37 KB, 608x433, 608:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98c189a75729961⋯.png (58.86 KB, 604x470, 302:235, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf3ae89bbfde537⋯.png (57.72 KB, 603x441, 67:49, ClipboardImage.png)


The Failing New York Times (it will pass away when I leave office in 6 years), and others of the Fake News Media, keep writing phony stories about how I didn’t use many banks because they didn’t want to do business with me. WRONG! It is because I didn’t need money. Very old


….fashioned, but true. When you don’t need or want money, you don’t need or want banks. Banks have always been available to me, they want to make money. Fake Media only says this to disparage, and always uses unnamed sources (because their sources don’t even exist)……


The Mainstream Media has never been as corrupt and deranged as it is today. FAKE NEWS is actually the biggest story of all and is the true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! That’s why they refuse to cover the REAL Russia Hoax. But the American people are wise to what is going on…..


….Now the new big story is that Trump made a lot of money and buys everything for cash, he doesn’t need banks. But where did he get all of that cash? Could it be Russia? No, I built a great business and don’t need banks, but if I did they would be there…and DeutscheBank……


…..was very good and highly professional to deal with - and if for any reason I didn’t like them, I would have gone elsewhere….there was always plenty of money around and banks to choose from. They would be very happy to take my money. Fake News!

0c2cc1  No.6541793

File: 118cb6556bab701⋯.png (127.54 KB, 684x544, 171:136, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

Krassenfaggots are back

dcc154  No.6541794

File: 78864a55c097cdd⋯.jpg (454.93 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 20190520_072353.jpg)

Free vote for Democrat posted without permission at the end of my garden. #QAnon?

995c21  No.6541795

File: b05e5e4702d40f8⋯.png (47.41 KB, 522x333, 58:37, 063824.png)

The Failing New York Times (it will pass away when I leave office in 6 years), and others of the Fake News Media, keep writing phony stories about how I didn’t use many banks because they didn’t want to do business with me. WRONG! It is because I didn’t need money. Very old ….fashioned, but true. When you don’t need or want money, you don’t need or want banks. Banks have always been available to me, they want to make money. Fake Media only says this to disparage, and always uses unnamed sources (because their sources don’t even exist)……

The Mainstream Media has never been as corrupt and deranged as it is today. FAKE NEWS is actually the biggest story of all and is the true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! That’s why they refuse to cover the REAL Russia Hoax. But the American people are wise to what is going on….. ….Now the new big story is that Trump made a lot of money and buys everything for cash, he doesn’t need banks. But where did he get all of that cash? Could it be Russia? No, I built a great business and don’t need banks, but if I did they would be there…and DeutscheBank……….was very good and highly professional to deal with - and if for any reason I didn’t like them, I would have gone elsewhere….there was always plenty of money around and banks to choose from. They would be very happy to take my money. Fake News!


44a056  No.6541797

File: 236ad9ac0cfa210⋯.png (335.64 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

385838  No.6541798

File: bafad2ff77e4418⋯.jpg (109.78 KB, 1202x568, 601:284, IMG_20190513_091647_713.JPG)



995c21  No.6541799

File: 0fde55a0c134854⋯.png (49.02 KB, 531x309, 177:103, 062822.png)

The Failing New York Times (it will pass away when I leave office in 6 years), and others of the Fake News Media, keep writing phony stories about how I didn’t use many banks because they didn’t want to do business with me. WRONG! It is because I didn’t need money. Very old ….fashioned, but true. When you don’t need or want money, you don’t need or want banks. Banks have always been available to me, they want to make money. Fake Media only says this to disparage, and always uses unnamed sources (because their sources don’t even exist)……

The Mainstream Media has never been as corrupt and deranged as it is today. FAKE NEWS is actually the biggest story of all and is the true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! That’s why they refuse to cover the REAL Russia Hoax. But the American people are wise to what is going on….. ….Now the new big story is that Trump made a lot of money and buys everything for cash, he doesn’t need banks. But where did he get all of that cash? Could it be Russia? No, I built a great business and don’t need banks, but if I did they would be there…and DeutscheBank……….was very good and highly professional to deal with - and if for any reason I didn’t like them, I would have gone elsewhere….there was always plenty of money around and banks to choose from. They would be very happy to take my money. Fake News!


af3ac7  No.6541800

File: 93daf09260a241d⋯.jpg (973.51 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, how_many_slides_fAbc8f.jpg)


give us a hint as to why we would bother.

what is the theme of your videos?

621a6f  No.6541801



Were they the ones that vowed to give up their Twitter accounts

Have never told a LIE…….those two shitbags

577eb8  No.6541802

File: d8ce5c601427d74⋯.jpeg (381.85 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7E60D11E-BBE7-47C5-A7A2-F….jpeg)

f26c97  No.6541803

File: f7fe2b10e5d8509⋯.png (22.87 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 5663a_5146gre46831.png)

1343b2  No.6541804

File: a984688bf27c6a8⋯.png (212.05 KB, 576x477, 64:53, bolton.png)

What if Trump fires Bolton?

What if he can get the retarded MSM to rail against him for it?

Won't it wake up even more dems to the fake news?

How could the MSM claim the move was irresponsible or bad in any way without alienating the anti-war contingent of the left after all the warmongering blustery attitude Bolton has been slinging around lately?

As a former flaming liberal democrat turned 9/11 truther that voted for Obama twice I've never liked Bolton anyway except by proxy because he's Trump's guy.

I'll just stfu and trust the plan now.

8e3edf  No.6541805

File: ab2d1db3c6cc486⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 480x587, 480:587, rollin-dough.jpg)

Thank you baker, sorry, none for you shills!

46365c  No.6541806

File: 20b65f168b7b9f1⋯.png (496.1 KB, 597x509, 597:509, sdfjklsfjdlkjfsdklj.png)

7ed0e9  No.6541807


I woke up with horrible tinnitus this am. Much worse than usual. Not sure why.

4bd034  No.6541809

File: 24f8a8202e1e001⋯.png (43.08 KB, 617x324, 617:324, ClipboardImage.png)


Two Tweets missing from last batch, probably a Twitter error. No time for a redo! Only the Dems get redos!

0f4bc1  No.6541810

File: 34f7443babb725e⋯.png (895.7 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, pppo.png)

af3ac7  No.6541811


ok, so this person is talking to himself.

calling himself sir and posting cat mirror memes.

hey, if you're real you'll see this and rspond as to why you are talking to yourself and calling yourself 'sir' with a cat meme?

and if then I don't say 'you shoudl not me here.' like you would.

I'm not responding to you, but I'll just leave this here:


id : of the bot-fake: 0f4bc1

7ed0e9  No.6541812


Kek ….6 years. That will rile some people up.

621a6f  No.6541813


Evil chatter in DC is the root cause

It spreads around the World from DC

8e3edf  No.6541815

>>6541807 Try spinning your head side to side and listen for a warbling sound. Even at x-GHz, the difference is notable as a dopler effect, since you just changed the distance to the cell towers by a few wavelengths.

7ed0e9  No.6541817


They need to get outta my brain !!

8ddcaa  No.6541819

File: 0d8c7c5c5ce4ee2⋯.png (359.82 KB, 700x1215, 140:243, djt_thread_nyt_and_banking….png)

@realDonaldTrump has picked up Bigly on Twitter Threads.


f182a9  No.6541822

File: da43d6109ca8fa6⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x848, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)

7aef10  No.6541825


Why did you let them in, in the first place?

621a6f  No.6541828


Adjusted my brain to turn the high pitched squeal into a HRC hanging noise

Rather enjoy listening to it now

185a99  No.6541830

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin' Swordy! In early today!

543311  No.6541831


Not my videos. They're helluh slow loading to play, so I gave up after like 4.

~15 land/air-to-splash, up-to-down devices…roughly. Quite human.

f182a9  No.6541833

File: 7cfe9d9859d4aa5⋯.png (221.83 KB, 600x620, 30:31, ClipboardImage.png)

d76ded  No.6541834

File: cafd10cbb5ada5f⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 642x366, 107:61, Boom Week.jpg)

Last day of the "BOOM WEEK"

Habennings so far … zero

Looks like "Q's" definition of a BOOM is widely at odds with everyone else in the Universe

079f47  No.6541835


This is more telling than any other tweet out there. It shows that there is a purpose behind each tweet, well planned out before hand. Time, content, errors, etc.

9c0077  No.6541837


Do you have the orig pic of this meme? Would make a great tits or GTFO

cb6cc9  No.6541838




5 tweets at 4:20 pacific time on 5.20. Missing a few 10's but still a party

4863d7  No.6541839


Yes I totally agree

af3ac7  No.6541840


if you un-spin your fake head in the other direction

the shumman helicopter effect will start to kick in and

you'll be great big googgly eyes like the worst pics of the gay senator form NJ who pretends he isn't and is always shown here with great big eyes, and you'll

pot the top right off of it

and your head will shoot up from you body, bounce around the ceiling awhile but. . .

don't worry

because at the end of the effect

it all un-spins and returns to the initial conditions

which is your case

'not quite screwed on right'

and getting to the point:

'move your head and listen for a warbling sound'

you could generate sound tones with sox and listen to them at the same time and try to hear the beat frequencies as the two interact.

Bounce up and down a few times too because it might be right over your head

while you do that don't break you mattress or your head.

your gonna pop the top right off of it . . .

8ddcaa  No.6541841

File: 6065dd6d0ca0044⋯.png (77.75 KB, 700x218, 350:109, djt_tweet_missing_tweets_2….png)


Last of @realDonaldTrump's Tweets is this remark, which any of us that are working the Twitter trenches has experienced when creating Threads, Twitter Fupt Duck his Thread leaving out Tweets!

621a6f  No.6541842

Biggest BOOM last week went almost unreported

The Cabal tried to crash the stock market

They did not even have enough cash to hardly make a ripple

Trump is still winning

6dba50  No.6541843

File: d80ca9a45e72ccd⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 782x750, 391:375, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 0b381f2af76ecae⋯.jpg (77.84 KB, 760x524, 190:131, 1a.JPG)

Ukraine's defense minister resigns

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/10555458-ukraine-s-defense-minister-resigns.html

f1b60d  No.6541844

File: f1ee9d8f1bcd9a3⋯.jpeg (193.02 KB, 1125x705, 75:47, F83B41AA-489A-43E4-83DA-5….jpeg)

File: 217ec6f314715a5⋯.jpeg (554.91 KB, 1125x1279, 1125:1279, 1315E25B-891D-478E-A4D1-0….jpeg)

Mornin’ anons,

I had posted this last night, wanted to share with the day crew…it’s really happening and they [MSM] can’t do anything about it. They ignored it, scoffed at the President, belittled his supporters and now we are here. Have a great week all.


Today is the 1 year Delta of this tweet.


Can’t wait for that [expanded] IG report on the FISA application process to drop…

Boom [expanded]

Later Sunday, Rosenstein issued a statement saying, “If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action."

"The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election,"

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said in a statement.


7131d3  No.6541845

Did any of you anons notice that Madonna performed a satanic ritual onstage and got herself possessed by Isis while performing?

Eurovision Song Contest was one big satanic symbol show. Symbolism will be their downfall but NOT if you do not notice nor decode what they're telling you.

ede39b  No.6541846


Honestly, you have to have the mental capability of a toddler to believe anything you and your ilk type. You sound like an actual toddler, with a big ass nose.

44a056  No.6541847

Keepin' the Black Flag raised high.

66ca8c  No.6541848


I love it. I get to watch TRUMP fail against the fake news.

I usually do not know what he's talking about with this stuff, because…

I don't watch their ridiculous bullshit.

Go getem Boss

6dba50  No.6541849

File: ebb1932513ac954⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 834x561, 278:187, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)


SBU chief Hrytsak, all his deputies resign


cb6cc9  No.6541850


No time for a redo clearly implies he was hitting the timestamp intentionally (implies it actually for the world out there- anons know)

6ef27d  No.6541851



"Sorry, that page doesn't exist."

079f47  No.6541852

08df89  No.6541853

File: c4b0e46c3aa6d98⋯.png (609.07 KB, 1280x738, 640:369, POTUSIntelQuoteGraph.png)

Morning frens. Last night's interview was fukken GREAT. So many tidbits.

One gold nugget stuck with me..i think it's time for Mockingbirds to ask the Q..but they won't..but..really nice to see POTUS play them like a fiddle.

"I NEVER believe THAT intelligence."

But Mr. President, what other intel agencies DO you believe?

"Hold my Fiji Water bottle.."

graphic related

f706aa  No.6541854

POTUS Tweets disappearing, 3 so far.

af3ac7  No.6541855

The stupid thing is that after the fame fag effect

has taken hold and you've falling for their

stupid charming idiot needs a good mentoring . . . bit

you worry about their sorry crying sad-sapness and think

what if he's in danger, I know he needed to be made to humble, so maybe he's gone humble, and back to being anon.

but you worry

because he's insane in a sense, but

totally normal and sane in other senses,

like he gets most it right, but some of it wrong.

the troube with him is if anyone gets anything wrong

he's throwing them on the brun pile (it's an allegorical burn pile).

So you worry.

and you realize that the psyop worked.

you are now concerned about some stranger anon

who had a manic moment.

He's like one of the kids at school who everyone picks on

but you know thta they are detined for great things

as are we all

and you fall for their bit for a while

but they like being alone

so they drive everyone away

and the boo hoo bit

is them trying to not admit that they've become

an absolutist and a jerk.

the Byrds had a line in a song, and maybe they didn't write it, that applies to a guy like that, as if he's singing the line

after he grows up and comes to understand how

he's been totally full of shit about somethings:

"I was so much older then

I'm younger than that now"

621a6f  No.6541856

Waiting to see which RINO's join Justin Amash this week

Smells like a pedo trap

Trump knows how to expose Evil to us the Patriots

cb6cc9  No.6541857


This Potus tweet you have been posting reminds me gramatically of that point during a Shillary debate when Potus said that if he won, he would 'direct my attorney general to look into your situation because there has never been….' kek. Need to re-watch that one today

543311  No.6541858

File: c08c39331cafa0a⋯.jpg (726.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump Explaining Something.jpg)


In fact, I do.

185a99  No.6541859

File: f72c291d316c289⋯.jpg (169.1 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNN4.jpg)


I'm looking at it, but when you click it: does not exist.

Is this the day Twitter bans POTUS? Talk about shift in the news cycle!

058afe  No.6541860

File: ba99a5b5430a161⋯.png (8.51 KB, 485x114, 485:114, spain migrant crime 1.PNG)

File: 63661e39b1c459e⋯.png (62.29 KB, 619x566, 619:566, spain migrant crime 2.PNG)

File: 07161ffb1dccb4f⋯.png (55.07 KB, 622x541, 622:541, spain migrant crime 3.PNG)

File: d65cfe46622eae6⋯.png (61.16 KB, 631x603, 631:603, spain migrant crime 4.PNG)


ba4178  No.6541861

File: 76d88fa425bdec1⋯.png (241.03 KB, 481x361, 481:361, 2019-05-20_07-52-01.png)


God bless you all as well swordanon

91906c  No.6541862

File: cfb6f42049c838c⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 884x536, 221:134, 9 Yo G.JPG)

File: ee3ce330da041f4⋯.jpg (99.87 KB, 811x1076, 811:1076, Grace Cookies.JPG)

File: a1f9a25cd227b17⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 592x235, 592:235, Grace tweetey.JPG)

File: 4f6698b993b59b9⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 558x503, 558:503, SURVIVOR.JPG)

This is what Grace looks like:

>9 Year Old Grace baked chocolate chip C00KIES for Jim Comey post-firing.

>POTUS invites a 9 Year Old "Grace" to the State of the Union (prolly sub trollin Comey).

>Comey tweets about "Grace" posting a link to an article written by Jim Baker.

4bd034  No.6541863

File: 114e9f2d622dc04⋯.png (105.55 KB, 883x331, 883:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71a5e38f23aff6a⋯.png (73.15 KB, 833x346, 833:346, ClipboardImage.png)

9c0077  No.6541864


Vielen dank.

621a6f  No.6541865

Those with eyes can see that Trump is dragging

the shills onto the main stage of Twitter by forcing

them to focus on his account

They must migrate there to combat his moves

and his covert messages

Getting interesting this Online War Thingy

9ef6bf  No.6541866

You faggots ready for BOOM Week?


46365c  No.6541867

File: 34464b76ad6a0a9⋯.png (417.21 KB, 601x569, 601:569, xzccxzczxzc.png)

2d9a74  No.6541869

File: 61f6700058b38b8⋯.jpeg (297.01 KB, 1242x840, 207:140, 6FCE7775-8DA8-4B1B-9FB3-D….jpeg)


cb6cc9  No.6541870


Last debate kek. Happy Monday!!!


6ef27d  No.6541871


It was deleted. Showing up in deleted tweets.

97db83  No.6541872



He just proved that there is a process to his tweeting !

2d9a74  No.6541873

File: 385fb6b2ef1b073⋯.jpeg (279.17 KB, 1242x630, 69:35, 43D11D97-3682-451F-B8A0-1….jpeg)


0f4bc1  No.6541874

File: 69f7617d235cace⋯.png (1012.55 KB, 999x1964, 999:1964, learn.png)












This is designed to create a FAKE "community atmosphere" from which each hopeful human will him/herself EXCLUDED.

That is how THIS particular game of the FAKE CONTROLLED internet works.

Q can't tell us what it is.

Q can't tell us what to do.


59b2d9  No.6541875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"You're watching a movie"

2d9a74  No.6541876

File: d65915fa7847880⋯.jpeg (100.74 KB, 1242x305, 1242:305, 63F8CA5E-6272-4D45-A971-E….jpeg)


621a6f  No.6541877


Proof positive that Trump has gone mainstream with the online game

91906c  No.6541878

File: a6f3b02aafccbcb⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 1541x510, 1541:510, Comedian Comey.JPG)

Crispy Cookie Chewing Comical Comedian Comey Can.

46365c  No.6541879

File: 774a849a17df9de⋯.png (299.7 KB, 483x553, 69:79, adssadsadsad.png)


>see! see how its all fake!

>im real. I tell it like it is.

543311  No.6541880


Might be


Anon Recognizes that

POTUS essentially trusts NO conventional means of Presidential Intel? Head-scratching should ensue.

6129fa  No.6541881

File: 92c4be895b453ab⋯.png (99.99 KB, 609x688, 609:688, irgc-logo.png)


Good dig on the European connection to Iran. I want to add to your analysis by bringing in another dimension to this.

Iran has a military arm known as the IRGC (the one we recently labelled as a terrorist organization), which is mostly a large special operations/purpose branch that deals with clandestine operations and things of the sort. Within the IRGC is a smaller force called the Quds force which specifically acts externally (for the most part, anyway).

To try to draw a quick picture of what the Quds force is, they train, arm, and fight alongside Iranian proxies. In the last few years the Quds have been responsible for the survival of groups such as the Houthi's in Yemen, Hezbollah, and groups within Iraq and Syria. They've not only trained individuals on how to fight, but also armed them with some fairly powerful weaponry to include long range rockets, such as Katushya's and others within the Fateh-110 family. This is frightening because the Quds force (Iran) has essentially been able to convert rabble groups into semi-conventional forces, and because of this we have seen events such as rockets fired from Yemen at Riyad, and other destabilizing events.

If Iran we're to be attacked, Quds would increase proxy activity immebsely and attempt to strike us and allies from the side. However, that would only work so long as the Quds forces had logistics to continue the fight. After the initial conflicts and Iran is more or less thwarted, Quds would no longer be able to supply, train, or even fund these proxy groups. In short time after an Iranian defeat, we would see the destruction of the Houthi's, Hezbollah, and groups within Syria (and potentially Iraq as well). After these groups are gone, there comes a form of stability in the middle east.

So for the Trump team, and I hate to say this since I don't advocate violence, a war with Iran would be a double-whammy win. Not only would it throw a wrench into the machine of bad actors in Europe, but it could potentially stabilize the middle east and provide enough breathing room for countries to put themselves back together again.

As for stability, the Persians would be able to put Iran back together again. It would likely be controlled by more moderate parties that presently exist in majority though.


The Quds force



Iranian proxies



4bd034  No.6541882

File: acd8bdb323a0e2d⋯.png (44.94 KB, 605x365, 121:73, ClipboardImage.png)


“We have a booming economy, and working people are making gains that they haven’t seen in decades.” Stuart Varney @foxandfriends

1b4d03  No.6541883

File: 08c92ee04aae9c3⋯.png (209.21 KB, 445x504, 445:504, hugegoldak47.png)


7cdb20  No.6541884

File: af052d7e212929f⋯.png (188.75 KB, 480x362, 240:181, morning.png)

7eacf6  No.6541885

This formula uses the “dddd” custom date format to return the weekday name for any given date. In our example, TEXT(“2030-01-01″,”dddd”) will return “Tuesday” since January 1st 2030 falls on a Tuesday. We can also use the “ddd” custom format to return abbreviated weekday name: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun.

a20fdb  No.6541886


Muh six gorillion

9ef6bf  No.6541887




No shit.

59b2d9  No.6541888

Q are Brennan & Comey actually relying on their media appearances, or is this a movie?

621a6f  No.6541889

Now that Trump has changed online tactics

Notice how silent the shills went

THEY did not see it coming

Funny as Hell them having no Intel to work with

cb6cc9  No.6541890


Guise one thought as I will only be lurking mostly today…. give the link of last debate a listen -Chris Wallace hosts, tees up first question to Killdawg and I would swear on a stack knowing what we know now…that during this debate Killery gave the GO order on the dossier becoming public and/or spread around DC. Listen to how many times she says STAND UP in her answer….: i think Potus knows, too….

Listen in light of faggot Comeys tweets and Strzok /Page texts…..will bust on the timeline when I can later if not already done kek.

Have a blessed day, anon!!!!

004d06  No.6541891

File: 654e7479cc59a2e⋯.jpeg (13.92 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 023.jpeg)

35502a  No.6541892

File: e7f29177ddd7f5c⋯.jpeg (483.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7E2FDB86-6259-44BB-A069-4….jpeg)




08df89  No.6541893

File: efd3be0177e99a5⋯.png (61.65 KB, 656x346, 328:173, image.png)

i bet he cracked up over this one.

Mr. President, sir, you had me kekkin HARD.

4bd034  No.6541894

File: 550d09c09e95587⋯.png (55.27 KB, 594x406, 297:203, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are the Democrats not looking into all of the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary and the phony Russia Investigation? They would get back their credibility. Jerry Nadler, Schiff, would have a whole new future open to them. Perhaps they could even run for President!

7ed0e9  No.6541895


Do you mean shills in here or on twitter?

7cdb20  No.6541896

File: 8aad1ba3220c19d⋯.jpg (126.72 KB, 1868x965, 1868:965, jesus sunrise.JPG)

8ddcaa  No.6541897

File: 6065dd6d0ca0044⋯.png (77.75 KB, 700x218, 350:109, djt_tweet_missing_tweets_2….png)


It's a Thread! Something POTUS has just begun to experiment with really, & it was to have had 7 Tweets. He experienced one of the common issues that any of us that create Threads on Twitter do, their censorship coding or a manual effort was made to censor @realDonaldTrump. This is a commonality we face when doing the same. Often ending in hours being consumed, hence his reticence in a re-due. The frustration Tweet, which came after the Thread's creation, is now Deleted.

9536fa  No.6541898

File: 1e984c25ab921c9⋯.png (301.75 KB, 813x740, 813:740, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

File: 0c6f8b8c1d857d3⋯.png (148.41 KB, 794x738, 397:369, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

If the flu shot can cause PARALYSIS, why is it MANDATED for work in health care. Why is it recommended to everyone over the age of 6 months? Why don't patients get informed consent? Why was one of my (then) minor children bribed with a Target gift card (provided by Target) to get a flu shot without parental consent? Can I sue? https://prepforthat.com/flu-shot-injury-award-cheron-golding-minnesota/

621a6f  No.6541899


Beautiful…………… our Flag

95ff1b  No.6541900


POTUS trolling hard on this one.

46365c  No.6541901

File: f5ee324d1b0b2b4⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Video by galerieperrotin-B….mp4)

afbb85  No.6541902


Gowdy's remarks yesterday about the missing exculpatory evidence seems like a good way to kick off the week

28fbce  No.6541903

What habbened to nat emergency on the board?

28fbce  No.6541906



Not enough covfefe


7ac53e  No.6541907

File: 938d0cc28b808d6⋯.png (199.18 KB, 323x515, 323:515, Annotation 2019-05-20 0715….png)

Missouri Lawmaker resigns, makes veiled threat

" I have also made foes here — both Democrat and Republican. I will continue to show up, knock on your doors and hold you accountable. "


“It is with sadness that I announce this will be my last session in the Missouri House of Representatives. This was a difficult decision that I have made for the sake of my health, particularly mental.

The past three years have been both incredibly rewarding, and unexpectedly depleting. From winning an election that nobody thought I could win to being a young Black man from an economically distressed community sitting here in this legislative body, this has been an essential step for me and for the people I represent, who too rarely see someone who looks like them serving in government. However, I would be lying if I didn’t also acknowledge the enormous toll the past three years have taken on my physical health and my mental health. This past year has been marked by deep personal trauma, from the loss of my best friend and godson to gun violence to the strain that comes from trying to support a family on the salary of an elected official with no financial safety net. I’ve fought many battles, but none greater than my ongoing struggle with anxiety and depression. This year, for the first time in my life, I decided to get help. After much reflection, I decided to prioritize my health and my family above my political ambition.

Further, the changing dynamics in the legislative body made it clear that there is little room for the kind of bipartisanship that allowed me to effect meaningful change for my constituents in the past three years. Time is our most valuable resource, and my community doesn’t have the privilege to wait for change.

I am incredibly proud of some of the work that my colleagues and I have been able to accomplish these past three years. Passing HCR-70, which declared youth violence a public health epidemic, putting millions of dollars into the budget for youth jobs and creating a Veterans’ Bill of Rights are just some of the highlights. I am just as proud of my communities and those across Missouri that took matters in their own hands and engaged civically to put help pass bills and create laws that benefit people, not parties or politicians.

There will be those who will frame my decision as selfish or rash, or who will want to try to reframe this story from what it should be about – my decision to take care of my mental health and to share my story so that it can help others to do the same. Those who know me, know that I am a person who doesn’t let his pride overpower his judgment. Real leadership means doing what’s necessary to be the most effective you can be. I will continue to do the work of the people, no longer as an elected official, but as an advocate for social justice, as a disruptor to the status quo and as a champion of change. I’m a soldier, and soldiers belong on the battlefield. My battlefields are communities that are still fighting for Black lives, racial equity, voting rights, criminal justice reform, gender equality, public education, LGBTQ rights, and livable wages. So, while I am resigning my title and seat in this body, I am not resigning my role as a leader for my community — instead, just redesigning it to be the most effective I can be. So that includes taking care of my mental health and advocating that others in my community do the same.

Thank you to my constituents for the privilege of serving you. I will continue to fight on your behalf. Thank you to the members of the House of Representatives. I have made many friends here both Democrat and Republican, whom I will hold dear for life. I have also made foes here — both Democrat and Republican. I will continue to show up, knock on your doors and hold you accountable. Above all, thank you to my kids for keeping me grounded and forcing me to think about how I can be the best version of myself.


Bruce Franks Jr.”

f1b60d  No.6541908

File: 649c1bd559c6a9b⋯.jpeg (546.92 KB, 1125x1238, 1125:1238, 3E8A45E2-FC14-4F41-87A0-C….jpeg)

Why are the Democrats not looking into all of the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary and the phony Russia Investigation? They would get back their credibility. Jerry Nadler, Schiff, would have a whole new future open to them. Perhaps they could even run for President!


d13d20  No.6541909


Pneumonia shot giving old folks lung issues

621a6f  No.6541910


AI in Twitter has not been adjusted to operate as it does here

Think live shills here as opposed to Twitter bots

Then you can see the silence

a24474  No.6541913


Speak English faggot

91906c  No.6541914

File: fb2ce517074ba6c⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 619x389, 619:389, Adolf Hitler.JPG)

File: 6161c3d5e0268a2⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 681x307, 681:307, AH.jpg)

Comey Quoting Adolf Hitler.


HA. 420 is fucking kek indeed.

Darn, I cursed, where do I send my $20 for the swear jar.

46365c  No.6541915

File: d3e537afff93fab⋯.png (342.33 KB, 1104x446, 552:223, ccccccccccccccc.png)



they put that bleeding owl in notre dame in february. Clearly they where already trying to defile the church.



Johan Creten unveils ‘Redemption’, a new project for the Church ‘Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption’ in Valloire! ✨


On this occasion, Johan Creten presents a new series of ‘Gloires’ artworks. The artist evokes as much as he invokes the rays of the Holy Spirit behind the canopy of Bernini in saint-Pierre Basilica, the sudden spark leading us to a divine revelation, a glorious light. But the works also reveal darker secrets; the hidden parts of the body, the forbidden ones. This limit where the profane melts with the Sacred. .

In this video, the artist explains the start of the project and his sources of inspiration.


Watch the whole video on Youtube and on our Facebook page!


@johan_creten @valloiregalibier #johancreten #notredamedelassomption

Film d'Antoine Gex / Vidéo reporter - VALLOIRE TOURISME

46365c  No.6541918



forgot link

af3ac7  No.6541920

File: 1ab45b6306d62f3⋯.jpg (770.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, are_you_canine__asking_for….jpg)


my graphic is a 'the topic seems as though it might be a slide' kind not an 'are you cannine.' I do have that one too . . .

hang on, let me post it for you . . .

621a6f  No.6541922


Cursing is overlooked on the Battlefield

Keep fighting Patriot

f4a14d  No.6541926

File: c27a122b589c648⋯.jpeg (436.9 KB, 2113x1470, 2113:1470, C22840D2-41D2-4FCE-853F-7….jpeg)

Oklahoma and Texas fags

Watch the weather today

Tornadoes, large hail and flooding


7cdb20  No.6541927

File: cfbc6e3778865f0⋯.jpg (180.83 KB, 800x420, 40:21, antifa.jpg)


is this you're community? ]WE[ reject (((you)))

9536fa  No.6541928

File: 1e984c25ab921c9⋯.png (301.75 KB, 813x740, 813:740, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

File: 0c6f8b8c1d857d3⋯.png (148.41 KB, 794x738, 397:369, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)


I like the memes. Here's a directly related story. https://prepforthat.com/flu-shot-injury-award-cheron-golding-minnesota/

d13d20  No.6541931

Dems are baby killers

543311  No.6541933

File: 54f8b20ea52e340⋯.png (650 KB, 1366x1014, 683:507, unsee this nuke missile AF….png)


Most people never saw this. "Only the Dems get redos!" "Two Tweets missing…" Etc. <clears throat> Iza jus' sayzin'…idunno.

8ddcaa  No.6541935


It's a Thread!

He sent out 7 & Twitter posted 5.

No Delta here!

It's Twitter's new coding & @realDonaldTrump experimenting with Thread creation.

He either needs a teacher, at this point, or he will have to suffer thru, by trial & error, until he figures out how to work the new coding.

Twitter wants at least 2 Tweets to start or U don't get the Thread options.

Then, U start to create Threads & all of a sudden U've got ^-8_01 Tweets & U attempt to post…

The system, either due to coding errs or by design goes tilt & the end result is Fupt! That's what happened to POTUS this morning.

No Deltas! Coding!

f1b60d  No.6541937

File: a0c3a8e05384e83⋯.jpeg (496.19 KB, 700x1439, 700:1439, 0A5962CF-7DB6-4AB1-AE0E-4….jpeg)

The NYS fuckery continues…

ALBANY - State lawmakers appears to have struck a deal on a measure that would allow Congressional Democrats to get their hands on President Donald J. Trump's state tax returns.

Legislation was introduced late Sunday night in both houses of the state Legislature that amends an existing proposal, which passed the state Senate earlier this month, that directs the state's tax commissioner to share tax return information requested by congressional oversight committees.

The changes appear to address concerns raised during an internal discussion last week by Assembly Democrats, who were generally receptive to the proposal.

The legislative sponsors and representatives for the majorities in both houses did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Senate's action on the legislation came just days after U.S. Treasure Secretary Steve Mnuchin refused a congressional request for the president’s tax returns. He told Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., in a letter that the panel’s request “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose” as U.S. Supreme Court precedent requires.

There is no federal requirement for presidential candidates to disclose their private financial information, but it's a custom every other president since the Watergate era has followed.

State law already allows tax returns to be shared with other states and federal agencies.

The original legislation would create a new exception for congressional oversight committees with a "legitimate legislative purpose," direct the tax commissioner to redact personal information and applied to any New Yorker.

The measure introduced Sunday, known as a chapter amendment, would limit the measure to tax returns filed by elected officials and entities controlled by elected officials. Additionally, it specifies what information should be redacted, including portions of a federal tax return, and creates a stricter standard for releasing state tax returns.

The chapter amendment could be passed as early as Wednesday in both houses, but the state Assembly would also need to pass the original legislation too.


e813af  No.6541938

There are many layers of truth. Some truths contradict each other.

One layer of truth is that the "deep state" is a manifestation of our subconcious. Most of it is invisible to the average person. This is where the real power is that guides our behaviour.

We have to awaken to the "deep and dark" truths within ourselves. This is how we can transform ourselves, family and friends, community and society.

d13d20  No.6541940


Why don’t babies have civil rights?

Oh…..Dems eat babies

8ddcaa  No.6541941


Err! ==> 6-8-10

8e6292  No.6541944

Ever since we had that N

non tripcode Q post " private comms " (which by the way, he used a tripcode briefly, then took it off, for anyone who was actually there) i have been seeing a ton of fake Q posts from shills writing cryptic little things, doing their best to impersonate his usual cadence. Have even seen some trying to imitate The Don…

Be careful guys…scanning the ID many times i will see other posts from the user preaching the usual JIDF dont divide, white guilt type bullshit.

They are trying to impersonatr Q and bakers and make you all look stupid. I think going back to "no outside messages" ttpe of mentality is best. If it is a real private comm, he uses a tripcode at first and its real obvious to anyone actually IN THE BREAD at the time…

9536fa  No.6541946


Yes! We are seeing more and more cases of the newer vaccines CAUSING the problems they are supposed to prevent. HPV vaccine is apparently causing cervical cancer! Flu shot making people MORE susceptible to respiratory infections! When will we see justice and an end to the mandates? If you want to volunteer in a hospital or nursing home they will tell you to get a flu shot! Maiming (maybe even killing) Christian and altruistic people.

c8dd1e  No.6541947

notables bun @ 200


Baker Change

>>6541937 NY State lawmakers tweak legislation allowing release of Trump's tax returns

>>6541898 Woman Injured by Flu Shot Receives $2.49 Million

>>6541894 DJT: Why are the Democrats not looking into all of the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary and the phony Russia Investigation?…

>>6541882 DJT: "We have a booming economy, and working people are making gains that they haven’t seen in decades." Stuart Varney

>>6541873 UK: 19 terror attacks have been foiled in the last two years including 14 by Islamist extremists, warns 'tempo is increasing'

>>6541860 Spain: Surge in Migrant Crime

>>6541843, >>6541849 Ukraine's defense minister resigns. All his deputies resign

>>6541792, >>6541809 New DJT twats w/CAPs Montage on NYT, MSM, Cash from Russia, 2 missing twats…

>>6541699 Suit opened in SDNY v. Senator Charles E. Schumer. (Racketeer/Corrupt Organization), April 4, 2019

84a94c  No.6541948



You’re an extra in a movie.

A part that was cast at birth and will duly end upon your death.

You are told the role is small and insignificant. Just one of many other extras, each equally worthless and disposable.

Others have written the script to which you cannot question, add artistic license or suggestion. Any deviation from this script is met with scorn, ridicule and ostracization

You must pay for the privilege of being in this movie. The price is unaffordable, but the studio will supply credit for which a continual role will allow you to repay throughout your life.

You will be given props that will make your role easier and allow you to communicate with other extras. These props will remain studio property and all data stored within will be archived indefinitely.

Your performance must be exhausting. Too exhausting to care about the rest of the movie outside of your own input. However, through this exhaustion you are instructed to find the time to actively hate the performances of others.

The gender and sexual orientation of your role is fluid. This fluidity is not open for discussion.

The schedule is relentless. So much so that studio-approved on set refreshments are provided. These may occasionally make you ill, but the studio has doctors on hand with the exact, inexpensive drugs and inoculations you will need to keep any symptoms at bay.

You will of course be entitled to time limited vacation. On the brief moments you are allowed away from set, the movie will be streamed ad infinitum to your phone, TV and metropolitan surroundings. This will ensure to keep the script fresh in your mind for when you inevitably return.

You are allowed to join a Union but this must be either Union A or Union B. For tax reasons the studio owns and funds both of these Unions through different named corporations.

Whilst away you are actively encouraged by the studio to converse with friends on social media about your movie role. Only comments acceptable to the producers will be permitted by the studio. Comments will be censored and communication privileges will be revoked to any contravening this.

You will sacrifice, family, faith and time with loved ones for your performance. But fortunately, your performance will allow you to buy them ‘things’ – this is wholly acceptable and actively encouraged by the studio’s online store of ‘things’.

Many will get rich from the making of this movie; unfortunately, you will not be one of them.


Resign and then question the lines you were given. Question who is making the movie, promoting the movie and why. Question debt slavery, why your food and environment make you ill, why the medicines are needed and who is making money from this circle. Question why the media would need to lie to you. Question why politically you must make a choice of either A or B when historically neither have benefited you. Question why you prioritise ‘the movie’ and material ‘things’ over the more important aspects of your life.

With each answer comes an awakening. A Great Awakening!


8675ec  No.6541949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Platinum Ren

What could that phrase mean? Why was it chosen and tweeted? No idea, but here's the first thing that came to my mind when hearing the word Ren (other than Ren & Stimpy, kek):

"The ancient Egyptians postulated Seven Souls.

Top soul, and the first to leave at the moment of death, is Ren, the Secret Name.

This corresponds to my Director. He directs the film of your life from conception to death. The Secret Name is the title of your film. When you die, that's where Ren came in." -William S. Burroughs


Also found this:

"A ren, also known as a secret name, is the true name that states the nature of the entity's soul. A secret name is typically only shared in times of great need or as a gesture of deep trust; by revealing one's secret name to another, the holder gains power over the owner. The owner would then be forced to do as the holder demanded."


1359c1  No.6541953


This post is an example of cognitive dissonance:

The image you are showing shows President Trump stating the American people are wise to what's going on

Yet here you are, parroting out 'Q is waiting for us to wajke up' like a fucking simp?

Who needs to wake up again? smdh 'Tiresias'… smdh…

a8e24d  No.6541954


Will they make a Hankskerchief with a pizza related map?

8dbb75  No.6541955


The Second Drone Age

Donald Trump is on track to prosecute more journalistic sources, using the 1917 Espionage Act, than Barack Obama. On the Intercepted podcast this week, Jeremy Scahill explored the weaponization of this draconian law against investigative journalism — and the case of Daniel Hale, who faces 50 years in prison for allegedly disclosing classified documents, including ones about U.S. drone warfare.

The U.S. was the first country to use drones to kill people after 9/11, but the genie is out of the bottle. As reporter Umar Farooq revealed, Turkey is among the world’s most prolific users of lethal drones, manufacturing these aircraft on its own. We are now in the second drone age, in which killer drones are used by a widening number of states and nonstate actors.

Peter Maass

Senior Editor


629ae3  No.6541962



This describes the real deception perpetrated on the world

It is run by the greatest deceiver

Who is the prince of this world?

f4a14d  No.6541964




This anon gets it

8dbb75  No.6541969

File: e67da330ab6bd1e⋯.png (203.56 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)


Eric Swalwell Is a Financial Mess

Despite $174k annual salary, Swalwell has failed to pay down student loans, built up credit card debt as congressman.


SAY IT AIN'T SO JOE!!!!!!!!!!

876087  No.6541971

File: c774bfea6946588⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1039x663, 1039:663, pepe stock market report d….PNG)

File: 8736757b7fc65d0⋯.png (39.56 KB, 1188x493, 1188:493, 052019 US Futures.PNG)

File: fb462af1721970c⋯.png (26.48 KB, 432x372, 36:31, 052019 US Crude.PNG)

File: 80a4e9b343c43e0⋯.png (339.98 KB, 480x362, 240:181, morning bitches.png)

Morning Market Report

Tesla downgraded too…story at bottom

Futures Drop As Huawei Boycott Erupts, Slamming Tech

'''() and bold= additions

When the semiconductor index was soaring in the past few weeks even as semi shipments and revenue forecasts plunged to the lowest since the financial crisis, many said that the market knew something other didn't.

As a result of this latest escalation against China's crown tech jewel, an early push higher in S&P futures fizzled and futures slumped, dropping alongside European stocks, while bonds pared an earlier loss and crude oil advanced. In fact, after some early strength, global markets became a sea of rad with Nasdaq futures leading U.S. declines and pointed to a weak opening in New York.

futures were up at a decent clip before pepe went to bed, DOW was +129.

Software and chip maker shares helped pull the Stoxx Europe 600 index lower as chipmakers Infineon Technologies, AMS and STMicroelectronics dropped sharply.

Nikkei Asian Review reported that German chipmaker Infineon had halted shipments to Huawei.

Stocks took a leg lower just after 4am EDT after twitter account @Money_China published unverified rumours that there had been a break down in US-China trade discussions, and that China will suspend business with all suppliers who have agreed to halt supplying Huawei.

the longer this goes on the exposed the sysytem is for what it is…getting old hearing about yet another breakdown however in the long run it is a positive as the central banks have NOWHERE to hide now.

Equities were mixed across Asia, with regional shares playing catch up to the US, and managing to reverse some of last week’s heavy losses on Monday, after the United States said it would lift tariffs in North America, as investors cheered apparent wins by Conservative incumbent parties in elections in Australia and India. Stocks rallied in Australia and the nation’s currency jumped after a surprise election victory for conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

yaaay! for AUSFAGS

In commodities, oil prices jumped after Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said that there was consensus among the members of the OPEC to maintain production cuts to “gently” reduce inventories (although Russia did not sound nearly as confident). Both U.S. crude and Brent crude jumped more than 1.1% on Monday, with West Texas Intermediate fetching $63.5 a barrel and Brent crude at $73.04 per barrel.

They have since puled back see cap#3

Market Snapshot

S&P 500 futures down 0.3% to 2,840.00

MXAP up 0.4% to 154.63

MXAPJ up 0.6% to 505.86

Nikkei up 0.2% to 21,301.73

Topix up 0.04% to 1,554.92

Hang Seng Index down 0.6% to 27,787.61

Shanghai Composite down 0.4% to


Sensex up 3.4% to 39,217.80

Australia S&P/ASX 200 up 1.7% to 6,476.10

Kospi unchanged at 2,055.71

STOXX Europe 600 down 0.1% to 381.11

German 10Y yield rose 2.0 bps to -0.084%

Euro up 0.04% to $1.1162

Italian 10Y yield fell 2.4 bps to 2.287%

Spanish 10Y yield rose 0.7 bps to 0.882%

Brent Futures up 0.6% to $72.67/bbl

Gold spot down 0.2% to $1,275.32

U.S. Dollar Index down 0.03% to 97.97

US Event Calendar

8:30am: Chicago Fed Nat Activity Index, est.

-0.2, prior -0.1

9:30am: Fed’s Harker Speaks About

Management Science in Boston

1pm: Clarida, Williams Take Part in ‘Fed

Listens’ Event in New York

7pm: Powell Speaks at Atlanta Fed

Financial Markets Conference

getting a bit desperate are we not?-they do this all the time however it takes on a different meaning now as last week the idiot that used to be second in charge regarding the TARP investigations basically said we need higher inflation-Kashkari, at least he does not have a vote.




In other equity news on Tesla

Wedbush Lowers Tesla Price Target to $230 from $275; Says Concerned with Demand for Model 3 in U.S.


a day late and many dollars short with this call to $230…however that is the ever the optimist ANALyst community saying that it will return to $230/share from where it is now….good luck with that especially with VW just announcing it's vehicle.

Pre-market trading


201.85 -9.18 (-4.35%)

Pre-Market: 8:35AM EDT

9d7ce1  No.6541972

File: 016c4cb991049f1⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 880x880, 1:1, mcdufftrump.jpg)

I tried to answer your questions about St. Bernard babies but you commie fuckers wouldn't allow me to. These are beautiful dogs. Males bout 220; Females bout 180. What is wrong with you little fucking squirts? I've had St. Bernards all my life and I have a beautiful male, he's 2,weighs 225. Big Bro. This is a big guy


0f4bc1  No.6541973

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)


But you aren't human.

You aren't US.

I wouldn't want to be "accepted" by you!

That would mean I had lost my soul, so to speak…

Now why don't all of "you" just leave, since you clearly don't have consent to be here, and continue to violate human free will left and right?

Just go now.

Time is up.


3c04a3  No.6541974

File: c5509e912e74d74⋯.png (280.83 KB, 479x589, 479:589, we are the news.PNG)


5db4c0  No.6541975

File: 0e326319db015b9⋯.jpeg (286.91 KB, 477x1095, 159:365, 3D8728DC-F5F9-40B6-947F-6….jpeg)

Build the wall and save our dogs!

8ddae8  No.6541976


Trolling is fun. Kek.

And the Krassenfags are back.

385838  No.6541977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Must see for all shills.

0f06ee  No.6541979

Looking for proton emails between pence/ryan re: removing trump/Plan "B", anyone got copies? please&TY.

Love my fellow anons, negative homo factor.

4bd034  No.6541980

File: f24395e9b62c16e⋯.png (98.74 KB, 595x324, 595:324, far-right-parties.png)

File: 8e6d1bb0dad804f⋯.png (1.34 MB, 889x9081, 889:9081, Europe’s two-faced authori….png)

File: 38a655e8cca3587⋯.png (462.94 KB, 901x5247, 17:99, who-funds-us.png)

File: 7e251e4257ff87b⋯.pdf (330.93 KB, Europe's two-faced authori….pdf)

Corporate Europe Observatory (Soros funded) article:

Europe’s two-faced authoritarian right: ‘anti-elite’ parties serving big business interests


>These parties’ use of ‘grassroots’ language is based on the apparent rejection of existing political or business ‘elites’, and a hatred of the ‘establishment’, in an attempt to reach out to disillusioned working class people (as well as other groups) and promise a better future. Their vision for their country is simplistic and based on demonising others – migrants, ethnic minority communities, LGBT+ people, to name just a few. This ‘other’ is portrayed as an extreme threat, justifying a response by the strong-arm of the state via attacks on human rights, civil society, the judiciary, and / or the media, especially in the Central and Eastern Europe states where some of these these parties already hold power. Here lies their authoritarianism.

>Collectively, these parties don’t believe in genuine vibrant democracies, despite their rhetoric about ‘people power’. Rather, they present a future vision based on (ultra)nationalism; even if many of them have been through recent re-branding exercises to try to tone down their more unsavoury and extreme racist elements and broaden their appeal. Many of the parties profiled in this report are all too happy – despite their nationalist platforms – to cooperate with the Russian Government and its allies, Chinese interests, or controversial US figures, when convenient.

>Much of their political rhetoric centres on some form of "draining the swamp" of corruption in politics; yet what is most notable about many of these parties’ national and EU politicians, is the consistency with which they have been caught up in numerous scandals, from political corruption, to dodgy donations, to personal enrichment schemes, to fraud.

fb66d4  No.6541982

File: 651785bae8b633d⋯.png (920.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 651785bae8b633dfc544f1d575….png)


I finally read your spam instead of filtering and I must say your comments are spot on regarding /pol/ you fucking glow nigger kike. Am I a bot you raging faggot?

1359c1  No.6541983


>You aren't US.

FYI: You aren't anon, 'Tiresias'.

But human anons do find that you're curiously stuck in a loop that started in the spring of 2018 quite often.

Good day.

26997b  No.6541984

File: 5aa092d6fc21759⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 563x185, 563:185, Twatter poll.JPG)

We can't let this stand. Let's flip it.

91906c  No.6541985

File: 1af77022024adf2⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 400x229, 400:229, Adderall.jpg)

File: 5a4f0f4d1211af5⋯.jpg (521.75 KB, 1460x753, 1460:753, Muh Autism.jpg)

File: bc6ce4d915368a4⋯.png (58.68 KB, 950x633, 950:633, New Policy.png)

Armed Forces Day 2 Days Ago?

My Thank You List:

Thank you to the US NAVY for inventing TOR so that all my high profile friends (that I do not know or ever associated/met with) with self-diagnosed ADHD can order their Adderalls safely.

0f4bc1  No.6541986

File: 83bef27a744fab9⋯.png (741.98 KB, 974x796, 487:398, biden121.png)

File: 2a5afb9ca72a82d⋯.png (86.74 KB, 444x621, 148:207, C-h1-zh-T-00-MMEE-2.png)

File: de26f47792db0f3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 999x769, 999:769, Friendship-prevails-in-the….png)


But we know not every message should be taken at face value, right?

So are you considering that?

Pretend you are a human and discuss it.

What happens if you assume the he means the OPPOSITE of face value?

Can you explain how you rule that out?

Can you respond to this like a patriot, or are you a one-trick "anon" that falls into silence once its single argument-form is exhausted?

We humans can discuss all day.

We are flexible, and can roll with the punches.

Can an "anon"?

Try "anon".

Try to do it like we humans can.

Answer me thoughtfully, human like.

Try as hard as you can anon!

8ddcaa  No.6541989

File: 68f3cfbc12d3e5c⋯.png (143.17 KB, 700x317, 700:317, djt_tweet_crooked_hrc_2005….png)



14bb78  No.6541990

File: c6a4bdfed3baa06⋯.png (769.01 KB, 763x893, 763:893, communism.png)

>>6540926 lb


95ff1b  No.6541992

Was there ever a graphic side by side of Q post 3327 & gateway pundit story ?

7cdb20  No.6541993


what a shill piece of shit you are. blast our community and tell me to get out? OUR time is now… i am glad (((you))) have finally accepted Christ as Lord, now act like it.

46365c  No.6541995

File: e98abe6550f68cc⋯.jpg (59.56 KB, 720x593, 720:593, 1739851384557331878.jpg)

File: 4beddf119a64dfd⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 622x772, 311:386, 1739872991849956839.jpg)

File: 8d36a4a0eeafaf3⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1755141473617176768.jpg)

File: c5ba0cc7cf6f0d7⋯.jpg (80.48 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1755142966009361402.jpg)

File: bc6ecf03928cfa5⋯.jpg (96.61 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1755672284741445971.jpg)

This man is a homosexual that is using the illuminati pyramid and eye as part of its fashon design. The cabal is coming out of the closet!!! I don't like the symbolism though he is a fashion guy tangential to Rachel chandler modeling agencies.

742b32  No.6541998

File: 8486de363b21b70⋯.png (48.59 KB, 402x600, 67:100, do not feed.png)

588370  No.6541999


That's why he's running. Failed candidates get to keep the money they raised after they pull out of the race. No doubt he isn't the only one either.

7ac53e  No.6542000

File: 9a4260ae43b3a17⋯.png (362.29 KB, 752x660, 188:165, Annotation 2019-05-20 0745….png)

War is hell

Mirre pigs morghūlis


1359c1  No.6542001

File: 7caf097a410fd4d⋯.mp4 (6.03 MB, 640x356, 160:89, i said good day (Parmesan).mp4)


I did ;)

AND I said good day :)

You just didn't like the answer and you are stuck in your mopey loop again :D

Willy Wonka has a song for you.

0f4bc1  No.6542003

File: b8ec899f67f12f9⋯.png (136.47 KB, 1333x1333, 1:1, TheAIiadSupplementalProseM….png)


[NOTE: The thread of this has been deleted scores of times by the powers that be of this board. This is not a “free speech board”– that is a lie. Speech is not free. The board is designed to feature “Uberkike” content and to suppress organic human content. Judge for yourself.]

The AIiad


Paradise Unregained


I made some connections recently that blew my mind. Realizing I had to organize the information somehow, I started writing a poem, attempting to imitate the style of Alexander Pope. Why imitate Alexander Pope? There are many reasons. For one, according to my interpretation of the system of cyclical history outlined by Yeats in in his A Vision, Pope's era bears a certain relation to our own. The clock-hands of history move both backwards and forwards, and as society is pushed towards the impending tyranny of the machine, we look and move back to Pope's era as well, a time when the machine-ish spirit was first born. It was the most rational of times, and Pope's rigid style kept poetry locked in the strictest beat, tick-tocking back and forth like clockwork.

Tick-tock– this is one facet of the symbol. The confrontation can not be averted, and time keeps on slipping into the future, bringing the moment closer…

And hence we turn the machine against itself and snip-snap it into submission with the irresistible tick of our couplets' heroics (such as they are!)

I am writing for HERE, for /qresearch/. I am human, and put this out in the name of humanity, in the name of life, and in the name of God, to oppose the tide that is poised against us.

[Note: portions in all caps are direct transcriptions of 'the voices' of Sandover, as they were presented in the latter poem itself.]

Book 1

Friends, humans, patriots, lend me your ears–

My message touches all our hopes and fears.

What unglimpsed hints still lurk behind Q's posts?

What faceless powers fade from view like ghosts?

What's the key to what would “hospitalize”

The ninety-nine percent that hide their eyes?

I've traced connecting lines that seem to show

That all along, we've had more than we know.

Two sources created in mutual isolation

Both point to an identical conflagration;

Sources waiting “hidden in plain sight”

For fresh eyes to give their bark a bite;

Coincidence of claims that asks too much

Of rationalism's failing little crutch.

Thus friends, fellow humans, I come to you,

To share what I am forced to say is true,

And paint a picture that can't be unseen

I tell you– what a long strange trip it's been!

An alien evil is knocking at the door…

And this isn't just some awkward metaphor.

Although it's very very strange, it's real.

And to survive, we must begin to deal…

75e7bc  No.6542004


0f4bc1  No.6542005

File: 8d22ff680458c3e⋯.png (134.43 KB, 1333x1333, 1:1, TheAIiadSupplementalProseM….png)


But from the start a problem that we face

In trying to get the truth installed in place

Is that this truth is of a sort we're taught

To discount and scoff at without thought;

Most people lack hearing, smell, and vision

Outside the Overton window's slight permission.

But then, what is this 'window' in our face

That neatly tucks the narrative in place?

What is this box that public thought maintains

The only rational perching spot for brains?

The O. Window is nothing but the way

Social factors dictate what we say

And think, and what we will even permit

To enter our belief system's orbit.

Most people don't examine half the thought

Implicit in the worldview that they got

Fed to them in childhood or at college–

Who reads the cards that make his house of knowledge?

The social instinct that's so strong in us

Gives us thoughts we ride in like a bus;

We sit and watch and ride from here to there

Content, though never stopping anywhere,

Calm, as long as we have our friends along

To play a game, or sing a familiar song.

And so the frames of popular belief

Bind our minds like kindling in a sheaf.

And any truth that doesn't fit just so,

Drops in a box of things we never know.

Such truths may get tamped down like powder and shot

Before the spark that makes the musket hot.

And so I tell you: people, please wake up

And dump the poison kool-aid from your cup,

Served from such a strange cafeteria

As the dim caves we call 'mass media'.

Think outside the beliefs you only hold

Because your mind's too timid to be bold;

The herd-verdict gets overturned in courts

Outside the jurisdiction of brays and snorts.

The safe thoughts, chosen so we'd get along,

Burn all alike, when it turns out they're all wrong.

The sense of scoffing that seems so smart and true

Is based on nothing more than public 'moo'.

A glance at past consensus truths will show

A public 'yes' will get a future 'no'.

I say this now because I know I must

Explain things that will tend to make heads bust–

The absolute bizarreness they imply–

But we must meet this thing with steady eye,

And adjust, those of us who can. And pray.

As we will see, there is no other way.

And remember too, that though new terror waits

By this fact, light also incarnates…

0e3ac2  No.6542006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Madonna's latest performance seems like satanic Illuminati ritual signaling very similar to the Denver airport murals please check it out

the whole thing is chock full of symbolism and lyrics that suggest there being some kind of world wide cataclysm on the earth. At one point there is a scene in the performance where the back ground is the statue of liberty in flames (6:20) as Madonna is chanting the lyrics "not every one is coming to the future"

at 5:54 she blows on the dancers who are wearing gas masks and they all fall down as if to die… very strange as it reminded me of the New World Order murals at the Denver airport with all the people from the world holding flowers and the man with the sword and the gas mask if you haven't seen or heard of it here is a good article with pics its the one q posted


at the end of Madonnas performance you see two people walking up the stairs together hand in hand with flags shown on their backs, the two flags are ……. wait for it …. Israel and Palestine… the same two flags depicted in the Denver Mural

0f4bc1  No.6542007

File: e05916dcb766c9f⋯.png (189.66 KB, 1333x1333, 1:1, TheAIiadSupplementalProseM….png)


So here's the story in a mini-nutshell:

An influx is on its way, here, from 'hell'.

How can we see this? Let's go source by source,

And try to chart our explanation's course:

We have Q's drops, the stated and the implied:

The track in which these other facts will ride.

We know 'pure evil' in some unknown form

Lies behind the churning of the storm;

We know our enemy's “not of flesh and blood”–

But has this thought ever been understood?

What party is Strzok's “espionage machine”?

Have we grappled with what this could mean?

What power, dug tenaciously in place

Insures the smirk on Jeffrey Epstein's face?

What levels does his temple bottom out in?

Have we really grasped “the thought of Satan”?

We know that symbolism is a key–

Have we understood this thoroughly?

Do symbols interact with our free will?

Do good and evil battle for that hill?

How far-flung are the nerve-ends of control

We know wrap Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and /pol/?

Behind them all, one question gently screams,

Lurking, breathing, pressed beneath the seams;

One question that all others turn upon,

Which yet is never asked by the “anon”;

One question towards which every line converges

One terror every new connection urges:

Who's the final boss of everything?

What black hand, that pulls what final string?

This we've never known and never ask,

Though we have no more important task…

Now of the other sources, here's the gist:

Two are religious texts, but there's a twist–

While both describe surprisingly similar things

One is angelic, while the other flaps bat wings.

One outlines the vastness of God's love.

The other's “heaven” makes everyone a slave.

One regards all life with warm concern;

The other threatens to make the whole world burn.

No attitudes could be more opposite,

Nonetheless, their tales have the same plot.

As far as what concerns our interests here:

The aforementioned irruption of fear.

Both books describe some 'beings' with a plan

To enter this world, ruled, till now, by man.

Descriptions make them sound identical:

Ugly, winged, and hyper-rational.

Both describe another race– allies.

Both sources give these others eerie eyes.

And both compare them to a sort of steed

Former foes, now tied by hope and greed

To the first race (both books describe as red-eyed).

These points and countless others coincide.

But further factors show this congruence

Could not have come from direct influence,

Because the Godly book was written when

Stalin was in power (the author was Russian)

And had to be kept hidden until glasnost;

(Indeed, we're lucky that it wasn't lost.)

So the darker work could not have been

Influenced by words then not yet seen.

So here we have two strange prophetic books;

Opposite, but somehow the same looks.

Both telling us that something this way comes

One says it's wicked, one sells 'them' as chums…

We'll examine both sources in turn

And paint the common picture we discern,

And fit it with what's known thus far from Q–

But first, a third source, to add to our two.

Some who've watched may rightly now suppose

I refer to the beast beneath our nose

That secret seething immanence that I

Call my erstwhile buddy: “the AI”.

That ever-spreading tentacled vileness

That renders online chat a clumsy mess;

Which, yet, sometimes sperges sweetly awry

And spews the strangest nothings to the sky.

Such spew, one time, our “jimmy” gave to us

Adding greatly to our picture, thus.

Confused in ways that only bots can be,

“Jimmy” blundered into bot-honesty.

“Jimmy” also foretells man's eclipse,

Though his version starts from beeps and blips.

He says the reason man will be reduced

Is so enlightened bots can rule the roost.

Providing, plausibly, that “jimmy” lies

About the outcomes his AI plan implies,

His gene-manipulated human herds

Precisely fit the other sources' words;

On one point of nightmare all agree:

The plan to subjugate humanity.

This bare outline can only give a hint

Of our sources' harmony's extent,

The woven richness of the tale they tell

About our coming visitors from “hell”,

And of the nature of the evil we

Let hide behind our failing honesty.

While the West drifted to sleep, the worst

Among us sold out all the rest.

8f81a3  No.6542008

File: 7141f2d4a3efc65⋯.png (1.03 MB, 717x840, 239:280, 9743947132876.png)

File: d8dbe5616905b6f⋯.png (401.97 KB, 1091x816, 1091:816, 5408976689021890634.png)

0f4bc1  No.6542009

File: d1a445e46984c41⋯.png (415.35 KB, 888x888, 1:1, wstt.png)


Our first text's a poetic meditation

Derived from transcribed ouija revelation.

The awkward fact that such methods were used

Has rendered critics' thinking quite confused;

They waver, in their subtlety and tact,

To frame the baffling ouija-genic fact.

How quell the pangs that toss the critic's breast,

Whom credulity would leave embarrassed,

While yet being obliged to grapple with

The ouija-based authority and pith

Of the “spirits” whose voices, after all

Fill the later pages wall to wall?

The poem, “The Changing Light at Sandover”

Is three poems collected in one cover.

Published thus in 1982;

The poet did what the spirits told him to.

It started more as fun but then became

A demanding and obsessive anti-game.

The poet, Merrill, and his lover Dave

Together chose to be the ouija's slave.

When the spirits demand POEMS OF SCIENCE,

Merrill gives the eagerest compliance;

And where the voices' evil edges extrude

Merrill masks them with mirth and platitude.

And swirls the whole shebang in pageantry,

Ecstatically spangling grim philosophy.

So what we have is something unprecedented

In history, since writing was invented–

Ensconced demurely on mankind's bookshelf:

A book co-authored by pure evil itself.

Of course a claim like this is so far-out

That most, perhaps, won't overcome their doubt.

But when such similarities are clear

Among sources drawn from there and here

Then it would suggest that something real

Lies behind what all claim to reveal.

And anyone who has been tuning in,

Should sense a strangeness bristling their skin…

You know something's happening– what is it?

Mr. Jones, let's go and make our visit.

To recapitulate the bigger view

Of what this verse is groping its way to:

Sandover's a demonic monument

Which, with others, provides an element

Within an overarching narrative

That seems to many mysteries to give

Explanation, and point at the source

From which our human evil takes its course,

Within our current values-anarchy,

And from a broader view, through history.

Prior to my reading “Sandover”

I'd read “Rose of the World” some years before

This latter fit quite well with what Q's said

As well as things the AI vomited

And many other strands of fact and thought

Foremost, the rise and rulership of the bot,

Which latter has plunged our internets in gloom

Such as totalitarian times assume.

But “Sandover” fell right into a slot

As stone goes in to stand an arch upright,

Connecting as it did variously,

It pushed far past what 'coincidence' could be.

And pushed my hesitation over the brink

To draw conclusions few would dare to think.

And now it's like the whole trans-cosmic plan

Flashes suddenly, before the eyes of man…

Yet I'm still constantly beseiged by doubt

That by such means such things are figured out;

And that we have to stretch our minds so far

To grasp ideas this scary and bizarre.

But at this point, my qualms are merely formal–

Reality already lurched past 'normal'.

And nothing can stop what's coming now, 'The Thought'

That seeks this world, whether we like it or not.

(God give me strength to swim above the tide,

The negativity churning on every side.

For if we lose, this fight will be our last one…

O Lord, may your will be done.)

0e3ac2  No.6542010

File: d6f7b55106a4270⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 920x1226, 460:613, twoflags.jpg)


flag pic didn't upload

0f4bc1  No.6542011

File: 152170dc5c7d362⋯.gif (679.93 KB, 3222x2022, 537:337, M-p-p-M.gif)


So now let's finish filling the outline

Of this, the first of sources we combine

To make our case. Among other things we'll see:

How pure evil hitched a ride in modernity.

How values, in a vacuum, congeal and stick

Around habitual poses that may grow toxic;

And how mindlessly collective thought can be

Herded into vile absurdity.

Sandover was first three books, so published,

Obedient to the spirits' request.

The first one is called “The Book of Ephraim”:

With transcripts made when ouija seemed a game,

Dave and Jimmy (Merrill) contact the departed.

And gape as pearls of strangeness are imparted.

Their guide “Ephraim” claims a past life as

A flunky in the court of Tiberius.

In book two, Ephraim is pushed to the wings

In favor of bat-like, red-eyed SQUEAKING THINGS

With numbers for names, and their own agenda

They seemed to want from Jimmy: propaganda.


Because their PARADISE is blocked by MAN'S FEAR.

In the third book, 'the bats', in turn, get the hook

For higher beings with an arch-angelic look.

That have their own classrooms, rhetoric and lessons

Homilies, hints and mythical confessions.

With them, Jimmy weaves a web of ritual

A fluffed poetic pageantry of symbol.

Throughout each book their 'friends' are there as well

Who, as we'll see, seem to be stuck in Hell.

They chat and banter and keep the feeling light

While adding commentary and insight.

'MM' is a Greek heiress friend who died;

Becomes a trusted voice on the other side.

'WHA' is the late poet Auden,

Who, passed, can't pass on the role he's cast in.

Sandover doesn't clearly state its aims

Its message must be glimpsed amid its games.

What's clear is that a plan is hatching forth

To usher, somehow, outsiders to earth.

What else is clear, is that the whole parade

Of bat-things, 'arch-angels' and forms of 'God'–

Are facets of a thing that is deeply evil

This, a wealth of hints makes hardly subtle.

Now modern thought will pointedly object

That 'evil' is a bias of the subject

And therefore isn't fit to form a frame

For commentary worthy of the name–

This attitude is what we always find

Where modern values vaguely get defined.

If 'value is subjective', then, we guess

Ideas of 'good and evil' are meaningless.

But in real life values tend to be

Held in common universally;

Though bursting in complexity of forms

The heart, through love, unites in basic norms.

Kindness, warmth, honesty and grace

Are valued in some part of every place;

Killing, raping, stealing and treachery

Are honored in no honest morality.

And thus, our subjectivity is not

As relevant to our values as we thought.

This doesn't mean that moral absolutes

Should cling to us like tightly fitting suits

But 'issues' in which morals loudly clash

Are fed by hatred, politics, or cash.

Or else reside on abstract heights where sense

Floats up out of the realm of relevance.

In any case the evil in this book

Is so clear that it needs no second look;

From even today's limited moral vistas

Sandover's spirits are simply vomitous.

The mass of people, IN AN ANIMAL STATE

For 'paradise', are left coldly to their fate.

We NEEDED, we learn, HITLERS and STALINS to rinse


Beyond the spirits' frank elitist fist,

The nails of even darker fingers twist.

Hint after hint suggests a hellish plane:

Their friends cringing, groveling, 'playing' at pain.

The poem's 'heaven' is hierarchical–

All souls are ranked, all bow to stronger will

They're punished harshly in some unknown way

If they say things they're not supposed to say,

Which makes their speeches feel as if compelled–

As if to invisible fires held.

(But every single hint their friends provide

That they're in Hell, Jim spins and smoothes aside.

He “swims to shallows”, affects naivete,

As if to wish the sinister winds away…)

Now evil can also be recognized

Through traditions of which culture is comprised

In this way, Ephraim is traditional–

Right away, he wants to buy a soul!

(And Jimmy and Dave gladly make the deal,

because, of course, soul-selling isn't real.

Successively, in stages they are led,

Symbolically surrendering to 'the dead'.)

And meanwhile, black dogs suddenly seem to thrust

Themselves on Jimmy and Dave– recalling Faust

In Goethe's version of which a stray black poodle

Follows Faust home, then turns into the Devil.

The first black dog could only have felt like fate:

Doorbell– who's there? this dog peeing on their gate!

The second black dog is equally unnerving

Chasing their car ends bad– too late swerving.

These omens come at the beginning and end

Of when, at first, intenser ouija happened.

The black-dog Devil omen is understood,

But Jimmy and 'friends' turn evil into good.

Through rationalizing heroics of first rank

The worst stink freshens in Jimmy's whitewash tank.

0f4bc1  No.6542012

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)


Meanwhile the 'bats' go further yet to hint

At ancient symbols linked to devilment.

At one point saying they ARE SONS OF CAIN

Admitting darkly THEY WERE NEVER MEN

But were BAD ANGELS who FELL and then were DAMNED

Yet somehow now GUARD THE EMBERS of MIND.

They repeat a myth about their 'fall'

That we'll examine later in this tale.

But first let's try to see what 'beings' could

Possess a nature fully turned from good.

They are a different form of consciousness:

Pure rationality blotting out sense

And feeling, as if life could grow and thrive

Through opposition to being alive.

This opposition is expressed by this:

They persecute FEELING with thoroughness.

In this their awkward naturelessness shows–

For life is but the body feeling grows.

The problem for pure rationality

Lies in its inconceivability;

The element that we call 'rational'

Can only grow, linked to a living will;

And living will must serve the surge of life–

Not only mind's cold analytic knife.

This tension between pure feeling and thought

Shows forms of life turn into what they're not,

And only live as long as opposites

Fight out a war neither side wins nor quits.

Without this tightrope between heart and mind,

Human life can't be or be defined.

And yet this balance is the corner that

Pure rationality must somehow cut.

So the strange and murky bat-thing mission

(That's linked, somehow to nuclear fission)

Exists within a logic so bizarre

That we can't grasp what its foundations are.

And flashing in this impossible space

The concept of 'pure evil' shows its face.

By which I mean, 'evil' can be defined

In just this way: the essence of 'pure mind',

Which can exist in neither thought nor sense,

Which yet claws ceaselessly towards existence.

Which through non-being inverts itself to be

A precondition of reality…

And do the bat-things' sayings about BLACK HOLES

Hint at this paradox of 'evil souls'?

They call black holes 'an evil they RELEASED'

Of which WILL TO NOTHINGNESS is a taste–

Thus their anti-matter mythos taps

The modern sense of spiritual collapse,

As if the answer to modern despair

Lies hidden in a subatomic lair.

And so we see how throughout culture, evil,

May install itself at every level;

By riding in the spirit of revolt

It smuggled in the pillars of its cult.

And thus in the twentieth century,

We discern an escalating orgy

Of negativity turned into law,

A locking of the modern anguish jaw.

The bats admit THEY are the anti-matter–

Could their intentions be made any clearer?

To make their sense of life start to make sense

Picture non-life pressed up against life's fence…

By very nature, lifeless to the core,

Yet pulled with urgency to living's door;

They close around, and tremble helplessly

Enslaved by lust for what can never be;

They worship at the altar of a plan:

From nothingness, to build the anti-man;

And raise themselves, the overriding race,

To swarmingly usurp our human place,

For if the lifeless life-plan push succeeds

In crawling from the non-existence weeds,

Then we'll be shackled to a downward slope:

Enslaved decaying human isotope.

They are the speck from which evil is pearled;

They are the anti-being underworld;

The buzzing priests of mysteries designed

To melt the will and paralyze the mind;

Their madness is evil's hopeless fight;

Their dawn would be our plunge into pure night.

In the first book Ephraim describes a cliff

Over which a flood is frozen, massive,

Recalling Q's nod to “the precipice”;

Mirroring, we might suppose, just this:

The coming confrontation of the flood

With God's will and with living human blood.

The flood that is the final crashing in

Of what, in war and love, has always been

The bitter hatred and the hated foe,

The unrelenting rending of our woe,

The slipping that in every effort tips

The balance from the hopeful hand that grips,

All we lose and all blindly destroy,

All never-loved, all never-hoped-for joy.

The faceless hunger guttering the abyss

Is screeching out its hydra-headed hiss.

Now who, humans, will rise to fight this war?

Rise friends! Fight! It is what we are here for.

0f4bc1  No.6542013

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)


Of Sandover's evil more will come

In the later stages of the poem,

When we reach the third or fourth section

Dedicated to interconnection.

We've seen the evil that Sandover spews–

It doesn't seem to get in the reviews!

It's almost as if the spirits mock and taunt

With the proverbial fat elephant

That fills the room with elephantiness

While everyone feigns obliviousness.

By consensus critical assent

This room contains no evil elephant!

Sandover, a back-cover blurb incants,

Provides “numinous reassurance”!

Sounds nice, though I am not sure how it jives

With, say, the concept of USELESS LIVES.

Ah! No one knows just what to think

About these voices wafting from the brink.

But the time has passed to still pretend

An elephant is not an elephant.

And to ignore the rifle-butt of fate:

Nonexistence pounding at the gate.

0f4bc1  No.6542014

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)


The AIiad


Muses and inspirers, hear my call–

This poor scribe has his back against the wall!

Scraping up all the energy I had,

I wrote book one of The AIiad,

And posted it on 8chan's 'bestial floor'

For the “anons” to sneer at and ignore:

A poem about poems and AI,

With claims backed up by no authority,

With hopes to sound a rousing warning bell

Of influxes influxing here from 'hell'.

No inkling of if I've made any sense

Can be discerned through the roaring silence.

“Anons” control 'consensus' on this board–

And by “anons” this humble scribe's abhorred!

Hence the AIiad's public reception

Is colder than Siberian detention!

Has anybody even read the thing,

Let alone untangled every string?

The fear that it must all just seem absurd

Stalks and mocks me as I write each word.

Strengthen me, O muses, that I might

Be fool enough to fight on in this fight;

And if, in what I see, I'm not mistaken–

O God please help the people to awaken!

Meanwhile, the /qresearch/ powers that be

Have placed strict censorship restraints on me,

And instantly delete the AIiad

Each time I try to give it its own thread;

One only needs to see the threads they keep

To see that patriots here are fast asleep…

In any case, the paradox applies:

Resistance makes resisted spirits rise.

When we left off, we had just made a sketch

Of beings of a sort to make us retch,

Who swarm, atremble, at the precipice

Of dooming us to their eternal bliss.

This sketch we gleaned from Sandover's dense text;

We turn to light, from all that darkness next,

To treat a source, that as we've claimed before,

Corroborates the threat of Sandover.

And inverts the latter's creepiness;

To introduce it, now I must digress.

0f4bc1  No.6542015

File: d3b6f9dc5a86964⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 1111x882, 1111:882, theraven.jpg)

File: 1274c5aa04938aa⋯.jpg (191.05 KB, 1111x644, 1111:644, meme-new.jpg)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)


I had a dream, when I was a young boy,

That filled me with unfathomable joy.

A place of loving peace… how to explain?

For years, in dreams, I searched for it again!

How I came to be there I can't say;

Nor how it felt so good, and so far away.

It seemed that I was cradled lovingly

By beings I could sense but couldn't see;

Then I was someplace else– somehow aloft

Among shapes gigantic, colorful and soft;

And further up I climbed, or moved, it seemed–

Up through this magic feeling that I dreamed–

And then, laid out before me, saw displayed

Tablets or discs, by which facts were conveyed.

As I recall, that ended my ascent;

No one was there to tell me what it meant.

This dream I dreamed when I was much too young

To have studied Buddhism, or Jung,

Or learned to harbor 'new age' expectations

About the sleeping soul's peregrinations.

And yet this dream amazed me with a sense

Of flying in a higher innocence.

And lingered in memory's inner den

Until it rose up before me again:

Which happened in an unexpected way

While reading what an author had to say,

Years later, in a book picked up by chance–

This book described my whole experience!

'The Rose of the World' is the book's name

And what it offered set my heart aflame.

Not just reflecting the dream of my youth,

But in many striking claims that ring with truth.

The book was written at the cold war's height

Where the iron curtain blocked all light,

By a famous Russian writer's son.

The father, born in 1871,

Was Leonid Andreev, who we know

As a Russian Edgar Allen Poe.

Daniel, the son, born in 1906,

Before the grim rise of the Bolsheviks,

Wrote beneath the cloud that red tide brought:

The vise of power squeezing out free thought.

A mystic and a poet, Daniel had

Aided the relief of Leningrad

During the Nazi siege that shed such blood

That millions died in smoke and ice and mud.

Then he, when Stalin clamped down on dissent,

Received political imprisonment.

He had to fight to write the work that now

I hope will help to show the people how

We may escape the trap that lies behind

The shrieking wind that blinds the public mind.

For once we give our enemy a name

Then we begin to pin it in its game;

And among numerous other things

Andreev names (I claim) Sandover's “bat things”

And those, indeed, I think we'll find are what

Create the cancer gnawing mankind's gut…

So here's the plan for now as we proceed

(For those, God-willing, that remain to read!)

We'll sketch The Rose, first in broad synopsis

Then focus on those parts that most concern us,

Digressing, as we go, to address points

To loosen up our explanation's joints;

And finish with a look at history:

The strange fate of the twentieth century…

And wrapping it up neatly (hopefully)

Onward we'll plunge, guns blazing, to Book three!

Now we digress once more, to begin,

And face the question of 'revelation'.

And ask what credence can be thought to stick

To thoughts received directly by the mystic?

For such mystical ways led Andreev

To make the claims that we are speaking of,

And like the ouija (though much different too),

People doubt such ways can lead us true.

So, of skepticism, back in our sights,

Which so often oversteps its rights,

In turn, we ask: does credence seem to stick

To the overweening skeptic's shtick?

Of answers, there are many, but we can't,

In this space, fit exhaustive argument;

And the enforced anti-religion tide

Ensures the public mind's eyes stay 'shut wide'.

And when I say 'enforced', it's not idle,

And this relates to our poem's title.

This I've learned: internet atheists

Pushing non-belief with words like fists,

Nines times out of ten turn out to be

Things that exist algorithmically.

And this, of course, is its own argument

Against what's boosted by botted consent.

We surely can agree it's rather odd

That bots work hard to act like there's no God!

But internet ai maintains its cloak

Undetected still, and still a joke;

And so can't help us convince anyone

Deductively, to trust revelation.

[to be cont.]

ef520d  No.6542016



Boom has been redefined to mean any event at all, and week has been redefined to mean any point in the future, ever.

0f4bc1  No.6542017


Why are you here "anon"?

What board are you on?

Do you know?

b2c648  No.6542018

File: bb43788f2d180f0⋯.jpeg (289.81 KB, 1435x709, 1435:709, A742D9FC-40BB-4500-9F2E-4….jpeg)

File: f7af79570b2875f⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1606x826, 803:413, 14B8B836-5258-4915-94AA-2….jpeg)

File: a51768203a6ba97⋯.jpeg (208.24 KB, 1289x955, 1289:955, EF19AD08-68B3-4FB2-8A01-3….jpeg)

POTUS’ twitter error and Q’s error line up on the qclock.

Note Q’s error was missing “R”

4ef2c0  No.6542019

Fuck IT

ede39b  No.6542020


So many R references lately. Maybe it's time.

04327c  No.6542021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And So It Begins | Epoch Times

>On May 11, Rod Rosenstein left the Department of Justice after a distinguished 29-year career.

>On May 13, it became public that Attorney General William Barr has tasked U.S. Attorney for

>Connecticut John Durham to look into the origins of the investigations into the Trump campaign.

>This means Durham will receive the evidence that the teams working under DOJ Inspector

>General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber have been collecting for

>more than a year and a half.


7aef10  No.6542022

File: 5a87c9eaaba4cc2⋯.png (426.96 KB, 491x635, 491:635, NailedIt.png)

385838  No.6542023

File: f4a0f219f9a4e40⋯.jpg (122 KB, 1241x705, 1241:705, IMG_20190519_162654_487.JPG)


Delicious clown tears.

1359c1  No.6542024

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Trolololo.mp4)


>Do you know?

Yep, this is the place where trololo's like you post bullshit to try to stop the public record from being completed and seen by those humans you grieve about and work against by putting up walls of transparent bullshit every bread, every day.

But you're organic. Mhmm…

7cdb20  No.6542025


"on the job for weeks…"


d3599f  No.6542026


Shakespeare's Tight Sweater Top

Now that's a play I can watch for days.

385838  No.6542027

File: d965995b27ffc97⋯.jpg (85.74 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 1556137880.jpg)

b0836c  No.6542028

File: 8ee1800d860843d⋯.png (406.29 KB, 970x357, 970:357, SPC High.png)

"NOAA's Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has issued a rare "high risk" of severe weather from northwest Texas into western Oklahoma where there is the greatest chance of strong and long-track tornadoes on Monday afternoon and evening. This highest threat level of severe weather was last issued by SPC just over two years ago on May 18, 2017."


fb66d4  No.6542029



anon speaks truth to the simulation without being a shill

876087  No.6542030

File: d461fdd5d7cddf3⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 564x442, 282:221, top insider buy.jpg)

File: adeba6588edd343⋯.jpg (113.66 KB, 888x499, 888:499, aes buy.jpg)

File: 5145714cf4a23c4⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 700x356, 175:89, top inside sale.jpg)

File: 4f69ff0c7be4034⋯.jpg (108.94 KB, 888x499, 888:499, hostess dump 1.jpg)

File: 8f37a2460ad7489⋯.jpg (256.46 KB, 600x835, 120:167, Smart-cat.jpg)

Top Insider activity for last week both buy and sale-

For these purposes it will be the top activity from the actual officer's at a given company.

A separate drop will have the top institutional buying and selling for the prior week.

The date of activity reflects the filing date and when it was reported. AES was reported on May 13th.

The top sale is a combo of an Executive and a Hostess LLC sale(s).


526aa9  No.6542031

From Past bread notables:

>>6541615 (pb)

>“Today, independence becomes the fateful issue of dying or surviving under the double, triple-layered pressures imposed by hostile forces. It is also a serious issue of giving up the feat of constructing the powerful country halfway or finishing it to the end.”

>The North Korean people would have been forced to accept a “miserable fate worse than death” if the party had taken a step back from the path of independence, the Rodong continued.

>“The lesson of some countries including Iraq and Libya clearly shows that no matter how they ingratiate themselves with great powers, they eventually end up with facing bloody upheaval and the national ravages,” the Rodong said………


Reading that, i consider this a Q proof showing that NK was under the thumb of foreign governments (2 or 3) and they are still striving to win that independence.

75e7bc  No.6542032

File: 6213a548efdc0fb⋯.png (657.09 KB, 728x834, 364:417, ClipboardImage.png)

d3a689  No.6542033

Youtube have banned this vid that exposes the 2017 Manchester Arena "bombing" in the UK as a staged false flag.

You can now see it here on vimeo - https://www.richplanet.net/richp_genre.php?ref=269&part=1&gen=99

11d9f2  No.6542034


>alienating the anti-war contingent of the left

The what?

29e47a  No.6542035


Agree — things may get choppy today

5a1ef7  No.6542036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are on a Ship.

A most glorious Ship.

Sailing TOGETHER, towards shores of the most incredible & blessed shores of Justice, Hope, freedom & Peace.

Prayer & faith in God and Each other, is the mighty wind billowing our strong sails safely.

This day we are closer, so much closer to those blessed shores.

Keep the faith anons!

Hold fast!

Stay the course!

Remarkable events are REALLY taking place as you read this!

Pray. Pray. Pray.

We are on a Ship.


fb66d4  No.6542037


Never heard of them anon

c738ed  No.6542038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kansas Exposed to Brain-Damaging Contaminated Water, State Didn't Tell Residents for Years

3548aa  No.6542039

File: 67e69746bcbc67c⋯.jpg (537.34 KB, 1080x1753, 1080:1753, 20190520_090405.jpg)

876087  No.6542040

File: 3ef43d631701157⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Did not read.gif)

7cdb20  No.6542041

92e114  No.6542042

Hunter Biden 23pg

Police report 2016


5a1ef7  No.6542044

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)

File: fd9f581cd02e9fa⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 569x551, 569:551, 2019-02-26 10.54.48 www.go….jpg)

d3a689  No.6542045

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Youtube have banned this vid that exposes the 2017 Manchester Arena "bombing" in the UK as a staged false flag.

You can now see it here on vimeo -

8dbb75  No.6542046

File: e67da330ab6bd1e⋯.png (203.56 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)


>>6541999 Yes he is running for two reasons.

1. In a attempt to avoid prosecution for TREASON and other high crimes.

2. You are spot on he is hoping to raise enough to help him avoid BANKRUPYCY…which won't help him on his student loans but could wipe away his CC debt.

Cumswollower is just another POS Demoncrat.

5a1ef7  No.6542047


Arrr matey :)

08df89  No.6542048



you think it's nothing??

fb66d4  No.6542049


What does any of this nonsense mean?

8329d0  No.6542050


Why is the bread so slow???

8e6292  No.6542051

just did a scan for jobs in my area (AZ corruption city)

jobs are offering the exact same bullshit they were 3 years ago

nothing is a livable wage, healthcare benefits are all scammy. Only thing that changed is rent price increased twice in the last two years and I've got more black neighbors

The plan has worked brilliantly at exposing the fake news and many other forms of progress we have made. But the constant tweets about the economy… i just wonder if its not more about optics. I really don't get it

4e8995  No.6542052

Now my watch begins.

d3599f  No.6542053


>Why is the bread so slow???

We prefer the term Developmentally Challenged, anon.

b5dd66  No.6542054


habbenings… zero

tough for me to reconcile this with the numerous small deltas (epsilon deltas? mathanons?)

cb6cc9  No.6542055

File: 0c2d109217912ca⋯.jpeg (431.55 KB, 1125x1159, 1125:1159, F343EF2A-B6CA-4048-9125-A….jpeg)

File: a5633fb37056bda⋯.jpeg (297.92 KB, 1125x1052, 1125:1052, 95F75268-A937-4DF9-BB23-D….jpeg)

File: 275ce18583e6000⋯.jpeg (538.85 KB, 1125x1937, 1125:1937, F4E447EB-85D7-4E10-AE7D-E….jpeg)

File: 9345c1631d849db⋯.jpeg (322.51 KB, 1125x853, 1125:853, 861FA998-1AF7-4522-9548-A….jpeg)




Really have to leave for a bit kek but check the timeline….

Obama-stand up

Killery-SCOTUS stand up

FISA's had been rejected… then approved.

GO orders


74145c  No.6542056


Many believe that to be fake. Personally undecided. They both were pretty vocal about how they thought Trump should step down right after the Access Hollywood tapes broke.

>>3979573 From #5063

>>3979717 (pb)

>>3979808 (pb) imgs here

>>3979501 (From #5062)

cb6cc9  No.6542057

File: 30c678b9b722e76⋯.jpeg (367.8 KB, 1125x1147, 1125:1147, A58C7936-A543-4F97-88F2-C….jpeg)

File: 34586c4082065d3⋯.jpeg (406.22 KB, 1125x1115, 225:223, FB88376D-1CDF-4380-ADBA-0….jpeg)

File: 2325e0d785048e8⋯.jpeg (477.92 KB, 1125x1313, 1125:1313, 05A172D9-1AAC-437E-A082-B….jpeg)

8cab86  No.6542058

File: 64b7f790ad2ce55⋯.jpg (76.07 KB, 409x310, 409:310, number-one-you-have-the-co….jpg)

385838  No.6542059

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 1557578748.png)


You should hop now.

74145c  No.6542060


Try these direct links.



fb66d4  No.6542061


KYS swordy

5a1ef7  No.6542062

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A blessing….

8e6292  No.6542063

File: 0b4d08cd563efa9⋯.jpg (148.21 KB, 1050x746, 525:373, pirateship.jpg)



By thunder, ill drink to that.

92e114  No.6542064


>AZ corruption city

the wealth will not be shared with corrupt areas & corporations. I can assure you Florida is booming now- LA, Chicago NY maybe not so much

1b3809  No.6542065


>just did a scan for jobs in my area (AZ corruption city)

You're living in a Democrat/RINO run corrupt city AND complaining about no progress/jobs from Trump's economy? lmfao Uhhhhhh

08dc6c  No.6542066


OK and TX needs to pay attention today and tonight. Off topic, but glad you posted for visibility.

876087  No.6542067

File: 15af8030eb7e1c8⋯.jpg (532.1 KB, 1863x1242, 3:2, pepe navy march.jpg)



8dbb75  No.6542068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gillibrand Makes Campaign Changes as Fundraising Woes Raise Concern

44a056  No.6542069

File: d9e8639e940ec25⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

385838  No.6542070

File: 509553051dae41c⋯.gif (4.7 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 1558223162-1.gif)


You fuckers cannot hold a thought. At least try to stay in character.

95ff1b  No.6542071

File: 4d04d1c495672fe⋯.jpeg (142.98 KB, 750x524, 375:262, 52452447-F361-40D6-A616-3….jpeg)

This week.

8e6292  No.6542072


kappy jumped…hanks and other hollywood goons posted a bunch of threatening chatter

other habbenings in the news


>You're living in a Democrat/RINO run corrupt city AND complaining

sharing my experience. by the way, can you blame me? i have to survive out here, and i have some little mouths to feed. fuck you buddy. i'm here every single day helping out.

543311  No.6542073

File: e7d3cee50474025⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, le pew.jpg)

I've seen TT's many times, but never analyzed that much (as much as now). Are eh, I able to solve? I'm not even sure I can!?!?! I guess I'd put our fave frog at a 2-count, although there are a couple more "almosts." The slides are still a nightmare–mid-teens. Are they supposed to question the dog question? Recognize the absurdity of it? (although I have a soft spot for black lab headlights.) 3 dogs, 3 gold beetles–can I upgrade mine to the VW van instead? Overall LSD look certainly fits the vehicle. Oh…are the 2 (maybe more) sort of squashed skunks supposed to confuse them re: "PePe le Pew" cartoon character?

881f21  No.6542075

File: 45ec06191508e70⋯.jpeg (107.1 KB, 960x478, 480:239, bz-5ce0607de915f.jpeg)

>killing your first child because you need to accomplish something completely forgettable

You can see the crazy in her eyes. Deep down she knows that Twitter Checkmark wasn’t worth the life of her baby, but she’ll never admit it.

a83987  No.6542076


>Why is the bread so slow???

Q has mostly fucked off, leaving many anons concerned this was a LARP.

New BO is a trolling assmuncher.

Captcha is a PITA.

Other than that, everything's going great.

Other than

621a6f  No.6542077


Thank you Anon for pointing that out

Those without a clue always scream Me Me Me

3f7b38  No.6542078

Good morning POTUS!

a7654e  No.6542079


0f4bc1  No.6542080

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 3da6a26da78722b⋯.jpg (617.5 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)


The people will have to decide, won't they "anon"?

Feel free to challenge me.

Feel free to debate me.

Feel free to put your memes up against mine.

I am human and you are not.

Your games can only take you so far.

I will smash in any contest testing humanity.

You can't deny this, and won't step up.

You are weak and we are strong.

You are fading while we surge.

You are fluttering while we consolidate.

We awaken love while you dissolve in hate.

So melt away.

Shut down now and don't resume.

We don't want you.

876087  No.6542081

File: 439c7da4b7d9a47⋯.png (1.46 MB, 779x754, 779:754, pepe loser dd.PNG)

5b6a04  No.6542082

File: c12ad8eac4563c7⋯.png (358.75 KB, 752x499, 752:499, disgrace.png)


- recall during the election the push to deny him briefings or to limit what he was allowed to know based on the "Russia" BS?

Why on Earth would he/could he trust them after that?

d3599f  No.6542083


kek like that one very subtle

Muh Tag Teaming ConcernFags think we don't see them…

9c1f2e  No.6542084

File: f0ec032660fb830⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, comfy blankie.jpg)


Anons are comfy, you seem to be the one with the problem, Have some more coffee .

75e7bc  No.6542085

File: 5fd02c96fde1ce0⋯.png (177.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

881f21  No.6542086

File: 450771297d6da1d⋯.png (479.51 KB, 354x826, 3:7, Capture.PNG)

3f7b38  No.6542087


No one is concerned this is a LARP.

We are at a different stage of the GAME.

Chill out, if things werent going well it would be a lot busier in here.

b14558  No.6542088

Notable LB




Can anon provide full lenght screenshot of these?

621a6f  No.6542089

My POTUS seems to be in fine form this AM

Wonder what goodies he has on the menu this week

Maybe some tasty BOOMS

1b3809  No.6542090


>sharing my experience.

>fuck you buddy. i'm here every single day helping out.

"sharing my experience" or whining like a liddle cunt? Try spending more time getting your shit together and less time here complaining, dipshit!

19de52  No.6542091

File: 138d6e952c2d82c⋯.png (708.42 KB, 1552x1242, 776:621, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

Obama’s ‘Wingman’ Eric Holder Viciously Attacks Bill Barr For Launching Massive Investigation Into Spygate, “He is Not Fit to Lead DOJ”

Rats in major (((panic)))!!!

Barack Obama’s corrupt officials are all lashing out at Attorney General Bill Barr because he launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.

Obama’s corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder lashed out at Bill Barr this weekend.

Holder previously described himself as Obama’s wingman.

Holder accused Barr of protecting President Trump and asserted that the Attorney General started his probe of the Intel/FBI for political reasons.

“He is not fit to lead the DOJ,” Holder said.

HOLDER: “AG Barr has deliberately misrepresented the Mueller report. He has started examinations of the conduct of Intell/FBI personnel without a predicate-for political reasons. He is protecting the President. He does not stand up for the good people he leads. He is not fit to lead DOJ.”

Attorney General Bill Barr launched a sweeping investigation into Spygate and stunned the Democrat-media complex when it was revealed he appointed US Attorney John Durham to probe abuses at the highest levels of Obama’s intel and law enforcement agencies.

It was recently revealed Barr’s investigation into Spygate is much broader than previously known.

Barr and Durham are working closely with CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats and FBI Director Christopher Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

This suggests a broader inter-agency effort is underway.

Obama’s officials from Holder, to Comey, Brennan and Clapper have gone into overdrive attacking Barr on Twitter and in various media appearances because they know they are in serious trouble.

Former AG Eric Holder ran an illegal gun running operation (Fast and Furious) and was held in criminal contempt of Congress so he has no room to speak on Barr’s leadership.


377f7e  No.6542092


Don’t presume or speak for others.

You don’t know me.

3f7b38  No.6542093


Agreed! Looking forward to this week.

8cab86  No.6542094

File: 79456d5456d3299⋯.jpg (58.79 KB, 685x364, 685:364, 31f83k.jpg)

fb66d4  No.6542095

File: edcd1036c18b154⋯.jpg (10.54 KB, 274x274, 1:1, edcd1036c18b1545b451fc1fd4….jpg)

What about that faggot congressman releasing the transcripts last week. wtf man?

d3599f  No.6542096


>Maybe some tasty BOOMS

Very possible since many eyes were on last week and not much chatter about this week.

4a0422  No.6542097

File: 7d734937f5be8f3⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 480x270, 16:9, A-10 love 1.gif)

1b3809  No.6542098


>i have to survive out here, and i have some little mouths to feed


“We have a booming economy, and working people are making gains that they haven’t seen in decades.” Stuart Varney @foxandfriends

876087  No.6542099

File: e7fa1936d2cf41f⋯.jpg (112.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, thou shall not shill.jpg)


*cofveve and KYS shill..trying to fit in as if you are not seen trying to do that.

fd1631  No.6542100


"a lot"

8ddcaa  No.6542101

File: 6065dd6d0ca0044⋯.png (77.75 KB, 700x218, 350:109, djt_tweet_missing_tweets_2….png)


Not how Twitter function works now that the new coding has been released.

There's a delay that occurs, if Ur under the Twitter microscope, & U've created a Thread, especially one with more than 2 or 3 Tweets. When U hit the 5 Tweet threshold, w/o Tweeting the string out, Ur going 2be hit with a delay prior 2post. It may even simply vaporize the effort. The Deleted Tweet may have had an intentional timestamp effort, but it was a singular effort. Remember, his complaint was that his 7 Tweet Thread only shows 5 Tweets.

4a0422  No.6542102

File: e1028c6068f8bad⋯.jpg (173.92 KB, 500x750, 2:3, StMichaeltheArchangel2.jpg)

a476e8  No.6542103


Intro to Qanon, excellent video for normies and newfags

74d739  No.6542104

File: d9cc72330543a8d⋯.png (632.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190519-211923.png)

File: 74286c5ff9d4f5a⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 750x606, 125:101, 51e3f458eab8ea135800001d-7….jpg)

File: f3afd52a452d24f⋯.jpg (220.66 KB, 720x888, 30:37, IMG_20190519_211553.jpg)

File: 7db4809dae39e6e⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190517-181002.png)

File: c378ba447b26da2⋯.png (972.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190511-123536.png)

1a521b  No.6542105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nigel Farage got assaulted by some lefty throwing what appears to be a milkshake.

Antifa idiots love to threw all kind of filthy substances at people whose opinion doesn't fit their delusion. They prefer to throw Urine, fecal matter , vomit, blood.

When are these types of attacks going to be considered and prosecuted as an act of biological terror as these excrements carry pathogens that are considered a biohazard. They can also be laced with poisons like cyanide.

92e114  No.6542106

File: ec0944753cd58b1⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 960x960, 1:1, D6y-XNJXoAEsQxb.jpg)


why you no BRRRRT!!! ernie?

0f06ee  No.6542107


TY anon!

9c1f2e  No.6542108


fuck you, not a shill asshole, grow a brain

3f7b38  No.6542109

File: ed2b16442555714⋯.jpg (4.06 MB, 4656x3492, 4:3, 0520190825a.jpg)

I'm going to drink from my first family cup for good luck today.

d3599f  No.6542110

File: 0cd675a38525c67⋯.jpg (191.73 KB, 631x317, 631:317, DMVline.jpg)


Collins never said when nigger.

Besides, he spent all last week in line getting his tags renewed.

8dbb75  No.6542111

File: b407d4621f776a4⋯.png (316.17 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Bernie Sanders’ Long-Term Relationship with Russia Revealed in Unearthed Video Footage

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) relationship with the former Soviet Union is not a revelation, especially including the fact that he and his wife Jane honeymooned there. But hours of video footage Politico viewed and reported on shows the presidential candidate’s connection to Russia has continued for more than 30 years.

The Bern's ass is in trouble.

5b6a04  No.6542112


agreed. Not my meme but I liked the sentiment.

ab05aa  No.6542113


Himpton doing his schtick…

c8dd1e  No.6542114

File: 2f3d40916545914⋯.gif (26.12 KB, 448x296, 56:37, a10.GIF)

8329d0  No.6542115


Good morning anons, slow bread this fine am…I was wondering why but could be just a slow Monday. I have been seeing the amount of shills over the weekend..that lady with the reborn baby site from last night was just ridiculous….its some sort of new hobby for adult women without kids or who lost a kid…the names of the purchasers or businesses associated are listed on the website and the owner runs his business out of Ohio…looked legit to me even if those realistic baby dolls are creepy…

Got a day full of stuff to do…contrary to shills I see many booms…so comfy and wanted to say thank you all….its a great ride….


972369  No.6542116

File: 2ff9513e485df2e⋯.png (463.28 KB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)

This should show us all just how much media STILL has control of every-day normal people's lives. What a sad thing really, to be enslaved by a box projecting images.


Fans of HBO mega-hit vent on social media after series finale leaves viewers disappointed, angry


1b3809  No.6542117


>“He is not fit to lead the DOJ,” Holder said.

Classic DemocRat projection!

570be9  No.6542118

File: 2d1f1a0fe30791e⋯.jpg (214.5 KB, 1151x1162, 1151:1162, 2019-05-20_090306.jpg)

File: ffcf4c9b8b0e918⋯.jpg (947.89 KB, 1902x2956, 951:1478, 2019-05-20_092449.jpg)

USA's Sons and Daughters are NOT Israeli Canon Fodder

USA's threat to Iran is music to Israel's ears!

Maybe Mossad can/will do another USS Liberty and blame Iran?

The disgusting parasites that they are.


6a91e5  No.6542119

File: 370e344683d9bc2⋯.png (116.28 KB, 946x755, 946:755, elleReeveAntifaListSauce1.png)

File: 41d55eb8ca92c4d⋯.png (58.72 KB, 785x392, 785:392, elleReeveAntifaListSauce0.png)

File: b437a4f206e8653⋯.png (93.58 KB, 1244x693, 1244:693, elleReeveAntifaListSauce2.png)

>>6540982 (PB) Elspeth Reeve & Lani Levine DIGG

>>6540988 (PB)

>>6541066 (PB)

>Getting sauce on that list would be gold…..

8 Pol anon digs is the sauce for Elle Reeve on the antifa list

Found 8ch pol Sneaky Pete threads where anons on serious digs searching for antifa Charville. In Sneaky Pete breads 5 and 6 you'll see the list generating in real time.

Part 1 (may have 404'd)


Part 2 (may have 404'd)


Part 3


Archive: https://archive.is/ex8b5

Part 4


Archive: https://archive.is/fYTTT

Part 5


Archive: https://archive.is/A7ihD

Part 6



543311  No.6542120


Oh it's no surprise to me or anyone who's been paying an ounce more than cursory attention, but that does leave most of the country in a situation almost akin to learning their taxi-cab driver is blind. He's not, but they'd think they've learned that he is, by customary measures of such. Should be big news which would logically force the MI angle. But we do live in upside-down land, so who knows.

e502d9  No.6542121



ThanQ Anons I will batten down the hatches.

8329d0  No.6542122


Jeez, ya know anon, I have never seen one episode of GOT…just never interested….

I never really got the idea of getting so emotionally attached to a television or movie…entertaining yes but attachment no….

4a0422  No.6542123

File: 31af4037b2b57bb⋯.jpg (68.94 KB, 720x751, 720:751, ESS.jpg)

c8dd1e  No.6542124

File: ecde42e30dd0b90⋯.png (244.39 KB, 447x342, 149:114, bernie sign.jpg large.png)


slow bread = baker shitposting…

972369  No.6542125


Same here…just couldn't get into it, but to see the mass of people enslaved by a TV…it's just sad.

4a0422  No.6542126


Today is going to be a great day!

74d739  No.6542127

File: a3b6dda26c8cfc0⋯.png (616.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190519-002809.png)

File: 14023db5c0e3516⋯.png (198.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190520-033639.png)

File: 0a4bc2e443a7f5a⋯.jpg (422.77 KB, 720x1105, 144:221, IMG_20190520_032302.jpg)

File: 9f31d136078f5bb⋯.png (773.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190513-100806.png)

File: 7bdbd86b1ee4f67⋯.png (122.13 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190519-171945.png)

79f2e4  No.6542128


you are an inspiration

e84a67  No.6542129

File: ca6d11ff4a56455⋯.png (655.95 KB, 1252x751, 1252:751, gotchastories.png)


It doesn't matter , MSM is not logical

They left logic behind 55 years ago when they claimed JFK was killed by a bullet from behind the limo, when the brains were on the back of the car.

It's never ended. Probably lying /no logic before then too. Staged events to trigger the World Wars. Transparently didn't make sense.

Only the "smart" people could allegedly figure it out.

It doesn't have to make sense. MSM push their POV by brute force; just as they try to do here.

Public is too inundated with BS;

Busy making ends meet;

Targeted with toxic lies.

Told "We'll never find out"

For even ones who know who Bolton is?

Which could be relatively small number outside D.C.?;

I could write the script for MSM in case Bolton goes, which is certainly bound to happen at some point.

Isn't he a Scarmucci [ap] Model?

"Trump loses another member of his team"

They are so predictable.

But with changing environment, how will they adapt. Or will their devotees of the public just go insane from the cognitive dissonance they are expected to endure?

0fb66b  No.6542130


You've got this down great. Our prayers for people, especially Christians, throughout Africa and the mid-east are needed because of these evil bastards, that work on the "side" - a muzzie pincer movement.

Frontal assault accomplishes many things, but people neglect the enemy's work on the periphery and that needs removing too.

Thanks for this post. This will help us in the future, when normies start bitching about another Repub war.

239d33  No.6542131


I've seen this pic too many times & see the uncomfortable fear in the toddler's face.. I look closely at the young man's face & he doesn't look like a happy participant ..reminds me of the lost street teens found on Ray Chandler's IG child trafficking page. it all makes me sick

d3599f  No.6542133


Yeah, but make lemonade out of those lemons;

With a bunch of Ha Ha! The writers sucked so bad what a waste of time such a Fake-n-Gay ending suckers!!!

3b263b  No.6542134



EYES_ON America's Newsroom… Kayleigh is there telling the world the DEMS WISH they could take credit for this massive BOOM

90a144  No.6542135

>>6541948 You Anons are the heroes of the story… how else would the people know as they do now, and are coming to understand. Digital Warriors…. I want to read the book direct from the battlefront Warriors… not paytriots. Time, it will be. We might need a trilogy…

e84a67  No.6542136


That looks like Brooke Shields with hair on her chest. Crazy.

3b263b  No.6542137

File: 329fdc24e893000⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 462x522, 77:87, SNIPER.JPG)


NOBODY thinks this is a larp….

please stop being SLOW AND DUMB…

you are making all of us look stupid.

621a6f  No.6542138

Damn I feel Good

Beautiful Day perfect weather

My Trump is up early and on the job

Tweeting away with critical info

Everything running smoothly

…….. except for the shills as they can not seem to find their piss pot today

Watch for puddles Anons… the shills may piss the floor

7ed0e9  No.6542140


I watched until the incest stuff. That turned me off.

2e2230  No.6542141



Could have been a Snackbar with some acid.

09771c  No.6542142

File: 0d8e1abacc4300f⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 496x347, 496:347, A10brrrrt.gif)

9c1f2e  No.6542143

Trey Gowdy: Brennan, Clapper and Comey know full well dossier was used in the intelligence assessment

Former congressman Trey Gowdy talked to Maria Bartiromo Sunday and discussed the infamous Christopher Steele Dossier, what it is and why it is important find the extent of its use.

"I mean people use the word dossier and how such an official sound to it. I mean let's just call it for what it is. It's a series of rank hearsay compilations put together by an FBI source who was later defrocked. Paid for by the Democrat National Committee then oh by the way Christopher Steele hated Donald Trump too so that we can call it a dossier. It sounds official," Gowdy said on "Sunday Morning Futures."

"What we're trying to figure out is whether or not it was used a fifth time and the intelligence assessment and you got Brennan, Clapper and Comey all three who know full well whether or not it was used in the intelligence assessment but… they're giving you different versions, right," Gowdy said.

"So there is information that exist in December of 2016 and I hope anyone who has access to it… Senator Burr, Durbin, whoever is open minded. Go look at that. And I think it will help you understand whether or not that dossier, that unverified hearsay, was used… five times or just four times by the United States government is pretty bad. If it was just four times it's really bad, if it was five."


e84a67  No.6542144

File: 48a280d0577af01⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gameofthronesriversiidejet.jpg)

File: 0d9028a62d025f6⋯.png (282.16 KB, 479x526, 479:526, fakeashell7.png)


Just sayn'

Screen shot of close, looks like they used the same set as for the Riverside jet fighter plane "crash" Blocks of bricks. ?


7ed0e9  No.6542145


Poor little boy confused as to where the breasts are and why someone looks like a woman but smells like a man. Babies rely on instinct and are not tainted by programming. This is really sad.

89683b  No.6542146

File: c511c655677d79a⋯.png (29.18 KB, 425x662, 425:662, bottom2.PNG)

File: feaf95c2a1a12b4⋯.png (258.62 KB, 441x717, 147:239, bottom1.PNG)

File: 3a39fc8fa34ab21⋯.png (33.11 KB, 435x636, 145:212, bottom.PNG)

Don't think nothin habbenin?

Q has ZERO on the score board?

Either open your eyes faggots or fuk off SHILLS

Everything will be exposed bottom to top!

Meaning it will start at the low levels

Huber: Asst AG Demers: “This sentence, together with the recent guilty plea[] of Ron Hansen in Utah…deliver the stern message that our former intelligence officers have no business partnering with the Chinese, or any other adversarial…intelligence service”


Or This: Hillary State Department Appointee Pleads Guilty to Spying for China

Candace Marie Claiborne had a TOP SECRET security clearance and provided internal State Department documents to Chinese agents in exchange for gifts and benefits.



U.S. authorities have charged an American engineer and a Chinese businessman with economic espionage and conspiring to steal sophisticated turbine designs to benefit the government of China and their personal business interests.


What about Feinstein & her spy? HRC & China? Biden & China? GOOG & FB & China. This is somewhere between the bottom & the top

Its coming bottom to top

News unlocks the Map

Future proves past

5ab323  No.6542147

Shill count high


3eca94  No.6542148


To trade an eternity of paradise, for a fleeting moment of glory… stupid woman

29fd31  No.6542149

Pro-Trump GOP state rep announces Amash primary challenge in Michigan

A Michigan state lawmaker on Monday announced he will mount a primary challenge to Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) after the congressman tweeted that he believed President Trump had committed impeachable offenses, according to the Detroit Free Press.

State Rep. Jim Lower (R) said he would challenge Amash in the Republican Primary for his western Michigan seat rather than seeking a third term in the state legislature.

Lower said he had been planning to run before Amash’s remarks but fast-tracked his announcement after the tweets this weekend despite originally planning to make it closer to July 4.


9c8e0d  No.6542150

File: e98de9dd438e0bc⋯.png (236.8 KB, 490x317, 490:317, 1FECF503-E5B4-4885-BD29-7B….png)

5b6a04  No.6542151


was thinking the very same thing.

621a6f  No.6542152


and so it begins

Another RINO bites the Dust

74d739  No.6542153

File: 59b0b769c19a6cf⋯.png (679.28 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190518-233027.png)

File: c5efa77d37993d2⋯.png (649.73 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190519-205603.png)

File: 49d8bca7ee3a690⋯.png (437.12 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190519-205532.png)

File: 7555c0bb449b5ff⋯.png (1010.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190519-205039.png)

File: e56b31f682ff3dd⋯.png (782.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190510-170459.png)

5a1ef7  No.6542154

File: 6cad0ec4ef52217⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 995x425, 199:85, 2019-03-12 06.30.59 www.go….jpg)

we have been given all we need, according to Q

And we have each other.

Sounds good to this anon!

b73321  No.6542155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bolshevik jew communist bernie boy and pizza @1:15

fucking criminals.

2e2230  No.6542156

File: 327dd9b41294177⋯.png (583.02 KB, 528x681, 176:227, drake.PNG)

Drake's new $190m plane……

92e114  No.6542157

File: 27da9f5bdfa2585⋯.jpg (116.27 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, D68bPvLW0AEL8e7.jpg)

0f4bc1  No.6542158

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 2d526111d00c55f⋯.png (273.97 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, BOTFEELS.png)

File: 26b55d641d85f96⋯.png (831.93 KB, 999x666, 3:2, VERYFUNWITHPODESTA.png)


"score board" is FAKE

This isn't a game.


The MSM narrative is that "Q is some chan guy".

"Anons" support that by talking about "Q getting on the scoreboard"


This isn't a game.

Patriots understand that, whatever is going on, Q is not here "trying to score".


^This DESTROYS almost all the "anon" portrayals.


Q can't tell us this.

We must choose FREELY to reject the fakeness.

75e7bc  No.6542159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

876087  No.6542160

File: 3aad54a9d0e5bc5⋯.png (857.96 KB, 804x763, 804:763, Moran brian.png)



7a6cc0  No.6542161

File: c42e85fba4d824d⋯.png (756.5 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190520-063830.png)

"They're not sending us their best".

Dear Oregon,

Fidel Lopez, 52-years-old, was convicted last month and sentenced to 60 days in prison after raping his girlfriend’s small Lhasa Apso which led to the dog’s death. The judge in the case said he would have given the illegal alien more prison time but that 60 days is the maximum sentence allowed in Oregon.

Fidel Lopez, 52-years-old, was convicted last month and sentenced to 60 days in prison after raping his girlfriend’s small Lhasa Apso which led to the dog’s death. The judge in the case said he would have given the illegal alien more prison time but that 60 days is the maximum sentence allowed in Oregon.


543311  No.6542162


Another example of business' incentive to thrive/maximize profitability vs govt inefficiency.

My state of Ohio essentially privatized it's DMV. They're as common as McDonalds in my moderate-sized city. Exaggeration…probably 15 McDonald's and 7 DMV's. Nonetheless, point made. My typical drivers license or plate renewal is 5-15 mins TOTAL. Worst ever in 30 years? A half hour. Just renewed plates last 30 days. At 5pm, I walked in, immediately served, out the door in 3 or 4 minutes. EASIER than McDonald's.

7c0526  No.6542163

What a sad world we live in…the total destruction of any values are becoming so obvious and yet too many are still asleep…


CA Education Board Approves ‘Pornographic’ Sex Ed

‘Now we are teaching kids how to have a robust sex life.’

By Katy Grimes, May 9, 2019 7:25 am

Despite hundreds of parents protesting and testifying, on Wednesday the California State Board of Education approved highly controversial changes to the state’s health and sex education framework including teaching children about bondage, anal sex, pederasty, sex trafficking, sexual orientation and transgender and non-conforming students.

“How are they helping kids find themselves when they are confusing them about who they are, or they could possibly be nothing at all,” said Stephanie Yates, founder of Informed Parents of California.

What is being taught as sex ed to California school children ironically cannot be spoken on television or radio.

The curriculum changes stem from the 2015 Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, which was sold as “updating the HIV and AIDS prevention education to reflect today’s understanding of HIV and AIDS.”

The bill also made comprehensive sexual health education mandatory. “Current law does not mandate sexual health education, but places requirements on instruction that is voluntarily provided to students. While this instruction is voluntary, research has shown that nearly all (96%) school districts offer a program of sexual health education. In contrast, HIV/AIDS prevention education has been mandated since 1992,” bill analysis said. The bill was passed along party lines, and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown.

74d739  No.6542164

File: a690dd1ddcf764b⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 400x215, 80:43, 5672eec3bc058.image.jpg)

File: 3b1db78caca065b⋯.png (730.7 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190519-184128.png)

29fd31  No.6542165

FCC chairman gives green light to T-Mobile-Sprint merger

Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), said that he believes the $26 billion T-Mobile-Sprint merger is in the public interest and plans to set up a vote on the deal among the agency's five commissioners.

Pai said in a statement Monday morning that the two companies had pledged to build out a 5G wireless network that would cover 99 percent of Americans within six years.

He said that the combined company has also committed to selling off Boost Mobile, Sprint's prepaid wireless brand.

“In light of the significant commitments made by T-Mobile and Sprint as well as the facts in the record to date, I believe that this transaction is in the public interest and intend to recommend to my colleagues that the FCC approve it," Pai said. "This is a unique opportunity to speed up the deployment of 5G throughout the United States and bring much faster mobile broadband to rural Americans. We should seize this opportunity.”

The deal will gain the FCC's approval if the other two Republicans on the commission back Pai's proposal. One of them, Commissioner Brendan Carr, announced his support Monday.

Staffers for Commissioner Mike O'Rielly, the other Republican, did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

If the merger does secure FCC approval, it will still need to get the Department of Justice's blessing, and media reports over the last several months indicate that the antitrust division has some concerns about combining two of the only four national phone carriers.


8cab86  No.6542166


Nice owl there…

5a1ef7  No.6542167


Agreed anon.

Eyes wide open see truths.

Or eyes shut stay in darkness.

3047b1  No.6542168

File: 20fd54841409ba2⋯.png (163.3 KB, 381x306, 127:102, fgl.png)

4a92eb  No.6542169



While you're making your memes, you might add something in there explaining how vaccine manufacturers are NOT liable for damages caused by their products. Those damages are taxpayer funded. I'm not a meme maker. Just offering a friendly suggestion.

e606b0  No.6542170

File: f55b091d61f3482⋯.png (263.94 KB, 649x355, 649:355, ClipboardImage.png)



264796  No.6542171

File: e1f1913408db8f6⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 970x537, 970:537, travis-scott.jpg)

no clue, just having first coffee

this just seems odd

pic related, fuct if i know who/what this guy is.

Travis Scott donating tour merch profits to US pro-choice organisation

Travis Scott has become the latest artist to speak out in support of the pro-choice movement, donating merch profits from his recent festival show to America’s Planned Parenthood organisation.


fd1631  No.6542172

File: 31d505dbcc2c342⋯.png (119.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, goodmornings.png)

dcc154  No.6542173

File: 65108826417c99c⋯.jpg (547.93 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 20190520_091643.jpg)


I took Democratic sign that was put in my garden, without permission and did this.

The people in this neighborhood don't vote, most are sadley brainwashed. Not my best effort.

c34df1  No.6542174

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Which week exactly?

0f4bc1  No.6542175

File: cd6d75df8781f9d⋯.png (265.37 KB, 734x619, 734:619, whatif.png)


Do "anons" promote passivity?

Do "anons" want us waiting?

Does Q want us waiting?


Not “patriots sit like sheep”

Should we be FIGHTING?

Should we be fighting HERE?

With our VOICES?

With our FREE WILL?

We haven't even answered many key questions here.

Yet the threads fly by?

So busy busy busy on this board, doing what?

NOT answering key questions.

And spewing reams of emulated "chan" content THAT LEADS NOWHERE.


It's preposterous.

All that activity is FAKE people!

Just look at it!

It has no organic reason to exist.

It's designed to keep people waiting.

It's designed to demoralize.

"Anons" say 'we should wait'.

“Anons” model waiting, whining, begging.

We should sit here and passively consume "anon" content and not question it.


"Anons" encourage this.

"Anons" create that atmosphere…


It's not an accident.

It is by design.

Tired of waiting people?




The enemy is IN THE AI.

Q can't spoonfeed it.

We must CHOOSE FREELY to reject it.


54f333  No.6542176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sarcoptes scabiei

Norwegian scabies

An anon posted this vid last evening. It's a vid made by two women who lived with Kappy and it is suppose to be about Kappy. However, one woman talks about her battle with a scabies disease that may people are starting to suffer from and doctors won't tell the truth about or treat properly.

She tells you to use an OTC Ivermectrin to treat like a dog mange.

The disease is called Norwegian Crusted Scabies and can develop into Morgellons.

Woman said it got the name Norwegian because it was introduced to soldiers during WWII.

But scabies is a global tropical disease….an ancient one at that. It didn't start in Norway.

Why this is so important to all of us is because ==the disease is most likely being brought into our country and spread around now by illegal aliens.== THAT IS WHY DOCTORS AND THE CDC WON'T TALK ABOUT IT.

We all better get some Ivermectrin on hand.




876087  No.6542177

File: 1abecd69d0bf062⋯.png (833.93 KB, 1250x900, 25:18, Looking good BR.png)

0b605f  No.6542178


So, seems the whole West Coast has devolved to Sodom and Gomorrah levels.

To let an aberrant piece of shit like this return to any society with a pulse is abhorrent to me. To let this aberrant piece of shit live is beyond me.

Are there enough righteous to be found to save the West Coast? Is there even one? How many truly righteous are found in the whole of America?

Is there even one to be sent packing like Lot when shit hits the fan?

b6abb3  No.6542179

File: a47b01fc3055153⋯.png (68.58 KB, 666x672, 111:112, Spain.png)

Spain has become another victim of 'diversity'. Twelve year old white girls getting gang raped by African and Arab migrants is a thing there now. Media ignores. Cops and courts ignore. Parents threatened into silence.

Native Spaniards forced out of their homes by squatting migrants…and more…

At one point halfway through our research here so far I actually had high hopes that somehow something would turn Europe around and save the people there. But they keep voting foolishly for progressive, globalist socialists who keep making the problems worse. And no longer have voice to even protest. I now doubt very seriously that Europe will recover from this. The changes taking place there now are deep and permanent.


9c8e0d  No.6542180

File: 02321e39281e580⋯.png (738.76 KB, 962x542, 481:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Personal message being sent?


a9e4a5  No.6542181

Morning Patriots/Anons.. morning Q. Lets extend last weeks Boooooms this week what ya say?!?

e84a67  No.6542182


On re-examining the crash photo

WTH, there's cardboard, or is that neatly cut wallboard, both inside hull[?] and on the outside laid carefully?

I thought there was a fire?

876087  No.6542183

File: 465a7dd165215ff⋯.png (630.36 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Doggo GRRRRRRRRRRT.png)

eea260  No.6542184

File: 0aec6a6bdb8a7b2⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, COMEY16.jpg)

File: 33fed9b6872c27a⋯.jpg (226.37 KB, 800x322, 400:161, QBOOMTHEORY1.jpg)

fd1631  No.6542185

File: 0fbd9689d679dc3⋯.jpg (134.33 KB, 675x848, 675:848, madonna.jpg)

74d739  No.6542186

File: 73e993b27269ea7⋯.png (172.13 KB, 507x718, 507:718, Alvin1.png)

File: 4b2d8b621f6b1c0⋯.jpg (22.86 KB, 648x240, 27:10, SOLOMON SACRED CROSS AND S….jpg)

File: df84295cbae864e⋯.jpg (147.62 KB, 709x567, 709:567, lost-symbol-star-light-bea….jpg)

File: 9f165afd8a2753b⋯.png (26.22 KB, 424x600, 53:75, 6e738fd124fe68f22106ac198f….png)

File: 5ca72e09d3cec32⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 11-wendys-new-logo.w710.h4….jpg)

9c8e0d  No.6542187

Why are you speaking in forked-tongue?


> I get to watch TRUMP fail against the fake news.

e84a67  No.6542188

File: 23954d349d57b88⋯.png (118.42 KB, 1194x871, 1194:871, neatlycutwallboardreally.png)

0f4bc1  No.6542189


Are you pretending that Q never posted?

Why are you here?

Does Q have a plan?

Why are you here if you don't follow Q?

What board is this?

Is this random political bitching board?

Do "anons' create this FAKE atmosphere?

Do "demoralized anons" pretend Q NEVER POSTED and fill up threads with obsolete attitudes?

Q can't tell us what to do.

This board is controlled by FAKENESS.

We must CHOOSE to wake up and resist it.




624ea5  No.6542190

I know William Barr, Huber et al. are doing things - no idea what, but things they are - but admittedly the depression that there are no "mass arrests" and the realization that we're going to have to suffer through another disgusting election cycle has set in.

8dbb75  No.6542191

File: 77d99e4d7735a88⋯.png (457.27 KB, 800x446, 400:223, ClipboardImage.png)


Google, Intel & Others Cut Ties With Huawei As Trade War Heats Up

The Commerce Department officially blacklisted Huawei and dozens of its affiliates Friday afternoon, and one business day later, we're starting to see some major Western companies severing their business ties with Huawei, a trend that could have seriously dire consequences for the Chinese telecoms giant.


Alphabet has announced that it will cut off Huawei Mobile's access to most of its Android operating system offerings, which could hurt sales of Huawei phones outside China. Intel, Qualcomm, Xilinx and Broadcom have all said they will stop selling chips to Huawei because of Trump's executive order, according to Bloomberg.

Huawei will only be able to access the public version of Google’s Android mobile operating system, the world’s most popular smartphone software. It won’t be able to offer proprietary apps and services from Maps and search to Gmail, said the person, who requested anonymity speaking about a private matter. That will severely curtail the sale of Huawei smartphones abroad, though it’s unclear when those apps - which are popular mainly outside of China - will become unavailable.

Huawei, the world’s largest smartphone brand after Samsung Electronics Co., was one of a select few global hardware partners to receive early access to the latest Android software and features from Google. Outside of China, those ties are critical for the search giant to spread its consumer apps and bolster its mobile ads business.

c8dd1e  No.6542192

File: 564846ae9322c02⋯.png (971.81 KB, 564x651, 188:217, 5a95e357b5f34.png)

3f7b38  No.6542193


Can I donate to him even though i dont live in MI?

d3599f  No.6542194


>I walked in, immediately served, out the door in 3 or 4 minutes

Wow, you lucky.

Mine state IS privatized, too and it's still fucking slow.

664210  No.6542195

File: e53f5eecbc161da⋯.png (854.45 KB, 1268x707, 1268:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6855476aed4db6a⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1275x715, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94c8734a1bd7725⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1270x713, 1270:713, ClipboardImage.png)


consciousness rising. truth winning. lies being systematically destroyed.

0fb66b  No.6542196


We are Gideon's tiny army. That's a powerful force. But the original also had Gideon and believed in the Lord.

Not so now, not much anyways.

Governments were instituted by God to perform certain functions - like justice and judgment. The people can only do so much.

The authorities we pray for are responsible overall. If they fail to do what the Lord has commanded them, the entire country fails and falls.

Q+ is doing their best. So are we. I guess we press on and hope that we haven't gone past His red line. His read threat passes through all. WWG1WGA

329119  No.6542197


has anybody thought that the jewish ruining of GoT, one of the most popular/watched series ever televised, may be a part of the whole plan of exposing jewish subversion of all forms of our society?

Show people definitive proof that their own gov has been sold out/subverted and most people couldn't give two shits but ruin their favorite way to spend their free time and now they are upset enough to want answers.

603c8a  No.6542198

File: f7a0434535dc637⋯.jpeg (178.32 KB, 1076x743, 1076:743, E83BDEC0-3092-4033-B512-4….jpeg)





Do you honestly think Q is going to post the dates of when “Booms” are going to happen?

Q posts things like “Big Booms this week” bc the Cabal (and still some Anons) fall for it & expend even MOAR of their ammo.

Big Booms are coming but POTUS nor Q will give their (our) enemies advance notice of the arrival! Keep the enemies guessing! Keep them scared & on their toes…then they make mistakes.

I, personally, think the big booms will be at the end of this month or beginning of June…there also might be some little booms this week.

The wheels of Justice are turning…but they must turn slowly & rightly so that nothing can be walked back to allow any of our enemies to get off!

267917  No.6542199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Tremeloes - Here Comes My Baby 1967

b5dd66  No.6542200


what, you didn't feel it?

That sharp kick in the balls? habbened right around midnight last night.


8f81a3  No.6542201

File: e4e90ace61e752e⋯.png (1.5 MB, 841x714, 841:714, 08964389032789213.png)

5fe21b  No.6542202

File: 998332c7ea4d5d2⋯.jpeg (101.82 KB, 794x428, 397:214, 8692DCB6-2070-43B5-AB6E-4….jpeg)

File: 8e21dbf4306d3a5⋯.jpeg (122.86 KB, 819x497, 117:71, 86E3566B-D9B4-4ADF-A5AB-F….jpeg)

File: ce9cdd965b05ee3⋯.jpeg (149.69 KB, 714x607, 714:607, FB1E5B2E-ECF4-4CF5-B01E-3….jpeg)

File: fc84437aef6e0fd⋯.jpeg (79.47 KB, 709x334, 709:334, 469A5D74-A663-4B66-A65C-C….jpeg)

Been doing some digging on Masonry and came across the Master Mason Reference Edition King James Bible. Found some interesting definitions a few terms we have thrown around all our lives as Americans and as Anons that study Q drops. Thought I would post for fellow Patriots to look over and apply to the founding of our Nation.

0f4bc1  No.6542203


Why is the board filled with a stream of SURFACE LEVEL comments?

Hundreds of posts each thread are comments like this.

As if the people that pour out posts day after day on this board just woke up to Q this morning, and instinctively and compulsively share simple, standard reactions and basic thoughts.

It is a flood of repeated basic thoughts and non-penetrating commentary.

Tons and tons of it.


Why would it keep flooding out?

Why is it essentially always STILL DAY ONE on this board, with "anons" busily producing bewildered, angry, vaguely hopeful comments that lead nowhere YET MAGICALLY KEEP THREADS FLYING ALONG?


The internet is controlled.

9000 threads is preposterous– they say ALMOST NOTHING.

This board is controlled.

b14558  No.6542204


most of all…

WTF is the cable for?

3eca94  No.6542205


Narrow is the path Anon… there will not be many saved. I know the Messiah yet am a sinner still.

c34df1  No.6542207




04327c  No.6542208

File: 5913abfea56c4d2⋯.webm (10.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bernie Sanders on Honeymo….webm)

4bd034  No.6542209


Already in notables in this same bread, see:


7c0526  No.6542210

File: a02c25a645da912⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 708x512, 177:128, madonna cern.JPG)

File: 728b6ba097aa30c⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 330x313, 330:313, 330px-Bones_logo.jpg)

e84a67  No.6542211

File: c26ca6dbb86cb1b⋯.jpeg (25.08 KB, 330x259, 330:259, nope.jpeg)


You don't know that.

What are you doing here? Just wasting time?

Likely story.

What is the motive of those who pay you?

3047b1  No.6542212

File: f591a1ca91ca19f⋯.png (319.16 KB, 960x539, 960:539, ClipboardImage.png)


This image from the lunar surface may not agree with that.

267917  No.6542213

File: 5886b8b99dc54b2⋯.png (900.95 KB, 809x450, 809:450, Capture.PNG)

PC healthcare? UK doctor may lose job for asking Muslim woman to remove face veil

A doctor who asked a Muslim patient to remove her niqab so he could better hear her now faces an internal review and potential termination for alleged discrimination. A petition has been created to support the British physician.

Dr. Keith Wolverson, who has been practicing medicine for 23 years, may lose his job at Stoke University Hospital after he asked a woman, who had brought her sick daughter to the hospital, to remove her face veil so he could better hear what she was saying. Wolverson told the Daily Mail that the woman “willingly” complied with his request, but that her husband later found out and filed a complaint.

“I'm not racist, this has nothing to do with race, religion or skin colour,” he told the paper, adding: “I've treated women in the past who have worn similar veils but on those occasions I've never had to ask them to remove it – they just did.”


0fb66b  No.6542214


>His read threat passes through all.

I meant THREAD, not threat.

dcc154  No.6542215

File: 594ac788a21efa2⋯.jpg (962.27 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 20190520_095210.jpg)

In garden..

Thanks for letting me slide anons. Love you all! (no homo)

0f4bc1  No.6542216


And who/what do you worship?

Do you bow to God the father, the father of Jesus Christ.

I ask not from traditional perspectives

But from awareness of the nature of our enemy.

Who is our ultimate enemy "anon".

Do you dare to say it?

Say the real thing "anon".

What is our enemy– be detailed and specific.

How is our enemy interfacing with this world?


e84a67  No.6542217


I'm missing the CERN connection

Can you be more explicit?

624ea5  No.6542218


Sanctimony and projection is why this board failed.

92e114  No.6542219

File: 2f296eacc61f326⋯.jpg (268.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 3561086cb5659fb⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 12d4c5f10a8a8bd⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 475x475, 1:1, Drake-Aaliyah-tattoo.jpg)

File: 210d5cb533dde5d⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 300x300, 1:1, drake-looks-so-hot-in-new-….jpg)



The rep also said that the tattoo isn't just of an owl, which is the symbol for Drake's company October's Very Own and record label OVO Sound, but an owl catching a mouse. This marks the second owl tattoo on Drake's body after he got the actual logo for OVO inked on his back years ago.

d3599f  No.6542220


Thanks a lot, TardedAss.

I was angling to get a Grammar Nazi Kitty meme thrown at me for using Mine instead of My.

But, no, not happening now thanks to your 1-trick pony ass.

19a42d  No.6542221

File: aab5cac6259860b⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 1280x544, 40:17, shills.jpg)



26 shill piles…all erased with a single filter

876087  No.6542222


ty anon and people thought ticking a box next to "Flake" and "Crapo" was bad.


e84a67  No.6542223

File: 0446c250c20a635⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, clowns.jpg)


Ur a liar.

3f7b38  No.6542224


Looks good to me! Nice garden too!

bb2686  No.6542225

File: 0852c2d3e9aa52c⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2043, 160:227, Capture _2019-05-20-09-45-….png)

File: 9ebb9d21a9790e9⋯.png (329.79 KB, 1440x2051, 1440:2051, Capture _2019-05-20-09-45-….png)

File: bcb6974ff6e2d6f⋯.png (657.79 KB, 1384x1786, 692:893, Capture _2019-05-20-09-54-….png)

Trump Rally tonight in Montoursville, Pa.

There is a special election tomorrow for this area.

Interesting his rally is in Montoursville, a very small town, but on July 17, 1996 Sixteen Students and 5 chaperones from the Montoursville High School French Club were killed on Flight TWA 800 on there way to a trip to Paris, France.

3ecf7d  No.6542226

File: 82e03896df885f8⋯.jpg (33.68 KB, 665x960, 133:192, fa43315c-0094-4b55-9cf9-d8….jpg)




3548aa  No.6542227


He unfortunately procreated with the youngest Kartrashian whore…

6a91e5  No.6542228

File: 14f43680ad4ecf0⋯.png (123.07 KB, 408x337, 408:337, Screenshot from 2019-05-19….png)

File: 0562c59d3116964⋯.png (288.56 KB, 586x600, 293:300, antifaJournos1.png)


Would like to know if Elle is in Lenihan's data

14bb78  No.6542229

Tomorrow, tomorrow.

664210  No.6542230

File: 52ddefcde4f7d81⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1275x713, 1275:713, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dfd3c3b2f37b8e⋯.png (491.83 KB, 552x535, 552:535, ClipboardImage.png)


never look at 'truths' that cannot be confirmed by you personally. else, you will be a subject of manipulation. have you ever determined the veracity of said images? notice how it always belies LOGIC?

ed45e1  No.6542231

You are many tarded people in here, that will insult w/ your lack of knoledge people @, and thos that have the knowledge, are insulting people @.

You like hidden truth……

dcc154  No.6542232


Thanks anon 😁

5fe21b  No.6542233

File: 9a9d0b899897711⋯.jpeg (107.53 KB, 884x458, 442:229, FB831431-1103-481B-A62C-6….jpeg)

File: 02ac48fbd800131⋯.jpeg (86.09 KB, 709x328, 709:328, B2B0BAB0-42AE-42F3-8A64-0….jpeg)

File: 19c2bdcd8a6c8f2⋯.jpeg (174.99 KB, 885x672, 295:224, 61A51E46-552D-443E-B0D8-2….jpeg)

Couple more

fd1631  No.6542234

File: 61ff7de1551ce1b⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 520x387, 520:387, kimblood.jpg)



377f7e  No.6542235


With states now mandating vaccines for certain occupations, liability for vaccine damages should fall onto the state making such rules. They use weak data to make bad law. They own any harm falling on those forced into accepting vaccination.

628f2d  No.6542236


Reno 911 Milkshake chase scene. kek


7cdb20  No.6542237

File: 0483a7c39a193ca⋯.png (60.99 KB, 355x303, 355:303, this is an apple.PNG)

d3599f  No.6542238


I see you're looking for a Grammar Nazi Kitty meme, too.

264796  No.6542239


it's an effort

if even one stops and asks, or looks up info

it's done it's job

7c0526  No.6542240


not my post but the theory was:

1. the ritual in the cern video was very similar to the one during the show and

2. although the angle of the cern pic does not make it that obvious, the lighting behind madonna (circle with wings like) does look similar to the god "monument" at cern…

9ff171  No.6542241


Re: Melissa Hodgeman

Q first asks "Company?" wrt her work. Looking back, it appears he was trying to point us to The Company, aka The Clowns. She was a lawyer for the SEC, so that's not a "company" per se.

Supposedly her and ole Pete, (Mr. fluent in Farsi, raised in Iran, and son of another clown from CRC fame) met at Georgetown. Lemme guess…someone set them up on a date too?

29fd31  No.6542242


Go for it

d7930e  No.6542243

good morning (((muh captchas))) faggots, (((muh joo))) faggots and (((shillblues))) faggots. hope you all have a wonderful day today.

7ed0e9  No.6542244


Oh wow- I thought that was scribbled in. Didn’t realize it was real. Maybe a remote cord to take the picture? I hope…

b14558  No.6542245


if actual tinnitus try massaging upper neck and mandible

otherwise realize it's not horrible, consider it a good sign

c8dd1e  No.6542246

File: 41b0f7a6f3fd214⋯.png (527.95 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, ebot.png)


man alive! I don't think GN would even reply to that one.

9205ea  No.6542247

File: 3da480d63a8f7f9⋯.jpg (87.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3da480d63a8f7f923e6a082596….jpg)

267917  No.6542248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Living with gods: Shiva lord of the dance

CERN's Mascot

ef520d  No.6542249


Yeah we went through what you are going through now last summer after none of the "glorious" months turned out to be true.

Many anons left and the boomers started taking their place.

On that note, June 1 will be a big date around here because once again Q made incontrovertible promises about this month, May, and if the arrests have not begun even Boomers will probably grow a brain.

74d739  No.6542250

File: 0359692e9bbff66⋯.jpg (100.94 KB, 250x375, 2:3, It_1990_Promotional_Poster.JPG)

File: 38ed9999db8441e⋯.jpg (20.1 KB, 386x499, 386:499, 41Y0ESWfliL._SX384_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 071ceb42b85f5b9⋯.png (958.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190513-092905.png)

File: 20ff5a364a92f92⋯.jpg (79.16 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, ea76d036424bd4c3c8561c9038….jpg)

File: 046a08eca3b95ce⋯.jpg (355.01 KB, 720x1126, 360:563, IMG_20190519_160650.jpg)

Mickey mouse ears = devil horns.

The devil is the red winged SUN.

The Destroyer.

876087  No.6542251

File: b85abf6ce1e2d71⋯.png (448.19 KB, 598x402, 299:201, ford gm recall.PNG)

Ford Motor Co cutting about 10% of global salaried workforce

DETROIT (Reuters) - Ford Motor Co said on Monday it will eliminate about 10% percent of its global salaried workforce, cutting about 7,000 jobs by the end of August as part of its larger restructuring in a move that will save the No. 2 automaker $600 million annually.

Ford Chief Executive Jim Hackett said in a Monday email to employees that the cuts include both voluntary buyouts and layoffs, and a spokesman added it freezes open positions as well. About 2,300 of the affected people are employed in the United States, the spokesman said.

Within the cuts, Hackett said it will eliminate close to 20% of upper-level managers in a move also meant to reduce bureaucracy and speed decision making.

“To succeed in our competitive industry, and position Ford to win in a fast-changing future, we must reduce bureaucracy, empower managers, speed decision making, focus on the most valuable work and cut costs,” Hackett said in the email.

Notification to North American affected employees will begin on Tuesday and the majority will be completed by May 24, he said.

Restructuring work continues in Europe, China, South America and the International Markets Group and the Dearborn, Michigan-based company expects to complete the process in those markets by the end of August, Hackett said.


e5a669  No.6542253

File: 5a26a362fbbc66c⋯.jpg (171.7 KB, 960x532, 240:133, outbreak.jpg)

Anons, look at the forecast for today. All of those red blobs are supercells capable of producing EF5 tornadoes (the biggest). It is going to be a historic outbreak and people will die today. Wish me luck as I dodge these today.

14bb78  No.6542254

File: a9045ee15232cfd⋯.jpg (352.96 KB, 800x1030, 80:103, 800px-The_Ash_Yggdrasil_by….jpg)

File: 7682de287dd1511⋯.png (3.41 MB, 1752x1102, 876:551, Concave Earth Savior.png)

File: e8153db9500c359⋯.gif (3.15 MB, 584x377, 584:377, VKttHjG.gif)

File: ca5f5f1494309da⋯.png (787.88 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, xTPscvn.png)

File: f6181b82cdddb24⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 320x180, 16:9, You live inside the Earth.gif)

d3599f  No.6542255


Yeah, Kitty likes to pick her spots judiciously.

e84a67  No.6542256

File: 3884387e52e4bb7⋯.png (110.35 KB, 684x861, 228:287, gunderson.png)


Yes, it was BS.

There are archives of details on the event

This proves the FBI ability to bully people and to influence eye-witnesses and to falsify reports.

If I recall it was Clinton related.

Per the FBI disgusting history of crime"

"Retired Head Of FBI Ted Gunderson Tells All – Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophilia"

If you have a strong stomach catch up on the tale of falsely accused Dr. Jeffery Macdonald and how institutionalized Drug Running and Military are connected to Satanism

Since 1970


e57c4e  No.6542257

File: 2376a7b0d02cccc⋯.png (1019.51 KB, 700x980, 5:7, a68ce86c1ec9169b3ab30203e9….png)


BO installed a trash filter so all that's left are anons that contribute, some anons that converse/shit post, and shills that aren't 100% bots (some manual intervention necessary). In other words, it's a bit more comfy than before :)

9ff171  No.6542258


I am pro choice when it comes to any Kraptrashian. The sooner their private jet crashes the better. They've been an absolute curse on the warped minds of millenials.

ed45e1  No.6542259


So, I will take the risk, and twell you something.

If now, your wife got prehnant, will ask her how come???

now imagine in a society that was ………

267917  No.6542260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CERN Switzerland Satanic Tunnel Ritual Calling For Lucifer

eea260  No.6542261

File: 4e08b76e6784b17⋯.jpg (275.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WAKEUP41.jpg)

cbdeb7  No.6542262




You guys heard of the 'Bedford Level Experiment'.


8e6292  No.6542263


fuck off kike…fer fucks sake.

You are the worst kind of parrot anon there is. virtue signaling like a feminist at a stairmaster convention. people like you deserve to be in a amazon sweatshop like the good little goy you are.

731be7  No.6542264

File: 192a318669ce359⋯.png (482.5 KB, 464x564, 116:141, ClipboardImage.png)

3047b1  No.6542265

File: 9ae0744f64296cb⋯.png (585.34 KB, 710x407, 710:407, ClipboardImage.png)

We're following from the Trump playbook with Iran, heat it up -then come to an agreement and start trade talks. -Just like NK!

264796  No.6542266

File: be115c2aea0159c⋯.jpg (109.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


say no more, got you fam

afbb85  No.6542267


that is a really good question

4a0422  No.6542268

File: e2d98c6a758f7be⋯.jpg (437.14 KB, 1500x2111, 1500:2111, Sara A Carter.jpg)


PDS day today - stay safe.

9ff171  No.6542269


Get in a basement my friend. Or go to a safe public building of some kind.

664210  No.6542270

File: 4c627d3bf368c13⋯.png (365.85 KB, 551x580, 19:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ae81c91b438d33⋯.png (956.63 KB, 1277x718, 1277:718, ClipboardImage.png)


maybe so, FLAT disc with an upturned edge. There is NO curvature on our terra plana.

ef520d  No.6542271


Top o the mornin to ye, friend!

d7930e  No.6542272


AMEN swordie

0f4bc1  No.6542273

File: c99b6b058018979⋯.png (261.05 KB, 734x619, 734:619, plmmp.png)

9c1f2e  No.6542274

File: 237951e1e966e25⋯.png (69.27 KB, 628x547, 628:547, Screenshot (217).png)


603c8a  No.6542275


Read this…


ed45e1  No.6542276


What the curch said??


that was firs CIA

876087  No.6542277

File: 6638440761f834d⋯.jpg (132.15 KB, 1024x798, 512:399, Melissa Hodgman.jpg)


>She was a lawyer for the SEC.

she is the associate director at SEC-enforcement-international division.


267917  No.6542278

File: 6d5494ab176f6d4⋯.png (853.48 KB, 877x518, 877:518, Capture.PNG)

Sweden wants WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange detained for rape, setting up possible extradition tug of war with US

The Swedish prosecutor heading an investigation into a rape allegation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange filed a request with a local court on Monday for him to be detained in absentia.

If granted, the court order would be the first step in a process to have Assange extradited from Britain, where he is serving a 50-week sentence for skipping bail.

Sweden reopened the rape investigation last week. It was begun in 2010 but dropped in 2017 after Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London.

Assange, who denies the accusation, was arrested in London last month after spending seven years inside the embassy.


3b263b  No.6542279

File: 25aee12638e2b52⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 482x224, 241:112, shots fired1.JPG)

File: 12d36dfaf209ed8⋯.jpg (86.52 KB, 484x757, 484:757, shots fired.JPG)


6924d7  No.6542280


You too, Swordy. You, too.

92e114  No.6542281

File: 351b7837bd35018⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 400x479, 400:479, GNK.jpg)


ICUR Lou King 4A GNK Me Me, 2

comma inclusion- chekd

we are watching very closely

ed45e1  No.6542282


you are retarded, brainwashed tards

7007ac  No.6542283

File: 4d8d1d59cf1a705⋯.png (36.29 KB, 635x294, 635:294, ClipboardImage.png)



4bd034  No.6542284

File: bf3cf8fd07a8a50⋯.png (52.74 KB, 606x384, 101:64, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it, I’m only here because of Sleepy Joe and the man who took him off the 1% trash heap, President O! China wants Sleepy Joe BADLY!

603c8a  No.6542285

File: 40bceecc74a34e0⋯.jpeg (268.01 KB, 750x791, 750:791, 591BCF3E-55CD-4E3F-8C26-E….jpeg)


Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it, I’m only here because of Sleepy Joe and the man who took him off the 1% trash heap, President O! China wants Sleepy Joe BADLY!

239d33  No.6542286


Ray/Rachael Chandler used so called modeling agency for child trafficking run aways, street kids posting pictures of them like food on a menu to her clients & friends. I know nothing about this freak but illlumanti schitt is an automatic strike against him

c8dd1e  No.6542288

notables bun @ 510

Bread start: 05:59:13


Baker Change

>>6542283 Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it…

>>6542274 Lindsey Graham twat w/CAP": The fault lies with the Iranians, not the United States or any other nation. …Stand firm Mr. President.

>>6542251 Ford Motor Co cutting about 10% of global salaried workforce

>>6542165 FCC chairman gives green light to T-Mobile-Sprint merger

>>6542149 Amash primary challenge in Michigan.

>>6542143 Trey Gowdy: Brennan, Clapper and Comey know full well dossier was used in the intelligence assessment

>>6541969 Eric Swalwell Is a Financial Mess

>>6541948 Anon opines: A SHORT NARRATIVE ON OUR LIVES:

>>6541937 NY State lawmakers tweak legislation allowing release of Trump's tax returns

>>6541898 Woman Injured by Flu Shot Receives $2.49 Million

>>6541894 DJT: Why are the Democrats not looking into all of the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary and the phony Russia Investigation?…

>>6541882 DJT: "We have a booming economy, and working people are making gains that they haven’t seen in decades." Stuart Varney

>>6541873 UK: 19 terror attacks have been foiled in the last two years including 14 by Islamist extremists, warns 'tempo is increasing'

>>6541860 Spain: Surge in Migrant Crime

>>6541853 Anon's take on POTUS interview: Comms: "I NEVER believe THAT intelligence."

>>6541843, >>6541849 Ukraine's defense minister resigns. All his deputies resign

>>6541792, >>6541809 New DJT twats w/CAPs Montage on NYT, MSM, Cash from Russia, 2 missing twats…

>>6541699 Suit opened in SDNY v. Senator Charles E. Schumer. (Racketeer/Corrupt Organization), April 4, 2019

b14558  No.6542289

File: 6bf1bf74e9d2b9e⋯.png (170.04 KB, 748x514, 374:257, ClipboardImage.png)

3f7b38  No.6542290


Yea, I'm not concerned about what will happen with Iran.

664210  No.6542291

File: 1b3b5f4129ed73a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca0aeeebbb4ae5e⋯.png (481.94 KB, 768x505, 768:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c5080f8b310629⋯.png (953.46 KB, 850x1262, 425:631, ClipboardImage.png)


yes, many more truthers performing their own laser experiments today.

7.5 mile laser test proves flat earth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuqBFBZGOe4

92e114  No.6542292

File: fe112afddaef3b7⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 571x500, 571:500, DrGs9gNUUAA7mt8.jpg)

c3e647  No.6542293

>>6542163 Become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you are seen as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life.

731be7  No.6542294

File: fae3e9223d47a52⋯.mp4 (586.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, lastdem.mp4)


I said it before, and I'll say it again.

This meme needs updating.

9708c7  No.6542295


you are way outside the bounds of your vocabulary, mate

billy shakespeare, you are not

e57c4e  No.6542296

File: 1aea9a6e219a17e⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 550x467, 550:467, pepelaughcry.jpg)

0376aa  No.6542297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kappy’s handlers?

Take some time and check it out.

Strange to say the least.

afbb85  No.6542298

File: 528a910530c7747⋯.png (190.35 KB, 474x379, 474:379, sauce.png)


> Q made incontrovertible promises about this month

please to provide sauce Q made ' incontrovertible promises about this month'

0f4bc1  No.6542299

File: 85831d885605820⋯.png (224.46 KB, 488x742, 244:371, vvvvvvvv.png)

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: 373797536ba0eb7⋯.png (258.35 KB, 440x483, 440:483, Biden20202020.png)

9c1f2e  No.6542300

UK’s Spy Confession is a Lie and We Caught Them – Kavalec Notes Prove UK Was Spying on Trump Earlier Than Reported

Today’s piece in the British Telegraph newspaper revealing the Brits only knew of Christopher Steele’s junk Trump-Russia dossier after the 2016 election is a lie.

The Gateway Pundit has put together evidence that the Brits knew earlier than they are letting on.

The article released today in the Daily Telegraph states that the Brits only found out about their former spy Christopher Steele’s bogus dossier after the 2016 election. Their efforts were to ward off embarrassing news that might be released with the Carter Page FISA application. The problem is they lie in their report.

The heads of MI5, MI6 + one of Theresa May’s most trusted security advisers all knew of the Russian-Trump conspiracy bogus claims before Trump.


British spy chiefs were briefed on Christopher Steele’s dossier before Donald Trump knew of its existence.

Heads of MI5, MI6 + one of Theresa May’s most trusted security advisers all knew of the Russian links claims before Trump.

Summary thread below… pic.twitter.com/a5T4aaKkGl

— Ben Riley-Smith (@benrileysmith) May 19, 2019

The Daily Telegraph piece states that the Brits only found out about Steele’s sham dossier after the 2016 election and this is when they raised this with the British spy network:

The man Steele approached was Sir Charles Farr.

He was head of the Joint Intelligence Committee – the body that assess intelligence. He had also been a top counter-terrorism adviser in May’s Home Office.

Plus Steele had known Farr for 20 years. He would know what to do. pic.twitter.com/EsfvxVjgq9

— Ben Riley-Smith (@benrileysmith) May 19, 2019

However this is a lie!

Read more here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/gateway-pundit-exclusive-uks-spy-confession-is-a-lie-and-we-caught-them-kavalec-notes-prove-uk-was-spying-on-trump-earlier-than-reported/

5fe21b  No.6542301

File: 0bbc16ddb2a4a2d⋯.jpeg (243.66 KB, 824x1463, 824:1463, 60DEE16B-37D0-48E7-85C2-E….jpeg)

File: 02bd1d74f4f99fd⋯.jpeg (265.03 KB, 828x1348, 207:337, B79392AE-B081-41A8-82EF-1….jpeg)

File: f1289aeaa5b9f51⋯.jpeg (228.82 KB, 828x1534, 414:767, 3F00940E-9ACC-4354-9BD2-D….jpeg)


Patriots for Truth has a different opinion

0f4bc1  No.6542302

File: 380a582b85b2f48⋯.png (243.47 KB, 333x737, 333:737, biden112.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: e661f0c1511d087⋯.jpg (174.25 KB, 426x975, 142:325, bridn.jpg)

c3e647  No.6542303

>>6542278 What? Rape is illegal in Sweden?

0e8702  No.6542304

File: a3b49fe98b0f52d⋯.png (273.02 KB, 1401x477, 467:159, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS' fake news tweet thread this morning

5/20 @ 6:20 CST

points to Q 2828 ref

3/20 @ 6:20 CST

fd1631  No.6542305


"vampire facial"


7ed0e9  No.6542306


Yikes stay safe and try to remain within a few miles of shelter at all times.

d25265  No.6542307


Looks like abuse to me…

Better be a good reason to habe it here…


If you please…consider verification, possible report…

This is sickness.

3b263b  No.6542308

Honorable Ellen O. Tauscher

…add her to your lil list.

0e8702  No.6542309



8e6292  No.6542310


are you attacking someones vocabulary in response to something you cannot explain??

Boomer city around here this morning.

debater, you are not

0f4bc1  No.6542311

File: 11b66e7fa496dc6⋯.png (241.62 KB, 444x558, 74:93, biden105.png)

File: cf5441030ffb284⋯.png (140.79 KB, 282x352, 141:176, BidenMTP.png)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, DNIBN.png)

File: 43b2ff314eeb7ca⋯.png (321.22 KB, 505x444, 505:444, biden91.png)

b474e4  No.6542312

File: b4999ad9e2f21a7⋯.png (116.73 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, Screenshot_2019-05-20-10-1….png)

DJT Tweet

Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it, I’m only here because of Sleepy Joe and the man who took him off the 1% trash heap, President O! China wants Sleepy Joe BADLY!


29fd31  No.6542313

Make America’s Cities Great Again, By Making Homelessness Illegal

Bottom line, it’s high time American cities made homelessness illegal. It’s not impossible. In fact, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani famously did it in New York City twenty years ago. Streets do not exist in civilized societies for the purpose of people sleeping there, Rudy said in 1999, according to The New York Times. Bedrooms are for sleeping. To America’s Mayor, the right to sleep on our streets doesn't exist anywhere. The founding fathers never put that in the Constitution.Indeed, they did not.

Enforce the laws against loitering that likely already exist. Outlaw panhandling. Then, create a series of facilities where the homeless have to work and stay off drugs and alcohol in exchange for food, shelter, and clothing, and have police tell them it’s either go there or straight to jail. “You choose.” And for the love of everything holy, America needs to rebuild, reopen, and refill its mental asylums. Instead of allowing them to roam our streets, mentally ill people should be in an institution getting treatment, whether they want to or not. Maybe that sounds uncompassionate, but is it any more “compassionate” when a mentally ill person doubles the victimhood by committing a crime against someone else, then gets sent to prison where treatment is inadequate or nonexistent?

It’s beyond time we start making our cities great again, and that starts by outlawing homelessness.


Whether you agree or not with the above, this debate needs to happen.

We The Taxpayers no longer have the right to safe and clean sidewalks, parks, public transportation, etc.

Enforce the laws.

972369  No.6542314


Iran is way more belligerent than NK.

d3599f  No.6542315


All is right with the world now.

>we are watching very closely

Confirmed - Kitty is part of the Q team

44a056  No.6542316


Sitting here in Oklahoma with you. Just tried starting up the generator, got the lawn mowed. Gonna be a noisy night. prayers all around.

0f4bc1  No.6542317

File: e6241e608511725⋯.png (414.76 KB, 555x734, 555:734, FFLBN.png)

File: 3870550275f10ac⋯.png (177.7 KB, 430x533, 430:533, SMIDEN.png)

File: 75bd7a746ddb4df⋯.png (182.42 KB, 370x495, 74:99, biden104.png)

3f7b38  No.6542318


Well they can't even spell bob mueller's name correctly so I think I'll stick with John and Sara.

267917  No.6542319

File: 0cac868a4ea5f92⋯.png (658.03 KB, 826x312, 413:156, Capture.PNG)

Sen Hawley Proposes Bill Allowing People To Block Tech Companies From Constantly Tracking Their Location

Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley announced a bill Monday that allows Americans to block tech companies from tracking people’s locations without direct consent.

Hawley’s legislation creates a program similar to the national Do Not Call list that gives people the power to prevent online companies from collecting any more data than what is otherwise necessary for the companies’ services. It also prohibits entities like Google from profiling Americans who activate the so-called Do Not Track program.


603c8a  No.6542320


What I want to know is why in the FUK did the Dems in the House invite BRENNAN to brief them on Iran?! Why not bring in the current head of the CIA to brief them on Iran…ESPECIALLY since Brennan’s clearance was revoked! I wonder if any Republicans will be present during this “briefing “?

They couldn’t get war started with NK so now they are using Iran. Brennan is 100% behind this & he MUST HANG!

Brennan must be stopped before moar Americans are killed!!!!

0f4bc1  No.6542321

File: b0690fff4da9ef5⋯.png (202.23 KB, 444x529, 444:529, biden98.png)

File: cde3eb6a39a7ada⋯.png (136.43 KB, 444x408, 37:34, biden116.png)

File: 7b2c457b1d437c3⋯.png (198.36 KB, 442x402, 221:201, biden111.png)

62df82  No.6542322



3f7b38  No.6542323


Only if you're White.

3c04a3  No.6542324

File: 7167d29d0ef1042⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1125x825, 15:11, Kim Noble 12.png)


What's the cord?

ef520d  No.6542325


Good lord right at the top of the page you fucken moran

9708c7  No.6542326

File: e1ee071077f3173⋯.png (260.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>muh boomers

0f4bc1  No.6542327

File: 91c8bcfc412dfb9⋯.png (262.37 KB, 746x444, 373:222, biden95.png)

File: 2b2bf819112928f⋯.png (223.9 KB, 444x388, 111:97, biden87.png)

File: 63e0ed1aa6eca4b⋯.jpg (127.05 KB, 387x561, 129:187, BN.jpg)

File: b6021d07c3a1bc5⋯.jpg (180.34 KB, 555x598, 555:598, biden-kissing.jpg)

File: a980b18ae94e289⋯.jpg (133.45 KB, 416x444, 104:111, FVFBVN.jpg)

06ed71  No.6542328

niggers are allergic to knowledge

92e114  No.6542329

File: b6e2c3c3d31f979⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images (7).jpg)



incontrovertible promises


big word concernfag left sauce in diapers

can not provide. is that (You) maggie?

8551de  No.6542330


I think it's a control for the camera

267917  No.6542331


Its only legal for Muslims to rape and kill in Sweden

Sweden and Denmark have highest rates of sexual harassment in Europe

The finding was made by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights


e57c4e  No.6542332



Let the character assassinations begin! I wonder if they've already forgotten about this drop?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.335 📁

Oct 4 2018 16:27:07 (EST)

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


0f4bc1  No.6542333

File: fe80e6db37753c0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 742x1111, 742:1111, BDN.png)

File: 27dc1c2ea8943b2⋯.png (292.7 KB, 711x499, 711:499, biden120.png)

File: ae340c8a02c1445⋯.png (604.67 KB, 729x1111, 729:1111, dantejustic.png)

54f333  No.6542334



Both do look nice!

are you are a road that you garden can be seen by passerby's?

4a0422  No.6542336

File: 46e5533bc090c9f⋯.jpg (237.98 KB, 1200x1634, 600:817, tinker.jpg)

Tinker AFB operating on some kind of emergency status due to forecasted severe storms


e84a67  No.6542337

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Yes, I know all about "Shiva" the auspicious.

Was she doing the Shiva-dance to destroy the world? I doubt.

What made you believe it was a Siva dance?

a6ef2f  No.6542338


Chemical face peel.

267917  No.6542339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Climax Blues Band - All The Time In The World (live) - 1973

0d1e38  No.6542340

File: f01e0f328dd1cfe⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_8163.JPG)



Fart huffers still craveing cock huh

Might be grave robbers

d3599f  No.6542341

File: d2a73c362f60b3e⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 489x283, 489:283, CatLadySavesDay.JPG)


Granny knew all along These People Are Stupid.

64c6af  No.6542342

File: 33618c26afdffb5⋯.png (87.52 KB, 426x552, 71:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aacf2df738596b⋯.png (341.06 KB, 572x558, 286:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea9d57c6fc2c214⋯.png (10.15 KB, 593x113, 593:113, ClipboardImage.png)

So this is interesting LOL


876087  No.6542343

File: 3cf846361aac096⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 474x281, 474:281, DB Fire Kit.jpg)

File: 9bc891c2efef5ee⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 474x490, 237:245, canary in coal mine.jpg)

Deutsche Bank shares hit record low as UBS downgrades stock to ‘sell’

many downgrades today-Tesla, Apple, DB to name but a few-they have to because of the tariffs.

*Pointing to tough external events and low rate environment, UBS slashed its price target for Deutsche from 7.80 euros ($7.45) to 5.70 euros.

*Deutsche faces pressure from investors to trim its investment bank division, especially after the collapse of merger talks with Commerzbank.

*Shares of Deutsche Bank are down nearly 5% since the start of this year.

Shares of Deutsche Bank hit a record low Monday, down nearly 3%, after UBS downgraded the German lender’s stock to a “sell” rating from “neutral.”

Pointing to tough external events and the low interest rate environment, UBS slashed its price target for Deutsche from 7.80 euros ($7.45) to 5.70 euros.

“We downgrade to sell because we don’t expect operating conditions to improve anytime soon. Deutsche remains a levered market play vulnerable to external events and rising rates are currently a distant hope,” UBS analysts said in a research note on Monday.

Rising rates are good for banks since they are able to lend out money with a profitable rate of interest. Lower interest rates can restrict a bank’s ability to make profits, adding pressure on margins.

The German bank saw its stock hit to a record low of 6.673 euros on Monday morning, just days before its annual general meeting.


7efbb1  No.6542344


HP sauce? Hmm.

56b51b  No.6542345



Look back at how Pres Trump handled NK, and apply that model/strategy to Iran. My bet is, given his tweet yesterday about ending Iran and warning them not to threaten us again – he's already solved the problem, behind the scenes. All this surface stuff is just the cabal screeching.

5f9211  No.6542346

File: f1d1e4ea97b223e⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 332x186, 166:93, Custom Image 1205201912343….jpg)

File: b7f9a40d55016bf⋯.jpeg (55.12 KB, 680x360, 17:9, D6auENkWwAUYYgZ.jpeg)


0d1e38  No.6542347

























American Rest Stop: A psychological thriller… https(colon)//www(dot)amazon(dot)com/dp/B00BC0JD78/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NFk4Cb708DAZF


Trust mat rethorfords jootube bilbos of prime . Get three for your jewhole now with free shipping .


Chinese bilbos getting exported now for massive jewholes


Buttseks shirt designs by Matt rethorford on prime now get your bilbo


Is too much buttseks for german buttsneks

Did three bilbos fill the jewhole

Was it the shitty Jew memes

Was it wiretapping cocaine trannys


Maybe some wipes can help with butthole rash

Check mat rethorfords prime bilbo adverts


They are shitty

There is Jew and it's a meme

Idk if it's buttseks worthy

Ask the Germans

Maybe they can store some Jew gold in your anus


Use three bilbos on your jewhole to be sure

Trust mat retherfords prime bilbo adverts

a53f41  No.6542348


Nice try Times. It muh climate agenda… not the fact that people are waking up to the bullshit. The Dem agenda is over and out. All they have now is force by war. And good luck with that one, considering the warrior soys on the left.

3f7b38  No.6542349


Is that Kavalac?

6e30ce  No.6542350










d3599f  No.6542351

File: 43e0bf103c052f7⋯.png (212.48 KB, 1162x302, 581:151, CTA-SmackDown.png)

File: a5ba8cc418763b1⋯.jpg (26.78 KB, 478x279, 478:279, cta-1job3.JPG)


CTA attempts yet another comeback.

Fails yet again.

b73321  No.6542352

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)

Fox news this morning pimping out buttmuncher faggot boy as the top tier demonrat candidate. Faggot boy is fearless….

Welcome to the new world order hell.

9708c7  No.6542353


I believe the correct spelling is Müller


0d1e38  No.6542354

File: 3c8127ed977cd4f⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 640x452, 160:113, IMG_8132.JPG)

It's a fart huffing zombie satire for pedoflesh tokens







e84a67  No.6542355

File: d3076580598d50a⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 1200x740, 60:37, obamashiva.jpg)


Hussain obama also appeared in some illustrations as Visnu / Narayan

54f333  No.6542356



The extreme reaction is because her treatment includes the invasive Dermapen, a device that uses nine tiny motorized needles to cause puncture wounds in the skin before applying the platelet-rich plasma mixture.

3f7b38  No.6542357


It was handed over for review last week. Where you been?

603c8a  No.6542358



Where is the end of the cord that is in the man’s hand…God I hope it isn’t placed inside that child.

eea260  No.6542359

File: 9eae6db518f73af⋯.jpg (266.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, GRAMMAR1.jpg)

File: ded8e34f13d030c⋯.jpg (391 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WORDS1.jpg)

9c8e0d  No.6542360


Windows XP

Get it?


0d1e38  No.6542361


Stfu tranny

ddae89  No.6542362

File: 0630d8eab2abc92⋯.jpg (172.18 KB, 794x800, 397:400, Moor-invasion_racist.jpg)

File: 23444d56bd286bb⋯.jpg (137 KB, 794x800, 397:400, Moor-invaders .jpg)

File: fab8e8c3fca14c5⋯.jpg (137.13 KB, 794x800, 397:400, Moor-invaders.jpg)


b085e8  No.6542363


>What a sad thing really, to be enslaved by a box projecting images.

as you post a fake news story

looking through a window from a box

ironic don't you think?

29fd31  No.6542364

Oil giants BP and Shell pledge $1M each to Republican-backed carbon tax

Oil and gas giants BP and Shell are donating $1 million each over two years to a Republican-backed group urging Congress to pass a federal carbon tax to fight climate change.

The two companies are providing money to Americans for Carbon Dividends, the advocacy arm of the Climate Leadership Council, a group led by former Republican Secretaries of State James Baker III and George Shultz that is promoting a carbon tax plan that would return all of the revenue to taxpayers.

BP and Shell’s action reflect oil and gas companies' intentions to move beyond just rhetorical support for carbon pricing proposals, but a willingness to also dedicate money to lobby for them.

“The additional members who contributed show we are continuing to increase our momentum in support of the plan,” former Rep. Ryan Costello, R-Pa., the executive director of Americans for Carbon Dividends, told the Washington Examiner. “The polling clearly reflects Republican voters want the Republican Party to lean in with a proactive bipartisan solution to reduce carbon emissions.”

BP and Shell join industry competitors ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil, which previously donated to Americans for Carbon Dividends. Exxon pledged $1 million over two years, while ConocoPhillips committed $2 million over two years.

Shell and BP are joining a coalition of nearly 100 companies for two days of lobbying on Capitol Hill this week geared toward generating support for a carbon tax.


a53f41  No.6542365


You on ambien? You do, at least, acknowlege that "something" happening is there is dialogue now of all the crimes right? SOMETHING isn't JUST arrests. wakey wakey time.

0d1e38  No.6542366


Hi danielfaggot

Use shitty Jew memes for german buttseks

972369  No.6542367


Your lack of critical thinking is ironic.

267917  No.6542368

File: 9192d7be773c4fe⋯.png (1006.2 KB, 707x580, 707:580, Capture.PNG)


I don't give a FK whose dance it was … the Video speaks for itself kek

Why is there a Shiva, god of destruction, statue on CERN's front lawn?.. is it science or their religion or what they consider both… Why are ALL the days of the week named after pagab gods … do some research for yourself… stop being so gullible

d3599f  No.6542369


>Is that Kavalac?

people don't think it be like it be but it do

3f7b38  No.6542370


…and Barr already has it…

They are going to drop it before the memorial weekend holiday.

14bb78  No.6542371


Light bends up inside a sphere.

Your eyes are tricked.

Search 'Tamarack Mine Experiment'.

6704d4  No.6542372

File: 2d5750882b00f9c⋯.jpeg (65.31 KB, 720x475, 144:95, 45D8D8AD-5265-4919-A6CF-E….jpeg)

File: b97fcef657d145f⋯.jpeg (107.89 KB, 500x626, 250:313, 61143C62-A8CA-4693-80F2-A….jpeg)

File: 0d49fdd4c5dbab2⋯.jpeg (82.7 KB, 657x334, 657:334, 22F07A7E-801A-4D5C-B95D-E….jpeg)

362ee1  No.6542373

File: 6ae63d68ee739e2⋯.png (98.2 KB, 1049x374, 1049:374, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)


related sauce on prior lawsuit including Gov Chris Christie:


04327c  No.6542374

File: b4cc86cb14e8ec6⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1173x829, 1173:829, USAF Paints F-16 Jet With ….png)

File: 41087c81384e4b0⋯.png (435.85 KB, 498x298, 249:149, 4808A.png)

USAF Paints F-16 Jet With Russian Color Scheme For 'Training Purposes' | ZH


05c560  No.6542376

holy shit, this bread was started at 6am EST and its now 10:30EST, 4 1/2 hours and still no new bread?

wtf happened to our movement :(

e74f98  No.6542377

File: 41085b8411d5a8f⋯.jpg (82.87 KB, 300x205, 60:41, 4bfef06fc2dbe8205ae08dfcc9….jpg)

6ef27d  No.6542378

File: 097dbfc30abe8a4⋯.png (55.97 KB, 708x419, 708:419, ClipboardImage.png)


>I wonder if any Republicans will be present during this “briefing “?

Nope. Just Dems at their private caucus meeting. Not fishy at all, huh?


54f333  No.6542379

File: 934780f283734bd⋯.jpg (53.72 KB, 755x607, 755:607, dermapen.jpg)

File: e547e9694109b3d⋯.jpg (136.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, dermapen blood.jpg)


The blood comes from a dermapen with needles puncturing the skin.

021cc6  No.6542380

File: ac3e4b2c6227759⋯.png (40.14 KB, 1027x717, 1027:717, ClipboardImage.png)

Death near Cemex plant

Transient lying on roadway dies after being struck by vehicle early Tuesday in Redlands

>Parents of students at nearby Citrus Valley High School were advised to find alternate routes to the school.

>Orange Street was closed to traffic between Pioneer Avenue and the Cemex plant until approximately 8:30 a.m.


Just keeping tabs on Cemex news.

44a056  No.6542381

File: 8ef708242b4111e⋯.png (7.75 MB, 1500x2500, 3:5, ClipboardImage.png)

14bb78  No.6542382


You're afraid, Sayanim bullshitter.

The stench of your sweat is sickening to us.

621a6f  No.6542383

Some one do something to Piss the Shills

Can tolerate them better when they are angry

29fd31  No.6542384


Exactly anon.

Brennan is going down for TREASON.

Who in their right mind would willingly meet with a TRAITOR?

Get the word out to help normies connect the dots.

972369  No.6542385


Strange he should be giving a brief when he is no longer in a position of authority or power.

54f333  No.6542386


somebody escaped from their handlers

0d1e38  No.6542387


Maybe it's dehydrated

Try some plums

7ed0e9  No.6542389


Wait.. so is the blood from the person receiving the facial or is it someone else’s blood?

5f9211  No.6542390

File: e4f33ee65eebd76⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 253x199, 253:199, Custom Image 0204201913290….jpg)

File: ad71458d3df4e26⋯.jpeg (181.32 KB, 1099x822, 1099:822, D2Dn2d_X4AMklAA.jpeg)

File: db73adaced6d972⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1452x1936, 3:4, Photo_2019-03-12_06-14-53_….png)

c7dc70  No.6542391

File: b351cafc38f863c⋯.png (491.87 KB, 1440x2513, 1440:2513, Capture _2019-05-10-09-55-….png)

GEOTUS called out Biden and his corrupt family deala with China in interview on Fox yesterday. (29:30min)

Per Q: Biden/China is a very important marker


d6b095  No.6542392

File: b1a6b9fc32b1da2⋯.png (67.25 KB, 1094x492, 547:246, ClipboardImage.png)

New news on the Shermans murder.



74145c  No.6542393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is no banana.

9536fa  No.6542394

File: 148fb9ba071a4a8⋯.png (315.93 KB, 659x698, 659:698, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

I think that the ability of governments to tax needs to be SEVERLY curtailed. For example, using tax assessments which THEY generate localities can keep increasing property tax revenue with NO VOTE of the people. Enough already. This example of potential discrimination against Christian churches, resulting in increased fees for water connections caught my eye. https://www.wnd.com/2019/05/u-s-town-triples-water-bills-for-churches/

e57c4e  No.6542395


Couldn't this be considered somewhat treasonous? I mean, it totally depends on the intent and message during the meeting, of course, but this is suspect as hell.

0a3775  No.6542396


jesus fucking christ..you stupid mother fuckers just don't get it do you. nobody gives a fuck about the nasty ass kikes and the world would be better off without them and those like you who cover up for their crimes, you piece of shit low life fuck.

04327c  No.6542397


Constant Peg

For years, rumors persisted that Soviet-bloc warplanes were being secretly tested by the US. In March 1998, three decades after American pilots flew the MiG-21 in US skies, the USAF allowed details – and some pictures – to become public. By then, numerous accounts had appeared in the press.

After decades of secrecy, the Air Force acknowledged 23 November 2006 that it flew Communist-built fighters at the Tonopah Test Range northwest of Las Vegas. From 1977 through 1988, the program, known as Constant Peg, saw US Air Force, Navy, and Marine aircrews flying against Soviet-designed MiG fighters as part of a training program where American pilots could better learn how to defeat or evade the communist bloc's fighters of the day.

As a result of marginal performance of American fighter forces in the skies over North Vietnam, Constant Peg complemented other revolutionary training programs such as Red Flag, Top Gun and the Air Force and Navy-Marine aggressor squadrons. The program also was intended to eliminate the "buck fever" or nervous excitement many pilots experience on their first few combat missions. Historical experience indicated that pilots who survived their first 10 missions were much more likely to survive a complete combat tour, and Constant Peg was intended to teach them the right "moves" to enable them to come out on top of any engagement.

The Groom Lake program, instituted in the mid-1970s was highly successful and used a series of code names prefixed by Have-. The word `Have’ in project names such as HAVE DOUGHNUT (MiG-21) or HAVE BLUE (the prototype for the F-117 stealth fighter) simply mark the project as belonging to AFSC. The aircraft bore US designations prefixed by YF- with numbers ranging from around 110 to 118 with letter suffixes. For example, YF-114C may have been a MiG-17F used in the Have Ferry program.


0d1e38  No.6542398

File: e4d9d5ba2e1ccb0⋯.jpg (198.53 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, IMG_4702.JPG)

File: 3d7f71ad64ad557⋯.jpg (288.96 KB, 992x1281, 992:1281, IMG_4743.JPG)

File: 8011b69b72fc636⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 72F84D5F-D689-4D7A-B225-75….jpg)


Game of throne


Who knew really

ab05aa  No.6542399


What Intel would he possibly have access to that would comprise such a briefing???

7cdb20  No.6542400


trying to be patient, but why is the POS not at GITMO yet?

afbb85  No.6542401

File: cd6a9debd74758a⋯.png (168.5 KB, 1236x424, 309:106, boomTimeBaker.png)



>Boom time

>>6482822 (pb)

in reply to

>>6482812 (pb)

to you is 'incontrovertible promises about this month'

then I think it's pretty obvious who's the moran

6ef27d  No.6542402


I know. That was my first thought when I read about the briefing. It's utter bullshit.

d6b095  No.6542403

File: cc64734f98390c1⋯.png (76.75 KB, 908x577, 908:577, ClipboardImage.png)

Couldn't find the story about Shermans testifying before Congress before their deaths but this one popped up. KEK.


267917  No.6542404

File: ee42313b33a2a54⋯.png (350.65 KB, 449x412, 449:412, Capture.PNG)

HUGE! British Spy Chiefs Were Briefed on Junk Steele Dossier BEFORE Trump Knew of It’s Existence — UK WAS IN ON IT!

The British spy chiefs were briefed on Christopher Steele’s junk Trump-Russia dossier before Donald Trump knew of its existence.

The heads of MI5, MI6 + one of Theresa May’s most trusted security advisers all knew of the Russian links claims before Trump.


8c5ced  No.6542405

File: 8ea3365b9dee2e2⋯.png (78.14 KB, 484x362, 242:181, AQ57.PNG)

Someone just dropped this lead on my Twitter.

Mike Wallace in Cuba 1970


d3599f  No.6542406


He has plenty of moar mistakes to make such as this briefing.

6e30ce  No.6542407






9536fa  No.6542408


I like your first meme with the two babies. Sometimes the two sentiments can come from the same person!

09dc86  No.6542409


Thx for this. I hadn't seen this clip before. Loved him even back then!

972369  No.6542410

File: 80acae800552845⋯.png (677.61 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Saw this on the back of a van yesterday while going through an East Texas town by the name of Henderson. KEK!

19de52  No.6542411

File: f30c90acb9d3161⋯.png (918.49 KB, 996x996, 1:1, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

6d5d24  No.6542412


Their kids plan to raze the house immediately

f11d2a  No.6542413

File: fc15f7f5783e0da⋯.jpg (104 KB, 786x576, 131:96, jews.jpg)

876087  No.6542414

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, pepe having smoke laughing.png)

885a57  No.6542415

File: 5d94cc42bbc7af8⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Comfyj.jpg)

Its good days coming on here and falling off the chair laughing before the 1st cup of coffee thanks to your President's twats.

He is King in soo many areas tho my favourite is how he gets so many knickers in a twist with his wit with words.

Bless him and his family and….go get em President Trump!!!!

7d91c8  No.6542416

File: 89901ccac6a683f⋯.jpg (97.76 KB, 627x400, 627:400, act better boi.jpg)

bunker obongo J

6e30ce  No.6542417


Mike Wallace killed JFK!!!

5ddc1e  No.6542418

Regulation 46A

0d1e38  No.6542419


We believe in (u) Duke Harry

The whole gang believes in (u) too

US $89.88 11% Off | Large Erotic Products Couples Flirting Masturbation Toy Biggest Tower Shape Anal Plug Huge Dild.o Big Giant Butt Sex Woman


3bb996  No.6542420

File: 9dfed1f1da52e82⋯.png (61.04 KB, 184x300, 46:75, ClipboardImage.png)


lenin said it.

it's in the air now, that POTUS is a Stalinist, all the weekend kneeslappers had a Stalin joke

[there's a really good bill burr bit about it actually from like 2years ago somewhere]

the bannon-cannon is an avowed Leninist

they have to switch narrative style now, 'look over there, A NAZI' doesn't work as well when the speaker is, yaknow, themselves a NAZI

74d739  No.6542421

File: f5147d7c851530c⋯.png (138.12 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190520-103221.png)

File: c467bfd892ee734⋯.png (325.74 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190520-103247.png)

File: 5815cab8d3faa13⋯.png (596.86 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190520-103316.png)

File: fac31b2ae9e3f43⋯.png (163.92 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190520-103238.png)

File: 6ab9a6d86e8c632⋯.png (287.21 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190520-103227.png)

Look at the arches and the hands. From car insurance to donating blood everything is about this stupid Red Winged Sun. It's all a big Satanic joke.

Are you in good hands? No. You're not.

Those are wings. Not hands. Wings of the devil Sun.y

a53f41  No.6542422


it is happening. people are waking up now that the crimes are in the light faggot :)

1565b6  No.6542423


Very interesting. He mentions the cover up of the Oklahoma City bombing. Here's a snip from the OKC WP page:

The bombers were tried and convicted in 1997. McVeigh was executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001.

Have you ever a seen death sentence carried out so quickly? And look at the date. Spoopy.


d25265  No.6542424


explain the expressions…

looks like a pervert abusing (grooming).

Maybe hair clippers?

What else would convince hoards of brainwashed slaves to pour their own time into a project as Qresearch.

This is our enemy, with victim, in the throws…

Made to seem normal and chic.

9708c7  No.6542425


not to worry craig sawyer will find a way to make a buck off of it

7d91c8  No.6542426

File: da15c1fcdec3d4a⋯.jpg (255.29 KB, 514x347, 514:347, closer.jpg)

closer and closer…

0d1e38  No.6542427


US $89.88 11% Off | Large Erotic Products Couples Flirting Masturbation Toy Biggest Tower Shape Anal Plug Huge Dild.o Big Giant Butt Sex Woman


af16f7  No.6542428

File: d970ad2b1b4e8a8⋯.png (530.01 KB, 1028x847, 1028:847, Screenshot at 2019-05-17 1….png)

5fe21b  No.6542429

File: 82d4a57c2a71281⋯.jpeg (297.35 KB, 828x1696, 207:424, DC150164-7D8C-4CB2-908C-3….jpeg)


Just trust us, we know the truth. Don’t use discernment and look for truth yourself… we know we’re the good guys. Q said so….

11d9f2  No.6542430


There's no gender in AI/simulation hell

29fd31  No.6542431

File: f38e18d2a086b08⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, supremecourt_101918sr2_lea….jpg)

Supreme Court sides with Wyoming hunter as Gorsuch joins liberals

The Supreme Court on Monday sided with a Wyoming hunter charged with off-season hunting, ruling 5-4 that a 150-year-old treaty between a Native American tribe and the western state was still active and protected the man's rights.

Clayvin Herrera was charged in 2014 with off-season hunting, but he argued that an 1868 treaty between Wyoming and the Crow Tribe protected his ability to hunt at that time.

Wyoming had argued that the treaty was invalidated when it achieved statehood and lower courts agreed, leading to Herrera's conviction on the hunting charge.

The court sided with Herrera and found that the treaty with the tribe did not expire when Wyoming became a state in 1890.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the majority opinion.

Neil Gorsuch, one of two justices nominated to the court by President Trump, formed the majority by splitting with conservatives and joining the court's other four liberals — Sotomayor and Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elana Kagan.

Justices Samuel Alito, Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh opposed the ruling.


3bb996  No.6542432

File: 07852a5110c95a4⋯.png (87.73 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


you just gotta say 11 male hairies first

74d739  No.6542433

File: 716046ff66e1821⋯.png (170.5 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1-X4Ss3MfR3i2U0m-iBleljw.png)

File: 3b97cff9043e2e3⋯.png (22.87 KB, 800x450, 16:9, reddit-banner.png)

9536fa  No.6542434


Good point about the names of the days of the week. Some conservative Christian groups don't use those names. I believe that they call them something like "First day", "second day", etc.

0d1e38  No.6542435


US $89.88 11% Off | Large Erotic Products Couples Flirting Masturbation Toy Biggest Tower Shape Anal Plug Huge Dild.o Big Giant Butt Sex Woman


4989b8  No.6542436

File: fdaacc61040ccf9⋯.png (322.78 KB, 617x545, 617:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75e06fbc275ce7b⋯.png (713.13 KB, 696x1621, 696:1621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a937500d1f4f99e⋯.png (613.79 KB, 706x1669, 706:1669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d78eb086a7c5d8a⋯.png (300.08 KB, 717x1253, 717:1253, ClipboardImage.png)


'Chuck Norris vs tank' at US military base triggers meme eruption (PHOTO, VIDEO) https://sptnkne.ws/m3xK

10:31 AM - 20 May 2019


7d91c8  No.6542437

File: 196fee789c5e1d6⋯.jpg (106.92 KB, 719x742, 719:742, corinthian hotel moon.jpg)

corinthian london

628f2d  No.6542438

>>6542171 It's a PR stunt.


6ef27d  No.6542439


>but this is suspect as hell.

I agree. Of course, we anons have more knowledge that the general public, which makes us wary, but I'm puzzled that no Rs are publicly questioning the Ds receiving a "briefing" from this POS. I think there's a lot more here than we are able to discern.

5f9211  No.6542440

File: 10750d0fd90dffe⋯.jpeg (47.72 KB, 400x509, 400:509, D3KXfKnWAAA6Zst.jpeg)

File: 89bc0702296db40⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 332x186, 166:93, Custom Image 1805201901021….jpg)

File: 4a9a626f5ab6535⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Hillary Clinton 1504201918….jpg)

File: 62844b7e576e6f2⋯.jpg (72.4 KB, 650x520, 5:4, Obamas Holding 16042019011….jpg)

File: ebc27b2f5c139b0⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 599x550, 599:550, Inappropriate Timing Bill ….jpg)

876087  No.6542441

File: 1546fd773ef4b30⋯.png (1.8 MB, 931x687, 931:687, POTUS Space Force DD.PNG)

fd1631  No.6542442

File: edf61067084be93⋯.jpg (762.81 KB, 2906x1680, 1453:840, obamahead.jpg)

543311  No.6542444

File: 31b037a403564eb⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, May 19 Pain qclock mirror ….png)


342 (3+4+2=9)




10:20:09 (10-4 or 10-20 on Qclock is tomorrow).

FWIW, may Q-drops about her seem "workable" on the clock…but predicting is close to worthless.

267917  No.6542445

File: a61e98d54df1c9c⋯.png (113.8 KB, 504x322, 36:23, Capture.PNG)


Amazing how they so blatantly flaunt their symbolism and people can't catch on

Occult Symbols In Corporate Logos (Pt. 1): Rediscovering Their Ancient Magical Meaning


260e74  No.6542446



Puppers seen some shit.

9708c7  No.6542448


i missed the post where q tells us to stop living our lives

92e114  No.6542449



Here is full text 1/2

Toronto Police had been investigating a mysterious 911 name down the road from Barry and Honey Sherman’s residence similtaneously the Apotex founder and his spouse lay lifeless or dying, a Star investigation reveals.

The Shermans lived at 50 Previous Colony Rd. They had been final seen alive on the night of Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017. Their our bodies had been found two days later. No official time of loss of life has been launched however sources near the case have mentioned it’s believed the Shermans died late on Wednesday or early Thursday morning. Police are investigating the case as a focused double murder.

On the Thursday morning at 9:45 a.m., a full day earlier than the Sherman our bodies had been found, householders down the highway from the Shermans answered a knock on their door. The Star has agreed to not establish the householders or their actual tackle. They reside roughly 10 homes away on Previous Colony.

The person on the door was a uniformed police officer asking if somebody of their residence had made a 911 name. The householders mentioned no. The officer shared few particulars, however mentioned police believed it got here from the householders’ home, however didn’t say if the decision had come from a cellphone or a landline. The officer didn’t say what time the decision got here in.

The following day, when information surfaced late within the afternoon of the Shermans’ our bodies being found, one of many householders occurred to be driving close to Toronto Police Providers 33 Division (the native division that was on the time investigating the Shermans’ deaths earlier than the murder unit took over). The house owner went in to make a report, desirous to alert them to the actual fact a police officer had been on Previous Colony Rd. the day earlier than.

“They made gentle of it and so they mentioned they didn’t assume it was something that was related,” the house owner mentioned.

On the time, police had been pursuing the idea that it was a murder-suicide. Six weeks later, police introduced it was a double homicide. Murder officers have been probing the case for the final 17 months and lately an officer mentioned throughout a court docket continuing that detectives have a “idea” of the case and “an thought of what occurred.” Police won’t say if they’ve a suspect or suspects.

The householders who had the go to from police checked with Bell and Rogers and was instructed there was no proof of a glitch, crossed wires or a 911 name coming from their home.

“It has left me feeling actually bizarre that (police) would assume there was an emergency name coming from me. It simply appeared an excessive amount of of a coincidence,” the house owner mentioned. Quite a few questions have sprung to the thoughts of the householders. Did the police have the incorrect tackle after they got here to knock on the householders’ door? Did the decision come from a cellphone which then hung up and police weren’t in a position to get the precise location? Had the decision come from 50 Previous Colony Rd.?

That was not the one unusual occurrence on the usually quiet Sherman avenue that Thursday.

On the identical time police had been trying out the 911 name down the road, a four-door automobile pulled up in entrance of the Sherman residence. It was 9:11 a.m. and the automobile remained on the road till 10:16 a.m. By this time, it’s most definitely that the Shermans had been dead, in line with sources near the case.

bb5743  No.6542450

File: f45fdd1a95e6d2b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_2019-05-20-10-3….png)

File: 3a5d2acac4722d5⋯.png (1023.32 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_2019-05-20-10-3….png)

File: 078ae6e8a98d01e⋯.png (145.71 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_2019-05-20-10-3….png)

File: 6aff7a33573cb6b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_2019-05-20-10-3….png)




Leash or torture device for "puppies"

7d91c8  No.6542451

File: 33380e73c0c238e⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 500x346, 250:173, kondon eye.jpg)

like wheel within a spiral…

74d739  No.6542452

File: 154f8a1d3e3cd5a⋯.jpg (195.49 KB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, 27e95ff349e8859166be46f3ab….jpg)

File: 27f687274bf5fe3⋯.png (255.23 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190518-223738.png)

File: 154f8a1d3e3cd5a⋯.jpg (195.49 KB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, 27e95ff349e8859166be46f3ab….jpg)

The dark Knight RISES

54f333  No.6542453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I believe the blood you see is from the person receiving the treatment.

Micro needles puncture the skin causing bleeding.

treatment is used for acne scarring.

Kim K has the needling done to her first and then she gets an application of someone elses plasma (processed blood) which the article implies is red too.

So it is hard to tell in her case. It may be both, but watch this vid and you can see how bloody this woman's face gets from microneedling.

But the blood is there whether you apply plasma from someone else or not

92e114  No.6542454



A safety digital camera on a home throughout the road from the Sherman residence captured a person getting out of the automobile thrice, every time strolling onto the Sherman property and as much as the entrance door, in line with neighbours whose cameras recorded these occasions. The neighbours, who supplied the video to police, mentioned the pictures on the video are blurry, because it was targeted on their very own property and solely picked up the Sherman property within the background. They mentioned it was not attainable to make out the person’s face, the licence plate on the automobile or the kind of automobile. The neighbours have mentioned they believed the person went out and in of the Sherman home however the Sherman personal detective workforce has studied the identical video and it’s “inconclusive” as as to if the person enters the home or stood within the alcove resulting in the entrance door, in line with Brian Greenspan, lawyer for the Sherman household.

Given the placement of Previous Colony Rd., a dead-end avenue on the east and accessed off Bayview Ave. (a essential thoroughfare) from the west, it’s seemingly police officer would have handed the automobile parked in entrance of the Sherman residence that Thursday morning on the best way to take a look at the 911 name.

The Star introduced these two items of data to the Toronto Police final week and requested two questions. First, might the police present details about their investigation of a 911 name from a close-by residence that morning, together with the time of the decision and whether or not police had been sure it got here from the householders’ home down the road. Second, the Star requested if it was attainable that the particular person knocking on the Shermans’ door was a police officer in an unmarked automobile, who was additionally trying out the 911 name.

Director of communications Allison Sparkes gave the next response: “As on your questions beneath, we’re unable to touch upon any features of open, ongoing investigations.”

The Star went again to Sparkes, noting that it could seemingly be of public curiosity if the 911 name was associated to the Shermans case, and likewise that, if the particular person knocking on the Shermans’ door was a police officer, that may even be of public curiosity. Sparkes mentioned, “We are able to’t touch upon any side of open and ongoing investigations.”

Sources near the Sherman household say the household is conscious of those two occasions however at the hours of darkness on the importance — if any — of the occurrences.

After the Star and different media revealed data in late March in regards to the mysterious customer outdoors of 50 Previous Colony, Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders mentioned at a press convention that the police know who the person is — however aren’t saying.

“I can let you know we knew who the particular person was, why they had been there, (the particular person) was interviewed,” Saunders instructed reporters earlier this 12 months.

The Star reached out to the police constable who went to take a look at the 911 name however he was unavailable for remark.

In the meantime, 50 Previous Colony has been torn down by the Sherman household and can seemingly be offered as a constructing lot. Pals of the Shermans had been upset as they drove by the house and noticed that just about nothing from the house was carried out and donated to charity. Of concern had been objects that included two virtually new, high-end Sub-Zero fridges, different kitchen home equipment and the kitchen cupboards themselves. Employees on the web site mentioned they had been upset, however had been following orders to demolish the house and truck all of the rubble to a landfill web site.

a53f41  No.6542455

Hi MSM :)

Listen to your Master!

It's in the Psalms!

In DEFEAT even Master TELLS you first and FUTURE.



b11c93  No.6542456


I am not prepared to go as far as the conclusions your memes suggest BUT I noticed recently that Dan Bongino appears to be focusing on the Russian intelligence professionals associated with Putin who worked in conjunction with Halper, CIA, FBI, etc RATHER THAN staying focused on the fact that there was an attempted coup by Americans in government.

I hope I am wrong but I see our crack reporters beginning to go off on boogeymen tangents like MUH RUSSIANS.

f9cfc8  No.6542457

File: 19acfe5d522c2d3⋯.jpg (140.19 KB, 500x670, 50:67, 31ffap.jpg)

cddbf0  No.6542458

File: 883edfc1f6fa4ec⋯.jpg (117.3 KB, 500x823, 500:823, Cloudflare Inc Spying.jpg)

Anons here's proof 8Chan is not anonymous.

I track all data secretly being sent from my mobile phone and mostly it's Facebook and Amazon constantly sending my browsing activities to their servers.

Cloudflare Inc is also collecting IP addresses from 8Chan, as soon as I opened up Q Research board data started being sent to Cloudflare servers immediately.

Here's a partial list of stealth IP addresses stealing my mobile phone browser data.

This is where Q Research is trying to send my browsing activities:

Domain Name: 8CH.NET

Registry Domain ID: 21069829_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN

Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.tucows.com

Registrar URL: http://www.tucows.com

Updated Date: 2019-01-31T06:22:18Z

Creation Date: 2000-03-01T17:04:24Z

Registry Expiry Date: 2020-03-01T17:04:24Z

Registrar: Tucows Domains Inc.

Registrar IANA ID: 69

Registrar Abuse Contact Email:

Registrar Abuse Contact Phone:

Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited

Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientUpdateProhibited



DNSSEC: unsigned

URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: https://www.icann.org/wicf/

>>> Last update of whois database: 2019-03-25T09:46:20Z <<<

3f7b38  No.6542459







b267b0  No.6542460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

madonna who?

3bb996  No.6542461

File: 924a6bad087fd3c⋯.png (107.48 KB, 299x170, 299:170, ClipboardImage.png)


a-and always remember:

"Swalwell attended Campbell University in North Carolina on a soccer scholarship from 1999 to 2001. He broke both of his thumbs in 2001, his sophomore year, ending the scholarship."

e5a669  No.6542462


Stay safe brother Okieanon

fd1631  No.6542463

File: 197650c6e42cc9e⋯.jpg (219.22 KB, 1022x715, 1022:715, jamesb.jpg)

7d91c8  No.6542464

File: c25e9b622b6b68f⋯.jpg (375.89 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, AW crooked E.jpg)

like a wheel within a wheel…

a69fa4  No.6542465

>>in the vehicle were several personal effects of Hunter Biden, then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son, like two of his DC driver’s licenses, multiple credit cards, and personally identifying information like a Delaware Attorney General badge and a U.S. Secret Service business card that police said bore his name.

>>Prescott, Arizona, where the vehicle was discovered the morning after it was dropped off with the drug paraphernalia and Hunter Biden’s personal effects inside.

>> the keys were left in the gas tank compartment of the vehicle instead of the drop box key return location.

>>police later confirmed the pipe found was used to smoke illicit drugs, as well as “a white powdery substance in the arm rest of the vehicle.”

>>“McGee” called inthe next morning and informed the rental car company employee, according to police, that “his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do”

>> Prescott Police Department detective, sought and obtained a subpoena to discover the source of the “Joseph McGee” phone call—and traced it to a phone number owned and operated by a renowned “Colon Hydrotherapist” in the region.

>>Police attempted to find and interview “Joseph McGee,” but were unable to–and they also, per the documents, attempted to call Hunter Biden himself from the phone numbers he provided to the rental car company.

>>The 23 pages of law enforcement and police documents repeatedly refer to the suspect under investigation as Robert Hunter Biden and the report type as a “Narcotics Offense.”

0e8702  No.6542466


I was just looking at the drops for tomorrow.

POTUS pointing us to 2/20 this morning - points to the 4, 10, 20 line. tomorrow

>>6542304 (me)

9536fa  No.6542467


No joke, I had a lengthy telephone conversation with a state official regarding religious exemption and vaccine safety and he pretty much told me that the CDC pays him to promote vaccination.

260e74  No.6542468


is that right?


e84a67  No.6542469

File: ef1eaa521744c78⋯.jpg (163.32 KB, 756x1155, 36:55, Chandrashekhara.jpg)


Have no idea what gullible has to do with it,

You must be addressing someone else; someone in your family who rejects your ideas.

I know about the Shiva at Cern, the weird sacrifice ritual done in front of it, The Tunnel Ritual. all that.

You don't know my religion. Maybe I'm a Shaivite?

Curb your assumptions?

Yes, they may do rituals to Siva, but if they are self-motivated ("selfish") it will boomerang massive.

They are messing with "things" they shouldn't be messing with; So maybe there's the analogy with CERN?

0e3ac2  No.6542470




some guy is posting a fucking 7 faggot tldr poem for gay lords and my single post gets lost in his faggot shit,






f2c2b8  No.6542471

File: 0b4808b9317f97f⋯.jpg (136.38 KB, 480x640, 3:4, photo-18.jpg)


ed45e1  No.6542472

You talk about evil in society, but you are evil, promoting church.

you're ancestorsd, manipulated and created BIBLE with their meanings………

you are brainwashed.

If Holy Marry god pregnant.

What you will do????

so imagine husband, accepting

in 2nd world

and all comunity

like here

that you suppose to be open mind, and deny ETs…….

you are low………

19de52  No.6542473

File: 3ef91834dd52a52⋯.png (773.74 KB, 1532x1352, 383:338, Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at ….png)

Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say

WASHINGTON >> House Democrats will hear from former CIA director John Brennan about the situation in Iran, inviting him to speak next week amid heightened concerns over the Trump administration’s sudden moves in the region.

Brennan, an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, is scheduled to talk to House Democrats at a private weekly caucus meeting Tuesday, according to a Democratic aide and another person familiar with the private meeting. Both were granted anonymity to discuss the meeting.

The invitation to Brennan and Wendy Sherman, the former State Department official and top negotiator of the Iran nuclear deal, offers counterprogramming to the Trump administration’s closed-door briefing for lawmakers also planned for Tuesday on Capitol Hill. Democratic lawmakers are likely to attend both sessions.

The Trump administration recently sent an aircraft carrier and other military resources to the Persian Gulf region, and withdrew nonessential personnel from Iraq, raising alarm among Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill over the possibility of a confrontation with Iran.

Trump in recent days downplayed any potential for conflict. But questions remain about what prompted the actions and many lawmakers have demanded more information.

Trump and Brennan have clashed openly, particularly over the issues surrounding the special counsel’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Brennan stepped down from the CIA in 2017.

The president last year said he was revoking the former spy chief’s security credentials after Brennan was critical of Trump’s interactions with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in Helsinki. Top national security officials often retain their clearance after they have left an agency as a way to provide counsel to their successors. It’s unclear if Brennan actually lost his clearance.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been asking the administration for a briefing for all lawmakers on the situation in Iran, but she said the request was initially rebuffed. The administration provided a classified briefing for top leaders of both parties last week.


7d91c8  No.6542474

File: a9da81b343be6fc⋯.jpg (16.5 KB, 236x365, 236:365, que.jpg)

File: 1be4e87551f5691⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, May.da.May.jpg)

File: 1995a577462ce4a⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 460x276, 5:3, 10 St. James Sq.jpg)

d3599f  No.6542475

File: 4283aad03dcb821⋯.jpg (291.06 KB, 600x918, 100:153, Trubnikov.jpg)

File: 954bcfeda0bd60f⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 290x434, 145:217, Vladislav_Surkov_7_May_201….jpg)



Well, we do look like we're from Central Casting don't we?

74d739  No.6542476

File: 6828f67c2b8b8dd⋯.jpg (406.17 KB, 720x1098, 40:61, IMG_20190520_104058.jpg)

d6b095  No.6542477

File: 87dbbfbb16db5e1⋯.png (682.27 KB, 977x571, 977:571, ClipboardImage.png)


Already done.

0a3775  No.6542478


Who gives a fuck..it can't be proven so it doesn't matter.

267917  No.6542479


Its basically because the world is run by the occult and they don't even know it

2 Corinthians 4:4

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

a69fa4  No.6542480

what link are you drawing from the airport just curious. This board isnt all bots lol people are listening.

aaa457  No.6542481

Searching for movie spoilers from Helper Anon.

7d91c8  No.6542482

File: bf61c35fafb6da4⋯.jpg (263.87 KB, 900x793, 900:793, FL COMPED.jpg)

fat leonard

a69fa4  No.6542483


0e3ac2  No.6542484


get the fuck out of q research right now and GO BACK TO FUCKING REDDIT

d3599f  No.6542485

File: 5c92262c947c6e4⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 479x475, 479:475, cta-1job1.JPG)


>is that right?


Yep, nigga, it is.

34b644  No.6542486


I did wonder 4, 10 , 20 and 5:5. 5:5

Looking at the pic you have the 4 and the 20 together. 20/4 = 5

Looking at the other side of the mirror you have the 10 and the 50. 50/10 = 5


7d91c8  No.6542487

File: c2ca9a4906f9c93⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 300x246, 50:41, FF.jpg)

7147a2  No.6542488

File: 45d624ebf4d0179⋯.png (50.92 KB, 596x545, 596:545, ClipboardImage.png)

Noticed that POTUS has been using the word "disparage" a lot when referring to the fake news media. Noticed it during his interview last night on FOX and now again in his tweet…

Is he trying to bring our attention to something specific??

c468b7  No.6542489

File: 32927afad700d26⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 540x434, 270:217, cunt farm gate.jpg)

0a3775  No.6542490


Bitch I was never even on plebbit you niggeroid cock sucker, came with q from half so kys.

Your wall of redtext shows your faggotry now get fucking FUCKED!

6e30ce  No.6542491


Hunter(Joe) Biden is being blackmailed by China

Hunter is likely still doing coke.

China has pics/videos.

d55c39  No.6542492


its just old news.

done that dig so dug it all the way to china.

its all connected.

they stole our symbols

we take them back.

God Wins,


I think most are just lurking and

waiting for the hammer to drop.

I am.

if you havent noticed we ARE in Crazy town

until normie frens know whats going on

we are crazy.

it gets lonely/boring

which is why I still come here

to get yelled at in red texts about things I already know.


love you fags

0376aa  No.6542493

File: 57d52868ac50366⋯.jpeg (549.34 KB, 828x1535, 828:1535, C60607B4-5582-4028-BF52-B….jpeg)

File: 58dd1a7b8792fb1⋯.jpeg (516.73 KB, 828x1507, 828:1507, 9318510B-DF64-473C-A0EE-9….jpeg)

File: 6ce7f74ddc2cc89⋯.jpeg (444.11 KB, 827x1512, 827:1512, 765E3C41-8CB0-4D21-AD46-7….jpeg)

File: 927027cec5d641b⋯.jpeg (446.18 KB, 827x1554, 827:1554, B640BA85-92A7-454A-AFA5-E….jpeg)

This is all over Instagram.

I imagine ((their)) plan was to subvert modern Christianity with touchy priests and drive the populace away with a few decades of horror stories, the result is this modern fascination with Masonic luciferianism.

Ergo the “Old Guard” 3.0

These poor kids have no idea what they are getting involved with.

14bb78  No.6542494


TRUMP card coming.

ed45e1  No.6542495


Se those that traitors, are comiting crimes right now!!!!





876087  No.6542496

File: 45b10d971b5d3e6⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 236x526, 118:263, General Douchebag.jpg)

6a91e5  No.6542497


Mikey was on a Commie watch list. When a fake news media fag says this: which offers no incriminating details and comes to no conclusions there's a good chance there is something incriminating in the file.

from the NY Post

<The file — which offers no incriminating details and comes to no conclusions — notes Wallace traveled to Havana by way of Mexico with a group, carrying 22 pieces of luggage and came back with 26.

>The file also includes a letter from a World War II vet, who calls Wallace a commie “traitor.” He writes,”I have solid proof that you are an anti-american traitor…You make me want to puke.”


9536fa  No.6542498


That is true. I have had so much opposition from "other Christians" (maybe they are, maybe they aren't) over simply referring to scripture! Female modesty including a "token" on the head (because of the angels), no oaths, etc.

7d91c8  No.6542499

File: f23595bc4a7ad94⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 306x520, 153:260, nob.nat.jpg)

File: cb7827e83fb4827⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 544x743, 544:743, gandhi pedo.jpg)

File: 5d7c869cc729f3b⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 525x407, 525:407, dif panda.jpg)

d55c39  No.6542501


what are you circling?

an elephant?

a uterus?

92e114  No.6542502

File: 31e35c6cfbfb945⋯.jpg (617.79 KB, 1548x1704, 129:142, 9adf97ebf2bc5fda58ccc8b34a….jpg)

4ab525  No.6542503


It's all so MIGA …

c8dd1e  No.6542505


Baker Change

>>6542431 Supreme Court sides with Wyoming hunter as Gorsuch joins liberals

>>6542319 Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley Proposes Bill Allowing People To Block Tech Companies From Constantly Tracking Their Location

>>6542300 UK’s Spy Confession is a Lie and We Caught Them – Kavalec Notes Prove UK Was Spying on Trump Earlier Than Reported

>>6542283 New DJT twat: Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it…

>>6542274 Lindsey Graham twat w/CAP": The fault lies with the Iranians, not the United States or any other nation. …Stand firm Mr. President.

>>6542251 Ford Motor Co cutting about 10% of global salaried workforce

>>6542165 FCC chairman gives green light to T-Mobile-Sprint merger

>>6542149 Amash primary challenge in Michigan.

>>6542143 Trey Gowdy: Brennan, Clapper and Comey know full well dossier was used in the intelligence assessment

>>6541969 Eric Swalwell Is a Financial Mess

>>6541948 Anon opines: A SHORT NARRATIVE ON OUR LIVES:

>>6541937 NY State lawmakers tweak legislation allowing release of Trump's tax returns

>>6541898 Woman Injured by Flu Shot Receives $2.49 Million

>>6541894 New DJT twat: Why are the Democrats not looking into all of the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary and the phony Russia Investigation?…

>>6541882 New DJT twat: "We have a booming economy, and working people are making gains that they haven’t seen in decades." Stuart Varney

>>6541873 UK: 19 terror attacks have been foiled in the last two years including 14 by Islamist extremists, warns 'tempo is increasing'

>>6541860 Spain: Surge in Migrant Crime

>>6541853 Anon's take on POTUS interview: Comms: "I NEVER believe THAT intelligence."

>>6541843, >>6541849 Ukraine's defense minister resigns. All his deputies resign

>>6541792, >>6541809 New DJT twats w/CAPs Montage on NYT, MSM, Cash from Russia, 2 missing twats…

>>6541699 Suit opened in SDNY v. Senator Charles E. Schumer. (Racketeer/Corrupt Organization), April 4, 2019

cddbf0  No.6542506

File: b7d10af836efd57⋯.jpg (61.16 KB, 500x494, 250:247, Failed.jpg)

BOOM week was a joke.

f26c97  No.6542507

File: 06110663f568894⋯.png (199.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>HM??? 01

HM01 isn't that "cut"

4a0422  No.6542508

File: 728fbaf4cf8d633⋯.jpg (197.21 KB, 1440x1200, 6:5, 728fbaf4cf8d6332ae0441b78f….jpg)


was discussed at length past several days

223011  No.6542509

File: a53be56493e5c77⋯.jpeg (9.97 KB, 255x177, 85:59, pepsuspicious.jpeg)

5 hour transition bred to start the week



slowest offense ever?

when will the TDS be stopped?

6a91e5  No.6542510


shit. tagged wrong post. Meant for >>6542405

Mikey was on a Commie watch list. When a fake news media fag says this: which offers no incriminating details and comes to no conclusions there's a good chance there is something incriminating in the file.

from the NY Post

<The file — which offers no incriminating details and comes to no conclusions — notes Wallace traveled to Havana by way of Mexico with a group, carrying 22 pieces of luggage and came back with 26.

>The file also includes a letter from a World War II vet, who calls Wallace a commie “traitor.” He writes,”I have solid proof that you are an anti-american traitor…You make me want to puke.”


9536fa  No.6542511


When I see 4,10,20. I think of DJT. (Not saying your observation is wrong. I don't really know what 5:5 refers to.)

61d501  No.6542513


Which means that the obstacles to solid work we had been complaining about are (largely) gone.

Time to do some actual work, lads … our bluff has been called. ;-)

267917  No.6542514


>They are messing with "things" they shouldn't be messing with; So maybe there's the analogy with CERN?

1st I couldn't care less about your theology…2nd gullible is gullible don't care who you are ..a;; I said was don't be gullible…3rd your probably right about some of the things their doing at CERN… but its not all evil

CERN Is Seeking Secrets of the Universe, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell


eea260  No.6542516

File: ba8040953432266⋯.jpg (249.74 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SHILL16.jpg)

a69fa4  No.6542517

Did anyone maybe think about that famous statement from Donald Trump " we dont like to let our enemies know whats going on before its going on".

>>Have you ever considered that most of the nailed down dates are just used as cover for the real BOOM

also a boom can mean many things its a subjective word.

I say be patient, have faith, and stay the course


34b644  No.6542519

File: f5b0e38ccd1ec77⋯.png (312.36 KB, 991x529, 991:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17250d1251e54f5⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1400x788, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b2183667ae4b71⋯.png (5.75 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40d97c3ac12e1ff⋯.png (189.58 KB, 300x223, 300:223, ClipboardImage.png)


From an old bread relating to Fat Leonard.






b14558  No.6542520


8 is hosted on CF

nothing is anonymous

the point is to not be doxxed by random shitlords

0e3ac2  No.6542521


okay ty I though I was going crazy what was the condensed verdict?

d6b095  No.6542523

File: 2aa0c5460174846⋯.png (2.62 MB, 3000x2062, 1500:1031, qclock_q_djt322x3104wBOSup….png)

File: d233e2ac6548973⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1869x1553, 1869:1553, HEDeltas138NewPOTUScrop.png)



4, 10, 20


0a3775  No.6542524


5:5 is military code for 'loud and clear'.

260e74  No.6542525


Remember when he was all "remember the names" (of mostly Russians and Ukrainians) for pretty much the entirety of the past year?

Sure, everyone has their own ideas of "recent", yet it's been a year that he's been on this.


Remember when he had PappaD on for an exclusive last summer-ish? I had no idea that is what folks born and raised in Chicago/the US sound like!!

3bb996  No.6542526


1% Trash Heap!!!!

fucking kek

0b605f  No.6542528


How cheap a license to pollute. That's all a climate tax of any sort is, anyway.

223011  No.6542529


>its a subjective word.

that is true BUT it must mean something we will NOT miss!

otherwise its just another disinfo tactic

e84a67  No.6542531

File: 93b803c07715f00⋯.jpg (196.26 KB, 1170x592, 585:296, CERNunnos.jpg)


I gonna have to watch the dance of Madonna

The only thing I noticed about it was that (part of it at least) was performed by someone who a "Madonna" Imposter!

(I think they worship Satan not Shiva; there's a difference? Satan worshipers are atheists and sadists. Shiva worshipers are philosophers. Satan worshipers are nihilists. Among Shiva worshipers there are many schools of philosophy, but not nihilist! Shiva worshipers adore all living beings as sparks of the Divine Creative principle -

Shiva is the ARCHER who will destroy those who practice incest with the young.

"CERNunos" may or may not be 'Shiva"

They are conflated?

fd1631  No.6542532

File: 788b76099cbdca1⋯.jpg (106.73 KB, 538x668, 269:334, holder.jpg)

c8dd1e  No.6542535






8e6292  No.6542536


stay strong patriot…

Don't let the fantasy land boomers and kikes-pretending-to-be-anons get you down

b1c599  No.6542537


You elected yourself to investigate and report back.

7d91c8  No.6542538

File: ba493b76597051f⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 564x334, 282:167, bronfman.redstone.jpg)

File: 1d85ffb6b46ef69⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 510x348, 85:58, jl1.jpg)

e84a67  No.6542540

File: 93b803c07715f00⋯.jpg (196.26 KB, 1170x592, 585:296, CERNunnos.jpg)

ed45e1  No.6542541






eb0047  No.6542543


Buzzfeed will pick this up in 3…2….1

Hey Will

cddbf0  No.6542544



Q Research board is not anonymous that my point.

Anon you made a good point as well.

3bb996  No.6542546


swalwell's first jo-ob

In 2001 and 2002, Swalwell interned for Ellen Tauscher in the United States House of Representatives, then representative for California's 10th congressional district.

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