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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

f32603  No.6510730

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

Compiled here: >>6490077

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f32603  No.6510739

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6477078 BO removed a BV

>>6446595 BO on baker checks

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


>>6510633 DJT golf rt from today features 'the 17th hole'

>>6510627 Brexit Party formed in Welsh Assembly 'with IMMEDIATE effect'

>>6510593 Brexit Party could be stripped of Parliamentary passes by Lords

>>6510536 POTUS wants to buy Canadian drugs

>>6510524 , >>6510552 1 Year Delta on request being sent to POTUS to DECLAS

>>6510486 Counting down the days and checking off the habbenings

>>6510266 , >>6510406 POTUS signs EO clearing way to ban Huawei from US telecoms

>>6510196 Bunker. Forrest. Blue. April Showers to come?

>>6510183 Anti-Trump, Anti-Wall New Mexico governor shipping asylum seekers to Denver

>>6510154 , >>6510168, >>6510230 Rick Santorum destroys Kirtson Powers on the abortion debate

>>6510129 Bibi to defence chiefs: Try to keep Israel out of Iran/US tensions

>>6510103 Joseph J Flynn retweets J.T. Wilde's new song "ThanQ For The Pain"

>>6510100 Billionaire Koch brothers rail against Trump: US must eliminate all tariffs

>>6510084 , >>6510107, >>6510081, >>6510109, >>6510117, >>6510259 Kappy death location dig cont.

>>6510060 Pope Francis: Human history marked by ‘Mysterious Evil’

>>6510054 , >>6510085 Hannity sauce: "Horrowitz is done and it's going to be devastating"

>>6510045 James Baker rats out Comey

>>6510036 Oregon vaccine bill dead. No mandatory vaccinations

>>6510030 Millennials Besieged by Chronic Illness: From Age 27, It’s All “Downhill”

>>6510003 JW uncovers DOJ records showing Ohr comms with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele

>>6510725 #8325


>>6509908 Navy prosecutor admits in court he spied on SEAL lawyers and media

>>6509860 , >>6509892 Laura Ingram: Sources are telling me DECLAS NEXT WEEK

>>6509797 , >>6509598, >>6509628 Refresher: Kappy was HWANON2, and DMS switch key(?) archive

>>6509790 US abstains from global pledge to curb online violence

>>6509715 Anon's theory that Kappy was murdered

>>6509656 Comey turns on Brennan

>>6509503 Hannity: "Horrowitz is done and it's going to be devastating" Sauce required

>>6509419 , >>6509430 Witnesses at House JC Hearing: Nadler reqested that Barr break the law

>>6509376 GOP House Speaker asks indicted Michigan lawmaker to resign

>>6509300 Obama’s Former DHS Secretary: Population Of Orlando Reached Our Border In Two Months

>>6509925 Kappy/Military Base dig cont.

>>6509484 , >>6509487, >>6509559, >>6509635, >>6509650, >>6509696 Kappy/Military Base dig cont.

>>6509289 , >>6509270, >>6509321, >>6509323, >>6509435, >>6509379 Kappy/Military Base dig cont.

>>6509278 U.S. Marines Tweet: "Dig In"

>>6509272 Frustrated GOP senators want answers from Trump on Iran

>>6509256 , >>6509280 Hannity mentions Brennan and 'Alice in wonderland' in the same sentence

>>6509947 #8324

'''Previously Collected Notables

>>6509188 #8323,

>>6506797 #8320, >>6507589 #8321, >>6508381 #8322

>>6504474 #8317, >>6505203 #8318, >>6505983 #8319

>>6502141 #8314, >>6502914 #8315, >>6503684 #8316

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

f32603  No.6510740

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6391912 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6486549

Q Graphics all in EST


f32603  No.6510742

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

f32603  No.6510748

File: 9434230b6a2ae46⋯.png (526.93 KB, 835x497, 835:497, 9434230b6a2ae46a20a0ad53a9….png)

#8326 Dough


Baker offers handoff or can take it to Gravy @ 3pm ET

42650d  No.6510749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate or racist. Facts are not hate or racist.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


42650d  No.6510750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


42650d  No.6510754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

42650d  No.6510762

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

f2b5d7  No.6510765

File: 59c992982d4c87e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 894x1410, 149:235, AC7B48E3-8792-41B2-A4BB-36….png)

42650d  No.6510766

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: bfe1bd89d125c7c⋯.jpg (131.9 KB, 720x929, 720:929, zz.jpg)





https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

52389d  No.6510770

File: 5da940d3312ceae⋯.gif (984.28 KB, 500x266, 250:133, Later.gif)

42650d  No.6510772

File: 58a4c2c4aa25876⋯.png (994.75 KB, 1165x1139, 1165:1139, real_goy_doc.png)

File: 7406fa463f17021⋯.jpg (995.77 KB, 741x1058, 741:1058, over.jpg)

File: f2244be3e86ffa5⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 474x323, 474:323, patton.jpg)

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)

File: e5ddc7baf202e8a⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 474x435, 158:145, dem_jew.jpg)

a91809  No.6510775

File: cfa18fe513939b6⋯.png (960.52 KB, 900x626, 450:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Adelson: US should drop atomic bomb on Iran

American-Jewish billionaire October 24, 2013


f6df94  No.6510776

File: 0a5e3cd7c0f5645⋯.jpg (539.24 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, IMG_003.jpg)

File: 0434cd5d0bc6230⋯.png (795.17 KB, 584x876, 2:3, IMG_032.png)

File: c06268c13f6a17a⋯.jpg (400.08 KB, 1600x1014, 800:507, IMG_049.jpg)

File: 44a7342840d93cc⋯.jpg (116.03 KB, 700x870, 70:87, IMG_109.jpg)

File: 2ed9945f88c0aba⋯.jpg (403.7 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, IMG_115.jpg)


42650d  No.6510779

File: e165de2487ad2dd⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 415x520, 83:104, 13450259_10207.jpg)

File: b8977f9ce358ee2⋯.jpg (566.39 KB, 1047x945, 349:315, 13450259_102077.jpg)

File: f8c5140bdc7860f⋯.jpg (201.41 KB, 584x568, 73:71, broth.jpg)

File: d530d547c5d3dd2⋯.jpg (107.31 KB, 711x553, 9:7, antisemitism_act.jpg)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, anton_protocols.png)

e45982  No.6510780

File: 9b581fb4df89864⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1E905FBE-9C43-4365-B3AB-24….png)

File: 9d0689ff71e4995⋯.png (275.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CA724A42-5742-4033-A909-4B….png)

File: 012ff557bdd1d7e⋯.jpeg (78.84 KB, 597x414, 199:138, A38C228A-1F3F-4B07-B0FA-9….jpeg)

File: 03f240adebbdf7a⋯.jpeg (59.2 KB, 637x392, 13:8, AD54209F-E416-4D61-A022-9….jpeg)

File: 012656da56c6914⋯.jpeg (129.03 KB, 802x487, 802:487, E43B4D2F-1B95-43E9-819F-C….jpeg)

8fed9a  No.6510781

File: f3a8328e22c2ece⋯.jpeg (17.07 KB, 148x255, 148:255, D3437B5B-B019-4781-A565-1….jpeg)

f2b5d7  No.6510782


Will the victims of the Clintons, both living and dead, be avenged?

f6df94  No.6510784

File: 41be5c0ad8a3682⋯.png (38.42 KB, 694x388, 347:194, captcha_advice.png)

Captcha Advice

Small tips taken from other Anons that will save you some hassles when solving captchas.

3211af  No.6510785

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

5af440  No.6510786

File: 6e3056e93c71159⋯.jpg (102.51 KB, 648x954, 36:53, Screenshot 2019-05-16_00-3….jpg)


8d6959  No.6510787



Rapist no death penalty

Rapist lives


Rapist walks

Baby Dies


Open Borders

Roe was never raped she lied in roe vs wade

she was bisexual had drugs and sex and a baaby

lied that it was a rapist

818170  No.6510789

File: ea86c81eb014402⋯.png (377.94 KB, 615x437, 615:437, trump.png)


818170  No.6510793

File: 8ef845d83f3a4e9⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 600x371, 600:371, ZomboMeme 14052019110350.jpg)

File: 6fb95a02103fc24⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 1024x710, 512:355, ZomboMeme 14052019155224.jpg)

File: 8ce2419ec74e56f⋯.jpg (56.18 KB, 992x415, 992:415, ZomboMeme 14052019155257.jpg)

File: 054f95dd8527ed9⋯.jpg (98.97 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ZomboMeme 14052019155321.jpg)

File: d55c671dff42875⋯.jpg (82.2 KB, 742x523, 742:523, ZomboMeme 14052019155351.jpg)

03c568  No.6510795

File: de0c2743cbcf830⋯.png (363.55 KB, 931x520, 931:520, SUPERSTORM_PEPE.png)


f8252f  No.6510796

File: 93ca74188e92e56⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2051x1740, 2051:1740, Pepe dancin groobs baby.jpg)

3211af  No.6510799

File: 625072c8ce83994⋯.jpg (150.1 KB, 728x546, 4:3, 85-90.jpg)

File: 7fd9c8b34368988⋯.jpg (378.1 KB, 739x1337, 739:1337, 1_jews_against_trump.jpg)

a491ba  No.6510800

File: d1a68b5f37e4b15⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 630x920, 63:92, comey 2.jpg)


96e97b  No.6510802

File: a442f7f9c3d5eb2⋯.gif (128.62 KB, 750x936, 125:156, 23bv-CS59op-43gbWQvb7-6yaB….gif)

a91809  No.6510803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump 10/6/80

f2b5d7  No.6510804

File: 1b55fa29c409180⋯.png (5.16 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, A58EB017-AC3F-4D47-B8F6-2A….png)

e897ab  No.6510805

File: e9ed596121ff2ea⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 700x394, 350:197, tucker_BD.jpg)

52389d  No.6510806


She's… wait a minute. Nevermind

8d6959  No.6510807

Joe Biden 1990 Gun Free zones – Biden LAw

Mayors in Puerto Rico colluding with business using

money from Feds for relief


25f7f8  No.6510808

File: db5efc6cb245000⋯.jpg (295.96 KB, 1590x1440, 53:48, IMG-20190515-WA0002.jpg)

File: e1543b3ac4c929a⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 617x353, 617:353, IMG-20190515-WA0001.jpg)

File: ad2e0fa45fb6256⋯.jpg (320.28 KB, 1348x958, 674:479, IMG-20190515-WA0003.jpg)

File: 91917c9b2a4dad7⋯.jpg (237.95 KB, 1255x1600, 251:320, IMG-20190515-WA0004.jpg)

Hey guys,

Sorry if I'm late to the party on this thought. Ben Awall. Perhaps someone suggested it already.

Perhaps John Durham is Q's Stealth Bomber.

Northrup Grumman builds Stealth Bombers.

Northrup Grumman has a location in Raleigh-DURHAM.

I don't think they build the bombers at that location but maybe some computery stuff for them.

He has been stealthfully working on the case for Barr longer than we thought. Maybe Stealth Bomber is his old nickname or codename in Intel circles.

Or maybe it's a stretch but I thought I should mention the thot that I thawt I thought.

4279bb  No.6510809

Question for NightShift!

Do we have more Bewb posts or Khazar posts in every thread?

c4b472  No.6510810

File: f3b72e68f7a9004⋯.png (35.85 KB, 640x342, 320:171, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Sena….png)

Forgive if already posted.

Confirmed, 52-45: Executive Calendar #202 Kenneth Lee to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit


d839b1  No.6510811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump and The First Lady Host the White House Historical Association Dinner

>Mentions "Old Hickory"…


bb225e  No.6510812

File: fc5ca22a395d5b7⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ROE.mp4)


>Roe was never raped

TRUE! Listen for yourself

610273  No.6510813

File: a3233ac2c6f642b⋯.jpg (6.27 KB, 159x159, 1:1, tools.jpg)

Police in the UK have made another weapons cache seizure. Keeping the streets safe!

c16b63  No.6510814

File: 46217a24d31ea08⋯.jpg (166.97 KB, 586x897, 586:897, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

After India province, Islamic State proclaims a new province in Pakistan


f6df94  No.6510815

File: dfae905b3a5a207⋯.png (290.35 KB, 740x738, 370:369, night_shift.png)

File: 23f7314bedbab46⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 555x800, 111:160, night_shift_cats.jpg)

File: af1788ca05ad8b8⋯.png (384.92 KB, 903x739, 903:739, pepe_nightwatch.png)


"A lot of Clown Motherfuckers have a lot of explaining to do" edition!

c96c14  No.6510816

File: db38edffe637a8a⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 1362x792, 227:132, koons-rabbit.jpg)

911 digits, a rabbit, an artist with deep cabal connections…what kind of message is being sent here?

b1d662  No.6510817

Happy Ramadan Q

52389d  No.6510818


It's pretty close but I think it's the Khazar by a nose

1e15a8  No.6510819

File: 299dc1e8254f6d0⋯.png (296.32 KB, 440x627, 40:57, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)


1e15a8  No.6510820

File: cf563b05be5fb41⋯.png (976.31 KB, 1336x636, 334:159, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)


57254a  No.6510821

File: 2ce1525fe63789f⋯.png (78.99 KB, 567x336, 27:16, Joe.png)

File: b6c1a2d4aaf8aa6⋯.png (73.68 KB, 613x432, 613:432, b6c1a2d4aaf8aa620cee793075….png)

Idk if this was covered in previous breads, but the madman is trolling Joe Scarborough about him murdering that intern in his office. So seems like there's a hidden message in this tweet, e.g. Joe has an indictment with his name on it and is going down.

bba3d8  No.6510822

File: 44b120a15753307⋯.png (959.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pepetron.png)

1e15a8  No.6510823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a91809  No.6510824

Brazil Faces Mass Protests Against Education Spending Cuts

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in cities across Brazil on Wednesday to rally against education spending freezes made by Jair Bolsonaro’s government as part of a wider government effort to reduce spending.

On Wednesday Brazil’s National Student Union called for protests against what it called spending cuts after the Education Ministry said it was freezing nearly a quarter of discretionary spending — $1.85 billion.

Marches took place in over 200 cities, according to a count by the Globo TV network, gathering reportedly 150,000 across the country. In the capital Brasilia, some 7,000 students and university professors marched to Congress, carrying signs against the cuts. One said: “Education is not an expense, it is an investment.” Another read: “Without investment, there is no knowledge.”

Protests for education occur in all states in Brazil! #NaRuaPelaEducacao #todospelaeducacao #Paulista pic.twitter.com/n8jYHOZzLA

— Felipe Maruyama (@mmassamI) 15 мая 2019 г.

Brazil's students protest education cuts https://t.co/JfISImYx3m pic.twitter.com/UF6zLE47Tx

— Zyite (@ZyiteGadgets) 15 мая 2019 г.

Sergipe may be the smallest state in Brazil, but thousands upon thousands of students & others march the streets against Bolsonaro’s budget cuts to universities. It’s one of the biggest protests I’ve seen in Aju over last 5 years. Quite impressive!@BrasilWire #TsunamiDaEducacao pic.twitter.com/XojWIOMSum

— Nate Allen (@iMarxiavelli) 15 мая 2019 г.

#Brazil: Tens thousands of students, teachers and their supporters march in #Recife in defense of the public education. #TsunamidaEducação #NaRuaPelaEducação #GreveNacionalDaEducacao pic.twitter.com/Wq9w464g1j

— ubique (@PersonalEscrito) 15 мая 2019 г.

“Our message to Bolsonaro is that society will not accept these cuts of 30 percent,” said Luis Antonio Pasquetti, head of the National University of Brasilia’s teacher union.

The marches were mostly peaceful, however, in Rio de Janeiro a march turned violent when protesters allegedly set a bus on fire and started shooting fireworks at police officers who had to use tear gas bombs and rubber bullets to break a crowd up. There is still no information on the number of injuries during the protests.

Speaking in Dallas, Texas, where he travelled to attend a gala dinner, Bolsonaro dismissed the protests against cuts to education funding.

“They are useful idiots, imbeciles, who are being used as the manoeuvring mass of a clever little minority who make up the nucleus of many federal universities in Brazil,” he said.

Brazil’s Education Minister Abraham Weintraub blamed the situation on the legacy of the previous government while defending a shift away from spending on universities to favour elementary schools.

“The priority is preschool, elementary school and technical school,” he said. “A scientific, technical, number-based, efficient and managerial approach is vital to save this country from the economic stagnation of the last 20 years that we are living.”


c5fd2c  No.6510825


Just like the 4ft faggot brothers at urge Top of every ones of Trumps Tweets has been determined Jack Dorsey and his Twat fags Have to be actively involved in the Seditious Treason.

Likewise, this Fool must have an Inside connections to be on the Top of Every Bread.

Statistically Impossible

8fed9a  No.6510826

File: fec1a8d85152579⋯.jpeg (33.94 KB, 156x255, 52:85, 98E094FE-BD77-4EBF-9C19-1….jpeg)


:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt

:Issued: 2019 May 16 0310 UTC

# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center


# Geophysical Alert Message


Solar-terrestrial indices for 15 May follow.

Solar flux 74 and estimated planetary A-index 6.

The estimated planetary K-index at 0300 UTC on 16 May was 2.

No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.

Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate.

Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are likely.


610273  No.6510827

File: 6a4579dd56275b7⋯.jpg (5.68 KB, 313x161, 313:161, velvet buzzsaw.jpg)

16740c  No.6510829

File: b31f41a1b271619⋯.jpg (657.48 KB, 1440x984, 60:41, Fedthatupdude.jpg)

File: 0daac8a2debd7ac⋯.png (574.52 KB, 1206x1574, 603:787, FollowMariaGraphic.png)

File: 4078fb1b7fb71a1⋯.png (30.99 KB, 383x252, 383:252, EyesOn.png)

File: a05f5ec6d007178⋯.png (273.81 KB, 1596x1053, 532:351, LessGraphic.png)

OK Anons, tossin this one into the mix again. Got no replies last bread, but I think this could be a NOICE group effort Q is pointing us to…. I'll just make my case here and throw it out for ideas. Maybe some anons can step in and try to organize as that is not my forte… Basically, I suspect there might be some kind of structure to all of the "ignore spelling error/on the move" type posts.

First, let's take it is obvious that Q WAS telling Anons to skip looking for any simple meaning in a given post with a misspelling.

Next, the vast bulk of the posts saying "on the move" begin with a post on 12 Feb 2019, and the fact that a now well-known phrase was only so recently established might seem odd. Obviously, one use of this phrase was to create the impression that Q was actively travelling with POTUS, but I think we are now well beyond the point of thinking that Q is one dude dropping messages next to POTUS. This thing is YUGE, and I suspect there are NO spelling "mistakes".

Take a look at the FIRST post with "on the move", the "Follow Maria" post. In retrospect, it obviously has a double meaning. In the immediate post, Q writes "Maria" when he is referring to MARINA Abramovic. But then a few posts later he mentions a MARIA, and it turns out she is the crucial one there, since we are supposed to ultimately consider the fact that Maria Shicklgruber (Adolf's grandmother) had worked as a servant to a Rothschild. The upshot is that Q is UNDERMINING the claim that we should always ignore spelling errors when he tells us to, but perhaps pointing to the fact that they may matter in a BROADER context.

The SECOND post with "on the move" doesn't seem to fit the pattern. But I suspect it is meant as a clue to us NOW. Q is telling us to put our eyes on "On The Move".

Finally, the MOST RECENT use of "on the move" is the most complex. But first think back: most uses of "on the move" correspond to a case where Q has made an identifiable spelling error in a post. Now look at the graphic on the recent case. There doesn't seem to be any spelling error at all, but seemingly a grammar error. Q should have said "fewer than 10" since 10 is a discrete rather than a continuous quantity. One Anon caught this in reply to the "on the move" post.. (hmmm….), but most Anons missed it since Q has repeatedly made this "error". (I missed it…) But Q certainly KNOWS what the PROPER usage is here, and given the fact that Q repeatedly "ERRS" and yet is now seeming to point to the "error", I suspect this is NO COINCIDENCE. One upshot is that the "error" has NOTHING to do with being "on the move" since Q has REPEATEDLY made the same "error".

Now look at the line where Q tells us to look for keywords. We HAVE been seeing a ton of keywords since then, and all around. But… when Q said this "on the move" was by then ITSELF a keyword. I think this is ONE of the keywords Q is directing us to.

Now look at the post Q is replying to. I think Q is using this to tell us to use this immediate set of posts as an injunction to examine "on the move" and "error" posts within the context of the FULL set of Q posts.

Too many "coincidences" I think… I suspect there is something here, but I think this is really a project to get multiple eyes on…

(Nice doodle…)

3211af  No.6510830

File: c284fe7235d9861⋯.png (34.45 KB, 925x248, 925:248, you.png)


> this Fool

Fuck off and talk about the information.

a37148  No.6510831

File: 6da610436a8eec0⋯.jpg (159.05 KB, 605x611, 605:611, EyesOnAnons.jpg)

931d72  No.6510832

File: 9d89a00f6ceab26⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 621x434, 621:434, 31352p.jpg)


f2b5d7  No.6510833

File: ffc0eec8b5fb04a⋯.png (3.77 MB, 2361x1718, 2361:1718, 74BEC1AC-7F69-4BCB-BF9F-1B….png)

*Not the artist.

Just an admirer.

f6df94  No.6510834

File: 02810575b5c75d6⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 704x920, 88:115, mccorvey.jpg)


Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe's real name) also gave birth to her child before the case was decided and put him up for adoption.

By the mid-90s she had become an anti-abortion activist and remained against abortion until she died in 2017.

7e156a  No.6510835

File: 6890bb02dcce43f⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 490x604, 245:302, spacepepe.jpg)


Fuck it, I'll say it…

That nose looks pretty goddamn big.

7339a6  No.6510836

File: dee8f6ff4fff0b5⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1120x1963, 1120:1963, 5161D3E7-E1E5-414C-B89B-A0….png)

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence, we learned that John Durham has been assigned to looking into the Trump/ Russia investigation origins. That he’s been working on it for weeks or months now.

“Mr. Durham had served as the interim U.S. Attorney since October 28, 2017, after U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions signed an order appointing him to the position. President Donald Trump nominated Mr. Durham to serve as U.S. Attorney on November 1, 2017, and the U.S. Senate confirmed his nomination on February 16, 2018.”


d839b1  No.6510837

China’s Huawei, and 70 Affiliates, Placed on U.S. Trade Blacklist

"The overall strategery here is brilliant. After two years of rope-a-dope….

Trump exits the corner for the championship rounds in the trade fight: First

the body blow, China boxed-in with trade confrontation and consequences

of retreat from agreement (Mnuchin and Lighthizer);… Then whammo,

the roundhouse XO placing telecom under national security review (Navarro

and Pillsbury); then upper-cut, Wilburine places Hauwei and affiliates on

Commerce Dept. trade blacklist… Lions and Killers and Strategists, oh my."


a91809  No.6510838

File: 51e9ad742593fc0⋯.png (57.26 KB, 730x858, 365:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0d0c654a290261⋯.png (66.41 KB, 721x914, 721:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcb667a05cc7d3b⋯.png (98.25 KB, 730x885, 146:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd4fdb87ad64e3d⋯.png (61.79 KB, 724x909, 724:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b24fa749ebdfd35⋯.png (25.95 KB, 741x393, 247:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Towards a Culture of World Peace

The following text was presented at the closing session of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations, Beijing, May 15-16, 2019


The World is at a dangerous crossroads. A culture of war and military conquest is upheld. War is presented to public opinion as a US-NATO peace-making endeavor which will ultimately result in the spread of Western democracy.

Military intervention not to mention “economic warfare” (including sanctions) are routinely upheld as part of a humanitarian campaign. War has been granted a humanitarian mandate under NATO’s “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P).

Culture which is the theme of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations (Beijing, May 15-16, 2019) is of utmost importance in resolving conflicts within and between nations. Culture defines perceptions and understanding as well as dialogue and diplomacy.

In this regard, “Towards a Culture of World Peace” constitutes a commitment to Human Livelihood. It is an initiative which consists in confronting the discourse in support of war and military intervention emanating from NATO and the Pentagon. It requires reviving a Worldwide anti-war movement, nationally and internationally as well as establishing a resolve by the governments of sovereign nation states to reject this Worldwide process of militarization.

The contemporary US-NATO “culture of war” (which has its roots in European colonial history) constitutes an obvious obstacle and impediment to the Dialogue of Civilizations and China’s Belt ad Road Initiative (BRI) launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013.


The culture of peace is universal. It is shared by people and nations Worldwide. Today’s “culture of war” is a US hegemonic project predicated on the creation of conflict and divisions within and between countries. It is this (unilateral) project of global warfare which is intent upon destroying civilization.

“The culture of peace” which was addressed by President Xi Jinping in his opening address of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, constitutes an important instrument which has a bearing on broad geopolitical, economic and strategic relations. The procedure consists in ultimately confronting and dismantling “the culture of war” which has a pervasive impact on the human mindset.

This endeavour will not succeed through political rhetoric or a “war of words”.

It requires:

Translating the “culture of peace” into concrete actions at the geopolitical and diplomatic levels

Confronting media disinformation and war propaganda

A cohesive anti-war movement at the grassroots of society (nationally and internationally)

An endorsement by the governments of sovereign countries, member states of the United Nations, namely a decisive inter-governmental rejection of the US-NATO “culture of war”, which is in blatant violation of the UN Charter.

The disbandment of military alliances, including NATO, which are supportive of global warfare.

The withdrawal of NATO member states and NATO partner member states from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The adoption of a coherent and Worldwide disarmament programme coupled with major reductions in military spending.

The closing down of all military bases, some 800 US military bases in about 80 countries

The curtailment in the international trade of weapons

the restructuring of national economies with a view to downgrading and eventually closing down the war economy,

The reallocation of financial resources and tax revenues towards the civilian economy including social services.

So-called “Humanitarian Warfare”


The victims of U.S. led wars are routinely presented by the Western media as the perpetrators of war.

Realities are turned upside down. “War is Peace” said George Orwell. The Western media in chorus upholds war as a humanitarian endeavor. “Wars make us safer and richer” says the Washington Post.


c6ca1b  No.6510839

One more day in the books

Evil is being beat

We have come a long way

Morning sun brings heat

8fed9a  No.6510840

File: 727e9b2c298cf4d⋯.jpeg (39.87 KB, 727x484, 727:484, 3A871719-D609-44D1-A53C-8….jpeg)

f8252f  No.6510841

File: f970df299f7af9c⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 553x369, 553:369, chinese navy chek'em.jpg)

Tanker unloads Iranian fuel oil at China port after near five-month trek - data

SINGAPORE/BEIJING (Reuters) - A tanker carrying Iranian fuel oil in violation of U.S. sanctions has unloaded the cargo into storage tanks near the Chinese city of Zhoushan, according to ship tracking data on Refinitiv Eikon.

The discharging of the nearly 130,000 tonnes of Iranian fuel oil onboard the tanker, the Marshal Z, confirmed by a representative of the oil storage terminal, marks the end of an odyssey for the cargo that began four months ago.

Reuters reported on March 20 that some Iranian fuel oil had managed to evade the United States’ sanctions on petroleum exports by using ship-to-ship transfers involving four different ships, including the Marshal Z, and by using forged documents that masked the cargoes as originating from Iraq.

A second representative from the terminal operator, Zhoushan Jinrun Petroleum Transfer Co, said the cargo could not be Iranian oil, as the terminal had not received official shipments from Iran in at least the past four years. Both Jinrun representatives declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The unloading of the fuel oil comes less than two weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration stepped up moves to choke off Iran’s oil exports by scrapping waivers it had granted to big buyers of the country’s crude oil including China.

Refined products like fuel oil, mainly used to power ship engines and generate electricity, were not covered by the temporary waivers granted on the sanctions reintroduced in November 2018 as Washington seeks to pressure Iran into abandoning its nuclear and missile programs.

Reuters followed the movements of the Marshal Z since January using ship-tracking data available daily except when the ship was in deep waters and out of range of satellites.

From March 22 until arriving at the Jinrun terminal on the island of Liuheng on May 8, the vessel maintained a constant draught - how deep the ship sits in the water - of 15.9 meters (52 feet), according to the tracking data. That indicated the cargo was not discharged before reaching the terminal, about 30 km (18 miles) south of Zhoushan, near Shanghai.

Jinrun, owned by Herun Group, offers bonded storage at the terminal, according to its website, meaning that fuel can be stored there without clearing Chinese customs and officially entering the country. Herun officials referred questions back to Jinrun.

On May 12, the ship finished unloading the fuel oil as indicated by a change in its draught to 9 meters, and left the terminal, the tracking data showed. The vessel is headed for the waters just outside Singapore, set to arrive on May 21, the data showed.


The Marshal Z took on the cargo from a larger tanker off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in January. It transferred the fuel oil to a second tanker, the Libya, off the Malaysian port of Malacca later that month, the ship-tracking data showed.

But potential buyers wary of the U.S. sanctions steered clear of the Marshal Z’s cargo. By March 22, the Marshal Z took the fuel oil back from the Libya and anchored off the Malaysian and Singaporean coasts.

The vessel lingered off Singapore and Malaysia in March and April, the ship tracking data shows, before sailing to Hong Kong and finally to Liuheng island, off the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang.

“Transparency has been the thorn in the Marshal Z’s hull for quite some time now and owing to the issues regarding the alleged origin of her cargo nobody has been able to touch it,” said Matt Stanley, an oil broker at StarFuels in Dubai.

Reuters was unable to determine the financial terms surrounding the cargo’s unloading, but industry participants said it would likely have been on offer at a lower price to ensure a sale.

“Somebody in China decided that the steep discount this cargo most likely availed … was a bargain too good to miss,” said StarFuels broker Stanley.

Reuters was unable to confirm who purchased the fuel oil cargo carried by the Marshal Z.

Reuters has not been able to determine the owners of the Marshal Z. According to a shipbroker report dated Jan. 28, the tanker was sold to an undisclosed buyer and intended for use as floating storage.


one for the boatfags perhaps?

a37148  No.6510842

File: bf634c54ee93688⋯.jpg (409.9 KB, 706x868, 353:434, ComfyCosmicPepe.jpg)

9c9c55  No.6510843


Noice! Pretty colors.




Kek muh captcha

OP: IDF Israelis shilling the bird as usual with shit to paint anons as anti-Semites…like everyone knows some Jewish ppl are evil and Israel is comp'd…fucking all-stars on here

d91a95  No.6510844

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has been releasing a podcast, "Uncover: The Village", dedicated to covering NIXVM, often from the point of view of people closely involved, such as former members or friends of members. Good for staying up to date. This-Anon gets it through iTunes.

f6df94  No.6510845

File: 60600e770afbd4b⋯.jpg (59.54 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, gonna_steal_that.jpg)

96e97b  No.6510847

File: 160ba257c5a54d3⋯.jpg (92.74 KB, 707x960, 707:960, e003b4e4b-a5dc9b8251e-2670….jpg)

7e156a  No.6510848


What kind of message is being sent?

'How to launder $91.1 million dollars and get away with it because idiots believe the artohoax'.

a6dcee  No.6510849

File: 054c935ea84c566⋯.png (231.12 KB, 1316x663, 1316:663, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember when Q told us about this?

Fox guest floats possibility of FBI assassination plot against Trump


23a180  No.6510850



e2c5b6  No.6510851

File: 3239c913e6a1dff⋯.png (1 MB, 908x551, 908:551, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 36e8af7f7da6671⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1092x471, 364:157, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

Prescott, AZ


610273  No.6510852

Where the fuck is the "totally not muslim sabotage" Notre Dame report?

f6df94  No.6510853

File: 2b718d78586da3f⋯.jpg (93.36 KB, 600x800, 3:4, BALLS.jpg)

File: d81a3106056697b⋯.png (890.71 KB, 631x630, 631:630, mad-you.png)

File: 5ea128ddad98175⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 720x766, 360:383, may_brass_balls.jpg)

File: 18e510e55cdd65c⋯.png (871.98 KB, 816x888, 34:37, popcorn.png)

File: 1106271426ae0da⋯.png (754.2 KB, 944x531, 16:9, trump_ashbringer.png)


Mothafuckin' President Trump is kicking China's ass up and down the Yangtze!

1e15a8  No.6510854

File: d5ac72a93346085⋯.png (223.31 KB, 909x584, 909:584, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)




8fed9a  No.6510855

File: d86e70de5f0421b⋯.png (344.09 KB, 612x407, 612:407, 6ABC4849-FA77-49E6-95D8-B9….png)

File: 27a27c589358125⋯.png (487.05 KB, 677x500, 677:500, 38F8FF17-475B-4335-AC45-3F….png)

File: 1e26f20e61b2525⋯.png (3.58 MB, 2000x1287, 2000:1287, BBADD4EE-A7D8-477E-8518-03….png)

File: 97c890cbef91ee0⋯.jpeg (318.34 KB, 1424x1036, 356:259, CC763C07-14A4-4557-9ACA-0….jpeg)

File: b0b96a490edab3f⋯.png (511.08 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 59A21206-1C2A-4953-9D9E-B6….png)

Love the Night Shift

3e2ac7  No.6510856


You posted this last bread newsfaggot. Just one conventional to take out Ali Khamenei would do wonders.

c5fd2c  No.6510857


What information?

It’s Divide and Conquer

What a dumb fuck or shill

e42f6c  No.6510858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Olivia Wilde is a dude. Just like most "women" in hellywood.


568bb6  No.6510859

File: 24cfed549bf2604⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 400x205, 80:41, finishline.gif)


>It's pretty close but I think it's the Khazar by a nose

4f6626  No.6510860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f52a2d  No.6510861

File: 76139d482e1e659⋯.png (116.57 KB, 1048x571, 1048:571, Screenshot_55.png)















a6dcee  No.6510862

File: cf80a41755ee2b2⋯.png (96.5 KB, 496x669, 496:669, ClipboardImage.png)

1e15a8  No.6510863

File: 9ed0566713b787a⋯.png (173.13 KB, 862x639, 862:639, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: be5d3a348dd276a⋯.png (170.85 KB, 870x623, 870:623, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 27ed58a22e699bd⋯.png (174.33 KB, 863x629, 863:629, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 01131bfed0a6e24⋯.png (166.54 KB, 852x629, 852:629, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 13ac0a6e16f5cbf⋯.png (168.27 KB, 886x633, 886:633, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)



23a180  No.6510864

File: fb3b9d552e3c4d4⋯.png (8.85 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, LNUWMBW.png)

9fe1ef  No.6510865

File: a5841fa61f59e73⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 385x480, 77:96, that_moment.jpg)


>What information?

1e15a8  No.6510866

File: f717e2aaeea1f89⋯.png (171.17 KB, 924x634, 462:317, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 444cb37569421a4⋯.png (143.87 KB, 871x633, 871:633, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

9fe1ef  No.6510867

File: c01fdcba6373210⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 660x330, 2:1, cry__.jpg)

579bc7  No.6510868

File: a71c5084fc08e25⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 780x688, 195:172, PepeBurnout.jpg)

Just saw video on the Tucker late night rerun

It was Beto livestreaming his own haircut and ear-hair trim


Beto is now a parody of himself

bb225e  No.6510869


Evergreen Drive right around the corner too.

Country Club Drive- is that the club in the middle of the swirl? And if so, where's the golf course? spoopy

3e2ac7  No.6510870


Make sure you get some mondoweiss propaganda in as well.

7e156a  No.6510871

File: 28e1c118795dbbc⋯.jpg (593.09 KB, 1920x861, 640:287, Screenshot_2019-05-16 38°5….jpg)

File: dabe805b4f34e6d⋯.jpg (431.89 KB, 1830x769, 1830:769, Screenshot_2019-05-15 38°5….jpg)


Good fucking eye, anon.

Was all over that place and nothing stood out..of course I've been up over 30 hours but meh. Did find a purple roof and this spoopish looking building.

f2493b  No.6510872


Can bake, baker. Still looking for handoff?

(Gravey is at 3 pm ET? Seems like a long time)

8ad2cb  No.6510873


>Evergreen Rd

f6df94  No.6510874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>one conventional

One conventional may get it done, but if you use a thermobaric weapon like BLU-96, you make sure they'll remember it for generations to come!

29058b  No.6510875


>Donald Trump 10/6/80

1. Thank you for posting this

2. Anons if you have not seen this video do yourself a favor and spend 4 minutes watching it

POTUS has not changed on some issues in decades

[He speaks about Iran for example]

He is the 'the one proper president' of whom he hypothetically spoke of in 1980

PS Q // still waiting for you to link to this awesome video someday, or just post it yourself!

a89a38  No.6510876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Won't be True any moar, SOON! George Carlin - It's a Big Club and You in't in It

(Video and Transcript.)

“There’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never going to get any better, don’t look for it, be happy with what you’ve got.

Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the REAL owners, now. The REAL owners, the BIG WEALTHY business interests that control things and make all the important decisions — forget the politicians.

The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. YOU DON’T.

You have no choice. You have OWNERS.


They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations; they’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State houses, the City Halls; they’ve got the judges in their back pockets, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear.

They gotcha by the BALLS.

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying — lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want — they want MORE for themselves and less for everybody else.

But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They DON’T want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that, that doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests.

That’s right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting FUCKED by system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin’ years ago. They don’t want that.

You know what they want?

They want OBEDIENT WORKERS. OBEDIENT WORKERS. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passably accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.

And now they’re comin’ for your SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY. They want your fuckin’ retirement money.

They want it BACK. So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it ALL from you sooner or later — ‘cuz they OWN this fuckin’ place.

It’s a big CLUB. And YOU AIN’T IN IT.

You and I are NOT IN the big club. By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long, beating you over the in their media telling you what to believe — what to think — and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.

Good honest hard-workin people — white collar, blue collar — doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-workin people — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these RICH COCKSUCKERS who don’t GIVE a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you, they don’t GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.




c4b472  No.6510877


It's looking that way.

a91809  No.6510878




Zionist Jew Shill

Eat a bag of dicks Rabbi we know they are your fav

d442c2  No.6510879

>>6446595 pb

>In extreme or especially egregious cases we will step in as necessary. I.E. the retard that's been streaming his shit bakes. Don't think for a moment that just because you aren't getting a check we aren't watching.

<the retard that's been streaming his shit

<streaming his shit

does that mean what i think it does

1e15a8  No.6510881

File: e2d71e806f50e45⋯.png (532.71 KB, 729x636, 243:212, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: c291781591d3536⋯.png (158.98 KB, 706x614, 353:307, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 4aaf1c07746fc7d⋯.png (143.61 KB, 711x567, 79:63, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 179a5980c99eeb6⋯.png (157.92 KB, 707x616, 101:88, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 183208273cc9264⋯.png (135.36 KB, 692x601, 692:601, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)



1e15a8  No.6510882

File: 482082abe3baed3⋯.png (160.79 KB, 616x629, 616:629, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

bb225e  No.6510883


>Olivia Wilde is a dude.

See what they did there? Get guys all worked up about a hot chick to learn they've been lusting after a man. Not too far from faggotville after that epiphany.

10eae1  No.6510884


muh soibeans

09c264  No.6510885


May 17, 2017, the Acting Attorney General appointed, as Special Counsel, Robert Mueller to conduct an investigation that was defined in the Acting Attorney General’s order.

The DOD when in partnership with the DOJ requires that the investigation be complete and ready no more than 2 years. So that being said sever PAIN is Coming

3e2ac7  No.6510886


Kek. I see I’m over the target. iran next bitch.

6192ea  No.6510887



Truly this helps, thanks. Been trying to match up Names with persona. canaanites to Egypt (went this way because of Nimrod) to Greeks to Romans to Catholics. They all have most of the same archetypes but different names different faces. Thanks for your help and explanation.

23a180  No.6510888

"Her" hips are all wrong, never walked right for shemale on House, emotions all wrong, ba vibes and not just her character


a6dcee  No.6510889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The FISA Surveillance Warrant was Illegal. John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First


c5fd2c  No.6510890


So You are a Fake Jew and of the Devil?

You don’t know who I am.

You got this Backwards.

7a0a66  No.6510891

how many anons here have experienced a drastic increase in psychic phenomena these past few months??

a91809  No.6510892


Over the target??? you are defending Sheldon Adelson you glowing fuck

e45982  No.6510893

File: 2a877f940b1f7c5⋯.jpeg (114.74 KB, 500x509, 500:509, EFBAA2AB-C979-4320-952B-9….jpeg)

ef27af  No.6510894


>by a nose


96e97b  No.6510895


What exactly are you looking at?

e42f6c  No.6510897


It's part of their pan (the goat god) sexuality plan.

973496  No.6510898


Yeah I've been able to tell who's a huge faggit before they even post

bb225e  No.6510899

File: 65556d5dc1de645⋯.png (101.41 KB, 2014x850, 1007:425, walnut.png)


Walnut Loop. Keep diggin around there Anon. Walnuts aren't indigenous to AZ- among other thangs

d839b1  No.6510900

Fuckery avoided in Alabama, "clean bill" goes to Gov.

>Pray the killing will end…

"After several hours of contentious debate, the Alabama Senate on Tuesday night voted 25-6

to pass what many say will be the strictest abortion ban in the nation. The bill makes abortion

a felony in Alabama. A similar measure already passed the Republican-controlled House but

controversy erupted last week in the Senate after an attempt to add amendments that would

allow exceptions for victims of rape or incest. Another attempt to add rape and incest exceptions

on Tuesday also failed and led to a filibuster attempt. Proponents of the measure pushed for

a “clean bill” without amendments in order to clear the way to a legal fight in the U.S. Supreme

Court and a review of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion. The bill now goes

to Gov. Kay Ivey, who will decide whether to sign it into law."


9fe1ef  No.6510901

File: a4e8c1282467765⋯.png (42.84 KB, 623x626, 623:626, jew_fish.png)


Don't care.

a91809  No.6510902

File: 0addfb990fedb6e⋯.png (4.05 KB, 355x134, 355:134, ClipboardImage.png)

Kike shills are here, morning fellas

c5fd2c  No.6510903


Nor do I.

I’m Not Jewish if that’s you gig.


89d20e  No.6510904


96e97b  No.6510905


Alabama is in good hands

f2e243  No.6510906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUH-4XXEuoc - “Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda”

e897ab  No.6510907

California investigators reveal cause of the deadliest wildfire in state history

Sacramento – The ‘Camp Fire’ in Butte County, started the morning of November 8, 2018, and burned a total of 153,336 acres, destroying 18,804 structures and resulting in 85 civilian fatalities and several firefighter injuries. The Camp Fire is the deadliest and most destructive fire in California history.

CAL FIRE investigators were dispatched to the Camp Fire and began working to determine the origin and cause of the fire. After a meticulous investigation, CAL FIRE has determined that the Camp Fire was caused by electrical transmission lines owned and operated by Pacific Gas and Electricity (PG&E) located in the Pulga area.


23a180  No.6510908

no shit, let em wear it out though, once desensitized it's the indifference pits for them all


9d6b7c  No.6510909

I'm off work until I get a friend.

3e2ac7  No.6510911


Nope. Just hating on the the piece of shit regime in iran. You’re time has come. Your masters have deceived you. Get your rt and mondo bullshite articles in, don’t let me distract you.

1e15a8  No.6510912

File: 74301425bdbcfc4⋯.png (282 KB, 1293x630, 431:210, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: ccb215d52f2cbb6⋯.png (239.64 KB, 997x556, 997:556, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 209fa03908704c3⋯.png (188.66 KB, 1298x613, 1298:613, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: eaf90649888d391⋯.png (667.65 KB, 780x642, 130:107, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

George Clooney - spoopiness enhanced…

The Sentry


Enough Project - Congo

Jon Prendergrast

bb225e  No.6510913

File: 4cccf50179d9e43⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 555x409, 555:409, chaos..jpg)


Gonna butcher this; (simplified) CHAOS is God.

6192ea  No.6510914


This for me is about building a cheet sheet of one civilization to the next to see more of a flow 40,000 foot view. You must understand history to see how you got were you are. You then hopefully avoid the pitfalls of the past as you move forward. It is just a mental exercise to gain understanding of the enemy. You battle is fought in your head. You fight with a severe handicap if you do not understand your opponent. At times even when you think you do you can be wrong. Normally those are in a statics type understanding when you data set is to small or data corrupted. Thanks again for your help. Just digging.

aae3ae  No.6510915


Climate change has a new name: PG&E

db5412  No.6510916


that belly looks pregers to me. i'm a believer in manchelle and lots of other tranny's but this video offers nothing

1e15a8  No.6510917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Sentry

7339a6  No.6510918

File: e187029acc70d20⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1536x1768, 192:221, D82CB786-2180-4780-82C0-95….png)


706005  No.6510919


Its important this gets reposted.

Adelson is a big Republican donor, buys lots of politicians.

Many Republican Senators have call Israel "our greatest friend and ally" on the Senate floor.

George Washington's farewell speech warned against exactly those sentiments.

Before we start thinking the Republicans are righteous.

4d95fa  No.6510920

File: fcc779abdad2f67⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, car22.mp4)

There's too much animosity and stress on the board. Everyone take a deep breath and watch this tranquil video about a pleasant ride in the country. Just take a short break and relax before going back to work. Only takes a minute.

84cb77  No.6510921

>>6510633 lb

"Connection of Trump re-tweet of golfer fav hole 17"

He also says that he loves, 'how everything brought us to that little final finishing stretch…"


6192ea  No.6510922


At this moment not saying I disagree but what do you do with the third law of thermal dynamics???

52389d  No.6510923


I don't know if I agree with not having a Rape exception.

8ad2cb  No.6510924



638266  No.6510925

File: 98fdf5c6b8c0ffa⋯.png (669.01 KB, 533x553, 533:553, 98fdf5c6b8c0ffa7814b3d6b7d….png)


Patriots are in control

POTUS is 100% insulated.

The choice to know will be yours.

The Deep State Media apparatus is last line of defense.



3cc4b1  No.6510926


could you clowns just post bewbs, the Arizona crap is boring

db5412  No.6510927


I was expecting the monty python foot

59efaf  No.6510928

File: 68c282be3a9d367⋯.png (746.1 KB, 934x713, 934:713, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7ec3bbadb8c3b5⋯.png (745.03 KB, 934x713, 934:713, ClipboardImage.png)

I just saw this @ 1:34.


d16587  No.6510929



Angry old idiot John "Walnuts!" McCain is probably going to lose his beloved Senate seat this year and then be forced to actually live in Arizona, which hehates, so he's even more desperate and crazy than usual. What kind of maverick-y bullshit stunt can he pull to remind Arizona voters just how shamelessly he'll beg for re-election? He's bringing the Snowbilly to the desert!

Grifter broadcast clown Sarah Palin hasn't appeared with Walnuts since he vetoed her big idea about giving her own personal concession speech on Election Night, 2008. She was so upset, you guys! She'd been traveling the nation's illiterate backwaters for two months, smiling and giggling while hillbillies yelled "nigger!" and "terrorist!" That's hard work! Plus, people were mean to her just because she scammed hundreds of thousands of dollars in fancy clothes from the RNC and her teen-aged unmarried daughter had a baby and everybody in Alaska hated her and she couldn't answer a simple teevee interview question without sounding like a drooling idiot, it was awful. And then the guy she called "Sambo," as in "Little Black Sambo," became the president for reals! Ugh, it's called the White House for a reason, y'all.

Walnut McCain…wtf

e45982  No.6510930


Moar states must follow their lead. Arguments were fierce

6d4593  No.6510931


I am reminded while listening to this that I really hate Sebastian Gorka. He's just a poser with little of substance.

3e2ac7  No.6510932


9:26 in tehran. Be about right since you showed up last bread.

f8252f  No.6510933

File: 1546fd773ef4b30⋯.png (1.8 MB, 931x687, 931:687, POTUS Space Force DD.PNG)

File: 615f6be21c0be50⋯.png (468.59 KB, 688x556, 172:139, nightshift mexi jawa ese.PNG)

File: 002b53498e6c474⋯.jpeg (19.14 KB, 255x170, 3:2, nightshift 4.jpeg)

File: fccff1f5102dc15⋯.png (527.53 KB, 681x742, 681:742, nightshift squirrel.PNG)

File: 4186861251cfeb0⋯.jpg (560.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nightshift falcon.jpg)

a37148  No.6510934

File: bff2a3c03cd7a93⋯.jpg (154.64 KB, 743x524, 743:524, Dear_DS.jpg)

16740c  No.6510935

File: cd3e96c3a5dfa3b⋯.jpg (192.39 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Pol.jpg)

File: af0aac2305aac34⋯.jpg (92.22 KB, 500x678, 250:339, needsomejokes.jpg)

c4b472  No.6510936

File: 3cbf36ba5fa3aaf⋯.png (711.51 KB, 771x758, 771:758, bpe.png)

bb225e  No.6510937

File: 2ae805b744267c3⋯.jpg (35.29 KB, 555x427, 555:427, chaosAP.jpg)


>the third law of thermal dynamics

Not a physicsfag.

Just exactly what MAN made up this law? <rhetorical

f32603  No.6510938


Sorry baker, just saw your post. That'd be great.

I'll just sort out notes up to your post here and post them for you. Thank you.

Handoff confirmed?

23a180  No.6510939

nah, God is pure energy and life force, he is the glue of the universe, tendrils of all the omni's, chaos is lack of God, like the world is now, corrupt, when the energy reaches max point it will blow and anyone or thing not attached will be cold and dead


95f9bb  No.6510940

File: 7f0d66a0cab833e⋯.jpg (307.18 KB, 711x500, 711:500, blah_blah_BS_003.jpg)


why you explained reality in two sentences.

what more purpose do you have now?

sounds like your infinity is over.

wait . . .

no what the other poster said:


the sum of all is a constant.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

everything that exists always did and always will if you only see it as matter and energy.

so what is different? the patterns.

but the pattern of people pretending to some grand knowledge that will answer all questions forever

and prove everyone else an idiot . . .

you've nailed it.

you've given another example of the futile reach for it, but not being able to grasp it.

you are as confused as you ever will be and forever, and it will neer end.

CHAOS is a five letter word that you


568bb6  No.6510941

File: 405a7bfe960bc15⋯.png (111.71 KB, 253x252, 253:252, 2019-04-14_20-02-05.png)

db5412  No.6510942


there's an actual Arizona Walnut native tree. no nut inside though. The city of Nogales' name means walnuts

6192ea  No.6510943


All of life as we view It moves from order to disorder and not the other way around. This is how we experience life and how we grow old. Our systems decay from order to non functioning disorder. As far as I know that is one of the biggest holes in the we were just sprang up from the soup by luck kinda deal that would mean disorder to order and that is never been shown to happen.

5b6c58  No.6510944

File: b446f5d5956e398⋯.jpeg (104.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, FAFB3E64-0345-481E-A620-7….jpeg)

59efaf  No.6510945


Does anybody know what Fox News digital is refereng too exactly when stating "President Tump, making several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon." in this news flash?

f2493b  No.6510946


I'm thinking you must be getting a little tired by now, unless someone spelled you since that last time I checked in.

Handoff confirmed

Graveyard baker here, I said I'd be back earlier….glad I can save you from a bake until 3 pm ET!!

96e97b  No.6510947


Rape is terrible its bad that evil people exist that would do such a thing but you are offered the "Plan B" pill immediately once you arrive at the hospital after the evil act of that. At that point theres no conformation that you are necessarily pregnant and its just being proactive.

bd21c6  No.6510948

File: 5d6adab33a3fc7d⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1440x477, 160:53, B2-stealth-strike-first.png)

File: df7223fa0c51609⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1440x477, 160:53, B2-stealth-v0015.png)






and guess which service arrests treasonous individual?

Imma Leaf, the BOOM's take longer to get here!

d16587  No.6510949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8ad2cb  No.6510950


all is God

4279bb  No.6510951





a37148  No.6510952

File: 14f65f9ab55597c⋯.jpg (293.34 KB, 547x672, 547:672, MebbyPepe.jpg)

29058b  No.6510953

File: 66ae40f242bd01c⋯.png (723.88 KB, 539x906, 539:906, Gorka Wohl EOTP Meme.PNG)


>I am reminded while listening to this that I really hate Sebastian Gorka. He's just a poser with little of substance.

bb225e  No.6510954

File: cb2e8f44fcee6b7⋯.jpg (55.68 KB, 555x389, 555:389, chaos .jpg)


>God is pure energy and life force

Which is natural- NATURE. Nature is Chaos, unordered and unpredictable.

Try re-thinking your position and throwing out the ways you've been taught. What is said re: CHAOS is truth.

567a8d  No.6510955

>>6510633 (pb)

What about his hat saying P?

610273  No.6510956


There are some out there, quite nuts, that claim that the Plan B is also murder. While it prevents the fertilized embryo from implanting, they will claim that once sperm and egg come together that it is a baby.

Shits gonna get crazy round here.

3e2ac7  No.6510957


>Many Republican Senators have call Israel "our greatest friend and ally" on the Senate floor.

>George Washington's farewell speech warned against exactly those sentiments.

Holy shit. George Washington warned us about Israel. No kidding. What the absolute fuck do they teach you over there, FFS.

8bc72a  No.6510958

It’s on, bitches!

ef27af  No.6510959


Prison inmates kill eachother with sharpened toothbrushes

Are they going to start seizing those too?

f32603  No.6510960



Just a little, it's been comfy though, and the usual guys are having a night off it seems, so I'm happy to relieve them.

And thanks GYB, appreciate it.

May your night be a toasty one.


Notes up to >>6510872 if you'd like to use them, feel free to edit.

>>6510854 , >>6510863, >>6510866, >>6510881 Why did Congo offer HRC 650,000 for a speech?

>>6510849 , >>6510862 Remember when Q told us about an FBI assassination plot against Trump?

>>6510851 Kappy death location dig cont.

>>6510837 China’s Huawei and 70 affiliates placed on US Trade Blacklist

>>6510836 Coincidence? Sessions appointed Durham and POTUS nominated him for last position

>>6510821 POTUS trolls Joe Scarborough

>>6510811 POTUS & FLOTUS host the White House Historical Association Dinner

23a180  No.6510961

I think all has been created by God but i don't think all will continue existence through God, spiritual will live, physical will not


8bc72a  No.6510962


That’s if you actually go to the hospital. Many don’t.

e45982  No.6510963

File: 1470a3f7c95ad09⋯.jpeg (26.04 KB, 320x180, 16:9, F0C305EC-68CD-4502-AD75-2….jpeg)

File: 551db785495f231⋯.jpeg (251.91 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, 86E79DFC-E6E8-4FAC-97F2-D….jpeg)

File: 210e16d6463decc⋯.jpeg (77.32 KB, 600x402, 100:67, E1003B6E-BC98-4FFE-B9A7-7….jpeg)

File: ae3d7695bf54258⋯.jpeg (69.29 KB, 616x405, 616:405, D3C195AB-70F9-4B66-8568-C….jpeg)

File: 83e00d002e8eac8⋯.jpeg (190.08 KB, 995x500, 199:100, 2CDC64AA-F52D-4626-B1D9-1….jpeg)

6192ea  No.6510964


That would be a Big Amen.

would also match what God's word says.

3fad68  No.6510965


Is this true?

What are you referring to?


7a0a66  No.6510966

File: 9e3326b8605f3ae⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hollywoodvampires_2019_108….png)

May 17'th at talking stick in AZ

can't make this shit up

right after kappy jumps and that (supposedly) NSA twitter acct was posting about talking stick symbolism last week

bb225e  No.6510967

File: c952c469359af1f⋯.jpg (126.45 KB, 833x400, 833:400, EO11.jpg)


>George Washington warned us about Israe

So did Grant. Ordered them expelled from the country- Order #11 pic related

8ccb30  No.6510968

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6510925 We are going to make Our country Great Again!



f2493b  No.6510969

File: a1100e580fa68e2⋯.png (72.8 KB, 259x195, 259:195, night-shift-smores-campfir….png)


Thx for the notes….

Got the marshmellows all ready to toast…..

Rest well, o7

96e97b  No.6510970


Dems problem is they dont think proactively .Of course knowing what anons know now theres more to it. Theres many good politicians in Alabama that represent the people. But there's a lot of very stupid/crooked ones. It's amazing having a degree isn't a mandatory.

f32603  No.6510971

File: e528e6cc01088e5⋯.png (699.74 KB, 685x445, 137:89, e528e6cc01088e57cedd7d56d6….png)


nom nom

Nightshift Best Shift

Godspeed baker, anons. TY.

8ad2cb  No.6510972


>physical will not

Death also God

but life always lives

cuz also God

c4a8e2  No.6510973


Yes… that's half the sentence over 2 slides. It stated that Kappy made an ominous apology to President Tump, making several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon. POTUS did not say anything.

bb225e  No.6510974


Food for thought with a twist:

What if the Old and New Testaments are just that- the prophets testifying to what they saw.

The TRUE BIBLE is really the Arc of the Covenant. Covenant <makes sense.

bd21c6  No.6510975

File: e552a8559771210⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1440x477, 160:53, B2-stealth-v0007.png)

mebby if you didun post it we wouldun like it enough to reuse your fine work

naaa! post on pepe, post on!

e45982  No.6510976


Listening to speakers I was somewhat surprised at the lack of educated banter and use of logical thinking. Good for Alabama. They stood. They fought. They won. USSC will decide, eventually. Hoping Texas wakes up and stands for truth.

23a180  No.6510977

you'll need to explain chaos in nature for me, I don't see chaos


07aea2  No.6510978

File: fd3aa18babde9a4⋯.png (900.72 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 1F8DDC5D-C4E4-41B2-9F66-FB….png)

File: 164ff32686311e6⋯.png (614.12 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 89D4C7E8-26AC-4049-9437-0C….png)

File: 987852bed1b5649⋯.png (367.63 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 6768AACE-21DC-4C85-B1FA-AD….png)

File: 53c3cc8663acd53⋯.jpeg (28.36 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 064878BD-7DB6-4124-B31C-F….jpeg)

File: 693f414031d2bfa⋯.png (437.47 KB, 608x410, 304:205, 67749E8F-03F8-4DF9-8B22-A8….png)



7e156a  No.6510979

File: fa887131e330467⋯.jpg (731.26 KB, 1920x856, 240:107, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Goog….jpg)

File: 83da5503b55d550⋯.jpg (604.09 KB, 1920x799, 1920:799, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Goog….jpg)

File: ecad8ecec0d1f1a⋯.jpg (781.34 KB, 1920x832, 30:13, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Goog….jpg)

File: bf4450fd360e178⋯.jpg (532.15 KB, 1557x900, 173:100, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Goog….jpg)

File: d344dc0347ffa50⋯.jpg (570.47 KB, 1828x826, 914:413, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Goog….jpg)


name of street is what made me cap pic 1…then the purple roof was hinted at earlier as being of those connected with it.

from 40k ft, there's some spoopy layouts of the whole place and that area is an indian reservation also. triangles inside schoolyards and sheeit..don't care if notable or not, just spoopy.

706005  No.6510980


Anti semitism is a good thing.

Zionists and Israel can use some severe criticism.

bd21c6  No.6510981

85d018  No.6510982


Right lol! Perfectly created, perfectly designed. Everything has purpose, everything has a cycle. I think they high.

8ccb30  No.6510983

File: c9327ed2736c59b⋯.png (358.01 KB, 399x572, 399:572, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b22ee5ddbcab5b4⋯.png (7.35 MB, 1504x2048, 47:64, ClipboardImage.png)

@usairforce 6:29 PM - 15 May 2019

A KC-46 Pegasus assigned to the @22ARW performs a flyover during an Heritage to Horizons concert at the #AirForce Memorial, Arlington, Virginia, May 15, 2019. @SecAFOfficial @GenDaveGoldfein (#USAFPhoto /SSgt Rusty Frank) @AirMobilityCmd


7339a6  No.6510984


Starting with holding the guilty people in the Obama administration accountable for every illegal action they took against our President & We the people.

23a180  No.6510985


I like the shimmer


6192ea  No.6510986


POTUS and Q always say 5:5 I ran into in my research a V0V with the number zero or V/V with the forward slash between "V"'s I can not at this point find anything that they mean anything different. Anyone else have anything.

f8252f  No.6510987

File: d35adc362963a68⋯.png (920.68 KB, 820x400, 41:20, Mattis laughs in chaos.PNG)


had me until "by definition…possibility.

1779b0  No.6510988


post a link namefag

0d72a9  No.6510989


There are stochastic processes such as those that produce genetic mutations, climate and weather, etc.

0fbff6  No.6510990


Lindsey Graham is now worrying me. "Richard Burr is a good friend of mine" ??? Uh oh.

bb225e  No.6510991

File: 24871529e7f3a54⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 555x398, 555:398, chaos .jpg)


Do you have weeds in your lawn?

If you planted grass, you shouldn't have weeds. The weeds are unplanned and create chaos for the gardener. The weeds do what they want even tho they aren't wanted and were not planned. Random, not ordered. Chaos.

(Not my forte- explanations)

96e97b  No.6510992


Yes & it's very unfortunate that Women that are victims are to traumatized to say something.The evil person that has done that to them needs to be cut down.. That's the real thing that would help Women and give them a great platform. To say its ok and be there to comfort them.. Then let the good guys go fuck up the bad guy.

16740c  No.6510993

File: f535386495b6a12⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1338x714, 223:119, broken.png)

File: b976051ceb40856⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1366x664, 683:332, SoF.png)

File: a0e16c05bf74bc4⋯.png (729.87 KB, 1029x842, 1029:842, price.png)

File: 0ca2aeb39797e7a⋯.png (112.83 KB, 689x560, 689:560, Sanctions.png)

File: 8634ffc37872553⋯.png (144.78 KB, 1012x407, 92:37, fu.png)






Not certain how HRC fits in, but I think it is LINKED to this! Total FUCKERY!

HOW THE FUCK does Congo pay that WITCH so MUCH!!!!


Glencore has been described as "the most powerful company you've never heard of" but there is a lot of info on it in past breads.

Dan Gertler has already been hit with sanctions for human rights violations under the EO:

Annex to EO


Original EO


a91809  No.6510994


cyka blyat

38e45b  No.6510995


McCorvey died of heart failure in Katy, Texas, on February 18, 2017, at the age of 69.


Heart attacks can be deadly.

95f9bb  No.6510996


bullshit is nonsense.

you put one word, a noun, and the verb 'to be' and in it's present tense, tag it to . . . some other concept.

that's just you making an association, a pronoucement.

I conjecture you do this to spread new age bad information.

you go on about 'freedom'

'true freedom'

blah blah blah blah blah blah

the fear of truth is what you do.

that other peopel would know it.

you spread FUD for the purposes of . . .

that is the part that I don't dare conjecture.

here is a truth: people can make statements that are false. Their mind can craft it, their mouths will say it. They say it even when they don't know it's true.

Is that what you do?

ea8fa9  No.6510997



And all I can think about is who is the fucking idiot who bought it if it wasn't laundering money (which it probably was)…not worth 91 mil….jeez.

e45982  No.6510998


I’m not seeing notables. Am I blind? Was mom right?

493b09  No.6510999

File: 1184a422835a366⋯.jpeg (199.46 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, FFD2D8E6-78B7-45AE-A2E9-D….jpeg)

Someone PLEASE meme this.

ad29fd  No.6511000

It's over. Durham's appointment means Barr thinks criminal violations occurred. People are going to jail.

85d018  No.6511001


Grass is a non native monoculture humans were brainwashed into growing so they could cut it everywhere and lace with poison to kill those weeds you are talking about that were before the fucking grass.

8fac22  No.6511002

File: 6c820a5772af16d⋯.jpg (217.2 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Pepe the Wise.jpg)



9b6fb9  No.6511003


Agree. He is also the BOOM this week.

6192ea  No.6511004


amen and from last night we will be continuing for years.

a91809  No.6511005

File: 5bfcaa888676097⋯.png (2.29 MB, 926x926, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Military Situation In Libya On May 15, 2019 (Map Update)

Clashes between the Libyan National Army (LNA) and Government of National Accord (GNA) forces continue around Tripoli Airport;

The LNA shot down a GNA warplane news Jufrah;

The LNA said that militants are moving to Libya from Syria and Iraq with help from Qatar and Turkey;

GNA jets struck LNA forces near Gharyan;

GNA forces repelld a series of LNA attacks in Aziziya capturing 10 LNA vehicles.


Haftar is a Mossad bitch

96e97b  No.6511006


Yeah idk its like using a condim

Theres some serious Bible thumpers in Alabama

but they just have good intentions. Cant hold it against them.

8ccb30  No.6511007

File: 5a5ac4edcbdfe2a⋯.png (470.45 KB, 1578x760, 789:380, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6510991 "Seeds of Evil"

3cc4b1  No.6511008


Try finding some random numbers to add up and a graphic with lots of random red arrows, works every time

85d018  No.6511009


And those weeds aren't random. They are the first foods for pollinators. They are the first medicine for people after winter and they are packed full of minerals and vitamins to keep us healthy. The grass is the fucking chaos on nature.

ef61ff  No.6511010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A little light night musak

Rest well PATRIOTS

706005  No.6511011


Then fifteen years of occupation and insurgency, with every shady military contractor charging 100x real cost.

Many trillions would be spent in Iran.

Many men, women and children would burn to death from American bombs.

884e4f  No.6511012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sup Adel Nero / 412anon


8fed9a  No.6511013

>>6510092 (lb)

>>6510447 (lb)

>>6510179 (lb)

>>6510205 (lb)

i wouldn't get away with this in the day shift, most of my posts and personal research i bring to the board is brief and to the point, however this is the night shift, so i'm going to ramble a bit.

it's still a mystery on those who've possibly turned and those who haven't. truth is, we don't know for sure.

what is the human condition when one's hand get's caught in the cookie jar, especially to this magnitude of crimes?

Q said we know about 20% or so, information behind the curtain. how much 'disinformation is in Q post's to throw off the DS actors?

i'm also curious on how psychopaths respond, reasonably, irrationally or somewhere in-between, how do those that are not psycho/sociopaths behave under this type of pressure?

rosenstein, comey, brennan, clapper, mccabe, clintons, lynch, obama etc…all seem to have had a part in this attempted coup. all have a story to tell, all behave differently, what's the story they tell themselves to hold it together publicly?

i find it extraordinary that all have the ability to keep it somewhat together in the public eye (lying, half truths, deception or not) without completely falling apart. i'm curious to know what goes on with them psychologically, emotionally privately. is there any conscious, guilt, remorse or shame internally or is that part of their brain just cut out?

would it be easier for one to keep it together if one were faced with a life or death ultimatum having flipped or not?

we hear commentary like digenova, who gives us process, with a dash of contempt for those who've been so bold to do what they've done, evidence galore, but still we have unanswered question and what pisses me off, all the questions may never be answered like that long drawn out kennedy assassination b.s., the 911 b.s., fast and furious b.s. and yes, ufo b.s., vegas, bloodlines and many moar slippery illusions in this reality.

ad29fd  No.6511014



0c35aa  No.6511015

File: 39fbbc356125e00⋯.png (659.33 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Screenshot (1343).png)

>>6509256 lb


video reference time 3:08

regarding investigating the investigators

6192ea  No.6511016


Is that 85 to 90% as in Israel or world wide???????

Is that who "practice" the religion or all who share genetics??????????

If you have learned anything in Q you know our History has been F—ed with. We still have many more red pills coming our way Anon's

f8252f  No.6511017

File: 1a16e717f07ee7a⋯.jpeg (123.43 KB, 640x897, 640:897, pepe nipple tweak from be….jpeg)


took yours fren

night all


bb225e  No.6511018


>Perfectly created, perfectly designed. Everything has purpose, everything has a cycle.

Perfection can exist with chaos! Are we all the same height? Same eye color? Live in the same types of dwellings? No- it's random for each. Our enemies are attempting to make us all the same, right? Ordering our every minute of the day. We were meant to be free- to have CHOICE. Individual choice. <That's chaos. No choice = order.

481b06  No.6511019

File: f02fcfe52468496⋯.png (59.43 KB, 1670x403, 1670:403, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sure some of you have heard of glp and the infamous CHANI/me tel u thread.

This post was dug up from 2011.

Make of it what you will.

1779b0  No.6511020

File: 914f2a7634da6a0⋯.png (80.22 KB, 259x250, 259:250, Screen Shot 2018-08-30 at ….png)


Ok frens. FOX NEWS flash headlines makes reference to kappy death(new eyes on the pedo/cabal subject) Then made brief mention of POTUS MAKING SEVERAL REFERENCES TO QANON.

can't embed video. Link posted below

starts@ 1:30 on the vid

returning publicly indeed


23a180  No.6511021

ok, so entropy as in aging and falling apart, random like weather but conditions for weather lik hurricanes are natural, maybe not with Haarp but once again it's the physical world and with it's own rules, like our bodies, the physical is not meant to last forever but the life force will, I see chaos as the crescendo at the end of the physical world because the energy to keep it going is "pulled", I think the randomness is the start of things falling apart, entropy but not actually chaos, the werdz for this are hard


85d018  No.6511022


You might have a point there.

db5412  No.6511023


by Joe Jarvis via The Daily Bell

The Illinois House of Representatives voted to require companies based in Illinois to include at least one female and one African American on the board of directors.

If the bill becomes law Illinois companies will be fined $300,000 if they don’t comply.

I’m sure they hope this will correct some kind of historic injustice. But at the risk of sounding completely unwoke, this is completely insane.

The board of directors of any company is selected by the shareholders… not by the government, not by a quota system.

Any individual who holds shares in a company has the right to vote for whoever they choose, just like in any other election.

Imagine a Presidential election where you can only vote for a particular type of person. Or imagine if a certain percentage of Congress were appointed based on their skin color or gender, instead of elected by their constituents.

It’s supposed to be a sacred right in the “Land of the Free” to vote for whoever you want.

Now the bill is in the Illinois Senate, where politicians have added Latinos to the list of groups that must be represented on all board of directors.

But why stop there? Why do Native Americans get slighted, or disabled people, or gays?

The bill actually says the boards need a woman or anyone who identifies as a woman. But they don’t give a proper definition of black. Is half, a quarter, or 1/64th black okay?

This brings back a Nazi-like obsession with somebody’s bloodline.

With a pure Aryan heritage, Nazis got privileged status. Illinois is comfortable basing privilege on African bloodlines.

The Senate version of the bill allows a company to check off multiple racial and gender categories with one person. So the purest of all board members would be a half-black half-Latina woman.

And let’s not forget that companies have constitutions that provide for a certain number of directors who can only be removed by the shareholders.

So the bill says a company can just create more seats…

The government simply dictates that a company can break a contract with the shareholders.

But legally, a company can only create new board seats and appoint new members with shareholder approval.

The government is putting these companies in an impossible position to either violate Illinois law or contractual obligations– and probably get sued by the shareholders.

Even if we assume the best intentions of these lawmakers, what they are truly doing is destroying private property rights. You either own something, or you don’t.

7e156a  No.6511024


da fuq you talking bout nigga?

v/v is volume %

8ccb30  No.6511025

>>6510999 Are you trying to get anons info?

706005  No.6511026


You advocate slaughter in Iran.

And talk like its a video game.

You sick fuck.

Are you happy with Syria?

579bc7  No.6511027

File: d69c8be6e57df7e⋯.jpg (110.12 KB, 946x1200, 473:600, PepeArmy.jpg)

20ae96  No.6511028

File: 701a43a407d9e49⋯.jpg (85.65 KB, 738x500, 369:250, 31378i.jpg)


This was the first thing that popped in. kek

5b6c58  No.6511029


You should never stop worrying about him, he’s a snake. Just now working to save his faggot ass

bb225e  No.6511030


Yeah- you're not able to let go of the pre-conditioning. The weeds are random and unplanned regardless of them being beneficial. Order is when the lawn guy kills all the weeds and the bees have nothing to eat.

This is prolly the biggest truth you'll get on the web. Most will laugh. That choice is yours.

ff1e56  No.6511031


if POTUS knows the truth about joe then out with it. Justice delayed is justice denied. No reason to wait for a media talking head.

ef61ff  No.6511032


We stand with the people of Iran


5b6c58  No.6511033


The two most important russian words

7e156a  No.6511034

File: 126143aac0a74f1⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 474x345, 158:115, theplan.jpg)


Fine..JFK Jr is alive and will return as the second Jesus.

You win.

85d018  No.6511035

File: dac25622324dcac⋯.jpg (130.48 KB, 728x546, 4:3, egyptian-gods-melanie-juli….jpg)


If it wasn't for this I would think you mad lol

ef61ff  No.6511036




2bb7d6  No.6511037

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)


>We still have many more red pills coming our way Anon's

bb225e  No.6511038


>You might have a point there.

I know. Just takes a bit of getting out of your head and all the pre-conceived bullshit that's been layered on your brain thru millennia. It's not an ez task but think you're getting it. It'll marinate well. Promise.


c4b472  No.6511041


>JFK Jr is alive

no he isn't

16740c  No.6511042

File: 8b5fcd3b34b1d53⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 959x500, 959:500, bozo1.jpg)

File: 1517d52b91e2584⋯.jpg (101.73 KB, 959x500, 959:500, bozo2.jpg)

File: 98b704524f9f19d⋯.jpg (110.67 KB, 959x500, 959:500, bozo3.jpg)

884e4f  No.6511043

File: fd68a3250fd8b4e⋯.jpg (193.37 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20190516-012446….jpg)

- one by one -

Q larpers get expo6

ef61ff  No.6511044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epic themes…..

Feel the message

5b6c58  No.6511045


Hey Anjel

85d018  No.6511046

File: 6fadea0f0579f10⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpeg-34.jpg)

0f5b8c  No.6511047

Q Team


Guardians of Intelligence

Patriots safe?

masons still making moves against Patriots?

Pompous, arrogant, sadistic egos think they can fuck with people because they've always gotten away with it.


Black magic.

Gang stalking.

Threats and intimidation.


This needs to stop.

They need to get the message:

Hands off!

No more!

However loud and clear it needs to be made.


8a4ebd  No.6511048

File: c9a09fbde946103⋯.png (17.16 KB, 948x177, 316:59, rule6e.PNG)

For Context.

>>6505613 (PB)


567a8d  No.6511049

P on his hat? Anyone??

07aea2  No.6511050

File: 2d6f5a76005988d⋯.png (110.91 KB, 592x567, 592:567, FC1C3F70-961A-481F-8FB1-80….png)


Deep thoughts, fren

bb225e  No.6511051


Aha! But that's exactly where this anon began to stumble upon those truths. It's all there. [ In attempting to ID all those Egyptians, they all take a piece of the name of the King / God before them. Start with Atun] Difficult to follow but the truth is in Egypt and beyond.

3cc4b1  No.6511052


Illinois cabal are legalizing extortion,

f2493b  No.6511053

File: b70fdac1f0bde90⋯.png (355.71 KB, 822x633, 274:211, fox news flash kappy poste….png)


Anon DID post a link. Follow it and you'll find several news flashes, including the one he references. And here's another news flash in the same bundle:


9bbe3d  No.6511054

File: bc77858e7e53115⋯.jpeg (88.16 KB, 640x403, 640:403, 64F1AD5A-A45E-494D-B454-D….jpeg)

File: 6063128dd43fa3c⋯.jpeg (41.53 KB, 360x242, 180:121, 7CFDE68C-4B85-40B6-A858-2….jpeg)

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 2620x3969, 2620:3969, 7C09D513-35FD-4232-91F1-E….jpeg)

File: 3111ba8d26d04ce⋯.jpeg (127.68 KB, 1000x618, 500:309, 7AEB57DB-D2B0-4F3D-AAAE-5….jpeg)

23a180  No.6511056

OMG, chaos for the gardner, kek, not ordered, I get that, I consider most things that happen unplanned rather than not ordered, unexpected results, I am also not a scientist or scholar and surely not a physicicist, I see random as corrupt, like the weeds in my lawn but it can't be explained or stopped


ef61ff  No.6511057

File: 78f13e7b25199be⋯.jpg (794.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4d9d1b1526d61d3ccbe0b2135e….jpg)

493b09  No.6511059

File: c03d5f3d4dad5cd⋯.jpeg (210.82 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, 74B3E5C6-D69F-4B72-B219-3….jpeg)


This is a free speech board if you don’t like it go fuck your mother.

ebbacf  No.6511060


This makes sense to me.

a64262  No.6511061

File: 99f300359eba91d⋯.png (261.14 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D3F83039-13C6-4C50-91D6-2B….png)

File: cdb5b00eab5ed3a⋯.png (355.03 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7318270E-37FA-4207-A68B-AC….png)

File: 6b886de8daed72b⋯.png (165.49 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, DE893A8A-AEC3-4B19-9367-2E….png)

File: b7dc72e1bc17fdb⋯.png (900.3 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1F914207-6513-4F86-9D2C-50….png)

So, Neon Revolt connects Matrix, Shady and IPOT, (which Cropduster outed as, Soros funded,) to Jz Knight/Ramtha School to NXIVM, did they also connect it to Jordan Sather (Cory Goode’s Kid & David Wilcock), Joe M’s buddy, SC and FLYNN? Wow this is Batshit Crazy!!

85d018  No.6511062

File: 14384f3be4eeba3⋯.jpg (75.61 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 57313636_133024651154772_3….jpg)


Do you know this symbol?

4e5e58  No.6511063

File: 8ae0cd0be665bf0⋯.png (797.54 KB, 940x625, 188:125, 66308c17201bdd4a752ec86485….png)

File: cf475d21cba41c0⋯.jpg (435.07 KB, 752x600, 94:75, business-eddm.jpg)

ad29fd  No.6511064

>when POTUS begins actively prosecuting fake news for their many crimes and complicities

bb225e  No.6511065

File: 1176a2082ffdab6⋯.png (547.79 KB, 480x537, 160:179, AtenPeep.png)


Yep! You're on to it! ThanQ for sharing the pic.

835275  No.6511066


Two year old tweet.

7e156a  No.6511067

File: 71a1911747e554e⋯.png (244.8 KB, 284x540, 71:135, 587cc5d5b616ca0555f811abca….png)


You don't get to tell me what to believe. You believe what you want.

yes he is


Weak, nigger. So weak.

The fact you don't see it as a possibility makes you a normie.

ef27af  No.6511068



No psychic phenomena

But I used to have night visions prior to Q posts.

Scary. Saw people being tortured and crying out for help. Used to scare me bc I didn't know what to do to help them. I didn't even know who they were.

My very religious sister in law said that these visions weren't from God, bc God is not a God of fear.

So every night I would pray to God to help those people and to help me to not see those disturbing visions. This was a few years ago before Q showed up.

8e2441  No.6511069

File: d646ac105970953⋯.png (75.14 KB, 260x360, 13:18, ClipboardImage.png)



bb225e  No.6511070

File: cbc6a556aefbe41⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 463x599, 463:599, Y pc d.jpg)

File: 3d06e3c64bde80b⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 400x396, 100:99, Y yoni.jpg)


Lotsa those about! Anon found an AZ church this bread with it in their logo. pics related

ebbacf  No.6511071


I had a lot of visions too. People that I've never met before but was so amazed at how detailed I could see their faces. Down to their pores, the flecks in their irises. I felt that it was remote viewing. It comes in cycles.

8ad2cb  No.6511072

File: 83139f3c0c201d6⋯.png (24.45 KB, 315x164, 315:164, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)



have a captcha :)

bb225e  No.6511073


neon is batshit crazy. They have history here.


20ae96  No.6511074

File: da475df16eda56d⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 565f12f0a850d5e63c38272e2e….jpg)


WOW, do you have one of spidey's Faggot Detectors???? kek

ef61ff  No.6511075

File: 8ac87ec33bef870⋯.jpeg (252.2 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 8ac87ec33bef870fe22b7e2fb….jpeg)


Five decades waiting for this


Its habbening

f2493b  No.6511076

=FOXNews Flash Call for a DIGG

By Louis Casiano | Fox News

ANONS, this calls for a DIGG

Start with the author above

Two separate "news flashes" by this Fox reporter; the one on Trump seems to lack any kind of real sauce. Guy sounds pretty anti-Trump, too. Really strange!


And, yes, that is the correct link. Also strange.

>>6510928 President Trump, making several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

>>6511053 Actor Isaac Kappy dead at 42 after he "forced himself off" a bridge, posted ominous apology to Trump, QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

85d018  No.6511077

File: 49a108057b0df7b⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 350x400, 7:8, 20190515_233040.jpg)

File: abe201f1c355474⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 424x606, 212:303, 20190424_173117.jpg)

File: 39586e3907c8f71⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 190x262, 95:131, 20190503_195251.jpg)

File: 2646cb94acfaa38⋯.png (17.79 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 102c6b33188a6a0ce886ccdff4….png)

e45982  No.6511078


>Five decades

16740c  No.6511079

File: 1119f04fc6b156b⋯.png (351.85 KB, 585x419, 585:419, BlueWH.png)

File: e1485e10a083f72⋯.jpg (117.21 KB, 625x773, 625:773, DJTBatman.jpg)


876dec  No.6511080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Amazon made $11.2 Billion Dollars in Profit in 2018 - Paid $0 In Federal Taxes

*Amazon received a Federal Tax Rebate of $126 Million Dollars. That works out to a Tax Rate of negative 1%.

*2017 - Amazon made $5.6 Billion Dollars in Profit - Paid $0 In Federal Income Taxes

Sauce: https://itep.org/amazon-in-its-prime-doubles-profits-pays-0-in-federal-income-taxes/

Sauce: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/03/why-amazon-paid-no-federal-income-tax.html

Sauce: https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2019/02/16/amazon-paid-no-federal-taxes-billion-profits-last-year/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9d9facf9a1fa

bb225e  No.6511081

File: b8219d130aa01b2⋯.png (35.51 KB, 340x250, 34:25, chaosOrdo.png)


>I see random as corrupt

They've taught you well then! You desire Order out of Chaos. Sound familiar?


f8a483  No.6511082


Its ramped up the last few years for me. It's just part of our awakening process. Enjoy the ride, it never ends. Post event is when the real fun begins.

481b06  No.6511083

>>6511034 >>6511019

This is the first time anything R-Related has really caught my attention.

It was written in 2011.

Just thought it was interesting.

Could be that someone based their LARP on this old, obscure post. Or its all real.

182f65  No.6511084

File: 33eca1994c226a9⋯.jpg (189.19 KB, 600x450, 4:3, eatyerveggies.jpg)



expecting another media hit piece on 8chan? it wouldn't be complete without a swastika, would it?

f8a483  No.6511085


Your life and everything around you is A LOT more scripted than you think.

e45982  No.6511086

File: 5769d39421600c9⋯.png (932.9 KB, 640x821, 640:821, B7AFB131-0D4C-4E73-84F3-DF….png)

File: adf04bc2b484504⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1536x1066, 768:533, 2199D253-C8E1-4F76-AFB4-30….png)

File: 20394360f3fde3a⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1573x1071, 1573:1071, 921EFE51-02E9-4362-93AD-46….png)

File: 9b581fb4df89864⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, DDE09AE0-5D00-41DD-ACE9-21….png)

File: be239242e25f2a4⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x599, 1200:599, 4816E59F-B772-4510-966B-13….png)

a64262  No.6511087


Glad to see, Neon made Notables several breads ago.

884e4f  No.6511088


Wanna keep Q from being labeled responsible for Kappys death ? Tie it to the actual person responsible - thomas schoenberger

85d018  No.6511089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a89a38  No.6511090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon on Trump's 'negotiation' of a China Trade Deal

Bannon ~ "Anything you do in this deal the perpetuate the role of the CCP is Bad ….Nobody wants the CPP to get more control." 10:30 mark

Wen Gui and Mr. Bannon talk on the China Trade agreement! The United States imposes a 25% tariff penalty on the Communist Party!


0ce51a  No.6511091

File: 9d489d584eb917d⋯.png (209.14 KB, 628x385, 628:385, ClipboardImage.png)


More Basic Captcha Solving Advice

5b6c58  No.6511092


>Weak, nigger. So weak.

The fact you don't see it as a possibility makes you a normie.

Try harder faggot, I just greeted you.

We’ll find you if he’s still alive

29058b  No.6511093

File: 8d1b0db4142be10⋯.png (262.29 KB, 990x430, 99:43, 1 Fox Video re Kappy.PNG)

File: 1838786ea3931a1⋯.png (416.79 KB, 987x489, 329:163, 2 Fox Video re Kappy.PNG)



In context reference was to Kappy apologizing to POTUS and making reference to far right conspiracy group QAnon

8ad2cb  No.6511094


Full moon coming

f8a483  No.6511095


I'm on board with ya friend. I've been saying this since the R post, day 1. Hoping he makes his reemergence grander than ever!

ef61ff  No.6511096

File: 67941757dd73eee⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 71adae50b07d7f514a57337af1….jpg)


We are the living Word

Godspeed anons

aeb0c1  No.6511097


Makes sense to me anon, There may be an even bigger picture to it. I’m sure the connections will really start showing once we start to see the avalanche…

a64262  No.6511098


POTUS trolls MANY Joes. It’s hilarious.

2bb7d6  No.6511099

File: 97c439592512700⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 480x341, 480:341, nobody.jpg)


>another media hit piece on 8chan

16740c  No.6511100

File: 13680f4d86688b9⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 959x500, 959:500, nofreelunchbitches.jpg)

0ce51a  No.6511101

File: 296fa6e22aac557⋯.png (298.88 KB, 367x451, 367:451, ClipboardImage.png)

ef27af  No.6511102


I never saw that much detail. It would happen when I was just falling asleep. I went on line to see what kind of dreaming it was. It's called lucid dreams. Just on the edge of wakefulness and sleep.

Weird and creepy. Started several years ago. Didn't happen every night, but happened often. I thought God was trying to guide me somehow but when I prayed for them to stop, they stopped.

I don't know if it was remote viewing, but whatever it was, I didn't like it. Made me feel so helpless and sad for people I couldn't help.

e45982  No.6511103

File: 4f058f4864964ef⋯.jpeg (83.32 KB, 515x500, 103:100, F186904D-45F9-48C5-8BBA-E….jpeg)


ef61ff  No.6511104

File: 6b7418d326c3ec3⋯.jpg (283.39 KB, 640x388, 160:97, 6b7418d326c3ec35e7ec57b112….jpg)

ad29fd  No.6511105

File: 451d25ed81a1cb5⋯.jpg (596.34 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 7z3m.jpg)

Guys, I get it, the rabbit hole runs deep. But can we drop the occult /x/ stuff for just a second and appreciate this?

>Barr appointment means turnabout offensive

>Mueller report turned out to be a bunch of hot nothing

>Durham was the stealth bomber

>appointment means criminal violations occurred

>Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Lynch, Peter and Lisa, Ohr, etc. all implicated

>spygate confirmed

>Hillary emails were in Obama WH

This is vindication for everyone who watched CSPAN in summer 2016 and thought she would get hers in the end. This is vindication for the tarmac and the wiretap.

Yes, it is all very basic stuff anon knew ages ago, and probably not as interesting as whatever cabal demon-summoning magic shit we're into. But it's really happening.

Obama himself is implicated in this. It all leads back to him. NXIVM will eventually provide vindication for even more deeper down the rabbit hole.

For now, let's appreciate that they took a shot at POTUS and missed. Now it's our turn.

f2493b  No.6511106

3e2ac7  No.6511107



Do you read? And have a link for that? You know, maybe a gov site of founding documents as opposed to some bullshite .archive site that’s from some shut down clown site?

And I see you’re up to 18 posts, so this will be my last to you, this bread.

3cc4b1  No.6511108

File: a791222574ed93a⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 625x773, 625:773, a791222574ed93a5e172a57a2c….jpg)


Here is original Melania tweet, same color.Was thought to be a hint at masonic symbology.

0d13cb  No.6511109

File: 0552c69e662b2ca⋯.png (935.01 KB, 1502x1500, 751:750, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at ….png)


i think you'll love this then


85d018  No.6511110

File: 48c8bf238f1c96e⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 900x865, 180:173, o.jpg)

23a180  No.6511111

not blue eyes or green eyes, that is basic genetics, I'm talking about random as in genes corrupt causing severe, life threatening physiological problems, biochemical/neurological problems, I'm a nurse so random is really bad, whereas variation is natural, weeds in the yard are variation but solid, variation is OK and long term variation and adaption are natural, not corruption which is a killer, that's how I think of it


d442c2  No.6511112

File: 5d7b7dd5d002427⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1247x841, 43:29, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6509925 pb

>Kappy & military base dig (more in thread) (lb)

>AZanon here

>lots of shit like this in arizona. endless places for underground (or under mountain) facilities


what's the deal with that cheesecake factory?

Posted in connection to the kappy, AZ, bunker stuff

the watermark


image search it



85d018  No.6511113

File: 3b2f666c1ccdb47⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 199x253, 199:253, images.jpeg-21.jpg)

ea8fa9  No.6511114


Have you ever had a one on one experience with a true psychopath? There is no observance of others pain, they only see what they want and the they take it. Many are successful in business but are the most evil ruthless fucks in the world as well as in politics. Some are very intelligent and can pass themselves off as caring individuals, others just become criminals and have no self control whatsoever. Its usually apparent in the eyes, emotions and actions do match their eyes, they will lie cheat and steal to get what they want, narcissists are usually self-deluded and not as able to deceive or organize themselves once they lose their influence over you…if (they) are all psychopaths…they have no remorse, or regret or any normal emotional reaction to what they do to others…the only thing that makes them do the right thing is if they fear you more and what power you exude over them….

a64262  No.6511115

File: 0df80d611d681a5⋯.png (130.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 5C956127-CC22-4E03-A876-69….png)


A POTUS nod to Q and JFK Today! Love you Anons!! October 28 and May 15!

8bc72a  No.6511116

News Flash. The end won't be for everyone.

Even low-ranking anons can figure out what that means.

Not all of us are going to make it.

16740c  No.6511117


World Autism Day… Kek!

85d018  No.6511118

File: 63f8907d5cf5f2c⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 26a370a1b9383c4⋯.jpg (8.81 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpeg-13.jpg)

File: c2173837173fc41⋯.png (6.59 KB, 292x173, 292:173, images.png)

8ccb30  No.6511119

File: c2acdce98f557c0⋯.png (112.4 KB, 352x288, 11:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>human condition

The pyramid is a system of slavery, humans trying to get a better position in this (older) and sad 3D world

Many find some hope by embracing flags like communism, socialism, *ism. Divisions projected into our minds. And the pyramid continues to work. Hopeless people are seeds for evil things.

Deep thoughts, ty for share…

e45982  No.6511120


How to decode two blue castle tweets?

f2493b  No.6511121


Can you give us some sauce anon?

706005  No.6511122



Washington's Farewell Address

Here is where we should not be bombing and bulldozing nations in the middle east

"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it - It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it ?"

Here is where Washington warns at length against considering another nation as "our greatest friend and ally"

"In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations, has been the victim.

So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.

As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests."

Washington continues in the same line for several more paragraphs.

85d018  No.6511123

File: c22df0da4b23847⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpeg-22.jpg)

638266  No.6511124

File: 7c21ff433d8d6af⋯.jpg (264.26 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 7c21ff433d8d6af596fd27bcc1….jpg)


Uhh maybe first blue castle 2 days before Tom Hanks route 66 tweet, then second blue castle 2 days after kappy shrekt?

ef61ff  No.6511125



And the truth makes them stop cold

And vomit or shit thy themselves

They have no power

That's why they steal it

Starve them

ad29fd  No.6511126


Always interpreted that as meaning full disclosure wasn't for everyone. People seriously can't handle it.

828d6b  No.6511128

Kappy sliding the bread again. A fucking diamond dealer. Look at the burner.me link posted. Why do you think he had diamonds in his twatter profile? Suspect bakers

bb225e  No.6511129


>And I see you’re up to 18 posts,

Helping others nets this anon numerous posts. It's the QUALITY of what is said, not the number of words. Anons have engaged requesting answers.

I do read. So should you. Do some research on Grant. Didn't make it up, if that's what you're saying. Also a shit-ton of the same in archives


8ad2cb  No.6511130

File: d96de77dbbebbde⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 375x499, 375:499, DslQMZ_U8AABDKk.jpg)

d442c2  No.6511131



23a180  No.6511132

but what does that mean?


690e4c  No.6511133

File: 414dbb1d9a36e27⋯.png (489.34 KB, 497x641, 497:641, ClipboardImage.png)



Yes! The Patriots have arrived.



Captcha? We don't need any stinking captcha!

85d018  No.6511134

File: 603a8abc5fda6e5⋯.jpg (91.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-1.jpg)

File: bad9e234e0952b0⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-2.jpg)

3cc4b1  No.6511135


Decode = masons are fucked

a37148  No.6511136

File: 30e9235aa73c9f4⋯.jpg (121.79 KB, 625x773, 625:773, 30e9235aa73c9f4ee584faf25d….jpg)

ef61ff  No.6511137


Connect it

Your dig on your claim

Ante up

d442c2  No.6511138

File: 8a532d8ae8b0697⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1919x812, 1919:812, ClipboardImage.png)

e45982  No.6511139



Two pics

One underneath portico

One outside portico

543cff  No.6511140

File: 210435dcbb7412e⋯.jpeg (997.54 KB, 1242x1605, 414:535, 5FD59BAD-EB37-4EC1-AE40-F….jpeg)

May 15, 2019 Updated: May 15, 2019

The governor of Alabama has signed a bill designed to lead to a new Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that hamstrung states’ ability to restrict abortion.

The bill passed the state Senate on May 14 and was signed into law one day later by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey. It outlaws all abortions except in cases when the pregnancy puts the prospective mother’s life is at risk. While it doesn’t penalize a woman for undergoing an abortion, it makes it a felony to perform it, imposing penalties of 10 to 99 years in prison


85d018  No.6511141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2513e6  No.6511142


Money laundering

e45982  No.6511143


Threats revealed

Threats removed

7e156a  No.6511144

File: af5e48e770abb24⋯.jpg (227.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cyberpepe_2077_5.jpg)


Beautiful thing about not being bound by political correctness in the mainstream is that you're free to believe what you want.


Except for the fact that I'm not that faggotassnigger angel, nigger.

>We'll find you if he's still alive

You sure you want to stare down the barrel of a .45 S&W?

What kind of stupid, weak ass threat is that?


I was actually being sarcastic but at this point, anything is possible.

All I know is that I never saw a body. People can say words all fucking day but at the end of it, proof is needed.

The claim: he dead

Burden of proof: logic 101

Piece of paper from a stooge coroner =/= hearsay.

And we're all to believe Breitbart died of a heart attack…as well as his coroner.

9d6b7c  No.6511145

Shills seem to post a lot of personal attacks against anons, the occasional drumpf meme (mostly ebot), but they never seem to put together well reasoned anti POTUS digs. Why is that?

f2493b  No.6511146


Notes @360

>>6511023 The Illinois House of Reps. voted to require companies based in Illinois to include at least one female and one African American on the board of directors.

>>6510983 USAF: A KC-46 Pegasus w/@22ARW performs a flyoover during Heritage to Horizons concert

>>6510928, >>6511020 President Trump, making several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

>>6511053, >>6510973 Actor Isaac Kappy dead at 42 after he "forced himself off" a bridge, posted ominous apology to Trump, QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

>>6511076 Call for a DIGG of FOXNews reporter Louis Casiano (see >>6510928, >>6511053)

>>6510900 Alabama abortion ban bill passes: No exceptions for rape, incest

>>6510918 Trump admin will "shed light" on a secretive practice that costs taxpayers millions of dollars

>>6510907, >>6510928 California investigators reveal cause of the deadliest wildfire in state history (Campfire)

>>6510854 , >>6510863, >>6510866, >>6510881, >>6510882, >>6510993 Why did Congo offer HRC $650,000 for a speech?

>>6510849 , >>6510862 Remember when Q told us about an FBI assassination plot against Trump?

>>6510851, >>6510869, >>6510871, >>6510899, >>6510979 Kappy death location DIGG cont.

>>6510837 China’s Huawei and 70 affiliates placed on US Trade Blacklist

>>6510836 Coincidence? Sessions appointed Durham and POTUS nominated him for last position

>>6510821 POTUS trolls Joe Scarborough

>>6510811 POTUS & FLOTUS host the White House Historical Association Dinner

>>6510808 Durham as Stealth Bomber (the planes are built in Raleigh-Durham, NC)

ANONS, this post is incredible, how'd this reporter sauce such a claim?

>>6510928, >>6511020 President Trump, making several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

DIGG Please:

>>6511076 Call for a DIGG of FOXNews reporter Louis Casiano (see >>6510928, >>6511053)

8ad2cb  No.6511147


they're still looping in the past

all our digits and symbols are belong to us now

c3753d  No.6511148

File: 947811fe78e290b⋯.png (16.88 KB, 1319x195, 1319:195, Screenshot_2019-05-15 pol….png)

File: 271512fdd88ecab⋯.png (90.28 KB, 1336x185, 1336:185, Screenshot_2019-05-15 pol….png)


ef61ff  No.6511149


Told my daughter today how smart FLOTUS IS

This is epic

8ccb30  No.6511150

File: 5d0ed910d970825⋯.png (2.25 MB, 800x1025, 32:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ea5ef09ffc0ce3⋯.png (800.02 KB, 787x394, 787:394, ClipboardImage.png)

bb225e  No.6511151


>not blue eyes or green eyes, that is basic genetic

QUINTS of the best kind!

Yeah- you'll have to go beyond the layers taught to you to get chaos. I tried, not a teacher. TRUST YOURSELF

a37148  No.6511152

File: f6f282dd7c3826d⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 765x256, 765:256, AnonsArise.jpg)

File: 47d9a22bd130117⋯.jpg (340.59 KB, 1614x1081, 1614:1081, FreeYourself.jpg)

File: 73840cde9da6a8c⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 73840cde9da6a8c96b00063b26….jpg)

26d190  No.6511154


shit thats a good captcha!

a64262  No.6511155



Where’s Rice and FLYNN ? Watch to boughts flock to this post because for certain names!!

29058b  No.6511156


>President Trump, making several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

Please watch the video

This is inaccurate and misleading

The reference is not to POTUS mentioning QAnon

SEE >>6511093

706005  No.6511157


"…gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country"

"How many opportunities do (((they))) afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils."

"betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification."

>Washington warned us about Israel

Yes, and the politicians who swear friendship and loyalty to them.

ef234f  No.6511158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is what Panic! sounds like.

0hour talks about Kappy and Q.

85d018  No.6511159

File: 0e2be47f2ca7ad0⋯.jpg (7.17 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpeg-31.jpg)

20ae96  No.6511160

File: f831f3488b6ef9b⋯.png (544.12 KB, 755x578, 755:578, Billionaires Cabal ball.png)

File: 63aef7210d75103⋯.jpg (151.78 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 13555500-7034945-image-a-3….jpg)

File: 4454f6acbf706a5⋯.jpg (148.9 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 13555494-7034945-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 334680f149e5e4c⋯.jpg (231.53 KB, 962x994, 481:497, 13555514-7034945-image-m-2….jpg)

File: 6f42af33bb3cc8c⋯.jpg (97.96 KB, 470x704, 235:352, 13555556-7034945-image-a-3….jpg)



We have a who's who of the evil Cabal.

Coperfield was there too( i did some digging on him before, he owns an island near other cabal creatures) He's like the male version of Marina Abramovic

Bezos is a gimpy looking motherfucker.

Hillary and her fabulously wealthy friends, including Bezos, Oprah, Bloomberg and Nicky Hilton attend opening of Statue of Liberty museum, as Trump snubs Dem-heavy event to roll out immigration plan in DC

Party to open new museum on New York's Liberty Island drew star-studded crowd of ultra-rich on Wednesday

Chelsea and Hillary Clinton were joined by Huma Abedin and mingled with Oprah Winfrey and Barry Diller

Nicky Hilton Rothschild posed with Diane von Furstenberg upon arriving at the Statue of Liberty museum

Billionaires Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg were in attendance as was magician David Copperfield

The opening of a new museum at the Statue of Liberty has temporarily turned the 14-acre Liberty Island into a teeming hive of billionaires and stars - a gathering that President Donald Trump decided to avoid upon learning the party would be filled with Democrats.

The party on Wednesday night in New York harbor offered the ultra-wealthy elite a chance to rub shoulders at the foot of the 133-year-old statue.

At one table, Hillary Clinton was spotted chatting with Oprah Winfrey. Before long, billionaire IAC chairman Barry Diller, in attendance with wife Diane von Furstenberg, joined Clinton and Winfrey at the table.

For deep pockets, nobody could compete with richest man in the world Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, who gushed in a tweet that his Cuban immigrant father would be honored at the museum with a 'Liberty Star.

The festivities took on a subtle but unmistakable political bent, with attendees eager to highlight Lady Liberty's role as a sight seen by many immigrants arriving at nearby Ellis Island.

President Donald Trump declined to attend the party, instead sending Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who runs the National Park Service, which supervises Liberty Island and Ellis Island.

Instead, Trump remained in Washington DC where on Thursday he will reveal his own sweeping proposal to reform the immigration system.

Trump had originally planned to attend the party, but backed out when he learned the crowd would likely be highly hostile, a source told the New York Daily News.

In addition to Clinton, Trump's political nemeses on the guest list include New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Rep. Jerrold Nadler and Senator Chuck Schumer.

Liberal socialite Diane von Furstenberg, Diller's wife and a member of the new museum's board, was also there, and gave a rousing speech about her own immigrant roots as a native of Belgium.


ef27af  No.6511161


Since 1969?

d442c2  No.6511163

File: a0d45d381f67b6c⋯.png (79.67 KB, 300x226, 150:113, ClipboardImage.png)



481b06  No.6511164



will check it out.

ef61ff  No.6511165


God delivered my family from the Jimmy Hoffa murder through tradgedy….. He works in mysterious ways


f2493b  No.6511166


revision: >>6510907 California investigators reveal cause of the deadliest wildfire in state history (Campfire)

5c7449  No.6511167


It is interesting we are having this discussion.

The ancient greeks did not believe in "one God" - and that there were many aspects to the divine forces and principles at play. Zeus was the god of the scribes and rulers. He was a force of authority and order. It was Zeus who overthrew the rule of the Titans and led the gods to inherit the world (that which they didn't leave to the Cythonians).

There were a few Titans who remained, however - Prometheus was one of them. Prometheus was particularly known for being a bit of a trickster teacher. He enjoyed setting up scenarios that would expose one to their own flaws, oversights, or ignorance. Kind of like Q from Star Trek, actually. He was certainly regarded as chaotic because he wasn't predictable and would defy Zeus at the drop of a hat…. But nothing he ever did was without purpose or reason.

Because there is no denying reason and no escaping purpose…..

Obviously, those who follow Zeus would consider Prometheus a pain in the ass when he wasn't a threat. He would overturn order and authority simply to prove a point. Like giving knowledge to Humanity. Zeus got really pissed over that, because it destabilized order.


The Greeks left it up to the individual to determine good from evil and right from wrong, from a spiritual standpoint at least. It was the point of Tragic Theater, and is the basis behind most media worth mentioning.

The rulers wish to maintain their rule and authority. They want a stable climate that is predictable and orderly. Technology, arts, knowledge… All of these things upset the stability of the society they ride atop. "The government wants people just smart enough to keep the machinery going but too dumb to figure out what is going on."

A growing and developing society isn't necessarily chaotic, but its order and flow is not one that follows from the authority or control of a ruler… And that is what this is all about. Who gets to determine humanity's future.

"I, Satsuki Kiryuin, am rising up to overthrow the life-fibers!"

2513e6  No.6511168

Today will be sunny, with a heavy downpour of shilling.

Big things happening, big exposure coming.

Stock up on yeast, flour, butter and tits bakers. It’s going to be a crazy few weeks.

8bc72a  No.6511169


Applies to your reading as well.

But also means some people are going to be deadsies

20ae96  No.6511170

File: 90c5ccd95259b74⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 470x704, 235:352, 13555518-7034945-image-m-3….jpg)

File: 920e9a6f1aa886c⋯.jpg (130.14 KB, 962x664, 481:332, 13555584-0-image-a-48_1557….jpg)

File: 802c503b1043c48⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 470x609, 470:609, 13556766-7034945-image-a-2….jpg)

File: e9168e4ba754d6b⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 470x609, 470:609, 13556768-7034945-image-m-2….jpg)

File: 05b54fb17791577⋯.jpg (147.1 KB, 962x822, 481:411, 13557438-7034945-image-a-9….jpg)

bd21c6  No.6511171

File: 4027cddfc647305⋯.jpg (106.09 KB, 678x1024, 339:512, kekked-grad-melon-suit.jpg)


>syphilis, is that you?

you coming to muh after grad party?

3cc4b1  No.6511172


"well reasoned anti-POTUS digs" are inherently impossible, thats why

5b6c58  No.6511173


Kek. That was a typo, faggot. Chill

>We'll find (you=out) if he's still alive


20ae96  No.6511174

File: e485b1f951e974a⋯.jpg (144.51 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 13557336-7034945-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 05b54fb17791577⋯.jpg (147.1 KB, 962x822, 481:411, 13557438-7034945-image-a-9….jpg)

File: 61ed316b12df3bf⋯.jpg (141.73 KB, 962x621, 962:621, 13558766-7034945-image-a-4….jpg)

File: a8b0312f47a376d⋯.jpg (151.21 KB, 962x700, 481:350, 13558784-7034945-image-a-4….jpg)

File: 691b88c911c81e8⋯.jpg (108.06 KB, 962x619, 962:619, 13559290-7034945-image-m-2….jpg)

89d20e  No.6511175

File: f9a7a89a9d09478⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ANONSWINS.jpg)


I like this


ad29fd  No.6511176


Didn't people walk in knowing that? Seth Rich got shot.

Bitch downs planes when people try to testify against her, and we actively try to dismantle everything she built.

0ce51a  No.6511177

File: 3dd86e128263007⋯.png (262.4 KB, 573x423, 191:141, ClipboardImage.png)


I stole your idea, thanx.

f2493b  No.6511178


I did watch it but missed the fact that it's likely a continuation of KAPPY story–so it's KAPPY making reference to Q, not POTUS. I'll go back to double-check, that's what it sounds like.

ef61ff  No.6511179



The year the USA burned

638266  No.6511180

File: dfeeef6bb3a4a5c⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 480x550, 48:55, dfeeef6bb3a4a5c01bc81077f1….jpg)


Low effort.

Take this (you) and kys.

ef27af  No.6511181


Like an After Party?

20ae96  No.6511182

File: 2fbccf8d9b9d625⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 500x647, 500:647, 31392q.jpg)

8ccb30  No.6511183

File: 1bbc32fa2900abc⋯.png (764.24 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6511034 2019 will be glorious!

29058b  No.6511184


>so it's KAPPY making reference to Q, not POTUS.

That is correct

It could be an intentional slip by Fox

No way to know

But in context it was reference to Kappy apologizing to POTUS and Kappy mentioning QAnons

ef61ff  No.6511186

File: 280707d93351880⋯.jpg (100.08 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 280707d93351880fd98fad4c1f….jpg)


All your Phoenix are belong to us

637e37  No.6511187

File: 2818dd6e0ecc609⋯.png (599.17 KB, 750x2084, 375:1042, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at ….png)

File: 02085656087bdd3⋯.png (429.21 KB, 662x1750, 331:875, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at ….png)

So for the first watch, Q posted it on 1/5/19. It turned out that it was signifying the date 3/15/19.

That's a 2 month and 10 day difference.

Well the current marker 1 was posted 3/27/19. What is 2 months and 10 days from 3/27/19?


And to follow the pattern, marker 2 will be the time of 3:05pm.

bd21c6  No.6511188

File: 69b69162bd4fd54⋯.jpeg (48.11 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, steal-that.jpeg)


>Captchas are not case-sensitive

imma try dat an see…

short bus edition

tried no caps first

85d018  No.6511189

File: 886b445a6a3b880⋯.png (97.6 KB, 469x358, 469:358, 20190516_000129.png)


All I see in your pictures is this

96e97b  No.6511190

File: aa5a48ccceeb491⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 960x946, 480:473, Ub209KDUJ1982kmL348GmEE901….jpg)


Any significance to this other than symbolism?

19db67  No.6511191

Asking for a friend. If reddit is down (like it is now), where do we send people back to?

a3e623  No.6511192


Must be talking about specific Masons, not Masonry.

89d20e  No.6511193


bd21c6  No.6511194


took all of six clicks to get a readable one

thanx anon


2513e6  No.6511195

Ex-FBI lawyer: Officials were 'quite worried' Comey appeared to be blackmailing Trump with dossier

Former FBI general counsel James Baker said this week that he and other officials were "quite worried" that former FBI Director James Comey appeared to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump during a 2017 meeting regarding salacious allegations found in the Steele dossier.

On the latest episode of the Yahoo News podcast "Skullduggery" published Tuesday, Baker said he and others were so concerned about Comey briefing Trump on January 6, 2017 on Russia's interference in the election as well as the controversial dossier that "analogies" were made to J. Edgar Hoover, the former FBI director who famously abused his power to blackmail individuals.



ef61ff  No.6511196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ce47e5  No.6511197

File: 3d7b8ea03769a43⋯.png (668.03 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)

>Judge rejects Michael Avenatti's request for public defender

Man I'm glad to see this fuckstick going down. He sure isn't flapping his cockholster now is he!

89d20e  No.6511198

File: 621bc039a2747be⋯.jpg (131.33 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, youlose.jpg)


2bb7d6  No.6511200

File: c783231df6abec5⋯.png (1.54 MB, 624x960, 13:20, ClipboardImage.png)



Nailed it.

29058b  No.6511201


>Man I'm glad to see this fuckstick going down. He sure isn't flapping his cockholster now is he!

Remember the good old days with post after post saying he was an 'actor' in the movie and /our guy/?

Sometimes dirty is just dirty

638266  No.6511202

File: 0a88019df62e216⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 347x419, 347:419, 0a88019df62e216a77e3d16c04….jpg)


Which part of Patriots are safe don't you understand faggot?

Get comfy, enjoy the show, meme on and spread the good news. The horrible disgusting vile criminal good news…

a64262  No.6511203

File: f3caf5abd625018⋯.jpeg (427.93 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 51FF1C05-3EA9-4AD4-A301-E….jpeg)

File: eeeb695646bf2a0⋯.jpeg (277.18 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 91976CEA-6DAA-49E4-9BEB-3….jpeg)

File: f25befd0a759b12⋯.jpeg (502.44 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 8E5A0BA3-0DE8-4BF2-80E4-8….jpeg)

File: 0ff25c2dc13bfa5⋯.jpeg (351.79 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 76A70969-6076-449C-A770-F….jpeg)

Flynn this, Flynn that. Flynn did something. And everyone keeps Flynn doing Flynn things. Flynn facts are so very important! Boughts come out at night, the boughts come out at night! Thank You #neonrevolt for making that connection, Matrix, Shady, ipot, crop duster, jz knight to nxvim, to jt wilde, to all of the flynn family and Sara Carter , [P] is pentagon, p talks to x, x talks to y, y talks to z. And a massive DATA dump. Remember the penis (sky event) from navy times and Eddie Gallagher?

96e97b  No.6511204

File: a954905aef8e17d⋯.png (10.94 KB, 362x370, 181:185, Capture (2).PNG)


I enjoy typing muhCaptcha

e2c5b6  No.6511205

File: a23ad1257947c71⋯.png (98.15 KB, 712x490, 356:245, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 10a77b4600e1b74⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1426x794, 713:397, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 4f13c8c800110f4⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1133x701, 1133:701, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 95e792287c8355b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1138x696, 569:348, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 2e79368111a2da7⋯.png (521.04 KB, 1426x659, 1426:659, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

89d20e  No.6511206

File: 301efd77d2ae9b9⋯.jpg (130.95 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, trumpwins.jpg)



ef27af  No.6511207


I was thinking what a great ride that would be on a motorbike

And then Ahhhhhhhhh!

My older brother used to scare the shit out of me like that.

I just want to slap you right now.

637e37  No.6511208


Or it could be that marker 2 is for the date, since it does have a "27" on the watches date.

But the date 5/17 still applies as previously mentioned.

The time will be from marker 1: 4:50pm or 4:49pm.

a37148  No.6511209

File: bbbeff78674810c⋯.jpg (420.5 KB, 1164x776, 3:2, Lark2Light (1) (1).jpg)

89d20e  No.6511210


We'll make it a Holiday.


638266  No.6511211

File: 007126f6c8fc66c⋯.png (230.12 KB, 620x662, 310:331, 5f82a6461ade5d0f5e6d8cd3be….png)


But they might create some kind of jewish anime then. Too risky.

8ccb30  No.6511212

File: 840f877b4acf5ea⋯.png (280.17 KB, 532x509, 532:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4df8d845c307ba⋯.png (855.27 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

@INDOPACOM 7:04 PM - 15 May 2019

An AV-8B Harrier II sits ready to go at a moment’s notice on the flight deck of the @USS_Boxer.


89ecf5  No.6511213

File: b9a575d76c40d16⋯.jpg (378.5 KB, 1262x794, 631:397, DevilsTowerDig.JPG)

Close Encounters movie full of Easter Eggs.

f2493b  No.6511215

Here's the deal on POTUS making refs to Q: it DID NOT HAPPEN

see >>6510928, >>6511020

But the film is edited in such a way that POTUS appears to be the one speaking. It could easily have been re-done so that it wasn't ambiguous.

'''So who is this reporter–Louis Casiano–and why is he inserting stuff using the phrase "far-right" in other new flashes?""

In other words, did he do this ON PURPOSE to cause problems for POTUS??

5ef76b  No.6511216

File: 4db7bec30c75919⋯.jpeg (560.42 KB, 1004x1907, 1004:1907, C1657193-EBC2-492D-9987-B….jpeg)

2019-05-15 Application status is Active

That was yesterday.



bb225e  No.6511217

File: 05e8503814b866a⋯.jpg (331.19 KB, 600x1531, 600:1531, stang.jpg)


That last pic- where is that from?

It's a STANG.

22e26e  No.6511218


eb43d0  No.6511219

File: 684d1be8d65b49c⋯.png (114.68 KB, 855x691, 855:691, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b205c5e0134d532⋯.png (94.89 KB, 614x554, 307:277, ClipboardImage.png)

One Year Ago:

The Washington Post and CNN have typically written false stories about our trade negotiations with China. Nothing has happened with ZTE except as it pertains to the larger trade deal. Our country has been losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year with China…

…We have not seen China’s demands yet, which should be few in that previous U.S. Administrations have done so poorly in negotiating. China has seen our demands. There has been no folding as the media would love people to believe, the meetings…

…haven’t even started yet! The U.S. has very little to give, because it has given so much over the years. China has much to give!





89d20e  No.6511220





d839b1  No.6511221

File: 2e6d50bc886efc0⋯.png (741.84 KB, 638x396, 29:18, #2943~2335844~WTF.png)


034bf4  No.6511222

File: fb3f3741c81d0c6⋯.jpg (82.95 KB, 761x621, 761:621, captcha.jpg)

89d20e  No.6511223

Especially Ben Shapiro

7e156a  No.6511224

File: ceeb2a6a0cd56ba⋯.png (971.03 KB, 1779x1437, 593:479, Screenshot_2019-05-16 Mugs….png)


kek. been trying to look up that Casiano guy.


This kinda looks like him(was in 2006) but that could be me being an ebil nahtzee and thinking they all look alike.

Maybe he lost his hair and weight too?


That guy far left, looking at Jr…you could tell he knew right in that moment that Jr would be a big deal in the future.

c16b63  No.6511225

Resignations in the news today - part 1

Consumer bureau official at center of racial uproar resigns


Longtime Pittsburgh Host Retiring


In surprise announcement, Transylvania University president steps down after 5 years.


Newman University president will retire after decade of enrollment growth


Falkville police chief resigns amid FBI investigation


Jackson to retire as Northwest Kidney Centers CEO


NSB city manager Pam Brangaccio lauded for service as leaders accept resignation


Four longtime members of the St. Marys Hospital Authority and its attorney announced their immediate resignations


UCLA swim & dive coach retires after over three decades with Bruins


Mark Burdack resigns from Orange City Council after less than a year


CCWD manager retires


West Texas A&M Head Softball Coach Candace Abrams Resigns


Fanandakis retiring after playing key role in DowDuPont separation


Sandwich mayor resigns after being charged with soliciting a prostitute


Ex-Wales coach Chris Coleman fired by Chinese club Hebei


AFL Victoria has asked for, and received, the resignation of the six commissioners who oversee the game in Gippsland after they amassed debts of between $100,000 and $200,000.


Springfield officer accused of child rape fired from police department


Sleepy Hollow athletic director Denise Kiernan resigns abruptly


Krajniak set to retire June 30


Jaillet to retire as Westwood’s town administrator


Chief Business Analyst of Sony’s The Orchard in the UK to retire


c16b63  No.6511226


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Colombia's attorney general resigns over court refusal to extradite FARC leader


Hyannis Deputy Fire Chief Dean Melanson Retiring After 34 Years


TxDOT El Paso district engineer resigns


Tempia retires from USTRANSCOM


Kyrgyz Security Chief Resigns Under Pressure Amid Corruption Allegations


Ex-detective fired amid NYPD bribery scandal claims top cops in the case got off easy


Indiana veterans' affairs staffers resign after scandal; criminal investigation opened


York County Community College president retiring




Clark County treasurer to retire


Municipal Chief Executive for Birim Central in the Eastern Region, Kwabena Bempong, has tendered his resignation


Teacher's aide fired, teacher resigns after Rochester special needs student taped up


Adirondack Scenic Railroad, Jack Roberson, has resigned.


JFRD fire chief set to retire at end of month after 25 years of service


Lincoln city official accused of peeing in public near City Hall resigns


Kendall Elementary School Principal Plans to Retire


Morrisville councilman resigns, saying he has been harassed and bullied


Bessemer City High football coaches fired


Member of Belcourt School Board resigns


29058b  No.6511227

File: 7700400a3ced011⋯.png (520.27 KB, 693x541, 693:541, 1 WA Sky Penis 5-14-19.PNG)

File: eda5c1b3fc65a4e⋯.png (310.12 KB, 531x632, 531:632, 2 WA Sky Penis 5-14-19.PNG)


>Remember the penis (sky event) from navy times

Bread 8309 [pb]


Wash. sky penis was a 'really bad decision by some really good guys,' Navy says


c16b63  No.6511228


Resignations in the news today - part 3

Montverde Academy dean of students fired amid investigation into ‘inappropriate relationship’ with student


Clatskanie elementary principal resigns


Chief retires, but stays on for transition, new budget


Wendy Culbreath resigns from Hillsboro City Council


Retired four-star general shifts focus from front lines to home front


C’ville board accepts Cooper’s resignation


JLES teacher Rosalie Allman to retire


Mae Jemison High School principal resigns for Gulf Shores job


Hudson schools treasurer Kathryn Sines retiring


California City city manager resigns from position during council meeting


South Hills boys basketball coach Jelani Gardner fired, no reasons given


Shreveport assistant attorney resigns 2 days after job shift


St. John's boys basketball coach Heintschel retires


Steven Smith resigns as Lincoln Football Coach


YCCC President Barbara Finkelstein to retire in July


Hanrahan resigns from Kids in Distress Services


Tom Donahue retiring as JV boys lacrosse coach at West Genesee after 38 years


Oley Valley School Board salutes those retiring


Former Winnebago school employee fired for inappropriate contact with students


Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s David Krieger Retiring


Riley County Chief Judge Meryl Wilson retiring


eb43d0  No.6511229

File: 8508de4cb5b7a39⋯.png (377.38 KB, 530x887, 530:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca714afd267fbc3⋯.png (1.01 MB, 960x768, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 994082d5a9d305c⋯.png (479.75 KB, 887x887, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Year Ago

a64262  No.6511230

File: f0563ff987708ce⋯.jpeg (92.91 KB, 1200x580, 60:29, 863521D8-0CD6-499F-8DE1-6….jpeg)

File: 5081a051c4cbe16⋯.jpeg (132.4 KB, 720x720, 1:1, E9A236A3-EAA6-4644-9FDE-5….jpeg)

File: fe1fa18df4c71bc⋯.jpeg (35.53 KB, 300x167, 300:167, A068DEFF-07DC-48F1-8F90-7….jpeg)

File: b80eacba6bafb47⋯.jpeg (80.72 KB, 800x471, 800:471, E931A815-2488-49C0-AFDB-0….jpeg)


Someone, tell my why it’s good that General FLYNN had an an Amazon paid billboard????

89ecf5  No.6511231



Kid Yr Q!!

d52688  No.6511232

Declas next week according to Ingraham. Don't have the sauce. Sauce is my word.

19c7bb  No.6511233


Thank you, I had no idea about it not being case sensitive. This is a big help. No,I'm not new,I just totally never knew that…


Thanks for the laughs, Anon.

8ccb30  No.6511234

File: bd93a1fce73f7b6⋯.png (99.97 KB, 220x219, 220:219, ClipboardImage.png)

89ecf5  No.6511235


You are a PIG

eb43d0  No.6511236

File: 870b34b3395c386⋯.png (483.09 KB, 599x582, 599:582, ClipboardImage.png)



96e97b  No.6511237

File: 4a5b9af39113039⋯.jpg (51 KB, 800x697, 800:697, 7cd230875b-98f8ee03c5-2236….jpg)

File: e42de7ba19ac2ae⋯.jpg (81.53 KB, 570x384, 95:64, e003b4e4ba-5dc9b8251e2-670….jpg)

85d018  No.6511238

File: f79b1065473e1e3⋯.jpg (69.35 KB, 822x667, 822:667, 13796122.jpg)


That's why.

bd21c6  No.6511239

File: 8586b59a94e763a⋯.png (1.38 MB, 573x423, 191:141, captchas-pedro-speaks-fixe….png)


> ^^^^^

nice teeth pedro

a491ba  No.6511240

File: 562265532d08339⋯.jpg (283.32 KB, 800x624, 50:39, durham in china shop.jpg)

Trying to do a Durham meme. Is this missing anything?

89d20e  No.6511241

File: 97b0cc2317a2116⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 918x506, 459:253, trumped .jpg)



e897ab  No.6511242

File: 2299013f34a3285⋯.jpg (163.52 KB, 995x500, 199:100, 2m9c5v.jpg)

60cfcc  No.6511243


We won't lose. Also, Your message is recieved by everyone. We all know. SOme have different takes on it. Imagine that. People on the internet not agreeing on shit. What a suprise. Instead of doing the same booring shit over and over and over why not get some solutions going? Have some open conversations? You are obviously motivated but your are lacking in EFFECTIVENESS… What you do has to WORK! The repeat nature of your posts have brought its effectiveness to ZERO long ago. Do something different. Not just a different meme spammed but change your act COMPLETELY and you. will. be. more. EFFECTIVE.

19c7bb  No.6511244

638266  No.6511245


Being this dense..

839d1f  No.6511246

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, scotch3.gif)

20ae96  No.6511247


Fuck off, nobody is nuking anyone FFS

You sound really fucking evil advocating the horrific burning by nuclear war upon innocent babies and childen.

If people are guilty of crimes then they should be judged by a court of law and sentenced accordingly.

No innocent human deserves to be nuked and it's not good for anyone living on this planet.

89d20e  No.6511248

File: dc86fa4d82c671a⋯.jpg (195.35 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, dc86fa4d82c671ab5117e53881….jpg)



e45982  No.6511249

d442c2  No.6511250

File: 64379a9c2b2d8b0⋯.png (120.33 KB, 536x486, 268:243, ClipboardImage.png)


Why so many places that aren't incorporated into the city

302321  No.6511251

File: 73b85be14f5c571⋯.png (74.38 KB, 446x438, 223:219, 8Chanbannedphillipines.png)

File: 3df38f2830a5da1⋯.png (138.42 KB, 678x687, 226:229, christchurchcall.png)

File: 3922fcd239378d6⋯.png (49.33 KB, 667x418, 667:418, countries.png)

File: 49dae99505dd83a⋯.png (51.03 KB, 813x526, 813:526, companies.png)


Holy shit, check this out.


"Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, in a statement praised the companies that signed on to the pledge but did not mention the White House’s decision to keep the U.S. out of it.

“I applaud these companies for taking new steps in light of the recent acts of violence,” Rogers said, raising concerns about “fringe websites,”

such as 8chan and Gab

which have been connected to the Christchurch shooting and other attacks by white supremacists."


f2493b  No.6511252


Notes @460

>>6511225, >>6511226, >>6511228 Resignations in the news today

>>6511160, >>6511170 HRC & "friends" attend opening of Statue of Liberty museum

>>6511140 The governor of Alabama has signed a bill designed to lead to a new Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade

>>6511023 The Illinois House of Reps. voted to require companies based in Illinois to include at least one female and one African American on the board of directors.

>>6510983 USAF: A KC-46 Pegasus w/@22ARW performs a flyoover during Heritage to Horizons concert

>>6511053, >>6510973 Actor Isaac Kappy dead at 42 after he "forced himself off" a bridge, posted ominous apology to Trump, QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

>>6510928, >>6511020 Kappy story edited in such a way that it looks like POTUS made "several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon" (purposely deceptive? Foxnews Flash)

>>6511215, >>6511224 Call for a DIGG of FOXNews reporter Louis Casiano (see >>6510928, >>6511053; looks like deceptive editing, see his other "far-right" refs in same news flashes)

>>6510900 Alabama abortion ban bill passes: No exceptions for rape, incest

>>6510918 Trump admin will "shed light" on a secretive practice that costs taxpayers millions of dollars

>>6510907 California investigators reveal cause of the deadliest wildfire in state history (Campfire)

>>6510854 , >>6510863, >>6510866, >>6510881, >>6510882, >>6510993 Why did Congo offer HRC $650,000 for a speech?

>>6510849 , >>6510862 Remember when Q told us about an FBI assassination plot against Trump?

>>6510851, >>6510869, >>6510871, >>6510899Kappy death location DIGG cont.

>>6510837 China’s Huawei and 70 affiliates placed on US Trade Blacklist

>>6510836 Coincidence? Sessions appointed Durham and POTUS nominated him for last position

>>6510821 POTUS trolls Joe Scarborough

>>6510811 POTUS & FLOTUS host the White House Historical Association Dinner

>>6510808 Durham as Stealth Bomber (the planes are built in Raleigh-Durham, NC)

Anything missing, anons? Busy night!!

706005  No.6511255

File: 7546e5e08c9a0c6⋯.jpg (174.22 KB, 867x1226, 867:1226, cello_by_ieaticecubes.jpg)


Nice selection anon.

9d6b7c  No.6511256


This is why I don't derive any income from Q. Let the FBI raid Q kek.

19c7bb  No.6511257


why did Hitler ally with the Muslims?

Oh, I get it.

Radical Islam is not on your list.

I see you differently now…


839d1f  No.6511258

File: 24064ac977acf67⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 510x422, 255:211, 0bamapick.jpg)


>That he’s been working on it for weeks or months now.

How the fuck did Q not know about Durham?

Pretty fucking important guy, wouldn't you say? And muh Q didn't know about his work?

Hmmmm ….

Red Flag!

e897ab  No.6511259

File: 715b1ea6f140fb8⋯.jpg (333.5 KB, 1927x1087, 1927:1087, ginger beach.jpg)

Anons know how to have fun….

89d20e  No.6511260



8ccb30  No.6511261

e45982  No.6511262

File: 2308626bb32d986⋯.jpeg (376.35 KB, 1379x1668, 1379:1668, 734039C2-FE4F-4FA5-842F-B….jpeg)

File: 7c06c93ef433d94⋯.jpeg (174.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 8431480D-C431-4B76-AA09-D….jpeg)

File: 1d498f2b8249581⋯.jpeg (79.95 KB, 686x364, 49:26, BC8B4FF1-0AAE-469E-9717-7….jpeg)

File: 784847c738958f0⋯.jpeg (119.47 KB, 839x555, 839:555, 4265D1DE-A14A-4C4B-8612-0….jpeg)

File: f5f67aabddd0cbf⋯.jpeg (59.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2EFE86D8-D7BC-41E1-9AE5-A….jpeg)

26d190  No.6511263


Roth/Paysuer kill fun.

3cc4b1  No.6511264


Hard to defend something kept secret. You got nothing but lies, impossible to defend.

d52688  No.6511265


Guilliani was watching interview. Never saw a lawman so happy to finally catch these pieces of shit. Guillinani's been wating a very long time I think to take back his soul.

8deb99  No.6511266


chkd and kekkd

23a180  No.6511267

such good thoughts from this, thank you

life constantly reorders itself to continue on, I see chaos as a life interrupter, gasping to reorder and live, the things I saw when nursing, life force can be powerful, we just can't give it away, thanks again, good thoughts at the right time


e2c5b6  No.6511268

File: 6bf739ca9e79c34⋯.png (882.2 KB, 656x622, 328:311, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 3e845660dbd788a⋯.png (913.02 KB, 668x603, 668:603, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 1eb72ef3e67203f⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1057x695, 1057:695, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 418cd62bc3b53eb⋯.png (1.42 MB, 853x751, 853:751, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

File: 219a95fe13140cf⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1312x775, 1312:775, Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at ….png)

839d1f  No.6511269

File: 2afb7617d796c76⋯.jpg (229.07 KB, 1242x1739, 1242:1739, donjrandgorka.jpg)



Trump doesn't think so.

96e97b  No.6511270


(c)handler, islands, river, sun lakes, Guadalupe

defiantly interesting names

89d20e  No.6511271

If you are an innocent Israeli, move to Palestine.

Marranos will cease to exist

eb43d0  No.6511272

File: 82e02445ecd5461⋯.png (585.73 KB, 750x703, 750:703, ClipboardImage.png)

ef27af  No.6511273


Plenty of weeds in my yard

More weeds than grass

I hate chemicals, so try to avoid them whenever possible, they make me feel nauseated

60cfcc  No.6511274

File: a399a924901969b⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 178x260, 89:130, WOW.gif)

a37148  No.6511275


These are things I wonder about as well, anon. Also people in the media, celebrities, etc. How many of them were brainwashed and actually believed what they were saying was the Truth? On the other side, how many KNOWINGLY betrayed the American people? I'm curious to what those percentages may look like.

8deb99  No.6511276


70 / 30 mabe 80 / 20

26d190  No.6511277

File: 9cb6084c13b4130⋯.png (151.18 KB, 284x302, 142:151, milano.png)

File: 8717d955e8634df⋯.png (675.64 KB, 685x675, 137:135, captcha this.png)

89d20e  No.6511278


Kek wills the fuck out of it!!!!¡!!!

f2493b  No.6511279


Thx anon for the heads-up, added to Notes.

a37148  No.6511280


What is your guess based off of, anon? Just a reasonable estimate?

c35b95  No.6511281







4 columns in pic. No 5th column. Potus CIA first trip post.

89d20e  No.6511282



d839b1  No.6511283

File: e9bb563e2ae57de⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alabama governor signs res….mp4)

Alabama governor signs restrictive abortion bill into law | Fox

>[Baier] broke it…kek…


637e37  No.6511284



So I am thinking IG report gets turned in on Friday 5/17/19 at 3:05pm. (time on marker 2, 10 days off date, see previous post)

Then Sunday 5/19 (date on marker 1 watch) at 4:49/50pm Comey gets indicted.

Then Declas comes sometime next week.

In this scenario, C is before D, and the IG report is pre AND post both in that the report is turned in on 5/17, then made public later the following week.

That is four BOOMS pedes!

e897ab  No.6511285

File: 517f3fcc8ac8d69⋯.jpg (59.73 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2wt42u.jpg)

e45982  No.6511286

File: 8c4d7aa5087d85b⋯.jpeg (100.6 KB, 666x500, 333:250, AADFB486-67ED-4673-AB56-D….jpeg)

File: 95622feaefe63fe⋯.jpeg (173.66 KB, 640x751, 640:751, BF1E77C9-FDE3-42AE-A8C8-D….jpeg)

File: 012ff557bdd1d7e⋯.jpeg (78.84 KB, 597x414, 199:138, 3AF4B1BE-A742-4446-9970-2….jpeg)

839d1f  No.6511287


God wins.

d442c2  No.6511288

File: 95de9b4df06715b⋯.png (209.3 KB, 390x258, 65:43, ClipboardImage.png)

89d20e  No.6511289



23a180  No.6511290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

579bc7  No.6511291

File: 63aef7210d75103⋯.jpg (151.78 KB, 962x641, 962:641, DM01.jpg)

File: 61ed316b12df3bf⋯.jpg (141.73 KB, 962x621, 962:621, DM04.jpg)

File: 802c503b1043c48⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 470x609, 470:609, DM05.jpg)

File: e9168e4ba754d6b⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 470x609, 470:609, DM06.jpg)

File: 334680f149e5e4c⋯.jpg (231.53 KB, 962x994, 481:497, DM07.jpg)

There was a cabal party at the Statue of Liberty tonight. Hillary and the whole gang were there!

Meme material alert, get your fresh meme material right here


Hillary and her fabulously wealthy friends, including Bezos, Oprah, Bloomberg and Nicky Hilton attend opening of Statue of Liberty museum, as Trump snubs Dem-heavy event to roll out immigration plan in DC

Party to open new museum on New York's Liberty Island drew star-studded crowd of ultra-rich on Wednesday

Chelsea and Hillary Clinton were joined by Huma Abedin and mingled with Oprah Winfrey and Barry Diller

Nicky Hilton Rothschild posed with Diane von Furstenberg upon arriving at the Statue of Liberty museum

Billionaires Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg were in attendance as was magician David Copperfield

Trump remained in Washington DC where on Thursday he will reveal his own sweeping proposal to reform the immigration system.

Trump had originally planned to attend the party, but backed out when he learned the crowd would likely be highly hostile, a source told the New York Daily News.

In addition to Clinton, Trump's political nemeses on the guest list include New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Rep. Jerrold Nadler and Senator Chuck Schumer.

Liberal socialite Diane von Furstenberg, Diller's wife and a member of the new museum's board, was also there, and gave a rousing speech about her own immigrant roots as a native of Belgium.

89d20e  No.6511292



1 BY 1

637e37  No.6511293

File: 4e939df83799182⋯.png (505.04 KB, 744x1274, 372:637, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at ….png)

e45982  No.6511294


7 floor out

5 column out

Freedom in air

e897ab  No.6511295

File: 39b2b77f3c8811b⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 2x55k7.jpg)

File: 699cc282f7916fb⋯.jpg (113.9 KB, 530x500, 53:50, 2xboxz.jpg)

File: d1f5349216448ef⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 502x497, 502:497, 2xy0ee.jpg)

File: cb2f8e4b4902417⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 448x322, 32:23, 2q9ybv.jpg)

bb225e  No.6511296

File: c5ceff31ff084ce⋯.jpg (169.82 KB, 600x665, 120:133, stangP.jpg)

File: 2e79368111a2da7⋯.png (521.04 KB, 1426x659, 1426:659, StangF.png)



SCA PAPER @ Kappy site diggs

Anon found a STANG on their website (the 2-pronged stick). That symbolizes Sacred Ground. The area is then considered a Ritual Site.

Anon also included aerials of what appears to be cleared land that is being continually dug up and disturbed.

LIME is used to make Paper Products.

LIME is used to increase the speed of decomp.

Then there's the Cement Company right next door and also a Steel company. Weak Cement. Weak STEEL.

Railway ending for transporting product- UNDERGROUND.

ANON's on to it!


a64262  No.6511297



Flynn set up the Q boards/research? Who can verify that? I know Matrix said Gen Flynn told him to build an army. Those foreign actors protecting Flynn need to file for FARA or you’ll be tried as enemy combatants for treason or all the others Neon outed espionage and treason. Q and Q+ ALL platforms have been so infiltrated everyone is confused. Please shut down the liars.

16740c  No.6511298

File: 569559932006364⋯.png (114.82 KB, 1250x428, 625:214, BELIEVEQmarked.png)


I'm guessing… not!

89d20e  No.6511299



60cfcc  No.6511300


Naw… Tansy is a fucking WEED. As is Scotch Broom. Those nasty weeds can literally bring your property value to near zero. Scotch broom is probably the worst. Moreso even than Kudzu.

839d1f  No.6511301

File: 9f3edcd3040d675⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 1137x640, 1137:640, girls.jpg)

89d20e  No.6511302


Well you're probably FUCKING RETARDED.

ef27af  No.6511303



I was 7 yrs. old then.

What are you talking about?

e897ab  No.6511304

File: 32032419704fb13⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 298x403, 298:403, 2ofmpo.jpg)

File: 1778e1bddb8d174⋯.jpg (69.41 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 2n83i0.jpg)

File: 5d87c96000c791a⋯.jpg (92.49 KB, 500x630, 50:63, 2mbxet.jpg)

File: eec98097e42ac91⋯.jpg (56.54 KB, 500x537, 500:537, 2m3v4t.jpg)

a64262  No.6511305

You know he’s a Freemason? >>6511238

160515  No.6511306

File: 1299b7374a794ee⋯.mp4 (117.61 KB, 320x240, 4:3, dDJqty4.mp4)


Omg. I came to see if it was still the same glownigger tard shit from earlier.

This pleases me.

85d018  No.6511307


All I know is what he is flashing and it's nothing good.

89d20e  No.6511308

You think AMERICANS will stand for all the Israeli bullshit once it comes to light?


b8c234  No.6511309


Have you ever seen so many ugly reptilian lesbians in your life? And, yes, Bezos qualifies.

7e156a  No.6511310


I checked that place out too..that mine is a copper mine. All kinds of crazy shit in NM and AZ.

Time to let my eyes rest.

…it's the places that the satellites completely blur out that make me feel not comfy like Mururoa, French Polynesia.

a37148  No.6511311

File: 187939597183043⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 758x677, 758:677, This (1) (1).jpg)


Meeeeeeeme. Goooooood.

a491ba  No.6511312

File: 217dc4a889c71dd⋯.jpg (238.99 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, biden clown.jpg)

File: f013415a18f5f51⋯.png (9.66 KB, 272x100, 68:25, duckyg.png)

d7e73f  No.6511313


Free Beer Tomorrow. Q

839d1f  No.6511314

File: 8d31eb17c4328e2⋯.jpg (162.3 KB, 726x1180, 363:590, perfect6.jpg)

This place needs some scenery.

Thank you Baker.

29b878  No.6511315

File: f04f8378b69afb3⋯.jpeg (14.26 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpeg)


Bluetooth villages Denmark

841e17  No.6511316


WE are the elite, WE are beautiful.

89d20e  No.6511317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You think AMERICANS will be okay with your role in 9/11? JFK?… YOU ARE ALL FUCKED!!!!!!!!

1779b0  No.6511318

I have a feeling that the Kappy situation getting talked about so much is going to finally force one of these dumbass faggot reporters to ask POTUS about Q. Kappy is getting a ton of press, waaaayyyy more than I thought he would when I heard he died.

23a180  No.6511319

File: 8b570dfc6fa877b⋯.png (1.79 MB, 962x994, 481:497, coven2.png)

File: ed99ac23960824c⋯.png (543.91 KB, 470x609, 470:609, COVENBUN2.png)

60cfcc  No.6511320


I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in information and communications technology and services, which store and communicate vast amounts of sensitive information, facilitate the digital economy, and support critical infrastructure and vital emergency services, in order to commit malicious cyber-enabled actions, including economic and industrial espionage against the United States and its people. I further find that the unrestricted acquisition or use in the United States of information and communications technology or services designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of foreign adversaries augments the ability of foreign adversaries to create and exploit vulnerabilities in information and communications technology or services, with potentially catastrophic effects, and thereby constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. This threat exists both in the case of individual acquisitions or uses of such technology or services, and when acquisitions or uses of such technologies are considered as a class. Although maintaining an open investment climate in information and communications technology, and in the United States economy more generally, is important for the overall growth and prosperity of the United States, such openness must be balanced by the need to protect our country against critical national security threats. To deal with this threat, additional steps are required to protect the security, integrity, and reliability of information and communications technology and services provided and used in the United States. In light of these findings, I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to this threat.

29b878  No.6511321

File: ccb94ad0c2f0464⋯.jpg (143.46 KB, 550x412, 275:206, 1194p.jpg)

File: cfc958595a50d97⋯.jpeg (13.25 KB, 183x275, 183:275, images.jpeg)



Aagersborg, Trellesborg

839d1f  No.6511322

File: 824545e78faad46⋯.jpg (10.62 KB, 228x221, 228:221, pigallah.jpg)


Thanks Achmed.

Now fuck off back to your fame animals.

d839b1  No.6511323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Opponents Of Alabama Abortion Ban Receiving Bay Area Support | KPIX

Planned Parenthood, of course!


579bc7  No.6511324


Think about all the money those weirdos have

Access to the best plastic surgeons on the planet

This is still the best they can look

a64262  No.6511325



Anons, sorry about bringing in the boughts. I was testing a theory. And so many Cs showed up with the phlegm. It was a test, actually it’s happened every time.

85d018  No.6511326

The Archons are parasitic entities which are intelligence driven mind predators. They exist on multiply dimensions, able to slip from one dimension to another within the lower frequencies of the 6th, through to 1st dimensions. They do not solely exist on the third dimension though they can directly affect our reality, often unseen. They have infected all life forms in our galaxy to one degree or another. They are mind entities and operate on frequencies, which affect the mind matrix of all beings in the galaxy. They can be thought of as intelligent, mind predatory entities. They do not have a form as such but for those who have seen them manifest in 4th dimensional bodies, they often appear as black slug like entities. They are a cloudy black mass of energy which moves in slithering movements which resemble large snakelike slugs. Healers and Mediums are reporting seeing black slimy slug like beings hanging around the homes, of those who are having problems with astral entities, ghosts, and the deceased. These snake like slug beings are also seen attached to people’s auric fields inserting their tendrils into the chakra points, feeding off the person’s energy body. Just as leeches were used in medieval times to cleanse the blood these black leeches are feeding off the life force of an infected person.

The host planets to these beings are within the constellation of Orion. This system is not their original home but it is one of the many systems which these beings have taken over and made into their host worlds. These Archontic parasites inhabit hollowed out cave systems within planets, which they then inhabit to produce their offspring. In the centre of the planet there is one large Hydra like being whose tendrils pass through all the labyrinth cave systems feeding upon the negative fear energies, created by humanoid beings imprisoned there. These beings feed upon lower fear frequencies which they stimulate into being through mental torture.  Humanoid beings from other systems in our galaxy have been captured by possessed Reptilian and Grey forces and are now held prisoner within the caves of these host worlds. Humanoid beings have the ability to create an emotional energetic food which these Archons feed upon. The Archons prefer the negative, dark, polarised energetic food which humans create when they are in intense fear and a constant state of anxiety.

Once these Archontic parasites have developed to a certain level they have the ability to project themselves into other dimensions , like a writhing mass of slithering black snake like slugs they move into and through the lower levels . They search for beings with minds which can be directly affected to stimulate and create low frequencies emotional nourishment for them to feed off.  These parasitic beings influence humanoid beings to live in the illusion of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, pain, suffering, and torture. Beings in these states create certain brain waves which then cause a reaction within the emotional bodies, which the Archons then feed upon. The Archons are totally cut off from the nourishing light and love of the Creator, the Universal Dreamer. They are so cut off from the light and love they need to feed off the energies created by other beings in order to survive. They infect the mind matrix of the possessed being, learning extremely quickly how the host’s mind works and very intelligently infiltrate it and begin to influence it from within the subconscious.

Some beings are more prone to being possessed than others; fallen reptilian forces especially from Alpha Draconis known as the Draco have been totally possessed by these parasitic entities. The Draco Reptilians are aggressive in nature and produce massive amounts of hormonal, chemical, energetic substances within the brains and bodies which the Archons can then feed upon. It is a symbiotic relationship, the Archonic entity possesses the mind matrix of the Draco Reptilian and stimulates its thinking into demonic , negative , dark thought processes which directly influences the creation of hormonal , chemical ,and energetic food within the Reptilian body. The Archon lives within the mind matrix of the host being, stimulating it into creating a reality which the Archon can then live within and inhabit.

d7e73f  No.6511327


Captchas suck bigly, but they do seem to have screened out a lot of the lower iq anons who mainly post just to attack other anons for differeing opinions. I suspect they are former dopes in chains who merely replaced their Black Jesus with a Q Jesus.

89ecf5  No.6511328





Satnd behind me Shill

89d20e  No.6511329






85d018  No.6511330

The Archons cannot create reality for themselves; they have long since severed their connection with the love and light of the Universal Dreamer and therefore no longer have the ability to create. The ability to create comes directly from the creator of this universe; the Archons no longer have this ability and therefore can only copy the inspired thought of other lower dimensional beings. They inhabit beings existing on the lower levels and cause them to use their divine inherited creative ability, to create realities which run along the designs of the Archontic agenda. These realities are especially dark and controlling as it is within these kinds of realities beings are so easily led. The further into dark realities a being falls, the easier it is controlled and possessed by one of these parasitic archontic entities.

They are especially tricky beings as they have the ability to slip in between dimensions within the lower levels, they can mimic and shape shift into other forms, therefore deceiving beings into accepting their influence. Healers working on various dimensions have reported that these beings can operate on several levels at once and are intelligent enough to pass from one to another, often undetected. Often when we are battling demonic often reptilian forces we are not only battling actual reptilian beings existing on the 4th dimension, but we are also battling against an archontic parasite which has possessed the Reptilian being and is influencing its mind and behaviour. The Archons have created a distortion within the mind matrix of our galaxy and all beings operating in the lower levels within are under their influence to one degree or another, however some are more genetically predisposed to being possessed by an archontic parasite than others. The Reptilian genetic makeup which creates a reptilian mind matrix is easily infiltrated by these archontic parasites. Many of the wars fought in our galaxy in past and present eons were first triggered and then nurtured into being by the Archontic mind predators. The galactic wars created immense pain for the galaxy and all beings which lived within it, the victims of these wars created massive amounts of emotional, energetic food for the swarming snakelike parasites. These negative energies not only nourished the Archons, it also caused them to increase in numbers .Our whole galaxy is now infected. There are of course beings in the galaxy that operate on the higher levels who are not under the influence of these archontic entities, however many of the races of negatively orientated beings within our galaxy, now affecting earth and humanity, are directly possessed by these Archons.

Through the Reptilian forces the Archons have imprisoned the human mind, encouraging humanity’s victimisation by other galactic beings. The energy of victimisation which humanity is creating only sends a message out into the galaxy, that they are open to be oppressed and thus they attract negatively orientated beings, such as the Reptilians, who wish to negatively influence mankind. The planet earth and its human family are in a high state of archontic infection of epidemic proportions. As we look out at our world and see massive amounts of negative realities being enacted on the world stage, we have to ask ourselves from where this negativity comes. The average person on the earth is of a loving heart yet daily they act as if they have no heart, no mind, and no will of their own. They are infected by an archontic parasitic mind entity.

The archontic infection is very difficult to diagnose as these entities are incredibly tricky and have the ability to directly affect our mind and can talk with a voice and words that you think are your own. These beings have the ability to look into the subconscious mind and use the language it finds there to communicate with the conscious mind, putting it directly under its influence. It is possible to be completely possessed by these Archontic parasites without having an idea of the infection. Someone who is possessed by these Archons has chakra infections, the infestation orientates in one or more of the chakras. The solar plexus which seems especially prone to infection, is often completely infested and controlled by these archontic parasites. From within the chakra the Archon feds off the energy of the chakra, causing it to distort and go off balance thus sending the entire system into imbalance, which only opens it up to more parasitic infection. Most people are only infected in one chakra, though there are also people who are fully possessed, often they are in positions of power upon the earth. Many of the atrocities acted out upon the world stage are archontic agendas in play.

3e2ac7  No.6511331

The entire VJ iranian brigade here tonight.

85d018  No.6511332

Have you ever wondered where those negative thoughts come from , you know that voice in your head which always puts you down, or puts others down, causes you to judge yourself and others. Have you ever wondered why your negative thoughts are so much easier to think than those of a positive nature? Have you wondered why those negative thoughts trigger fear and worry especially in your solar plexus, and how these feelings create heaviness in the body which is so debilitating? This is a sign of archontic infection.

Light workers are reporting being under archontic attack. It seems that the Archons have moved on in their agenda and are now actively attacking Light Workers on the planet. They cause Light Workers to fall in consciousness; the Archons can stir up old unresolved issues. If for some reason the Archons cannot infect the Light Worker they will manipulate another to act out this archontic agenda. Many Light Workers are reporting people blaming them for things they have not done, and other people are projecting their issues on to them. This can cause major confusion and distress for the Light Worker as they have to defend themselves from the accusations which come from the projection of the other person. The Archons will choose people who are the closest to you to steer you off your path. Often those people who you feel the closest to, the person you feel is part of your soul family, and the person you would never imagine would want to hurt you, suddenly turns on you for no real rational reason. Often when the damage is done the archontic parasite will pass into another dimension and the person who has fallen under its possession has no memory of the blame game they had been influenced to play. It is important to remember that the person blaming and judging you is under the influence of the archontic parasite. It is possible that the Archons will also possess many people around you, making you think the problem must lie with you, as so many more people are turning against you. If the Archon parasite can isolate the Light Worker from its fellow friends and family then their work is successful.

The higher up the ladder you climb, the more work you do on yourself, the lighter you become, the more open to this archontic attack you are prone. It is like moths to the flame; the Archons can pick you out from the sea of the collective consciousness and can send their tendrils to attack you either directly through your own thoughts, or through the negative thoughts of another. They can directly influence another person to attack you, many Light Workers are under heavy attack from others right now, from people they once considered to be their close friends or even other fellow Light Workers. Division causes blame, anger and fear which is delicious food to the archontic parasites.  It is as if mankind are infected by an evil disease, people are acting out of character, and even your loved ones can become infected and act out an archontic agenda.

My personal experience of these beings began many years ago whilst doing healing practices with my clients. I began to have people come to me with black slimy like tendrils inserted into their auric fields. I saw bundles of these tendrils gathered in the centre of the chakra, especially the solar plexus, the place of the ego. I worked on my clients with truth and light frequencies which worked very well for all other issues and problems. I was surprised to see that instead of healing the person, the light energy seemed to feed the Archons, giving them more power. One client in particular stayed in my mind, my client had come to me with depression and a constant fatigue. As I looked at her energy body I saw several long slimy tendrils, many gathered in her solar plexus, I tried to simply pull them out however I was unable. I called down the energy of her soul and aided her in breathing in the healing power of her soul, holding her in truth frequency I was shocked to see these tendrils take on more power and form. I watched as they developed from being simple tendril forms to embryos . She was becoming even more infected. I did not know what to do, it seemed the higher the energy I called upon the worse the situation became. I asked my soul which energy, which aspect could help in such a tricky situation. The answer was Satan. As you can imagine I was surprised to hear this.

637e37  No.6511333


One addition/revision, sorry I am posting as I think this all out.

The IG report gets made public not "later the following week" but rather on Monday 5/27. Ten days after it is turned in on 5/17.

So then the date on marker 2 (without the days off) is fully fulfilled.

85d018  No.6511334

Before I go on with this story I must tell you that I do not have the same judgements or fears around the being Satan as many in the new age circles. For me the satanic frequency is also part of creation and part of my overall multidimensional consciousness.  With the permission of the client together we held the satanic frequency, encased her whole energy body in a black energy which the satanic frequency enabled. The satanic black energy seemed to suffocate the archontic parasites and after over an hour of holding this frequency my client was free of these archontic entities.

Over the next few years many more people came to me with these Archon entities. I gained almost no information about them and thus remained in ignorance. My next encounter with them was during a past life process which I was taken through by a teacher within a seminar. I found myself inside a planet, which was hollowed out. I was merged with the walls; it was as if the walls had grown around me. I was a human (not necessarily from earth); there were many more of us also trapped inside the walls. Inserted into our chakric systems were dark black slimy tendrils which passed a black liquid into our bodies. It was as if we were being used as a recycling apparatus, for this black liquid. I was in horror and had long since given up the idea of any rescue or freedom from this nightmare reality. I remote viewed the entity which resided in the centre of the planet, who was the owner of the black tendrils. It looked like a huge black slimy hydra slug like being. Like a huge black octopus feeding and excreting its waste directly into our bodies. As I left this past life memory I asked where am I? I was told in a planet in Orion orbiting the star of Rigel.

From this time I had more and more encounters with these archontic parasites, many people shifted their energy in front of me, becoming cold, angry, hostile and positively evil. Many of these people would act out of character being mean, and horrible to both themselves and others. I saw a grey cloudy light pass over the eyes and sometimes I would even see the eyes change colour. The person would suddenly act out of character, blaming, judging and accusing all people around them. Many of them were in positions of power in one form or another; they had the ability to hold other people to ransom and through the archontic infection were able to affect other people too. I saw the archontic infestation spreading from people’s auric fields to attach to other people bringing those people to anger and fear. This fed the archontic parasite and thus more and more people were becoming infected. Fear is their most preferred food , when we are afraid we leak our power and thus we become easy food for these vampiric archontic entities. At first I thought they were not as intelligent as I was mistaken to think of them as simple astral parasites. However the more encounters I had with them I began to realise that they were intelligent and the more they infested humankind the more intelligent they became. They were feeding off mankind’s ability to have imagination and creative abilities. They did not seem to have imagination themselves but had the ability to trigger and steer the creative imaginative powers of the human, for their agenda which was complete domination.

160515  No.6511335

File: 179ef31ec01c3fa⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, download (1)(1).jpeg)



89d20e  No.6511336



60cfcc  No.6511337


Trump did talk about "Enemies of all dimentions" in one of his speeches. This all reminds me of the Loosh Farm thing that was tossed out there a while back.

85d018  No.6511338

I began to see them turn up inside other people’s bodies; I began to have encounters with those who were fully possessed. There seemed to be a big difference between someone who was simply infected to one who had a full blown possession of an archontic entity. The archontic entity is not really fully formed when it first infects its host; it can even stay dormant for years before some rising of frequency awakens it. Once certain energy triggers its awakening it can feed off the energy which is broadcast from our DNA and begin a gestation process which results in an embryo parasite developing in the solar plexus. The parasite can go on to inhabit all the chakras but it seems to start its takeover process from within the ego centre in the solar plexus. From within the solar plexus the archontic entity begins to control the lower mind, the rational mind. It does not dwell in the conscious mind but burrows itself into the subconscious . From the place of the subconscious it can trigger issues, unresolved trauma and negative mind patterns which are damaging to both the host and all those around them. The archontic parasite can influence all the thoughts of the host and the host has no awareness that these thoughts are not their own and they are under the influence of an entity and will instead blame all around them. I often see those who are hosts to these parasites accuse other people for things they are doing themselves. They will blame other people for negative emotions, thoughts and opinions they actually hold themselves. They are caught in a mirroring game which they cannot get out of. When you interact with a person who is under an intense archontic episode you will notice that they think everyone around them are operating in their egos, and have negative intentions. They will throw out accusations which surprise those they accuse, they cannot see past their own projections and thus think everyone but themselves are at fault.

It can become very tricky as this archontic episode can affect others around them, it can become infectious. Those people around them who have issues which are similar going on within their egos will also become triggered and they then are open in those moments of judgment to becoming infected by the Archon parasite themselves. Once the archontic parasite had gained enough food from the negative emotions, it will pass back into the subconscious and remain hidden. The hosted person will go from acting mean one minute to having no awareness of what has just occurred. It is not clean cut, it is hard to stay objective whilst in an archontic drama, it is easy to be pulled into the drama yourself, once in the disempowering influence of your ego you are food for their game.

It was not until my recent Ayahuasca ceremony did I realise that I too was infected. During an Ayahuasca trip I began to have intense negative thoughts and an incredible feeling of depression and fatigue. I realised that I had been feeling this on and off for several months , I had tried to process out these negative thoughts and feelings but it seemed allusive , like I could not hold it long enough to be able to heal it out. During the ceremony this became so highlighted it was unbearable, as the trip went on I looked over my shoulder to see a black slug upon my back. With the help of the shaman I was able to remove the slug, with this a rush of energy rocketed up my spine, my negative thoughts were gone and joy entered my heart once more. This experience gave me more of an understanding of these archontic entities. I think I needed to go through this experience so that I could more fully understand what these entities were and how to deal with them. I later meet a powerful psychic who reported seeing vast underground nests of these archontic parasites underneath many major cities, especially under hospitals and prisons. It seemed that they were congregating around places where humans were living under stressful and negative conditions.

85d018  No.6511339

Researchers of the Archons have stated that the Archons are the Reptilians and the Greys, this is incorrect. The Reptilians and the Grey clones have become fully possessed and no longer have any freewill and are completely living out an archontic agenda and placing us all in an energetic prison to become food for their Archon overlords. It seems that the fall of many of the races in our galaxy were caused by this archontic parasitic energy. Where did these Archons come from originally?  The story goes that a race of humanoid beings created an artificial wormhole in the outer skin of our universe, creating a tear in the fabric of our universe allowing the infection of these archontic entities to enter the universe. The Archons seemed to be living in the void space in between universes and on the creation of the wormhole they swarmed into our reality. I saw this process in my mind’s eye I could see the universe as an egg of light in a sea of the darkness of the void. A hole appeared in the outer skin of the egg and the light from our universe triggered something to occur in the void, it created a swarm of these negative archontic entities to then enter our reality. This parasitic entity at first was not really that intelligent but it had the urge to survive and it felt threatened, as it was out of place and was concerned about its food supply, so it went looking for a food which would nourish it. It found mind!

The Archons began to hang out around those beings which were also programmed to survive and thus they found the ancient races of the Reptilians, because of their genetics the Reptilians came very easily under the archontic influence. After time they possessed the Reptilian races and thus they fell in consciousness. The Reptilian races have been under the influence and possession of these Archontic entities for thousands of years. It seems that the falling of many races within our galaxy have all been caused to one degree or another by this archontic infection.

An archontic infection begins by the parasite lowering your vibration to lock you in an astral plane; there you are much more easily influenced and controlled. They can achieve this through many methods, drugs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals can be used by the Archons to infiltrate the freewill of people. In this state the possessing entity can then drain the energy directly from the solar plexus. Anyone trying to rid themselves of an archontic infection will be brought very quickly to paranoia and anger towards other people. It is reported that Meth addicts and heroin users often see these archontic parasites as demons around them.

The Archons can merge their distorted vibration with ours and increase the negativity of our emotional and mental attitudes. This is a process of deconstructive interference. They set up a distortion in our mental body, which directly affects our thoughts, causing us to spiral down in energy to lower and lower thought processes. From this state we are easily led and programmed by the mind parasite, we begin to believe these thoughts are our own and then empower them and thus create the reality the archontic entity wishes us to manifest. They are responsible for the thoughts of the artificial matrix in which we live. We are living in an archontic nightmare brought about through our own creative powers.

So how do we rid ourselves of this infection?

839d1f  No.6511340

File: 5d409f830572879⋯.png (375.15 KB, 620x400, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)


I would very much like the Bear Jew to work his magic on that Huma cunt.

19c7bb  No.6511341


Please. We all know the only thing it does is slow the bread down. I got no problem with slow bread, but let's not PRETEND that the IQ level went up around here. Let's not fantasize about benefits that the captcha does not have.

a64262  No.6511342


Running Pythagorean’s At this time and the boards get Flynned, well it’s totally obvious to me. My iq isn’t all that high, but I can sniff a bought. 😂

85d018  No.6511343


Indeed. Looks farm. Under our feet. In our key lines etc,

23a180  No.6511344

File: 1f5110e54537340⋯.png (1.42 MB, 962x641, 962:641, WITCHBITCH2.png)

89d20e  No.6511345

Trump is giving you DUMB ISRAELI FUCKS a chance to FLEA your asses back to Israel while you have chance. Do it and STAY THE FUCK OFF OF THIS BOARD.

85d018  No.6511346

Loosh not looks

d442c2  No.6511347


wtf is in there

b8c234  No.6511348


Should say "A Job".

3e2ac7  No.6511349



Or possibly a bunch of ‘rednecks’ in flyover Country that thinks you iranian FUCKS are pieces of shit. Tell ‘supreme leader’ he’s fucked.

89d20e  No.6511350


And when you get to Israel praise TRUMP for giving you life YOU FAGGOT FUCK RETARDS.

d839b1  No.6511351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Singh Family Members Speak At 38th Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service | KPIX

.>"You're the only one that actually reached out…"


d7e73f  No.6511352


Back Brace Killary is the real one.

29b878  No.6511353



Viking Odin shit. Harold Bluetooth engineered these villages.

89d20e  No.6511354



d7e73f  No.6511355


Where’s the fucking muzzie truck bomber when you really need him?

a491ba  No.6511356


Ok, so we get another 20 year war going with Iran, wasting thousands of troops and trillions of dollars. Where's the benefit to you? We tried this before and nearly lost everything.

20ae96  No.6511357

File: 0ce40b8f1b2fe69⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 480x480, 1:1, IXqb-h-C2yrFTo1A.mp4)

e897ab  No.6511358

File: 900a537660ed2d4⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB, 640x640, 1:1, flying.mp4)


23a180  No.6511359

is that letterman in pic 2?


85d018  No.6511360

File: 921954a6832d905⋯.jpg (7.9 KB, 207x243, 23:27, download.jpeg.jpg)

a64262  No.6511361


Ps, I’m not trying to ‘slide’ the bread. And I apologize for my ignorance on QResearch (why did my iPhone autocorrects to >QResearch)? Any way…testing a theory above the texted words, Flynn/FLYNN brings out many interesting characters.

160515  No.6511362

File: 7132d8e3086cbac⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 750x400, 15:8, Huma-Abedin-Sexy-Pics.jpg)

Fuck. Somethings really up right now. This is maximum shill. And maximum paytriot faggotry. And maximum glownigger faggotry. And all these stories are fucking bullshit. What's real? What actually happened in the last 48 hours?

The EO or maybe the Judicial Watch shit. They're getting pretty ridiculous breaks regarding FISA recently.


1d1347  No.6511363

File: f1cf7f29c49c0a6⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 812x960, 203:240, 60334945_2417194831678147_….jpg)

d7e73f  No.6511364


Lies. It was deliberately set by the state Govt to get fema funds, a scam started under Bushbama. Trump told them it’s over.

4229ce  No.6511365

I wonder if VQC ever bakes here…

29b878  No.6511366



839d1f  No.6511367

File: f2c734a53faea8a⋯.jpg (109.12 KB, 800x555, 160:111, goatfucker.jpg)



Tactical nukes.

Turn that filthy Iran into a parking lot.

Or just kill all the farm animals and watch the Iranian "men" commit suicide.

89d20e  No.6511368



20ae96  No.6511369

c4a8e2  No.6511370




ef27af  No.6511371


Is that Heath lLedger?

3e2ac7  No.6511372

>>6511354 thanks for the confirmation that you’re iranian.

>>6511356 first off, who is we? And second, read what I wrote. I never advocated any of the bullshit you’re spewing. Moar than one way to do things. Try harder faggot. The Iranian People will take care of the problem there. Watch your back.

d839b1  No.6511373

File: c81256f38201998⋯.mp4 (7.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, San Francisco Becomes Firs….mp4)

San Francisco Becomes First City In U.S. To Ban Facial Recognition Tech | KPIX

.>Need to see a lot more of this.


160515  No.6511374



f2493b  No.6511375


Anons know it, but can we prove it? So many diggs last November, much speculation. Much still hidden, what a damn shame, all those lives….

839d1f  No.6511377


>Is that Heath lLedger?


That's a woman soccer player, you fucking sexist/transist.

a64262  No.6511378


Does Foreign Agent Charlie Kirk have a FARA filed? Whom ever posted this must know who he is…this is a blatant observation of Charlie. Owens has been making a big noise on this platform.

6807ac  No.6511379

File: 2eda8c431176191⋯.png (315.5 KB, 787x1259, 787:1259, kappy SEO right now.png)

didn't know who Isaac Kappy was, but I can tell you that these SEO results are fake astro turfed as fuck

a491ba  No.6511380


You sound like a very pleasant person.


You sure are implying a lot from what I wrote.

579bc7  No.6511381

File: b04fe49d3a04a45⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 217x296, 217:296, SimonBarSinister.jpg)

File: 7d800b6914ca14a⋯.jpg (99.49 KB, 437x516, 437:516, DM04.jpg)

File: 09acb33688f4235⋯.jpg (45.19 KB, 206x320, 103:160, Brennansmall.jpg)


I can't decide whether Hillary or John Brennan look the most like Simon Bar Sinister

Hilldawg is looking mighty rough

This is AFTER the hair and makeup pros are finished

Think of her, first thing in the morning, bed hair and no makeup

16740c  No.6511382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2493b  No.6511383


sauce, plz

16740c  No.6511384

File: 390a74c6262d73a⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 540x375, 36:25, NoThanksAlbert.jpg)

d442c2  No.6511385

File: c8f55c18fa9663a⋯.png (231.82 KB, 1848x608, 231:76, ClipboardImage.png)

23a180  No.6511386

wow blow is great for sense of humor not so much on the bod, he looks rekt


839d1f  No.6511387


>Think of her, first thing in the morning, bed hair and no makeup

… imagine how her cooch smells after one of her and Bill's 2 hour snooze-fests.

d839b1  No.6511388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[The View] rips [Elizabeth Warren] for passing up [Fox News] | WFB


6807ac  No.6511389

File: 3e923e8ae127370⋯.jpg (146.62 KB, 962x621, 962:621, 61ed316b12df3bf55d94f93f57….jpg)


coven oven..kek!

e897ab  No.6511390

People are sick…..

Mother pleads guilty to allowing men to rape her 5 and 6-year-old children for cash

FULTON CO., GA (WVNS) -A mother in Georgia has pleaded guilty to selling her two young children for sex.

According to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, the 5 and 6-year-old girls told adults that their mother, Morgan Summerlin, 25, would bring them to men’s homes to be molested and raped for money.

As their mother waited in the living room, one of the men, 78-year-old Richard Office, who the girls referred to as "Pop," took the girls into the bedroom where he molested both of the girls.

Additionally, he raped the 5-year-old girl, causing her to bleed while making the older sister rubbed his feet, according to the DA's office. Afterward, Office reportedly gave the girls $100 and the girls’ mother immediately took the money from them.

The same thing happened on a separate occasion, where Summerlin took her children to Alfredo Trejo's home and allowed him to molest and rape the girls. Trejo also paid the girls after he sexually abused them, which Summerlin took from them immediately after.

“It is difficult to imagine facts that are more horrific than those found in this case," District Attorney Paul L. Howard Jr. said. "I am hoping these two little girls can somehow survive this abuse and grow into healthy adults who can lead a productive and fulfilling life.”

Summerland entered a guilty plea on the charges of first-degree cruelty to children, trafficking a person for sexual servitude, and enticing a child for indecent purposes. She will be sentenced on June 4.

Rest here: https://www.klfy.com/news/national/mother-pleads-guilty-to-allowing-men-to-rape-her-5-and-6-year-old-children-for-cash/2003786015

d7e73f  No.6511391


Just say, Jesus.

8c4668  No.6511392

File: 7ca2f8af38415ed⋯.png (99.93 KB, 619x692, 619:692, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone post this yet?

That Comey was also a communist like Brennan in the 1970's


f2493b  No.6511393




a64262  No.6511394



No sauce for Charlie Kirk because real people can’t find anything, kinda like Jordan Sather. No homo…I’m a real person. How do we know anymore?

3e2ac7  No.6511395


Is implying the new word of the day there? Please use it in proper context after actually comprehending what I typed. FFS, please do better if you’re going to shill. You’re embarrassing yourself.

3cc4b1  No.6511396

File: 483f1927550c771⋯.jpg (10.12 KB, 240x420, 4:7, 483f1927550c77116302c0b53e….jpg)

29058b  No.6511397

File: aa2851c4d559e96⋯.png (577.96 KB, 690x514, 345:257, 1 Zero with Farrakhan.PNG)

File: e9775be11a2e262⋯.png (594.3 KB, 698x385, 698:385, Dems with Ties to Farrakan.PNG)

File: b67dda13364710b⋯.png (883.55 KB, 825x463, 825:463, Farrakhan Clinton Sharpton….PNG)

File: 572c61dc20fd045⋯.png (880.93 KB, 835x432, 835:432, Farrakhan with Holder.PNG)

File: d581d9659b76949⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1156x818, 578:409, Graphic Farrakhan Islam Te….PNG)




I am sure it is worse to be a terrorist enabler posing as an American

160515  No.6511398

File: 3990947289d0888⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 330x330, 1:1, 10-huma-abedin.w330.h330.jpg)


They must be so angry that they can't even prop up a story here for one fucking day

72f41d  No.6511399


No sauce directly on his Twitter or podcast pages. But it looks like he has interviewed Don Jr. I'll take that as an endorsement.



29b878  No.6511400


I can't think of anything worse than being a Democrat

f2493b  No.6511402

>>6511399 I got the sauce


a491ba  No.6511404


Or, how about this. Instead of being a prick, state your case. What are the Iranians doing? And, are you American? Surely you see how our intervention in those countries go. Ranges from very little effect like in Afghanistan to completely fucking wrecked like in Libya. And all we have to show for it are a few quagmires that are old enough to vote.

23a180  No.6511405

yeah, they kinda scramblin and losing on the narrative thing big time


16740c  No.6511406

File: 71b8fa8a03de63b⋯.png (63.27 KB, 603x307, 603:307, TakeControlTweet.png)

1d1347  No.6511407




He just twatted that and I don't have any sauce.

We shall find out what he has.

I do not listen to the dude, I just found it interdasting.

f2493b  No.6511408


Notes @610

>>6511392 Paul Sperry: Comey used to be a Commie in 1970s

>>6511363, >>6511393 Charlie Kirk: Hunter Biden's partner is Chinese deals was the son of John Kerry, who shaped US-China policy

>>6511323 Opponents Of Alabama Abortion Ban Receiving Bay Area Support | KPIX

>>6511251 Organization ChristChurchCall calls for 8chan bans (What is this org? Call for a DIGG)

>>6511212 US Indo-Pac. Cmd: An AV-8B Harrier sits ready to go at a moment’s notice

>>6511195 Ex-FBI lawyer: Officials were 'quite worried' Comey appeared to be blackmailing Trump with dossier

>>6511225, >>6511226, >>6511228 Resignations in the news today

>>6511160, >>6511170, >>6511174, >>6511251 HRC & "friends" attend "Cabal Ball" (opening of Statue of Liberty museum)

>>6511140 The governor of Alabama has signed a bill designed to lead to a new Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade

>>6511023 The Illinois House of Reps. voted to require companies based in Illinois to include at least one female and one African American on the board of directors.

>>6510983 USAF: A KC-46 Pegasus w/@22ARW performs a flyoover during Heritage to Horizons concert

>>6511053, >>6510973 Actor Isaac Kappy dead at 42 after he "forced himself off" a bridge, posted ominous apology to Trump, QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

>>6510928, >>6511020, >>6510973 Kappy story edited in such a way that it looks like POTUS made "several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon" (purposely deceptive? Foxnews Flash)

>>6511215, >>6511224 Call for a DIGG of FOXNews reporter Louis Casiano (see >>6510928, >>6511053 ; Deceptive editing? See his other "far-right" refs in same report)

>>6510900 Alabama abortion ban bill passes: No exceptions for rape, incest

>>6510918 Trump admin will "shed light" on a secretive practice that costs taxpayers millions of dollars

>>6510907 California investigators reveal cause of the deadliest wildfire in state history (Campfire)

>>6510854 , >>6510863, >>6510866, >>6510881, >>6510882, >>6510993 Why did Congo offer HRC $650,000 for a speech?

>>6510849 , >>6510862 Remember when Q told us about an FBI assassination plot against Trump?

>>6511112, >>6511250, >>6511205, >>6511296, >>6511288 Moar on Kappy death location DIGG

>>6510851, >>6510869, >>6510871, >>6510899 Kappy death location DIGG

>>6510837 China’s Huawei and 70 affiliates placed on US Trade Blacklist

>>6510836 Coincidence? Sessions appointed Durham and POTUS nominated him for last position

>>6510821 POTUS trolls Joe Scarborough

>>6510811 POTUS & FLOTUS host the White House Historical Association Dinner

>>6510808 Durham as Stealth Bomber (the planes are built in Raleigh-Durham, NC)

6807ac  No.6511410

ef27af  No.6511412



no. 44 looks perplexed

b8c234  No.6511413


I worked with Oprah once. Without makeup that bitch looks like a salamander. They're all fucking pigs.

c6d730  No.6511418

File: c8a038ed14fe2e9⋯.png (365.91 KB, 540x656, 135:164, ClipboardImage.png)

8ccb30  No.6511419

File: fe69ee9dc3ec6bd⋯.png (250.32 KB, 532x598, 266:299, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealSaavedra 10:13 PM - 15 May 2019

BREAKING: Obama admin secretly agreed with then-Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull to relocate 2 Rwandan terrorists — who had been in US custody for murdering Americans in Uganda — to the streets of Australia and the US agreed to take 1,250 migrants in return


23a180  No.6511420

comey was a commie in the 70's, pretty young and the alternative was disco and coke or weed and metal, elites, I don't know but he was young


d7e73f  No.6511421


Lies. Arson by the state Govt was good for $110 mill funds every year under Soetero. Trump said no more.

b8c234  No.6511422


So… I'm late to the game tonight. The Kappy story not what we're hearing? That last video he posted was a head-scratcher to me. Was this an op?

160515  No.6511423

File: a8db59d7047a3fc⋯.jpg (603.16 KB, 2500x3000, 5:6, 1442960404-dress-index.jpg)



d839b1  No.6511424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker investigates Seattle's tent cities | Fox


8ccb30  No.6511425

File: ef4d5c141afdd3d⋯.png (304.65 KB, 532x593, 532:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd6e9c49772dc4b⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, tAt5baa26rqsy8dd.mp4)

@RealSaavedra 9:33 PM - 8 May 2019

Students at a vigil for the STEM School shooting in Highlands Ranch reportedly walked out of the event after Democrat politicians Jason Crow and Michael Bennet made remarks and students said the tragedy was being politicized.

Outside, students chanted: "Mental health!"

290446  No.6511426

I'm taking control of my platform back. You bitches better wise up. You can say the fuck you want but this is my platform and i'm embodied into it. Dont fuck with me because im the fucker. I have the whole branch of the military and the intelligence agency behind my back. You dont know who you're messing with.

d839b1  No.6511427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seattle is Dying | KOMO


f0f523  No.6511428

File: 3af9c5fddef877a⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 900x543, 300:181, False Flag.jpg)



Barack Obama is a gay stooge and traitor.

23a180  No.6511429

haven't bothered, go over last couple of breads, lots of slide about it


160515  No.6511430


9d6b7c  No.6511431


0Hour is saying that Kappy took $20k in donations to help child trafficking victims and bought heroin instead, that other Paytriots were doing the same thing, running scams. I'd hate to be PM right now with that pay for divine healing stuff.

b8c234  No.6511432


That fits with what he said in the video. Thanks for responding. 'preciate it.

ca71cc  No.6511433


Go to bed, mom. I love you.

f0f523  No.6511434

File: f368b4d19abf572⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, downloadfile-31.jpg)



Huma's junk smells like a garbage can.

f2493b  No.6511435


Notes @635, last call

>>6511419 Obama admin secretly agreed with then-PM Malcolm Turnbull to relocate 2 Rwandan terrorists to Australia

>>6511392 Paul Sperry: Comey used to be a Commie in 1970s

>>6511363, >>6511393 Charlie Kirk: Hunter Biden's partner is Chinese deals was the son of John Kerry, who shaped US-China policy

>>6511323 Opponents Of Alabama Abortion Ban Receiving Bay Area Support | KPIX

>>6511251 Organization ChristChurchCall calls for 8chan bans (What is this org? Call for a DIGG)

>>6511212 US Indo-Pac. Cmd: An AV-8B Harrier sits ready to go at a moment’s notice

>>6511195 Ex-FBI lawyer: Officials were 'quite worried' Comey appeared to be blackmailing Trump with dossier

>>6511225, >>6511226, >>6511228 Resignations in the news today

>>6511160, >>6511170, >>6511174 HRC & "friends" attend "Cabal Ball" (opening of Statue of Liberty museum)

>>6511140 The governor of Alabama has signed a bill designed to lead to a new Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade

>>6511023 The Illinois House of Reps. voted to require companies based in Illinois to include at least one female and one African American on the board of directors.

>>6510983 USAF: A KC-46 Pegasus w/@22ARW performs a flyoover during Heritage to Horizons concert

>>6511053 Actor Isaac Kappy dead at 42 after he "forced himself off" a bridge, posted ominous apology to Trump, QAnon (Foxnews Flash)

>>6510928, >>6511020, >>6510973 Kappy story edited in such a way that it looks like POTUS made "several references to the far-right conspiracy group QAnon" (purposely deceptive? Foxnews Flash)

>>6511215, >>6511224 Call for a DIGG of FOXNews reporter Louis Casiano (see >>6510928, >>6511053 ; Deceptive editing? See his other "far-right" refs in same report)

>>6510900 Alabama abortion ban bill passes: No exceptions for rape, incest

>>6510918 Trump admin will "shed light" on a secretive practice that costs taxpayers millions of dollars

>>6510907 California investigators reveal cause of the deadliest wildfire in state history (Campfire)

>>6510854 , >>6510863, >>6510866, >>6510881, >>6510882, >>6510993 Why did Congo offer HRC $650,000 for a speech?

>>6510849 , >>6510862 Remember when Q told us about an FBI assassination plot against Trump?

>>6511112, >>6511250, >>6511205, >>6511296, >>6511288 Moar on Kappy death location DIGG

>>6510851, >>6510869, >>6510871, >>6510899 Kappy death location DIGG

>>6510837 China’s Huawei and 70 affiliates placed on US Trade Blacklist

>>6510836 Coincidence? Sessions appointed Durham and POTUS nominated him for last position

>>6510821 POTUS trolls Joe Scarborough

>>6510811 POTUS & FLOTUS host the White House Historical Association Dinner

>>6510808 Durham as Stealth Bomber (the planes are built in Raleigh-Durham, NC)

Anons, will bake a little early, then go ghost

Thanks for all that you do, your work is much appreciated!

3cc4b1  No.6511436


Is that what you call "Fishwrap" ?

160515  No.6511437




b8c234  No.6511439


I heard Sawman Sawyer was doing the same thing.

edf44a  No.6511440

File: 0123192a5ab0052⋯.png (88.3 KB, 893x674, 893:674, ClipboardImage.png)


>Year Ago

4 May 2018, day # 124, 241 days remain

do you see the mirrOR?

124 =7 / \ 241 = 7

related find in

6506514 /pb

16740c  No.6511441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brawndo's got what plants crave…. don't let the UN deceive you!

e6e0ca  No.6511442

File: ed0482ce8ae29b8⋯.png (88.87 KB, 686x730, 343:365, ClipboardImage.png)

IMDB has already changed Isaac Kappy's page to reflect his new nickname. Judas Iscariot


f0f523  No.6511443

File: 18bd7b3a7157f28⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 410x518, 205:259, Hildawg.jpg)

File: 2912722de19c092⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 506x253, 2:1, downloadfile-42.jpg)

Hillary's shit backfired big-time. ..

29058b  No.6511444



Tucker investigates Seattle's tent cities | Fox

Sean did a segment last night to // Lawrence was in Seattle

I am glad they are showing Seattle for what it has become

Thank you Sean and Tucker

1d1347  No.6511445


Those students are woke.

They know those kids were bat shit crazy and helped by the school administrators to get crazier.

Crow and bennett are clown shit bags. Bennetts familia have been long time ds criminals.

d024fe  No.6511446

File: 38ec2d7c3db349b⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 946x500, 473:250, iqmgay.jpg)

File: ee63c2db3898167⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 552x501, 184:167, dynamo.jpg)

bb225e  No.6511447

File: e18eef84f84e216⋯.jpg (226.34 KB, 1015x834, 1015:834, 44web.jpg)


>US agreed to take 1,250 migrants in return

Not one of the people involved are in charge of their own fate.

THIS IS SLAVERY brought to you by #44

8ccb30  No.6511448

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6511435 TY baker

It's an honor to be part of this team.

81d565  No.6511449

File: 4efe277736c4068⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 476x268, 119:67, Fox News Flash top headlin….mp4)


Q, Trump, Kappy video

579bc7  No.6511450

File: 573372d108489d9⋯.jpeg (217.22 KB, 750x543, 250:181, PepeRide.jpeg)

The Daily Mail comments are glorious


fefb60  No.6511451

File: bfe54e8bcc0dcee⋯.png (671.03 KB, 532x714, 38:51, loe.PNG)

I haven't seen anyone mention the picture posted to Tom Hanks' Instagram about 3 weeks before the Route 66 picture. It's titled "Land of Enchantment. And lost gloves." – Isaac Kappy was born in Albuquerque NM. New Mexico's nickname is the Land of Enchantment. I wonder if they're related.

What say you, anons?

b8c234  No.6511452


Still cannot fathom how it is that Hillslag's head hasn't burst into flames yet. If there is justice they will kill her with fire.

839d1f  No.6511453

File: 327a0f8f703f0c1⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 604x603, 604:603, daddys girl.jpg)

f2493b  No.6511454


It is an honor. Look at all this work!

bb225e  No.6511455


Good stuff!


f0f523  No.6511456

File: e49f39476963a91⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 589x609, 589:609, downloadfile-28.jpg)



Hillary is a time traveling Demon.

160515  No.6511457

File: f09c919f1641be9⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 3000x2598, 500:433, huma-abedin-01.jpg)


==It's cool. I've got a hose=

1d1347  No.6511458

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)

29cc00  No.6511459


niggers and spics destroy communities and businesses, and should never be hired. Do the opposite of what jews say always and never hire them.

b8c234  No.6511460


Land of Entrapment.

839d1f  No.6511461

File: 5bb3e827996477d⋯.png (267.74 KB, 488x444, 122:111, itsnotrigged.png)


Baseball bat to the melon. Auction off the at-bats. Show on pay-per-view. Pay for Wall.

d442c2  No.6511462

File: ef86ddb0cd5e315⋯.png (164.33 KB, 481x437, 481:437, ClipboardImage.png)



>also on chandler blvd is our Cheesecake Factory where you walk underneath a giant OWL for an entrance. Inside is full of egyptian looking shit. Star of david on the ceiling mural next to a muslim moon crescent ala comet ping pong.


>the watermark


>>6508947 pb

>What does a Phoenix represent?

>>6509033 pb

>https:// militarybases.com/arizona/camp-navajo/


466399  No.6511463

File: 4b460f45c007a18⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 1790x895, 2:1, Beto-ORourke-Haircut.jpg)

72f41d  No.6511464


Definitely must-watch.

This doesn't have much to do with QResearch. But it's important to understand what They are trying to do the the country and the world.

d024fe  No.6511465

File: e79aa772b6361f9⋯.jpg (126.77 KB, 1200x823, 1200:823, DuBrz28XgAAKUkj.jpg)



Digits dont lie

Halloween Day 2018

f0f523  No.6511466

File: a2a9a718d8c3a72⋯.jpg (290.44 KB, 2541x1619, 2541:1619, downloadfile-29.jpg)



Huma is extremely ugly and Anthony Weiner banged her earlier…

e57d77  No.6511467


A few breads ago (two or three) an anon asked a similiar question and got a ton of replies. Its soon gonna be one year since I first time felt something strange.

f2493b  No.6511468


not psychic powers but synchronicity connected to QResearch

edf44a  No.6511469

File: 8dc32374f25613f⋯.png (11.81 KB, 879x86, 879:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24ce831c9570dfc⋯.png (85.67 KB, 892x670, 446:335, ClipboardImage.png)



4 May 2019, day # 124, 241 days remain

do you see the mirrOR?

124 =7 / \ 241 = 7

related find in

>>6506514 /pb

this occurs every 9 days this month where SUM =7

but not mirrOR, this is Only May the 4th Be QAnons, KEK !

next May 22, day # 142, 223 days remain

then May 31, day # 151, 214 days remain

can check here:


9d6b7c  No.6511470


You ever talk to the child of a cancer patient who fell for one of those guys? There is not much that you can say afterwards.

579bc7  No.6511471

File: 40244c84fb29366⋯.jpg (209.32 KB, 623x576, 623:576, IvanaTrump.jpg)


Throwback Thursday

29058b  No.6511472

File: a895956333d077f⋯.png (44.92 KB, 1536x507, 512:169, SOS Praying Medic WA.PNG)

File: 0a2c260a5245a21⋯.png (50.3 KB, 1535x625, 307:125, 1 SOS Praying Medic WA.PNG)

File: 5b29ac26d91ceaf⋯.png (97.88 KB, 604x784, 151:196, 1 Praying Medic WA Article….PNG)

File: 8ad5eea26059dfd⋯.pdf (581.24 KB, Praying Medic AOI WA.pdf)


>I'd hate to be PM right now with that pay for divine healing stuff.


WA 'Charity'

d442c2  No.6511473

89cb50  No.6511474

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)

get ready shipmates..

d024fe  No.6511475


It comes with being woke and losing the TV Programming, you'll learn to hone it

bb225e  No.6511477

File: cd1d6e2cd71fa16⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 640x753, 640:753, 777.jpg)


Very Nice and


But think Baker's left the kitchen.

89cb50  No.6511479

File: 26f321b8309b05d⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 446x566, 223:283, 2019-04-10 01.47.26 www.go….jpg)

8fc0f4  No.6511480

WH rejecting International Online Extremism Treaty is too glorious. Rep Mike Rogers from Alabama praised it, but singled out 8chan as a site harboring extremism and division. Boy, am I thankful for POTUS and the Patriots that stand with him WW!!!

89cb50  No.6511481

File: 9c8723640ebccd3⋯.jpg (90.74 KB, 899x572, 899:572, 2019-05-07 05.45.01 www.go….jpg)

29cc00  No.6511482


The Land of Lincoln is losing 313 residents per day to other states.

When you decided to hire niggers and spics, everyone ran away from the state in droves cause they can't run shit.

8ccb30  No.6511483

File: 5862af0fb7ee7c4⋯.png (19.9 KB, 581x223, 581:223, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6511451 I think Tom Hanks is working on ritual to ascending in his cult, think in a movie, screenplay etc. like magicians.

3 And God said

4 And God saw

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image

- say and see : Words and Image : Delusion and deception.

b8c234  No.6511484


No doubt. The evil demon bitch herself admits she isn't human; says she was created in a man's garage in Palo Alto. Probably the only truthful thing this fucking ghoul has ever uttered.




a491ba  No.6511485


I wasn't aware the Admiral had an evil doppelganger.

7101fd  No.6511486

File: 8e0baac67f3af24⋯.jpeg (139.18 KB, 828x513, 92:57, BAFE2314-18F3-446B-B941-E….jpeg)

ef27af  No.6511487


One word


b8c234  No.6511489


That is awesome.

2569d4  No.6511491

File: a406babc9318d37⋯.png (500.83 KB, 693x534, 231:178, HRC-Bezos-how.png)

File: ede2efab6881063⋯.png (658.82 KB, 693x534, 231:178, HRC-Bezos.png)

File: bb6ea32e3ea108e⋯.png (210.17 KB, 628x383, 628:383, nadler-pelosi-evidence.png)

File: 0e413844b9a84d6⋯.png (208.06 KB, 628x383, 628:383, nadler-pelosi.png)

29cc00  No.6511493


Diversity is our greatest strength they said.

3cc4b1  No.6511494


Some moved because of corruption,democrats, labor union/mob, and high taxes

3651a8  No.6511495

Remember this; you can say the fuck you want but it's you who is going to face the consequences of your own actions. PANIC

fb7ad0  No.6511496


It is for the deepstate

edf44a  No.6511497

File: 37d7ec58bd9dcb3⋯.png (12.76 KB, 884x95, 884:95, ClipboardImage.png)


June 6, 1946 (Thu) Day # 157, 208 days remain,

-26642 days since, Week 23, 42.74 %

242f9d  No.6511498



airport or tall building??


29cc00  No.6511499


You collapse IL and the rest of the north goes with it including the farms, prepare to starve yourselves and see empty shelves at the grocery store cause your obsessed with diversity. See Detroit.

edf44a  No.6511500

File: 565364a24a2c16a⋯.png (34.83 KB, 787x295, 787:295, ClipboardImage.png)


>Week 23

Weak of PAIN = > 23

ef27af  No.6511502


The white republicans were forced out of the city in the 1960s

Republican districts became democrat

The Dems took over all of the big cities with their diversity lies

bb225e  No.6511503


June 6, 1946 = 6-6-(4)6

Other than that, why June 6?

20ae96  No.6511506

File: 55f1ea4d79bfdb9⋯.png (51.71 KB, 421x272, 421:272, Adobe won't let users use ….png)

File: b82c3edbf558f78⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 634x358, 317:179, 13549388-7034239-image-a-4….jpg)

File: 4f5174d985047d3⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 634x355, 634:355, 13549404-7034239-image-a-5….jpg)

An attack against meme makers/videoFags?

Trying to stop memers using older versions?

Outrage after Adobe says customers using an older version of Photoshop may be SUED if they continue - even though they paid for the software

Adobe is facing backlash for threatening to sue customers using old software

The company's decision is threats are related to a legal dispute with Dolby Labs

A legal spat stems from Adobe's switch to a subscription based model in 2013

Some customers say they plan on discontinuing their use of the service

Customers who have regularly paid to use Adobe's Photoshop software have been politely threatened with litigation for using older versions.

After discontinuing older versions of the popular photo editing software, Adobe emailed customers regarding its policy towards users who don't abide the company's rules.

'We have recently discontinued certain older versions of Creative Cloud applications and and a result, under the terms of our agreement, you are no longer licensed to use them,' Adobe said in the email

'Please be aware that should you continue to use the discontinued version(s), you may be at risk of potential claims of infringement by third parties.'

As reported by AppleInsider , some users, many of whom have been paying Adobe to use its software for multiple years weren't happy with the company's approach.

'…[It's] absolutely crazy. I've paid for these products for the last three years and now i suddenly don't have ownership of licensing despite having religiously paid for them every month,' said one Adobe user on Twitter.

'A nice way to exit without fees would be great.'

Other commentators were more succinct in their criticisms of the company's email.

'Another reason why Adobe is garbage!," said another Twitter user in the thread

Users noted multiple reasons for wanting to keep their older software, including specific features they used and enjoyed being scrubbed by updates and also general 'bloat' they say slows the speed of newer versions

While the company's email didn't indicate why users were no longer allowed to use older versions of the software, Adobe alluded to 'ongoing litigation.'

According to AppleInsider, Adobe is currently embroiled in a lawsuit with Dolby Labs filed a complaint in March this year relating to how licensing costs of its software are distributed under its new subscription model.

In 2013, Adobe controversially switched from a disc-based model which allowed customers to download – not to mention own – software on their computers by paying a lump sum, and into to a subscription models wherein users pay monthly to access Adobe's suite of services.

In 2017, thanks to the new subscription structure, Adobe reported a record $2 billion in revenue.

As reported by AppleInsider, and documented in the legal complaint, Dolby recently attempted to exercise its legal right to audit Adobe to make sure that the company was properly distributing licensing costs – a new agreement bases fees based on how many users are running the software.

Adobe declined to allow the audit and now Dolby has sued arguing that the company has breached its contract.

While Adobe's decision to switch to a subscription-based model has helped to bolser the company's bottom line, the recent fallout of its decision to discontinue and threaten users who use its older software has given rise a more ideological debate.

Notably, critics have pointed out that the new model makes it impossible for users to actually own the software that they use, forcing them into a perpetual cycle of payment.

Other notable company's like Microsoft have also since switched to a subscription model for products like office which contains mainstay tools like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel


29cc00  No.6511510


>The white republicans were forced out of the city in the 1960s

They must of forgot one. Should have stayed and put up more of a fight.

edf44a  No.6511513

File: 565364a24a2c16a⋯.png (34.83 KB, 787x295, 787:295, ClipboardImage.png)


>>Week 23 <- June 6, 2019

>Weak of PAIN = > 23

This Week is 4 BOOMs, Week 20 = 4 X 5

8ccb30  No.6511515

File: f9595ab79136f3b⋯.png (1.25 MB, 760x760, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

6807ac  No.6511517


>Should have stayed

hard to do when the free masons intensified their programming efforts and ramped up their infiltration of all of our institutions and everything we hold sacred as freedom Americans

f2493b  No.6511519

File: 51ba4381a53c3fe⋯.png (85.27 KB, 324x216, 3:2, bread-baking-in-the-dark.png)

fresh bread





Please fill in bread first (no hall monitor!!!), then come on down. Everything's ready to go for NB. Departing now, eyes are kinda shot, see you soon fam, o7'''

2569d4  No.6511521


james baker was a witness relative to the Patriot Act – his testimony here









APRIL 26 AND APRIL 28, 2005



Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Coble, Ranking Member Scott and Members of the Committee, I am pleased to be here today to discuss the Government's use——


Mr. Baker, if you will suspend just a minute. We have been joined by the distinguished gentleman from Ohio, Mr. Chabot.

Go ahead, Mr. Baker. I won't penalize you for those 10 seconds, Mr. Baker.


Thank you, sir.

I am pleased to be here today to discuss the Government's use of the authorities granted to it by Congress under FISA, including the amendments to FISA under the USA PATRIOT Act and the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. Those provisions have made a critical contribution to our ability to protect the national security of the United States consistent with the need to protect the privacy of Americans.

They affect nearly every FISA application that we file, and we ask you to renew them. As the Chairman mentioned, I am the Counsel for Intelligence Policy and the head of Office of Intelligence Policy and Review at the Department of Justice.

OIPR, as we are known, conducts oversight of the intelligence and counterintelligence activities of the executive branch agencies, including the FBI, and my office prepares and presents to the FISA court all FISA applications, and we represent the United States before the FISA court.

I report directly to the Deputy Attorney General. I am a career member of the Senior Executive Service and not a political appointee.

Rather than reading my written statement into the record today, I would just like to make a few observations about FISA that I think will be helpful to our discussion generally today. First, I would just like to mention the overall purpose of FISA. As the Chairman discussed, FISA was enacted in 1978 to provide legislative authorization for and regulation of all electronic surveillance conducted in the United States for foreign intelligence purposes. FISA was not intended to prohibit the collection of important foreign intelligence information, but rather to subject such collection to statutory procedures.

Over the years, Congress has expanded the scope of FISA. In 1994 it was expanded to cover physical searches, in 1998 to provide for separate authorization for pen registers and access to certain business records. In 2001, of course, we have the PATRIOT Act that we are all familiar with and why we are here today.

continued at part 2


74a829  No.6511522


idk why anon picked it but June 6 is 2 years from D-Day, June 6 1944.

20ae96  No.6511524

File: 9235b11a9ca35cb⋯.jpg (96.26 KB, 648x499, 648:499, 313ebc.jpg)

File: 4b07408e1e5a22f⋯.jpg (95.36 KB, 648x499, 648:499, 313eey.jpg)

ef27af  No.6511525


They didn't want to leave the neighborhoods that the had grown up in but they were forced out by violent gangs

Some lost their lives trying to stay

But you'll never read about in a history book

3cc4b1  No.6511528


Illinois suffers from systemic corruption in all areas of government, moved 10 years ago.

2569d4  No.6511530


part 2


In addition to that purpose of FISA, I would like to make clear, to describe that FISA established clear standards for who could be a target under FISA. Since 1978, the only authorized targets of full content FISA collection have been foreign powers and agents of foreign powers. Those terms are defined terms under the act. The PATRIOT Act did not change the definition of those terms.

As you know, section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform Act did change one of the definitions of an agent of foreign power to include a non-U.S. Person who engages in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor. This is the so-called Lone Wolf provision that we will discuss today.

Similarly, FISA only permits the use of other collection activities, such as pen registers, when there is a sufficient nexus between the information that will be collected and a legitimate intelligence investigation. And when the investigation involves a U.S. Person, it cannot be based solely on first amendment activities.

In addition, FISA includes various provisions to ensure accountability for the authorizations that are approved under FISA. It includes mechanisms, several mechanisms to ensure written accountability within the executive branch for the decision to engage in foreign intelligence collection. This serves as a check on executive branch arbitrariness. For example, each full content FISA application must have a certification from a high ranking official and must be signed by the—personally signed by the Attorney General or his Deputy. And FISA's other provisions also include mechanisms to ensure accountability.

In addition, there is judicial oversight of our activities under FISA. Whenever a surveillance or a search for foreign intelligence purposes may involve the fourth amendment rights of any U.S. Person, approval for such collection must come from a neutral and detached Federal judge.

Moreover, even when such fourth amendment rights are not implicated, such as for pen register data, FISA still requires approval by a Federal judge or magistrate before the Government can engage in such collection.

Finally, I would like to highlight some additional privacy protections that are in FISA, and they are known as minimization requirements. The Government may only conduct a full content surveillance or search when there are adequate procedures in place to minimize the intrusion into the privacy of U.S. Persons. Each application that we file for full content collection must include specific minimization procedures that are approved by the Attorney General, are reasonable in their design, and minimize the acquisition, retention and dissemination of information about U.S. Persons, consistent with the need of the Government to obtain, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence. In each case, the Federal judge orders the Government to follow those procedures.

With these principles in mind, I am happy to answer any questions the Committee may have on our use of FISA and the authorities granted to us by Congress in the PATRIOT Act and the Intelligence Reform Act.

[The prepared statement of Mr. Baker follows:]


edf44a  No.6511531


>idk why anon picked it but June 6

>>6511477 DJT Birthday

20ae96  No.6511533

File: 8ed3322887f7309⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 648x499, 648:499, 313eno.jpg)

3f7a89  No.6511534

File: 4d3895c4d2507d6⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 450x600, 3:4, huma-abedin (1).jpg)



74a829  No.6511536


talkin about June 6, not June 14. I know Trump was born eight days later. is that the next time the dates mirrored that year or is just the week flipping over? sorry, tired AF

ef27af  No.6511537


Machine politics

Bribes and blackmail

4e0954  No.6511538

File: df5f4377ed244b9⋯.jpg (122.99 KB, 500x796, 125:199, cancer chel.jpg)

a491ba  No.6511539


You ever read The Jungle, written in 1906? It's always been like that.

e8005d  No.6511540

File: 5428bfa242032e0⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 500x280, 25:14, NCTP.gif)

The Deep State wants War with Iran.

Netanyahu will do as he always has and put it in motion.

It will not be legal.

No more Deep State in control to turn a blind eye.

This will be what brings Israel to its knees.

There will be no War with Iran.

Cap this.

579bc7  No.6511542


Eh, somebody give 'em both a carrot and a sugar cube and see if they're up for a couple of laps around the pasture at a trot

edf44a  No.6511543


>sorry, tired AF

same here

get some good rest and shuteye

g'night, morning Anons

2569d4  No.6511544

File: f94604cfd3cfbce⋯.png (555.59 KB, 693x534, 231:178, HRC-Bezos-hang.png)

609464  No.6511545

File: 1170d204bf6fd29⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 624x406, 312:203, pointatdat.jpg)

579bc7  No.6511546


Too long to copy paste

NY Post cutting Blasio down to size with the hard facts

ef27af  No.6511547


No stockyards anymore that I know of

But my mom was born in 1924 and I remember her telling us about how she remembered them when she was a kid

fb7ad0  No.6511548


I saw a movie called "The Thing" about just this type of thing.

20ae96  No.6511549

File: 0800c33fdc8955e⋯.jpg (76.48 KB, 500x647, 500:647, 313f5t.jpg)

3cc4b1  No.6511551


Have noticed the number of sealed indictments listed for Illinois seems very low given the population and history. Suspect that many courts were too corrupt to trust, so they are holding off filing until last minute.

20ae96  No.6511552

File: 0f9877681ac30fb⋯.jpg (295.31 KB, 1130x823, 1130:823, Apr19.JPG)

File: ed2ac8cff65a15d⋯.png (1.82 MB, 3139x2079, 3139:2079, Sealed Indictment cases ma….png)

579bc7  No.6511553

File: 2a58c73c3dca6ac⋯.png (405.84 KB, 481x519, 481:519, Screenshot (478).png)

a491ba  No.6511554


That would make sense. Sinclair was referring to the democrat political machine in the early 1900s.

3f7a89  No.6511556

File: 0a0abda4da69e96⋯.png (125.65 KB, 329x248, 329:248, 0a0abda4da69e968b8c68443e0….png)

On the topic of this shillfaggotry, i bet i know what happened. Some fucking tards used shit like keyword metrics from 2016 to define "successful shills" or "anon preferences". Except in 2016, the astroturfing, shilling, and mod faggotry was 50x more effective. So it's basically this generation of shills using data driven idiocy to do things that no longer work and haven't worked in like 10 cycles because a full narrative cycle is like 3 months max these days.

>heres a snapshot in time of a guy getting away with it years ago. Our numbers suggest that the most popular topics are Hwood, insider leaks, Jews, and dead man's switches. *tardwork tardwork tardwork*

>i call him Kappy.

Tomorrow they're gonna shop a babe mask on him.

609464  No.6511557

File: 9dfa41b17914409⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 210x210, 1:1, slickwilly.jpg)

4e0954  No.6511558


A pic of her and Oprah w/o makeup would qualify as a wordless meme.

20ae96  No.6511559



May 30 @ 9 AM

Hotel Nia

200 Independence Drive

Menlo Park CA

Fight for freedom of speech- before they silence YOU!


#MAGA RT $FB @RealJamesWoods


3f7a89  No.6511560



It is true that this is what anons crave.

edf44a  No.6511562

File: 6b5867f69990354⋯.png (12.19 KB, 882x85, 882:85, ClipboardImage.png)



>>>6511497 a correction to June 6.

June 14, 1946 (Fri) Day 165 200 -26634 Week 24 44.93 %

<pics related

74a829  No.6511563







I see it now. For anyone else wondering the SECOND SIGNIFICANCE after the second anniversary of D-Day, here's the trick: 1+5+7+2+0+8= 23.


579bc7  No.6511564

Do we have a list for media properties going under?


ef27af  No.6511565


I was wondering about those numbers too

1,309 could probably be found in one square city block of Chicago

3cc4b1  No.6511567


Many nervous people in Springfield and Chicago.

Some more company for the 2 former governors

sitting in prison now.

9d6b7c  No.6511568

File: 7cc1dd4ef0ab777⋯.jpg (327.26 KB, 1080x1379, 1080:1379, Screenshot_20190516-022017….jpg)


Adobe having some difficulties too, shady shit with third party software. Interdasting.

edf44a  No.6511570

File: 37d7ec58bd9dcb3⋯.png (12.76 KB, 884x95, 884:95, ClipboardImage.png)


>I see it now

ALSO, tyQ Anon

June 6, 1946 (Thu) Day # [157, 208] days remain,

-26642 days since, [Week 23 => PAIN]

< anniversary of D-Day, here's the trick: 1+5+7+2+0+8= 23.

a491ba  No.6511572

File: d93722125ed2443⋯.png (185.36 KB, 270x500, 27:50, 5 gallon.png)

ef27af  No.6511573


How did Pritzker get elected governor over Rauner?

3f7a89  No.6511574


Are there really 2? I only know Blagojevich. Lol. Given everything else that's gone down since then, he kinda seems like a harmless dumbass. Selling Obama's seat is like a drop in a billion buckets.

609464  No.6511575

File: 07033cafeb5a09c⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 0a59d5aeb19a11f534f3d6b5fc….jpg)

fill er up lads before jumping over

62dffd  No.6511576

File: 802d74f74452ae8⋯.jpg (47.93 KB, 364x365, 364:365, 1BlueQ.jpg)

70b0ad  No.6511577



Will this thread ever end

Where are all the shit posting Jew shills when we need to finish a thread

That is the reason we view shills as useless

3f7a89  No.6511578

File: 25c3ebcbe355f89⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 720x1216, 45:76, Untitled207.jpg)

609464  No.6511579

File: 8ddd549886dc6fb⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1cb8b2245c43cb931860450e57….jpg)

d839b1  No.6511580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Accordion Power Players


d839b1  No.6511581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cowboy's Dream No. 19


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