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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

23ef88  No.6452306

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

23ef88  No.6452312

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6261140 Please no JPEGs

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now


are not endorsements

#8250 Baker Change

>>6451617, >>6451676, >>6451688, >>6451724, >>6451960, >>6452215 Planefag: B-52H call sign "MYTEE54"

>>6451630, >>6451736, >>6451937, >>6451641, >>6451925, >>6452027 Massive cache of 1,000 guns seized at Bel-Air mansion from ATF raid

>>6451640 Tens of millions of Americans in 43 states exposed to toxic chemicals (PFAS) - related to Q drop 1010

>>6451646 Mexican officials find 289 migrants in tractor-trailer rigs

>>6451886, >>6451975, >>6452026 ODD National Guard Tweet

>>6451894 Anon on the NSA's "Niagara Files" and the Apache Software Foundation

>>6451918 Why did Strzok want to interview former CIA Deputy Director Michael J. Morell in Feb 2016?

>>6451956 For keks: 'love you, no homo' from POTUS

>>6452041, >>6452084 Moar sauce on the ATF raid of a Bel-Air mansion that seized 1,000 guns

>>6452055, >>6452102 New POTUS tweet

>>6452110 Trump Taming the [China] Trade Dragon

>>6452143 Anon on "Magic Mushroom" pills and cures

>>6452184 Planefag: AF1 OTG @ JB Andrews

>>6452294 Trump About to Flip Another Appeals Court To Conservatives, the Second Circuit

>>6452301 #8250


>>6451366 Another marker confirmed for Friday?

>>6451301 , >>6451498 Planefag Updates

>>6451215 Florida Rally photo

>>6451140 Interview with Trump endorsed Mike Braun, the new Indiana Senator

>>6451106 , >>6451125, >>6451176 Fireworks mark the end of the Florida Rally

>>6451099 Anon reports #WWG1WGA 9,220,000 tweets in the past hour

>>6451050 , >>6451195, >>6451124, >>6451309 Breaking: POTUS is cleaning out the press

>>6450984 POTUS: "we're getting rid of a lot of the rigging"

>>6450941 , >>6451043 Sunset: US Naval Forces tweet reflects Flynns new bg

>>6450935 POTUS at rally states he wants to renegotiate the Iran Deal

>>6450870 , >>6451041 Solomon: Big news on docs to be released tomorrow

>>6450851 Air France jet en route to Mumbai makes emergency landing in Iran

>>6451539 #8249


>>6450561 Woman who tried to drown newborn in toilet escapes jail time

>>6450557 Live stream viewer numbers

>>6450423 , >>6450455, >>6450483, >>6450456 Canadian SC Justice reported missing

>>6450411 POTUS' YouTube Channel

>>6450401 Texas uni teaches students about 'sexual pleasure for infants'

>>6450362 The Karate Kid: John Kreese

>>6450361 Rally-goers come from all over Florida

>>6450263 Florida rally cap

>>6450230 Anon's analysis of Comey interview

>>6450070 US indicts 2 Israeli operators of Darkweb gateway

>>6450065 Judge who presided over MS-13 gang cases confirmed for federal appeals court

>>6450757 #8248

Previously Collected Notables

>>6448331 #8245, >>6449145 #8246, >>6450017 #8247

>>6445944 #8242, >>6446769 #8243, >>6447555 #8244

>>6443628 #8239, >>6444375 #8240, >>6445170 #8241

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

23ef88  No.6452313

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

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>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

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>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

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Q Graphics all in EST


23ef88  No.6452315

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 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

23ef88  No.6452316



Any bakers lurking?

This bread will take several hours, will go for as long as I can.

bdfc49  No.6452322

Tiger Conch.

501489  No.6452328

I really only see two reasons for the WH revoking the press passes.

1. WaPo says WH cited security concerns so there could be Deep State fuckery like an assassination plot. Kinda like in the movie True Lies where the fake reporter had the gun in the old VHS video camera but less stupid.

Or 2. They're setting the media up for the great awakening. Maybe making it so the Q is asked by an agent inside a major FakeNews agency or something to wake up most of the remaining normies with info on a live broadcast that is "impossible to defend."

bdfc49  No.6452339


87369f  No.6452340



cf7115  No.6452349

File: 5e92011cf74d4aa⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1500x1100, 15:11, gallery-1436386799-2276500….png)

816730  No.6452352

File: 32225ca6c674a79⋯.png (249.06 KB, 682x720, 341:360, ClipboardImage.png)

Juan Guaido's Deputy Arrested After Failed Venezuelan Coup Attempt

The Venezuelan Constituent National Assembly has removed parliamentary immunity from seven opposition lawmakers who supposedly took part in the recent failed coup in the country. Among those who lost their immunity was Edgar Jose Zambrano, who serves as a National Assembly deputy.

CARACAS (Sputnik) — Edgar Zambrano, the deputy speaker of the Venezuelan opposition-controlled National Assembly, has been detained in the wake of the failed coup in the country, Diosdado Cabello, the head of the government-led National Constituent Assembly has said.

"I am informing you that several minutes ago, one of the leaders of the government overturn of April 30… Edgar Zambrano… was detained," Cabello said live on a state-run TV channel on Wednesday.

Earlier, self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, turned to Twitter, saying that the "vice president" of the opposition-controlled National Assembly had been detained by authorities from President Nicolas Maduro's government.

Edgar Zambrano, the assembly "vice president", said on Twitter that agents from the SEBIN intelligence agency had surprised him and, after refusing to let him out of his vehicle, were using a tow truck to take him to the SEBIN's Caracas headquarters, Reuters reported.


bdfc49  No.6452353


They want to really limit the numver of hard passes they give out and make press reapply each week or month for their passes. It is a safety thing because anyone could in theory give their hardware to someone else and that person woukd gave access to a lot of area in the WH.

501489  No.6452360


Forgot sauce.


Sarah Sanders said security concerns because of too many passes out there (up to 1000 possible).

816730  No.6452361

250K Migrant Families Apprehended by Feds in 2019

Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly a quarter-million migrant families this year who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. Agents also apprehended nearly 45,000 unaccompanied minors.

During Fiscal Year 2019, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended 248,197 Family Unit Aliens (FMUA) and 44,779 Unaccompanied Alien Children, according to the April Southwest Border Migration Report released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Wednesday afternoon. Border Patrol officials define a family unit as at least one minor accompanied by an adult parent or legal guardian.

In April alone, agents apprehended 58,474 FMUAs and an additional 48,897 UACs.

The Rio Grande Valley Sector continues to lead the nation in migrant apprehensions. In this single sector, agents arrested 101,857 family units, an increase of 238 percent over Fiscal Year 2018’s year-to-date numbers of 30,113. The El Paso Sector increased 1,816 percent from 3,865 migrants a year ago to 74,072 so far this year.

Over the weekend, not included in these numbers, 2,400 migrants were apprehended in a single day after illegally crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, Breitbart News reported. The sector is now holding more than 7,000 migrants in temporary detention facilities. Of the more than 248,000 family migrants apprehended so far this year, 114m778 came to the U.S. from Guatemala and 95,875 came from Honduras. Only 24,488 and 2,121 family units came from El Salvador and Mexico respectively.

The same holds true for unaccompanied minors. Of the nearly 45,000 UACs apprehended this year, 19,991 came from Guatemala and 11,569 came from Honduras. El Salvaror (6,109) and Mexico (5,988) rounded out the top four countries of origin.

This contrasts with single adults where Mexican nationals continue as top illegal border crossers. So far this year, 82,834 Mexican single adults crossed the border illegally — compared to 31,030 from Guatemala, 25,814 from Honduras, and 11,290 from El Salvador.


bdfc49  No.6452362



They want to really limit the number of hard passes they give out and make the press reapply each week or month for their passes. It is a safety thing because anyone could in theory give their hardpass to someone else and that person would gave access to a lot of area in the WH.

497ac6  No.6452367

File: 3018de7a18e4907⋯.jpg (110.21 KB, 746x1326, 373:663, Valentina.Grishko.jpg)

a05db5  No.6452370

File: 0f0f0a31dd892da⋯.png (918.14 KB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Virt….png)

File: 9e94d5a06305e8a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1072x564, 268:141, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Airc….png)

File: fd8a58dd54206cd⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Virt….png)


JB Andrews to

CS, Colo and back

OTG @JB Andrews

>>6451301 (pb)

d31f1b  No.6452372

File: 7fe710d58225ca0⋯.png (456.89 KB, 540x281, 540:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Denver First US City to Decriminalize 'Magic Mushrooms'


3078f1  No.6452374

File: df51595e7da3c13⋯.jpg (103.61 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, 2718978.jpg)

Thank you baker……

Cum and get some…..

f64548  No.6452376

File: 857a750aaba31bb⋯.jpeg (258.82 KB, 1242x1814, 621:907, 7C5302D6-38DA-4AA1-A754-0….jpeg)

File: cdda63330c8107f⋯.jpeg (361.07 KB, 1850x1038, 925:519, 9172C3DC-F2FE-40D8-B3C3-3….jpeg)

File: 9804533fd1e7bd3⋯.jpeg (403.64 KB, 1850x1241, 1850:1241, C98E4025-B7F1-4C14-813B-D….jpeg)

Thankyou Baker!

Sincerely, from Night Shift.

399f6c  No.6452378

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


501489  No.6452380


Yes but it could be a set up of some kind too. Like the times POTUS has used live TV to troll the FakeNews.

189236  No.6452382

File: 27d0f894a35f5a8⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1056x528, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Ally Involved With $60M Dark Money 2020 Strategy Center Shutters PAC

PAC was slated to spend millions backing Biden's candidacy

An ally of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden who is part of a group that launched a "dark money" strategy center that plans to spend $60 million during the 2020 elections has shuttered a separate political action committee that was created to provide support for the former vice president, Federal Election Commission filings show. Matt Tompkins, a Democratic fundraiser, submitted paperwork to the FEC on April 24 establishing the Biden PAC. That same day, additional paperwork was submitted changing the name of the entity from the Biden PAC to the G Street PAC while also removing Tompkins as its treasurer. The PAC would eventually be named For the People and spend millions backing Biden. Biden's communications director, Kate Bedingfield, put distance between the campaign and the PAC and told the Hill that Biden "does not welcome assistance from super PACs."

Tompkins is also involved with a $60 million dark money "strategy center" for the 2020 elections, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported. The "strategy center," called Future Majority, a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)4 "dark money" nonprofit that is not required to disclose its donors and whose upcoming plans were reported by Politico, will focus on midwestern states in an effort to "rebrand" the Democratic Party and provide support to liberal organizations. The group will also establish a "war room" to push back against conservative media and fight against the "socialism" label being applied to the Democratic Party. While Tompkins has not been publicly linked to the group, the Free Beacon found that Tompkins was listed as the governor for Future Majority in filings to D.C.'s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. Mark Riddle, the executive director of Future Majority, whose group did not respond to previous inquiries from the Free Beacon, brushed it off as "an interesting coincidence" to Real Clear Politics. "The group, however, has a tangential connection to at least one candidate. According to filings publicly available through the Federal Election Commission, Matthew Allen Tompkins serves as the founding treasurer. As the conservative Free Beacon reported, he also founded a political action committee called Biden PAC," Real Clear Politics wrote. "That may be just a byproduct of the incestuous nature of political fundraising, however: Riddle said Future Majority doesn’t coordinate with the Biden PAC and will not favor any candidate. He dismissed the participation of Tompkins, a prolific fundraiser, in both efforts as just ‘an interesting coincidence.'" The PAC has now been terminated, according to filings to the Federal Election Commission.

Kaitlin Saier, who took over as treasurer for Tompkins of the G Street PAC, submitted a miscellaneous filing to the FEC on May 1 to shut down the PAC. "Please perform administrative termination," Saier wrote. "We are not and will not be using this." On May 6, the FEC accepted the PAC's termination report. The PAC, which never became the For the People PAC, would have carried the same name as Future Majority's "For the People" plan posted on its website. Saier did not respond to a request to questions asking if they planned to later relaunch the PAC.

Riddle and Tompkins are both linked to the New Leaders Council, a progressive organization established to act as a "hub for progressive Millennial thought leadership." Riddle is the president and Tompkins acts as vice president of the group. Future Majority was incorporated by Cathedral Strategies LLC. Cathedral Strategies LLC itself was registered by Brett Avery Seifried, who is general counsel at the New Leaders Council. The group, incorporated in January 2018, soft launched during the midterm elections and advised a number of organizations including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, according to Politico‘s report on its 2020 plans.

Future Majority tapped Dan Sena, the executive director of the DCCC during the 2018 elections, to advise the group. Julianna Smoot, a deputy director on President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign will also advise the group. Democratic megadonors Philip Munger, the son of Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charles Munger, and Dan Tierney, who was managing director of KCG Holdings, a global financial services company that sold in 2017, are co-chairing Future Majority.


76f0be  No.6452383

File: b6817386e79675a⋯.png (196.6 KB, 265x363, 265:363, Screenshot_87.png)

6fc983  No.6452384

File: 55d5bf47aa92e16⋯.jpeg (61.72 KB, 738x419, 738:419, C8D32F6A-7CC1-43BD-9634-C….jpeg)

File: 4aebd248e04fa55⋯.jpeg (93.03 KB, 750x412, 375:206, 2EB6A106-4FEA-41D5-8C3C-E….jpeg)

File: 47fb5b0896c7723⋯.jpeg (77.63 KB, 732x719, 732:719, 61F1798F-62F1-47BE-8D0A-E….jpeg)

Moar on Gun Seize property owner- Cynthia Beck:

This article lays out some of her properties (all of them are digg worthy), a few Gordon Getty buys, then she buys from him a few months later at a higher price (money laundering, I’m sure). She has a VAST property portfolio. Many of her properties have just been left to waste, including an interesting Malibu mansion. Decked out in stone- but check this entrance out!!!

Blue and White Epstein temple style!!!


b843af  No.6452385

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


399f6c  No.6452386

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

b843af  No.6452387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




583eca  No.6452388

File: 69e61bc3c41195c⋯.png (933.96 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190508-215203.png)

File: 441073d8baf4a38⋯.png (368.52 KB, 760x1529, 760:1529, Screenshot_20190508-221640.png)

Future HOF Pitcher - Clayton Kershaw (Los Angeles Dodgers) References "Dark to Light" in The Fight


76f0be  No.6452389

File: e98aaf5a13b83e4⋯.mp4 (862.44 KB, 400x224, 25:14, GunRaidBevHills.mp4)

Video of Gun Raid from today.

8ee62a  No.6452390

File: 037e891038bd8ab⋯.gif (11.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, goes-xray-flux.gif)


To anon and BAKERS : alerts like that are fucking common. We're looking like GLP there!

To those who are fascinated by sun activity, when you see an alert like that, check the X-RAY FLUX (top left on page)

If you don't see the lines going off the charts, then it's only a fart in deep space, like a nothing burger if ya like.

Anyway if it goes off the charts you probably won't have the time to captcha and post.

b6e8ef  No.6452393


Active Shooter Drills in St. Charles Missouri.

This is just outside St. Louis for those who are unfamiliar.



399f6c  No.6452394

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

dark to LIGHT

Legacy media shills are not just covering up for criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children. Legacy media shills had ample reason and opportunity to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals. Media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest civilian researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt. Media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children to be true. “I didn’t know,” is no longer a valid defense for legacy media shills.

Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media, the public is awake, Justice is coming.

8bf8fb  No.6452395

File: 140ea51bbdb080a⋯.jpg (792.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, POTUS BROUGHT A CHART! 15….jpg)

Sorry to bring this back but POTUS brought this up early in the rally and is been ignored. This is about dark money. — >>6451616

bf8c80  No.6452396

File: 1ab02a9d45f9222⋯.jpg (83.84 KB, 768x520, 96:65, 375b94a7af2f8f97d511233189….jpg)

much thanks baker


1357dc  No.6452397

File: 8a0aaabecbcae9f⋯.jpeg (127.62 KB, 750x1059, 250:353, D6GQKA7W0AA2i2Y.jpeg)

File: e1b26a1c1905251⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1439x2661, 1439:2661, Capture _2019-05-08-23-20-….png)

File: 3a5906c33cf52d4⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1422x1963, 1422:1963, Capture _2019-05-08-23-20-….png)

Its most definitely probably totally happening.

b843af  No.6452398


Saw the sniper similar to the one 47 uses. :)

59412c  No.6452399

File: 6813c54f3cfef37⋯.png (800.3 KB, 1462x1292, 43:38, Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at ….png)

Here is the physics behind what brought the towers down. Notice that the experiments were done in 1996 but were not published until one month after the attack on 9/11.


9324be  No.6452400

File: b40ba798c413e50⋯.png (57.18 KB, 2123x276, 2123:276, Screenshot_2019-05-09 The ….png)

399f6c  No.6452401

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Are you ready for the GITMO git down? It's


a508ab  No.6452402

File: dac69ba2ed8722a⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1579x477, 1579:477, ClipboardImage.png)


dc6c94  No.6452403

File: c52f11ce2654b81⋯.png (47.33 KB, 602x639, 602:639, 1620post.PNG)

POTUS mentioned 16 election and we got 20 coming up, 16 and 20

Q Post 1620

interdesting indeed

8a6313  No.6452404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

399f6c  No.6452405

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hello legacy media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming. Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know and can prove legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children and much more.

Not one of you will escape justice. Not 1.

8a6313  No.6452406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

189236  No.6452407

File: 07c652ef0469b1c⋯.png (275.74 KB, 565x340, 113:68, ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. Whitehouse Speaks Out Against ‘Dark Money’—At An Event Funded By Dark Money

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) spoke Wednesday on the dangers of ‘dark money' groups funding Congress, at an event funded by the Center For American Progress and the American Constitution Society—both of which have received funding from dark money organizations. During his talk, titled, "The Supreme Corp: How Corporate and Right-Wing Interests Captured The U.S. Supreme Court," Whitehouse accused right-wing institutions of securing favorable court decisions by propping up potential appointees to District Courts and the Supreme Court with dark money. "Big Republican donor interests are at work all around the court, and much of their work is hidden from the public. We must shed light here," he said. "The big influencers are hiding behind dark money channels and a lot of transparency is needed."

CAP recently published a review by Whitehouse outlining 73 Supreme Court decisions in which the Rhode Island senator makes the case that the court unfairly decided in favor of Republican interests. CAP was founded in 2003 by Hillary Clinton ally John Podesta as a left-wing policy think-tank, and is funded in part by the New Venture Fund, a dark money group founded by former President Bill Clinton appointee Eric Kessler. The New Venture Fund gave CAP between $100,000 and $499,999 in 2018, according to CAP's website.

Along with ACS, CAP has also been funded by Democracy Alliance, the largest Democratic dark money group. Since billionaire George Soros founded it in 2005, Democracy Alliance has invested $1.83 billion in various progressive causes. Its influence covers more than 150 left-wing organizations, including Media Matters for America, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. It has also helped fund the growing anti-Trump movement, aiding smaller groups such as the Center for Popular Democracy, Center for Community Change, and Swing Left. Whitehouse has also been connected personally to Democracy Alliance in the past, on the occasion of the publication of his 2017 book, Captured: The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy. Whitehouse toured the book with Gara LaMarche, the president of Democracy Alliance. La Marche is also the chair of the New Press, which published Whitehouse's book. "I think if Thomas Jefferson and James Madison came back here now and looked around they'd be stunned at a lot of different aspects of our lives," Whitehouse told LaMarche during his book tour, according to a report in the Westerly Sun. "But I think one thing that would really astound them would be the fact that corporations have such a big role in our democracy."


b843af  No.6452408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"It's too late to apologize…"

"Will you see the mantle or will you see the sky…"

Mantle IMAO.

6fc983  No.6452409

Gun raid:

“A second home was searched on North Bunker Hill Avenue in Los Angeles.”


b843af  No.6452410

File: 6f177faf67ee113⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 540x216, 5:2, phc8q8ARrE1ukz8vz_540.gif)

9a0eb6  No.6452411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>this will cause the 'slow leaks' to come a runnin', kek…

Matt Gaetz Grills Deputy AG Rosenstein at Judiciary Committee Hearing - June 28, 2018

>Skip to 04:00…

>What makes a great movie?

935212  No.6452412


That's a comfy looking headboard.

4f9ae3  No.6452413

File: d7a62264367bf72⋯.png (784.92 KB, 1202x1258, 601:629, Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at ….png)

Been away from the boards for a while…checked past notables and didn't see anything, but has anyone else heard about an energy surge on 5/10?

@kabumar_taygeta has brought it up on twatter but claims to not fully understand what might happen.

9a0eb6  No.6452414


Moar from The Epoch Times.

During a June 28, 2018, sworn testimony before Congress, Rosenstein addressed the issue, but also raised additional questions in the process:

>“We sit down with a team of attorneys from the Department of Justice. All of whom review that and provide a briefing for us about what’s in it. And I’ve reviewed that one in some detail, and I can tell you the information that’s public about that doesn’t match with my understanding of the one that I signed, but I think it’s appropriate to let the Inspector General complete that investigation. These are serious allegations. I don’t do the investigation—I’m not the affiant. I’m reviewing the finished product.

>“If the Inspector General finds that I did something wrong, then I’ll respect that judgment, but I think it is highly, highly unlikely, given the way the process works.”

>On Dec. 6, 2018, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), then-chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, discussed the FISA signing issue during a Fox News segment with Sean Hannity:

>Sean Hannity: “This would be Comey signing off on it, Rod Rosenstein signing off on the last one …”

>Rep. Devin Nunes: “Well, they’re the ones that signed off on it—but they’re not necessarily the ones who would have provided and doctored the information. So really, the people that are culpable here are the ones who were in these discussions, that knew about the information that was not provided to the court.”

For now, we don’t know the answers that lie behind the signing of those FISA renewals.


f64548  No.6452415


Look a FLOTUS work it!


9a0eb6  No.6452416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rod Rosenstein: Hero | Epoch Times

399f6c  No.6452417

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


a story about the fall of the richest kingdom on earth, collected in marketplace of Khartoum by the 19'th century English explorer and ethnographer, Sir Richard Francis Burton, as written by R Calasso.

I25' 07" long

bf8c80  No.6452418


I'm guessing about 15 of those guys don't want to be there

looks like liberal indoctrination still alive and well even in young cadets

c18e11  No.6452419

File: 63efbfa53ee184c⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 278x378, 139:189, lion3.jpg)


45cc89  No.6452420

File: 914294343807778⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 255x205, 51:41, martha.jpg)


Martha's come a long way, eh? pic related

8a6313  No.6452421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








b41e6d  No.6452422

File: c5ef136879c3e1c⋯.png (250.08 KB, 362x706, 181:353, eye roll.png)

File: 2eae735f65da3d4⋯.png (693.98 KB, 830x706, 415:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Accomplishments Document (FULL)

President’s Interagency Task Force 2014

President’s Interagency Task Force (PITF)

 On April 9, 2013, the White House hosted a Forum to Combat Human Trafficking to

highlight the significant progress the Obama Administration has made, including

developments since President Obama delivered his first ever full-length speech on the fight

to end trafficking in persons at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in September 2012. The

event brought together leaders from government, the private sector, advocates and survivors,

faith leaders, law enforcement, and academics to discuss ideas for ending human trafficking.

Notable guests included Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett, Assistant to the

President and U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park, Attorney General Eric Holder,

Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Deputy Secretary Bill Corr, National

Survivor Network Survivor Organizer Ima Matul, Chair of the President’s Advisory Council

on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships Susie Stern, and Ambassador-at-Large to

Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons Luis CdeBaca.


9a0eb6  No.6452423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


McCabe Tried to Pin Attempted Coup on Rosenstein | The Epoch Times

Feb 22, 2019

b843af  No.6452424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video. Worth another watch. :)

Laser towers = iron dome maybe?

5402d3  No.6452425


Still reminds me of Egypt.

399f6c  No.6452426

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

A story of the founding fathers.


816730  No.6452427

File: 82f17762da5b3b4⋯.png (107.33 KB, 540x443, 540:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a3bd0e27d86a62⋯.png (268.6 KB, 830x697, 830:697, ClipboardImage.png)

US cuts off power to Venezuelan embassy with activists besieged inside

The Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC was plunged into darkness after the US authorities shut down power in the building. The anti-coup activists hunkered down inside say they are not leaving despite the blackout.

After weeks of tense standoff between the 'Embassy Civilian Protection Collective' and supporters of US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido outside the Venezuelan diplomatic compound, the US authorities attempted to drive the temporary occupants out by depriving them of electricity.

In a statement on Twitter posted by one of the group's members, independent journalist Alex Rubinstein, an activist says that the loss of electric power won't coerce them into abandoning their mission – that is to protect the embassy from a takeover by Juan Guaido appointees.

"We expected this, we've prepared for it and we are not living," the activist is seen saying in total darkness, with only his face lit by a candle.


2ce6a5  No.6452428

File: 4e9bc893caaabad⋯.jpg (201.46 KB, 1698x1220, 849:610, [11.00].jpg)

Patriot Anons

I'm just gonna leave this here

f2dfdd  No.6452429

Misfid has undisclosed redacted underage sex trafficking connections…..

It’s all connected…..

189236  No.6452430

File: d0709c57ff37f7f⋯.png (181.29 KB, 315x220, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

Former DNC Official on Primary Debates: ‘The Bulls**t Candidates’ Will Steal Time from ‘Our Legitimate Ones’

A former Democratic National Committee official is worried that the party's overly inclusive primary process is going to give too much valuable debate time to "the bullshit candidates" in the race. Speaking with the Hill, the unnamed official didn't single out anyone specifically from the field of 22 candidates. The official did mourn that because of the low threshold for making the first debate stage in June—getting donations from 65,000 unique people or reaching 1 percent in three different national polls—the more serious contenders will get crowded out by the "random people." "It was smart to add the grass-roots fundraising component, but when you throw in the 1 percent polling requirement, now all these random people get a spot on the stage," the official said. "I'm all for inclusion and competitive primaries, but no one can tell me it's actually good for us to have this many candidates on stage. It wasn't good for Republicans and they at least had an undercard debate. My fear is the bullshit candidates will take away from our legitimate ones. We saw how that worked for Republicans. They nominated Donald Trump."

The field is the largest in presidential primary history, with well-known candidates like former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), and Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) being joined by lesser-known figures like entrepreneur Andrew Yang, author Marianne Williamson, and congressmen like Reps. Seth Moulton (D., Mass.), Tim Ryan (D., Ohio), and Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii). Other contenders include South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sens. Cory Booker (D., N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.), Michael Bennet (D., Colo.), Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), former representative Beto O'Rourke (D., Texas), former representative John Delaney (D., Md.), Rep. Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.), Washington governor Jay Inslee, and former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper.

The DNC will announce the lineup next month for the first two debates, to be held June 26 and 27 and hosted by NBC News, MSNBC and Telemundo. Assuming 20 candidates achieve the minimum, there will be 10 candidates on the stage both nights. Their names will be drawn at random to determine who goes on stage on which night. The Hill reported that if more than 20 qualify, the field will be determined first by those who have met both the polling and fundraising thresholds, followed by those left over with the highest polling average and then the most unique donors. The DNC was sharply criticized by Sanders supporters in 2016 for limiting the number of debates and was accused of rigging the contest in favor of establishment favorite Hillary Clinton.


6c46f6  No.6452431


Dirty commies

9324be  No.6452432


no table

399f6c  No.6452433

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

think q

8a6313  No.6452434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd4ca9  No.6452435

We Love You President Trump!!!!!

da9bf1  No.6452436

File: 5dcc0559d46685a⋯.jpeg (283.03 KB, 1242x971, 1242:971, BAA374B8-9815-49AB-A6D5-0….jpeg)


8 hours left

6fc983  No.6452437


Agree- lapis (blue stone) was very important during that time to them as well as Phoenicians and Romans.

b843af  No.6452438


Think deportation to Israel…

5402d3  No.6452439



8a6313  No.6452441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

399f6c  No.6452442

What's it like to live in a country controlled by C_A backed pedovores?


1357dc  No.6452443


Exactly this.

9324be  No.6452444


Is Rubio's finger bandaged?

399f6c  No.6452445

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

What's it like to live in a country controlled by C_A backed pedovores?



23ef88  No.6452446

File: 03518eab04a0d11⋯.png (160.39 KB, 473x504, 473:504, QRsmilebaker.png)

1357dc  No.6452447


Autism at its finest.

bf8c80  No.6452448

File: 6d1356fc458f46d⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 873x491, 873:491, martha-stewart-instagram-d….jpg)

File: ef76134ac448ea0⋯.jpg (286.73 KB, 2431x1520, 2431:1520, gettyimages-74728189-16x10.jpg)


something tells me this was photographer fuckery

you know she would like that pardon from trump still. She wouldn't want to ruin that chance

b843af  No.6452449

File: 14226f62f0291d5⋯.png (239.45 KB, 480x398, 240:199, ClipboardImage.png)

25b85d  No.6452450


A lot of classic pieces are going to be destroyed before this is over. A real shame.

5402d3  No.6452451


I once dug on Hypatia Stone…found a lot of lies in there on that…

Makes one wonder why few are able to get to the digs out there….

b843af  No.6452452

File: f1a8e32a0ffb302⋯.png (196.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

b843af  No.6452453

File: 6ba6c33e8542a05⋯.png (290.97 KB, 500x566, 250:283, ClipboardImage.png)

935212  No.6452454

File: befbf29d2777ff6⋯.png (369.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Base-canvas-optimized-StMA….png)

If you knew what was going on in my head you'd probably shit yourself.

2ce6a5  No.6452455


No. I used a magnifying glass to check

8a6313  No.6452456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

886b23  No.6452457

File: f3f339189474b4f⋯.png (559.41 KB, 680x390, 68:39, day 2 NXIVM.PNG)

Day 2 of trial against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere (short embedded news video)

Updated: May 08, 2019 06:29 PM EDT


video is at link only screen shot posted here.

8a6313  No.6452458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b843af  No.6452459

File: 55a93d34692b1bf⋯.png (438.89 KB, 640x978, 320:489, ClipboardImage.png)

a492ad  No.6452460

File: 598fde82cbf0c36⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Egyptian_blue_Altes_Museum.JPG)

File: 55e0fffc68cb555⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 610x326, 305:163, egyptian-blue-pigment.jpg)

File: ffc21e9c91d0c55⋯.jpg (537.43 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, egyptian-pharaoh-tutankham….jpg)



Egyptian blue, also known as calcium copper silicate (CaCuSi4O10 or CaOCuO(SiO2)4 (calcium copper tetrasilicate)) or cuprorivaite, is a pigment used in ancient Egypt for thousands of years. It is considered to be the first synthetic pigment. It was known to the Romans by the name caeruleum – see also the English word cerulean. After the Roman era, Egyptian blue fell from use and the manner of its creation was forgotten.

4f9ae3  No.6452461


Try us…

399f6c  No.6452462

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Chang of Command ceremony.

Admiral Rogers to General Nakasone.

7beea2  No.6452463


Bring it on ballless faggot.

6ca509  No.6452464


Melania won’t wear no god damn apron. :D

8a6313  No.6452465

File: d77db6f9b236324⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 747x735, 249:245, IMG_7806.JPG)


b843af  No.6452466

File: 49b836049ee3dcd⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 624x800, 39:50, 477741-1.jpg)

b843af  No.6452467


That's unoriginal…

f64548  No.6452468

File: d5e62c5ac7d7b56⋯.jpeg (249.49 KB, 1200x786, 200:131, 9F89A596-BF1E-4C58-B852-8….jpeg)

I can’t wait for this to be one of President Trump’s accolades, when he ends the Fed!

91713e  No.6452469

File: 795fd8f6fe90336⋯.jpg (330.56 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Mathmetically Impossible Q.jpg)

File: 51e910d6d7aff7d⋯.png (2.17 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Mathmetically Impossible Q….png)

Mathematically Impossible Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

0f2967  No.6452470

What was the deal with Trump talking about the stage being on ice and it's was built by stupid people? Can't find any pictures or anything on it

6ca509  No.6452471


Cone head Brian Cates again…

399f6c  No.6452472

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.

How to Spot a clown

Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns==

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Their words are writ upon water.


b843af  No.6452473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8a6313  No.6452474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

434593  No.6452475

File: 2a85b5c64cd3505⋯.png (1.18 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 8fa85f4c76334d91a22a3e4b7b….png)




The storm may indeed be upon us. I really hope so. Pic related.

>>5930643 (PB)

0620bf  No.6452476

File: 46686ba598d8202⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 620x800, 31:40, tumblr_mblmnnIaHX1r6630fo1….jpg)

the_donald just got shadowbanned.


8a6313  No.6452479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7bcb42  No.6452480

File: 422e1803743bb50⋯.png (87.3 KB, 1182x648, 197:108, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Invo….png)

>>6452296 (lb)

Well this is a spoopy rabbit hole.



Practice before the game.

30a71e  No.6452481

File: f77bfff07342e92⋯.png (255.94 KB, 589x554, 589:554, Scavino 45 5-8-19 re POTUS….PNG)


>Patriot Anons

>I'm just gonna leave this here

Scavino45 just retweeted this at :41

Graphic has Rubio's fingers at 41


8a6313  No.6452482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf8c80  No.6452483

File: 16c0408e6543906⋯.jpg (165.47 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 38398240981_11c33f1acd_b.jpg)



she makes a point not to

b843af  No.6452484


Are (((they))) not letting you go to sleep, Marie?

Never should have joined (((Q))) team…

1680b8  No.6452485


looks like 150 posts per hour

9pm pacific is the new midnight

5e9a1e  No.6452486

File: a2e0d9f0b0ae032⋯.jpg (216.74 KB, 717x960, 239:320, comfy_bread.jpg)


this post. good post.

8a6313  No.6452487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

59412c  No.6452488

File: 0fb9ac8b1bab0bb⋯.jpeg (147.97 KB, 800x440, 20:11, 3B53C58E-49AC-44F5-8E67-8….jpeg)


You forgot the picture! it’s an invasion

8a6313  No.6452489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2ca639  No.6452490


if the results of this poll are in any way even close to the actual split in this county things could get very combustible. I would have imagined that with the amount of information that is available now this many people are this disillusioned.

0620bf  No.6452491

File: f39781cb916ca69⋯.jpg (695.39 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, hjgcbw3u34x21.jpg)


Let's see if it's still there when the site comes back up.

399f6c  No.6452492


it's a weak CME aurora may happen, will mostly blow past. It's all on space weather and blue chicken cultists should know.


9a0eb6  No.6452493

File: e1de95374401340⋯.jpg (774.7 KB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, capture_189_28092018_08220….jpg)

File: cb4934ed96bb827⋯.jpg (186.83 KB, 784x520, 98:65, capture_007_09042019_08091….jpg)

File: f23a8c8ea24a629⋯.jpg (378.29 KB, 1152x600, 48:25, capture_008_01052019_07220….jpg)

File: f9c407a8807fbc8⋯.jpg (426.17 KB, 1276x720, 319:180, capture_068_03102018_01080….jpg)

File: 5a51f604ec8ab27⋯.jpg (208.54 KB, 905x631, 905:631, capture_070_09042019_17511….jpg)

>You're walking in an unfamiliar city and come across five groups of their

>'citizens' (at different times) that night. What do your "street smarts" tell you?

87260e  No.6452494

File: 2522b0794b2ff62⋯.png (460.34 KB, 1023x556, 1023:556, whpresse.png)


Hundreds of journalists risk losing their White House press pass under a newly announced White House policy, though most would still be able to cover the West Wing.

The policy, included in a weekend email to reporters by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, would limit the number of people who can easily breeze past Secret Service to cover the White House in person on a moment's notice.

Sanders wrote that annual renewal processes for the badge, known as a "hard pass," would include reviewing of electronic records to ensure reporters visited the White House on 50 percent of days — something few do.

"A hard pass will not be renewed for any journalist whose badge-in records show that he or she was not present in the complex for at least 90 days in the 180-day window prior to expiration of the pass," Sanders said, claiming discretion to exempt "senior journalists serving as bureau chiefs or in a similar capacity" and "to review special circumstances, such as maternity leave."

Those without a hard pass must request a "day pass" beforehand, and then show a Secret Service agent a photo ID and press pass, as well as confirm their Social Security number. On days where there is a briefing or major event, the day pass line is clogged with confused newcomers, student journalists, and members of the foreign press.


Compost hack is whining about it https://archive.is/QIQ7I

23ef88  No.6452495


yea seems like it

I'll go as long as I can

cb09e2  No.6452496


Red - POTUS tie

White - Rubio shirt

Blue - Scott tie

8a6313  No.6452497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f64548  No.6452498

File: 352f85b9df93399⋯.jpeg (716.63 KB, 1915x1242, 1915:1242, 0E7BBC1C-3453-4159-9047-1….jpeg)

a508ab  No.6452499

File: 8b720ea8384c6cd⋯.png (246.18 KB, 1326x543, 442:181, ClipboardImage.png)


Lapis lazuli (/ˈlæpɪs ˈlæzjʊli, -laɪ/), or lapis for short, is a deep blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense color. As early as the 7th millennium BCE, lapis lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines,[1] in Shortugai, and in other mines in Badakhshan province in northeast Afghanistan.[2] Lapis was highly valued by the Indus Valley Civilisation (3300–1900 BC). Lapis beads have been found at Neolithic burials in Mehrgarh, the Caucasus, and even as far from Afghanistan as Mauritania.[3] It was used in the funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BCE).[4]

At the end of the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli began to be exported to Europe, where it was ground into powder and made into ultramarine, the finest and most expensive of all blue pigments. It was used by some of the most important artists of the Renaissance and Baroque, including Masaccio, Perugino, Titian and Vermeer, and was often reserved for the clothing of the central figures of their paintings, especially the Virgin Mary.

Today, mines in northeast Afghanistan are still the major source of lapis lazuli. Important amounts are also produced from mines west of Lake Baikal in Russia, and in the Andes mountains in Chile. Smaller quantities are mined in Italy, Mongolia, the United States, and Canada.

9a0eb6  No.6452500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A Day in May.

b843af  No.6452501


Why post so many videos when I am unwilling to watch? :-?

8a6313  No.6452502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

773a34  No.6452503


Most of the rifles appear to be standard hunting type stuff. Seems that they are removing a few military/AR style ones and placing separate for media photo shoot.

399f6c  No.6452504

File: 1e863a1d5caf947⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 320x222, 160:111, KING notw a.jpg)


Know a poor bastard who ate her pussy,

Said it looked like a brain.

1e7f41  No.6452505

Julian's Rum Twitter thread of possible connection to LA mansion weapons raid & fast and furious .


0f2967  No.6452506

Trump mentioned 502 when talking about Beto rally numbers.


10 U.S. Code§ 502.Enlistment oath

“I, __, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of theofficersappointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

189236  No.6452507

File: cb4f1eb2d557d51⋯.png (367.29 KB, 898x674, 449:337, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. indicts operators of 'dark web' drug referral service

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors have filed money laundering charges against two Israelis who allegedly made millions of dollars operating a website connecting customers to sellers of fentanyl, heroin, guns and other illegal goods, the Justice Department said on Wednesday. It said Tal Prihar, an Israeli living in Brazil, and Michael Phan, an Israeli living in Israel, owned and operated a website known as “DeepDotWeb,” or DDW. Robert Johnson, an assistant director of the FBI, said DDW operated for years as a “key gateway to the criminal underbelly” of the so-called dark web, or Darknet, economy. Scott Brady, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, where the federal charges were filed, called the case the “single most significant law enforcement disruption of the Darknet to date.”

The indictment alleges that the DDW referral service operated by Prihar and Phan connected hundreds of thousands of users to dark web marketplaces not accessible through traditional search engines which sold drugs including cocaine, heroin, crystal methamphetamine and fentanyl as well as assault rifles, hacking tools, stolen credit cards and other contraband. Investigators said Prihar and Phan received millions of dollars in kickbacks in the form of commissions on the proceeds of each sale resulting from a referral their website made to a dark web marketplace. Prihar was the administrator of DDW, and Phan was its technical expert.

The Justice Department said Prihar was arrested by French authorities in Paris on May 6 based on a U.S. request, while Phan was arrested in Israel on the same day on Israeli charges. A federal official said it was not clear how the U.S. prosecutors would move forward with their charges while the defendants remain outside the country.


9814f2  No.6452509


Graveyard baker here. Picked up the ghost last night and can pick this bread up later if no one else steps in (have some IRL stuff for an hour or two).

2acbc0  No.6452510


I just checked @ 12:51am EST

it's split evenly

50% / 50%

ecb764  No.6452511

File: c0abf5415c62e8a⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 480x270, 16:9, balewince.jpg)

de5e22  No.6452512


>Egyptian blue, also known as calcium copper silicate

Otherwise known as “turquoise” mined for thousands of years on Mount Sinai where it was processed as a secret geopolymer ingredient for making stone, such as basalt and limestone.

0c7dde  No.6452513

File: f17fd6c7dcca3f0⋯.png (949.11 KB, 977x677, 977:677, KEK WITH FRENS PCB.png)

File: 188c62b3b9277a9⋯.png (978.39 KB, 977x677, 977:677, PCB AF1.png)

File: 765fd5c6b835e10⋯.png (987.7 KB, 977x677, 977:677, ask yourself PCB.png)

File: 0dbd6ba1011db86⋯.png (933.88 KB, 977x677, 977:677, only in Qresearch pcb.png)





81061d  No.6452514



Eyes on!

399f6c  No.6452515

File: 56b0ad09499e5ff⋯.jpg (143.82 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, 56b0ad09499e5ff9030ab159bd….jpg)

File: 68af82ca7ed8462⋯.jpg (208.5 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, 68af82ca7ed8462993f3664a95….jpg)

File: a4477a9f88cef51⋯.jpg (174.06 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, a4477a9f88cef5153d848bed45….jpg)

File: aab4d0c333c2890⋯.jpg (141.37 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, aab4d0c333c28905a4ab81be72….jpg)

File: b53edf77c9a0b0e⋯.jpg (162.34 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, b53edf77c9a0b0ef84747e5370….jpg)

No we have not forgotten (you) masons.

91713e  No.6452516

File: 35f044f0ab2fa91⋯.jpg (392.75 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Coffee Frog Q.jpg)


kek as fuk

45cc89  No.6452517


>Said it looked like a brain.Must be high- made me kek

If that's where Martha's brain is, it explains a lot.

5402d3  No.6452518


An interesting thought occured while reading the info…

Light is responsible primarily for color…..

Wish I knew a little bit more about the spectrum…I feel somehow it is connected.

7bcb42  No.6452519

File: 8f23fab011834dd⋯.jpg (113.98 KB, 1024x784, 64:49, GettingCloser.jpg)


>derail research

Hmm, almost like your post(s) are doing.


8a6313  No.6452520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a508ab  No.6452521

File: 34715b228b06f58⋯.png (2.49 KB, 173x62, 173:62, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6452507 In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Pan (/pæn/;[1] Ancient Greek: Πάν, Pan) is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs.[2] He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, wooded glens and often affiliated with sex; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism.[3] The word panic ultimately derives from the god's name.

In Roman religion and myth, Pan's counterpart was Faunus, a nature god who was the father of Bona Dea, sometimes identified as Fauna; he was also closely associated with Sylvanus, due to their similar relationships with woodlands. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Pan became a significant figure in the Romantic movement of western Europe and also in the 20th-century Neopagan movement.

>Michael Phan

1357dc  No.6452522

Scavino, are you an insomniac?

8e72b4  No.6452523


Hunting is more like sniping from towers. I'm thinking they were going to try a Bolshevik Rev 2.0.

23ef88  No.6452524


Ok that sounds good, thank you baker.

I'll ghost handoff when needed, and when you're finished just search my ID: 23ef88

maybe another baker will come around and it isn't needed, but if so I'll leave an updated pastebin

1b0fa0  No.6452525


Where’s the petition?

8a6313  No.6452526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

277647  No.6452527


Concernfag waiting for the start.

Started long ago!

0620bf  No.6452528


Pigments differ from dyes in that they do not fade when exposed to light.

a492ad  No.6452530


Different crowns represent the life of the pharaoh and the last crown or Nemes headdress marks the conclusion of earthly life and the beginning of life hereafter.

The Nemes headdress or royal blue striped headdress isn't a real crown but a cloth that often covered a crown and the backside of the head. Two parts of the cloth hung downwards alongside the ears on the front side of the shoulders and on the backside the cloth was tied together in a braid and provided with rings.

The Nemes headdress of the death mask shows the combination of gold and lapis lazuli as well as the contrast and agreement between life (gold-sun-life) and death (heavenly stone lapis lazuli).


The nemyss is the ritual Egyptian head-dress of the pharaohs. It is best known from popular images of the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamen. The nemyss is a folded linen cloth that rises from the brow and hangs toward the shoulders. The nemyss is still in wide use today by Kemetic practitioners and a number of magickal orders, including various Golden Dawn reconstructions and in Thelemic rituals.

f39b2b  No.6452531

How is the fact that he followed up his usual human smuggling lines with


This is one of the most fundamental things to help people accept this reality. A frog boiled slowly.

021b3d  No.6452532

File: 2d56f716739739c⋯.png (249.31 KB, 512x496, 32:31, PepeSleepy.png)

Back at it again tomorrow anons

What a day:


Fat Jerry pitching a fit

Executive Privilege exercised

Interested to see if Joe DiGenova's recent prediction of two weeks on criminal indictments and/or the Comey Report is going to pop before Friday afternoon.

Off to get some great sleep, thanks to an anon who once suggested taking magnesium for insomnia. Works great.

a508ab  No.6452533

File: 3bd83f6def29469⋯.png (658.94 KB, 640x352, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3b1a2e6a1b0f39⋯.png (9.85 KB, 275x120, 55:24, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6452518 Interdasting

45cc89  No.6452534

File: 457cfe174190199⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, z flag.jpg)


>I just checked @ 12:51am EST it's split evenly

Bet they have an algo for this one.

8a6313  No.6452535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0620bf  No.6452536


Someone just paid for some votes on a botnet.

f92eb9  No.6452537


it has been closed…. not enough signatures.

563e7f  No.6452538

File: 4b344f00f1c1ac8⋯.jpeg (31.34 KB, 474x266, 237:133, image.jpeg)

eee6ee  No.6452539

File: 279c59321071215⋯.jpg (61.11 KB, 464x438, 232:219, CF.jpg)

File: c5130fabacddb46⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 466x327, 466:327, CF2.jpg)

File: a1e49107ec141e3⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 489x261, 163:87, CF3.jpg)

File: 8e1f1dc16aa2e06⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 494x525, 494:525, JP.jpg)

File: eaf0ed31b9572dc⋯.jpg (165.63 KB, 750x880, 75:88, MC.jpg)

don't anons know cassandra fairbanks is fake maga/maga coalition ilk? for fuck's sake how did she make it into the notables? she's talked shit about Q incessantly and even in the attached photo she purposely wrote "Q anon" to avoid search strings within the twatter algorithims. attached are a pic of her with Mike Cernovich, and then some random youtube interview where she's also beefing with Corsi. What was it Q said? Birds of a feather? MAGA coalition has a wide reach whether it is PM, Pamphlet, Patriots Soapbox, or Dilley-anons be weary. shit throw in loomer too and you have just another circus act like the one the MSM peddles daily.

I'd posit these fucks got together and part of their 'programming' was to pit these fake MAGA ppl against each other to pull on the heartstrings of those who just want to know the truth. entice ppl→knock them down→build them up-it's the definition of a sheepdog or sheepdogs. We, here, are MESSAGE over MESSENGER. fuck them.


"Cassandra Fairbanks is best known as a political activist, journalist and social media star who radically switched her political stance. She is a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump of the United States of America and works as a reporter for Sputnik News, a Russian state-funded news agency. Starting from 2016, Cassandra gained popularity when she kicked off the campaign “find the dancing man” to organizing and reporting protests for anti-police brutality, “Black Lives Matter” as well as anti-immigration. Let us discover more about her life and career."

"She was a strong supporter of socialist Bernie Sanders who was Hillary Clinton’s rival within the Democratic Party at the time and stopped at nothing in promoting him while on the other hand, she posted derogatory tweets about Donald Trump."

I was going to post the entire text from the article but honestly, I've wasted enough time on her. use your head anons. these people are all famefags who don't have you best interest at heart.

95ba2c  No.6452540

Is Marshall Mathers actually Eminem's real name?

Marshall Mathers could be Martial Matters.

2acbc0  No.6452541


It's my observation in an unscientific way,

we are making very little headway into the thinking of those who are asleep, or outright oppose us.

8a6313  No.6452542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

91713e  No.6452543

File: 1b589141a75a01c⋯.png (3.42 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Baker Badge Bread Q Alpha.png)


Baker Love

399f6c  No.6452544

File: 27b87cdb9fc7e4c⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download (1).jpg)

File: 564aa11e5fcb04c⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 768x432, 16:9, H120717A-0946-768x432.jpg)

File: 1f1da5c54c8a323⋯.png (279.58 KB, 583x367, 583:367, Screen_Shot_2016-03-01_at_….png)

File: cb35d78f68e2ac9⋯.jpg (47.41 KB, 545x817, 545:817, story_wide.jpg)


One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry fell under as shadow when a "pedowood insider" demonstrated unlikely connections between popular and beloved show business figures and evidence of their participation in the most atrocious crimes imaginable against childen and the vulnerable youth by the Children's Defense Fund a sham charity which claimed to be helping and protecting them."

News outlets can pick and choose from a mountain of celebs and their documented cult activities. We gathered this evidence in hopes that journalist would pay attention, and begin to write about it.

Perhaps there are a few legacy media journos who will draw the line at boycotting this story. There is no need to credit or even Q research. Indeed in the view of many higher authorities only complicit pedovores have an interest in NOT reporting this story.

search " Children's defense fund " & review options and angles for a story that's real, true and important and will generate exponential traffic growth to your site or channel.

search all Q research archives here:


Children's Defense Fund

Children's Defense Fund is a worldwide, satanist pedovore child trafficking and money laundering scam operation. CDF has branches in Africa Asia and the ME and it runs multiple front programs in impoverished, minority communities throughout the US.


Sample search product:

#2764810 at 2018-08-28 13:54:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3492: He Who did Not Depart on His Own Terms Edition

Following on from the Discussion yesterday about JJ Abrams.

I have found a massive link between him and HRC through the Children's defence fund, where HRC claimed she started working in 1973 before the Watergate investigation.

I have also shown links where she is buying and selling influence to this NPO and Lobbying group, by literally selling out to Goldman Sachs.

William Session, 4th Director of the FBI was fired by Bill Clinton on July 19th, 1993. Vince Foster was suicided on July 20th, 1993. Christopher Ruddy was a journalist that covered the murder (not suicide). Mike Wallace had Chris Ruddy on 60 minutes to cover the death and turned it into an attack on Ruddy's character. The highly edited interview was designed to attack Ruddy, not question the death of Vince Foster. Note: Foster was killed about two weeks after delivering the $250m cheque for the Children's defence fund to the Clintons from Leo Wanta.


Watch this video, Mike Wallace was dirty:


Chelsea Handler says" American women had a unique chance to vote for Hillary Clinton, the woman who started her career at the Children's defense fund defending the least among us? Chelsea is talking about the Children's Defense Fund, the largest and longest continually active Pedowood child procuring operation.



Children's defense fund is setting up a tax payer funded child abuse operation in Framingham.


CDF recently sold their longtime world Washington DC HQ, located conveniently close to Union Station in DC


This is the biggest Pedowood Pedovore jackpot ever. Behold:

Katzenberg and his lovely vvitch vife Marilyn



Q Research General #7483: BARR Wars II. DOJ Strikes Back - Principal Conclusions Not Today? Edition



more of the same - pedowood funded "Children's defense fund; cult child stealing operation


#5849357 at 2019-03-23 20:30:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7483: BARR Wars II. DOJ Strikes Back - Principal Conclusions Not Today? Edition


Q Research General #3111: Detective Edition

Late to the bread but digging on Clinton/James ties…

Lebron makes massive donations to the Children's defense fund


4d02a1  No.6452545

File: db602296a5a7fc6⋯.jpg (131.23 KB, 1280x538, 640:269, cap_La.Femme.Nikita.1990.7….jpg)

found it :D

a492ad  No.6452546

File: 208a8d3edf4d945⋯.jpg (201.41 KB, 689x1024, 689:1024, adjustment-thoth.jpg)

5402d3  No.6452547


h < t?

wow kek…

8a6313  No.6452548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a7633  No.6452549

File: ac22b0f0606ad5a⋯.png (326.59 KB, 592x749, 592:749, ClipboardImage.png)

Just another day at the Shrine

Right kind of Muslims kill 9 wrong kind of Muslims – Ramadan Day 3


1357dc  No.6452550


Why do they purposely do the ok-white power sign thing? Seems really stupid.

4d02a1  No.6452551

noticed the terry davis vegas shooting video was scrubbed from youtube, ill be posting soon.

8a6313  No.6452552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45cc89  No.6452553

File: 5d1e064ab427016⋯.png (329.28 KB, 740x386, 370:193, EMrc.png)

File: 7ecd3e287337e65⋯.png (120.41 KB, 994x564, 497:282, 911M..png)


>Is Marshall Mathers actually Eminem's real name?


0620bf  No.6452554

File: 9093875a1d03831⋯.png (25.01 KB, 854x504, 61:36, Capture.PNG)

1b0fa0  No.6452555


Good. These people are sick. That poor girl. Prayers.

8bf8fb  No.6452556


"Light Fantastic is the title of a television documentary series that explores the phenomenon of light"


8a6313  No.6452557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7bcb42  No.6452559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just fucking tell us already.

9814f2  No.6452560


Ok, I'll check in every so often. Pastebin or notes is fine, whatever's easy. If a baker arrives, great. Meanwhile, have a good one, o7.

95ba2c  No.6452561


All I'm asking is…

Will the REAL Slim Shady please stand up?

Because the clone theory is fun and all, but he's a really easy guy to look and sound like.

Especially with a team of writers and producers like the House of Gaga.

6e13d8  No.6452562


Google catalogs 5%-10% of websites that are out there.

The 90% Google doesn't catalog is the Darknet.

The FBI busts 1 website out of the 90% and calls it significant?

Is the FBI bad at math?

07e863  No.6452563


fuck off anjel. U may as well be plugging ranon faggot.

9a0eb6  No.6452564

File: e9f0a5a2b567af9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 719x529, 719:529, capture_215_11042019_01055….png)

File: b5370e01888988b⋯.jpg (211.95 KB, 1026x527, 1026:527, capture_221_11042019_01115….jpg)



1b0fa0  No.6452566

Oh wait i mis-read. BAD. “Not enough signatures.”

4d02a1  No.6452567

File: eda2148308b6105⋯.png (366.26 KB, 699x504, 233:168, whiterabbit.png)


sauce: without me eminem

8ee62a  No.6452568

>>6452143 (PB) Anon on "Magic Mushroom" pills and cures

Great! I know it cures also alcoholism, same kind of way

23ef88  No.6452569

Notables so far


>>6452352 Juan Guaido's Deputy Arrested

>>6452361 250K Migrant Families Apprehended by Feds in 2019

>>6452384, >>6452400 Moar on Gun Seize property owner: Cynthia Beck

>>6452389 Video of Gun Raid from today

>>6452393 Active Shooter Drills in St. Charles Missouri

>>6452416, >>6452423 Epoch times on RR

>>6452457 Day 2 of trial against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere (news clip at the link)

>>6452549 Right kind of Muslims kill 9 wrong kind of Muslims – Ramadan Day 3



you too baker and understood, probably be heading out around 300 posts.

will link to your latest post and give an updated pastebin

a508ab  No.6452570

File: fa747667d040b48⋯.png (540.33 KB, 844x475, 844:475, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6452554 We have the servers (outside this world)

… Kek

8a6313  No.6452571

File: 1cf00aa44a13db5⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_0042.JPG)

8a6313  No.6452572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5402d3  No.6452573


That is basically why he is well known…relative connectivity…

Not saying he SHOULD be well known, say he certainly either understands it or is simply naturally a "connective" person at rest.

Funny how fame works, especially with internet.

816730  No.6452574

Rashida Tlaib sets dates for congressional visit to West Bank

Tlaib, a Palestinian American, proposed the trip last year after she was elected to Congress for the first time.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., set the dates for her congressional visit to the West Bank.

Tlaib, a Palestinian American, proposed the trip last year after she was elected to Congress for the first time as a counterbalance to Israel trips organized by the American Israel Education Foundation, an affiliate of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

On Wednesday, Jewish Insider posted the flier that Tlaib was distributing to promote the Aug. 17-22 trip.

A sponsor appears to be the Humpty Dumpty Institute, a development nonprofit.

Reps. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., the majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., the minority leader, are set to lead the AIEF trips for their respective party’s freshmen this summer.


8a6313  No.6452575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4d02a1  No.6452576

File: def6269894244c1⋯.png (282.82 KB, 559x579, 559:579, whiterabbit2.png)

0620bf  No.6452577


I'm just waiting to see if they kill t_d so I can watch voat, gab, etc all crash again.

9083ea  No.6452578


Keystones on all of the kiddie abusers doorways. Blue and white stripes.

Sometimes red doors.

Wonder if there is a difference between the keystone doors and the red doors.

8a6313  No.6452579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



4d02a1  No.6452580

File: bcc6a9ca7d9a98e⋯.png (419.31 KB, 579x575, 579:575, bread.png)

source: orange manga

816730  No.6452581

File: a91562a411b24e7⋯.png (429.84 KB, 722x928, 361:464, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf88a00017cb632⋯.png (14.08 KB, 645x136, 645:136, ClipboardImage.png)

Venezuelan Authorities Initiate Public Dialogue on Economic Development – Maduro

Venezuelan authorities will engage the general public in discussions on the economic development of the crisis-hit country, President Nicolas Maduro has said.

In an address, broadcast live on Twitter on Wednesday, Maduro said that 4 and 5 May were "the great national days of dialogue", when representatives of all branches of the government discussed changes to the strategy of the country’s development and sought to create a special development plan.

"I have initiated a process of dialogue with the public in an effort to create a plan of action, reconstruction and change in the Bolivarian Revolution. I need a plan … for changing the economic and political life of the country completely. The first events happened on Saturday and Sunday and they were very interesting. Now, I want such public meetings to be held at the end of this week, and thousands of public meetings to be held in order to hear the people, their criticism and suggestions […] People know everything", Maduro said.


abbfee  No.6452582

In general, I would suggest to anyone playing this game called life that they shouldn't get too attached to anyone they meet.

It's sort of like when you find a stray dog, the chances are that somebody is missing this dog and will want it back.

In the case of humans that "someone" is Death.

d92e87  No.6452583

File: 3030bd2fdff49e1⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1072x713, 1072:713, ClipboardImage.png)



Tick Tock

100 B.C. computer

8a6313  No.6452584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3bb0f4  No.6452585

File: 8711c77b78142c2⋯.jpg (255.99 KB, 1280x810, 128:81, CNN CIRCUS ALL STAR-WOLF.jpg)

Here's the first in a Series of Digs for Little Known Facts About CNN Figures (I refuse to call them newsmen, or journalists).

WOLF BLITZER-From the Milfuegos Blog



Saturday, October 24, 2009

CIA was focused on American journalist Wolf Blitzer in Israel

WMR has learned from a former top official of the CIA station at the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv that in the late 1970s, a young and "impudent" American correspondent for the Jerusalem Post first came to the attention of the CIA because of his attempts to paint the Camp David peace accords between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, brokered by President Jimmy Carter, in a bad light. The correspondent was also seen by the CIA station as being too close to the Israeli intelligence apparatus, mainly because of his simultaneous work on behalf of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), seen by the CIA at the time as a cipher for Israeli intelligence in the United States.

The journalist in question was Wolf Blitzer, who is now CNN's top man for its Washington news bureau. The former CIA officer said that in his dealings with Blitzer, the American journalist always showed an air of "arrogance."

Blitzer's unique role as both a journalist and a public relations man for AIPAC gave him unique insight into the Israel Lobby in Washington since he was an integral part of it. in a March 24, 1993, article in the Jerusalem Post, Blitzer sounded a warning bell about a member of Congress who had been tapped as George H. W. Bush's new Defense Secretary and seemed to be wavering on support for Israel, especially in light of the Jonathan Pollard spy case.

From Blitzer's report we have the following: "A day after Jonathan Jay Pollard was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to spying for Israel, Richard Cheney, then a congressman from Wyoming, and a few other members of the House Intelligence Committee received a high-level classified briefing from the Central Intelligence Agency. Cheney, the new secretary of defence in the Bush administration, emerged from that closed-door session to tell reporters that he did not believe that Pollard was part of any unauthorized Israeli operation. 'I don't think it was a rogue operation,' he said on March 5, 1987. 'I think it was a major, very successful penetration of the U.S. government and our intelligence agencies by the Israeli government.' He said that such behaviour 'doesn't behoove an ally,' adding: 'I don't think we've heard the last of it.'"

Blitzer continued on reporting on Cheney's rant against Israel. ""On the one hand," he [Cheney] said, "Israel pleads a special relationship with the United States, and on the other hand, they run a major intelligence operation against us. There isn't much they couldn't get if they asked for it, but they chose not to do it that way, and I think the Israeli government ought to know that some of us are deeply concerned about that kind of conduct.'"

Blitzer also noted Cheney's support for U.S. arms sales to Arab countries: "On the sensitive matter of U.S. arms sales to Arab countries, including Jordan and Saudi Arabia, he almost always has voted in favour. And most observers here believe that he will almost certainly follow in the footsteps of his Pentagon predecessors in pushing for additional large-scale weapons transfers to moderate Arab countries." And Blitzer bemoaned the fact that Cheney had not had very much interaction with AIPAC, other Jewish lobbying groups, and Jews in general: "Because he represented a very small state with only a handful of Jews, Cheney did not have to deliver many major addresses on Israel. 'He hasn't thought about the subject too much,' one Capitol Hill source said."

Blitzer continues to act as Israel's gatekeeper at CNN, determining what spokespeople will represent the Palestinian and other Arab views on the increasingly propaganda-oriented cable news network.

4d02a1  No.6452586


ribbit, kek

189236  No.6452587


It's probably more the reason to shut the FBI down, or remove all top brass and start over. Wray is completely useless and hasn't shown improvement in that department on any level imo. With the right people, those things would have long been shut down already.

a508ab  No.6452588

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6452518 Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature?

0620bf  No.6452589


Can we just send a B2 with a jdam to wherever maduro happens to be standing and be done with it?

773a34  No.6452590


maybe thought a simple bolt action would be better for braindead ANTIFA activist to operate

8a6313  No.6452591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











4d02a1  No.6452592

ok guise, bunker still not built all the way, 7 days inglander

30a71e  No.6452593

File: d0dbdd892cbebae⋯.png (326.73 KB, 495x452, 495:452, Fairbanks re Cops.PNG)

File: 6068324f4a5afab⋯.png (226.82 KB, 735x600, 49:40, CFairbanks NWO Wiki.PNG)

File: 1160c951c920a0b⋯.png (712.23 KB, 604x610, 302:305, 1 Posobiec AJ Kavanugh Hea….PNG)


>don't anons know cassandra fairbanks is fake maga/maga coalition ilk?

for fuck's sake how did she make it into the notables?

Anons know she is garbage

Why did bakers add Gorkas Radio show with link to Notables but not Hannitys when Hannity was live speakign with John Solomon

Why is there a hard push to make Posobiec a news source and Notable as the source when many many other reputable persons including the original source posted the same info and Posobiec acted like he discovered it

Why is Fake MAGA Gateway pundit put in Notables?

Posobiecs girlfriend Fairbanks is a whore available to the highest bidder

It is my understanding she supports Tulsi Gabbard now after having been Fake MAGA and before that for Bernie

Hard push for all the Fake MAGA andf MOS operatives to be in Notables and the Bakers do it

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm????

8a6313  No.6452594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9d4237  No.6452595

Holy Shit. Just watched the first episode of the new HBO show "Chernobyl"…..fuckin terrifying.

3c1cc4  No.6452596


because the controllers have been setting the stage for that play and pulling the puppet strings.

The natural order is prosperity, abundance and peace but they want us to think we're savages descended from monkeys who deserve to be punished.

816730  No.6452597


Then what put the C_A puppet in place? FFS

Fix the US first then others will follow instead of endless war!

1f159c  No.6452598


Assassinating heads of state is frowned upon by the international community.

8a6313  No.6452599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a492ad  No.6452600


So criticism of Wolf Blitzer is antisemitism.

26056c  No.6452601

File: 0dcfe48ee69a249⋯.png (12.46 KB, 324x125, 324:125, Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at ….png)

File: c1578094e50987c⋯.png (172.07 KB, 546x825, 182:275, Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at ….png)

>>6451640 Tens of millions of Americans in 43 states exposed to toxic chemicals (PFAS) - related to Q drop 1010 (pb)

Also, Comes was a "chemist".

Also, anons check the caps! I got

>Be Q

in the post cap and

>Be Q

in the 24 hour cap.

816730  No.6452602


unless you are Israel and the leader is American

f8287b  No.6452603

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

Enjoy the show!


The unhyphenated kickoff is the preferred spelling in American English.

The hyphenated kick-off is the preferred spelling in British English.

8a6313  No.6452604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c2c538  No.6452605

File: 6f054c1391b5138⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1818x1218, 303:203, NewsomeGetty.png)

File: b33b847f0e57a8e⋯.png (171.03 KB, 2058x924, 49:22, Donations.png)


Reminder: The Gettys bankrolled Gov Newsome's political career.


07e863  No.6452606


intl community didnt seem to care when hrc and obama took out ghadaffi.

0620bf  No.6452607


The international community that depends on US market access for it's continued existence?

How boring.

4a7633  No.6452608

File: e6b64c5780c35b2⋯.png (389.79 KB, 553x493, 553:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb2fe95e2eac37b⋯.png (5.4 KB, 554x67, 554:67, ClipboardImage.png)

sad, weird and WTF

9-year-old accused of shooting, killing mom

News report video…

Bio mother was on meth, and was raised for some time by her… like getting a damaged dog

My question - what kind of mental health drugs were they pumping him with?


8a6313  No.6452609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

afee77  No.6452610

Anons judge for yourselves.

Pompeo's comments are frightening.

NOTABLE. Red text? Dont care.

have a listen.


cb09e2  No.6452611

File: 4689c91ab427434⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 389x218, 389:218, TrumpTweetBill.jpg)

File: 0a67c24eacc346d⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 804x456, 67:38, TrumpTweetStock.jpg)

POTUS isn't kidding about the power of his tweets. Just today, armed with only a couple of tweets, he was able to stop a bill sponsored by Pocahontas and raise a stock's price by 200%.



55a131  No.6452612


and Don Jr. Girlfriend is the ex-wife of Newsome

563e7f  No.6452613

File: 688b338dd065158⋯.jpeg (20.31 KB, 150x266, 75:133, image.jpeg)


Well done, anon!

Let the truth be made known!

And justice prevail!

2040ee  No.6452614

File: 7d1da9d3640bc21⋯.png (202.94 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D104920C-B276-4005-AFB4-B7….png)

File: 81f86e33cf6168d⋯.png (310.6 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A7AA9EFF-572B-4BCD-B522-37….png)

File: 34b0101449e7621⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 94CDB7E4-746E-4A84-8A5B-36….png)

Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this is POTUS’ tweet tonight, and the HRC WikiLeaks email his photo ID number opened. Look at the subject, I think he is congratulating us on figuring it out. “Good luck on a good start.”

c50b48  No.6452615


I would say there is a meth dealer in that town if you got groups of people just hanging out on the street.

3bb0f4  No.6452616

File: 8711c77b78142c2⋯.jpg (255.99 KB, 1280x810, 128:81, CNN CIRCUS ALL STAR-WOLF2.jpg)


Whoops, forgot the sauce link-


4d02a1  No.6452617

File: 9023ffcb5232e4e⋯.png (198.16 KB, 696x417, 232:139, muhdick.png)

File: 57e49649e9a24ae⋯.png (412.77 KB, 705x461, 705:461, nirvana.png)

9a0eb6  No.6452618

File: bab2a079666219b⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1482x928, 741:464, capture_105_28092018_07433….png)

File: ca3d08b6901d102⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1402x846, 701:423, capture_479_28092018_10281….png)

File: 857a8e9e3ce7830⋯.png (1.28 MB, 823x542, 823:542, capture_504_28092018_10430….png)



>Possible to identify Lucifer worshipers?

c64481  No.6452619

File: e873a57fa0a9b35⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1125x656, 1125:656, 03E8C3BC-17F0-465F-B9C0-26….png)

8e72b4  No.6452620

File: dafcdca20b8e809⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 736x980, 184:245, 2e540707fb94755c9eebd4a661….jpg)

File: 29430832db94cd5⋯.jpg (189.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, apleppomosque.jpg)

File: 92745107f4c9c83⋯.jpg (180.51 KB, 720x772, 180:193, c1b0fd80fd78fd1e940b9b211e….jpg)

File: e60a0aa2bd45e26⋯.jpg (119.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, iur.jpg)


Not sure but definite resemblance to Islamic mosques and décor in the middle east.

8a6313  No.6452621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2dfdd  No.6452622


Nobody cares because they’re not hungry….

Hopefully Gen Z can step up.

30a71e  No.6452623

File: fe8488ea31ae0e2⋯.png (35.79 KB, 601x310, 601:310, Rudy re Comey 5-8-19 10 01….PNG)

File: 3011e4520e3ac7f⋯.png (282.54 KB, 709x905, 709:905, Archive Rudy re Comey 5-8-….PNG)

Comey told @realDonaldTrump that Steele dossier was unverified.

But he had it for 5 months after and never tried to verify it.

If he did he would have found out that Steele had not been in Russia for at least 7 years. He deliberately avoided discovering the truth.



[Rudy often deletes his tweets // reason for the archive]

5402d3  No.6452624


A show of power? Meaning "patriots in charge?"

Stands out a bit.

3bb0f4  No.6452625


Only part-antisemetism. He's not a 100% Jew.

8a6313  No.6452626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4d02a1  No.6452627

File: 2dda6215900c176⋯.png (286.75 KB, 313x457, 313:457, mueller.png)


8a6313  No.6452628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45cc89  No.6452629

File: a4a97327b0a5738⋯.jpg (64.62 KB, 474x548, 237:274, tvRED.jpg)


> Just watched the first episode of the new HBO show "Chernobyl"…..fuckin terrifying.

It's working.

What a waste.

23579e  No.6452630

POTUS, i'm giddy for november 3rd

you hyped me up for this special day

55a131  No.6452631


What do you mean?

4a7633  No.6452632

File: ee2a89d18c281d3⋯.png (20.25 KB, 607x351, 607:351, ClipboardImage.png)

Something you commonly stumble on

ironic that the TV affiliate is KARE 11 (sounds a lot like CAIR)


9a0eb6  No.6452633

0620bf  No.6452634


That's a mosque in aleppo.

"The Great Mosque of Aleppo" to be exact.

8eb412  No.6452635

>>6451894 (pb)

Good work.

8bf8fb  No.6452636


Do you even know what not been catalogued by search engines means? It just means private server. You set up a home server for family a club or whatever using only ip address and set the robot script to not search and not caching and that's it, dark web. Password protect it to block bad behaving robots and now it's deep dark web.

Wheter or not a single catch by the FBI is dignificant or not has to do with the size and scope of its operation and nothing else.

fd0489  No.6452637

File: 1c92c0a41547554⋯.png (218.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, InternetOfTruth.png)

cb09e2  No.6452638


Good thinking. Nice.

4d02a1  No.6452639

File: 39f3e2373d54396⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 1280x538, 640:269, cap_La.Femme.Nikita.1990.7….jpg)

File: 3747da4f2cea4aa⋯.jpg (130.95 KB, 1280x538, 640:269, cap_La.Femme.Nikita.1990.7….jpg)

mk zone

a492ad  No.6452640

File: 4dc3f2f47a12b0a⋯.jpg (124.04 KB, 937x650, 937:650, il_fullxfull.179713804.jpg)

06f79a  No.6452641



82c5ed  No.6452642


It's not OK. It's not white power (just another Jew term). It's the King Sign. 666. Let's their handlers know they are still in the club.

9a0eb6  No.6452643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e72b4  No.6452644


Not a religionfag but…and this is just postulating…are Islam and masonry and/or Judaism similar in any way??

4d02a1  No.6452645


whoa, ping cough!

45cc89  No.6452646

File: 3d74d9e409a44fc⋯.png (69.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, begin.png)


>What do you mean?

You watched fear porn propaganda. By choice. And you not only paid the cable company for the right to watch it but paid a premium to HBO.

Happiness doesn't come from a tv.

ee2b5d  No.6452647


ive found Masonry has very little to do with Islam, though it does take a lot of info from Judaism and Christianity.

0620bf  No.6452648


They all originate from semitic cultures.

563e7f  No.6452649

File: 8476d9e07cc1a3f⋯.jpeg (23.73 KB, 187x255, 11:15, image.jpeg)


Pleasant dreams anon!

9d4237  No.6452650


No one said I have a TV

55a131  No.6452651


I watch Game of Thrones probably closer to the truth than Chernobyl. At least Game of Thrones has Giants and dragons

3c1cc4  No.6452652


is that your original painting?

cb09e2  No.6452653


Something to watch. Minneapolis is the New Mecca here in the US. Terror plot thwarted?

5f0ef8  No.6452654

File: 02d2e519c954b08⋯.png (75.1 KB, 362x573, 362:573, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc78ec13b06d9c2⋯.png (65.39 KB, 363x852, 121:284, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b46205b227e77c4⋯.png (32.97 KB, 368x331, 368:331, ClipboardImage.png)


made to NOTABLES in /lb

The FIGHT against "BIG Pharma" aka "greek: pharmakia" "PHARMA [CLAS-D]"

Your HEALTH and Well Being are INFRINGED.

QPost # 2847 {5:5? Q} & 1010 {<== 5:5} & Q+twatr T-10 {5:5}

55a131  No.6452655


Hamtrack Michigan

914543  No.6452656

File: 2e9639a332886b3⋯.png (63.68 KB, 726x227, 726:227, Cecil.png)

File: 6b47998b12b2ffb⋯.png (61.17 KB, 873x165, 291:55, Hitler.png)

File: f25af0cb9e6ae6f⋯.jpg (92.74 KB, 720x719, 720:719, HITLER WITH RHODES.jpg)

The Rothschild bank funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company.

Rhodes was groomed by Rothschild's to fuel nazi movement in Germany.

Hitler=Rothschild puppet

6a9a6b  No.6452657



Dragons made out of paper. This season is the worst yet. These jokers are headed over to crap on star wars now.

fd18cc  No.6452658

Trump's Tax Return Gambit.

1. Trump knew they would go after his tax returns.

2. Trump planned for this Presidency for years.

3. Therefore Trump would have been generous with taxes.

4. So that he would look good when he let them out.

5. And then "they" would see theirs "leaked" out.

6. Creating a pretext for all politicians going forward.

7. 5 years of returns for every elected official or candidate.

8. Plus returns for all foundations, law firms & trusts.

9. Plus returns for all spouses, parents & siblings.

10. Plus no book deals etc for 5 years after office.

dd863a  No.6452659


How many attempts on Trump now? With 5 eyes Italy and Germany likely involved……

06f79a  No.6452660

File: ee1c9390a4bdf8a⋯.png (361.53 KB, 608x609, 608:609, ClipboardImage.png)


Pan is a representation of Sat[]n. The reason he is portrayed as a faun (Pan/Sat[]) is because the planet Sat[]n resides in the constellatoin of Capricorn.

563e7f  No.6452661


The blue used on the temple on Epstein Island?

9d4237  No.6452662




First. I dont have a TV. Second, I have researched Chernobyl and this show didnt do the research Justice. The research is way more terrifying

bf8c80  No.6452663

File: 58290a90bdc1dc2⋯.jpg (255.58 KB, 970x728, 485:364, 970px-Duomo_di_siena,_cupo….JPG)

File: 379295901e30c20⋯.jpg (173.24 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 600px-Toscana_Siena4_tango….jpg)

File: af9c55e61247251⋯.jpg (219.82 KB, 970x728, 485:364, 970px-Siena.Duomo.pulpit02.jpg)



55a131  No.6452664


The first 4 seasons were good.. Up there with Breaking..

I can never understand when Hollywood has a winning formula they kill it and then spend tons of money and 100's of tries to find another winning show.

acf8b5  No.6452665


>>You're walking in an unfamiliar city and come across five groups of their

>>'citizens' (at different times) that night. What do your "street smarts" tell you?

lets assume it is past midnight approaching witching hour. looking at the 5 pictures, I would say you can identify the group by demeanor and comoposition:

Whitehouse behind him bevy of young women→ nxvim style or maybe eastern star

roby: all women aides looking glazed over a coven, a coven of peers?

Feinstein all women with spread among ages. I would guess traditional Luciferian if the woman on the right indicates anything. Her eyes look downward like a beta deferring to an alpha.

Durbin Ill just guess masonic

waters: looking at the face of aide behind her I'll just guess: spooky? maybe some crazy shit even by i am a dc aide and ive seen some shit standards.

0620bf  No.6452666


Actually it was the other way around. Cecil's vision was anglo domination of the world.

Go pick up a copy of tragedy and hope.

4a7633  No.6452667

File: 8f3ad02c26353af⋯.png (209.39 KB, 513x634, 513:634, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d401863bff54b77⋯.png (394.65 KB, 515x748, 515:748, ClipboardImage.png)

this is pretty Kekky


Outrage as NYPD union protests De Blasio and Cuomo's congestion charge hike by 'accidentally' tweeting graphic video of two men engaging in sex act on subway platform


c64481  No.6452668


Saddam man bad

06f79a  No.6452669

File: 95e216a1522cdb4⋯.png (451.81 KB, 634x523, 634:523, ClipboardImage.png)


I believe Iron Eagle and Y-head may both refer to ISIS, daughter of Saturn

7bcb42  No.6452670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Well, I've seen Eminem talk, kick off talk, and now ricin in one bread.

Guess this "free style" by Eminem posted Nov 2018 is just a coincidence.

8:14 mark(among other clues) drops a bar "put ricin on toothpicks"

>Eminem - "Kick Off" (Freestyle)

06f79a  No.6452671

File: 9414297477104b8⋯.png (275.12 KB, 504x403, 504:403, ClipboardImage.png)

bec09d  No.6452672


Holy shit!!! Top kek!!

d76a02  No.6452673

File: eec14db5741c8b2⋯.jpg (135.44 KB, 658x739, 658:739, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 761a8d296b15fc9⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 653x249, 653:249, 1a.JPG)

Intel that prompted US to deploy aircraft carrier to Middle East ‘came from Israel’


4a7633  No.6452674


you might have something, Anon

06f79a  No.6452675

File: 840e61ab6d2c546⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1903x646, 1903:646, ClipboardImage.png)


Iron Eagle

every one of these organizations is represented by the god Sat[]n, through ISIS

bec09d  No.6452676


It's all Egyptian bullshit.

e4f976  No.6452677



>>>6451640 Tens of millions of Americans in 43 states exposed to toxic chemicals (PFAS) - related to Q drop 1010

a good article with important info, but one facet that should be mentioned individually rather than lumped into the category of "personal care" is goddamn toothpaste. it's nearly impossible finding a toothpaste that doesn't contain flouride. i switched years ago to brushing only with baking soda. i would rather have a homemade recipe for toothpaste, but to make a good one, sourcing the ingredients is a pain in the ass.

8e72b4  No.6452678



Hmm so Islamic mosques seem to have black and gold and the Epstein/Getty stuff seems to have a lapis blue with gold. What's the meaning of this??

591c07  No.6452679

563 days since October 27, 2017

6 million+ posts

8250 breads

thousands of anons working diligently spending hundreds of thousands of hours

thousands of memes produced

House of Reps lost

2 years of bullshit Mueller report

The Pope was supposed to have a bad May–maybe it's this year.

Contempt charges

Sleazy Dems running amok

And no deep state arrests. HRC still running her mouth. Hussein still doing his thing. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rice, Jarrett, Holder, Biden, walking around with their smug, elitist looks.

But we will keep digging because the more we dig the more we find out who the deep state players are and how many of them are out there.

But we are only human. We need to see some of these people go down. We need to see the pain. Hopefully the momentum starts to build when Comey sings, the IG report comes out, and declas starts. Maybe this is the train into 2020. I hope and pray every day when I wake up that some of the 90,000+ indictments are served.

32f3a3  No.6452680

File: f7898182295bd6a⋯.jpg (29.84 KB, 301x449, 301:449, Nadler is They.JPG)



23ef88  No.6452681

File: 5a8eb44ebf4cf90⋯.png (631.59 KB, 761x446, 761:446, OPcolor.png)



Updated Pastebin:


Ghost Handoff™ in effect

If a new baker or the baker who is currently busy comes, point them to the dough above.

Thanks anon, have a good night.

773a34  No.6452682

File: 14a913231dfc4ff⋯.jpg (69 KB, 612x612, 1:1, a29db075f8f94817833fad91d4….jpg)


Are funny hats Muslim ?

6c46f6  No.6452683


The temple on Epstein island has the same exact designs as the last image in your post. I’m phonefagging or id show you an example

adea0c  No.6452684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



WOOD TV8 | Michigan

55a131  No.6452685


and the richer are getting richer

6a9a6b  No.6452686


That's because they were working on the source material from Martin. Martin got lazy and wasn't providing source material before the episodes were ready to film so it was up to dumb and dumber to make stories out of outlines while snorting coke and partying on a yacht while taking suggestions from the snowflakes on twitter. That's why we are left with a cat fight between a drunken soccer mom housewife and a throne crazy Valyrian chick.

9ffba3  No.6452687

File: cff2986db62d8b4⋯.png (564.16 KB, 580x679, 580:679, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anyway if it goes off the charts you probably won't have the time to captcha and post.


591c07  No.6452688


He's like John Wick. the more they come at him the more he'll lay them out.

3bd063  No.6452689


I'm guessing that (((he))) didn't get the memo.

a492ad  No.6452690


Another anon said the striped door reminded him of Egypt.

I couldn't find more connection than the striped nemes headdress,

and Egyptians liked Lapis Lazuli and developed the blue pigment which looks like it.

e4f976  No.6452691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ISIS, daughter of Saturn

the planet we today call Venus


>It's all Egyptian bullshit.

not so much, fren. it's a cosmological record written in a symbolic language that most people (myself included) don't know how to translate. the thunderbolts project does a good enough job of that for my taste. david talbott's comparative mythology is a boon for explaining a lot of the symbolism.


de7efc  No.6452692

File: cc73b1a17df4dc7⋯.jpeg (57.44 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 7714CCD4-80BE-439A-A6E6-C….jpeg)

I honestly want to know who he takes orders from/works for. Honestly.

06f79a  No.6452693


1) it gets called "Egyptian" but the traditions appear to predate the Egyptian people, just like the pyramids (those were clearly built by someone else because they tried to imitate and failed horribly)

2) The symbols indicate two aspects of Sat[ur/a]n the planet that you can't know without astronomy a) the black cube on it's north pole which is the hexagram, star of Remphan (Pan) b) it's rings.

Sat[]n is known as "The Lord of the Rings" someone was able to see his rings before we had telescopes (according to our history)

b049f8  No.6452694

Video shows Nxivm cult leader preaching about sex with children


Accused Nxivm sex cult leader Keith Raniere’s teachings to his female followers included discussions of sex with children as young as 12, according to a disturbing video shown Wednesday in his sex trafficking trial.

6c46f6  No.6452695

File: 6ea6ee676ba163b⋯.jpeg (45.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, D88EFCDF-CC27-4799-A7C7-C….jpeg)

86d128  No.6452696

File: dc684f80ca0f346⋯.mp4 (1004.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Six ways Sunday.mp4)

"If you take on the intelligence community they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at ya"

bf8c80  No.6452697


It's Babylonian/Phoenician/Egyption luciferianism. It's also why we see the same symbolism in various banks, government buildings and Mason lodges

It predates Muslims

0620bf  No.6452698


Most of the world is involved in one way or another because the US is pulling out of bretton woods and they're pissed that trump is leveraging their dependence on US naval power securing the oceans and access to our markets and they don't like having to pay for what they've been getting for free since the end of WWII

a508ab  No.6452699

>>6452588 Why Is Blue So Rare In Nature?

>>6452671 color is structure/pigment

06f79a  No.6452700



Temple of Set?

591c07  No.6452701



9b086a  No.6452702

File: a8fcca596dfcccd⋯.jpg (164.23 KB, 900x1346, 450:673, IMG_8437.JPG)

189236  No.6452703

File: 9915c95afae2655⋯.png (774.74 KB, 819x546, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Matt Gaetz will face Florida Bar grievance committee for tweet about Michael Cohen's 'girlfriends'

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., will face a grievance committee in the Florida Bar's investigation of his intimidating tweet about former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. The Florida Bar said on Wednesday that the panel, described by the Tampa Bay Times as being akin to a grand jury, will take the case up from the initial review and decide if there was probable cause that Gaetz, who is licensed to practice law in Florida, violated state rules for lawyers. The association, as the highest governing body over licensed lawyers in Florida, was tasked with investigating dozens of complaints issued by Florida lawyers against Gaetz, including intimidation of a witness.

Guidelines published by the Florida Bar stipulate Florida's Supreme Court will have the final say on sanctions, if any, including disbarment. “Congressman Gaetz remains confident that the Florida Bar will not impair his vigorous and successful representation of his district," Gaetz's spokeswoman Jillian Lane Wyant told the Washington Examiner.

In late February, the night before Cohen was set to testify to the House Oversight Committee about his work for President Trump, Gaetz asked Cohen on Twitter: "Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…" Gaetz, who made an appearance at the hearing despite not being a member of the committee, deleted the tweet and apologized for it, claiming he never meant to threaten anybody. In a phone call reported by Vanity Fair, the congressman told Cohen he chose his words "poorly" in his text.

“Congressman Gaetz, I cannot thank you enough for your message," Cohen wrote back. "The tweet, sadly, has only made a bad situation worse … not only for my wife but for my children as well. With your permission, I would like to share your message with my wife and children. Hopefully, it will bring a little peace to their damaged life. We all make mistakes especially in this crazy partisan time. Thank you again for your text and I hope that the tweet does not cause you any harm. If it does, and there is anything I can do to help you correct it, please feel free to reach out and I would be happy to assist.” Cohen, who pleaded guilty to a handful of crimes, including bank fraud, lying to Congress, and illegal campaign contributions, began his three-year prison sentence Monday.


dd863a  No.6452704


Martin wasn't lazy. If you have read the books they are complex, not like a normal spy thriller book.

6a9a6b  No.6452705


We need to track down the Architect and contractor who built that to find out the full details of that place

bf8c80  No.6452706


He's doing it on purpose

7bcb42  No.6452707

File: 261ad09d4204963⋯.png (149.21 KB, 1885x694, 1885:694, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Buy ….png)



Probably not related but I do see the Y symbolism.

Few other digs have led back to big tobacco behind some pretty nefarious shit.

MKCelebs could be used as 'signalers' to send messages in plain sight.

07a9aa  No.6452708


It probably even predates the Babylonians. Unknown and unwritten history, the most occult of occult.

357781  No.6452709

File: ae446880cbb5ac1⋯.png (413.13 KB, 847x870, 847:870, Durant_TrumpCurseStikesAga….png)

Trump Curse Strikes Again

55a131  No.6452710


I was thinking the same thing..

e4f976  No.6452711


> It's also why we see the same symbolism in various banks, government buildings and Mason lodges

i disagree somewhat. i think it's better to insert a forked branch here. for that aspect, it becomes the matter that Q is trying to highlight - the sekrit club who takes these things and twists them into committing acts of evil and lofting disproportionate political power.

cb09e2  No.6452712


Not saying there's a connection here, but isn't it interesting that the email mentions kick-off and this tweet mentions kick-off and insurance.


591c07  No.6452713


fuckin hot for an old broad

a6a722  No.6452714

File: 6359a0d68358f07⋯.jpg (3.58 MB, 2586x2486, 1293:1243, Q^X-ViV.jpg)



07e863  No.6452715


The Pharisees have subverted all of them.

cb09e2  No.6452716

File: 113f4a2ba825857⋯.jpg (154.01 KB, 748x1150, 374:575, KPencetweet.jpg)


Here's the tweet

30a71e  No.6452717


>Matt Gaetz will face Florida Bar grievance committee for tweet about Michael Cohen's 'girlfriends'

Perhaps he can talk about it on Gorkas show

He likes going on Gorkas show and tweets about Gorka often

He is a Florida rep

He wasn't in the pic on AF1 with POTUS Scott and Rubio

bf8c80  No.6452718

File: dd25b0f1063e771⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 366x509, 366:509, 217742_10151064778413644_1….jpg)




bec09d  No.6452719


All goes back to Sun worshipping cults. Illuminati nonsense. Similar to Egyptian. Like the obelisk, which is just an elongated pyramid.

4a7633  No.6452720

File: cb2d40c8eabb77a⋯.png (135.9 KB, 561x603, 187:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4a80119ff6f8a4⋯.png (511.08 KB, 483x878, 483:878, ClipboardImage.png)

Never, ever question the competence of a black female leader(s), regardless of object incompetence demonstrated x3

the left eats its own, always


f64548  No.6452721

File: 3a4426f3662e514⋯.jpeg (43.28 KB, 637x173, 637:173, 3BA5A9AB-45EE-4C8D-8175-6….jpeg)


It’s off the map.

Baby steps.

b7e437  No.6452722



Is THIS a bust of a rich gun hoarder - or a discovered cache of cabal weapons?

The types of guns in piles (from video/ related photos) look like older hunting variety. Common - cheap - LEGAL - simple - effective… IF it's a cache for future insurrection they'd be simple, sturdy, common "sniper" rifles that are easy to operate.

Remember what one rag-tag sniper team of (2) did to MD/DC/VA in October 2002? They paralyzed a good chunk of the East Coast for a few weeks, with minimal effort / cost.

Imagine what a few dozen team of (2) could do to the West Coast, East Coast? A few HUNDRED teams of (2)? How many teams of (2) have walked across our southern border in the last 2 years? How many teams of (2) would this ONE cache supply?

2040ee  No.6452723

File: 6581d2b95199f52⋯.png (552.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 11C0615A-EA90-4060-B647-EC….png)

File: 86e12358715dec2⋯.png (333.7 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 30119BA9-75D3-474A-AB8D-BC….png)

File: e45f22481ca3434⋯.png (332.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A9EB061C-E031-4097-9A62-1D….png)

File: 1ede7a220d661de⋯.png (2.03 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A22BB4C7-7C41-478D-8CF3-15….png)

File: 0a6f3ad9b56f9ba⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B3B6ACC0-2DA5-4ABB-B218-AF….png)


A few more from the Florida rally tonight.

fd18cc  No.6452724


Imagine if Trump came out and said…

"I will share 100% of my tax returns for the past 5 years and those of my children, spouse, foundation and businesses ONLY if all the Democratic Leadership also does the same."

e4f976  No.6452725




>Epstein Island?

i still think it's a 'mystery school'.

a492ad  No.6452726

File: 23bedb30346e692⋯.jpg (85.49 KB, 1200x1130, 120:113, 1200-471275417-man-with-fe….jpg)



Fez Hat History

The city of Fez, in ancient Morocco, is believed by many to be the origin of the fez hat. When the Hajj pilgrimage was temporarily suspended in 980 AD, pilgrims living to the western side of the Nile river were directed to Fez as an effective alternative to the holy city Mecca. Here, a Moor merchant started the supplies of a new style of headdress, which quickly became popular due to the heavy influx of pilgrims in the city. Fez initially had a monopoly on the manufacture of fezzes, because the berry used to color the hats was planted only there.

With time, this style lost its appeal, and was found only with a few people. However, interest in the hat was reignited in 1826, when Sultan Mahmud II of the Ottoman Empire was looking to change the traditional garb of his civil officers into something new. Initially, he thought of using a triangular hat of European descent. However, his advisors pointed out to the three corners represented the Holy Trinity of the Christians, which could sow discord amongst his largely Muslim subjects. So, when a shipment of fezzes arrived from Tunisia, they were selected instead. The hat was publicized as being a badge of identification for Turkish subjects, and even those citizens who were not Muslims were obliged to wear them. Smaller fezzes without tassels were made even for the women. Although it took a while for this fashion to catch on, by the 1900s, the fez had become extremely popular, and was considered to be the national headdress of Turkey.

At one time, the fez was even a symbol of protest against the French occupation of Morocco. However, the legend of the origin has been disputed by other theories, which state that the fez originated in ancient Greece or from the Balkans, but not in Morocco. With the discovery of synthetic dyes in the 19th century, the headdress started being manufactured across Europe. By the beginning of the 20th century, Austria had become the new capital of the fez manufacturing industry.

The fez again came up against a wall in 1925, when the new leader of Turkey, Kemal Ataturk, felt that it was a sign of being backward. He felt that traditional garments should be replaced by British suits and styles. To push Turkey towards alleged modernization, the fez was banned. However, this ban was not taken well by the people of the country, leading to several riots, and large numbers of fezzes being confiscated as illegal contraband. When an attempt was made to overthrow Ataturk, and bring back the fez, 9 - 10 people were shot and killed, virtually making the fez disappear.

bec09d  No.6452727

Just FYI for all who missed Hannity radio. Painful, but I listened to most for you…

He said McCabe was spotted in Salt Lake City….can you say HUBER?

When does a bird sing?

a508ab  No.6452728

File: 8c8b8ef4034f26a⋯.png (662 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)

b049f8  No.6452729

File: fe8ac88bac60ce1⋯.png (295.61 KB, 1096x736, 137:92, ClipboardImage.png)

radio said he was working with US forces



9814f2  No.6452730


I'm here, baker. if you still are. Have a good evening.

Assuming responsibility

Notifying BO/BV.

14e173  No.6452731

this is bullshit https://twitter.com/CHIZMAGA/status/1126346376952946688?s=20

8bf8fb  No.6452732


High cognitive dissonance detected. Only nuns and cosplayers use nunware and it's thus voluntary unlike the trash bag costume forced by others. Choose your examples with more care next time.

06f79a  No.6452733


It all comes from the people that are eroneously called "Egyptian" there are carvings in modern day Egypt on Obelisks and statutes that could only have been made by power tools (you can see the rotary marks), and they are 6000 years or older. The only way we could make the face on the Sphinx today is with a computer controlled robot.

Most people don't realize there are pyramids all over the world, and the biggest is in Eastern Europe (croatia if I remember)

Saturn worship goes back to the beginning because Saturn = Satan.

The pyramids and the stuff we call Egyptian was mostly created by antediluvian civilizations.

2040ee  No.6452734

File: a1557e74067da6c⋯.png (557.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2B5A0F97-5ECD-4501-9CD8-FD….png)

File: 498788a0b2110e3⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 886C8C04-05A5-473D-8740-E8….png)

POTUS’ retweet of Kevin McCarthy’s photo. He must be on POTUS’ inside team. Interdasting!

8e72b4  No.6452736


Yes that's where I had this pic was an old Epstein dig where we looked for the meaning of those symbols. Surprising to find it on mosque floors to say the least.

45cc89  No.6452737

File: dd5973fed9c350a⋯.jpg (441.77 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, shriner.jpg)

File: dbaf3c59b24831f⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, shriners.png)


>ive found Masonry has very little to do with Islam

Shriner's have the Islam angle covered

6a9a6b  No.6452738


He's been consistently late with original source material since season 4. He's also been less involved since then and you can tell when the decline happened.

>Martin said. “And almost all of it has been great. Obviously, I wished I finished these books sooner, so the show hadn’t gotten ahead of me. I never anticipated that.”

cb09e2  No.6452740

File: 1330886bd4cf157⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 953x793, 953:793, LukeCuomo.jpg)


Wonder if Luke Cuomo is related?

Luke Cuomo '20 elected Student Assembly president at Dartmouth


6c46f6  No.6452742


I’ve long thought the floor designs held special meaning but I’m not sure what. That mosque floor is practically identical…..

8bf8fb  No.6452743


See this — >>6451712 (lb)

I have been warning about it here and elsewhere.

a508ab  No.6452744

>>6452722 Yeesss

That's how they started in Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico etc

9ffba3  No.6452746


> Painful, but I listened.

Thank you for your service, Anon.

>McCabe was spotted in Salt Lake City….can you say HUBER?

Very interdasting.

45cc89  No.6452747

File: 4b7715c5e668f59⋯.png (85.1 KB, 300x168, 25:14, container2.png)

File: d330b5a36fb9dc2⋯.png (117.38 KB, 292x194, 146:97, containers.png)


Minor problem compared to pic related

4a7633  No.6452748

File: 0e82c7773026d72⋯.png (18.37 KB, 673x211, 673:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92bc3eb81c94ce2⋯.png (85.78 KB, 681x736, 681:736, ClipboardImage.png)

of interest…

John Kelly Said Trump's Family Needs to be "Dealt With"

something about the way his father was killed and if the Kabul has hooks into him


a508ab  No.6452749

File: af003cf6ac7c0ea⋯.png (845.44 KB, 646x760, 17:20, ClipboardImage.png)

e4f976  No.6452750

File: 4409dd5e045c8ce⋯.png (36.4 KB, 955x227, 955:227, s_cap_09052019_01.png)


a viable concern. capping for convenience.

b049f8  No.6452751

Iran blackmailing Europe on nuclear deal, claims US


260c35  No.6452752

File: 36b2f5e9c413acd⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, HRC soros Oliver.mp4)

LMAO…. pretty good

adea0c  No.6452753

File: 693a8ce19482101⋯.mp4 (12.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bombshell.mp4)

>It's a [Bombshell] accusation…

bb95c3  No.6452754


Please tell us Drudge's role, if anything, on your team. I see Drudge avoids all discussion of qanon, which is very significant to me - like a willful attempt to avoid mainstreaming press attacks.

62f7ea  No.6452755


Egypt is not 6000 years like the Cabal tells you.

Egypt is the burial place for the Tartarian Khans who ruled a world empire only 500 to 1000 years ago. The Pharaohs were literally Tartarian rulers.

This explains the advanced construction techniques and also why Horoscopes dated in their shrines give dates in the 1400s (as we are accustomed to thinking of chronology)

The ancient cults aren't ancient at all, and civilization as we know it is very young

e4f976  No.6452756


long range missiles housed in CONEX boxes? is that what the pic is showing?

cd4c42  No.6452757

File: 47607bf9c49a6bc⋯.png (292.7 KB, 685x356, 685:356, ClipboardImage.png)


Shame, shame, shame…

I'm triggered by your post.

8bf8fb  No.6452758


Compared to a weapon? Rifles, rockets and missiles are weapons. If you had read the post I linked you would know the warning was about WEAPONs.

4a7633  No.6452759

File: ed8f7965104c224⋯.png (121.07 KB, 675x594, 25:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Buffett's Berkshire "Duped" Out Of $377 Million By "Ponzi-Like Solar Scheme"

that is one big OOPS$$$$


2040ee  No.6452761


Picture related.

71a55c  No.6452762


Drudge is faggot.

7bcb42  No.6452763

File: c71482e05b11f65⋯.jpg (470.98 KB, 1656x594, 92:33, e60a0aa2bd45e26eaac1a8ab66….jpg)




side by side.


explains why HRC wanted to increase "refugees"(enemy combatants) 550% in her first term.

e4f976  No.6452764


>Picture related.

>in a text only post


1f159c  No.6452765

Some of the dumbest shit I've read on here.


But I'm resisting the bait.

563e7f  No.6452766


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Nothing new under the sun.

God constantly told the Israelites to destroy the pagan idols and not worship their false gods.

06f79a  No.6452767


High shillfactor, Newfag, you need to lurk more.

this is a good comparison here. The issue is not equating one with the other necessarily, it is pointing out the high similarity in these religious garb pieces. The Nun outfit is taken directly from the Roman Church's Vestal Virgin outfit.

Both of these religions, Islam/Romanism, go back to Egyptian/Babylonian/Caananite black cube worship (Saturn). The muslims have their Kabba, the Romans had their Phoenix who is really ISIS, daughter of Saturn, and Jove (his son who had to be hidden so Saturn would not eat him)

1e7f41  No.6452768


I posted it this afternoon. no traction except shills.

886b23  No.6452769

File: b4fcada886aabe3⋯.png (34.45 KB, 553x388, 553:388, cspan barr poll 50 50 9may….PNG)

Should Attorney General William Barr be held in contempt of Congress?

C-SPAN Barr Poll back to 50/50

(Did we peek too soon?)

NOW 105K 50/50

>>6452043 (lb)


>97K 49/51

>>6450088 (pb)


>75K 46/54

>>6449108 (pb)


>65K 47/53

>>6448428 (pb)


>58K 48/52

>>6447795 (pb)


>50K 50/50

>>6447039 (pb)


>42K 52/48


2040ee  No.6452771

File: 2d3f1b829df23fd⋯.jpeg (20.71 KB, 160x255, 32:51, 37A703BF-DC9B-4E84-A6ED-A….jpeg)



Kek, late night

71de57  No.6452772

Any planefags available tonight? Strange activity in SoCal.

8e72b4  No.6452773


We should prolly dig on these symbols. I tried back then but didn't really come up with much. As some anons are saying, this is probably Babylonian/Sumerian and ancient af.


nice work thanks anon

4a7633  No.6452774


if they are going to drop on Comey by Friday, it makes sense no matter what color Mc's hat is

if Mc is a Black = he is already leveraged, regardless

Patriots are in control

e4f976  No.6452775



>no traction

because its meaning isn't immediately obvious. spell it out if you want moar (you)'s.

55a131  No.6452776


The whole Mattis and Kelly thing makes me concerned. For 2 years everything was about how great they were.. I thought all along they were part of the plan militarily.

a53032  No.6452777

File: 672a737bb8f9d16⋯.png (33.91 KB, 1008x640, 63:40, Screenshot_2019-05-09 OOCL….png)

Really NOT liking anything about this ship. NOT cool repeat NOT kewl. "Paranoia will destroy ya" all you want. Her and the Belgian Tanker INGRID I just don't like. Got a better for boatfaggin let me know, but for right now, no, nope, negative, just not right.

45cc89  No.6452778

File: d6c65c654c29c48⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 775x325, 31:13, everg sh.jpg)

File: a54113c6e74ecaa⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 940x694, 470:347, GUNS.jpg)


Yes they are. Now think of the ports we've lost control of. Think about pic related.


Did read the posted link- about 5 hours ago.

These 'stashes' exist everywhere- some in Patriot hands, some not. These weapons are easily defended (see pic). The one's posted above are NOT. That was the point, Anon


bf8c80  No.6452779


History says Mohammad's wife was a catholic nun

you're the one that seems to be experiencing mental discomfort or under stress….or triggered if you will.

I'm just pointing out a style of dress that hasn't changed much over time

Also, could you explain with all the Christians being killed in Muslim countries why do Cathedrals still stand within yards of Mosques all over the Middle East?

curious don't you think?

dd863a  No.6452780


Been saying the same thing. There are likely massive caches all over the US. Game was to take our guns than let the muzzie and ms13 hordes rape pillage and plunder.

1e7f41  No.6452781


Its meaning was plain and simple on Hannity radio show today Andrew McCabe spotted in SLC Utah…singing…???

06f79a  No.6452782


Usually those conned think they are in on a con, and solar these days is always a con.

Any solar panel that can deliver above 20% is immediately deemed a national securtiy threat because oil is money and king dollar needs a resource to back it. There are plenty of 30% plus efficient solar panel patents among the 10K secret patents, I'm sure.

Trying to make money on the solar tech the world is allowed is a pointless exercise in futility, and a good way to waste other people's money.

f64548  No.6452783

File: 2e294e7a8d4c7c3⋯.jpeg (757.7 KB, 1996x1188, 499:297, 22D2744B-C322-4292-A049-A….jpeg)

File: 6b998513e9df364⋯.jpeg (248.19 KB, 1705x1118, 1705:1118, 69F1E94B-A734-4773-B2E2-7….jpeg)

60b502  No.6452785

File: 156b58e4c79902b⋯.png (9.83 KB, 177x36, 59:12, milspoof.png)



my sides

1e7f41  No.6452786


We are waiting (patiently) for the Comey report tomorrow or Friday I hope.

8e72b4  No.6452787



Don't worry about them. Enjoy the show anon.

e4f976  No.6452789

File: 86f53d5d4301dff⋯.png (602.73 KB, 843x921, 281:307, s_cap_09052019_02.png)


>We should prolly dig on these symbols

might i recommend this as a potential starting point



>Its meaning was plain and simple on Hannity radio show

i didn't listen to the show, so it's not plain and simple. mccabe is in SLC, Utah? so what? how does that correlate to him singing?

55a131  No.6452790


okey dokey

exactly the answer I was looking for :)

e4f976  No.6452791


> the ports we've lost control of

that's a lot of boxes indeed, but did you catch the notable yesterday about Trump forcing China to sell their portion of the long beach port?

4a9fcb  No.6452792

Did anyone catch the truth bomb dropper by Devin on Tucker during POTUS rally?


embed assist requested PLEASE

a9df92  No.6452793

File: b5436ebdb98e739⋯.png (159.59 KB, 1835x719, 1835:719, Pelosi-Getty-Brown-Newsom ….png)

With the news about Cynthia Beck's connection to Gordon Getty,

I've updated parts of my work-in-process MAP

It's been a while since I've revisited this. Might be of use to some.

06f79a  No.6452794



What do the M of the Master's Apron and the Kabba in Mecca have in common?

Is the Star of David really a Star or a Cube?

Is it really from David or from Solomon?

Where did Solomon get the Star?

Who's daughter did Solomon Marry?

How many Talents of Gold were brought to Solomon every year on account of his great Wisdom?

a394ac  No.6452795

Getty/Cali politics info. No particular order.

September 2018: Carlyle (Group) to sell majority in Getty Images

"The Carlyle Group will sell its majority stake in Getty Images, a provider of visual content, to the Getty family. No financial terms were disclosed. The deal is expected to close in the third quarter of this year. Debevoise is advising Carlyle on the sale."


January 2019: Gavin Newsom keeping it all in the family

"Gavin Newsom, by blood, marriage and close friendship is related to Pelosi, Brown and the Gettys. The blood and relationships go back almost 100 years. Who is Gavin Newsom—the latest in line of Establishment folks running the State and owning the Democrat Party. Few know how closely related he is to San Fran Nan, or the financial arrangements between the Browns and Newsoms—plus the appointments of the Newson by the Brown family. A tight knit cabal."


February 2003: Newsom's Portfolio

"He portrays himself as a self-made businessman, but Newsom has reaped huge financial benefits from his ties to old money and power in San Francisco, particularly with his lifelong association with Gordon P. Getty, one of the nation's richest men."


August 1999: Gordon Getty's second family was an open secret

"Gordon Getty, an heir to the Getty Oil fortune and an international patron of the arts, has acknowledged that he has two families: wife Ann and four grown sons here, and three young daughters living quietly in the Los Angeles area with their mother, Cynthia Beck."


2040ee  No.6452796


See >>6452734

Forgot to link

I agree with you Anon, this May lead to revealing important info down the road. It’s another layer of info from Q+

1e7f41  No.6452797


Who else is in UTAH? HUBER? who is investigating… what?

a53032  No.6452798


A vessel PANAMAX or VLCC class would be easy to track, high in value, not lost easily. Any one of those light on draught but high on voyage miles would get noticed quickly and logged with USCG fast

e4f976  No.6452799


>embed assist requested PLEASE

it used to be so much easier. before you could go to mobile.twitter.com/user/status and save the video.

6a9a6b  No.6452800

File: c76ece40e81dd71⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 320x180, 16:9, aKbcKiFTuow4voYB.mp4)


Here ya go. But yeah we all know all too well about Mifsud.

4a7633  No.6452801


but i met both, seen them first hand lead

my take on it is that POTUS needed them as solid military props until he could shift the leadership of the rest on board

he did not need them questioning him from the outside early. they would have cause some distrust in the service(s)

that worked

8e72b4  No.6452802


Good work! Borrowing.


A two dimensional way of representing a cube?


All good fren.


Will check it out.

e4f976  No.6452803


>Who else is in UTAH? HUBER? who is investigating… what?

all these questions without supplying the answers, anon. this is the point i am trying to make. if you want it to gain traction, then spell. it. out. i don't know where huber is without doing a search. i don't know what he's been investigating without doing another search…. do you see my point?

06f79a  No.6452804

File: 1470626d97f4ba1⋯.png (134.91 KB, 281x525, 281:525, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2213992d966b85⋯.png (39.18 KB, 613x424, 613:424, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d4287bb09c5b3b⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1900x646, 50:17, ClipboardImage.png)


The Jews have a Kabballa and the Muslims have a Kabba-ao-Allah


dc795b  No.6452805



Damn. See it's conclusions like these, tied into the "16 year plan to destroy American" that make you begin to realize why the wheels of Justice seem slow and why Q and POTUS don't just arrest everyone tomorrow. There's SOOOOO much that we don't even know yet (or will never know) about how deep all of this goes and how elaborate their networks are. Like Q said, autists can't even begin to imagine.

POTUS/Q get them all. Take all the time you need, but for the sake of humanity get them all.


74287e  No.6452806

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update

"slowly but surely"Edition

Hello Nightshift,

I added #8231 to #8250 and updated the checksums.



8231-8250.zip MD5: 60bf1942e7f1ee28580c39341fdd5899


8231-8250.html.zip MD5: fdbe473b73ee1540651ada78ccfeb116

The archive now contains 8253 breads.


4a7633  No.6452807


nice work, Anon

now just overlay data points where all of the stockpiles of weapons are Kek

4186a4  No.6452808


Remember the weird relationship Kelly had with Kirstjen Nielsen, reported on by a few news outlets? Wonder what that was about.

c64481  No.6452809


Anons (and anyone who listens to Bongino) know it all

06f79a  No.6452810


Damn you nailed it! No one ever told me about that one, I figured it out on my own. Q told us about the Gmail/Royal Apron

e4f976  No.6452811


help a fellow anon out, pls. how to rip the video from twitter? does it require inspecting page source, or is there a simple way?

9814f2  No.6452812


Thank you, Chan Archive Service anon.

563e7f  No.6452813


The way I see it

If you live in an area where there is a lot of sand blowing around, then it makes sense to wear a garment that you can use to cover your face to protect it from being sand blasted.

The problem is when something that is worn for practical purposes becomes something that is forced on certain people as a dress code.

4186a4  No.6452814



6a9a6b  No.6452815


Oh yeah forgot


a9df92  No.6452816


Were we able to find a list of her properties?

189236  No.6452817


He also wasn't around for the contempt vote either. Preparing for the bar hearing or is there more to this story. Florida newspapers don't seem to present him in a positive light….set-up?

d76a02  No.6452818

Resignations in the news today - part 1

Bishop Andonios Resigns as Chancellor of the Archdiocese of America


NACAC CEO Will Retire Next Year


Troubled Hong Kong Airlines faces yet another headache as its auditor resigns, company filing shows


Witte to Retire as ONU Volleyball Coach After '19 Season


Principal resigns amid probe of Maryland locker-room attack


St. Mary Basilica pastor to retire June 30


School Superintendent resigns


Anaheim Officer Fired In Shooting Death Of 50-Year-Old Eliuth Nava; Bodycam Video Released


Resignation leaves TUSD Board seat vacant


Iowa House chief clerk retires; I-Jobs bonds refinanced


Resignation: NT public sector commissioner Craig Allen decides ‘it’s time to move on’


Shakopee women's prison guards fired amid sex crime investigation


Jordan PM asks ministers to resign ahead of reshuffle


San Angelo daycare immediately fired man accused of child abuse


Abston resigns from Mt. Juliet city commission


Forsyth County corporal in voter fraud investigation fired


Hilton Head principal Amanda O’Nan resigns in Facebook post months after SC reprimand


Central High School Principal retires after 50 years in St. Paul Schools


4a7633  No.6452819


the most efficient ones are used in space applications, just sayin

d83ca0  No.6452820

Could there be a link to the Blackhawk video streamed live on Feb 13, 2019? >>6451937>>6452398

d76a02  No.6452821


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Alexandria official resigns after social media controversy


Northampton police captain retiring after decades of service


Andover town administrator resigns


Universal Music Group Commercial Partnership Head Candace Berry to Retire


Visalia Unified's superintendent resigning, district says


UK tax researcher fired from think thank for tweeting that 'men cannot change into women'.


Nordea risk management head Galbo resigns


Baltimore News Anchor Fired for Comments Called Racist and Sexist


President of Clark County baseball, softball club resigns after umpire dispute


GM lays off Bengaluru engineer who exposed Volkswagen emissions fraud


Noblesville Schools board member Teri Ditslear resigns four months after joining


Marietta City Schools on Wednesday honored 31 retiring school system employees


Thomasville City Schools superintendent resigns


District Attorney Secretary Fired After Leaking Photos Of Deceased Toddler In Lincoln County


Tecumseh Schools’ latest interim superintendent Brad Hamilton resigns


Dearborn employee fired for anti-Muslim posting on Sports Illustrated model


Poland village council president resigns


Rappahannock Goodwill president to retire


Northern Cyprus coalition government collapses


Warnstadt retires after 30-year military career


7bcb42  No.6452822

File: 97323b33fff3c61⋯.png (384.02 KB, 1854x772, 927:386, Screenshot_2019-05-09 The ….png)

File: b29f573a5c6b76d⋯.png (552.1 KB, 1789x661, 1789:661, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Open….png)

File: 27a70d7be4e5dc3⋯.png (497.18 KB, 1095x863, 1095:863, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Ever….png)


That links to Macquarie(which they have a pretty diverse portfolio-security/banks/shipping/railroads/etc) and also been seeing Evergreen quite a bit lately, even by helperanon I believe.

Just linked the two together.



Me spots a Q! no coincidences! /s kek

40fdf6  No.6452823

File: 446d2e3159943e8⋯.jpg (132.92 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, asshead1.jpg)

File: f8c000c07a07570⋯.jpg (134.21 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, asshead2.jpg)

File: 8059782eac50398⋯.jpg (623.7 KB, 2986x1680, 1493:840, william barr.jpg)

File: 127e314d93fc932⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, william_barr_0.jpg)

f64548  No.6452824

File: 1b30c8d0957e335⋯.jpeg (277.49 KB, 630x360, 7:4, FD1E93FF-70F6-4138-9974-D….jpeg)


Right on anon.

1e7f41  No.6452825


At the time it was said nothing was viable to link to other than a twitter handle, the show I could not copy and it was not on hannity.com (roughly 3 or 4 pm?). I asked if anyone caught the show and heard this and provided this twat.

🇺🇸 Miguelifornia


Follow Follow @michaelbeatty3


Hannity on radio reporting Andrew McCabe spotted over the weekend in Salt Lake City Utah possibly meeting Huber and singing? #PanicInDC #MAGA #QAnon #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity

d76a02  No.6452826


Resignations in the news today - part 3

SLO Co. focusing on department stability following public works director’s resignation


The Fast And Furious Franchise Has Fired Its Longtime Producer


Town attorney resigns after 13 years at the post


‘You have to pay to play.’ Probation officer fired for requiring payment from offender.


Ottawa Lions board will ‘resign en masse’ after report on systemic failure to address sexual abuse allegations


Jerry MacCleary, who heads Covestro's North American business, to retire this year


St. Landry Animal Shelter Director resigns


Visalia Unified Superintendent resigns after 32 years with school district


Four longtime North Central employees to retire


CEO Phillip Jones Will Resign From VisitDallas


Transportation Commissioner Rebekah Scheinfeld resigns


East Greenbush cop pleads guilty, resigns in deal


Prince of Peace priest in child sex investigation asks to resign


Northampton Police Capt. Dorothy Clayton to retire; Lt. Robert Powers promoted


Watson resigns from P & Z Commission


Buck Creek Festival committee to retire after 18 years


Utility commission votes to accept director's resignation, retain as consultant


55a131  No.6452827

File: 1aebf19a0055847⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3000x2001, 1000:667, kimberly-guilfoyle-donald-….jpg)

File: 14ec6e4fd7e8794⋯.jpg (204.64 KB, 810x1122, 135:187, Kimberly_Guilfoyle_003.jpg)


Gavin Newsom finally addresses the ‘awkward’ matter of Kimberly Guilfoyle dating Donald Trump Jr.


Newsom and Trump Jr. almost look related.. Same bloodline?

791990  No.6452828




it's Phoenician - that's why there are Phoenix statues on top



that would explain why it has so many underground levels

d76a02  No.6452829


Resignations in the news today - part 4

Damaged in Scandal, Head of U.N. AIDS Agency Resigns Suddenly


Medical Center Health System CEO Rick Napper retiring


Spencer Town Manager Arrington resigns


Liston retiring from police department after 27 years


Vermilion Parish School Board member announces resignation at meeting


Madison Superintendent Jennifer Cheatham expected to announce plan to resign


A fourth 19th Judicial District Court judge, Mike Caldwell, is retiring early


Rep. Hashim resigns from Vermont State Police


Commissioners recognize retiring member, pick Mayor


Vale Tory cabinet members resign the party whip


Vermont’s first trooper-legislator resigns from state police force


Special investigator retires from the Burton Fire District


Conduent CEO To Resign Amid Falling Revenue And Battle With Carl Icahn


Deputy retiring after half century on job


Horn resigns from hospital board


Bank of Canada deputy governor Patterson to retire


Ramsey County Commissioner Huffman resigns after inquiry finds potential conflicts of interest in real estate deal


e4f976  No.6452830




appreciated and bookmarked

272384  No.6452831

File: 4387832a8ddfc33⋯.png (151.71 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60fcf02d70f5016⋯.png (303.69 KB, 651x365, 651:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5b22cb2eb01e1c⋯.png (582.83 KB, 885x477, 295:159, ClipboardImage.png)


It's official. The captcha and it's chorus of captcha worshipers was your final clue that the real anons have left and you are pretty much alone here…


>mccabe is in SLC, Utah? so what? how does that correlate to him singing?


>I posted it this afternoon. no traction except shills.

d83ca0  No.6452832

>> 6451937


>Could there be a link to the Blackhawk video streamed live on Feb 13, 2019?

1f159c  No.6452833



In Firefox you can also right click, "View Page Info", and click the "Media" tab. You'll get a list of every image and video file on the page.

c64481  No.6452834


>Same bloodline?


3bd063  No.6452835

File: d3dc2185b93b731⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 333x382, 333:382, Pep Trump.jpg)


TY ResignationAnon.

b41e6d  No.6452836

File: 88f2ccac6df641a⋯.png (1.48 MB, 940x1410, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 389f9f84be60017⋯.png (1.23 MB, 940x1410, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc3f3423b8332cb⋯.png (1.48 MB, 940x1410, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fff8f763218ddd⋯.png (1.92 MB, 940x1410, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi attend Gordon Peter Getty's 85th Birthday Celebration on December 15th 2018 at Private Residence in San Francisco.

2- Jonathan Moscone, Christine Pelosi and ?Darryl Carbonaro attend Gordon Peter Getty's 85th Birthday Celebration on December 15th 2018 at Private Residence in San Francisco.

3-Richard Hilton, Kathy Hilton, Allison Speer and Joe Tobin


30a71e  No.6452837


>embed assist requested PLEASE

anon posted video for you already // but if you would like to post in the future, here is a link to convert to mp4


e4f976  No.6452838


anon, you want to insert a non-white space character or new line in between those for the links to work correctly

>>6451937, >>6452398

791990  No.6452839

File: 3f224d8bdb3445b⋯.png (40.66 KB, 630x474, 105:79, ClipboardImage.png)

bf8c80  No.6452840


I mean you're right but I don't honestly care what they wear.

To me, it's about the symbolism and traditions that they all have in common that is important. It points to origins of the religion. It points to their foundational beliefs. It points to connected controlling powers they have in common. It points to the people who are really behind the globalism push and who we are really at war with

60b502  No.6452842

File: 107965f7e5adf52⋯.png (98.16 KB, 196x245, 4:5, what t.png)

File: 4f2fc8db920215d⋯.png (177.73 KB, 322x311, 322:311, he fuck.png)

c64481  No.6452843

File: 6579591c64ff542⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1125x800, 45:32, F74ED4B0-29CE-4F6A-B0DB-F3….png)

30a71e  No.6452844


> how to rip the video from twitter?

see >>6452837

c64481  No.6452845

9814f2  No.6452847


==Notes @470

>>6452352 Juan Guaido's Deputy Arrested

>>6452361 250K Migrant Families Apprehended by Feds in 2019

>>6452384, >>6452400 Moar on Gun Seize property owner: Cynthia Beck

>>6452389 Video of Gun Raid from today

>>6452393 Active Shooter Drills in St. Charles Missouri

>>6452416, >>6452423 Epoch times on RR

>>6452457 Day 2 of trial against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere (news clip at the link)

>>6452549 Right kind of Muslims kill 9 wrong kind of Muslims – Ramadan Day 3

baker change

>>6452574 Rashida Tlaib sets dates for congressional visit to West Bank

>>6452605 Reminder: The Gettys bankrolled Gov Newsome's political career.

Baker Change

>>6452581 Venezuelan Authorities Initiate Public Dialogue on Economic Development – Maduro

>>6452673 Intel that prompted US to deploy aircrast carrier to Middle East 'came from Israel'

>>6452703 Matt Gaetz will face Florida Bar grievance committee for tweet about Michael Cohen's 'girlfriends'

>>6452720 Baltimore TV anchor fired for questioning the leadership of past mayors (who happen to be black females)

>>6452759 Buffett's Berkshire "Duped" Out Of $377 Million By "Ponzi-Like Solar Scheme"

>>6452818, >>6452821, >>6452826, >>6452829 Resignations in the news today

Anything missing, anons?

Anons working on Long Beach Dig: anybody interested in compiling a bun? I'll post it if you compile it

563e7f  No.6452848


I get your drift

The nuns look like Islamic women

And visa versa

No coincidences

8bf8fb  No.6452849


I said we have to start looking for the patterns used in the examples I mentioned before. The California case follows the pattern of 1980's Peru. Barry was militarizing the police with MRAPS and small arms in small police forces amd that is an example of caches in poorly manned garrisons. We have to look around for easy picking like (IIRC) the case of UPS stolen weapons.

d83ca0  No.6452850

You make a good point because it would be easier to avoid detection [ if it is in fact a cache of cabal weapons] by stock piling an arsenal of cheap, readily available weapons? >>6452722

c64481  No.6452851


Either way, LA is a tinderbox waiting to spark

e4f976  No.6452852


st charles

that's a 1 hour drive from my location tbh (if i had a reliable car)

14e173  No.6452853


1:26 wow this is like the notes from the Girl at State saying Steel was full of it….

86d128  No.6452854

Nice work to anons helping out a fellow anon re Twitter video downloader.

Anyone who wants to clip a You Tube video and put to MP 4 the site i use is


If anyone is interested.

caf8b3  No.6452855


Wrong, anon. None of you are alone here. When the captcha issue is ""properly"" addressed, real Anons will return, along with the Boss.

d83ca0  No.6452856

or ms13 >>6452590

2040ee  No.6452857

File: 4d299be49662081⋯.png (292.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2F698059-FFE2-4AE2-A007-59….png)

File: 23f68f0e3ae157a⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E687CC6E-9D4A-4962-A190-31….png)



Here is VP Pence’s Twitter post tonight…and another email. They just keep coming.

8bf8fb  No.6452858


One alleged historical case of one woman using nun oufit looks like a valid argument to you? Its time to go to bed anon.

As for why cathedrals are not destroyed just take a look at how the cathedral of Constantinople looks right now. Its takes a century to build a cathedral and only months top one with the half moon sign and build minarets around it. It's a practical thing. You are bad at picking examples. Go to bed and medirtate some more next time before posting examples.

a9df92  No.6452859

All this talk of Getty makes me feel like digging.

Balthazar Getty, GGrandson of JP Getty

Board of Directors for

The Lunchbox Fund.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry suggested people donate here.

It's a whos who of swampy people.

Should be fun digging into.

80d951  No.6452860

advanced drones used to police large crowds post from prior bread.

>>6451254 pb

reminded me of this old goldie.


a461a9  No.6452861


what program did you use for this map anon?

looks like some useful software!

a9df92  No.6452862



a53032  No.6452863

Boatfag must knock out for a few, things to do and all.

bcaed6  No.6452864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How about a 7 point Star?


- D E S C E N D I N G -

2668d4  No.6452865

File: 1957bb1600eb577⋯.png (367.1 KB, 426x426, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

fbb962  No.6452866

File: 88c00b0a348f5de⋯.pdf (6.18 MB, brilliantlightpower MHD_Pa….pdf)

brilliantlightpower has a paper with a most a complete explanation of the power generating system, it has patent like langue

c657b8  No.6452867

God bless all you fine anons, Bakers, BVs and even BO (captacha annoyances withstanding).

Have been offline for days because of my incompetent ISP.

So glad to be back.

Comfy af.

20be10  No.6452868


Which begs the question…who destroyed the Tartarian architecture of Notre Dame? Were they good or bad? Why destroy it? Were the Tartarians good, bad or both?

e4f976  No.6452869

File: 0f7099333334a7e⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, nope.jpg)




how about a tldr or an html link?

a9df92  No.6452870


Topaz Tallis Page-Green



Need help digging the Lunchbox Fund

2f45bb  No.6452871


maybe anon can twat the pic of the stash and tell @CoreyBooker, no thanks - we think we're going to keep them, but nice try!

btw, who paid you to try and take them?


dd863a  No.6452872



563e7f  No.6452873

File: c404b8f14d35c69⋯.jpeg (65.7 KB, 634x423, 634:423, image.jpeg)


Night shift

Saw this meme last night and copied it.

a9df92  No.6452874



The California branch of the cabal

Keep mapping these people and they all come back together.

You'll notice BO, LOOP capital in Chicago connected via the Getty Trust Presidents.

You'll notice Media Matters and members of DC swamp via Marisla Foundation/getty family.

They're all connected and it's our job to MAP them.

Their social, professional, financial, and other connections.

4a7633  No.6452875

File: a17488c179c27a9⋯.png (13.81 KB, 789x184, 789:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db94b62c84fd2a8⋯.png (376.48 KB, 616x821, 616:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e9a77e7ed11d0f⋯.png (42.77 KB, 586x788, 293:394, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ff96d3fb1881e5⋯.png (46.07 KB, 603x841, 603:841, ClipboardImage.png)

California OKs new sex-ed guidelines for teachers despite objections from parents, protesters

these people are sick

the teachers have already been the first generation that was re-educated by the Hippies from the 60s


2f45bb  No.6452876

So, the guns are next to an art gallery for shipping purposes? Doesn't look like a manufacturing operation like LA Times misrepresented.

Fuck You LA Times!

9814f2  No.6452877


>>5363017 from Info Warfare thread has tons of info you may find of interest, as well as related posts. Deep, deep rabbit hole.

The founder of Inst. for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is tied into Cali families and much, much moar. Been trying to get something going on this dig but it's too much doing this and baking, too. Needs more people.

One paragraph:

The group attacking us [Q group], the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, is intimately connected with all sorts of DS people and orgs. Ever heard of its "Club of Three"? It was founded by publishing magnate Baron George Weidenfield, who seems to have all sorts of ties to both the elite families of California (Getty, etc) and also the European elites. He was good friends with Angela Merkel before his death in 2016 (wikipedia). He hired Sasha Havlicek to head of ISD; she is a member of the European CFR.

If you or anyone are interested in following up, leave a message at Information Warfare.

1f159c  No.6452878



Some guy's energy scam. Here:


a9df92  No.6452879

File: 0a8023eee02138b⋯.png (95.47 KB, 347x532, 347:532, Q "Family" Cali.png)


This was originally posted months ago, and Q responded indirectly with his post tying pelosi family to newsom/getty.

I had "Family" on the right side of op pic related but no embellishments.

His post had "family" in quotes as if to say "plug this into your MAP"

He nudged me in the right direction.

45cc89  No.6452880

File: 03c726f1b03a666⋯.jpg (146.29 KB, 1242x1198, 621:599, wars.jpg)


Sure did, That doesn't eliminate any of this crap that's already here. China owned the port for over 30 years.


And until recently, many eyes have been paid, or asked, to turn away. What's already here? We the People can fight hand-to-hand but we can't even begin to fight mobile missiles. j/s

adea0c  No.6452881

File: 320abf2118a36c6⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 'Your User Agreement Sucks….mp4)

>Sen. Kennedy quickly became my fav during the Kav circus…

Senator John Kennedy To Mark Zuckerberg: 'Your User Agreement Sucks!' | NBC News


dd863a  No.6452882

File: 96ea245c5c6daf2⋯.png (367.89 KB, 408x488, 51:61, no thanks cory.png)


dreams is memes

2f45bb  No.6452883


Isn't Holmby Hills/Bel-Air where that massive fire across the I-405 from the Getty started?

Again, LA Times fed us a bunch of bullshit about it being started by homeless encampment by the freeway.

LA Times - Enemy of The People. Recently bought out by private investor.

3078f1  No.6452884

File: f4de2970cd2251c⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1477x829, 1477:829, Putsch.PNG)

994c5f  No.6452885

File: bc46fbbb7f31d57⋯.png (455.03 KB, 712x494, 356:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4b725030eff599⋯.png (518.86 KB, 499x766, 499:766, ClipboardImage.png)



"Anybody willing to give up liberty in exchange for security deserves neither." – Ben Franklin

Thank you for the reminder.

6a9a6b  No.6452886

File: 499f1d826b27e80⋯.jpg (136.94 KB, 634x781, 634:781, 13269566-7008381-image-a-3….jpg)

Transgender Denver high school student is identified as 'second gunman who killed one classmate and wounded eight', as friends refer to him as a 'tortured soul' who 'didn't get the support he needed'


8bf8fb  No.6452887


>Doesn't look like a manufacturing operation

Maybe a re-assembly operation. I do recall sometime in the 1990's (I think) an Eta safe house was found in the south of France that was used to manufacture SMG's of their own design.

e4f976  No.6452888


>China owned the port for over 30 years.

hopefully that mess gets swept up and sifted through in short order.

563e7f  No.6452889


Special interest groups keep pushing the envelope.

They are a very selfish group of people.

They demand rights for themselves but have no regard for other people's rights.

fd713d  No.6452890


Thanks anon!

Definitely smells like Fast and Furious.

Was LAPD in on the raid?

6a9a6b  No.6452891


Forgot the rest……..

Alec McKinney has been accused of killing one classmate and injuring eight others alongside his friend Devon Erickson at STEM School Highlands Ranch on Tuesday.

Authorities described McKinney as a female juvenile named Maya after initially identifying the second gunman as a boy based on appearances.

But friends of McKinney have confirmed that the teen identified as a male and preferred to be called 'Alec'.

McKinney is reportedly in the process of transitioning from female to male, but Sheriff Tony Spurlock would not confirm if the young suspect was transgender.

'Right now we are identifying the individual as a female, because that's where we're at,' he said. 'We originally thought the juvenile was a male by appearance.'

When McKinney appeared in court on Wednesday, his attorney said he preferred the pronoun 'he', according to CBS Denver.

4a7633  No.6452892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George Bernard Shaw: Justify Your Existence

summarizing a central tenant of the progressive movement in 39 seconds


3579d2  No.6452893


not obvious to brainwashed normies.

it needs to be spelled out

that’s one of the things this place is all about

8e72b4  No.6452894


Kek…it came in a dream. I saw a cube flatten itself out on the ground into a hexagram. This was before I knew about Saturn worship so it made no sense to me at the time!

dd863a  No.6452895


Not sure. I am reading up. Gonna be hard to find real info. Also looking for a better pic to do same or similar meme

fd713d  No.6452896


Thanks anon, will look into it.


a9d3b0  No.6452897

File: 5ee47d5b05265c9⋯.png (7.45 MB, 3036x2736, 253:228, The storm had passed.png)

What will the world look like after the storm?

pic related

20be10  No.6452898


A new way to garnish sympathy for the Trans community. Poor soul wouldn't have killed if she'd been treated better.

adea0c  No.6452899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Gina Shakespeare is a five star host.

Democrats Allow Communists to Infiltrate Their Party Across the Nation - The Epoch Times

>Published on Feb 27, 2019

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is infiltrating the Democratic Party across the country.

Communists, some openly, some secretly, are working in Democratic campaigns, holding

Democratic Party leadership positions, and even running for public office on the Democratic

Party ballot line. We name some of them.

3579d2  No.6452900


he wasn’t duped

talk about spin


8bf8fb  No.6452901


Things like these are meant to spark a civil war. The weapons are there already. What I don't see yet is why they think they will be safe during a civil war. There is something missing as we need to figure out what it is.

fd713d  No.6452902


Pyramid flattens into Templar Cross

45cc89  No.6452903

File: 3baaa1c37aaba16⋯.png (350.6 KB, 550x550, 1:1, HBD.png)



994c5f  No.6452904


>not obvious to brainwashed normies.

I didn't realize we were brainwahed normies, but… see >>6452831

dd863a  No.6452905


from TMZ

The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the lead agency. We're told they were doing surveillance Wednesday morning before making their move and they are still on the scene.

Our LAPD sources tell us as far as they can see they have not had any problems associated with the residence in question.



If TMZ has LAPD saying we never had a problem they were not involved…..They protect the elite in LA at all cost.

c1e19c  No.6452906


Good pic…..

Except, there is not much of a wall at the border.


fd713d  No.6452907


They would bring out the caches of guns in the ensuing mayhem. They have to do it VERY soon or it's over.

This raid definitely sent a message and they will make mistakes.

45cc89  No.6452908

File: d554237735121c9⋯.gif (791.2 KB, 240x240, 1:1, tesser.gif)



>Pyramid flattens into Templar Cross

everyone always forgets that pyramids have a foundation too.

3579d2  No.6452909


that was a waste of typing

carry on

b8ddae  No.6452910

File: 4b14e3a10d499bb⋯.png (48.22 KB, 982x227, 982:227, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 1….png)


LAPD served the warrant


9814f2  No.6452911


Yeah, same publishing magnate with Cali connections founded the Inst. for Strategic Dialogue–a London-based group now attacking Q group in Europe:


>>>6452886, >>6452795, >>6452827, >>6452859, >>6452870, >6452877, >>6452879 Moar on Getty/Cali politics

>>>6452886 Transgender Denver student Alec McKinney id'd as 2nd gunman in STEM school shooting


9814f2  No.6452912


ignore bottom stuff, my bad

fd713d  No.6452913


Not being a multi-agency raid, which these things usually seem to be to make a big impression, means the ATF knows who is comped and their own moles are out of commission.

LAPD seemed in the dark about the Black Hawk raid in downtown until minutes before as well.

74287e  No.6452914

File: 9d2485f0acb63dc⋯.png (584.77 KB, 711x701, 711:701, Frankfurt.png)

Germany's largest air hub has to temporarily shut down in the morning. The reason is the sighting of a drone. For safety reasons, take-offs and landings were temporarily not possible. The federal police investigate. Flight operations restart.



7bcb42  No.6452915

File: f4fe55010aa75a1⋯.png (519.75 KB, 1648x1225, 1648:1225, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Astr….png)

File: 813576466f09213⋯.png (294.78 KB, 1611x725, 1611:725, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Pete….png)

File: 0ac8aac05071dfd⋯.png (176.16 KB, 1628x616, 37:14, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Raff….png)

File: 833cb6bbc834005⋯.png (64.37 KB, 1630x516, 815:258, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Emer….png)

File: f85e89e1c95d11d⋯.png (120.89 KB, 1645x705, 7:3, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Sun ….png)


1beaba  No.6452916

File: 628e3c0155ecfb0⋯.png (65.65 KB, 439x247, 439:247, my sides.PNG)

File: f7b4c8c9bf70a85⋯.png (22.46 KB, 712x234, 356:117, garnish.PNG)

File: d115da1fdb39db5⋯.png (14.01 KB, 732x204, 61:17, garner.PNG)


> garnish

Oh my fucking sides.

Trying to use unfamiliar verbiage to try to appear intelligent is always a good move.

8bf8fb  No.6452917


What we learmed after the battle of Concord is to go for the head first. Bringing weapons early to the ensuing mayhem will not make their leaders any safer. We the people and the army will go for the heads first as is the tradition. So, the question remains: why they think they will be safe?

c1e19c  No.6452918



You bow and grovel and

respect my sexual preference

or else I'll fucking kill you!!

4a7633  No.6452919

File: ae2468f19a1df05⋯.png (36.57 KB, 813x579, 271:193, ClipboardImage.png)

a9df92  No.6452920


All right you diggers.

BIG connection.


Board of Directors

Balthazar Getty, the great-grandson of JP GETTY

The Lunchbox Fund

TON of people connected,

the one thread is Liv Tyler.

Looking into LT you find she was at Princess Eugenie's wedding.

Of course Eugenie being PRINCE ANDREW (of EPSTEIN fame).

Did you know Eugenie met all her celebrity friends when she lived in NY working as a ART BROKER for Hauser & Wirth?

e9a36f  No.6452921


Only to 3 or for captcha chorus girls such as yourself. I've been brainwashed into thinking for myself, so I reserve the right to disagree with you.

0b7783  No.6452922

File: b9c14ae9dbd2b2d⋯.png (648.21 KB, 456x647, 456:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c56422ecfee1981⋯.png (394.02 KB, 560x368, 35:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3f2cfe5efdefac⋯.png (286.72 KB, 590x308, 295:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9269b975b4ef217⋯.png (866.96 KB, 880x495, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, on the subject on similar religious garb, sure is weird that nearly every religion has the men wearing fancy dresses..

Really makes ya thonk about what sort of message they seem to send about God.

a9df92  No.6452923


being prince andrew's daughter*

c7d254  No.6452924

File: 523983a8dcfb81b⋯.jpeg (726.84 KB, 1242x1646, 621:823, 5A51C5F1-4159-471A-ABA8-5….jpeg)

There is this Xi guy they call President of the People Rebublic of China.

Does China have a bunch of Dumb Shits running the place in the shadows too?

Ask NK?

Are these DS upending “trade” (peace deals)?

Lights on China this weak week.

How Deep does it go?

China Allegation

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), along with multiple anonymous sources, has alleged that Clinton’s server was compromised by a foreign hostile power, which was receiving Clinton’s incoming and outgoing emails.

That foreign power was China, using a company operating in northern Virginia, The Daily Caller reported, citing a former intelligence officer with expertise in cybersecurity issues and a government staff official—who both spoke on condition of anonymity.

The ICIG was examining the Clinton emails after it was asked by the State Department to check for classified information before the emails could be released pursuant to FOIA requests.

“When [the ICIG] did a very deep dive, they found in the actual metadata—the data which is at the header and footer of all the emails—that a copy, a ‘courtesy copy,’ was being sent to a third party and that third party was a known Chinese public company that was involved in collecting intelligence for China,” the former intelligence officer said.

He said he couldn’t disclose the name of the company.

“There are indications there are other ‘cutouts’ that were involved. I would be in a lot of trouble if I gave you the name,” he said.

There are a number of Chinese public state-owned companies with addresses in northern Virginia, including China Telecom Americas and China Unicom Americas, both in Herndon, right by the Dulles International Airport and less than 20 miles west of Washington.


Comey Implicated?

The great Note Taker lost his notes or did the dog eat his homework?

“I don’t recall”


An intelligence analyst who was previously assigned to the Clinton case reached out to the FBI staffer who originally wrote the notes.

“I know this is a shot in the dark, but do you still have the meeting notes that you wrote up concerning an 8/3/2015 MRE meeting at FBIHQ? I think [redacted] correct me if I’m wrong) that this meeting was with the ICIG, if that helps matters,” the analyst wrote in a Feb. 5 email, also saying the notes “never made it to the file.”


“I actually remember turning over my original notes for the file for this (it was right at the beginning of the case),” the staffer replied. “I gave them to [redacted] who was running the file then.”

d83ca0  No.6452925

File: 228b9ba84099714⋯.png (35.23 KB, 1229x402, 1229:402, Screenshot_2019-05-09 pol….png)

Q post MS13 Project Mockingbird >>6452876

2040ee  No.6452926

File: a6b48f0345ab8b8⋯.png (328.72 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 86728A62-E13F-4FB1-88C4-B8….png)

File: ebf0dfa88996716⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 60BF690E-FA36-40EC-AA7E-F0….png)


Eric Trump tweet leads to another HRC email…

c1e19c  No.6452927

File: d03e381cfdc98fb⋯.png (485.28 KB, 474x528, 79:88, ClipboardImage.png)

fd713d  No.6452928


Any tie in with who recently bought LA Times?

Maybe they needed more direct control of the coming narrative.

Anyone who works there is at risk if so, because they would likely have used it for a false flag and narrative shifting in the chaos.

563e7f  No.6452929

fd713d  No.6452930


Notice how I talk like it isn't going to happen.

Right Q?

8bf8fb  No.6452931


I think the drone "problems" are dry runs. Think how our tanks got deep inside Iraq's territory in the first gulf war before Sadam's army took notice.

e9a36f  No.6452932

File: 660634a0d17b406⋯.png (461.27 KB, 749x463, 749:463, ClipboardImage.png)


Careful, son, you'll trigger the captcha cheerleaders.

e4f976  No.6452933


>Bringing weapons early to the ensuing mayhem will not make their leaders any safer

it's a good distraction technique, anon. if regular people are too busy fighting a "civil war" on the streets, the puppet masters can slink away in the darkness amidst the chaos.

d1124a  No.6452934



In the late 1960's and early 1970's, G was one of the wealthiest men in the world. Although he could have any one in the world to have sex with, G enjoyed the company of young girls. Very very young girls. Under 10 was his preferred.

He imported the girls from a foreign country and housed them in the annex of his home which he reached via an underground tunnel. The girls were supplied by a very close friend of his who we will call M. It turns out M also had a love of young girls and provided them to other people like G all over the world.

2668d4  No.6452935

File: d43f18902d9c7af⋯.png (964.52 KB, 1166x599, 1166:599, ClipboardImage.png)

e4f976  No.6452936


no, he's right. i already tried to explain earlier ITT, but whatever.

4766ca  No.6452937

serious question:

why doesn't Trump want to release his tax returns? standard practice for presidents since 40 years ago

4a7633  No.6452938


hey, if they want to blame their Pedo on being Gay, oops, that was Spacey

back on topic; at least it takes some heat off of the NRA

e4f976  No.6452939


>standard practice

shove it up your ass. it's not a requirement for holding the presidency, and until it is, why the fuck should he?

cf8c3c  No.6452940

File: 9d0672a9b9910de⋯.jpeg (114.01 KB, 749x500, 749:500, C2BA2866-E3CC-43F4-B02D-2….jpeg)

4766ca  No.6452941


>shove it up your ass


when breaking with tradition there should be a good reason

e4f976  No.6452942


>there should be a good reason

there IS a good reason… that it's not required and is thus an invasion of privacy.

4a7633  No.6452944

Winchester and Bingo, RTB

happy hunting Anons

45cc89  No.6452945

File: 6da387a69c03f67⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 1077x583, 1077:583, POTUS peel.jpg)


>What will the world look like after the storm?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ebc49e No.3783812

Nov 7 2018 13:12:06 (EST)

We are going to show you a new world.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.



6a9a6b  No.6452946


There is. Salty dems.

c1e19c  No.6452947

File: cac0cd0937991f7⋯.png (1.62 MB, 700x907, 700:907, ClipboardImage.png)

8bf8fb  No.6452948


I am sure there are people out there with deathnotes military and not. The only way I see them avoiding death is by getting help from within the armed forces. Either they have a fith column hiding ammong our troops or they just think they have it.

30a71e  No.6452949


>serious question:

>why doesn't Trump want to release his tax returns? standard practice for presidents since 40 years ago

1. Because MSM and Dems want them

2. Standard practice // what else was standard practice for Presidents? It seems to screw over Americans

3. Trumps actions are changing the system, or Old Guard, as Q says - so he must have his reasons

I could not care less about his taxes

994c5f  No.6452950


That's okay. Capitulate and conform, and the bullies will like you. Now- get in your locker!

1beaba  No.6452951

File: 7cca84cffdd98ae⋯.png (53.69 KB, 670x1053, 670:1053, grammar nazi not.png)

4766ca  No.6452952


I'd like to see them, we might learn a few tricks kek

acf8b5  No.6452953

>>6452920 right off top o head

lunchbox→ song by marilyn manson→ manson → david lynch's lost highway→ balthazar getty also had a role in movie

d1124a  No.6452954


the reason is nuffinburgers cockwomble!

they will scream and accuse and shout about all the reasons why he is hiding something.

It makes them look crazy to the sheeple, wakes the sheeple up. means we dont have to go to war.

6a9a6b  No.6452955



Grammar got run over by a reindeer

791990  No.6452956


he's always had weak ankles

3579d2  No.6452957


are you ok?

wtf are you talking about?

go back to bed…

e4f976  No.6452958


>bingo - Low fuel status or direction to head for the divert field. ("Lobo is bingo fuel," or "Ghostrider, your signal is bingo.")

>RTB - Return to base. ("Big Eye, Eagle 301 is RTB.")

>winchester - Out of weapons. ("Tomcat 102 is winchester and RTB.")


fd713d  No.6452959


imo it's likely the el-ite plan to be out of the country like Pelosi and her entourage tried when they planned to knock off POTUS. Others will no doubt be behind gates with their own private army, I mean Police.

The only ones who have to worry are the ones being told about it are being told they'll be protected. But them, and those who work with them are just in the club, not really el-ite and will be left to fend for themselves, and will be great news coverage for their cause. A spark for the chaos.

Wonder what the shot heard round the world is going to be.

f39d99  No.6452960


They are the Enemedia, hun.

c1e19c  No.6452961

File: 15b9bef637f245b⋯.png (1.87 MB, 962x640, 481:320, ClipboardImage.png)


There most definitely is.

Have you been paying attention?

ONE wrong move, ONE missing tittle,

ONE error….and


994c5f  No.6452962

File: 0d18d20d70a1174⋯.png (362.09 KB, 749x483, 107:69, ClipboardImage.png)

e4f976  No.6452963


out of ammo, low fuel… pack it up and go home

ae3299  No.6452964


Look up the molecular structure of potassium which happens to be a main constituent in semen. Phallus worship?

cf8c3c  No.6452965


>if regular people are too busy fighting a "civil war" on the streets, the puppet masters can slink away in the darkness amidst the chaos.

At that point, the “puppet masters” will have been dead for weeks.

d83ca0  No.6452966

File: 228b9ba84099714⋯.png (35.23 KB, 1229x402, 1229:402, Screenshot_2019-05-09 pol….png)





So to tie it all together, the cabal is: flooding CA with MS13/ISIS stockpiling cheap weapons easily obtained to avoids detection hidden in houses like we saw in today's raid..

Possibly smuggling larger weapons in shipping containers and placing them strategically throughout the US via rail lines.

9814f2  No.6452967

Lots of good material on Getty Cali made into bun below. Anything missing, anons?

Moar on Getty/Cali politics BUN








7fc307  No.6452968

Potus freaked out the pedophiles apparently. Panic has set in.


1f159c  No.6452969

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>why doesn't Trump want to release his tax returns?

60b502  No.6452970

File: 670d67b20ae9147⋯.png (13.47 KB, 218x255, 218:255, pepe my pillow.png)

File: 1c66b71f30c2d14⋯.jpg (116.02 KB, 1236x888, 103:74, pepe no sleep.jpg)

File: 71ed9271f5909f0⋯.jpeg (240.69 KB, 1200x1556, 300:389, pepe myagi.jpeg)

c7d254  No.6452971

File: d7b59f319f5a33f⋯.jpeg (790.73 KB, 1242x1756, 621:878, E167AE46-5E30-480D-8E2B-D….jpeg)

Do You attack those you fear the most?

Barr has them scared to “death.”

Time for some Presidential Executive Privilege?

Keep the Dems begging and give them the FISA?

Enjoy the show.

Republicans—Jordan among them—say the subpoena forces Barr into a legal Catch-22, since Barr would break federal law by disclosing grand jury material.

“I don’t think today is actually about getting information,” Jordan continued. “I don’t think it’s about getting the unredacted Mueller report. I don’t think last week’s hearing was actually about having staff question the attorney general.

“I think it’s all about trying to destroy Bill Barr because Democrats are nervous he’s going to get to the bottom of everything,” Jordan said. “He’s going to find out how and why this investigation started in the first place.”


8bf8fb  No.6452972


>placing them strategically throughout the US

And western europe.

9814f2  No.6452973


last post doesn't belong, deleted

e9a36f  No.6452974


When someones disagrees with your groupthink, you get confused?

e4f976  No.6452975


you mean just like they were dead at the very start of WWI, and again for WWII, and again for the Iraq war, and still again for the current conflict? sarcasm, in case it's not obvious

791990  No.6452976


and why should he?

5bbfcb  No.6452977

File: 57b0f5870cfff55⋯.jpeg (510 KB, 2186x1778, 1093:889, jimi-hendrix-e13388146797….jpeg)

Did you ever hear that Jimi Hendrix was 187 for hanging out with some of the Black Panthers? I saw it mentioned in a documentary.

Jimi Hendrix: The Last 24 Hours

3579d2  No.6452978


ask him if you want the real answer

6a9a6b  No.6452979

File: a01c06df104f6d6⋯.jpg (324.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JC.jpg)

d8aafd  No.6452980

File: 5864f7a11b75733⋯.png (712.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Capture2.PNG)


Or, he may want you to dig deeper.

adea0c  No.6452981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Longtime Anchor Mary Bubala Fired Following Controversial On-Air Comments | WBAL

e75227  No.6452982


This connects Epstein to Getty, pelosi, newsom, and brown in CA.

Via Prince Andrew and his daughter.

Her work in the art field, notorious for laundering, should be dug up!

Getty is the money is Cali.

Getty runs CA.

For who?

I'm going to say the British crown.

Connecting Getty (and it's rumors) to Epstein is a MAJOR development.

60b502  No.6452983

File: f0ff8f24a1b6899⋯.png (168.44 KB, 500x420, 25:21, nothing booger.png)


go to bed, Mr. Maddow

843bc2  No.6452984

Good morning anons.

I am watching the rally from yesterday. POTUS mentioned the 16 two times at the beginning and than 20. Maybe it was discusted. But I want to share it. again?

Crumb 16

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

Crumb 32

Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

Crumb 20

Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

Was AG Sessions there?

How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting?

Could those meetings have been combined?

Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated?

Where was the meeting on Monday?

Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?

I also listen to categorie 5… But I don´t want to say it! Cause I am going crazy to think about everything with 5…

e4f976  No.6452985



i nominate for notable

>So to tie it all together, the cabal is: flooding CA with MS13/ISIS stockpiling cheap weapons easily obtained to avoids detection hidden in houses like we saw in today's raid..

>Possibly smuggling larger weapons in shipping containers and placing them strategically throughout the US via rail lines.

e9a36f  No.6452986


Guffaw in Kekistanian

45cc89  No.6452987

File: c4b9c2f98e164d0⋯.png (376.56 KB, 3004x1652, 751:413, carbon.png)

File: f0a4cb95d286386⋯.jpg (127.65 KB, 1395x1244, 1395:1244, alchPil.jpg)

File: 701975c7ecf32aa⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 268x178, 134:89, alchemy_s.jpg)


>Look up the molecular structure of potassium

Aware! Wish I'd paid moar attention in skool tho.

2df198  No.6452988


wonder how the parents of the recently departed are feeling? tortured souls does not even begin to verbalize the grief.


actually consider the feelings of the gunman first. That is how they can kill a babies at will - it is their demented views of right and wrong. If you stop what they do - you are wrong.

3579d2  No.6452989

this is some crew here tonight.

new group?

cf8c3c  No.6452990


Ah but you see, you are forgetting one thing: they’ve never been pulled out from the shadows TO FIGHT.

They’ve never been this exposed.

Shall i continue or would you care to apologize to the board now for sounding like complete and total bag of shit? Your choice.

7d2ac8  No.6452991


Let's have the electoral college tally figured in and see what the results are. kek Drive the dims over the edge :)

3579d2  No.6452992

Berlin 1920

history repeated again

6a9a6b  No.6452993


Old night shifter here. Just waiting for the storm to begin.

9814f2  No.6452994


Don't know, hope this Cali digg turns up something.

eb3c74  No.6452995

File: 7cbda8975e9e381⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 768x384, 2:1, reminder.jpg)

e4f976  No.6452996


do you even logistics, anon? knowing who they are =/= having access to them. just because i know Obama was the president in 2015 it doesn't mean i was ever close enough to take a shot at him.

2668d4  No.6452997

File: 4780b38f59f7604⋯.png (11.26 KB, 863x144, 863:144, ClipboardImage.png)


It looks like the Lunchbox Fund has is claws in South Africa also.

from here:


71de57  No.6452998


top kek

c64481  No.6452999

Fake. All fake.

6a9a6b  No.6453000

File: 92d7cf46518ffb0⋯.png (34 KB, 888x342, 148:57, NikeAnon-Drop-screencap.png)

71de57  No.6453001


comfy af

1f159c  No.6453002



More serious answer: because what he is being asked to do is not what has been standard practice for the past 40 years. Past president were not asked to open up thousand+ page documents detailing every aspect of their global business empires for their enemies to comb through and work into a never ending drip-drip-drip of nothing burgers.. That was the original reason, anyway. But them Trump saw the Dems going nuts over his tax returns and recognized their usefulness in making them waste time and energy chasing a MacGuffin. If they don't catch it… great. If they are able to get them… they'll only have embarrassed themselves. Not releasing them is a win/win for Trump.

2df198  No.6453003


black panthers definitely sounds like something coming out of laurel canyon. pretty sure thats who released the coke on south los angeles too. long beach port - starting with the crips and the bloods. then fixed with the mexicans. enforced by ms13. funded by the 3 sides of the pyramid.

d92e87  No.6453004

>>6449118 pb

"Dir. Comey is an amazing leader." - Adm. Mike Rogers


7bcb42  No.6453005

File: fa57e33ab637d60⋯.png (813.41 KB, 1608x408, 67:17, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Hong….png)

File: da24d712069c52b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1403x882, 1403:882, que.png)

File: 0ee23b2ce526968⋯.png (926.47 KB, 1225x882, 25:18, sf.png)






I swear..the sickest part of digging is finding the hook noses.

Absolutely disgusted by them at this point.

9814f2  No.6453006


Notes @630

>>6452352 Juan Guaido's Deputy Arrested

>>6452361 250K Migrant Families Apprehended by Feds in 2019

>>6452384, >>6452400 Moar on Gun Seize property owner: Cynthia Beck

>>6452389 Video of Gun Raid from today

>>6452393 Active Shooter Drills in St. Charles Missouri

>>6452416, >>6452423 Epoch times on RR

>>6452457 Day 2 of trial against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere (news clip at the link)

>>6452549 Right kind of Muslims kill 9 wrong kind of Muslims – Ramadan Day 3

baker change

>>6452574 Rashida Tlaib sets dates for Congressional visit to West Bank

>>6452605 Reminder: The Gettys bankrolled Gov Newsome's political career.

Baker Change

>>6452967 Moar on Getty/Cali politics BUN

>>6452581 Venezuelan Authorities Initiate Public Dialogue on Economic Development – Maduro

>>6452673 Intel that prompted US to deploy aircrast carrier to Middle East 'came from Israel'

>>6452703 Matt Gaetz will face Florida Bar grievance committee for tweet about Michael Cohen's 'girlfriends'

>>6452720 Baltimore TV anchor fired for questioning the leadership of past mayors (who happen to be black females)

>>6452759 Buffett's Berkshire "Duped" Out Of $377 Million By "Ponzi-Like Solar Scheme"

>>6452818, >>6452821, >>6452826, >>6452829 Resignations in the news today

>>6452886, >>6452891 Transgender Denver student Alec McKinney id'd as 2nd gunman in STEM school shooting

>>6452875 California OKs new sex-ed guidelines for teachers despite objections from parents, protesters

>>6452924 FBI lost notes from Clinton probe met significant to concerns over foreign exfiltration leads

>>6452966 Anon on cabal flooding CA with MS13/ISIS cheap weapons hidden in houses

Let me know if you see anything to edit, long list late night

1f159c  No.6453007

File: 68436c144556081⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 600x750, 4:5, facepalm_jim_76437.jpg)


> the molecular structure of potassium

9814f2  No.6453008

>>6453006 changes

baker change dup deleted

FBI lost notes > Anon on ….

3a3c5f  No.6453009

I'm willing to bet that the guys at "The Open Scroll" will know about this floor design:


Most of the world is in a trance-like state, under an antichrist delusion, which is in no small part due to the saturation of our environment with symbolic emblems and artifacts through which magickal spells are cast. The physical evidence of sodomy as pictured in these symbols testifies of a very real gateway to supernaturalism, one that is directly linked to fallen angelic beings, gods of the ancient past, present and future.

Here in this lengthy series of posts are answers to questions you may not have wanted to ask, but should have.


2df198  No.6453010

crips east of freeway

bloods west of freeway

freeway splits la right thru the heart

e81afb  No.6453011


your meme is faggot that is not even a chimp…

272384  No.6453012

File: 455d13753ae777b⋯.png (414.92 KB, 631x706, 631:706, ClipboardImage.png)






One thing this captcha thing has taught us: The repetitive Finkelsteins, Q mind control shills, and the 'known bots' aren't actually bots.

Some of them work hand in hand with specific bakers, (present Baker excluded, I trust.)

c7d254  No.6453013

File: 9780e543946f88f⋯.jpeg (735.15 KB, 1242x2083, 1242:2083, 743A0FA5-EF81-4F0A-AE9C-F….jpeg)

File: 6e317243fca256f⋯.jpeg (839.47 KB, 1242x1488, 207:248, 59620AEF-924F-41B8-A867-2….jpeg)

What created the UN?


ad4a69  No.6453014


Why don't you tell us a part of your past so we can all dig into it and make hay out of nothing and make it look like something to investigate and slander you with? Don't just think outside the box, anon, try to think within it as well.

5bbfcb  No.6453015

File: faeeddacbe55452⋯.jpg (4.88 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Long Beach rail merge.jpg)


And where you have shipping containers and a dock, you have a rail system to distribute throughout the USA.

02392d  No.6453016

File: 93524aeff542340⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, image.jpeg)


Interdasting you spoke about lapis lazuli. I picked some up he other day.

4766ca  No.6453017


agreed, it would be a shit show

enjoyed the macguffin clip as well, thanks anon

also this >>6452954

even though some people have a long way to go before they will wake up

214213  No.6453018


Agree. C-class and below solar flares are of small consequence. There is one person out there who is whipping a crowd of laymen into a frenzy about some coming disaster - f34r pr0n.

/slap to the fools who panic over these (been watching too much S0 news?)

Wake me up if we see M-class or higher.


adea0c  No.6453019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump in Panama City Beach, FL

Donald J Trump | YouTube

adea0c  No.6453020

File: ee5f48792a4b7f0⋯.png (1.46 MB, 954x535, 954:535, capture_085_08052019_18284….png)

File: c3a996a75d62ff5⋯.png (1.46 MB, 951x537, 317:179, capture_072_08052019_18282….png)


Capped these two pix

5bbfcb  No.6453021


is there a way to vote if you don't twatter?

c7d254  No.6453022

File: bff88b8e1ef379c⋯.jpeg (748.95 KB, 1242x2088, 69:116, 1D5EB1A2-138C-4FC4-A231-9….jpeg)

These people are sick.


9814f2  No.6453023


I don't see how bakers would be involved . Seems more like some sort of random process, because I've seen Finkelstein drop after the dough but also not drop after the dough. When it happens, it's always just a few seconds later.

e4f976  No.6453024



>mystery school

tldr - mystery schools teach occult spellwork

religions have a 'cover story' but for anyone who can decrypt the symbolism, these religions and text also teach about the physical world and the metaphysical. that metaphysical being, in part, that magic is real and portions of it are basically spell recipes. this by itself isn't necessarily bad, but when your spellwork goes beyond grinding up willow bark and transitions into eating children and sprinkling their blood around, that's a fucking problem.

adea0c  No.6453025


Read the comments!

ea72f8  No.6453026

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope copy.png)


Any bets the 'global governing legal authority' would include the pedo jesuits, of which he is one?

e4f976  No.6453027



9814f2  No.6453028


>>6452352 Juan Guaido's Deputy Arrested

>>6452361 250K Migrant Families Apprehended by Feds in 2019

>>6452384, >>6452400 Moar on Gun Seize property owner: Cynthia Beck

>>6452389 Video of Gun Raid from today

>>6452393 Active Shooter Drills in St. Charles Missouri

>>6452416, >>6452423 Epoch times on RR

>>6452457 Day 2 of trial against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere (news clip at the link)

>>6452549 Right kind of Muslims kill 9 wrong kind of Muslims – Ramadan Day 3

>>6452605 Reminder: The Gettys bankrolled Gov Newsome's political career.

Baker Change

>>6452967 Moar on Getty/Cali politics BUN

>>6452574 Rashida Tlaib sets dates for Congressional visit to West Bank

>>6452581 Venezuelan Authorities Initiate Public Dialogue on Economic Development – Maduro

>>6452673 Intel that prompted US to deploy aircrast carrier to Middle East 'came from Israel'

>>6452703 Matt Gaetz will face Florida Bar grievance committee for tweet about Michael Cohen's 'girlfriends'

>>6452720 Baltimore TV anchor fired for questioning the leadership of past mayors (who happen to be black females)

>>6452759 Buffett's Berkshire "Duped" Out Of $377 Million By "Ponzi-Like Solar Scheme"

>>6452818, >>6452821, >>6452826, >>6452829 Resignations in the news today

>>6452886, >>6452891 Transgender Denver student Alec McKinney id'd as 2nd gunman in STEM school shooting

>>6452875 California OKs new sex-ed guidelines for teachers despite objections from parents, protesters

>>6452924 Anon on FBI lost notes from Clinton probe met significant to concerns over foreign exfiltration leads

>>6452966 Anon on cabal flooding CA with MS13/ISIS cheap weapons hidden in houses

last call

45cc89  No.6453029

File: 8c3a0cd02ea82bb⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 255x249, 85:83, jokers.jpg)



When you have to explain it's a joke, perhaps it wasn't that amusing.


9814f2  No.6453030

30a71e  No.6453031


>I don't see how bakers would be involved

Oh some bakers work in tandem with shills // red headed pedo for example // obvious is obvious

What about the recent bakers that want to constantly make Posobiec / Gorka / Gateway Pundit and other MAGA Coalition operatives Notable

It's Tag Team Shilling

e81afb  No.6453032


exactly ….its a shit meme …yours however makes sense …

56008d  No.6453033


Anons, I’m currently traveling and phonefagging.. but saw POTUS tweet using ((double brackets)).. is this a hat tip to these boards?

95ba2c  No.6453034

It's been…

On week since Q spoke to me.

Dropped your arms to the side and said "You're crazy".

Five days since I laughed at you and said, "You just did what I thought Q'd said you'd gonna do!"

7bcb42  No.6453035

File: f8775b5d4dc2089⋯.jpg (279.67 KB, 1581x673, 1581:673, sesub.jpg)

File: 4a8aae7abf6b40e⋯.jpg (425.33 KB, 1845x601, 1845:601, sex.jpg)

File: 21e5995ed07fbb7⋯.jpg (78.27 KB, 526x308, 263:154, eyeisrahell.jpg)



How the will of the MKU kids are broken from infancy to around 5 to create a slave you can control throughout their lives.

Problems arise when they hit late 20's, early 30's and is why they have to be heavily medicated or "re-programmed" to keep them slaves.

Also been said that sodomy unlocks the "3rd eye" or the pineal gland. Who the fuck knows, that shit is gay and that's that.

Ever looked at the eye on the triangle above the pyramid? Notice the "rays of light" shining from behind it? That's actually an anus.

4766ca  No.6453036



adea0c  No.6453037

Funeral set for ex-Graham wrestler, Jim Jordan’s nephew, killed in crash



c7d254  No.6453038

File: a366525f6c9d86c⋯.jpeg (1008.18 KB, 1242x1701, 46:63, 6228CA94-F392-4EE0-9772-6….jpeg)

Patriots in control.


9814f2  No.6453039


Yes, I know there are shilly bakers, always have been. But the crap at the start of many breads is there for most bakers most of the time, ones that I am certain are not shills. Really haven't a clue as to how this works.

4766ca  No.6453040

db68fd  No.6453041

File: 9ee113609f69893⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB, 854x480, 427:240, T-Bone High On PCP ( 480 X….mp4)


Found another one too

Oldie but goodie

Nice symbolism

3f7f7f  No.6453042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




c1e19c  No.6453043

File: 60af1714eb0aafe⋯.png (874.16 KB, 650x505, 130:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember this:

"Artwork" has a very broad definition.

And is given a wide berth.

Not subject to scrutiny/searches that other

packages/deliveries are.


45cc89  No.6453044

File: 89549e6f1299f14⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 243x255, 81:85, pepeKeys.jpg)


>yours however makes sense …

One of my favs.

You know the song?

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the Middle with Q[ewe]

cd4c42  No.6453045

File: f4f09198036bba0⋯.png (559.7 KB, 887x487, 887:487, ClipboardImage.png)




>captcha cheerleaders

30a71e  No.6453046


>But the crap at the start of many breads is there for most bakers most of the time, ones that I am certain are not shills

I have noticed the same

I do like that the captcha has shown who is working at the shilling // not a bot

It has been very informative, IMO, to see what messages were likely bots and which are likely paid shills

86a3e4  No.6453047


Looks like sodomy shill is starting up,

ea72f8  No.6453048

File: 39a983985d5bef4⋯.png (495.38 KB, 915x1001, 915:1001, 2019-05-09_03-58-24.png)

File: 49934f5946e7359⋯.png (451.56 KB, 593x909, 593:909, 2019-05-09_04-01-53.png)


Think of the power the current pedo cult in the vatican currently wields and they want moar?

Gay priests creating moar gay priests through blackmail and using the power of the confessional and other nefarious means to gather information and send it to their leadership to use as blackmail and suppressing their crimes?


d92e87  No.6453049

File: 911a4b090f16337⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1213x1727, 1213:1727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83ff56fa19b993b⋯.png (479.33 KB, 503x500, 503:500, ClipboardImage.png)

189236  No.6453050

File: e880aee3c90ad12⋯.png (726.25 KB, 732x439, 732:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcc7799c5ca2298⋯.png (742.33 KB, 640x666, 320:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e63cc7eab4223cb⋯.png (511.24 KB, 640x555, 128:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Agents Seize More Than 1,000 Guns From Home in Upscale LA Neighborhood, Holmby Hills

More than 1,000 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition were found early on May 8 at a home in one of the most exclusive upscale neighborhoods of Los Angeles, Holmby Hills. Dramatic aerial footage shows a massive collection of weapons scattered out on what appears to be blankets in the property’s driveway, as police take inventory. One man, whose name has yet to be released, was arrested on suspicion of unlawful transportation, and of giving, lending, or selling an assault weapon, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) said, according to the Los Angeles Times. He is expected to be booked, authorities said. The raid occurred around 4 a.m in the 100 block of North Beverly Glen Boulevard.

Police also found firearm manufacturing equipment and tools at the home. According to KABC, the home has multiple rooms and was cluttered with guns and ammunition. The weapons were described as a wide range of makes and models of different ages, including assault weapons, rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Many were modern, but some were also dated 50 years or more, with a few being fit as collectables as they were dated back to the Civil War, KABC reported. “I had never seen so many weapons in my career of 31 years,” LAPD Lt. Chris Ramirez told KABC. “That’s such a big arsenal in a residence like this, in this type of neighborhood. It’s astounding.”

He told the station that it is not illegal for someone to own a large collection of firearms but it is illegal to sell such weapons from a home, and without going through the extensively-regulated state and federal processes. Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and LAPD were serving a search warrant. In a written statement to CNN, ATF spokeswoman Ginger Colbrun said that police had received a tip that someone was “conducting illegal firearms transaction outside the scope of the federal firearm license that the individual possess.”

The Daily Mail reported that public property records show the home has five bedrooms and 8,200 square feet of living space. It was last sold in 2001 and its current estimated value is about $7 million. The LA Times reported that court records show the property is owned by Cynthia Beck, who has three daughters with the son of oil tycoon J. Paul Getty, Gordon Getty. Beck bought the property in January 2001, but it remains unclear if she has any connection to the firearms find, and the paper could not reach Beck for comment.

Officers from both agencies remained on the scene and continued the investigation. They were going through and disposing of boxes and taking photographs of the evidence, the LA Times reported. ”Obviously it’s a lot,” Officer Mike Lopez, a spokesman with the Los Angeles Police Department, told the LA Times. “They’re going to be there a long time. Possibly even tomorrow.” In a statement sighted by the Times, the ATF said, “ATF and LAPD have no reason to believe the public is in any danger.” In 2015, LAPD seized 1,200 guns, seven tons of ammunition and $230,000 in cash from a home. The owner had died of natural causes and was found in his SUV outside. At the time, it was considered one of the largest weapon’s seizure from one home, the LAPD said


d8aafd  No.6453051

File: 6a28bc68c38c5d1⋯.jpg (63.6 KB, 433x722, 433:722, 2047dd4dc07a22e56f36d44e61….jpg)

09e367  No.6453052

File: 600fadf304d4cc6⋯.mp4 (11.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_WSFFBSytbNa8ba.mp4)

c1e19c  No.6453053


Well…..I wouldn't really call it a goodie.

But, I getcha.

d92e87  No.6453054

File: f07c12bebd953c2⋯.png (536.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


>Annual Wear your Life Jacket to Work Day

7bcb42  No.6453055


shill this shill that…how about shills who poast just to label a shill?

triggering is pretty funny though.

9814f2  No.6453056


Hope we get the answers to all our questions. Doubt it will be today or tomorrow, tho. Kek.

3a3c5f  No.6453057


“The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. ”

Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

05dd93  No.6453058


I think you meant to say that Sessions MUST appear to be an "impartial player." Otherwise he does look like he's out to get former obama team members.

So you think Friday and Saturday. I hope you're right.

ea72f8  No.6453059

File: 44b89b5993878c5⋯.png (60.75 KB, 839x502, 839:502, 2019-05-09_04-09-08.png)

cd4c42  No.6453060

File: 6ac5449c4e60b10⋯.png (376.51 KB, 717x393, 239:131, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, the captcha doesn't hinder it at all, and the 'obvious bots' turned out to be human after all, so I guess we can stop doing captchas now?

Of course not! Just like all the regulations Dems pass, it's here to stay, whether it brings positive change or not.

[cue the chorus of shills to start loudly proclaiming "BUT IT HAS REALLY CHANGED THINGS," even though everyone worth his salt knows it really hasn't.]

2df198  No.6453061


she nor they can go to sleep.

first they have no talking points so they're on here stealin whatever they can.

second, they know indictment pending, indictment sentencing pending, indictment hitting the light of day

third, wondering if she can reverse course and declare herself a woman under usual periodic lunacy.

4766ca  No.6453062


Hi EU-anon

"yesterday" from the rally on May 8:

12:15 PM

The President has lunch with the Vice President

Closed Press

3:00 PM

The President participates in a meeting with Republican members of the Senate

Closed Press


e4f976  No.6453063


> even though everyone worth his salt knows it really hasn't

it basically slowed things down. and there are fewer mobilefags. i still hate it tho. it's annoying af

34a07a  No.6453065

File: fd85479477f1f43⋯.png (895.56 KB, 1205x2997, 1205:2997, 1557389359907.png)

>all locations of ISIS

what the heck just happened?

86a3e4  No.6453066


Have already seen your 15 post sodomy shit show before clown

9814f2  No.6453067


did you see

>>6452966 ?

e81afb  No.6453068


yeah i do its why your meme was funny

7bcb42  No.6453069


Well when you put it like that, it's one WHALE of a story, kek.


You fucking retard, track the ID. Topnigger.

189236  No.6453070

File: 152580dd772bc67⋯.png (585.36 KB, 422x510, 211:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04d540c562adf85⋯.png (203.64 KB, 640x871, 640:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Sri Lanka: U.S. official injured in Easter Sunday bombings has died

May 9 (UPI) – A United States official seriously injured in the Easter Sunday terror attacks in Sri Lanka died this week, officials said. Chelsea Decaminada, an international program specialist with the U.S. Department of Commerce in Sri Lanka on assignment, died Monday as a result of injuries sustained during the April 21 suicide bomb attacks on three hotels and three Christian churches throughout the country, U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Alaina Teplitz confirmed Wednesday.

"We mourn the loss of Chelsea Decaminada, who succumbed after a valiant fight to injuries from the attacks," Teplitz said in a tweet. "Our prayers are with her family. We pay tribute to Chelsea – and all those lost and injured – by partnering with Sri Lanka and nations worldwide to bring unity in the face of terrorism."

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross was the first to announce her death Tuesday, saying on Twitter, "it was our great hope that Chelsea would recover from her injuries." In a statement, Ross said Decaminada was a talented program specialist in the Department of Commerce's law development program. "Chelsea devoted her life to public service and her dedication and spirit were a model for all of us at Commerce," he said. "She served her country with distinction." He said as they mourn her death they will continue to fight terrorism.

She is the second person from the Washington D.C. area to die in the suicide bombing attack that the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for but has been attributed to terrorist organization National Thawheed Jammath. Kieran Shafritz de Zoysa, a fifth-grade student at Sidwell Friends School, was on leave to study in Sri Lanka, his mother's native home, when he died in the blasts, NBC News reported. The 11-year-old was eating breakfast at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo when it was attacked by a suicide bomber. UNICEF said at least 45 children were killed in the attacks. Sri Lankan authorities have said all responsible for the attacks have either been arrested or killed. More than 250 people, including 45 foreigners, were killed in the attacks.


2df198  No.6453071


make one with the same pic that says: when you have to explain constitutional crisis - perhaps it wasnt such a good idea

45cc89  No.6453072

File: ed96336d0ed3f30⋯.jpg (170.9 KB, 400x560, 5:7, STORM.jpg)


POTUS and Nat'l Preparedness Day Declaration


Cuz autism is FUN;

Sep 1 2018 11:42:01 (EST) = 9 - 1 -11 [2+1+8] 9111

@11:42:01 = 9

9 1 11 9


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d1b112 No.2833619

Sep 1 2018 11:42:01 (EST)


National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland. <moar

8bf8fb  No.6453073


>8chan is totally compromised

Yeah looks legit…

86a3e4  No.6453074


all on the same team, often same clown on 2 ID

34a07a  No.6453076


has nothing to do with the information at hand

this is a leak of all fucking isis places

the fuck is going on

189236  No.6453078


Indeed, this is starting to come full circle..won't much longer for the roundup.

cd4c42  No.6453079


>slowed things down

If you can ever get a captcha cheerleader to calm down and just talk (instead of shooting you) all they can really say is that the bread is far slower, as if that is some kind of positive thing.

I DO believe that many captcha cheerleaders have been 'recruited' to yell at anyone who objected to the nuisance.

e4f976  No.6453080


what board is that from?

7d1e68  No.6453081

File: 642cd75c935545a⋯.png (2.37 MB, 2502x461, 2502:461, Schumann_Timeline.png)

Because the Schumann Resonance is only showing the past 72hrs, i decided to try something.

I'll try to crop and glue them together in the future to provide some kind of real Schumann Timeline.

3579d2  No.6453082

please shut the fuck up about captchas already.


9814f2  No.6453083


No, captcha is not getting rid of shills. We know that. Have no idea what it's about. Much work and not much fun. But we keep on keepin' on, anyways. Harder and harder to sing its praises, tho, even for shills (they sound a lot like the MSM trying to talk up "obstruction").

e4f976  No.6453084


>I DO believe that many captcha cheerleaders have been 'recruited' to yell at anyone who objected to the nuisance.

my opinion as well. forced meme is forced. my bet is that it's by BV's trying to shill their good decision, but it's whatev.


anon trying to herd cats. good luck with that.

c240fb  No.6453085

File: 654e7479cc59a2e⋯.jpeg (13.92 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 1b0e0b92766e64cfe7cb70b05….jpeg)

File: 654e7479cc59a2e⋯.jpeg (13.92 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 1b0e0b92766e64cfe7cb70b05….jpeg)


Chelsea is w/ our Lord now in His Kingdom, full of unspeakable and unsearchable eternal bliss

2df198  No.6453086


sound operation jade

8bf8fb  No.6453087


>this is a leak of all fucking isis places

Gullible anon is gullible.

34a07a  No.6453088


nein chan

984928  No.6453089

File: 66502850289a0a2⋯.jpeg (5.47 MB, 5007x4584, 1669:1528, qiscomey.jpeg)

9814f2  No.6453090


>>6452352 Juan Guaido's Deputy Arrested

>>6452361 250K Migrant Families Apprehended by Feds in 2019

>>6452384, >>6452400 Moar on Gun Seize property owner: Cynthia Beck

>>6452389 Video of Gun Raid from today

>>6452393 Active Shooter Drills in St. Charles Missouri

>>6452416, >>6452423 Epoch times on RR

>>6452457 Day 2 of trial against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere (news clip at the link)

>>6452549 Right kind of Muslims kill 9 wrong kind of Muslims – Ramadan Day 3

>>6452605 Reminder: The Gettys bankrolled Gov Newsome's political career.

Baker Change

>>6453030 Moar on Getty/Cali politics BUN

>>6452574 Rashida Tlaib sets dates for Congressional visit to West Bank

>>6452581 Venezuelan Authorities Initiate Public Dialogue on Economic Development – Maduro

>>6452673 Intel that prompted US to deploy aircrast carrier to Middle East 'came from Israel'

>>6452703 Matt Gaetz will face Florida Bar grievance committee for tweet about Michael Cohen's 'girlfriends'

>>6452720 Baltimore TV anchor fired for questioning the leadership of past mayors (who happen to be black females)

>>6452759 Buffett's Berkshire "Duped" Out Of $377 Million By "Ponzi-Like Solar Scheme"

>>6452818, >>6452821, >>6452826, >>6452829 Resignations in the news today

>>6452886, >>6452891 Transgender Denver student Alec McKinney id'd as 2nd gunman in STEM school shooting

>>6452875 California OKs new sex-ed guidelines for teachers despite objections from parents, protesters

>>6452924 Anon on FBI lost notes from Clinton probe met significant to concerns over foreign exfiltration leads

>>6452966 Anon on cabal flooding CA with MS13/ISIS cheap weapons hidden in houses

>>6453050 Agents seize more than 1,000 guns from home in upscale Holmby Hills, CA

>>6453070 Sri Lanka: U.S. official injured in Easter Sunday bombings has died

time to bake….

c1e19c  No.6453091

File: 26444408a3f551b⋯.png (88.87 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)


Dafuq am I looking at here?

Looks intriguing.

Eyes on.


7bcb42  No.6453092


You are a complete fucking moran, topkek.

All the shit poasted in bread and you wait until ~700 to get triggered.

It's fucking hilarious how much you glow.

So MK ultra programming isn't a thing? H-wood sex slaves haven't come out to blow the whistle only to be silenced?

Sex cult not being exposed?

Neck yourself, Clown.

Your projection smells like top-tier shit.

d92e87  No.6453093

File: 2793b7eecb5f98b⋯.png (533.4 KB, 647x500, 647:500, ClipboardImage.png)

49e22e  No.6453094


I think these images are Square Kufic in Architecture.


09e367  No.6453095


not always up to date, but it already exists


9fc19b  No.6453097


Interesting got a Link to the board?

791990  No.6453099

File: 1a57e84aeb4a883⋯.png (3.27 MB, 2167x1598, 2167:1598, ClipboardImage.png)


will you continue to shut the fuck up when they ban tripcodes and start deleting Q posts?

7d1e68  No.6453100


Kek! Damnit. You spared me a lot of work. Thank you Anon!

c1e19c  No.6453101

File: c005f73d55b18a4⋯.png (82.99 KB, 370x313, 370:313, ClipboardImage.png)




But but but…..what if…..???

8bf8fb  No.6453103


Take a look at what is said about 8chan before you go any further.

0775f7  No.6453104

File: 9796bd307cf5c6d⋯.png (420.15 KB, 537x457, 537:457, ClipboardImage.png)



There is intelligent life here after all!



(well, some…)

86a3e4  No.6453105


As long as sodomy shitshow lecture series is canceled, I'm good.

34a07a  No.6453106


all i got is this


5bbfcb  No.6453108


The color of the fez is meant to be the color of dried blood.

sauce: Bill Schnoebelen

34a07a  No.6453110


why do you want anons to stop think?

why the thought stop?

2df198  No.6453111


next recovery victim to look like a brand new TIGER WOODS

well i say – YES, A VERY BIG YES

Be best

find your way

the path of lies is wide

the truth is


c1e19c  No.6453112




Think about that good and hard!!!!

So there!

449858  No.6453115

File: 59bb4b6291ae2b1⋯.jpg (52.47 KB, 500x403, 500:403, 1.jpg)


Barrick Gold Corp., which completed its acquisition of Randgold Resources Ltd. at the beginning of the year, has identified $1.5 billion in assets the miner intends to sell, Chief Executive Officer Mark Bristow said.

Chief Executive Officer Mark Bristow said.“Our focus is realizing $1.5 billion through next year,” Bristow said Wednesday in an interview in Toronto. The assets will be sold once they are optimized enough to create sufficient value for shareholders, he said.

The gold sector has been anticipating a wave of asset sales in the wake of Barrick’s $5.4 billion acquisition of Randgold and a second mega-merger that created Newmont Goldcorp Corp. The newly combined giants were expected to put several unloved mines up for sale, leaving lots of room for maneuvering by company executives who have missed out on the dealmaking.

“It’s not a fire-sale, it’s a considered process,” Bristow said in a separate interview with Bloomberg TV. “We’ll work with those stakeholders, and we will let the market know when we’re ready to let them know once we’ve got a way forward for each of those assets.”

The objective is for the sale process to be well advanced by mid-2020, Barrick said in its first-quarter earnings statement, its first results since its acquisition of Randgold was completed.

Barrick will focus on finding the right buyers for its assets and is willing to help them manage the mines during a transition period, if required, Bristow told BTV. Some of the assets Barrick is selling are in countries that the company still wants to invest in, he says.

In the meantime, the Toronto-based miner also won’t hesitate to “pick up other assets” that may be available.

Barrick said its joint venture agreement with Newmont is expected to close by the end of the quarter. In March, Barrick withdrew a $17.8 billion hostile bid for Newmont after negotiating the joint venture combining most of their assets in Nevada. Barrick has a 61.5 percent stake in the JV to Newmont Goldcorp’s 38.5%.

Barrick also said it will declare a quarterly dividend of 4 cents a share.

c7d254  No.6453116

File: 4731b23292ce9ae⋯.jpeg (852.1 KB, 1242x1843, 1242:1843, 71E81B67-722A-4EFA-96EE-7….jpeg)

So the Tarrifs are pissing of PROC!

Great Work.

NK pawns, sad.

Can we believe CNBC reports?


8bf8fb  No.6453117


Why do you want to send anons elsewhere? Is this not a discussion board?

e615c5  No.6453118

File: 8536c926fcb7a9d⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 571x618, 571:618, 1532868069393.jpg)


why can't it be

>Reddit is down for good

34a07a  No.6453119


didn't say to go elsewhere, you got problems to open a second tab?

2df198  No.6453121


do you follow the bernie sanders i'm gonna die a queer socialist commie death


do you follow the obongo drums hes a kenyan but i deliriously enjoy micheelle rapin his a hole?

serious political need to know question

d8aafd  No.6453122

File: 5f9c7b96c02b610⋯.png (390.55 KB, 1349x637, 1349:637, Imam of Portland s Largest….png)


8bf8fb  No.6453123


A second tab is elsewhere. Are you a kid?

ea72f8  No.6453124

File: 26b5a212c7f9678⋯.png (496.18 KB, 573x858, 191:286, 2019-05-09_04-26-45.png)

5493e1  No.6453125


Cynthia Beck, 60 years old with 3 daughters (daughters took their daddy's name Getty) live in SF area. Has more than 10 homes in Belair and other areas, all abandoned/run down like state.

The curious case of Cynthia Beck, www.Yolandaslittleblackbook, lots of detail information. good nite franz!

0775f7  No.6453126

File: 8f3d22db0db8802⋯.png (377.29 KB, 497x729, 497:729, ClipboardImage.png)

98a264  No.6453127


>> "…sodomy shitshow.."

Probably the most appropriate use of the latter word I've ever seen. Kudos!

9814f2  No.6453129

File: 5651d7a64121d42⋯.jpg (13.51 KB, 288x175, 288:175, bread 4.jpg)

c1e19c  No.6453130


Oh dear.

I'll take queer socialist bongo drums rape-hole for $500, Alex.

2df198  No.6453132


knew you where the obongo homo

where did you leave moochie

cant have him findin out about the chimp love affair, huh?

c1e19c  No.6453135

File: 91655b1b056fe3e⋯.png (343.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



Buncha sodomites in here.

2df198  No.6453138


says chief obongo hole

u sucked hard - like when u did mickey

as prez

c1e19c  No.6453140


Oh, lord no.

That monkey butt love stays an open secret.

It's a real shitshow.

Requires 3 captchas for entry!

ea72f8  No.6453142

File: e26a6a10db7f4b3⋯.png (354.15 KB, 490x456, 245:228, 2019-05-09_04-37-13.png)



c1e19c  No.6453143

File: 34703fffa1e39c3⋯.png (131.88 KB, 640x457, 640:457, ClipboardImage.png)

2df198  No.6453146

Are you so deep in misfortune

you gotta look for the dubai

in here a

wut happened

to your lover boy

in sa

did he meet the same demise you will?

fren says you stink at being Prez.

5bbfcb  No.6453148


OMG I'm in a rump ranger state!

2df198  No.6453149


that looks like a wut happened hilldawg map

7bcb42  No.6453151

File: a88c1606d2dc1d1⋯.jpg (686.84 KB, 771x5156, 771:5156, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Pedo….jpg)

File: a4cdc30d3050e43⋯.png (690.33 KB, 901x657, 901:657, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Pedo….png)

File: 01c37facb78b382⋯.png (556.12 KB, 993x511, 993:511, Screenshot_2019-05-09 Pedo….png)


Not sure. Chekked and doesn't seem too close.


It's fine, your evil will be dealt with whether you admit it or not.

c1e19c  No.6453152

File: c1261aca74ce538⋯.png (62.85 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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