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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

c34cb8  No.6400522

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

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Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c34cb8  No.6400528

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6385109 do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode, >>6348477 BO Related Global Notables

>>6261140 Please no JPEGs, >>6364968 captchas for every post now


are not endorsements

#8184 baker change>>6399893 Mueller disturbed by Pelosi's Statements re Barr

>>6400012, >>6399883 DJT zero second tweet 2 parter has 5 dots and 3 dots - 5,3 May 3rd?

>>6400318, >>6400400 there was a 1 second tweet 2 parter this moning

>>6399999, >>6400000 quints gets checked on the way to beyond 6.4million posts

>>6399923 french anon can help on the karate kid thing

>>6400422, >>6400423, >>6400424, >>6400425 Resignations in the News today

>>6400397, >>6400472 2 E4B Doomsdays up in the skies right now

>>6400503 #8184


>>6399635 Steve Stenger to enter guilty plea for ‘pay-to-play’ scheme in federal court Friday

>>6399620, >>6399619 NEW DJT twats; >>6399630 confirmed Zero Delta!

>>6399531, >>6399593 Other properties owned by Sizzle Pie (pizzeria w/Baphomet symbol)

>>6399559 Congressman Challenges Pro-Immigration Bishop on Vatican Wall

>>6399507 20 people rescued from a possible human smuggling racket from Phoenix home

>>6399456 Why are John Solomon's articles filed under "Opinion"?

>>6399450, >>6399452, >>6399481 Resignations in the news (5-1-19)

>>6399407 JW obtains records via FOIA re advance of funds for an "escord officer" for Pelosi on trips

>>6399346, >>6399397, >>6399421 POTUS already ordered the DECLAS (per Q-proof Sep 17).

>>6399339 Microsoft rolls out new cloud services for AI and blockchain

>>6399260 For the Day of Prayer Ordained by President Trump

>>6399209, >>6399251, >>6399439, >>6399573, >>6399674 Planefag updates

>>6399185, >>6399223 'New' POTUS Schedule twitter account is @45__Schedule

>>6399169 GeoGroup opening private prison in Michigan to house immigrants

>>6399150 Here Are the Questions Republican Lawmakers Should Ask Robert Mueller During His Testimony Before Congress

>>6399068 Spreadsheet update (archive offline)

>>6399028, >>6399126, >>6399278, >>6399173 Alexandra Chalupa DIGG

>>6399723 #8183


>>6397456 pb Ron Paul on how the Iraq War got started by the DS

>>6398846 101st Airborne RT the DOD

>>6398821 Would-be NYC subway bomber gets 10 years in foiled al-Qaida plot, faces release for time served

>>6398605, >>6398811, >>6398877 For the Day of Prayer Ordained by President Trump

>>6398772 Stefan Halper’s ‘Assistant’ In Papadopoulos Spy Operation Has Been Outed

>>6398766 Giuliani to Judge Napolitano: "Reconsider your position"

>>6398682 Planefag update

>>6398591 101 Arrested Now in Brevard County FL, Yuge Drug Sting Op

>>6398526, >>6398804 US Marines: Secure the Liz (landing zone during Weapons & Tactics Instructors course)

>>6398524 Trump formally nominates Kelly Craft as U.N. ambassador

>>6398481 Minnesota governor signs law making marital rape illegal

>>6398446 Barr won't hand over investigative files

>>6398433 Big Puzzle Pieces Connecting – The CIA, FBI, and 2016 Political Surveillance is Merging…

>>6398428 Cindy McCain led the IRI delegation to “observe” the Ukraine Presidential Election

>>6398404, >>6398657 Boatfag updates

>>6398315 PAPADOPOULOS DROPS BOMBSHELL: UK Was Working With Obama in Spying on Trump Campaign

>>6398312, 6398822 Checkmate. How President Trump’s legal team outfoxed Mueller

>>6398282, >>6398303 HRC resume from 1988 (good DIGG for bits of info on Rose Law Firm, etc)

>>6398270, >>6398820, >>6398884, >>6398889 Ukrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

>>6398255 Tonight on Hannity: POTUS with Catherin Herridge (DECLAS coming soon)

>>6398950 #8182

Previously Collected Notables

>>6396603 #8179, >>6397692 #8180, >>6398149 #8181

>>6394230 #8176, >>6395021 #8177, >>6395815 #8178

>>6391911 #8173, >>6392702 #8174, >>6393487 #8175

>>6389939 #8170, >>6390342 #8171, >>6391140 #8172

>>6387260 #8167, >>6387983 #8168, >>6388830 #8169

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

c34cb8  No.6400533

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6391912 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6396139

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

c34cb8  No.6400534

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Threads 8001 - 10,000: https://pastebin.com/bjb0Y5FP

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

c34cb8  No.6400546

File: a7131b08e0a9e25⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, ClipboardImage.png)



Graveyard Bread

long slow bread

ghost handoffs

Night's Watch

>>6392830 pb

GA Cover Anon

027e05  No.6400547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian. Or a bot.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


545a90  No.6400551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


c34cb8  No.6400552

File: e1ed4916acd4851⋯.gif (91.62 KB, 640x571, 640:571, ghost.gif)


Ghost Handoff 1 in effect

bakers link to dough posts

anons keep track of your digs buns, mark others notbales

545a90  No.6400556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

381e72  No.6400557

this guy is just waiting around on every thread to post the same shit

f55eff  No.6400561

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

96b625  No.6400564

>>6398312 lb

Possibly unpopular opinion, but considering I'm starting to think that RR is clean now that means RM is also clean now and has been from the start.

Why the FUCK would he hire 13-18 angry democrats?

How to you catch a dangerous animal? Put them in a cage. He was their zoo keeper.

It's simple, let his team go hog wild doing whatever they want, but referee anything that steps too far over the line. But let them try as hard as they can to bake the case, meanwhile you'll never let them get the pie in the oven.

The tell was when Barr, who is a good friend of Mueller, said in his testimony that he thinks the letter was authored by some snippy staffers on Mueller's team. Considering how well he knows Mueller, you can essentially take that as a fact.

Consider how it's almost certain that some of the prosecutors on his team were almost positive they were going to indict Trump Jr. I don't know who, but whoever it was leaked this information to Avenatti, who then became cocky and confident that Jr was going to fry. The leaks are real, the news is fake. Mueller let his crazy team go in full swat mode and take in an elderly gunless man, and even tipped off CNN beforehand. So fucking hilarious, and in the end they get nothing but a guy who is being charged with a process crime related to the investigation itself. So, nothing.

If RR trolled them, then RM trolled them too.

What better way to let the truly dangerous animals feel confident for 2 years while Horowitz and Huber and "sleepy" Jeff Sessions do the REAL work.


8c4b5b  No.6400565

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)





https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

29585e  No.6400566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck it, not really doing shit…let's watch this.

e7a6e4  No.6400567

Amen sir. Lets make it Rain

aa2a8b  No.6400570

File: 9f13adb32ed372e⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 474x418, 237:209, eaac167de1dc699.jpg)

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: e2b5906a4c60a89⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 742x529, 742:529, edb4a8bd3941bb.jpg)

File: 0843991bfff0759⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1464x1464, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

573855  No.6400571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Really good analysis of YouTube's problems and some solutions to them. Sparked some thoughts about them and the clown agency running them.

I doubt they're as in denial as some about what's about to happen to big tech and the DS. While hildawg and her minions are running around thinking everything will be okay (somehow), big tech is squirming. Black funding is getting cut, revenue is drying up, and people are frankly pissed at having to sit through the adpocalypse currently going on.

My guess is this: Alphabet is going to milk YT and their other services like a dying cow, then move on when they can't get anything more. Which is when Patriots can easily make their move. Snatch up YT, FB, Twatter, and others from utterly uncaring corporate overlords, make them public, and fully free speech enabled. Corporate won't care, because they arent profitable, but the Patriots will now have the viewers, which improves our reach. Timing is everything, and lawsuits like Nunes' are a way to control the rate of bleeding. All they have to do is flex some class action lawsuits against big tech, and then offer to take the offending services off their hands in exchange for dropping the suits. And Q mentioned class actions rather pointedly.

Trust the plan, frens, and buy popcorn.

974bfa  No.6400572

File: 6af78990df8d2c5⋯.jpg (191.07 KB, 647x680, 647:680, Stephen Moore Fed Chair CN….jpg)

381e72  No.6400573


i have had similar thoughts about mueller too.

im thinking there will definately be a surprise in the the end when it comes to him.

9eed79  No.6400574


Just like the bum on the busy street corner where I work. Always there with his sign. Nobody pays attention to him.

97ba0b  No.6400575

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

f84c91  No.6400576

File: cba746a095d53ba⋯.png (1.18 MB, 994x1214, 497:607, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at ….png)

57d93c  No.6400578

File: a421487c6d917c0⋯.jpeg (38.58 KB, 200x273, 200:273, B93BEE6F-A29F-4596-A4FE-8….jpeg)


More is better.

97ba0b  No.6400579

File: 81ac096ced7567a⋯.png (298.54 KB, 499x641, 499:641, zoinks.png)


>Nobody pays attention to him.

That Finkelsein view count went up 1500 in 2 days. You better hope no one's paying attention.

f84c91  No.6400580

File: 175f53e5a3d5f8d⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1004x1334, 502:667, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at ….png)

196c1d  No.6400581


This is the "Trump recalled RM when he visited the WH with RR the day before RR appointed RM SC" theory. Now that the entire gang that took down the Five Families is back together, it doesn't seem so far fetched.

381e72  No.6400582


i normally dont even bother, but every single thread, what do they hope to accomplish everyone on here knows they are a shill.

9fcfa4  No.6400583

File: 5d2b9c3f1df439a⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 640x636, 160:159, 2a1b868ab796791a4088845d85….jpg)

>>6400532 (lb)

it's kinda fun actually anon.

i never know what is going to happen next but I know if I persist i will get through AND I have to say that whilst I am waiting 3, 4, 5 times i use the random letters to see if I can make anything out of what is being offered and wouldn't you know it they do bring a few things to mind

9eed79  No.6400584



:: yawn ::

f84c91  No.6400585

File: 250a9695b855a69⋯.png (696.09 KB, 938x842, 469:421, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at ….png)

8aec47  No.6400587


>What better way to let the truly dangerous animals feel confident for 2 years while Horowitz and Huber and "sleepy" Jeff Sessions do the REAL work.


this epic will be retold for generations

9eed79  No.6400588


I hear ya.Every now and then you go "fuck."

dac64a  No.6400589



9de35d  No.6400590

…Are we comfy?

a5a28c  No.6400591

File: b690c8e1c96fbed⋯.png (858.93 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6E5CEDA1-F75E-4EB5-A6FA-1E….png)

File: 150aef35089114f⋯.jpeg (199.55 KB, 718x818, 359:409, D044EC2A-B83F-4D88-A214-C….jpeg)

File: e6fb58c365ccefb⋯.jpeg (31.25 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 1AEF08F3-B60F-4BF9-AEC6-B….jpeg)








Anons do not consent to (your) crap being posted on this board.

810197  No.6400592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Adam, if you are still lurking, I'm still waiting for that hard evidence you said you had. I've been waiting for more than a year now.

f84c91  No.6400593

File: 6498ae7f2c95de9⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1462x1800, 731:900, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at ….png)

b31175  No.6400594

File: 586782a21e9f3f1⋯.jpg (374.25 KB, 1800x1252, 450:313, GrrrGraphic Democrats Barr….jpg)

New Garrison graphic - No Collusion Eye Chart for [D]s

“There Are None So Blind, As Those Who Will Not See”

Under Obama, the Democrats weaponized our justice system.

Hillary was able to buy a fake dossier and get it used as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign. Mueller and Comey were allies of the Clintons. Mueller delivered uranium samples to Russia as part as the Uranium One deal. As a result, Bill received $500,000 for short speech in Moscow.

Hillary gave Russia 20 percent of our uranium reserves in exchange for $145 million sent to The Clinton Foundation. THAT was the real Russia collusion engaged in by the corrupt kleptocrats, but Mueller chose to spend two years and $35 million on a wild goose chase to frame Trump. His job was to cash in Hillary’s ‘insurance policy’ after her failed bid for the presidency. Mueller also failed—he could find no evidence to aid him in the frame.

Still, the Democrats refuse to see reality. They’re clinging to the Russia collusion lie and now they’re attacking Attorney General Barr for telling us what is obvious: There was no collusion or obstruction.

The left often likes to see what they want to see. After all, that’s what cultural and moral relativism is all about. To them, there is no right or wrong, just what they think is right or wrong. They think abortion at birth is right, and a ‘right.’ They think MAGA hat wearers are ‘Nazis.’ They think Christians are evil bigots. They think a man can be a woman just because he wants to be. They think it’s ‘hate speech’ if you say that man pretending to be a woman is really a man. (The left gets to decide what hate speech is). They think diversity is strength and can’t get enough of it—therefore, open borders are a great thing because they welcome anyone in the world come to America and get free stuff from US taxpayers.

They think no citizen should own a gun—they should all be owned by our benevolent government instead—to keep us all in line. They think socialism is good and capitalism is evil.

In the Democrat Socialists’ upside down world, the ‘truth’ is what they want it to be. They hate Trump and will see any lie as truth in order to impeach him. At this point it amounts to sedition. They are doing their best to keep a lawfully elected president from doing his job.

—Ben Garrison


63be5e  No.6400595

Hold the bitching Frenz,


whats with the continual captcha with every post? Left Sunday on a road trip and came back tonight and see this change.

0c5a35  No.6400596

File: b87ae9ad504e284⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 737x291, 737:291, blind item.JPG)

From CDN today. Interdasting.

"Apparently at least two candidates for President on the Democratic side have determined that buying the votes of certain, not in public office superdelegates is not a crime. The thing is though, if they hide the payment, then it is a crime. It will be interesting to see who suddenly becomes a "consultant."'


381e72  No.6400597


hahaha! me too

97ba0b  No.6400598

File: 2ddcafb632e6457⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 577x432, 577:432, finklestein_shit_kid.jpg)

b4307a  No.6400599


Cruising altitude?

29eda9  No.6400600

File: 4e714e5a8eed38b⋯.png (497.25 KB, 1684x550, 842:275, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Flig….png)

File: 60765dfa10111e3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Virt….png)

A third Navy E-6B (TACAMO) FLUME07* from Travis AFB headed towards NAS PaxRiver

>>6400397 (lb)

>>6400472 (lb)

9eed79  No.6400601


No problem. I've learned to read quietly when I see caps.

6391a8  No.6400602


I've seen people talking about Trump and others taking down the Five Families.

Is there a direction to point me in to find more info on that?

97ba0b  No.6400604

File: 942684ac6bc3de2⋯.jpg (213.98 KB, 1137x591, 379:197, bronjew.jpg)


Fuck off jew.

d34ee6  No.6400606

Half of the posts in this bread have been clown "muh jew" shills.

wonder what the 4am talking points will be about tomorrow? "antisemites flock to 8chan conspiracy site."

9fcfa4  No.6400607

File: ad8589a092d1cf2⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 700x623, 100:89, 527f11c083ab84ca7ea6963bb7….jpg)


you did


but you are now


you sure do

b4307a  No.6400608


Or we on our way to 40,000?

5c31a2  No.6400609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6400554 (lb)

anon… look at barr grimace during this exchange when asked about mueller and his team

very interesting

6391a8  No.6400610

File: b4758d07b457b00⋯.png (74.27 KB, 1425x255, 95:17, Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 1….png)

File: c2a9f148eb8e4d0⋯.png (172.75 KB, 339x784, 339:784, Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 1….png)

Trivial pursuit…

1992 LA riots - Marines and Army deployed to control US citizens…

Who was the Marine Commander?

Who was United States Attorney General during that time?

8c73e6  No.6400611

File: 5010ab000915bb7⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2048x1545, 2048:1545, ThePb4Painz.jpg)

9eed79  No.6400612


Ooga booga

25b2b7  No.6400613


>New Garrison graphic - No Collusion Eye Chart for [D]s



9de35d  No.6400614

File: 8953f09db5b3479⋯.jpg (161.73 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, e358b3ff2db8477606ddedc408….jpg)


>traitors climbing walls

Sounds ridiculously comfy to me :D

ddcba4  No.6400615

File: c5a8f6e037f26bc⋯.png (705.43 KB, 623x441, 89:63, ClipboardImage.png)

[RR]osenstein with Brett Kavanaugh

-Ken Starr Special Counsel to indict Bill Clinton

Rosenstein-worked in the US Office of the

Independent Counsel under Ken Starr

Kavanaugh-assisted with investigations of Bill Clinton, under Ken Starr




The mathematical probabilities of these people

all finding each other after decades is….well, astronomical.

"you are watching a movie."


60699f  No.6400616


>Anons do not consent to (your) crap being posted on this board.

Ah, but I do consent to it, fren.

cbe0e5  No.6400617

son of a bitch


cabe3a  No.6400618

File: 01e66de47fa03b6⋯.png (74.22 KB, 499x297, 499:297, POTUS FB 5-2-19 re FF's fo….PNG)

Wow! Thanks to all our BRAVE Firefighters looking to support me in 2020. Unlike your Union Bosses, I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!


9fcfa4  No.6400619

File: b50b9da4df2030e⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 700x230, 70:23, 35fff0jhpw.jpg.gif)

a5a28c  No.6400620

File: 83f58e2222954bd⋯.jpeg (16.94 KB, 255x143, 255:143, E5E82965-296F-4FAA-B5E6-3….jpeg)

57cb84  No.6400621

File: 91c65c922f83f29⋯.png (183.37 KB, 690x942, 115:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57269075148d0e0⋯.png (27.83 KB, 985x137, 985:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5ab02889a1c252⋯.png (80.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PepeCelebrates.png)

shill baker left out below.

POTUS tweeted another ZERO DELTA this morning.

Not baked yet.




→ It is also obvious by now that POTUS twatter and many other twatters are actually run by Q team in the greatest intelligence operation in history. Typos all just coinkidink?

>>6400372 lb

>>6400488 lb

IT IS FUKKEN NOTABLE and I will repost to get all anons eyes on.


163af3  No.6400622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Immigrant rights group marches for driver's licenses | MI

>Immigrant rights supporters took to the streets of Grand Rapids,

>Kalamazoo and Detroit Wednesday to call for driver’s licenses or

>permits for people who are in the country illegally. (May 1, 2019)

Moar dem voters…

97ba0b  No.6400623

File: 83cde5df55ddde3⋯.jpeg (50.34 KB, 630x630, 1:1, anti-commie.jpeg)

da3892  No.6400624

File: 3cd1e4239842026⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 1028x868, 257:217, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

Former Miss Uruguay found dead at a Mexico City hotel


dbfd24  No.6400625

File: d5325dd737bf488⋯.png (188.41 KB, 611x714, 611:714, Barr-memo.png)

From anon post two breads ago. With more info.

the link posted was zerohedge comments on the original article



this is the original article



ByWill Chamberlain onMay 1, 2019

Checkmate - How President Trump's Legal Team Outfoxed Mueller


and this is exactly what senator graham was referring to in the hearing this week

"Bob Mueller couldn't decide about obstruction – you did, is that right?"




By thanksgiving 2017 it appears that Mueller's team had moved beyond "collusion" and were concentrating on "obstruction."

From then on – it was a battle over the meaning of a particular statute about obstruction. Lawyers sparred but Mueller would not be moved over his own interpretation.

The theory of this reporter is – Trump's legal team asked Barr to analyze the statute to help clarify these difficulties. Did obstruction really mean "any act" could be interpreted as an attempt to influence "a proceeding" or does it involve particular components of intent.

No judge had jurisdiction.

It was up to the Attorney General to step in and give a clear definition of the statute. Sessions was recused. Rosenstein was silent/absent. If the statute did not get clarified, Mueller could continue his investigation for years and years in order to analyze any act Trump might do that could be defined as obstruction.

This is a lot of what Barr was referring to at the hearing May 1.

He and Mueller had gone head to head on the definition. Mueller could not decide. Barr DID decide.


The Barr Memorandum on the interpretation of Obstruction statutes

19 pages





ByWill Chamberlain onMay 1, 2019

When the Mueller Report was released on April 18th, most commentators focused on the “explosive” factual allegations. But other than the shocking revelation that the President once used an expletive in private, very few of those facts were novel; most were leaked long ago.

In June 2018, Bill Barr, then in private practice at Kirkland & Ellis, wrote a detailed legal memorandum to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. This memo came to light in December, when Barr was nominated for Attorney General.

At the end of Volume II of the Mueller Report, however, there were 20 pages of genuinely new material.

There, the former FBI director turned Special Counsel Robert Mueller defended his “Application of Obstruction-Of-Justice Statutes To The President.” These overlooked 20 pages were dedicated to defending Mueller’s interpretation of a single subsection of a single obstruction-of-justice statute: 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2).

That’s quite strange, but you know what’s stranger still?

In June 2018, Bill Barr, then in private practice at Kirkland & Ellis, wrote a detailed legal memorandum to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. This memo came to light in December, when Barr was nominated for Attorney General.

The subject was Mueller’s interpretation of the aforementioned 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2).

When Barr’s memo first appeared, prominent liberal legal commentators were perplexed. Georgetown Law professor Marty Lederman wrote at Just Security:

“[T]he first huge and striking problem with Barr’s memo is that he unjustifiably makes countless assumptions about what Mueller is doing…From all that appears, Barr was simply conjuring from whole cloth a preposterously long set of assumptions about how Special Counsel Mueller was adopting extreme and unprecedented-within-DOJ views about every pertinent question and investigatory decision.”

At Lawfare, Mikhaila Fogel and Benjamin Wittes wrote:

“[I]t is not an exaggeration to say that Barr’s entire memo is predicated on two broad assumptions: first, that he knows Mueller’s legal theory, and second, that he understands the fact pattern that Mueller is investigating… Neither assumption is, in our judgment, warranted. Unlike Barr, we don’t purport to know what Mueller’s obstruction theory is.”

But now that we have the Mueller Report, things look very different.

d961a0  No.6400626

File: 2296c6ee3f96629⋯.png (563.68 KB, 956x644, 239:161, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6400357 lb

>>6400215 lb

>>6400451 lb

>>6400535 lb

>>6400512 lb

> as annoying as the captcha has been, it’s actually served a good purpose. It’s revealed that the ‘finkelstein shill team sux’ has insider access to QResearch.

That's pretty revealing…and disturbing.

Did the person who thought up the captcha intend to 'out' the people who are setting us up????

NOTABLE was the captcha a 'sting operation?'

8aec47  No.6400627



e72e19  No.6400630


Damn, Biden's defeated already. What's their next option?

071986  No.6400631





Good Job

163af3  No.6400632

File: 7fd3d3a7948d3f7⋯.webm (14.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Immigrant rights group ma….webm)

57cb84  No.6400633

File: 4ab36ede151ef16⋯.jpg (42.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, muhjew3.jpg)

381e72  No.6400634


good point

98e0dd  No.6400635


Key loggers are a bitch.

cbe0e5  No.6400636

Thank fern… stolen dis


c4e886  No.6400637

Did I or did I not just watch Rachel Maddow and hRc ask China for sanctuary live recording from MSNBC from yesterday? Still trying to run away from your fates?

a5a28c  No.6400638

File: f5192ef1c76814d⋯.png (974.97 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 02246DAF-4547-4254-8221-20….png)

9de35d  No.6400639

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

da3892  No.6400640

File: f9d5aecc5471141⋯.jpg (145.31 KB, 659x776, 659:776, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 40ccabc9ddd7ed8⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 651x310, 21:10, 1a.JPG)

Malaysia releases second female assassin of Kim Jong-un’s half-brother from prison


96b625  No.6400641

File: bb7f8251bd54ab8⋯.jpg (62.75 KB, 900x649, 900:649, anatoly-fomenko[1].jpg)

File: df514bd979c14a3⋯.gif (120.14 KB, 800x1213, 800:1213, fomenko_comparison_israel_….gif)

File: 58437f2d4962e4d⋯.jpg (644.81 KB, 2031x1403, 2031:1403, graphic-11-d3-detail[1].jpg)

File: a940179360a473e⋯.jpg (250.56 KB, 1312x900, 328:225, 2[1].jpg)


I need your help, please join me in the NWO thread where I would like to deep dive on how the ideas of Anatoly Fomenko relate to Q and the Great Awakening.

I think the Truth that few will believe is that we've been lied to HARD and it's not 2019 at all, it's probably not even the year 1000ad if we are to measure from the birth of Christ like AD tries to do. Ancient cults aren't ancient at all, they've never been ancient and only been underground for 300 years at most. The western orthodox Church is a BIG FAT LIE, there were no popes in Rome until after 1500, before that the Popes ruled in Constantinople. Western Christianity was actually a cult of Dionysus which was eventually reformed in the Reformation to be prudish shadow of it's former self, but statues and images remain on old cathedrals. Mithras, with his RED SHOES, was a version of Christianity and did not predate it.

In fact, Christianity predates both Judaism and Islam. The book of Revelation has a astrological horoscope in it, which dates it preciesly. Guess when it was written? In the 1480's. Excuse me? What? How can that be when they debated including this in the Canon of the BIble in the Council of Nicea in 325ad? Simple, they didn't, because that Council NEVER HAPPENED. That's why there's literally no documents, edicts, or anything that actually survives as evidence that such a council was real. The Canon was only decided at the Council of Trent in the mid 1500s.




Intrigued? Come join us.

I want to take this to the next level too and incorporate ideas that even Fomenko wouldn't DARE. Like, Aliens? How about the Electric Universe's theory about the Polar Configuration where Saturn used to be our sun? If we have no history before 1000 years ago, then what actually happened 1000 years ago? Consider also that if Humanity is truly 200,000 years old.. a) what the fuck were we doing with these big brains but no ideas for 190,000 years? b) why aren't we numbered in the TRILLIONS by now? In fact if you take normal doubling, accounting for disease and war, starting from a small tribe of maybe 100 people, you'd reach 7billion people in about……………. 1000 years

(Not a slide, we have 5 threads discussing this in similar ideas now, if you're bored please come join the fun)

cbe0e5  No.6400642

d555e7  No.6400643


RM a white hat? gray hat?

I agree that it’s more likely one of those two options than a black hat.

Maybe he’s the ‘unicorn’ that Q asked if it existed?

812d48  No.6400644

Anons take notice of the muh zero delta don't matter shills.

9fcfa4  No.6400645

File: d54b6fb2075ffed⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, im3ages.jpg)


yes.they do need help especially rural-rural suburban and counties and towns that abut interstates etc. totally overworked and stressed and underpaid, many 100% volunteer or semi-pro. its a bad situation.

so pleased DJT brought this up.

a5a28c  No.6400646


Sounds like a fucking personal problem to me, “fren.”

57cb84  No.6400647


board fuckery since months.

bc team are masons.

8bit was one, CM is one, new BO is one.

but anons stayed the course for months and all shill attacked failed bigly.

anons will stay the course and WIN.



1c019d  No.6400648


Knock yourself out numbnuts, needs moar red text …..and cowbell

25b2b7  No.6400649

File: a5d110bcf8de46d⋯.jpg (266.25 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Qresrch.jpg)


Captcha isn't news, isn't research. Tits or GTFO


a4a19b  No.6400650

File: 143496b59980488⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 364CC30C-D80B-4F3D-A46A-70….png)


381e72  No.6400651


i think all these photos of Biden and his perv ass in action will be the brick wall between him and the nomination

6ebfb9  No.6400652


>RM a white hat? gray hat?

Blackhat who the Whitehats have by the balls.

683c37  No.6400653


well we have ourselves a bunch of shills with a failure to capitalize and the imminent demise of their situation.

besides that – we all good, carry on soldier. and no more road trips for you – donna moomoo brazille

60699f  No.6400654


Nah, fren. The problem is anon thinking he holds a monopoly or concensus on what gets posted on this board.

ac8e1f  No.6400655

File: e0f696f789dfc84⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 2953x2889, 2953:2889, e0f696f789dfc8440d03eeeec7….jpg)

File: f00963c413eb8be⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 624x499, 624:499, f00963c413eb8be5f2c8d26560….jpg)

File: fc96510f4026faa⋯.jpg (941.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fc96510f4026faa96fd6c2b7bb….jpg)

97ba0b  No.6400657

File: 101aae4eadf34a8⋯.png (360.32 KB, 640x503, 640:503, com.png)

File: d4978d4dd4844bc⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 474x335, 474:335, comm-jude.jpg)

File: 9c81b1eeb6b7f0d⋯.jpg (207.76 KB, 715x477, 715:477, comm-judeb.jpg)

9fc0b9  No.6400658


The Atlantic City stuff might be on the FBI's Vault site?


Also, there's a video floating around where he's testifying re: American Indian Casinos and various issues associated with them. I would definitely give the links if I had it on hand.

dbfd24  No.6400659


sorry, I didn't mention this is just PART of the article

the entire article is a good read

but is too long to post here

d961a0  No.6400660


Hey man, you aren't having the affect you think you are. We are a team here, and the culture of Q is that none of us are better than thr rest. Arrogance and dismissiveness won't win.


cabe3a  No.6400661

File: e0354dedce922b8⋯.png (458.57 KB, 527x458, 527:458, Scavino 45 FB 5-2-19 re Pa….PNG)

File: e6f4dba4bd36aa0⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1070x712, 535:356, Scavino 45 FB 5-2-19 re Pa….PNG)

With our great VP in the Oval — such an awesome Patriot!


96b625  No.6400662


Definately a grey hat. He did some dirty shit that he had to atone for. Maybe even 9/11 related.

394815  No.6400663

When is hillcunt and rothchildeater good man sick the micro drones and on us?

Bees buzz

e1bd20  No.6400664

File: 49b245dc84b4aa3⋯.png (65.43 KB, 641x500, 641:500, finklestein job.PNG)

ddcba4  No.6400665

File: c5a8f6e037f26bc⋯.png (705.43 KB, 623x441, 89:63, ClipboardImage.png)


Those ties are impossible. Except they are real.

57cb84  No.6400666


yes, they are terrified.

first i thought that thay olny want to drive anons opinion, but anons are stubborn.

so i thought they aim at the newfags.

lately i am almost certain that they aim at prolly tens of thousends masons lurking on the board and not sleeping to well.

shills are - at this point - no longer here to make anons leave, but to make ww masonry comfy.

why? desperation. cult self destructing.

9de35d  No.6400667

File: 23cb38b7078b719⋯.png (77.45 KB, 758x644, 379:322, patriotshaveitall-ANDCAPTC….png)


Actually, the human can post their shit, because they filled out a captcha!

e72e19  No.6400668


Build your goddamn muscles, huh? You could build your muscles picking bananas! You know, bend and scoop, like the Mexicans.

381e72  No.6400669


>>Truth In May, Justice On The Way.

Nice slogan

a5a28c  No.6400670


If you support racist, anti Semitic spam, shitting up every fucking bread, it’s highly unlikely (you) are an anon.


9280e8  No.6400671


Imagine being SwallowsWell, all he is know for is being a toady for Schiff who is a half ass toady himself.

221f54  No.6400672

File: b02eb9db566d657⋯.jpg (28.95 KB, 888x496, 111:62, asxasxs.JPG)

Yet another highway shooting. Does this sound like it was done with an automatic? "Spraying" and "sweeping motion" aren't typical descriptions:

HAYWARD, Calif. (KTVU) - "California Highway Patrol is asking for motorists who may have seen a freeway shooting Thursday evening in Hayward to come forward with any information that may help them with their investigation.

It happened around six o'clock in the height of rush-hour traffic in the northbound lanes of I-880 just before the 238 interchange. Fortunately no one was hurt.

Investigators say someone driving along 880 northbound near Hesperian Boulevard opened fire on the Jeep. CHP shut down the northbound lanes as they collected evidence. They say the shooter sprayed the passenger side of the Jeep in a sweeping motion from the back to the front.

"The bullets caused the vehicle to become disabled. As the vehicle began losing pressure in the tires it became disabled and as they were moving to the shoulder and they took the 238 and we believe the suspects the shooters continued on 880 Northbound," CHP Officer Manuel Leal said."


97ba0b  No.6400673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>anti Semitic

Go fuck your swine mother, kike.

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

60699f  No.6400674


Bad news "anon", the truth is racist and antisemitic. That's a square you'll have to circle some day.

812d48  No.6400675


Just some cbts tier faggotry. It'll eventually pass. I feel a board change coming.

Captchas are the absolute cucking of the internet. And worst of all, they don't even slow the bots down. They just pay more Indians to solve them. Meanwhile anons and real patriots suffer.

810197  No.6400676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I also love how Harris is trying to throw Rosenstein under the bus now @7:10

If she tries to throw Mueller under the bus, listen to @4:43 at the link below


29585e  No.6400677

File: a4c62007d79fb7e⋯.jpg (108.85 KB, 640x975, 128:195, e0w32.jpg)


shut the fuck up nigger and stop stealing my dank ass memz.

57cb84  No.6400678


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many DS assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and saw division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to saw division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.





af4f9b  No.6400679

File: 5691cb0ee9838d2⋯.png (380 KB, 600x299, 600:299, 2019-05-03_02-08-11.png)

76de2f  No.6400680

May 3 5:3 53/35

Today is a big day!

163af3  No.6400681

File: c9a725e6cc53888⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Blackburn Questions AG Bar….mp4)

a5a28c  No.6400682

File: b1b97ba76d14a66⋯.jpeg (34.23 KB, 255x221, 15:13, D6637F96-C45D-4A94-8C33-4….jpeg)


That’s actually kekable

cbe0e5  No.6400683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End time Delusion


Jesus is Lord and Saviour of mankind

no other name!

8c73e6  No.6400684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


According to whom?

c34cb8  No.6400685

File: c2fef43f221d505⋯.png (327.02 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


i never see em

i also find it interesting the replies to this post like bullies make you wanna try to intimidate you into thinking your oen personal comfy is frowned upon in this establishemnt


likely nothing but hate replies like im a fag for using comment filters in options top right corner of your page

fuuuu kyou

this is war

and that shit is a long game psychological warfare operation being done on you (not me)

9fcfa4  No.6400686

File: 5209ded79bc07dc⋯.png (438.18 KB, 1088x1069, 1088:1069, Screenshot_2019-02-17 Q Re….png)

File: 57cd4924fa92a47⋯.webm (9.26 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 10,000 Maniacs - Candy Ev….webm)

File: 2cc11def34d554f⋯.png (54.42 KB, 1324x587, 1324:587, a4b3927ecca4d22e9b50ec0908….png)



i have some electromagnetically modified-copypasta

381e72  No.6400687


it's always california, that state is a breading ground and safe haven for corrupt elite

071986  No.6400688

File: 2fc0dca842a87ac⋯.png (1.06 MB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

974bfa  No.6400689

File: d1ba22a42a194a6⋯.jpg (289.54 KB, 1198x870, 599:435, Senator Chicken Cock jpg 2.jpg)


Nice Cock!

c34cb8  No.6400690

Practice Baking

get some practice bakes in just in case you may need to Ebake one day

this is where you can make new threads to practice your bakery



download the picture from the OP (original post) up top

copy the link from the dough

you will see after you go there a batch of text to save to your local text editors

you will see the breaks in between posts from first post to last post

the title has a format - so its best to always copypaste a previous title and edit it

Q Research General #8xxx: your title here Edition

d961a0  No.6400691



^^^^^^^^^^^ Hey you:

P.S. How does it feel to realize that Q team may have been setting (you) up?

AFLB didn't last long lording it over real Anons.

I'd keep one eye open at all times, if you think you're gaining any respect here.

63be5e  No.6400692


I don't believe RR is bad guy either, I think he's the one person that was able to keep SC and company to confine themselves to the letter of the laws and scope. I know enough about Mueller and he has not demonstrated anything that he is a changed man from dirty cop to now a mr. changed man, just don't see it. Sessions and RR were tasked with the task of clean, observe, report and become government witnesses (can't do that as employees of the US Gov). Now Barr is tasked with prosecuting the evil dirt bags both former and presents government employees, legislatures and the complicit MSM. We in the Prosecution phase after OIG dumps the beans on the DS, legislatures and the DC leaks.

812d48  No.6400693


Jesus = Horus (Ra of the 2 HORizons)

Or simply "hey Zeus" (Jupiter)

a5a28c  No.6400694

File: 16c75e982ccd9b6⋯.png (890.7 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ADE71907-F7CA-4C58-957F-17….png)



Get over yourself shillfag.

60699f  No.6400695


What is this a picture of?

d85665  No.6400696

File: b94378f63db4f97⋯.jpg (33.08 KB, 640x427, 640:427, barr nice try.jpg)

8c73e6  No.6400697

File: 071e9caee0a673d⋯.jpg (175.27 KB, 662x500, 331:250, 2zzy4w.jpg)

e1bd20  No.6400698


put the original fink meme in here. never thought it would take hold like that. Only used it about 4 times total myself. The rest is other anons.

9fcfa4  No.6400699


accusing the jews of exaggerating the holohoax is a crime?

did he really sign this? what does it mean? is this actually a federal law?

c34cb8  No.6400700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

previous baker signing off

godspeed patriots

57cb84  No.6400701

File: 264f4b7580424a8⋯.png (128.6 KB, 1189x578, 1189:578, ClipboardImage.png)

Repost from anon from German bread

>>6400456 lb

>"The Moment of Truth", better known as 'Karate Kid, is an amarican movie shot by J G Avildsen, published 1984.

>It´s the first part of the 'Karate Kid' Saga.

The movie of Q´s latest drop, Karate Kid, is actually called


I T I S O N ! ! !

bb2c74  No.6400702



next baker

For next dough, small fix needed: #8184 bun dead link:

#8184 baker change>>6399893 Mueller disturbed by Pelosi's Statements re Barr

41e34d  No.6400703


i've come to the conclusion that this is not supposed to get out. Dems think they are on their side so won't question the legitimacy of the Mueller investigation.

I do think it was real. But I think some things were done on purpose. Like Sessions recusal…still gives session street cred today with both political parties if ever he is appointed to anything in the future. Goudy has that same fairness street cred.

Muller and Rosenstien were supposed to be Deep state ringers. Fix was in so to speak. But Q said POTUS was 100% insulated from this whole Russia collusion bs and was always purposefully vague as to weather Rob and Bob were trustworthy. The only thing that makes sense is that they are grey hats previously controlled and now free. Mueller investigation had the 13 angry democrats to ease the minds of democrats and prevent anyone doubting the fairness of the findings.

Comey Brennan and Clapper were all overly confident before the report came out and completely dumbfounded and shocked when it was released.

Mueller and Rosenstein did their jobs but they did it in such away that nullified the left. This gave time for Horowitz and Huber time to investigate without having politicians and the media hounding them. The ruse of fighting and such gave the more important investigations cover.

But this can't be pushed or people would try to throw doubt on the legitimacy of Mueller's investigation

8aec47  No.6400704


is there one true thing we've been taught to believe? By the satanists?

c34cb8  No.6400706


its there dipshit

>>6400318, >>6400400 there was a 1 second tweet 2 parter this moning

man your fucken retarded, Rain Man

9de35d  No.6400707

File: 38ccf0e25e29ce1⋯.jpeg (50.94 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 413622-91d2da288b6143ea98….jpeg)



PS- I voted for Trump in 2016 and am voting for him again in 2020.

AFLB didn't last long because they are a traitor.

>I'd keep one eye open at all times,

pic relates.

57cb84  No.6400708


Y E S !

25b2b7  No.6400709

File: f86b3ce73df4a0c⋯.png (387.56 KB, 1088x1069, 1088:1069, HR672.png)

File: 9bad2f5e0113452⋯.png (719.09 KB, 1243x1131, 1243:1131, 1stA.png)


>electromagnetically modified

Looks good on paper but it violates the CONSTITUTION.

Thinkin we're gonna stick to the previous version that includes our FREEDOM OF SPEECH

41e34d  No.6400710


>that nullified the left

i meant MOLLIFIED the left

lulled them into a false sense of security

1c019d  No.6400711


needs moar red text ….and maybe some pink

63fdf8  No.6400712

not Q…but

Chewbacca died today Peter Mayhew

I met him…really, really decent human

RIP Peter

071986  No.6400713

Looks like bad guys got in control

I say LOOK LIKE because whoever thought the captha (that works for shit btw) was a good idea either had to be a Bad Guy, or just complete dumbass. Maybe even a liberal if I had to go that far.

But every damn post I've doing 4-5 captchas

381e72  No.6400715


thanks for the advice, will do

97ba0b  No.6400716

File: 12c6fbaa8ac819e⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 587x575, 587:575, jew_rat.jpg)

6391a8  No.6400717

File: edf6ebbc01fd9db⋯.png (669.07 KB, 1273x821, 1273:821, Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 1….png)

File: f6e12f1ad820bd3⋯.png (220.4 KB, 970x880, 97:88, Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 1….png)


My bad Anon…a little search and I found what I was looking for…thanks.



d85665  No.6400718



c34cb8  No.6400719

File: 996c9f6f46c2495⋯.png (207.35 KB, 477x268, 477:268, ClipboardImage.png)


Rain Man

its in notables Rain Man

>>6400318, >>6400400 there was a 1 second tweet 2 parter this moning

you're just really stupid, Rain Man

#8184 baker change

>>6400318, >>6400400 there was a 1 second tweet 2 parter this moning

dbfd24  No.6400720


HRC had her best witches garment on

for her interview with Maddow

who also dressed in black for the occasion

which - is not strange

Black is Maddow's color

it is also Elizabeth Warren's color

with interchangeable jackets

and HRC was stirring the brew

she may not run for president

but she will be the opposition to trump

because she is in big big trouble

time to release the Weiner insurance files

at least the ones on the clintons

only god knows what else is in those files

6fc334  No.6400721


Kamala, Booker and Hirono were setting the stage for poltiical retaliation argument when the DECLAS hits - this way they can keep the sheep voting Dem when the truth comes out.

41e34d  No.6400722


well then you are not very good at it

812d48  No.6400723


Full house confirms Masonic pseudo esoterics, most of them probably don't have the slightest clue.

071986  No.6400724


I take that back.

Maybe it's a God Send because maybe you just cured the addiction.

Many thanks liberal muzzy friend who thought non stop captchas was a great idea.

Many thanks.

29585e  No.6400725

File: 3701611916d65eb⋯.png (75.33 KB, 842x155, 842:155, youdumbfuckingnigger.png)




63be5e  No.6400726



642d73  No.6400727


the breads had become dominated by two or three separate shills with multi-id bots that would fill it all up very quickly.

some of the id's would have 130 or more posts in a single bread.

it was not organic. It was script assisted shilling.

that is no longer possible.

so that's why.

it was a good idea to have the captcha for every post.

my point of view.

I keep clicking for a new captcha until I see one that I like, and that I can tell what it is.

no big deal, hardly notice.

caae93  No.6400728








Captcha IS a Q-team Sting Operation to ferret out a scheming FF mole in a position of trust!

c34cb8  No.6400729


corrected notables

#8184 baker change

>>6399893 Mueller disturbed by Pelosi's Statements re Barr

>>6400012, >>6399883 DJT zero second tweet 2 parter has 5 dots and 3 dots - 5,3 May 3rd?

>>6400318, >>6400400 there was a 1 second tweet 2 parter this moning

>>6399999, >>6400000 quints gets checked on the way to beyond 6.4million posts

>>6399923 french anon can help on the karate kid thing

>>6400422, >>6400423, >>6400424, >>6400425 Resignations in the News today

>>6400397, >>6400472 2 E4B Doomsdays up in the skies right now

>>6400503 #8184

in the



noticed it when Rain Man was "making it rain" with her tears

009a69  No.6400730


How do you know that? Do you have some inside knowledge of how many posts would be posted if the Captcha was not activated?

e81166  No.6400731

Anons, we've been waiting for this for what seems like forever now. Now the moment of truth truly is upon us. I believe something BIG is coming between now and 2020. We know Comey, the OIG report, and then FISA declas, but…I dunno. I can FEEL it. Something huge is coming.

We're just about there. Now would be a good time to take a deep breath and ask yourself if you're really ready. Call a friend. Say "I love you." Get your shit together and double-check it before we reach the Rubicon.

And say a prayer to God to help and watch over us.

9de35d  No.6400732

File: aea97091e1c3eda⋯.jpg (106.95 KB, 655x490, 131:98, up-shits-creek-FISA-RR.jpg)

File: e1dcaab1f2a6dd3⋯.jpg (230.91 KB, 934x700, 467:350, FAILED-COUP1.jpg)


Scrape it… You've got zero. Just like Mueller.

And Brennan. And BHO. And Hillary.

4c8224  No.6400733

File: e187df81f56a09a⋯.png (37.56 KB, 724x217, 724:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Aussie Anon. Considering that our govt has just been accused of being involved in a treasonous spying operation of one our allies and we are in the final weeks of our own election process - you would think our media would be all over this - so far - crickets.

221f54  No.6400734

File: c47196ff17d4720⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 360x507, 120:169, ed9dc8351ffed547bcbf9ca20c….jpg)


Nice summary.

9fcfa4  No.6400735

File: 2b3a5dbdcc5c644⋯.png (121.54 KB, 391x337, 391:337, Screenshot_2019-05-02 blac….png)

File: a99e414739f0a17⋯.png (49.98 KB, 414x517, 414:517, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Honk….png)


nah it doesn't make sense. why sign that?

rand Paul voted for it. 100-0 it passed.

signed 1-14-19


3580fd  No.6400736

PB >>6400538

Oh the overwhelming neverending reckless love of God

Oh it chases me down

Fights till I'm found

Leaves the 99

I didn't earn it

I don't deserve it

Still you give yourself away

Oh there overwhelming never ending reckless love of God

25b2b7  No.6400737

File: 2a407ddfc8f33b7⋯.jpg (97.14 KB, 640x496, 40:31, MELLax.jpg)

File: dde6f5e57005f35⋯.jpg (44 KB, 522x344, 261:172, MELLtap.jpg)

File: 34157dee0102a5f⋯.png (153.36 KB, 500x1182, 250:591, MelM.png)


>i meant MOLLIFIED the left

Or Mellified? Mellanated?

pic related

13c009  No.6400738

File: e5edd712d0bf1b3⋯.jpg (94.69 KB, 850x397, 850:397, retardeltas.jpg)


Not Notables





Zero Deltas are not notables

Every 2 part tweet is a zero delta unless POTUS hols them back, a second difference is a lag on twitters part

Every week newbs post this amazing zero delta and a newbaker jumps on it

when all you had to do was RESEARCH a few days back on POTUS tweets to see they are always zero delta

and thats why we cant have nice things here anymore

9de35d  No.6400739


This movie is FANSTASTIC.

Especially because you guys think what you think :)

People uh… in the know are laughing their asses off :D

c34cb8  No.6400740

File: f7e1e62f353e411⋯.jpg (133.11 KB, 700x512, 175:128, nigh dream.jpg)


signing off for real this time

b00ca9  No.6400741

What an unfortunate time to be caught out of position.

e81166  No.6400742


This theory makes it all so, so worth it. If true, it means Q actually knew that the mole would out himself in the ensuing shitstorm.

Which means that talking and arguing about the captchas in place of doing normal research wasn't unproductive or a slide at all-it drew out a mole.


071986  No.6400743


Nah, I was on the board when they went live with it. Shills are just as bad before as it was after. No change. In fact none at all.

Muh Jew shills are still first several posts.

So how does he make that many captchas that fast?

caae93  No.6400744





>Captcha IS a Q-team Sting Operation to ferret out a scheming FF mole

Exactly. Because this:


> as annoying as the captcha has been, it’s >actually served a good purpose. It’s revealed >that the ‘finkelstein shill team sux’ has insider >access to QResearch.

163af3  No.6400745

File: 0acd5f2c6be1509⋯.png (753.71 KB, 420x611, 420:611, capture_104_02052019_23281….png)


>ez to cypher here…

18b8d1  No.6400746


you all thought my idea was bad, why would a good Muller let the investigation go on so long and not tell Trump or Country "No Collusion"…. makes no since that he is a good guy.

866e66  No.6400747


He seems to have scripts that detect the stand-alone word DOUGH. Earlier today a baker had a two word dough and he stumbled.

Once the captcha was started he briefly stumbled, then recovered to full swing.

Then BO or CM must have modified the posting rules/algos to have a time delay between posts, now he ip hops every post.

He does take occasional breaks.

BO and bakers need to have duplicate post filters spanning breads. We could even get rid of captcha then, but it sure is comfy except for that retard and frens.

The guy is too stoopid to realize he's not accomplishing his mission and pissing off anons, but he's too busy projecting himself some kind of hero and receiving accolades in his mind or something. He is watching a different movie.

39c3b1  No.6400748

What makes a good movie?

Plot twists


97ba0b  No.6400749

File: c01fdcba6373210⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 660x330, 2:1, cry__.jpg)


>Muh Jew shills

Do you faggots ever stop crying?

cbe0e5  No.6400750


According to himself, he may be found in the gospels of the new testament and all the books of the bible… personally while reading Ezekiel he made himself know to me outside of any church. Experienced his presence many times since in the presence of others who put their trust in him.

So.. I can attest he is who he claims to be.

e81166  No.6400751


Good summary.


if anyone agrees with me on it.

63be5e  No.6400752


We the people and AG Barr will have the last laugh. Just sad that they don't see how stupid and low they've become!

a4a19b  No.6400753

File: d95e015d3190117⋯.png (1.75 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, E302973F-6457-47C7-8D67-8A….png)

39c3b1  No.6400754


Misdirection. Bait them into showing their crazy to the people

d555e7  No.6400755



Danke fren

8c73e6  No.6400756


schoolyard taunts

"that'll show him! that'll be the image! that'll be what everyone remembers! we got him now!!! He'll have to resign out of shame!!!"

642d73  No.6400757


I profiled it. I lurk all the time. You are just making it up.

how does the muh jew shill make the captcha so fast? He has multiple browser tabs open at once, he's already pasted his crap in place, he enters in a captcha and he he's doing it.

He certainly was slowed down by it.

the badness of shills is true, they are just as bad however they are unable to put 50 posts in the bread in rapid fashion.

I was there the night it was in place, I profiled the counts of posters, and in the first few breads the highest post count was about 15, and one of those was a baker. The shills didn't know what to do.

Breads go by much more slowly now, too.

a5a28c  No.6400758


Agreed. Bread is much moar comfy, despite captcha.

Shook the shill tree at top of bread, at least 4 bad apples fell out.

Seems like an improvement to me.

230aae  No.6400759

File: b5969c27415fb02⋯.jpeg (535.46 KB, 1125x1564, 1125:1564, A03C0DCD-5BFB-40B7-B8B5-F….jpeg)

@45_Schedule tweets a storm!

39b02f  No.6400760



I don’t buy the theory that if one is clean, the other is clean. Or vice versa.’

It is entirely possible one is clean and the other is dirty. I know what Q wrote. He/she/they also wrote disinformation is necessary. They also write information to lead us/others down a certain path, to a certain way of thinking. We’v e already seen instances where we thought Q meant “ Xyz”, and were surprised when it turned out to be “ABC”.

They could both be clean.

They could both be dirty.

Or they could be one of each. Just saying….

All that being said, I think Mueller flipped and chose to play ball with the good guys… cuz muh U1 and “saving his ass” and all. Otherwise, he’d be gone.

I am willing to admit I’m wrong, cuz if Trump was told early early on (20 years ago) then the white hats had Time to get players in place (Mueller) for such events as U1.

I guess we will see.

b00ca9  No.6400761

Who is Culkin?

63fdf8  No.6400762

File: 420715ea4be664c⋯.jpg (662.34 KB, 893x1253, 893:1253, Julian_Assange_August_2014.jpg)


also an Ausanon here…..the reason for crickets? The spying involves both Labor and Coalition sides….neither are gonna go there. Look what they do to Hanson everytime she pops her head up….Aus is deep shit evil with pollies

8c73e6  No.6400763


I'm glad you get so sucked into a narrative.

Have you ever read:

"To Reign In Hell"?

cbe0e5  No.6400764


So you're saying gets the captcha correct pretty much 100% of the time? BS

75505a  No.6400765

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Mile long military transport. Postet April 27th.

Germananon isn't sure if this is legit.

But i thought it's worth a share.

6ebfb9  No.6400766


>So how does he make that many captchas that fast?

Maybe he's not stupid.

It's trivial. Why do you people have so much trouble wit them?

cf9997  No.6400767

File: 140d61980228ee7⋯.jpg (55.32 KB, 600x423, 200:141, 224741_600.jpg)

106942  No.6400768

3be362  No.6400769



Yeah he slapped him so hard in the head he lost all his hair…..

e81166  No.6400770



Fewer people than we think are blackhats. At the very least, there are gonna be good guys we thought were villains all along.

Wonder if anyone we like turns out to be a blackhat.

caae93  No.6400771


If true, it's BRILLIANT! Somebody trying to set up non-violent Anons deserves a 'sting op' like this.

Obviously, Q is getting dead serious after recent FF and attempts to pin crap on us by FAKE NEWS, and it is KNOWN that there is fuckery going on with allowing and helping/promoting false shilly posts of brainless copypasta you can find the source by typing a sentence of that tripe into any search engine!




39c3b1  No.6400772


True. If RR is clean and mueller is dirty, it would make sense to apply whatever disinfo necessary to keep that a secret from the enemy.

39b02f  No.6400773


Forgot to mention the whole Barr-Mueller relationship too, in all this. Which also suggests Mueller had plenty of time to get in place for the dirt, and his SC position.

c2ba8e  No.6400774

File: 08708fa9f184b61⋯.png (6.38 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, CBEFCFC7-8FC8-4804-BC62-94….png)

Seriously Hannity was either drunk or had been drinking before his show tonight. I liked the guests and the info, but it was pretty distracting


18b8d1  No.6400775


I am just saying my idea is better. I think Trumps layers showed Barr what Muller was going for and the showed him the obstruction charge Muller was trying to use and Barr came out with the Letter to prove Muller wrong, he sent it to Rosenstien but RR didn't take the bait. So Trump team talked Barr into coming in and helping. No One wants to see a President of the United States taken out…not even a good friend! Plus, go read the last 20 pages of the Muller report and you will see how he is trying to mis use the obstruction charge. The same charge Barr put in his letter. Has to be tied some how or why would he send the letter.

29585e  No.6400776


fuck off, not notable in the slightest.

it's all pure speculation with no proof and pure bias.

glowing (((fucks.

b00ca9  No.6400777

File: d0fdc6e0e4f3943⋯.jpg (58.33 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, fight-club-marla.jpg)

642d73  No.6400778


and there was a bait and switch bullying that stopped too where a shill had two identities and he's say nonsensical bait things in a post, and then immediately attack anyone who responded with a different id.

and they had a bot that had a list of retorts to posts, but they were stock, and wouldn't relate to what an anon said, and then if you called htem on it they say 'oh, Iposted to the wrong anon'.

one time it was a threat against peopel about whom threats are taken very seriously.

that all seems gone. whoever had those tools doesn't seem to have the edge he used to have.

much much more comfy.

also the constant all bread long giant nose images are seemingly missing now too.

and few conformation shills, or the 'that right' shill pictures seem gone mostly, too.

812d48  No.6400779


>inside knowledge

Yes. All breads are archived.



caae93  No.6400780


>Which means that talking and arguing about the captchas in place of doing normal research wasn't unproductive or a slide at all

What a pay-off that would be! Sweet exoneration!

e81166  No.6400781


I won't pretend to get what you mean, but the combo of 777 and "Marla" together has me spooked.

cbe0e5  No.6400782


>I'm glad you get so sucked into a narrative.

by all means.. go ahead expand your narrative anon

c34cb8  No.6400783


8183 is previous baker im nbot changing anothers tables

heres all the 5 seconds or less from april 1st to now

May 2, 2019 10:45:29 PM

May 2, 2019 10:45:29 PM

May 2, 2019 11:29:22 AM

May 2, 2019 11:29:21 AM

May 1, 2019 05:18:13 AM

May 1, 2019 05:18:08 AM

May 1, 2019 05:05:56 AM

May 1, 2019 05:05:52 AM

Apr 30, 2019 11:31:50 AM

Apr 30, 2019 11:31:49 AM

Apr 27, 2019 10:10:25 PM

Apr 27, 2019 10:10:24 PM

Apr 27, 2019 09:57:32 PM

Apr 27, 2019 09:57:31 PM

Apr 26, 2019 02:03:10 PM

Apr 26, 2019 02:03:05 PM

Apr 23, 2019 10:47:42 AM

Apr 23, 2019 06:47:36 AM

Apr 23, 2019 06:46:34 AM

Apr 12, 2019 11:38:02 AM

Apr 12, 2019 11:38:02 AM

Apr 7, 2019 05:02:04 PM

Apr 7, 2019 05:02:03 PM

394815  No.6400784

File: 0a01885a215fcb4⋯.jpeg (134.96 KB, 828x559, 828:559, 2A212C29-114B-4C18-82AB-7….jpeg)



76de2f  No.6400785


Account suspended

b60146  No.6400786


I have believed from the start, and still believe, that Mueller is a black hat. The MO that he and his pitbull, Weissman, had introduced into the DOJ was to reinterpret the law (similar to 9th Circuit judges) so that its scope was broadened and could be weaponized against US citizens to serve a political agenda. Mueller et al were attempting to broaden the Obstruction law into a catch-all net that could be turned against anyone for doing/saying pretty much anything - a total perversion of the law. Mueller had to be seen to be operating within the law otherwise his report wouldn't have had a legal basis. The only way this could be achieved was by stretching the law into a catch-all net, the implications of which effectively turned the US into a police (or lawyer-run) state. Mueller had to get Congress to legitimize this interpretation of Obstruction of Justice otherwise he could have been accused of bias if he had made a finding of Obstruction on this "stretched" interpretation. So he handed the Dems a road-map as to how this could be achieved. Only Barr came along and stamped on this by taking the decision himself re Obstruction instead of allowing Mueller's open-ended report (as far as Obstruction went) to get to Congress first. Barr outfoxed Mueller - he knew what he was trying to do so took the decision re Obstruction himself (that Mueller wanted Congress to take) and published the verdict in his summary letter pending release of the full report. Which is why Mueller, and the Dems, were so peed off by Barr's letter revealing the verdicts. If Congresss had got in first, before the Obstruction issue was decided, as the law-making branch of government, they could have authorised the novel interpretation of Obstruction and we'd now all be living in a Police State where none of us were safe from allegations of Obstruction of Justice for trying to defend ourselves from accusations of a non-existent crime.

2afaf7  No.6400787


normal. could be a brigade combat team (-) heading to the NTC for training

25b2b7  No.6400788

File: dfaa5313980170d⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 720x714, 120:119, RMnb.jpg)


>if Trump was told early early on (20 years ago) then the white hats had Time to get players in place

And if this was a long-term plan,would one player refusing to go along with DS bullshit endanger the plan?

Knowing that blowing a whistle on- let's say, U1- wouldn't do any good considering the WW systemic tentacles?

Refusing to play-along and remove yourself from the team and the long-term plan?

The TEAM depends on the PLAYERS to follow the PLAN.

Bob had to play. They all did.

cda66d  No.6400789


If you can't beat 'em, let him enjoy the show and point out that he's distraction-shilling for the Pharistocracy, who are behind the Jews, Jesuits, Freemasons, Templars, General Kuster and the Native American Genocide, General Eisenhower, Edgar J. and Herbert "Hoover", running Argentina where Hitler died in 1972. They funded Hitler in 1923.

Swiss have Khazarian Brachycephalic Craniometry Cephalometry from Central Asia Mongolia



e81166  No.6400790

So…if there are this many false flags now, and this many direct attacks on Q and 8ch…

What's it gonna look like when the OIG report drops? What about DECLAS? What level of shitstorm are we looking at?

We've had mass murder basically every day now. And all this at the mere mention of "spying."

Buckle up.

106942  No.6400791


Weather Holocaust was true or not that doesn’t change the fact that many, many more Russian and Chinese died during World War II than Jews.

642d73  No.6400792


some of the 'native americans' were canibal cabal invaders.

b00ca9  No.6400793

File: 2d5ad4f5a5bf84a⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, nobody-can-id-me.jpg)

009a69  No.6400794


The past does not prove the present, it is believed that a heightened shill attack was imminent. In that case the past is NOT an accurate indicator of what was missed. I am not a new fag, I have probably been here longer than you.

13c009  No.6400795


>some of the id's would have 130


Very rarely has anyone broken 100

I dont recall moar than 2 but I'm not 24/7

point is exaggeration is not needed

some shills like frddy 7 the Krassenfags are gone but ebot & Tiresias still manage 40 post per bread and robojoos still grab the first ten posts

better / worse doesnt really matter,

the whole class was punished because teacher was to lazy to filter the culprits


you just found out how easily woke patriots will submit a bended knee to authority if they can be made to believe it is for their own good

63be5e  No.6400796


Yep, I'd like to see that liberal cuck get cucked over his ball spot by Fog Horn and drag his ass out to the pig pen!

e81166  No.6400797


The kid in Home Alone. His actor.

He's spoken out about Pedowood and child abuse by Hollywood at large. For years.

9fcfa4  No.6400798


Christians have a right to live free of Jews and Muslims.






^^^these are all kikes

the greatest liars humanity has ever seen

a5a28c  No.6400799


It’s definitely calmer. Whatever the reason is, I’ll take it.

Most shills are pathetically boring anyway.

75505a  No.6400800


Dude. You USfags don't make prisoners when heading for training. KEK.

I remember driving to trainings in Germany.

Cruising in a WOLF (MB-G Class) 200km over the Autobahn…

I miss this time.


39b02f  No.6400801


It’s all one tweet. Not a zero delta.

Lurk moar!!!

850b98  No.6400803

File: 57e6d92abc93a87⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, REAL HOUSEWIVES OF GITMO.png)




Only on GITMO TV Channel 45.

Enjoy the show.

b00ca9  No.6400804

File: d0f092991603a9b⋯.jpeg (18.58 KB, 500x375, 4:3, watch-out-for-cars.jpeg)


Keep digging. Misspellings matter.

6ebfb9  No.6400805



I think they're mainly upset that they are getting fewer (You)s now. Anons pausing to think "Do I really want to respond to this guy?" is hitting the shills in the wallet.

29eda9  No.6400806

File: b36d8120b059e72⋯.png (1.21 MB, 950x633, 950:633, ClipboardImage.png)

ching chong bing bong boom

2afaf7  No.6400807

File: 9fbbeef5a40b8b5⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1114x638, 557:319, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT has his own youtube channel

I'm probably the last to find it so this is just a PSA

Quite the line up


221f54  No.6400808

File: 17daa814c896850⋯.jpg (150.81 KB, 894x518, 447:259, hgvjhvhh.JPG)


Someone got close to 200 once. kek

37d7ac  No.6400809

masonfag is even dumber thsn terisias

25b2b7  No.6400810

File: 17f2d9713bd77cb⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 400x400, 1:1, GITMOch.jpg)

File: 1b8af20d59f1e30⋯.png (188.71 KB, 946x811, 946:811, GITMOch_.png)

File: 2eaab39a48ed650⋯.png (142.1 KB, 1230x688, 615:344, courtTV.png)

18b8d1  No.6400811


You have most of it right. But Barr sent a letter a few months before laying out the obstruction charge. When Muller turned in his report he mis used the charge and knew Barr disagreed so he left it to Barr to decide. Muller is no legal mind like Barr. Without Barr we would still be going on with the fake muller investigation. Barr was brought in to end it. It is all in the letter Barr sent and the last 20 pages of the Muller report. Clear to see

6a3541  No.6400812


March 28 - 1:14:43pm pst - 1st and 10 @ the 50

April 18 - 12:47:48pm pst - 1st & 10 on the 40

May 9 - 11:20:53am pst - @ 30

June 6 - 10:55:58am pst - @ 20

July 4 - 9:29:03am pst - @ 10

3 week increments

Difference of 00:26:55

5/9/18 - Hostages returning from NK (officially at 330am est 5/10)

6/3/18 - A week to remember (6/3 is Monday this year)

6/5/18 - Tweet about HR and the IG report

- Tweets about SPYGATE and Witch Hunt

6/6/18 - 75th Anniversary of D-Day

a5a28c  No.6400813



That’s very true!

Captcha does make me weigh the importance of a shitpost.

b85a26  No.6400814


Fake pepes.

8c73e6  No.6400815


You got somethin' new?

63be5e  No.6400816


Cavalry brigades usually have their toys hauled for them from the east coast to Victorville, California (near the west coast), off load at the USMC Annex and convoy them to NTC Ft. Irwin, California.

25b2b7  No.6400818

File: 4133ed94361b8dc⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 255x168, 85:56, NX.jpg)


LIVE Gavel-to-Gavel Coverage Begins May 8th

Keith Raneire trial? Could it be?


b60146  No.6400819


>You have most of it right. But Barr sent a letter a few months before laying out the obstruction charge.

Yeah, you're right - I left that bit out and it was a key element.

642d73  No.6400820


sauce on that?

did you ever lurk through a whole bread? Just look back to the breads before the captcha change and see for yourself.

33e8a7  No.6400821

e72e19  No.6400822


It's the natural response once you finally read the thing closely enough to see the Finkelstein.

57cb84  No.6400823


does a character limit exist?

has POTUS split up many of his tweets?

is there a delta when spitting up?

was this delta very different by POTUS (0 - 20+ mins?)

how new are you?

where are the experienced shills?

bf3e5b  No.6400824


Still don’t trust them. Simple.

13c009  No.6400825





Democratic Candidates Are Preparing For A Contested Convention — By Courting Superdelegates

“The one that I've heard from, from their delegate tracker, is Kamala,” said Leah Daughtry, a superdelegate and veteran Democratic Party official


36744b  No.6400827

File: 96e74237dd461df⋯.png (723.08 KB, 600x668, 150:167, QAnon-the-trutharian.png)

>>6400502 (LB)

Just… needed to do it

63fdf8  No.6400828

File: 535946d4397fd60⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 546x499, 546:499, archermaga.jpg)

CNN Poll: Overwhelming Majority Want Investigation into Obama DOJ Spying on Trump

But the most interesting part of the is that “69% think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department's inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76% of Democrats, 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans.” In other words, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the Obama Justice Department’s actions in 2016 should be investigated.


974bfa  No.6400829


Nadler: Senator Cohen! Can I play with your Cock? I mean, er, Rooster?

734a1d  No.6400830







cbe0e5  No.6400831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wouldn't endorse anybody 100% but been watching this guys yt for a few months.. seems pretty spot on.

Also notice Flynn and wife in the congregation in some

cbe0e5  No.6400832

This >>6400831


>You got somethin' new?

9de35d  No.6400833


I could picture a scenario where all this goes on, and then it all gets seized as part of a criminal investigation.

I wonder if that will make donors think twice about donating to the DNC backed candidates?

24c01f  No.6400834


Look up Little Bighorn, Kuster and his Swiss Heros (sacrificed). The Swiss spent 350 years embedding into Argentina, and now are Presidente. Guireh on YT has a video on it, warning America of the Pharaohs behind all the DS.

Is this P?

163af3  No.6400835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

974bfa  No.6400836



9fcfa4  No.6400837

File: db731f8972a1e7e⋯.png (4.86 KB, 293x93, 293:93, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Q Re….png)


it matters as it exposes 50 years of lies AND shows (as with the lie that is wine-tasting) that those we trust (academia, media, ALL Christian leaders without exception) work for the enemy either by way of the zombie or through malice.

if you ever watch the movie The Stranger (Orson Wells) look for the scene where Edward (((G))) Robinson (((Federal))) Nazi hunter and Orson Wells have an exchange across the dinner table where "annihilation" comes up.

Put Orson Wells words in the mouth of a Talmudist and the Jews responsible for that movie are telling anyone listening they are at war with the germans and the akum and are going to finish them off; but they put the words in the mouth of a nazi, on the run, pretending to be an anti-nazi…the conclusion by the fake anti-nazi Orson Wells is that the Germans are going to have to be wiped out to save the world. Funny gag.

Amalek must be destroyed. That movie is so ham-fisted, it is NOT subtle at all they even go so far as to show clips of dead bodies etc claiming they were the result of the usual story we have all learned. 1946 they were already doing their dead body product placement.

e81166  No.6400838


Will do. You've brought it up enough I'm convinced you're a helperanon.

39b02f  No.6400839


Exactly my point.

1. He’s either dirty as fuck; or

2. He was put in place to play along, gather intel, report back.

f4b0a1  No.6400840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This just happened in CA! LΑSΞRS, MICRΟWΑVES and D.Ξ.W.s…Oh my.

57cb84  No.6400841


fuck off shill.

why would that not be notable?

is there any harm in the info but to the DS?

shills glow.

will post it MOAR! kek

734a1d  No.6400842

File: f8a2f0c535b0e8b⋯.png (116.65 KB, 800x1127, 800:1127, 74.png)

crumbs here tho

f0f20b  No.6400843

File: 7ffd19de69cac9b⋯.png (305.42 KB, 636x714, 106:119, ClipboardImage.png)

57cb84  No.6400844



41e34d  No.6400845



I mean of course there will be. I don't think there will be anyone in politics but the amount of politicians who I like is rather small.

But in Hollywood and in entertainment. You know there are people who's character portrayal has made you admire or even like them and they could be the most evil bastard

Course, for me that list of people has dwindled as well. But I can think of a couple that would feel like be a punch in gut If I found out they were participating in evil

Q said "There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory). "

So yes there are more good than bad. But the bad people are like a cancer cells. They are spread around the country in clusters. You have to burn em out so they don't regrow again or at least it's difficult for them to

e81166  No.6400846

File: dcb6edadb185af1⋯.png (850.5 KB, 1093x617, 1093:617, rain.png)

File: d8784d8bc7ac646⋯.png (876.9 KB, 1093x614, 1093:614, rain17.png)

File: 8f63bd48406a867⋯.png (519.17 KB, 1094x615, 1094:615, rainobjects.png)

File: b22c21452d97bb0⋯.png (650.6 KB, 1090x741, 1090:741, rainwindow.png)


Screenshots from video. At 17 seconds, we have that brass thing, there are only a few objects I can't make out, and only one window is open.

522aab  No.6400847


I am wondering if a developed logic has been stated somewhere about at what point a company would migrate from private to public utility, but Google, Twitter, et al have certainly crossed the line, what with the enormous numbers using them, and how embedded they are in people's lives, with data-mining and spying abuse a given. Self-policing is a non-starter.

18b8d1  No.6400848


Since they made the rule change they have no control, so yes they will contest to pick the guy they want. BIDEN… It is still rigged just open will be televised now.

86820e  No.6400849


Bet I could buy you with a shekel.

6ebfb9  No.6400850


You are forgetting something: this place is totally open, so there is no need to have a mole infiltrate anything.

57cb84  No.6400852


that is the new one, anon.

two _ in the name.

13c009  No.6400853


v v see v v



all 2 part tweets are Zero Deltas

easily verified at https://qmap.pub/

so youre either ? or ?

you newtards ruined QR btw,

thats OK tho

digital is forever so show your spawn what a dummass you wer

812d48  No.6400854


>I am not a new fag, I have probably been here longer than you.

You're obviously not a statistician either, and I doubt that.

e81166  No.6400855


Sometimes, when you can't remove all of a cancer, you leave behind strips. Little strips of fabric soaked in a chemotherapy agent. Poison. When you shut the body back up, you leave those in there right next to the site of the tumor/operation. Just in case there are any remaining cells.

Not just another 4 year election. I have no doubt the Plan extends further than we think.

57cb84  No.6400856


you think the name and redtext will help your cause, shill?

9de35d  No.6400857


kek, [they] are completely in the dark.

86820e  No.6400858


Many here cannot grasp the concept of a long term strategic military takedown of their thousands of years old empire. And how some people involved have been part of the plan since day 1, even if it meant disguising yourself as the enemy. I believe there is MANY people that are part of the plan doing this, some wed never even guess.

b4310e  No.6400859

Do OldFags know, who is really on the top of the Pyramid? Cabal Leader?

But name, not guess.

Is it Jacob Rothchild, Evelyn de Rothschild, some Rockeffeler, Queen of England, some secret Payseur, Pope, Kissinger?

Or it is some group without leader, something like Trillateral commision?

76de2f  No.6400860

File: ad0f894bbee4934⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _106761943_hi053690570-1.jpg)

File: 43568220f801628⋯.jpg (40.28 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _105192700_mallory_976.jpg)

File: 17982df69e2d74a⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _96136160_embassy.jpg)

File: 9fb9779e7095d06⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _96597973_gettyimages-7527….jpg)

File: 27bfccf72f28a66⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _85676311_06620598-b076-43….jpg)


Ex-CIA agent Jerry Chun Shing Lee admits spying for China


Kevin Mallory: The churchgoing patriot who spied for China


China crippled CIA by killing US sources, says New York Time


US man 'gave top-secret information' to Chinese agent


China deports US 'spy' Sandy Phan-Gillis after conviction


39b02f  No.6400861



Shill much?

5c141e  No.6400862


Whoever said this




is a shill, (and I don't care who you are.)



(unless it's a BV, or… some such character)

13c009  No.6400863

lol- lawdy! good save


63fdf8  No.6400864

File: 1170d204bf6fd29⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 624x406, 312:203, pointatdat.jpg)

324dbe  No.6400865

File: de0c2743cbcf830⋯.png (363.55 KB, 931x520, 931:520, de0c2743cbcf830961fe6616f1….png)

stay the course frens. goodnight

b60146  No.6400866


>All that being said, I think Mueller flipped and chose to play ball with the good guys… cuz muh U1 and “saving his ass” and all. Otherwise, he’d be gone.

I'm not so sure.

Q2512 could be interpreted differently.

Mueller will face charges re: U1

He's working to save himself.

Q doesn't say who Mueller is working FOR only that he's working to save himself. - i.e. he's working to save himself by extending investigation (that's now been prevented) or through his novel interpretation of Obstruction of Justice (also prevented) or any other means, fair or foul, to save his rotten hide.

It doesn't necessarily mean he's working for White Hats to save himself. My guess is he's working for himself to save himself. He's as dirty as they come - a Prosecutor who has set himself above the law for a good few decades.

e81166  No.6400867


My guesses are pindar and satan. As in, the person.

Third guess would be the black pope.

18b8d1  No.6400868


if you look at a speach done by Monica crowley a when Trump just entered the race, she talks about how the this group she was taliking to had been trying to put a person in to get the Government back and away from the control of the cabal. My guess Monica and Col.. Shaffer have a lot to do with this. Might start a little dig on the London Institute.

6ebfb9  No.6400869


>Do OldFags know, who is really on the top of the Pyramid? Cabal Leader?

If you asked them they would say their god Lucifer is the top of the pyramid.

86820e  No.6400870


I dont have an answer but I have strong intuition it's an entity we are completely unaware of. Said entity would not be public if they were calling shots like we see, would be no need to be public.

e81166  No.6400871

In 2013, Culkin co-founded the New York-based, pizza-themed comedy rock band The Pizza Underground, of which he was the vocalist. They toured in 2014, beginning in Brooklyn on January 24, 2014. On July 10, 2016, Culkin said that The Pizza Underground was splitting up and their next album would be the last. Currently, Macaulay Culkin is the publisher and CEO of a satirical pop culture website and podcast, Bunny Ears


>bunny ears

Oh, shit.

57cb84  No.6400872

File: 8d09d984cfe66b2⋯.png (32.12 KB, 588x297, 196:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08b1296e1627fd4⋯.png (47.86 KB, 640x502, 320:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1185f4abacbf170⋯.png (46.68 KB, 640x502, 320:251, ClipboardImage.png)


they are not, obviously.

see pic attatched, e.g.



1st 4:47

2nd 4:57

→ delta 10 mins

newshills, really, you won´t change a thing here, spreading disinfo when not knowing anything on Q is just not working.



See the many shills. See how desperate they fight against the info. See how they panic. See how they lose - day after day.

63fdf8  No.6400873

File: 8d6fb8a21fce33e⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 480x270, 16:9, china.gif)


how many times did he have to name them

b85a26  No.6400874


Q has never once mentioned lucifer, while mentioning Satan multiple times, faggot. but glad to know you've got enough respect to capitalize the name

866e66  No.6400876





Synagogue Shill leads us to P, the Pharistocracy?, Swiss Khazars?

>>>Is Q the Synagogue Shill?

0c0939  No.6400877

File: 9cda443ed70ac95⋯.jpg (445.09 KB, 800x1108, 200:277, 9cda443ed70ac95741f734a084….jpg)

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

File: 792e966dcdb0448⋯.jpg (200.77 KB, 500x747, 500:747, Q1.jpg)

File: f26395553e6beda⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 636x612, 53:51, sword2.jpg)

File: 597740478769e66⋯.jpg (220.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sword-and-shield2.jpg)

13c009  No.6400878


unless he purposely holds them back retard cant you fuckin read?

you aint worth my time

hope you get your gold star

66b8db  No.6400879

File: cc385bbc7f8107c⋯.png (20.98 KB, 252x255, 84:85, lurk.png)

Let me think how many TYPES of shills we had since the beginning…


Mass amount of blackhats (this was very early on, lots of cyrillic, insults thrown back and forth, lots of threats from blackhats, very heavy presence of white hats and no such, FWanons who I suspect were no such, warning anons of incoming attacks as the board had lots of ppl active, but defense wise the board was very weak)




Flat earth

mein kampf copypasta

gay porn


those are the shill groups I can name off that have been here since the start

e81166  No.6400880


I make it a policy never to capitalize "moloch."

57cb84  No.6400881

File: b6bbba7792b82ed⋯.png (72.82 KB, 386x1410, 193:705, Q100.png)

File: 6dbb117f5fb0e99⋯.png (57.05 KB, 386x872, 193:436, Q133.png)

File: 78d3e1a9449827e⋯.png (70.18 KB, 386x959, 386:959, Q189.png)


do you even Q, bro?

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


Order is critical.

Strings cut to US/UK.

Expand your thinking.

Swamp drain.

1 - sexual harassment exit + future


[R] - No.

Bomb away.


Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


66c3ff  No.6400882



That'd be my bet too.

39b02f  No.6400883



Good try tho. I’m sitting in an interior cruise cabin, after spending 4 sea days wo internet, on my way to Hawaii. Two week cruise. Here now.

I’m here because I chose to be. I’m 100% down w THE PLAN.

100% WITH potus.

Try something else, faggot.

18b8d1  No.6400884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



e72e19  No.6400885

File: 863d10d7f9edd81⋯.jpg (273.61 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, biden iaff.jpg)


They can't be serious about Biden. This is going to be too easy.

642d73  No.6400887


if you knew who I was and what I know about the situation you'd be ashamed of yourself for what I have put up with in my life dealing with self-important supremicists without a clue, and just on the take.

you don't know me

13c009  No.6400888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





DJTs biggest Troll yet-

DJT used "Sympathy for the Devil" to


at Green Bay Rally

He actually waited for the song to end before announcing-

"Ladies & Gentlemen, the President of the United States!"

This is the most EPIC Troll Ever

Because these are actually the words to the song. Finally a POTUS sent by God to destroy Evil Satanic Deep State

Begin vid at 03:11:00 to hear for yourselves-



Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul to waste

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg

When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the czar and his ministers

Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank

Held a general's rank

When the blitzkrieg raged

And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Ah, what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

I watched with glee

While your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades

For the gods they made

I shouted out

Who killed the Kennedys?

When after all

It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's confusing you

Is just the nature of my game, mm yeah

Just as every cop is a criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails

Just call me Lucifer

'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me

Have some courtesy

Have some sympathy, and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, mm yeah

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, mm mean it, get down

Oh yeah, get on down

Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Tell me baby, what's my name

Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

Tell me baby, what's my name

I tell you one time, you're to blame

Oh, right

What's my name

Tell me, baby, what's my name

Tell me, sweetie, what's my name

57cb84  No.6400889


shill, see:


POTUS always tweets with different deltas, also tweets that are connected/continued.

Obviously a ZERO DELTA, to the fukken second, today is very relevant.

Obviously that is whe the bunch of mason shills is acting like little girls attcking the info, with disinfo.

e.g. this weak shill:


<all 2 part tweets are Zero Deltas

NOPE, they are not actually! → just posting plain lies (that are indeed easy to check by anons)



96ed06  No.6400890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yo dawg UNICEF is whack

41e34d  No.6400891


The only way to stop this and expose all the racketeering and trafficking cabal rat lines and network of people is to make people WAKE UP whether they want to or not.

If we don't become wary, suspicious, and savy as a society we'll never begin to hold people accountable, or prevent this from happening again.

Being wide awake and watchful to the possible evils of man kind is everyone's patriotic duty and the price of having a society based on freedom

57cb84  No.6400892



e72e19  No.6400893

File: b97b8a55d88a8b5⋯.jpg (311.37 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, biden iaff.jpg)


Whoops, had to get Trump in there

0c0939  No.6400894

File: a87a35f907b1fc8⋯.jpg (923.4 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions3.jpg)

100 YES or NO Q's for Q

1. We are all actually clones. Our real originals live in the inner earth. They will use us to harvest organs and to work.

2. Aliens are real and they hunting us.

3. We have nanobots inside us that can control our minds and bodies.

4. Obama is a traitor and did treason. But would that put 99 percent of people in hospital?

5. The earth is hollow

6. Reptilians live among us

7. There are only 100 million humans on earth - rest are clones or robots/androids.

8. We are all actually AI computers

9. We are in a matrix and will be freed soon

10. We are in a matrix and we are stuck here forever and our matrix overlords are pure evil

11. Sacrificed children in the hamburgers

12. Prion seeds in the chemtrails

13. Autism and auto-immune disorders from vaccines. Known and intentional.

14. Glyphosate causes cancer and/or expensive mystery ailments

15. The Archons have infested most of us and have been running our entire civilization as a loosh farm

16. satan is real and he owns 99% of us

17. Alien invasion is coming, we will all suffer a Lovecraft-tier horrible fate and there is nothing we can do about it

18. MK-Ultra continues and is >100x bigger than it was in the 70s. The CIA has been using psychotronic weapons, split-personality mind control, and mood altering drugs on the general public.

19. We have all been given a virus that can be used as a killswitch if we get uppity

20. The elite have hived the entire planet to satan and we are all being led to the slaughter as sacrificial livestock

21. Elite is using a 2-part-poison on the general population: Each part is harmless, but together it is a slow kill weapon dizzing people down. Chemtrails + Toothpase = poison. Or similar

22. Widespread Cannabalism by the EL-ite.

23. Elite = EL-ite = EL Lite = Reptilian species.

24. Everything is actually in our imaginations as we in a Matrix bed already in a hospital.

25. 99 percent of us have been implanted with a nanobot, hence the necessary removal at a hospital.

24. The Annunaki were Atlanteans, their bloodlines survive today, they have very high IQs plus arcane knowledge (occultism that actually works) and they are trying to get their world government back and turn us all back into the subhuman slaves we once were.

25. The world is run by a satanic cult that is trying to play out Revelation from the devil's side, and the cultists get loosh kickbacks whenever they trick good people into doing the devil's work or damning themselves in some way, which is surprisingly easy.

26. The Vatican is openly run by satan worshipping pedophiles, horrible rituals in the basement, most other churches are comped, and the media is comped too (which is why we don't hear about it)

27. The cult has hundreds of nukes, plus entire puppet states, and was planning to start WWIII

28. The Greys are trying to create a hybrid army that they can control telepathically and use to rule this planet.

29. Most aliens are actually humans who diverged in the distant past or on some other timeline

30. We are being kept in a zoo and/or used for bizarre experiments and the government is complicit

31. We are all victims of MKULTRA.




Need 100! Please add to the list then repost.

At the end we present this to Q in a nice baked bread!


57cb84  No.6400895


hahahaha, worst shill today.

have a hug!

ecda96  No.6400896

File: c6282a52336b1ef⋯.png (451.86 KB, 634x412, 317:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c9649ad2651ba7⋯.png (845.81 KB, 915x610, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcf3725838d115c⋯.png (415.55 KB, 373x569, 373:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5b4c68c16323c6⋯.png (398.36 KB, 644x468, 161:117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 856dc7be39c031f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1024x708, 256:177, ClipboardImage.png)

You know this guy is fucked if they've forced him to straighten his ass up. Thailand = Shithole

866e66  No.6400898


>>>He is watching a different movie.

If it was Q, was he using autistic engineering to get anons to watch a different movie because we're fully occupied with the one we know how it plays out (because it still is blowing our minds to see it habbening)…and shills?

2973a4  No.6400899


The MAGA RIOT shill also…



It's a solid theory. The captcha is showing us that certain disinfo shills still have a way to get their copypasta inb4 everything else, and setting us up for a DS FF…

>the whole discussion about the captcha was never a slide, it was and is a sting operation.

I think Q is cleaning the kitchen before DECLASS.

998884  No.6400900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dedicated to all the real anons out there, night shift bakers & patriots ww

"You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD."

63fdf8  No.6400901

File: fdcee5df1ed68a6⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, obamagirl.jpg)

Dec. 29, 2015 4:40 p.m


U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress

NSA’s targeting of Israeli leaders swept up the content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers

President Barack Obama announced two years ago he would curtail eavesdropping on friendly heads of state after the world learned the reach of long-secret U.S. surveillance programs.

But behind the scenes, the White House decided to keep certain allies under close watch, current and former U.S. officials said. Topping the list was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


0d9009  No.6400902

So by kick off you meant banning all conservatives from social media. Got it Q……….

0c0939  No.6400903

File: f9e93ae827049b0⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 4576x2536, 572:317, Dame_Linda_Dobbs.jpg)


Dear Q, Please have a look at this.

41e34d  No.6400904


No difference between satan and lucifer

and by the way

you are not a god

29585e  No.6400905

File: 0592f423fce6c55⋯.jpg (28.3 KB, 444x444, 1:1, dreams.jpg)

the retardation of you kikes pretending to be maga in here make me want to kill my damn self, fuck.

great captcha slide of 2019.

the only thing it has exposed has been your amount of kvetching and subversion. not to mention all the (1)hops nomming the shit

d909df  No.6400907

File: 9fcc1473a1e51d4⋯.png (4.27 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)


big version

76de2f  No.6400908

File: 50d339f610ca81f⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, N-GV7KfCRk4gMqtO.mp4)

642d73  No.6400909


uses 'kvetching' and the other k-word . . . .

whose the larper?

whose pretending to be what?

anyone who hates enough to use the k-word doesn't also use English/Yiddish words.


57cb84  No.6400910


try harder, shill.

>divide they try.

>fail they will.

812d48  No.6400911


We are all "lucifer" (light bearer)

The CHOICE is yours to be satan or Christ

ecda96  No.6400912

File: af7a621197fca6a⋯.png (577.65 KB, 800x408, 100:51, ClipboardImage.png)

b85a26  No.6400913


<No difference between satan and lucifer

Provide proof of your claim that they are the same.

<you are not a god

Where the fuck did I say I was? are you smoking meth or something?

57cb84  No.6400914

File: b236df3ef5cd6e3⋯.png (277.5 KB, 640x403, 640:403, LeaveTheCult2.png)

File: c8899c559f23f7c⋯.png (299.99 KB, 700x400, 7:4, LeaveTheCult4.png)

File: 833036328dd34d8⋯.png (222.91 KB, 700x295, 140:59, LeaveTheCult7.png)

File: 9dcb9471c3dbe22⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 500x313, 500:313, SAFE3.jpg)

>>6261525 lb

>>6261697 lb


Join Q! Join the plan!

Leave evil you were dragged into.

The time is now.



Imagine this, if a whole group of people knowingly connected to each other leave the cult simoultaneously, the DS can in no way kill or harm them all. No way. Killing a whole circle of friends, many people connected to each other living in the same city, would immeadiately wake up many folks. DS cannot and will not do this.

Also it should be clear to both sides by now that FULL CONTROL by Q and POTUS means FULL CONTROL.

Why do you think badguys only got FFs left?

Yes, bc they cannot harm innocents any more, they only got left "pawns" from inside the cult.

And the masters will soon call for many more to do the highest sacrifice. (= going to eternal hell)

Q said Anons and their families are safe. "Promise."

Join the anons.

Repent - be saved.

Anons and patriots around the world will pray and, with the help of almighty and eternal GOD, make sinners repent.

Parable of the lost sheep.

Luke 15:1-7

1 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

e72e19  No.6400915


Obviously bitter about being defeated thoroughly. Not even trying to hide it.

b4310e  No.6400916

>>6280423 PB

57cb84  No.6400917

File: fcfaf4552e6d6f8⋯.png (217.1 KB, 1140x1022, 570:511, Prince_Andrew_1.png)

File: 637da13fa82e249⋯.png (619.53 KB, 1145x2719, 1145:2719, Prince_Andrew_2.png)

File: 638fc96ee01beec⋯.png (247.84 KB, 1144x2176, 143:272, Prince_Andrew_3.png)



all pb:

>>6379879 Current Membership Of ‘Committee Of 300’

>>6379898 Josef_Ackermann / Group of Thirty

>>6379933 Daniel_Akerson / Carlyle Group / King Mellon Family

>>6379960 Malcolm_Knight / Centre_for_International_Governance_Innovation

>>6380003 Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York (connected to Epstein)

481f1a  No.6400918

File: a37652e76a247c2⋯.jpg (347.96 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN News HorroHuber.jpg)

Mueller deeply disturbed is gold! Great!

And, did POTUS suggested with his twat, that the Investigations end soon, and there is no need for further investigations? Trials?

I love the move to offense!

Kick start or end quarter?

29585e  No.6400921

File: 826efaf86d8f3da⋯.jpg (306.85 KB, 967x1329, 967:1329, last-friday.jpg)



triggered 2 in 1 go, noice.

you fucking niggers are dumb as fuck if you don't think the goyim [here] know about the kike supremacy that's been running rampant on the world.

neck yourselves.

that projection is a bitch huh.

58a772  No.6400922


>The tell was when Barr, who is a good friend of Mueller, said in his testimony that he thinks the letter was authored by some snippy staffers on Mueller's team. Considering how well he knows Mueller, you can essentially take that as a fact.

I think you nailed it with this statement, if not your whole theory. That "snippy" comment from Barr may have been my favorite moment in the whole hearing. I agree that it was very telling. And note how Joe DiGenova ( I think it's him doing it) has been referring to the SC report as the Weismann report.

My mind starts going all directions with different possible theories, but I'm content to just watch the movie. We'll find out eventually who's team Mueller was on. I do hope his congressional testimony will be open. I would venture to bet it would be the most watched ever.

812d48  No.6400923


the only certainty is he loves his doggo

57cb84  No.6400924


yeah, keep spamming that, anons know what Q said.

not about race, not about religion.


is eating babies the thing that the average joa jew does?

are you speading disinfo to deflect from others?

will it work?

f9b24d  No.6400926


PM and Payttrixx are controlled op fags

check your self anon

e72e19  No.6400927

File: bad3e0092db6cc6⋯.jpg (157.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, barr graph.jpg)


It's a good movie.

13c009  No.6400928

File: 40f72890663534f⋯.jpg (128.74 KB, 1200x527, 1200:527, D5n6tZIW4AA6JNa.jpg)

41e34d  No.6400929

File: 1fff71e9e1eae13⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 800x749, 800:749, 15178057_1768785433389020_….jpg)


This fucker believes his programing….

dude, I feel sorry for you

642d73  No.6400931


you are so rediculous.

I feel sorry for you because the punishment you fantasize about others is the karmic choice for your own downfall.

you are so full of hatred against just random anon, and suggest violence against people which, really, is what you are wishing for yourself.

knowing yourself so well you must really hate yourself.

sad for you.

ah, and you project that I project: we know who it really is, dude.

you use pejoratives to describe people

you suggest suicide.

you accuse random others of bullshit charges with no proof.

you are joyless and hateful..

anything else?

you 'neck yourself' wtih your post.

you get what you give, anon.

you give out hatred and derision and suggest murder or suicide, what do you think you are slated for when your day of alast finally arrives?

0c0939  No.6400932

File: 1a343f749b71d04⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, Kek_Tartaria.jpg)

This quote of Jesus in regards to the end times is found in Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; and Luke 21:32. Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” The things that Jesus had been speaking of—the rise of the Antichrist, the desolation of the Holy Place, and the darkening of the sun—did not happen during the lifespan of people alive in Jesus’ day. Obviously, Jesus meant something different when He spoke of “this generation.”

Or did he?

What if the rapture and much of what happened in revelations happened within that generation - or within say 50 years of Christ.

After the rapture, we know this from the Bible:

“I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit. …

He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit … till the thousand years were finished” (Revelation 20:1–3).


Now anons, I have a theory and it goes like this:

50AD, the rapture

1000 years of peace. During this time, Tartaria flourishes and huge buildings are made and civilization advances.

The devil is let out for a short while

1200 The very end times where the devil is again locked up. Q, Trump and all the good people help with this victory.

This would put us at 1250AD right now.




b6198e  No.6400933


Bat Shit Crazy

b85a26  No.6400934

File: 5b7835b66e0761f⋯.png (358.69 KB, 384x570, 64:95, satanoriginal.png)

File: ca0ed276ca6b801⋯.png (340.78 KB, 384x570, 64:95, satan.png)


jeez those evil satanic cults with their evil satanic yid runes.

48a8d6  No.6400935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you AG Barr I stand with you 100%.

Let the shit roll now.

866e66  No.6400936

anons see any faces of the goons running over and shooting people from motorcycles in Venezuela today?

Looking for Russian DS (Gorbachev/KGB) mercs operating out of Cuba. Planefags, anything recently?

147b5a  No.6400937

File: b343c6384becdbc⋯.jpg (126.51 KB, 1333x914, 1333:914, 3666666.jpg)

556af6  No.6400938

Isn’t it funny how POTUS’ words have now become the same as year old Q drops

57cb84  No.6400939


they spread no disinfo, they are loud voices, they help Q a lot, they are patriots.

however, since maybe 2 weeks shills attack them much (even shilly BO does - if anons are interested i will share).

Q told anons that that would happen though.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


you just saying that w/o any sauce does not make it true.

not even if you change their names in a funny way.

autists like sauce.

57cb84  No.6400940

e72e19  No.6400941


Right around the time the Mueller Report came out, yes. This is gonna be good.

bfc0f6  No.6400942

File: eaada52f0eae150⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 254x188, 127:94, sosts.jpg)

66b8db  No.6400943


Yeah, I think since now we are on the offensive, white hats pretty much what they need to arrest, sentence… etc.

Now Q and white hats are cleaning the kitchen of stains and mold and whatever else, so when the board shifts into the public eye, the most major shills are already taken care of so the bad guys have less chance of doing FF and blaming the board for them.

b92b8c  No.6400944

File: a6fd1286a9e737c⋯.png (409.63 KB, 741x980, 741:980, Screenshot 2019-05-03 03.3….png)

RBG, or double, will be in Buffalo Aug 26. Sure would be nice to get some photos.

221f54  No.6400945


I believe John Todd said that Rothschild takes orders direct from satan, which makes sense given the conduct of these people, and the ongoing theme of pure evil.

147b5a  No.6400946

File: a0c6a73dbaf9377⋯.png (2.22 MB, 3103x2733, 3103:2733, no coinkidinks - pence-mil….png)

File: 684946a4b6b3436⋯.png (9.84 MB, 3492x3405, 1164:1135, orion's belt in Columbus, ….png)

d444de  No.6400947

Amen to that… Pray without ceasing


556af6  No.6400948


Everything is aligning.

My only single, deepest ponderance is wether we will ever get the famous “storm is upon us” tweet…

57cb84  No.6400949


only little remark: shilling has not changed.

they are still here divisionshilling and trying to make FFs work.

f0f20b  No.6400950




This is going to be the most attractive and most probable working theory about why Q would allow such a crappy captcha (which doesn't even work right, and doesn't really filter any bots or shillposters.) I'm going to mention it as a setup for somebody with 'access' on this board, as long as the stupid cartoonish captcha exists. I will also ask Q if it's true next time Q posts. I'm sure he'll ignore me, but– the captcha is so lame and useless, it could only be a precursor to getting rid of a Judas Goat among the BO, BV, Baker's Dozen…

Now that it's been mentioned, it's almost OBVIOUS

0c0939  No.6400951

What is the ranking of the top in the cabal?

Pindar or Payseur or Soros?


481f1a  No.6400952

File: 58f6f1b9337b1cb⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3600x2700, 4:3, karate kid.jpg)

9fcfa4  No.6400953

File: 704b3e546aeeed4⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 354x438, 59:73, 85183996.jpg)

File: 88775c7ff34f1cc⋯.jpg (49.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1484972853_image.jpg)

File: bc1a0ca71c81c83⋯.png (481.29 KB, 593x596, 593:596, dhsh.png)

File: 2c06ec82ba8408c⋯.png (205.42 KB, 608x435, 608:435, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Amaz….png)

File: 7b6871bd7c1b9d7⋯.png (5.73 MB, 3244x2372, 811:593, HRCfaceoffScreenshot_2019-….png)




stop JIDF drone just stop.

29585e  No.6400954

File: 52c313d2eb6b314⋯.gif (2.45 MB, 499x499, 1:1, let'sgo.gif)



kek, I'm not gonna sit here all night and keep giving you kikes your shekels but it was funny to prove a point.

it kills you pieces of shit that you're losing power so you try to cling to the side you'll think comes out on top.

which is why you constantly slide with muh jfk jr is alive, muh rr and bm are white/grey hats, muh captcha is for muhkike "shills", etc etc. because you don't want the goise to come together as one and overthrow your Rumpelstiltskin asses back to your fucking caves.

goddamn dwarves.)))

57cb84  No.6400955

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)

File: 86c4ebe6b0c6d73⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)


Anons are attacked by muh jew shills constantly.


There are two kinds of muh jew shills.

1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.

2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.

<DS wants the people divided

Don´t fall for it.


Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?

04c618  No.6400956

58a772  No.6400957


"Future proves past" has never been clearer than what we've been seeing in the news lately.

I don't know if you've paid any attention to Kevin Shipp, but his latest interview was interesting. It was like he was repeating everything Q had dropped. I remember a video he did sometime last year where he was bashing Q. I think he's reading drops now.

57cb84  No.6400958

File: b984db0d3d1440f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2398x1671, 2398:1671, [FREEMASONRY_ILLUMINATI].png)

File: 0dee60597affdc8⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Freemason_Illuminati.jpg)

File: 506e1e7236e5de2⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x307, 460:307, order3.jpg)

File: 41cdf284b141f57⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 400x317, 400:317, Symbolism.jpg)


Q is fighting the worldwide ruling class, the global illuminati/masonic Deep State - including governments, agencies, organizations, thinktanks, companies, …

Q is fighting what was hidden a long time by the word "conspiracy" and by a lot of effort of MSM and 'stars.'

Shills want to slow down (they can´t possibly think they could stop anons.) the Q movement by "divide and rule" and by giving fake news media a reason to blame Q followers nazis.

This is what MSM is doing right now with POTUS and followers and begins to do it with Q now.

Don´t let shills divide you.

Good vs. evil.

We the people vs golbal DS Eilte.

















11ca52  No.6400959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia Investigation Timeline - What Really Happened

b60146  No.6400960

Not a memer myself but greatly appreciate their skills so not sure if there is a meme focus at the moment. If not, may I suggest a meme war that ridicules the Dems' MO of smearing anyone who doesn't subscribe to their agenda? Dems have recently seen off two of DJT's nominations for the Fed and they're in the process of smearing Barr. Their methodology needs to be exposed for what it is in such a way that normies cannot fail to understand so that they stop believing that there might be a basis for such smears and wake up to the fact that smearing is just a political tool to bring down anyone whose policies they disagree with or, more likely, which threaten to expose their own corruption and/or paucity of ideas. They and their smears need to be made a laughing stock.

b78a86  No.6400961


I think we're onto something.

0c0939  No.6400962

File: f9e93ae827049b0⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 4576x2536, 572:317, Dame_Linda_Dobbs.jpg)

4cd5a9  No.6400963

File: 9817497a1a3eb6f⋯.gif (288.13 KB, 465x400, 93:80, 9817497a1a3eb6fb406b54399a….gif)

Trump won and now the shit hits the fan.

f4b0a1  No.6400964


No one is really at the top of the pyramid in terms of power and control. Balance of interest is always required. People / groups that are not at the top can exert significant power if they control certain key resources that can be used as leverage. But if you really want a ranking and find out who's at the top, the person you are looking for is definitely not a public figure.

a04d77  No.6400965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As difficult as it is to watch this, it is important for Anons to know and understand the enemy.

This is shown as a "win" for Harris and the Dems.

Why is it considered a win?

What did they win?

Who did the "winning"?

They are stupid, they are idiotic, but they already know that they are wrong, so WHO are they trying to convince? What is their motivation?

Study your enemy Anons, even when they are losing they are trying to win (something). They are MUCH better at this than the republican party, why?

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

41e34d  No.6400966


well if you read a bible….not modern translation trash but at least a king James then you wouldn't need me to provide proof.

All lucifarians think they are god.

bfc0f6  No.6400967

File: 69e726280e3fa63⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 600x315, 40:21, bocaptcha.jpg)


whatever shill, I mean, pretend anon.

57cb84  No.6400968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Qanon April 28 2019 - Truth, Transparency and Equal Justice


0c0939  No.6400969

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

This is the end result for the [cabal] - GOD WINS!

1ef4cf  No.6400970

Heading to Starbucks in about an hour to take an upper-decker. I have the runs something fierce. It should be epic.

57cb84  No.6400971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Qanon March 6 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly


a28092  No.6400972

File: 4f59e0b19a23b6c⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 600x400, 3:2, D5kQVNIXkAcidZq-1.jpg)


Obola is shitting his pants…

57cb84  No.6400973


what is that supposed to mean?

e72e19  No.6400974


I think they have tankless toilets, anon.

8c73e6  No.6400975


there's an inversion you need to familiarize yourself with.

"We're all made of God-Stuff".

God is not your imaginary friend.

You are God's imaginary friend.


bfc0f6  No.6400976

File: cb49b3e5bab7865⋯.jpg (445.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mirrorbo.jpg)



b85a26  No.6400977

File: f2b4b73c68c5b28⋯.png (462.56 KB, 1425x727, 1425:727, 1513573285993.png)

File: 1ccba4bade96f83⋯.jpg (75.52 KB, 800x526, 400:263, Complete Horse Ship.jpg)


it took you that long to come up with "if you read a bible"

but you can't provide a specific verse or context?

You make claim. you provide proof, or you're full of horse ship. simple as that.

and again, did I ever said I was a luciferian? fuck no- just an attempt to deflect on your part. proofs faggot.

0c0939  No.6400978

File: a091535c6574381⋯.jpg (492.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, baal2.jpg)

File: 3ca36908d0540c8⋯.jpg (514.22 KB, 1569x978, 523:326, embassy2.jpg)

File: aa735e5dd939340⋯.jpg (500.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, norval.jpg)

File: 5e80ba344774a90⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 820x611, 820:611, Norval-Foundation-1.jpg)

File: 6c5799278ba0c62⋯.jpg (332.76 KB, 1071x747, 119:83, spirit cooking art.jpg)


Anons, is this just a gallery?

1. Opened on 28 April - Satanic Holiday

2. On a protected wetland. Approvals?

3. Statues of horned things.

4. Cost about 10 million dollars. But how will it ever regain its cost outlays with few visitors?

5. Similar to Zeitz Moccaa (also very questionable "art")

25b2b7  No.6400979

File: 01f4961a8fe898a⋯.jpg (56.64 KB, 500x748, 125:187, star stuf.jpg)


>"We're all made of God-Stuff".

How far is the closest star?

41e34d  No.6400980


Rothschilds themselves hold the top family slot because people believe satan has a seat at their dinner table.

Whether true or not, it benefits them for people to believe it

b78a86  No.6400981



The captcha was not meant to 'stop' the shilling. It was meant to catch redhanded the suspected subversives in the kitchen.


0c0939  No.6400982


6. Also right across the road from US Embassy. Why? Embassy was there first.

1ef4cf  No.6400983


The one in Southern Shores NC has regular toilets. I'm shitting in the tank!>>6400973

d83caf  No.6400984

File: 1b0821dde0469fb⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 876x493, 876:493, ZomboMeme 02052019081130.jpg)

8c73e6  No.6400985


Depends on your definition of what a "star" is.

Maybe it's the sun.

Maybe it's inside the earth.

Maybe it's within you.

Maybe it is you.

afbd57  No.6400986

File: 95bdbec544b3bb8⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 69e726280e3fa633a005df8b89….jpg)

File: af6bad05081d13d⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 589x500, 589:500, Brown's bay_1.jpg)

147b5a  No.6400987


>All lucifarians think they are god.



you can say it, freemasons at a certain level think they're all hermaphroditic gods and wish for nothing more than to usher all of humanity into being faggots and cutting off their dicks

57cb84  No.6400988


why don´t you do a dig and let anons know later?

at this point mostly anything besides FISA/OIG/OHR/… is a slide imho.

29585e  No.6400989

File: fbb5a020f140f78⋯.png (113.13 KB, 1024x792, 128:99, (((theylive.png)

File: 73a8459ea35f0ab⋯.jpg (12.5 KB, 320x310, 32:31, chamber.jpg)

File: 58e6b79af56418e⋯.png (371.49 KB, 640x425, 128:85, butitsnotthejewsgoy.png)


if you were an anon and I was an actual shill, you wouldn't even respond.

nice try, nigger.

your kike tears are extra salty, dear chap.

f8689d  No.6400990

File: b5083137ff492d3⋯.jpg (287.71 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190503-030557….jpg)

File: 4a3051b6045630c⋯.jpg (603.53 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190503-030748….jpg)

File: 602cd6f7f39df19⋯.jpg (738.93 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190503-030756….jpg)

see someething say something

fucking REE showing up in instagram feed

642d73  No.6400991


the humor in you is how you pretend to be so sure and what you are sure about is utterly bullshit.

you imagine us as these powerful forces of evil, almost wishing we were.

rest better because I am not that.

you got nothing, bitch.

nothing at all.

and I say that nicely.

so you got nothing to bitch about and you can calm-yourself.

the problem with tackling demons is that so often it's you who's just wrong and mispercieving.

so you go out and start accusing people of nonsense, as you do to me this morning.

doesn't matter to me however it ought to for you.

you think I have power that I am loosing? you're delusional.

so I suggest you undertand that your ideas are indeed wrong and you have some explaining to do: to you your self.

as yourself: how can I be so sure and yet so wrong?

you sure are wrong.

but it's easier to imagine it's simple, just a solution directed at who you are sure about . . .

but that kind of surity is a fiction.

you're the one who suffers from these mistakes, anon. Not anyone else.

explain to yourself how you could get it so wrong.

forgive yourself.

understand you have hatreds that are not correct, and that you have desires for vengence that you act out onto anonymous strangers.

and do not do this to other anon.

or do as you well and fall in the ditch and someone will help you then, because there are good people who would, or try to talk you off the ledge on which you are not perched.

who who who

will save you now?

why it's you who will save yourself.

so stop your projection of hate.

I don't deserve it, but let me tell you I welcome the opportunity to give this lecture. It's not really for you, you are an obvious jack ass.

but my hope is someone else will say "wow, that's what I do."

carry on.

0c0939  No.6400992

File: d89ed04b8de5230⋯.jpg (109.71 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 2.-Zeitz-MOCAA-dragon-pic-….jpg)

File: 7296fce3312eef5⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 1326x580, 663:290, Kendell-Geers-copy-e151049….jpg)

File: 59b0b98d19cc80e⋯.jpg (64.03 KB, 745x497, 745:497, Mary-Sibande-In-the-midst-….jpg)

File: 927ae0bf4e28df3⋯.jpg (354.83 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ZEITZ2.jpg)

File: 79bb7f72d292268⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 870x652, 435:326, ZeitzMOCAAmuseumCapeTown04.jpg)


Anon, I have dug up these points on it. I also have photos of the Zeitz

8c73e6  No.6400994


I'm saying there's no real separation like that.

A god class entity is still nothing compared to the concept being discussed.

57cb84  No.6400995


so you think the muh jew shills are going to dissappear?

they are here right now.

whyn do you think captcha fuckery would end?

imo still: plain fuckery by mason board team to drive anons off QR - obviously not working so well.

afbd57  No.6400996

File: 6b05b8834296a46⋯.png (475.76 KB, 871x871, 1:1, Muh Dick_1_1.png)

Fox news is a disgrace.

57cb84  No.6400997


seems like you only have pictures.

present a dig, don´t post 20 times the same images.

25b2b7  No.6400998

File: e7c40fe59c19056⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 640x387, 640:387, wwg1snek.gif)


>Depends on your definition of what a "star" is.

Do you even Q, bro?


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.126948

Dec 19 2017 17:39:15 (EST)

How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


29585e  No.6401000

File: 5d515a1b8a581ab⋯.jpg (446.69 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 5d515a1b8a581abdfd50f30cf9….jpg)


look who came attacking who.

everyone can see who (you)'d who first.

glowing mother fuckingcuntkikenigger


that the best you got, you weak hook-nosed neanderthal?

>you attack those you fear the most

keep proving my point, kike.

bfc0f6  No.6401001

File: f7b2805bb1a3c55⋯.jpg (163.9 KB, 532x721, 76:103, kayfabe.jpg)

8c73e6  No.6401002


Is it a star you can follow?

Or a logic puzzle?

96ed06  No.6401003


wonder what all those green buggies r for..

41e34d  No.6401005


I don't hang around waiting for you to post or anxiously waiting for a chance to answer you. And you are a lazy faggot. I'm not going to do your research for you.

You are the idiot who believes what the deep state wants you to believe. Hillary would be proud of you. You want to live your life as a useful brainwashed faggot, then have at it

556af6  No.6401006


Everyone’s reading drops now. It’s called Fox News…

556af6  No.6401007

File: a5e598ee79fec27⋯.jpeg (55.97 KB, 884x1030, 442:515, AE31BF28-D644-484C-AB46-E….jpeg)

57cb84  No.6401008

it is so funny that you masons actually shitpost all night just to make it look like this was what anons actually do.

- stupid questions already answered by Q

- slides

- bs discussions

- shilling against info

and as always, to make FFs work

- muh jew shill spam

Think about this.

These are your last days in Freedom while anons will soon live FREE ALL THEIR LIVES.


e81166  No.6401009

File: e7f2a38cb724db9⋯.png (115.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190503-011353.png)

File: 41c92dd83c96dcb⋯.png (569.95 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190502-164940.png)

My adrenaline spiked.

bfc0f6  No.6401010


sounds like crazy shill talk, not anon.

230aae  No.6401011



b4310e  No.6401012

The Matrix: Thomas Anderson's passport expired on September 11th, 2001. Coincidence? Also, any relation to Tom Anderson, founder of Myspace who ironically was also a computer hacker, known for hacking into a Chase Manhattan Bank as a teenager?


Just coincidence.

25b2b7  No.6401013

File: 3ace7574207d151⋯.jpg (200.34 KB, 768x675, 256:225, GAlt.jpg)

File: da5897d475d086b⋯.jpg (919.13 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, QanEy.jpg)


>Is it a star you can follow?



Don't follow stars, Anon. Look to yourself.


11d3f2  No.6401014

we're gonna win either way

556af6  No.6401015


Perfect summation

11d3f2  No.6401016

hi nightshift glad to be here

57cb84  No.6401017

File: 8544435bae5eadc⋯.png (6.1 MB, 1333x6794, 31:158, ClipboardImage.png)


Is any anon able to post in this bread?

Since the captcha attack the EU Election Bread is not working.

(EU Elections in May, maybe that was a target?)

>>6296877 pb

An anon please try a test post - i am not able to post since the captcha attack.

29585e  No.6401018



kikes love the word 'kayfabe'

it's a big favorite among 'college types' like Gavin McInnes and Mike Cernobitch.

you're weak, kumbayanigger.

lemme guess - muh diversity is our greatest strength just like isreal is our greatest ally?


b85a26  No.6401019

File: 3f6874a272a2616⋯.png (39.03 KB, 348x320, 87:80, ClipboardImage.png)


Deflection upon deflection upon name calling even though you're reluctant to provide sauce for your claims, and attacking fellow anons isn't the name of this game. Yet Q has never named lucifer..

13c009  No.6401020


no, the captcha is not set up correctly

25b2b7  No.6401021


>captcha attack.

FFS Now it's a fuking attack. Step away from the captcha Anons. Really…

556af6  No.6401022

Nothing can stop fake finkelshill, nothing…

b4310e  No.6401023

Refugees in Greece start fires and children are knocked over as crowds clash with police



Poor scared souls.

275f57  No.6401024


>so you think the muh jew shills are going to dissappear?


>plain fuckery by mason board team to drive anons off QR

(and some enabling the shills by posting moldy old debunked copypasta into notables for the same reason i.e. >to drive anons off QR)


>catch redhanded the suspected subversives in the kitchen.

For instance, this theory is sound, but even tonight's Baker (whom I think is one of the good ones,) will NOT ever allow this captcha discussion bun into notables, even though it is 60% of the bread right now. Reason being: IT IS A STING OPERATION.Q is cleaning the kitchen before declas.



see this: They need to keep the discussion low-key. They aren't targeting Anons. It's a sting.

bfc0f6  No.6401026

File: 857cd18c26485ea⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 398x507, 398:507, hilldog.jpg)


put down the bong hillary.

4158b5  No.6401027

File: 2b781661f3ecdc7⋯.png (95.21 KB, 556x672, 139:168, ClipboardImage.png)



556af6  No.6401028

File: f602a078d50030c⋯.jpeg (22.49 KB, 463x275, 463:275, 7E7C928B-AC9B-45C1-BF8E-6….jpeg)

e81166  No.6401029

File: bec044c010017b3⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 1238x650, 619:325, bec044c010017b3c61e40ed695….jpg)

File: 762f460a7ad3756⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 762f460a7ad37567d1f7b0b262….jpg)

File: 77f0185c5cf24aa⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, wjm7njjsbfv21.jpg)


This. The accuser. The serpent. The father of lies. The deceiver. The tempter in the desert. The one cast out from heaven. The dragon. The head of the snake. The one who prowls about like a hungry lion seeking one to devour. The one who strikes at the heel of the brood of woman. The one whose head is struck by the heel of the brood of woman. The one who took a third of the angels when he fell. The murderer. The despoiler and murderer of God's children. The one fat on the blood of saints and martyrs. The monster. The foe at the gates.

The pindar. The great dragon. The first of the brood of vipers.

The one whose demons were the gods of old. The one for whom the children of Babylon were put through the fires of moloch. The first of the unclean spirits. The one who the Archangel battled over the body of Moses. The ruler of this world. The one who can kill the soul as well as the body.

The enemy.

b4310e  No.6401030

A National Day of Prayer guest drove the demons out of the White House


275f57  No.6401031

File: b0234100c72a717⋯.png (501.34 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, ClipboardImage.png)

e81166  No.6401032


If we're 1 year behind, do we get something for Christmas this December?

556af6  No.6401034


Yes you get to live

276619  No.6401037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MOAB..A lot is said here…boom in the end..its over…anons can fill in the blanks…Watch his face.. he is pissed.

6b7c51  No.6401038

File: 632daf3bc052aee⋯.jpg (68.12 KB, 800x373, 800:373, 3333.jpg)

be well y'all! have a great night. see ya at some point.

7c6b10  No.6401039

File: eab5ebcbfc359a5⋯.jpeg (469.91 KB, 1855x1242, 1855:1242, CF9E5FB3-70D6-41E4-886C-8….jpeg)

File: 782f694fe35e450⋯.jpeg (463.92 KB, 1823x1242, 1823:1242, D2ED28FC-729C-4F82-BFAF-F….jpeg)

Nighty-Nite, Night Shift!

275f57  No.6401040


Top shelf analysis, Anon!

Philippians 2:10-11

"At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

I'd like to be there at that moment (before the angel throws Satan in the bottomless pit) so I can request that the Devil be forced to say "Jesus Christ is Lord of all" one more time, just for the record… My memory of that moment will keep a smile on my face for 1,000 years.

e81166  No.6401041


Bricks are being shat. People are unironically going to jail.


was a campaign promise, not a slogan.

276619  No.6401042


Ive noticed other aspects that parallel one year ago to.

afbd57  No.6401043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

16d41a  No.6401044

File: 104b14fff487e5a⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 920x520, 23:13, obey.jpg)

File: 0450be2c999d606⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 641x360, 641:360, o c.jpg)

File: ebafc099e321e22⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 853x452, 853:452, obey 5.jpg)

afbd57  No.6401046

File: dbdcd57e23385f3⋯.jpeg (37.48 KB, 884x1030, 442:515, a5e598ee79fec27a843b88040….jpeg)

Nigga is monkey real…

e81166  No.6401047


I pray to God that we are forgiven our sins so we can be saved and witness that moment. Transcendent smugface.

And seriously, I'm convinced this really is a spiritual battleground.

bfc0f6  No.6401048


nice. thanks for posting!

5c1ab8  No.6401049

File: 6d8650836546d91⋯.jpeg (418.17 KB, 1242x1715, 1242:1715, A1E0333E-9929-40DC-B0E4-E….jpeg)

Cyclone Fani has made landfall on India’s eastern coast as a grade 5 storm, lashing the emptied beaches with rain and wind gusting up to 205 kilometers (127 miles) per hour.


d21d62  No.6401050

File: 5008b7d689f57d8⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, 695:392, F4E1F159-DBD4-4861-9005-56….gif)


Good video from the hearing. The next phase is happening. Time to prep for comfy as the nukes start poppin’.

5c1ab8  No.6401051

File: 1c30bdd1928cd0a⋯.jpeg (373.02 KB, 1242x1150, 27:25, 947487A9-271A-4E1D-AA6A-6….jpeg)

29eda9  No.6401052

File: b38fdde588dde2c⋯.png (796.73 KB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Virt….png)

Thirteen F-16's up around Europe.

USAF callsigns BEAVS and TACO's: kek..

afbd57  No.6401053

File: dbdcd57e23385f3⋯.jpeg (37.48 KB, 884x1030, 442:515, a5e598ee79fec27a843b88040….jpeg)

Nigga Washington fuck off.

556af6  No.6401054


That’s more than enough to wipe out a small country

df253a  No.6401055

File: 6cfc801db1c4c79⋯.png (793.9 KB, 339x598, 339:598, Kvetchup_01.png)

230aae  No.6401056


Yoos a bitch nigger DC

df253a  No.6401057

File: 84968f0686bd27a⋯.png (147.13 KB, 1105x224, 1105:224, Thankyou Planefag_01.png)

481f1a  No.6401058

File: b74800f42da2754⋯.png (9.59 MB, 3600x2700, 4:3, karate kid1.png)



Thanks, frens! Fixed it a little bit!

275f57  No.6401059


> I'm convinced this really is a spiritual battleground.

and you're right…

01528a  No.6401060

>>6393607 >>6394262 OB

RE: Previous Notable, Tarmac article.

BC waited for LL at the particular location where she'd disembark.

BC waiting for LL to be (mostly) alone on the plane.

He entered and spent time acknowledging the witnesses to his presence on the plane. He made it clear he knew who they are.

1. BC brought up the failing health of a former AG (Reno).

2. BC told an anecdote about "his next location". LL did not recall what that was about.

3. LL prodded BC and said "we have to move on" (repeatedly).

4. BC said he had been playing golf (implausibly).

5. BC said he had to move on. LL recalls, talk of West Virginia coal mining.

* * *

6. Comey had considered appointing a SC to look into the tarmac meeting.

7. Comey decided to make/announce the decision for LL regarding non-prosecution of HRC.

8. LL had recused (informally, not officially) by way of pre-emptive deferrence to FBI/DOJ staff.

Moar …

556af6  No.6401061


Always glad to see someone putting one of my memes to such productive use

929b7e  No.6401062

>>6400546, >>6400729

Has anyone collected a Notables Bun?

Didn't see anything linked back to the dough post.

b4310e  No.6401063

US Anons,

congratulations from EU for beautiful new Miss USA Cheslie Kryst.


01528a  No.6401064

File: b755d51a96c715d⋯.png (123.65 KB, 917x913, 917:913, ClipboardImage.png)


Golfing, golfing, golfing.

BC was probably really talking about "golfing", the political game.

ce22a2  No.6401065

File: 3db31777f290d07⋯.png (541.01 KB, 737x741, 737:741, taika.png)

anothr satanik moovie direktor

812d48  No.6401066


Phoenix <-> Phoenicians

Philistines risen from the ashes

01528a  No.6401067

File: f7fddf84374bf27⋯.png (45.89 KB, 813x325, 813:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fe4ea1e309fe82⋯.png (19.67 KB, 670x140, 67:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3327478fbb3912b⋯.png (87.34 KB, 573x869, 573:869, ClipboardImage.png)


According to LL, BC said, "you can manage the heat".

29eda9  No.6401068

File: 03e1844eb4f1da7⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Virt….png)

File: 4178fa98d9099ba⋯.png (790.43 KB, 1029x466, 1029:466, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Airc….png)

USAF G5 VIP SAM998 departs LonDon Stansted headed W @40k

5bacc4  No.6401069

File: d01bd8db19d3637⋯.png (359.86 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 5bff2f98faa75a1bcdd75f4a8a….png)

Just finished a thousand mile drive and happy to see that it's still comfy AF in here.

Remind me to make a bumper sticker with left lane squatters and a tard pic, tho…

276619  No.6401070

File: 97d73d74b7d5cc0⋯.png (249.21 KB, 505x336, 505:336, ClipboardImage.png)

276619  No.6401071

File: 01b8d76b5736d3f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1915x1076, 1915:1076, BerriesBiden.png)

File: d9296e94b0d21d2⋯.png (645.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, MuhCodenameYo.png)

File: df4927df1da9515⋯.png (973.55 KB, 1888x682, 944:341, ObamaFaceDemon.PNG)

File: 7370a4c9a90b4bf⋯.png (822.19 KB, 1896x673, 1896:673, ObamaFaceDemon2.PNG)

01528a  No.6401072

File: e81ff0b3e9321fb⋯.png (789.63 KB, 589x765, 589:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33ca4a60a802b73⋯.png (310.76 KB, 569x791, 569:791, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b76dc274f3a0088⋯.png (440.99 KB, 553x797, 553:797, ClipboardImage.png)


The Billigan.


For a man who is infamous for claiming "I don't recall", BC is equally famous for having a very good memory about what he wants to remember. Natch.

e81166  No.6401073


The whole scorched-Earth policy God had going in the OT makes way more sense when you remember that they were baby-sacrificing, demon-worshipping black magic pedo perv occult freaks who believed ritual murder made their land fertile.

Don't take the riches, don't even eat the fruit, just burn it all.

Makes sense if it was moloch: the country.

5c1ab8  No.6401074

File: 1e981265c8ca799⋯.jpeg (547.24 KB, 1242x1473, 414:491, 39728CC1-35AC-4E66-A76C-2….jpeg)

The White House launched its latest effort to bolster the government’s cybersecurity workforce.

President Trump issued an executive order Thursday that introduces new initiatives and expands existing national efforts aimed to “grow and strengthen” America’s cyber workforce. The programs laid out in the order will help better standardize cross-government language around cybersecurity, incentivize engagement from academia and federal agencies, and accelerate learning to address the nation’s urgent need to fill the cyber workforce gap.

“More than 300,000 cybersecurity job vacancies exist in the United States today,” President Trump said in a statement. “They must be filled to protect our critical infrastructure, national defense, and the American way of life.”


3eb963  No.6401075

5/5 guys?? Shit gets real?

c2acd0  No.6401077


If you were a bad dood, and you suspected that the "go" command was coming in May (mayday) and you suspected it would be a zero-delta – would there be a way to try to prevent a flawless 0d by slowing down the posting ability while maintaining a plausible, "for th shillz" justification?

And if you were the good guy, and you came back to find that - might you then post a video showing the good guy walking in to a room(board) of people to find it's now run by an evil bast, and deciding to bail?

prob no affect q like that, but food for thought

01528a  No.6401078





Tarmac Meeting and Bill Clinton's talk about his golf game, his political plays, is a blatant and brazen example of his comms in which he says a great deal without saying much "substance".

Veiled threats, hinted promises, acknowledged obstacles, implied resolutions.

e81166  No.6401079

File: 7fafa261945e30d⋯.jpg (250.83 KB, 2160x1504, 135:94, 7fafa261945e30dd448cad0003….jpg)

File: 4e89d454fb4d6a3⋯.jpg (101.97 KB, 802x585, 802:585, 169fd078fa926795a8e84cd38f….jpg)


This year got 'real' at El Paso.

dc5d45  No.6401080

File: 3fa52ba040eed9c⋯.jpeg (56.6 KB, 750x747, 250:249, Abovethelaw.jpeg)

File: 8bb41bd81142de2⋯.png (145.92 KB, 500x566, 250:283, if-illegal-aliens-arevotin….png)

File: 13fd3883c837754⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 750x530, 75:53, illegals1.jpg)


Damn I hope someone called ICE.

5bacc4  No.6401082

File: e98db1fe8fadd8a⋯.png (65.2 KB, 744x687, 248:229, 1f56deb7794894723958805e6b….png)

Am too tired tonight, anons, but tomorrow prepare yourselves for an epic rant…

Just finished three weeks of dealing with normies, greed, laziness, thieves, and getting ready for an estate auction that I didn't get a dime of the proceeds.

8c701d  No.6401083



and pls, no one tell the left about Mueller until it is too late.

3b2eb4  No.6401084

There will be 751 members in the EU Parlament after the elections.

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-02/eu-elections-battle-europe-has-begun

11d3f2  No.6401085

apparently I dont understand the chans yet … why are other threads posts not sequential?

4158b5  No.6401086


These are Excellent ANON! Direct and to the point! Like It!

8c701d  No.6401087



and by too late… I mean, when the movie's over ;)

Don't spoil the five families takedown squad shit.

01528a  No.6401088

File: 452049d62acf011⋯.png (94.82 KB, 823x481, 823:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7af60193acd5d7c⋯.png (79.69 KB, 817x471, 817:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1de5b35e0ba511⋯.png (39.01 KB, 677x335, 677:335, ClipboardImage.png)


According to LL and to BC's accounts of their tarmac meeting, there are common points of what appear to be niceties, polite ambiguities, and of course the fact the meeting happened because BC wanted it to happen.

For those Anons who are convinced, or merely suspect, that the numbers 23 and 32 are significant in the comms of the DS players, see the Pics.

23 June – date of Brexit vote which would have been fairly fresh in the minds of politicos, in the midst of the presidential election, who met on the tarmac a few days later.

1932 – year of symbolic significance during which certain events would now hold meaning for DEM la(w)yer-politicians. Moar on this angle in a bit.

4a6c50  No.6401089


WRWY anon!

Keep strong!

Sending prayers.


820f49  No.6401090

File: 61e109dd1b8126d⋯.jpeg (63.35 KB, 640x753, 640:753, 203A0612-102A-4BA2-B893-6….jpeg)


I posted this on FB one year ago today:

“I have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before the national good. I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.”

- Donald Trump

11d3f2  No.6401091


ok my suspicions are confirmed I did not need to ask. I've hardly noticed post numbers missing for other threads. Probably will notice it now …

9fcfa4  No.6401092

File: 09db43d1ee12d05⋯.png (28.21 KB, 91x94, 91:94, Screenshot_2019-05-03 jews….png)

File: 3bb58d7d0239fe8⋯.jpg (90.46 KB, 1095x525, 73:35, 85692728.jpg)

File: 9af2f5eca2f5b76⋯.jpg (192.3 KB, 719x1024, 719:1024, 23477669998_8067831f24_b.jpg)

File: 5029ba81851933f⋯.jpg (183.11 KB, 660x957, 20:29, Rumpelstiltskin_MonroOrr_4….jpg)

01528a  No.6401093

File: 5ada75c322499e4⋯.png (134.41 KB, 707x853, 707:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89b44d7178e55b4⋯.png (49.22 KB, 679x509, 679:509, ClipboardImage.png)


Re the Tarmac Meeting.

LL listened as BC talked of family (grandchildren, children, grandparents, parents). These were veiled messages about the Clinton Family, writ large as per extended political family, and their "issues". Who got you where you are now? Who will protect you? Who will advance you?

EX: Reno, 1st Woman AG

EX: Holder, 1st Black AG

EX: LL, 1st Black Woman AG

Each with skeletons in the closet, or bodies buried, or abuses of power for which to answer. This is the context in which BC talked so ploddingly during his tarmac meeting with LL.

a5d03b  No.6401094

File: 024a7095cdb483c⋯.png (284.78 KB, 481x447, 481:447, AlqaedaAmerica.png)

File: 8b1e82fe3c8f16a⋯.png (361.63 KB, 1057x568, 1057:568, DurhkaDurhka_Soph.png)

01528a  No.6401095


I'll leave the matter of the Pulse Nightclub [shooting] to others as a blank to fill-in for the purpose of decoding what LL and BC were actually communicating with each other on the Tarmac.

9fcfa4  No.6401097

File: 73ce916ca94c0d6⋯.jpg (136.23 KB, 1330x1064, 5:4, tucker-carlson-1024x534 - ….jpg)


because you are not high enough yet

here, scratch n sniff

929b7e  No.6401098

Collected Notes @ 510ish


>>6400594 New Based Ben Garrison

>>6400600, >>6401052, >>6401068 Planefag updates

>>6400610 1992 LA riots Marine Commander now serving as AG

>>6400625 Moar on Mueller/Barr and Barr's memo re:Obstruction

>>6400672 Another CA highway shooting - no one injured

>>6401078 Bill Clinton, Golf, Political Plays bun

29eda9  No.6401099

File: 46c3919551e0e69⋯.png (747.23 KB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Virt….png)


exiting Eurozone from LonDon Stansted headed W @40k

$100 it lands @JB Andrews


c60a6d  No.6401101

Where's Assange?

276619  No.6401102

File: 2b12ada74219dcc⋯.png (621.15 KB, 934x858, 467:429, DemocratRIP.png)

275f57  No.6401104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You read my mind. This entire captcha sting discussion is


and you just gave another extremely good reason why real anons need to seriously consider what's really going on here.

I watched the video with brand new eyes after you pointed it out. Tomorrow, I'm pasting together a graphic of all the comments regarding this discussion, and embed the video right alongside it… (going to sleep right now, though- I'll drop it on everyone's head at midday.)

Some extra cook in this kitchen ain't gonna like our analysis at all…

01528a  No.6401105

File: 77bb7eb9206797b⋯.png (488.47 KB, 667x797, 667:797, ClipboardImage.png)


Re the Tarmac meeting.

While LL did mention the recent [shooting], BC did not dwell on it, discuss it's impact (superficial or otherwise) but both he and LL said to each other, multiple times, that he/she/we needed to "move on".

Recall that Comey was at the WH meeting with Husein for which LL had cut short her China trip. Pic related.

9fcfa4  No.6401107

File: 4961443e38bfd8e⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 860x4243, 860:4243, Screenshot_2018-09-08 Todd….jpg)

File: e61bee9e52a3408⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1025x4520, 205:904, zScreenshot_2019-04-14 Tru….png)

File: 7c22f8e0baf2c90⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Fast Foward - Skippy and t….mp4)

929b7e  No.6401108

>>6400546, >>6400729

Collected notes here: >>6401098

01528a  No.6401109





LL as part of a continuation – Reno, Holder, LL.

Implied with BC's talk of family.

Their talk was in the context of the very hot (political) weather that each acknowledged in their own way during their encounter. They have included this in their public accounting of the tarmac meeting.

Scandals = heat.

This is the reason they met on the plane, accoriding to LL's testimony before Congress. Of course, she and BC refer to it in the moar ambiguous terms that enables them to brazenly admit what they have done – broadcast it, as it were, to friend and foe (in the know).

a23610  No.6401110

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)






I've got the bake.

Thank you to the ghost baker and the anon who collected these sweet notes.

Firing up the ovens.

Happy Friday everyone.

a5d03b  No.6401111


9fcfa4  No.6401113

File: 17a6cf13510d8ce⋯.jpg (104.7 KB, 474x892, 237:446, 4736d8e5cd8e188caa69d13d21….jpg)

File: d6d847696c86bd6⋯.jpg (75.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

01528a  No.6401114

File: adaa7ed715000ef⋯.png (80.13 KB, 829x483, 829:483, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cd6734223fc91b⋯.png (8.55 KB, 563x93, 563:93, ClipboardImage.png)


Re the tarmac meeting and reading between the lines and the codes.

Why did West Virginia coal mining enter into their conversation?

See the series of pics.

West Virginia, coal mining "problems" go back to 1932 origins.

BC brought it up, said LL, in the same context as Brexit. Brexit, BC said, was disruptive of a process. Consider expanding on that through the political metaphor of Golf. Golf concentrates your mind as you play, for example. Do not rely on the superficial explanation offered by BC.

Okay, next, what might a lawyer, with aspirations for a seat on the SupCrt recall about 1932 and the prominent decisions of that year? See next post.

a47c49  No.6401115

File: ef6d3ed1afe7ba8⋯.png (20.27 KB, 519x259, 519:259, brach.PNG)

File: 9431a9f9a6d799d⋯.png (49.62 KB, 517x326, 517:326, cepha.PNG)

File: 9099bac9c32f980⋯.png (52.84 KB, 516x344, 3:2, crani.PNG)


>Swiss have Khazarian Brachycephalic Craniometry Cephalometry from Central Asia Mongolia

What an awesome idea, just pile up a collection of scientific words related to head and skull and hope to baffle the buggers with bullshit!

Works for me, moran!

929b7e  No.6401116

>>6401110 Good Morning Baker, and Thank You for taking the bake.

75505a  No.6401118


>Happy Friday everyone.

Just realized i have my first weekend off since one month of constant work.

Sucks to be a €-Debtslave.

Love you all (no homo).

And thanks for baking!

5bacc4  No.6401119

File: f508b24292a2455⋯.png (66.67 KB, 235x195, 47:39, dc3086892a0211d1eff296285b….png)


Kitchen is in good hands. Should be a tasty loaf.

9de35d  No.6401120



29eda9  No.6401122

File: 0380d38fed00afd⋯.png (1021.85 KB, 564x768, 47:64, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Rosi….png)

9fcfa4  No.6401123





you truly are EVIL

of your father the Devil.

a23610  No.6401124





Thanks anons, shadilay indeed.

01528a  No.6401126

File: 8bd667c488a7e90⋯.png (76.05 KB, 557x481, 557:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cf88dec88032f5⋯.png (90.23 KB, 713x725, 713:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a23547e54e33737⋯.png (34.86 KB, 693x225, 77:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4d466811224fce⋯.png (4.09 KB, 455x77, 65:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Tarmac Meeting, between the lines, and symbolism in your face.


Supreme Court took on a case that year (resolved in the end of that court season in 1933) that featured mining in West Virginia. During the economic Depression. During the near collapse of the coal and steel industries.

The case, as argued by both sides and as resolved by the courts right up to the Supreme Court's majority opinion, rested very much on intent. Actual intent.

This gave LL a yuge hint – and one that backed Hussein's blatant pre-judgement of HRC's email case (or matter, as LL would insist on calling it). It featured large in Comey's handling of the case, too, natch.

Duly reasoned?

e3a014  No.6401127

File: 9772aaa3f6d6d0b⋯.jpg (495.56 KB, 1440x1168, 90:73, 0000.jpg)




Bitch about the bakers and BO some more.

I remember you from December.

I guess it's nice not hearing they are freemasons and shit.

Glad you changed it up a little bit.

be13da  No.6401128


Mason baker leaving out much again.


Why does DS need so much shills here at nightshift?

Bc they know they lost control.



f10687  No.6401129



idiots confused number of bakers with number of posts. they are gonna bake the most fucked up bread

e3a014  No.6401130

File: 49163a08194a482⋯.jpeg (11.14 KB, 255x225, 17:15, decb80ad2eed6cdf63061a844….jpeg)

5bacc4  No.6401131


>Just realized i have my first weekend off since one month of constant work.

>Sucks to be a €-Debtslave.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, anon, but it doesn't end when you're out of debt. I just finished three weeks of way too long of days working just out of personal obligation.

Finally told them to fuck off for a couple weeks while I relax at home (with you fags instead of normies who normies who can't figure out how to wipe on their own)

be13da  No.6401132


If you member me from month back, ask yourself shill if DS still has any power.

Bc so far, i am fucken you shills up every day and still i am doing perfectly fine.



Anons are safe and masons can only shitpost here and elsewhere.

Have a good night.

I will sleep tight now.


d21d62  No.6401133

File: 3cf7b7521266511⋯.png (332.62 KB, 695x888, 695:888, 3F1FBBDC-D2EE-42D1-877E-9E….png)

a5d03b  No.6401135

File: 5f12a7bf59c4c80⋯.png (562.79 KB, 1655x875, 331:175, Screenshot_54.png)

Interesting that the Kentucky Derby events spent time yesterday celebrating the life of Louisville native: Hunter S. Thompson.


e85715  No.6401136

i ate tasteing that bread nigger

8a2f36  No.6401137

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I saw this video on YT by Vee and thought it could be used by an anon with sm accounts. Based on a post on halfchan almost a year ago (pic related). Maybe post it after after some university snowflake starts runnin' on about socialism. The "intelligentsia" are the first to get purged after a successful revolution. They think they will be in a position of power, dumbshits, like us proletariets are gonna take orders from those weaklings. I could see myself being Jamal or Cletus. Kek

e85715  No.6401138



01528a  No.6401139

File: f11679a8e475963⋯.png (77.68 KB, 855x487, 855:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bac0add443cb21c⋯.png (328.19 KB, 617x585, 617:585, ClipboardImage.png)


Re Tamac Meeting.

Also, in 1932, there was a yuge mining disaster. Actually several, but one in particular grabs attentin today. See pic.

Think what might come to mind, whether during the tarmac meeting or shortly after, as LL ponders what BC was getting at in his talk of mining and West Virginia and whatever anecdote he dropped in her lap.

Here is one: the disaster of Pocahontas, politically, as E Warren pushed for, basically "created", an agency (CFPB) but could not plausibly stand for nomination as the first director of her own creation. She wanted the appointment, sure. She served as interim director but could not garner the votes in the Senate for confirmation. Hussein dropped the idea of nominating her before even trying.

BC's political message to LL: so close but close only counts in the game of horseshoes and we are playing the game of golf. My game.

LL's appointment as AG was very hard played. Longest nomination process – or one of the longest – in US history. And a narrow vote, 56-43, compared with other cabinet members, especially.

And that raises the question, doesn't it, of how could LL realistically expect to gain confirmation for a SC appointment in the future – should HRC win and nominate? Why, natch, BC's record of playing the game in all kinds of weather.

0c0939  No.6401140

File: ade9669f8b8316c⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 262x280, 131:140, reptilian.jpg)

File: f9e93ae827049b0⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 4576x2536, 572:317, Dame_Linda_Dobbs.jpg)

File: 4efe35c6dbbbe0d⋯.jpg (393 KB, 883x1923, 883:1923, Logo_mirko.jpg)

File: 2e50e84fa0ccc39⋯.jpg (222.24 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, bird.jpg)

File: 3ae5f1223863e0f⋯.jpg (400.87 KB, 1014x882, 169:147, Spiral.jpg)

Spiral logo - pedophile.

Hostage in Taiwan. Why was the ex-general he held hostage?

The hostage taker was executed later. But was his story true or false?

Linda Dobbs - ex UK High court judge. Why is she involved?

What cases did she reside over?

8a2f36  No.6401141

File: 0b1d0772c233cca⋯.png (896.99 KB, 1042x634, 521:317, Best Anti-Communist argume….png)


If you don't want to watch the vid, here's a screencap.

8c701d  No.6401142


I think it's more likely the captcha and karate kid warning is not to follow the maga riot shills (wannabe brainwashed paramilitaries) or do crazy shit that gets Q attacked like that milita leader arrest. If you add that to catching subversive bakers/board staff and forcing the shills to write new scripts there is plenty of motivation for white hats to do this. I can't see how a captcha this easy would stop Q from doing anything because they can just bunch when Trump is tweeting to hit a 0 delta.

e3a014  No.6401144

File: f5f6ad3dbcbf562⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 321x200, 321:200, good one.gif)

9de35d  No.6401145


oh gosh if biden gets the nomnoms he's going to be eaten alive.

while his string puller breathes down his neck.

0fafc7  No.6401146

File: 5ba431f36bf3432⋯.jpg (140.87 KB, 754x500, 377:250, 301tn4.jpg)


- Muh Jew

- Muh Dick

- Flatearth

- Synagoge of Satan bullshit

- Rabbi Finkelstein interview

- Useless red text

- Porn and Death

- other stuff that is meant to trigger

- spambots posting irritating stuff

are here to make you lose focus. when you lose focus you dont dig anymore. qresearch comes to a halt. crimes dont get punished. bad people live in freedom.

stay vigilant!

b024f8  No.6401147

File: 35969c3720f20c5⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, mkultra.jpg)

2fdcb5  No.6401149


Man’s a limp dick.

And I’m not sure man is the right description.

e72e19  No.6401150

File: e067d5efb49d2e0⋯.png (263.83 KB, 525x685, 105:137, china joe.png)


So far he's managed to be exposed as a pervert, and to turn firefighters against the IAFF.

01528a  No.6401151


It is BC's assurances, I would think, that made the porposed bargain re HRC's email case all the moar plausible for LL. If HRC had this conversation she would not have been as artful in the ambiguities nor have had the record to provide the context. BC had all of that on offer, if LL had ears to listen to it.

I think she heard the message, if not immediately, then, later in mulling over what she clearly did recall BC going on about during that unusual meeting.

But, maybe, that was not such an unusual meeting for these Deep State operatives. Topic for another time, I guess.

What moar might have been implied by BC's talk of West Virginia coal ming? Apart from suggesting that LL listen carefully, listen for what is under surface, what vibrates underfoot.

Moar …

d4589f  No.6401152

SHAPE Public Affairs

Verified account


2h2 hours ago


At the top of the hour watch the Change of Command of #NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe. @usairforce Gen. Tod D. Wolters will assume command from @USArmy Gen. Curtis M. Scaparrotti. Watch it live at the following link starting at 11:00 (CET). https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/events_67375.htm …

e3a014  No.6401153

File: 8a2bd74cfd48ffb⋯.jpeg (44.09 KB, 393x320, 393:320, j8.jpeg)

File: f06dba31c18b1fc⋯.png (611.09 KB, 477x829, 477:829, Jews 911.png)

File: 620bf775e0a9e38⋯.jpg (29.3 KB, 639x359, 639:359, TYB1.jpg)

File: 08f81b68e91fabc⋯.png (105.55 KB, 500x518, 250:259, whats-black-on-top-and-whi….png)

File: 2f6711ab85fc968⋯.jpg (64.99 KB, 728x546, 4:3, w3.jpg)




9824d9  No.6401155

File: f57a72479f3f4fe⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 324x318, 54:53, 54yhr7ut7ujtu7r6uyr6.jpg)

d4589f  No.6401156

File: 27b00a271db3eed⋯.png (269.39 KB, 622x618, 311:309, ClipboardImage.png)

D5 + sub

9c52a6  No.6401157

Big day today. Lotta shit happened in the past when the digits of month + day = 8.


e85715  No.6401158


maybe it's a shitty jew cult

d8b86d  No.6401159

File: 56b46d0d857d414⋯.jpg (38.04 KB, 750x390, 25:13, 58917011_1353358914812215_….jpg)

9c52a6  No.6401160


whoa, look at that time stamp. unintentional.

481f1a  No.6401161

File: b2e4efe1096c751⋯.jpg (126.88 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, asshead1.jpg)

d8b86d  No.6401162


fisa goes both ways

63fdf8  No.6401163

File: b710d6882b07f81⋯.png (393.37 KB, 576x483, 192:161, spacacc.PNG)


a5d03b  No.6401164

File: 77554b6d72721e6⋯.png (397.12 KB, 731x904, 731:904, Screenshot_55.png)

File: b8510e74e5f1bd5⋯.png (424.19 KB, 952x609, 136:87, Screenshot_56.png)

File: f162e343335670e⋯.png (15.96 KB, 1281x210, 61:10, Screenshot_57.png)

Place your bets on the horse that has a Q in its name:

Plus Que Parfait



Q+? Perfect?

More Than Perfect

Plus Que (Q+?) Parfait

29eda9  No.6401165

File: ebb27280afea8bf⋯.png (320.39 KB, 500x334, 250:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Patriots laugh…

01528a  No.6401168

File: 3b0a50d0157682d⋯.png (146.58 KB, 933x537, 311:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c5f5522efa0515⋯.png (441.45 KB, 725x625, 29:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54fc4b51764c38b⋯.png (132.29 KB, 857x805, 857:805, ClipboardImage.png)



Re the Tarmac Meeting.

What other things might be beckoned into mind during a discussion of coal mining in West Virginia? The mind of LL. As fed by the mind and hints and looming "presence" of BC?

Here is a chain of notions that came to my mind but which a few flash cards might be helpful for other Anons not of a certain generation.

Which side are you on?

It is a song that has a history. Predating even the lyrics for it. But we can start with the lyrics and perhaps circle back to the earlier history, later.

During the early part of the last century, coal mining was dangerous and poor-paying work. At times very profitable for the mine owners/operators. The balance of power, as it were, would change through a series of conflicts – wars even – that marched through that century into the next. Suffice it here to say that the song's lyrics are based on chosing sides.

BC to LL: you are either with us or against us. Decide and act accordingly.

That song became prominent during the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. It took on a different meaning under the leadership of MLK. This probably touched LL moar immediately, I think, during that tarmac meeting.

When listening to the recording of that era, keep in mind that the protestors were singing with the heavy weight of fear for their physical safety. Shaky voices. But defiant voices. Choose a side.

And moar recently the song's lyrics have taken on yet a different meaning. See the Black Lives Movement and so forth. Hip Hop. Rap. New versions of an old theme with injected meaning and symbolism.

That, too, might have vibrated with LL who was on a tour of police departments/associations when that tarmac meeting took place in Phoenix Airport.

acec26  No.6401169

File: 12847d1d678a0f7⋯.jpg (653.52 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, 7acf47eb5d6486fad9e5e7eec4….jpg)

File: 7aaec7e86de41ab⋯.jpg (241.4 KB, 994x1088, 497:544, PicsArt_05-02-05.56.16_1.jpg)

File: 6bab2024dc69980⋯.png (143.2 KB, 746x590, 373:295, Screenshot from 2019-05-03….png)

File: acbae8442450f22⋯.png (78.45 KB, 795x695, 159:139, Screenshot from 2019-05-03….png)

All PB




Excellent find by anon last night. I'm wondering

is the renegade blue tie is a match for the watch reflection?

Watch drop was the same day as another en dash Q/Potus delta

1ee00d  No.6401170




^ ^

sh sh->buf

mirror 5.3 activated

d4589f  No.6401171

File: 046b33ad90fed5b⋯.png (545.6 KB, 700x652, 175:163, ClipboardImage.png)

counter to D5?

a5d03b  No.6401172

File: d358ad9a3011992⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 1000x655, 200:131, Image.aspx.jpg)


Only image I can find of Plus Que at this moment.

01528a  No.6401173

File: 1bab03c343593fa⋯.png (384.83 KB, 929x545, 929:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a380308e9f2a651⋯.png (519.73 KB, 973x609, 139:87, ClipboardImage.png)


Tarmac Meeting.

Which Side Are You On?

BC dropped question to LL that had a racial component, I think. Something that might have sprung to mind that particular year for that particular AG.

1c9d0e  No.6401174

6.4million posts


There is no greater proof of the psychotic bot controlled nature of the internet than this six million.

It's very very fake. A machine that was let run and overproduced madly. Absurd.

Yet the clumsy bot bakers put their symbol of fakeness in their very 'notables'.

5bacc4  No.6401175

File: 6f21409d9513614⋯.png (557.23 KB, 508x637, 508:637, 34534245254.png)

Going to sleep now, so pre-emptive bewbs for baker.

a5d03b  No.6401176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

01528a  No.6401177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a5d03b  No.6401178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0c0939  No.6401179

File: 2c4bc2c11ddbc3f⋯.jpg (138.33 KB, 360x501, 120:167, 1411-2.jpg)

File: 6d9ee4391be3a8a⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 205x246, 5:6, download.jpg)

File: 5ea730b469ba9dd⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 320x180, 16:9, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

6c5e9e  No.6401181

if dumbshit bots trigger off the word dough then why don't we all post that word all by itself many times each thread? Just a random anon though.


There. That should suffice.

01528a  No.6401182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Context for Tarmac Meeting and BC's talk of coal mining in West Virginia, 1932, and the history leading to present time.

c60a6d  No.6401183

171 UIDs and this thread is slow as fuck.

e85715  No.6401184


these bots were programmed by greedy jews, but they ar ignorant of the us18rico against their organized pedo cocaine spree huh

63fdf8  No.6401185

I am expecting a YUGE offensive this Sunday by POTUS and teamQ

What date will it be?


0c0939  No.6401186

File: 6b09fcc2fbf7e5a⋯.jpg (146.16 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, 1200px-Clouds_over_the_Atl….jpg)

File: 0738cdfb25b3ab7⋯.jpg (98.36 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 635944208530953226-Water-g….jpg)

File: 9aa9db360396848⋯.jpg (2 MB, 2288x1712, 143:107, Backyardpool.jpg)

File: 5bde2bd9cfa997b⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 968x515, 968:515, DXnF_uEU0AAnKEi.jpg)

Okay so what does WATCH THE WATER mean?

Is the water poisoned?

d4589f  No.6401187

File: 55d5a75958023ef⋯.png (543.52 KB, 666x653, 666:653, ClipboardImage.png)

interesting use of words


'He knows where the bodies are buried': May is warned that Gavin Williamson will take revenge as the PM faces backlash over 'crackers' decision to fire him over the Huawei leak days before crunch local elections

Mr Williamson helped run Theresa May's successful 2016 leadership campaign

But he was fired after an inquiry into a leak from the National Security Council

Tories said timing just before elections showed Mrs May had a 'bunker' mentality

0c0939  No.6401188


I hope so, its starting to get boring. We want:

UFO Declassification.

New technologies - replicators, free energy.

6c5e9e  No.6401189



Oh, wait. It also needs red text.

c60a6d  No.6401190


Not yet.

e85715  No.6401191


01528a  No.6401192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which side are you on, civil rights version.

While it is relevant what Anons might think of when they consider what BC was getting at during that Tarmac Meeting, we need to expand and think what LL was taking in with the talk of coal mining, 1932 to present.

So far we do not have details of BC's anecdote. But that may not be essential to understand the ready message to LL - pick a side, if you haven't already.

9c52a6  No.6401193

File: 16a433edb46551b⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 634x693, 634:693, 13013346-6985849-Throwback….jpg)

Bombs away

a47c49  No.6401194


>New technologies - replicators, free energy.

Don't forget the free sex. We want the free sex too.

0c0939  No.6401195

File: 1a343f749b71d04⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, Kek_Tartaria.jpg)

File: e032f54916b6d4e⋯.png (375.2 KB, 640x810, 64:81, tartarian.png)

File: 10a05b197d0b64e⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 79d2c9d5b5c611d⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 299x168, 299:168, download.jpg)

File: 86b838504d135bb⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, Mirrors.jpg)

It seems our memories are all altered.

Retrocausality? Mandela effect.

Thoughts anons?

6c5e9e  No.6401197

So quiet. Must be lunch time at shill central.

d4589f  No.6401198

File: 2770891b53d9afc⋯.png (20.97 KB, 485x158, 485:158, ClipboardImage.png)

is there a reason for link no2?


a23610  No.6401199


>>6401187 May warned: "Gavin Williamson knows where the bodies are buried…"

>>6401077 Captcha theory.

baker change

>>6400594 New Based Ben Garrison

>>6400600, >>6401052, >>6401068 Planefag updates

>>6400610 1992 LA riots Marine Commander now serving as AG

>>6400625 Moar on Mueller/Barr and Barr's memo re:Obstruction

>>6400672 Another CA highway shooting - no one injured

>>6401078 Bill Clinton, Golf, Political Plays bun

446f00  No.6401200

File: 04dfb6dacd78b51⋯.png (116.79 KB, 549x512, 549:512, Madonna_sold_her_soul_to_t….PNG)


The Meaning of Madonna’s “Madame X” Persona and the Video “Medellín”

Madonna introduced her fans to a new persona named Madame X – a “secret agent who changes personalities”. We’ll look at the imagery surrounding Madame X and at the occult meaning of the video Medellín.

63bc8c  No.6401201

can someone explain to me why the new captcha regime does not stop the shill posts at the top of EVERY bread ?

why ?

they are there, every bread, every day….

but normal anons are banned…

why ?

e85715  No.6401202

File: 89f7d262fc29f46⋯.png (587.22 KB, 721x406, 103:58, 49f33de450e592e7eae7f3f1e0….png)

6c5e9e  No.6401203


captcha != banned

b024f8  No.6401204

File: 9627d6e9f91c8ae⋯.jpg (8.94 MB, 5379x3128, 5379:3128, hmmmasas.jpg)

5a78cf  No.6401205

File: 7b75eea5eadc6b3⋯.jpg (539.95 KB, 1500x2226, 250:371, more-in-djt-bckgrnd.jpg)

POTUS announces PAIN in this photo

8510d3  No.6401206

Once Upon A Q -The Greatest Story Ever Told- Part 1


Once Upon A Q -The Greatest Story Ever Told- Part 2


Once Upon A Q -The Greatest Story Ever Told- Part 3


Once Upon A Q -The Greatest Story Ever Told- Part 4


Once Upon A Q -The Greatest Story Ever Told- Part 5


Q ANON - Which way do Q's COOKIES crumble?

There is way more to this than meets the EYE….


From Part 5

25 NOV 2015: Congress quietly enacted H.R. 2262 -U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act

Everything concerning mining the Astroid belt.

And what did SNOW WHITE'S 7 dwarfs do in the daytime? They went out MINING.

Means they are ALREADY mining the Astroid belt for GREED & PROFIT.

https ://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/2262

Capture the Flag (NASA) Disney Movie JAN 23/24

An evil billionaire man sets a plan to fly to the moon, mine for minerals, and steal the American

Flag put there by the Apollo XI team. Mike goes on an adventure to stop him by hiding in the space

shuttle with his grandfather, Frank, and his friends Amy, Marty and a clever chameleon, Igor.

Mike blasts off to the moon to capture the flag and reunite his family!

WOW! If this is correct then you need to watch the last 5 minutes of the CORE 2003 Disaster movie.

Here it reveals how the world is TOLD by the Q-TEAM about how the world was saved from the MOTHER

of all False Flags. The operative known as RAT goes to an internet cafe, loads the top secret

UNSUNG HEROS FILE and then EVERY computer & media outlet is taken over by the Q-TEAM & this

announcement made simultaneously around the world stating:

It is now emerging that the world owes its survival to the HEROISM of 6 remarkable individuals

and proceeds to name them…..

0c0939  No.6401207


The schills Bots have pattern recognition that gets through the captcha.

01528a  No.6401208

File: ac9df4abf1f7492⋯.png (63.77 KB, 782x422, 391:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7e372b44466b35⋯.png (324.39 KB, 1653x1369, 1653:1369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c85d040e7f97a1d⋯.png (64.53 KB, 813x421, 813:421, ClipboardImage.png)


In the OIG Report on the 2016 Election, BC tried sarcasm. Said he did not whether to feel more offended that critics thought him crooked or stupid.

False dichotomy, right? He might have intelligence but he also appears to have behaved as the stupidest smart person in the room – or fuselage – in insisting on that tarmac meeting.

Q: These people are stupid.

And that is probably one of the deepest cuts that BC will feel, for real.

c125a6  No.6401209

Sorry if this is redundant, I just picked up on the story.

Maybe this is relevant to Q's recent post with the scene from Karate Kid.

A cartel associate is 'named' in this article – "Cobra Commander"

Antifa plot to buy guns from Mexican cartel and start an armed conflict at the border is discovered by the FBI


f10687  No.6401210

Was digging the EX FBI's Financial Crimes Section Patrick Fallon, adam schitt hired.

For Some reason the Q drop, "learn russian" popped in my head.

"is Russian a common language to learn?" no. who learns it? CLOWNS.

are their comms in RUssian? Was Nellie Ohr speaking russian to other Clowns in America in Russian over her HAM radio?

but who else speaks Russian?

Sergei Brin

John Brennan?



Nellie Ohr


e217c9  No.6401211

Morning anons and morning baker. backup morning just getting set up and will be lurking if you need a handoff at some point.


8181f8  No.6401212

According to Mueller, "No Americans" were involved in colluding with the Russians…hmm.

So now we have a investigation as to who started the witch hunt means that it isn't a American that started it??? I'm confused!!!

5a78cf  No.6401213


of course it is. it's been for long.

I live in mountains of france, and even there, they pour large quantities of fucking bleach in it.

Fuckin criminals

a23610  No.6401214

File: b1bf09c94799084⋯.png (610.46 KB, 959x455, 137:65, rg68.PNG)


Morning baker and thank you for the backup.


6c5e9e  No.6401215

It should always be this comfy here.

0c0939  No.6401216


[Hussein] parents spoke Russian.

22e3bb  No.6401217

Very scary


Things are getting crazier and crazier.

I think we're doomed, but we can at least play the game to its fruition.

8510d3  No.6401218

File: 8606c03d1916d77⋯.png (708.23 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, Q ANON INTRO PT2.png)

File: 03dbafdbcaca5b9⋯.jpg (268.64 KB, 1201x926, 1201:926, Q ANON INTRO.jpg)

File: f377d16e87b9132⋯.jpg (348.96 KB, 1416x590, 12:5, Q DOE.jpg)

File: e336cd0f5380ad5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1873x1069, 1873:1069, Q LIGHT.png)

File: d69b4c3c485f31a⋯.jpg (729.08 KB, 1652x1288, 59:46, Q PEOC 2.jpg)



f10687  No.6401219



forgot to elaborate on that. we can assume he knows it i think.

thanks anon

dbe0db  No.6401220

File: c2fcd15271898f3⋯.png (941.38 KB, 1202x479, 1202:479, heart197.PNG)

File: ad30acc3a50414b⋯.png (521.3 KB, 886x478, 443:239, heart198.PNG)

File: 6510b79bc2f39a9⋯.png (90.54 KB, 464x519, 464:519, heart137.PNG)


e85715  No.6401221

File: 6214ed02d3e21ce⋯.png (94.59 KB, 577x223, 577:223, jEWWHINEOFTHECENTURY.png)

if we baked one fake jew kike an hour

6,000,000 hours = 250,000 days

250,000 days = 684.4627 years

if we stuffed three kikes an hour into that little oven per hour

2,000,000 hours = 83333.33333333 days = 228.154232261 years

even if we were stuffing six faggot goy jew kikes into those little ovens ever hour of every day

1,000,000 hours =41666.66666667days = 114.07711613051 years











4109.58904109589jews/day ÷ 24hours = 171.23287671233jews/hour

1500000jews/year ÷ 365days = 4,109.58904109589jews/day

6000000jews / 4years = 1,500,000 jews/year

that;s a lotta schumer gaylord hams indeed

>>6263787 bacon facts

dbe0db  No.6401222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

01528a  No.6401223

File: 0536bef2312c04a⋯.png (677.03 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a650e8e14bab68⋯.png (712.43 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fea37c3eb2b5cd1⋯.png (580.36 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


Rush reported a 3rd plane. BC arrived, and waited, in his plane. LL arrived and eventually disembarked her plane. She got on the 3rd and BC followed her in.

But other than Rush's report, haven't found moar on that 3rd plane. He is usually reliable on this type of tidbit. The implications for both LL and BC are rather large, I think, if the report is accurate. Maybe that is where the "bridge" comes in – Renteria, witness.

241494  No.6401224

File: 8919d9583b47133⋯.png (16.44 KB, 546x397, 546:397, Screenshot_2019-05-03 Vox ….png)



There's a lot of strange shit surrounding MM and apparent Fake pregnancy.

9c52a6  No.6401226

e85715  No.6401227


4109.58904109589jews/day ÷ 24hours = 171.23287671233jews/hour

release the amazeing german tech so we don;t have to bake our jews for one hour at 450

dbe0db  No.6401228

File: 1e841d397659941⋯.png (697.51 KB, 529x528, 529:528, heart136.PNG)

File: b41cd60efaa304d⋯.png (642.86 KB, 614x447, 614:447, heart35.PNG)

b8a52d  No.6401229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8181f8  No.6401230


good point..damn it…missed that one.

7017f3  No.6401231


>but who else speaks Russian?

Gina Haspel


d4589f  No.6401232

File: 6d5c32f2ceda0de⋯.png (249.82 KB, 760x707, 760:707, ClipboardImage.png)

051f5a  No.6401233

File: 88444133ae7f4b6⋯.png (13.46 KB, 448x299, 448:299, ClipboardImage.png)


Hussein ifs from Kenya

9c52a6  No.6401234

Chewbacca died.

Tomorrow is Star Wars Day.

May the 4th be with you.

8510d3  No.6401235

File: 9286dd7c2a18522⋯.png (25.54 KB, 454x196, 227:98, Q CORE COUNTS.png)

File: 62f086f3bb342f7⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Q CORE.png)

File: 4664b631b10f773⋯.jpg (607.97 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Q THE ISLAND PT8.jpg)

File: e975f2fe060ce23⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, Q THE LINK-INFO.png)

File: f54315b3c278c9c⋯.png (931.7 KB, 1596x1524, 133:127, THANKS.png)

e85715  No.6401236

File: 9e6cf6d5d867fd9⋯.jpg (350.04 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 37-14.jpg)




d4589f  No.6401237




Gavin Williamson ‘planning’ bombshell speech likely to trigger Theresa May’s DOWNFALL


0d3e38  No.6401238

File: 36700c199a72cff⋯.png (205.53 KB, 300x378, 50:63, 36700c199a72cfff363d79fbd7….png)


fuck your captcha nigger had to do it 7 times

d4589f  No.6401239

GERMAN BOMBSHELL: Exports to Britain collapsed ‘DRAMATICALLY' post Brexit vote

GERMANY is facing severe economic turmoil after research found the number of goods exported to the UK “collapsed” after Brexit, industry experts have warned.


f10687  No.6401240


I am thinking Gina is fluent. Actually, I would assume all 5 eye spooks have a rudimentary understanding at the very least, of the Russian language.

Is this one of those legal voodoo, depends what meaning of is is?

Brennan says over and over, the russians did this. in his head, to help himself lie and avoid perjury, mean, people speaking the russian language hacked and spied?

e85715  No.6401241

File: c70df82df677fb9⋯.png (557.67 KB, 1491x889, 213:127, 2b7a753762a45d9b1407e7a3a5….png)


b8a52d  No.6401242

File: 9ee97a097ae74e7⋯.jpg (111.78 KB, 971x788, 971:788, wall.JPG)



2c8546  No.6401243

doubt… barry is a us citizen obv.

they colluded with ukraine


111afb  No.6401244

File: 220dd5949c72b82⋯.jpg (475.99 KB, 1009x762, 1009:762, Screen Shot 05-03-19 at 11….JPG)


Gavin Williamson, the “baby-faced assassin”

Published: September 14, 2016

Profile: Gavin Williamson, the “baby-faced assassin” who is now Chief Whip


446f00  No.6401245

File: b4fb8aa111c15d3⋯.jpg (855.12 KB, 800x4670, 80:467, 2_US_Congress_is_a_foreign….jpg)


Oy vey, reported to the FIB for anti-Semitism.

e85715  No.6401246

File: cfe5e441b6348fb⋯.png (531.27 KB, 1494x893, 1494:893, 95294dc85f890994de9091a3e9….png)




e85715  No.6401247




d4589f  No.6401248

File: e2226aaaf0e1905⋯.png (407.28 KB, 670x638, 335:319, ClipboardImage.png)


698cc5  No.6401249

Joe diGenova:

Not only did Susan Rice order detailed spreadsheets of phone calls on candidate DJTrump and his team, she did it a year before the elections!

People came forward stating that they'd seen those spreadsheets.

"“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Sucks to be you, Susan Rice and frens. Enjoy your stay at the Hotel Gitmo.


d4589f  No.6401250

File: 04d72b0bdeb62cf⋯.png (643.18 KB, 1059x670, 1059:670, ClipboardImage.png)

01528a  No.6401252

File: 739aa775ccbb34b⋯.png (7.57 KB, 246x130, 123:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db494e1135a9fe0⋯.png (201 KB, 1226x521, 1226:521, ClipboardImage.png)

9c52a6  No.6401253

Today is World Sun Day

Let the light shine bright.

beff0e  No.6401255

All 3 cable news are reporting NY Times story about PapaD.

I think this is the beginning of the avalanche: media can’t ignore it.

e85715  No.6401256

File: 5d8a232e61b1af8⋯.png (505.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 02cc721cd6e79f04eb0d6d86cd….png)

9c52a6  No.6401257



0fafc7  No.6401258


Freedom comes with responsibility. :)

d2607b  No.6401259

Interesting that Barr has said repeatedly that he has no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress, Democrats keep threatening to question him but don’t.

22e3bb  No.6401260

Alex jones just recently kinda scared me about the Chinese and pushed the idea that this Russia might be on our side.

Makes sense if you consider: How on earth could the Russians beat the Chinese if the Chinese take down America?

The Chinese would easily dismantle Russia.

However, I still am unsure.

e85715  No.6401261




111afb  No.6401262


Abe's wife is delighted to play with it! her Beaver or Trudeau's Beaver?

53a700  No.6401263

File: 8ee964c99d62c4a⋯.png (509.62 KB, 1202x695, 1202:695, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at ….png)

File: b5fb7cfc1f7d740⋯.png (242.05 KB, 1162x686, 83:49, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at ….png)


I found some gems on The Daily Bell this morning. A list of books to help us understand how the cabal operates.

I liked these two quotes from Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals": 1.The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself (Does this mean that pharma, which is behind the FF measles outbreak is reading Saul Alinsky!?) 2.Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. (Do any other anons wonder if reports of "hidden tech" may be true but may also be used to keep us submissive?)

Anyway have a great morning. We are winning…bigly


63fdf8  No.6401264


NXIVM…..honeypots are c/d list actresses. Links to Epstein coming out too

7cfd11  No.6401265


Throughout hearing his cheeks became flushed and remained flushed until the end. Angering to watch him take abusive and unnecessary verbal abuse.

37cb6b  No.6401266

Since now I've assumed the CIA and military where behind Q but that doesn't make sense. I HAS to be Secret Service. Or am I stupid for finding out just now?

b8a52d  No.6401267

File: 44da09f5792dd36⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 540x538, 270:269, dnc.JPG)


8510d3  No.6401268

File: ead9ec25921e595⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2095x2112, 2095:2112, Q MUNA HUSSEIN PT1.Jpg)

File: 612a2cf1e524537⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2000x2236, 500:559, Q MUNA HUSSEIN PT2.Jpg)


37cb6b  No.6401269



Fuck me, right

e85715  No.6401270

File: 2bd31d9eb5941ad⋯.jpg (285.69 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, 49baccc979c5672fa37328c6e4….jpg)


d4589f  No.6401271

File: 736b2a41c588c0b⋯.png (30.22 KB, 421x345, 421:345, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa01eb06e376332⋯.png (269.63 KB, 1253x671, 1253:671, ClipboardImage.png)

dd370a  No.6401272

>>6400710 pb

The new term is Muellify - to calm in temper or soften the one you are destroying on another front.

7e48f7  No.6401273

File: 074e01d8bcc6c3c⋯.jpeg (145.9 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, 1546351210.jpeg)

b8a52d  No.6401274

File: 0ba3467a8a97e31⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 365x585, 73:117, hiv.JPG)


7782ae  No.6401276

File: d5cd8090063bf99⋯.png (355.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, chaplain-logo-b.png)

A prayer for all Anons:

Prayer for a Spiritual Canopy

Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I have not submitted to your will in my life. Please forgive me for all my sinful actions, making agreements with the enemy, and for believing the devil’s lies. I now submit to you as my Lord, dear Jesus. Now I break every agreement that I have made with the enemy.

Lord Jesus, please have your warring angels remove and bind to the abyss all demons and their devices that had access to me because I believed their lies. I now ask you to establish a hedge of protection around, over me and under me, and seal it with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ.

I now choose to put on the full armor of God and ask that you cleanse me and seal me, body, mind, soul, and spirit, with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your warring angels bind up and remove all demons, their devices, and all their power from within this protective hedge and have them sent to the abyss.

Please have your warriors destroy all demonic occult or witchcraft assignments directed against me including all backups and replacements. Please have your warriors remove all trafficking people and send them back to their own bodies and seal them there with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your angels stand guard over me and protect me from all the attacks of the enemy.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


d4589f  No.6401277

File: 2d7bd1e82435a9e⋯.png (481.34 KB, 889x529, 889:529, ClipboardImage.png)



e85715  No.6401278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cfd11  No.6401279


Nightshift bread had news Report that Mueller’s willing to appear sooner due to pelosis negative rhetoric.

e85715  No.6401280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a23610  No.6401281


>>6401267 Chalupa (DNC) asked Ukrainians for dirt on Trump.

>>6401239 German exports to UK dropped after Brexit vote.

>>6401210 Who speaks Russian?

>>6401187, >>6401237, >>6401244 May warned: "Gavin Williamson knows where the bodies are buried…"

>>6401077 Captcha theory.

baker change

>>6400594 New Based Ben Garrison

>>6400600, >>6401052, >>6401068 Planefag updates

>>6400610 1992 LA riots Marine Commander now serving as AG

>>6400625 Moar on Mueller/Barr and Barr's memo re:Obstruction

>>6400672 Another CA highway shooting - no one injured

>>6401078 Bill Clinton, Golf, Political Plays bun

4b6e11  No.6401282

File: 36ebf57bf6c07a8⋯.jpeg (27.44 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 0440DCD1-A85D-46DD-B233-F….jpeg)

9dd06d  No.6401283


Dance monkey, dance.

Thy are skeered spitless.

53a700  No.6401284


Maybe I'm overthinking the obvious. But, especially if there was a third plane, doesn't it seem that the tarmac meeting was being used to create an unofficial SCIF? If the need for privacy was that huge doesn't it imply that the whole "discuss grandchildren" thing is patently false.

e85715  No.6401285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













53a700  No.6401286


Is this NOTABLE?

e93e5e  No.6401287

There Was Spying: NYT Admits Obama Admin Used 'Honeypot' To Spy Against Trump Campaign In 2016


e85715  No.6401288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


63fdf8  No.6401289

File: c25bf53cbf820f4⋯.jpg (43.28 KB, 720x900, 4:5, FB_IMG_1556863202224.jpg)

f10687  No.6401290

File: c3f6abab6cca35c⋯.png (137.77 KB, 467x818, 467:818, ch.png)

e85715  No.6401291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

acec26  No.6401292

File: d3bef0c590d0283⋯.png (766.27 KB, 1050x470, 105:47, Screenshot from 2019-05-03….png)


for one it means they know about Fiji

c9a22b  No.6401293


kys lady

e85715  No.6401294

File: 1d920fb6871a78b⋯.jpg (334.92 KB, 1027x875, 1027:875, 1d920fb6871a78b49a749def04….jpg)


53a700  No.6401295


Great post, but I think only God can kill my soul not satan. (Satan does try to "sell" our bodies and souls, however)

e85715  No.6401297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d8c6ea  No.6401298

Want to glimpse some earth-shakingly big classified s**t? Submit a FOIA REQUEST.

c9a22b  No.6401301


yes, you are indeed stupid. run along now

e85715  No.6401303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bdcac0  No.6401304

File: 18b43930347ede3⋯.png (709.28 KB, 1110x1066, 555:533, President timing decision.png)


DECLAS when?

We left the decision on timing to him.

Shift in tactics.

Attacks ^

Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.

Hints expend ammunition.

7cfd11  No.6401306

File: 9fd3707e93593fa⋯.png (218.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FEB08BF7-7385-4A57-B51C-78….png)

File: fdf75a20c18a0b3⋯.png (668.84 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 486930A9-31AD-4F1B-A731-2E….png)

File: 29e9398f4914a3b⋯.png (564.56 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ADA99659-E9F1-4E23-AD1B-1A….png)

File: 5b1d41a3fe51844⋯.png (903.07 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, 1647024F-5104-4248-ADA2-A9….png)

File: 1e4bffa11589e03⋯.png (814.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 0680C1D6-CFEB-46CF-934F-14….png)

e85715  No.6401307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c9a22b  No.6401308


>if the Chinese take down America

lay off the meth faggot

53a700  No.6401309


Interesting. Especially as the ORIGINS of AIDs is now thought to have been via vaccine. Bush meat was blamed, but it would also be plausible to suspect that vaccine components produced from monkey tissue would carry monkey viruses. No wonder the Pakistanis have attacked a health clinic and BURNED IT DOWN. Vaccines are bioweapons.

446f00  No.6401310

File: b41c23d80c33d18⋯.png (604.29 KB, 862x748, 431:374, Youtube_video_Intense_Host….PNG)

File: 88b58dcfb2dd6fd⋯.png (526.26 KB, 854x800, 427:400, Youtube_video_Israeli_jews….PNG)

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: d8cc267a067b9b8⋯.png (23.37 KB, 1157x188, 1157:188, Plus_Sign_Israel.PNG)

File: 0d83c2464decd71⋯.png (498.52 KB, 580x727, 580:727, Israel_vandalism_Churches.PNG)

Make Israel Respect Christ Again

Boycott Israel for Christ (BIFC), until Israel respects Christ and apologizes publicly for its anti-Christian behavior, boycott Israel and tell everyone about their despicable behavior towards Christ and Christians.

01528a  No.6401311

File: 5fdccadbb01f1a3⋯.png (299.22 KB, 1516x950, 758:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Third plane was not in LL nor BC's account of their meeting on the tarmac. The significance of a third plane, then, would go to telling a lie through omission. Why would they avoid tell of the third plane?

Your idea is as good as I've heard, read, or thought up. Secure room. That would also mean the others in attendance, the "crew" and security where not unaware of 1) planned meeting and 2) request for the heightened security. It would mean that the impromptu appearance of the meeting as told by LL and BC was a ruse for the exact opposite.

One can read their official accounts and see no contradiction – apart from omission – in terms of who arrived when and how. Now, sure, LL might have gone farther over the line in her tell because she discussed the normal sequence of disembarkment.

Here is another story – see pic – on this general part of the meeting.

By the by – I do think that out of their mouths came words about grandkids, but it had different meaning. Freighted with both a threat and a promise, I think, in terms of the political family.

See: >>6401284

e85715  No.6401312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

Lick on these nuts and suck the dick

Get the fuck out after you're done

And I hop in my ride to make a quick run

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

Lick on these nuts and suck the dick

Get the fuck out after you're done

And I hop in my ride to make a quick run

[Dr. Dre:]

I used to know a bitch named Eric Wright

We used to roll around and fuck the hoes at night

Tighter than a motherfucker with the gangster beats

And we was ballin' on the motherfucking Compton streets

Peep, the shit got deep and it was on

Number one song after number one song

Long as my motherfucking pockets was fat

I didn't give a fuck where the bitch was at

But she was hangin' with a white bitch doin' the shit she do

Suckin' on his dick just to get a buck or two

And the few ends she got didn't mean nothin'

Now she's suing 'cause the shit she be doin' ain't shit

Bitch can't hang with the streets, she found herself short

So now she's takin' me to court

It's real conversation for your ass

So recognize and pass to Daz

[Dat Nigga Daz:]

Now as I'm rollin' with my nigga Dre and Eastwood

Fuckin' hoes, clockin' dough up to no good

We flip flop and serve hoes like flap jacks

([Snoop:] But we don't love them hoes) Bitch, and it's like that

This is what you look for in a ho who got cash flow

You run up in them hoes and grab the cash

And get your dash on

While you're chillin', with your homies and shit

And how my niggas kick the anthem like this

[Snoop:] Bitch!


Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

Lick on these nuts and suck the dick

Get the fuck out after you're done

And I hop in my ride to make a quick run


…To the store, to get me a 4-0

Snoop Doggy Dogg paged, that must mean more hoes

So I head down the street to Long Beach

Just so I could meet, a freak

To lick me from my head to my feet

And I'm here, now I'm ready to be done up

Nothin' but homies around so I put my gun up

Bitches on my nuts like clothes

But I'm from Tha Pound and we don't love them hoes

How could you trust a hoe? [Snoop:] Why?

'Cause a hoe's a trick

We don't love them tricks [Snoop:] Why?

'Cause a trick's a bitch

And my dick's constantly in her mouth

And turnin' them trick-ass hoes the fuck out


2786e1  No.6401313


>who else speaks Russian?

Well, to keep things real a bit, for a first a Russians speak russian, those who were born and raised there, and if the parents are smart enough also those who grow up as descendants of russian parents.

Sergei Brin – if I like him or not – would certainly be among those, and it doesn't automatically imply he's a clown.

You'd also have lots of people who grew up behind the "Iron Curtain" esp. in slavic countries, not only a few of whom know russian as well, and may have emigrated to the US.

01528a  No.6401314


Oops, see >>6401093 re political family and implications of reading this between BC's lines.

22e3bb  No.6401315


>lay off the meth faggot

Chinese ARE trying to destroy america.

d4589f  No.6401316

File: 3218632e1a0c5ea⋯.png (15.22 KB, 476x244, 119:61, ClipboardImage.png)


highlighted the a


f10687  No.6401317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


America is virtually unbeatable. Check out the How much is america worth doc, POTUS is in it. ITs the most God blessed piece of real estate in the world. No other nation can transport goods cheaper than america, significantly reducing costs. thats just one example

22e3bb  No.6401319

Tucker's latest episode is so good.

d87084  No.6401320

Good Morning Mr. President!! Hope you have a Wonderful Friday Sir! :)

e85715  No.6401321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e85715  No.6401323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cfd11  No.6401324


>No other nation can transport goods cheaper than america, significantly reducing costs.

Speculating EO might encompass loss of control by foreign companies re: long beach shipping ports if evidence is sufficient to launch RICO case.

b024f8  No.6401325


glad it is a sanctuary and not a breeding center. nice find.

f10687  No.6401326


Q has mentioned segei brin specifically. only hit me this blessed morn.




2 Sep 2018 - 3:06:05 PM


"At least seven senior Facebook executives have announced their departures this year."

Nothing to See Here.




Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]

was married to…

Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]

was brother-in-law to…

Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube



2c8546  No.6401328


If Aids came from monkeys, the whole of africa would have been infected before colonization.

the dirty fuckers were eating the same shit for thousands of years, but only get infect in the 60/70's kek

they were trying to exterminate, next up ebola "rebels" repeatedly attack ebola clinic and patients escape.

rebels my as prob fuckin un fuckers. PANIC

7cfd11  No.6401329

File: 7479e666e088b90⋯.png (781.58 KB, 500x708, 125:177, E3152A22-266F-4F76-A2B6-29….png)

File: 38cd44714b2e14e⋯.png (654.15 KB, 500x612, 125:153, 865F57F0-6765-4BBE-BFA9-A0….png)

File: e14095650862205⋯.png (966.63 KB, 888x499, 888:499, FCC767B1-60E5-4458-8E61-32….png)

File: 3980862efd3eee2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x628, 300:157, DBE8B99F-D78F-47E8-BCAA-59….png)

File: 6074a651e9f49f6⋯.png (371.76 KB, 678x499, 678:499, 2AEFA0AA-25F9-464C-A784-4A….png)



Have a blessed day POTUS!

bdcac0  No.6401331

File: 1d8fe83b17dfb6b⋯.png (281.23 KB, 832x345, 832:345, Moab child sacrifice.png)



>highlighted the a

Personally I think MOAB has more to do with Moloch child sacrifice.

Moab was/is a place in Jordan. The king offered his firstborn son to Moloch.


01528a  No.6401334


Bill also met Putin at Putin's house.

Dinner guest.

Prolly talked golf and grankids..

2786e1  No.6401336


I know, and I'm neither believing nor arguing if/that he is a clown or not.

Have friends who learned russian just because they were curious, and I'm simply stating that learning/speaking russian doesn't automatically make you an agent.

f10687  No.6401342


no problem.

Ive tried. I thought it would be easy because it doesn't have that many words. i was wrong.

446f00  No.6401345

File: 35e0a66da60a6d6⋯.png (159.1 KB, 453x410, 453:410, Spurdo_Russian.png)



53a700  No.6401346


Wow. "The Core" was one of those odd movies that I saw some time ago and wondered at. Funny that it should come up now.

Jesus predicted angels coming and separating humanity. He explained that the children of satan were mixed with God's children and that the angels would gather and separate us like a "crop". You are no doubt correct about our fallen bodies being unable to inherit eternal life. The Bible makes this very clear. However, we will be "changed" in an instant. Some will rise from the dead with glorified bodies and others will meet Jesus in the air as I understand it.

230aae  No.6401348

Nigger nigger Obama be one dumb nigger

522aab  No.6401349



The way I remember it from what I read back some time ago was that AIDS was invented, maybe by Gallo not sure on that part but he is a piece of shit, injected into a cohort of gay men in NYC, using a supposed research project on a hep B vaccine as cover.

f10687  No.6401352


I like the way you think

2d2a0a  No.6401353

File: c2175476776e29a⋯.png (11.91 KB, 565x192, 565:192, trump clinton king of moab.PNG)



812d48  No.6401354


is it racist to call an indonesian nigger?

d4589f  No.6401359


MOAB with and added A


53a700  No.6401360


I don't think so, anon. There is a massive difference between eating "bush meat" and getting injected with retroviruses of monkey origin. If you are referring to some people's penchant for beastiality it still would not explain the massive spread of the disease. It should only have afflicted those who engaged in such practices and their sexual partners. Judy Mitkovits and Kent Heckenlively's book Plague (I've not yet read it) apparently explains how human vaccine are contaminated with animal "slow viruses" (retroviruses). This has been known for some time. It would be relatively easy for a person wishing to decrease the population of certain groups (homosexuals and blacks, perhaps) to DELIBERATELY produce a vaccine with a retrovirus trojan horse. I think this explains AIDs pretty well.

7cfd11  No.6401362


News in pb yesterday stated FL drug ring was RICO roundup. Shipping ports there as well. Evergreen (multiple meanings) in jeopardy and definitely National Security related. Missiles launch from shipping containers.

4d4d95  No.6401364

File: ee77af8f3ca980b⋯.pdf (1.55 MB, full.pdf)


EmmetT.Flood Special Counsel to the President, makes it quite clear what is wrong with Mueller. Barr is being task to fix this.



137aef  No.6401365


>finest military planning available

>foiled by distorted six letter string


dbbb2a  No.6401366

File: 36abd4e1e3a6b69⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 818x500, 409:250, 2pyfdb.jpg)

File: 869b4ac11fb39a0⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 869b4ac11fb39a0ecb2ad92721….jpg)

2786e1  No.6401368


Yeah it's quite hard.

I assume that's one reason they have good chess players and scientists.

Tried it too … Kek!

ce9566  No.6401370

File: 5502f53363bf8a9⋯.jpeg (33.59 KB, 600x613, 600:613, doit.jpeg)

dbbb2a  No.6401371

New bread already has 25 replies because some

shills or newfags went there, instead of finishing this bread first.

f10687  No.6401375


I find Russia interesting, Ever since I was a kid watching the Montreal Canadians play against the Red Army team.

d4589f  No.6401376

File: f0812e39c8ea403⋯.png (485.49 KB, 858x581, 858:581, ClipboardImage.png)

trump will never forgive HIM

question re big mike

dbbb2a  No.6401378

File: 39f81c51b2f96c5⋯.png (511.98 KB, 500x562, 250:281, Time GITMO is full edition….png)

File: ad6ef17b587bf37⋯.jpg (124.64 KB, 500x675, 20:27, Hillary spirit cooking new….jpg)

File: 916c3e0c1f723da⋯.jpg (126.63 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Tide Pods Digest 1.jpg)

File: 80ea6644518aa1a⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Tide pods digest 2.jpg)

7e48f7  No.6401379

File: 5883cc034217f17⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 255x104, 255:104, 4ffb25a3a103b4c3dafff9fbe1….jpg)

dbbb2a  No.6401382

File: 29674d0cf38f813⋯.jpg (102.72 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jrp59 (1).jpg)

522aab  No.6401383


One or both of the polio vaccines was found to be contaminated with SV-40 by a researcher I believe out of a Rockefeller lab. When she tried to bring this out, her career was destroyed, the huge batch of contaminated vaccines that had already been produced was used on the public. Years later it was found that SV-40 could be transferred directly from vaccinated mother to child, at minimum in utero can't remember if there was mention of other avenues of infection, SV-40 was found in brain tumors in unvaccinated children of vaccinated mothers, maybe even second generation unvaccinated, can't remember.

53a700  No.6401384


Matthew 13:24-43 seems to explain this.

Also, remember the "Mount of Transfiguration"? Jesus appeared radiant and talked with Moses and Elijah. After His resurrection he could appear in locked rooms and He was sometimes not recognized by people who saw Him prior to his death and resurrection. He was always sinless but after His resurrection it seems to me that his body was permanently "glorified". The word says by His stripes we are healed. I think I will get a glorified body at the end of the age because I believe in Him.

f10687  No.6401385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we did our part in the cold war

ce9566  No.6401386

File: 8c90575be225d7e⋯.jpg (130.65 KB, 457x402, 457:402, student8.jpg)

dbbb2a  No.6401389

File: 00f81bedc0f1aee⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB, 1440x759, 480:253, 00f81bedc0f1aee933d5f4d46….jpeg)

7e48f7  No.6401390

a23610  No.6401391

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

2786e1  No.6401394


Beautiful country with beautiful people.

Nothing for pussies though. Kek!

Just wished we could stop that "muh russia" hysteria – but it seems that's planted too deeply into most of american minds, and too convenient an excuse…..

7e48f7  No.6401399

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1553704436.jpeg)

ce9566  No.6401400

File: 65012b143f5be02⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 400x384, 25:24, bidens12.jpg)


They're anons…

53a700  No.6401401


Yes, you have reminded me of another route of spread of retroviruses: maternal to child. Do I remember that AZT given to mother and baby often interrupted transmission of HIV? If that is the case, could vaccinated mothers be spared transmitting cancer causing viruses to their offspring with a similar protocol? I'd like to know about that.

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