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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

bd4f1c  No.6393492

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

bd4f1c  No.6393494

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6385109 do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode, >>6348477 BO Related Global Notables

>>6261140 Please no JPEGs, >>6364968 captchas for every post now


are not endorsements

#8175 baker change

>>6393394 President Trump will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to world-renowned golfer Tiger Woods.

>>6393341 First lawsuit against company operating in Cuba is filed under Title III.

>>6393263 EU threatening USA now about Cuba.

>>6393249 DJT Tweet: "As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayer"

>>6393220 At National Day of Prayer, Pence reads quote that Q dropped.

>>6393158 Karate Kid Wikipedia page.

>>6393149 Vice President Pence and the Second Lady participate in the National Day of Prayer Service.

>>6392830 New Great Awakening cover.

>>6392857 U.S. first-quarter productivity strongest since 2014, labor costs subdued.

>>6392923 Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy speaks to press.

>>6392919 DJT Tweet: "Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process..."

>>6392901 Journalism Institute Poynter tries to ‘blacklist’ 29 Conservative outlets as ‘UnNews’. (SPLC author)

>>6392841 Dems worried about #Blexit and PP try to frame narrative around maternal deaths.

>>6392886 Trump Judicial train rolls on With Texas, Alabama Picks.

>>6393487 #8175

#8174 baker change

>>6392173, >>6392350, >>6392396, >>6392566 anons on white hats, blach hats, and neither. just a piece on the board

>>6392280, >>6392331 Pugh resigning/resigned amid FBI, state investig into 'Healthy Holly' book

>>6392083 Pelosi couldnt sleep last night? (politico article snippet)

>>6392353 John Solomon reporting criminal referral filed against [Nellie Ohr]

>>6392061 FIREWORKS Erupt On House JC Two Days In A Row

>>6392348 Trump Fed Board pick Stephen Moore tells Bloomberg News he's "all in".

>>6392239 some DS presser pics, for memefags, Dems scared AF

>>6392636 Senate confirms Trump's 100th judicial nominee

>>6392531 US MARINES TODAY From Dusk til’ Dawn

>>6392553 PF report KC-135R call sign QID43

>>6392702 #8174


>>6391861 anon's dig on Robert Hannigan and Q post #3327

>>6391832 Army Chief of Staff Nomination Hearings to examine the nomination of General James C. McConville, USA...

>>6391609 Sarah Sanders Rips Dems Over Barr Senate Hearing, House No-Show: They ‘Embarrassed Themselves’

>>6391589 Rep. Steve Cohen brought a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken to today's hearing, apparently to suggest that Barr is afraid to testify.

>>6391513 POTUS_Schedule twat w/CAP: @PressSec says @JerryNadler is “incapable of holding power,”...

>>6391512 Huber meets with former War Crimes prosecutor

>>6391422 Trump Justice Dept offers first arguments to strike down ObamaCare

>>6391385 Rep Mark Meadows twat w/CAP: What we’re seeing this week in real time is Democrats’ desperate search for a political consolation prize.

>>6391249 anon opines on state of China's 'hold' on its population

>>6391314 Hillary calling for China to illegally hack into POTUS tax returns

>>6391303 Gillibrand’s First Major 2020 Proposal: Give Voters $600 Worth of ‘Democracy Dollars’

>>6391223, >>6391224 #21 joins the hunt... Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet announces a 2020 presidential run

>>6391911 #8173

Previously Collected Notables

>>6389939 #8170, >>6390342 #8171, >>6391140 #8172

>>6387260 #8167, >>6387983 #8168, >>6388830 #8169

>>6384918 #8164, >>6385702 #8165, >>6386493 #8166

>>6382615 #8161, >>6383403 #8162, >>6384269 #8163

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

bd4f1c  No.6393497

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6391912 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6339245

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

bd4f1c  No.6393500

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Threads 8001 - 10,000: https://pastebin.com/bjb0Y5FP

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

bd4f1c  No.6393509

File: 80ec3db5c1ff211⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 349x357, 349:357, jesusthelight.jpg)



f86ae3  No.6393526

File: 0a820c8135726e7⋯.png (491.23 KB, 722x602, 361:301, ClipboardImage.png)

When are y'all gonna dig into the wives a bit more?

736827  No.6393530


P = C = Lewis Cass

60ad14  No.6393531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's up Frens?!

Here are a couple parts from the Barr hearing you may have missed.

Featuring General Barr, Mr. Graham, Mr. Cruz, and The Peanuts Teacher.

Peace and Love

cac745  No.6393546

File: f0adf56eaf18cde⋯.jpg (204.69 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_7977.JPG)

60ad14  No.6393548


Sorry baker. Didn't mean to post before bread was full.

f34a8c  No.6393554

File: 3231c5709d125bd⋯.png (544.57 KB, 611x616, 611:616, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

Ty, baker

1e1715  No.6393555

File: 08e7ff4a930bea7⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 08e7ff4a930bea78a56c6e7b40….jpg)

>>6392995 (pb)

Karate Kid.





>May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

Bring the PAIN, Q+ & Team.

f4a1f3  No.6393557

File: ea949adbdb47dbd⋯.png (701.87 KB, 943x491, 943:491, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


TY Baker!

c77415  No.6393558

File: 082ae92af6eaaef⋯.jpg (151.92 KB, 1300x1950, 2:3, Natalie-Jayne-Roser_-Goose….jpg)

Thank You Baker

960adf  No.6393559

File: 17e364c462da744⋯.jpg (300.01 KB, 736x938, 368:469, IMG_264.jpg)

patriots laugh!

0a46d1  No.6393560

cccbe2  No.6393561

File: 38d18deb0a4078d⋯.jpg (461.03 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_05-02-01.18.51.jpg)

14 m 44 s delta Q 3331 - DJT Tweet

51c3a8  No.6393562

File: 9fd3707e93593fa⋯.png (218.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, D7918CB7-F46A-415A-A0FA-81….png)

File: 1e4bffa11589e03⋯.png (814.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 6984FD91-295A-4F79-99FA-C1….png)

File: cd245cae6cb6de2⋯.png (271.21 KB, 500x442, 250:221, FA88C728-7595-48FD-980A-1B….png)

File: 30de9c353b8832e⋯.jpeg (129.01 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, 0BD7B83E-9146-4D47-B907-5….jpeg)

File: 837371192301cd1⋯.png (150.64 KB, 250x246, 125:123, 9A2C7E25-D2AB-4C0D-9B6C-7F….png)



Appreciate you

55c11a  No.6393563

File: dff2a7a832c9356⋯.png (689.03 KB, 540x675, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12dda4d1e821583⋯.png (840.35 KB, 480x699, 160:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cc87bb4da7b5be⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8171975ae3a4843⋯.png (1.16 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

7ec259  No.6393564

File: 7da99dc00a13106⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 575x343, 575:343, On the lamb.jpg)

2f349b  No.6393565

File: d0087a134b62c32⋯.png (785.7 KB, 951x600, 317:200, ClipboardImage.png)

1c2eb8  No.6393566

File: a35551d417fa6cf⋯.png (54.29 KB, 768x600, 32:25, callmebarr.png)


TY Baker

7dc645  No.6393567

Q is measles outbreak planned

dc2cb4  No.6393568

File: 2caf531c3717c37⋯.png (569.47 KB, 755x425, 151:85, ClipboardImage.png)

69cc8f  No.6393569

>>6393542 pb

nice one future anon

616642  No.6393570

File: f5ee622481f6e2a⋯.jpg (91.02 KB, 1018x1270, 509:635, 20190426_142455.jpg)


Thanks baker

4d4ca5  No.6393571

Seems people are missing the point of this.

Cobra Kai was teaching a normalized war methodology. ( black hats )

MiyagiDo ( White hats ) played effectively and patiently and struck with honor when the time was right ( the competition )

In this part of the movie Daniel goes there to explore and thinks about joining - but he leaves once he sees there is no honor. And he begins ascending his payback and training as a result.

577cd6  No.6393572

Glad POTUS remembered that he's the greatest counterpuncher in the history of the USA.

Watching certain people breathe free air becomes annoying after too long.

03aab8  No.6393573

File: dbe5b2185b49ce5⋯.png (1015.78 KB, 960x685, 192:137, pepe onsen.png)

4d902a  No.6393574

File: 2f34d3e3de8cd3c⋯.png (67.15 KB, 644x368, 7:4, wsj bb.png)



A Real Attorney General

Bill Barr gets smeared for refusing to duck and cover like Loretta Lynch.

By The Editorial Board

May 1, 2019 7:11 p.m. ET

Washington pile-ons are never pretty, but this week’s political setup of Attorney General William Barr is disreputable even by Beltway standards. Democrats and the media are turning the AG into a villain for doing his duty and making the hard decisions that special counsel Robert Mueller abdicated.

Washington pile-ons are never pretty, but this week’s political setup of Attorney General William Barr is disreputable even by Beltway standards. Democrats and the media are turning the AG into a villain for doing his duty and making the hard decisions that special counsel Robert Mueller abdicated.

Mr. Barr’s Wednesday testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee was preceded late Tuesday by the leak of a letter Mr. Mueller had sent the AG on March 27. Mr. Mueller griped in the letter that Mr. Barr’s four-page explanation to Congress of the principal conclusions of the Mueller report on March 24 “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller team’s “work and conclusions.” Only in Washington could this exercise in posterior covering be puffed into a mini-outrage.

Democrats leapt on the letter as proof that Mr. Barr was somehow covering for Donald Trump when he has covered up nothing. Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono, the Democratic answer to Rep. Louie Gohmert, accused Mr. Barr of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and demanded that he resign. The only thing she lacked was evidence.

Mr. Barr’s four-page letter couldn’t possibly have covered all the nuances of a 448-page report. It was an attempt to provide Mr. Mueller’s conclusions to Congress and the public as quickly as possible, while he took the time to work through the entire document to make redactions required by law and Justice Department rules.

This is exactly what he promised to do in his confirmation hearing. Even Mr. Mueller’s complaining letter admits that Mr. Barr’s letter wasn’t inaccurate, a fact Mr. Barr says Mr. Mueller also conceded in a subsequent phone call. The Mueller complaint, rather, was that there was “public confusion about critical aspects” of his investigation. Translation: Republicans were claiming vindication for Donald Trump, and Mr. Mueller was taking hits in the press for not nailing the worst President in history. Having been hailed for months as a combination of Eliot Ness and St. Thomas More, Mr. Mueller and his team of prosecutors seem to have been unnerved by some bad press clips.

Mr. Barr told the Senate Wednesday that he offered Mr. Mueller the chance to review his four-page letter before sending it to Congress, but the special counsel declined. Mr. Mueller worked for Mr. Barr, and that was the proper time to offer suggestions or disagree. Instead, Mr. Mueller ducked that responsibility and then griped in an ex-post-facto letter that was conveniently leaked on the eve of Mr. Barr’s testimony. Quite the stand-up guy.

Mr. Barr has since released the full Mueller report with minor redactions, as he promised, and with the “context” intact. Keep in mind Mr. Barr was under no legal obligation to release anything at all. Mr. Mueller reports only to Mr. Barr, not to the country or Congress.

Mr. Barr has also made nearly all of the redactions in the report available to senior Members of Congress to inspect at Justice. Yet as of this writing, only three Members have bothered—Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and ranking House Republican on Judiciary Doug Collins. Not one Democrat howling about Mr. Barr’s lack of transparency has examined the outrages they claim are hidden.

Democrats are also upset that Mr. Barr concluded that Mr. Trump did not obstruct justice regarding the Russia probe. But in that decision too Mr. Barr was behaving as an Attorney General should. Mr. Mueller compiled a factual record but shrank from a “prosecutorial judgment.” Mr. Barr then stepped up and made the call, however unpopular with Democrats and the press.



26dd2b  No.6393575

File: cbf7e98e4ce1f1f⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, IMG_7973.JPG)

Taste gay poop pedo twits Jew cocaine

577cd6  No.6393576

File: a194b8ad290be39⋯.png (96.88 KB, 196x282, 98:141, ClipboardImage.png)

357011  No.6393577

File: cf6ff824c9cb187⋯.jpg (576.59 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DrHgt7TUcAAQKWk.jpg large.jpg)


ty baker

686c64  No.6393578

File: 77984e28499bcd9⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 1874x756, 937:378, pointerTRUMP2.JPG)



7a9d40  No.6393580

3d8f17  No.6393581

Gotta say….

don't really get the Karate Kid reference

c03a69  No.6393582

File: f5485d1775d762b⋯.png (770.64 KB, 610x597, 610:597, kek.png)


042489  No.6393583

File: 8b6099f4904c757⋯.png (70.23 KB, 727x395, 727:395, Screenshot (178).png)


‏ @45__Schedule

Executive order on US cybersecurity workforce issued by POTUS to "better ensure continued American economic prosperity and national security."


616642  No.6393584


Ding, ding, ding!

c77415  No.6393585

File: 1a84faaf1c9111b⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190331_092….jpg)

f4a1f3  No.6393586

File: 951a4383252e269⋯.png (332.33 KB, 849x792, 283:264, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)



4d902a  No.6393587


A Real Attorney General

Bill Barr gets smeared for refusing to duck and cover like Loretta Lynch.

By The Editorial Board

May 1, 2019 7:11 p.m. ET


Contrast that to the abdication of Loretta Lynch, who failed as Barack Obama’s last Attorney General to make a prosecutorial judgment about Hillary Clinton’s misuse of classified information. Ms. Lynch cowered before the bullying of then FBI director James Comey, who absolved Mrs. Clinton of wrongdoing while publicly scolding her. That egregious break with Justice policy eventually led Mr. Comey to re-open the Clinton probe in late October 2016, which helped to elect Mr. Trump.

All of this shows again the risks of appointing special counsels. They lack the political accountability that the Founders built into the separation of powers. Mr. Mueller, in his March 27 letter, revealed again that like Mr. Comey at the FBI he viewed himself as accountable only to himself.

This trashing of Bill Barr shows how frustrated and angry Democrats continue to be that the special counsel came up empty in his Russia collusion probe. He was supposed to be their fast-track to impeachment. Now they’re left trying to gin up an obstruction tale, but the probe wasn’t obstructed and there was no underlying crime. So they’re shouting and pounding the table against Bill Barr for acting like a real Attorney General.


7dea25  No.6393589

Zero Hedge just released does a great job. It shows how the media spins a story to give congress a weapon that is not really there.


eca84b  No.6393590

File: 959323e2d377b82⋯.jpeg (91.66 KB, 522x576, 29:32, 9DC5350C-64F1-4F6E-8E0B-E….jpeg)

File: 4848f9a49f6d9aa⋯.jpeg (125.46 KB, 828x600, 69:50, 9A401D92-C8D3-469E-BB17-8….jpeg)

File: 3dcded783b114e1⋯.jpeg (137.38 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 56572E01-C61D-4CA8-ABD1-D….jpeg)

File: d8d23fbfecd12ca⋯.jpeg (228.84 KB, 828x1096, 207:274, 62A08379-2F16-462D-9F93-5….jpeg)


51cc3f  No.6393591

what the heck?


>>old guard

91d6b1  No.6393592

File: 90934a70c65d00c⋯.png (177.53 KB, 342x278, 171:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off.

577cd6  No.6393593


I got the impression that Cruz was wondering if Barr would go after Hussein on Cruz' behalf as hard as he's going to go after Hussein on POTUS' behalf.

I think Cruz can rest easy.

7ec259  No.6393594

File: 4f59e0b19a23b6c⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 600x400, 3:2, D5kQVNIXkAcidZq.jpg)

AG Barr passed on the chicken.

f4f98a  No.6393595

File: c7102a056f4c863⋯.jpeg (703.12 KB, 951x1165, 951:1165, 7B2A2D76-5773-4509-964B-5….jpeg)

64e5e9  No.6393596


ah missing the point!

yes, not a test, a teaching moment.

4ad84e  No.6393597


We are Kobra Ki… what a twist! kek

ed072a  No.6393598


Q drops this link on the eve of them striking hard, fast, and without mercy.

7a9d40  No.6393599


I see a (you) from Q coming.. :)

7c3411  No.6393600

File: 1e284864480c238⋯.jpg (25.59 KB, 960x491, 960:491, 13754600_1077800102256864_….jpg)

Assaulting forward

51cc3f  No.6393601

0e82de  No.6393602

The new guard stands ready Q. Ready as we'll ever be. Ragtag bunch we are, but so it goes. That is the AMERICAN spirit.

WRWY…let's GO!

a05e12  No.6393603


And, Q, how much can we trust vaccine makers and promoters? What can we dig on to learn more?

f4a1f3  No.6393604


Wew, Anons gon' get some jobs.

7dc645  No.6393605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daniel was the real Bully

62fa8c  No.6393606

File: a5fb96c888c018e⋯.png (533.98 KB, 1449x920, 63:40, ClipboardImage.png)

George Washington's Prayer for the Nation



pic related

84f230  No.6393607

File: 06a76e31d288542⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2336x830, 1168:415, Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at ….png)


What happened when Bill Clinton met then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the west side of Phoenix Sky Harbor airport between 7 and 8 PM on June 27, 2016? Just days before Hillary Rodham Clinton was to be interviewed by the FBI about her mishandling of classified emails, the former president intercepted the AG on her plane. Was it just a “casual” and “unscheduled” encounter, as the head spokesperson for the Department of Justice maintained? Or was the former president stalking Lynch to urge her to go easy on his wife?

We have a new window on what may have gone on inside Lynch’s FBI jet after it landed — the story as told by the former attorney general to lawmakers and staff of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Her account could easily be seen as self-serving, but it was given under penalty of perjury.

Lynch was questioned behind closed doors on Dec. 19, 2018 in the Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2131. The interview has remained private; no transcript of it has been released. But RealClearInvestigations has obtained a copy. In it, Lynch describes an encounter with Bill Clinton that is both perplexing and preposterous, a story that defies innocent explanation.


3032c0  No.6393608

File: f6be9c3e7dd1d71⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 666x499, 666:499, 2zzqmg.jpg)

File: c7b48d3d2204ec3⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2wut3d.jpg)

3d8f17  No.6393609





NOTABLE Anon Explains point of vid

d8ca17  No.6393610

LOL. 30 userids after a q post. People are beginning to realize the psyop bullshit

030dc5  No.6393611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

577cd6  No.6393612

File: 989c7c6fa03fb06⋯.png (506.78 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmmm, this is Q Drop 1444

1428b6  No.6393613

File: f613adc464ca7ef⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 473x594, 43:54, BlessThisBread3.jpg)


God bless you baker!

God bless the bread.

May it feed MULTITUDES!

1c2eb8  No.6393614

File: 77d188549c5efe0⋯.jpg (291.85 KB, 500x1800, 5:18, 1.jpg)

Nations stirring up nationalism betray their mission, pope says


8f2742  No.6393615

Hey if any FBI pieces of shit are reading I do not believe for a second that you’ll do anything about Antifa. Besides maybe arrest the people they are harrassing like the treasonous cowards you all are. As far as I know you feds are also communists and communism is illegal in this country. Guess this sacred law will need to be enforced by our own citizens, since our feds are all compromised dick licking faggots. Prove me wrong assholes.

100370  No.6393616

File: a10860aa7ffd8e6⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Obamas Database.mp4)

I know we've all seen the video before but exactly how many people were being spied on ?

0e6c19  No.6393617

File: df6158ea3ca2495⋯.jpg (612.54 KB, 1290x810, 43:27, NP_History.jpg)

20ff11  No.6393618

File: 79a4f467ecefaab⋯.jpg (810.3 KB, 1420x2002, 710:1001, SmartSelect_20190502-13240….jpg)

File: e767d22d8903cc6⋯.jpg (761.32 KB, 915x2487, 305:829, Screenshot_20190502-132059….jpg)

I knew there was more to this



Caps add up to 103…mirror is 3:01

df7240  No.6393619

File: 3cf873dbd8986a8⋯.png (538.01 KB, 852x479, 852:479, optics.PNG)

They say politics is all about optics, doesn't appear that this translates to Democrats judging by the troll they have on the Judiciary Committee

3d8f17  No.6393620


I guess you don't know how userid count works then

81d414  No.6393621


you thought the army was clean?

26dd2b  No.6393622

File: 7caa692febcbfa9⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_7978.JPG)

Buttplugleakswiki and the memes suck

af83fa  No.6393623

File: 712cb86bc552eb8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1052x889, 1052:889, Screenshot at 2019-05-02 1….png)

>>6392566 pb

Sounds like monopoly…

4c29f2  No.6393624

….bitches, got my hdd back…

2fac28  No.6393625


"Maybe I can change my Gender, Michael"

3316ac  No.6393626



Husband in jail.

HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?

What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton?

Where is Huma today?

Was she with HRC on her book tour?

RE: Military Intelligence / State Secrets


POTUS installed his people within each top spot at each 3 letter agency except 1 (good reason there as Adm R kick started this and scrubbed all POTUS nominations to verify oath).

Do you think they aren’t in control of those respective agencies?

What is most valuable?


AG Sessions on leakers.

Fire or prosecute?

Reorg is underway and happening.

Coincidence Senate Republicans pushing for Fed Judge confirmations last week?

Why are Senate Republicans dropping out? Not by choice and were offered a choice (rest assured they will vote pro Trump).

84f230  No.6393627


Moar on website.

2177cc  No.6393629

File: bd158e0018346f5⋯.png (174.74 KB, 532x655, 532:655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 628f0580b04d7f6⋯.png (95.63 KB, 334x436, 167:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f8f7de33543925⋯.png (139.76 KB, 335x434, 335:434, ClipboardImage.png)

NEW: @BuzzFeedNews and I just filed two additional massive #FOIA lawsuits against, DOJ, FBI, ODNI for pretty much every document (302s, those summaries, Barr emails and more) related to Mueller's report & investigation. Gonna be an epic battle. Thanks to #FOIA atty @mvtopic

9:59 AM - 2 May 2019


f4a1f3  No.6393630

File: ebb021494b33f18⋯.png (83.23 KB, 749x439, 749:439, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png)

756541  No.6393631

Definition of offense

1 : something that outrages the moral or physical senses

His conduct is an offense to public decency.

Such screaming is an offense to my ears.

2a : the act of displeasing or affronting

no offense intended and none taken, I hope

b : the state of being insulted or morally outraged

takes offense at the slightest criticism

we ought not … to give offense by sexist words or phrases

— J. J. Kilpatrick

3a : the offensive team or members of a team playing offensive positions

The stronger offense won the game.

b : the means or method of attacking or of attempting to score

The quarterback's passing success was the team's edge in offense.

c : scoring ability

d : the act of attacking : ASSAULT

weapons of offense

4a : an infraction of law

was stopped by the police for a traffic offense

especially : MISDEMEANOR

had a record of petty offenses

b : a breach of a moral or social code : SIN, MISDEED

was tolerant of his youthful offenses

5a archaic : a cause or occasion of sin : STUMBLING BLOCK

b obsolete : an act of stumbling


577cd6  No.6393632


This is Q Drop 884 (minutes)




8 Mar 2018 - 3:59:27 PM


8 Mar 2018 - 3:56:02 PM

Q, please tell us it's still NO DEALS!

And that this people will face JUSTICE!! Please just say YES. They will. I pray so hard every night!



We work for you.

We listen to you.

You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action re: social media.



eacaf9  No.6393633

File: b4b72097783fbae⋯.jpg (593.88 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, 5ae9ee263bb72fcdc0a283f5c9….jpg)

1428b6  No.6393634


On the "lam", not "lamb" ffs anon. Almost didn't get your meaning.

Spellfag here.

It's an idiom.

"If someone is on the lam, they are trying to escape or hide from someone, for example the police or an enemy. Example: A banker accused of stealing millions has turned himself in after months on the lam. Note: `Lam' is an American slang word meaning running away."

4b2186  No.6393635

File: c164c0719db4c5c⋯.jpeg (1.69 MB, 2048x2460, 512:615, 3305B024-6654-43D7-959A-F….jpeg)

File: 718148649e73750⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB, 2048x2054, 1024:1027, FBE8C185-39C3-4CBB-B256-D….jpeg)


Option 1: Let it be.

Let Kabal puppet Maduro pull a Mao/Stalin and kill a bunch of his own people…

Option 2: intervene

Bring out the military, not for our borders once again, but for dEmOcRaCy and oil control. Many GOP leaders/media are down for this one.

Option 3: Watch Kabal

Sit back… see what Bolton & Pompeo want, understanding what [they] represent, we findout what the kabal has planned. Pull a last minute switch aroo, out goes Pompeo (think NoKo)… Bolton isolated and knows things. Guaido plays ball with promises of food etc. but sanctions stay and we lean on them for support of backing off surrounding countries. [caravans]

Option 4: fuck it dude… bowling

fdbdfc  No.6393636

OMG the LAG here

the Lag on utube

26dd2b  No.6393637

File: 133f00ddd504a84⋯.png (51.21 KB, 590x262, 295:131, D2B738AD-8A55-40BC-8B5E-5B….png)

Cocaine twit Jew cocaine poop feltcher homo real

18dbef  No.6393638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doug Collins is a true statesman here. (skip to 06:30)

Absolutely outstanding.

I really hope we get to see more of Mr. Collins.

As one of the comments on the video points out, if Barr is hit with a contempt charge, we can point straight to what Obama granted for Eric Holder. The Democrats must know this already; all we're seeing is impotent stalling now.

1c2eb8  No.6393639

File: 50136e120c2ab7d⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The Mind Is the Battlegrou….mp4)



honored to serve with you, anon

c03a69  No.6393640

File: 9b91af5507ca1f8⋯.png (448.71 KB, 761x518, 761:518, s.png)



Da phuk??!?!?

9fe2f1  No.6393641


over a million documents…




b92067  No.6393642


Solid video

dc14b2  No.6393643


When are we gonna learn how to use all this wax-on wax-off shit?!?

dba564  No.6393644


It's a ceremonial unit anon. 3rd Inf Regiment provides Honor Guards for official events, burial details for Arlington Cemetary, guards for the Tomb of the Unknowns, and are in charge of the horses used in Arlington. It's not connected to what Q is talking about.

When Q says "old guard" he's talking about the DS in general.

1428b6  No.6393645


Precisely correct, anon.

Thank you. Some get it.

62fa8c  No.6393646


Agreed anon.

Well put

cc2e55  No.6393647


You are an idiot. Learn how UID works before making a fool of yourself

f8d146  No.6393648



Goes right along with what Q posted today.

0a46d1  No.6393649

File: e1fe96be218d2a1⋯.jpeg (861.06 KB, 1125x1630, 225:326, 8B04B596-DD6D-41F3-8061-C….jpeg)

Breaking Spygate

#BREAKING #FBI Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With #Trump Aide in 2016 nyti.ms/2Wje49J #Spygate


3a0ae6  No.6393650

File: 95174488b89f232⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 480x264, 20:11, az9EWgm_700b.jpg)


Thank you baker

26dd2b  No.6393651

File: 914cf3e4cb63077⋯.jpg (43.16 KB, 262x265, 262:265, IMG_7979.JPG)

I'm not a theist but maybe y'all need Jesus

f194fb  No.6393652

File: e7c8e2620da4b67⋯.png (1007.19 KB, 707x704, 707:704, ClipboardImage.png)

1d974c  No.6393653

bf080d  No.6393654

File: fa941676bae0314⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 644x391, 28:17, bad guys.jpg)

File: a03cc022d76f744⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 881x688, 881:688, heroes.jpg)

717630  No.6393655



Trump is my Pres, I believe in the Q prooject but I am with you that those things have to be addressed very soon. You kinda nailed it and I believe you are a patriot anon as well.

2177cc  No.6393656

File: c9847110a517112⋯.png (51.12 KB, 532x458, 266:229, ClipboardImage.png)

Dept of Homeland Security recently posted a metric ton of border wall documents that were released due to #FOIA lawsuits: https://www.dhs.gov/foia-library (It's the 4th category under "Requested Records")

9:35 AM - 2 May 2019


18dbef  No.6393657


And the mid- and lower-tier minions need only to "forget" about processing those requests for months.

The office drones wield pretty significant power, when it comes to slowing things to a snail's pace.

3849ff  No.6393658


Maybe Anons should go watch the movie.

Daniel gets beat up by the Cobra Kai. Then he trains and picks them off one by one in a legal setting at the karate tournament.

Nellie Ohr is one of the first to be taken down.

b92067  No.6393659



a419d4  No.6393660


agreed. I believe you have the correct interpretation here.

686c64  No.6393661



26dd2b  No.6393662

File: 4b75454e56d0ad0⋯.png (50.68 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 9FF026D8-BBA3-4049-8B9A-BB….png)

Crazy german buttseks Jew cocaine newspapers twit twat

1428b6  No.6393663


Read this post which explains it correctly >>6393571

2b2d68  No.6393664

180247  No.6393665

File: e070e59ce587661⋯.png (83.59 KB, 393x365, 393:365, 666.png)

c03a69  No.6393666

File: 5315063bfeae6d8⋯.png (477.39 KB, 730x598, 365:299, burning.png)


Big Mike had a "BURNING" necklace on aswell, make sure to include

20ff11  No.6393667


Minutes mirrored

:41: = :14:

2fac28  No.6393668

File: 67efd9d40526518⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, GettyImages-1140594611-102….jpg)

074a6a  No.6393669

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 295x278, 295:278, melania_you.gif)


spot on, have a you

ebe8f2  No.6393670

Q is full of shit

Been telling us for weeks

1st and 10 on the 50

1st and 10 on the 40

as if we're marching down the field on offense

NOW it's 'kick-off" time

offense just starting?

I'm officially done with this bull shit

Peace out, dummies

Enjoy the rest of your Deep State pied piper campaign to N(W)Owhere

337e0b  No.6393671

File: cdc8a2453310add⋯.jpg (246.3 KB, 1242x1938, 207:323, corke.jpg)

File: bcb0bcd8e035143⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 1230x633, 410:211, corke2.jpg)

File: cf9bae68da2bc2d⋯.jpg (37.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, uncorke.jpg)

a419d4  No.6393672




577cd6  No.6393673

File: 1083a6740292c28⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1600x600, 8:3, ClipboardImage.png)



60ad14  No.6393674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I blew my load before the baker girls. I know better than that. But here is a re-post of a Barr hearing vid.

It had more cuss words than what was shown.

Peace and Love

f4a1f3  No.6393675

File: 7797bd0dcd5fcfa⋯.png (433.8 KB, 690x966, 5:7, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

94c85d  No.6393676

File: 2efd2f62065b175⋯.jpeg (27.63 KB, 320x246, 160:123, E2AEA962-1FC1-4442-98F7-0….jpeg)

1428b6  No.6393677

File: 2d5f037edbc75ef⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1751x8406, 1751:8406, Screenshot_2019-05-02 F B ….png)




Screencap full page article

2177cc  No.6393678

File: 072fb93b56638a6⋯.png (268.69 KB, 532x597, 532:597, ClipboardImage.png)

JW announced that it filed a FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ for records of a meeting set up by then-Chief of the Justice Dept’s Criminal Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann between the DOJ, FBI & reporters from The Associated Press.

10:30 AM - 2 May 2019


67f0ff  No.6393680


Yeah… that six against one thing was a dead give away

f2acaa  No.6393681


No, we aren't

6f5fed  No.6393682

File: 06025ccade775a8⋯.jpg (94.61 KB, 750x500, 3:2, swallwell2.jpg)

dba564  No.6393683

File: f730010f03663da⋯.jpg (140.31 KB, 740x1280, 37:64, f730010f03663da23a55e4a9c6….jpg)

26dd2b  No.6393684

File: 290fc7015c0e568⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 765x959, 765:959, IMG_7980.JPG)

Dude abides with beverage on canvas in oil and garlic

9779a4  No.6393685

File: 5e1f6910be2615d⋯.png (660.82 KB, 1095x749, 1095:749, CaptureRobert Hannigan.PNG)

Very interesting blog she really researchs her articles

Under Attack Part Seven: The U.S. Intelligence Network


also what Robert Hannigan does now.



BlueVoyant was founded by leaders from Morgan Stanley, Thomson Reuters, the NSA, the FBI, Unit 8200 and GCHQ to provide outstanding cybersecurity to companies.


06cd1a  No.6393686

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324-14514….jpg)

Thank you, Q Team!

62fa8c  No.6393687



Direct link to FOIA Library


2b2d68  No.6393688


#1 100%

Bush was phaggot.

Obama was phaggot.

Maduro is Hussein, Asad, and Gaddafi.

Not our country. Full stop.

2d7d01  No.6393689

File: 700ed1e5d89c7d8⋯.jpg (111.09 KB, 675x900, 3:4, ButtDimCandidate.jpg)


Did you see this?


ca84e3  No.6393690

File: 9fd518aca377092⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 290x406, 5:7, 0accc5875c0cd868af47e6c21c….jpg)

182327  No.6393691

File: bc282631dec395d⋯.mp4 (550.15 KB, 500x374, 250:187, 6uz573kr628z.mp4)


gif related

81d414  No.6393692

right on cue a storm arrived

6486e4  No.6393693



The other part of this

is the bad leadership of

the Cobra Kai.

Bad leaders get good

people to do bad things.

Daniel could not take on

the group….

Think TRUMP vrs the

whole DS.

But in a public highly

visible and sanctioned

event he systematically

destroys the OLD GUARD.

03aab8  No.6393695

File: 3ed22f8a19d0e58⋯.jpeg (49.13 KB, 640x835, 128:167, this nigga.jpeg)

d91590  No.6393696

It's HOT in DC isn't it?

4835b3  No.6393697

I'm winning in CoD

2c37e0  No.6393698

anons are being used like ping pong balls

no free speech anywhere

turn on McCarthy press conference

first point all about the jews and "must protect"

that's what it's always about

nobody else is protected moar

media on both sides promote hate all day long

speak out against it

get shut down EVERYWHERE

especially if you're white.

that's the optics that is shown the the world

whites are the new jews.

we've all been tagged, will we also be bagged?

The moar people are silenced, the moar hate they create. Period. Proof is all over the chans.

06cd1a  No.6393699

File: aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png)

Day One - New World

fc1e60  No.6393700

File: e107ab13fa7bf21⋯.png (308.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, rosenstein.png)

>>6393556 pb

"Payment in Full"

That doesn't tell you when or how.

Or how much.

That's means they are going to let him off.

Go home when all the others get charged?


And why do you need "Q" to confirm?

That's BS. You're supposed to be able to think for yourself. Not run to "Q" like it's your mommy

>>6392494 pb

>You have nothing then.

interlocutor asks for proof, Answer is a brush off.

No attempt to bolster foolish argument.

>Only conclusion I can draw.

Another lie: How about: Just making your arguement. What are you afraid of?

>Otherwise you'd be trying to convince me.

What? No one gives a fuck what you think. How arrogant.

>But you completely missed the point I was making, so I'll dumb it down for you.

>I don't care what color RM "has always been".

More arrogance.

Really. Past performance and character doesn't predict future.

I never heard that before.

Unless, the person confesses, admits wrong, and makes amends.

We see none of this from Rosen

In fact he's constantly arrogant and smirking, [like those who support him?]

Check the body language analysis done on him

He insulted Jim Jordan

Is that part of the "act" too; if so, dudes in wrong profession.

>He was probably trapped, against his will, into the swamp.

I see "Probably" That's why you are so insistant and insulting to those who think otherwise?


>But in his final report he donned a white hat.

How's that? Isn't his behavior just as easily explained by "He's forced"?

Isn't that theory consonant with the look on his face while standing behind Barr during the summary of the report?

>That itself is evidence that the pieces around him forced the action.

alright. But that still doesn't support you theory that he's a "white hat" unless you want to change the definition of the word.

>POTUS is winning.

Non Sequiteur. Time waster. Bread spoiler

>What do you call a man,

>standing behind a loaded cannon

>who, instead of firing at his target

>takes the ammo out, removes the firing pin

There was nothing there to fire, fool.

He was stopped from making up crimes and using them.

He was forced to stop. He's not a good guy.

>and dismantles the whole thing?

>: "muh still black hat…"

But you don't even have an argument!

>It's so obvious I feel bad having to explain it for you.

>I'm sure you could have figured it out yourself.

No we needed you to lie to us. And make us believe black is white.

That one skill of the spooks really goes far.

But not on this board.

84f230  No.6393701


Anon slipped the leg lamp in there! KEK!

9b13c0  No.6393702

File: 6af778bd3631d6a⋯.jpg (302.88 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 223851.jpg)



>>6392995 pb Q

You dumb fucks go to the youtube channel and then shit up the bread errr shit up the comment section without 1st investigating/researching the channel and who the fuck has left comments on it and who subscribes to it. Thanks a lot dumb fucks.

f194fb  No.6393703



58ab82  No.6393704



249ef2  No.6393705


Seems like ourguy Mike Rogers gave them a nice list of movies. Isn’t he a yuge movie buff?

44c4a4  No.6393706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6486e4  No.6393707

File: bf51439bbe991dc⋯.jpeg (12.16 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 9eeb284e63f9c5e0d9e2d7cb4….jpeg)

622616  No.6393708

File: 2f582b9e8565712⋯.jpg (167.93 KB, 1088x1165, 1088:1165, RAISE-THE-BARR.jpg)

a419d4  No.6393709


da fuq

did they publish the transcript

cause i would say that’s hella



Do all of you see all the shit that just came out in the news?

Relevant materiel to Q and what we’ve been doing here.


Look at all the notables that just dropped.

MOABs going off left and right.

Big day

f86ae3  No.6393710


We used to get actual meat to dig into,

now … Karate Kid videos.

At least this post will shut the verification-vixens up.

20ff11  No.6393711


Fuck off. It's the only fucking Q post with 911.

03aab8  No.6393712

File: f521408b944ff93⋯.jpg (151.59 KB, 793x1200, 793:1200, JT.jpg)


chek'em digitzzz

84f230  No.6393713


Aaaaaand BOOM!

Now the media is complicit in sedition/treason.

1c2d06  No.6393714

File: b50eba0572da62a⋯.jpg (200.02 KB, 797x665, 797:665, 000000000000000.jpg)

File: 8c3fb1d9ac9b305⋯.jpg (215.84 KB, 511x759, 511:759, 00000000000000.jpg)


Pray for the bees. Houston anons, heads up. More Than 500,000 Bees Killed When Hives Set Ablaze Near Houston https://www.newson6.com/story/40401917/more-than-500000-bees-killed-when-hives-set-ablaze-near-houston?fbclid=IwAR1gxMHSfEJa1tXAM9iRS4tXP8496rc02nOuTiX1qfY1lgyRsKTJvGKje7M

Brazoria County Beekeepers Association https://www.facebook.com/brazoriacountybeekeepersassociation/posts/2324434891136612

e98c5f  No.6393715


10 anon bucks he divorces his husband / man-wife in the coming months citing stress and hard-ships of the road. [pun intended]

18dbef  No.6393716

File: 7d8e90e21fa2249⋯.jpg (139.25 KB, 768x768, 1:1, TrumpWinning.jpg)

Anons, think there'll be another criminal referral today?

Comey? Brennan? Clapper?

There's a brand-new American flag flying in the warm sunshine over my front door.

And there's champagne in the fridge for the first arrest.

It ought to be cold, that thing's been in there for a long time now ;)

c03a69  No.6393717

my bad, sheet

26dd2b  No.6393718

File: 4a2db0ac5b3494c⋯.png (86.86 KB, 696x652, 174:163, E3564DA5-11E2-418B-8DB7-EE….png)

File: 133f00ddd504a84⋯.png (51.21 KB, 590x262, 295:131, D2B738AD-8A55-40BC-8B5E-5B….png)

File: 90e93d9a0fb500b⋯.jpg (85.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, C427535F-AF70-4377-B860-5B….jpg)

File: ae552130c033e9d⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_7976.JPG)

Spammy anglosphere

Lend me your IKEA catalog

German buttseks newspaper free


Except beer or bacon

Maybthe WD-40 /b/ w/ (you)


91d6b1  No.6393719

File: 02f3e6f67f7f9f9⋯.png (199.55 KB, 375x279, 125:93, ClipboardImage.png)

ca84e3  No.6393720

File: f7ceb9950975fae⋯.png (507.25 KB, 600x598, 300:299, HOAXNEEDBIGGER.png)

686c64  No.6393721

File: 617ae6e1bf7d638⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 986x612, 29:18, STORM.jpg)

0e6c19  No.6393722


Not all feds are pieces of rebeaten shit. Only retards generalize an entire group of people based off of a few examples. Does the FBI need to gain back some confidence from the American people? Yeah, you bet your ass they do. Corruption went right to the top and that's scary, but as a rational thinking person you have to know there are excellent human beings and there are terrible human beings, whichever group you want to talk about doesn't matter, because both will exist regardless.

Shout out to the good people of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, I'm sure there are many. Its always the corrupted assholes who ruin it for everyone. In this time we need the heroes to step up.

960adf  No.6393723

File: b76d086e33689f6⋯.jpg (450.99 KB, 974x1201, 974:1201, IMG_267.jpg)

patriots remember!!

756541  No.6393724


I think this is notable, multiple meanings/mirror


18fce6  No.6393726

File: 5a5d94fc2abdf4a⋯.png (717.55 KB, 558x673, 558:673, 5a5d94fc2abdf4a616cd25a481….png)

July conspiracy no more!!!

eff9e9  No.6393727

There are no coincidences. You've been signaling to me directly haven't you?

f4a1f3  No.6393728

File: f0d9f3ca4046136⋯.png (321.71 KB, 1181x614, 1181:614, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at ….png)

File: 559099dc4d1c4e6⋯.png (446.07 KB, 962x418, 481:209, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

0a46d1  No.6393729



Ding Ding Ding

51c3a8  No.6393730


Napolitano requests pardon for shep.

91d6b1  No.6393731

File: 64dca078b984f5c⋯.png (26.83 KB, 598x183, 598:183, ClipboardImage.png)

b92067  No.6393732


Mayor Deep State is the cabal pick for VP. They must think he can contrast with Pence or something.

47da6a  No.6393733

Patriot Anons

Heads up Q

Their is a massive need for drivers to haul simi trailers, to move basic box trucks & vans as well as route people (lookout people) being hired by the company EVERGREEN across USA even in Mexico, Canada is unknown.

4835b3  No.6393734


You're right !

I do remember that butt.

042489  No.6393735

President Trump Issues New Pro-Life Rules Protecting Doctors and Nurses From Having to Do Abortions

Today, on the National Day of Prayer, President Donald trump issued new rules that further protect doctors, nurses and medical professionals who don’t want to be forced to do abortions or refer for them. Trump announced new regulations through the Department of Health and Human Services that will more effectively enforce existing federal laws that protect the conscience rights of healthcare providers.

Despite current law that has protected conscience rights for over 30 years, the lack of regulations resulted in confusion and a lack of awareness within the healthcare community, leaving healthcare personnel vulnerable to discrimination and forcing them to drop their specialties at a time of healthcare scarcity.

The new regulations, issued by HHS Secretary Alex Azar, provide regulatory backbone to the First Amendment conscience rights of Americans working in the medical profession and will help ensure that no doctor or nurse will be be forced to violate their conscience while serving patients.


eacaf9  No.6393736

File: 2b737140e5b6ffc⋯.png (42.63 KB, 945x660, 63:44, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Micr….png)

File: d624a05d71c6a05⋯.png (58.54 KB, 955x820, 191:164, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Micr….png)

File: 42d49b1c092ed96⋯.png (20.98 KB, 942x368, 471:184, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Micr….png)

File: a1389d17270fefb⋯.png (87.86 KB, 887x848, 887:848, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Micr….png)

Plaintiffs were assured that the FBI, under Defendant Comey, would conduct a full investigation into the grave instances of illegal and unconstitutional activity set forth by Montgomery. However, the FBI, on Defendant Comey’sorders, buried theFBI’s investigation because the FBI itself is involved in an ongoing conspiracy to not only conduct the aforementioned illegal, unconstitutional surveillance, but to cover it up as well. Plaintiff Klaymanhas contacted FBI General Counsel James Baker numerous times to obtain an update on the Montgomery investigation, but has been ignored each time. The FBI has taken no action in the over two years that have passed and has willfully ignored a Privacy Act request for 302 reports of Plaintiff Montgomery’sinterviews. Defendant Comey and his FBI haveobstructed justice and engaged in illegal conduct by sweeping Plaintiff Montgomery’sinterviews“under the rug.” Thus, the FBI, under the leadership of, and at the direction of Defendant Comey, hasengaged a massive scheme to cover up the fact that Defendants NSA,CIA and DNIand their respective directors and leaders, as well as Defendants Obama,Brennan,Clapper,Rogers,and Coatshave continued to engage in ongoing, unlawful, and unconstitutional mass surveillance. In short, the FBI, under Defendant Comey, itself collaborates with, and continues to collaborate with, the Defendant spy agencies to conduct illegal surveillance.


8d9170  No.6393737

WATCH: White Helmets admit staging fake chemical attacks in Syria


when you see members of white helmets and Ben Stiller in the room.

don't need to go much further then that.

Ben Stiller lends voice to Syrian refugees as White Helmets warn of Russian escalation


they are here folks.

027593  No.6393738


Well isn’t that a koinkydink

06cd1a  No.6393739

File: b2635c9e3afad84⋯.jpg (167.67 KB, 1080x706, 540:353, Screenshot_20190325-193330….jpg)

7d3269  No.6393740

C before D. Get moving Horowitz.

18dbef  No.6393741

File: 5a9f4f7335788b7⋯.jpeg (279.62 KB, 1127x1646, 1127:1646, Flag.jpeg)


We've been specifically informed to expect an AVALANCHE

And I am 100% confident we'll get one.


e4e527  No.6393742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9e7d42  No.6393743

File: 8f088637c8415a6⋯.png (563.8 KB, 610x597, 610:597, BarrBadazz.png)

1 more time, cuz, BADAZZ

6f5fed  No.6393744

File: 78f233ee8e98ee8⋯.jpg (77.64 KB, 632x405, 632:405, fatclown.jpg)

Any Anons want to hit a fat clown?

26dd2b  No.6393745

File: 06a9e14a313d0f6⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 604x453, 4:3, IMG_3609.JPG)


Mandolina lessons

2fac28  No.6393746

File: ede56c96445f001⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 634x362, 317:181, XeYnF.jpg)

69cc8f  No.6393747

File: 852a81cc75d2343⋯.png (59.8 KB, 896x785, 896:785, Capture.PNG)


mercy is for the week

0ca3ad  No.6393748

>>6393533 LB

it's a redemption story

a comeback

against the odds

beauty for ashes

0e6c19  No.6393749

File: 53652262cb1989d⋯.jpg (423.01 KB, 1920x1199, 1920:1199, C_ComesBefore_D.jpg)

03aab8  No.6393750

File: 78f0a45f5be735f⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Insider trading top activi….jpg)

File: ea85cf189902365⋯.jpg (106.45 KB, 888x499, 888:499, TE connectivity dump.jpg)

File: f17fceb97dc594e⋯.jpg (97.06 KB, 954x499, 954:499, cullen frost dump.jpg)


027593  No.6393751



3a0ae6  No.6393752


Well that's how Hillary sees things

b9c2ec  No.6393753

File: e7a3d5a113ccda2⋯.png (829.38 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_0995 - Copy.PNG)

File: 115c447174b3491⋯.jpg (196.16 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, PPHcP7Z.jpg)

File: 000a8d697d316ff⋯.jpg (136.72 KB, 896x595, 128:85, 504905868355fc8ba775db0670….jpg)

File: ecdcf9272f19285⋯.png (189.18 KB, 363x367, 363:367, Screenshot_2019-04-27 you ….png)

File: b380d5d0e166640⋯.png (1.11 MB, 756x926, 378:463, Untitttgrdled.png)

6486e4  No.6393754



Gratuitous Honkler


a419d4  No.6393755



>digits to boot!

de3cca  No.6393756

File: 7bcbbf7e6d0afbd⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 320x180, 16:9, ezgif.com-optimize.gif)

No Deals

26dd2b  No.6393757

Quadruple utters is a fascinating domesticateing practice

2c37e0  No.6393758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

500,000 Babies?

Protect them?

Against Crimes of Humanity?

Shirley you jest.

f30759  No.6393759

File: ffb27c859dc3df3⋯.gif (900.09 KB, 294x281, 294:281, body bag.gif)

Q+ favorite movies

#1 bloodsport


c84d21  No.6393760

File: fd58d1773dc90d0⋯.png (2.52 MB, 3016x2560, 377:320, Watch_the_watch_man 5-03.png)


In light of Q's recent post, here's my latest analysis (guess) on the second set of watch [markers]

ed5c21  No.6393761

File: 134f082a588dd3d⋯.png (153.53 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190502-133219.png)

File: 10c2abce86f1c18⋯.png (145.67 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190502-131425.png)

File: 01382ffb7a94394⋯.png (225.39 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190502-125001.png)

Alison Bethel McKenzie has resigned as executive director of the Society of Professional Journalists.



Miami native with much high level experience in MSM newspapers. Spent much time in Africa, India, and the Caribbean; former Executive Director of the International Press Institute, former Board member of AlJazeera and the National Press Club, co-founder and VP at Caribbean Media Institute:


Letter she penned trashing POTUS,and begging for money:


Bitching and whining about citizen journalists (Anons!) and how they're putting MSM out of business. Kek.



38e635  No.6393762

File: 8bcde91f84595f8⋯.jpg (83.39 KB, 639x386, 639:386, Screenshot 2019-05-02_13-4….jpg)

File: 5f437d50437270e⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 619x150, 619:150, D5lCdj3XsAABtFu.jpg)



e4e527  No.6393763

File: 06353fe96aeac18⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Honk Honk.jpg)

f4a1f3  No.6393764

File: e32efb65e698b50⋯.png (168.07 KB, 488x451, 488:451, Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at ….png)

2fac28  No.6393765

File: dbc61a02db8134d⋯.jpg (378.71 KB, 676x479, 676:479, Screen Shot 05-02-19 at 06….JPG)

eca84b  No.6393766

File: fc3c4579b5c33d4⋯.jpeg (115.06 KB, 828x621, 4:3, 226BD98E-17B7-4B34-AAB0-7….jpeg)

File: 420357d64e293ca⋯.jpeg (88.75 KB, 828x1080, 23:30, EECAFBC3-9AED-4E42-B90F-C….jpeg)

File: c82123b588ff58a⋯.jpeg (139.55 KB, 828x1220, 207:305, FD32AA1B-9725-46E2-86B2-E….jpeg)

4e5400  No.6393767


They are going to try and uncuck themselves now… NO DEALS

e214bc  No.6393768

File: 22ca589469d915f⋯.gif (1017.43 KB, 480x364, 120:91, 22ca589469d915f6cda347503c….gif)

4df2e9  No.6393769


I don't care.


No more movie analogies.

No more secret 'winning'.

Not another two years of this BS!

9a1106  No.6393770

Well like I said before. The board is clearing up. A good portion of the pawn wall is removed along with a few of the major pieces. Middle game. Positioning for major piece take downs. We control the center of the board.

Now where did I put that popcorn?

647019  No.6393771

President Trump said “Merry Christmas” several times during his speaking event today. Did anyone else catch that? Could he be telling us that Christmas is coming early this year? It’s also National Prayer day…have our prayers been answered?

4913f2  No.6393772

File: 4b51518118bc48c⋯.png (38.29 KB, 360x318, 60:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Q mirrored my minute delta when I requested a drop (pic related). I asked at 12:14 and they dropped at 12:41. Kinda cool.

26dd2b  No.6393773

Homos 👋🏼

44c4a4  No.6393774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7cffd1  No.6393775

File: 0f73949a36ea328⋯.jpg (6.11 KB, 272x185, 272:185, sandman.jpg)

MSM going down.

06cd1a  No.6393776

File: 2d595fb412afd3a⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, IMG_20181020_114554.jpg)

47da6a  No.6393777


Forgot to add Note: to be paid CASH daily

1e1715  No.6393778

File: 45e7bdf5d3efe86⋯.jpg (206.8 KB, 1200x835, 240:167, D5kbStHXsAIYvrS.jpg)

b92067  No.6393779


Such an awesome movie. Epic sound track.

38e635  No.6393780

File: 929210d4b36de14⋯.jpg (62.99 KB, 566x327, 566:327, Screenshot 2019-05-02_13-4….jpg)


1428b6  No.6393781

File: a69c01890c25b6a⋯.jpg (243.97 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, QNN:MSMContaminated.jpg)

File: 374604ceefd4a3d⋯.jpg (416.26 KB, 1428x804, 119:67, QNN:MSMdead.jpg)

File: a4407df0ea3627a⋯.jpg (337.89 KB, 1428x804, 119:67, QNN:QCrumbsEndMSMLibel2.jpg)

File: ee5631afb2f06ec⋯.jpeg (681 KB, 2351x1334, 2351:1334, QNN:MSMJobsAxed.jpeg)

File: 2cda7d2f8d35f0f⋯.jpg (385.47 KB, 1400x875, 8:5, QNN:MSMhypocrisyHanoiSummi….jpg)

8447aa  No.6393782


Quick thoughts for those of you who are too young to remember–Q's latest clip shows the good guy (Ralph Macchio, I think) witnessing the bad guys training–the members of the Cobra Kai dojo.

Pretty sure it's an analogy of /ourguys keeping tabs on /theirguys, which would be the Brotherhood of the Snake.

3327c3  No.6393783

File: 502f533a1e30058⋯.png (478.41 KB, 507x658, 507:658, ClipboardImage.png)

84f230  No.6393784

File: c57e480218f3207⋯.png (206.64 KB, 472x322, 236:161, ClipboardImage.png)

9b13c0  No.6393785

File: dccfc1427dfb992⋯.png (75.58 KB, 190x254, 95:127, 2019-01-16_11-07-51 copy.png)


Yes anon I noticed some very odd channels commenting on a video posted 12 years ago with recent comment activities. A account with only 2 videos and 1 is a Christmas morning opening presents video and they are cursing. Very strange.

e5d4b1  No.6393786

File: 2e769a2124b749d⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1009x5003, 1009:5003, Trump's Fed pick Stephen M….png)

Trump's Fed pick Stephen Moore withdraws candidacy


26dd2b  No.6393787

File: f10306cd6ce2c78⋯.png (49 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 9EF39524-19BA-42AB-B2B2-93….png)

Game of twits throne feltchers Jew cocaine fake

4913f2  No.6393788

File: c8810038cff6ed4⋯.png (307.52 KB, 1079x359, 1079:359, ClipboardImage.png)


wrong pic….

970e5f  No.6393789

nobody cares about your theory.

7a9d40  No.6393790


This is sad. Few people realize it’s not just a loss of money..so much more than that. Futurebeeanon

b14451  No.6393791

File: f44df14acf0689c⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 700x915, 140:183, stand_your_ground.jpg)


>Enter Sandman


f63df4  No.6393792

File: 3ecbc3f010414e9⋯.png (68.99 KB, 216x238, 108:119, image.png)

File: 6a186d5d652e006⋯.png (36.5 KB, 492x158, 246:79, image.png)


didn't take a min and he returnemuh follow. hi kev-kev.

56f70a  No.6393793

>>6392995 (pb)

I've never seen Q use a endash before (–).

>May, 2019 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

The ALT Code for an endash is 0150.

Format as a date and mirror it.

01/50/19 = 19/05/10

May 10th 2019.

Next Friday.

7cffd1  No.6393794

File: 8eaaf5bf88aba23⋯.jpg (8.54 KB, 298x169, 298:169, trump cobra.jpg)

Cobra Kai you say?

3d05e0  No.6393795

Hmm post ends in 995….time is 9 5 5 ….

6486e4  No.6393796

File: 830a27f1ff35020⋯.jpeg (108.33 KB, 1200x1236, 100:103, c5632fb5a42b43d843b4aa3c7….jpeg)



Pain incoming

suicide weekend

we are the news

06cd1a  No.6393797

File: f0ad284ce539589⋯.jpg (368.26 KB, 1157x1555, 1157:1555, IMG_20181014_095922.jpg)

File: b8331418158cab5⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 598x400, 299:200, startrek-patrick-stewart-m….jpg)

File: 2d52410c79ece63⋯.jpg (86.08 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Make it Snow.jpg)

e4e527  No.6393798


HONK @ 1:13

ce267b  No.6393799



This shill makes me laugh

At least you're good for something

ee0910  No.6393800


Hi Q! Your timing is impeccable…thanks is not sufficient! Please know we are praying (hard) for all of you (esp. POTUS and fam) and ALL on the frontlines in harms way…from a very grateful Patriot

cccbe2  No.6393801

File: 0c93ba629c3a469⋯.jpg (459.6 KB, 2643x1983, 881:661, PicsArt_05-02-01.42.44.jpg)

8e8be4  No.6393802

File: 34c47215115eeed⋯.jpg (91.58 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, darkness2whitehouse.jpg)

38e635  No.6393803

File: 37eb015408801c7⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 627x364, 627:364, Screenshot 2019-05-02_13-4….jpg)

378c79  No.6393804



Link or sauce? Possibly notable with proofs.

26dd2b  No.6393805

Yuge soygoy dues

1428b6  No.6393806


The dojo represents the OLD GUARD.

Daniel (the Karate Kid) represents forces of good who will by the end of the movie honorably and justly defeat the old guard.

See >>6393571

249ef2  No.6393807

File: ddc5533d1158cd3⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 22F885C8-CDBA-43E0-BDAA-93….gif)

a419d4  No.6393808



Is “Ms. Azra Turk”


Lisa Page?

or is

“Lisa Page”


Ms. Azra Turk?

Think about how hard it’s been to get past photos of her.

FWIW, just a thought and a theory.

756541  No.6393809


nice digits, but sauce or GTFO

38e635  No.6393810

File: 4c223947e4aaeff⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 599x234, 599:234, Screenshot 2019-05-02_13-4….jpg)



9feff1  No.6393811

File: 32b1df5264c23ad⋯.jpg (280.2 KB, 692x545, 692:545, cop porn.jpg)


Look at all that wasted popcorn, who's gonna eat that now it's been around her genitals?

20ff11  No.6393812

File: 7f3bfa4dbeca429⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1440x2492, 360:623, Screenshot_20190502-134406….jpg)



Julian Assange News:

Julian Assange has appeared before a judge today (UK). Was asked if he would consent to US extradition.

"I do not wish to surrender myself for extradition for doing journalism that has won many many awards and protected many people". https://t.co/fpm51QYBzY

4e5400  No.6393813


you arent having a blast playing puzzle games while the legit ENTIRE deep state walks free? wheres your sense of humor?

8e8be4  No.6393814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a lot of hints in his speech

44c4a4  No.6393815

File: 2714f208114eedc⋯.png (722.1 KB, 1210x605, 2:1, may 2.PNG)

one year ago today

03aab8  No.6393816

File: 18a81bfa3a90da3⋯.jpeg (215.45 KB, 1032x1072, 129:134, POTUS magic wand.jpeg)

abcd2e  No.6393817


They put a fucken carrot out there to distract and look at how many sheep followed this one.

Wake the fuck up!

I am furthest from supporting these people but this is ==FAKE AND GAY!==

6c86da  No.6393818


Ralph Machio = RM = Robert Mueller

time of video is 1:19 a backwards 911

declass 911 and fuck mueller

1428b6  No.6393819


8ch converts a pair of regular dashes into an M dash.





26dd2b  No.6393820

File: 07df1d14588b88d⋯.png (188.08 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_7974.PNG)

Found it online causevit wasn't in the dictionary

3316ac  No.6393821


I like this thought.

5e6af0  No.6393822


Looks like we need you now more than ever, Futurebeeanon.

1323ce  No.6393823

File: d18ebac99ad318d⋯.gif (10.78 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 2d062510449cbe862a59f9485e….gif)

eca84b  No.6393824

File: 24c1f8bf0735b06⋯.jpeg (88.23 KB, 828x940, 207:235, B7ADF822-E9C0-4B69-97E7-7….jpeg)

d625d6  No.6393825

File: de97fa733669480⋯.png (258.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8c523590e4407a⋯.png (44.48 KB, 1028x164, 257:41, ClipboardImage.png)


>Daniel was the real Bully

Notice how the Hollywood joo filmmakers (produced by Jerry Weintraub) portray sensei Kreese's military service as part of his evil nature.

Goddamn joos are always trying to destroy anything patriotic.

Q shouldn't use film clips except those made by patriots.

20ff11  No.6393826

File: 3a64b1913a3cfdf⋯.jpg (1003.32 KB, 1413x2425, 1413:2425, SmartSelect_20190502-13460….jpg)

File: 3f301325d668e5e⋯.jpg (555.37 KB, 1439x1073, 1439:1073, SmartSelect_20190502-13461….jpg)



622616  No.6393827

File: 8384cb16ef08aa7⋯.jpg (145.26 KB, 518x814, 7:11, FIGHT-EVIL-STAY-TRUMP.jpg)

26dd2b  No.6393828


More soygoy homo rage dues

b9c2ec  No.6393829

File: 2cdf9cec3149490⋯.png (230 KB, 710x588, 355:294, 00c5fa4871bdd39349a39df81e….png)

File: 941f7c90626076a⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1200x2989, 1200:2989, Screenshot_2019-03-31 Q Re….png)

File: 05a43320af0f97e⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 05a43320af0f97ed6e948b45c2….jpg)

File: 833972ff78479b2⋯.png (230.51 KB, 762x344, 381:172, Screenshot_2019-03-30 Q Re….png)

File: 9b2956af876ee1c⋯.jpeg (404.08 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 9b2956af876ee1cdc3853dc72….jpeg)


they should all be banished

not kidding. catholic bishops and journalists for remaining silent for years and years can leave now. banish them for life. get out. you only had one job.

b92067  No.6393830

File: 01ae31540637092⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 3000x2002, 1500:1001, WeStillNeedJustice.jpg)


Wow thats some serious autism anon. FUCK I hope it's true. I want justice for 911.

854fdb  No.6393831

File: bcd6b63ac0ed093⋯.png (267.54 KB, 654x1136, 327:568, Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at ….png)



56f70a  No.6393832


>May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

It could also mean:

>May, 2019 –

Replace endash with code.

>May, 2019 0150

Trim 0's.

May, 2019 15th

fc8266  No.6393833

File: f8f844273b063ac⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 270x203, 270:203, barf.gif)

38e635  No.6393834

File: 0284f764614e67d⋯.jpg (57.1 KB, 543x255, 181:85, Screenshot 2019-05-02_13-4….jpg)

File: aca8fe778154c99⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, D22UcQlWkAEa2n5.jpg)

94c85d  No.6393835


nah bro, papaD would have said so imo

fdf612  No.6393836

A Karate Kid reference? Q I was already on board, but now I'm on boarderer.

2dcd10  No.6393837


This is interesting! It's a freakin' nail biter for sure!

647019  No.6393838

File: 4ed5ff8f9bedf90⋯.jpeg (789.19 KB, 1536x1198, 768:599, 2B15F29F-1801-42E3-93D5-9….jpeg)


I posted this a few breads back and asked Q to keep an eye on them (which I know they are already doing) since we have all noticed how FF often occur right after these black hat politicians visit different places.

3327c3  No.6393839

File: d584b5fc6138f30⋯.png (171.47 KB, 495x597, 165:199, ClipboardImage.png)

Retweeted by POTUS Schedule!

eca84b  No.6393840

File: 0a9c8f02b7ff103⋯.jpeg (87.98 KB, 828x400, 207:100, DAB3EB0C-779B-4AEC-9B3F-C….jpeg)

File: 844be30bfcfb70a⋯.jpeg (222.97 KB, 828x1202, 414:601, 835D73E5-2C4C-437C-97CD-D….jpeg)

File: 59e651219d999fc⋯.jpeg (120.16 KB, 828x1160, 207:290, B77EDE47-405A-4D53-95EA-6….jpeg)

File: ef1445c82e4dfa2⋯.jpeg (173.47 KB, 828x826, 414:413, 7818394B-B1E5-46CD-869E-B….jpeg)

c03a69  No.6393841


KeK, like you own a dictionary….

1212d1  No.6393842


You're arguing against me and coming to the conclusion that I was arguing for.

So in a weird, circular way, your twisted brain has accepted my argument.

But you're still an idiot.

26dd2b  No.6393843


Closet communist soygoy swine waste fuel and blather gibberish on cell phones for imported carbs and microprocessors

58ab82  No.6393844

>>6393391 (LB)

He wasn't fat, he was chubby. How long was he over weight? Do you know? He obviously lost weight at some point in his childhood.

When did it happen? You can't dismiss this pic unless you have evidence that he was still overweight at this point.

55c11a  No.6393845

File: ba4058dfa4b2632⋯.png (1.45 MB, 640x794, 320:397, ClipboardImage.png)



Judicial Watch is one of the last ACTUAL journalistic establishments. Tom Fitton, John Solomon and Sara Carter all deserve awards for their work.

357011  No.6393846

File: 2f22158beedfda5⋯.png (392.51 KB, 500x299, 500:299, ClipboardImage.png)


is the sky about to fall?

49a8ab  No.6393847

File: 389c7696fdaa201⋯.jpg (149.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190502-104633….jpg)

BYD USA careers page hack?


4d4ca5  No.6393848


I smell Comey indictment unsealing

257418  No.6393849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e98c5f  No.6393850


no, you don't say. That cannot be the same Weissman who wrote the letter for Mueller that was leaked to the NYTIMES yesterday morning prior to the Barr Senate hearing, could it?

No way would the moral and ethical radical satanic democrats would ever enter into and commit obvious collusion and conflict of interest, NO WAY! These people who demand everyone recuse and resign for such things would never be the HYPOCRITICAL party of what Barr represents. No Way!

Must me another muh juh

fren says he's not even real juh

44c4a4  No.6393852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

…………the more you know

6486e4  No.6393853

File: 486cf9f0da31f3b⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1440x779, 1440:779, Screenshot_2019-05-02 A Fo….png)


More BS from DS asset

Buzzfeed…This site is a

clown paradise of lies and




56b7e2  No.6393854

File: e2f97756de5c45d⋯.jpeg (203.45 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, JIDF_kids.jpeg)

bd4f1c  No.6393855


>>6393735 President Trump issues new Pro-Life rules protecting doctors and nurses from having to do abortions.

>>6393629 BuzzFeedNews and James Leopold just filed two additional massive #FOIA lawsuits against, DOJ, FBI, ODNI for pretty much every document (302s, those summaries, Barr emails and more) related to Mueller's report & investigation.

>>6393656 DHS releases wall related documents due to FOIA.

>>6393649 FBI Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With PapaD in 2016.

>>6393607 Tarmac article.

>>6393614 Pope comes out against Nationalism.

>>6393583, >>6393587 Executive order on US cybersecurity workforce.

>>6393574 WSJ: Bill Barr gets smeared for refusing to duck and cover like Loretta Lynch.

03aab8  No.6393856

File: 54e62701dc74acf⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 922x499, 922:499, KANSAS kek.jpg)

File: 653466a5e17c576⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 899x625, 899:625, Sergey Lavrov.jpg)

Russian, U.S. top diplomats to meet on May 6 in Finland: RIA

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov may meet U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on May 6 in Finland, RIA news agency reported on Thursday citing a Russian official.

Sergei Ryabkov, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, said Lavrov may meet Pompeo in the city of Rovaniemi, which would host Arctic Council ministerial meeting, RIA reported.


b8dacb  No.6393857


This was #1 post on my search page this morning.. Check out her Trudeau eyebrows

6b5a44  No.6393858

Q+, why did you throw us under the bus for big Pharma?

We love you anyway, but we are not going to 'get the shots' until y'all let us sue the bastards when they hurt/kill us or our children.

4df2e9  No.6393859



I hate pep talk like "enjoy the show".

I hate this "show".

I want ACTION.

7a9d40  No.6393860


In 11 months, off grid. My own happily ever after.

453047  No.6393861



44c4a4  No.6393862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a0d2ae  No.6393863

File: 09febf21cb3a45f⋯.png (26.11 KB, 616x311, 616:311, ClipboardImage.png)

60ad14  No.6393864


Hussein and Co. weren't exactly sure who would get the Rep. nomination, therefore had to spy on both Cruz and POTUS.

Cruz, like you said, knows he's all good. Hence the pimp beard.

b796cd  No.6393865

File: ac841965b532337⋯.png (1.45 MB, 980x1400, 7:10, Bunny_and_Carrot_Pg06.png)

File: ad8cce3fbf0fa27⋯.png (1.33 MB, 980x1400, 7:10, Bunny_and_Carrot_Pg07.png)

File: f30117d950b8c23⋯.png (1.46 MB, 980x1400, 7:10, Bunny_and_Carrot_Pg08.png)

File: 0bba46045a78b86⋯.png (1.37 MB, 980x1400, 7:10, Bunny_and_Carrot_Pg09.png)

File: be34facd57a61fa⋯.png (1.41 MB, 980x1400, 7:10, Bunny_and_Carrot_Pg10.png)








c03a69  No.6393866


Nice eyebrows, lol this bitch is just a fucking mess……I bet she's baking batch loafs of sour bread down "there"

c0bde1  No.6393867

File: 6d4d22d37da6240⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1804x3172, 451:793, Zvvv1.png)

So fresh and new!

How soon Anons forget or never knew but they do now know what GETTING AHEAD OF and/or controlling THE NARRATIVE means so….

Here is a Prime example of THEM attempting to control the narrative, to stay ahead of the News as they are very wiling to scapegoat even one of their own to maintain their grip upon the world.


MAY 1, 2019 / 6:37 AM

"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A group of 19 Catholic priests and academics have urged bishops to denounce Pope Francis as a heretic, in the latest ultra-conservative broadside against the pontiff over a range of topics from communion for the divorced to religious diversity."

Yet this is nothing new:


Oct. 27, 2017


Nov. 11, 2014

Is it that hard to see that there is another PSY OP on going along side the one we are well aware of?

Do you ever notice that the LEFT is aligned against the Church primarily?

Or should I say "The church is usually aligned against the left".

You wish to believe it is because they are Evil.

Imagine that (((they))) GAVE the Left their marching orders and they are attacking concepts and ideas that they do not like.

For instance, the Legalization of Cannabis.

EVERYONE KNEW that GEORGE SOROS gave 1 million dollars to the legalization effort in California.

Everyone who cared enough to stick their head in and do some research that is.

Do you not see why?

EVERYONE who cares is also VERY CONVINCED that George Soros is part of some evil Cabal yet rarely do they ever consider that this evil cabal is the Church.

Anons or Gatekeepers want Anons to believe that people like Rothschild or Soros are lone wolves…

Yet slowly but surely the news comes out showing just how INVOLVED the Church truly is and this is only required because so many know so little concerning History.

So, as Anons learn about how the C_A was controlled by the Vatican:


Why Catholics thrive in the CIA

Robert Wargas 5 May, 2016

How people like SAUL ALINKSY, GEORGE SOROS et al. work FOR the Vatican:


SEP. 24, 2016

Unmasking Saul Alinsky, a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

How Obama and all the rest CONNECT to the Vatican:


November 16, 2017, 5:36 pm

Read more at https://sovereignnations.com/2017/11/16/soros-pope-francis-unholy-alliance/#ZRYkkyGmRusFYEmb.99

"The election of a liberal Jesuit to the papacy thrilled Democrats in the United States, whose unholy alliance with the Catholic left goes back many decades. Barack Obama, one of the pope’s most prominent supporters, has long been a beneficiary of that alliance. The faculty at Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., ranked as one of the top donors to his campaign."

How the Vatican has been UNIMAGINABLY EVIL for so long:


300,000 babies stolen from their parents - and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain

One could literally link to similar DEEDS all day long…

80% are "Religious" in America so POTUS has to pander yet we do not and in the last election most of these "religious" people did not vote for POTUS (40% PER REPUBLICAN POST ELECTION POLLING) so we do not need them in order to win in 2020.

Simply remove the 5-15 million illegal voters and we will win again and this time it will be a landslide.

Do your research Anons…

You are being lied to about the Masons who were Infiltrated, the muh joos = muh hollywood & muh scapegoat, muh islam = muh ultimate scapegoat, muh Soros and Rothschild and on and on anon anon…

They are here now and have been here since the beginning.

They are desperate to control the narrative of this great awakening.

Mark Taylor knows the truth and soon you will have a chance to judge for yourself as all of the DIRT will come out.

Learn History anon, do that and you will not need to be told anything by anyone even by SHILLS LIKE ME…

and just to cover all bases… fuck the zionists! fuck islam! fuck all manner of control over the minds of my motherfucking countrymen and women!

Eternal Hostility to all forms of Tyranny is the Will of God!

and I leave you with muh meme… just crumbs…

o7 5:5





55c11a  No.6393868


Kek, this is gonna be hilarious. They're gonna get everything they ask for, and it's going to be explosive.

Journalists accidentally journalizing is priceless.

f4a1f3  No.6393869

File: e9419f5ab3f2482⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1470x1211, 210:173, Screen Shot 2018-12-16 at ….png)

File: 01f60bde90feb96⋯.png (986.08 KB, 795x914, 795:914, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


We can say Merry Christmas again!

de3cca  No.6393870

File: c935da53f77115a⋯.jpg (91.3 KB, 800x531, 800:531, gap 2-medium.jpg)

File: 3e8bac50abcc204⋯.jpg (150.28 KB, 753x500, 753:500, Justice 1.jpg)

File: dc0889e9fddd7ec⋯.jpg (150.69 KB, 753x500, 753:500, mind the doors please.jpg)

File: defd697c3979da6⋯.jpg (147.32 KB, 753x500, 753:500, mind the gap.jpg)


7cffd1  No.6393871

Measles exposure reported in Fullerton during a screening of…….Endgame.

Symbolic? Final Destruction Strategy of Pendemic release?

26dd2b  No.6393872

File: f0d286c9ccf77d5⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_7981.JPG)


Still collecting Pokémon

97851c  No.6393873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NOT the best choice of 'hero'

9b13c0  No.6393874


Stephen Moore is on Fox bidness with Cavuto right now.

4d4ca5  No.6393875


Ruppert was targetted until he slowly lost it. His offices were broken into and he was literally chased to Columbia

182327  No.6393876


>You dumb fucks go to the youtube channel and then shit up the bread errr shit up the comment section without 1st investigating/researching the channel and who the fuck has left comments on it and who subscribes to it. Thanks a lot dumb fucks.

Wtf do you even mean?

31159f  No.6393877

Take a nap… new Q.

Love it.

4e5400  No.6393878


you and literally everyone else here anon.. after yesterday I actually believe we may get there… dont understand why its taking 3 years and who knows how many dead kids….. but then what do I know… I trust the plan.. I guess.

6b5a44  No.6393879

How the heck does A.G. Barr keep a straight face when watching/listening to those bubble head 'senators' preen for the cameras?

622616  No.6393880

File: d3a7a6bd75a4290⋯.jpg (144.86 KB, 707x817, 707:817, cortez-alligator-feet.jpg)

686c64  No.6393881

File: 4d4cafa1360b0e2⋯.jpg (191.11 KB, 1616x1408, 101:88, FISA.JPG)

File: d534115c86f203f⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 1386x446, 693:223, rope3.JPG)

File: 1f2fc29abf75224⋯.png (6.97 KB, 514x113, 514:113, tickTOCK.png)

File: 1312771cbb1b917⋯.jpg (569.65 KB, 1208x1908, 302:477, traitors3.JPG)

a66515  No.6393882


IIRC PDop mentioned that he had a meeting with Halper and a woman who he thought spoke no English during the meeting, only to find later that she wrote an email to him in really good English. I bet this is the woman.

a22fcc  No.6393883

File: 49187e51a4f7c08⋯.jpg (579.85 KB, 1600x876, 400:219, SUNNY_DAYS_AHEAD.jpg)

44c4a4  No.6393884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a419d4  No.6393885



Who tweeted out Ms recently?

AG Barr said yesterday we would get the IG report next week?

>next friday might be interdasting

not a prediction, just interesting

d00c0d  No.6393886



Been here already


64e5e9  No.6393887


fyi: filtered

26dd2b  No.6393888


Idk if the extended warranty is a good value

c03a69  No.6393889

File: bab9b07f3b0d000⋯.png (528.54 KB, 600x421, 600:421, cause we-re ard.png)


Nah, I skate cause I'm kool nigger

1323ce  No.6393890

File: 8415a57a96b76b4⋯.jpg (121.88 KB, 541x467, 541:467, 8415a57a96b76b43397e1846c5….jpg)

f45557  No.6393891

fucking traitor cunt who had chinese malware on her server, SAPs, given straight over to China. Fuuuuuuuckkkkk you.


b9c2ec  No.6393892

File: 6f2a7b76b1ae92f⋯.png (4.51 KB, 340x48, 85:12, Screenshot_2019-02-18 Hasb….png)

File: dfbcc15353a05c2⋯.jpg (172.34 KB, 984x753, 328:251, Miss. Froy and her special….jpg)

File: 6996379d31a6b04⋯.png (1.55 MB, 863x3690, 863:3690, Screenshot_2019-02-18 Isra….png)

File: 0665d78ab759ff6⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 770x9808, 385:4904, Screenshot_2019-02-18 Did ….jpg)

File: d0ce7982d234ab4⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1320x4707, 440:1569, Screenshot_2019-02-18 How ….png)


yeah I think one of their specialists forgot to be on appointment and pressed the wrong button because THAT was

061888  No.6393893


links to Q's past posts involving Nazi's/catholic church/british royalty

e56182  No.6393894

File: ddbb4be0eac4c7a⋯.png (130.03 KB, 950x594, 475:297, barr threat.png)

File: 617cabd040a3b7c⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, cobra.jpg)

6b5a44  No.6393895

Q, please hurry up and indict Hillary so she will shut the hell up….

756541  No.6393896

File: d23013716f1f96e⋯.jpg (108.07 KB, 900x500, 9:5, trumpdisapproves.jpg)



whiners are losers.

4df2e9  No.6393897


>Do you ever notice that the LEFT is aligned against the Church primarily?

The Vatican IS the LEFT!

The Vatican helped the NationalSOCIALISTS.

03aab8  No.6393898

File: 3b2f5fcde77d48c⋯.png (141.14 KB, 426x246, 71:41, bb ice water.PNG)

6b5a44  No.6393899

I think Hillary's lawyers will make her shut up once she's indicted.

8e54c5  No.6393900


Kobra Kai, the old guard. Feels invincible does whatever it takes to win and stay in power even cheat. Karati kid learns patience goes through tasks that don't make sense at the time trusts the plan takes brutal illegal hits yet defeats the established dojo and becomes the champion in the end

5c4ee6  No.6393901

I realize now why I like Action packed movies ….These docudramas are a snooze fest …. The suspense is frustration in this movie …. Wake me up when the good guy strikes back …I feel really beaten up

717630  No.6393902

a22fcc  No.6393903

File: 6da9a24277b25f8⋯.jpg (365.42 KB, 1777x1847, 1777:1847, PEPE MIRACLES HAPPEN.jpg)

31159f  No.6393904

File: 6c9d9b7efdea2c5⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 720x506, 360:253, 59317957_10156786712081348….jpg)

257418  No.6393905

>>6392995 (pb)

How about a perfectly timed hit forcing a fumble, then recovering and returning for a TD!

20ff11  No.6393906


Very awesome!

50213e  No.6393907



what is the message from this q post video?

cobra kai is the asshole and the bad guy and a cheater

2dcd10  No.6393908

>>6393899 She'll go screeching all the way down! No way she shuts up!

f4a1f3  No.6393909

File: efd7b8ff042dcc8⋯.png (51.43 KB, 242x227, 242:227, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

File: a88d660af78f0e3⋯.png (166.27 KB, 385x602, 55:86, Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at ….png)


Of course he'd say that.

453047  No.6393910


Oh god, do you know what they are going to do to them?

f70ce8  No.6393911


maybe ebot would make some sense if "The Walrus" was actually named Josh.

a0d2ae  No.6393912


sums up nicely anon

8c20b7  No.6393913

I am confused about Qs last post…

5a2257  No.6393914


Loved this patriot may he RIP. Deserves a statue built in the gardens .

47da6a  No.6393915



The times LA & NY

Chicago newspaper classified ads

Seattle newspaper classifieds

Press enterprise classified ads

USA today classified ads

Craigslist in 36 states

This is only a few that i found them in

I Thought it was strange

I just spent an 1hr looking at them before i got on the board

62056f  No.6393916


you win the internet today

a419d4  No.6393917


fair point

My only remaining thoughts are:

1: Azra Turk works in FBI (confirmed)

2: She was in London to hit on PapaD

3: She may have been one of the “OCONUS Lures” Lisa Page talked about.

4: Could she have been included in one of the photos Q posted of London?

5: Did she get pulled into the SC either as a witness or a “helper”?

6: Was she interviewed by Horowitz or Huber?

a22fcc  No.6393918

File: 40396348fd14f98⋯.jpg (79.34 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, THINK FOR YOURSELF.jpg)

4e5400  No.6393919


thanks for your contribution faggot… Enjoy eternal virginity. and yes… how could I know? I just know. lose some weight. ;)

50dfcb  No.6393920


Fat fuck, Nadler: "…Barr could wind up in prison, where he belongs."

These "people" have literally lost their fucking minds and THEY should be put in prison! They are a fucking danger to society!

7cffd1  No.6393921

File: 55ec88772617e37⋯.jpg (5.69 KB, 262x193, 262:193, sweep.jpg)

Sweep the Legs

3849ff  No.6393922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2be36b  No.6393923


movie made in 1984? soundtrack has some interesting songs on it also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HcBugAUXeg&list=PLvRtodlWwjhsw4FPOVicZcAPsTmTsNxH3

64e5e9  No.6393924


Q linked to a movie.

good guy wants to learn to fight by the rules, goes to the school and hears them training in a way that good people would not, and realizes that he must play by moral rules instead, and leaves.

44c4a4  No.6393925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clintons….Joe Biden…White Water documents…Oklahoma City 1995…

just a coincidence?

965e80  No.6393926

File: 930c9c7f8da7a2e⋯.jpg (243.09 KB, 706x798, 353:399, 20190502_185556.jpg)

File: 1ceda0d66eac323⋯.jpg (248.86 KB, 720x912, 15:19, 20190502_185612.jpg)

File: bffa0b3b530f0b5⋯.jpg (256.91 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20190502_185637.jpg)


f4f98a  No.6393927

File: 2115959c6c5a867⋯.jpeg (211.56 KB, 1188x817, 1188:817, EDC8B5C3-DC1B-46C9-BEBF-6….jpeg)

I’m sitting here shaking my head

Q shows up and suddenly it’s post after post of “wax on, wax off”.

I’m actually embarrassed for some of you.

That’s your take-away and focus of Q post?

They rest, neck yourselves.

(((u))) know who u are.

c03a69  No.6393928





38e635  No.6393929

File: 726e45d4062b329⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 615x462, 205:154, Screenshot 2019-05-02_13-5….jpg)


4df2e9  No.6393930


All the lies about Trump and the people around him since three years lead normal people into believing that there "must" be some truth to this.

People won't change their minds after three years, because people never admit that they have been lied to and that they were duped.

This has to end! Or else Trump will lose!

c8767f  No.6393931

File: 789ad77e947b8ac⋯.gif (119.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ufo.gif)

one crumb?

C'mon Q….Aliens!

854fdb  No.6393932


Define Projection.

453047  No.6393933


Nobody is going to stop them from pronouncing their own sentences.

85a544  No.6393934

File: 2f8ae55feb31028⋯.mp4 (13.13 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 2f8ae55feb310283209e57b94e….mp4)

Repost Barr life.

already notabled.

Can't stop playing it.

Damned captchas.

369b35  No.6393935



Thank you.

But they won't be addressed. Everything is getting brilliantly slow rolled out to come to a head next spring.

It's about the second term. It's always been about the second term.

Once he's in a second time, he doesn't have to worry about appointing a pro life replacement for RBG, defunding planned parenthood, questions about how incredibly evil and harmful 5G, chemtrails, and vaccinations are.

Nope … just let the dems help him out by pretending to lose their minds, push everybody into his arms, never prosecute a single traitor for sanctuary city fraud, push the wall, wall, wall while a literal army sneaks into our country and waits for orders.

This is NOT what we thought it was. Period.

69cc8f  No.6393936

File: 8838b5248a03068⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 231x218, 231:218, download (23).jpg)

8c20b7  No.6393937



I havent watched karate kid

Do not want though

f9b2f2  No.6393938

>>6391824 pb


>Today is the day we go to


>>6391761 pb

>What new meme topics do you suggest, fren?

Sorry, fren. Tried to respond but it wouldn't go through and my battery died.

I'm sure you all came up with perfect answers to this Q already!

But here are my 2 cents:

I think the best topics really depend on the target audience. The whole deal here is that they've kept us divided with different narratives, so we have no common ground. Our Game is to break those divisions down by getting people to question what they "know" so that we can start listening to each other again.

So each social group or subculture will have different topics where we can get them curious instead of shut down, so they can start expanding their thinking. Meet your target audience where they're at.

In practical terms, think about the people you know and love who are still deep under mind control. What do they care about? Where can you find common ground and get them to open up to new ideas?

The amazing thing is that even those who are still deep under liberal mind-control and in the grips of TDS are experiencing The Great Awakening too. I see the evidence everywhere. They are thinking more clearly, re-imagining the world, asking questions - just in other areas. The cabal have put a lot of effort into entrenching hatred of POTUS and MAGA, so that territory is very well-defended. With these 4-6% that are in deepest, it's probably best to sneak in from unexpected directions. Look for the weak points in the cabal's narrative, the areas where these people already have doubts or are more open to thinking differently.

It doesn't matter what topics people start with - every questioning mind seizes power from the cabal and opens up more territory for freedom of thought. The Plan is working: all questioning is thinking in the right direction.

I would encourage everyone to meme and RedPill on the topics that feel most important to them and to those they are trying to reach. The name of the Game here is to destroy the hold the cabal has had on our collective ability to think outside the tiny little boxes they've had us trapped in. IMHO that's far more important than convincing anyone of specific facts or ideas.

Getting people out of fear and into curiosity, out of rigid certainty and into exploratory thinking. This is where I believe our efforts will bear the sweetest fruit.

But I think the most powerful thing of all is for each of us to be a living example of Freedom of Thought. When we are brave enough to think independently and speak our Truth, we model that behavior for others and we teach them through example. And if we can do that with love and compassion for all those trapped in the lies - well, that's Winning^X. Unstoppable.

Finally, here's one I hope to meme today, and would encourage anyone who feels inspired to meme too:

Never Again Under Their Control

6486e4  No.6393939

File: 0ec54bd27059aee⋯.jpg (58.41 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 2zzuwm.jpg)

58ab82  No.6393940


hyphen, it is called a hyphen.

fc1e60  No.6393941

File: 0547f6ce1832e73⋯.gif (9.11 MB, 480x270, 16:9, blockedpunchb.gif)

Oh You're agreeing with me, But I'm the fool

No you were busted Brian.


That would be you!

Think you can twist it?. Inversion is the specialty of your ilk?

You don't fool me.

Your audience on Twitter is missing you

9ef7e5  No.6393942

File: 4c5112186653296⋯.gif (6.19 MB, 800x670, 80:67, 2E47F47F-D986-4844-BEA2-9C….gif)

File: 020386eb9a4aa87⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1920x1232, 120:77, OURtask.png)

That's the face Lisa Page sees when Pete's jackhammering her with his crooked micropenis.

a66515  No.6393943


There it is. Thanks for the screen cap, anon.

bf080d  No.6393945

File: be0d0436f58cc0b⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 1239x9734, 1239:9734, New York times informant a….jpg)


Yours is missing a paragraph or two anon. Here is a fuller screen cap.

f2acaa  No.6393946


That's Admiral Rogers to you, anon.

64e5e9  No.6393947


Thats from an episode of I dream of Jeannie . . .

or is it Lost and Space?

doesn't matter, they used the same prop for very many tv shows.

in the I dream of Jeanee episode they say it's a 'classified experimental' jet fighter.

c03a69  No.6393948


Miyagi believed that "the ultimate aim of karate-do was to build character, conquer human misery, and find spiritual freedom".

9968cc  No.6393949


Newsweek just released an article: "UFOs Invading Military Airspace Multiple Times Per Month, but Public Won’t Be Told More"

0e6c19  No.6393950

File: 0a7b14f367b5f7e⋯.jpg (86.94 KB, 618x414, 103:69, ILaughed.jpg)

a22fcc  No.6393951

File: 8816043c050cc2c⋯.jpg (755.52 KB, 2048x1233, 2048:1233, 2Q19.jpg)

c0bde1  No.6393952

File: 271d2d72cd0b9c7⋯.png (248.82 KB, 1680x1324, 420:331, ZVDI4.png)

File: fb7f283b969071b⋯.png (337.35 KB, 1602x1758, 267:293, Zsnopope1.png)

File: c6b89600e56fec8⋯.png (330.07 KB, 1200x1144, 150:143, QWHOHW1.png)


they play both sides, false paradigm just like the false two party political paradigm that most of America believed for so long.

You tell me why Anons are not PISSED and ACTIVELY campaigning against VATICAN DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!?

The RIGHT to Molest american children is not one of the most grievous things ever?

But gotta get obama and killary lord yes….

and gotta stop those faggots and queers and that islam lord yes….

I think I know why…

and its called SIGNIS



WHY are you not aware… SMART ANON?

Speaking to ALL anon not directed at (you) per se…

f8d146  No.6393953

File: 011999fba2f853a⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 620x620, 1:1, mitch-mcconnell-official-s….jpg)

Face of the Grim Repper..


f4a1f3  No.6393954

File: d35fd20f60685eb⋯.png (405.63 KB, 777x809, 777:809, Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at ….png)


Matt Gaetz on Turkey today:

Turkey purchasing the S-400 and acquiring the F-35 would give Russia a back door into seeing how the NATO Joint Strike Fighter works. Either Turkey must give up its aspirations for a Russian anti-air system, or risk not receiving the F-35.


337e0b  No.6393955


Congress can't arrest anyone. They would have to refer it to DOJ.

fc8266  No.6393956


Seriously, WTF is up with these? Why would they think these are effective?

241d13  No.6393957



top shelf anons.. these are EXCELLENT


7cffd1  No.6393958


And to get his fence painted and car waxed for free.

3032c0  No.6393959

File: 2aee7d312ae282d⋯.jpeg (25.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2aee7d312ae282d7142cb041f….jpeg)


Possibly one of the most retarded non-muh joo

posts ever. That was really weak.

9273ba  No.6393960


she looks like a carnivorous toad

756541  No.6393961

File: 321ecd643c87eb7⋯.gif (3.73 MB, 427x240, 427:240, laserfollower.gif)


oh no. thank you.

1dd6fe  No.6393962

File: 40ac7cf48e1284d⋯.png (857.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190502-135026.png)

File: 7d2e773cdb262cc⋯.png (407.22 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190502-135434.png)

File: a044589ce7e172f⋯.png (112.24 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190502-120450.png)

File: 01ebf16b2cdc5fa⋯.png (888.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190420-194810.png)

File: 7167b4bf61518da⋯.png (533.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190502-130138.png)

Temple of Seti.

f6cfd6  No.6393963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Democrat Campaign "Ad"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjzeNBSZFUo (3:48)

Allie sarcastically depicts a new campaign ad for the Democratic Party.

Just saw this. 6-month-old video. Funny but sad b/c true.

b59530  No.6393964


Mike, it's time to take a break from posting.

bf080d  No.6393965

File: 6736d2eb09cbddc⋯.png (73.54 KB, 635x340, 127:68, pada drop turkey tweet.png)

File: f56a4682d00b46a⋯.png (624.44 KB, 954x817, 954:817, papa drop.png)


He hinted at the NY times reveal on the 29th of last month.

622616  No.6393966

File: d8de5706e94325e⋯.jpg (193.43 KB, 584x819, 584:819, potus-2020-list.jpg)

a66515  No.6393967


Can't recall every seeing an ignored Congressional subpoena result in anything other than handwringing.

0e6c19  No.6393968

File: 2d1522f0641caa5⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 3026x2026, 1513:1013, TellThem.jpg)


Been ready to cut the shit and know the Truth about this topic for TOO LONG.

c8767f  No.6393969

File: 1eeda2c4988842d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 634x497, 634:497, 1eeda2c4988842d02b0b051359….jpg)


ha kek!…I can see the tongue flick!

577cd6  No.6393970


Bunch of these women look like honeypots.

54579a  No.6393971

File: 8df265368d19a0f⋯.png (266.74 KB, 626x642, 313:321, 202.png)

When the falling away takes place, the people will leave the cities for the wilderness, desserts, and forests.

The people will stop believing in GOD and the GOV. because of the slavery and the struggle that government has laid upon the shoulders of men.

This is why truth is so important and it keeps this falling away from happening.

Truth of our existence, and truth of our reality is imperative to where we are headed as a people and a nation.

If the two wings of a nation are ripped off, the truth at that point will have no value.

Every lie is like a brick. Pretty soon you have a wall surrounding the people. After that, the people will want to escape.

d625d6  No.6393972

File: c8432e0df91df46⋯.png (44.36 KB, 1015x166, 1015:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8c523590e4407a⋯.png (44.48 KB, 1028x164, 257:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Karate Kid portray's Sensei Kreese as a bad guy.

Kreese was a military man so there is an implication that US military are bad also.

There's also the notion of the honorable Japanese man in Pat Morita's character.

This is to imply the US acted dishonoably in WWII against the Japanese.

All of this is a bunch of unpatriotic Hollywood Joo pilpul and cultural Marxism meant to mess with teenage minds.

Note that Karate Kid was produced by the joo Jerry Weintraub.

3bf829  No.6393973


The majority that posts now are children that are skipping school. I miss the old boards, where you could count on notables being researched before being in notables. Yesterday I had a baker switch the headline of the article I posted to his feelings. That was the end for me. I read Q that's it.

030dc5  No.6393974

File: db4f3fc15c4ff4b⋯.png (336.95 KB, 402x370, 201:185, Jordan - Smile.PNG)

File: 480341add4d655b⋯.png (366.39 KB, 463x462, 463:462, BARR.PNG)


Bless the meme farmers ..

9a1106  No.6393975

Have you ever considered the sheer raw power of resonance? Small input, BIG output.

6d989b  No.6393977

File: 71ab6936367afc4⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Steve-Cohen-D-TN.jpg)

File: e449f1724a7b3e9⋯.jpg (43.51 KB, 1024x429, 1024:429, gollum.jpg)

File: 235461144172c77⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 255x298, 255:298, thF9T251T6.jpg)


>Sméagol. Pre-Gollum.

The resemblance is uncanny.

369b35  No.6393978


Standard Qtifa NPC template response.

2ca3b7  No.6393979

File: b0e6ebdc7b09135⋯.jpeg (221.4 KB, 799x876, 799:876, Screenshot_2019-05-02-14-….jpeg)

File: 85df7195bfb6ef9⋯.jpeg (380.91 KB, 799x1095, 799:1095, Screenshot_2019-05-02-14-….jpeg)

Ask Ralph!

4df2e9  No.6393980



64e5e9  No.6393981


regrets about how other are is going to chase you away from all of the rest of us? You know that you'll be here, and when you can help, you will.

f34d75  No.6393982


Sauce on this tweet? It's nowhere to be found on his timeline for me.

c03a69  No.6393983

File: 97c7a5bc3921567⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1920x1232, 120:77, pete.png)

5a2257  No.6393984

File: 2a37790cab13c60⋯.jpeg (207.98 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, e2d4ca07a7f3e873ce45f0a0b….jpeg)

Thanks Admiral Rogers wrwy Sir!!!!

44c4a4  No.6393985


written in 2002

b7e1c2  No.6393986


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

2177cc  No.6393987

File: 5512b9e936b3269⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1098x1200, 183:200, ClipboardImage.png)


c03a69  No.6393988



Gōjū-ryū incorporates both circular and linear movements into its curriculum, combining hard striking attacks such as kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand circular techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, including joint locks, grappling, takedowns, and throw.


28919f  No.6393989


Blumenthal's mouth literally drops open when Barr asks him: "why should you have them?" Too delicious not to watch repeatedly!

622616  No.6393990

File: a2048cef462bd85⋯.jpg (111.47 KB, 515x576, 515:576, barr-dem-view.jpg)

a107e2  No.6393991

File: 44cd840f6825731⋯.jpeg (667.47 KB, 1242x1893, 414:631, 37AFE050-BBED-40F7-AE96-9….jpeg)

File: 20932a8efab058e⋯.jpeg (975.64 KB, 1242x2099, 1242:2099, 95F02CCA-A4D1-443F-9C1E-0….jpeg)

File: a259185a1e0c54b⋯.jpeg (526.5 KB, 1242x1027, 1242:1027, 6D9D7C2A-F370-4654-9DB8-7….jpeg)


50dfcb  No.6393992

File: 3f7294681bbeadc⋯.png (173.13 KB, 497x229, 497:229, ClipboardImage.png)


@RepCohen places a glass chicken in place of AG Barr


332fc1  No.6393993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Every dog has its day……….

c8767f  No.6393994

File: 3a713a06c83d008⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 450x253, 450:253, jerry-weintrab-harvey-wein….jpg)


> the joo


a22fcc  No.6393996

File: 57b9d4c503c11e4⋯.jpg (43.99 KB, 768x998, 384:499, RR.jpg)

d625d6  No.6393997

File: 7e5662eb24254a7⋯.png (244.53 KB, 483x362, 483:362, ClipboardImage.png)


> Sensei Kreese

e1c070  No.6393998


KEK! Barr arresting himself. Although decent for comedic relief, it not part of this movie.

abcd2e  No.6393999

File: 63075328c3f7bd8⋯.png (609.65 KB, 704x471, 704:471, sauce1.png)


That's my biggest problem…written in a blog post with no link to transcript or anything of the sort.

This post needs moar…

55c11a  No.6394000


Well that's fucking pathetic.

e40e02  No.6394001

File: b4324e2f54ca2c4⋯.png (61.43 KB, 658x302, 329:151, ClipboardImage.png)


0a46d1  No.6394002

File: 50df9eac7f79292⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1545, 75:103, DB7CF115-48A4-49D7-AAD2-E….jpeg)

Eyes on anons?

Israeli tanks allegedly cross DMZ and enter Syrian territory: report


1c2d06  No.6394003


ok buhbye…but I find myself wondering why you think we need to know that?

f2acaa  No.6394004


Don't be a faggot, your aren't going anywhere. You're either a shill or a dumbass anon. Either one you will be here tomorrow, guaranteed.

62056f  No.6394005


wasn't there something in the WL emails about chickens?

1212d1  No.6394006


I'm just sad for you.

You were triggered off a couple words in an analogy.

And blasted a bunch of shit… across three breads… through which you ended up making the same the point as the original analogy.

I called you idiot because I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

The other option is that

You are poseur, collector of shekels.

There. I have witnessed you, now you may disappear.

f70ce8  No.6394007


>The star will gorge itself on clay

8e54c5  No.6394008


New kid comes in sees the way the establishment is run turns around and decides to win the right way trusting the plan of his mentor teaching him patience and true honor

a22fcc  No.6394009

File: 2fd831ef9a4526d⋯.jpg (447.72 KB, 1486x954, 743:477, Q STORM.JPG)


7015df  No.6394010


OLD GUARD Gematria 82 Old=31 Guard=82

Drop #3182

Thank you, Anons, for bringing this to our attention.

Be careful who you follow.

Follow the money.

Follow the expenses.








also OLD GUARD put into search shows 60 results but 2 (besides #3182) jumped out at me, #2653 about RBG…Old Guard? #2987 Returning Power Back to the People.

Relevant? Sorry if not right format, I don't post often for a reason. kek

f9b2f2  No.6394011


FYI, frens, I can feel the fog clearing faster and faster.

I have no metrics and nothing other than HiveMind to gauge our progress, but there's no doubt in my mind that we're growing at an unprecedented exponential rate.

Freedom of Thought IS happening. All over the world, our brothers and sisters are waking up.

This is a very good time to be alive!

Great work, everyone. We are really winning the war.


8c20b7  No.6394012


That was killary sacrificing chickens

52bafd  No.6394014

File: e9698d8d7604903⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 255x128, 255:128, clownshill.jpeg)

1057be  No.6394015


What do you expect from a filthy nigger?

bf080d  No.6394016


>You're either a shill or a dumbass anon. Either one you will be here tomorrow, guaranteed.


9010f3  No.6394017


snake → Vatican

lie cheating stealing War → picture of war

monarchy → monarch butterfly

attacks illegally

politicians and monarchs set up rules they do not take part in -→ taxes

the leader hands had the same pose as merkle hands !!!

picture of leader in war — wars were invented to steal wealth

the truth is the greatest fighting weapon

fcf9c1  No.6394018


chicken lover = little boy lover

think "cock"

from alefantis instagram

b9c2ec  No.6394019

File: 14e2554b9dac88c⋯.png (98.37 KB, 801x398, 801:398, Screenshot_2018-10-27 Welc….png)

File: cc9f19533779889⋯.jpg (137.82 KB, 813x457, 813:457, 16727_20170622t200053z_750….jpg)

File: 9c8d575dfbf737f⋯.png (144.83 KB, 672x640, 21:20, 9c8d575dfbf737f536be2dc781….png)

File: eccaa0bb53491c8⋯.png (842.27 KB, 855x1059, 285:353, Screenshot_2018-08-09 Pedo….png)

File: 41ef1e0ad06f2bf⋯.jpg (190.11 KB, 1200x599, 1200:599, the-lyon-sisters-child-mur….jpg)

anons -

anons with deep knowledge of COMET-BESTA needed: I am looking for evidence that EDGAR MADISON WELCH worked at Goat Hill Pizza, was employed there two weeks before he showed up with his fake n gayness in D.C., and was involved in an auto accident in SF. I had 3 (only) images of these allegations - one image and two screenshots, one of which was from youtube. These were all on a pc that was fried fall of 2016.

I really need anything anyone has just on this specific issue.

97851c  No.6394020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The better choice would have been this

and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKNS2bXFoHY

50dfcb  No.6394021

File: d7d78624b7b22cc⋯.png (340.98 KB, 701x394, 701:394, ClipboardImage.png)

Willie Browns dick sucker thinks Barr should resign! Bwhahahahaha GO back to sucking dick Kamala, it's all you're good for!

Sen. Kamala Harris: "I think [Barr] should resign… I'd say that he also has performed basically in a way that suggests that he is not a professional in the way that he does his work and does not take his duties seriously. So I think he should resign."

745a87  No.6394022

"As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayer"

looks like POTUS gave us a hash for today

they))) attacked Barr, will Anons stand for that

bad news for ohr, will msm tell the People, tell the people Anons

Godspeed and have a great day

thank you Day Shift

abcd2e  No.6394023


Because the fucken loser has nothing to show for himself!! Gotta project lies about the sitting Potus.

He is now known as the propaganda projecting pussy ex-potus (although illegitimate because of that citizenship thing)!

c1573b  No.6394024

File: 0ddf60fabd0ac22⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 535x190, 107:38, Mercy Is For The Weak - Ka….jpg)



>You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

>May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

>Enjoy the show!


Q linked video is titled

Mercy Is For The Week

Graphic related.


>mercy is for the week

c8767f  No.6394025

File: c107fcb7ae6d407⋯.jpg (106.47 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, eltonjongun.jpg)



e1c070  No.6394026



Sorry ^^^ this post for post below.


1057be  No.6394027


>I'm officially done with this bull shit


bd4f1c  No.6394028


>>6394002 Israeli tanks allegedly cross DMZ and enter Syrian territory.

>>6393991 Obamas producing a Netflix documentary about Trump.

>>6393954 Gaetz Tweets re: F-35 and Turkey National Security issue.

>>6393929 PapaD agrees with NYTime article except that Ms. Turk was CIA and not FBI.

>>6393856 Russian, U.S. top diplomats to meet on May 6 in Finland.

>>6393735 President Trump issues new Pro-Life rules protecting doctors and nurses from having to do abortions.

>>6393629 BuzzFeedNews and James Leopold just filed two additional massive #FOIA lawsuits against, DOJ, FBI, ODNI for pretty much every document (302s, those summaries, Barr emails and more) related to Mueller's report & investigation.

>>6393656 DHS releases wall related documents due to FOIA.

>>6393649, >>6393945 NYTimes: FBI Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With PapaD in 2016.

>>6393607 Tarmac article.

>>6393614 Pope comes out against Nationalism.

>>6393583, >>6393587 Executive order on US cybersecurity workforce.

>>6393574 WSJ: Bill Barr gets smeared for refusing to duck and cover like Loretta Lynch.

337e0b  No.6394029


I'm not a twat, anons were posting it when it happened. I believe he deleted them shortly after.

c6f187  No.6394030

File: 837371192301cd1⋯.png (150.64 KB, 250x246, 125:123, 328BCBC8-192A-4A0C-8577-D5….png)

File: 9fd3707e93593fa⋯.png (218.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, AEAA7BFA-56F3-4035-ABF1-49….png)

File: 1e4bffa11589e03⋯.png (814.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CBAD6211-F133-48D3-A377-A4….png)

File: cd245cae6cb6de2⋯.png (271.21 KB, 500x442, 250:221, AC3D08AF-5CC2-4E59-99AA-33….png)

File: 30de9c353b8832e⋯.jpeg (129.01 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, D6111752-AF8A-4DE4-B26D-2….jpeg)

winds picking up…

745a87  No.6394031

File: bbf2a1aaedbba92⋯.jpg (581.55 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great Awakening Turtle.jpg)

a22fcc  No.6394032

File: efa1bc31ccdfe56⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 480x270, 16:9, MY FELLOW AMERICANS.gif)


bf080d  No.6394033


This is so low. So so low.

Disgusting, Hussein. Absolutely disgusting.

6d989b  No.6394034


>9th District confirmed 'AIDs hub' of Tennessee.

this dumbfuck was probably up all night cackling to himself over this bit of Code Pink tier assclownery.

9b13c0  No.6394035

File: 603fdee292c835c⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 657x527, 657:527, interdasting4.jpg)

cb425b  No.6394037


This is what Congressmen do when the get an "ass whuppin".

25cbe9  No.6394038


Be just like that idiot Cohen to actually question the chicken

Stupid assed Liberals in Congress all have TDS

f941be  No.6394039

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


979c73  No.6394040

File: 0e0424d93b79784⋯.png (386.22 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


e784cc  No.6394041

File: 2cacb6941bbb032⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 852x529, 852:529, RussianBoomerang2.gif)

38e635  No.6394042

File: 7d204ead208e618⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 631x600, 631:600, Screenshot 2019-05-02_14-1….jpg)


f34d75  No.6394043


Do you know where I can find proof of its existence?

70736f  No.6394044

File: 65718e60d2ef2af⋯.png (636.33 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 4B122F1D-3BD7-4D87-A579-BB….png)



0a29b2  No.6394045


It took that long ?


Most people take like 2 months

7bed94  No.6394046


"No" a secret word for master Masons

f941be  No.6394047

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




647019  No.6394048

File: 095bbd8767f599b⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1536x2013, 512:671, F33AF185-DEEC-43B3-B8EC-F….jpeg)


EUFAULA, AL (WSFA) - A highly decorated, retired Army major general has died in an accident involving his lawnmower, a local coroner has confirmed.

Maj. General Eldon Bargewell was found at his home along Barbour Creek in Eufaula late Monday evening, according to Barbour County Coroner Chip Chapman. The coroner said Bargewell, 71, suffered fatal injuries after the riding lawnmower he was using overturned.

Bargewell was pronounced dead on the scene shortly after 9:30 p.m.

A native of in Tacoma, Washington, Bargewell enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1967 and spent nearly 40 years serving his country.

Bargewell served in Vietnam where he earned the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second highest award for military valor. It was awarded for a 1971 incident in which his team came under heavy attack while on a reconnaissance mission deep inside enemy territory . Though seriously wounded, Bargewell refused medical treatment, opting instead to fight in order to get his team to safety.

According to MilitaryTimes.com, after Vietnam, Bargewell spent more than three decades commanding special operations units from team to Special Operations Command level, including as the commanding general of Special Operations Command Europe.

His final assignment while on active duty was as the Director of Strategic Operations at HQ’s Multi-National Force-Iraq in Baghdad. He retired in 2006 and moved to Alabama.

According to the U.S. military, Bargewell’s list of military decorations was extensive and included:

The Distinguished Service Cross, Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal (5), Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal for valor (3), Bronze Star Medal for service (3), Purple Heart (4), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal for Valor, Army Commendation Medal for service, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal (2), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal w/Bronze Arrowhead, Vietnam Service Medal (7), Southwest Asia Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, NATO Medal(3), NCO Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, GWOT Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal , Presidential Unit Citation (MACV SOG-VN), Joint Meritorious Unit Citation (2), Valorous Unit Award, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation, Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation, French Service Medal (Ex-Yugoslavia), Combat Infantry Badge, Master Parachutists Badge, Special Forces Tab, Ranger Tab, Military Free Fall Badge, Vietnamese HALO badge, Vietnamese, German, and Thai Parachute Badges.

He was also the recipient of the Colonel Aaron Bank award (2007), the Greater DC SOF Old and Bold Mountain Man award (2009), and the USSOCOM Bull Simons Award (2010). He was a member of Infantry Officers Candidate Hall of Fame (1997) and an enlisted Honor Graduate Ranger School (1970).

Funeral arrangements were not immediately available.

c6f187  No.6394049


Waiting for her skeletons to erupt from closets in 3 2 1…

745a87  No.6394050

'social media is everything'

9342c3  No.6394051


I like that but it could also be an open ended date since it will take time to finish this seemingly endless task. The swamp is deep.

50dfcb  No.6394052


>wasn't there something in the WL emails about chickens?

Yeah, someone (the brain dead buffalo?) "sacrificing a chicken in their back yard" for Killery!

64e5e9  No.6394053


I like 22 mirrors, 6 makes it too . . .


I was imagining a captcha with, instead of this boob, a real ones and it would say, and please forgive me for pandering to the 'shw gus ya teats' but the captcha would say 'click only on the images with a full n-pp showing'

But I won't have it on my PC so I won't make the meme.

the captcha that is so captcha-vating that one is compelled to only want to solve the captcha, and never post: a trap for pornmongering shills.

the genre of the joke is rather back to the Monty Python days of 'the joke that was so funny that anyone who heard it would die of laughter'.

so it's not an original idea, really.

but I won't make that meme.

2c37e0  No.6394054


>I’m actually embarrassed for some of you.

>That’s your take-away and focus of Q post?

>They rest, neck yourselves.

>(((u))) know who u are.

we all obviously can't be special like (((U)))

telling anons to neck themselves is especially

heart warming

thanx for showing yourself

f941be  No.6394055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vid related

f2acaa  No.6394056


I figured Milo had died from some rare homo VD by now.

2177cc  No.6394057

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6394002 Last resort

03aab8  No.6394058

File: 150f2af1483a12c⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 500x347, 500:347, tesla edison.jpg)

File: 79d9828a4ea6a3c⋯.png (54.67 KB, 917x590, 917:590, 050219 TSLA snap.PNG)

File: 73a9d56e26bb889⋯.jpg (97.96 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, trololololo.jpg)

Tesla seeks up to $2.3 billion from share, debt issues

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Tesla Inc will raise up to $2.3 billion in new capital, renouncing what Elon Musk called a “Spartan diet” and easing Wall Street concerns about the money-losing company’s ability to overcome a drop in sales and build new product lines.

Tesla’s plan to issue debt and convertible shares comes after the company repeatedly pushed back forecasts for turning a profit. It also is confronting expensive challenges, including launching production in China, overhauling its U.S. retail and service operations and preparing new models, including the high-volume Model Y SUV and a Semi commercial truck.

Many analysts have calculated that Tesla would not be able to carry out its plans without new cash.

“The market seems to be breathing a sigh of relief. Now they need to get back to work, and start selling more cars,” said Roth Capital analyst Craig Irwin.

Shares of Tesla rose 3.7 percent to $242.62.

The combination of raising $650 million in new shares and $1.35 billion in debt, giving underwriters the option to buy an additional 15 percent of each offering, could potentially raise the proceeds to $2.3 billion.

Chief Executive Officer Musk would also pitch in $10 million of his own money, Tesla said in a filing.

For over a year, Musk had insisted that the money-losing Silicon Valley automaker had no need for a capital raise, saying that high Model 3 volume and efficiency would push the company to profit in all quarters of 2019. That changed with a $702 million loss in the first quarter, and warnings that profit would be delayed until the latter half of the year.

“I don’t think raising capital should be a substitute for making the company operate more effectively,” said Musk last month, suggesting that a capital raise could be near. “It’s healthy to be on a Spartan diet for a while.” [L3N22657Y]

Before Tesla’s announcement on Thursday, however, analysts speculating about a capital raise had cautioned that the company had missed optimal timing - last year’s third quarter, when the company posted a profit - and now would be negotiating with banks in a weakened position following disappointing results.

Tesla has reported four profitable quarters since it went public in June 2010, and has repeatedly pushed back forecasts for sustained profit.

Tesla has made a series of moves to rework pricing strategies for its cars following the reduction of a federal tax credit for Tesla buyers to $3,750 a car from $7,500.

Its deliveries fell in the first quarter after the reduction of the tax break. Musk has downplayed the impact and said demand for Tesla vehicles is strong. However, the company has stopped disclosing the size of the order bank for the Model 3.

Musk also has been distracted by a public feud with U.S. regulators. Shares in the company have dropped 28 percent since the beginning of the year.


Tesla ended its first quarter with $2.2 billion in cash after spending $1.5 billion. In 2019, it expects capital expenditures of $2 billion to $2.5 billion and about $2.5 billion to $3 billion annually for 2020 and 2021.

Tesla has raised funds through bank loans, several rounds of equity sales, convertible notes, a junk bond sale, securitization of its vehicle leases and solar asset-backed notes.

Convertible bonds, a form of debt that permits an issuer to repay its creditors in new stock rather than cash if certain conditions are met, have been among Tesla’s most preferred vehicles for raising capital. They typically allow a borrower to raise capital at a lower interest rate than an ordinary bond because the investor has the potential for a greater return should the conversion terms be met.


sauce for cap 2


diluding the mkt cap by almost 5%-volume is well over daily avg.

Speechless at this point

518307  No.6394059

File: 13e4d8d45b6fe20⋯.jpg (430.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190502-140645….jpg)

Heads up BO/BV

this was using my cell service (Metro)

74f6f2  No.6394060


what for this time?

<years of repeated site violations

ok so nothing new

rapists and murderers still ok tho

f941be  No.6394061

So, (((Q))) team, how goes the "war"?

Do jew think jew are winning or?

d21395  No.6394062

0a29b2  No.6394063


It should be titled

How i the nigger did such a bad job even as a puppet

That the conservatives unironically supported zion don out of desperation

854fdb  No.6394064


"With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . ."


0a46d1  No.6394065

File: 7bf437c626dad9f⋯.jpeg (433.29 KB, 818x1049, 818:1049, 94F6C811-B97D-4B5B-A2CC-B….jpeg)

the plot thickens

Report confirms that Papadopoulos' concerns about spy "Azra Turk" were in order, but he disputes some of FBI/NYT spin about her. Unresolved issue relates to how many other agencies/etc. were involved in anti-Trump plot. Hopefully we'll learn more soon.


f941be  No.6394066


In any case, I am sure it makes for some good "time pass".

bf080d  No.6394067


The sky is falling.

cd3313  No.6394068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Get him a body bag Johnny"

ed5327  No.6394069

File: b67a18fced98994⋯.png (306.85 KB, 611x319, 611:319, Alien_Hillary.png)



We already have it all.

What do you think?

fc8266  No.6394070


Hmm… contempt of Congress?

There seemed to be a previous AG who was held in contempt and……. nothing happened to him.

979c73  No.6394071

File: 90ebf640f117a9c⋯.png (100.36 KB, 222x280, 111:140, ClipboardImage.png)

See you at the rally!

I'm hoping to teach the crowd WWG1WGA, are we ready? Is it time?

0e51be  No.6394072

File: c0a6c86668fc9db⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 546x513, 182:171, barney-stinson.jpg)

369b35  No.6394073

Will Anons continue to support Trump if he nominates Jared Kushner to be his next running mate?

9b13c0  No.6394074

File: 658d48df4e143c0⋯.jpg (14.78 KB, 476x248, 119:62, safe_image.jpg)

518307  No.6394075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Measles for Dumbies

The Highwire- Live

c0bde1  No.6394076

File: 7fcdfd9a9215894⋯.png (72.51 KB, 1406x837, 1406:837, jeffersonclergy1.png)



I believe SIGNIS controls Hollywood, most of the news media including FOX/FAUX news at least until POTUS got Murdoch by the short hairs and a bunch of other "Media" outlets.

They seek control of everything and never for the benefit of those they enslave.

Why do anons not know or ever mention SIGNIS?

Why are Anons not literally up in arms about Vatican Diplomatic immunity?

Muh Hillary… Muh Obama… Muh Joos…. Muh Islam…

Anybody but the main culprits!

Those who fling the doors open and embrace the invaders and who teach us to do the same while turning the other cheek.

8d7202  No.6394077


>I'm not a twat, anons were posting it when it happened. I believe he deleted them shortly after

Concur. Tweet was there, then deleted approx 20 minutes later, possibly less.

4df2e9  No.6394078


Smart Anon here!


(But I'm still fed up with words and pep talk and riddles. I want ACTION!)

249ef2  No.6394079

File: 154785452e8bc9d⋯.jpeg (47.85 KB, 594x397, 594:397, 0804CB54-687B-45EE-8355-B….jpeg)

58e871  No.6394080

File: edc59515676e2bb⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 461x390, 461:390, DAVIDSCHWENDIMAN.jpg)

File: a4e129b400aa04f⋯.jpg (146.6 KB, 990x886, 495:443, SCHWENDIMAN.jpg)


I popped this in the bread last night and it didn't gain any traction. Seems relevant given Huber met with him yesterday and he has a past in WAR CRIMES.

Utah native David Schwendiman is leaving his job as chief war crimes prosecutor in The Hague two years before his four-year term expires because of a U.S. law that limits his tenure.

It marks the second time that Schwendiman, highly regarded as a respected and professional prosecutor, has either had to leave a critical job early or been passed over under unusual circumstances.

The first time came in 2010, when Schwendiman, a longtime prosecutor and administrator in both the Utah attorney general’s office and the U.S. attorney’s office, was yanked from consideration for the U.S. attorney for Utah post after widespread speculation he was a lock for the job.

He enjoyed strong bipartisan support from Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and then-Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson. When his name was dropped from the list, many of his supporters were surprised.

The reasons were never disclosed, but speculation surfaced that Matheson had angered the Obama White House by casting several votes against administration-backed bills, including the health care overhaul, so the Utah Democrat’s choice for U.S. attorney was pulled as retaliation.

This time, Schwendiman’s fate is tied to a U.S. law that governs his role as a special prosecutor under the authority of the European Union.

He had been a war crimes prosecutor before — after years as a federal prosecutor in the United States — and had retired from the Justice Department.

Schwendiman resumed federal employment in 2015 with the State Department to accept the chief prosecutor position to investigate and hold accountable those who committed war crimes in Kosovo during the 1990s conflict with Serbia.

Under laws spelled out for returning retirees, he could maintain that status for only three years, but his appointment as chief war crimes prosecutor in 2016 was to a four-year term. He told The Guardian in a Feb. 28 story that the Obama administration had assured him his service would be extended so he could complete his term in The Hague.

With the change in administration, however, no such extension has been issued.

The Guardian story said that with Schwendiman’s planned March 31 departure, there seems to be a vacuum in the Kosovo court with no successor ready to take over.

In an official statement, however, Schwendiman expressed confidence that the mission will continue efficiently, and he cast no blame on the Trump administration for the reasons he is leaving.

“I have just been informed by the U.S. Department of State that my three-year term as Senior Foreign Service officer will end on 31 March, 2018,” his statement said. “As a result, my [position] as the specialist prosecutor cannot be extended. This must happen because the U.S. administration is unable to overlook my status as a retiree called back into service — something the law won’t let me change regardless how much I might want to stay.”

He praised the European Union for the speed in which it has begun its search for a new prosecutor and said the strong staff is prepared to carry on under an interim chief until that appointment is made.

”I am not resigning,” he said. “In truth, I would be delighted if U.S. law permitted me to stay. But it won’t and I must, as a consequence, and very reluctantly, leave a position that I am both proud and honored to hold.”

So the University of Utah graduate now has had to oblige decisions affecting his career on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean — neither having anything to do with his qualifications or his performance.




629f96  No.6394081


Future will prove past…pretty simple approach

a22fcc  No.6394082

File: a158e28c012c9de⋯.jpg (212.93 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN 2016 ELECTION NEW YORK….jpg)





f941be  No.6394083

File: f1a8e32a0ffb302⋯.png (196.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

57c985  No.6394084

First long post…hope you like it.

I’ve thought a lot about why someone from the [DS] or [D] side has not yet come forward earlier to blow the lid off the cabal and the globalist agenda? It would make sense that at some point a whistleblower would try to save themselves from being in that situation - surely not ALL the cabal are happy with the way things are going; there is always a dissenter in every group.

Then Q came along and the subject of "darkness" and "good vs evil" started gain steam.

Then it started to make sense: What if the forces at the helm of the cabal were truly evil? What if they were truly using some kind of spell or magic to terrify those into remain "in the club".

I’d been reading a lot about Dean Radin and paying attention to his explosive experimental results regarding the relationship between consciousness and reality. He did countless experiments proving that thought can and does manipulate (albeit slightly) reality.

Here’s a primer vid in case you’ve not seen…


Then I just read his latest book: Real Magic.

In it he describes how he suddenly realized that after 40 years of research, he was actually studying real magic.

He describes how incantations and prayer can lead to real-world consequences – both good and bad.

…it all makes sense now…

This is why Trump, his administration and his rallies are so focused on prayer – the strength in common good thought is tangible (according to Radin’s results)

This is why the mass media and Democrats consistently push false stories about the administration – the strength in common bad thought is equally as tangible….

…good vs evil.

He sums it up perfectly in this quote from the book:

“”This is where magic becomes terrifying. Magic as something real is fully accepted by the devoutly religious, but to them magic outside the confines of the church is frighteningly demonic. Among the secular population, real magic radically challenges basic assumptions about reality. Concepts such as personal and state sovereignty, privacy and secrecy are regarded as essential features in modern politics and the law. A principal role of the criminal justice system is to expose hidden secrets, and the massive apparatus of the world’s intelligence agencies is devoted to that task. Yet magic threatens sovereignty and transcends secrecy. Besides death and taxes, the one other universal truth is that bureaucracies never respond kindly to challenges to their authority. So there’s enormous societal pressure to suppress the reality of magic

1e7e7c  No.6394085

>>6394025 ← Time stamp check'd - WINNING confirmed.


Love that Turtle!

Free Turtle Island!!!

1a32b4  No.6394086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Michael E Jones video

dbb203  No.6394087

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png)

Strike hard. Strike fast. No mercy.

Anon is all tingly.

8d9170  No.6394088


They are pissed they have to do it by them self.

52bafd  No.6394089


fuck off journo faggot

74f6f2  No.6394090


still think "We Are Q" is the simplest, easiest crowd slogan to have a chance to be heard

70a77f  No.6394091


Perfect -

Deep State = Rex Kwon Do

Q Team and Potus = Cobra Kai

So much gold in that analogy…

4df2e9  No.6394092


This is only happening, because Trump Admin doesn't take ACTION!

20ff11  No.6394093

File: 3d8bf6e574c139a⋯.jpg (611.22 KB, 1418x1539, 1418:1539, SmartSelect_20190502-14154….jpg)


2:30PM ET - The President meets with Republican Members of the Senate.'



1a32b4  No.6394094

File: db99ccaa21c67af⋯.png (66.1 KB, 420x420, 1:1, Spurdo_thumbs_up_2.png)




717630  No.6394095


Do not forget Kamala Harris ties to the ghost ship fire and her sister Maya(besties) Harris in the Podesta spirit cooking emails. She is not just a cocksucker but a satanic pedo cannibal witch. She will be Executed.

92a5cb  No.6394096

File: 16ccd53801b78d5⋯.jpeg (344.6 KB, 750x1139, 750:1139, 8967D930-2581-4FE9-B269-D….jpeg)

So Louis Farrakhan is a Far right Leader now per WaPo???

Sorry can’t give website sauce bc I’m phonefagging & this was my “suggested news”

647019  No.6394097

File: 6f9ef5c45f9fbc1⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1536x1687, 1536:1687, 8E43B968-DBCC-4DAE-A584-6….jpeg)


Bargewell was in charge of a Delta Force Squadron during Operation Desert Storm, and was involved in Operation Acid Gambit, which invaded Panama and rescued an imprisoned American.


f941be  No.6394098

File: 3bb562717a80576⋯.png (506.99 KB, 343x604, 343:604, ClipboardImage.png)




8a56bd  No.6394099

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Quads.jpg)

9b13c0  No.6394100

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)


Checked trips confirm needs sauce.

38e635  No.6394101


Pence already accepted

efd880  No.6394102

File: db7ac26dde395d6⋯.png (25.6 KB, 566x315, 566:315, tspooky re sedition storm ….PNG)

File: 1b224d273b2d8fc⋯.png (339.69 KB, 581x718, 581:718, 1 MZHemingway re NYTs FBI ….PNG)

File: 11664e5c1b3d1e6⋯.png (66.06 KB, 594x556, 297:278, 2 MZHemingway re NYTs FBI ….PNG)

Storm is coming…and sedition is it's name…


A reader points out that the NYT's spin is that they hid their spying on the Trump campaign for his sake, not because it would be devastating to the FBI for Americans to learn they were running overseas assets against domestic political opponents.


9342c3  No.6394103


So Farrakhan is far-right? Who would have thunk.

Liberalism can't exist without censorship.

9010f3  No.6394104


when does a bird sing ?

0e6c19  No.6394105


>We already have it all.

>What do you think?

We have it all on that subject? Who is WE? Not me, not US here. I know tons of different theories from over the years, but I want definitive and substantial proof. That's what I'm talking about.

f941be  No.6394106

File: 2e15d6eb589667f⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 633x640, 633:640, 2e15d6eb589667f2da3fbc4f34….jpg)

25cbe9  No.6394107


Maybe they can lock up Cohen's chicken that was placed on the witness desk

44c4a4  No.6394108

Kamila Harris connected to Andrew Kauders connected to Podesta's

"what is a shovel used for?"


4df2e9  No.6394109


Who's in charge?


Or the radical left?

2177cc  No.6394110

File: 3be8988a2c946e3⋯.png (702.43 KB, 850x326, 425:163, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6393992 black magic

1e7e7c  No.6394111


When she's happy.

7bed94  No.6394112

File: dfaf9f85025e1a3⋯.jpg (24.43 KB, 554x554, 1:1, 59178029_10156403059838940….jpg)


Thank you for the meme fren.

a22fcc  No.6394113

File: 62b45d09c321cde⋯.jpg (167.87 KB, 1285x734, 1285:734, QNN 2016 ELECTION MEDIA CO….JPG)

4de233  No.6394114

File: 092f93d8034251a⋯.png (423.53 KB, 630x419, 630:419, Julian Assange.png)

File: cc90fac2a8d6be4⋯.png (524.49 KB, 630x419, 630:419, Julian_Assange_hides.png)

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange won’t be given ‘special treatment,’ Australian prime minister says

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was arrested in London Thursday, will not be given any “special treatment,” Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Speaking to the national broadcaster on Friday, Morrison said Assange, an Australian citizen, “will get the same treatment as everybody else.”

Assange, who’s accused of one of the largest leaks of classified information in the U.S., was arrested and removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Thursday, where he had been living for nearly seven years after seeking asylum there.

He now faces potential extradition to the U.S., which has put in a request for him. The Justice Department announced a criminal charge against Assange, accusing him of conspiring with former American army intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning, to hack into a classified U.S. government computer.

“When Australians travel overseas and they find themselves in difficulties with the law, well, they face the judicial systems of those countries, it doesn’t matter what particular crime it is they’ve alleged to have committed. That’s the way the system works,” Morrison told ABC.

“Mr Assange will get the same support that any other Australian would … he’s not going to be given any special treatment,” he said.

WikiLeaks, set up in 2006, became renowned for publishing secret information and news leaks that have caused embarrassment for governments and public officials around the world.

Assange’s attorney confirmed Thursday that the 47-year-old was arrested on a U.S. extradition request as well as for breaching U.K. bail conditions, The Associated Press reported.

His attorney, Jennifer Robinson, said that the Australian government should do more to support Assange, according to a report by Australian broadcaster SBS News.

“It is time for the Australian government to step up and do what it should have done in 2010 when we asked them to do the first time, which is to reach out to the United States, our ally and ask this prosecution be closed,” she said, according to SBS.

“This is a matter of free speech. It is an Australian citizen who faces years, potentially decades or life in prison for having published material that the Walkley Awards gave him the most outstanding contribution to Australian journalism for,” said Robinson.

Assange sought asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over sexual assault and rape.

He consistently denied the allegations and surrendered to British police the following month and was released on bail. However, he then evaded police and fled, leading to a second warrant that was the basis for his arrest Thursday.


2dcd10  No.6394115

70736f  No.6394116



31159f  No.6394117


the fuck did MILO do, now?

e40e02  No.6394118





These are football terms. Q put them in quotes for a reason. I believe it is for us anons to look for them in tweets from POTUS and white-hats.

970e5f  No.6394119

File: 0a20a6c27d958ff⋯.png (41.9 KB, 1081x258, 1081:258, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Tesl….png)


I hear spontaneous combustion is a mother fucker but I'm just not sure if it's salty enough to pickle up someone's asshole.


3bf829  No.6394120


I didn't mean any disrespect to true Anon's on this board. I will continue to follow Q and of course if I can help I will. That being stated however, when the crumbs reflect feelings instead of the truth I just can't afford to waste my time..

d21395  No.6394121

File: da41979a1db801e⋯.jpg (118.24 KB, 566x636, 283:318, huber.pain.jpg)


The point is they struck first, they struck hard and they showed no mercy.

Now it's our turn.

dc52f6  No.6394122


Congress, due to sepration of powers has it's own police force, the capitol police. They can make arrests, although it's extremely rare, and they have no detention facilities. Those arrested in the past usually get placed in a conference room, and go home in the evening.

Congress best needs have a good case if it the arrest is for more than 48ish hours. Be funny if they tried it. Will blow up in their faces biggly.

1619c0  No.6394123

File: 85354f5283dd771⋯.png (14.46 KB, 300x225, 4:3, fresh_baked_notables.png)

>>6372216 (#8148)

Image for the Notable Archives? Whatchathink?


622616  No.6394124

low IQ liberals terrorize Trump supporters (video)


0e51be  No.6394125

File: 68a5b0353b76ec9⋯.png (80.06 KB, 598x374, 299:187, captcha_salute.png)

f8d146  No.6394126

File: 2e0ae248ff560b3⋯.jpg (583.35 KB, 1439x1399, 1439:1399, Screenshot_20190502-131806….jpg)

Are we getting DECLAS now?

This "kick off" "start" "offense" ??

dbb203  No.6394127

File: a1589fc69056bb2⋯.png (92.99 KB, 500x697, 500:697, argent-saint-pepe-blesses-….png)

627029  No.6394128

Any Anons got an updated Q clock jpg??

6d989b  No.6394129


illustrating why adopting the "the other side also sucks, ban them too!" is an absolute failure as a position on all levels,

and why it's always better to stick with principled, rock ribbed defense of the 1st amendment.

6f59e6  No.6394130

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Lizards go home

bf080d  No.6394131


JCVD was around me a lot the last couple weeks.

Every dude I worked with said what up. He was nice to them. I didn't say hi, not because I'm too cool for school. Just can't jump on a human being like that. Even though I wanted to tell him Bloodsport is the shit, it wasn't professional. Didn't stop my co-workers.

1c2d06  No.6394132


sorry, that's a question for the highest ranking anon, just put your email address in the posting box and you'll be contacted as soon as possible

e784cc  No.6394133

File: 059740bee1e8444⋯.png (181.7 KB, 432x307, 432:307, thufferingthuckatash-tort.png)

0a46d1  No.6394134

File: b5e58e418a2891e⋯.jpeg (539.92 KB, 1125x1189, 1125:1189, 24F86447-CB45-4D80-B0B4-4….jpeg)

New PapaD

I think the meeting between the President and the U.K. PM will be even more interesting now. The day there was a CIA op against me in London, Halper/Turk, the #2 at the U.K. ministry of foreign affairs invited me to the offices to continue to spy on me and probe me more.


b9c2ec  No.6394135

File: 89d8f6e9ec2d6f5⋯.png (272.14 KB, 1234x399, 1234:399, Screenshot_2019-05-02 IMMI….png)

File: a592617cc8156ac⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 800x533, 800:533, nf_7374_115413.jpg)

File: 28dcbf87cd2e4e2⋯.jpg (77.23 KB, 470x362, 235:181, Kapparot.jpg)


that's a threat

a8bff2  No.6394136

File: 1d726077e3eb253⋯.jpg (784.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WAKEUP43.jpg)

The choice is clear.

Socialist Dimocrats have nothing to run on except more lies.

62056f  No.6394137


all of those people are shills

dbb203  No.6394139

Still not in love with the per post captchas, but the comfier bread might be worth it after all. Not phonefagging is definitely key for this one.

745a87  No.6394140


c before D

9a1106  No.6394141


Really? So that's why the dems are so scared? Because there is no action? KEK. Guess again.

647019  No.6394142


Exactly my thoughts. Maybe Q could shed some light on this.

f5b4d0  No.6394143

File: 5af988730dc5588⋯.png (537.49 KB, 914x827, 914:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 311e1032a6138a2⋯.png (285.56 KB, 904x717, 904:717, ClipboardImage.png)

NYT Opinion Editor Recuses Himself After Democratic Senator Brother Joins 2020 Race

Finally, the New York Times opinion section has acknowledged it has a political conflict of interest. All it took was the brother of its top editor to run for president.

That's right. New York Times Editorial Page Editor James Bennet, formerly a top editor at the Atlantic who was credited with turning around the magazine, has, according to a statement, recused himself from coverage of the 2020 presidential election now that his brother, Colorado Senator Michael Bennet, has entered the race.

Bennet said Thursday he’s running for the Democratic presidential nomination, offering himself as a centrist alternative to the increasingly leftward tilt of the Democrats vyng to challenge Trump in 2020.


172b46  No.6394144

File: 446bdc69d7bf9f6⋯.jpeg (68.45 KB, 450x418, 225:209, 784C1AA5-D876-43DA-A4CC-0….jpeg)

File: 6d3e7e82f9c43d8⋯.jpeg (135.56 KB, 857x799, 857:799, E03BFBED-7552-4A88-A4B1-9….jpeg)

File: 88957d826f8bc10⋯.jpeg (74.64 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2F94D797-844F-46C9-8BBC-B….jpeg)

File: b05910666390e26⋯.jpeg (908.05 KB, 1125x1855, 225:371, 81D72B0A-681D-4552-9E6B-D….jpeg)


I wanted FakeNews arrested and held accountable for Christmas 2018. The President reminded me today during his speech.

Here are some shots with his far right supporters. And his thoughts on America.

Pretty sick of this Q.

58ab82  No.6394145


and if we sit around and do nothing, as a group… who will be next?

1e7e7c  No.6394146


That's definitely how the [enemy] rolls.

If so, prayers for AG Barr please, Patriots.

50dfcb  No.6394147


>Do not forget Kamala Harris ties to the ghost ship fire and her sister Maya(besties) Harris in the Podesta spirit cooking emails. She is not just a cocksucker but a satanic pedo cannibal witch. She will be Executed.

Doesn't surprise me one bit!

53f592  No.6394148

File: 228f6acb648a44a⋯.png (59.93 KB, 190x286, 95:143, ClipboardImage.png)

angelica houston [daughter of john houston] throwing real particular shade on deniro and diane keaton, wondering aloud what they need all that money for. it's a little here and there, but worth the read


eb4492  No.6394149

File: 710be44f6c0e58e⋯.jpeg (59.04 KB, 449x800, 449:800, 944552A8-EBE1-4EC9-B41F-A….jpeg)






Get on the scoreboard and I’ll STFU

(but that aint happenin’ is it…)

fea1e1  No.6394150

Seems people are missing the point of this.

Cobra Kai was teaching a normalized war methodology. ( black hats )

MiyagiDo ( White hats ) played effectively and patiently and struck with honor when the time was right ( the competition )

In this part of the movie Daniel goes there to explore and thinks about joining - but he leaves once he sees there is no honor. And he begins ascending his payback and training as a result.

credit:anon on other platform

0e51be  No.6394151

So gloves off?

a22fcc  No.6394152

File: 6d3625b4e71384d⋯.png (632.8 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN HUSSEIN MB.png)



d86c3b  No.6394153


Copy pasta from https://ufodigest.com/article/three-little-maids-brain-washing-school-are-we

Possible Cobalt-60 attacks by the London-NY-Axis, which can send one of its ISIS or Al-Qaeda agents to explode a dirty bomb in a Tesla factory and transform the 5 kg Cobalt-59 in the batteries of each car to radioactive Cobalt-60. According to weapons expert Tim Rifat, there are 15 kilograms of Cobalt-59 in the batteries of each Tesla car (but also in the batteries of cellphones, laptops, tablets, electric trucks and the electric cars of other makers). If one Tesla car got nuked, the amount of resulting radioactive Cobalt-60 would be sufficient to kill 15 million people. Rifat says a thousandth of a gram of radioactive Cobalt-60 will kill a human being in three minutes by literally cooking him alive with seared flesh peeling off his bones. "50 tons of Cobalt-60 will wipe out the Northern Hemisphere and 100 tons of radioactive Cobalt-60 will wipe out the whole world", says Rifat. If the London-NY-Axis chose to deploy this method of genocide, it could wipe out whole countries and regions overnight, and blame it on an invented Bond-Novel-Villain like Osama bin-Laden of the Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA;>>6394058

18dbef  No.6394154

File: 1ce90a2ab12c3e2⋯.png (4.1 KB, 293x172, 293:172, hakluyt.png)

File: 6420cadce36055c⋯.jpg (78.49 KB, 586x598, 293:299, Hakluytwindow.jpg)


Yep. The "Old Boys Network"/Oxbridge, not-quite-retired-now-are-we, spy gang was up to their elbows in it.

6d989b  No.6394155


Nothing. Him, Watson and the rest got AoE'ed when everyone "muh antisemitism'ed" Calypso Louey.

627029  No.6394156

File: 4868a6212ec4dd4⋯.png (502.26 KB, 615x826, 615:826, huber.PNG)

I missed this yesterday……

Huber Met With a Former War Crimes Prosecutor Yesterday


Honored to have former AUSA and office leader David J. Schwendiman in the office today for a brown bag office alumni visit. Great advice for us shaped by his experiences as an AUSA, a war crimes prosecutor, his work on three Olympics, and @TheJusticeDept's attache in Kabul.

70736f  No.6394157


Desert storm, Panama papers. We need to find his name. I’m gonna and over to search tool.

20ff11  No.6394158

File: c58d61ba9a48be9⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1080x2306, 540:1153, Screenshot_20190502-141936….jpg)

File: 08673ee5669dda6⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1440x1995, 96:133, Screenshot_20190502-141954….jpg)


The U.S. Congress established Holocaust Days of Remembrance as the nation's annual commemoration of the Holocaust, observed this year from April 28 - May 5, with a specific day of remembrance today, May 2, 2019. #WeRemember #USHMM https://t.co/a5yGh8yLGu


979c73  No.6394159




0c5b8a  No.6394161

File: 48dedcb9d6fd79f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, God Bless The USA Q Alpha.png)


Thank You

b9c2ec  No.6394162

File: 384f3b2024898fe⋯.png (869.97 KB, 714x4141, 714:4141, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Near….png)


is this true? if so what does it mean?

3a0ae6  No.6394163



one side – Where we go one

the other side– We go all

Best crowd participation

69cc8f  No.6394164

File: 158d1ca6193d4cd⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images (9).jpg)



0a29b2  No.6394165


Thats stupid

I dont think the karate kid sold his country out to megacorps and israel

Fuck you Q

745a87  No.6394166


it is Honorable to give credit

a8bff2  No.6394167


Now there is per post captcha and 24 hour captcha - - one or the other, please!

bd9103  No.6394168

File: 4ed99180323d7a7⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 720x167, 720:167, Screenshot_20190502-112309….jpg)


velma 1975 == scooby doo CBS to ABC reference?

f8d146  No.6394169


Wouldn't be the first time for disinfo…

Who knows though for sure, except Q team.

f5b4d0  No.6394170

File: c7c97e86c37c1cf⋯.png (374.86 KB, 549x465, 183:155, ClipboardImage.png)

Shooting Victim Rabbi Yisroel Chabad Speaks at WH Day of Prayer, Calls Trump: “A Mentsch Par Excellence”

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, a victim in the Poway shooting in California last Saturday, was invited by President Donald Trump to speak at the National Day of Prayer event at the White House on Thursday.

Rabbi Goldstein spoke to the religious crowd assembled at the White House. He delivered a powerful speech.

Rabbi Goldstein thanked President Trump and called him a “mentsch par excellence.”

Rabbi Goldstein: Let’s bring back a moment of silence to our public school system. I also want to thank the United States of America. I’d like to thank our dear honorable Mr. President for being as they say in Yiddish, a mentsch par excellence.


6486e4  No.6394171




2c37e0  No.6394172

they want us to believe there is nothing greater

than being alive for the great crusades 2.0


>Who's in charge?


>Or the radical left?

silly question anon


>that's a threat

sure is, enjoy the "holee" war

70736f  No.6394173



6e141b  No.6394175

File: 3ae81ed8b55063d⋯.png (275.42 KB, 576x548, 144:137, OUTLOVE THE ENEMY.png)

File: 5e041d780dfa073⋯.png (678.62 KB, 977x549, 977:549, ARE WE WINNING [brock lesn….png)

File: 143c9c3c08f9fd3⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 574x597, 574:597, because Q is not a ghost.JPG)



isn't this fun?

we aren't out here chasing larp ghost anymore, THAT IS FOR SURE!


ce267b  No.6394176



647019  No.6394177


Maj. General Eldon Bargewell

0a29b2  No.6394178


Wont stop me from calling Q a kike

50dfcb  No.6394179

President Trump: "People say how do you get through that stuff? How do you go through those witch hunts and everything else? And you know what we do, Mike? We just do it. Right? And we think about God. It's true."


38e635  No.6394180

File: 7e1d8812e4281b4⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 634x304, 317:152, Screenshot 2019-05-02_14-2….jpg)


7dc645  No.6394181


Lots of “Brown Bag” talk lately.

70a77f  No.6394182


Fear mongering and lying. Where is that article from?

67f3ea  No.6394183


welcome to yesterday

a22fcc  No.6394184

File: 5658074723c2c1a⋯.png (621.29 KB, 1283x734, 1283:734, QNN SATAN LEFT THE WHITE H….png)

745a87  No.6394185


Let Papa have some memes

give him Barr

give him ohr

f941be  No.6394186


Couldn't wash your feet first?

c03a69  No.6394187


I'm having a "brown bag" meeting now with some wiskey

80b7c0  No.6394188


Q loves his movies. And there are secrets hidden in plain sight in the movies. Lots of stuff to be learned.

51cc3f  No.6394189

Interesting info

Operation Kick-off

Operation Start

Operation Offense

4df2e9  No.6394190


>silly question anon

Thre are no silly questions.

Only silly answers.

3a0ae6  No.6394191


nope he's not old enough and no military background

you might need to reread Q

c6f187  No.6394192


Three letter agencies shifting assets

Programs transferred

Libel suits class action incoming

6f59e6  No.6394193

File: 08bc14138bec8ff⋯.png (858.9 KB, 1136x681, 1136:681, e496531f170af8e84613e33b59….png)



f09ae6  No.6394194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's no crying in this dojo!!!

0a29b2  No.6394195



Israel and the illuminati will be pleased with me for my actions towards the great work

His god is


Aka lucifer

The demiurge that the elite and most christians worship

25cbe9  No.6394196


Thank you Sir …. will be watching for those terms

58e871  No.6394197

File: f15dfb883cd520e⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 520x338, 20:13, byebyebarry.jpg)

File: c17297cf8bcfac5⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 245x125, 49:25, BYE BYE BARRY.jpg)


JUST IN: Trump administration to lift Obama-era offshore drilling safety rules http://hill.cm/IU1KscN


efd880  No.6394198


>Yesterday I had a baker switch the headline of the article I posted to his feelings. That was the end for me. I read Q that's it.

It is unfortunate

I have had bakers change the titles of information / articles I post

In one case stating it was about CP when it was a different child abuse operation/sting.

When I pointed out that the new title had nothing at all to do with what the article was, the baker replied that they couldn't held themselves and refused to change the title back to what the story was about

Other bakesrs think they are being cute because it is about them not what we are doing here

Mostly tho, I think most bakers try really hard to be neutral and to label the information anons post accurately without emotion or a son baker likes to call his crap tiles 'click bait headlines'

249ef2  No.6394199


For a gentile, right? Chabad…

f5b4d0  No.6394200


6 Gorillion soon to be revised up to 12 gorillion

074a6a  No.6394201

File: cb54f6493876c5b⋯.jpg (92.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, think.jpg)

ca84e3  No.6394202

File: fce38d47c08c693⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1208x906, 4:3, metal3.png)

9b13c0  No.6394203

File: 59b4e6801bb4099⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_1625.JPG)


I am sure a few of them wanted to really probe you PapaD. You're blessed to still be alive. Now go git ya some.

b9c2ec  No.6394204


well we've had a lot of Jewish presidents anon


eb4492  No.6394205


physics FAIL

74f6f2  No.6394206


sure, that'd be great, but too complex…

worth a try, might work pre-rally, but too long to work during rally

1c2d06  No.6394207


actually, my former next door neighbor mowed my front yard one night a couple months ago at 9:30 pm without saying anything to me. that was a wtf moment, for sure

38e635  No.6394208

File: a1a4d87381f6a89⋯.jpg (145.67 KB, 639x609, 213:203, Screenshot 2019-05-02_14-2….jpg)


686c64  No.6394209

File: 42603dda52da0ac⋯.jpeg (46.83 KB, 474x315, 158:105, nellie3.jpeg)

57aa11  No.6394210

File: c2e030cabc43c08⋯.jpeg (37.19 KB, 474x316, 3:2, CE209D32-D0FC-41AD-8F45-8….jpeg)

File: 02459f7824253e1⋯.jpeg (31.77 KB, 474x295, 474:295, 8E65F1BF-E313-48A7-B72A-E….jpeg)

File: 624047ac81fa64b⋯.jpeg (586.83 KB, 1125x632, 1125:632, A56448FE-5D25-4E38-8AD4-7….jpeg)

File: 95e469308817f61⋯.jpeg (505.24 KB, 1125x688, 1125:688, 3147735A-E921-4915-8462-D….jpeg)

Humble meme requests

That multiple squared ‘What QAnons think they do’ ‘What Anon’s families think they do’ ‘What their frenz think they do’ ‘What they actually do’… maybe with real people and another with Pepes? Some pics to inspire. I think it could be a morale booster- not that we need it! Prayers Anons.

Ooh- one with Trump too…

And- ‘What the media thinks we do’

pics related

c6f187  No.6394211


Inter agency cooperation for D5…

50dfcb  No.6394212


>Aka lucifer

fuck off, idiot shill!

28ebb4  No.6394213

File: ae5e343a1f2c1a2⋯.jpg (127.78 KB, 800x450, 16:9, answer.jpg)

0a29b2  No.6394214


Every president was jewish and part of a mystery babylon cult

6e141b  No.6394215

File: f5a108267f8a3f5⋯.png (212.49 KB, 750x407, 750:407, tinfoil.png)

File: 73afe043cf53c97⋯.png (985.41 KB, 894x894, 1:1, are we winning.png)

f5b4d0  No.6394217


Off with your heads Jesus lovers

b9c2ec  No.6394218


did he? a crook as VP? a zionist liar?

thats good news.

9a1106  No.6394219


You could interpret that a little differently.

Kick off - as in kick off of a committee or something else.

Offense - Not as offense vs defense but as in an offense. A crime.

So possibly being kicked off or out of the house of reps for offenses.

Just a thought, but it is a different way of looking at it other than the obvious.

58ab82  No.6394220


Had a neighbor who did. Had headlights on the tractor and went for it.

eacaf9  No.6394221

File: ca7e6c685cf6345⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 473x472, 473:472, ca7e6c685cf63455749c680a86….jpg)

File: f284c24437bd393⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 2855x9320, 571:1864, Screenshot_2019-05-02 Thre….jpg)

SpyOp #1. ………..M……..

SpyOp #2. .U…………….

SpyOp #3. …….P……….

SpyOp #4. …Q……………..

SpyOp #5. FISA (Carter Page)

HAMMER capabilities included:

- spying on phone calls, text messages, emails, Skype talks and video chats,

- spying on any internet activity/browsing,

- spying on Financial records (bank accounts, credit cards transactions, etc.)

With HAMMER, obama, Brennan and Clapper have been spying for years on:

- Judges

- Supreme Court Justices

- Congressmen and Politicians

- Intelligence officers

- high ranking Military (Admirals, Generals, Colonels)

- Journalists and News outlet Editors


obama, Brennan and Clapper have been spying also on:

- CEO and Owners of the Media outlets (NYT, Washington Post, CNN, Fox, etc.)

- CEO and Owners of large Corporations (including Donald Trump)

everyone talks just about FISA.

Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro

No one talks about the other SpyOps…

But the FISA Spy Operation was the weakest of the FIVE.

and was the last one.

The FISA SpyOp was basically just a gimmick to give a sort of "legal cover"

on the most powerful SpyOps:

SpyOp #1 ………..M…….. and

SpyOp #4 …Q……………..

SpyOp #1. ……… Project HAMMER

was revealed by Dennis Montgomery (former NSA contractor)

and by Admiral James "Ace" Lyons and General Thomas McInerney


eb4492  No.6394222


i keep her barefoot and pregnant

0a29b2  No.6394223


Keep worshipping a god that demands animal sacrifice


Death suffering and worse

c8767f  No.6394224

File: ef5f3449dbcf42e⋯.png (360.37 KB, 561x503, 561:503, mushroooooooomzzzz.png)


> but he leaves once he sees there is no honor.

he leaves when he sees the bully…kek

acd13c  No.6394225

'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'…

Assuming American football reference. After you kick-off your team in usually on defense unless there is a turnover on the play. Fumble maybe by design… perhaps an on sides kick to start the second half?

e5d4b1  No.6394226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SOMETHING's about to happen/habbening…Fox News YouTube LIVEstream is going NUTS with audio "hints."

3dad6d  No.6394227



What do you think of the Flow?

Flow Hive


389bf6  No.6394228





bd4f1c  No.6394230


>>6394208 Senate fails to override POTUS' veto of Yemen War Powers Resolution.

>>6394179 DJT on how he survived the Witch Hunts.

>>6394180 DJT Jr. Tweet: "Must have been a real difficult job narrowing it down to only 17!"

>>6394170 Shooting victim Rabbi Yisroel Chabad speaks at WH Day of Prayer, calls Trump: “A Mentsch Par Excellence”

>>6394134 PapaD Tweet: "I think the meeting between the President and the U.K. PM will be even more interesting now…"

>>6394114 WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange won’t be given ‘special treatment,’ Australian prime minister says.

>>6394093 The President meets with Republican Members of the Senate.

>>6394080 Elite Utah prosecutor recalled from his role as a War Crime prosecutor for the EU.

>>6394048 A highly decorated, retired Army major general has died in an accident involving his lawnmower.

>>6394042 Facebook bans Paul Joseph Watson, Milo, Laura Loomer, Louis Farrakhan.

>>6394001, >>6394102 Tony Shaffer: Storm is coming…and sedition is it's name…

>>6394002 Israeli tanks allegedly cross DMZ and enter Syrian territory.

>>6393991 Obamas producing a Netflix documentary about Trump.

>>6393954 Gaetz Tweets re: F-35 and Turkey National Security issue.

>>6393929 PapaD agrees with NYTime article except that Ms. Turk was CIA and not FBI.

>>6393856 Russian, U.S. top diplomats to meet on May 6 in Finland.

>>6393735 President Trump issues new Pro-Life rules protecting doctors and nurses from having to do abortions.

>>6393629 BuzzFeedNews and James Leopold just filed two additional massive #FOIA lawsuits against, DOJ, FBI, ODNI for pretty much every document (302s, those summaries, Barr emails and more) related to Mueller's report & investigation.

>>6393656 DHS releases wall related documents due to FOIA.

>>6393649, >>6393945 NYTimes: FBI Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With PapaD in 2016.

>>6393607 Tarmac article.

>>6393614 Pope comes out against Nationalism.

>>6393583, >>6393587 Executive order on US cybersecurity workforce.

>>6393574 WSJ: Bill Barr gets smeared for refusing to duck and cover like Loretta Lynch.

5e6af0  No.6394231


And, Nancy was talking about herself and questioning Barr's loyalty during her weekly press briefing intested of participating in the National Prayer Day ceremony.

4723e4  No.6394232

File: c10e34d7ddf3830⋯.jpg (437.19 KB, 1600x816, 100:51, america.jpg)

I'm tired of your division.

I'm tired of your wantng to rob us of our freedom

I'm tired of the trying to make me get pissed at the jewish folks bullshit

I'll get pissed at who I want to, and they can kiss my ass

I don't care about your division

I am here as an American

If you don't like then then take your small mind and GTFO and travel and learn about the world.

c20f00  No.6394233

File: 502e35801f45b5c⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 627x500, 627:500, Brown's bay.jpg)

File: 99c276dd7871806⋯.png (650.99 KB, 994x830, 497:415, Whack Jobs.png)

1a32b4  No.6394234

File: 103bb51520a3c92⋯.png (6.19 MB, 1048x8896, 131:1112, Silence_the_goy_Holocaust_….png)


The official version of the holocaust is a fraud.

This will be known world wide once cabal censorship is terminated and freedom of speech is restored.

15d66a  No.6394235


17 was also the number of Trump buildings/businesses being tapped by Obama and co.

I humbly think that's important.

0a29b2  No.6394236


Kushner is already more powerful than trump why would he want vp

Hes soros link to trump anyways

e5d4b1  No.6394237

File: a7409d13f312fac⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, blank qclock with djt 0427….png)


Almost current

81d414  No.6394238


enjoy the show

watch the movie

do nothing

don't forget popcorn

f194fb  No.6394239

File: 0d94bcf178af4d5⋯.png (143.37 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

2c37e0  No.6394240


>Thre are no silly questions.

>Only silly answers.

ok, then the answer would be lurk moar

and don't expect to be spoon fed


843e69  No.6394241





Now I have heard it all. Death by riding lawnmower rollover. Funny because mine has a kill switch that shuts the mower off as soon as your ass leaves the seat.

cccbe2  No.6394242

File: 3faac58f5b0028b⋯.jpg (488.58 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_05-02-02.18.03.jpg)

Destruction of the old guard

d112de  No.6394243

File: 981300806377437⋯.png (263.52 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190502-142540.png)

Evergreen is the color of

Melania's dress.

80b7c0  No.6394244

Hey Q if you ever need a nut to sit around and think about weird shit I got to say I am available. I do it for free now but if you got a job for a nut I live fairly close to DC and will work for gas and lunch money.

fe4405  No.6394245


Mercy for the week after that…

what drops middle of next week?

0a29b2  No.6394246


Im tired of niggers

Im tired of population replacement

Im tired of you putting people on a pedestal because of their skin color

Im tired of people who dont like america being shipped here

Im tired of black people voting 80% + democrat

745a87  No.6394248


John Bolton




President Trump took action today to give Americans more opportunities to work in high-paying cybersecurity jobs and secure America's critical cyber infrastructure.

Let Bolton have some memes

give him Barr

give him ohr

28ebb4  No.6394249

File: c2a31ed034ef72b⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 700x500, 7:5, hadto16.jpg)

390b32  No.6394250


Yes, notable, saw that after watching the 2nd time. And the channel only has one other video titled “Christmas 2006”, posted Jan21, 2007.

4d4ca5  No.6394251


I won't lie Kushner and his prowess as a Diplomat is freaking me out.

d86c3b  No.6394252



Production of Cobalt-60

Radioactive cobalt-60 was discovered by Glenn T. Seaborg and John Livingood at the University of California - Berkeley in the late 1930's. By bombarding cobalt 59 with neutrons, in a nuclear reactor, an additional neutron can be captured by the nucleus converting it into cobalt 60. Placing this non-radioactive, Cobalt-59 pellets into a nuclear reactor creates deliberately produced cobalt-60. Over time cobalt-59 absorbs a neutron to become cobalt-60. After removal from the

reactor the cobalt-60 is double enclosed in stainless steel sealed sources.


Cobalt-60 emits Beta and Gamma Rays. Where Beta radiation is present, shielding may be required. Cobalt-60 is unstable and in trying to become stable it emits a beta-particle and two photons of gamma radiation. An isotope of nickel will remain.

acb0ae  No.6394253

File: 46ca0a33bd20b0b⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1187x718, 1187:718, grasshopper.PNG)


Be careful with the WAX (((YOU)) may geta BARR

f5b4d0  No.6394254

File: 4fd11cf87e81cea⋯.png (280.85 KB, 485x486, 485:486, ClipboardImage.png)


Moshiach = anti-Christ

(((They))) fear Jesus.

329295  No.6394255

File: 5baa544ba578424⋯.png (220.17 KB, 502x279, 502:279, ClipboardImage.png)

249ef2  No.6394256


Im not religious.

b14451  No.6394258


Could have died hours before being found, no?

31159f  No.6394259

File: 369cd1ce6d3114d⋯.jpg (164.57 KB, 662x500, 331:250, 2zzyho.jpg)

File: 5985dfb7b3f16a1⋯.jpg (175.94 KB, 662x500, 331:250, 2zzydc.jpg)

File: 071e9caee0a673d⋯.jpg (175.27 KB, 662x500, 331:250, 2zzy4w.jpg)

File: 50845338e3b0446⋯.jpg (479.8 KB, 2048x1545, 2048:1545, 2019-05-02T143856Z_1549625….jpg)

in case anyone needs something along these lines. plus the blank.

2d7d01  No.6394260

File: d0c71254c4ef7a5⋯.jpg (42.9 KB, 256x340, 64:85, KamalaToe.jpg)

File: 83fc639187d26cd⋯.jpg (76.51 KB, 721x511, 103:73, TeddyDog.jpg)

030dc5  No.6394261


Good eye anon

0a29b2  No.6394263


Tends to be pretty easy when your boss literally rules the world

Or at least is a middleman

Hes probly taken dick from soros tbh

b9c2ec  No.6394264


pretty much at this point

it's disgusting

2dff9e  No.6394265



look at that fuckin' thing!

52bafd  No.6394267



i noticed it too

0db3e6  No.6394268


you are spot on with this anon


56b7e2  No.6394270

File: ca442cf9a69d9c7⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1024x640, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Burned by religious Zionist old guard, Bennett seeks a new kind of right-winger


f941be  No.6394271

File: 1348e8614bad163⋯.png (334.7 KB, 600x327, 200:109, ClipboardImage.png)

5beb44  No.6394272


Wouldn't stop it from crushing you.

38e635  No.6394273

File: bf83470b2c1aa77⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pz4rERll4OVgb1hP.mp4)

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: "So I would simply ask the question – is this the way we want to run this nation? Do we want a president that does not welcome the truth and subjecting those who work for him to be tested on the truth?"

c20f00  No.6394274

File: af6bad05081d13d⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 589x500, 589:500, Brown's bay_1.jpg)

File: 4f59e0b19a23b6c⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 600x400, 3:2, D5kQVNIXkAcidZq-1.jpg)

e1b1a9  No.6394275

e784cc  No.6394276

File: 0dd717ee129dca6⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 505x677, 505:677, Jesus.jpg)


You just need a hug! Jesus loves you too.

0db3e6  No.6394277


when the cock crows…..

5c432f  No.6394279

File: 03e0043690364ef⋯.png (525.09 KB, 1022x554, 511:277, comchurch.png)

File: ef91563c144018c⋯.png (681.99 KB, 1024x579, 1024:579, popemorals.png)

0a29b2  No.6394280

File: c4c7e54407b3db1⋯.png (357.38 KB, 595x433, 595:433, D153WqZWsAU3Jz3.png)

Trump is a literal kike

If you support him you are guilty by association and should be deported or worse

fa1303  No.6394281

We're with you Q. Every minute of the day we wait for orders and pray.

We know who sent YOU, Q. And we thank Him daily. Much love to The TrumpQ Team. Much, much love. For our Republic and our children.

f194fb  No.6394282

File: 459de87a03e5f49⋯.png (636.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


the power of coherence is strong as well. every point acts as its own source. you split a magnet into 1000 pieces, you get 1000 more magnets

0e6c19  No.6394285

File: 064d1ce9fbb0072⋯.jpg (662.69 KB, 1290x810, 43:27, SJL_History.jpg)

a22fcc  No.6394286

File: c216f27b4d1279d⋯.jpg (273.33 KB, 1777x1017, 1777:1017, QNN TRUMP PRAY.jpg)

31159f  No.6394287


I know it's a bit on the nose… so i call it "low hung fruit".

Not hanged, not hanging… hung.

6c86da  No.6394288

File: b319721e3278226⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1409x465, 1409:465, new-potus-bg.png)

new POTUS bg

and he hit 60 M today

a8bff2  No.6394289

File: f8a0146c5ede74f⋯.jpg (314.1 KB, 800x600, 4:3, COUNTDOWNV3.jpg)

A reminder of the countdown windows we were given on Feb 9.

Next week should be interesting.

latest Q:

May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'

Enjoy the show!


756541  No.6394290


the hubris of 'PROJECTION", exemplified.

c1573b  No.6394291


>Shooting Victim Rabbi Yisroel Chabad Speaks at WH Day of Prayer, Calls Trump: “A Mentsch Par Excellence”

>>6392471 (pb)

>The way we react to darkness is with LIGHT

>A call to "bring back a moment of silence to our public schools."

>>6392538 (pb)

>DJT~ such beautiful words from a great man. He said this is my

> "Greatest moment in life to go from Darkness to the White House."

Trump said Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein said

"Greatest moment in life to go from Darkness to the White House."

b59530  No.6394292


no, Q is not a twat

eacaf9  No.6394293

File: 35f20ac618ffa99⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 750x439, 750:439, 35f20ac618ffa9923be4101ca5….jpg)


17. Project HAMMER was totally illegal, of course.

1000's of years in jail guaranteed for Brennan, Clapper… and obama.

since June 2016 they knew that Trump was going to win.

they knew that the polls were tweaked and Fake.

18. the polls were doctored by those same corrupt journalists / News outlet / TV Networks / that they blackmailed with the dirt they had collected with HAMMER.

the irony…

19. therefore, Brennan, Clapper and obama 'contrived' the FISA hoax,

to try to "cover the tracks" of Project HAMMER.

and to cover the tracks of SpyOp #4. …Q…………..

69cc8f  No.6394294

File: d830618146ef1d0⋯.jpg (7.12 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images (11).jpg)

File: ae46117e01dc4d3⋯.jpg (8.63 KB, 350x144, 175:72, images (12).jpg)


all those skills can be outsourced by a super fucking genius… who knows dude:) was mostly a joke for question fag

7d6e37  No.6394295


ruht roh!


31159f  No.6394296


took his ass long enough.

f941be  No.6394297

File: 10bf56b115558fb⋯.png (141.93 KB, 881x703, 881:703, ClipboardImage.png)

369b35  No.6394299


They worship the "god" of this world, call him "God," and the sheep think they mean Jesus …

a9f7db  No.6394300

File: bf10128e4890793⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2034x2034, 1:1, qclock.png)



Here's a version w/o the tweets.

b9c2ec  No.6394301


my family writes no man a blank check.

beyond annoyed now.


fuck you judas

426d2c  No.6394302

Good morning from an NZanon.

I see that Q was able to navigate the muh captcha.

Will the shills quietly fuck off now please.

cd3313  No.6394304

File: 975cf21a971b4c7⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 144a612668148fa47610bf68ec….jpg)

File: 36e3bd8759427ad⋯.jpg (165.89 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, gq4591j2neer03cxyzlws728h3….jpg)

7d3269  No.6394305


C before D…Comey first.

b59530  No.6394306

i vote for Q being a transgendered minority.

f941be  No.6394307


Oh? You wanted me to post this then? >>6394297

0a29b2  No.6394308

Hey guys it me potus


I know you voted for me to fix things but instead of that ive directed everyone who works for me to do everything possible to protect big corporate and anyone rich and evil

Oh and instead of arrest anyone ill just talk about how much better the jews are than all of you

Thanks again for being so stupid anons

18dbef  No.6394309

File: e40907139705250⋯.jpg (349.77 KB, 897x522, 299:174, FoundersSigning.jpg)



Exactly, fren. Anons need to all be familiar with who Richard Hakluyt was.

They sure as hell still think they're running the Virginia Company.

"Know thine enemy", and whatever Sun Tzu has to say about that.

Fortunately, Revolution 2.0 is going to shut those wretched tyrants down, once and for all.

ed5c21  No.6394310



I think this may turn out to be quite notable. Something seems fishy here…. I have a feeling we may hear of this woman again

717630  No.6394311


If you got the sauce on that super NOTABLE.

31159f  No.6394312


Q would have always done the captcha…

0a29b2  No.6394313


I vote for Q being a kike

2c37e0  No.6394314


>Keep worshipping a god that demands animal sacrifice


>Death suffering and worse

they like to ignore that don't they

as long as (((they all))) are killing and winning


>I'm tired of your division.

>I'm tired of your wantng to rob us of our freedom

>I'm tired of the trying to make me get pissed at the jewish folks bullshit

then take a dirt nap

22013b  No.6394315


No problem.

bf080d  No.6394316

File: 99b910631482124⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1445x833, 85:49, udpzdxy65s611.png)

15d66a  No.6394317


sauce http://theamericanreport.org/2017/07/20/obamas-surveillance-hammer-trump-worse-watergate/

I always get a Q in my captcha

bd4f1c  No.6394319

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

936acc  No.6394320

File: cc62097e04de940⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1531x792, 1531:792, Untitled.jpg)

U2 in the air in CA

ba0617  No.6394322


That was yesterday anon.

b59530  No.6394323


you trumped me, brah

15d66a  No.6394325


Sauce http://theamericanreport.org/2017/07/20/obamas-surveillance-hammer-trump-worse-watergate/

0a29b2  No.6394327


Jesus said yahweh was his father so unles they lied about that im not gonna buy his crap either

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