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File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x143, 255:143, q research general.jpg)

952a14  No.6282460

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 04.19.2019

>>6242325 ————————————–——– NO BLOCKADE = GAME OVER (Cap: >>6243076)

Thursday 04.18.2019

>>6233873 ————————————–——– Rod's departure next?

>>6228198 ————————————–——– Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed.

>>6228098 ————————————–——– 1st & 10 on the 40 (Cap: >>6228336)

Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?

Wednesday 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

Compiled here: >>6232165

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

952a14  No.6282463

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)


are not endorsements

#8033 Baker change

Last Call

>>6282380, >>6282397 Anons on 6.4 Phillipines earthquake

>>6282312, >>6282368 POTUS on "acid washing"

>>6282364 De Blasio violated ethics rules in seeking donations, probe finds

>>6282305, >>6282329 Notre Dame's 12 apostles were sculpted in copper

>>6282294 Hussein's anti-Assad Operation Timber Sycamore (Zerohedge)

>>6282290 Joe Biden lavished praise on Wm Barr during 1991 AG confirmation hearing

>>6282278 Dem 2020 candidates who are for & against Trump's impeachment

>>6282250 JA's mom on Q as a psy-op

>>6282244 Anon on Payseur & illuminati.am; Call for a DIGG

>>6282221 Kim Foxx (supposedly) receiving "racially charged" threats

>>6282209 Notre Dame's 12 Apostles And 4 Evangelists Statues Beheaded for Islam?

>>6282084, >>6282085, >>6282088 Resignations in the news today

>>6282074 Pieczenk on Sri Lanka & the relationship to Notre Dame (4min vid)

>>6282021 Reminder: Harvard Research Says U.S. Christianity Is Growing Stronger (re-post)

>>6281988 Elon Musk says a machine to connect the human brain to computers is "coming soon"

>>6281913, >>6282149, >>6282185, >>6282190, >>6282198 Anons on woman who's gone missing after berating a 74-old-man wearing a MAGA hat

>>6281909, >>6282374, >>6282431 Kerrville plane crash victims ID'd

>>6281894 Air quality in US getting better & better (contrary to gloomy SJW reports)

>>6281823 Time Magazine: Putin's Nefarious Plot to Dominate the World (fake news alert)

>>6281785, >>6281842, >>6281880, >>6281940 Long Beach DIGG: Anons on Evergreen & OOCL

>>6281741, >>6281745 18 Spectacularly wrong predictions made around first Earth Day in 1970


>>6281025, >>6281075, >>6281435 Reminder: POTUS and Pence to visit NRA convention on April 26th

>>6281034 An 18-year-old illegal alien living in Ohio has been arrested and charged with rape

>>6281057 Anon on Iran related crumbs: Iran Heating Up

>>6281133 Edward Snowden Explains Why the CIA Just Made an Instagram

>>6281191 Reminder of Bill Clinton's flights on Epstein's Lolita Express

>>6281217 Rep. Ratcliffe: Comey, Yates, McCabe & Rosenstein Caught Lying on FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump

>>6281219 Anon on what HRC and Hussein meant by Easter Worshippers and the Satanic connections

>>6281297 NC Man pleads guilty to filming underage girls, women aboard his boat ‘Yachts O’ Trouble’

>>6281301, >>6281310 How CIA & allies helped jihadists in Syria

>>6281350 Mueller report contains claim Russia taped Bill Clinton having phone sex with Monica Lewinsky

>>6281444 How CIA & Allies Helped Jihadists In Syria: French Covert Ops Expert Exposes New Details

>>6281677 #8032

#8031 Baker Change

>>6280213 Facebook hires ‘co-writer’ of the pro-surveillance Patriot Act amid growing concerns over privacy

>>6280221, >>6280264, >>6280622 Bill Clinton hard of hearing, trembling hands on speaking tour

>>6280234 "William Barr Just Let Us Know the Hunters Are About to Become the Hunted"

>>6280256 Tony Podesta and Tom Steyer at meetings with overseas shipping container CEO

>>6280289 Flynn liked a tweet with #WWG1WGA in it

>>6280325 On a plane crash this morning in Kerrville, Texas

>>6280391 Joe Biden Reportedly Delays Wednesday Campaign Announcement

>>6280414, >>6280470 Anon on Rare Aircraft Carrier Activity

>>6280423 Anon that "works in and around the cabal": YOU HOLD ALL THE CARDS

>>6280428 Sara Carter tweet on Kamala Harris

>>6280472 Pulitzer Prize administrator defends process after prize goes to board member's wife

>>6280647 Oil near 2019 highs after U.S. ends all Iran sanction exemptions

>>6280650, >>6280687, >>6280801 Anon on HRC's eyes

>>6280696, >>6280757 Papadopoulos Disputes Key Claim in Mueller Report

>>6280795 POTUS sent 44 tweets today

>>6280823 How a US Member of Congress Ilhan Omar was Raised by the Red-Green Axis

>>6280863 Anon's first hand account of being in Sri Lanka

>>6281043 #8031

Previously Collected Notables

>>6279348 #8029, >>6280141 #8030

>>6277061 #8026, >>6277843 #8027, >>6278589 #8028

>>6274686 #8023, >>6275471 #8024, >>6276281 #8025

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

952a14  No.6282467

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6160438 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>6245866

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

952a14  No.6282468

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

952a14  No.6282486

File: a0c4ecb3932fe69⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1799x1198, 1799:1198, night-watch.png)



952a14  No.6282495


Baker seeking handoff

If no response, will collect notes for awhile but won't make the whole bread.

God bless you, anons. "We are the Watch."

a62adc  No.6282508

Watch out for Chimney Rock fires


03073c  No.6282511

File: 2c993fc67f2291c⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 968x681, 968:681, alyssa-milano-f'edupeyes.jpg)

File: 5e2b0a3d902cdc8⋯.jpg (5.29 KB, 300x168, 25:14, alyssa-milano-f'edupeyes2.jpg)

File: 21ce622fe0b3989⋯.jpg (5.12 KB, 214x235, 214:235, alyssa-milano-f'edupeyes3.jpg)

File: 0eeb2e213f82871⋯.jpg (6.95 KB, 300x168, 25:14, alyssa-milano-f'edupeyes4.jpg)

File: a6e81bacc32f2a9⋯.jpg (4.78 KB, 318x159, 2:1, alyssa-milano-f'edupeyes5.jpg)

This Hollywood witch has the f'ed up eyes. No wonder they cover that right (our left) eye in Illuminati pics. What is the explanation for the f'ed up eyes? A symptom of advanced split personality? An involuntary sign of an evil spirit at work?

952a14  No.6282513


Anyone have any questions about baking?

You don't have to commit but baker is glad to answer bakering questions that I know the answers to.

a62adc  No.6282514

Queen of Clubs

A quick study, the Queen of Clubs♣ truly enjoys being well informed on any topic of their choosing. As a result, they often prefer to direct according to their own authority on a subject rather than follow another. Consequently, this card gravitates toward being the boss or self-employed.

Found in the Mars and Mercury position in the Master Earth Script, the communication style of the Queen of Clubs♣ can be rather convincing if not outright aggressive. With a sharp mind can come a sharp tongue. Their ability to assess quickly can result in impatience with others who are indecisive. They are honest and outspoken leaving others knowing exactly where they stand.

20ab14  No.6282515

File: eab0adfcbaccdc2⋯.jpg (829.06 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Bless-this-Bread-QofChange.jpg)

File: 57df154765e36ea⋯.jpg (328.91 KB, 600x900, 2:3, Operators-Active-JungleHun….jpg)

File: 2fc738342db1952⋯.jpg (599.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5x5-OurWorld-Orchid.jpg)

File: 7da7b85099ee4c0⋯.jpg (785.78 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Hallelujah-QofChange.jpg)

File: 4a0e887775bc67f⋯.jpg (355.51 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Fresh-Bread-TYBaker.jpg)


Thanks, Baker.

Fresh Bread! Fresh Hope^X!

a8d561  No.6282517

Yesterday felt like a huge weight of evil was lifted off the world.

a62adc  No.6282521



9980e6  No.6282522

File: 32291317d829ae7⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 2e9fddc3ab683f2a8e58c6d683….jpg)

Donald Trump will make his first full state visit to Britain in June, the Queen will announce today – a year after his two-day working trip to the UK

Buckingham Palace to announce Donald Trump will make state visit to the UK

The US president was promised the visit by Theresa May after he was elected

He visited the UK in July 2018 - but it was a two day working visit, not a state visit

It has been reported that the visit will coincide with 75th D-Day anniversary


832bd5  No.6282523

File: 57468b5c005ebfd⋯.png (703.83 KB, 498x511, 498:511, ClipboardImage.png)

de20ff  No.6282525

File: 9bf4ffc9b5664ed⋯.png (417.37 KB, 425x329, 425:329, ClipboardImage.png)



love you all, amazing girls and boys here



be5550  No.6282526


Can you share why or how?

Seemed like a regular day to me.

0d2ec1  No.6282527

My god… this Chris Chan thing is fucking heart wrenching…

832bd5  No.6282528

File: 085ad6428377274⋯.png (1.15 MB, 750x889, 750:889, ClipboardImage.png)

I just have this feeling that something big is about to drop…

121d57  No.6282529

File: 880f2e9a77524e5⋯.jpeg (443.46 KB, 1800x1313, 1800:1313, 9708978D-89D0-4909-8205-E….jpeg)

a62adc  No.6282530


The King of Spades♠ is one of the three immovable Fixed Cards in the Cards of Life and resides in the Sun Line of both Master Scripts. It is, by position, the most powerful card in the deck. As the King of Kings, he is the master of all trades, with the ability to achieve great things in any profession of his choosing, or the master of none should he elect to merely dabble around through life like a Jack.

Capable of shouldering tremendous responsibility, King of Spades♠ people can be noble leaders of any organization, but all too often the load is a crown too heavy to bear. They have the option, through self-discipline, inner strength and effort, to achieve great success far and away from a mundane and simple life, if they so choose.

952a14  No.6282531


That's right, anon, fresh hope!!

952a14  No.6282532


Great meme, really captures the spirit of this time.

a62adc  No.6282533


Often a shining example of power and authority, the Queen of Spades♠ embodies the innate ability to achieve. As a born leader, she senses the need to rise to the top and will experience deep fulfillment when she answers her call to greatness. Standing center stage in the middle of the Sun Line in the Master Heaven Script, right next to the King of Spades♠, the most powerful card in the deck, contributes to her ability to shine and be noticed for her superior talents and gifts.

Intelligent, well-spoken and independent, Queen of Spades♠ people are naturals in positions of public speaking, education and writing.

This Queen, governing over the Spades♠ suit, has strong inner guidance and the ability to tap into resources beyond the intellectual mind. Combining these innate gifts with leadership and generosity can offer Queen of Spades♠ people quite an amazing life. Anything less is merely a misconception and, through self-mastery, the sky is the limit.

People of this card and suit are ultimately here to experience life and themselves through work/labor, health, death/dying, wisdom and/or spirituality.

7f9de8  No.6282534

File: a15db812fa51de8⋯.jpeg (25.73 KB, 255x153, 5:3, B991DFEA-D487-445E-BBE2-5….jpeg)

Ty, B!

6e899e  No.6282535

File: 260b2ca2e38c65a⋯.png (973.28 KB, 1044x587, 1044:587, ClipboardImage.png)

REVEALED: We Found Billionaire Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Secret Charity

Through a shadowy private foundation, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has continued to shell out cash to celebrities, elite universities—and an all-girls school.

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein may have stopped trumpeting his million-dollar donations to charities in light of accusations he molested dozens of underage girls. But he continues to quietly distribute his wealth—including to the nonprofits of Deepak Chopra, Elton John and a doctor linked to President Trump—through a shadowy private foundation called “Gratitude America, Ltd.,” The Daily Beast has learned. Gratitude America, Ltd. was launched in 2012 to back “organizations around the world that seek to celebrate the United States of America and the American Ideals,” the group stated in its application for tax-exempt status. Those ideals, the nonprofit added, include “liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, unity, and diversity.” At the time, Epstein was three years out of jail, but disturbing allegations from his alleged victims, including one who claimed Epstein kept her as a “sex slave” for his famous friends, continued to hound him.

In 2016 and 2017, Gratitude America Ltd. funded an all-girls school in Manhattan, a youth tennis program, cancer charities, Harvard’s famous theater troupe, posh New York arts societies at Lincoln Center and the Met, and a nonprofit linked to the wife of a former Harvard president who flew on Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express” by the press.


The report is much to large to post here, however this is quite a dig…itching to be done

8b583c  No.6282537

File: 112201a6756834c⋯.jpg (190.95 KB, 693x436, 693:436, 112201a6756834c8b754cb4cf1….jpg)



86e199  No.6282538

File: 88e1bae1dcbc296⋯.png (771.17 KB, 827x735, 827:735, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 611dce0113ba028⋯.png (918.86 KB, 830x702, 415:351, ClipboardImage.png)

More evidence proves that beheading the Notre Dame copper sculptures was completely unnecessary.

notice how this guy is able to hold the sculpture head with no problem.

notice how the sculptures are over simple wood pallets.

copper is light!


68b0fe  No.6282539

>>6282307 (LB)

You are correct about the names of the months. But,

>Of the days of the week, the only two days that explicitly reference pagan deities

More than those two:


d1f685  No.6282540

File: 4eb0c51ea354b80⋯.png (880 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80fd6adcdcdde46⋯.png (470.06 KB, 653x345, 653:345, ClipboardImage.png)

Funny posts in LB…

7f9de8  No.6282541

File: 3c2dc8bd112ba49⋯.png (2.6 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E18EF4F8-EB11-4CE6-ADA5-9E….png)

File: 21e64d198103ddf⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 272CA0DD-9BC7-494A-8420-C1….png)

Critics blast Ilhan Omar over old ‘Black Hawk Down’ tweet


20ab14  No.6282542

File: 4bd8757a6d23435⋯.jpg (244.31 KB, 720x671, 720:671, Miracles-QofUnicorns.jpg)

File: 2ad50cf2c6c0d79⋯.jpg (16.24 KB, 316x400, 79:100, Thumbs-Up-MOAB.jpg)

File: 95c1594aae11634⋯.jpg (347.69 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, Enjoy-the-Show-Q3014-WW-Pe….jpg)

File: ae3f566b6df1ac7⋯.jpg (284.84 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, Enjoy-the-Show-PepeMOAB.jpg)


Love those Unicorns!



Yeah, big shift habbened.

MOAB Incoming??

50a5ec  No.6282543

File: 38db3a1b64c12b2⋯.pdf (5.65 MB, CSX System Stations 2015.pdf)

Know we are focused on west & west coast coz Schiff, Hollyweird. China is dropping there also. However, I am equally concerned about east of the Mississippi. Go for it ALL. Pence country–Indianapolis is a hub for that activity. Saw the nice, easy to follow railway map and like it, just want to show that there is much more, I believe is somewhat significant.

8b583c  No.6282544

File: b527e3c5c440b13⋯.jpg (150.53 KB, 800x687, 800:687, shitface (1).jpg)



4cd3bc  No.6282545

File: 5c25101603c8591⋯.jpg (82.49 KB, 545x465, 109:93, sendem.jpg)

a62adc  No.6282546





The Hasty Pudding Theatricals, known informally simply as The Pudding, is a theatrical student society at Harvard University, known for its burlesque crossdressing musicals. The Hasty Pudding is the oldest theatrical organization in the United States, and the third oldest in the world, behind only the Comédie-Française and the Oberammergau Passion Players. The Hasty Pudding Theatricals was described by John Wheelwright in 1897 as a "kindly association of men of all ages in a gay evening of simple enjoyment". It is a comedy show.


10bee4  No.6282547



>▶Anonymous  04/22/19 (Mon) 23:37:13 d417b6 (10)  No.6282161>>6282173 >>6282341


>so the whole underground masonic meaning to do what thou wilt is basically a masonic terrorist deceleration that they are above the fucking law. And brotherly love cements this under this do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. So the kingpin mason guys can do whatever they want and that is their only law. Calling law enforcement their dogs.

Kind of like, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law?"

I think it's a brainwashing technique used by the satanists to convince their minions that their evil acts will have no personal consequences.

But what if the universe DOES seek balance? What if she is relentless in her pursuit of balance? What if she is infallible? Just like God made her?

I was once told that every thought, every word, and every deed delivered into the system goes out, gathers up everything like itself, and refurns, amplified, to it's originator. Sometimes a long time later.

3f9eeb  No.6282548


How would you pick up the statue of liberty without crushing it like a can?

121d57  No.6282549

File: 5d00e18d3ca01c6⋯.jpeg (225.71 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 777703FC-C0E0-4B48-BA5C-D….jpeg)


thanks m8

we in here together

6389a9  No.6282550

File: bd463619a31d2ed⋯.jpg (60.55 KB, 500x493, 500:493, Official Work.jpg)

File: e703f6f1d4e93e4⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 969x837, 323:279, downloadfile-2.jpg)

File: 8e72356a6e0d0c5⋯.jpg (36.24 KB, 600x664, 75:83, downloadfile.jpg)

Trump took a big shit on America's southern border…

One million illegal aliens expected in 2019..

Trump just resign from office now.

d1f685  No.6282551


Omar is a gift, as she demonstrates her blithering idiocy constantly and loudly every day.

832bd5  No.6282552

File: 437553d26ba2677⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, UNPRECEDENTED Spying Campa….mp4)

File: 70bf725fa7c3f40⋯.png (325.88 KB, 550x610, 55:61, ClipboardImage.png)

guise, this was missed, I think…


Tom Fitton

‏Verified account @TomFitton

UNPRECEDENTED Spying Campaign on @RealDonaldTrump: DOJ/FBI/NSA/CIA/State – "all hands on deck" in Obama administration's going after Trump and then the corrupt targeting morphed into Mueller operation….

Judicial Watch 🔎

2:25 PM - 22 Apr 2019


952a14  No.6282553


Notabled previously but it was really brief. I'll add it for a DIGG call.

20ab14  No.6282554

File: 89a6711c7528723⋯.jpg (485.52 KB, 860x1000, 43:50, Queen-of-Grace.jpg)

File: 1dc2528637a64d0⋯.png (266.09 KB, 327x485, 327:485, Queen-FLOTUS.png)

File: b909447f44ad170⋯.png (408.74 KB, 938x500, 469:250, FLOTUS-Angel-1.png)

File: 1203c37e576b9b0⋯.png (888.89 KB, 958x500, 479:250, Queen-of-Anons.png)

File: 9bd432223790ab6⋯.jpg (471.82 KB, 860x1000, 43:50, First-Lady-QofGrace.jpg)

f7ba64  No.6282555

>>6282507 (PB)

You still here? Compare Acts 15:20, 29, Acts 21:25, and compare that to Galatians 2:9-10.

Paul agreed with the real Apostles to teach to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, things strangled, the drinking of blood, and fornication.

Then he tells the Galatians of his meeting with Peter, James, and John, and mentions none of the above, and that the ONLY thing they said, was to "remember the poor"; proving him a liar.

Paul clearly taught that you could eat unclean meats, and that he was convinced that no thing was unclean.

Compare that to what Christ said in REV 2:14, 20.

6389a9  No.6282556

File: 097e5850de1017c⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 736x641, 736:641, downloadfile-3.jpg)

File: e703f6f1d4e93e4⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 969x837, 323:279, downloadfile-2.jpg)

Trump is America's fat ass…

Southern border is totally out of control…

7f9de8  No.6282557

File: 76475fbd8947d71⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 882D9599-465D-47E9-9A2C-0B….png)

File: 9120cb734e8e986⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 96215B64-C421-4329-B803-CA….png)

Oops Biden did it again. 🎶🎶

Biden accuser Lucy Flores: Tone-deaf jokes ‘incredibly disrespectful’


86e199  No.6282558


are the same size,shill??

cc9c84  No.6282559

>>6282445 lb

The thing is that we were never following Q.

Future proves past. For many of us, Q is exactly the future which proves our past. I won't get into it too far, but we all knew our posts would be flagged by systems designed to sort through the flood of posts on the internet and forward them to observers.

When we spoke on the internet, it was to these observers as much as it was to anyone else. For many responsible for making or contributing to Q, we are quite likely their Q - or, if not - people who they felt a sort of kindred relationship with from the shadows.

"Owls in muh trees." This is what I mean by that phrase… Sort of. There are other things - people and groups of interest who are not necessarily our government. People from the world of the abyss who have taken note of the fact that I am, if nothing else, a creative eccentric they find amusing.

But they still haven't fully realized that I am the one they ultimately serve and therefor all offers of a job are kind of silly, as I am ultimately writing the role owls will play during the day. Someone has to think ahead around here.

So, to that end, to ask "what would it take to stop following" misses the fact that Q is not what awoke many of us to the trouble out there. Q basically cropped up and said "whoa, hey… Before you burn the planet to spite the moon, you all aren't alone and we have a plan that can bring justice to our world rather than just a flipping of the table before a bar brawl."

Which most of us find to be quite reasonable, and we've kept very close tabs on signs of whether or not these are lasting changes being built into the framework, or temporary appeasements intended to deceive. Seeing no true deceit by Q in terms of stated goals and ends - I see no reason to start punching people in the face and pulling out the nuclear weapons.

I don't play hearts and minds. I play do as you are instructed or be denied to the enemy. If the cabal wins, the world suffers a fate worse than death - so genocide as a means of compelling populations into compliance is fully acceptable in the short term.

When Q says we were willing to do the unthinkable - he is not exaggerating or mistaken. We've seen this game played for thousands of years through history. No "we are the good guys, they are the bad guys" appeal to public support. Congratulations - hope you have the smallpox vaccine. Now you just lost six key industrial centers to city-crusher nukes. The murder drones also go released on your activists.

If you can't understand what is going on and will fight for the enemy of humanity, then you can be disposed of. The small number of people who do understand or who can survive the experience will repopulate the world without the cabal come hell or high water, and all lives are forfeit in this battle spare for the last man and last woman.

I don't think people truly understand the gravity of things. To be fair - I suppose with Q's plan playing out just fine, there is no need for them to understand just how close we were to an end-of-the-world scenario. We have never fought an unconstrained war. It has always been about territory, control over populations, influence, etc. To literally consider people forfeit and massacre them as a form of scorched earth and resource denial is unthinkable in the minds of many. I am quite certain many reading this would, rightfully, consider me insane - even evil, because we associate the number of people killed with a gauge of morality. It's fine to manipulate someone into being sold as a slave as a good moral choice… Because you didn't kill them, right?

Anyway, I have strayed off the subject. Even if Q were to somehow "fail" at this juncture - I really don't see the need for such a dire course of action to remain as the favored contingency. Industry is making a return, jobs are returning, the younger generations are rejecting the insanity of SJW nonsense - the world is starting to heal itself.

No need to scorch it because Hillary didn't spontaneously combust while being hung for war crimes and human trafficking in Belgrade like I'd love to see.

3f9eeb  No.6282560


Never worked with copper have you?

832bd5  No.6282561

File: 2d39f12f84c7de7⋯.png (832.01 KB, 821x874, 821:874, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone going to Some thing in the Water WATCH OUT! This is NOT a good thing to see as this type of “drill” always precedes a real event….

7f9de8  No.6282562

File: 5d1772247afc98d⋯.jpeg (27.43 KB, 255x135, 17:9, 7D48C5B5-D459-4F62-839C-9….jpeg)



50a5ec  No.6282563


Damn–drooping lids–forgot the sauce


https://www.csx.com/index.cfm/customers/maps/csx-system-map /

a62adc  No.6282565



We post the little known stories and make them big. We dig into weird events and find out hidden meaning. We find out who what where when why and how. Then we dig into family members, ties to philanthropic organizations and ties to religious groups. Then we look into all the specifics around such event, aka former Architects & Engineers of Burned or Destroyed Buildings…

Plane crashes, ID all victims, find their employment, spouse, philanthropic ties, networths, etc. Ties to other compromised individuals who also might have something to hide.

121d57  No.6282566

File: a646184d3ae0a55⋯.jpeg (874.49 KB, 1463x2007, 1463:2007, 53867A45-040A-4B6A-8C63-E….jpeg)


>gratitude america limited

chartered in st thomas

go figure

looks like we got some irs form 990's to find


832bd5  No.6282567

File: f0fc72dba64d1d4⋯.mp4 (896.42 KB, 320x690, 32:69, bunny kicks your sorry ass.mp4)

This is what happens when a stupid, mindless, mentally stagnated, ridiculous, far left freeloading #liberal #socialist #progressive #democrat insults our believes & faith! Even easter bunny kicks your sorry ass! 👊🏻🐰💥⚔️🔥#KAG #QANON #MAGA #UNITEDWESTAND

8ef422  No.6282568


Responses to the first meme should be considered a barometer of the current Autist to Normie ratio in here right now…


6389a9  No.6282569

File: 139d1860e6f79a1⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 759x443, 759:443, Nothing.jpg)

File: cc757a8b8aa834d⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 627x476, 627:476, Franny.jpg)




Q fizzled out bigly a long time ago..

4cd3bc  No.6282570

File: 730cdb26ec74136⋯.jpg (56.04 KB, 612x378, 34:21, sorrygru.jpg)

I mean. Get something together? APT traces are still 2000 late.

cc9c84  No.6282571


The fun part will be when people start looking at the Steele Dossier claim that Obama stayed in a bugged Russian hotel, as Q mentioned.

It's kind of like these people are stupid and never thought she would lose. I mean… Why would you expose your own crime as a means of trying to create a crime for another person?

50a5ec  No.6282572


Not to mention "Watch the Water".

a8d561  No.6282573


I think a lot of people sensed this on some level, Anon. 2016 truly felt like a "do or die" battle, and Donald Trump's victory was nothing short of a miracle.

832bd5  No.6282574

File: ce06b5ba5116bf1⋯.png (606.18 KB, 480x529, 480:529, ClipboardImage.png)

b53ddb  No.6282575

File: c8a44652bb019fa⋯.jpeg (1013.95 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 2B54B8AA-096F-44FD-BF7E-D….jpeg)

Was FLOTUS trolling Obama with the Easter choices?

121d57  No.6282576

File: c05d7b46ed40450⋯.jpeg (626.38 KB, 1659x1661, 1659:1661, 15B447A7-E444-47B7-BA73-0….jpeg)


normally i would just scroll on by

but fuck it (and yourself)

a62adc  No.6282577

Airshow Drill trying to prevent Mid-Air Plane Crashes at Thunder Over the Sound Airshow

Airshow will be held 5-4 to 5-5 2019.


952a14  No.6282578


Indeed we are.

50a5ec  No.6282579



2f6723  No.6282580

When Alex Jones said Q is helping manifest indictments into reality, he was right. He said it was “like Oprah’s Secret”. You may hate the guy, but he is 100% right. Belive what you want, but the public consciousness is EVERYTHING

4cd3bc  No.6282582


ca28b0  No.6282583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“Slowly but surely it appears the eye of truth is starting to turn on the role played by former President Barack Obama and the Trump-Russia hoax. In fact, it appears Mr. Obama was responsible, at least in part, for the creation, implementation, and subsequent attempted cover-up of said hoax that had U.S. intelligence agencies weaponized in an attempt to do harm to a political opponent.

Such action isn’t merely a crime—it’s an attempted coup.”

Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/report-what-did-barack-obama-know-and-when-did-he-know-it-video/#00cTOZveOCcAvFWO.99


10bee4  No.6282584

File: f8ee56ef2a06dde⋯.png (94.46 KB, 549x413, 549:413, free kekistan.png)

I heard it's a good time for this:

Pray for POTUS he's our shield

Marching on this Earthly field

Raise the banner cue the band

Reach for God's unfailing hand

God above us, hell below

Both are here now, this we know

Plan the work and work the plan

Time is now, FREE KEKISTAN!

8b583c  No.6282585


Fuck your ping asshole!

Why are you here?

20ab14  No.6282586

File: 245fec4dd590c84⋯.jpg (181.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Together-We-Win-Lions.jpg)

a62adc  No.6282587


Midland, TX Memorial Hospital to hold disaster drill

May 2, 2019


952a14  No.6282588


I think you're right, anon. Found 2 other recent tweets but not this one.

1892a3  No.6282589

File: 25ff69edd81b868⋯.png (477.28 KB, 810x440, 81:44, believeWomen.png)

File: 8384ada4ebb59f3⋯.png (472.08 KB, 939x470, 939:470, BidenMSMView.png)

121d57  No.6282590

File: bb8ab169184eb1f⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2406x1849, 2406:1849, C3EDA655-07EE-4914-8A3B-0….jpeg)


the address listed on gratitude america limited

is the offices of

kellerhals ferguson grobin

offices in st thomas and on wall st

that's who jeffrey picked, wonder why he liked them?

8664d7  No.6282591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the atrocities that you speak of..been done before.


Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.

7f9de8  No.6282592

File: 8c132030e933f09⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0D9B9EE8-5569-4B14-88C1-D3….png)

832bd5  No.6282593

File: 66b29734e063a78⋯.png (383.92 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry FAGGOTS you have to GO BACK!….(hahaha Make America Straight Again MASA - Keep America Straight KAS………..)

Supreme Court to hear LGBT workplace discrimination cases

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear three cases that ask if existing US job discrimination laws should extend to sexual orientation and gender identity.

Two of the cases involve alleged discrimination of gay men by their employers, and the third examines the discrimination of a transgender person.

The cases will signal the direction of LGBT rights in the US, four years after gay marriage was legalised nationwide.

The 5-4 conservative-majority court is set to examine the cases this fall.

The first two cases have been consolidated as both address the purported discrimination of gay employees.

Donald Zarda, a skydiving instructor from New York, and Gerald Bostock, a former county child welfare services coordinator from Georgia, both alleged they were fired because of their sexual orientation.

The top court will also examine the Michigan case of funeral home employee Aimee Stephens, who claims she was fired because she is transgender.

In its listing of the cases, the Supreme Court cites Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the section that prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex and national origin.

But it does not explicitly reference sexual orientation or gender identity, and lower courts have been divided in recent years on whether the protections should apply to either category.

The US Justice Department under President Donald Trump has supported the employers in each case, arguing that existing federal civil rights protections do not extend to sexual orientation or gender identity.

This marks a change in course from the Obama administration, which supported treating LGBT discrimination as sex discrimination.

Some advocates for LGBT equality celebrated the opportunity for workplace protections to be cemented in law.

Image copyright Getty Images

Image caption Gay marriage supporters cheered the June 2013 ruling that struck down a law limiting recognition of the unions

"The Supreme Court has an opportunity to clarify this area of law to ensure protections for LGBTQ people in many important areas of life", said Sarah Warbelow, Human Rights Campaign legal director, in a statement.

"The growing legal consensus is that our nation's civil rights laws do protect LGBTQ people against discrimination under sex nondiscrimination laws."

In her statement Ms Warbelow urged Congress to pass protections for LGBT employees, "regardless" of the court's decision.

In 2017, the Supreme Court chose not examine a case involving a lesbian working as a hospital security officer in Georgia, leaving a lower court ruling in place which sided with the woman's employer.

The current bench, a 5-4 conservative majority, includes Trump appointees Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.


7f9de8  No.6282595



832bd5  No.6282596

File: c59c40628c1818a⋯.png (949.48 KB, 776x620, 194:155, ClipboardImage.png)

20ab14  No.6282597

File: 3b5394df96bda5c⋯.jpg (323.82 KB, 900x601, 900:601, Truth-Will-Shine-WH.jpg)

File: 72a1db0066d72f1⋯.jpg (328.25 KB, 900x601, 900:601, Peace-On-Earth-WH.jpg)

File: 5f39dc9d4796504⋯.jpg (304.58 KB, 500x705, 100:141, The-Time-is-Now-1.jpg)

File: b42e59911083905⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Take-Back-This-Country-Wol….jpg)

File: a5b934d3618b35e⋯.jpg (764.25 KB, 1200x1577, 1200:1577, We-the-People-Take-Back-Li….jpg)


>Time is now


888370  No.6282598

File: 0ab8eca9c6a60e9⋯.png (727.13 KB, 1252x1018, 626:509, chan.PNG)


You mean this Chan.

0d2ec1  No.6282599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4cd3bc  No.6282600


No step on snek.

0d2ec1  No.6282601

219ee1  No.6282602


Sexual deviants will be forced on us "legally" now

071915  No.6282603

File: ccf32ab9361494f⋯.jpg (200.11 KB, 1080x1380, 18:23, 20190423_013627.jpg)

Liddle Adam Schtt KeK!


0d2ec1  No.6282604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Coffee, Tea & Me 🔴 Live From Chris-Chan's House!

It's still a thing. -_-

a8d561  No.6282605

File: 7eb4e1b5ce234a5⋯.png (272.91 KB, 1864x692, 466:173, prayer.png)


There's long been speculation that the crumbs are actually a framework for manifestation. Put the frame out there, instruct Anons to focus energy, prayers, intention, etc, on it, and it will actually happen. Wizards & Warlocks, indeed. I've experienced enough weird shit connected to Q that I strongly believe there's a magical aspect to it.

f7ba64  No.6282606


Even Clyde Lewis (Ground Zero) has changed his tune about Q. Lewis had Jones on about a week ago, and they both ate Q crow together. I told Clyde months ago on his show, that in the end, he would end up looking like a gate keeper, or flat out naive and uninformed.

I sat there listening with a Chesire cat, ear to ear grin, as they had to eat their own words, live, on the air.


7f9de8  No.6282607

File: 182c4d4d2fd2ecc⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FD77DAA6-7359-429C-BB8A-1B….png)


Audible Kek

0d2ec1  No.6282608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I trained myself to be autistic.

I hang out with people who are supposedly on "the spectrum".

None of us are this.

I want this to not be a thing.

On all levels and from every angle.

This whole thing hurts.

8b583c  No.6282609

File: 64668e5699c8b13⋯.jpg (353.2 KB, 1271x1708, 1271:1708, 865d92843d4281fef99f7b72dd….jpg)

20a5b7  No.6282610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cc9c84  No.6282611


Kind of?

I am completely opposite of many. I had no doubts after it came down to Trump vs Hillary that Trump would win. I didn't fear for the election at all.

What has shocked and amazed me is President Trump's ability to usher in a return of American business, a nuanced understanding of markets vs finance, and the ability to potentially work us out of the federal reserve system without blowing up the whole works.

It is that which I find to be absolutely amazing. The closing off of the rogue CIA, the hopeful return to a market based economy that is looking good… I was almost certain that we would get another Bush-type of deal.

I know Bush jr is controversial - but I was in the military under both Bush and Obama, and there was far less corruption and far more cohesiveness to our mission under Bush. I can find fault with him, but I don't get "evil cabal bastard" out of him from the time I saw him.

Obama was like a bad used car salesman with a side of snake oil and a built-in payday loan service.

a62adc  No.6282612

File: a88def3a0c63c15⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 624x416, 3:2, navy.jpg)

File: 603a37a97aabe02⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 556x416, 139:104, $.jpg)

File: 9fd738e4a35efa9⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 525x416, 525:416, $UWIHEON9.jpg)

File: 0e371fe657552ab⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 554x416, 277:208, $OUTF9WE9.jpg)

File: eb169cf2b5607b5⋯.jpg (39.49 KB, 604x416, 151:104, $ZEV4XY7D.jpg)

Thai Navy tows away the floating cabin of a US bitcoin investor and his girlfriend who are on the run after being threatened with possible death sentence for setting up offshore home

Thailand's navy has begun towing the floating cabin of the fugitive US bitcoin investor and his Thai girlfriend to shore.

Chad Elwartowski and his Thai girlfriend Supranee Thepdet, known as 'Bitcoin Girl Thailand' face possible death sentences for setting up their offshore home.

The pair, who are currently on the run, are both prominent members of the 'seasteading' movement to set up their own 'micronation'.

But Thai authorities have charged them of violating the country's sovereignty, a crime punishable by death, and their visas have been revoked.

The cabin off the Thai island of Phuket had been touted as a milestone in the movement to build floating communities in international waters as a way to explore alternative societies and governments outside of state authorities.

The Royal Thai Navy dispatched three boats today to dismantle the structure and bring it back to shore for use as evidence in the government's case against the couple.

Rear Admiral Vithanarat Kochaseni said: 'The couple announced on social media declaring their autonomy beyond the jurisdiction of any courts or law of any countries, including Thailand.


10bee4  No.6282613

47ccea  No.6282614

File: d1461569519f874⋯.jpg (132.85 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtthatcm.jpg)

c3e4e0  No.6282615

File: fdcdb14211251f8⋯.jpg (267.48 KB, 800x599, 800:599, kasiehunteye.jpg)

832bd5  No.6282616

File: c418fc467d25685⋯.png (220.59 KB, 585x298, 585:298, ClipboardImage.png)


guise!!!!! HAPPY 100 guise…

((([Kamala Harris]))): If I'm President, Congress Will Have 100 Days To Enact Gun Control Laws Or…

During her one hour town hall on CNN, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) shit a brick in panic confirmed she will never be president and was asked about what she would do to end school shootings.

"I'm sure that there are many students here who, while you were high school, even middle school, that you had to participate in a drill, right? Where you were convened and talked to you about how you needed to run into a closet because there may be a mass shooter roaming the hallways of your school. And in our America, that should never have to happen," Harris explained. "Conversations take place every night between students and their parents. Why do these things have to happen? Why do we have to have a drill like that, to which, of course, the response is because there are people in Washington, D.C., supposed leaders, who have failed to have the courage to reject a false choice, which either suggests that you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyones guns away."

"Supposed leaders in Washington, D.C. have failed to have the courage to recognize that, you know what, you want to go hunting, fine. But we need reasonable gun safety laws in this country, starting with universal background checks and a renewal of the Assault Weapon Ban," Harris explained.

"But they have failed to have the courage to act, so Ben, here's my response to you: upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass gun safety laws. And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action. And specifically what I'll do is put in place a requirement that for anyone who sells more than five guns a year, they are required to do background checks when they sell those guns," Harris said.

"I will require that for any gun dealer that breaks, the ATF, take their license. And, by the way, ATF – alcohol, tobacco and firearms – they've been doing a lot of the 'A' and the 'T' but not much of the 'F.' And we need to fix that," Harris explained. "On the third piece, because none of us have been sleeping over the last few years, part of what has happened under the current administration, is they took fugitives off the list of prohibited people. I'd put them back on the list, meaning fugitives of justice should not be able to purchase a handgun or any kind of weapon. So that's what I'd do."

"Would this be your first executive action as president?" CNN host Don Lemon asked.

"Well, it depends on what else happens. That's after 100 days. Let's see what happens in the first 100 days," Harris replied.

On her website, she talks about her plan:

• Mandate near-universal background checks by requiring anyone who sells five or more guns per year to run a background check on all gun sales.

• Revoke the licenses of gun manufacturers and dealers that break the law and take the most egregious offenders to court—regardless of whether they’re protected by the Protection of Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA).

• Reverse President Trump’s dangerous change to the definition of “fugitive from justice,” which has allowed thousands of fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants to buy guns.

• Close the “boyfriend loophole” to prevent dating partners convicted of domestic violence from purchasing guns.

Remember: Harris is suddenly a gun owner, something she hasn't said before but recently said when she was in Iowa. Talk about political pandering.

It's interesting to note that Harris is completely wrong about what she's said firearms transactions.

Universal background checks:

1) Universal background checks won't make us any safer. Right now, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is not complete. 38 states provide 80 percent of their convictions, meaning not all criminals are in the system.

2) How many criminals really try to purchase a firearm a gun store? Very, very few. Even the Department of Justice recently confirmed that notion.

3) Gun controllers are quick to turn private party transfers (PPTs) into something that needs a background check. Does your dad want to hand down your grandfather's rifle to you? You'd have to have a background check for that. Want to go hunting with a buddy and need to borrow their gun? You'd need a background check for that.


9a37a4  No.6282617


It may not have been your intent, Anon, but "Obama stayed in a bugged Russian hotel" hit my funny bone pretty hard…


– of course, the video of that night may have more 'revealing' implications for his partner, Mike…

832bd5  No.6282619

File: ec8725b563761a7⋯.png (259.09 KB, 720x735, 48:49, ClipboardImage.png)

The World is Watching 😎

f7ba64  No.6282620

41b4d7  No.6282621


You are an extraordinary interesting person. I think you get it more than most.

I surely would appreciate you communicating to me, if you will.

Here is basically my concern: what if Trump really isn't what we want, think, and expect him to be?

I am thoroughly satisfied that Trump and Q are on the same team, and that Trump is aware of Q's posts here. Trump may some day deny it if asked (that may be necessary), but that link has been proven far beyond mathematical probability.

But this is what is starting to bother me (yes, you can call me a concernfag): with the ever-so-slow movement, will the global cabal (including Federal Reserve) really be dismantled in 8 years?

Not only that, but let's say it is all dismantled. In no time, with how totally moronic that most people are, it will not last. In a short time, we will have pure idiots voting more insane, self-serving politicians back into office.

I don't see the long-term fix (other than severely restricting who is allowed to vote).

What gives? What is the path to a good future? "The end isn't for everyone." What do you think that means.

Your insights will be greatly appreciated.

50a5ec  No.6282622


Most of them have one droopy eye. Some don't but they may see the plastic surgeon often to get it fixed.

20a5b7  No.6282623

File: 6f36287212da8db⋯.png (311.53 KB, 721x415, 721:415, gdg.png)

File: 58e5aabf353d5be⋯.png (253.57 KB, 709x410, 709:410, gfdgfdgfdggf.png)

File: a083729a055e582⋯.png (298.03 KB, 723x410, 723:410, bhjbjhjbhbj.png)

File: 01b26961ab9b24e⋯.png (203.61 KB, 736x417, 736:417, asdasdsad.png)

8664d7  No.6282624


Thais dont put up w/ shit. Should built it off Mexico or someplace.

4cd3bc  No.6282625

File: 29760211b0288b1⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 598x367, 598:367, noname2.jpg)

20a5b7  No.6282627


The hanging sleeve in the last pic is used by the opposite of harlequin it is a charecter called periot or clown

cc9c84  No.6282629


To some extent.

The muslims rarely invaded outright. Their conquest was more subversive. They would have communities form in regions and then have those communities begin to play on emotions - claiming discrimination and the like.

Before the whole "convert or die" phase kicked in, it was often after much of the civilization was already dealing with rampant gangs of muslim businesses and organizations holding economic and civil sway.

I would argue that is more evil than sending you a letter that says "unfuck yourself or catch a nuke to the face" - but as I said, we tend to judge morality based on the number of deaths rather than the manner of those deaths or the alternatives available to them.

41b4d7  No.6282630



099844  No.6282631

Militia have been debating applicants that are convicted felons for years now. Time Served, Debt to Society paid it is said. Not practiced is it? Perhaps the arrested felon "militia leader" had to found his own unit since no other Regional would have him. Clown Op or Disaffected? Consider Militia has been made a dirty word by MSM since the 1980s. Ask Canadians who still smile in pride but don't rub it in about defeating an Army during the War of 1812. Knowing what you know now who is it that is more your enemy, MSM talking heads you know about or Militia you walked past today and had no idea were no different yesterday than were today and might be tomorrow because advertising being Militia is a bad idea. MSM says "Militia BAD" like MSM says "Orange Man BAD" so how about like Q says "RECONCILE" and maybe try to figure out why now it is push toward "Militia BAD" and find out who Militia actually are? How are the III%ers really? Who are the un-organized militia really? REALLY, what is it you are supposed to fear and despise?

a8d561  No.6282632

File: c3816c7c757323e⋯.jpg (136.49 KB, 1410x735, 94:49, 666-festival.jpg)


Google gave me some interesting digits when I searched for this "Something in the Water" Festival.

38a070  No.6282633

File: 3e982b7189ec881⋯.jpg (391.47 KB, 886x882, 443:441, 1555549904956.jpg)


>I trained myself to be autistic.

I swear to fuck, people here say the dumbest shit on Earth.

a62adc  No.6282634

File: eb6b753999693c9⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 277x416, 277:416, hideous.jpg)

WTF is wrong with Hollywood women going out like this?

50a5ec  No.6282635


No sweat honey, they are going to figure out what a lying bitch you are. Jussie and his 10 pedo counts against him, an acting family, probably molested too. What does that make you?

6389a9  No.6282636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump let the southern border go out of control but we still have "AI" artificial intelligence in the future, America will deport all them border jumpers.

9a37a4  No.6282637


was meant for this:


205c09  No.6282638

>>6282424 (l/b)

>Because there's a lot of personification stories all over the world.


>Do you feel they're ALL valid, suddenly?


There can only be one perfect (complete) expression of the Almighty - that is Jesus - for the same reason there can only be one Almighty - it is a unique attribute. But there can be many spiritual children of that perfect expression of Deity (Jesus) if they are united to Jesus in Spirit (baptised INTO Jesus) as Scripture puts it.

The triune God - three in one and one in three.

God = perfect existence

Jesus = perfect expression of perfect existence

Holy Spirit = perfect appreciation (knowledge of) perfect existence + perfect expression of perfect existence.

All found in the opening verses of Genesis.

"And God" (existence) said: "let there be light"(expression of existence (Jesus - in Him all things were created, Col 1:16)) "and God saw the light that it was good." (perfect appreciation of existence and expression of existence.)

God, by His Spirit, regenerates and inhabits Believers, uniting them to the Father and the Son, and then guides them into all truth, revealing to them the full nature of Father and Son through opening the Scriptures to them, as Jesus did to two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus, following His resurrection.

It is possible to know ABOUT God but not actually KNOW God. Only the Spirit of God can reveal God. Which is why the Psalmist says: "TASTE and see that the Lord is good." Taste is an "experience only" sense. I cannot KNOW what, say, a banana tastes like from the description of another person. I have to taste it for myself to know banana taste. In similar fashion, God can only be known to those who "taste Him" - who personally experience Him by His Spirit in them.

952a14  No.6282639



121d57  No.6282640

File: 8e7370889578950⋯.jpeg (503.53 KB, 1796x1471, 1796:1471, 867B37FD-081A-42D6-9909-4….jpeg)


you know what to do with it

d02ce0  No.6282641

From Sea to Shining Sea

All over American TV

Newscasters, Experts and Pundits Reeee

Orange man bad, they preach

Puling their hair, they screech


It began in 2016

An unbelievable scene

When an outsider defeated their Queen

For the media, it wasn't real

A President who wrote The Art of the Deal?

They broke down it fits and muh feels

They called up their best mates

The all too corrupt DEEP STATE.

To find a way to set things straight

Together they made a Ruse

They called it BREAKING NEWS:

"It was the Russians! How else could Hillary lose?"

Night and day

They lied and lied away

Telling the People the President is Fake and Gay.

They cried until they got what they wanted

A special prosecutor respected and vaunted

Robert Mueller, and how they loved to flaunt it.

The President told them blunt

Direct and time over, from back to front

"It's a Witch Hunt."

For two years they cut him short

With one smug and wry retort

"Let's wait for the Mueller Report"

Russia, Russia, Russia

Collusion, Collusion, Collusion

A buncha, buncha, buncha

Bullshit Delusion.

Now Mueller has finished and his report is here

It say No Collusion, the President is in the clear

No Obstruction, Nothing to See Here.

But Haters going to Hate

To hell with Mueller and Russia Gate

They want to Impeach at any rate

They don't care why or for what reason

As long as Donald J. Trump is breathin'

They consider it Treason.

The more you know

The more you Kek as they crow

So get comfy and Enjoy the Show

Because in the End

He who casts Stones and is full of Sin

Will see, it is God who Wins.

9a37a4  No.6282642




Say what?

832bd5  No.6282643

File: b45ea13a1cda0a1⋯.mp4 (274.77 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Adam Schiff Needs to Step ….mp4)

File: 6ede5d3834156b6⋯.png (521.47 KB, 563x801, 563:801, ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schitt Needs to Step Down as Chairman he does NOT know more than Mueller…


Kevin McCarthy

‏Verified account @GOPLeader

Rep. Adam Schiff has still not apologized for lying to the American people for 2 years about collusion. And Speaker Nancy Pelosi is allowing him to stay on as Chairman of the Intel Committee? Unacceptable.


Adam Schiff Needs to Step Down as Chairman

6:05 PM - 22 Apr 2019


7f9de8  No.6282644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Richard Pryor - In The Jungle

Late Night Kekkks

65b865  No.6282645

File: c76e13b0468f520⋯.png (693.31 KB, 1433x805, 1433:805, AZAZ09O9_4-23.PNG)

AZAZ09O9 Up heading SW out of DC

6389a9  No.6282646

File: 5eb4b41547b17e0⋯.jpg (64.04 KB, 850x478, 425:239, downloadfile-19.jpg)

File: 22f995403c3ab39⋯.jpg (147.2 KB, 634x830, 317:415, downloadfile-9.jpg)

File: 4c6533a6fe621cf⋯.jpg (299.42 KB, 600x600, 1:1, downloadfile-8.jpg)

File: 097e5850de1017c⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 736x641, 736:641, downloadfile-3.jpg)

File: 91c6e9c0a736e49⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 604x440, 151:110, downloadfile-7(1).jpg)

Primates only love black people…

8664d7  No.6282647


"wallmart people of hollweird" Except her thrift sore look cost a couple grand.

f06540  No.6282648


>Here is basically my concern: what if Trump really isn't what we want, think, and expect him to be?

If you had never had that thought, I would say you don't belong here. We should alll have considered that possibility and then compared the results of his actions to what a black hat would have done.

0d2ec1  No.6282649


It was for a court case.

I had to. Didn't hit me til later what I was doing.

The problems were forced onto me.

I adopted autism to escape.

Granted, I always wandered why "gifted" was separated from everyone.

At least SpEd made sense.

AP was just a few years ahead of CP, anyway.

Way more pointless fucking busy work in CP.

50a5ec  No.6282650


When that ? was asked about starting one, the Sheriff said no, bad idea because of just what you said. But, that if that sorta thing was needed he was willing to deputize any man that would stand.

832bd5  No.6282651

File: 75f69acd24a2c4c⋯.png (486.54 KB, 547x697, 547:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0a9c3784825a5d⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1024x731, 1024:731, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 946431552cdd62f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd7bb1ba7d7f05c⋯.png (734.73 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41c6353ae057116⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Navy

‏Verified account @USNavy

The #USNavy photos of day: A Sailor gets baptized aboard #USSArlington, #USSJohnCStennis transits the #SuezCanal, #USSCharleston arrives in its new homeport in #SanDiego, and a Sailor gets welcomed home by her family! ℹ️ info and ⬇️ download:

https://www.navy.mil/viewPhoto.asp?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=100000585189633&utm_campaign=Misc …

6:09 PM - 22 Apr 2019


20a5b7  No.6282652

File: 4823afb1cdd8a92⋯.png (203.96 KB, 734x404, 367:202, Scre.png)



20ab14  No.6282653

File: fee9410db24f710⋯.jpg (554.37 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Expand-Your-Thinking-QMap.jpg)

8664d7  No.6282654


these names are like old friends. Ever since the plane fagging started many of the names are the same like AZA09O9.

f06540  No.6282655


>WTF is wrong with Hollywood women going out like this?

Because the human mirrors they surround themselves with are untruthful.

47ccea  No.6282656

File: b50bfa848ad6537⋯.jpg (159.59 KB, 475x576, 475:576, ndhbhmh.jpg)

ceed98  No.6282657


>I don't see the long-term fix (other than severely restricting who is allowed to vote).

My thinking is the (to most) unfathomable truths of the world being revealed to the general public will have a unifying effect akin to an event like alien contact on a massive scale.

832bd5  No.6282658

File: b2e4fe3c969483d⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1200x803, 1200:803, ClipboardImage.png)

2f6723  No.6282659


Simple. Because they have teams of homsexual stylists choosing their clothes and telling them how to dress

46ac86  No.6282660

wanted to tell you guys something funny,that might give others hope, kek

I have a family member(not in my household, kek) who came out as transgender several years ago( was a male who said at age 17 they had felt like a girl since they were little)

shocked their family who was very christian and conservative.

They loved and supported their childs decision.

They were ofcourse not really happy about it, but they still supported them fully.

Luckely they never got hormones or did anything physically.

A couple of months ago they decided that they did really like girls, kek

And for the first time since in years they wanted man clothes and started growing a beard.

They just moved out, and did not take any girl clothes with them.

Whats funny is they were also a vegan.

And recently have started eating meat, .like getting an all meat pizza, kek

On easter they wanted to go to a steak restaraunt, where they had a large ribeye, which they exclaimed was the most delicious thing ever, and they really enjoyed it.

Was funny hearing a vegan going to town on a steak and loving it.

So there is hope and a road back for people, who were possibly influenced into making these decisions by left.

Not that this family member was( was not even allowed to watch harry potter as a child, kek)because it featured witchcraft and was not very christian.

So family had no idea how this family member was influenced or got the idea of being a girl.

Soy products? kek

Family is really happy they are embracing being their true self as they were made to be.

When this happened( we had discussed it many times) i had theorized it may have been something to do with conception in the womb.

All eggs as soon as they are fertilzed are all female, until a hormone change then it starts growing as a male, once that switch is activated.

my theory was sometimes switch does not fully activate and there is some left over girl part/influence.

Anyway there is hope for people confused by the left and their pushing of this.

2f6723  No.6282661


I am convinced that is largely the case

832bd5  No.6282662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coachella ‘7 Puppies’ Dumper Arrested (Video)

The woman from Coachella who was caught over the weekend dumping a plastic bag containing 7 puppies into the container of a local restaurant has by now been arrested. The case got attention after a video showing the woman getting out of her jeep and carelessly dumping the live animals into an open container went viral.

The 54-year-old woman who has not been named is by now arrested. The search for her went viral after an animal cruelty investigation.

The Riverside Department of Animal Services said in a press release : ‘An employee with a Napa Auto Parts store contacted Riverside County Animal Services after a passerby discovered the bag next to a Dumpster. The store is located at 49251 Grapefruit Blvd. Officer Jose Cisneros responded shortly before 2 p.m. and collected a trash bag, which contained seven puppies. All of the pups were approximately 3 days old and were believed to be terrier mixes.’

‘Animal Services’ veterinary team members cared for the puppies and lined up a rescue group partner organization to take over bottle feeding duties. MeoowzResQ, a Southern California-based organization specializing in kitten and cat rescue and fostering, agreed to accept the pups.’

‘Officer Cisneros asked an employee at the Napa store if he could review any surveillance footage from the store security’s cameras. The employee allowed the officer to review the footage and he watched one segment that showed a vehicle driving near the rear area of the business.’




952a14  No.6282663


Your self-nomination in


followed by

((([Super brackets])))

is pretty off-putting.

Notable because it's new and the material is good. But do try to get a grip.

2f6723  No.6282664


“Someone” convinced them.

e17166  No.6282665

File: 038c3ff8484d65c⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 420x368, 105:92, bakenoodle.jpg)


Uploaded Nov 12 2017


not my work…

an excellent montage..

future proves past..

099844  No.6282666


Most Counties have written into their Charter the Power of the Sheriff to Call Militia. Interesting thing History, when you know here and how to look

8b583c  No.6282667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9a37a4  No.6282669



Two things I've determined over the last 2 years digging, reading and contributing on here:

1. There are sharp people on here who get Q, get the story, dig like crazy, understand the battle we are in, know what we are up against, and are absolutely certain of what they believe in…

2. These people are under constant attack by minions of the Devil.

Keep up the good work, Anon.

099844  No.6282670


Where, where and how to look

2f6723  No.6282671


Kind of makes you think right? Imagine doing that shit in regards to your own life.

20ab14  No.6282672

File: f948035ff66f68c⋯.jpg (148.65 KB, 369x373, 369:373, No-Mercy-Lioness.jpg)

File: 136f484761bd8d5⋯.jpg (361.52 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, snow-elf-girl-with-lion.jpg)

File: 9ddc82562e987a6⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1919x1547, 1919:1547, God-Wins-ElectroLion.png)


>Richard Pryor - In The Jungle

3 Lions!

952a14  No.6282673


Got it anon, will post soon

20a5b7  No.6282675

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You can almost remember it. Think of like a pumpkin patch. most people have something of a repressed memory about this in every community for the most part masons terrorize the people not necessarily on purpose but with the masonic family people you know the fairground kind of shit. Its not something really that can be described as an outsider but there was a very real satanic Coventry communal masonic aspect that since the 90's has gone into well it grew up into pizza-gate basically. Masonic cops where slitting throats and sticking up for themselves now they just suicide people to hide the masons.

832bd5  No.6282676

File: 913e2cd1125b319⋯.png (196.3 KB, 640x418, 320:209, ClipboardImage.png)

9a37a4  No.6282677



20a5b7  No.6282678


Richard Pryor was a Freemason CLOWN. "oh i bee bop i was ohn fiyah" fucking shitty unfunny masonic hack.

8b583c  No.6282679



952a14  No.6282680

File: a3ffd76e230433d⋯.png (90.91 KB, 300x168, 25:14, enjoy-the-show.png)


fun to read!

0d2ec1  No.6282681


You have no idea how long I've been fighting these fucking assholes.

Some call them leftists, some call them globalists, some call them clown ass niggers.

There really isn't a name for the stupidity we're routing from Humanity before it's allowed to destroy us.

Having some batshit narrative to keep me occupied for the last few years served me a purpose I hope as few people as possible ever understand.

And if we do this, we're going to fracture the number of people who have to in the future.

8664d7  No.6282682


WTF…I haven't used google in years.

DDG doesn't give you a count like google does.

But hey, Google IS evil.

6389a9  No.6282683

File: b294f2436c00771⋯.png (883.3 KB, 1080x1222, 540:611, James Assange.png)

File: cc757a8b8aa834d⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 627x476, 627:476, Franny.jpg)

Q fizzled out bigly with nothing on the scoreboard….

9a37a4  No.6282684


Well, amen!

099844  No.6282685


Boatfag has seen USS CHARLESTON getting familiar with her new Home Waters over the last few so SECOND the NOTABLE

3f9eeb  No.6282686

File: 0083c5859ed6a17⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 0083c5859ed6a174584156b48d….mp4)

a8d561  No.6282687


I actually have done this in my life with success, Anon.

25cd70  No.6282688

File: 7c1ba9aeb6ab247⋯.png (434.03 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


46ac86  No.6282689


Glad that evil bitch was caught. Also this can be another way to showcase how the left are hypocrites.

Leaving puppies to die which most people all agree is wrong and inhumane.

Compare that to abortion of a baby after it's born or in last months of pregnancy is even more fucked up.

8be258  No.6282690

File: b03d02f9b10d169⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, image.jpeg)

File: a414a347d629e6a⋯.jpeg (1.77 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, image.jpeg)

File: ddeadb7b512df0b⋯.jpeg (161.25 KB, 1733x950, 1733:950, image.jpeg)

File: 2b5bba7371cec26⋯.jpeg (139.06 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, image.jpeg)

f7ba64  No.6282691


The Plan includes the next presidential candidate, who will run after Trump's 2020 VICTORY. Pence might be replaced by this candidate, so that he will be running for POTUS as the incumbent Vice. The Plan goes back much further than it's link to JFKjr's plane crash. The long term fix, after The Plan's 16 year run, will be set in motion. The memory of those who are about to be prosecuted/traitors, will be LONG LIVED.

When thinking about this, realize that Hillary was the closer on *their* DS Plan to destroy America, which would have ended with their 16 years of Obama and (never will be POTUS), the witch Hilarion.

POTUS and the Plan have already knocked the Cabal back at least 50 years. It is all or nothing for them. This is a Death Match that is rooted in ancient history. Only one side will win.


7f9de8  No.6282692

File: d2730b0f2504161⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D6B79149-D9D0-4A6C-A7F7-8C….png)

File: b00addbc9d77638⋯.png (553.8 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0E1026D3-7C3A-45F5-AAF3-F8….png)

Iranian parliament labels entire US military as terrorist


8c1fc9  No.6282693

File: 0f256585400f884⋯.jpg (156.48 KB, 1192x626, 596:313, nov-11-2018-17-sec-wave.jpg)

b76ddc  No.6282694

File: 0ddf859d85a1f96⋯.png (685.6 KB, 869x623, 869:623, 0ddf859d85a1f9607788c84232….png)

File: dd980206f6f9092⋯.jpeg (163.33 KB, 1179x861, 393:287, dd980206f6f90929a39b96c3c….jpeg)

File: 683629ac33098db⋯.jpg (50.6 KB, 620x383, 620:383, 5ba0e4e67b55e7391089f7a2fa….jpg)

File: 0ee0a46e9fa912a⋯.png (264.62 KB, 626x558, 313:279, UntiCODEHtled.png)


Anon I wake every person I meet, Cure cancer for free, and am always getting closer to one day being a Q Rapper. And curing the planet of every cancer and disease. I'm Loud as fuck about it everywhere I go and I take like 3 ubers a day minimum. unemployed. I say. were due for some big waves so watch the set

ups. Consider the rate at which people are waking up right now. My 8th Chakra fucking opened. Anons are Vast and Anons are Woke And Anons are powerful. Anons shouldn't neglect their talents. Each and every one of us

have some way of being incredibly useful in

this fight. Its the Truth amplified by Proximity. 8D Chess is literally Votex Based Childs Play

ceed98  No.6282695


Who was that guy many decades back who talked about this? He had recorded lectures on youtube, but I've forgotten his name.

121d57  No.6282696

File: 6f2d02c9e6d3cf3⋯.jpeg (380.4 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E9289750-A826-43F5-B9DF-8….jpeg)

46ac86  No.6282697


Love this video.

f7ba64  No.6282698


Nothing like a little Bread and ButterFace.

7f9de8  No.6282699


Pryor is classic.

Did u catch the bit with the cheetah?

Cracks me up.

9a37a4  No.6282700


>Primates only love black people…

I'd love to laugh at you, if I could, but OCD won't let me…

Technically, your comment makes zero sense, as we all know that the designation 'primate' applies to homo sapiens as well…

219ee1  No.6282701

File: 932d14d89e11f37⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 932d14d89e11f3791ed24b6ba8….jpg)

832bd5  No.6282702

File: c9ce303abefdc50⋯.png (335.24 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Japan’s 10-Day Break Has Markets Worried:

Japan’s extended spring vacation, when a series of national holidays bunch up, is known as “Golden Week.” This year adds the May 1 accession of the new emperor, Crown Prince Naruhito, to the mix. The result: a 10-day stretch that wipes out six trading sessions – the longest market closure since the end of World War II. What might sound like a nice, relaxing break actually has traders and regulators alike fretting about the potential for cash shortages, market volatility or even the kind of “flash crash” that happened during Japan’s last New Year holiday. That was only four days long.

1. What is Golden Week?

Japan is among the most generous countries when it comes to national holidays. Golden Week traditionally consists of four in late April-early May: Showa Day, Constitution Day, Greenery Day and Children’s Day. In the middle this year comes the emperor’s accession, with the day before, of, and after the succession designated as holidays too. Combined with weekends, Golden Week 2019 stretches from April 27 through May 6. Typically, people spend the time vacationing abroad or visiting their families. Many stores close.

Japan's Super-Long Spring Break

The crown prince's promotion to emperor means Golden Week 2019 will be an extraordinary 10 days long

* Japanese law holds that weekdays sandwiched between national holidays also become holidays

2. So what’s the problem?

While Japan grinds to a halt, there will be major events and economic data released elsewhere, including a U.S. Federal Reserve rate decision on May 1. Traders and investors won’t be able to exit their positions in Tokyo once the market shutdown starts, but it’ll be business as usual in the rest of the world. Japan’s Financial Services Agency urged currency traders to “manage their positions” before the holidays and said it will be monitoring for signs of market manipulation in the run-up, when trading volumes, or liquidity, are expected to be low. It warned of the prospect for post-holiday volatility. And the agency is encouraging people to withdraw extra cash or raise the withdrawal limits on their ATM cards so they don’t run short, since bank branches are expected to close.

3. Has there been trouble before?

The currency market’s so-called witching hour – between the close in New York and the open in Tokyo – has become notorious in recent years for rapid swings due to thin liquidity, a problem that’s exacerbated by extended holidays. Memories are still fresh of the Jan. 3 flash crash, when Japan was shut for the last day of its New Year break. Orders to dump the Australian dollar and the Turkish lira against the yen flooded the markets. Algorithmic trading kicked in and the yen surged in seven minutes through levels that had held for almost a decade. A month later the Swiss franc swooned almost 1 percent before recovering, within minutes, at the start of Asian trading during another Japanese holiday.

4. How are financial institutions preparing?

Some brokerages such as Daiwa Securities Group Inc. are planning to make trading in U.S.- and European-listed stocks available for Japanese clients during the holidays (on April 30 and May 2). Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. says it extended the maturities of some hedge positions to cover the holiday period and is considering tweaking work schedules. Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance Co. is going to stop buying stocks before the holidays and has prepared a manual for staff to deal with the unexpected. Others are relying on technology: Nippon Life Insurance Co. has a web-conference system in place, and Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. says its staff has the “required devices” to trade or deal with any market swings. Meanwhile, investors have been clamoring for the security of 10-year Japanese government bonds ahead of the 10-day holiday. The April 2 auction drew the highest bid-to-cover ratio in 14 years.

5. Any other impact?

more at https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-13/why-japan-s-10-day-break-has-markets-worried-quicktake … .

41b4d7  No.6282703


President Trump's actions, for the most part which I can see and have knowledge of, are exactly what needs to be done for this country. That is the biggest reason that I am a supporter of his. I surely didn't want Hilary in 2016, so I took a chance on Trump. Boy, am I sure glad that I did.

Nevertheless, I wonder.

Is it too good to be true? What if I get my hopes up, and then later see that Trump was just a great Deep State actor to keep us calm and controlled while their sinister plans went forward in other directions?

I also look at the calendar and how slowly the plan is moving forward, and I wonder: is there time to accomplish everything?

And then the normies who REFUSE to wake up… The liberal normies DON'T EVEN WANT to think for themselves. It makes me think there is no hope for our government to survive long-term because the populace have been dumbed-down so thoroughly they can't be trusted to have any influence in our government…

I just don't see the endgame. I can't see how this all plays out such that there aren't riots which must forcibly be put down, or there aren't large numbers of people who must be incarcerated, or disenfranchised, or, …? What is the path forward?

a8d561  No.6282704




Think about how they get the masses to sing along to demoralizing lyrics like this. No wonder they still blast this shit on the radio for free.

''I'm only happy when it rains

I'm only happy when it's complicated

And though I know you can't appreciate it

I'm only happy when it rains

You know I love it when the news is bad

And why it feels so good to feel so sad

I'm only happy when it rains

Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me

Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me''

205c09  No.6282705


>Well, amen!

Amen, indeed! No shortage of water for a baptism there!

I was baptised by a friend in their bathtub!

7f9de8  No.6282706



832bd5  No.6282707

File: b10d255b70ded70⋯.png (600.57 KB, 640x513, 640:513, ClipboardImage.png)

European Royals Allegedly Killing Children in Human Hunting Parties..:

http://humansarefree.com/2014/06/european-royals-killing-children-in.html …

26b234  No.6282708

File: fec08d94f93250f⋯.png (28.47 KB, 525x500, 21:20, RELSriLankaReligions.png)



>I was in a hotel that had loads of radical muslims staying (because it's a high percent of the population)….

Right out of the gate, the fact that you would misrepresent the religious demographics of Sri Lanka, 70% Buddhist in breakdowns shown everywhere, calls into question your motives for posting the garbage you did. Were you really in this country, with wall-to-wall statues of Buddha? Don't think so.

Get thee hence, shill!

9a37a4  No.6282709


Good for you! I was baptized in a swimming pool myself.

fec268  No.6282710

File: 5db3390b6d1e886⋯.jpg (239.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bran-waiting.jpg)

46ac86  No.6282711


That would be a cool way to get baptized.

2f6723  No.6282712


I’m glad to hear it. It is only something I have recently begun to do myself.

Can you offer any tips?

0d2ec1  No.6282713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trolling is fun, but this is abuse.

Holy fuck I'm livid.

832bd5  No.6282714

File: 93e12af069ec6b8⋯.png (733.5 KB, 750x466, 375:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1137c69a6a8369b⋯.png (535.43 KB, 524x526, 262:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4815c6a38844546⋯.png (288.26 KB, 750x493, 750:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 663140a036f6595⋯.png (702.34 KB, 609x1199, 609:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

Hidden in Plain Sight… 💥🌾WHEAT 🌾 = HARVEST 💥 Columbine Death Pais = Red Wine/Blood of Grapes

952a14  No.6282715


Notes @195

>>6282692 Iranian parliament labels entire US military as terrorist

>>6282651 US Navy photos of the day

>>6282645 Plane fag on AZAZ09O9 Up heading SW out of DC

>>6282643 Kevin McCarthy: "Unacceptable" for liar Schiff to remain as Chair fo Intell Cmte

>>6282616 Kamala Harris says she'll give Congress 100 days to enact gun control laws or….

>>6282612 Thai Navy tows away the floating cabin of a US couple; face possible death sentences

>>6282593 Supreme Court to hear LGBT workplace discrimination cases

>>6282561, >>6282632 Setara Princess Anne hospital has drill for a mass casualty event named "Something in the Water" Festival

>>6282565, >>6282559, >>6282573 What would it take "to stop following Q"? "We ARE Q"

>>6282557 Biden accuser Lucy Flores: Tone-deaf jokes ‘incredibly disrespectful’

>>6282552 Fitton tweet: UNPRECEDENTED spying campaign on @realDonaldTrump

>>6282541 Critics blast Ilhan Omar over old "Black Hawk Down" tweet

>>6282538, >>6282329 pb Was it really necessary to behead the Notre Dame copper sculptures? Copper is LIGHT

>>6282535, >>6282546, >>6282590 Epstein's secret charity Gratitude America: Call for a DIGG

>>6282522 To be announced today: DJT will make his 1st full state visit to the UK in June

Wow, anons. And we're not even to @200 yet.

Any bakers lurking yet??

a8d561  No.6282716


Napoleon Hill?

Even if that isn't who you were thinking of, I strongly recommend reading "Think and Grow Rich."

891bcc  No.6282717

File: 38fa48fcaf1ed95⋯.png (11.45 KB, 236x255, 236:255, 138cda1dc7373beb5d032bd14f….png)


Dude, ice cold Red Stripe waiting for you at the parade.

9a37a4  No.6282718


Right on.

8ab1a6  No.6282719


Well done report, good memes too!

2f6723  No.6282720


Don’t worry. If he is the actor you speculate, we are all fucked a thousand times over. Enjoy this moment !

41b4d7  No.6282721


I love how positive you are! However, my experience is that I haven't been able to red-pill a single person. A few that I have talked to are so brainwashed that they completely REFUSE to even entertain the most simple thought of their own. They are 100% dependent on fake news to tell them what to think. One even indirectly admitted that he didn't even WANT to try to think on his own, as he spouted off fake news narratives and garbage that had been pushed into his mind in college making him think he was so smart and that people who thought for themselves are dumb.

The ones have I encountered are 100% COMPLETELY HOPELESS. They would rather ruin the country than admit that they are wrong and that Trump is actually helping the USA.

e27ab7  No.6282723


transponder off

0d2ec1  No.6282724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I don't question why I want to save humanity.

If we lose it; we're fucked.

It would be the worst thing that could happen to us.

Chris Chan VS. The Internet Documentary Kickstarter Thoughts (LIVE)

"So from my understanding the project got cancelled but they still got footage to put together and bring it out According to the pr guy.

20k is a lot of money and I don't think this project will make money but Megan Is a hook for me due to finding out about Chris chan 10 years ago"

832bd5  No.6282725

File: 2a3cbb6508478ab⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1098, 60:61, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>6282651 US Navy photos of the day

You FORGOT TO ADD: A Sailor gets baptized aboard

Good job baker:

US Navy photos of the day: Sailor baptized aboard

9a37a4  No.6282726


Proud moment to have such an important, life-changing event commemorated with pictures and posts like that.

952a14  No.6282727


You may have a greater influence than you think. People change from the inside out. Takes time. Don't be discouraged, do be patient. (Gosh, I'm echoing Romper Room here, but the words are really true.)

952a14  No.6282728


Happy to oblige.

2f6723  No.6282729

The “devil” for lack of a better term, has convinced the masses that we here and those who share our core beliefs are “the devil”. Even though all of us here are righting for the betterment of all mankind, they paint us as radicals and bigots.

The fight my friends, is for the consciousness of the people. That is the prize. The power to control all, without them even knowing it.

8ab1a6  No.6282731


How to calculate the amount of energy, in terms of money, lives and human attention and effort, to engineer decades of fear in the populations of over 150 countries for generations?

Think of what could be done with that energy when the hostes humani generis (enemies of mankind) are overthrown.


Do it Q

e27ab7  No.6282732

File: 73f599e66df46b8⋯.jpg (202.14 KB, 526x989, 526:989, enchantee.jpg)

a8d561  No.6282733


>Be extremely specific about your goals to avoid unintended consequences.

>If your goals involve wealth, you'll have more success thinking in terms of "abundance" rather than money.

>Expressing gratitude is extremely important.

>Read "Think and Grow Rich."

I should caution that I don't really do this stuff anymore because too many weird things started happening in my life and some of them not very good. If you're going to fuck with reality, make sure it's for a worthy goal.

41b4d7  No.6282734


I want you to be correct so badly. I understand the need to win in 2024 with another Trump-like candidate.

I know: I need to have faith. My faith is weak in that I fear both of the following: that enough people will make the correct choices in 2020 (probably) 2024 (less likely) so there will be enough time to get all of the required work done to defeat the evil cabal.

I still don't see the long-term cleansing will be essentially permanent even if we get 16 years.

I just don't have enough faith in my fellow citizens, seeing how foolish many of them are to keep believing everything the fake news media feeds them.

035163  No.6282735

File: d2e685470190e48⋯.jpg (44.65 KB, 600x320, 15:8, douche-bag.jpg)


avril connard!





douchbag/douche-sac = shower bag

April Shower

funny word game

53bafa  No.6282736



Well, that would explain why the big picture was already pretty much known by /pol/, and Q was mostly filling in details (the biggest one was North Korea- a place beyond our reach). I do think their activities were known by the NSA decades ago though.

Agree that cabal victory would be a fate worse than death. Earth would become a stagnant hell-planet, with the remaining populace being sacrificial livestock for satanists. Forever. Compared to that, destroying the economy and gassing a few million SJWs (or deporting them to Somalia) is a good deal.

I hope The Plan includes stopping mass immigration, Islamization, destruction of the family, and the welfare state being used as a selective breeding program for idiots. Because if all this isn't stopped, the cancer will grow back within this century.

952a14  No.6282737

Baker will depart in about 15 mins

Should be late enough for an early am baker to pick up the bake.

2f6723  No.6282739


Astounding concept isn’t it. That they have capitalized suffering

cc9c84  No.6282740


I think people are expecting a lot out of President Trump that is indicative of a tribal mindset. Trump has become a tribal leader that humans are comfortable dealing with. We don't naturally think in terms if laws and process. We think in very tribalistic terms intuitively and compulsively.

We like our heroes - our arbiters - our fearless leaders and icons of nobility. And there is nothing really wrong with that, though there are possibilities beyond those ways of thinking.

Patriots point, we follow.

Many of the things that will be exposed are not going to have a clear process for reform. The CIA created a large number of front organizations that operated on behalf of many foreign groups, to include the British Royal Family. While that is a crime under the Constitution - what isn't exactly outlined is "okay… So…. How do we restructure things to help prevent that from happening?"

The FBI is a massive overstep and redundant organization that conflicts with the U.S. Marshals. Do we keep it… Redefine it… Get rid of it and reinforce the Marshals?

Many of these things aren't going to have a clear answer, and even if Q/team have a lot of mature ideas on how to do this, these things need to be presented to the public along with the issues and put through the process of discourse and legislation to be approved. It would be subverting the concept of our nation to have a group of nobility come through and make sweeping changes completely arbitrarily outside of the most dire of emergencies - and even then, such measures should be seen as emergency actions.

Replacing the federal reserve may take a decade - or it could happen very quickly. For example - cabal assets seized by the government could be swapped for junk bonds usually fed to retirement and pension accounts. The cabal would be forced to hold the bag for the market shift while being given a fair market value ahead of the fallout.

I am not really sure if that act is "good" or not - and there are certainly some implications for treason not being a blood or lineage offense - it isn't right to destroy a five year old's future because their father was a lizard. The point is, though, that there are some options available to Q and team that I hadn't prior considered when I first assessed that the market collapse was unavoidable and that Trump was walking into a trap.

Which also leads to a other point… Most people are good. As cynical as I can be and as frustrated as I can get with how people can't seem to be motivated to think beyond beer pong on Friday… The establishment of the cabal is a more frail structure than it appears. It has used brutal means to stay on top because it is unnatural for it to exist where it is. These are horrible, evil people who are at war with each other as much as they are at war with anyone else.

Well… Somewhat - the family is larger than the cabal, so there are people who are more just from an alien world of the abyss more so than evil - the mage families from Fate/Zero or the Martians from Aldnoah.Zero, for example. Some of them are heinous pricks. Many of them are alien to how the rest of us live - or may even look at it longingly (much as how the martians look at the common, simple life of Earth as one blessed by blue skies… I highly recommend the series as a bit of a symbolic analysis of the old clans vs the common world).

Anyway, I am getting off track and seeing ninjas in masks at the corner of my vision.

The cabal structure will not likely reform to its current scale. They have managed to preserve the status of "legendary conspiracy" that few take seriously. Exposing this as a point of historical fact, when the library can no longer be so easily burned and can be easily accessed by all … Makes it very difficult to envision a scenario where they would be able to return so easily.

As for "the end won't be for everyone" - I take this as being our inevitable RETURN to the stars. 2024 was, in a book I have yet to put to paper, unfortunately, the year when the war of armageddon ended we came face to face with a recon-in-force deployment from an alien species expecting to find the proverbial cabal in control. You'll note POTUS has us returning to the moon that year.

Not everyone will want to leave the planet and venture into space. I do not know for certain that this is what Q means. It could also mean that most people will, also, not want to really dig into the origins of our species and how their religions tie into those origins as well as the blood lines of the family.

f97306  No.6282741



Here's a subtle one for you. In the Bible where it reads … the Earth was void and without form… The word void in the Hebrew is (he yah). It means to become void, empty. Notice the prop for the scratch board in this video. A tribute to satan (death)? Absolutely. The lyrics….become void, become void, become void.

f7ba64  No.6282742


That might very well be. Or maybe we are tipping Consciousness. Maybe both.

952a14  No.6282743


>>6282559 is already in Notes

2f6723  No.6282744


Very insightful thank you. I can understand all of that. And will especially heed your word of warning. Thanks again

41b4d7  No.6282745


I hope you are correct! I can sort of see that. It would not get all to wake up, but we don't have to have EVERYONE. We just need enough so we can elect enough people to get Constitutional Amendments passed (which is an EXTREMELY high bar to achieve).

b76ddc  No.6282746

Shit man. thats rough. I have to admit I've been polishing my techniques for years now… Like asking them how they feel and learning to do that well or objectively. Using sterling cataclysmic Truth and having enough to catch the current uber driver (or person) in your redpill pokeball. Trap them in your infinite wisdom lmfao. I gotta admit it… Its been a lot easier since this whole scalar energy en devour. Science of Miracles, Miraculous.

The socialists are the worst. I don't meet their kind often, but they sometimes become radicalized somewhat fast diving down a rabbit whole of debilitation for months. These are legendary level Redpill pokemon. You need a golden Trump ball to catch them. I might have found the one you would get for winning

defeating the gymnast at the big pharma.

8ab1a6  No.6282748


Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars



b76ddc  No.6282749

937d6f  No.6282750


Praying = Giving thanks for what already Is

832bd5  No.6282752

File: f129523c712c0d9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1012x675, 1012:675, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d144edfe84e3c3⋯.png (258.53 KB, 461x357, 461:357, ClipboardImage.png)

Sri Lankan Minister of Defense claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks

The Sri Lankan Minister of Defense has reportedly said the church and hotel attacks that killed 321 people over Easter were retaliation for the Christchurch shootings.

"The preliminary investigations have revealed that what happened in Sri Lanka was in retaliation for the attack against Muslims in Christchurch," Ruwan Wijewardene told parliament on Tuesday afternoon.

The Guardian reported an intelligence memo circulated to some in the Sri Lankan government in the weeks before the attack said one member of the terrorist group identified as having perpetrated the bombings had started to update his social media accounts “with extremist content” in the aftermath of the shootings by a rightwing-extremist in New Zealand.

The Guardian reports terrorism researchers have said the attack would have required months of preparation and were likely started before the Christchurch attack.

News.com.au reports a video posted by Al Ghuraba Media, which is not an official IS organisation but is run by IS supporters, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

They named three of the suicide bombers as Abul Barra, Abul Mukhtar and Abu Ubaida.


7f9de8  No.6282753


I’ve still got my eye on Jim Jordan for 2024 (or to replace Pence).

2f6723  No.6282754

Today I woke up in a shitty mood. So I trolled some fuckwits online. Felt negative all day. Then a pipe burst in my house and I had a shitty business meeting.

I can’t help feel I made all of that shit happen myself. What an idiot.

2f6723  No.6282756



This is a big story for some Anons here.

8ab1a6  No.6282757

Unified Code Theory Predicted Notre Dame Fire (Intro)


A Notre Dame to Kill For


Emerging Pattern Maps Of Noah


Christchurch: Priming the Next 9/11


84866b  No.6282758


At least you recognised it, most wouldn't.

53bb05  No.6282759


Next time u wake in a shittymood, go back to bed. Think happy thoughts and be grateful for what you have in life. You may see a big change.

- no trolling required.

952a14  No.6282760


gotcha, friend.

>>>6282752 Sri Lankan Minister of Defense claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks

2353be  No.6282761


>Q basically cropped up and said "whoa, hey… Before you burn the planet to spite the moon, you all aren't alone and we have a plan that can bring justice to our world rather than just a flipping of the table before a bar brawl."

100% this

0d2ec1  No.6282762

File: 59282223429bc3d⋯.jpg (266.54 KB, 744x488, 93:61, ForTheSakeOfHumanity.jpg)

2f6723  No.6282763


Thank you. Even after all these years I still fall into traps like that. Fuck.

I’m usually good at trying to hit that positive light. But sometimes people come into my life and their energy is really heavy.

Tomorrow is another day. I shall try my best to wake positive.

20ab14  No.6282764


You don't see nothin' but dust…


832bd5  No.6282765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Damaging 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Metro Manila – Manila Video

2f6723  No.6282766


So true. Man I bit the shit today.

Thanks for your support Anon. Greatly appreciated.

0d2ec1  No.6282767

File: 704fb40d0f986cb⋯.jpg (400.19 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 4c0f0a76b5f38f8ec9e4359224….jpg)

File: b48ba558c3d563f⋯.jpg (431.72 KB, 828x1148, 207:287, f064bd1911634e17f0a84fdb40….jpg)

File: 02a6221589dd77d⋯.jpg (144.75 KB, 855x702, 95:78, a0e86b24824e133ec04ab26667….jpg)

File: b5927c56dc785a4⋯.jpg (319.38 KB, 1096x736, 137:92, 9a4bbc4b7b7d7f5456604b5192….jpg)

7f9de8  No.6282768

File: f509e78bf704efa⋯.png (3.55 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6E32ABD7-A0D5-4F3E-B8BE-62….png)


Ty, B.

Cozy in the bread.

121d57  No.6282769

File: abd89d51f42ba1b⋯.jpeg (457.61 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D8670A2F-0374-4162-9DD5-9….jpeg)


anyone at all would be a downgrade

how does one follow Trump??

891bcc  No.6282770

File: ddf141c4677ec95⋯.png (464.96 KB, 751x697, 751:697, Screenshot (1421).png)

Brexit Party announcing more new candidates.

Watch live on twatter.


20ab14  No.6282771

File: c61d47773fd98b2⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 1988x1494, 994:747, Busy-Saving-Humanity-QofGa….jpg)

File: d0faedfbf4202fa⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1988x1494, 994:747, Busy-Saving-Humanity-QofGa….jpg)

File: 4bb3eda04b496be⋯.jpg (208.34 KB, 824x362, 412:181, Busy-Saving-Humanity-howco….jpg)

File: cedab8109f14330⋯.jpg (330.69 KB, 900x601, 900:601, Future-Proves-Past-PAINCon….jpg)

a8d561  No.6282772



When I have days like this, I pray, apologize for the shitty mood, admit that I don't why it was so bad today, and ask for help in removing the negativity. It helps. Don't be too hard on yourself, Anon. It's not easy.

832bd5  No.6282773

File: 2804ebc350a0231⋯.png (394.78 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Four men and woman appear in court accused of laundering £19million from sale of fake prescription drugs bought in Europe

Mindy Gross, 42, including four men who are accused of laundering cash from the sale of fake and unlicenced medicines

Four men and a woman appeared in court today accused of laundering cash from the sale of fake and unlicensed medicines after more than £19m passed through their accounts.

Prosecutors say counterfeit medication was bought in European countries such as Germany, Austria and France before being sold.

David Cohen, 37, Mindy Gross, 42, and Jacob Gross, 44, Edward Cohen, 65, and Maurice Gross, 37, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court facing a total of 14 charges against them.

David Cohen, of Golders Green, north London, is charged with making a false statement to obtain benefits, failing to notify of a change of circumstances affecting benefits, providing false information to the Charity Commission, acquiring criminal property and being concerned by the acquisition of criminal property.

Edward Cohen, of Stamford Hill, is charged with providing false statements to obtain benefits, providing false information to the Charity commission, acquiring criminal property, and two counts of being concerned in the acquisition of criminal property.

Jacob Gross and Mindy Gross, both of Golders Green, and Maurice Gross, of Antwerp, Belgium, are all charged with acquiring criminal property.

Jacob Gross is also charged with being concerned in the acquisition of criminal property.

Juliana Ng, prosecuting, said: ‘At its highest, the Crown say that over £19 million passed through these defendants bank accounts through the sale of counterfeit prescription-only medication or counterfeit medication that were purchased in countries such as Germany, Austria and France.

‘They processed the money and then sent it overseas to fraudsters. They obtained their part of it.’

All five defendants were bailed ahead of a preliminary hearing at Southwark Crown Court on 21 March.


7f9de8  No.6282774

File: 050e0d22fef1439⋯.png (459.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FFB4CB42-2D7A-419B-8511-37….png)


He makes me belly laugh.

41b4d7  No.6282775


Thank you for responding. You are an interesting and scary person. I am quite tempted to give you clues about how to figure out who I am, if you were to so choose. I have few "true friends" even though I have many acquaintances. I think you could be one of those "true friends". I thoroughly enjoy discussions with Ns, especially _N_Js.

Again, thank you for responding. I pored over every word. The ninjas sound scary. I will stick to seeing ghosts when I visit the house where Mom used to live before she died. Those ghosts all seem, if anything, to be some combination of loving and protective.

952a14  No.6282776


Me, too. Wish it were an hour earlier, tho, would like to finish the bread. But someone else will, we're like a river that just keeps rolling to the sea….

d39ef5  No.6282777

File: ef3ce3b97c42b03⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1848x817, 1848:817, conditioning john oliver.jpg)

832bd5  No.6282778

File: e3d304bfc42717d⋯.png (696.83 KB, 500x575, 20:23, ClipboardImage.png)





>This is a big story for some Anons here.

Makes no sense. The NZ killer was not a Christian and was white. Targeting your own countrymen for such a tragedy is sick and twisted. More like the cabal wants to start a new crusade war between Muslims and Christians. Don't fall for it.

abe6a8  No.6282779


people suck.

7f9de8  No.6282780


I know, right?

I’m just thinking of someone who has big enough balls to keep it from devolving after Trump’s time is up.

Slim picking for candidates on our side.

20ab14  No.6282781

File: 27dddc3021ad4bb⋯.jpg (103.01 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Sunrise-Pepe-Puppy.jpg)

File: 9164457c2755dee⋯.jpg (290.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Covfefe-with-frens.jpg)

File: a61af4b09a91346⋯.png (164.53 KB, 625x417, 625:417, Now-Now-Pepe-Covfefe.png)


I love this Pepe.

Comfiest ever.


Beautifully put, Anon.

937d6f  No.6282782


You Create Your Own Reality

41b4d7  No.6282783


Oh, and as for the tribal mindset of a supporter of President Trump, I suppose I am because I don't know of any other politician I would trust. Well, I would trust Ron and Rand Paul, but that is about the extent of things at this point other than Trump.

20ab14  No.6282784

File: 1362be8172736be⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 612x473, 612:473, P2K-Think-Mirror.jpg)

e27ab7  No.6282785

File: 6c55f9146da6c00⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 359x409, 359:409, cucked muzz.jpg)

891bcc  No.6282786


You know why, don't you anon?

*No law and order.

*No accountability

8e6b26  No.6282787


Kansas is the logical continuation of The Plan beyond 2024

f06540  No.6282788


Is it coincidental that the Sri Lankan cricket team were reportedly on their way to the mosque in Christchurch when the FF happened?

952a14  No.6282790


Notes so far

>>6282770 Brexit Party announces new candidates

>>6282752 Sri Lankan Minister of Defense claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks

>>6282692 Iranian parliament labels entire US military as terrorist

>>6282651 US Navy photos of the day: Sailor baptized aboard.

>>6282645 Plane fag on AZAZ09O9 Up heading SW out of DC

>>6282643 Kevin McCarthy: "Unacceptable" for liar Schiff to remain as Chair fo Intell Cmte

>>6282616 Kamala Harris says she'll give Congress 100 days to enact gun control laws or….

>>6282612 Thai Navy tows away the floating cabin of a US couple; face possible death sentences

>>6282593 Supreme Court to hear LGBT workplace discrimination cases

>>6282561, >>6282632 Setara Princess Anne hospital has drill for a mass casualty event named "Something in the Water" Festival

>>6282565, >>6282559, >>6282573 What would it take "to stop following Q"? "We ARE Q"

>>6282557 Biden accuser Lucy Flores: Tone-deaf jokes ‘incredibly disrespectful’

>>6282552 Fitton tweet: UNPRECEDENTED spying campaign on @realDonaldTrump

>>6282541 Critics blast Ilhan Omar over old "Black Hawk Down" tweet

>>6282538, >>6282329 pb Was it really necessary to behead the Notre Dame copper sculptures? Copper is LIGHT

>>6282535, >>6282546, >>6282590 Epstein's secret charity Gratitude America: Call for a DIGG

>>6282522 To be announced today: DJT will make his 1st full state visit to the UK in Ju

035163  No.6282791

File: 62564ecbda9aa6c⋯.png (395.61 KB, 957x1072, 957:1072, The Beast.png)


Intention counts.

Curators are over-cautionnous people, one may understand they feared the heads broke during move…

But at the same time, we know some satanists are going after christians all over the planets…

So i tend to think it's not coincidence.

But anyway, real believers who red the bible know adoring objects stinks to god's nose…

ffc893  No.6282792

File: dd5fb1ded2ecf35⋯.png (600.1 KB, 689x828, 689:828, queen.PNG)


US President Donald Trump will make a state visit to the UK in early June, Buckingham Palace is expected to announce later.

The president was promised the visit by Prime Minister Theresa May after he was elected in 2016 - but no date was set.

Downing Street did not comment on the matter when contacted by the BBC.

President Trump and the First Lady, Melania, met the Queen at Windsor Castle when they came to the UK in July 2018 for a two-day working visit.


0d2ec1  No.6282793


The Georgia Guidestones were made by the minority who thought they were an authority on the majority.

As Above, So Below… just look to your Left.

And even though the Devil made an offer, and it'd be disrespectful not to hear 'em out….

The Majority is not so gay.

At some point the compassionate thing to do is excise the cancer… for everyone's sake.

The rest is fine.

It's like a cabbage.

Just strip off the outer layers.

The rest… most of it… is good.

832bd5  No.6282794

File: 29680514e03019d⋯.png (261.6 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: accb7cde4507d5f⋯.png (69.55 KB, 250x207, 250:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 311e596d433e15f⋯.png (513.63 KB, 725x400, 29:16, ClipboardImage.png)

MASSIVE FISHY VAGINA PANIC ATTACK: Kamala Harris Backs Trump Impeachment: ‘We Need To Get Rid Of This President’

Another day, another Democratic contender calling for the impeachment of US President Donald Trump.

Speaking on the Trump-nemesis channel par excellence, CNN, it was this time California Senator Kamala Harris who joined the call for President Trump’s impeachment : ‘I think we have very good reason to believe that there is an investigation that has been conducted which has produced evidence that tells us that this President and his administration engaged in obstruction of justice,’ Harris said.

‘I believe Congress should take the steps towards impeachment.’

Of course, given the current polling numbers, it is imperative for all Democratic contenders at this point to be outbidding each other as to what they’ll do to the current US President in order to be noticed at all.


d50b02  No.6282795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Marxists Hijacked Our Culture

937d6f  No.6282796


Trying = Puts you in a reality of trying

Doing = Puts you in a reality of doing

f7ba64  No.6282797



Whoever it is, they have already been picked.


True enough. Running Jr. would send a third of America into an asylum.

a8d9a1  No.6282798

File: b6e0680058ed402⋯.jpeg (62.81 KB, 609x734, 609:734, 18A654D0-2927-4095-BB10-3….jpeg)

271307  No.6282799

The Red Coats are coming!

Since (((they))) are COWARDS… they only wear the colors on (((their))) shoes.





d50b02  No.6282800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(CRINGE WARNING!) These Marxist Professors Are OUT OF THEIR MINDS

8b583c  No.6282801

File: 112201a6756834c⋯.jpg (190.95 KB, 693x436, 693:436, 112201a6756834c8b754cb4cf1….jpg)



20ab14  No.6282802


>At some point the compassionate thing to do is excise the cancer… for everyone's sake.

>The rest is fine.

I think that's where we're at.

41b4d7  No.6282803


Yes, that is precisely my concern. If his sincerity is real, we have a chance. If he is just an actor, our last, best chance for salvaging this country is doomed.

That is what I said before the 2016 election: Trump is our last, best chance.

121d57  No.6282804

File: 689dc3d6452893f⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 5CC4ABCA-5AD4-40CD-B7A3-C….jpeg)


jr is probs the best choice

i like that guy


Q for President has a nice ring to it

0d2ec1  No.6282805


Fucking procedural bullshit.


41b4d7  No.6282806


I do keep trying to tell myself that my words will sink into their hearts and minds, and someday bear fruit.

Thank you for your encouragement!

46e9c9  No.6282807

File: 71febbeee853705⋯.jpeg (109.76 KB, 750x615, 50:41, 64FDAE66-56EF-49DD-899A-8….jpeg)

Only question is whether it will occur before or after the harvest.

20ab14  No.6282808

File: 2d061d6a4635dd3⋯.jpg (494.83 KB, 605x807, 605:807, Level-Up-QMAP.jpg)

File: 83dbe002bcf2926⋯.jpg (383.34 KB, 605x807, 605:807, Game-Over-QMAP.jpg)

File: 4eb6b0f7d57f3b8⋯.jpg (393.11 KB, 605x807, 605:807, Let's-MUGA-GO-QMAP.jpg)

File: 1a56f65e857cff3⋯.jpg (379.55 KB, 605x807, 605:807, Freedom-QMAP.jpg)

File: 81ae80af1603354⋯.jpg (397.17 KB, 605x807, 605:807, Welcome-Friends-QMAP.jpg)


Surgery Time.

0d2ec1  No.6282809


Keep doin' whatchu do, mang

fb0ba0  No.6282810

File: 082a9fb29190f02⋯.mp4 (1001.93 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, FOXNFRENS.mp4)

I am hearing more and more Q key words on fox. "the Plan" "hiding in plain sight" & Hannity is gold for Q Quotes as well

Keep it up people will listen subconsciously Q!

952a14  No.6282811




Baker is departing the kitchen

GHOST BAKE for now

Notifying BO/BV.


shows current Notes

which are already in the following NEW ==pastebin:==


Goodnight, anons. Have a good bake!!

8ab1a6  No.6282812


Undo it all back to 1871, imprison the remaining seditionists and seize their historical/current assets, and all bank assets including fraudulent mortgages, returning it as damages to the People - Reparations!



52dc35  No.6282813


You seem deebly goncerned….

Learn to read energy anon…learn to vibe out a room, a crowd, a person.

All is Well concernfags….

God Wins

832bd5  No.6282814

File: 87439c2d9fc4888⋯.png (391.12 KB, 748x420, 187:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a1643bdfa2e7f5⋯.png (574.21 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden Ignored Several Alleged Lynchings In Delaware During Obama Years — But Claims He Supports Black Community

During the late Beau Biden’s time as Attorney General and his father’s as Vice President, both Bidens failed to properly investigate a series of lynchings in Dover, Delaware.

According to reports from The Dover Post and Red State from 2012-2013, residents of the capitol city felt ignored by community leaders and elected officials following the lynching of two African-American residents.

The lynchings were accompanied by racist leaflets distributed after the first lynching in 2010 claiming that someone or a group of people would be “cleaning up the streets, one n*gger at a time.”

A third man was violently assaulted in December of 2012, following the October 2011 lynching of a young African-American male and star athlete who was attending Wesley College. Charles Conley, just 19-years of age, was found hanging from a tree from two-belts linked together. Police classified it as a suicide, claiming a suicide note existed… a claim that local activists and political leaders found to be unsubstantiated.

In the 2012 lynching attempt, another African American male was attacked by several men who attempted to cut off his ears and penis. The victim, Henry Fordham, claimed the two men bragged about lynching Johnny Clark in 2010 and promised to do the same to him.

Community meetings and outcry did little to motivate any action from the state’s Attorney General, Beau Biden, or his powerful father Joe Biden who was serving as the Vice-President of the United States under Barack Obama. Both Bidens regularly claimed to care about people of color, frequently requesting endorsements and support from powerful African-American church leaders and activist organizations.

However, the lynchings were all swept under the rug and labeled “suicides.” The third attempted lynching on Henry Fordham was soon forgotten after law enforcement claimed his statements could not be “substantiated,” despite substantial physical evidence of the attack.

From an article in The Dover Post, sharing comments made by a local resident who was unhappy with the lack of attention from city officials and political leaders in Delaware.

“Dover resident EShed Alston, former Delaware State University professor Dr. Jahi Issa and state House of Representatives District 34 Independent candidate Doug Beatty also demanded that the city continue to investigate the vulgar leaflet that depicted a racial slur that was circulated within the city beginning late in 2011.

“This flyer says, ‘Cleaning up the streets of Dover one nigger at a time,’” Alston said, holding up the leaflet before council during its Monday night meeting. “And it contains an image of a black person hanging from a tree [next to a Nazi symbol].”

Alston said he suspected the city had conducted a “cover up” of what he described as the lynching of Johnny Clark, who was black, in Silver Lake Park, on May 12.

“According to the official city line, he committed suicide,” Alston said. “Since then and subsequent to that, we had another individual who was treated in the same way at the same location. This is not an individual circumstance involving Mr. Clark.”

After public comment, Alston presented the Dover Post with an affidavit in which Henry Fordham, a black man, alleged that “two crazy white boys” attempted to lynch him in Silver Lake Park on Sept. 21.

“What I’m demanding here is an investigation because our kids mean something to us, gentlemen and ladies,” he said. “If this was a situation where this was a Caucasian who had been tortured or killed by black domestic terrorists, then something would be done in the city of Dover.”


2f6723  No.6282815


Truth. Thank you

20ab14  No.6282816


GodSpeed Baker.

952a14  No.6282817


They will sink in. God bless you, patriot. Time for me to go now!

035163  No.6282818


So true. Became allergic to soap operas for that reason : felt like mesmerized, with depression and emptiness.


952a14  No.6282819


Godspeed, friend, and good night.

2f6723  No.6282820


Thanks Anon. Living and learning. Today was just like a vortex. I’m in for the long haul!

2f6723  No.6282821


Thank you Baker!

832bd5  No.6282822

File: f76b370876d6938⋯.png (598.27 KB, 720x472, 90:59, ClipboardImage.png)

647c72  No.6282823

File: fdf882d85081756⋯.jpeg (279.49 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1174D71A-D9B0-4CD7-8145-0….jpeg)

41b4d7  No.6282824


Gotcha! Yeah, one of my attempts is with a Bernie-loving Socialist, who has had things happen in his life to drive him angrily from the church. He is a mess, with his first wife divorcing him after having an abortion against his wishes. So, he hates abortion, but supports it because, you know, he is a Democrat. He is a total mess. He comes from a great family, but he has rejected them and the good things that his granddad stood for in that small-town community. He is so full of hate and anger.

832bd5  No.6282825

File: 5edfeebb36821e9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1199x652, 1199:652, ClipboardImage.png)

They took the collusion scam hook line and sinker

5a3e91  No.6282826


Can be a good start to something.

A machine that knows it's a machine is already less of a machine.

937d6f  No.6282827

Lots of positive people on the board this morning…..good to see

e27ab7  No.6282828

File: 3eb96ef8fa434b8⋯.jpg (47 KB, 602x481, 602:481, void.jpg)

41b4d7  No.6282829


Yeah, I have had these thoughts on my mind for quite some time. This bread has been therapy for me (in a good way). It sure helps to be able to just talk about the thoughts with other people who get it.

Thanks, Anons!

647c72  No.6282830

File: 3d81ad41c6e6d12⋯.jpeg (720.43 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 98C7BC64-3836-47E5-A64D-A….jpeg)

41b4d7  No.6282831


God bless you, too! Thank you for the support!

5de289  No.6282832

File: 966e081d4bfccea⋯.jpg (413.77 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, gate.jpg)


Patrick Bateman in space?

e1eea7  No.6282833


basically wrote blazing saddle jew boy

647c72  No.6282834


when the dust settles we may have some great options

>new stars found

20ab14  No.6282835

File: 9e614b14dfeeb39⋯.jpg (48.63 KB, 960x640, 3:2, You-are-Hope-Love-Peace.jpg)

File: 28abdae8baa8d9f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1500x1080, 25:18, UR-Hope-Q 1358-MatrixQA.jpg)

File: 4ba08be3a677e58⋯.jpg (294.68 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Hope^X-Earth-Angel.jpg)

File: f77827c9260c9e8⋯.jpg (190.56 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Hope-in-the-Dark-to_LIGHT.jpg)

File: a70912884126c17⋯.jpg (565.56 KB, 1024x811, 1024:811, Hope-Wave.jpg)


>new stars found

832bd5  No.6282836

File: dd363d9e0a465f6⋯.png (329.34 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Prominent Bosnian Serb businessman killed in ambush

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina – A prominent Bosnian Serb businessman has died in what local media have described as a mafia-style execution.'

Slavisa Krunic, who owns several businesses including a private security firm, was killed in his vehicle late Monday as he approached his family home outside the northern Bosnian city of Banja Luka. Krunic is known as a vocal critic of the ruling nationalist party.

Krunic's bodyguard and one of the attackers were also killed. His driver sustained serious injuries, police said.


a8d561  No.6282837

File: 3637eb31b9deb6c⋯.jpg (219.16 KB, 948x954, 158:159, pop-up.jpg)


I did some more digging into the "Something in the Water Festival." They're going to have a large church service on 4/28. Given recent anti-Christian events like the Notre Dame fire and Sri Lanka bombings, I hope the white hats are taking a hard look at security for this event.

2f6723  No.6282838


Really is

20ab14  No.6282839

File: 463a989b9571399⋯.jpg (745.21 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, Welcome-the-Light-SunPepe.jpg)

File: 2d0bf647718d6b5⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1499x2260, 1499:2260, Dawn-is-Breaking.jpg)

File: eeaf9441c2b6fa2⋯.jpg (144.59 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Liberty-Sing-Dawn-Chorus.jpg)




Glorious meme.

f065d6  No.6282840


Amiright that the (fully formed) Wikipedia entry for this group was created yesterday?


I'm not that familiar with wiki, but it looks like the extensive list of links all have the same date? →…aster-sunday/ |accessdate=22 April 2019

Also, maybe a silly question, but is there any way to search for results older than a certain time period? All Google results are very fresh, even "going back a year" .

Anons can see where I'm going with this…

8619f3  No.6282841

File: 0eb89fc109a57a6⋯.png (103.36 KB, 259x259, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)


What have you done to protect the border?

vote for Bernie and gtfo

fuckin FAGGOT


794e5c  No.6282842

File: c881fbc5ab8fbf6⋯.jpeg (274.11 KB, 1125x1489, 1125:1489, 18710CD5-0DE4-4C23-B14C-9….jpeg)


41b4d7  No.6282843


>Agree that cabal victory would be a fate worse than death. Earth would become a stagnant hell-planet, with the remaining populace being sacrificial livestock for satanists. Forever. Compared to that, destroying the economy and gassing a few million SJWs (or deporting them to Somalia) is a good deal.

If you look through this bread, you will see that I am struggling with some of the same thoughts that you are. The 100% crazy leftist loony liberals who refuse to wake up (or prefer filth to allowing their brains to see the truth), just can't be saved (the SJWs, as you so correctly call them).

>I hope The Plan includes stopping mass immigration, Islamization, destruction of the family, and the welfare state being used as a selective breeding program for idiots. Because if all this isn't stopped, the cancer will grow back within this century.

Yelp, that has been my thoughts as well for quite a while now, and I just finally got around to dumping all of those thoughts into this bread. I have been struggling with seeing how the dumbed-down populace can be allowed to continue to have a say in the direction of governments. As you said, "if all this isn't stopped, the cancer will grow back…" However, I think it wouldn't even take a decade.

271307  No.6282844

Just so You know.. i cant stop thinking about old hints. Iran was going to 'cars' us? 'Laugh my ars off" .. missing C

Unless that was just a regular person posting… just saying….

Secondly… some of us cant stop thinking… We are bounded. Chains. - Just a description.

0fae9e  No.6282845

File: 51fa3cfc13209c8⋯.png (91.18 KB, 693x492, 231:164, ClipboardImage.png)


20ab14  No.6282846


Says the person who can't spell.

951c62  No.6282847

File: a903ba9572bea0e⋯.jpeg (96.63 KB, 600x500, 6:5, F23122F8-5B26-4091-8FA1-9….jpeg)

89d02b  No.6282848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vatican's "IHS" logo: DEEPER Occult Meaning (R$E)

(15Min) Excellent Video

647c72  No.6282849

File: cdb7d6bf94df1dc⋯.png (5.28 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at ….png)

035163  No.6282850


Hell Yeah, we are fuckin' ==DOING IT !==

I'm a I DO IT

Even shills can't counter GOD

5115a6  No.6282851

File: 3a8a33298fe98a3⋯.jpg (441.22 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, PenToots.jpg)



219ee1  No.6282852

File: b103ec7097ad704⋯.png (638.54 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, loser_ass_jew.png)

8664d7  No.6282853


no we don't.

d23fc6  No.6282854


>If he is just an actor, our last, best chance for salvaging this country is doomed.


>If he is the actor you speculate, we are all fucked a thousand times over.

Yep. And many of us are as good as dead. I've been on the Master Search Warrant (knock) list for decades. This is truly it, people. I can only assume that the drone that keeps flying into my back yard is not a threat. It freaks my neighbor out. He had seen it several times, but had not run into me…

One day I came walking out and he caught me in the street and said, "Is that you flying that drone?" I said no. "Dude, there is a drone that I have seen hovering above your house. It was just there before you came out. It dropped so far down into your yard, that I couldn't see it over the fence. Right before you came walking out, it shot straight up into the air and disappeared behind the clouds."

He proceeded to tell me that his youngest son had originally spotted it weeks earlier. So I told them if they ever saw it to call me. About a week or so later, they did.

I came out, and directly above my house, was a dark flying V shaped craft. It was up several thousand feet. It was silent. It hovered there, and I tried to catch it on film, but by the time I ran back in and grabbed the camera, it was really high up and difficult to see. Neighbor kid tried to snap it on his phone, but his phone had limited zoom and the pics he took were unremarkable. Mine came out a little better, but are still not very telling.

My neighbor said to me, "I don't know who you pissed off, but this is no consumer drone."

The point is, I am ALL IN. I figure that if whoever is behind that drone, knows who I am and knows where to find me. This is a Death Match.

If The Plan fails, the world IS doomed.


f06540  No.6282855



I'm no techfag, but it sure as fuck looks like that is a recently created entry. The newest Al Qaeda?

Have you tried waybackmachine.org?

20ab14  No.6282856

File: bcbf8b1b64a9e36⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1480x1405, 296:281, God-Wins-QofHeaven.jpg)

File: c8ee08f3d819c76⋯.jpeg (251.67 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, God-Wins-Bigger.jpeg)


Nothing can counter God Anon.

647c72  No.6282857

File: 1c668ab02cd98f7⋯.jpeg (378.06 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1D1B4B7F-1AC3-4742-82DF-5….jpeg)



i always enjoy your memes

glad to have you

(and glad we know what happens at the end of this)

d11dcf  No.6282858

Someone with some influence and a pair of balls needs to ask the local Make-A-Wish chapter about Landen Hoffman.

I know that shill camp A says he has never existed, I know that shill camp B says he got what he deserved.

Camp C are the true anons. Sure Make-A-Wish really only deals with "Life Threatening Illnesses" Being thrown off a third floor balcony is in fact a "Life Threatening Illness".

8619f3  No.6282859

File: 30ad339e086f310⋯.png (52.64 KB, 257x169, 257:169, Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at ….png)


Damn nigga

37d639  No.6282860



>The most important element is belief.

Expectation is more powerful than belief.

>Praying = Giving thanks for what already Is

Which means the prayer is expected to be answered.

20ab14  No.6282861

File: 245fec4dd590c84⋯.jpg (181.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Together-We-Win-Lions.jpg)


Best ending ever.


87e94c  No.6282862

File: 68c2700f3567a60⋯.png (291.89 KB, 800x613, 800:613, ProtectedByGod.png)

271307  No.6282863


PAIN! 23

Magic Mike


0fae9e  No.6282864

File: 4ea1b8516fdf8ef⋯.png (72.42 KB, 686x388, 343:194, ClipboardImage.png)




d69369  No.6282866

File: 32e6b3f6ca404cd⋯.png (556.99 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

417e26  No.6282868

File: 6e83b23efa62e5d⋯.jpg (175.56 KB, 1024x806, 512:403, 799816e7-099a-4841-b258-9f….jpg)

d39ef5  No.6282869

File: b2679b9da343d9a⋯.jpg (103.4 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 1.jpg)

File: fbec0e8eb3f6556⋯.jpg (131.74 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 2.jpg)

File: 6daffa1c968744b⋯.jpg (87.96 KB, 962x642, 481:321, a.jpg)

File: 4c2cb5bd68e8c73⋯.jpg (167.13 KB, 962x709, 962:709, b.jpg)

File: 57e18d8d4bdb2a1⋯.png (143.68 KB, 420x398, 210:199, Golden 6 Eggs at White Hou….png)

The the symbolism comms system if you weren't aware (and the bad guys have done a great job of misleading people on the simplicity of it). - Is just using anything that's not direct speech to say without saying. Like using a pose, a hairstyle, a colour, a code word, a pattern of letters or sequence - anything that says without accruing evidence

e.g. in this article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6947099/Melania-rebrands-Easter-putting-Best-slogan-eggs-White-House-Easter-egg-roll.html

there are a number of symbolism codes here. I typed out a long explanation of them but then deleted it… basically about whisteblowing against child rapists (sedated children) - and the gold we stole from the cult and media operatives we have waiting to be activated. - I'm still trying to figure out how to explain the symbolism comms in common usage each time because starting from the beginning of it requires a lot of time on how to read a sequence of pictures (or video timecoding) - knowing each colour in particular. - https://twitter.com/CodesUcq - check my pinned for some common ones (including how to read these ones)

8619f3  No.6282870

File: e0e3f1dd8c90540⋯.png (76.84 KB, 257x144, 257:144, Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at ….png)


Why are you lying faggot?

No one is flying v-shaped drones to spy on you dude.

Drones aren't needed to do that anyways.

You are the type of faggot boomer that makes us look bad. So keep telling all your boomer work buddies at your fake&gay boomer job that you are special and spooks are sending v-shaped drones after you.

Fuckin retard

0fae9e  No.6282871

File: 0dc2d4d8bc66f65⋯.png (75.91 KB, 695x420, 139:84, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86598e5f3f332ad⋯.jpg (104.23 KB, 972x588, 81:49, Trumps_Twitter_Bird.jpg)


d69369  No.6282873

File: 26ecf808db01d96⋯.png (497.25 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


St George’s Day in England St George died on 23 April, AD303 St George known for slaying the Dragon, symbolised as the Devil

St George's Day is here, offering us all a chance to fly English flags, celebrate our country's heritage and honour the patron saint of England.

While St Patrick's Day, St David's Day and St Andrew's Day are all celebrated with patriotic community events, St George's Day has become less significant over time and has left the nation somewhat confused about how to recognise the day.

But, who was the legendary figure and why is he the nation's patron saint? From the history behind the dragon-slayer, to how you can celebrate the day this year, here is everything you need to know about St George's Day.

When is St George's Day 2019?

St George's Day, the patron saint day of England, falls each year on April 23. Recognised annually on the anniversary of St George's death, the day was previously a national holiday and was once celebrated as widely as Christmas.

Since the 18th century, after England and Scotland united in 1707, celebrations have diminished, although some parades and public activities continue to be held every year.

Who was St George?


c84d72  No.6282874

File: b4ef5231b116675⋯.jpg (130.73 KB, 577x1024, 577:1024, 7nT55hQ.jpg)


lol, I'm gonna type this slow so you can read it at a good pace, "Nigga , u dumb" pic related

7803a0  No.6282875

File: cdb3a58e95781c6⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 254x188, 127:94, 1555818496.jpg)


Goin hard 24/7. Aren't you something.

7f9de8  No.6282877


3:08am. Kek.

Was Q+ in here trolling us tonight?


86aee6  No.6282878


As an artfag that has spent hundreds of hours looking at peoples faces and bodies and carefully replicating their features, I can say that 99% of us have asymmetric features to one degree or another.

This is just biological bilateral-symmetry developing and shifting as we grow from an embryo to an adult. Hiccups happen along the way that makes one ear lower than the other, Or one eye sit farther back in the socket than the other.

The nuance of our idiosyncratic asymmetry is what makes us recognizable individuals, and not mirror reflections of each other. In particular, I don't think catching unflattering photos of people's asymmetry reveals anything about their potential deviancy. Just go look in the mirror and look for what's off on your own face.

a8d561  No.6282879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


First thing that came to mind when I saw those eggs.

ad7d76  No.6282881


> What is the explanation for the f'ed up eyes?

An 'inactive' right brain, not connected with the heart, where God's direction is emanating from.

26b4bd  No.6282882

File: d22a484071e4795⋯.png (100.15 KB, 638x580, 11:10, 190423-trump-1-4.png)

Paul Krugman, of the Fake News New York Times, has lost all credibility, as has the Times itself, with his false and highly inaccurate writings on me. He is obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is. He said Market would crash, Only Record Highs!


I wonder if the New York Times will apologize to me a second time, as they did after the 2016 Election. But this one will have to be a far bigger & better apology. On this one they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!


I will be going to Green Bay, Wisconsin, for a really big Rally on Saturday Evening. Big crowd expected, much to talk about. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


The Radical Left Democrats, together with their leaders in the Fake News Media, have gone totally insane! I guess that means that the Republican agenda is working. Stay tuned for more!


2f6723  No.6282883


Maybe he was handing out some great advice. Was a very good vibe here tonight.

46ac86  No.6282884


Damn POTUS is up really early, hmmm interdasting

5115a6  No.6282885

File: 203a90fda11399a⋯.jpg (7.12 KB, 308x164, 77:41, 203a90fda11399a239fe6c179a….jpg)


Whoa. Slow down there, punchy. Let's see where the tard goes with it.


Do a flip.

d69369  No.6282886

File: 705e286e0ad02f4⋯.png (201.35 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c56b14ada07ae01⋯.png (405.22 KB, 800x810, 80:81, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f3832f796247fe⋯.png (63.11 KB, 800x434, 400:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't Tell Bernie: Medicare's Hospital Fund Will Run Out Of Money In Seven Years

Ever now and then we get a vivid reminder that America's biggest threat are not a handful of Facebook ads bought by the KGB, nor Iran's already brittle regime, nor Venezuela's hyperinflating basket case of an economy, but over $100 trillion in unfunded future liabilities. Today was one such day, because that's when the board of trustees for Social Security and Medicare reported that Medicare’s hospital insurance fund - also known as Medicare Part A - will be depleted in 2026, while Social Security program costs would exceed total income in 2020, for the first time since 1982.

Additionally, and in line with previous forecasts, the report also projected that Social Security funds could be fully depleted by 2035, leading to a devastating hit on expected payouts to retirees and other beneficiaries (read none), unless a comprehensive overhaul of the entire program is implemented in the coming years.

As a reminder, the Medicare trust fund comprises two separate funds: The hospital insurance trust fund is financed mainly through payroll taxes on earnings and income taxes on Social Security benefits. The Supplemental Medical Insurance trust fund is financed by general tax revenue and the premiums enrollees pay.

With uncertainty around possible cost-cutting solutions already weighing on healthcare stocks this year, US healthcare costs are expected to be a hot topic during the 2020 presidential campaign; most provocative of all is Bernie Sanders' proposal of “Medicare-for-All” - a plan that would eliminate private insurance and shift all Americans to a public healthcare plan.

It now appears, that Bernie's socialist healthcare vision is at best a pipe dream that will last about 6 more years, in line with Republicans' complains that the Vermont socialist's proposal is impractical and too expensive.


d11dcf  No.6282887


29/80. [They] are always here.

2f6723  No.6282888


Up early and slamming hard!

7f9de8  No.6282889


Agreed. Lots of wisdom flowed through here tonight.

396640  No.6282890


Don't know if this is legit but I came across this in bitchute. They claim to have 8ch passwordsto compromise Q. I don't know the accuracy and it could be a hoax or shills but you judge for yourself.


72c99e  No.6282891


What happened?

abe6a8  No.6282892


much to talk about

stay tuned for more

=> Adressing anons

d69369  No.6282893

File: 98cb96b23668f29⋯.png (229.53 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 057f34f01cbd747⋯.png (134.63 KB, 800x515, 160:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46848f7c08140aa⋯.png (113.81 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4b46d6ff48d9ef⋯.png (448.45 KB, 800x595, 160:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Mapping The Countries With The Most Oil Reserves

There’s little doubt that renewable energy sources will play a strategic role in powering the global economy of the future.

But, as Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes, for now, crude oil is still the undisputed heavyweight champion of the energy world.

In 2018, we consumed more oil than any prior year in history – about 99.3 million barrels per day on a global basis. This number is projected to rise again in 2019 to 100.8 million barrels per day.

The Most Oil Reserves by Country

Given that oil will continue to be dominant in the energy mix for the short and medium term, which countries hold the most oil reserves?

Today’s map comes from HowMuch.net and it uses data from the CIA World Factbook to resize countries based on the amount of oil reserves they hold.

Here’s the data for the top 15 countries below:

Venezuela tops the list with 300.9 billion barrels of oil in reserve – but even this vast wealth in natural resources has not been enough to save the country from its recent economic and humanitarian crisis.

Saudi Arabia, a country known for its oil dominance, takes the #2 spot with 266.5 billion barrels of oil. Meanwhile, Canada and the U.S. are found at the #3 (169.7 billion bbls) and the #11 (36.5 billion bbls) spots respectively.

The Cost of Production

While having an endowment of billions of barrels of oil within your borders can be a strategic gift from mother nature, it’s worth mentioning that reserves are just one factor in assessing the potential value of this crucial resource.

In Saudi Arabia, for example, the production cost of oil is roughly $3.00 per barrel, which makes black gold strategic to produce at almost any possible price.

Other countries are not so lucky:

*Total cost (bbl) includes production cost (also shown), capital spending, gross taxes, and admin/transport costs.

Even if a country is blessed with some of the most oil reserves in the world, it may not be able to produce and sell that oil to maximize the potential benefit.

Countries like Canada and Venezuela are hindered by geology – in these places, the majority of oil is extra heavy crude or bitumen (oil sands), and these types of oil are simply more difficult and costly to extract.

In other places, obstacles are are self-imposed. In some countries, like Brazil and the U.S., there are higher taxes on oil production, which raises the total cost per barrel.


2f6723  No.6282894


Interesting isn’t it. Comes in waves. I needed it too.

46ac86  No.6282895

File: 6fe3ab37844f842⋯.png (77.33 KB, 595x534, 595:534, Trump tweets April 23.png)



when i went to page and refreshed to look at tweets, look at the minute numbers, 7,11, 17, kek

26b4bd  No.6282896

File: e2d7206114232bb⋯.png (70.11 KB, 670x485, 134:97, 190423-trump-5.png)

In the “old days” if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism. Remember, “It’s the economy stupid.” Today I have, as President, perhaps the greatest economy in history…and to the Mainstream Media, it means NOTHING. But it will!


d23fc6  No.6282897


Suck a dick, cock-gobbler. I have no need to sit here and make shit up. Sightings of the drone were even in our local paper. I have only seen it that one time. Should your calling me a boomer mean something to me?

I have no reason to lie about this, but that is the problem with queefstains like you. You project your own views and actions upon others.

d39ef5  No.6282898

File: f6596921349fbb9⋯.jpg (100.88 KB, 902x814, 41:37, Golden nothing.jpg)

File: dd87a002cbf234e⋯.jpg (103.04 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Dwj46DGV4AEEYv0.jpg)

File: 3905477fce94e4a⋯.png (275.68 KB, 557x448, 557:448, golden.png)

File: 31129316f55b64b⋯.png (114.54 KB, 518x372, 259:186, B4 After Golden.png)

File: c619d677df32cc1⋯.jpg (82.68 KB, 601x381, 601:381, the big day.jpg)


you aren't that far off in a way. They are stolen tho ;) 6/6/18

8664d7  No.6282899


trump is going to slam out tweets today.

2f6723  No.6282900


He knows what’s coming. Damn he must be so excited every single day

d69369  No.6282901

File: fed75c160b7facd⋯.png (1.12 MB, 800x603, 800:603, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10ffc3a4c31ab3d⋯.png (227.27 KB, 800x485, 160:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a01668ed9a2bd1c⋯.png (2.33 MB, 800x1094, 400:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8a4eea9f0a30b5⋯.png (205.82 KB, 800x626, 400:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e73dce62c26553b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x722, 640:361, ClipboardImage.png)

San Francisco Needle Exchange Leaves Streets Littered With Toxic Syringes

San Francisco officials are debating if they should continue a needle exchange program that has left city streets littered with hazardous waste.

We have made an uncomfortable observation on social media: Thousands of needles are scattered on city streets, most likely came the Department of Public Health’s needle exchange program.

San Francisco Board of Supervisors expects to approve a seven-year extension of the exchange program, could cost taxpayers a whopping $26 million.

According to the San Francisco Examiner, the city launched syringe clean up crews last summer that collected 90,000 syringes from city streets in its 180 days on the job.

In 2017, the exchange program distributed 5.3 million syringes and collected 3.3 million, a 62% return rate, according to the Department of Public Health.

Of the 3.3 million syringes collected, 59,000 were discarded into syringe disposal kiosks and 107,136 collected by cleanup sweep teams that operate seven days a week from 7 am to 7 pm, respond to calls and texts from residents requesting needle cleanups.

In 2018, the program handed out 5.8 million syringes and collected 3.8 million, with a higher collection rate of about 65%. The Examiner noted disposals at kiosks increased to 241,080 in 2018, a 300% jump from the 59,000 in 2017.

Sweeps in 2018 picked up 216,969 needles from city streets, about double the amount collected by this means in 2017.

There are about 24,500 injection drug addicts floating around San Francisco last year. These addicts use several needes per day, Tracey Packer, Department of Public Health's director of the community health equity and promotion branch, said at a recent hearing.

With a vote on extending the needle exchange program imminent, committee Chair Sandra Fewer and Supervisors Rafael Mandelman and Catherine Stefani addressed some of their concerns:

Mandelman asked health officials to put a "finer point" on why The City doesn’t require a one-for-one exchange for needles. He said there is a "narrative out there" from those who see "the proliferation of used needles out on the street" that by not offering a true exchange of a dirty needle for a clean one "we’re doing something wrong."

"Data shows that needs-based programs that allow people to get the number of syringes that they need at that moment to get them to the next time they visit a syringe site are more effective," Packer said. "HIV prevalence remains low and stable among people who inject and we are grateful for the support of the city leadership over the course of the HIV epidemic and San Francisco has lead the nation in syringe programs."

Stefani said she continues to her complaints about needle litter from her constituents and was critical of the collection rate.

“The 62%. That’s like a D right?” Stefani said.

She suggested officials amend the contract to require increased reporting to the Board of Supervisors on issues such as cleanup rates or connection of users to services, but Mandelman said additional requirements would be onerous for the programs.

"The way to get that number higher than 62% is to get more of these folks off the streets, into programs and into housing," Mandelman said.

Earlier this month, the health department sent a memorandum to Stefani indicating that the City Controller’s Office has initiated an audit of syringe access and disposal that would examine the needle exchange program.

"Improperly discarded syringes are a public health, quality of life, and public perception issue," said a description of the planned audit. "There is a need for a coordinated approach to measure how well the City is doing in its syringe recovery efforts, and to determine how or if San Francisco residents and visitors are better off as a result of these services."

By many measures, San Francisco is one of the world's top tech cities and a world-class traveling destination, but city officials are overwhelmed with an exploding homeless population, transforming the city into a drug-infested hellhole.


7803a0  No.6282902

File: 2826fd0585870e3⋯.jpg (58.19 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1555537519-3.jpg)


The new strategy isn't working either. Did you see that Mueller kept Strzok in the loop after his firing? These people are stupid.

7f9de8  No.6282903


Very cool!

2f6723  No.6282904


Love this board!

cc9c84  No.6282905



Allow me to tell you a story of a boy who would become a dragon.

The boy was born on the verge of death to a father who searched long for a woman to build a family with, and a mother who wanted nothing more than to be the best mother she could be for her family. He grew up with a sense of awe and appreciation for those who would charge into danger - to take the risks society needed of people. From another aspect, he developed a deep appreciation for the engineering of military hardware. Nothing out there compares to military aircraft, and few things are as awe inspiring as explosions (apparently, there is a Megumin in us all).

His father met him with a response, when the bombs dropped over Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo, that largely confused him. His father, being a veteran of Vietnam and a very no-nonsense "the military is for breaking things" type of person, was not at all pleased with the course of events and said "It is nothing to be excited about. Right now, people are dying." It was a response that seemed absurd. That's what the military did - kill bad guys, why are we getting hung up on this?

There was a time, much later, after both his father and mother were gone, that he would find himself in the company of a masked ninja under the title of "Mokusei." There is a book that plays off that title, which I imagine is appropriate. This ninja, on occasion, would speak in a language of the Southern Slavs.

Now, Ninjas live in a world of lies - so it is next to impossible to know for certain how much of anything a ninja reveals is true. But - it's hard to believe people would bother to talk to each other in their idle time using nothing of the truth.

Said ninja was there on that day, huddled with family in a shelter, wondering if their father would return alive. There was no reason for the ninja to know of the importance that day held for the boy, or how that realization would completely reshape his understanding of his father's statement.

The ninja would drop by under different names and masks from time to time. It was impossible for the boy to not find a bit of romance in the situation - he can dream, right? And on occasion use a different mask to chastise him for some view or another. One in particular became laced with venom in relation to the Yugoslavian conflict. I will spare a rehash, but suffice to say that a guy who had been called a baby killer on a few occasions was not at receptive to an assertion without evidence that the U.S. was deliberately malicious. He would concede that we had no business in the region and likely made matters worse by our involvement - but there is a far cry from that and outright maliciousness.

A while later, he was researching the history of Al Qaeda and came across the records of AQ in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as the arms running through the embassy in Croatia. Livid does not even begin to describe the emotion. It was bad enough the sand niggers had a point about the U.S. having out of control foreign policy - but this was not a simple dirty war gone awry or intelligence agencies thinking they had control over rogue operators. It was downright planned maliciousness.

It also framed a few things the ninja said in a different context, the reason the stories were inconsistent, and why people who should have been dead … Weren't.

The boy also noticed something. His family name pointed to a town in Austria. However, his father always told him that the name meant "keeper of the land." Since the name is "-er" - the German simply means "from" … But before the town was Austrian, it was Slovenian. Gradec, and not the one in Croatia. If this link is true, it would explain why the ninjas are at the corners of his vision from time to time. No doubt, it would be easier for a family closer to such things to be able to research family histories, as the boy is not nearly as gifted with multiple languages as the ninja.

Perhaps this is relevant. Perhaps it is simply an interesting story for the present to read. In any event, I generally try to be a friend to all good people, particularly those who can't see they are good in spite of the life they've found themselves in.

f065d6  No.6282906


I wasn't thinking of it as a new terror group, more like a convenient (newly made up) group to blame the attacks on.

And thanks, I just tried archive.org, no results. But I'm not used to using it as a general search engine, so I'm not to sure what to read in to that.

I went through the Google results. The earliest result I could find was three days ago, a YouTube vid in presumably Hindi (not actually sure what they speak in Sri Lanka kek)


5115a6  No.6282907


Where's financetard? Lol. It would be so fucking great if he was some cunt like Krugman.

53bafa  No.6282908


If we only get a minor purge (i.e. 100 people, with Hillary and Obama being the biggest- still a huge purge by today's standards) or if we don't get full disclosure of the satanic pedo stuff and what they had planned for us, then I agree, they will come back very quickly.

Even if we get a Chemo Purge, i.e. half a million people, there will still be some who will go underground somewhere and bide their time, waiting for the day when the stupid populace forgets about them and can be tempted with gibs and feels and degeneracy again.

They must never again be allowed to debase the populace for the sake of increasing their own power. I am thinking something akin to Starship Troopers, or greatly restricted voting rights: Male military veterans over age 35, married with children, owning property, and paying more taxes than the national average.

Also, instead of paying idiots to breed, how about paying them NOT to breed! Novel idea, I know, but it might be the only way to make civic nationalism workable in the long run. Also you do NOT get to sell out your country and expect to be papered for it. This means helicopters, Remove Kebab, etc.

5115a6  No.6282909


Pics with timestamp and butthole or stfu.

8664d7  No.6282911

File: cd4e448191d4ecd⋯.jpg (172.27 KB, 1027x1199, 1027:1199, patience dwindling.jpg)

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, flag.png)

d69369  No.6282912

File: 096484fd532add0⋯.png (469.95 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b88cc6732f1751⋯.png (182.12 KB, 800x969, 800:969, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60ba8bf6517cf6c⋯.png (185.32 KB, 800x1073, 800:1073, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Quinn: "This Is Their Plan To F**k You"

The ruling oligarchs are running out of time.

This teetering edifice of debt is going to collapse, and they know it.

Those with cash and precious metals are enemies of the state at this point.

They will be making an all-out effort to ban cash and force all transactions to be electronic. This will further enrich the banking cabal, as they get a hefty slice of every transaction.

It will also allow the ruling class to inflict negative interest rates on savings to force you to spend.

I don’t think there will be enough guillotines to dispense justice when the shit hits the fan.

Cashing In: How to Make Negative Interest Rates Work

By Ruchir Agarwal and Signe Krogstrup

Many central banks reduced policy interest rates to zero during the global financial crisis to boost growth. Ten years later, interest rates remain low in most countries. While the global economy has been recovering, future downturns are inevitable. Severe recessions have historically required 3–6 percentage points cut in policy rates. If another crisis happens, few countries would have that kind of room for monetary policy to respond.

To get around this problem, a recent IMF staff study shows how central banks can set up a system that would make deeply negative interest rates a feasible option.

How low can you go?

In a cashless world, there would be no lower bound on interest rates. A central bank could reduce the policy rate from, say, 2 percent to minus 4 percent to counter a severe recession. The interest rate cut would transmit to bank deposits, loans, and bonds. Without cash, depositors would have to pay the negative interest rate to keep their money with the bank, making consumption and investment more attractive. This would jolt lending, boost demand, and stimulate the economy.

When cash is available, however, cutting rates significantly into negative territory becomes impossible. Cash has the same purchasing power as bank deposits, but at zero nominal interest. Moreover, it can be obtained in unlimited quantities in exchange for bank money. Therefore, instead of paying negative interest, one can simply hold cash at zero interest. Cash is a free option on zero interest, and acts as an interest rate floor.

Because of this floor, central banks have resorted to unconventional monetary policy measures. The euro area, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and other economies have allowed interest rates to go slightly below zero, which has been possible because taking out cash in large quantities is inconvenient and costly (for example, storage and insurance fees). These policies have helped boost demand, but they cannot fully make up for lost policy space when interest rates are very low.

Breaking through zero

One option to break through the zero lower bound would be to phase out cash. But that is not straightforward. Cash continues to play a significant role in payments in many countries. To get around this problem, in a recent IMF staff study and previous research, we examine a proposal for central banks to make cash as costly as bank deposits with negative interest rates, thereby making deeply negative interest rates feasible while preserving the role of cash.

The proposal is for a central bank to divide the monetary base into two separate local currencies—cash and electronic money (e-money). E-money would be issued only electronically and would pay the policy rate of interest, and cash would have an exchange rate—the conversion rate—against e-money. This conversion rate is key to the proposal. When setting a negative interest rate on e-money, the central bank would let the conversion rate of cash in terms of e-money depreciate at the same rate as the negative interest rate on e-money. The value of cash would thereby fall in terms of e-money.


8619f3  No.6282913

File: bbfc07c23ff5efe⋯.png (126.04 KB, 257x258, 257:258, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png)


Sauce it bitch.

Post pics, and your "news" paper article or gtfo.

it's called larping. That's what you're doing. We aren't impressed.

Oldfags like me have seen way more interesting larps that actually make sense.

Even if there was a "dark v-shaped drone" in your backyard, what do you think it was doing there?

Spying on you?

Typical boomer entitlement/know it all b.s. You guys think you're so fuckin special and the world revolves around you.

Your generation are the people we are fighting against.

So quit being a larping boomer fag and join rank or gtfo.

Take this dumb shit back to fb boomer retard

436d30  No.6282914


same here! but twice because I didn't get fully immersed first time. sure it didn't matter but if the good book says baptise (dip or immerse) then that's what we do.

c27893  No.6282915

File: 030ee9d23f99813⋯.jpeg (203.74 KB, 500x2000, 1:4, 164C021E-AACC-4FE1-B589-D….jpeg)

File: d948402aed8db14⋯.jpeg (54.84 KB, 666x375, 222:125, BEDFAEFD-45DA-4B08-8E64-6….jpeg)

File: 23c31049588d7c6⋯.jpeg (44.8 KB, 480x244, 120:61, 02CF1204-F793-478F-A020-9….jpeg)

File: 2daa3a397e71ac7⋯.jpeg (106.99 KB, 530x500, 53:50, C298B088-4538-4165-A3B5-1….jpeg)

File: 799091e0fbb376b⋯.jpeg (192.11 KB, 990x556, 495:278, A1ADFFBF-AEED-4926-83FB-C….jpeg)

7f9de8  No.6282916


Agreed. I looked them up yesterday and noticed the same thing.

It all sounds spoopy to me.

This group that’s allegedly responsible had a beef with Buddhist Monks and defaced some statues previously, but I didn’t see any thing that would point to something on as large a scale as what happened on Easter. Weird.

46e9c9  No.6282917


kek. Exactly.

d69369  No.6282918

File: 079a6e72212ebb6⋯.png (200.26 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a58f8566b092f0f⋯.png (718.64 KB, 800x933, 800:933, ClipboardImage.png)

Army Orders 100,000 Next-Generation Rifles Amid Threats Of War

Earlier this month, we reported that Textron Systems' AAI Corporation delivered its Next Generation Squad Weapon-Technology (NGSW-T) prototype demonstrator to the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Armaments Center and Joint Services Small Arms Program (JSSAP). A new report from Defense Blog shows the Army will purchase approximately 100,000 units of the next-generation weapon that fires 6.8-millimeter ammunition.

Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Mark A. Milley on April 10 announced the Army would order 100,000 units, mainly purchased for infantry units which engage in close-quarters combat.

U.S. Army Contracting Command (ACC) officials said the new weapons would include the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Rifle (NGSW-R) and the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR).

The NGSW-R is expected to replace the M16 rifle and M4 carbine. The NGSW-AR is also expected to replace the M249 light machine gun in the Automatic Rifleman Role in the Close Combat Force.

The new rifles chamber a 6.8mm cartridge, known as the XM1186. The round has greater range, increased accuracy at longer distances, and better armor penetration capability than 5.56x45mm and 7.62x39mm ammunition. The 6.8mm round is expected to be the most advanced ammunition on the modern battlefield for the next 25 years.

In October, the Army selected the 6.8mm as the official requirements for the NGSW. The new bullet is designed to penetrate the world's most advanced body armor at a range of up to 600 meters.

"Moving from contract award to delivery of a revolutionary, next-generation weapon in just 15 months not only demonstrates the maturity of our Cased-Telescoped technology, but also the project execution excellence our team possesses to rapidly fill critical warfighter needs on schedule," said Textron Systems Senior Vice President of Applied Technologies & Advanced Programs Wayne Prender.

"Our Cased-Telescoped weapons and ammunition offer the growth path to a true next-generation small arms weapon for U.S. warfighters, including increased lethality at longer ranges, while also delivering significant weight reductions to the warfighter."

The Pentagon’s current shift from urban warfare in Iraq and Syria to the mountains and open terrain of Afghanistan have been the driving force behind modernizing standard issue weapons for infantry units. While standard rifles are well-suited for close combat in cities like Mosul and Raqqa, it lacks the range to kill adversaries in open stretches.

The Army is expected to test AAI's NGSW weapon at firing ranges this summer. Full contract award could be upwards of 250,000 units and 150 million rounds. The expected field date is early 2020.

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-22/army-orders-100000-next-generation-rifles-amid-threats-war …

20ab14  No.6282919

File: f147ade67b04598⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 474x379, 474:379, Earth-Angel-Slays-Dragon.jpg)

File: 01f6767ace14b31⋯.png (151.62 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, 8chan-Ghidra-Dragon.png)

File: e8243fae1d80014⋯.jpg (358.77 KB, 600x979, 600:979, Rise-GA-OpenSky.jpg)

File: fdfa787c7524a56⋯.jpg (252.71 KB, 762x1047, 254:349, Inevitable-Justice(1).jpg)

File: 0700fb28672a385⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 318x405, 106:135, Flaming-Sword.jpg)



>St George’s Day in England St George died on 23 April, AD303 St George known for slaying the Dragon, symbolised as the Devil

I think someone posted that today is also "Alice Day". Anyone got sauce for that?

8619f3  No.6282920



The fact I knew you were a boomer just by reading your gay shit post should tell you everything you need to know about your generation.

You guys are fucking retards. I mean legit stupid af

629b00  No.6282921


>Those ideals, the nonprofit added, include “liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, unity, and diversity.”

You cannot be both pro-unity (and liberty and equality), and pro-diversity those concepts are at complete odds

391bdb  No.6282922

Today is the day I give no fucks.

Might just quit my shitty job and say to hell with it.

Tired of being a slave and POTUS up early talking about the economy.

Wages still the same.

8664d7  No.6282923


why usery is a sin. I'm going to say this post is notable.

7803a0  No.6282924

File: c6d9960ca9d1637⋯.jpg (10.39 KB, 234x216, 13:12, 826bpauline-potter.jpeg.jpg)


Baker is going to raise your meme posts to 10 per.

996f4f  No.6282925

File: 0016db90ab58ac6⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 207f8ff056b419c6533d677731….png)

72c99e  No.6282926

Good morning anons!

3907ac  No.6282927

Looks like the word "stunning" was in the 4am talking points (go to 12.25, and no I'm not Sir Patrick Mack pushing my own yt channel)


26b4bd  No.6282928


This is exactly the sort of technology advance that the 2nd amendment is intended to protect, but Scalia wrote out of the 2nd amendment with the Heller decision. Bans are presumed constitutional, and the only firearms allowed to the public are those that have some sort of "long standing history" of not being banned.

The logic that SCOTUS used in Heller is typical of judicial subterfuge.

d69369  No.6282929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>>St George’s Day in England St George died on 23 April, AD303 St George known for slaying the Dragon, symbolised as the Devil


>I think someone posted that today is also "Alice Day". Anyone got sauce for that?



▶Anonymous 04/25/18 (Wed) 10:49:19 f0c1cc (1) No. >>1182526

Today is Alice Day among the sick pedos

https:// youtu.be/K2wOVHN6ezA

▶Anonymous 04/08/19 (Mon) 07:53:23 2d47cf (3) No.6096140>


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


April 25

Pedophiles and Sex traffickers brag about their victims for Alice Day

7f9de8  No.6282930



New Baker

Take a look at the post above.

Might be worth having BV/BO check out?

f06540  No.6282931


> more like a convenient (newly made up) group to blame the attacks on.

That's what I was inferring.

8619f3  No.6282932

File: 2064beb7a92decd⋯.png (85.96 KB, 256x254, 128:127, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at ….png)



you'll find a better job anon.


996f4f  No.6282933

File: f23ec7f37045c70⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 540x405, 4:3, NEED ATTENTION!.jpg)



They would have done it by now.

8619f3  No.6282934

File: e70f1c72567456d⋯.png (61.9 KB, 488x235, 488:235, Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at ….png)


Sup lil nig

d69369  No.6282935

File: 4ba1cf2e579c30b⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1167x1200, 389:400, ClipboardImage.png)

7803a0  No.6282936

File: 155ae56402af2f3⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1539849502.jpg)


Muh concerned.

391bdb  No.6282938


Sounds good to me.

8664d7  No.6282939


War with who? POTUS took shooting illegals off the table.

396640  No.6282940


I know people are unsure about Candice Owens but she could be a unifying force.

Kanye West, Highly unlikely, but advisory position could help.

Juliani has the potential

If Rand Paul would stop being mediocre he stands a chance.

Also there seems to be a trend picking up like in Ukraine and Iceland where Comedians are winning elections.

Bill Burr would be acceptable, Joe Rogan could be reasonable, Joey Diaz would be savage

629b00  No.6282941


muh women. Muh hispanic. Muh africans.

it's OK to say white

d69369  No.6282942

File: 099eaaa9ca1ec16⋯.png (291.99 KB, 635x634, 635:634, ClipboardImage.png)

886bf4  No.6282943


Uh, watch the water anons.

This guy is breaking down how "infintesimals" from another dimension find a "hole in the gate" and enter our realm.

Then through hydration use the life giving power of water and memory, which can be disassembled and reconstituted, allowing them to act in this world through us creating their reality for them (through media programming).

The door of doors?

A Notre Dame (Nature Dome) to Kill For


8664d7  No.6282945



good point what is men's and whites?

15b8f8  No.6282947

File: b3363a547b65145⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 680x708, 170:177, yess.jpg)

File: 79be87126209e6f⋯.jpg (597.78 KB, 899x1079, 899:1079, war.jpg)

20ab14  No.6282948



Thursday, then. Wonder if it'll be a Boom day.

486864  No.6282949

File: 3044870fb6f7fa5⋯.jpeg (100.01 KB, 620x771, 620:771, D4ybaxsWsAE9wdx.jpeg)

d69369  No.6282950

File: c7850f3e00f502c⋯.png (338.95 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Mystery Donor "Worth Over $200 Million" Wants To See Ocasio-Cortez Defeated Next Election

A wealthy donor "worth over $200 million" wants to make sure Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loses her next election, according to the New York Post, citing Bronx Republican chairman Mike Rendino.

"There’s definitely national energy and money on this race," Rendino told the Post, adding that the mystery donor has "connections to raise money in Manhattan."

The Democratic Socialist, who was elected after convincing voters she was a blue-collar "girl from the Bronx" despite growing up in one of the wealthiest enclaves on the East Coast, already faces challenges from one contender; Egyptian-American medical journalist Ruth Papazian - while a former cop-turned-high school civics teacher and a conservative talk radio producer may toss their hats in the ring as well.

The three potential contenders agree on one thing: They believe Ocasio-Cortez has neglected her district, which encompasses a northeast section of the Bronx including Throgs Neck and Parkchester and a northwest portion of Queens including Jackson Heights and College Point.

It took the congresswoman two months to open a district office in Queens.

“She completely ignores the people in this district,” medical writer Ruth Papazian, 61, told The Post during an interview at the homestyle Italian eatery Patricia’s of Morris Park. -New York Post

Papazian lives several blocks away from Morris Park with her 85-year-old mother in the same apartment she grew up in following the family's emigration from Egypt in 1956.

"I’ve lived here my whole life. I know the heart and soul of this community. The people here have scratched and clawed their way into the middle class, and they’re not about to be impoverished with the high taxes it will take to make the Green New Deal and Medicare for all," said Papazian - referring to two of Ocasio-Cortez's policy goals.

According to former Gov. Pataki deputy, Tom Doherty, a Republican challenger to Ocasio-Cortez would have no problem trying to "raise real national money."

"We need to put individuals forward and make the incumbent work for re-election," said Doherty.

Papazian has met with former Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, at a Lincoln Day dinner in Queens, where a source told the Post: "He was encouraging and offered to be helpful when Ruth has demonstrated that she can raise enough money for a serious race."

AOC won the 14th Congressional District with over 78% of the vote, while Hillary Clinton had 57% in 2016, however a recent Siena College Poll found that while 52% of AOC's constituents view her favorably, just 33% backed her opposition to Amazon bringing a second headquarters to Queens, and just 41% support her Green New Deal.

"She’s only interested in a national platform, and we need local representation," says former NYPD Officer John Cummings. The 58-year-old who now teaches US government at St. Raymond High School for Boys in Parkchester is considering a run against the Democratic Socialist. Cummings acknowledges that "it’s a difficult road because this is a heavily Democratic district."

Her other potential challenger - Mark Levin producer Rich Valdes joked that Ocasio-Cortez's initials could stand for "ambition over constituents." The 40-year-old launched an exploratory committee in February, meeting with Republican clubs in the Bronx and Queens.

"They’re really, really kind of discouraged at the fact that she was elected on this platform of representing the district because she ran against [former Rep. Joe] Crowley, positing him as being no-show, and she’d turned out to be very much the same way a no-show person," said Valdes.

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-22/myster-donor-worth-over-200-million-wants-see-ocasio-cortez-defeated-next-election …

7803a0  No.6282952

File: 5d046210201d932⋯.jpeg (279.47 KB, 748x1022, 374:511, 1537142169.jpeg)


A new low.

e06573  No.6282954

File: 2fb1b418e075492⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 573x432, 191:144, Wahlberg-in-Fear-mark-wahl….jpg)

File: 952a78555d2ac01⋯.png (359.83 KB, 819x552, 273:184, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

File: 03d87366d833fc4⋯.png (441.3 KB, 816x505, 816:505, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

File: 7cf7c311c51d20d⋯.png (521.49 KB, 814x545, 814:545, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

File: 9507414f22a05ce⋯.png (539.68 KB, 803x481, 803:481, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)



f065d6  No.6282955


Fascinating. I was going to comment last night on a pic someone did on HRC's face mirrored. She looked the same and I thought it was odd. I'm aware of our general asymmetry, but to me it looked almost identical. Shouldn't it be really obvious if a face has been mirrored in the vertical axis?

46ac86  No.6282956

File: 5fafada7faca867⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 564x339, 188:113, 5fafada7faca8673beb871afbc….jpg)

File: 7e11afd90073f91⋯.jpg (221.24 KB, 620x826, 310:413, ab11fd0641fd8797accc1d2d36….jpg)

e06573  No.6282958


That are installing 100 THOUSAND free smoke alarms… The Red Cross… Hmmmm

d7c4af  No.6282959


Thanks for the reminder.

Code breakers remember 4 10 20 :)

He likes the symbolism.

Where did we get with covfefe ?

e06573  No.6282960



Alexa technology?


b71a26  No.6282961

Typo in bread title Edition.

d23fc6  No.6282962


Is that what you losers like you think? That everyone's life is as insignificant as your own? You have no fucking idea who I am or what I have accomplished. If it weren't for authors/film makers like myself, outing the Cabal/Cults for the last two+ decades, people like you wouldn't be an "red-pilled" today.

I have spoke nation wide at major events. I have helped rescue and care for SRA victims. You are some jackass with zero accomplishments, except making your little memes. You are a *real* warrior, aren't you?

Punk ass bitch. I ain't posting the article as that would obviously dox. As far as the pics, I can post them tomorrow. My DSLR is in my studio, and I ain't going to go get it because it is in another building and it is pouring rain.

And when I post the pics (I think I took video too), you will just say that it is not a drone.

It doesn't really matter to me if you believe me or not. You haven't done SHIT compared to the last 25+ years of my work towards enlightening thousands of people to the existence of the Cabal.

Keep doing what you do…making memes and posting anonymously from the comfort of your house. Many of us have been in the trenches longer than you have been alive.

46ac86  No.6282963


Start filling out applications, try to get another job lined up before you quit( unless your in a position where you live with other people, and it won't affect your rent/morgage/living situation)

d22dd8  No.6282964


Sol Pais

7803a0  No.6282965

File: d19b8b5ff2fd4c9⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 914x514, 457:257, 1555871564.jpg)


Kek. This new crop of shills is pathetic.

d69369  No.6282966

File: 67ba7de3e0a9626⋯.png (1.14 MB, 634x769, 634:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32c0f4cf26943fa⋯.png (199.33 KB, 348x348, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792665c998dd216⋯.png (809.64 KB, 700x454, 350:227, ClipboardImage.png)



>San Francisco Needle Exchange Leaves Streets Littered With Toxic Syringes


>San Francisco officials are debating if they should continue a needle exchange program that has left city streets littered with hazardous wast

Starbucks is moonlighting as a safe house for both needles users across the country - to install needle-disposal boxes in bathrooms

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-22/modern-opium-den-starbucks-installs-needle-disposal-boxes-across-us-locations …

f065d6  No.6282967


Like most claims like that we would have seen evidence of it. They would not be able to help themselves getting on and shitposting as Q.

26b4bd  No.6282968

File: 389ef087e4f030f⋯.png (79.19 KB, 665x482, 665:482, 190423-trump-6.png)

Sorry to say but @foxandfriends is by far the best of the morning political shows on television. It rightfully has BY FAR the highest ratings, not even close. Morning Psycho (Joe), who helped get me elected in 2016 by having me on (free) all the time, has nosedived, too Angry…


ad7d76  No.6282969


Your 25+ years enlightenment experience didn't bring anything fruitful seen your low vibe post here.

7803a0  No.6282970

File: 76563c3b838cd87⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 668x446, 334:223, mrs-and-mrs-signs-lesbian-….jpg)


Consult your tarot cards immediately.

d69369  No.6282971

File: d823373c8b2519b⋯.png (703.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>it's OK to say white


>good point what is men's and whites?

65b865  No.6282972

File: e32c006b7e77808⋯.png (321.6 KB, 1440x804, 120:67, AZAZ09O9_4-23_AR.PNG)


still tracking less than 10 minutes out of El Dorado,AR on Q32 most likely will see a turn to heading 208 into houston

41b4d7  No.6282973


Who was the first person to solve the polynominal matrix equation eigenvalue problem

\sum_{i=0}^{p} A_p \lambda^p x = \sum_{k=0}^{m} b_k \lambda^k

without linearization, with m and n ANY integers, \lambda the scalar eigenvalue sought, A_p a sequence of nxn matrices, and b_k a sequence of n-vectors?

Although he went on to obtain a Ph.D. it was not in mathematics, but rather in engineering with a minor in mathematics.

46ac86  No.6282974


not sure if your calling me a shill, or the post i replied to.

I was just posting a couple of elf on the shelf related funny memes to the anon that posted the gay elf one, kek

not a shill, just maybe been up all night.lmao



5b478c  No.6282975

File: 4ae2eb6a4b18d1b⋯.png (122.58 KB, 628x474, 314:237, hillary apology catholics.PNG)


d23fc6  No.6282976


Yawn. Next.

219ee1  No.6282977


That congressional bronx district historically votes 70% demonrat. Good luck with all that.

888370  No.6282978

File: 87d8032cc57fbf0⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1108x819, 1108:819, B5.PNG)



eyes in the Sky……. Dark to Light……

d0fb91  No.6282979





Collecting notes for incoming baker @440ish

>>6282814 Joe/Beau Biden ignored Delaware Lynchings 2012-13

>>6282836 Bosnian businessman ambushed/killed in mafia style attack

>>6282882, >>6282896, >>6282968 New DJTs

>>6282912 Central Banks and cash - plans for dual currencies?

This Anon has to jet. Someone pls. continue collecting for incoming baker.

We're still on ghost bake!

20ab14  No.6282981

File: 12a4c771314528a⋯.jpg (888.01 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Thank-You-Wizards-and-Warl….jpg)

File: 6386135fa79c455⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Meme-Magic-Pepe-Wizard.jpg)

File: 944397fd89dc897⋯.jpg (369.15 KB, 900x690, 30:23, Thought-Power-QofThought.jpg)

File: 9c4b35afcf24ba6⋯.jpg (733.96 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, Pray-Moar-SunPepe.jpg)

File: 84f530eae313fe5⋯.jpg (159.33 KB, 412x483, 412:483, Whose-Plan-8Chan.jpg)



Prayer works.

Attention is the Currency of Creation.

Hearts & Minds are our battle ground.

Meme Magic for the Win!

Pro Tip: using memes (visual images) to focus our attention can make our prayers stronger and more powerful, especially when so many of us are praying together at the same time.

Today is a Day to Pray


26b4bd  No.6282982

File: 088eb79ce6a17a4⋯.png (75.22 KB, 658x497, 94:71, 190423-trump-7.png)

….Dumb and Sick. A really bad show with low ratings - and will only get worse. CNN has been a proven and long term ratings and beyond disaster. In fact, it rewarded Chris Cuomo with a now unsuccessful prime time slot, despite his massive failure in the morning. Only on CNN!


7803a0  No.6282983

File: 9ca6fa148701704⋯.jpeg (284.91 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1537043014.jpeg)


Not my problem if you have doubt in your mind. Check your feelings at the door faggot.

a8d561  No.6282984

File: 86622d7a867aaf0⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 1024x877, 1024:877, Lori Klaus.jpg)

File: ea5795e06dc8d45⋯.jpg (755.75 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Morning Joe.jpg)


"Morning Psycho" is the best nickname from our President yet. Fire away the Lori Klaus memes, Twitter Anons.

7f9de8  No.6282985

b71a26  No.6282986

Everyone just keeps generalizing all the time…

e06573  No.6282987

File: b6533cda4c4e36e⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 506x666, 253:333, 17757233_407957906253019_7….jpg)

396640  No.6282988


This map of Resource importance is going to shift towards Coltan Reserves. Congo, Brazil And North Korea are going to be hot zones.

0614d3  No.6282989

anons, check out Wolfram Alpha - its like google on steroids, looks like an ideal tool for datafags

b1c4dc  No.6282991

POTUS going Hard after the MSM today.


7803a0  No.6282993

File: 155285b801dbac5⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 1536597229.png)


You're supposed to post 10.

886bf4  No.6282994


>>>Door of doors

That's why Q knows the future.

6395de  No.6282995

File: 5953d534c6fd5f1⋯.png (127 KB, 1230x564, 205:94, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

Morning anons…

Hmmmm…THEIR LEADERS is an interesting phrase….

7c5d1f  No.6282996



adf2e1  No.6282997

File: 3b974f6d9269afe⋯.png (554.34 KB, 1893x778, 1893:778, azaz0909.png)


POTUS twitter - Angry Dumb and Stupid

So I check the ADS-B and whos in the sky?


e06573  No.6282998

File: e92577990aefcc2⋯.png (317.79 KB, 989x591, 989:591, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)




996f4f  No.6282999


"Stay tuned for more!"

Hm… will Q be posting more frequently (soon?)?

20ab14  No.6283000

File: d59dcd2629ee42c⋯.jpg (282.1 KB, 600x979, 600:979, Awake-OpenSky.jpg)

File: 2fc4af7df91f962⋯.jpg (307.38 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Earth-Day-Earth-Angel.jpg)

File: fb05e425db9126d⋯.jpg (637.71 KB, 836x956, 209:239, Glorious-2019-QofLove.jpg)

File: 7f4d411ce975a2f⋯.jpg (317.06 KB, 600x833, 600:833, KEK-Love-Triumphs-Earth-An….jpg)

File: 9c4b35afcf24ba6⋯.jpg (733.96 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, Pray-Moar-SunPepe.jpg)

e06573  No.6283001

File: d6cb279c60d074b⋯.png (301.58 KB, 883x503, 883:503, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 3558a80a2030aeb⋯.png (406.15 KB, 889x493, 889:493, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: fa772f525537eeb⋯.png (347.08 KB, 889x467, 889:467, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: f012b9cf38fee9f⋯.png (353.97 KB, 877x499, 877:499, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 8f43ff9bbbb2454⋯.png (347.53 KB, 899x507, 899:507, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

e06573  No.6283002

File: 1557da915e97c9b⋯.png (224.94 KB, 904x483, 904:483, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 672954ba83ef8d3⋯.png (357.39 KB, 891x493, 891:493, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 4dae16269993f48⋯.png (403.49 KB, 896x497, 128:71, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 38c4abcc504844a⋯.png (313.31 KB, 726x506, 33:23, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 29763d2b653eb23⋯.png (386.47 KB, 912x507, 304:169, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

175761  No.6283003

File: 89f43545d3eb16e⋯.jpg (259.09 KB, 707x560, 101:80, 4870-060_WSS.jpg)

File: 86533c650ee4cc6⋯.jpg (158.39 KB, 672x372, 56:31, droning.jpg)


“Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep.”

— John Milton, Paradise Lost

Drilled by the Vril, with ye extensible proboscis ?

Corpus callosum colonized and hemispheric comms cut?



7803a0  No.6283004

File: 2cc24affdc331fb⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1000x808, 125:101, 1546639558.png)


I said 10 faggot.

e06573  No.6283005

File: 64a334e0a3d9ae7⋯.png (312.48 KB, 888x502, 444:251, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 72c84dc561795dc⋯.png (254.46 KB, 908x482, 454:241, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 6c747be47b2bb90⋯.png (338.09 KB, 904x508, 226:127, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: b876834f0740e1e⋯.png (629.24 KB, 897x499, 897:499, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 8e623211ff366f2⋯.png (404.84 KB, 889x505, 889:505, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

e06573  No.6283006

File: ee95357f3fa94bc⋯.png (47.45 KB, 721x320, 721:320, Screen Shot 2019-04-20 at ….png)

File: b7bdcf91c61d077⋯.png (489.19 KB, 896x462, 64:33, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 9649f9ef69db798⋯.png (350.39 KB, 887x490, 887:490, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: 2e685ab4763b170⋯.png (385.23 KB, 894x500, 447:250, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

File: d6cc38e516db801⋯.png (586.85 KB, 892x495, 892:495, Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at ….png)

26b4bd  No.6283007


I took it as "more" agenda. Advance the interests of the USA, for the benefit of American citizens and legal residents. That "agenda" covers much ground, including awakening the public to the fact that their government has been working to take their country away for merger with a global system.

20ab14  No.6283008


Kek. You got me. I tried!


But it only posted 5. But at least I got trips!

396640  No.6283009


Fair enough. Haven't been here for a while. Fixin the ol noggin, this shit sends me a bit nuts and saw that. Gotta start diggin again. Must stop postin and show Baker some respect….. soz baker.

2a7791  No.6283010

File: 7c22d5f808826b7⋯.png (377.13 KB, 501x533, 501:533, ClipboardImage.png)

An honest candidate!!

15b8f8  No.6283011

File: 26fe3ec228a17a4⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 884x435, 884:435, trump queen.JPG)

File: 70dee73d96af1cc⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 868x406, 62:29, trump queen 2.JPG)

Donald Trump to pay first state visit to Britain in June

Trip is expected to coincide with the 75th anniversary of D-Day

Donald Trump will pay his first state visit to Britain in June, nearly one year after he sparked controversy during his last trip to the UK by saying Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plan would “probably kill” a trade deal with the US.

British government figures confirmed the US president would make a state visit, one month after he heads to Japan for a state visit that will see him become the first world leader to meet the new Japanese emperor. The White House and Downing Street both declined to comment.

The formal invitation will come from the Queen, as required by protocol. Mr Trump also met Queen Elizabeth II during his visit to the UK last summer. The Queen had dinner last month with Woody Johnson, the US ambassador. The White House and Downing Street have been negotiating arrangements for the state visit since late last year.

The visit is expected to coincide with the 75th anniversary of D-Day, which will also see Mr Trump attend an event in France to commemorate the end of the second world war.

Some British media have speculated about the possibility of a banquet at Buckingham Palace and a carriage procession down the Mall. It remains unclear if Mr Trump will address parliament. John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons, has so far refused to offer an invitation, and has previously said it was an “earned honour” and not a right.

The visit will raise the spectre of protests against the US president who remains unpopular in the UK. According to a recent poll by YouGov, 67 per cent of Britons maintain a negative impression of Mr Trump.

During his last visit to the UK, Mr Trump largely avoided central London due to the expected protests. Activists floated a six-metre helium-filled effigy of the US president — called the “Trump baby” blimp — in Parliament Square.



d287c6  No.6283012

File: 73f7a876fad8b1d⋯.jpg (88.94 KB, 615x400, 123:80, morningjoke.jpg)

65b865  No.6283013


In notables currently I've been tracking him since WV currently on approach to barksdale AFB not houston as I suspected

770789  No.6283014


Q did say there is a post Trump plan.

I believe he was talking about someone following Trump if I remember correctly. But who is the someone is the question.

I’d have to search Q posts but I know something to that affect is there.

There is that.

e06573  No.6283015






NOTHING TO SEE HERE… Just move-along, you lemming, faggots. This President could give Netanyahu a hand-job while he sacrificed a baby, and you retards would still find a way to call it, "5-D Chess".

8664d7  No.6283016


How is such a minority getting into political power so fast?

26b4bd  No.6283018


Looks like they are on their Florida set there, with the US Capitol behind them. Nothing these clowns do is genuine. But, these losers are wealthy.

a772d7  No.6283019


Prayer moves the hand of God.

Prayer is absolutely 100% real

You are not going to be able to test prayer with science: Do not test the Lord your God

7803a0  No.6283020

File: c9b84d4dcf85762⋯.png (99.38 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 1546994035.png)


Could you be a bigger whore?

26b4bd  No.6283021

File: d0ca456579d6349⋯.png (77.27 KB, 666x488, 333:244, 190423-trump-8.png)

“Harley Davidson has struggled with Tariffs with the EU, currently paying 31%. They’ve had to move production overseas to try and offset some of that Tariff that they’ve been hit with which will rise to 66% in June of 2021.” @MariaBartiromo So unfair to U.S. We will Reciprocate!


20ab14  No.6283022

File: b7a7ea025dc5c2b⋯.jpg (181.9 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Guardians-Meme-Gallery-Pep….jpg)

File: fd8b5d4bf390202⋯.jpg (455.65 KB, 991x768, 991:768, Guardians-Meme-Gallery-Pan….jpg)

File: 9268fd01ee402f7⋯.jpg (732.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Guardians-Meme-Gallery-Orc….jpg)

File: 77a97364f07d2f4⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1500x1080, 25:18, Guardians-Gallery-Matrix-Q….jpg)

File: 1b174b2003751a4⋯.jpg (416 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Guardians-Meme-Gallery-1.jpg)


See: >>6283008

But TY for the encouragement. I'm glad you like my memes so much you want double.

Here's a whole Gallery full of them just for (You):

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery

1300+ Q Memes including:

-→ RedPill campaign materials

-→ Q Quotes

-→ Q Posts and Crumbs in meme form

-→ Great Awakening meme templates to make your own Q Memes (Join the Meme Corps!)

-→ Motivational memes for Q Army morale

-→ Prayer Memes

This is a safe-for-work resource to send the curious and newly RedPilled to explore Q quotes and posts in art-form, which is easier for some minds to absorb.

Many of these meme series are designed to be used as Great Awakening “marketing campaigns”. As Q says, the truth is hard to swallow for many, but:


>Crumbs are easy to swallow.

These meme-series are designed with this principle in mind, so if you're ready to step up to the plate and join the RedPill Strike Team take a look and see if any of the styles here might appeal to your target audience. Ready made campaigns for you! Fire at will!

Latest memes are currently archived by day, and I update every day I meme, so you'll often find latest Q drops and quotes in meme form in the Latest Memes folder. Memes prior to mid-Feb are archived by category.

Lastly, this war is a war on our minds. If you are feeling the wear and tear of the battle-field, I recommend using the slide show feature and letting the art soothe your mind. It works for me – maybe it will work for you too!

Enjoy, Patriots! I made it for (You). WWG1WGA!

https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA or use the tinyurl link on the meme.

035163  No.6283023

>>6282244 (You) Anon on Payseur & illuminati.am; Call for a DIGG

check id

KEK intensifies

d69369  No.6283024

File: dc3a7f12be011f2⋯.png (410.95 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Mayor De Blasio Violated Ethic Rules in Seeking Donations -

https://kollmanreport.com/2019/04/23/mayor-de-blasio-violated-ethic-rules-in-seeking-donations/ …

15b8f8  No.6283025

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, 402eb24d86ad7eb515afe05f45….png)

File: f6e0fa0c01e642e⋯.jpg (87.27 KB, 279x381, 93:127, glow.jpg)

File: 18d628a1b130f97⋯.jpg (570.24 KB, 899x1079, 899:1079, freedom.jpg)


Dis info workflow …for your review…enjoy.

175761  No.6283026

File: 300b0b138a4776f⋯.jpg (4.38 KB, 97x200, 97:200, Gilgamesh.jpg)



6c1f33  No.6283027


Didn't they ship jobs to SE Asia?

They were TRUMPS early angels, then the pulled that shit

Better sell them in EU cause this Patriot aint buying that shit nigga.

035163  No.6283028


Must precise anon is born a 23

996f4f  No.6283029

File: dc2226ab7de910f⋯.jpeg (67.81 KB, 500x509, 500:509, FAGGOT.jpeg)

7f9de8  No.6283030


Entering preselected candidates in minority districts with little or no opposition.

More immigrants = more minority districts.

d69369  No.6283031

File: ee06466046f3eac⋯.png (176.4 KB, 555x262, 555:262, ClipboardImage.png)

770789  No.6283032


In time you will understand. Who are the Hebrews of old, todays Jews?

d22dd8  No.6283033

File: 9abad5b09aee86c⋯.png (32.09 KB, 870x218, 435:109, Screenshot from 2019-04-23….png)

File: 37199d3230857b9⋯.png (51.79 KB, 826x247, 826:247, Screenshot from 2019-04-23….png)

File: 82de7666e177550⋯.png (38.23 KB, 738x129, 246:43, Screenshot from 2019-04-23….png)

File: ef3c17bef898870⋯.png (32.22 KB, 648x143, 648:143, Screenshot from 2019-04-23….png)


Cindy noname and an Amber alert in Arizona news from 09/09

035163  No.6283034


sorry i forgot concernPBfag

d70282  No.6283035


Trust kodak!

a8d561  No.6283036

Maybe the reason the President is hitting hard on Twitter today is to disrupt something the Clowns have scheduled. "Morning Psycho" is already trending.

d287c6  No.6283037

File: 047ab1d6e330a9e⋯.jpg (80.01 KB, 689x350, 689:350, matthewsdickhead.jpg)

3c87c0  No.6283038

Looking at a record slow bread.

Not surprised.

Q has left us.


Come back Q, we love you. (no homo)

e06573  No.6283039


Truth hurts, huh (((faggot)))?

c9e5cb  No.6283040

News Update:

Buildings are more precious than life, by a Billion times it seems.

MSM cries for burning old church and teaches history lesson for 2 days. Says nothing to that magnitude when 300 Christians killed in multiple church bombings.

Where are your priorities MSM? only important when it's fits a Narrative Shift.

d69369  No.6283041

File: 6d14309da4e401b⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1078, 540:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1ca9809aa61afd⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1718d80f0a1d242⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1078x1074, 539:537, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60446a16cced9b4⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1082, 540:541, ClipboardImage.png)

84866b  No.6283042


Lost tribes went into Europe, Templars figured it out.

20ab14  No.6283043

File: ad1a4a02ecbf2d2⋯.jpg (99.36 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Alice-Bigger.jpg)

File: b6b68f09a83946d⋯.jpg (354.37 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Justice-Coming-TickTock-St….jpg)


Not a whore.

But I do intend to get BIGGER.

647c72  No.6283044

File: c9d9fd686b417e3⋯.jpeg (315.02 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 14AC4DED-936A-4C15-B09F-1….jpeg)


you know it's a chill bred when posts from nearly 4 hours ago net a (you)

996f4f  No.6283046

File: eb73df11bd14a76⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 519x449, 519:449, 2dlf1q.jpg)



Just post pictures of shit.

You'll get more attention.

917260  No.6283047

File: 2745dafabc9e9b3⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 630x618, 105:103, sword3.jpg)

File: 597740478769e66⋯.jpg (220.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sword-and-shield2.jpg)

File: 4e23ae57b151a0f⋯.jpg (166.61 KB, 834x480, 139:80, wall.jpg)

File: e3d451c00369fa8⋯.jpg (693.08 KB, 3647x1905, 3647:1905, word.jpg)

Praying for strength for all anons!

770789  No.6283049

Such heavy shilling on an early Tuesday morn.

What are we over?

Is something being missed?

Shills seem real panicky, worse than usual.

Or do I just need covfefe?

20ab14  No.6283050

File: d35a9118177ebce⋯.jpg (152.13 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, And-Bigger.jpg)

e06573  No.6283051


No… But I don't give a shit.

I don't subscribe to your death-cult, Zionist, bullshit.

In time, (((you))) will understand. When the world exiles you again.

598926  No.6283052


Ever wonder why the Russian orhodox church and the roman church never got along?

Ever wonder why the church of James the Just is a hole in the wall in jerusalem, but the roman church is worldwide?

Same reason nobody can locate modern israelites.

d287c6  No.6283053

File: a4f78d2862f0774⋯.jpg (119.67 KB, 522x489, 174:163, barryfakepose.jpg)

525add  No.6283054


Like a reciprocating engine. Kek, good one Mr. President

7803a0  No.6283055

File: 97b441eb1d58cdc⋯.jpg (232.84 KB, 960x434, 480:217, 1550975334.jpg)


You're actually worse than this cunt.

917260  No.6283056

File: bf8009650833181⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 633x950, 633:950, 053.jpg)

File: f9e93ae827049b0⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 4576x2536, 572:317, Dame_Linda_Dobbs.jpg)

File: 7fc74e299378907⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 350x200, 7:4, Dame-Linda-Dobbs2.jpg)

File: 7d0e401dbd64d5f⋯.jpg (19.91 KB, 255x248, 255:248, jorje.jpg)

File: 3ae5f1223863e0f⋯.jpg (400.87 KB, 1014x882, 169:147, Spiral.jpg)

UK High court Judge Dame Linda Dobbs

Needs a DIGG

996f4f  No.6283057

File: 4e0ec9659f1ce56⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 637x466, 637:466, BOY.jpg)


The amount of times anons have posted this…


d69369  No.6283058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

HUGE! Rep. John Ratcliffe Confirms How Comey, Yates, McCabe and Rosenstein Were Caught Lying on FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump (VIDEO)

On Monday night Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) a former US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas joined former Rep. Jason Chaffetz on The Ingraham Angle to discuss the latest developments in the deep state attempted coup on President Donald Trump.

Former Rep. Trey Guowdy and Ratcliffe were the only Republicans to see the probable cause evidence and read the the evidence last year behind the FISA warrants to spy on Trump campaign operatives. And the evidence centered around the Steele dossier — an unverified piece of political garbage thrown together and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

Ratcliffe told former Rep. Jason Chaffetz that Comey, Sally Yates, McCabe and Rod Rosenstein who verified the document have explaining to do.

They all posted in big bold letters “VERIFIED APPLICATION” all in capitals on all of their warrants to the FISA Court to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign.

Ratcliffe added, “So Comey and Sally Yates and everyone who signed the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign all verified what was in the warrant. And they verified that Christopher Steele was a credible source. They verified that the Steele dossier had been cooborated. None of that was true. So the court can only know what they were told and they weren’t told that Christopher Steele was out to get Donald Trump. They weren’t told that the Steele dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton.”

This is a huge development!

Via The Ingraham Angle:


84866b  No.6283059

917260  No.6283060

File: 331be6bdfc359ed⋯.jpg (752 KB, 1807x797, 1807:797, Trump.jpg)

This needs to happen.

7803a0  No.6283061

File: 1aa94699087b327⋯.jpg (123.41 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 1545681980.jpg)


You'll be the biggest Q personality EVAH!

629b00  No.6283062


German trips deny! Nein nein nein!

7f9de8  No.6283063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not all of them went to Europe.

7803a0  No.6283064

File: 423cb1c1b227531⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3768x4240, 471:530, 1554705610-1.jpg)

d70282  No.6283065


Alex Jones was one of the few voices calling shit out twenty/thirty years ago when nobody else was. He helped me understand I wasn't alone in my beliefs.

Whatever became of him as he tried to grow his studio during his second act, to me, is meaningless.

I don't throw people out for their worst mistake in life.

917260  No.6283066

File: d2a341fcae3a7d1⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 634x461, 634:461, article-0-1B07AF12000005DC….jpg)

File: a091535c6574381⋯.jpg (492.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, baal2.jpg)

File: 3ca36908d0540c8⋯.jpg (514.22 KB, 1569x978, 523:326, embassy2.jpg)

File: aa735e5dd939340⋯.jpg (500.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, norval.jpg)

File: 6c5799278ba0c62⋯.jpg (332.76 KB, 1071x747, 119:83, spirit cooking art.jpg)

Norval Foundation.

Opened 28 April - Satanic Holiday date

Right opposite USA Embassy - Why?

Built on a protected wetland area - How?


20ab14  No.6283067

File: ea0e2ccfe996d5e⋯.jpg (92.98 KB, 619x455, 619:455, Urgent-Arrests-Imminent.jpg)


Wow, you're really riled up this morning, aren't you?

Tick tock, baby. Maybe Gitmo Air has a seat with your name on it, departing TODAY.

770789  No.6283068


Your hate clouds your vision.

I am not Hebrew or a Zionist.

I’m a retired fisherman from cape cod.

What should I fear? Nothing!

I’m far, far, far from perfect.

Question, what exactly has you so riled up?

d287c6  No.6283069

File: 6e87094184b854c⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 885x479, 885:479, schumer2.jpg)

996f4f  No.6283070

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1503396029227.jpg)



You actually think JFK is alive?

917260  No.6283071

File: 682699c7656c968⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_1FO2TC-640x400.jpg)

File: cf6b61d32775a30⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 237x213, 79:71, download (1).jpg)

File: 79d2c9d5b5c611d⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 299x168, 299:168, download.jpg)

File: 22693dc7a5ca424⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 10a05b197d0b64e⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

What do you anons make of this?

598926  No.6283073

File: f4468bc31c75f35⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 2160x1440, 3:2, ee4a57f9f291f5c9108bb5f87d….jpg)

File: afee4383561cf88⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 800x420, 40:21, endangering-trafficked-wom….jpg)


Would you throw them out for supporting stanic pefodphiles, like [MOS] does?

AJ is a lackey.

396640  No.6283074


Considering the modern USA has synchronizations with Babylon and Persia is now part of the Middle East, you know the Unholy Alliance between America Saudi Arabia and Israel, also the manner in which he trolls the press has ties to the etymological root of Media and Cyrus ruled each.

I say Trump has gamed the entire ruling system. Netanyahoo is just another dirty politician but he's not an idiot, he just understands memetic propaganda and invokes ancient representation to trigger the destiny pathos for tribal affiliation. (Opinion)

The question is, is this malevolent or Benevolent? It certainly is the better option than Hillary.

Remain calm so is not to active flight fight response and lower your frontal lobe activity. Suggestions, if you are unhappy about this, run for office 2020. Or at least start with insuring your own personal protection and prep.

598926  No.6283075


wow. lack of covfefe = lysdexia..

91c4fc  No.6283076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Jews are so dumb, they are worshiping a wall that was part of a Roman fort.


770789  No.6283077


Thanks, have a nice day faggot.

7803a0  No.6283078

File: 83c6d6ae020d8b4⋯.jpg (67.38 KB, 666x666, 1:1, 1550565319.jpg)


Get down bitch.

37fa11  No.6283079

File: cd46a6473b3a1dd⋯.png (34.31 KB, 383x458, 383:458, ThinkLogically.png)

File: 1f738de95624ecf⋯.png (4.01 MB, 4227x2230, 4227:2230, NicePOTUS.png)

d69369  No.6283080

File: ccd4dd20c71e136⋯.png (254.33 KB, 280x371, 40:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Why have we been seeing so many Kim Foxx “racially charged death threats” stories in the last 24 hours?

Maybe to drown this out: “Kim Foxx is being sued for an alleged connection to an activist known for his anti-police agenda.”

Kim Foxx’s Alleged Connection To Chicago Activist Jedidiah Brown Targeted In Police Lawsuit – CBS Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS)–Kim Foxx is being sued for an alleged connection to an activist known for his anti-police agenda.

The case involves Jedidiah Brown, a Chicago activist who is accused of punching and kicking several officers back in 2018.

Anger over the police-involved shooting of South Shore barber Harith Augustus sparked July 2018 confrontation that erupted between civilians and police.

Brown was arrested during the altercation for allegedly punching and kicking officers.

That case is being handled by Foxx’s office.

Attorneys for the Chicago police officers involved in the lawsuit say they’re concerned about a conflict of interest that may exist due to a Facebook photo Brown posted of himself posed next to Foxx. The lawsuit also claims Brown positioned himself behind her on stage at a Rainbow Push event earlier this month.

(Source: Anonymous)

Brown is charged with a series of misdemeanors for his involvement in last summer’s incident.

In the motion, police lawyers argue “the appearance of impropriety…is overwhelming.”

The lawsuit calls on Foxx to “recuse her office so the court can “appoint a special prosecutor.”

CBS 2 reached out to the state’s attorney’s office and Jedidiah Brown.

Brown claims his only interaction with her was when they posed for the Facebook photo. He rejects the idea of bringing on a special prosecutor to handle his case, he said.

The state’s attorney’s office declined to comment.

Dana Kozlov



996f4f  No.6283081




That's you.

Stupid anon.


84866b  No.6283082


Yeah some went and some stayed and became today's jews. Ones that left weren't city builders or scribes. Ones that stayed became city builders and scribes after the Babylonian murder cult was forced on them. Don't know if the Khazar Jews are from the 12 tribes or not, they could be from Cain's seed.

7803a0  No.6283083

File: 24d04f9908dfd99⋯.jpeg (60.33 KB, 924x564, 77:47, 1554793591.jpeg)


He's not?

930b59  No.6283084


rarely invaded outright? not hardly..

research world history..

europe fought off the persians for centuries..

research battle of tours france..

888370  No.6283085

He's on another


Heads up.

598926  No.6283086



you spelled "everyday, now" wrong.

91c4fc  No.6283087

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 800x764, 200:191, aab5ff6d188fd0c8011a2d2415….jpg)

729018  No.6283088


Is it because (((they))) are dumb? Or because they're not who they say they are? IMO it's the latter.

7803a0  No.6283089

File: 391cab36d2f75d1⋯.png (732.03 KB, 937x597, 937:597, 1396587705649.png)


Wait. That's big talk from a spam bot.

92bfb6  No.6283090

There is a German conspiracy theorist on Youtube making videos of their symbology.

He says that 11/3 there'll be happening something big in Seattle. The Seattle Hawks are playing at home that exact day against some team with a skull as their logo. He says that the whole city centre of Seattle is full of their symbology and that these symbols have cross references in "The Simpsons", awkwardly enough, that hive minds assumptions are scarily mindbreaking, so I'm not sure what to think about that. Have you guys ever heard of something about Seattle happenings in the future?

5d02ef  No.6283091


You are here everyday as well

Muh red text slide

Every. Fucking. Day.

7c5d1f  No.6283092



POTUS is Covertly Fighting Evil For Everyone


c914db  No.6283093


immediate shill verifies.


416825  No.6283094


crude oil and gas are unlimited

917260  No.6283095

File: 37a5002fa5053af⋯.jpg (122.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: a1c4bbe39dcdcad⋯.jpg (273.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 68e31a57d2210b8⋯.jpg (292.82 KB, 1724x1724, 1:1, agent.jpg)

File: 941350be8e7e998⋯.jpg (139.46 KB, 720x529, 720:529, HollowEarthAdmiralByrdDiar….jpg)

File: 12ad551eec0cfba⋯.jpg (45.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Questions for Q.

Please add yours and then re-post.

1. Flat Earth?

2. Hollow Earth?

3. Moon landings real?

4. Extraterrestrial aliens on earth?

5. Reptilian humanoids?

6. Pizzagate real?

7. Mudflood real?










14560e  No.6283096

File: ccb6223bad1020c⋯.jpeg (94.92 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1554663700.jpeg)

fd9adb  No.6283097


YT link..

Don't bring crumbs without sauce

980c3b  No.6283098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



from 8:37 minutes

pic sreenshot at 9:24 minutes

"There was way more going on behind the scenes than we understood."

"Beware the military-industrial complex" - Dwight D. Eisenhower -

"Who is running that military-industrial, political complex now?

After Nixon left office, what they put in place under Carter:




"The minders, the controllers, the people between the people

in high office…"


"And we have a keystone of our own now - military intelligence and

national security agency with Admiral Rodgers coming over

to Trumps side, identifying the problem …put together this PLAN

to recapture control of our country …"

SES is using the keystone as their symbol.

The KEYSTONE of the national power-STRUCTURE?

5d02ef  No.6283099

File: f69023478e5123c⋯.jpeg (112.55 KB, 1242x705, 414:235, 101BCEE9-AAB9-411D-AF37-B….jpeg)


They play the Bucs on 11.3

But that’s publicly available information

d69369  No.6283100

File: ef29fcf54795f4a⋯.png (362.64 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2475b7a11038e0⋯.png (277.07 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

OH boy is this one good NOTABLE!

'Frenchanons viva la France….''

French Prime Minister And Wife Charged With Corruption (Video)


Former French Prime Minister and one time leading presidential candidate François Fillon has officially been charged with corruption and bribery together with his spouse.

The Fillon affair (also known as the ‘Penelope Fillon’ affair or ‘Penelopegate’) erupted in 2017 during the presidential campaign, which current President Emmanuel Macron eventually won.

As a certain point, former Prime Minister François Fillon, a candidate for the conservative ‘Republican party’ of former President Sarkozy, was the leading contender, well ahead of ‘En Marche’ candidate Mr Emmanuel Macron and even FN chairwoman Ms Marine Le Pen.

However, the French press discovered that he had ‘created’ jobs for both his children and wife, who had been paid for years to ‘work’ in the office of Mr Fillon during his time in the senate.

The affair began when the satirical magazine Le Canard enchaîné alleged in its edition of 25 January 2017 that Penelope Fillon, wife of François Fillon, received about $600k as a parliamentary assistant to her husband. Furthermore, she was also paid $120k as a literary adviser to the Revue des deux Mondes. The absence of evidence of work by Penelope Fillon and her distance from political life, however, led the newspaper to suspect that these jobs were fictitious.

In addition, the weekly also revealed that two of the couple’s children, Charles and Marie Fillon, received $100k while employed from 2005 to 2007 as assistants to their father, then a Senator.

The French Justice Department has now officially decided to charge both Mr Fillon and his wife with corruption and bribery, which could eventually lead to prison sentences for them.

Sauce :



770789  No.6283101


Hi effort, low ability shill is what you are.

Carry on……child.


996f4f  No.6283102

File: 49163a08194a482⋯.jpeg (11.14 KB, 255x225, 17:15, decb80ad2eed6cdf63061a844….jpeg)


I use red text to call out anons that constantly say "it's shill in here, it must be happening."

Shall we go and look back at my red texts this bread?

Or anyone who uses red text is here everyday?

Why are you using regular text? That happens daily.

Run along, back into your bubble.

I questioned your reality and you will double down I am the shill.

20ab14  No.6283103


Please. For the Love of God. Show SOME creativity. Just a little. Go on. Just this once, give me an insult I haven't heard a thousand times already. You must have it in you.

Pretty please? Try real hard and come up with something new? For posterity's sake. It might be your last hurrah.

980c3b  No.6283104

File: 24206d1d48cc006⋯.jpg (93.36 KB, 600x444, 50:37, the_keystone.jpg)

26b4bd  No.6283105


Of course the various players were "out to get Trump." He's a "bad dude." Until proven otherwise, the courts agree with the conclusion, it was totally justified to snoop - and even more so in hindsight, look at all the damage Trump is doing to their institutions - he dares to criticize and undermine public trust in government leadership. Trump is the subversive, seditionist force.

Something this rotten is incapable of credibly fixing itself. The next generation will be fooled, just like all the past ones have been. Globalism will march on, and will "succeed." Nice to be living in a time of setback, never thought it would happen.

917260  No.6283106

100 Questions for Q.

Please add yours and then re-post.

We need 100 good questions for Q

1. Flat Earth? No

2. Hollow Earth? Maybe

3. Moon landings real? Yes

4. Extraterrestrial aliens on earth?

5. Reptilian humanoids? Yes?

6. Pizzagate real?

7. Mudflood real?

8. 9 Densities are they real?

9. Did Hitler escape to South America? or Antarctica?








20ab14  No.6283107



Haven't seem them this nervous in forever!

996f4f  No.6283108

File: 31ce9459db2779c⋯.jpg (190.77 KB, 653x477, 653:477, 31ce9459db2779c6ee7f994b42….jpg)

615d80  No.6283109

File: 64d4fc474923a18⋯.jpg (156.88 KB, 501x585, 167:195, Shlomo Shekelstein.jpg)

Just trust the plan, goys

92bfb6  No.6283110



Here you go anon, good luck with understanding the things he's putting out, if you need help I'll be lurking for some time today.


true, watch the videos I linked to above for a closer look. It's scary though and don't know what to think of it. All of the videos containing the words 11.3 are related

5f23e1  No.6283112

7803a0  No.6283113

File: 458973b5436c49a⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 576x768, 3:4, downloadfile-48.jpg)


Ok. I'll spam the board 24/7 with dank memes.

598926  No.6283114

File: 38ccf0e25e29ce1⋯.jpeg (50.94 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 413622-91d2da288b6143ea98….jpeg)


muh concernfag is leaky.. have a shit in your mouth.

770789  No.6283115


Put this on your YouTube channel

d70282  No.6283116


Let's try this? Instead of the Rain Man autism chart nobody can follow, why not clearly explain what your concern is.

And then in a way people can understand, back it up with evidence.

The fact Alex Jones doesn't make a living on the JQ is a bonus in my book. There's already too many nut bags, I'm guessing you're one, to deal with.

996f4f  No.6283117

File: e3481566434c80d⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 760x570, 4:3, w4.jpg)

26b4bd  No.6283119

File: 539e2f660014ff2⋯.png (78.07 KB, 660x488, 165:122, 190423-trump-9.png)

“The best thing ever to happen to Twitter is Donald Trump.” @MariaBartiromo So true, but they don’t treat me well as a Republican. Very discriminatory, hard for people to sign on. Constantly taking people off list. Big complaints from many people. Different names-over 100 M…..


20ab14  No.6283120

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, What-is-the-Keystone.png)

0fae9e  No.6283121

File: 165b059c9e23063⋯.png (94.97 KB, 692x491, 692:491, ClipboardImage.png)


cb108e  No.6283122

The boss is on twitter Fire this morning!

d69369  No.6283123

File: c860ab72370637b⋯.png (535.52 KB, 674x337, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Billion Dollars Has Been Raised For Notre Dame Cathedral But We Can’t Fix The Planet:

Historical landmarks like the Cathedral of Notre-Dame are significant symbols of culture, so naturally, people will identify emotionally with these symbols just as they do with their culture. However, let’s face it, the cathedral is just a building, and portions of it burning without anyone getting hurt is the epitome of a “first world problem.”

Historical landmarks around the world are destroyed every single day, both natural and synthetic, but these losses are often ignored or sometimes even celebrated.

There is never a global call to action when indigenous land is destroyed to make way for pipelines, or when their architecture is demolished and replaced by strip malls. Likewise, when bombs are dropped across the Middle East and Africa, the buildings and artifacts lost in those attacks are never paid any mind, even though these historical relics are remnants of some of the earliest human civilizations.

In the case of Notre-Dame, donations have poured in from around the world to assist with the building’s restoration. Nearly a billion dollarshas been raised at time of publishing, most of those donations coming from extremely wealthy donors.

Some of these donations were hundreds of millions of dollars, coming from wealthy families behind clothing brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton, as well as energy and cosmetic companies. Tim Cook of Apple even said that the multi-billion dollar technology company would contribute to restoration.

Meanwhile, places like Puerto Rico are still struggling to raise money in the aftermath of a natural disaster that happened over a year ago. Despite claims from politicians that the water crisis in Flint, Michigan has been solved, many people in the region are still without clean water, years after the problem was exposed. Poverty and homelessness run rampant in most global societies, with an overwhelming percentage of the population working most of their days and still struggling to afford basic necessities like food and shelter.

Considering all of the issues that threaten both human civilization and animal life on the planet, it seems foolish that people around the world would prioritize replaceable cultural monuments over human life and the health of the planet that they call home. However, this type of behavior is typical for our species, and is precisely the reason why we have problems like war, poverty and endangered species.

People worship their culture like gods, but they treat their natural world and their fellow humans like beasts to be battled and controlled.

The overwhelming charity shown in the aftermath of the fire at Notre-Dame shows that humanity is capable of compassion, and the money to at least start fixing the problems in the world can be raised fairly easily. Of course, it will cost more than a billion dollars to clean up the planet and feed the poor, but if that much can be raised voluntarily in just 24 hours, imagine what can be accomplished if people started to direct their charity to the problems that are actually in the process of destroying life as we know it on this planet.

As an Op-Ed from Carl Kinsella of Joe.ie pointed out, “If two men in a world of more than 7 billion people can provide €300million to restore Notre Dame, within six hours, then there is enough money in the world to feed every mouth, shelter every family and educate every child. The failure to do so is a matter of will, and a matter of system. The failure to do so comes from our failure to recognize the mundane emergencies that claims lives all around us every single day.”

“Everywhere in the world, from Paris to Persepolis, people are suffering. But their suffering is every day. It does not light up a front page, and it does not inspire immediate donations from the world’s wealthiest men,” Kinsella continued.

This failure of priorities is largely the fault of the global media, that shies away from reporting on wars, environmental problems, or economic conditions which could make their sponsors look bad. The people of the world are generally good, they are just being led astray by the cultures that they worship.

https://prepareforchange.net/2019/04/19/billion-dollars-has-been-raised-for-notre-dame-cathedral-but-we-cant-fix-the-planet …

20b6e1  No.6283124

Hey Unirock..

0hour1 tricked you

It's fake

All he did was put Q !!mG7VJxZNCI in the name feild

Just like this



917260  No.6283125

File: 05aa172e1714a26⋯.jpg (4.51 KB, 310x162, 155:81, 99.jpg)

So what would put 99 percent of people in the hospital?

Add your theory…

1. We all actually in a simulator.

2. Aliens are real and they are hunting us.


6395de  No.6283126

Wow…what tweeked JIDF this am?

Calm down fellas…

Maybe it was the DJT tweet indicating the MEDIA runs the DEMOCRATIC party…

Or maybe its something else…

598926  No.6283127

File: 27f0839268df7f4⋯.png (30.96 KB, 255x199, 255:199, veryvary_fucking_triggered….png)

7c5d1f  No.6283128


POTUS is Covertly Fighting Evil For Everyone


COVFEFE despite bad press matches context of tweet

7803a0  No.6283129

File: 816a42f85c92b2d⋯.png (666.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6cfad85507f8a5a30760ae97a2….png)


Your cunt.

14560e  No.6283130

File: 0bffb53382516c8⋯.jpeg (71.18 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, 1556019123.jpeg)

66aaf0  No.6283131

File: d5363131ab0b677⋯.png (231.7 KB, 1538x1230, 769:615, fbiangentHawkinsmoscowphon….png)

File: a216a6b8de5a561⋯.png (214.67 KB, 1574x1231, 1574:1231, may2016clowdstrikednc.png)

File: 9d196f939874c55⋯.png (214.08 KB, 1496x1232, 17:14, may5cloudstrike.png)

File: 332448cd5010fb2⋯.png (200.28 KB, 1390x1225, 278:245, sethmurder.png)

File: 4cefa7d21d29ddb⋯.png (272.63 KB, 817x1083, 43:57, hrcserver81215.png)

Remember the beginning on how it all Started.

FBI Agent calling DNC that they were phoning home to Moscow. Then Seth download. Then the DNC and dems went off the rails knowing that HRC server was compromised and likely source and scrubbed all connected electronics without letting FBI see them (remember Awan and DWS) and do what they do best project their crimes on opponents. Not long after pinging at Trump Tower from third party (imo Brennan using vault 7).

996f4f  No.6283132

File: 8dd7007f4a6b2f2⋯.jpg (65.82 KB, 730x736, 365:368, DD4N28TWsAEOVrU.jpg)


Sucks you still don't understand the concept of


re-read it.


Keep telling yourself "it's going down."

6d5c14  No.6283133

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)



incoming baker firing up the oven

anon thank you for collecting

Give me 5 min and the kitchen will be hot.


baker taking over ghost kitchen.

598926  No.6283134

File: de0009c9452d408⋯.png (330.56 KB, 797x429, 797:429, ajmossad.png)


shut up AJ. everyone here knows your soul was bought.

26b4bd  No.6283135

File: 796a0e22e3e0194⋯.png (64.57 KB, 671x416, 671:416, 190423-trump-10.png)

…..But should be much higher than that if Twitter wasn’t playing their political games. No wonder Congress wants to get involved - and they should. Must be more, and fairer, companies to get out the WORD!


7f9de8  No.6283136



I got all excited for a minute.


615d80  No.6283137


Fuck niggers

d69369  No.6283138

File: f6db34e25e7c49c⋯.png (742.58 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The Very Same Democrats In 1999 Arguing Against the very Same Democrats In 2019 Who Want To Impeach President Trump

These short video clips show from Democrats in 1999, who are still in Congress today, arguing why the Democrats in 2019 should NOT be impeaching President Donald Trump.

The clips below are from the C-Span library from DECEMBER 18, 1998, which had members of the House of Representatives debating for and against articles of impeachment against President Clinton.

The videos below are very short, less than one minute, except for the Peter King video which runs approximately three minutes

The hypocrisy of today’s Democrats.

Today’s Democrats are arguing that President Trump, while not guilty of Obstruction, just him thinking about it was enough to proclaim him guilty of Obstruction and therefore the Democrats want to see him impeached.

Of course, the true motivation is revenge against Donald Trump for the audacity of beating Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

At this time Chuck Schumer was in the House and not the Senate.

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

Nancy Pelosi Argue Trump Derangement Syndrome

Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Mad Maxine Wearing her Mr. Spock Wig

Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

Bernie Sanders while arguing against impeachment, also proves once again how the Democrats will simply do nothing to fix the problem if it endangers one of their sacred talking points.

It also proves why we need term limits for these useless Congressional meat sacks.

Peter King (R-NY)

The clip of Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is important to the events taking place today, because King, a Republican, argued against impeaching Bill Clinton.

King surmised that while Clinton was guilty of lying, perjury, and obstruction, King did feel those crimes reach the level of the ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors,’ needed to impeach a President of the United States.

King’s decision, rightly or wrongly showed that the Republicans were not the partisan hacks the Democrats claim them to be.


20ab14  No.6283139


Well. That would make me very special indeed, wouldn't it.

416825  No.6283140


Dormant virus

Why 99%? Only the 1% had the antidote.

Now we all have.

Q is poiting out the past, not the future.

598926  No.6283142


oh, hey joocartoon. you still suck, even months later.

Keep coming here every day and failing at your mission, loser.

d70282  No.6283144


I see you took a dodge on my proposition. Sign of weakness, but I'm guessing you know that.

d26a00  No.6283145

File: 827e779b0e6cb65⋯.jpg (61.7 KB, 500x439, 500:439, gagged.jpg)

File: 8486de363b21b70⋯.png (48.59 KB, 402x600, 67:100, do not feed.png)

996f4f  No.6283146

File: 453fea58af57433⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 412x416, 103:104, 79dd474e01d2ca3fb1645e5f8c….jpg)


What mission is that?

f8ea01  No.6283147

Does WORD mean anything as an acronym anons

7803a0  No.6283148

File: 1e0e347a05ffb2b⋯.jpg (19.87 KB, 255x325, 51:65, qpcm2725389.jpg)


You are special.

d69369  No.6283149

File: bb8128d8cf7cf4e⋯.png (295.86 KB, 480x251, 480:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc7acbf7b133e52⋯.png (377.17 KB, 433x593, 433:593, ClipboardImage.png)

For KEKS: Time Magazine: Putin's Nefarious Plot to Dominate the World

A key US fake-news outlet claims that Trump's election was just the beginning. Russia has far more ambitious goals.

Vladimir Putin is plotting to dominate the world, or, at least, that the hypothesis to which Time Magazine devoted their latest issue. It is truly an example of how shrill and comical the US media have become.



917260  No.6283150


"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."

Q posted that quote in early November. He has mentioned and alluded to that idea numerous times in future postings. From everything that I have read or watched over the years, many conspiracies have a dark part to them. Human trafficking, adrenochrome, satanic rituals, pedophilia and political blackmail, democide, etc., is only the tip of the iceberg. Ignorance can certainly be bliss, but the truth is liberating. Q has indicated all those theories are true.

The biggest issue any "good guy" would face with revealing all the sick, and disgusting truths of this world would be by those in power spinning the information in a way that they could retain control. Millions of people have a worldview that they hold that is part of their identity, it is the root of their self. If that identity was fractured overnight, people would have psychotic breakdowns. ER's would be flooded and there would be many suicides. The economy would implode (not that a correction isn't due, there is nothing organic about the DOW). However, slowly releasing information of actions going on behind the scenes is a great way to waken people without heads exploding.

I have had many conversations with people who believe in conspiracies, but aren't interested in looking further due to how dark they get. A common question that I am asked is "How do you sleep anymore?" I wish I had a good answer to that. However, the only way this all stops is if a critical mass of people become aware of it. Could Q just be phase 1 of disclosing this to the public? Maybe not phase 1, but a preface to future events and past events?

175761  No.6283151

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

boom,boom,BOOM, doom.

20ab14  No.6283152

File: 547bfe78f1ea206⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x212, 255:212, Autist-Pepe.jpg)


Aw, too kind, fren.

Will you take me out for ice cream?

379975  No.6283153


NANOTECH - that assembles in our brains and could be used to remote control us, track us, see and hear what we see and hear, know what we think and dream and manipulate our thouhts, dreams and actions

If we are polluted by it through vaccines, chemtrails, food and water we would need to go to the right equiped hospitals to free us of this pollution.

d70282  No.6283154

muh one year later - muh joos

muh two years later - muh joos

We're big on sucking brock's man juice, but beside that we have accomplished




996f4f  No.6283155

File: 15b03c2c4e78b80⋯.png (972.89 KB, 891x476, 891:476, 15b03c2c4e78b803817f0af9e7….png)




87e94c  No.6283156

File: c8c1441a174afca⋯.png (548.91 KB, 709x899, 709:899, spiritualaboriginals.png)

917260  No.6283157


How else can we be freed of this?

598926  No.6283158


I see you didn't read the image and find the financial connections to deep state.

I know you're not blind, you're reading my posts.

You must be being intentionally stupid.


WEll, since you're failing at changing anyones mind with your tripe, I would say your mission has become little more than disruption.

41b4d7  No.6283159


>If we only get a minor purge (i.e. 100 people, with Hillary and Obama being the biggest- still a huge purge by today's standards) or if we don't get full disclosure of the satanic pedo stuff and what they had planned for us, then I agree, they will come back very quickly.

>Even if we get a Chemo Purge, i.e. half a million people, there will still be some who will go underground somewhere and bide their time, waiting for the day when the stupid populace forgets about them and can be tempted with gibs and feels and degeneracy again.

>They must never again be allowed to debase the populace for the sake of increasing their own power. I am thinking something akin to Starship Troopers, or greatly restricted voting rights: Male military veterans over age 35, married with children, owning property, and paying more taxes than the national average.

Yeah, I am thinking something along those lines. Definitely it would need to be property owners (like how this country was founded), with an increased age (I was thinking at least 25), and paying in taxes instead of leeching off the teat of government. No felons could vote. Voter ID. Citizens ONLY. Prove your citizenship before registering. Have your ID in hand when you arrive at the polls. Vote only on the day of the election. If you don't care enough to vote that day, then you can just sit that election out. Absentee ballots would only be for military, or extreme cases of chronic sickness, or an EXCELLENT excuse about being out of town… There also needs to be some type of test that people need to take when registering to vote. You cannot take the test and register on the day of the election. You must plan ahead. The test needs to show some knowledge of current events, the ability to think logically, and some knowledge about what each candidate stands for. If you can't pass the test in advance of election day, you can't vote in that election. Try again the next year…

>Also, instead of paying idiots to breed, how about paying them NOT to breed! Novel idea, I know, but it might be the only way to make civic nationalism workable in the long run. Also you do NOT get to sell out your country and expect to be papered for it. This means helicopters, Remove Kebab, etc.

Yeah, I have often thought that, if there are income taxes (of course, there should not be any), but if there ARE, then the taxes should go up as the number of kids in the family goes up. The whole idea of taxes going down (slightly) with increasing kids makes idiots have more kids (not being smart enough to see that the amount of money saved in taxes is not enough to actually pay for the cost of feeding and clothing the kid).

As a result, we get the morons breeding who have a BUNCH of kids. Morons breed more morons, and we get the mess we have now.

14560e  No.6283160

File: d927f669e6fd9cf⋯.jpeg (70.98 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 1551741037.jpeg)

20ab14  No.6283161

File: 4bdfd160b6422a0⋯.png (243.23 KB, 428x589, 428:589, Word-of-God-Sword.png)

File: 23ea9eeb4f15ff9⋯.jpg (147.31 KB, 736x460, 8:5, Living-Word-of-God.jpg)

File: 0f8067f56dec5a2⋯.jpg (174.35 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, Hear-Word-God.jpg)


From the POTUS tweet right now… I was wondering if it was a reference to the WORD of God.

917260  No.6283162


Maybe they knew that REPTILIANS exist!

36ad1c  No.6283165

File: 35ee2aa395a65f4⋯.jpg (29.57 KB, 810x455, 162:91, kyderby.jpg)

Kentucky Attorney General & others warn of sex trafficking ahead of Kentucky Derby

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear, prosecutors and victim advocates are calling for heightened awareness of human trafficking as Louisville prepares for the Kentucky Derby.

Law enforcement officials say incidents of human trafficking, including bringing in victims from other states, increases when cities host major sporting events.

Beshear joined Jefferson County Attorney Mike O'Connell Monday in Louisville with groups that assist trafficking victims. The attorney general's office published an online poster to help identify the signs of a human trafficking victim and how to report the crime.

Beshear said several signs that are common among victims of human trafficking are identical tattoos, branding and not being able to identify where they are or where they are staying.


Downloadable Poster to recognize signs of human trafficking:


d7d423  No.6283166


While there is no denying that there is some truth to your observations, that says NOTHING to address the very high percentage of LEFT eye idiosyncrasies involved with these people.

Where your (almost shill) explanation sounds reasonable, one would expect a nearly even split between right and left eyes, which is NOT the case.

Or would you have us believe it's just a coincidence there is a overwhelming occurrence of left eye involvement?

Actually that is a rhetorical question. No desire to debate; just my observation to go along with yours for other anons' consideration.

7803a0  No.6283167

File: 662e3c004fd87b6⋯.jpg (46.71 KB, 696x556, 174:139, downloadfile-31.jpg)


Sorry I don't associate with traitors.

5b478c  No.6283168


nyc, dc, hollyweird been wanting war with Russia

the rest of America wants to get along with Russia

why can't we just get along?

917260  No.6283169

File: 7cc3ca5d981e13f⋯.png (950.46 KB, 790x598, 395:299, 7cc3ca5d981e13f82085fa4c39….png)

File: 9cda443ed70ac95⋯.jpg (445.09 KB, 800x1108, 200:277, 9cda443ed70ac95741f734a084….jpg)

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

File: 397e66cede29c12⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, C9tKNu2UIAUul3K.jpg)

File: 88b702ef4f988a1⋯.jpg (521.17 KB, 1242x867, 414:289, god.jpg)

22ba92  No.6283170

File: 9ce0ad25313b282⋯.png (255.63 KB, 2048x996, 512:249, D41VVRwW4AEC0E0.png)





Morning Psycho's faithful viewer.

d69369  No.6283171

File: 7c6c2d970da4dc7⋯.png (736.96 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ad0d08a9e60789⋯.png (459.83 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86fe9478339a03f⋯.png (364.25 KB, 626x305, 626:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's declassification is going to expose it ALL.

More than 3 years worth of lies will collapse like a house of cards. There's no way out. There's no escape.

Trump's enemies foolishly 'locked' themselves into fake narratives they can't abandon.

6d5c14  No.6283172

notables bun @ 620

anons… just getting the kitchen set up. please review and let me know…


Baker Change

>>6283080 Kim Foxx’s Alleged Connection To Chicago Activist Jedidiah Brown Targeted In Police Lawsuit

>>6282912 Central Banks and cash - plans for dual currencies?

>>6282882, >>6282896, >>6282968 New DJTs

>>6282836 Bosnian businessman ambushed/killed in mafia style attack

>>6282814 Joe/Beau Biden ignored Delaware Lynchings 2012-13

996f4f  No.6283173


Oh it's you!

NPC meme "kvetching intensifies"

I already beat you to it.


888370  No.6283174

File: 58510304b155407⋯.png (719.41 KB, 947x616, 947:616, Abu.PNG)


d70282  No.6283175


I hear you. It just gets tired seeing all the nonsense, bread after bread…………protocols, rabbi finkelstein etc.

The reality is most moo joos make a living by letting soros use them as a human toilet, but then they blame muh joos.


175761  No.6283177

File: 799be340407eb9e⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 250x397, 250:397, cuneiform_script.jpg)

>6282846 >6282850 >6282852 >6282866 >6282874 >6282925>6282842

36ad1c  No.6283178

729018  No.6283179

File: b291e977540a198⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 799x449, 799:449, oxy.jpg)

The embattled maker of OxyContin is attempting to "cry poverty" to avoid accountability for the company’s role in the nation’s opioid epidemic, Connecticut Attorney General William Tong said Monday, as the state expanded its lawsuit against Purdue Pharma.


917260  No.6283180


Yes, its time for something real!

20ab14  No.6283181

File: cc3fb3070b270c9⋯.jpg (323.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Define-Projection-GenQ.jpg)

598926  No.6283182

File: d2ecbcef975de03⋯.png (140.84 KB, 298x323, 298:323, niggertoesucka666.png)


yes, anons know you guys track us.

416825  No.6283183


Agreed but that wouldn't be 99%.

> early November

Exactly, think 1 year delta

917260  No.6283184

File: 792e966dcdb0448⋯.jpg (200.77 KB, 500x747, 500:747, Q1.jpg)

File: 597740478769e66⋯.jpg (220.68 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sword-and-shield2.jpg)

7803a0  No.6283185

File: 98d094286010997⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 285x320, 57:64, ben baruch wedding.jpg)


I said 10 cunt.

917260  No.6283186


So what would make 99 percent of people go to hospital (assume mental hospital)?

14560e  No.6283187

File: a6acfc43754c756⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 330x287, 330:287, Hggfd.gif)

770789  No.6283188

File: da91edc3912757b⋯.jpeg (769.11 KB, 1057x1673, 151:239, 7D69DE89-1169-4E46-8CE3-6….jpeg)



20ab14  No.6283189


And I requested originality, but I guess we'll both have to make do.

35013f  No.6283190


From my understanding covfefe is the key, you add it to the sentence before and the message wait to die appears. My understanding is this is telling the mainstream media to wait to die.

d69369  No.6283192

File: 902ca51d3881428⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0c5d15e1aa1a2e⋯.png (740.07 KB, 1199x554, 1199:554, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14e661022b13238⋯.png (795.67 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69b91b38c465b65⋯.png (744.21 KB, 730x500, 73:50, ClipboardImage.png)


Why did Trump get into politics ?

5a7e4c  No.6283193

File: 9b5e2467cc93077⋯.jpeg (355.24 KB, 1125x1660, 225:332, 68AC0939-2913-496E-9580-E….jpeg)

File: 081467256e8a38e⋯.jpeg (523.25 KB, 1124x2179, 1124:2179, DE08EE5C-8025-430A-8BE2-1….jpeg)

File: e319cf0f493065f⋯.jpeg (409.27 KB, 1123x1705, 1123:1705, 7870C650-2D43-4F10-921D-0….jpeg)

File: 232800ecb35bfc9⋯.jpeg (350.74 KB, 1123x1750, 1123:1750, 907BDA63-3557-41D0-9F65-B….jpeg)


917260  No.6283194

File: f9e93ae827049b0⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 4576x2536, 572:317, Dame_Linda_Dobbs.jpg)


Very interesting

7803a0  No.6283195

File: 1a08f9b282e9d67⋯.jpeg (46.02 KB, 497x509, 497:509, 1555021190.jpeg)


1 is not 10 is it?

87e94c  No.6283196


Their "mythology" definitely speaks of reptilian humans. E.g., The Blue-Tongue Lizard Man was a deceitful sorcerer figure, among other such stories. Other stories told of beings which stole and fed on children. In fact, most aboriginal cultures spoke of similar reptilian humanoids.

6395de  No.6283197

File: c3bf9c60a94b1a7⋯.png (606.02 KB, 1276x1240, 319:310, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

File: cf2c3d1ef2280d3⋯.png (341.88 KB, 1248x1212, 104:101, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

File: abef345be2baae5⋯.png (463.25 KB, 1260x1246, 90:89, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

In the we have it all category…

Should be an interesting day for MSM…maybe more on texts, etc…

4/25/18 was a big drop day with a bunch of Q posts…

d7d423  No.6283198


Whoever would doubt this lilelyhood for a New York second, really needs to research the native peoples and learn some of what they know and practice.

There really should need be NO debate about the truth involved with this subject.

KEK-cellent MEME !!

996f4f  No.6283199

File: 6a4da465111288a⋯.png (789.58 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good times.png)


But why Q doesn't track (((THEM)))

Because it's called shitposting.

"Cmon Q do something about the shitposting or DS on qresearch".

It has to be one or the other.

Fucking hypocrite.

25e694  No.6283200


Demographics = Destiny

We will become South Africa.

001fde  No.6283201


If anybpost has ever earned the "notable" designation

It would be this one.

We are all players in this game.

As we progress through the levels

You shall feel the change or not.

Those still here have graduated.


Good actors make great movies.

Good intentions make great storylines.

I would add that we all have our stated purpose

We all are individually responsible for the final destination in this timeline.

We work and move as 1.

WWG1WGA is not just some rally call.

It is a literal interpretation of what we do here.

Without you, we cannot move forward.

We need/want as many people to join us at the end for the end is glorious.

Pray for those whom fall behind.

Have compassion for those who slight you.

Express your empathy so others know they are not alone.

Most importantly

Understand that you are your world.

The world you perceive is a reflection of your mindset.

You are the creators.

Create the world you wish to see.

Build yourself so that you can be the foundation of your universe.

Be love.

Be best.


996f4f  No.6283202

File: 8ecea0382c3decc⋯.jpeg (24.15 KB, 360x321, 120:107, 991b752490cc6319d573304a4….jpeg)

ee73df  No.6283203


We do NOT know that Julian is under POTUS protection. We assume that because it's what we'd want. Him to testify if needed and then be pardoned and free. I don't use social media, but wish people would tweet their feelings to POTUS, just in case. He is surrounded by some people who are not his friends and we don't know what they are saying. Jullian deserves our support. Trump might not have been elected without him. I would hate to think he's in a prison somewhere or worse.

20724e  No.6283204


Simple anon who doesnt really understand this post. What exactly is anon saying?

6d5c14  No.6283205


this is just a cap anon. still getting set up. if you could post next bread with sauce?


d69369  No.6283206

File: 63f1944f1de3763⋯.png (331.85 KB, 1080x482, 540:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Ummmmm No?

5f23e1  No.6283207

File: 2d90c7ced943497⋯.jpg (473.32 KB, 1024x798, 512:399, dsbsadbgabab.jpg)

File: ec5bb756e5a9f87⋯.jpg (31.79 KB, 400x514, 200:257, fsgbsbsdb.jpg)

File: f1dcb4a69945e56⋯.jpg (387.08 KB, 1439x713, 1439:713, sfhwsdhs.jpg)


I did a quick look at the witch, it's very hard to find a good photo of her looking straight with a neutral expression for proper analysis. She also is constantly covered in make-up and styling to cover any imperfections.

That said, she is definitely not perfectly symmetrical. Many times asymmetric features become obvious when you change your perspective, and view the face from below, or at an odd angle. This image just quickly points out some common features.

The bone and muscle anatomy is so precise and minute, that any change in growth or mutation can lead to pretty drastic facial feature abnormalities. But again, I don't think this can be interpreted as clear signs of deviancy.

d70282  No.6283208


Yeah, being financed and connected to the DS is so rare these days………………………..

Let's see? Can anyone say the same about just about everyone in the public sphere? I would wager that's an affirmative.

obama, brennan, rice, kiss-an-ger, power, holder, biden, holder blah blah blah……………

Oh, he's "connected to the DS!

Give me a fucking break you fucking pathetic loser. Put down the bottle of Jew-hatred and try a bottle of Guinness. It might help.

20ab14  No.6283209


No. 1 is 11.

598926  No.6283210


You're just pised that yuou can't do your missions right because anons blow up your spot.





And it's funny as fuck :D

c84d72  No.6283211


Shock therapy above the 60k amp level, fry them

6d5c14  No.6283212

final call for notables @ 650

new baker trying to clean up kitchen as fast as I can anons!


Baker Change

>>6283165 Kentucky Attorney General & others warn of sex trafficking ahead of Kentucky Derby

>>6283080 Kim Foxx’s Alleged Connection To Chicago Activist Jedidiah Brown Targeted In Police Lawsuit

>>6282912 Central Banks and cash - plans for dual currencies?

>>6282882, >>6282896, >>6282968 New DJTs

>>6282836 Bosnian businessman ambushed/killed in mafia style attack

>>6282814 Joe/Beau Biden ignored Delaware Lynchings 2012-13

baking in 60

7803a0  No.6283214

File: 706fcb9c7b740d9⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, 1555722401.png)


0? You're not even trying.

bad9fc  No.6283215

File: 0ca1886f47824b8⋯.jpeg (437.56 KB, 750x1012, 375:506, F5C2FBEC-897A-44CF-B8FC-2….jpeg)

File: d8a38278c3ff8b3⋯.jpeg (466.89 KB, 750x1063, 750:1063, 2878FBEB-12EE-47DC-A3C5-5….jpeg)

Bomb threat in Norfolk Va

One person in custody


20ab14  No.6283216

File: a98fa87c87147e7⋯.jpg (159.75 KB, 810x540, 3:2, WWG1WGA-FreedomShip-Callin….jpg)

598926  No.6283217


Aj. The gaslighting worsens your position.

0b9eef  No.6283218

File: de99bf998b85cbe⋯.jpeg (242.98 KB, 1242x886, 621:443, E8B3AB58-D530-4820-8C28-2….jpeg)


c9e5cb  No.6283219


What they said, Double it.

f065d6  No.6283220


There's a website for that anon, kek.


WORD Wales Office of Research and Development (Welsh Assembly; UK)

WORD Wechsler Objective Reading Dimensions (test; Psychometrics Centre; University of Cambridge; UK)

WORD Washington Organization for Reading Development

WORD Women's Organisation in Rural Development (India)

WORD Work Order Record and Detail

WORD Wau Org

anization for Relief and Development

b643f1  No.6283221


Gen Flynn

d72a8a  No.6283222


Yes. That is absolutely a piece of the puzzle. The truth is even stranger than most anons realize.

20ab14  No.6283223


I'm not the 1 who needs to try moar.

That would be U

d70282  No.6283224

File: f9714d434172f1e⋯.png (89.01 KB, 232x255, 232:255, 45_troll_pepe.png)


What a cute meme! Was it you that threw than slice of lemon at arianna at coachella? You seem really hip in that way.

8463af  No.6283225

File: 92b43b797ab1fbd⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1482x738, 247:123, 92b43b797ab1fbd30c60877e17….png)


Self-explanatory pic.

26b4bd  No.6283226

File: c9882967c7ba614⋯.png (34.73 KB, 636x213, 212:71, 190423-trump-11-12.png)

The Wall is being rapidly built! The Economy is GREAT! Our Country is Respected again!




917260  No.6283227


The truth is what? What do you surmise it is anon?

7803a0  No.6283228

File: 759df5cfa142e0e⋯.jpg (67.24 KB, 355x499, 355:499, IMG_20190210_004848_459.JPG)


Einstein counts again.

615d80  No.6283229

File: 1af948ccac8dc81⋯.jpg (38.17 KB, 320x313, 320:313, 1555986551776.jpg)

8ff34f  No.6283230



You get a fresh delivery

of Nanotech Building Blocks

in every order of

Chicken McNuggets ! ! !



917260  No.6283231

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

File: f411f1fd78cf1ce⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 960x921, 320:307, jesus.jpg)

File: 1b9d3fed49ab92d⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Lords_prayer_print_800.jpg)

File: e349839e23201a7⋯.jpg (91.8 KB, 531x720, 59:80, sinner.jpg)

File: 20f4da0bd88f580⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 3000x3064, 375:383, yfqrg9hyova21 (1).jpg)

f42b48  No.6283232

File: f6f493fb68e0a86⋯.png (60.51 KB, 297x169, 297:169, image.png)

File: d5cd8090063bf99⋯.png (355.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, chaplain-logo-b.png)

A prayer for all Anons, for POTUS, and all those who truly support our duly elected President:

Prayer for a Spiritual Canopy:

Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I have not submitted to your will in my life. Please forgive me for all my sinful actions, making agreements with the enemy, and for believing the devil’s lies. I now submit to you as my Lord, dear Jesus. Now I break every agreement that I have made with the enemy.

Lord Jesus, please have your warring angels remove and bind to the abyss all demons and their devices that had access to me because I believed their lies. I now ask you to establish a hedge of protection around, over me and under me, and seal it with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ.

I now choose to put on the full armor of God and ask that you cleanse me and seal me, body, mind, soul, and spirit, with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your warring angels bind up and remove all demons, their devices, and all their power from within this protective hedge and have them sent to the abyss.

Please have your warriors destroy all demonic occult or witchcraft assignments directed against me including all backups and replacements. Please have your warriors remove all trafficking people and send them back to their own bodies and seal them there with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your angels stand guard over me and protect me from all the attacks of the enemy.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


d70282  No.6283233


Scary, but true. Which actually makes it all the more scary!

d7d423  No.6283234


It's a Shill. Don't get a headache over it.

Do not feed it.

Learn to Discern.

598926  No.6283235


Chelation therapy.

41b4d7  No.6283236


You know, by telling us that it was pouring rain while you wrote that, you pretty much told us which metropolitan area you live in, because only one reasonably large metro area in the USA had "pouring rain" at that time.

10709c  No.6283237


Has anyone considered that "egg farmer" is a pixelnot pw?

7803a0  No.6283238

File: abe0f2210cdce58⋯.png (191.63 KB, 597x395, 597:395, 1554434833.png)


Sick burn!

0b9eef  No.6283239

File: faf9fe7a6b7658b⋯.jpeg (289.98 KB, 1242x1102, 621:551, 7DF883EB-E474-4CE9-9869-D….jpeg)


91c4fc  No.6283240


THE STRATEGY: The 10 point charter of Alice Bailey adopted by the U.N.

THE PURPOSE: To change Judeo/Christian tradition or to redeem the nations from Judeo/Christian tradition.











20ab14  No.6283241

File: 27e5dbb8f25b4b1⋯.jpg (213.31 KB, 834x480, 139:80, Magic-Wall.jpg)

File: 5c1ce65d343a41c⋯.jpg (307.17 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, Historic-Results-TY-POTUS-….jpg)

d70282  No.6283242

File: 235bf2d3894ec28⋯.png (7.61 KB, 255x185, 51:37, Nobody_Cares_You_Pathetic_….png)


"Real Americans" don't molest their sister!

3b0e1d  No.6283243

File: 043774b5b98aa17⋯.jpeg (228.93 KB, 957x709, 957:709, 874E946F-19B2-4606-96F5-D….jpeg)

a681c2  No.6283244



‏ @45_Schedule

"President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump accepted the invitation of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to visit the United Kingdom from June 3 to 5, 2019."


‏ @45_Schedule

2m2 minutes ago

"This state visit will reaffirm the steadfast and special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. In addition to meeting the Queen, the President will participate in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May."


‏ @45_Schedule

2m2 minutes ago

"While in the United Kingdom, the President and First Lady will attend a ceremony in Portsmouth to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day."

956770  No.6283245



>>6283120 What is the keystone?

20724e  No.6283246


OK anon, easy get caught up in here !

d7d423  No.6283248


Don't doubt this for a second.

Any sauce?

f42b48  No.6283249


Anon - if true, this is CRITICALLY important information. Have you done Chelation therapy? I've considered it but have never gone through with it.

9c97e6  No.6283250

File: fe928f6e2cf7580⋯.png (984.67 KB, 862x853, 862:853, wtf.PNG)

We are a CUCK nation. We are spat upon and used like a cheap whore.


6d5c14  No.6283251

final bun


Baker Ghost/ Baker Change

>>6283239 Apple is Amazon's biggest Customer

>>6283215 Bomb threat in Norfolk Va One person in custody

>>6283165 Kentucky Attorney General & others warn of sex trafficking ahead of Kentucky Derby

>>6283080 Kim Foxx’s Alleged Connection To Chicago Activist Jedidiah Brown Targeted In Police Lawsuit

>>6282912 Central Banks and cash - plans for dual currencies?

>>6282882, >>6282896, >>6282968 New DJTs

>>6282836 Bosnian businessman ambushed/killed in mafia style attack

>>6282814 Joe/Beau Biden ignored Delaware Lynchings 2012-13

d70282  No.6283252

File: ca7acdead504122⋯.jpg (29.57 KB, 515x556, 515:556, girl_who_kicked.jpg)

The moo joos must all have had a circumcision this morning. They are out in force.

14560e  No.6283253

File: 47645e3aefbb06f⋯.jpg (91.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mlbf_1843176683_th_45.jpg)

001fde  No.6283254


Anon is saying that this movement isn't about Q.

We do not follow Q.

In fact, we follow no one.

We think for ourselves.

Q was/is nothing more than a catalyst.

The fate of the world had already been determined.

Had HRC won, this world would've burnt.

Q was the catalyst of change.

Q saved your world from the likes of those who were willing to sacrifice everything to prevent this world from falling into the pits of hell.

We encourage you to think for yourself.

Q is nothing more than exa to tly what you need to know.

Dis jnfo is necessary because your truth is different from mine.

We need all of our truths to come in line.

Soon, the truth will be universal and evil will disappear.

(You) are and have always been the plan.

Trust the plan

Trust yourself.

(You) are more important than you can imagine.


077d91  No.6283255


we have no country… "rule of law being returned to the people" bullshit.

f42b48  No.6283256

File: d5cd8090063bf99⋯.png (355.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, chaplain-logo-b.png)

This is the Great Awakening.

A lot of anons are awakening to the FACT that this whole thing is about SPIRITUAL FORCES at battle.

Not all anons get this - and for many, it's too much to believe (at least right now).

This is part of what Q means when he says, "the end is not for everyone."

Q quotes scripture and admonishes us to PRAY.

Q states explicitly that this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE; and yet, there are anons who just CAN’T HANDLE THIS REALITY. They get mad and respond with hatred.



36608a  No.6283257

File: 8e2ee1993a1559e⋯.png (300.56 KB, 818x677, 818:677, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

Jordan Sather is DESTROYING vaccine "fake news"! A recent propaganda piece by MSM used a photoshopped image of a baby to falsely portray that he/she had measles! Plus, media quoted measles case numbers don't seem to match CDC official totals.


930b59  No.6283258


commence operation iron iron

14560e  No.6283259

File: 673ad87370d6b60⋯.jpeg (61.36 KB, 1080x613, 1080:613, 1553135562.jpeg)

File: 7c577600a002b77⋯.jpeg (94.59 KB, 1080x821, 1080:821, 1553121258.jpeg)

0b9eef  No.6283260

File: 2e7c025c56d0258⋯.jpeg (261.35 KB, 1242x761, 1242:761, 866BD514-AEE1-484B-99CC-C….jpeg)


7803a0  No.6283261

File: 455d81b9ec325a9⋯.png (185.97 KB, 631x502, 631:502, 1554430131.png)


2 is not 10 is it?

6d5c14  No.6283263


f42b48  No.6283264




d70282  No.6283265

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Why is it so easy, after a couple of beers, to make moo joos look ridiculous?

"And moo joos can't look ridiculous!"

d72a8a  No.6283266


It'll take me too long to type it out. I'm phone fagging and half asleep. I just woke up to our and saw lots trying his balls of so good on the board. I'll link to you next bread with a thought or two

f2b869  No.6283267


Good thing all those illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border are vaccinated.

077d91  No.6283268

File: 446182fa2da667b⋯.png (215.74 KB, 305x553, 305:553, 4545t.png)


MILWAUKEE — A Wisconsin mother of seven pleaded guilty Monday to trying to plan terrorist attacks on behalf of the Islamic State group by distributing information online on how to make explosives and biological weapons.

20ab14  No.6283269

File: 8d0d8fdcc0d2620⋯.jpg (385.35 KB, 553x750, 553:750, What-is-a-Keystone-1.jpg)

File: d58491fd11bfcbc⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1632x2500, 408:625, KeyStone-HeartStone.png)

File: ed9882cfa16de64⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 650x488, 325:244, Keystone-Heartstone.jpg)

File: dfd47e0456874a3⋯.jpg (331.13 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Find-the-Keystone-1.jpg)

File: fb4ee4d3644e6e1⋯.jpg (478.94 KB, 774x932, 387:466, Olive's-Branch.jpg)


The KeyStone is our HeartStone.

(Amongst other things.)

6d5c14  No.6283270


repost nb anon. thanks!

b643f1  No.6283272


Agree, but don't post this every bread.

2a08aa  No.6283273



Now rather than the cabal being king maker Q is.

Out of the frying pan into the fire. Give your leash to a new master.

f42b48  No.6283274

36608a  No.6283276


Silicated mineral water can help remove aluminum from the brain according to UK researcher Christopher Exley. Alzheimer's symptoms improve with 1liter per day, apparently.

7803a0  No.6283278

File: 2ceb1db30ba0839⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1685x1079, 1685:1079, 1548198440.png)


Still not 10 cunt.

917260  No.6283279

File: 4e23ae57b151a0f⋯.jpg (166.61 KB, 834x480, 139:80, wall.jpg)

1fc830  No.6283280


shills are going hard on Twatter, claiming mainstream media didn't use them photos.

f42b48  No.6283281


I've only posted this once this morning, Anon.

b71a26  No.6283282


OK, now i woke up.

Then what?

20ab14  No.6283283

File: 02a9b3bc3aba2c3⋯.png (117.76 KB, 1273x582, 1273:582, Keystone-Anon-Theory-Q2998….png)

File: 8e114d2e2169e45⋯.png (70.43 KB, 1275x443, 1275:443, Keystone-Anon-Theory-Q2998….png)



Or, if you were hoping for a moar autistic answer (pics related).

770789  No.6283284

File: d55fa504002c1c2⋯.jpeg (493.71 KB, 1092x973, 156:139, 4023EB30-048D-4ABD-A67A-2….jpeg)

7b1a40  No.6283286

Norfolk bomb threat cant find anything besides whats in notables

e9518f  No.6283287

File: dc3790bf15b667f⋯.png (1004.22 KB, 1000x583, 1000:583, mdfvsmf9erfe-mrkewsdo.PNG)


b643f1  No.6283288


Not accusing Anon, just have seen this sort of thing get reposted over and over and lose meaning and efficacy.

Like the Pepe!

175761  No.6283292

File: 1081953d0a52a1b⋯.jpg (21.07 KB, 283x382, 283:382, 1081953d0a52a1b9c0723d86f6….jpg)

File: 29106870555f69c⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 226x379, 226:379, 29106870555f69c891b5c2376e….jpg)

File: c79e241ee4db6f3⋯.jpg (14.46 KB, 234x255, 78:85, aa1473da3e2568cb21c3a167e0….jpg)

File: ff69e32b08be5e3⋯.jpg (196.49 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, vps-as076-11_orig.jpg)

7b1a40  No.6283293


Biblefags want us to assimilate

That what

d22dd8  No.6283294

File: 9ca3615b8e07f60⋯.png (73.82 KB, 986x496, 493:248, Screenshot from 2019-04-23….png)


Ridiculous over the top Puff Post article from Sep '17 about Jeb who councils the Communists. Hussein, Bernie, and Rahm

53bafa  No.6283295


I was thinking more along the lines of keep the welfare but you have to get snipped to get it. Also must go along with removal of affirmative action or they will just give their pets useless jobs in order to keep their voting base.

Voter ID is essential. I'm a bit worried about the current events tests, etc, because those can be easily gamed. But how about a Shit Test: Election day becomes a national holiday but you have to do a day of volunteer work for an unpleasant public service like picking up trash, then you vote at the end of it. Weeds out those who are selfish, lazy or too precious to get their hands dirty.

36608a  No.6283296


I know. Remember an anon had a dream about Hillary Clinton possibly infecting a child with a bioweapon? (At least thats how I remember the post) The cabal vaccinates American children to DEATH (SIDS) but allows invading "families" to bring in tuberculosis, etc.

175761  No.6283299

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

dark to LIGHT

f42b48  No.6283300


Dig, Meme, and PRAY as often as you can.

Pray for the Great Awakening.

Pray for POTUS.

Pray for the Anons.

Pray for the capture and elimination of the ENEMY.

Pray for the victims of EVIL.

Pray for this world.

b71a26  No.6283302


Muh Q quote bible

Proof God is real…

a681c2  No.6283303

Potus is amped up today!!

db9ce8  No.6283304

Another small plane crash yesterday

Pilot dead.


175761  No.6283306

File: c5e537369a33f2f⋯.png (95.91 KB, 998x324, 499:162, Warners.PNG)

f2b869  No.6283307


This bread certainly isn't. What an odd early morning this has been.

917260  No.6283308

File: 792e966dcdb0448⋯.jpg (200.77 KB, 500x747, 500:747, Q1.jpg)

41b4d7  No.6283309


The correct answer can be found here: >6283254

20ab14  No.6283310

File: 33d39ff6b7265c0⋯.jpg (320.61 KB, 900x601, 900:601, WWG1WGA-God-Bless-WH-Patri….jpg)

File: d59dcd2629ee42c⋯.jpg (282.1 KB, 600x979, 600:979, Awake-OpenSky.jpg)

File: 2c2fb777d271d43⋯.jpg (743.08 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Reclaim-Earth-QofChange.jpg)

File: e8243fae1d80014⋯.jpg (358.77 KB, 600x979, 600:979, Rise-GA-OpenSky.jpg)

File: b594e4989275892⋯.jpg (523.82 KB, 1956x1338, 326:223, We-are-the-Storm-WH.jpg)

6d5c14  No.6283311

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)






416825  No.6283312

041f0e  No.6283313

File: 868f6e43f7d0c2d⋯.jpg (964.15 KB, 948x1966, 474:983, Screenshot_20190423-075649….jpg)

File: b0b9e9c16a1aecb⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1434x2404, 717:1202, 20190423_080236.jpg)

It's no damn coincidence the egg given to FLOTUS has a 't' that looks like a '4' AND their tweets have the same color theme.

B4B is in Qs pic and the colors used are the same.


041f0e  No.6283314



14560e  No.6283317

File: f20dc7fb3fd36b8⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 640x960, 2:3, d32c0c9a733e11b6ba33094169….jpg)

14560e  No.6283322

File: 8a85709770da5f0⋯.jpg (104.67 KB, 573x960, 191:320, c8e4aab60158816183d214b9a2….jpg)

d70282  No.6283325



I support the crystal wine glass, with my hand, that hold soros man juice that I drink to pay my my bills.

- We have the screengrab (might want to check those memes)…sincerley, Unit 8200

14560e  No.6283327

File: c8359f4af2a3e19⋯.jpg (36.16 KB, 486x720, 27:40, 8bfada4ed1f40b8d0e28abce94….jpg)

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