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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

68c17f  No.6209166

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html#4004099

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?

Wednesday 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

68c17f  No.6209169

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>6202962 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/


are not endorsements

7939 Baker Change

>>6209144 DJT Tweet: "Wow! FBI made 11 payments to Fake Dossier’s discredited author, Trump hater Christopher Steele…"

>>6209133 Hundreds of texts, emails about Jussie Smollett probe made public by State's Attorney Kim Foxx's office.

>>6209028, >>6209103 Aus. disc jockey attempts to steal toddler from the streets of San Francisco. Shares the same public defender as Swordy.

>>6208947 Netflix walks back climate change claims on suicidal walrus bit.

>>6208877 Reminder: Notre-Dame's restoration price was extremely high.

>>6208672 Patriots and the US flag take the win in Laguna Beach

>>6208670 Defiant Alan Dershowitz brands Virginia Roberts a 'fake MeToo victim'

>>6208641 Conservative Treehouse on the corruption of Jessie Liu

>>6208606 Le Pen courts Salvini, Farage for 'biggest group possible'

>>6208525, >>6208608 Corbyn says Brexit talks with PM FAILING as she backs Trump deal

>>6208508 Jussie Smollett FOIA Dump - good DIGG stuff

>>6208468, >>6208538 Call to DIGG on source & explanation of 5-sec vid of man on ND tower

>>6208418 "Pro-Assange protesters clash with cops in Ecuador, calling President Moreno ‘traitor’" (1min vid)

>>6208351 Exclusive: House Dems Sign Secret MOUs To Target Trump

>>6208296, >>6208354, >>6208386 Graveyard anons mull over Mueller Report, dates, times & "pain"

>>6208286, >>6208363 Christopher Droney of US Court of Appeals for 2nd Circuit taking senior status (end of June)

>>6209163 #7939


>>6207659 new Rudy G JUSTICE interdasting Q proof: 1:16 AM 4/17 Rudy twat & 11/6 Q post #417 JUSTICE

>>6207684, >>6207673, >>6208180 USSS twat - sweet video - driver training THE BEAST

>>6207734 Operation Inherent Resolve report detailing anti isis money laundering busting

>>6207869 James Woods due for a notable for pressing the Standard Hotel question

>>6207862 Ty Clevenger's FOIA rew on Seth Rich stuffs

>>6207944, >>6207946, >>6207948 Resignations in the news today

>>6207925 United Conservative Party wins majority in Alberta

>>6207966 U.S. SpecRep for NK to travel to Moscow April 17-18 to meet with Russian officials

>>6207796 Man Uses AK-47 Against 5 Home Invaders, Killing 3 And Injuring 2

>>6208182 #7938

#7937 baker change

>>6207044, >>6207074 DJT: On Trumps ICC Win, D's and R's see eye to eye | RealClearPolitics

>>6206902 Juarez-El Paso metro logs 24 cartel homicides over weekend (Breitbart)

>>6206889 NORAD to conduct air defense exercise in National Capital Region

>>6206882 Anon codefag updates open source Q Research archive application

>>6206953 Michelle O Paris river cruising same time as Notre Dame burns

>>6206918 Hundreds of texts, emails about Jussie Smollett probe made public

>>6206878 DOJ tells T-Mobile, Sprint it has concerns about merger (Nasdaq)

>>6206921 Pentagon Approves $500 Million Taiwan F-16 Support Program Amid Chinese Threats

>>6207062 Anon on Marines 3rd B 11th reg, 3/11 Q posts (spooks) and Haspel in the news today (spies)

>>6207123, >>6207172 props to Conservatives in Canada for the big win, eh

>>6207322 June 30, 2015 letter to LL from Grassley concerning Uranium 1 deal gets SB digits

>>6207291 SF Child snatcher was on management team of LGBT organising committee.

>>6207392, >>6207089 everyones twatter is blowing up with the Potus Rolls On from last night

>>6207443 #7937

Previously Collected Notables

>>6206712 #7936,

>>6204381 #7933, >>6208292 #7934, >>6205940 #7935

>>6201969 #7930, >>6204492 #7931, >>6203630 #7932

>>6199669 #7927, >>6200508 #7928, >>6201295 #7929

>>6197377 #7924, >>6198143 #7925, >>6198879 #7926

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

68c17f  No.6209170

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6160438 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>6152824

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

68c17f  No.6209171

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

68c17f  No.6209175

File: fd5803870e715a6⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, beautifuldesign.jpg)



67c8a7  No.6209197

File: cd8d5c44dfcc5c9⋯.jpg (373.3 KB, 1014x684, 169:114, 20190416_111835.jpg)

bae96f  No.6209202

File: 454cf2d3a0f2038⋯.png (1.32 MB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

good morning faggots, another fucking day in the matrix. wake up, drive to work, work, drive home, come home, sleep, repeat.

Great fucking life. So happy to be alive.

67c8a7  No.6209205

File: 7b18882b7d9d2ad⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 480x264, 20:11, giphy.gif)

b1f71b  No.6209206


No body knows who did this, But Quasimodo has a hunch.

42b759  No.6209209

File: 211e0fa4ed513dd⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 861x699, 287:233, D4WOe13XsAAghI0.jpg)

File: 4f5ec41f3a5ef17⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 750x450, 5:3, Dlw9zP5V4AEh0X9.jpg)


https://www.dailycaller.com/2019/04/16/richard-dearlove-steele-russia-halper-flynn/ …

67c8a7  No.6209210

File: 56af6568d3d3070⋯.jpg (376.5 KB, 1025x1419, 1025:1419, 20190409_135858.jpg)

b812cf  No.6209212

Anons - went to local bar to watch a baseball game last night. We back the badge sign in the window, a safe spot for people like us. So a woman begins asking me if I like DJT, I reply yes, thinking we were all like minded. She heckles me the whole night. She talks about her abortion and no regerts. DJT only likes rich ppl. Why would I vote for someone like this. Why even respond to this retard. I didn’t - 5% are lost forever. Fugg - why do I seem to run straight into this shit. Why does every one of these libtards say they like Bernie but we’re just not ready for him?

f596cc  No.6209221

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)


Is it too early to start the countdown to suicide weekend? clowns are all over the joint this morning. REAL justice approaches.

A great morning to all anons.

RGB… can bake when you need relief. not used to seeing you this early. welcome to the morning shift.

434882  No.6209223

File: bf663fd62ec0621⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 500x266, 250:133, 20190417_063536.gif)

68c17f  No.6209225


Yeah I believe justice is just around the corner.

I haven't been on mornings for a couple months.

Feels good to be back.

I will need a handoff in the next hour or two if you're around.

Thank you WnB, hope you're having a good morning.

aa2aaa  No.6209226

File: 11974b219dd7c08⋯.jpeg (167.02 KB, 871x871, 1:1, 45A7CC22-6777-4F81-B915-9….jpeg)

Free beer this weekend?

Suicide weekend?

Nope, not on Easter.

1ab818  No.6209229

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

boom, boom, BOOM

21605b  No.6209230

File: 5a6427f72752b1e⋯.png (467.8 KB, 802x546, 401:273, ClipboardImage.png)

8329b6  No.6209231

Thank you baker.

5a69b0  No.6209232

Attaining Corporate Privacy - "Usage statistics" Edition - (Android 9.x; Earlier versions vary)

What is known:

The handset doesn't need a sim installed to collect data.

The handset doesn't need wifi connectivity to collect data either.

Data is collected even with airplane mode on.

All offline data collected is sent to Google once a connection is established if Google has been granted permission to do so.

Steps to deny permissions to Google's spying:

Exit all of your apps and reboot the phone. Once the phone is to the home screen:

Go to Settings → Apps & Notifications → see all apps → Google app info page.

Go to the app storage page.

Clear app cache and storage.

Stop the app process.

Go to the app permissions page.

Turn off all permissions listed on the permissions page.

Go back to the app info page.

Disable Google app.

Go to Settings → Apps & Notifications → see all apps → Google Play services info page

Go to the app storage page.

Clear app cache and storage.

(This app process can not be killed)

Go to the app permissions page.

Turn off all permissions listed on the permissions page.

Go to the app notifications page.

Disable notifications.

(This app can not be disabled)

Actions Services will display a 'Google Play services error' notification. It will try to send you to the Google Play services info page to resolve it. Do not make changes to the Google Play services page.

Go to Settings → Apps & Notifications → see all apps → Actions Services info page

Go to the Notifications page.

Turn off 'Google Play Services availability' notifications.

Call your voice mail. Phone app will also display a 'Google Play services error' notification. It will (again) try to send you to the Google Play services info page to resolve it. Do not make changes to the Google Play services page. This is how to tell if an app is attempting to make use of the Google Play API.

Go to Settings → Apps & Notifications → see all apps → Phone info page

Go to the Notifications page.

Turn off 'Google Play Services availability' notifications.

(This will need to be done for every app that shows the 'Google Play services error' message; The notification option itself does not appear in the settings until after the error is triggered for the first time, for each effected app)

Go to Settings → Security & Location → Advanced → Device admin apps

Turn off Find My Device

Select 'Deactivate this device admin app'

Go to Settings → Security & Location → Location → Advanced

Turn off Google ELS and Location Accuracy services.

Go to Settings → Security & Location → Location → Advanced → Scanning

Turn off Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning.

Go to Settings → Connected Devices

Go to Connection preferences and turn off NFC

Go to Settings → System → Languages and input → Virtual keyboard → Gboard → Advanced

Turn off 'Share usage statistics'

Go to Settings → System → Advanced

Go to the Privacy info page (if it exists) and turn off all data sharing.

Reboot the phone. Google Assistant and Google Play Services are disabled and denied permissions to collect your data. Be advised that apps that make use of Google Play services may no longer function correctly; as always, YMMV.

<But you're not a ROM h4x0r. But it's not rooted. But they have [insert spooptool here]. Other gaslighting.

None of that matters, because this becomes a legal problem. IF it is proven that Google's ROM software (marketed as a more secure OS for Android 9.x) were to not honor user permissions settings, that could open up the parent company to millions, if not billions of dollars in damages in a class action lawsuit; Manufacturers would need to take a harder look at other, actual secure platforms, or risk losing business and money.

If you're thinking of buying a new Android phone, DO NOT SET UP THE HANDSET WITH A GOOGLE ACCOUNT ON FIRST RUN. Doing this grants Google full access to everything on the phone by default, because it brands that user ID into the phone, until it is wiped and factory reset. If you did make this mistake, fully wipe and reset the phone, and set it up without any account on first run, and set up email after. This prevents locking the phone to a user ID, and also forces the handset to ask for permission to data that would normally default to a new Google user.



68c17f  No.6209234

21605b  No.6209235

File: e91bff299274422⋯.png (559.25 KB, 605x435, 121:87, ClipboardImage.png)

21605b  No.6209236

File: 11ccd8a82e12e6f⋯.png (231.71 KB, 720x548, 180:137, ClipboardImage.png)

04c72d  No.6209237

File: befc390cf32f688⋯.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, D0EE676D-2977-4A70-8B23-B5….png)

In case you wondered JA cat is safe and is with his lawyers per WL

f0db59  No.6209239

File: 2fde4d714981c57⋯.png (58.83 KB, 306x345, 102:115, lul.png)



Thank you gentlemen.

b4980c  No.6209240


Looks like you spoke 2 posts too soon

745f43  No.6209242

File: aa21d7ee5d0937c⋯.png (332.21 KB, 792x644, 198:161, B107F625-9DEB-4381-B648-AE….png)

>>6209216 (LB)

No way that bitch is 18 - have you seen 18 year olds lately? Or she got the shit part of the deal with the genetics. Plus, I feel like this is leading up to something False Flaggy - isn’t mid April thru the end of April notorious for terrible shit happening..?

f2958e  No.6209243

File: 4779de42a63560f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

8329b6  No.6209244

File: e1efe8cb6ae7908⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 603x383, 603:383, VOTE REPUBLIC.jpg)

d46770  No.6209245


Big deal they're shining a light on him.

3f56af  No.6209246

File: bb6c7e8c8b4f39b⋯.png (898.34 KB, 860x861, 860:861, da22db9.png)


good morning… Crooked is still not president lmao

c8472a  No.6209247


She looks french to me. Any chance she is a radicalised frenchwoman like the IS ladies who tried to do ND?

95587b  No.6209249

File: a132aeb6e1ba7b0⋯.jpg (79.11 KB, 872x640, 109:80, a.jpg)

File: 5e93de634850ca6⋯.jpg (217.97 KB, 1825x881, 1825:881, colourrevolutions.jpg)

File: 6368e3f5867e91d⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ST_20190126_PMSOROS26_4579….jpg)

338535  No.6209250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wikileaks is not "his" thing?

you can't make this shit up. Did someone remind him we were at the rallies?

abb51a  No.6209251

>>6208296 (PB)

>What is Friday the 19th?

April the 19th.

A few of the many events that took place on this particular day throughout history.

1506 – The Lisbon Massacre begins, in which accused Jews are being slaughtered by Portuguese Catholics.

1770 – Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI of France in a proxy wedding.

1775 – American Revolutionary War: The war begins with an American victory in Concord during the battles of Lexington and Concord.

1782 – John Adams secures the Dutch Republic's recognition of the United States as an independent government. The house which he had purchased in The Hague, Netherlands becomes the first American embassy.

1861 – American Civil War: Baltimore riot of 1861: A pro-Secession mob in Baltimore attacks United States Army troops marching through the city.

1985 – Two hundred ATF and FBI agents lay siege to the compound of the white supremacist survivalist group The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord in Arkansas; the CSA surrenders two days later.

1993 – The 51-day FBI siege of the Branch Davidian building in Waco, Texas, USA, ends when a fire breaks out. 76 Davidians, including eighteen children under the age of ten, died in the fire.

1995 – Oklahoma City bombing: The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, USA, is bombed, killing 168 people including 19 children under the age of six.

2011 – Fidel Castro resigns as First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba after holding the title since July 1961.

2013 – Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is killed in a shootout with police. His brother Dzhokhar is later captured hiding in a boat inside a backyard in the suburb of Watertown.

cbd40a  No.6209252

File: fe3a7876abf1218⋯.png (582.08 KB, 737x1997, 737:1997, 417 batman bat appreciatio….png)

File: 68db508e528a9fe⋯.png (43.38 KB, 617x299, 617:299, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at ….png)

Batman Day

"Haiku" Day

can't have "Haiku" without "AI"

f0db59  No.6209253

Massive manhunt underway for armed woman 'infatuated' with Columbine massacre


208692  No.6209255

File: a3cb70930337e63⋯.png (199.68 KB, 795x674, 795:674, 07:53:40_001.png)

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Congress Does Not Work For The People

Repeat After Me

Congress Does Not Work For The People

b4980c  No.6209256

Happy April Q Day, anons!


b5ad6b  No.6209257

File: 71e3b5e6784ca28⋯.jpg (541.75 KB, 2000x959, 2000:959, whwccws.jpg)

File: 7eacb5884016d75⋯.jpg (789.08 KB, 2000x1186, 1000:593, wfwvwdbsbda.jpg)

File: d732a0f050b42fe⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2000x1877, 2000:1877, wdsbwawww.jpg)

Smaller images, should load much faster.

Any Anons picking up what I'm depositing? This is critical knowledge for understanding our existence past and present on this Earth. Humans have witnessed and survived a level of catastrophe only hinted at in Biblical and world mythic origin accounts.

04c72d  No.6209258



There are always facts and alternative facts

d46770  No.6209260


Such an odd scenario too. 18yr old chics aren't loner psychopaths. It's a rare breed. Where are her parents?

c8522f  No.6209261

Holy Shit!!!!!!!

Assange found hanged in his cell!?!


d639c8  No.6209262

File: c962b5eb458cc72⋯.jpeg (997.19 KB, 1242x1548, 69:86, DAE0948E-C8A0-4A25-B1B8-8….jpeg)

6a48e8  No.6209263

Shills are out in force this morning!

04c72d  No.6209264


Retard you are

750fe3  No.6209265

File: f447e82f60d2ac4⋯.png (226.94 KB, 800x420, 40:21, pepe q boom.png)

6a48e8  No.6209266


Sauce or GTFO

d46770  No.6209267


Sauce or GTFO

4e651d  No.6209270


←- You hooked 1, nice

d46770  No.6209272


Jinx kek

04c72d  No.6209273


There is nothing wrong with that

You cant atbeiten all the time

Hurry up and wait

Very government like

8329b6  No.6209274

File: 46106b814cea000⋯.jpg (60.26 KB, 604x334, 302:167, KEEP WATCHING.jpg)

434882  No.6209276


kek, had just made it minutes ago and a matrix shill showed up.

6a48e8  No.6209277


I'm panicking!!!!



d46770  No.6209278


Check ID's ;)

Great minds...

208692  No.6209279


They should have the back drop of the WTC in flames behind her. It would be far more accurate.

55fc1a  No.6209281

File: c86d805613619b3⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1066x1200, 533:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e36f52716c6cee6⋯.png (444.43 KB, 642x674, 321:337, ClipboardImage.png)

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

Reply Retweet Like Direct message

New conversation

U.S. Dept of Defense

Verified account


4m4 minutes ago


“Houston, we’ve had a problem.”

#OTD in 1970, the world anxiously watched as #Apollo13 safely returned to Earth after a harrowing journey to the moon. Two days in and 200,000 miles from home, the mission was aborted when an oxygen tank blew up in the spacecraft.


Fun Fact: Today Is the Anniversary of Red October in 1917! (Q Proof)



7 Nov 2018 - 5:10:38 PM





Andrew Kauders: 1) Red Shoes Cult/Club; 2) Western Pacific Kindergarten in Hong Kong



16 Aug 2018 - 4:46:09 PM


b04c5d  No.6209282

File: c68954a3f314071⋯.png (581.49 KB, 853x797, 853:797, Another pedo defender.png)

File: 5519958e128f7b1⋯.jpg (61.16 KB, 306x707, 306:707, 12382670-6931529-image-a-3….jpg)

File: 0dd79c33eebc228⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 12382676-6931529-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 3c01be668b218d6⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 634x474, 317:237, 12384766-6931529-image-a-4….jpg)

File: 04d51953439288b⋯.jpg (72.21 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 12384768-6931529-image-a-4….jpg)


Actress Maddie Corman reveals why she stood by her Law & Order director husband after he was convicted of possessing child porn

Maddie Corman, 49, of New York, stayed with director husband Jace Alexander

In 2016, Alexander, 54, pleaded guilty to two felony child pornography charges

Said she stayed with him so their three children will 'grow up with two parents'

Ms Corman fears that by staying with him she is undermining #MeToo movement

Her play about the ordeal Accidentally Brave opened at DR2 Theater last month

An actress whose husband pleaded guilty to child pornography charges has revealed why she stood by him and what inspired her to write a one-woman show about the ordeal.

Maddie Corman, 49, of Harlem, New York, explained how after rehab, couples therapy and much agonizing over ethics and forgiveness, she still remains with her husband Jace Alexander, best known for his work as a director on Law & Order.

In 2016, Alexander, 54, pleaded guilty to two felony counts related to possessing and sharing illegal and obscene performances of sexual conduct by a child under 17.

The director was sentenced to ten years probation and had to register as a sex offender.

Ms Corman said she stayed with her husband because she did not want her children to grow up without a parent.

She told the Times of London: 'I had no interest in having my kids grow up without a parent as long as he was willing to get help and be the best person he could.

'And, again, I'm aware that decision does not sit well with some people. I wish I could tell you that that doesn't upset me, but it does. I don't like having to defend that choice. And I don't love having my kids potentially read that.

'That's really, really painful for me and really not something I ever anticipated. I was proud to be married to who I'm married to. And I'm still proud to be married to him. I am.'

Ms Corman said she never worried about Alexander hurting any of their three children and that she wanted to tell her tough story of staying with her husband.

She created a one-woman play about her ordeal - revealing the couple are still married nearly four years later.

Ms Corman, the star and writer of Accidentally Brave, which opened last month at the DR2 Theater in the city, discovered Alexander's sordid crimes after the father of her three children was arrested three and a half years ago.

She told the Times: 'I did not personally worry that he would or had ever hurt the children. I know that some people think that I am crazy or a monster and that's not been fun to read.


90b0c4  No.6209285

File: 6402bb7358b0b32⋯.jpg (133.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, out_potus.jpg)


>Q continuum post time it seems. :)

(pic related)

bfb74d  No.6209286

File: 2b7e779c85d0155⋯.jpeg (57.73 KB, 625x351, 625:351, C66FF9F7-3AD3-482D-A5F0-D….jpeg)


Not sure on that, it’s possible I suppose, but NO WAY she is 18. Just asked spouseanon and she said the exact same thing. There’s some DS fuckery going on. Eyes on, Anons. Be safe - see something, say something.

f596cc  No.6209288





is strong this morning.

58429a  No.6209289

File: ed2269306037724⋯.png (103.53 KB, 1224x604, 306:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46246db24c1c99a⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1180x1396, 295:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ba573ee1e8469f⋯.png (995.62 KB, 1216x1404, 304:351, ClipboardImage.png)

These are fucking SAVAGE!

Will the twatter accounts of these assclown become a part of the official govt record?

b4980c  No.6209290


It's kind of like saying Beelejuice 3 times

3f56af  No.6209291

File: 9a03464c5b8be6f⋯.jpg (59.77 KB, 457x578, 457:578, 2f1cd9f.jpg)

File: 61f18531f060c2b⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 591x631, 591:631, IMG_20180401_173327.jpg)

File: 6134ec163d6eb8e⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 620x620, 1:1, IMG_20180220_050759.jpg)


>Batman Day

09b679  No.6209292


If trump came out saying he wanted assange to come testify against hillary, do you honestly think anyone who doesnt trust trump would suddenly trust assange?


Trump needed to distance himself, so he did.

55fc1a  No.6209293


shit 1970 not 1917


Does [P] = Payseur Family, an Old Bloodline of the Cabal?



28 Aug 2018 - 7:33:25 PM


28 Aug 2018 - 7:32:30 PM

Hey Q

Does P= Payseur ?

When Do we start seeing the Pain…



04c72d  No.6209294


Get help lady

f0db59  No.6209295

The Game, Snoop Dogg Call for Firing of Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Over Nipsey Hussle Segment


9db2b4  No.6209298

File: d94443ee13942f4⋯.jpg (11.31 KB, 540x310, 54:31, blonde.jpg)


She became infatuated.just before the Mueller report release. Weird.

b4980c  No.6209299


Wifeanon said the same thing: we both think she must be at least 25 or 30

f2958e  No.6209300

File: e759e815d8480b6⋯.png (52.28 KB, 136x182, 68:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Schumer - Bush kinda face

1fc2d4  No.6209301


Babs Bush death day

abb51a  No.6209302



Forgot one.

AD 65 – The freedman Milichus betrays Piso's plot to kill the Emperor Nero and all the conspirators are arrested.

f596cc  No.6209303


yes morning shift rocks. I should be on for future bakes minus any workfag duties.

carry on baker.

f2958e  No.6209304

File: 6d02ef947dbaf5c⋯.png (855.31 KB, 942x797, 942:797, ClipboardImage.png)

6a48e8  No.6209305


love me some hivemind…..:)

9580bb  No.6209307

File: a66595f11fbde11⋯.jpg (378.68 KB, 1845x1221, 615:407, tyb_table.jpg)


Thank You Baker!

208692  No.6209308

File: 203123c9a1cc211⋯.png (39.63 KB, 782x758, 391:379, 19:38:10_001.png)

338535  No.6209309


Fuck those 3-d bullshit theories.

Trump does what is best for trump and everyone around him is burned.

That's the way it goes, how about buy him a plane ticket, no need to for deep state fuckery.

All you do is expose his own hypocrisy along with the dems.

Trump seems intent on teaching us, even if I say trust, do not ever trust me.

ef0836  No.6209311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Used to love juice media when Robert Foster was on it. Old one featuring Assange

1fc2d4  No.6209312

File: 0e9e1316299fdfb⋯.png (88.94 KB, 640x406, 320:203, ClipboardImage.png)

Congress is out of town. Good time to make arrests since it can't be done in DC.

5a69b0  No.6209313

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


fags get infatuated.

6a48e8  No.6209314

File: 9e068a490cf1500⋯.png (120.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, image.png)


f2958e  No.6209315

File: ab4d3ae16f08f16⋯.png (670.91 KB, 800x532, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)

de12f9  No.6209316




If nothing more positive comes from this entire plan, find peace knowing that learning, mapping, timely sauce collecting to connect the dots and the ability to construct the bridge from darkness into the light of collective conciousness and understanding was enabled. That is what education is all about. In a way, we're all winners which is, in my opinion, the most desirable destination. Keep researching what interests you. The curriculum isn't always the answer.

784dfb  No.6209317

File: b3c1e52aaa53887⋯.png (262.01 KB, 999x363, 333:121, ClipboardImage.png)

Ive been checking out "I, Pet Goat 2" again since the Notre Dame Fire similarities that appear in it. The Crown of thorns was referenced in the same scene…

Check out what the name of the lady is that lives in the symbolic penis/light house.

==Madame Q=


bae96f  No.6209319


let me guess, you said the exact same shit during the shutdown

16da54  No.6209320

File: 77b841131a8d528⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ACACCA33-8544-4E69-AEA9-55….gif)

1ab818  No.6209322


it is not "batman"

it is "the Batman."

f25614  No.6209323

Good morning anons, I did a dig yesterday on "Rite of Passage" the group that was rewarded a 16 million dollar contract by the State of Florida after it knew the rape had occurred in their facility. I started digging on the people in charge and things just got really weird. I think I need help digging on this. Yesterday I found it was connected to the BORDER issue. This morning I think it might also be connected to the URANIUM issue.

While digging on the guy in charge (Ski James Bronan} of "rite of passage" I found he lives in a million dollar home and has connections to many other company's. Where it gets weird is so many of his possible relatives have the last name Zangger, as in the "Zangerr Committee".





This group involved with the Zangger committee called "Friends of the Chair" triggers my spidey senses also. They are involved with the UN.

b15847  No.6209324



Massive manhunt for an 18 year old woman meanwhile 100k illegal aliens carrying infectious diseases and carrying bad intentions are entering the country every month

Country is gone

366e78  No.6209325


The price for safety and certainty.

Or break the cycle.

And risk it all

To be free

1fc2d4  No.6209327


let me guess, you have used this exact same comment before.

anon can dream.

055602  No.6209328



Thinking she's in her mid 20s. She looks French or Eastern European. So convenient that she's infatuated with Columbine around the 20 year anniversary, the day before the Mueller report is to drop, and the media pounces. They know the flights she took, the guns, etc.. but they can't find her? Right.

5a69b0  No.6209329


people do the same thing with the titles god and satan.

f2958e  No.6209330

File: 7d8168039c3e8fd⋯.png (455.74 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)



Madame Q's point of suffering is sex. Is it repression or indulgence?

We don't know. Yet there is definitely shame there.

338535  No.6209331


20 years of afghan, it was a shithole, then and it's a shithole now.

Shitholes are expensive and serve MIC.

Too bad Americans are pussies, say what you want about the french, they will meet the government in the street.

Americans have no such balls.

4ba59c  No.6209332


Grubberment in general doesn’t work for the taxpayers

Bad food

Bad prescription drugs



List goes on and on

054593  No.6209333

File: b75f461f32c1fc8⋯.png (50.08 KB, 855x281, 855:281, NK.png)



b15847  No.6209334

File: 9ef4d3e196f43b0⋯.png (693.69 KB, 705x1021, 705:1021, BFBD36C5-1372-482C-A469-8A….png)

File: 08afe4e8829a6e4⋯.jpeg (103.17 KB, 1076x754, 538:377, 195E2B64-A56B-4E6E-B068-6….jpeg)

ee5011  No.6209335

File: 210977e0b0a2816⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1430x2006, 715:1003, 20190417_080902.jpg)

Is someone at Blizzard red-pilled?

345f39  No.6209336

Was there a satanic temple under/in ND?

f0db59  No.6209339


seems legit, you don't suppose they have an agenda do you? kek

ddb167  No.6209340

File: eebc8ce16965f8a⋯.png (556.53 KB, 782x655, 782:655, sol.PNG)

File: 24d34307fe26866⋯.png (64.78 KB, 1142x641, 1142:641, sun.PNG)

So, as a Portuguese speaker, Sol Pais, the name of the 18 year old responsible for the closing down of over 100 schools,is instantly recognisable. It literally translates as Sun Country and I decided to do a wee search and see what comes up.

The first page of the results was littered with a budget US airline that services Mexico, The Caribbean and Central America, right within our zone of focus re trafficking routes.

Coincidence or dig worthy?

bae96f  No.6209341


break the cycle, not pay bills, get fucked?

f2958e  No.6209344

File: c7f86368aff531a⋯.png (427.44 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfd7eb008449003⋯.png (737.57 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf73cfff09b1df5⋯.png (553.13 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3dde696941d6bbf⋯.png (431.85 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)



f0db59  No.6209345




f2fe53  No.6209346

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i cant belive this.jpg)

Wow, ID: 4e6291 with nearly 25% of all of the posts. Shills gonna shill.

e51d27  No.6209347


Kek. This guy cares! Look at the care! Look at ALL that care!

Drumpf is lying guise!

16da54  No.6209348


delivering uranium samples? oh wait that was the Special Counsel.

b04c5d  No.6209350

File: 181a0a3f9cc7ee9⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 400x267, 400:267, gallery_634776629846816250….JPG)

File: bd1f90cac4b0096⋯.jpg (119.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 466954114_1280x720.jpg)

File: f0a883bf5e1a845⋯.jpg (104.4 KB, 395x594, 395:594, Tom Gilroy Cold Lands Prem….jpg)



Tom Gilroy

Tom Gilroy is a New York-based interdisciplinary artist. Bono has said he takes inspiration from Gilroy’s oeuvre. Focusing mainly on feature films, he has worked as a director, writer, actor, producer, playwright, poet, musician, and teacher.


366e78  No.6209351



5a69b0  No.6209352


>Americans have no such balls.

You mischaracterize events.

Americans are fully backed by Trump and the glorious military. We have no reason to fight them :D

However, if Hillary Rodham Clinton had been installed as president, there would have been blood in the streets

And I know every patriot in this bread would back me on that one point alone.

bae96f  No.6209354


more details please :)

487455  No.6209355

File: 8d3b519249b10b8⋯.png (219.96 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Tax Law Saved Sanders Nearly $40,000 Last Year

Millionaire socialist benefited from Trump tax plan.


The old communist Bernie saved tens of thousands of dollars under 45's tax plan.

I personally think the savings of the Bern needs to be applied to pay down the national debt.


If he chooses not to, then it needs to be taken from him one way or another.

Willing or unwilling.

The easy way or the hard way.

THe Bern's choice.

4ba59c  No.6209356


Dumb story of the day……chick from Cali going to Colorado to shoot school kids

Media is whacked

366e78  No.6209357


But then you’ll work ten times harder pay five times as much in taxes.

04c72d  No.6209358


He could be distancing himself, imho

But if not that would be the last straw for many

2caec2  No.6209359

File: f1360b3b93c9e4a⋯.png (629.13 KB, 571x570, 571:570, jesus sword.PNG)


People See Jesus in Notre Dame Flames: PHOTOS

I see Him and I see a sword in his hand. Am I crazy?

eaafdb  No.6209360

File: 069b6bfb3a3328d⋯.png (967.42 KB, 900x750, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>I imagine Dirty Cops references Washington DC, but have yet to figure out if Crooked Hillary has other meanings.

Could it be in reference to crook-ed Hillary's self-perceived 'divine right' to rule as a modern day Pharisee?

Sheep no more?

The crook and flail were symbols connoting a pharaoh's responsibilities to rule Egypt. The shepherd's crook symbolized the flock of Egypt's people, while the flail was an agricultural tool used to harvest grain. Both tools, carried as symbolic scepters, meant power and responsibility for the pharaoh.


8329b6  No.6209361

File: 84e2c9ff9613590⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 257x138, 257:138, EVIL WITCH.jpg)

eaafdb  No.6209363


Link is (pb) sorry guise

f2958e  No.6209364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Tom Gilroy

He mentored Thom Yorke of Radiohead?

As a professor, Gilroy has taught at multiple prestigious institutions. He taught at Columbia University for five semesters, and at Davidson College for one.[14] Gilroy mentored the lead singer of a prominent British rock band known for its complex production and themes of modern alienation. [29]

4e651d  No.6209365


yes you are

e51d27  No.6209366


lets see how that goes kek

338535  No.6209367


Kek, again with the bullshit pysop?

nigga please, facts are facts and HRC walks, and all the 5am raids were trump supporters.

keyboard cowboys are of little value.

208692  No.6209368

File: a43d3c955506c38⋯.png (399.09 KB, 944x900, 236:225, 08:21:54_001.png)

345f39  No.6209369


No satan can suck a dick and ill say it to his face

3c716e  No.6209370

File: e114d8c566cce20⋯.png (4.41 MB, 2224x1492, 556:373, D16005A3-1A52-4321-9308-80….png)

File: 0f1f387009722da⋯.png (4.45 MB, 2224x1492, 556:373, 606F482B-52D1-4868-B056-E9….png)


750fe3  No.6209371

File: e86ac2e0f0c0947⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 255x169, 255:169, pepe wall street bs.jpg)

File: be5be853c3e520f⋯.png (40.37 KB, 1188x484, 27:11, 041719 US Futures.PNG)

File: 0996a8785c25609⋯.png (27.05 KB, 418x367, 418:367, 041719 US Crude.PNG)

File: ba1911f8a3f38be⋯.png (1.38 MB, 900x1110, 30:37, Burning money.png)

File: ca89af57d65561f⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 451x333, 451:333, Same as it ever was.jpg)

Global Stocks Rise Following Blowout Chinese Data

(and a fresh round of Yuan printing helps too)

funny how financial TV does not mention that.

Following last night's blockbuster Chinese data, when virtually every key data point beat expectations in some cases notably, global markets and bond yields are broadly higher, if mutedly so, as traders evaluated whether China's economic recovery will be enough to put rate hikes back on the table even as Germany's economy ministry revised its growth forecast lower to just 0.5%. Global markets and futures are a sea of green but tentatively so as reported last night,China’s Q1 GDP came in one tenth above expectations at 6.4% yoy while all of the March activity indicators surprised on the upside with industrial production surging at +8.5% yoy (vs. +5.9% yoy expected) – the highest since July 2014. Retail sales printed at +8.7% yoy (vs. +8.4% yoy expected), YTD fixed assets ex rural came in line with consensus at +6.3% yoy and the jobless rate fell one tenth to 5.2%. This data confirms what many had been expecting given the massive injection in credit helped push China's credit impulse numbers higher in recent months and should help European data over the coming weeks. The downside to the numbers will be a more hawkish PBOC. Their monetary policy statement yesterday described the appropriate policy stance as “moderately tight” and it seems today they injected much less liquidity into the market as was expected. So that’s the only sting in the tail to these numbers.

The far stronger Chinese data appears to have also helped short circuit rate cut expectations for the time being, and as a result the risk asset response was marginal at best, with US equity futures rising less than 0.2% with gains were capped by disappointing quarterly reports from Netflix and IBM, while the Shanghai Composite flirted with the unchanged line for much of the session before closing just 0.3% higher. Meanwhile a forecast of faster growth due to demand from China by semiconductor equipment maker ASML, pushed U.S. chipmakers higher in premarket trading, adding to yesterday's historic Qualcomm gains after the company settled its long-running litigation with Apple; Intel, Advanced Micro Devices and Nvidia gained between 0.5% and 3.6%. At the same time, IBM declined 3.5% after reporting a bigger-than-expected drop in quarterly revenue:

Market Snapshot

S&P 500 futures up 0.2% to 2,916.25

STOXX Europe 600 down 0.2% to 388.37

MXAP up 0.2% to 163.92

MXAPJ up 0.2% to 546.39

Nikkei up 0.3% to 22,277.97

Topix up 0.3% to 1,630.68

Hang Seng Index down 0.02% to 30,124.68

Shanghai Composite up 0.3% to 3,263.12

Sensex up 1% to 39,275.64

Australia S&P/ASX 200 down 0.3% to


Kospi down 0.1% to 2,245.89

German 10Y yield rose 1.9 bps to 0.085%

Euro up 0.3% to $1.1316

Italian 10Y yield rose 1.6 bps to 2.223%

Spanish 10Y yield fell 0.4 bps to 1.082%

Brent futures up 0.7% to $72.23/bbl

Gold spot little changed at $1,276.03

U.S. Dollar Index down 0.2% to 96.88

US Event Calendar

7am: MBA Mortgage Applications -3.5%,\

prior -5.6%

8:30am: Trade Balance, est. $53.4b deficit,

prior $51.1b deficit

10am: Wholesale Inventories MoM, est.

0.3%, prior 1.2%; Wholesale Trade Sales

MoM, est. 0.3%, prior 0.5%

12:30pm: Fed’s Harker Speaks on the

Economic Outlook

12:45pm: Fed’s Bullard Speaks at Hyman

Minsky Conference( Really.. Hyman


2pm: U.S. Federal Reserve Releases Beige


5:30pm: New York Fed’s Logan Speaks at

Money Marketeers of New York

To the day ahead now, which this morning includes more data out of the UK where the March CPI/RPI/PPI data docket is due. Not long after that we’ll get the final March CPI revisions along with the February trade balance for the Euro area, while this afternoon in the US we’ve also got the February trade balance, as well as February wholesale inventories and trade sales data.


Oil is topping out at it's recent high for a few day's ago, for now.

Now for the bullshit in equity's


368.50 +9.04 (2.51%)

Pre-Market: 8:18AM EDT

Morgan Stanley

48.09 +1.07 (2.28%)

Pre-Market: 8:18AM EDT

This should be lower


200.00 +0.75 (0.38%)

Pre-Market: 8:15AM EDT

This is actually deserved with the court ruling


76.80 +6.35 (9.01)

Pre-Market: 8:19AM EDT

1fc2d4  No.6209372

File: 95650807f23ff9b⋯.png (659.39 KB, 640x653, 640:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Mission Accomplished.

Soros/Dems/Socialist Deep State has set out what they accomplished to do and there is currently no end in sight. Record border crossings, record numbers of caravans, a broken border system, overwhelmed and understaffed facilities, backwards asylum and immigration laws.

Hurry the FUCK UP and fix this shit damn it. I don't fucking care if you have to arrest half of DC just do it already. We The People are getting sick of this shit.


2611e8  No.6209373


>jews did 9/11

see, the /pol/tard in me would love to see that this was true. i've asked for evidence upon evidence and no one has ever pointed me to anything conclusive. there are only 2 pieces of supporting evidence that come close - the 5 dancing israelis (which demonstrates advanced knowledge but doesn't prove anything more than that) and the allegation that saudis are jews (fucking lol).

can you gimme a sauce, anon?

366e78  No.6209374


The only way out of the mundane cycle is to embrace the hustle. 10 income streams. 20 income streams. You risk it all. You eat what you kill or maybe you don’t eat. Otherwise, clock in and clock out. Because that’s actually stress free.

5a69b0  No.6209375


>answers with gaslighting about hrc.

Oh. So you know I'm right. Fine.

2caec2  No.6209376


signs are there for those whose eyes are open

4ba59c  No.6209377


Yeah, while us peasants pay more

Most taxes I’ve paid since I had my own biz

b04c5d  No.6209378

File: 6fe2a35cbf28494⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 176x255, 176:255, That's me in the spotlight….jpg)




so he is really good buddies with Michael Stipe, who is best buddies with the spirit cooker witch.


Musically, Gilroy has collaborated with Michael Stipe on several projects, including “Everything’s Coming Undone,” for the compilation album Ciao My Shining Star, The Songs of Mark Mulcahy.He has performed as a musician on tracks by Stipe, Mark Mulcahy, Dub Gabriel, and Ariel Aparicio, whose album Aerials he produced

e51d27  No.6209379


Really? Tell me more about this new 4d wikileaks tweeting strategy! Otherwise, Drumpf lied and Q is over.

217571  No.6209381


What if the old witch in Pet Goat is abramovic

745f43  No.6209382

File: 51595b9adc41902⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 912D63C9-88C2-4A36-8C1D-67….png)

File: 35602c170a4c976⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 8F9BB301-D888-4BC9-9AD3-8B….png)

366e78  No.6209383


Trump is nothing but the GOP’s little bitch cock slave. Those were GOP tax cuts for the big corporates. Bezos who collided with the clowns pays zero.

2caec2  No.6209384


saying its jews is pretty worthless comment.

why don't you tell us who is at the top of their pyramid?

e51d27  No.6209385


the sauce is some israeli van that was seen somewhere the day of the attacks. In other words. Zero evidence. But theyre super serious!

da3de6  No.6209386


If this long game goes for 6 more years best believe you'll see my ass in the street before then.

There's more viable possibilities out there between option Z and having us watch the country we love and will fight to the death to protect slowly capitulate into a lawless portland shithole ran by trannys and jews where guns are forbidden unless you hold them sideways or just hopped the border last week. Nothing but love for the plan and the Team, but if "timelines change" yall gonna need to tweak that again.

83bf2b  No.6209387


I thought similar. Trump sent a msg out from a round table event from somewhere like Burnsville.


533443  No.6209388

Baker call in sick? Autopilot?

5a69b0  No.6209390


It's ok. Bill Clinton. you have trouble with the word "is", so I'd expect you to not understand other basic English as well.

f2958e  No.6209391

ed4450  No.6209392

>>6209172 lb

Hypothetically speaking:

Let's say that I prove that gravity is cosmic force dependant on Mass and rotation.

Don't that disprove that gravity is a constant upward moving force of our planet (like the FE model) ? For example.

It can't really be both.

e51d27  No.6209393


hopefully we wont see you. too much to be done discreetly

750fe3  No.6209394

File: 38c622c74a1a87d⋯.jpg (175.66 KB, 719x500, 719:500, nigga you mad.jpg)

487455  No.6209395


20 years of afghan, it was a shithole, then and it's a shithole now.

Shitholes are expensive and serve MIC.

Too bad Americans are pussies, say what you want about the french, they will meet the government in the street.

Americans have no such balls.


>>6209331 I really don't know where you are from and I don't really care…..BUT remember it is the AMERICANS which saved the SHITHOLE of EUROPE, the CHINESE and the rest of ASIA.

Don't say these people are afraid to fight until you push them to far….Then bring lots of body bags for you and your socialistic friends.

You'll need them for yourselves.

04c72d  No.6209396


What tweeting strategy?

Sry not enough covfefe?

de12f9  No.6209397

File: 0b154fc3e8b90bb⋯.jpg (310.15 KB, 758x1008, 379:504, Screenshot_20190406-010950….jpg)


But… the Fishing… itsa so Phun!


434882  No.6209398

File: 67a7bfe340dcc41⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 534x533, 534:533, 67a7bfe340dcc4137cd6411874….jpg)

5a69b0  No.6209399

I guess I pissed off the shi9lls..

f2fe53  No.6209401

File: 856b9069c36f126⋯.jpeg (732.22 KB, 1058x1305, 1058:1305, pepe-clown.jpeg)

f596cc  No.6209402

anon have any cropped pepe heads? i need one pls.

2caec2  No.6209403


yes, it could be St. Michael!!!

366e78  No.6209404


This plan is a fucking joke. Take any anons from here put them in charge we’d have gotten it done. We’ve been lied to. The plan isn’t entirely about the people. There are other players. They come before us. Best believe.

68c17f  No.6209405


Can you give some information on why you think it's related to the Uranium issue and how they're tied to "friends of the chair"/connected to the UN?

b04c5d  No.6209406

File: d1f0ff4072f5dd2⋯.png (219.55 KB, 595x637, 85:91, Yuma closes city to illega….png)

.@CityOfYuma in #Arizona Shuts Its Doors To Illegals: Declares State of Emergency | #BorderCrisis


95e422  No.6209408


Out of curiosity.

Can you do this to Ben Shapiro?

He believes in "the browning of America"

and "greater israel"

9db2b4  No.6209409

File: 5a51b2e13eb22d0⋯.png (576.67 KB, 780x439, 780:439, Screenshot_2019-04-17 Sol ….png)

File: 2effcef62731442⋯.png (200.72 KB, 490x531, 490:531, Screenshot_2019-04-17 Sol ….png)


Sol Pais: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

1. Authorities Say Sol Pais ‘Expressed an Infatuation With Columbine’ & Bought a Pump-Action Shotgun Once She Arrived in Colorado

2. Sol Pais Is From Surfside, Florida & the FBI Was There Interviewing Her Parents, Reports Say

3. A Neighbor Described Sol Pais as a ‘Reclusive’ Black T-Shirt Wearing Teen Who Didn’t Make Eye Contact

4. The Teenager’s Dad Is a Musician & the Family Is Originally From Argentina, Reports Say

5. Sol Pais Was Last Seen in the Foothills of Jefferson County Wearing Camouflage Pants, Authorities Say

Read more…


345f39  No.6209410

File: e3f83b0e112d610⋯.png (52.86 KB, 684x312, 57:26, 3RT67YHjuIJ-91RFWQn671.PNG)


The way 45 talked about it at the beginning of the conference the other day saying the flames were unbelievable kind of alluded to something more evil i think now

& this twatter post

e51d27  No.6209411


we think Trump might have a reason he said he wasnt big on wikileaks. We are doing deep digs on this. Super important research here guys.

2caec2  No.6209412


Whoa, I pity the cabal St Michael is making an appearance at ND

24ba5d  No.6209413

File: fba90ed14c08bad⋯.png (175.55 KB, 543x637, 543:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee9fdba2734cab6⋯.png (170.94 KB, 544x637, 544:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f38906baa29489⋯.png (233.49 KB, 1346x628, 673:314, ClipboardImage.png)

Grassley, Graham Put Bill Barr on Notice – DOJ Can No Longer Use Mueller Probe as Excuse to Dodge Questions on Hillary’s Email Investigation

In a letter sent to Attorney General Bill Barr Tuesday, Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) wrote that the Justice Department can no longer use Mueller’s investigation as an excuse to dodge oversight.

“Now that the Special Counsel’s investigation has concluded, we are unaware of any legitimate basis upon which the Department can refuse to answer the Judiciary Committee’s inquiries,” the GOP Senators wrote to Barr.

The GOP Senators previously requested information on a classified appendix to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report that was released in June of 2018 titled, “A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election.”





bfb74d  No.6209414


JooBot has been balls deep in shilling all morning. Had 111 posts LB.

005266  No.6209416

File: fb4740a00614e23⋯.png (673.34 KB, 1261x739, 1261:739, Screenshot 2019-04-17 07.2….png)

I call vaccines "Satan's fangs". Taking a toddler restraining them, stabbing them with 4 (or more?) needles, and injecting abominations (aluminum, mercury, aborted fetal cell components, GMO microorganism components, preservatives, etc.) should be considered a form of satanic ritual abuse. Yes, "anti-vaxxers" are waking up America (and the world). Yes, we elected Donald Trump ( I knew he would win when he mentioned autistic regression during his campaign). https://bolenreport.com/anti-vaxxers-are-waking-up-america/ People in India are now refusing vaccines because they are seeing social media posts (many videos from YT and FB) telling about vaccine injury. Even when a vaccine seems to prevent an infection it always contains damaging ingredients. Vaccines are bioweapons that can mutate the stem cells of children.

As a parent, when you realize that your own "public health authorities" coerced you (threat of CPS, for example) to harm your own children, you know you are dealing with a satanic regime that must go down HARD. As in not allowed to remain in any form. If you have been a part of this (I was once a medical student and willingly got vaccinated) please read the word of God (the Bible), repent and receive forgiveness while it is offered. Jesus forgives and heals.

338535  No.6209417


House of Saud has admitted working with muh sod, forming a new group muh sod/suad.

(Who's sod/saud is it anyway?)

That is the basis of isis.

208692  No.6209418


He is actually speaking the truth, they really do preach this as "God's Chosen People".

e51d27  No.6209420


aaaand we'd be in world war three and civil war 2 simultaneously. As much as my passion wants to agree with you… Its pretty obvious no one could have gone in there and turned the government upside down overnight.

5a69b0  No.6209421


ermehgerd they all must be bitching about me over the cubicles at this point…

b233e9  No.6209422

Every school in Denver metro is closed today because of the “armed and dangerous” woman with a gun allegedly threatening all the schools

Translation: it’s happening and we know they use Denver schools (columbine) as FFs so we beat them to it and closed every single 1 for 2 days

4ba59c  No.6209423


China printing Yuans like water….only way to create growth, cuz rich people are too dumb to understand productivity

314915  No.6209424


nothing makes sense.

you maybe should explain something

looks like you had a graphic program and overlaid a lot of unrelated images.

and then posted them with a message like 'anon see my important message'

but I don't see it.

please do explain it.

2caec2  No.6209425




366e78  No.6209426


I don’t disagree with you. If it were me I would have fucked it up badly. Released it all day one.

345f39  No.6209427


and the 'spire' fell literally

2caec2  No.6209429


if you believe that, then make a valuable comment and tell us who is at the top, or all of your comments are just crap!

04c72d  No.6209430


I am with you on that

POTUS twats decoding actually nevar produced anything tangible

As I said the outcome on JA better be good otherwise POTUS will lose support of many

01e23f  No.6209431


Holy shit. I think I'm in love with this bitch. How is she just cute enough to blow up her own party while fueling the funniest memes ever while actually kind of standing up for her own dumbass Trojan horse beliefs, half of which are fair and are the only real fuel to any kind of anti Israel political rhetoric. And i kind of love the trainwreck. Nobody could make up what a phenomenon she is and it's not just about great tits and idiocy like aoc.

Omar 2024. Seriously, guys. It'll give Rand the chance he needs.

472efe  No.6209432

File: 0a5c29fbc484019⋯.jpeg (322.04 KB, 799x950, 799:950, Screenshot_2019-04-17-08-….jpeg)



e51d27  No.6209433


legend has it, military was going to fuck shit up. Trump told them not to.. that he may have a plan.

But no proof thats the way it went down. Also what Corsi says about it too. shudder.

005266  No.6209434


On the left, they don't fear illegals. Why? When they are done using them for political aims they will "vaccinate" them to extinction just like they are currently doing to citizens.

584dad  No.6209435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4ba59c  No.6209436

File: 81e981bb0669e91⋯.jpeg (50.73 KB, 700x443, 700:443, EFE98EC9-5B64-4FFB-969F-3….jpeg)


They don’t tell you Humira is 6k a month….or suffer in pain

Grubberment can suck balls

2611e8  No.6209437


> "Friends of the Chair"

> triggers my spidey senses

mine too anon. mine too.

83bf2b  No.6209438


Thanks, everything links back to them.

You search name static temple and you'd be supprised of the matches. The author of the book Julian was holding is one.

GOOD v evil

3970bc  No.6209440


One hundred and eleven, in one bread! Is that a record?

6a48e8  No.6209441


>"Too bad Americans are pussies, say what you want about the french, they will meet the government in the street.

>Americans have no such balls."

Have you seen the marches on Washington?

Americans created their own country while fighting off a superior power (UK - at the time).

If it weren't for Americans, the french would be speaking German right now.

Don't talk to me about balls.

67c8a7  No.6209442

File: 6aec99b574504c6⋯.jpeg (56.85 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 08-10024390fdnviufn19 20M….jpeg)

3c716e  No.6209443

File: c36ca6507385a17⋯.png (4.42 MB, 2224x1492, 556:373, E0ADA5C1-1E97-4EC1-ABC0-8F….png)

File: ca1749bbd56f9c7⋯.png (4.35 MB, 2224x1492, 556:373, 6D72D7AE-8256-4925-8DCD-EC….png)


5100b6  No.6209444


>Wikileaks is not "his" thing?

Technically, it isn't - it's a previous administration's thing….

366e78  No.6209445


I don’t know. Obviously I shouldn’t do this but I read Reddit comments and twitter comments. Shit is absolutely insane. By drawing this out, the other side has gone crazy. They actually believe we are all traitors and the rhetoric has reached a very disturbing level. Makes me think more information should have trickled out on what really happened but obviously I don’t have all the facts to understand why it’s unfolded this way. Doesn’t feel like we are in control to me at this point.

1ab818  No.6209446

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


8cb754  No.6209447

File: 737c60c54331e30⋯.jpg (118.28 KB, 900x750, 6:5, God wins.jpg)


hey newfag… cabal created and controls fed reserve, has run deep state since 50s, and most of our government and military complex UNTIL 2017… you are here for one reason to shill.


67c8a7  No.6209448

File: 79d651de13d02af⋯.jpg (64.76 KB, 643x476, 643:476, 1555016272881.jpg)

e51d27  No.6209449


I think its a pretty done deal… we're not still asking about that down here are we kek? Was it not obvious? we had notables days ago detailing how a backchannel from army intelligence was established in 2009 to basically use IMF to bribe governments to extradite prisoners that were officially off limits… we know Trump appointee was behind the extradition request…

kind of obvious. wish ppl would read the research we do down here before jumping back in every day.

338535  No.6209451


meet the New boss.

bfb74d  No.6209452

File: c1a280bd4aeb1c7⋯.png (98.72 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 4389A92C-2C78-4114-BD52-AB….png)

Just heard on GayBC News GMA that the “Measles” outbreak started from their patient zero who returned from —guess where — I’ll give you a second — ISRAEL, and has now infected “555” people. And in MI you can be charged $2,000 if you’re unvaxxed/have measles and spread it. Anyone think this is reminiscent of the X-Files episode where they have shit inside the vaccines they can activate at anytime to cause sickness? This vaccine push lately has me kinda freaked out, because Bush society is so fucking retarded and gullible into buying this DS/NWO propaganda. MARK OF THE BEAST HERE WE COME.

366e78  No.6209454



American won’t do shit but shit behind a keyboard and type shit.

f596cc  No.6209455


wifeanon has type 1 diabetes. 1k/month just for long acting insulin. short acting is an additional 1.5k/ month. won't tell you what our deductible is. robbery.

04c72d  No.6209456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Short memory

c64ae3  No.6209457


Having fun out there in the midst?

208692  No.6209458


Vaccinations are to slow. They are trying to create a state of chaos, racial tensions and civil war. People killing people, that has always been their plan.

366e78  No.6209459


I’d rather die fuck it

314915  No.6209460


that generation of music I used to enjoy until one day I realized that pretty much all of it was just hypnotic repetative rifts with a lot of bad nihilistic poetry on top of it.

I couldn't listen to Peter Gabriel anymore, he would do the same hypno beat bell the whole time.

I can not stand to list to U2: what a lot of hynotic mind control that is!

And Stipe, ya, he qualifies too.

He plays of old Mozart as rock and acts like it's great.

if you play hypnotic music enought times people catch it in their head and think that it's something.

It's called an 'ear worm' by some.

talentless. A generation of talentless fame mongers.

ok, well, they do perform it so it's not totally talentless.

the worst is Bono, what a creep.

f2fe53  No.6209461


As usual, the left twisted that statement into "he doesn't even know what WikiLeaks is" in typical leftist fashion.

750fe3  No.6209462

File: 654fb70c9558118⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Crying shills and Libs.jpg)

81b385  No.6209463



From florida. Don’t be dumber than the media you mock.

f2958e  No.6209465

File: 4ec758c39933030⋯.png (331.39 KB, 700x420, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


71-Year-Old Man Charged With 100 Counts of First Degree Rape Involving Minors

A 71-year-old man from Louisiana was charged with 100 counts of first-degree rape over allegations of criminal sexual conduct involving minors, according to a police statement.

Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies say they first came to know about Harvey Joseph Fountain’s alleged crimes that date back to the 1970s and continued through to early 1980s after receiving a tip on April 1.

After an investigation, detectives uncovered enough evidence that supported the allegations that he had committed sexual crimes on minors at various locations in the Pineville area. This evidence provided sufficient probable cause for Fountain’s arrest.

He was first arrested on April 9 on 50 counts of first-degree rape and booked into the Rapides Parish Detention Center. Several days later, investigators identified additional victims and charged Fountain with an addition 50 counts of first-degree rape.

f596cc  No.6209466


her brother says she was the best!

01e23f  No.6209467

File: c2ba6da81ff197b⋯.jpg (227.17 KB, 1111x1061, 1111:1061, huma-abedin-03.jpg)

File: e5a409a52746e03⋯.png (12.51 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 28644fa0d361966ee17bbc2e76….png)


2016 made me begrudgingly love horse faces. 2019 might be the year of the ratface.

750fe3  No.6209468


not even close

338535  No.6209469


I didn't know your house boat was on denial?

you got a fish detector on that thing?

bfb74d  No.6209470


It’s magnetism.

Gravity is fake and gay.

635ffd  No.6209471


Tell them that no matter who wins the Primary, the DNC will mandate that he/she/it will HAVE to run with Peeder Buttplug as VP.

Then ask how they will like all their heroes AFTER they assassinate the elected president, just so they can end up with (((their))) choice of Marxist Peeder Buttplug as president.

They will all flip after that happens.

Unfortunately for us all , it would be to late then.

b3e04b  No.6209472

File: d40691a8ce82619⋯.png (120.21 KB, 800x630, 80:63, ClipboardImage.png)

Update on Notre Dame arson theories… (pic related if it posts)

f2fe53  No.6209473


He didn't say that he never heard of Wikileaks did he?

4400a5  No.6209474

File: c2b05ee1af3a1fd⋯.jpeg (60.12 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1554299131.jpeg)

5a69b0  No.6209475


I don't subscribe tot he FE theory.


I grew up looking at planets and other celestial bodies through a telescope with my grandfather, who was in the US Navy for WW2 ;)

I also think that the solar system itself, viewed from millions of miles away… Would look like a comet.


018f18  No.6209476


agree anon seems strange its hitting orthodox communities almost like a ((( sacrifice ))) we are in the end times for sure. Strange thing is alot of what chris carter wrote has come true…the last two seasons were freaky in some of the episodes and they even talk about God alot ….so its coming nothing stops this

09b679  No.6209477


I kinda figured you were a shill. Now it is confimed you are a shill.

b04c5d  No.6209478

File: 0eff6aaf4c6048f⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 640x500, 32:25, 2yie36.jpg)

File: a77f41e3eddb382⋯.jpg (65.73 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 2vknm9.jpg)

File: b3edcf54c243c60⋯.png (219.86 KB, 453x444, 151:148, 7887dae3f12a5e0488f979db73….png)

File: e3e4d95edc74ed8⋯.jpeg (61.15 KB, 960x722, 480:361, e3e4d95edc74ed810f0c24049….jpeg)

b233e9  No.6209479


Every school in Denver metro is closed today because of the “armed and dangerous” woman with a gun allegedly threatening all the schools

Translation: it’s happening and we know they use Denver schools (columbine) as FFs so we beat them to it and closed every single 1 for 2 days

635ffd  No.6209480


>I didn't know your house boat was on denial?

Didn't you mean on 'de Nile' ?

2caec2  No.6209481


> And it's easy to find out if there is any particular fellow at the "top"

you say that, but you can't do it

your comments are worthless

f2958e  No.6209482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d256d  No.6209483


An examination of past articles from Brunnstrom, who was previously a NATO and EU correspondent in Brussels, shows that he may be acting as a media asset leaking articles strategically on behalf of John Bolton. Brunnstrom has run a reports that attempt to shift responsibility for the stagnation of talks onto Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Donald Trump despite the fact that it is John Bolton who is widely credited as the major force opposing the denuclearization talks. He was also the recipient of the copy of a leaked document from the Hanoi Summit authored by John Bolton which is credited with angering Kim Jong Un and scuttling the event.

Brunnstrom has also written for The Independent pushing unverified claims from the United Nations that North Korea was working to ensure their nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities "could not be destroyed by military strikes." The United Nations have, much like a number of American think tanks, misleadingly interpreted satellite images as a means of justifying sanctions which have previously proved to be a sticking point between North Korean and American negotiating teams. The Independent itself has recently lashed out at Donald Trump after he amplified a tweet from this author stating that the United Kingdom's involvement in Russiagate had been partially incentivized by their desire to use the United States' military hard power to counter Russian influence around the world.

V. CSIS' Recent Story Shows A Growing Desperation From North Korea Hawks

The idea that a seasoned analyst for DigitalGlobe could seriously mistake rail cars carrying steel coils for nuclear flasks is ludicrous and indicates that factions who are hoping for an aggressive approach towards North Korea are running out of options to make their case for a tough denuclearization strategy. Individuals such as John Bolton, who is notorious for his promotion of the "Libya solution" for North Korea are apparently going all out to have friendly journalists amplify the propaganda that has been consistently emanating from think tanks since the Hanoi Summit ended without a deal being reached.

Instead of falling for sensationalism, parties must stay the course and continue to give talks a chance. If the media is looking for actual evidence of sanctions violations to report on, there is plenty of evidence readily available to them should they wish to look for it.

2611e8  No.6209484


>israeli van

that's the dancing israelis. the circumstances around it are sketchy as fuck, but it doesn't prove that israel comitted 9/11. it only proves they knew about it in advance (and made no significant effort to warn us), which makes them predictably cunts who should fuck off. garbage human beings.

85e181  No.6209485


RFID chipping was the first NWO attempt at delivering the Mark of the Beast to the cattle. Then they switched to smartphones.

18cbc3  No.6209486

FF on the horizon?

"Denver schools closed as FBI searches for armed woman ‘infatuated’ with Columbine shooting"

(CNN) — Schools in the greater Denver area will be closed Wednesday as authorities search for a woman whom they described as armed and “infatuated” with the Columbine mass shooting days before the 20th anniversary of the attack. Local, state and federal officials are searching for Sol Pais, 18. She made “credible” — but unspecific — threats after traveling from Miami to Denver on Monday night, and is considered dangerous, said Dean Phillips, the special agent in charge of the local FBI office.

After she arrived, she immediately went to a store and bought a pump-action shotgun and ammunition, the FBI said Tuesday night.


d4bfb0  No.6209488


They'd love for us to take the street, no that won't be needed this time. Justice will flow naturally as it should after Thursday. That also reminds me that I gotta buy another thing of popcorn kernels, nearly ran out during the Mueller report summery and reading reddit.

e51d27  No.6209489


its actually perfect…. they are backed into a corner… just enough plausible reasons to believe the media version of events… I think thats why Q group let the media keep shilling.

One by one each pillar of the leftist narrative faith is being removed… they are standing on only a few planks of reason. Of course they will go insane when Mueller folds, (still holding out see?) their FBI heroes are indicted, and finally their hero politicians are taken down. They need to think they have a chance t winning up until the very end… that will be the most powerful shock to wake as many as possible.

Thankfull the progressive ideologues that know everything the left is about is illegal, anti american thieving, murderous spying coup masters… yet condone it because you know… we need to iill america. They wont wake… they will just be exposed so we can put them on a list and wait for a law to be broken wink.

314915  No.6209490



did I see St michaels signature on it? He must have written it in invisible ink that only I see if you can't see it too.

wait, it's Jesus,he shows up too, don't you see him as a coffee stain on the lower part. Wait. I just made that up.

st michael, eh?

2caec2  No.6209491


you appear to be too lazy to produce anything valuable

338535  No.6209492

Think for yourself, unless of course you do not believe in the necessary disinfo, in which case you are a fucking shill and should be hanged.

Cognitive Dissonance, It's what for breakfast.

e51d27  No.6209494


right. sketchy as fuck. understatement.

366e78  No.6209496


Damn good point


67c8a7  No.6209497

File: 86232bd71273190⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 715x500, 143:100, 1551399579914.jpg)

>"There can be no question that the British Peerage is now very much diluted with Jewish blood and has many connections among its most ancient and august families with those who only a few generations ago were inhabitants of the Ghetto."

>"The power of money is very great and as almost every liberal newspaper is under Jewish influence it follows that the forces of revolution when directed against the peers are likely to meet with as determined an opposition from the Jewish kinfolk of the aristocracy…"

1ab818  No.6209498

File: 81dbb04879760b7⋯.jpg (149.64 KB, 1500x584, 375:146, 008_original_hero (1).jpg)



blood sugar control near normal

company Mannkind attacked by cult for over a decade


Search #afrezza on any social media for user stats - incredible bs control

Company has a discount deal


2caec2  No.6209499


>. I will just sit back and enjoy the show. ;)

as noted earlier...….. worthless and LAZY


750720  No.6209500

How's THIS 40,000ft View, Q?


Carry On, Remarkable Anons!


So Much MAGA!

5100b6  No.6209502


>>>6209444 (You)


>Short memory

Nope, I do remeber that. I think we differ on interpretation. I mean the legal persuing of Assange/Wikileaks is not POTUS' "thing."

POTUS also phrased it as "not his deal" just after news broke of Assange's arrest - again, I took as reference to not him persuing, but previous administration.

It'll work out okay for Assange.

67c8a7  No.6209503

File: 3b9d4435ee4633b⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ilhan_omar_1.jpg)

d9682d  No.6209504



I suppose it was inevitable.

e51d27  No.6209506


how is that not obvious… to me that is "the plan" 101… but notable if you guys want kek

f596cc  No.6209507


kek, thanks anon. will relay the info.

c8472a  No.6209508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Skip to 28:35 my nigga.

I don't have all the answers, and I'm not saying it's they are completely responsible (seems like a few countries were involved tbh), but there it is.

How did they there to document the Event without knowing of the event?

And what about the E-Team? Why aren't normies at least told about this to ponder?


4ba59c  No.6209509


Ohhh my bad…reported by Cali media…doesn’t matter….Florida is a fag state also

2caec2  No.6209510



67c8a7  No.6209512

File: bac94ede2c71178⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 1024x558, 512:279, IMG-20190212-WA0000001.jpg)

5100b6  No.6209513


>As usual, the left twisted that statement into "he doesn't even know what WikiLeaks is" in typical leftist fashion

^^^ This anon gets it.

338535  No.6209514


yeah DOJ is under Congress.

oh wait a minute?

Well what interest does POTUS have in overreaching prosecution? and corruption, I mean all of that is just not my thing.

3970bc  No.6209516


Naw, this goes back decades. It was always plan Z. Trump was involved for a long time.

23aacb  No.6209517

File: b7d7d5be16be5bd⋯.png (194.92 KB, 950x563, 950:563, ClipboardImage.png)


05b0a7  No.6209518

File: 018dee047939f19⋯.jpg (229.31 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN NO COLLUSION.JPG)

c64ae3  No.6209519


Keep going. A few will catch. I'm dying ha.

67c8a7  No.6209520

File: e55057d8d3a6c3a⋯.jpg (176.88 KB, 664x542, 332:271, 1555182162167.jpg)

05b0a7  No.6209522

File: 26abf37bca359f9⋯.jpg (229.92 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN NO OBSTRUCTION.JPG)

2caec2  No.6209523



IF YOU HAVE HOPE, then it is definitely one of your rare virtues

314915  No.6209524



a memeingless random image from a bot

so you are a bot no doubt becuase you post a meaningless random picture.

that's weally cwevver.

you are such a gooot bot.

down boy



e51d27  No.6209525


plus dont miss the even more obvious point of Trump NEEDING to win 2020. I know it sounds trite… but unless everyone wants full blown martial law, Trump has to win fair and square.. which means the "plan" has to double as the most important campaign for the US presidency ever run.

Timing these MEGA BOOM for the election cycle proper… is no accident.

750fe3  No.6209526

File: 7e3807fe396be9e⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 420x316, 105:79, eu feed us.jpg)

U.S. handbags, shovels on $20 billion EU tariff list over Boeing

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Handbags, tractors, shovels and fish are part of an 11-page list of U.S. imports worth $20 billion that the European Union on Wednesday said it could hit with tariffs in a transatlantic aircraft subsidy dispute.

The United States and the European Union have been battling for almost 15 years at the World Trade Organization over subsidies given to U.S. planemaker Boeing and its European rival Airbus.

After partial victories for both sides, each is asking a WTO arbitrator to determine the level of countermeasures they can impose on the other.

The Trump administration last week proposed targeting a seven-page list of EU products for tariffs, ranging from large aircraft to dairy products and wine, to counteract the harm from EU subsidies for Airbus worth an estimated $11 billion.

Brussels has responded with its own list of some $20 billion worth of U.S. imports, including agricultural produce from dried fruit to ketchup, planes, fish, tobacco, handbags, suitcases, tractors, helicopters and video game consoles.

The published list will now be open to consultation until May 31 and could then be revised.

“The EU remains open for discussions with the U.S., provided these are without preconditions and aim at a fair outcome,” EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said in a statement.

In both cases, WTO arbitrators have yet to set an amount, but the U.S. case against Airbus is more advanced, with a ruling possible in June or July. The EU case against Boeing could come early in 2020.

Both sides have said they would prefer a settlement that did not lead to the imposition of tariffs.

The European Union has meanwhile declared itself ready to start formal trade talks with the United States.

The Commission is set to start two sets of negotiations - one to cut tariffs on industrial goods, the other to make it easier for companies to show products meet EU or U.S. standards.

However, it has insisted that agriculture not be included, putting the 28-country bloc at odds with Washington, which wants farm products to be part of the talks.


05b0a7  No.6209527

File: 2b3805702517c1b⋯.jpg (239.08 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN NO COLLUSION NO OBSTRU….JPG)

67c8a7  No.6209528

File: 5a77b93df882670⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1555182253088m.jpg)



05b0a7  No.6209529

File: 4de37615bcfb04b⋯.jpg (233.14 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN NO TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUS….JPG)

d9682d  No.6209530









208692  No.6209532


When enemies are manufactured, even a jar of peanut butter can be blamed on "aiding the enemy". Shoot the messenger, that's always the response, never the message.

93476c  No.6209533

My Observation…

In the next 6 months to a year..

President Trump will be dodging at least 30 Democrats running for office..

Think about that…All the Democrats are going to be charging hard at President Trump!!

Every joke, every word not only will be scrutinize not only by the 30 or so candidates running for Presidents but all the Media that are supporting those candidates..

What we need to do is get ready with the Meme's and additional supporting information to get ready to flood the media waves with bad press against those that don't support MAGA..

Just remember this, Donald J. Trump is doing this for FREE to help us..we need to help him back if we can…

b9ec0b  No.6209534

File: 06ac892c37cd042⋯.jpeg (150.18 KB, 610x458, 305:229, 90379A3F-13E2-4B5D-862E-B….jpeg)


I’m not your buddy, guy.

daca9e  No.6209535

File: 616e17c900eeb9f⋯.jpg (911.5 KB, 1000x2756, 250:689, 20190417_084035.jpg)

File: 993b605a58f44f6⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 1010x6030, 101:603, 20190417_084459.jpg)

The MILITARY and POTUS are talking directly to us.




da3de6  No.6209536


Discretion has its place.

So does transparency, justice, and action.

Discretion does not help normies wake up. Discretion does not help those ailing heal with technology we've kept hidden for decades.

Discretion does not help Earth heal.

We've been running discreetly better part of 2 years now, rip the bandaid off, cuff and hang the traitors, give people something to believe in other than school shootings everyday and being ok to stage felonies as long as you are not white. Normies see this shit, they ain't that dumb. I talk to some of the dumbest. It's not just helping people see what's what wrong or how it works, it's making even retards be like them why is nothing being done publicly re: any of it?

Defend Q & the plan to death, and it is all on the level I know that for a fact, just saying if we were told to get loud and demand and raise hell, there must be a time for that too.

Fight, Fight, Fight.

DEMAND public disclosure.



This is just the beginning.

2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.

Be loud.

Be heard.

Fight for TRUTH.


People are craving TRUTH.

People are craving TRANSPARENCY.


People are craving GOOD.

People are craving RIGHT.

People are craving TRUE FREEDOM.

People are craving SAFETY & SECURITY.

Give the people what they want!

Liberty / Death.

No more middle ground.

2611e8  No.6209537


>Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies say they first came to know about Harvey Joseph Fountain’s alleged crimes


sorry if this sounds shilly, but 'watch the water'?

67c8a7  No.6209539

File: 963d2e7f9f683b9⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1554660544627.gif)

f2958e  No.6209540

File: 8ee11f7011d5a6c⋯.png (231.84 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

46620b  No.6209541


I'm prescrbed Humira for Crohn's disease, which I probably got from a life of enlisted military service and all the requisite vaccines, along with exposure to "exotic" materials in various research facilities. It doesn't even really help so I quit. Choosing to live a less complicated life, using natural medicines and a new diet are helping much more than Humira ever did. Supposed to see the GI today. I don't think he's gonna be too happy, but (((they))) were killing me.

f25614  No.6209542


Declassified NSA doc re: Zangger Committee


05b0a7  No.6209543

File: c08df249d9c8e2d⋯.jpg (177.55 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN HUSSEIN SPYGATE.JPG)

b04c5d  No.6209544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



68c17f  No.6209545


>>6209526 U.S. handbags, shovels on $20 billion EU tariff list over Boeing.

>>6209517 NXIVM bookkeeper invoked Fifth dozens of times in grand jury.

>>6209465 71-year-old man charged with 100 counts of first degree rape involving minors.

>>6209409 Sol Pais: 5 fast facts you need to know.

>>6209406 Sara Carter: Yuma closes its doors to illegals, declares state of emergency.

>>6209371 Marketfag update.

>>6209333 U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun will travel to Moscow to discuss NK denuclearization.

>>6209323 Continued dig on "Rite of Passage" migrant housing. Tied to Uranium/UN?

>>6209312 DJT Tweet: "Democrats in Congress must return from their Vacations and change the Immigration Laws, or the Border…"

>>6209282 Hollywood continues to normalize pedophilia: Why an actress stayed with her sex offender husband.

>>6209209 Article on Richard Dearlove.

314915  No.6209546


you should use words to communicate

I won't click through or view your crap.

just saying. if you are a real person

abb51a  No.6209547


A.K.A. the great deceiver...hint, hint.

208692  No.6209548


We need to use their battle tactics. Get them to fight against each other.

c64ae3  No.6209549


Dairy, how much of it do you consume?

5546ce  No.6209551


Watch. Articles like this will be appearing now in an attempt to show "acceptance" of these sick %ucks.

daca9e  No.6209552

File: f7cdf78133816c3⋯.jpg (768.82 KB, 1195x2104, 1195:2104, Screenshot_20190417-083559….jpg)


Eyes on Target

05b0a7  No.6209553

File: 375759ab375d698⋯.jpg (184.94 KB, 1284x575, 1284:575, QNN Report7.jpg)

67c8a7  No.6209554

File: 6563ab9bb09f6ec⋯.jpg (55.46 KB, 696x464, 3:2, Ilhan-Omar-Wins-696x464.jpg)

d9cc52  No.6209556

File: 5b004a4dd9dae0d⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1443, 360:481, Screenshot_2019-04-16-13-5….png)

05b0a7  No.6209557

File: e965e5c3bf1acf5⋯.png (776.89 KB, 1284x871, 1284:871, QNN MUELLER REPORT.PNG)

55856e  No.6209558

File: 00c5d484f1b103b⋯.png (585.15 KB, 596x791, 596:791, 00c5d484f1b103b2f52f2744a5….png)


Cool 47 posts satan.

0ae6bd  No.6209559


Yeah, I get what you are talking about. The ubiquitous symbol was seen world-wide. Phenomena of the Electric Universe. Canyons and buttes show signs of scarring like Mars.

Talbot's work ultimately proves that the Universe is Holographic in nature, as those planet alignments, and especially their proximity to Earth, would have changed gravity (and numerous other factors) on Earth.

Check out the six and the eight legged "spider" symbols carved on the stones of Gobekli Tepe.

9f1e3d  No.6209560


No. Metzin left. That doesn't mean they aren't at least "smart" enough to catch a ride on trends.

f2958e  No.6209561

File: b7a1fbc8e0a0f39⋯.png (230.55 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

6a48e8  No.6209562


Anon - don't know if you've done the keto diet, but I talked to a guy personally who has Crohn's disease and he is completely clear of it with no meds after being on Keto!

Let food be thy medicine.

314915  No.6209563

it's shill and bot heavn in her in the mornings now with very very few real anon posting anything meaningful.

a lot of real people must be busy and doing other things.

2caec2  No.6209564


well, I am not at the top of anything, so what is your point?

You obviously don't believe what you post or your post would make sense.

1891c7  No.6209566

File: 6a3778d1eced464⋯.png (161.53 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190417-084128.png)

File: f5581fbbd1d25d5⋯.png (74.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190417-085110.png)



893004  No.6209567

File: ca9eca428f07958⋯.jpg (119.55 KB, 972x575, 972:575, 2019-04-17 13.46.56 www.go….jpg)

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)

Ahoy. Attention on deck.

The net was cast.

A great haul is being landed. Now.

We are on a ship.

Sailing on seas of righteous patience & imminent justice.

As you were mateys.

314915  No.6209568


does it bot her you that you have no effect and can not get an emotional reponse from me with your talentless robo post of stale and dated imagery?

64d2b5  No.6209569

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

a003cd  No.6209571

File: cadc3552f111f89⋯.png (228.73 KB, 784x893, 784:893, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at ….png)

File: bda458433529bdf⋯.png (591.55 KB, 1261x897, 97:69, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at ….png)

File: a7986cae89544a3⋯.png (181.7 KB, 728x877, 728:877, Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at ….png)

Looking for Rude Gude's twitter account. Check out the search results from Google to Bing to DuckDuckGo.

1891c7  No.6209573


TY sword anon.

472efe  No.6209574


>spending years hating on US

That's what pure socialism does to a country. The French are slow and just now getting it. Don't be mad the US speaks of freedom and against socialist dictators. Ahhhh… Now you get it.

750fe3  No.6209575


true dat. All they see is the piece of paper they get each month saying they 'made' money.

China gonna need a bigger boat that it doesn't have.

c64ae3  No.6209576


Is keto dairy free? I couldnt tell you a thing about it, figured I'd ask lol. I dont feel like researching it because I dont really care lol.

f2958e  No.6209577

File: 9a94d5f1c235ead⋯.png (231.91 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

46620b  No.6209578


Maybe a quart of a week, at the most, if i'm eating cereal or cooking/baking. I do use butter, some hard cheese, and cream as needed. I've never had a problem with dairy. I lost my colon in this battle, so I eat what I can tolerate.

345f39  No.6209579

File: 7ef672c6858e0fa⋯.jpg (140.54 KB, 500x838, 250:419, 1Nf56vMAQ-IOKdcx432J-OLKMs….jpg)

c64ae3  No.6209580


Pepe the mic.

750fe3  No.6209581

File: 4ea2723c9a3b253⋯.jpeg (89.02 KB, 505x607, 505:607, cs gunga.jpeg)


peace for you and your's sa…as usual

abb51a  No.6209582


Then why ask about it in the first place?

d9cc52  No.6209583

File: 0ae26296f07520b⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1916x1277, 1916:1277, 1555505622434.png)

6a48e8  No.6209584

File: c5839cdf1bfcfa4⋯.png (71.88 KB, 306x165, 102:55, image.png)

This is the Great Awakening.

A lot of anons are awakening to the FACT that this whole thing is about SPIRITUAL FORCES at battle.

Not all anons get this - and for many, it's too much to believe (at least right now).

This is part of what Q means when he says, "the end is not for everyone."

Q quotes scripture and admonishes us to PRAY.

Q states explicitly that this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE; and yet, there are anons who just CAN’T HANDLE THIS REALITY. They get mad and respond with hatred.



2611e8  No.6209585


That one is a fucking 10/10


Thanks anon. Just guessing based on the thumbnail, that's a video I haven't seen before.

314915  No.6209586


talentless putrid bot roboposts constant derision and division.

are you botthurt?

208692  No.6209587


It's always about the money because slime worships money, more than anything, it loves fucking money and anyway it can suck it up.

68c17f  No.6209588


Have a great day swordanon.

67c8a7  No.6209589

File: 50590597475a23e⋯.jpg (400.52 KB, 1003x538, 1003:538, 20190417_085357.jpg)

893004  No.6209590


Electric Universe & Thunderbolts garbage has been long ago debunked.

Absolute rubbish.

It's just a cult, with it's main names making money of science/physics/astronomy ignorant folks.

Bloody garbage.

f2958e  No.6209591

File: ab8a6b4ff8dbc8c⋯.png (230.64 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

b5ad6b  No.6209592


Ok, Solid feedback. I'm looking to see what the general education level is on this. I'll continue to work on my infographic skills to communicate the sauce more concisely.

This is a broad topic, and involves reorienting our view of the accepted standard model of the universe that posits gravity as the primary cohering force. What these images show is the electrical nature of geologic formations found on Earth. I will be making more images explaining structures seen throughout the solar system, and how Electrical Machining and Deposition play a critical roll in the formation and evolution of celestial bodies.

f2958e  No.6209593

File: a5c79a2ac546e73⋯.gif (773.58 KB, 260x173, 260:173, WTC7.gif)

ee178e  No.6209595

File: 651797aa04caf01⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 34eebb21b045cc960be5f90f9c….jpg)

Yo, Q & Company…what's the haps? Breach the peace bro, getting sick of reading bout Ihlan Omar.

b9ec0b  No.6209596

File: 9b2caea8ef6b47f⋯.jpeg (30.7 KB, 255x242, 255:242, CB829175-58F3-4283-BA9E-C….jpeg)


I wish that was for real ahahahahahaha

46620b  No.6209597


I was on the Paleo diet when I first got sick. What's more important is that I quit smoking (a known factor in the development of IBD symptoms) and my father was dying, while I was assigned to a team to build a new agency in the gov't. My body just gave out from the stress.

d9cc52  No.6209598



e51d27  No.6209599


wish we could prove the genesis of all this. Does everyone realize theres a good chance the world never really gets to be exposed to Q? Think of Q as the ultimate insurance policy to threaten a full reveal of the deep state sins to the gen public. Something tells me it wouldnt be necessary unless we were in an open civil war.

Trump would instantly validate Q, Everyone on trumps side would have every drop in the Q map, and Trump could communicate directly to the most influential civilian militia cells and keep them from interfering with national guard and professional military campaigns.

What other official channel would POTUS be able to communicate to civilian force? Would Trump have been able to play this game WITHOUT Q letting us know enough to keep us from rising up against the left too early? We have Q and we still have surges of impatient patriots every single moment. If they stop civil war 2 from going hot I will be fully impressed. This is brand new logistics territory when you fully process everything.

ba2bb8  No.6209601


Im on the Nebuchadnezzar come join me fren.

55856e  No.6209603




Also it should be stated, how much of a kill count is an "18 year" old girl going to get with a pump action shotgun that she conveniently bought out of her home state? Smells like shit

4e651d  No.6209604

File: 04f9ec8c337e4c9⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 525x231, 25:11, q post 220.jpg)

ff732d  No.6209605

Fuuuuck this slave job.

Bring plan Z you procrastinating sons of bitches.

56c1b9  No.6209606

c0bb3e  No.6209607

MUELLER REPORT WILL SHROUD THE TRUTH: Corrupt Cabal Began Illegal Spying on Trump in 2015

The Mueller Report will try very hard to shroud the real issues–which are: WHY, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, and BY WHOM did the spying on Mr. Trump and his associates begin? From all information available so far, per Comey’s own admissions, there was never a legal or factual basis to begin any investigation of anyone associated with Mr. Trump, and they never verified a word of the “Steele dossier.” The evidence so far exposes a significant group in the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOD, and State Department, who manufactured the entire counter-intelligence operation from thin air. It’s smoke tied with baling wire. That is a bombshell from which Mr. Mueller and Mr. Weissmann must distract.


56bcaf  No.6209608

File: decd311986d049f⋯.jpg (232.3 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, teslaq.jpg)

893004  No.6209609



Electric Universe & Thunderbolts garbage has been long ago debunked.

Absolute rubbish.

It's just a cult, with it's main names making money of science/physics/astronomy ignorant folks.

Bloody garbage.

314915  No.6209610


sounds like a science fiction effort.

if that is what you are doing, I'm flabergasted.

make sure you make it all conform to Thermo-dynamic, the most precise of sciences.

It's the science that climate alarmists ignore.

planx length is an artifact of the measuring equipment.

f25614  No.6209612


The Zangger committee is all about the trade of Uranium. Half of this guys family has the last name of Zangger. Not a very common name. If you read the links I posted the Zanggler Committee Wikipedia link also links to the friends of the chair.

8329b6  No.6209613


Thank you and GBY too.

67c8a7  No.6209614

File: 12df7cea3234aa9⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 480x219, 160:73, giphy (1).gif)

6a48e8  No.6209615


Thank you for your service Anon.


784dfb  No.6209616

File: c95c199a6ae51e7⋯.jpg (224.58 KB, 1094x1260, 547:630, 4.17.pet.goat.jpg)





- Crown of thorns dissapear

- Spire falls

- Meteors start

all that is happening…

05b0a7  No.6209617

File: 154be7b3c52aaaf⋯.jpg (242.26 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN We Have The Servers.jpg)

6a48e8  No.6209620


How do you figure out how many posts someone has done?

12ef5d  No.6209622


No they don’t.

Satan has charisma.

345f39  No.6209623


20 bucks says shes gonna have a Q drawn on her shoulder in sharpy pen

67c8a7  No.6209624

File: 075d943746dbf65⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 416x416, 1:1, tumblr_otanz6KToH1tpri36o1….gif)


f2958e  No.6209625

File: 5142b4bee4f30b2⋯.png (9.36 KB, 429x102, 143:34, ClipboardImage.png)

abb51a  No.6209626



46620b  No.6209627


It was my pleasure to serve. I appreciate all of you as well. I was lucky, having well over 20 years of service when I got sick, I was able to retire.

29566c  No.6209628


You have done 10 this bread. Look for a (10) on your post

ff732d  No.6209629


Dont be such a faggot and fucking lurk moar.

6a48e8  No.6209630


got it. thank you.

daca9e  No.6209631

File: c28235f34c24e69⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1247x2328, 1247:2328, Screenshot_20190417-085836….jpg)

4ba59c  No.6209632


We don’t have a clue what those points of light in the sky are made of

f596cc  No.6209634

c64ae3  No.6209635


I replied a first time but I'm gonna do it a second, you mustve missed it. How much dairy do you consume? I'm a vet that thought for the longest that I had what you have.

345f39  No.6209636

File: f87d5ab4f617fbf⋯.jpg (130.79 KB, 474x453, 158:151, 06449612387c2a659f7c5be637….jpg)

6a48e8  No.6209637


kek! been lurking a loooooong time, anon. Just never realized how to do that.

good day to you anon. :)

054593  No.6209638

>>6208641 lb


One clarification that is outlined in the comments of this article.


The Craig case was originally sent to SDNY by the Special Counsel where it was shelved, not DC.

As always, important to seperate the proper facts from the speculation.

6bf507  No.6209639


now you've done 11… kek (that means LOL)

f2958e  No.6209640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

67c8a7  No.6209641

File: bc20d68baa018c7⋯.jpg (120.85 KB, 1024x679, 1024:679, C1VR9XhUAAQRHfl.jpg)

1891c7  No.6209642


Ten days dark, what is the cycle of time between each drop and the days of "darkness" ?

abb51a  No.6209643



005266  No.6209644

File: 8d8789a38edabfa⋯.png (188.53 KB, 1233x730, 1233:730, Screenshot 2019-04-17 07.5….png)

ALL the bloggers who's posts I regularly view, hold a negative view of mass vaccination. Another example: https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2019/04/15/toxic-aluminum-in-vaccines/

A magazine I used to buy monthly here in the US (What Doctors Don't Tell You) as disappeared from the shops where I used to find it. What did they report on? Things like the REVERSAL of Type 1 diabetes with nutrition and exercise (rare but does happen) and the reversal/improvement of Alzheimer's disease by drinking silicated mineral water (other interventions needed to reverse the early stages)

If you knew the truth you would (most likely) never need a doctor, pharmacist or HEALTH INSURANCE ever again. I've been "medical system" sober for over a year now (was once on FOUR serious psych drugs) and am doing GREAT.

53957c  No.6209645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you want to know why the Yemen VETO by Trump was such a good thing, watch this video.

d9cc52  No.6209646


I am stealing your entire post bc of its truth. Thank you and God bless you, truthanon!

And god bless all anons, and BVs and BO and Q and especially the shills, for (((they))) need it most.

67c8a7  No.6209647

File: 6f80a105c0ecd02⋯.gif (3.81 MB, 480x270, 16:9, giphy (2).gif)

6a48e8  No.6209648


Right. I love the anons (no homo) but you can be a tough lot…

ba794b  No.6209649

File: 73cb91870c842e4⋯.png (354.3 KB, 487x324, 487:324, QTARDS.png)

daca9e  No.6209650


I was going to add post 220 but the Marine Tweet was pretty specific. There were several more posts that could apply but it kept it simple. "TARGET"

6633cb  No.6209651

File: f080028468b4194⋯.jpg (238.58 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, PAlm.jpg)

12ef5d  No.6209652


Clockfag is the Oracle you must seek.

208692  No.6209653


Massive Psyop on the population.

e51d27  No.6209654


why? She is scaring the fuck out of the 50+, white, city-dwelling democrats. Why do you think corporate democrats have plans to rid themselves of the social justice five?

Putting an ugly, smug, hateful terrorist face to the socialist, anti-white, anti-christian, globalist message is the best thing that could ever happen. Its the opposite of Obama. Remember how he sold the globalist false message? Hope and Change? Now they have "fuck victims of 911, reparations for no whites, fuck white people, murder born children if you want, unlimited illegal alien amnesty, and no more captitalism."

I know it sucks to watch… but the ONLy chance we have to reverse course.. is for the electorate to get a FULL sampling of the euro-globalist way of life and to find it utterly poisonous.

We need america to vomit up the globalist democrat shitheads in every election for the next 50 years.

c64ae3  No.6209656


Trumps timestamps to the anons. :27

82a16e  No.6209657

If you wanted the minimum commuter movement during a holiday period with the minimum family impact on service people Easter would be the best pick for The Happenings.

4e651d  No.6209658


You did good Anon

4400a5  No.6209660

File: 4f5797df46813e2⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 500x287, 500:287, 5667983882_413388e4ea.jpg)

6a48e8  No.6209661


Thank you anon.

46620b  No.6209662


I do consume dairy, never had a problem with in is small amounts. Ice cream (probably due to excessive fats and sugars) is not for me. Yogurt is fine for me though. Everyone is different, so that's important to consider. My disease became apparent when my toilet bowl looked like the inside of a slaughterhouse…

338535  No.6209663

File: d8d3e34d1c4801e⋯.gif (3.11 MB, 500x280, 25:14, sheep2.gif.gif)

67c8a7  No.6209664

File: 31cad084029129e⋯.jpg (120.48 KB, 962x643, 962:643, 1553901964626.jpg)


To be fair, so is this Third Temple LARP board

daca9e  No.6209665

File: 1d82309a6826a26⋯.jpg (261.76 KB, 1398x875, 1398:875, SmartSelect_20190417-09035….jpg)

Today, @SecPompeo will deliver remarks to the media at 9:30 a.m. ET. Watch live here on Twitter or https://t.co/58Uc9lIgDz.

05b0a7  No.6209666

File: 2183860909c3a88⋯.jpg (259.54 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN MUELLER REPORT.JPG)

f3217b  No.6209667

File: 7353eaa6054dad9⋯.webm (965.78 KB, 720x576, 5:4, Voiding_cultists.webm)

29566c  No.6209668


We don't come to where you work and criticize the french fries

b1151c  No.6209669

File: 28abf479ea76139⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 477x218, 477:218, DDMJ.gif)

005266  No.6209670


Eating cereal? Check out what glyphosate treated grains can do to you.

05b0a7  No.6209671

File: 337d3e18a881005⋯.png (855.72 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN RUSSIA COLLUSION HOAX.PNG)

b71e1e  No.6209672


By intentional design, the Mueller report is focused on sinking Trump. By design, it will avoid pursuing any evidence of wrongdoing by anybody except Trump and people who support Trump.

The FBI, DOJ, and assorted other federal agencies do not support Trump. They are aligned against him. At first this opposition was open (Yates, Team Mueller). Now the opposition has smartened up and working, best it can, out of sight.

6a48e8  No.6209673

4400a5  No.6209674

File: 252ae8d2a8301e7⋯.jpeg (136.46 KB, 822x960, 137:160, 1554673623.jpeg)

da3de6  No.6209675


The sun is not a giant nuclear fireball self sustaining merely due to its own composition and size.

Absolute rubbish.

67c8a7  No.6209676

File: 163f5c721bde1fc⋯.jpg (220.57 KB, 630x692, 315:346, of_omar_630.jpg)


Team America didn't (((age that well)))

be9e90  No.6209677


One of the great Homer lines, and all you could do is red text copy pasta?!?!? You suck shill boi. You're the laziest excuse for a sucky lame ass shill that ever sucked a raging homo boner. You're so sucky every time u inhale it's like an entire suckfest just happened. Suck off sucky shill.

314915  No.6209678


France was abandoned by good people in the 1790s.

they all came to America or went elsewhere.

after that it was the kept slaves of the cabal and their relatives coming in to do the leadership larp, while their relatives in Austria burned down the whole world maybe three or four times.

The modern 'french' are nobody to emulate or admire in their poltiics or their military.

but how do you get organs for your organ selling business unless you have fresh meat from the 'riots' that you suggest?

I've said what I want about the French. I know it's partially untrue, that there must be good people left.

But it's not the ones that want to kill people based upon their delusions about religion.

the cabal children are made pliant at an early age. They are turned into something.

then their parents 'educate' them in how to blackmail and control others.

then they take them and they place them amoung normal people, who are much younger, pretending like the person is young, when they are older.

they have done this for generations.

and that is the type that says 'come on, you are a coward, do something', like what you do.

how young were you when you were first . . . into a slave?

ba794b  No.6209679





Then you're not voicing your opinion properly.

If a tree falls in the woods…

abb51a  No.6209680



Damn I thought everybody has been doing that lately…KEK!

Just check the news for drive-thru crazies…KEK!

b5ad6b  No.6209681


I agree Talbot's work generally seems like a huge stretch, but I think it's good to pull back and look at what substance there is to any theory. There are a lot of dedicated scientists and citizen researchers like us that have dedicated their careers to researching the evidence and mechanisms that support the Electric/or Plasma Universe cosmological model.

When you have electrical engineers like Donald Scott pointing out intuitive truths about the nature of Electro-Magnetism, and the SAFIRE project doing high level plasma physics experimentation, there is real traction to this theory and it's gaining confirmations left and right with every new comet probe or satellite that proves EU predictions.

1891c7  No.6209682



f421bd  No.6209683

File: 7308a344ded7c5f⋯.png (171.55 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 164e21346a35365⋯.png (313.61 KB, 1910x2682, 955:1341, ClipboardImage.png)


Here ya go, anon. Straight from USAspending.gov. Looks like they also had USG grants/contracts and that the majority of funds were awarded as 'grants'.




41c0f4  No.6209684

File: 60bd7e78d2887c9⋯.jpeg (320.88 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, offline.jpeg)

Good morning frenz

bb89e8  No.6209685


Chat room

4e6291  No.6209686


Careful buddy. ;) >>6209238

6a48e8  No.6209687


What does LOL mean?

67c8a7  No.6209688

File: 8a9ef3b847763e8⋯.jpeg (158.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, GettyImages-1092288054.jpeg)


>France was abandoned by good people in the 1790s

Pretty sure that was the first jew genocide against the French, anon

2611e8  No.6209689


>being this new

Wow. Just wow. I literally can't even.

750fe3  No.6209690

File: 1e5a3c0a45e9e49⋯.png (958.2 KB, 1064x884, 266:221, pepe newfag.png)

12ef5d  No.6209691

abb51a  No.6209692


See ya next bread.

c64ae3  No.6209693


They didnt do a parasite test on you? I couldn't bring myself to shit in the container the VA wanted me to. I went months all messed up. I stopped drinking all milk and all ice cream and my issue has nearly completely subsided. If I drink any type of creamer while at work and stuff, I know what I'm in for. Soy too, funny enough. I'd grab a Starbucks double shot and that's exactly what it made me do, and its loaded with soy. I swear by dairy being my issue.

f0db59  No.6209694


Only you can change that pattern, no one is going to do it for you.

8329b6  No.6209695


It means… Lurk the fuck moar.

f2958e  No.6209696

File: 1f0710173aed45f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

abb51a  No.6209697


Nothing to me.

04c72d  No.6209698

File: 8e0b8268988410e⋯.jpeg (38.05 KB, 900x550, 18:11, 851DB594-25C0-4984-9B38-3….jpeg)


Sheep no moar

172db5  No.6209699

>>6204911 pb

Against voter ID because it's the mark of the beast?

We sure wouldn't want to have to go back to our birthplace to register….oops Joseph and Mary did that.

You are an embarrassment to God, or worse.

Jas 3:9 With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be! 11 Can both fresh water and bitter water flow from the same spring?…

4ba59c  No.6209700

File: 33f8ce5412afdda⋯.jpeg (83.92 KB, 800x445, 160:89, 103A0659-D6FA-4BF7-A980-C….jpeg)

314915  No.6209701


hateful comment, unrelated picture = troll

46620b  No.6209702



404 - Not Found

6a48e8  No.6209703


How does one lurk? All I know to do is read 8 chan all day.

ba794b  No.6209704


>You are an embarrassment to God, or worse.

>Jas 3:9 With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.

Spot your own contradiction, if you're smart enough …

eaa743  No.6209705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

I want to see You

I want to see You

To see You high and lifted up

Shinin' in the light of Your glory

Pour out Your power and love

As we sing holy, holy, holy

9f1e3d  No.6209706


Same to you, Swordanon!

95e422  No.6209707

File: 0016db90ab58ac6⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 207f8ff056b419c6533d677731….png)

074cd1  No.6209708


Baker Refresh.

bb89e8  No.6209710

File: 9da453795bee345⋯.jpeg (127.01 KB, 1853x258, 1853:258, 72134F75-430C-4765-A378-0….jpeg)

Been lurking for at least 3 years.

What does Wed mean?


8329b6  No.6209711


LMAO….aaaaand Filtered.

67c8a7  No.6209712

File: d42e7739dc6920d⋯.jpeg (258.63 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, 5bec816d240000a3025834c8.jpeg)



ba794b  No.6209713


Freedom of speech, but only if you're saying things they agree with.

Oy vey, goyim!

ee178e  No.6209714

File: bba1089414c13a3⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Duh.jpg)

2bb3b8  No.6209715

feel like I'm missing the big picture All for a

LARP Live Action Role Play (game)

LARP LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Accelerator Research Program

LARP Local Assistance Road Program (Georgia)

LARP United Republican Party of Latvia

LARP Light Airfield Repair Package

LARP Latin America Regional Program (Mexico)=Open Society Foundations

LARP Lightweight Address Resolution Protocol

55fc1a  No.6209716

File: ed34469295ba353⋯.png (887.47 KB, 1088x612, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Army

Verified account


4m4 minutes ago


I am an American Soldier.

I am a warrior and a member of a team.

I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.

I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.

I will never quit.

#ArmyValues #WednesdayWisdom

abb51a  No.6209717



Sounds like more than 1 of those types in here this morning…KEK!

bfb74d  No.6209718

File: 98351c7fbe81642⋯.jpeg (26.44 KB, 225x225, 1:1, C7015BAA-872F-47C3-8A37-5….jpeg)


GBY, Anon.

8a0d59  No.6209719

File: f85f0c596fff4e2⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 397x609, 397:609, medical nemesis.jpg)


>If you knew the truth you would (most likely) never need a doctor, pharmacist or HEALTH INSURANCE ever again.


This excerpt was from an article originally published in the Lancet in 1974 by Ivan Illich based on his book Medical Nemesis

*Within the last decade medical professional practice has become a major threat to health. Depression, infection, disability, dysfunction, and other specific iatrogenic diseases now cause more suffering than all accidents from traffic or industry. Beyond this, medical practice sponsors sickness by the reinforcement of a morbid society which not only industrially preserves its defectives but breeds the therapist’s client in a cybernetic way. Finally, the so-called health-professions have an indirect sickening power—a structurally health-denying effect. I want to focus on this last syndrome, which I designate as Medical Nemesis.

By transforming pain, illness, and death from a personal challenge into a technical problem, medical practice expropriates the potential of people to deal with their human condition in an autonomous way and becomes the source of a new kind of un-health.

Much suffering has always been man-made: history is the record of enslavement and exploitation. It tells of war, and of the pillage, famine, and pestilence which come in its wake. War between commonwealths and classes has so far been the main planned agency of man-made misery. Thus, man is the only animal whose evolution has been conditioned by adaptation on two fronts. If he did not succumb to the elements, he had to cope with use and abuse by others of his kind. He replaced instincts by character and culture, to be capable of this struggle on two frontiers. A third frontier of possible doom has been recognized since Homer; but common mortals were considered immune to its threat. Nemesis, the Greek name for the awe which loomed from this third direction, was the fate of a few heroes who had fallen prey to the envy of the gods. The common man grew up and perished in a struggle with Nature and neighbor. Only the élite would challenge the thresholds set by Nature for man.

Prometheus was not Everyman, but a deviant. Driven by Pleonexia, or radical greed, he trespassed the boundaries of the human condition. In hubris or measureless presumption, he brought fire from heaven, and thereby brought Nemesis on himself. He was put into irons on a Caucasian rock. A vulture preys at his innards, and heartlessly healing gods keep him alive by regrafting his liver each night. The encounter with Nemesis made the classical hero an immortal reminder of inescapable cosmic retaliation. He becomes a subject for epic tragedy, but certainly not a model for everyday aspiration. Now Nemesis has become endemic; it is the backlash of progress. Paradoxically, it has spread as far and as wide as the franchise, schooling, mechanical acceleration, and medical care. Everyman has fallen prey to the envy of the gods. If the species is to survive it can do so only by learning to cope in this third group.


Man’s consciously lived fragility, individuality, and relatedness make the experience of pain, of sickness, and of death an integral part of his life. The ability to cope with this trio in autonomy is fundamental to his health. To the degree to which he becomes dependent on the management of his intimacy he renounces his autonomy and his health must decline. The true miracle of modern medicine is diabolical. It consists of making not only individuals but whole populations survive on inhumanly low levels of personal health. That health should decline with increasing health-service delivery is unforeseen only by the health manager, precisely because his strategies are the result of his blindness to the inalienability of health.

The level of public health corresponds to the degree to which the means and responsibility for coping with illness are distributed amongst the total population. This ability to cope can be enhanced but never replaced by medical intervention in the lives of people or the hygienic characteristics of the environment. That society which can reduce professional intervention to the minimum will provide the best conditions for health. The greater the potential for autonomous adaptation to self and to others and to the environment, the less management of adaptation will be needed or tolerated.


95e422  No.6209720

File: 93559ba1fe009d3⋯.png (237.39 KB, 549x309, 183:103, 93559ba1fe009d3534b4d0b70e….png)

13fdf0  No.6209721

File: 32ec7b5ab8458a5⋯.jpg (19.04 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 0d214849e470a8c81833d934a7….jpg)


>Talbot's work

aka Michael Talbot

bio kind of vague, very spoopy

dude was 'lucky' to die before anybody could ask him about the 'lore' in his book..

Lots of very obscure footnotes referring to long out-of-print issues of National Geographic, particularly the crazier claims about "shamanism"…impossible to correlate

etc etc.

Operation MindFuck for the early/mid-nineties…

f596cc  No.6209723




314915  No.6209724


you use too many parenthesis in a dialect of hate.

your and super-un-natural.

all of you hexes be backing-at-cha!

if you curse , you are cursing yourself.

5a69b0  No.6209725


damn, you guys have been busy o7

e51d27  No.6209726


I meant discreet, like silencers type of discreet kek.

6a48e8  No.6209727




46620b  No.6209729


You know you the best. Stick to your guns and take care of yourself. No parasite test here…my scopes and biopsies were visually remarkable for IBD. I had to take dozens of samples in…no fun. SAMMC had a great GI dept…treated by some of the very best. Not all docs understand the disease, how much of the body it affects, or how easily it can turn fatal in a matter of hours. Prayers for you Anon.

172db5  No.6209730


Playing a game of moral equivalence are you? Pure sophistry.

You found no cursing.

68c17f  No.6209731


Thank you.

750fe3  No.6209732

File: a6428d9050f38dd⋯.jpg (240.89 KB, 700x1156, 175:289, jc confirms.jpg)

daca9e  No.6209733


ThanQ. Cant keep up with the military tweet connections

234786  No.6209735

File: 796b0cb73a982e3⋯.png (516.26 KB, 633x604, 633:604, BARR.png)

Didn't see this in notables. Sorry if previously posted. This is HUGE! If the AG's office can do this why did Jeff Sessions not do it for two whole years?


"Immigration judges cannot release migrants who are caught sneaking into the United States, even if the migrants ask for asylum, says a binding legal decision by Attorney General William Barr. The decision will dramatically shift the migration-caused civic and housing crises from the nation’s blue-collar communities over to the Congress and the Department of Homeland Security, whose budget and detention centers only have enough resources to house about 50,000 people year-round.

“The [text of the relevant] Act provides that, if an alien in expedited proceedings establishes a credible fear, he “shall be detained for further consideration of the application for asylum,” says Barr’s April 16 decision, titled. Matter of M-S-. Because of the law, “I order that, unless DHS paroles the respondent under section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Act, he must be detained until his removal proceedings conclude.” “This is a HUGE ruling that will harm thousands seeking protection from persecution at the US border since far more will be held in detention even after passing the threshold screening under the credible fear standard,” complained Greg Chen, director of government relations at the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The association’s lawyers make their money by guiding migrants and corporate hiring managers through the extremely dense network of migration laws and regulations. But Barr’s decision blocks the use of a common path for migrants who are trying to get through the courts and into the U.S. jobs they need to repay the smuggling fees they owe to the cartels. Barr directed officials to delay implementation of the law for 90 days, giving DHS managers — and congressional leaders — three months to decide which migrants should be released into the nation’s cities and towns. The delay gives time for DHS to set up tent cities where migrants can be held until the judges decide the asylum pleas. If DHS detains most of the migrants — and so prevents them from working — the next wave of migrants may decide that any effort to get into the United would be an economic disaster for their families.

Barr’s decision is part of a large legal battle of move-countermove between President Donald Trump’s deputies and the many pro-migration progressive judges in the federal courts. Massive resistance by those judges has blocked and delayed many of Trump’s policies, but Trump’s deputies are expected to win most of the decisions if and when the U.S. Supreme Court decides to rule on each dispute. Barr’s new ruling does not apply to the many “UAC” migrant minors who are being smuggled northwards by parents living illegally in the United States. It also does not apply to migrants who walk up to the nation’s official ports of entry to ask for asylum. But the ruling will apply to the huge number of migrants who cross the borderline away from the ports of entry. Those migrants must now be held for many months — or even years — unless DHS leaders formally release the migrants. The decision ensures that migration judges’ preference — and migration lawyers’ pleadings — will not allow the illegal migrants to be released on bonds which are often a tiny fraction of the economic value gained by the migrants from working illegally in the United States.

However, the decision also raises the incentives for migrants to legally apply for asylum through the formal process at the ports of entry, instead of trying to sneak past the border patrol. The decision does not overcome the 2015 Flores decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California, which forces DHS to release migrants who bring children. Federal agencies, however, are drafting a regulation that may bypass that court Flores ruling. The AG’s decision is based on the treatment of a migrant from India, who is part of a small but fast-growing stream of very cheap laborers who are being hired by the growing population of Indian legal immigrants. According to Barr:

The respondent here is a citizen of India. He traveled to Mexico and crossed illegally into the United States. He was apprehended within hours about 50 miles north of the border. DHS placed him in expedited removal proceedings.


Migration lawyers complained bitterly about the Barr decision:


55fc1a  No.6209736

Department of State

Verified account


8m8 minutes ago


Today, @SecPompeo will deliver remarks to the media at 9:30 a.m. ET. Watch live here on Twitter or http://state.gov .

8329b6  No.6209737

File: 46a8e3be5725bde⋯.jpg (12.53 KB, 192x255, 64:85, IDIOTS EVERYWHERE.jpg)

File: 112acc01d2aff19⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 250x255, 50:51, attention whore.jpg)

b1f71b  No.6209738

File: 99f0b5ce7723131⋯.png (84.3 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

e51d27  No.6209739


I have no fucking clue. Not a clockfag, Just a strategist enjoying the plan.

314915  No.6209740


wow you really are vile troll.

let me tell you this:

what you give is what you get.

so how you see others is often what you are.

do you think you pass the test?

you failed it.

6424ef  No.6209741

File: ecb7797650dd89d⋯.png (416.95 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, BFA6CB17-2F5D-41F7-BCA2-0F….png)

SUICide weekday

29566c  No.6209742

I think I have been mind-controlled. Somebody tell me what to do about it.

f596cc  No.6209744


ty BV.

95e422  No.6209745

File: 1df6f5350989fc8⋯.png (310.13 KB, 691x591, 691:591, 1536577610932.png)

f2958e  No.6209746

File: dfa4e18daac1afd⋯.png (305.1 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Republicans Are the Real Extremists

Conspiracy theorists and enemies of democracy, oh my.

Republicans have demonized two new Democratic members of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left, and Ilhan Omar.

The attack on Democrats has largely involved demonizing two new members of Congress, Representative Ilhan Omar and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Omar is Muslim, and the usual suspects have gone all-out in using an out-of-context quotation to portray her, completely falsely, as sympathetic to terrorists. AOC, who calls herself a democratic socialist — although she’s really just a social democrat — has been the subject of obsessive coverage on the right. Over a six-week period, Fox News and Fox Business mentioned her more than 3,000 times, invariably portraying her as ignorant, radical, or both.

It’s surely not an accident that these two principal targets are both women of color; there’s a sense in which supposed concerns about extremism are just a cover for sexism and white nationalism. But it’s still worth pointing out that while both Omar and AOC are on the left of the Democratic Party, neither is staking out policy positions that are extreme compared with either expert views or public opinion.

Take AOC’s famous advocacy of a 70 percent tax rate on very high incomes. Economists who knew anything about public finance immediately recognized that number as coming from a widely cited paper by Peter Diamond and Emmanuel Saez, two of the field’s leading figures. You don’t have to agree with their analysis to recognize that AOC, far from showing her ignorance, was actually drawing on solid research.

Nor does the public find the idea outrageous. An overwhelming majority believe that people with high incomes pay too little in taxes, and polls show wide support for AOC’s proposal.

Is echoing leading experts and matching popular opinion extremist? Actually, what AOC’s position on the Democratic left tells us is that the party as a whole is, if anything, to the right of the general public on major policy issues.

Republicans, on the other hand, really are extremists. As Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein put it in 2012 — long before the rise of Trump — the modern G.O.P. is “ideologically extreme” and uninterested in “facts, evidence, and science.” For example, major figures in the party routinely dismiss global warming as a hoax perpetrated by a vast global conspiracy.

Or consider the views of Stephen Moore, who Trump is trying to put on the board of the Federal Reserve.

What you need to know about Moore, aside from his inability to get facts right, is that, unlike Herman Cain, Trump’s other Fed pick, he’s very much a part of the right-wing establishment. He’s a former editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal, a former chief economist at the Heritage Foundation, a fixture at conferences like FreedomFest. Given this background, it may not be surprising that he’s a firm believer in failed economic doctrines, especially the insistence that tax cuts for the wealthy have magical effects.

What’s coming out only now, however, is the extent of Moore’s political extremism. Many of his past statements — like his assertion that “capitalism is a lot more important than democracy” — sound like a liberal caricature of conservatism. But it’s not a caricature; Moore shows us what the right actually thinks.

I mentioned that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the rich pay too little in taxes. Moore, on the other hand, wants to eliminate income taxes and replace them with sales taxes, which would dramatically shift the tax burden away from the rich and onto the middle class. And he has called the 16th Amendment, which created the federal income tax, “the most evil act that has passed in 100 years.”

He also wants to privatize Social Security, a program that is both hugely popular and the bedrock of retirement security for American workers. Moore would convert it into a 401(k)-type system. He is also fiercely hostile to Medicaid, which covers 65 million Americans.

Finally, Moore has proposed, in advance, a purge of the institution Trump wants him to join, calling for firing “hundreds” of Federal Reserve economists “who are worthless.” These would, presumably, be the economists who considered low interest rates and monetary expansion valuable tools in fighting the Great Recession, at the same time Moore was predicting that these policies would send inflation soaring. Guess who was right.

So even if you cherry-pick left-leaning Democrats, a look at their actual positions shows them to be not at all extreme. At the same time, pillars of the right-wing establishment hold views that are utterly at odds with both evidence and public opinion. Republicans are the real extremists.

6bf507  No.6209747


loads of losers?

995918  No.6209748


So he is saying he IS building the wall now but the situation will only get worse. I guess he doesnt really believe in the wall either. Treat illegals (and their employers) like criminals while stopping public assistance, free education, free healthcare and they will quit coming. The wall only makes them use a different route.

daca9e  No.6209749


Even though the dems are fighting Barr, they aren't going after him like they have others. They are petrified of him.

ba794b  No.6209750


If you say so, buddy.

If calling your fellow man an embarrassment to God, especially when just quoted that it doesn't work both ways, isn't cursing, then I don't know what is.

You debate because you are a deceiver.

67c8a7  No.6209751

File: ea8367ee30afef7⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 450x450, 1:1, IMG-20181110-WA0002.jpg)

68c17f  No.6209752


>>6209741 Peru's former President shot himself this morning when police arrived to arrest him in connection with bribery.

>>6209665 Pompeo will deliver remarks to the media at 9:30 a.m. ET.

>>6209526 U.S. handbags, shovels on $20 billion EU tariff list over Boeing.

>>6209517 NXIVM bookkeeper invoked Fifth dozens of times in grand jury.

>>6209465 71-year-old man charged with 100 counts of first degree rape involving minors.

>>6209409 Sol Pais: 5 fast facts you need to know.

>>6209406 Sara Carter: Yuma closes its doors to illegals, declares state of emergency.

>>6209371 Marketfag update.

>>6209333 U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun will travel to Moscow to discuss NK denuclearization.

>>6209323, >>6209566 Continued dig on "Rite of Passage" migrant housing. Tied to Uranium/UN?

>>6209312 DJT Tweet: "Democrats in Congress must return from their Vacations and change the Immigration Laws, or the Border…"

>>6209282 Hollywood continues to normalize pedophilia: Why an actress stayed with her sex offender husband.

>>6209209 Article on Richard Dearlove.

e51d27  No.6209753


you have to know cia globo-schlomos shit their pants everytime these announcements go out.

6a48e8  No.6209754

File: 2d92e9a602e1d97⋯.png (82.82 KB, 204x246, 34:41, image.png)

A Prayer for All Anons:

Healing the Family Tree

Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child, in great need of help; I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own failures, neglect and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects in me in the form of unwanted tendencies, behavior patterns, and defects in body, mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.

With your help I sincerely forgive everyone, living or dead members of my family tree, who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any way, or those whose sins have resulted in our present sufferings and disorders. In the name of your divine Son Jesus, and in the power of His Holy Spirit, I ask you Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree from the influence of the evil one.

Free all living and dead members of my family tree, including those in adoptive relationships, and those in extended family relationships, from every contaminating form of bondage. By your loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by the shed blood of your precious Son Jesus, I beg you to extend your blessing to me and all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every negative effect transmitted through all past generations, and prevent such negative effects in future generations of my family tree.

I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the head of each person in my family tree, and between each generation; I ask you to let the cleansing blood of Jesus purify the bloodlines in my family lineage. Send protective angels to encamp around us and administer your divine healing power to all of us, even in areas of genetic disability.

Give special power to our family members guardian angels to heal, protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs. Let your healing power be released at this very moment, and let it continue as long as your sovereignty permits.

In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a holy bonding of family love. And let there be an ever-deeper bonding with you, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, to your Son Jesus. Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family with its tender, warm, loving presence, so that our family may recognize and manifest that love in all our relationships. All of our unknown needs we include with this petition that we pray in Jesus’ precious name.


8a0d59  No.6209755

File: bdd9fb9ed64d619⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Owen on Notre Dame.mp4)


Notre Dame Burning was a Wake up Call…

12ef5d  No.6209756


A good man I trust says it is like a wildfire. When it acts up it must be stomped down aggressively or the little fires keep burning and spreading.

5193b6  No.6209757

C'mon, CINC, time to worry some moar 'souls'!

abb51a  No.6209758

File: 01a4e5b181ca2da⋯.png (705.72 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

This fucker needs to drop out now.


O'Rourke confronted at town hall after taxes reveal charitable donations


fcc437  No.6209759

File: cc8d081f9c3117d⋯.jpg (52.44 KB, 596x296, 149:74, Screenshot 2019-04-17_09-1….jpg)


345f39  No.6209760

File: 86519563a42f9a4⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 564x433, 564:433, 2yszi5.jpg)

fd05aa  No.6209761

File: 9f7e95940202166⋯.png (15.25 KB, 761x106, 761:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1fabe750a9e7fd⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, goodtimes2.png)

e51d27  No.6209762


they know they ran out of "this guy is a russian agent" cards after the 500th time playing it..

f4ab95  No.6209763


As you, Swordanon.

172db5  No.6209764


>If calling your fellow man an embarrassment to God, especially when just quoted that it doesn't work both ways, isn't cursing, then I don't know what is.

>You debate because you are a deceiver.

Spot your own contradiction. Play your own game.

487455  No.6209766


If you could only read you might be useful other than tits on a bull.

Is Ignorance your middle name???

Reread my post stupid.

f2958e  No.6209768

File: 28514c7d0d3d6a7⋯.png (623.68 KB, 514x640, 257:320, ClipboardImage.png)

c64ae3  No.6209769


"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here"

9db2b4  No.6209771


>The Mueller Report will try very hard to shroud the real issues–which are: WHY, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, and BY WHOM did the spying on Mr. Trump and his associates begin?

Last May POTUS made an official recommendation that the DOJ look into this. It's what Sessions was working on.

Trust Sessions.

abb51a  No.6209772


Scine JA's arrest, Q sure has been silent.

f2958e  No.6209773

File: 07ad7af196b7656⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2353x1701, 2353:1701, ClipboardImage.png)

f25614  No.6209774


The name Zangger is very uncommon. Only 63 in the US, most live in California.


55fc1a  No.6209775



3m3 minutes ago


BREAKING: Alan Garcia, Peru’s former president, has shot himself after police arrived at his home in Lima to arrest him in connection with a bribery investigation - Reuters

e51d27  No.6209776


uh.. until the wall is sealed complete… they can just walk to the end and crossover… you know Trump in the presidency is like last call 3am at the bar for all these illegal scum who think its their last chance to heave across the border.

ee178e  No.6209777

File: bc73e547560952c⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1329x1218, 443:406, bc73e547560952c75a27807570….png)

Yo, Q & Company…what's the haps? Breach the peace bro, getting sick of reading about T & A.

f2958e  No.6209778

File: f33610e114a7c5d⋯.png (121.16 KB, 236x314, 118:157, ClipboardImage.png)

daca9e  No.6209779


This graphic tells you what's happening tomorrow (Thursday)


It's my post but I think its very relevant to what's happening tomorrow. ThanQ

a4359d  No.6209780

Long time lurker, first time poster.

So I am suffering from extreme flatulence from eating dairy and wondering how to work this board thingy (posting, reading posts) and I was wondering who can help me. Friend told me there is is very helpful and informative people here.

b5ad6b  No.6209781


Wrong Talbott,

We're talking David Talbott of the Thunderbolts project. He seems to be in a Velikovsky rut, and he's generally focused on the mythic stories and interpretations of the past.

Other scientists like Donald Scott, Wal Thornhill, Eugene Bagashov, etc. are all doing great work figuring out the mechanistic science behind the Electric Universe theory.

abb51a  No.6209782


>they can just walk to the end and crossover

Who do you think is going to be there waiting for them?

Think about it.

79c74e  No.6209783

File: 5da3bb130e0f218⋯.jpeg (55.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, E63014A8-6E7D-4DA0-8C12-4….jpeg)

I love Nolte on Breitbart, he’s hysterical…….’Nolte: Little Miss BossyPants at Netflix Wants to Outlaw the Term ‘Chick Flick’

A corporate behemoth abuses its cultural influence to tell the rest of what words we can and cannot use…?

No, seriously, nothing makes me want to embrace the future more than a dictatorial corporation exploiting its power in the most Orwellian way possible — a literal attempt to shrink the size of the dictionary using NewSpeak. Her name is Kirsten King (of course it’s Kirsten), but for purposes of clarity we will now refer to her as Little Miss BossyPants.

On Twitter, Little Miss BossyPants looks to be in her 30s, lives in Los Angeles, contributes to far-left outlets like BuzzFeed, etc. and is like, totally, super-awesomely in “love with bi culture” — so as you can see she’s very much in touch with the common man & woman. Little Miss BossyPants has a First World Problem — she doesn’t like the term ==“chick flick.”==

Yes, her life is that privileged, so privileged she actually enjoys the luxury of being freaked out over the term “chick flick.” And so, with her bossy little fingers she decided to lay down the law across streaming giant’s Twitter platforms…

Quick PSA: Can we stop calling films “chick flicks” unless the films are literally about small baby chickens?

Here’s why this phrase should absolutely be retired. • For starters, “chick flicks” are traditionally synonymous with romantic comedies. This suggests that women are the only people interested in 1. Romance 2. Comedy. Which I can promise from the men I’ve come across in my life – simply isn’t true. • There aren’t sweeping categories specific to men. You don’t hear people asking to watch “man movies” – instead, pretty much every intersection of genre is on the table and seen as for men, except of course, the aforementioned rom-coms. • The term also cheapens the work that goes into making these types of films. Romantic comedies and/or films centered around female leads go through just as much editing, consideration, and rewriting as any other film. • And nicknaming films “chick flicks” drives home that there’s something trivial about watching them. But what’s trivial about watching a film that makes you feel 1,000 emotions in ~90 minutes? • Overall, there’s nothing inherently gendered about liking a light-hearted film with a strong female lead and emotional arc. So next time you call something a “chick flick,” you better be referring to Chicken Run.

In so many ways I am awed. Never before in the history of human writing has there been such a perfect blend of empty-headed, self-righteous, narcissistic, uptight and neurotic posturing (that wasn’t written by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez). Your Honor, I would like to offer the above as:

Exhibit A to prove just how good and glorious things are in Donald Trump’s America… The economy is humming, North Korea is under control, ISIS is a puddle of goo, the stock market is booming, jobs are being created…. and Little Miss BossyPants and Netflix have all kinds of time to hand-wring over “chick flick.”

Why didn’t Little Miss BossyPants just tweet out, “Thank you Donald Trump for making America so, like, great again!”

Little Miss BossyPants doesn’t even know what she’s talking about. “For starters,” she writes, “‘chick flicks,’ are traditionally synonymous with romantic comedies.” Uh, sorry, cupcake, no…The only thing romantic comedies are “traditionally synonymous” with are … romantic comedies.

A “chick flick” is an entirely different genre. Steel Magnolias, Beaches, Notebook, etc. This bossy knucklehead is fascistically expounding on the “gendered” reasons to remove a perfectly innocuous but helpfully precise term from the American lexicon when she has no idea what the term means. A chick flick actually is is a movie produced to appeal to women.

Oh, here’s my short PSA: How about if you do the world a favor and pull that six-foot steel pole out of your backside, sweet tart? How about if you just stop telling other people how to speak, Little Miss BossyPants?

Nevertheless, allow me to close with a note of thanks…Were it not for Netflix and Little Miss BossyPants, we would have no idea that yet-another way to trigger America’s brittle, dried-out, joyless Woke Harpies was with the term “chick flick.” So I hope you’ll join me, Mr. and Mrs. America in Making ‘Chick-Flick’ Great Again!


c07937  No.6209784

noice. anon 1, biblefaggot 0


"I hate you 'cuz you don't love everybody, amen."

e8b563  No.6209785

File: 61a43bffbeaffb7⋯.jpg (175.08 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D1d6AYjWwAIRCWT.jpg)




750fe3  No.6209786

File: a95779b7f833a83⋯.jpg (88.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, charles schwab dump.jpg)


Sold a little under half of registered shares on this transaction

abb51a  No.6209787



This isn't a medical board….fuck!

314915  No.6209788

a shill is a shill

a troll is sometimes a shill

most of the time trolls are trying to draw out your fallacies.

the hatred of those who write about every situation with an idiom that uses too many paraenthesis is clearly displayed in this bread as I trolled them into revealling themselves.

please note that they bight. They will keep doing it. They are relentless, and they really have nothing to add to the narrative.

they want us to hate each other so we will be violent.

they would like riots, and I conjecture it's to feed their organ donation businesses. Of course I'm just making that part up to rile them.

the main point: they will not reason with your or try to get to a common ground.

they are haters, and they feed on your hatred.

and they use stock images that are embedded with subliminality to try and manipulate you.

so that's it, my morning demonstration of how to troll the garbage fish shills, who troll anon for hate and suggest 'riots'.

If there more adults here someone would be telling me not to do this, they would say 'do not repsond ot shills.'

but this week seems void of those who lurk here and sometimes advise the newbees.

the shills are here.

they will make up stuff to try and draw you out.

if you can handle it, it still wastes bread to engage them.

so when Q startts posting, that kind of drawing them out should not be done.

345f39  No.6209789


long time poster first time lurker

maybe you should lurk more

074cd1  No.6209790


Another refresh if you haven't already. It's only about 10 posts but just wanted to let you know.

Just sweeping the poop deck. Kek.


4cd884  No.6209791

File: 1a8f4edc05f0dde⋯.png (403.69 KB, 484x284, 121:71, BE5D4CC4-6CD6-437C-AE94-0E….png)

File: 0c1bd8c1df02dc8⋯.jpeg (167.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 8679B3F7-450B-49C8-BF56-4….jpeg)

File: 5b1ec2304e81840⋯.jpeg (440.45 KB, 1241x2005, 1241:2005, 1C883BA8-566D-4B1A-9C46-4….jpeg)

Happy 4/17 Anons. Buckle up!

c64ae3  No.6209792


Put 2 and 2 together with who you're replying to and what I'm saying. Your outrage will diminish.

995918  No.6209793


Nobody more vocally racist than blacks

3bd8fc  No.6209794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paul McCartney - Good Day Sunshine -Live Hi Quality-Best Performance

f2958e  No.6209795



Odebrecht scandal

In 2016 and 2017, five of his ex-ministers are accused of corruption by the Peruvian justice system : Yehude Simon (Chairman of the Council of Ministers), Rosario Fernández (Minister of the Justice), Mercedes Cabanillas (Minister of the Interior), Antero Flores-Aráoz (Minister of the Defence) and Luis Nava (Minister of the Production).[47]

In November 2018, García was banned from leaving Peru by the court as a result of Odebrecht scandal investigation. Alan García entered the residence of the Uruguayan ambassador on 17 November, requesting asylum. However, on 3 December his request was denied. According to the Peruvian foreign minister, Alan García subsequently left the ambassador's residence.[48]

On the morning of 17 April 2019, García allegedly shot himself in the head as he was being presented with a preliminary arrest warrant related to the scandal. Initial reports stated that officers violated protocol and allowed García to be alone to speak to his lawyer, resulting in the incident.[49]

52f38e  No.6209796

File: 572e6aa75a0bb0a⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 250x229, 250:229, crockoshit.jpg)


2f5ad5  No.6209797

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)


29566c  No.6209798


Just figure out a way to translate your flatulence to text and get a job at WaPo.

2f5ad5  No.6209799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception".

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. The song is from 2003 so they have had the tech at least since then.

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




12ef5d  No.6209800


Switch to the dairymen all cheese diet. Reminder, have a bucket and a dinner mint handy.

2611e8  No.6209801


>We're talking David Talbott of the Thunderbolts project

Uh, anon, you are aware that he had a brother who died right around the time The Thunderbolts Project was starting, right?

750fe3  No.6209802

File: 19880c6f613404e⋯.jpg (128.32 KB, 863x500, 863:500, lurk moar.jpg)


this is your first post?


234786  No.6209803


The post isn't so much about Barr as it is about the how he is ending Catch and Release. The fake media completely hid this story. Breitbart was the only news source that mentions it, and even they put it on the background. It might move to the main headlines later today.

2f5ad5  No.6209804

File: 5ef4cb7c40f7ed2⋯.png (951.26 KB, 750x561, 250:187, ClipboardImage.png)


Unless the plan is to turn it into a supermassive concentration camp. ;)

c8522f  No.6209805

File: ad7d7f093cffd82⋯.png (48.13 KB, 590x314, 295:157, jul8s2i7_n41mig_11fe8tr.png)

f2958e  No.6209806

File: cf3ee9b35f089f6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 800x960, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)



Operation Car Wash is the largest corruption scandal in the history of Latin America. The name was chosen because the alleged ring used a currency exchange and money transfer service at the Posto da Torre (Tower Gas Station) and lava jato (car wash) in Brasília to move illicit payments.[7]

At least eleven other countries, mostly in Latin America, were involved, and the Brazilian company, Odebrecht, was deeply implicated.[8]

The corruption scandal grew in part because it challenged the impunity of politicians and business leaders that had prevailed until then. Structural corruption in the political and economic system, no longer tolerated or accepted, was now being investigated and resulted in some criminal charges. This change was made possible because of the independence of the judiciary.[9] Judge Sergio Moro's Operation Car Wash investigation indicted seemingly untouchable politicians, including the former presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.[9] It succeeded because of ‘rewarded collaboration’ and the strategy of first targeting businesspeople, then using their statements against politicians.[8]

f089bc  No.6209807



Nice work anon. Notable

fd05aa  No.6209808


Sentient Nano-Tech.

Remember the TV show Revolution?

This Q thing is essentially that overarching plot minus the power being out and the nukes falling. (So far, at least).


Be careful who you follow.

f596cc  No.6209809

New Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Steps Forward In Defamation Case Against Alan Dershowitz

Dershowitz just oozes dirt to me for some reason. he is too close to Epstein not to be involved…

anyway, here's the sauce.


cbd40a  No.6209810


How do smart phones qualify/satisfy the requirement

3bd8fc  No.6209811

File: 003893a71b6b5ea⋯.png (741.41 KB, 806x454, 403:227, Capture.PNG)

Former Peruvian president Alan Garcia SHOOTS HIMSELF moments after arrest

Former Peruvian president Alan Garcia has reportedly shot himself in the head as police arrived at his home to arrest him. The ex-president was rushed to hospital, and his condition is currently unknown.

The former leader entered his bedroom after noticing police officers at his door, La Republica reported. After shooting himself in the head, Garcia was taken to a hospital trauma unit.

Garcia, who served two terms as president of Peru, is under investigation for bribery. Garcia is one of more than 230 people across Latin America investigated in a corruption case centered on Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht.

Another corrupt ex Latin American president propped up by Washington as leader of 'regional democracy', shoots himself in the neck while being detained on corruption charges. I present, Alan Garcia of Peru: https://t.co/5Mlk2APstN

— Eva Golinger (@evagolinger) April 17, 2019

The former leader sought asylum in Uruguay last November, after a judge barred him from leaving Peru for 18 months. The asylum request was denied, and a judge in Lima ordered his detention on Tuesday.

Prosecutors say Garcia took bribes from Odebrecht in exchange for a lucrative public transport contract in Lima. Garcia denies the charge, and claims he is being politically persecuted.

Peru’s last five ex-presidents have all served jail time or are under investigation for corruption. Garcia’s successor Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is also being investigated for his alleged involvement in the Odebrecht scandal. Prosecutors are currently seeking to extend Kuczynski’s detention until he can be brought to trial.


abb51a  No.6209812

File: c1b23f948f497d3⋯.png (105.33 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Brainwashed masses!


Climate change protesters bring London to halt, demonstrator glues himself to subway train, 300 arrested in 2 days


1891c7  No.6209813

File: c5bf4018fc90b9a⋯.jpg (84.36 KB, 736x535, 736:535, Sherlock-Holmes.jpg)

Build the map?

What is the keystone? What is the center of all of (((this?)))

6a48e8  No.6209814


please be gentle. KEK!!

be9e90  No.6209815


Or what?

eea48f  No.6209816

File: 34653d1370a8881⋯.gif (4.99 MB, 250x393, 250:393, 20969388.gif)

9db2b4  No.6209817

File: 8ea31a7a3efc0d4⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 650x450, 13:9, 8ea31a7a3efc0d4a5477789188….jpg)


How the Clintons Cheated on Their “Used Underwear” Tax Return


636f70  No.6209818

File: 7c8302246e7c0ea⋯.png (98.81 KB, 671x435, 671:435, ClipboardImage.png)

Was sloppy Steve feeding Cernovich?

f2958e  No.6209819

File: ed32645e05a4898⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d55856899c55727⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Judge Sergio Moro's Operation Car Wash investigation indicted seemingly untouchable politicians, including the former presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.

487455  No.6209820



Agree with both of you.

This was my response to post 6209331.

I really don't know where you are from and I don't really care…..BUT remember it is the AMERICANS which saved the SHITHOLE of EUROPE, the CHINESE and the rest of ASIA.

Don't say these people are afraid to fight until you push them to far….Then bring lots of body bags for you and your socialistic friends.

You'll need them for yourselves.

f089bc  No.6209821


Btw 29 palms in notables with comms a month or 2 ago.

a4359d  No.6209822

67c8a7  No.6209823

File: dbd322c1775fe37⋯.jpg (212.77 KB, 1140x1140, 1:1, ilhan-omar.jpg)


Dershowitz was one of the first to snitch and roll over

(((surprise he's a creep)))

abb51a  No.6209824


Brexit hasn't happened yet, the UK is still under EU authority, and the EU has decided that THEY will decide the fate of JA.

635ffd  No.6209825

File: aef97432b111117⋯.png (350.52 KB, 595x325, 119:65, short.bus.png)

a3e435  No.6209826

File: 93a5e888543dd62⋯.jpg (351.94 KB, 1263x1200, 421:400, hand-of-god.jpg)


Good morning SwordAnon.

May God bless you and cover you with His favor, as with a shield.

I pray in the precious name of Jesus.


750fe3  No.6209827


at least you are not a first poster talking about ass music. That is gentle.

all good fren


24c458  No.6209828

(((Q))) team thinks I am Satan and are trying to "awaken" me. ;)

But idiots are also banning me so they probably don't mind getting smitten if they do manage to "awaken me". :)

79c74e  No.6209829

File: 535b0a4ec328d7b⋯.jpeg (54.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 83C56CAD-00D8-4F74-A3C7-B….jpeg)

Fight, Fight, Fight, I’m so proud of this Marine

WATCH: Former Marine Running Boston Marathon for Fallen Comrades Crawls Across Finish Line

A Former Marine who entered the Boston Marathon in honor of his fallen comrades, was so exhausted that he had to crawl the last yards and over the finish line on Monday.

Micah Herndon, 31, timed in at three hours and 38 minutes, and he was so fatigued that he fell to his knees yards before the end. But, while his body was calling it quits, his mind refused to bow and he crawled the last yards to cross the finish line, according to Military.com.


da3de6  No.6209830


It's OK to blame the jews.

The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.

She found the behavior so suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police. Before long, the FBI was also on the scene, and a statewide bulletin was issued on the van.

The plate number was traced to a van owned by a company called Urban Moving. Around 4 p.m. on Sept. 11, the van was spotted on a service road off Route 3, near New Jersey's Giants Stadium. A police officer pulled the van over, finding five men, between 22 and 27 years old, in the vehicle. The men were taken out of the van at gunpoint and handcuffed by police.

The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens.

‘We Are Not Your Problem’

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.

When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred out of the FBI's Criminal Division, and into the bureau's Foreign Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage cases, ABCNEWS has learned.

One reason for the shift, sources told ABCNEWS, was that the FBI believed Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.

After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban Moving's Weehawken, N.J., offices.

The FBI searched Urban Moving's offices for several hours, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The FBI also questioned Urban Moving's owner. His attorney insists that his client answered all of the FBI's questions. But when FBI agents tried to interview him again a few days later, he was gone.


f7f463  No.6209831

Was going back over the

i, pet goat II video again

because of the ND fire.

Now watching the ending again,

I see something I didn't see before.

That isn't Jesus/ Yeshua.

That is supposed to represent

all Christians asleep/ minds

held hostage by illuminati/ liciferians.

@ about 5:55 we see the gargoyle.

The crown of thorns has been held

@ ND all these years.

But it doesn't burn.

The crown of thorns is removed

before ND is destroyed.


And also during this time

we see Him awaken.

Christians awaken.

6a48e8  No.6209832



95e422  No.6209833

File: 1cb0ef16b4cb007⋯.gif (499.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jew hate me.gif)

314915  No.6209834



obviously you are making this up as a troll to draw out some humor. a good troll perhaps.

you need to invest into some wind turbine equipment that will utilize your extra-wind and convert it into useful energy.

then invest in some voice to text equipment, and use that to capture your speech for the posts.

but then your posts will be like

hello anon phpppeeeeepppp i wnat to troll the humorless board this morning . . . phhhppppeeeepp..

oh no

look out, an eagle just flew indar and died . . .


wind turbines are dangerous.

no real eagles were harmed in the production of this shit-post

fcc437  No.6209835

File: ac9f289cbdb9729⋯.jpg (32.44 KB, 628x186, 314:93, Screenshot 2019-04-17_09-1….jpg)


3bd8fc  No.6209836

File: eab276038aa0f89⋯.png (507.94 KB, 734x485, 734:485, Capture.PNG)

GoFundMe Joins Social Media Peers In Cracking Down On Antivaccination Movement

Campaigns raising money to promote anti-vaccine views violate GoFundMe’s terms of service and will be removed from the platform. The company joins other high-profile tech companies that are stepping up to regulate their online communities.


24c458  No.6209837


>That isn't Jesus/ Yeshua.

No that is supposed to be Satan I am guessing. ;) >>6209828

daca9e  No.6209838



Dont want Newfags to short circuit. Gotta keep this stuff as simple as possible…..

1fc2d4  No.6209839


fake and gay

fd05aa  No.6209840




9a1b16  No.6209841


He owns the title Marine, nothing former… Unless you're Mueller then you can semper-gofuckyourself

e183c1  No.6209842

So how's the 2018 election fraud/proof/justice/turn back the house to R coming? Asking for a fren.

e35df2  No.6209843

12ef5d  No.6209844



4400a5  No.6209845

bfb74d  No.6209846

File: 2ca9d25eb19167a⋯.jpeg (25.43 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 21C05065-1EF6-4C67-9287-F….jpeg)


Post of the week.

6a48e8  No.6209847


Well. done. anon!!!

8329b6  No.6209848

File: fb7c7e42051d6b7⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 381x225, 127:75, FILTER THE FUCKWITS.jpg)

For you fuckin newbies…..Posting stupid questions and bullshit….is a shill tactic….

When they can post 1 stupid question… and 5+ anons respond to it. I'm not sure who is more retarded.

f7f463  No.6209849

File: 23d759a485af2cb⋯.png (352.44 KB, 494x338, 19:13, sun1.png)

995918  No.6209850


I think many would have left the country but few would fight in the streets against the police and military.

1f855f  No.6209851

File: 1cc1ce3e4a08ad6⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 360x360, 1:1, savetweetvid_D4UAHWlWAAw4N….gif)

Happy Mueller Report Eve.

3970bc  No.6209852




a003cd  No.6209853

File: 76da001c263296c⋯.png (832.08 KB, 812x607, 812:607, Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at ….png)

24c458  No.6209854


REMINDER: Most posting here are part of (((Q))) team and (((they))) also control 8chan

The MOAR you know. ;)

c8522f  No.6209855


Meh, seems like attention seeking bullshit.

fd05aa  No.6209856

File: 541f2754bdcd7b7⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, jesus.jpg)

4ba59c  No.6209857


MSM didn’t show this guy, just the 2 niggers that won…..scumbags

e8b563  No.6209858

File: 61a43bffbeaffb7⋯.jpg (175.08 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, D1d6AYjWwAIRCWT.jpg)

3bd8fc  No.6209859

File: 0f79d4b39433381⋯.png (493.13 KB, 658x331, 658:331, Capture.PNG)

A new batch of Syrian displaced citizens return home from Jordan

Daraa, SANA- A new batch of displaced Syrians returned home coming from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib Jaber border crossing

SANA’s reporter said that a number of families, mostly children and women, on Wednesday afternoon returned home coming from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib Jaber border crossing.

The concerned bodies in Daraa province have provided all the basic services to ensure the return of the displaced to their towns and villages, including buses and trucks.


2d256d  No.6209860


Welcome Aboard Alan….

234786  No.6209861


How is that fake ass post a notable?

95e422  No.6209862




fcc437  No.6209863


gradually increase your dairy intake

you need to induce your enzymes

750fe3  No.6209864

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)

da3de6  No.6209865


Kek now this is the type of silence I can get behind.

abb51a  No.6209866


>A new batch of Syrian displaced citizens return home from Jordan

Time for US to send back refugees as well.

a3e435  No.6209867

File: 01634617d55de19⋯.jpg (6.42 MB, 3072x4096, 3:4, IMG_20190417_060416072.jpg)

File: de0abbf47fc65e2⋯.jpg (4.88 MB, 3072x4096, 3:4, IMG_20190417_060837634.jpg)

File: 311c5b58ff040bd⋯.png (93.85 KB, 1280x700, 64:35, 25-original.png)

Morning Beer,

Glad to see you informing the Twitterverse about shills.

Digging, anon.

Adventure 24/7.

cff8f2  No.6209869


so JA is Australian how does this work?… sure he might be able to be tried in Australia… but isn't Putin aiding the enemy? isn't Xi aiding the enemy? isn't Maduro aiding the enemy?

112605  No.6209870

File: 655b78b37437d72⋯.png (45.23 KB, 604x349, 604:349, gsfdgdfsd.PNG)

quite a morning

3970bc  No.6209871


BAKER. disregard. Anon made a mistake.

3bd8fc  No.6209872

a9e462  No.6209873


You win the Internet today.

995918  No.6209874


It is called fake news…yet people still tune in daily. Go figure..

aa7f3d  No.6209876

Connecticut’s Judge Christopher Droney to retire, creating vacancy for President Trump to fill on Second Circuit Court of Appeals

"Federal appeals Judge Christopher F. Droney disclosed Monday that he is retiring from active judicial service, a decision certain to focus attention on how President Trump, who has vowed to remake the federal judiciary, chooses a lawyer from Connecticut to fill a vacancy on one of the nation’s most influential courts."

This creates the fourth vacancy in the circuit, enough to allow President Donald John Trump to flip the court from liberal to conservative.


234786  No.6209877


Have you noticed that no one (at all) even talks about the numbers of them STILL being brought to the USA?

ac7f05  No.6209878




(((Q))) team will indeed be watching. ;) >>6209799

Where's jewbot, BTW?


6a48e8  No.6209879

File: fb66bcb900488b6⋯.png (63.46 KB, 168x299, 168:299, image.png)



12ef5d  No.6209880


TY Sensei.

You are a master-craftsmen of Keks.

68c17f  No.6209882


>>6209829 Former Marine running Boston Marathon for fallen comrades crawls across finish line.

>>6209836 GoFundMe joins Social Media peers in cracking down on antivaccination movement.

>>6209835 Schools in US city of Denver close over mass shooting fears.

>>6209786 EVP-Corp dumps Charles Scwab shares.

>>6209758 O'Rourke confronted at town hall after taxes reveal charitable donations.

>>6209741 Peru's former President shot himself this morning when police arrived to arrest him in connection with bribery.

>>6209665 Pompeo will deliver remarks to the media at 9:30 a.m. ET.

>>6209526 U.S. handbags, shovels on $20 billion EU tariff list over Boeing.

>>6209517 NXIVM bookkeeper invoked Fifth dozens of times in grand jury.

>>6209465 71-year-old man charged with 100 counts of first degree rape involving minors.

>>6209409 Sol Pais: 5 fast facts you need to know.

>>6209406 Sara Carter: Yuma closes its doors to illegals, declares state of emergency.

>>6209371 Marketfag update.

>>6209333 U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun will travel to Moscow to discuss NK denuclearization.

>>6209323, >>6209566 Continued dig on "Rite of Passage" migrant housing. Tied to Uranium/UN?

>>6209312 DJT Tweet: "Democrats in Congress must return from their Vacations and change the Immigration Laws, or the Border…"

>>6209282 Hollywood continues to normalize pedophilia: Why an actress stayed with her sex offender husband.

>>6209209 Article on Richard Dearlove.

Last call / Baking in 90

f0f0bc  No.6209883


damn right you did, faggot

4400a5  No.6209884

File: e4fb2bc81b980f2⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, image_2.jpg)

4ba59c  No.6209885

File: b0a7d4655f207a1⋯.jpeg (215.8 KB, 1920x1279, 1920:1279, 3EE4237C-6B8C-4457-B0AC-A….jpeg)

6a2368  No.6209886


You should gas yourself

ee178e  No.6209887

File: a0e05aa20fd4e05⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 500x660, 25:33, Pepe of Liberty.jpg)

750fe3  No.6209888

File: fbeb355b66fa9c3⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 626x400, 313:200, vp laughs at this.jpg)


>but isn't Putin aiding the enemy?

ac7f05  No.6209889

434882  No.6209890

345f39  No.6209891





995918  No.6209892


Would seeing Jesus mean you are crazy? Reconcile

9f86b2  No.6209893

Exciting news from Canada.

Alberta, the province that is home to the third largest energy reserves in the world and the engine of the Canadian economy, voted yesterday to elect the United Conservative Party over the New Democrat Party in a landslide victory.

6 out of 10 Canadian provinces are now back to Conservative control, making suitable allies for Trump's America.

Canadians go to the polls on October 21 of this year to vote for the Prime Minister of Canada, and the outlook is very grim for Justin Trudeau. Entrenched deeply in embarrassing incidents and huge public scandals, Trudeau leads a Liberal party that does not represent the average Canadian.

If the recent provincial elections show the true political climate in Canada, Trudeau faces a wave of conservatism at the same time he battles a weakening public image, which may very well mean the next government of Canada is headed by Andrew Sheer of the Conservative Party.

God bless Canada.

0c457e  No.6209894

File: 4b75e7ffb678f1a⋯.png (79.42 KB, 303x120, 101:40, claireforlani.png)


claire forlani look-a-like

3bd8fc  No.6209895

File: 4d1a8a41ee5dc68⋯.png (523.75 KB, 635x430, 127:86, Capture.PNG)

MSNBC’s Kornacki: Wealthy White ‘Wine-Track’ Liberals Behind Buttigieg Boomlet

MSNBC analyst Steve Kornacki on Tuesday pointed out that presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s (D) support is coming mostly from wealthy white liberals like many so-called “wine-track” Democrats before him.

Kornacki said that “a bit of a profile” about who is behind the Buttigieg “boomlet” is emerging. He said, based on the most recent national polls, “the higher the income, the more interest there is in Buttigieg,” the South Bend, Indiana, mayor.

WATCH: @SteveKornacki breaks down what kind of voters are more inclined to vote for Mayor Buttigieg. #TrackingKornacki pic.twitter.com/bTsZAv1NOC

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 16, 2019

The vastly underrated MSNBC analyst pointed out that Buttigieg received the most support in three recent national polls—Morning Consult, Emerson, Quinnipiac—from voters making more than $100,000 annually.


234786  No.6209896


He is Australian by birth. He was given Ecuadorian citizenship and a passport after he was granted asylum. The asylum, citizenship, and passport were all revoked.

ac7f05  No.6209897


>Satan has charisma.


6a48e8  No.6209898


Seeing Jesus would mean you saw Jesus.

95e422  No.6209899


I was so glad to see the NDP (INSANE TAXES) Get fucked up the ass by patriots.

1f855f  No.6209900

I love you POTUS

234786  No.6209901

Hey, baker. Put the post about Barr ending catch and release by immigration judges in the bread. If anything is a notable today, that is the biggest fucking notable. POTUS needed that to happen to get the border partially under control, and Barr has done it.

995918  No.6209902


Another promise made another promise not kept. While do people still trust ANYONE in public office??

b632c6  No.6209903

>>6208296 (pb)

I wonder - with April 20th being a common day the DS serves shit sandwiches to the world - if April 19th serves a shit sandwich to the DS I imagine that will keep their hands full during their critical devil worshipping season.

8cb754  No.6209904


Aided the enemies OF THE DEEP STATE (and MSM)… Its all about perspective and optics.

9f86b2  No.6209905


We gave them a big fuck you while kicking their socialist asses out the door!

314915  No.6209906


the shills are so serious with the hatred.

what more can we do but just laugh instead!

I hope you have a great rest of the week! (and beyond)

a9e462  No.6209907

File: 23949cec68eff8b⋯.png (47.53 KB, 615x273, 205:91, Screen Shot 04-17-19 at 09….PNG)



c8522f  No.6209909


Stop being an angry boomer.

e183c1  No.6209910


Love you too! All patriots unite!

3bd8fc  No.6209911

File: e7bd21991d1c444⋯.png (395.71 KB, 595x326, 595:326, Capture.PNG)

Stunning: 67% of Republican Voters Think Arrival of Massive Numbers of Immigrants and Refugees is Harmful — Only 16% of GOP Leaders Agree

Who are these people?

Who are these people that go to Washington and pretend to represent the people?


68c17f  No.6209912


It was in yesterday anon.

5e6cba  No.6209913

File: 9758c1a2d8522de⋯.png (236.99 KB, 673x714, 673:714, Q 1527.png)



I'm still waiting for the unaltered OIG report to come out. Anons should remember [RR] altered it. Strange Potus allowed it.

2611e8  No.6209914


Day of the Rake has been postponed until further notice.

f3217b  No.6209915

File: 084c17126e49da7⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 403x322, 403:322, 084c17126e49da7e5635a755d3….jpg)



12ef5d  No.6209916


How you do dat?


fd05aa  No.6209918


An 850 year old church and people are surprised when the 'see Jesus' through the flames.

There's hundreds of renderings of JC lurking around there.

Expand your thinking, FFS.

55856e  No.6209919


Well idiots keep voting for them

ac7f05  No.6209920


>Stop being an angry boomer.

Not angry now, but will be angry in 13 days most likely. ;)

1fc2d4  No.6209921

File: 87c63543f30f3b4⋯.png (722.48 KB, 780x615, 52:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Spineless bitches.

>Higher state gasoline taxes have won approval in seven Republican-run states since President Donald Trump took office, an unusual step for a party adamantly opposed to more taxes and a sign that raising the federal gasoline tax may no longer be politically damaging.

The Trump administration has not ruled out an increase, and most congressional Democrats are enthusiastic about the idea.

Read more here: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/latest-news/article229287359.html#storylink=cpy

12ef5d  No.6209923


Shills be shills.

You also.

b3e04b  No.6209924

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, anons, but there currently is moar useful digging (and less shilling) on twatter than here.


fcc437  No.6209925

File: 1e804c8e6ffa1b3⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 639x310, 639:310, Screenshot 2019-04-17_09-3….jpg)

BREAKING: Dozens Feared Missing After Passenger Boat Sinks


5a69b0  No.6209926


I don't agree with that gaslighting.

If HRC had won the military would have been in the streets, on the side of the populace.

And the populace knew it back then, nevermind now, that a point has been put on it.

Nothing you say will change that.

234786  No.6209927


The mistake, anon, is that they never represented the people at all. They go to Washington to represent themselves and their rich friends. Even Lindsey Graham who now claims to be drafting a pro border senate bill was one of the gang of eight. They lie to us, and we fall for it every time.

55856e  No.6209928


Gas taxes are theoretically for repairing roads..Big rigs are the only things that damage roads..so only they should be taxed.

429939  No.6209929

File: 4298c0bcb3ab5f2⋯.png (708.4 KB, 510x798, 85:133, bling-bling.png)

3bd8fc  No.6209930


Or the elections have been rigged all over the country since the days of AL Capone

5e6cba  No.6209931


It was all over notes yesterday, when it first came out.

f25614  No.6209933


This is the guy in charge of all the boys detention centers.

Show More…

Possible Relatives

James Broman Ski , Lisa M Zangger , S James Broman , Amy Z Eby , Ann Marie Zangger , James M Zangger , Tracy A Holladay , Alice F Zangger JR ,

8cb754  No.6209934

File: fac3b1115d29e37⋯.png (72.09 KB, 387x480, 129:160, fac3b1115d29e3776cefd628d1….PNG)


oh and if you are a newfag.. WE are the enemies of the deep state.

cff8f2  No.6209935


sessions?… no matter what Q said… IMO he was one of the cabinet members willing to invoke the 25th…

345f39  No.6209936

File: 040d2a0fb2363c2⋯.png (90.87 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 1KLMsaANBSYHE-OPELUIDc34ij….png)

c07937  No.6209937


the pro-semites are sitting on our hands

fd05aa  No.6209938


>.Big rigs are the only things that damage roads

Patently false.

Fuck right off and lurk on trucking.

208692  No.6209939


Yes, but what is "Magnetism"?

Ethereal pressure dt separation of like kinds?

Separation of likes creates ethereal vacuum,

Increased ethereal concentrat. pushes back?

Space is a "closed" environment;

Any observable forces are a direct result.

a4359d  No.6209940


>>6209789 >>6209798 >>6209800 >>6209802 >>6209846 >>6209863 >>6209886

Well fuck, get on here to lurk and learn some shit, and first thing I'm reading is a bunch of shit about lactose intolerance and some other dipshit asking newfag questions.

Now get to fucking work and let's figure shit out.

3bd8fc  No.6209941


Agreed,, its been that way for years.. promise this that and the other thing and deliver NOTHING

12ef5d  No.6209942


Jesus is everywhere, especially in the clouds!

ac7f05  No.6209943


>WE are the enemies of the deep state.

Uh huh. Moar like you are the (((deep state))).

72f552  No.6209944

Need clarification:

Q says vaccines are bad, but not all of them. Some Anons here area dead set against vaccines on the whole.

However, preventable diseases are now breaking out seemingly regularly. Many reputable medical professionals are attributing this to unvaccinated illegals pouring into the country and mixing with unvaccinated citizen populations (anti-vaxxers).

Still others would argue even some vaccinated people are symptomatic suggesting vaccines may not be working in some cases. This strengthens the anti-vaxxer arguments to a degree but doesn't explain why smallpox and polio are largely eradicated.

What gives? I'm legit confused by this conflicting evidence.

f089bc  No.6209945




>Last call

If u got time baker check the marine tweet decode.

f25614  No.6209946

>>6209683 Thanks anon. This rabbit hole needs lots of eyes.

750fe3  No.6209947

File: ea4659731a34154⋯.png (78.28 KB, 241x261, 241:261, pepe KYS.png)


yeeeea… No


1891c7  No.6209948


WE are the key and the stone of the mind. We open doors to information that leads to truth and awakening. We build the map.

234786  No.6209949


Or maybe Sessions allowed the crisis to happen om purpose to expose the anti-American priorities of the D's?

Nothing is what it seems.

55856e  No.6209950


I know a corolla does less damage than a dump truck per mile or fuel consumed

f0f0bc  No.6209951


Hey why don't you boycott trucking by not buying anything for the next year.

46287c  No.6209952


"Anons" are almost all Boomers so there's that.

When the locals are dumber than the shills, is why ID+ is the only way to filter now.

6bf507  No.6209953


without trucks, we don't eat, or do most anything else..

daca9e  No.6209954

File: 8d7f63cef71a11b⋯.jpg (501.28 KB, 1431x821, 1431:821, SmartSelect_20190417-09390….jpg)

File: 2dd4a8bff7e9be9⋯.jpg (781.76 KB, 1439x1596, 1439:1596, SmartSelect_20190417-09392….jpg)

File: 1737a1203c7222b⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 1080x8854, 540:4427, 20190417_094101.jpg)

More suicides


55856e  No.6209955



Kek, did I say ban them? Lotta truckers here

8cb754  No.6209956

File: befdf39199c1f71⋯.jpg (748.43 KB, 1800x1316, 450:329, trump gullivar.jpg)

3b1130  No.6209958


but but but muh fuel efficient trains!!!!!!

03aa71  No.6209959

File: a9db4596f67dcfd⋯.jpg (187.53 KB, 1077x534, 359:178, Screenshot_20190417-094023….jpg)


fd05aa  No.6209962

File: fabb3ff1e7dae51⋯.png (50.17 KB, 240x101, 240:101, ClipboardImage.png)


>diseases are now breaking out

Broke out?

Or set loose?

68c17f  No.6209963


>>6209535 Marine Tweet decode.

>>6209911 Large rift between GOP voters and GOP leaders re: illegal immigrants/refugees.

>>6209900 Kek speaks for anons.

>>6209829 Former Marine running Boston Marathon for fallen comrades crawls across finish line.

>>6209836 GoFundMe joins Social Media peers in cracking down on antivaccination movement.

>>6209835 Schools in US city of Denver close over mass shooting fears.

>>6209786 EVP-Corp dumps Charles Scwab shares.

>>6209758 O'Rourke confronted at town hall after taxes reveal charitable donations.

>>6209741 Peru's former President shot himself this morning when police arrived to arrest him in connection with bribery.

>>6209665 Pompeo will deliver remarks to the media at 9:30 a.m. ET.

>>6209526 U.S. handbags, shovels on $20 billion EU tariff list over Boeing.

>>6209517 NXIVM bookkeeper invoked Fifth dozens of times in grand jury.

>>6209465 71-year-old man charged with 100 counts of first degree rape involving minors.

>>6209409 Sol Pais: 5 fast facts you need to know.

>>6209406 Sara Carter: Yuma closes its doors to illegals, declares state of emergency.

>>6209371 Marketfag update.

>>6209333 U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun will travel to Moscow to discuss NK denuclearization.

>>6209323, >>6209566 Continued dig on "Rite of Passage" migrant housing. Tied to Uranium/UN?

>>6209312 DJT Tweet: "Democrats in Congress must return from their Vacations and change the Immigration Laws, or the Border…"

>>6209282 Hollywood continues to normalize pedophilia: Why an actress stayed with her sex offender husband.

>>6209209 Article on Richard Dearlove.


3bd8fc  No.6209964

File: 62d8bbac637bc42⋯.png (237.22 KB, 594x322, 297:161, Capture.PNG)

‘Feel a Husband’s Masculine Strength’ Qatar Cleric Films Guide on How Muslim Men Should Beat Their Wives (VIDEO)

‘Feel a Husband’s Masculine Strength’ Qatar Cleric Films Guide on How Muslim Men Should Beat Their Wives (VIDEO)

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila April 16, 2019 296 Comments

The religion of peace.

Abad Al-Aziz Al-Khazraj Al-Ansari, a leading sociologist from Qatar, demonstrated the correct way to beat one’s wife in accordance with Islamic law.

The Sun reported:

The vile video features Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khazraj demonstrating how to “punish” a woman in accordance with Islamic law.

In a further sick move, the sociologist used a school-age boy called Nayef to show how to deliver beatings “out of love” – so a woman can feel a “man’s strength”.

And he disgustingly said that some women enjoyed being married to “violent and powerful husbands”.


ac7f05  No.6209965



This. My previous post was deleted by panicking (((Q))) team member. ;)

6bf507  No.6209966


no, you did say tax them.. and that equals taxing us..

c07937  No.6209968


i consider bodily fluids, and the skin keeping them all in , as covered by the 4th amendment. specimen cups say I am wrong.

2611e8  No.6209969


Probably just a boatload of rapefugees trying to invade Europe. Unless they name a high profile target who was on board, then idgaf.

fd05aa  No.6209970


The stoopid abounds.

345f39  No.6209974

File: e3f83b0e112d610⋯.png (52.86 KB, 684x312, 57:26, 3RT67YHjuIJ-91RFWQn671.PNG)

f0f0bc  No.6209975


The higher taxes you propose won't be passed on to you? Do you work for AOC?

fcc437  No.6209981




f8c750  No.6209982




6672e1  No.6209983

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)


If you are operating any vehicle for profit then you should be taxed. Trucks bring all goods to stores and then those products are taxed. They are taxing us from every fucking direction. Taxes upon taxes upon taxes but still it is never enough and it will never be enough for the skim off the top scam for the Statists. But muh road taxes.

8329b6  No.6209984


Seriously?….. Loads need to be moved….Stick a truck load of shit on your shitbox and let me know how undamaged the roads are.

56c1b9  No.6209985


Thank you anon

5a69b0  No.6209986

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


As a matter of fact, Trump stated it in plain English during his campaign: The election of 2016 has been our chance to save the Republic.

He knew what the next step would unavoidably be if he failed, when he spoke the words in this video.

He knew if he failed the USA would die in a military takeover.

I have nothing but the deepest respect for DJT. He's put it all on the line.

12ef5d  No.6209987


Been eying an Elgin-Whitewing sweeper for the daily commute, but the aerodynamics seem wrong for fuel efficiency.

ac7f05  No.6209988



I do give a fuck. Israel first. ;)

63e01c  No.6209991

File: 571916ee6bc4c78⋯.png (502.76 KB, 734x795, 734:795, cruel2puppies.png)

ac7f05  No.6209992


Dub-dubs confirm. :)

e183c1  No.6209993


Shoot…sorry, it just came to me. This was disinformation. Brilliant Q!

fcc437  No.6209994

File: 912949f4d48717b⋯.jpg (108.35 KB, 637x844, 637:844, Screenshot 2019-04-17_09-4….jpg)


314915  No.6209995


if we used a lot more drones flying people, or sky lifts in the city from neighbor hood to neighborhood, transportation could be done on high, and less streets and highways would be needed.

taxation policy can't be decided willy nilly. the roads are being stolen by the automatic driver crowd. We must remember that we own the roads, not Uber or Lift

ac7f05  No.6209996


Yes, yes, I was somewhat cruel, wasn't I? Well I was just a kid. :D

Thankfully he is alright.

4400a5  No.6209997

File: c7d5a70e19cb7de⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 170x264, 85:132, 20190411_154440.jpg)

750fe3  No.6209998

File: d4bdc13735b3abc⋯.jpg (8.13 KB, 296x185, 8:5, @ douches.jpg)

b71e1e  No.6209999


It's the "people control the government via free and open vote" scam. The parties choose who will be elevated to candidate status, allowing a few token "independent" people get office in order to maintain the illusion that system is one of "self government by the people."

The elites have never given control to the people, never in history. They claim to, but that claim is made so the people don't become restive.

be9e90  No.6210000


I don't think u r Satan. I said so. I think I sufficiently outlined my position. If "be careful" is to warn me of anon's slagging me, I have no fear.

Carry on.

234786  No.6210001


There is a lot of misinformation and hysteria. There is evidence that vaccines do cause harm in some situations. And if you read the fine print on most of the medication vials about risks vs benefits (as is the case with any freaking drug at all) you might never want to take any vaccines or allow your kid to get them. I was vaccinated as a kid. Never had any issues. Still have active immunity when I do blood tests. Some who took some of those same vaccines had issues, and a few of them were serious.

People have reason to be skeptical when governments and the UN try to ram anything down our throats. They're usually not doing such things for truly altruistic reasons.

ac7f05  No.6210002


Yes, time for synagogue of satan to die.

d4bfb0  No.6210003


DS, taking notes? This is how you become an hero.

cff8f2  No.6210005


you're right… nothing is as it seems… trust sessions

4400a5  No.6210006


Quads confirm

5e6cba  No.6210007


Agreed and it's about damn time we had a critical thinking AG. As anons noted early this morning, Barr is simply interpreting the law differently than has ben done in the past. No where does it say a warrant must be obtained to keep aliens in custody. Barr is simply keeping them in custody and allowing DHS to determine if they get to be released prior to their case be resolved.

YAY Barr.

a49500  No.6210009

File: b69015ffdb32eb0⋯.jpeg (39.13 KB, 472x327, 472:327, vaccineFacts.jpeg)


>why smallpox and polio are largely eradicated.

hygiene, good nutrition and modern medicine

434882  No.6210010


This is…


Imagrant prep, pol leaders in asylum in the US, largest bribery scandal in SA.

c07937  No.6210011


<this board. fuck, just fuck.

f089bc  No.6210012


I’d dig more but phone faggin 29 palms marines confirm dogs from a couple months ago. May want to see if related.


>>4975259 US Marines dropping us a clue regarding 29 palms?

ac7f05  No.6210013


>If "be careful" is to warn me of anon's slagging me, I have no fear.

Only need to "be careful" if you are a (((Q))) team member. Otherwise, carry on.

a3e435  No.6210014

File: 0a2bb5170514e06⋯.jpg (95.25 KB, 600x506, 300:253, nigerian-prince.jpg)


I'd be comfy if you'd reply to my emails, bro.

9f86b2  No.6210015


Most of these diseases were already nearly eradicated before the mass introduction of vaccines, due simply to more hygienic living conditions, better nutrition, and better hygiene and washing practices. Any vaccines that do have any initial benefit, have been proven to become significantly less effective over time. So your 6 month old vaccinations are doing absolutely nothing to protect you now.

Studies have now shown that many measles outbreaks are actually CAUSED by vaccines through shedding, and can be traced because the strain is slightly different than the "wild" version.

Vaccination is ineffective, and highly unnecessary for healthy individuals.

4400a5  No.6210016

File: b938772861f6eba⋯.jpeg (142.57 KB, 944x924, 236:231, 1553443105.jpeg)


No fear

234786  No.6210018


I hope Barr redacts every single line of the report before releasing it. Now that would be hysterical.

4e651d  No.6210019


Nice Q there Ben TY

345f39  No.6210020

File: 747bca6f828829b⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 736x634, 368:317, Z19d4e4d6XWAd2f508aa838JHN….jpg)

ac7f05  No.6210021


>I'd be comfy if you'd reply to my emails, bro.

Don't see any emails from you buddy. Not "clear text" ones anyway. Not decoding any "coded" emails. Sorry buddy.

daca9e  No.6210023

File: e054a420e337689⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1426x2334, 713:1167, SmartSelect_20190417-09464….jpg)

File: 64d7f111dd9b878⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 717x5760, 239:1920, 20190417_094748.jpg)

File: b75bf73e4a09207⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 717x4721, 717:4721, 20190417_094809.jpg)

File: fa04260fd19e7fc⋯.jpg (822.41 KB, 717x3842, 717:3842, 20190417_094833.jpg)

File: 700bc7e13d50950⋯.jpg (967.23 KB, 1080x4090, 108:409, Screenshot_20190417-094903….jpg)



5e6cba  No.6210024


The illusion of choice

3bd8fc  No.6210025

File: e6c255f5311f42c⋯.png (108.68 KB, 500x325, 20:13, .png)

File: bca50733788eebc⋯.png (518.25 KB, 814x508, 407:254, google.PNG)

750fe3  No.6210026


just a bit over the top. Not all bad. of course you can't see it that way.

4400a5  No.6210027

9878a4  No.6210028

>>6209780 Eat as much broccoli as you can.

68c17f  No.6210029


Repost nb please.

e183c1  No.6210032

File: c86fe988e7eae24⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, giggity.jpg)

Peter Butt

f7f463  No.6210033

File: 8e78833ac3d6c71⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1076x690, 538:345, timesup.png)

ac7f05  No.6210035


>just a bit over the top. Not all bad. of course you can't see it that way.

The fuck jew talking about?

Stop being jews, jews.

234786  No.6210037


Not true. Healthy living can't stop you from getting a disease like Hepatitis B. Your statement is misleading.

5cf7e1  No.6210038

File: d0942b65ca192c1⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 790x289, 790:289, OopsTheyItIs.jpg)

File: fa23d66a94acac5⋯.jpg (306.13 KB, 1359x558, 151:62, TOTSP.jpg)

File: f0939bac1413d58⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2272x1374, 1136:687, TrumpTower.jpg)

File: 56bd07080e3c877⋯.jpg (136.05 KB, 754x498, 377:249, WBR3.jpg)


Q found in the "I, Pet Goat II" video?


750fe3  No.6210039

File: 7abbe9eff988b18⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Ok SW.jpg)

f2958e  No.6210041

File: 6ac7e0fdf583a2d⋯.gif (833.42 KB, 350x497, 50:71, carlton.gif)

fcc437  No.6210043

File: cc4eec8d86f08d4⋯.jpg (274.47 KB, 1691x835, 1691:835, Measles_cases_1940-1995.jpg)


here is UK

ac7f05  No.6210044


Fellow is an orthodox jew, so not only does he have a mutilated dick a rabbi or mohel or whatever, also used his mouth. Sad for him.

daca9e  No.6210045


Will do

9f86b2  No.6210046


Your right. Don't fuck hookers for that one.

f2958e  No.6210047

File: b26643750e9af0b⋯.mp4 (459.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NDC.mp4)

a3e435  No.6210049

File: 303ff6e0b13ad6b⋯.png (321.75 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190417-065139.png)


Uh, OK.

f2958e  No.6210050

yo waddup wit dat reply count doe 794?

f596cc  No.6210054



ac7f05  No.6210055


I did pet goats when I was a kid. :)

The name of the village had 6 in it. LAWL!

fcc437  No.6210057

File: c6784a93fc7280c⋯.png (117.6 KB, 838x594, 419:297, anti-vax-measles-graph.png)


deaths vs cases

f8c750  No.6210058


Wrong. Gas taxes are like any other money grab. They are for nefarious purposes.

Little to no money ever gets put toward maintaining or repairing roads & bridges. Big rigs are only a small problem.

In the north/northeast, the main issue is road salt combined with months of constant freeze/thaw.

Corrupt salt contracts keep the corruption cycle afloat in perpetuity.

There is far more tax revenue collected than is needed each year. Every tax is a slush fund.

The WORLD needs to wake up. It is sadly in a deep sleep.

9f1e3d  No.6210059

File: 7da81dfc04d28a9⋯.png (204.14 KB, 1901x4345, 1901:4345, Vaccines and Autism Links.png)


It's daily with this. Fox news has been covering it for over a year; almost as long as Q. Time to enact justice.


>Q says vaccines are bad, but not all of them

OK, so which ones? Let's get some truth coming directly from the Feds and resolve the panic now. People are literally poisoning their children because of a lack of information, and who to trust.

No, trusting yourself isn't good enough because the schools literally mandate vaccination, and no, homeschooling isn't an option for everyone because "muh bills" and shit. And don't give me the "life choices" thing, either. You want to have a decent life? Both parents have to work. Not all men/women can be uber successful business people. It's not realistic in the current system of oppressive competitiveness.

Facts are facts.

e6a738  No.6210060


My little 14 foot singl-axle trailer in TX, that I use for hauling branches, wood, feed, lawn mower, etc is $61.25 a year.

Registration fee: $45

County road bridge add-on: $10

Child safety fund: $1.50

Handling fee: $4.75

The child safety fund is just another money grab:

Under the law, a county may keep up to 10 percent of the funds raised, plus an amount proportional to the population in unincorporated areas of the county.

The remainder of the money is distributed to municipalities in the county proportional to their populations.

The money must be used for a school crossing guard program, if the city or county operates one, or for programs that promote safety, health or nutrition among children, according to the law.


b1f71b  No.6210062

File: deb1e584a79da22⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 255x199, 255:199, e26e6a51b3222ec17990137930….jpg)

636f70  No.6210063


She's 18? Looks 40.

6672e1  No.6210064


Drones can fly people? Drone taxis? What about bad weather? Not impressed.

The scam for the Statist fedcoats is they are stealing tax monies.

Any tax money taken in should be able to be seen live. Live where exactly the money is and where/who it is going to. It should be like a ticker at bus stops, train stations, airports, all public buildings. Fuck the taxation thieves to hell.

68c17f  No.6210065

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

0442fb  No.6210067

ee6d10  No.6210071


maybe cory myloveforPeteknowsnoboundsBooker can show Yuma how love conquers all hate against illegals. (didn't know yuma was Trumpland - thought they loved Hilldawg)

f2958e  No.6210072

File: 4aae26bd611b668⋯.png (484.95 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ac7f05  No.6210073


Like I said, not decoding any coded emails. ;)

480b24  No.6210074

File: 134550d831575dc⋯.jpg (127.11 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, lastresortcountdown1.JPG)

File: bc871ece5c17dca⋯.jpg (118.7 KB, 946x661, 946:661, lastresortcountdown2.JPG)

File: 0421c935a39bcdb⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 875x420, 25:12, lastresortcountdown3.JPG)

Reposting I screwed up the calculations the first time.

95e422  No.6210075

File: 0eb1c4c237d3bd1⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 500x570, 50:57, 0eb1c4c237d3bd110be3434e25….jpg)

95e422  No.6210077

File: 089d413385589f3⋯.jpeg (55.31 KB, 620x462, 310:231, 000.jpeg)

4400a5  No.6210079

File: c1f571956e57b42⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 500x749, 500:749, 14641c357d699206363db9d177….jpg)

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