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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QResearch.jpg)

208d1d  No.6076018

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Tuesday 03.26.2019

Compiled here: >>5943932

Monday 03.25.2019

Compiled here: >>5915285

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

208d1d  No.6076021

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables

>>5857492 BO on "baker assist"

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810, >>6069934 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group.


are not endorsements


>>6075988 US Adds Oil-Sector Firms, Ships to Venezuela Sanctions List (Epoch)

>>6075862 RE_READ: some Q crumbs including "Never Forget"

>>6075668 24 power poles crashed in South Seattle, "lightning strike?"

>>6075659, >>6075664 As latest round of U.S.-China talks end, 'significant work' remains (Reuters)

>>6075616 New DJT: "Give Up, Trump-Haters"

>>6075549 Livestream of traffic and pedestrians mulling about outside Ecuadorian Embassy

>>6075541, >>6073402 (pb) Ecuador says claims of JA asylum revocation are fake news

>>6075392 QNN anon new video, old clips of hypocrite Hillary

>>6075365 probing Gillibrand's ties to NXIVM

>>6075363 Fire, explosion in Paris, developing... (BNL)

>>6075329, >>6075338 911 timestamp on Never Forget DJT Tweet? 1:19 PDT (Think mirror)

>>6075299, >>6075310 New DJT: Put the Perpetrators of russian witch hunt fraud on defense

>>6075294, >>6075438 Q PROOF: Updated graphic. BOOM, BLIND, 5:5, 1 Year Delta

>>6075996 #7770

#7769 Baker Change

>>6074989 BOOM, BLIND, 5:5, [1Y] Delta

>>6075154 Israel's Netanyahu says he plans to annex settlements in West Bank (Reuters)

>>6075133 Grassley tweet: Dems still arent satisfied w Mueller finding no collusion

>>6075087 Russia's WTO 'national security' victory cuts both ways for Trump (Reuters)

>>6075076, >>6074722 Tangled web: Clinton nemesis Peter Paul's link to Bruce Ohr (wnd)

>>6075001 Judicial Watch documentary from 2017 re border crisis El Paso

>>6074815 Top Progressive Consulting Firm Is Doing PR for an Israeli Spy Company

>>6074746 Bibi: "We have used force wisely" at Gaza Strip (middleeastmonitor)

>>6074692 Big banks to report first quarter results with lowered expectations (Reuters)

>>6074629 47-year old Migrant "Child" tries to claim asylum in France (Breitbart)

>>6074588 Forbes admits legal hemp can compete with Big Oil (FreeThoughtProject)

>>6074538 Right Wing Politician bombed by Antifa in Sweden (GatewayPundit)

>>6074507 Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency (ZH)

>>6074492 Bibi says Israel could annex parts of West Bank in coming years (RT)

>>6075193 #7769


>>6073671 LIVE: POTUS addresses Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas

>>6073698 AOC called “financially illiterate” at Sharpton event; weird handler photobombs

>>6073757 On new Labor Department rules and impacts on Hussein admin policies

>>6073758 George Mason Univ. faggots call for Kavanaugh firing; univ. admins support Kav

>>6073781 HRC’s classified information NDA

>>6074011 , >>6074263 On HRC hard drive collection and evidence submission fuckery

>>6074148 TX house speaker drops 2A legislation owing to anti-gun activists visiting home

>>6074162 Venezuela: Guaido calls on supporters to join “Operation Freedom” protests

>>6074345 Candace Owens to testify in congressional hearing re: hate crimes

>>6074379 #7768


>>6072872 More on Ex-Senate employee pleading guilty to theft of personal data

>>6072910 DHS: 650k illegal immigrants to be freed into US in 2019 (moar sauce needed)

>>6073041 Arkansas senate approves bill banning sanctuary cities

>>6073123 , >>6073288 , >>6073396 On MSM editing/deception re: POTUS statements on MS13

>>6073260 Honduran cartel kingpin gets 37 years in prison for trafficking cocaine into US

>>6073334 New PapaD

>>6073349 Dig on HRC Emails Part 31/31

>>6073402 Ecuador: claims of JA asylum revocation are fake news

>>6073449 On “$1.8B” as possible comms across cabalist MSM

>>6073481 Kim Foxx runs her mouth on police forces

>>6073537 #7767

Previously Collected Notables

>>6071182 #7764, >>6071963 #7765, >>6072722 #7766

>>6068777 #7761, >>6069547 #7762, >>6070383 #7763

>>6066477 #7758, >>6067250 #7759, >>6068006 #7760

>>6064149 #7755, >>6064840 #7756, >>6065704 #7757

>>6061756 #7752, >>6062585 #7753, >>6063351 #7754

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

208d1d  No.6076025

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 -- The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6055383 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


208d1d  No.6076026

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

208d1d  No.6076034

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



f32d81  No.6076035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish.


f32d81  No.6076039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


f32d81  No.6076044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

0d379c  No.6076050

File: 9d1577f56f9018e⋯.jpeg (20.25 KB, 450x316, 225:158, 7072D6A6-91EF-4F47-8C42-4….jpeg)

Watch very cool

President Donald Trump 2020 trailer. A sneak peak of the upcoming 2020 election


5cbda4  No.6076051

File: 68f80d19ea48b27⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 851x626, 851:626, D3ewUW7UcAA_OWx.jpg)


Great work, baker.

15c24b  No.6076054

File: 761f6ff0925be7b⋯.jpg (569.62 KB, 1224x1471, 1224:1471, FireShot-Capture-080---IP-….jpg)








f32d81  No.6076056

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, anton_protocols.png)




Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

c954d0  No.6076063

File: 9527ee2f6f7a18b⋯.png (10.64 KB, 169x255, 169:255, 651c4357d2f30867672475b298….png)

3ceaa6  No.6076064

File: 475971116ba2106⋯.jpg (208.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 39266.jpg)

Thank you Baker!!!!

f32d81  No.6076066

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)





https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

1559b1  No.6076067

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


63f77e  No.6076070

File: 8017b4ce4c4cda9⋯.jpg (445.81 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_057.jpg)

patriots laugh!

129b3e  No.6076076

File: b912ae1b8bb6c80⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1691x938, 1691:938, PANIC.png)

File: c284fe7235d9861⋯.png (34.45 KB, 925x248, 925:248, you.png)

1559b1  No.6076077

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


129b3e  No.6076080

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

4d6245  No.6076085

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Very nice baker. I'm here if you want a break.


548bd2  No.6076086

File: b80cd8c40b5f7af⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 169x255, 169:255, Pepe Boner.jpeg)

3c4c37  No.6076087

File: 2c4d659b2ad23d8⋯.gif (4.51 MB, 505x271, 505:271, jiggy.gif)


bb50ac  No.6076088



Our very own Krass bros

c954d0  No.6076089

File: b13d62446a0b640⋯.png (355.78 KB, 844x553, 844:553, trudyt.PNG)

so yer saying there's a chance

432e01  No.6076090

>>6076038 lb faggots


In time of war (which we have been in officially since 2002 hereabouts) against radical muslim terrorist who perpetuated the attacks on 9-11-01, have a right to dutifully protect the country from any and all aggressors, and anyone standing in the way is deemed treasonouse [sic] as well - " YOU " are in a conundrum.

5c7857  No.6076091

File: 61700053662ea14⋯.png (656.07 KB, 735x763, 105:109, flotusnpepecheeronfrens.png)


tyvm baker!

1f6fa2  No.6076092

Any chance that Q isn't posting because the FBI compromised 8 Chan after Christchurch? Could explain the decision by the board owner too.

e2dbe4  No.6076093

File: 79a3a167daecade⋯.jpg (187.09 KB, 3000x1890, 100:63, mccarthy_cohn_ap_img.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

129b3e  No.6076094

File: 9ce137cab2d26b0⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9ce137cab2d26b.jpg)


>Our very own Krass bros

Only those videos have yet to be disproven…

c5fce0  No.6076095

File: 8f681e1f982492a⋯.jpeg (9.49 KB, 255x138, 85:46, c20d629d1499690b597887cf3….jpeg)

The issues are not new.

90c995  No.6076096

>>6075927 (lb)

Is the woman on the right FLOTUS' body double?

83e859  No.6076097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Donald Trump 2020 trailer

b7d1bc  No.6076098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Plan

As always, respect to Anon who inspired this.

c954d0  No.6076099

File: 69c81ca39f71145⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 667x499, 667:499, 2xx4kj.jpg)

ece7b1  No.6076100

File: fa4d679eca5f335⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 480x631, 480:631, cartoon-physics.jpg)

67406a  No.6076101

File: 7dc1bc97090daf1⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MuhJewShills1.jpg)

File: eb133e59f6baa30⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, MuhJewShills4.jpg)

63f77e  No.6076102

File: 354e5a17308d78b⋯.jpg (774.91 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, IMG_060.jpg)

patriots laugh!!

0decf8  No.6076103

File: 0b5edeb7a623ce8⋯.png (445.02 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, EA704168-9B36-48F0-A7BD-5C….png)

b05c42  No.6076104

File: ea3070155c6d478⋯.png (379.5 KB, 588x504, 7:6, Screenshot_2019-04-06 Alys….png)

Another Z-list celeb has been on damage control.

129b3e  No.6076106

File: a17013b5e1e005a⋯.jpg (228.68 KB, 625x817, 625:817, zuccd.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076107

(((Q))) team

"Yeah Moe that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!"

3c4c37  No.6076108

File: 9b04f8d8959bd24⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 324x244, 81:61, wtf.gif)


patriots cringe….

5cbda4  No.6076109

File: 2b08e5114aa5bf0⋯.png (511.47 KB, 576x774, 32:43, 209398.png)

NZ confiscating BB guns for wrongthink.

This is what you show anyone who supports gun registries.

3f5745  No.6076110

File: e0062589bbbfab8⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 474x277, 474:277, prepareyoursoul.jpg)

File: d3ae7ad613c634b⋯.jpg (129.99 KB, 872x680, 109:85, 316.jpg)


Before the Mueller report is released, it is critical to remember what you have learned.

> think logically

Why would POTUS make the decisions he made?

If you knew the future & that future was apocalyptic

To what extremes might you go to save the nation & people you love?

Save the people you love?

The waters about to stir.

The waves are rising.

Remember what you know.

Put on the full armor of God and remember he will never give you more than you can bear.

Yes, the end will be glorious.

The journey?

Not so much.

> [next week]

> [next week]

> [next week]

> [suicide weekend]

> it isn't even on our minds

The end will not be for everyone.

Not all will understand.

Not all will cope.

How much love for his people must a man show before you truly understand?

The most intelligent understand they don't really understand anything at all.

Stand strong patriots.

Stand tall.

Stand firm.

The election was more than just a 4 year election.

It was a crossroad

> think eclipse

Nothing is as it seems.

They will attempt to isolate you.

They will attempt to divide you.

They will turn you on yourself.

Have faith.


John Titors war was avoided so you and I may live.

Be thankful.

Rejoice in the glory of the Lord for you have truly been saved.

What if it were true?


Think for yourself.




President Trump will be known as the greatest leader the world has ever seen.

Mark. This. Post.

67406a  No.6076111

File: 9bc755b21d06ee2⋯.jpg (107.16 KB, 1024x493, 1024:493, BUSH_masons.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076112


Indeed. ;)

c9046a  No.6076113

>>6076047 (lb)

>>6076082 (lb)

Looks like except

Move 34B

Take +++

Take Castle

all lines were taken & mixed up from original Q posts.

bb50ac  No.6076114


They way I look at it we need to clean up our own backyard first and gain massive legitimacy before any moves like that. Then people will sit up and take notice.

3c4c37  No.6076115

File: c8017f475bf6cf2⋯.jpg (162.86 KB, 632x361, 632:361, last.jpg)

63f77e  No.6076116

File: ddb411a17a3bb5d⋯.jpg (426.05 KB, 1200x762, 200:127, IMG_028.jpg)

patriots laugh!!!

304740  No.6076117

File: 57132fd3cce3b0b⋯.jpg (120.26 KB, 1096x904, 137:113, 1359770907861.jpg)


who's saying it isn't the K bros?

7b384e  No.6076118

File: e65abde3f0bacf1⋯.jpeg (44.83 KB, 720x699, 240:233, received_2595110147197602.jpeg)


9deb6c  No.6076119

File: 68903c4cf2c69bd⋯.png (937.85 KB, 1000x757, 1000:757, ClipboardImage.png)

fb3311  No.6076120

>>6075945 lb

Kek, just grabbed that this morning actually.

>3 floors is quite curious

Explosion would have had to take out some floorage then, I guess? Unless it spread through the ducts or something. Did the building partially collapse, I wonder? I know they said they cut the electric, but what about the gas?

d4f0d6  No.6076121

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit. He tried his but failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. ;)


542765  No.6076122

File: 2b999e76f02b44f⋯.jpg (20.84 KB, 600x400, 3:2, rosemary-williams-600.jpg)

File: 93fa40a27be9f2a⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 306x165, 102:55, 5x5-D5-17-its-all-in-there.jpg)

Q's Twitter post on April 3rd, not a military fag, been looking at all angles.

Code H needs medical help

Think VA

5:5 loud and clear in radio terms

Think media

D5 Defense Department's military community and family policy office

17 Mueller Report April Drop

Who was DoD Family Policy Chief under Hussein

Stepped down April 4th 2016

Who ran VA under Hussein 2016-2017

Rosemary Vieta Williams, enjoyed a 25-year broadcast journalism career, receiving numerous awards including a National Emmy Award for Team Coverage of the attacks on September 11th and the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award for a documentary on apartheid in South Africa.

Do you see what I see?

You all can dig some more on this if you think plausible connection to who would be best to do media coordination on POTUS as well as managed leaks, and can only imagine what else.

If it is all in there, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

129b3e  No.6076123

File: 8b02f4b75b67edf⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 400x321, 400:321, 1.jpg)

File: b2d49d5bf798d99⋯.png (278.87 KB, 504x477, 56:53, satan.png)

File: ca1f2dd26b6be34⋯.jpg (186.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, albert.jpg)

File: 71e1a4ffdfc5d95⋯.jpg (441.6 KB, 721x493, 721:493, italy_masons.jpg)

File: e86216b85b416f8⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 550x344, 275:172, goy_masons.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076124


>He tried his


0cf5d5  No.6076125


Fuck off MAGA Glowalition

No one's falling for it.

3ec627  No.6076126

File: 5fd671ee9581302⋯.mp4 (574.06 KB, 438x400, 219:200, ObamaPowers.mp4)


Thank you baker!!!

a063b9  No.6076127


Only Jew here is you faggot TRY HARDER!

304740  No.6076128

File: 3361bcf2462af35⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 306x335, 306:335, 1329472931851.gif)

d4f0d6  No.6076129


Then why the "(you)" buddy? Why the "(you)"?

f72bb1  No.6076130

Kate Bush and Abromovic sure look a lot alike, just sayin'

f5d5e9  No.6076131

>>6076047 /pb

This is only half a old Q post 1007, april 4th which is before april 7th

684a02  No.6076132

this is why we cant shoot them. two tier justice system. I am not rich enough to afford the lawyer to get me off.

15c24b  No.6076133


Too late, you fucked up hard.

a6f4a6  No.6076134

File: 80e2e704f68911c⋯.png (86.4 KB, 300x199, 300:199, ClipboardImage.png)


"What do you do when you give up 30+ years of work?

I can’t do it anymore. For 30+ years I have tried to make the world a better place. I was okay with the name calling, losing friends over differences of opinion that were built on half-truths and misinformation.

People are just beyond saving at this point. Everyone has their breaking point, the events of the last few days were mine.

Emotions are coming up that I wasn’t expecting, sadness, disappointment, heartbreak.

Now, I am this empty shell with nothing to do, no legacy to leave, I’m a coward who walked away from their life’s purpose.

Everyone runs through life blissfully unaware of what’s happing around them. Most wouldn’t care even if they were told. What has happened to humanity and the human spirit?

I really do hope one day there are military tribunals and those who have committed acts of sedition and treason are hung.

I also don’t care anymore, if people want satanic paedophiles to rule over them, so be it.

Believe what you want people, it doesn’t matter because most of you have no fucking clue what’s truly happening. Cognitive dissidence dictates you wouldn’t believe it anyway.

I’m done.



it's an interesting read

the pet stuff is heartbreaking

hug a buddy if ya got one, fren

fe693e  No.6076135

File: 530383a323c69f2⋯.jpeg (160.81 KB, 800x608, 25:19, 32D5B6B2-28C9-4A4D-8E7B-3….jpeg)


Hi Dougie and Travis

9deb6c  No.6076136

File: ea102231c4b29f9⋯.png (68.6 KB, 532x105, 76:15, ClipboardImage.png)

90c995  No.6076137


Fantastic work!

d4f0d6  No.6076138

0cf5d5  No.6076139


Oh man… I've been listening to the 6.5 hour livestream where you dumbshits show your hand.

I'll happily play with you.

706f3e  No.6076140

Request for NOTABLE

Seeing as we're in Ukraine, I thought I'd check out they're ongoing presidential election (2nd round between incumbent Poroshenko and challenger Volodomyr Zelensky on April 21).

Zelensky is the frontrunner, he got 30% in the 1st round. He is accused of being a puppet of oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi (something I could swear I saw on wikipedia, but can no longer find even using way back machine). Anyway, a source: https://www.sott.net/article/408226-Ukraine-Comedian-Volodymyr-Zelensky-leads-the-polls-in-presidential-race

Both are Jewish, if you're interested in Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Kolomoyskyi has a particularly fruity wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi

Some highlights:

>Kolomoyskyi has used Privat's "quasi-military forces" to enforce hostile takeovers of companies, sending a team of "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to forcibly take over a Kremenchuk steel plant in 2006,[26] and has used "a mix of phony court orders (often involving corrupt judges and/or registrars) and strong-arm tactics" to replace directors on the boards of companies he purchases stakes in.

>Analysts have listed Kolomoyskyi as an ally of Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko and her Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko.[1] Although according to RIA Novosti (in January 2010), Kolomoysky relations with Tymoshenko "were soured some time ago, probably due to his refusal to finance Tymoshenko's election campaign" in 2010.

>Kolomoyski owns 70% of the 1+1 Media Group whose TV channel 1+1 aired "Servant of the People", the comedy series in which Volodymyr Zelensky played the role of president of Ukraine.

>In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons.[40] He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion,[39][41] and also funded the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions.

>Putin claimed that Kolomoyskyi had reneged on a contract with Abramovich, saying "He [Kolomoyskyi] even managed to cheat our Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: "Why did you do it?" he said: "I never thought this was possible.

Actual Ukrainians required for further digging.

74baa7  No.6076141

File: 457364b46cfdc2c⋯.jpg (112.11 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, marinaabromociv.jpg)

a063b9  No.6076142


fuck scott adams! troll in chief from the faggot facebook thinks he is someone… controled op

d4f0d6  No.6076143


The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

f89693  No.6076144

File: 25eb012087ab8c5⋯.png (13.54 KB, 836x137, 836:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bd30c80ba5b3ca⋯.png (40.03 KB, 466x785, 466:785, ClipboardImage.png)

Moar on GPS Reset TODAY

bumped around on the board yesterday.

Better article summarizing the discussion.


129b3e  No.6076145

File: 68262457c81cdf5⋯.jpg (313.59 KB, 800x608, 25:19, cow.jpg)


No one here by those names, faggot kike.

67406a  No.6076146


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they pay to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




>>5966972 (pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb)>>6023671

d4f0d6  No.6076147


Witch has a jew nose. What a surprise…

7364b0  No.6076148


>See something, say something.

I'll just leave this here: www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/06/barack-obama-warns-progressives-not-to-form-circular-firing-squad/amp/

129b3e  No.6076149

File: 9c4beac3c6475c6⋯.jpg (83.76 KB, 330x321, 110:107, gay_jew.jpg)

b05c42  No.6076151

File: 8f069576b681522⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 587x372, 587:372, ddb411a17a3bb5de7b61bb6c08….jpg)

18ed6e  No.6076152

File: da6eff8c879c451⋯.jpg (525.48 KB, 1440x1050, 48:35, tyb_sword.jpg)


Thank You Baker

9deb6c  No.6076153

File: 59e01bfb7ca3441⋯.png (390.45 KB, 620x340, 31:17, ClipboardImage.png)

432e01  No.6076154


do one of of biden behind ai - sophia, gags a lot is gona be so jealous. kekkkkkkeeeeeekreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekekekerrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekekek


snakes cants see past what they crawl on - kill the BEAST!

d4f0d6  No.6076155






Hence, proved. ;)

cbefe9  No.6076156

Only sauce is the link I gave. If you search the string it came up on OpenDiary but if you go to the link on google it doesn't show it anywhere. I had to click on an Antifa flag post and happened to see at the bottom that the next post says RIG FOR SILENT. The page came up that I posted yet it's not listed anywhere on the original Open Diary link. I have never seen that before. Just thought it was interesting it matches the string and the SAME Q date


74baa7  No.6076158

File: 1eab2b8917076d3⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 300x370, 30:37, marina.jpg)


wtf are you talking about…

528493  No.6076159

File: 61064f4e373e3ca⋯.png (509.81 KB, 831x889, 831:889, Isaiah washington says Tru….png)

File: 310b727a95dcf87⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 634x404, 317:202, 11940266-6893717-image-a-1….jpg)

File: add4b16d7b32c51⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 634x464, 317:232, 11939992-6893717-Actor_Isa….jpg)

File: 8724d7919d8e62f⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 634x909, 634:909, 11939990-6893717-image-a-3….jpg)

Trump has done more for me than Obama: Grey's Anatomy actor Isaiah Washington slams '44' for 'not supporting Africa or the Black Agenda' and praises '45' for inviting him to White House to celebrate First Step Act prison reform

He tweeted his thanks to Trump while criticizing Obama in a series of posts

Washington was at the White House to celebrate a prison reform bill

The actor shared pictures and videos of himself from inside The East Room

Congress passed the First Step Act which gives judges more discretion when sentencing some drug offenders and boosts prisoner rehabilitation

His comments provoked a mixed reaction online with some praising the actor

But responding to the backlash Washington wrote: 'I may have 99 problems with 45, but mass incarceration ain't one of them'

He was fired from Grey's Anatomy in 2007 for making a homophobic slur

Actor Isaiah Washington has slammed Barack Obama for not supporting 'Africa or the Black Agenda' while praising Donald Trump for inviting him to the White House to celebrate the First Step Act prison reform.

The former Grey's Anatomy star tweeted his thanks to '45' while criticizing '44' in a series of posts where he shared pictures of the current president from this week.

Washington was at the White House to see the celebrate a prison reform bill, the First Step Act, which is focused on inmate rehabilitation.

He wrote: 'I voted for 44 twice. I even checked my emails in his Senate Office while lobbying for Salone to be given another chance to rebrand.

'Not once in 8 years was I given any support regarding Africa or the Black Agenda, but 45 invites me to the WH to celebrate the #FirstStepAct.'

Congress passed legislation last year called the First Step Act that gives judges more discretion when sentencing some drug offenders and boosts prisoner rehabilitation efforts.

The effort drew strong support from Republicans and Democrats worried that mandatory minimum laws had generated unfair sentences in many drug-related cases.

He said a 'Second Step Act' will focus on 'successful re-entry and reduced unemployment for Americans with past criminal records.' His goal is to cut that unemployment rate for ex-prisoners to single digits within five years.

Washington shared pictures and videos of himself from inside The East Room and added: 'Those who know, know that I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I will work w/h anyone as long as things get done.'

Speaking directly to Trump he said: '@realDonaldTrump you freed 3,000 Federal Prisoners, got 16,000 in drug rehabilitation programs and now you just need to deliver.'


9deb6c  No.6076160

File: 6ac7e0fdf583a2d⋯.gif (833.42 KB, 350x497, 50:71, carlton.gif)

0decf8  No.6076161


I think it sounds like dude was heated and went too far.

I can remember people asking why Covington can’t have a scool shooting.

No arrest.

I can remember a certain woman politician saying Potus should be assasinated.

No arrest

Caveat on this is a direct threat and the means to carry it out I believe.

Regardless I think this will drop in seriousness of the charge.

I doubt this dude will ever be allowed to own guns afterwords as that right can be removed for yelling at your wife.

432e01  No.6076162


hands on - please. wifey seyz ok - ms13 pleasures her all day long anyway

d4f0d6  No.6076163


Don't see the beak?

0d7dc1  No.6076164

File: 0c791c4675c7a98⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 3072x4096, 3:4, IMG_20190406_122509402.jpg)



fe693e  No.6076165

File: 9841c92b5cdb2d1⋯.jpeg (38.89 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 251B94B0-AEAA-4468-9E9E-B….jpeg)


Ok Doug

I’ll play along

f72bb1  No.6076166


Three dems also filed suit againstQ Team 6mo ago, maybe there was an injunction

ece7b1  No.6076167

File: 6c42d8c594b710e⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 640x480, 4:3, composite-vs-evan-fairbank….gif)

File: c389a00154c9e89⋯.gif (757.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, spiegeltv.gif)

File: a81538cc682442e⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 889x666, 889:666, michael-hezarkhani.jpg)

File: a49ff4c66cca2a7⋯.png (391.43 KB, 960x472, 120:59, empty-holes.png)

File: c87e9affe56c3c2⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 382x398, 191:199, half-in-half-out1.jpg)


0cd0a5  No.6076168

File: bbb3692f65527c8⋯.png (595.4 KB, 872x905, 872:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54992540bd72546⋯.png (177.24 KB, 894x879, 298:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Libya Haftar dig

The takeover in Libya is being run by Israel Haftar is a mossad asset.

From 2017:

Israel’s Mossad Replaces CIA as Handler of Libyan Strongman Khalifa Haftar

Yet, despite recent reports establishing Israel as a supplier of war materiel and air power support to LNA-Haftar, there has not been a peep from either the United Nations or the Western media outlets. Here are a few excerpts from this highly significant revelation:

Khalifa Haftar, the military commander who controls the east of the Libya, has reportedly been receiving Israeli military aid following meetings with Israeli intelligence that were allegedly mediated by the United Arab Emirates.

A high-ranking military source in Haftar's forces told The New Arab on Monday that the controversial UAE-backed military strongman has held secret meetings with the Israeli agents over the past two years. "Coordination between Haftar and Israel has been ongoing, he held talks with Mossad agents in Jordan in 2015 and 2016," the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety, said.

"The meetings, which appear to have been mediated by the UAE, were held in strict secrecy," he said, adding that he has seen documents that reveal Haftar met with Israeli intelligence agents going by the names Ackerman and Mizrachi. The source said that Haftar's self-styled Libyan National Army [LNA] has been provided with Israeli military aid in the form of sniper rifles and night vision equipment.


So now you have the comped Mid East countries who have been bought to heal by Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Libya’s Haftar forces targeted by airstrike as they march for capital Tripoli

Forces of the so-called Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Libya’s strongman Khalifa Haftar, say they have been targeted by an airstrike south of Tripoli, as they are pushing forward to seize the capital reportedly with support from the United Arab Emirtes, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. “Egypt and the UAE supplied Haftar with arms and heavy equipment… Haftar is also using militias from Chad and the Sudanese opposition," Libyan Brigadier General Mohammad Al-Qunidi, who is chief of the military intelligence loyal to Sarraaj, has said, noting, “The three Arab countries support Haftar’s militias in order to create a new Sisi in Libya,” referring to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.


Russia see this for what it is:


Russia disowns Libya’s General Haftar

Russia has announced that it does not support Libyan General Khalifa Haftar in his battle to control Tripoli, in the west of Libya.

Spokesman for the Russian Kremlin, Demetri Peskov, told journalists yesterday that Russia does not support those forces in the east of Libya, which are led by General Haftar in his battle to control Tripoli, adding: “We do not have any part in this battle.”

Haftar has recently started moving his troops towards Tripoli, claiming he wants to gain control of the city for the “dignity” of Libya. Russian involvement was expected because of Haftar’s visit to Russian capital Moscow prior to the start of his military campaign.

Armed groups in Tripoli said they would continue their defence of the country for the sake of martyrs and their families.


"Considering Israel’s track record in the region, from playing both sides to far more nefarious false-flag creation, shouldn’t the international community and the media be paying more attention to the not-so-secret Israeli double-game in and weaponization of Libya than to some manufactured Russia-Gate connection with a far-fetched spillover in Libya?"

74baa7  No.6076169

d4f0d6  No.6076170


Red text fail. Also jew lie. ;)

4d1680  No.6076171

File: 90774ef4fcbe993⋯.png (190.48 KB, 460x371, 460:371, 2018-10-03_20-05-41.png)

>>6075932 lb

Couldn't have imagined 5 years ago of anyone betraying our country.

So many of them…

ece7b1  No.6076172



c5fce0  No.6076173

slow shit here.

only one filter

real anons what is the topic? If in my wheel house will do if not will shut up.

9deb6c  No.6076174

File: 70814e7ece7a22e⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, A message from me my buddy….mp4)

129b3e  No.6076175

File: 2bf6a51bbe119ce⋯.jpg (286.25 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, goblins.jpg)


You'll be playing with yourself.

a1aa2b  No.6076176


Not only is that not possible for the FBI, because of what 8ch is, it is also such a predictable move that it would have an outlined contingency even if it was thought impossible.

This happens every time as Q takes an extended absence, and none of it changes anything about what Q has said. Just keep calm and FISA declass.

This is a bit of a long game. Americans are high-strung, high-impact types who love to have it the timespan of a microwave. Everything is instant.

So, you fight their media establishment the same way you would fight their military. Sit at the edge of their sensors for three weeks, let them run themselves ragged expecting an attack, and then have your way with them in the fourth week after they are complacent, exhausted, and irritated.

"It's the way he flies - ice cold, no mistakes. He wears you down until you do something stupid, then he's got you."

00e3e9  No.6076177

The person paying for all the anti-semitic propaganda being posted on this board isn't wrong. It is so over the top, inconsistent with itself, and repetitive that anybody who is actually trying to direct violence against the Jews is lost in the noise. It is annoying because it has to be.

d4f0d6  No.6076178


Bidet with Abramowitch's daughter?

d9be59  No.6076179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's one by DJT's actual channel. That vid was cool and all but the channel is begging for buys.

f72bb1  No.6076180


…you agree…?

3b965b  No.6076181


What movie?

65b14e  No.6076182

File: 7af3ec8f8738a49⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1480x1405, 296:281, Bless-this-Bread--15.jpg)


Thanks, Baker.

6b6189  No.6076183

File: f9be58b71562c29⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, fbBBfBMB24.jpg)

Tanks bakes

304740  No.6076184

File: d356b2cda89181e⋯.jpg (179.43 KB, 557x640, 557:640, 1365046833368.jpg)


good like arresting them and forcing them to show up in court o.0 fucking retards are gonna sue santa claus for racism next.

a08bf8  No.6076185

one of my first memories is being given a dollar by my grandfather. I noticed the illuminati all seeying eye on the back of it. I am pretty sure that was something to mold my autism against freemasonry.

9259d6  No.6076186

File: 44ee95725688941⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8b931673eddc53⋯.png (537.45 KB, 1919x763, 1919:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Both PB >>6075957, >>6075915

A/C 09-0015 looks like it took off from Coronado Naval Base. I have that A/C coming out of Andrews last year w/the same zig-zag pattern.


d4f0d6  No.6076187


I thought that was Lady Gaga. LAWL!

528493  No.6076188

File: 9f9a3fbce85209e⋯.gif (684.18 KB, 290x288, 145:144, 9f9a3fbce85209e0c47f879cc7….gif)

5cbda4  No.6076189

File: 6e6cc3cdd3a9816⋯.jpg (385.08 KB, 1500x865, 300:173, 6e0a473948749bf25d5553b2ff….jpg)

← Skin cancer next to her nose?

65b14e  No.6076190

File: ae34ac4939aa6f5⋯.jpg (276.93 KB, 900x636, 75:53, Go-With-God-XCalibur.jpg)

File: fa8e523aaa063c2⋯.jpg (343.85 KB, 900x636, 75:53, Power-Returned-XCalibur.jpg)

File: e433e27744a7951⋯.jpg (293.41 KB, 900x636, 75:53, Structure-Change-Coming-XC….jpg)

File: 5eae4dc7e688cbe⋯.jpg (294.07 KB, 900x636, 75:53, World-About-to-Change-XCal….jpg)

File: 9190276a8cda83c⋯.jpg (261.16 KB, 900x636, 75:53, XCalibur-Real-Change.jpg)



c80ce7  No.6076191

File: e32c462dd0f6eae⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1908, 69:106, C2703DD6-D826-4745-A5AD-A….jpeg)

This is for sale… I take it as a positive sign although I have no idea if someone related to the order still owns it… But if Malta is still the cabals nest then maybe like the Rothschilds, they are having to liquidate…

d4f0d6  No.6076192

eb5029  No.6076193

File: 979316574c1daad⋯.png (138.02 KB, 320x162, 160:81, josniffer.PNG)

809ff0  No.6076194


Eyes on.

He is a Hollywood liberal who has had his eyes opened.

Lesson here is that we shouldn't judge anyone. Many will see the light and come. What happened to this guy is bigger than Hollywood. It was spiritual enlightenment.

1559b1  No.6076195

File: d8e968946931989⋯.png (11.65 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 509c6b29dd966db579f0530f35….png)

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

File: f90de53c58f994e⋯.jpg (334.66 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, DSC00076 - Copy.jpg)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)

What kind of a person take payment to disrupt law abiding civilian researches working to document the criminal activities of murderous pedovore cultists who engage in the rape, torture and ritual murder our children?

A shill does.

Shills pretense of ideology, or belief (including their supposed hatred of this label or that) are entirely illusory, assumed in hope of engendering a like mirrored emotional response in us and diverting our attention from our principal objective, saving our children from satanic ritual abuse rape and torture.

What kind of a person takes low denomination fiat currency to do this?

A shill.

A frightened, hungry ghost.

“They shall be cast into the exterior darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

2570f7  No.6076196

File: ea60ea8e19a05a2⋯.png (20.3 KB, 1015x371, 145:53, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6076047 LB


fe693e  No.6076197

File: 435e6970a93e0ca⋯.jpeg (56.51 KB, 455x586, 455:586, D5BBB171-D2A7-4986-883F-F….jpeg)

967766  No.6076198

File: d3a775e76e8b707⋯.jpg (226.25 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, trump1.jpg)

304740  No.6076199


she doesn't look half bad with her eyes and her mouth closed.

fe693e  No.6076200

129b3e  No.6076201

File: 9715d4089518eb6⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 255x217, 255:217, filter.jpg)

File: 4eedecc74cb238d⋯.jpg (507.55 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, cannon.jpg)

File: fc04e44dfd1ec69⋯.jpg (146.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, div.jpg)


>What kind of a person take payment to disrupt law abiding civilian researches working to document the criminal activities of murderous pedovore cultists who engage in the rape, torture and ritual murder our children?


>A shill does.


>Shills pretense of ideology, or belief (including their supposed hatred of this label or that) are entirely illusory, assumed in hope of engendering a like mirrored emotional response in us and diverting our attention from our principal objective, saving our children from satanic ritual abuse rape and torture.


>What kind of a person takes low denomination fiat currency to do this?


>A shill.


>A frightened, hungry ghost.


>“They shall be cast into the exterior darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

d4f0d6  No.6076202


>law abiding civilian

Just because it's "legal" doesn't mean it's EVIL! Late term abortions for example.

cbefe9  No.6076204

Could multiple posts be strung to create something? >>6076113

2cec8a  No.6076205

File: df29dcc43fb8677⋯.jpg (879.16 KB, 1080x1697, 1080:1697, Screenshot_2019-04-06-16-3….jpg)

Tammy Duckworthless is a dumb cunt. I obviously didn't expect anything more than this stupid ass canned response from an Comminois senator. I have yet to hear back from Dickless Durbin. Fuck, The politicians in this state are beyond ignorant!

d4f0d6  No.6076206


>doesn't mean it's EVIL



0cd0a5  No.6076207

File: 88c8740c03076e5⋯.png (559.44 KB, 664x337, 664:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Syria again condemns US, French and British attacks and policies that endanger int’l peace and security

Damascus, SANA-Syria has confirmed that regimes of the United States, Britain and France have encouraged terrorist organizations to use toxic chemical materials in Khan Sheikhoun, Douma, Aleppo and al-Raseef village, north of Hama city.

It is no longer a secret, an official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said, that these countries encouraged terrorist organizations to use toxic chemical materials in Khan Sheikhoun, Douma, Aleppo and recently in the village of al-Raseef north of Hama.

In a statement to SANA Saturday, the source stressed that the statements issued by these countries are intended to cover future chemical weapons use planned by these criminal parties.

The Foreign ministers of regimes of the US, Britain and France are continuing their cheap propaganda and their falling policies to dispel suspicions regarding the support provided by them to their terrorist tools, which have been used to kill and wreak havoc in Syria for achieving these states’ goals in dominating the Arab region and subjugating it to their colonial policies, the source said.

Weapons and large sums of money provided by these states to the terrorist groups, the source added, including millions of dollars, which have recently been provided to the so called “White Helmets” organization, the main arm of all crimes of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, are the biggest proof on the blatant lying practiced by these countries and their foreign ministers.

The source stressed that these countries, which used chemical weapons in their former colonies and against peoples who fought for their freedom, sovereignty and independence, have no moral capacity to accuse the Syrian Arab Republic of doing that .

Using the white phosphorous by the US to kill civilians in Deir Ezzor province and destroy Syria’s cities and villages, including Raqqa city, on the heads of civilians posed the biggest evidence on the shameful behavior of these countries, according to the source.

The source stressed that Syria’s accession to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and fulfilling all its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention were the decisive proof on the credibility of the Syrian approach, which categorically rejects the use of chemical weapons anywhere, anytime and under any circumstance.

Syria reiterates condemnation of the US, France and Britain’s assaults and threats aimed at undermining objectives of the OPCW, and exploiting it for realizing their despicable interests through false claims which experience has proven that they endanger international peace and security, and also threaten the international order created by the States after the Second World War to rescue generations from the hell of wars, the source concluded.


684a02  No.6076208

File: ea0d37e90be0b87⋯.jpg (135.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, white cats.jpg)


>Emotions are coming up that I wasn’t expecting, sadness, disappointment, heartbreak.

I feel your pain. I'm livid angry because of Allen Tx illegal bust. I dont think I have ever been this enraged and also feel so small and powerless. I am having a hard time getting over it.

I blame myself for getting my hopes up. I was never disappointed when I was a cynical pessimist. I expected failure and I planned on disappointment.

454a51  No.6076209


>This is a bit of a long game. Americans are high-strung, high-impact types who love to have it the timespan of a microwave. Everything is instant.

yea sorry pal

i'll just go back to enjoying the vaccines chemtrails and fouride while the 3rd world pours into my land

62977c  No.6076210

File: 3ce43528fe6235c⋯.png (377.37 KB, 732x439, 732:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd5be2ad42d63ed⋯.png (183.45 KB, 674x1230, 337:615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8111090c4e71371⋯.png (302.77 KB, 1200x782, 600:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5434fb73976e55⋯.png (116.01 KB, 791x1859, 791:1859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cda71a5965b3a0⋯.png (157.47 KB, 640x899, 640:899, ClipboardImage.png)

Eric Holder Loses Big in Wisconsin Battleground Election

Wisconsin voters appear to have delivered a stunning rejection to former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s latest political objective, in a state that’s not only sure to be a 2020 election battleground, but also pivotal in the upcoming decennial redistricting process. Holder is the chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a tax-exempt, 527 political organization that primarily operates for the purpose of influencing elections. The group’s stated aim is to favorably position Democrats in select “red states” and presidential swing states for the next round of redistricting after the 2020 census.

A key race in that effort occurred Tuesday, when liberal-backed judge Lisa Neubauer faced conservative judge Brian Hagedorn for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Despite overwhelming outside support for Neubauer, the April 2 election has Hagedorn leading by nearly 6,000 votes. Hagedorn, a former aide to Republican Gov. Scott Walker, claimed victory on Wednesday, saying “the people of Wisconsin have spoken, and our margin of victory is insurmountable.” The election, however, is likely headed to a recount, although such margins of victory are rarely overturned.

Holder was unusually active in what would seem an inconsequential race for President Obama’s former top law enforcement official. But he invested his time and reputation, as well as hundreds of thousands of donor dollars, in what looks to be another surprising Wisconsin defeat. Famously in 2016, President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by 1 percent in Wisconsin, smashing her much relied upon “blue wall” of Midwest support. It was the first time a Republican presidential candidate won the state since President Reagan in 1984. Determined to reclaim Wisconsin, Holder attended four events in both Madison and Milwaukee on March 14 and 15, to rally African Americans and younger voters to his voting rights and redistricting agenda, which included “voting for Judge Lisa Neubauer on April 2.”

A press release stated that the National Redistricting Action Fund, the 501(c)4 affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, invested $350,000 in two groups—Together Wisconsin Acts and the Black Leaders Organizing Communities—to support Neubauer’s campaign for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Holder also met with the Wisconsin chapter of NextGen, a political activist organization anchored by progressive San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer. The event was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He further met with Leaders Igniting Transformation, an activist group engaging in “electoral organizing, direct action, [and] advocacy for public policy,” according to its website. Other groups acted in tandem, pumping more than $3 million into television ads on Neubauer’s behalf—both supporting her and attacking her opponent. An allied group called the Greater Wisconsin Committee spent at least $750,000 on attack ads, according to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

Records show that the Greater Wisconsin Committee is mostly funded by labor unions and groups supporting left-leaning candidates. Records also show that Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee raised more than $8.3 million from late 2016 to March 2018. It’s top donors were George Soros, Fred Eychaner, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.


9deb6c  No.6076211

They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into.

1559b1  No.6076212

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Helicopter action in Hollywood Hills


f89693  No.6076213

File: 810bde4dbff07c0⋯.png (561.02 KB, 606x380, 303:190, ClipboardImage.png)

528493  No.6076214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f5745  No.6076216


> Learn our comms

Where are the comms?

Anon image board?

How are comms relayed?

Cryptic & conspiratorial

Some times non sensical?

Who invented the term "conspiracy theory"


Define: cover

Look here

Not there

Anons believe Q is the first?

How long have they been communicating this way?


> conspiracy no more

809ff0  No.6076217


I've always loved me some Pence. If I was gay he would totally be my type. LOLOL.

5c7857  No.6076218


KEK fuken saved (post re: lb)

838ed1  No.6076219


It's scattered.

Pick one topic you want to bring focus on and I'll provide top cover with a meme shower.

Or don't.

As you wish.

0d7dc1  No.6076220

File: cc795543957a788⋯.png (72.61 KB, 720x419, 720:419, Screenshot_20190406-103447….png)



ece7b1  No.6076221

File: b680f01302a00e6⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 500x367, 500:367, bbc.jpg)


MSM World Exclusive 9/11/2001

BBC had an extra special treat… Building 7 sneak preview by Jane Standley. Told you it fell before it did. And how was that again? 7 hours after the towers?

5cbda4  No.6076222



>she doesn't look half bad with her eyes and her mouth closed.

There's a joke about muh wife in there.

432e01  No.6076224

witch 1 thru gaga gags vomit back and forth between bitch on1 nad 2


they are here - anyone wanna throw some klla memes, now is the time. drop the sack on these bitches. I'll start:


concrete=no/cement=cracked foundation bent upslope downslope



smells - stank / no duck canclean out that gutter

drain swap - discontinue and nuke the pile - deep impact

5c7857  No.6076225

File: ebd8ba63b6ff905⋯.jpg (78.49 KB, 500x513, 500:513, logicfrens.jpg)

File: 32fad2060b95556⋯.png (125.54 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, herewego.jpeg.png)

File: 8c132ded500efe9⋯.png (130.07 KB, 688x471, 688:471, whytheyrescured.png)

a08bf8  No.6076226

What did Q mean by posting patton oswalt hinting at him being close to who is next to fall? Was he hinting at a comedian maybe sarah silverman pattons close friend? That is something we could dig on.

9deb6c  No.6076228

File: 3bc14a9858ced4a⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1200x832, 75:52, ClipboardImage.png)

67406a  No.6076229


anons know hussein just showed up publicly.

anons know you know too.

anons know you shitpost to make anons look bad.

anons know it won´t work.

d9be59  No.6076230

File: c29a45667726988⋯.png (199.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Pence Pepe.png)

6b6189  No.6076231

File: e51e2d5dc851079⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 652x367, 652:367, red-tailed hawk-0314.jpg)



Like a hawk!

1559b1  No.6076232

File: bb07e6df451982a⋯.jpg (135.56 KB, 600x892, 150:223, bb07e6df451982a3e169bcb12f….jpg)

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

129b3e  No.6076233

File: b103ec7097ad704⋯.png (638.54 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 0_jew_pointer.png)

67406a  No.6076234

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)

/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


Order is critical.

Strings cut to US/UK.

Expand your thinking.

Swamp drain.

1 - sexual harassment exit + future


[R] - No.

Bomb away.


e2dbe4  No.6076235


She's either way down in the shit, or completely brainwashed. Or both. Both definitely is a possibility. Fucking sad what they have done to these people. Alyssa is parading around, state to state, issue to issue, and is probably the most active activist of them all.

5df065  No.6076236



Do Joe sniffin dog, plz.

528493  No.6076237

File: 5fe66442bf59775⋯.png (359.37 KB, 601x607, 601:607, Pepe yellow vest girl 2.png)

c9046a  No.6076238


>to create something

What could that be?

Except these three lines all others had been copied from previous Q posts.

Sounds much like some "copycat" to me (if not famefag), all the more since Q repeatedly said "no outside comms".

d4f0d6  No.6076239


No idea what you are talking about buddy, but keep it up. ;)

1559b1  No.6076240

File: d48259c8568234a⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 672x372, 56:31, vril_dali2.jpg)

f89693  No.6076241

File: 816fdf9dd49425d⋯.png (241.13 KB, 390x245, 78:49, ClipboardImage.png)

fixed it

0decf8  No.6076242


You mad because of an ICE raid.

Quit hiring illegal immigrants.

3c4c37  No.6076243

File: 8986e3c177c1dc6⋯.gif (2.9 MB, 240x320, 3:4, jig.gif)



d4f0d6  No.6076244

File: ca688968c47c5c9⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


So is this.

b7d1bc  No.6076245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3f5745  No.6076246


What if evidence exists?

Would you release self incriminating evidence or release it from anon sources?

They dont think they will declass the FISA

Why do you think they are calling for the evidence?

> FISA brings down the house.

FISA proves treason

304740  No.6076247


dude you forgot to put pictures with your memes, also.. calm down and spell when you make them.

421e4f  No.6076248

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, scofield.png)

ea52f5  No.6076249

File: d0471bdf18feb04⋯.png (185.9 KB, 522x593, 522:593, Das It Mane.png)

b05c42  No.6076251

File: 8d590a5d48fdbf4⋯.jpg (48.67 KB, 513x720, 57:80, WhatAreYouSaying.jpg)

bb50ac  No.6076252


CIA operation and assets were employed

421e4f  No.6076253

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, lovekids.png)

ce72ca  No.6076254

File: 035ec4c7e81b9eb⋯.jpg (46.44 KB, 660x438, 110:73, _100771270_gettyimages-509….jpg)


why have I never heard of or seen her before?

Is this her? She has no legs? I didn't know…

Well I would expect a reply like that from a Democrat…

421e4f  No.6076255

File: b71793de59a106b⋯.jpeg (610.63 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, bobby.jpeg)

3f5745  No.6076256


Would you release self incriminating evidence if you loved the people ?



ae7550  No.6076257

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4c4e84c8cac9ef13d2b066120e….jpg)

File: fa3302d9888b5ef⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Navy_Q.jpg)

File: 178acfd423bc728⋯.png (829.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alt_Alpha.png)

File: f81ab9a0e82eca8⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2560x2561, 2560:2561, ThanQ Military Q Alpha.png)


ThanQ Baker !

Semper Fortis !

85c44b  No.6076258

File: 59f647fa574f668⋯.jpg (208.44 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_2070.JPG)

421e4f  No.6076260

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, not_semetic.png)

421e4f  No.6076261

File: 58a4c2c4aa25876⋯.png (994.75 KB, 1165x1139, 1165:1139, real_goy_doc.png)

7412f5  No.6076262


God bless John Candy!

He was simply the best!

ae6d88  No.6076263


0d7dc1  No.6076264

File: cc795543957a788⋯.png (72.61 KB, 720x419, 720:419, Screenshot_20190406-103447….png)



9deb6c  No.6076265


Palestinians are!

Israel is Antisemitic!

684a02  No.6076266


Eric Holder was so corrupt as AG that people quit in protest. So here is another meddling, criminal faggot that is still walking around free.

Two tier justice folks, it's just two tier justice.

Oh if democrats are against Gerrymandering they need to look at Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee's district in Houston and tell me that's not gerrymandered.

ce72ca  No.6076267

File: 9acd998ac936e17⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 571x571, 1:1, 8a58b87099054e2e060c5dfd4e….jpg)

ba1142  No.6076268



Judges, judges, judges

Pay attention to the war front.

See the battles.

See the winning.

Winning battles leads to winning the war.

Winning the war leads to peace and prosperity.

Be patient and watchful.

Relentless keep fighting.

Never give up.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

74baa7  No.6076269

File: d7408c0e0da2478⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 411x302, 411:302, gaganomakeup.jpg)


>Abramowitch's daughter?

aafa9e  No.6076270

I've been on an obscure media hunt for the longest, and there is probably a good reason I haven't found it.

Many years back, it would have had to been before her first run, there was a clip of HRC sitting in the back of a limo commenting on someone getting busted over an email server.

Nothing groundbreaking and IANAL, but it would put her on record of being knowledgeable of email servers before she claimed to be.

838ed1  No.6076271

File: 6fe9f9ebf5d3fa5⋯.jpg (285.77 KB, 900x506, 450:253, QCrumbsPanicPowerReturnedT….jpg)

File: 1d04147b24da1a9⋯.jpg (190.17 KB, 815x1500, 163:300, QCrumbsWeHaveEverythingTru….jpg)

File: 56d26017ba2c894⋯.jpg (254.66 KB, 1150x875, 46:35, QCrumbsCoronaOfflineSatell….jpg)

File: 1120914fbea4453⋯.jpg (269.46 KB, 700x1017, 700:1017, QCrumbsWizards Warlocks.jpg)

File: c17305aaf2c9f61⋯.jpg (255.33 KB, 1629x979, 1629:979, QCrumbsWelcomeAwakeningKno….jpg)

421e4f  No.6076273

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 984f6109b387204⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 850x490, 85:49, 984f6109b38720.jpg)

cbefe9  No.6076274

Who knows? No outside comms to us. How are they communicating to others? Just digging >>6076238

4b70b3  No.6076275

File: bcb4a22d37fba63⋯.png (847.29 KB, 1224x628, 306:157, Screenshot_49.png)

a6f4a6  No.6076276

unlisted nationals doing what to what now?



5d9d02  No.6076277

File: 2904b4332b0ee35⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1514x1107, 1514:1107, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


TY Baker!

ae6d88  No.6076278

File: 8de8dda7164621f⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 651x467, 651:467, wtfsealmirror.jpg)

5c7857  No.6076279

File: 388699ed68245b3⋯.png (482.76 KB, 1291x1278, 1291:1278, ForNewfags (2).png)

File: 3d85d23ea898964⋯.png (2.49 MB, 5145x2671, 5145:2671, ForNewfags.png)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, howtofilterfornewfagsIDonl….jpg)

4a2b7c  No.6076280


Love the video baker!

421e4f  No.6076281

File: 2d7f560d52652eb⋯.jpg (196.09 KB, 644x624, 161:156, real.jpg)

952822  No.6076282


304740  No.6076283


apparently feminists's brains are in their feet

421e4f  No.6076285

File: 0a55c69b55416ee⋯.png (213.66 KB, 600x439, 600:439, 00_jew_pointer.png)

de22ea  No.6076286


George Lucas completely Exonerated.

80ba9c  No.6076287

File: c13bb31d1aa3325⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7611871D-0D36-4998-8440-9D….png)

File: 83ee49f84857fd3⋯.jpeg (95.54 KB, 777x436, 777:436, F97CC0E1-EAD9-487E-8EBC-8….jpeg)

File: b0bf581bd263959⋯.png (229.53 KB, 500x783, 500:783, 950BB51C-772B-402A-833D-EE….png)

You cannot stop this man,

You cannot stop this plan!

Give up, it’s over!

421e4f  No.6076288

File: 4d2c665e1333bec⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 154x151, 154:151, listen.jpg)



0d7dc1  No.6076289

File: 0a1b4cbfd3c1f6e⋯.gif (2.42 MB, 385x200, 77:40, giphy.gif)

d4f0d6  No.6076290


99% of posts here are by (Q) jew team members. The more you know. ;)

2c2478  No.6076291

File: 98eeb11251437de⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kekeistan navy.jpg)




952822  No.6076292


Found the leftist jew!

421e4f  No.6076293

File: dbbc9c285e7aa88⋯.png (76.03 KB, 788x614, 394:307, pikes_plan.png)

5c7857  No.6076294

File: ee6cb23390b86c0⋯.png (121.64 KB, 251x251, 1:1, doubletake w flotus.png)

0cd0a5  No.6076295

File: 5d48b7967097088⋯.png (750.77 KB, 802x569, 802:569, ClipboardImage.png)

b762e9  No.6076296

File: 474d422e182055a⋯.png (406.04 KB, 338x396, 169:198, pulaski2.png)

More libtard crazy nonsense while trying to rewrite history based on no evidence or facts…

(((▪︎Revolutionary War hero may have been biologically a woman: documentary▪︎)))

A Revolutionary War hero celebrated in Illinois with a state holiday and in New York City with an annual parade up iconic Fifth Avenue may not have been a man, a new documentary postulates.

Instead, Polish-born general Casimir Pulaski, the “Father of the American Cavalry” who died fighting for America’s freedom, may have been born an intersex female, according to Smithsonian Channel’s “America’s Hidden Stories: The General Was Female?” that airs Monday.

Pulaski may have had an intersex condition known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which makes women produce large amounts of male hormones that can enlarge their genitals and give them traditionally “masculine-looking” features, Georgia Southern University assistant professor of anthropology Virginia Hutton Estabrook told the New York Post….cont.


c3df13  No.6076297

File: 083597e68ac1196⋯.png (167.21 KB, 352x403, 352:403, hoodcat.png)

2fba14  No.6076298

File: 286d288d8dcb7c1⋯.png (505.26 KB, 620x620, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

b22792  No.6076299

File: 2e3becf545c6d2d⋯.png (557.88 KB, 1348x768, 337:192, Isaiayylmao.png)

File: a193939742ecd7a⋯.jpg (102.45 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, MV5BNmMzYTZlZTEtNTIyMi00M2….jpg)


Area Q (2011) movie,

Thomas Mathews (played by Isaiah Washington), an investigative journalist whose world is turned upside-down when his son disappears, is sent to Brazil to investigate close encounter sightings.


5d9d02  No.6076300

File: 404e989d63ecc2f⋯.png (74.76 KB, 542x523, 542:523, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

4d1680  No.6076301

File: 3568cea1bd3466e⋯.png (187.7 KB, 381x284, 381:284, 2019-02-25_23-01-23 copy.png)

d4f0d6  No.6076302

File: f2ebc1d1fb4932a⋯.png (451.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


So is this.

c5fce0  No.6076303

I understand everyone is on different level of woke. I get that my perception may not be at this point of time.

It all works.

f72bb1  No.6076304


gotta be a moonchild

421e4f  No.6076305

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!


>Found the leftist jew!

304740  No.6076306

File: 9028ba553e63f0e⋯.jpg (38.85 KB, 600x524, 150:131, 1325888589064.jpg)

952822  No.6076307


"No outside comms" - Q

Fail, you leftist commie jew

9deb6c  No.6076308

File: de0c7710c7f8649⋯.png (334.48 KB, 497x355, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

5d9d02  No.6076309

File: b8ce69a2c241192⋯.png (453.47 KB, 573x569, 573:569, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

421e4f  No.6076310

File: ac53015b5d3aeea⋯.png (175.35 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, we_all_the_goyim.png)

838ed1  No.6076311

File: 30f5251cdaffb7c⋯.jpg (514.42 KB, 1536x1054, 768:527, WeThePeople.jpg)

File: 11457c4f010089e⋯.jpg (242.67 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, WeThePeopleMakeNoise.jpg)

File: 5e4596c462a4623⋯.png (190.31 KB, 2255x3053, 2255:3053, We The PeopleLion2.png)

File: 96ab1adbcb52a0e⋯.jpg (167.46 KB, 539x672, 77:96, We The People 10042018_ 2.jpg)

432e01  No.6076312


Bread - Sweet Surrender >>6076121

>d4f0d6 Gorka, YOU KNOW wut I'm talking about Willis!

421e4f  No.6076313

File: 8e833162b845a01⋯.jpg (67.74 KB, 704x527, 704:527, numbers.jpg)

0cd0a5  No.6076314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


67406a  No.6076315


Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.


34fa40  No.6076316

File: d7d9a599e33bc01⋯.gif (3.36 MB, 425x215, 85:43, IMG_2843.GIF)

5b167a  No.6076317

File: dbe5fcf7178b60c⋯.jpg (94.83 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Don't-cause-a-Scene-Booker.jpg)

f6221b  No.6076318

File: dd0364e40d37d25⋯.png (40.05 KB, 643x788, 643:788, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d9401ba19e040b⋯.png (28.12 KB, 605x552, 605:552, ClipboardImage.png)

PAYtriot / MOS agent David Seaman Misinformation Email (asks for TIPS at the bottom, of course)

For KeKs

This is how the paytriots are rolling now that BO resigned… they think they've won… "slayed the Q-beast"… hah!

Full text of email:

Sat, Apr 6, 2019


David vs Q-liath: Q Quits 8chan!!!!

This is how I thought Podesta would go down! Lay out the facts, hit them hard and fast and accurately, give the public a few days to digest the argument that's been laid out.

In this case, it actually worked.

James Coleman Rogers has resigned from Patriots Soapbox livestream channel, effective immediately.

Patriots Soapbox has turned off live sidebar comments during their show, which is why many of their viewers tuned in to begin with. The number of people asking for refunds and demanding to know what happened to Coleman Rogers has overwhelmed them.

Further, the owner of the QResearch board on 8chan, which was home to Q, has resigned abruptly.

As 0Hour explained on Twitter, "People don't get that the board owner resigning means #Qanon tripcode is in the hands of all the board volunteers they run the board now Q is over good bye done."

Now any Q post can come from potentially any freak on the board. Game over!

And so it was. And so it is. For those not yet aware of what a scam QANON turned out to be, we walked through it again fresh this morning here: https://www.pscp.tv/Fulcrum__News/1ynJOREAzjWGR

Props to Isaac Green, 0Hour, Ginger McQueen, and Adam Gingrich for helping to slay the Q-Beast. This wasn't a solo effort.



p.s. To tip very truthful FULCRUM DC for a job very well done, bringing this scammer down and removing his leech-like lips from MAGA's plump ass is a net positive for humanity.

65b14e  No.6076319

File: 12a4c771314528a⋯.jpg (888.01 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Thank-You-Wizards-and-Warl….jpg)


TY Wizards & Warlocks.

0d7dc1  No.6076321


19 posts?

Working overtime?



952822  No.6076322


Yes, we get it, you leftist jews love to post "rattling" but really boring and weak narrative.

We patriotic jews see you.

You're low IQ.

Golan Heights.

It's over.

83e859  No.6076323

File: 305c6796c29fd36⋯.jpg (42 KB, 300x231, 100:77, SpfldUnion_10_6_11-300x231.jpg)

File: 2af86dfb479e3f8⋯.jpg (13.43 KB, 403x300, 403:300, 2fc0a405bda1d6342d82fd84ea….jpg)

File: 56f587eeefcbf5a⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 9504195_orig.jpg)

File: 4df610d435e947b⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 586x420, 293:210, demon3.jpg)


explain these illusions

421e4f  No.6076324

File: 9c30687964e3508⋯.png (483.4 KB, 840x574, 60:41, reality.png)

74baa7  No.6076325

File: a3bb2066d4e11e2⋯.png (91.09 KB, 210x267, 70:89, rbgeyes.png)

76a412  No.6076327

File: 6706513f39905a2⋯.jpeg (99.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5E8EAB63-D52E-40A5-92AC-9….jpeg)

File: f841d48c0b214fc⋯.jpeg (79.36 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 13C32C08-5551-4EEB-BA8F-2….jpeg)

File: 5a5de4565aff36a⋯.jpeg (733.51 KB, 4042x1985, 4042:1985, 973436E6-10E8-48A8-8ED1-7….jpeg)

File: 83f2488e238f486⋯.jpeg (68.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BEDDAC72-B34D-43BC-AFEC-6….jpeg)

998813  No.6076328

File: 7be8ae745b62f5b⋯.jpg (207.52 KB, 720x857, 720:857, 20190406_225837.jpg)

File: ca303c449e4de5c⋯.jpg (202.75 KB, 720x796, 180:199, 20190406_225856.jpg)


ae6d88  No.6076329

File: 9f72b45d2351465⋯.jpg (20.45 KB, 474x266, 237:133, singingmouse.jpg)

0cd0a5  No.6076330

File: 2303bbb96fae37a⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1183x663, 91:51, ClipboardImage.png)

The Cabal

5d9d02  No.6076331

File: ae40797b3a5b917⋯.png (692.53 KB, 1077x562, 1077:562, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)

File: 69e16535a3854ad⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1267x784, 181:112, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: 404a110c17f3503⋯.png (374.94 KB, 870x506, 435:253, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: e90b8fc98d83186⋯.png (813.15 KB, 931x615, 931:615, Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at ….png)

421e4f  No.6076332

File: 502394ea6eda4a3⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 474x522, 79:87, drain_jews.jpg)

File: b3759aa334a8741⋯.png (321.29 KB, 616x683, 616:683, trumpgonnagetya.png)

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)


>Yes, we get it, you leftist jews love to post "rattling" but really boring and weak narrative.


>We patriotic jews see you.


>You're low IQ.


>Golan Heights.


>It's over.

b94879  No.6076333

File: 10f2e7a2382a5e7⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1634x1404, 817:702, ClipboardImage.png)

304740  No.6076334

File: 85248c5ab7b554d⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 240x274, 120:137, 1360209191851.jpg)


Mad Spartacus , omg they are evolving !!

d4f0d6  No.6076335

File: 8351d8a74fe7c2f⋯.png (146.29 KB, 259x262, 259:262, ClipboardImage.png)

67406a  No.6076336

File: 4e1512bcbcab55d⋯.jpeg (10.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, POTUS_shut_it_shill.jpeg)

2c2478  No.6076337

File: 7354b8994bea50a⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 400x300, 4:3, skeptical dog.jpg)

421e4f  No.6076338

File: 3a35b7c8675ea77⋯.png (361.74 KB, 1507x776, 1507:776, 15_1.png)

File: 8bc85bda6455207⋯.png (198.29 KB, 1501x749, 1501:749, 15_2.png)

File: d51c3956f7dd2b0⋯.png (386.69 KB, 1502x817, 1502:817, 15_3.png)

b762e9  No.6076339

File: 6c8ccd0e905f847⋯.jpg (108.41 KB, 580x640, 29:32, IMG_18421.jpg)

b94879  No.6076340

File: 434750af16e2109⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1398x1536, 233:256, ClipboardImage.png)

2cec8a  No.6076341


That's the one and only. Helo pilot in the Army and lost her legs when she crashed.

In all fairness, i guess, she is a strong supporter of veterans but that is her only saving grace. An ignorant democrat on all other things.

421e4f  No.6076342

File: 3778efab313858a⋯.jpg (21.95 KB, 646x236, 323:118, nasa.jpg)

File: 56ac7bc3f95f3d7⋯.jpg (113.17 KB, 530x530, 1:1, lionel.jpg)

454a51  No.6076343


> The number of people asking for refunds

from a FREE livestream?

67406a  No.6076344


so now devision shills try to divide within the jews?

pathetic, really.

5d9d02  No.6076345

File: aef5c37a1d085de⋯.png (1.06 MB, 727x1153, 727:1153, Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at ….png)

421e4f  No.6076346

File: 00166d2d29eb9b2⋯.jpg (341.21 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, jew_media.jpg)

62977c  No.6076347

Gerrymandering, I am noticing this word being thrown around quite a bite lately by them..new narrative, I believe, that said these are states they can't win with out cheating. This is an art to them they fancy themselves quite skillful at it.

bb50ac  No.6076348

File: f677d75275d579f⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 51pd1cSyACL._SX331_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 8c85da7084f9cab⋯.png (71.13 KB, 535x208, 535:208, mainstream_media_logos.png)


Which one shows Collusion?

None of them

421e4f  No.6076349

File: 9d01eeba417332e⋯.jpg (236.81 KB, 610x457, 610:457, stupid_fucking_goy.jpg)

fd7ad0  No.6076350

File: 10c07d18a3b0c4e⋯.png (339.75 KB, 750x1188, 125:198, HOLYSHIT.png)

File: bad9d94c4f89794⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, These arent people. These ….mp4)

guise..would you believe that they would be evil enough to lie like that over a clip that was a news story last year..in which he called MS 13 animals..BUT..this time they are trying to convince people that POTUS is a mass murderer..would you believe these people are evil enough to try to "prove" it??

this is so fucked up i can't believe it's happening..this is very fuckin serious.

how far will these people go??


9d0875  No.6076351


stranger than fiction….

5df065  No.6076352


Unfortunately 99% of jews ARE left wing commies.

3f3aa1  No.6076353

File: 886ed6b7e308803⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x689, 1024:689, CATONLOG.png)


Time to post this one again I see .

421e4f  No.6076354

File: 9351e726642a3fc⋯.png (350.39 KB, 500x668, 125:167, jew_law.png)

952822  No.6076355














0f546c  No.6076356

Why do I get the feeling that the Jews have taken over this board..when you come onto this board it is nothing but Jewish rhetoric on every bread…is that what they do..they wait until someone starts something then stick their nose in and shit all over it until it is theirs..pitiful..

421e4f  No.6076357

File: 5f8f2bda9276b68⋯.jpg (111.46 KB, 640x576, 10:9, jew11.jpg)

76a412  No.6076358

File: 81ec71cb6a32d8e⋯.jpeg (80.21 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 8D480440-3A5A-439E-B9BA-4….jpeg)

a08bf8  No.6076359

File: 999afce0c292397⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 1835655541684481044.jpg)

File: f37523f7f4aaec5⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 844x844, 1:1, 1821716697671022752.jpg)

File: 6f1a75e1c6df323⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 1049x1311, 1049:1311, 1821715288494157930.jpg)

File: 2897c3bf51f64ff⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 691x691, 1:1, 1828259415683690989.jpg)

File: a49ab65a4a5b4c7⋯.jpg (109.61 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1828261856651238393.jpg)

sick memes from @jenna_kilz on ig

She is doing a masonic guesture. Bad apple

b762e9  No.6076360

File: a51ac5318f46b93⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 2xv05t.jpg)

File: 587b7a6a97aebe2⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2xi6hk.jpg)

432e01  No.6076361


that juh need a makeover or, —!!!! aAM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT???

0ee49e  No.6076363

File: 71a0d7cebaecddc⋯.jpeg (84.25 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 5A86A92B-BCFA-4C29-A20C-E….jpeg)

421e4f  No.6076364

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

3f5745  No.6076365


> which house?

5d9d02  No.6076366

File: 4ca37a303bdf4c0⋯.png (639.27 KB, 826x960, 413:480, Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at ….png)

0b7231  No.6076367


That’s an improvement!

421e4f  No.6076368

File: 3785da0e8421c90⋯.jpg (203.17 KB, 598x577, 598:577, shillception.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076370


Hmmm? Panic? Not right now. But your ALL CAPS suggest that you are the one panicking. ;)

528493  No.6076371

File: 7eacf066484aea0⋯.png (1.33 MB, 835x711, 835:711, Trump Johnny quest.png)

5cbda4  No.6076372

File: af36fcca122d6ba⋯.png (44.96 KB, 262x306, 131:153, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)


Crap feet

Crap fit on left socket (nothing to give bony support)

Alignment way out of whack (look how pigeon-toed her left foot is)

Sauce: Prostheticfag

81adfb  No.6076373

Hey shills AOC is a friggin idiot

3f5745  No.6076374


Context important to frame.

Paint the picture.

e2dbe4  No.6076375


Check these out:



2dc6eb  No.6076376

File: 60100c056adda1c⋯.png (81.51 KB, 263x264, 263:264, ClipboardImage.png)

81adfb  No.6076377

File: 3b1e197d44fc530⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 185x255, 37:51, 4b1fab6c422b3c7508ec1e47e5….jpg)

421e4f  No.6076378

File: 207ee12954e8668⋯.png (456.38 KB, 500x345, 100:69, zzoinks1.png)

File: 5c11521a01e26b2⋯.png (319.37 KB, 437x279, 437:279, zzoinks2.png)

File: 656c94adbbb2f2f⋯.png (340.33 KB, 446x313, 446:313, zzoinks3.png)

ce72ca  No.6076379

File: 937d13813a9ff4f⋯.gif (419.71 KB, 440x320, 11:8, tumblr_lwdmnmTCrl1qgwbsto1….gif)

bb50ac  No.6076380


In any accent

952822  No.6076381



81adfb  No.6076382

>>6076368 Ok not the Jews

0cd0a5  No.6076383

File: c942508210e5ea8⋯.png (1017.7 KB, 901x634, 901:634, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0a221cabc0459a⋯.png (335.49 KB, 505x506, 505:506, ClipboardImage.png)

421e4f  No.6076384

File: f1eef63b3bf63e8⋯.png (38.09 KB, 228x219, 76:73, i_smell_shekels.png)


Pretty similar.

838ed1  No.6076385

File: 9103bc4cc7e72d5⋯.jpg (263.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, AmericaSafeTrumpAccomplish….jpg)

File: 0b75ae429283f5c⋯.jpg (453.37 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SafeCommunitiesTrumpAccomp….jpg)

File: 358da389d827a56⋯.jpg (299.23 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, SafeCommunitiesTrumpAccomp….jpg)

File: 77a06b704e9fff8⋯.jpg (408.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SafeCommunitiesTrumpAccomp….jpg)

File: f774d391859adca⋯.jpg (399.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SafeCommunitiesTrumpAccomp….jpg)

b05c42  No.6076387

File: f182c639c07762f⋯.jpg (140.91 KB, 1200x872, 150:109, communitae.jpg)

81adfb  No.6076388

>>6076380 as a southern man…KEK

ece7b1  No.6076389

File: 668d9db773c65bd⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1359x684, 151:76, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: e53a649a5f61ae0⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1357x683, 1357:683, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: c8dbd12995061ba⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1362x693, 454:231, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: 9c7e3894c8eac11⋯.png (574.67 KB, 705x667, 705:667, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)


The head of LA's MOCA, Klaus Biesenbach, He is a PHYSICIAN, yet no one seems to be able to find his medical training history…

LONG history w/ Abramovic too.

"Biesenbach was born in Bergisch Gladbach, West Germany, and later studied medicine."


421e4f  No.6076390

File: c89753045d1fe9d⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 600x418, 300:209, polska.jpg)

73c804  No.6076391

shill count must be high

6b6189  No.6076392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

90c995  No.6076393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kate Bush looks like a mannish woman with male hips and no womanly grace and a falsetto voice (castrato?). A friend who helped train trannie men to move more like women said they could not achieve the gracefulness of a woman no matter how much they tried – it's biology.

Watch the clunky moves of Kate in this classic video.


0b7231  No.6076394


She used o be nice and normal. Sauce..I was friends w her.

c3df13  No.6076395

File: 62c876b533b95cd⋯.png (239.01 KB, 377x362, 377:362, laffdog.png)

998813  No.6076396


Hello real anon…

9bad05  No.6076397

yes the adrenals are bled dry.

good thing there are tens of thousands of hundreds more of us to carry on…..


1086f5  No.6076398

File: b3d51bc06558d21⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 500x357, 500:357, jew_son_shekels.jpg)

952822  No.6076399



774b2c  No.6076400


You guys have been digging for 2 years now. Much longer you're going to pop out on the opposite side of the globe.

b05c42  No.6076401


Top work!!

d4f0d6  No.6076402


>Hello real anon…

Hi. :)

9deb6c  No.6076403

File: d32593654bc438c⋯.png (791.57 KB, 1114x836, 557:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15b2302f6d4a46c⋯.png (5.36 MB, 3000x2805, 200:187, ClipboardImage.png)

1086f5  No.6076404

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

a6f4a6  No.6076405

File: a795579ab551b85⋯.png (56.03 KB, 196x257, 196:257, ClipboardImage.png)


would you look at this sneaky shit?

H[I]FTER vs H[A]FTER because, yaknow, nobody's trying to force a name association, right?



3c4c37  No.6076406

File: 1f671d44e085554⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 276x321, 92:107, nrse.gif)



7412f5  No.6076407


What I need to know is how to do a search through the breads.

That would be so incredibly useful.


0057af  No.6076408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Christopher Bollyn - best explanation of all of this shit I have ever heard

1086f5  No.6076409

File: 0e450849722c1ac⋯.jpg (116.89 KB, 893x960, 893:960, goldstein.jpg)


I still say Gaga is her clone…

d4f0d6  No.6076410

File: a3ec6a9fb8c5e5d⋯.png (539.05 KB, 343x604, 343:604, ClipboardImage.png)


Like this meme?

b762e9  No.6076411

File: 99f33f4aac21a8f⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 34972og.jpg)


You just explained them.

They're illusions within (your) mind.

267be3  No.6076412


The cabal's loyal workers. fify

859ae2  No.6076413

File: a1cc81d61979d27⋯.png (118.32 KB, 841x517, 841:517, HowDidItStartV1.png)

File: 29af3a582a241e2⋯.png (94.84 KB, 950x344, 475:172, Day1V1.png)

File: 8caf3d4633e1782⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1475x1870, 295:374, DallaireQV1.png)

File: 4de33a20a360254⋯.jpg (493.78 KB, 928x862, 464:431, BonAppetit.jpg)


>>6026813 (pb)

73c804  No.6076414


subtly trying to blame the jews by claiming to be a patriotic jew^

5d9d02  No.6076415

File: 65243447bebbbae⋯.png (307.7 KB, 915x1005, 61:67, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: ab04cfbe4ef02f5⋯.png (354.81 KB, 1318x1111, 1318:1111, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)

Hussein speaks about MuhDeepFakes in Berlin…

Obama addresses European young leaders in Berlin. "What you're gonna start seeing is the ability to duplicate peoples speech and figures…. distinguishing what's true and whats not is going to become even more difficult.”

I wonder what this guy has up his sleeve.



81adfb  No.6076416

>>6076404 yep should be fucking goats like muzzies

1086f5  No.6076417

File: ebe1b8da530db2b⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 621x599, 621:599, civil.jpg)

5c7857  No.6076418

File: 2e31e02becde9aa⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1056x918, 176:153, pependoganontakeonthecabal.png)


dub dubs agreeeeee he was tippytop!

car scene in planes trains automobiles..


d0cac1  No.6076419

File: 023bc4c48e122c3⋯.png (315.36 KB, 858x774, 143:129, 9084531345460987765.png)

aa8fe1  No.6076420



If there was a worldwide culture at one time, was there also worldwide cannibalism? Isthis one of the reasons they refer to us a "cattle"?

1086f5  No.6076421

File: cbd8f1637bb0e96⋯.jpeg (155.5 KB, 1242x863, 1242:863, hatetalkin.jpeg)

c7ba2f  No.6076422

File: 5fbc619e15c48c1⋯.png (21.36 KB, 334x331, 334:331, gingered.png)

>>6075928 /LB

Marrying a redhead is one thing. IDing your presence with ginger photos every bread while engaging in overly dramatic squabbles with known provocateurs is another.

599805  No.6076423

File: 6fc58cd338f9635⋯.png (144.34 KB, 400x801, 400:801, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons… read the early Q drop (pic related). All of it.

Then, re-read the yellow, highlighted portion.

Think Robert Mueller.

Marine officer. Taking direct orders from Killary to personally take uranium cake sample to Canada. Fucking hates her. Documents everything.

Grabs Rosenstein (his family also under threat of Arkancide) and sprints into DJT's office in January of '17. Spills his guts. Trump and Q already had intel, but glad he wanted to serve the good guys.

Plan kicks into full swing.

Mueller does EXACTLY what we needed him to do.

Rosenstein wears wire into every single meeting with McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc. whereby they plot to [187] POTUS; putting their puppet, Pence, into place. Pence/Ryan return DS-run gubbermint to business as usual.

Nothing to see here.

f6221b  No.6076424

File: cd7e23a1330c2b6⋯.jpg (102.29 KB, 660x716, 165:179, zzz.jpg)


>As 0Hour explained on Twitter, "People don't get that the board owner resigning means #Qanon tripcode is in the hands of all the board volunteers they run the board now Q is over good bye done."


>Now any Q post can come from potentially any freak on the board. Game over!

Only MOS doesn't mention that a) Q's trip is the secure kind, and BO/BV don't have access to the password & secondly, they fail to mention that Q still has /PatriotsFight/ which is Q-Team's own board and has nothing to do with /Qresearch/.

This is desperation at its finest at turning those who are on the fence about Q and don't understand how the tech works here @ 8chan.

Hey David Seaman – YOU LOSE. Enjoy GITMO. No one gets a pass. NO ONE.


a8add8  No.6076425

Did I get lost and end up on muh jew board?

d4f0d6  No.6076426


Yup, looks like the witch's daughter.

9deb6c  No.6076427

File: 4576e52ecbb9971⋯.png (599.12 KB, 1021x572, 1021:572, ClipboardImage.png)

fd5997  No.6076428



d4f0d6  No.6076429

0057af  No.6076430

File: 102306b00268e9f⋯.jpg (265.08 KB, 1872x1056, 39:22, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….jpg)

bb50ac  No.6076431


He's been hanging around the young ones lately. Young Democrats and not Young Leaders in Berlin.

74b23c  No.6076432

File: 79c8d73624c1299⋯.png (54.46 KB, 315x180, 7:4, paris.png)

Paris apartment block EXPLODES sending huge fireball shooting across the street destroying 26 flats as firefighters battle the blazing inferno

BREAKING NEWS - 45 minutes ago April 6, 2019 Paris, France


***The blast ripped through the apartment complex in north Paris at 9.30pm

***More than 50 firefighters are currently battling the inferno in the building

***Early indications suggest that no-one has been injured in the explosion

***It is believed 26 flats have been damaged in the explosion and subsequent fire

A massive explosion brought terror to a packed block of flats in Paris tonight as a blaze swept through the building.

The fire broke out in a flat in Boulevard Macdonald, in the 19th arrondissement, just north of the Gare du Nord Eurostar hub soon after 9.30pm on Saturday night, spreading to 26 other modern apartments.

Despite the ferocity of the blaze, early indications were that 'for the moment there are no victims - nobody injured,' said Gabriel Plus, a spokesman for the Paris fire brigade.

SOURCE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6894597/Paris-firefighters-battle-blazing-inferno-city-centre-building-EXPLODES-destroying-26-flats.html

304740  No.6076433

File: 0a80114ec1d5d75⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 412x442, 206:221, 0a80114ec1d5d7515e60665388….gif)



fd7ad0  No.6076434



O'Rourke trying to pin POTUS to Nazis>>mass murderers

same day they try to fuck him with this clip..




5d9d02  No.6076435


still not convince RR and RM are grayhats….

1086f5  No.6076436

File: 71d56326094e7aa⋯.jpeg (37.3 KB, 600x453, 200:151, anti.jpeg)

0d379c  No.6076437

File: 35df0c879da3762⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 255x233, 255:233, A009D8E7-C2B2-4313-AB72-A….jpeg)

Am I on the wrong board, all I see is “Muh Jews” a “Bewbs”, Saturday’s bring out the government workers???

76a412  No.6076438

File: ca7ce137b0357d8⋯.jpeg (313.91 KB, 835x1024, 835:1024, 1B301E4D-AC57-47B9-A75E-7….jpeg)

File: 110903bc3f6edb3⋯.jpeg (619.4 KB, 1920x1392, 40:29, 27AA8CDF-C840-472F-ABA5-E….jpeg)

File: 41b8f70a9cb70cf⋯.jpeg (256.16 KB, 962x995, 962:995, AD7E8E3B-8072-43FD-B8D8-A….jpeg)

File: a5d77498e41659b⋯.jpeg (174.22 KB, 910x499, 910:499, DD096675-6D91-4D4B-ADCF-7….jpeg)

File: eef0c94b86cfa10⋯.jpeg (119.44 KB, 620x388, 155:97, 9E663350-ED80-4649-966F-E….jpeg)

ae7550  No.6076439

File: 2d9e1d0ea6552b8⋯.jpg (1023.99 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Keep Calm MAGA On Q.jpg)

o7 Fren

0057af  No.6076440

File: 72211426ee17e62⋯.png (782.88 KB, 2700x1416, 225:118, Season_of_Sacrifice_Kickof….png)


tis the season

1a2f1e  No.6076441



1086f5  No.6076442

File: 22dbdb3b833ea62⋯.jpg (435.67 KB, 707x739, 707:739, 22dbdb3b833ea.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076443


If it's on qresearch, you can bet your ass it's fake news created by (((Q))) team.

83e859  No.6076444


within (many) minds,

so not explained

5d9d02  No.6076445


meme was in support of fakes news dig, do not personalize

1086f5  No.6076446

File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 99a11223010116.jpg)

74baa7  No.6076447

File: 393f84cdf15adef⋯.png (483.34 KB, 489x429, 163:143, schumersweiner.png)

67406a  No.6076448

File: 8de457e6c13a12a⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Divide_Rule_FAIL.jpg)

They want you DIVIDED.











0ee49e  No.6076449

File: 1316bd5b311bfec⋯.jpeg (153.43 KB, 864x578, 432:289, D69D18AD-BA6F-4A69-8DFC-A….jpeg)


Real and wanting justice.

1086f5  No.6076450

File: b0ba032b0765849⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 798x448, 57:32, 0000001.jpg)

2fba14  No.6076451

File: c0bfbb1de717a15⋯.png (992.07 KB, 600x900, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

81adfb  No.6076452

>>6076442 Cover tour wifes face and go fuck a goat

774b2c  No.6076453


It can't be over.

It never even began.

304740  No.6076454


brown hats

eb5029  No.6076455

File: 0b25ee00e24cd95⋯.jpg (316.15 KB, 900x638, 450:319, joesniff.jpg)

File: 4c836d4d67b95dd⋯.jpg (181.9 KB, 636x406, 318:203, joesnifffer.jpg)

1086f5  No.6076456

File: bcc7e142f67003c⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 259x195, 259:195, gayson.jpg)

47d73b  No.6076457

File: f920bcef6ba4112⋯.png (87.81 KB, 604x516, 151:129, PCat.png)

a08bf8  No.6076458

File: f67496488e2b66d⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1841989614505875282.jpg)

File: 35915b2c9a9865e⋯.png (328.33 KB, 870x561, 290:187, sddddddddddddd.png)


I posted both those how did you find that?

that is from bobthecleanerhateshumankind and here is a list of other accounts bob linked https://files.catbox.moe/n599re.txt not a complete list. I found those 2 accounts through @jenna_kilz

ece7b1  No.6076459

File: 0e823f6b27f0b3a⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 300x417, 100:139, mmj.jpg)

File: e6141c82cc94541⋯.jpg (137.99 KB, 600x1003, 600:1003, lknl.jpg)

File: 4a6a1ff09147e28⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 540x540, 1:1, mm.jpg)

File: 4cd6e364adb61dc⋯.jpg (93.27 KB, 677x800, 677:800, iu.jpg)

76a412  No.6076460

File: 1fcb9c426102dc0⋯.jpeg (34.17 KB, 220x275, 4:5, D7F9C33C-7CDC-433C-A142-E….jpeg)

File: 04beabe3518c183⋯.jpeg (40.68 KB, 341x413, 341:413, 5AD0ED70-1798-4BCD-86FA-8….jpeg)

File: bc341d1a836f937⋯.jpeg (65.71 KB, 696x468, 58:39, E91C752F-B3DF-4829-B5A5-C….jpeg)

File: d5b3df5da87c48c⋯.jpeg (137.62 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 9C255F1E-7459-4195-9AA1-0….jpeg)

File: 321f0192b965bfc⋯.jpeg (378.86 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, A0F43BAD-5504-40D3-AF36-C….jpeg)

f4e92c  No.6076461

VPN recommendations?

VPN needed.

VPN needed.

Not some faggot alphabet indorsed or Q content creator pushed.

93d97b  No.6076462

File: ca70bc2b1a4382b⋯.png (5.81 MB, 2000x1251, 2000:1251, ClipboardImage.png)

Khashoggi 'blood money': Reported payments in Saudi writer's death raise questions

"The nightmare scenario for the Saudi government would have been the sight of Khashoggi's children in the U.S. speaking out," one analyst said.


April 6, 2019, 9:34 AM EDT

By F. Brinley Bruton

Reports that the family of Saudi Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi could receive millions of dollars after his murder in the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate focus attention on a specific aspect of Islamic law: "blood money" payments.

The Post reported Tuesday that Khashoggi's two sons and two daughters had already each been given homes and monthly payments of $10,000 or more. According to the newspaper, the payments were cleared late last year by King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. One official described the handouts as an acknowledgment that “a big injustice has been done,” the report said.

In addition, the children could get tens of millions of dollars each as part of negotiations when the trials of his killers are wrapped up over the next few months, current and former Saudi officials and people close to the family told the Post.

The payments, which NBC News has not independently confirmed, are likely an attempt to use a "traditional approach" to mitigate the international fallout from the murder, said Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, a Middle East fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy.

Khashoggi's killing and the Saudi response triggered a wave of revulsion and anger that appears to have caught the kingdom's officials by surprise.

The government likely wants to make sure the family does not "puncture the narrative the Saudis have spent months trying to get a grip over," Ulrichsen said.

"The nightmare scenario for the Saudi government would have been the sight of Khashoggi's children in the U.S. speaking out and casting further doubt upon the Saudi attempt to set the record straight, after so many missteps at the beginning," he added.

Officials in Saudi Arabia at first denied the Washington Post contributor had gone missing in the consulate on Oct. 2. But after a series of embarrassing reports and revelations, they eventually admitted that Khashoggi's killing had been premeditated and pinned the blame on a rogue team — some of whom are known to have been close to the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

"It makes sense for them to accept the blood money and to live in peace.”

Meanwhile, the CIA has concluded that the crown prince — who had embarked on a worldwide charm offensive to publicize his sweeping economic and social reform program — ordered Khashoggi’s killing. These findings have been roundly rejected by the kingdom's officials.

The absolute monarchy is a longtime U.S. ally, but under President Donald Trump, King Salman and his son, the crown prince, have become linchpins of American policy in the region.

In November, the U.S. announced sanctions against 17 Saudi Arabian officials over the killing. The U.N. human rights office said 11 people are on trial, five of whom face the death penalty in cases shrouded in mystery. On Thursday, Agnes Callamard, an independent U.N. human rights expert, denounced the closed-door trials and called on the kingdom to name the defendants.

According to observers, the reported payments to Khashoggi's family are being cast as being part of Saudi Arabia's strict interpretation of Islamic law, under which families have the right to demand the life of a perpetrator or blood money as redress for murder.

Under classical Shariah law, if the aggrieved party agrees to a payment for an accidental or intentional killing, it would have amounted to the equivalent of $80,000 in animals or gold or silver, according to Najam Haider, a professor of religion at Barnard College in New York City.

1086f5  No.6076463

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)


>Cover tour wifes face and go fuck a goat

81adfb  No.6076464

>>6076446 OMG goat fuckers are still here

ce72ca  No.6076465

File: 88a7e73f9375f6d⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 360x240, 3:2, laughing-bonobo-360x240.jpg)

477de3  No.6076466

File: 8660114e2499831⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 244x207, 244:207, science_R_good.jpg)


Not too surprising…

fe693e  No.6076467


99.99 44/100

0057af  No.6076468

File: a3e9bf0519e6b66⋯.png (1.32 MB, 984x894, 164:149, Chuck_Anthony_Way_Back.png)

74b23c  No.6076469


That is why you are here, the creator of 27+ fake news posts. We see you

81adfb  No.6076470

>>6076463 Goat ..you…

9a5695  No.6076471

File: 7fc7d9fe3d32393⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, thauce.jpg)


AHAHAHAHHA what a low effort low quality NPC fodder pile of words these pseudo-"journalists" made.

>what are tripcodes

>what are BOs

>what are BVs

>who is CM

ayyyyyyyyyy lmao

1086f5  No.6076472

File: bced03a053e64ec⋯.jpg (401.09 KB, 733x465, 733:465, christianZionismMeme.jpg)

67406a  No.6076473

File: 33bc14f310ba956⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2089x1533, 2089:1533, POTUS_muh_jew_shills.png)

File: c41ee8af0c52ccc⋯.jpg (309.08 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, GOODvsEVIL2.jpg)

76a412  No.6076474




62977c  No.6076475

File: 3d5f34e0e507285⋯.png (1.03 MB, 852x660, 71:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be36ef2ddc66089⋯.png (1.01 MB, 852x479, 852:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f9fec3ed9248ea⋯.png (391.12 KB, 912x1032, 38:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Venezuelans rally to demand power, water and end to Maduro

CARACAS (Reuters) - After weeks of power cuts and limited access to water, tens of thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets on Saturday to back opposition leader Juan Guaido and protest against President Nicolas Maduro, who they accuse of wrecking the economy. Venezuelans, already suffering from hyperinflation and widespread shortages of food and medicine, say the crisis has worsened over the past month. That is when crippling nationwide power outages began to leave vast swaths of territory in the dark for days at a time, cutting off water supplies and cell phone service.

Guaido, head of the opposition-controlled National Assembly and recognized as Venezuela’s legitimate head of state by most Western nations, had called for rallies on Saturday to mark the start of what he has billed as a new wave of “definitive” protests to oust Maduro. Guaido invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency in January, denouncing Maduro as a “usurper” for beginning a second term after a 2018 election widely considered fraudulent. Maduro, who retains the support of the military and allies including Russia and China, has derided Guaido as a U.S. puppet and said he will face justice.

In Caracas, thousands of opposition supporters assembled at a main rally point in the eastern El Marques district. Protesters said their homes had been without water for days and many had taken to drawing it from unsanitary pipes or streams running off the Avila mountain overlooking Caracas. “We have to get rid of this usurper, and we can’t think about anything else,” said Claudia Rueda, a 53-year-old homemaker at the protest. At one point, the crowd chanted, “The water has gone, power has gone, and now Maduro what’s missing is that you go too.” Two massive power outages in recent weeks led Maduro’s government to cancel school classes and left many businesses shuttered. The resumption of services has been uneven, with cities such as San Cristobal, Valencia and Maracay still reporting intermittent blackouts.

“We haven’t just come to demand water and power. We’ve come to demand freedom and democracy,” Guaido said at the Caracas rally, surrounded by a cheering crowd. “We can’t let ourselves become used to this, we can’t put up with it, we aren’t going to let these crooks keep hold of our country.” While no immediate protest-related violence was reported in Caracas, witnesses reported clashes between protesters and police in the steamy oil hub of Maracaibo. Demonstrators in the city, in the western state of Zulia, told Reuters police had fired rubber bullet rounds and tear gas to disperse them. “I’m fed up. They hurt me, and though I was frightened, what it makes me most is angry,” said Denis Fernandez, a 25-year-old who said he had been injured by a rubber bullet.

Fernandez said his daughter had almost died from hepatitis a month ago, as hospitals had no supplies to treat her. When there is no electricity for air conditioning, he said he and his wife had taken to fanning their children at night to keep them cool. The National Assembly, on its Twitter account, said two of its lawmakers had been arrested and then released by authorities at the Maracaibo protest. Venezuela’s Information Ministry did not respond to a request to comment.


1086f5  No.6076476

File: 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 2b0b973457ef.jpg)

952822  No.6076477




88ee94  No.6076478

File: 54bbcb8841365c4⋯.png (49.51 KB, 572x507, 44:39, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

whoa. just came across this Q post from 4/7/18. EH = Eric Holder, the guy who shot Nipsey Hussle?? Double meanings?

81adfb  No.6076479

>>6076472 Goat you..sex

304740  No.6076480



1086f5  No.6076481

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7ed.jpg)

5d9d02  No.6076482

File: 94ae44ff13df1f8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 814x845, 814:845, Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at ….png)

0ee49e  No.6076483

File: eb6e2aae935c1ac⋯.jpeg (32.98 KB, 255x233, 255:233, FBF7CF38-67E2-43C6-B764-E….jpeg)

93d97b  No.6076484


But if the idea of Sharia law is to impart justice, according to Haider, it's unclear that has been done.

"The responsibility is very clearly on one or two people and the justice should be imparted on those people," he said. "The purpose of this law is justice, and it is hard to see how justice is being done."

“We have no idea whether they were compelled to accept the money,” Haider said of Khashoggi's family. A longtime regime insider, Khashoggi became disenchanted with the powerful crown prince and left the kingdom in 2017 as the latter's power grew and the crackdown on dissent deepened.

Yahya Assiri, founder of the London-based rights group ALQST and a former member of the Royal Saudi Air Force, rejected the idea that these payments would in any way be part of a proper legal system. Instead, he said, they were a continuation of a long tradition of Saudi authorities throwing money at problems to try to make them go away.

“The Saudi Arabian regime believes they will solve issues by money. They can destroy Yemen and solve it by money,” he said, referring to the Saudi-led intervention in the neighboring country that has produced one of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

“They can kill someone and solve it by money,” he added. “This is dangerous. They want to silence the world by money."

Besides, the payments reportedly received by the family could not have been accepted willingly, as is required, Assiri said.

“The family is not free to forgive — they are under pressure,” he said.

Khashoggi's four children have remained relatively quiet in the wake of their father's killing, although daughters Noha and Razan Jamal published an affectionate tribute to their father in the Post on Nov. 23.

Omaima Al Najjar, a Saudi activist and writer living in exile in Italy, said that the blood money reports had triggered serious discussions among fellow Saudi dissidents.

“If you look back into the history of Saudi Arabia, when it fell into the hands of bin Abdulaziz — families who decided to stay in the area were given blood money to start a new page with the ruler,“ Al Najjar said, referring to King Salman’s father and the crown prince's grandfather, Abdulaziz ibn Saud, who founded the state in 1932.

The large amount of money was due in part to the status of the Khashoggi family, which had been close to the royal family for decades, she said. Still, al Najjar added, she did not see it as "morally wrong" for Khashoggi’s family to take payments or favors from the government.

"Let's be realistic: It is most likely that his body has been buried or dissolved in acid, so what's the point of continuing to fight?" she said. "It makes sense for them to accept the blood money and to live in peace.”

1086f5  No.6076485

File: 35b0dc5eb30981c⋯.jpg (451.21 KB, 771x512, 771:512, christ_blood.jpg)


>Goat you..sex

d4f0d6  No.6076486

File: 3f3970fc290be03⋯.png (15.22 KB, 507x387, 169:129, ClipboardImage.png)

430a5f  No.6076487

File: a36588c85ef0514⋯.png (319.38 KB, 565x629, 565:629, QXMF2629.PNG)

2cec8a  No.6076488


That may very well be the case. It seems that once a democrat is elected they become a creature from another dimension. Or, threatened by the ptb. Hopefully she can find her way back to what you remember.

81adfb  No.6076489

>>6076476 You want a million goats…

1086f5  No.6076490

File: 35882c5f9469092⋯.jpg (272.58 KB, 752x440, 94:55, jews_media.jpg)

b7d1bc  No.6076492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ece7b1  No.6076493

File: 8ca8bed1e0380ec⋯.png (22.24 KB, 410x256, 205:128, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)



Flesh for Fantasy

Sweet Sixteen

White Wedding

81adfb  No.6076494

>>6076490 Goat sex

c7ba2f  No.6076496


Hussein's entire life is a deep fake.

1086f5  No.6076497

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)


> You want a million goats…

774b2c  No.6076498


That's actually pretty funny. 😂

3c4c37  No.6076499

File: bb88b7102e76b1c⋯.jpg (315.59 KB, 933x829, 933:829, vogon.jpg)


you must file a request form A-5997.B02 for government workers on a Saturday…

208d1d  No.6076500

File: 51294fc2a401eb7⋯.png (282.25 KB, 819x467, 819:467, 4aa45f4574e8f9998f47d403f8….png)


>>6076462, >>6076462 Khashoggi 'blood money': Reported payments raise questions (NBC)

>>6076475 Venezuelans rally to demand power, water and end to Maduro (Reuters)

>>6076432 Paris apartment block explosion, huge fireball (DailyMail)

>>6076210 Eric Holder Loses Big in Wisconsin Battleground Election (Epoch)

>>6076191 16th century Palazzo for sale $22M USD in Malta

>>6076097 President Donald Trump 2020 trailer. A sneak peak

1086f5  No.6076501

File: 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg)


>Goat sex

e2dbe4  No.6076503


I got them from you, then. Was an early morning bread yesterday or the day before, I think. It sent me down a whole path of questioning whether God actually ever demanded blood sacrifice or not. I'll have to admit, still not sure about what to feel there, but I've been doing the Spock eyebrow ever since making that connection.

67406a  No.6076505

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)

1086f5  No.6076506

File: ee977da80991a88⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 886x523, 886:523, brainwashed_goy.jpg)

3b0a50  No.6076507

File: a138b4baf76baa7⋯.png (73.43 KB, 636x617, 636:617, GeorgePapa19.png)

George Papadopoulos replying to POTUS.


81adfb  No.6076508

>>6076497 Goat you sex…

1086f5  No.6076509

File: 960162ed1e9b0f2⋯.jpg (29.09 KB, 364x404, 91:101, freemason_title.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076510

File: a3ed9e04e606f2a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1024x656, 64:41, ClipboardImage.png)

ce72ca  No.6076511

File: 95a53dfdd9ea2a2⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 563x852, 563:852, D3Z9FivW0AEhZxy.jpg)

0b7231  No.6076512


Agree..she ascended pretty quickly..was always a go getter. I’m in the civ world now tho so no contact which is ok.

f4e92c  No.6076513


ALL of those alphabet agencies advertise for nord that’s got me worried

cf7041  No.6076514


> just north of the Gare du Nord Eurostar hub



5b167a  No.6076515

File: 6d04a1724bad33f⋯.jpeg (83.25 KB, 900x738, 50:41, Looks like.jpeg)


You win todays most retarded post

b53ea2  No.6076516

File: 3d7992e7900ba6c⋯.jpeg (568.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, F1DB3CFE-BD8E-4B0B-A9D8-8….jpeg)

File: 141056442fae5fd⋯.jpeg (471.98 KB, 1293x1187, 1293:1187, 97348C83-CBEC-4843-BCBC-3….jpeg)

d4f0d6  No.6076517


>We see you

I know jew do. ;)

76a412  No.6076518

File: 9a5ee8ab0054c1f⋯.png (2.27 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, EFFC0E91-E85E-4B0D-AF06-CF….png)

File: 2e0f4d7db03c59b⋯.jpeg (47.03 KB, 370x310, 37:31, 51F10DF2-33F0-4125-A1B9-7….jpeg)

File: 1994798c8d84ee2⋯.jpeg (215.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, D0EDB289-E386-452F-A34E-C….jpeg)

File: e410f01cc34ac91⋯.jpeg (55.03 KB, 380x440, 19:22, 07CBFECE-35BD-4D95-8774-0….jpeg)

File: 902893094899363⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2400x1823, 2400:1823, 5A491B2F-E583-49D2-BF90-F….jpeg)

cabdb8  No.6076519

File: 25c2ffe6e323eba⋯.png (140.25 KB, 500x477, 500:477, jew_words.png)

81adfb  No.6076521

>>6076519 Muzzie goat sex

cabdb8  No.6076522

File: 73df0e229107f23⋯.jpg (785 KB, 1180x927, 1180:927, Ignatius-Theophorus-Judais….jpg)

fd7ad0  No.6076523



a bit furious over here over their fuckin evilness..

4b70b3  No.6076524



if not already.

c28137  No.6076525



What if you used your brain and saw that shit is worse today that it was when we were told to trust this plan?

What if we could believe a word of this?

What if "DISINFO is necessary" wasnt used as a free pass for all the past bs and we actually demanded the truth for once?

What if we actually got the traffickers/traitors off the fucking streets and stopped them from continuing their fuckery?

Live in hope die in despair.

cabdb8  No.6076526

File: b0180c19dd7c018⋯.jpg (68.52 KB, 580x960, 29:48, cancr.jpg)

ece7b1  No.6076527

File: 7c673bcda288cdc⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 550x559, 550:559, drew.jpg)


Steven King

Drew Barrymore

952822  No.6076528



fa3051  No.6076529

File: fb7dddf6bd22dfb⋯.png (346.71 KB, 678x606, 113:101, 905d369ae6dbd0.png)

0f546c  No.6076530

Seriously, I'm more concerned that it took Barr 4 pages to say No collusion, No obstruction of Justice… I could have done it in just one page.

cabdb8  No.6076531

File: d4978d4dd4844bc⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 474x335, 474:335, comm-jude.jpg)

83e859  No.6076532

File: 917f2933fbcf3d3⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 960x943, 960:943, 41174978_238978780098021_5….jpg)



just like you just came across it this morning, and last nite & yesterday

its a slide baby

cabdb8  No.6076533

File: a9c9e2ed9edb305⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 450x546, 75:91, frankfurtschooljews.jpg)

a1d810  No.6076535

File: f99c358472fb750⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 464x311, 464:311, VanByRiverJews.JPG)

File: 35a863290879acb⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 435x232, 15:8, VanByRiverJewsII.JPG)

File: abe739ebd1f9dce⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 293x280, 293:280, VanByRiverJewsIII.JPG)

File: 15ea4530e42312d⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 453x312, 151:104, VanByRiverJewsIV.JPG)

File: 20e2ce321d4f8bf⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 358x275, 358:275, VanByRiverJewsV.JPG)

952822  No.6076536


That's why you're not AG.

f5d5e9  No.6076537

1 thing anons this is a rule

That fuck is named Robert O Rourke

Do not call him Beto

He is a DS asshole

74b23c  No.6076538


Such an attention seeker. Grandma's calling you back to the basement. Your wifi time is up.

cabdb8  No.6076539

File: a6c41c769dd93f0⋯.jpg (293.04 KB, 1759x1190, 1759:1190, ford_on_jew_control.jpg)

81adfb  No.6076540

Turkey …= goat sex

952822  No.6076541



cabdb8  No.6076542

File: 44f9a9a03a7f90d⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 500x375, 4:3, TOM-ARNOLD.jpg)

432e01  No.6076543


Absolutely. It is a know historical fact that every single native american tribe from the tip of S America all the way to the Alaska's and beyond, every single tribe was cannibalistic, and reduced their numbers from the billions to the mere hundreds of millions and in effect proclaiming the prophesy of Christianity in its demise and the rise the WHITE MAN WITH THE BLACK BOOK AND THE CROSS.

check em diggs

81adfb  No.6076544

the Turks love goat sex..ask them

cabdb8  No.6076545

File: e7c5b41c6c3d560⋯.png (164.97 KB, 611x450, 611:450, itsthissimplee.png)

a8add8  No.6076547

We need big titties to run these shills off

774b2c  No.6076548


stochastic terrorism

[stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uh m]


the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoricof stochastic terrorism.

684a02  No.6076549


Tammy Duckworth is disabled war veteran. (and a democrat)

cabdb8  No.6076550

File: aa1205c32903aca⋯.jpg (237.38 KB, 1024x1021, 1024:1021, 911l.jpg)

fe693e  No.6076551


The Evil images the smoke made were real and everyone saw them yet MSM dare mention them

3051dc  No.6076552

File: cab39deb983ff20⋯.jpg (927.4 KB, 1745x1800, 349:360, 05 mirror of 45.jpg)

File: adfbf36af7a8a72⋯.jpg (646.55 KB, 2250x1180, 225:118, 45 mirror of 05.jpg)

File: ead9f7841441f88⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 3150x1800, 7:4, 35 mirror of 15.jpg)

File: bd0bba8c292e3de⋯.jpg (549.75 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, 20190406_Q_180.1.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :05

Would you believe this site is actually used to comm to rogue operators?


Seals are wonderful creatures.

Silence is golden.

"A clean [H]ouse is very important."

April Showers.

A Week to [Remember].

Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :45



Not from WL.

It does not technically exist as open-source.

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?



Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :35

We are a threat to profiteering.

Information should flow freely w/o costs.

Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).

Define 'Patriot'.

These people are stupid.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

One step at a time.



It goes nicely with the subject of the tweet in the bread title.

cabdb8  No.6076553

File: bb85437d7efef9d⋯.jpg (124.09 KB, 722x569, 722:569, bb85437d7efef9b.jpg)

74baa7  No.6076554

File: 7c28ead976582d4⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 849x560, 849:560, stephenking.jpg)

81adfb  No.6076555

>>6076545 Turk goat sex

a1d810  No.6076557

File: d1eee4783ce4497⋯.jpg (88.13 KB, 500x539, 500:539, DividersMasonic.JPG)

d4f0d6  No.6076558


>I'll happily play with you.

Come to my place buddy, we can play Injustice 2 together. Will have to buy another xbox one controller though. Don't mistake them for guns. ;)

2cec8a  No.6076559


Thank you for your service patriot!

d9be59  No.6076560

All the homos complaining about the board.

How long until they demand joo-joo bees get(s) banned?

cabdb8  No.6076561

File: eaac167de1dc697⋯.jpg (438.47 KB, 1472x1472, 1:1, eaac167de1dc69.jpg)

90c995  No.6076562


WWG1WGA – for true Patriots

9cdf65  No.6076563

File: e1dacb030c1e572⋯.jpg (91.09 KB, 825x549, 275:183, ix.jpg)

81adfb  No.6076564

>>6076561 sex…goat…Turk

cabdb8  No.6076565

File: ec5838b72eb61e1⋯.png (427.84 KB, 500x521, 500:521, club.png)

548bd2  No.6076566

Welp….as usual anons, I'm too stupid to know exactly what is going on. But synchronicities (sp?) are absolutely through the roof for me right now. Weirdest shit is happening.

74b23c  No.6076567


And he is Irish using a hijacked nickname to make voters think he is Latin decent.

eb5029  No.6076568

File: 6cfdef4219f791c⋯.png (211.4 KB, 367x476, 367:476, downer.PNG)

28658d  No.6076569

File: 36a5acf3a3d70fb⋯.png (690.25 KB, 956x1004, 239:251, Screenshot 2019-04-05 17.5….png)

Google is dropping $300 mil to partner with 10 newspapers to "fight fake news" and boost online subscriptions. Seems to me, it's a move to control the content. They say, "Google already offers something similar in Europe".




0cf5d5  No.6076570

Who is Donna Davenport and why is MAGA Glowalition claiming she's passing around information?

9bad05  No.6076571



NO PLANES. Not a one.

Just explosives taking down the towers, a missile into the pentagoner and a hole in Pa.

528493  No.6076572


Billy Idol was in the wedding singer with her and Adam Sandler.

a8add8  No.6076573

File: 1a9cd1e8d477ac2⋯.jpg (305.13 KB, 854x1280, 427:640, lana-kendrick-big-tits-10.jpg)

File: 0b8a73718e68e88⋯.jpeg (5.99 KB, 183x275, 183:275, images (19).jpeg)

File: 66a952dea7fbe67⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 650x1153, 650:1153, WatchMyTits5-4.jpg)

File: be38e4c6c5aada7⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 320x382, 160:191, 8.jpg)

6b6189  No.6076574

File: 005afd4b0bfd718⋯.jpg (21.45 KB, 620x400, 31:20, georgeW.jpg)


> 6b6189

d4f0d6  No.6076575


Did you mean (((WWG1WGA)))?

952822  No.6076577

File: 25cda1016e7c4e0⋯.png (1.92 MB, 2490x1292, 1245:646, J41.PNG)

f4e92c  No.6076578


Several of my fav JEw fake news sites push nord.

I figured it was sticky.

Any more VPN suggestions?

I wonder how hard it is to code your own

cabdb8  No.6076579

File: bea542efe7184bb⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 555x628, 555:628, 42604336_232050.jpg)

8fc130  No.6076580

File: 87d18facebcdc8c⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 233x255, 233:255, gold Q.jpg)

File: abd60ba412c3bf1⋯.png (239.56 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

War Damn Eagle, Q!

AU > Gold > Gold Standard

Will they [strike] tonight? kek

2904f7  No.6076581

File: beb5c899bc3a652⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 564x441, 188:147, Nice&Tough.jpg)

a08bf8  No.6076582


chain vpns of different providers. If you are digging on the satanists Use tor over vpn and a proxy over tor with proxychains. You can't post here on tor I am because I use proxychains. Modify the tor source code to get 6 hops instead of 3. Might want to also block 14 eyes countries from being in the 6 hops in .torrc.You can't hide from the nsa so make sure you use it for good not evil. Its not an invisibility cloak.

81adfb  No.6076583

>>6076573 Nice baby bottles

cabdb8  No.6076584

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

6b6189  No.6076585

File: 1c4473f83527199⋯.jpg (297.4 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, rbgLich4.jpg)

d9be59  No.6076586


How hard would it be for coleman to suddenly resign from SB? Sounds fake and gay to make it look like he was BO.

3de954  No.6076588

File: 2ebf76bf3fa893e⋯.jpg (577.36 KB, 1409x1217, 1409:1217, salvasgdsdbg.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076589

"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!" - Homer Simpson

e2d440  No.6076590

File: 9da3a4df912e852⋯.png (164.07 KB, 500x361, 500:361, 86d2a29b51197d7d5e95de44f8….png)



Defilitely sounds like a UFO to me. I will post it to the UFO bread.

cabdb8  No.6076591

File: 574be9cf1200482⋯.jpg (166.21 KB, 900x667, 900:667, hydra.jpg)

5b167a  No.6076592


Real Men VPN with their mind

0b7231  No.6076593


(Not me but t y..was spouse at the time) we love our service members and vets!

83e859  No.6076594

File: df4d047af665eaa⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 275x183, 275:183, dorwnload (1).jpg)


a person who has dick cloud pictures on their computer is hardly in a position to call anyone retarded, amirite?

fronthole pic related

1f8d2e  No.6076595

File: dd6d8a5cbbbf904⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 771ab0a27c046e071489c56215….jpg)


Spielberg is one predatory kike that had best get whats coming to him and soon.

He single handedly is all the proof we need that Hollywood is both evil and apparently untouchable.

40de98  No.6076596



Well thank God at least you wouldn't be here any longer.

ce72ca  No.6076597

File: bb18bc4885ed2a1⋯.jpg (35.95 KB, 289x400, 289:400, unnamed.jpg)

cabdb8  No.6076598

File: ae07f5b858525b3⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 600x475, 24:19, henryford.jpg)

81adfb  No.6076599

>>6076591 Muh goat sex

952822  No.6076600






a1d810  No.6076601

File: 63619735a179721⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 458x316, 229:158, VanByRiverJewsVI.JPG)

File: 3edadbc30b817e6⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 432x258, 72:43, VanByRiverJewsVII.JPG)

File: 47a1d02ab793d5d⋯.jpg (30.2 KB, 455x287, 65:41, VanByRiverJewsVIII.JPG)

File: a1360946ccd5336⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 446x313, 446:313, VanByRIverJewsVIIII.JPG)

d00f52  No.6076602



So this is Macron's "California Wildfires" These sob's just replay over and over again, whatever fake mass casualty event worked in the past. They have a rotation of large scale fake events that they use. The only problem is real lives may be lost but the reason explained is a lie, used to cover the truth!

cabdb8  No.6076603

File: e5ddc7baf202e8a⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 474x435, 158:145, jewy_dicktasters.jpg)

684a02  No.6076604

File: 8511debeddf0015⋯.jpg (111.59 KB, 639x631, 639:631, taqyyia.JPG)

File: 67864adb6b2fc27⋯.jpg (183.97 KB, 908x681, 4:3, sharia side by side.JPG)


muslim filth like this is allowed to lie. Probably donates to CAIR with impunity. Why gays put up with dems supporting Islam is beyond me.

90c995  No.6076605


cultural appropriation Beto

4d1680  No.6076606

File: 3bc9c5c439b972f⋯.png (245.92 KB, 855x454, 855:454, 2019-04-06_18-17-35.png)


Khazar Jew?

74baa7  No.6076607

File: cf92854a1a22077⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 402x500, 201:250, e3649ee2-8a64-4cf3-a5a0-1d….jpg)

c7ba2f  No.6076608

File: 32a4a53a5553434⋯.png (70.5 KB, 573x353, 573:353, Red_Marina.png)

81adfb  No.6076609

sorry i cranked up the Muh jew bot…my bad

cabdb8  No.6076610

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

6b6189  No.6076611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>gotta be a moonchild

b22792  No.6076612

File: 70c231c5e6a65d4⋯.png (760.96 KB, 660x914, 330:457, make-space-bewbs-great-aga….png)

304740  No.6076613

File: 62a7f45ebbe87bf⋯.gif (3.88 MB, 227x299, 227:299, 1371072426739.gif)

File: 8af03ca3474169d⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 300x228, 25:19, 1366303933934.gif)

File: b9d8f45af2b97a5⋯.gif (862.79 KB, 188x220, 47:55, 1380197001808.gif)

File: 21a23c008fde28e⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 280x252, 10:9, shower_boobs.gif)

1f8d2e  No.6076614

File: 28513e924e41fa1⋯.jpeg (7.64 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 81f7c76dd72c4ceb25aca442c….jpeg)


What a piece of work that bitch was.

9bad05  No.6076615


Ug Biden. He was born a sniffer and he'll die a sniffer.

7eedd2  No.6076616


Killary pitched the “deep fake” well over a year, maybe two ago in a one-on-one interview saying something to the effect that “There are stories out there that THE RUSSIANS have used this technology to create a video of me”….It was when talk of the video of her, HA and a young victim ……was going around…..Sorry anons. I got choked up just writing about it. Good Lord, if it’s true, how have our Patriots been able to deal with this knowledge all this time. If they chose to know, that is. It won’t be for everyone.

952822  No.6076617

cabdb8  No.6076618

File: 1c83e44bb051456⋯.png (844.49 KB, 1384x634, 692:317, juda_law.png)

File: 45d0ab3b396bfc4⋯.jpg (77.95 KB, 504x720, 7:10, judaism-is-communism.jpg)

0f546c  No.6076620


And that is why you have 14 shill posts and could even spell no collusion in less then 10 pages…plus you suck ass…stinky nasty Rosie O'Donnell ass..ha!!

43ff52  No.6076621

Border Patrol Agents are being removed from the Points of Entry to care for Humanitarian needs of illegal migrants. This has resulted in a slowdown of processing cargo and other traffic at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge. One lane only. Closed on Saturday. 12 hour plus wait times for trucks This affects factories who have cut work production. Look at San Antonio newspaper for details.

2c2478  No.6076622

File: 0859faf83feb99f⋯.jpg (87.33 KB, 500x897, 500:897, schumer indymac.jpg)

83e859  No.6076623

File: a82596dfa2247c3⋯.jpg (3.66 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (8).jpg)


>one predatory kike

second only to his partner Geffen

952822  No.6076624

File: b2e8a1bd6eddc18⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2495x1036, 2495:1036, J42.PNG)

a8add8  No.6076625


Top notch gifs

74b23c  No.6076626

File: ce252a4acc22140⋯.png (145.18 KB, 772x772, 1:1, RFO.png)

0d379c  No.6076627

File: b667ec54c89f94b⋯.jpeg (70.43 KB, 504x650, 252:325, 79D7FAFD-2E45-4499-BB91-4….jpeg)


Credit to Patriots Retort….

fea98e  No.6076628

File: 8f013eba1715d22⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 274x184, 137:92, schumer weiner.jpg)

File: 3054ab3cd3e1a4f⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, 270x187, 270:187, schumer weiner 3.jpg)

File: 11ecee37f38f534⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1400x973, 200:139, ClipboardImage.png)

015cf2  No.6076629


Take a step back anon, look at the 44,000 ft view (in honor of your dubs). Anyone looking at the US right now would think it is a country that doesn't care about its borders, hates its president, has uncontrolled gun violence, and on and on.

They're only now finding out about manufactured collusion scandals, manufactured white supremicist hate crimes (and unequal protection under the law), the true scale of the border crisis. How long has that taken?

Is it so hard to believe that your view of other countries has been manipulated for a very long time by those interests seeking to divide people?

Divide and conquer is the rule. Be divided and be vanquished is the consequence.

6b6189  No.6076630

File: f7df617e77eb8e1⋯.jpeg (6.84 KB, 275x183, 275:183, anonymouse.jpeg)

0f546c  No.6076631


That is why your nigger ass gets filtered every bread..

9deb6c  No.6076634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d4f0d6  No.6076635

File: 6ef74cbc45fa80d⋯.png (499.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Oooh, unlucky 13. Sad. I mean unlucky.

293e0e  No.6076636

Drug test congress! Uncle Joe will now be known as Gropin Joe Blow

cbc452  No.6076637



1f8d2e  No.6076638

File: e4a0302e943d1aa⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 255x242, 255:242, d6c06cd17481fc95fe5c11e0f8….jpg)


He and Roseanne both.

I thought this was widely known.

952822  No.6076639



f72bb1  No.6076640


prolly his childhood nannies nicked him that

a1d810  No.6076642

File: 44a45f30e25f015⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 500x333, 500:333, SpongeBobJews.jpg)

File: fa739e926496009⋯.jpg (39 KB, 401x272, 401:272, SpongeBobKabbalah.jpg)

File: beef20fba08f2ad⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 455x326, 455:326, SpongeBobKabbalahII.jpg)

File: df4a0600fad07cd⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 625x362, 625:362, SpongeBobKabbalahIII.JPG)

File: 651bd93ce57295b⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 455x258, 455:258, SpongeBobKabbalahIV.jpg)

ece7b1  No.6076643

File: a8cdc0e80db4bfb⋯.jpg (69.87 KB, 600x846, 100:141, 2drew.jpg)

b7d1bc  No.6076644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Border Crisis

ce72ca  No.6076645

File: f4b146a2d8d0c75⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, Funny-Monkey-Making-Poutin….jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076646


>Your wifi time is up.

Using wired connection right now buddy. ;)

93d97b  No.6076647

Identifying children separated from families at border could take up to 2 years, US says


The Trump administration’s proposal to identify children separated from their families at the border suggests that the process could take up to two years.

Court filings revealed that it would take the government, at the very least, a year to review the nearly 47,000 cases of unaccompanied children that were taken into custody from July 1, 2017, to June 25, 2018, the Department of Justice said Friday.

Searching through each case could take even longer.

Officials would begin the process by searching through names of those taken into custody under a certain age, children under 5, and provide that information to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

"We strongly oppose a plan that could take up to two years to locate these families," said Lee Gelernt, the ACLU's lead attorney. "The government needs to make this a priority."


The move to identify children separated from their families came after U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw order more than 2,700 children in government care on June 26 to be reunited with their families.

In January the Health and Human Services Department's internal watchdog reported that thousands more children may have been separated since the summer of 2017. The department's inspector general said the precise number was unknown.

Last month the Trump administration was ordered by Sabraw to submit a proposal on how it intended to identify and reunite these children.

The vast majority of separated children are released to relatives, but many are not parents. Of children released in the 2017 fiscal year, 49 percent went to parents, 41 percent to close relatives such as an aunt, uncle, grandparent or adult sibling and 10 percent to distant relatives, family friends and others.

The government's proposed model to flag still-separated children puts a higher priority on the roughly half who were not released to a parent. Other signs of likely separation include children under 5, younger children traveling without a sibling and those who were detained in the Border Patrol's El Paso, Texas, sector, where the administration ran a trial program that involved separating nearly 300 family members from July to November 2017.

Saturday marks the anniversary of the administration's "zero tolerance" policy to criminally prosecute every adult who enters the country illegally from Mexico. The administration retreated in June amid an international uproar by generally exempting adults who come with their children. The policy now applies only to single adults.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

5b167a  No.6076648



Dick cloud?

I posted the trees to signify you must be a thick as a plank, you really are starting to see shit

74b23c  No.6076649


No his father told him to use it to get the voters to accept him.

952822  No.6076650



Patriotic Jew who wants to MAGA AND MEGA

1e465d  No.6076651


The stories she could tell…

1f8d2e  No.6076652

File: 540ad4d39b527b4⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 601168b5872fa52f4a9aa03745….jpg)


Add Bryan Singer in there and we're looking at maybe 1% of the problem in Pedowood.

9deb6c  No.6076653


who's that?

74b23c  No.6076654


I'm not your buddy, fren LOL!!!

b112cb  No.6076655

This CAPTCHA is dogshit.

25842a  No.6076656

File: 757e949eb787e73⋯.png (116.69 KB, 375x340, 75:68, 6523D432-3AC3-40B0-9F8E-50….png)

boy or girl?

a73275  No.6076657

File: f3d796213212463⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1242x1908, 69:106, Maltese Palace.png)


Here's a .png version that you may wish to include for subsequent bread visibility..

cabdb8  No.6076658

File: 169044ed614dbad⋯.png (413.35 KB, 722x475, 38:25, ClipboardImage.png)

7eedd2  No.6076659


Kek, anon, or is that:


0cd0a5  No.6076660

File: 09e4aa47e87caca⋯.png (86.79 KB, 833x757, 833:757, ClipboardImage.png)

TRUMP RIPS DEEP STATE: It’s Time “Perpetrators” of Fraudulent Russia Witch Hunt Defend Their “Treasonous” Acts

President Trump on Saturday ripped the Deep State perpetrators of the fraudulent Russia witch hunt in a series of tweets, calling their acts “treasonous.”

TRUMP: Why should I be defending a fraudulent Russian Witch Hunt. It’s about time the perpetrators of this fraud on me and the American People start defending their dishonest and treasonous acts. How and why did this terrible event begin? Never Forget!

Earlier Saturday the President called out “Crooked Hillary” and the DNC, who paid for the phony Russia dossier which was then used to obtain a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Trump continued his rant by saying, “This Russia hoax must never happen to another President,” adding, “Law enforcement must find out, HOW DID IT START?”


d4f0d6  No.6076661


I am not your friend, guy. :)

cabdb8  No.6076662


It's not even a meme you retard.

304740  No.6076663

File: 992f5848a3c51fb⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 205x283, 205:283, 1324369764329.gif)

File: 21b11f5aceab352⋯.gif (3.16 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 1277701933945.gif)

File: 01e1876c5cf4ecb⋯.gif (3.53 MB, 200x223, 200:223, 1325056743091.gif)

File: f5d0b94e976f1b6⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 150x210, 5:7, 1346478348981.gif)


mr.(34) unlucky for (((them))) what with the original friday the 13th and that debt with the French and all that.

0b7231  No.6076664


J lo.?

a6f4a6  No.6076665

File: ec5291dbc108fcf⋯.png (271.42 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


so, downer's also the honey-pot?

2c8b70  No.6076666

File: effba64595918e1⋯.png (273.22 KB, 600x453, 200:151, ClipboardImage.png)

2c2478  No.6076667

File: 921ad9205bb5027⋯.jpg (122.17 KB, 980x551, 980:551, POTUS approves.jpg)

e65606  No.6076668

File: 4fc0e834ab20a3a⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 570x551, 30:29, Well.jpg)



e2dbe4  No.6076669


Did bob clean out his account? Links to his page from other's accounts won't work.


1f8d2e  No.6076670

File: a45897c7a3001fd⋯.jpeg (8.34 KB, 189x255, 63:85, 8f8e42942cf1fcebee12ee3ac….jpeg)


Sorry, Shlomo, neither a fucking lefty or (God forbid) a fucking Jew.

Try again.

ea20c9  No.6076671

File: 314d52403ec41c2⋯.png (733.03 KB, 913x913, 1:1, xt_04-06-06.05.54.PNG)

548bd2  No.6076672

File: c747368fecc6572⋯.jpg (6.5 KB, 263x191, 263:191, Columbus.jpg)


stephen king

stanley kubrick

the shining

long pig

so i guess stephen king really is one of (((them))) after all. Man drew barrymore is pictured with a lot of pedos. That girl must have been through the ringer

cabdb8  No.6076673


There are many people who will read this and say to themselves that Judaism cannot be a cult since Christianity came out of it. If you will take the time to read this and not react with hostility to information that contradicts what you know to be true, it is our hope will re-examine your assumptions and find the truth.


25842a  No.6076674

File: d8077dc30fe8ffb⋯.png (189.93 KB, 375x340, 75:68, 3A1985D7-1BAC-46BE-B66A-44….png)

boy or girl?

d4f0d6  No.6076675


Unlucky for everybody, buddy. My name has 13 characters and I have had the worst of luck since I was a kid. Sad. I know. :(

9bad05  No.6076676



As we take back the numbers and symbols and use the language they have mocked humanity with for centuries - against them -

Well the quantum effects gather and present themselves all around.


Learn the Language.

See the proof.

a89701  No.6076677


FUCK you kike!

ece7b1  No.6076678

File: bd21c78093b19b3⋯.jpg (591.86 KB, 1439x2341, 1439:2341, moonchild.jpg)

1a98ac  No.6076679


Damn! Just look at that! A picture for the history books… impressive.

1f8d2e  No.6076680

File: 83f344e2c103765⋯.jpeg (14.75 KB, 241x300, 241:300, th.jpeg)


Too much goddamned talk and too little action.

c3fd5e  No.6076681

File: 68e37b2eb7204df⋯.png (233.9 KB, 459x306, 3:2, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: 6511fafdbdbffa0⋯.png (395.72 KB, 474x599, 474:599, 34f1ee89c1e84a6b5b4829497e….png)

Wake Up Call!!




14c302  No.6076682

File: e23eb85eff01e6f⋯.jpeg (189.31 KB, 1108x1203, 1108:1203, 5B45D1CF-4689-42FD-99FA-B….jpeg)

File: bec9efa3d6aed25⋯.jpeg (151.54 KB, 1090x651, 1090:651, 797AF853-737B-4DBB-8589-A….jpeg)

File: f73c7f94a6c1afd⋯.png (3.91 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2760FA9C-FFAB-4969-B8B0-DC….png)

File: d9999f7c3250732⋯.jpeg (222.6 KB, 1123x772, 1123:772, 2144DF68-61C9-4319-B22E-1….jpeg)


Needs MOAR FLOTUS. Pics walking as a couple holding hands, holding or reading to children… Contrasts from Michael and also female candidates.

bb50ac  No.6076683



952822  No.6076684








cabdb8  No.6076685

File: 6de20683d759e57⋯.jpg (90.98 KB, 640x845, 128:169, 31a2d0f07a63e2.jpg)

d9be59  No.6076686

File: 3564dc2c058e202⋯.png (541.28 KB, 1000x524, 250:131, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah it's her.


cabdb8  No.6076687

File: b622069181b3017⋯.jpg (28.02 KB, 480x548, 120:137, 32974142_204355.jpg)

c28137  No.6076688

File: 70e3fa7512f3d40⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1210x1704, 605:852, Capture _2019-04-06-18-24-….png)



528493  No.6076689


um yea he is, kek

He's also been a real loud anti Trump screamer.

Look at all the sick things that were in his books/movies.

Inspired by seeing the real thing?

83e859  No.6076690

File: 3d891e21fd7edb3⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 7c76fdaa1f321e6fcd30664fe4….jpg)


is that what you tell your mom?

"Theyre just trees Mom"

Just come out of the closet and be honest, you'll feel much better and your mom can stop covering for you

I think they even have meetups for guys like you now

1f8d2e  No.6076691

File: 00425704d7c5794⋯.jpeg (6.57 KB, 258x173, 258:173, th.jpeg)


No shit. Talk about kike projection.

2c8b70  No.6076692


King is one sick asshole.

How is long pig connected to the calumet tin anon?

e2d440  No.6076693


A shitload of that metal is bent INWARDS… Just sayin'. The real sopft underbelly of 9-11 is Building 7. That is the gaping hole in the story. Nevever loose sight of the fact that they want to make everyone look crazy for researching it. Hence the idiotic Dustification and melted rock (which is a geologic feature of the area) and no planes at all and shit like that. That is the cover for the actual issue which was the gold heist out of building 7 as well as the demolition of all 3 buildings with explosives installed ahead of time by Israeli "art students" . Cheers


6b6189  No.6076694


>>6076459 >>6076493

I hate Shilly Idol. Replace Dancing with myself with Playing with myself. Writes itself really.

f5d5e9  No.6076695


Anybody else think looks like a young Jennifer Lopez

7ef287  No.6076696

How many secret surface colonies/installations and or bases do we have around the Solar System?

bf44e5  No.6076697

Not reading noteables or PBs to catch up.

Not appointing a new BO is some pie in the sky bullshit. When has running anything by committee fucking worked? SMH.

FFS this movie has been played a hundred times across a thousand sites. Disagreements lead to factions, factions lead to division, division leads to erosion. There's a reason the military doesn't lead anything by committee. From team leader to division commander, someone is fucking in charge.

304740  No.6076698

File: 9956d25c212e112⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 301x294, 43:42, 1324851516200.gif)

File: 7b0fbfb163aac57⋯.gif (3.48 MB, 350x312, 175:156, 1324841070877.gif)

File: 47c5ca59eaffa5d⋯.gif (3.57 MB, 250x300, 5:6, 1339092464290.gif)

File: e4e80a1ff6b9215⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 197x199, 197:199, 1343992816395.gif)


somehow you posted 3 more times since i replied to you 0.o im thinking there's another reason people don't like you :3

a6f4a6  No.6076699

File: 54d069f397a410e⋯.png (76.86 KB, 257x196, 257:196, ClipboardImage.png)

774b2c  No.6076700


It's not up to bar to decide that. Constitutionally that is congress's job. You guys get mad when I say that Trump is a tyrant who walks all over your Constitution and rule of law. Then when something like this happens and they take actions that are in direct conflict with the constitution of rule of law and you cheer it on. This is the kind of stuff we've been talkin about. You talk about loving the Constitution and law until it keeps Trump from just doing whatever he wants to do all the time, then all of a sudden it's "Hang the Constitutional and rule of law".

0cd0a5  No.6076701

File: c71864cb9cd4bfc⋯.png (533.29 KB, 447x448, 447:448, ClipboardImage.png)

90c995  No.6076702


If you watch her videos or movies she moves like a linebacker.

d9be59  No.6076703


What's wrong with Billy Idol in your opinion?

ece7b1  No.6076704

File: 25ddbdc99b95cb1⋯.jpg (63.29 KB, 303x457, 303:457, moonchildren.jpg)

d4f0d6  No.6076705

File: 2088a1faa1b229a⋯.png (179.08 KB, 429x390, 11:10, ClipboardImage.png)

267be3  No.6076706


Anon's calling bullshit. It reads like Deep State fakery. Even first sentence: 'reported'' payments. And sourcing all those 'experts'.

BAKER. Anon is NOT saying it isn't NOTABLE. It's very notable

1f8d2e  No.6076707

File: 7a0b54088b38a28⋯.jpg (243.55 KB, 1536x1022, 768:511, o-STEVE-KING-facebook.jpg)


Sage advice for those truly red pilled.

5c7857  No.6076708

File: 865cfdcd172c80e⋯.png (257.96 KB, 518x575, 518:575, THIS obama pointindis.png)

2c2478  No.6076709


as soon as you said that I said yes it does.



40e5d1  No.6076710

File: 449d3ac443ab278⋯.png (300.93 KB, 680x353, 680:353, concern2.png)

104d75  No.6076711


Generally, would agree. Every ship needs a captain.

d4f0d6  No.6076712


I doubt it. ;)

7eedd2  No.6076713


Some memefarmer pleeze put Yellow Vests on the front row.

838ed1  No.6076714

File: 2c41bab6f8d87a8⋯.jpg (469.16 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, Safe14Accomplishment.jpg)

File: 3b8cee7e9289f18⋯.jpg (240.07 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Safe13Accomplishment.jpg)

File: 04616b3c2029c8e⋯.jpg (350.58 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Safe12Accomplishment.jpg)

File: 5019385006cc500⋯.jpg (424.6 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Safe11Accomplishment.jpg)

File: 3a12dbf5ff20087⋯.jpg (396.64 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Safe10Accomplishment.jpg)

9d9e07  No.6076715

File: 34a2ebc51401523⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2xxwje[1].jpg)

f1e3ab  No.6076716

File: effcd86d5c89749⋯.png (416.74 KB, 480x510, 16:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ca6290ad4d02d4⋯.png (306.33 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12c9b0b28417da8⋯.png (392.76 KB, 564x556, 141:139, ClipboardImage.png)


Thesis + Antithesis?

lead the opposition?

not to worry. just look at facts. ignore the propaganda. logic. trust yourself.

2c8b70  No.6076717


> explosives installed ahead of time by Israeli "art students"

Check this article - Mel Brooks predicted the events in an episode of Get Smart. Oppenheim/er also involved.


d9be59  No.6076718


It's a satanic ritual to implant a nephil demon or other fallen spirit into the child while it is in the womb. In the bible it is translated lunatik. They usually use the nephil tho so they believe they are actually ascended masters. Sick fucks.

0d379c  No.6076719


TY good to know….haaaaaa

16d297  No.6076720

File: ad20a0aa661ca80⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 720_30_13.23_Apr062019_05.mp4)

Why so Sirius?

90c995  No.6076721


You are incorrect a determination of whether there was a crime committed is up to the AG. Once there is an actual crime then Congress can decide whether the matter is impeachable.

c3fd5e  No.6076722

File: 0606a138ad22684⋯.png (284.3 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 3e4faca9387a6008057dcd677c….png)

File: 509bcf27bedbd65⋯.jpg (184.31 KB, 846x855, 94:95, 9a17243cda34bbb659c513c5d7….jpg)

File: a2785725b27be2f⋯.png (648.01 KB, 608x602, 304:301, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)

File: dd1d4d9ff7b52fe⋯.png (453.56 KB, 732x409, 732:409, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)


The whole world needs more FLOTUS.

In fact, would it be American for me to nominate a day for her right now?? Wait, why do I need to wait?? I AM AMERICA!!

So, in my heart, today is Melania Trump #BeBest Day!! Yes!! (And we may move it or have more, but why not??)

Any other Anons want to throw some energy into making THIS the place that makes it happen?? We ALL Know that FLOTUS LOVES HER Anons right?? She guards and protects us, let us elevate her, THE MOST BULLIED Person in the world. It's true.



9deb6c  No.6076723



Drew Barrymore says her daughters love watching '50 First Dates' and 'Ever After'

548bd2  No.6076724


we did a dig on a while back it was in notables last year

feck man i wish I could explain things better

excuse my memory but Kubrick had a fascination with napoleon and columbus. there was connection re: an expulsion of the jews (spain) and columbus coming over here

we theorized that they were eating or cannibalizing the indians in some way

had a shit ton of links man

I suppose it's a hunch/theory…i will see if i can find some links

b05c42  No.6076725

File: ff0b185532e7a36⋯.png (593.34 KB, 599x751, 599:751, deda393b2d709b552c16d00db4….png)

d4f0d6  No.6076726

"Now Bart, since you broke Grandpa's teeth, he gets to break yours." - Homer Simpson

Since (((JEWS))) nuked Japan, now they get to nuke (((JEWS))), in my opinion. ;)

528493  No.6076727

File: e98cf7f81e420a6⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 611x610, 611:610, e98cf7f81e420a6a1cd9217eab….jpg)

File: 44f543adcd445b3⋯.jpg (315.49 KB, 1869x1520, 1869:1520, fe8791c62d7b1b0a554a1e6f91….jpg)

File: cec6c3a5e285178⋯.png (11.85 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 211bfe2c67bd604847ce28b08d….png)

File: 972bc27f6d74382⋯.png (570.57 KB, 530x629, 530:629, 972bc27f6d74382077a5d8b438….png)

952822  No.6076728


Thank you.

The ultimate meaning behind all written literature on world religions, have a seeming difficulty or unnatural challenge in front of us, but if belief in Satan really does exist, then I DO think that people need to be equipped by thoughts of the ultimate good, so that we can see the ultimate evil more clearly.

868ab4  No.6076729

File: a1b2d238a8e9809⋯.png (159.43 KB, 1242x580, 621:290, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

another 5.5 booming

4b70b3  No.6076730

File: 8cfd211fdc93ee3⋯.mp4 (562.94 KB, 320x180, 16:9, CuomoBiden.mp4)



Deep fake?

774b2c  No.6076731


Congress provides oversight on the executive branch. Sorry but that's just the way it is.

d4f0d6  No.6076732


He does look like a girl with makeup. LAWL!

1f8d2e  No.6076733

File: e92568600a0c5d4⋯.jpg (124.62 KB, 1600x805, 320:161, ApocalypseNow_106Pyxurz.jpg)


And you know who was once their northern neighbor, right?

9a5695  No.6076734


Many. SSPs are also compartmentalized so those in the so-called "Dark Fleet" are off-limits to sectors where Galactic Federation fleets are stationed - Ganymede for example or Low Earth Orbit, but ships there are mostly cloaked. So even those that go into Space have no idea what's out there. GFOL has complete intel so if you're really hungry I'd start there, try protocols like CE-5 and work your way until you can achieve telepathic contact. Should be a few months of work depending on your mental state and spiritual evolution.

83e859  No.6076735

File: ccd4e309dbada93⋯.jpg (123.48 KB, 1333x750, 1333:750, Graphic1.jpg)

a73275  No.6076736


She's pretty.

c3fd5e  No.6076737

File: baaaec9484e3696⋯.jpg (497.35 KB, 2000x2401, 2000:2401, Melania.jpg)

File: 01c0dadbc9df142⋯.png (387.55 KB, 409x591, 409:591, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)

File: f2e1ae4fdae0941⋯.png (899.94 KB, 741x766, 741:766, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 03f5857224a9bc8⋯.jpg (10.82 KB, 255x179, 255:179, wehavethebestflotusdontwep….jpg)



5b167a  No.6076738

File: ef3d36f2d1e9916⋯.jpeg (140.56 KB, 700x411, 700:411, Oh Canada.jpeg)

de2ebd  No.6076739


With 40 fucking post you seem to doubt everything faggot ! Troll on Asswipe !

548bd2  No.6076740

File: b9ef646df5e45b0⋯.jpg (258.01 KB, 710x1131, 710:1131, shining2.jpg)

ece7b1  No.6076741

File: 6519d5d92690055⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 320x240, 4:3, no-chance.gif)



>the idiotic Dustification and melted rock (which is a geologic feature of the area) and no planes at all and shit like that. That is the cover

Nice try, but you still GLOW

f5d5e9  No.6076742


Bigger question is where did picture come from

But most importantly is for what reason was it posted for

a08bf8  No.6076743

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


also don't expect any sort of privacy nor anonymity if you are running apple windows or any android mobile device. Maybe get a unused laptop and put ubuntu on it a user friendly linux. use that for q posting and digging etc that way your not logged into goymail while googling rachel chandler on truepeoplesearch.com Windows can not modify dns settings making vpns futile also apple like google is a masonic botnet and front im sure to tumble around their satanist snuff through their software. I bet youtube has the worst kind of illuminati snuff child sacrifices as unlisted videos that are given to elites. THink about it Gmail is masonic youtube puts a wikipedia snippet on the results of masonry in youtube. ON YOUTUBE. Why would they not do that tumblr did it twitter did it. Thats my theory.

f13435  No.6076744

File: 94fdd4d2a0c0df2⋯.jpeg (70.17 KB, 960x539, 960:539, 14206ADD-5CBE-473B-8108-8….jpeg)

File: 706e662bc3b9dc1⋯.jpeg (186.92 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, 4F35FAD8-546D-43B0-B65F-7….jpeg)

File: 96121ea42612ac5⋯.jpeg (413.77 KB, 1500x900, 5:3, 529130E9-181B-4246-9D86-3….jpeg)

File: 133f2d8c5d21a17⋯.jpeg (73.02 KB, 635x437, 635:437, EC4C1365-1710-436A-96F8-6….jpeg)

File: ab3cf71351d7d38⋯.jpeg (94.48 KB, 500x803, 500:803, E11FEC0A-5606-4DC8-A519-3….jpeg)

d9be59  No.6076745


Kys KevDude. Q is fully capable of handling things regarding BO's resignation. Don't try to appoint a fucking thing you little bitch. Anons are watching you. All of you fakes.

304740  No.6076746

File: f3f2436c2301cd4⋯.gif (976.48 KB, 250x188, 125:94, 1516340408589.gif)

File: 4c87213414796af⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 290x278, 145:139, 1358752511745.gif)

File: 48ec59cd72b29c8⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 250x375, 2:3, 1378121141516.gif)

File: ebecd66ecc26ddf⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 247x302, 247:302, 1372646649276.gif)


and now you post your shilly jew crap :3

9deb6c  No.6076747

File: 1939337f4017244⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

40e5d1  No.6076748


both events occurred in 1492

7ef287  No.6076749

Start hardening/fortifying critical electronics/power junctions/power stations, communications tech and sensors against powerful Solar flares and High Energy particle Solar flare bursts.

Solar energetic particles.

1f8d2e  No.6076750

File: b9ecd2a0883797c⋯.jpeg (15.31 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 3253d3a62adb9ab794d186f01….jpeg)

d4f0d6  No.6076751


"And Lord, we are especially thankful for nuclear power, the cleanest, safest energy source there is. Except for solar, which is just a pipe dream." - Homer Simpson

ce72ca  No.6076752

File: f8618a5fd534194⋯.jpg (353.95 KB, 1680x2525, 336:505, party-dump-37.nocrop.w840.….jpg)

15f04b  No.6076753

Fully Vaccinated Sailors & a Mumps Outbreak


If you were not aware, all branches of the US military require a full battery of vaccines for all new recruits. According to (a) chart on military vaccines administered for Basic Training and Officer Accession Training, updated Feb. 2019, “Measles Mumps and rubella (MMR) are administered to all recruits regardless of prior history”. Meaning, that even if these servicemembers received their required MMR vaccines as children, they would have been given yet another upon entering the Navy.

So… Why are they getting mumps?


Were they recently vaccinated with MMR vaccines made in China? Were those vaccines made in China therefore exempt from ANY quality control review in the USA because of a specific HRC action?


Is this a force readiness issue?

90c995  No.6076754


An eye for an eye makes the world blind.

14c302  No.6076755


There was a pic of the two of them walking across a lawn- maybe to Marine One?? cutest of them smiling at each other. Saw one time on Breitbart think and never saw it again. Wish I had saved it.

7ef287  No.6076756





The Sun is beginning its "warmup phase".

5b167a  No.6076757


boop made you look

d4f0d6  No.6076758


Hey, don't tell me that, tell Homer Simpson. I have learnt everything I know from him. :)

2c2478  No.6076759

File: 6f8bb523657f29d⋯.png (697.14 KB, 960x896, 15:14, FLOTUS pyramid White hat.png)

File: 196ea3926893ecb⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1156x773, 1156:773, FLOTUS So happy.png)

File: cf452300c7af2bc⋯.png (497.08 KB, 572x657, 572:657, FLOTUS PEPE.png)


>The whole world needs more FLOTUS.

fe693e  No.6076760


What’s he Pointing at?

Headlights On?

Decode neeeded


548bd2  No.6076761

File: fb2d0f9339e1582⋯.png (144.59 KB, 207x309, 69:103, expuylsionspain.PNG)



Yes the Ahhambra Decree

thank you anon



i believe the book treasure island is related

ill find more

1a98ac  No.6076762


cats: pure elegance

e2dbe4  No.6076763


That's one of those fake redheads. I've argued with that one before. Not too bright, actually. Just dumb as a bag of rocks.

7ef287  No.6076764


>those in the so-called "Dark Fleet"

Hehe, I know there are a lot of SSP and human bases around the Solar System but the "Dark fleet"?

Is that really an actual thing or just a disinfo meme spread on the internet.

15f04b  No.6076765


If China wanted to take out the entire US military in one easy strike, would selling the USA vaccines that harm or infect people be an easy way to do it, right now?

f5d5e9  No.6076766


Why would it be fake don't you follow POTUS

f5d5e9  No.6076767


Why would it be fake don't you follow POTUS

0d379c  No.6076768



673c98  No.6076769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here we go… Turn it up, faggots!

9deb6c  No.6076770

File: 2a5120fdad92d52⋯.png (535 KB, 847x517, 77:47, ClipboardImage.png)

304740  No.6076771


> most vaccines don't exist only to harm or infect people

d9be59  No.6076772


Looks like maybe just to stir up a tranny slide.

d4f0d6  No.6076773


Wanna know where you can find free full HD videos so you can go fap?

90c995  No.6076774


This also reveals that MMR/ mumps vaccines as children are dangerous because it is safer to have mumps as children than to have them as an adult. As an adult the mumps usually cause infertility.

ea20c9  No.6076775

File: 3519cd7841745f5⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ne_04-06-06.19.32.PNG)

00f685  No.6076776

#7777 bread coming up soon! Anyone care to guess an ETA? I wish we could have some sort of sheckel wagering, just for fun.

15f04b  No.6076777


To be clear, is there ANY US Government scrutiny on Chinese made vaccines right now? Anyone? Anyone?

548bd2  No.6076778

File: 8fccc4aac9434c6⋯.png (31.36 KB, 1726x130, 863:65, columbus3.PNG)

c3fd5e  No.6076779

File: 4f8f9bae1e7c88c⋯.jpeg (160.86 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 20b1de08285aa80aa3707e32c….jpeg)

File: f11a2095a63eec8⋯.jpg (45.97 KB, 962x627, 962:627, f11a2095a63eec8c062c765ad0….jpg)

File: f8619c7ba27146d⋯.jpg (15.77 KB, 310x162, 155:81, f8619c7ba27146d2a1a1f3b067….jpg)

File: a69a876edbb2da5⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 720x460, 36:23, Screenshot_20180706-092351….jpg)

I was bullied too. BADLY. I was ripped to shreds by BAD ACTORS for being GOOD, and DEEPLY Loving Life, For simply deeply desiring to live a very MEANINGFUL LIFE, and NOW…..I've spent 2+ YEARS, swimming through the filth that certain people just HAVE to throw at her, and Ivanka, and then the rest of the TRUMPS.

We can see that this is LIGHT vs. Dark, and time is up.



fe693e  No.6076780

File: b4c342e32ebd579⋯.jpeg (20.59 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 61C9787A-BA40-4D61-B30C-3….jpeg)

What’s he Pointing at?

Headlights On?

Decode neeeded


Ps: Disregard my last post to wrong anon

5c7857  No.6076781

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction SMALL SIZ….jpg)




a08bf8  No.6076782


FUCK he did. I saved all the pics i think i don't have all the accounts he linked. Someone said i was shitting the bread when I was dumping his pics and layed off digging for a few days on him.

47d73b  No.6076783

File: 14240e1a8d2a27f⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 1000x523, 1000:523, eq.jpg)

M 6.3 - 197km NNW of Dili, East Timor

2019-04-06 21:55:01 (UTC)6.849°S 125.043°E538.5 km depth


d4f0d6  No.6076784


>Troll on

Will do buddy. Will do. o7

2c2478  No.6076785


agree since no sauce but it certainly looks the part. may be from the 'where are they now' files or someone trying get attention

548bd2  No.6076786




i am forgetting something. cannot remember exactly how it ties directly back to the movie scene but I think it's at least in part what kubrick is referring to

14c302  No.6076787


My kid enlisted- it was hard to know they pumped him full of more shit. I pray…

1f8d2e  No.6076788

File: 9827eb15888365d⋯.jpeg (8.58 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0cf07246a69cbbb7c225b0097….jpeg)


Drew Barrymore got passed around a lot.

No wonder she was an alcoholic and drug user at the age of 9.

528493  No.6076789

File: 7c1a78e63a96a1a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 2555x4375, 73:125, 89d2c2d94f1a52eb023be41ac9….png)

File: 217cbc1196d7c60⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2555x5000, 511:1000, 3823036359d023fdc10644ef06….png)


and the numbers 13 and 4 = 17, kek

i thought of that because of the graphic another anon did earlier.

208d1d  No.6076790


>>6076647 Crisis at the border: unidentified children, smuggling (Fox)

>>6076552 Clockfag Update 06 Apr 2019

>>6076168 Libya Haftar dig

>>6076507 PapaD rt DJT: FBI asset told me the "Russians have emails"…done to frame campaign

>>6076462, >>6076462 Fake News NBC article about killed Saudi journo Khashoggi

>>6076475 Venezuelans rally to demand power, water and end to Maduro (Reuters)

>>6076432 Paris apartment block explosion, huge fireball (DailyMail)

>>6076210 Eric Holder Loses Big in Wisconsin Battleground Election (Epoch)

>>6076191 16th century Palazzo for sale $22M USD in Malta

>>6076097 President Donald Trump 2020 trailer. A sneak peak

304740  No.6076791

File: d1c689a80d85ed4⋯.gif (3.79 MB, 375x266, 375:266, 1346654969873.gif)

File: 5125a7ee6d58ee7⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 280x287, 40:41, 1321676808405.gif)

File: 52867154c32f271⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 239x235, 239:235, 0UchN.gif)

File: 33a2eaa005a1369⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 1271289777959.gif)


no I got plenty of material :)

ece7b1  No.6076792

File: 2ac9ab6c091a6f8⋯.png (141.89 KB, 491x246, 491:246, FahQJW.png)

File: 019ad88dc66da37⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 612x434, 306:217, winkler.jpg)

File: 782a3cecbb29341⋯.png (398.3 KB, 1307x677, 1307:677, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: abc6fce4a662da9⋯.png (96.59 KB, 1014x391, 1014:391, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

File: 47b67f1d292b390⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1351x519, 1351:519, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)


Thanks James. Finally here to attempt to redeem yourself for 50 years of pedowood?

Fun Fact, your (Woods & Winklers) acting debut in Moonchildren is an anagram for 'MOLOCH's DINNER'.

"No coincidences"- q

952822  No.6076793

File: 25cda1016e7c4e0⋯.png (1.92 MB, 2490x1292, 1245:646, J41.PNG)

File: b2e8a1bd6eddc18⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2495x1036, 2495:1036, J42.PNG)

6b6189  No.6076794


I have to have a reason to dislike him. Why?

00f685  No.6076795


Is there any scrutiny re: vaccines AT ALL really?!? They made that special vaccine court so nobody would ever know anything.

9deb6c  No.6076796

File: 34c9290cb847192⋯.png (133.11 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

947d3e  No.6076797

POTUS spoke today with an Energy like no other day.

Hussein Iran Deal was for Iran to eliminate Israel.

Clip from today's Article:

Trump also took credit for eliminating hundreds of

millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinians and for

pulling the U.S. out of several U.N. organizations,

the U.N. Human Rights Council and UNESCO,

citing anti-Israel bias in their agendas.

MOAR → https://www.apnews.com/50df02532f264c0da9ce5df26bb3824a

d4f0d6  No.6076798


Not full HD unfortunately. :(

e2dbe4  No.6076799


Even the music video for that song depicts a "much younger" girl invading an older guys apartment to listen to a song and strip dance.

Man; that's just fucked up, now that I see those pics of him with Drew at such a young age.


528493  No.6076800


i should clarify, it was 2 different anons, one did first graphic, and the other added to it and made second graphic

d4f0d6  No.6076802

File: b626db7cb491b90⋯.png (1.21 MB, 700x852, 175:213, ClipboardImage.png)

952822  No.6076803



0cd0a5  No.6076804

I'm being blocked from reaching mintpress can someone else try, I suspect they may be exposing things the cabal want hidden.


cabdb8  No.6076806


You suck at this.

14c302  No.6076808


Melania prayer warrior tributes


83e859  No.6076809

File: f019522fabb1d61⋯.jpg (113.77 KB, 592x887, 592:887, r3.jpg)

File: 6d84ff4e1a4ee71⋯.jpg (84.56 KB, 666x887, 666:887, r4.jpg)

File: 3fd26e9b174aaef⋯.jpg (100.89 KB, 637x887, 637:887, r5.jpg)

File: 049c4e1c53ce79b⋯.jpg (190.95 KB, 1184x887, 1184:887, r1.jpg)

File: 2e2b03c1fa971ef⋯.jpg (156.47 KB, 1110x887, 1110:887, r2.jpg)


Good One!

1c8644  No.6076812

File: 75f31d31e6c736a⋯.jpg (233.61 KB, 777x777, 1:1, Q.JPG)

15f04b  No.6076813



I am talking about the opportunity we have left wide open for an enemy to weaponize a product they sell us, that our US military uses on EVERY soldier.

304740  No.6076814

File: e4e80a1ff6b9215⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 197x199, 197:199, 1343992816395.gif)

File: 4088415aa608b0b⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 203x210, 29:30, 1326234095291.gif)

File: 9173b1a1e114074⋯.gif (2 MB, 264x240, 11:10, 1326234018778.gif)

File: 3544812bf94d1ec⋯.gif (3.99 MB, 350x263, 350:263, 1346564691663.gif)


well you could always take a breal from spamming the bread

d4f0d6  No.6076816

File: f6a5790ccd9a1a7⋯.png (476.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Rest assured buddy, I am not a (((JEW)))!

683293  No.6076817

File: daafe07f7eb3742⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 426x300, 71:50, rudy1.jpg)

File: 463a67247dc1382⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 465x677, 465:677, rudy11.jpg)


You stupid kike lovers are still at it?

2 and a half years, fuck all to show for it, and you single-letter stooges are still at it.

Jesus fucking Christ.

The Zionists must be loving this shit.

Their only opposition, herded onto a fucking 8ch board, duped into fighting for a fat orange Kabbalic mouthpiece.

I noticed Q doesn't have much to say about Kushner.

Why's that?

Doesn't want to give away what an Ashkenazi POS they all are?

Good luck with your Third Temple you Danite cunts.

The real Temple is inside us.

God said so.

Fuck this board and fuck all the Qultists that think they're gonna "save the world".

What a fucking joke.

In a few years when Trump's reign is over, I'll be here laughing at the lot of you when you come to the realization that fuck all has changed, and you've been strung along a paradigm for years of your worthless lives.

548bd2  No.6076819


the indian references are all over the FOOD pantry. Kubrick hits that little button several times in a row. really draws attention to it.

We were thinking they got expelled for…you know…. and then came here and pigged out on the natives??

i find it odd that this particular area of history is so memory holed

good luck anons hope its interesting in some way

bf44e5  No.6076820


Everyone thats not shitting rainbows and spewing the company line is a shill or concernfag. Kev doesn't curse anyway fren.

2c2478  No.6076822

File: a422521c64605c9⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1260x1124, 315:281, Prost Good Friend.png)

b05c42  No.6076825

File: b74fa3b794b5a96⋯.jpg (172.95 KB, 600x721, 600:721, stopBiden.jpg)

ece7b1  No.6076826

File: 8ddb6a90a4183af⋯.png (14.13 KB, 300x124, 75:31, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at ….png)

432e01  No.6076827


I wonder who Stephen King is? Juh or no juh?

You're here, what are you, besides a Khazarian (cuz the juh probably owns baal and he don't even know it) Satanic pedophile cannibal queer?

d4f0d6  No.6076829


Aren't you the one spamming? Besides will have to find premium accounts first. All "free full HD" videos need premium accounts. Well not all, but most. :D

Then will have to find full HD videos hosted on those particular file hosters. It's a lot of pain.

2dd804  No.6076833

File: 4b8dc5f8348bb0c⋯.png (626.22 KB, 1511x759, 1511:759, Q AF1 over Missouri follo….PNG)

AF1 over Missouri being led by 09 0015 and 09 0016.

14c302  No.6076834


Understood - That’s why it was extra disturbing to me personally.

a08bf8  No.6076835



FUCK he did. I saved all the pics i think i don't have all the accounts he linked. Someone said i was shitting the bread when I was dumping his pics and layed off digging for a few days on him.

c3fd5e  No.6076836

File: cfa2c7353c4c169⋯.png (913.68 KB, 1093x594, 1093:594, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)

File: 9d17ffd91c3a2fe⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1021x650, 1021:650, Screen Shot 2018-06-30 at ….png)

File: ed68bdaab634145⋯.png (417.15 KB, 679x486, 679:486, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

File: 23d5a58fe8c974a⋯.png (1015.88 KB, 1083x666, 361:222, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at ….png)


Alright, here we are EVOLVING.

We MIGHT BE creating America if we do this right. Are there like Roberts rules to this?? Can we make them up??

Okay we have a 2nd on the motion to Declare, and wait, we like Digits, hmmmmm, I think "4/7" for a LOT of reasons is far more ideal than "4/6". And we need some time to give Mrs. Trump a WHOLE day, so….With a 2nd in hand, let us move to nominate

April 7th

First Lady Melania Trump #BeBest Day

And on this day, we will look to Her, and her AMAZING #BeBest campaign, and work together to FREE ourselves of all the pain that bullying and drugs have put us through, and to celebrate a life of IDEALS, as we ALWAYS do our Best to BE our Best, Just like her.

April 7th: Melania Trump #BeBest Day

Do I have a 3rd to carry forward??

f5d5e9  No.6076837


But POTUS won't reply to PapaD

Looks like coordinated between them by Q probably for our benefit

e2d440  No.6076838

File: 7f1d7dd20df2fe5⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, weepy.jpg)


If I am nice to everyone they use me, fuck me over and take everything from me then blame the whole mess on me and say they are the victim of my hate… After years and years and decades and decades of this I see the world thus:

There are no friends only liars and slavers and thieves. There is family SOMETIMES but it is not a given (My own mother fucked me over hugely and i am not alone in that). The goal of life is to survive in the best way you can and to do whatever you have to do to make that happen for YOURSELF and your TRUSTED family members.

EVERYONE is out to get you and if you let them, they will. You can never ever show weakness to anyone ever. You can never ever be in a situation where you cannot drop a person in a moment and never interact with them again. What this means is you can never NEED anyone. You have to be independent and strong and teach your fucking kids to do the same. Welcome to the real world Neo.

4d6245  No.6076839

File: 6fe0c4cedcf1b57⋯.png (158.85 KB, 448x362, 224:181, pepemelaniashowmeyourbest.png)


I like your thinking anon.

2c2478  No.6076841

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)


>Aren't you the one spamming?

d4f0d6 (49)

83e859  No.6076842

File: f0a2d2eddd0ec50⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 714x554, 357:277, Mel.jpg)

File: e4d346bff5f57d5⋯.jpg (94.77 KB, 1333x750, 1333:750, FLOTUS.jpg)

65b14e  No.6076843

File: 80c7b2bf55d434c⋯.jpg (326.79 KB, 576x900, 16:25, Time-to-Live-Spring's-Comi….jpg)

File: a4687f45f8ef15b⋯.png (995.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Spring's Coming.png)

File: fbcb3d8fbdd32c7⋯.jpg (302.44 KB, 576x900, 16:25, Future's-Bright-Spring's-C….jpg)

de22ea  No.6076845

File: 98715850faed7eb⋯.png (869.94 KB, 1129x937, 1129:937, Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at ….png)

File: e6e459b69eec783⋯.jpg (116.29 KB, 818x894, 409:447, D3bOwHjWkAEDETC.jpg large.jpg)

File: ca5490e44959257⋯.png (321.14 KB, 607x386, 607:386, Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at ….png)

1c8644  No.6076846

File: 58f1cca82119bdf⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 408x801, 136:267, HAMMER.JPG)


d9be59  No.6076847


>>6076097 President Donald Trump 2020 trailer. A sneak peak

Some sauces



ce72ca  No.6076849

File: 332ba3279fa4391⋯.jpg (177.95 KB, 962x1378, 37:53, 48E9534000000578-5354089-T….jpg)

File: bbc314a8b8ec508⋯.jpg (116.64 KB, 634x794, 317:397, 10750084-6787163-image-m-2….jpg)

File: e38a6da5c1b6f39⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 968x645, 968:645, melaniatrumpmay1807.jpg)

ece7b1  No.6076850

File: c1758d15f537fde⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 500x844, 125:211, 3.jpg)

File: c82940b26c7bfdd⋯.jpg (29.92 KB, 411x599, 411:599, 2.jpg)

File: bceccaaab3d81b3⋯.jpg (78.32 KB, 736x935, 736:935, 1.jpg)

c9046a  No.6076852


We're at about 01:15 per bread currently.

Unless Q appears this Saturday, early nightshift would be my guess, in about 6 hrs or so.

e2dbe4  No.6076853


If you saved them, use a mega upload or something to archive them elsewhere. In the meantime:


It was saved once on the wayback machine, but it looks like there's nothing there now. I'm not sure if that got srubbed somehow, or what. But all that's there is a stencil of a camera.

aa8fe1  No.6076854


>If there was a worldwide culture at one time, was there also worldwide cannibalism?


>…It is a know historical fact that every single native american tribe from the tip of S America all the way to the Alaska's and beyond, every single tribe was cannibalistic….

What about Europe, Near East, Asia, Africa?

de2ebd  No.6076856


Can't Spam Tities ! Douche bag ! 49 fuckin post one bread wtf ? nigger !

f13435  No.6076857


STill aloft. Figured landed already.

14c302  No.6076858

304740  No.6076859

File: f368f9ee1a38c4a⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 188x300, 47:75, 1369133992462.gif)

File: 525a7ab302b1108⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 279x265, 279:265, 1372351772381.gif)

File: 384e18c4fdbe7e6⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 300x308, 75:77, 1378082835776.gif)

File: cd0c5a8e55a320c⋯.gif (988.94 KB, 273x305, 273:305, 1379650835946.gif)


regardless of how many pics i post you are almost at 50 replies this bread XD

83e859  No.6076860

File: c032aef7efb0f38⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 392x650, 196:325, ab2.jpg)

208d1d  No.6076861

File: 0fd9197617f33ca⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 650x427, 650:427, 1508809112370.jpg)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

ce72ca  No.6076862

File: 6fd92f467054791⋯.jpg (113.93 KB, 634x508, 317:254, obama-family.jpg)

File: 13ec57a26267836⋯.jpg (166.59 KB, 500x354, 250:177, picture-26.jpg)

65b14e  No.6076863

File: 9a5d1c2f37d2efc⋯.jpg (146 KB, 475x720, 95:144, Future.jpg)



c3fd5e  No.6076866

File: 4ce85da4e512cb1⋯.png (696.81 KB, 571x655, 571:655, 4ce85da4e512cb17aa504d818b….png)

File: 2bb39b721874fe6⋯.png (324.17 KB, 641x462, 641:462, 4e2d8c8fcd6f294b650428d454….png)

File: 259c12eea73b293⋯.jpg (120.31 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 5c84db0bd466296004baba84ae….jpg)

File: 9aa2b73bbf66d35⋯.jpeg (77.98 KB, 800x574, 400:287, 9aa2b73bbf66d354123e01677….jpeg)


>>6076759 (Let's do this!! 4/7 = #BeBest!!)

And WE can make it happen RIGHT NOW. How??



faf0f5  No.6076867

Lizard brain paytriots need a life


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