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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

The catalog is currently having intermittent freezing issues. Please use the board index to find the latest General bread. Sorry for the inconvenience.

File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, ##QR.jpg) (h) (u)


a90f1e (13)  No.5728646[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.15.2019

>>5708421 ---———————————--——– Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage. (Cap: >>5708408)

>>5707542 ---———————————--——– foxnews.com - NoName (Cap: >>5707674)

>>5706742 rt >>5706249 ---———————— The real 'fun' starts soon

>>5705892 rt >>5705810 ---———————— On March 15th? [3:15]

>>5705810 ---———————————--——– [Marker 1 Complete] (Cap: >>5705863)

>>5705288 ---———————————--——– SEC_TEST_2

>>5705247 ---———————————--——– SEC_TEST_1

>>5704553 rt >>5704151 ---———————— How much more obvious can we make it?

>>5704231 rt >>5704197 ---———————— Busy saving humanity

>>5704151 ---———————————--——– Powerful statement of UNITY

>>5703651 ---———————————--——– /CM/ stay alert

>>5703616 ---———————————--——– @elenochle (Cap: >>5703710 )

>>5703605 ---———————————--——– @senjudiciary (Cap: >>5712128, >>5704087)

>>5702205 ---———————————--——– These people are sick & evil, not a coincidence

>>5702158 ---———————————--——– Dark to Light China (Cap: >>5712052)

>>5702121 ---———————————--——– Dark to Light Whatsapp (Cap: >>5702270)

>>>/patriotsfight/468 ---—————————— (US Flag) (Cap: >>5700611)

>>5693658 ---———————————--——– Tomorrow is FRIDAY. (Cap: >>5712160)

Thursday 03.14.2019

>>5691725 rt >>5691475 ---———————— Not big enough to pull headlines/news away. Think days.

>>5691398 ---———————————--——– Be vigilant at all times. (US, UK, FR, IT) See Something. Say Something (Cap: >>5691483 )

>>5690226 ---———————————--——– "This is about to break wide open..." (Cap and Video: >>5690246, >>5690415)

>>5685756 ---———————————--——– Very SAD to see GERMANY pulling the strings on the UK! Q+ (UK Bread)

>>5685837 ---———————————--——– Stand strong, Patriots. The UNITED STATES is WITH YOU Q+ (UK bread)

>>5685074 ---———————————--——– "Server config change." (Cap: >>5688088)

>>5684336 rt >>5684297 ---———————— Disregard spelling error. On the move.

>>5684297 ---———————————--——– TO SUMMARIZE THIS WEEK: RE: [D’s] PREP TO STEAL 2020 ELECTIONS

>>5684025 rt >>5684007 ---———————— Good movie.

>>5683938 ---———————————--——– Clear history/cookies to bypass all PAYWALLS. Read FREE. (Cap: >>5688121)

>>5683707 rt >>5683675 ---———————— "Class A" shares. Fun, nonetheless.

>>5683562 rt >>5683535 ---———————— Do you see "CI A?"

>>5683496 ---———————————--——– Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you. (Cap: >>5688189)

>>5682585 ---———————————--——– NELLIE OHR = C_A? (Cap: >>5727719)

>>5682414 ---———————————--——– What did we learn this week? (Cap: >>5686693)

>>5681798 ---———————————--——– REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT FACT

>>5681490 ---———————————--——– Remember this important FACT (Cap: >>5686574)

>>5681131 rt >>5681048 ---———————— AUTISTS SAVING THE WORLD

>>5681047 rt >>5680891 ---———————— But, you already knew that from the drop

>>5680891 ---———————————--——– PRESS CONF COMING?

>>5680490 ---———————————--——– [RR] DEBRIEF COMPLETE

>>5680293 ---———————————--——– A_TRAITOR'S_JUSTICE.png

>>5680288 rt >>5680242 ---———————— Thank you for your service

>>5677755 ---———————————--——– The End Is Near (Cap: >>5678032)

>>5677704 ---———————————--——– Happy Hunting! (Cap: >>5678075)

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Tuesday 03.12.2019

Compiled here: >>5678083

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a90f1e (13)  No.5728653


are not endorsements


>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5728565 NZ pulls Murdoch's Sky News Aust. off air over mosque coverage

>>5728388 2018: HRC Scored $5.5m of New Zealand Taxpayers’ Money

>>5728056 ENDGAME : POTUS Trump's Vindication Nears

>>5728049 Judge Jeanine off air this week over comments re Rep. Omar

>>5728027 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signs National Popular Vote Act

>>5727987 For keks: Is Sarah Silverman Freddy?

>>5727971 Antifa show up at Tucker Carlson's home again

>>5727958 OMG, Wesley Kushner must be a white supremacist

>>5727977 NZ digs cont.

>>5728091 2018: Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered. No MSM coverage

5728619 #7326

#7325 Baker change

>>5727632 Report: Pentagon Mismanaged $2.1b In F-35 Stealth Jet Parts

>>5727607 Academic in Cambridge Analytica data mining sues FB

>>5727599 Articles on 'Trump attacks John McStain'

>>5727525 Steele admits he used unverified information

>>5727445 NZ threatens NZ citizens with 10 years for possessing shooting video

>>5727344 , >>5727344, >>5727498, >>5727528, >>5727595, >>5727752 NZ digs and dig calls

>>5727393 Will Louisiana be the US Space Force command center?

>>5727856 #7325


>>5726363, >>5726524 Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck

>>5726606 China delegation to ‘visit Argentina to discuss N-deal

>>5726678 WSJ snippet of the 8chan description. Why shills shill in a nutshell.

>>5726671, >>5726642 Papa D illuminates

>>5726856 Papa D says hes gonna drop, this time Downer stuff

>>5726646 DOJ agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to CF email (true pundit)

>>5727054 mandatory Evac for Nebraska areas due to levee failure

>>5726870 State Attorneys *always win* Targeting Big Tech

>>5726827 Eliminating Regulations 17:1

>>5726962 very nice Q spotted in the movie Hackers

>>5727083 #7324

Previously Collected Notables

>>5726309 #7323,

>>5723923 #7320, >>5725489 #7321, >>5725509 #7322

>>5721931 #7317, >>5722400 #7318, >>5723170 #7319

>>5720413 #7314, >>5720431 #7315, >>5720675 #7316

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

a90f1e (13)  No.5728658

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---——- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here --- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL --- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ---————-- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---——- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ---—— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ---—— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 -- Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#50 >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#74 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>5708738

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966

a90f1e (13)  No.5728660

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42''' >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ---——————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

a90f1e (13)  No.5728682>>5728705 >>5728725 >>5728731 >>5728811 >>5728824 >>5728837 >>5728842 >>5728908 >>5728985 >>5729104 >>5729116 >>5729229

#7327 Dough


a90f1e (13)  No.5728686>>5728745 >>5728799 >>5729017 >>5729028

Baker requests handoff

Anyone around?

6b121f (11)  No.5728699>>5728722 >>5728733 >>5728750 >>5728767 >>5728773 >>5728841 >>5728889 >>5728956 >>5729119 >>5729220 >>5729230 >>5729289 >>5729305 >>5729352 >>5729420

File (hide): b9158a3ac916495⋯.jpg (241.43 KB, 1200x1078, 600:539, 3.16.Cali.Mob.Trump.jpg) (h) (u)

Trump, FBI informant?

588e5f (4)  No.5728705

88a98d (2)  No.5728716>>5728822

File (hide): 57a43ee34724264⋯.jpg (172.2 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Pepe-Puppy-Nightshift-Love.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 281db74385c965a⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Autists-Artists--Playing-T….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 39032ae1a639845⋯.jpg (143.56 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Free-Your-Mind-PepePup.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 451a9d329f4e2a0⋯.jpg (163.36 KB, 734x348, 367:174, Love-Freedom-PepePup.jpg) (h) (u)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728717>>5728854

File (hide): e6add5806f06224⋯.png (88.63 KB, 863x388, 863:388, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bad46fa397512ae⋯.png (228.58 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 58b9cec94a93fe5⋯.png (150.58 KB, 1357x643, 1357:643, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cd242dd3f5985f3⋯.png (103.86 KB, 803x669, 803:669, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Some interesting RICO wiki and then a side piece i came across




eb6b90 (4)  No.5728718>>5728734

File (hide): 58c91a34ebafa38⋯.png (93.18 KB, 278x235, 278:235, AQ72.PNG) (h) (u)

For Anon from last bread.

Working on a second

07f632 (1)  No.5728719>>5728903

Patriots WWG1WGA

adfcfd (14)  No.5728720>>5728728 >>5728753 >>5728838


78e706 (6)  No.5728721>>5728737

Ty, baker

6b121f (11)  No.5728722>>5728781 >>5728786 >>5728909 >>5728948 >>5729220 >>5729230 >>5729305 >>5729352 >>5729420

File (hide): 8b4c3ec7db497c4⋯.png (706.36 KB, 812x580, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

48872c (3)  No.5728723>>5728747 >>5728757

hey fred benson.

d80b53 (4)  No.5728724>>5728744 >>5728892

File (hide): 270601b10084505⋯.jpg (127.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg) (h) (u)

ty baker

15c61d (3)  No.5728725

File (hide): 53ca7bfdf2d9bae⋯.jpeg (937.93 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, 315899FE-92F9-4C7A-886D-7….jpeg) (h) (u)

acee72 (3)  No.5728726>>5728743

>>5728638 (PB)

I would like to ram this post right up AOCs cunt.

Thoughts and prayers work.

Here is the proof.

Stay strong fren.

247ae1 (19)  No.5728727>>5729206

File (hide): e5019a45ea1a0a3⋯.png (687.81 KB, 600x444, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

c8a9d5 (4)  No.5728728

File (hide): 712855072317c76⋯.jpg (130.74 KB, 797x572, 797:572, 6ddb74e5976832963168b2777e….jpg) (h) (u)

48872c (3)  No.5728729

fred benson shill mf.

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728730>>5729015 >>5729058

File (hide): 9fc5fb13e195c07⋯.png (641.78 KB, 700x840, 5:6, racist.png) (h) (u)

>>5728652 lb

Fox News is run by those boy-fucker sons of Murdoch.

No surprise in this.

aacbc7 (19)  No.5728731

File (hide): dbb094c20649519⋯.jpg (622.97 KB, 2560x2048, 5:4, Q war room.jpg) (h) (u)

763555 (2)  No.5728732>>5729183

File (hide): 8b405dcdc41bba0⋯.jpg (97.61 KB, 362x456, 181:228, Millhouse.jpg) (h) (u)


df2ce4 (4)  No.5728733>>5728841 >>5729230 >>5729305 >>5729352 >>5729420


Could explain why hes never been blackmailed

e81bf0 (8)  No.5728734>>5728761


Vetoed spelled wrong, looks nice though Anon

beb02e (2)  No.5728735

File (hide): aba6aaae8358008⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Pia-Muehlenbeck1.jpg) (h) (u)

Thank You Baker

adfcfd (14)  No.5728736>>5728752


ec9d4f (3)  No.5728737


sauce plz

005b9a (5)  No.5728738

File (hide): eed5417f6827630⋯.jpg (3.91 MB, 3530x2364, 1765:1182, -3.jpg) (h) (u)

9c639a (6)  No.5728739

My oldfag self is really really grateful that nightshift seems to be earlier and earlier.

f6ba36 (1)  No.5728740

File (hide): 70893347fd7cb7e⋯.jpg (124.74 KB, 775x848, 775:848, Hillary turns herself in t….JPG) (h) (u)

>>5728585 (lb)

Ok, here is your proof….again…so STFU!!!!

92e1a8 (2)  No.5728741

File (hide): 6c62f44b32c28b0⋯.jpg (271.81 KB, 788x622, 394:311, 6c62f44b32c28b04b72bd61bf1….jpg) (h) (u)

Tedx talk on Pedophilia


48872c (3)  No.5728742

fred benson


588e5f (4)  No.5728743


Amen to that!

6b121f (11)  No.5728744>>5728751

File (hide): fb56a752b409385⋯.png (792.04 KB, 558x768, 93:128, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



9228d9 (16)  No.5728745>>5728749 >>5728756 >>5728775 >>5728863 >>5729017 >>5729028


I can give'r a shot for a couple of breads…

Might need some assistance.

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728746

File (hide): 82d5d242f2ab5e4⋯.png (589.23 KB, 932x573, 932:573, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Thank you Baker.

aacbc7 (19)  No.5728747

File (hide): 4b5bff34b45d29d⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 524x489, 524:489, Freddy muted.JPG) (h) (u)

005b9a (5)  No.5728748

File (hide): 730a53bf9cff495⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1940x1100, 97:55, GreatAwakening.jpg) (h) (u)

a90f1e (13)  No.5728749>>5728758 >>5728774


Have you baked before anon?

16b932 (10)  No.5728750>>5728770 >>5728807 >>5728841 >>5729220 >>5729230 >>5729305 >>5729352 >>5729420


Yep, he certainly was. Started in the 80s. NOW you know why they so scared, eh anon? Can you fucking IMAGINE what he knows? Go back and look at all of the pics of him with all of these 'players' through the lens that he was an FBI asset since the 80s.

d80b53 (4)  No.5728751>>5728788

File (hide): 91d81cd49b279a8⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, PutinConcaveEarth.jpg) (h) (u)

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728752>>5728875

File (hide): e5b8df73aa8b2f8⋯.jpg (128.75 KB, 612x612, 1:1, freecat.jpg) (h) (u)


Get well soon, Toots … lil fighter.

589af1 (34)  No.5728753

File (hide): a9a855a7231d64f⋯.png (338.04 KB, 680x464, 85:58, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

15c61d (3)  No.5728754

Reposting from lb



I just dug on that site and there is no sauce for any of their claims. Lots of Qanon stuff though. It’s a scam looking for money from anons. I don’t even know what this means:

“C-VINE International is placed in a Charitable Trust to be run by the public and officials elected for administration. Supported by donations, volunteers and revenue made from renting space on the educational channels. Zero advertising is allowed.“


924935 (4)  No.5728755

Freddy's job is to make the bread fly.

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728756>>5728774 >>5728775 >>5729017

File (hide): 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg) (h) (u)


ill be here NB senpai

bake at around 650-675 if you wanna do it comfy

adfcfd (14)  No.5728757>>5728766 >>5728769 >>5728868

9228d9 (16)  No.5728758>>5728774 >>5728897


No but I watched the video several times. Think I got it somewhat down…

dc9e24 (5)  No.5728759>>5729286

>>5727344 /pb

thank you anon for putting all times together

a7ab6b (1)  No.5728760>>5728859 >>5728943 >>5729111 >>5729134

File (hide): bdba03aae601477⋯.png (635.56 KB, 1004x1024, 251:256, theranos2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce79e0762d8068b⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1224x1003, 72:59, throwyourhandsup.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2347f5f536f985d⋯.jpg (318.78 KB, 1448x1036, 362:259, podestahandsgun.jpg) (h) (u)

eb6b90 (4)  No.5728761>>5728780 >>5728801 >>5728912 >>5729031 >>5729068

File (hide): bf70b0b80cfe9ed⋯.png (64.26 KB, 279x243, 31:27, AQ88.PNG) (h) (u)


Yeah, saw it. Getting ready to shower, want the batter to take it over?

31b078 (1)  No.5728762>>5728787 >>5728910 >>5728936

File (hide): ed12db065873603⋯.jpg (65.07 KB, 580x852, 145:213, SatNiteFuhrer.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85ae3f18826d6a2⋯.gif (503.73 KB, 220x278, 110:139, tenor.gif) (h) (u)

Hey! It's Saturday night! Let's dance!

80e387 (6)  No.5728763>>5729279

File (hide): 968e8ca872c973f⋯.jpg (51.7 KB, 1024x398, 512:199, D1utBtDU0AAz8nb.jpg) (h) (u)

Huber (No. 7226)

7+2+2+6= 17


Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage


493f5a (3)  No.5728764>>5728823 >>5728878 >>5728975

File (hide): 8bc428d6caf5346⋯.png (34.16 KB, 640x435, 128:87, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Just 24 hours after the Christchurch shooting New Zealand bans semiautomatic guns! 👏🏼

America take note! Why can’t our

elected officials put public safety over gun manufacturers’ profits?!?!

Anyone follow the Stars?

017daf (10)  No.5728765

File (hide): a7f4d01210585c9⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 640x480, 4:3, PEPE.GIF) (h) (u)

e81bf0 (8)  No.5728766


Is the pay better than McDonald's?

c08afa (3)  No.5728767>>5728841 >>5728920 >>5728956 >>5729055 >>5729079 >>5729105


Makes perfect sense

Trump struggled with Mafia interference of his NYC construction projects

Reducing Mafia power in NYC would have helped his bottom line

Plus his casino projects probably had resistance from them

Just a theory but I'm guessing he didn't like dealing with them

and working with the FBI removed his biggest competition

f14e5d (6)  No.5728768

>>5728669 lb

study the way southern families and black communities were corrupted, and you see pretty much text book [[[controller]]] modus operandi.


(((who))) was the second grand wizard of orginal kkk?

from neighborhood watch and security to unwarranted (largely unproductive) mob?

what purporse does it serve?

did any of it actually remove black pop/solve the problem?

what use is such group?

easy to manipulate to create 'grievances'.

future assets.

crips/bloods founded largely on what money and what trade?

target is almost always majority demographic.

minority group is to be used, then disposed of (happening now).

blacks used after communities torn by own careless indulgences and heavy influences of drug trade/msm propaganda.

families destroyed (both sides).

nation on the verge of racial warfare.

Time to stand against foreign influence and subversion.



589af1 (34)  No.5728769>>5729302

File (hide): ca688968c47c5c9⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

588e5f (4)  No.5728770>>5728818


He knows where the bodies are buried

ba378b (15)  No.5728771

File (hide): fb1428ac48d58d5⋯.jpg (71 KB, 842x845, 842:845, 1552190527638.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f60a4d3e7c7bd3f⋯.jpg (255.31 KB, 600x779, 600:779, 1547495423334.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 84f882d0f7a3cbc⋯.jpg (201.8 KB, 776x623, 776:623, 1551054661728.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2c3d154b26b1ec3⋯.png (162.98 KB, 500x544, 125:136, lve-seen-some-heresy-34026….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85b5d5ffedb6719⋯.jpeg (14.7 KB, 255x254, 255:254, ENOUGH_IS_ENOUGH.jpeg) (h) (u)


oooowaaaa, ahoowahaaahhh, ahoowahaaaaha

74da2e (3)  No.5728772>>5728795

File (hide): 60656a88b677ccb⋯.jpg (408.63 KB, 1153x723, 1153:723, B2-shall-we-play.jpg) (h) (u)



Cool image! Stealing your meme to make this

df2ce4 (4)  No.5728773>>5728841 >>5728931


Could explain how he was able to run a successful casino business without being run out of town by the mob

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728774




i can be here and talk anon this bread and

see whats what

a90f1e (13)  No.5728775>>5728793


Great. Thanks senpai.


So you've got backup, baker. Sweet.

I'll let BV/BO know too.

Confirm handoff?

32adec (1)  No.5728776>>5728846 >>5728999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5728469 lb



86f04c (3)  No.5728777>>5728898 >>5729109 >>5729145 >>5729205 >>5729305 >>5729352 >>5729420

Holy shit anons.

I think we have something here.

I am trying to get to a WSJ article from 2015 twlking about how Facebook of all fucking places is producing Virtual Reality movies..

You guys, this is it. Oculous, VR, Facebook.. this spoopy fucking shooting..

We have to dig anons SERIOUSLY. Same day as shooting in Wired there is an article on how they are getting good at hoax/fakes in Virtual Reality VR.


247c52 (1)  No.5728778

File (hide): dec463856ac2d18⋯.jpg (253.85 KB, 720x1227, 240:409, 20190316_191448.jpg) (h) (u)

Like we all didnt see this coming from a mile away…

eb6b90 (4)  No.5728779>>5728801 >>5728958

File (hide): d7ec4778a56e2da⋯.jpg (11.93 KB, 273x254, 273:254, AQ66.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c48eaa145e50cd2⋯.png (7.85 KB, 45x70, 9:14, AQ67.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 287e68725a103ad⋯.png (4.75 KB, 30x60, 1:2, AQ68.PNG) (h) (u)

Any Graphics Anons want to take this Batter, feel free. 1/2

e81bf0 (8)  No.5728780


Lemme see what I can whip up. Using a phone so we'll see.

16b932 (10)  No.5728781


Somewhere in archives, the actual declassified document with this same information resides

879eee (1)  No.5728782>>5729202

File (hide): 7fc417ecca067f4⋯.jpg (50.98 KB, 553x277, 553:277, Qpost1991.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b4c230fa3c2c30e⋯.jpg (105.88 KB, 763x680, 763:680, ErinJoe1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b60d3fdb612baf5⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 726x529, 726:529, ErinJoe2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b22635ebcb425ba⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 1073x830, 1073:830, ErinJoe3.jpg) (h) (u)

Looks like we have a new CTIIC Director.

Meet Erin Joe.

017daf (10)  No.5728783

File (hide): f817d13d0f67069⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 720x404, 180:101, PEPE POTUS.gif) (h) (u)

589af1 (34)  No.5728784>>5728848 >>5729302

File (hide): f6a5790ccd9a1a7⋯.png (476.77 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

169155 (1)  No.5728785>>5728821 >>5729185 >>5729200 >>5729216

Anons, two interesting points about posts in last few days:

1) Q's American flag post was in /patriotsfight/. I didn't catch that until just recently and I suspect many haven't realized that either. That suggests big stuff is about to happen and all the placeholders there will start getting filled in

2) The two back-to-back Q+ posts were in the UK bread. That suggests POTUS is speaking to the UK. Recall how Q mentioned early on that much of the bad stuff could not yet be revealed as it involved foreign leaders. And we've seen multiple posts on how the UK government is petrified about what will happen regarding its collaboration with illegal spying on Trump. If POTUS is now speaking to the the UK people it suggests we are entering a new phase.

ec9d4f (3)  No.5728786

File (hide): 0a127b32d12e854⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 1545610251133.jpg) (h) (u)

aacbc7 (19)  No.5728787

File (hide): bc59abd6ec6cd1b⋯.png (633.35 KB, 620x940, 31:47, Hitlercise.png) (h) (u)



6b121f (11)  No.5728788>>5728836

File (hide): 93a05249ca6b777⋯.png (346.62 KB, 688x449, 688:449, Jimmy.Commet.MHD.Inside.png) (h) (u)

247ae1 (19)  No.5728789>>5728805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


e24261 (2)  No.5728790>>5728967 >>5729166

File (hide): c94d357425bb5d6⋯.jpg (140.71 KB, 800x600, 4:3, comfywith U.jpg) (h) (u)

eb6b90 (4)  No.5728791

File (hide): bfdb5e82ec90927⋯.png (5.74 KB, 45x68, 45:68, AQ69.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): efd15599501ee8a⋯.png (4.83 KB, 31x69, 31:69, AQ71.PNG) (h) (u)

Just need a little patience and a steady hand.


efb7f7 (1)  No.5728792>>5729056 >>5729205 >>5729221 >>5729253 >>5729269 >>5729278 >>5729295 >>5729305 >>5729318 >>5729352 >>5729420

File (hide): 93c271acef7a254⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 3213x2433, 1071:811, 4793_Grid_1a.jpg) (h) (u)

The Indictments Have Been Unsealed

The USMC/NG Are Activated, are on Standby Awaiting the Go Order

Civil Unrest is Expected, but Will Swiftly Be Put Down

The DS/MSM/D’s will Up their Attacks as They Are Losing All Control They Will Fail

POTUS Tweet (T-4793) w/Q-Drops (803, 22, 2703, 12, 1424, 1432, 3090, 3091).

9228d9 (16)  No.5728793>>5728809 >>5728820 >>5728835




247ae1 (19)  No.5728794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

3ba820 (5)  No.5728795>>5728819


I like it!! Very much!

I shall steal it.. ;-)

017daf (10)  No.5728796

File (hide): b89bc8b90392ca7⋯.png (729.29 KB, 772x960, 193:240, 2020_BRING_IT.png) (h) (u)

740cfd (3)  No.5728797>>5728852

Anons ever consider "dark to light" may include us. Qresearch, Q's board?

Swarming out of the woodwork. Being loud and not so very anonymous. Non violent of course, but present.

After all we are at war

We are the news now

Kind of a terrifying thought. For this anon anyway.


247ae1 (19)  No.5728798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728799>>5728813 >>5728834 >>5728900 >>5729028 >>5729150


im here senpai

we can ask new bakersan to do a practice bake


with da dough


589af1 (34)  No.5728800>>5728906 >>5728952 >>5729302

File (hide): f2ebc1d1fb4932a⋯.png (451.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

e81bf0 (8)  No.5728801>>5728814



Someone beat me to it.

adfcfd (14)  No.5728802>>5728816

File (hide): 8608c7537d2a41e⋯.png (142.29 KB, 400x321, 400:321, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



0a60b7 (1)  No.5728803>>5729000 >>5729235 >>5729260

File (hide): ca3de250d6091b2⋯.jpg (12.05 KB, 255x134, 255:134, Q FLAG.jpg) (h) (u)

Jeanine Pirro show canceled suddenly? Really- who next?

Listen, I get it that DS wants to take down Q; by circling the wagons- its their M.O. to go after

the support- 8 chan\VOAT, Qanons, Fox anchors

who are waking up others exponentially against their hive programs.

Q will figure out another way. I TRUST THE PLAN; too many Q proofs to not know .

What I will not do is sit back in fear of this latest DS tact, nor will I hang up my skills for critical thinking.

I worked too many years developing that skill in my career that dealt with life and death.

I prefer to use that skill

to support my president, continue to help humanity, and save this crumbling world.

Fear just puts me in another form of hive mind. No thank you.

Ds is doubling down on FOX news shows-

Judge Jeanine is the latest after Tucker with a sudden cancellation- is she being 'Roseann Barred'?


So, if I see something amiss, I say something even if its a small bread crumb that makes notables because of my

experience and sauce to back it up. I'm not waiting to be Q'd, not my style. Not always lurking on the board- not to focus on that.

What I do have and will keep, is my ability to think independently of a group and always, always ask questions.

I'm not sold on belief -- I want to know instead.

God Bless us ALL in this march into battle or balance whichever you prefer-


247ae1 (19)  No.5728804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

74da2e (3)  No.5728805>>5728808 >>5728825 >>5728826 >>5728839 >>5728840 >>5728856 >>5729025

File (hide): 981247068d067ed⋯.jpg (812.23 KB, 1080x1218, 180:203, real-anon.jpg) (h) (u)


muh links

247ae1 (19)  No.5728806>>5728808

File (hide): 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png) (h) (u)

16b932 (10)  No.5728807


He knows it all - and they KNOW he knows it all. Can you even imagine how many shorts were shat on election night?

247ae1 (19)  No.5728808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728809


welcome to the family

do however you wanna do your free

just try and bake early

like 650

try to get a system that counts posts

7b659c (1)  No.5728810>>5728901 >>5728949

File (hide): 178b079b2c18cf3⋯.jpeg (676.08 KB, 1242x1013, 1242:1013, 74EA9E60-2B9B-4B3D-B9B8-A….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 31ebedf49bfd65f⋯.jpeg (1010.09 KB, 1242x1994, 621:997, 3EDBC1A4-2D6B-4B95-90F8-1….jpeg) (h) (u)

This amazed me. Pretty easy to use this as Red Pill fodder, IMO

30140f (6)  No.5728811>>5729290

File (hide): c18f83ca26df265⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 734x629, 734:629, satan trolling the pervs.JPG) (h) (u)



>Bring It On Night Shift Edition

dude.. is it me, or is even Satan startin' to troll the left? it's like they KNOW whats comin' and are using self depreciating humor just to troll US… 5dchess mindfckk right here…

98c95d (1)  No.5728812

UK law anons-

What is the chain of command in the UK power structure for Christopher Steele's involvement in the fake dossier?

Who would have signed off on his involvement and FVEY activities?

Would this potentially implicate May?

What other foreign leaders might be implicated? [paper trail]

9228d9 (16)  No.5728813


Roger that anon

e81bf0 (8)  No.5728814


Frick I'm tired… I'll get after it.

08e21d (23)  No.5728815>>5729261

File (hide): 0252b7061e5a645⋯.jpg (292.01 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, WhatTheFuckEver.jpg) (h) (u)

Þakka þér, bakari.

589af1 (34)  No.5728816>>5728858 >>5728864

File (hide): 0c879f094a5b985⋯.png (988.62 KB, 704x696, 88:87, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

07a665 (4)  No.5728817

hey im the first to admit i dont know what is going on but i know more then most around me but alas this only shows me that I am most comfortable here

16b932 (10)  No.5728818


I wonder how Epstein feels

74da2e (3)  No.5728819>>5728853


it would be an honor sir


Loved scrolling those night vision images. Lots of meme batter.

a90f1e (13)  No.5728820>>5728860

File (hide): c7571bcfb62fc7a⋯.png (525.48 KB, 750x738, 125:123, c7571bcfb62fc7a564526f43ab….png) (h) (u)


Wish you all the best, new baker!

The bread's at a good pace just now.

Godspeed ; )

G'night Anons, may your nightshift be stellar

bf5e8f (1)  No.5728821


You're doing it wrong… Q responds to what we're talkin bout here..

55b9c1 (6)  No.5728822>>5728973

File (hide): 7de3d8697019ccf⋯.jpg (134.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, paul manafort prison.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f9b89cc93086f0⋯.jpg (130.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Page confirms.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d83d65244b17a40⋯.jpg (142.73 KB, 665x875, 19:25, Vote after research.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 469bd4e0d9deab9⋯.jpg (79.17 KB, 800x410, 80:41, death blossem final boss.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e0d041ecd01583⋯.jpg (101.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Hope_2.jpg) (h) (u)


Love it.

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728823>>5729064


Because infringing on the Constitutional rights of Americans based on the opinion of a millionaire porn star surrounded by armed security is a great way to run the country …

651b7b (8)  No.5728824

aacbc7 (19)  No.5728825

File (hide): 6d68631346c5cd1⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 189x255, 63:85, ain't clicking that shit.jpg) (h) (u)

247ae1 (19)  No.5728826

File (hide): 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bfe1bd89d125c7c⋯.jpg (131.9 KB, 720x929, 720:929, 6millionlies.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg) (h) (u)














679393 (2)  No.5728827>>5728844 >>5728855 >>5728882 >>5728918

File (hide): c55cb9ae6ef4cbe⋯.jpg (321.66 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, FB_IMG_1552788630747.jpg) (h) (u)


This pic is so incredibly anti-american, and I wonder if the person using it realizes it.

589af1 (34)  No.5728828

File (hide): 41979f3dabb9879⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1280x1444, 320:361, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

07a665 (4)  No.5728829>>5729317

can't we admit that the globalists are pharisees and this is bigger then we know

615ec3 (1)  No.5728830

For anon from last thread looking for vaccine memes.


Tell them about the vaccine injury program that has paid out over a billion dollars in claims for "safe vaccines".

Show them how much money pharm companies make on vaccines.

Dig on the Gardisil vaccine. Horror stories…some countries have sued the pharm companies

Sorry, I cant help with links…phone fagging on a break at work.

9189fe (1)  No.5728831

File (hide): aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png) (h) (u)

589af1 (34)  No.5728832

File (hide): 74e83ca01986ec8⋯.png (782.24 KB, 908x743, 908:743, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

a90f1e (13)  No.5728834


Good idea. Bless you senpai.

Enjoy !


aacbc7 (19)  No.5728835


plenty of help around.

kick ass

d80b53 (4)  No.5728836>>5728869

File (hide): cc9ee4f81272a99⋯.jpg (308.66 KB, 650x495, 130:99, TheGreatAwakening.jpg) (h) (u)

a89d44 (5)  No.5728837>>5728879

File (hide): 4221bd67f7107bc⋯.jpg (164.41 KB, 1800x1117, 1800:1117, 3a2f04393917ad5787b1c77f0f….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b378131220fd2a7⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, madunclesam.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3222494c9294dba⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 556x556, 1:1, Maine_CalledtoServe.jpg) (h) (u)


Night Shift Bakers Kicking Ass !

Semper Fi

08e21d (23)  No.5728838

File (hide): cc073854f88ac0c⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 350x221, 350:221, deadBetter.jpg) (h) (u)

247ae1 (19)  No.5728839>>5728862

File (hide): 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d530d547c5d3dd2⋯.jpg (107.31 KB, 711x553, 9:7, antisemitism_act.jpg) (h) (u)

f84686 (6)  No.5728840>>5728871

File (hide): 2247f294f3c107f⋯.jpg (87.59 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, wellyaknows.jpg) (h) (u)


No shit, right?

That asshole has been on a loop for weeks.

6b121f (11)  No.5728841>>5728877

File (hide): 9d3cd812f2b9f78⋯.png (270.01 KB, 596x553, 596:553, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)






And now we know why/how Mr. cleaned up NYC and was welcomed on board his legal team.

b27bb3 (1)  No.5728842>>5728899 >>5728972

File (hide): 41d965d2c33b5c4⋯.jpg (140.91 KB, 673x534, 673:534, _yrlt5kipr5y.jpg) (h) (u)


ThanQs Bakers!

Workin' on some other stuff atm, good to see kitchen is covered,

28cec7 (1)  No.5728843>>5728851 >>5729029

File (hide): ea2fe4a1b98e901⋯.jpg (140.14 KB, 686x556, 343:278, 476298.jpg) (h) (u)

e2184e (2)  No.5728844


pretty sure when they said not to wear the flag, this is what they meant.

beb02e (2)  No.5728845

File (hide): 3add4570ddda903⋯.jpeg (254.23 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, 1530369572.jpeg) (h) (u)

92e1a8 (2)  No.5728846>>5728999


complete crap.

5a90f8 (2)  No.5728847

>>5728649 pb

Extremely interesting.

>>5728277 pb

Antarctica looks eerily similar to the human brain.

ba378b (15)  No.5728848

File (hide): 891724fc3d0882a⋯.png (615.27 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1550550633698.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03e7652cbc7811f⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1542433605544.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56ffc7f53d87b2e⋯.jpg (72.9 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 1548254864267.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0944d43115eb991⋯.jpg (509.54 KB, 620x620, 1:1, 7859162620389.jpg) (h) (u)


wait, you are implying jews can do things wrong, wat?

oh oooh oh ohwaaa waaa waaa aaaah


don't you phams EVER give up phams ooohwaaaaaaa


b8f30f (4)  No.5728849>>5728907 >>5728963

>>5728556 lb

Whites make up just 5% of the worlds population.

We are the most Discriminated race in the world.

Remember the word caucasan?

There were only Black, Oriental and Caucasan.

Now it’s only White or Person of Color which means your either White or Not!

Divide and Conquer

Fuck the DemonRats

9094c5 (5)  No.5728850

005b9a (5)  No.5728851>>5728934

File (hide): e6862615405c395⋯.jpg (364.07 KB, 827x831, 827:831, HesEverywhereNancy.jpg) (h) (u)

16b932 (10)  No.5728852>>5728866


You mean from deep in the bowels of the spoopy dark web, suddenly a wild pepe will appear and strike fear in the hearts of…

3ba820 (5)  No.5728853

File (hide): a57df5a6342f7f7⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1056x918, 176:153, pepe dog.png) (h) (u)


Such an honor to serve along side your talents Anon!


f10169 (8)  No.5728854>>5728886


Officials have claimed the Mob did not exist since the days of Hoover. Been there, done that. Once burned, twice shy.

3698ed (7)  No.5728855


Behold the BS of the Jew. This is exactly the BS the kike tries to feed white Americans.

247ae1 (19)  No.5728856

File (hide): a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 74a52992cffe4f9⋯.jpg (194.04 KB, 1024x977, 1024:977, 0judaism_satanism1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 93e4727fb64c5fa⋯.png (850.59 KB, 777x1010, 777:1010, 0judaism_satanism2.png) (h) (u)

5983e0 (3)  No.5728857

File (hide): 16cde70bc248db9⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 630x630, 1:1, I Heart U.jpg) (h) (u)

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728858>>5728876 >>5728880 >>5728959

File (hide): 22a4b380496d072⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 444x484, 111:121, bidentouch.jpg) (h) (u)


I have to admit: This is possibly the most idiotically stupid and ineffectual meme I've ever seen, anywhere.

You are obviously a leftard … because the left can't meme - the left's memes are exactly this stupid.

924935 (4)  No.5728859

File (hide): acc51edb4272d67⋯.png (349.28 KB, 990x509, 990:509, Family-Sign-ASL.png) (h) (u)

55b9c1 (6)  No.5728860

File (hide): d8ace08b3cdf800⋯.jpg (135.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Thundercats Hoooo.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 028d4d905fd4bf0⋯.jpg (145.9 KB, 800x462, 400:231, schiff leaker mccarthyism.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8465d6d66b5bfa2⋯.jpg (172.59 KB, 1090x427, 1090:427, Ted L twtr.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d23c1d6c99b1c4b⋯.jpg (130.88 KB, 843x476, 843:476, Poker win POTUS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 921559aacc1fcac⋯.jpg (237.53 KB, 1000x870, 100:87, Q proof 03022019.jpg) (h) (u)


Rest well, thank you.

9c639a (6)  No.5728861>>5728955

File (hide): a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png) (h) (u)

Emailed my favorite WSJ front-page "journalist" tonight.

Ready to break this wide open.

Go time.

ba378b (15)  No.5728862


wow, I'm starting to dislike the jews. wtf

08e21d (23)  No.5728863


Just don't giver 'er too many bumps.

adfcfd (14)  No.5728864

File (hide): 97886c8e4f0e046⋯.jpg (156.03 KB, 840x708, 70:59, 2018-12-17_20-34-42.jpg) (h) (u)

44b791 (6)  No.5728865

File (hide): b6e17d4b3eed515⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 900x506, 450:253, IMG_8684.JPG) (h) (u)

740cfd (3)  No.5728866>>5728915



Just noodling

da4ba9 (5)  No.5728868

File (hide): 2ec34da48221599⋯.png (293.91 KB, 1359x555, 453:185, 3301163.png) (h) (u)


A self-proclaimed "ascended assmaster" -- what else to expect …

6b121f (11)  No.5728869>>5728893

File (hide): 461ede10f70d902⋯.jpg (630.38 KB, 1272x2600, 159:325, 12.23.Warlocks.MHD.jpg) (h) (u)

b43ddd (3)  No.5728870>>5728925 >>5728960 >>5728996 >>5729131 >>5729270 >>5729305

Holy moly.

247ae1 (19)  No.5728871>>5728913

File (hide): b52be8c8ca32cf6⋯.png (286.79 KB, 499x583, 499:583, kikenolike.png) (h) (u)


>No shit, right?

>That asshole has been on a loop for weeks.

Gonna keep on keepin on too kikey.

1c9a6e (3)  No.5728872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

146a29 (4)  No.5728873

File (hide): 60167d299d0dfa0⋯.jpg (31.35 KB, 422x411, 422:411, creepy Joe.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 131efb72da792f9⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 489x498, 163:166, creepy Joe1.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 62fd34b85434226⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 415x420, 83:84, Creepy Joe2.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 16a6191a98bdf06⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 338x396, 169:198, creepy Joe3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9a454f6dc0fa319⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 444x484, 111:121, bad touch 1.JPG) (h) (u)

I dislike Biden. A LOT.

Here's me flipping the bird at Bad Touch Biden.

dec1da (1)  No.5728874>>5728883

Let me see …I’m going to write a 70 page Manifesto on why I killed these motherfuckers …said no one ever

08e21d (23)  No.5728875

File (hide): 4380136e3a4f1f4⋯.jpg (33.65 KB, 335x480, 67:96, bear.jpg) (h) (u)

589af1 (34)  No.5728876>>5728979 >>5729081 >>5729100

File (hide): 08b776ebd99bb2a⋯.png (604.75 KB, 714x750, 119:125, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I wouldn't be posting it if I didn't think it was effective. It's funny, unlike memes made by boomers, lefties and jews.

df2ce4 (4)  No.5728877

acee72 (3)  No.5728878


And just like that, Kim morphed into Alyssa

9ca9b0 (2)  No.5728879>>5728895 >>5728938

File (hide): f5f7fdc3fc6e96a⋯.png (211.26 KB, 547x548, 547:548, NEC-Stuff-1 copy.png) (h) (u)


Bakers are rocking it out!!

We In Here

aacbc7 (19)  No.5728880


problem is the newfags love it. Spergothon with that shit. most over-used piece of shit in here now

588e5f (4)  No.5728881

Shilly as shit in here tonight.

Isn't it almost bedtime for these little fags??

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728882

File (hide): dcad77c988c12ac⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 396x385, 36:35, vigpepe.jpg) (h) (u)


An American soldier kneeling to some cunt wrapping herself in a mejican flag?


WTF do the spics think this country is?

78e706 (6)  No.5728883


I just wrote a 70 page manifesto but be sure to follow Pewdiepie

*Gets arrested*

adfcfd (14)  No.5728884>>5728894 >>5728896

File (hide): 0a4c5a3b6d61536⋯.jpg (195.32 KB, 1346x906, 673:453, caa845dfa5b0484e27363ff2d9….jpg) (h) (u)




448083 (12)  No.5728885>>5728990 >>5728998 >>5729463


Remember yesterday that was posted on here, how these two were hiring old Clinton staff to help them move in new directions?……….Well look now!

Queen vetoes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s philanthropy plans.

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are itching to set up a global “philanthropy brand” without the pesky oversight of the royal family --- but the Queen and Prince Charles have put the kibosh on their plans.

Instead, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will set up an official household of aides and staffers within Buckingham Palace, under the Queen’s watchful eye.

“They wanted their household to be entirely independent of Buckingham Palace, but were told ‘no’,” a royal source told the Sunday Times of London. “They can’t just go off and do their own thing.”

Their new offices will be separate from the household of Prince William, which the brothers have shared up to now.

The Clintons old staff? These two? What is happening?


9094c5 (5)  No.5728886>>5729066 >>5729228 >>5729439


Sure they exist. I witnessed a couple of mob hitmen come into a restaurant where I was eating dinner, and shake down the owner. 3 guys, dressed in the classic mob black suits & black shirts and white ties. They wanted payments of protection money or else they threatened to come in a demolish all of his equipment. Was decades ago.

94a26e (2)  No.5728887>>5729014 >>5729371


Getting in late tonight, reading notables

Seeing that both these guys died from blunt force trauma at a Dupont Circle hotel

Anybody remember WAY back in the early days, when Q posted pics taken on Dupont Circle?

The pic was taken from the street, looking back at some buildings

We dug and dug, but I don't recall coming to any definite conclusions

Seems like there were a bunch of diplomatic offices and assorted retail in the area

Need some digging help on this one, people

I'm digging thru the archives right now trying to find the pic(s).

Related post:

The Thursday revelation runs counter to previous reports that mikhail lesin's November death was due to a heart attack, reigniting accusations that foul play may have been involved.

A joint statement from the Washington Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and the Metropolitan Police Department claimed that Lesin, 59, also suffered "blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities," which contributed to his death.

The incident "remains an active … investigation," the police department added.

Lesin's Nov. 5 death at the Dupont Circle Hotel in November sparked a series of conspiracy theories. The Daily Beast reported in January that he may have been trying to cut a deal with the FBI to avoid money laundering and anti-corruption laws, in exchange for intelligence about the inner workings of Putin's government.


Former Putin Aide Died Of 'Blunt Force Injuries' In D.C., Medical Report Says


Putin Aide mikhail lesin Killed in Washington DC in November 2015 by Blunt Force Trauma

Trump Aide Daniel Best Killed in Washington DC in November 2018 by Blunt Force Trauma

589af1 (34)  No.5728888

File (hide): 84c2f9b7cae0a1f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 890x500, 89:50, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

02a1d2 (7)  No.5728889


Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Anyone in real estate or construction has to deal with the mob (in Gotham)

903913 (1)  No.5728890

File (hide): 9be69b129fd147c⋯.jpg (125.11 KB, 590x397, 590:397, Dragon_Pepe_9.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bc370a1d8166ae9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1017x639, 113:71, Kekken_tribute.png) (h) (u)

cool memes someone posted earlier.

2d05e2 (1)  No.5728891>>5728916

The world is waking up

They have lost control

Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing


890e3f (6)  No.5728892

File (hide): 731009bb8a377ad⋯.png (215.76 KB, 465x354, 155:118, concave2.png) (h) (u)


who knows

d80b53 (4)  No.5728893>>5728966

File (hide): fb150029dbd89ad⋯.png (836.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, atom1.png) (h) (u)

589af1 (34)  No.5728894>>5728896

File (hide): a9618f06d41363b⋯.png (516.63 KB, 570x438, 95:73, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

48e4ff (4)  No.5728895>>5728902 >>5728938

File (hide): 992f7777e7c31c3⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1076x734, 538:367, ns1.png) (h) (u)


We here.

589af1 (34)  No.5728896>>5728906

File (hide): 10bf56b115558fb⋯.png (141.93 KB, 881x703, 881:703, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

08e21d (23)  No.5728897

File (hide): b564250bc77f8c1⋯.jpg (207.9 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, snp.jpg) (h) (u)


Viel Glück

aefc99 (1)  No.5728898


>You guys, this is it. Oculous, VR, Facebook.. this spoopy fucking shooting..

>We have to dig anons SERIOUSLY. Same day as shooting in Wired there is an article on how they are getting good at hoax/fakes in Virtual Reality VR.


baker notable

a90f1e (13)  No.5728899



Thanks man, good luck with it all.


9228d9 (16)  No.5728900>>5729063



This ok?

9e4be1 (1)  No.5728901

File (hide): a68ccd6961935a2⋯.png (394.88 KB, 583x768, 583:768, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 95732b508324ba6⋯.png (229.59 KB, 588x608, 147:152, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Yep. Think the question will be asked?????

146a29 (4)  No.5728902>>5728919 >>5728921


Present and incorrect.


223d77 (2)  No.5728903


saw this anon while snowmobiling near gaylord MI at hide away bar last month (feb) … awesome outfit… family was decked out as well..

448083 (12)  No.5728904>>5728983 >>5728987 >>5729020 >>5729034 >>5729046 >>5729115 >>5729125

Ahoy there fellow ship mates….

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728905>>5728930

baker notable bakery

when you make a new thread for real, expect it to hang at 100%


get ready to copypaste your next poast, then open a new window and you will see your new thread in the catalog or index however you do your start page

589af1 (34)  No.5728906

ba378b (15)  No.5728907>>5728978

File (hide): 3450a21ec571291⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1549498638700.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 62e917e7cf09653⋯.png (84.07 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1537063607781.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c54960d66107b77⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2268x2354, 1134:1177, lol.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d15e43f7600a02⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 712x469, 712:469, 1548607219521.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3854de3d6bc9189⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 404x500, 101:125, 234234234234.jpg) (h) (u)


tru dat

673bd2 (4)  No.5728908

File (hide): b44a4747fc636ff⋯.png (306.78 KB, 1511x1102, 1511:1102, TRUST_Grassley_uGETout.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8cff26fad59aa64⋯.png (349.4 KB, 1228x868, 307:217, GlowShift.png) (h) (u)

>>5728682 tQbakHER

>>5728620 /pb


"putta [FINGER] to []"

someANON got that pic of BARR,

the one he got his RightJusticeFinger to his eyebrow?

<Q+ pic related

493f5a (3)  No.5728909

File (hide): 911e4b5c459b7e1⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e5afab1d470022⋯.png (961.09 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>5728722 Sound good for me

Fighting against the mafia

08e21d (23)  No.5728910

File (hide): 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, lemmy.jpg) (h) (u)


>Hey! It's Saturday night! Let's dance!

1931fb (2)  No.5728911>>5729247

File (hide): de2173426aac035⋯.png (164.91 KB, 480x679, 480:679, Youth Movement.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6b62b5601433704⋯.jpeg (404.93 KB, 1600x898, 800:449, Groupphoto.jpeg) (h) (u)

Christchurch, NZ and Parkland, Fl

Youth Leadership Summit

-They met to create a working document for key steps in starting, growing and sustaining a youth movement.

After the Christchurch, NZ earthquake in 2010, the University of Canterbury’s Student Volunteer Army was formed as a grassroots response to contribute to the clean-up. There was another earthquake in 2011 and SVA responded even stronger. Wanting to continue to make a difference in their communities, the SVA was formalized as a permanent and sustained student run club at UC.

"Following the February 14 2018 shooting at Marjory MSD High School, parallels were drawn by Nancy Gilbert and her friends between the courageous response of its students and the actions of the SVA after the Christchurch earthquakes."

"New Zealand’s Ambassador to the U.S., Tim Groser, has thrown his support and some funding behind the planned visit to Christchurch. He visited Marjory Stoneman Douglas last month (May 2018) with Nancy Gilbert, who lived in Wellington for the two years her husband Mark was U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand (2015-2017). On their return to America after the election of President Donald Trump, Nancy Gilbert was appointed this country’s honorary consul to Florida. It was her idea to contact the Parkland students to see how New Zealand could help."

Interestingly, David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez, two of the most vocal students, did not attend the summit.


Section 6.2.4 Actions towards achieving local & nationwide gun law reform.

• Registering people to vote.

• Contacting and meeting with legislators.

• Holding school rallies to get students involved in politics.

• Educate ourselves and others on the current political climate.

• Reforming school elections to reflect the American electoral system.





73e3ed (4)  No.5728912>>5729004


Cool. Make it like one if those stickers they give you when you vote. They simply say, I VOTED.

Thanks for doing this! Will be so cool to Tweet!

acee72 (3)  No.5728913>>5728933


Highest ranked shitposter

589af1 (34)  No.5728914

File (hide): 604aa6b4dd8ecfc⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1024x812, 256:203, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

16b932 (10)  No.5728915>>5728957


Oh. Ok but they DO seem to fear the pepe

9094c5 (5)  No.5728916

File (hide): 6b613d70662830f⋯.jpg (252.12 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, QCrumbsNothingCanStop2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c8585c6896abe1c⋯.jpg (93.36 KB, 630x330, 21:11, QCrumbsNothingCanStop.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 181b5eeb506540e⋯.jpeg (545.12 KB, 810x1215, 2:3, D5Comfy3.jpeg) (h) (u)

247ae1 (19)  No.5728917>>5728928

File (hide): bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d01eeba417332e⋯.jpg (236.81 KB, 610x457, 610:457, stupid_fucking_goy.jpg) (h) (u)

30140f (6)  No.5728918>>5729043

File (hide): 8c3a0cd02ea82bb⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 255x249, 85:83, stuck.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e113472cc3ca05⋯.jpg (108.41 KB, 800x543, 800:543, kek wills it.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9a768c4fbca79f8⋯.png (593.27 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, REVEAL.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56158fd89167e37⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 600x400, 3:2, i want them.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85941e7b34e5f9d⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 1092x585, 28:15, _KEKFORCE.JPG) (h) (u)


incredibly so?

i wouldnt stretch that far… your opinion is a bit judgemental, and to be honest it is UGLY.

…yes, soldier is kneeling, yes a woman is standing, practicing what looks to be a prayer for the soldier of some sort, idk…?

either way. im sure he gets up when shes done, kisses her on the cheek, and walks away a HERO. relax. it's too late to be in such a LOW FREQUENCY CARNAL SELFISH mindset. goodvibez anon, goodvibez.

it's all LOVE comin' from this side. KNOW THAT.

aacbc7 (19)  No.5728919>>5729047

File (hide): 35fb61004af185f⋯.jpg (402.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Night Shift POTUS style.jpg) (h) (u)


meme for meme-less anon


08e21d (23)  No.5728920

File (hide): 5272920aaf7700b⋯.jpeg (53.98 KB, 1044x783, 4:3, uThinkmeAcLown.jpeg) (h) (u)

448083 (12)  No.5728921

aad9a5 (1)  No.5728922>>5728935

File (hide): a080ed817fbf15b⋯.png (128.47 KB, 465x976, 465:976, Screenshot_2019-03-16 Qmap….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e3ee4ca6a2fcf5⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 557x545, 557:545, 1534018159157.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 727a3a875470b4a⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1920x3709, 1920:3709, 1534018216996.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 05229c7ee94684e⋯.jpg (243.47 KB, 658x1512, 47:108, ketron.jpg) (h) (u)

b7337c (4)  No.5728923>>5728940 >>5728947 >>5729440

File (hide): 1bcaf902bac38c6⋯.jpg (95.61 KB, 500x546, 250:273, l3arrygoestogitmo.jpg) (h) (u)

982b71 (3)  No.5728924>>5728980 >>5729201 >>5729236 >>5729438

File (hide): 8afe32122c9bdcc⋯.png (731.83 KB, 1196x1052, 299:263, sarac2.PNG) (h) (u)

OUT a There

: Andrew Weissmann --- The Kingpin Of Prosecutorial Misconduct — Leaves Mueller’s Squad


b43ddd (3)  No.5728925>>5728960 >>5729022 >>5729270 >>5729305 >>5729324

File (hide): ee2169696ca5f94⋯.jpeg (388.2 KB, 1525x987, 1525:987, 02C1F4F5-3B86-4DA3-BC95-A….jpeg) (h) (u)

78e706 (6)  No.5728926>>5728944

Tried watching Cpt. Marvel.


First 3 minutes has 8 scene changes. The scenes change so fast, nothing of substance happens. Actress is AWFUL! Lines are 100% Cringey at all times. IT's fucking garbage.

6302fa (3)  No.5728927

File (hide): 77baa74e3365be7⋯.jpg (139.02 KB, 764x595, 764:595, DrWV8XYUcAAYvFN.jpg) (h) (u)

>>5728585 (lb) Newfags take a knee

There's a post shills keep referring to, but WAIT, where's the tripcode? Just FAKE ASS SHIZNIT! Not Q, never was, but shills be trying to say "but muh Q said…" but Q aint done that rap my negro!

589af1 (34)  No.5728928


First one is great. Top that ebot.

c4c0c5 (1)  No.5728929

File (hide): fe980a2c31199f4⋯.jpeg (133.76 KB, 1000x632, 125:79, EEF95F9A-5B4C-4142-A394-5….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): de66670f5ca4fb2⋯.jpeg (290.99 KB, 1000x997, 1000:997, 90D1FB22-C684-41C2-B5F7-6….jpeg) (h) (u)

9228d9 (16)  No.5728930>>5729013


Alright, just tell Q he's not allowed to post tonight lol.

08e21d (23)  No.5728931

File (hide): 7bc657142dd3b86⋯.jpg (120.28 KB, 800x800, 1:1, johnG1.jpg) (h) (u)

247ae1 (19)  No.5728933

File (hide): db01264f171f339⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sheks.jpg) (h) (u)


>Highest ranked shitposter

And you must be the dumbest fucking kike.

suck muh dick

c08afa (3)  No.5728934

File (hide): 9bcedb296171bd8⋯.png (462.24 KB, 702x640, 351:320, 4e51812aa341059408b9f2e3f5….png) (h) (u)

9094c5 (5)  No.5728935

>>5728922 yes i know

f96f91 (1)  No.5728936

File (hide): 8ef16d0bd0f7ff1⋯.jpg (66.09 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Reg Barr.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 24634c89d6a3763⋯.gif (926.72 KB, 506x350, 253:175, demdance.gif) (h) (u)

adfcfd (14)  No.5728937>>5728946 >>5728961 >>5729054

File (hide): 1308ecbf4518dae⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, BID_JUGGALO.png) (h) (u)
































a89d44 (5)  No.5728938>>5728954

File (hide): 6adda9e7664ae99⋯.jpg (281.65 KB, 1200x1208, 150:151, 6adda9e7664ae99505d44cd0c4….jpg) (h) (u)



Jes Suis Prest (I am Ready)

438aaf (1)  No.5728939>>5728962 >>5728970

File (hide): 11e8c022ed27163⋯.jpg (173.25 KB, 844x1157, 844:1157, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34e4dfbbc487c67⋯.jpg (211.09 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 11.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f326b6d02e2d8e⋯.jpg (125.07 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 53a195e5c129184⋯.jpg (172.01 KB, 986x1000, 493:500, 11.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54a28f642e503d2⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 635x539, 635:539, 111.jpg) (h) (u)

My goal is to do one for each country; as this is a world wide awakening!

Will my autism kick in and I finish the project tonight?


aacbc7 (19)  No.5728940

File (hide): fc0cca37720eeb4⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 750x500, 3:2, husein ddn.jpg) (h) (u)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5728941>>5729063 >>5729089

File (hide): 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg) (h) (u)

god shit baker

i see your bake at comms

we have a bread title format. copypaste this

Q Research General #7328: your title here Edition

the rest is yummy!!


10ffa7 (16)  No.5728942>>5728952

File (hide): a3bff5de819c448⋯.gif (780.83 KB, 500x280, 25:14, backnforth.gif) (h) (u)

There are about 7 real anons posting in this septic tank of shills right now.

What a fucking joke this board is.

9a2a0d (1)  No.5728943>>5729134

File (hide): f4520b165859121⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 574x500, 287:250, zukerberg cropRa500.jpg) (h) (u)

146a29 (4)  No.5728944>>5728951


Give me John Wick any day. Any time.

9c4eca (4)  No.5728945

File (hide): 003ed6b3f2ba42d⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 838x1024, 419:512, small-frog.jpg) (h) (u)


589af1 (34)  No.5728946

File (hide): ac0c88bf0c53e36⋯.png (1.55 MB, 800x766, 400:383, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

b7337c (4)  No.5728947

File (hide): 23758490065feff⋯.jpg (94.13 KB, 500x546, 250:273, l3arrygoestogitmo.jpg) (h) (u)


one too many "the"

fixed er up

08e21d (23)  No.5728948

File (hide): 8050db1033a7192⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cigM2.jpg) (h) (u)

f707ed (1)  No.5728949


I agree, thought the same thing when I saw this today!!

fd2e2e (2)  No.5728950>>5729002

File (hide): 47ddcf65a2d53f8⋯.png (551.78 KB, 609x517, 609:517, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>5728703 >LB<

You bedda fuggetabout building 7 goyim

78e706 (6)  No.5728951


While those films are entertaining, they're mediocre.

589af1 (34)  No.5728952

1c9a6e (3)  No.5728953>>5728965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is extremely interesting guys. From 2013 and a former "eco fascist" exposes the entire inner workings and reason they are pushing what the push (it's all back to Agenda 21).

9094c5 (5)  No.5728954>>5729036 >>5729327 >>5729354 >>5729445


You mean

je suis prêt

ba378b (15)  No.5728955>>5728969


wow she pretty, post feet?

1c197b (1)  No.5728956>>5729055 >>5729105



wasn't there something about a yacht Trump purchased, then sold it to some rich SOB who got busted using it for smuggling?

740cfd (3)  No.5728957>>5729008


Didnt mean to be short with ya anon. They do fear the Pepe.

Im not the most articulate fellow in the world

73e3ed (4)  No.5728958


Thank you so much Anon!

15c61d (3)  No.5728959


What the fuck did that even mean? Now we got another asshole posting the same stupid shit every fucking day.

f14e5d (6)  No.5728960>>5729270 >>5729305 >>5729324



there was an article connecting him to clowns that attacked NK embassy - allegedly.

this fucker has false flag written all over him.

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728961>>5729398

File (hide): a99beb851b291b6⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bikinicontest.jpg) (h) (u)


Bikini contest!

Did ya win, Freddy?

ec9d4f (3)  No.5728962

File (hide): 294d6507c2781bb⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 500x573, 500:573, autism 316.jpg) (h) (u)



do it

f84686 (6)  No.5728963>>5729030


More like 15%, but yeah.

Regardless of "race", cultural homicide is not cool.

589af1 (34)  No.5728964

File (hide): 8df1f3c978d8420⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1080x1382, 540:691, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

78e706 (6)  No.5728965>>5728974


Fuck, it looks like his mom.

6b121f (11)  No.5728966

File (hide): 737224a7ddff73c⋯.mp4 (6.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Magnetohydrodynamics - Pro….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

08e21d (23)  No.5728967

File (hide): 7f4a23b5007d666⋯.jpeg (26.76 KB, 700x525, 4:3, nstyCBrd.jpeg) (h) (u)

5f4f72 (1)  No.5728968

File (hide): d095a127cb8d6f1⋯.png (882.79 KB, 656x768, 41:48, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

9c639a (6)  No.5728969>>5728976 >>5728981

File (hide): f802d48b0e51907⋯.jpg (21.41 KB, 402x348, 67:58, hobbit-feet1.jpg) (h) (u)

55b9c1 (6)  No.5728970

File (hide): bcd6771ef2fb661⋯.jpg (145.97 KB, 800x800, 1:1, History.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1dec54cdad744ba⋯.jpg (106.33 KB, 761x1116, 761:1116, amanda terkel_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 32812f6ca71aa18⋯.jpg (254 KB, 843x1063, 843:1063, amanda terkel_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d44d382f16b9084⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Anons bring hope.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73f6916d169262e⋯.jpg (172.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, work together.jpg) (h) (u)


Wow, go Anon!

adfcfd (14)  No.5728971>>5728977 >>5728991 >>5729291

File (hide): 283530492b4853e⋯.png (1.2 MB, 980x735, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


aacbc7 (19)  No.5728972

File (hide): 65169cf4e6fe067⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 474x355, 474:355, pointing finger.jpg) (h) (u)


later fren have fun with the fam best to your other half too.


88a98d (2)  No.5728973>>5728989


Thanks fren. Dubs checked.

Glad you got that screenshot of Qmap.pub numbers back in August. How much we've grown! I saw it over 300K earlier today.

1c9a6e (3)  No.5728974


This anon gets it.

02a1d2 (7)  No.5728975




Here is the sauce

cfea20 (2)  No.5728976>>5728984


Huma, is that you?

589af1 (34)  No.5728977

File (hide): 5e6a89c3524592e⋯.png (540.48 KB, 573x516, 191:172, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

b8f30f (4)  No.5728978


They still haven’t told me where I sign up to get this so called White Privilege.

Is there a secret building handing out free mortgages, Cars and CEO positions?

ba378b (15)  No.5728979>>5728993

File (hide): c5dce7f4b4ab1d3⋯.png (851.05 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, tight cunt.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dab99aef81e5f57⋯.png (387.73 KB, 493x750, 493:750, 1526896707182.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 02c788748490d8c⋯.jpg (84.64 KB, 615x580, 123:116, 1545962460769.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b7d029a3d2b79d⋯.jpg (122.78 KB, 640x610, 64:61, s-l640.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c889b093d10a20b⋯.png (774.66 KB, 960x950, 96:95, 1544023318233.png) (h) (u)


ay tonem why dey had hospitals if tey was just gonna wack em?

10ffa7 (16)  No.5728980

File (hide): 8e1a3d8a88969f3⋯.png (146.67 KB, 388x377, 388:377, vengepepe.png) (h) (u)


This Weissmann fucker should be in jail or in the ground.

3ba820 (5)  No.5728981


Silverman? dat you?

cc1300 (7)  No.5728982


e0c6b9 (1)  No.5728983

File (hide): cde197ad228e082⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 787x1140, 787:1140, IMG_1765.JPG) (h) (u)


Evening Skip.

9e2ad2 (5)  No.5728984

File (hide): c7285f59a49c0c5⋯.gif (837.36 KB, 320x352, 10:11, HumaSmile.gif) (h) (u)

4ed8e1 (3)  No.5728985>>5729217


TY Baker!

146a29 (4)  No.5728986

Hands up those who seed started today!

Got to get my garden on.

da4ba9 (5)  No.5728987>>5729039

File (hide): dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, comfy.png) (h) (u)


Ahoy there. The rum's gone as always -- just about to get some more.

Heard the Hessians in Trenton got some good barrels stored.

ef78ba (3)  No.5728988>>5729012

File (hide): 84e07767438634f⋯.png (187.84 KB, 1069x583, 1069:583, www_amazon_com_Mueller-Rep….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69f37b8930fa79a⋯.jpg (236.54 KB, 1400x2100, 2:3, 71bQMBh5PfL.jpg) (h) (u)


55b9c1 (6)  No.5728989

File (hide): 0564760cab0d8b6⋯.jpg (191.41 KB, 1246x888, 623:444, Hope.jpg) (h) (u)

751214 (3)  No.5728990>>5729010


Guess Trump's visit to Elizardbreath is now showing returns, with the reptile reigning (forgive the play on words) in the little deep state slugs.

d4a461 (1)  No.5728991>>5729011


Freddy - did you start celebrating St Patrick's day a little early?

448083 (12)  No.5728992>>5729103 >>5729205 >>5729214 >>5729305 >>5729352 >>5729420

File (hide): 7535cbf82a39d25⋯.jpg (98.62 KB, 1130x888, 565:444, 2019-03-17 02.31.40 voiceo….jpg) (h) (u)


Orbán speaks against the “EU empire”.

Europe’s peoples should “see and understand that Europe will have no free life without its Christian culture”, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said during a state celebration of the anniversary of Hungary’s 1848 revolution in front of Budapest’s National Museum.

“Unless we protect our Christian culture we will lose Europe and Europe will no longer belong to Europeans,” Orban insisted. He added that Christianity was equally important for a free Hungary and warned that “all of us would lose our freedom in a liberal empire”. “Nobody can be free if they are subjects of an empire rather than children of a free nation”. “Europeans can only be happy if they can decide on their own fate and on the future of their nation”, Orban added. The ideal of freedom “is rooted in Christianity because all people and all nations are equal before God,” the prime minister said.


589af1 (34)  No.5728993

File (hide): 89c1a51600ad664⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1080x806, 540:403, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

5e2074 (4)  No.5728994

File (hide): 670804ac82873bb⋯.png (295.08 KB, 634x622, 317:311, Screenshot 2019-03-16_22-3….png) (h) (u)

Cardinal Daniel Dinardo, who is the head of the United States delegation, has been hospitalized after suffering a mild stroke in Houston, Texas.

The chancery office says DiNardo is currently resting and that he will continue to be hospitalized for several days.

In a statement, the 69-year-old DiNardo says he looks forward to getting back to work “as soon as possible.”


1f0353 (1)  No.5728995>>5729001 >>5729018 >>5729045 >>5729052 >>5729067 >>5729138

File (hide): 5dfd983bd7bb4b7⋯.png (253.07 KB, 500x282, 250:141, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Looks like Beto O'Rourke is more than just a teen hacker. It looks like he's a Satanist.


Cult of the Dead Cow

Here's some poetry he wrote in regards of his 'balls', milk and a cow.


He also dream of murdering children?


Video about Adrenochrome and toward the last part of this video, shows how Cow, Milk are used in reference of child sacrifice.


And this, Beto wearing a goat mask?


e9cb86 (1)  No.5728996


Constantinople, Vatican employee

adfcfd (14)  No.5728997>>5729007 >>5729044

File (hide): 629f16d596809d1⋯.jpg (256.73 KB, 1600x1182, 800:591, da36e3deebfa725908fc22d7dd….jpg) (h) (u)



751214 (3)  No.5728998

File (hide): 5af3381b9f949e8⋯.png (754.73 KB, 694x705, 694:705, hewitts son queen.png) (h) (u)

f10169 (8)  No.5728999>>5729006 >>5729033


^^^ I concur.



Hi Dutch. Stop advertising on here.

You don't belong.

Fuck off, Fraud and to your sockpuppets too.

08e21d (23)  No.5729000>>5729235

File (hide): 499ac207f7cdb8d⋯.jpg (119.75 KB, 1300x929, 1300:929, onTargetr13.jpg) (h) (u)


Heavy flak. Fly casual

cfea20 (2)  No.5729001

File (hide): 1f68afb4f2434c3⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1234x822, 617:411, Beto_juevos.png) (h) (u)

02a1d2 (7)  No.5729002

File (hide): 8fe37cbe30aa8ff⋯.png (1.04 MB, 892x762, 446:381, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

62f00c (2)  No.5729003

0585c6 (2)  No.5729004>>5729031

File (hide): 9fb4525ba3d3c67⋯.jpg (789.13 KB, 2560x1712, 160:107, P1430001.JPG) (h) (u)


A real "I voted" sticker on a red hat.

3698ed (7)  No.5729005>>5729090 >>5729123

Its the morning of the 20th, it now is painfully obvious (again) that Q is nothing more than a diversion to kill time so Trump can get re-elected without really doing anything meaningful.

What do?

f10169 (8)  No.5729006



589af1 (34)  No.5729007

File (hide): e787494e2458455⋯.png (818.89 KB, 750x585, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

16b932 (10)  No.5729008


All good. I can be too bubbly. It evens out

247ae1 (19)  No.5729009

File (hide): 120d508e8f7b565⋯.png (106.29 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

448083 (12)  No.5729010



The fact a Clinton connection reported yesterday and now this.

something is afoot.

Worth watching for a while anyhow.

982b71 (3)  No.5729011


YUP he did KEK……

cc1300 (7)  No.5729012


This is interesting. And why would Dersh have an introduction in the real Mueller report?

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729013>>5729024


if he does

ill do a post you can copypasta

and if he does you can immediately freeze muh notables collection and focus 100% on Q and my posts

ba378b (15)  No.5729014


>Getting in late tonight, reading notables

night then nigger faggot

651b7b (8)  No.5729015>>5729041

924935 (4)  No.5729016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Turn Your Life Around. You can do it Satana.

30eb8b (11)  No.5729017>>5729051




shit, just got here

was busy in between breads

I can take it if needed

55b9c1 (6)  No.5729018

File (hide): be76235026803a4⋯.jpg (95.8 KB, 800x438, 400:219, Robert beto.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f629d87b71083b⋯.jpg (236.7 KB, 695x910, 139:182, Beto lie wont will run.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c931f12297ba4d1⋯.jpg (160.12 KB, 807x678, 269:226, beto left wing media.jpg) (h) (u)

751214 (3)  No.5729019


What a waste of glorious digits.

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729020>>5729026

File (hide): 58f1b71786a5ef8⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, nightcrew on deck.png) (h) (u)


arrrrgh matey

dc74c4 (3)  No.5729021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did somebody say… Let's Dance??

fa11b5 (1)  No.5729022


Ok that makes no sense. "Dozens" dead, and he's charged with 1 count of murder? What the fuck?

adfcfd (14)  No.5729023>>5729032 >>5729040

File (hide): 1da40e6e22669c6⋯.png (379 KB, 496x621, 496:621, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



9228d9 (16)  No.5729024



So this is ok? https://8ch.net/comms/res/4124.html#4128

964c83 (2)  No.5729025>>5729035 >>5729050 >>5729094

File (hide): dd0d5d10c9cb561⋯.jpeg (12.66 KB, 255x191, 255:191, bart.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29c751df5d6d1d6⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 612x407, 612:407, burri2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e757595f99db3e4⋯.jpg (57.14 KB, 610x409, 610:409, duckgobbler.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9822901df4a3ee7⋯.jpg (67.49 KB, 612x407, 612:407, goat2.jpg) (h) (u)


muhjoos pathetic

doomed they are

9c639a (6)  No.5729026


Pepe is the light of the crossing.

eb7a1b (1)  No.5729027>>5729048 >>5729070 >>5729088

I have a couple theories

The NZ shooter was a islamist terrorist and had been radicalized - the reason he went to Turkey and Pakistan. He really was an accelerationist.

Either that or he was CIA/FIVE EYES making running decoy for a second shooter who made a hit.

1fed72 (2)  No.5729028>>5729057

>>5728686, >>5728745, >>5728799

Ty bakers, will also monitor.

We're here for support too, new baker.

Welcome to the kitchen.

>Alright, just tell Q he's not allowed to post tonight lol.

Kek, don't you worry. If he does, we can edit his drops in for you.

08e21d (23)  No.5729029

File (hide): 1c4473f83527199⋯.jpg (297.4 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, rbgLich4.jpg) (h) (u)

80e387 (6)  No.5729030


unless its satanists

i think i could culturally delete the satanists and still sleep at nite

0585c6 (2)  No.5729031




Photo of real sticker

589af1 (34)  No.5729032>>5729040


I don't think so, buddy.

3ba820 (5)  No.5729033



TY - Take a leap Dutch

982b71 (3)  No.5729034


iTs a White Squall Coming.

247ae1 (19)  No.5729035

File (hide): 295cc5b5cacc392⋯.jpg (185.55 KB, 1024x803, 1024:803, shill_fail.jpg) (h) (u)

a89d44 (5)  No.5729036>>5729098 >>5729108 >>5729124 >>5729354


I am not a French fag for sure, but I've been reading that motto in the Outlander series for more than 20 years.

From the web….

What is the meaning of Je suis Prest?

Clan Fraser of Lovat. Clann Friseal. Crest: A buck's head erased Proper. Motto. Je suis prest (I am ready)

Am I incorrect ?

03fb9f (3)  No.5729037

File (hide): d3e0abb2274803c⋯.jpg (145.24 KB, 684x925, 684:925, isis-war-hero.jpg) (h) (u)

101085 (1)  No.5729038

Is there a videofag, who could create a sample, from all of the Q hitpieces from the msm, like the bomshell samples? And it could be end with the sentence, all for a larp!

I don´t know how that works… But it would be nice to see to me!

448083 (12)  No.5729039

589af1 (34)  No.5729040

File (hide): 739133f8a055cd8⋯.png (725.9 KB, 720x883, 720:883, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Oopsie, forgot the copy/paste.

ba378b (15)  No.5729041>>5729113

File (hide): 2d1c17983312092⋯.png (933.31 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1549342182453.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 344c68e3770b7f5⋯.png (490.35 KB, 806x740, 403:370, RON_WAAAGH.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22b5f8ac41b939d⋯.jpg (162.95 KB, 900x594, 50:33, 1534262872397.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa089973cff9bc0⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 460x456, 115:114, 1549139034710.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f85adf8575384c⋯.png (730.46 KB, 894x614, 447:307, 1533173338118.png) (h) (u)


omg that is peepee, I saw on huff post! how can you? how can you even?

13a864 (1)  No.5729042



679393 (2)  No.5729043>>5729075

File (hide): c55cb9ae6ef4cbe⋯.jpg (321.66 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, FB_IMG_1552788630747.jpg) (h) (u)


Of course I'm being judgmental, just as much as you are in your response, retard.

It says "pro God", yet I see nothing of the sort (among other things).

10ffa7 (16)  No.5729044>>5729061

File (hide): c7a5b1ee5768724⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 814x474, 407:237, barrondjtj.jpg) (h) (u)



Operators active. PRAY.

f84686 (6)  No.5729045>>5729233

File (hide): 61a6105486446ea⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 680x464, 85:58, golden_calf.jpg) (h) (u)



890e3f (6)  No.5729046>>5729078

File (hide): 4910f122b4910c8⋯.png (973.63 KB, 1018x662, 509:331, fire-at-will.png) (h) (u)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729047

File (hide): c480611cee2bf49⋯.jpg (223.24 KB, 1600x1142, 800:571, comfy storm.jpg) (h) (u)


that one is very nice

perfect for saturday night

9c639a (6)  No.5729048>>5729083

File (hide): dcb3c4d4870627f⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x211, 255:211, investigator pepe.jpg) (h) (u)


Or he was Brennan's nephew and a sad victim of MKUltra.

Have we done a bloodline?

487b78 (5)  No.5729049

NewZeland has gone full CABAL mode.

560bc6 (1)  No.5729050

File (hide): d3bc1e58aa41228⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



a90f1e (13)  No.5729051>>5729062 >>5729076


Easy baker, looks like it's under control.

New baker in the house with backup baker.

Catch y'later anyway, gotta step out.


f10169 (8)  No.5729052


Wat a surprise.

589af1 (34)  No.5729053

File (hide): 7f897cf16fcf345⋯.png (641.6 KB, 880x753, 880:753, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

4ed8e1 (3)  No.5729054>>5729086 >>5729164

File (hide): 579cbdcd5970f45⋯.mp4 (366.37 KB, 480x848, 30:53, 579cbdcd5970f45b9a59fe4689….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Here ya go FREDDY, a couple of nice melons you can gnaw on.

6b121f (11)  No.5729055>>5729105 >>5729271

File (hide): 9c9f0d171127b47⋯.png (122.2 KB, 1043x552, 1043:552, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

c62ab2 (3)  No.5729056





a90f1e (13)  No.5729057

File (hide): 1ce31027b4b213d⋯.png (234.42 KB, 323x345, 323:345, 1ce31027b4b213de490c5e9dfc….png) (h) (u)

1cf288 (3)  No.5729058

File (hide): 39c7cf1bfe82578⋯.png (346.67 KB, 560x314, 280:157, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729059>>5729080 >>5729087

File (hide): f5391d159e7da7f⋯.png (151.03 KB, 837x428, 837:428, 22:36:25_001.png) (h) (u)


> Hillary Clinton Scores $5.5 Million of New Zealand Taxpayers’ Money:

I wonder what the money was used for???

5cbab4 (2)  No.5729060>>5729101 >>5729106 >>5729135

File (hide): 8dd4b3cb8e07014⋯.jpg (31.22 KB, 649x365, 649:365, Tarrant_666_hand_signal.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e491bd595b96fb0⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 640x640, 1:1, __infinity_love_.jpg) (h) (u)


Signalling the magistrate.

adfcfd (14)  No.5729061>>5729071

File (hide): 00753be725baa63⋯.jpg (27.5 KB, 219x255, 73:85, TOOTSYOU.jpg) (h) (u)



30eb8b (11)  No.5729062


gotcha, thanks for the bakes and have a good nightbaker!

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729063>>5729089

ac37d8 (3)  No.5729064


Kek best response ever

f136d2 (1)  No.5729065>>5729077


Possible Q Proof regarding the “Watch CA” drop.

All the shit in this one tweet is just from ONE DMV in Fresno. Meaning this is only scratching the surface of election fraud in CA.

This tweet explains why Nancy Pelosi wants 16 year olds to be allowed to vote….cover up 16 year olds being fraudulantly registered to vote.

5983e0 (3)  No.5729066


Once a year or so I have occasion to travel to NYC. I stop by the best Italian restaurant evah on my way out. Few customers, best food, best service. Lots of guys in suits and white ties sitting around. They give me a smile and a nod. Like I said, best food, best service, evah.

02a1d2 (7)  No.5729067

File (hide): eefeea08dfdce12⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1310x769, 1310:769, s9ucUQHik6.png) (h) (u)


>And this, Beto wearing a goat mask?



e81bf0 (8)  No.5729068>>5729147 >>5729184

File (hide): 00a8911bcccfd70⋯.png (56.15 KB, 278x242, 139:121, Adobe_20190316_223832.png) (h) (u)


D got a little cut off.

54270f (1)  No.5729069>>5729091

File (hide): 0d5d2a5a0be1d8a⋯.png (211.23 KB, 816x761, 816:761, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Interesting. @CivMilAir trolls POTUS as if they hate him.

8195c8 (6)  No.5729070


I concur.

Sauce: even has a subversive to Kim NK tie in - but the NZ sauce is extremely good. Has links to some good twater sources for timeline / info.


589af1 (34)  No.5729071>>5729085

File (hide): 7b7f09c5677d1fc⋯.png (886.06 KB, 910x848, 455:424, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

ec0b58 (1)  No.5729072>>5729097 >>5729114 >>5729132 >>5729149 >>5729180 >>5729238 >>5729320 >>5729397

File (hide): 5453007240ba962⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 189x267, 63:89, twintowers.jpg) (h) (u)

The twin towers are the misdirection. The real trick was making $2 trillion disappear at the pentagon. If the only thing that happened that day was the pentagon accountant vaporization it would have been too suspicious, so they came up with a distraction big enough to memory hole an attack on the HQ of the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen. The insurance job, and the no longer needed WTC asbestos removal costs, were a kickback for a skimpy outfitted assistant, while the psychological beating down the population into needing the government to protect them, with just a hint of Flight 93 Adderall, was the sequins on the waistcoat of the greatest magicians trick ever performed.

eb9eae (1)  No.5729073


CHRISTCHURCH (NYTIMES) - When the prime minister announced plans to ban semi-automatic rifles following Friday's mass shootings, it seemed to be the bold response that many New Zealanders wanted - until the country's attorney general backpedaled almost immediately and said that might not be the government's final decision.

Even after a massacre that left 50 people dead, the fight over guns and safety will be a fraught one for politicians in peaceful New Zealand, just as it is in the United States.

But there is a crucial difference between the two countries that is already apparent: While Washington struggles to take action even as such shootings become more routine, New Zealand's government is immediately diving into a detailed discussion of further legislative checks on guns.

The outright prohibition of semi-automatic weapons proposed by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern may no longer be on the near-term table. But a Cabinet meeting called for Monday will look at a range of options, from gun buybacks to restrictions on magazines for semi-automatic rifles.

964c83 (2)  No.5729074


wasnt there a link for redpill research/articles/items i can copy and send to others?

didnt see it anywhere

ba378b (15)  No.5729075>>5729102


is she a spic?(,,,invader)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729076

File (hide): ad56838e90dc7ff⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 143x255, 143:255, buubs.jpg) (h) (u)

88631a (2)  No.5729077


This.. no coincidences

448083 (12)  No.5729078>>5729286

File (hide): b20fbf9de98e494⋯.jpg (138.91 KB, 672x773, 672:773, 2019-03-17 02.38.31 www.tr….jpg) (h) (u)



Fifteen Men On A Dead Man's Chest Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rum.


dc9e24 (5)  No.5729079


I thought Trump had mafia body guards

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729080>>5729096


This woman is nothing but a 1 person whirlwind of Death. Coming or going she has only brought death.

b43ddd (3)  No.5729081>>5729118


Fuck you small pint.

adfcfd (14)  No.5729082


f10169 (8)  No.5729083


Can't do a bloodline search on a "cut-out" except if you can match the face somewhere?

62f00c (2)  No.5729084

890e3f (6)  No.5729085

File (hide): 7ccba7228fa2e4c⋯.jpeg (161.78 KB, 800x868, 200:217, jstad.jpeg) (h) (u)

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729086

File (hide): d36fb71c8127efc⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 350x371, 50:53, Mama Mia.gif) (h) (u)


If you gonna go….. go BIG

621189 (1)  No.5729087


Wonder if there’s raw video of this meeting?

+++ + +++++

a5bbb9 (5)  No.5729088


Just as likely he was mossad i suppose.

9228d9 (16)  No.5729089

6302fa (3)  No.5729090>>5729127 >>5729257

80e387 (6)  No.5729091


hes a britfag & he does

ba378b (15)  No.5729092

File (hide): 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, 3dc6f8042a116abe8da5d6159….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 10620b8723fb29e⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 488x359, 488:359, TheKlanIsBack.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 557156504a38b0f⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 640x632, 80:79, interfaitherotica.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9cc75282998a932⋯.png (482.59 KB, 759x658, 759:658, 1544812714690.png) (h) (u)


532618 (1)  No.5729094

File (hide): e51266cedf4b234⋯.png (629.46 KB, 583x537, 583:537, 8976778665.png) (h) (u)



adfcfd (14)  No.5729095

File (hide): 8672840bc244b5a⋯.png (302.39 KB, 497x500, 497:500, 3e6784cf41a398a7282abecb34….png) (h) (u)



bb1d9b (9)  No.5729096>>5729110

File (hide): e496531f170af8e⋯.png (860.98 KB, 1136x681, 1136:681, 07:05:08_001.png) (h) (u)

589af1 (34)  No.5729097

File (hide): 96f750732eac033⋯.png (456.42 KB, 619x406, 619:406, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Jews did 9/11.

9c639a (6)  No.5729098


>Outlander series

Was a fan until she merchandised the franchise to the point where she wrote shit.

I am first. I stand in front. I protect.

It means whatever the fuck you escapism reading wants it to mean.

Get real and you are welcome.

Fuck with fiction, and we'll mail you a dwarf.

Fairtale shit. It will feel familiar.

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729100>>5729120

File (hide): 9038a1255bf307b⋯.jpg (42.08 KB, 650x505, 130:101, shit sandwich 1.jpg) (h) (u)


your shit is so stale

dc9e24 (5)  No.5729101


shooter would have to be pretty confident to be giving hand signals at arraignment.

They probably blocked out his face because he knows, the cabal will just slip some other poor fool in there to take his place.

Pity anybody who looks like the shooter.

f14e5d (6)  No.5729102>>5729133 >>5729163


actual illegal pop is around 30-35 million.

there's actually a good deal of asiatic and third world types that get slipped between cracks since everybody is looking for mexicans.

indians, pakis, bangladeshis, muslims and third worlders basically.

large number of illegal koreans phillipinos, chinese, japanese some even.

demographic trend WILL be reversed.

b8f30f (4)  No.5729103


This should get in even more Trouble.

Truth is Not allowed

8ab80a (5)  No.5729104

6b121f (11)  No.5729105>>5729117 >>5729122 >>5729136 >>5729144 >>5729152 >>5729156 >>5729170 >>5729181 >>5729187 >>5729190 >>5729271

File (hide): 978326b0d88ed96⋯.png (177.17 KB, 1020x857, 1020:857, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d66ea4f3102b2e9⋯.png (165.35 KB, 250x347, 250:347, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)





Trump sold his yacht to non other than Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.

dc9e24 (5)  No.5729106


why can't we see what he looks like.

What kind of crap is that?

03fb9f (3)  No.5729107

File (hide): c9c9121cafcf616⋯.jpg (435.6 KB, 1468x1109, 1468:1109, that-awkward-moment.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 55dfbcceebe0bff⋯.jpg (342.63 KB, 984x1404, 82:117, fantasy-island.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aeb30f2112ca6a4⋯.jpg (134.93 KB, 640x894, 320:447, da-nang-dick.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3be30a24a174173⋯.jpg (702.85 KB, 1594x1950, 797:975, ventriloquist.jpg) (h) (u)

48e4ff (4)  No.5729108>>5729327 >>5729445


reverso.net agrees with the other anon.

Je suis prêt means "I am ready"

Je suis prest comes back as "I am prest"

No translation.

a84655 (6)  No.5729109



08e21d (23)  No.5729110

File (hide): 816aaf12c8eb542⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, gandalfNotPass.jpg) (h) (u)

e2155b (3)  No.5729111>>5729128


who is that chick in the first pic? I remember her from the Joe M video….I know I read up on her before, but I can't recall who she is or what her significance is?

cc1300 (7)  No.5729112>>5729154

Its rolling pretty good in here for a sat night. Can be a little strange in here some weeks.

651b7b (8)  No.5729113

02a1d2 (7)  No.5729114

File (hide): 7a93205da199cd6⋯.png (498.55 KB, 499x499, 1:1, PepeEnlightened.png) (h) (u)


Well put

448083 (12)  No.5729115

8ab80a (5)  No.5729116>>5729121 >>5729193

File (hide): 79f9a1b4288a9c6⋯.jpg (172.8 KB, 846x1112, 423:556, 79f9a1b4288a9c6a978b774754….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eac38f4e24b0aa7⋯.png (653.72 KB, 996x661, 996:661, 44092a0c233224775dad68eef7….png) (h) (u)


Thank you, baker!

9e2ad2 (5)  No.5729117>>5729151



589af1 (34)  No.5729118>>5729232

File (hide): 34815b9791cc8c3⋯.png (565.76 KB, 500x602, 250:301, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Go fuck yourself jEww.

3db9a6 (1)  No.5729119>>5729179


Just a thought

F_I used the Mafia from the 1950s to 1970s to take down & remove the KKK

KKK has been known as Democrats at DNC rally confirmed in photos

Democrats known for slavery & killing Abe Lincoln

With the Democrats / left wingnuts infiltrating every part of Government as payback to destroy USA

What if the left wing F_I set up Trump by using him to remove the Mafia

The Mafia did not ever have Terrorist attacks on US soil like 911 or OK when the Mafia controlled the streets coast to coast even controlled Hollywood since the 1920s

Mafia removed long before OK & 911 now attacks ever since

247ae1 (19)  No.5729120

File (hide): eaa38091fa2846a⋯.jpg (321.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepevsshlomo.jpg) (h) (u)


Way more fresher than you kindergarten shit, Shmecky.

448083 (12)  No.5729121>>5729207 >>5729246


Arrrr my hearties!

f14e5d (6)  No.5729122>>5729142


this fucking scum has been on eveybody's radar.

they broke him 100% during that revolution in saudi arabia.

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729123

File (hide): f47d764e16afc80⋯.png (519.24 KB, 850x456, 425:228, 11:09:45_001.png) (h) (u)

cebcd4 (4)  No.5729124>>5729327 >>5729445


I'm not a Frenchfag. It might be medieval French. Nuf said.

3ba820 (5)  No.5729125>>5729139


Evening Anon! o7

20ee68 (1)  No.5729126

File (hide): 96a6da57d1a30cc⋯.png (445.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c0c81320c3765cc⋯.png (94.92 KB, 685x760, 137:152, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 44621226a04a060⋯.png (105.15 KB, 699x776, 699:776, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bba2f2334ee6104⋯.png (99.19 KB, 704x765, 704:765, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0ae175247e1f663⋯.png (76.1 KB, 726x569, 726:569, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Lawmakers contemplate a tough political sell: Raising their pay

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is calling for a cost-of-living adjustment to lawmaker salaries, which have remained stagnant for a decade --- but it's likely to be a tough sell. In remarks before the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress this week, Hoyer said that "it is time to address the issue of member and staff pay and benefits."

Lawmakers contemplate a tough political sell: Raising their pay

© Getty Images

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is calling for a cost-of-living adjustment to lawmaker salaries, which have remained stagnant for a decade --- but it's likely to be a tough sell.

In remarks before the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress this week, Hoyer said that "it is time to address the issue of member and staff pay and benefits." "Americans ought to have our nation’s diversity of economic backgrounds better reflected in this House," he added. The House voted to create the select committee at the start of the new Congress in January to come up with recommendations for modernizing the legislative branch by the end of the year. The panel has been specifically tasked with developing recommendations on a variety of issues, including the congressional schedule, procedures, technology, and staff retention and compensation. Members of Congress have had their salaries frozen for a decade, after last receiving a pay adjustment in January 2009. Hoyer has called for a lawmaker pay raise in the past to keep up with the cost of living, arguing that it would help ensure that people who aren’t wealthy can serve in Congress. "The cost of rent, child care and other necessities has risen substantially in Washington and across the country in recent years, but members and staff pay and benefits have not kept pace with the private sector," Hoyer said this week. "If we want to attract a more diverse group of Americans to run for office and work on Capitol Hill, we need to make it possible for them to do so."

Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.), chairman of the select committee, told The Hill that a number of colleagues have privately asked if the committee will review member pay. "I've had a couple of members offline also raise the issue and say, 'Hey, are you guys going to take a look at that?'" Kilmer said. Rank-and-file members of Congress earn $174,000 annually, while members of leadership earn more. The Speaker earns the most at $223,500, while the majority and minority leaders in both chambers and the Senate president pro tempore earn $193,400. The Congressional Research Service calculated that if members of Congress had received annual cost-of-living adjustments, the 2018 salary level would have been $208,000.

Even though their salaries haven’t gone up for a decade, lawmakers acknowledge it’s hard to argue for a pay raise when average Americans make far less. The Census Bureau reported last year that the median American household income was $61,372 in 2017.


44b791 (6)  No.5729127>>5729204

File (hide): 7cbf1876dd0f379⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 1074x688, 537:344, IMG_7636.JPG) (h) (u)

cc1300 (7)  No.5729128>>5729307



Psychopath from Theranos. Elizabeth Something. Fully crazy.

cdf766 (1)  No.5729129>>5729333

File (hide): 047276606307858⋯.png (119.61 KB, 1022x756, 73:54, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


adfcfd (14)  No.5729130>>5729159 >>5729454


8ab80a (5)  No.5729131

File (hide): da2dc009841ce03⋯.png (1.46 MB, 2228x1550, 1114:775, 7ia2.png) (h) (u)


Don't forget NK.


dc74c4 (3)  No.5729132


Hope we get the truth soon!

3698ed (7)  No.5729133>>5729148


Trump apparently has no intention of fixing this obvious decline. Sad really.

5a90f8 (2)  No.5729134



Eye of Horus>>Side View Brain>>Pineal Gland>>DMT>>Adrenachrome>>Black Eye

5cbab4 (2)  No.5729135>>5729189

File (hide): 90f8251ae1fe726⋯.jpg (127.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, close-Up_666.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e3cffdc72785d60⋯.jpg (430.92 KB, 2773x1884, 2773:1884, Tarrant_666_white_supremac….JPG) (h) (u)


Soz. Closeup.

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729136>>5729190

File (hide): 775f4da403a3ec1⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 633x490, 633:490, prince dopey.jpg) (h) (u)

8b30a3 (5)  No.5729137>>5729231

Boeing 737 Max

Perhaps Boeing needs to start looking into industrial sabotage, perpetrated by foreign nationals in contact with foreign powers.

Thousands of lines of code in the flight control software, easy to slip in an intentional sabotage function/class somewhere where it will go unnoticed.

da4ba9 (5)  No.5729138

File (hide): 26dc727c56db23f⋯.png (27.15 KB, 626x149, 626:149, Screenshot_20190316_224131.png) (h) (u)


Could be a sheep mask though. The band he covered a Ramones' song that night was called The Sheeps (it's on youtube).

(pic from: www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/01/heres-video-of-beto-orourke-singing-blitzkrieg-bop-in-a-sheep-mask-and-a-onesie/)

448083 (12)  No.5729139


Ahoy there! arrrrr

fe7655 (1)  No.5729140

9228d9 (16)  No.5729141>>5729155 >>5729165 >>5729171

Wait, so am I collecting notables?

9e2ad2 (5)  No.5729142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they broke him 100% during that revolution in saudi arabia.

20ca4f (1)  No.5729143

Why does every once suck Muslim dick?

They're treated like black people regarding education

88631a (2)  No.5729144


Yeah I’ve wanted to know for sure whether Tdaddy is white hat who flipped on everyone he was gaining intel on his whole career… or if he is just cleaning up portions of the cabal performing damage control.

Future proves past,

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729145


kek agrees

checked and marked

017daf (10)  No.5729146>>5729172 >>5729175 >>5729208 >>5729209

File (hide): 5ed9a0a49f6f22d⋯.webm (2.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, RAREST_OF_PEPES_DEFENDS_H….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

1cf288 (3)  No.5729147>>5729184

File (hide): b50d6c88319834e⋯.png (55.68 KB, 284x247, 284:247, veto.png) (h) (u)

f14e5d (6)  No.5729148>>5729234


we see your 'jew' game lol

you on the wrong side of history, son.

cebcd4 (4)  No.5729149

File (hide): acb6e6bcc59c26a⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, TrumpAccomplishmentsDefens….jpg) (h) (u)


Hopefully this audit accomplished its goals

86f04c (3)  No.5729150


I will shadow if thats cool, im on cell right now, but want to see the way so i can try a bake soon

7c4eb4 (1)  No.5729151



Every once in a while anon worries there might be a wrong side. This is a point in that worry.

80e387 (6)  No.5729152>>5729223


But Wait!

Thers Moar…

look who he bought it from


d4717b (1)  No.5729153

Relentless chem trailing today Seattle…

08e21d (23)  No.5729154

File (hide): c5440b78bd68e3b⋯.jpg (29.39 KB, 450x300, 3:2, _joker.jpg) (h) (u)


>Can be a little strange in here some weeks.

Can be….

You new here?

30eb8b (11)  No.5729155>>5729158


yes, you're baking

cc1300 (7)  No.5729156


The transaction didnt go from Dopey to POTUS. It went through a broker place and thats just who happened to buy it.

017daf (10)  No.5729157

File (hide): a22d0b2f48eddea⋯.png (318.12 KB, 820x787, 820:787, POTUS_PEPE_POCORN.png) (h) (u)

9228d9 (16)  No.5729158

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729159

File (hide): de889fb168ed45a⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 620x323, 620:323, Toots.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e493d8364ba90c5⋯.jpg (80.71 KB, 880x644, 220:161, Freddy's van.jpg) (h) (u)

e8edac (1)  No.5729160>>5729176

A friendly reminder that not all Catholics have evil in their hearts. No doubt, there are wicked ones, but many truly seek holiness - in spite of horrible leaders.

*note* this anon is not the author


For anyone who doesn’t know, Moloch was a god mentioned and referred to in the Old Testament. He may have belonged to the Canaanites, or to the Ammonites, or to any number of other early cults, but he was also one of the false gods that Israel would turn to during periods of apostasy.

Moloch’s sacramental base was in the Hinnom Valley which was pronounced in Hebrew as “Ge Hinnom” and was thus translated into Greek as “Gehenna.” It was there, just south of Jerusalem, that his cult worshiped him by human sacrifice.

And it was there that his followers built an altar-pyre containing his metal image: a human figure with an animal’s head. His arms were outstretched ready to receive children for sacrifice. A fire was started inside the image and the children sacrificed would roll from his arms into the fire pit below. During the sacrificial ceremony, flutes were played and drums beaten to drown out the cries of the victims as their mothers stood by.

God, the real one, wasn’t impressed. He told the Israelites in Leviticus (18:21): “You shall not offer any of your offspring to immolation to Moloch, thus profaning the name of your God.” A few lines later He warns about laying with a man as you would with a woman, but I digress; we’ll have to take that one up at another time.

When King Josiah halted the practice of child sacrifice and destroyed Moloch’s pyre at Topheth in the Hinnom Valley, it was written, “The king also defiled Topheth in the Valley of Ben-hinnom so that there would no longer be any immolation of sons or daughters by fire in honor of Moloch” (2 Kings 22:10).

Now it seems that God was not just unimpressed with child-sacrifice, He imposed a penalty on such activities. In chapter 20 of Leviticus he instructs Moses: “Tell the Israelites: Anyone, whether an Israelite or an alien residing in Israel, who gives offspring to Moloch shall be put to death. . . . If the people of the land condone the giving of offspring to Moloch, by failing to put the wrongdoer to death, I myself will turn against that individual and his or her family, and I will cut off from their people both the wrongdoer and all who follow this person prostituting themselves with Moloch.”

c41d68 (6)  No.5729161

File (hide): 2fb6734a60f96da⋯.png (456.5 KB, 1348x574, 674:287, Screenshot_2019-02-23 HKP ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 53cac3676aa666c⋯.png (426.08 KB, 1348x574, 674:287, Screenshot_2019-02-23 HKP ….png) (h) (u)

ba378b (15)  No.5729163

File (hide): 81f7c8738b19fa9⋯.jpg (81.3 KB, 540x523, 540:523, 1532997511124.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6616914800cf9cc⋯.jpg (178.64 KB, 900x1184, 225:296, muh safe space.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7033eed9a57782⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 480x360, 4:3, kek wills it (1).jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b9b2384738d34b⋯.jpg (222.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, rabbi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 759b3415cb45d1f⋯.jpg (148.44 KB, 1024x646, 512:323, deathtothetraitors.jpg) (h) (u)


>actual illegal pop is around 30-35 million.

sounds right + or - 50%

>demographic trend WILL be reversed.

fucking mission accepted

9c4eca (4)  No.5729164


That's wrong LowBattFAG!!!!

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729165



have you been or not been

if not dont trip

will do a quick srcub

a84655 (6)  No.5729166>>5729239


Knew you weren’t dead Toots! I have a beautiful woman for ya.

d28e2c (7)  No.5729167>>5729177

File (hide): 4c264a0987cf4af⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 1604x835, 1604:835, net.JPG) (h) (u)

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

b9cf36 (1)  No.5729168




It might as well also be called MSNBC.

Not sure if it was "Pulled off air" by NZ or others.

37365b (1)  No.5729169

Sitting in a waiting room--- just heard a commercial for online therapy. What could go wrong?

a5bbb9 (5)  No.5729170




1fed72 (2)  No.5729171


Yes. When you accept the handoff you gather notables and post the new bread.

e2155b (3)  No.5729172

4bab6b (1)  No.5729173

File (hide): 30b97625b8bba3c⋯.png (287.31 KB, 522x458, 261:229, KC10.png) (h) (u)

d18472 (2)  No.5729174>>5729191 >>5729198 >>5729262

File (hide): ec98d3faa1475b5⋯.jpg (19.44 KB, 322x482, 161:241, happystpats.JPG) (h) (u)

Almost here Anons on the east coast: Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9e2ad2 (5)  No.5729175

File (hide): 06f0491ae6f65d9⋯.jpg (259.93 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, kek.jpg) (h) (u)

c41d68 (6)  No.5729176

File (hide): c834db108a41b3b⋯.png (1.25 MB, 817x3280, 817:3280, Screenshot_2019-02-23 Homi….png) (h) (u)


hello kike

d28e2c (7)  No.5729177




589af1 (34)  No.5729178>>5729264

File (hide): a34a79adadc97fe⋯.png (417.26 KB, 405x574, 405:574, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

08e21d (23)  No.5729179


>F_I used the Mafia from the 1950s to 1970s to take down & remove the KKK


f10169 (8)  No.5729180>>5729213


Good design does many things at once.

It was also an occult ritual; And they planned it for at least 10 years. So the debt admission coming the day before was only one part of the larger plan.

Another was a test of the FCS: Integration of Media.

Some people claim where the missile hit at the Pentagon was not the accounting office but was the headquarter s of that day's operation. And it was taken out.

Think: later years Pentagon came back and said their books at been resolved; down to the penny. No, not suspicious at all.

ac37d8 (3)  No.5729181


Maybe the yacht is bugged, another move on the chess board

Enjoying the show

890e3f (6)  No.5729182

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ded1e2 (1)  No.5729183>>5729400


What's wrong with his mouth?

1cf288 (3)  No.5729184>>5729222 >>5729241 >>5729263 >>5729332

File (hide): 4b179e107d98322⋯.png (49.96 KB, 284x247, 284:247, veto.png) (h) (u)



fixed the "D"

332ec2 (3)  No.5729185

File (hide): 7d3b1bf3f6ca9ea⋯.png (135.42 KB, 828x834, 138:139, 7d3b1bf3f6ca9ea80e98b1e1bb….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9926812469439a4⋯.png (146.73 KB, 828x834, 138:139, 9926812469439a4e88e1b1b1e0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f74367869bbbd6⋯.png (77.65 KB, 853x611, 853:611, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Item 2)

589af1 (34)  No.5729186>>5729259

File (hide): 70d7110a6ba4404⋯.png (44.88 KB, 200x202, 100:101, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

5983e0 (3)  No.5729187


Old news. Anon. This came out a few weeks after LV shooting. But how do we know the boat wasn't bugged?

448083 (12)  No.5729188

So it be treason then? Arrr

86f04c (3)  No.5729189


Why not show his face? You can show him wasting peiple but not handcuffed?!? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

651b7b (8)  No.5729190>>5729215

223d77 (2)  No.5729191>>5729198 >>5729350

File (hide): 21463cccdfec68b⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 960x960, 1:1, st pats.jpg) (h) (u)

e24261 (2)  No.5729192

File (hide): f2e0685e9d5fd4b⋯.jpg (442.61 KB, 864x576, 3:2, flaggies.jpg) (h) (u)

When living in Mejico, we detest our politics of the country - we take no pride but bitch, and moan about the corruption and do nothing about it. We never fly our flag because of our disdain for the government and what it stands for.

When in the USA, we pride ourselves mejicanos and proudly defy and fly the Mexican flag in contempt of our host.

10ffa7 (16)  No.5729193>>5729283 >>5729410

File (hide): e98b3dadfa02777⋯.png (1.05 MB, 720x893, 720:893, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

c62ab2 (3)  No.5729194







493f5a (3)  No.5729195>>5729218 >>5729309

File (hide): 5645737b6a50f96⋯.png (464.1 KB, 640x867, 640:867, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f100a73b7c5c03⋯.png (908.03 KB, 861x861, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

3344/49= 68,24489795918367

1 Kiwi = 68,24 Patriots

These people are sick!

026a61 (1)  No.5729196

File (hide): e6b8d4d473a4cfe⋯.jpg (174.4 KB, 702x892, 351:446, a1849125786_5cenkxx.jpg) (h) (u)

589af1 (34)  No.5729197

File (hide): 42aa478c9db18d8⋯.png (188.61 KB, 236x315, 236:315, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

30eb8b (11)  No.5729198

File (hide): d2d8d24b9a0b95f⋯.png (11.78 KB, 255x243, 85:81, pepebeer.png) (h) (u)

9228d9 (16)  No.5729199>>5729211 >>5729227 >>5729258 >>5729267 >>5729277 >>5729301 >>5729331

Ok final question…

What if there aren't any notables?

f14e5d (6)  No.5729200


UK government does not exist - only roths/'nwo' family control does.

b02f14 (3)  No.5729201>>5729219 >>5729255 >>5729274

File (hide): b1241cc706fa3d8⋯.jpg (86.41 KB, 792x446, 396:223, weissmann.jpg) (h) (u)

1513d3 (1)  No.5729202

File (hide): ce587e7ec815e1b⋯.png (836.35 KB, 1224x999, 136:111, DD.png) (h) (u)


Reminds me of her. TY for info and Q connection.

548c1c (1)  No.5729203

File (hide): 29b47c4147e5247⋯.png (835.18 KB, 1071x911, 1071:911, FreeMasons.png) (h) (u)

I've been away.. Any anons dig for signs of Masons working the media about the FF in Christchurch? They seem to be involved in all the other mass shootings.

If anyone's interested, I'll take a look. After an initial glance through the articles, the story seems to be following the same old script. And there's been so much kooky stuff going on in NZ for so long now it hardly even seems necessary.

There is a KiwiAnon with great digs on NZ that can be found on https://qresear.ch/



aacbc7 (19)  No.5729204

File (hide): 5c738f2d1ae668a⋯.gif (1004.73 KB, 500x282, 250:141, FAP 5.gif) (h) (u)


That's one way to celebrate! Porn site reveals it saw a 50% increase in traffic from users in Hawaii in the minutes after the ballistic missile threat was revealed to be a false alarm

Residents in Hawaii received a text message alert at 8:07am on Saturday, January 13, stating that a ballistic missile was headed towards the island

Porn website Pornhub revealed that in the time after the text was sent, the site saw a huge decline in traffic as people were seeking shelter

At 8:45am residents were alerted that it was a false alarm and Pornhub shared that just 16 minutes after the second alert, there was a huge surge in views.

awaii's false alarm missile threat caused an almost unbearable amount of tension for residents - so much so that it sent some of them searching for relief in a rather risque place: a porn site.

Porn website Pornhub has revealed it saw a huge spike in traffic in the minutes after it was revealed the incoming ballistic missile warning had been a false alarm - with views in Hawaii coming in at nearly 50 per cent more than usual.

Unsurprisingly, this leap in numbers followed a dramatic decline, which took place after residents received the first text alert at 8.07am on Saturday 13 January, warning them that a ballistic missile was heading their way.


80fdc6 (25)  No.5729205>>5729211

heres a couple i grabbed


>>5728777 WSJ article from 2015 how Facebook is making VR movies

>>5728792 anon graphic on indicments

>>5728992 Orbán speaks against the “EU empire”.

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729206

File (hide): c8710f14a91334f⋯.png (982.04 KB, 839x836, 839:836, 18:34:41_001.png) (h) (u)


That's on a good day.

08e21d (23)  No.5729207>>5729246

File (hide): dcc28273f874a7a⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 856x482, 428:241, yellowBeard.jpg) (h) (u)


It's "Me hearties" you stupid git!

890e3f (6)  No.5729208

File (hide): efb8eee0e27194d⋯.jpeg (142.17 KB, 749x1000, 749:1000, side-of-beef.jpeg) (h) (u)

e65c5c (2)  No.5729209>>5729272 >>5729349

File (hide): f45362f8b38fcae⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1080x678, 180:113, 1550217259547.png) (h) (u)

b3b2f8 (1)  No.5729210

I may have missed the notable about yt search filters being junk as of yesterday.

Any developments?

30eb8b (11)  No.5729211>>5729312


then there are none

but a few were nominated

see: >>5729205

d28e2c (7)  No.5729212>>5729322

File (hide): 746485889efce74⋯.jpg (125.65 KB, 929x810, 929:810, time.JPG) (h) (u)


cebcd4 (4)  No.5729213


Weren't there also a great quantity of U.S. Treasury Bills or bearer bonds something like that stored there? Also a vault underneath that supposedly contained great quantities of gold? I'm forgetting my 911 history.

c41d68 (6)  No.5729214

File (hide): b855818986620f6⋯.png (1.44 MB, 813x4129, 813:4129, Screenshot_2019-02-23 US F….png) (h) (u)

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729215>>5729292

File (hide): f10f5f7f8194655⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 474x312, 79:52, cc arabs.jpg) (h) (u)

332ec2 (3)  No.5729216

File (hide): f7f3ab60c337cc8⋯.png (251.9 KB, 926x1313, 926:1313, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8fa6dd99600f7c6⋯.jpg (133.54 KB, 900x622, 450:311, 8fa6dd99600f7c687df6d6f7a1….jpg) (h) (u)


Patriots Fight

72a40d (2)  No.5729217

File (hide): dd10d5c69cfbfeb⋯.png (210.7 KB, 474x314, 237:157, NightShift.png) (h) (u)

ba378b (15)  No.5729218>>5729244 >>5729336

File (hide): 776ed97f0420b8a⋯.jpg (105.87 KB, 700x540, 35:27, 1542161533366.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8ab3cbaccfb4c6e⋯.jpg (70.83 KB, 651x597, 217:199, 1547603547191.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fe02fcf630049dc⋯.jpg (184.47 KB, 845x805, 169:161, 1447623701320.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73ed565eec47db1⋯.png (483.78 KB, 1200x1078, 600:539, 1547191594983.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7d5317e2e37cb00⋯.png (624.09 KB, 799x498, 799:498, 1538697194245.png) (h) (u)


fucking sandniggers right?

if only you culd keep such eveil people out

10ffa7 (16)  No.5729219>>5729344

File (hide): dcd11fc1b690286⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 588x960, 49:80, hangem.jpg) (h) (u)


I really want this prick to get his just rewards.

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729220>>5729230

>>5728699, >>5728722, >>572873, >>5728750 Trump, FBI informant


a84655 (6)  No.5729221


How did you get “The seals have been opened”?

e81bf0 (8)  No.5729222

File (hide): a6fd54e1457280b⋯.png (57.91 KB, 278x242, 139:121, 20190316_224925.png) (h) (u)


Nice this was my attempt to fix it as well.

f84686 (6)  No.5729223>>5729248



Bought from kashogi for $30m, put $8.5m into it, then sold two years later to Al-Waleed for $20m.

Why take such a loss?

017daf (10)  No.5729224>>5729308 >>5729360

File (hide): cc5d3a951f7f578⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Q.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

b3b991 (1)  No.5729225>>5729361 >>5729444

The NZ muslim attack has got to be a false flag…..too many coincidences.


These evil Fukrs are doing EVERYTHING they can to silence us!

Our government has been taken over by the enemy (BHO).

We have to speak up & make noise!!



MAY God be with us, MI, Q & POTUS.

We are being attacked on all sides: excerpt of article.

Following the controversy over her remarks about Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the Fox News Channel has abruptly canceled Saturday night’s scheduled airing of the Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro show that regularly airs at 9 p.m. on Saturday, according to a report by Variety. The sudden cancellation comes the day after a terror attack on two New Zealand mosques by a white eco-nationalist killed 50 Muslims and wounded dozens more.


589af1 (34)  No.5729226

File (hide): cbf9864bf3420a0⋯.png (89.33 KB, 231x218, 231:218, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

a5bbb9 (5)  No.5729227>>5729267


Never seen that happen,.

Some are amazingly worthy and some are pseudo-crappy. But there is always a few notables.

And most bakers catch hell for a notable one way or the other, normal.

f10169 (8)  No.5729228


Yes, I know they exist, that why I don't pay attention when all the "But they lost power" "They're not how they were" starts to fly around.

NYC mob hate child molesters, passionately. That could be why they are helping Trump?

50f4e2 (1)  No.5729229

File (hide): edbb17151052f06⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 512x512, 1:1, anonpirate.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa84d8ad4dbd2c1⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 580x633, 580:633, joker.jpg) (h) (u)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729230>>5729256


>>5728699, >>5728722, >>5728733 , >>5728750 Trump, FBI informant ?

22d63a (2)  No.5729231>>5729418


Possibly combined with compromised sensor equipment. Airspeed or pitch sensors send faulty info to software systems and then it becomes unstable?

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729232


These Jews rub turds together too

Goldman Sachs eats cat and dog shit literally

8b30a3 (5)  No.5729233


>moses leaves

>suckas and bustas start losing their heads

>Aaron decides to melt gold and out of nowhere makes a Golden Bull.

>a dang bull of all creatures.

Really makes you wonder what the heck was really going on.

>God loses his temper at the fools who went back to worshiping pathetic pretendgods

3698ed (7)  No.5729234


So are you a nigger or a beaner? How long after whites become a minority do you think it'll be before America is a 3rd world country? Seriously there are no successful brown or black countries, you fucking shitskins fuck up everything you're around, North America will fare no better. Brown and black people simply can't do first world civilization, they're too fucking stupid and too fucking violent. You'll see, nigger.

673bd2 (4)  No.5729235>>5729394

File (hide): b47e7a31d9addaf⋯.gif (7.74 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Tactful_SHOTS_FIRE_whnRDY.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 236278e31699df9⋯.png (83.95 KB, 960x788, 240:197, Gene_A_ral_PEPE_MORAL.png) (h) (u)


dats QTalk <3 ! dats da Q ! Agreed >>5729000 DIGits

PIRRO / {pyro / fire} [could FIRE the Q_uestion on TWATr] ?

247ae1 (19)  No.5729236

File (hide): 0ae0b5d0fac1018⋯.jpg (146.99 KB, 612x336, 51:28, seems_jewy.jpg) (h) (u)

ed35a4 (2)  No.5729237

File (hide): d485284422bfa89⋯.jpg (279.77 KB, 914x756, 457:378, whitesquall.jpg) (h) (u)

b02f14 (3)  No.5729238>>5729265

File (hide): dd81ee6dab22972⋯.jpg (28.82 KB, 350x450, 7:9, rumsfeld.jpg) (h) (u)

08e21d (23)  No.5729239

e81bf0 (8)  No.5729241


Do you think the spacing looks goofy on the ed part?

48ebbe (2)  No.5729242

File (hide): d6dfb340da2aaa6⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1157x772, 1157:772, whiteVSblack.png) (h) (u)

question diganons

is https://wg1wga.com

a whitehat site or a blackhat site?

has the twitter feel to it with a little bit of [FB] as well.

whois has them at 14455 N. Hayden Road Scottsdale AZ

funny as the address pinned doesn't match any of the surrounding street names (pic related)

lots of MAGA/Qppl/Patriots are using the site.

55b9c1 (6)  No.5729243>>5729250

File (hide): 42d95ca5001197f⋯.jpg (100.73 KB, 800x699, 800:699, Q first post_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a9e90e874472ccb⋯.jpg (120.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q first post_@.jpg) (h) (u)

c41d68 (6)  No.5729244


fucking kike

88afd6 (1)  No.5729245


So glad you spoke up, anon. We need you here with us. AND you CAN'T bow out just as the show is about to BEGIN!!! Not to guilt trip you, but have you checked out the gratitude board? There's an old fag posted, waited his whole life, just found out has stage 4 cancer and is hoping to hang on to see the DECLAS. What a proud old warrior. We got it so lucky, to be witnessing the show from the best seats in the house!

I know it's hard. (((They've))) got this culture so screwed up, so brainwashed; so many fake people, wrapped up in their virtuousness who cant even see how miserable they are. There was a time, had been living alone in apartments for awhile, whenever I found myself walking through a residential neighborhood, I would wistfully think of living in a house again, and imagine all the happy homes around me. Now, after having gone through a virtually homeless period and lived with family, friends and business partners when I walk through a neighbor hood I wonder what soap operas are going on. We all are living our own movies, but there's a lot of people in this world with soap opera quality movies. Phony bullshit. Don't let them rent space in your head. You got family here, Honest family.

80e387 (6)  No.5729246



>Me hearties

Avast, me hearties!

1931fb (2)  No.5729247

File (hide): c8b4f8c47da8f71⋯.png (316.07 KB, 431x300, 431:300, eye.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f24181118e3f9eb⋯.png (1.19 MB, 984x465, 328:155, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)


Looking closer at the photo… odd.

a5bbb9 (5)  No.5729248>>5729284


You lose your ass on any boat when you flip it.

44b791 (6)  No.5729249>>5729268

File (hide): db59342ca78b48c⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 640x597, 640:597, IMG_5066.JPG) (h) (u)

30eb8b (11)  No.5729250


why are those questions?

d573bc (1)  No.5729252


Who will burn in a greater level of hellfire…the cathead faggot or the jewish rabbi video faggot?

I think maybe they will both suffer equally for eternity, but im rooting for toothomo to suffer moar.

02a1d2 (7)  No.5729253


Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof

589af1 (34)  No.5729254

File (hide): b68ce82457b6e7f⋯.png (146.17 KB, 500x373, 500:373, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

651b7b (8)  No.5729255>>5729276

617f21 (3)  No.5729256


Anons, the Mueller report is going to be the biggest rope-a-dope in the history of criminal justice. The REAL collusion will be prosecuted. Brace yourselves, folks.

791194 (4)  No.5729257


the us military has told me to stop looking at porn - I have complied.

537bfd (1)  No.5729258>>5729266



487b78 (5)  No.5729259


I want to open a Jewish Strip-club… I will call it The Gash Chamber.

a84655 (6)  No.5729260


My Mom’s gonna be pissed!

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729261


Looks like more of the Clinton crowd getting ready for 2020.

08e21d (23)  No.5729262>>5729315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My own worst enemy

73e3ed (4)  No.5729263


That's great! Can you crop it into an oval shape like the stickers they give you to wear at the polling place after you have voted?

Gonna try to find more examples online.

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729264


Stays for the free bacon

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729265

File (hide): f25b911f6f4faf5⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 600x405, 40:27, rumsfeld.jpg) (h) (u)

30eb8b (11)  No.5729266

File (hide): 3f337a237085ca0⋯.png (20.92 KB, 736x616, 92:77, 1552687309441.png) (h) (u)


I kekked though

8b30a3 (5)  No.5729267>>5729399

File (hide): ead3a453b15c779⋯.png (339.31 KB, 2518x1024, 1259:512, livefreetrollhard copy.png) (h) (u)



I'm your notables for itt.

Also Chuthulhuh monster is a good accurate representation of the creatures that have been called powers/rulers of this dark world in the Bible. Just invincible more or less to human eyes afaik.

b7337c (4)  No.5729268

File (hide): 610ae4ca9e4ae5b⋯.jpg (436.62 KB, 1151x991, 1151:991, 610ae4ca9e4ae5bc1175cd2f3e….jpg) (h) (u)


chubble "donkey"

10ffa7 (16)  No.5729269>>5729373 >>5729391

File (hide): 475d524d67cc68d⋯.png (869.77 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, qclock.png) (h) (u)


How does this line up with the clock?

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729270

>>5728870, >>5728925, >>5728960 some digs on NZ shooter


6b121f (11)  No.5729271

File (hide): ff5e65618f8dfc1⋯.png (673.47 KB, 1080x895, 216:179, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



For those who have eyes to see.

-22 guests

-17 knots

-2 nohap polar engines.


Wizards and Warlocks indeed.

48e4ff (4)  No.5729272>>5729349

File (hide): 75bdf5eec9cbb2c⋯.png (696.75 KB, 1044x804, 87:67, stickup-H.png) (h) (u)

ba378b (15)  No.5729273

File (hide): 9763fe3e0c75f92⋯.png (598.05 KB, 673x739, 673:739, 1550791757-3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8de50c4e5f870b3⋯.png (244.61 KB, 567x620, 567:620, 1550791757.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19788075fc8b656⋯.jpg (68.29 KB, 567x942, 189:314, 1540797954105.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7390ffbc3e365e⋯.jpg (101.9 KB, 593x735, 593:735, 1549858624716.jpg) (h) (u)

may have a (You) General Sir Pepe?

3698ed (7)  No.5729274>>5729280 >>5729287 >>5729293 >>5729299

File (hide): 00425704d7c5794⋯.jpeg (6.57 KB, 258x173, 258:173, th.jpeg) (h) (u)


Thats one smarmy fucking kike. Figure it out goyim while you still can.

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729276>>5729302


Stays for the free bacon

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729277

File (hide): fb1407efd37ad58⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 736x446, 368:223, Notable 1.jpg) (h) (u)

>>5729199 What if there aren't any notables?

9ca9b0 (2)  No.5729278

File (hide): fe4366f8ef736f9⋯.jpeg (476.74 KB, 2417x1301, 2417:1301, fe4366f8ef736f9d482af275a….jpeg) (h) (u)


Well then….

Let's do this.

80e387 (6)  No.5729279



Huber is US Attorney Number 7226

7+2+2+6= ?

That is all

247ae1 (19)  No.5729280

File (hide): c56ab2523be5913⋯.png (814.66 KB, 550x630, 55:63, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

5745df (1)  No.5729281

File (hide): de370924809f704⋯.jpg (106.69 KB, 960x642, 160:107, 110.jpg) (h) (u)

5ece43 (2)  No.5729282>>5729306 >>5729316

Apart from Sarah Silvermann being as funny as gonorrhea, who or what is "Toots"?

8ab80a (5)  No.5729283>>5729314 >>5729425


Check out the gams on those dames. I'm stuck on the left one

f84686 (6)  No.5729284>>5729446



BOAT: Noun - A hole in the water you throw money into.

cc1300 (7)  No.5729285

Why is Weisman the "pitbull"? What gives him that name?

8195c8 (6)  No.5729286>>5729297 >>5729311 >>5729341

File (hide): 046a9483b4c4835⋯.png (3.95 MB, 1699x939, 1699:939, estimatedroute.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2300308c7d997db⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1555x814, 1555:814, 234.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4fa3d6940fe1f43⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1467x1574, 1467:1574, 3and4.png) (h) (u)

>>5728759 /pb

>>5729078 - my pleasure to do my bit. Don't we have the greatest anons everybody.


Map of NZ shooter.

Red: enroute.Prayer starts 1:30pm Starts approx 1:45pm local time.

First witness - sd 1:45 shots at Dean st.

First news report 2:01pm local time. Shots fired at hospital(report).

Police est call at 1:46-1:48. Est time to catch 36 min. Est time suspect arrested - 2:21-2:23pm.

4:15-5:15-perp pulls over and adjusts cam

6 min mark leaves car and enters Mosque property. Time 1:45-1:50pm.

Assume police start response at 1:46- 1:52pm. Unusual event, so response would have been active vehicles and undercovers followed by every single able body with a weapon at the stations (not mapped if anyone wants to update map)

Perp leaves scene at 1:57:30

Green:12min 30 sec.of livestream, Takes left and proceeds north. Shoots out window at woman in car.

14min. honks at people crossing st.

16:55. end of green arrow. Appears to be turning right - position of hand on wheel, and in right turn lane.

Yellow is estimated path. 4 min drive? 2:06pm.

Articles say 10 killed at Linwood Mosque.

Perp dropped weapon and ran, Attendee picked up and chased him to car and beat on back window as he sped away.

Purple. Estimate route to capture via ramming off road and arrest by 2 of Christchurch's finest.

Police report sd:36 min from time of call.

Assuming call was made within 2-3 min of shooting (reports indicate first call was made almost right away).

7 min police estimate for time to travel to Linwood mosque, perhaps 6 given speed of vehicle in video and not stopping to long at any lights.

Timeline on arrest approx 2:21/2:23 pm local time.

Linwood Mosque attack: 2:07-2:10

Reports say perp did not enter bldg.

Estimate there for less than 10 min? First attack was 11 min, so 2nd est to 6-10min.

Purple arrow: Est using largest thoroughfares. 11-14 min is a very long time to drive around for such a short distance, so it's very possible perp could have been taking side roads during this period.

See map:

Vehicle disabled and perp taken down at aprox 2:21-2:30pm. depending on exact time of start of livestream.

So there you have it.

The High School was the other location that had a massive police presence, but apparently the people arrested there have been released with one being charged for having a weapon.

The vid of the two armed undercovers? The fellow in full camo that was arrested? The Papnui highschool does not add up, esp given the massive police presence there as opposed to other locations. See vids.

Pic related.

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729287>>5729319


Sold chickens and turkey in the war

9e2ad2 (5)  No.5729288

File (hide): 1ed21442be46dc2⋯.gif (97.82 KB, 564x476, 141:119, alerttest.gif) (h) (u)

07a665 (4)  No.5729289>>5729321 >>5729330 >>5729369







Donald Trump is an associate of the Five Families in New York and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV is a top owner of the Five Families organized crime syndicates. They are using particle accelerators to oppress society covertly as they attempt a full take over under Donald Trump. Liborio Bellomo is an acting boss of the Genovese crime syndicate and is overseeing the Brookhaven Laboratory.

In my region Doon Gibbs runs the Brookhaven National Laboratory which has a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider shaped as a hexagonal shaped double ring used for colliding positive and negative particles. This is similar to the concept of taking a positively charged magnet and a negatively charged magnet and then binding them together in place to create a condensed force in the middle. Doon Gibbs has studied Condensed Matter Physics. They are using particle accelerators to generate oppressive forces in the atmosphere which condense the vibrations of matter. They are using the particle accelerators to increase gravitational pressure in the lower atmosphere. The word gravity derives from the Latin word "gravis" which means heavy. This speeds up the rate of time and the ware on matter. Gravity has effects on time known as gravitational time dilation. The more you ware on something the faster it will break down.

a84655 (6)  No.5729290

File (hide): a86d0402f6ec857⋯.jpeg (389.4 KB, 1065x1081, 1065:1081, A96C3A35-D16A-4542-A5F2-B….jpeg) (h) (u)

da9166 (1)  No.5729291

define trigger happy


651b7b (8)  No.5729292



005b9a (5)  No.5729293>>5729435

File (hide): 39c89ee63ec6e36⋯.jpeg (109.88 KB, 825x458, 825:458, FckChuck.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08812630b978ee4⋯.jpg (352.49 KB, 1036x683, 1036:683, Senator SchumerImmigration….jpg) (h) (u)

dc9e24 (5)  No.5729294

File (hide): d4ae6c8f8f01d86⋯.png (382.4 KB, 975x457, 975:457, gunman.PNG) (h) (u)

Why would an Aussie going on shooting spree in NZ?


92cd1b (1)  No.5729295


Fuck off cereal.

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729297>>5729310 >>5729311


Despotic garbage

72a40d (2)  No.5729299>>5729340


Good to see the muhjoo cocksuckers are showing their stamina in their universe of ice cold irrelevance

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729300

File (hide): 28a278e848ff422⋯.png (456.48 KB, 1273x844, 1273:844, 17:32:45_001.png) (h) (u)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729301>>5729305


whatever happens or doesnt we can always talk about after you bake

as long as you bake

we can do some stuff next bread

we are at post 600 soon so we will get ready to bake with what we have

589af1 (34)  No.5729302


Finally, you are back jewbot. What can be done about these evil jews? Any solutions?




44b791 (6)  No.5729303

File (hide): 37594de97dadf9b⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 517x397, 517:397, IMG_8450.JPG) (h) (u)

017daf (10)  No.5729304>>5729325 >>5729345 >>5729351 >>5729365 >>5729389

File (hide): 32db05db7f210ec⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FOX OUTNUMBERED MUELLER RE….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729305>>5729324


heres a few


>>5728777 WSJ article from 2015 how Facebook is making VR movies

>>5728792 anon graphic on indicments

>>5728992 Orbán speaks against the “EU empire”.

>>5728699, >>5728722, >>5728733 , >>5728750 Trump, FBI informant ?

>>5728870, >>5728925, >>5728960 some digs on NZ shooter

should be good enough to prep for bakery

332ec2 (3)  No.5729306>>5729335 >>5729386 >>5729415

File (hide): fa8a0227b6c9a24⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 686x1048, 343:524, 52753346_2655345981148668_….jpg) (h) (u)

e2155b (3)  No.5729307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ah yes. Elizabeth Holmes, fraud billionaire psycho. New documentary on her just posted.

c41d68 (6)  No.5729308

File (hide): 8f0c81bfce059d0⋯.jpeg (120.55 KB, 1450x1471, 1450:1471, assending096.jpeg) (h) (u)

da4ba9 (5)  No.5729309


These people are really using retarded arguments. Not too hard to figure out what variables the number of victims in a mass shooting is a function of.

Of all the factors, clearly the number of inhibitants of the country has nothing to do with it.

c8a9d5 (4)  No.5729310>>5729329 >>5729338

File (hide): 995f79a16fde438⋯.jpg (123.55 KB, 797x517, 797:517, fapping_freddy.jpg) (h) (u)

8195c8 (6)  No.5729311>>5729338

File (hide): e78d45f8264529d⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1468x856, 367:214, fullccnz.png) (h) (u)



I am despotic garbage. And the anons are coming to get you fuckers.

9228d9 (16)  No.5729312


10-4 THANKS!

5e2074 (4)  No.5729313

File (hide): e617688eb4c4e55⋯.png (336.01 KB, 631x626, 631:626, Screenshot 2019-03-16_22-5….png) (h) (u)

Kyle Massey, who starred on Disney Channel’s “That’s So Raven” and “Cory in the House,” has been sued by a 13-year-old girl for sexual harassment after he allegedly sent her numerous sexual pictures and videos, including of his erect penis.

In a lawsuit, the girl and her mother claim they met Massey in 2009 when the girl was 4 years old, and have kept in contact since. Recently, he offered to have her come out to Los Angeles to help her get an agent. He offered that she could stay with him and his girlfriend.

Then, according to the lawsuit, he allegedly began sending sexually explicit photos and videos to the teen. Massey is being sued for $1.5 million, according to TMZ.


10ffa7 (16)  No.5729314


Pretty good set of get-away sticks …

8f8d64 (1)  No.5729315


……..kick tha livin' shittoutta me….

16b932 (10)  No.5729316>>5729419


it showed up after Beanz. go figure

a84655 (6)  No.5729317

791194 (4)  No.5729318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that's what I hoped - with the lawsuit going up against CNN/WaPo discovery will finish off the MSM. - video relevant the guy bringing about it all on behalf of Nick Sandmann

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729319>>5729377

File (hide): 581b6f9b9f5d1e0⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_6092.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f88e0ff031d0926⋯.jpg (173.86 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_6272.JPG) (h) (u)


They was tastey too

Even got some fancy labels to get past the SS

9ce82b (1)  No.5729320


And more cover for massive securities fraud by the Fed…

6b121f (11)  No.5729321


Seriously, anon. Watch the movie "the ice pirates", from 1984. You will see the story that they were trying to tell.

ed35a4 (2)  No.5729322>>5729356 >>5729426


Since this is getting to be Night Shift, I'll share a funky dream from two nights ago involving time travel.

It was discovered to be possible only going backward in time, not forward. "Living" organic matter could not be sent, nor could solid inorganic matter. In the dream, it was quail eggs that were sent, and both white hats and black hats were trying like crazy to figure out how to put messages in/on them that would be authentic to whomever found them in the past. They could control where and when the eggs arrived, but that is all.


d28e2c (7)  No.5729323>>5729334 >>5729363

File (hide): 6cca4d2d193c6e6⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 814x733, 814:733, doc.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): d15f06403e31ed4⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 800x542, 400:271, net doc.JPG) (h) (u)

A BOMBSHELL new Netflix documentary has claimed Madeleine McCann was taken by child snatchers - but none of her parents' seven pals were interviewed.

The group dined on Tapas at a nearby restaurant as Maddie was swiped from apartment 5A - here we reveal exactly what they saw that night.


30eb8b (11)  No.5729324>>5729352 >>5729366


>>>5728870, >>5728925, >>5728960 some digs on NZ shooter

there's no sauce for any of that

cc1300 (7)  No.5729325



bb1d9b (9)  No.5729326>>5729355

File (hide): 7af7bc0d99cda19⋯.png (487.52 KB, 1238x821, 1238:821, 13:01:40_001.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 840ebd99edfd270⋯.png (722.13 KB, 1590x529, 1590:529, 12:48:30_001.png) (h) (u)

0c4a31 (1)  No.5729327>>5729367 >>5729374 >>5729445




prest= prêt

OLD french uses the S

The newer accent Circonflex ^ takes the place of the S

but both are the same

115b29 (1)  No.5729328

fd2e2e (2)  No.5729329>>5729337 >>5729343

File (hide): 6ce23e7174707de⋯.png (1.13 MB, 673x749, 673:749, clittypoo3.PNG) (h) (u)

791194 (4)  No.5729330>>5729382 >>5729403


Trump played them all for fools. It's a very long story.

f84686 (6)  No.5729331


>What if there aren't any notables?

Add no notables.

And maybe a "kek" for good measure!

73e3ed (4)  No.5729332


Try it using these! Will be very cool!

f1a5b6 (1)  No.5729333

File (hide): 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, pepewtf1.jpg) (h) (u)

487b78 (5)  No.5729334


Stage set

9c4eca (4)  No.5729335


FUCK!!!! Sarah Silverman is a P.O.S.

dc74c4 (3)  No.5729336


Aww What a great pic of Hey Girl!!

c8a9d5 (4)  No.5729337

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729338



Danny and josh are fornicateing again

60accb (1)  No.5729339

Israel and Jew land, are incredibly INSIGNIFICANT.

No one really cares about a population of 3 million refugees. They make some nice drones and electronic stuff, some OK wine, and thats about it.

The rest of this shilling is just FLUFF.

3698ed (7)  No.5729340


We'll see how it ends up, Shlomo.

8195c8 (6)  No.5729341>>5729359 >>5729406 >>5729449

File (hide): 92c7dde3949e784⋯.png (322.52 KB, 847x842, 847:842, linwood-reportoflocalmusli….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5995dd70809d13c⋯.png (997.25 KB, 1082x961, 1082:961, threattoNZPrimeMinisterTwi….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ba120e3d51e7917⋯.png (425.63 KB, 989x576, 989:576, trainstationbombsquaddeton….png) (h) (u)


Guy who chased shooter sd he got into a car and someone was driving.

Reports of 2 vehicles. Will map 2nd vehicle where the disposed of bombs. It is south of arrest by 2 blocks.

4d0091 (4)  No.5729342

File (hide): 62284e8c5ca6c78⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 544x458, 272:229, 2w835l.jpg) (h) (u)

ba378b (15)  No.5729343


*awoos internally


08e21d (23)  No.5729344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gallows Pole

b8f30f (4)  No.5729345


It’s so funny when I think about when she was a VJ on MTV.

Something happened in that world that turned her into a conservative

4d0091 (4)  No.5729346>>5729378

4d0091 (4)  No.5729347>>5729372 >>5729395

File (hide): df4bf3b192d4596⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2w6bzt.jpg) (h) (u)

44b791 (6)  No.5729348

File (hide): 65b64011dd79a9c⋯.png (724.65 KB, 767x665, 767:665, IMG_8250.PNG) (h) (u)

673bd2 (4)  No.5729349>>5729388



tipTOPknockANONover <3 EYES hiveIT

d18472 (2)  No.5729350

File (hide): b9ce51469d662d5⋯.jpg (91.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, civilwar.jpg) (h) (u)


We are at WAR. Let's win shall we? Oh yes.

c41d68 (6)  No.5729351>>5729404

File (hide): 1d0b8ad1ca8d5e6⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1443x1553, 1443:1553, 1d0b8ad1ca8d5e6a0988cd4741….png) (h) (u)


sitting on a couch, chatting, with hardly any clothes on. females on the tv.

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729352>>5729364 >>5729376




>>5728777 WSJ article from 2015 how Facebook is making VR movies

>>5728792 anon graphic on indicments

>>5728992 Orbán speaks against the “EU empire”.

>>5728699, >>5728722, >>5728733 , >>5728750 Trump, FBI informant ?

we can edit if none seen nb

024457 (1)  No.5729353

File (hide): b057670bdfce286⋯.png (649.82 KB, 1440x804, 120:67, q314break.png) (h) (u)

the break

a89d44 (5)  No.5729354>>5729367

File (hide): c8055995b0275d0⋯.gif (28.99 KB, 237x297, 79:99, fraseroflovatclancrest.gif) (h) (u)



Sorry, I did mean "Je", but I see what your saying.

I was simply quoting the Outlander books that used that as the motto of clan Fraser.

I think this is probably a Medieval French situation.


my sauce

Interesting discussion, thank you.

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729355


Fancy bacon advert

d28e2c (7)  No.5729356

File (hide): 712ab0268879502⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 570x677, 570:677, o-JASMINE-TRIDEVIL-570.jpg) (h) (u)


you know what the future holds….true story

4863a0 (2)  No.5729358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sweating Bullets!

8195c8 (6)  No.5729359>>5729453 >>5729459

File (hide): ab06efbe5f8b2cc⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1022x804, 511:402, attacksandcarbomb.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d59e3884c97caa1⋯.png (538.75 KB, 797x557, 797:557, gunandwriting.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d34346dbee3df5c⋯.png (819.23 KB, 838x747, 838:747, martel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9bfa4babc09dcbd⋯.png (732.03 KB, 1168x854, 584:427, parents.png) (h) (u)


More digworthy items to follow up on.

Car on strickland - need some sauce

e2184e (2)  No.5729360


hah, they think we are algorithms targeting vulnerable people…

48ebbe (2)  No.5729361



890e3f (6)  No.5729362>>5729387

File (hide): b96d3f243d452eb⋯.png (877.21 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, find-out.png) (h) (u)

22d63a (2)  No.5729363>>5729384


>Netflix documentary

Who sits on their BoD again? Exactly.

30eb8b (11)  No.5729364>>5729427 >>5729450


Will be ebaking if there is no new bread by 751 posts

I'll have it prepped if needed

10ffa7 (16)  No.5729365


While she's great to have her on our side, she's un-fucking-watchable. That shrill style makes me want to hate fuck her in the ass and then take a shit in her mouth.


29c5a7 (3)  No.5729366>>5729405

File (hide): f390c669b3cdec7⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 563x446, 563:446, FB_IMG_1552339656389.jpg) (h) (u)


shooting was real as real gets, narrative however im skeptical of. Some fuckery is afoot

cebcd4 (4)  No.5729367

>>5729354 see >>5729327

We got a definitive statement from an authority.

bb1d9b (9)  No.5729368

File (hide): 4845b74a5c58307⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1029x794, 1029:794, 05:33:13_001.png) (h) (u)

c08afa (3)  No.5729369

File (hide): 7da9c2f69ce7150⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 532x529, 532:529, wat.gif) (h) (u)


>They are using particle accelerators to oppress society covertly

Have any proof of this?

9760c2 (3)  No.5729370

File (hide): 57e84c0c7738712⋯.png (147.43 KB, 685x564, 685:564, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png) (h) (u)

f10169 (8)  No.5729371


DuPont circle near

Aspen Institute,

9/11 planning, including 9/11 commission / cover-up And training on psy-ops involving Alice in Wonderland, Mirroring, and Arab Terrorists.


Their building is near that circle

Also tunnels with weird art shows beneath.


cd6c6d (10)  No.5729372


How many chicken feathers can (you) stuff up your ass Dorothy krassinger and cal yourself a turkey

b02f14 (3)  No.5729373



48e4ff (4)  No.5729374


Ahhh…that explains it.

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729375


theres a couple potential notables/notables buns if you see them

regardless nor worries

bake soon, whenever you see this or sooner

we are good to get going

we are at 650+

aacbc7 (19)  No.5729376>>5729416

File (hide): 3becfcbeae09eeb⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Wild Bill Toga!.jpg) (h) (u)


was just having some fun with you on the notable "what if there are no notables" being a notable


589af1 (34)  No.5729377

File (hide): b68ce82457b6e7f⋯.png (146.17 KB, 500x373, 500:373, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Real enemy "Mega Ultra Jew Supreme Overlord".

b7337c (4)  No.5729378

File (hide): 07f3149cc22d5fb⋯.jpg (622.43 KB, 2040x1499, 2040:1499, 690c93432fd672f4423f2a48e5….jpg) (h) (u)

a38a6f (1)  No.5729379>>5729407

TSB/…/We see_We hear

Do you believe in coincidences?

ef78ba (3)  No.5729380

File (hide): ddc64efd8bf14c1⋯.jpg (518.53 KB, 2048x1199, 2048:1199, the storm.jpg) (h) (u)

5e2074 (4)  No.5729381


16b932 (10)  No.5729382>>5729396 >>5729403 >>5729460


Now that is a part of the Trump story I have not seen here. Point me to a place to find it?

9760c2 (3)  No.5729383

File (hide): d14895ed7b276b6⋯.png (141.47 KB, 801x546, 267:182, Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at ….png) (h) (u)

d28e2c (7)  No.5729384

File (hide): 5d6b4a0598be220⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 365x521, 365:521, yes.JPG) (h) (u)


Quick…produce a dis-info doc!

We have to control the narrative stat!

232370 (2)  No.5729385

Turn on the bat signal dot gif

3d1701 (3)  No.5729386>>5729402


Sarah is a biological male

e65c5c (2)  No.5729387>>5729411

673bd2 (4)  No.5729388


<missed TOPanonKEK

tipTOPknockANONoverKEK <3 EYES hiveIT

df2ce4 (4)  No.5729389


…meanwhile, Jenny McCarthy went in the opposite direction. Dr. Drew is coming around. Carson Daily seems unsure.

5e2074 (4)  No.5729390

remember Pompeo schedule missing dates included 15-19

what's he up to this weekend?

08e21d (23)  No.5729391

File (hide): d57dde3ef1a37ea⋯.jpeg (10.24 KB, 276x183, 92:61, daPlan.jpeg) (h) (u)


Hang on lemme check…

448083 (12)  No.5729392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Air Force Tech Report: Seeing the Future in 20/20


Sharp eyesight is key to an Airman’s readiness to fly, fight and win. Using state of the art medical technology, the War Fighter Eye Center at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, ensures readiness, enhancing healthy vision and offering cutting edge techniques for better eyesight. Hosted by Senior Airman James.

30140f (6)  No.5729393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




ba378b (15)  No.5729394

File (hide): f1b9ea4c298f80f⋯.jpg (11 KB, 236x236, 1:1, Pepe ok.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f74fd0b5c3fb1b4⋯.png (200.13 KB, 500x533, 500:533, 1548970238.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 801b00e3587ee80⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 697x478, 697:478, 1548911062313.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 82d01d0d74f4c86⋯.png (714.4 KB, 635x673, 635:673, 1531628101434.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3dfb6220e33d934⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 600x579, 200:193, Comfy_guy.jpg) (h) (u)




651b7b (8)  No.5729395

617f21 (3)  No.5729396


Excellent and NOTABLE article here:


bf56c9 (1)  No.5729397

File (hide): 3e3de48a8a2ef31⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 180x135, 4:3, noplanes_blew.jpg) (h) (u)

f92e7b (2)  No.5729398


Love those girls!!!

8b30a3 (5)  No.5729399

File (hide): 33b4d50c7173ea7⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 692x420, 173:105, call-of-cthulhu.jpg) (h) (u)


something like this.

not biological in nature but still a being of this world (not the heavens)

size == huge, cover area anywhere from major metro area to whole USA state like texas.

tentacles are representations of the direct ways it can manipulate people, beings and tech.

very big fan of all the electronic technology we have now. Loves to use it and uses it freely for its purposes.

763555 (2)  No.5729400


Hadn't noticed. /b/ had an epic butterface thread a couple days ago..made me realize they need love too…

487b78 (5)  No.5729401

File (hide): 921ddd8584eb1bc⋯.jpg (348.55 KB, 1800x1454, 900:727, D10FjjUWoAMUdm2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7bfbac89634280a⋯.jpg (327.07 KB, 1800x1514, 900:757, D10yOyfX0AA6gGT.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 62b31f68ad1bb11⋯.jpg (150.27 KB, 1024x900, 256:225, D106cLVW0AAS9kn.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3ca97bf73cabfa⋯.jpg (139.28 KB, 1024x864, 32:27, D1z6XTvWkAMtw1-.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a782eb52f182c62⋯.jpg (334.96 KB, 1800x1432, 225:179, D1zbWcFXgAAmQO8.jpg) (h) (u)

Every Single Time.

3698ed (7)  No.5729402>>5729412 >>5729413 >>5729456

07a665 (4)  No.5729403>>5729460



same but I believe you.. this is all we have, the rest are lost

9c4eca (4)  No.5729404


Really hate that cunt!!!

da4ba9 (5)  No.5729405>>5729447


Wonder when the first emergency calls came in, and why the police took so long to arrive at the scene.

16b932 (10)  No.5729406


This is starting to sound like one of those good ol' Texas fishin stories my grandpa used to tell

589af1 (34)  No.5729407


I know jew do!

9760c2 (3)  No.5729408

9228d9 (16)  No.5729409


4ed8e1 (3)  No.5729410

File (hide): c3750d2ddfa9335⋯.png (100.38 KB, 416x398, 208:199, c3750d2ddfa9335942b4e20deb….png) (h) (u)


oldhagfag here…ah, those were the days, when there was still mystery, but now it's come to 'Tits or Get the Fuck Out!'

d28e2c (7)  No.5729411

File (hide): eef10c3d24f7395⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 300x168, 25:14, goodjob.jpg) (h) (u)



3d1701 (3)  No.5729412


Nope it's a inny

247ae1 (19)  No.5729413

File (hide): 2ed781659a099f5⋯.png (226.91 KB, 432x333, 48:37, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

f92e7b (2)  No.5729415


But nice breasts

cd6c6d (10)  No.5729416>>5729458 >>5729481



The witch that can turn them to swine still walks freely

30140f (6)  No.5729417

File (hide): 422689006d4d924⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sameones.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 50cada6d169eded⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 537x475, 537:475, STORMPEPE.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db1daf0c596351c⋯.gif (4.56 MB, 471x265, 471:265, TRICK EM.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): c042a0d5bc8d207⋯.png (222.63 KB, 1190x1232, 85:88, WAKE UP AMERICA.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29e71c75129f7fb⋯.jpg (1003.74 KB, 1600x2424, 200:303, CAPT MARVELOUS.jpg) (h) (u)

8b30a3 (5)  No.5729418


Whatever is sufficient enough to get the job done and evade detection. Only gets triggered in certain cases, which are fairly rare.

These people are not very creative.

08e21d (23)  No.5729419


OMFG! I forgot about that.

30eb8b (11)  No.5729420


>>5728777 WSJ article from 2015 how Facebook is making VR movies

>>5728792 anon graphic on indicments

>>5728992 Orbán speaks against the “EU empire”.

>>5728699, >>5728722, >>5728733 , >>5728750 Trump, FBI informant ?

017daf (10)  No.5729421

File (hide): ce3f58b5623b786⋯.mp4 (884.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, C-SPAN SPEAKER MITCH MCCON….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

651b7b (8)  No.5729422

5ece43 (2)  No.5729423>>5729430

When its all said and done

I'm going to miss the shills after they've been hanged/suicided themselves *sad face*

08e21d (23)  No.5729425


Dem broads got some nice pins.

ac37d8 (3)  No.5729426


Quails in dreams are excellent sign that’s what grandamanon always said

It’s a sign of peace, happiness and wealth

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729427>>5729441 >>5729450


looks like baker is baking

we are good

we will ask for a title edit you and i

is this AB senpai? its magaveli

94a26e (2)  No.5729428


How do we do a quick search on all Q's IMAGE posts?

Anybody got a link?

4c2f01 (1)  No.5729429

File (hide): 887763e93a791bd⋯.jpeg (392.25 KB, 2164x998, 1082:499, 84CE9B20-D21D-4C62-8508-1….jpeg) (h) (u)


Please employ for a short time, or direct your board operators to employ the Scarramucci Model on Shills.

Just a periodic short term bitch slap would be nice…

Also, I updated 8chan’s wiki.


617f21 (3)  No.5729430


Totally agree.

Except for the part about missing them.

02a1d2 (7)  No.5729431>>5729468 >>5729480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For keks

487b78 (5)  No.5729433

File (hide): 1cf2ba78ae43827⋯.jpg (362.76 KB, 1800x1590, 60:53, D1v30P6VYAAhcCS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 68836d3e0a76164⋯.jpg (358.85 KB, 1800x1380, 30:23, D1x47RnWoAAyLH4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4cf8ac6c100ea0d⋯.jpg (283.73 KB, 1800x1290, 60:43, D1y1E6HWwAAggMN.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 834f7c7a36a5548⋯.jpg (174.8 KB, 1024x781, 1024:781, D1yiCcgXcAA9Tpt.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4188e45da8b2f44⋯.jpg (215.4 KB, 1800x1413, 200:157, D1yodp5XgAIeZgn.jpg) (h) (u)

Still want to keep defending (((them))) ?

44b791 (6)  No.5729434

File (hide): b1f31e2a4bf9f2f⋯.png (676.21 KB, 868x778, 434:389, IMG_8791.PNG) (h) (u)

005b9a (5)  No.5729435

File (hide): 5efb8cb35c6603a⋯.jpeg (144.02 KB, 684x485, 684:485, TrumpCombatsHumanTraffick….jpeg) (h) (u)

03fb9f (3)  No.5729437

File (hide): fbed031c57d273d⋯.jpg (152.97 KB, 616x862, 308:431, the-devils-own.jpg) (h) (u)

eaf742 (1)  No.5729438


He sowed the wind… he will find out what it is like to get obliterated by a tornado

2ee914 (1)  No.5729439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I saw that movie, too, kek!

e0ace5 (1)  No.5729440


I would not be surprised if hussein shills with the rest of them.

30eb8b (11)  No.5729441


>is this AB senpai? its magaveli

yup, and I know, kek

just monitoring just in case, new bread is already up

c8a9d5 (4)  No.5729442

Hmm. so spam is on the menu tonight. Okay. here's mine.

Do you notice that your handset still picks up audio cues for ads etc? Even though the Google assistant is "off" on your phone?

Here's how to stop allowing satan into your device.

Public service announcement for newer android phone/tablet users.

Exit all of your apps and reboot the phone. Once the phone is to the home screen:

Go to app permissions.

Stop the google.app process.

Turn off all permissions listed in the google.app permissions section.

Disable Google.app.

Reboot the phone.

Enjoy not being monitored by Google.

<But why does this matter? I disabled it! WTF?

Research in the wild has shown that just disabling these apps is not enough; The preloaded apps cannot be uninstalled, being part of the ROM software. Being "disabled" just means that the icons have been hidden from the user in the interface; They are still useable by the system. Permissions matter; It's comparable to allowing satan into your house.

The example is for google.app specifically, but it will also work with other pre-loaded bloatware, like facebook.app and twitter.app. Apple and Microsoft are no better. Same idea applies to those: Deny permissions first, and then disable the apps and reboot.

017daf (10)  No.5729443

File (hide): 77bed11b623f73f⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TRUMP.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

8195c8 (6)  No.5729444

File (hide): fd24258b0b50c1a⋯.png (834.03 KB, 1195x865, 239:173, agakhanconnection.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9ad5b79486c4e36⋯.png (661.97 KB, 1141x925, 1141:925, bannedalltweets.nick.png) (h) (u)


Guy was all over NK, Pakistan. He is 100% mossad / MK. 100%

Vacuum up all the sauce before it disappears anons. Let's fucking nail Mo__ad and C_A to the fucking wall on this massive fuckup.

36 minutes to stop the guy.

Gun pics on twatter for 3 days.

Posted manifesto shit 2 hrs before on twitter.

NEED: Instagram archive for shooter

NEED: follow up on strickland car bomb.

NEED: moar info in Papanui High School - that's where the 2 civilian clothed dudes were taped with assault rifles. Has been posted, can post again by request.

NEED: moar info on that camo faggot they arrested, bald guy. He is the one they sd was 18 in new report, BULL SHIT.

Who the fuck runs around in full camo on the last week of SUMMER. By a High School FFS.

a89d44 (5)  No.5729445





Thanks for all the input. We' all learned something. Love you anons, no homo.

08e21d (23)  No.5729446

29c5a7 (3)  No.5729447>>5729461


Been dealing with stupid…

The "event" lasted what 8 mins at the first location.

Whole situation smells

ef78ba (3)  No.5729448>>5729452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Christchurch Massacre “The First Trolling Mass Murder”

a5bbb9 (5)  No.5729449


The hero Muslim will now have to start wearing a suicide bomb vest now. Because his gun is outlawed too….

Now how is that gonna make things better?


30140f (6)  No.5729450

File (hide): 059de1b3d3f9b09⋯.png (261.23 KB, 1194x1304, 597:652, 2020VISION_wwg1wga.PNG) (h) (u)






4d0091 (4)  No.5729451>>5729470

File (hide): c33ed9bfdf0778a⋯.jpg (297.42 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, pjimage.jpg) (h) (u)

78e706 (6)  No.5729452


This is fake nigger shit.

4863a0 (2)  No.5729453

File (hide): 88ee2148a91064b⋯.png (5.85 KB, 192x22, 96:11, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Martel means hammer huh.

Well fuck me.

b1fe38 (1)  No.5729454


Toots = Sebastian Gorka maybe?

10ffa7 (16)  No.5729456>>5729464

File (hide): 60dd87a0f4509ee⋯.png (732.42 KB, 641x882, 641:882, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



← Eye bleach.

a56bb0 (2)  No.5729458


>The witch that can turn them to swine still walks freely

Has Q team been jew team from the start or did jew "comp" them at a later date, jewbot?

924935 (4)  No.5729459


What about the Cyrilic writing on the weapons?


791194 (4)  No.5729460



https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1082874405384941571 a bit on that - also some various research that got censored https://pastebin.com/2v5VPXWw

b989b7 (1)  No.5729461>>5729474


If you're beth, (dont dox yourself moron), you seem like the idiot here. Find a better quality video. There are all these things………..

Please, stop with this moronic shit

9228d9 (16)  No.5729462>>5729469





569f03 (1)  No.5729463

File (hide): 16726c1156a8710⋯.png (374.47 KB, 1178x1574, 589:787, saralatham.png) (h) (u)


Sara Latham

Previously worked for Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Clinton foundation, Tony Blair


3d1701 (3)  No.5729464


This is a biological female…note it!

c62ab2 (3)  No.5729466

NXIVM OWNER had dealings with Mexican Government




80fdc6 (25)  No.5729467

hes even doing a dough edit

new baker sama is guud

8ab80a (5)  No.5729468


Cameraman sucks, people are chewing and breathing heavily - unwatchable.

9228d9 (16)  No.5729469>>5729475



30140f (6)  No.5729470

File (hide): 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB, 378x357, 18:17, too funny pepe.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cb8d01ab6ed5bca⋯.png (516.12 KB, 878x583, 878:583, trumpcard.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7dfaeb966e13a88⋯.png (851.45 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, not a game qnn fake news.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce73de9e73241e3⋯.png (348.67 KB, 1502x1005, 1502:1005, passionate meme making.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 305e5e1a03f2c67⋯.png (978.39 KB, 1220x1046, 610:523, patient.png) (h) (u)

017daf (10)  No.5729472

File (hide): 564377facc75e7b⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 680x591, 680:591, SMUG_PEPE.jpg) (h) (u)

29c5a7 (3)  No.5729474

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729475

9228d9 (16)  No.5729476

a56bb0 (2)  No.5729477

File (hide): 744b5c4bb7c65b3⋯.png (508.9 KB, 715x544, 715:544, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

80fdc6 (25)  No.5729479

232370 (2)  No.5729480


Ninki mijaj

6302fa (3)  No.5729481

File (hide): 414b8e1a624b26e⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, addingmachine.jpg) (h) (u)


Bewbebot, I am your Father

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