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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

fff4a4  No.5726305

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.15.2019

>>5708421 ————————————–——– Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage. (Cap: >>5708408)

>>5707542 ————————————–——– foxnews.com - NoName (Cap: >>5707674)

>>5706742 rt >>5706249 ————————— The real 'fun' starts soon

>>5705892 rt >>5705810 ————————— On March 15th? [3:15]

>>5705810 ————————————–——– [Marker 1 Complete] (Cap: >>5705863)

>>5705288 ————————————–——– SEC_TEST_2

>>5705247 ————————————–——– SEC_TEST_1

>>5704553 rt >>5704151 ————————— How much more obvious can we make it?

>>5704231 rt >>5704197 ————————— Busy saving humanity

>>5704151 ————————————–——– Powerful statement of UNITY

>>5703651 ————————————–——– /CM/ stay alert

>>5703616 ————————————–——– @elenochle (Cap: >>5703710 )

>>5703605 ————————————–——– @senjudiciary (Cap: >>5712128, >>5704087)

>>5702205 ————————————–——– These people are sick & evil, not a coincidence

>>5702158 ————————————–——– Dark to Light China (Cap: >>5712052)

>>5702121 ————————————–——– Dark to Light Whatsapp (Cap: >>5702270)

>>>/patriotsfight/468 ——————————— (US Flag) (Cap: >>5700611)

>>5693658 ————————————–——– Tomorrow is FRIDAY. (Cap: >>5712160)

Thursday 03.14.2019

>>5691725 rt >>5691475 ————————— Not big enough to pull headlines/news away. Think days.

>>5691398 ————————————–——– Be vigilant at all times. (US, UK, FR, IT) See Something. Say Something (Cap: >>5691483 )

>>5690226 ————————————–——– "This is about to break wide open…" (Cap and Video: >>5690246, >>5690415)

>>5685756 ————————————–——– Very SAD to see GERMANY pulling the strings on the UK! Q+ (UK Bread)

>>5685837 ————————————–——– Stand strong, Patriots. The UNITED STATES is WITH YOU Q+ (UK bread)

>>5685074 ————————————–——– "Server config change." (Cap: >>5688088)

>>5684336 rt >>5684297 ————————— Disregard spelling error. On the move.

>>5684297 ————————————–——– TO SUMMARIZE THIS WEEK: RE: [D’s] PREP TO STEAL 2020 ELECTIONS

>>5684025 rt >>5684007 ————————— Good movie.

>>5683938 ————————————–——– Clear history/cookies to bypass all PAYWALLS. Read FREE. (Cap: >>5688121)

>>5683707 rt >>5683675 ————————— "Class A" shares. Fun, nonetheless.

>>5683562 rt >>5683535 ————————— Do you see "CI A?"

>>5683496 ————————————–——– Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you. (Cap: >>5688189)

>>5682585 ————————————–——– NELLIE OHR = C_A?

>>5682414 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? (Cap: >>5686693)

>>5681798 ————————————–——– REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT FACT

>>5681490 ————————————–——– Remember this important FACT (Cap: >>5686574)

>>5681131 rt >>5681048 ————————— AUTISTS SAVING THE WORLD

>>5681047 rt >>5680891 ————————— But, you already knew that from the drop

>>5680891 ————————————–——– PRESS CONF COMING?

>>5680490 ————————————–——– [RR] DEBRIEF COMPLETE

>>5680293 ————————————–——– A_TRAITOR'S_JUSTICE.png

>>5680288 rt >>5680242 ————————— Thank you for your service

>>5677755 ————————————–——– The End Is Near (Cap: >>5678032)

>>5677704 ————————————–——– Happy Hunting! (Cap: >>5678075)

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Tuesday 03.12.2019

Compiled here: >>5678083

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

fff4a4  No.5726328


are not endorsements


>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

#7323 Baker Change

>>5725589 Election fraud post - Watch CA news/update from C Kirk

>>5725613 Guaido Calls for Venezuelans to Mobilize for ‘Operation Freedom’

>>5725625 FF comradery. Parkland plants trees for NZ.

>>5725642 Colorado Democrat Governor Signs Bill Into Law That Favors Popular Vote Over Electoral College

>>5725700 Sky News taken off the air in New Zealand over Christchurch terror coverage

>>5725721, >>5726182 Third Mexican Journalist Murdered in 2019

>>5725956, >>5725940, >>5725901 2 shooters NZ digs

>>5726048, >>5726078 12 HUGE Bombshells in One Week – But, “Nothing’s Happening?”

>>5726062 Planefag. soda55 in the air. "soda" bread for St. Patty's Day?

>>5726309 #7323


>>5725328 Meghan McCain fires back at POTUS for 'stains' tweet

>>5725339 , >>5725352 Syria news

>>5725207 Hussein met with Ardern almost exactly one year ago [3/22]

>>5725100 POTUS retweet 5 times/all from 3/15. Re Q watch post

>>5725042 Article on Nancy Salzman's guilty plea

>>5725018 Unconfirmed reports of active shooter at UoM

>>5724984 DJTJr tweets about Steele

>>5724982 The Stains of John McNoname

>>5724934 MS-13 members accused of stabbing 16-year-old 100 times

>>5724917 'Radioactive Poisoning' Of Berlusconi Sex-Trial Witness

>>5724894 Nurse fag asks 'Where are the expected blood spatters'?

>>5724848 Fresh DJT tweet re The Paris Accord

>>5725509 #7322


>>5724619 Fresh DJT tweet re Google helping China's military

>>5724558 The Knoxville plane crash yesterday: Call to dig

>>5724523 Fresh DJT tweet re GM

>>5724399 More digs into the ICC

>>5724396 Fresh DJT tweet re noname sharing the dossier

>>5724314 YT filtering 'black conservatives' search term?

>>5724276 Paris Jackson calls out TMZ

>>5724183 Link between NZ shooting and NK embassy break-in?

>>5724130 Poland's Catholic Church: 382 priests abused 625 minors

>>5724127 Parkland Shooting families were in Christchurch NZ in July

>>5724119 Jan 19 may use Boeing 737 MAX ban to revise orders

>>5725489 #7321

Previously Collected Notables

>>5723923 #7320,

>>5721931 #7317, >>5722400 #7318, >>5723170 #7319

>>5720413 #7314, >>5720431 #7315, >>5720675 #7316

>>5716942 #7311, >>5717677 #7312, >>5718494 #7313

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

fff4a4  No.5726337

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#50 >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#74 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>5708738

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

fff4a4  No.5726341

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

fff4a4  No.5726354

File: 5666f4046b277e3⋯.png (1004.19 KB, 1200x963, 400:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2189bcf735230f1⋯.png (711.19 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Play Dough


a7856f  No.5726360

File: 88c7115d4ec44eb⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1080x2000, 27:50, ClipboardImage.png)

70fc1c  No.5726361



a9bdfe  No.5726362

File: 39bef4b4f782f4e⋯.jpg (373.59 KB, 960x600, 8:5, IMG_549.jpg)

patriots remember!!!

09be4c  No.5726363

File: 416d152ed7aa5f4⋯.jpg (117.62 KB, 822x903, 274:301, 1a.JPG)

File: e29383946022dff⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 551x240, 551:240, 3.JPG)

Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck


4d04bd  No.5726364

File: a33ca1a984cbd10⋯.jpeg (37.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, FE0AC87D-D0F1-4497-AF2E-1….jpeg)

Sniper baker


ae3aed  No.5726365

File: c51f506d385bb4f⋯.jpg (336.54 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, DraftRoan.jpg)


A big thank you, baker.

a30dd3  No.5726367

File: b5eeb10824fce4a⋯.jpg (187.2 KB, 514x685, 514:685, triggyjones.jpg)

4eeb6a  No.5726368

>>5726343 (lb)

mmm hmmmm if you understood the ring finger you would understand what you were actually looking at and who he is signaling.... but okay it's just an illusion from the camera... proceed

4cbfce  No.5726369

Nicely done, baker.

5ef770  No.5726371

File: 3cf591aeadab0c0⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 640x736, 20:23, 25010033_2022623651313261_….jpg)

Thank You Baker

00b6bc  No.5726374

File: d46031d49278c62⋯.png (3.81 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 857B13FA-A7FB-4340-B66B-58….png)

File: 05bc30af7c6521d⋯.png (381.42 KB, 650x689, 50:53, 4491ADE8-9CC0-4D91-B74B-D7….png)

File: 8f81a27e7691663⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, F5E146BE-7922-40B1-9044-EE….png)

Ring Finger connected to the thumb is Texan Arian Brotherhood


a51262  No.5726375

File: 1ab09172519e71d⋯.png (876.72 KB, 798x727, 798:727, shooter drink.png)

File: dbd61e8b4d7f346⋯.jpg (85.39 KB, 666x500, 333:250, red drink.jpg)

2e832f  No.5726377

File: 1e5d0c86348676f⋯.png (911.98 KB, 1202x1282, 601:641, ClipboardImage.png)


38e03d  No.5726379

File: b57af0925601f8d⋯.jpg (4.3 MB, 6048x4032, 3:2, horse.jpg)


4426dc  No.5726382



9e1af2  No.5726384

>>5726250 (LB)

Good take. It's a real possibility. Like CIA/MI6 setting off a car bomb in Beruit using Hezbollah tactics to pin it on them.


0a4191  No.5726386

File: 5cc95a1c8bd63ed⋯.jpg (88.25 KB, 1080x1284, 90:107, hejpp7h0vim21.jpg)

Thank you, Baker! Nice job on nailing the 751.

586106  No.5726387

File: 377e02393b77509⋯.jpg (88.21 KB, 902x636, 451:318, 234rtw4t6e54.jpg)

File: b6cf88a947699e8⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 677x381, 677:381, 34rw4rtw4r5qw3r4.jpg)

File: c44ab1914858ad1⋯.jpg (25.68 KB, 410x230, 41:23, 4tw4t6we45w45.jpg)

>>5726345 (lb)

Toots is in good hands now.

Freddy can't hurt our lil' fighter aymore.

c89328  No.5726389

>>5726248 (lb)

Would this explain why Obama beat Hillary in 2008?

4eeb6a  No.5726390


much deeper than arians but at least you get it.. it's his ring finger

1fdf98  No.5726391

File: 7045d7053eddd1f⋯.png (1 MB, 736x736, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

TY Baker

a9bdfe  No.5726394

File: c365c13b207bd35⋯.jpg (301.61 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_532.jpg)

patriots remember!!

0a03e9  No.5726395

File: c3ae2158cb3402a⋯.jpg (27.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, yellowvests.jpg)

i hope Q is enjoying a day off with his family yet…

how could they rest knowing what they know?

rest is a discipline of reset.

5ef770  No.5726397

File: 65a1665417159ff⋯.jpeg (103.94 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1552528646.jpeg)

586106  No.5726401

File: 7d14bfd1ee4cef3⋯.png (258.81 KB, 495x532, 495:532, 7d14bfd1ee4cef38a394f44fd9….png)


AOC lacks teeths to do it!

43221d  No.5726402

File: d697355cafd5699⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 5c7bdc72afaefd19a06082f057….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

b62551  No.5726404

File: 08f3df679b297f1⋯.jpg (522.06 KB, 948x435, 316:145, captain-marvel-cat.jpg)

108bff  No.5726405


>>>5726281 (You)

>c-can you not read?




Explain it to me. Every time I've asked any of you to do that you don't you can't. And the reason you can't is because it doesn't make sense and it is not proof at all.

None of that Q is the person you say he is.

None of that prooves any of this.

It's just more speculation.

38e03d  No.5726406

File: 04308134e515463⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2500x1800, 25:18, qnewsnowqual.jpg)

File: 11b00b18dfc83ee⋯.jpg (136.08 KB, 645x585, 43:39, mcggg.jpg)

80917e  No.5726408

File: 381a09b588b8765⋯.png (56.4 KB, 595x381, 595:381, D6806F43-6564-4A43-8F3F-0A….png)

File: 7959e04ff95567c⋯.jpeg (49.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, DB6B9D74-3E5E-44FA-B8BB-E….jpeg)

File: 13090d296bc758c⋯.jpeg (147.13 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 4B0FA6E9-B194-475F-B00C-E….jpeg)

File: e11c31b0ebe304b⋯.jpeg (72.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8D65B4F1-D506-46FD-8DB7-D….jpeg)

File: 215d2bdea16554e⋯.jpeg (67.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8F12E4E9-6DE5-4CF9-A61B-1….jpeg)

372f90  No.5726411

File: 9e71886af947d04⋯.png (12.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, baker.png)



14a669  No.5726412

File: 6a2572730d9b129⋯.png (285.11 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, pepe_brainburden.png)

5ef770  No.5726413

File: 1d1a13f1a6716bb⋯.jpg (516.89 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Patrick_Drooling.jpg)

a9bdfe  No.5726415

File: 6636b80122ace87⋯.jpg (864.54 KB, 1210x1613, 1210:1613, IMG_535.jpg)

patriots remember!

00b6bc  No.5726417


I just got on the board, i have to catch up to the details, whats been posted thus far

a30dd3  No.5726421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


401f3d  No.5726422

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Hired Actress with Socialist Handlers

Mr. Reagan, published a video on social media, breaking down how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of many actresses auditioning for ‘Justice Democrats’ – an organization that recruits actresses to run for political positions, so they can fulfill their agenda. Titled ‘The Real Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,’ he reveals that Justice Democrats held auditions in 2017 for potential congressional candidates they wanted to run on their platform. They put out a casting call in 2016 and AOC’s brother submitted her for the “nomination”.

Alexandra Rojas, Executive Director for Justice Democrats conveyed that “they had received over 10,000 nominations, and out of those, they found Alexandria.” They don’t even try to hide this. AOC has no political background whatsoever. So, who’s running the show and pulling the strings for her social media platforms, interviews, and documents being drafted up?

AOC is a puppet congresswoman with dangerous handlers including Saikat Chakrabarti, and the mastermind behind it all – Cenk Uygur. This video is packed full of evidence, and anyone who has followed AOC can easily make these connections. Her staff has an extremely socialist agenda.

AOC’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti saw this video for himself and responded in a twitter thread, claiming that AOC writes her own speeches, controls her own social media, isn’t coached, and is a very intelligent woman who can talk about policy issues in depth for hours because “she really knows what she’s talking about.”

As Chakrabarti makes these claims, he is facing an FEC complaint filed against him alleging that he funneled nearly $1 million in contributions from political action committees that he established to private companies that he also controlled.


0a4191  No.5726423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some 5FDP for the patriots in the bread…

108bff  No.5726424


So soon! Wow! LOLOLOL

a30dd3  No.5726426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

b62551  No.5726427


Mama Honey boo boo uses crack

5b56b5  No.5726428

File: 4634731924fded7⋯.jpeg (22.64 KB, 474x379, 474:379, blowselfup.jpeg)


b12e3d  No.5726429




They don't want reform jews to #walkaway and they want to paint the movement as neo nazi for bad optics.

Same shit they have been doing to trump all along.

Also they dont want israelis to join the great awakening.

13716f  No.5726431

here we go

another tiresias spam bread

someone give him a scarf and doorknob already

90dcb8  No.5726433

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpeg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f283….jpeg)


Stop this anti-semitism!

a30dd3  No.5726435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

108bff  No.5726436


Complete rubbish.

57e850  No.5726437

File: 71bd9553c765abb⋯.jpg (200.04 KB, 1004x946, 502:473, bread.jpg)


TY Baker!

2e832f  No.5726438

File: 9516d62b9473f5e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1212x1418, 606:709, ClipboardImage.png)

Fair point.

"The problem with @CNN is that that people @Acosta and @BrianStelter pose as reporters, when in fact they are propagandists."


de3352  No.5726440


He's so fucking gay.

a30dd3  No.5726442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

732ec7  No.5726443

File: 01fca16ca5c4a10⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 750x745, 150:149, Pepe celebration.jpg)

aa5687  No.5726446

File: a5bec2af1d78e10⋯.png (442.46 KB, 720x735, 48:49, 2019.png)

Ty Baker. Much respect !

Happy St Patrick's Day folks. It's not [ St. Patty's ]. Kek and ty again.

a30dd3  No.5726447

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

5ef770  No.5726448

401f3d  No.5726450

Anons, were we aware of this:

On Monday, a federal court of appeals in New York gave multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his former partner Ghislaine Maxwell until March 19 to establish good cause as to why the documents from their prior case should remain sealed. If they fail to do so, the summary judgement and supporting documents will be made public. The court also reserved a ruling on additional documents in the civil case, which includes discovery materials.

525d2b  No.5726451



16d31f  No.5726452

File: 414231b362d3237⋯.png (911.83 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


What are you trying to say?

c435ee  No.5726454

Could we get more naked women riding horses? That would be fun.

a30dd3  No.5726456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

eeeb6c  No.5726457

What if someone was trying to cover their tracks?

What if they were trying to make it look like Bourne and Cochran?

4d04bd  No.5726459

File: 1e95992d076d6c3⋯.jpeg (42.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, B0EB135A-A202-4395-9F7B-5….jpeg)

Just thinking outloud

Q wasnt that concerned sbout NZ

We cant do anything about it

I am not sure we should continue obsessing

I may be wrong, idk

b62551  No.5726460


>in fact they are propagandists

Not even good at that either

9c9a65  No.5726461

>>5726235 lb

<The entire theory was based on one arrest, clinton, than mass arrests.

Nope, very wrong. That's just a small piece of it all.

For me, like many, the starting point was the weekend of Nov.4-5 2017, when there were plenty rumors (before Q) of riots.

All eyes were on US... and then the purge in SA happened. Look here, not here. Game theory. Moves and countermoves, understandable to those who can read & think - and adapt.

Then indictments were noticed, crumbs kept coming, etc, etc.

4426dc  No.5726464

>>5726418 lb


Germanbread is attacked by muh jew shitposters.

Half the bread is bs.

Any chance to remove those few IDs?

Would be incredibly helpful for newfags.

Important time and 8chan attacks increase.

edd2b4  No.5726465

>>5726330 lb

Solid memes/covers. Epstein one is brutal. Thanks, Anon.

dfc9e1  No.5726466

File: 767e16ef37011f6⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2988x1494, 2:1, __(You)__See.jpg)


Credit where credit is due, he's a persistent failure.

c7ebc6  No.5726467

File: 1dae440b4504421⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 255x212, 255:212, 960b4d2ca5aa0436eda38ce810….jpg)



8011bf  No.5726469

File: 3275334cf649578⋯.png (617.34 KB, 535x791, 535:791, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

7248e7  No.5726470

Big Q Drop this Bread!

Screencap this shit, niggahs.

80917e  No.5726471


Release. Out of darkness. Into glorious light.

c10856  No.5726472


Q team is trying to unite people. That's what this board is about. And like Q said, they can see all, hear all. Including shills and real anons. So when the purpose is to unite people obviously they are not going to ban anyone permanently. Anyway, assume that Q team knows who you are. Ask ebot for proof if necessary.

055831  No.5726473



its not his ring finger

his ring finger is straight out

b12e3d  No.5726474

File: c7ead545092d614⋯.jpg (634.15 KB, 1018x981, 1018:981, 89f2964a1c5bb789f29cbe9531….jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)

c6cf88  No.5726475


Kek, yep. 29 of 58 when I came in.

078384  No.5726476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

USMC Tribute - Never Surrender

de3352  No.5726477


Dude's playing the faggy circle game. He's a douchebag.

372f90  No.5726478


that is a majestic Percheron, yes, anon?

acc1a4  No.5726479

File: af1122eeecf5c8a⋯.png (2.1 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8678DC4B-1934-48B1-9F5A-FE….png)

File: 87acc66d60ba739⋯.png (4.91 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0A4BE7D1-65D3-4673-9235-D9….png)

File: bcf5ec6cb9271b9⋯.png (3.15 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 50F1140E-546C-4559-A0AC-06….png)

Frank Cali, Head of Gambino crime family murdered, suspect arrested.





13716f  No.5726481


true, i dont think i could fail that often if i tried

3d836b  No.5726482

File: baea7cc21bf3903⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1271, 1080:1271, 23 years old.png)

File: 899b10b81f38ba2⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1080x1298, 540:649, Fabulous.png)

Anons she just turned 23 years old.

525d2b  No.5726483


Not BO-

Better get swole niggas. It`s only going to get worse.

48c648  No.5726484

>>5726363 Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck


Thank you Baker o7

6f7464  No.5726485

>>5726135 lb

I got a hold of the higher res version and walked back that post.

Those folks got anchored by a rifle. That said, I'll take real world experience over internet search knowledge any day for the win.

>>5725950 lb

>>5726205 lb

>>5726109 lb

dfc9e1  No.5726487


>Any chance to remove those few IDs?

>Would be incredibly helpful for newfags.

You seem to misunderstand BO/BV's intentions..

e6229b  No.5726488


Hey guys, this website has photo links to AR15 exit wounds and close head shots. Not for faint of heart.


Also has information about size of exit wounds etc.

9e1af2  No.5726489


If it's out, sauce it. Quit being a tease.

586106  No.5726490


02c08f (39) posts already!

(((They))) are really desperate aren't' they?

5a9cb9  No.5726492



732ec7  No.5726493

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)


42 already?

57e850  No.5726494


If his ring finger is the one with the ring on it, then it IS his ring finger.

e79c29  No.5726495

File: 0481225df9303d3⋯.png (405.69 KB, 682x541, 682:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20787a31b6a2805⋯.png (218.83 KB, 743x1348, 743:1348, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 242d4a2edf09d24⋯.png (313.88 KB, 741x1842, 247:614, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3ff7bf401d3e2b⋯.png (293.38 KB, 723x1726, 723:1726, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 007e24ec24bbf06⋯.png (127.1 KB, 775x765, 155:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican Diplomat Accused of Corruption and ‘Romantic’ Relationship While at U.N.

Archbishop Francis Chullikatt is alleged to have maintained an inappropriate relationship with a woman during his time as the Holy See’s permanent observer to the United Nations.

NEW YORK — An archbishop who served as the Holy See’s permanent observer to the United Nations is accused of financial and professional misconduct, including the use of Vatican staff and influence to assist and support financially a woman with whom he had a romantic relationship. Sources say that although Vatican officials were informed of the man’s conduct, he was quietly reassigned to a new diplomatic post without facing sanctions.

Archbishop Francis Chullikatt, 65, now apostolic nuncio to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, is alleged to have maintained an inappropriate romantic relationship with a woman during his time as the Holy See’s permanent observer to the United Nations in New York, a post he held from July 2010 until June 2014. Three priests who were members of the diplomatic staff at the Vatican mission in New York told CNA that 65, now apostolic nuncio to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, is alleged to have maintained an inappropriate romantic relationship with a woman during his time as the Holy See’s permanent observer to the United Nations in New York, a post he held from July Archbishop Chullikatt would frequently send the woman “inappropriate” and “romantic” text messages from his phone, and that the Holy See’s mission staff assisted her in obtaining a visa to come to New York. One priest-official said this was “the most unfortunate part of the story having to do with Archbishop Chullikatt.” The Vatican press office acknowledged receipt of questions from CNA regarding the allegations against Archbishop Chullikatt, but did not respond before deadline.


00b6bc  No.5726496

8011bf  No.5726498

File: 83a3304e1a5d53b⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 774x774, 1:1, crazybitch.jpg)

f3abcb  No.5726499

4eeb6a  No.5726500

See what you want.. i do not care.. it effects me not one way or the other… learn something and stop crying!

4f83f9  No.5726501


run a couple of kids through her.

it will look like cottage cheese in months.

6b7a4d  No.5726502


I want the record to reflect that I am a 100% advocate for REFORMED religions that are NOT secret societies or any of this other shit we've had. There's some real beauty in the darkest of places, and to expect people to just drop all of these anchorings like hot potatoes the way I'm sure most of us would prefer, is probably illogical.

Good Will and GOOD INTENTION are what matters. Good vs. Evil.

108bff  No.5726503

File: 2bfd5b26d4a5f48⋯.jpg (86.81 KB, 345x482, 345:482, Screenshot_20190316-162649.jpg)

File: bbcb3348a4e9c28⋯.jpg (146.05 KB, 337x706, 337:706, Screenshot_20190316-162710.jpg)


No. This whole thing started because somebody wanted to resurrect pizzagate. It was all about Hillary being in a pedophile ring and it became this. None of it has come true none of it has happened it's all rubbish. You guys keep trying to go back and rewrite history but I know better I've been here the whole time. You're trying to go back and change what it really was to try to make it more like what it has become. You aren't fooling anybody but yourselves. Right here is the post say that Hillary Clinton was in the process of being arrested back in 2017.

13716f  No.5726505

38e03d  No.5726506

File: 0308d7d3f56dfd6⋯.jpg (165.78 KB, 1045x616, 95:56, barry.jpg)

078384  No.5726507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why We Fight

52c8bf  No.5726508


Telling you anon, the guy is always the first to report on all the hoaxes and all the shootings. It's ALWAYS him.

f3abcb  No.5726509


She is Pretty

0a4191  No.5726510

File: bd2f3df4ae5c0c1⋯.png (209.54 KB, 474x367, 474:367, ClipboardImage.png)

14a669  No.5726511

We're allowed


>Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck


> Broken neck Russian. Call it as a bandname.


Fr, what's wrong with her body.

128f33  No.5726512

File: 3fa4dac61407fcc⋯.png (54.53 KB, 707x365, 707:365, Screenshot_20190316_192407.png)

>>5726248 (lb)

>then the left and DS joined forces with muslims to get more firepower

Good thinking, and without further elaborating on the topic, which I think is a bit more complex: Funny thing is Sunnis (foremost SA) & Israel/MOS joined forces as well.

(pic from: www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/06/israeli-saudi-relations/395015/)

38e03d  No.5726513

File: 573564070060f16⋯.jpg (172.23 KB, 660x774, 110:129, tomhankswoman.jpg)

dd9d3b  No.5726514


you sound like a soured bitch.

Stop hating on others who are far more

attractive than you. KEK

a7856f  No.5726515

File: e909c51804df4c9⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1438x912, 719:456, EP Oh.png)

File: aed170c3d0f4e78⋯.jpg (110.56 KB, 634x387, 634:387, Epstein_Jeffrey-SarahFergu….jpg)

File: 792b11615f41301⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 462x346, 231:173, blade.jpg)

14a669  No.5726516

4 min

6a31ec  No.5726517


That would be a cool tattoo.

Even if it translates to eat shit and die nigger.

42c188  No.5726518

File: 2bc8407ce54177f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 994x1196, 497:598, Excellency.png)


Go give a nigga a BJ asshole.

a70ca9  No.5726519

I know it's been noted, but I did some extra digging on NZ shooting.

Student activists from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas (MSD) travel to Christchurch NZ in/around July of 2018. They met with members of the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) to talk about the power of student organizations in times of crisis.

Then, in/around November 2018, members of the SVA come from New Zealand to Florida to meet with the student activists from MSD to "learn how to sustain organisations once the public attention has waned" and produce a white paper on "how-to-guide for organising youth movements, 10 Essential Lessons: Sustaining a Youth Movement". What are the odds…. and Josh Blackmore? He's a lawyer.

From Morning Report, 7:22 am on 23 July 2018

Twenty-three survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida are coming to Christchurch to meet with the Student Volunteer Army (SVA). The students will arrive in July to talk about the power of student organisations in times of crisis.

The Parkland survivors are spending a week in New Zealand to share experiences with the Christchurch students and to learn how to sustain organisations once the public attention has waned. The president of the Student Volunteer Army, Josh Blackmore, talks to Philippa Tolley.

From Wednesday, 14 November 2018, 10:22 am

Student Volunteer Army to reconnect with Parkland students in Florida

Twelve youth leaders from the University of Canterbury’s Student Volunteer Army (SVA) are reconnecting with students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD) in the United States, this month from 26 November to 8 December. The two student groups met at the University of Canterbury-hosted Youth Leadership Summit in Christchurch in July and produced a white paper/how-to-guide for organising youth movements, 10 Essential Lessons: Sustaining a Youth Movement.

Lots of sauce out there, but here are two.



Also, which may be old news to most anons, but new to me:

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity back in 2016.


586106  No.5726520

File: ce24d706f087b03⋯.jpg (301.76 KB, 936x960, 39:40, 1473885671866.jpg)


Off you go to Reddit!

dfc9e1  No.5726521


>desperately trying to hype up his own creepbot


037865  No.5726522


Wictor, you are on the wrong page. Click porn link and move on.

edd2b4  No.5726524



in with these >>3940210 Daniel Best Suicide?

>>3939877 Daniel Best Multiple Blunt Force Trauma

The Thursday revelation runs counter to previous reports that mikhail lesin's November death was due to a heart attack, reigniting accusations that foul play may have been involved.

A joint statement from the Washington Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and the Metropolitan Police Department claimed that Lesin, 59, also suffered "blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities," which contributed to his death.

The incident "remains an active … investigation," the police department added.

Lesin's Nov. 5 death at the Dupont Circle Hotel in November sparked a series of conspiracy theories. The Daily Beast reported in January that he may have been trying to cut a deal with the FBI to avoid money laundering and anti-corruption laws, in exchange for intelligence about the inner workings of Putin's government.


Former Putin Aide Died Of 'Blunt Force Injuries' In D.C., Medical Report Says


Putin Aide mikhail lesin Killed in Washington DC in November 2015 by Blunt Force Trauma

Trump Aide Daniel Best Killed in Washington DC in November 2018 by Blunt Force Trauma

4f83f9  No.5726525


stop posting selfies.

2e832f  No.5726526

File: 062e44b04e2b6cb⋯.png (207.67 KB, 1214x666, 607:333, ClipboardImage.png)

This must be awfully confusing to the loons on the left. We are supporting Chelsea in her expression of sorrow and are appalled the treatment she received.

Even though we are not fans of Chelsea, she (as we do) reject the actions of the monster who killed innocents. Many of use would have rushed the gunman to protect the innocent worshipers. I know i am certainly one of them who would have tried to stop him.


f3abcb  No.5726527


Got a 100 bucks she’s burnt more coal than a power plant

3fcb22  No.5726528


is there anything wrong with this?

f0c586  No.5726529


Zina is the only person I've ever seen pull it off without looking like a complete douche.

9df22a  No.5726530

File: 5115059b11d0d9a⋯.jpeg (91.21 KB, 543x460, 543:460, CE5291B3-499E-4AF5-A823-F….jpeg)

File: 2dde3f0a5752fff⋯.jpeg (189.61 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, B2DB96F4-C931-47CD-9D48-F….jpeg)

File: a89d585d82afb11⋯.jpeg (94.14 KB, 687x500, 687:500, 902EB015-8C36-45FE-8BB4-8….jpeg)

File: 867d243d19a32b5⋯.jpeg (383.69 KB, 1129x1274, 1129:1274, 07DD55D3-C207-4C3A-B020-4….jpeg)

File: 1c9ce6610108379⋯.jpeg (86.77 KB, 585x849, 195:283, 7BB30A90-6961-441D-ADFF-9….jpeg)

f9d7db  No.5726531

File: cbd1479cd0c3599⋯.png (461.4 KB, 1212x816, 101:68, why-so-triggy.png)

File: 52e3d3283dd1528⋯.png (682.04 KB, 1111x879, 1111:879, j-M-gg--gi--i--btz--bJCr-y….png)

File: 47b5caec3a774f6⋯.png (449.86 KB, 444x618, 74:103, G-o.png)


Is something making you anxious?

Convey something human, rather than making the repetitive, stock bot post we have all seen hundreds of times.

The repetition is a really excessive. How do you fail to understand this, and assimilate more variation to your output?>>5726493

>Explain what you are concerned about, "anon". I will do my best to soothe any anxieties you may have.

>Pretend to be human. Just try, see if it works.

ee846a  No.5726532

File: 027b2678d3af1cd⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, theyre farmin babies.jpg)

7abe4b  No.5726533

File: 5d9d4bdedfc83fa⋯.png (63.7 KB, 609x319, 21:11, DJTActQuickly.png)

File: 8646c1c95119bed⋯.png (96.46 KB, 923x718, 923:718, GetReady1.png)

File: f0472dd60ba5c4c⋯.png (597.96 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, GraphicV3.png)

File: e7c266b80c1a24b⋯.jpg (153.79 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, LetsRoll.jpg)

I think that POTUS is preparing to give Anons a signal to drop every truth bomb we've got, in every venue and medium. Get ready.

114672  No.5726534


lb anon. lb

57e850  No.5726535

File: ee5a7045827a844⋯.jpg (176.61 KB, 1323x1322, 1323:1322, pblb.jpg)

f9d7db  No.5726536

File: 7f7f75f58637c6e⋯.png (357.03 KB, 618x805, 618:805, jembywaterhousesnorps.png)

38e03d  No.5726537

File: 7af198866a49046⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 208x255, 208:255, crazy.jpg)

fff4a4  No.5726538

File: 00661b6747080bb⋯.png (240.16 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

c10856  No.5726539


Yes, ebot can be creepy. But even if you ignore ebot, doesn't mean they will stop watching you.

b6acc5  No.5726540



f9d7db  No.5726541

File: 461d2498f87b702⋯.png (299.88 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC66.png)

a7a48b  No.5726542

File: 929bee8fa2002fc⋯.png (877.7 KB, 886x497, 886:497, PROPERBREXIT.png)

a30dd3  No.5726543

File: 1d9eccdba8dfb37⋯.jpg (476.38 KB, 1524x795, 508:265, cia_book.jpg)

f9d7db  No.5726544

File: 33199a152d603fd⋯.png (171.84 KB, 649x365, 649:365, hjhimmy.png)

a1b569  No.5726545

Not sure this is the right bread but it was open and roughly comparable.

3094 16:38:04

Speaking about when the real

< 'fun'

Gets started, Q may be warning us.




Yesterday when I looked it up couldn't find any good stories from 6/21/2014.

Today, with a little more effort, found the story of Megan and Marine Corporal Jonathan Price. Megan was wounded and Jonathan was killed on 6/21/2014. The prosecutor argued that Quincinio Canada and Dawan Mulazim assaulted them during a robbery gone wrong. Happened in Kentucky. The two got minimum 50 years for robbery and other felonies but avoided conviction on the murder and assault charges.


Things that Q might be saying if he is meaning 'fun' in a double-edged sense:

1. The attackers got minimum of twice the sentencing guidelines for what they were convicted for.

2. The attackers avoided conviction for the actual crime from 6/21/2014.

3. It took the court system nearly 5 years to bring the attackers to the jury and sentence them.

The real 'fun' might actually be more of the same.


Sorry. Hope I'm wrong.

f9d7db  No.5726546

File: 11dee121f339e68⋯.png (407.71 KB, 859x885, 859:885, tool.png)

70fc1c  No.5726548


They are wrong here. Let Chelsea twist in the wind on her own.

145a69  No.5726549

File: ee864d47784f5c6⋯.png (37.31 KB, 588x470, 294:235, eye w s.PNG)

File: 3ec852ef21e47f6⋯.png (491.71 KB, 802x493, 802:493, eye w s 1.PNG)


08106b  No.5726550


So that day or the day before there will be another white supremacist killing a bunch of people planned?

2719fe  No.5726551

f9d7db  No.5726552

File: 7cff7d124a8704d⋯.png (157.55 KB, 446x368, 223:184, ooby.png)

f9d7db  No.5726554

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

f9d7db  No.5726555

File: 3c291db7f2b0fd4⋯.png (253.73 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC54.png)

f9d7db  No.5726557

File: 6f161c82bbc2f2c⋯.png (242.75 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC11.png)

f3569a  No.5726558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f9d7db  No.5726559

File: c40006e90bd2bcb⋯.png (234.01 KB, 444x479, 444:479, beepdesta.png)

b12e3d  No.5726560


Reform "judaism" is sjw progressive judaism that breeds the worst soros useful idiots and cabal puppets there are. Mpst of them believe in a "new progressive judaism", and are very negative towards their traditions and orthodox jews.

Reform "judaism" is a religious pervertion and a joke tbh. And I don't say it as a religious person, i am not a fan of organized religion.

7248e7  No.5726561


It ain't out.

Just muh almonds, they be a'tinglin'.

3626b6  No.5726562



>megajew trying to seem like an 'anon just like me'

don't you have anything better to do?

f9d7db  No.5726563

File: f654b4aef262f4a⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 626x620, 313:310, chjhyz-mmM-mmy.jpg)

8a7051  No.5726564

File: c02edc853ea1587⋯.png (486.86 KB, 635x478, 635:478, KillMillions.png)

38e03d  No.5726565

File: d801d25a378674b⋯.jpg (266.92 KB, 760x1154, 380:577, truthunites.jpg)

13716f  No.5726566

did he ip hop or is he running two devices again?

fff4a4  No.5726567

File: b3506dbd2a2221a⋯.png (275.52 KB, 370x495, 74:99, ClipboardImage.png)

94dabe  No.5726568

File: 1e318a25b2734ea⋯.png (92.65 KB, 545x596, 545:596, ClipboardImage.png)

Well, that's really nice of President Trump to stop the Obama programs then, so…

[nice of AOC to spell it out so clearly.]


846589  No.5726569

File: 52a194ab4319f81⋯.png (69.8 KB, 917x181, 917:181, Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at ….png)

Kek. Comms much?


If you're a black-hat snake considering doing harm to a "rat" (someone talking to the FEDs about black-hat crimes)… think again… we'll DEVOUR YOU.

edd2b4  No.5726570


Another off qresear.ch using search "Mikhail Lesin":

Q Research General #1005: Couldve Been An Emergency! Edition

Christopher Steele's Other Report: A Murder In Washington

The author of the famous Trump dossier provided a secret report to the FBI asserting that RT founder mikhail lesin was bludgeoned to death by thugs hired by an oligarch close to Putin. Three other sources independently told the FBI the same basic story, contradicting the government's finding that Lesin's death was accidental.

https:// www.buzzfeed.com/jasonleopold/christopher-steele-mikhail-lesin-murder-putin-fbi

c77b97  No.5726571

File: 0cfe19541805f7f⋯.png (944.77 KB, 1080x1325, 216:265, Excellent.png)






Faggots did you get jealous….lol

ee846a  No.5726572


just because ure paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't trying to kill u – unattributed

14bc7f  No.5726573

The official Normie Site voat.co is taken down right now anyone know about this?

2eb12f  No.5726574

Re: Page/Storck messages (Feb 2019)

Apparently, the phones had a plain text repository for messages that neither the Vendor of the phones nor the FBI knew about? So you can’t really wipe your device clean… Praise God.


The Problem

The OIG requested from the FBI text messages of, among others, two employees in connection with the Pre-election Review. When the OIG received the text message production from FBI, there was a time period of several months for which FBI did not produce text messages for mobile devices used by the two FBI employees. The FBI informed the OIG that it was aware that there were deficiencies in its collection application and that it was changing the model of the mobile device issued to FBI employees as part of a regular technical refresh and to mitigate the problem. However, the OIG later learned that, even after upgrading to new devices, the data collection tool utilized by the FBI was still not reliably collecting text messages from approximately 10 percent of more than 31,000 FBI-issued mobile devices.

In addition, during the OIG’s forensic examination of FBI mobile devices that were used by the two employees, the OIG discovered a database on the mobile devices containing a plain text repository of a substantial number of text messages sent and received by those devices.

Neither ESOC nor the vendor of the application was aware of the existence, origin, or purpose of this database. OIG analysis of the text messages in the database compared to ESOC productions of text messages during the same time periods when the collection tool was functional identified a significant number of text messages found in the database that were missing from the ESOC production. Furthermore, the Subject Matter Expert with whom the OIG consulted in connection with its forensic analysis of the devices identified additional potential security vulnerabilities regarding the collection application. The OIG has provided these findings to the FBI.


ac6adc  No.5726575


Chelsea won't stick up for you, let her burn.

70fc1c  No.5726576


3a07e4  No.5726578


No. Liberals use people conservatives stand up for what's right. Get your priorities right….

108bff  No.5726579


Do you think that typing that makes the actual post the I just attached not real? Does typing that change history? Does it make something that is not real, real? I understand you are fighting because you do not want to believe that this all might have been a troll. But the sooner you figure that out and wake up to it the better off you're going to be. It was all a troll.

0e5bde  No.5726580

Anyone think Trump is travelling somewher tonight?

dfc9e1  No.5726581

Just so the neweyes know: our resident clowns spam about AI when they're afraid of being hurt by mean things said to them.

Which implies a strong presence of anons on the boards.


9c9a65  No.5726582


>You guys keep trying to go back and rewrite history but I know better I've been here the whole time. You're trying to go back and change what it really was to try to make it more like what it has become. You aren't fooling anybody but yourselves.

nice projection, you make it too easy.

About Clinton arrest posts, read again: >>5726461

>That's just a small piece of it all.

Had to grab our attention.

It did.

Then SA purge, and many confirmations came in, to help us understand.

Obviously, you still don't - or pretend not to, which is more likely.

edd70c  No.5726583

File: 6142fcd306bffe8⋯.jpg (767.05 KB, 2736x1824, 3:2, Univac_120_computer_-_Rida….jpg)


ebot is just trying to distract us from the fact there's nekkid pics of ebot's gramma online, such as this one

3fcb22  No.5726584

File: 18fef6a106e44bb⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 595x414, 595:414, proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif)


lb / pb jack

f9d7db  No.5726585

File: c9fcba84e6e91ea⋯.png (524.72 KB, 777x707, 111:101, cornynlini.png)

File: 523d8c04a22e2f3⋯.png (238.18 KB, 750x422, 375:211, mmbnn.png)

File: 3f0d37fdeddc769⋯.png (658.95 KB, 564x885, 188:295, OUITEBIBBOO.png)

38e03d  No.5726586

File: 2ec28a8bdee8f5c⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 503x657, 503:657, hiltert.jpg)

ae3aed  No.5726587

File: 87e9b23f6bcf15e⋯.png (35.4 KB, 422x385, 422:385, EatPonyAndBefriend.png)


does it? I think that would increase its appeal.

13716f  No.5726588


why are you hopping to post thunder thighs?

372f90  No.5726589

70fc1c  No.5726590


She's fat

19f3e0  No.5726591

The garden of Eden is Earth - Before the cataclysm.

The serpent is the red dragon of Revelation 12.

The forbidden fruit is…the big Apple…

The red kachina. The destroyer. The big red ball of redemption in the sky.

They based the creation story on a catastrophic event.

The Mayans said 2012 marked the end of an age and the beginning of a new one.

A new age can't begin without the crossing of the destroyer.

It is the alpha and omega. It is God.

They worship the serpent.

And it will be crossing our path again soon. There is no getting around this.

c10856  No.5726592


Yup, lol.

4426dc  No.5726593


o7 fren!

b12e3d  No.5726594

File: ac5fa58236ca94f⋯.jpg (224.1 KB, 639x472, 639:472, ac5fa58236ca94f76eaa9f2229….jpg)


And you just ip hopped for this retarded shit… Miss the times when shilling was actually worthwhile.

b62551  No.5726595


I'm surprised she hasn't tweeted I don't need no white man defending me

eede80  No.5726596


Who's asshole in middle

6b7a4d  No.5726597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DaughterAnon is in recovering Quick like Anons. We again thank you for your prayers and for being (YOU)!!

This is one of her selections she shared with me, and in Honor of Shadilay Saturday (Find us spotted up in Wyoming here REALLY soon, Anons drink free on "Shadilay Saturday") here's a track for all of y'all to chill and vibe to.





108bff  No.5726598


You are going to Great Lengths to try to make something that is not real, real.

ee846a  No.5726599

File: f29907be7ceb082⋯.png (843.81 KB, 973x3561, 973:3561, jidf 3 pages.png)


this leaked off german voat a few days ago

250945  No.5726600


Baker, Anons

Refresh page. Spam posts removed.

5a9cb9  No.5726601


She can't even get her orders right….they need

to hold auditions for a tweet proof reader

4d04bd  No.5726602


Legs too short

That messes up proportions

372f90  No.5726603

File: b249484d72271b7⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 262x193, 262:193, freeze.jpg)


she's 10 meals in the ol' crockpot after trimming

6a31ec  No.5726604


They always respond to that charge with "Yeah but Hannity on Fox!"

But, they omit the part where Windbag Interruptus openly admits he's not a reporter.

84dd6e  No.5726605

File: a51fe92a91069e5⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1080x1297, 1080:1297, Screenshot_20190312-135200….png)


I don't see any fat.

732ec7  No.5726606

File: 7a84c77ee43d780⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ChiSolGu.jpg)

File: 0c25d75921324ff⋯.png (131.98 KB, 335x572, 335:572, 031719 Chna argentina.PNG)

File: 917e0022145e42a⋯.png (126.74 KB, 333x590, 333:590, China Hyper possibly.png)

China delegation to ‘visit Argentina to discuss N-deal

Reuters BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) — A delegation from China will visit Argentina this month to discuss the construction of a nuclear power plant, signaling potential progress in a deal that could increase Beijing’s deepening influence in the South American nation.

An Argentine government source told Reuters last week the “technical team” from China would meet with local suppliers about the long-stalled nuclear power plant project, reportedly worth up to $8 billion.

Argentina had hoped to announce an agreement on China-financed construction of Atucha III, as it has been referred to in the past, during a state visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping after November’s G20 summit in Buenos Aires. But the deal failed to emerge then, and in January Argentina’s nuclear energy undersecretary, Julian Gadano, and the ambassador to China, Diego Guelar, met with officials in Beijing for talks about the project, the government source said.

A second government source, in the Foreign Ministry, said talks about the nuclear plant with China were ongoing but added that there had been no “concrete progress” toward signing a deal. If finalized, the nuclear plant would be one of the biggest projects financed in Argentina by China, which has become a key trading partner for Argentina and its biggest non-institutional lender.

The Chinese Embassy in Buenos Aires did not respond to requests for comment and China National Nuclear Corporation, a state-owned nuclear firm that has held talks previously about building nuclear plants in Argentina, declined to comment.

A press officer in Argentina’s nuclear affairs department, which operates under the foreign ministry, said he was unaware of the delegation’s visit.

The power plant deal was first negotiated under the administration of former President Cristina Fernandez, a left-wing populist who left office in 2015 after striking a number of deals with China.


b12e3d  No.5726607



My bad frens. Retardation confirmed.

c435ee  No.5726608


She is definitely gross.

c3c874  No.5726609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A VERY interesting interview from dr. Michael Salla who did Qanon interview himself on coast to coast radio.

Watch only if you have 23 minutes to spare and an open mind.

If you don't like/believe in this shit don't watch.

b6acc5  No.5726610


Her amendment rights are intact. Her behavior choices are up for judgment as all of ours.

183610  No.5726611

File: 98725369783db1a⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 696x749, 696:749, 316.JPG)


e35ec1  No.5726612

File: ff66c8d107cae41⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 785x528, 785:528, iuyhgfvbn.JPG)

00b6bc  No.5726613


Definitely would beg her to “bread” me some kids

dfc9e1  No.5726614

File: bb3f0b556990033⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot_post1.jpg)

File: c89d379e5f36d0e⋯.png (86.17 KB, 642x259, 642:259, ebot_post2.png)

File: 67bdfc4bd4db088⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)


Well duh.

Did you know he gets flat_dicked every day?

All that talk about shit…. the creep must be covered in it!

dcda51  No.5726615

Shannon Watts Presents New Zealand Gun Control as Model for U.S.

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts suggests New Zealand gun control is a model for United States lawmakers.


f9d7db  No.5726616


What are you actually talking about?– this sounds like fake bullshit.

I suggest you don't actually have a right to deceive, so I am asking you to restate your post, this time, without the deception.

I am sure you will agree that I am not being unreasonable, so kindly comply with the request.

Thank you fren.

078384  No.5726617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ronald Reagan(A Soldiers Pledge Speech)

70fc1c  No.5726618


If Chelsea drops her weapons and surrenders, fine. Otherwise she's still firing at us.

You're a fool.

e9ecf5  No.5726620


Right on

d50996  No.5726621

File: f6983481df7769c⋯.jpg (179.6 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, megpepe2.jpg)

>>5725328 pb

>>5725418 pb

230f1b  No.5726622

>>5726182 (lb)

Now if only the fake news and liberals would care as much about a dead/murdered Mexican journalist as they "do" about khashroggi..........

This shit exposes why the faux outrage at Saudi MBS and his clean-up crew.

0a4191  No.5726623


Damn. Go down on her and she'll pop your head like a zit when she cums.

44b604  No.5726624

File: 946bfb75b4790f4⋯.png (31.93 KB, 1280x910, 128:91, Sport_records_icon_PB.svg.png)

File: 5fed3828a75db1d⋯.png (66.93 KB, 320x320, 1:1, monogram_-_PB-Small_abf821….png)

File: fb9e6c2d6357791⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 544x544, 1:1, 1534520525312.jpg)

File: eb0092fa6b55695⋯.jpg (6.1 KB, 225x225, 1:1, LB 2.jpg)

525d2b  No.5726625


china speak for "Fuck off"

2719fe  No.5726626


he's on 'tranny roids

732ec7  No.5726627


dub dubs confirm

ty bv. that was a bit excessive

6a31ec  No.5726628


Yeah, you're right - I stand corrected.

055831  No.5726629



unless he has freakish hands that are different

all middle fingers are longer than the index and the ring finger. look at the lengths of all the fingers.

if the ring finger is bent then the longest finger on his hand would be the index.

as an artist I would never draw a hand that wey

it looks retarded because no one's hand is shaped that way.

pinky out straight

ring finger out straight

middle finger out straight

index finger bent but hidden partially behind middle finger

I have no dog in this fight

just telling you what i see

ee846a  No.5726630

9c9a65  No.5726631

Anons, fuck's sake, that legmuscles beast is an already old muhdick slide.

Shouldn't be that many fools still biting, at this point.

a80a0d  No.5726632

File: b41d5043dfe56eb⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1291, 1080:1291, Q Research Babe...png)


108bff  No.5726633


That's all a bunch of bullshit and you know it. You are fighting because you do not want to admit or believe that this was all a troll. How many years are you going to stay here waiting for it and believing? It's two years and counting now. And you've spun it and you've made connections that are not connections and you Justified and you backtracked and you tried to change history and it's still not true. It only exists here on the internet.

c10856  No.5726634

Ok, Q team, I suggest you let anons post anti-jew content, but counter with proper arguments and memes instead of those stupid bread gobbler memes.

f9d7db  No.5726635

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

What is the keystone?

In all aspects?


What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


In this context, what is the keystone?

Why don't we answer?

The answer lies deeper.

Why don't we try to answer?

Some truths are difficult to accept.

Reality is stranger than we commonly think.

What keeps us from diving into this question?

Why do “anons” insist on more superficial answer, and get angry if the question is pushed deeper?

What is ULTIMATE keystone, underneath it all…?

What is the 'THOUGHT' of Satan? What does that mean?

What forms of manifestation are possible?


Consider concepts of 'transhumanism'– upload your 'self'…?

Apply that sort of concept more broadly…?

Think about ALL THE DATA OF HUMANITY– which we know is being guzzled and collected for some reason… and nothing we know gives us the reason…..

What is the 'thought' of humanity?

Could you call ALL THE DATA a thought, or image, of humanity as a whole?

And if you MIRROR that (INVERTING the value), then, perhaps, do you manifest PURE EVIL?

The THOUGHT of 'satan'?

38e03d  No.5726636

File: 829ba8edb6b4b91⋯.jpg (244.49 KB, 800x470, 80:47, aswt.jpg)

File: 84501f9db32cba5⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 9e64a4a61c333fc2d5780cebaa….jpg)

533938  No.5726637

File: 68af8efc1ed2c62⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 349x583, 349:583, 39ab1a87dff3822c729a1f7445….jpg)


Daughter of Gimli?

e79c29  No.5726638

File: d3c8efb9e365358⋯.png (784.69 KB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican defrocks Poulson as priest in Erie diocese

He agreed to be removed from the clerical state as part of his guilty plea and sentence for molesting two boys. The Vatican ordered the laicization, Erie Bishop Persico says. The Vatican has removed from the priesthood David L. Poulson, 65, the former pastor in the Catholic Diocese of Erie who was sentenced to two and a half to 14 years in state prison in January for molesting two boys. Poulson, 65, applied to be defrocked, or laicized, as a condition of his guilty plea and sentence, which was imposed in Jefferson County. He is at the state prison at Camp Hill, near Harrisburg.

Erie Catholic Bishop Lawrence Persico, who announced the removal on Friday, forced Poulson to resign as a priest in the 12-county diocese in February 2018, when the criminal investigation against Poulson started. The laicization formally removes him from the priesthood. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the approval of Pope Francis, notified Poulson on March 5 that he had been laicized, or granted a dispensation from all the obligations attached to holy orders, Persico said in a statement. Poulson “has been removed from the clerical state,” Persico said, and “is forbidden to function as a priest in the Catholic Church and should no longer present himself as a priest and not be admitted as a priest in the celebration of the sacraments.” Poulson pleaded guilty in October to one count each of corruption of minors and endangering the welfare of children, both third-degree felonies, for molesting the two boys in 2002 and 2010. He was ordained in 1979 and is a native of Oil City.

The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office accused Poulson abusing the two boys in separate incidents at Poulson’s hunting cabin in Jefferson County. He was also charged with molesting one of the two victims in the rectories at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Cambridge Springs and the St. Michael Church in Fryburg, Clarion County, where Poulson was assigned as pastor before he was pastor at St. Anthony. Poulson was prosecuted in Jefferson County for charges related to all of the incidents. Jefferson County President Judge John H. Foradora gave him the maximum sentence under the law on Jan. 11. The Attorney General’s Office charged Poulson in May as part of the office’s sweeping grand jury investigation of clergy sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania. Under Persico, the bishop since October 2012, the Catholic Diocese of Erie provided information that helped lead to the grand jury’s presentment against Poulson. He is one of two Catholic priests statewide charged as a direct result of the grand jury probe.

The probe led to the August release of the grand jury report, which named Poulson as one of 301 “predator priests” who abused more than 1,000 victims dating to the 1940s. The report named 41 priests, including Poulson, in the Erie diocese. The report covered six of the eight Catholic dioceses in the state: Erie, Allentown, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton. The dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown and Philadelphia were subjects of previous grand jury reports.

The one other priest charged as a result of the grand jury report is the Rev. John T. Sweeney, 76, of the Catholic Diocese of Greensburg. He pleaded guilty in July to a misdemeanor charge of indecent assault of a minor for an incident that happened in the early 1990s. Sweeney received 11½ months to five years in prison at his sentencing in December. He is also at the state prison at Camp Hill, according to prison records. The Greensburg diocese has said it is in the process of defrocking Sweeney. The allegations against most of the other priests named in the grand jury report are beyond the criminal statute of limitations. A number of the accused priests have died.


6a31ec  No.5726639


Thanks - I was kinda close.

00b6bc  No.5726640


Can’t you zoom?

70fc1c  No.5726641


That's a man.

3fcb22  No.5726642

File: 57bc212c88713fe⋯.png (70.73 KB, 637x372, 637:372, Screenshot 2019-03-16_19-3….png)

6c31de  No.5726643

File: 1e9cdb1651a5fd5⋯.jpeg (193.98 KB, 799x1104, 799:1104, Screenshot_2019-03-16-19-….jpeg)

File: de7b1c864e4c6cf⋯.jpeg (114.56 KB, 799x355, 799:355, Screenshot_2019-03-16-19-….jpeg)

File: 9361c896d1d43a2⋯.jpeg (402.58 KB, 799x1110, 799:1110, Screenshot_2019-03-16-19-….jpeg)

File: 7eaa6c9dbf49dab⋯.jpeg (405.72 KB, 799x1034, 17:22, Screenshot_2019-03-16-19-….jpeg)

File: b37a8ff560b645d⋯.jpeg (121.19 KB, 799x391, 47:23, Screenshot_2019-03-16-19-….jpeg)


14e934  No.5726644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d36e5  No.5726645


EXCELLENT ARTICLE TRUMP FBI informant took down the mob in NY


2e832f  No.5726646

File: c6679468d7cdf9a⋯.png (967.5 KB, 1250x1256, 625:628, ClipboardImage.png)

Probably after LL accidentally bumped into Billy Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix. What an absolute coincidence.

Too bad thunder thighs LL will NEVER be a SC justice. She sold out the country for a possible seat on the SC.

"DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says"


c10856  No.5726647


For all they know, jews could be "in control". And that is indeed a scary thought.

f9d7db  No.5726648

File: e4e4d405beaff1b⋯.png (529.77 KB, 999x871, 999:871, TPAW1.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

e6229b  No.5726649


Close up head shot with an M4. This what the lady in the street headshot should have looked like.


505a70  No.5726651


that guy is really really really extra stupid

f3abcb  No.5726652


She’s got that coal burner look

9c9a65  No.5726653


Come on, you're not even trying, put some effort into it, at least, if you expect us to play along.

You've had your chance.

Read again, none of what you say adresses points made - to the contrary, it just runs away from them.

f9d7db  No.5726654


What are you talking about? This one sentence implies a host of dubious and bizarre assumptions. Explain please. Thank you.

ee846a  No.5726655

File: 47133a2cf18b9b5⋯.jpg (244.36 KB, 640x640, 1:1, whadi i do.jpg)

a7a48b  No.5726656


double kek

7248e7  No.5726657


I'd smash that in a heartbeat.

Wouldn't ever go down on her, though, for fear she might sneeze and pop my head like a zit.

b1960d  No.5726658

File: 2d756b3d090e712⋯.jpg (192.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening508.jpg)

File: 538dad3a63aff01⋯.jpg (178.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening506.jpg)

File: 126aee729ef31fe⋯.jpg (235.67 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, GreatAwakening503.jpg)

File: ac2ad7a50ff0cf5⋯.jpg (189.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening502.jpg)

7abe4b  No.5726659

File: 621f84f059a7a75⋯.png (53.2 KB, 359x495, 359:495, FiveFive.png)


We got five retweets from 3/15.


3/15 = +++ + +++++

The stage is set.

WE must play our part.


34b9aa  No.5726660

File: 32df444e977f3b8⋯.jpeg (163.87 KB, 379x421, 379:421, C944400C-6FE9-405B-ADD3-C….jpeg)

b6acc5  No.5726661


Fuck her.

f9d7db  No.5726662

File: 1a93e851afcd4d6⋯.png (241.05 KB, 570x696, 95:116, comey1.png)

c6cf88  No.5726663


Your own words prove your lack of resolve. A year and five months and you feel the need to make a post like this? Who is the troll, why would you be here? Read what you wrote, slowly.

b8e4c0  No.5726664



f9d7db  No.5726665

File: 855354b2f48a3d7⋯.png (326.24 KB, 806x575, 806:575, jimny.png)

4426dc  No.5726666


like this?

















They want you DIVIDED.











Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


How can an entity known only as 'Q' (face-less, name-less, fame-less, etc.) begin to ask questions on 4ch (now 8ch) and build something of this magnitude?

How can this same 'Q' entity garner such a massive amount of WW MSM [FAKE NEWS] attention [attacks]?

How is it possible this 'Q' entity can 'forecast' future events or 'know' when the POTUS is about to Tweet?

How is it possible 'FUTURE PROVES PAST' re: information provided?

How is it possible this 'Q' entity, an entity who began by merely asking questions on 4ch/8ch, was able to ………(fill in the blank).

Think logically.

People are craving TRUTH.

People are craving TRANSPARENCY.


People are craving GOOD.

People are craving RIGHT.

People are craving TRUE FREEDOM.

People are craving SAFETY & SECURITY.

People are craving ………..(fill in the blank).


Those who attack have an agenda or remain plugged into the biggest disinformation campaign to be ever witnessed.


Ask yourself, why are 'Liberals' always angry?

Why do they curse?

Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)?

Why do they create 'emotional outbursts' when challenged?

Why are they violent?

Why do they form mobs (packs)?

Why are they incapable of listening to the other side (fascist)?

When you don't have facts to support your arguments (present logical reasoning), you must resort to the above tactics.

The NARRATIVE is designed to keep people in a constant state of 'FEAR' thereby forcing 'ANGER', 'RAGE', 'VIOLENCE'.

Emotionally unstable people are easier to CONTROL.

They want you DIVIDED.



















4d04bd  No.5726667


Everybody collects dirt on everybody

Thats not collusion

70fc1c  No.5726668


Those ham hocks could feed 1200 poor children

89440b  No.5726669


why don't we stick one or the other? let's go with pb

5a9cb9  No.5726670


Oh, ok faggot….I guess we were all wrong. Please disregard

3fcb22  No.5726671

File: 5bd9601d5bf37da⋯.png (105.35 KB, 660x494, 330:247, Screenshot 2019-03-16_19-3….png)

Papa D illuminates

f9d7db  No.5726672

File: 9d3e6130dc42fbb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 862x1111, 862:1111, the-burial-of-the-dead-AKA….png)

5f9ffd  No.5726673

File: bfdd3323f511cc6⋯.png (178.52 KB, 503x342, 503:342, tarrantrifle2.png)

another 14 fish

3fd922  No.5726674

File: 7f6026264a39af6⋯.jpg (135.44 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2a4ipa.jpg)

File: d4ca2ae5575a332⋯.jpg (150.28 KB, 500x802, 250:401, 2a4iwy.jpg)

File: cbfd31453e3e235⋯.png (827.99 KB, 1041x694, 3:2, cbfd31453e3e2351e95fd1fe6f….png)

File: dc2752d54688797⋯.jpg (273.87 KB, 962x693, 962:693, dc2752d546887977c38789e643….jpg)

File: 1e4e5844199bd6b⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 1e4e5844199bd6b10115631977….jpg)

e6229b  No.5726675

File: 78dfc64c2c4712d⋯.jpg (140.07 KB, 960x823, 960:823, clinbag.jpg)


Not defending LL but saying no to the Clintons is usually a death sentence.

4f83f9  No.5726676


he posted on twatter a pic of the capital.

said he was returning soon.

maybe to give testimony. my guess.

8a7051  No.5726677

File: 72928704ad6cf9e⋯.png (277.91 KB, 492x393, 164:131, Droxine.png)


There's fat.

Her abs look fat.

ca9105  No.5726678

Some interesting text from WSJ article, New Zealand Massacre Video Clings to the Internet’s Dark Corners:

"Those other places include 8chan, an online message board that describes itself as “the darkest reaches of the internet.” Users can post images or discussions anonymously, and anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic material is widespread on the site. On a number of threads created Saturday, unnamed people shared the video and linked to archived versions.

Some users edited and embellished the video, attempting to mimic videogames designed from the point of the view of gun-wielding characters. One version was edited to include sound effects during the times when Mr. Tarrant fired his gun and graphics of bullets and other tools when he changed weapons. Another video added fast-paced background music."

89867e  No.5726679

File: 4c76d039e14318d⋯.jpeg (110.57 KB, 720x666, 40:37, E4151852-2957-4F72-87EB-0….jpeg)

File: c8f98488ebfceaf⋯.jpeg (222.95 KB, 699x939, 233:313, 9EE3861B-2B75-4401-A16B-1….jpeg)


Missing something assholes?

f9e5e5  No.5726680


ugly belly button, no style, and looks like she is from the monchici bloodline

3a577e  No.5726681

File: 40704e038bbd3a2⋯.png (982.17 KB, 1080x1329, 360:443, Q Research Babe.png)

File: 54b12068ac4ebff⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1325, 216:265, Screenshot_20190312-135744….png)



She's definitely not a man… But you fag are a Tranny.

34b9aa  No.5726682

File: 2c51e3baa132416⋯.jpeg (16.32 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 77478D9F-1FF3-45BF-B17B-C….jpeg)

File: 30803c963e1cacc⋯.jpeg (320.11 KB, 750x1209, 250:403, 91053273-39FC-4CB3-8E32-1….jpeg)

f3abcb  No.5726683

File: 8ec2a62e838b711⋯.gif (969.77 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 743C4FE9-2387-4A42-AC74-20….gif)


Someone call for a scary Jew?

230f1b  No.5726684


No offense to whoever it is spamming this gal (if it's not the gal herself that is), but I'm afraid I'm as attracted to those legs as I am a gold medal Olympian dead lifter……………….which is not at all.

She's fit. She has "unusually" muscular legs………………enough already.

b8e693  No.5726685


shes a 10, nvr liked muscle chicks or blondes but shes a 10.

5a9cb9  No.5726686


take that, bitch

ee90ec  No.5726687

File: b5dc4d495e70311⋯.jpg (193.5 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, stainmegpepe2R.jpg)

>>5725328 pb

>>5725418 pb

a30dd3  No.5726688

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _01.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg)

c89328  No.5726690


It's up for me in USA.

dcda51  No.5726691



Did CNN rig the presidential debates with Donna Brazil and Five eyes of Queen Elizabeth II ?

108bff  No.5726692


Saying that a memo that is no way shows Trump ever worked with the FBI and that the mob could never look at and see that he worked with the FBI and that nobody would be able to look at and see for a fact proof that he worked with the FBI proves that he worked with the FBI.

How much sense does that make?

You do know that Trump's casinos were busted money laundering don't you? You don't think perhaps it was about that?

b6acc5  No.5726693

File: ac4ceff0ba48ec0⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB, 798x515, 798:515, B2DAB82E-38AD-4C7A-AC32-3….jpeg)

4f83f9  No.5726694


lower expectations is the key to happiness.

c7ebc6  No.5726695

File: b9ecc36238d722a⋯.png (352.67 KB, 466x1035, 466:1035, Screenshot_2019-03-17 Qmap.png)


>Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the unsealing?

54200e  No.5726696

>>5726364 Lose the hippie peace sign! It is luciferian!

505a70  No.5726697


he just confirmed fbi criminality

f9d7db  No.5726698

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)


What are you?

I ask you straight. You have no right to conceal the truth.

Speak it.

I invoke the power of God the father of all.

Tell us what you are– no more deception.

b1960d  No.5726699

File: 5d69f51860f689c⋯.jpg (218.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, QCrumbMoviesEnjoyTheShow.jpg)

File: c003b28e1970b38⋯.jpg (119.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Front_Row_Seat_Enjoy_the_s….jpg)


Agree, it looked like a signal.

732ec7  No.5726700

File: e940bab5f4dd1c4⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 255x204, 5:4, quads confirm.jpg)

ae3aed  No.5726701

File: 25f458bce72d65e⋯.jpg (570 KB, 2481x2139, 827:713, RentalInAZ.jpg)


yeah, Percheron.

70fc1c  No.5726702


So, 'dirt' on Hillary merits an investigation? By the FBI?

I don't think he realizes what he's saying here.

4426dc  No.5726704

055831  No.5726705


dude thats one freakishly long ring finger if its the one bent

use photo shop cut it and put it where it would be normally.

the ring finger would then be the longest one of all

have you no spacial awareness?

dcda51  No.5726706


Which Dossier fake dossier ?

Dossier I II or III

Did CNN help write the Dossier ?

fff4a4  No.5726707


IDK/remember but he is famous for the first full blown white power sign that made us all scratch our heads like wuh

f3abcb  No.5726708

f1f761  No.5726709


ebot's been supplying cult of the dead cow memes for months so the boards have a language to search for the bullshit bob o'rouke used to be into

9c9a65  No.5726710

File: 87c1d4cafed86c5⋯.jpg (359.31 KB, 585x2081, 585:2081, MAGARIOTmuhdick_39c4c81742….jpg)

File: 54f624ac7fc27a5⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 525x12910, 105:2582, MAGARIOTmuhdick_ef0ebdddc4….jpg)

File: b835d2770c53996⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 802x7562, 401:3781, MAGARIOTmuhdick_H2C6uGpm.jpg)


>whoever it is spamming this gal

it's muhdick.

don't have a fresh hash history cap, but it's him-them

230f1b  No.5726711

File: 71d68ea3027460c⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 610x343, 610:343, which.jpg)


As the saying goes………"which would you rather?" (pic related)

a3931f  No.5726712

File: a390b455aad7e55⋯.png (78.1 KB, 883x442, 883:442, ClipboardImage.png)

a30dd3  No.5726713

c10856  No.5726714

File: 604aa6b4dd8ecfc⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1024x812, 256:203, ClipboardImage.png)


For example, when someone posts this meme, counter with valid arguments. Like why were the jews expelled?


Didn't even remember the story even though I read it when I was a kid. And it mentions a Jew who might have been a cannibal. And the above wikipedia article also mentions expulsion.

e32401  No.5726715

File: ef03614afe84b04⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1282, 540:641, Excellent 1.png)



Nobody is perfect but I ain't complaining.

145a69  No.5726716

File: 2a5fd87ac0bc3ce⋯.png (495.21 KB, 371x509, 371:509, red21.PNG)

File: 18f6dbdfe131e6a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 799x605, 799:605, red375.PNG)

edd2b4  No.5726717


Sorry being slow, this one >>3945127 from 11/17/18

372f90  No.5726718


what's this little guy, a Welsh?

c435ee  No.5726719


Much prefer feminine women.

f9d7db  No.5726720

File: 77e0c9347c4a89d⋯.png (251.42 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC70.png)


If you don't answer in a timely manner (knowing the customs of human discourse as you do), then you are by that very fact imposing a deception.

And must pay.

acc1a4  No.5726721

File: af1122eeecf5c8a⋯.png (2.1 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8B6CFE10-85F0-45E7-A276-A4….png)

File: 40044e9c69e1d8e⋯.png (2.87 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BF2E0062-19CB-4ADA-9C96-54….png)

File: e83e62bd4fb06a4⋯.png (1005.6 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A64DEE53-3AD0-4EBE-A287-5C….png)

File: 25de2961d697810⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 76F9AD4B-80EF-4DE2-8676-5F….png)



Two Dead Mob Bosses in two weeks

Suspect in custody in shooting death of Frank Cali, Gambino mob boss.


The last crime family boss to be shot in New York City was Paul Castellano. The Gambino crime boss was assassinated outside Sparks Steakhouse in Manhattan in 1985.

Last week, Carmine Perisco died in prison.


Gambino Crime Family: How Control Has Changed Since the 1950s


b1960d  No.5726722

File: ea72a280184224b⋯.jpg (313.96 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, TaxCut2TrumpAccomplishment….jpg)

File: babe6aed4a25c4b⋯.jpg (329.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Nato2TrumpAccomplishments.jpg)

File: cd237759c45cd04⋯.jpg (464.64 KB, 1200x1186, 600:593, SpaceForceTrumpAccomplishm….jpg)

File: 68dcc807b855dce⋯.jpg (268.75 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ManufJobs11TrumpAccomplish….jpg)

File: 9f2697503c15d56⋯.jpg (400.84 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ManufJobs15TrumpAccomplish….jpg)


Excuse me, Tiresias?

Aren't you breaking one of the Ten Commandments by displaying a graven image of our lord Jesus Christ?

Now go back to your playpen and stop bothering the adults.

13716f  No.5726723


i always felt muhdick was aj

43221d  No.5726724

File: 3fcd13c681215c7⋯.jpg (86.53 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 557c2e2feac11d55745a298a1b….jpg)


Report, and keep pressing forward! Make new breads, and march on, fren.

4d04bd  No.5726725


I look at it as a prace sign but hmmm you may be right

ee846a  No.5726726

File: 6c5ec016a73d437⋯.png (738.57 KB, 750x807, 250:269, pale horse .png)


pls continue horsefags

>place needs equine refinement

a7a48b  No.5726727


(((they))) want you divided by race

(((they))) want you divided by sex

(((they))) want you divided by ………….

4426dc  No.5726728


kek, PAPA D!

54200e  No.5726729


Looks like a bay to me…no?

533938  No.5726730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice Face, Shame about the Legs

108bff  No.5726731


Right because posting the actual Q post saying that Hillary was being arrested is deception. I watched pizzagate get born and died and I watched this spring out of pizzagate. You want everybody to believe that facts are fake and speculation is true. Down is Up and Up Is Down. Black is white and white is black. You're not fooling anybody but yourself.

89440b  No.5726732


she could rape you

fb5897  No.5726733

>>5724127 pb

>Parkland Shooting families were in Christchurch NZ in July

Give me a fucking break, Clowns!

You bastards really need to tighten up your game FFS! smdh

Could these fuckers be any more obvious?

f3abcb  No.5726734

File: a5576051369cc30⋯.jpeg (43.78 KB, 364x360, 91:90, 795B9B96-7976-43DA-9704-0….jpeg)


Open up, Meg

230f1b  No.5726735


Having a "verified" twatter account is a mark against your credibility. When one sees the blue-check, they should start at the position that the twat is inaccurate.

fff4a4  No.5726736


>>5726363, >>5726524 Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck

>>5726606 China delegation to ‘visit Argentina to discuss N-deal

any practice bakers be practicing rn

72ab2c  No.5726737


touching kids and promoting porn

f9d7db  No.5726738


No, no, no.

I am not asking you to output these "chan" talking points.

LOOK at the question and answer what was asked. If you aren't functionally capable, get a better bot to help you.

And get the FAKE "chan" nazi crap out. You have no right to FORCE it on us.

b1960d  No.5726739

File: 280bffc630de90b⋯.jpg (65.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TogetherFightForTruth.jpg)

File: fa8c680ad1d28c7⋯.jpg (258.15 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, UnitedTogetherStrong3.jpg)

File: d0b1024aa85999f⋯.jpg (196.5 KB, 474x1042, 237:521, QCrumbsJourneyTogether.jpg)

File: 7d2e8d0f8fcecae⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 878x683, 878:683, QCrumbsWorldChange6.jpg)

File: 43b06989e4342f8⋯.jpg (218.27 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, QCrumbsWorldAboutToChange1….jpg)

eb1654  No.5726740

File: 3af5a95afd7bb69⋯.png (506.58 KB, 1056x1701, 352:567, ClipboardImage.png)

b12e3d  No.5726741

9a2d5e  No.5726742


Not me.

34158a  No.5726743

File: 0082c898af6a9fa⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 533x594, 533:594, lolwut.jpg)

2e832f  No.5726744


Chris Cillizza is a dumb as a box of rocks. Parroting the talking points from CNN like a schoolboy with no brains.


c3544f  No.5726745


almost the dictionary definition of "thunder-thighs"

89440b  No.5726746


prove it. pics pls

5b56b5  No.5726747


he (Muh Dick) is also Toi boy, MAGA riot extraordinaire

dcda51  No.5726748


CNN → Gitmo

70fc1c  No.5726749


She's has obesely fat legs, and she tried to tone them up.


00b6bc  No.5726750


SHE’S MARRIED???? Alll fantasy out the window

e5a91a  No.5726751

File: 39b31d755c994e0⋯.png (66.9 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 231f6568578ddf49e9aaf3b118….png)


I knew she'd be okay!

That's wonderful news anon!


5a9cb9  No.5726752


I'm not sure who is more annoying, the faggot

posting the quad girl slide or the retarded fuckheads like you who keep taking the bait

and shitting up the bread

b12e3d  No.5726754

File: fc7b845fd59ab34⋯.png (471.76 KB, 764x829, 764:829, 4ae2259b66f7dcd993e0e57561….png)

4426dc  No.5726755


(((echo))) (((shills))) (((glow))).

b1960d  No.5726756

File: 1984727c907eb13⋯.jpg (81.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Spygate15.jpg)

File: 4a459286d382581⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, SpyGate30.jpg)

File: 6ac385aa64add13⋯.jpg (65.68 KB, 480x576, 5:6, ObamasCoupSpygate.jpg)

File: a302292ba60d677⋯.jpg (96.54 KB, 900x549, 100:61, SpygateComey.jpg)

File: b4e9c97a52e0206⋯.jpg (153.36 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Spygate203.jpg)

145a69  No.5726757

File: 15774336d91b1e8⋯.png (864.49 KB, 916x869, 916:869, 3 16 19 g.PNG)


998d39  No.5726758

repeating notables every few breads eh?

no sauce in some of these too

good thing real anons know what's up

poor newfags. Usually, the notables are where to go for news, but today is something else.

9a2d5e  No.5726759


Can't rape me if I consent.

dcda51  No.5726760


tumor in head why boot on leg ?

70fc1c  No.5726761


The girl is spamming herself. It's obvious. BO should ban her.

e32401  No.5726762

File: 66d04becc0bda27⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1337, 1080:1337, Screenshot_20190309-131419….png)

File: 1040fde809c035d⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1324, 270:331, Screenshot_20190309-130541….png)

USA born and bred.

a30dd3  No.5726763

File: 85c0edbdc8a52cb⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 600x541, 600:541, kick-a-kike.jpg)

6a31ec  No.5726764


>thunder thighs LL

Actually, is there a term for bigger than cankles?

Because that term doesn't describe hers well enough.

c10856  No.5726765


From that wikipedia article.

>English Jews had been expelled under Edward I in 1290 and were not permitted to return until 1656 under the rule of Oliver Cromwell.

It's not "fake chan nazi crap".

8e93a5  No.5726766

So frens, the national humanitarian crisis emergency veto? going back on the 26th? What's the point? Are we going to continue to go back and forth in an endless fucking debate or are we going to gets the fucking wall built? I am left trying to explain the build up from Q that things are happening, Play games with the enemy, and wait another 60 days Q? Then more disinformation with a dot of truth?

89440b  No.5726767


oh ok. kek

128f33  No.5726768

File: 2905b38a4177163⋯.jpg (123.1 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 78ob963pvus11.jpg)

File: 3939a501fb06a00⋯.png (329.37 KB, 724x427, 724:427, Jacinda-Ardern.png)


Someone mentioned equine & refined?

230f1b  No.5726769

Anons, not a newbie by any stretch………though I haven't been here as often as I was from November 2017 up to a few months ago.

What is the meaning of the Baker hitting 751? Anyone? I really would like to understand, and the closest I came was the numbering on a bread while people were talking about it.

89867e  No.5726770


Go back to the shallow end of the pool.

4d6b1e  No.5726771

File: 3f31f46d38a8abd⋯.png (50.8 KB, 605x317, 605:317, twitter_com_GeorgePapa19_s….png)


00b6bc  No.5726772


Good call, I stand stupidly corrected, I should have looked closer, my bad, I will slow my roll

108bff  No.5726773


There's nothing ambiguous about what he said. He's saying that the FBI investigation wasopened because Papadopoulos got drunk and ran his mouth. How difficult is that to understand ? I don't know what it is you're trying to say.

acc1a4  No.5726774


Kek. Is death a hedgehog?

c435ee  No.5726775


Maybe you should off then.

57e850  No.5726776



b1960d  No.5726777

File: b6e17d4b3eed515⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 900x506, 450:253, QCrumbsFathersLove.JPG)

File: 0e6fca3e2ab728c⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 530x681, 530:681, QCrumbsFather'sLove.JPG)

File: c3bc62edbad0e79⋯.jpg (497.7 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, QCrumbsSaveOurChildren.jpg)

File: 446d92a21cdda01⋯.jpeg (179.23 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QCrumbsChildrenTimeNow.jpeg)

File: d810f2ebcd98400⋯.jpg (125.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsLifeLibertyChildren.jpg)

0a4191  No.5726778

File: de935e1edbaf726⋯.png (192.09 KB, 350x268, 175:134, ClipboardImage.png)

ee846a  No.5726779


no gunt

9c9a65  No.5726780



and that "this board is under surveillance" copypasta with the heat-vision pisser.

and "anons would you hit it?" slider.

and thunderthighs.

and "Q fizzled bigly"

and "Q needs to get something on the scoreboard".

looks like many shills but mostly all the same pool of "content"

70fc1c  No.5726781


Legs and arms look identical.

4b9d4d  No.5726782

5b56b5  No.5726783

File: 3a1089ff11396d9⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 896x591, 896:591, broke toilet.jpg)

a7a48b  No.5726784

File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 99a112230101161c35c68e61f5….jpg)

File: 5708b76f34cee19⋯.jpg (94.8 KB, 822x562, 411:281, fc871fc1790a8a55fb07346518….jpg)

File: fbca3ec3d4eed4b⋯.png (261.83 KB, 419x610, 419:610, fbca3ec3d4eed4b8001edf21ff….png)

34158a  No.5726785


>>5726771 PapaD to publish emails re: Australian sabotage of Trump and team

5a9cb9  No.5726786


Huh? This isn't a fucking chatroom or spank bank you dumb fuck

c3c874  No.5726787


It's challenging for the baker's "next bread" post to be the last, 751st one in the bread because you never know when another anon will post and take that spot instead of you.

732ec7  No.5726788

File: 74083a4c73dd3f1⋯.jpg (9.73 KB, 255x162, 85:54, Canklestan.jpg)


these are da cankles

2f6f9f  No.5726789


Yep…can't rape the willing…and there is no such thing as rape…a woman can run faster with her dress UP…then a man with his pants DOWN!!!

3fd922  No.5726790

File: f4de87b1df48a9b⋯.jpg (943.77 KB, 864x1244, 216:311, f4de87b1df48a9be7e9eccecc4….jpg)

File: 67620865771e65e⋯.png (240.45 KB, 350x350, 1:1, John McCain 2.png)

e32401  No.5726791

File: bcc83d7e110f290⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 2vgqva_1.jpg)

372f90  No.5726792


is your crush a Realtor? or what?

3f9f65  No.5726793


These are some of the very best redpill memes.

108bff  No.5726794


Oh such a clever comeback. The lengths you will go to to not acknowledge truth or facts is unbelievable. Do you think typing that makes unreality a reality? That it makes lies truth?

b1960d  No.5726795

File: 3e49b7c315003e5⋯.jpg (348.1 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, WithdrewBiasedHumanRightsC….jpg)

File: 82162a9931bbaea⋯.jpg (238.31 KB, 1200x1000, 6:5, Womens-unemployment-rate-T….jpg)

File: 5c7977ab144aa91⋯.jpg (374.67 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, TrumpAccomplishmentsVetera….jpg)

File: 43a47b26dabeeca⋯.jpg (104.32 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, TrumpAccomplishmentsRightT….jpg)

File: 3fa1b6a32e16bc3⋯.jpg (397.84 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, TrumpAccomplishmentsOpioid….jpg)

f1f761  No.5726796


say it with me: australian diplomat = clandestine plant

9df22a  No.5726797

File: f0139e59084aa60⋯.jpeg (184.61 KB, 660x1124, 165:281, ECAF3D36-D10F-472D-B17E-6….jpeg)

b12e3d  No.5726798

File: 73a9799bc86e35e⋯.jpeg (10.48 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ea81ee38f50db207412846056….jpeg)


(((Thats))) (((why))) (((q))) (((said))) (((evil))) (((has))) (((no))) (((boundaries))) (((and))) (((it))) (((isnt))) (((about))) (((religion))) (((or))) (((race))).

c435ee  No.5726799


Then shut up.

43221d  No.5726801


TY BO/BV. Seemed as if that was the case. Besides, poor chick is going to have some real knee problems in the not-so-distant future. Couldn't imagine having to cart her around walmart in one of those people movers. Sad!

2719fe  No.5726802


She's a he ……..

89867e  No.5726803

File: 1045e87bf3215be⋯.jpeg (133.52 KB, 828x914, 414:457, C9D52DAB-5DCA-4644-A382-3….jpeg)

dd496e  No.5726804

File: aaaf4e8eddc4565⋯.jpg (92.13 KB, 1027x615, 1027:615, fargo-movie-58b716d86bdce7….jpg)

f3abcb  No.5726805

File: 6af8a489d940b4c⋯.jpeg (16.03 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 42D93444-741E-4E7A-93AA-6….jpeg)

978836  No.5726806

File: e51266cedf4b234⋯.png (629.46 KB, 583x537, 583:537, 132743089576.png)

57e850  No.5726807

File: 5a02ce940814cac⋯.png (474.55 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I approve.

b1960d  No.5726808

File: 63dcefc73b7b894⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 594x378, 11:7, Memewar1.jpg)

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 930x1060, 93:106, CyberMemeWar.jpg)

File: c7981d4f6a7a1ac⋯.jpeg (361.82 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, MemeWarz1.jpeg)

File: 66643abd956f889⋯.png (168.3 KB, 542x532, 271:266, Memewarfare.png)

File: de6d7bae89f2dc2⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 550x563, 550:563, MemeWarjoin.jpg)

2e832f  No.5726809


The Aussies better clean house drastically. We cannot tolerate a foreign country meddling like this. This is a possible act of war.

e32401  No.5726810

File: 98f1702ba2ab103⋯.png (954.98 KB, 1080x1324, 270:331, Screenshot_20190307-080603….png)


Nope just a lucky Lady.

5a9cb9  No.5726811

File: a74b84a4601a437⋯.jpg (27 KB, 385x385, 1:1, peperetard.jpg)

26eadf  No.5726812

File: 3db29920f2f4c6b⋯.png (719.29 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3C2086E1-48F0-4BB7-9C4B-6A….png)

POTUS if you’re lurking - You’re the greatest. TX loves you!

ANONS did you see this? Q post confirming the 3:15 time on watch as the date date has a time stamp of 15:16 on qanon.pub = 3/16

Is the ‘fun’ officially starting today? I’m on the lookout for a time confirmation in the Q drops. My money’s on Games R fun

3f9f65  No.5726813


Fucking newfags, they are the reason for filtering ID+ exclusively.

7248e7  No.5726815


Those who lift are not intimidated by chicks that lift.

dcda51  No.5726816

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) referred to illegal immigrants as her “constituents” during a Thursday House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing.

Ocasio-Cortez Illegal Aliens Are My Constituents

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXlz6ZM9qpw&feature=youtu.be

1f847f  No.5726817

File: 508da050af13c4f⋯.jpg (425.67 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, tacoma.jpg)


here's my truth bomb. after buying a tacoma, i've forever given up on ford/chevy/dodge. final nail in the coffin was the new chevy blazer. i expect ford will do something similar with the new bronco as well.

cae53a  No.5726818

File: 7a7678403eabcd3⋯.jpg (204.35 KB, 846x678, 141:113, tom-platz-legs.jpg)

df6655  No.5726819

File: ff20a46753f317e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1000x1163, 1000:1163, Oops.png)


>but counter with proper arguments and memes

They'll lose.

ee90ec  No.5726820

File: 610a84d0175039d⋯.jpg (128.65 KB, 738x592, 369:296, pagelawbreaker.jpg)


"Neither ESOC nor the vendor of the application was aware of the existence, origin, or purpose of this database. "

"Page" was surprised.

Thought she was safe.



b1960d  No.5726821

File: f60c64a29243a87⋯.jpg (250.08 KB, 1450x820, 145:82, Jobs Jobs Jobs-TrumpAccomp….jpg)

File: d238f38a4c36c1f⋯.jpg (302.45 KB, 1222x816, 611:408, Equal Justice-TrumpAccompl….jpg)

File: cbc93f82e901399⋯.jpg (197.71 KB, 984x758, 492:379, Delivering-TrumpAccomplish….jpg)

File: b879d7faa72de42⋯.jpg (219.16 KB, 932x1056, 233:264, CEO-in-Chief-TrumpAccompli….jpg)

File: 910895272103c4c⋯.jpg (274.13 KB, 916x1078, 458:539, American Leadership-TrumpA….jpg)

9c9a65  No.5726822


oh, i'm just anon who saved those when published.

i'd have a more recent recap if i could, to show how many of the regular slides are all from the same shill(s) : see >>5726747, >>5726780

2e832f  No.5726823


>say it with me: australian diplomat = clandestine plant

Also a BFF of the Clinton Crime Family.

70fc1c  No.5726824

File: 815784cdd7f05e4⋯.jpg (25.97 KB, 458x233, 458:233, wide-loadjpg[1].jpg)


That lower half has consumed too much bacon.

8698a0  No.5726825

File: e93bd05e6fdaa96⋯.jpg (37.99 KB, 540x405, 4:3, e93bd05e6fdaa96c6effd717d9….jpg)


Your copy pasta is stale faggot. Q already confirmed what Keystone was. My god you faggot clowns don't even care about actually changing opinion… Just mindlessly collecting paychecks for treason. I have invested heavily in rope stocks for when the time comes and the treason and full scope of all the activities against our nation is exposed.

f3abcb  No.5726826


Steroid hobbit chick slide

Fuck off

178896  No.5726827

File: e4ec85c84bc2bb6⋯.jpg (260.22 KB, 932x1056, 233:264, CEO-in-Chief-Trump Accompl….jpg)

In 2017, President Trump eliminated 22 regulations for every new one put in place.

In 2018, the rate dropped to 12 for an average rate of:

17 regulations eliminated for every new regulation put in place


dfc9e1  No.5726829

We're one butthurt away from gore.

230f1b  No.5726830

File: 696764a36349676⋯.jpg (100.19 KB, 898x456, 449:228, 77777trumpwillwin.jpg)


Oh, thanks anon. Totally get it. I just must have missed when it happened. Though it wasn't the last post, my favorite is still the run of "7s with Trump will Win" - thanks for taking the time to tell me. It was gnawing at me for some time now.

acc1a4  No.5726831

File: d4182752bad1e2a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 9879468B-63FC-42CD-BD0C-DD….png)

dd496e  No.5726832

File: 427591d54b3eb83⋯.jpg (154.83 KB, 1895x888, 1895:888, deanphillips.jpg)

e95024  No.5726833

>>5726103 lb

What does this symbol mean?

e32401  No.5726835

File: 1e8cb42b71b7a15⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 500x549, 500:549, 2utjzb_1.jpg)

File: 1421440f5c6161b⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1268, 270:317, Screenshot_20190306-144906….png)

Take your pick…

950740  No.5726837


Senior military officers whose careers survived

the Soetero Regime are cowardly little bitches.

All security clearances granted while the kenyan cocksucker and big mike were occupying the WH are suspect.

c60575  No.5726838

File: c40bba92d97ea67⋯.png (94.7 KB, 412x625, 412:625, 2019-03-16 (7).png)

File: b415b82a3a864f4⋯.png (96.5 KB, 438x644, 219:322, 2019-03-16 (6).png)

File: 730e3a61e43e9d7⋯.png (96.01 KB, 423x632, 423:632, 2019-03-16 (5).png)

File: 6bc28ba9e051e51⋯.png (90.46 KB, 420x601, 420:601, 2019-03-16 (8).png)

Lisa Page day two of testimony.

Mark Meadows questioning her about texts he obtained though a "different source" pgs 98-102

Stu Evan being the go to person for FISA.

6a31ec  No.5726839


>"verified" twatter account is a mark against your credibility

(cough) POTUS (cough)

Get what your saying but let's not make it an absolute.

57e850  No.5726840


Why not publish them NOW???

4426dc  No.5726841

File: 1e02abce37e7f8d⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 480x376, 60:47, JQ_shills9.jpg)

3d5667  No.5726842


Oldfag says, forever is a long time

b12e3d  No.5726843

File: 6fd5d9898433cde⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)



And you have just ip hopped for this bullshit…

Shills have no self dignity these days.

b1960d  No.5726844

File: 4ed44ca65f3c870⋯.jpeg (134.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PoliticalCorrectnessIntel….jpeg)

File: a3412c798e3b2f3⋯.jpg (179.97 KB, 1080x450, 12:5, PoliticalCorrectnessIsInte….jpg)

File: 206bc01182a7fad⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 284x177, 284:177, TrumpLogic.jpg)

File: 6432b5550fbfd4c⋯.jpg (312.5 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Logical-Thinking-1.jpg)

File: 7f7a27179e3e862⋯.jpg (101.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsResignationsUSE_LOG….jpg)

9c9a65  No.5726845


> the retarded fuckheads like you who keep taking the bait and shitting up the bread


edd2b4  No.5726846


An Anon's timeline also off qresear.ch using search phrase "Mikhail Lesin" here:

#398739 at 2018-02-16 20:07:35 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #490: DEEP DIG Edition

Posted this yesterday but might be more interesting today after Russian indictments. Several prominent Russians ended up dead in late 2016 and early 2017

Nov 4 2015 mikhail lesin, a former press minister and ex-head of Gazprom-Media, Russia's largest media holding, was found dead in DC's Dupont Hotel on November 4, 2015. Initial reports claimed that the mass media expert, credited with inspiring the creation of Russia Today (now RT), died of a heart attack. Coroner determine he actually died of injuries from blunt force trauma, which amazingly in Jan 2018 were determined by FBI to be self inflicted


Nov 8 2016 Sergei Krivov, 63, Russian diplomat in New York died on US election day, 8 November. On the morning of US Election Day, Russian diplomat Sergei Krivov, 63, was found lying unconscious on the floor of the Russian Consulate in New York with a head injury. Initial reports said Mr Krivov fell from the roof and had blunt force injuries, but Russian officials quickly changed their story and said he died from a heart attack.

Dec 19 2016 Russia's Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, was assassinated by in Ankara at a photography exhibition.

Dec 19 2016 Russian diplomat, Petr Polshikov, was shot dead in his Moscow apartment

Mr Polshikov served as a senior figure in the Latin American department of the Foreign Ministry


Dec 22 2016 Crowdstrike releases report Ukranian missile evidenced Russian hacking. Ukraine official deny hacking, VOA report March 2017 say report flawed. Russian hacking narrative attributed by electronic software signatures.

Dec 26 2016 Russian ex-KGB chief, Oleg Erovinkin, 61 who was suspected of helping a British spy draft a dossier on Donald Trump, was found dead in the back of his car on boxing day, 26 December.

Media reports soon after his body was found suggested Mr Erovinkin had almost certainly been murdered, but it was later claimed he had died of a heart attack.

Dec 29 2016 Obama ejects Russians from country on allegations of alleged hacking

Jan 9 2017 Russian consul in Athens died on 9 January

The Russian Consul in Athens, Greece, Andrei Malanin, 55, was found dead on the bathroom floor in his apartment by another member of embassy staff after he failed to arrive at work or answer his phone. A Greek police official said there was "no evidence of a break-in" and the death appeared to be from natural causes. Mr Malanin lived alone on a heavily guarded street.

Jan 17 2017 Russia's Ambassador to India on died 27 January.

Russia's Ambassador to India, Alexander Kadakin, 67, died after a "brief illness" according to Indian media, which quoted sources saying he had been unwell for a few weeks. Reuters reports Mr Kadakin died from heart failure, but few further details are known.

FEB 20 2017 Vitaly Churkin, 64 Russian Ambassador to UN died : "Vitaly Churkin, 64, was rushed to hospital from his office at Russia's UN mission on 20 February, after becoming ill without warning on his way in to work. Suspected heart failure. Connections to McCain - solicited campaign donations from him. Died while True Pundit investigating connection. NBC News has framed the death as suspicious


July 20 2017 WSJ Pulitzer prize winning reporter Joseph Rago found dead in his NYC apartment. Rago's rise to journalistic stardom was relatively quick. He won a Pulitzer Prize before the age of 30 with his well-researched criticisms of Obamacare in 2011. Investigated Hillary Clinton's links to the 2014 sale of Veropharm (one of Russia's largest medical companies) to the American medical giant Abbott Laboratories., which happened after Obama sanctioned Russia. Discovered dead in his apartment just hours before scheduled meeting with another WSJ reporter.

0b790b  No.5726847

Hi anons.

I believe I was abducted in 2014, I got this exact same (PIC 1 NOT MY PICTURE, but same shape) pattern in both of my hands (PIC 2 shittily made in GIMP just to illustrate), and it was as if the dots were "pressed" against my skin, you know like when you're holding/pressing onto something or laying over something and you get the same pattern of the surface "indented" in your skin. and that kind of markings usually disappear in a couple minutes. Mines lasted like for 3-4 fucking days.

Story goes like this: I remember that night I had a dream about sliding down a gigantic metal slide with several bifurcations. I woke up and went to my usual working out routine and suddenly I got all dizzy. Went to a friend's restaurant and grabbed some sweet juice to get better, got nausea, and when I was in the restroom washing my hands that's when I noticed the fucking marks. I panicked and got all paranoid and told my dad only (and a close friend in that year). I got some xrays of both of my hands cause I feared I had an implant or something. Nothing was found.

So, I don't know if I was abducted but that's what it seems like isn't it, woke up with unexplainable "pressed" red marks that don't go away in several days, there was NO SURFACE with that pattern I was in contact with at that time (or at any point in my life that I recall).

I believe I've been messed up with by external entities, not saying aliens, I really DON'T KNOW what the fuck happened to me. My mom has been having also ET and UFO experiences through all her life also, I don't know if we are targets, experiments, fucking cattle, I don't know, my life is fucking full of emotional issues, I'm dealing with pain and the shit and whatnot… feel like I've been lead astray.

just as a side note, curiously, I remember that, at that approximate time I was reading a Donald Trump book and several times when reading it, I felt like I was supposed to be reading it, I actually had this gut feeling that he was going to run for president, I just "knew" he was going to do it, I've experienced so many fucking "coincidences" or synchronicities or whatever the fuck they are, I believe I was supposed to be helping here but something went WRONG or something like that.

I know this is not the right venue but this is the closest I have to "someone who will understand and maybe give me some hints on what to do" I'm probably doxxing myself out with this story but what the fuck, I don't give a shit at this point, I'm a complete life fuck up, I'm desperate and need answers.

Q, NSA, white hats, Autists, whoever can share any piece of useful advice will be appreciated, sorry for wasting this precious piece of bread, didn't mean to distract, I respect this place. I just want to understand why am I going through everything I've been going in my life, get my life back on track and HELP others. I want to help here. I hope it's not too late. I want answers and fix myself so I can help others.

Thank you in advance if you can share anything.

Thank you all of you who are making this world a better place. Blessings.

7d004d  No.5726848


What an ass!!!! What an ass!!!

c60575  No.5726849

File: 75715699e465000⋯.png (102.56 KB, 429x651, 143:217, 2019-03-16 (9).png)

61022c  No.5726850


What exactly did he call you before he said that?

President of Cell Block C, AOC will not be arresting anybody.

5d20ff  No.5726851

Is Donald Trump a Jesuit?

ac6adc  No.5726853


He will be dead before they are all published.

5e8042  No.5726854


She'd break your dick Dennis Rodman style.

0b790b  No.5726855

File: bb7738390f34c71⋯.png (419.15 KB, 480x600, 4:5, Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at ….png)

File: 6d2307d2d0e30aa⋯.png (277.44 KB, 794x815, 794:815, shittyimg.png)


I fucking forgot pics

c7ebc6  No.5726856

File: 8702f57c2b438e0⋯.png (53.45 KB, 698x492, 349:246, Screenshot_2019-03-17 Geor….png)



acc1a4  No.5726857

File: ada73fdb1b63ceb⋯.png (2.68 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7580AC16-F5AE-4997-9B82-7A….png)



Say it isn’t so.

f3abcb  No.5726858


Got a Tundra. Feel the same way. Would have got a Tacoma but too tall to fit.

ae3aed  No.5726860

File: 3e222ed99548398⋯.jpg (381.85 KB, 1180x2217, 1180:2217, palomino.jpg)


Actually I don't know; see the filename – trip through northern AZ, went on an hour ride around what used to be a lake but the DS blew a hole under it and it dried up – so said the locals.

But yeah, welsh or some other riding pony. Spry, well built for the arid climb through the shrubs.

43221d  No.5726861

File: 31ede09fb33791a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 498x276, 83:46, 31ede09fb33791ade130991397….gif)


Astute! Although, I'll admit I saved the sneezing piss farter because that is actually some funny shit.

b6acc5  No.5726862

File: ac4ceff0ba48ec0⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB, 798x515, 798:515, EEA1362F-510B-478F-A69D-A….jpeg)

File: 2e7df2a91ae39ff⋯.jpeg (84.78 KB, 812x464, 7:4, A1019796-86B4-49F6-8B13-0….jpeg)

00b6bc  No.5726863





I will laugh till tomorrow on this one

6f7464  No.5726864


Always glad to hear good news and learn about how prayers were answered. Peace to you and your daughter, Anon.

13716f  No.5726865


i think it goes interracial porn, then gore

70fc1c  No.5726866


Nice for a tranny.

6b3ed2  No.5726867

A long time ago people looked up at the sky and saw a giant bulls head taking up a 3rd of the sky. This is how Baal worship started. This thing became God when it flipped the poles and set half the world on fire. Devil horns.

In reality it was the passing of the red kachina. It has a debris field around it so in the sky it looks like it has wings or horns.

The "Devil" is a celestial body.

f0c586  No.5726868


The comments are very encouraging. Twitterfags are not letting this hack get away with his lies. They no longer control the narrative.

0a03e9  No.5726869


I am Jewish. completely believe in and support Q.


d88503  No.5726870

File: 1f62eab7f67d4f7⋯.jpeg (22.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepebusdriver.jpeg)

Anons lawfag here with some info on habbenings - i litigated civil cases for 25 years and found that the hardest cases to win always involved a STATE entity - most of mine were in the land use field but when the STATE or COUNTY or CITY attorney entered the case it was virutally over - the judges would RARELY cross any of them

so it was no surprise when i came across this amazing fact: the largest litigators in the US Federal Circuit Court system are the 50 States and 6 Territories - rolling over WE THE PEOPLE in the rigged system and getting corrupt legal shade for all their fuckery.

OH and BTW such cases are overseen, directed and managed by the (DS) National Association of Attorneys General—which is an organization of 56 State and territorial attorneys general in the United States.

Dont think POTUS knows it all? think again - last year POTUS summoned the National Association of Attorneys General and together with all the new pro-Trump US Federal Court judges - brought legal firepower to bear on the opioid peddler Purdue Pharma—and that this past week, resulted in Purdue Pharma having to declare it was nearing bankruptcy.

NOW POTUS is taking aim at high tech using the same tactical nukes: He just got done with another meeting:

For Immediate Release: March 5, 2019

Contact: Allison Gilmore | 202-326-6047 | agilmore@naag.org

Twitter: @NatlAssnAttysGn

Washington, D.C. — Late yesterday, a bipartisan group of attorneys general from 38 states and territories met with President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and U.S. Attorney General William Barr. The meeting focused heavily on the opioid epidemic, human trafficking, and criminal justice reform.

YUP read that part was just BRAGGING about the scalps they got - but also in this meeting POTUS organized the target of the NEXT ASSAULT: HERE IS THE HEADLINE ANONS:

Facebook, Google and other big tech giants are about to face a 'reckoning,' state attorneys general warn

Tony Romm, The Washington Post Published 8:40 am CDT, Friday, March 15, 2019

class actions can be very effective indeed



ee846a  No.5726871



b12e3d  No.5726872

File: 36fdbd851574c6d⋯.png (239.03 KB, 683x313, 683:313, 007616272c312c130de55e4e25….png)

230f1b  No.5726873

99e5bf  No.5726874

>>5692088 (PB)

10,000 troops in the UK provide plenty of opportunity – tied to Brexit vote. What MULTIPLE purposes could be accomplished?

b6acc5  No.5726875



e29678  No.5726876

File: 5dae265407e96af⋯.png (808.24 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, HAND.png)

Beto throws down Satanic "666" Hand Symbol in show of solidarity with New Zealand Shooter?

7248e7  No.5726877


Tlaib is so ugly that if she gave you a blow job, it would count as anal.

fff4a4  No.5726878


>>5726363, >>5726524 Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck

>>5726606 China delegation to ‘visit Argentina to discuss N-deal

>>5726678 WSJ snippet of the 8chan description. Why shills shill in a nutshell.

>>5726671, >>5726642 Papa D illuminates

>>5726646 DOJ agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to CF email (true pundit)

>>5726827 Eliminating Regulations 17:1

4f83f9  No.5726879


tits or gtfo.

732ec7  No.5726880

File: abe680e2e7abceb⋯.png (415.49 KB, 372x427, 372:427, self lynching.PNG)


you know as soon as you ask for it 10 min later it will arrive.

e6229b  No.5726881

File: c100fdccbde456f⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 390x200, 39:20, godzilla.jpg)



A pic is worth a 100 words.

70fc1c  No.5726882


I don't care for either man.

72ab2c  No.5726883

File: 1d3898c12eb452c⋯.jpg (92.63 KB, 500x369, 500:369, 9afb373c0e8e22c4b3351f3986….jpg)

6a31ec  No.5726884

File: 96e631801a25cf6⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 610x302, 305:151, PopoDelay.JPG)



Sadly, Popo has a history of doing (see image)

cae53a  No.5726885


That's One Down

A Million to Go!

f3abcb  No.5726886

File: 8af60fd7ce91d97⋯.jpeg (68.87 KB, 884x960, 221:240, E660BB4D-61C5-4C70-B4C6-B….jpeg)

71d655  No.5726887


What does this have to do with anything?

b6acc5  No.5726888



8a7051  No.5726889


Spider bite.

My fren got one.

swelled up real good.

you should keep an eye on it so it don't spread.

ee846a  No.5726890

File: f6d5b88f85466d1⋯.jpg (648.48 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, rodman and staff.jpg)

44b604  No.5726891

File: 39ccb659da4d33d⋯.jpg (200.39 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Q.jpg)

6014c4  No.5726892

i see what u did thar


9c9a65  No.5726893


Trudat, worth a good kek when i finally gave it a click sometime.

But the copypost almost always gets at least a few replies, usually the same lame "funny" replies - but the answers to "would you hit it" are even more annying and not-as-clever-as-they-think-they-are

fff4a4  No.5726894

File: 5975fadfd8c2c8d⋯.jpg (336.85 KB, 1750x1742, 875:871, Hillary-Rodham-Clinton-6.jpg)

89440b  No.5726895


sneezing, peeing, and farting at the same time must feel so good. i'm not sure if i've ever experienced that

acc1a4  No.5726896

File: 37eb75fb0361a37⋯.png (3.39 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 70D4E47C-3FEC-4AF5-B6F4-1D….png)


Looks like she could kick the crap outta Supergirl.


b62f4c  No.5726897

File: 4b634df72e27302⋯.png (885.85 KB, 591x840, 197:280, rabbiclown.png)


Clowns ARE funny.

c7ebc6  No.5726898

File: 28e599ca8bb06be⋯.jpg (478.23 KB, 1440x2640, 6:11, 28e599ca8bb06bed5b65a45699….jpg)

b6acc5  No.5726899

File: b71e24b445a2bc9⋯.jpeg (128.81 KB, 916x698, 458:349, 06926993-1135-4454-9FA9-9….jpeg)


personal fav

f3abcb  No.5726900


You still gotta go. Just to be sure.

13716f  No.5726901

File: 3007cbf4b2b5c81⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 651x429, 217:143, popcorn3.gif)

e32401  No.5726902

File: ad8079e09c40734⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1335, 72:89, Screenshot_20190305-123927….png)

36daff  No.5726903


I knew it. Australian collusion.

512198  No.5726904

File: 85b4e1c9a96fe11⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x225, 17:15, WTF Pepe.jpg)

0a03e9  No.5726905


what is the fascination with this girl? is op her dad, boyfriend, manager? what?

533938  No.5726906

File: 57d10d3773f4d7a⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 355x198, 355:198, 315pNxu7KhL._SX355_.jpg)


What pattern were the pressed dots in? Similar to pic?

59559d  No.5726907

ee90ec  No.5726908

File: b5dc4d495e70311⋯.jpg (193.5 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, stainmegpepe2R.jpg)


With the official red box chart form.


4426dc  No.5726909

File: d77d4611d778a15⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 800x608, 25:19, MuuuhJooos.jpg)

d88503  No.5726910


yeah get on with it

if this was posted on the board would anons care? no nit until we seez it

or can this guy get a hannity pass too cuz we know who he is?

f0c586  No.5726911


Unfortunately, PapaD learned how to hype from Glen Beck. Never delivers.

fb5897  No.5726912


>I believe I was abducted in 2014

Anon, look into having a HTTQ session, it may help give you some clarity.

1fe2e2  No.5726913

This exactly why the left are so blind:

I texted my brother - a hardcore Dem - the Robert Francis O'Rourke poem enactment of "Wax My Ass."


He refused to watch it.

When the Trump tape came out before the election, I watched it. I wanted to know all sides so I could speak from a place of knowledge, rather than ignorance. The left will never know or even believe the horrors of HC BO NoName and on and on. They refuse to look, they refuse to listen. When coworkers knew nothing of the abortion laws/infanticide laws, it showed how blind they are to what their party is doing, but can go on ad infinitim about BLM yet not know why cops were cleared in many cases.

They will never look at our memes. Our memes are great for solidifying our base.

You need to fight it subliminally. A nice picture of Alex Cortez with subliminals embedded such as liar, puppet, corrupt, etc. Then post the lovely pic in comments of every tweet she makes so they stare at, see it as they scroll.

Comments welcome. If I had photoshop I'd do some. I may try in some other program.

5a9cb9  No.5726914


It's called a slide, newfag….a very effective one

71d655  No.5726915


This is old news, and doesn't really have anything to do with Q research. Methinks you are a shill.

5866a4  No.5726916


I agree. The thing that really clued me into Q being real was the riots . . . that never happened.

In late Oct, early Nov 2017 here in my rural, conservative town, anti-posters started popping up all over place advertising the "resist" riots scheduled to start November 20th.

There's no way on earth those slick, expensive posters popped up organically. Someone was paid to put them here.

The Saudi prince got arrested, more or less as forecast by Q, and the riots never took place.

My brother happened to be in Los Angeles at the center of the planned demonstration. He said there were a few people. That looked organic.

News reports showed photos of truck loads of signs for the anticipated protesters to carry . . . but no one showed up to carry them.

From my perspective, someone way paying to organize riots. Someone (Q team) did something to someone behind the scenes and the money for the protesters never showed up, so only a few interested locals did.

128f33  No.5726917


Next time Robert is gonna sport the "devil's sign" – he's gonna be the hero of those "rebel" millenial libtard voters.

ac983d  No.5726918

File: 781b7e221974828⋯.png (472.62 KB, 640x839, 640:839, ClipboardImage.png)

Mitt says we need to "pressure certain countries to allow U.S. parents to adopt children in need."

Hillbags, is that you?

732ec7  No.5726919



talk to the one's who are asking for the spam that is directed at them.

c89328  No.5726920


I know people that are scared of Organic food.

2719fe  No.5726921


is Muhdick shill…

a6a633  No.5726922


All votes from California should be discounted due to extreme fuckery.

e6229b  No.5726923


It is a faggot shill like the dead gay tranny slide. Shes pretty.

4cdd16  No.5726924

Best answer——→ >>5726914

0a03e9  No.5726925


somehow. lo iq crowd.

b62f4c  No.5726926


Fuck off, Mossad shit.

So proud of what your buddies did, aren't you.


26eadf  No.5726927


==NOTABLE== State Attorneys *always win* Targeting Big Tech

950740  No.5726928


Adm. Rickover had a big impact on my life.

My life is over because of you corrupt fucks.

72eb71  No.5726929


LMAO! thanks alex

dd496e  No.5726930

File: 789ad77e947b8ac⋯.gif (119.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ufo.gif)


yes..that is newer version

of implantation device…

f1f761  No.5726931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nightgown of the Sullen Moon

They Might Be Giants

Fell in the door

And you fell on the floor

With your hand on the knob

Looking up and abruptly

Forget what you're thinking

Fire alarms go off in your head

You live

In the nightgown of the sullen moon

How the windows lean into the room

In the nightgown of the sullen moon

Drug trip, it's not a drug trip so you feel a bit insulted

Space walk, it's like a space walk with the corresponding weight loss

And you're nothing but air, with your hand in the air

And your shoelaces tied up together with care

There's a feeling of boredom

Of the big whoredom

Following dressing up

In the nightgown of the sullen moon

How the windows lean into the room

In the nightgown of the sullen moon

In the nightgown of the sullen moon

How the windows lean into the room

In the nightgown of the sullen moon

Your head is on the moon

It's not necessary to breathe

Forever is a long time

Your head is on the moon

It's not necessary to breathe

Forever is a long time

Your head is on the moon

Your head is on the moon

236eea  No.5726932



Lawfag on ]STATE[ vs DS assholes.

9e1af2  No.5726933


All things considered, that ain't a bad way to go.

ca9105  No.5726934


Yes, something like that would do it.

4cdd16  No.5726935


Whole lotta 14s going on this week…

57e850  No.5726936


This is when POTUS's limo burped an exhaust cloud all over Macaroon and his old lady.

I've looked for the video and can't find it anywhere.

758d29  No.5726939

File: b8aa88807419129⋯.jpg (72.07 KB, 652x960, 163:240, Octopussy.jpg)

On this night, I pray, I pray for All of you Anons and Patriots wherever they may be. On this night, I pray, "Peace, Strength, Unity" Where we go One, We go all." I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your service. Many blessings.

70fc1c  No.5726940


"I know people that are scared of Organic food."

It's great except for the worms… and bugs.. and disease.. and E Coli.

f3abcb  No.5726941

File: ff6ed42cf835201⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 1BDE4192-4F3C-48C0-A154-7….jpeg)

5866a4  No.5726942


Typo "antifa posters," not "anti-posters."


61022c  No.5726943


These responses read as though y'all are unaware of how DEEP the Aussies where in with their pay to play with the Clinton Foundation.

This was dug MUCH earlier on, and was massive in the dollar amounts paid. No surprise that this has come back to bite them.

Searching old threads should yield quite a bit they would prefer not be revealed.

a7a48b  No.5726944


best reply for many breads, triple kek

8a7051  No.5726945


Anon, go to MUFON.

They will get you in touch with the MUFON director in your area.

Speak to them.

They will listen.

I know, I've talked to them.

I have a mark on my side, and they gave me information to see a hypnotist/therapist.

I never went…I guess I am just ok in believing my experience was just a dream.

MUFON…that's my recommendation.


e79c29  No.5726946

File: 846c45b1b9354ae⋯.png (728.99 KB, 730x482, 365:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3780f7a28e40edd⋯.png (59.53 KB, 782x839, 782:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a32a79a3741ea9⋯.png (56.93 KB, 765x847, 765:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d472967c99c6e1d⋯.png (340.29 KB, 773x635, 773:635, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican next year to open archives on wartime Pius XII

VATICAN CITY — Declaring that the church "isn't afraid of history," Pope Francis said Monday he has decided to open up the Vatican archives on World War II-era Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized by Jews of staying silent on the Holocaust and not doing enough to save lives. Describing that criticism as fruit of "some prejudice or exaggeration," Francis told officials and personnel of the Vatican Secret Archives that the documentation would be open to researchers starting March 2, 2020.

The move could speed up Pius' path to possible sainthood, a complex process that in Pius' case bore the weight of questions of what he knew and did about Nazi Germany's systematic killing of Europe's Jews. Pius was elected pope on March 2, 1939, six months before World War II erupted in Europe. He died on Oct. 9, 1958, at the Vatican summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome. The Vatican usually waits 70 years after the end of a pontificate to open up the relevant archives. But the Holy See has been under pressure to make the Pius XII documentation available sooner and while Holocaust survivors are still alive. "The church isn't afraid of history," Francis told the archive staff. He said the Pius papacy included "moments of grave difficulties, tormented decisions of human and Christian prudence, that to some could appear as reticence." Instead, Francis said, they could be seen as attempts "to keep lit, in the darkest and cruelest periods, the flame of humanitarian initiatives, of hidden but active diplomacy" aimed at possibly "opening hearts."


2f6f9f  No.5726947


Where do you think you are Facebook.

This is a Research page…only research…

No pony rides allowed!!! git along little doggy!!! yeehaw!!! gitty yup!!!

3f4913  No.5726948


Lyor Cohen

e32401  No.5726949

File: 1627559007101da⋯.jpg (101.27 KB, 500x657, 500:657, 2w19cc_1.jpg)

File: 784d57b9747c8b3⋯.png (695.94 KB, 984x1049, 984:1049, Screenshot_20190309-130259….png)



Gaylord you got mental health issues.

5e8042  No.5726950


Going to slide right into that Dennis Rodman style… and break YOUR DICK!

b6acc5  No.5726951

File: 13090d296bc758c⋯.jpeg (147.13 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 72E2E8B3-036C-4701-9930-8….jpeg)

File: 82b9b72b22f64f8⋯.jpeg (190.46 KB, 704x1278, 352:639, 3246A3C0-F3E1-4D92-A6C9-5….jpeg)



17d664  No.5726952

Muh jews muh russians i am 3 yrs old I peed my my pants muh jews

7cdb91  No.5726953


ChristChurch Mosque…anyone get the weirdness of that?

4426dc  No.5726954

File: 41cdf284b141f57⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 400x317, 400:317, Symbolism.jpg)

File: 21d8a943dbd3610⋯.jpeg (10.55 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Divide_Rule.jpeg)

File: 0dee60597affdc8⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 255x229, 255:229, 8168cc5e42a124d613a2c30b2b….jpg)

File: 506e1e7236e5de2⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x307, 460:307, order3.jpg)

542fe6  No.5726955

File: 3af7e9ab7c5fd7e⋯.png (56.98 KB, 660x351, 220:117, 660px-Schrodingers_cat.svg.png)


I know people who are afraid of people who are afraid of organic food.

fb5897  No.5726956


>My life is over because of you corrupt fucks.

Wow, who knew they had computers in the hereafter?

1f847f  No.5726957


whom'st've that bruce jenner?

17d664  No.5726958

Muh jews i am a nazi ..Muh jews

0a03e9  No.5726959



a9ec4b  No.5726960


Salmon yella

4426dc  No.5726961

File: 81ed0c160ac254f⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 300x420, 5:7, dukeofkent.jpg)

File: aebd64e288f9baa⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 500x373, 500:373, mason04.jpg)

File: fb54d7df3ad935c⋯.jpg (48.07 KB, 644x415, 644:415, mason06.jpg)

File: d49dd3131ff2514⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 629x346, 629:346, mason08.jpg)

8f4a4b  No.5726962

File: 53192ebfcef5001⋯.jpeg (3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 3F82F4AA-9A92-48D3-95BB-1….jpeg)

File: 35837af93a947a0⋯.jpeg (3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E49E4497-E44D-4B20-93FD-8….jpeg)

File: 53192ebfcef5001⋯.jpeg (3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6EB16448-3436-49FE-AB64-C….jpeg)

I love the movie Hackers and was drawn to rewatching it since Q mentioned it in an earlier post. While rewatching I caught a scene in the bathroom with a giant blue “Q” written on a dispenser.

I wonder if that was an intentional plant.

Anyhow, thought it was neat. God bless everyone, this is beyond fun!

ee846a  No.5726963

File: bf515c9f6c13fc1⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 500x299, 500:299, weird wanks.jpg)


hornyfags or slides +lurid baker tributes

not entirly helpful NAY (attention horseanons jk) damaging

when red-pilling American females

boneranons shatter board's cred as much as nything


b84975  No.5726964

File: d021abb4a45f828⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 684x857, 684:857, FNCcavesToLeft.JPG)

FNC caving to Leftist Pressures.


5866a4  No.5726965


The only reason organic food is as bug free as it is is because organic farms are surrounded by farms using pesticides.

b6acc5  No.5726966





Message Received.

e5a91a  No.5726967

File: 3040e51ab107ef7⋯.jpg (144.39 KB, 700x602, 50:43, what if.jpg)

b14106  No.5726968


I believe you. I've had my own experiences. Biggest takeaway from me? Don't fear. They're not trying to hurt us. Again, that's MY opinion.

7c99cf  No.5726969

File: eed5417f6827630⋯.jpg (3.91 MB, 3530x2364, 1765:1182, -3.jpg)

2e832f  No.5726970

File: 45ab7e354e70372⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1248x1222, 48:47, ClipboardImage.png)

First - I call BS. Second, if true he failed miserably.

I suspect this guy was a radicalized muslim who did not like the muslim sect he attacked. Just a theory.

"Accused New Zealand mosque shooter claimed he used guns to provoke a race war in US"


758d29  No.5726971


Octopussy fren

4426dc  No.5726972

File: 34361e0ff89bdbc⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 438x225, 146:75, 33mason_albert_pike_lucife….jpg)

File: 04eaf41ddafc80b⋯.jpeg (64.69 KB, 500x380, 25:19, evil_vatican.jpeg)

File: ca7133bc50ad8fc⋯.jpg (98.04 KB, 750x908, 375:454, JFK.jpg)

File: 8e2b45a4da51cbe⋯.png (24.19 KB, 438x311, 438:311, MakeItRAIN.png)

f3abcb  No.5726973

File: 75be83c382109ae⋯.jpeg (31.33 KB, 300x300, 1:1, B756F637-1357-47BE-873E-E….jpeg)


Shut ur filthy mouth.

873ad3  No.5726974




9c9a65  No.5726975


>From my perspective, someone way paying to organize riots.


Massive astroturf, and the most fascinating part was that on both sides, people noticed, were aware and cautious: i saw reports of conservatives worried about the riots making them look bad, and i saw lefties - far lefties, even - worried about the riots making them look bad.

Turns out the blatant astroturfing was all part of the plan - disinfo necessary.

Frustating a bit, maybe, but not that hard to understand and overcome

401f3d  No.5726976

File: 62284e8c5ca6c78⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 544x458, 272:229, 2w835l.jpg)

34158a  No.5726977


Imagine that conversation between POTUS and the driver.

"All secure, sir?"

"Yes indeed. Roll coal."

"?? Sir?"

"Do you know how to roll coal?"

"Yes sir."

"Can it be done in this car?"

"Yes sir."

Do you see the French PM behind us?"

"Yes sir."

"Roll coal."

"Yes sir!"

"Thank you."

8f4a4b  No.5726978


Noteable baker?

77bda7  No.5726979


Sorry what is lb/pb?

I'm busy throughout the day and miss a lot

17d664  No.5726980

Muh jews..Nazi trained the Arabs during WW2..Muh jews

dd496e  No.5726981

File: a2535709c596437⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 638x479, 638:479, um-dia-no-parque-fica-a-di….jpg)

0a03e9  No.5726982

70fc1c  No.5726983


Omar the Tentmaker supplies the material for her clothes in bulk.

That's more than Plus Size.

e79c29  No.5726984


>What does this have to do with anything?

How about the sexual abuse of minor's, little boys..it's all there you just have to read!

c89328  No.5726985


What a load of horse shit.

8a7051  No.5726986

File: 9eb05297485fd89⋯.png (655.35 KB, 520x573, 520:573, Screenshot_17.png)

2111b7  No.5726987


only some time ago, A Mossad Ring was found out in Christchurch. There's a meme of it floating around on 8Chan.

I forgot to save a copy of it

e32401  No.5726988

File: e90594ab69ea00b⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 2w799p_1.jpg)

File: e63ffbdbc76fc72⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 715x467, 715:467, 2w73lx_1.jpg)

File: 65ca74efd69bb39⋯.jpg (47.41 KB, 471x417, 157:139, 2usft0_1_1.jpg)

c10856  No.5726989


Q, doesn't mention who "they" is. In Mass Effect (video game), commander Shepard successfully united everyone because everyone knew their "real enemy". The reapers. In this case Q isn't even willing to tell who "they" is. Shepard never hid the fact who their enemy was, people simply did not believe him initially. He told everyone from the beginning.

ee90ec  No.5726990


good post.

Lots of their plans fizzled, but since they never happened, one would never know it.

2be9fc  No.5726991

File: 66bf070146d8f4e⋯.jpg (103.05 KB, 875x583, 875:583, k66735.726cd154854.origina….jpg)

Boeing Unveils World's Largest Aircraft 777X at Low-Key Event Post Ethiopian Airlines Crash

Boeing earlier announced plans to postpone promotional activities and announcements about their 777X aircraft in light of the Ethiopian Airlines crash.


17d664  No.5726992

Muh jew I am 3 yrs old muh jews

a30dd3  No.5726993

File: 68c78d4d952deb0⋯.png (206.36 KB, 360x415, 72:83, bossmanincharge.png)

File: 502394ea6eda4a3⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 474x522, 79:87, drain_jews.jpg)

c77e17  No.5726994


Because that's how Liars operate. They say something is going to happen very soon over the next couple weeks. He's going to claim to have proof that Trump is being framed in order to get everybody talking about how Trump was framed. Because some people will accept it as fact just by him saying that… and then he won't ever get around to publishing anything because you will have already etched it into your head as fact. Or if he publishes anything it won't prove shit. It's called muddying the waters. You throw as much manure out there as possible so people don't know what to believe or what not to believe. That is how this regime has operated since day one.

bfe3e6  No.5726995


Fuck Ihan Omar, kthx

57e850  No.5726996


You don't need photoshop. Just go here.


59559d  No.5726997


Not to mention how tied in the NZ government is too. The Aussis & Kiwis have awakened for sure. They will take back their countries.

World-wide Deep State is cracking like an EGG. Humpty Dumpty is REAL.

70fc1c  No.5726998

3d5667  No.5726999


And don't forget Clinton's home in NZ that was dug on. It was directly adjacent to…something…can't remember now but highly significant.

f3abcb  No.5727000


If ya got an extra minute, pray for hangings and firing squads

a30dd3  No.5727001

File: ecfe0bc10935511⋯.jpg (458.43 KB, 800x678, 400:339, giddy_up.jpg)

b62551  No.5727002

File: a81ec2d6a4ce155⋯.png (112.04 KB, 280x349, 280:349, PepeGifts.png)

f0c586  No.5727003


How about you worry about American kids, faggot.

401f3d  No.5727004


Hello Muh Dick shill

4426dc  No.5727005

File: 0bf1b591d5f985d⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 620x784, 155:196, JQ_shills4.jpg)

cae53a  No.5727006

File: 7640b9cded58122⋯.jpg (111.32 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 90.jpg)


How Many Has Mitt Adopted?

17d664  No.5727007


my tire is flat Muh jew Muh Jew

6a31ec  No.5727008


Thanks for defending the memory of our patron Sainte, anon.

fb5897  No.5727009





f06bb7  No.5727010

If you knew just a fraction of the hidden knowledge, you'd all kill yourselves out of an inability to cope with the realities of this world and how it really works

Thats why you have to follow Q. Q's the only way they could figure out how to ease a mass population into the truth, and believe me, they've had more time than you could ever have to look for a different way. it always comes back to Q, in every variation of events. Q is the only way they could introduce the information into a population wwithout them immediately rejecting the entire world an non-existent

ae3aed  No.5727011

File: 31c3a789a61644a⋯.jpg (380.12 KB, 1513x1529, 1513:1529, High-withered-Horse.jpg)


I guess I should get off my high (withers) horse and contribute – yes, I'll agree with the rest this observation is notable.

0bffcf  No.5727012


I agree, it is a giant slide.

e79c29  No.5727013


No this just happened…..wonder what you are afraid of here… Try again here's the date Nation | Mar. 16, 2019

a30dd3  No.5727014

File: e8ff10bddfeabc2⋯.jpg (171.24 KB, 612x459, 4:3, damn_it_pay_attention.jpg)

File: fb1532a778083de⋯.jpg (154.85 KB, 610x408, 305:204, damn_its_them_too.jpg)


>my tire is flat Muh jew Muh Jew

9e1af2  No.5727015


Protesting's a bitch when the buses don't run on time…

372f90  No.5727016


The Percheron blew my doors off, thought they were extinct here

0b790b  No.5727017



hahah well at least you made me laugh


>yes, diamond shaped, exactly like that 3x3 grid, red colored

hahahah muthafucka I was about to seriously answer you, didn't see your pic. kekked.


thanks, I don't know if we have that in my country, but will look for it. I believe it's QHHT, isn't it?


I'll ask just because I'm a paranoid motherfucker.. aren't those MUFON more cabal fuckery? are they "trustable"?


thanks for the kind words m8.

e79c29  No.5727018

c89328  No.5727019


Bring it on, nigger!

70fc1c  No.5727020


Mitt is OK with murdering black babies via late term abortion. Shutup Mitt.

17d664  No.5727021

I'm a baby ..Muh jews Muh jews

02c0fb  No.5727022


They doing a sequel to precious?

f3abcb  No.5727023


No problem

She fought for the first amendment

The hard way

3bd69a  No.5727024

File: fb74d18734a4dd4⋯.png (175.73 KB, 749x1016, 749:1016, timeline.72.manandwomanfro….png)

File: e9ff9d6e80b1b19⋯.png (175.28 KB, 796x933, 796:933, timeline.64.2arrestedatcor….png)

File: b30122a2ace91a9⋯.png (506.8 KB, 795x549, 265:183, survivorsinalleywherecarwa….png)

File: 046a9483b4c4835⋯.png (3.95 MB, 1699x939, 1699:939, estimatedroute.png)

File: 89879805de139b8⋯.png (5.5 MB, 1699x1456, 1699:1456, EstimatedRouteNZ.png)

Map of NZ shooter.

Red: enroute. Starts approx 2pm-2:02pm local time.

First news report 2:11pm local time. Police est call at 2:07-2:09. Est time to catch 36 min. Est time suspect arrested - 2:42-2:51pm.

6 min mark leaves car and enters Mosque property.

Assume police start response at 2:08-2:10pm. Unusual so response would have been active vehicles and undercovers followed by every single able body with a weapon at the stations (not mapped if anyone wants to update map)

Green:12min 30 sec. Takes left and proceeds north. Shoots out window at woman in car.

14min. honks at people crossing st.

16:55. end of green arrow. Appears to be turning right - position of hand on wheel, and in right turn lane.

Yellow is estimated path. 4 min drive?

Articles say 10 killed at Linwood Mosque.

Perp dropped weapon and ran, Attendee picked up and chased him to car and beat on back window as he sped away.

Purple. Estimate route to capture via ramming off road and arrest by 2 of Christchurch's finest.

Police report sd:36 min from time of call.

Assuming call was made within 2-3 min of shooting (reports indicate first call was made almost right away).

7 min police estimate for time to travel to Linwood mosque, perhaps 6 given speed of vehicle in video and not stopping to long at any lights.

Timeline now at approx 2:21/2:23 pm local time.

Linwood Mosque attack: 2:21-2:27or2:30 approx.

Reports say perp did not enter bldg.

Estimate there for less than 10 min. First attack was 11 min, so 2nd est to 6-10min.

Purple arrow: Est using largest thoroughfares. 12-20 min is a very long time to drive around for such a short distance, so it's very possible perp could have been taking side roads during this period.

See map:

Vehicle disabled and perp taken down at aprox 2:42-2:51pm

So there you have it.

The High School was the other location that had a massive police presence, but apparently the people arrested there have been released with one being charged for having a weapon.

Pic related.

57e850  No.5727025

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 248x189, 248:189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg)

4426dc  No.5727026


Global Elite.


















a6a197  No.5727027



59559d  No.5727028


Nope, anon never going to do that. Anon going to pray: Thy WILL be done.

acc1a4  No.5727029

File: 8848b0ac90e059a⋯.png (4.22 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DDCB328F-D497-4F89-A32E-64….png)

File: 727f4588e26d167⋯.png (534.53 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EE211E19-6B86-4EE8-AC17-80….png)

Shadilay Saturday!

e32401  No.5727030

File: 6f32a07fdb0dde6⋯.jpg (70.67 KB, 500x585, 100:117, 2vxnz2_1_1.jpg)

File: e2c49c3f5927df8⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 2vy0yv_1.jpg)

17d664  No.5727031

The sun came up today..Muh jews muh jews

512198  No.5727032


>Facebook, Google and other big tech giants are about to face a 'reckoning,' state attorneys general warn

Teacher fag here. I sure hope you are right bc in the interim Google is taking over our schools via muh Chromebooks @ a mere $250 per kid. Muh Google Classroom is all the rage.

7cdb91  No.5727033


try me. we are stronger than we look. How does the world really work?

b84975  No.5727034

File: 59f8dc3f997388b⋯.jpg (113.74 KB, 707x836, 707:836, RatingsMarch15.JPG)

if you subtract all the people in US airports forced to watch CNN

just another way of showing how much CNN sucks ass

44b604  No.5727035

File: dda20e671482510⋯.jpg (147.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, dda20e67148251020e517af890….jpg)

17d664  No.5727036

Oh no not the moon ..Muh jews Muh jews

a6a197  No.5727037


Good call.

758d29  No.5727038

File: 77ee7af641cb574⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 381x550, 381:550, LadyJustice.jpg)


I am not allowed to pray for those things BUT I can pray for the safety of Warriors who must "make it happen". May each and every one of them be safe and strong while Justice is served.

bb48e0  No.5727039

File: a564ecdc06662cf⋯.png (112.31 KB, 386x1225, 386:1225, Screenshot-2019-3-16 Qmap.png)


"What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?

Why is this relevant?" - Q

c7ebc6  No.5727040


Know that the adoptionlobby is a very big business.

There are for example many EU employees involved with "illegal" adoptions in Europe.

This is also used as cover for child trafficking.

b9d0ff  No.5727041

File: f1c799d03e16467⋯.png (101.21 KB, 834x275, 834:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d83d5c45168dc36⋯.png (172.92 KB, 858x797, 858:797, ClipboardImage.png)



Also be mindful that MUFON may be a comped network




Though, if your mother also happened to have such experiences, it's likely that they would keep tabs on you as well, being her offspring and all.

Should also copypasta to the current aliens thread if genuine >>5499240 (ayybread)

7cdb91  No.5727042


the aim is to automate you out of a job, teacher.

fec3ba  No.5727043


"Predictive programming" by "Q" team?

Future proves past?

Could be "Notable" for keks Baker

f0c586  No.5727044


This is also happening at private schools.

178896  No.5727045

File: 50c96ad4c4be880⋯.png (292.92 KB, 996x628, 249:157, [-3].png)


Kicking ass and taking names.

17d664  No.5727046

The earth is spinning ..muh jew Muh jew

512198  No.5727047


This, too.

e32401  No.5727048

File: 6f36573deb51e3e⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1080x1292, 270:323, Screenshot_20190309-132141….png)

File: e6956e4a883d29e⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 519x1078, 519:1078, TYB Q Research.jpg)

fba43a  No.5727049

File: ed9de7692f8a8dc⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 47056364_142895440028334_8….jpg)

File: aaf0724f401d8dc⋯.jpg (88.01 KB, 735x718, 735:718, DZJr0ecXkAApOxr.jpg)

File: 6c232c3b9165211⋯.jpg (70.39 KB, 750x731, 750:731, Demshits.jpg)

File: 60b504cff709b68⋯.png (129.1 KB, 500x836, 125:209, james-odoherty-jmodoh-new-….png)

File: 3c95aa9b98ac2c9⋯.png (416.96 KB, 687x815, 687:815, broward coward county or m….png)

New Zealand…China, China, China or more like Mossad, Mossad, Mossad…

Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.

Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016


The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.

Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.

Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,

John Podesta was there 5 days earlier, Hillary also there previously visiting the NZ PM…now a previous visit by Parkland students…Putrid Fishy Smell (Shooter in Pakistan, NK and commented on having political views most like China's…China China China


Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.

Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016


The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.

Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.

Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,


https://www.opdeepstate.com › News

Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.


One World Adoption Services Inc /Life Through Surrogacy, Inc.

John Podesta's 'Center For American Progress'

March for our lives

Parkland / 911 hijackers/ other suspicious deaths linked to Broward Coward County & Dems.

Obama's U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans “The North Korean Child Welfare Act of 2012 “https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/13/us/north-korea-adoption/index.html

4d04bd  No.5727050

c10856  No.5727051


And who are these global elite? Why can they not be named?

a34f72  No.5727052

File: c6c5df77a33c331⋯.jpeg (503.44 KB, 1826x1823, 1826:1823, E26CCEB4-383F-4B4B-BF2A-E….jpeg)

3d5667  No.5727053


I knew it! First a Joo reporter, now a Mossad ring! Joooooooos!

3fcb22  No.5727054

File: 4ed48e85d761d7d⋯.png (65.98 KB, 604x295, 604:295, Screenshot 2019-03-16_20-0….png)


0a03e9  No.5727055


if he can't get cnn10 out of the classrooms, fuckall he'll get google chrome out.

go to your local schoolboard meetings, even though they won't listen to you because all they hear is shekels.

9df22a  No.5727056

File: fbf49456c6189f1⋯.jpeg (212.01 KB, 1125x1460, 225:292, 8E16632B-DB0C-4CAD-98D0-3….jpeg)

17d664  No.5727057

Air..Muh Jew ..Muh Jew

f3abcb  No.5727058


You’ll never see Valhalla with that pussy attitude, trips or no

542fe6  No.5727059

File: edf233dac6a23f6⋯.jpg (11.48 KB, 255x204, 5:4, a55bbbba7e47dbcd5dbd206726….jpg)


I just returned from the future in order to remind myself of what an ignorant soul I'll still be tomorrow.

edd70c  No.5727060

File: 90e1428f3e69863⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 621x389, 621:389, SMLPO-funny-navy-memes-DD-….jpg)

So far boatfagging has resulted in nothing of interest. All I gots is dis here pic

c89328  No.5727061


So when populists vote her out they'll serve up the Russia hoax over there too?

2e832f  No.5727062


>>Facebook, Google and other big tech giants are about to face a 'reckoning,' state attorneys general warn

>Teacher fag here. I sure hope you are right bc in the interim Google is taking over our schools via muh Chromebooks @ a mere $250 per kid. Muh Google Classroom is all the rage.

It is time to break up google into multiple companies. Anti trust should be applied. google has too much power and control.

5e8042  No.5727063


80sFag here. In my day we called those Thunder Thighs.

3f4913  No.5727064

What is a mud joo/muh joo? Slang for Khazarian?

b6acc5  No.5727065


wary of using any products but no choice. district mandate. muh cost efficiency.

9e1af2  No.5727066


"Forced to watch"

Please change to read "forced to ignore". I been to airports. No one pays CNN any attention anymore. They're like inlaws. You know they are there, you just don't care until you're compelled to deal with 'em.

4426dc  No.5727067


bc a groupf of people has many names, shill.

Illuminati Globalists, many many names.

c89328  No.5727068


pic on right has to be shopped

340d0b  No.5727069

File: 20d83bf33c046cc⋯.png (84.42 KB, 1072x303, 1072:303, ClipboardImage.png)

I agree with the anon in PB who

calculated that POTUS's tweets

today spell out 5:5.

Pic related.

Rvid soon?

505a70  No.5727070





fba43a  No.5727071

File: 15c6929936852a0⋯.png (608.02 KB, 1116x709, 1116:709, 904214d71f12b12ad91a073146….png)

File: e2f0ca09eae0cb1⋯.jpg (198.57 KB, 1116x1200, 93:100, DXYN07qUQAAUHkD.jpg)

File: f4c5eaeb494810c⋯.jpg (169.31 KB, 1200x538, 600:269, DZcYM0vVAAAw-uk.jpg)

File: 78b1c047e75700d⋯.jpg (582.48 KB, 1517x2073, 1517:2073, 008alcajeki01.jpg)

File: 46a3028dc6c5076⋯.png (181.39 KB, 500x862, 250:431, anyone-else-find-it-strang….png)


New Zealand…China, China, China or more like Mossad, Mossad, Mossad…

Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.

Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016


The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.

Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.

Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,

John Podesta was there 5 days earlier, Hillary also there previously visiting the NZ PM…now a previous visit by Parkland students…Putrid Fishy Smell (Shooter in Pakistan, NK and commented on having political views most like China's…China China China


Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.

Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016


The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.

Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.

Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,


https://www.opdeepstate.com › News

Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.


One World Adoption Services Inc /Life Through Surrogacy, Inc.

John Podesta's 'Center For American Progress'

March for our lives

Parkland / 911 hijackers/ other suspicious deaths linked to Broward Coward County & Dems.

Obama's U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans “The North Korean Child Welfare Act of 2012 “https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/13/us/north-korea-adoption/index.html

401f3d  No.5727072

Been on 8ch for over a year and still havent figured out if the Jew haters are shills, or just anons that hate Jews

732ec7  No.5727073

File: 9e90a52b99713a3⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 255x228, 85:76, Pepe thumbs up.jpg)


ty for that info anon.


b6430d  No.5727074

Whats next from Adam Shifty? Wouldn't be surprised to hear him say this soon: "I am introducing the 'We all know Donald Trump is guilty of multiple crimes but we just cant prove it, but hey lets just go ahead and Impeach him anyway, Remove him from office, and Send him to Prison for Life' Act of 2019. NP, MW, JN say they are all ready to sign on as co-sponsors"…. kek

7c99cf  No.5727075

File: 9dd0b4453f36043⋯.jpg (580.33 KB, 1702x1302, 851:651, c49cbd23dbb0c5d17361b66b28….jpg)

9c9a65  No.5727076

File: 2ea43afd2ce82d5⋯.jpg (729.13 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, 2017-11-06 16-50 151000503….jpg)


Despite even early Q boatfaggin somewhat

8ff671  No.5727077



a34f72  No.5727078


Tony seems legit but the new dude on Cosmic Disclosure not so much.

f06bb7  No.5727079


What was the cabal doing before they started to collect data on everybody with a phone or computer? What were they researching?

How to manipulate time and space?

Tell me, what do you do when you have information on 99% of the planet, and you've had a good 80 years to fuck around with how time works, with the strongest minds on earth? What could you do?

372f90  No.5727080


aka 'whole lotta Rosie'

8fef64  No.5727081


pretty sure those are shills..

340d0b  No.5727082


P.s. ignore the timestamps, I don't even know what time zone they're in, this data came from


fff4a4  No.5727083


>>5726363, >>5726524 Former Putin Advisor Who Died in the U.S. Had a Fractured Neck

>>5726606 China delegation to ‘visit Argentina to discuss N-deal

>>5726678 WSJ snippet of the 8chan description. Why shills shill in a nutshell.

>>5726671, >>5726642 Papa D illuminates

>>5726856 Papa D says hes gonna drop, this time Downer stuff

>>5726646 DOJ agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to CF email (true pundit)

>>5727054 mandatory Evac for Nebraska areas due to levee failure

>>5726870 State Attorneys *always win* Targeting Big Tech

>>5726827 Eliminating Regulations 17:1

>>5726962 very nice Q spotted in the movie Hackers

9e1af2  No.5727084


Caught it. Then I transferred to CivLant and have been happy ever since.

c10856  No.5727085


I am talking about names of individuals. Not group names.

f9fafb  No.5727086

File: 4ed37988e337e86⋯.png (203.83 KB, 1526x1194, 763:597, Screen Shot 2019-03-16 at ….png)

Michelle - Michael

Drudge Report

230f1b  No.5727087


Somebody PLEASE bring back what's her name? Nadia? The gal that went into u-tube's hq. I can't take this any more!!!

When I was water-boarded at GITMO I was being as cruelly psychologically tormented!

145a69  No.5727088

File: faabcd0fcdebe14⋯.png (440.14 KB, 665x290, 133:58, conway5.PNG)

13716f  No.5727089


which is why we used to say to lurk for 2 years

f1f761  No.5727090

File: d9cfbe082629d8e⋯.png (74.84 KB, 199x187, 199:187, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

e32401  No.5727091

File: 19bf37c2b63fa6a⋯.jpg (103.24 KB, 700x808, 175:202, New Arrival - USA.jpg)



Remember whale tail…

14e934  No.5727092

obvious kikes are obvious.

kikes are evil.

name the kikes.

512198  No.5727093


Oh, I have been, Anon. Spoken out in faculty meetings too. Got a handful of whispered support from colleagues after the fact, looking over their shoulders. Muh fear.

0a03e9  No.5727094


we called them "mama's lasagna"

b6acc5  No.5727095




401f3d  No.5727096


Ok board police

505a70  No.5727097


CAN you add the time that he posted on chan?

b84975  No.5727098


now that you mention it, same here

4e1d28  No.5727099


Some names are known

Check The Creature from Jekyll Island

G. Edward Griffin

340d0b  No.5727100


So I just ignore them all.

Things will sort themselves out when they do.

732ec7  No.5727101


to my surprise Rosie nevah stop

0a03e9  No.5727102


muh fear indeed. the battle is not almost over. Just begun it is. Just begun.

9c9a65  No.5727103


obviously both, or neither would exist/be here

401f3d  No.5727104

File: df4bf3b192d4596⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2w6bzt.jpg)

f401b4  No.5727105

File: fd5bb199dbd0303⋯.jpg (234.18 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, Nasim_of_Arc.jpg)



939cdb  No.5727106

File: 89c49ecb742464b⋯.jpg (139.52 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, 1.jpg)

File: adfd58504040f18⋯.jpg (159.44 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, 11.jpg)

File: 812e62877e56504⋯.jpg (146.87 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, 111.jpg)

13716f  No.5727107


i wasnt being a dick

im saying its confusing and you need a lot of time to figure this place out

4426dc  No.5727108


you glow shill.

Q said it´s a war against the global illuminati elite.

Do you want him to name 10.000 names, shill?

2be9fc  No.5727109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2a0221  No.5727110

File: e023ac71f3254cb⋯.gif (7.02 MB, 398x176, 199:88, 0150951E-2C23-459D-985B-F3….gif)

a6a197  No.5727111


Your meme is whacked, and inaccurate.

372f90  No.5727112


'big-legged woman ain't got no soul'

1fe2e2  No.5727113


Subliminals cannot be obvious to the naked eye. Like one frame that flashes past unnoticed in a movie.

401f3d  No.5727114


Ah sorry…. yes you do need lots of time, I post every day and am still learning

0a03e9  No.5727115


hate is a strong word, anon.

use it sparingly

0e2431  No.5727116

Ever notice, Q never seems to post on Saturday? Must be the Sabbath Day ….

3bd69a  No.5727117

File: 7c323d32011634a⋯.jpg (96.69 KB, 1240x699, 1240:699, 1552715146657.jpg)


Last thing I wanted to burn a Saturday on.

Obviously they aren't giving all the details, so we are the news now!

Check this pic though, it doesn't make much sense to me.

They have the survivors standing in the alley were buddy did the 20 point turn and parked.

You can see the woman he shot and ran over lying there still. WTF

4426dc  No.5727118

File: 75e0ee3e9971d9c⋯.jpg (116.95 KB, 600x350, 12:7, MASONS1.jpg)

File: 63a6af0823f36d9⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 387x457, 387:457, masonCross3.jpg)

File: 0eda9fbe13c5a10⋯.jpg (79.89 KB, 1274x713, 1274:713, masonCross2.jpg)

File: 02978815b765386⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 634x521, 634:521, MasonCross4.jpg)

fba43a  No.5727119

File: 4ee429edd6a94a4⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2244x1700, 33:25, 2zys.png)

File: 1cf6ce7a3e7551f⋯.jpg (190.57 KB, 528x408, 22:17, china china china.jpg)

File: 3c95aa9b98ac2c9⋯.png (416.96 KB, 687x815, 687:815, broward coward county or m….png)

File: e2f0ca09eae0cb1⋯.jpg (198.57 KB, 1116x1200, 93:100, DXYN07qUQAAUHkD.jpg)

File: 1948fda5499336e⋯.png (80.29 KB, 500x572, 125:143, lj-nzherald-co-nz-17-mins-….png)



New Zealand…China, China, China or more like Mossad, Mossad, Mossad…

Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.

Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016


The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.

Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.

Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,

John Podesta was there 5 days earlier, Hillary also there previously visiting the NZ PM…now a previous visit by Parkland students…Putrid Fishy Smell (Shooter in Pakistan, NK and commented on having political views most like China's…China China China


Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ….will Valerie Jarrett be jealous? Warns about Russian & China influence “Hacking” in regards to NZ elections.

Watch: Hillary Clinton lavishes praise on Jacinda Ardern after breakfast meeting - 'A young, dynamic Prime Minister' Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand | Newshub

$13.7m NZ taxpayer funds pledged to shady Clinton charity~November 3, 2016


The FBI is also probing whether Awan sold secrets to Pakistan. As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported in August, Mr. Awan was already indicted on four counts unrelated to the security breaches, including bank fraud. The indictment came roughly a month after he was arrested trying to flee the country. Authorities picked him up at Dulles Airport attempting to board a flight to Lahore, Pakistan.

Authorities allege they were involved in a scheme to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property. It also involved double-charging the U.S. House of Representatives for IT equipment and suspected exposing House information online.

Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Imran Awan, Aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz,


https://www.opdeepstate.com › News

Feb 24, 2018 - SHOCKER: CNN's high school star David Hogg, whose father is ex FBI, is also tied to John Podesta's Center for American Progress.


One World Adoption Services Inc /Life Through Surrogacy, Inc.

John Podesta's 'Center For American Progress'

March for our lives

Parkland / 911 hijackers/ other suspicious deaths linked to Broward Coward County & Dems.

Obama's U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans “The North Korean Child Welfare Act of 2012 “https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/13/us/north-korea-adoption/index.html

7802e4  No.5727120

File: 5b91f1ca944fdd0⋯.png (670.28 KB, 959x711, 959:711, 1546486659.png)


Our Lady Endures

e5a91a  No.5727121


I concur with your assessment, would like to add that it's no coincidence they're talking opioids AND human trafficking as they go hand in hand.

The sickos selling people in to slavery often force feed drugs, particularly opiates, to the slaves.

They do similar with local fighters on the ground in 3rd world countries, no one is more dependent than a drug addict is re: their dealer.

d57b68  No.5727122

File: be4e1231b51d78a⋯.jpg (627.97 KB, 3300x1600, 33:16, RBxCdNu.jpg)

9df22a  No.5727123

File: d5f4eefe0e7fdf1⋯.jpeg (69.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, A9F1457D-846A-4F54-99F7-E….jpeg)

a30dd3  No.5727124

File: 1f57e0d7d8938d3⋯.png (694.37 KB, 628x397, 628:397, ClipboardImage.png)


>Been on 8ch for over a year and still havent figured out if the Jew haters are shills, or just anons that hate Jews

If you can't read or learn about jews you're a fucking retard.

250945  No.5727125

File: ba051021df97e38⋯.png (229.59 KB, 1224x408, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

tfw so many countries are posting to their dedicated threads between one bread and the next…


340d0b  No.5727126

File: eb226a9748f6faf⋯.jpg (297.79 KB, 1135x818, 1135:818, SealedIndictments_or_Cases….JPG)

c10856  No.5727127


Can't put 10000 names in a pdf?

512198  No.5727130





acc1a4  No.5727131

File: 65d2a5380ee3f6a⋯.png (2.54 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F238D23F-9429-4C0C-BBCA-13….png)


Top Kek.

7c99cf  No.5727132


That's some amazing feed back. You scared of Truth, sunshine?

9e1af2  No.5727133

File: b0e915dc52f8972⋯.png (552.69 KB, 591x500, 591:500, ClipboardImage.png)

2dfe06  No.5727134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fat Bottomed Girls

b6430d  No.5727135


I as well…. Religion and race… 2 subjects I completely avoid. Not what I came here for…

7c5410  No.5727136


>false flag

230f1b  No.5727137


Nasim! That's it. And again, that's high art…very well done. Saint Nasim. Well done!

edd70c  No.5727139

File: bcea8ccb3ea787e⋯.jpg (112.88 KB, 800x621, 800:621, 4994974059_b6132d383d_b.jpg)


I sees many many many surface tracks on the briny deep, just nuttin sticks out. Norwegian-flagged Oceanic Sirius is still being a research vessel in Gulf of Mexico. The White Rabbits (all four of them) are mostly moored, the one tri-hull has ETA at Male" island updated for today.

bd4f32  No.5727140

File: c65d3d3e9a3902f⋯.jpg (333.56 KB, 900x415, 180:83, heretostay.jpg)

92b5d2  No.5727141


How are people not seeing this is not fathomable staining from a mass shooting? Where are the splatters? And, if he was supposedly helping someone why aren’t the bottom of his sleeves completely covered at the hemmed edges? This guy’s “staining” makes absolutely no sense.

dd496e  No.5727142

File: 59b26ab102d75d7⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 400x604, 100:151, littlelady.jpg)


ha… I don't feel so alone now.

a30dd3  No.5727144

File: 45d0ab3b396bfc4⋯.jpg (77.95 KB, 504x720, 7:10, judaism-is-communism.jpg)

3d5667  No.5727145

File: c55738ee4bf27cb⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 256x320, 4:5, girl-gun.jpg)


Copy pasta shill. Ooh, lets throw the word Mossad in there for clicks.

Fuck off.

b6acc5  No.5727146


Man white tee appears grinning…?

5f9ffd  No.5727148

File: 06c5fe0b812b121⋯.jpg (391.48 KB, 1224x749, 1224:749, throwyourhandsup.jpg)

128f33  No.5727149


Judging from the original /pol/, I'd also say both. Shills just hitting the same groove.

57e850  No.5727150

File: 23bc2961e1284d9⋯.jpg (111.59 KB, 750x698, 375:349, slide.jpg)

c6cf88  No.5727152



>>>5726678 WSJ snippet of the 8chan

Is there a link to the article op can post? Or screen shot since WSJ is typically a pay site?

9697fe  No.5727153


try living in christchurch…. its a bit different here…

25448e  No.5727154

File: 981e887931945de⋯.jpg (40.98 KB, 455x615, 91:123, th.jpg)



0b790b  No.5727155


thanks man

a30dd3  No.5727156

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)


>Religion and race… 2 subjects I completely avoid. Not what I came here for…

533938  No.5727157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61022c  No.5727158


>How Many Has Mitt Adopted?

Not as many as John Roberts.

036a59  No.5727159

Ok..I’ve had a few drinks tonight…but that doesn’t mean this is an irrelevant post. I think we should hit the FFs hard with all the discrepancies we can find. We should start with Sandy Hoax and follow up with the Boston “Bombing”…who’s with me?!

9df22a  No.5727160

File: 531fcf066112329⋯.jpeg (150.26 KB, 1125x597, 375:199, F37A3224-F053-4F7A-815F-B….jpeg)

3b4792  No.5727161


Shake dat ass girl

6a31ec  No.5727162


I turned the volume up to 11 after reading that - muscle memory is something else.

0a03e9  No.5727163


i've always found smart girls to be the sexiest

7c5410  No.5727164


>false flag

732ec7  No.5727166

File: 2c55904f03860d9⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 666x360, 37:20, Chet.jpg)

9c9a65  No.5727167


Nice work, though.

All about eyes on, in case

4e1d28  No.5727168

love the idea of breaking up the tech giants, but what makes you think new bosses won't be part of the evil elite cabal?

more must be done.

drain the swamp

Q gets this, do you?

036a59  No.5727169

File: 8cc478f32c6aedb⋯.png (588.23 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 08E3D81B-BE88-4DDB-ABB5-94….png)


…it’s a sign. WH and Q?! I mean, it was almost like it was meant to be…

fff4a4  No.5727170

Freshy Bread Served





nom nom

533938  No.5727171

File: 521e32d2347cb0f⋯.jpg (15.26 KB, 483x400, 483:400, 54411857_10157126914634321….jpg)


Launching off point to Antarctica. NZ Shooter was possibly some kind of a message to DS

0a03e9  No.5727172


what do you mean by "FFs"?

d1a5f9  No.5727173

Q Withdrawals

998d39  No.5727174


if you put a global notable that instructs how to filter shills then "SO ANYONE THAT RESPONDS TO THEM GETS FILTERED TOO" (ID+), people will slowly stop responding to them because they don't want to be filtered themselves

732ec7  No.5727175


if they were here in july they would be in the corner weeping

61022c  No.5727178


False Flags

9697fe  No.5727180


you are clueless

6b6017  No.5727184


ALL tv news "journalists" are actors paid to read a script, all of them. TV is scripted to the millisecond to hit commercial breaks on time. Even all those little segments where they are saying…I have to go I am up against a hard break…are scripted. It is acting people. Left or right it is ALL faked for the camera.

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