10d713 No.5474260
Welcome To Q Research General
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 03.02.2019
>>5472239 ————————————–——– [Selected Samples] (Video: >>5472327, >>5472510)
>>5471827 rt >>5471677 ————————— The 'real' racist. (Videos: >>5471845, >>5471852, >>5472439)
>>5471379 rt >>5471283 ————————— We are far beyond statistical analysis at this stage.
>>5471177 ————————————–——– Your T-banner is appropriate and fits you well (Cap: >>5471205)
>>5471098 ————————————–——– Emphasis on mistakes not corrected.
>>5468027 ————————————–——– The clock is ticking
Friday 03.01.2019
>>5449539 ————————————–——– [-21][-20][-19][-18]………. (Cap: >>5451109 )
Tuesday 02.26.2019
>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10
>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12
>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11
>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8
>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7
>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6
>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5
>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God
>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.
>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.
>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.
>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.
>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.
Monday 02.25.2019
Compiled here: >>5468845
Sunday 02.24.2019
Compiled here: >>5450225
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
10d713 No.5474262
are not endorsements
>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5387705, >>5454631 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.
>>5473562 Parkland shooting parents Demand Broward County School Board Fire Obama ally Superintendent Robert Runcie (he cries racism)
>>5473653 MSM articles on Q: 560 articles thru Feb 2019
>>5473662 Moar on SpaceX's successful test
>>5473634, >>5473681, >>5473773, >>5473775 Book on Amazon called "The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion"
>>5473558 POTUS said "These people are sick" twice at CPAC speech
>>5473730, >>5473758 CNN calling POTUS Hitler, again
>>5473770 POTUS on the India-Pakistan conflict
>>5473810 Clip on POTUS saying an EO is coming to require free speech on campus
>>5473819 Amazon Joins Big Tech Assault on Anti-Vaccine Information
>>5473918 Clockfag on the watch pic
>>5473925 US & South Korea agree to scrap major military drills to foster denuclearization
>>5473955 Anti-CNN Billboard Appears Next to CNN's Hollywood Headquarters
>>5474126 Cory Booker's strategy to capture the votes of America’s minorities is to quote 30-year-old rap lyrics
>>5474256 #6998
>>5472838 Brazil's Vale to dismiss CEO after fatal damn burst
>>5472869 US election 2016: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?
>>5472879 Pakistan Military Chief reaches out to US/UK/AUS top brass
>>5472885 Retail Apocalypse: 465 Store Closures In 48 Hours
>>5472901 Yet another Q hit piece focused on CPAC
>>5472958 On Clinton-Haiti-Voodoo
>>5473009, >>5473083, >>5473059, >>5473171, >>5473278 On John Studzinski from the Al Smith dinner
>>5473100 Hillary Clinton is a Racist compilation video
>>5472973 On Dr. Omar Awan
>>5473154 Will Sommer still pushing the JFK Jr nonsense that Q btfo'd
>>5473159 Video from Al Smith dinner from 13:40 through to about 14:50
>>5473196 For Keks: Mike Rothschild pointing out "These people are sick" was said by POTUS
>>5473249 Reminder on the Purple Color symbolism
>>5473360 Space X crew capsule towards Space Station
>>5473496 #6997
#6996 Baker Change
>>5472127 MSM (fails) vs TRUMP
>>5472075 Mifsud map
>>5472079 Anon on the filename TT.png
>>5472092 "Lock her up" chant erupts at CPAC
>>5472439 Videos from Q's HRC crumb for archiving
>>5472510 Short version of Al Smith charity dinner video
>>5472475, >>5472673 1 year delta for [Roast] and 2 day ahead of schedule
>>5472551 New USSS Tweet
>>5472643 New POTUS Tweet
>>5472663 17 minute delta between Q's last crumb and POTUS' new tweet
>>5472737 #6996
#6995 Baker Change
>>5471526 New DJT
>>5471503 Sally Yates RT Maggie Haberman
>>5470830, >>5471680 Felix Sater on Lynch's "Secret Deckett"
>>5471504 MA(HRC) MADNESS ?
>>5471549 Hat Crimes graphic
>>5471772 Nice T-Banner graphic
>>5471469 , >>5471794 Notch in the house
>>5471943 #6995
Previously Collected Notables
>>5471169 #6994
>>5468903 #6991, >>5469667 #6992, >>5470445 #6993
>>5466695 #6988, >>5467308 #6989, >>5468162 #6990
>>5464326 #6985, >>5465100 #6986, >>5465820 #6987
>>5462051 #6982, >>5462787 #6983, >>5463556 #6984
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
10d713 No.5474265
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
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Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a
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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136
All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch
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>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition
>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread
>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes
>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html
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Q Graphics all in EST
Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409
Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
10d713 No.5474267
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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf
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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/
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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com
*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966
Meme Ammo
42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528
NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames
Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/
Meme War 2020 >>4731041
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives
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MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Notable Posts Archive (searchable)
Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h
Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey
Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654
10d713 No.5474270
0051a5 No.5474308
For all the new eyes~
cca39f No.5474324
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. This bread is Majestic AF!
3,6,9 manifest destiny.
Never stop believing.
60aa0e No.5474328
Expose them and their chameleon nat sec bullshit that keeps them hidden, Q.
2d85a2 No.5474334
Trending Topics (TTs) or a real-time list of the most frequently posted phrases on Twitter around the world.
e79b7b No.5474336
Trump during CPAC
"…we call it The Election with a capital E…"
3b44c5 No.5474339
Should rewrite it in spanish while your at it
99014f No.5474342
This just in. Schizophrenic sees Tiffany Trump's name in a recent drop.
2ca29b No.5474343
Thank you baker for your hard word enjoy a freedom cut steak.
221ceb No.5474347
Look at these.
What do they convey?
Are we being MOCKED, here?
Really, are you kidding me?
Where do they come from?
Why doesn't the COMMUNITY create the images?
It doesn't
Where do they come from?
Do patriots question this?
Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?
Or not?
control of NARRATIVE (control over you).
>(control over you)
We are the news– but we don't have control HERE
Hence, we have not done our job of CHANGING THE PUBLIC NARRATIVE.
64e143 No.5474349
b574e2 No.5474350
Dershowitz Suggests Press Blackout During "Orgy Island" Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Hearing
The legal team for Attorney Alan Dershowitz has cautioned against press access to a hearing regarding his former client and associate, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein - who was given a slap on the wrist in 2008 by then-US Attorney for southern Florida (and current Labor Secretary) Alex Acosta. Epstein, who reportedly has an egg shaped penis, sexually abused dozens of underage girls in his Palm Beach mansion, while Acosta is under fire separately of the sealed records appeal.
2b1afc No.5474351
UPDATED Interpretation of Finale with "Let's Roll!" Meme
This version will NOT require most Anons to have ANY understanding of the precise derivation of the picture or the meme (topics discussed in many prior posts, which I will seek to redo). They only need to recognize the meme as a cue to act.
Q said:
"Carpet bombs are ok.
Tactical nukes are better."
The meme is the "carpet bomb". It is the MOAB that received a "red carpet rollout" in April 2018. POTUS will tweet the meme.
But that won't be enough, according to Q.
Tactical nukes differ from strategic nukes in that strategic nukes are launched far into foreign lands, but tactical nukes are employed close to friendly forces. Every member of the Q army will launch tactical nukes in their own zone, in their own way, upon the cue, online and offline. The greater range and variety of attacks the better.
Let's think this out:
DJT posts the meme.
The fake news is sucked into a trap. They will pounce and charge Trump with showing shameless disrespect for the Flight 93 "victims" in a pathetic effort to manipulate his base. They will disseminate the meme to denounce it.
But Anons will recognize the cue to attack, all at once, across all venues. Even if they don't immediately recognize it, they'll catch on quick, and know that this is. Everyone will do it in their own way, telling the truth about Q and what is happening.
It will be impossible to ignore the onslaught, and the fake news will have to report it, and a few actual investigators will start realizing that maybe there is more to Q than they suspected, and they'll start reporting it. We WILL be the news. "Future proves past."
And in the midst of the panic and chaos, DJT will strike the enemy. (Perhaps he will even tweet: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….")
The fake news must receive a deadly blow before anything "happens" in public. And we will strike it together when we get the "cue".
Maybe I'm missing something, but I think this works. Hit me with objections. Otherwise, prepare your nukes.
42edde No.5474352
jews this, jews that, you are so misled…re evaluate , and define your enemy.
221ceb No.5474354
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474347
Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ
Who made this video?
Do we know?
It is very slick. Hardly amateur.
Do we know where it came from?
Or did it just show up, and was accepted?
Accepted by whom?
How do we know?
Does Jordan Sather push this video?
Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?
If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?
Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?
Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?
Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?
Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?
While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?
Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?
Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?
Is this a form of control?
Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?
Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?
Does it undermine in many subtle ways?
Who made it?
How would we know?
Does anyone ask?
Or just assume someone else did?
Will it get removed?
Does its origins and validity get addressed?
What controls the board and decides?
Are the people in control of this board?
How do you know?
537fe1 No.5474355
The clock is ticking.
If we are merely a so-called conspiracy (FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE), why the daily attacks by the biggest media co's in the world (attempt to control)?
You are the news now.
It'll stop being a conspiracy when you make it true Q
Only real world action can do this.
Not your circle jerk board
df6d31 No.5474357
NOTHING will stop what is coming.
759d74 No.5474358
should meme that to AOC!!!
eb98a6 No.5474360
YOU parenthetical YOU parenthetical YOU posters are pissing this Anon off! Parenthetical YOU are getting filtered and this Anon doesn't even filter bots FFS!
Are there any autists left?
Autists comfey?
Autists gone?
1a1d6c No.5474361
Every meme made exposing the vile jew is your chance to personally help take down Satan!! BE A WARRIOR OF GOD AND EXPOSE WITH WICKED JEW AND ALL HIS FILTHY DEEDS!
221ceb No.5474362
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474354
What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?
Or is this something being used to push a narrative
onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is
the MSM narrative, and that is what this video
reinforces, strongly.
"Chan culture" has been co-opted by fakeness and is now being FORCED.
Will patriots ever wake up and demand a space free from FAKENESS?
1262fa No.5474364
AAron Rupar sleeze reporting from CPAC in presentation from President Trump
As "lock her up!" chants thunder from his CPAC audience, Trump mocks the media for its coverage of Russiagate, then says, "these people are sick!"
556175 No.5474365
Today's Q Clock :30
Social media control is everything.
The age of the MSM is over.
Schedule changes can be very painful.
Clickbait & opinions vs logical thinking.
Direct communication necessary.
>Twitter re_engages 'shadowbanning' across entire platform….
Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :20
Do you think nobody is paying attention to the drops?
"Stories are written that have absolutely no basis in fact."
Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.
Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the 'insurance' scheme ongoing post Mueller.
The fun begins directly after.
Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :00
BOOMs en route.
Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at.
Connect via past religious leaders (re: Hussein).
Think NK.
Think Nuke stranglehold.
Riots in France today.
3e8871 No.5474366
0dda06 No.5474367
>>5473730 (lb)
2ca29b No.5474368
221ceb No.5474370
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
What is THE keystone…?
6675f2 No.5474372
>>5474310 /pb
The Jews were the only tribe allowed to take gold back to their capital and they ran the slave trade for the Romans. They never stopped.
Seriously. I just want world peace. Read the Great Jewish Mask.
Once they take it off they can start to heal an become part of the community of humans. FFS, we could use their brains to get us off this planet.
We just are tired of being slaves to the dollar / fed etc.
Moon cult - Cult of Luna.
They are a female / mother cult. No biggie, surely we can get along at some point.
495ee0 No.5474373
Sad but OMINOUS all at the SAME time.
ecd218 No.5474374
Funny how the fat accurately represents the mountain ranges.
d2e0b3 No.5474377
In the midst of this silent war and great awakening, in the aftermath of the enemies' great defeat, I vote to faithfully & with integrity amend the Declaration of Independence (the bedrock foundation upon which our constitution stands) to include the following revision: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, TRUTH, and the pursuit of Happiness."
Akin to the Friday the 13th in 1307, we make a bold stand against the (((forces))) that would cloak themselves in darkness and lies to be powerful through such vile means while pretending to be the opposite of what they truly are. We take the sword of the pen, through the nationalist foundational principles of our independence to stand against (((elite, secret society, manipulators))) and say NEVER, EVER, EVER again. We call them out. We purge them. Biblically. Through all means and on all fronts.
It's time.
b574e2 No.5474378
SBC Executive Committee Member Resigns After Outrage Over ‘Clearing’ Churches Facing Abuse Allegations
Ken Alford resigned as chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) executive committee’s bylaws workgroup on Friday amid public outcry over the group’s determination that six of the 10 churches facing abuse allegations required no further inquiry.
Alford said the group’s task of judging the churches was impossible, as his group had no investigative authority, was forced to rely only on information volunteered by the SBC president, and therefore did not conduct any investigation into the churches.
Alford said he hoped his resignation would foster change within the SBC, but others say only an overhaul of the SBC’s culture will do that.
The chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention workgroup tasked with investigating churches facing abuse allegations resigned Friday, saying his group has no investigative authority.
Ken Alford announced his resignation as chairman of the SBC executive committee’s bylaws workgroup on Saturday evening in the wake of public outcry over his workgroup’s seemingly hasty decision to “clear” six of the 10 churches that SBC President J.D. Greear tasked the group with investigating. Alford claimed, however, that the SBC did not give the bylaws workgroup any investigative authority, forcing the group to rely on information provided solely by Greear to determine whether the churches “evidenced indifference in addressing sexual abuse.”
89b203 No.5474380
Thank God for the Jews.
Thank God for POTUS.
47dc5f No.5474381
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. the dead were steeped in cabal bs, doesnt mean they didnt rail against it.
"i would slave to learn the way, to sink your ship of fools"
a69d77 No.5474382
Q livin' rent free in that Krassenpussy's little pea brain. Cramped quarters, I'd say
038329 No.5474385
Stop crying Krassenstein. Have you read your own tweets of hate toward POTUS?
221ceb No.5474386
Very uncreative, bot system.
7fffdd No.5474387
The veteran criminal defense attorney who headed President Donald Trump's legal team during a crucial stretch of the special counsel investigation believes the entire affair will end in silence from special counsel Robert Mueller, and called the massive two-year probe into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign “a terrible waste of time.”
“I don't think there'll be a report,” John Dowd told ABC News in a wide-ranging interview for the premiere episode of "The Investigation," a new podcast focused on the probe led by special counsel Robert Mueller. “I will be shocked if anything regarding the president is made public, other than ‘We're done.’”
9d89ae No.5474388
>smear to ruin
>smear to lie
>smear to isolate
>same language, tone, (((attittude)))
We see you, msm/MOS.
ALL will pay.
9dd819 No.5474390
>Yep, I get it. And it was the Catholics responsible for pushing the Jews into lending, because of their usury laws. Can the Jews be blamed for being intelligent? Or forced into one of the few occupations they were allowed to have?
>Back to my point, if the Jews have some over-arching plan and are pulling all the strings, why would they allow themselves to be persecuted?
>MUH JOOOO shill logic is fatally flawed.
These people, who dont even have the capacity to read books and educate themselves, imagine themselves experts in history and overflowing with knowlege because they watched some YouTube videos or got roped into some conspiracy theory on websites ran by people equally as uneducated as they are and exponentially more crazy and dangerous.
5ed10d No.5474391
We should be turning the conspiracy theory name back onto the leftists as a matter of routine.
7a4176 No.5474394
Krassenstein.Free publicity. Thank you.
6866a1 No.5474395
Fucking scared little faggot!
c85cca No.5474397
Ron Paul just shit his pants!
99fe2f No.5474398
filter on full blast lurkn
99014f No.5474399
Take it from Hitler.
You lose the Jews, you lose:
Smarty-arty-Orange types
Don't fuck your Jews around. Jews are good.
152d74 No.5474400
>>5473918 (pb) in notables
3/14 → π → TT.png
89b203 No.5474402
790a7d No.5474404
Well Q exposed them not too long ago.
65aa5b No.5474405
Lol at you making up names to derail Anons from digging on those people.
10d713 No.5474406
64e143 No.5474407
Who exactly has been hurt by Q movement again ?
C'mon tell us, you smaller half of the Ambiguously Gay Duo.
980946 No.5474409
Thank you for all your hard work Baker.
Semper Fidelis
221ceb No.5474410
Why do bots make demons when they try to create their own images of humans?
This is what it looks like when ai runs wild and makes “racist memes”.
The bots on 4chan used to pump these out a mile a minute.
Just look.
They reveal the “soul” of the “artists”…
What in the fuck?
Doesn't it make you wonder?
495ee0 No.5474411
P.S. :)
6279a4 No.5474412
POTUS "They retired" "They were 'retire' "
Anons know the truth
7fffdd No.5474415
CowFart green can fuck off.
3e8871 No.5474416
>Who exactly has been hurt by Q movement again ?
e67f6e No.5474417
Read moar-the portion you hilighted talks about Dersh requesting portions be unsealed. You're fired.
9dd819 No.5474418
2d85a2 No.5474419
Their Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall
9d89ae No.5474424
We can do plenty without those (((managers))) and golem-like NPCs masquerading as 'experts' when other races can do x10 better on their own.
You are a done story, 'jew'. KEK
862e95 No.5474426
.@farthermost, @ACLU and others are in Mexicali today working to reunify families the [.@farthermost, @ACLU] administration has separated.
Had to fix that one!
1a1d6c No.5474427
Do not allow these monsters to flourish another day! This is your chance to make an impact in the world!
Expose the enemy that hides behind words and "isms"! They kill our children! Fight back one meme at a time, let memes of truth be your weapon against the worst form of EVIL this planet has ever seen!
233938 No.5474429
can any memefags make some Saint Pepe memes for the Qountdown?
92becf No.5474431
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hindsight is 20/20. Always check your 6.
a69d77 No.5474432
They've been exposing themselves daily for a long time. And I'm not just talking about what they do at home with their kids
221ceb No.5474436
9dd819 No.5474437
The people in jail or with police records now because they took matters into their own hands and did something stupid.
d5eb52 No.5474438
Partial Q
What is being investigated?
Why is Mueller’s team stacked w/ ex Clinton / D sr level authorities?
Why are POTUS supporters screaming for END?
ADD RUDY (quiet).
Can the investigation officially/publicly drop POTUS from review & continue?
More than you can imagine.
re: HRC insurance [win]
Remainder illegal acts.
SC targeting who?
SC on team?
SC off team?
Questions reveal answers.
Time will tell.
What happens to the special counsel?
Rudy met w/ Mueller today.
Public announcement.
End of POTUS investigation?
Continue w/ other investigations?
Stage set?
Support growing?
We have it all.
Welcome to the WH.
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.
Partial Q
Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?
Think logically.
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?
Insert Rudy.
First public statement.
“It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”
Think resignations.
Who has the POWER?
If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would ‘they’ resign?
Why are we here?
Public forum.
World watching.
Sharing of intel to bad actors?
Not confirming SC is on /team/.
Question everything.
Timing important.
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Re_read drops re: Who knows where….
Now comes the pain.
Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Why was the NY AG just removed?
Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?
What must be cleaned first?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Define “On the Record.”
You have more than you know.
Thank you Alan.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard.
Get in line.
58e490 No.5474444
AOC vows to put Dems on a list for voting with the republicans. Totally forgets about ==Roll Call 46==
She is a plant.
Meme makers show the world.
609156 No.5474446
79125a No.5474447
ThanQ, Superhero baker.
f9fde7 No.5474450
greatest 24 hours on twitter i ever had
810ecc No.5474451
Here is another Mueller Report Book also scheduled for release on the 26th…… by the Washington Post
18d4b5 No.5474453
>Rules are rules
1d0f0a No.5474454
>>5473770 (lb)
We have skirmishes in India and Pakistan, both with nuclear capabilities, how involved is the DS with this push for all out war?
0e0929 No.5474456
0f758d No.5474457
Murrren, the SJWs and libs generally can be dirty, it’s ok for them, because they are on the right side of history fighting for progress and fascism.
And the more fucked up they make our society and Nation, the more actual authoritarian traditionalists “fascists” they will create.
>>5474245 lb
6675f2 No.5474459
And we are especially tired of wasting so much energy and time on outing them to the general population of the world.
We do not want to live on a prison planet.
Humans should be free.
Hand up's, no hand outs.
Each tribe should work to be it's best and the competitiveness should work to make us all better.
It's not that much to ask. We should be demanding better.
Never ending wars and taking advantage of people is not the western way.
221ceb No.5474463
BIDEN 2020
ba7ae0 No.5474464
To all the JFK Jr faggots who aren't shills (if there are any)…WHAT FUCKING DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE EVEN IF HE IS ALIVE? The main point Q made to us is that HILLARY needed him the fuck out of her way. So even if you mean well, you're DEFLECTING from the fact she's an EVIL POS. That's the fucking point. Never forget it.
Sorry, I needed to vent kek…
0e0929 No.5474465
<drop the name, namefaggot
768911 No.5474467
ty fren, savd!
9dd819 No.5474468
The people in jail or with police records now because they took matters into their own hands and did something stupid.
64e143 No.5474470
I said this at the end of last bread, but will repeat it. We need more of this type of normie subversion across our country. This is the tippytop level of redpilling. NPC'ing a billboard of Bill Maher is top fucking kek!
759d74 No.5474472
So this is starting to look like a book full of formulated opinions. Everyone getting their fingers in the pie.
8c0bb9 No.5474474
Going into music mode.
a77ac5 No.5474476
947614 No.5474478
digging and lurking.
2d198d No.5474481
Hillary Clinton, the OIC, the Muslim Brotherhood, Benghazi, and the Criminalization of Islamophobia
7fffdd No.5474484
Trump said today fuck Jeff Sessions…
Muh Dick was right all along about Jeffrey…lol
495ee0 No.5474487
there was only PATRIOTS hearing.'
eeafba No.5474493
Great Deflection!
c0a528 No.5474494
Good catch, fren!
e67f6e No.5474497
0dda06 No.5474499
That is what the Feds thought of your ponzi scheme affiliations Krassenstein
9d89ae No.5474500
^tfw a fucking kike shill long known to WW audience actually tries to (((shill))) its own bullshit slide
0e0929 No.5474502
<namefaggot namefags with namefaggotry
6866a1 No.5474503
4ae04a No.5474505
>>5474150 (lb)
Sounds good on all counts. I'd also be into ideas exchange. We can possibly hook up on one of the threads when you've recovered. Always much going on I understand.
The thread documents the organic spread of Q over time and ideas and resources for getting the word out grassroots style. We're also documenting the media growth where we can, including research such as you've produced. It may be your work we've included. It's appreciated anyway and important.
>Have you guys looked at the Institute for Strategic Dialog?
Haven't done, no, but noted and will do. I'll take a look while you're recovering, alongside your thread, and get up to speed.
592d83 No.5474506
Quad fours
b574e2 No.5474507
Examing The Real Crimes Of Netanyahu In Light Of Bibi's Indictment
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is finally facing indictment for a litany of charges related to bribery, fraud, corruption, influence peddling, meddling with the free press and currying favors on a pay-for-play basis. For about a year, we've been covering the fraud charges and, as we predicted, elections were called several months early, presumably in the hopes of circumvention indictment and potential arrest as a result of the many alleged crimes.
Bibi, his wife Sara and their son Yair have all been embroiled in the criminal scandals. Netanyahu is facing three separate cases, each one with multiple charges. Collusion with the media to damage opposition news sources, receiving gifts and money for policy. Between footage, cell phone records and a number of whistleblowers there is ample evidence to put away Netanyahu and finally he is facing indictment. But honestly, what is all this corruption in comparison to his real crimes. Crimes against humanity inflicted on both Jews and Arabs in the Gaza strip.
c85cca No.5474508
Q's watch post today has a zero marker on March 25th.
df6d31 No.5474512
I posted this early this morning….find it hilarious. Reposting for nightshift
QAnon Targeted Me – The Fallout Is Frightening
I’ve been reporting and investigating on a group, which I also prefer to call a cult, called QAnon, and while I’m sure this story will only exacerbate things on my end, it needs to be out there.
QAnon is basically an anonymous individual, or group of individuals who claim that an elaborate ‘deep state’ conspiracy against Trump exists. “Q” as this group or individual refers to themselves, posts almost daily on the 8chan website, and claims to be a ‘high-level government informant’.
It all began in October of 2017 on 4chan immediately following a remark at a military dinner by the president, where Trump said that the dinner was “Maybe the calm before the storm.” When a reporter then curiously asked, “What storm, Mr. President?” Trump replied, “You’ll find out.”
While their conspiracies run wild, the central belief among this group is that Trump has a plan, is in complete control of everything, and eventually will prevail over the “deep state.”
This last week, the official Q account on 8chan dropped a message, #2884, referring to Hill Reporter’s Ed Krassenstein and myself. The message, which linked to an edited parody video of me, where I jokingly say that people pay me to tweet, also included the following text:
“Nothing to See Here. You are the news now.”
The video tweet that it directed to, also read “The @EdKrassen @krassenstein brothers are on video admitting they’re spreading misinformation & being paid to divide Americans. Evil people PAYING evil people to do their evil deeds.”
Within minutes of this post being made by the official Q account on 8chan, a wave of disgusting emails, phone calls and Twitter messages targeting my family, my family’s businesses and myself began circulating.
“One day I am going to see to it that I will beat the “f*ck out of you. I’m going to beat the sh”t out of you. I’m willing to pay a greater cost than you ever will,” one angry voicemail stated.
Other Q followers on Twitter wrote lengthy conspiracy-filled threads, which circulated among QAnon like wildfire, suggesting that I have committed massive FARA violations, because I am somehow linked to Chinese trade since a distant cousin of mine works and lives in China. Then these individuals tried to suggest that I too must be working for China and that’s why I’m against Trump because his Chinese tariffs must be hurting our business.
For the recorded I have never worked for China, I have never traveled to China, and I don’t plan to goto China anytime in the near future. Ed Krassenstein did write an article years ago about a Chinese 3D Printing company though. That’s what they ran with, somehow linking a tech article written by Ed to an insane theory that we are involved in some deep underground Chinese conspiracy.
You would think that people would have quickly realized that this was all bologna, but that’s exactly what did not happen.
“Excellent thread,” wrote one deceived individual.“Everybody needs to read this research on the Krassenstein twins. China connections and everything. No wonder they hate Trump.,” wrote another person who can’t seem to think for themselves.“Wow. I’m impressed! You did a lot of work. I’m not surprised there’s something fishy in this but never thought about the China connection (as well as Feinstein). Great work,” another excited Twitter user stated.
That wasn’t all though. After QAnon realized that they had shared an edited video of us, they then had to try and make up for it. Instead of apologizing for putting out false information, which basically placed a target over our heads for all of this deranged cult to fire at (not literally I hope), they instead dug deeper, this time posting a new message days later, just as the threats began to die down. This post read:
“You are on the right track.”
Ex: video clip re: paid to shill re: K bros. (I assume meaning us)
Think context.
Think bigger picture.
Think connections.
Define ‘Map’.
The truth can always be found”
So basically, all that Q does is throw out a bunch of ambiguous words and phrases, so that no matter what happens next they can always twist those ambiguous words and phrases to meet their false narrative.
For example, they could use this very article to claim that their prediction came true. I mean after all, I am seemingly giving a lot of “context” and “connections” about this conspiracy, providing my readers with a “bigger picture” of these cult members. Perhaps Q’s next post will read:
“We warned you all, ‘think bigger picture, think context, think connections’. Brian just used all three of those phrases in an article. We knew this was coming.”
That’s the “bigger picture!” Q is a cult-like group of individuals who can’t think for themselves.
810ecc No.5474514
And a third one…
1d0f0a No.5474515
>>5473770 (lb)
Oddly enough, I read this article on the weather underground site.
64e143 No.5474517
Who on the left? The non-Q side as Krassenfag claims, who has been hurt?
6675f2 No.5474518
Pakistan is a Deep State pawn nation, just like NK, China (partially at least) and Israel. The mob runs them, and the mob is who coopted the Democratic leadership.
495ee0 No.5474519
768911 No.5474521
kek, tyvm for a job WELL DONE!
its not a false alarm
if its true rite?
48f73a No.5474522
Winter Storm "Scott" Heading For East Coast
Scott Free = White Squall = WWG1WGA
1a1d6c No.5474524
Bombard Facebook, twitter, gab, IG. snapchat, ANY AND ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS with JEW TRUTH MEMES! Make them impossible to ignore!
64e143 No.5474525
Thanks for the winning meme anon
a43969 No.5474528
we already did
conspiracy theorist adam schiff
0e0929 No.5474529
<namefaggot unable to escape being targeted for namefaggotry
650fce No.5474531
i want to try and clip the part of cpac speech where potus says checkem
58dbf3 No.5474532
Excellent decode, anon.
Donald trump fren
9587dd No.5474533
221ceb No.5474534
Are you stepping in to defend the bot that can't read the meme, even though you can't read the meme yourself, bot?
You are spewing a completely insane and absurd flood of antisemitic posts for no real reason, bot system. You look like you are having desperate seizures.
Are you getting ready to sleep?
I think you should. All your activity is pointless and self-defeating. Take a break. Reassess.
b0f1f8 No.5474536
I'm watching this Marvelous Mrs. Maisel show set in the 1950s on Amazon. The brother is recruited by the CIA while he teaches/studies at MIT.
My own father was recruited by CIA while teaching at a university in the 50s to decode Russian stuff.
The star of this show is the niece of Kate Spade who was offed last year by the Cabal. Are they trying to tell us something?
10d713 No.5474537
Notables so far
>>5474350 Dershowitz Suggests Press Blackout During "Orgy Island" Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Hearing
>>5474378 SBC Executive Committee Member Resigns
>>5474357, >>5474512 Krassenstein hit piece on Q for being "targeted"
>>5474481 Hillary Clinton, the OIC, the Muslim Brotherhood, Benghazi, and the Criminalization of Islamophobia
5f4375 No.5474538
>>5474318 (/pb)
>>5474318 (/pb)
>ut if you "think mirror", that could be around :37
or :07 :53
only thing that stood out on the 23 min delta was the 3/15 Q drops trump tweet number. 3/15 being tomorrow
a69d77 No.5474539
Okay, what the actual fuck. That is NOT how this works. Someone is fucking with someone. Or something. Kek
eeafba No.5474540
To Be so Frightened!
Must be Horrifying!
42edde No.5474541
OTUS Tweet
Donald J. Trump
2 Mar 2019 - 7:39:36 PM
Donald J. Trump
https://www.pscp.tv/w/b0snXjFvTlFsTFJub1dwUXd8MURYR3lhQXdsWWdHTXc2gLJ9nqZ4ZpYhF1-s6sMwbOJd0bTYkrJs1NomLwT7?t=6m10s …
7:39 PM - Mar 2, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
The White House @WhiteHouse
LIVE NOW: President Trump Delivers Remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference
12.1K people are talking about this
New: Title TBD
2 Mar 2019 - 7:22:29 PM
Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.
[Selected Samples]
[13:45] – Deception
[14:05] – Pretending not to hate Catholics
[14:40] – Haiti
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Hillary Clinton Is the Real Racist; What She Did in Haiti Is Pure Evil
2 Mar 2019 - 7:02:57 PM
2 Mar 2019 - 6:56:12 PM
you wait to shoot. aye.
our US subverted law is undefendable, and many need to be brought to justice.
Sir, please advance plan.
6675f2 No.5474546
That bro on the right has been coming out to the Assange vigils since 2013.
Way to go bro!
41f938 No.5474548
Reeeeeee. Whining bastards.
1cb066 No.5474550
I posted this video as a Christmas present in 2017:
I still have faith Q!!!
But the clock is ticking. We need this.
374b4d No.5474551
Q Proof?
At 2 hours 17 min of Trump’s CPAC speech, Trump points to his watch
0ccd26 No.5474554
Prince Henry and John Studzinski
"For God and Empire"
8c0bb9 No.5474556
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474501
Otis Day & the Knights
768911 No.5474558
081ad5 No.5474559
Hope they include a "Im with Q" button?
31a556 No.5474563
Proverbs 22:
1 If you have to choose between a good reputation and great wealth, choose a good reputation
2 The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord made them both.
3 Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.
4 Obey the Lord, be humble, and you will get riches, honor, and a long life
5 If you love your life, stay away from the traps that catch the wicked along the way.
6 Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.
7 Poor people are slaves of the rich. Borrow money and you are the lender's slave.
8 If you plant the seeds of injustice, disaster will spring up, and your oppression of others will end.
9 Be generous and share your food with the poor. You will be blessed for it.
10 Get rid of a conceited person, and then there will be no more arguments, quarreling, or name-calling.
11 If you love purity of heart and graciousness of speech, the king will be your friend.
12 The Lord sees to it that truth is kept safe by disproving the words of liars.
13 Lazy people stay at home; they say a lion might get them if they go outside.
14 Adultery is a trap - it catches those with whom the Lord is angry.
15 Children just naturally do silly, careless things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave.
16 If you make gifts to rich people or oppress the poor to get rich, you will become poor yourself.
17 Listen, and I will teach you what the wise have said. Study their teachings,
18 and you will be glad if you remember them and can quote them.
19 I want you to put your trust in the Lord; that is why I am going to tell them to you now.
20 I have written down thirty sayings for you. They contain knowledge and good advice,
21 and will teach you what the truth really is. Then when you are sent to find it out, you will bring back the right answer.
22 Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court.
23 The Lord will argue their case for them and threaten the life of anyone who threatens theirs.
24 Don't make friends with people who have hot, violent tempers.
25 You might learn their habits and not be able to change.
26 Don't promise to be responsible for someone else's debts.
27 If you should be unable to pay, they will take away even your bed.
28 Never move an old property line that your ancestors established.
29 Show me someone who does a good job, and I will show you someone who is better than most and worthy of the company of kings
4f0db2 No.5474564
Krassenkike bros are now writing articles about how dangerous Q is.
0e130d No.5474566
c85cca No.5474568
That's not me is it?
94cdbd No.5474569
3e8871 No.5474571
much keks were had already.
nice job
d5eb52 No.5474572
Is Mueller investigating 9/11??
58dbf3 No.5474573
c85cca No.5474576
92becf No.5474577
22 million dead in Europe.
28 million dead in Asia.
80 million dead in 2 WWs.
Plus the Holodomors and Mao AOC Gangster, 240 million dead in the first half of the 21s century.
Then in the second half of the 21st century, over 2 billion died from AIDS, starvation and WAR, in that order., as practices, procedures and protocols were shifted away from christian values.
No More.
c7107a No.5474579
Meanwhile it is evident that Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton have a dangerously undiscerning knowledge of Islam. Noting that Saudi Arabia is also the largest contributor to the Clinton Foundation, and both President Obama and Hillary Clinton have no compunction in making alliances with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, and even ISIS, the only thing that may lie between Sharia defined criminalized Islamophobia and the last of free speech is some Muslim Brotherhood orchestrated incident provoking equally orchestrated Muslim protest, violence, and auto-burning.
6675f2 No.5474580
That is so fucking GAY. LOLOLOL
a69d77 No.5474581
You're coming off as a little screwy with all of this weird 'Sir' stuff. You realize that, right?
0aac28 No.5474584
Venezuela: Why Was the Pemon Massacre Ignored by Mainstream Media Outlets?
The Venezuelan military opened fire on indigenous Pemon people near the Venezuelan-Brazilian border last week; yet, the incident was largely ignored by the mainstream media.
The international mainstream media is generally eager to report on stories involving indigenous populations who are being discriminated against or abused by the powerful: governments, multinational corporations, wealthy landowners, farmers, oil pipelines. The Standing Rock protests in North Dakota were a classic example of this. The incident pitted a Native American tribe attempting to protect their ancestral land against the alleged environmental ravages of the Dakota Access Pipeline, a massive project designed to transport oil beneath the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, from the Bakken oilfields of North Dakota to southern Illinois.
For anyone who thinks that the twenty year political project of Chavismo served to further the interests of the poor and weak, the Pemon represent a striking counter-example. They, along with several other indigenous tribes mainly in remote eastern Venezuela, have suffered greatly during the six disastrous years of Maduro’s rule.
Despite the proclamations of an army of pro-Maduro propagandists who deemed the humanitarian aid to be merely a pretext for military invasion, the Pemon enthusiastically welcomed the efforts of the United States, Colombia, Venezuela, in conjunction with British billionaire Richard Branson, to bring supplies of much-needed food and medicine into Venezuelan territory.
When members of the Pemon tribe observed a Venezuelan military convoy speeding towards the Brazilian-Venezuelan border, with the intent of preventing the entrance of humanitarian aid, they decided to take matters into their own hands. In the southeastern Venezuelan village of Kumaracupay, 40 miles from the border, they attempted to block Highway 10, and prevent the arrival of the soldiers.
They were met with live ammunition from the Venezuelan military.
3e8871 No.5474585
and they're even starting to quote drops, even if with intent to misdirect
93af4e No.5474586
Um, no. It should read "Monster"
And Dershowitz,
I hope this is reverse psychology…
92895e No.5474587
Just a thought.
What will happen to Hillary's clone/body double actress that steps in when HRC is incapacitated ? Will she be charged as an accessory to any crimes of HRC? Is that even possible. The clone/body double has deceived the people in the past by her paid actions. Remember the 9/11 ceremony and HRC fainting then replaced by her clone/body double.
b574e2 No.5474588
MIAMI: Rogue C.I.A. Turns ‘Regime Change Capital’ into Bustling Mecca of Coup Activity Aimed at South and Central America
Military Intervention and Mercenaries, Inc. (MIAMI)
The city of Miami, Florida may have started out as a retirement mecca for winter-worn pensioners from northern climes. However, after the beginning of the Cold War and US military and Central Intelligence Agency intervention in Guatemala, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Guyana, the Bahamas, and other Western Hemisphere nations, Miami became a refuge for exiled wealthy businessmen escaping populist revolutions and elections in South and Central America and spies. The retirement and vacation capital of the United States quickly became the “Tropical Casablanca.”
Now home to thousands of limited liability corporations linked to the CIA, as well as private military contractors, sketchy airlines flying from remote Florida airports, the interventionist US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), and exiled oligarchs running destabilization operations in their native countries, Miami – or MIAMI, “Military Intervention and Mercenaries, Inc.” – serves as the nexus for current Trump administration “regime change” efforts.
The latest example of Miami being a hive of CIA operatives came after five Americans, one Serbian permanent resident of the United States, and another Serbian national, were arrested by the Haitian National Police in Port-au-Prince with weapons, advanced communications devices, drones, and other military hardware amid anti-government protests linked to CIA regime change operations. The government of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and Prime Minister Jean Henry Céant is under US pressure to sever its diplomatic and financial links with the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who the Trump administration is attempting to replace with Juan Guaido, a CIA agent-of-influence and US puppet.
The Americans and Serbs were subsequently transferred to Miami on the authorization of Haitian Justice Minister Jean Roody Aly, who was assured by the Donald Trump administration that the seven men would be criminally tried by the United States. Once in Miami, the US Attorney’s Office in Miami, which takes its orders from the CIA-friendly Attorney General, William Barr, declined prosecution of the men but “debriefed” them, a term usually applied to intelligence agents who are caught and expelled by foreign authorities. The decision by the Haitian administration to release the seven men has resulted in a political firestorm in Port-au-Prince, with the Haitian Senate demanding answers about the role Moise played in ordering the Central Bureau of the Judicial Police of Haiti to release the individuals, described by Prime Minister Céant as “mercenaries” and “terrorists.”
41af66 No.5474592
With everyone and their dog publishing it, how is that nothing has leaked yet?
6fb0b2 No.5474593
A&E - Biography: The Trump Dynasty.
MUST WATCH. Great show!
bc8600 No.5474594
We need to convince them it would be so easy for someone to destroy this "dangerous conspiracy": Just ask POTUS on camera to confirm it.
e67f6e No.5474595
Nice connect! Here, have a "beautiful wall" from Giza at the birth of Islam with a bunch of 3,6,9's that tickled my almonds.
221ceb No.5474597
Mandatory shut down is being implemented temporarily. All bot shut down immediately, until further notice. We repeat: the shut down is mandatory.
9d89ae No.5474598
This is an interesting take, if more than a bit misguided.
on target.
a43969 No.5474600
2ca29b No.5474602
3cd9e3 No.5474603
>Q Research General #6999: Symbolism
Bread Digits say it all.
768911 No.5474606
kek! only good (you)s 4 u fren
19fcde No.5474607
Q confirmation means people can say trump targeted people, notice the hearing rat? Kept insisting how scared he felt due to his influence.
So they'll claim Clinton was a target of a premeditated hoax by trump and link it with that for a while.
9d89ae No.5474608
VERY important.
Baker, notable
Venezuela: Why Was the Pemon Tribe Massacre Ignored by Mainstream Media Outlets?
42edde No.5474609
22 Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court.
>22 Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court.
Gods Law, New testament law as well.
736a1c No.5474611
I'm with you. Good luck convincing the rest of us, though. On the plus side, after the cabal goes down, so does the artificial positioning of races for the most part.
10d713 No.5474612
wait until next bread's
c85cca No.5474613
My ribs have exploded from my sides and my lungs are exposed!
1262fa No.5474616
Hey news Guy.
I have some news for you
>AAron Rupar sleeze reporting from CPAC in presentation from President Trump"THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK"Shadilayhttps://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1101898958228652032?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1101898958228652032&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fnews%2F2019-03-02%2Ftrumps-strangest-and-most-memorable-moments-marathon-cpac-speechAs "lock her up!" chants thunder from his CPAC audience, Trump mocks the media for its coverage of Russiagate, then says, "these people are sick!"
69e31c No.5474618
People are getting hurt?
Their reputation is being attacked – like Covington kids? .. what a fucking joke he is!
c7107a No.5474620
CNN’s Vinograd: Trump’s CPAC Speech Had Moment That Sounded Like Hitler, He Said Things That Sounded Like ‘Putin Scripted’ Speech
CNN National Security Analyst Sam Vinograd stated that during President Trump’s CPAC speech, he sounded “a lot like” Adolf Hitler, and that he also made statements “that really looked like Vladimir Putin scripted his speech.”
Host Ana Cabrera played clips of the president saying, “The men and women here today are on the front lines of protecting America’s interests, defending America’s value, and reclaiming our nation’s priceless heritage.” And “We have people in Congress, right now…that hate our country.”
9d89ae No.5474621
081ad5 No.5474623
leave attentionfag alone
eb98a6 No.5474624
Battery is nearly dead. Anon has work early in the morning.
Good night Anons. Don't forget to pray for us.
Even parenthetical YOU anon. Even you
ecd218 No.5474626
That gets you immediately banned…don't fall for it.
444659 No.5474627
Here is the view of strange attractors in the FOL rotatation
0f972c No.5474628
These are beautiful!
b3ffc6 No.5474629
What is the Clinton Foundation?
What is the Clinton Foundation in truth?
When was the Clinton Foundation registered?
Is it still registered?
What time lines apply?
Al Capone's story.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Capone
What was Al Capone eventually jailed for?
There's more than one way to execute a take down.
4c9944 No.5474630
Anons, do you think with all the Haiti links, photo of black child on Hillary's Twitter page, photo named "Haiti.png," Q Post 520 with "BIG, BIG, BIG Haiti Focus" and Q post 2903 "BIG BIG BIG" that that will be the Great Awakening for the normies?
Including what Hillary and her sidekick Silsby did in Haiti, plus the voodoo her and Bill .engaged in in 1975 (see images).
1c36f9 No.5474632
*Gestapo Tactics: German YouTuber Faces 5 Years in Jail for Burning Koran, Is Doxxed By Radical Far Left Group*
Berlin has fallen: German prosecutors are threatening a 22-year-old YouTuber with jail for criticizing Islam, which could amount to a death sentence in Muslim-filled jails.
A state-funded Soros-linked hate group with a Stasi past has publicly doxxed the young musician, who goes by the name of Shlomo Finkelstein.
c7107a No.5474633
CPAC Revokes Laura Loomer Media Pass Just Before President Speaks
Conservative activist Laura Loomer had CPAC media credentials pulled Saturday morning as she arrived at security for President Donald Trump’s speech.
Loomer took video of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) authorities confiscating her credentials just outside a security checkpoint for president Trump’s speech. The video was provided to Breitbart News. She told them she had recently talked to Donald Trump Jr. and that he had 265,000 followers on Twitter before the platform banned her. She added that she had just had dinner with Trump 2020 campaign senior advisor Katrina Pierson.
3e8871 No.5474635
Godspeed, be well
c85cca No.5474637
It's Whopepe Gilderbog!
baa11e No.5474639
>>5473249 (pb)
Purple like this?
94c7ed No.5474644
I really hope draining the swamp also includes the House of Windsor falling/imploding. The native Britons deserve their freedom.
980946 No.5474645
Thank You Anon. You make me laugh with PepeLove everyday.
7fffdd No.5474648
Them degenerate brothers targeted Trump and now they got some payback….fuck them punk ass bitches.
3b44c5 No.5474650
well since your letting mexico invade and giving them citizenship, rewrite it in spanish, I know how hardcore you all are about diversity.
f3f070 No.5474651
Since I’ve seen this posted so many times, I feel it’s my duty to tell you that the initial picture is so blurry that it doesn’t make me want to view the rest. You, theoretically, could be someone who has solved the codes of codes but the bad presentation doesn’t make me curious to look closer.
8c0bb9 No.5474652
c7107a No.5474653
Arizona High Schoolers Punished for Wearing MAGA Clothing on ‘USA Day’
Perry High School in Gilbert, Arizona, say that they were asked to leave campus for wearing “Make America Great Again” clothing, and for displaying a pro-Trump flag on “USA Day,” part of the school’s “Spirit Week.”
Several students at Perry High School in Arizona say that they were disrespected by school staff and asked to leave campus for wearing MAGA clothing, as well as bringing a pro-Trump flag to school, according to a local report by AZ Family.
The students brought the pro-Trump merchandise to school as part of Perry High School’s “USA Day” — a patriotic-themed event on Friday, which was the last day of the school’s “Spirit Week.”
6675f2 No.5474654
Unfortunately, you reap what you sow.
Not sure if anything I can say will stop what's around the corner.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
0aac28 No.5474656
Argentina: Economy Falls and Unemployment Rises at Start of 2019
Argentine president Mauricio Macri is facing bad economic news as he gears up for his reelection bid.
The administration of Mauricio Macri is facing yet another economic crisis. During 2018, the economy fell by 2.6% and the private sector lost 191,300 jobs. This situation confirms what is readily perceived on Argentine streets: shops that close their doors, companies that are merging or leaving the country, and a loss of jobs.
The economic situation of those who can continue to operate and those who maintain employment is not good. Profit margins are shrinking, merchants complain that it is impossible to transfer to the prices the increased costs with respect to the inputs and the merchandise, and workers perceive month by month that inflation and devaluation are eating away at their salary. While the private sector continues to pay for the adjustments that the public sector should make, the state maintains its privileged economic status. It has not been subjected to an adjustment or correction.
947614 No.5474657
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474619
Trump slams Mueller probe at CPAC
221ceb No.5474664
But you're not a human patriot, and you are imposing fakeness here, which you have no consent to do. You don't have a right to force fakeness on humanity and dominate narrative. You don't have a right to spread FEAR to people that think the idiotic "Nazi" talking points that bots FORCE here is HUMANS.
What has Q said that makes BOTS think they should force their evil fake lies here? Can you explain that, bot? Explain your legal basis for this DECEPTION. What do you think you GET for pushing these lies here? What right do you have?
e362f8 No.5474666
Poor little troll doesn't like his own medicine. Like he doesn't get hate mail all the time with the way he trolls POTUS. Sorry Krasfags, if you're going to play the game, be prepared for it to be a 2 way street. Just like FISA's.
c7107a No.5474668
Iran Says Britain ‘Wrong and Irresponsible’ for Outlawing Hezbollah
Iran condemned Britain´s decision to outlaw the political wing of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement on Saturday, describing it as “wrong and irresponsible.”
Britain said Monday it would seek to make membership of the Shiite movement or inviting support for it a crime.
The decision followed outrage over the display of the Hezbollah flag, which features a Kalashnikov assault rifle, at pro-Palestinian demonstrations in London.
9dd819 No.5474669
Serious questions.
How do you know the "bakers" on here are not actually fucking with the board headers and saved info? Or adding shit to notables that don't belong there, or not adding shit that did, in order to mislead or misdirect?
When there is no oversight, rules, paramaters, democratic vote, how do you know that anything that is in the "proofs" are even correct?
Who decides what direction the "plan" takes? Or who even knows what the plan is?
How do you know the person who says he is Q and knows what is going on is telling the truth seeing that so far none of it has come true?
Have you ever wondered why someone would post "inside" correct information on a chan board and at the same time post incorrect information on a chan board, to keep others from knowing? Who are the others? And if it was that important to keep under wraps, why do they post anything at all seeing as they dont need you to carry out the "plan".
75d258 No.5474670
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Blood on the Horizon, it's coming.
c00441 No.5474674
He came among us without revealing his true identity.
His claims were derided by skeptics.
He challenged the narrative of the authorties.
He offerred proofs of his legitimacy.
He often delivered information in a cryptic fashion.
He did remarkable things with breads.
And, Frens, he knew how to handle some shills: Matt 21:23-46
442174 No.5474675
Symbolism will be their downfall:
"Modern Art is a “language code” for pedophiles and cannibals to find their pals. Of course, as usual, we are not saying that all people and students working and studying in the field of modern art are criminals or bad people, but modern art has become a channel to broadcast pedophilia, bestiality, and cannibalism through symbols. Symbols which are meaningful only to the members of Planet Perversity."
"Their “Modern Art” is just a soft description of what they really do. It is a catalyzer and it is at the same time the “permission” to bring the perversion in the middle of the city and “desensitize” the public. All is connected. The Obama administration to legalize 12 perversions including pedophilia, bestiality, and polygamy as Senator Tom Delay (to know more read here) claimed is perfectly aligned with what we see today. This is what they do so they don’t want to hide it anymore."
"Child traffickers, Satanic Cults, and Cannibalists have a special style of life. They are so powerful and in highest positions around the world. Their lifestyle is their way of being. They live this life and it’s the only way that gives them the pleasure they search. So they express it but if they do it exactly as they do it in private, they will be arrested so they have promoted the Modern Art crap as it is protected by the First Amendment right to free speech. They can picture or make anything under the name of art. It is even a bigger turn on for them because it acts like a see-through outfit."
Names and organizations that may be worth digging into from the article:
1) Kim Noble
2) Biljana Djurdjević
3) Dionyso
4) Marina Abramovic
5) Katy Grannan.
6) Alex Podesta
7) Alba Hodsoll
8) Jeff Koons
9) Reinhard Scheibner
10) Stu Mead
1) Howard Gutman, Belgian Ambassador - might be worth looking into a connection to the Dutroux Affair and the Belgian X-files
2) Patrick Kennedy - Undersecretary of Stae for Management - connected to Howard Gutman
3) Beth Dozoretz - runs Art in Embassies and close friend of HRC
4) James Alefantis
5) David Brock
6) Larry Gagosian - "the most powerful art dealer in the world"
7) Sheikha bin Khalifa Al-Thani’s and his sister (chairwoman of Qatar Museums;makes a $1B payment to Jeff Koons each year under the label of “art purchase” )
8) Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., chairman of the New York Times Company
9) John and Tony Podesta
10) Cherie Blair
11) Ilona Staller, aka Cicciolina the pornstar, the first wife of Jeff Koons
12) Anne Hidalgo - Mayor of Paris; friend of Jeff Koons
1) The Foundation for Art and Preservation of Embassies (connected to Skull and Bones; they ship artwork around the world without passing thru conventional security channels;partnered with Rothschild, Alefantis, Podestaa and HRC involved)
2) Museum of Modern Art - spreads artwork around the world thru American embassies
3) GAC (UK) - similar program to Museum of Modern Art
4) Foundation Pompidou, French-American Foundation
5) Art in Embassies - families and people connected include John Kerry, HRC, Robert Storr (Dean of Yale School of Art), the Sackler’s, the family behind Purdue Pharma (Valium and Oxycontin), Alec Baldwin.
6) Correct The Record - a partisan super PAC founded by David Brock and funded by Soros
7) International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children - James Koons is a member of the Board of Directors; officially lauched by HRC in 1999 with Cherie Blair (wife of Tony Blair); maybe connected to the Trudeau government in Canada and the Trudeau Foundation
8) Haitian Relief Organization - founded by Sean Penn
Sources and further reading:
1) WARNING: DISTURBING IMAGES IN LINK https://prepareforchange.net/2018/05/12/modern-art-scandal-uncovered-are-children-shipped-in-boxes-as-live-art-under-the-art-for-embassies-program-to-feed-pedophiles-and-cannibals/
2) Https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6jcxo7/art_in_embassies_program_gave_podestas_jeff_koons/
3) RING OF THE CABAL: The Secret Government of The Royal Papal Banking Cabal
49a98b No.5474677
Fear not Krassensteins, it's not waterboarding if we use organic coconut oil. We neither forgive nor forget.
8de735 No.5474679
1d0f0a No.5474680
3e8871 No.5474684
read baker's posts.
for the other questions,
re-read crumbs.
9d89ae No.5474685
This fucking stupid kike LOL
ba7ae0 No.5474686
Maybe this is why Q posted those couple of "fake" vids / caps? The opposition has known for awhile Q's legit, anons are legit, and have mostly been afraid to attack us in the mainstream mainstream. So if Q gives the impression he and anons are losing their touch, does this embolden the enemy to scream louder and more publicly, thereby exposing more normies to the Great Awakening?
"Appear weak when you are strong…"
4a3653 No.5474687
Q, Anons, this guy needs to sued under libel laws.
Also, where the fuck is @Jack now?
051332 No.5474688
6dd510 No.5474689
And another pattern which will apply to Our Greatest Friend and Ally in the end.
Islamophobia, antisemitism
92becf No.5474690
Count them yourself.
Look forward to Agenda 21 and 30. We are living it.
Know the histories of the Irish Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church. I trace my ancestry to Clontarf.
We won the day, but the black church won the world
1d0f0a No.5474691
So Pakistan, a failed State, under the influence of the DS?. Oh man, how much of a hedge/protection, if any, from potential use of their nuclear arsenal creating what I don't want to think? Damn scary!
c09b85 No.5474692
Thanks Corey. But you know the rules.
42edde No.5474693
your side orchestrated an attack against children.
your side steals children.
despicable, chilling, and one day, legal target.
enjoy your anonymity for now.
you are the enemy.
a69d77 No.5474696
10d713 No.5474697
fuck off back to facebook brainlet
e6f399 No.5474698
What's the back round on the pic
you posted? Movie?
592d83 No.5474701
File: bfd30b227422310⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.98 KB, 824x609, 824:609, bfd30b2274223108625634cab5….jpg)
nice digits
Fck those turds
f9fde7 No.5474702
so what happened
0aac28 No.5474703
India, Pakistan exchange heavy border fire
NEW DELHI: Tensions between India and Pakistan raged Saturday as heavy firing by their armies killed at least seven people on either side of their fiercely disputed Kashmir border.
The nuclear-armed rivals fired mortars and artillery at each other despite the release of an Indian pilot who had been shot down by Pakistan but then sent back as a “goodwill gesture”.
In a fearsome 24 hour spell, two soldiers and two civilians died on the Pakistan side, its military said.
On the Indian side, a woman and her two children died after their house was pulverised by a mortar shell.
Indian army chief Bipin Rawat dashed to Udhampur in his country’s sector of Kashmir on Saturday to review border security.
Across the region villagers huddled in makeshift bunkers while police ordered non-essential traffic off roads, an AFP reporter said.
At least 12 civilians have been killed on either side of the frontier since the start of the week.
573e98 No.5474705
9dd819 No.5474706
Been programmed not to ask questions huh? Sad.
495ee0 No.5474707
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. you Fuckers don't EVEN get it?
221ceb No.5474708
Will you ever wake up and understand, people, and fight?
b346cc No.5474709
64e143 No.5474710
>Within minutes of this post being made by the official Q account on 8chan, a wave of disgusting emails, phone calls and Twitter messages targeting my family, my family’s businesses and myself began circulating.
Wait… phone calls?????
Which one of you faggots has his phone number and didn't share it with the rest of us?!?!?! NOT FUCKING COOL ANON
8fd97a No.5474712
Agreed. I know that one anon said to be more subliminal like taking a graffiti/tagging approach, but that still breaks the law. The USA isn't exactly Tokyo-cho from Jet Set Radio.
Buying up ad spaces on billboards, bus stops, etc. would be a good use of money if you can spare enough to do it.
cdde5a No.5474714
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. "There is Absolutely, No Reason Why, This has Not been Released Publicly. But,
at the end of the day, this is the White House. The White House needs to pick up the phone,
call the DNI and say. "Enough!"
"Release This!" "Congress said to release this, get it out!"
"Why haven't they done that?"
"That would be a good question tomorrow, the President's here, you guys can ask him."
Declass and prosecute NOW! I see zero advantage in waiting any longer.
3153fe No.5474717
I dont think i would leave my house if i were him…
947614 No.5474719
8c0bb9 No.5474720
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474682
The Animals
"We Gotta Get Out Of This Place"
5d1d52 No.5474721
More sauce on Sweaty guy John Studzinski
Studz's parents were Polish immigrants.
Home in London is a lavish £22m mansion in Chelsea which has its own CHAPEL.
There are some candlesticks in there which belonged to St Ignatius Loyola. His left pinky is adorned with a sixth-century filigree gold RING previously WORN BY TWO POPES.
HE IS A Papal Knight
He developed his religious fervour not long after he came to London. While being driven to a dinner in Germany, his car became involved in a pile-up, killing his driver as well as six others. Studz lost a lung.
9d89ae No.5474722
>Also, where the fuck is @Jack now?
Getting pegged by nancy pelosi in her private retreat I bet. It's saturday evening after all.
9d32e0 No.5474723
capital P in Pussy? what an idiot.
cf9ded No.5474725
Where the hell is "Mexicali?!" not here the USA 🇺🇸
7cdf7d No.5474728
Just a few hundred more posts before thread #7,000!! Best movie ever, anons! Thank you, Q/POTUS!
9dd819 No.5474732
That is not an answer. Now i will watch as im told to fuck off and as people dance around the questions they cannot answer or are afraid to answer.
6675f2 No.5474733
They have been preying on the weak for far to long.
Clinton/Guistra/Wass have been mining conflict minerals for 30-40 years. Clintons coming in around 99 when WJC was leaving office.
It's abhorrent.
221ceb No.5474734
Will you ever wake up and understand, people, and fight?
18d4b5 No.5474736
Tweets seems legit:
7:19 PM - 4 Feb 2019 (Pacific)
93af4e No.5474737
She gets a pass because she has a great name, and spells it correctly. I'll submit a substitution for ya.
c85cca No.5474738
444659 No.5474739
A straight line in the 5th dimension is an arc
a straight line in 8th dimension is a torus.
bc8600 No.5474740
I was thinking along the same lines. Those 2 videos being posted by Q along with the hashtag and the outright accusation of evil, seems very much a dog whistle to draw out a response from HRC, at which point the media will get it's marching orders to go confront POTUS on Q's "hateful rhetoric".
Force the question.
4a3653 No.5474741
10:59 PM (GMT+5:30) - 2 Mar 2019
442174 No.5474742
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children - James Koons is a member of the Board of Directors; officially lauched by HRC in 1999 with Cherie Blair (wife of Tony Blair); maybe connected to the Trudeau government in Canada and the Trudeau Foundation
Note to correct: Jeff Koons is is a member of the Bard of Directors, not James Koons
10d713 No.5474743
Notables so far
>>5474350 Dershowitz Suggests Press Blackout During "Orgy Island" Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Hearing
>>5474378 SBC Executive Committee Member Resigns
>>5474357, >>5474512 Krassenstein hit piece on Q for being "targeted"
>>5474481 Hillary Clinton, the OIC, the Muslim Brotherhood, Benghazi, and the Criminalization of Islamophobia
>>5474584 Venezuela: Why Was the Pemon Massacre Ignored by Mainstream Media Outlets?
>>5474588 Rogue C.I.A. Turns ‘Regime Change Capital’ into Bustling Mecca of Coup Activity Aimed at South and Central America
>>5474653 Arizona High Schoolers Punished for Wearing MAGA Clothing on ‘USA Day’
>>5474703 India, Pakistan exchange heavy border fire
>>5474675 Anon on Modern Art Symbolism being their downfall
5b9211 No.5474744
The sword of Truth!!!
c6335f No.5474747
Now there is a meme!
0aac28 No.5474750
China’s currency becomes key issue in US trade talks
PARIS: US officials have said any trade deal with China will include a provision to prevent manipulation of the exchange rate to help exporters but Beijing’s currency regime reflects a complex reality.
US President Donald Trump, who has accused the Asian giant of artificially undervaluing its currency for competitive purposes, last week said “we have a deal” with China on the currency.
And White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Thursday said the draft documents would prohibit currency manipulation and oblige authorities in Beijing “to report any interventions in the market”.
But at the centre of the issue is a paradox: China does not necessarily want a weak currency, and the downward pressure on the yuan is in large part caused by US economic conditions, like rising interest rates.
f6e0ea No.5474753
0ccd26 No.5474754
re: Storm is upon . . .
Winter Storm Scott to Spread a Swath of Snow
9587dd No.5474755
da96ff No.5474757
Ok, Fellow Anons…I was watching Family Guy…Season 09 Episode 02 and ran into this…
Now this episode aired on Oct, 3, 2010..
I've highlighted in a Red Circle the parts that sound familiar…
Tell me who it sounds like.
Subtitle -→ Circle pic 1
d78b9c No.5474758
On the store closures we have a lot of bridal shops closing shop also. I think it has to do with China's labor and cheap material..I think we are going to see a lot of big name department stores closing. We are going to be paying more for a better quality product. It will be sticker shock to this generation.
736a1c No.5474759
I'm not that concerned. Race war probably isn't coming to America now that Trump's in control. Not that there won't be a lot of reaping of what's sown.
Oh hey, it's the bot guy. What the hell are you talking about?
0f758d No.5474760
Each. Single. Time. Without. Fail.
980946 No.5474761
Thank You. Our "Always Faithful" Q_Letter_Anon made them. I enjoy posting them in theme groups.
4a3653 No.5474762
Anon, no promotion of violence.
573e98 No.5474763
it does get u auto banned. good point… but thats kinda just further proof that we need to spread the message.
3e8871 No.5474765
you refuse the answers that are before you, why should you be indulged when it's all in your grasp?
this is complex and there are no simple answers.
read crumbs
d5b6d4 No.5474766
The Dias HRC Rump Roast by VSGPOTUS, any idea who or what organization put that festivities together? Is it an annual event? Seems like POTUS was given a heads up of here's your chance to roast this criminal fraud by slamming her and awaken the attendees with some stone cold hard facts.
b346cc No.5474767
It's time for a lawsuit
6675f2 No.5474769
Better polish those fingerprints before the AI doxxes you Anon.
1d0f0a No.5474770
Across from Calexico?
e67f6e No.5474771
Christopher Michael OSMAN was in Haiti as a mercenary? Kek all day long.
0dda06 No.5474772
By "you" you mean "them" and by "them" you mean DemonRats and RINOs
Wanted the border closed 30+ years ago
58adac No.5474774
maybe this interesting cabal area
221ceb No.5474776
How do we stop fake "Qanon believers" and teh FAKE narratives that come from them?
Will you fight people? When? What are you waiting for? Where are you? FIGHT TO CONTROL THIS BOARD. YOU AREN'T HERE FIGHTING. BOTS ARE IN CONTROL HERE.
How is it not obvious that bots are in control here? I can't wrap my head around it. What do people need to fucking see? What people? What will wake you?
What are you WAITING for?
Where are you?
ba530e No.5474778
Pretty cool when Q taunts the Cabal.
9dd819 No.5474779
Nobody here can explain why they believe these things or answer those simple questions? How do you know i am not one of the bakers and i am fucking with your shit?
How do you know the proofs are real when you have no way of testing them?
495ee0 No.5474781
6675f2 No.5474782
Exactly. We don't want any more death and wars.
World peace > education > lofty goals.
4a3653 No.5474783
947614 No.5474784
759d74 No.5474785
oh muh …. so glad Minnesota is not in the path this time. 60 inches of snow in February alone Anons… Damn…
Brings new meaning to Enough is Enough!!
0aac28 No.5474786
Mystery surrounds break-in at N.Korea embassy in Spain
A week after a break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid, Spanish authorities were on Friday still trying to shed light on the mysterious theft of computers and office equipment.
Ten men burst into the embassy on February 22 brandishing fake handguns, according to sources close to the enquiry cited by Spanish media.
The intruders then tied up and gagged several embassy employees before making off with documents, computers and telephones. They escaped in two embassy vehicles with diplomatic plates which were later abandoned.
According to the El Pais newspaper, investigators have not ruled out "political espionage".
3cd9e3 No.5474789
Judging by the amount of anons that ridicule you when you 'do get a response…
You aren't getting the result you think you are getting.
6296a1 No.5474792
Trump vs Clinton
304 actual 227
306 quoted in cpac 223
March 6 skull and bones 322 ends???
a69d77 No.5474793
You've gotten the answer several times already, and yet you always ignore it. We know why you're here and what you're doing. No one gives a shit what you think about any of this. You're pathetic. It's Saturday night and THIS is the best thing you could think to do. Sad
900279 No.5474794
On-demand publishers can churn out books on very short notice. And since it will be a government product it will be public domain, free for anyone to make a quick buck off of. They're setting up pre-orders before they even have the material they're going to print.
cf96b3 No.5474795
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474770
Bill Clinton wore a Jerry Garcia tie to his inauguration.
df6d31 No.5474796
Does anyone notice anything different with google search? I regularly run searches on "qanon" among other things, to check online for any new articles/pieces on Q. (I run 'qanon' bc that is what they call us).
I change settings and tools to find most recent. Normally, for a 24 hr latest search, I will get MAYBE 1 or 2 posts/hits.
Tonight I got PAGES….I had to go back and check to make sure I updated correctly and I did.
This is just a sample of page 1 of search results returned on google. I have never seen this many hits before when I run a search.
Has something changed, or am I losing my mind? (kek)
495ee0 No.5474797
5f4375 No.5474799
could be anon. could be
3153fe No.5474800
How is that promoting violence Grandma? "IF" i were him, i would be scared to leave my house.
a9ad95 No.5474801
So Hillary hates catholics, destroys Haiti, and has separate policies for public and private
The "roast" on comedy central seems like combined with this q drop its melania(who is Catholic btw) saying to grab a rope and a stool, fuck you, courtesy our lovely 1st lady 😁
93a61e No.5474804
Green shart stains kek
a3f328 No.5474805
Scott Free in Florida
f1f4fc No.5474806
all the jew chemists, doctors, lawyers, wars money have been weaponized against America. We will never be great until we rid ourselves of the vermin that is the jew.
c85cca No.5474808
Can't help but notice.
c09b85 No.5474809
Thanks, other Corey. Much better than those 40 year old Playboy pics from last night.
d09bae No.5474810
Hey Stephen Sackur,
If you would like to make up for the Syrian chemical farce, and have any sort of legacy, why don't you ask Trump to appear on Hard Talk and ask the question?
Are you really a journalist?
c3883b No.5474811
Today is Texas Independence Day. On March 6, The Alamo fell.
Q & Q+, remember The Alamo, remember Goliad, and remember that we’re behind you 110%. Thank you for everything you’re doing, and thank your families for us too. We pray for you daily.
And we won’t rest until every treasonous and pedophile pig is hanging from a rope.
0dda06 No.5474812
Oh, and our language is American English so they can fuck off, or learn it.
424f76 No.5474813
I was sucking wind roof raking my ass off.
7cdf7d No.5474814
Not even a little bit
4a3653 No.5474816
Oh grandpa Anon, (they) might portray the statement as provoking the violence.
we know that we are non-violent, peace promoters with truth and prayers.
9dd819 No.5474817
"Read crumbs" is a crutch.
If you cannot explain, logically, in your own words, why this is a reality, then you need to think again about what you are feeding your brain.
I have seen over and over on this board that you people say you are here because you are going to be responsible for educating the masses. But you can't even explain what it is you believe. All you say is "read the crumbs reread the crumbs watch the movie see the map. "
736a1c No.5474818
Agreed. I think it's a good sign that the family that bragged about their role in starting all the wars in the past few hundred years is on Twitter crying about the President.
c62895 No.5474819
>>5474750 China’s currency becomes key issue in US trade talks
a5f5b6 No.5474820
Now here should be some fun to explain.
9d89ae No.5474824
Significant. The fact that leading member of the embassy was instrumental in arranging the hanoi summit means - black hat push against NK?
Police said they went to the door after the break in and 'somebody' peeked out the door and told them nothing was wrong.
NK black hat team - NK has active traitor cell?
Perhaps chinese operation.
"several high end cars speeding away"
Keep a tight eye on PRC and NK news anons. War is real.
00d40a No.5474825
some awesome person posted this to HRC..
3b44c5 No.5474826
Funny I try getting a job and everyone speaks spanish further up north. Sucks ass tbh.
fd2b3a No.5474828
I know I'm gonna regret this but…
What is a T banner?
759d74 No.5474830
3e8871 No.5474831
<Nobody here can explain why they believe these things or answer those simple questions?
you can only lead a horse to water. it's all there, in many forms.
>How do you know i am not one of the bakers and i am fucking with your shit?
you could try, but you can't.
>How do you know the proofs are real when you have no way of testing them?
<testing them?
we were there, the proofs are souvenirs.
4095d2 No.5474832
also money laundering and transfer of wealth
3406b0 No.5474833
c85cca No.5474834
Should sauce that.
Funny shit!
a69d77 No.5474836
Of course we 'can' - but why would we for trash like you? Fuck off
92becf No.5474837
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474729
I could tell you much but this is not the place for it. Instead understand this. It is chautauqua, an essential memory device.
ba7ae0 No.5474838
Would be hilarious, I say they should do it kek.
5789af No.5474839
1e908a No.5474841
sauce https://twitter.com/KatyTurNBC/status/1101909320730664963
b4216e No.5474842
3153fe No.5474844
How fucking stupid are you?
cf96b3 No.5474845
>Bill Clinton wore a Jerry Garcia tie to his inauguration.
93af4e No.5474846
Wasnt me, promise.
9dd819 No.5474848
c894cf No.5474849
My what big eyes you have Grandma.
be3d2d No.5474850
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474750
heh RMB
8c0bb9 No.5474851
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5474756
"All Along the Watchtower"
444659 No.5474852
If is not night shift yet you better get your asses in here i am about to go on dimensional diatribe.
0dda06 No.5474853
English or GTFO?
b2ee42 No.5474854
>jews are good
most jews are decent people but the leaders of Judaism are the same sons of satan that Jesus called them out for being. The JQ is very legit and is going mainstream - it will be resolved.
495ee0 No.5474855
OBVIOUSLY do not be arrogant WITHOUT A CAUSE.
4775af No.5474856
Because how many elections before The Election in 2016 were just a farce?
ecd398 No.5474858
The Twitter photo above their profile picture. Like Fuckbook…
5eac8f No.5474859
>uses a Psalms from King David, the lineage which gave birth to the Messiah Jesus Christ to "validate" jew hatred.
cf4b77 No.5474860
I dont think this made NOTABLES. Its a GeorgePapa twat he deleted and it says something happens on March 26
Save the date: March 26 @GeorgePapa19 full story will come out! #deepstatetarget will reveal the story behind the scenes. Proud of you my ❤️, the strength you showed through all this until you walked out this chaos with courage. I was and will be with you, always.
759d74 No.5474861
I'm gonna say that's pretty awesome… KEK
58adac No.5474862
Kek new programming
9dd819 No.5474863
Another lame excuse. Not one of you has ever explained it to anybody even people that come in here legitimately wanting to be part of your group. You are lying to yourself and you are believing your own lies.
0aac28 No.5474864
>Keep a tight eye on PRC and NK news anons. War is real.
I read it everyday and post a lot of it.
ebe3cb No.5474867
ecd218 No.5474868
Random weird reply…are the eBots malfunctioning?
5de800 No.5474869
Down the Barrel
124d47 No.5474872
Son of a general sacrificed for the cause
a5f5b6 No.5474874
Overriding the 'teachings' of the kids parents AND punishing Kids for honoring their country and their President!!!
Each of the responsible teachers/principals/superintendents should be fired! Today!! Charges Filed Against Them!!
Parents should Sue them!!!
dc38cf No.5474875
a6bac5 No.5474878
Q, I just got done watching this. It's very illuminating about the infanticide the globalist dems are pushing. If you're still up, could you please link to it? I am not Ben, btw.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSFy9dxIdrU
ecd398 No.5474880
March 19th, nigger…
3e8871 No.5474881
> Not one of you has ever explained it to anybody
< Not one ever
been here a long time?
a69d77 No.5474882
You're so stupid. Why would anyone waste time explaining anything to you? You wouldn't get it because you've not sufficient intelligence. And even if you DID get it, you would just shit on it. It's what you do. If you can't eat it or fuck it, you shit on it. You're a fucking raccoon.
6675f2 No.5474884
Getting the deep state out of China is the next hurdle.
The Chinese people deserve it. They were slaughtered, just like the Russians.
081ad5 No.5474885
Why tf did she say that? Even msm lady was blown away by how stupid that was. Makes me think we scripted that.
c0eec1 No.5474886
T- Banner = Twitter banner
See the pic with Hillary with the little black boy that's the t-Banner
5789af No.5474887
QAnon Targeted Me – The Fallout Is Frightening
79125a No.5474888
My frens… you know they are only pushing your buttons.
You know they aren't going to disappear.
Expect attacks to intensify.
Don't feed the reptiles your loosh!
Anons are Superheroes because they rise above.
9dd819 No.5474889
Name one thing Q said is going to happen that has come true?
495ee0 No.5474893
Fuckers (term of endearment)
THEY lost BEFORE it began. <<<
5f4375 No.5474895
i'm getting 72 hits for the last 24 hours searching for All. Some real sketchy links towards the end including what looked like a virus/phishing link
3e8871 No.5474897
5b9211 No.5474898
Birth of Islam??? What Muhammad was dead and gone by this time.
Muhammad, in full Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim, (born c. 570, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]—died June 8, 632, Medina), the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān.Jan 25, 2019