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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

91a96f  No.5340568

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 02.22.2019

>>5340213 ————————————–——– Nothing to See Here.You are the news now. (Cap: >>5340257)

>>5339881 ————————————–——– Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?

>>5336480 rt >>5336224 ————————— We have everything.

>>5336136 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 1

>>5336143 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 2

>>5334342 rt >>5333867 ————————— Tools of prevention online.

>>5333636 rt >>5333408 ————————— CROOKED [[[HILLARY]]]

>>5333421 rt >>5333408 ————————— Disregard all spelling/other errors.

>>5333408 ————————————–——– JUDGEMENT DAY COMING. (Cap: >>5333721)

>>5328866 ————————————–——– One step closer. (Cap: >>5329024 )

>>5328649 ————————————–——– How do you fill your admin if majority of those 'in politics' are corrupt? (Cap: >>5328694 )

>>5328390 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS ONLY DIVIDES.

>>5328186 rt >>5328018 ————————— Crime Against Children.

>>5327931 rt >>5327889 ————————— Sedition. Treason. Crimes against Humanity.

>>5327833 rt >>5327780 ————————— https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sex%20Puppy (Cap: >>5327878 )

>>5327732 rt >>5327581 ————————— Puppy (sex_urban dic)?

>>5327554 ————————————–——– What happened re: Bernie's wife 'fraud' case? (Vid: >>5327583 )

>>5326450 ————————————–——– The best is yet to come. (Vid: >>5326469 )

>>5326235 rt >>5325789 ————————— Impossible to defend. Vietnam trip coming. Enjoy the show!

>>5325739 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.

>>5325408 rt >>5325320 ————————— There sure are a lot of ‘Q’ comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.

>>5325320 rt >>5325292 ————————— Got popcorn? (Re: >>5318964 (see below))

>>5325224 ————————————–——– Dead on. (Caps: >>5325267 )

>>5320727 rt >>5320696 ————————— Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat

>>5320696 ————————————–——– The Deal of a Lifetime?

>>5320205 ————————————–——– Our reach is a direct threat to their control. (caps >>5320232)

>>5319456 ————————————–——– Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).

>>5319191 ————————————–——– Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.

>>5318964 ————————————–——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

91a96f  No.5340579


are not endorsements


>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

#6825 Baker Change

>>5339998 Trump announces Kelly Knight Craft as nominee for UN ambassador

>>5339976, >>5340162 ISPs graphics from Q post

>>5339975 Livid black woman slams sanctuary cities policies (waiting on video)

>>5339862, >>5339968, >5339505 Quanell X For Trump

>>5340226 Who controls the internet? ICANN

>>5340070 understanding internet infrastructure from Q post

>>5340159 both articles caps from Q post

>>5340065, >>5340080 Forbes article from Q post

>>5340302 Q twatter link from 2018

>>5340351, >>5340476 Sara carter talking about Qanon (im not Q), with video

>>5340290 Brian Cates talking about the real roles of Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein

>>5340474, >>5340202 Adam Schefter, "people being arrested, prominent people, 175 more names" expected

>>5340536 #6825


>>5339125 MBS defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

>>5339157 Happy Birthday George Washington!

>>5339178 Arkansas passes resolution calling on law enforcement to “suspend contact and outreach” with Hamas-linked CAIR

>>5339214 Mug shots of men arrested for visiting Sebastian and Vero Beach massage parlors

>>5339232, >>5339384 Self-proclaimed Marxist arrested on charges of violently threatening law enforcement officers on social media

>>5339285, >>5339451 UC Berkeley police identify punching suspect in viral right-wing videos

>>5339385, >>5339452 Report: Robert Kraft not "biggest name" involved in prostitution ring

>>5339568 S&P Warns Global Sovereign Debt Will Top $50 Trillion This Year

>>5339582 ISIS BTFO

>>5339586, >>5339614, >>5339738 Venezuelan air defence forces performed live fire drilling with ZU-23-2 twin 23mm AA batteries

>>5339797 #6824


>>5338363 Russia accuses U.S. of planning to arm the opposition in Venezuela

>>5338377 A Desperate Man: Michael Cohen; on his connections to HRC, Podesta, and Ukraine

>>5338403 Sweden has become for jihadists ‘what Argentina was for Nazis’: MP slams govt over ISIS inaction

>>5338414 For Top Keks: Q Shill "Will" Sommer says he'll ask POTUS the Q.

>>5338431 Putin says no analogs of Russian weapons will be developed in the world anytime soon

>>5338446 Trump picks ambassador to Canada for UN post

>>5338519, >>5338910 Graphic on a person that got arrested in the prostitute and human trafficking arrests

>>5338644 Earth to liberals: You are all Jussie Smollett

>>5338758 Liberals outnumber conservatives in only 6 states

>>5338785 BBC Producer Blows The Whistle & Admits The “Gas Attack” Footage From Syria “Was Staged”

>>5338838 Dig on one of men arrested in the prostitute and human trafficking arrests

>>5338930 Amy Klobuchar reportedly ordered staffer to clean comb after she used it to eat salad

>>5338990 Mumbai’s archbishop, who could be next Pope, accused of ignoring sexual abuse complaints

>>5339040 #6823


>>5337596 Another Papadopoulos tweet

>>5337644 R. Kelly turns himself in to Chicago police after being indicted on sexual abuse charges

>>5337677 Rod Rosenstein: My Time in Law Enforcement ‘Coming to an End’

>>5337701 22 Child Sex Predators Nabbed In Multi-Agency Sting

>>5337705 MAJOR Gun Control Bills Move To U.S House Floor For A Vote

>>5337748 Jupiter spa manager booked into jail on prostitution charges

>>5337759 Planned Parenthood exec departures surge after 'baby body parts' vids

>>5337760 Cold War is good for business: US contractors rejoice at the new Red Scare

>>5337827 'Remember These Names: 12 Democratic Senators Pushing Anti-Christian Bigotry

>>5337925 Moar on carcinogens

>>5337937, >>5338010 Venezuela braces for dueling government, opposition concerts

>>5338177 The 'Q' coming soon?

>>5338209 Democrats Take Down Another Judicial Nominee Simply Because He’s A Christian

>>5338265 #6822

Previously Collected Notables

>>5336735 #6820, >>5337501 #6821

>>5334444 #6817, >>5335186 #6818, >>5335901 #6819

>>5332098 #6814, >>5332894 #6815, >>5333639 #6816

>>5329811 #6811, >>5330572 #6812, >>5331365 #6813

>>5327518 #6808, >>5328282 #6809, >>5329042 #6810

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

91a96f  No.5340582

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>5327582

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>5335505

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

91a96f  No.5340590

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: https://qanon.news/Help/Api/GET-feed-Q can be used to create alerts for Qanon.news

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

91a96f  No.5340597

File: 587aa6c4c24e027⋯.png (145.2 KB, 482x276, 241:138, ClipboardImage.png)



4c58a3  No.5340624

File: 8ee602b4ae4e758⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 960x640, 3:2, DemandVoterID2.jpg)

File: f0395c19f4f0dd9⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DemandVoterID1.jpg)

File: 2552bc1400779ba⋯.jpg (85.79 KB, 504x500, 126:125, VoterIDWonka.jpg)

File: f0395c19f4f0dd9⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DemandVoterID1.jpg)

File: e6c5e42014bb05f⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 426x426, 1:1, Demoncrats.jpg)

0996af  No.5340625

File: 5642c58f4994f4e⋯.mp4 (10.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, scope.mp4)

cefd11  No.5340626

File: 32ae450595e783a⋯.png (818.13 KB, 684x884, 171:221, 3D8C1FE4-DEC1-4037-BFCB-C7….png)

File: 136cdf1630e29f9⋯.jpeg (149.33 KB, 1242x968, 621:484, AE4AA853-8345-434B-AF31-1….jpeg)

File: 1a159ac76c5a332⋯.jpeg (180.82 KB, 1242x1501, 1242:1501, E92976CF-CD9B-4638-A455-5….jpeg)

File: 75dbfc91905d96c⋯.jpeg (54.02 KB, 1242x403, 1242:403, B3842FF9-4DA2-4EE1-B277-B….jpeg)

Memetic Warfare


b952fa  No.5340627

Quorn's 2002 debut in the US was more problematic than its European introduction. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) expressed multiple concerns over the product.[42] Much of the concern from CSPI and others was over the original labeling of Quorn as a "mushroom based" product, since Fusarium venenatum is not a mushroom (rather, it is a microfungus).[42] The sale of Quorn was contested by The American Mushroom Institute, rival Gardenburger, as well as the CSPI. They filed complaints with advertising and trading-standards watchdogs in Europe and the US, claiming the labelling of Quorn as "mushroom based" was deceptive.[42][43] The CSPI observed that while a mushroom is a fungus, Fusarium is not a mushroom, and stated, "Quorn's fungus is as closely related to mushrooms as humans are to jellyfish."[44]

CSPI also claimed that Quorn could cause allergic reactions and should be removed from stores. Calling the product "fungus food", CSPI claimed in 2003 that it "sickens 4.5% of eaters".[45] The manufacturer (Marlow Foods) disputes the figure, claiming that only 0.0007% (1 in 146,000) suffer adverse reactions and that the strain of fungus it uses does not produce toxins.[45] The CSPI's claims were also described by Leslie Bonci, professor of nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh, as "overblown".[46] Wendy Preiser, Gardenburger's vice president of marketing, said the company was afraid that Quorn's labels would cause people to be suspicious about all meat-free products.[47][48]

The UK's Advertising Standards Authority also had concerns over Marlow's practice of marketing Quorn as "mushroom in origin", saying it had been "misleading consumers". The ASA noted "despite the advertiser’s explanation that they used the term because customers were unfamiliar with the main ingredient, mycoprotein, the ASA considered that the claim implied that Quorn was made from mushroom. Marlow Foods were asked either to delete the claim or give in the same font size a statement of the mycoprotein origin of the product or the fungal origin of the product."[49]

b952fa  No.5340628

Quorn's acceptance in the vegetarian market was hampered by the use of battery eggs in its production process, a practice opposed on ethical grounds by many in the vegetarian community. For this reason, the Vegetarian Society initially did not approve these products. Working with the Vegetarian Society, Marlow began phasing out battery eggs in 2000,[50] and by 2004 all Quorn products sold in the UK were produced without battery eggs, earning the Vegetarian Society's seal of approval.[20]

An asthma attack in 2003 was linked to Quorn, which the patient had eaten an hour earlier. Scientists' tests showed Quorn to be the only food to which the patient had an allergic reaction. A spokesperson for the Food Standards Agency stated that an allergy was not surprising because of the high protein content.[51] Former FSA director Jon Bell responded in defence of Quorn stating that several commonly consumed foods and food ingredients — such as soya — have a much higher intolerance level than Quorn. While adverse reactions were reported for one in 146,000 people who ate Quorn, this rose to one in 35 who ate shellfish and one in 350 who ate soya.[51][52]

2d5898  No.5340629

What the fuck…. THe internet is held in CAL. WTF….WAR BURN these fucks out..JAIL WTF

be301a  No.5340630


0996af  No.5340631

File: cbdd8672380ea05⋯.png (333.78 KB, 1242x638, 621:319, ClipboardImage.png)

5bb63a  No.5340632

File: d43eda185610671⋯.jpeg (838.19 KB, 4341x1945, 4341:1945, 87EFF217-320E-4600-9519-6….jpeg)

4c58a3  No.5340633

File: a091cc28b98b9fc⋯.png (271.91 KB, 782x750, 391:375, boris_and_natasha_voter_ID.png)

File: a091cc28b98b9fc⋯.png (271.91 KB, 782x750, 391:375, boris_and_natasha_voter_ID.png)

7a8de1  No.5340634

File: c5022982a12b9ab⋯.mp4 (14.33 MB, 480x268, 120:67, Plan Z-ipod-classic.mp4)

Plan 'Z'?

Watch the whole thing.

Gotta be comms!? Dedicate a minute and a half to this?

'Z' is where 'Y' key should be and then ends up between the R and Y in 'The Story' show logo.

This Story/Individual "Carson" could be entirely fabricated for the purpose of comms.


9dbe75  No.5340635

File: 1bdb490ca0159a7⋯.png (175.89 KB, 670x779, 670:779, ClipboardImage.png)

b952fa  No.5340636

Clinical studies have demonstrated that mycoprotein has positive physiological effects due to its high content in fiber and protein, the low content of carbohydrates and the fact that its fat content is mostly unsaturated. It has been proven that mycoprotein reduces total cholesterol and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), induces satiety and can reduce the glycemic response when present with carbohydrate-rich foods.[53]


The first proof that mycoprotein was capable to reduce total cholesterol and LDL in blood was in a tolerance study,[54] where the only significant change in blood analysis was the decrease of cholesterol during the mycoprotein phase of the study (where the participants ingested mycoprotein). Two studies[55][56] at King’s College (University of London), demonstrated that mycoprotein lowers total and LDL cholesterol in subjects with slightly raised levels under two different conditions: under clinical ingest control and in a free ingest condition. In the first study,[55] clinically prepared meals were provided to 17 subjects, which consumed 190 g/day of mycoprotein for 3 weeks. Total cholesterol and LDL in blood were significantly reduced, whereas HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) increased. In the second study,[56] 21 subjects were provided with 27 g/day of mycoprotein in dry weight (approximately 130 g/day of regular moisture mycoprotein) in form of a biscuit for 8 weeks. Blood samples were recollected at the beginning, at 4 weeks and at 8 weeks. Total cholesterol and LDL decreased during the study, but no statistically significant differences were observed in HDL cholesterol.

A pilot study,[57] based on 21 subjects who didn’t consume mycoprotein, whom were asked to ingest it for 6 weeks.Ten of those subjects continued with their regular diets, being the control group. It was proven that cholesterol in individuals who present high contents is reduced, but the authors conclude stating that a more rigorous study with more participants is needed to know if mycoprotein ingest also intervenes in other aspects, such as of glucose in blood reduction or blood pressure.

759e26  No.5340637

File: de60059bfec7a3a⋯.png (43.59 KB, 598x350, 299:175, Sperry re De Blasio Pot to….PNG)

File: 2b25933f95666ab⋯.png (22.72 KB, 404x371, 404:371, Q 2868 Reparations.PNG)

Repost [lb]

Bread 6825


BREAKING: For reparations, Democrat presidential hopeful Bill De Blasio proposes ceding the legalized pot industry to blacks, comparing it to giving Indians casinos & implying blacks would want that industry b/c they understand getting high.

How insulting.

How is that not racist?


Will the next wave of [D] 2020 candidates begin to push the 'everything will be free' 'reparations for all Black Americans' 'more gov't control will save us' etc. etc. etc. (broken record) lines in order to 'buy'/'con' voters?


[Posted today]

07181b  No.5340638

i really want these 175 names….

0f0d53  No.5340639

File: 64ca466c8bf3bb4⋯.jpg (160.36 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, 60877f-20170120-trump-inau….jpg)

b952fa  No.5340640

Effects on satiety

A study[58] demonstrated that when subjects received meals of similar nutritional values based either on chicken or mycoprotein, those who received mycoprotein felt less hungry in the evening, and when dinner time came, they ate less when compared to those who ate chicken. In another study[59] with the same dynamic, these result were validated, and it was also demonstrated that the next ingest in the sequent day, it was also lower in quantity compared with the other group, proving that diets with a high content of mycoprotein can have a positive effect on appetite regulation.

Effects on the glycemic response

Mycoprotein has also the ability to reduce the glycemic response, that is the rate of change in blood glucose, following the ingest of such. In a study,[60] 19 subjects were asked to fast overnight, and the next morning they received either a milkshake with soya flour and milk or a milkshake with 20 mg of mycoprotein. Blood samples were recollected before ingesting the milkshake, and at intervals of 30 minutes for 120 minutes. The glucose response in serum was statistically significant lower in the subjects who received the mycoprotein compared to the control group. The insulin in blood also had a similar behavior. The authors concluded saying that mycoprotein could be a beneficial supplement in diets for diabetic people.

11a460  No.5340641

File: 8ca00739e0d4dcd⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 396x517, 36:47, obozo-michelle-npc.jpg)

We hate you baker

be8474  No.5340642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8d5533  No.5340643

File: be12ae24fffd20b⋯.jpg (470.23 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_02-22-08.09.08.jpg)

Derp wrong one

Wil KMS now

567ef6  No.5340644

File: ad3af86184cf9f1⋯.jpeg (574.11 KB, 2376x1452, 18:11, AD42525E-49D4-4571-AE9B-B….jpeg)

b0b6fa  No.5340645

File: 255ad189f829098⋯.png (63.53 KB, 786x260, 393:130, krassensteins.png)

File: a1dc145e77b1c5d⋯.png (130.97 KB, 283x283, 1:1, krass_brock.png)

File: 7f33447f690d0f6⋯.png (793.48 KB, 982x744, 491:372, brock_krang copy.png)

4ca595  No.5340646

File: 514cd3d63ff44ae⋯.png (386.71 KB, 836x291, 836:291, bs222.PNG)

No word of how he died yet

7ab625  No.5340647

File: 193245029dce151⋯.jpg (193.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wilcock.jpg)


f4fb37  No.5340648

>>5340598 lb

>>5340216 lb

>>5340202 lb

>>5340536 lb

Sauce is in past breads NOTABLES fyi.

>>5339811 pb #6824

Report: Robert Kraft not "biggest name" involved in prostitution ring

b952fa  No.5340649

Mycoprotein patent expiration

In the European Union, patents expire after 20 years from their filing date. Since the first patent application was filed in 1985,[61] the mycoprotein patents had already expired in 2010 in all EU countries. Now anyone can legally produce mycoprotein products using the previously patented processes (but using other brand names, because Marlow Foods maintains ownership of the Quorn brand name). On 14 March 2011, CEO Kevin Brennan said in an interview: "Some patents surrounding the core technology have expired, but the product uses a peculiar fermentation method, and we have 30-plus years' experience in perfecting this on site to produce the product better and at a lower cost. Huge related costs include £30m cost for a fermentation tower and related equipment, so you can't simply look at a patent and say 'there you go'."[62]

Vegan version of product

In late 2011, the first vegan Quorn product was released, called the Quorn Vegan Burger,[63] available initially only in the US. Following strong sales of the product and increasing demand from the UK market, Quorn Foods UK Marketing Director Chris Wragg announced that they are now developing and testing a line of vegan products for the UK market. The company said it was also reducing its use of eggs overall, using 3.5 million fewer eggs since 2010.[64] The first range of vegan Quorn in the UK, of which there are currently eight such products, was launched in October 2015.[65]

125af6  No.5340650


oh hell no

d11e4b  No.5340651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5340523 (lb)





The Professional…

The director, the theme, the victims, etc.

And the fact that Sting & his label allow this vid to remain on youtube…

4c58a3  No.5340652


That's weird. I posted 2 different pics and this happened. Same pic twice.

520469  No.5340653

File: 977be6a0b662c61⋯.jpeg (264.01 KB, 1242x605, 1242:605, EC6FD4BE-2BEC-4EF8-BAC7-7….jpeg)

File: a8f96db0bf8bdec⋯.jpeg (573.13 KB, 1242x976, 621:488, FFBF12FA-277F-40BC-BDDC-1….jpeg)

File: e8167806c7a5999⋯.jpeg (645.02 KB, 1242x1282, 621:641, 6BB7665A-6D4B-4E98-87F1-D….jpeg)

File: f64cad0121b8757⋯.jpeg (515.96 KB, 1242x827, 1242:827, 60CB224A-58FB-4F85-96B8-D….jpeg)

File: 0fce3c42696b57b⋯.jpeg (724.4 KB, 1242x1129, 1242:1129, 358DB4FC-227F-4D79-93CA-9….jpeg)

Hot in the kitchen ? Watch the cakes kek


b952fa  No.5340654

mycoproteins are gluten free too

4c58a3  No.5340655

File: 6b3f1c6e8f82a96⋯.jpg (256.3 KB, 1200x872, 150:109, ToonVoting.jpg)

c8df82  No.5340656


House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte has publicly supported a bill seeking to block ICANN from using government funds to hand over certain internet functions to an international multi-stakeholder organisation.

His intervention comes as the House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill, which outlined funding for various US government departments, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Science, until September 2016.

However, the bill included a provision that such funds would not be used by ICANN in its transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions.

he bill passed the House with a 242-183 majority last week, and yesterday, June 8, the bill was introduced to the Senate.

Goodlatte welcomed the provision in the bill that prevents funds going towards the transition, first explaining that “the Obama administration’s proposal to transition stewardship in overseeing the management of the internet away from the US to an international body has kicked off high-profile debates”.

He added: “While the proposed transition has raised numerous questions, the administration has been less than forthcoming with answers. The administration maintains that ICANN is capable of such a transition but the evidence indicates that this is simply not the case.

“Given all the concerns over the proposed transition of the internet domain system to ICANN, the funding prohibition included in the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill is necessary to halt this flawed policy from the Obama administration.”

Last year, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration announced it intended to transfer the management of the IANA functions from ICANN, with which it holds a contract, to a global multi-stakeholder organisation. ICANN has been handed the task of transferring the functions.

But recently ICANN has come under scrutiny from some quarters over its ability to handle the transition. Mei-lan Stark, former president of the International Trademark Association and who was attending a House subcommittee hearing last month on accountability structures at ICANN, said the “critical framework required for a successful transition of the IANA function does not yet exist”.

ICANN had not responded to a request for comment at the time of publication, but TBO will update the story should the organisation respond.

Bob Goodlatte; Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill; ICANN; IANA;

527528  No.5340657

File: 3e8ffc72fdf94ac⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 519x353, 519:353, cb3883f287b59a0d379115369f….jpg)

38cf67  No.5340658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b952fa  No.5340659


knock and drop

ring trick

69b4d4  No.5340660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f58480  No.5340661

File: 24584288e5666c6⋯.png (132.71 KB, 836x681, 836:681, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)



(1) Info


(2) Remove Control from Gov't and provide to CA (who controls CA?)


(3) Significant Risk? Cover? Control?


>Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer US Gov't control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?

You are the news now.


58adfe  No.5340662

>>5340496 lb

Q knows that they are getting paid. but really that clip wasn't spontaneous imo, that was Krasendoophus' attempt at framing the narative. backfire,

d7defc  No.5340663

File: 68edbad020c37ec⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 1903x6985, 173:635, Screenshot_2019-02-23 Clar….jpg)


Clark Gable’s grandson, Clark Gable III, dead at 30, says report

sorry if posted already. But for archival purposes

91a96f  No.5340664

anon from pb


repost your paul sperry post

or anons grab for me

70b9aa  No.5340665

47 years since last man walked on the moon?

Seems odd doesn’t it?

18f6c7  No.5340666

File: dd3c9ffd700663f⋯.png (949.47 KB, 750x774, 125:129, dd3c9ffd700663f41d1d1e8e6b….png)


As tempting as it is to project to the masses a foreign threat we must start shifting that towards the real enemy. THE CABALS. We need to get all eyes over target… PEACE IS THE PRIZE

b952fa  No.5340667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0f0d53  No.5340668


Funny how the press has gone out of its way to see if there is anyone connected to Trump who is open about their support for Q.

c7779b  No.5340669

>>5339922 PB

Please see Serial Brain 2’s latest post.

e04b32  No.5340670

Dear Intelligence Overlords…

Nice OP in FLA…like Jenga…pulling out near the top..how many of them were on strings due to cameras at that lovely establishment?

When one follows the money…without this Jenga block the top rocks…noice…top will be getting thirstier…and thirstier. The hands that rock their cradle…quietly…without notice suddenly in the spotlight.

3be2d0  No.5340671


It's only appropriate that the baker follow Q.

2f80c6  No.5340672



cefd11  No.5340673


AGREED, fren.

66665a  No.5340674

So First, read this https://hillreporter.com/the-krassensteins-are-not-paid-to-tweet-but-the-alt-rights-ignorance-is-staggering-8203

Then consider why Q posted a known "Video of questionable authenticity" and adds, "You are the news now." ??

The "NEWS" he is directing us to is about US. Q followers and "conspiracy nuts" believing wacky shit. Get it?

You are the news = YOU are literally the fucking news for following Q.

4c58a3  No.5340675

File: d18759c81573412⋯.png (392.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Go Back to Voat.png)

eb0ac3  No.5340676



that's INSANE… Segregated Weed Industry.


3a833c  No.5340677

File: a1071bbf3b97c7e⋯.png (882.54 KB, 1242x649, 1242:649, ClipboardImage.png)

b0b6fa  No.5340678

we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'

e36072  No.5340679


I think that has actually happened in some state, or was at least proposed to give preference to black-owned grow facilities and dispensaries.

372037  No.5340680


Reports are he hung himself. He suffered from bipolar disorder for many years.

a363d0  No.5340681

those Krassenkikes are 100% comped they are ALWAYS at the top of Trumps twitter feed as well as Hillary's.

0b6f76  No.5340682

















f4fb37  No.5340683



Tom Brady…that's one.

12761e  No.5340684


Well, NASA did lose the trajectory data, after all


e3c723  No.5340685


Man walked on the moon like a plane was flown into the Pentagon on 9-11

5a2259  No.5340686

>>5340455 (pb)

Supposedly 175 names will leak, and Kraft is far from the biggest names coming

d043c5  No.5340687

File: 36d598dd239479a⋯.png (372 KB, 800x400, 2:1, chiefsmollett.png)

24de89  No.5340688

File: 8716a34054cc7e3⋯.png (187.9 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1548412766123.png)

File: f0c368363f5c9bd⋯.png (195.76 KB, 377x377, 1:1, 1548412799354.png)

File: 99d7ad16d1359fb⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 893x565, 893:565, 06a91d8e2c46962eb057843ff8….jpg)

1e283d  No.5340689

>>5340429 (lb)

"and increase security"

It's almost like big tech doesn't care about us kek

5ed7c7  No.5340690

File: 5d45d0bf1b45fd7⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 1452x1092, 121:91, CANNIBALS.jpg)

inspired by anon in pb.

Feel free to improve upon it.

07181b  No.5340691


if tom brady was picking 50 year old chinese slaves over gisele….

well i wont feel so bad about being single anymore

5a2259  No.5340692

My fellow Anons, the storm is upon us

5fe38f  No.5340693

File: 8ca44894c20c8fe⋯.png (8.08 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, CEA12632-72BE-4DF0-B57D-AE….png)



This is Q giving some ammo to his critics to keep them convinced he’s a larp, even tho this kind of Internet knowledge is totally irrelevant to the important reality Q is relating.

3fd797  No.5340694


kekmate, liberals

ff8651  No.5340695

File: daff478340987f4⋯.png (437.2 KB, 994x508, 497:254, npckrass.png)

9f3520  No.5340696

File: bee05fe2606c045⋯.mp4 (46.95 KB, 500x322, 250:161, Krassenstein.mp4)

Krassenstein mp4

f4fb37  No.5340697


Dude…fuck off with pb bullshit!

d275a3  No.5340698

File: 7342cfb9a036c91⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 7342cfb9a036c918843113f9e0….jpg)


>You are the news = YOU are literally the fucking news for following Q.

4c58a3  No.5340699

File: 0432dffa277d015⋯.mp4 (8.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ThanQ.mp4)

9a1742  No.5340700


they look like those little boys in the swimming pool………..

5accb4  No.5340701


Totally. And now we know there is light in the atmosphere on the 'dark' side and our galaxy is not quite what they told us. Hmmmm

f0c662  No.5340702


Fuckery afoot.

58adfe  No.5340703


we are the news not cereal brains bullshit

e76253  No.5340704

File: 939651ea2ad8129⋯.jpg (248.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_20190223_104837.jpg)

Puppy show proof.

0b5277  No.5340705

Michael Anton rolling shrimp canapes at the White House is a total inversion of "Flight 93" "Let's Roll" Michael Anton. He sucked them in…. for the KILL!



He is not just dropping crumbs but serving bread (=P-A-I-N in French)

NYT pictured Q serving the PAIN because it fit their degenerate conception of reality. In reality Q and POTUS PLAYED THEM BRUTALLY and were plotting the PAIN all along!

(Everything about Anton's leaving the WH was FAKE!)




b952fa  No.5340706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c4ecaf  No.5340707


FDA warns about young blood not really working to reverse aging


…and this from a year ago…


0f0d53  No.5340708

Reports of 'power grid' attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded.

While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.


1ea470  No.5340709

File: 90a2f25fa8f950d⋯.gif (817.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 972110ef-054b-4835-bdbc-ef….gif)

File: a621268069bf0da⋯.jpg (98.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cc820b9e-4c72-4427-bb2d-c2….jpg)


<see you on the other side



<ahhh… if only quantum crystalline microstructures could talk.

>gif related

5ed7c7  No.5340710


I'm sure Twatter and @Jack arranges it so they're always first.

a363d0  No.5340711



there's that weird video where he kisses his son on the lips while getting a massage that made me feel uneasy. I can totally see a man who has a psychopathic obsession with winning being caught up in something like that whether he enjoys it or was honey-potted into compliance

bc25cb  No.5340712

File: 9b8e068cb0cdd3f⋯.png (82.97 KB, 412x420, 103:105, FIAF.png)

d3a68f  No.5340713

Rafael Lito Ibarra

Chair Risk Committee of the Board


Lito Ibarra

Rafael Lito Ibarra is the Director of RAICES[1] and the President of SVNET, the ccTLD operator for .sv. He has been running .sv since 1993. He is a member of the ccNSO and on the boards of LACTLD, LACNIC, and RedCLARA.[2]

Ibarra was integral in bringing the Internet to El Salvador in the early-mid 1990's.[3]

66665a  No.5340714


Seems to me most people around here interpret "YOU are the news now" to mean, our digging and alternative channels are becoming mainstream news.

See the difference?

ddea1e  No.5340715

File: 10dc194fb35e793⋯.png (429.3 KB, 3114x978, 519:163, brave_2019-02-23_00-15-42.png)

For the transfer of ICANN, it looks like it started sometime just after Obama became a senator.

5a2259  No.5340716

File: 45fa04a730a781b⋯.jpg (148.96 KB, 467x672, 467:672, 45fa04a730a781bd531dc57c00….jpg)

12761e  No.5340717


Message for the baker(s)?

01930d  No.5340718


dont forget now the moon is within earth atmosphere

d275a3  No.5340719

File: 0809788872bd84e⋯.png (485.46 KB, 716x682, 358:341, bloodtherapy_gross.png)

125af6  No.5340720


Nah that is just a european thing he picked up from Giselle

lots of euros kiss their parents on the lips

its fucking weird but its not abnormal

520469  No.5340721

File: 7d61337b801c113⋯.jpeg (537.76 KB, 1242x926, 621:463, D5138DF3-9674-4849-B229-E….jpeg)

File: 2c8468dd980ff93⋯.jpeg (972 KB, 1242x1414, 621:707, F2FD00DB-7587-4F74-95AD-F….jpeg)

File: d819429e624b50e⋯.jpeg (494.33 KB, 1242x800, 621:400, 87659D85-8EC5-4465-9A82-9….jpeg)

File: aa1859af5fb55f3⋯.jpeg (480.42 KB, 1242x1006, 621:503, 4A35327F-D0E5-4C9B-A390-2….jpeg)

File: 15c41ce4d933156⋯.jpeg (732.16 KB, 1242x1216, 621:608, 5DD3B8A9-D7A8-4A15-9AF2-1….jpeg)

12761e  No.5340722

File: a207057d323a27b⋯.jpg (116.06 KB, 850x567, 850:567, fuckery afoot.jpg)

47121e  No.5340723


Avoided Plan "Z" and now about to round up the "Y" Heads?

efd58c  No.5340724


All for a Larp?

527528  No.5340725

File: 7ac8d1ec890b842⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 7ac8d1ec890b842f56ed7624e8….png)


Anton is THE MAN!!

No matter who you are, Anton, you're a very cool character. Thank You for your service.


7b328f  No.5340726

c7779b  No.5340727

>>5340703 Serial Brain 2 is another resource.

520469  No.5340728

File: 2dbe719fd6ef7d4⋯.jpeg (916.41 KB, 1242x1700, 621:850, D89108AB-6125-4352-9809-2….jpeg)

File: a5d15edc5e778a7⋯.png (534.42 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 77B4D550-531E-4CF9-B885-69….png)

35d975  No.5340729

File: 1ec655b4402a220⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1913x1021, 1913:1021, 7724B464-A591-4E92-A736-93….png)


Pepe the Baker?

cae18d  No.5340730

File: 4d01f2e3ef3a17a⋯.jpg (100.86 KB, 532x800, 133:200, alexandra.jpg)

Good job Baker

Movin' fast.

d275a3  No.5340731


It's both. Welcome to /qresearch/.

a363d0  No.5340732


the audacity of that last picture, thinking it's "crazy" to want to fight pedophiles whether real or imagined. There aren't enough street lamps in America to hang all these people from

da0f7e  No.5340733

File: b4b90f694899d27⋯.png (164.88 KB, 392x664, 49:83, ClipboardImage.png)

916f36  No.5340734

File: fb1aa96fc2c3216⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, krassentwat fight.jpg)

f0c662  No.5340735


Saving. Thanks

356dc4  No.5340736

>>5339568 S&P Warns Global Sovereign Debt Will Top $50 Trillion This Year

I was calculating, just for fun, how much each human being on earth owes to the cabal's odious debt scam.

So : 50 000 000 000 000 / 7 500 000 000

= 6666, 666666666667 $

Hey, Roths & co : count on that, and drink water.

78357b  No.5340737


47… you say…

69b4d4  No.5340738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e3c723  No.5340739


Hi Bibi. Evil trips confirm Israel is the cabal and a foreign threat

e5b0ae  No.5340740

Q 9 States have passed laws to give electoral votes to candidate who won the National popular vote. Several States are passing laws Trump can't be on their ballot unless he releases his tax returns. Did you really mean it when you said there will be no civil war? How is this not just that?

7dfb8d  No.5340741


A 2nd Pepe the baker

9a1742  No.5340742


i remember.

9a0551  No.5340743

File: 2fdb4897f59d1bf⋯.png (249.47 KB, 474x429, 158:143, nip.png)

Just cuz its friday night.

372037  No.5340744


So if Q+ is POTUS aboard AF1, does that make Q POTUS when he is not aboard AF1? I know, don't doxx Q, but Q posted this meme.

3fd797  No.5340745


Fuck, I remember watching this guy.

690b06  No.5340746

File: ecc9425a4b16caa⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 1000x669, 1000:669, 12.14.st-jude-pin.jpg)

6cfdcc  No.5340747

File: 3529749f67e251f⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, lafminions.jpg)

85f118  No.5340748

(all last bread)




Nothing to see here.

0f0d53  No.5340749


That's a different baker. That's Brie. She works at the Chicago hotel. The one in the article works at Maralago.

3608ef  No.5340750

File: e88ba6004a93f92⋯.jpg (791.41 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, page01.jpg)

Do you believe in coincidences?

Two of Q's drops today had time stamps of xx:47:17

The delta between time stamps = 17

The delta between drops = 19

Military planning & execution on display.

125af6  No.5340751



would like an answer as well

527528  No.5340752

File: c06e0e89c0f1510⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, c06e0e89c0f1510dc8137e79c7….jpg)

Do we get Sara Carter to ask Anton?? I mean, NOTHING is going to happen until the Script calls for it, but shitposting ya know??

I hear this guy is starting to get his due Anons…

4eccd0  No.5340753


Anons/Normies/Newbies, an important reminder …

If you cannot open any of the links Q posts then try another VPN location

I had to VPN from USA in order to open the ncc.gov.ng/documents link

Don’t give up just because your Govt is blocking access

Not rocket science, I kno, but sometimes people forget this simple strategy

UK/EU/AUS have blocks on most ‘sensitive’ sites cos they want you/us to remain dumbed down and asleep.


d1f873  No.5340754



I wonder if PODESTA is on the list of 175.

That would be interesting

6f2a8b  No.5340755



e04b32  No.5340756

SO…why were glownigger clowns nabbed in Haiti? Really? Stop this shit..Haiti has enough problems

Also, stop trying to convince us that America just loves Venezuela and cares about their people….really? And then trying to convince us Russia cares about their government? Really?

FuckinA people are stupid. The only thing EITHER Russia OR US cares about in Venezuela is oil.

And if the USA puts ONE boot on the ground to overthrow that President….let the PEOPLE who elected him get RID of him. Where there is a WILL there is a WAY…a band of rag tag farmers with long guns defeated the greatest army in the world….so let those people save their own damn country and let their oil to them to help them recover after. Surely Putin will be glad to BackTFO if the USA also agrees to BackTFO…and if you're going to fight anyway just fucking be honest about it, and if you can't be HONEST about it then you KNOW it's the wrong damn thing to be doing.

cfe8c9  No.5340757

File: 40bb6220de79b75⋯.mp4 (12.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rumble Trump.mp4)

Rumble with trump

55beda  No.5340758

Just got to reading Qs new drops (2879-2882) and they were pretty sobering. Humanity is literally at stake. Seeing this latest [HRC] attempt to silence US very clearly demonstrated what Q has said: "They will stop at NOTHING to regain POWER". If these Evil POS' get POWER back then it will be game over - They'll make Nazi Germany look like child work with what they'll do to US & our Republic.. The gravity of the silent war that is raging on in the shadows (in my opinion) is bigger than WWI or WW2, the stakes could not be higher. If WE win, we get the TRUTH & the LIFE of FREEDOM - IF [THEY] win=HELL on EARTH..

Reconcile: no one has EVER had to endure the magnitude of threats against/toward the US or THEMSELVES (biggest) than POTUS does. He is fighting for US and OUR FREEDOM!

We Anons should ALL take a moment to send POTUS, his entire family, Q/Q-Team and every man & woman that is in fighting this Evil our prayers and messages to show our gratitude for his sacrifices, for having the Courage & Resolve he does & for fighting for US so we can have our Country back!!


769bc1  No.5340759


They don't get it. The child must know they are being murdered so that the fear/agony reaction is so great that his/her bloodstream is full of the proper stress hormones that supply the benefits of YOUNG BLOOD.

They are marketing well blood. They need to ask for TOP SHELF.


4b32ef  No.5340760

File: a9ba01629aad13e⋯.jpg (183.85 KB, 720x721, 720:721, IMG_20190222_221914_899.jpg)

Comfefe 4 life.

bdadcc  No.5340761

>>5340523 (pb)

Now I just assume any famous person masquerading as a staunch animal rights advocate/vegan is in fact a satanic cannibal who is hiding behind that façade.

18f6c7  No.5340762

File: a1fe1f7bfae0712⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, MDK.jpg)

7ab625  No.5340763

File: fdb64c41c55a42a⋯.png (243.32 KB, 380x498, 190:249, r-kells.png)

3be2d0  No.5340764


That's a foreign keyboard. QWERTZ and AZERTY are a thing, among other formats. Many keyboards I see from stock images used on news programs are ISO keyboards which are uncommon in the US which uses the ANSI keyboard layout.

4df192  No.5340765

Palantir, Theil?


fb5453  No.5340766


So is this actually a legit hidden cam? I always thought it was their own skit, it just sounds so damn fake and phony like they meant to make this video in hopes we would share it and look like idiots.

69b4d4  No.5340767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And not those faggots throwing the oblong ball.

cb39f1  No.5340768


Stanley Kubrick died.

69b4d4  No.5340769


Goddamnit. Wrong link.

808907  No.5340770

File: d5f3dc3848a86e7⋯.jpg (209.42 KB, 500x505, 100:101, 20180511_130126.jpg)

3fd797  No.5340771

be8474  No.5340772

File: 84e8ad51df0b1d7⋯.png (10.91 KB, 160x255, 32:51, 239366b0fc3e9cf9e83e4074c0….png)

ff8600  No.5340774

File: ad3daf86ba95f63⋯.png (107.1 KB, 924x510, 154:85, 1973 ip.png)

File: e0064fafa6311a4⋯.png (14.44 KB, 730x186, 365:93, 19734.png)

File: 2a098c2d61306cf⋯.png (96.83 KB, 970x425, 194:85, 1973 3.png)

File: 9e6d20d9b0bf11a⋯.png (97.56 KB, 980x438, 490:219, 1973 1.png)

File: efed326b570a08e⋯.png (157.85 KB, 648x727, 648:727, new search 1973.png)

01930d  No.5340775


no natural chain of command now that sara been asked on air she can ask the Question to Potus

cefd11  No.5340776

File: ab24cfff961d970⋯.jpeg (104.29 KB, 1066x1020, 533:510, 75D03C17-9F4F-47B4-99BE-7….jpeg)

File: 42d025761bed18f⋯.jpeg (162.53 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, 4DB4572B-D5E6-45C1-9816-4….jpeg)

File: 29314d3b3cf32e6⋯.jpeg (114.78 KB, 1125x793, 1125:793, 79676E47-30A9-43E1-B879-0….jpeg)

File: 0a3299d659f13e7⋯.jpeg (67.33 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 599C5B00-817F-47AB-BD9D-8….jpeg)

File: e63f209f93e58d0⋯.jpeg (37.09 KB, 921x440, 921:440, 262BC1A1-98D9-4513-8EFB-F….jpeg)

Fook sake!

e3c723  No.5340777

File: e4a8f55862c4f8d⋯.png (962 KB, 770x1046, 385:523, Screenshot_2018-11-07 Miam….png)


shut it goy and trust the plan

58adfe  No.5340778


I remember his first bunch of bullshit on reddit, had a loyal squad of psychophatic bots praising his every numerical mind numbing nonsensical natterings. I want none of it

2e57f8  No.5340780

Paul Sperry

‏ @paulsperry_

21m21 minutes ago

BREAKING: For reparations, Democrat presidential hopeful Bill De Blasio proposes ceding the legalized pot industry to blacks, comparing it to giving Indians casinos & implying blacks would want that industry b/c they understand getting high. How insulting. How is that not racist?


43010f  No.5340781


They took away their guns long ago. How do you think it got this bad? We need to supply them some weapons.

044ad5  No.5340782

File: 217d001d86915ca⋯.jpeg (8.04 KB, 177x176, 177:176, fishy.jpeg)

9821ea  No.5340783


>Bill De Blasio proposes ceding the legalized pot industry to blacks

Well now we know what all their talk about "reparations" was all about. They way to get "blacks" to vore Democrat again is by getting them stonned. Nice job Kamala H!

69b4d4  No.5340784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c4ecaf  No.5340785



Googles lab thats looking into saving us all!

6f2a8b  No.5340786

File: 94673bb00dc739b⋯.webm (4.35 MB, 320x240, 4:3, OCCow.webm)


Here's some infighting with Ocasio and Bezos

93871a  No.5340787


why get all moist to dox Q? askin for a fren

899cfd  No.5340788

File: 54327343c8f9636⋯.jpg (67.64 KB, 500x800, 5:8, Womens March NPC Reee.jpg)


why is it pepe and not npc

fb59bd  No.5340789

File: 2e0a047d1ae2104⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 670x462, 335:231, best_seller_james_woods.jpg)


Theory is Interdasting!

Let's Watch!

85f118  No.5340790

File: 33c5b6758f03538⋯.jpg (107.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 4 times and 11 days.jpg)

File: 85b21c6310f98a0⋯.jpg (105.06 KB, 643x566, 643:566, 7th fbi investigation Kav_….jpg)

File: d9e4c147a7147d8⋯.jpg (218.05 KB, 749x739, 749:739, 10 months span.jpg)

File: 40f3537f86bf34c⋯.jpg (95.83 KB, 600x424, 75:53, 911 detonators.jpg)

File: f2275f76f29d6d4⋯.jpg (152.27 KB, 1000x893, 1000:893, 911 detonators_2.jpg)

cefd11  No.5340791

File: 85911838c5e5b57⋯.jpeg (74.02 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ED8D98A3-5CD9-4FED-ACF1-1….jpeg)

e5b0ae  No.5340792

>>5340777 you sound like a leftie

2f80c6  No.5340793


Could be we are in a 'cold' civil war. At least on the surface. It may very well be a hot civil war 'behind the scenes'.

527528  No.5340794

File: 8b0aa3f8048c5bc⋯.png (865.94 KB, 980x940, 49:47, 22l1[1].png)


Again, Schefty is The Real Deal. The kinda guy that I wouldn't be surprised if POTUS chose him for this. It's the story of a Lifetime.

Down Goes The Bread & Circuses!!! babylon is REELING…Now we're mixing body blows with crisp jabs to the head, blur the eyes, then hook to the kidneys….Hydra is teetering. What a time to be alive.


916f36  No.5340795

File: 50b8e76f5c385ed⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 260x208, 5:4, Bluto downs it.gif)


it's ridiculous but the thought I have is that most of us were not expected to be here at this point.

3ebae0  No.5340796


The msm likes to mess with people's minds. That is their sole responsibility. Providing entertainment to the masses is just their cover story.

b4b1ee  No.5340797

File: c044c345b595708⋯.png (157.84 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190223-002148.png)

Former Bernie supporter here. Here's my response to their campaign text. Thanks for being awesome, POTUS!


0f0d53  No.5340798


They have no idea what to do. They are just grasping at straws now.

d3a68f  No.5340799





0e779c  No.5340800

File: 0c5847448808b0b⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 180x318, 30:53, ONJ2iiGWDgcvqp_v.mp4)

a87ffa  No.5340801

5accb4  No.5340802


Desperate but not serious

cae18d  No.5340803



Moar dirt weed.

8d5533  No.5340804


Nice job Anon!


134b78  No.5340805

File: 99c89269ecf55c8⋯.png (1.54 MB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

883ca0  No.5340806

File: 199362cb84e18a1⋯.png (261.26 KB, 407x425, 407:425, enlil-pepe.png)

vvv de 6WW

4df192  No.5340807

it's beyond raycis, he is truly insane and if black people don't see that as a whip of control they are truly lost, talk about desperation to buy votes


7a8de1  No.5340808


Great reverse JK:JK timestamp, in any event.


If you put the Y where the Z is on an American keyboard, you've got 'XY' and 'AY' adjacently spelled. We talking chromosome stuff here? Or just related somehow to the more 'obvious' military option? Something to do with the recent internet drops?

125af6  No.5340809

File: 47c38d454c6a75d⋯.jpg (65.38 KB, 1024x432, 64:27, 1550895917809.jpg)


90e9ff  No.5340810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

every anon needs to watch this

again if you have already

71bb70  No.5340811

Interesting that all the TWAT accounts targeted are followed by @GenFlyn. I was but that twat account was banned so he’s not following me anymore and I’m not on the list

769bc1  No.5340812

File: afe62696de6b3a4⋯.jpeg (124.05 KB, 500x1029, 500:1029, image.jpeg)

bdaa7c  No.5340813

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 984d753cb9fe30d1c52f3b966b….jpg)

0f0d53  No.5340814

Trump is a visionary.

Trumps people are visionaries.

The dems have no vision, no brains, no message, no plan, nothing.

ec2b5f  No.5340815

Has the CIA nigger explained how "we are the news now" when we're censored everywhere but here???

5ed7c7  No.5340816


Not to dox Q, for POTUS to confirm Q is real.

d7defc  No.5340817

File: e9244a0c82aee6c⋯.gif (372.45 KB, 220x198, 10:9, 458e113f03ee4b6e1b28c4051c….gif)

7dfb8d  No.5340818

File: be49de6a90860be⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1915x2048, 1915:2048, ClipboardImage.png)





Anon helped me make this earlier

91a96f  No.5340819



theres a breitbart in one of the 2 new links lb notables, is it new or also a repeat

35d975  No.5340820


Good looking out. Still too much of a coincidence for my taste. Must be something about working with dough.

3be2d0  No.5340821

File: 66df3c56c467f64⋯.png (9.55 KB, 616x266, 44:19, kb ansi.png)

File: f9081a27f523960⋯.png (10.2 KB, 616x266, 44:19, kb iso.png)

File: a3a48c87b3dd4f4⋯.jpg (108.95 KB, 1000x358, 500:179, kb qwertz.jpg)

>>5340764 (more)

I should have provided illustrations. Pics 1 and 2 are the ANSI and ISO layouts. Pic 3 is a German QWERTZ keyboard.

12761e  No.5340822

File: 0c07ad4d67a6cc2⋯.png (94.13 KB, 962x720, 481:360, vat ze ficken.png)

0504e0  No.5340823

File: a21b888f2759dc4⋯.jpeg (77.28 KB, 960x717, 320:239, 94B8BC73-7EC4-4E5D-B006-8….jpeg)


Hypocrisy is the new democracy

47121e  No.5340824

File: 90ba3e7ce423084⋯.png (193.27 KB, 370x368, 185:184, 90ba3e7ce4230846a8560ab733….png)


Desperate to keep the blacks on their side now. GOOD.

1fd153  No.5340825

File: 556a51cdd45c150⋯.png (214.41 KB, 1212x1044, 101:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Swamp ape Brennan is beating his treasonous anti-Trump commie ISIL chest again? He's begging to go to prison! Make it happen @realDonaldTrump! No matter what else happens, I will not be happy until John Brennan is in prison where he belongs.



fb59bd  No.5340826


Someone Walked on the Moon?

sauce please!

e3c723  No.5340827


How so?

268a84  No.5340828


It works for physics too, anon.

aa03c3  No.5340829

File: 47127a9a130d900⋯.jpg (327.81 KB, 720x1219, 720:1219, 20190222_232553.jpg)

>>5340526 (lb)

Excellent visual of "the silent war".

3fd797  No.5340830


Link or gtfo

43010f  No.5340831


Long legged Mack daddy! He’s awesome. Been watching him for yrs.

cefd11  No.5340832

File: b2e0985f9ea95d3⋯.png (2.58 KB, 148x146, 74:73, 38FCFE1F-0D7E-48A3-8879-0B….png)

File: 326fd5327a06cdf⋯.jpeg (142 KB, 715x839, 715:839, C191DBBF-7FF8-4A38-93A1-9….jpeg)

File: acafca00597bf78⋯.jpeg (30.99 KB, 640x435, 128:87, E6A8AF29-E27F-437A-9B17-8….jpeg)

24de89  No.5340833

File: c7d8de86da2c784⋯.png (84.88 KB, 492x405, 164:135, c7d8de86da2c7841cf677c26f1….png)

d11e4b  No.5340834

File: 8132a1dc5428479⋯.jpg (13 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 8132a1dc5428479e7b489186ce….jpg)

File: cb7e46d1381eb28⋯.jpg (164.39 KB, 1440x1059, 480:353, cb7e46d1381eb28a68022847a8….jpg)

File: d1e32ab0e5ff479⋯.png (542.11 KB, 660x442, 330:221, redpillJW.png)

File: a91605456b93a53⋯.png (173.09 KB, 639x340, 639:340, Screen Shot 2019-02-16 at ….png)

527528  No.5340835

File: 88d798d0d41ba6b⋯.jpg (821.89 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, 1509318076885.jpg)

I wonder what it's like, to be a Hussein, a Jordan, a Clinton, a Weinstein, when it REALLY dawns on you that NOTHING is going to save your ass??

I hope that somehow, since everything is on tape, the NSA lets us see these "behind the scenes" moments some day. It IS a part of our history, and talk about gripping.


d80dc9  No.5340836


hmm… code updates… slows internet to a crawl, internet outages affecting social media,.anti DS websites. blamed on DNSSEC update. Roger. o7

85f118  No.5340837

File: bedc56dac5d7460⋯.jpg (73.74 KB, 589x546, 589:546, krass_3.jpg)

File: fe11575f49a5c70⋯.jpg (110.35 KB, 572x709, 572:709, krass_2.jpg)

File: 22737faf28051d9⋯.jpg (142.89 KB, 591x768, 197:256, krass.jpg)

File: 388ef06e2afef33⋯.jpg (134.22 KB, 800x1051, 800:1051, smollett dont beat yoursel….jpg)

File: 583c16152c9b49d⋯.jpg (101.83 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Aisle Aisle Aisle kek.jpg)

b952fa  No.5340838

File: 31ea7a63987af3f⋯.jpeg (277.92 KB, 1167x1719, 389:573, 5af86c9cbcf4e.jpeg)

d11e4b  No.5340839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

125af6  No.5340840



4b32ef  No.5340841




4ca595  No.5340842


This clip should be enough to throw his ass in jail for obstructing the only real honest connection between The President and his base. Plus he sounds like a gurl

1a44d5  No.5340843

b032dd  No.5340844

>>5340618 pb

I think so too.

Yet, he's good enough that the DS are deleting his tweets.

12761e  No.5340845


Didnt REM have a man on the moon song?

5accb4  No.5340846


Kinda like watching ChiFi get triggered by a few smarty schoolkids kek

cae18d  No.5340847


One small Kek for man…

6a08a2  No.5340848

File: d9406e209e826b2⋯.jpg (106.47 KB, 572x800, 143:200, QNEWS2.JPG)

slay one slay all

3379e6  No.5340849


I'd prefer him executed.

bc0e85  No.5340850

File: 769fd2a931bc896⋯.jpeg (82.09 KB, 581x499, 581:499, 40449FEE-1DF3-4136-95D9-3….jpeg)

b952fa  No.5340851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10bb5e  No.5340852


i just text a Q

be8474  No.5340853

File: 62fd63116285bda⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 62fd63116285bdaf18c7a71324….jpg)

1139c7  No.5340854

File: f1129fc36c6606a⋯.png (2 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Grabbenstein.png)

File: 16a12980bce69a6⋯.png (778.02 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, EdKrassenstein.png)


Krassenstein = Grabbenstein

See attached memes.

Real photos.

3ebae0  No.5340855


We owe nothing we didn't sign up for voluntarily. Anyone that tells you different is lying.

5a2259  No.5340856

File: ea81ff029d471d9⋯.jpg (81.26 KB, 740x500, 37:25, 2uetm8.jpg)

c4ecaf  No.5340857


FDA Coverup so they can keep all the 'top shelf' blood as another anon called it.


883ca0  No.5340858



we re see arch ons

something about timezones tz and boardlayout

important for tor actually although you cant post on this board directly from tor anymore

18f6c7  No.5340859

File: cf772e5b23088f2⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 600x494, 300:247, cf772e5b23088f2c675c3e6c3a….jpg)


So why the focus on projecting Putin and Russia as the threat to political voting in the U.S? Start shifting it to the CABALS get all eyes over target (the specific individuals) Attack the enemy not the people. IF we keep blaming Israel as a whole the GOOD men and women there will be pressured to side with the EVIL OPERATORS.




044ad5  No.5340860

File: 6239d1cfb66b799⋯.jpeg (7.41 KB, 260x173, 260:173, obama sobs.jpeg)

8d5533  No.5340861


I think we are far beyond doxxing Q as POTUS


1fd153  No.5340862

File: abbaf1f840a73f4⋯.png (249.17 KB, 1212x652, 303:163, ClipboardImage.png)

"John Brennan is a Wahhabist convert"?

Don't know, but he sure is one screwed up guy. Something is short circuiting in his brain.

9dbe75  No.5340863

File: 0ea7f315b07b556⋯.png (287.4 KB, 926x638, 463:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac62f6a92e0b976⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 464x547, 464:547, ac62f6a92e0b97679655c33b01….jpg)

File: c42c051ba69e769⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 856x436, 214:109, c42c051ba69e769b7ab5de7909….jpg)




b952fa  No.5340864

File: dedeb44d5e87540⋯.jpg (269.84 KB, 780x780, 1:1, center-circle.jpg)

d11e4b  No.5340865

File: 8319b6b73713d0d⋯.png (319.95 KB, 500x375, 4:3, weBdiggin.png)


True Blood is synthetic blood alternative

0b3c97  No.5340866


I like the way you think, anon.

ff8651  No.5340867

File: 21934b22e272cf9⋯.png (738.33 KB, 788x579, 788:579, jucee.png)

769bc1  No.5340868

File: 32c6a13a3d9ff9c⋯.jpeg (16.7 KB, 227x209, 227:209, image.jpeg)

21f0aa  No.5340869


Waking normies to Trump twitter

916f36  No.5340870

File: 7538b761f0c9ec7⋯.jpg (128.58 KB, 630x420, 3:2, Power of the van halen bel….jpg)

a363d0  No.5340871


lmao serial brainlet is a schizo who thought Trump was speaking DIRECTLY to him through musical code before r/greatawakening got shut down. Avoid him like the plague


b952fa  No.5340872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i can;t be;ieve it keeps posting either

e3c723  No.5340873


80 trillion people have been arrested and imprisoned during the time Q has posted, and not one of them is named Hillary Rodham Clinton

520469  No.5340874

File: 3a80ebf5b162017⋯.jpeg (231.5 KB, 1242x563, 1242:563, 5B50E7D2-242B-4EC8-9FFF-1….jpeg)

File: 5951cebae77e9d6⋯.jpeg (663.35 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, D45442BD-473D-4744-98AD-B….jpeg)

File: ce2a64fe9d3a861⋯.jpeg (605.83 KB, 1242x1284, 207:214, B49EB082-C443-4F09-8D74-B….jpeg)

File: 1a7a0c01a03b34f⋯.jpeg (459.03 KB, 1242x976, 621:488, 6380AEE0-A515-4210-9415-9….jpeg)

File: 2a87888f1fa240d⋯.jpeg (403.93 KB, 1242x884, 621:442, 70890A79-9FB9-4AE8-936C-F….jpeg)

Soros stink fishy


7a8de1  No.5340875


Z=26th letter

two sixes are 12 (JK) or "1 and 2"

Y=25th letter

two fives is 55


Z appears between 'R' and 'Z' of show name.

We all know what 'R' could represent here.

883ca0  No.5340876

818 till i die

push 121218

7d7054  No.5340877

Very dasting ad playing on youtube nonstop for Pure Flix Streaming & Entertainment. The family friendly "netflix" alternative

Owls are literally all over Fakewood– it's a signal to the other owls and it's ubiquitous. Check it– how the owl is facing the camera/audience and the cross is not.

aa03c3  No.5340878

7c20e9  No.5340879

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is the ESPN segment with Adam Schefter stating that the investigation in Jupiter, Florida is going to get alot bigger bacause of all the human trafficking and also that Robert Kraft is not the biggest name of those who are/will be arrested.

cd76c1  No.5340880


bookmark this one for the normies that are having a hard time coping with their new reality… Coming Soon

c8df82  No.5340881


they really hate the blacks don't they

6802b1  No.5340882


nasa fuckin losers

bc25cb  No.5340883


Dig on why it was criminalized in the first place.

Absolutely racist.

Same with PP

69b4d4  No.5340884


More like 6 Gorillion…

7ab625  No.5340885

File: 420fe3a9972e0ae⋯.jpg (18.2 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 3d2914752f21ff02bf961dc34a….jpg)


plot twist

4b32ef  No.5340886

0360f3  No.5340887

I'm listening to The Ramones and cutting my penis.

91a96f  No.5340888


digits confirm

1e2df3  No.5340889

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>5340496 lb

Ever see Basic Instinct?

“I’d have to be pretty stupid to kill someone exactly how I described it in my book. I’d be announcing myself as the killer."

5ed7c7  No.5340890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quality not great but Shaq and Charles Barkley rip on Smollet hoax.

0928dc  No.5340891


There will eventually be a civil war. There are millions of legal and illegal immigrants who move here and immediately get pulled into identity politics. They vote strictly along racial lines. Then add all of the election fraud to the mix. There will be a time in the near future when Conservatives will no longer be able to win an election. States like Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Ohio will no longer be red states.

The country that won two world wars, went to the moon, won the nuclear arms race, and created the greatest country in the history of the world will not be ruled over by communists who want to erase our history. It's just not going to happen.

5a2259  No.5340892

File: eaf8470b8291128⋯.jpg (67.57 KB, 623x479, 623:479, Dz3QepvXQAAEmxF.jpg)

527528  No.5340893

File: 96882374117ab72⋯.jpg (166.3 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, 96882374117ab72cb71b198ad9….jpg)


I bet they all act like they're 6 with the reeeeee……

Again, I'm not sure why we wouldn't be allowed, some day when NS is long settled, to see it. Gotta dream!! KEK!!

044ad5  No.5340894

File: 843e50795bee20d⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1600x993, 1600:993, benjamin-netanyahu.jpg)



e96fd9  No.5340895

File: 2d9a379f1e93a7b⋯.png (59.96 KB, 1886x793, 1886:793, Screenshot_2019-02-22 thre….png)

File: 360eedc0142883f⋯.png (17.12 KB, 1892x109, 1892:109, Screenshot_2019-02-22 Disc….png)

Threadreaderapp.com is down.

5accb4  No.5340896


He an assssssset. Whomever brought him in from the field needs to get wrekt

8f04d9  No.5340897


kek, yes

7d7054  No.5340898


Forgot to attach image

fb59bd  No.5340899

File: 8269a2ccfe9236c⋯.jpg (183.43 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 8269a2ccfe9236c2f6a2473d6e….jpg)

527528  No.5340900



90e9ff  No.5340901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


watch the "views" this gets.

nothing for over a day.

manipulate much youtube


what is your agenda youtube

be8474  No.5340902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

125af6  No.5340903

so is everyone just going to ignore Trumps jupiter spa tweet?


520469  No.5340904

222a94  No.5340905

File: eb8c10cf39f1840⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1440x1111, 1440:1111, bq-5c6b0093babd7.png)

I wish…

70b9aa  No.5340906


It’s a strange circumstance to be old enough to remember the excitement and projection of man’s potential as a result of the moon landings. To look up at the beauty of the stars and believe men had walked on the moon made all things seem possible. 50 years later the moon is an iPhone? Science and tech seems to have gone a different direction and the things we imagined could be have turned into a 3x3” computer?

e04b32  No.5340907


Yeah…was looking a bit deeper into the FLA thing…curiouser and curiouser…the game is afoot…I had to ponder the actual HOW for toppling the top…then it "came to me" pull out "rug" out from UNDER them.

3ebae0  No.5340908


>I hope that somehow, since everything is on tape, the NSA lets us see these "behind the scenes" moments some day.

You're more likely to get murdered by OverTheHillary than see stuff like that.

1fd153  No.5340909

File: c66f615f1734962⋯.png (995.25 KB, 1208x1410, 604:705, ClipboardImage.png)

"CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors Imagine my shock. They are making laws that keep them safe, because they themselves are the predators."


b952fa  No.5340910

File: e9127e80a2bcb43⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1290x854, 645:427, iefna.png)

450509  No.5340911

File: 379ae74bf7dfaac⋯.jpg (731.81 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, ARMY.jpg)

Defining memes. Memes are "units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," and as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.


7d7054  No.5340912

File: 9a87297c6d9cc84⋯.png (775.51 KB, 1184x845, 1184:845, Screenshot (389).png)

5def3e  No.5340913


IMHO, this is the ONLY version of the sail video.

883ca0  No.5340914

thread the needle on the river delta along the right bank

0504e0  No.5340915

File: ef15fcb8af8c116⋯.jpeg (107.3 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C8787011-2FCD-4682-B8C8-B….jpeg)


Hacker known as 4chan is that you??

cd76c1  No.5340916

File: 156d1f11cd582ce⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1551x982, 1551:982, ClipboardImage.png)



bookmark this one for the normies that are having a hard time coping with their new reality… Coming Soon

(forgot the screenshot sorry)

4d665c  No.5340917

File: 2135dba4dca4d09⋯.jpeg (194.1 KB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, CC61636D-7475-4692-A5AC-C….jpeg)

File: 254e2c11092096c⋯.jpeg (926.54 KB, 3549x2048, 3549:2048, C045116A-0A3D-48C0-A427-C….jpeg)

File: a3fc6fb0d0a625e⋯.jpeg (403.11 KB, 3465x1733, 3465:1733, FA4A9E52-0743-41BD-8B92-3….jpeg)

File: 6a9f4692dfa9472⋯.jpeg (161.83 KB, 1242x621, 2:1, 8F980537-F6F4-42AA-A66D-A….jpeg)

File: 4b91fab353fa71e⋯.jpeg (606.76 KB, 3464x3464, 1:1, 829D828E-E957-4913-A740-A….jpeg)

38661c  No.5340918

File: 6f6af1be4e28962⋯.jpg (158.35 KB, 1125x707, 1125:707, D0ERCbwUUAUmZFY.jpg)


6802b1  No.5340919

File: 28eb4d2687899f6⋯.png (638.73 KB, 500x475, 20:19, dcrat.png)

fb59bd  No.5340920



beat me to it!

6 Gorillion!

a9ea81  No.5340921

File: 767491eff9bd578⋯.jpg (230.91 KB, 1440x1236, 120:103, D0EReZJWkAAH-Hd.jpg)

Memes, memes and more memes

ddea1e  No.5340922

File: 7c7794c9ae8f22d⋯.png (1 MB, 1302x2976, 7:16, brave_2019-02-23_00-28-11.png)

File: d76f33638ea56ea⋯.pdf (965.57 KB, Internet Group ICANN Helpe….pdf)

Looks like ICANN is glowing.


12761e  No.5340923

File: fed2f51f27e0038⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

55beda  No.5340924


What jupiter spa tweet?

9f3520  No.5340925


Ceding pot industry by Dems will absolutely piss off the pot people and they will turn AGAINST the Dems.

503318  No.5340926

>>5339881 lbQ Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?

Greetings. ty for your service. slightly off your topic, do you anticipate POTUS will instigate currency reset by mid-year? and respectively, we need to have optics on real criminals getting really arrested.

5accb4  No.5340927


Buffet lost a bit today on Kraft/Heinz but somehow the market ended over 26,000 ke

044ad5  No.5340928



10bb5e  No.5340929

File: 29e6dfe59f4535e⋯.jpg (96.62 KB, 500x563, 500:563, 29e6dfe59f4535edd09162acf7….jpg)


no, wut?

e3c723  No.5340930

File: 12bb461f7d1e190⋯.png (681.3 KB, 644x877, 644:877, ClipboardImage.png)


snorkels in space. Every space force cadet needs a snorkel on the tax payer dollar

5ed7c7  No.5340931


I've seen that before. Sorry, can't remember where I read it except the sauce was good quality.

0360f3  No.5340932


The Tweet he Tweeted about Jupiter Spa, faggot.

0b6f76  No.5340933



6802b1  No.5340934

File: 0f8f92ef5a42f2c⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 700x395, 140:79, adam-lanza__.jpg)

899cfd  No.5340935

File: 7f10ed35ffcf505⋯.jpeg (41.19 KB, 500x282, 250:141, FIA.jpeg)

125af6  No.5340936


right here



1fd153  No.5340937


"California Democrats Protect Offenders Who Lure Minors"

Senate Bill 145 – State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblymember Susan Eggman (D-Stockton)

With their Senate Bill 145, California Democrats Senator Wiener and Assemblymember Eggman state they are trying to shield LGBT young people from having to automatically register as sex offenders for specified sex crimes. But the bill they have introduced does much more than that.

SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor. No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.

The issue here is that the author’s press release states the bill is intended to bring parity in who has to register as a sex offender and who doesn’t, stipulating that: “SB 145 does not apply to intercourse of any kind with minors who are age 14 or younger. For those crimes, mandatory sex offender registration will continue to be the case for all forms of intercourse.” But the actual text of the bill goes much further than that.

As written, SB 145 would add a section to the state’s penal code (Section 290.55) stipulating that as long as the offender is “not more than 10 years older than the minor,” they are not automatically mandated to register as a sex offender.

For example, under SB 145, a 25-year-old luring a 15-year-old, a 22-year-old luring a 12-year-old, or an 19-year-old luring a 9-year-old would be shielded under the proposed legislation.


91a96f  No.5340938


>>5340637 De Blasio 'blacks would want the weed biz b/c they understand getting high'

>>5340750 Two of Q's drops today had time stamps of xx:47:17

going with the foreign keyboard anon on the Plan Z video. nice post anon.

5ed7c7  No.5340939


The one from 2014? About a spa at a Trump resort? Which has nothing to do with Orchid Hand Jobs Porn Spa?

6f2a8b  No.5340940


There's another Weiner?

d7defc  No.5340941

File: f7c17eba2696c21⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 1903x5019, 1903:5019, Screenshot_2019-02-23 Air ….jpg)

Air Force revs up production of precision bomb dubbed 'world’s largest sniper'


6802b1  No.5340942


they will stop at nothing to keep the lies going

55beda  No.5340943


Im asking to see it. I obviously missed it, faggot

d11e4b  No.5340944

File: 4ea3e8c229609db⋯.png (156.25 KB, 633x615, 211:205, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

File: 50cfb6cf9c53c20⋯.jpg (39.62 KB, 474x547, 474:547, ce.jpg)

File: 1ec62c8fd61e34d⋯.png (394.42 KB, 584x560, 73:70, mindblownwoods.png)

File: 89df471ec16217f⋯.png (530.04 KB, 1035x525, 69:35, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

File: baa84d7db8b11bf⋯.png (398.05 KB, 1203x338, 1203:338, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

b952fa  No.5340945

File: ed0e15c64a6357f⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 600x901, 600:901, 012.jpg)

c20e2a  No.5340946

File: 042fef111e24685⋯.gif (843.69 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 042fef111e2468537952b853c2….gif)




Not same spa, shills. Go die in a fire.

c8df82  No.5340947




35d975  No.5340949


Nice work. I’m beginning to think the good guys control more of the MSM than is lead on. We are the news now takes on a different meaning.

8bc1eb  No.5340950


MLK Jr wanted $50 billion in reparations.

That’s over $400 billion In Today’s money

They wanted “Equal Rights” yet their argument has never been “Why did you do to earn this?” It’s always “Give me what you got!”

10bb5e  No.5340951

File: b135181aac6484f⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, 768x1152, 2:3, gettyimages-612582070-1533….jpg)


'dastin tat.

0360f3  No.5340952


Search "Trump Twitter" I'm sure you'll figure it out, faggot.

aa03c3  No.5340953

File: 50097898d607d3c⋯.jpg (280.49 KB, 720x1232, 45:77, 20190222_233544.jpg)

ff8600  No.5340954

File: fda3250d9cfd5a7⋯.png (728.35 KB, 897x686, 897:686, 1973 ip feb 16 19.png)

File: 772f92efbdfb790⋯.jpg (75.06 KB, 1140x798, 10:7, VA NORTHAM OBAMA ABORTION ….jpg)


At least 20 abortion cases are steps from the US Supreme Court. Any one could gut Roe v. Wade.

1. Louisiana

June Medical Services v. Gee

This is the case the high court delayed taking effect in early February. It involves a 2014 law that requires physicians at abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and which is nearly identical to a Texas law that the Supreme Court struck down in 2016.

Opponents have argued the law unduly burdens a woman's access to abortion - and it has been tied up in the courts ever since having never taken effect. After the high court blocked the rule from taking effect, Robert Barnes wrote in The Washington Post that "it seems likely the full court will now grant the case a full briefing and review."

2. Indiana

Planned Parenthood of Indiana & Kentucky v. Commissioner of the Indiana State Department of Health

There are two key abortion cases pending in Indiana involving a measure signed into law three years ago.

The first challenges a provision that would prohibit abortions based on race, sex or disability, as well as a mandate that fetal remains be buried or cremated.

The second takes issue with an 18-hour waiting period between a required ultrasound and an abortion.

In the first lawsuit, the local Planned Parenthood affiliate argued that prohibiting abortion on such a basis was unconstitutional, and U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt granted a preliminary injunction shortly after the legislation became law.

In the second case, involving the 18-hour waiting period, Pratt struck down that part of the law.

She said the state had failed to prove an 18-hour waiting period for an abortion would have any impact on a woman's decision to go ahead with the procedure, according to the Indianapolis Star.

She also noted it would place an undue burden on some women, particularly lower-income women.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill last year asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the first case, and on Feb. 4, he appealed to the court to hear the ultrasound case.

3. Mississippi

Whole Woman's Health Organization v. Thomas Dobbs

The case involves a challenge to a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. A federal judge in November permanently blocked it, declaring it unconstitutional. According to Rewire News, "the decision reaffirms that viability is the constitutional standard to judge these types of abortion restrictions, and that at 15 weeks, a fetus is not viable and therefore the state cannot ban abortion care at that point. U.S. District Judge Carlton W. Reeves took lawmakers to task for the law in a strongly worded opinion that said the ban was obviously unconstitutional but that Mississippi lawmakers enacted it anyway." The state of Mississippi has appealed.

4. Texas

Whole Woman's Health, Planned Parenthood Center for Choice, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas v. Ken Paxton

Abortion rights groups have been fighting a ban on a common abortion procedure known as dilation and evacuation or D&E, typically used in second-trimester pregnancies. In 2017, U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel stopped the D&E ban from taking effect as it was an "undue burden" on women, according to the Austin Chronicle. Texas appealed, and the case was argued in November. A decision is pending.

Courts in Alabama, Arkansas and Kansas have also blocked similar laws from taking effect.

On Thursday, according to the Cleveland.com, Planned Parenthood and other supporters of abortion rights sued to block a ban on dilation and evacuation in Ohio that was signed into law in December.


0504e0  No.5340955

File: 25cdb4df49ace49⋯.jpeg (21.46 KB, 231x231, 1:1, 387027BD-E519-466F-B40D-F….jpeg)

324fb0  No.5340956




20 Feb 2019 - 10:09:19 AM






22 Feb 2019 - 10:55:03 PM


Nothing to See Here.

You are the news now.


I know this is thinking too much, but anons notice the switch between posts where Q says, "We are the news now" versus "You are the news now"?

Small change in pronouns but different meaning. I know there's more than one person posting on the team, but is it significant?

7a8de1  No.5340957

586f6e  No.5340958


Baker Note

d11e4b  No.5340959

File: d1e32ab0e5ff479⋯.png (542.11 KB, 660x442, 330:221, redpillJW.png)

527528  No.5340960


Time will decide. We gotta learn what happened, so that it doesn't happen again.

What makes a great movie??

What makes a great documentary??

What makes a great lesson??

But you might be right of course, so Im here pitching. Wouldn't YOU like to see that stuff??

044ad5  No.5340961

0b5277  No.5340962


Ah… so cute… relaxing side by side before the POUNCE?

Who appeared side by side with the Q crazy Trump rally the next day on Tucker? And then got 17-d by DJT days later? Michael Anton.

Rolling shrimp canapes at the WH is an inversion of "let's roll". He sucked them in and brought the P-A-I-N.

NOBODY believes me yet, but this is AS REAL AS IT GETS.

I request a doubly autographed copy of the print book. That's what I want. GENIUS!

01930d  No.5340963


meme makers please make a meme of AOC say ing that

how could we get to the moon ? nobody survives the van halen belts

a363d0  No.5340964


+1 to this, he though Trump was speaking to him through musical code. Total whackjob

1fd153  No.5340965


Anon please write the title of the songs you post

7b328f  No.5340966


Pretty ingenious.

I wanted to ask you who you were talking about the other night. The one you aid anons love. Care to give a name?

fd56cd  No.5340967


Uh… yeah anon they filmed that hoax in Cali

ed68b1  No.5340968

Wait….how many of the twatter accounts on that list retweeted the KrASSenstein video??? Was that bait???

3805da  No.5340969


Nanalew. So yum.

69b4d4  No.5340970

File: 262f64e44ec4a64⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

7166c0  No.5340971

File: 9d4e8adf16eb74a⋯.png (198.01 KB, 355x508, 355:508, D0EQrfuWoAEga_R.png)

Never saw this photo before! POTUS has been MAGA for a long time, very grateful we have a patriot in control. ThankQ

883ca0  No.5340972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5e17b1  No.5340973


Is this real life?

The Dems have gone mad,

d11e4b  No.5340974

File: 0fd74ee410c96db⋯.png (357.26 KB, 1097x457, 1097:457, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

324fb0  No.5340975


Poster worthy.

bc0e85  No.5340976

File: 3d9bd83c0be523f⋯.jpeg (81.61 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 40D49431-C329-48FF-9507-6….jpeg)


b952fa  No.5340977

File: 35ff8a43ff0dd4f⋯.png (960.01 KB, 884x627, 884:627, GoldenR.png)

3a62c2  No.5340978

File: 39e44cc29e13d8e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 720x1050, 24:35, 70e64148fcd1831d7b14bd1279….png)

6f2a8b  No.5340979


>Sen Ted Cruz leading efforts to stop Obama handing control of internet to ICANN

Another republican failure.

0324d7  No.5340980


What didn't this traitor fuck up on us Q? Holy Shit

6802b1  No.5340981

File: e6178f35ba9e090⋯.jpg (20.48 KB, 720x485, 144:97, moonlanding.jpg)

5accb4  No.5340982


Your set is in tippy top shape, pepe. Your dreams, too. Need popcorn for that one.

ec2b5f  No.5340983


Just sloppy LARPing. (The most obvious explanation is usually correct.)

0504e0  No.5340984

File: c1e498493c5ac92⋯.jpeg (31.75 KB, 248x189, 248:189, F35B3F81-219E-46B6-9158-B….jpeg)

File: c1c6f1b7db6ceb5⋯.jpeg (141.78 KB, 690x689, 690:689, CB693D5B-FE07-4CF3-B6CE-6….jpeg)


Steal a gibs

91b8e2  No.5340985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is how (((they))) operate

they shove it right in our faces

and show whackos talking about truth

and say the guy is crazy, so what he says must be also

8f04d9  No.5340986

File: d6eb9e816f17c3b⋯.png (300.91 KB, 813x344, 813:344, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

File: b6b4bd981fa053f⋯.png (79.08 KB, 540x388, 135:97, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

File: 803ce3050967549⋯.png (127.91 KB, 536x611, 536:611, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

>>5336136 (pb, Q post write to Congress)

Anons: a hand-written letter to Congress will receive greater attention

I'm not saying not to email or call, however, handwritten letters generally receive greater attention because they're rare and appear more sincere.

Write only to your local offices and they will be forwarded via the proper channels.


b952fa  No.5340987

File: 300f69fddd21bc9⋯.jpg (229.16 KB, 1256x1516, 314:379, ollsontwins.jpg)

520469  No.5340988

File: 9c0e301de6dd611⋯.jpeg (929.4 KB, 1242x1471, 1242:1471, 2B94465A-A6F4-45BD-B3CC-2….jpeg)

File: eec4f4d09071299⋯.jpeg (471.61 KB, 1242x1093, 1242:1093, 92012E66-5D37-4EDD-A814-9….jpeg)


093fc3  No.5340989


That looks like a foot that has spent years shoved into some very pointed stilettos.

899cfd  No.5340990

File: 7ce8f1baed823fc⋯.jpg (217.33 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN1.jpg)

e04b32  No.5340991


This guy seems like (((THAT))) guy in school…the one who runs to the principals office tattling…"OMG OMG Karen did this…OMG OMG and she did this too…and it looks like she did this" then sits back expecting to be praised…this guy feels kind of creepy.

3830e2  No.5340992


who is Anton again.?

f098f2  No.5340993


Ha. . .Thats awesome!

d043c5  No.5340994

File: abd743d735a0c6c⋯.png (285.75 KB, 600x603, 200:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Buy .999 fine silver rounds and bet on the good guys winning. Diversify some Rothschild pedo-paper into sound money

586f6e  No.5340995



Of the highest order.

07b9d6  No.5340996

File: fdf871fe913dc16⋯.png (408.84 KB, 800x480, 5:3, 1550143909.png)

b952fa  No.5340997

File: d52c6b0d54f0d9c⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 570x380, 3:2, LookBossAFag.jpg)

b1917f  No.5340998


You would think that, but then you write a nice letter to the President and get nothing back.

0b6f76  No.5340999

Now that Kraft has been busted, what athletes or sports personalities do anons think are cooperating, whether intentionally or ignorantly, with the Deep State:

Lebron James


Jemele Hill, most of ESPN really

Any others you can think of?

18f6c7  No.5341000

File: 10e924ecbe6913e⋯.png (14.93 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 5f468bac487e9ec73af533778a….png)


Thanks anon

4d4ae9  No.5341001

This dude just buzzed me.

Not a planefag so… Normal to have an individual's name on it like that?

b952fa  No.5341002

5ed7c7  No.5341003


The worst (or best part) about this story? She's the LEAST offensive of all the Dem hopefuls.

0360f3  No.5341004

How much can you cut your penis?

f07ccf  No.5341005



9dbe75  No.5341006


You…12 x

We… 1 x

c8df82  No.5341007


House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte has publicly supported a bill seeking to block ICANN from using government funds to hand over certain internet functions to an international multi-stakeholder organisation.

His intervention comes as the House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill, which outlined funding for various US government departments, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Science, until September 2016.

However, the bill included a provision that such funds would not be used by ICANN in its transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions.

he bill passed the House with a 242-183 majority last week, and yesterday, June 8, the bill was introduced to the Senate.

Goodlatte welcomed the provision in the bill that prevents funds going towards the transition, first explaining that “the Obama administration’s proposal to transition stewardship in overseeing the management of the internet away from the US to an international body has kicked off high-profile debates”.

He added: “While the proposed transition has raised numerous questions, the administration has been less than forthcoming with answers. The administration maintains that ICANN is capable of such a transition but the evidence indicates that this is simply not the case.

“Given all the concerns over the proposed transition of the internet domain system to ICANN, the funding prohibition included in the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill is necessary to halt this flawed policy from the Obama administration.”

Last year, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration announced it intended to transfer the management of the IANA functions from ICANN, with which it holds a contract, to a global multi-stakeholder organisation. ICANN has been handed the task of transferring the functions.

But recently ICANN has come under scrutiny from some quarters over its ability to handle the transition. Mei-lan Stark, former president of the International Trademark Association and who was attending a House subcommittee hearing last month on accountability structures at ICANN, said the “critical framework required for a successful transition of the IANA function does not yet exist”.

ICANN had not responded to a request for comment at the time of publication, but TBO will update the story should the organisation respond.

Bob Goodlatte; Fiscal Year 2016 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill; ICANN; IANA;

6f2a8b  No.5341008


It'll probably be used to sample your DNA from dead skin left on the paper.

12761e  No.5341009

File: ebfe8bdf80ce2aa⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

b952fa  No.5341010

9f3520  No.5341011


Weiner & Eggman wrote it.

You can't make this shit up.

b0b6fa  No.5341012


was there a pubic hair on the comb

d7defc  No.5341013

File: fc5ca22a395d5b7⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 720x720, 1:1, fc5ca22a395d5b7582931c0be6….mp4)


Roe v. Wade based upon a total lie

b952fa  No.5341014



>>5259269 dorothy faggot

>>5259269 (You) rageing unrequited depraved homo post

>>5318059 who is mehbot

5accb4  No.5341015

File: 9b7cb947baa304c⋯.jpeg (29.03 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ABDBA425-71E2-418C-9AA5-0….jpeg)


Moar surprises ahead, anon. Toot toot.

0b5277  No.5341016

If you are inclined (as you should be) to check page 17 of Michael Anton's new book, make sure to look at the print edition (previewable on Amazon) not the kindle.

ca5d21  No.5341017

File: 71fbb5b7edb757f⋯.png (36.61 KB, 598x350, 299:175, AB9BE906-44DF-4DC2-BE37-26….png)

File: cc6e12d8dda74c6⋯.jpeg (309.58 KB, 1125x1438, 1125:1438, 276235E3-E9F3-4712-9FD8-8….jpeg)

Kek! BTFO Cameltoe-

527528  No.5341018

File: 1046f11be44e508⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1046f11be44e508ba43c0d47aa….jpg)


A battle for the only real battlefield that exists for Mankind. The mind. It ALL starts there. Perfect.

e4f934  No.5341019


So ICANN is now clown controlled.

f2efac  No.5341020

Does it look like we need the money?

6802b1  No.5341021

File: e5a548661eb4dd3⋯.png (87 KB, 439x341, 439:341, moondino.png)

4d4ae9  No.5341022

File: 0ce68c4542832f0⋯.png (326.87 KB, 1091x660, 1091:660, PF1.png)

0b6f76  No.5341023


It's Lebron James foot

cefd11  No.5341024

When are the muddy mud flap vagina lips going to come clappin’ back?

e3c723  No.5341025


Won't work because Israel comped the courts via Little St James

bdaa7c  No.5341026

File: 9ca5cba7d55c48a⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 9ca5cba7d55c48a19c1ffdccc6….jpg)


I'm followed by and following more than five on that list. I am not followed by Gen Flynn. I am not on the list either.


Wonder what the twat was kek


What about Q-MAG?


I say that last paragraph to people daily.

5:5 anon

bfbc4f  No.5341027

File: 928926e14514103⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 299x168, 299:168, QnnHilary.jpg)

File: 4b0f70c2718406c⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 299x168, 299:168, QDesk1.jpg)

ob >>5336084

Thank you for the Pepes

Qnn Reqested Bread #6794

ob >>5316322

More coming

1ea470  No.5341028

File: b6c79b05cf824b2⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 2e1f4336-0fe6-4d8c-a134-44….gif)



fukn funny












5a2259  No.5341029

File: f2e419392966340⋯.jpg (143.6 KB, 1300x986, 650:493, 12727896-time-is-up-concep….jpg)

c44e1d  No.5341030


Most undervalued asset on Earth

When the cabal goes down Ag goes UP!

69b4d4  No.5341031

File: 0f784694703882e⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1d99b2fdd16a41a89a673f71c7….jpg)


Go on…

cae18d  No.5341032


This should be played in every school across this land.

916f36  No.5341033

File: 9930ee2d58794f1⋯.jpg (88.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, aoc 1.jpg)

f2efac  No.5341034

01930d  No.5341035


roe vs wade only passed because of jussie

5a2259  No.5341036

File: 96199142486eaed⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 510x371, 510:371, 2maolx.jpg)

66665a  No.5341037

According to the report, Burrous was engaging in “various sexual activities with his companion” when he inserted a “rock” of meth into his rectum. He reportedly inserted a second rock later on in the encounter, placed a mask on and “doused the filters with ‘poppers.’”

“Poppers” refer to an inhalant of amyl nitrate.

Burrous began to grunt and vomit before becoming unresponsive. The male individual, who has not been identified, performed CPR on Burrous before the paramedics arrived, the report stated.

e4f934  No.5341038


EVERYone in the land of casinos know the Jewish Mafia runs them.

2d5898  No.5341039

They are going to kill the internet

044ad5  No.5341040

post the pic


7a8de1  No.5341041

File: 5ad60df4a63a6d8⋯.jpeg (389.84 KB, 750x549, 250:183, 195000000 4 chan Q is rea….jpeg)


You don't leave much to my wondering (not that there was any left) with a timestamp like that. 317 post delta fits nicely and I have just the image for the 19.5 timestamp delta. kek.

10bb5e  No.5341042

File: 05cc804a08ed115⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Dz5guhPUcAAlSvX.jpg)

8bc1eb  No.5341043


Demographics = Destiny

45 million foreign born here, over half Hispanic and the majority of “Native” Hispanics are glad that why are here. Why? Because they want to take over.

The vast majority of Hispanics are anti 1st and 2nd Amendment. When they are the Majority they will strip away our rights, all within The framework of the constitution.

Things like cranial capacity, allele frequencies, average I.q. , will always overrule Idealogy.

Only one group of people are forced to live under the Egalitarian Lie. Everyone else is allowed to exert their racial identity

e76253  No.5341044

File: b8366355e31d2cd⋯.jpg (52.03 KB, 1086x1200, 181:200, D0EB7UDU0AAyouG.jpg)

File: a5070cfa8882473⋯.jpg (65.04 KB, 1200x1194, 200:199, D0EB7UDV4AAkZd6.jpg)

@Jack is being asked to bend. Not only he is bending but he is licking the floor.

0da0b6  No.5341045

File: 97e290e70e6081d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 663x813, 221:271, ewww3.PNG)



d7defc  No.5341046

File: 57da6875f37f9b2⋯.jpg (103.29 KB, 500x687, 500:687, 2ubpfg.jpg)

b952fa  No.5341047

File: 9845c1ffd436402⋯.jpg (5.85 MB, 3704x2470, 1852:1235, 0_Autel_dédié_au_dieu_Mala….JPG)

eziekel was an amatuer

336a17  No.5341048

File: ea1cf44b67a212b⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 639x427, 639:427, no private comms.jpg)

File: c612415d43f41e5⋯.png (296.26 KB, 546x699, 182:233, no_comm.png)


>Gotta be comms!


1fd153  No.5341049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Tactical question…"


093fc3  No.5341050


Yeah I know. Makes my observation even more strange.

93871a  No.5341051



Note he is growing another JarJar Binks clone for the reboot. the first expired from stupidity.

ee06af  No.5341052

File: 8c2aa3bd9ae7a7c⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 761x607, 761:607, reconcile.jpg)

134b78  No.5341053

File: 08727a6be878de7⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 736x718, 368:359, barf.jpg)

b952fa  No.5341054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f4fb37  No.5341055

File: 49baccc979c5672⋯.jpg (325.79 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN - Copy (10).jpg)

be8474  No.5341056

File: cfdf261e9480849⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cfdf261e9480849beeca232fb9….jpg)

9ef3ef  No.5341057

>>5340213 pb

Q, WTH? Is this a test? This video was put out by the con brothers themselves! I hope this is a test to see who is paying attention! I Love you, I trust you, I trust President Trump with all of my being! I just don't understand!

Thank you for everything you do!


b7733e  No.5341058


I'm 46 and they walked on the moon AFTER I was born…your math…is bad.

3a50d3  No.5341059

Opinion: The new logo shouldn't be a knock off of one of the existing MSM outlets. It should reflect its patriotic theme, origin, and intent.

69b4d4  No.5341060


All my Ex's look like that.

5a2259  No.5341061

File: 202e2dce4a234a3⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2qd2sa.jpg)

90e9ff  No.5341062


only 3%

think about that frens

we are here now…the start frens

we are at the precipitous…again

tipping point

our CONSTITUTION gives US the RIGHTS to defend!! ARMED and willing to DEFEND.

trying to take away the 2nd.

they are scared.

6802b1  No.5341063

File: e74bce234e2aded⋯.jpg (72.15 KB, 713x715, 713:715, moon.jpg)


The fake maga Sather has a secret space ship

91a96f  No.5341064


>>5340637 De Blasio 'blacks would want the weed biz b/c they understand getting high'

>>5340750 Two of Q's drops today had time stamps of xx:47:17

>>5340874 Hong Kong Company Ding Yi Feng a 'loss-making firm' getting a strange push

>>5340879 video of the Schefter drop

awe man

someone check my 888s post

kek's lurking

bfbc4f  No.5341065

File: d98ebcb5e4525bc⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 299x168, 299:168, QnnHilary.jpg)


oops meant this one

916f36  No.5341066

File: 9e94d090ea6acda⋯.jpg (138.39 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Pepe's Advice.jpg)

File: c71cc54907356c8⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 217x255, 217:255, VP 5X5.jpg)

cd76c1  No.5341067

File: e7417addd037b5d⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1293x6591, 431:2197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cbdc1acf123efb⋯.png (246.8 KB, 836x1642, 418:821, ClipboardImage.png)



044ad5  No.5341068

File: 13f4e1448bdcb14⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 404x351, 404:351, indian-casino.jpg)

1e2df3  No.5341069

File: 193f19db604bef5⋯.png (282.22 KB, 435x331, 435:331, WW2.png)


Did Dante come up with that idea?

(never knew this before now)

His paternal uncle, Donald George Wilhelm Jr., worked for the Central Intelligence Agency in Iran and secretly wrote Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's (the Shah) memoir.


527528  No.5341070

File: c8875e74fcfcae0⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 400x468, 100:117, c2ab32d5b40e0c84dbc7758754….jpg)

I think if they kill the net, or let it be "killed", that 8Chan will either stay up or will get back up, or just us. IF.

b0b6fa  No.5341071

File: 47cb9422d7ab2f7⋯.jpeg (255.88 KB, 635x425, 127:85, roe.jpeg)


good video thanks

roe (eggs)

90754f  No.5341072

>>5340213 (Q latest post)

Wtf, that video is obviously fake and gay.

4d665c  No.5341073

File: 2c9db663528c313⋯.jpeg (416.36 KB, 1949x3465, 1949:3465, E35215EC-324F-4594-9F5E-B….jpeg)

File: d9ff6beab5bc768⋯.jpeg (209.43 KB, 1242x1060, 621:530, 1AF4501E-4F6B-4A13-AEC9-4….jpeg)

769bc1  No.5341074

File: 753588bf4a624a3⋯.jpeg (39.53 KB, 667x361, 667:361, image.jpeg)

66665a  No.5341075


Thanks, I know where I am. I am directing it all the people "freaking out" over Q posting that particular video.

0b6f76  No.5341076

File: cbe5350678ba44a⋯.jpg (99.79 KB, 576x855, 64:95, 0a7e5cdebe873afb6b6de0d7d5….jpg)


Native Americans are one of the original Tribes of Israel

0f0d53  No.5341077

File: 5ea000e87334c64⋯.png (173.69 KB, 527x509, 527:509, EPSTEIN DOJ EMAIL.png)

ca5d21  No.5341078


Gold shovels for N’s

b952fa  No.5341079

File: fc1ba5eeaee96a3⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 376x480, 47:60, DP - Sauce.jpg)

told ya so

it's a taco war

the jews threw themselves into it

7b328f  No.5341080

File: 6e696582cfb78d4⋯.png (136.97 KB, 809x656, 809:656, Screenshot_140.png)



The reason traitor Hussein gave them control…..

01930d  No.5341081


ok thats funny

cefd11  No.5341082

File: acafca00597bf78⋯.jpeg (30.99 KB, 640x435, 128:87, 4A1FC9D6-584E-44E7-87A4-1….jpeg)

e73711  No.5341083

I thought those were nuts, either way fuck man that’s cool. >>5341045


f91558  No.5341084

File: 2032a805e203260⋯.jpeg (126.5 KB, 858x537, 286:179, 5D6BD992-FF47-4765-842C-E….jpeg)

372037  No.5341085


[44] remaining.

For how much longer?

f396e5  No.5341086


>Same guy who sponsored SB239

>Wiener joined Assembly member Todd Gloria to author SB 239, which aims to change the laws that make it a felony to expose someone to HIV without their knowledge and consent.[23] >Wiener said that the laws unfairly single out HIV-positive people.[24] The bill passed and was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 6, 2017.[25]

What they don't mention on (((wikipedia))) is that it takes away the felony

10bb5e  No.5341087

3405ae  No.5341088


Alinsky rules, fuck it

2d5898  No.5341089

Download everything you want to keep. Stock up on food. Disconnect as much as you can. RESTART is coming


HOLY FUCK BALL……This is bigger Than I thought..

0b5277  No.5341090

File: fd47ff47a635c3b⋯.jpg (160.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, BigNYTOrig.jpg)

b952fa  No.5341091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0b3c97  No.5341092


This does seem like the DJT style I have come to know and love

c44e1d  No.5341093

File: 640d11ce66dd6b6⋯.jpg (73.31 KB, 640x629, 640:629, 640d11ce66dd6b64df80ed9ed0….jpg)

fd56cd  No.5341094


Agreed anon this is the 69th fucking time we’ve tried this topple the govt thing. We need to BTFO.

1fd153  No.5341095

File: 4d7c887cd7c4337⋯.png (950.15 KB, 932x818, 466:409, ClipboardImage.png)

78357b  No.5341096


Guess Obummer shoulda been saying "Yes ICANN"

ddea1e  No.5341097

File: ee38b628a66ae20⋯.png (10.04 MB, 1386x13406, 693:6703, brave_2019-02-23_00-36-23.png)

File: ba90907ea6bba41⋯.pdf (1.43 MB, Repost by Permission Top ….pdf)


There you go, ICANN tied to this guy.


73cb3b  No.5341098


"van halen"….kek

fucking morans

527528  No.5341099

File: 73953c682916f70⋯.jpg (248.58 KB, 1440x691, 1440:691, 8016ee1328526aa7e690df03dc….jpg)


KEK!! I root for Jr to be alive, but I have no belief or evidence to really support it. So if you Are an R supporter, and this doesn't make you laugh….

Fucking Comedy Gold.

e3c723  No.5341100


Kunta Kinte earned every dark skinned person a free ride in life, forever.

5accb4  No.5341101

759e26  No.5341102

File: 7642f881c3c0082⋯.png (416.45 KB, 523x748, 523:748, 1BB re KHarris Slavery Rep….PNG)

File: 5056763e6d96dbd⋯.png (63.78 KB, 522x630, 29:35, 2 BB re KHarris Slavery Re….PNG)



>Is this real life?

>The Dems have gone mad,

Kamala Harris Supports ‘Some Type of’ Slavery Reparations


4d4ae9  No.5341103



This comment is underrated.

fb59bd  No.5341104

File: cfb637d28823b47⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 774x386, 387:193, James Woods.jpg)


The Same Methods become Dull

Don't They?

In Cat's Eye Yeah never was on the Same Set

with Drew!

Different Stories shot different times!

4b32ef  No.5341105




03793a  No.5341106


Could this be what Q points to KETSTONE?



e76253  No.5341107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"We have accumulated enough evidence to justify the IMMEDIATE arrest of Hillary Clinton"

Id is habbennning

24e8e8  No.5341108


I wouldn't even be mad.

Lived without it before. The behavior of people that have never lived without it would be an interesting observation.

If we can't have the net in all its glory and without sneaky shit. Fuck it.

Or build us a better net after the wall is done.

6802b1  No.5341109

File: bcb91ac3cbccc94⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 500x458, 250:229, nasamario.jpg)

6f2a8b  No.5341110


Does she think that also includes her?

916f36  No.5341111

File: af22c80e2757f60⋯.jpg (84.82 KB, 970x967, 970:967, POTUS points it out 1.jpg)


chek'd and kek'd

0324d7  No.5341112


Whatever it is it's been too long already

b952fa  No.5341113

File: b7f9cbf239af292⋯.jpg (710.75 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, rank.jpg)

c8df82  No.5341114


CAN you imagine all the phone calls and comms that our guys have on the people at ICANN?

I wonder how many are with Hussein?

e04b32  No.5341115


> We need to supply them some weapons.

WRONG…if they get weapons they should get them for themselves. OR BOTH RUSSIA and USA supply…because either OR is NOT gonna end well for the Venezuelans. Period.

69b4d4  No.5341116


Im not paying shit. My ancestors came from Norway after the Civil War and never owned slaves. So they can go fuck themselves.

b952fa  No.5341117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e3c723  No.5341119


not Betty Crocker…

0b5277  No.5341120


I had a marked up version but I now think the "Let's roll" vs "rolling canapes" framework beats it. Taking back our country vs making puff pastry.

116fb7  No.5341121



Baker at Mar-a-largo story drawing too much attention.

Quick, back into the shadows for Q.

2d5898  No.5341122

>>5341108 10 days of darkness April showers

everyone will cry

0b6f76  No.5341123


You still benefit from the white privilege /s

96be28  No.5341124





I'd feel pretty secure right now.

Law-abiding Trump voters are the ones who should be concern.

Liberal / Criminal = Safest occupation in the U.S.




fd56cd  No.5341125


Shouldn’t she be running a 7/11 or some motor lodge in Houston

b952fa  No.5341126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3974be  No.5341127

File: f9597f6ef1b23da⋯.png (113.1 KB, 267x263, 267:263, Hmmm Pepe.png)

Guise, I had to go out for a few hours. Help an anon out. TLDR Q's [Public Service Announcement] drops. Just skimmed a few. Is he saying these Twitter accounts are targeted by Twitter? Psy Ops? Or are they fake MAGAs?

c8df82  No.5341128

I can see the funeral envelope just saying


01930d  No.5341129


perfect thx fren

70b9aa  No.5341130


Money cannot be the reason we haven’t returned. Lost data.

Definitely feeling like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Trying to get some footing on solid ground.

Moon landing, 9/11. How do we not have concrete answers to questions surrounding these events. So distracted by paying our bills? Weird.

91a96f  No.5341131


>>5340637 De Blasio 'blacks would want the weed biz b/c they understand getting high'

>>5340750 Two of Q's drops today had time stamps of xx:47:17

>>5340874 Hong Kong Company Ding Yi Feng a 'loss-making firm' getting a strange push

>>5340879 video of the Schefter drop

>>5340634, >>5340821 'Z'? video of a fox clip -keyboard has a Z where Y sposed to be (german QWERTZ)

>>5340809 Trump tweet 2014 - Trump Nat'l Jupiter's Spa

>>5340922 Looks like ICANN is glowing.

c20e2a  No.5341132

File: 4e71381f44a7374⋯.gif (2.45 MB, 255x232, 255:232, 4e71381f44a73746151bc4f19b….gif)


How do you assuage people's feelings and suspicions? You break the ice with a joke. (i.e. Since he joked about it, it can't be true, right") That's what was done here, he "leaked" the vid for a larp. Nobody has access to the brother's phones BUT them. Duh…

07b9d6  No.5341133

File: f82fa8df92b7336⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 318x467, 318:467, IMG_20190210_004916_546.JPG)

69b4d4  No.5341134


Damn Nigga! You Trumped his trips!

ca5d21  No.5341135


Mine, too. Late 1800’s from Poland and Italy. I owe nobody nuttin’ Just because I’m white.

e44e5c  No.5341136

File: 5bb36425b06e2b3⋯.png (200.4 KB, 1175x698, 1175:698, You Are The News Now #1.png)

"You Are The News Now"

Concept only!

0da0b6  No.5341137

File: 4f47c0339133d2d⋯.png (456.45 KB, 719x530, 719:530, ClipboardImage.png)

eb0ac3  No.5341138


>targeted by Twitter

c8df82  No.5341139

so could ICANN have set up a site of some sort just for the cabal to use, thinking they would not be detected?

586f6e  No.5341140


Going to add >>5340922 ? Had several nods.

7ce41b  No.5341141

Sorry guys just got home. Haven't previous breads, but have been checking drops all night. In regards to the link Q dropped


The most disturbing article I noticed was this line:

>The most important of these is the assignment of Internet

>Protocol Addresses (IP Addresses) to domain names.

Sorry if this has been answered already, but is 8ch.net safe? Could the domain just vanish if a CA company just wills it?

b952fa  No.5341142

File: 8f37fcfed9f208f⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1547x1782, 1547:1782, fullsizeoutput_34f1.jpeg)

b0b6fa  No.5341143


q has done this many times before, something fake that nevertheless tells the actual truth

7166c0  No.5341144



It just feels so good to know that we have a POTUS who is on our side. It's historical…and its amazing that we had people not on our side in power for so long.

I pray that liberals who are blind to this can share in the winning with us soon. Together, as a country again. USA.

90754f  No.5341145


This is getting stupid. Q is posting videos that are obviously fake and gay and acting if it is a legit video?

Same as when he said the St. Jude pin was pepe.

How long are the real patriots going to allow this psy-op that has been made to sedate and placate us?

Call me a faggot or whatever else you want. I don't fucking care. Seth rich died a long time ago and John Podesta is out there right now probably fucking a 6 year old while we chase down fake videos.

9f3520  No.5341146

Black reparations -

What if someone is 1/2 black (plantation) and 1/2 plantation owner?

Does the reparation cancel itself out?

Who proves who is 'black' and what percentage?

What if they are black from another country?

Dems are such idiots. They have no intention whatsoever to do reparations, it's buying votes only as usual.

ca5d21  No.5341147


Obama has the list. Maxine Waters even stayed so. Obama got it all.

527528  No.5341148

File: c98cd208bf173fa⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 0d454d165c26605fb77d171f7e….jpg)


I wonder about this for this reason.

There is a LOT of porn. 75% of girls, at least, have some sort of compromising shit out there, forever. Now, we all will need a new start, and how could you help people let go than to wipe the data that we GAVE and has been stolen and reboot.

Maybe not, but I root for it. I'm ready. I listen as best I can.

b952fa  No.5341149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




3a833c  No.5341150

File: 80e48896c579877⋯.png (493.03 KB, 1193x537, 1193:537, ClipboardImage.png)

520469  No.5341151

File: 38ecb2b7c6e4c1b⋯.jpeg (860.22 KB, 1145x980, 229:196, A1A477DF-49AD-45BD-9A43-6….jpeg)

24e8e8  No.5341152


maybe their tears will wash away the sand that encrusts their sleepy eyes.

e4f934  No.5341153


And why does Q do that???

b0b6fa  No.5341154


dems wanta shut em down because they have too many followers

f9f7f0  No.5341155

File: 01b7923ba58f675⋯.jpg (347.34 KB, 735x694, 735:694, 1496467678446.jpg)


The "Y" heads are being replaced and are being taunted on air to make the next move.

f91558  No.5341156

File: 96240464f97fc2d⋯.jpeg (477.4 KB, 1242x1790, 621:895, BCF70500-920E-4C25-B586-E….jpeg)

I’m not a huge Mac N Cheese guy….but I just ordered this to keep the family fed when the eye of the storm arrives.

01930d  No.5341157


i agree something they and only they could acress not listed in any domains or registries

be8474  No.5341158

File: 59303379879961d⋯.png (12.16 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 8b79d7638f9ed54cbee05f88d0….png)

e3c723  No.5341159


>I'd feel pretty secure right now.


>Law-abiding Trump voters are the ones who should be concern.


>Liberal / Criminal = Safest occupation in the U.S.


This is exactly the bliss I feel every moment of my waking days. The thought that the False flag Bureau of Instigation might come for me for saying mean things about Hillary Clinton.

6802b1  No.5341160

File: 4b657561e350b78⋯.jpg (18.26 KB, 245x275, 49:55, ebot.jpg)

3ebae0  No.5341161


> I owe nobody nuttin’ Just because I’m white.

You owe your parents and God for the privilege of being White.

e2505b  No.5341162


3% of the population started the Revolution

7ce41b  No.5341163


Please more on this, sauce?

6d5dcc  No.5341164


Kek Anon!

My 2 Favorite Normie Hoaxes!

My 19 yr old came in one day & said

Dino's are bullshit

Then read story of 'Sue' and said yep Bullshit!

69b4d4  No.5341165


Yes, I wish I liked Colt 45, but I dont…

7b328f  No.5341166


prolly a gazillion, kek

I doubt we'll ever get to know that.

07b9d6  No.5341167

File: 759df5cfa142e0e⋯.jpg (67.24 KB, 355x499, 355:499, IMG_20190210_004848_459.JPG)

0b3c97  No.5341168



d94efe  No.5341169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PBS NewsHour full episode Feb. 22, 2019


23:27 - 30:24 Epstein and Victims - 26:27

33:20 lol + learned helplessness of Repubs

36:52 weird

39:34 lol

PBS has lots of propaganda in this episode. Pro-maduro, Pro-socialism, …, but they had a somewhat decent story about Epstein.

e17ca1  No.5341170

File: 180440939616339⋯.png (604.32 KB, 1099x1099, 1:1, TheHeartbeatOfAmerica.png)

File: 3f459128d87ad85⋯.png (634 KB, 1270x1280, 127:128, WhoIsQ.png)


Yes, more memes!

f0c662  No.5341171


Sure…………not holding my breathe.

07181b  No.5341172

i hope rush Limbaugh is not one of the 175…

b952fa  No.5341173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0c1e65  No.5341174

File: 7c67252ac7096d7⋯.jpeg (53.29 KB, 673x460, 673:460, DE896468-C3DA-4443-B5C2-3….jpeg)

d11e4b  No.5341175

File: 0e0aa8c291b60ec⋯.png (32.85 KB, 554x152, 277:76, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

File: 5e02b2d5f41bef5⋯.png (264.63 KB, 543x477, 181:159, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)




And, yes, looking at an old creeper who bangs his best friend's daughter, lies about 911, ignorance on DEW weapons their and in the CA fires, and ignorance of Henry Winkler, Penny Marshall, Robert Deniro, etc is DULL


Stand up guy.

No idea about the spook honeypot you frequent that is the Playboy Mansion either?


b0b6fa  No.5341176


among possible reasons, it provides for plausible deniability

96be28  No.5341177

File: 756edffc5252b17⋯.png (448.13 KB, 807x468, 269:156, ClipboardImage.png)

4d4ae9  No.5341179


That idea has been floated around, a lot.

I'm sure if you use the search engine, linked way up top, you'll find loads of digs on that SES topic.

ee06af  No.5341180

File: 2889fe3599cf805⋯.jpg (213.47 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, WHOISQBLUE.jpg)

916f36  No.5341181

File: 5e69f2508602cf8⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 500x281, 500:281, sexual chocolate.gif)


give it up 'fo

6d5dcc  No.5341182


Tiger Woods

0f0d53  No.5341183


Its a surrogate for classified info. It makes the point that he cannot state outright.

91a96f  No.5341184

File: b2db26bbc73f93a⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 354x395, 354:395, b2d.jpg)



praise KEK

epic tree!!




cfe8c9  No.5341185

File: 9c816d99ff30546⋯.jpg (19.84 KB, 300x399, 100:133, 2lvtvm.jpg)


I bovine phart in your general direction. That was lame…

eb0ac3  No.5341186

File: fa9f60108cc3f02⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1111x1335, 1111:1335, 2018-01-21 19-31.png)


Fake is relative

b3013a  No.5341187

File: b63a33c7ba90514⋯.png (1.09 MB, 951x1958, 951:1958, DCACE10D-D472-4391-B3E4-9A….png)

3974be  No.5341188



Thank you, anons.

0b5277  No.5341189


"Flight 93 Election" author

NSC guy at Trump WH until 8 April 2018

Trump tweets on 11 Dec 2018 and 11 Feb 2018

MUCH more if you dig.

b952fa  No.5341191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1fd153  No.5341192


>Sorry guys just got home. Haven't previous breads, but have been checking drops all night. In regards to the link Q dropped


>The most disturbing article I noticed was this line:

>>The most important of these is the assignment of Internet

>>Protocol Addresses (IP Addresses) to domain names.

>Sorry if this has been answered already, but is 8ch.net safe? Could the domain just vanish if a CA company just wills it?

Bookmark this IP address. This is the IP address for 8ch.net. If they hijack the DNS you can still go directly to the IP address.

f0c662  No.5341193


He an ugly mofo. Geez

21f0aa  No.5341194

Where the clockfags at?

Arrested shills?

ddf26e  No.5341195


It might have been thought of and covered before; however, I think KRAFT (single So no major harm, FRAN to POTUS) is FALL Guy to OUT SHADY PPL.

No pun intended on the "single".

What say you all?

ca5d21  No.5341196



0b6f76  No.5341197


Hey its me your cousin

5cb657  No.5341198

File: 1a4194fbc6c831e⋯.jpg (122.46 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Dear Etiquette Amy.JPG)

File: 6f777f05ff8c47d⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 523x430, 523:430, klobuchar-at-airport-eatin….jpg)

File: 31faa9f6f8c9113⋯.jpeg (128.59 KB, 1560x1040, 3:2, 2400260f-5f08-4b93-85e3-d….jpeg)

File: db8ab5f2119494b⋯.jpg (6.5 KB, 205x115, 41:23, hhju.jpg)

File: 389c15f4d784927⋯.jpg (113.45 KB, 950x534, 475:267, uploads/card/image/939308/….jpg)

e04b32  No.5341199


Well you got it wrong…go back to


wrong baker ID'd

e2505b  No.5341200


What can 3% do now against the tyranny elected or is that elected tyranny

12761e  No.5341201

File: 4adeebb19bdba14⋯.png (775.27 KB, 1042x560, 521:280, jussie smollet epic fail.png)

044ad5  No.5341202

File: 565d4a480c4ebd3⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 735x611, 735:611, ari.jpg)

55beda  No.5341203


best one yet!

527528  No.5341204




Magic Johnson 1000%

b952fa  No.5341205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b0b6fa  No.5341206


paper bag test for dems big money

definitely includes people from other countries, of course

f75e44  No.5341207

File: 3820973cc4cd8c7⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Best Black History month e….jpg)

>>5336143 (lb)

Does this mean that because I'm not on this list and I post a shit load of Meme's…most of the time I just post the good Meme's are 99% Pro-Trump and I haven't been tagged and put on this list…

I hope this means that Meme's (only) works better then rhetoric with a Meme, also I have a lot of Meme's that destroy the opposition…

well anyways…Best Black History Month EVER!!!!

0c1e65  No.5341208

File: 5bf2f30d221ebb5⋯.jpeg (149.51 KB, 673x485, 673:485, 7087E762-6F8C-4955-B50D-9….jpeg)

Meme the fuck put of this fags pic anons!

0f01c1  No.5341209


I'm on that list. Now because of Q's post I have hundreds more followers within hours.

450509  No.5341210

File: 2ddb827ba50c6f6⋯.jpg (369.21 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, NO SAUCE.jpg)

916f36  No.5341211


capping that bad boy!

0b5277  No.5341212


Sorry: 11 Feb 2019

and it is a 17 tweet. 17 words in title

586f6e  No.5341213


Thanks. You posted as I was pinging you on last bundle.

b952fa  No.5341214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ec2b5f  No.5341215


Wow, now sloppy and stupid.

4d4ae9  No.5341216

File: 4f15544be8335ed⋯.png (182.44 KB, 880x322, 440:161, Damn Nigga.png)

0b3c97  No.5341217


Um…no. I was 3 when they walked on the moon, and I am 52 now. You may want to do some fact-checking. Whether they really did walk on it or not, I was 3

769bc1  No.5341218

File: 835af28b9542f7e⋯.jpeg (36.92 KB, 667x359, 667:359, image.jpeg)

527528  No.5341219

File: 48f127729f4c66a⋯.png (842.26 KB, 960x691, 960:691, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)



7ce41b  No.5341220

File: af871220df9dbe5⋯.png (4.74 KB, 800x600, 4:3, af871220df9dbe52ceff18878e….png)


Best shift. Thank you anons

e4f934  No.5341221


I’ve always figured that it’s a way to train us out of complacency. We are supposed to vet everything.

In this case, though, the Krassens are probably looking for absolution. The Jew gets a pass if the Jew tells the truth.

7b328f  No.5341222


Do you really think this is about the oil and not freeing the people from their desparate situation?

9f3520  No.5341223

Of course the brothers are getting paid for trolling Trump. You think they are doing it for free????

Whether they admit it or not, they are getting a pay off for it.

13be83  No.5341224

So many Q posts today

17 days away from the first MAJOR BOOM

deepstate will start at least 2 wars over this. Iran and Venezuela leaders are just waiting for the go ahead.

0f0d53  No.5341225

File: 21b3707d0a7c0d7⋯.png (206.69 KB, 612x350, 306:175, EPSTEIN VICTIM STATEMENT.png)

70b9aa  No.5341226


1972 - I suppose you could have been born but certainly not have remembered the events.

2019-1972 = ?

3405ae  No.5341227


Listen faggot, even if it was a psy-op, what the fuck are you going to do?

It's most certainly a very sophisticated information op headed by very bright intel professionals doing what they need to do to protect our country.

Kindly fuck off…

9e409b  No.5341228

File: da5df5c269ced23⋯.png (1.05 MB, 893x599, 893:599, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)

look it's bobby Kotick of Activision and bob Kraft how appropriate, bet his name shows up on the list of shitbirds that like have to pay for hoes. Not to mention dating sheryl Sandberg COO of FB

ca5d21  No.5341229

File: 1d287d597f82ae0⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4CB60E1E-4AFC-4F9F-B0D7-C7….png)

File: 92808c5511461da⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1D341574-CCD6-48A5-A6EA-4C….png)

File: 108471510596460⋯.png (727.49 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 66733B26-BCAF-4827-A528-9B….png)

File: 4e518e26be9945e⋯.png (720.06 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 31599C03-1AE5-4652-BC47-99….png)


I posted the you tube video. Here’s the second. https://nypost.com/2015/07/18/obama-has-been-collecting-personal-data-for-a-secret-race-database/amp/

eb0ac3  No.5341230


Pakistan heating up too

9d8f94  No.5341231

File: a7e522e1273830e⋯.jpeg (14.05 KB, 474x316, 3:2, image.jpeg)

>>5338937 PB

Can one sell a child's soul without their consent?


450509  No.5341232

File: 6886e7a70749d84⋯.jpg (292.79 KB, 1000x962, 500:481, Suggested Food Pyramid.jpg)


oops…meant to post…


0324d7  No.5341233


Seems like it was one of Hussein and HRC's hit squads….gotta have some good stuff on them

3974be  No.5341234

File: 20ff784061b9ba8⋯.gif (482.27 KB, 500x200, 5:2, Fuckery Afoot.gif)

8cd552  No.5341235


will kill them before they take my liberty, would encourage you all feel the same.

f75e44  No.5341236

File: 0380e2ce39bdc2b⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 1500x1949, 1500:1949, Night shift arrow.gif)

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, Night shift circle.gif)

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB, 900x450, 2:1, Night Shift Neon 2.gif)

File: fd35b4dabce1258⋯.gif (332.8 KB, 1000x753, 1000:753, night shift neon.gif)

File: 32d0eae55a5a79d⋯.mp4 (261.01 KB, 498x498, 1:1, Tick Tock.mp4)

891263  No.5341237

File: 8dab331c7cda412⋯.jpg (249.55 KB, 838x1024, 419:512, 6169611171_973f75febd_b.jpg)

f91558  No.5341238

File: 9a5b42cc35ea2c1⋯.jpeg (56.81 KB, 900x900, 1:1, F9446D5B-987F-468D-8370-1….jpeg)

01930d  No.5341239

e3c723  No.5341240



The IRS, Trump, and Congress disagree with you.

b952fa  No.5341241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

503318  No.5341242


I'll believe that when I see it, sorry.

2e2da9  No.5341243


Man you cant smoke weed w activator all slimin it up!

35d975  No.5341244


When it’s all said and done, Q may still have to be written off as a larp. All that matters are results, and I’ve seen enough to satiate my bloodlust. Folks inevitably have to hang, however.

69b4d4  No.5341245