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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

f3d78a  No.5339052

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 02.22.2019

>>5336480 rt >>5336224 ————————— We have everything.

>>5336136 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 1

>>5336143 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 2

>>5334342 rt >>5333867 ————————— Tools of prevention online.

>>5333636 rt >>5333408 ————————— CROOKED [[[HILLARY]]]

>>5333421 rt >>5333408 ————————— Disregard all spelling/other errors.

>>5333408 ————————————–——– JUDGEMENT DAY COMING. (Cap: >>5333721)

>>5328866 ————————————–——– One step closer. (Cap: >>5329024 )

>>5328649 ————————————–——– How do you fill your admin if majority of those 'in politics' are corrupt? (Cap: >>5328694 )

>>5328390 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS ONLY DIVIDES.

>>5328186 rt >>5328018 ————————— Crime Against Children.

>>5327931 rt >>5327889 ————————— Sedition. Treason. Crimes against Humanity.

>>5327833 rt >>5327780 ————————— https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sex%20Puppy (Cap: >>5327878 )

>>5327732 rt >>5327581 ————————— Puppy (sex_urban dic)?

>>5327554 ————————————–——– What happened re: Bernie's wife 'fraud' case? (Vid: >>5327583 )

>>5326450 ————————————–——– The best is yet to come. (Vid: >>5326469 )

>>5326235 rt >>5325789 ————————— Impossible to defend. Vietnam trip coming. Enjoy the show!

>>5325739 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.

>>5325408 rt >>5325320 ————————— There sure are a lot of ‘Q’ comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.

>>5325320 rt >>5325292 ————————— Got popcorn? (Re: >>5318964 (see below))

>>5325224 ————————————–——– Dead on. (Caps: >>5325267 )

>>5320727 rt >>5320696 ————————— Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat

>>5320696 ————————————–——– The Deal of a Lifetime?

>>5320205 ————————————–——– Our reach is a direct threat to their control. (caps >>5320232)

>>5319456 ————————————–——– Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).

>>5319191 ————————————–——– Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.

>>5318964 ————————————–——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f3d78a  No.5339056


are not endorsements


>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch


>>5338363 Russia accuses U.S. of planning to arm the opposition in Venezuela

>>5338377 A Desperate Man: Michael Cohen; on his connections to HRC, Podesta, and Ukraine

>>5338403 Sweden has become for jihadists ‘what Argentina was for Nazis’: MP slams govt over ISIS inaction

>>5338414 For Top Keks: Q Shill "Will" Sommer says he'll ask POTUS the Q.

>>5338431 Putin says no analogs of Russian weapons will be developed in the world anytime soon

>>5338446 Trump picks ambassador to Canada for UN post

>>5338519, >>5338910 Graphic on a person that got arrested in the prostitute and human trafficking arrests

>>5338644 Earth to liberals: You are all Jussie Smollett

>>5338758 Liberals outnumber conservatives in only 6 states

>>5338785 BBC Producer Blows The Whistle & Admits The “Gas Attack” Footage From Syria “Was Staged”

>>5338838 Dig on one of men arrested in the prostitute and human trafficking arrests

>>5338930 Amy Klobuchar reportedly ordered staffer to clean comb after she used it to eat salad

>>5338990 Mumbai’s archbishop, who could be next Pope, accused of ignoring sexual abuse complaints

>>5339040 #6823


>>5337596 Another Papadopoulos tweet

>>5337644 R. Kelly turns himself in to Chicago police after being indicted on sexual abuse charges

>>5337677 Rod Rosenstein: My Time in Law Enforcement ‘Coming to an End’

>>5337701 22 Child Sex Predators Nabbed In Multi-Agency Sting

>>5337705 MAJOR Gun Control Bills Move To U.S House Floor For A Vote

>>5337748 Jupiter spa manager booked into jail on prostitution charges

>>5337759 Planned Parenthood exec departures surge after 'baby body parts' vids

>>5337760 Cold War is good for business: US contractors rejoice at the new Red Scare

>>5337827 'Remember These Names: 12 Democratic Senators Pushing Anti-Christian Bigotry

>>5337925 Moar on carcinogens

>>5337937, >>5338010 Venezuela braces for dueling government, opposition concerts

>>5338177 The 'Q' coming soon?

>>5338209 Democrats Take Down Another Judicial Nominee Simply Because He’s A Christian

>>5338265 #6822


>>5336840 HUD Secretary Ben Carson visits Alpha bridge shelter tent

>>5336847, >>5337398 Feds step in to investigate cancer risks of Baby Powder

>>5336849, >>5336972 Papadopoulos tweet

>>5336850 Tweet: there is 175 more names related to the human trafficking sting, some prominent

>>5336855 For Keks: AOC explains ‘farting cows’ comment

>>5337036 Microsoft workers demand it drop $480 million U.S. Army contract

>>5337085, >>5337150, >>5337191, >>5337235 You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information, Then They Tell Facebook.

>>5337123 Reminder: Fusion GPS tried to tie POTUS and Epstein in a smear campaign

>>5337182 Sex, slavery, and Robert Kraft

>>5337200 Man attacks priests in bizarre church incident

>>5337213 Hillary Clinton huddles with 2020 Dems, including Biden, Harris and Booker

>>5337230 R. Kelly has turned himself in after being charged with sexual abuse

>>5337417 Migrants attack unarmed officials as they cross from Guatemala into Mexico

>>5337501 #6821

#6820 Baker Change

>>5336111 Cowards removing Trump name from another building in New York

>>5336121 Readout of Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan’s Meeting with Turkish Minister of National Defense

>>5336292 Judging from the texts, many former Bernie supporters have walked away from the Democrats

>>5336337 Collection of Meme Blanks for QNN News Studio

>>5336416 Julian Assange on the move? JA issued new Australian passport that means he could finally leave the Ecuadorian Embassy

>>5336687 Sara Carter tweets

>>5336690 Carcinogen List

>>5336710 India orders 'staggering' eviction of 1 million indigenous people

>>5336735 #6820

Previously Collected Notables

>>5334444 #6817, >>5335186 #6818, >>5335901 #6819

>>5332098 #6814, >>5332894 #6815, >>5333639 #6816

>>5329811 #6811, >>5330572 #6812, >>5331365 #6813

>>5327518 #6808, >>5328282 #6809, >>5329042 #6810

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

f3d78a  No.5339060

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>5327582

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>5335505

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f3d78a  No.5339063

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: https://qanon.news/Help/Api/GET-feed-Q can be used to create alerts for Qanon.news

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

f3d78a  No.5339065



d5576d  No.5339095

File: 7cf0a68a79c349e⋯.jpg (340.65 KB, 1006x662, 503:331, HiveMind-Sandworm-for-Nigh….jpg)

File: 0a60535764c62d0⋯.jpg (70.67 KB, 317x396, 317:396, HiveMind-Iceberg.jpg)

File: 3f37b6696edbe65⋯.jpg (438.79 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, HiveMind-Ice-Breaking.jpg)

File: 668b78638e133c6⋯.jpg (704.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Winning-Timeline-AoG.jpg)

f98eb5  No.5339104

File: 35aea6b63a1d9e2⋯.jpeg (587.78 KB, 1125x1486, 1125:1486, 66D193A1-55F3-4C0F-B165-3….jpeg)

File: 4f82dcdf6d90b0a⋯.jpeg (490.45 KB, 1125x1263, 375:421, 72E3E7C3-B21D-4ECB-8B29-5….jpeg)

File: 10c416c2544f150⋯.jpeg (704.21 KB, 1125x1652, 1125:1652, 7F030A2D-C880-462D-A75F-8….jpeg)

Three things from yesterdays Epoch Times Russiagate piece re: [RR]


ba119d  No.5339105

File: 7db6af851ffcdab⋯.jpg (283.78 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN - Copy (9).jpg)

f3d78a  No.5339106


would take a handoff at anytime

just lemme know

1e57c9  No.5339107


Have a Punch!

But just One, Man…


dd4f45  No.5339109

File: 5f8adbd7dbecafc⋯.png (236.47 KB, 320x394, 160:197, 0A8676DB-B6F3-4623-B5E0-04….png)

TY, baker

2fe552  No.5339110

File: 82425b2a6dea2ce⋯.png (676.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qnn4Dgreenalpha.png)

ba119d  No.5339111

File: 2b2769b350753ef⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB, 406x720, 203:360, DrummerGrl.mp4)


Shadilay, Baker Fren!

bb4366  No.5339112

File: 3a5bc70ad6e00ae⋯.jpg (102.92 KB, 736x1219, 32:53, BlessThisBreadTruth.jpg)

bdac96  No.5339113

File: ba8f7166bc7328a⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 298x286, 149:143, 1486758606479.jpg)

Trump giving Kraft the finger almost a year ago



47e2a1  No.5339114

File: ddb0f1590f80aed⋯.png (98.34 KB, 207x243, 23:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Killing it Baker!!

b58f67  No.5339115

File: 44683e0671680e9⋯.png (618.02 KB, 893x575, 893:575, ABE69C24-FA56-4FD3-9D42-55….png)

9758fa  No.5339116


cool fucking drum

3a42e0  No.5339117

When are we going to begin looking into the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang?


These people are connected. Connected to the wrong people.

283b0c  No.5339118

File: 81839d95d537ab6⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1600x963, 1600:963, 81839d95d537ab6ee7aa49c890….png)

7ce1f6  No.5339119

File: 88684cae06e7ff3⋯.jpg (217.88 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, BRMW9785.jpg)

"why wave around your bacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin too!" ~xenu

283b0c  No.5339120

File: 9548c1d1c6fde7e⋯.png (822.8 KB, 582x578, 291:289, 9548c1d1c6fde7eeca74a700f5….png)

de50b6  No.5339121

>>5338825 (lb)

You're telling me. It's like a disco going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Static in the sheets, then the pets start popping as I navigate through them. Need to get a humidifier.

4f5a8d  No.5339122

File: b25579034d575cd⋯.gif (522.39 KB, 712x485, 712:485, bewbs.gif)

fbfc32  No.5339123


Much cooler here than homeless peeps on the street.

71fcfa  No.5339124

File: f8007b7abb096fd⋯.png (101 KB, 261x274, 261:274, 2019-02-22_22-45-07.png)

69b6f6  No.5339125

File: 4199984b70e292b⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1366x5006, 683:2503, www_telegraph_co_uk_news_2….png)

MBS defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

"China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremisation work for its national security,” Prince Mohammed, who has been in China signing multi-million trade deals much to the annoyance of his Western allies, was quoted as saying on Chinese state television.


8c5b83  No.5339126


ahhh that turned out very nice!

1b8c5b  No.5339127

File: ca31a9132d44056⋯.png (39.02 KB, 771x325, 771:325, spoof_IP.png)

for the last 24 hours i have been trying to get [SAFEGUARD] web extension browser to rate whitehouse.gov for a rating for me to know if i can trust it or not. i can't tell you how many submissions i have sent from diff IP addresses. still nothing. i really wish they would rate it.

c6ca71  No.5339128

File: c18828f890541cf⋯.jpg (118.31 KB, 800x469, 800:469, Russle Lowe.jpg)

"Where is Russell Lowe? Lowe is the man who has been identified as the spy for Communist China who was on Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) staff for more than two decades. A report by The New American several days ago pointed out that this should be of considerable concern from a national security standpoint, since not only did Senator Feinstein serve as chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (of which she is still a member), but she was a longtime member of the so-called Gang of Eight, the bipartisan group of top members in the House and Senate who are given special briefings by our intelligence agencies and the Executive Branch."


0e94bf  No.5339129

File: 30a31cd9c73f5e7⋯.jpg (127.87 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 63e9e18a04e9a5bf4b40978e71….jpg)

76d042  No.5339130

>>5338509 (pb)

Link us Anon

so we can spread.

I cant find that twat from her

7ce1f6  No.5339131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ef922  No.5339132


Super hot.

Laura is cranking up the Fox anti-pot propaganda rn. Hey, do they advertise pharmaceuticals on that channel at all??

283b0c  No.5339133

File: f2c9934e3489c02⋯.png (506.47 KB, 932x706, 466:353, 97382528d38519ff235fffbb3e….png)

87af82  No.5339134


Gave me the finger too with my tax cut

acd6e8  No.5339135

File: b77984a2276dd0c⋯.jpg (214.68 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, laughbern&__.jpg)

Happy Friday

ba119d  No.5339136

File: a118bdb0d720541⋯.png (793.12 KB, 1492x1344, 373:336, Sammich.png)

c6ca71  No.5339137


Monday, 13 August 2018

e88e39  No.5339138

File: 45826cc8e4d6d82⋯.mp4 (534.99 KB, 226x400, 113:200, nightshift.mp4)

33bdb0  No.5339139


tru dat

no pussy footing around

f74740  No.5339140

>>5338985 (lb)

Fart denier.

f18c74  No.5339141

File: 4fabd94de6f13b8⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 774x500, 387:250, 2uemyj.jpg)

a63977  No.5339142

File: 90adba2c5436362⋯.png (322.14 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


fbfc32  No.5339143

File: e1d9155d1435663⋯.jpg (358.17 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 8UMsK copy.jpg)

TY, Baker

f18c74  No.5339144

File: 333fdd48d8386ef⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 642x389, 642:389, 2uen5p.jpg)

be390b  No.5339145

Suicide weekend….

Comedian Brody Stevens, 48, dead of apparent suicide by hanging


c87981  No.5339146

File: ce7ce478faf5ff0⋯.png (163.34 KB, 301x325, 301:325, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Q

Next time the black hawks do a fly over my place.

Have them to a circle or two.

I'll flash muh bewbs.


283b0c  No.5339147

File: a83123fd01b317d⋯.jpg (12.13 KB, 120x255, 8:17, a83123fd01b317d448664f423b….jpg)

0a0bd9  No.5339148


Robbing kids of their childhood, brain-washing them early, and abusing them as pawns in voting-age-only game is pretty fucked up. I side with Diane's logic, but democrats like her fed this monster first.

Reap what you sow.

f18c74  No.5339149

File: 574478ceabc50c7⋯.jpg (86.95 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2o8kro.jpg)

2fcb38  No.5339150

File: 74113ba07725876⋯.jpg (1003.15 KB, 1957x2173, 1957:2173, redhillunderground.jpg)

75e1f7  No.5339151

File: 4df6bb4be83d9ff⋯.jpg (17.65 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 4df6bb4be83d9ff31bbe36d891….jpg)

File: 8d180ac3dc9d4e3⋯.jpg (1016.62 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 35cfded7d8f9820e535dff6b1f….jpg)

File: b5cd62583685f5f⋯.jpg (918.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, A6_Intruder_Vietnam_Q.jpg)

File: ebffd7666fb0007⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Navy_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You baker for all your hard work.

f5de55  No.5339152

>>5339025 lb

>It is time for Anon News! I don’t care if it is QNN or something else… I don’t really like using the same play as CNN with the QNN but we must have something that sticks in the mind & is easy to remember.


Quality FACTUAL News

87af82  No.5339153


Notables are MSM articles, so QNN=CNN

c6ca71  No.5339154



0ef922  No.5339155

File: 2d95bd5fe808e74⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 640x640, 1:1, monicapoint.jpg)


This chick right here is hot!

2f327f  No.5339156

>>5339066 lb lb lb

ok sorry fren

of course your post is true

people did submit when their rights were taken

but to me they were lied to so its the same as taking

94af17  No.5339157

File: 0839538b291b412⋯.png (429.49 KB, 595x643, 595:643, Fitton re GW BD 2-22-19.PNG)

"Truth will ultimately prevail where pains is taken to bring it to light."–George Washington

It is George Washington's Birthday!


44728d  No.5339158

>>5338550 (PB)

There's moar soy in Wheaties than you thought…

f80acb  No.5339159


was he lynched?

7ce1f6  No.5339160

File: 808ebfd7c60b115⋯.jpg (213.85 KB, 800x1306, 400:653, IMG_4077.JPG)

what a fart

283b0c  No.5339161

File: cd20b6479902187⋯.png (488.52 KB, 606x436, 303:218, AmericansFirstPrivatePlane….png)

91e73c  No.5339162

File: dbcb36f3f348d01⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1500x980, 75:49, QNN_reports.png)

495ae3  No.5339163

>>5339094 (pb)

No that was Michael Froman

de50b6  No.5339164


Now that's smart!

1913c2  No.5339165

Is Potus forcing the question about Q and Q+

Potus to retweet a Q post?



02ddb6  No.5339166

File: b5b37a541c13ef1⋯.jpeg (80.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 8E52D5E0-F920-4C75-BC16-D….jpeg)


9b256c  No.5339167

Damn. Big day. Lots of booming.

e88a23  No.5339168

File: 9509f12434085c5⋯.png (571.11 KB, 831x561, 277:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9324bfae302c58⋯.png (133.65 KB, 737x304, 737:304, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d9ae017c77a440⋯.png (117.24 KB, 557x234, 557:234, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out whos pimping the YELP for the day spa everyone got popped at…. Can you say DEEP STATE?

Posted by "Mei "Baby Hydra" L." on Yelp

ca5fba  No.5339169

File: 0c534e19e75e2be⋯.jpg (188.46 KB, 735x534, 245:178, Baker1.jpg)

Thank you Baker

9767e3  No.5339170

>>5336040 lb lb

Anon, if they had to fire anyone smoking weed in the federal government, half of DC would be packing their bags tomorrow.

These niggaz in DC can't function on daily basis without something, because all they really do is figuratively/literally sucking cock 24/7.

You'll be just fine, stay off the grass from now on. Even if this doesn't get through, there are plenty of ways to serve your country.

Also, as a side note, rule of the jungle applies everywhere. Know how to watch your six while doing 100% good, and you will do better than going in blind.

Make common cause with good people and in the right positions so that you all know each other.

Be honest, be vigilant, and survive to do good. Levels to everything, so remember to make yourself known to the right people and create necessary networks and safeguards.

Rule of the jungle, learn from the mentors.

God speed, anon. We need more Patriots in the military.

bdac96  No.5339171


this was an underground fuel storage tank, right?

6869c2  No.5339172


Thanks brother. 1971. You? So what did you do to get the tweet itself to appear? I pasted the link, but that's all that was there. I tried to copy the embed link from Twatter but got a spam error message when I tried to paste it here.

ba119d  No.5339173


That's now a crime.

c6ca71  No.5339174

File: c18828f890541cf⋯.jpg (118.31 KB, 800x469, 800:469, Russle Lowe.jpg)

File: 9c84aa788e06ee1⋯.jpg (145.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Feinstein.jpg)

File: 64c0f710e6b3a23⋯.jpg (121.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, gang of 8.jpg)

19883c  No.5339175

File: ce656c23e2dbc52⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1200x676, 300:169, fake-and-gay-jeopardy.png)

File: f6631c64272cbed⋯.png (165.72 KB, 1257x527, 1257:527, everytime-its-them.png)

7ce1f6  No.5339176

so radio number 1867328852 is obsessed with my iphone

9758fa  No.5339177


never deny fart but all you green ass morons need to get you shit right

it is not not farts that produce the most methane from a ruminant it is the belches.


b3fba2  No.5339178

File: 78d7f994ce092d7⋯.jpg (150.84 KB, 1188x1667, 1188:1667, 2019-02-15_22-47-00_img.jpg)

File: 7055cd30d04ed20⋯.jpg (377.2 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190222-224651….jpg)


When youve got a guy from NY that wants to MAGA, quoting Robert Spencer and sings praises to Arkansas (formerly an ongoing joke of a state to anyone in the NE) for its leadership in confronting CAIR /HAMAS…..

Well, sir, yiu have a NOTABLE



343d5f  No.5339179


thx anon for this again, wow……

f93786  No.5339180

File: f2d62d402927ac2⋯.jpg (334.76 KB, 822x463, 822:463, 2018-11-01 00.42.58.jpg)

22e18f  No.5339181

File: 6369e0983b06a24⋯.png (84.23 KB, 294x169, 294:169, qnn.png)


Noice and could i get one high res like this

33bdb0  No.5339182

Q B on roll

mus B sump'n gonna hab'n

6a3567  No.5339183

File: 102ab6dd0d61a37⋯.jpeg (296.75 KB, 1125x1220, 225:244, EED1F7CB-7EC2-42BF-9DA3-6….jpeg)

File: ede159fda12da01⋯.jpeg (84.99 KB, 1118x347, 1118:347, FC861087-48D1-4129-A25C-5….jpeg)

File: 20930809d2bc1a9⋯.jpeg (249 KB, 1125x808, 1125:808, E1B9357C-9388-46AE-826C-E….jpeg)

John Havens, Citigroup Inc.’s former president and chief operating officer, and John Childs, a buyout-firm pioneer, also were ensnared in prostitution charges Friday.

48b21b  No.5339184


>Chinese spy

>Husband Wins Near-Billion Dollar California ‘High Speed Rail’ Contract

The indictments are racking up

28200d  No.5339185


Sounds just like Robin Williams !!

bc46e2  No.5339186

File: af99d2240aa4837⋯.jpg (263.56 KB, 690x388, 345:194, 1550894445200.jpg)

47e2a1  No.5339187

File: d8ed18da33e48ce⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's Cool her off!!

0ef922  No.5339188


She should have just told them that Occasional-Cortex is an idiot.

c8f12a  No.5339189

>>5337675 (pb)

Those fuckers are pedo-protectors. I've watched them attack real warriors and delete/block anyone who tries to debate it with them.

8792ee  No.5339190


so all the journalists and twatters who took part in the modern-day lynching of the Covington kids will get arrested?

0a7128  No.5339191

File: 5be8be23bb11c4d⋯.png (104.64 KB, 986x668, 493:334, Q_532.png)

5a7f10  No.5339192

File: 97d5eadaa8b66f0⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 688cc04d188e296da4a03c2dba….jpg)

thank you baker

e8c081  No.5339193

File: c8de04a43c38d1f⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 028becdb23f4c14300e5e83533….jpg)


it does not need a religion…


Better yet… debunk it! :D

f18c74  No.5339194

File: 0fba37069074a47⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 472x750, 236:375, 61ccc15967644da2d5f932093e….jpg)

TY Baker

83a53a  No.5339195


Filter this shit every fucking bread.

The controlling elite know exactly how to distract men. FUCK OFF

2f327f  No.5339196

File: 2b2c9b5f654ecd3⋯.jpeg (64.76 KB, 499x575, 499:575, potusitdo.jpeg)

283b0c  No.5339197

File: de2e96539c41954⋯.gif (686.61 KB, 404x189, 404:189, de2e96539c41954d6fafcfaf15….gif)

41169c  No.5339198

File: 604c5f345029c44⋯.jpg (55.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, gladiator--russell-crowe.jpg)

this guy?


bdac96  No.5339199

File: 4498591580ab5c8⋯.gif (821.08 KB, 607x609, 607:609, 1550892847334.gif)


she cute !

02248c  No.5339200

>>5338654 lb

You know… My back gets really dry and irritable. My undershirt will set my back on fire, sometimes. I don't use fabric softener, so that could be part of it - but my back has always been very sensitive - grass will actually trigger an inflammation and itch from hell.

Know what makes that go away? A lotion.

So, if putting lotion on makes me a woman because behavior is tied to a sexually-oriented gender-role… Then I guess I'm a femanon except for those times where I'm a … Mananon?

Which is why I am a pokemon and the couch is my pokeball. You should have seen the capture when I got hit by a spinning couch launched from the treeline. Hide-a-bed popped out and snared me before retracting.

Good times.

dd4f45  No.5339201

File: d01ed836154e244⋯.jpeg (128.63 KB, 634x639, 634:639, 6879B748-004E-4DDC-B898-5….jpeg)

c6ca71  No.5339202



I heard about that.

The one HRC hope won't come out until the graphic cards are ready?

Time is everything.

b51dc8  No.5339203

564221  No.5339204

do you understand the last days are upon us?

just like in the days of noah people are going after shit and could care less about God.

many of you are reading this on an APPLE device which has a logo with a little bite out of it… what happened when eve ate the apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil supposedly…. same thing is happening to you using the apple device….

if you learned about the heritage of the white people and the ten tribes… Ephraim and manesseah…. who has the blessing… what were the results of that blessing… who fucked them over for the blessing….

mind blowing?

c87981  No.5339205


Bet she booked up for a month!

e88e39  No.5339206



f51643  No.5339207

File: 8088535b16cdd99⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 500x552, 125:138, blinking-anime-q.gif)

f3d78a  No.5339208

File: 2972383a9c58bb9⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fukkensaved.jpg)

5a7f10  No.5339209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

87af82  No.5339210


Maybe Trump will quote Q while sending the troops to Iran. What would it show?

7ce1f6  No.5339211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f74740  No.5339212

File: 2dabea38955b6b5⋯.png (249.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

0a7128  No.5339213


Good thing I'm GAY

684c54  No.5339214

LMAO the mug shots here

Sebastian Florida (Indian River Co / South Brevard) dishing the dirt tonight


Come get my body, I'm dead


f18c74  No.5339215


I couldnt do it…. not even for a lot of money :D :D

fc2816  No.5339216

File: b2b3171203998d3⋯.png (598.14 KB, 1562x1060, 781:530, path3970.png)

283b0c  No.5339217

File: 56d992d607193b6⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 543x491, 543:491, DZ3hzTQVMAEWEhP.jpg)

9b256c  No.5339218

File: 6a9b77a1966ff41⋯.png (173.81 KB, 490x332, 245:166, ClipboardImage.png)

fec15e  No.5339219

>>5339037 lb

And there we go…….. like clock work. "muh drug problem"

(wants to go to rehab instead of jail)

And mollie (I've never tried it) 2 x in a year is probably not a "drug problem"

bdac96  No.5339220


>250 million gallons of fuel.

Our military is insane, I love it.

c6ca71  No.5339221


kek, sure why not.

'Where shall I drop you off today, mrs feinstein?' said Russell.

9767e3  No.5339222


"much to our annoyance"?

Of course lol.

Considering how emboldened the stupid section of certain demographics in the west are getting, we will be seeing far more than just 'concentration camps' for some fools in the near future.

Make no mistake, muslims and other such demographics are being detained, whisked away, and watched 24/7, every second.

Our people come first. Decent people come first.

Enough is enough. Enemies have shown their true colors.

dd4f45  No.5339223

File: a22607f35e43918⋯.jpeg (27.41 KB, 307x307, 1:1, D955BBFF-3698-46E4-AA24-4….jpeg)

7ce1f6  No.5339224

File: 469b56fb3ded06d⋯.jpg (290.11 KB, 1212x1600, 303:400, IMG_4180.JPG)


there is a hex on iphone products

0e94bf  No.5339225

File: ba8f2158ee88603⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 425x268, 425:268, ba8f2158ee88603820b8d3a74e….jpg)

47e2a1  No.5339226

File: c2392bc24db8fe1⋯.png (680.39 KB, 1026x548, 513:274, greetings.png)

2f327f  No.5339227


is this part of the cow fart slide?

e8c081  No.5339228

jesuit thread still archived/locked…

oh well…

did you know that the phillipines was 85% catholic? :D

yeah… :D

847ac7  No.5339229

File: f0d0529d114c494⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB, 320x568, 40:71, f0d0529d114c4944d28f460647….mp4)

bdac96  No.5339230


China is a 1984 romance novel.

I stopped going there for business. It's just not safe. Even the food and drink is dangerous.

283b0c  No.5339231

File: 6fd3b8d9f70e732⋯.jpg (265.26 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DZ1TMY5VQAADvE1.jpg)

f5de55  No.5339232



>Quality FACTUAL News

>Highlighting events MSM try to hide from the public!

Self-Proclaimed “Marxist” Arrested For Allegedly Threatening To Shoot Police Officers


a09266  No.5339234

File: 417c361dd143320⋯.jpg (143.03 KB, 615x324, 205:108, MH.jpg)

f74740  No.5339235

File: c9797233f086d00⋯.png (540.17 KB, 500x427, 500:427, ClipboardImage.png)

7ce1f6  No.5339236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

83a53a  No.5339237


I've never seen a post from you. FILTERED

bb4366  No.5339238

File: ef4c0ef85c9447a⋯.png (59.63 KB, 330x235, 66:47, TopKEK.png)

37f76c  No.5339239

I asked a question that could have been uncomfortable to answer and recieved an answer that could have been a lie. I'd want to know if it was.

4014fe  No.5339240

File: d490cd04adb29e3⋯.jpg (73.48 KB, 953x543, 953:543, 00iwr.jpg)

File: b45c8c2d5df2d95⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 655x843, 655:843, 00iwr2.jpg)

File: 5d86870084cce75⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 653x159, 653:159, 00iwr3.jpg)

>>5338807 lb

> iwr.ai


whois stuff https://who.is/dns/iwr.ai and https://www.name.com/whois-lookup/iwr.ai

ca5fba  No.5339241

File: c998457e774e248⋯.jpg (373.37 KB, 883x1177, 883:1177, Moms1.jpg)

Because real bewbs are best bewbs

c83110  No.5339242

>>5339028 lb

>>5338773 lb

>>5338693 lb

>>5338542 lb

>>5338580 lb

>>5338831 lb

>>5338904 lb

>>5338889 lb

As we all are daydreaming thru yet another dreary day on this board, Q's 2881 post slipped everyone's notice, except for a few awake anons. Nobody else even noticed how dismissive it was to Patriots

Those awake anons are annoyed by the obvious cognitive dissonance, but there are probably only 2 on the whole chan board.

5e0817  No.5339243

File: f47bb6c91a1a5a3⋯.png (716.99 KB, 1456x976, 91:61, thisone.png)

Why are all the first twat comments to POTUS all negative faggots?

Did they do a study of them too?

47e2a1  No.5339244

File: e1cf819fa44f662⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, HALFNHALF.jpg)



ba119d  No.5339245

Seth Rich's boss at the DNC was Sam McCabe.

Has anyone found any connection to Sam McCabe to Andrew McCabe? Was Sam McCabe a FBI plant inside the DNC?

283b0c  No.5339246

File: 0ab60c8347591ff⋯.jpg (150.09 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DZ4HMF3WAAAz2py.jpg)

a409c7  No.5339247

File: 3943e3c3a6adcdb⋯.png (434.91 KB, 440x532, 110:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker.

cecab2  No.5339248


I hope George Washington didn't commit that grammatical atrocity.

efab09  No.5339249

>>5339037 lb

it's a start. next he needs to address his lying problem.

c6ca71  No.5339250


dam high speed rail is a scam, sheesh.

Let Trump build them, done ahead of schedule huh Q? kek.

2965f6  No.5339251


>Ephraim and manesseah


???? Like this?

f3d78a  No.5339252

File: 57a48a3e3cd90b3⋯.png (278.48 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c507da3240e62f⋯.png (319.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b614132a08cde28⋯.png (267.36 KB, 600x396, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)



bdac96  No.5339253


I lost the pic, maybe another anon has it, but the contract for the padded cell walls was really… intriguing, to say the least.

75e1f7  No.5339254


It would take a lot to cool that off. Mamma mia !

4d214e  No.5339255


Some ex-pats living in China have been saying the government there is severely restricting employment for foreigners. There has always been limitations on what type of jobs non-citizens could do. It's very abusive now. Many ex-pats are moving to other countries now.

7ce1f6  No.5339256

File: 53fd93ace7a4cce⋯.jpg (73.45 KB, 285x410, 57:82, PVLG3451.jpg)

5a7f10  No.5339257

File: 9eeb284e63f9c5e⋯.jpeg (12.18 KB, 255x204, 5:4, bba08ef25d0f944a49ca0b794….jpeg)

b0a3ac  No.5339258

File: 2f24d3959486f79⋯.jpeg (23.01 KB, 320x484, 80:121, 37E03005-B6B4-4896-A266-F….jpeg)

2f327f  No.5339259


stop eating wheat and other grains

esp those treated with roundup

deadly combo lots of immune system reactions that appear as skin problems

283b0c  No.5339260

File: e03b4451d82fa8d⋯.png (52.09 KB, 500x427, 500:427, e03b4451d82fa8daa498132119….png)

48b21b  No.5339261


Was just going to post that

Sen. Dianne Feinstein had a heated exchange with a group of middle and high school students who asked her to sign the Green New Deal in a clip that went viral Friday. Activists from the Sunrise Movement, a youth climate-change advocacy group, posted video on social media of the confrontation, where Feinstein said "I've been doing this for 30 years, I know what I'm doing."

"You come in here and say 'it has to be my way or the highway' and I don't respond to that," Feinstein told about 15 students at her San Francisco office. "I've gotten elected, I just ran, I was elected by almost a million-vote plurality, and I know what I'm doing."

Feinstein told the students she is opposed to the Green New Deal for several reasons, including "we can't pay for it" and she doesn't agree with what it says. The Green New Deal, championed by Democrats Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasico-Cortez, aims to convert the entire U.S. economy to renewable energy within 12 years, while also sparking a massive burst of job-creation and technological innovation.

When the students told her "some scientists say we have 12 years to turn this around," Feinstein answered "Well it's not going to get turned around in 10 years."


I be you that's how she bullied Murkowski

ba119d  No.5339262



Thank you, Anon!

I do enjoy reality!

28c821  No.5339263

File: dc1a42d05398598⋯.jpg (197.89 KB, 326x480, 163:240, 6345656457J658756334523452….jpg)


Night Shift be like …..Wait what

87af82  No.5339264


Q derangement syndrome.

RBG dead, maybe, due to old age. Q team "persuaded her" that her bench time was up.

33bdb0  No.5339265


dam right

it rect um

94af17  No.5339266

File: a103bb7e15a3a8e⋯.png (456.14 KB, 679x778, 679:778, 1 Blast re Brody Stevens D….PNG)

File: 994269a3793162e⋯.png (406.6 KB, 623x698, 623:698, 2 Blast re Brody Stevens D….PNG)


Bread 6816



Comedian Brody Stevens Dead at 48 of Apparent Suicide


aee150  No.5339267

File: 13846ee0467b337⋯.png (148.98 KB, 765x646, 45:38, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)






684c54  No.5339268

The Florida trafficking mega-bust story is crazy and going to get much crazier

Still surprised at the old guys

Were there Early Bird Specials?

These guys have to be home before 8 pm or they doze off

7c2f12  No.5339269


>Nobody else even noticed how dismissive it was to Patriots

yup mhm… Fo sho.

You satanic pedophiles are scared shitless :)

b3fba2  No.5339270

File: 074cb5f6e707e88⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 761x683, 761:683, 2019-02-06_09-58-49_img.jpg)

File: d0ef09806399cb9⋯.jpg (295.03 KB, 1179x1908, 131:212, 2019-02-06_11-19-40_img.jpg)

f74740  No.5339271

File: 4544890118407eb⋯.png (1.77 MB, 731x912, 731:912, ClipboardImage.png)

dec06d  No.5339272

>>5339002 (lb)

What if she was a Judas goat leading the rest to their justifiable ends.

ab81b5  No.5339273


Panama. Same as in-Q-tel iirc

f18c74  No.5339274

Anyone else wonder if a lot of the big names are arrested, and have been arrested, and we control their twatter accounts and just randomly post stuff they would say, and when they make public appearances its because he let them out for the night, and then put them back after?

283b0c  No.5339275

File: eacdf59c3b8c748⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 250x293, 250:293, eacdf59c3b8c748dd40aa835ce….jpg)

1b8c5b  No.5339276

File: eb368d259d4e883⋯.png (30.11 KB, 916x409, 916:409, what.png)

>>5251148 (ob)


wtf happened?

was looking for that video posted sometime (in notables) today of the video about the PATRIOT testifying about the 2nd amendment.

e60a4c  No.5339277


They are not smoking weed anon. They are into heavy shit and psychotic meds..Not weed. Not even a little bit. Wishful thinking.

If congress smoked pot they wouldnt be as crazy as they are

d58050  No.5339278

File: 779f1e0917e3dfa⋯.jpg (101.35 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2jh3ea.jpg)

b0a3ac  No.5339279

File: 282d34adbee16b5⋯.jpeg (24.85 KB, 358x157, 358:157, 32E3097B-3145-476F-B31E-7….jpeg)

fec15e  No.5339280

File: 84f887e3c4ebca7⋯.png (218.56 KB, 642x734, 321:367, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)



e88e39  No.5339281

File: f4f0cf8c1adb8b5⋯.png (3.2 MB, 2400x1798, 1200:899, ClipboardImage.png)

0ef922  No.5339282

File: c7d33f14bb7e88d⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 174x290, 3:5, monicanude.jpg)

77f03b  No.5339283

Reading thru the twitter accounts being targeted. These are some amazing news accounts. The real reporters! God bless anons.

9758fa  No.5339284





just some fact checking shit

1e57c9  No.5339285


UC Berkeley police identify punching suspect in viral right-wing videos

Not The News… such as Hannity… it's Viral Right-Wing Videos.

aee150  No.5339286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

283b0c  No.5339287

File: dce706dbd81fde8⋯.png (162.86 KB, 576x418, 288:209, edf36d5f6b188414fdc4f3bcbb….png)

7ce1f6  No.5339288

File: c72a68e76600539⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 948x843, 316:281, JMXM1086.jpg)

File: 70c97b79207ed0c⋯.jpg (29.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, JRJG7843.jpg)

File: 27425e341622518⋯.jpg (107.9 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, JWVU8109.jpg)

maybe lotion can fixed your canned homo

fb2e84  No.5339289

File: f74a5c0ce952aac⋯.png (128.63 KB, 1060x867, 1060:867, Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at ….png)



87af82  No.5339290


It's a federal offense, punishable by death, to not give up your parking spot to a member of Congress

33bdb0  No.5339291


hope yer not say'n

she should pass green deal

c87981  No.5339293


LOL you'd spend that money at the Doctors office 3 days later!

b51dc8  No.5339294

File: fd033a56b955c5d⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 700x480, 35:24, haibenig-maxxxx.gif)

86237d  No.5339295

File: 2df3db4e6cae007⋯.png (336.2 KB, 720x389, 720:389, 6c93685455cc01c2bba65c3288….png)

08489d  No.5339296


lol who gives a fuck, one dude punches another dude. No big deal.

87e98c  No.5339297


What is that hole? It says something about Pearl Harbor in the picture but that looks like an abyss! I was just watching a video by Mark Taylor and Sheila Zelinsky that said we should be praying about the evil done underground.

283b0c  No.5339299

File: f0c96169c52a10e⋯.png (586.44 KB, 950x651, 950:651, f0c96169c52a10e736e684ff6f….png)

445065  No.5339300

File: 217618a73c01dea⋯.png (791.32 KB, 1200x830, 120:83, feinstein.png)

c4111e  No.5339302


How many of these fucks are unemployed????

5e0817  No.5339303


These guys are bigger than Kraft.

48b21b  No.5339304


She's a mean old lady

fec15e  No.5339305

File: 2987238dd05f6ad⋯.jpg (108.04 KB, 885x485, 177:97, 2uahfp.jpg)

f3cc8d  No.5339306


dubs chekt congress confirmed as crazies they depict their citizens as

564221  No.5339307


yep looks like it from the video description.

god bless the usa graphic that plenty of people have saved but i don't have it on this computer clarifies that the usa returns to God and china wipes out everything from Europe to china in the events of revelation

obor and the fact that the us military still controls the seas.

e93117  No.5339308

File: 4412501b7b77552⋯.png (460.42 KB, 1497x1010, 1497:1010, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep. Still here. Still a little nonplussed by that "Call Congress" thing.

835b95  No.5339309

I looked into many folks on list. Interesting. Somewhat confusing. None have acknowledged Q…?

0ef922  No.5339310


She's 85, she's not running again.

283b0c  No.5339311

File: f7fc196c035bf03⋯.jpg (250.11 KB, 4520x2916, 1130:729, f7fc196c035bf031c4399c9a57….jpg)

4536d9  No.5339312

File: 13db2a9ff472aa4⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 474x317, 474:317, Andnow.jpg)

f18c74  No.5339313

Was Avenatti the prosecuting attorney against R Kelly?.. or just cheerleading around to get R Kelly nailed?

445065  No.5339314

File: 5d0a61f74d18265⋯.png (434.18 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, INSULATED.png)

628253  No.5339315


Clark Gables grandsom and host of cheaters was found dead today as well. He was 30.


1e57c9  No.5339316


It was unprovoked assault with the threat to shoot the victim if he tried to punch back… not a bar fight.

f3d78a  No.5339317

Notables so far


>>5339125 MBS defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

>>5339157 Happy Birthday George Washington!

>>5339178 Arkansas passes resolution calling on law enforcement to “suspend contact and outreach” with Hamas-linked CAIR

>>5339214 Mug shots of men arrested for visiting Sebastian and Vero Beach massage parlors

>>5339232 Self-proclaimed Marxist arrested on charges of violently threatening law enforcement officers on social media

>>5339285 UC Berkeley police identify punching suspect in viral right-wing videos

84f1a7  No.5339318


phonefaggin right now

ill be on after 9 pacific

-maga v

ba119d  No.5339319

File: aa2dd60ff603966⋯.jpg (269.62 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN - Copy (6).jpg)

bf42d1  No.5339320

File: 822a619eedb749d⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 620x400, 31:20, EU.jpg)

Of course, you all know that the new EU copyright directive is really an attempt to kill our memetic war, right?

They've been working on this thing for a couple years now, looks like they've finally ratified it.


5a7f10  No.5339321

File: 4ebaf6fd8104043⋯.png (185.86 KB, 346x382, 173:191, DzonFfTW0AEK11R.png)

d58050  No.5339322


$10 says she walked off with the kid's Lunchables.

fec15e  No.5339323


Did he live in FL? Massage Parlor customer?

a56710  No.5339324

>>5333701 (pb)

Probably named after William Brennan, former USSC Justice. A liberal.

3acb81  No.5339325



7c2f12  No.5339326


There's bee much spoopy shit in the skies of late.

9630f5  No.5339327

File: 84a89a310c171e4⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 360x203, 360:203, 84a89a310c171e49f40ce8d315….gif)


It is indeed happening!

f87a6a  No.5339328

File: 2fbc1a8a5bf2852⋯.jpeg (75.02 KB, 574x435, 574:435, D9BC5C52-F0B2-4990-B6A3-9….jpeg)

283b0c  No.5339329

File: 8902d866b04584e⋯.jpg (131.85 KB, 720x720, 1:1, f39d1196655739c4af75c12e25….jpg)

684c54  No.5339330

File: 744d1beb612fe73⋯.jpg (145 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, FeinsteinBullying1.jpg)

File: 367be07215c9fbd⋯.jpg (113.25 KB, 915x911, 915:911, FeinsteinChinafornia.jpg)

File: c70686b26480c86⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 480x640, 3:4, FeinsteinHarris.jpg)

File: 82fc0254d57a6b4⋯.png (501.66 KB, 697x677, 697:677, FeinsteinWing.png)


Feinstein's been laying kinda low lately

Refreshers, lest we forget what a bitch she is

e881ac  No.5339331


Please tell President Trump that I want to be his Apprentice. Wizard shit.

50203a  No.5339332

File: 48a048b1a1b7257⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 640x640, 1:1, trump.jpg)

I stopped twatting after POTUS got the job but only started in an attempt to save R country. I am going back starting tomorrow and meme the chit outta these freaks.

Can I get a baker over this weekend to help me do 1st bake?

I am fired back up and ready to roll!

f3d78a  No.5339333


got it, thanks for the update

6a3567  No.5339334


QNS- Q Notables Sauced.

Cause we seem to be the ONLY FUCKING NEWS with SAUCE- not speculation.

f18c74  No.5339335

Ok anons, what happens…. does POTUS fire Alex Acosta, or does he resign?

I'm trying to figure this one out. Acosta, at the moment, is making POTUS look bad for hiring and employing him.

There's gotta be more to this…. like maybe Acosta ties back to the Clintons or whatever

9758fa  No.5339336

File: e64c64f62fc381f⋯.jpg (540.62 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 3d30degreexyzwoshade.jpg)


good luck in showing tensors

and intent have influence on reality

f3cc8d  No.5339337

File: 8673066fe660977⋯.png (554.78 KB, 620x414, 310:207, 8673066fe6609774baf0f6ddb2….png)

ae1960  No.5339338


This is a tank farm

https: //www.hanford.gov/page.cfm/ORP/TankFarms

47e2a1  No.5339339


I would rather they go thru the cave in Indiana Jones 1st movie!

ebcbe4  No.5339340

File: 37cd5e2fd2c8754⋯.jpg (172.31 KB, 1280x867, 1280:867, final_5c70c5ec1bee95001447….jpg)

8792ee  No.5339341


amazing PR for the Feinst.

She's been doing this for 30 years, eaten more than these kids each one of those, she's not afraid of some brainwashed ecowarriors

0a0bd9  No.5339342

File: cc0499c282f0118⋯.png (367.94 KB, 650x499, 650:499, ClipboardImage.png)

f74740  No.5339343

File: 0f14459ba022508⋯.png (122 KB, 400x264, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)

84f1a7  No.5339344


if new baker us lurking

im lurking too and AB can lurk if you wanna bake next bread

5f3727  No.5339345

File: 9085db9ed114f2b⋯.png (223.99 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9D470D41-62EF-4682-9EEF-DE….png)

219091  No.5339346


I could watch her for hours

47e2a1  No.5339347

File: 31fae6e3c8d909d⋯.png (673.73 KB, 696x463, 696:463, ClipboardImage.png)

1e57c9  No.5339348


thank god this slide is finally over for the night -_-

02248c  No.5339349


So, what you are saying is that we should lace the supply with a mass-spectrum signed set of glass microspheres, then cut open their lungs to find out who flags for positive and then fire them?

Then jail the ones who were positive for the microspheres so they can make little rocks out of big rocks?

283b0c  No.5339350

File: f3bf783d62a3e66⋯.png (362.46 KB, 841x542, 841:542, f3bf783d62a3e66733150acf71….png)

6a3567  No.5339351



47f84b  No.5339352

File: 908205483d51e33⋯.png (279.82 KB, 715x479, 715:479, invisible planes.PNG)

>>5338901 pb


9b256c  No.5339353

File: 0b81eaf85155622⋯.png (189.02 KB, 490x332, 245:166, ClipboardImage.png)

343d5f  No.5339354

File: 8c5ae016fbe94a7⋯.png (64.09 KB, 275x213, 275:213, night-arc-NIGHT-SHIFT.png)

9767e3  No.5339355


All of the above.

Weed is more wide spread then heavy stuff though - much more wide spread than you'd believe in higher levels as well.

Times so dark, days are heavy, and spate of those losing hope in DC.

MD police suicide rates shot up like hell in the last 2 years.

After sun goes down, DC turns into a fucking fag hole of broken homosexuals and deranged fools. Sick shit.

All under the veneer of 'correctness' and 'squeaky clean' imagery that really don't fool no one no more.

Tragedy, stupidity, utter swamp.

Sick shit.

Q team and POTUS are our hope. God bless them, and help them make the right choices.

Our children deserve better. They need a future.

P.S. be wary around muzzies in coming days, more than now. Near 100% domestic and foreign terrorist/criminal demographic. No more room for games.

b746e7  No.5339356


>Of course, you all know that the new EU copyright directive is really an attempt to kill our memetic war, right?

Yup - (((they))) are anti-memetic, anon.

87af82  No.5339357


Noticeably, Israel and jews have remained out of the indictment limelight. With the competitors removed from competition, Israel will be the preeminent force in this country, thanks to Trump

2fe552  No.5339358

File: 721c49a0bb683ba⋯.png (554.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qnnHQangle.png)

fec15e  No.5339359


Isn't there more human farts than cow farts?

bdac96  No.5339360

File: 9844e09467aaa24⋯.png (991.73 KB, 680x611, 680:611, Smocking-Gun.png)


Hey I remember that face!

f18c74  No.5339361

Dolly Pardon owes us to show her titties before she dies

b0a3ac  No.5339362

File: 3e3629534273f3c⋯.jpeg (363.08 KB, 750x800, 15:16, 2614B7EB-1BC3-409F-90DD-9….jpeg)


The three spaces stand for USC as in USCode 2381 it’s not a count down it’s this that came into effect 2/11/2019 ==NOTABLE==

1b8c5b  No.5339363



never mind…my bad. it is not beta, it is live.


c87981  No.5339364


We have officially shilled ourselves into

Boobland tonight.


Friday Night Boob Shill Fest!

I can see the briefing tomorrow:

Q+ "Did Anons work out anything last night?"

Q team "Um no Sir, mostly boobs all night"

b4aa16  No.5339365


That guy is probably dead by now…

0ef922  No.5339366

File: 3aa22d947f1a7a7⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 500x502, 250:251, monicasauce.jpg)


Anons assert that sometimes, but with absolutely no sauce. Some of us like sauce.

22e18f  No.5339367

File: cdbc163fb11cc2f⋯.png (151.51 KB, 600x400, 3:2, needham.png)

0d0d99  No.5339368


That is a cool fricking instrument! lol

48b21b  No.5339369


Clark Gable’s grandson, Clark Gable III, dead at 30, says report

According to the celebrity gossip site, the actor, model and TV host was found dead in his bed by his fiancé Friday morning. The cause of death is unclear. Gable's relatives didn't immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.

Gable’s official website revealed he embarked on a modeling career at age 5 and later studied at the New York Film Academy after completing his first film in Italy. While he was often compared to his famous grandfather, known as “the King of Hollywood” during his reign, Gable wanted to be recognized for his own work.


Started in the industry at age 5

50203a  No.5339370


seen them - huge

b3fba2  No.5339371

File: 18261879c727139⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2019-01-12_23-41-00_img.jpg)

File: d978878500b6952⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 2a45c4e7c9781a03322bc42982….jpg)

8792ee  No.5339372



um… define


because most of the time, it's… other news

7ffdda  No.5339373


Based and redpilled DiFi

5f3727  No.5339374

File: 7d94b1cec32add7⋯.jpeg (219.34 KB, 626x1334, 313:667, B597FA4D-6E89-4096-AE23-5….jpeg)

0a0bd9  No.5339375



5a7f10  No.5339376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f80acb  No.5339377



22e18f  No.5339378

File: 095eb43ba04e4e0⋯.png (607.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, trump_cheers.png)


TY anon

aee150  No.5339379

File: a0f9052bc99886f⋯.jpg (23.66 KB, 599x594, 599:594, 37609676_10217145273886272….jpg)

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

We know from this logic construct and prior Q-drops on Mueller that BOTH RR and RM are NOT dirty and working their roles within the plan.

Rosenstein and Mueller are white hat operatives.

0ebe59  No.5339380


Probably close to Nancy's teats.

7ce1f6  No.5339381

File: e29f29b456bf819⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2870x2865, 574:573, IMG_4100.JPG)

5f3727  No.5339382

File: 9b267ac9af61a64⋯.jpeg (1.77 MB, 3464x3464, 1:1, E26698E9-D025-4768-B447-8….jpeg)

283b0c  No.5339383

File: 868fa04fe2846c6⋯.jpg (774.88 KB, 2211x1831, 2211:1831, f3a9ed6a6b1929fcbb808a24c1….jpg)

e88e39  No.5339384

File: eec8b78b5299df9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

#Breaking: 23-year-old Jaydin Ledford was arrested earlier this morning after he posted death threats to Facebook towards Washington a State Sheriffs who spoke out against I-1639. The FBI and JTTF are continuing to investigate. @KHQLocalNews

ba119d  No.5339385


Report: Robert Kraft not "biggest name" involved in prostitution ring? originally appeared on nbcsportsboston.com

Robert Kraft's alleged involvement in a prostitution ring may be the tip of the iceberg.

The New England Patriots owner, who was charged Friday by Jupiter, Fla., police on two counts of a soliciting a prostitute, may not be the most high-profile person tied to the story, ESPN's Adam Schefter said Friday on "SportsCenter."

"I'm also told that Robert Kraft is not the biggest name involved down there in South Florida," Schefter said.

It's unclear who that name would be. WPTV's Merris Badcock tweeted a list of the 24 others charged along with Kraft as a result of a months-long investigation, and at first glance, none stand out more than the prominent Patriots owner.


1e57c9  No.5339386


i tried to get folks to dig sedition forever ago.

future proves past. glad y'all finally got around to it.


47e2a1  No.5339387



f18c74  No.5339388


There wouldnt be sauce for it… its just us hypothesizing and wondering

5f3727  No.5339389

File: 193aad6ca8a0c0d⋯.jpeg (203.67 KB, 750x980, 75:98, CC9B095D-3369-4708-ACA5-4….jpeg)

22d005  No.5339390

File: b8ed8fe426e230c⋯.png (379.3 KB, 487x635, 487:635, abc06f21d5df415d2ca79c7944….png)

0e94bf  No.5339391

File: 4c3fe265df47332⋯.jpg (199.08 KB, 599x602, 599:602, 4c3fe265df4733214829937bc2….jpg)


>be like

>link off bread without lb

Go back to reddit!

564221  No.5339392


when this is all done RM will have a well earned PP

0ebe59  No.5339393


I am more convinced of the opposite of your supposition.

876ed5  No.5339394

File: 37ad078211d66ba⋯.jpg (256.6 KB, 1076x1158, 538:579, dsburn.jpg)

47e2a1  No.5339395

File: b8121f141906653⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 254x255, 254:255, Brokbaksenate.jpg)

283b0c  No.5339396

File: f716177ff5ce31c⋯.jpg (306.09 KB, 880x667, 880:667, f716177ff5ce31cfe71ae8124b….jpg)

9630f5  No.5339397

File: d396fb379f508f1⋯.gif (1007.83 KB, 500x352, 125:88, 1538087193671.gif)

7c2f12  No.5339398


You repeating it like a mantra doesn't make i true.

They both brown hats, and you know it.

e881ac  No.5339399

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

f18c74  No.5339400


Did you bang her? lol

fb2e84  No.5339401

File: b3ac756af084cfd⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 652x600, 163:150, 404ee0e332a07d470514d82e28….jpg)

9767e3  No.5339402


There are plenty in DC that deserve more than just having their lungs cut open.

But that sounds creative enough as a start lol.

Thank you, sir. You made me chuckle.

e640ac  No.5339403

File: 7bdd58c44fb5d2d⋯.jpg (7.11 KB, 241x184, 241:184, 96yjgl.jpg)

I dont watch tvmich.i definitely dont watch movies. But one is on while im eating dinner.

War Games. I saw this, and thats EXACTLY what says …

This is known to anons, right? I just didnt get it because I never saw the movie…right?

114015  No.5339404




You satanic pedophiles are scared shitless :)

So that's the best you can do to explain?

I thought it was weird myself.


4f7b4a  No.5339405

File: e6d550169284ec3⋯.png (135.7 KB, 830x974, 415:487, home_logo.png)

Someone randomly sent me a gift card for this restaurant recently.


7ffdda  No.5339406

File: eb66fb482db6b9b⋯.jpeg (283.25 KB, 2202x1668, 367:278, 8E745D23-689E-47A4-9F4C-1….jpeg)


Very specific reason for that:

f18c74  No.5339407


I hate giving NP any credit, but she has a really nice set of tits I've noticed

bc2fea  No.5339408


For real….is this just gonna be some creepy old dudes getting rub and tugs or is this part of a massive web of trafficking and other misdeeds that these dudes have aided?

4536d9  No.5339409

File: 4eb693706afb05e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 800x1024, 25:32, HitchensRazor.png)

bdac96  No.5339410

File: 91cee60b22df0e6⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, 91cee60b22df0e65196f172dd3….png)

8792ee  No.5339411


Dolly Parted

50203a  No.5339412


No just friends - very nice lady

510c0d  No.5339413

File: 41f232077316001⋯.png (163.22 KB, 484x350, 242:175, ClipboardImage.png)

f3d78a  No.5339414

File: 806ff6f96347cc3⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, pepepopcorn.gif)

3a42e0  No.5339415


Is Governor Stitt from Oklahoma on the team?

His first four executive orders indicate he is.

Stitt seeks flexibility for agency positions-

“There are some classified positions that are no longer needed. You can’t move them around,”

State agency lobbyist transparency-

“I think it’s an important question to ask: ‘Are taxpayer dollars being used to fund lobbying efforts on behalf of agencies?’”

Stitt focused on reform, accountability-

“We can only guarantee such accountability when state agencies understand that they exist to serve and to answer to the people of Oklahoma. We need to change how Oklahoma’s 400 agencies and commissions are comprised,” Stitt said. “Our current system gives agencies too much independence from the voter. They have the ability to ignore executive orders, skirt around laws passed by the Legislature, hide pockets of money and protect their own interests by hiring lobbyists. To my fellow Oklahomans, this must change if we are going to move the needle.”

State airplane to be sold-


22e18f  No.5339416


it could be cool to do a spinning one like this, of the QNN on the blank background

564221  No.5339417



local salvage yard advertising material

we have better parts than dolly parton

c8e8b1  No.5339418

Pedos and Homos in the Catholic Church.

Ex-Communist and celebrated convert Douglas Hyde revealed long ago that in the 1930s the Communist leadership issued a worldwide directive about infiltrating the Catholic Church.

While in the early 1950s, Mrs. Bella Dodd was also providing detailed explanations of the Communist (((jews))) subversion of the Church.

Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd said: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within."

The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" — where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against Communism.

She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognise the Catholic Church."


f18c74  No.5339419


Thats pretty cool anon

47e2a1  No.5339420

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)


And I Care Why?

876ed5  No.5339421

File: 158640bbd391c51⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 483x343, 69:49, iu (4).jpg)

c6ca71  No.5339422

File: 6f0c7d7539379a9⋯.jpg (129.93 KB, 800x600, 4:3, q drop 02212019_2.jpg)

File: b176e9c09a4f105⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 800x535, 160:107, Night Shift Space.jpg)

File: 510de1e6aa72e57⋯.jpg (142.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, feel the heat.jpg)

File: 8a364469dd7054f⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 460x125, 92:25, spooky.jpg)

File: c058ea3c1e1cca5⋯.jpg (347.42 KB, 853x894, 853:894, Texas wall.jpg)


Thank you.

f74740  No.5339423

File: 507031c726f185b⋯.png (234.54 KB, 500x492, 125:123, ClipboardImage.png)

5a7f10  No.5339424

File: 90f473329e134f2⋯.png (48.41 KB, 924x560, 33:20, 90f.png)

0ef922  No.5339425


And their little dogs too!

87af82  No.5339426


Is this some type of 1984 grammar?

0cb4b0  No.5339427

File: 4ff11777cb357fd⋯.png (37.6 KB, 838x385, 838:385, Screen shot 2019-02-23 at ….png)

Anons, so I've put my money where my mouth is.

Here is a professional look at what a Q news logo could look like.

It would be better if someone could draw a Pepe in the same majestic style as the lion and put a tail on it for the Q.

That's not where my expertise lies.

Anon over and out.

c020c3  No.5339428

File: 307babead923d33⋯.png (167.62 KB, 1033x316, 1033:316, bordy.png)


This is a little weird. He calls his family "the pioneering Jews of the Southwest.

a56710  No.5339429


Another kike cunt! And no not "muh Jews!" I watched a YouTube video put out by a guy calling out Pedowood. He said he isn't saying all Jews are bad, and maybe 10%-20% aren't, was I think the numbers he used. Sounds about right.

876ed5  No.5339430

File: 72607272200cf46⋯.jpg (171.72 KB, 642x1039, 642:1039, suicideweekend.jpg)

495ae3  No.5339431

Anybody else a little confused on the Acosta addition to administration. I remember folks mentioning or reading articles about acosta/epstein a few months back. Wouldn't they have know this before hiring him?

Not trying to judge. Just a little confused.

510c0d  No.5339432

File: f5417f784834a04⋯.png (297.96 KB, 628x465, 628:465, ClipboardImage.png)

e21450  No.5339433


This is good meme batter. Will use later.

4d214e  No.5339434


Interesting. We probably need a list of celebs killing themselves by hanging. There must be a connection among them all.

f3d78a  No.5339435


>brown hats


343d5f  No.5339436

File: 1eb920107676cd5⋯.png (410.32 KB, 1024x706, 512:353, dialectica meme bad.png)


Dems used memes in the Alambama election meddling scheme…but they weren't very good, I just saw a few, would like to see the whole collection of 80, but they are pro'bly tooembarrassed to share very many.

Ah, I knew it was here somewhere, voila–a few of the splendid memes designed to sway and hearts and minds of Alabama voters…..

a09266  No.5339437

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b18dc7b88dc6ed….jpg)

File: 4fb63bb2ad2784b⋯.png (821.36 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 4fb63bb2ad2784be91c0f1bdec….png)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, jews_hate_jesus.jpeg)

File: 7644e6d2e22f3be⋯.png (168.06 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 0001.png)









fb2e84  No.5339438


damn fine artwork son

2869a6  No.5339439

File: a35a7ddf5045990⋯.png (87.91 KB, 928x826, 464:413, dc1b9c4f-de86-48fa-a785-d9….png)

File: eed065a04b496d4⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1008x709, 1008:709, 92c8dcbd-149f-4a00-a771-47….png)

File: 06129b0a494a9e8⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1008x709, 1008:709, 93f89d66-54be-4426-8c3b-43….png)

7c2f12  No.5339440


Not sure who you are addressing, but yes, it appears that the anti-MAGA satanic pedophiles have sent their shills here again tonight, just like they do every night ;)

I'm not a supporter of satanic pedophiles, and I hope you aren't either :)

4b1470  No.5339441

File: 6c0639abf859410⋯.png (93.01 KB, 1324x344, 331:86, Screenshot 2019-02-22 at 1….png)

File: d30fdd43802f786⋯.png (177.53 KB, 681x666, 227:222, Screenshot 2019-02-22 at 1….png)

File: a18459a502ccfb3⋯.png (360.79 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2019-02-22 at 1….png)


f5de55  No.5339442

File: 6fa213e607b57b2⋯.png (26.66 KB, 537x173, 537:173, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm trying to figure this one out. Acosta, at the moment, is making POTUS look bad for hiring and employing him.

2c1baa  No.5339443

File: 3c1e03e01245597⋯.jpg (217.72 KB, 666x500, 333:250, United Not Divided.jpg)

File: f605b1c853fa99e⋯.jpg (960.54 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, Elmer Season.jpg)

Happy Friday, Anons!

Fresh meme baked up for the RedPill Strike Teams!

91acb4  No.5339444

>>5338802 lb

Jeremiah 17:9

New International Version

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

New Living Translation

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?

English Standard Version

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

Berean Study Bible

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure—who can understand it?

New American Standard Bible

"The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?

King James Bible

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Christian Standard Bible

The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable–who can understand it?

Contemporary English Version

You people of Judah are so deceitful that you even fool yourselves, and you can't change.

510c0d  No.5339445

File: 2cf52e2179c7180⋯.png (516.81 KB, 503x493, 503:493, ClipboardImage.png)

6c1bb6  No.5339446

File: 9768d91fcaab572⋯.jpg (171.55 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Booze buddies or more in c….JPG)

Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s Mistreatment Of Staff Scared Off Candidates To Manage Her Presidential Bid

But some former Klobuchar staffers, all of whom spoke to HuffPost on condition of anonymity, describe Klobuchar as habitually demeaning and prone to bursts of cruelty that make it difficult to work in her office for long.

It is common for staff to wake up to multiple emails from Klobuchar characterizing one’s work as “the worst” briefing or press release she’d seen in her decades of public service, according to two former aides and emails seen by HuffPost.

Although some staffers grew inured to her constant put-downs (“It’s always ‘the worst,’” one said sarcastically, “‘It was ‘the worst’ one two weeks ago”), others found it grinding and demoralizing. Adding to the humiliation, Klobuchar often cc’d large groups of staffers who weren’t working on the topic at hand, giving the emails the effect of a public flogging.

What is indisputable, however, is that Klobuchar’s office consistently has one of the highest rates of staff turnover in the Senate. Klobuchar’s rate of turnover ranked No. 1 in an analysis of all Senate staff salaries between 2001 and 2016, conducted by LegiStorm, a widely used database of congressional staff salaries.

-Klobuchar’s anger…

-Many people who have worked with Klobuchar or interacted with her and her staff say her treatment of staff goes beyond the normal expectations of excelling in a job. Three former staffers said Klobuchar has tasked them or their co-workers with performing personal errands, such as making her personal appointments, washing dishes at her home or picking up her dry cleaning. Senate staff are generally prohibited by Senate ethics rules from performing personal duties for members.

-When you have people who don’t want to work for you, you can’t be as effective,

Klobuchar, who plans to make an announcement about a potential presidential bid on Sunday in Minneapolis, has spent the past several months positioning herself to run for president (Literally gives me the dry heaves…what a nightmare!)


f7a48c  No.5339447

File: b52c22509217395⋯.png (608.67 KB, 431x707, 431:707, ClipboardImage.png)


And a slide in the background too. How fitting.

>bewb slide is best slide

4ce44a  No.5339448

File: ed4aef0713c1b30⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 474x259, 474:259, NS_tom.jpg)

8b3c73  No.5339449

File: 812a673366c7cb3⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 533x480, 533:480, 1234176_576392789085975_11….jpg)

File: 7e26aa2bbfb0655⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 321682_645918755434717_108….jpg)

File: cce44f125c228aa⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 539x225, 539:225, FB_IMG_1452452031530-1.jpg)

March Madness soon

f51643  No.5339450

File: 00a57a9a6e42836⋯.png (57.43 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 00a57a9a6e428365b1d0db864c….png)



94af17  No.5339451

File: 631dd2e0804a122⋯.png (769.3 KB, 634x900, 317:450, 1 UC Berkeley Identify Sus….PNG)

File: cb913a0cfeec923⋯.png (82.58 KB, 640x893, 640:893, 2 UC Berkeley Identify Sus….PNG)


UC Berkeley police identify punching suspect in viral right-wing videos


ba119d  No.5339452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Maybe this BIG NAME?

e9c922  No.5339453

Let's roll shrimp canapes!

If you get EXACTLY what I'm saying, every word, you get what's about to happen.

I'm trying to write this up, but it might blow before I'm done. I've got actual life stuff happening.



Thank you Q and POTUS!

I'm trying and I see it, and it is GENIUS!

343d5f  No.5339454


I guess it's just one meme….well, that;s moar than enough, really……..

8a0e28  No.5339455



qmap.pub = browser reports Sha1 fingerprint =


actual= ( from https://www.grc.com/fingerprints.htm )


GOOD result


https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html = browser reports Sha1 fingerprint =


(also) 8ch.net/index.html


actual ( from https://www.grc.com/fingerprints.htm )


BAD result

can ANY security fags explain this?

9767e3  No.5339456


West coast is a hostile territory to Patriots.

Unless you are a 'criminal'.

Then you get a free pass in all.

Scared fools and weak demographics.

God help our country, we need to take back everything.

50203a  No.5339457


Her husband and I almost died the same night doing the same thing but no more info so not to dox self…she is great American! And her Family too.

c020c3  No.5339458

Hey shills, are your checks made out to your real names?

(we have everything)

2fe552  No.5339459

File: 39aec84752a262c⋯.gif (9.56 MB, 800x450, 16:9, QNN3dGifBBG.gif)

requested black background..

(realized after that this is the enlarged Q version and it clips on the right a little. I can fix that if needed).

5e40a3  No.5339460

So is Avenatti our guy?

I mean EVERYONE on the right calls him "Creepy Porn Lawyer". They would never see it coming.

Those thinking for themselves would know there was alot of suspicious things about the STORMy Daniels account.

We just assumed that Stormy was either just trying to make a buck or she could possibly be our girl and was a part of "The Storm".

But what if it was to get Avenatti a more public name for himself. To position him as the one to take down some others in the future: Starting with R Kelly and going through Hollywood.

Avenatti does have a good TV lawyer personality. Would be casted in my movie.

a56710  No.5339461

File: 21bca5dda89a486⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 411x325, 411:325, Jump Against Trump 3.1.17.jpg)

44728d  No.5339462


At ease soldier anon, Q loves a timely bewbstorm. kek

8792ee  No.5339463



Love the melded QLion, first time i've seen that, well played

3b36d6  No.5339464


30 yrs of Destroying California is Feinstein's

True Experience!

a09266  No.5339465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

c87981  No.5339466

File: 3da13f3196f6fe3⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1200x847, 1200:847, ClipboardImage.png)

c2710d  No.5339467

File: d51c94b48f9c2ef⋯.jpg (32.56 KB, 564x466, 282:233, 248b259632edb308e81f7f8be6….jpg)


Take a screenshot and add it as an image. You can't use embeds on 8chan.

c40351  No.5339468

File: 69e4d5c54e5a231⋯.jpg (134.11 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4128.JPG)

a63977  No.5339469

File: 424567fa667d5e0⋯.png (885.83 KB, 750x809, 750:809, ClipboardImage.png)

47e2a1  No.5339470


She has been working her Air miles with home base(china)

6a3567  No.5339471


My notables have been govt docs and digs that happen to make other news outlets but not sauced as other news outlets. Mainly, I research gov contracts/scribd

62ee54  No.5339472

File: d27a76a2bccb222⋯.jpg (357.45 KB, 1493x1010, 1493:1010, Q-SPAN1.jpg)

For keks…

2f327f  No.5339473


in mexico yes

6e112c  No.5339474


>23-year-old Jaydin Ledford

sauce :


fec15e  No.5339475



02248c  No.5339476


People are going to start saying things…

Eh, I'll take my yous from the owls, I suppose.

684c54  No.5339477


I think there's gotta be more to it.

Probably more arrests coming, is the way I read that guy's comment.

Florida is so dirty.

f80acb  No.5339478



7c2f12  No.5339479


last I checked, asshats are brown, not grey.

4f7b4a  No.5339480


Nice. As many anons have said, we'll need a few channels / branding sets.

A regal/polished pepe icon would be interesting.

c8e8b1  No.5339481


Fuck me….

8 beers and some pickled onions last night,

talk about power farts…..

c6ca71  No.5339482

"DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination." -Q





rr = mueller

b4aa16  No.5339483


I've wondered that myself.

Continue posting on their social media with increasingly disturbing statements,

to wake up some of those that are on the fence or moderates

Would be genius if true

4ce44a  No.5339484


23? Really?

Kid looks 15.

6a3567  No.5339485




f3d78a  No.5339486

File: 72ac64c6d039145⋯.jpg (18.9 KB, 251x242, 251:242, 72ac64c6d03914574f448b1097….jpg)


you get that from Kraft?

0ef922  No.5339487


Crooked af.

13ce26  No.5339488



f80acb  No.5339489


bet they are all trafficked

8792ee  No.5339490

File: 6f8e1025ca27400⋯.jpeg (69.27 KB, 550x400, 11:8, YYY.jpeg)

File: 0eedba31bc07466⋯.gif (4.86 MB, 490x476, 35:34, WUT.gif)



1e57c9  No.5339491


with as rich as he is, there is no reason for him to be have been at an establishment of that caliber.

He can afford a real massage.

He can have any call girl he likes, but it can be risky to associate yourself with such services.

Some random "jaguzzi/spa" with someone who won't be able to recognize him in an area where he doesn't normally go…

Decent way to be low key, though he's still a bit too well known to be…

I mean how often does he do this, tho? Who all is generally around him/looking at him?

Maybe this is his MO.

Perhaps he'd been asking about where he could go.

Soliciting Prostitution could be as simple as "How much for a Happy Ending?"…

But let's be realistic.

When you're that rich, you'd want to be certain of what you're getting.

And if it's innocent… if he's not involved with the trafficking and didn't know what was going on and he got a "bad recommendation"….

He very well could have been set up.


He's kind of a high value target, especially since his team is Pro-Trump.

a63977  No.5339492

File: 78f6b6486266ca0⋯.png (522.33 KB, 498x750, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)

41f7fb  No.5339493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hell Broke Loose

f3d78a  No.5339494


oh KEK

they're grey hats, but dirty

47f84b  No.5339495

File: 9987b7ce716d9e1⋯.png (5.78 MB, 2000x4779, 2000:4779, Q Trumps Military Tribunal….png)

fe1973  No.5339496

MK What!>>5339445

a5f8a0  No.5339497

File: cafeec61417275e⋯.jpg (116.89 KB, 320x480, 2:3, helloworld.jpg)

37f76c  No.5339498


The guy who built qmap.pub is more autistic than CM?

182fed  No.5339499

File: 112731397e70360⋯.jpeg (322.65 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, china.jpeg)

847ac7  No.5339500

File: 7c9b5af53b10c0c⋯.jpg (107.9 KB, 800x584, 100:73, Vampire-Killing-Kit.jpg)

d144c3  No.5339501

File: fd5791f16aa57c6⋯.jpg (328.24 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNNUnemployed.jpg)

35d1f4  No.5339502

Apologies if already posted, haven't seen mention of it, myself.

Trump announces Kelly Knight Craft as nominee for UN ambassador

President Trump on Friday announced Kelly Knight Craft, ambassador to Canada, as his nominee to become the next United States ambassador to the United Nations.

"Kelly has done an outstanding job representing our Nation and I have no doubt that, under her leadership, our Country will be represented at the highest level," Trump tweeted. "Congratulations to Kelly and her entire family!"

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-announces-kelly-knight-craft-as-nominee-for-un-ambassador

495ae3  No.5339503

ny prosecutors preparing criminal charges against manafort in case he receives trump pardon per cnn

f55562  No.5339504

Can't have everything if Costs was hired, if Access Hollywood tape leaked etc.

I assume by everything, everything applicable is whats meant.

7a15ae  No.5339505

File: 79fb4fad2324288⋯.png (416.03 KB, 766x479, 766:479, nfl suicide tx.png)


suicide and nfl fake news

Video shows chase of Jordan Davenport after confrontation outside Cypress home

CYPRESS, Texas (KTRK) – The attorneys for an ex-NFL lineman and his friend say an autopsy report and video clear their clients of any wrongdoing in the death of 29-year-old Jordan Davenport last year.==

Brent Mayr says his client, Scott Montgomery, and Montgomery's friend, former NFL player Khalif Barnes, have been wanting to respond to allegations they had anything to do with Davenport's death for months.

Davenport's body was found Oct. 31, 2018. Barnes and Montgomery are believed to be the last ones to have seen him alive.

Montgomery's home surveillance video, provided by Mayr to ABC13 Eyewitness

News, shows a man believed to be Davenport stumble into Montgomery's backyard in Cypress around 1:10 a.m. on Oct. 28. The two families were hanging out.

Barnes and Montgomery confront him. Davenport takes off running. The two men cannot keep up. They try to track him down in their car, but return unsuccessful.

"They have no idea why he's there, what he's doing. What he's capable of, and our clients' first instinct was to protect their families, as anyone would do," said Mayr.

Davenport's body was found three days later in the Towne Lake neighborhood pond.

Some had accused Barnes and Montgomery of beating him before he died.

"They've had to live with this trauma. People pointing fingers at them for almost three months. It's been very difficult for them," said Mayr.

Last week, ABC13 reported Davenport's death was ruled a suicide. According to the final autopsy report, his blood/alcohol content was 0.24, three times the legal limit.

In addition, any trauma to his body came after his death.

Surveillance video obtained by Harris County Sheriff's Office investigators showed Davenport jumping into the water, the report says, "with no other persons in the vicinity."

"It just confirms the truth, which we knew all along. They had nothing to do with Jordan Davenport's death," Mayr said. "On behalf of our clients, we wish this family peace."

Davenport left behind three daughters and heartbroken parents. They are challenging the coroner's ruling.

A rally for Davenport, with Quanell X, is planned for Sunday, Feb. 24 at 4 p.m. at Towne Lake.


343d5f  No.5339506

File: 62528b677f54848⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 191x264, 191:264, boring.jpg)


Thanks baker for all you do

Glad you got help from frens….time for a nap to get ready for Yellow Vests later…Godspeed

0ef922  No.5339507

File: b477e5cd6670416⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 757x500, 757:500, brennansoiledmyself.jpg)


It's him.

bdac96  No.5339508

hey anons did anyone ever figure out who the mystery man was that was walking in the street towards that kindergarten in Hong Kong?

idk why but that image just popped into my head

62ee54  No.5339509

File: 380f46ede69e399⋯.png (405.35 KB, 744x500, 186:125, 380f46ede69e39948b9767291d….png)

8792ee  No.5339510


Proper saucery, then, but unfortunately too often the word is too lightly used and wasted… we'd need more of a shift, there

94af17  No.5339511

File: ae7cf99ce45cc6d⋯.png (11.42 KB, 410x255, 82:51, Q 1445 re Track Suicides.PNG)


>Interesting. We probably need a list of celebs killing themselves by hanging. There must be a connection among them all.

Track ALL suicides.


4d214e  No.5339512


The people most qualified to hold high level political appointee positions and also have active TS clearances are swamp creatures. Keep in mind Trump has had to battle Reps and Dems in Congress. They want swamp creatures not swamp cleaners in the Exec Branch.

fbdf38  No.5339513

File: d60d3ee533af4f1⋯.jpeg (17.21 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 647DF032-9FD8-425E-BA70-8….jpeg)

4f606e  No.5339514


That Q crumb does need an explanation.

Call the Media? Hmmm.


Not saying it was offending us really, but seemed out of touch.

f5de55  No.5339515


>Here is a professional look at what a Q news logo could look like.



>Quality FACTUAL News

>Highlighting events MSM try to hide from the public!


Highlighting WW events MSM try to hide from the public!

876ed5  No.5339516

File: b5143923fa91de8⋯.jpg (160.98 KB, 867x695, 867:695, iu (15).jpg)

22e18f  No.5339517

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

098911  No.5339518

Question for Q.

I used to write to my Senators and Representatives often by going to their websites and clicking the button and filling out all the fields on the form. And, I was pleased to get responses. Then, one day, I received a response that identified the topic of my correspondence as the exact opposite of what I stated. I realized the response was a canned response based on a specific keyword in my letter.

Is anyone in Washington actually reading any of our letters or are they all set up on autoresponders based on keywords? If the latter, how do we make our voices heard?

2da1f5  No.5339519


If you read all the links Q posted, one of them talked about they were targeting accounts for mentioning voter fraud, election integrity, voter ID, etc. They are not targeting Q….this time.

2fe552  No.5339520


Doorknobs and red scarves.

684c54  No.5339521

File: c095befa5760220⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Feinstein-and-Husband-AP-6….jpg)



DiFi's homely husband Richard Blum has been doing business deals like crazy with the help of insider info from her.

Weren't they responsible for the Port of Long Beach getting sold to China?

I'm sure it's all in the archives here– we dug on all that last year & probably 2016-17 as well.

I have a theory that all the cheaters and swindlers (Jewish and otherwise) are basically exacting the Revenge of the Ugly People

Check it out. Most of the time, they look like 50 miles of bad dirt road.

0ef922  No.5339522


Maybe he was at the mall to buy a MAGA hat, a rope and some bleach and just wandered in for a massage and one thing led to another.

c8e8b1  No.5339523



The capture on Rachel's site,

There is someone overlooking the harvest table…

Guess who it is…..

f3d78a  No.5339524

Notables so far


>>5339125 MBS defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

>>5339157 Happy Birthday George Washington!

>>5339178 Arkansas passes resolution calling on law enforcement to “suspend contact and outreach” with Hamas-linked CAIR

>>5339214 Mug shots of men arrested for visiting Sebastian and Vero Beach massage parlors

>>5339232, >>5339384 Self-proclaimed Marxist arrested on charges of violently threatening law enforcement officers on social media

>>5339285, >>5339451 UC Berkeley police identify punching suspect in viral right-wing videos

>>5339385, >>5339452 Report: Robert Kraft not "biggest name" involved in prostitution ring

fec15e  No.5339525


Yes. Anons were questioning why he was hired due to this Epstein connection.

8f8810  No.5339526

File: 1dce6f5764ccdd9⋯.jpg (171.95 KB, 862x1024, 431:512, 1dce6f5764ccdd90a072219990….jpg)

File: 677e83536053837⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 600x534, 100:89, 4ae271d91ed169cc3afc3f14aa….jpg)

File: be9f92c9ad683a2⋯.jpg (224.56 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1200px-Lion_waiting_in_Nam….jpg)

File: ed4a05ea7abf948⋯.png (930.35 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 071a11884c56e0de012c84a768….png)

File: 6284906c7d61317⋯.jpg (161.42 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d2b5d9e214a154c99a52947108….jpg)

The HISTORY of the Democratic Donkey

and the Republican Elephant


Ever wondered what the story was behind these two famous party animals?

The now-famous Democratic donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign.

His opponents called him a jackass (a donkey), and Jackson decided to use the image of the strong-willed animal on his campaign posters. Later, cartoonist Thomas Nast used the Democratic donkey in newspaper cartoons and made the symbol famous.

Nast invented another famous symbol—the Republican elephant. In a cartoon that appeared in Harper's Weekly in 1874, Nast drew a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled “The Republican Vote.” That's all it took for the elephant to become associated with the Republican Party.

Democrats today say the donkey is smart and brave, while Republicans say the elephant is strong and dignified.

Think of all those that the elephant has stood for … Deep State Republicans …. never Trumpers, No name, Rommnee, and so on…. What differs what we have become today from what was before us; that is relevant for today from 1874?

And now

YOU ANONS have done so much more to create the LION MASCOT,

that we have all come to know in all it’s fantastic forms and colors

Wouldn’t it be really great for all of us to join together and

I VOTE …..



PANTHERA the party of the ANONS


Pics related

c6ca71  No.5339527

Is it because of quiet strong ones like Sessions that held our gov together long enough for Trump?

Must fill the gov with GOOD people or repeat.

msm is over, social media is everything, you are the news now.

'Handle with care.'

Shine the LIGHT = truth = Anons =Saviors of Mankind = whoa.

bb4366  No.5339528

>>5339434 Someone used to be keeping a suicide list. Is it in the dough? Kek, I'm too tired to look for you but I can point you to where to start looking.

495ae3  No.5339529

Comedian Brody Stevens Dead of Apparent Suicide at Age 48

by Cydney Contreras | Fri., Feb. 22, 2019 3:39 PM


Comedian Brody Stevens is dead at the age of 48.

The Blast reports that the comedian was found dead in his Los Angeles, Calif. home on Friday afternoon. The outlet reports that the cause of death was a suicide by hanging.

In a statement to E! News, his reps state, "Brody was an inspiring voice who was a friend to many in the comedy community. He pushed creative boundaries and his passion for his work and his love of baseball were contagious. He was beloved by many and will be greatly missed. We respectfully ask for privacy at this time."

In the past, Brody has been candid about his struggles with depression and anxiety. On his Comedy Central show, Brody Stevens: Enjoy It, the writer and his friends frequently discussed his mental state and the challenges he overcame. In one clip, Zach Galifianakis shared, "Brody was really in a dark place… I think he thought that was how his life was going to be and I think that got him depressed."

37f76c  No.5339530

File: f9e3a550bc79a72⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Suicide_Jack_400x400.jpg)


Think Spade.

343d5f  No.5339531

File: d57ddbd79abc32d⋯.jpg (3.67 KB, 275x183, 275:183, night light.jpg)


new? very nice, see you for the action later tonight….naptime now

2869a6  No.5339532

File: c98e1e08f35fd89⋯.png (936.64 KB, 900x563, 900:563, 2eb61fbe-dc7a-4013-926e-13….png)

1e57c9  No.5339533


Them gooks sure know how to give an old-fashioned!

8792ee  No.5339534


Be loud…

member contacting the FBI re Chandler's madam instagram?

ba119d  No.5339535


It could be that he had no idea of the trafficking, and just got a hand job.

Probably be used as a witness to find the REAL human traffickers involved. I don't think Kraft was the one trafficking sex slaves, he just happened to be horny and on the road.

Got a bad recommendation.

Pretty sure he will tell law enforcement WHO gave him the info.

Tip of Iceberg.


0ef922  No.5339536


Yeah, sure, it's been habbening since Dec 2017, it just hasn't.

f18c74  No.5339537


So Acosta is a good guy, and "looking into him" will lead us up the ladder to the Clintons, etc?

1e57c9  No.5339538



c05138  No.5339539


Sick pedowood

6a3567  No.5339540


We can create a thread for MSM articles and only use Q and sourced info. Quoting MSM against MSM is pointless, I agree. But we have more than enough here to correct the MSM articles that are really out there with anons findings. We do have more than you think. I think a few anons can do this corrrctly. It will blow the roof off the propaganda MSM articles.

c40351  No.5339541

trannys are stupid huh

bdac96  No.5339542


not gonna lie, I like it

but NO RINOS. How do you keep RINO's out?

876ed5  No.5339543

File: 7e7e5595cda4853⋯.jpg (277.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trustresearch.jpg)

87af82  No.5339544


They are the patriots you could only dream of being. They have earned every cent of their wealth toiling for the prosperity of America and the interests of the poor and middle class. Mueller is so ordained by God that he found the 9-11 hijacker passports, in mint condition, within 10 seconds of the attack.

f74740  No.5339545

File: 8921b3716fb2e9d⋯.png (227.57 KB, 578x363, 578:363, ClipboardImage.png)

c85b50  No.5339546


ok I'll bite, spill

9630f5  No.5339547

File: d033508a9cfab62⋯.png (199.05 KB, 941x887, 941:887, 1526443830743.png)


qmap.pub still under attack anon?

cecab2  No.5339548


I doubt that he was there for a hand job. There has to be a different reason for his having been there. Just wait for it

2626bd  No.5339549


Not buying it. They between a rock and a hard place.

47e2a1  No.5339550

File: 4083a965162efbe⋯.png (726.99 KB, 625x462, 625:462, ClipboardImage.png)

95a891  No.5339551

Truth and love will win the day

Anons dig and Anons Pray

We have it all, we see you there

You’re panicking now, and we are aware

That the swamp has been drained,

And You have been exposed

All your schemes will fall flat,

cause we Anons all know

We know who you are

We know where you live

We’ve counted the bodies

That in the basement you hid

Did you really believe

All your lies would last?

That your tangled web

Would really hold fast?

The truth has dissolved

What illusions you made

The light is on you

And we see you’ve decayed

So go ahead and let

Your Mockingbirds squawk

And we’ll direct you to Gitmo

Cause it’s a pretty long walk

And we will all live

In truth, strength and love

Giving thanks to each other

And the lord up above

God bless POTUS, Q, Anons, and all Patriots who are fighting the good fight


4ce44a  No.5339552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d144c3  No.5339553

File: 53f3829d78aa34a⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 540x250, 54:25, Jussie-Smollett bleach.jpg)

d5576d  No.5339554

File: 0c6b038985e16d6⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 317x396, 317:396, HiveMind-Iceberg-LYA.jpg)

bb4366  No.5339555

>>5339530 Yes, we started out with Kate Spade (fashionista) and we thought she was making leather items from human skin. Doorknobbed herself.

d7d9ff  No.5339556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b0a3ac  No.5339557

File: 76f3c53b5a7ff8b⋯.jpeg (51.64 KB, 492x405, 164:135, 70B9DD9B-92FF-4F29-87B6-E….jpeg)


Shills are gonna shill

This is it, been on the same train anon.

7c2f12  No.5339558


if they shit themselves any harder they're going to start leaving snail trails of poop kekek

ba119d  No.5339559

File: d22c3fcc81180d7⋯.png (1.22 MB, 985x810, 197:162, Screenshot_54.png)

fb2e84  No.5339560



c40351  No.5339561

File: 3daf38735f21504⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 400x316, 100:79, IMG_4260.JPG)

684b56  No.5339562

>>5339437 Consider that you’ve been lied to


c1f3f2  No.5339563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

076eb0  No.5339564

File: 62fb1c1d27bb39e⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1670, 621:835, A4567DBE-E364-4E12-9274-8….jpeg)

We know.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Who paid to promote this?

Who is Rockefeller?


Logos are one of the results of extensive studies (funded by the Rockefeller’s “Chicago School”) in cognitive sciences, neuropsychology and biology. Those studies constitute the core of “marketing”, a heavily funded field which keeps its findings totally secret from the general public. Why are the findings secret? Well, if you knew why marketing worked on you, you wouldn’t fall for it anymore.

The huge visibility of corporate logos is also an opportunity for the elite to showcase their beliefs and their power. The same way occult symbols are inserted on buildings and sites (see the Sinister Sites section for examples), they are hidden in plain view on corporate logos. We will now explore the origins and meanings of the symbols used in logos. This article will focus on the Winged Sun-disk and the Vesica Piscis.

2869a6  No.5339565

File: ea92a24b5155b45⋯.png (147.37 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8104b9ca-83bf-485d-b03d-e4….png)


i have no problem

f18c74  No.5339566


Lol sorry to hear anon but glad you survived. Does Dolly know about this? :D

62ee54  No.5339567


Pretty new kek…catch ya later. o7



1506b5  No.5339568

File: fe6ab7089cdf298⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 587x393, 587:393, 022219 Peak QE.jpg)

File: 167857af24cda68⋯.png (303.1 KB, 1484x1045, 1484:1045, federal reserve 1.png)

S&P Warns Global Sovereign Debt Will Top $50 Trillion This Year

It has been one week since the US Treasury revealed that the national debt had topped $22 trillion (only 11 months after it had topped the $21 trillion threshold). And as the US budget deficit shows no signs of shrinking thanks to the Trump tax cuts and the death of the Obama-era budget sequester that has allowed for an expansion of federal spending (with more presumably on the way once the Trump infrastructure plan comes into focus), S&P warned on Thursday that worldwide sovereign debt could reach $50 trillion this year.

According to Reuters, S&P predicted that governments will borrow some $7.78 trillion this year, up 3.2% since 2018 (the US will constitute more than $1 trillion of that all by itself). That's a 6% increase in the total debt pile from the year before.

Most of this borrowing will be rolling over long-term debt.

"Some 70 percent, or $5.5 trillion, of sovereigns’ gross borrowing will be to refinance maturing long-term debt, resulting in an estimated net borrowing requirement of about $2.3 trillion, or 2.6 percent of the GDP of rated sovereigns,” said S&P Global Ratings credit analyst Karen Vartapetov.

Governments, like corporations and individuals, took advantage of low interest rates around the world to step up borrowing in the wake of the financial crisis. Now, with borrowing costs expected to rise, these long-term burdens will become more burdensome to service. And with central banks slowly beginning to allow their inflated balance sheets to run off.

investors will be watching to see if more central banks follow the Fed's lead in pausing its balance sheet runoff, or possibly even take it one step further and return to the expansionist glory days of global QE. Who knows? As the global debt pile appears increasingly intractable, more economic officials might seriously consider Alexandria Ocassional-Cortex's * Modern Monetary Theory.



0ef922  No.5339569

File: 3b4f1aa7e1bda78⋯.jpg (23.92 KB, 520x300, 26:15, bloodeagle.jpg)


The Blood Eagle

d144c3  No.5339570

File: 9b58fc6fa31b597⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 540x187, 540:187, euparlament.jpg)

5a7f10  No.5339571

File: 8b6314d6e959c75⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, -HZTw8ktDlXMsacM (1).mp4)

c87981  No.5339572

File: 8682ce8f7259171⋯.png (1.09 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually exists.

And in T-Shirt format!

PROOF I'm not the only one!

c40351  No.5339573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

47e2a1  No.5339574

File: 4f9b19d0c653740⋯.png (649.41 KB, 634x416, 317:208, ClipboardImage.png)

8b3c73  No.5339575

File: 317f3d810f00ef0⋯.jpeg (27.57 KB, 433x372, 433:372, IMG_198869798875985.jpeg)

File: 63c7a17dcc3401b⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 27973615_1868643283169083_….jpg)

Thank you for digging Anons.

076eb0  No.5339576




f18c74  No.5339577


It would make sense that Avenatti/Stormy are good if Cohen is bad

c40351  No.5339578

trannys are stupid

17da4c  No.5339579

File: ac9261df8a5d30e⋯.png (38.43 KB, 1814x182, 907:91, ClipboardImage.png)

0ef922  No.5339580


I miss that drunken fuck.

4f7b4a  No.5339581

File: f302446e3933648⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 500x645, 100:129, Savage.jpg)

801fad  No.5339582

ISIS’s last march: Truckloads of the final fighters and their jihadi brides – carrying designer knockoff bags – line up to leave terrorists’ last frontline after US-coalition airstrikes prompt their surrender

Some 300 IS militants, along with hundreds of civilians believed to be mostly their families, were seen leaving the militants' last patch of territory in the remote village of Baghouz near the Iraqi border. Men suspected of being Islamic State fighters were searched by members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces after leaving the group's last holdout (pictured). At least 36 trucks and two buses were seen leaving the area through a humanitarian corridor. They were escorted by gun-mounted trucks belonging to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces. As the convoy passed, automatic machine gun fire could be heard in the distance and coalition aircraft flew overhead.


495ae3  No.5339583


Thanks, that's what I thought anon.

d58050  No.5339584

File: 0a378a59ede55bf⋯.jpeg (50.48 KB, 605x412, 605:412, odb.jpeg)

File: a4032bd708b4b42⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 818x500, 409:250, QTangClan.jpg)

ba119d  No.5339585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Need some good VIKING TUNES!

0a804d  No.5339586

File: 92ae09db3058df7⋯.png (215.74 KB, 589x651, 19:21, Screenshot 2019-02-22_23-1….png)


f98eb5  No.5339587

b0a3ac  No.5339588


What 20 shekels?

f18c74  No.5339589


Great graphic anon, thanks!!

0e94bf  No.5339590


Have some consideration for the phonefags, and don't link off-bread without lb or pb.

c40351  No.5339591


trannys are stupid

7ffdda  No.5339592

File: 67d3e84d4cc9a7b⋯.jpeg (609.71 KB, 1171x527, 1171:527, 375018E1-F84F-45C1-B5D8-C….jpeg)

c2710d  No.5339593

File: ec41044cfb0314a⋯.png (246.65 KB, 838x599, 838:599, ec41044cfb0314a59e3060f69f….png)

c85b50  No.5339594


No one thought that she was making products with human skin. Ridiculous.

37f76c  No.5339595

e640ac  No.5339596

File: 5af5595c560d9bd⋯.jpg (8.89 KB, 219x255, 73:85, bdbd096a285571e910d260bf1f….jpg)

File: fffcfad16212f7d⋯.jpg (10.48 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 509faf895d41a091ebf37b5699….jpg)

File: acf475f3406f88b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, acf475f3406f88b114821eaef7….jpg)

Here are a few Qs made by artfags… Maybe we can use house made Q for the QNN….???? Thoughts?

6ef44b  No.5339597


It may come down to torches and pitchforks anons. Those treasonous whores don't give a damn about you unless you've got a contribution to their campaign, and then only long enough to get the check out of your hand.

57956a  No.5339598

File: f3d72f227741717⋯.jpeg (81.48 KB, 1200x690, 40:23, FDD6E67A-C621-4F45-9854-6….jpeg)

‘’’Nothing will stop what’s coming next week’’’

…well, except maybe a state funeral. It’s going to be so dope!

058752  No.5339599

File: c0310fbb7259ef3⋯.jpeg (96.67 KB, 819x484, 819:484, image.jpeg)

File: ca67dae57cb2292⋯.jpeg (81.49 KB, 819x486, 91:54, image.jpeg)

File: 5726193f25f4078⋯.jpeg (70.73 KB, 498x823, 498:823, image.jpeg)

File: f0a55762cc4e550⋯.jpeg (47.34 KB, 500x521, 500:521, image.jpeg)

File: 1ed9c849fb53295⋯.jpeg (29.02 KB, 630x365, 126:73, image.jpeg)

1dbd56  No.5339600

>>5337036 (pb)

I'm sorry, but I find this hilarious. Silicon Valley purposely hires and/or brainwashes every employee to be a flaming libtard. Then, whenever they do something a normal, capitalist company does in the regular course of business that they don't like, they go full NPC/SJW on their ass.

Biting the hand that feeds them.

87af82  No.5339601


Cohen is the son of a holocaust survivvor, and therefore, I believe anything he says.

c40351  No.5339602

File: d0aae74adc0c2ac⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 720x608, 45:38, EPJV3541.jpg)

File: e2992b97e8e9429⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 784x1019, 784:1019, FAKJ9978.jpg)

File: b1a687430652fc7⋯.jpg (105.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, FFMP5319.jpg)

6b8e74  No.5339603


dig meme pray

e48468  No.5339604


You look like your looking for attention

ba119d  No.5339605




1e57c9  No.5339606


>Pretty sure he will tell law enforcement WHO gave him the info.

"You gonna fuck me? No no, my friend. I do the fucking."

Perhaps he went into it knowing full well what was going on…

Working for GEOTUS…

Bringing attention to it…

Cuz you'll notice… there was a blip of reports of folks getting arrested for trafficking at the superb owl…

GEOTUS even mentioned it…

But the story didn't take.

How do you get the news to make it a focus?

Make it about a Trump supporter.

Also, Jesse Watters: "He'll fight the charges and he'll probably get off."

He has to beat it before he can get off, Jesse. Or, y'know… haggle with an asian girl. Or guy, whatever he's into.

c40351  No.5339607


trannys are stupid

c87981  No.5339608


Look here Bob from Pakistan!

Just shut up and enjoy BoobFest for once.

c40351  No.5339609


trannys are stupid

a56710  No.5339610


Yeah but the kike cunts laugh all the way to the bank, because with the money they have made off of the goyim's human misery and heir control, they can buy whatever they want except for a clean soul! Since they worship Satan they don't care about that.

47e2a1  No.5339611

File: dc6f831e4db79fd⋯.png (494.29 KB, 638x479, 638:479, ClipboardImage.png)

3b36d6  No.5339612

File: 90a89c88123d464⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 534x356, 3:2, 147bd641-3baf-4fdb-85e1-79….jpg)


Your presence here proves otherwise!

We, Have you!

48b21b  No.5339613


>Got Romney's phone number, anybody?

Just send him a wire Ann

f3d78a  No.5339614

File: 8c5c3444f109a7b⋯.mp4 (852.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 74MK06Zgyy06HFVZ.mp4)



c40351  No.5339615

File: 297bc93b4cdfbeb⋯.jpg (329.02 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_4137.JPG)

File: a3ac08277488796⋯.jpg (211.72 KB, 800x1073, 800:1073, IMG_4155.JPG)

File: 085b06f253b7ce5⋯.jpg (279.82 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_4168.JPG)

8792ee  No.5339616


True, and in many ways we'd rather some of the MSM's work start being valuable again too.

The MSM vs MSM mostly sounds dumb when boasting about our news being new so unique and new when it's in big part collating… (though in a surplus of information, proper selection and sorting is already valuable in itself) but the approach is new, that's for sure. If not in method, in execution and success…

ba119d  No.5339617



Possible sting and POTUS and Company having Kraft as a "agent"?

d144c3  No.5339618


Maybe I missed it, but did POTUS congrats to the Patriots this year?

c40351  No.5339619


trannys are stupid

47e2a1  No.5339620


COOL- Real Camel Toe!

e88e39  No.5339621


3bebf1  No.5339622

File: 916c3b13f4d47bb⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1149x1237, 1149:1237, ClipboardImage.png)

c40351  No.5339623


trannys are stupid

f74740  No.5339624


Automatic or manual? 5- or 4- ? Column or floor?

aa329c  No.5339625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lindsey Graham being MAGA. Worth a watch. Listen to what he says about POTUS. =)

Discussion is Syria. 200 troops will remain.

Thank Q for freeing this man.

b0a3ac  No.5339626

File: da72f514c779980⋯.jpeg (46.58 KB, 640x453, 640:453, 3E7087C3-7CBC-4ECE-91DB-6….jpeg)


Just your average tax collector, anon

058752  No.5339627

File: aae33dc8e4cdc40⋯.jpeg (87.9 KB, 925x483, 925:483, image.jpeg)

File: 369b24af604393f⋯.jpeg (94.75 KB, 925x482, 925:482, image.jpeg)

File: 1bef50effad59c0⋯.jpeg (95.12 KB, 500x609, 500:609, image.jpeg)

File: 610c8eff1bcc11a⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB, 925x487, 925:487, image.jpeg)

File: 063e29a6ce4c760⋯.jpeg (93.42 KB, 848x468, 212:117, image.jpeg)

a56710  No.5339628


Should have read, "their control" not "heir control."

c40351  No.5339629


trannys are stupid

bb4366  No.5339630

File: 5f91c6268d4ccea⋯.jpg (441.55 KB, 1024x1500, 256:375, QCrumbsKateSpadeSuicideHou….jpg)

File: 504f409a35f6cab⋯.jpg (209.64 KB, 1000x481, 1000:481, QProofSuicideWatchKateSpad….jpg)

File: e0f3f1561f5b506⋯.jpg (232.19 KB, 1668x936, 139:78, KateSpadeHumanLeather.jpg)

File: 37ddb77405b5909⋯.jpg (235.97 KB, 949x816, 949:816, KateSpadeSuicide3.jpg)

File: 6316f0f40a4dec2⋯.jpg (150.78 KB, 1000x481, 1000:481, KateSpadeSuicide.jpg)


Apparently one of the memeanons thought so. Pic related.

4a223e  No.5339631

File: 4f22b8c18bdfa1f⋯.jpg (318.65 KB, 1777x1413, 1777:1413, brave_2019-02-22_23-20-42.jpg)


Do not put your faith in the machinations of the left to protect you.

c40351  No.5339632


trannys are stupid

745d76  No.5339633


Elephants protect their own. Amazing creatures. Read about them. You will be in awe of them. Keep our Elephant. Use the lion for memes. Loads of great Lion memes.

48b21b  No.5339634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


With tribute music

e88a23  No.5339635


No body in this game is clean… Im just pretty sure the line was drawn with the kid eating, slave owning, and human trafficking. There is no such thing as black and white. Look at the President with the pictures of Epstein/Clintons… no one is without sin.

bd02de  No.5339636

File: 6eda24be23b1449⋯.png (340.03 KB, 667x485, 667:485, Capture.PNG)

d7d9ff  No.5339637

File: 6909ea090859282⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 740x416, 185:104, 2ueq1j.jpg)

d58050  No.5339638

File: 705aed4112d601c⋯.jpeg (51.74 KB, 744x420, 62:35, MuhRosario.jpeg)

bb4366  No.5339639

File: 680f03508f0f147⋯.png (247.46 KB, 512x496, 32:31, Sleepie.png)

Catch you in the AM, frens.

ca5fba  No.5339640

File: b78d348b6968936⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 880x667, 880:667, QNNBlank.jpg)


(Stolen from several sources…)

c87981  No.5339641


Got more than that in my hall closet

Whoop de doo!

c40351  No.5339643


we should be lightyears beyond what is currenlty offered

3b36d6  No.5339644

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)


a tranny bot?

How Stupid!

4536d9  No.5339645



The fired rounds are bouncing off something

aa329c  No.5339646


Same as entertainment workers telling me what to think.

0a0bd9  No.5339647


Disinfo is necessary.

The correlation may be a throw.

764bd6  No.5339648


When Q says something that makes no sense, only the fools and shills try to explain it. The rest of us sit back and hope he clarifies.



on occasion he does.

Most of the time, we assume he was trying to troll some bad actors or something.

W'ell either find out someday, or we won't.

69c5ee  No.5339649


nitey nite

c40351  No.5339650




trannys are stupid

1e57c9  No.5339651

File: f6d5ed955f2882b⋯.jpg (163.02 KB, 666x500, 333:250, SarahFuckableSanders.jpg)


That's what I'm thinkin' on at the moment…

And (((they))) took the 'bate.

Fishing is fun.

e88a23  No.5339652

File: e135376381b4525⋯.png (17.04 KB, 555x71, 555:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Check that timestamp out, anon.

ba119d  No.5339653

File: 675c4167417aec7⋯.png (4.23 KB, 88x199, 88:199, 23.png)

c87981  No.5339654

5a7f10  No.5339655

File: 36e90a87424df2f⋯.jpg (25.99 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 1448894597_2.jpg)

0ef922  No.5339656


Ashton Twatty must have squirted herself.

0e94bf  No.5339657

File: c9de6f231924886⋯.png (282.57 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 761a164030ba9c57239bea3019….png)


Sweet dreams, anon. We'll hold down the fort.

91241d  No.5339658

File: 4738580a58ce5b1⋯.jpg (525.47 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, dazyhy.jpg)


there is growing cannibalism among the progressive left.

they are trapped by their own narratives.

they are trapped by their own ideological mistakes.

they are soon to be trapped into supporting socialism or splitting their party.

they are eating their own or throwing them under the bus attempting to deflect the coming D5.

need to make me a cannibal meme - going to need it soon…

d144c3  No.5339659

File: a07efe3e60515a4⋯.png (405.35 KB, 750x800, 15:16, stop hate.png)


Then we will se now!

37f76c  No.5339660


Not the ones I hang out with bot.

7a15ae  No.5339661

File: 701ad11404cd84b⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 728x567, 104:81, khalif barnes nfl.jpg)


Ex-NFL lineman Khalif Barnes – who had a long stint with the Oakland Raiders – has been interviewed by police as part of an investigation into the mysterious death of a man in Harris County, Texas.

Here's the backstory … the body of 29-year-old Jordan Davenport was found in a lake on October 31.

Cops are looking into tips that Davenport was involved in a violent altercation with several men on Oct. 27 – the last day he was seen alive.

We're told … cops received a tip that 36-year-old Barnes may have been involved in the altercation, so they tracked him down and spoke with him about the incident.

Our sources say Barnes has NOT been named a suspect – or even a person of interest – but noted the investigation is just getting started.

Barnes has now lawyered up.

We're also told the investigation has not been deemed a homicide – at least, not yet. However, officials are conducting an autopsy and the results could change that.

Cops are attempting to speak with anyone who may have information about the incident while they try to put together a timeline showing the events leading up to Davenport's death.

Multiple attempts to reach Barnes for comment were unsuccessful.

Barnes – 6'6" and 320 pounds – was selected by the Jacksonville Jaguars in the 2nd round of the 2005 NFL Draft after a stellar college career at Washington. He later went on to play for the Raiders from 2009 to 2015.

He later had short stints with the New Orleans Saints and Arizona Cardinals. He suffered an ankle injury in Dec. 2017 and was placed on injured reserve. He hasn't played since.

c40351  No.5339662

File: 158456245b9ba03⋯.jpg (170.2 KB, 1504x810, 752:405, IMG_4824.JPG)

69b6f6  No.5339663

File: 1e1e2622bc993a3⋯.jpg (280.45 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QOX News Shep Smith.jpg)

8792ee  No.5339664

File: 26406c837139786⋯.png (544.24 KB, 960x596, 240:149, 4c417d4371da8843e81b1160f0….png)

File: 7b0e095515d9dfe⋯.png (251.34 KB, 700x450, 14:9, ef3fc41bc4ee2ae0c83e0a08a6….png)

b0a3ac  No.5339665

Whoever gets 666 wills it

f74740  No.5339666

File: 3a5c29d89761c79⋯.png (9.18 KB, 353x143, 353:143, ClipboardImage.png)


Dumbass bot

e881ac  No.5339667

President Trump

I'm interested in purchasing Mar-A-Lago from you. Will you finance it for me, too?

2da1f5  No.5339668


Did ya ever think that the part…if one is dirty the other is dirty… was disinfo? Mueller is dirty but RR not?

Here's my hangup. Sessions listed RR to be fired along with 46 other atty's. Potus refused to take RR's resignation and then made him DAG….

1506b5  No.5339669


like 'em

1861ff  No.5339670


Love this meme. Perfect explanation for the retards on the left.

8a0e28  No.5339671

File: b631ff1db49f773⋯.jpg (143.08 KB, 1422x709, 1422:709, fingerprints must match.jpg)


simply pointing out that qmap is ACTUALLY secure, there is no intermediate appliance intercepting user connections

unlike 8ch.net

71fcfa  No.5339672

File: 9bcc4b254802ff0⋯.png (157.67 KB, 350x309, 350:309, 2019-02-22_23-23-18.png)

c40351  No.5339673


trannys are stupid

058752  No.5339674

File: c020cb7f45be9fd⋯.png (138.94 KB, 500x582, 250:291, image.png)

File: 6d0d22849d7c397⋯.jpeg (47.26 KB, 781x500, 781:500, image.jpeg)

File: 7406d240c6da71d⋯.jpeg (50.25 KB, 500x551, 500:551, image.jpeg)

File: d6ae39f3615f1aa⋯.jpeg (23.51 KB, 255x144, 85:48, image.jpeg)

File: 6bc4cf827315dcb⋯.jpeg (79.88 KB, 500x476, 125:119, image.jpeg)

6a3567  No.5339675


It will be successful. Imagine every published SJW over the top article (not tweets) are went through and contradicted with only FACTS. NO OPINIONS.

Similar to when a teacher corrects a term paper. Then sauce the bottom.

We then take the original article AND our corrections (in green) and post the image side by side. The public will the. It only QUESTION the MSM, but can use our sauce links to see the facts !!! INSTANT RED PILL!

bd02de  No.5339676


HA! Magical!

f51643  No.5339677

File: 1f2dbef9febe7cc⋯.jpeg (122.65 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, 1f2dbef9febe7ccf209306040….jpeg)

48b21b  No.5339678

File: a1d053b9b034734⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, twitter-jack-dorsey-e15337….jpg)


Why do they all look alike

87af82  No.5339679


Oil industry's zero taxes aren't enough. They demand venezuela's oil fields. Also, Bezos wants an Amazon warehouse in VZ, or we're fucking invading your shithole

c87981  No.5339680

File: b63e2f7e27484b8⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1255x924, 1255:924, ClipboardImage.png)

0a0bd9  No.5339681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time to check out.

Enjoy the Night-shift, Anons.

c8e8b1  No.5339682


I've been posting this for days now.

Someone is spoofing the SSL to harvest IP address, probably compiling the [the kill list].

This is a man in the middle attack, but if it's world wide, then is a massive and very sophisticated effort.

State actors, most likely, but who? Or Cisco and the gateway routers?

We all know we are being spied on, but this is really quite serious.

37f76c  No.5339683

0ef922  No.5339684


Yes, I experienced it.

c40351  No.5339685


cvt yo

clutched torque converters


cf47cf  No.5339686

File: 205d963f97e5428⋯.png (206.18 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 58A170AD-EC26-4525-BF90-4F….png)

File: 0a8ea8e8995bc2d⋯.png (587.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2141184D-6731-42FA-AB48-14….png)

File: 86c2741f4917fc3⋯.png (316.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C4FBB939-311E-4F1C-B626-AE….png)

764bd6  No.5339687


Hey. She's a decent God-fearing lady.

Keep your pornographic thoughts to yourself.

e48468  No.5339688



your fake and gay

d90c70  No.5339690


he thinks he's hawt shit

1506b5  No.5339691

File: a6498230147efff⋯.jpeg (64.73 KB, 720x479, 720:479, LG brings it.jpeg)

7ffdda  No.5339692

File: 065fd664022457e⋯.jpeg (721.5 KB, 953x1115, 953:1115, 9B0C5F05-BEA6-4651-991E-6….jpeg)

File: 707b28a021ea2fa⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1055x1668, 1055:1668, CBC9CD9B-46B5-485F-AD06-D….jpeg)


13ce26  No.5339693


On 2/22, Kek is with us

c40351  No.5339694


trannys are stupid

495ae3  No.5339695


damn anon we were thinking of the same thing same time almost

c85b50  No.5339696


Retailfag here. I used to own only kate spade handbags - was super bummed when she died.

I work for a large retailer corporately and I can tell you, her handbags were made in the same factories as every other manufacturer. Nothing special just branding and marketing.

yes femanon - no tits. gtfo

4ce44a  No.5339697

File: afde14880af68c3⋯.jpg (55.38 KB, 680x800, 17:20, colanderheads.jpg)


They bite the hands that feed them and lick the boots that kick them.

d90c70  No.5339698

File: 37c16768231d685⋯.jpg (219.33 KB, 1236x678, 206:113, pepe balaclava.jpg)


tell me i'm pretty

c40351  No.5339699

File: 7026169b3bf4420⋯.jpg (306.25 KB, 1504x810, 752:405, IMG_4826.JPG)

e640ac  No.5339700


Maybe if we used the top Q idea, we could bring people into our QNN website… I think the one I posted either brings it to Qmap or Qcodefag ( wow that was a long time ago.kek)

f74740  No.5339701

File: 5bcbbba302b35c9⋯.png (412.79 KB, 367x550, 367:550, ClipboardImage.png)


Piss on these trips

aa329c  No.5339702

File: ea0d37e90be0b87⋯.jpg (135.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, white cats.jpg)


It's not stealing if meant for sharing. <3

41169c  No.5339703

File: 28de10da67ddf13⋯.jpg (99.19 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 5630970092_3f2af4fbdc_b.jpg)

no one?


2da1f5  No.5339704




f3d78a  No.5339705



>>5339125 MBS defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

>>5339157 Happy Birthday George Washington!

>>5339178 Arkansas passes resolution calling on law enforcement to “suspend contact and outreach” with Hamas-linked CAIR

>>5339214 Mug shots of men arrested for visiting Sebastian and Vero Beach massage parlors

>>5339232, >>5339384 Self-proclaimed Marxist arrested on charges of violently threatening law enforcement officers on social media

>>5339285, >>5339451 UC Berkeley police identify punching suspect in viral right-wing videos

>>5339385, >>5339452 Report: Robert Kraft not "biggest name" involved in prostitution ring

>>5339568 S&P Warns Global Sovereign Debt Will Top $50 Trillion This Year

>>5339582 ISIS BTFO

>>5339586, >>5339614 Venezuelan air defence forces performed live fire drilling with ZU-23-2 twin 23mm AA batteries

bf42d1  No.5339706


>how do we make our voices heard?

Gasoline and matches.

5a7f10  No.5339707

File: 0ecc24d93c2b4f0⋯.png (775.12 KB, 736x667, 32:29, 0ecc24d93c2b4f0e52a334bf69….png)

File: 389bbf7249a5e8c⋯.jpeg (12.97 KB, 255x225, 17:15, 2de05ba736c692fe7968a7349….jpeg)

File: 72c8054ac4b7de2⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 964570de80d204648d05f48150….jpg)

de50b6  No.5339708


Is Panama a new in-Q-tel location? What's the connection?

8a0e28  No.5339709


is this proof of government fuckery?

or simply assumption of an intermediate snooping appliance?

or maybe the honeypot in the DMZ at 8ch,net?

been a long time since i did Novell CNE work…

02248c  No.5339710


I understand.

There are a few people who worm their way into positions which allow them to corrupt the culture. Reward the servants, enrage the passionate, terrify the prudent, isolate the just, betray the loyal…

The good always outnumber the bad, but the problem is that when the bad can set the terms of survival or even the word of the law, itself - the good become confused, frustrated, divided, and jaded.

There is a show… Worth a watch "Psycho-Pass". My own personal arc has trended from someone like Akane Tsunemori to being closer to Shogo Makishima… To now being much closer to the main character from a series called Isekai Nonbiri Nouka - a character who just wants to farm in peace and take care of the people he cares about.

I suppose a similar character arc would be Kiritsugu Emiya, though mine is far less tragic. Another good show to watch: Fate/Zero…. I think of it as allegory to the blood lines. The mage lineages are obsessed with politics and tradition - their children are often as much resources as their partners and own identity… It's a rather cruel society that is almost completely alien to the life and culture of normal people.

328456  No.5339711


>Laura is cranking up the Fox anti-pot propaganda

Doctors I know that deal with rehab tell me the very same horror story you heard minutes ago in "Laura's" program.

ba119d  No.5339712

File: 33d1a07fb71767f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 826x599, 826:599, Screenshot_12.png)


I'd tap that.

4d214e  No.5339713


Politicians receive so much correspondence they depend on their staff to read and respond to constituents. The latter probably do use boiler plate responses wherever possible. Try sending the next one by snail mail. See if the response is any different.

A lot depends on whom your politicians are. Mine are total garbage. They don't even acknowledge a receipt of letters.

d90c70  No.5339714


doge butt you stupid bott

0ac487  No.5339715


Pepe looks so handsome.

bdac96  No.5339716


The guy who had the lion logo, I think that is by far the best one

c40351  No.5339717


can ya imagine the electromotive force of an alternator that was part of the flywheel?

628899  No.5339718

File: 5ac7426ba4c2ab9⋯.jpg (128.4 KB, 964x712, 241:178, COMMUNITY STANDARD VIOLATI….JPG)


I manage a facebook group where I translate all Q posts into French (for French people who don't understand English). I had just finished post 2880 when I got this from Facebook.

564121  No.5339719


So you think she has been dead since she fainted at the 9/11 memorial?

4a223e  No.5339720


