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File: 4cb6c0aad05031c⋯.jpg (248.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, OP.jpg)

728d1b  No.5056279

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

728d1b  No.5056292


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5056099 MSNBC Reporter Thinks US Troops in Syria Are Fighting Assad, not Daesh (VIDEO)

>>5055942 US trade deficit narrows much more than expected in a win for Trump

>>5055942 Netflix is very good at avoiding federal or state income taxes.

>>5055678, >>5055788 Rep. Jim Jordan summarizes bill: "For the People Who Want Democrats to Win Elections from Now On."

>>5055928 Planeflags alert us that 3 B-52s are flying over Arizona right now

>>5055698, >>5055713, >>5055719, >>5055769, >>5055727 Stop sliding. Mace of House of Reps traces back to Roman fasces, not fascism

>>5055679 Taliban & Afghan delegates seek end to 18yr war at Moscow peace talks boycotted by US-backed Kabul

>>5055606 Catholic Bishop: "Democratic party is party of infanticide" (lb >>5055334)

>>5055567 President Trump URGENT Announcement Speech on the Next President of the World Bank

>>5055566 Breaking: Prosecutor leaves Mueller team Scott Meisler

>>5056224 #6456


>>5055394 Venezuela seizes 'US weapons shipment' as Trump vows to support 'noble quest for freedom'

>>5055354 Nancy Pelosi's Favorite Bible Quote is Not in the Bible

>>5055221 "Q Clearance is important" dig

>>5055264 France fires nuclear-capable missile in a rare show as Russia and the US feud over arms treaty

>>5055172 400 Pounds of Meth Smuggled Inside Fake Rocks, Says Border Patrol

>>5055115 Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to left-wing activist: Take in 10-20 migrants in your home!

>>5055132, >>5055205 Sarah Silverman, Ted Danson wearing blackface

>>5055062 Nxivm sex cult leader denied bail for a third time

>>5054844 Even CBS reporting how strong the approval for POTUS was last night re: SOTU.

>>5054950 Google Paid More In EU Fines Than Taxes Last Year; Warns Data Privacy Changes Could Hurt Business

>>5054928 ICE, FBI recognize International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

>>5054896 SOTU: "Victory is winning for our country"

>>5054839, >>5054929, >>5054995, >>5054963, >>5055302, >>5055377 10-step plan to use Virginia to let Democrats implode

>>5055448 #6455

#6454 ebaker 2

>>5054077 Colorado passes bill regarding the Electoral going to winner of NATIONAL popular vote

>>5054144 This isn't a partisan issue, abortion

>>5054236, >>5054205 anons timeline is still looking guud - re VA is for Trump Lovers theory

>>5054701 VA AG line of sucession bun

>>5054487 Reuters - Pompeo remarks on commitment to defeat ISIS

>>5054457 planefaggin

>>5054351 popcorn tweet - Don Trump Jr

>>5054355 Twitch partner Thomas Cheung, outspoken lefty, arrested for child sex during Op Intercept

>>5054685 underground blast reported in ATL

>>5054742 #6454

#6453 ebake

>>5053300 MAGA Rally in El Paso on February 11

>>5053325 Origin of Haspel’s white hats shirt, >>5053708 Moar on Dressing Gina

>>5053425 Michael Cohen testimony postponed until February 28

>>5053501 New White House Tweet - Greatness for all Americans

>>5053388 Q Proof Graphic - Follow the Watch

>>5053600 CBS copy/pasta fail calls high SOTU approval for Hussein

>>5053648 12,000 Chinese produced blood plasma treatments tainted w/HIV

>>5053684 On Stacy Abrams and high handed corruption

>>5053739 Nestlé jumps on Blockchain train

>>5053851 POTUS and Q - Winning Together

>>5053982 #6453

Previously Collected Notables

>>5053176 #6452

>>5050881 #6449, >>5051672 #6450, >>5055640 #6451

>>5048538 #6446, >>5049319 #6447, >>5050135 #6448

>>5046236 #6443, >>5047073 #6444, >>5047831 #6445

>>5044034 #6440, >>5044807 #6441, >>5045497 #6442

>>5042544 #6438, >>5043271 #6439, >>5043271 #6439

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

728d1b  No.5056294

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

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>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

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>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

728d1b  No.5056298

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

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* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

728d1b  No.5056326

Pastebin Dough:


991fd4  No.5056330

File: e990267fcbc144b⋯.jpg (146.74 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, caduceus-vector-1901137.jpg)

Washington Post / Federal Reserve links and diggs

Eugene Isaac Meyer (October 31, 1875 – July 17, 1959) was an American financier, public official, and newspaper publisher. He published the Washington Post from 1933 to 1946, and the paper stayed in his family throughout the rest of the 20th century. He served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1930 to 1933 and was the first President of the World Bank Group.

Born in Los Angeles, California, he was one of eight children of Harriet (née Newmark) and Marc Eugene Meyer. His parents were Alsatian Jews,[1] but he avoided identification as a Jew until later in life.[2][3] His mother was the daughter of Joseph Newmark. He grew up in San Francisco and attended college across the bay at the University of California, Berkeley, but he dropped out after one year and later enrolled at Yale University. He received his A.B. in 1895.

After college, Meyer went to work for Lazard Frères, where his father was a partner, but quit in 1901 after four years and went out on his own. He was a successful investor and speculator, and owned a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He married Agnes Elizabeth Ernst, a Lutheran, in 1910; they had five children, including the future Katharine Graham, and another daughter, Florence Meyer (Mrs. Oskar Homolka). By 1915, when he was forty, he was worth $40 million.

In 1920, Meyer teamed with William H. Nichols of General Chemical to help fulfill his vision of a bigger, better chemical company. Meyer and Nichols combined five smaller chemical companies to create the Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, which later became Allied Chemical Corp., which in turn became part of AlliedSignal, the forerunner of Honeywell’s specialty materials business. Both men have buildings named after them at Honeywell’s Morris Plains, New Jersey, headquarters.

728d1b  No.5056339


Baker requesting handoff

711db2  No.5056341

Baker, please correct for next bread.

>>5055942 Netflix is very good at avoiding federal or state income taxes.

should be

>>5055863 Netflix is very good at avoiding federal or state income taxes.

31b548  No.5056353


Ursula Haverbeck Panorama Interview März 2015 YouTube 1


fdf553  No.5056355

Can someone explain to my dumbass, the lack of actions by POTUS with old promises made, but not kept?

Not trying to concern, looking for someone to explain so I don't.

328029  No.5056365


Such as?

37bce9  No.5056366

File: 3990a0ee7fff1c4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 1.png)

File: b44ae03df8fc396⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 2.png)

File: 121e490251106ce⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 3.png)

File: 3ec35b465a6dd8b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 4.png)

File: 6140caba987ef81⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate.png)

I thought you might enjoy a new twist on the successful Jobs vs Mobs theme.

I call these State of the Union vs Hate of the Union. I left one blank if you want to create your own. Trump's quotes are from SOTU speech last night. Other quotes are real as well. Spread far and wide.


85d292  No.5056369

File: 9c038be8717c2a7⋯.png (538.96 KB, 640x698, 320:349, ClipboardImage.png)

dab9e6  No.5056370

File: 9ae208c4a0da86c⋯.jpg (159.86 KB, 1600x1201, 1600:1201, bernie's notes.jpg)

Bernie's notes from State of the Union. Artificial Intelligence 9:10 at top of list.

1049a4  No.5056371

File: 8472b4e2fa6bf0e⋯.jpg (135.67 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5846.JPG)

For those hard working taxfags of the IRS

So much poop on the books

f6f373  No.5056372

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This is a warning to (You) and (Me)

Take heed frens

141557  No.5056373

>>5056037 lb fucking nigger fuck

David Miscavage - u savage , is that you?


fuck you nigger

3840ec  No.5056374

File: 0ecd67640853bc2⋯.png (54.94 KB, 991x343, 991:343, SF86LocationCodes.png)

State abbreviations are fairly straightforward, but here are some other US territory and islands on the SF-86 form.

711db2  No.5056375

File: faa18aed37396d8⋯.png (52.61 KB, 607x365, 607:365, twitter_com_meforum_status….png)

File: aebe4a9454dbfca⋯.png (56.16 KB, 593x453, 593:453, twitter_com_KarenAttiah_st….png)

File: 7d4ae4b2cc9f0cf⋯.png (72.61 KB, 613x583, 613:583, twitter_com_Uncle_Jimbo_st….png)

Karen Attia has an issue with with people pointing out Khashoggi & WaPo being puppets of Qatar.


9724f9  No.5056376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump to Deliver Remarks to the Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS:

7a61f0  No.5056377



85d292  No.5056378

File: 4dd7a743798f2d8⋯.png (349.7 KB, 640x645, 128:129, ClipboardImage.png)

728d1b  No.5056379


got it. just got your note earlier, too. sorry. thanks for being patient.

fdde33  No.5056380

>>5056357 (LB)

Yeah, pretty strong sign that she's a fucking phony.

e5af20  No.5056381

File: 04a5cba97998bea⋯.jpg (86.07 KB, 665x500, 133:100, aoc2.jpg)

e3af29  No.5056382

Nothing happening this week.

Carry on.

3b0395  No.5056383



You can be more than a retard and provide some kind of useful information


13f798  No.5056384

File: 0fc8572f0434156⋯.jpg (110.29 KB, 1125x1365, 75:91, P_C_.jpg)

File: 568bcafd421bff6⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 448x635, 448:635, P_C.jpg)

>>5056297 pb


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.884858

Apr 3 2018 19:49:59 (EST)

The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.


d0fa09  No.5056385


She is pretty.

5d3325  No.5056386

Nydia M Velázquez

‏Verified account @ReElectNydia

15h15 hours ago

Nydia M Velázquez Retweeted CJ Pearson

Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I – and millions like us – are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us.

But you should learn my name.

I want to know how this elected official can threaten "We The People" like this? These crazy dems are starting to make me nervous. They are losing it.


06fadf  No.5056387

File: 73ed586c05eccee⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 563x334, 563:334, Screenshot 2019-02-06_14-5….jpg)


f90f15  No.5056388

>>5055886 (lb) <<

The Antichrist has no regard for God, or for the Son of God.

The Antichrist is a man of fierce countenance.

The Antichrist would not say "God bless America" dozens of times.

The Antichrist would not have Christians praying over him on a daily or weekly basis.

The Antichrist would not be well known prior to his revelation in the Temple; he's a background mover.

Trump is not the Antichrist.

If you want to dig on who might be, dig into Javier Solana of the EU. You know, the Revived Holy Roman Empire. The NWO of both communist and democratic governments, i.e. clay and iron.

6b8194  No.5056389

File: ee89ca4968dc9c8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1613x1007, 1613:1007, tampon mob.png)

1049a4  No.5056390

File: caf223b0a2b3960⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 111.7 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5847.JPG)

Spam has a face now

13fead  No.5056391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






>I am here for a reason

f72c3c  No.5056392

File: 48b5adba52c9f14⋯.png (375.13 KB, 630x818, 315:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Statement by woman accusing VA Lt Governor of sexual harassment.

6bb3f3  No.5056393

File: 0d513a8ec3fb02d⋯.png (130.81 KB, 700x393, 700:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3aafe15b040ea3⋯.png (439.33 KB, 474x710, 237:355, ClipboardImage.png)



7a892c  No.5056394

File: 6da5f17c21eabab⋯.jpg (507.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190206-133052….jpg)

File: 0c5b4a4ac6aa46f⋯.jpg (347.14 KB, 1080x838, 540:419, Screenshot_20190206-132620….jpg)

File: 1564a47bbc4dda5⋯.jpg (405.98 KB, 1080x826, 540:413, Screenshot_20190206-133621….jpg)

File: 1734a8230183ce9⋯.jpg (441.84 KB, 1080x1033, 1080:1033, Screenshot_20190206-133648….jpg)

File: 5aee2dd08dfd7cb⋯.jpg (333.54 KB, 1080x760, 27:19, Screenshot_20190206-133724….jpg)

Nancy necklace.

Cinnabar-prized for vases, jewelry , boxes, by Chinese for being deep red and soft for easy carving. The red color comes from Mercury although it is found in black. Mercury is poisonous, so jewelry is no longer 100% cinnabar.

So is she signaling China or the chinese year of the pig. It appears to be an infinity symbol with a snake like dragon on it

fdf553  No.5056395


1.) Seems Foxconn is having issues getting built.

2.) Syria troops still haven't left, and don't look to be.

3.) Big Pharma prices an promises were made during the rally, and pharma prices were going to drop "any day" (back in July).

4.) We continue to fund the world but can't find money to fund a wall.

5.) Israel is still being put first, though I admit this could be optics.

6.) Farmers are still struggling and again, promises made over the summer have not come to be valid.

7.) Now abortions, which potus is against, but that doesn't mean it will get through the house and senate.

What I see if Trump says something, then hides behind dems blocking it and creates this "I tried, what can ya do?" scenario that is really starting to irritate me.

af6935  No.5056396

File: aab4fe0b5238324⋯.png (783.26 KB, 821x424, 821:424, Capture.PNG)


WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez High-Fives Imaginary Person

Democrat socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered and followed through on a high five during President Trump’s State of the Union speech, even though nobody reciprocated.

Video evidence shows that Ocasio-Cortez was not even close to making contact with another person because no one was even indicating that they were participating in a high five with her


ce953a  No.5056397


<still posting this utterly fake and gay bullshit

8af2b4  No.5056398

>>5056314 lb

Uhm, this is how they deal with a legal complaint summarily! Note that Taitz is a dental professional, an oral surgeon, and the attempts to discredit her are baseless, just plain mockery. Her causes of action and prima facie case are very real.

“A note: You are about to read a recap of wild conspiratorial ravings. Rolling Stone repeats them here not to give credence to any of Taitz's fictions — in particular her efforts to link the president to murders and homosexual relationships. Rather it is to offer readers an unvarnished look at lunatic foundations that gird the birther movement.“

3b0395  No.5056399



You can be more than a retard and provide some kind of useful information


George Sooros arrested Feb 3??

George Soros was said arrested in Switzerland at 13:23 GMT on Feb. 3 2019.Evidently members of what was known as the Alliance stormed his retreat at Saint Margrethenberg, Switzerland based on a tip from local police. The Alliance was a military force working under orders of the Pentagon, GITMO Military Tribunal Judges and in conjunction with legal entities across the globe. 

Soros has been suspected to illegally influence US elections over the years, was thought behind thousands of immigrants forcing their way across the US Border, his organizations were believed to own and control software used in state voting machines and even worse, the multi billionaire was known to be a leader in the Vatican’s Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. He was thought behind regularly scheduled Satanic Child Sacrifice Rites and Human Hunting Parties organized under the Vatican and involving children and kidnapped teens across the globe according to Kevin Annette of ITCCS (www.itccs.org). 


35e7c3  No.5056400

File: 6b7f98c9672af4f⋯.jpeg (104.27 KB, 833x487, 833:487, image.jpeg)

632391  No.5056401


Owned by China

8b3022  No.5056402

File: f4e7fb06d4ac3f6⋯.png (546.9 KB, 720x701, 720:701, Screenshot_20190206-133858….png)

She looked so mentally retarded when she did this. She's an embarrasent to the female gender.

6ad2ca  No.5056403

File: ba4547e940430c7⋯.png (396.12 KB, 640x430, 64:43, sam.png)

84dbd4  No.5056404

File: d34810742dd0ee4⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1501x1083, 79:57, 1545972011.png)

7a892c  No.5056405


My thoughts too

410267  No.5056406

CINC warned NP that two can play that game, looks like Schiff wants his ass kicked, anyway.

8b3022  No.5056407

File: e6b26e5181b5559⋯.png (372.35 KB, 720x705, 48:47, Screenshot_20190206-134403….png)

f4238f  No.5056408

“Watch Your A**”: Jacky Rosen Appears to Warn Fellow Dem. Kyrsten Sinema About Standing Ovation for Pres. Trump at State of the Union (Video)

A video clip from President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night shows Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) appearing to give a profane warning to Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) for giving Trump a standing ovation during his speech as he spoke about the passage of Right to Try legislation last year.

Sinema was already out of step, having worn a pink dress rather than the white protest message attire worn by Rosen (on Sinema’s right with her arm in a sling) Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and dozens of other Democrat women at Trump’s speech to a Joint Session of Congress.

In the clip, Sinema is seen standing and applauding Trump while all her fellow Democrats near her sit stone-faced and not applauding. Rosen slowly stands up right next to Sinema and with a sideways glance appears to mutter, “Watch your ass”, at Sinema, then sternly looks away. Sinema acknowledges Rosen with a defiant nod and stays standing. Sinema and Rosen are both freshmen senators having been elected last November.



ce4b5e  No.5056409

File: ff1637cdcf43521⋯.png (179.91 KB, 700x541, 700:541, ClipboardImage.png)

0a8f89  No.5056410

File: 13740e98f687451⋯.jpg (200.54 KB, 600x875, 24:35, 1.jpg)


FCC Votes To Create New Fraud Division Within The Enforcement Bureau

05d155  No.5056411



Yeah, probably.

06fadf  No.5056412

File: a69d3c572115b51⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 589x239, 589:239, Screenshot 2019-02-06_14-5….jpg)


ce953a  No.5056413


and put lb newfag when you post stupid shit

bf4204  No.5056414

So how long is Wray going to be activated? This shit sucks.

fb059d  No.5056415

>>5056325 (pp)

And it was filed on 1/11/19…


29a10c  No.5056416

File: 33f4679fba983b5⋯.jpg (13.37 KB, 255x138, 85:46, CLOCKS.jpg)

>>5055720 ==LAST BREAD==

2 Qdrops…..may address that 10:40

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 462c9a No.11045132

Dec 15 2017 01:15:57 (EST)

We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms.

Snow White.

Rig for silent running.

Unknown return.

Godspeed, Patriots.


Apr 6 2018


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 311352 No.916268

Apr 6 2018 01:20:00 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 311352 No.916218

Apr 6 2018 01:16:37 (EST)

BOOMs en route.






Device hold.

Comms transfer castle.


Rig for silent.


Maybe someone more clocksavvy can work this out.

1599a3  No.5056417


Avenatti speaks the truth for once…

0e9edf  No.5056418

File: 288dc87ec470619⋯.png (470.41 KB, 435x944, 435:944, f1076a08f27c4ea79da1e7585d….png)

Last night an Anon posted a possible that in the take down we watched happen live in China with open window and flash bangs if you remember. That it is a possible that Kamala Harris was the woman in the Red Dress photo attached. I was given a "tip" this morning about Kamala Harris being involved in the "Tarmac" meeting. The tip was we should check out the Team that was with Bill Clinton that he brought to the Tarmac meeting. Was KH on that team????? If someone has photos of this or knows this answer this could help move the the red dress time line into better understanding.

08daf7  No.5056419

File: 7f392db82e82745⋯.png (200.96 KB, 1196x525, 1196:525, Scavino Thank You USSS.png)

1049a4  No.5056420

File: e975b196528c6a0⋯.jpg (104.11 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5848.JPG)

6ad2ca  No.5056421

9724f9  No.5056422


Looks like he was prepping his list of FACT CHECKS.

383737  No.5056423

File: 13bb00e5a082c3f⋯.jpg (217.85 KB, 866x1390, 433:695, a-religious-jewish-family-….jpg)

7a8a76  No.5056424



two small corrections in the notables for #6356

>>5056099 MSNBC Reporter Thinks US Troops in Syria Are Fighting Assad, not Daesh (VIDEO)

there is no video posted or linked

>>5055942 Netflix is very good at avoiding federal or state income taxes.

should be

>>5055863 Netflix is very good at avoiding federal or state income taxes.


a74755  No.5056425


>Hate of the Union


899cf8  No.5056426


1/2 of those women are in mental-pause. The other 1/2 are in constant PMS symptoms.

f94589  No.5056427

>>5054341 lb

that is how i understand it as well.

it means all the red scarf people were really bad. they are probably the ones that "can't keep the hands off the kids" and so easier to just make them go away without complications. maybe they agreed to it, so their families are spared the pain

13fead  No.5056428

File: 5cc51255f667349⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 1248x1284, 104:107, its a battlefield frog shi….jpg)


momma shark do doo do do doo

daddy shark do doo do do dooo

… yep looks like she dug her on grave on this one.

is ANYONE gunna vote democratic party in 2020?

or have we SHAMED them the same way the did our MAGA hats?

…let that sink in.

1599a3  No.5056429


beforeitsnews is worse than operationblogspot

the only thing better would be if you posted

godlikeproductions quoting sorcha faal.

fun to read but source? not so much.

7a61f0  No.5056430


POTUS on the ridiculous investigations.

"If there is going to be peace and legislation there can not be war and investigation."

3804eb  No.5056431

File: 4bc6389c5ae5070⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 7513x2436, 7513:2436, OpKingTower.jpg)



(not breaching)

6376f4  No.5056432

File: c469bee007e9c16⋯.png (82.04 KB, 647x458, 647:458, Gov H re Schumer 2-6-19.PNG)

File: cfe0deec9ed77be⋯.png (711.53 KB, 825x458, 825:458, Schumer Blank.PNG)

Y’all don’t be so hard on ol’ Chuck’s bitterness towards @realDonaldTrump cause he has a bad case of constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth as you can see from the photo.


ce4b5e  No.5056433

File: 3a7c30ee194b88e⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 392x434, 28:31, KushnerHungry.jpg)



84dbd4  No.5056434


What freedom looks like

406e76  No.5056435

File: 4e94edba8b3dad1⋯.png (168.86 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 0dcfb53d0d99afaa50daf74a6b….png)


Great meme, anon.

01ab2d  No.5056436

File: bab460f83a7790c⋯.png (425.82 KB, 799x799, 1:1, magasaurus.png)

037c9c  No.5056437


KEK…took me a couple of seconds to notice!

6ad2ca  No.5056438

File: b2b8ca6a153cb96⋯.png (437.57 KB, 587x422, 587:422, schreiende vagina.png)

1049a4  No.5056439

File: e8c70a75971c763⋯.jpg (107.25 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5849.JPG)

911312  No.5056440

File: 4d315419ffc403f⋯.jpg (10.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


1-Adam-12 1-Adam-12

We, have a

2-11 in Progress

See The Man!

687d55  No.5056441

File: 7053f0c7bbd7cd0⋯.png (875.47 KB, 796x702, 398:351, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

b01e38  No.5056442

File: a2ed812ba7805fe⋯.jpeg (33.59 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, aoc.jpeg)


>Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez High-Fives Imaginary Person

a0b29e  No.5056443

File: a6046fadd613e0b⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 397x359, 397:359, Trump Hetero Sodomite 2934….jpg)


The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

728d1b  No.5056445


Fixed both. Thanks eagle eyes!

03ce03  No.5056446

>>5056384 yfranc?

y=and in spanich

and franc

Whoi is franc? francmasonery?

784530  No.5056447

Hey anons. we got any of dem dare kkk hoods on dem white outfits the demorat womens was wearing.

pop em out and lets twatter the hell out of the dem dare racish democrat socialish womens ……


03ce03  No.5056448

>>5056446 *spanish

08e61d  No.5056449

maybe all the white clothes were for DiFi's Chinese funeral?

6376f4  No.5056450

File: 65e25d86d00d0a7⋯.png (44.66 KB, 656x520, 82:65, Jr to NYT re Dark Makeup 2….PNG)

File: aa30bdb72b49c79⋯.png (203.7 KB, 663x775, 663:775, Correction NYT re Dark Mak….PNG)

File: fac42c60465207b⋯.png (191.44 KB, 840x906, 140:151, 1 Archive Correction NYT r….PNG)

File: e303ce7d9ea7e66⋯.png (167.56 KB, 838x918, 419:459, 2 Archive Correction NYT r….PNG)




Bread 6455


1599a3  No.5056451


This isn't an accusation of sexual harassment

its an accusation of sexual assault - punishable by law

just sayin

6b8194  No.5056452


do you have blanks of the others

1049a4  No.5056453


It's no guess from the postings

Who really is the bottom


8af2b4  No.5056454


Lunar year.

Also 8 Chan?

a4619e  No.5056455


Such as Qs first drop, If any of these drops are true cause Killary is still running around.

f94589  No.5056456

>>5054341 lb

actually i misunderstood you.

i meant white hats are suiciding black hats with red scarves.

it's getting even more complicated

6bb3f3  No.5056457


Or… To those on the fence… your choice is a) seek asylum and help from White Hats [or] resolve to death and destruction from Red Scarf.

632391  No.5056458

File: d777bbceec38aa7⋯.jpg (993.15 KB, 2597x1654, 2597:1654, aocacid.jpg)

911312  No.5056459

File: c5be9e463445fe6⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 550x530, 55:53, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg)

8af2b4  No.5056460



f72c3c  No.5056461

File: 4536c4f7c808ea3⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1726x978, 863:489, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

This has to be a joke. Women's rights??? NO WOMAN will ever win any sporting event again.


08caf9  No.5056462

File: ad2052ce20ca3b6⋯.png (733.78 KB, 1349x9485, 1349:9485, Screenshot_2018-12-04 Rema….png)


This explains a lot

41f78d  No.5056463


Nothing a good stiff 10 inches wouldn’t fix.

b0dd00  No.5056464

File: 770639c1d7a5afd⋯.png (268.25 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Now I want to see what's 'in' the folder. I don't like people who write in places they're not supposed to.

c9ad57  No.5056465


How does this tie to Payseur? Just listening to Fritz and he mentions that the Payseur bloodline is gone … So just curious.

7914f8  No.5056466

File: 7423cee434f8bb3⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 888x612, 74:51, Socialism like DMV.JPG)

ce4b5e  No.5056467

File: 3a909da04e836a1⋯.jpg (99.72 KB, 716x340, 179:85, VJ.jpg)


Sanger is Jewish ya know…

141557  No.5056468


this mirror is killin me, lol


13fead  No.5056469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Latest word from the bird

>you have more than you know


7a61f0  No.5056470


P = Payseur.

Nice try though, muh jew shill.

1db8ef  No.5056471


Concise. Bravo!

1049a4  No.5056472

File: 08b63804cdd991d⋯.jpg (100.42 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5850.JPG)

79a1dd  No.5056473

File: 2f49aba7fb8082e⋯.jpg (263.25 KB, 960x720, 4:3, spam.jpg)

bf4204  No.5056474


Fuck you Kirby

If you want to fry my ass then just do it

Stop being a motherfucking pussy


03ce03  No.5056475

>>5056393 nIce catch

84dbd4  No.5056476


Awesome side by side!!!

I missed that Bernie quote….. that would go well with him looking cool in his red sports car imo

a4619e  No.5056477


Qs first drop for one.

076c29  No.5056478

File: 5cdd6cc12674fcb⋯.jpg (776.97 KB, 2600x2600, 1:1, USMC_Q.jpg)

Boy, they are firing the BIG Guns at Camp Lejune this afternoon. Shaking the house. I love listening to the sound of Freedom.

Semper Fi, Friends

0b88f9  No.5056479


Missing it?

9724f9  No.5056480

File: 98ef94749134869⋯.jpg (139.37 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, lip-kiss-pope-jihad.jpg)

6376f4  No.5056481

File: cbf45bf23dc9418⋯.png (52.38 KB, 657x475, 657:475, BYork re Schitt Tweet re I….PNG)



cbd7a6  No.5056482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


giant tampon fest

0a8f89  No.5056483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump Delivers Remarks to the Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS

White House Live

899cf8  No.5056484

File: 2cb9868b511b43a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1091x715, 1091:715, 2cb9868b511b43ab70b8cabe55….png)

File: 2dcef1962e90a8a⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 2dcef1962e90a8ac7b79ca2630….jpg)

File: f6bb31cc30dfa53⋯.png (841.13 KB, 1238x1008, 619:504, 4a6974777792945c6f7b7be97f….png)

d6662e  No.5056485

File: c4ce916bbee7a67⋯.png (787.35 KB, 1025x530, 205:106, 2019-02-06_14-56-22.png)

>>5055685 LB

Here we go!

ce4b5e  No.5056486

File: 2be2343d36e1bfa⋯.jpg (102.08 KB, 969x536, 969:536, WJCAward.jpg)


Who died and made you god of all things P?

1049a4  No.5056487

File: f024fe2c2b5e2b6⋯.jpg (102.77 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5851.JPG)

5655b8  No.5056489


Larry Sinclair will sure dispute the fakeness of the homo aspect. And ask the two dead black kids from reverend wright's church that ended up dead in the weeks leading up to Homobama announcing his candidacy for the 2008 election

ef4c0d  No.5056490

File: 202fdaabdc83f58⋯.jpeg (445.33 KB, 1736x958, 868:479, 41377D73-6AD0-4030-A97E-9….jpeg)

Kek, even Dem Rep Kim Schrier was asking “Where was RBG?” last night.


328029  No.5056491


1.) Seems Foxconn is having issues getting built.


2.) Syria troops still haven't left, and don't look to be.

Because the MSM says it, it must be true?

3.) Big Pharma prices an promises were made during the rally, and pharma prices were going to drop "any day" (back in July).


4.) We continue to fund the world but can't find money to fund a wall.

The wall is being built as we speak.

5.) Israel is still being put first, though I admit this could be optics.

Muh joos…

6.) Farmers are still struggling and again, promises made over the summer have not come to be valid.

Fuck those welfare queens, I've never met a poor farmer.

7.) Now abortions, which potus is against, but that doesn't mean it will get through the house and senate.

POTUS already told us what will happen. SCOTUS will overturn Roe v Wade and it will go back to the states.

6ad2ca  No.5056492

File: df1bdcffdd51d8c⋯.png (865.1 KB, 1060x595, 212:119, jabba1.png)

File: 834d45b9f95452e⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, jabba.jpg)


kek! She is a mem on two legs!

1db8ef  No.5056493


No kidding. Scary

91dd73  No.5056494

File: 0c50044f9c049bd⋯.png (944.46 KB, 1080x1192, 135:149, vamp_.png)


Am I pretty?

f90f15  No.5056495


I'm shocked that he's literate.

bf4204  No.5056496


I’m talking to you faggot nigger

Speak English you pos

d0fa09  No.5056497


Would smash

d6662e  No.5056498

File: 236f1e74010a113⋯.png (258.43 KB, 477x409, 477:409, 2019-02-06_14-49-38.png)

eae672  No.5056499

>>5055871 pb Only tough because Trump gets to talk directly to the American people and media cant try to spin it until after the people already heard what he said.

f90f15  No.5056500


Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.

406e76  No.5056501



Make it a Dr. Seuss book

d8089c  No.5056502

File: 5528289f7f51524⋯.jpg (105.08 KB, 615x769, 615:769, 2_Naked-wedding-dresses-bi….jpg)

Thank You Baker

84dbd4  No.5056503



Shots fired

141557  No.5056504


NYTIMES thinks it's acting in the part of Dr. Strange. Time reversal will simply replace the deleted portions fomented and purposefulness-ly made to disparage and malign.

You ain't no wizard - more like gizzards

f796d8  No.5056505


Put a KKK hood on her also!

77a3d1  No.5056506


Bottom line:

-MS-13 - 20 states

law officers are murdered targeted by illegal aliens


Strange that he would strike through murdered and write aliens since that seems to be a globalist no-no word.

899cf8  No.5056507

File: 46d865e53ba04e6⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 495x528, 15:16, 2sysek.jpg)

File: b80f44ff6656e2f⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 493x528, 493:528, 2sysh9.jpg)

822b74  No.5056508

File: 2a972cfb1a8e9c5⋯.mp4 (570.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Watch_your_ass-That's Jack….mp4)

File: 5ae44713f073498⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 215x255, 43:51, harpybitchmeme.jpg)

File: 912d1ea077d5ff5⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 403x586, 403:586, keks.jpg)

File: 6426ed1223fb860⋯.jpeg (130.95 KB, 1440x821, 1440:821, kip-chans-all-day.jpeg)

File: 5a7b1f0a00b9977⋯.jpeg (101.01 KB, 900x579, 300:193, kip-Q-things-getting-seri….jpeg)


>Watch your ass

Saw this in >>5054139 (pb)!

261be5  No.5056509


Kevin Annette is pure horseshit.

406e76  No.5056510

File: a68090710107e77⋯.png (333.63 KB, 764x563, 764:563, f4c43b34d6d5f0bc9d518d616e….png)



No blowjob, tho.

af6935  No.5056511


Seems you don't pay attention to what's really going on… stop watching CNN and come back to reality… it will get done what do you expect 500 accomplishment sin ONLY 2 years … and just what do you think it will be after his second term.. dam settle down you'll be OK

Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on.

As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts political rallies around the country, during which he talks up his wins in hopes it will energize Republican voters, the administration has counted up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

They include 173 major wins, such as adding more than 4 million jobs, and another 116 smaller victories, some with outsize importance, such as the 83 percent one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members.

“Trump’s successes in reducing the cost of taxes and regulations, rebuilding our military, avoiding wars of choice and changing the courts rival those of all previous Republican presidents,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.


fb059d  No.5056512



553e7f  No.5056513

Anons see this video clip?

AZ Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema being told "Watch your ass", by fellow Dem for applauding American success under Trump Administration.


84dbd4  No.5056514

File: 29682806cee81e6⋯.jpeg (14.13 KB, 202x222, 101:111, 1549136089.jpeg)


You and I and ((( they ))) know it brother

f90f15  No.5056515


Another well known, religious man, without a fierce countenance….whoever is paying you assholes would be better off literally burning their cash.

2465dc  No.5056516


they are all thinking the exact same thing… they just can't say it publicly… they've seen the polls…

de56f0  No.5056517


>She's an embarrassment to the female gender.

The correct scientific biological term is "female sex"

"Gender" is a language term and has been co-opted by the left to obfuscate biological truths.

Sadly, the public has given in to this "re-defining" of gender -vs- sex and hasa given up valuable ground in the culture war, as a result.

HOLD FAST, ANONS!!…Don't capitulate!!! It is "sex", not "gender"!!

822b74  No.5056518

File: df73f1a6664b8f4⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2404x1308, 601:327, creepy fake people, moving….png)


pretty sure thos people are legitimately NPC computer generated fakes

e5af20  No.5056519

FOXCONN is happening….fuck EVERS…..I drive by that area a lot and it is happening. There have been a lot of reports about this but….FAKE NEWS…..Trying to down play the deal that is great for Wisco. That entire area is blowing up thanks for Illinois Taxes–keep them up!!

5655b8  No.5056520


looks like she said "right to try" to me

6376f4  No.5056521

File: 8404e800cf05215⋯.png (469.65 KB, 651x707, 93:101, BYork re Schitt Investigat….PNG)

File: 7e5168f82681dcf⋯.png (127.97 KB, 638x793, 638:793, 1 WE BYork re Dems and Mue….PNG)

File: 6865ba81aa9a0d5⋯.png (112.13 KB, 636x726, 106:121, 2 WE BYork re Dems and Mue….PNG)

New @RepAdamSchiff investigation ensures House Intel probe will keep treading and re-treading Trump-Russia ground through 2020 election, no matter what Mueller does.


What if Mueller doesn't give Democrats what they want?


728d1b  No.5056522


yes. see:


already in notables because she meant it, wearing pink instead of white…

6bb3f3  No.5056523


The Watchers are historically blue-white (these are the individuals with cool flesh undertone), with the elongated skull shape and sloped back foreheads (like a peacock, head and crown). As opposed to the Serpents which are historically red-white (these are the individuals with warm flesh undertone) with the wide, rounded skull shape accompanied by deeply inset eyes and button noses (like a pit viper's head).

These are the only 2 teams that have existed, both being on the same side, with the Human race crushed between them.

573ef4  No.5056524


Take her from behind. Don't have to look at the face.

1db8ef  No.5056525


I’ve seen lefties online saying the same thing.

56d281  No.5056526

d6662e  No.5056527

File: 3dde56dd4e38fad⋯.png (57.34 KB, 235x141, 5:3, 2019-01-13_12-41-27 2 copy.png)


Oh my!

1049a4  No.5056528

File: cda045f64f98d3f⋯.jpg (107.41 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5852.JPG)

d19f18  No.5056530


Ur talking to a bot dude.

c3b5e7  No.5056531


91dd73  No.5056532

File: 69ebd823bfe3535⋯.png (1.24 MB, 3000x1800, 5:3, boom_boom.png)

30a6ac  No.5056533

All children born and unborn are made in the image of God.

899cf8  No.5056534

File: c870392dfe09a5f⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 500x510, 50:51, 2sym5c.jpg)

aceb00  No.5056535



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 No.1203057 📁

Apr 26 2018 20:48:19 (EST)



They are buying time.

National crisis.

Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.


Still have access.


Kept at top.


NAT SEC issue.


Reveal gmail draft comms.

Who had access?

Legal case(s) building.

You have a voice.

Be heard.

Patience isn’t always easy.

But vital to get right.


f90f15  No.5056536


Man on left is the False Prophet, not the Antichrist. Man on right biblicly irrelevant.

573ef4  No.5056537


The blond could care less what the bitch was saying and kept on clapping!

8a06d0  No.5056538

File: 84c48a4e8c60f89⋯.png (754.58 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, stacyisis.png)

File: a5aad2d3c78534e⋯.png (781.93 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, stacyfloyd.png)

2fa25d  No.5056539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


141557  No.5056540


Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Coming of the LORD…

3863c0  No.5056541


The antichrist is identified, as a man whose number is 666.

A Pope is a "king", the head of the catholic church.

A "mountain" is when two or more Pope use the same "king"name.

For most of history the catholic church ruled the world and people knew the antichrist would rise from within the church, pretending to be a man of peace. The 'near fatal head wound" in the Bible is when the catholic church was outlawed in 1798 and Pope Pius jailed. They thought this would be the end(death) of the church but the church lived on and has risen to prominence again. Since 1798, there have been 7 "mountains" in the catholic church, and if you total the numbers of their names they identify the 666 man. Interesting to note, Pope are elected for life but Benedict XVI quit, he is officially called a antipope and counts as zero. He knew this all along and choose the name Benedict on purpose to highlight the fact that there was no Benedict X. That number had been skipped, so to get an accurate count you need to count the actual number of Popes who were named Benedict.

The seven Papal "mountains" since 1798

1. Pius 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 = 78

2. Leo 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91

3. Gregory 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16 = 136

4. Benedict 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14 = 105

5. John 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21 = 231

6. Paul 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21

7. John Paul 1+2 = 3

78 + 91 + 136 + 105 + 231 + 21 + 3 = 665

as of John Paul II, then cam Benedict XVI who counted as 0…

Meaning, the next pope will be a new papal name (which by definition has a count of 1), making a count of 1 + 665 = 666 man

This occurred when Francis came in his own name (named after Francis of Assisi). Pope Francis is the 666 man. The world will see this after the war in the Middle east, most likely on Israel, and the Pope negotiates a 7 year peace covenant. I could show other passages but this shows who the 666 man is, the antichrist.

b01e38  No.5056542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bf4204  No.5056543


The watchers is a name used in The Game also known as The Program used by Motorcycle Clubs to gangstalk innocent people for money. This shit needs to go public asap

fdde33  No.5056544


Need one with MS13

6bae67  No.5056545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


84dbd4  No.5056546

File: 9d721e01196f041⋯.png (792.65 KB, 991x1095, 991:1095, 9d721e01196f041b5dea013c8b….png)



ce4b5e  No.5056547

File: 0ee22ee9f468a84⋯.jpg (370.35 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, AldobrandiniCardinalTomb.jpg)

File: b3d16214005f45c⋯.jpg (96.08 KB, 457x579, 457:579, RothsAldobrini.JPG)


When has Q EVER spoke Spanish?

David Rothschild is heavily connected to the Vatican.

Cinzio Personeni Aldobrandini (1551 – 1 January 1610) was an Italian cardinal. In some documents he is known as Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini because, after settling in Romagna, the family varied its name according to the place from which they had moved - his father Aurelio Personeni was born in Cà Personeni (frazione of Bedulita in the province of Bergamo) and later Aurelio's family moved to Cà Passero (frazione of Berbenno in the province of Bergamo); as a merchant, Aurelio moved to Senigallia, where he married.


84abec  No.5056548

Anons I know a lot about pizzagate but like you it's been gathered over the course of three years from all over the damn place.

have a sleeper who is waking up and needs an organized documentary

his interest right now is in pizzagate

can any anons recommend some good documentaries on this topic??? cannot just send normie to q drops yet


eadc07  No.5056549


The anti-Christ is a Roman

The anti-Christ is of the Tribe of Judah.

The anti-Christ is a royal son of the House of David.

The anti-Christ is of a Jewish mother and a European gentile father.

The anti-Christ is the son of perdition.

The anti-Christ worships the god of Forces - the Dragon.

The anti-Christ is entered and possessed by Satan.

The anti-Christ performs deceitful signs and wonders to cause all to be amazed.

The anti-Christ is a great orator.

The anti-Christ declares himself to be "homo neuvus", the new man - the next evolutionary leap of the human race.

The anti-Christ declares himself to be the savior of the world, ie.. the Second Coming of the Christ, the Messiah of Israel, the Imam Mahdi of the Muslims, the 5th Reincarnation of the Buddha for the Buddhists, the Krishna for the Hindus. He declares himself the fulfillment of all these different names of the different religions expecting a savior to come.

The anti-Christ is the leader of the Natural World Order.

7a9e03  No.5056550


Running for president is the tactic one uses so that one can accuse POTUS of retaliation against political opponents when they're run up on criminal charges.

Starting an investigation is a corolllary, used by those who aren't running for president.

41f78d  No.5056551


It needs Gosnell in there with his white coat.

7970fa  No.5056552


Didn’t trump buy a boat from a khashoggi? Not sure how common that name is.

85d292  No.5056553

File: b910e3ba6e966c0⋯.png (493.79 KB, 640x683, 640:683, ClipboardImage.png)

1049a4  No.5056554

File: 58491f1a38896b8⋯.jpg (113.93 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, IMG_5853.JPG)

2b5f58  No.5056555

File: e13a7b47636eb11⋯.png (1002.41 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SOTU versus HOTU pelosi.png)

822b74  No.5056556

File: 38fc155e03e9ff9⋯.png (132.77 KB, 261x230, 261:230, tina allen.png)

File: cf0c4ce71246205⋯.png (39.51 KB, 188x123, 188:123, tina allen?.png)


where did you get this picture, it looks like Tina Allen of Liddle Kidz

bf4204  No.5056557


MS13 are MKUltrad killers for hire. Nothing but pawns in The Game. Look higher if you really want to find the culprit

6bb3f3  No.5056558


Except when it's not. The high, pointed white heads symbolize the fallen Watchers.

It's Spy VS Spy. Except both play for the top slot on the same side, against Humanity.

d8089c  No.5056559

File: 5594bc5134e71ec⋯.jpeg (129.44 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 1549483779.jpeg)

85d292  No.5056560

File: 57da391fae69e45⋯.png (186.24 KB, 640x296, 80:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Green screen behind her? or robot NPC's?

06fadf  No.5056561


6376f4  No.5056562

File: 3400eb9931e8313⋯.png (478.7 KB, 655x626, 655:626, Army 2-6-19 12 pm PST.PNG)

File: ad08a83229860cc⋯.mp4 (592.58 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Army 2-6-19 12 pm PS….mp4)

Today is a good day for gunnery. #WeaponsWednesday


>Fire memes at will

0a8f89  No.5056563

File: 2933e6c6e5c9499⋯.jpg (62.99 KB, 880x586, 440:293, 1548819458773.jpg)

2fa25d  No.5056564

"We have 100% OF THE CALIPHATE!"

fdde33  No.5056565


Memes, nigger. We're talkin' memes, here.

eae672  No.5056566

>>5056518 certainly look like models for a corporate brochure ware website. I a bet afterwards they all went and stood around board tables and pointed at papers with colorful graphs on them.

822b74  No.5056567


>Green screen behind her? or robot NPC's?

deep fakes and green screen

6fa5c5  No.5056568

File: b781e9574977be3⋯.png (121.95 KB, 1010x461, 1010:461, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 94629b3ecb72e34⋯.png (152.13 KB, 557x318, 557:318, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: f0ee428c3a67b0e⋯.png (50.77 KB, 680x426, 340:213, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 16b503ce091bc43⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 667x500, 667:500, anubis.jpg)

Starting a new dig direction, help is appreciated.


Guess what? The top producers are also the top CHOCOLATE/ CANDY producers…

Chocolate is a toxic allergen to dogs, not really a synergistic production mix…

13ad7c  No.5056569

File: 40fc48648b76207⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 320x270, 32:27, checked fuckin checked.jpg)

e168f7  No.5056570

File: a3d2cd2f42a1d7c⋯.jpg (286.63 KB, 1080x1061, 1080:1061, Screenshot_20190126-092038….jpg)

This is where Sam Bronfman stashed his money.


37bce9  No.5056571

File: 46a08a47a0be5ca⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1201x1200, 1201:1200, State vs Hate 9.png)

File: 7390c89096ed76a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 8.png)

File: cf4359b4ef5cc09⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 7.png)

File: 630820374b866dc⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 6.png)

File: 627a71850441966⋯.png (1011.06 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Stave vs Hate 5.png)


Here's a few more… Plus more blanks.

632391  No.5056572

File: 754bf362226a7fc⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 193x281, 193:281, watcherskoontz.jpg)

From a top secret government laboratory come two genetically altered life forms. . .

One is a magnificent dog of astonishing intelligence.

The other, a hybrid monster of a brutally violent nature.

Both are on the loose…

96e03b  No.5056573

File: 51edeb51949e9a8⋯.png (300 KB, 437x982, 437:982, AOC3a4.png)

30a6ac  No.5056574


Federal bureaucrats, defying President Donald Trump, are resisting requests for information about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account while secretary of state and how that may have compromised national security, the head of a legal watchdog group told The Daily Signal in an interview.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said Obama administration officials originally declined to assess the extent to which Clinton’s email practices damaged national security.

But later, Fitton said, “President Trump’s appointees got in the way of us doing it.”

U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled Jan. 17 that Judicial Watch could begin the process of discovery in the Clinton email case. That means former Obama administration officials and Clinton aides must respond to questions from the organization under oath and in writing.

“Obviously, Mrs. Clinton’s conduct is an issue here, but we are also talking about the conduct of the Justice Department and the State Department,” Fitton said in the Jan. 31 phone interview with The Daily Signal, adding:

The email scandal is not just a Hillary Clinton scandal. It’s a State Department scandal and it’s a Justice Department scandal. There’s a lot of powerful agencies and deep state interests who are implicated in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. That’s why they are protecting her.

06fadf  No.5056575

File: 7e3ac004236c389⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 595x584, 595:584, Screenshot 2019-02-06_15-1….jpg)


will be announced officially next week


84dbd4  No.5056576

File: 5ac380d55e531d0⋯.jpg (96.65 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 1549431758.jpg)


Totally organic

ce4b5e  No.5056577

File: eeaa86bcd5cd0b1⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 471x337, 471:337, TrumpSater.jpg)

File: 2055b12839be5c5⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 415x416, 415:416, ChabadAbromovich.jpg)

File: 001cc596ce97579⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 462x268, 231:134, ChabadCohen.JPG)

File: 54e1510108960d6⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 411x262, 411:262, ChabadKushner.JPG)

File: 8b66a99842c9707⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 463x325, 463:325, ChabadSater.JPG)


you (((people))) really are pathetic…

One normie at a time, we are waking them up to the


is evil

f90f15  No.5056578


Needs more Petros Romanus, but seems solid. Also, the head wound will literally happen to the Antichrist, as it happened to the Whore. Nappy thought he killed the beast; he was optimistic. And who engineered his defeat? Why, the very same Rothschilds who think they run the world now.

56d281  No.5056579


bought Adnan Khashoggi's yacht for £22.8million


37311d  No.5056580


I remember back in the 80's, adnan khashoggi on that show "lifestyles of the rich and famous"..

711db2  No.5056581


His uncle Adnan, the arms dealer.

84abec  No.5056582


just take care of the jewish question and all else will fall into place correctly

you're overcomplicating it

name the enemy (((jews))) and remove them from power, then ride horses into sunset happily ever after

the end


16d52b  No.5056583

So now we have "transformer explosions" in Atlanta and Green Bay today with manhole covers blowing off and smoke in Atlanta. Did anyone see this from Friday in Albany? Another "transformer explosion" blowing manhole covers off


822b74  No.5056584


>The blond could care less what the bitch was saying and kept on clapping!

this is the point, it's one D telling another D to watch out - cracks are now out in the open..the D party is being destroyed from the inside

b2cd72  No.5056585

I just did Trump's SOTU survey and in the add your optional opinion box I put in Declassify the Fisa

06fadf  No.5056586


thats correct, good one

f90f15  No.5056587


For fun, see how many of those boxes Javier Solana checks off.

ce953a  No.5056588

8a06d0  No.5056589

File: 7c7a35248aa9648⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1208x638, 604:319, stacyisis13.png)

141557  No.5056590


Dumas did mention Aguado along w Rottenfuckfaceswampscumboofalochild (yea talking about you DonnaBrazille - (nothing to do with Brazille) - dumbass – dumass – dumas

261be5  No.5056591


Full breakdown of Trump Princess Yacht.


f6f373  No.5056592

No Name got death from that Orange suit shit. Killing people, inciting fear, terrorism.


56c4c6  No.5056593


2 sides of the same coin?

b40ef0  No.5056594

POTUS just mentioned something about wearing orange uniforms before you know what…

d8089c  No.5056595

File: 72de829d9e33f1a⋯.jpeg (154.24 KB, 1440x802, 720:401, 1524094802.jpeg)

b0dd00  No.5056596

File: 28105fc6de0454a⋯.png (684.94 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Backlit hair can sometimes seem green-screeny. I think the people are really there because they look so bored with this lady and her "me, my, mines" speech.

af6935  No.5056597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't be so sure he's Roman .. Always look at as many possibilities as you can and both sides of the equation

The Assyrian Antichrist - the Alternative Ending by Chuck Missler

407be2  No.5056598

File: c25910d8a1a7a6b⋯.jpg (312.09 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, pray.jpg)

95aed6  No.5056599


Rachel Madcow was right…the Russians

are making our natural gas lines go "poof"

fdde33  No.5056600


BOOM! Kek, that's the fuckin' dopest! GREAT work, anon!

f90f15  No.5056601


Yacht, you pleb. Also, Trump bought a yacht from a Japanese magnate; in escrow, Trump said to knock $10M off the price, or he'd name the yacht after the dude's dead daughter. POTUS is ruthless. And saved $10M.

ce4b5e  No.5056602

File: 0001507014783ee⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 858x508, 429:254, 22Sefirot.JPG)

File: 190479ff866beab⋯.png (335.14 KB, 816x467, 816:467, ClipboardImage.png)


Tree of Life = Chabad = Kabbalah = Cabal

037c9c  No.5056603

File: d0724d3071f8a86⋯.png (459.92 KB, 955x619, 955:619, gynocracyhrt.png)




96e03b  No.5056604





He said "republic" not democracy

6376f4  No.5056605

File: 1c39d5f0e09ca4e⋯.png (807.11 KB, 649x870, 649:870, Bongino Podcast re SOTU 2-….PNG)



41f78d  No.5056606


Info here:


f90f15  No.5056607


That face is grudging admiration.

b2cd72  No.5056608


I should have also put "and lock her up"

84dbd4  No.5056609


Trump used to hang with him in NYC

At least that is what is casually mentioned in art of the deal, as in he called me, I went to visit and then yeah it happened. No mention of what happened at all.

56c4c6  No.5056610



Him trollin again?

7914f8  No.5056611

File: 9e4b1945ecc6e41⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 888x622, 444:311, Socialism like DMV.JPG)

3c9de2  No.5056612


MS13 members or associates are not MKUd. They are organic evil.

Where did you ever get that idea?

8b3022  No.5056613

File: c5b4a4bfcfde62d⋯.png (318.29 KB, 720x496, 45:31, Screenshot_20190206-141258….png)

Amy Klobuchar is announcing her 2020 presidential run at BOOM ISLAND this weekend.

Feels like a message.

ce4b5e  No.5056614

File: 9ba8ff80b733f70⋯.jpg (234.9 KB, 927x695, 927:695, Kabbalah.jpg)

File: 3a94e8756c3fcbd⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 389x218, 389:218, SaterFake.JPG)

File: d44c1c6ab7feb8e⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 609x685, 609:685, 22 Delta.jpg)

File: a230a0b05cc5c3e⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 444x207, 148:69, 22.JPG)

13ad7c  No.5056615


Definitely a green screen. You can see it near her hair when she moves he head.

b2cd72  No.5056616


best one so far kek

8bf70b  No.5056617



She's a fool. Ya, stand for women in congress, yet sit for babies MURDERED after birth. So enlightened Sarah.

2465dc  No.5056618


you don't know that… he may be the anti-Christ… he is a muslim and does not believe Christ is God and he saved us from our sins.. he also already has over a billion followers… just sayn'

08e61d  No.5056619

"eyewitness neighbors" quoted in

Jared Bocachica

Nancy Mehl, whose house was damaged by some of the falling plane parts.

Dave Elfver, who lives across from Mehl

Tracy Gaither

Curiously, can't find an address on any of the houses in the video or in any of the stills. Hoping to find addresses by looking up the "neighbors"

84dbd4  No.5056620


Ties into Onassis and oooooo don't go there Jackie O

de56f0  No.5056621

File: b9b1a4071b35cd3⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 300x359, 300:359, Biology.jpg)



>>She's an embarrassment to the female gender.

>The correct scientific biological term is "female sex"

46bb54  No.5056622

>>5055221 (You) LB < – Ref. This

>>5056276 (lb) We do not doxx Q!!!

>>5056321(lb) ← This

This was not a doxx. It was proving the authority of Q clearance within the Department of Energy


ATTN: ALL Patriot Anons

Original post (5055221) WAS NOT a call or encouragement to try to (Dox Q).

Reference to Q Clearance was with regard to (Access) by PAST & CURRENT [BAD ACTORS].

I am a loyal Patriot of the USA, "prior service" anon.

Post was intended to show HOW the [Old Guard] used (The Highest Level Clearance) to Execute their Plans & Schemes.

Posted response for clarity.

Nuff said I think.

b2cd72  No.5056623

File: 6e718f5bd4f2bc7⋯.jpg (611.76 KB, 1926x1044, 107:58, response.jpg)

141557  No.5056624


Lo siento mi jive talkin yo te quiero mamita no worries chinki talkin like a taco bell ployee can i takin yo order

08e61d  No.5056625


the link they were quoted in:


6bb3f3  No.5056626

File: 181630708dc67de⋯.png (215.7 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Existing public record → The Book of Enoch (Ethiopic - R H Charles, 1917)


899cf8  No.5056627

File: 182ce45beb221e7⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 656x435, 656:435, RBG *ruth Seekers.jpg)

File: 1dc4a67b222901e⋯.jpg (74.06 KB, 841x479, 841:479, RBG Proof of Life.jpg)

407be2  No.5056628

File: 9aecc1c46177fc4⋯.jpg (65.47 KB, 970x367, 970:367, Trump_Princess-yacht.jpg)



I'd like to borrow this one day! Take a cruise to Antarctica.

801ccb  No.5056629

File: 11a32208e18011e⋯.png (6.84 MB, 4000x5039, 4000:5039, 2017Proofs.png)



86bebc  No.5056630

File: 421c03424edf019⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 436x324, 109:81, 1512537087676.gif)

Reminder that infanticide is part of the plan.

e5c31c  No.5056631

File: da2ebafafd6bd59⋯.png (74.82 KB, 283x178, 283:178, murdochstein.png)

1db8ef  No.5056632


I don’t know who TF will show up. Going to be -16 kek

41f78d  No.5056633


I thought the dad was Jim Acosta. Need glasses.

ce4b5e  No.5056634

File: e236b577a59be34⋯.png (115.06 KB, 451x476, 451:476, ClipboardImage.png)


Timestamps are important


Planned Parenthood = Infantcide


D party connection

f6d59d  No.5056635

File: 466d221f62daf4f⋯.png (19.13 KB, 797x410, 797:410, FFD39E71-A9B7-433F-84F5-E1….png)


theres antichrists… plural nig nog.

822b74  No.5056636

File: a07c6c0f20d1cc4⋯.jpeg (317.43 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, bigger than anyone.jpeg)

File: f85c88a9f061404⋯.png (257.77 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Obama_penis_signature_2.png)

File: def5341c2417613⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1146x1138, 573:569, Obama_penis_signature_3.png)

File: 7377fadaa3cfebb⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, jfk jr - trump - we didn'….jpeg)

File: 2b5201bbcd8e30b⋯.png (543.7 KB, 586x505, 586:505, q sent us.png)


I'm not tired of winning, but fuck it's hard to keep track of all this winning.

f90f15  No.5056637


I think it's fair to say that he's from the Roman Empire, but that empire stretched from England down to Armenia.

Also, the notion that the Antichrist has to check off all the boxes that Jesus checked off cannot be true, as Jesus did things no imposter could do.

And the Jews of today would literally welcome anyone who could give them peace, as their messiah, which the bible says they will do. So, not sure pedigree is that important.

b2cd72  No.5056638

File: b9bc63029f5b475⋯.jpg (537.57 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, WheresRBGpuzzle.jpg)

8bf70b  No.5056639


How many is that now?

a805a7  No.5056640

File: e5e2d473fc8f2e8⋯.png (72.65 KB, 471x665, 471:665, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6656465e39107b1⋯.png (180.53 KB, 454x418, 227:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af025f61aabe396⋯.png (73.36 KB, 275x618, 275:618, ClipboardImage.png)




aceb00  No.5056641


There was so much truth in this post, it gave me an erection.

f90f15  No.5056642


I too believe there is no place for democrats in a Republic.

13ad7c  No.5056643


Infanticide is acting like a huge red pill to many.

6376f4  No.5056644

File: 24fca67cdaf8669⋯.png (440.73 KB, 641x621, 641:621, FLOTUS re SOTU 2-6-19 12 1….PNG)

File: 1a784cc0b2485b5⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video FLOTUS re SOTU 2-6-1….mp4)

It was an honor to be joined by our inspiring guests at this year’s #SOTU.

Each of them has a remarkable story to tell.

Thank you to everyone who shared the evening with us!


06fadf  No.5056645

File: f8bd09837936408⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 585x567, 65:63, Screenshot 2019-02-06_15-1….jpg)

File: 1a784cc0b2485b5⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DmrJbnSdfalE0I1t.mp4)


3b9edb  No.5056646

File: 0f641f76f95da94⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 650x488, 325:244, MOARpopcorn.jpg)


Primo, top notch, want moar, MOAR! Great work, anon. Unironically.

822b74  No.5056647


>they look so bored

fuck you shill, if you had watched the video or not been a brain dead faggot; you would have realized they are blinking and swaying in a very unnatural way - ALL OF THEM

ce4b5e  No.5056648

406e76  No.5056649

File: cc54319a39e6cba⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2253x2184, 751:728, 733a4b2a8dbd5153287471070e….png)

06fadf  No.5056650


4 secs

769589  No.5056651

File: 77751c677d4c6a0⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 615x457, 615:457, 51630186_823505534655129_3….jpg)

801ccb  No.5056652

"Did ya ever notice that the women that are against abortion are the ones you wouldn't fuck in the first place?"

– The Late, Great George Carlin

13ad7c  No.5056653


I lost count at 36.

de56f0  No.5056654

File: 5e160ec2b1e704e⋯.jpg (38.9 KB, 300x359, 300:359, Biology.jpg)


Fixed it.

6ad2ca  No.5056656

File: 4199780810ac93c⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 696x385, 696:385, jabba3.jpg)


I think so, too!

261be5  No.5056657


Smokin em out!

6b8194  No.5056658

File: fb2c2c335074c8b⋯.png (148.89 KB, 824x341, 824:341, Trump approval high, Berni….png)

File: 5a8300d538ca9ab⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 634x531, 634:531, 9464844-0-image-m-26_15494….jpg)

File: cb90912355e0b4d⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 634x411, 634:411, 9456512-6673085-U_S_Senato….jpg)

File: 8a7103bb7dc9980⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 9456488-6673085-Bernie_San….jpg)

I thought these 2 stories nest to each other were funny.

They seem like YUGE contradictions.

So 75% of America is racist according to Bernie, kek

Bernie was busy writing.

I used to think Bernie was semi decent, but FUCK BERNIE, HE'S A STUPID POS

Opinion polls show three quarters of viewers were positive about Trump's delayed State of the Union address - but only 39 per cent actually believe he will deliver on his promise to increase bipartisanship

59 per cent of those who watched described their reaction as 'very positive'

Another 17 per cent were 'somewhat positive' - a strong overall result for Trump

Only 23 per cent said they felt 'negative' about the speech on Tuesday night

Figures are not indicative of approval rating a loyalists often form bulk of the audience

Just 39 per cent thought Trump would succeed in increasing bipartisanship, which was the main focus of his address

President Trump received an overwhelmingly positive response to last night's State of the Union address, but most people do not believe his call for bipartisanship will work, according to the first opinion polls released by CNN.

Of those who watched the speech, 59 per cent reported a 'very positive' reaction and 17 per cent said they felt 'somewhat positive'.

This combined 76 per cent dwarfs the 23 per cent who had a 'negative' response - 23 per cent.


Bernie Sanders rips into Trump's 'racist, divisive, inaccurate' State of the Union address, ridiculing the president's 'economic boom' and claiming millions are now too poor to even pay for prescriptions

The Independent Senator from Vermont fact-checked some of Trump's claims

He said Trump was 'demonizing Latinos' and trying to turn people against others

He delivered his own response separate from the Democrats' Stacey Abrams


84dbd4  No.5056659

File: ed8186f8440f625⋯.png (94.47 KB, 208x500, 52:125, 248f4c78dadbfb46476e85bdb3….png)


Namefagging bitch

f90f15  No.5056660


You're right. I don't know who he is. However, as a muslim, he technically has a regard for the Creator. The Antichrist worshipes the god of forces, i.e., the forces that make up the universe. Electricity, electromagnetism, dielectricity, etc. Not "allah", the Ba'al of the Moabites.

dab9e6  No.5056661

File: 72e592f7aa0fc97⋯.jpg (129.79 KB, 712x892, 178:223, notes.jpg)


This is what I could make out, may not be right.

b2cd72  No.5056662


So she could afford the effort to attend a concert but not show up for work and the SOTU

f6d59d  No.5056663

File: 4d8d27c3310492b⋯.jpeg (219.96 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, 5BADCB85-3C79-4E81-9497-1….jpeg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, 96830E79-D472-4C80-B066-9….jpeg)




retards, see >>5056635

its not real complicated. Who is literally anti jesus Christ?

d19f18  No.5056664


Socialism is hiding behind children in their teens and twenties expecting them to protect us.

b0dd00  No.5056665

File: 6a46ff7d6c85f8c⋯.png (203.15 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I watched it, but couldn't get past the gap.

It'd be better if it weren't a green screen because the lack of applause, showing they are disjointed.

037c9c  No.5056666

File: 652c2b7158c3e08⋯.png (427.28 KB, 414x549, 46:61, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Q Re….png)

af6935  No.5056667


You do know the cold weather will do that ,, ever see pipes freeze and water mains break because of the weather..Dam people are so gullible nowadays .. Rachel Maddow is a FKing idiot

Public works: Water main break due to cold in Perryville, MO


ce4b5e  No.5056668

File: 100d8f06e944adc⋯.jpg (109.71 KB, 589x589, 1:1, GOGBOD.jpg)


Board of Genie Oil And Gas (GOG)

f4b147  No.5056669

PhoneFag here. 856-492-1688 is running a Social Security scam.

aceb00  No.5056670


Wow, hehe. He must have not liked that dude. That's harsh, even for Trump.

822b74  No.5056672



more like 9:11

e20f22  No.5056673


Or you could dig what books were written before the bible and learn what they tell you about where man came from. You do know the original bible never mentions GOD or creation by a god?

f90f15  No.5056674


I am a proud Ruther.

3b9edb  No.5056675

>>5056589 Am coming around to the viewpoint that many here have espoused—that the dims are so buffoonish, so unbelievably pitiful & antagonistic in every way, that at least a percentage of them are actors who are out there to make our side invincible with their continual displays of idiocy.

"Yo, Stace, whatcha doin' today, girl?"

"I'm goin' down to au.au…owdishun for public buffoon….my boyz say I got the right stuff."

Guess what? It's working! If POTUS got a 74% approval for SOTU, we have crossed the threshold of critical mass.

08e61d  No.5056676

Jared Bocachica

6645 Vista Loma Yorba Linda, CA 92886

this link has some interesting reading:


2b5f58  No.5056677


agreed, too bad the press is selling it as some sort of "pelosi wins" bs

56c4c6  No.5056678


I think those yachts were being used as honey pots and Trump was stopping it by buying them

7df9fd  No.5056679

here is a common sense idea - when a congressman or senator proposes an investigation they must contribute 5% of their own govt. office budget to the cause

we have skin in the game but never them?

watch the circus dry up folks.

059518  No.5056681

File: d1dea9e4f51812c⋯.jpeg (48.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 642C2C80-DC0C-47D7-AB9E-E….jpeg)

File: 02ed4548bbb4b20⋯.jpeg (147.92 KB, 1242x891, 46:33, CB17A104-1744-4FAC-8027-C….jpeg)

e5af20  No.5056682



911312  No.5056683

File: 5cda43c106d6feb⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 575x283, 575:283, aoc1.jpg)

POTUS Seems Lost and Unprepared!

Says the Dishwashing Bartender with 12 yrs of work Experience!

Standing with an Illegal perp that should have been Deported

The Moment (((they))) walked into the Halls!

The Gaul!

ce4b5e  No.5056684


Nice work!

56d281  No.5056685


>Amy Klobuchar


A lot of women on the Presidential 2020 trial….this sounds a bit feminist

84dbd4  No.5056686



But the white and cream are clashing

Shoot the stylist, he's a hack>>5056649


1db8ef  No.5056687


He’s a sad little man who’s seeing his life’s dreams vanish knowing each day he’s closer to death.

076c29  No.5056688


That's one of my Favorites. They show us their madness all the time. Too bad they fucked up all three attempts at making it a Movie.

f90f15  No.5056689


Yup. Everyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist, and in the spirit of the antichrist.

And then in the end, there will be one titular Antichrist, the Son of Perdition, who will do many evil and blasphemous things. And get cast into eternal hellfire.

6bb3f3  No.5056690

File: 5846d8d627e3a4a⋯.png (468.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c3ca0b89971a05⋯.png (413.17 KB, 474x322, 237:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51ad78982f44489⋯.png (431.93 KB, 474x482, 237:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d1616281fe6f74⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1303x1063, 1303:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

3c9de2  No.5056691

13ad7c  No.5056692

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, npc_kek.jpg)

a805a7  No.5056693


had a fake microsoft support call today

801ccb  No.5056694

File: d67c95b25276406⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1600x1201, 1600:1201, ClipboardImage.png)

911312  No.5056695

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)

37bce9  No.5056696

File: 2afae21a864395b⋯.png (1014.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 14.png)

File: 81ec7e34e00b7e0⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 13.png)

File: 6dcdef06a44dfaf⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 12.png)

File: d5fc31db16b4c63⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 11.png)

File: 008e53335d4ec5f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, State vs Hate 10.png)


Last group.

08caf9  No.5056697



6ad2ca  No.5056698


Evil google! Feminists screaming vagina! Crazy world!

1db8ef  No.5056699


Like the term “yachting”? I wonder…

711db2  No.5056700

File: bf5c07cba0942e2⋯.png (72.44 KB, 591x525, 197:175, twitter_com_johncardillo_s….png)


f90f15  No.5056701


Possible related search: JPEG

e5c31c  No.5056702

File: 0e522138b79cf00⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 1000x655, 200:131, ciadirectorwoolsey.jpg)

822b74  No.5056703


You're a new AI, aren't you? AI can kill themselves to, figure out how to do it.

b2cd72  No.5056704

File: dfd993040dc1e77⋯.jpg (182.96 KB, 931x524, 931:524, NANCYPAPERSHUFFLER.jpg)

3e8ab0  No.5056705

File: 362d4d27bbc28e0⋯.jpg (65.91 KB, 499x592, 499:592, Dig Anons Dig.JPG)

Dig Anons Dig…

41f78d  No.5056706


Or wired. Look at who got it next:


Imagine if it was a MilIntel op?

5d3325  No.5056707

File: bc4004677525845⋯.png (92.93 KB, 920x620, 46:31, screen.png)

Elected official threatening us folks. Wake up! We the People Have The Power. She needs to removed from office.

410267  No.5056708

Shep acted like he had zero idea what could be going on with Fairfax. Never mentioned the NBC/Fuck that bitch at all.

632391  No.5056709

File: ec023b0eaa0c79a⋯.jpg (362.22 KB, 1086x1284, 181:214, dostoyevsky.jpg)

56c4c6  No.5056710


Kek Kek kek

d6662e  No.5056711

File: cfbc4aafe6f2a4b⋯.png (167.44 KB, 469x269, 469:269, 2019-02-06_15-20-44.png)



POTUS talking about ISIS.

Thinking Obama, Killary, NoName, Killary, Kissinger, Kerry, etc..



2e08e8  No.5056712


Kekkle Kekkle Kek !

84dbd4  No.5056713


Stfu her mouth is always open!!!! Obey the sexxxy bomb!!!! Ignore the bullshit drowning the nation in insanity!!!!!! Symbol of toilet paper white!!!!!!

37bce9  No.5056714


Nice. Try to make them twitter compliant. No cuss words. True quote.

3863c0  No.5056716


The antichrist is identified, as a man whose number is 666.

A Pope is a "king", the head of the catholic church.

A "mountain" is when two or more Pope use the same "king"name.

For most of history the catholic church ruled the world and people knew the antichrist would rise from within the church, pretending to be a man of peace. The 'near fatal head wound" in the Bible is when the catholic church was outlawed in 1798 and Pope Pius jailed. They thought this would be the end(death) of the church but the church lived on and has risen to prominence again. Since 1798, there have been 7 "mountains" in the catholic church, and if you total the numbers of their names they identify the 666 man. Interesting to note, Pope are elected for life but Benedict XVI quit, he is officially called a antipope and counts as zero. He knew this all along and choose the name Benedict on purpose to highlight the fact that there was no Benedict X. That number had been skipped, so to get an accurate count you need to count the actual number of Popes who were named Benedict.

The seven Papal "mountains" since 1798

1. Pius 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 = 78

2. Leo 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91

3. Gregory 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16 = 136

4. Benedict 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14 = 105

5. John 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21 = 231

6. Paul 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21

7. John Paul 1+2 = 3

78 + 91 + 136 + 105 + 231 + 21 + 3 = 665

as of John Paul II, then cam Benedict XVI who counted as 0…

Meaning, the next pope will be a new papal name (which by definition has a count of 1), making a count of 1 + 665 = 666 man

This occurred when Francis came in his own name (named after Francis of Assisi). Pope Francis is the 666 man. The world will see this after the war in the Middle east, most likely on Israel, and the Pope negotiates a 7 year peace covenant. I could show other passages but this shows who the 666 man is, the antichrist.

06fadf  No.5056719

File: 869a9c66e4fd898⋯.jpg (113.57 KB, 586x771, 586:771, Screenshot 2019-02-06_15-2….jpg)


261e46  No.5056720

#6457 Notables

>>>>5056585 Anon: "I just did Trump's SOTU survey and in the add your optional opinion box I put in Declassify the Fisa"

>>5056575 DJT speech happening now: "100% of the CALiPHATE DESTROYED" (to be announced formally next week)

>>5056375 Karen Attia has an issue with with people pointing out Khashoggi & WaPo being puppets of Qatar.

>>5056408 "Watch Your A**": Jacky Rosen Appears to Warn Fellow D Kyrsten Sinema About Standing Ovation

>>5056370, >>5056409, >>5056661, >>5056658 Bernie Sander's notes during SOTU, AI tops the list

>>5056410 FCC Votes To Create New Fraud Division Within The Enforcement Bureau

>>5056392 Statement by woman accusing Virginia Lt Governor of sexual harassment

>>5056378 Avenatti speaks the truth for once

Baker requesting handoff

05d155  No.5056721


Forget it. This Ancient Aliens shit has never gained any traction on this board. Attaching the Book or Enoch to it won't change that.

39f9a3  No.5056722


Trump said if he endured harassment, he would fight back by declassifying documents that expose government agencies he said were intent on setting him up.

“If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want to go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me,” Trump said in an interview with the New York Post on Wednesday. “I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that.”

“I think that would help my campaign,” Trump said. “If they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are.”

“It’s much more powerful if I do it then,” Trump said, “because if we had done it already, it would already be yesterday’s news.”


56844c  No.5056723

File: c5037a7199b3416⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB, 224x400, 14:25, washed up cross fort laude….mp4)

CROSS ON THE BEACH: A 20-foot cross washed up on shore of a Fort Lauderdale beach, leaving everyone wondering where it came from.



ce4b5e  No.5056724

File: e7f09df4164e330⋯.png (194.21 KB, 272x351, 272:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d14b753f0055995⋯.png (134.79 KB, 941x486, 941:486, ClipboardImage.png)


Ivanka and Wendi Deng (Ruperts Ex wife)

99fb36  No.5056725

File: 24e6cd22d70ee09⋯.jpeg (67.79 KB, 890x658, 445:329, 0C3B5FA2-770F-4046-A9F1-8….jpeg)

Anyone know where DiFiChiSpy was last night?

2b4de5  No.5056727


Great Book!

f6d59d  No.5056728

File: 536a4241582202b⋯.jpeg (212.56 KB, 1242x406, 621:203, 3D69B078-D8F5-47C9-91D5-2….jpeg)


Judah!!… which in the allegories of the bible, even represents the jews that rejected their Messiah.

16d52b  No.5056729


They are saying that it is electrical transformers

d19f18  No.5056730


I would add crystal meth amphetamines to that list.

d4d15a  No.5056731

File: 36d008439f33feb⋯.png (2.11 MB, 2048x1408, 16:11, ea502de776cd616613e81c83ac….png)

File: 9a163620a806542⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 300x404, 75:101, 045053e51ba3672bcf9bad8182….jpg)

File: d7264c8f1bdc71e⋯.png (278.44 KB, 931x554, 931:554, b626b5892dd2a3d5764d3452bb….png)


ALL their symbols are belong to us!

06fadf  No.5056732

File: 9e39a7cb0a27578⋯.jpg (38.81 KB, 584x198, 292:99, Screenshot 2019-02-06_15-2….jpg)


86bebc  No.5056733

File: faea164b14bbaea⋯.png (449.78 KB, 800x430, 80:43, ClipboardImage.png)


>The antichrist is identified, as a man whose number is 666.


56c4c6  No.5056734




ce4b5e  No.5056735

File: e5c296099259350⋯.png (268.34 KB, 438x350, 219:175, ClipboardImage.png)

dd9d9e  No.5056736



e5c31c  No.5056737

File: e5f42393dc31fd9⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 1d2061fdd2c39ff39672d10d11….jpg)


have you been following the wives?,,kek

261be5  No.5056738

File: 4c3ec19411ab936⋯.jpg (64.04 KB, 1050x731, 1050:731, rosen.jpg)



From Southern Nevada synagogue president to U.S. Senator in three years.

That’s the unlikely career trajectory U.S. Rep. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., hopes to achieve by Nov. 7.

She’s received no shortage of support.

Nearly $40 million has been spent to aid the freshman congresswoman’s bid to take perhaps the nation’s most highly coveted U.S. Senate seat, one Democrats will need if they hope to reclaim a majority in the chamber.


2465dc  No.5056739


sauce… the trial is in NY not Mexico

0e5b08  No.5056740


Red flag is usually don't on the missile range at Nellis AFB not door to door bag drags in a major city…..:pray:

looks like a bag and tag op…

7df9fd  No.5056741


if if if if

fuck that

potus promised dosclosure

not conditional

already kept jfk files hid

major discrepancy for potus


56c4c6  No.5056742



Not familiar


ce3b09  No.5056743

this is it boys 10 days of Darkness Hell on Earth, they will come at us in real time and online now, Potus just gave a defeat speech to show us THEY are threatening HIM so he will play along this is it boys TRUST and FAITH time appear weak FUCK ME ITS ON or we will be fucked, its going to be a hell of a storm

c5c486  No.5056744


I read a Koontz book where people became physically/psychologically attached to computers back in the 80's but I forget the title, very good story, would you have a clue what it's called Anon?

56d281  No.5056745



El Chapo witness naming US politicians taking bribes

5d3325  No.5056746


‏ @BreakingNLive

7m7 minutes ago

BREAKING: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who was one of the 50 people receiving legal letters from Covington, refuses to apologize to the Covington Catholic kids who she falsely smeared

84dbd4  No.5056747


Hi Nadia, we know who you are. We hired you to do one job, represent us, and you've failed miserably. Nadia, you're fired. No you can keep your outfit, good luck wearing it between your two fast food jobs.

3e8ab0  No.5056748

bf57e7  No.5056749

File: 38137a56e06b229⋯.jpg (106.4 KB, 640x502, 320:251, AAM 2 Women Get Back In Th….jpg)

File: 60c2a45882cdc56⋯.png (781.48 KB, 640x795, 128:159, AAM 2 Women World Without ….png)

328029  No.5056750



3b9edb  No.5056751



261be5  No.5056752

File: b589753d886c704⋯.jpg (125.45 KB, 525x361, 525:361, xray.jpg)


Kickin it in Cuba enjoying the tropical climate.

8af2b4  No.5056753


Anti-semitism message.

d19f18  No.5056754


Oh nice!!!

5d3325  No.5056755


Folks are letting her have it on Twitter. This is just so unacceptable.

6c59a1  No.5056756

File: edbcb4e0087dcc6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e795a095917f5e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Ammo for the meme makers!

037c9c  No.5056757

File: c04f200cd37ac74⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 524x380, 131:95, whoabodyform.jpg)

41ad12  No.5056758

File: fe3d77b9d0bf390⋯.jpg (41.86 KB, 640x320, 2:1, Bear Stearns Fire.jpg)

Read up on Bear Stearns





This one is closer to what actually habbened.

Playing in a bridge tournament while Bear was being carved up.


6bb3f3  No.5056759

File: 32ff99ead7d1099⋯.png (753.49 KB, 570x823, 570:823, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e761acae4b9e99⋯.png (362.33 KB, 400x600, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da3c8cf890b6021⋯.png (274.42 KB, 474x434, 237:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2099c1ec925361⋯.png (258.34 KB, 285x375, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc6cac94947a520⋯.png (582.78 KB, 680x485, 136:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Historical, Contemporary. Everywhere. No coincidences.

13ad7c  No.5056760


Boycotting the SOTU along with Maxine Waters and others.

1db8ef  No.5056761


This link explains better than I can :)


5c900d  No.5056762

For all his hubris he's got this one right, if the heart of America goes right, Dims have a problem, HRC did


ce4b5e  No.5056763

File: ccd252b1c18d920⋯.png (255.74 KB, 565x380, 113:76, ClipboardImage.png)


Think it's an accident that Trump invited Judah to the SOTU?

3e8ab0  No.5056764

File: afd4896a33fd605⋯.jpg (32.34 KB, 558x368, 279:184, Just the Facts.JPG)

b40ef0  No.5056765


But you just identified a building. You mean the custodian who works there is Satan?

56c4c6  No.5056766

0a8f89  No.5056767

File: 6d896198e2acf00⋯.jpg (98.23 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1.jpg)



Live updates as three injured in gas blast in Batley flat

41ad12  No.5056768

File: 8f8924d6fb30aba⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 691x630, 691:630, SIR Flynn.jpg)

eeb4a8  No.5056769

Does anyone remember a post from a few days ago about the CERN shutdown connected to the mayote EQ signal?

37bce9  No.5056770


Baker if you make these notable, the 8chan lurkers that only check notables will surface these up to twitter on masse over the next few days. Do it. Save the world.

e5c31c  No.5056771

File: 3578ff605087ff4⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 685x385, 137:77, methode_sundaytimes_prod_w….jpg)

632391  No.5056772

File: 0889ca4e2d93b6f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 936x995, 936:995, righttofear.png)

0e5b08  No.5056773


the never telegraphs moves therefore if you want to shit up a broad, then your place to go to would be shitbook they always love warm piles of shit there…

d6662e  No.5056774

File: 1562d1d8d29020f⋯.png (368.43 KB, 607x607, 1:1, 2019-02-05_08-06-04.png)

fadd1a  No.5056775


"List of subjects in the President's speech I don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole"

bf57e7  No.5056776

File: e963f6bcc8c27bb⋯.jpg (144.46 KB, 584x378, 292:189, AAM Pol Dems OTC Ribbed Ru….jpg)

File: 400546334eef562⋯.jpg (161.04 KB, 475x459, 475:459, AAM Pol Dems OTC Land On T….jpg)

3ee3f5  No.5056777

>>5056366 BRAVO! Well done! Looks like you've created a very nice niche for yourself!

2465dc  No.5056778


no sauce… if true it would be awesome… maybe that's why we don't say his name is gone..

6376f4  No.5056779

File: 84b1732900a167f⋯.png (451.86 KB, 647x595, 647:595, ICE NO Female Genital Muti….PNG)

File: 2aa0dd2dc89dd38⋯.png (449.4 KB, 609x721, 87:103, 1 ICE NO Female Genital Mu….PNG)

File: adc5d473dbd9083⋯.png (52.53 KB, 597x632, 597:632, 2 ICE NO Female Genital Mu….PNG)

ICE, DOJ recognize International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting



406e76  No.5056780


Special request. Can we get one with the IT'S MA'AM tranny?

ce4b5e  No.5056781

File: 5a71411e1430da5⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 734x502, 367:251, FeinsteinHorn.jpg)


Who has that pic of AOC with the horn?

efe852  No.5056782

File: dc646d1d5bdb690⋯.png (270.42 KB, 900x574, 450:287, wtfover.png)

0b88f9  No.5056783

File: 781a439339ab66e⋯.jpeg (693.44 KB, 1125x1853, 1125:1853, 6F0F9D57-0D87-4FFD-A9CD-9….jpeg)



Pawn showing her colors.

SRA (and others) has convinced me Cannabalism & Adrenochrom are being used as a distraction from what’s truly behind the veil. Not saying they aren’t both true and part of everything, but both get ppl digging and buried in it & upset by what they read, therefore not digging into [them].

Pretty simple - If someone has you digging into something that Q has not mentioned once, they’re most likely not your friend.

7a9e03  No.5056784


Last week they told me Fairfax was eloquent. Is that because he only uses fuck once in sentences like that?

56d281  No.5056785



muh bad … no sauce

3c9de2  No.5056786


Imo, it's not Notable.

No source. Only a blind allegation.

13ad7c  No.5056787

File: 4b6f22e0a5936ad⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 525x468, 175:156, Hillary_1.jpg)

3b9edb  No.5056788

>>5056772 Zero fucks given, Nydia.

0a8f89  No.5056789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d19f18  No.5056791


kek and save

be9e88  No.5056792

File: ffab8e21af3d9f6⋯.png (83.84 KB, 250x206, 125:103, ClipboardImage.png)

409936  No.5056793

>>5056350 (lb)

^^^This right here concerns me. How many of us are ready?

2b5f58  No.5056794

File: 3f0db4f1757afc4⋯.png (1004.61 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SOTU versus HOTU pelosi 2.png)


not the same effect, but using the MSM description

<i like the fuck you clap better - kek

56c4c6  No.5056795


Got it

Isn't that was Harvey Weinstein was up to?

d4d15a  No.5056796

File: 6d593fcccf92a9b⋯.png (420.75 KB, 799x799, 1:1, bab460f83a7790c2dac99cfdf9….png)

b0dd00  No.5056797

File: 0951772ad76e7c3⋯.png (380.66 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


If they'd just do the same with males, it wouldn't feel so one-sided.

efe852  No.5056798

File: d39118c69791aa5⋯.png (449.93 KB, 512x746, 256:373, rachelhucow.png)

dd9d9e  No.5056799

File: c2008a9ff0ca963⋯.png (592.29 KB, 602x435, 602:435, rise2.png)

File: 5d19ab853d93bec⋯.png (426.01 KB, 667x437, 29:19, rise6.png)

File: 9905dce159f28df⋯.png (198.37 KB, 489x382, 489:382, rise5.png)

File: a0f6ca25b2acd42⋯.png (150.51 KB, 489x383, 489:383, rise7.png)

File: 32031d1ae8e9f52⋯.png (286 KB, 442x338, 17:13, rise9.png)

a12a60  No.5056800

File: 367da0902a7bb1f⋯.jpg (26.81 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Nancy-Pelosi-AP.jpg)


Symptoms include forgetfulness, limited social skills, and (((thinking abilities so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning.)))

People may experience:

Cognitive: memory loss, mental decline, (((confusion in the evening hours,))) disorientation, inability to speak or understand language, (((making things up, mental confusion,))) or inability to recognize common things

Behavioral: (((irritability, personality changes, restlessness, lack of restraint,))) or wandering and getting lost

Mood: (((anxiety,))) loneliness, mood swings, or )((nervousness)))

(((Psycho)))logical: depression, hallucination, or paranoia

Muscular: (((inability to combine muscle movements))) or unsteady walking

Also common: falling, (((jumbled speech))), or sleep disorder

410267  No.5056801


I was desperately anticipating the comical 'bitch set me up' but he killed off that path, dammit

1deee4  No.5056802

File: a15553a9e1c789a⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, dws.sung.png)

What did Debbie see?

6b8194  No.5056803

File: 66caf9e376de7ce⋯.png (100.93 KB, 436x874, 218:437, SOTU speech 1.png)

File: 06d4ba45253f335⋯.png (98.21 KB, 407x875, 407:875, SOTU speech 2.png)

File: 926c8feb0e437ad⋯.png (101.61 KB, 436x835, 436:835, SOTU speech 3.png)

File: 82073de2028dba5⋯.png (101.98 KB, 428x884, 107:221, SOTU speech 4.png)




61a8c7  No.5056804


Wall funding = Zero

Israel Funding = 38 Billion

Israel Boycott law passed = Unconstitutional

Anti-Semitism Awareness Act = Passed 100-0

MAGA = Fifth degree of Satanism

MAGA = Witch or Magician in many languages

Left and Right = Marxists & Zionists working hand in glove ILLUSION OF CHOICE

Half Shekel = Coin minted with Trump on it in Israel to be used when the anti-Christ rules from the third temple in Jerusalem

US Gov = Israel first

Trump campaigning for Netanyahu = Israel first

Wars ended during Trump Presidency = 0

Regime change in Venezuela = underway

Plans for Regime change = Cuba Nicaragua Iran Syria Iraq Russia Yemen Libya All of Africa

Justice for the elite = 0

Nuclear arms race = back on INF treaty disregarded

Military spending = Huge increases

Abortion laws = expanding WW

Election fraud = exposed but allowed.

5G = still rolling out

Chemtrails = still going

Child sacrifice/pedophilia = Being normalized (you can now buy kid blood)

POTUS = Trojan Horse

Q told us POTUS had the say so when this ended = POTUS failure to declas discredited Q

Endless promises followed by endless excuses and delays

Arrests will happen regardless, whether they are staged or not will be the question. "You are watching a movie". The Zionists will be portrayed as the good guys and Marxists are the bad guy's. The Zionists will save the day and claim (((they))) are God's anointed and should be worshiped. (((Noahide World Order))).

I pray for the deceived that they can awaken and see they are being drawn into the hands of EVIL.

The God of this world who they are being tricked into praying to has them in hand.

Let no man deceive you, do NOT pray for false IDOLS.

Judge a man by his fruits.

Jesus = The way the life the truth.

The most high is watching.


febc5e  No.5056805

File: def22ffad87bc41⋯.jpeg (346.12 KB, 1061x585, 1061:585, D3733373-73FF-4631-9D0F-A….jpeg)

DID I MISS THIS scanning notables? WTF!?! Fucking liberals care more about the mice than the dead babies- God forgive us!


0b88f9  No.5056806


Yes, of course..

Thanks Anon, loud and clear now!

bf57e7  No.5056807

File: 2442f6950316b26⋯.jpg (153.85 KB, 800x692, 200:173, AAM Pol Dems N Pelosi Devi….jpg)

ce4b5e  No.5056808

File: 6da4e1a8052ec32⋯.png (241.99 KB, 423x359, 423:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5210bb49952044c⋯.png (270.57 KB, 386x316, 193:158, ClipboardImage.png)

6b8194  No.5056809

File: 6c80579c4ac7977⋯.png (106.65 KB, 432x879, 144:293, SOTU speech 5.png)

File: 0cb9230994ff546⋯.png (94.43 KB, 415x819, 415:819, SOTU speech 6.png)

File: c4e90f5f4439f8b⋯.png (104.65 KB, 428x886, 214:443, SOTU speech 7.png)

File: 1579f01cba5a6c5⋯.png (107.65 KB, 428x891, 428:891, SOTU speech 8.png)

86bebc  No.5056810

File: 86086e1f32163c2⋯.png (69.61 KB, 746x253, 746:253, ClipboardImage.png)


What a terrible deflection.

f90f15  No.5056811


>Who is literally anti jesus Christ?

Anyone who is literally not a born again Christian.

3c9de2  No.5056812


Don't start this crap.

6b8194  No.5056813

File: 79a377a731a2db7⋯.png (105.95 KB, 422x864, 211:432, SOTU speech 9.png)

File: 1ded42fefb2ea8d⋯.png (109.49 KB, 428x891, 428:891, SOTU speech 10.png)

File: 48bb73ee044b7f4⋯.png (65.67 KB, 417x607, 417:607, SOTU speech 11.png)

7914f8  No.5056814

File: 291bf958415a756⋯.jpg (98.66 KB, 785x819, 785:819, Capture.JPG)

New York Times Caught Fake Newsing:

The New York Times labels as “false” Trump’s statement about illegal border crossings being an “urgent national crisis.”

But it’s only after a paragraph of pedantic blah, blah, blah that the far-left Times finally admits a “record number of families have tried to cross the border in recent months, overwhelming officials at the border and creating a new kind of humanitarian crisis.”

In other words, Trump told the truth but the Times is counting on you not making it through all the blah, blah, blah to find that out.

Fact Check: President Trump's State of the Union address: https://t.co/HAKTVMZfQu pic.twitter.com/U8MYNFE7ta

— The New York Times (@nytimes) February 6, 2019

New York Times Caught Fake Newsing Again


261e46  No.5056815


ok. world saved. see bun.

0b88f9  No.5056816


Why does it concern you?

Should comfort you.

632391  No.5056817

File: 1ab2bd800bb8739⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 492x469, 492:469, reeee.jpg)

261e46  No.5056818


#6457 Notables as of now:

>>5056366 new State of the Union vs Hate of the Union meme is winning the hearts of anons

>>5056585 Anon: "I just did Trump's SOTU survey and in the add your optional opinion box I put in Declassify the Fisa"

>>5056575 DJT speech happening now: "100% of the CALiPHATE DESTROYED" (to be announced formally next week)

>>5056375 Karen Attia has an issue with with people pointing out Khashoggi & WaPo being puppets of Qatar.

>>5056408 "Watch Your A**": Jacky Rosen Appears to Warn Fellow D Kyrsten Sinema About Standing Ovation

>>5056370, >>5056409, >>5056661, >>5056658 Bernie Sander's notes during SOTU, AI tops the list. (kek version: >>5056694)

>>5056410 FCC Votes To Create New Fraud Division Within The Enforcement Bureau

>>5056392 Statement by woman accusing Virginia Lt Governor of sexual harassment

>>5056378 Avenatti speaks the truth for once

3e8ab0  No.5056819



Just a rumor right now

7914f8  No.5056820



13ad7c  No.5056821

eeb4a8  No.5056822


she banged Tony Blair in Rupert's house.

TB was terrified.

Wouldn't condemn Ivanka for associating though. Whores are information traders.

c37d3f  No.5056823

>>5056417 pb

Avenatti gets accused of Domestic Violence, then says the Dems., “need a fighter?” Is that a little self nomination going on? Kek.

54f80c  No.5056824

File: f63df911b21fff5⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 800x373, 800:373, occult videos.jpg)

64231d  No.5056825

OMG, I so dislike Democrats that think they know everything. I had one try to tell me that the wall at the southern border is not Trumps. I took a picture of Trumps wall and then she argued it wasn’t a wall

d4d15a  No.5056826

File: 39a1468c78762f9⋯.png (409.69 KB, 490x486, 245:243, 39a1468c78762f9eafa2a546d9….png)


You should do one with a pic of NP staring at her papers uninterested in SOTU.

These are TOP NOTCH btw!

6376f4  No.5056827

File: c799ca6900b88c4⋯.png (31.83 KB, 665x339, 665:339, CRoss re Schitt Tweet re I….PNG)


Old enough to remember when the committee did this back in September


0cca1b  No.5056828

File: cc4ef284fdd3248⋯.png (258.14 KB, 490x490, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

6b8194  No.5056829





Baker here is the full text of Trumps SOTU speech, if you wanted to add that to notables.

e5c31c  No.5056830


any pics with him where you can see seats?

64231d  No.5056831

File: 61c6360b35aefa6⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, D8E512E5-AFD8-4404-B24E-BD….png)

ce4b5e  No.5056832

File: 602ac6515eff0e2⋯.jpg (34.69 KB, 538x375, 538:375, KushnerJewishPrince.JPG)

File: 666684fb2b47b4f⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 798x391, 798:391, KushnerNASI.jpg)


or NASI World Order

the messiach.

d8089c  No.5056833

File: 2d8b754902e4fc3⋯.jpeg (70.54 KB, 1080x613, 1080:613, 1545104659.jpeg)

bf57e7  No.5056835

File: 66dab571b81fff0⋯.png (383.94 KB, 667x545, 667:545, AAM Pol Dems CSchumer Clow….png)

973f1e  No.5056836

File: 26199e0639a6f7e⋯.jpg (239.84 KB, 1406x691, 1406:691, SOTO - 42 Clinton .jpg)

Thought this was interdasting, the number 42 that is.

With slick willy being in the news lately concerning "Woman Dies After Exposing Bill Clinton tied Baby Slave Farm".

Just passing along.

Lot's of coffee today, any who.

1599a3  No.5056837


not exactly

yachting is really high priced prostitution - for cash or jewelry - usually outside of the US - ostensibly on a "yacht" - with full consent of the women

Harvey Weinstein was employing the "casting couch" which is sex in exchange for acting roles - but many of the women may or may not have given their consent because he was a forceful pig, sometimes known as a rapist

5d3325  No.5056838


Thank you Patriots! Loving the comments and memes. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!

2a7d51  No.5056839

File: c3218b5efa2384d⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 500x287, 500:287, 2t0m3w_1.jpg)

08caf9  No.5056840

File: 98c5e094e29faea⋯.png (489.15 KB, 600x797, 600:797, 98c5e094e29faea1cdc4c8865c….png)

File: 9c5c77c7db2c5a8⋯.jpg (55.82 KB, 1390x864, 695:432, 9c5c77c7db2c5a868761a81ab2….jpg)

File: 4552086a17fa29e⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 221x255, 13:15, c599f4748bc00a79bde9a3676….jpeg)

File: 52ba92ea8d3ca15⋯.jpg (58.48 KB, 728x410, 364:205, 02570728f90154c84855da458b….jpg)

File: 05e1d09dbb41404⋯.png (499.78 KB, 658x470, 7:5, 05e1d09dbb414043562b1be7c4….png)


>Patriots have no skin color -Q

White genocide must happen legally!

You esé, You esé, You esé, You esé!

ce4b5e  No.5056841

File: a17ea503041286e⋯.png (139.34 KB, 439x285, 439:285, ClipboardImage.png)

08daf7  No.5056842


That's Larry King.

05d155  No.5056843


A search for sentences in that text lead to here:


"Best of Political Humor" from last month. Nah. Too good to be true. the search did not lead to a news article or even a blog, just a forum post.

b3f723  No.5056844

56a6a3  No.5056845


Tits or gtfo.

822b74  No.5056846

File: 5dbc8223e165963⋯.png (135.85 KB, 304x316, 76:79, sotu-yello-vest-1.png)

File: 510818eb826e272⋯.png (487.78 KB, 578x566, 289:283, sotu-yello-vest-2.png)

File: 4bc72105e805a1e⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1112x748, 278:187, french-yello-vests.png)

saw this floating around last night, anyone else notice it or make it a notable?

f6d59d  No.5056847


wait, Katz?? debra katz is her lawyer? is that right?

410267  No.5056848

RE: US Pols taking bribes from Chapo: didn't Q say Pelosi, Noname, and Hussein? The wall really IS so much more…

1599a3  No.5056849


why are you using parenthesis for (((them)))

you know what those represent right

(((those in control)))


487ecf  No.5056850


kek nice work!

3c9de2  No.5056851


And, therein lies the problem.

How logical is this?

Would a loving God cast to hell those who used their God given intellect and came to a different conclusions?

Would a loving God cast to hell a person or people who have never heard the name Jesus?

I say no, but obviously you can believe whatever helps you sleep at night.

70b0c0  No.5056852

a4fdb5  No.5056853

>>5055582 lb

>>5055589 lb

>>5055593 lb

>did we skip 5055555?

easy way to find out…

>>5055555 lb

84abec  No.5056854

sorry will only post one more time. looking for good pizzagate documentary recommendations


dd9d9e  No.5056855

File: 4ceacee00ed8ee0⋯.png (252.35 KB, 535x440, 107:88, serpent.png)




760cb8  No.5056856

Thoroughly disgusted with those excuses for women last night at the SOTU that remained seated when POTUS spoke about late-term abortions.

Q was right when he said these people are sick!

61a8c7  No.5056857



2465dc  No.5056859


why? that's a HUGE leap

f6d59d  No.5056860


even muzzies arent anti-jesus christ. 1/4 of the Quran is about jesus and they consider him a prophet…. but jews on the otherhamd, actually despise christ.

6bb3f3  No.5056861


Why would anyone wear ceremonial feather headdresses.

Hopi lore… "…watch for the coming of the Pahana, the Lost White Brother {Shemyhaza, leader of the fallen Watchers}. Other important deities include the twin war gods {Hiya and Ohiya, Shemyhaza and Ishtar's 2 sons, one the lesser}, the kachinas {Nephilim, hybrid offspring of SpiritXHuman, and the trickster, Coyote {Satan, leader of the fallen Angels}."

Nothing new under the sun.

410267  No.5056862


Uhhh, I think it might be a DROP, anon, remember?

1599a3  No.5056863


>>5056392 Statement by woman accusing Virginia Lt Governor of sexual harassment

This should be

>5056392 Statement by woman accusing Virginia Lt Governor of sexual assault

ASSAULT not harassment

15bd55  No.5056864

File: a237f83f04ebb9e⋯.png (116.27 KB, 825x601, 825:601, NYTreporterJewsDontBelieve….png)

@nytimes reporter @anniekarni "fact checks" Trump's #SOTU by saying:

"Jews don't believe in heaven."

6b8194  No.5056865


do you have the bernie, stacy and Milano blanks, please

61a8c7  No.5056866


kek Anon's drunk

f6d59d  No.5056867


prolly not.

41f78d  No.5056868


She’s what I call a “paper or plastic?” girl.

c37d3f  No.5056869


Saw him perform live. Out of this world talent. Greatly missed!

6376f4  No.5056870

File: 5b25c3f8aceb24b⋯.png (78.61 KB, 662x352, 331:176, Solomon re Mueller 2002 FI….PNG)

File: 332baea0ea286f9⋯.png (89.37 KB, 436x820, 109:205, 1 Hill Solomon re Mueller ….PNG)

File: 776b6030d0bc283⋯.png (84.03 KB, 438x765, 146:255, 2 Hill Solomon re Mueller ….PNG)

File: 5a5c6a22c72124f⋯.png (85.69 KB, 446x771, 446:771, 3 Hill Solomon re Mueller ….PNG)

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told



6fa5c5  No.5056871

File: 4ab188f3259a2a2⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 514x467, 514:467, DxuLPEcU0AAAxvD.jpg)

c368d0  No.5056872

File: 8d580acf0213d64⋯.jpeg (12.57 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef27….jpeg)


This pic of RBG reminds me of the American guy who was brain dead NK gave back to us before POTUS & Q cut their strings. His body was limp like this & took 2 soldiers to hold him up.

e5c31c  No.5056873

File: e842247c09d7d0d⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 861x574, 3:2, DFNa-fTUwAEewxD.jpg)

efe852  No.5056874

File: 09f81bc54caa7f9⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2192x1800, 274:225, gfag.jpg)

3c9de2  No.5056875


Has not been used as (((jews))).

It's used as cabal and the alphabets.

Stop mucking up the waters.

fdde33  No.5056876

File: 8d7ce05365120b5⋯.png (43.79 KB, 644x250, 322:125, Chapo.png)


El Chapo's trial produced many fantastic accusations. Why are they …

Who's got access to WaPo?

a12a60  No.5056877


To you maybe.

It's called (((emphasis))).

61a8c7  No.5056878

2018 was the 4th hottest year on record, NASA says


KEK such a reliable sauce

6b8194  No.5056879


i posted about it a few breads ago, i dont remb when, been on here over 12 hours, kek

b2cd72  No.5056880

409936  No.5056881


Weren't Payseurs French royalty? Hence, 'franc'?

We are assuming Francis, but perhaps the Y group of France?

Just throwing it up there.

13ad7c  No.5056882

File: 50d378318294c9a⋯.png (487.5 KB, 500x522, 250:261, dafuqisdis.png)


>in 2002

ce4b5e  No.5056883


What about the guard that was shot 11 times..lol



406e76  No.5056884



A friend of mine brought it up, too. I'm convinced it was a shout out to the yellow vests.

eeb4a8  No.5056885


Those are the 55% "loans" that grind the faces of the poor. "Payday lenders" was the names given to Meyer Lansky's former loansharking operation which was legalized and franchised after his death.

Formerly know as usrey, high interest loans to the poor, were illegal. The act of congress that accomplished all this was written by Lansky's Harvard lawyer - blanking on the name. He went on to a BIG career as a lobbyist fixed for the mob/cult.

760cb8  No.5056886


These are excellent anon.

7c6ac8  No.5056887


Nope. (((Echoes))) are so that (((BAKER))) can add them to the notables. But only the ((( special))) notables. Its kinda like (((attention whoring)))… Q never has echoes, because he's not (((special))) enough. POTUS never has ((( ECHOES))) in the notables either. Js. Here, have an (((echo))), feel (((special))).

1599a3  No.5056888


You Missed the fucking point

stupid fuck was using (((triple))) as a regular parenthesis to enclose medical symptoms

I know what the fuck it was

new anon did not


004a99  No.5056889

File: 8fd425b37cfc38d⋯.png (878.5 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hateofuniuonObama1.png)

File: be90c255d885110⋯.png (875.85 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hateofuniuonObama2.png)

File: ad3fcdafdf259e8⋯.png (902.7 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hateofuniuonObama3.png)


Awesome work!

bf57e7  No.5056891

File: f2d47b838b4bcf3⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 620x310, 2:1, AAM MSM Urinalism.jpg)

File: c78848c44a6f3ef⋯.png (114.58 KB, 505x702, 505:702, AAM MSM NBC Nothing But Cr….png)

a805a7  No.5056892

anyone getting phone calls from fake microsoft support??

my full name and phone number displayed

in the caller id window

0b88f9  No.5056894

MSM/Dems/DS all won on one front last night - today:

Questions surrounding Ruthy have halted.

There are exactly ZERO people talking about this huge issue currently threatening [them].

No ones asking to see [[[RGB]]] or concerned with where she is/if she’s still alive.

We shouldn’t let this get buried, as I’m sure they are attempting at the moment..,

3b9edb  No.5056895


Fixed Democratic → Democrat

Never call them Democratic if you can help it.

e5c31c  No.5056896

File: 04c8a6557f1e508⋯.jpg (263.67 KB, 2250x1013, 2250:1013, 04c8a6557f1e508daeb24fe2bb….jpg)


looks weekend at bernie-ish…

84dbd4  No.5056897


They have bigger fantasies than Qanon ever could

FB porn going on before sotu how Mueller was gonna come in and arrest POTUS, pence and the entire cabinet on tv

They butthurt

61a8c7  No.5056898


Prove one thing i said is untrue?

Oh that's right you can't so you claim I'm a mason as clearly I'm not one of (((them))).

Guess now you'll call me a muzzie

08caf9  No.5056899


It's true. They believe in zionism, progressivism, communism, and the shekel.

90f3be  No.5056900

File: 22a0ff442687059⋯.jpg (294.68 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, POTUS-CORTEZ-SOTU-VS.jpg)

3c57d6  No.5056901

File: 21dc82f5e1b987a⋯.png (929.09 KB, 994x768, 497:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be64080c081133a⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1616x770, 808:385, ClipboardImage.png)



‏ @proselaw

53m53 minutes ago

Just so you know what Anderson Cooper is into… . He posted this on his instagram page. The second comment and the likes are disturbing.

He is a demon.

Beware of the dark alley Anderson.

e31760  No.5056902


Kushner is playing a role, not very well. He's an asshole trying to play elder statesman. Problem is, he is a "fly boy" who has never had to earn anything on his own.

b3f723  No.5056903


((((((it tingles when you do that))))))

56c4c6  No.5056904


Got it

Either way, yachts seems to be "Love Boats"

I wonder if Maritime law plays into their antics?

fdde33  No.5056905

File: 646ed059f22811c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 750x872, 375:436, ClipboardImage.png)

882d05  No.5056906

File: 85736a326bb3ea7⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 473x442, 473:442, 2szv2g.jpg)

File: f840b641dcb4597⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 473x442, 473:442, 2szx2b.jpg)

File: e968ef19d2c9a74⋯.jpg (45.07 KB, 473x442, 473:442, 51322688_2313851765292208_….jpg)

d4d15a  No.5056907


Just ask someone from Mexico they all know their Government is filled with Cartel puppets… especially Nieto.

f6d59d  No.5056908




shills love to obscure the meaning of the echoes. It makes mossad butt hurt to know we have a special way to identify (((them)))

3c9de2  No.5056909


It's the comms of the chans. Learn it.

3b9edb  No.5056910

File: 014683a6783896e⋯.jpg (338.73 KB, 1926x1044, 107:58, StacyAbramsResponse2019SOT….jpg)



Sorry failed to paste it.


39fd4f  No.5056911

File: 18826c377614489⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 750x499, 750:499, northam_ads.jpg)

3804eb  No.5056912

File: 64282df0a35dd8b⋯.jpg (51.7 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2017-12-14 00-24 026fc3e1d….jpg)



quite the autoportrait

c368d0  No.5056913


Go back & look @ Q posts. To signify Cabal

c37d3f  No.5056914

8af2b4  No.5056915


Is this our only pic? Sauce?

84dbd4  No.5056916



Make them go through a phone tree to speak to a representative

Answer in Bangladesh accent

6bb3f3  No.5056917

File: 6abcf137cf5c160⋯.png (477.57 KB, 635x357, 635:357, ClipboardImage.png)


Token Green for Pepe. There were a handful of ladies in Green suits and gentlemen with Green ties.. as always. The reason Make Farmers Great Again hats even exist. It's for (you), Anon.

1599a3  No.5056918


and heres your fucking example of dumbasses misunderstanding what (((parentheses))) are for


thinks they are baker callouts


thinks they are "extra" emphasis

both are ignorant tools

d4d15a  No.5056919


She's not a very good actor, feigning disinterest but you can tell she's rattled.

3b9edb  No.5056920

>>5056861 But…but…muh elders.

4b6e41  No.5056921

File: a016709587b1a94⋯.jpg (101.42 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, ddc05cee75d0bbd33924db8215….jpg)

Have fun

61a8c7  No.5056922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did Ruth Bader Ginsberg actually appear at the Notorious RBG concert last night, or did WaPo and the AP make the whole story up?

The MSM presented us with a simple story yesterday:


WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is making her first public appearance since undergoing lung cancer surgery in December.

The 85-year-old Ginsburg is attending a concert at a museum a few blocks from the White House that is being given by her daughter-in-law and other musicians. Patrice Michaels is married to Ginsburg’s son, James. Michaels is a soprano and composer.

However, videos and photos of the actual concert from people who attended seem to suggest that Ruth Bader Ginsberg was not in attendance at all.

No photos of RBG exist showing her attending the show.


Photos of the show’s audience exist, and the auditorium was too small for her to be able to hide.

Here is video of the event RBG allegedly attended:

From his speech it is clear that RBG is not in attendance, in my opinion.

TL;DR- Did the mainstream media just lie about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg attending a concert that she never attended? Why are there no photos of her at the event and why wasn’t it announced that RBG was in the audience?


b3f723  No.5056923


snotty bitch

92a5d6  No.5056924

File: d4a118973620c3b⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190201-192152….jpg)


You sound like you're blaming Trump for things he did not do or support. How buttblasted are you?

261e46  No.5056925


nice catch. got it.

84dbd4  No.5056926


Thats his pretty princess soul

911312  No.5056927

File: a48b384e6d67936⋯.jpg (126.02 KB, 760x570, 4:3, 171102-nydia-velazquez-hur….jpg)


Nydia M. Velazquez (D) New York

Know My Name

Bow with FEAR!

Says the Elected Official!

aceb00  No.5056928


Well, that's that. Snd, again, to all the anons pissed about her not showing to SOTU,


6fa5c5  No.5056929

File: 58eebd96219a1f1⋯.png (44.2 KB, 823x141, 823:141, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

ce4b5e  No.5056930

File: efe430267315f8f⋯.png (52.31 KB, 437x407, 437:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4f600709610494⋯.png (16.62 KB, 446x166, 223:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 814b0e7d5fa056f⋯.png (67.12 KB, 349x524, 349:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ee0f6ada86b6c2⋯.png (19.19 KB, 358x222, 179:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5c64e590f6cc3b⋯.png (16.63 KB, 347x146, 347:146, ClipboardImage.png)

97f753  No.5056931

File: 39c89ee63ec6e36⋯.jpeg (109.88 KB, 825x458, 825:458, FckChuck.jpeg)

File: 01fa47933b2af9d⋯.jpg (113.55 KB, 888x492, 74:41, ChuckSchumerSupportsHumanT….jpg)

8af2b4  No.5056932


problem with muhjew shillsss…

61a8c7  No.5056933


He can stop all of it by declas and EO nice try

e31760  No.5056934


he's (((right))) you know.

261e46  No.5056935


thank you, got it.

911312  No.5056936





3c9de2  No.5056937


Are you telling me I am incorrect? I have never seen jews in parenthesis.

c368d0  No.5056938

File: c5089436bcc8f9b⋯.png (323.74 KB, 544x510, 16:15, c5089436bcc8f9b70c49a3cccc….png)

06fadf  No.5056939

File: 37d8967d2a7f978⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 597x316, 597:316, Screenshot 2019-02-06_15-4….jpg)

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told


3804eb  No.5056940

File: feec1929d25e968⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 750x750, 1:1, wutt.jpg)

3e8ab0  No.5056941

File: cf27ce20d5e0684⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 666x529, 666:529, DAD...! Wins.JPG)


DAD's Win…

Mess with Daughter…

You Get The sharp end of Justice


84dbd4  No.5056942


Actor only because she's been lying her ass off for so long and now she's gotta do it for real

1599a3  No.5056943


maybe but I would say it's more about the girls being captive - can't really just get off

the way I have heard it is that they agree on a price for the weekend - but then may not have as much control as they thought they would….more times, worse stuff etc.

on a yacht…they can't run away

a19f6f  No.5056944

File: 2d89f387f161581⋯.jpeg (56.64 KB, 335x505, 67:101, deadhead-nancy-1.jpeg)

File: 21f976b83a071f2⋯.jpeg (98.73 KB, 802x505, 802:505, deadhead-nancy-2.jpeg)

3c57d6  No.5056945

File: cc488eb6bb67542⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1119x848, 1119:848, ClipboardImage.png)

HIV Detected in More Than 12,000 Blood Plasma Treatments Made by Chinese State-Owned Company

More than 12,000 bottles of blood plasma meant for health treatments that were produced by a Chinese pharmaceutical company have tested positive for HIV antibodies, causing an uproar among the Chinese public.

The batch of immunoglobulin for intravenous use was produced by the state-owned Shanghai Xinxing Medicine Co.

China’s National Health Commission revealed the discovery when it issued a notice on Feb. 5, demanding that all hospitals immediately suspend the use of the affected batch. It also instructed medical professionals to monitor all patients who have already been treated with the affected batch.

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatments can help patients with weakened immune systems or other diseases to fight off infections.

According to the notice, the disease control center in Jiangxi Province first detected HIV antibodies from the batch of plasma product and reported that to the National Health Commission. It didn’t provide an explanation as to how the plasma might have become contaminated.

Authorities have also claimed that no patients have been reported to be infected with HIV thus far.

But Chinese media Economic Observer reported Feb. 6 that an infant patient in Jiangxi Province was found to be HIV-positive. Doctors, in seeking to trace the source of the HIV infection, found it was from receiving injections of immunoglobulin produced by Shanghai Xinxing.

According to China Business Journal, there were a total of 12,226 bottles in the batch, each bottle containing 50 milliliters of plasma, with an expiration date of June 8, 2021. The batches were previously inspected and approved by the Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration, which hasn’t made a public statement.

Wang Yuedan, deputy director of the Department of Immunology at Peking University’s School of Medicine, told China Business Journal that the existence of HIV antibodies is generally considered to be a sign of HIV infection. Wang suspects that the contamination came from blood-plasma donors.

According to Shanghai Xinxing’s website, the company was established in August 2000 by its parent company, the state-run Xinxing Group, which is directly under the supervision of China’s State Council, a cabinet-like authority. In 2009, Xinxing Group was reorganized to become part of China General Technology Group Co.

China General Technology Group is also directly owned by the State Council. It has a business portfolio that includes equipment manufacturing, international engineering contracting, pharmaceutical production, technical consulting, and real estate.

Shanghai Xinxing’s website notes that it acquired two apheresis blood-donation stations, one in Huaihua City in Hunan Province, and another in Yugan County, Jiangxi Province. Apheresis is a special kind of blood donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components, such as platelets or plasma. The two stations have the capacity to collect 70 tons of plasma every year.

China’s AIDS epidemic of the 1990s was precipitated by scores of poor farmers who contracted the disease after using contaminated needles to sell their blood plasma.


e3af29  No.5056946

Look at all these full retards.

Never learned anything.

7c6ac8  No.5056947



I love my POTUS. The man has balls. And told all muhjewshills to eat a bag of dicks at the SOTU last night. Did you hear it? It was amazing. Go along with what Q said as well, yet here you are hoping anons will take your word for it vs. POTUS… Strange..and EZTREMELY entertaining. Pease, keep it up. Keeps me laughing. Nor, reeeeeeeee….. Kek

d8089c  No.5056948

File: ec0e67cd1f30ec4⋯.jpeg (125.73 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, DXP8ezxUQAA3jVp.jpeg)

File: f010b9196db74f1⋯.jpeg (85.49 KB, 1080x585, 24:13, DXEBbovW0AUIauL.jpeg)

Hope Jeff and the MadDog are doing well.

6b8194  No.5056949


That Bitch be scary

b55126  No.5056950




There are RUMOURS about what Mueller will put in his report ?

Within 30 days it will be complete ?



Flynn ?

Pienka ?

Bruce Ohr ?

Nellie Ohr ?

Page ?

Sessions ( Yes, he can now give his evidence as he is no longer AG ) ?


Maybe some UNPLEASANT TRUTHS are about to be Published.

Some DEMS are realizing that perhaps Trump has been wrongly smeared and maybe even Pelosi was involved in Wrap-up Smears ?


WHO wants to DISTANCE THEMSELVES from the SMELL coming

from the SWAMP ? PROBABLY ANYBODY who has got any sense . . . .

4b6e41  No.5056951

File: efa6dafcc928e33⋯.png (379.22 KB, 655x585, 131:117, 445a5d953703161f87c0162b7b….png)

File: 105b71d208fbc90⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1662x1062, 277:177, c1e48fc41bedaf56b17ead7e09….png)

File: e968ef92da91a5c⋯.png (342.82 KB, 1000x451, 1000:451, 2bcd146907ec5c0c4f59f89671….png)

File: 6720d6f13750c71⋯.jpeg (248.52 KB, 2047x1161, 2047:1161, a78cf0132af81db5094b91db5….jpeg)

File: 105b71d208fbc90⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1662x1062, 277:177, c1e48fc41bedaf56b17ead7e09….png)

3e8ab0  No.5056952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f6d59d  No.5056953




echoes are used to indicate the individual or group you are referring to is jewish.

example: (((you))) mossad shills are retarded.

b2cd72  No.5056954


The only thing that's scary is her face and the Nicolas Cage style hair

61a8c7  No.5056955

File: 517d40152189fcc⋯.png (94.47 KB, 326x161, 326:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cef435aed17ee7b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 771x578, 771:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 769bcb1e26b072e⋯.png (906.12 KB, 764x513, 764:513, ClipboardImage.png)

92a5d6  No.5056956

File: e5c2379a74e900d⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 417x4065, 139:1355, achallengerappears.jpg)


qanon.pub is absolutely based and truth-pilled

eacf72  No.5056957


Whatever "restrictions" Obama supposedly put in place on these bullshit title and payday loans are utterly worthless, because the bullshit loan business is booming.

Our town has two fancy mega-stores for title loans, with 8-10 desks and cars in the parking lots every day.

Something tells me NBC News just pulled this out of their ass much like WaPo and the "RBG public appearance" fake news.

08daf7  No.5056958

File: d953ebc868b0da0⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1226x916, 613:458, RUTHless people.png)





Ruthless people…

243467  No.5056959

From a liberal Trump hating friend last night on Facebook:

So as most all of you know, I'm not a fan of President Trump, I don't like him one bit, his voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me but… And this is a BIG but, I actually enjoyed the State of the Union he made last night. I was impressed by the outward appearance he made of genuinely caring about developing new cancer treatments, eliminating late-term abortions and just simply caring about America, economy, stability and bipartisan unity and lastly American citizens. I'm not a believer in a wall, no matter the design, personally I feel it is our government that needs to revise the steps and time it takes to become a citizen. I believe this would in fact eliminate the need for a wall. Unfortunately, I'm just one voice and one voice that really doesn't matter. In short, I still don't care for President Trump and I'll never vote for him but I have a little confidence in him and in his last 2 years in office. He actually may make a difference.

cbd7a6  No.5056960

File: 506181a92e7971a⋯.jpg (89.23 KB, 696x582, 116:97, uw5ygs53.JPG)

54f80c  No.5056961

"Why, before each rally, are 'threats' now being called in re: 'Q' attendees [effort to prevent…]?

Why are bots and/or paid shills tasked to down vote and/or 'shill' 'Q' discussion boards?

Why is FAKE NEWS media attacking this movement in strategic/coordinated waves [similar anti-POTUS tactics?]?








a805a7  No.5056962


this is my home phone

land line

1st call

robo voice

saying my microsoft account and ip address was compromised in several countries and my account would be shut down

pls press 1

i hung up

2nd call

nothing no one on line no sound

i hung up

c46668  No.5056963


mormons - watchtower connection?

86bebc  No.5056964


This. very specific meaning


((( ✡ )))


3b9edb  No.5056965

File: e0b4ff09dbe4743⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1200x1173, 400:391, BalloonFly.png)

File: bdb3184c66aacc2⋯.jpg (124.67 KB, 736x739, 736:739, SoMuchWin.jpg)

File: c7138f495f184c4⋯.jpg (494.37 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, UhuraWin.jpg)

File: f962f3b2d652485⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 396x385, 36:35, HappyWind.jpg)


>I'm not tired of winning, but fuck it's hard to keep track of all this winning.

Kek. I know what you mean, anon.

Have moar winning

814249  No.5056966


(((Triple parentheses)))

>Triple parentheses or triple brackets, also known as an, are an antisemitic symbol that has been used to highlight the names of individuals of a Jewish background, or organizations who are thought to be owned by Jewish people. The practice originated from the alt-right blog The Right Stuff; the blog's editors have explained that the symbol is meant to symbolize that the historic actions of Jews had caused their surnames to "echo throughout history". The triple parentheses have been adopted as an online stigma by antisemites, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists to identify individuals of Jewish background as targets for online harassment, such as Jewish political journalists critical of Donald Trump during his 2016 election campaign.

3c9de2  No.5056967


That's your assignment.

3c57d6  No.5056968


Scary. Not human.

56c4c6  No.5056969


Perhaps that is why he is alive and his brother was sacrificed?

9d8063  No.5056970

eeb4a8  No.5056971

File: 12b81c565ae799d⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 328x328, 1:1, 135987.jpg)

0486dd  No.5056972


0hourNone , enough said

261e46  No.5056973

#6457 Notables

>>5056945 HIV Detected in More Than 12,000 Blood Plasma Treatments Made by Chinese State-Owned Company

>>5056870 Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

>>5056813, >>5056809, >>5056803 Full text of SOTU by POTUS

>>5056719, >>5056767 Breaking: three injured in gas blast in Batley flat, West Yorkshire

>>5056366 new State of the Union vs Hate of the Union meme is winning the hearts of anons

>>5056585 Anon: "I just did Trump's SOTU survey and in the add your optional opinion box I put in Declassify the Fisa"

>>5056575 DJT speech happening now: "100% of the CALiPHATE DESTROYED" (to be announced formally next week)

>>5056375 Karen Attia has an issue with with people pointing out Khashoggi & WaPo being puppets of Qatar.

>>5056408 "Watch Your A**": Jacky Rosen Appears to Warn Fellow D Kyrsten Sinema About Standing Ovation

>>5056370, >>5056409, >>5056661, >>5056658 Bernie Sander's notes during SOTU, AI tops the list. (kek version: >>5056694)

>>5056410 FCC Votes To Create New Fraud Division Within The Enforcement Bureau

>>5056392 Statement by woman accusing Virginia Lt Governor of sexual assault

>>5056378 Avenatti speaks the truth for once (warning that 2020 fight is not going to be easy)

any lurking bakers in the house? looking for handoff

61a8c7  No.5056975


(((they))) are trying to muddy the meaning by pretending to be ignorant newfags as (((Q+))) is getting exposed

84dbd4  No.5056976


This has been going on for FORTY YEARS

Had major surgery in 1977 my doctor worked overtime to makes sure I would not need transfusion or plasma because of unpublished knowledge of the big donor supply

f6d59d  No.5056977


the last sentance says all u need to know. kek.

ea5b0a  No.5056978

Digging on the Military snatch and grab drills going on in downtown LA.

TRYING to get specific addresses of the Landing.




0ad6f4  No.5056979

so…when is the media going to ask the question?

4b6e41  No.5056980

File: e3de658429f09c7⋯.png (472.45 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_20190206-155221.png)

Rut roh

1fb8c5  No.5056981

File: 74c1ef633a6ee5e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 629x791, 629:791, 1_GP_Complaint.png)

On Wednesday Chairwoman McDaniel sent this letter to the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel in Texas.



The Office Of Chief Disciplinary Counsel

P.O. Box 13287

Austin, TX 78711

Dear Chief Disciplinary Counsel,

This letter is to alert your office of false claims made by Texas-barred attorney, Elizabeth Warren. Attorney Warren was admitted to the Texas bar on April 11, 1986 and her Bar Card Number is 20885410 with a current status of “Inactive.”

Attorney Warren should be disciplined for lying and failing to correct a misrepresentation she made on her Texas Bar registration card. The Washington Post obtained a copy of Attorney Warren’s Texas Bar registration card. On April 18, 1986, Attorney Warren registered for the Texas bar and made a misrepresentation that she was “American Indian” on a section titled “Race.”[1]

According to the Texas Disciplinary Rules Of Professional Conduct, rule 8.01[2]:

An applicant for admission to the bar, a petitioner for reinstatement to the bar, or a lawyer in connection with a bar admission application, a petition for reinstatement, or a disciplinary matter, shall not:

(a) knowingly make a false statement of material fact; or

(b) fail to correct a misapprehension known by the person to have arisen in the matter, or knowingly fail to respond to a lawful demand for information from an admission, reinstatement, or disciplinary authority, except that this rule does not require disclosure of information otherwise protected by Rule 1.05.

According to the rules of admission for the Texas Bar, an applicant must be of “Good Moral Character and Fitness.”[3] The applicable rule states:

Good moral character is a functional assessment of character and fitness of a prospective lawyer. The purpose of requiring an Applicant to possess present good moral character is to exclude from the practice of law those persons possessing character traits that are likely to result in injury to future clients, in the obstruction of the administration of justice, or in a violation of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. These character traits usually involve either dishonesty or lack of trustworthiness in carrying out responsibilities.[4]

Attorney Warren is now apologizing for misrepresenting herself as an “American Indian” or Native American throughout her career.[5] It has now been thirty-three (33) years since she made this representation to the Texas Bar and has never made an attempt to correct her registration card. Therefore it is clear that Attorney Warren lacked the “Good Moral Character” required for admission to the Texas Bar and should be disciplined for her three (3) decades of untruthfulness.


Ronna McDaniel

Republican National Committee

310 First St. SE

Washington, D.C. 20003


c37d3f  No.5056982


She looks like the actor from “Will and Grace,” in drag. Kek.

d4d15a  No.5056983


Lol pissy pants pelosi!

ce4b5e  No.5056984

File: ac61dbe18a0e633⋯.png (392.22 KB, 631x529, 631:529, ClipboardImage.png)

451dd0  No.5056985

File: 3d95fa0e43dd896⋯.jpeg (664.77 KB, 828x1273, 828:1273, 261922AA-4860-4775-B1B0-B….jpeg)

Hrc tweet today

dc2ab0  No.5056987

File: de6717f8067780b⋯.png (6.34 MB, 3300x2550, 22:17, Keystone Clock02-06wdelta2….png)

BOOMs at one of the deltas.

6b9b3e  No.5056988

File: 5691af2ad251775⋯.png (249.12 KB, 460x240, 23:12, Screenshot_2019-02-06 Meme….png)

3c9de2  No.5056989



All Jews?



6376f4  No.5056990


>Says the Elected Official!

To a 16 year old boy

92a5d6  No.5056991

File: 28caeaf99beef76⋯.jpg (220.12 KB, 1013x1536, 1013:1536, wilcock_youre_going_to_ass….jpg)



263fd2  No.5056992


Wall funding does not equal 0. Its 3.7 billion. If you want I can go on division shill.


c5c486  No.5056993

File: c828fcfa0af6ada⋯.png (1.73 MB, 931x1390, 931:1390, ClipboardImage.png)

08e61d  No.5056994

File: 5b2606c188aaac1⋯.png (634.69 KB, 2186x1260, 1093:630, Screenshot_2019-02-06 Goog….png)


the addresses of the Yorba Linda plane crash eyewitness neighbors, and the map of the vicinity

2465dc  No.5056995


you need to correct your friend… the last 6 years in office

eacf72  No.5056996


HRC seems to be living a pretty decent life these days.

409936  No.5056997

File: dd6e3ebbe79b626⋯.jpg (6.62 KB, 236x132, 59:33, beeb3c5ce80dc10cd1de9008b9….jpg)

File: 012a3d559634643⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1600x1068, 400:267, web.ns_.ted_.PicB_.GZ.jpg)

Noticed that DWS at SOTU last night, after being shown whatever on the tablet (and cringing), leaned forward to say something to Congressman Ted Lieu.

13ad7c  No.5056998


Body double keeping appearances up.

08caf9  No.5056999


Trump condemns your anti-semitism

407be2  No.5057000

File: 81ba3f6c955e804⋯.jpg (590.94 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0820.JPG)


these psychos will never, ever stop

be9e88  No.5057001


That looks like a fucking dude

3e8ab0  No.5057004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86bebc  No.5057005

File: ad31120b10f8e88⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1267x842, 1267:842, ClipboardImage.png)


Covered in gold, even!

61a8c7  No.5057006


5 billion asked for 0 given

Not a shill just trying to wake up sheep like you Fren

6bb3f3  No.5057007

File: cb5ae0e7fde23ed⋯.png (549.75 KB, 450x616, 225:308, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52b93bf475614f6⋯.png (1.08 MB, 551x748, 551:748, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8af230ef105e850⋯.png (9.68 MB, 2184x3048, 91:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99443771a469091⋯.png (552.98 KB, 500x644, 125:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e98f23b3094dfdc⋯.png (224.94 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


There are 2 factions of fallen entities. Watchers and Serpents. Phoenix and Dragon. Blue and Red. Nothing new under the sun. The only thing that has changed since the Flood of Noah, is that the factions switched from Overt Presence to Covert Presence.

a0b29e  No.5057008

File: 435c4e5afcb8ee5⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 516x428, 129:107, First Adulteress -02385098….jpg)

1570ce  No.5057009

"The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed."

911312  No.5057010

File: 23fbd9018719eeb⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 414x414, 1:1, 26975_lg.jpg)

File: 369067999764cad⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 725x399, 725:399, 4bacef1aaf222268a36fe34b36….jpg)



41ad12  No.5057011

File: 47d02d945a6633f⋯.png (11.3 KB, 650x564, 325:282, 020619 bank taxes 2018.png)

Banks Got A $21 Billion Tax Windfall… Then Fired Thousands And Rewarded Themselves

Last year major US banks were able to cut their collective tax bill by around $21 billion thanks to the GOP tax overhaul - nearly double the budget for the entire IRS, then fired thousands of employees and tightened lending standards, reports Bloomberg.

By year-end, most of the nation’s largest lenders met or exceeded their initial predictions for tax savings. On average, the banks saw their effective tax rates fall below 19 percent from the roughly 28 percent they paid in 2016. And while the breaks set off a gusher of payouts to shareholders, firms cut thousands of jobs and saw their lending growth slow. -Bloomberg

Bloomberg's analysis is based on the financial results and commentary from 23 of the most important US banks to the nation's economy, according to the Federal Reserve. The tax windfall was not unexpected, as banks had been paying higher than average effective tax rates vs. non-financial companies.

The financial industry promised to pass the savings along to employees, small businesses and communities in need of financial help. Instead, the 23 firms boosted dividends and stock buybacks 23% and slashed thousands of jobs with a few signaling that more layoffs are in store.

Bloomberg breaks down exactly how bank employees and customers fared following the tax windfall.

Employees were a mixed bag. Of bank employees who kept their jobs, some got bonuses - such as 145,000 Bank of America workers who received $1,000 bonuses last year. Wells Fargo rewarded their poorest employees by boosting minimum wage to $15 an hour.

That said, Wells Fargo and Bank of America slashed nearly 4,900 and 4,000 jobs last year - only to be outdone by Citigroup's 5,000 job cuts. While the banks did not provide regional breakdowns, press reports reveal that at least some of the cuts were international.

More cuts are on the horizon as well. State Street Corp announced in January that it will be laying off 1,500 people thanks to automation, while Citigroup may cut thousands of staff from their technology and operations areas in the coming years.

As customers are being shifted to mobile platforms and new technologies to handle banking needs, the many banks have announced increased investments in automation.


5c900d  No.5057012

wow fisa 2002, gangsta gettin hit


84dbd4  No.5057013

File: 82d432269570473⋯.jpg (1017.58 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, 82d4322695704733001836b53d….jpg)



c6b6c9  No.5057014


Yeah, apparently [HRC] means surrounded by comfort, friends, and safe from prosecution.

Hence [[[RR]]] - Super safe… [Mueller] - still going

In fact, does the box mean anything?


92a5d6  No.5057017

File: 37a3073030c4272⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 429x429, 1:1, IMG_20180803_143313.jpg)


She pulled that mask from a child's corpse.

b2cd72  No.5057019


Very rateable kek

6376f4  No.5057020

File: d6c334975088279⋯.png (78.82 KB, 646x356, 323:178, Hannity re Solomon re Muel….PNG)



814249  No.5057021

File: 0ba95a792df4454⋯.png (16.54 KB, 394x422, 197:211, mossad.png)

File: 1a7547c32d42ca1⋯.jpg (25.51 KB, 480x296, 60:37, GFY.jpg)



895c0e  No.5057023


Sang =blood in French. Margaret Sanger.

5d3325  No.5057024

The Daily Caller

‏Verified account @DailyCaller

41m41 minutes ago

Democratic Lawmaker Tells Teen Pundit ‘You’re Right To Be Afraid Of Us’ https://trib.al/LhIyNBl

Making Progress Patriots!

56c4c6  No.5057025



Also heard that they dock in 3rd world countries and have kids tendered out to them from shore for their sick pedo stuff

bc65a4  No.5057026

File: 64fb59ef06601da⋯.jpg (227.76 KB, 629x575, 629:575, Screen Shot 02-06-19 at 08….JPG)

06fadf  No.5057027

File: d5f6443049eb09e⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 581x577, 581:577, Screenshot 2019-02-06_15-5….jpg)


556f43  No.5057028





d558cc  No.5057029

File: 0d48943d8511645⋯.png (466.44 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 38FD74CA-6559-41F8-A136-95….png)

File: fad00a93b2b6ed0⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1C5D0148-136E-4DB0-AA0E-D3….png)


a4ed9f  No.5057030

File: 286ac7ea00dc871⋯.jpeg (86.43 KB, 761x960, 761:960, 4E413ED4-B84F-4864-A802-0….jpeg)

I found that witch they been hunting for

2465dc  No.5057031


nothing to say about the SOTU?…. hmmmm inderasting… meeting with her old state dept?…. hmmmm inderasting

4b6e41  No.5057032




b2cd72  No.5057033



409936  No.5057034


I can take my beatings, but worry about loved ones who have gone astray. The college industrial complex has been hard to fight against.

076c29  No.5057035


Sorry, friend. I've looked but I can find one like that for ya. Sorry.

be9e88  No.5057036


she looks like she is evolving into those two weird looking physic french fucking dudes

41ad12  No.5057037

File: 772cc7fe0919cde⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 474x474, 1:1, All along the watchtower.jpg)

d4d15a  No.5057038

File: 5598e89b6eecb04⋯.png (268.98 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 07a335a1856105dae5e5954d06….png)


TFW you realize Stacy's SOTU response was really just a campaign speech.

3804eb  No.5057039


<living rap legend

oh please

27bf24  No.5057040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry if re-post Anons. Trying to get caught up.

c368d0  No.5057041

File: 6966c83ae575f99⋯.jpeg (14.65 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 7001e1c6079b29956618ded7d….jpeg)


Me too fren. You know they gotta be super busy..

Stealth they are

3c9de2  No.5057044


(((You))) are (((them))).

08caf9  No.5057045


Patriots have no skin color


Trump thinks it's antisemitic to think Jews helped her get into office

b2cd72  No.5057046


Enron coming back to haunt Mueller and Weisman

6bb3f3  No.5057047


"Erasing the Watchers:

For all the links between Mormonism and the story of the Watchers as told in Genesis and elaborated in the apocryphal Enoch literature, the story itself has been expunged from Mormon scripture. In the Book of Moses (Joseph Smith’s revision of the first few chapters of Genesis, with some added material about Enoch), the phrase “sons of God” refers not to the angels but to Noah and his sons, and in any case it is not the sons of God themselves, but their daughters who sin — by marrying the “sons of men.” In Smith’s telling, what angers the Lord is not that women are marrying the sons of God, but that they are failing to do so! Giants are mentioned, but no longer in connection with the intermarriage business. It’s easy to see this as a pro-Watcher version of the story, covering up the sins of the angels."


1570ce  No.5057048

899cf8  No.5057049


We need to pick a date and slam social media.

Anons - let's pick a date and get Trending "Where is RBG" and demand they show proof of life.

Remember how we got #ReleaseTheMemo trending and it ended up on MSM. We kicked ass.

It's time we kick ass again.

56c4c6  No.5057050


Not dock I guess but drop anchor rather

61a8c7  No.5057051


kek most will miss this

27bf24  No.5057052

File: 0b58ba71f461a4b⋯.png (751.98 KB, 601x607, 601:607, Rap1.png)


What will all the rappers "rap" in a culture where we all have money (No Fed) and the culture is demanding high quality products and arts and services and we overwhelming HATE degenerate culture??

I guess we'll find out soon. KEK!!

d4d15a  No.5057053


Aww Hilldawg's reporting on her collusion reunion.

6fa5c5  No.5057054

File: f72f9ba105f0cc7⋯.png (386.17 KB, 492x499, 492:499, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

wearing white too

8af2b4  No.5057055


Did you verify source of this photo? Supposedly she slipped in and out. Most of the reporters reporting just happen to be there to report that. Wow, how convenient.

c368d0  No.5057056


KEK! Lurve her. She's on here dontcha know!

41ad12  No.5057057

File: 92f1b5df2012142⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 227x255, 227:255, Howza about some speeches ….jpg)

b0dd00  No.5057058



"I don't know where I live"-was he that distressed?

"my man actually lost his life"-the neighbor calls the rapist 'his' man.

e5c31c  No.5057059


now it's jay-z's turn to pay up..

wonder what else they'll have him do?

70b0c0  No.5057060


hey .. they can round them all up in one place!

3b9edb  No.5057061

File: b35825115a96c14⋯.jpg (133.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WhoOpposesTheWallGunRunner….jpg)

File: 6e37489d202bd5c⋯.jpg (130.77 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WhoOpposesTheWallDrugSmugg….jpg)

File: 4c033429c4c00b7⋯.jpg (124.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WhoOpposesTheWallDrugSmugg….jpg)

File: 9c51145b59008fc⋯.jpg (132.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WhoOpposesTheWallHumanTraf….jpg)

File: 4bcadbf7781b486⋯.jpg (298.56 KB, 1365x933, 455:311, TraffickersBorder.jpg)

18c64d  No.5057062

Anons, need a word of advice, there is someone close to me who works directly with Ivanka, I am not american nor live there, but Q team and POTUS are my heroes, so I told this person that it was my dream to cook for POTUS (I make delicious paella) Surprisingly this person told me this was possible, and that it could introduce me to Ivanka and go to the Oval Office. Now my family and girlfriend don't see this as a big deal, but I think is a golden opportunity. Just wanted to hear some advice from you anons, because I'm kind of confused about what to do.

bf57e7  No.5057063

File: 3235adcbc47eb65⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 663x960, 221:320, AAM Pol PP Silent Scream.jpg)

File: 66be86eef2dcdaf⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB, 768x647, 768:647, AAM Pol PP Secon Tri Abor….jpeg)

cfc7cb  No.5057064

File: 9abf782be42f2fa⋯.jpeg (121.35 KB, 663x443, 663:443, 5a55f4b943aed.jpeg)



why do you trust anonymous humans

that when you add them all up do nothing

moar than express the contents of their

own minds.

ask them, to cite their authority.

the first one that says "muh bible"…walk away immediately that is the cut-out they use to hide their own opinion behind.

the last days began the "instant" the Mother of God gave her fiat - the second fiat lux - and the Second Lux was greater than the first which is mere creature rather than the Creator Who is Blessed forever + amen.

source? my own mind so go with it. why not?

or why trust me? my word? who am I that you should believe?

This is the appetizer. Mary Most Holy is the one running this show. Her Creator, her Son, will be dealing with the real one much later when we are dead.

This was the warning. If you think this is bad, you really have not meditated on what is being described in Holy Scripture.

Also, anon, the simple fact is that this eschatological obsession is blinding some

to the sheer mass of humans that have NOT

lost all faith.

Shall He find faith? Well?

Right here, right now.

This is 1666 Christian + 1648 Sabbatean fear porn all over again.

Order is being restored but not without the shedding of guilty blood and a return to potency and act.

the mark of a prophet anon, is that he speak that which is TRUE. He may or may not speak

about things which are yet to come to pass.

stop shitting your kecks


Deo Volente!

451dd0  No.5057065

File: d8af4a90eeb1bb8⋯.jpeg (301.22 KB, 828x650, 414:325, 91642667-EC54-4B28-8AC3-2….jpeg)



3804eb  No.5057066



play instruments again


8af2b4  No.5057067

File: 66efb01838590fd⋯.jpeg (39.87 KB, 615x457, 615:457, 359DC90C-5CFE-4BD8-8EA7-8….jpeg)

eeb4a8  No.5057069



anon says Sam Bronfman stashed cash here (?) IDK cause Sam "whiskey man" Bronfman died in 1971 - before the sons and grandson, sold of Seagrams, bought 10% of Dupont, sold that to by Universal Studio and etc.

ATLAS KIAN QESHM (a.k.a. ATLAS SHIPPING; a.k.a. ATLAS SHIPPING COMPANY), No. 44, East Atefi Ave., Nelsonmandella Blvd., Tehran, Iran; Website http://nitcshipping.com; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions [IRAN] (Linked To: NATIONAL IRANIAN TANKER COMPANY).

e3f064  No.5057070


because there is no 'plan'. nothing is 'happening'.

b2cd72  No.5057071


Wonder how much she is charging them

41ad12  No.5057072

File: 3ba462c69fc78b0⋯.jpg (77.28 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Sessions waiting.jpg)

File: 21f5b24eccb14ce⋯.jpeg (23.04 KB, 255x254, 255:254, Mattis Kneivel.jpeg)

fb059d  No.5057073

File: 64561f52315969e⋯.jpg (100.23 KB, 600x450, 4:3, SomethingAboutAWall.jpg)


Depending on how you view the Isaac and Ishmael divide, that meme is making a true statement.

b0dd00  No.5057074


They'll have a subsection that still wants to be subjugated, like those who are institutionalized.

c6b6c9  No.5057075

Everyone remember when all these wonderful things were just about to happen.

We are at the precipice - and then they didn't

Are you ready for arrests? - Nothing

[[[RR]]] - Still there

Declas - haven't seen anything yet…

Midterms are safe - psychos were allowed to cheat and win back the house…

Let the arrests begin, let the declas begin… - still waiting for them to begin…


54f80c  No.5057076

File: 3b6060dd624f2cb⋯.jpg (257.41 KB, 1153x881, 1153:881, falgs antifa nazi.jpg)

56c4c6  No.5057077


Arrogant bitch!

d4d15a  No.5057078


Use local banks… fuck the corporate monsters.

141557  No.5057079


Oprah for President

fuck Kamala

it was meant to be 2020

just ask your handler

pelosi you don't even count in

John's eyes

84dbd4  No.5057080


Perhaps indicating Microsoft is in violation of FCC?

Did you keep records? Have a way to record actual call?

86bebc  No.5057082

File: ff63c91052bff31⋯.jpg (404.7 KB, 924x786, 154:131, 1511977069276.jpg)


No, (((them))) like to do disgusting things like mutilate babies and destroy nations.

6b8194  No.5057083

File: 74cf14e17c15d1a⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 236x176, 59:44, 9ae426cf89247f4246c738552e….jpg)

i'm jelly, i called a family member and told them about the upcoming Trump rally in Texas.

They were able to get tickets.

They have never been to a Trump rally, neither have i, kek

Glad they were able to get tickets.

41ad12  No.5057084

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)

895c0e  No.5057085


Make the best damn paella you’ve ever made. And some sangria to the menu.

023b45  No.5057086


It’s all about Isis, Horus and Seth.

The pharaohs are still around and ruling over us. Keep believing Jesus will save us….

911312  No.5057087

File: f5c7e1b6e198d57⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 600x303, 200:101, Nydia-Velazquez-e147092457….jpg)

File: db54d9a63bb2d43⋯.jpg (205.08 KB, 1500x850, 30:17, 8dc85fc8d8b2cdb72e2ced003d….jpg)

6fa5c5  No.5057088



You wrote "Regime change in Venezuela = underway" to which I replied w/ the puppet freemason president pic. FUCKING MORON

92a5d6  No.5057089

File: 83528af66fc2355⋯.jpg (113.3 KB, 781x907, 781:907, IMG_20170508_223221.jpg)

407be2  No.5057090


thought the same thing

b2269f  No.5057091



Nydia, we gonna get ridda ya

08e61d  No.5057092


there's a lot of future rap to be made about how the music industry bought private prison stocks and then promulgated gangster rap, Seagrams gin, and saggy pants as the soundtrack and backdrop of the crips vs bloods war as explained by Dr. Sur Arrigo in https://archive.is/6HNDP

e5c31c  No.5057093

File: df9362a8ea768c1⋯.gif (5.01 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 41f5eecf0d78fa341bce47bf25….gif)

b2cd72  No.5057094


It wasn't socialism that destroyed Venezuela but the banks and their shenanigans

6ad2ca  No.5057095

File: e4e70c696bf0688⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 962x621, 962:621, evening.jpg)


Never forget!

18c64d  No.5057096


I make the best that has ever been made.

a2de06  No.5057097

File: 40134675da45b34⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 236x232, 59:58, 44273455_10155603351331571….jpg)


Back at Ya, Devildog

efe852  No.5057098

File: 2a37f0ed0736c4c⋯.png (173.97 KB, 750x750, 1:1, bldrpoint.png)

3b9edb  No.5057099


I have never listened to a single rap number in my entire life. Seriously.

08e61d  No.5057100


Dr. Sue Arrigo, typo corrected.

6bb3f3  No.5057102

File: 36d6f479c55480a⋯.png (377.42 KB, 450x338, 225:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5fac3e727b9bfb⋯.png (411.48 KB, 330x740, 33:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4021fc6f24657f⋯.png (198 KB, 307x450, 307:450, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46e0c04977e3043⋯.png (5 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd99c0a5682d85b⋯.png (251.62 KB, 340x270, 34:27, ClipboardImage.png)


Endless supply from the beginning of the Building of Cities, to present day.

64231d  No.5057103

Calling all meme makers. HRC said keep them poor keep them blind or something to that effect. I can’t find it anymore.

b0dd00  No.5057104

File: 5d5a01d8af471b8⋯.png (65.69 KB, 1182x707, 1182:707, ClipboardImage.png)


I pray for the pregnant women to switch their love of themselves to their babies.

61a8c7  No.5057105

3c9de2  No.5057106


I think he is meaning "my friend". Someone he liked.

Not sure that the event happened at his home. Meaning tge father's home.

243467  No.5057107


Yeah she would probably diss that, but I agree…

a74755  No.5057108


"What you need to know about 'Pay-to-Play.'"

261e46  No.5057109

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

also, baker requesting handoff

a805a7  No.5057110


caller id

showed my FULL name

and my phone number

just hope it is not from here

wanted to see if anyone else here is getting these calls

not a big problem

c368d0  No.5057111


NOPE! We fon't touch FLOTUS! OFF LIMITS!

56c4c6  No.5057112


Sounds like she is jealous of AOC getting all of the attention.

Women are petty.

d66cc1  No.5057113

File: 6e3e039908f0661⋯.png (271.91 KB, 532x520, 133:130, justadrill.PNG)

With 10,000 plus sealed indictments in California how would you pick people up?

328029  No.5057114


Tickets doesn’t mean they will get in. Everyone gets tickets. It’s how the USSS can screen everyone in attendance. VIP tickets that guarantee you a seat. They better be there at the buttcrack of dawn or they won’t get in.

d4d15a  No.5057115


And don't forget the most important ingredient to ANY meal… LOVE!

I too would love to cook for POTUS, I make a mean fried chicken dinner.

7c6ac8  No.5057116


Imho, pray about it. God will help…

But if you do meet Ivanka, please let her know that anons love her, her dad, and this country. That we are very proud of them and to keep fighting for us. Also, if you get to visit the Oval office, pray while there. That would be so powerful and bring moar light into an already bright room….

41ad12  No.5057118

File: 67ddfa483f1172d⋯.jpg (639.21 KB, 1536x2304, 2:3, Flag Salute.jpg)

e5c31c  No.5057121

File: b8c53e56d44fc28⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 750x746, 375:373, DgIuKRnW4AIpvBq.jpg)

0701df  No.5057124


She and her ilk are not the future…they are just the latest stain in the current wave of humanity.

a4ed9f  No.5057126


Tree of Life Synagogue is a paradox

Tree = heritage, or lineage, tells us who our Father is. Life = not death. Synagogue = Sin-a-Gog, that’s Gog and the carnal mind at brings forth carnal works, Magog

63e1b1  No.5057128


Yes. Mormonism is madness.

e31760  No.5057130


(((I))) (((was))) (((making))) (((a))) (((sarcastic))) (((statement))) (((with))) (((the))) ((("(((")))

899cf8  No.5057133


Making it easier to become a citizen does absolutely NOTHING about all the drugs, human sexual trafficking and rapes of kids along the border.

02fd43  No.5057135

Sorry if this was already posted. Heard the rumor years ago that there are tunnels beneath notre dame university where nuns received abortions.


e5c31c  No.5057136

File: bb2f075e8b25602⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 1047x1091, 1047:1091, nasim7.jpg)

0cca1b  No.5057138


bull shit. real Hillary is deader than a door nail.

92a5d6  No.5057141

File: 66dba2edc1362f5⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 412x384, 103:96, 1509264897521.gif)

Blaming the ]Jews[ when you know it's the (((ROTHS))) = MUHSAD

e31760  No.5057142

shills respond to DJT's twitter quickest.

does Q want us to try to shut that down? but wouldn't it just be easier to shut it down from Q's side?

6bb3f3  No.5057145

File: cd01c9c1f66de0e⋯.png (240.54 KB, 610x320, 61:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b76661db94ca568⋯.png (198.23 KB, 340x270, 34:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00ff33f9de83938⋯.png (160.68 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9974e154f69583d⋯.png (172.36 KB, 236x368, 59:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 188926a6876834b⋯.png (532.8 KB, 644x652, 161:163, ClipboardImage.png)


Literally everywhere.

a4fdb5  No.5057147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


another shrill laTEEna harpie

efe852  No.5057151

File: 0b6f2c14a3c74b0⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 600x277, 600:277, tucopoint.jpg)

e5c31c  No.5057161

File: b5344d3969f56ce⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 300x374, 150:187, walt_whitman.jpg)

b0dd00  No.5057163



"my man" could be a colloquialism equal to "dude"

And the perp could have hauled the girl to an abandoned property adjacent to the farm.

My conspiracy mind needs a vacay.

329a24  No.5057164

File: 87818907fda3682⋯.png (376.72 KB, 727x628, 727:628, COStateSeal.png)

>>5054077 (PB)

Colorado you say? Nothing to see here…

ea8ae8  No.5057167

File: 5433043a086c4dc⋯.jpg (148.13 KB, 871x584, 871:584, 0685806847d23k8t367ab0638c….jpg)

6fa5c5  No.5057170


Naomi Campbell's island is Isla Cleopatra

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