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File: 929419eccc29b37⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

c7a1e5  No.5053231

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c7a1e5  No.5053235


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5052546 Vid of DWS reaction to being shown material on a tablet during SOTU

>>5052619 Hashtag hunting re: pizzagate-related material

>>5052621 CIA Director Haspel wearing shirt with white hats pattern

>>5052635 Italy’s deputy PM meets Yellow Vest leaders

>>5052650 Man who carried cp over US-CAN border sentenced to 20 years in federal prison

>>5052684 China’s manufacturing becoming a casualty of US trade war

>>5052690 Pope admits priests have been keeping nuns as sex slaves

>>5052729 NYT faggotry on full display in their “fact-checking”

>>5052735 NATO chief: Germany must continue to raise defense budget

>>5052870 Pilot in recent California plane crash had fake cop ID

>>5053091 On following TEGNA/Gannet money

>>5053163 WV woman indicted for threatening to kill POTUS

>>5053176 #6452

#6451 Ebaker

>>5051746 Brexit delivers a $400 trillion truce–at least for now

>>5051750 Lastest Dire Predictions on Broadband 5G Rollout

>>5051752 TDIP Corrupt Lawyer Adam Kaufmann and his ties to TDIP & Venezuela

>>5051758 Huawei Tried To Steal His Technology, But He Was Working For The FBI All Along

>>5051763 Alabama disinfo campaign a preview of "Deep Fake" tactics to come

>>5051764, >>5051764 Dems involved in Alabama scandal used "muh Russia" to justify dirty tricks

>>5051781 Is the end of Netflix coming soon?

>>5051783 Elizabeth Warren 2nd apology: suspicious timing (the day of SOTU)?

>>5051827, >>5051856 Is the butterfly-shaped sphenoid the keystone?

>>5051836 Long Article on Worldwide Pedophilia w/Documented Pedo Rings

>>5051851 French prosecutors tied to Macron attempt newsroom raid after critical stories

>>5051908, >>5052151, >>5052122 Caravan of 2000 migrants arrives at Texas border near Piedras Negras

>>5051911 Microsoft acquires DataSense mgmt (helps schools "ingest" info, WTF??)

>>5051972 Roujani says a secure Syria is an important regional goal

>>5052276 Rick Perry was the designated survivor for SOTU (will he get his own TV show?)

>>5052366 China’s central bank rolls out ambitious reform plan

#6450 Baker Change

>>5050982, >>5051259 Dan Scavino Tweets on SOTU

>>5050983 For Keks: Ocasio-Cortez says Trump Attacked Socialism Because He Is ‘Losing on the Issues’

>>5051039 Ted Cruz is a co-sponsor @SenSasse’s bill to protect newborn lives

>>5051048 Graphic on "Clowns Clowns Clowns"

>>5051074 Anon's "They did not know if they would grow old" connection to The Show

>>5051087 Graphic on the FED and Rothschilds

>>5051101 Poll numbers from Kellyanne Conway and Frank Luntz on SOTU

>>5051118, >>5051183 Anon on Pelosi's body language when clapping at SOTU

>>5051168 WaPo still targeting Q over RBG

>>5051185, >>5051342 Video of Military exercises in LA

>>5051273 Israel extends intelligence documents’ classification period to 90 years

>>5051309 8 Bits of Need-to-Know Intel About Air Force Chief of Staff Nominee David Goldfein

>>5051323 N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo tries pushing back at criticism over new abortion law

>>5051479 Anon's theory on necessary 15 day congressional notification to appropriate committees for the wall

>>5051499 Mad Maxine Waters Boycotted SOTU

>>5051545 How Venezuelan opposition leader Lopez made Juan Guaido the man of the day

>>5051568 Nationwide Injunctions Menace Rule of Law and Democracy Itself, Senior DOJ Official Says

>>5051592 Report to Congress on Venezuela-U.S. Relations from 1/30/19

>>5051610 Armed men blow up gas tanker truck in Iran, policed killed

>>5051611 Senator Blocks Bill to Guarantee Care for Babies That Survive Abortion

>>5051622 Large Explosion Reported In Rosslyn, Va

>>5051672 #6450

Previously Collected Notables

>>5050881 #6449

>>5048538 #6446, >>5049319 #6447, >>5050135 #6448

>>5046236 #6443, >>5047073 #6444, >>5047831 #6445

>>5044034 #6440, >>5044807 #6441, >>5045497 #6442

>>5042544 #6438, >>5043271 #6439, >>5043271 #6439

>>5040893 #6436, >>5040893 #6436, >>5041764 #6437

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

c7a1e5  No.5053236

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

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Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

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Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

c7a1e5  No.5053239

QPosts Archives

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New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

c7a1e5  No.5053243

File: 0314a9556f5c42b⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x177, 85:59, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

af5dcc  No.5053247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons got more sauce?

Mouth is watering!

af5dcc  No.5053256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry, forgot to mention the subject matter! Lol

George Soros Arrested!

75c60d  No.5053296

File: 546a9683f040e13⋯.png (331.66 KB, 745x509, 745:509, bq-5c5a596b61bfa.png)

Anons may have covered this…….but GREEN SCREEN????

ad6185  No.5053297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anons know

no discussion. no debate. no negotiation.


don't believe me? yup thats fine too.

we don't need your approval.

6f9042  No.5053298


Is this you in the video?

336171  No.5053299

>>5053207 (lb)

TW says it is actually the Guatemalan House of Culture:

Extraction site:

Guatemalan House of culture.

Who owns 1138 Wilshire Blvd, LA ?

Let the dig begin!


We need people fluent in Spanish:




8123f6  No.5053300

File: 00d477b24c9b29c⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1697, 1242:1697, CE562079-08E0-4404-8BEA-E….jpeg)


FUCK YEAH!! I’m going

b47314  No.5053301



29abd9  No.5053302

File: 5a0dcc24760395d⋯.jpg (11.14 KB, 230x235, 46:47, jeremiah-johnson.jpg)


8e16cc  No.5053303

File: 3554d00f0a10b79⋯.jpg (747.19 KB, 3200x2560, 5:4, 1549418163.jpg)

b47314  No.5053304


Talk about a border town

863102  No.5053305

File: d32a519a19aa2b2⋯.png (2 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, 2e4005249ff6a42e2c07a8fc6c….png)

5d9e2c  No.5053306


Im jealous

6f9042  No.5053307


Announcement of state of emergency from El Paso?

Would make sense.

45b0cf  No.5053308

File: 7786fa299fc49c4⋯.png (1.63 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

ebbca1  No.5053309

File: dab235f26caf7a5⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 255x169, 255:169, CG points it out.jpg)


digits confirm you will have a great time

0c9c67  No.5053310

File: 87cf0c5ab3e58ff⋯.png (108.87 KB, 305x469, 305:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Pittsburgh synagogue

Tree of Life = Kabbalah = Chabad.

Total false flag, no blood, no injured people…

Yet it was in the SOTU..

1f9b46  No.5053311

No one is going to do anything…

So far, the only action taken in the interests of this movement was by a man you all call a "terrorist." Robert Bowers.

Bowers, walked into the synagogue of satan and reigned hell-fire down on the wicked. While his gov't did nothing. While his military did nothing. While his militias did nothing. While his people did nothing.

The Jews he dispatched will never Jew anyone ever again. Many of you will claim to be "disgusted" by my post, yet you don't seem as disgusted when these kikes pervert our way of life to the point our own nations are unrecognizable. You don't show disgust when your daughters are encouraged by popular-media to degrade themselves. You don't show disgust when your sons are encouraged to identify as a female. You don't cry out when your children are spoon-fed Marxist propaganda in their schools. You don't so much as sneer as European people are denigrated and bashed in popular-culture. You don't gasp in horror after seeing countless Gentile families destroyed at the hands of tyrannical, Jewish-run courts. You get up in arms for "muh 6 gorillion", yet are silent about the 100 million+ murders committed at the hands of Jewish-led Bolsheviks.

You want sympathy for "victims" of the holocaust, yet cannot account for why the only remaining 6 camps claimed to be "death-camps" in Poland were closed to public-investigation immediately after the other 16 alleged "death-camps" in Germany were found to have NOT been used as such. You want mourning for the 240,000-300,000 dead kikes in WW2, but don't have anything to say about the 66 million murdered Russians, the 22 million murdered Chinese, the 15 million murdered Germans, the 7 million murdered Poles, the 7 million murdered Ukrainians and many more… Nor, will we hear you call out the real perpetrators of the USS Liberty bombing, the Lavon Affair, 9/11, the Vegas shooting, etc.

But shriek in horror, because I care not that Robert Bowers mowed down a bunch of filthy-kikes.

e14be3  No.5053312


POTUS mentioned in SOTU that now El Paso is one of the safest cities in the U.S., because of wall there.

d57ebc  No.5053313

Maybe we need some NXVIM to highlight the feminine toxicity of these empowering gals… They sure do highlight the hipocrasy of it all

ad6185  No.5053314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lilbiddy ass israel got yall too scared to walk outside? really?


wow Americans have been forced into such an ignorant lil fear shell!

you scared of Israel, Russia, tha Queen, ALL OF EM!



184efb  No.5053315

>>5053246 (lb)

Here's a couple more you left out for #2:

BHO's Muslim Brotherhood infiltration throughout the SES

DS plants and patsies in the Fake-stream media

Control of executive branch by the Military Industrial Complex

d57ebc  No.5053316

Sorry NXVIM memes

96ee32  No.5053317

I like to think Eric the Red was rooming at the Guatemalan House

d967d4  No.5053318


You can't even spell rained, so STFU.

ed9e06  No.5053319

POTUS Trump is really keen on national unity. AOC, quite the opposite. Isn’t Communism outlawed in this country. I have a feeling her ideological convictions run deep, and that she may have actual ties with a subversive group. Someone groomed her. You can tell from the fierce and determined look in her eyes. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE AOC. She is dangerous,

0c9c67  No.5053320

File: c553ffa4a01b0ca⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 456x287, 456:287, Pointer.JPG)

1f9b46  No.5053321

File: 4f3c1952323a76c⋯.jpg (333.01 KB, 960x642, 160:107, MichelleBrown.jpg)


Here ya go

ea7907  No.5053322


Look in last bread.

80f593  No.5053323


Make her look like Waldo, but the give away is reaper holding her hand

7b4a15  No.5053324


You got a nice, healthy (((glow))) there, Schlomo

d8285e  No.5053325

File: f5bfd08ca328d31⋯.jpg (61.4 KB, 929x555, 929:555, f5bfd08ca328d31f87b687b243….jpg)

File: bf9a5928f1ed44f⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 456x570, 4:5, NMB4JPC_mu.jpg)

Found the shirt with the white hats that Gina was wearing

Gathered-Neck Blouson-Sleeve Hat-Print Silk Blouse in White Pattern

$675 Available From 1 Store


e14be3  No.5053326


And she is NOT white hat.

Saying POTUS is her handler is beyond naive.

2d2a93  No.5053327

File: 36c9f7b54a66228⋯.jpeg (792.5 KB, 1114x613, 1114:613, 3DDF59C5-D3C8-40DE-8704-E….jpeg)

File: c3f41c9dadba0ba⋯.jpeg (867.7 KB, 1125x882, 125:98, 2F51CC47-F179-4556-AF9D-E….jpeg)

File: 92106257e7599f9⋯.jpeg (666.07 KB, 1125x868, 1125:868, 697E7DE3-7720-4A80-8A1F-B….jpeg)

MEME GIRLS…Popular movie quotes from Mean Girls would make great memes for the white witches at SOTU. Wish I had the skills. Some ideas for meme makers.

Definitely this ‘classic line’ about wearing white on Tuesday or SOTU

“On Wednesdays we wear pink.”

“I’m sorry I called you a gap-toothed bitch. It’s not your fault you’re so gap-toothed.”

“She doesn’t even go here!”

These lines in the article would play well with Millennials. https://thoughtcatalog.com/nico-lang/2013/02/40-mean-girls-quotes-that-make-everyday-life-worth-living/

85a2fa  No.5053328

File: 68f72f6c29e8838⋯.jpg (103.59 KB, 760x428, 190:107, 2szsxl.jpg)

859246  No.5053329


She came from somewhere, thats for sure. When someone comes out of the blue, they were groomed by someone

334d13  No.5053330

File: 38780f05ba80c21⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 720x558, 40:31, IMG_7471.JPG)

3111e6  No.5053331

File: d0a008addf36e62⋯.jpg (37.56 KB, 600x280, 15:7, Release the texts 04262018.jpg)

File: 17572ded06016b0⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 402x526, 201:263, from Q.jpg)

File: ec9cfb4ed1c0278⋯.jpg (167.54 KB, 800x529, 800:529, federal reserve system.jpg)

File: 5dc0522829db879⋯.jpg (196.36 KB, 850x855, 170:171, Jamal Khashoggi connected ….jpg)

File: 8137642ad60bc49⋯.jpg (159.15 KB, 800x798, 400:399, History_2.jpg)

>>5053226 LB

Yup, memes are actually a good place to store History.

It's hard to remember but memes can remind the meme-maker the time it was made.

Some memes show up during a moment and serves reminder later.

When does a mentor leave the work to the student?

Safer for Q to stay clear?

Does the silence make them batty?

When do mistakes occur?


Anons got #2, how?

Too many GOOD coincidences to be coincidence.

665e4d  No.5053332

>>5053295 (lb)

>My loyalty is not to Donald. It is to the truth. His loyalty is to us. Not the MSM.

False. DJT works for us, but his loyalty is _supposed to be__ to the US Constitution, as specified in his office oath.

My loyalty is also to the Constitution of the US, God, and Patriots. against all comers.

>What are we waiting for now Q?

You're doing it wrong. We are here to research for ourselves. Not wait on an information source.

We are here to do the job FMSM refuses to do, still.

Just like always.

ad6185  No.5053333

File: 64da35ef342332b⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 750x673, 750:673, bait.jpg)



sorry granny. your wrong.

b20617  No.5053335

File: 00b4ee77b5d256c⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 320x480, 2:3, 8148.jpg)

Thank You Baker

06927e  No.5053336

>>5053177 (LB)

Ex-MI here. I was conditioned to hurry up and wait (at times).

I'm a bit torn on this phase of the movie. We were told a long time ago that we hit cruising altitude and to prepare for landing. That was a pretty clear instruction that the heavy lifting was completed.

IMHO, we were "spoiled" by the pace and content of early crumbs.

It seems that a vast majority of the rest of the movie will play out–slowly–in full public view.

Waking normies out of comas (fueled by a lifetime of MSM propaganda to ensure cognitive dissonance) will take a few more years, but will be worth the wait.

There will be plenty of "wins" during the process to keep Anons happy and dancing.

f0b56e  No.5053337

File: 325988fa729af4c⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 252x255, 84:85, pepe fp.jpg)

>>5052974 pb

>That's a Q crumb that didn't age well.

Qcrumbs don't expire faggot


b73fd7  No.5053338


Who in their right mind pays $675 for a fucking shirt?

75c60d  No.5053339

File: aea5b4119f37fdb⋯.png (742.9 KB, 494x774, 247:387, djt.PNG)

Does everyone realize why Nancy kept looking at her papers?!?! Trump gave them A DIFFERENT COPY OF THE SPEECH THAN THEY EXPECTED!!!! BOOM!

1f9b46  No.5053340


Great argument…

8ade5c  No.5053341


exactly with a wall that works

fc8372  No.5053342

File: 4672501fca32778⋯.jpg (71.31 KB, 647x728, 647:728, MuhSockPuppets.JPG)

Fatty McCain got an earful for her SOTU comments.

But, @Jack decided this organic exchange deserves to be at the top.

859246  No.5053343

File: e968ef19d2c9a74⋯.jpg (45.07 KB, 473x442, 473:442, 51322688_2313851765292208_….jpg)

06927e  No.5053344

File: 8af62257d543bba⋯.png (68.3 KB, 1269x291, 423:97, ClipboardImage.png)

How the SOTU Finalized the Springing of the Mousetrap…

A vast majority of Americans tend to "live" somewhere toward the middle of the spectrum. Many of us would feel a little liberal on some issues (like weed), but then feel conservative on others (gun control, for example). Not many people "live" all the way out on one side or the other, because they sure as hell wouldn't have many friends.

During the SOTU, we all watched POTUS "force" a clear shift in the D Party as far left as possible. The perfect LOSE/LOSE trap was sprung and the Dipshit D's fell for it.

In front of the entire world, they were given simple either/or choices: "Do I stand and cheer for what is clearly good for the American people or do I sit and demonstrate that my disdain for one man is more important than serving the needs of my constituents?"

Most Anons don't remember that when AOC ran for her seat, the D incumbent NEVER showed up for any debate, never canvassed and never even tried to win. He was bought off and disappeared.

Also, remember when POTUS was rallying and he continually kept calling Waters the new "face of the D Party"? He was purposely building their "brand" for them.

Remember when POTUS twatted constantly about wanting Pelosi to win the SOH position? Notice how she's done a clear 180 on her position to secure the border? She's being forced; they all are!

The more "progressive/socialist" the leaders appear, the more uncomfortable with their policies the moderate D congresspeople, senators and general public all feel.

Watch and see how many D pols "flip" and vote for the wall; against Pelosi's wishes.

Those that don't are likely the ones that will "disappear" (GITMO).

The moderate D public will either become a mod R, an independent, or will stand and cheer when the full-out libtard pols are arrested. They probably want their old party back, TBH.

85a2fa  No.5053345

File: 1c3e474fac0f331⋯.jpg (105.15 KB, 760x428, 190:107, index.jpg)



This is what habbens when

you meme right outta bed


c54db4  No.5053346

You AOCfags are fucking retarded.

b67430  No.5053347

File: e3eb8bdf78189f1⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 960x539, 960:539, seemnice.jpg)


So is the world better, or worse, by having you in it?

3cfc30  No.5053348


More wild speculation that leads to anons setting expectations that lead to anons getting let down.

96d4f2  No.5053349

File: 9c49477b23b5916⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB, 1242x690, 9:5, AC05058F-B738-474F-81BB-3….jpeg)

5343d4  No.5053350

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

b4697b  No.5053351


Discussed right after the Hippo Yawned!

Yes it was Green Screened!

1f9b46  No.5053352


Yes, all of us Jews think people should shoot up synagogues. It's our thing.

0db74a  No.5053353

File: 345c8399a85460d⋯.png (859.61 KB, 710x894, 355:447, ClipboardImage.png)

Just a bit of humour

4f25b7  No.5053354



>the choices were made before the big bang.

>what you call choices in your human form simply bubble up into your awareness. the script is fixed. the ride already planned. no deviation possible.


Trust the Plan!

8ade5c  No.5053355


there will be no state of emergency… DOD has already found appropriated construction funds not spent… he simply has to order the DOD to construct the wall for national defense… no court challenge… nothing the demonrats can do… locked sealed delivered

ed14d7  No.5053356


>We were told a long time ago that we hit cruising altitude and to prepare for landing.

that's a good analogy. imagine you boarded a plane with a 12 hour flight time and it's been 2 days and you're still in the air. suspicion is growing about the pilot's motives and announcements. what do you do?

ad8b0b  No.5053357


I can smell the pastrami in your beard Avi.

ad6185  No.5053358

File: 25ecbae23dd18d6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 8 of SPADE.png)


who knows but he gunna get birdbox'd if he dont get RIGHT

f0ef4f  No.5053359

Trump to choose Treasury's Malpass to lead World Bank: sources

David Lawder


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has notified World Bank shareholders that President Donald Trump intends to pick senior Treasury Department official David Malpass as the U.S. nominee to lead the development lender, people familiar with the decision said on Monday.


c7a1e5  No.5053360

Baker Requesting Handoff

Ghost Handoff will be in effect in 15 minutes.

Anons, please volunteer.

d967d4  No.5053361


How's this, homotus maximus?

PROVE that the events you described actually happened.

Until then, STFU.

6f9042  No.5053362


The "if" is not speculation. It is going to happen.

Then "when" is the speculation. I believe the president will do so in order to avoid another shutdown.

b20617  No.5053363

File: 2e3fbbd7e0ee5f8⋯.jpeg (340.75 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547252690.jpeg)

017882  No.5053364

File: a0535ccba7fbd95⋯.png (3.06 MB, 2408x1354, 1204:677, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 73e5fe356261403⋯.png (3.61 MB, 2420x1348, 605:337, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 52d680ed2ffd6f6⋯.png (3.59 MB, 2410x1356, 1205:678, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: b7741fa4e4e5ecb⋯.png (4 MB, 2410x1354, 1205:677, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

moments of comms

looks like it may have been a happy shart

seems like potus was speaking directly to them

when you hear the words of those moments knowing what we know

love the plan

Chinese spies btfo last night


b4697b  No.5053365

File: c5be9e463445fe6⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 550x530, 55:53, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg)

fe6ae5  No.5053366

File: 3b2a5cdace0752a⋯.png (246.73 KB, 750x588, 125:98, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5053276 (lb)

>>5053274 (lb)


3b5179  No.5053367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uriah Heep - Circle Of Hands 1973

36291e  No.5053368


Director of the C_A. She takes funds from her little black budget book.

97ec83  No.5053370

File: 5f605983443cccd⋯.jpg (255.93 KB, 1012x569, 1012:569, Cocktails.jpg)

Oh… So many to choose from…

8aecc1  No.5053371

File: 487565aead7540d⋯.jpeg (844.07 KB, 1368x837, 152:93, Witches of Eastwick.jpeg)

File: b4a729331f65d31⋯.png (890.05 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 10:07:05_001.png)

2d6ac2  No.5053372

File: 6965d3b289e9782⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 770x433, 770:433, kens.jpg)

gettin easier and easier to spot

0db74a  No.5053373

File: d1a7a8e6ea716e3⋯.png (887.34 KB, 666x877, 666:877, ClipboardImage.png)

a1d339  No.5053374

File: f5ad3e7db34de69⋯.jpg (124.55 KB, 1128x1156, 282:289, eeewww.jpg)

File: e3051ac824ae682⋯.jpg (143.69 KB, 794x1024, 397:512, hrc_shart.jpg)

>>5053283 (lb)

Fuck what have I done…

Meant more like "can't even get her legs together, much less talking about her shit."

Oh wait …. nvm.

7cbc25  No.5053375

File: 5a18ec0dbbe359a⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20190206_091529.jpg)

7b4a15  No.5053376


You see what you look for. I think the biggest thing hurting anons is the fact we're looking, and what we're seeing is a non-stop deluge of anti-American propaganda.

Ironically, normies, who aren't really paying attention, are slowly coming around. Meanwhile, because we're playing the role of watchman, we're getting a double dose of the poison.

And yes, the plan is to turn the ship slowly enough that it doesn't break up in the water.

Personally, I'm enough of a psychopath that I'm okay with a bloodbath to root out the traitors in a cathartic orgy of violence.. which is why it's good that I'm not in charge of anything.

ea7907  No.5053377

File: 257859996e71a16⋯.png (784.79 KB, 666x876, 111:146, ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking lazy ass muthafuckers won't even go to LB and look.

801530  No.5053378

We'll it's probeing necrosadist schumer prawn 🍤

It's prol gross

And aliens got them machines now

Salville gets mandatory probeing

Huber gets mandatory probeing

Daniel gets mandatory probeing

Comey gets mandatory probeing

Tucker gets mandatory probeing

Maggot josh gets mandatory probeing

Whitaker gets mandatory probeing

Cortez gets a mandatory probeing







c373f5  No.5053379

Anyone get a good/clear close up of the writing on the paper Peelosi was holding?

b4697b  No.5053380

File: 38ce5eb3d6651fb⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 1200x1199, 1200:1199, DeAxRpwUQAAZRlj.jpg)



R acist

P iece

O f

S hit

7d0ca8  No.5053381

Can a video be embed with a time stamp? If so, would someone be kind enough to share? Thanks!

801530  No.5053382

What a pandering pedo potus

85a2fa  No.5053383

File: 07ed5741ea0dd04⋯.jpeg (6.74 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 42ee5105b53087ab27a5092af….jpeg)

ea7907  No.5053384


It's D.Trump's signature…covered lastnight on nightshift.

8db381  No.5053385

File: 7a907cb503dd546⋯.jpg (155.92 KB, 1300x482, 650:241, MAGA.jpg)

b4697b  No.5053386

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, 231gmn.jpg)

8123f6  No.5053387

File: 99548d4363b211a⋯.jpeg (629.34 KB, 1242x1673, 1242:1673, E38DA67D-2D68-4DBB-935E-2….jpeg)




891951  No.5053388

File: bd94b0064812363⋯.png (3.8 MB, 2264x2168, 283:271, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5052972 OB

TY Anon.

017882  No.5053389

File: dfc4fa0a6fbbc4b⋯.jpeg (443.75 KB, 1786x964, 893:482, fullsizeoutput_201c.jpeg)

File: 8d174dcaa7eaa35⋯.jpg (539.28 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_5908.JPG)


she fucking did it

thank you GINA!!!!


2d6ac2  No.5053390

File: 0bd21558edb0c6f⋯.png (187.3 KB, 311x389, 311:389, bettewitch.png)

1f9b46  No.5053391


Much better… Look, don't be mad at me for following the truth and sharing it. That's all I'm doing. Most turn back when it gets ugly or uncomfortable. And, many are too afraid to share what they have discovered for fear of being labeled something negative. I don't suffer from these ailments.

Most of the "dirt" people have dug up here, has clearly exposed many powerful Jews as being sadists, pedophiles and worse. The Jews own Talmud makes it pretty clear how they think of non-Jews, as well. The writing is on the wall.

But remember, you're a "terrorist" if you do anything about it. Just like those Boston Tea Party patriots were… until they succeeded.

7b4a15  No.5053392


Because the Jews never use the Holocaust as a mask to deflect attention from their malfeasance.

Do I believe elite-y Jews are okay with throwing normie Jews up on the altar so they can go about their Jewry unfettered? Why would I believe that? It certainly isn't something that's been borne out in history over and over or anything.

ed6d58  No.5053393

Deleted 0.5chan thread.


The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.

They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.

>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth

>raping the newborns and eating them

>eating children brains

>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem

>eating kids and babies alive

>babies hung from hooks and raped

>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes

>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood

>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit

>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones

>children living in cages

>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age

>children fed other children and babies

>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong

>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids

>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos

>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids

>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed


>if only you knew

>some motivation after that


Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO

Thank me later

Also the answer to the mess


God Speed in defeating these Satanists!!!

ad8b0b  No.5053394

File: a690b53db9cfa2b⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2syuon.jpg)

0c9c67  No.5053395


Fucking makes me sick

We will not avert our eyes from a regime that chants death to America and threatens genocide against the Jewish people. We must never ignore the vile poison of anti-Semitism, or those who spread its venomous creed. With one voice, we must confront this hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs.

Just months ago, 11 Jewish-Americans were viciously murdered in an anti-semitic attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. SWAT Officer Timothy Matson raced into the gunfire and was shot seven times chasing down the killer. Timothy has just had his 12th surgery — but he made the trip to be here with us tonight. Officer Matson: we are forever grateful for your courage in the face of evil.

Tonight, we are also joined by Pittsburgh survivor Judah Samet. He arrived at the synagogue as the massacre began. But not only did Judah narrowly escape death last fall — more than seven decades ago, he narrowly survived the Nazi concentration camps. Today is Judah’s 81st birthday. Judah says he can still remember the exact moment, nearly 75 years ago, after 10 months in a concentration camp, when he and his family were put on a train, and told they were going to another camp. Suddenly the train screeched to a halt. A soldier appeared. Judah’s family braced for the worst. Then, his father cried out with joy: “It’s the Americans


betrayed with a kiss.

d8285e  No.5053396

File: f1117dbf5859f17⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1286x682, 643:341, Lady with yellow vest styl….png)

File: 68dc39dd8c38fbb⋯.png (138.91 KB, 360x240, 3:2, 68dc39dd8c38fbb10702eb86ea….png)

I just noticed a lady with a yellow/neon vest looking jacket.

ebbca1  No.5053397


it's likely higher on dem side. Still a poll.

we know how that worked in 2016

f0b56e  No.5053398

File: cb51b20ab691b0c⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, POTUStd.png)

fd5484  No.5053399

File: b755e20ae10acaa⋯.png (694.81 KB, 955x671, 955:671, planned-parenthoodrat.png)

e4e6a3  No.5053400

File: 0c6dcfa8938079d⋯.jpeg (35.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9C248011-4FCA-4F7B-9C3C-E….jpeg)

File: 1f656f6d2e4fdfa⋯.jpeg (356.21 KB, 750x1100, 15:22, E1BEE019-10CA-4A58-9193-B….jpeg)

File: 6a6be1ba36f74b5⋯.jpeg (521.58 KB, 750x1191, 250:397, C1660399-A9EF-49AF-8479-E….jpeg)

2bf16c  No.5053401


Looks like every page was signed by PDJT. I'm thinking more like executive orders, but definitely a distraction from letting her give signals, that's why she lost control of the dance party girls.

4f25b7  No.5053402


Doubt they would think that. Though I bet some Jews think it would be good for them if a perceived by the msm anti Semite shot up a Synagogue. Not even sure they're using real victims in some of these latest shootings so nobody would even need to die.

85a2fa  No.5053403

File: 6884339cf618071⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 549x459, 61:51, nuts job.jpg)



Quads confirm

Shills suck

And are dumber

than a sack of rocks

b20617  No.5053404

2706ca  No.5053405


Impressive, right? Dems look like fools with stuff like this.

5e3f78  No.5053406


I second that.

They should start dating real women instead of their right hand…

aa86f0  No.5053407

That’s a dude


69ffe8  No.5053408



d967d4  No.5053409

File: 6964c09017a8b07⋯.jpg (178.34 KB, 846x633, 282:211, 6964c09017a8b079631af8134c….jpg)

45b0cf  No.5053410

File: 8b250948026bde6⋯.png (1.67 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

3111e6  No.5053411

File: 21adf4440359a05⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 700x645, 140:129, R is fake.jpg)

b43460  No.5053412

File: 60429d2e7165839⋯.png (1001.44 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, 83184387433908.png)

File: 1918de72b9aa30d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1320x883, 1320:883, 3450089790182754043.png)

1f9b46  No.5053413


Come and get some, pussy.

1f9b46  No.5053414


Which events?

ebbca1  No.5053415

File: 3a44e230fb63f1e⋯.jpg (166.91 KB, 728x1024, 91:128, HB Bob.jpg)

246db4  No.5053416


When an asshole could just tell us

75c60d  No.5053417

File: a9e39e7c7381514⋯.png (689.61 KB, 656x415, 656:415, dem.PNG)

aa86f0  No.5053418

File: b9bff026b9c9eda⋯.jpeg (76.13 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1FD4979D-F477-43A8-BDBA-5….jpeg)

0daa06  No.5053419

File: e885ce94e337345⋯.jpg (155.97 KB, 884x500, 221:125, Dems Be Like.....Oh.jpg)


Had to.

8ade5c  No.5053420


but Pelosi has to let the bill hit the floor… that is why it is so imperative that the committee comes out with funding for a physical wall, barrier, fence whatever they want to call it… that is the second part of the trap.. it will be sprung..

f1d611  No.5053421

This is fun for you, (Q)?



Entergy doesn't die!

3111e6  No.5053422

Please let POTUS know what a great speech.

Thank you, Anons.

859246  No.5053423

POTUS made some comment the other day to watch what happens after the SOTU. Nothing happened

b20617  No.5053424

File: c34962f23f52e23⋯.jpeg (117.33 KB, 1440x840, 12:7, 1523743558.jpeg)

127dca  No.5053425

File: 14f8ad54918ea8f⋯.png (716.86 KB, 852x646, 426:323, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Trump lawyer Cohen congressional testimony postponed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Testimony by U.S. President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen before the House Intelligence Committee has been postponed until Feb. 28, the panel said on Wednesday. Cohen, who is set to go to prison in March after pleading guilty to crimes including campaign finance violations during Trump’s 2016 election campaign, was scheduled to appear before the panel for closed testimony on Thursday.

“In the interests of the investigation, Michael Cohen’s testimony has been postponed until Feb. 28th,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff told Reuters. It was the second time a congressional appearance by Cohen has been put off. Last month, Cohen cited threats from Trump for postponing testimony before an open hearing of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee set for Feb. 7. That hearing has not been rescheduled.

Cohen has also been subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee to appear in mid-February. In December, Cohen was sentenced by a federal judge in Manhattan to three years in prison for crimes including orchestrating hush payments to women in violation of campaign laws before the 2016 election.


ed14d7  No.5053426


double dose of poison seconded

336171  No.5053427


video of the extraction:


9cf168  No.5053428

They should replay the SOTU in a loop on every channel every day for a week.

85a2fa  No.5053429

File: daf5ff793bcf02c⋯.jpg (190.2 KB, 930x1144, 465:572, daf5ff793bcf02c4d9037c4d69….jpg)



Thats because they

ARE fools anon…KEK

He really brought down

the house last night

48dfe3  No.5053430

File: beef114f6eb6aee⋯.png (6.33 MB, 2746x1674, 1373:837, Cunts_United.png)

>>5053268 (lb)

>>5053167 (lb)









All the same person…. The first human woman to marry the leader of the fallen Watchers… Born in the time of Noah and Enoch.. her birth name was ISHTAR.

>>5053268 (lb)

One crazy bitch deserves another…………..

3b5179  No.5053431

File: dc2c91a1e15f17b⋯.png (699.98 KB, 730x435, 146:87, Capture.PNG)

Police: Pilot in Fatal California Crash Had Fake Records

LOS ANGELES—The man piloting a small plane that broke apart over a Southern California neighborhood had false credentials identifying him as a retired Chicago police officer, authorities said Feb. 5.

Antonio Pastini was killed when the twin-engine plane broke up shortly after takeoff and fell in pieces in Yorba Linda, igniting a fire in a home where four people died on Sunday. The cause of the crash has not been determined.

Pastini, 75, was initially identified as a retired officer but Chicago police said there were no records of him working for the department.

The credentials found at the crash site included false retirement papers and a police badge bearing the same number as a badge reported lost in 1978, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in an email to The Associated Press.


8aecc1  No.5053432


Someone should ask her if she knows who Saul Alinsky is?

e4e6a3  No.5053433

File: e4d721472330a1e⋯.jpeg (51.45 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 2634EADF-8812-4F1C-84DC-3….jpeg)

File: 6826a06dc3d35de⋯.jpeg (20.02 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 2C52AC84-866C-468E-B457-D….jpeg)

63336d  No.5053434


Do you have notables?

d967d4  No.5053435


Didn't even read you own fucking post?

You're a fucking moran.

724380  No.5053436

File: 7ca8f8ca6b6ba96⋯.jpeg (318.6 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, FREEDOM.jpeg)





85a2fa  No.5053437

File: 1b20fc3c5220ebd⋯.jpg (18.35 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 2syr2m.jpg)

d8285e  No.5053438


It was also available from Neiman Marcus.

And i believe it came out in Oct of 2018.


5343d4  No.5053439

File: 9ca8f71eb4a1657⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1180x1204, 295:301, 47DB826A-0568-4A2D-851D-B3….png)

All kinds of comments like this on all social media

c7a1e5  No.5053440


Will provide upon handoff.

Are you volunteering?

c5dd1a  No.5053441

>>5053319 She wore a pin for the democratic socialist of America…yeah, she's got ties!

5e3f78  No.5053442


I didn’t ask for a confirmation, but thanks nonetheless.

fc8372  No.5053443

File: 1d398bd2d90196e⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 603x447, 201:149, CohenTestDelayed.JPG)


Did NickkiUSA nail the reason why?

63336d  No.5053444

>>5053440 Not exactly. Did my first ebake earlier but another (hero) anon collected notables.

8aecc1  No.5053445

File: 901ab934f1aba62⋯.jpeg (103.02 KB, 680x676, 170:169, That Thing.jpeg)

70033a  No.5053446


That moment when you realize no real American is buying your bullshit. . .

2bf16c  No.5053447


Never meme before covfefe kek

96ee32  No.5053448


enemy exploded in pink mist seconded

724380  No.5053449

File: cda7b7c86bd595d⋯.jpeg (334.7 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, GUARDIANS_OF_INTELLIGENCE.jpeg)

b43066  No.5053450


I'm with you 100%. Reality has to be accepted on its own terms.

ebbca1  No.5053451


saved that one

Reagan Bday too

ad8b0b  No.5053452

File: c7a2109f87e9883⋯.jpg (65.23 KB, 468x385, 468:385, 2syusq.jpg)

69ffe8  No.5053453


President Trump will be meeting with Kim on the 28th.

df89a9  No.5053454

File: 85acf9fbeb029d0⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

ad6185  No.5053455

File: d60ef38f9cce3c2⋯.png (483.25 KB, 613x705, 613:705, BECAUSE OF YOU.png)


yep be careful anons!

this is how CHINA traps you.

you say something offensive/brutal on social media…

5 years later it is dug up and used against you the month before you run for congressmen chair.

that make sense? DONT SAY STUPID SHIT!


nothing is ever truly deleted.


ae39f5  No.5053456


Hideous. Fabric is garish an looks dated and the cut of the blouse is mumsy. Wouldn’t pay $15 at the discount mall for that abomination.

ed9e06  No.5053457


Could you explain your position of her “ white hat” role because I don’t think she knows that? Elucidate your thoughts in a clear and convincing manner.

3111e6  No.5053458

File: cd047ea8a7c9db8⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 404x832, 101:208, More to find.jpg)

bdf7a4  No.5053459

File: a72d4e0fddefc70⋯.png (76.67 KB, 208x255, 208:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: baaf1a27423cc5f⋯.jpg (135.35 KB, 1194x564, 199:94, Picker.jpg)

136921  No.5053460

Will Sommer

Verified account


Follow Follow @willsommer


QAnon people are going wild with a fake news story claiming George Soros was arrested on Sunday. But the savvier QAnon promoters are withholding judgment for now—probably a good idea, since the article also claims that Soros possesses a magical teleporter.


Will Sommer

Verified account


16h16 hours ago


Here are some top QAnon people saying they won’t believe that Soros was really arrested by the “Earth Alliance” for holding “human hunting parties” — at least not until Q says it’s true!

talking bout sather and joe m twatter

4f25b7  No.5053461


Revolting women, and I don't mean their physical ugliness. Aren't women meant to irrationally love and want to protect babies? Yup these skanks aren't women.

4653f0  No.5053462

File: 456e291365115dc⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB, 360x636, 30:53, l7Xa_kVh4bfTowmR.mp4)

A look at Venezuela where Maduro hit squads are now shooting people in cold blood. Here a man is dragged out his yard into the streets, then shot at point blank range. This is always the ending stage of socialism. Our future if the D's ever get power back.


ed9e06  No.5053463


Gina who?

960e4c  No.5053464


Haspel - CIA head

5343d4  No.5053465


Wonder how much they were paid to be there

ea7907  No.5053466


An asshole because some are to fucking lazy.

f0b56e  No.5053467

File: a5d110bcf8de46d⋯.jpg (266.25 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Qresrch.jpg)


Fukin beautiful Anon.

This is how it's done.


fc8372  No.5053468


Merely a coinkadink says Rep ShiftySchitt

e4e6a3  No.5053469

File: 4540643dc522ecc⋯.jpeg (162.59 KB, 1065x1416, 355:472, 7CDE0454-1837-44CB-BC47-B….jpeg)


Is it just your backhole that’s faggot?

b20617  No.5053470

File: fa7d0129d69cf86⋯.jpeg (319.57 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547662152.jpeg)

Q has a sense of humor

2d6ac2  No.5053471

File: 2785935b9ab7fe6⋯.jpg (209.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Cortez_Clothes_ho.jpg)


Nice find.


Women who want to make a statement.


She can afford it on her salary. But since you mentioned black budgets, where'd AOC get the funds for this ensemble? Bartending?

9bc72e  No.5053472



Many, MANY anons don't seem to have that extra mental gear where they can track the disinfo, propaganda, threats, morale boosting, foreshadowing, prediction, false prediction, pun, double meanings, etc. of Q's drops, all at once.

They change analytical gears back and forth, causing emotional swings and morale spikes (then crashes).

The pace of the information certainly had our expectations up, but that was likely part of the disinfo.

You eventually realize that the constant spiked expectations of the more naive anons plays into Q's favor.

It adds credibility to the headfakes, forcing the cabal to take them seriously and possibly commit to a reaction.

Why do you think Q says "future proves past" so much?

All these anons approaching it as "present proves future" shouldn't be surprised that they are continually confused and disappointed.

Also, all the anons screaming "WE HAVE EVERYTHING, YOURE WRONG, NOWS THE TIME TO DIG" are also retarded.

There isn't a single god damn part of the plan that relies on us "digging" into anything.

The ony "digs" we've done that helped the plan were essentially Google searches to confirm what Q told us, then making memes out of easily found public information.

Our existence as a community who carves out and defends a free speech and open debate forum is our greatest and only contribution. The memes and analysis helps accelerate the growth, but are not responsible for it.

We are soil, not farmers.

8aecc1  No.5053473


Looks like a clear "Fuck You" to me.

246db4  No.5053474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





El Paso Sheriff shits on Trump after speech

Wonder who he works for? Or he is just an arrogant prick?

>Sheriff Richard D. Wiles was raised and educated in El Paso, graduating from Andress High School in 1979. Sheriff Wiles joined the El Paso Police Department in 1982 and rose quickly to leadership positions serving as a Patrol Officer, Detective, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief, Interim Chief of Police, and was appointed Chief of Police in 2004. In December of 2007, Sheriff Wiles retired from the Police Department to run for El Paso County Sheriff and after being elected, took office in January of 2009.

Sheriff Wiles was named Andress High School's Outstanding-Ex in 2004 and he attended the University of Texas at El Paso where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice in 1995. He attended and graduated from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Academy, the National Executive Institute, and the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. Sheriff Wiles subsequently pursued and earned a Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Sul Ross State University in 2001 where he was also named Outstanding Criminal Justice Graduate Student.

Sheriff Wiles has taught at the El Paso Community College, Park University, and still instructs at the University of Texas at El Paso. Sheriff Wiles has extensive experience in the area of local law enforcement and immigration, as well as border security. As a result, his input is sought out at both the State and Federal levels.

d967d4  No.5053475


However much, it wasn't enough to stare at that skank's ass for as long as they did.

ad6185  No.5053476

File: 209c371627ebb7b⋯.jpg (257.41 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, trust..jpg)


somebody are just acting.

as characters. pretend to be a disgusting left brain hateful liar…

get it?

and you fell for it.






492ee4  No.5053477

File: c9a282eff9eb9e6⋯.png (453.86 KB, 656x729, 656:729, POTUS Schedule 2-6-19 7 05….PNG)

@realDonaldTrump will hold a #MAGA rally in El Paso, Texas February 11th.


1f9b46  No.5053478


Must have a huge nose…

ed14d7  No.5053479


what do you think was in the bag anon?

06927e  No.5053480


>Personally, I'm enough of a psychopath that I'm okay with a bloodbath to root out the traitors in a cathartic orgy of violence.. which is why it's good that I'm not in charge of anything.


Self-awareness is important for growth.

96ee32  No.5053481


bartending = clown asset

remember the Q post about assets running for office?

859246  No.5053482

File: 85736a326bb3ea7⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 473x442, 473:442, 2szv2g.jpg)

ed9e06  No.5053483


We should just ll disappear then along with this board. What kin dof life is there without free speech. How are we supposed to influence others? How are we going to advance our cause because the left isn’t shutting up, are they? And you are telling us to tow the line?

184efb  No.5053484


it was a re-union of all those who voted for her for governor

a1d339  No.5053485


Did they shoot him with a rubber bullet or some such? Looked like an aweful lot of smoke coming out the gun, and the bang sounded weird too….

c7a1e5  No.5053486


Baker Departing Kitchen

Ghost Handoff In Effect

Notifying BO/BV's.

Updated dough: https://pastebin.com/PFsCdqPh

Notables therein:


>>5053300 MAGA Rally in El Paso on February 11

>>5053325 Origin of Haspel’s white hats shirt

>>5053425 Michael Cohen testimony postponed until February 28

Anons, please volunteer.

God bless, and have a great day.

fc8372  No.5053487


>savvier QAnon promoters

HighestRankedAnon played out.

SavviestAnon the new hot thing amongst the in-crowd.

69ffe8  No.5053488


I'm warming up to the idea that she's our asset.

3b5179  No.5053489

File: eb650e65d45c3d3⋯.png (429.57 KB, 661x330, 661:330, Capture.PNG)

More displaced Syrians return home from Jordan camps

6 February 2019

Daraa, SANA – A new batch of displaced Syrians returned home from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib-Jaber border crossing.

SANA’s reporter in Daraa said scores of displaced Syrians, among them children and women, returned on Wednesday from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib crossing to be transported to their villages and towns, which have been liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army.

The report added that the authorities have prepared a number of busses and trucks to transport the returnees and their belongings after completing their passage procedures at the crossing, in addition to providing them with the necessary medical services.


bdf7a4  No.5053490

File: 6275db6bcd99fe6⋯.png (413.57 KB, 647x367, 647:367, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5044782 PB

Look at the woman in red right behind standing Kushner…

She probably is a invite of one of the Demoncrats or secret service.

7cbc25  No.5053491

What was the point AOC was trying to make last night? Whatever it was it didn't work.

ad6185  No.5053492

File: 68062a19cf1ae77⋯.jpg (57.16 KB, 499x499, 1:1, blind.jpg)


not fearmongering lies you have no proof of.


get it together, your making PATRIOTS seem gullible.

aa86f0  No.5053493

File: e701f66755574d9⋯.png (390.14 KB, 535x800, 107:160, BAB3866F-C615-4021-B435-D6….png)

c5dd1a  No.5053494

>>5053461 Correct! They are without honor! They are NOT: "Women", or "Ladies"…they are only "female"…and nothing more!

e4e6a3  No.5053495

File: 3152e91e39d45b9⋯.jpeg (21.51 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 4F61DA93-A54B-4D76-A5BB-4….jpeg)

2c1fd9  No.5053496

File: bacf61260ee95d9⋯.png (259.44 KB, 422x425, 422:425, pepe157.PNG)

File: fba76a5be941334⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1618x747, 1618:747, pepe159.PNG)


883c58  No.5053497

>>5053212 (lb)

anon. cheap shot.

I want you to go away and find

notes written for non-English

speakers in their own tongue

that include their phonetic rendition

of surnames such as






Ó Seachnasaigh







de la Zouche

Is it because it's Spanish that you have an issue?

Try pronouncing some Polish names anon

without butchering them.


336171  No.5053498


I was think of computers/servers/harddisks etc., or maybe drugs, or even archaeological items (since it is supposed to be a museum). Could be anything at this point.

724380  No.5053499

File: 1b2a5afefb9fad0⋯.jpeg (321.6 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, ENJOY_THE_SHOW.jpeg)

ebbca1  No.5053500


you too baker

8123f6  No.5053501

File: 0098af089ca5d2f⋯.jpeg (907.96 KB, 1242x1729, 1242:1729, EEABBABB-D151-4828-BDFA-7….jpeg)



96ee32  No.5053502


Could be, certainly looks groomed by flotus

df89a9  No.5053503

File: 39b0a7b9cb17555⋯.png (6.69 MB, 1472x2048, 23:32, ClipboardImage.png)


>cathartic orgy of violence


8e16cc  No.5053504


Fake and gay in a blouse, because women have the right to be gaytards too

fb8b86  No.5053505

is Yahoo.com down?

7cbc25  No.5053506


Major kek!!

44e38a  No.5053507

File: fa586ca93d8e88e⋯.jpg (158.22 KB, 1333x1098, 1333:1098, WINNING.jpg)

Yep. And 747, 748, 749…… Just keeps getting better

5343d4  No.5053508

Most Anons don't remember that when AOC ran for her seat, the D incumbent NEVER showed up for any debate, never canvassed and never even tried to win. He was bought off and disappeared.

That happens I chicago districts all the time, way back to 1992 , prob even more back, but have personal knowledge of from 1992-2004 .


b20617  No.5053509

File: deaa2f6335edc28⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 500x690, 50:69, you-are-not-alone.jpg)

c23ed0  No.5053510

File: 2c5b5f04738fa14⋯.jpeg (26.8 KB, 274x182, 137:91, 5A452CEA-F71E-4B62-B8CB-F….jpeg)

Great article in American Thinker, when are normies ever going to wake up to this evil?

FEBRUARY 6, 2019

Rapists, Pedophiles, and the Border Emergency. By William L. Gensert

It wasn’t long ago when most of those illegally entering the United States were single males from Mexico in search of employment. Now, with immigrant rights activists funding educational tutorials in Central American countries overpromising DACA expansion, the benefits of traveling as families with children, and applying for asylum, most illegal aliens now arrive as family units, primarily from Central America.

This is not only dangerous for women and children during the several thousand-mile trip, it’s also dangerous upon arrival. To compound the peril, often the “family unit” is a facade, the children and wives merely for presentation at the border because our laws give families preferential treatment.

A husband might feel a duty to protect his wife and children; …What if the male of the “family unit” is a predator himself – opportunity abounds. That’s not even acknowledging the rapists and pedophiles within any particular “caravan” looking for a captive audience..

These countries are not going to arrest and prosecute any of their countrymen for assaulting a foreigner who doesn’t belong there in the first place. And if the rapist is a member of the caravan, discretion dictates don’t get involved, “the victim should have known the risk” – “let Uncle Sam deal with it.”

The possibility of arrest is near zero for the pedophile and rapist, and should victims make too much of a stink, they can be killed – by the time local authorities find the paperless, identity-less bodies, the killer will be in an American sanctuary city getting free medical care, housing, and food stamps.

That little girl or little boy and that woman go from being one of the huddled masses yearning to be free, to being someone who never existed, rotting among others in a mass grave. It’s not uncommon to find mass graves in Mexico, but when they do it is always accidental. Imagine how many dead they could find if anyone cared and was looking.

Yet, so willing are the Democrats to trade social benefits for potential illegal alien votes that they remain blind to the tragedies that are happening every day to women and children who cannot protect themselves during their journey to become weapons in the Democrats’ quest for eternal power. Fixated on creating a more-free and more-just America that they can finally be proud of, they ignore the mounting evidence of the massacre in the making their policies have fostered. The rapes and murders go unheralded, becoming like their maids and gardeners – something easy to ignore.

Most people don’t understand the incentives that open borders create for the sexually and criminally deviant. They can rape and kill at will during the trip and then be reborn with a clean slate in America while getting clothed, fed, and housed.

It’s estimated that almost 80% of all illegal alien females are sexually assaulted on the journey to the border. Exact figures are hard to come by, but some organizations have estimated that the percentage of sexual assaults for men and children are around half that.

Even if these figures are double the reality, it still means 4 in 10 women and 1 in 5 men and children of either sex will be sexually assaulted on the journey to our border. Any nation that would allow that is barbarous. Any rational observer would classify this as an “emergency.”..

The less savory among us will come in and pick up the slack. The best vacation destination for rapists and pedophiles today are the border states. Dark web message boards tell predators where to lie in wait for stray women and children who are stranded with nowhere to go, hungry, frightened, and in a place where they don’t know anybody. They are ripe for abuse and easy to get. .

No one seems to realize the magnitude of this. There are plenty of activists telling them how to get “bennies,” but few make an effort to actually protect them.

Apocryphally, Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Evil is triumphing and the unknown and unheralded victims are the women and children least able to protect themselves.

By refusing to put a halt to this sham immigration policy, we are good men doing nothing. We are, through our inaction, dooming women and children to sexual assault and maybe even death, or should they survive, a lifetime of psychological trauma.

Mr. President, declare an “Emergency,” not because it is politically expedient, because it truly is an emergency, a humanitarian emergency.

6a0fd2  No.5053511


What will happen to this is gov is shutdown on the 15th?

e14be3  No.5053512


We're also being prepped to be some kind of new news media, right? So we have been training to investigate.

The Plan does go forward, regardless. Yet, transforming our nation - or going back to a better time - requires study, involvement, discipline and commitment. Those don't come easily for many folks.

And we've HAD to be exposed to the depth of the evil around us. Can't get woke otherwise.

bdf7a4  No.5053513


>>5053459 Probably is a FU but she is one ugly want to be hard assed woman.

But for meme sake I think is will be more embareASSed with the picker meme

8ade5c  No.5053514


no I think the other way around… the media doesn't want to cover the hearing… what is Cohen going to say?… anything he says may add months or years to his sentence or even allow new charges to be filed… he will say absolutely nothing new…

863102  No.5053515

File: ea13fdc2836d17b⋯.jpg (189.34 KB, 576x384, 3:2, plain.JPG)

File: 801e0b1e78e4bb3⋯.jpg (209 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Ginsburg Family Vacation W….JPG)

File: 2d2e73be225474b⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Ruth's embalmed body found….JPG)

Holiday Road Song


Holiday Road edition

Ruth's embalmed body located but "Dinky" , her dog is still missing

4e8617  No.5053516


Jesus was a Jew. He called out the false Jews.

Modern day Christians need to call out both false Christians and false Jews to repentance in the true Messiah Yeshua.

96f5ff  No.5053517


Imagine what a woman like that pays for socks

20b476  No.5053518


eh… no.

06927e  No.5053519


I can't see the committee coming together on this issue. They're not supposed to.

Don't forget that the endgame is a total annihilation of the D Party and the entire MSM.

Calm compromise and common sense will keep the moderate D followers comfy, and we can't allow that.

859246  No.5053520

File: 6f7348dd783ea55⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 51322688_2313851765292208_….jpg)

5343d4  No.5053521


I distinctly heard two people as POTUS was walking out… from dem side say, BUILD the wall!

But that part is not in the YouTube channel the White House uploaded. It does not show all of the stuff from when he walked out

8123f6  No.5053522

File: 36746eaf62a97e5⋯.jpeg (232.3 KB, 1242x999, 46:37, D147F1F4-7627-4DB1-A475-8….jpeg)

File: 5f32fe847fe2181⋯.jpeg (249.01 KB, 1242x618, 207:103, 214FB81F-23F1-4177-864E-E….jpeg)


“Peace through strength”

863102  No.5053523


Lindsey Graham Holiday Road Song (hee, hee)

ed9e06  No.5053524


Oh yeah? Didn’t the spooks just get elected under our noses and are trying to run Congress from within? Don’t be naïve as to what the left and/or DS can do. Don’t be complacent with the presumed success of this movement because this is a war.

c83a0d  No.5053525



>>5053244 (lb)

crowd is not the same


-blond woman

-woman with pink shirt/collar

d8285e  No.5053526



Having the head of the CIA wear a blouse with white hats on it, is very INTERDASTING, kek

7b4a15  No.5053527



3f512b  No.5053528

File: 29b0842219dfb51⋯.jpg (84.32 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 51551250_320674185461032_5….jpg)

ae7767  No.5053529


I'm in Texas, but like 14 hours away from El Paso dammit!

724380  No.5053530

File: befadd04d990793⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 975x600, 13:8, STUPID_DAYS_ARE_OVER.jpg)

492ee4  No.5053531

File: 8ba27c791c3b97e⋯.png (491.29 KB, 661x677, 661:677, Hannity Tweet re POTUS SOT….PNG)

File: 832bf8edc14b33d⋯.png (203.41 KB, 562x587, 562:587, Hannity re POTUS SOTU 2-6-….PNG)

TRUMP TAKES THE HOUSE: 76% Approve of the President's State of the Union Address. 👇



2f1243  No.5053532


well thats weird. Who died at the house?

9bc72e  No.5053533


Once things are public, we will definitely have a much larger role to play in disseminating and explaining the information in our personal lives, on social media, through memes, etc.

fc8372  No.5053534


Good question. Technically they can still have it, but politically they could cancel.


Yes, it could be the opposite as well. Deliberate delay either way.

7cbc25  No.5053535

File: 09356bbc0c1f343⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, IMG_20190206_093321.jpg)

bdf7a4  No.5053536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Interesting to have LYING CRYING BRIAN WILLIAMS and the flake news reporter.

d7029c  No.5053537

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)


Hey, when you need to send a fake message, you need to spend a fake message.

Don't you think (((they))) troll us as easily as we do them?

Not calling it one way or another. Just crossed my mind.

ed14d7  No.5053538

7b4a15  No.5053539


Hey, you wanna make an omelette, you'll probably need a guillotine

just saying

5343d4  No.5053540


Not same shirt. Look at the neckline …smh

aa86f0  No.5053541


Belief in the eventual coming of the mashiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism. It is part of Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith, the minimum requirements of Jewish belief. In the Shemoneh Esrei prayer, recited three times daily, we pray for all of the elements of the coming of the mashiach: ingathering of the exiles; restoration of the religious courts of justice; an end of wickedness, sin and heresy; reward to the righteous; rebuilding of Jerusalem; restoration of the line of King David; and restoration of Temple service.

Modern scholars suggest that the messianic concept was introduced later in the history of Judaism, during the age of the prophets. They note that the messianic concept is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible).

c83a0d  No.5053542


There's been at least one coyote caught abusing the girl he pretended was his daughter

That's rarely mentioned at all, let alone when talking of the ABSOLUBE EBUL of "separating families"

b8f4cc  No.5053543

File: e1b3e57834964fc⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 864x960, 9:10, 51477341_2194483530868782_….jpg)


3b5179  No.5053544


Future PROVES Past

John 13:19

19 “I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am.

127dca  No.5053545


Thinking Schiff wants to bury his testimony with the conflicts of these two events…Remember Mueller saying that Cohen was lying just a week or 2 ago.

d8285e  No.5053546



Another post about origin of Gina's shirt. If you wanted to add it.

a48db9  No.5053547

So very thankful for our POTUS and all the sacrifices he and his family have made. Thank you Sir!!

45b0cf  No.5053548

File: 86056e107a77a17⋯.png (1.57 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

d7029c  No.5053549


Dontcha know that someone threw up in their mouth just a little bit having to air those results.

d967d4  No.5053550



Why is everyone missing the 'scarves' tied around the white hats?

All she needs now is a fucking doorknob to complete the ensemble.

23e076  No.5053551


i think it is very telling that she didn't wear a blazer, or suit jacket, whatever you want to call it. normally she would wear one, so this is her sending a message, wanting to make sure no one missed the message

ad6185  No.5053552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


told ya nigga.


13acf6  No.5053553


It was a Congressional lapel pin, not DSA.

d7029c  No.5053554


She does appear rather trapped.

136921  No.5053555


Facebook is taking down 22 more Pages tied to Infowars founder Alex Jones

Facebook banned a number of Jones’s Pages in August. Now it’s citing a new policy for banning even more.

By Kurt Wagner Feb 5, 2019, 3:00pm EST

96f5ff  No.5053556

File: 8a5da4e190f0fb6⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 625x502, 625:502, aocmanson.jpg)


Same garden?

e14be3  No.5053557



And the shirt is filled with them.

Suicide weekend?

d8285e  No.5053558


i noticed the red scarfs, mentioned it before when the anon who found it posted it. Maybe last bread or last night, kek

891951  No.5053559


Within about 15 years she will have become a confirmed conservative. Mark. Save this post for reveal in 2034.

No. Really,


90375e  No.5053560


Looks like a bunch of fucking onions in between the hats. White hats crying?

5927fd  No.5053561

File: 092e2479162a00a⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 503x387, 503:387, D4K2B.JPG)

b73fd7  No.5053562


I can't wait to find out WHO has been talking to us!

bdf7a4  No.5053563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dean Wormer responds to her speech……

96f5ff  No.5053564

File: c507f27a4912563⋯.png (25.19 KB, 696x808, 87:101, redscarf.png)

492ee4  No.5053565

File: e4f72f61d023097⋯.png (543.67 KB, 669x652, 669:652, Presler re CNN SOTU Number….PNG)


>Dontcha know that someone threw up in their mouth just a little bit having to air those results

Or, just adjusted the way they presented the numbers to make the totals not look as high as they were

3fc86b  No.5053566



96ee32  No.5053567


Once we figure out who's dressing her, we'll know whose asset she is.

f4e8b4  No.5053568

Don't know if clones are real but that looks like #322 out of limited edition of #5000


3111e6  No.5053569

File: 425ad8c5d1da589⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg)

2bf16c  No.5053570


Remember the left does not require a front hole to qualify as a woman. To them, some women have…. (((penises))).

f0b56e  No.5053571

File: 47b197f78524668⋯.png (245.78 KB, 750x422, 375:211, Yorba.png)



>well thats weird. Who died at the house?

Wrote on his fb before leaving that it'd be his last fb entry.

Where is this house? Need an address!

1c73b2  No.5053572


Any Psychologist in here? An analysis of AOC's body language could be interesting.

8e16cc  No.5053573


seconded notable

For Q graphics too

d8285e  No.5053574

File: d9ee56b1e8f06f7⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 634x419, 634:419, 2h6ztv.jpg)

81995b  No.5053575

File: 074cb5f6e707e88⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 761x683, 761:683, 2019-02-06_09-58-49_img.jpg)

7cbc25  No.5053576

I hope Q will be talking to us more now that POTUS rallies are back on for 2020.

8ade5c  No.5053577


fuckin bullshit… I was stationed in El Paso in 2004 and you were not allowed to go to Juarez… and there certain areas of El Paso you were banned from going…

2706ca  No.5053578


>Maybe last bread or last night, kek

I know what you mean. Celebratory Kraken was if the order.

1f9b46  No.5053579

File: c08f849be3075f7⋯.jpg (462.91 KB, 1362x779, 1362:779, PW7kLQA.jpg)

5343d4  No.5053580


Not me, but she looked pissed about halfway through

e3da39  No.5053581

File: 6f87cfcddb7e16b⋯.jpeg (553.23 KB, 1242x1060, 621:530, 5DDF56C0-F1FD-4B7B-A706-9….jpeg)


3b5179  No.5053582

File: 36f3792d6b2a802⋯.png (80.4 KB, 196x150, 98:75, Capture.PNG)

The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez. Was He Assassinated?

Important analysis which provides an understanding of Washington’s relentless threats directed against Venezuela. Please forward this article.

Firt published in October 2016

Hugo Chavez defied the most powerful interests, and he refused to bow down… I believe there is a very strong possibility that President Chavez was assassinated. — Eva Golinger

MW– Do you think that Hugo Chavez was murdered and, if so, who do you think might have been involved?


3111e6  No.5053583


4f25b7  No.5053584

File: d34480556f8d57e⋯.jpeg (166.63 KB, 999x1187, 999:1187, Rallymanjrdistancejr.jpeg)

File: 4e4f4bf2e186bc9⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1319x1181, 1319:1181, Rallymanjr.jpeg)


You asked for it

883c58  No.5053585

File: 26e8c5ba7156e42⋯.jpg (104.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, familia.jpg)


nah anon, that was my attempt

at humor, not a real name.

unless it is…lol

I'm kinda obsessive about "sounding out" surnames

correctly no matter the language as a sign of respect. it may take me a few tries but if the other person has no objection I always say it back to them until they say "stop!" that's good enough.

know what I mean? it's so rude not even to make an effort.

d7029c  No.5053586

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne pepe.jpg)


I think I just figured something out.

Last night the speech felt off to me - Trump's energy felt low - until the first USA USA chant. Right after that, his energy changed.

Anons theory:

The first part of his speech wash what EVERYONE had been given as a preview. After that chant, he knew he'd moved to HIS speech, the one separate from the version the Dems received.

No bullied boy.

No talk of voter fraud. (The shared version must have had it in there, given the D response.)

POTUS got to get back on his horse, and was fine from there on out.

2d6ac2  No.5053587


That's shot's even more sad than the green screen theory. Worse than the Hillary rallies, just enough minions to fit the frame.



5343d4  No.5053588


Hers has a scarf at neckline

891951  No.5053589


Most seats on House committees are "bought" by candidate brining funds raised for the DNC coffers. Its a tradition where the rep raising donations and earns a seat. Usually that means donations from big interests effected by that particular committee. But not always. Sometimes another rep sponsors.

This crazy gal has no resources. So follow the money Anons.

36082c  No.5053590

Virginia Lt. Gov. Fairfax accuser told friend at Stanford about 2004 sexual assault

The woman at the center of a sexual assault scandal involving Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is a Stanford University fellow scheduled to appear at a symposium next week on sexual violence and the #MeToo movement.

Professor Vanessa Tyson’s allegations, stemming from an interaction at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, and the explosive political fallout echo those of Christine Blasey Ford, another university professor living in Palo Alto, who last year accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers.

Tyson’s Stanford colleague Jennifer Freyd told the Bay Area News Group on Tuesday that sometime last fall, at the start of their fellowship program, Tyson told Freyd and a couple of other colleagues about the 2004 encounter at the Boston convention. Freyd doesn’t remember whether Tyson named Fairfax, but said that she spoke about it while “illustrating a concept” they were discussing about sexual violence.

“It was not that remarkable in that many times I’ve sat with colleagues and they talked about being victimized and how it fits in with what we are talking about,” said Freyd, a University of Oregon psychology professor who is part of the same Stanford behavioral sciences fellowship program with Tyson.


81995b  No.5053591

File: eec24d642ae43ca⋯.jpg (126.39 KB, 960x768, 5:4, image0.jpg)

ebbca1  No.5053592

File: d9645e2f3ea31c5⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 890x456, 445:228, 020619 SPY bifur.jpg)

File: aca3bc81fa5d806⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 890x466, 445:233, 011619 Record injection.jpg)

File: adbb28086e6c250⋯.jpg (136.67 KB, 1754x647, 1754:647, HYG vs SPX Hist at the spl….JPG)

This Is How Chinese Liquidity Injections Are Directly Affecting US Stocks

If there is one thing the events over the past two months have proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it is that when it comes to risk prices, only one thing matters - not fundamentals, not political risks, not earnings forecasts, not squiggly lines on charts, not opinions about the economy or even inflation and interest rate forecasts; Nope - the only thing that truly matters is how much liquidity is being generated or drained by the Fed at any given moment, i.e. is Powell hawkish or dovish.

And as we get fresh signals of economic slowdown both in the US and abroad - with Germany now on the verge of recession - coupled with a sharp drop in projected corporate profits

the S&P has continued to surge, up on 18 out of 24 trading days so far in 2019 with YTD gains of +9.20%, with Deutsche Bank calculating that only 5 other years in history have matched or beat this in terms of least number of negative days to this point in the year. 1954, 1961, 1965 and 1971 saw the same number, while only 1967 saw less negative days (5) through February 5th. Said otherwise, the S&P is now up +16.43% since its Christmas Eve trough, advancing on 21 of 28 days since then. That’s the best such streak since November 2017.

What is behind this remarkable rally that has ignored both what is at best a mediocre earnings season, a drop in Q1 EPS forecasts amid broad profit warnings, and dismal economic news? According to Nomura's Charlie McElligott the answer is simple: Fed "rate cut" bets are accelerating again, with Eurodollar curves flattening powerfully overnight after the past few days of US data "misses."

As the Nomura strategist explains in his morning note, "the profile move overnight is the reacceleration of ED$ curve flattening as “Fed rate cut” bets grow, again nearing the lows witnessed at the very start of 2019 following recent misses in US Data—with AHE, U-Rate, change of Manufacturing Payrolls, Durable Goods, Factory Orders and ISM Non-Manu all disappointing over the past four sessions."

And while stocks continue to levitate on hopes of a tide of liquidity washing up as soon as 2020 once the Fed starting cutting rates again (perhaps going all the way to negative if the San Fran Fed has its way), another key liquidity-based driver is coming out of China, where recent desperate credit/liquidity injection measures are finally starting to kick in.

rest at link


The injection came on January 16th (cap 2)

Is it any wonder that we have moved higher and higher on lower and lower volumes?

Not to this anon.

See cap 3 for a long term of how this plays out. Larger and larger disconnect between actual performance and quant based 'estimates'


1f9b46  No.5053593


Nah… Jew

f4e8b4  No.5053594



df89a9  No.5053595


Kālī is the feminine form of "time" or "the fullness of time" with the masculine noun "kāla"—and by extension, time as "changing aspect of nature that bring things to life or death." Other names include Kālarātri ("the deep blue night"), and Kālikā ("the deep blue one").[8]

The homonymous kāla, "appointed time," which depending on context can mean "death," is distinct from kāla "deep blue," but became associated through popular etymology. The association is seen in a passage from the Mahābhārata, depicting a female figure who carries away the spirits of slain warriors and animals. She is called kālarātri (which Thomas Coburn, a historian of Sanskrit Goddess literature, translates as "night of death") and also kālī (which, as Coburn notes, can be read here either as a proper name or as a description "the dark blue one").[8] Kālī is also the feminine form of Kāla, an epithet of Shiva, and thus the consort of Shiva.[9]

In relation to Shiva, she [Kali] appears to play the opposite role from that of Parvati. Parvati calms Shiva, counterbalancing his antisocial or destructive tendencies; she brings him within the sphere of domesticity and with her soft glances urges him to moderate the destructive aspects of his tandava dance. Kali is Shiva's "other wife," as it were, provoking him and encouraging him in his mad, antisocial, disruptive habits. It is never Kali who tames Shiva, but Shiva who must calm Kali.[11]

fc8372  No.5053596


A bit shocked they didn't do something like this:

59% reacted positively.

20% thought is was the best SOTU ever!

Headline: Only 20% thought it was a great SOTU.

136921  No.5053597


Untitled document

Joel Benenson letter - https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-01-25%20CEG%20LG%20to%20Benenson%20(Steele%20Dossier).pdf

Donna Brazile letter - https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-01-25%20CEG%20LG%20to%20Brazile%20(Steele%20Dossier).pdf

Tom Perez letter - https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-01-25%20CEG%20LG%20to%20DNC%20(Steele%20Dossier).pdf

Debbie Wasserman Schultz letter - https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-01-25%20CEG%20LG%20to%20DWS%20(Steele%20Dossier).pdf

John Podesta letter - https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-01-25%20CEG%20LG%20to%20Podesta%20(Steele%20Dossier).pdf

Talking about the dossier a bit - http://www.newsweek.com/trump-dossier-clinton-connection-wont-deter-russia-probe-693683

Marc E Elias at Perkins Coie - https://www.perkinscoie.com/en/professionals/marc-e-elias.html

Graham and Grassley Jan 5 criminal investigation into Mr. Steele - https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/senators-grassley-graham-refer-christopher-steele-criminal-investigation

Fusion GPS payments and various info - http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/19/fusion-gpss-ties-to-clinton-campaign-russia-investigation-what-to-know.html

pdf sent to these rats

85a2fa  No.5053598

File: 388d38142f3c427⋯.jpg (154.46 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2syc8b.jpg)

File: 803f3cc249ce4ed⋯.jpg (163 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2sycu5.jpg)



Let these commie

losers own their


aa86f0  No.5053599

File: 48e7b4b90d705ca⋯.jpeg (38.96 KB, 440x290, 44:29, 5EDC3084-CE7E-48E5-B50E-B….jpeg)

4653f0  No.5053600

File: 13740da0042c546⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 884x696, 221:174, Dyu44_QU0AEEZ28.jpg)

File: 30ecb69242c3172⋯.jpg (102.33 KB, 1199x988, 1199:988, Dyu5JDeUcAA69Xi.jpg)

d8285e  No.5053601

calculate the 23 % that found the SOTU negative, add in that it's a CNN poll, then add in they lie and skewer some polls.

That equals 4-6 percent who hated speech, because they are lost, kek

8aecc1  No.5053602


Note that their "Poll" doesn't have a category for 'Somewhat Negative'. They are trying to reduce the "Very Positive" number as much as possible.

e3da39  No.5053603

File: e1a291fde2c046c⋯.jpeg (824.18 KB, 1242x1457, 1242:1457, 8047DD7E-3AD7-4420-ACF4-E….jpeg)


5343d4  No.5053604


Nope tip of nose is off

3111e6  No.5053605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f0b56e  No.5053606

File: 4a7ba1b270106e0⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 450x338, 225:169, slide.jpg)


>An analysis of AOC's body language could be interesting.

^^NOT Qresearch

97ec83  No.5053607

File: 967d033d20d292e⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 473x442, 473:442, Cocktail.jpg)

e14be3  No.5053608


What's interesting, too, is that yesterday's schedule indicated that the speech would only take 45 minutes.

But it ran WAY over.

So maybe he did move off script.

NP was certainly searching for his remarks that weren't in front of her.

fc8372  No.5053609


>An analysis of AOC's body language

just make up shit like all the so-called experts do.

5d513b  No.5053610

the red scarf around the hat would go good with a door knob

2f1243  No.5053611


couldnt say, haven't been since the 90s

96f5ff  No.5053612

File: f45f4bd69c2a94b⋯.jpg (292.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, follower.jpg)

File: 59c1b2b0bfd959b⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 625x502, 625:502, oaccult.jpg)

8e16cc  No.5053613

File: c9920dc704fe9aa⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 575x356, 575:356, ac2fdaa9e32e560e9a1f089d7f….jpg)


In over her head, running on flattery and self aggrandizement

Chihuahua who thinks it can posture fight with a wolf and live

883c58  No.5053614



nose (tilt)

5343d4  No.5053615

0c41b0  No.5053616

they guy at hoover dam was a DS false flag, because where else do you get an unmarked armored vehicle besides a government parking lot ?

ed9e06  No.5053617


New Yorkers all dress like that. Blame it on the influence of NYFW. Everyone is fashion forward conscious, even the poor and middle class.

492ee4  No.5053618

File: e959be74c0f10f1⋯.png (483.7 KB, 648x652, 162:163, USMC 2-5-19 5 am PST.PNG)

File: dfd5be81f19e8db⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1473x732, 491:244, USMC 2-5-19 5 am PST pic.PNG)

Where the Wildlings Are


3b5179  No.5053619

File: c64c3c53bc3f05c⋯.png (561.06 KB, 726x413, 726:413, Capture.PNG)

36291e  No.5053620

File: 86c5ff6698bd1c9⋯.jpg (293.63 KB, 545x800, 109:160, 77sb.jpg)

ed5b67  No.5053621


Anyone who came post Q was always in the dark and ill-prepared to combat information warfare and is more than likely still unable to keep track of all the moving part without the help of oldfags. Some newfags are alright.

Pizzagate was said to be a conspiracy theory up until Q started talking about all of this human trafficking, and with POTUS bringing it to the front and center it seems more and more like an obvious conclusion that it's real. Look at who that John of God dude or whatever is connected to. Future proves past, gone full circle, whatever you want to call it, that's what it is looking more and more like every day.

We have needed to dig. We couldn't meme the way we do without a more thorough understanding of what's going on and how it's all connected. If the memes weren't effective we wouldn't be getting hunted down on social media like we are, we would be ridiculed and ignored like it used to be. Memes with appropriate sources has went a long way in breaking the brainwashing. Learn to code, however that exactly started, is a perfect example of how effective the memes and digs have been because it's a statement they started and we flipped on them, just like fake news. That was memes, all memes.

63336d  No.5053622

Anons - there is no baker in the Kitchen.

Anyone willing to collect notables?

This one added to ghost handoff baker's list:

>>5053388 Q Proof Graphic - Follow the Watch

8e16cc  No.5053623


Will lmao if he actually goes to fakeO's house

f0b56e  No.5053624

File: f2d47b838b4bcf3⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 620x310, 2:1, urinalism.jpg)



Doesn't get any more blatant than this.

7cbc25  No.5053625

File: 4ecbb9a690abfca⋯.png (75.99 KB, 720x565, 144:113, Screenshot_20190206-094402….png)


7b4a15  No.5053626


Coulda been real.. Polish is kind of a fucked language ;)

e3da39  No.5053627

File: a288b2de10add6d⋯.jpeg (330.67 KB, 1242x748, 621:374, E8A84FFD-17C2-4039-B227-4….jpeg)

File: 5662a19b7397112⋯.jpeg (529.48 KB, 1242x1312, 621:656, E65A8CAC-C577-4F6E-A943-7….jpeg)


ebbca1  No.5053628

File: 0e4b1cad05303a3⋯.png (1006.51 KB, 1409x786, 1409:786, Joo porn.png)

96ee32  No.5053629


She didn't look like that as a barmaid

d7029c  No.5053630


I think the public is going to deal with trafficking/drugs/wall quite well now that POTUS has framed it so completely.

ed9e06  No.5053631


Purple is a combination of red and blue. Where is her red and blue choker that she wore during the SOTU address? Signifying unity? Hope so.

e4e6a3  No.5053632




c39b04  No.5053633

File: 05646e4dcf37e22⋯.jpeg (69.05 KB, 470x619, 470:619, Gina-SOON.jpeg)


Someone posted "You're all gonna die" meme on Gina last night. Anybody still have it?

Love the shirt b/c of the message it sends.

White hat - red scarf - no doubt about it!!!

df89a9  No.5053634

File: 772c091247d37f8⋯.png (13.82 KB, 925x229, 925:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Heard someone say "He's a communist!"

I don't know enough about him outside The Lobby by Al Jazeera


863102  No.5053635

File: 2d2e73be225474b⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Ruth's embalmed body found….JPG)


Holiday Road edition

Ruth's embalmed body located but "Dinky" , her dog is still missing!


Lindsey Graham “Holiday Road” Song (hee, hee)

81995b  No.5053636

File: a5632cd8cf871e6⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 770x433, 770:433, 2018-10-29_18-52-56_img.jpg)

0db74a  No.5053637


Youre right, makes it even more strange as SA seems to be wearing the same outfit.

e0dbde  No.5053638

File: 93e148f030c7e51⋯.jpeg (13.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9F3DEFE4-FF95-47BF-B977-6….jpeg)

+++++79% approval rate who took poll???????++++great sotu to me I watch whole thing. If no funding for wall and more BS from dems can we see Gov shutdown to clean out all non essential employees for good???????

ed9e06  No.5053639


Look at her yearbook pics. Not shabby.

5343d4  No.5053640


Hee hee add that to the women in white pic

859246  No.5053641


Haha nice one

06ce01  No.5053642

File: 465ec23d0b88599⋯.jpg (255.42 KB, 665x1875, 133:375, TJH46J47J587KI65986908LORF….jpg)

36291e  No.5053643


Taking financial advice from Kamala: diversification of stockings and bondage.

8ade5c  No.5053644


actually I think the opposite… it will show how far left the demonrats have moved… the demonrats appointed to the committee are what we in the fly over country call blue dogs… it will put all potential 2020 candidates in a fixed position on voting over a certain issue..

4f25b7  No.5053645


His heads turned further than the old PIC. Either way it was JFK Jr or a lookalike, who wears a black fedora hat at night?

7b4a15  No.5053646


Irony of ironies being there's a huge fence running down the middle of town between El Paso and Juarez.. and it's real clear which side is which

d8285e  No.5053647

File: 3720ea22fec7bd9⋯.png (500.91 KB, 1456x856, 182:107, Gina's blouse info.png)



maybe she got a different style direct from Co the company/ designers that made it in california.

About Co:

Co is a Los Angeles-based womenswear label founded in 2011 by Stephanie Danan and Justin Kern. The duo draws inspiration from careers spent in both fashion and film, infusing each collection with a sense of drama, romance, and storytelling. The brand combines a sense of Old World soigné with the more relaxed influences of Danan and Kern's native California, pairing beautiful, unexpected fabrics with a signature voluminous silhouette. Most importantly, the clothes are made to be worn. Co is designed thoughtfully, with a thoughtful woman in mind, one who curates her wardrobe the way she might a home, collecting lasting pieces over time.

e3da39  No.5053648

File: 5b22c9a8f76ac14⋯.jpeg (239.57 KB, 1242x565, 1242:565, 71183B6B-7BCD-4708-AC8E-6….jpeg)

File: c06d69fa6394ae9⋯.jpeg (275.05 KB, 1242x641, 1242:641, BBB39C99-F892-4D1C-9A71-D….jpeg)


dbc798  No.5053649

File: e52181120328111⋯.jpeg (330.83 KB, 1125x1230, 75:82, B59DBFAB-4804-4C7E-9B6C-5….jpeg)


I was just going to post this too. She will sign what they agree on to also.

7c9ad6  No.5053650


That’s Kavanaugh’s wife

859246  No.5053651

File: f840b641dcb4597⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 473x442, 473:442, 2szx2b.jpg)

1f9b46  No.5053652


Go back to Mexico, spic.

891951  No.5053653

File: 72ba4ba04910c13⋯.png (526.49 KB, 2224x1268, 556:317, ClipboardImage.png)

96f5ff  No.5053654

File: 2558130feb5f7ca⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 1000x664, 125:83, owleagle.jpg)

665e4d  No.5053656


They were talking about their own mom's tit milk.


883c58  No.5053657

File: 5b0e1815ba672cc⋯.png (827.38 KB, 864x966, 144:161, Obama Kenya 2.png)

File: b124c99bb5e6299⋯.png (123.32 KB, 661x316, 661:316, Screenshot_2018-07-22 Q Re….png)

File: 0ef7517d078bcf3⋯.jpg (624.29 KB, 1184x2146, 16:29, Screenshot_2018-07-28 Q Re….jpg)

File: 3b759467f9dd5a8⋯.jpeg (171.6 KB, 1440x1061, 1440:1061, whoopidanracist.jpeg)

File: 392f825c69435ca⋯.png (26.47 KB, 631x321, 631:321, INterdastinCulturslGenocid….png)


white washed tombs

d7029c  No.5053658

File: d351316fd5faea9⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 553x503, 553:503, bombs away merry christmas.jpg)


So he gave her an "official" state of the union in writing, and then made the rest of it a captive audience televised rally?

7f1f6c  No.5053659

File: b00c66a2005552e⋯.png (132.31 KB, 297x207, 33:23, Messages Image(3066759836).png)


but, wasn't it on the boards 'Soros Was Arrested' connected to Babylon5 and shown to be metaphor associating him with the Deathwalkers?

who are any of these 'people' twatting at?

is becoming a cottage industry to name drop 'qanon' and namedropping 'top qanon people' the last few days? who's the audience for this?

a1d339  No.5053660


Well said.

Would almost bet she's a single-child, but never digged into her family/early life.

147da7  No.5053661


Trump announces campaign rally next week in El Paso, Texas

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s re-election team says he’ll hold his first campaign rally of the year next week in Texas.

Trump plans to rally supporters on Monday at the county coliseum in El Paso. The president often cites El Paso in arguing his case for building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to deter illegal immigration and crime.

Trump’s campaign manager tweeted the rally will be held “less than 1000 feet from the successful border fence that keeps El Paso safe!”

The Republican president cited El Paso on Tuesday in his State of the Union address as an example of a city he says became safer after a barrier was installed. Few people dispute that barriers contributed to sharp declines in illegal border crossings in El Paso and other border communities.

2fba87  No.5053662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jordan's opening statement on HR1

df89a9  No.5053663

File: 29b5e213a7c69e4⋯.png (30.88 KB, 1088x278, 544:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Is the plan to eradicate HIV/AIDS within 10 years?

What if cures already exist?

1f9b46  No.5053664



China hands out HIV via plasma-treatments to the tune of 12,000

24fa12  No.5053665

File: 9df2cc900b4a92e⋯.png (81.97 KB, 785x371, 785:371, warren northam.png)

File: ff0c1c38952c905⋯.jpg (143.73 KB, 856x566, 428:283, warren indian.jpg)

Northam imitated blackface during a costume event decades ago; Warren has imitated American Indian heritage on official documents for decades.

d7029c  No.5053666


Bullshitters be upping their game with this one.

2bf16c  No.5053667


1995 Ft. Bliss. MP got in pursuit of illegal in stolen car (open post). Lost situational awareness and chased him across the border. mexican feds arrested him for illegally importing a firearm. Released him after a few weeks but kept his pistol.

3b5179  No.5053668


He gets to walk around with a loaded pistol all day and every where he goes… so he talks bullshit ,, go figure ,,, what a FKing idiot

ad8b0b  No.5053669


What if cures exist? Really? Never heard of Magic Johnson?

334d13  No.5053670

File: 575649f9d0c5208⋯.jpg (108.52 KB, 574x572, 287:286, IMG_7618.JPG)

c83a0d  No.5053671


i still think she took many takes

probly spent all day on it

8e16cc  No.5053672


Fingers too small and crooked for fu

63336d  No.5053673

Have added these to the pastebin. Please help collect notables!

>>5053388 Q Proof Graphic - Follow the Watch

>>5053600 CBS copy/pasta fail calls high SOTU approval for Hussein>>5053600

7543ea  No.5053674

Hate is the natural response to evil. After being victimized by evil, it is perfectly natural, normal, and healthy to feel hate for evil. This hate can never be permanently removed without eliminating the evil it is in response to. The "hate" of anti-semitism will never go away and will always return again and again until the "evil" within semitic cultures is permanently destroyed. Satan and all his deceitful, murderous evil agents and machinations must be purged from the Jews, for all the world to see. Only then will anti-semitism truly end, and the Jews can finally live in peace.

ad6185  No.5053675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


less feelz


too much winning over here.


d7029c  No.5053676


Just when POTUS says he will eradicate AIDS WW?


This is a big deal.

d7029c  No.5053677


POTUS KNEW last night when he said he was going to wipe out AIDS.

POTUS KNOWS how AIDS is being spread.

b7dba2  No.5053678


PDJT knows that a cure exists.

e14be3  No.5053679


POTUS is master of the unexpected, unplanned and dramatic.

It was probably all he could do to concentrate, with NP munching away at her mouth.

When I called the radio station yesterday to confirm they were broadcasting the speech, their understanding was also that it would be less than an hour long.

We won!

5792ce  No.5053680

File: ddc05cee75d0bbd⋯.jpg (109.93 KB, 1208x638, 604:319, batter.jpg)

f8199e  No.5053681


here come the cures

anons knew

eb9147  No.5053682

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6E7E8257-6B02-4EC7-9547-05….png)

POTUS meets with KJU on 2/27/2019

2+2+7+2+0+1+9= 23

Here comes the PAIN?

ad6185  No.5053683

File: efeb1e0846635a2⋯.jpg (55.04 KB, 715x587, 715:587, almostdone.jpg)

File: 4d77e0f69ac67e2⋯.jpg (173.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, GEOTUS2020.jpg)

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, you.jpeg)



where have you been for 2 years?

we are here for a reason.

>what do you want for XMAS

c23ed0  No.5053684

Anons this article is too long so I put in JUST a few highlights of Stacy Abrams corruption and greed. We need to get this out now. It’s incredibly hard to find articles like this. The net is being scrubbed

Unethical Abrams: 10 ethics reasons why Georgians should not vote for Stacey Abrams for Governor


#7 Abrams asked for and received a sweetheart deal after working for the City of Atlanta that would make even Kasim Reed’s cabinet jealous. With the shock of large bonuses and payouts to staffers of former Mayor Kasim Reed in the limelight, it seems Kasim wasn’t the first to make such a move. Months after leaving city employment, Abrams was paid $62,000 in taxpayer money as a consultant on The BeltLine Project in 2006 and 2007. Even then, someone apparently raised a concern about her pay and “other agendas”. According to this handwritten note in open records from Atlanta BeltLine dated 9/26, “Someone raised concern about use of Stacey, watch how much in sum paying her and other agendas she’s got going.”

She even bragged about this questionable use of taxpayer funds… according to an interview in Reflections on Georgia Politics with Bob Short, Abrams said, “When I left the City of Atlanta to run for office, I had to figure out a way to afford my house and I started a consulting firm. I had created a couple of opportunities for the city and they hired me to come on board. And when I got ready to leave, they said, you’re not leaving without telling us how this works and so they hired me and I negotiated a pretty good price for myself and built a reputation as someone who understood the intersection of public and private enterprise when it comes to particularly public/private development.”

#8 Abrams’ business has liens for unpaid unemployment contributions. Her nonprofit discussed earlier, Third Sector Development had four liens totaling $13,000 from the Georgia Department of Labor for unpaid unemployment contributions from 2014 through 2016 as reported in the AJC. Additionally, in 2010 she had a federal tax lien for $29,795 which she claims was filed in error.

#9 Abrams personally loaned her campaign $50,000 while she owes the IRS $54,000. I would think that while running for Governor, especially after making yourself a half millionaire from nonprofits and work as a public official in addition to getting $150,000 for a book deal, you would want to settle unpaid taxes. But apparently not if you are Abrams, instead, she loaned her campaign $50k! According to the AJC, she deferred her tax payments and worked out a payment plan for 2015 and 2016. She claimed financial hardship while working to support her family. Again, she raked in almost half a million from her nonprofits alone in 2014 and 2015 – what kind of hardship could her family have? And what decisions will she make with your taxpayer dollars if she’s elected Governor?

#10 Abrams has a pattern of inaccurate reporting on her personal financial disclosures and campaign finance reports. Public officials have to file Personal Financial Disclosure reports so citizens can see their business interests to know if they have conflicts of interest. Abrams reports have to be repeatedly amended because of “mistakes” – she apparently forgets about hundreds of thousands of dollars she’s earned from companies she owns or serves as a partner, or board of directors she has served on. She also has a history of mistakes on her campaign finance reports. Again, while not illegal, it certainly shows at the very least, troubling incompetency, or most likely clear attempts to avoid transparency. Here are a few examples:

– In 2015, the year she received $85,000 and the year after she received $177,500 (2014) in payments as CEO of Third Sector Development, she filed amended her report from 2005 through 2015 to add this role.

– In 2016, she amended her Personal Financial Disclosures for years 2011-2015 to include her role as advisor to GeorgiaNEXT, Inc.

– In 2016, she amended her 2013 Personal Financial Disclosure to include her direct ownership in Myrina Strategies.

– Over the years, she apparently forgot she served on the board of directors of the Georgia Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, Faith in Community Ministries, Board of Visitors for Emory University, Branan Towers Senior Facility of Wesley Woods Foundation, Health Students Taking Action Together and NOW Corp USA. And while she reported service on the following boards some years, she didn’t disclose service in all years she served on the boards of The Atlanta Metropolitan State College Foundation and The Georgia Partnership For Excellence In Education.

– An AJC investigation in 2015 found she had a $3,403 discrepancy in her Financial Disclosure Reports. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 11/29/15]

fb8b86  No.5053685




1f9b46  No.5053686


THIS, THIS, fucking THIS!!!!

e3da39  No.5053687

File: d18952cdaeffa1d⋯.jpeg (324.97 KB, 1242x709, 1242:709, E3147612-CBEB-4CBD-BB68-B….jpeg)

File: 204f07c984442fd⋯.jpeg (244.41 KB, 1242x685, 1242:685, E1E6DBCC-CF4C-4451-AC1E-8….jpeg)


127dca  No.5053688

File: 2a1604fe7b9f34e⋯.png (653.63 KB, 852x627, 284:209, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. lawmakers target China's ZTE with sanctions bill

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill on Tuesday that would reimpose sanctions on ZTE Corp if the Chinese telecommunications firm fails to live up to U.S. laws and an agreement with the Trump administration. U.S. President Donald Trump angered many members of Congress, including some of his fellow Republicans, in July 2018 when he decided to lift a ban on U.S. companies selling to ZTE, allowing the Chinese company to resume business. ZTE broke a previous agreement and was caught illegally shipping U.S.-origin goods to Iran and North Korea, Commerce Department officials said. ZTE pleaded guilty last year over the sanctions violations.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Susan Collins and Jerry Moran sponsored the legislation along with Democratic Senators Chris Van Hollen, Mark Warner, Elizabeth Warren and Doug Jones. The bill comes just days after top U.S. officials met with their counterparts from China in Washington to try to hammer out an agreement to end a trade war between the world’s two biggest economies. It also comes as the United States tries to extradite a top executive at Huawei Technologies Co Ltd on charges she conspired to violate U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Many members of Congress view ZTE and Huawei as national security threats, worrying that the use of their technologies in the United States could make it easier for China to steal secrets. This is the second time lawmakers have introduced a bill on ZTE and sanctions. The previous bill, introduced in September, expired as the previous Congressional session ended. ZTE did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


f0b56e  No.5053689

File: a4c09df47aebac5⋯.png (723.86 KB, 1198x796, 599:398, Grass.png)



Grassley nailing down DNC

b40437  No.5053690

What do we know about all the journalist layoffs?

The timing (amid the government shutdown) + Mockingbird makes me think that it was some Hussein-era garbage that got defunded, but I say that having done virtually no research on the topic.

Anything, anons?

3cfc30  No.5053691

File: abfd1ebc9ec2010⋯.png (331.39 KB, 611x301, 611:301, ClipboardImage.png)

96f5ff  No.5053692

File: 2d7cbd5150c1736⋯.jpg (74.03 KB, 600x300, 2:1, angels.jpg)

81995b  No.5053693

File: 7396fb1a9286ceb⋯.jpg (13.02 KB, 275x275, 1:1, 2019-02-06_08-34-55_img.jpg)

d7029c  No.5053694


What if the cure includes not spreading the disease through (((their))) pipelines?


Bad plasma…

f4e8b4  No.5053695

File: b6846c65a54d2be⋯.jpg (211.21 KB, 1024x863, 1024:863, b6846c65a54d2bebb7dd15f10b….jpg)

prodigious if not prevarication


492ee4  No.5053696

File: fc2959789964ade⋯.png (232.12 KB, 655x881, 655:881, Athey re DC Twitter Lock O….PNG)

File: 81ce44f42ba7369⋯.png (203.92 KB, 524x644, 131:161, 1 DC Twitter Lock Out 2-6-….PNG)

File: 57a1c5971edcfea⋯.png (256.12 KB, 535x771, 535:771, 2 DC Twitter Lock Out 2-6-….PNG)

File: 8c4e72c3826a66e⋯.png (76.34 KB, 536x715, 536:715, 3 DC Twitter Lock Out 2-6-….PNG)

File: 289c8c834780e09⋯.png (37.75 KB, 518x577, 518:577, 4 DC Twitter Lock Out 2-6-….PNG)

@DailyCaller’s editor in chief was locked out of his Twitter account last night for tweeting “learn to code.”



ed9e06  No.5053697


Could you refresh my memory about the C_A running for office. Are they Q assets. Has Q team taken over C_A? Weren’t they uppose to erradicate that institution because it’s too far gone corrupt?

b20617  No.5053698

File: 20c71be044b01e2⋯.jpg (356.39 KB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 36355107.jpg)

b4697b  No.5053699

File: c3bdf2023164d19⋯.jpg (116.98 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 2b10cdca74940e50963cd2915c….jpg)



017882  No.5053700


their clone farms got infected

thats why they were doing the crispr human genetic mods to block aids virus

4f25b7  No.5053701

File: 5267f2e67c24647⋯.jpeg (541.06 KB, 1129x763, 1129:763, B7ABA0C7-C348-4DD7-BB84-1….jpeg)

0c41b0  No.5053702


OTOH maybe a white hat event to get Q-awareness pushed up to acertain threshold at that moment.

8aecc1  No.5053703

AOC = Ad Hoc

1. made or happening only for a particular purpose or need, not planned before it happens: 2. for a particular purpose or need,

2d6ac2  No.5053704

File: 2f1a1dc1791d2c4⋯.png (245.24 KB, 926x571, 926:571, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, we're so dumb we had to ask her college professors for advice.

3cfc30  No.5053705


Alex Jones confirmed this.

ed5b67  No.5053706


Black propaganda.

3b5179  No.5053707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, on a train, I met a dame,

She rather handsome, we kind looked the same

She was pretty, from New York City

I'm walkin' down that old fair lane,

I'm in heat, I'm in love,

But I just couldn't tell her so

I said, train kept a-rollin' all night long

Train kept a-rollin' all night long

Train kept a-rollin' all night long

Well, get along, sweet little woman get along

On your way, get along, sweet little woman get along

d8285e  No.5053708

File: 4e13eda97cf004e⋯.png (527.43 KB, 812x594, 406:297, White hat dress.png)



I found a white hat dress on their instagram.

I looked at the company's website and could not find that design.



c0c0ff  No.5053709

File: 227dab2f4db4edd⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 848x558, 424:279, Jkjihnjvj87-Hjnk.JPG)

0c41b0  No.5053710

"12 surgeries" has gotta be a code for something like 12 conspirators.

f0b56e  No.5053711

File: eccb7bf6307991a⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 936x560, 117:70, abrams.jpg)

63336d  No.5053712


Anons, please help out an idjit in the kitchen by continuing to call 'em!

#6453 Bun

>>5053300 MAGA Rally in El Paso on February 11

>>5053325 Origin of Haspel’s white hats shirt

>>5053425 Michael Cohen testimony postponed until February 28

>>5053501 New White House Tweet - Greatness for all Americans

>>5053388 Q Proof Graphic - Follow the Watch

>>5053600 CBS copy/pasta fail calls high SOTU approval for Hussein

>>5053648 12,000 Chinese produced blood plasma treatments tainted w/HIV

492ee4  No.5053713

File: 87bcfc518f0811f⋯.png (48.97 KB, 656x498, 328:249, Rubin re Athey re DC Twitt….PNG)


Folks, please stop tweeting #LearnToCode at journalists.

They are better than you and deserve extra protection from our tech overlords.

Please use #LearnToCone which will help them with future jobs at ice cream shops.


f4ba00  No.5053714

File: 03702b4692957b1⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 541x679, 541:679, rbgWeekendAtGinsburgs.jpg)


another Ruthless post

df89a9  No.5053715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf5fd5  No.5053716

File: bc7f7d56c5f0fec⋯.png (316.57 KB, 491x411, 491:411, 2019-02-06_04-39-00 copy (….png)

863102  No.5053717

File: 325a450ed7cc2e4⋯.jpg (97.89 KB, 528x408, 22:17, tuck my wiener in shill.JPG)

File: a555a7789c76f68⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 528x408, 22:17, goat humper shill infectio….JPG)

e3da39  No.5053718

File: c71715e794c8599⋯.jpeg (601.3 KB, 1242x1153, 1242:1153, 1CF0BB2E-86DF-4A74-B72E-A….jpeg)

File: b1b65e8532b7f0d⋯.jpeg (663.05 KB, 1242x1354, 621:677, 9B8D8D9F-A5B2-49A2-B41C-8….jpeg)

File: d11664d6bc0db50⋯.jpeg (109.68 KB, 1242x312, 207:52, 5B88461C-D1DE-49D8-8B69-9….jpeg)

File: 4c7be0bfdfc9e92⋯.jpeg (617.14 KB, 1242x1246, 621:623, 05391652-6BA7-4873-B4DB-E….jpeg)

File: 7201e7306b3dcb9⋯.jpeg (499.86 KB, 1242x1007, 1242:1007, 0BCE6AF2-5E66-45D1-A278-F….jpeg)

ad6185  No.5053719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


whatd she say that was wrong?

her lil emo spill seems pretty AMERICA FIRST.

maybe im missing something?

maybe she is a hateful mean evil witch?

or maybe you 'so called coservatives' have gotten so use to being a judgemental salty bish that you don't realize when your doing it.


883c58  No.5053720

File: 547b1dd2c039cfb⋯.png (107.84 KB, 673x592, 673:592, ca371a33461c3e2cda1245bbdd….png)

File: 9ab3560aee70494⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 773x960, 773:960, c98c963afcdcf92243b3090253….jpg)

File: c534aae441ee01d⋯.png (111.35 KB, 893x311, 893:311, Screenshot_2018-12-29 pol….png)

File: 25e56f0da419a4b⋯.png (448.07 KB, 692x441, 692:441, Screenshot_2018-12-29 pol….png)

File: 7d5d89f51aa2d83⋯.png (63.86 KB, 642x372, 107:62, RfoWHjz.png)


the image is disturbing

the image

does she have anything to say about


ad8b0b  No.5053721


No. Do your own damned research like the rest of us. This isn't the New York Times. The subject was covered extensively.

891951  No.5053722

File: 4bdfd5689692f32⋯.png (753.78 KB, 664x4280, 83:535, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5053653 OB

>>5052508 OB

>>5052508 OB

Bush Foundation ← → CFI

Global Health Corps [twins]

Three Clintons ~ Hit**r Con-sent

Gogle srch

Digging in Progress.

(pic related, previously a no table, no repitition)

7cbc25  No.5053724

File: 4bfe7993e06bda2⋯.png (94.13 KB, 720x729, 80:81, Screenshot_20190206-095323….png)

It's happening. Now the Dems are against curing childhoods cancer because POTUS wants to end it.

b20617  No.5053725

File: f57d2fe8f3a1483⋯.jpeg (105.26 KB, 1440x756, 40:21, 1547333433.jpeg)

b8f4cc  No.5053726


>Who in their right mind pays $675 for a fucking shirt?

The American Tax payer!

c0c0ff  No.5053727

File: 03a70a5da105560⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 695x525, 139:105, skdfdyhgrendhg.JPG)

136921  No.5053728

Ben Rhodes

Verified account


5m5 minutes ago

More Ben Rhodes Retweeted David Gura

This is just plain crazy. The only time there was a risk of a major war was when Trump was tweeting threats.Ben Rhodes added,

David Gura

Verified account


I mean, this is crazy: "If I had not been elected President of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea with potentially millions of people killed."

0 replies 6 retweets 13 likes

f8199e  No.5053729


Where we go one we go .. nah fuck you simple fuck do your own research…


ed9e06  No.5053730


I see…C_A assets are now white hats? That was Bush and Brennan territory. White hats took over? That ‘s just wow!

e14be3  No.5053731


She's insane. When she buckles on the wall to avoid a shutdown - OR if she holds firm and there is a shutdown, she'll risk being dumped by her stupid party.

ad6185  No.5053732

File: ca8699dca824525⋯.jpg (140.28 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, britflag.jpg)

8b6b71  No.5053733


But your comment implies that at the beginning of Q drops, we were told how long the flight would be.

244c22  No.5053734


TY “Temp” Baker - you’re doin great!

06ce01  No.5053735

File: d7ec08bff17f604⋯.jpg (21.45 KB, 748x536, 187:134, 9133973b7636335c74e3377c63….jpg)

1f9b46  No.5053736


Wow, that last image, saying "Sorry", IS unusual to see…

Fucking sad, man. Feels bad. Imagine if one of these girls was your family… Fuck.

4e0d7e  No.5053737


500 mil is kind of a weak investment if we’re being honest.

8d63b7  No.5053738

File: b9f002066ab4bfc⋯.png (41.47 KB, 1016x456, 127:57, 77sd[1].png)

Morning Anons, just wanted to share something mildly interesting (pizzagate related) that I ran across yesterday. It was interesting to me from the standpoint of memory-holed bits of info that pointed to organized rings of pedophilia and ritualistic murder.

Anyways, our local rag mentioned Houston area serial killer Dean Corll AKA The Candyman. I remembered hearing about this as a kid, but not much more…so I checked out the Wiki on him and lo and behold…funny how a lot of these serial killers or serial pedos had suspicions mentioned of working with a larger group, but it is never investigated. Gacy and Dutroux, for instance.


3b5179  No.5053739

File: 40cc37a844addc3⋯.png (477.61 KB, 690x469, 690:469, Capture.PNG)

Nestlé jumps on Blockchain train

Even the food company Nestlé is now in “Blockchain”. With this technology, Western Swiss people want to ensure the traceability of food – for consumers, businesses and suppliers.

For this purpose, Nestlé has been working on the topic of “decentralized databases” for a year and a half as part of the “IBM Food Trust” project. “Blockchain technology is designed to meet consumer demand for more transparency,” said Benjamin Dubois, who heads Nestlé’s blockchain projects, in an interview with AWP news agency.

Nestlé has been part of the food trust initiative of computer giant IBM for some time, Dubois said. In addition to Nestlé, global corporations such as Walmart and Unilever are also involved in the program. In concrete terms, the companies involved want to provide data for harvesting, processing, product labeling and transport on IBM’s blockchain solution.

Thanks to the Blockchain, the companies hope that they will be able to view such data within a few seconds, in contrast to traditional query methods. The new process is designed to give everyone, from the producer, to the seller and the end customer, access to a wide range of information about the different products.


665e4d  No.5053740

You know, last night, the dems did the same thing the shills here do:

They screamed who's team they are on without speaking or conveying any words.

f4e8b4  No.5053741



if they're going to be sex workers

a52bf9  No.5053742


The Federal Reserve "controls" the CIA. Helping to manipulate the American and World population through different schemes to implement regime changes and traffic drugs.

96f5ff  No.5053743

File: 220050a256a944d⋯.jpg (181.04 KB, 945x642, 315:214, keksgiven.jpg)

ad8b0b  No.5053744

File: c5ef0ed3e047a9a⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2svlpv (1).jpg)

Alex Jones also confirmed a tee time with Q so you may want to find additional sources of confirmation.

ed9e06  No.5053745


She had to send out the right message. Hard to find a print like that. Surprised she found it in time for SOTU without being custom made.

859246  No.5053746

Imagine a world where you had all the evidence and info to put away all of the bad people for all their sick crimes, but you just sat on the evidence for an eternity

06ce01  No.5053747

File: 0fbd149aacea21b⋯.png (54.2 KB, 771x587, 771:587, genzyklonwhiteboys.png)

File: e506160cfdd69db⋯.jpg (108.26 KB, 720x847, 720:847, whitewomenaredumb.jpg)

45b0cf  No.5053748

File: 038d5f2112c2d0d⋯.png (1.69 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

1f9b46  No.5053749


This is what SEMITES do… Remember that, as your POTUS coddles them.

eb9147  No.5053750

File: dd98adad3bfad10⋯.png (398.45 KB, 1159x620, 1159:620, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb86062e9d15102⋯.png (816.83 KB, 812x594, 406:297, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like Gina was wearing a dress. Neckline matches.


ad6185  No.5053751

File: 463ba9278ff6877⋯.jpeg (86.57 KB, 750x725, 30:29, Popcorn.jpeg)


cant wait to find out! im such a fan girl when it comes to WORLD PEACE

863102  No.5053752

File: aedf6bbeee2217b⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 500x496, 125:124, tumblr_o2ic1uR3Ux1uwqy5co1….jpg)

File: a0d356b7695e598⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 310x163, 310:163, images.jpg)

File: e5cb3a407575b45⋯.jpg (146.21 KB, 1191x1200, 397:400, C4EHwKeUkAA21Kl.jpg)

492ee4  No.5053753

File: 8045781028a482d⋯.png (57.41 KB, 658x532, 47:38, Soave re Athey re DC Twitt….PNG)


So…. Twitter *is* basically just suspending people for tweeting "learn to code" even if it isn't part of any targeted harassment campaign.


136921  No.5053754

Michael Avenatti replied

Howard Dean

Verified account


6h6 hours ago


Biggest winner last night at SOTU was Stacey Abrams. I do not think she should run for the Senate in Georgia. I think she should be someone’s Veep

127 replies 645 retweets 3,735 likes

Reply 127 Retweet 645 Like 3.7K Direct message

Michael Avenatti

Verified account


23m23 minutes ago


This ☝️

creepy porn lawyer lurks. THIS

081f7d  No.5053755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saltiest Liberal Reactions to Trump's 2019 State of the Union Speech (SOTU)

d57ebc  No.5053756


They are certainly good at dishing it out… But they cannot take it… This needs to change let us show them

61ea11  No.5053757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

96f5ff  No.5053758

File: 576fe40a4858d82⋯.png (433.64 KB, 730x454, 365:227, fuckwhitey.png)

fc8372  No.5053759


>Alex Jones confirmed this.

He would know since he took a big pay cut too

127dca  No.5053760

File: 5ed6d8b65c2cb75⋯.png (645.32 KB, 852x642, 142:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8cb0883676c913⋯.png (425.16 KB, 909x1304, 909:1304, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be0a83147024ce8⋯.png (132.53 KB, 920x1177, 920:1177, ClipboardImage.png)

Hammer and pickle: Vietnam-style reform would mean big changes for North Korea

HANOI (Reuters) - Nestled in a leafy park between a rusting Soviet fighter jet and the old East German embassy, a lonely statue of Lenin stands in the center of Hanoi as a symbol of the Russian revolutionary’s inspiration to Communist-ruled Vietnam. In 1986, one year after the statue was erected, Vietnam embarked on its comprehensive program of “doi moi” reforms which transformed the country from a war-torn agrarian basket case into one of Asia’s fastest-growing economies. Today, Hanoi’s “Lenin Park” is popular, not for Vietnamese paying homage to their communist roots but for a dedicated crew of skateboarders aping their Western cohorts.

As Vietnam prepares to host North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump’s second summit later this month, the Vietnamese model of reform is being widely touted as the economic path for impoverished and isolated North Korea to follow. Vietnamese reforms have seen per capita GDP soar almost five-fold since 1986 and kept Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party, which tolerates little dissent, firmly in power. But it has necessitated political change and levels of individual freedoms that would require major reforms in North Korea, where Kim Jong Un exercises almost total control and is revered by state propaganda as a living deity.

“When all the power is in the hand of a single person, decisions are prone to mistakes,” said Cao Si Kiem, the former governor of Vietnam’s state bank who enacted sweeping reforms of Hanoi’s monetary policy from 1989-1997. “We had to accept power dilution,” Kiem told Reuters, referring to Vietnam’s era of opening up.

When Vietnamese revolutionary and founding president Ho Chi Minh’s health was failing during the Vietnam War, his right hand man in the Party, Le Duan, took over and ruled as a strongman until his death in 1986. Duan’s demise ended Vietnam’s “strongman era”, and helped facilitate economic and then political reforms, said Le Hong Hiep, a fellow at Singapore’s ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute. “Le Duan was a hardcore communist, an old guard of the Leninist political and economic system,” said Hiep. “After his demise, no single politician could command such a level of control. Instead, the politburo took over and became the most important decision maker, albeit on a consensus basis”.


1faaaf  No.5053761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Demfags weekly address with Hakeem

a1d339  No.5053762

File: d36f5a3b9a2e224⋯.png (282.89 KB, 729x538, 729:538, GOC_AOC.png)

File: 0e92a0b801045bd⋯.png (93.75 KB, 1145x362, 1145:362, AOC_wiki.png)


To put the record straight: She has a younger brother, Gabriel, acc. to wagpolitics.com:


… and a small asteroid named after her acc. to wikipedia

ebbca1  No.5053763

File: ba3a066917b6156⋯.jpg (39.45 KB, 450x305, 90:61, nice landing.jpg)

f0b56e  No.5053764



Another fine job, Anon

5343d4  No.5053765

I noticed he never uses the written speech laying in front of him… he seems to memorize what exactly he wants to say…

863102  No.5053766

File: 8e8f0cdf79184db⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 599x599, 1:1, the Best.jpg)

96f5ff  No.5053767


Digging in the bottom of the barrel o monkeys

2706ca  No.5053768

File: 7e87a172869a333⋯.jpg (211.35 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 3E55D9ED00000578-4321382-i….jpg)


This is a great link, and the article itself is well sourced. Excellent find!!!

ca1508  No.5053769


Every page was not signed. Watch the full speech1:17 the papers nature can be seen, though we could see from the back of the stack earlier DJT signature.

5792ce  No.5053770

File: 89f2964a1c5bb78⋯.jpg (660.77 KB, 1018x981, 1018:981, joo-spinner.jpg)



You anti-joo shills are tiring AF

36291e  No.5053771

File: f2db8403fecf65f⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 625x502, 625:502, 77si.jpg)

df89a9  No.5053772

File: dd7fdca71ad44c2⋯.png (282.98 KB, 1372x488, 343:122, ClipboardImage.png)

3b5179  No.5053773

File: 696769b08dc029d⋯.png (234.86 KB, 309x309, 1:1, Capture.PNG)

Time to hold Mayor Peduto accountable

Help Hold the Pittsburgh Mayor and his City Council Personally Liable!

Click on the Take Action button to email state Attorney General Josh Shapiro, urging him to prosecute the criminal actions of Mayor Bill Peduto and the Pittsburgh City Council. And for those in Allegheny County, call DA Stephen Zappala with the same request at (412) 350-4400. Or copy-and-paste the message at the bottom of this email and send it to his media director, Mike Manko, after clicking here to pull up his email address.


6ed24d  No.5053774

File: a1ed252e86f2478⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 576x587, 576:587, down tiger.jpg)


Easy, Tiger.

I'm a gonna downs vote this because it's more than a little retarded.

You could at least have tried to match the ears and nose, ffs.

13acf6  No.5053775


Maybe not so weak if cures already exist.

5343d4  No.5053776


Hahaha I have a star with my name on. It. It was a novelty gift from a friend when nasa was doing it…years and years ago

aa05b4  No.5053777


Me likey. Rich and fertile soil anon

6ed24d  No.5053778

File: 262561a101788c3⋯.png (138.98 KB, 500x222, 250:111, trump splinter.PNG)

7f1f6c  No.5053779

File: 73dacf363583f8c⋯.png (63.74 KB, 216x173, 216:173, Messages Image(1059559235).png)


Purple People Eater: i never actually listened to the song. The monster/alien itself isn't purple, it eats Purple People.


Well, I saw the thing comin' out of the sky

It had the one long horn, one big eye

I commenced to shakin' and I said "ooh-eee"

It looks like a purple eater to me

It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater

(One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater)

A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater

Sure looks strange to me (one eye?)

Well he came down to earth and he lit in a tree

I said Mr. Purple People Eater, don't eat me

I heard him say in a voice so gruff

"I wouldn't eat you 'cause you're so tough"

It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater

One-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater

One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater

Sure looks strange to me (one horn?)

I said Mr. Purple People Eater, what's your line?

He said "eatin' purple people and it sure is fine

But that's not the reason that I came to land

I want to get a job in a rock and roll band"

Well bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people eater

Pigeon-toed, under-growed, flyin' purple people eater

(We wear short shorts) friendly little people eater

What a sight to see (oh!)

And then he swung from the tree and he lit on the ground

And he started to rock, really rockin' around

It was a crazy ditty with a swingin' tune

(Sing a boop-boop, a-boopa lopa lum bam boom)

Well, bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people eater

Pigeon-toed, under growed, flyin' purple people eater

"I like short shorts!" flyin' purple people eater

What a sight to see (purple people?)

Well, he went on his way, and then what do ya know?

I saw him last night on a TV show

He was blowing it out, really knockin' em dead

Playin' rock and roll music through the horn in his head


d7029c  No.5053780


Does this make anyone else suspicious that blockchain is the best way to hide something?

891951  No.5053781


Not use to doing more with less.

The cures are there. But what would a 500mil budget be used for? Think pivot and lever.

Here we go.

e14be3  No.5053782


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479712 No.360746 📁 Feb 13 2018 02:42:59 (EST)

I hear Hanoi is educational.


There's a pic of RBG in this post, too. Couldn't embed. Post 752

1eaa4c  No.5053783

File: 1b30413d4e953d1⋯.gif (484.37 KB, 500x264, 125:66, piratehooker.gif)

0daa06  No.5053784

File: f302446e3933648⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 500x645, 100:129, Savage.jpg)


> Now the Dems are against curing childhoods cancer because POTUS wants to end it.

Absolutely Ruthless……..Oh.

cbee2d  No.5053785

Trump should end private health insurance tomorrow. And for all those in charge,… the rope.

1f9b46  No.5053786


Must be our high-energy from our good genes. You are just mad because you have the low-energy of someone who is the product of a genetic dumpster-fire.

b20617  No.5053787

File: fc2f19b6ccd955c⋯.jpeg (91.85 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, 1546993150.jpeg)

863102  No.5053788

File: 76b6ae04267f9a0⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 76b6ae0.jpg)

3111e6  No.5053789

24 Apr 2018 - 9:45:00 AM

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?

Red carpet rollout?

Think logically.

The world is watching.


29 Apr 2018 - 11:07:44 PM

Emmy awards.

Red carpet event?


17 Sep 2018 - 3:56:25 PM

Q you were right all along! Emmys, red carpet! KEK


Anons picked up on the 'carpet' bombs.

For you and you alone.



b4697b  No.5053790

File: 93b1fe911607636⋯.jpg (158.01 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 90.jpg)

File: b31251ede3268f6⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 500x408, 125:102, 18NIKUNKVPRKNPDSXVLL_Black….jpg)

File: 20763a44adee5ad⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 340x270, 34:27, il_340x270.1354121680_6wcy.jpg)

Kum Guzzling Kamala's

Battle Pack!

ad8b0b  No.5053791

File: 9ae3a27dca9483a⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 179x170, 179:170, a864f5fe66800b02048ebcee65….jpg)


Campaign advice from Howard Dean?

df89a9  No.5053792

File: 9bba2326fac37d5⋯.png (225.28 KB, 1362x773, 1362:773, ClipboardImage.png)

fed16e  No.5053793

> Senate Session

> Following leader remarks, the Senate will debate on S.47, Natural

> Resources Management Act. This bill sets forth provisions regarding

> various programs, activities and projects for the management and

> conservation of natural resources on federal lands.

Live on C-SPAN 2 now. There was some protesting at the beginning, and they had to eject the folks, but I couldn't make out what they were chanting. Did any Anons catch it?

5792ce  No.5053794


So…we know where the pussy boys live

f4e8b4  No.5053795



GA Gov Stacy Abrams flagrant, high-handed corruption.

247369  No.5053796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

96f5ff  No.5053797

File: 1a9f29e37a7c47b⋯.jpg (237.43 KB, 1198x667, 1198:667, kamalathisway.jpg)

57651f  No.5053798



those where Muslims

883c58  No.5053799

File: 67ab743681f9a29⋯.jpg (94.6 KB, 555x392, 555:392, PlannedParenthoodGenocide.jpg)

File: da5d95fa13b4a6d⋯.jpg (115.8 KB, 512x512, 1:1, StopButchersPlannedParenth….jpg)

File: 05e753a6030bc52⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 583x468, 583:468, PlannedParenthoodMassMurde….jpg)

File: c703007b25b4d9d⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 1500x1120, 75:56, PlannedParentGun.jpg)

File: deae7e8e89f2bb8⋯.png (1.63 MB, 867x1269, 289:423, Screenshot_2018-12-05 Q Re….png)


Hello Sir Snide of Snidealot

2879ad  No.5053800



>500 mil is kind of a weak investment if we’re being honest.

Not when the cure for cancer already exists…

It will more than fund the rollout.

e3da39  No.5053801

File: 8cfbf222f690935⋯.jpeg (576.18 KB, 1242x617, 1242:617, 17496D20-3FB6-4127-A1AF-2….jpeg)

1f9b46  No.5053802


Germanic-Americans UNITE… Everyone else, go back to your shit-holes.

69ffe8  No.5053803


You didn't follow along well in school, did you?

a50e35  No.5053804


How do you get peace through strength? Ally up with the second most powerful military on this planet and while you're at it, make it a Grand Alliance= world peace.

ed5b67  No.5053805


But our young white men that are conservative leaning are terrorists stuck in the stone age and should be ridiculed at every turn. You know, the young white dudes that build everything you take for granted.

d8285e  No.5053806

File: 33c8ca382c55ac8⋯.png (340.14 KB, 660x602, 330:301, Gina is wearing a dress.png)





Baker it is not a blouse, it is a dress.

a9cd8e  No.5053807


MAGA rally in El Paso just before Wallentines Day.

POTUS is really working on the hearts and minds of the people.

90b7e4  No.5053808


Nancy Caught Reading Blank Paper

127dca  No.5053809

File: b8d2497962d1fb4⋯.png (258.43 KB, 445x415, 89:83, ClipboardImage.png)


I hear Hanoi is educational.

1eaa4c  No.5053810

File: 6890bb02dcce43f⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 490x604, 245:302, spacepepe.jpg)

Anyone remember when we sent that message into space with the gold plaque on it?

Could someone track what happened the 3rd year after that? Testing a theory.

863102  No.5053811

File: 644b284bc93a83d⋯.png (247.51 KB, 600x449, 600:449, 313d.png)

29fef9  No.5053812

File: 69ca98888c7638f⋯.jpg (209.34 KB, 1889x1440, 1889:1440, kamala12.JPG)

883c58  No.5053813

File: 227ab2264fdc267⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 308x308, 1:1, d0060be281a349ed503eb980b9….gif)


anon, that wasn't my point at all


1a0761  No.5053814


It's a shit ton when you know the cures already exist

3b5179  No.5053815

File: b5c19d27e8aadc8⋯.png (352.23 KB, 598x316, 299:158, Capture.PNG)

Anti-Semitic Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Appears to Cry as President Trump Knocks Illegal Immigration

Far left Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) supports the anti-Semitic BDS movement.

She regularly attacks Israel.

Rep. Ilhan Omar appeared to cry.


4653f0  No.5053816

File: 89fb3332f5bddeb⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bbgudV6ciwgAdWvf.mp4)

Trump Calls For End To Sex Trafficking, Cartels. Kamala Shakes Head.

e14be3  No.5053817


Thanks. How do you do that? I can't figure out screen caps. Work on library computer. May be limited because of that.

c83a0d  No.5053818

File: e7a31fd41024ecd⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1111x2548, 1111:2548, Q_2018-02-12_13_chairs&flo….png)

File: 221b4a276546398⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1111x2285, 1111:2285, Q_2018-02-13 01-56_02-59.png)

File: cddc55562664ec2⋯.png (200.2 KB, 1111x633, 1111:633, Q_2018-02-13_01-56.png)

File: dad3e256ee26cfc⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1111x977, 1111:977, Q_2018-02-13_02-42.png)

df89a9  No.5053819

File: 262392dfc179dfa⋯.png (645.83 KB, 1008x573, 336:191, ClipboardImage.png)

cbee2d  No.5053820

American life long conditioning has resulted in a fine herd. Health insurance companies can do whatever the fuck they please and cucked America takes it.

492ee4  No.5053821

File: 0faed5575b4f862⋯.png (25.25 KB, 637x301, 91:43, Concha re NYTs SOTU Fact C….PNG)

File: 31a5203b8f05f6f⋯.png (35.38 KB, 647x303, 647:303, Karni NYTs SOTU Fact Check….PNG)

NYT SOTU Fact Check



4e0d7e  No.5053822


I did but just like muh jew and st Jude bad place, I don’t jump on trending theory. One foot in front of the other. Steady. Not too high or too low.

a1d339  No.5053823


I know. They also made a business out of it, for example www.star-registration.com

Intel gave it out as a prize for her, among like 50 other or so finalists.


464693  No.5053825




c39b04  No.5053826

File: 20c89f637520bb0⋯.jpg (184.68 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Memewarvet.jpg)

File: 49dec0417f3969b⋯.png (102.74 KB, 359x193, 359:193, Memewarfare13972.png)

File: 67e878e73fee5cd⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2384x2188, 596:547, DigitalMilitiaPepesControl….jpg)

File: 1477aae207a8a79⋯.jpg (106.97 KB, 912x499, 912:499, MemeWarrior8ch.jpg)

File: 11e0d17d0a34612⋯.jpg (446.52 KB, 774x438, 129:73, TeamQMemewar.jpg)


Memewar is effective.

We remain on duty, dedicated and loyal.

Fight fight fight! Make noise!

df89a9  No.5053827

File: 1fd71dc6b3e4b0d⋯.png (162.27 KB, 1354x306, 677:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee99ba4cd871bac⋯.png (198.88 KB, 1507x353, 1507:353, ClipboardImage.png)

2706ca  No.5053828


If you hit "Print Screen", then open "Paint", you might be able to get that library computer to do it.

5343d4  No.5053829

Breaking news!!!

Headmaster arrested for molesting student Polk co


11d55a  No.5053830

File: a4a9e9532c169a3⋯.png (991.41 KB, 1422x1280, 711:640, schulz-for-prez.png)

File: 666d549a521429e⋯.png (1 MB, 1870x1224, 55:36, schulz-planned.png)

Does the Plan call for strategic division of Democrat vote in 2020?

It would be a logical and effective strategy. Might not be Schulz, but if Q++ has leverage over a billionaire Dem to force them to run it would be a slick strategy.

Is there any evidence of past friendship between Schulz and Trump?

f4e8b4  No.5053831

File: 0ad1e235e48d3f6⋯.jpg (18.49 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 0ad1e235e48d3f638c4904f797….jpg)



5792ce  No.5053832



Can't get any love from POTUS, so now you're on here kvetching, I get it.

Divisionfags on duty, huh? Tag-teaming it, looks like. Do you guys share your lunches on break?

01d32e  No.5053833

File: 59e1891fb973a9c⋯.png (16.76 KB, 343x183, 343:183, Screenshot (1977).png)


CCA of 1954 (Communist Control Act) Still on the books as law, passed in House and Senate with super majority vote. Look it up!

4c4c7e  No.5053834


1f1d67  No.5053835


looks like and sounds like a noise maker to hurt ears.

562842  No.5053836


Somebody needs to punch that smirk off Chucky's face.

5a24c0  No.5053837


Still pushing this fake and gay bullshit trying to make us look stupid.

No one is falling for it.

ebbca1  No.5053838

File: 3a225d76df612ae⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 474x290, 237:145, Private key.jpg)


NOTABLE to go along with the story yesterday about dorsey jaw-boning his investment in bc tech


absolutely is. system needed a way to transact outside of the normal traceable one.

Even though the rules are rarely enforced it is still knowable.

48dfe3  No.5053839

"Copy Image" Put your cursor in the text box where you type to post. Hold down CTRL, hit the V key. It will show up as Clipboardimage on file list.


3b5179  No.5053840


Block chain Tech will be part of the infrastructure they use to implement a cashless society and once that is done the Mark of the Beast.is next ..Closer Everyday

b20617  No.5053841

File: 7024e297a2110a4⋯.jpeg (159.84 KB, 1440x756, 40:21, 1548803080.jpeg)

e3da39  No.5053842

File: df2fcee88ad319f⋯.jpeg (641.12 KB, 1242x773, 1242:773, E3C343A0-3CE8-41B2-B974-9….jpeg)

Straight Jacket ?

883c58  No.5053843


INFJs do that naturally anon.


is IS one of your family, and mine…

I have five daughters that look like that.

well the youngest is a red-head, and the second youngest is strawberry but the rest are blondes and they all have that face.

yeah. those might have been my girls.

Look, we have a media that lies about Rwanda AND South Africa.

They hate us all.

3111e6  No.5053844

24 Apr 2018 - 9:45:00 AM

Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?

Red carpet rollout?

Think logically.

The world is watching.


24 Apr 2018 - 4:38:57 PM

Red carpet event tonight?

State dinner.

What will the texts reveal?

MOAB or precursor?


29 Apr 2018 - 11:07:44 PM

Emmy awards.

Red carpet event?


12 Sep 2018 - 2:26:54 PM

How do you inflict MAX PAIN / DAMAGE?

Drop [daily] carpet bombs [RATS RUNNING] >>> drop/release MOAB?


SESSIONS and FLYNN [targeted] for [immediate] removal/recusal?

SESSIONS Senate CONF vote?

[RR] Senate CONF vote?















With PANIC comes ………….

These people are STUPID.





15 Sep 2018 - 1:28:09 PM

SEPT —-17—– [week of]


DECLAS coming?





17 Sep 2018 - 3:56:25 PM

Q you were right all along! Emmys, red carpet! KEK


Anons picked up on the 'carpet' bombs.

For you and you alone.



45b0cf  No.5053845

File: 9a5a146eabf5858⋯.png (1.59 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

f4e8b4  No.5053846

File: fb7deeb6ae45b5f⋯.jpg (13.08 KB, 255x143, 255:143, d8617828cc3c174ba6d79827f5….jpg)


Pelosi was crying too. Before she saw that scream Did they have some additional information input we don't know about?

Do they have Vrilnet working?

471edc  No.5053847

File: 09c068dab6abd96⋯.jpg (41.84 KB, 420x450, 14:15, useless shit.jpg)

2706ca  No.5053848


>Wait… you mean it wasn't just Jews in the camps?

Oh my. This is actually interesting; especially since he ad-libbed it.

ad8b0b  No.5053849

File: 60e9b355862c014⋯.jpg (62.19 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 2sytzy.jpg)

29fef9  No.5053850

File: 5d1455e1b6f5f18⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 1859x1127, 1859:1127, TRUMPdissappointed.JPG)

23aad6  No.5053851

File: 7072e9873f61ad6⋯.jpeg (172.05 KB, 729x677, 729:677, BF45778A-94F3-4EF9-806A-4….jpeg)

File: e78b20b67cceae0⋯.jpeg (170.06 KB, 1080x1303, 1080:1303, 43748760-F6C8-4355-A2F6-E….jpeg)

File: be5dadcbf6a25a6⋯.jpeg (153.79 KB, 1080x1648, 135:206, D1DFA364-8829-4B6A-8791-D….jpeg)

"We WIN every SINGLE DAY." ~ Q (2/5/18)

"America is again winning each and every day." ~ DJT (2/5/19)

[1 year delta]


#QAnon @realDonaldTrump

c91cd9  No.5053852


There's no reason to hold a MAGA rally if not to declare.

06ce01  No.5053853

File: 804e22fa3fe032d⋯.jpg (66 KB, 500x327, 500:327, 3rbhj4kj578ko659lo6890lp68….jpg)


Mornin niggers…..

a9cd8e  No.5053854


Command shift 4 if Mac OS, then select the area you want to screen cap.

6ae4f0  No.5053855

File: 2e83c91b642edbd⋯.jpg (190.78 KB, 600x430, 60:43, guilty-remnants2.jpg)

File: fbedbf61dc619a4⋯.jpg (115.21 KB, 750x612, 125:102, fbedbf61dc619a4f03a39755ad….jpg)

The Bitter Sisters of Congress

Reminded me of the Guilty Remnants Cult from The Leftovers

And also Nancy Pelosi's Family


ed9e06  No.5053856


This is also proof that she is NOT DUMB as so many here claim.

147da7  No.5053857


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - FBI agents have raided a bank in Puerto Rico amid allegations over violations of U.S. sanctions imposed on those who do business with Venezuela's government.

FBI spokesman Luis Rivera-Santana told The Associated Press that agents on Wednesday had a search warrant to identify funds that might be linked to entities or individuals on the sanction list. He said federal officials suspect someone might have used the bank to launder money from a person or entity on that list.

No one has been arrested.

The name of the bank is BSJI and it is based in the capital of San Juan. It lists contact numbers for the U.S. and Venezuela and states that it offers financial services to international customers.

The bank did not immediately return a request for comment.

df89a9  No.5053858

File: 76ccde91eb8608d⋯.mp4 (1002.6 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Rep. Ilhan appears to cry ….mp4)

06ce01  No.5053859

File: 7e244e56fb4ae94⋯.jpg (116.64 KB, 700x750, 14:15, 46JH78K89K78KI57JUW65JU764….jpg)

891951  No.5053860


Prevention means counter moves on China (and others) with blood supply and so forth. Prevention is more than half the cure – for society.

Cures for those with, that is another matter, but also within reach now. Push, fight, push, fight, pull.

081f7d  No.5053861

Join @realDonaldTrump in El Paso, Texas Monday, Feb 11, 2019. This rally will be held less than 1000 feet from the successful border fence that keeps El Paso safe!



017882  No.5053862

File: 6c82941de7d4e2d⋯.jpg (626.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0121.JPG)

5b634c  No.5053863

File: 66094e581b242de⋯.jpeg (851.68 KB, 1177x891, 107:81, C91C92A2-9878-424E-9076-D….jpeg)

File: b83eff7f9de198f⋯.jpeg (858.66 KB, 963x733, 963:733, 1AF34441-D3C7-48CE-B5CC-E….jpeg)


I got completely banned on twit for posting one of these. Not sure which one. I was having a conversation with one of you guys and it just made it appear as if I deleted the conversation and left.

a56f72  No.5053864

File: ab2616a77c4114f⋯.png (5.73 MB, 2985x1680, 199:112, ClipboardImage.png)

nancy's '8' necklace skewed to the right

Trump's tie to the left

the look on Ivanka's face when POTUS mentioned Jerusalem….cameras pointed at her and her fuck wad husband….she looked frightened to death…anyone catch that….her look of terror….almost like she was being held hostage…idk…compared to other times when she was absolutely glowing…

Homeland Security secretary looked as if she were about to fucking lose it…idk wth that was…scared to death like she wanted to bolt…..what's up w/that….

speech was A++ absolutely brilliant and from the heart with sincere feeling….he's is slowly but surely winning them over….even saw a little of that from Pelosi….methinks Shumer is the one….evil fucking bastard! through and through..

What a great man Trump is! God Bless POTUS and this Great Nation!



863102  No.5053865

File: 1a4d21d14896eb6⋯.jpg (136.51 KB, 408x528, 17:22, I'm with thomas jefferson ….JPG)

File: ea0b72278b0262d⋯.jpg (284.29 KB, 528x816, 11:17, just do and save me the da….JPG)

File: 5148ec39b03b71d⋯.jpg (332.82 KB, 1500x1006, 750:503, best.jpg)

File: 2cb2599636a82ee⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 718x718, 1:1, 368.jpg)

File: f6778be5fa66e90⋯.jpg (176.78 KB, 384x576, 2:3, f6778be5fa66e9023039a4d777….jpg)

dbc798  No.5053866

File: 3d6bb6004130de8⋯.jpeg (326.98 KB, 1089x1441, 99:131, 422F0D3D-E94B-479E-8097-0….jpeg)

File: 7e4c76fc7ec5a54⋯.jpeg (289.92 KB, 1079x1454, 1079:1454, AC1A047C-02A4-4F4F-8AFA-0….jpeg)

File: 649c98c1f4cfd3a⋯.jpeg (328 KB, 1096x1428, 274:357, 812B8A0D-A463-44A0-9DCD-D….jpeg)

File: 4605e0e2406921d⋯.jpeg (129.53 KB, 1125x1463, 1125:1463, 03DD5E60-F0CD-4D3B-8412-4….jpeg)



1a0761  No.5053867

File: 5b15c1430824129⋯.png (395.74 KB, 689x503, 689:503, ClipboardImage.png)

ebbca1  No.5053868


not going to have a cashless society.

Totally impractical

492ee4  No.5053869

File: 746ff037b771c0e⋯.png (33.26 KB, 646x272, 19:8, Gonzalez re CNN POTUS Deno….PNG)

CNN just said that last night the president “couldn’t resist denouncing socialism” and said that was a sign of his partisanship.


In the Land of the Free.


c91cd9  No.5053870


Should have a prison barge in the distance.

3d15a5  No.5053871


>Nope tip of nose is off


>it was JFK Jr or a lookalike

Look at the ears, FFS!

Are you a fucking shill shitting up the board or just an idiot?

883c58  No.5053872


Tell me about Sabbatai Zevi and why he was excommunicated in Smyrna.

h h h h h h olocaust is fake anon

wailing wall is a hoax

you have nothing but lies and shabbos shills

36291e  No.5053873

File: fbaea4de195c576⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1216x1650, 608:825, 77so.png)

ed5b67  No.5053874


We will not go silently into the night.

f0b56e  No.5053875


Global Health Corps


06ce01  No.5053876

File: 7d20cc6a41bd09f⋯.jpg (42.2 KB, 410x321, 410:321, paulie.jpg)


Hey not for nuttin but the Rock is a total POS and this shit sounds like some sort of MAGA riot shit.

ca1508  No.5053877



25062d  No.5053878

File: 4fc296e166bb49f⋯.jpg (164.48 KB, 715x715, 1:1, IMG_20190205_181617_319.JPG)

File: 0d2e280fc5413c2⋯.jpg (65.72 KB, 713x722, 713:722, IMG_20190206_084523_643.JPG)

File: a0c20fa0af2b8f3⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 1065x703, 1065:703, IMG_20190204_190436_426.JPG)

File: 96f590d93ba8443⋯.jpg (99.09 KB, 721x709, 721:709, IMG_20190204_234212_823.JPG)

File: e50f57c3137339c⋯.jpg (94.44 KB, 719x730, 719:730, IMG_20190202_191148_457.JPG)

e3da39  No.5053879

File: 9c5715dbe0f213c⋯.jpeg (805.38 KB, 1242x921, 414:307, 530C5B92-FC4D-4293-A93A-1….jpeg)

df89a9  No.5053880

File: ef2da9f9fec9396⋯.png (256.68 KB, 638x331, 638:331, ClipboardImage.png)

cbee2d  No.5053881

Health insurance executives profit from suffering of others. They have homes and some even have families. They do not deserve what they have. What they have should be taken away from them… forever.

These people have homes. They have lax security if any. They should suffer, and then die.

5792ce  No.5053882

File: 59f8ffaad2c96e2⋯.jpg (192.8 KB, 735x820, 147:164, FILTERED-YOU-FAGGOT.jpg)

3b5179  No.5053883

File: 039f3b046dc46f4⋯.png (92.53 KB, 513x338, 513:338, Abbot.PNG)


Seems Trump hit a home run last night and made them all cry

017882  No.5053884

File: 7ae8945b7394d7a⋯.png (3.33 MB, 2416x1360, 151:85, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

the moment potus said

>human traffickers

aa5e4d  No.5053885


>the look on Ivanka's face when POTUS mentioned Jerusalem….cameras pointed at her and her fuck wad husband….she looked frightened to death…anyone catch that….her look of terror….almost like she was being held hostage…idk…compared to other times when she was absolutely glowing…

Interesting can you take the time to find the video and edited.

1661d7  No.5053886

File: 1d56baa01263db0⋯.jpg (791.13 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_NMM.jpg)


That's it!

96f5ff  No.5053887

File: 9c3b3c53f4f202a⋯.jpg (237.12 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, owlscream.jpg)

492ee4  No.5053888

File: 7e00456120648b5⋯.png (165.62 KB, 661x410, 661:410, Malice re SOTU Fact Check….PNG)

File: 29c9b75919734e9⋯.png (158.83 KB, 635x242, 635:242, Malice re SOTU Fact Check….PNG)



06ce01  No.5053889

File: 99663af5b3934db⋯.jpg (206.48 KB, 704x414, 352:207, rtjru6jkj7tkt98kl86t9l89lt….jpg)

29fef9  No.5053890

File: 4b5118e7bc824dc⋯.png (22.38 KB, 232x122, 116:61, point.png)


That's alotta names to dig

a1d339  No.5053891


Not quite, sorry. I've seen people simply recite shit they've read for school, and they got the best grades.

Once you asked them something slightly different but related, which required some thinking, they were dumb as a rock.

Her quotes speak for themselves, I think, and I'll certainly go with that she's clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

c91cd9  No.5053892


She authorized torture at C_A black sites & u think she's a white hat [ ? ] Reverse disinformation seems to be necessary…

2faabb  No.5053893

File: bea41441465c8ed⋯.jpeg (69.34 KB, 1197x799, 1197:799, B459CFD1-7FD3-44CF-BDF9-E….jpeg)

File: b6bb6c684e4b232⋯.jpeg (251.75 KB, 1242x1697, 1242:1697, 40268559-AA3F-498D-BB57-4….jpeg)

2 days ahead of schedule, Jimmy

e3da39  No.5053894

File: 2eed8697aaeb1b9⋯.jpeg (766.01 KB, 1242x838, 621:419, EE9E574A-BD63-4B5A-BD13-0….jpeg)

1a0761  No.5053896

File: 15139de8ae07f36⋯.png (510 KB, 1018x597, 1018:597, you.PNG)

File: 2d35598cd08df53⋯.png (211.86 KB, 511x450, 511:450, youme5.png)

File: 90ef23df0f63f65⋯.png (578.13 KB, 770x668, 385:334, youfag.PNG)

2d6ac2  No.5053897

File: 424dcbcb97bd094⋯.png (122.19 KB, 877x622, 877:622, ClipboardImage.png)


>perfect example of how effective the memes and digs have been because it's a statement they started and we flipped on them, just like fake news. That was memes, all memes.

Exactly. Funny how there's now an claim being spread here that it's all been just a waste of time so why bother and everyone who thinks differently is retarded.


b29614  No.5053898

File: 53498b7c00fa1cf⋯.png (24.8 KB, 1263x313, 1263:313, rand paul wall.PNG)


06927e  No.5053899

What We Were Prepped for by Q…

• To be resources for our Normie family, friends and co-workers when the public SHTF to help them connect dots and wake them slowly and properly, and;

• To become actively involved with our gubbermint at all levels, and;

• To learn how to logically vette people who announce they're running for an office, and;

• To learn how to "sauce" stories from both MSM and social media, and;

• To practice discernment from our heads and not our hearts, and;

• To experience the pain of everything being a black or white decision, when–IRL–big issues are always 50 shades of gray, and;

• How to counter emotional arguments with pure logic, data and facts.

Other than these things, I haven't changed one bit since I became active within this hive.

Beer at the parade!

916b15  No.5053900

SOTU speech.

The Strange remarks addressed to Pelosi ?


"An Economic Miracle is taking place in the United States

And the only thing that can stop it are Foolish Wars, Politics or

Ridiculous Partisan Investigations .

If there is going to be Peace and Legislation there cannot be War and Investigations.

It just doesn’t work that way.

We must be United at Home to defeat our adversaries Abroad."


Is He proposing a Peace Treaty ? No Indictments ?

What about JUSTICE ?

ed9e06  No.5053901


Yeah, but it’s been confirmed she is a C_A white hat asset, and I just want to emphasize, her academic history and background proves she is one smart cookie, playing a really good act, if what anons say is true about this operation.

6ff1d1  No.5053902


Oops! there goes another funding pipeline

2d2a93  No.5053903


Sharing this with my kids to share. Nice

eb9147  No.5053904

File: e46f6a77cd6c2ba⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 795x797, 795:797, _20190106_130029.JPG)

63336d  No.5053905

What's I gots so far:

#6453 Bun

>>5053300 MAGA Rally in El Paso on February 11

>>5053325 Origin of Haspel’s white hats shirt, >>5053708 Moar on Dressing Gina

>>5053425 Michael Cohen testimony postponed until February 28

>>5053501 New White House Tweet - Greatness for all Americans

>>5053388 Q Proof Graphic - Follow the Watch

>>5053600 CBS copy/pasta fail calls high SOTU approval for Hussein

>>5053648 12,000 Chinese produced blood plasma treatments tainted w/HIV

>>5053684 On Stacy Abrams and high handed corruption

>>5053739 Nestlé jumps on Blockchain train

(I am a chickenshit to the power of gorillion. If I can do this, so can YOU.)

cbee2d  No.5053906

Hey Anons, guess what (((race))) most insurance executives are from?

23e076  No.5053907


so the irony here is that in real life these three really are witches

dbc798  No.5053908

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 40659D27-F40A-4794-93E3-6A….png)


Back to work anons!

244c22  No.5053909

File: 34f9877102c1d9a⋯.jpeg (280.25 KB, 854x627, 854:627, 7F554C0C-FCEE-408E-8D0A-C….jpeg)

File: d49d1c7c7a58342⋯.jpeg (39.45 KB, 244x183, 4:3, 5950A795-8FB3-4A0B-AECA-6….jpeg)

863102  No.5053910

File: b97ef8aed127789⋯.jpg (84.06 KB, 408x528, 17:22, sometimes we post stuff ju….JPG)

File: b9c11a19750f600⋯.jpg (133.41 KB, 408x528, 17:22, smells like shill desperat….JPG)

File: 945fa220a6f6f7f⋯.jpg (171.72 KB, 528x408, 22:17, Shill shit at epidemic ste….JPG)

File: 3de4a54dc332947⋯.jpg (218.55 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Shill heres an aerial view….JPG)

File: 948d0649fd51686⋯.jpg (96.4 KB, 408x528, 17:22, low testosterone pussy shi….JPG)

16b587  No.5053911


Fucking hell, Anon.

Nicely done!

801530  No.5053912

bf81c5  No.5053913


I won't be watching one more Trump

rally until we get some justice….Hear that, Q?

334d13  No.5053914

d8285e  No.5053915


Do you really think Trump is going to make an evil clown head of the CIA?

At this critical juncture, who think Trump would do that? have a clown running the show, when they are cleaning the departments.

e3da39  No.5053916

File: 5f5fdaf386ec979⋯.jpeg (622.85 KB, 1242x813, 414:271, 03B0FEE1-5F63-4CB0-8339-A….jpeg)

Aww bless the little guy

e14be3  No.5053917


>To learn how to "sauce" stories from both MSM and social media


I never realized until this past year how often I myself say things I couldn't begin to back up.

Now I listen to friends - normies. They're awful.

And the schools DEMAND the kiddies never back up anything except their feelz.

This was great. Thanks

fef599  No.5053918



244c22  No.5053919

File: 1a4ca7f758ea46a⋯.png (148.58 KB, 235x334, 235:334, 15CE7CBE-7A92-44E9-A8EB-79….png)

1a0761  No.5053920

File: ee1a13303ae65ef⋯.png (12.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jewpepe.png)


Every. Single. Time.

ebbca1  No.5053921

File: 75d90d3f1fc6c0f⋯.jpg (106.22 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Bye-Bye.jpg)

3b5179  No.5053922


Really now ,,, stick around your not going anyplace ,,, you'll see it.. don't be so naive

how many do you want me to list

The "Better Than Cash Alliance" Has an Orwellian Plan


Push for cashless trial to amp up


A renewed push for cashless tolls on Grand Island bridges


fef599  No.5053923

File: 37774f1504e1aef⋯.png (6.36 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 8DEC71B0-F56E-4EF8-AFBB-74….png)

8e16cc  No.5053924



Sauce that normies can eat

ed9e06  No.5053925


This has a really good discussion of AOC’s role as white hat. Want to make those notables? It would out her though. I don’t know if that’s a good idea.

30dfdf  No.5053926


no need for research….

The cures of cancer need to be released

Pelosi making money from pharma with only politicians getting the cures

Since Children are attacked in every way from birth trafficking young blood teenagers.

POTUS is protecting the future of the country

by protecting children

a56f72  No.5053927


sure….i will try to…at work now but yes….that really struck me as odd, i guess….more like get her away from him….seriously…the camera stayed on her for a while….she looked very frightened….it was palpable….and hubby was like that's right mofo…..smug bastard!

what about homeland sec lady….that was another one that looked freaked the fuck out….like she was gonna lose it…weird…

247369  No.5053928


Share this one too


also the pepe one

06ce01  No.5053929

File: e005e64efbdc348⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 213x310, 213:310, th.jpg)

File: 0adbff1518adcad⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 300x402, 50:67, yuio78i8it78rt5.jpg)


Your doin great baker! Anyone gives you any shit and I'll crack em'

8f977c  No.5053930

File: 43360696d94ec64⋯.png (54.84 KB, 1578x236, 789:118, ClipboardImage.png)

801530  No.5053931


We figured it out

Your asshole is tranny

aa5e4d  No.5053932


Thank you!

df89a9  No.5053933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

147da7  No.5053934

File: 756a12715f6578a⋯.png (455.58 KB, 460x540, 23:27, govgrd.PNG)


“New Mexico will not take part in the president’s charade of border fear-mongering by misusing our diligent National Guard troops,” Lujan Grisham said in a statement.

Lujan Grisham traveled last month to New Mexico’s southern edge for briefings from the National Guard and Customs and Border Protection, explaining that she wanted to see the situation for herself.

On Tuesday, she also directed 25 troops from other states — Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Wisconsin — to withdraw from the New Mexico border

1a0761  No.5053935

File: 555bef381de85b4⋯.png (266.5 KB, 494x750, 247:375, pepeguido2.png)

5792ce  No.5053936


All of which is a useless slide, making you and your buddies here useless divisionfags.

I just love the fact you all got your panties in a bunch over SOTU. You could start your own Jew-hate board, but I guess that would be a lot of trouble.

Ever visited one of the fake concentration camps? Didn't think so. Get out in the real world and learn some things, faggot. Piecing your reality together from youtube is no way to live, fren.

b29614  No.5053937

File: 7c26b877390d47c⋯.png (379.77 KB, 826x553, 118:79, omb memo.PNG)

A Democrat-led House appropriations subcommittee scheduled a hearing Wednesday to “hold the Trump administration accountable for its actions during the partial federal government shutdown.”

A senior Trump administration official said one of the witnesses set to testify is the co-author of an “infamous legal memo” with arguments ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge.

The memo author, Sam Berger, co-wrote the memo in 2013 while working for the Obama administration in the Office of Management and Budget.

A Democrat-led House appropriations subcommittee scheduled a hearing Wednesday to “hold the Trump administration accountable for its actions during the partial federal government shutdown,” but a senior Trump administration official is questioning the qualifications of one of the expert witnesses set to testify.

The hearing will feature testimony from three witnesses, including former Office of Management and Budget (OMB) employee Sam Berger, who now works for the liberal nonprofit Center for American Progress. A federal judge in May 2016 rejected legal reasoning Berger laid out in a controversial 2013 OMB memo he co-authored on funding for certain Obamacare subsidies.

“It is bizarre for Sam Berger to hold himself out as an expert on ‘agency spending restrictions,'” a senior administration official told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement. “Immediately after law school, Berger worked at OMB as a junior attorney in the Obama Administration. During his time at OMB, Mr. Berger authored an infamous legal memo that was responsible for the federal government unconstitutionally spending $7 billion to fund an Obamacare subsidy program. His memo triggered a two-year congressional investigation, and his defective legal arguments were rejected by a federal court.”

The memo written by Berger and two others was at the center of an investigation by the Republican-led House Ways And Means Committee investigation that wrapped up in 2016. The IRS chief risk officer in 2014, David Fisher, scheduled at least two meetings to deal with his concerns over the appropriations justified by the memo, reported The Hill. The IRS is responsible for distributing the payments, which added up to billions of dollars each year.


d7029c  No.5053938


Might be last season? Just scrolled 400 NM dresses. Nada.

3b5179  No.5053939

File: b3106c5b1cf48f6⋯.png (82.7 KB, 689x577, 689:577, Capture.PNG)

File: ce6282441716ecc⋯.png (82.3 KB, 739x572, 739:572, Capture1.PNG)


its a huge list.. but you keep telling yourself its not real

d3878f  No.5053940


YOU paid for it Dipshit… They have budgets for clothes.

136921  No.5053941


i thought these were old when i posted but only 1.5 weeks old. will they have to answer?

bf81c5  No.5053942


blind follower boomers like you are what

got us in this mess

ed9e06  No.5053943


Make sure the door doesn’t catch you on your way out!

cbee2d  No.5053944

Killing health insurance executives is, by default, justifiable homicide. It should be rewarded for the more inhumane the act.

4bddc7  No.5053945


but Q brought us together

06ce01  No.5053946

File: 8e0f2c1e48ee3c6⋯.jpg (238.26 KB, 650x400, 13:8, paulie-nuts.jpg)


And den we takes a break and has ourselves an expresso.

63336d  No.5053947

>>5053925 Anon - you linked to me!

244c22  No.5053948


Thanks for leaving the keys!

29fef9  No.5053949


Found a few of them.

Some European names in there

Andrew Wood


Sir Andrew Marley Wood GCMG is a former British diplomat

Paul Hauser

first came to London to practice law in 1980. His practice covers both corporate and tax planning, as well as advising in tax disputes (including litigation) in the United States and elsewhere.

Kathleen Kavalec

is a Deputy Assistant Secretary for the European and Eurasian Affairs of the Department of State

Victoria Jane Nuland

is the former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State

3111e6  No.5053950


Wow I learned a lot, thank you.

f0b56e  No.5053951

81995b  No.5053952

File: 62ab007dea5c029⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 1489x2048, 1489:2048, reagan-at-MIC.jpg)

b4697b  No.5053953

File: 16cce3495642a34⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 414x600, 69:100, poster_bob_marley_smoking_….jpg)



Happy Birthday Mr. Marley!

Everything Is Irie!

We, be Spliffin!

136921  No.5053954


it is 2018 damn it is 1 yr old

2706ca  No.5053955

File: 517b3f25d5fbc4e⋯.jpg (562.74 KB, 1280x1918, 640:959, 2016_07_16_Saturday-Ginger….jpg)

>>5053892Anon, that MAKES her a white hat, in my book. Look at the timelines, and decide for yourself.

Pompeo head of CIA.

Trump speech re : columns.

Haspel head of CIA.

Q drops re: raids and sat comms and super computers taken offline.

She wears a fucking white hat blouse to SOTU.

No doubt in my mind, anon. Haspel = g2g.

8f977c  No.5053956

File: 8389bf0b6fb6673⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1606x1062, 803:531, ClipboardImage.png)

96f5ff  No.5053957

File: c04cc1e736d80f4⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2083x1205, 2083:1205, bridge.jpg)

2526d8  No.5053958


Is this what made DWS nearly cry?

When did he send these?

e19f67  No.5053959

File: 855227b60ea4555⋯.jpg (100.54 KB, 821x789, 821:789, b71328b7-3964-454b-adeb-26….jpg)

7b4a15  No.5053960



eb842f  No.5053961


President Trump used a figure of speech that his audience would understand, rather than some obscure reference that only jews would get? Impeach!!!

aa5e4d  No.5053962

File: 3d6f72512e39298⋯.mp4 (14.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sackler_Crime_Family_RAW.mp4)


And take a wild guess as to what race are from the people who started the opiod epidemic in the US.

Video related:

81995b  No.5053963

File: d0ef09806399cb9⋯.jpg (295.03 KB, 1179x1908, 131:212, 2019-02-06_11-19-40_img.jpg)

f8199e  No.5053964



you must be new

3cfc30  No.5053965


They make $174k/year. If I made that much it would be perfectly fine to spend that much on a shirt.

4bddc7  No.5053966


a presidential national emergency means troops stay

13acf6  No.5053967

File: e2f9a7adf2222ed⋯.jpeg (524.47 KB, 1538x1004, 769:502, 6D4D5C01-2864-42A9-8A11-B….jpeg)

2d6ac2  No.5053968

File: c7c3edf6d7b787d⋯.png (111.45 KB, 426x512, 213:256, ClipboardImage.png)


Think contractors.

6a3f70  No.5053969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Congress responds to State of the Union, President Trump remarks on defeating ISIS

d7029c  No.5053970


As a response to someone speaking to her side.

06927e  No.5053971


Try responding with a question, "That's an interesting __. Where did you learn that?"

859246  No.5053972

Nancy Pelosi, what an embarassment…. constantly sorting through her notes

96f5ff  No.5053973

File: 336d1080ac58a4f⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 13ba06c549f40902857b61d106….jpg)

a88d06  No.5053974


>Who in their right mind pays $675 for a fucking shirt?

Maybe people that don't want to wear clothes made in a sweatshop by children

e14be3  No.5053975


Can a national emergency be confined to only some states or areas?

1661d7  No.5053976


We know you're astroturfing that garbage sweety~

bf81c5  No.5053977


New? Is waiting for over 2 fucking years

for an arrest make me new?

127dca  No.5053978

File: c76a52508a2851d⋯.png (564.23 KB, 369x546, 123:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942a22172e19969⋯.png (549.08 KB, 744x464, 93:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Swedish Liberal leader to step down, casts shadow over govt's stability

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - The leader of Sweden’s Liberals will step down in November, he said on Wednesday, less than a month after backing Social Democrat leader Stefan Lofven as prime minister in a deal that split his own party. Jan Bjorklund said he would not stand for re-election when his mandate ended, but that the deal to support Lofven was not at risk. “The party stands behind the January Agreement,” Bjorklund told reporters. “There is criticism from some people, but there is broad support in the party.”

The Liberals’ executive committee voted to abandon the center-right Alliance 17-8 the party had been a member of to back the deal in support of Lofven. He was voted in for a second term as premier on Jan 18, more than four months after a national election that left parliament deadlocked. Lofven does not need the Liberals’ 20 votes to govern, but if they were to pull out of the deal, the Centre party - with 31 lawmakers - might also reconsider its position. “What could happen is that the Centre party would not want to be the only center-right party with Stefan Lofven and would also pull out and the agreement would capsize,” Magnus Hagevi, political scientist at Linneaus University, said. “That’s the risk.”


0db74a  No.5053979

File: 1b57d8d8c201a85⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DWS.mp4)

File: e7ad2de00c0de4b⋯.png (524.87 KB, 762x660, 127:110, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5052546 (lb)

Can anyone identify who is in the pic (apart from DWS)

ebbca1  No.5053980

File: 18251571423e191⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Snow removal.jpg)


>you'll see it.. don't be so naive

So everyone will be forced to carry digital keys to access their money?

How is that going to work for the technology challenged?

List as many story's as you want, still need cash to do everyday transactions.

You have no idea what you are talking about

We did just fine without that tech.

The chain will be used to verify the cash supply once the bad actors are stripped out. We have had many issues with counter-fitting cash because the power to issue rests with the FRB/Treasury.

Your stupid glows.

e3da39  No.5053981

File: e24a43424082785⋯.jpeg (316.58 KB, 1242x711, 138:79, ED71EDC5-6CD7-46D1-AF7D-C….jpeg)

File: bd3b35bde4ec5ee⋯.jpeg (233.11 KB, 1242x512, 621:256, F03B5E70-9437-4CC4-9B9C-7….jpeg)


63336d  No.5053982

This is going in:

>>5053300 MAGA Rally in El Paso on February 11

>>5053325 Origin of Haspel’s white hats shirt, >>5053708 Moar on Dressing Gina

>>5053425 Michael Cohen testimony postponed until February 28

>>5053501 New White House Tweet - Greatness for all Americans

>>5053388 Q Proof Graphic - Follow the Watch

>>5053600 CBS copy/pasta fail calls high SOTU approval for Hussein

>>5053648 12,000 Chinese produced blood plasma treatments tainted w/HIV

>>5053684 On Stacy Abrams and high handed corruption

>>5053739 Nestlé jumps on Blockchain train

>>5053851 POTUS and Q - Winning Together

5aad20  No.5053983

Is FB down for anyone else?

2706ca  No.5053984


I fucking hate phone fagging. Meant to link to you:


b73fd7  No.5053985


Who's to say that shirt wasn't?

96ee32  No.5053987


ngo! kek

61ea11  No.5053988

File: 2dd75901fd32f45⋯.png (118.71 KB, 646x697, 38:41, ClipboardImage.png)


fdd053  No.5053990


She is a white hat…

5343d4  No.5053991

File: 7758e75a9357cf6⋯.png (2.61 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 99DCB0FC-0569-4DA0-AE17-D6….png)


Who is this?

36291e  No.5053992


I thought Ivanka's dress was… ominous. She was dressed in black widow spider colors.

06ce01  No.5053993

File: 334c6d0a57a0d3c⋯.png (283.08 KB, 361x581, 361:581, 334c6d0a57a0d3c5fe7c6cf2d1….png)

File: 0c02d10a56a6111⋯.png (57.42 KB, 491x595, 491:595, 0c02d10a56a6111724922b207e….png)


Lookin good so far baker !

5e4b1d  No.5053994

File: 843944c202f947f⋯.jpg (129.57 KB, 1080x632, 135:79, Screenshot_20190206-112501….jpg)

File: 3036fc5cd451494⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 1080x565, 216:113, Screenshot_20190206-112528….jpg)

File: 6bbf7a94134dc87⋯.jpg (419.85 KB, 915x1445, 183:289, Screenshot_20190206-112551….jpg)

a88d06  No.5053995


Im talking about the concept of morality not the shirt itself

b73fd7  No.5053996


Director of Homeland Security

8123f6  No.5053997

File: eec37d2841361b0⋯.jpeg (402.97 KB, 1242x953, 1242:953, F2AB232C-628E-4A98-B42B-4….jpeg)


Tweet at 11:11

d3878f  No.5053998


Everything is fake as fuck. wake up.

ebbca1  No.5053999

File: 5918bdc61e6e78b⋯.gif (418.01 KB, 400x433, 400:433, Fuck off 1.gif)

5722df  No.5054000

File: d63f37f37668d47⋯.jpeg (109.82 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, trump tie swings republic….jpeg)

maybe this is better summed up with the red tie.. red (republican) but just a bit off center


cd8bfc  No.5054001


She looked to be reading his teleprompter after POTUS talked about the TRIALs we will face in fear to see if anything else was coming up

5792ce  No.5054002


Holy shite, they also have a typhus outbreak in Los Angeles.

bf5fd5  No.5054003

File: c7332f2504581e4⋯.png (338.13 KB, 491x427, 491:427, 2019-02-06_04-39-00 copy (….png)

5343d4  No.5054004


Thank you

32b4cf  No.5054005


Worked fine for me 30 seconds ago, I am embarrassed to say.

127dca  No.5054006

>>5053982 Baker take a look at this please


4c3b70  No.5054007

File: 187be12d7b6ed02⋯.png (660.81 KB, 891x499, 891:499, baby killer.png)

df89a9  No.5054008

File: 261ca327e432744⋯.png (405.11 KB, 354x500, 177:250, ClipboardImage.png)



The immediate effects of the mutiny are difficult to assess. It may have influenced Tsar Nicholas II's decisions to end the Russo-Japanese War and accept the October Manifesto, as the mutiny demonstrated that his régime no longer had the unquestioning loyalty of the military. The mutiny's failure did not stop other revolutionaries from inciting insurrections later that year, including the Sevastopol Uprising. Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik Party, called the 1905 Revolution, including the Potemkin mutiny, a "dress rehearsal" for his successful revolution in 1917.[34] The Communists seized upon it as a propaganda symbol for their party and unduly emphasized their role in the mutiny. In fact, Matushenko explicitly rejected the Bolsheviks because he and the other leaders of the mutiny were Socialists of one type or another and cared nothing for Communism.[35]

The mutiny was memorialized most famously by Sergei Eisenstein in his 1925 silent film Battleship Potemkin, although the French silent film La Révolution en Russe (Mutiny on a Man-of-War in Odessa or Revolution in Odessa, 1905), directed by Ferdinand Zecca or Lucien Nonguet (or both), was the first film to depict the mutiny,[36] preceding Eisenstein's far more famous film by 20 years. Filmed shortly after the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War of 1917–22,[35] with the derelict battleship Dvenadsat Apostolov standing in for the broken-up Potemkin,[37] Eisenstein recast the mutiny into a predecessor of the October Revolution of 1917 that swept the Bolsheviks to power. He emphasized their role, and implied that the mutiny failed because Matushenko and the other leaders were not better Bolsheviks. Eisenstein made other changes to dramatize the story, ignoring the major fire that swept through Odessa's dock area while Potemkin was anchored there, combining the many different incidents of rioters and soldiers fighting into a famous sequence on the steps (today known as Potemkin Stairs), and showing a tarpaulin thrown over the sailors to be executed.[35]

In accordance with the Marxist doctrine that history is made by collective action, not individuals, Eisenstein forbore to single out any person in his film, but rather focused on the "mass protagonist".[38] Soviet film critics hailed this approach, including the dramaturge and critic, Adrian Piotrovsky, writing for the Leningrad newspaper Krasnaia gazeta:

The hero is the sailors' battleship, the Odessa crowd, but characteristic figures are snatched here and there from the crowd. For a moment, like a conjuring trick, they attract all the sympathies of the audience: like the sailor Vakulinchuk, like the young woman and child on the Odessa Steps, but they emerge only to dissolve once more into the mass. This signifies: no film stars but a film of real-life types.[39]

cd8bfc  No.5054009


dont think that Trials line was in her version. Caught he off guard

b73fd7  No.5054010


I'm talking about the concept of common sense! Paying 675 for a shirt is STUPID!

bf81c5  No.5054011


you don't belong here….fuck I hate morning shift

16b587  No.5054012


HelperAnon in the house.

3b5179  No.5054013

File: f0ae53a8a7f473e⋯.png (683.83 KB, 803x368, 803:368, Google.PNG)

File: 247fa93464eaecc⋯.png (533.61 KB, 592x578, 296:289, LivingTattoos1.PNG)

File: 6810927e4e5f17c⋯.png (821.85 KB, 1067x476, 1067:476, LivingTattoos2.PNG)


RFID capable invisible tattoos … what do you get for pretending the dangers not real

Invisible Ink Tattoo Removers: Give Us Your Old Flames & We'll Give You Up to $500 This Valentine's Season


970bc8  No.5054014


He was like Barry seal and tasked out with non judicial means

88d2ca  No.5054015



Revised Improved Battle Sight Zero

c83a0d  No.5054016



some moran last night was asking who Gina is

not much better

96f5ff  No.5054017

File: e66b0661c3c0dc5⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 506x398, 253:199, infanticide.jpg)

ebbca1  No.5054018


And who are the major supporter's of this?

bankers and politicians.

enough said.



d3878f  No.5054019


The one guy looks like bill richardson former NM govenor/NK Groupie/likely child molestor.

4c3b70  No.5054021

5792ce  No.5054022


Also there is an Army Reserve engineering battalion in New Mexico that she doesn't control, since Reserves are under the FedGov

cbee2d  No.5054023


Arrest me. I give a shit.

5aad20  No.5054024

File: 582c2dbf6cc0431⋯.png (16.34 KB, 677x202, 677:202, FB.png)

ebbca1  No.5054026

File: b236068d6ae6c79⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 580x384, 145:96, YOU glow.jpg)


Whatever you say glow boy

cd8bfc  No.5054027


They dont want to show that only 4-6 percent found it very negative

06ce01  No.5054028

File: 5ad7f6ad7352241⋯.jpg (302.22 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 5R67KR76K8RK758K5K.jpg)

aa5e4d  No.5054029


Los Angeles is now modern day Sodom and Gonor. Why was they allow to have so much power in the first place? So many Good people are hurt because Good people in position of power where Coward!

c0c0ff  No.5054030


He's got them right where he's want's 'em.

By keeping them where they are and not in prison allows several things to occur.

> this may have some influence or control over their actions.

> by keeping them in place there will be no outside replacements thereby retaining this control

> holding for Grande Finale

c4be9f  No.5054031

>>5053289 LAST BREAD

TY ANON,! Last night I tried several times to embed and kept getting an error message. Now I know why! Great info.

>Don't include anything after & including the ?so=https://youtu.be/CjbdMU2shPE

a88d06  No.5054033


That's fine wear your Walmart slave gear

06ce01  No.5054034

File: a6810dd2a98cad6⋯.jpg (306.53 KB, 710x725, 142:145, 45H576H578J76JK869K8KL789L….jpg)

8aecc1  No.5054035


Insanity always rises to the top.

2706ca  No.5054037



Just give 'em links, and send them on their merry way with a browse moar meme.

d3878f  No.5054038


No, they keep that shit and spend your money on that shirt, wear it once and throw it away.

32b4cf  No.5054039


Don't be annoyed they are just boomers.They got here 2 months ago and are figuring out all the stuff we knew a year ago.

Try to tell them that and you are a shill.

df89a9  No.5054041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b9c7b1  No.5054043

File: 0ea865ae3cd2cbf⋯.png (349.29 KB, 564x811, 564:811, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: efc925746e4994c⋯.png (183.45 KB, 651x345, 217:115, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 84ebac9fef37d96⋯.png (592.04 KB, 1186x643, 1186:643, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 3d6039a7f1a15ae⋯.png (135.05 KB, 742x783, 742:783, Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at ….png)

File: 14785bb63105f00⋯.jpg (91.34 KB, 500x852, 125:213, Rivers of Life Vol 1 2 3.jpg)

re Dylan Louis Monroe "Cult of Baal" Map (same astute guy who created the "Q-MAP"

• https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X4e8TthoKG8jOgUpOnZFLAEAo1fSUhiy/view

• https://www.dylanlouismonroe.com

Some might not be already aware, thus might benefit from knowledge pertaining to "The Cult of Baal" aka Globalist Deep State.

1) 1876 George Smith, “The Chaldean [aka Kaldian/ Kassi/ Kasidim Kingdom] Account of Genesis” [the origin of the Biblical storyline? Includes ancient Babylonian cylinder illustrations & seals]

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Smith_(Assyriologist)

• https://ia801409.us.archive.org/27/items/chaldeanaccounto00smit/chaldeanaccounto00smit.pdf

The leading anthropologists of the day identified ‘Nimrod' as Izdubar or Izdoobar and ‘Noah’ as Hasisadra, thus corresponding to the same timeline as the Canaanites/ Hamites [or perhaps the days of Atlantis?]

re Sumerian/ Phoenician/ Babylonian cylinder pics…

Note what appears to be a hyper-dimensional gate [star gate?] of some sort along with the Goth horned hats.

2) 1877 Hyde Clarke, “The Khita/ Khita Peruvian”… very likely the same as Khatti/ Hittite [proves and traces the Canaanite/ Hamath civilisation migrations from Mesopotamia to Europe, Asia, North and South America and further afield]

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyde_Clarke (whistleblower of cult/ cabal gatekeeper institution corruption)

• https://archive.org/details/khitaandkhitape00clargoog/page/n7

3) 1883 James George Roche Forlong, “The Rivers of Life… or, Sources and streams of the faiths of man in all lands; showing the evolution of faiths from the rudest symbolisms to the latest spiritual developments” [a rare masterpiece trilogy that documents how ancient cults were/ are in fact based on tree, ancestor, phallic, serpent/ animal and fire & sun worship].

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forlong

Vol 1: https://archive.org/details/riversoflifeorso11forl

Vol 2: https://archive.org/details/riversoflifeorso21forl [re enlightening ancient maps & lists of corresponding ‘gods’ per continent, pre-Index]

Vol 3: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Forlong-Rivers-of-Life-big-chart.pdf [re extremely detailed chronological map of cults/ sects]

Note Vol 3 map of belief systems “Izdubar or Nimrod"

4) Laurence Austine Waddell [an utter genius] linguist, anthropologist & Sumerologist

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurence_Waddell

a) 1924 LA Waddell, “Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons” [aka Aryans]

• https://ia801008.us.archive.org/32/items/ThePhoenicianOriginOfBritonsScotsAnglo-saxons1924-1st.Edition/WADDELLL.A.-The_Phoenician_Origin_of_Britons_c._1924.pdf

Note: map of Phoenician [aka Sumerian] colonies and populations inhabiting these

b) 1927 LA Waddell, “The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet – Disclosing the Sumero-Phoenician Origin of Our Letters Ancient and Modern”

• https://ia600301.us.archive.org/25/items/WADDELL-Aryan_Origin_of_the_Alphabet/WADDELLL.A.-Aryan_Origin_of_the_Alphabet_1927.pdf

Note the evolution of the Aryan alphabet to present day. Brito-Phoenician reassembles Hebrew?

c) 1930 LA Waddell, “The British Edda”

• https://ia601001.us.archive.org/10/items/Waddell-TheBritishEdda/WADDELLL.A.-The_British_Edda_1930_complete_v.2.pdf

5) 1940 JH Harvey, “The Heritage of Britain” [as a posthumous gesture to the late, great LA Waddell… welcome to the abridged version of ancient history, re how the lives of King Adam, Queen Eve & Prince Cain evolved on long lost Atlantis?]… 70 pages that might well blow your mind

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_(historian)

• https://archive.org/stream/Harvey-TheHeritageOfBritain1940/HARVEYJ.H.-The_Heritage_of_Britain_1940_COLOR#mode/2up

Russian Velikovsky & British WC Beaumont also play a significant role in showing how the cult/ cabal hide ancient cataclysms and recurring celestial events relating to catastrophism, thus how the cult/ cabal used/ uses this knowledge to conduct large-scale, stealth ‘eugenics-by-omission’ programmes globally for millennia. Focus and reason for hiding the truth about the electric universe (re Thunderbirds Project)?

(cf) “Symbols of an Alien Sky"

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7EAlTcZFwY

85a2fa  No.5054044

File: bb0cf06dde4c061⋯.jpg (123.54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2skte1.jpg)

c91cd9  No.5054045


Only those within are cycled thru to the top. History is… He doesn't have full control yet that much is obvious. Her mindset resides in her actions. Not a white hat by any stretch.

c0c0ff  No.5054046


if it's a youtube

click share

copy link from share

paste to embed

b73fd7  No.5054047


I don't shop at Wally world! But I also don't pay 675 for a fucking shirt!

96f5ff  No.5054048

File: 34c5cc4fec90a68⋯.jpg (956.93 KB, 2083x1205, 2083:1205, babykillers.jpg)

34c36d  No.5054049

File: 5600bc3048ab9d0⋯.jpg (424.17 KB, 881x859, 881:859, df87d87fsd9f78.jpg)

File: 99de0730eafe8ba⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 752x500, 188:125, 99de0730eafe8bab2479e56a72….jpg)

File: 3670191377d1916⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 780x438, 130:73, the-untol-truth-of-joe-rog….jpg)

Mossad vs Soros ??

Alex Jones Declares War Against Joe Rogan

https:// www.brighteon.com/5998926470001

3b5179  No.5054050

File: 980fb7d3a6e9d0a⋯.png (63.18 KB, 358x377, 358:377, Bugs.PNG)


don't be a

8ade5c  No.5054051


while I understand going to El Paso… 1000'?… is the SS going to be able to clear the Mexican side?… is the SS going to trust the Mexican federal police?… can't trust the Juarez police…

8aecc1  No.5054052

File: 7ce3efbe8712783⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 873x668, 873:668, The ShitShow.jpg)

724380  No.5054053

File: 00e46c0fe7ff362⋯.jpg (350.72 KB, 742x598, 371:299, POTUSsigningpepelegalizeac….jpg)

7d0ca8  No.5054054


but can you embed with a time stamp"?

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