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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

19efd3  No.4855003

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

19efd3  No.4855015


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4854646 , >>4854714 Twitter Acct That Started Misleading Viral Video of 'MAGA Teen' Encounter Was Fake

>>4854656 As outlook darkens, central banks think hard about their language

>>4854562 , >>4854829 Covington High School Updates

>>4854542 Progress with people being wrong about the Covington kids

>>4854521 Anon's reply after messaging the WH re proof of life for RBG

>>4854498 @FLOTUS Dancing Tweet Photo Decode: A Tale of Two Graphics

>>4854486 , >>4854509, >>4854587, >>4854703, >>4854665 Discussion on 'markers' & new thread

>>4854390 Are Hillary and Donna delivering a message? Assassination Plot?

>>4854365 Planefag Notes

>>4854356 'Strangers' trying to pick up kids in SD connected to Pelosi?

>>4854344 Shocking study reveals how Twitter and FB learn your private information

>>4854998 #6197


>>4854206, >>4853819 Digs on Kamala Harris' citizenship

>>4854116 Biden: GOP Stole Florida and Georgia Governorships with ‘Voter ID Laws’

>>4854041 , >>4854075 Tucker: "What if Mueller is working for Trump?"

>>4854038 Trump Highlights Democrats’ Unwillingness to Negotiate on Wall, Shutdown

>>4854024 For keks: Soros, the worlds biggest anti-semetic conspiracy theory

>>4853907 Senators Introduce Bill to Bar Lawmakers From Delaying Government Funding

>>4853625 Who is the Arizona Mafia ?

>>4853632 NGO getting ahead of Gitmo?

>>4853604 POTUS Schedule update.

>>4853586 US Marines Tweet: "Bird Watching"

>>4854240 #6196


>>4853393 Natural gas pipeline explosion in Ohio creates giant fireball that damages homes.

>>4853321 Mercedes Benz Stadium similar architecture to Pantheon?

>>4853127 Trump's strategy on China is Winning Bigly.

>>4853083 Former top FBI lawyer personally involved in FISA warrant for Trump aide, other Russia probe irregularities, transcript shows.

>>4852900 CS Tweet: Unfinished business?

>>4852851 The border crisis is not manufactured, some children are rented to bypass laws.

>>4853503 #6195


>>4852573 DJT Tweet: "...A Humanitarian Crisis!"

>>4852485 DJT Tweet: "Four people in Nevada viciously robbed and killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been in our Country..."

>>4852475 House Judiciary Democrat says Justice Kavanaugh will 'likely' be investigated for perjury.

>>4852448 Q clock upate. Re-read crumbs.

>>4852121 Anon: The golden bull in china is not just moloch but it is the y head family?

>>4852068 Potfag: RBG 2/11/18 Q crumb.

>>4852026 Cops at Covington HS due to threats.

>>4852024 Two American soldiers injured by car bomb in Hasaka.

>>4852730 #6194

Previously Collected Notables

>>4851949 36193,

>>4849650 #6190, >>4850432 #6191, >>4851200 #6192

>>4847329 #6187, >>4848104 #6188, >>4848869 #6189

>>4844997 #6184, >>4845760 #6185, >>4846684 #6186

>>4842641 #6181, >>4843439 #6182, >>4844230 #6183

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

19efd3  No.4855020

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


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>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

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No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

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Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

19efd3  No.4855022

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

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Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

19efd3  No.4855045

File: 6aad16e89ab957f⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 600x408, 25:17, TankGirl.jpg)

#6198 Dough


e9822d  No.4855086

Ukraine's ministry: Two LPG tankers that sink near Kerch illegally supplied gas to Syria since 2016

Ukraine's Ministry of Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons says that the two LPG tankers, the Maestro, built in 1990, and the Venice (formerly the Candy), built in 1992, that sank near the Kerch Strait in the Black Sea after they had caught fire because of an explosion, were involved in illegal gas supplies to Syria since 2016. "According to the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury (OFAC), the Venice and the Maestro had been involved in illegal gas supplies to Syria since 2016," the ministry said late on Monday, January 21. According to international monitoring systems, the Venice tanker left the Russian port of Temryuk on January 20, 2019, but its automatic identification system (AIS) was not working at the moment of the incident. "The situation with the Maestro tanker was the same – the latest information about the vessel was recorded by the AIS on January 9, 2019," the ministry said. The AIS allows "not only to respond in a timely manner to ship accidents and provide assistance to victims, but also to monitor violations of navigation rules and illegal border crossings," the ministry said. "Such actions of foreign companies engaged in transportation by sea are an attempt to shun liability under Ukrainian legislation and avoid possible international sanctions for such violations," the ministry said. "Now it is difficult to establish the origin of the gas that was transported, but according to the available information, the Venice and Maestro vessels were involved in the supply of gas both produced [by Russia illegally in] the Ukrainian shelf and delivered from other countries," it said. According to the ministry, the said vessels used to enter the ports closed by Ukraine in occupied Crimea and they were thus violators of the regime of the temporarily occupied territories. As UNIAN reported earlier, the two vessels caught fire after an explosion. The violation of safety rules during a ship-to-ship fuel transfer is said to be the cause behind the incident, according to one of the preliminary theories. The fire occurred on the two ships flying the flag of Tanzania at 18:00 Moscow time on January 21. The vessels were anchored in the neutral waters, outside Russia's territorial waters. The scene is located 15 nautical miles from Cape Takil.


4ae43e  No.4855106

File: 1b2bb2e10ae3c77⋯.jpeg (158.48 KB, 744x1000, 93:125, E7833898-539B-484D-803C-7….jpeg)

da7657  No.4855107

File: 6bcacfdc4448fb2⋯.png (53.04 KB, 654x373, 654:373, POTUS 1-21-19 6 46 pm PST.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet


ce98cb  No.4855108

File: ae54ba40df23575⋯.png (52.08 KB, 581x431, 581:431, AQ21.PNG)


POTUS Tweet about Covington


abe931  No.4855109

File: 3ee11d02a3cbc2f⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, kamala harris not natural ….jpg)

bd60cc  No.4855110

>>4855083 (lb)

cult symbolism and differences in spelling help coding operations…. difference between colour and color…. one has 6 letters =cult

5a3408  No.4855111

Donna Brazile is talking

15f882  No.4855112

>>4855092 p

>>4855092 p

nice watch anon

82b599  No.4855113

File: ff7b7df7c1a20fd⋯.jpg (319.55 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, qresearch civil war pteros….jpg)

d04780  No.4855114

File: 13fcbfd8dde184d⋯.png (3.61 MB, 3228x1556, 807:389, 13fcbfd8dde184d1a99b3afd36….png)

File: f60c80c344b1ec0⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1036x836, 259:209, f60c80c344b1ec0d6db7e6c10c….png)

File: 5376d593b4760e6⋯.jpg (84.7 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 5376d593b4760e6b5c065bff82….jpg)

File: ed34ecffd3eecc3⋯.png (486.14 KB, 721x432, 721:432, 79329b699618161659a65a8965….png)

a7bac9  No.4855115

>>4855091 lb

brilliant, already posted it on my Fakebook page

a9d048  No.4855116

>>4854551 lb, >>4854971 lb, >>4854995 lb

>kek seems like a lot of work for that anon, we can develop it as we go but probably best to start barebones just timestamps/dates/text

Agreed, didn't mean to sound like I was telling Anon to do this, just answering his question. This anon was in tech sector/mgmt for many years. Database developers usually like to have a big picture of the scope the user will eventually seek to use the tool before beginning. That was the spirit I heard the question in, not as a waitor taking my order kek.

5c5650  No.4855117

File: e550547fa89d462⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 599x468, 599:468, cheats.jpg)

1b160b  No.4855118


Do tell nigger

728991  No.4855119

Hungary: we will prevent Brussels to implement the UN Migration Pact

Brussels is doing all it can to implement the United Nations Global Migration Pact, Peter Szijjarto, the foreign minister of Hungary, told public television. “But we will prevent this,” he said.

In Spain last year the number of illegal border crossings doubled, Szijjarto told current affairs channel M1. In Turkey, 50 percent more illegal migrants were apprehended than in 2017 and the number of arrivals in Cyprus has doubled. Further, the number of arrivals on the Greek-Turkish land border is rising steadily, he added.

The UN migration pact has put wind in the sails of global migration as it focuses on managing rather than stopping migration, he said. He noted that 40 UN members had not even voted for the compact and so, he argued, it cannot serve as a genuine international reference point. Officials in Brussels made the compact’s adoption a matter of prestige even when Hungary made clear at the outset that there was no single European position to be represented, he said.

Now they are doing everything they can in Brussels to lead the implementation of the global migration package, he said. “We will of course prevent this.” Szijjarto noted that 9 EU member states, or one-third, did not vote for the package. “So it’s not about European countries wanting to implement a global migration package as a united front,” the minister said.

Meanwhile Szijjarto, in a separate interview to Kossuth Radio, noted that the Austria-Hungary border legally can be crossed at 55 points. Fully 19 are major crossings while 36 are smaller, he noted, adding that 10 are subject to restrictions by Austria. Restrictions on crossings now have been lifted at 4 locations and 6 are still in place at the request of the Austrian mayors in question, but only one is paved.


5c8912  No.4855120

File: 1b71a20e7c1aab7⋯.jpg (679.37 KB, 2000x1419, 2000:1419, kamela booker.jpg)


Read my mind…hive mind kek

06a506  No.4855121

>>4855084 (lb)

>muh, Hannity is tarded

Yep. That's the point.

We have here. Retards have Hannity. No offense to Hannity or the retards, but it is what it is, and Hannity knows he's there to walk people through it.

If the retards came here instead of watching Hannity, you'd be pissed at that; Make up your fucking mind FFS.

93b646  No.4855122

>>4855095 lb

They weren't going after the kids because they were from a CAtholic school. They probably didn't even know which school they were from.

They went after the kids because of the MAGA hats and because they were WHITE.

POPE FRANCIS would go after these kids if he had the chance.

360b18  No.4855123

File: 92f381dc47809d4⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 377x311, 377:311, 2rpstk.jpg)

883e94  No.4855125

File: 9982a94fd5a5c69⋯.png (239.26 KB, 1212x1182, 202:197, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN will learn NOTHING from this episode.

ed4138  No.4855126

File: 447acd5307828f0⋯.jpg (624.04 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190121-214510….jpg)

Brandon Truaxe, founder of Canadian beauty company Deciem, has reportedly died at the age of 40. https://t.co/z2mIQaYnQY

There was a lot of discussion previously when this all went down.

27b5c9  No.4855127

>>4855091 lb


31be8a  No.4855128

File: 002e60f48053608⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, STL035699.jpg)

a55a3e  No.4855130

File: 1f956f16cef0b7a⋯.png (635.66 KB, 1440x2045, 288:409, Capture _2019-01-21-21-34-….png)

Christopher Columbus has been falsely demonized for founding God's Christian Nation. That's why they spread lies about him.

He was a Great Man with Red Hair just like George Washington and JESUS.

00ee3d  No.4855132

File: f4cc2c327b40bab⋯.jpg (356.93 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, IMG_530.jpg)

patriots remember!

d61730  No.4855133

File: 5c4b1c5403381ba⋯.jpg (78.02 KB, 474x665, 474:665, Ron Paul Wars.jpg)

ff0ff5  No.4855134

>>4855013 (LB)

>People of Pride

People of Praise.


You're right that PoP is not a Catholic group. They appears to by nondenominational (they accept anyone) but with root in the Pentecostal movement. ACB is, however, a practicing Roman Catholic:

"Ms. Barrett told the senators that she was a faithful Catholic, and that her religious beliefs would not affect her decisions as an appellate judge."


55fada  No.4855135

File: a4728f615e870b7⋯.png (290.69 KB, 630x479, 630:479, maga wrong.png)

>>4855000 (lb)

We are clever enough to counteract this.

Rosa Parks in the back of the bus with a MAGA hat?

What else…

594899  No.4855136

>>4854930 LB

No, Blue October is as 'shitty' as RATM. Sensing the same commie intent. Hate it when good bands are evil. I could be wrong, why I'm asking about BO.

9b4997  No.4855138



Remember when there was a plan to save the world?

Now we are fighting about some old commie timber nigger

ff0ff5  No.4855139


*appear to be

674802  No.4855140

File: fd44c7761ef2cc4⋯.jpeg (86.02 KB, 675x420, 45:28, C645AEAA-54A7-44B8-B5CF-D….jpeg)

They have always used children

5c8912  No.4855141


SE CUPP total shill CUNT. Token conservative white bitch on Mahers show.

411886  No.4855142

File: fd6bf9fecd21b74⋯.jpg (88.51 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Shill bread.jpg)

>>4855094 LB

<You failed. I am sure you are used to it!

Bitch I kept you from shilling during the entire bread, save the few times you tried provoking me.

Now show us them tits or you have to leave now.

883e94  No.4855143

File: 4d141359dfaaa8e⋯.png (139.04 KB, 1200x624, 25:13, ClipboardImage.png)


Fair point.

649bc7  No.4855145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YT vid of priest who met a hermit in Loreto, Italy who prophesied that Donald Trump would lead America back to God. The hermit, Tom Zimmer, memorialized the prophesy with one of the bricks used to seal the Holy Year Door of St. Peter's Basilica in 1984 (a Jubilee year). All the intentions memorialized in these bricks are prayed for during all the Masses that the Pope officiates at and at other prayers as well.



Twitter account about the hermit (Tom Zimmer):



Article about a woman who similarly memorialized her husband with one of the bricks in 1984 (a Jubilee year) and retrieved it during the next Jubilee year in 2000:


15f882  No.4855146

File: fa60d517790c073⋯.png (10.55 KB, 279x102, 93:34, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)


yeah you completely missed my fucking point by pouncing on a post without any idea of its context you FUCKING SHILL!

7100d1  No.4855148

File: ddd4cac91778485⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1071x1134, 17:18, Screenshot_2019-01-22 Scot….png)

File: e20b12dd25f62e2⋯.png (103.8 KB, 1048x897, 1048:897, Screenshot_2019-01-22 Scot….png)

File: 6b04a7bd90c925f⋯.png (125.24 KB, 1062x1069, 1062:1069, Screenshot_2019-01-22 Scot….png)

One should never question the experts.

c170ba  No.4855149

>>4854999 (LB)

He is, but he's also working for Trump, since that's the chain of command in his job. His firm works for some of Trump's family as well (those pesky "conflicts of interest" Trump keeps mentioning).

What I find interesting is that there are intelligent journalists out there, why are they not picking up on this? There's a serious case of stupid, or some heavy payments going down to keep things hush for now.

af427f  No.4855151


I'd never thought of it that way. Thanks m8

eaddc8  No.4855152


Call me. Fe-fi-fo-fe-fi-fo-fo.

29fe65  No.4855153

Anybody noticing all the commercials coming out on TV recently that try to condition us to accept child abuse?

Two of the worst are:

1. the Phillips 66 commercial where the mom says, "I think I'm gonna sew your backpack to your back," and

2. The one on ESPN where the dad is putting his mouth on the baby's side and tickling the baby while they say "take time to be a father."

Start looking out for this kind of thing. I think a lot more people need to protest and resist this trend.

15f882  No.4855154


kinda hot tho

0509f0  No.4855156


Said the Italian actor playing Native American…

06d163  No.4855157


I remember this, he had a lot of high profiles on that list.

1b160b  No.4855158


In the front my nigga, with the whitefolk no fukken joke.

Wish I had the skill to do it muhself

00b921  No.4855159



LMAO Let the second wave of the shitstorm begin. POTUS simply refuses to allow the left/media/"true conservatives" any oxygen at all.

da7657  No.4855160

File: 0791867f95c1680⋯.png (95.01 KB, 652x650, 326:325, BSexton re Covington Black….PNG)

File: 9160085a8d48693⋯.png (925.44 KB, 658x776, 329:388, NYDN re Covington Blackout….PNG)


2nd Wave of Attacks beginning



d9d0ef  No.4855161


Columbus was a murderer.

He was also a jew.

88dec6  No.4855162

File: 87098485ba1b9e5⋯.png (1013.2 KB, 1895x1075, 379:215, ClipboardImage.png)

SPAR 153 pickup or drop off again in San Antonio, SAM is on direct heading for DC, SPAR Headed NE - Kansas?

Another SAM 185 came out of DC and stopped briefly in Lincoln NE, now headed West - It's looking like a game of Three Card Monte out there….

eb1575  No.4855164

File: 5e77bdd6a7cb5ea⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 960x640, 3:2, DufnmXEWsAIe8_1.jpg)

File: 8b981bfb6fe68dd⋯.jpg (181.51 KB, 1024x942, 512:471, DudcZXjW4AAkt2T.jpg)

File: f20ae0b2c6d6995⋯.jpg (178.3 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Dt70f7dX4AApH1V.jpg)

File: e50fdb80e4d0481⋯.jpg (227.98 KB, 1296x808, 162:101, DuKVwq-W4AA2TP1.jpg)

File: b6177f4efb86024⋯.jpg (94.31 KB, 1200x789, 400:263, DqoSxk6VAAAzKCy.jpg)

046c8a  No.4855165

File: 43a05c963da8ce6⋯.png (2.29 MB, 3228x1556, 807:389, counter.png)

>>4855091 (lb)

Excellent work, Anon! Shared!

15f882  No.4855166


yeah reddit's that way tool

4a36b9  No.4855167

File: 737059ec4c48c76⋯.png (312.22 KB, 1058x794, 529:397, ClipboardImage.png)

5700eb  No.4855168

File: 47e3b99e5a96117⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)



1eeb7d  No.4855170

>>4854728 (PB)





93b646  No.4855171


sorry, I guess I missed your point.

c6207e  No.4855173

File: d8e2a9eb3fbee1c⋯.png (338.2 KB, 673x544, 673:544, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

Any (Great) Awakening(s), will require the cessation of 'DREAM(s)'.

Bonus… this connects Deniro, Marshall, & Williams, ALL suspected pedos/pedovores. AND orbits of James 'Holly' - Woods the SPOOK >> 4840175

9226a2  No.4855174

File: f51a7f4b0700ac5⋯.jpeg (147.27 KB, 1526x618, 763:309, E159C0A1-6A74-4382-8208-E….jpeg)

File: 894258a7b6787f3⋯.jpeg (159.41 KB, 1536x620, 384:155, 614A53C6-0D05-431B-B100-2….jpeg)

If Nancy Pelosi thinks that Walls are “immoral,” why isn’t she requesting that we take down all of the existing Walls between the U.S. and Mexico, and even the new ones just built in San Diego at their very strong urging.

>if NP doesn’t believe she should go to jail, why isn’t she requesting the release of those already caught, including the ones (((they))) threw under the bus

Let millions of unchecked “strangers” just flow into the U.S.

>would let tons of info-heavy potential enemies back in the game

Democrats are kidding themselves (they don’t really believe it!) if they say you can stop Crime, Drugs, Human Trafficking and Caravans without a Wall or Steel Barrier.

>despite what you tell us, you know you will never stop committing crimes and must be removed from the game

Stop playing games and give America the Security it deserves.

>surrender and allow Americans the freedom they deserve

A Humanitarian Crisis!

>for the sake of all of humanity

411886  No.4855175

File: 7adfaec9b9dfd49⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 500x316, 125:79, likebutton.jpg)

>>4855084 LB

>Hannity is the worst interviewer in Prime Time

eb1575  No.4855176

File: da8ea7ccfea6a4d⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Dud64U1W4AA36Uj.jpg)

File: cdcbb2f76b81b95⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 960x807, 320:269, DuVDQbUWwAIVmR9.jpg)

06d163  No.4855177


Very True.

15f882  No.4855178


kek were they worried he was gonna be offended?

ed9705  No.4855179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ffee32  No.4855180


mmm, nebulas make me happy in brain

2b143d  No.4855181

>>4854917 pb

Belushi left SNL a couple years before he died. The entire first cast was gone before Belushi died. The Eddie Murphy era was going on when Belushi died.

06a506  No.4855182

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Shadilay o7

ff0ff5  No.4855183


You're really going to have to do better than that.

c31c4f  No.4855184


Jews lie

Likely were the sea peoples who invaded egypt

egypt kicked them the fuck out the jew did not beg to leave. They came to infiltrate and destroy anything good. Like they destroyed Germany then the UK then America. Jews infiltrate the greatest nations near them and destroy them from within.

It is what they do. Exodus story is Jews lying about the holohoax. Jews lie. Jews always lie. Their history is fake.

d61730  No.4855185

File: 5a08568daaf9b2f⋯.jpg (88.85 KB, 500x488, 125:122, Kansas City here I come.jpg)

aef941  No.4855186


not 'italian' 'italian american'

listen, 'italian americans' prefer to be called 'people of America'

ce98cb  No.4855187

File: 4fd99532bc459d0⋯.png (47.51 KB, 817x266, 43:14, AQ23.PNG)


Debunked by Big League.


ffee32  No.4855188


nebulae? nebularum?

i dont do multiple nebulosi

0509f0  No.4855189


Posted this WAY back and crickets….

d9d0ef  No.4855191

File: 3f0c67dcd173815⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 230x255, 46:51, 3f0c67dcd173815b2163f8c15e….jpg)


Facts is facts.

He was a jew and a murderer.

d04780  No.4855192


I'm sorry you don't have a healthy relationship with parental figures, but you don't need to push your crazy here m'kay?

19efd3  No.4855193

f1d004  No.4855194

when did bakers trim q's latest posts so much?

9a7477  No.4855195


Give you a dub check if you sauce that shit…

b97dbf  No.4855196


FIND THE MARKER - the past post now unlocked by future news


Don't let the clowns slide /ourinsights/

Look for yourself what Q has said about what a MARKER is.

a6ad9b  No.4855197

File: 33f30936a8145de⋯.jpg (129.56 KB, 1023x685, 1023:685, MLK-MAGA.jpg)

to the sanctimonious blue checkmark thought police

0509f0  No.4855198



da7657  No.4855199


>Debunked by Big League.

BLP is a fucking joke

The story is debunked but at least post from a credible source so it can be shared as credible and not laughed at

d04780  No.4855200


Not mine just spreading the wealth!

1b160b  No.4855201

File: 272b23cfe202c48⋯.jpeg (219.87 KB, 1864x324, 466:81, C0418E63-79A4-4463-ADE3-1….jpeg)

c1197a  No.4855202

File: b92286983b1ecb3⋯.jpeg (98.06 KB, 888x544, 111:68, 29930B6A-905F-4617-BFA9-5….jpeg)

e6c995  No.4855203


Good point.

We do get Hannity's retards here of course from time to time.

674802  No.4855204

File: a7b5c928c425f3a⋯.jpeg (443.38 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 1F76F6C6-5700-4096-AEDC-E….jpeg)

They will always use children

Next stop…..Africa

b78acd  No.4855205

File: 2f86ca13b09cda5⋯.png (726.39 KB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 2489129837646235.png)

File: 6737c4cb422836f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1182x825, 394:275, 887686251864845.png)

5e8e6f  No.4855206

File: 086384d9e94c353⋯.jpeg (87.44 KB, 648x634, 324:317, 2D6538B3-2E7D-45DE-8896-4….jpeg)

File: 73b726d48a824e5⋯.jpeg (62.62 KB, 746x392, 373:196, 5E097C46-04FD-49B8-9BF6-3….jpeg)

File: 1e2e7e642b917ad⋯.jpeg (81.89 KB, 750x472, 375:236, 8E8B11ED-4B8D-49AB-8E22-2….jpeg)

File: eceea64a81879ce⋯.jpeg (94.23 KB, 750x532, 375:266, 0AED1B9E-C4C6-4335-B143-7….jpeg)

c6207e  No.4855207

File: d3bce4dbdf6fa7f⋯.png (107.5 KB, 783x272, 783:272, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

File: 465c4613d188f0d⋯.png (116.52 KB, 553x235, 553:235, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

File: 1195342f07d7a0b⋯.png (118.83 KB, 448x312, 56:39, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

File: 3ba212f87f33174⋯.png (468.04 KB, 1246x619, 1246:619, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

File: 641ef90c8b39dac⋯.png (140.65 KB, 430x313, 430:313, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

85fbc3  No.4855209

File: 4a3a8f735dfbe06⋯.jpg (383.97 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, Wknee.jpg)

File: 65f5e723a74ec8b⋯.jpg (111.33 KB, 335x400, 67:80, NoNind.jpg)

pb posts re: Wounded Knee and Tribal Affairs:

Want to make sure y'all are aware that NoName HATED Native Americans- and our tribal brothers KNEW it. Their despise for him spanned many generations as did NoName's continual harassment of Indian Affairs policy.

- [NoName] is the longest current serving member of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

bd60cc  No.4855210

File: 7e5eb3122b4034b⋯.jpg (195.57 KB, 870x542, 435:271, DemsOpenDoor.jpg)

00ee3d  No.4855211

File: 3f1bb05c10b3d3a⋯.jpg (377.57 KB, 1247x832, 1247:832, IMG_751.jpg)

patriots remember!!

c47798  No.4855212


1b160b  No.4855213


Attempted wrap up smear

29fe65  No.4855214

I knew a perpetrator shill like you would respond first. We're coming for you. We are going to punish you.


c31c4f  No.4855215


Jews lie. They go with the big lie. Then repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. Until the people who know the truth are dead then their lies become the truth. Jews know the past can be changed. Because they have changed it countless times.

Jews make up most everything.

d61730  No.4855216

File: 9d79524756d914f⋯.jpg (22.78 KB, 400x300, 4:3, John Belushi.jpg)


total irony a few years after it aired

ce98cb  No.4855217


I see your point, after all, Laura loomer writes for them.

352140  No.4855218


oh shut the fuck up.

bcc085  No.4855219



Univ. of Georgia and USC Columbia have both done "black out" home football games.

Not popular because black clothes are hot as greenhouses when worn outdoors in fall in the south.

The basketball pic? They're yelling "AIR BALL AIR BALL"

Somebody look close and see if any of the kids are holding up car keys, in the "better start up the team bus" classic taunt.

Heckling at basketball games is fun.

2c2fb7  No.4855220

File: 4d60f2c3cd97f19⋯.jpeg (70.8 KB, 640x445, 128:89, download (6).jpeg)


patriots remember

15f882  No.4855221


look like he's about to eat that mike.

a9d048  No.4855222

4a36b9  No.4855223

File: e23bd5411df4e18⋯.png (271.88 KB, 1058x794, 529:397, ClipboardImage.png)

85fbc3  No.4855224


Brilliant! We've got the best memeMakers!

02d3e6  No.4855225


Cristobol Colombo was Jew?

abc911  No.4855226


the comeback kid

6f8e74  No.4855227


4da748  No.4855228

Looks like you guys have your very own Stalin in the white house. Congratufuckinglations.


da3359  No.4855229

>>4854937 lb

Plus, /they/ are demonic and hate everything Christian.

>>4854980 lb

Abortion is a moral and political problem, not just social.

d9d0ef  No.4855230

File: 71d874720d9c054⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 750x541, 750:541, goyimeknow.jpg)



da92d2  No.4855231

File: 9fab604809eaebb⋯.png (130.74 KB, 1099x682, 1099:682, whymemes.png)

411886  No.4855232

File: fb05fabd4592cb1⋯.jpg (93.72 KB, 895x500, 179:100, patriots chiefs.jpg)

Not taking credit, just passing to NS.

c1197a  No.4855233


Yes. He had many names.

3ff9f0  No.4855234

>>4854544 pbgold anon

you gotta put Jim Carey doing the scalping scene in the liar liar movie - into the mix as well

keking gold baby, it's kekin gold

594899  No.4855235

File: 9062ea9ca013ecc⋯.gif (5.68 KB, 200x108, 50:27, wut.gif)


full house wut

71eec1  No.4855236

Pelosi visited Vatican 2015


d9d0ef  No.4855237


What is known as a crypto jew. Yup.

5a3139  No.4855238

File: 159fcd8396e7707⋯.jpeg (45.4 KB, 392x260, 98:65, ADCEC483-A957-4B78-81AE-0….jpeg)

File: b5048a469e72c67⋯.jpeg (570.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DA99C91C-01F5-4F39-8E2E-B….jpeg)

File: 3598e68718dd89e⋯.jpeg (115.61 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 63829BF0-14AA-481D-AFB4-3….jpeg)

File: 294dacdade49199⋯.jpeg (257.66 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, CEFA7C85-BFA2-4DE1-8DB8-A….jpeg)

55fada  No.4855239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember this?

Black Trump.

Watch it. Anon has moar.

352140  No.4855240


SHIT meant to respond to this dumbass


d04780  No.4855241


You got the wrong one chick-a-dee.

Just go back ta lurkin fer now…

Unless you have anything real/tangible with actual sauce to share with the class?

9b4997  No.4855242


If Trump was real bad ass he would have

brought up the walls around the bitches mansion

9a5949  No.4855245

File: bbfbd0cbc57141b⋯.jpeg (117.2 KB, 604x819, 604:819, 895D286C-5302-4994-BA69-A….jpeg)

only anons will really get this 😄

0509f0  No.4855246


Sounds like the Demoncrats tactics

9e42ac  No.4855247

>>4854708 ALL lb lb lb lb



The slide continues - the shills are desperate to get POTUS to nominate ACB

the national review article was fake and gay

judge fir yourself

here is what feinstein said

"your speeches demonstrate that your dogma lives loudly within you and thats a concern"

here is why she said it:

Speaking to the 2006 Notre Dame Law School graduating class, Barrett said: “Your legal career is but a means to an end, and . . . that end is building the kingdom of God. . . . [I]f you can keep in mind that your fundamental purpose in life is not to be a lawyer, but to know, love, and serve God, you truly will be a different kind of lawyer.” Admittedly, this is about lawyers and not about judges, but it speaks to her views on a legal career in general.

In a December 2015 piece for the University of Notre Dame Alumni Association, Barrett wrote that “[l]ife is about more than the sum of our own experiences, sorrows, and successes. It’s about the role we play in God’s ever-unfolding plan to redeem the world.” She continued: “That sounds lofty, but it’s about taking the long view. Do we see success through the eyes of our contemporaries, or through the eyes of God? Do we focus only on what God does for us, or also on what God can do for others through us.”

And from Catholic Judges in Capital Cases: “Judges cannot — nor should they try to — align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge. They should, however, conform their own behavior to the Church’s standard. Perhaps their good example will have some effect.”

55fada  No.4855248

File: c231b59d6bf52ea⋯.png (51.69 KB, 1108x253, 1108:253, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

c47798  No.4855249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5c5650  No.4855250

File: 789355e116f8b77⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 598x294, 299:147, carson.jpg)

c47798  No.4855251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

02d3e6  No.4855252


Can you sauce that? I'd like to see it.

58bb37  No.4855253


We've been groomed to do exactly that and twat our ironic memes out into the universe.

06d163  No.4855255


He did, a few weeks ago he called them all out for having walls.

c47798  No.4855256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bcc085  No.4855257

>>4855044 previous bread

This post hints at the SAME REASON that all the hyper-evangelical Christian mens/womens' groups and "Bible studies" get on my last nerve.

They turn into weird, spill-your-guts, everybody sobs, group therapy sessions.

The womens' events turn into places where PMS-ing women get too emotional, talk too much, cry a bunch, and then later get upset when their stupid lack of discretion becomes small town bitch gossip.

For Pete's sake, people. Sort your messy life out on your own, and that sounds cruel, but when it all boils down, it's the only choice we have.

Hard facts:

1) Life can be hard and unfair, and bad things happen to good people. The key is in how we react to those things.

2) Sometimes those messes (relationships, poor career/financial decisions, tattoos, bad haircuts) are our own fault. The only solution is to pull up your socks and figure out some ways to undo the worst of the damage.

Just my two cents, but I'd rather seek peace in quiet meditation and prayer. The Bible (and, to be fair, human history) is loaded with examples of people coping with adversity. Some of them overcome it, and some of them don't.

All those massive money-maker "love offering" gatherings set my teeth on edge.

15f882  No.4855258


Catholics go to the Vatican all the time, Einstein.

ffee32  No.4855259

9a7477  No.4855260



All reporters are lazy ass fucks who don’t report they sit on their asses and wait for their scripts. Katherine Herrige and Sara Carter are the only two hoe bother to do research

6f8e74  No.4855261

File: e1cf819fa44f662⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, HALFNHALF.jpg)

a55a3e  No.4855262


He was Christian. You're just parroting what the jews started.

58c544  No.4855263





da7657  No.4855264


>I see your point, after all, Laura loomer writes for them.

Cassandra Fairbanks, Posobiecs best "friend" did too / list goes on and on

Gateway Pundit and Big League Politics are Infowars Clickbait Associates

644ba8  No.4855265

File: eeec7f07c7607db⋯.pdf (679.98 KB, A Description of Christ.pdf)


Here's a description of what Christ looked like.

c6207e  No.4855266

File: cecc6f35f6db5be⋯.jpg (305.94 KB, 600x450, 4:3, hhjbhjbj.jpg)

File: 58c081e65f6ab8c⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 640x640, 1:1, iu.jpg)

File: cc8a46d96be2f3e⋯.jpg (111.66 KB, 634x768, 317:384, ljnjnkj.jpg)

File: cc4233de55db056⋯.png (522.35 KB, 1036x526, 518:263, Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at ….png)

File: 33f055d955017e2⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 488x346, 244:173, HOR.jpg)

29fe65  No.4855267


You are the right one. You are going to pay for your crimes.

c31c4f  No.4855268


Yeah those shows are for the normies…giving them pills with a little red dye in them…..not enough real red to do much. Because normies are not ready for the shit we swallow on a daily basis.

594899  No.4855269


dickbreath, I know where you are in HOU

360b18  No.4855270

File: 3380bb800aab1d7⋯.jpeg (40.3 KB, 750x420, 25:14, DxaHLEyWsAAWM-R.jpeg)

c47798  No.4855271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TLDR: the cia has been makeing zombies since poland acted like a faggot

d04780  No.4855272


like Hi how are ya guy?

b4af06  No.4855273

FYI Don, Jr. on Laura Ingraham in a few minutes.

3a98c7  No.4855274



Research Hoes.

d61730  No.4855275

File: f0bb37ef82c4d78⋯.png (381.75 KB, 1089x587, 1089:587, 012219 US China trade issu….PNG)

Recession risk rises on U.S.-China trade war

Reuters TOKYO (Reuters) — Chances that Japan will slide into a recession this coming fiscal year have grown over the past three months, a Reuters poll of economists found, pressured by a global economic slowdown and U.S.-China trade friction.

Economists said while Japan will probably manage to avoid a recession in the year starting in April, growing 0.8 percent, the outlook is shaky.

That bodes poorly for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plans to raise the sales tax to 10 percent from 8 percent in October to cope with swelling welfare costs as the country’s population ages.

Japan has felt the indirect impact of the U.S.-China trade war because it makes equipment and supplies used by Chinese manufacturers of semiconductors, mobile phones and other products.

The latest data showed Japan’s export growth slowed to a crawl in November as shipments to the United States and China weakened sharply.

“The U.S.-China trade conflict discourages China’s capital spending, which is casting a shadow over Japan’s economy via a slowdown in exports of capital goods,” said Shigeto Nagai, head of Japan economics at Oxford Economics.

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday there has been progress toward a trade deal with China, but denied that he was considering lifting tariffs on Chinese imports.

Uncertainty over Britain’s exit from the European Union adds to the murky outlook, analysts said.

“Uncertainties over the global economy continue such as the outlook of Brexit and impacts from the U.S.-China trade friction on the Japanese economy is materializing, so risks have risen from three months ago,” said Harumi Taguchi, principal economist at IHS Markit.

Twenty-eight of 38 economists said the likelihood of Japan falling into a recession in fiscal 2019 has risen compared with three months ago, the Jan. 9-18 poll showed.

A separate Reuters’ corporate survey showed confidence among Japanese manufacturers dropped for a third straight month in January to a two-year low, as worries over the health of the global economy and trade tensions take a toll businesses.

Will it happen?

Abe has twice postponed the tax hike out of economic concerns, but 27 of 39 economists said there was at least an 80 percent chance he will go ahead with it.

Abe has said barring a repeat of the 2008 global financial crisis, he’ll raise the sales tax. He is due to make a final decision soon.

To blunt any economic damage from the hike, the government plans to offer tax breaks on cars and homes and exempt some products from the tax hike.

Japan’s economy will contract a sharp 3 percent during the October-December quarter, when the tax will be raised, economists project. For the entire fiscal year, it will expand 0.8 percent, the poll showed, and then slow slightly to 0.6 percent growth for the following fiscal year.

rest at link


and the yen rising again. The BOJ intervention from a few weeks ago is wearing off.


2b9e7d  No.4855276


SOTU “Comeback Kid”

ab8116  No.4855277

File: 1a242c5b5f37350⋯.jpg (424.18 KB, 1010x672, 505:336, fdr churchill fluff.jpg)

883e94  No.4855278

File: 375bcfa857ea252⋯.png (95.2 KB, 1238x544, 619:272, ClipboardImage.png)

Could have, would have, should have does not equal bombshell Mr Bongino.

d7a1a9  No.4855279

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB, 814x900, 407:450, 7cddbe8f4195ca95f2976675e3….jpg)

c73100  No.4855280

File: bb88951098227bb⋯.png (154.22 KB, 315x220, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8a506190949fef⋯.png (25.39 KB, 671x419, 671:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57fa5d535592ddf⋯.png (28.94 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Study: Pharma Dollars Led to Overdose Deaths

New research links payments to docs with prescription opioid ODs

Pharmaceutical firms' direct marketing to doctors continues to cause prescription opioid deaths, a new study argues. The study, released Friday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, uses publicly available data from Medicare, Medicaid, and the Centers for Disease Control to match prescribing rates with prescription opioid overdose rates. Deaths from "Natural or semisynthetic opioids"—the CDC code which generally refers to deaths from prescription opioids like Vicodin or Dilaudid—totaled just under 15,000 in 2017. The study's authors note that while prescription pills are not the primary cause of opioid-involved overdose deaths—that distinction belongs to fentanyl, as well as heroin—they are usually the first opioids encountered by subsequent users of heroin/fentanyl. There were still almost 200 million opioid prescriptions issued in 2017, which the authors claim results in a rate three times higher than 1999.

Further, they note, "Direct-to-physician marketing by pharmaceutical companies is widespread in the United States and is associated with increased prescribing of the marketed products." One in 12 doctors received opioid-related marketing between 2013 and 2015; that figure rises to one in five among family physicians. Direct-to-physician marketing was a key component of pharmaceutical firms' strategy to push pills to patients in the lead up to the current opioid crisis. The practice involves sales representatives approaching physicians, all-expenses paid trips to pharma-sponsored seminars on the benefits of prescription opioids, and even lucrative speaking gigs for those doctors who do the best job pushing a given drug.

Purdue Pharma, the creator of OxyContin, reportedly compiled comprehensive profiles of physicians to better target them and offered enormous bonuses, up to a quarter of a million dollars, for sales representatives who sold directly to major prescribers. A Senate report released last year found that five opioid manufacturers in five years alone spent $9 million in support of "patient advocate" groups responsible for downplaying the dangers of opioids to physicians. As such, the new JAMA study's authors wanted to test the link between marketing, prescription rates, and prescription opioid overdose deaths. The Physician Payments Sunshine Act mandates disclosure of payments—usually in the form of meals, travel costs, speaking fees, and consulting fees—from pharmaceutical firms to doctors, including information about the drug being marketed. The authors combined this data with prescribing and death data to get a county-by-county picture of the nation from 2013 to 2016.

They then built a model, controlling for a number of confounding socio-demographic variables and looking at the connection between marketing in one year and overdose deaths in the subsequent year. Three different measures of marketing—value in dollars, number of payments per doctor, and number of doctors being paid—were strongly associated with an increase in both prescription rates and subsequent prescription overdose deaths. The study's authors also performed a "mediation analysis," concluding that increases in prescribing rates significantly mediated the association between marketing and deaths. What the study means practically is that the millions of dollars pharmaceutical firms spend annually on marketing directly to doctors are causally linked to increased prescription rates, which are in turn linked to addiction and eventual overdose death.


Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Marketing of Opioid Products With Mortality From Opioid-Related Overdoses


The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin: Commercial Triumph, Public Health Tragedy


31acb3  No.4855281

File: 78c05716bca6c6c⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 652x666, 326:333, vgdk3zuiuub21.jpg)

Trump needs to start work in eliminating the gay.

c47798  No.4855282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

92b624  No.4855283

can't wait to see don jr. coming up

b97dbf  No.4855284

FE spike

Muh joos trying to find a hook

'Mehbot' deployed

Deltafaggotry desperately trying to anchor themselves into consensus..

Enjoying the show intensifies ; )

27b5c9  No.4855285


hawking one gets me every time

f1d004  No.4855286

File: abd89d51f42ba1b⋯.jpeg (457.61 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 803707B1-6056-479B-B002-7….jpeg)


>meme industry

0509f0  No.4855287

File: 964df9e4b7304cf⋯.jpg (24.22 KB, 694x209, 694:209, bk.JPG)


Yeah saw this on the Burger Kings twatter account. Will never eat there again. Division fag company.

ed9705  No.4855288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

660dd0  No.4855289

File: 6bf4005dd579dac⋯.png (4.21 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Both bills from 2013 and show the Treasurer's signature.



a4d983  No.4855290

File: 4f55c8a951497cb⋯.png (352.63 KB, 3120x1440, 13:6, Screenshot_2019-01-21-21-4….png)

File: 2820f0b8e1aa566⋯.png (323.41 KB, 3120x1440, 13:6, Screenshot_2019-01-21-21-4….png)

Who are these ppl at top of @POTUS and @realDonaldTrump tweets? I see these same 3 guys bashing our @POTUS on every single tweet. Anyone know anything about them?

54ec33  No.4855291



d9d0ef  No.4855292


Why would the filthy jews want to take credit for that guy?

He was a murderer and his exploits have been recorded by many sources that watched the shit first hand.

Of course, jews are blood thirsty maniacs. And given that, they may secretly take credit for him.

c47798  No.4855293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9e42ac  No.4855294

CS Lewis on shill attacks on christianity

Very often, however, this silly procedure is adopted by people who are not silly, but who, consciously or unconsciously, want to destroy Christianity. Such people put up a version of Christianity suitable for a child of six and make that the object of their attack. When you try to explain the Christian doctrine as it is really held by an instructed adult, they then complain that you are making their heads turn round and that it is all too complicated and that if there really were a God they are sure He would have made "religion" simple, because simplicity is so beautiful, etc. You must be on your guard against these people for they will change their ground every minute and only waste your tune. Notice, too, their idea of God "making religion simple": as if "religion" were something God invented, and not His statement to us of certain quite unalterable facts about His own nature.

6f8e74  No.4855296

>>4855262 Stolen Valor!

ff0ff5  No.4855297


>the shills are desperate to get POTUS to nominate ACB

POTUS doesn't give half a shit what we or the shills think.

That said, you make a compelling case as to why she may be difficult to get through the confirmation process and for why she is worth the difficulty.

0a1602  No.4855298

File: 2caaa1ddf93b950⋯.png (61.06 KB, 647x412, 647:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c71dd3708aa5b7e⋯.png (20.5 KB, 468x175, 468:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a287c54ed87f0d⋯.png (20.17 KB, 474x186, 79:31, ClipboardImage.png)

House bill Aims To Help Minors Who Are Sex Trafficking Victims

JACKSON (AP) — The Republican leader of the Mississippi House is pushing a bill that he says could protect children who are victims of sex trafficking.

House Bill 571 would prevent charges from being filed against trafficking victims who are younger than 18. The minor would be taken into protective custody and counseling would be provided. Foster parents would be trained to help trafficking victims.

House Speaker Philip Gunn, a Republican from Clinton, tells the Clarion Ledger that human trafficking is happening in Mississippi, including “in the shadow of our Capitol.”

One supporter of the bill is Sandy Middleton, who is executive director of the Center for Violence Prevention in Pearl. The center has a program that fights human trafficking. Middleton says it received 31 crisis calls and 85 referrals in 2018.



5c8912  No.4855299

File: 5ad3532d1470a22⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 4000x2430, 400:243, maga hats (2).jpg)

c47798  No.4855300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f94677  No.4855301


Say what you want about Hannity. But without him, Trump never becomes POTUS. He was his BIGGEST public advocate. Probably still is. His repetitive style drives me crazy. But that is what the Normies needed then as well as now.

82b599  No.4855302

File: 94cc98a873b7090⋯.jpg (71.88 KB, 852x480, 71:40, don jr time for sunshine.jpg)

352140  No.4855303

>>4855274 kek research hoe: the best kind of hoe

da7657  No.4855304

File: 5314faf72e9503b⋯.png (407.47 KB, 645x628, 645:628, DoD 1-21-19 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: de8d2d1292c7bd1⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video DoD 1-21-19 7 pm PST.mp4)

One mean aircraft!


d04780  No.4855305

File: f57bd9e39a8890f⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, Dr1N4PNU0AEOdtx.png large.png)


Sure thing yes you got me

I'm a smooth criminal with an agenda to spread Truth.

I admit it come get me… don't ferget yer cuffs McGruff!

6948e4  No.4855306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some really awful alien prayers for the jaws


4ae43e  No.4855307

File: 6664c6109b89242⋯.jpeg (755.87 KB, 1065x1242, 355:414, D2C0EB1B-3163-4314-9137-B….jpeg)


Happy MLK day fren!

I remember that post like it was yesterday.

c6207e  No.4855308

File: f392d0b9fa5e351⋯.jpg (98.73 KB, 757x768, 757:768, qweefwf.jpg)

File: 39a5b62753758ab⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 474x339, 158:113, lkdnksdnlvkn.jpg)

File: 2da362b0d110e76⋯.png (366.21 KB, 1324x170, 662:85, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

b97dbf  No.4855309


Blanket waves of black hat subliminal memes as well..

Whew, what a nerve!

9e42ac  No.4855311


she might as well be farting for all i care

oh wait that is her talking…

e607f3  No.4855312


POTUS Should Invite All the School Kids that were

in D.C.

That Would put a Monkey Wrench in the MOCKINGBIRD machine!

71eec1  No.4855314


On taxpayer dime with spouses and “nine other members of Congress, including Democratic Reps. Anna Eshoo of California and Marcia Fudge of Ohio.”

Sure, Einstein.

93b646  No.4855315


>This post hints at the SAME REASON that all the hyper-evangelical Christian mens/womens' groups and "Bible studies" get on my last nerve.They turn into weird, spill-your-guts, everybody sobs, group therapy sessions.The womens' events turn into places where PMS-ing women get too emotional, talk too much, cry a bunch, and then later get upset when their stupid lack of discretion becomes small town bitch gossip.


you are spot on, anon. that is a big problem out there.

It certainly is not making boys into men.

It is just another way of ridding toxic masculinity.

They want you a sobbing mess. They want you part of the community, not an individual.

I am so sick of the word "community"

3ff9f0  No.4855316


and the rest of the Democrats cordially invite

everyone refugee or otherwise American or those

who will lose their Food Stamps

and have suffered through this shut down

the following:

We Democrats will step up to the plate and open our houses to all who need shelter, food, and clothing as well as some extra spending cash. Just waltz right into our homes.


1be32e  No.4855317


Definitely wonder sometimes if there is something other-worldly going on with all this (Q+)

1b160b  No.4855318

File: 46e57b856398b5b⋯.jpeg (52.92 KB, 800x419, 800:419, DD6E6E9E-3F43-46D1-80E0-9….jpeg)


Fuck them niggas, that’s all you need to know

02d3e6  No.4855319


Yep. He brought in the slow learners.

debf21  No.4855320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey anon's. Just checking in tonight and thought I would share this video from ScreenHoopla. It makes a lot of the things we already know make much more sense. Something to think about anyway.

And as always please forgive if already posted.

594899  No.4855321

File: 55387aef36e36a8⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 255x167, 255:167, team.jpg)

Talk to us, guys?

7e96c9  No.4855322


Burger King dropped the marbles…

5c8912  No.4855323

File: 4631539c6220d93⋯.png (79.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe tub - Copy.png)


Lurk moar and you'll see those retards all the time. Douche nozzles working full time for (them)

6f8e74  No.4855324

File: 74370e5f3f35157⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 996x607, 996:607, BestPOTUS.jpg)

87ac34  No.4855325

File: 3b04b142165bd96⋯.png (53.39 KB, 500x363, 500:363, FA1E638D-DC7B-4856-82B6-0D….png)

06a506  No.4855326


Most of the sourced facts that have floated down this stream and collected would cause a normie to question their own place in reality if they were to digest all of the things someone who has been here for every bread from all 3 boards is aware of at once.


5700eb  No.4855327

File: bb21f406ab224d9⋯.png (326.91 KB, 499x499, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d61730  No.4855328

File: 7f500ab6e02488e⋯.jpg (74.17 KB, 609x546, 29:26, Chris Christie nom nom.jpg)


nom nom approves

12e0ee  No.4855329

File: d45955e81479315⋯.jpeg (149.02 KB, 750x1214, 375:607, 501A3A24-9762-43A4-955B-0….jpeg)

3f4a94  No.4855330


Most likely Soros payroll. As much as they tweet… looks like their full time job is to Twitter-harass our POTUS. They lie in wait for a new Trump tweet so they can land on top of the comment list. They've been at it for many months now. Idiot brothers with no life.

955546  No.4855331

File: ec744e675b7afee⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1272x748, 318:187, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)


Don't forget the (13) 24k gold leafed oxen featured in Mormon Temples…

0509f0  No.4855332


Nice one anon, nice one

55fada  No.4855333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Then there's this:

"This hat gives me power in a way."

This hat makes me like superman.

06d163  No.4855334


Who calls their Mom Mum in America?

Those don't look like POTUS's problems.

9e42ac  No.4855335


she pledged with that group and featured on their website

she is NOT to be trusted

660dd0  No.4855336

File: 0ca55868416ecc7⋯.png (546.85 KB, 2026x1270, 1013:635, Screenshot 2019-01-22 at 0….png)


In 2003, Rios became a principal partner at Red River Associates, a consulting firm specializing in economic development and project management. While at Red River, she teamed with the Assistant General Manager of Infrastructure to restructure the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission in preparation for the seismic retrofit of the Hetch Hetchy water system, one of the nation’s largest capital improvement programs.


85fbc3  No.4855337

File: 10f68af0b635d7a⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1395x1099, 1395:1099, STnHedg.png)

File: cca4acf4262ba93⋯.jpg (83.19 KB, 992x558, 16:9, stonhed.jpg)


This Anon believes Stonehenge is our TRUE pole.

pic related

901cd8  No.4855338


Pretty sure he was not a great guy. There was a historian priest who traveled with him and recorded all of the atrocities committed. Here is a quote from Bartolome de las Casas, "The Spaniards with their horses, their spears and lances, began to commit murders, and strange cruelties: they entered into towns, burroughs, and villages, sparing neither children nor old men, neither women with child, neither them that lay in, but that they ripped their bellies, and cut them in pieces, as if they had been opening of lambs shut up in their fold." Granted this is one guy's recollection, but it should be considered in the grand scheme of things.

58c544  No.4855339


more like an overdub of FAKENEWS.gif but with

MAga maga MAga maga MAga maga MAga maga

fb4c2e  No.4855340

I Believe..!!

7100d1  No.4855341


He was also W's biggest advocate.

9a7477  No.4855342




Autocorrect never works when it’s needed

b78acd  No.4855343


spill chick

c47798  No.4855344

File: dca76f17809e581⋯.jpg (115.85 KB, 534x429, 178:143, IMG_3030.JPG)

File: 08621fb124aa752⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 584x590, 292:295, IMG_3035.JPG)

File: 67aa1f231c3400d⋯.jpg (128.82 KB, 642x640, 321:320, IMG_3058.JPG)

c8b65b  No.4855345


No tag team butt buddy around.

c53db2  No.4855346


hormones out of wack?

4c1748  No.4855347



346266  No.4855348

File: ee55f870abf57b8⋯.jpg (210.5 KB, 1086x811, 1086:811, Trump smiling.jpg)


You don't know if that's true or not.

You haven't read "Art of the Deal"

Part of what makes POTUS so cabable and successful is that he listens.

It's a Number 1 factor that leads to successful business. You get input for everyone an everywhere.

It has that in common with research. When you start ignoring things you limit your ability to get good answers.

644ba8  No.4855349

File: 289530cad12ee33⋯.gif (296.94 KB, 300x456, 25:38, 289530cad12ee331d2a5c6e08e….gif)

411886  No.4855350

File: aaae60a6491a3f3⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 259x310, 259:310, civil rights.jpg)

In honor of MiLK day, I'd like y'all to know that my relatives played their part in the civil rights movement.

a0c700  No.4855351


Not to mention the fact that the black man is more likely to have been a republican….

c11a77  No.4855352

>>4855102 lb

>all good

Appreciate the olive branch. All good here as well.

a10a64  No.4855353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just a matter of time.

I still want my anti-grav craft, Q.

54ec33  No.4855354


Already been done: https://www.makestickers.com/

352140  No.4855356

File: bc3f6fa1748d633⋯.jpg (16.63 KB, 300x359, 300:359, cuuzb.jpg)

>>4855327 monetize**

93b646  No.4855357


is that shopped?

5c8912  No.4855358


Did he get lost trying to find his bolthole?

Regular citizens don't get to touch or get near Stonehenge.

Black, foreign citizen privileged.

411886  No.4855359


Guess not. So much for where we go one…

I'm sure you have nice tits though. Shame no one bothered to ask you for proof.

fb4c2e  No.4855360


I've been to Stonehenge many times.

The last time will be my last because they've turned it into DisneyLand

06d163  No.4855361


Good eye, I wonder how well her and NP know each other from San Fran.

6bd664  No.4855362

File: 89dfd8ecbbef775⋯.jpeg (15.74 KB, 272x366, 136:183, patch.jpeg)

1224dd  No.4855364

File: 87a5fbc1a8fb7b5⋯.png (332.34 KB, 479x270, 479:270, 1aadb8ed-5969-47e9-ac43-36….png)

File: 2f5f01355714bc6⋯.png (822.26 KB, 468x705, 156:235, a4254190-951f-4e3b-8ae2-46….png)


can we cut this stupid shit out now

88dec6  No.4855365

File: 4725042a6e0556d⋯.png (697.33 KB, 1895x1075, 379:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Another executive stop in San Antonio? Seems to be the place to be tonight.

85fbc3  No.4855366



One of the douchcocks responded to SE Cupps apology with, This is how it's done

Admission to getting the story out to sway opinion and retractions later don't matter.

7f165b  No.4855367

File: fd24b973a3adf8f⋯.png (119.3 KB, 701x1062, 701:1062, Screenshot_2019-01-21 Qmap.png)

File: e9f4cb56543c53c⋯.png (386.72 KB, 643x418, 643:418, albert Pike.png)

Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

Buy a history book published this year.


Focus on WWI/WWII

Something ALARMING will be discovered.


How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?…

a6e847  No.4855368

File: c323fcb7f40a3be⋯.png (571.9 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 96014DE5-D361-4C0E-8056-69….png)

Apologies if already posted. Phonefagging.


6f8e74  No.4855369

>>4855358 NO, he is from kenya-they are part of the crown!

d04780  No.4855370

File: f1aa29fda1fbee5⋯.png (141.48 KB, 500x557, 500:557, f1aa29fda1fbee5579097e2b21….png)


Me too

4a36b9  No.4855371

File: c4dcb79c2854ee7⋯.png (240.37 KB, 1058x794, 529:397, ClipboardImage.png)

Mobs of Silent, Polite but Smirking Teens in Red MAGA Hats gathering at Malls around the country…SmirkMobs…have your cameras ready.

Just a matter of time Muh Frens…

346266  No.4855372


Naw, I think it was built in the '30's

It's next to a Military installation.

They needed it for the fake history and for tourism? Maybe they do rituals there too; who knows?

046c8a  No.4855373

File: f64fbec98bacd63⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 450x443, 450:443, Stone Henge.jpg)


I don't remember the exact story but there was a restoration effort last century.

6c073d  No.4855374

On Tucker tonight:

Migrants "rent" children to other migrants trying to cross the border

see last 5 minutes with Buck Sexton

Sexton is just back from the border. He said there are many diverse groups show up there trying to get in, including Bangladeshis, Indians, Pakistanis, and Chinese.

Sexton also saw the border fence working. As he saw 4 illegals tried to cross, the Border Patrol caught them within 30 seconds of crossing. Shows the wall in that area is working.

But he also saw all kinds of scams, including one involving child "rentals" for cash:

"We had other people show up with a kid who they had either "rented" or "recycled"–which by the way is now a tactic they use as well, where they pass children to people who don't actually–they're not family members. People 'rent' their children into this process to make money; people say "this is my child," because they know they get a special treatment when they claim asylum."



a5c2fd  No.4855375

File: 94e21f50e707c81⋯.png (202.57 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The New Obama?? Could be. I need eyes on this please, help. She claims she grew up in Oakland, but other storie said Jamaica, others say Montreal. Can anyone find the truth? I wonder if her parents were legal immigrants??

Kamala Harris Husband, Children, Parents, Family, Age, Bio, Ethnicity

https://answersafrica.com › Politicians

594899  No.4855376

Ebot threatening Houston?

c31c4f  No.4855377


I went from pretty much a normie to 3/4 the way here in the two weeks after I became aware of pizzagate. Took it from a fire hose for two straight weeks. When I realized it pretty much really was the Jews…..wow for two days I thought I was going crazy.

Normies cant deal with that. Not most of them. It was wild as shit. But it set the obsession all the way to the bone and I have not stopped chewing on the bone one day in over two years. Because now I had to know WHY.

732b72  No.4855378

File: 374a4f58fae5d98⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 960x958, 480:479, POTUS-FLOTUS-Wall.jpg)

File: c1b6d625a826bde⋯.png (601.43 KB, 888x499, 888:499, POTUS45.png)

File: 243e8e72e3d836f⋯.jpg (76.13 KB, 659x406, 659:406, TRUST_POTUS.jpg)

File: 4ab5acb0198420f⋯.jpg (226.75 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, PrayForPotus2.jpg)

File: 7d103a4369bfb95⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PrayForPOTUS2.jpg)

This is OUR timeline, anons.

The shills hope to write an alternative version of history putting their spin on it.

They hope to distract, confuse, seed doubt or fear.

Our minds must remain strong.

We must remain focused on the goal.

We are literally wresting control of the timeline from those who wish to drag it into a different groove.

We the People.


1224dd  No.4855379


in the 1950's

63d39c  No.4855380


Melcome X, he was a Republican. MLK, he was a conservative Christian. They both should have MAGA hats. Fredric Douglas, Republican.

a9d048  No.4855381


>SHIT meant to respond to this dumbass

Well that's a relief, kek. Anyone wanting to follow this convo, we're in the new thread.

55fada  No.4855382

File: c8d291d0ac8fd67⋯.jpg (37.78 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 112m.jpg)


Where are the images with KKK leaders as Dems?

0509f0  No.4855383


Bingo… but it looks like Stonehenge is fake and gay is the anons point…

e607f3  No.4855384


The Real Stonehenge Stones were Removed from the Site at least 25-30 yrs ago Replaced with

Plaster Fakes!

d61730  No.4855385

File: e23f2bf16fcf46c⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 474x484, 237:242, Hail Grammar cat.jpg)

5c8912  No.4855386

File: da8301e6247757d⋯.jpg (372.83 KB, 1856x1336, 232:167, occrazio barry .jpg)

File: df9e3dad06c6038⋯.jpg (321.87 KB, 1574x1397, 1574:1397, ocraz spending.jpg)



ehh not really…esp when her lips move. Just like Ocrazio and Kamala

4c51f5  No.4855387

>>4852068 (pb)

Not a pottage, not a plane fag but …


d04780  No.4855388


Weren't they repaired after some damage decades ago?

5c5650  No.4855389

File: 2382b22add55fd8⋯.jpg (25.93 KB, 347x345, 347:345, falseflags.jpg)

#EnemyOfThePeople Needs to trend on twatter..

93b646  No.4855390


oh, ok. i am slow.

0509f0  No.4855391

File: 109f10799fc08e3⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 810x604, 405:302, hillary-da-racist.JPG)

fb4c2e  No.4855392


Yes that is 'shopped…

346266  No.4855393


They hate it when you are happy.

It shows that you like Trump.

I almost got hit when I said "It's going to be a great year"


06d163  No.4855394


I'll watch, thanks Anon!

c1197a  No.4855395

File: eedff8712a40d38⋯.jpeg (196.72 KB, 640x1035, 128:207, 5B4F8CC9-DF70-4E2B-BE32-9….jpeg)

File: 0e8622ccdc535af⋯.jpeg (142.46 KB, 607x1008, 607:1008, 963E9A78-0C8B-47B0-834A-7….jpeg)



Columbus also stated that earth was shaped like a pear…

a69a55  No.4855396


Just download the SMIRK APP, to find Smirkers near you, in real time. Never be left out of Smirking ever again.

732b72  No.4855397


I posted several dozen KKK=Dem memes in last bread. Did you miss them? Take a look.

c47798  No.4855398


Karl Marx survived the Alamo assassination against the masons

9a7477  No.4855399


Kanye Checked!!

c11a77  No.4855400


Muh article. If you've been around awhile, kek.

6c073d  No.4855401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


On Tucker tonight:


Migrants "rent" children to other migrants trying to cross the border

(last 5 minutes)


ea631d  No.4855402


Fuck these freeloaders. Let them starve. Get a fucking job.

4c51f5  No.4855405


Just gotta realize Jews generate 100% of the pornography. Done.

9e42ac  No.4855406


>POTUS doesn't give half a shit what we think

if you believe that WTF are you doing here?

POTUS will see you are a shill when he reads your post

bcc085  No.4855407


Am sick of the word "community", too.

Our private lives are their own kind of freedom.

Manhood, and all the good that can be accomplished by the fullness of it by GOOD ethical and moral men, needs to be rediscovered.

By the same token, womanhood, and all the grace and goodness the feminine role can add to the world by good women, needs to be rediscovered as well.

I don't hate anybody, but I do have a degree of pity on people who find themselves confused about what their role is in life. It seems like an unhappy existence.

I give thanks for my happy, contented marriage at this stage of life. We're partners, we communicate well, we support each other, and enjoy each other's company. Didn't marry until I was 41, and never expected as much.

abc911  No.4855408

54ec33  No.4855409

File: 8054b7ee961face⋯.png (360.15 KB, 597x672, 199:224, MilkDay.png)


If the government was already closed, and there was a national holiday, would anyone notice?

4ae43e  No.4855410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


check out this 1 minute vidya clip i saw on his page. My first time seeing this.


93b646  No.4855411

55fada  No.4855412


Sorry anon, I did. Post again next bread if they didn't take.

c47798  No.4855413


shia lebouf

d9d0ef  No.4855414

File: 238763fc9141afe⋯.png (514.31 KB, 784x500, 196:125, netyebotwars.png)

18e55c  No.4855415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prison Barges Sent To Gitmo

David Zublick Channel

Todays report….. names and complete update as to what has happened to date at GITMO.

87bc07  No.4855416

File: f457eff6332cb42⋯.jpg (87.84 KB, 510x680, 3:4, LL.jpg)

This is a pic from the Loretta Lynch tweet on MLK. Wonder what else was written on the notepad?

6c4870  No.4855417

File: e1db3a5ffb1223c⋯.jpg (176.75 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 1964kennedy1-1.jpg)

No coincidence that JFK was killed in 1963 and silver stopped being used in US coins in 1964.

732b72  No.4855418

File: 2d95e67af6c7789⋯.jpeg (412.7 KB, 1800x995, 360:199, ThankYouPOTUS.jpeg)

File: 823036467282ab2⋯.jpg (922.52 KB, 4088x2958, 2044:1479, HeadsTailsPOTUS.jpg)

File: 720b7fa4419d827⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 692x467, 692:467, POTUS ask the Q.JPG)

File: cbc62d062563c9e⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 701x463, 701:463, POTUS_trust_plan.JPG)

File: b493185f2c22273⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 218x231, 218:231, BornToFren.jpg)

0509f0  No.4855419


covered past breads anon

48a4f3  No.4855420

File: c7473d13b42c91f⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 822x960, 137:160, 24058683_10155822858047310….jpg)


The gay epidemic is a world wide problem friend.

c66e33  No.4855421

File: 3160ab6a82835bb⋯.jpeg (393.4 KB, 1416x564, 118:47, 9E9856D6-1323-4639-9893-A….jpeg)

>>4854714 (pb)

She also has a fiver acct for… get this….. life coach.

Also has a teacherspayteachers account but the link is cut off


3f4a94  No.4855422


These pics could all be pixelknotted too.

a55a3e  No.4855423

File: 731258573689f27⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1440x1959, 480:653, Capture _2019-01-21-21-46-….png)



Nope and He knows. That's why he does not demonize him like Obama did.

665958  No.4855425


three minutes in , no sauce or reason to worry about

039c2d  No.4855426

File: 6040b955898e596⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 1200x762, 200:127, Stonehenge-near-Wiltshire-….jpg)

411886  No.4855427

File: b5d8cccd4466e97⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 620x455, 124:91, smh.jpg)


>This is a pic from the Loretta Lynch tweet

a10a64  No.4855428

File: 3fa72e9bad3c80d⋯.jpg (3.41 MB, 3096x4128, 3:4, 20181126_212853.jpg)

File: a794d963e11d4ff⋯.png (691.11 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 1547968796414.png)


To Infinity!…

55fada  No.4855429


OH MY GOODNESS. That is a tear jerker.

POTUS totally needed to walk in there!

ff0ff5  No.4855430



I only man that in the context of choosing the next SC justice. I'm sure it is already decided and based on information that we do not have.

a8df1c  No.4855431

File: 43d99527a982b1d⋯.png (55.45 KB, 251x239, 251:239, ClipboardImage.png)

97598d  No.4855432


Who cares where she grew up? Natural born citizenship requires both parents to be citizens. Legal immigrants don't qualify!

660dd0  No.4855433

File: c9cc5451b5cf316⋯.png (105.86 KB, 641x427, 641:427, ClipboardImage.png)




Read her wiki. Then fucking lock and load. She's got a laundry list of transatlantic deep state fuckery.

29fe65  No.4855434

File: 703a69bce73bad1⋯.png (323.21 KB, 1207x321, 1207:321, PsychoAnonPost.png)


This post of yours shows that you are mentally ill. It makes sense you think those commercials are normal. But "incompetent to stand trial" won't save you.

5a3139  No.4855435


Largest MLK march in USA. Many senators congressmen heading to dc

9e42ac  No.4855436


sorry for snapping

carry on fren

883e94  No.4855437

File: 40e71c7f73c740f⋯.png (967.54 KB, 1250x1408, 625:704, ClipboardImage.png)

Future proves past…

"The federal government subsidizes billionaire George Soros’s radical leftwing agenda, dedicating hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to his deeply-politicized Open Society Foundations worldwide, according to documents uncovered by Judicial Watch."

27b5c9  No.4855438

File: f1bd9cdb228c033⋯.png (126.96 KB, 352x321, 352:321, ClipboardImage.png)

02d3e6  No.4855439


I've never really dug into it, but I've heard people say that mlk was a commie.

3671b7  No.4855440



a72a19  No.4855441

File: 031ab23330f5227⋯.jpg (17.93 KB, 408x230, 204:115, 9E81461D-4176-45CC-9EE5-C9….jpg)


those pics are real, here is one from Reuters. Saw one of the pics you posted was from ABC news

346266  No.4855442


They called him "Columbus" because he was supposed to be bringing the Spirit of Christ [Holy Ghost / Dove] to the "New World"

It was a Propaganda name.

Real name COLON like Colony.

That could be fake too. This was before nation-states existed. They were city-states?

Nice statue of him in Catalonia.

495fc8  No.4855443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c91514  No.4855444

File: a1c809fb14994e5⋯.jpeg (86.44 KB, 489x469, 489:469, 90fb54113ffbe49abd1b89c99….jpeg)

da92d2  No.4855445

File: 3b68239e3450871⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1775x2407, 1775:2407, Memeinameme.png)

732b72  No.4855446


I don't think anybody would appreciate it if I reposted the same 25 memes that I posted a bread ago.

Here's a compilation for you.

These are from the memearchives.









d61730  No.4855447

File: 6b202ff552a4838⋯.png (12.83 KB, 284x394, 142:197, 012219 Asia update.PNG)

File: d19df9e3b79aa3b⋯.jpg (154.46 KB, 560x373, 560:373, MR 4x champ.jpg)

Pretty flat in Asia

Hong Kong done with it's trillion dollar binge it seems.

pic for you ausfag, one of my favs back then

c47798  No.4855448



tavistock judas fegels larping at their cia murder spree in the united states again

d5a58f  No.4855449

File: 3de8afe1594c4c1⋯.png (36.78 KB, 1061x332, 1061:332, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef60f9552eb1085⋯.png (8.23 KB, 714x59, 714:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Infamous Private Paramilitary Firm Blackwater Planning Comeback. First Stop: Syria

Erik Prince, ex-Navy SEAL and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, is offering Trump a way to both safeguard allies and pull troops out of the Mideast. Will he agree?

Alexander Griffing Jan 21, 2019 6:53 PM


5c8912  No.4855450



Wang doodle

93b646  No.4855451




6f8e74  No.4855452

File: a618605e5bccaee⋯.png (479.41 KB, 960x638, 480:319, spaceforce.png)

51954a  No.4855453

If shit does kick off in the streets…remeber who the enemy is. Weve been watching them for two years now..lots have blue checks.

Riots are for idiots. Give Q and crew their chance, if 1776.2 happens…

Make it count.

2eaa5e  No.4855454

File: 87f388ef246dc1f⋯.jpg (490.28 KB, 1080x1359, 120:151, Screenshot_20190121-211641….jpg)


Sick azzhole

ebff86  No.4855455

File: a58a71613dd91dd⋯.jpeg (62.82 KB, 640x427, 640:427, A35E8F39-F48C-4D46-ACEA-2….jpeg)

Now it’s doubling – it’s very possible that it can double again,” he explained, the Guardian reported Friday. “If we don’t significantly increase the resources, it will keep increasing. It will spread progressively to other health areas, and it will be there for a long time.”

In an interview late last week with the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Peter Salama, the deputy director-general for emergency preparedness and response at the World Health Organization (WHO), indicated that it would take at least six months to contain the current Ebola outbreak.

“This is the most complicated setting we’ve ever experienced in order to stop an Ebola outbreak,” Salama told CIDRAP, the center reported Thursday. ”At a minimum, it will take six further months to stop.”


On the eve of the first expected results of Congo’s long-delayed presidential election, President Donald Trump said military personnel had deployed to Central Africa to protect U.S. assets from possible “violent demonstrations,” while the country’s powerful Catholic church warned of a popular “uprising” if untrue results are announced.

While Congo has been largely calm on and after the Dec. 30 vote, Trump’s letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said about 80 military personnel and “appropriate combat equipment” had deployed to nearby Gabon to support the security of U.S. citizens and staffers and diplomatic facilities. More will deploy as needed to Gabon, Congo or neighboring Republic of Congo, he wrote.


I believe the POTUS and the generals are fighting the deep state in the Congo, to keep them from trying to destroy the world forever…

c1e11e  No.4855457


quit judging historical figs by modern values

4b5e7f  No.4855458

File: 6d7b3707fdafbdf⋯.png (119.74 KB, 960x647, 960:647, mlk-content-character.png)

7cdf17  No.4855459


David Zublick is a profit-fagging famefag

55fada  No.4855460


Could stand to be freshened a bit. Will think on it.

d61730  No.4855461

File: 8f8924d6fb30aba⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 691x630, 691:630, SIR Flynn.jpg)

5a3139  No.4855462


RIKERS island blackout and prisoner transfer to barge…probability high.

6bd664  No.4855463

File: 0706e5ad7dec514⋯.jpeg (156.29 KB, 800x1179, 800:1179, birdc.jpeg)

88dec6  No.4855464


That's the third or fourth exec jet that's gone through there on a short hop this evening. An E4B came out of there earlier too. I don't recall seeing E4's land at San Antonio before.

529c90  No.4855465


The Wounded Seagull.

039c2d  No.4855466


I'm stealing that.

ce98cb  No.4855467

File: ce7723a3433b6d1⋯.png (454.55 KB, 592x644, 148:161, AQ24.PNG)


Information Warfare Researcher?

1224dd  No.4855468



c91514  No.4855469

File: 16632769edcd29a⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1379369_10201271631207451_….jpg)

c47798  No.4855470



most of the oil industry is built off of closet homo comunism btw

c66e33  No.4855471


She has a wiki that shows her parents immigrated here. Her mother in 1960, her father a year or two later.

She was born in 64.

There is no way her parents naturalized before she was born, if at all or if her parents claimed her birthright citizenship. Either way, there is likely a case for her being ineligible if a good lawyer worked the case as NEITHER parent was a citizen and despite being born here, could be argued was naturalized.

If her parents never naturalized, an even stronger argument.

2eaa5e  No.4855472



abc911  No.4855473

who did 9/11?

d7ed6f  No.4855474


Smirk Campaign

93b646  No.4855475

dj on irgraham

411886  No.4855476


>a dream that my four children

and each dey baby mama…

883e94  No.4855477

It is beyond time to get rid of FISC/FISA. DOJ cannot be trusted to be fair and objective.


48007b  No.4855478


This tweet just provides who's afraid of what's to come.

f00687  No.4855480

File: a5ddc362b78716b⋯.gif (446.49 KB, 245x185, 49:37, sinead.gif)




Catholics are pedophiles, not racists.

c47798  No.4855481


all the pedos act like rascists for the trump satan huh


a10a64  No.4855482

File: ffbe36d770b0f19⋯.png (781.46 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 1548127160073.png)


So much badass in one pic.

That is fantastic.

dd3d4d  No.4855483



The REAL reason this celebrity Christian drives demon possessed people CRAZY! Learn the hidden truth behind the push to turn Christopher Columbus Day into Indigenous People’s Day.

732b72  No.4855484

File: c8bef04480f48a6⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1736x1271, 56:41, MsPointMAGA.png)



c31c4f  No.4855485


Is there any logical explanation anyone can think of? Are they faked? Replaced?

What the fuck?

883e94  No.4855486

File: e8c0db9c19addbc⋯.png (921.45 KB, 1236x1388, 309:347, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot to add the JW post about Carter Page's FISA not being heard by FISA court. Just rubber stamped by corrupt process.

c47798  No.4855487

4a36b9  No.4855488

Smirk Mobs


9360fd  No.4855489

I have seen a lot of white people posting MLK quotes and memes today but, I have not seen much from my black friends.. Almost nothing.

Anyone else notice that?

If so, what do you think?

901cd8  No.4855490


Ha. When is it ever okay to steal babies from their mothers and smash their heads in? Would you say this behavior was acceptable from say the year 1500 and earlier? Just want to make sure I understand your rules on modern values. I guess abortion would be the modern day equivalent. Still not okay IMO.

c11a77  No.4855491


Ha'aretz is further left than NYT. Wouldn't take much stock in their 'articles'.

35f5b9  No.4855492

File: 2cb1e6652767475⋯.png (940.87 KB, 996x677, 996:677, Att1.png)

world wide media double down on attacks against catholic kids

now, old vids attempt guilt by association, without confirmation


they claim it was in support of a school event color theme

ad0981  No.4855493


Paid antagonists back then too. Paid shills. Paid to stir up trouble. I lived through it. Pol. propaganda stunt back then. Same dem. tricks from a dif. Decade. They've always played both sides against each other. The history books are just another outlet for their propaganda and deception.

eb1575  No.4855494

File: d284eb62c60cd83⋯.jpg (66.44 KB, 564x424, 141:106, d284eb62c60cd832e3a91e8b8a….jpg)

File: ec94fb0feddc16c⋯.jpg (84.16 KB, 565x620, 113:124, DthiepxUUAEuIZy.jpg)

>>4853586 (PB)

>bird watching

3ff9f0  No.4855495


check out the video of the welcome they gave him not so long ago. weird this fuck just only recently died - feels like its been so long ago already.

93b646  No.4855496




f78e28  No.4855497

File: d9dad0a10cfa87f⋯.jpg (328 KB, 1500x1078, 750:539, Alpha52.jpg)

File: c75492d0206e963⋯.jpg (310.42 KB, 1500x1078, 750:539, Alpha53.jpg)

File: b26526b71c8114c⋯.jpg (258.2 KB, 1500x1078, 750:539, Alpha54.jpg)

0a1602  No.4855498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Women’s March Protesters’ HEADS EXPLODE When Asked Why They HATE Trump

Displaying anti-Trump messages along with vulgar imagery and words alongside small children, nearly all of the feminists at the Women’s March were lost for words when asked to specifically justify their contempt for President Trump.

The self-described “pussy-hat” protesters were also befuddled and triggered when asked how wearing a hat that symbolizes genitalia empowers women.

A protester, who said she attended the Women’s March to fight “the rights of everyone,” became so profusely enraged when asked about her pink hat, she began stalking and insulting the reporter for questioning her and attempted to intimidate the reporter with her camera.

“Do you think Trump has class? He rails on disabled people,” the protester screeched. “He rails on military, he rails on McCain. He’s railed on every walk of life. So you think he’s classy?

She then threatened to dispose of the reporter’s phone.

“You can go away. I’m all done with you. Throw this [phone] in the garbage,” she yelled. “Where’d you come from? A hole?”

An Indian citizen wearing a Make America Great Again hat said he’s grateful to be in the United States where “your rights can’t get trampled on,” but explained that he had been repeatedly antagonized and called “racist” when walking amongst the crowd of self-proclaimed supporters of equal rights.

“I think we all can agree that we should make the country great because if the country is great, we are great,” he professed. “I’ve been called a racist over here. I don’t understand this logic if you’re a liberal – there’s Antifa and everything. I would love to talk to you guys but talk to us – they are literally bringing microphones and screaming into our faces and calling us racists.”

As the Trump supporter described how the protesters relentlessly disparaged him, a crowd of “pussy” hat-wearing women gathered and began bitterly mocking and glaring at him.

When confronted about disparaging the Trump supporter, a protester argued that “It’s really hard to see a hater on a day where there is so much unity and love of so many people.”

“The problem is that [Trump supporters] are on the attack generally, we have tried to defend ourselves. But yet, they come in again – they hate anyone who isn’t like them,” she bemoaned. “They want to build walls.”





f00687  No.4855499

File: 2b598a8bf27045c⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 776x1200, 97:150, trusttheplan.jpg)

503dae  No.4855500


nice avalanche

d9d0ef  No.4855501


Sometimes Trump's boomer tendencies show through.

Trump is known for being a brilliant businessman. Not an historian.

6f8e74  No.4855502

File: 5f03300d892f18f⋯.png (307.95 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

eb1575  No.4855503


white guilt

a4f946  No.4855504

d5a58f  No.4855505

File: 6d19cbe06637122⋯.png (35.66 KB, 750x366, 125:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91e5277f1c19784⋯.png (680.46 KB, 750x468, 125:78, ClipboardImage.png)


US Hasidic Jews reportedly detained in Ukraine for vandalizing Jesus statue

Pilgrims from Bratslav sect filmed destroying sculpture’s arm and leg; locals then throw firebomb near Jews’ homes; community says it will ‘bribe’ authorities to release suspects

By Michael Bachner 21 January 2019, 9:18 pm


da7657  No.4855506

File: 0718b73ecea39a1⋯.png (228.07 KB, 646x381, 646:381, Scott re Orwell Face Crime….PNG)

File: bb1ed2360111bb7⋯.png (886.12 KB, 1375x381, 1375:381, Orwell Face Crime 1984.PNG)


>Smirk Campaign

He committed a Face Crime!


e607f3  No.4855507

File: cf797d2cd13c53f⋯.jpg (521.08 KB, 1919x694, 1919:694, 1920px-Stone_Henge_1920_re….jpg)

File: 80cd0d184113216⋯.jpg (140.1 KB, 799x461, 799:461, Stonehenge_with_farm_carts….jpg)

File: 17e37c7f9c5104e⋯.jpg (272.84 KB, 1024x797, 1024:797, 1024px-Stone_Henge_-_Salis….jpg)

85fbc3  No.4855508

File: 8cb76d5538d21c7⋯.jpg (132.01 KB, 650x591, 650:591, VYSdwn.jpg)


Note: VYSTR still tanking.

Down 7+% today, now valued at .0084

9afc68  No.4855509

File: 30484a641d18b6a⋯.jpeg (916.28 KB, 1171x1301, 1171:1301, E591F9D3-7AE4-4967-A439-C….jpeg)

fb4c2e  No.4855510


No, they are not real, or they were not real the last time I was there.

I have special privilege from English Heritage to be able to visit the stones whenever I wish.

5c5650  No.4855511

File: 92b3a5849291208⋯.png (182.72 KB, 762x484, 381:242, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e292a22772c8445⋯.png (172.97 KB, 772x624, 193:156, ClipboardImage.png)

4e6f19  No.4855512


For my nephew who lost his battle here & I pray lives in eternity with the souce of Light.

d5a58f  No.4855513

File: 5518f9be2f2a5ff⋯.png (952.22 KB, 849x768, 283:256, ClipboardImage.png)

9360fd  No.4855514


Maybe true but, why are blacks not posting or seeming to celebrate?

732b72  No.4855515

File: f94af1b9d2913f0⋯.jpg (407.14 KB, 1524x800, 381:200, FakeNewsMerryGoRound1.jpg)

File: 9eb187dcf6d52e7⋯.jpg (314.1 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, FakeNewsMerryGoRound2.jpg)

File: 10a54aeefc5fac9⋯.jpg (144.13 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, FakeNewsMerryGoRound3.jpg)

4c51f5  No.4855516



JFJ, Jr’s USSS codename

df3e83  No.4855517


evening baker clocking in

handoff nb if you want NB

a10a64  No.4855518


Posted it like 3 or 4 breads back, didn't make notables. Meh.

c8b65b  No.4855519


There's an eror, Nasty Philips never earned the honor of being chief. He's a wooden Indian door stopper for the Trading Posts. Go with breech cloth or rent-a-injun for liberals!

df3e83  No.4855520

quints coming lets roll night shift

411886  No.4855521


yeah… we get it. You dislike Matrixxx. Next topic fag, it's like all the breads, all the days.

Get a fucking hobby faggot!

9e9779  No.4855522

File: b48b8f154280ac9⋯.png (533.61 KB, 569x734, 569:734, CS earth's flat.png)

c31c4f  No.4855523


Not to sound like a total retard but this is just a cool mock up right? No way real picture of one of the Secret Space Program ships renamed after Trump took all their sit over?

27b5c9  No.4855524

File: 91f2ee2ca266fda⋯.png (548.68 KB, 530x633, 530:633, ClipboardImage.png)

67c63e  No.4855525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can someone make a video meme for us?

The entire video of the border wall, just have the triggered liberal reeing the whole time….to point out how absurd libs are. Praise Kek.

61f1a4  No.4855526


Because they aren’t automatically receiving better treatment just because Jews decided to make white the next “in” thing to out.

85fbc3  No.4855527


ThanQ Anon. Appreciate the old pics but the stories about refurbishing and a load of tourism it's goal- don't buy any of the stories.

eb1575  No.4855528


do you know all the 'blacks'?

doubt it.

19efd3  No.4855529


Sounds good baker, I'll shout with the dough.


149a55  No.4855531


Why would black people need to virtue signal?

594899  No.4855532

File: 065869371e57dcb⋯.png (4.9 KB, 162x255, 54:85, tungsten.png)


or not

6f8e74  No.4855533

File: 7e487601c636a77⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1300x954, 650:477, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4855515 YEP The jfkjr merry go round!

93b646  No.4855534

File: 715f548c6afb78d⋯.png (75.43 KB, 595x607, 595:607, COVENTY RESPONDS TO POTUS.PNG)


20f71c  No.4855535

File: 95c10f9244d38f8⋯.jpg (247.21 KB, 1024x732, 256:183, Pepe_Prof.jpg)

4a36b9  No.4855538

File: 39fe0aa86ae9a31⋯.png (796.32 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b5d68661d6b1b2⋯.png (717.35 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS should invite the Covington Kids to the White House for a group Smirking-selfie…

c47798  No.4855539

File: d12eef6d9fe9f58⋯.jpeg (255.24 KB, 1440x1787, 1440:1787, AZNH5929.jpeg)

d0b801  No.4855540

File: e1a4c80b4c7f1b5⋯.jpeg (405.34 KB, 750x853, 750:853, B676E980-E76A-468A-A11A-4….jpeg)



From NYT 2008


da3359  No.4855541


Do any Anons speak water buffalo?

411886  No.4855542


I'm not into semantics of Native American hierarchy anon, nor did I make the meme. Just passing it along because it IS FUNNY AS FUK!!

92b624  No.4855543


It's a psy-op. Trying to make the topic about those two. "We don't like XYZ". Meanwhile the intent is to get the focus on XYZ.

Psy-op 101 faggotry. They are so bad at their jobs.

02d3e6  No.4855544


Fun fact: the Hasidic sect of Jews represent only 5% of he worlds Jewish population.

9b4997  No.4855545

File: 22394e3e37570df⋯.png (187.12 KB, 312x408, 13:17, Screenshot 2018-11-13 at 8….png)


Nice of the faggot to tweet that so

they can add his name to the lawsuit

53a92f  No.4855546


Judicial watch has in the past shown us these, Q even linked to the tweet.

902756  No.4855547

File: 5e11db826064e69⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 594x301, 594:301, DEATHpenalty.jpg)

97598d  No.4855548


Probably a Jesuit

e833e8  No.4855549


find it strange, for sure ~ nothing from Hussein today? Booker? Holder? Rice? odd?

93b646  No.4855550



ebff86  No.4855551

File: b74f5aa4cc8481c⋯.jpeg (67.51 KB, 720x698, 360:349, 9D7DAA6D-8CF0-4001-9DAE-1….jpeg)

df3e83  No.4855552

File: af0a6807f87acef⋯.png (165.21 KB, 456x300, 38:25, ClipboardImage.png)

RBG next

ffee32  No.4855553

File: ecebe2c5002189b⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 778x455, 778:455, 5by5.jpg)

File: 7c313ed68b50f25⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 1600x1171, 1600:1171, ns12.jpg)

06d163  No.4855554


So is stupidity. Show the link then of where your original pic was located.

902756  No.4855555

File: 243e8e72e3d836f⋯.jpg (76.13 KB, 659x406, 659:406, TRUST_POTUS.jpg)

abc911  No.4855556

CIA did 9/11

da92d2  No.4855557

File: 4724b8878fe1fde⋯.png (790.55 KB, 1206x712, 603:356, clipboardimage10.png)

4c51f5  No.4855558


Rolling for 55555

48007b  No.4855559

File: 65765fa25a014f4⋯.jpg (360.39 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Hillary.jpg)

What's the matter Hillary, Pepe got your tongue?

d61730  No.4855560


When will people ever learn. OTC pink sheet crap is still crap. This was also a common tactic that chinese company's used to enter the US market without the 'normal' regulatory filings. Just buy one of these things and viola..instant market access.

51954a  No.4855561

File: b0481a349fc9748⋯.jpeg (305.34 KB, 750x511, 750:511, C516A1FE-01B0-4E99-A4D0-F….jpeg)

Time for justice.


4c51f5  No.4855562



df3e83  No.4855563

File: bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, check check boom.jpg)

ce98cb  No.4855564

File: ba6a84d2285f1fc⋯.png (39.84 KB, 606x358, 303:179, AQ13.PNG)

File: aeb7e3d4f829a9e⋯.png (52.35 KB, 606x470, 303:235, AQ15.PNG)

CNN has on staff, an "Information Warfare Specialist'


Examples of how SHE got Covington wrong, too.

411886  No.4855565


Yeah, we know that anon and most of us spotted it a mile away.

But War Drummer did go from Cool to Tool when he started slinging coins for a living.

19efd3  No.4855566

File: 55e6d5972c0f2d2⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 508x219, 508:219, 55e6d5972c0f2d21f9fa5669a8….jpg)

ffee32  No.4855567

File: fc74737bee01c57⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 680x1157, 680:1157, note.jpg)



f1d004  No.4855568

File: ea75b63b5678007⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, AB56D725-B56E-4725-81DE-26….png)

abc911  No.4855569

File: 52624cc25fddb28⋯.jpg (30.97 KB, 715x558, 715:558, 52624cc25fddb2809b8fe0dcdf….jpg)

b07a8e  No.4855570


48007b  No.4855571

85fbc3  No.4855572

File: 67ec568ec970611⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 401x560, 401:560, BOOM card.jpg)


There it is!

06d163  No.4855573

File: d25ad280b31d0fe⋯.png (366.59 KB, 981x710, 981:710, djtIII.png)

c47798  No.4855574

File: aabcf5a51723274⋯.png (131.07 KB, 590x332, 295:166, GLHC8225.png)

346266  No.4855575

File: c757957426d55ef⋯.jpg (201.15 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, theyalllookalike.jpg)

File: 53b9116fce16c3f⋯.jpg (190.11 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, clintonracegraphicbyrd3.jpg)


Yes, but he may not have made up his mind.


Very Good!

86516b  No.4855576

File: fd84a25231736c6⋯.jpeg (30.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3EE99DC1-FCE0-4C0B-9367-3….jpeg)

4c51f5  No.4855577


So close fagget 911 Id lame

b4af06  No.4855578


40 fucking years ago I was fighting off blacks to get on the bus to get home from school! nothing has changed. and I mean fists and blood. We were about 10 Bronx girls waiting for our bus and 15 blacks would be there waiting for us. We usually beat the shit out of them. but my point is nothing changed in 40 years. We were going home from school. then going to our jobs with cuts and black eyes. what a trip. they put one of my friends in hospital. This little boy, about 15 went after my sister who was 13. My sister. He was putting his hands up her skirt (Catholic School with nuns). His head went through the glass of the deli next door. Got on bus. Then we went to work. usually as cashiers. Got home, did homework and got up the next day and did it again. We were a tough generation. And we were girls fighting against guys and girls.

45db43  No.4855579

File: 06b53fc6784528f⋯.jpg (484.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DxcjfqSX4AANFk4.jpg large_….jpg)

File: beb36850300cc2a⋯.jpg (820.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DxcjfqSX4AANFk4.jpg large.jpg)

I downloaded the Donna Brazille Tweet Pic .. and was able to get a little more detail out on the background impressions.

Any ideas if this is significant?

debf21  No.4855580



c53db2  No.4855581

File: a974494e9443f6d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 870x1125, 58:75, 1543432124164.png)

a183d4  No.4855582

File: 8e34b61d7470c17⋯.jpg (187.75 KB, 569x587, 569:587, YHTGB_Paytriot.jpg)

902756  No.4855583

File: 7d896f63732acf7⋯.png (179.82 KB, 510x394, 255:197, CatMF.png)

9b4997  No.4855584


That's not how this works, newfag

ce98cb  No.4855585

File: 08b1e466de32db1⋯.png (45.65 KB, 592x371, 592:371, AQ16.PNG)

File: aeb7e3d4f829a9e⋯.png (52.35 KB, 606x470, 303:235, AQ15.PNG)

More on Molly McKew

563fb4  No.4855586

File: 3696d35b01216f1⋯.jpg (308.24 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, PullingTogether10000000.jpg)

>>4853580 LAST BREAD

I have a theory on this.

I think that MONEY is the KEYSTONE.

Take that away, and (((their))) power will crumble. The root of all Evil.

Look at SA. How quickly did things change there after LV? Look at the EOs that POTUS has written specifically going after assets. Look at how Soros/others have started selling of major stock; Rothschilds selling major estates; Major corporations getting “fined millions and millions” in an attempt to acquire or launder money around the world.

Look at the number of Human Trafficking arrests since POTUS came into office. Look at the number of trafficking routes that have been shut down. (Lost revenue.) Look at the number of times the Stock Market has taken a sudden nose dive, only to scratch and claw its way back up. You know damn well the Deep State is playing games in an attempt to transfer funds worldwide.

DS/Money control the media. The media controls/brainwashes the Public (every country). That takes money. Take out the money, and you take out the power brokers. You can’t power-buy what you want when you don’t have the money. Look at this grassroots Q movement-where it started vs where it is today. Free and Key information, properly applied, has awoken the public of the DS activities; while MI takes care of all the heavy lifting. What is the reason for the Governmental Shutdown? That’s right: Money!

We know MI has been working to remove the DS, both at home and abroad. Look at the amount of information we have learned since Oct 28, 2017; the treachery within our own government/ media/ businesses/ agencies/ corporations; the magnitude and depth of child sacrifices/ human trafficking/ human body parts/ the sex trade; the numerous people that have been fired, retired, or stepped down; the number of sealed indictments; the ongoing investigations; the serious wealth accumulation by individuals in our own government and the lies surrounding our vaccines, health and food sources etc.

Money bought all that.

Take that money/keystone away, and the hierarchy crumbles. No more blackmailing; buying thugs or traffickers; buying key businesses or governmental heads-of-state/Congressional members or agencies paramount to achieving your nefarious objectives; paying off CEOs, Law Enforcement or buying weapons illegally.

“Our movement is about replacing

A failed and corrupt political establishment

With a new government controlled by you, the American people.”

Im sure POTUS and team have a plan for our financial future. While I know what I would like to see (End The Fed, End the IRS, etc), I dare not speculate further. In answering back to the original Anon-poster, I believe that POTUS could not release all that info upfront, as the Money Tree needed to be taken out first, from the roots up. Then, and only then, can the seeds of knowledge (transparency) be spread throughout the land for an abundant and prosperous future.

b7e3a0  No.4855587

File: 2c7352339f843cb⋯.jpeg (76.66 KB, 888x500, 222:125, BB6C836E-88DB-4A9C-9F59-1….jpeg)

eb1575  No.4855588

File: f73510d4b25d5bd⋯.png (58.24 KB, 625x323, 625:323, Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at ….png)

File: f9f8dc7c060f7a5⋯.png (47.09 KB, 381x320, 381:320, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

File: 1d1488e97b590a7⋯.png (17.4 KB, 382x92, 191:46, Screen Shot 2019-01-06 at ….png)

File: 5c2f9be19a333e8⋯.png (21.31 KB, 384x184, 48:23, Screen Shot 2019-01-06 at ….png)



check these timestamps.



54ec33  No.4855589


They will have a very nice college fund.

594899  No.4855590

File: 732acb8ec39d2b5⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 275x183, 275:183, sm.jpg)

61f1a4  No.4855591


Very nice anon.

c8b65b  No.4855592


Not chief, try Hollywood's breech cloth! Liberal's rent-a-injun!

7f165b  No.4855594


maga hat on the black kid with npc faces around him

acff38  No.4855595

File: f624757b104cf9e⋯.png (444.17 KB, 638x549, 638:549, talia.PNG)

File: f436b86581e0e38⋯.png (377.67 KB, 728x721, 104:103, talia1.PNG)

File: d4f56a5f7be467e⋯.png (578.73 KB, 840x772, 210:193, talia2.PNG)



A Twitter account with more than 40,000 followers has been suspended after it spread a viral video showing a Native American elder on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial last week surrounded by students from a Catholic high school wearing “Make America Great Again” hats.

The account, @2020fight, claimed to have belonged to a California schoolteacher named Talia, but used a picture of a Brazilian blogger, according to CNN Business. The account tweeted hundreds of times each day and shared a brief video of the encounter between Nathan Phillips and Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann with the words, “This MAGA loser gleefully bothering a Native American protester at the Indigenous Peoples March."

A cached version of the tweet obtained by CNN Business shows that the video was viewed more than 2.5 million times and was retweeted at least 14,000 times. The video had initially been shared on Instagram, but then went viral after being shared on Twitter.

4a36b9  No.4855596

File: bf11042d271f56c⋯.png (536.55 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

I am…


0cad37  No.4855597

File: 0dea04b7503cfe0⋯.jpg (273.07 KB, 600x1450, 12:29, 1.jpg)

File: 7edb5a629ab82aa⋯.jpg (246.47 KB, 1178x530, 589:265, ceiling.jpg)


World’s human rights watchdog spotlights Afghanistan, Yemen and 12 others: Here’s the scoop

4b5e7f  No.4855598

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)


Best chance we have.

df3e83  No.4855599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ill be there

4c51f5  No.4855600


PHonefag but not a newfangled, fag

6f8e74  No.4855601

>>4855591 NO GRAVEN IMAGE!

ee89ec  No.4855602

File: 98d7f69cdd52b23⋯.jpg (111.16 KB, 1326x827, 1326:827, Checkmate_Soon!.JPG)

D day!

55fada  No.4855603



e607f3  No.4855604

File: 96284db6c67f2d4⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, Trump-SOTU-2018-rtr-img.jpg)




Quint 5's


c73100  No.4855605

File: 39166103da9ed79⋯.png (63.03 KB, 694x1081, 694:1081, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5b35f79a7b1c4f⋯.png (53.14 KB, 716x999, 716:999, ClipboardImage.png)

Dems Who Slammed GOP Over Kavanaugh Attended Puerto Rico Trip with Cardenas

Cardenas faces allegations that he drugged and molested a 16-year-old

Some of the same Democrats who accused Republicans of whitewashing sexual misconduct allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh left town during the shutdown to attend a weekend retreat in Puerto Rico organized by a senior Democrat being sued by a woman who claims he drugged and molested her when she was 16. The Democrats cannot claim they don't know about the allegations. Eight months ago, now-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) publicly called for a House Ethics Committee investigation into the molestation allegations against Rep. Tony Cardenas (D., Calif.). The panel has yet to formally launch a probe. Cardenas is the chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus's BOLD PAC, which organized and hosted the winter retreat in San Juan where some 30 Democrats, including Cardenas, mingled with 109 lobbyists and corporate executives. The weekend retreat included attendance of a performance of "Hamilton," parties with the cast, as well as meetings with key officials to discuss the Hurricane Maria cleanup, the Washington Examiner reported.

Last week, the woman suing Cardenas over the sexual misconduct allegations identified herself for the first time as 28-year-old Angela Villela Chavez and called for a House ethics inquiry. Chavez, the daughter of a longtime Cardenas aide, said she was inspired to come forward following Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh. Chavez says Cardenas molested her in 2007 while driving her to the hospital after she collapsed while playing golf with the congressman. In her lawsuit, Chavez says Cardenas gave her water that "tasted distinctly different from both tap and filtered water," and she collapsed. She says he fondled her breasts and genitals before he took her to the hospital. Cardenas has vigorously denied the allegations, accusing the woman of seeking revenge for her father, a disgruntled former Cardenas staffer. His lawyer issued a statement arguing that the request for a House ethics investigation shows that she has a "meritless and weak case." A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has determined there is enough merit to charges to move forward and has set a trial to begin in August. In late August of last year, Cardenas opened up a legal defense fund to help collect donations to pay for his legal expenses in the case. Despite the high-profile media accounts, senior Democrats who attended the Puerto Rico trip and members of the Hispanic Caucus remain silent on the charges Cardenas is facing.


Woman suing California Rep. Tony Cardenas over sexual misconduct asks for House ethics inquiry


21a90a  No.4855606



Game on

c11a77  No.4855607


Quints Chek'd.

d7ed6f  No.4855608

File: 8b7c16c14850780⋯.png (488.35 KB, 966x1527, 322:509, ClipboardImage.png)

2f4e80  No.4855609

I need a clockfag to tell me what to think.

d61730  No.4855610

54ec33  No.4855611

File: f3bbf8035e88262⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 637x360, 637:360, JustDoIt.jpg)

85fbc3  No.4855612


>OTC pink sheet crap is still crap

The entire market is a scam. One big casino and the Boss always wins.


902756  No.4855613

4c51f5  No.4855614


He looks like a HWNDU NYC fagget

0cad37  No.4855615

File: f9521c2be79998b⋯.jpg (168.65 KB, 725x1285, 145:257, Sophia Loren 2.jpg)

f4de2b  No.4855616

Hillary’s Dark Money Group Relies Heavily on Six Donors and Campaign Money

The dark money nonprofit launched by Hillary Clinton following her defeat against Donald Trump relied heavily on just six donors and an $800,000 money transfer from her former presidential campaign committee during its first year, according to tax forms provided to the Washington Free Beacon.

Clinton's nonprofit, the New York-based Onward Together, was incorporated on April 24, 2017, by Marc Elias, a prominent Democratic lawyer and partner at the Washington, D.C.-based Perkins Coie law firm, filings show. Elias served as Clinton's top campaign lawyer.

Clinton launched Onward Together to allow her to be a part of the resistance against Trump and to encourage "people to organize, get involved, and run for office." The group would additionally send money to already established liberal groups who could provide direct action against Trump and Republicans.

The Free Beacon first attempted to obtain Onward Together's 2017 tax forms over a month ago but did not receive a response at the time. However, a search of state filings in North Carolina showed that the group had taken in just $3.1 million in contributions during its inaugural year.

Nick Merrill, Clinton's spokesperson, recently provided the group's tax forms.

The tax forms show that six donors and a money transfer from her former campaign committee accounted for $1.3 million of the $3.1 million of the funds the nonprofit hauled in throughout its first year, more than 40 percent of its total haul.

Onward Together, which is a 501(c)(4) "social welfare" group that is not required to disclose its donors, reports contributions from seven unnamed individuals in the amounts of $800,000, $500,000, $11,419, $7,266, $7,000, $5,710, and $5,190. The remaining $1.8 million came from individuals who provided $5,000 or less.

While the donors are not listed on the tax forms, the Free Beacon previously found that Clinton had made a $800,000 transfer from Hillary for America, her campaign committee, to Onward Together days after the group was incorporated. That transfer alone accounted for 25 percent of the group's total funds.

Merrill called it a "distortion" that Clinton's group received more than 40 percent of its funds from the six donors and the presidential campaign committee and added that it has "been an effort fueled by individual donors giving $35 at a time on average to help fund some of the most impressive political organizations in America, all of which helped usher in a wave of Democratic wins across the country last November."

Onward together provides financial support to a number of organizations who are involved in the resistance and handed out $1.1 million in contributions to left-wing organizations throughout its first year.

The donations ranged between $30,000 and $100,000 and went to the Color of Change PAC, Emerge America, Emily's List, Swing Left, Run for Something, National Redistricting Foundation, Latino Victory Project, IVote, Alliance for Youth Action, the Arena, Collective Future, Ultraviolet, and Voto Latino.

Minyon Moore, Onward Together's president who is a principal at the D.C.-based Dewey Square Group, did not collect a salary from the group. Charles Baker, the director and treasurer of Onward Together who is the president and founder of the Dewey Square Group, also did not collect a salary.

Dennis Cheng, Onward Together's finance director who previously was the chief development officer at the Clinton Foundation from 2011 to 2015 and the national finance chair for Clinton's 2016 campaign, was paid a $60,000 salary for 30 hours of work per week.

Kelly Mehlenbacher, the group's chief operating officer, was paid $35,000 for 20 hours of work per week while Huma Abedin, the longtime Clinton aide who is listed as an officer of the group, collected $45,000 for a reported 15 hours of work per week.


63f984  No.4855617


public transit bus to school-

carried a brick in my book bag

I remember those days

82b599  No.4855618

File: 4c036b79345a18d⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1400x1162, 100:83, malcolm x maga hat.png)


Thanks for the idea

764c10  No.4855619

File: 7c93460e27b25d4⋯.png (422.64 KB, 768x605, 768:605, 018cd3213e66736098e42fff89….png)

c1197a  No.4855620

File: 0cc1febc4837e14⋯.jpeg (2.22 MB, 3024x3734, 1512:1867, 0EC6CCAB-AE5B-4537-8502-3….jpeg)

Columbus was a Jew IMO. A Marrano to the Spaniards.

Photo is from the Secret Destiny of America by Manly P Hall.

Details how Columbus viewed Earth shaped as a pear.

da92d2  No.4855622

File: 55bca5a2c56dd7a⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 660x449, 660:449, 45803bb3e6cf04832b853cb77e….jpg)

660dd0  No.4855623

File: aebba78eba04b1f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b63476eeada8cc5⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1252x1262, 626:631, ClipboardImage.png)





She's from HayWard, California, which is home to this college: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabot_College

ab8116  No.4855624


>CIA did 9/11


6f8e74  No.4855625

File: 6dafed0cb3920de⋯.png (1.06 MB, 696x786, 116:131, ClipboardImage.png)



411886  No.4855626

File: 07b29c8d313f92a⋯.png (100.35 KB, 323x492, 323:492, morgue.png)


Clockfag here. Me thinks you should head north-south instead of east-west.

a55a3e  No.4855627


Your history is pseudohistory

54ec33  No.4855628


>>4855611 oops

Shit. That was the wrong "just do it meme".

Ha ha ha.

Nice roll anyway.

92b624  No.4855629


Hi BO.

27b5c9  No.4855630

File: f6ce36994534192⋯.png (266.42 KB, 723x528, 241:176, ClipboardImage.png)

ebff86  No.4855631

That time anons go faggot over digits


9360fd  No.4855632


That is the most idiotic statement you could possibly make to a sincere question.

You know nothing about me.

c53db2  No.4855633


fitting chekker

1b59de  No.4855634


You can't possibly be this stupid, and be capable of typing.

bedc5e  No.4855635

File: 1768eb7eba79674⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 258x209, 258:209, he aint.jpg)

20f71c  No.4855636

File: 18363d043f6b48c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 800x800, 1:1, Kek.png)

411886  No.4855637


Can you expand on this? I don't think the "Cliffs Notes" version is going to work.

2e82fa  No.4855638


Manufactured tourist attraction.

9bdd52  No.4855639


Yea Zublick is an odd duck. And what's up with the rotating eye/swirly pedo symbol. Still, now & then I have heard him cover something long before I heard/read it elsewhere.

86516b  No.4855640

File: 71f5ccc71237cf7⋯.png (36.12 KB, 821x869, 821:869, 64C79711-E8F0-429C-923D-0D….png)


Never gets Quints coz faggots be fuggin with sheeeeeit.

c7b88c  No.4855641

File: 096e8619cbdd896⋯.jpg (171.97 KB, 992x740, 248:185, 20130630-obama_war_room.jpg)

61f1a4  No.4855642


Numbers make creation. It’s a matter of respect to Gods language.

cabeea  No.4855643

File: 5fdee9fc7b35fc6⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1132x1232, 283:308, chris-cornell-chk.png)


It just occurred to me that the conversation will change drastically once we start seeing MSM report on human trafficking.

I gotta admit…it's tough having loved ones that don't understand what is happening.

But if there's one person that can get this done, it is Donald J. Trump.

God bless you, sir!


529c90  No.4855644

File: 9d3ab1b9f5e83be⋯.jpg (8.17 KB, 58x87, 2:3, i c u.JPG)

85fbc3  No.4855645


NICE meme!

Another with the Q CHECKMATE posts in the corner would be nice too.

82b599  No.4855646

File: 2185d5bfcd0f8f5⋯.jpg (367.59 KB, 770x1022, 55:73, 5 5 q 2 2.jpg)

c47798  No.4855647

File: 6ef37dcfeadbe13⋯.png (843.66 KB, 990x640, 99:64, AHZS1202.png)

i can;t believe that obama's birth certificate was bought from a chinese food delivery guy for $75k in cia cocaine money from shillary and the bushes and even trump

1224dd  No.4855648

File: 2bd80d8ae5f2d3d⋯.png (86.24 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 93cb23e2-6cbf-41a4-960d-37….png)

6f8e74  No.4855650

>>4855626 DO BOTH!

665958  No.4855651



Cincinnati news with full video that was made when the Catholic Boys where harassed by Israelites and the fake indian veteran. About 2 hours was will see new footage, though not all 2 hours at the 11 EST news.

4ae43e  No.4855652

File: 16bc475898b69ef⋯.png (4.38 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 25DE5174-8EE9-4968-BA5B-73….png)

File: af479b6ac9685bf⋯.jpeg (855.64 KB, 1242x1257, 414:419, 319EFF0C-56E8-475D-B2C0-D….jpeg)

File: fb62a82d5684a4e⋯.jpeg (894.86 KB, 1242x1247, 1242:1247, 0243BC43-ACD6-4561-8369-F….jpeg)


Does anyone have the video from these still shots? I searched the webz and its almost like it was scrubbed. This was during Kavanaugh hearings, where these liberal kids harassed and even got physical with this older Trump gentleman.

Looking to expose some media hypocrisy here.

2e82fa  No.4855653

File: 4190098ad4f31b5⋯.png (819.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

4c51f5  No.4855654


At this point, what difference does it make?

0f0b56  No.4855655

Not sure how to change hearts and minds when the truth is not being reported. I do know I can bring examples of sedition, subversion, and treason, or like this guy brainwashed example of mockingbird programming and/or mkultra attempting to divide Maga on twitter…https://twitter.com/MhandaLane/status/1084845643900702720?s=20

92b624  No.4855656

File: c6b0aa32fbe90f0⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 255x218, 255:218, lilbuddy.jpg)


Easy lil buddy. We're here for you.

2b9e7d  No.4855657


Shrunken Obama Head - photoshop special !

25c0e5  No.4855658

File: 7db93fd328b8cc5⋯.jpg (90.27 KB, 618x410, 309:205, comeback.jpg)


Don't give this corrupt politician a chance at a comeback https://nypost.com/2019/01/21/dont-give-this-corrupt-politician-a-chance-at-a-comeback/?

7f165b  No.4855659

ebff86  No.4855660


Fucking Q college


660dd0  No.4855661

File: acb5f28a3b7c9f4⋯.png (179.89 KB, 2030x548, 1015:274, ClipboardImage.png)




d61730  No.4855662


I have respect for people who can make money honestly from the outside. No insider information or favors. The main issue I had/have is that 1000's of people know it's rigged and yet it's crickets. As long as they get paid it is ok.

But I also know that if you speak up the chances that you live dwindle.

55fada  No.4855663

06d163  No.4855664


There's 800,000 again…

800,000 Federal Workers not working

$800,000 HRC

800,000 MSM report kids missing each year.

19efd3  No.4855665

File: 343f22d499dd3eb⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 560x373, 560:373, # (2).jpg)


Kek, noice

I'll be there with you man

cabeea  No.4855666

File: 4e2fea6781dad7e⋯.jpg (84.3 KB, 693x490, 99:70, hillarynothaveclass2.jpg)

55fada  No.4855667


Oh poop. That was LB. My bad.

f4de2b  No.4855668


Sorry. Not the media, it's not my job to tell you what to think.

a096ed  No.4855669

So is Kamala an “Anchor baby”? Can we get a meme for that?

529c90  No.4855670


Bed made for Nancy.

a5c2fd  No.4855671




>>4855432 The bitch is running for President 2020

5c5650  No.4855673

File: a84f0c4452e7cf0⋯.jpg (90.27 KB, 600x333, 200:111, bleach.jpg)

9b4997  No.4855674


digits is all we have left, now that the plan failed

ad0981  No.4855675


Arguing with fools is a foolish endeavor

411886  No.4855676


I just wish there were moar werds for us to not even bother reading.

008281  No.4855677

File: 5ed9ce95eb4f70c⋯.png (61.2 KB, 761x698, 761:698, Skil.png)


Voat fucking cracks me up sometimes.


35f5b9  No.4855678

File: b88fea3762b3967⋯.png (835.66 KB, 1245x895, 249:179, sh1.png)


why am I taking the bait

oh well

3ce17e  No.4855679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bitch doesn't know where he is

pick up the phone

82b599  No.4855680

File: f92bb76e295b243⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 580x250, 58:25, shredder eyes.jpg)

eb1575  No.4855681


being cheeky for fun anon

it HIGHLY unlikely obviously

too many people in this world.

from my perspective, if I may, and I shall,

I believe it is idiotic for you to make broad general statements like the one you started this- what I am realizing now is a stupid slide- with.

good day.

06d163  No.4855682


Kek! Nice

85fbc3  No.4855683


NICE find Anon!

55fada  No.4855684



Ok, fag of despair. But you did make me laugh.

f4de2b  No.4855685


That stuck out to me too.

a10a64  No.4855686

File: fa0f775fb68e81e⋯.jpeg (167.53 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 67fa60218ef18ead82698b406….jpeg)


Can't argue with quints


I was that poster, anon.

I understand this is a massive undertaking WW. Putting it all together, it does seem like POTUS is indeed making them sell off and liquidate their assets, essentially further bankrupting them, as the EO's froze and confiscated all their funds in Banks.

Just gets frustrating when you see the same old shit in the mainstream we've been seeing since DJT announced running for POTUS.

Need a little meat on the bone for anons is all I'm saying.

If RBG doesn't surface(still awaiting further word from the WH and will keep you all posted) then I'll know what's up.

Around Oct. of last year I asked a question here. When would the 3-letter agencies be taken down and got a (1) response of "2nd Term" and that was it.

I'm in for the ride no matter what it is, and if it goes hot then it's game time. If not, then Brave New World ahead.

d61730  No.4855687


AKA Hayweird

EBT heaven

52b7ca  No.4855689

PB >>4854041 , >>4854075 Tucker: "What if Mueller is working for Trump?"

Limbaugh was making a similar point today, tho i has no thauce...

I rarely listen to him any more. I was a bit surprised, I gotta say. Rush has sprouted something that boarders on testicles. He also made a point that the MSM is attributing Rush and Ann Coulter with forcing President to stick to his border promise. MSM was asking how would President find a way to back off that position? Rush Kek’d and saiid they had it way, way ass backward.

How are Nancy and Chuck going to back off their position?

Which is exactly the situation.

President has them by the short hairs.

I may have to snoop Limbaugh more often. Snag the transcripts at the very least.

f91d1d  No.4855690


Tucker is on fire, most honest guy on tv

cabeea  No.4855691

File: e07563e354e9b62⋯.gif (922.26 KB, 500x278, 250:139, fetch.gif)

9360fd  No.4855692


Well, there certainly are a lot of white folks virtue signaling today.

That clears that up.

86516b  No.4855693

File: 94ae9e56afddf9a⋯.jpeg (32.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2B2D4FA5-4343-4EC5-9C47-0….jpeg)

859998  No.4855694


Compare this POTUS response with Hussein's response to the Columbia Police making a 'mistake'. So wonderful to have a President who supports the TRUTH!

82b599  No.4855695



Aint that something.

d5a58f  No.4855696

File: b92988e6efc2442⋯.png (966.41 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)



You got it!

6f8e74  No.4855697

>>4855675 Kinda like wrestling with a pig in the mud-the moar you do it the moar you notice they just like the mud!

a10a64  No.4855698


meant to tag you.


346266  No.4855699


cant read the small letters

c47798  No.4855700

File: 9741b52632f28bf⋯.png (838.96 KB, 800x640, 5:4, FOEM6115.png)

249c43  No.4855701

File: 57f7650bb05ac68⋯.png (387.42 KB, 540x394, 270:197, obama.PNG)

f4de2b  No.4855702


Keep scrolling. Crybaby.

c1dbc4  No.4855703

File: 2aec828a197914e⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, lookatit.png)

9e9779  No.4855704

File: a255d7f480a9e60⋯.png (43.41 KB, 1549x659, 1549:659, Q key stone.PNG)


Key = Info, Stone = Force




5 Dec 2017 - 2:01:30 PM

Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)

Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info



19efd3  No.4855705

Notables so far

>>4855623 For keks: Check out the Q College

>>4855585 Molly McKew, CNN's 'Information Warfare Researcher'

>>4855555 Kek has spoken: 'Trust POTUS' quints

>>4855486 JW post on Carter Page's FISA not being heard by FISA court

>>4855467 , >>4855564 Covington: CNN's 'Information Warfare Researcher': Video was amplified by anon accts

>>4855449 Infamous Private Paramilitary Firm Blackwater Planning Comeback. First Stop: Syria

>>4855437 JW: "The federal government subsidizes George Soros’s radical leftwing agenda

>>4855375 , >>4855471 Moar digging on Kamala Harris' ethnicity

>>4855374 , >>4855401 Migrants "rent" children to other migrants trying to cross the border

>>4855280 New research links payments to doctors with prescription opioid ODs

>>4855119 Hungary: we will prevent Brussels from implementing the UN Migration Pact

>>4855107 Fresh POTUS tweet re Covington HS

b72169  No.4855706

File: 56019f14f7abe06⋯.jpg (184.01 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Bezos_McMatrix.jpg)

File: 0cb77803df11e60⋯.jpg (294.68 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Matrix_Bezos.jpg)

File: 930f3aef0937d9c⋯.jpeg (77.79 KB, 750x420, 25:14, matrixhumpty.jpeg)

File: c3963a4346eb970⋯.jpg (91.1 KB, 959x853, 959:853, matrixpay.jpg)

b4af06  No.4855707


Slainte (good luck in Irish) to Brave Bronx Boobs

a6889b  No.4855708

File: 06b53fc6784528f⋯.jpg (484.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 06b53fc6784528f1e7dd4d829f….jpg)

File: 5d77d0dcd53ca63⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1.jpg)

File: 429979011c3e0ad⋯.png (57.22 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2.png)


in a bit of a rush - someone else can finish

02d3e6  No.4855709


Are you from NorCal? I've never heard that here in SoCal

d7ed6f  No.4855710


Woa! Good info!

0cad37  No.4855711

File: 1b43869ff94740b⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 600x450, 4:3, download.jpg)


Today Secretary Pompeo called South Korea, Turkey, Japan

da3359  No.4855712


I believe that natural-born just means born on US soil without regard to parentage, until there is some legal case or statute that says otherwise. There isnt one to date, so it's not a settled question of law.

4b5e7f  No.4855713

File: 99910ca7e4c5bbe⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, pepelaughing.jpg)

594899  No.4855714


MEME SWAP: will trade Geoffrey Rush/You better best believe in Second Revolutions

for anything you can't find!

660dd0  No.4855715



883e94  No.4855716

File: c636c2fcd32b7b3⋯.png (696.67 KB, 1214x1370, 607:685, ClipboardImage.png)

Lots more to follow.Some out of an abundance of ego, and other to escape future prosecutions.

4a36b9  No.4855717

File: 3bfdb2c72c00c3e⋯.png (880.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing Triggers the Left more

…than a High Quality Smirk.

86516b  No.4855718

File: 46d0e0e85d217c8⋯.png (249.66 KB, 680x638, 340:319, 1F8C7244-085B-4F32-90C2-54….png)

1be32e  No.4855719

9360fd  No.4855720


You obviously did not read my original slide, Mr. Cheeky.

And a good day to you, sir.

c170ba  No.4855721


There's evidence of this everywhere. It's literally in the law that created the Special Counsel as well.

6852e5  No.4855722

File: 33ef4ab3b04b6e8⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 4130d65e96df555e1268a95c8e….jpg)


am I the only one around here that gives a shit about the rules?

665958  No.4855723


>Anonymous (You) 01/21/19 (Mon) 22:31:52 665958 (2) No.4855651 >>4855596https://www.wlwt.com/Cincinnati news with full video that was made when the Catholic Boys where harassed by Israelites and the fake indian veteran. About 2 hours was will see new footage, though not all 2 hours at the 11 EST news.

411886  No.4855724


>Kinda like wrestling with a pig in the mud-the moar you do it the moar you notice they just like the mud!

The CORRECT saying goes, ahem, "Never wrestle a pig in mud, because as you get tired, you find out that they like it."

Stop disappointing your parents.

45db43  No.4855725

File: 7bc6e74f85a420c⋯.jpg (389.9 KB, 946x939, 946:939, Links.jpg)

Anyone know if there is an alternative link to the broken one shown ??

c8b65b  No.4855726


Pardna, you wouldn't like my tits, it will crash your system. Are a homersexual…

c31c4f  No.4855727


I believe Columbus was also a Jew. Read a book that shows lots of evidence. My author thinks he was a Portuguese crypto but either way…..makes sense reading his diary about the first day meeting the nice and peaceful indians and he mentions they would make great slaves.

First day Columbus is planning to make friendly people slaves? Sounds like a psychopath. And knowing now the Jews ran the slave trade of white christians to Spanish muslims….then they founded and controlled the African slave trade.

Columbus was a fucking Jew.

ff0ff5  No.4855728



>she pledged with that group and featured on their website. she is NOT to be trusted

That doesn't mean much. We don't know if the 'People of Praise' is good of bad. The litmus test I'm using is whether or not they favor repealing the Johnson Amendment and/or removing the 501c3 restriction against politically commentary off of religious groups. I coudln't find anything on their site about that. So I finally tried directly emailing them and asking, but never heard back.

5c5650  No.4855729

File: de4c06325b4f1a4⋯.png (421.64 KB, 575x491, 575:491, ClipboardImage.png)

ed9705  No.4855730

35f5b9  No.4855731

File: 43562caf9d2dc26⋯.png (710.59 KB, 1235x837, 1235:837, sh2.png)

File: b88fea3762b3967⋯.png (835.66 KB, 1245x895, 249:179, sh1.png)

6c4870  No.4855732

File: 399cb2f3a5d40a9⋯.png (976.44 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, SilverPepe.png)

Make Money Great Again! Save in silver & gold

85fbc3  No.4855733


Nice graphic of 'finds'!

Not baitin'- believe we're being deceived on a very hi-level, like everything else.

Just look at the excavation. Moar than meets the eye.

da92d2  No.4855734


Natural born means that both parents were

American Citizens when the baby was born. No exceptions.

06d163  No.4855735


I'm a patterns person and I remember Q saying something like repetition is necessary.

abc911  No.4855736

File: 26b404318bd84b5⋯.jpeg (11.74 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpeg)

8cab55  No.4855737


He is controlled opposition: coffee candy for the low-info, self-styled patriot.

25db76  No.4855738




neil degrasse nigson also believes in the water pear

african intellectuals

a69a55  No.4855739


Natural Born is their term, Not ours.

0cad37  No.4855740

File: ce6162f902c3412⋯.jpeg (77.05 KB, 600x437, 600:437, SAGE_console.jpeg)

ffee32  No.4855741



c47798  No.4855742

File: 83949e97f63a863⋯.jpg (389.29 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, proslepsis_Extreme_form_of….jpg)

File: e031235b4ab6d97⋯.jpg (298.51 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, praeteritio_Another_word_f….jpg)


try a quasi faux syllogism with litotes for paralipsis and preaterito tropes of petty idolars

55fada  No.4855743

File: aac2c8e21fe11d8⋯.png (906.03 KB, 800x704, 25:22, sadpaperpepe.png)

19efd3  No.4855744


Don't know anon. I saw it was broken a couple of weeks ago but thought to wait to see if it would come online again.

ccf200  No.4855745

File: d2c049edd6ff88e⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 680x544, 5:4, nuke_the_site_from_orbit.jpg)

Danger Close

4b5e7f  No.4855746

File: c5213bf9900a9cf⋯.gif (585.58 KB, 280x277, 280:277, c5213bf9900a9cf8cda168159f….gif)



Digits are strong tonight!

660dd0  No.4855747


>>4855623 (You) For keks: Check out the Q College

Not just for keks. There's a huge dig around it that touches on the founder of that school as the Bay Area "WATER King" and the US treasurer's signature on that Donna Brazile picture of the tip. DB is pointing to US Treasurer Rios. DIG.

c31c4f  No.4855748


No I am quite stupid and can type a little bit.

6bd664  No.4855749


That is sad to hear. When was that?

411886  No.4855750


FINALLY… you write something worth reading in its entirety!!

b19f03  No.4855751


lurk moar



c1197a  No.4855752

File: c150afb84e5ea0d⋯.jpeg (74.98 KB, 708x533, 708:533, A4365717-B098-4477-B037-6….jpeg)


Yup. No doubt.

da3359  No.4855753


There's actually no case law or statute that states that. She is likely "natural-born," although there might be a case to decide that.

c47798  No.4855754


make hobo nickels great again

f91d1d  No.4855755

File: c06ba8d2f82ca08⋯.jpeg (80.82 KB, 1373x1232, 1373:1232, 66D8CFF2-6B2A-4D52-B853-5….jpeg)

4020ce  No.4855756


only on days that end in "y"

902756  No.4855757


Thanks for the MEME! One of best that I have stolen in a while.

1f3638  No.4855758



d5a58f  No.4855759

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

9b4997  No.4855760

File: ebd9da83f886dfb⋯.png (233.1 KB, 820x523, 820:523, Screenshot 2019-01-21 at 9….png)

File: 225ad6a087420b4⋯.png (65.04 KB, 744x383, 744:383, Screenshot 2019-01-21 at 9….png)

Zerohedge boomers claim Nathan Phillips

was too young to be Vietnam vet


883e94  No.4855761

File: aa7c43f978c81c9⋯.png (600.67 KB, 1224x1172, 306:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Next - the Vatican to announce that it has bestowed sainthood on RBG (despite her not being a Catholic).

6f8e74  No.4855762

File: 5d81ccdef88bb11⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, mannersfag.jpg)


You Are Not Southern! Fuck Off and you understood it!

df3e83  No.4855763


you gotta be fucking kidding me

sounds more like the other side shills thought they scored (((big)))

they got a global notable to fap to

and guess what

nothing changed

52b7ca  No.4855764

File: 8af60fd7ce91d97⋯.jpeg (68.87 KB, 884x960, 221:240, 6A8870D5-B07D-4F5D-80CC-5….jpeg)

31be8a  No.4855765

File: 0e8ae4b5feefd89⋯.jpg (201.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fake gay.jpg)

da92d2  No.4855766

File: 16c51302c22777d⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1602x910, 801:455, cryinglikeabitch.png)


Chan Rules?

a6ad9b  No.4855767

File: bda9d97ae98ff06⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 800x988, 200:247, 800px-Hi-res-rosa-rios.jpg)





Rosa "Rosie" Gumataotao Rios (born July 17, 1965) was the 43rd Treasurer of the United States and is a Visiting Scholar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.

Rios has said that it was during her time on the Treasury/Federal Reserve Transition Team in 2008 where the theme of Democracy during that era inspired her to pursue the concept. In April 2016, Treasury announced that women will be placed on the $5, $10 and $20 bills reflecting the theme of democracy.

The concepts will be unveiled on August 26, 2020 in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote.

She received the Dean’s award as the founder of Cultural Rhythms and is one of the few U.S. recipients of the Silver Medal Award from the Royal Society of the Arts in England, chaired by Prince Phillip.

c7b88c  No.4855768

File: caa13dc8be48503⋯.jpg (23.42 KB, 410x329, 410:329, bush-huh.jpg)

watch the water?


4a36b9  No.4855770

File: a46c2a51bbb84a2⋯.png (416.12 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Weapons-grade Smirktonium

a5c2fd  No.4855771

File: 5d126881378c017⋯.jpg (27.99 KB, 259x194, 259:194, kamao.jpg)

54ec33  No.4855772

File: 6781672f762fa50⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 990x792, 5:4, DonnyDeclass.jpg)


I was actually trying to post (this pic) and remembered the title wrong.

7cdbe4  No.4855773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whoa ebot Chill.

Here's some Lord of the Rings Music.

Led Zeppelin

19efd3  No.4855774


Thanks anon. Changed it

c47798  No.4855775


it's a worn out mini cooper key that soros has to replace btw

a0c700  No.4855776

File: 0b8d9c5f0f8172c⋯.png (343.04 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7B1C4E36-9C7B-445C-98EF-5C….png)

9e9779  No.4855777


His ships flew Jesuit flags

52b7ca  No.4855778


A fresh scalp might trigger them more, though.

411886  No.4855780


Sorry anon, just figured by the immature way that you post you were a 18 year old college freshman chick with nothing better to do on MLK day.

c170ba  No.4855781


I think he's too young to have served in combat, but the last troops didn't pull out until '75, so he could have served in some other role there.

55fada  No.4855782


Indeed. Ebot triggered. What's up?

a10a64  No.4855783

File: 3ea460324f82f34⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 540x587, 540:587, MemeWar.jpg)

5c8912  No.4855784

File: d7d7ac0de58453a⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 768x432, 16:9, smirk(1).jpg)

da3359  No.4855785


/They/ are finding new ways to lose everyday.

fbbd16  No.4855787


Let me gues. You didn't look into it and posted the Albert Pike reference instead. Amirite

ff0ff5  No.4855788



It currently means that they were born citizens according to whatever criteria their was at the time. It means that they did not have to go through a naturalization process to before citizens.

What criteria it should be is a separate discussion.

cabeea  No.4855789


>In April 2016, Treasury announced that women will be placed on the $5, $10 and $20 bills reflecting the theme of democracy.

so (((they))) were planning on changing the money? again?

61f1a4  No.4855790

File: 8a4af3b13915791⋯.jpeg (24.04 KB, 300x168, 25:14, E762DD0D-9434-4A66-811B-1….jpeg)

6c4870  No.4855791

File: 23a0efb18257cb2⋯.png (302.46 KB, 500x328, 125:82, TrumpGoldTower.png)

7b57b0  No.4855792


If Nancy Pelosi thinks that Walls are “immoral,” why isn’t she requesting that we take down all of the existing Walls between the U.S. and Mexico, even the new ones just built in San Diego at their very strong urging. Let millions of unchecked “strangers” just flow into the U.S.

2:08 pm - 21 Jan 2019

1. One who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance.

2. A foreigner, newcomer, or outsider.

3. One who is unaccustomed to or unacquainted with something specified; a novice: a stranger to our language; no stranger to hardship.

>>>>4. Law One that is neither privy nor party to a title, act, or contract.

5. Archaic A visitor or guest.


a72a19  No.4855793

File: 35a5dc21dfb68d8⋯.png (571 KB, 810x841, 810:841, Melania flys back to DC.png)

File: f3809b5611ae04d⋯.jpg (54.81 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 8816296-6617347-Her_12_yea….jpg)

File: 3e64d8d1892d1db⋯.jpg (60.16 KB, 634x620, 317:310, 8816234-6617347-image-m-22….jpg)

File: 4667288514e1464⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 634x491, 634:491, 8816244-6617347-image-m-24….jpg)

File: f14615b57d9a575⋯.jpg (43.82 KB, 634x422, 317:211, 8816248-6617347-image-a-25….jpg)

Melania Trump recycles her trendy $5K Fendi coat as she trades Florida's sunshine for freezing Washington D.C. on her return home to the White House with Barron and her parents in tow

Melania Trump boarded a jet in West Palm Beach, Florida on Monday afternoon

The First Lady, her son Barron and her parents returned to Washington D.C.

They had spent the past few days soaking up the warmer Florida weather

Temperatures at the White House were up to 20 degrees cooler than Florida

Melania Trump traded Florida's sunshine for Washington D.C.'s freezing weather on Martin Luther King Jr. Day as she returned home to the White House with her son Barron and her parents in tow.

The First Lady was spotted boarding a jet in West Palm Beach on Monday afternoon after spending several days soaking up the warmer winter weather at Mar-a-Lago.

She was joined by her 12-year-old son Barron and her parents Viktor and Amalija Knavs.

Mrs Trump stepped onto the aircraft wearing a striped knitted coat, while Barron wore a white long-sleeved shirt and carried his coat under his arm.


883e94  No.4855794

File: 36ccf655ff89fd1⋯.png (802.45 KB, 1214x1270, 607:635, ClipboardImage.png)

Really CNN?

Anyone fact checking you CNN? Projection much?

We know what you are up to. Marginalizing and dehumanizing. We know…

cddbab  No.4855795

File: 01e741de94fc724⋯.jpg (426.58 KB, 800x571, 800:571, can-anchor-babies.jpg)

c47798  No.4855796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

55fada  No.4855797


Yeah, you're gonna need to brush up on your // and ((( ))) techniques.

6bd664  No.4855798

File: 5033d19e1f1f6b5⋯.png (976.37 KB, 784x941, 784:941, trump-quints.png)

660dd0  No.4855799


In 2003, Rios became a principal partner at Red River Associates, a consulting firm specializing in economic development and project management. While at Red River, she teamed with the Assistant General Manager of Infrastructure to restructure the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission in preparation for the seismic retrofit of the Hetch Hetchy water system, one of the nation’s largest capital improvement programs.

Robert Bobb, who was now at that time was serving as the City Administrator for Washington DC, recruited Rios to assist with the recruitment of the Montreal Expos to become the Washington Nationals in 2005 including the revitalization of the Anacostia waterfront. The following year, Rios became Managing Director of Investments for MacFarlane Partners, a real estate investment firm based in San Francisco. While there, she was responsible for the firm's urban investment and development programs throughout Northern California and consulting with local municipalities.

In 2008, Rios was invited to collaborate in the efforts of the Obama campaign to secure the state of Virginia in the 2008 presidential elections. She developed a strategy using the fan base of the DC United soccer team to register Latinos in Virginia. Many have said that this was a key tipping point necessary for the victory of then-Senator Barack Obama to win the democratic vote for the first time since 1964 in his campaign to become the President of the United States. Rios was asked to be one of 23 finance professionals to join the Treasury-Federal Reserve transition team at the height of the financial crisis in 2008.

On May 18, 2009, President Obama officially nominated Rios as the Treasurer of the United States and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 24, 2009.

f921dd  No.4855800

does anyone know whats going on with this shutdown?

8cab55  No.4855801


Oh, hey Tucker. kek

6f8e74  No.4855802

>>4855739 It's not like they are arriving out of their Nose or something They did arrive down the Happy Highway !

a72a19  No.4855803

File: 925b73763eab10c⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 634x485, 634:485, 8816298-6617347-Mrs_Trump_….jpg)

File: a6ffc276b4bf6f7⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 306x406, 153:203, 8816300-6617347-image-a-7_….jpg)

File: 83cc46239d137d5⋯.jpg (43.92 KB, 634x446, 317:223, 8816302-6617347-image-m-37….jpg)

File: f89a40410fb3770⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 306x406, 153:203, 8816316-6617347-image-a-34….jpg)

25db76  No.4855804



few months back me an some anons did some good digging on columbus being a cannibal jew

look up 'long pig'

'treasure island'

and think kubricks the shining with all the native american symbolism especially in the PANTRY

I think columbus and his men came over here and started feasting on the indians

02d3e6  No.4855805



Before I die I want to know exactly who plotted to kill JFK.

I want to know who planned the 9-11 attacks.

We think we know, but we don't.

da3359  No.4855806


Catholics have been the primary victims of clergy child abuse, a salient fact overlooked by Christian-haters.

a69a55  No.4855807

File: 1b9a7122bb4c079⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2596x2596, 1:1, f9993c61a6c3daa751180e9c57….jpg)


Ebots Always Triggered, I hate Ebot.

11c333  No.4855808


Too long for your attention span? I know, 10 minutes is forever sometimes.

a3c43b  No.4855809

File: ff466fbe276bfcf⋯.png (448.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ff466fbe276bfcfd6d545b0599….png)


By spamming this shit, you're giving that paytriot faggot yous.

a4f946  No.4855810

File: cab58c1db674680⋯.png (58.08 KB, 610x743, 610:743, qmap_msm_jun_2018.png)

File: ce7f92ee49a2bcc⋯.png (67.48 KB, 840x498, 140:83, qmap_msm_jul_2018.png)

File: 81f3b042c0b2621⋯.png (41.87 KB, 897x652, 897:652, qmap_msm_aug_2018.png)

File: 24dad43e78e146e⋯.png (18.35 KB, 503x428, 503:428, qmap_msm_sep2018.png)

File: 5edd15ff8488155⋯.png (8.11 KB, 424x190, 212:95, qmap_msm_oct_2018.png)

Just been hanging out on qmap.pub and playing around with the network maps.

These were all generated with the search term MSM (no images) and then changing the timing goinf back a few months.

I think they paint a pretty interesting (pics related) over time.

I only went back to middle of last year, but the difference is quite marked.

411886  No.4855811


Oh good Lord, even if I were southern I wouldn't claim it.

I can read, tie my shoe AND not even fuck my sister.

But just not at the same time.

ffee32  No.4855812

File: a556e95db56146b⋯.jpg (96.43 KB, 736x1041, 736:1041, hunter.jpg)


im fine with that

55fada  No.4855813


Sheeeit. That's marvelous.

27b5c9  No.4855814

File: 137698c8a649db5⋯.png (76.02 KB, 237x233, 237:233, ClipboardImage.png)

da92d2  No.4855815


That song , Ramble On, has been stuck in my head for 3 weeks. Driving me nuts.

a096ed  No.4855816


Perfect! Thanks, anon!

19efd3  No.4855817


>>4855623 Donna Brazile and the Bay Area "WATER King". Dig

>>4855585 Molly McKew, CNN's 'Information Warfare Researcher'

>>4855555 Kek has spoken 5:5: 'TRUST POTUS' quints

>>4855486 JW post on Carter Page's FISA not being heard by FISA court

>>4855467 , >>4855564 Covington: CNN's 'Information Warfare Researcher': Video was amplified by anon accts

>>4855449 Infamous Private Paramilitary Firm Blackwater Planning Comeback. First Stop: Syria

>>4855437 JW: "The federal government subsidizes George Soros’s radical leftwing agenda

>>4855375 , >>4855471 Moar digging on Kamala Harris' ethnicity

>>4855374 , >>4855401 Migrants "rent" children to other migrants trying to cross the border

>>4855280 New research links payments to doctors with prescription opioid ODs

>>4855119 Hungary: we will prevent Brussels from implementing the UN Migration Pact

>>4855107 Fresh POTUS tweet re Covington HS

87c22b  No.4855818



She was born in Oakland, CA. All that other conjecture is not relevant.

She can run, what she can do beyond that remains to be seen.

61f1a4  No.4855819


I need to lurk there moar

d61730  No.4855820


lived there for a long time. No longer

Socal now

c31c4f  No.4855821


Yeah same thing. Crypto Portuguese Jews created Jesuits so they could infiltrate and destroy Christianity. Jews crypto and infiltrate every where they can. They change last names whenever they want to blend. Pike was a Kike.

The do it as tactic. Hide who you are.

fbbd16  No.4855823

Q is having a rough time fucking the media up,regardless of them doing the job themselves.

Problem is,normies go right back to believing the media.

Fuck this.

e1ada6  No.4855824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

97598d  No.4855825


Probably faked, but they have a good cover story that it was falling down and had to be taken apart and repaired in 1898, 1920 and 1954


5c8912  No.4855826

File: b6f138b6fb38d51⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 255x199, 255:199, dicklawyer.jpg)

Anyone hear from Huber yet?

cae9dc  No.4855827

Where the fuck is Pelosi? Hanging out with RBG?

a4f946  No.4855830

File: 5edd15ff8488155⋯.png (8.11 KB, 424x190, 212:95, qmap_msm_oct_2018.png)

File: be0c8ccf53bb300⋯.png (5.05 KB, 426x135, 142:45, qmap_msm_nov_2018.png)

File: d435a9687d13553⋯.png (7.76 KB, 478x198, 239:99, qmap_msm_dec_2018.png)

File: 2c9d2b8c325f38e⋯.png (5.01 KB, 235x169, 235:169, qmap_msm_jan_2019.png)

c47798  No.4855831

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trapture before rapture

1224dd  No.4855832


I know, do people even think at all

da3359  No.4855833


That's not unusual, which is why the DOJ has to vet the sources.

02d3e6  No.4855835


Welcome to the sunshine.

86516b  No.4855836

File: 196a0dade905cdf⋯.jpeg (18.7 KB, 236x383, 236:383, 9AA1B825-1D99-4CEB-ADDC-B….jpeg)

Aaaaaaaand ebot goes right to the anal porn.


d3a16f  No.4855839

File: 3d19e3140a4c081⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fox-news-ruth-bader-ginsbu….jpg)

This chick has got to be on ice somewhere.


4e6f19  No.4855840


adopted three "anchor babies" and any of them would be a true MAGA President!

06d163  No.4855841


Hang on a second…

Remember when we were following the airplane pattern and it led us to Arlington? From there we figured out that they have DUMBS under places of significance?

Lincoln Memorial

Trinity Church Cemetery in New York

(also where John Astor buried


ed9705  No.4855842

File: 104ff4d14af2e0c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1200x960, 5:4, 104ff4d14af2e0c9636c18385e….png)

8488dc  No.4855843

File: b28f7875a0b316f⋯.png (94.1 KB, 280x220, 14:11, Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at ….png)

c170ba  No.4855844


I've been saying that some of the reveals will be "meh, not surprised," some will be "of course, totally knew it!" and others will be "horee sheet! never saw THAT coming!"

52b7ca  No.4855845


It will last about as long as the Susan B Anthony coin did.

Don’t remember it? There’s a reason for that. Lasted about three fuckin days.

d5a58f  No.4855846

File: 863a5d3bb6a1c9d⋯.png (160.16 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

6548e6  No.4855847

5-5-5-Everything is coming (movie) is like if Q wasn't giving misinformation.

Benjamin Solari Parravinci

2002 - New Era (age)

2001 9th hour

2010 10th hour

2020 11th hour

2036 12th hour

The water will raise 500 metres

This is a countdown… Q is indicating a countdown… begging Autists to help me make these connections….

adbcd8  No.4855848


This was Hillary Clinton LEARNING to delete Emails.

6f8e74  No.4855849

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

d7ed6f  No.4855850

File: 7a470320c82eff6⋯.png (402.27 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

da3359  No.4855851


Dey caint reed.

85fbc3  No.4855852


Belief that one is immune from prosecution of an opposing party.

45db43  No.4855853

File: 0f86a8072887990⋯.jpg (149.39 KB, 1258x708, 629:354, Krap1s.jpg)

File: 5ecda24df983048⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 787x642, 787:642, Krass.jpg)

6548e6  No.4855854

File: 331586fae579c8c⋯.png (603.31 KB, 1322x666, 661:333, ClipboardImage.png)

4a36b9  No.4855855

File: 6ff62c73c848835⋯.png (284.72 KB, 430x430, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

02d3e6  No.4855856


Ebot is schizophrenic.

6bd664  No.4855857


Was that from last night?

15e52a  No.4855859

File: b57e6506df52b26⋯.png (99.7 KB, 278x448, 139:224, 2019-01-21_22-36-52.png)

dda40b  No.4855860

New poster here. POTUS last tweet spelled Sandmann incorrectly with only one "n" and included the word "out" after the word proving. n out?

5c5650  No.4855861

97598d  No.4855862


DOJ can't be trusted? You'd think that any judge who is asked to approve surveillance of a presidential candidate and/or his staff would have asked a question or three.

5c8912  No.4855863

File: 472432a5f4142a7⋯.jpg (247.25 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, cbf coff hipp.jpg)

File: 2a8887f6cb76d1f⋯.jpg (77.18 KB, 565x398, 565:398, maam.jpg)


We all know the only heroes are the ones who chop their dicks off or make false rape accusations.

cabeea  No.4855864

File: 52cb8ea36f8db83⋯.jpg (227.71 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, hillarygmail.jpg)



b114a6  No.4855865

Something BIG is about to drop.

594899  No.4855866


something wrong

660dd0  No.4855867


"WATER King" Q College in wicca W HayWard.

Hometown of largest water project expert ex-US treasurer on the Donna Brazille twitter bills.

c1197a  No.4855869

File: 370bc35b04e92ad⋯.jpeg (265.37 KB, 640x955, 128:191, 03D42C2E-020A-495E-A0AE-B….jpeg)


Whoa. Believable.



7cdbe4  No.4855870


has anyone sent this to them yet?

008281  No.4855871


Voat is awesome.

d61730  No.4855872


was actually born in SF valley.

93b646  No.4855873

File: 36750ac06c78fa9⋯.png (289.65 KB, 654x433, 654:433, GILLIBRAND SPITITUAL FIGHT.PNG)

Gillibrand says it is a 'spiritual ' fight

55fada  No.4855874


Well pretty soon we'll have a nice list of congresscritters going down, eh?

a10a64  No.4855875

Oh shit, I just found something…you assholes gonna get in on it.

Posting nb.

a3c43b  No.4855877


Just got update from NPC gas station chick. Orange man bad and nobody gettin paid.

ab8116  No.4855879

File: 81b2cc680a026e3⋯.jpg (615.88 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe keks.jpg)

cabeea  No.4855880

File: 9ab6997d39d77f7⋯.png (128.79 KB, 500x290, 50:29, heisenberg.png)


>Gillibrand says it is a 'spiritual ' fight

d61730  No.4855881


left norcal in 2000..was getting weird

a7d5a7  No.4855882


What if the entire wall is being built while congress is arguing about it being built? All of a sudden there's a wall. Went more smoothly than those last few miles of Keystone Pipeline. If POTUS wasn't baiting them, the media would be covering this 24/7. But no one is there. No protesters and no media coverage. The wall just "appeared".

Think Magic. Sleight of hand. Look here, not there. It's all smoke and mirrors. Enjoy the show!

96311d  No.4855883


Totally not disturbing or weird. The magic underwear is my personal fave though. Imagine how brainwashed you have to be to believe that shit.

bedc5e  No.4855884


just before State of Union address.

would be a good time to call it.

483008  No.4855885


I do.

But I grew up all over, not a fair litmus.

86516b  No.4855886

File: 3c08dd88fb72b47⋯.jpeg (55.99 KB, 348x564, 29:47, E9FA518B-4EC3-4D0D-AFF9-2….jpeg)


Hardly Boys

Here we come to save the Daaaaay.

6bd664  No.4855887

File: 9aa976d34c9aa7b⋯.png (797.22 KB, 780x456, 65:38, capitol1.png)

4b5e7f  No.4855888


Listen to this song three times.

Nothing else rhythmic will be left in your mind.

19efd3  No.4855889

File: 3cf56bb7313b67f⋯.jpg (11.29 KB, 238x255, 14:15, #.jpg)

6f8e74  No.4855890

>>4855855 POTUS should pay thi kid to follow around the Dem leadership just Smirking!!

f921dd  No.4855891


confusions abound.

a5d406  No.4855892


Keep repeating it, someday you will be right

9e9779  No.4855893


circulated in subways exclusively

c53db2  No.4855895

6548e6  No.4855896

File: dcdf8ce3eb09842⋯.png (95.09 KB, 402x583, 402:583, ClipboardImage.png)

1939 ish predictions….

02d3e6  No.4855897



Keyword is "likely".

I want to KNOW with absolute certainty.

4b5e7f  No.4855898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Derp. Forgot song.

d3a16f  No.4855899


I agree.

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